Frankenstein Variorum Collation Data

This is a view of aligned passages from machine-assisted and corrected collation of the five editions comprising the Frankenstein Variorum, and represents work in progress on the variorum edition.

Currently, as of April 2019, the collation output viewable here is incomplete in two ways:

  1. It is missing the ending of the novel, because it represents collation units 1 to 26, out of 33 total units. (This is because the last seven collation units have not yet been batch processed with collateX.)
  2. It represents portions of the collation output that have not yet been thoroughly hand-corrected, from collation unit C11 onward. There are occasional gaps for some editions when we have withheld strongly variant passages from the automated collation process. Due to issues of interesting kinds with machine alignment, these passages need to be carefully added to the variorum collation files following machine collation, and we need to complete that work. If you encounter a gap in this file, it will certainly represent a significant difference of one or more editions from the others.

For more detail on the unready collation data, and for instructions on how to locate reserved passages that do not appear on this webpage, please see the ReadMe file on the Unready Collated Data directory in our GitHub fv-postCollation repository.


We are using color-coding to distinguish between corrected and uncorrected collation data represented in this file. We also use color coding of table backgrounds to highlight aligned passages that represent variation across the five versions of the novel in our variorum.

Correction status Page Background Variant passages
Ready ------ ------
Unready ------ ------

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Reading Group: C01_app1_rg1

Witness: fMS

Reading Group: C01_app1_rg2

Witness: f1818 <head/>PREFACE.<head/><p/>T<hi/>HE<hi/> event on which this fiction is founded has been supposed, by Dr. Darwin, and some of the physiological writers of Germany, as not of impossible occurrence. I shall not be supposed as according the remotest degree of serious faith to such an imagination; yet, in assuming it as the basis of a work of fancy, I have not considered myself as merely weaving a series of supernatural terrors. The event on which the interest of the story depends is exempt from the disadvantages of a mere tale of spectres or enchantment. It was recommended by the novelty of the situations which it developes; and, however impossible as a physical fact, affords a point of view to the imagination for the delineating of human passions more comprehensive and commanding than any which the ordinary relations of existing events can yield.<p/><p/>I have thus endeavoured to preserve the truth of the elementary principles of human nature, while I have not scrupled to innovate upon their combinations. The <hi/>Iliad<hi/>, the tragic poetry of
Witness: f1823 <head/>PREFACE.<head/><p/>T<hi/>HE<hi/> event on which this fiction is founded has been supposed, by Dr. Darwin, and some of the physiological writers of Germany, as not of impossible occurrence. I shall not be supposed as according the remotest degree of serious faith to such an imagination; yet, in assuming it as the basis of a work of fancy, I have not considered myself as merely weaving a series of supernatural terrors. The event on which the interest of the story depends is exempt from the disadvantages of a mere tale of spectres or enchantment. It was recommended by the novelty of the situations which it developes; and, however impossible as a physical fact, affords a point of view to the imagination for the delineating of human passions more comprehensive and commanding than any which the ordinary relations of existing events can yield.<p/><p/>I have thus endeavoured to preserve the truth of the elementary principles of human nature, while I have not scrupled to innovate upon their combinations. The Iliad, the tragic poetry of
Witness: fThomas <head/>PREFACE.<head/><p/>T<hi/>HE<hi/> event on which this fiction is founded has been supposed, by Dr. Darwin, and some of the physiological writers of Germany, as not of impossible occurrence. I shall not be supposed as according the remotest degree of serious faith to such an imagination; yet, in assuming it as the basis of a work of fancy, I have not considered myself as merely weaving a series of supernatural terrors. The event on which the interest of the story depends is exempt from the disadvantages of a mere tale of spectres or enchantment. It was recommended by the novelty of the situations which it developes; and, however impossible as a physical fact, affords a point of view to the imagination for the delineating of human passions more comprehensive and commanding than any which the ordinary relations of existing events can yield.<p/><p/>I have thus endeavoured to preserve the truth of the elementary principles of human nature, while I have not scrupled to innovate upon their combinations. The <hi/>Iliad<hi/>, the tragic poetry of
Witness: f1831 <head/>PREFACE.<head/><p/>T<hi/>HE<hi/> event on which this fiction is founded has been supposed, by Dr. Darwin, and some of the physiological writers of Germany, as not of impossible occurrence. I shall not be supposed as according the remotest degree of serious faith to such an imagination; yet, in assuming it as the basis of a work of fancy, I have not considered myself as merely weaving a series of supernatural terrors. The event on which the interest of the story depends is exempt from the disadvantages of a mere tale of spectres or enchantment. It was recommended by the novelty of the situations which it developes; and, however impossible as a physical fact, affords a point of view to the imagination for the delineating of human passions more comprehensive and commanding than any which the ordinary relations of existing events can yield.<p/><p/>I have thus endeavoured to preserve the truth of the elementary principles of human nature, while I have not scrupled to innovate upon their combinations. The Iliad, the tragic poetry of


Reading Group: C01_app2_rg1

Witness: f1818 Greece,—Shakespeare,
Witness: f1823 Greece,—Shakespeare,
Witness: fThomas Greece,—Shakespeare,

Reading Group: C01_app2_rg2

Witness: f1831 Greece,—Shakspeare,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in the
Witness: f1823 in the
Witness: fThomas in the
Witness: f1831 in the


Reading Group: C01_app4_rg1

Witness: f1818 <hi/>Tempest<hi/>
Witness: f1823 Tempest
Witness: fThomas <hi/>Tempest<hi/>

Reading Group: C01_app4_rg2

Witness: f1831 Tempest,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and <hi/>Midsummer Night’s Dream<hi/>,—and most especially Milton, in <hi/>Paradise Lost<hi/>, conform to this rule; and the most humble novelist, who seeks to confer or receive amusement from his labours, may, without presumption, apply to prose fiction a licence, or rather a rule, from the adoption of which so many exquisite combinations of human feeling have resulted in the highest specimens of poetry.<p/><p/>The circumstance on which my story rests was suggested in casual conversation. It was
Witness: f1823 and Midsummer Night’s Dream,—and most especially Milton, in Paradise Lost, conform to this rule; and the most humble novelist, who seeks to confer or receive amusement from his labours, may, without presumption, apply to prose fiction a licence, or rather a rule, from the adoption of which so many exquisite combinations of human feeling have resulted in the highest specimens of poetry.<p/><p/>The circumstance on which my story rests was suggested in casual conversation. It was
Witness: fThomas and <hi/>Midsummer Night’s Dream<hi/>,—and most especially Milton, in <hi/>Paradise Lost<hi/>, conform to this rule; and the most humble novelist, who seeks to confer or receive amusement from his labours, may, without presumption, apply to prose fiction a licence, or rather a rule, from the adoption of which so many exquisite combinations of human feeling have resulted in the highest specimens of poetry.<p/><p/>The circumstance on which my story rests was suggested in casual conversation. It was
Witness: f1831 and Midsummer Night’s Dream,—and most especially Milton, in Paradise Lost, conform to this rule; and the most humble novelist, who seeks to confer or receive amusement from his labours, may, without presumption, apply to prose fiction a licence, or rather a rule, from the adoption of which so many exquisite combinations of human feeling have resulted in the highest specimens of poetry.<p/><p/>The circumstance on which my story rests was suggested in casual conversation. It was


Reading Group: C01_app6_rg1

Witness: f1818 commenced
Witness: fThomas commenced
Witness: f1831 commenced

Reading Group: C01_app6_rg2

Witness: f1823 commenced,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 partly as a source of amusement, and partly as an expedient for exercising any untried resources of mind. Other motives were mingled with these, as the work proceeded. I am by no means indifferent to the manner in which whatever moral tendencies exist in the sentiments or characters it contains shall affect the reader; yet my chief concern in this respect has been limited to the avoiding the enervating effects of the novels of the present day, and to the exhibition of the amiableness of domestic affection, and the excellence of universal virtue. The opinions which naturally spring from the character and situation of the hero are by no means to be conceived as existing always in my own conviction; nor is any inference justly to be drawn from the following pages as prejudicing any philosophical doctrine of whatever kind.<p/><p/>It is a subject also of additional interest to the author, that this story was begun in the majestic region where the scene is principally laid, and in society which cannot cease to be regretted. I passed the summer of 1816 in the environs of Geneva. The season was cold and rainy, and in the evenings we crowded around a blazing wood fire, and occasionally amused ourselves with some German stories of ghosts, which happened to fall into our hands. These tales excited in us a playful desire of imitation. Two other friends (a tale from the pen of one of whom would be far more acceptable to the public than any thing I can ever hope to produce) and myself agreed to write each a story, founded on some supernatural occurrence.<p/><p/>The weather, however, suddenly became serene; and my two friends left me on a journey among the Alps, and lost, in the magnificent scenes which they present, all memory of their ghostly visions. The following tale is the only one which has been
Witness: f1823 partly as a source of amusement, and partly as an expedient for exercising any untried resources of mind. Other motives were mingled with these, as the work proceeded. I am by no means indifferent to the manner in which whatever moral tendencies exist in the sentiments or characters it contains shall affect the reader; yet my chief concern in this respect has been limited to the avoiding the enervating effects of the novels of the present day, and to the exhibition of the amiableness of domestic affection, and the excellence of universal virtue. The opinions which naturally spring from the character and situation of the hero are by no means to be conceived as existing always in my own conviction; nor is any inference justly to be drawn from the following pages as prejudicing any philosophical doctrine of whatever kind.<p/><p/>It is a subject also of additional interest to the author, that this story was begun in the majestic region where the scene is principally laid, and in society which cannot cease to be regretted. I passed the summer of 1816 in the environs of Geneva. The season was cold and rainy, and in the evenings we crowded around a blazing wood fire, and occasionally amused ourselves with some German stories of ghosts, which happened to fall into our hands. These tales excited in us a playful desire of imitation. Two other friends (a tale from the pen of one of whom would be far more acceptable to the public than any thing I can ever hope to produce) and myself agreed to write each a story, founded on some supernatural occurrence.<p/><p/>The weather, however, suddenly became serene; and my two friends left me on a journey among the Alps, and lost, in the magnificent scenes which they present, all memory of their ghostly visions. The following tale is the only one which has been
Witness: fThomas partly as a source of amusement, and partly as an expedient for exercising any untried resources of mind. Other motives were mingled with these, as the work proceeded. I am by no means indifferent to the manner in which whatever moral tendencies exist in the sentiments or characters it contains shall affect the reader; yet my chief concern in this respect has been limited to the avoiding the enervating effects of the novels of the present day, and to the exhibition of the amiableness of domestic affection, and the excellence of universal virtue. The opinions which naturally spring from the character and situation of the hero are by no means to be conceived as existing always in my own conviction; nor is any inference justly to be drawn from the following pages as prejudicing any philosophical doctrine of whatever kind.<p/><p/>It is a subject also of additional interest to the author, that this story was begun in the majestic region where the scene is principally laid, and in society which cannot cease to be regretted. I passed the summer of 1816 in the environs of Geneva. The season was cold and rainy, and in the evenings we crowded around a blazing wood fire, and occasionally amused ourselves with some German stories of ghosts, which happened to fall into our hands. These tales excited in us a playful desire of imitation. Two other friends (a tale from the pen of one of whom would be far more acceptable to the public than any thing I can ever hope to produce) and myself agreed to write each a story, founded on some supernatural occurrence.<p/><p/>The weather, however, suddenly became serene; and my two friends left me on a journey among the Alps, and lost, in the magnificent scenes which they present, all memory of their ghostly visions. The following tale is the only one which has been
Witness: f1831 partly as a source of amusement, and partly as an expedient for exercising any untried resources of mind. Other motives were mingled with these, as the work proceeded. I am by no means indifferent to the manner in which whatever moral tendencies exist in the sentiments or characters it contains shall affect the reader; yet my chief concern in this respect has been limited to the avoiding the enervating effects of the novels of the present day, and to the exhibition of the amiableness of domestic affection, and the excellence of universal virtue. The opinions which naturally spring from the character and situation of the hero are by no means to be conceived as existing always in my own conviction; nor is any inference justly to be drawn from the following pages as prejudicing any philosophical doctrine of whatever kind.<p/><p/>It is a subject also of additional interest to the author, that this story was begun in the majestic region where the scene is principally laid, and in society which cannot cease to be regretted. I passed the summer of 1816 in the environs of Geneva. The season was cold and rainy, and in the evenings we crowded around a blazing wood fire, and occasionally amused ourselves with some German stories of ghosts, which happened to fall into our hands. These tales excited in us a playful desire of imitation. Two other friends (a tale from the pen of one of whom would be far more acceptable to the public than any thing I can ever hope to produce) and myself agreed to write each a story, founded on some supernatural occurrence.<p/><p/>The weather, however, suddenly became serene; and my two friends left me on a journey among the Alps, and lost, in the magnificent scenes which they present, all memory of their ghostly visions. The following tale is the only one which has been


Reading Group: C01_app8_rg1

Witness: f1818 completed.<p/>
Witness: f1823 completed.<p/>
Witness: fThomas completed.<p/>

Reading Group: C01_app8_rg2

Witness: f1831 completed.<p/><p/>Marlow, September, 1817.<p/>


Reading Group: C02a_app1_rg1

Witness: fMS

Reading Group: C02a_app1_rg2

Witness: f1818 <head/>FRANKENSTEIN;<head/><head/><hi/>OR, THE<hi/><head/><head/><hi/>MODERN
Witness: fThomas <head/>FRANKENSTEIN;<head/><head/><hi/>OR, THE<hi/><head/><head/><hi/>MODERN

Reading Group: C02a_app1_rg3

Witness: f1823 <head/>FRANKENSTEIN;<head/><head/><hi/>OR<hi/>,<head/><head/>THE MODERN
Witness: f1831 <head/>FRANKENSTEIN;<head/><head/><hi/>OR<hi/>,<head/><head/>THE MODERN


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 PROMETHEUS.<hi/><head/><head/>LETTER
Witness: f1823 PROMETHEUS.<head/><head/>LETTER
Witness: fThomas PROMETHEUS.<hi/><head/><head/>LETTER
Witness: f1831 PROMETHEUS.<head/><head/>LETTER


Reading Group: C02a_app3_rg1

Witness: f1823 I.<head/><head/><hi/>To
Witness: f1831 I.<head/><head/><hi/>To

Reading Group: C02a_app3_rg2

Witness: f1818 I<head/><ab/><hi/>To
Witness: fThomas I<head/><ab/><hi/>To


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Mrs.<hi/> S<hi/>AVILLE<hi/>,
Witness: f1823 Mrs<hi/>. S<hi/>AVILLE<hi/>,
Witness: fThomas Mrs.<hi/> S<hi/>AVILLE<hi/>,
Witness: f1831 Mrs. Saville,


Reading Group: C02a_app5_rg1

Witness: f1823 <hi/>England<hi/>.<head/><p/> St.

Reading Group: C02a_app5_rg2

Witness: f1818 <hi/>England.<hi/><ab/><p/>St.
Witness: fThomas <hi/>England.<hi/><ab/><p/>St.
Witness: f1831 England.<hi/><head/><p/>St.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Petersburgh, Dec. 11th, 17—.<p/><p/>Y<hi/>OU<hi/> will rejoice to hear that no disaster has accompanied the commencement of an enterprise which you have regarded with such evil forebodings. I arrived here yesterday; and my first task is to assure my dear sister of my welfare, and increasing confidence in the success of my undertaking.<p/><p/>I am already far north of London; and as I walk in the streets of Petersburgh, I feel a cold northern breeze play upon my cheeks, which braces my nerves, and fills me with delight. Do you understand this feeling? This breeze, which has travelled from the regions towards which I am advancing, gives me a foretaste of those icy climes. Inspirited by this wind of promise, my day dreams become more fervent and vivid. I try in vain to be persuaded that the pole is the seat of frost and desolation; it ever presents itself to my imagination as the region of beauty and delight. There, Margaret, the sun is
Witness: f1823 Petersburgh, Dec. 11th, 17—.<p/><p/>Y<hi/>OU<hi/> will rejoice to hear that no disaster has accompanied the commencement of an enterprise which you have regarded with such evil forebodings. I arrived here yesterday; and my first task is to assure my dear sister of my welfare, and increasing confidence in the success of my undertaking.<p/><p/>I am already far north of London; and as I walk in the streets of Petersburgh, I feel a cold northern breeze play upon my cheeks, which braces my nerves, and fills me with delight. Do you understand this feeling? This breeze, which has travelled from the regions towards which I am advancing, gives me a foretaste of those icy climes. Inspirited by this wind of promise, my day dreams become more fervent and vivid. I try in vain to be persuaded that the pole is the seat of frost and desolation; it ever presents itself to my imagination as the region of beauty and delight. There, Margaret, the sun is
Witness: fThomas Petersburgh, Dec. 11th, 17—.<p/><p/>Y<hi/>OU<hi/> will rejoice to hear that no disaster has accompanied the commencement of an enterprise which you have regarded with such evil forebodings. I arrived here yesterday; and my first task is to assure my dear sister of my welfare, and increasing confidence in the success of my undertaking.<p/><p/>I am already far north of London; and as I walk in the streets of Petersburgh, I feel a cold northern breeze play upon my cheeks, which braces my nerves, and fills me with delight. Do you understand this feeling? This breeze, which has travelled from the regions towards which I am advancing, gives me a foretaste of those icy climes. Inspirited by this wind of promise, my day dreams become more fervent and vivid. I try in vain to be persuaded that the pole is the seat of frost and desolation; it ever presents itself to my imagination as the region of beauty and delight. There, Margaret, the sun is
Witness: f1831 Petersburgh, Dec. 11th, 17—.<p/><p/>Y<hi/>OU<hi/> will rejoice to hear that no disaster has accompanied the commencement of an enterprise which you have regarded with such evil forebodings. I arrived here yesterday; and my first task is to assure my dear sister of my welfare, and increasing confidence in the success of my undertaking.<p/><p/>I am already far north of London; and as I walk in the streets of Petersburgh, I feel a cold northern breeze play upon my cheeks, which braces my nerves, and fills me with delight. Do you understand this feeling? This breeze, which has travelled from the regions towards which I am advancing, gives me a foretaste of those icy climes. Inspirited by this wind of promise, my day dreams become more fervent and vivid. I try in vain to be persuaded that the pole is the seat of frost and desolation; it ever presents itself to my imagination as the region of beauty and delight. There, Margaret, the sun is


Reading Group: C02b_app1_rg1

Witness: fMS

Reading Group: C02b_app1_rg2

Witness: fThomas for everconstantly

Reading Group: C02b_app1_rg3

Witness: f1818 for ever
Witness: f1823 for ever
Witness: f1831 for ever


Reading Group: C02c_app1_rg1

Witness: fMS

Reading Group: C02c_app1_rg2

Witness: fThomas visible for more than half the year;

Reading Group: C02c_app1_rg3

Witness: f1818 visible;
Witness: f1823 visible;
Witness: f1831 visible;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 its broad disk just skirting the horizon, and diffusing a perpetual splendour. There—for with your leave, my sister, I will put some trust in preceding navigators—there snow and frost are banished; and, sailing over a calm sea, we may be wafted to a land surpassing in wonders and in beauty every region hitherto discovered on the habitable globe. Its productions and features may be without example, as the
Witness: f1823 its broad disk just skirting the horizon, and diffusing a perpetual splendour. There—for with your leave, my sister, I will put some trust in preceding navigators—there snow and frost are banished; and, sailing over a calm sea, we may be wafted to a land surpassing in wonders and in beauty every region hitherto discovered on the habitable globe. Its productions and features may be without example, as the
Witness: fThomas its broad disk just skirting the horizon, and diffusing a perpetual splendour. There—for with your leave, my sister, I will put some trust in preceding navigators—there snow and frost are banished; and, sailing over a calm sea, we may be wafted to a land surpassing in wonders and in beauty every region hitherto discovered on the habitable globe. Its productions and features may be without example, as the
Witness: f1831 its broad disk just skirting the horizon, and diffusing a perpetual splendour. There—for with your leave, my sister, I will put some trust in preceding navigators—there snow and frost are banished; and, sailing over a calm sea, we may be wafted to a land surpassing in wonders and in beauty every region hitherto discovered on the habitable globe. Its productions and features may be without example, as the


Reading Group: C02c_app3_rg1

Witness: f1823 phenomena
Witness: f1831 phenomena

Reading Group: C02c_app3_rg2

Witness: f1818 phænomena
Witness: fThomas phænomena


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of the heavenly bodies undoubtedly are in those undiscovered solitudes. What may not be expected in a country
Witness: f1823 of the heavenly bodies undoubtedly are in those undiscovered solitudes. What may not be expected in a country
Witness: fThomas of the heavenly bodies undoubtedly are in those undiscovered solitudes. What may not be expected in a country
Witness: f1831 of the heavenly bodies undoubtedly are in those undiscovered solitudes. What may not be expected in a country


Reading Group: C02c_app5_rg1

Witness: fThomas of eternal light? <add/>ruled by different laws and in which numerous circumstances enforce a belief that the aspect of nature differs essentially from anything of which we have any experience.<add/>

Reading Group: C02c_app5_rg2

Witness: f1818 of eternal light?
Witness: f1823 of eternal light?
Witness: f1831 of eternal light?


Reading Group: C02d_app1_rg1

Witness: fMS

Reading Group: C02d_app1_rg2

Witness: f1818 I may there discover the wondrous power which attracts the needle; and may regulate a thousand celestial observations, that require only this voyage to render their seeming eccentricities consistent for ever. I shall satiate my ardent curiosity with the sight of a part of the world never before visited, and may tread a land never before imprinted by the foot of man. These are my enticements, and they are sufficient to conquer all fear of danger or death, and to induce me to commence this laborious voyage with the joy a child feels when he embarks in a little boat, with his holiday mates, on an expedition of discovery up his native river. But, supposing all these conjectures to be false, you cannot contest the inestimable benefit which I shall confer on all mankind to the last generation, by discovering a passage near the pole to those countries, to reach which at present so many months are requisite; or by ascertaining the secret of the magnet, which, if at all possible, can only be effected by an undertaking such as mine.<p/><p/>These reflections have dispelled the agitation with which I began my letter, and I feel my heart glow with an enthusiasm which elevates me to heaven; for nothing contributes so much to
Witness: f1823 I may there discover the wondrous power which attracts the needle; and may regulate a thousand celestial observations, that require only this voyage to render their seeming eccentricities consistent for ever. I shall satiate my ardent curiosity with the sight of a part of the world never before visited, and may tread a land never before imprinted by the foot of man. These are my enticements, and they are sufficient to conquer all fear of danger or death, and to induce me to commence this laborious voyage with the joy a child feels when he embarks in a little boat, with his holiday mates, on an expedition of discovery up his native river. But, supposing all these conjectures to be false, you cannot contest the inestimable benefit which I shall confer on all mankind to the last generation, by discovering a passage near the pole to those countries, to reach which at present so many months are requisite; or by ascertaining the secret of the magnet, which, if at all possible, can only be effected by an undertaking such as mine.<p/><p/>These reflections have dispelled the agitation with which I began my letter, and I feel my heart glow with an enthusiasm which elevates me to heaven; for nothing contributes so much to
Witness: fThomas I may there discover the wondrous power which attracts the needle; and may regulate a thousand celestial observations, that require only this voyage to render their seeming eccentricities consistent for ever. I shall satiate my ardent curiosity with the sight of a part of the world never before visited, and may tread a land never before imprinted by the foot of man. These are my enticements, and they are sufficient to conquer all fear of danger or death, and to induce me to commence this laborious voyage with the joy a child feels when he embarks in a little boat, with his holiday mates, on an expedition of discovery up his native river. But, supposing all these conjectures to be false, you cannot contest the inestimable benefit which I shall confer on all mankind to the last generation, by discovering a passage near the pole to those countries, to reach which at present so many months are requisite; or by ascertaining the secret of the magnet, which, if at all possible, can only be effected by an undertaking such as mine.<p/><p/>These reflections have dispelled the agitation with which I began my letter, and I feel my heart glow with an enthusiasm which elevates me to heaven; for nothing contributes so much to
Witness: f1831 I may there discover the wondrous power which attracts the needle; and may regulate a thousand celestial observations, that require only this voyage to render their seeming eccentricities consistent for ever. I shall satiate my ardent curiosity with the sight of a part of the world never before visited, and may tread a land never before imprinted by the foot of man. These are my enticements, and they are sufficient to conquer all fear of danger or death, and to induce me to commence this laborious voyage with the joy a child feels when he embarks in a little boat, with his holiday mates, on an expedition of discovery up his native river. But, supposing all these conjectures to be false, you cannot contest the inestimable benefit which I shall confer on all mankind to the last generation, by discovering a passage near the pole to those countries, to reach which at present so many months are requisite; or by ascertaining the secret of the magnet, which, if at all possible, can only be effected by an undertaking such as mine.<p/><p/>These reflections have dispelled the agitation with which I began my letter, and I feel my heart glow with an enthusiasm which elevates me to heaven; for nothing contributes so much to


Reading Group: C02d_app2_rg1

Witness: f1831 tranquillise

Reading Group: C02d_app2_rg2

Witness: f1818 tranquillize
Witness: f1823 tranquillize
Witness: fThomas tranquillize


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the mind as a steady purpose,—a point on which the soul may fix its intellectual eye. This expedition has been the favourite dream of my early years. I have read with ardour the accounts of the various voyages which have been made in the prospect of arriving at the North Pacific Ocean through the seas which surround the pole. You may remember, that a history of all the voyages made for purposes of discovery composed the whole of our good uncle Thomas’s library. My education was neglected, yet I was passionately fond of reading. These volumes were my study day and night, and my familiarity with them increased that regret which I had felt, as a child, on learning that my father’s dying injunction had forbidden my uncle to allow me to embark in a
Witness: f1823 the mind as a steady purpose,—a point on which the soul may fix its intellectual eye. This expedition has been the favourite dream of my early years. I have read with ardour the accounts of the various voyages which have been made in the prospect of arriving at the North Pacific Ocean through the seas which surround the pole. You may remember, that a history of all the voyages made for purposes of discovery composed the whole of our good uncle Thomas’s library. My education was neglected, yet I was passionately fond of reading. These volumes were my study day and night, and my familiarity with them increased that regret which I had felt, as a child, on learning that my father’s dying injunction had forbidden my uncle to allow me to embark in a
Witness: fThomas the mind as a steady purpose,—a point on which the soul may fix its intellectual eye. This expedition has been the favourite dream of my early years. I have read with ardour the accounts of the various voyages which have been made in the prospect of arriving at the North Pacific Ocean through the seas which surround the pole. You may remember, that a history of all the voyages made for purposes of discovery composed the whole of our good uncle Thomas’s library. My education was neglected, yet I was passionately fond of reading. These volumes were my study day and night, and my familiarity with them increased that regret which I had felt, as a child, on learning that my father’s dying injunction had forbidden my uncle to allow me to embark in a
Witness: f1831 the mind as a steady purpose,—a point on which the soul may fix its intellectual eye. This expedition has been the favourite dream of my early years. I have read with ardour the accounts of the various voyages which have been made in the prospect of arriving at the North Pacific Ocean through the seas which surround the pole. You may remember, that a history of all the voyages made for purposes of discovery composed the whole of our good uncle Thomas’s library. My education was neglected, yet I was passionately fond of reading. These volumes were my study day and night, and my familiarity with them increased that regret which I had felt, as a child, on learning that my father’s dying injunction had forbidden my uncle to allow me to embark in a


Reading Group: C02d_app4_rg1

Witness: f1818 sea-faring
Witness: f1823 sea-faring
Witness: fThomas sea-faring

Reading Group: C02d_app4_rg2

Witness: f1831 seafaring


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 life.<p/><p/>These visions faded when I perused, for the first time, those poets whose effusions entranced my soul, and lifted it to heaven. I also became a poet, and for one year lived in a Paradise of my own creation; I imagined that I also might obtain a niche in the temple where the names of Homer and
Witness: f1823 life.<p/><p/>These visions faded when I perused, for the first time, those poets whose effusions entranced my soul, and lifted it to heaven. I also became a poet, and for one year lived in a Paradise of my own creation; I imagined that I also might obtain a niche in the temple where the names of Homer and
Witness: fThomas life.<p/><p/>These visions faded when I perused, for the first time, those poets whose effusions entranced my soul, and lifted it to heaven. I also became a poet, and for one year lived in a Paradise of my own creation; I imagined that I also might obtain a niche in the temple where the names of Homer and
Witness: f1831 life.<p/><p/>These visions faded when I perused, for the first time, those poets whose effusions entranced my soul, and lifted it to heaven. I also became a poet, and for one year lived in a Paradise of my own creation; I imagined that I also might obtain a niche in the temple where the names of Homer and


Reading Group: C02d_app6_rg1

Witness: f1818 Shakespeare
Witness: fThomas Shakespeare

Reading Group: C02d_app6_rg2

Witness: f1823 Shakspeare
Witness: f1831 Shakspeare


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 are consecrated. You are well acquainted with my failure, and how heavily I bore the disappointment. But just at that time I inherited the fortune of my cousin, and my thoughts were turned into the channel of their earlier bent.<p/><p/>Six years have passed since I resolved on my present undertaking. I can, even now, remember the hour from which I dedicated myself to this great enterprise. I commenced by inuring my body to hardship. I accompanied the whale-fishers on several expeditions to the North Sea; I voluntarily endured cold, famine, thirst, and want of sleep; I often worked harder than the common sailors during the day, and devoted my nights to the study of mathematics, the theory of medicine, and those branches of physical science from which a naval adventurer might derive the greatest practical advantage. Twice I actually hired myself as an under-mate in a Greenland whaler, and acquitted myself to admiration. I must own I felt a little proud, when my captain offered me the second dignity in the vessel, and entreated me to remain with the greatest earnestness; so valuable did he consider my services.<p/><p/>And now, dear Margaret, do I not deserve to accomplish some great purpose? My life might have been passed in ease and luxury; but I preferred glory to every enticement that wealth placed in my path. Oh, that some encouraging voice would answer in the affirmative! My courage and my resolution is firm; but my hopes fluctuate, and my spirits are often depressed. I am about to proceed on a long and difficult
Witness: f1823 are consecrated. You are well acquainted with my failure, and how heavily I bore the disappointment. But just at that time I inherited the fortune of my cousin, and my thoughts were turned into the channel of their earlier bent.<p/><p/>Six years have passed since I resolved on my present undertaking. I can, even now, remember the hour from which I dedicated myself to this great enterprise. I commenced by inuring my body to hardship. I accompanied the whale-fishers on several expeditions to the North Sea; I voluntarily endured cold, famine, thirst, and want of sleep; I often worked harder than the common sailors during the day, and devoted my nights to the study of mathematics, the theory of medicine, and those branches of physical science from which a naval adventurer might derive the greatest practical advantage. Twice I actually hired myself as an under-mate in a Greenland whaler, and acquitted myself to admiration. I must own I felt a little proud, when my captain offered me the second dignity in the vessel, and entreated me to remain with the greatest earnestness; so valuable did he consider my services.<p/><p/>And now, dear Margaret, do I not deserve to accomplish some great purpose? My life might have been passed in ease and luxury; but I preferred glory to every enticement that wealth placed in my path. Oh, that some encouraging voice would answer in the affirmative! My courage and my resolution is firm; but my hopes fluctuate, and my spirits are often depressed. I am about to proceed on a long and difficult
Witness: fThomas are consecrated. You are well acquainted with my failure, and how heavily I bore the disappointment. But just at that time I inherited the fortune of my cousin, and my thoughts were turned into the channel of their earlier bent.<p/><p/>Six years have passed since I resolved on my present undertaking. I can, even now, remember the hour from which I dedicated myself to this great enterprise. I commenced by inuring my body to hardship. I accompanied the whale-fishers on several expeditions to the North Sea; I voluntarily endured cold, famine, thirst, and want of sleep; I often worked harder than the common sailors during the day, and devoted my nights to the study of mathematics, the theory of medicine, and those branches of physical science from which a naval adventurer might derive the greatest practical advantage. Twice I actually hired myself as an under-mate in a Greenland whaler, and acquitted myself to admiration. I must own I felt a little proud, when my captain offered me the second dignity in the vessel, and entreated me to remain with the greatest earnestness; so valuable did he consider my services.<p/><p/>And now, dear Margaret, do I not deserve to accomplish some great purpose? My life might have been passed in ease and luxury; but I preferred glory to every enticement that wealth placed in my path. Oh, that some encouraging voice would answer in the affirmative! My courage and my resolution is firm; but my hopes fluctuate, and my spirits are often depressed. I am about to proceed on a long and difficult
Witness: f1831 are consecrated. You are well acquainted with my failure, and how heavily I bore the disappointment. But just at that time I inherited the fortune of my cousin, and my thoughts were turned into the channel of their earlier bent.<p/><p/>Six years have passed since I resolved on my present undertaking. I can, even now, remember the hour from which I dedicated myself to this great enterprise. I commenced by inuring my body to hardship. I accompanied the whale-fishers on several expeditions to the North Sea; I voluntarily endured cold, famine, thirst, and want of sleep; I often worked harder than the common sailors during the day, and devoted my nights to the study of mathematics, the theory of medicine, and those branches of physical science from which a naval adventurer might derive the greatest practical advantage. Twice I actually hired myself as an under-mate in a Greenland whaler, and acquitted myself to admiration. I must own I felt a little proud, when my captain offered me the second dignity in the vessel, and entreated me to remain with the greatest earnestness; so valuable did he consider my services.<p/><p/>And now, dear Margaret, do I not deserve to accomplish some great purpose? My life might have been passed in ease and luxury; but I preferred glory to every enticement that wealth placed in my path. Oh, that some encouraging voice would answer in the affirmative! My courage and my resolution is firm; but my hopes fluctuate, and my spirits are often depressed. I am about to proceed on a long and difficult


Reading Group: C02d_app8_rg1

Witness: f1831 voyage,

Reading Group: C02d_app8_rg2

Witness: f1818 voyage;
Witness: f1823 voyage;
Witness: fThomas voyage;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the emergencies of which will demand all my fortitude: I am required not only to raise the spirits of others, but sometimes to sustain my own, when
Witness: f1823 the emergencies of which will demand all my fortitude: I am required not only to raise the spirits of others, but sometimes to sustain my own, when
Witness: fThomas the emergencies of which will demand all my fortitude: I am required not only to raise the spirits of others, but sometimes to sustain my own, when
Witness: f1831 the emergencies of which will demand all my fortitude: I am required not only to raise the spirits of others, but sometimes to sustain my own, when


Reading Group: C02d_app10_rg1

Witness: f1831 theirs

Reading Group: C02d_app10_rg2

Witness: f1818 their’s
Witness: f1823 their’s
Witness: fThomas their’s


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 are failing.<p/><p/>This is the most favourable period for travelling in Russia. They fly quickly over the snow in their sledges; the motion is pleasant, and, in my opinion, far more agreeable than that of an English stage-coach. The cold is not excessive, if you are
Witness: f1823 are failing.<p/><p/>This is the most favourable period for travelling in Russia. They fly quickly over the snow in their sledges; the motion is pleasant, and, in my opinion, far more agreeable than that of an English stage-coach. The cold is not excessive, if you are
Witness: fThomas are failing.<p/><p/>This is the most favourable period for travelling in Russia. They fly quickly over the snow in their sledges; the motion is pleasant, and, in my opinion, far more agreeable than that of an English stage-coach. The cold is not excessive, if you are
Witness: f1831 are failing.<p/><p/>This is the most favourable period for travelling in Russia. They fly quickly over the snow in their sledges; the motion is pleasant, and, in my opinion, far more agreeable than that of an English stage-coach. The cold is not excessive, if you are


Reading Group: C02d_app12_rg1

Witness: f1831 wrapped

Reading Group: C02d_app12_rg2

Witness: f1818 wrapt
Witness: f1823 wrapt
Witness: fThomas wrapt


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in
Witness: f1823 in
Witness: fThomas in
Witness: f1831 in


Reading Group: C02d_app14_rg1

Witness: f1818 furs, a
Witness: f1823 furs, a
Witness: fThomas furs, a

Reading Group: C02d_app14_rg2

Witness: f1831 furs,—a


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 dress which I have already adopted; for there is a great difference between walking the deck and remaining seated motionless for hours, when no exercise prevents the blood from actually freezing in your veins. I have no ambition to lose my life on the post-road between St. Petersburgh and Archangel.<p/><p/>I shall depart for the latter town in a fortnight or three weeks; and my intention is to hire a ship there, which can easily be done by paying the insurance for the owner, and to engage as many sailors as I think necessary among those who are accustomed to the whale-fishing. I do not intend to sail until the month of
Witness: f1823 dress which I have already adopted; for there is a great difference between walking the deck and remaining seated motionless for hours, when no exercise prevents the blood from actually freezing in your veins. I have no ambition to lose my life on the post-road between St. Petersburgh and Archangel.<p/><p/>I shall depart for the latter town in a fortnight or three weeks; and my intention is to hire a ship there, which can easily be done by paying the insurance for the owner, and to engage as many sailors as I think necessary among those who are accustomed to the whale-fishing. I do not intend to sail until the month of
Witness: fThomas dress which I have already adopted; for there is a great difference between walking the deck and remaining seated motionless for hours, when no exercise prevents the blood from actually freezing in your veins. I have no ambition to lose my life on the post-road between St. Petersburgh and Archangel.<p/><p/>I shall depart for the latter town in a fortnight or three weeks; and my intention is to hire a ship there, which can easily be done by paying the insurance for the owner, and to engage as many sailors as I think necessary among those who are accustomed to the whale-fishing. I do not intend to sail until the month of
Witness: f1831 dress which I have already adopted; for there is a great difference between walking the deck and remaining seated motionless for hours, when no exercise prevents the blood from actually freezing in your veins. I have no ambition to lose my life on the post-road between St. Petersburgh and Archangel.<p/><p/>I shall depart for the latter town in a fortnight or three weeks; and my intention is to hire a ship there, which can easily be done by paying the insurance for the owner, and to engage as many sailors as I think necessary among those who are accustomed to the whale-fishing. I do not intend to sail until the month of


Reading Group: C02d_app16_rg1

Witness: f1818 June:
Witness: fThomas June:
Witness: f1831 June:

Reading Group: C02d_app16_rg2

Witness: f1823 June;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and when shall I return? Ah, dear sister, how can I answer this question? If I succeed, many, many months, perhaps years, will pass before you and I may meet. If I fail, you will see me again soon, or never.<p/><p/>Farewell, my dear,
Witness: f1823 and when shall I return? Ah, dear sister, how can I answer this question? If I succeed, many, many months, perhaps years, will pass before you and I may meet. If I fail, you will see me again soon, or never.<p/><p/>Farewell, my dear,
Witness: fThomas and when shall I return? Ah, dear sister, how can I answer this question? If I succeed, many, many months, perhaps years, will pass before you and I may meet. If I fail, you will see me again soon, or never.<p/><p/>Farewell, my dear,
Witness: f1831 and when shall I return? Ah, dear sister, how can I answer this question? If I succeed, many, many months, perhaps years, will pass before you and I may meet. If I fail, you will see me again soon, or never.<p/><p/>Farewell, my dear,


Reading Group: C02d_app18_rg1

Witness: f1831 excellent

Reading Group: C02d_app18_rg2

Witness: f1818 excellent,
Witness: f1823 excellent,
Witness: fThomas excellent,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Margaret. Heaven shower down blessings on you, and save me, that I may again and again testify my gratitude for all your love and kindness.<p/><p/>Your affectionate brother,<p/><p/>R. W<hi/>ALTON<hi/>.<p/>
Witness: f1823 Margaret. Heaven shower down blessings on you, and save me, that I may again and again testify my gratitude for all your love and kindness.<p/><p/>Your affectionate brother,<p/><p/>R. W<hi/>ALTON<hi/>.<p/>
Witness: fThomas Margaret. Heaven shower down blessings on you, and save me, that I may again and again testify my gratitude for all your love and kindness.<p/><p/>Your affectionate brother,<p/><p/>R. W<hi/>ALTON<hi/>.<p/>
Witness: f1831 Margaret. Heaven shower down blessings on you, and save me, that I may again and again testify my gratitude for all your love and kindness.<p/><p/>Your affectionate brother,<p/><p/>R. W<hi/>ALTON<hi/>.<p/>


Reading Group: C03a_app1_rg1

Witness: fMS

Reading Group: C03a_app1_rg2

Witness: f1818 <head/>LETTER II.<head/><ab/><hi/>To Mrs.<hi/> S<hi/>AVILLE<hi/>, <hi/>England.<hi/><ab/><p/>Archangel, 28th March, 17—.<p/><p/>How slowly the time passes here, encompassed as I am by frost and
Witness: f1823 <head/>LETTER II.<head/><head/><hi/>To Mrs.<hi/> S<hi/>AVILLE<hi/>, <hi/>England<hi/>.<head/><p/>Archangel, 28th March, 17—.<p/><p/>How slowly the time passes here, encompassed as I am by frost and
Witness: fThomas <head/>LETTER II.<head/><ab/><hi/>To Mrs.<hi/> S<hi/>AVILLE<hi/>, <hi/>England.<hi/><ab/><p/>Archangel, 28th March, 17—.<p/><p/>How slowly the time passes here, encompassed as I am by frost and
Witness: f1831 <head/>LETTER II.<head/><head/><hi/>To Mrs. Saville, England.<hi/><head/><p/>Archangel, 28th March, 17—.<p/><p/>How slowly the time passes here, encompassed as I am by frost and


Reading Group: C03a_app2_rg1

Witness: f1831 snow!

Reading Group: C03a_app2_rg2

Witness: f1818 snow;
Witness: f1823 snow;
Witness: fThomas snow;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 yet a second step is taken towards my enterprise. I have hired a vessel, and am occupied in collecting my sailors; those whom I have already
Witness: f1823 yet a second step is taken towards my enterprise. I have hired a vessel, and am occupied in collecting my sailors; those whom I have already
Witness: fThomas yet a second step is taken towards my enterprise. I have hired a vessel, and am occupied in collecting my sailors; those whom I have already
Witness: f1831 yet a second step is taken towards my enterprise. I have hired a vessel, and am occupied in collecting my sailors; those whom I have already


Reading Group: C03a_app4_rg1

Witness: f1818 engaged
Witness: f1823 engaged
Witness: fThomas engaged

Reading Group: C03a_app4_rg2

Witness: f1831 engaged,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 appear to be men on whom I can depend, and are certainly possessed of dauntless courage.<p/><p/>But I have one want which I have never yet been able to satisfy; and the absence of the object of which I now feel as a most severe evil. I have no friend, Margaret: when I am glowing with the enthusiasm of success, there will be none to participate my joy; if I am assailed by disappointment, no one will endeavour to sustain me in dejection. I shall commit my thoughts to paper, it is true; but that is a poor medium for the communication of feeling. I desire the company of a man who could
Witness: f1823 appear to be men on whom I can depend, and are certainly possessed of dauntless courage.<p/><p/>But I have one want which I have never yet been able to satisfy; and the absence of the object of which I now feel as a most severe evil. I have no friend, Margaret: when I am glowing with the enthusiasm of success, there will be none to participate my joy; if I am assailed by disappointment, no one will endeavour to sustain me in dejection. I shall commit my thoughts to paper, it is true; but that is a poor medium for the communication of feeling. I desire the company of a man who could
Witness: fThomas appear to be men on whom I can depend, and are certainly possessed of dauntless courage.<p/><p/>But I have one want which I have never yet been able to satisfy; and the absence of the object of which I now feel as a most severe evil. I have no friend, Margaret: when I am glowing with the enthusiasm of success, there will be none to participate my joy; if I am assailed by disappointment, no one will endeavour to sustain me in dejection. I shall commit my thoughts to paper, it is true; but that is a poor medium for the communication of feeling. I desire the company of a man who could
Witness: f1831 appear to be men on whom I can depend, and are certainly possessed of dauntless courage.<p/><p/>But I have one want which I have never yet been able to satisfy; and the absence of the object of which I now feel as a most severe evil. I have no friend, Margaret: when I am glowing with the enthusiasm of success, there will be none to participate my joy; if I am assailed by disappointment, no one will endeavour to sustain me in dejection. I shall commit my thoughts to paper, it is true; but that is a poor medium for the communication of feeling. I desire the company of a man who could


Reading Group: C03a_app6_rg1

Witness: f1831 sympathise

Reading Group: C03a_app6_rg2

Witness: f1818 sympathize
Witness: f1823 sympathize
Witness: fThomas sympathize


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 with me; whose eyes would reply to mine. You may deem me romantic, my dear sister, but I bitterly feel the want of a friend. I have no one near me, gentle yet courageous, possessed of a cultivated as well as of a capacious mind, whose tastes are like my own, to approve or amend my plans. How would such a friend repair the faults of your poor brother! I am too ardent in execution, and too impatient of difficulties. But it is a still greater evil to me that I am self-educated: for the first fourteen years of my life I ran wild on a common, and read nothing but our uncle Thomas’s books of voyages. At that age I became acquainted with the celebrated poets of our own country; but it was only when it had ceased to be in my power to derive its most important benefits from such a conviction, that I perceived the necessity of becoming acquainted with more languages than that of my native country. Now I am twenty-eight, and am in reality more illiterate than many
Witness: f1823 with me; whose eyes would reply to mine. You may deem me romantic, my dear sister, but I bitterly feel the want of a friend. I have no one near me, gentle yet courageous, possessed of a cultivated as well as of a capacious mind, whose tastes are like my own, to approve or amend my plans. How would such a friend repair the faults of your poor brother! I am too ardent in execution, and too impatient of difficulties. But it is a still greater evil to me that I am self-educated: for the first fourteen years of my life I ran wild on a common, and read nothing but our uncle Thomas’s books of voyages. At that age I became acquainted with the celebrated poets of our own country; but it was only when it had ceased to be in my power to derive its most important benefits from such a conviction, that I perceived the necessity of becoming acquainted with more languages than that of my native country. Now I am twenty-eight, and am in reality more illiterate than many
Witness: fThomas with me; whose eyes would reply to mine. You may deem me romantic, my dear sister, but I bitterly feel the want of a friend. I have no one near me, gentle yet courageous, possessed of a cultivated as well as of a capacious mind, whose tastes are like my own, to approve or amend my plans. How would such a friend repair the faults of your poor brother! I am too ardent in execution, and too impatient of difficulties. But it is a still greater evil to me that I am self-educated: for the first fourteen years of my life I ran wild on a common, and read nothing but our uncle Thomas’s books of voyages. At that age I became acquainted with the celebrated poets of our own country; but it was only when it had ceased to be in my power to derive its most important benefits from such a conviction, that I perceived the necessity of becoming acquainted with more languages than that of my native country. Now I am twenty-eight, and am in reality more illiterate than many
Witness: f1831 with me; whose eyes would reply to mine. You may deem me romantic, my dear sister, but I bitterly feel the want of a friend. I have no one near me, gentle yet courageous, possessed of a cultivated as well as of a capacious mind, whose tastes are like my own, to approve or amend my plans. How would such a friend repair the faults of your poor brother! I am too ardent in execution, and too impatient of difficulties. But it is a still greater evil to me that I am self-educated: for the first fourteen years of my life I ran wild on a common, and read nothing but our uncle Thomas’s books of voyages. At that age I became acquainted with the celebrated poets of our own country; but it was only when it had ceased to be in my power to derive its most important benefits from such a conviction, that I perceived the necessity of becoming acquainted with more languages than that of my native country. Now I am twenty-eight, and am in reality more illiterate than many


Reading Group: C03a_app8_rg1

Witness: f1818 school-boys
Witness: f1823 school-boys
Witness: fThomas school-boys

Reading Group: C03a_app8_rg2

Witness: f1831 schoolboys


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of fifteen. It is true that I have thought more, and that my day dreams are more extended and magnificent; but they want (as the painters call it) <hi/>keeping;<hi/> and I greatly need a friend who would have sense enough not to despise me as romantic, and affection enough for me to endeavour to regulate my mind.<p/><p/>Well, these are useless complaints; I shall certainly find no friend on the wide ocean, nor even here in Archangel, among merchants and seamen. Yet some feelings, unallied to the dross of human nature, beat even in these rugged bosoms. My lieutenant, for instance, is a man of wonderful courage and enterprise; he is madly desirous
Witness: f1823 of fifteen. It is true that I have thought more, and that my day dreams are more extended and magnificent; but they want (as the painters call it) <hi/>keeping;<hi/> and I greatly need a friend who would have sense enough not to despise me as romantic, and affection enough for me to endeavour to regulate my mind.<p/><p/>Well, these are useless complaints; I shall certainly find no friend on the wide ocean, nor even here in Archangel, among merchants and seamen. Yet some feelings, unallied to the dross of human nature, beat even in these rugged bosoms. My lieutenant, for instance, is a man of wonderful courage and enterprise; he is madly desirous
Witness: fThomas of fifteen. It is true that I have thought more, and that my day dreams are more extended and magnificent; but they want (as the painters call it) <hi/>keeping;<hi/> and I greatly need a friend who would have sense enough not to despise me as romantic, and affection enough for me to endeavour to regulate my mind.<p/><p/>Well, these are useless complaints; I shall certainly find no friend on the wide ocean, nor even here in Archangel, among merchants and seamen. Yet some feelings, unallied to the dross of human nature, beat even in these rugged bosoms. My lieutenant, for instance, is a man of wonderful courage and enterprise; he is madly desirous
Witness: f1831 of fifteen. It is true that I have thought more, and that my day dreams are more extended and magnificent; but they want (as the painters call it) <hi/>keeping;<hi/> and I greatly need a friend who would have sense enough not to despise me as romantic, and affection enough for me to endeavour to regulate my mind.<p/><p/>Well, these are useless complaints; I shall certainly find no friend on the wide ocean, nor even here in Archangel, among merchants and seamen. Yet some feelings, unallied to the dross of human nature, beat even in these rugged bosoms. My lieutenant, for instance, is a man of wonderful courage and enterprise; he is madly desirous


Reading Group: C03a_app10_rg1

Witness: f1831 of glory: or rather, to word my phrase more characteristically, of advancement in his profession.

Reading Group: C03a_app10_rg2

Witness: f1818 of glory.
Witness: f1823 of glory.
Witness: fThomas of glory.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 He is an Englishman, and in the midst of national and professional prejudices, unsoftened by cultivation, retains some of the noblest endowments of humanity. I first became acquainted with him on board a whale vessel: finding that he was unemployed in this city, I easily engaged him to assist in my enterprise.<p/><p/>The master is a person of an excellent disposition, and is remarkable in the ship for his
Witness: f1823 He is an Englishman, and in the midst of national and professional prejudices, unsoftened by cultivation, retains some of the noblest endowments of humanity. I first became acquainted with him on board a whale vessel: finding that he was unemployed in this city, I easily engaged him to assist in my enterprise.<p/><p/>The master is a person of an excellent disposition, and is remarkable in the ship for his
Witness: fThomas He is an Englishman, and in the midst of national and professional prejudices, unsoftened by cultivation, retains some of the noblest endowments of humanity. I first became acquainted with him on board a whale vessel: finding that he was unemployed in this city, I easily engaged him to assist in my enterprise.<p/><p/>The master is a person of an excellent disposition, and is remarkable in the ship for his
Witness: f1831 He is an Englishman, and in the midst of national and professional prejudices, unsoftened by cultivation, retains some of the noblest endowments of humanity. I first became acquainted with him on board a whale vessel: finding that he was unemployed in this city, I easily engaged him to assist in my enterprise.<p/><p/>The master is a person of an excellent disposition, and is remarkable in the ship for his


Reading Group: C03a_app12_rg1

Witness: f1823 gentleness
Witness: f1831 gentleness

Reading Group: C03a_app12_rg2

Witness: f1818 gentleness,
Witness: fThomas gentleness,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and the mildness of his discipline.
Witness: f1823 and the mildness of his discipline.
Witness: fThomas and the mildness of his discipline.
Witness: f1831 and the mildness of his discipline.


Reading Group: C03b_app1_rg1

Witness: fMS

Reading Group: C03b_app1_rg2

Witness: f1831 This circumstance, added to his well known integrity and dauntless courage, made me very desirous to engage him. A youth passed in solitude, my best years spent under your gentle and feminine fosterage, has so refined the groundwork of my character, that I cannot overcome an intense distaste to the usual brutality exercised on board ship: I have never believed it to be necessary; and when I heard of a mariner equally noted for his kindliness of heart, and the respect and obedience paid to him by his crew, I felt myself peculiarly fortunate in being able to secure his services. I heard of him first in rather a romantic manner, from a lady who owes to him the happiness of her life. This, briefly, is his story.

Reading Group: C03b_app1_rg3

Witness: f1818 He is, indeed, of so amiable a nature, that he will not hunt (a favourite, and almost the only amusement here), because he cannot endure to spill blood.
Witness: f1823 He is, indeed, of so amiable a nature, that he will not hunt (a favourite, and almost the only amusement here), because he cannot endure to spill blood.
Witness: fThomas He is, indeed, of so amiable a nature, that he will not hunt (a favourite, and almost the only amusement here), because he cannot endure to spill blood.


Reading Group: C03b_app2_rg1

Witness: fThomas He is, moreover, heroically generous. <add/>I will relate to you an anecdote of his life, recounted to me by the parties themselves, which exemplifies the generosity, I had almost said the heroism of his nature.<add/>

Reading Group: C03b_app2_rg2

Witness: f1818 He is, moreover, heroically generous.
Witness: f1823 He is, moreover, heroically generous.


Reading Group: C03c_app1_rg1

Witness: fMS

Reading Group: C03c_app1_rg2

Witness: f1818 Some years ago he loved a young Russian lady, of moderate fortune; and having amassed a considerable sum in prize-money, the father of the girl consented to the match. He saw his mistress once before the destined ceremony; but she was bathed in tears, and, throwing herself at his feet, entreated him to spare her, confessing at the same time that she loved another, but that he was poor, and that her father would never consent to the union. My generous friend reassured the suppliant, and on being informed of the name of her
Witness: f1823 Some years ago he loved a young Russian lady, of moderate fortune; and having amassed a considerable sum in prize-money, the father of the girl consented to the match. He saw his mistress once before the destined ceremony; but she was bathed in tears, and, throwing herself at his feet, entreated him to spare her, confessing at the same time that she loved another, but that he was poor, and that her father would never consent to the union. My generous friend reassured the suppliant, and on being informed of the name of her
Witness: fThomas Some years ago he loved a young Russian lady, of moderate fortune; and having amassed a considerable sum in prize-money, the father of the girl consented to the match. He saw his mistress once before the destined ceremony; but she was bathed in tears, and, throwing herself at his feet, entreated him to spare her, confessing at the same time that she loved another, but that he was poor, and that her father would never consent to the union. My generous friend reassured the suppliant, and on being informed of the name of her
Witness: f1831 Some years ago he loved a young Russian lady, of moderate fortune; and having amassed a considerable sum in prize-money, the father of the girl consented to the match. He saw his mistress once before the destined ceremony; but she was bathed in tears, and, throwing herself at his feet, entreated him to spare her, confessing at the same time that she loved another, but that he was poor, and that her father would never consent to the union. My generous friend reassured the suppliant, and on being informed of the name of her


Reading Group: C03c_app2_rg1

Witness: f1818 lover
Witness: f1823 lover
Witness: fThomas lover

Reading Group: C03c_app2_rg2

Witness: f1831 lover,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 instantly abandoned his pursuit. He had already bought a farm with his
Witness: f1823 instantly abandoned his pursuit. He had already bought a farm with his
Witness: fThomas instantly abandoned his pursuit. He had already bought a farm with his
Witness: f1831 instantly abandoned his pursuit. He had already bought a farm with his


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 money, on
Witness: fThomas money, on
Witness: f1831 money, on
Witness: f1823 money, on


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 which he had designed to pass the remainder of his life; but he bestowed the whole on his rival, together with the remains of his prize-money to purchase stock, and then himself solicited the young woman’s father to consent to her marriage with her lover. But the old man decidedly refused, thinking himself bound in honour to my friend; who, when he found the father inexorable, quitted his country, nor returned until he heard that his former mistress was married according to her inclinations. “What a noble fellow!” you will exclaim. He is so; but then he
Witness: f1823 which he had designed to pass the remainder of his life; but he bestowed the whole on his rival, together with the remains of his prize-money to purchase stock, and then himself solicited the young woman’s father to consent to her marriage with her lover. But the old man decidedly refused, thinking himself bound in honour to my friend; who, when he found the father inexorable, quitted his country, nor returned until he heard that his former mistress was married according to her inclinations. “What a noble fellow!” you will exclaim. He is so; but then he
Witness: fThomas which he had designed to pass the remainder of his life; but he bestowed the whole on his rival, together with the remains of his prize-money to purchase stock, and then himself solicited the young woman’s father to consent to her marriage with her lover. But the old man decidedly refused, thinking himself bound in honour to my friend; who, when he found the father inexorable, quitted his country, nor returned until he heard that his former mistress was married according to her inclinations. “What a noble fellow!” you will exclaim. He is so; but then he
Witness: f1831 which he had designed to pass the remainder of his life; but he bestowed the whole on his rival, together with the remains of his prize-money to purchase stock, and then himself solicited the young woman’s father to consent to her marriage with her lover. But the old man decidedly refused, thinking himself bound in honour to my friend; who, when he found the father inexorable, quitted his country, nor returned until he heard that his former mistress was married according to her inclinations. “What a noble fellow!” you will exclaim. He is so; but then he


Reading Group: C03d_app1_rg1

Witness: fMS

Reading Group: C03d_app1_rg2

Witness: f1831 is wholly uneducated: he is as silent as a Turk, and a kind of ignorant carelessness attends him, which, while it renders his conduct the more astonishing, detracts from the interest and sympathy which otherwise he would command.<p/>

Reading Group: C03d_app1_rg3

Witness: f1818 has passed all his life on board a vessel, and has scarcely an idea beyond the
Witness: f1823 has passed all his life on board a vessel, and has scarcely an idea beyond the
Witness: fThomas has passed all his life on board a vessel, and has scarcely an idea beyond the


Reading Group: C03d_app2_rg1

Witness: fThomas ropeship

Reading Group: C03d_app2_rg2

Witness: f1818 rope
Witness: f1823 rope


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and


Reading Group: C03d_app4_rg1

Witness: f1818 the shroud.<p/>
Witness: f1823 the shroud.<p/>

Reading Group: C03d_app4_rg2

Witness: fThomas theshroudcrew.<p/>


Reading Group: C03e_app1_rg1

Witness: fMS

Reading Group: C03e_app1_rg2

Witness: f1818 <p/>But
Witness: f1823 <p/>But
Witness: fThomas <p/>But

Reading Group: C03e_app1_rg3

Witness: f1831 <p/>Yet


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 do not
Witness: f1823 do not
Witness: fThomas do not
Witness: f1831 do not


Reading Group: C03e_app3_rg1

Witness: f1818 suppose that,
Witness: f1823 suppose that,
Witness: fThomas suppose that,

Reading Group: C03e_app3_rg2

Witness: f1831 suppose,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 because I complain a little, or because I can conceive a consolation for my toils which I may never know, that I am wavering in my resolutions. Those are as fixed as fate; and my voyage is only now delayed until the weather shall permit my embarkation. The winter has been dreadfully severe; but the spring promises well, and it is considered as a remarkably early season; so
Witness: f1823 because I complain a little, or because I can conceive a consolation for my toils which I may never know, that I am wavering in my resolutions. Those are as fixed as fate; and my voyage is only now delayed until the weather shall permit my embarkation. The winter has been dreadfully severe; but the spring promises well, and it is considered as a remarkably early season; so
Witness: fThomas because I complain a little, or because I can conceive a consolation for my toils which I may never know, that I am wavering in my resolutions. Those are as fixed as fate; and my voyage is only now delayed until the weather shall permit my embarkation. The winter has been dreadfully severe; but the spring promises well, and it is considered as a remarkably early season; so
Witness: f1831 because I complain a little, or because I can conceive a consolation for my toils which I may never know, that I am wavering in my resolutions. Those are as fixed as fate; and my voyage is only now delayed until the weather shall permit my embarkation. The winter has been dreadfully severe; but the spring promises well, and it is considered as a remarkably early season; so


Reading Group: C03e_app5_rg1

Witness: f1823 that perhaps
Witness: f1831 that perhaps

Reading Group: C03e_app5_rg2

Witness: f1818 that, perhaps,
Witness: fThomas that, perhaps,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I may sail sooner than I expected. I shall do nothing
Witness: f1823 I may sail sooner than I expected. I shall do nothing
Witness: fThomas I may sail sooner than I expected. I shall do nothing
Witness: f1831 I may sail sooner than I expected. I shall do nothing


Reading Group: C03e_app7_rg1

Witness: f1823 rashly:
Witness: f1831 rashly:

Reading Group: C03e_app7_rg2

Witness: f1818 rashly;
Witness: fThomas rashly;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 you know me sufficiently to confide in my prudence and
Witness: f1823 you know me sufficiently to confide in my prudence and
Witness: fThomas you know me sufficiently to confide in my prudence and
Witness: f1831 you know me sufficiently to confide in my prudence and


Reading Group: C03e_app9_rg1

Witness: f1818 considerateness
Witness: f1823 considerateness
Witness: fThomas considerateness

Reading Group: C03e_app9_rg2

Witness: f1831 considerateness,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 whenever the safety of others is committed to my care.<p/><p/>I cannot describe to you my sensations on the near prospect of my undertaking. It is impossible to communicate to you a conception of the trembling sensation, half pleasurable and half fearful, with which I am preparing to depart. I am going to unexplored regions, to “the land of mist and
Witness: f1823 whenever the safety of others is committed to my care.<p/><p/>I cannot describe to you my sensations on the near prospect of my undertaking. It is impossible to communicate to you a conception of the trembling sensation, half pleasurable and half fearful, with which I am preparing to depart. I am going to unexplored regions, to “the land of mist and
Witness: fThomas whenever the safety of others is committed to my care.<p/><p/>I cannot describe to you my sensations on the near prospect of my undertaking. It is impossible to communicate to you a conception of the trembling sensation, half pleasurable and half fearful, with which I am preparing to depart. I am going to unexplored regions, to “the land of mist and
Witness: f1831 whenever the safety of others is committed to my care.<p/><p/>I cannot describe to you my sensations on the near prospect of my undertaking. It is impossible to communicate to you a conception of the trembling sensation, half pleasurable and half fearful, with which I am preparing to depart. I am going to unexplored regions, to “the land of mist and


Reading Group: C03e_app11_rg1

Witness: f1818 snow;”
Witness: f1823 snow;”
Witness: f1831 snow;”

Reading Group: C03e_app11_rg2

Witness: fThomas snow;”<note/>Coleridge's Antient Mariner.<note/>


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but I shall kill no albatross, therefore do not be alarmed for my
Witness: f1823 but I shall kill no albatross, therefore do not be alarmed for my
Witness: fThomas but I shall kill no albatross, therefore do not be alarmed for my
Witness: f1831 but I shall kill no albatross, therefore do not be alarmed for my


Reading Group: C03e_app13_rg1

Witness: f1831 safety, or if I should come back to you as worn and woful as the “Ancient Mariner?” You will smile at my allusion; but I will disclose a secret. I have often attributed my attachment to, my passionate enthusiasm for, the dangerous mysteries of the ocean, to that production of the most imaginative of modern poets. There is something at work in my soul, which I do not understand. I am practically industrious—pains-taking;—a workman to execute with perseverance and labour:—but besides this, there is a love for the marvellous, a belief in the marvellous, intertwined in all my projects, which hurries me out of the common pathways of men, even to the wild sea and unvisited regions I am about to explore. <p/> <p/>But to return to dearer considerations.

Reading Group: C03e_app13_rg2

Witness: f1818 safety.<p/>
Witness: f1823 safety.<p/>
Witness: fThomas safety.<p/>


Reading Group: C03f_app1_rg1

Witness: fMS

Reading Group: C03f_app1_rg2

Witness: f1818 <p/>Shall
Witness: f1823 <p/>Shall
Witness: fThomas <p/>Shall

Reading Group: C03f_app1_rg3

Witness: f1831 Shall


Reading Group: C03f_app2_rg1

Witness: f1818 I meet you again, after having traversed immense seas, and returned by the most southern cape of Africa or America? I dare not expect such success, yet I cannot bear to look on the reverse of the picture. Continue
Witness: f1823 I meet you again, after having traversed immense seas, and returned by the most southern cape of Africa or America? I dare not expect such success, yet I cannot bear to look on the reverse of the picture. Continue
Witness: fThomas I meet you again, after having traversed immense seas, and returned by the most southern cape of Africa or America? I dare not expect such success, yet I cannot bear to look on the reverse of the picture. Continue

Reading Group: C03f_app2_rg2

Witness: f1831 I meet you again, after having traversed immense seas, and returned by the most southern cape of Africa or America? I dare not expect such success, yet I cannot bear to look on the reverse of the picture. Continue for the present


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to write to me by every opportunity: I may receive your letters
Witness: f1823 to write to me by every opportunity: I may receive your letters
Witness: fThomas to write to me by every opportunity: I may receive your letters
Witness: f1831 to write to me by every opportunity: I may receive your letters


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 (though the chance is very doubtful)
Witness: f1823 (though the chance is very doubtful)
Witness: fThomas (though the chance is very doubtful)


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 on some occasions when I need them most to support my spirits. I love you very tenderly. Remember me with affection, should you never hear from me again.<p/><p/>Your affectionate brother,<p/><p/>R<hi/>OBERT<hi/> W<hi/>ALTON<hi/>.<p/>
Witness: f1823 on some occasions when I need them most to support my spirits. I love you very tenderly. Remember me with affection, should you never hear from me again.<p/><p/>Your affectionate brother,<p/><p/>R<hi/>OBERT<hi/> W<hi/>ALTON<hi/>.<p/>
Witness: fThomas on some occasions when I need them most to support my spirits. I love you very tenderly. Remember me with affection, should you never hear from me again.<p/><p/>Your affectionate brother,<p/><p/>R<hi/>OBERT<hi/> W<hi/>ALTON<hi/>.<p/>
Witness: f1831 on some occasions when I need them most to support my spirits. I love you very tenderly. Remember me with affection, should you never hear from me again.<p/><p/>Your affectionate brother,<p/><p/>R<hi/>OBERT<hi/> W<hi/>ALTON<hi/>.<p/>


Reading Group: C04a_app1_rg1

Witness: fMS

Reading Group: C04a_app1_rg2

Witness: f1818 <head/>LETTER III.<head/><ab/><hi/>To Mrs.<hi/> S<hi/>AVILLE<hi/>, <hi/>England.<hi/><ab/><p/>July 7th, 17—.<p/><p/><hi/>MY DEAR SISTER<hi/>,<p/><p/>I <hi/>WRITE<hi/> a few lines in haste, to say that I am safe, and well advanced on my voyage. This letter will reach England by a
Witness: f1823 <head/>LETTER III.<head/><ab/><hi/>To Mrs.<hi/> S<hi/>AVILLE<hi/>, <hi/>England.<hi/><ab/><p/>July 7th, 17—.<p/><p/><hi/>MY DEAR SISTER<hi/>,<p/><p/>I <hi/>WRITE<hi/> a few lines in haste, to say that I am safe, and well advanced on my voyage. This letter will reach England by a
Witness: fThomas <head/>LETTER III.<head/><ab/><hi/>To Mrs.<hi/> S<hi/>AVILLE<hi/>, <hi/>England.<hi/><ab/><p/>July 7th, 17—.<p/><p/><hi/>MY DEAR SISTER<hi/>,<p/><p/>I <hi/>WRITE<hi/> a few lines in haste, to say that I am safe, and well advanced on my voyage. This letter will reach England by a
Witness: f1831 <head/>LETTER III.<head/><head/><hi/>To Mrs. Saville, England.<hi/><head/><p/>July 7th, 17—.<p/><p/>M<hi/>Y DEAR<hi/> S<hi/>ISTER<hi/>,<p/><p/>I <hi/>WRITE<hi/> a few lines in haste, to say that I am safe, and well advanced on my voyage. This letter will reach England by a


Reading Group: C04a_app2_rg1

Witness: f1818 merchant-man
Witness: f1823 merchant-man
Witness: fThomas merchant-man

Reading Group: C04a_app2_rg2

Witness: f1831 merchantman


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 now on its homeward voyage from Archangel; more fortunate than I, who may not see my native land, perhaps, for many years. I am, however, in good spirits: my
Witness: f1823 now on its homeward voyage from Archangel; more fortunate than I, who may not see my native land, perhaps, for many years. I am, however, in good spirits: my
Witness: fThomas now on its homeward voyage from Archangel; more fortunate than I, who may not see my native land, perhaps, for many years. I am, however, in good spirits: my
Witness: f1831 now on its homeward voyage from Archangel; more fortunate than I, who may not see my native land, perhaps, for many years. I am, however, in good spirits: my


Reading Group: C04a_app4_rg1

Witness: fThomas mencrew

Reading Group: C04a_app4_rg2

Witness: f1818 men
Witness: f1823 men
Witness: f1831 men


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 are
Witness: f1823 are
Witness: fThomas are
Witness: f1831 are


Reading Group: C04a_app6_rg1

Witness: fThomas boldgallant fellows, and apparently& I am

Reading Group: C04a_app6_rg2

Witness: f1818 bold, and apparently
Witness: f1823 bold, and apparently
Witness: f1831 bold, and apparently


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 firm of purpose; nor do the floating sheets of ice that continually pass us, indicating the dangers of the region towards which we are advancing, appear to dismay them. We have already reached a very high latitude; but it is the height of summer, and although not so warm as in England, the southern gales, which blow us speedily towards those shores which I so ardently desire to attain, breathe a degree of renovating warmth which I had not
Witness: f1823 firm of purpose; nor do the floating sheets of ice that continually pass us, indicating the dangers of the region towards which we are advancing, appear to dismay them. We have already reached a very high latitude; but it is the height of summer, and although not so warm as in England, the southern gales, which blow us speedily towards those shores which I so ardently desire to attain, breathe a degree of renovating warmth which I had not
Witness: fThomas firm of purpose; nor do the floating sheets of ice that continually pass us, indicating the dangers of the region towards which we are advancing, appear to dismay them. We have already reached a very high latitude; but it is the height of summer, and although not so warm as in England, the southern gales, which blow us speedily towards those shores which I so ardently desire to attain, breathe a degree of renovating warmth which I had not
Witness: f1831 firm of purpose; nor do the floating sheets of ice that continually pass us, indicating the dangers of the region towards which we are advancing, appear to dismay them. We have already reached a very high latitude; but it is the height of summer, and although not so warm as in England, the southern gales, which blow us speedily towards those shores which I so ardently desire to attain, breathe a degree of renovating warmth which I had not


Reading Group: C04a_app8_rg1

Witness: fThomas expected. The appearance of the sky is indiscribably beautiful; clear by day, and illuminated at night by the Aurora Borealis w which spreads a roseate tinge over the heavens, & over the sea which reflects it’s splendour.<p/><p/>No

Reading Group: C04a_app8_rg2

Witness: f1818 expected.<p/><p/>No
Witness: f1823 expected.<p/><p/>No
Witness: f1831 expected.<p/><p/>No


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 incidents have hitherto befallen
Witness: f1823 incidents have hitherto befallen
Witness: fThomas incidents have hitherto befallen
Witness: f1831 incidents have hitherto befallen


Reading Group: C04a_app10_rg1

Witness: f1823 us
Witness: f1831 us

Reading Group: C04a_app10_rg2

Witness: f1818 us,
Witness: fThomas us,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that would make a figure in a letter. One or
Witness: f1823 that would make a figure in a letter. One or
Witness: fThomas that would make a figure in a letter. One or
Witness: f1831 that would make a figure in a letter. One or


Reading Group: C04a_app12_rg1

Witness: f1818 two stiff
Witness: f1823 two stiff
Witness: f1831 two stiff

Reading Group: C04a_app12_rg2

Witness: fThomas twostiffhard


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 gales, and the
Witness: f1823 gales, and the
Witness: fThomas gales, and the
Witness: f1831 gales, and the


Reading Group: C04a_app14_rg1

Witness: fThomas breakingcarrying away

Reading Group: C04a_app14_rg2

Witness: f1818 breaking
Witness: f1823 breaking

Reading Group: C04a_app14_rg3

Witness: f1831 springing


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of a
Witness: f1823 of a
Witness: fThomas of a
Witness: f1831 of a


Reading Group: C04a_app16_rg1

Witness: f1831 leak,

Reading Group: C04a_app16_rg2

Witness: f1818 mast,
Witness: f1823 mast,
Witness: fThomas mast,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 are accidents which experienced navigators scarcely remember to record; and I shall be well
Witness: f1823 are accidents which experienced navigators scarcely remember to record; and I shall be well
Witness: fThomas are accidents which experienced navigators scarcely remember to record; and I shall be well
Witness: f1831 are accidents which experienced navigators scarcely remember to record; and I shall be well


Reading Group: C04a_app18_rg1

Witness: f1823 content
Witness: f1831 content

Reading Group: C04a_app18_rg2

Witness: f1818 content,
Witness: fThomas content,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 if nothing worse happen to us during our voyage.<p/><p/>Adieu, my dear Margaret. Be assured, that for my own sake, as well as
Witness: f1823 if nothing worse happen to us during our voyage.<p/><p/>Adieu, my dear Margaret. Be assured, that for my own sake, as well as
Witness: fThomas if nothing worse happen to us during our voyage.<p/><p/>Adieu, my dear Margaret. Be assured, that for my own sake, as well as
Witness: f1831 if nothing worse happen to us during our voyage.<p/><p/>Adieu, my dear Margaret. Be assured, that for my own sake, as well as


Reading Group: C04a_app20_rg1

Witness: f1823 yours,
Witness: f1831 yours,

Reading Group: C04a_app20_rg2

Witness: f1818 your’s,
Witness: fThomas your’s,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I will not rashly encounter danger. I will be cool, persevering, and prudent.<p/>
Witness: f1823 I will not rashly encounter danger. I will be cool, persevering, and prudent.<p/>
Witness: fThomas I will not rashly encounter danger. I will be cool, persevering, and prudent.<p/>
Witness: f1831 I will not rashly encounter danger. I will be cool, persevering, and prudent.<p/>


Reading Group: C04b_app1_rg1

Witness: fMS

Reading Group: C04b_app1_rg2

Witness: f1831 <p/>But success <hi/>shall<hi/> crown my endeavours. Wherefore not? Thus far I have gone, tracing a secure way over the pathless seas: the very stars themselves being witnesses and testimonies of my triumph. Why not still proceed over the untamed yet obedient element? What can stop the determined heart and resolved will of man?<p/> <p/>My swelling heart involuntarily pours itself out thus. But I must finish.

Reading Group: C04b_app1_rg3

Witness: f1818 <p/>Remember me to all my English friends.<p/>
Witness: f1823 <p/>Remember me to all my English friends.<p/>
Witness: fThomas <p/>Remember me to all my English friends.<p/>


Reading Group: C04c_app1_rg1

Witness: fMS

Reading Group: C04c_app1_rg2

Witness: f1818 <p/>Most affectionately
Witness: f1823 <p/>Most affectionately
Witness: fThomas <p/>Most affectionately

Reading Group: C04c_app1_rg3

Witness: f1831 Heaven bless my beloved sister!<p/><p/>R.W.<p/>


Reading Group: C04c_app2_rg1

Witness: f1823 yours,<p/><p/>R. W.<p/>

Reading Group: C04c_app2_rg2

Witness: f1818 yours,<p/><p/>R.W.<p/>
Witness: fThomas yours,<p/><p/>R.W.<p/>


Reading Group: C05_app1_rg1

Witness: fMS

Reading Group: C05_app1_rg2

Witness: f1818 <head/>LETTER IV.<head/><head/><ab/><hi/>To Mrs.<hi/> S<hi/>AVILLE<hi/>, <hi/>England.<hi/><ab/><head/><p/>August 5th, 17—.<p/><p/>So strange an accident has happened to us, that I cannot forbear recording
Witness: f1823 <head/>LETTER IV.<head/><head/><ab/><hi/>To Mrs.<hi/> S<hi/>AVILLE<hi/>, <hi/>England.<hi/><ab/><head/><p/>August 5th, 17—.<p/><p/>So strange an accident has happened to us, that I cannot forbear recording
Witness: fThomas <head/>LETTER IV.<head/><head/><ab/><hi/>To Mrs.<hi/> S<hi/>AVILLE<hi/>, <hi/>England.<hi/><ab/><head/><p/>August 5th, 17—.<p/><p/>So strange an accident has happened to us, that I cannot forbear recording
Witness: f1831 <head/>LETTER IV.<head/><head/><hi/>To Mrs. Saville, England.<hi/><head/><p/>August 5th, 17—.<p/><p/>So strange an accident has happened to us, that I cannot forbear recording


Reading Group: C05_app2_rg1

Witness: fThomas it in writing,

Reading Group: C05_app2_rg2

Witness: f1818 it,
Witness: f1823 it,
Witness: f1831 it,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 although it is very probable that you will see me before these papers can come into your possession.<p/><p/>Last Monday (July 31st), we were nearly surrounded by ice, which closed in the ship on all sides, scarcely leaving her the
Witness: f1823 although it is very probable that you will see me before these papers can come into your possession.<p/><p/>Last Monday (July 31st), we were nearly surrounded by ice, which closed in the ship on all sides, scarcely leaving her the
Witness: fThomas although it is very probable that you will see me before these papers can come into your possession.<p/><p/>Last Monday (July 31st), we were nearly surrounded by ice, which closed in the ship on all sides, scarcely leaving her the
Witness: f1831 although it is very probable that you will see me before these papers can come into your possession.<p/><p/>Last Monday (July 31st), we were nearly surrounded by ice, which closed in the ship on all sides, scarcely leaving her the


Reading Group: C05_app4_rg1

Witness: f1818 sea room
Witness: f1823 sea room
Witness: fThomas sea room

Reading Group: C05_app4_rg2

Witness: f1831 sea-room


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in which she floated. Our situation was somewhat dangerous, especially as we were compassed round by a very thick fog. We accordingly lay to, hoping that some change would take place in the atmosphere and weather.<p/><p/>About two o’clock the mist cleared away, and we beheld, stretched out in every direction, vast and irregular
Witness: f1823 in which she floated. Our situation was somewhat dangerous, especially as we were compassed round by a very thick fog. We accordingly lay to, hoping that some change would take place in the atmosphere and weather.<p/><p/>About two o’clock the mist cleared away, and we beheld, stretched out in every direction, vast and irregular
Witness: fThomas in which she floated. Our situation was somewhat dangerous, especially as we were compassed round by a very thick fog. We accordingly lay to, hoping that some change would take place in the atmosphere and weather.<p/><p/>About two o’clock the mist cleared away, and we beheld, stretched out in every direction, vast and irregular
Witness: f1831 in which she floated. Our situation was somewhat dangerous, especially as we were compassed round by a very thick fog. We accordingly lay to, hoping that some change would take place in the atmosphere and weather.<p/><p/>About two o’clock the mist cleared away, and we beheld, stretched out in every direction, vast and irregular


Reading Group: C05_app6_rg1

Witness: fThomas mountains & plains of ice, which seemed to have no end. Some of my comrades groaned, and my own mind began to grow watchful with anxious thoughts, when a strange sight suddenly attracted our attention, and diverted our solicitude from our own situation. We perceived a low carriage, fixed on a sledge and drawn by dogs, pass on towards the north, at the distance of half a mile: a being which had the shape of a man, but apparently of gigantic stature, sat in the sledge, and guided the dogs. We watched the rapid progress of the traveller with our telescopes, until he was lost among the distant inequalities of the ice.<p/><p/>This appearance excited our unqualified wonder. We were, as we believed, many hundred miles from any land; but this apparition seemed to denote that it was not, in reality, so distant as we had supposed. Shut in, however, by ice, it was impossible to follow his track, which we had observed with the greatest

Reading Group: C05_app6_rg2

Witness: f1818 plains of ice, which seemed to have no end. Some of my comrades groaned, and my own mind began to grow watchful with anxious thoughts, when a strange sight suddenly attracted our attention, and diverted our solicitude from our own situation. We perceived a low carriage, fixed on a sledge and drawn by dogs, pass on towards the north, at the distance of half a mile: a being which had the shape of a man, but apparently of gigantic stature, sat in the sledge, and guided the dogs. We watched the rapid progress of the traveller with our telescopes, until he was lost among the distant inequalities of the ice.<p/><p/>This appearance excited our unqualified wonder. We were, as we believed, many hundred miles from any land; but this apparition seemed to denote that it was not, in reality, so distant as we had supposed. Shut in, however, by ice, it was impossible to follow his track, which we had observed with the greatest
Witness: f1823 plains of ice, which seemed to have no end. Some of my comrades groaned, and my own mind began to grow watchful with anxious thoughts, when a strange sight suddenly attracted our attention, and diverted our solicitude from our own situation. We perceived a low carriage, fixed on a sledge and drawn by dogs, pass on towards the north, at the distance of half a mile: a being which had the shape of a man, but apparently of gigantic stature, sat in the sledge, and guided the dogs. We watched the rapid progress of the traveller with our telescopes, until he was lost among the distant inequalities of the ice.<p/><p/>This appearance excited our unqualified wonder. We were, as we believed, many hundred miles from any land; but this apparition seemed to denote that it was not, in reality, so distant as we had supposed. Shut in, however, by ice, it was impossible to follow his track, which we had observed with the greatest
Witness: f1831 plains of ice, which seemed to have no end. Some of my comrades groaned, and my own mind began to grow watchful with anxious thoughts, when a strange sight suddenly attracted our attention, and diverted our solicitude from our own situation. We perceived a low carriage, fixed on a sledge and drawn by dogs, pass on towards the north, at the distance of half a mile: a being which had the shape of a man, but apparently of gigantic stature, sat in the sledge, and guided the dogs. We watched the rapid progress of the traveller with our telescopes, until he was lost among the distant inequalities of the ice.<p/><p/>This appearance excited our unqualified wonder. We were, as we believed, many hundred miles from any land; but this apparition seemed to denote that it was not, in reality, so distant as we had supposed. Shut in, however, by ice, it was impossible to follow his track, which we had observed with the greatest


Reading Group: C05_app7_rg1

Witness: fThomas attention. Are we then near land, and is this unknown wast inhabited by giants, of which the being we saw is a specimen? Such an idea is contrary to all experience, but if what we saw was an optical delusion, it was the most perfect and wonderful recorded in the history of nature.<p/><p/>About

Reading Group: C05_app7_rg2

Witness: f1818 attention.<p/><p/>About
Witness: f1823 attention.<p/><p/>About
Witness: f1831 attention.<p/><p/>About


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 two hours after this occurrence, we heard the ground sea; and before night the ice broke, and freed our ship. We, however, lay to until the morning, fearing to encounter in the dark those large loose masses which float about after the breaking up of the ice. I profited of this time to rest for a few hours.<p/><p/>In the morning, however, as soon as it was light, I went upon deck, and found all the sailors busy on one side of the vessel, apparently talking to some one in the sea. It was, in fact, a sledge, like that we had seen before, which had drifted towards us in the night, on a large fragment of ice. Only one dog remained alive; but there was a human being within it, whom the sailors were persuading to enter the vessel. He was not, as the other traveller seemed to be, a savage inhabitant of some undiscovered island, but an European. When I appeared on deck, the master said, “Here is our captain, and he will not allow you to perish on the open sea.”<p/><p/>On perceiving me, the stranger addressed me in English, although with a foreign accent. “Before I come on board your vessel,” said he, “will you have the kindness to inform me whither you are bound?”<p/><p/>You may conceive my astonishment on hearing such a question addressed to me from a man on the brink of destruction, and to whom I should have supposed that my vessel would have been a resource which he would not have exchanged for the most precious wealth the earth can afford. I replied, however, that we were on a voyage of discovery towards the northern pole.<p/><p/>Upon hearing this he appeared satisfied, and consented to come on board. Good God! Margaret, if you had seen the man who thus capitulated for his safety, your surprise would have been boundless. His limbs were nearly frozen, and his body dreadfully emaciated by fatigue and suffering. I never saw a man in so wretched a condition. We attempted to carry him into the cabin; but as soon as he had quitted the fresh air, he fainted. We accordingly brought him back to the deck, and restored him to animation by rubbing him with brandy, and forcing him to swallow a small quantity. As soon as he
Witness: f1823 two hours after this occurrence, we heard the ground sea; and before night the ice broke, and freed our ship. We, however, lay to until the morning, fearing to encounter in the dark those large loose masses which float about after the breaking up of the ice. I profited of this time to rest for a few hours.<p/><p/>In the morning, however, as soon as it was light, I went upon deck, and found all the sailors busy on one side of the vessel, apparently talking to some one in the sea. It was, in fact, a sledge, like that we had seen before, which had drifted towards us in the night, on a large fragment of ice. Only one dog remained alive; but there was a human being within it, whom the sailors were persuading to enter the vessel. He was not, as the other traveller seemed to be, a savage inhabitant of some undiscovered island, but an European. When I appeared on deck, the master said, “Here is our captain, and he will not allow you to perish on the open sea.”<p/><p/>On perceiving me, the stranger addressed me in English, although with a foreign accent. “Before I come on board your vessel,” said he, “will you have the kindness to inform me whither you are bound?”<p/><p/>You may conceive my astonishment on hearing such a question addressed to me from a man on the brink of destruction, and to whom I should have supposed that my vessel would have been a resource which he would not have exchanged for the most precious wealth the earth can afford. I replied, however, that we were on a voyage of discovery towards the northern pole.<p/><p/>Upon hearing this he appeared satisfied, and consented to come on board. Good God! Margaret, if you had seen the man who thus capitulated for his safety, your surprise would have been boundless. His limbs were nearly frozen, and his body dreadfully emaciated by fatigue and suffering. I never saw a man in so wretched a condition. We attempted to carry him into the cabin; but as soon as he had quitted the fresh air, he fainted. We accordingly brought him back to the deck, and restored him to animation by rubbing him with brandy, and forcing him to swallow a small quantity. As soon as he
Witness: fThomas two hours after this occurrence, we heard the ground sea; and before night the ice broke, and freed our ship. We, however, lay to until the morning, fearing to encounter in the dark those large loose masses which float about after the breaking up of the ice. I profited of this time to rest for a few hours.<p/><p/>In the morning, however, as soon as it was light, I went upon deck, and found all the sailors busy on one side of the vessel, apparently talking to some one in the sea. It was, in fact, a sledge, like that we had seen before, which had drifted towards us in the night, on a large fragment of ice. Only one dog remained alive; but there was a human being within it, whom the sailors were persuading to enter the vessel. He was not, as the other traveller seemed to be, a savage inhabitant of some undiscovered island, but an European. When I appeared on deck, the master said, “Here is our captain, and he will not allow you to perish on the open sea.”<p/><p/>On perceiving me, the stranger addressed me in English, although with a foreign accent. “Before I come on board your vessel,” said he, “will you have the kindness to inform me whither you are bound?”<p/><p/>You may conceive my astonishment on hearing such a question addressed to me from a man on the brink of destruction, and to whom I should have supposed that my vessel would have been a resource which he would not have exchanged for the most precious wealth the earth can afford. I replied, however, that we were on a voyage of discovery towards the northern pole.<p/><p/>Upon hearing this he appeared satisfied, and consented to come on board. Good God! Margaret, if you had seen the man who thus capitulated for his safety, your surprise would have been boundless. His limbs were nearly frozen, and his body dreadfully emaciated by fatigue and suffering. I never saw a man in so wretched a condition. We attempted to carry him into the cabin; but as soon as he had quitted the fresh air, he fainted. We accordingly brought him back to the deck, and restored him to animation by rubbing him with brandy, and forcing him to swallow a small quantity. As soon as he
Witness: f1831 two hours after this occurrence, we heard the ground sea; and before night the ice broke, and freed our ship. We, however, lay to until the morning, fearing to encounter in the dark those large loose masses which float about after the breaking up of the ice. I profited of this time to rest for a few hours.<p/><p/>In the morning, however, as soon as it was light, I went upon deck, and found all the sailors busy on one side of the vessel, apparently talking to some one in the sea. It was, in fact, a sledge, like that we had seen before, which had drifted towards us in the night, on a large fragment of ice. Only one dog remained alive; but there was a human being within it, whom the sailors were persuading to enter the vessel. He was not, as the other traveller seemed to be, a savage inhabitant of some undiscovered island, but an European. When I appeared on deck, the master said, “Here is our captain, and he will not allow you to perish on the open sea.”<p/><p/>On perceiving me, the stranger addressed me in English, although with a foreign accent. “Before I come on board your vessel,” said he, “will you have the kindness to inform me whither you are bound?”<p/><p/>You may conceive my astonishment on hearing such a question addressed to me from a man on the brink of destruction, and to whom I should have supposed that my vessel would have been a resource which he would not have exchanged for the most precious wealth the earth can afford. I replied, however, that we were on a voyage of discovery towards the northern pole.<p/><p/>Upon hearing this he appeared satisfied, and consented to come on board. Good God! Margaret, if you had seen the man who thus capitulated for his safety, your surprise would have been boundless. His limbs were nearly frozen, and his body dreadfully emaciated by fatigue and suffering. I never saw a man in so wretched a condition. We attempted to carry him into the cabin; but as soon as he had quitted the fresh air, he fainted. We accordingly brought him back to the deck, and restored him to animation by rubbing him with brandy, and forcing him to swallow a small quantity. As soon as he


Reading Group: C05_app9_rg1

Witness: f1818 shewed
Witness: fThomas shewed

Reading Group: C05_app9_rg2

Witness: f1823 showed
Witness: f1831 showed


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 signs of
Witness: f1823 signs of
Witness: fThomas signs of
Witness: f1831 signs of


Reading Group: C05_app11_rg1

Witness: f1823 life
Witness: f1831 life

Reading Group: C05_app11_rg2

Witness: f1818 life,
Witness: fThomas life,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 we wrapped him up in blankets, and placed him near the chimney of the
Witness: f1823 we wrapped him up in blankets, and placed him near the chimney of the
Witness: fThomas we wrapped him up in blankets, and placed him near the chimney of the
Witness: f1831 we wrapped him up in blankets, and placed him near the chimney of the


Reading Group: C05_app13_rg1

Witness: f1831 kitchen stove.

Reading Group: C05_app13_rg2

Witness: f1818 kitchen-stove.
Witness: f1823 kitchen-stove.
Witness: fThomas kitchen-stove.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 By slow degrees he recovered, and ate a little soup, which restored him wonderfully.<p/><p/>Two days passed in this manner before he was able to speak; and I often feared that his sufferings had deprived him of understanding. When he had in some measure recovered, I removed him to my own cabin, and attended on him as much as my duty would permit. I never saw a more interesting creature: his eyes have generally an expression of wildness, and even madness; but there are moments when, if any one performs an act of kindness towards him, or does him any the most trifling service, his whole countenance is lighted up, as it were, with a beam of benevolence and sweetness that I never saw equalled. But he is generally melancholy and despairing; and sometimes he gnashes his teeth, as if impatient of the weight of woes that oppresses him.<p/><p/>When my guest was a little recovered, I had great trouble to keep off the men, who wished to ask him a thousand questions; but I would not allow him to be tormented by their idle curiosity, in a state of body and mind whose restoration evidently depended upon entire repose. Once, however, the lieutenant asked, Why he had come so far upon the ice in so strange a vehicle?<p/><p/>His countenance instantly assumed an aspect of the deepest gloom; and he replied, “To seek one who fled from me.”<p/><p/>“And did the man whom you pursued travel in the same fashion?”<p/><p/>“Yes.”<p/><p/>“Then I fancy we have seen him;
Witness: f1823 By slow degrees he recovered, and ate a little soup, which restored him wonderfully.<p/><p/>Two days passed in this manner before he was able to speak; and I often feared that his sufferings had deprived him of understanding. When he had in some measure recovered, I removed him to my own cabin, and attended on him as much as my duty would permit. I never saw a more interesting creature: his eyes have generally an expression of wildness, and even madness; but there are moments when, if any one performs an act of kindness towards him, or does him any the most trifling service, his whole countenance is lighted up, as it were, with a beam of benevolence and sweetness that I never saw equalled. But he is generally melancholy and despairing; and sometimes he gnashes his teeth, as if impatient of the weight of woes that oppresses him.<p/><p/>When my guest was a little recovered, I had great trouble to keep off the men, who wished to ask him a thousand questions; but I would not allow him to be tormented by their idle curiosity, in a state of body and mind whose restoration evidently depended upon entire repose. Once, however, the lieutenant asked, Why he had come so far upon the ice in so strange a vehicle?<p/><p/>His countenance instantly assumed an aspect of the deepest gloom; and he replied, “To seek one who fled from me.”<p/><p/>“And did the man whom you pursued travel in the same fashion?”<p/><p/>“Yes.”<p/><p/>“Then I fancy we have seen him;
Witness: fThomas By slow degrees he recovered, and ate a little soup, which restored him wonderfully.<p/><p/>Two days passed in this manner before he was able to speak; and I often feared that his sufferings had deprived him of understanding. When he had in some measure recovered, I removed him to my own cabin, and attended on him as much as my duty would permit. I never saw a more interesting creature: his eyes have generally an expression of wildness, and even madness; but there are moments when, if any one performs an act of kindness towards him, or does him any the most trifling service, his whole countenance is lighted up, as it were, with a beam of benevolence and sweetness that I never saw equalled. But he is generally melancholy and despairing; and sometimes he gnashes his teeth, as if impatient of the weight of woes that oppresses him.<p/><p/>When my guest was a little recovered, I had great trouble to keep off the men, who wished to ask him a thousand questions; but I would not allow him to be tormented by their idle curiosity, in a state of body and mind whose restoration evidently depended upon entire repose. Once, however, the lieutenant asked, Why he had come so far upon the ice in so strange a vehicle?<p/><p/>His countenance instantly assumed an aspect of the deepest gloom; and he replied, “To seek one who fled from me.”<p/><p/>“And did the man whom you pursued travel in the same fashion?”<p/><p/>“Yes.”<p/><p/>“Then I fancy we have seen him;
Witness: f1831 By slow degrees he recovered, and ate a little soup, which restored him wonderfully.<p/><p/>Two days passed in this manner before he was able to speak; and I often feared that his sufferings had deprived him of understanding. When he had in some measure recovered, I removed him to my own cabin, and attended on him as much as my duty would permit. I never saw a more interesting creature: his eyes have generally an expression of wildness, and even madness; but there are moments when, if any one performs an act of kindness towards him, or does him any the most trifling service, his whole countenance is lighted up, as it were, with a beam of benevolence and sweetness that I never saw equalled. But he is generally melancholy and despairing; and sometimes he gnashes his teeth, as if impatient of the weight of woes that oppresses him.<p/><p/>When my guest was a little recovered, I had great trouble to keep off the men, who wished to ask him a thousand questions; but I would not allow him to be tormented by their idle curiosity, in a state of body and mind whose restoration evidently depended upon entire repose. Once, however, the lieutenant asked, Why he had come so far upon the ice in so strange a vehicle?<p/><p/>His countenance instantly assumed an aspect of the deepest gloom; and he replied, “To seek one who fled from me.”<p/><p/>“And did the man whom you pursued travel in the same fashion?”<p/><p/>“Yes.”<p/><p/>“Then I fancy we have seen him;


Reading Group: C05_app15_rg1

Witness: f1831 for

Reading Group: C05_app15_rg2

Witness: f1818 for,
Witness: f1823 for,
Witness: fThomas for,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the day before we picked you up, we saw some dogs drawing a sledge, with a man in it, across the ice.”<p/><p/>This aroused the stranger’s attention; and he asked a multitude of questions concerning the route which the dæmon, as he called him, had pursued. Soon after, when he was alone with me, he
Witness: f1823 the day before we picked you up, we saw some dogs drawing a sledge, with a man in it, across the ice.”<p/><p/>This aroused the stranger’s attention; and he asked a multitude of questions concerning the route which the dæmon, as he called him, had pursued. Soon after, when he was alone with me, he
Witness: fThomas the day before we picked you up, we saw some dogs drawing a sledge, with a man in it, across the ice.”<p/><p/>This aroused the stranger’s attention; and he asked a multitude of questions concerning the route which the dæmon, as he called him, had pursued. Soon after, when he was alone with me, he
Witness: f1831 the day before we picked you up, we saw some dogs drawing a sledge, with a man in it, across the ice.”<p/><p/>This aroused the stranger’s attention; and he asked a multitude of questions concerning the route which the dæmon, as he called him, had pursued. Soon after, when he was alone with me, he


Reading Group: C05_app17_rg1

Witness: f1818 said, “I
Witness: f1823 said, “I
Witness: fThomas said, “I

Reading Group: C05_app17_rg2

Witness: f1831 said,—“I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 have, doubtless, excited your curiosity, as well as that of these good people; but you are too considerate to make
Witness: f1823 have, doubtless, excited your curiosity, as well as that of these good people; but you are too considerate to make
Witness: fThomas have, doubtless, excited your curiosity, as well as that of these good people; but you are too considerate to make
Witness: f1831 have, doubtless, excited your curiosity, as well as that of these good people; but you are too considerate to make


Reading Group: C05_app19_rg1

Witness: f1831 enquiries.”<p/><p/>“Certainly;

Reading Group: C05_app19_rg2

Witness: f1818 inquiries.”<p/><p/>“Certainly;
Witness: f1823 inquiries.”<p/><p/>“Certainly;
Witness: fThomas inquiries.”<p/><p/>“Certainly;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 it would indeed be very impertinent and inhuman in me to trouble you with any inquisitiveness of mine.”<p/><p/>“And yet you rescued me from a strange and perilous situation; you have benevolently restored me to life.”<p/><p/>Soon after this he
Witness: f1823 it would indeed be very impertinent and inhuman in me to trouble you with any inquisitiveness of mine.”<p/><p/>“And yet you rescued me from a strange and perilous situation; you have benevolently restored me to life.”<p/><p/>Soon after this he
Witness: fThomas it would indeed be very impertinent and inhuman in me to trouble you with any inquisitiveness of mine.”<p/><p/>“And yet you rescued me from a strange and perilous situation; you have benevolently restored me to life.”<p/><p/>Soon after this he
Witness: f1831 it would indeed be very impertinent and inhuman in me to trouble you with any inquisitiveness of mine.”<p/><p/>“And yet you rescued me from a strange and perilous situation; you have benevolently restored me to life.”<p/><p/>Soon after this he


Reading Group: C05_app21_rg1

Witness: f1831 enquired

Reading Group: C05_app21_rg2

Witness: f1823 inquired

Reading Group: C05_app21_rg3

Witness: f1818 inquired,
Witness: fThomas inquired,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 if I thought that the breaking up of the ice had destroyed the other sledge? I replied, that I could not answer with any degree of certainty; for the ice had not broken until near midnight, and the traveller might have arrived at a place of safety before that time; but of this I could not judge.<p/><p/>From this time
Witness: f1823 if I thought that the breaking up of the ice had destroyed the other sledge? I replied, that I could not answer with any degree of certainty; for the ice had not broken until near midnight, and the traveller might have arrived at a place of safety before that time; but of this I could not judge.<p/><p/>From this time
Witness: fThomas if I thought that the breaking up of the ice had destroyed the other sledge? I replied, that I could not answer with any degree of certainty; for the ice had not broken until near midnight, and the traveller might have arrived at a place of safety before that time; but of this I could not judge.<p/><p/>From this time
Witness: f1831 if I thought that the breaking up of the ice had destroyed the other sledge? I replied, that I could not answer with any degree of certainty; for the ice had not broken until near midnight, and the traveller might have arrived at a place of safety before that time; but of this I could not judge.<p/><p/>From this time


Reading Group: C05_app23_rg1

Witness: f1818 the stranger seemed very eager
Witness: f1823 the stranger seemed very eager
Witness: fThomas the stranger seemed very eager

Reading Group: C05_app23_rg2

Witness: f1831 a new spirit of life animated the decaying frame of the stranger. He manifested the greatest eagerness


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to be upon deck, to watch for the sledge which had before appeared; but I have persuaded him to remain in the cabin, for he is far too weak to sustain the rawness of the atmosphere.
Witness: f1823 to be upon deck, to watch for the sledge which had before appeared; but I have persuaded him to remain in the cabin, for he is far too weak to sustain the rawness of the atmosphere.
Witness: fThomas to be upon deck, to watch for the sledge which had before appeared; but I have persuaded him to remain in the cabin, for he is far too weak to sustain the rawness of the atmosphere.
Witness: f1831 to be upon deck, to watch for the sledge which had before appeared; but I have persuaded him to remain in the cabin, for he is far too weak to sustain the rawness of the atmosphere.


Reading Group: C05_app25_rg1

Witness: fThomas ButAnd

Reading Group: C05_app25_rg2

Witness: f1818 But
Witness: f1823 But


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I have promised that some one should watch for him, and give him instant notice if any new object should appear in sight.<p/><p/>Such is my journal of what relates to this strange occurrence up to the present day. The stranger has gradually improved in health, but is very silent, and appears uneasy when any one except myself enters his cabin. Yet his manners are so conciliating and gentle, that the sailors are all interested in him, although they have had very little communication with him. For my own part, I begin to love him as a brother; and his constant and deep grief fills me with sympathy and compassion. He must have been a noble creature in his better days, being even now in wreck so attractive and amiable.<p/><p/>I said in one of my letters, my dear Margaret, that I should find no friend on the wide ocean; yet I have found a man who, before his spirit had been broken by misery, I should have been happy to have possessed as the brother of my heart.<p/><p/>I shall continue my journal concerning the stranger at intervals, should I have any fresh incidents to record.<p/>
Witness: f1823 I have promised that some one should watch for him, and give him instant notice if any new object should appear in sight.<p/><p/>Such is my journal of what relates to this strange occurrence up to the present day. The stranger has gradually improved in health, but is very silent, and appears uneasy when any one except myself enters his cabin. Yet his manners are so conciliating and gentle, that the sailors are all interested in him, although they have had very little communication with him. For my own part, I begin to love him as a brother; and his constant and deep grief fills me with sympathy and compassion. He must have been a noble creature in his better days, being even now in wreck so attractive and amiable.<p/><p/>I said in one of my letters, my dear Margaret, that I should find no friend on the wide ocean; yet I have found a man who, before his spirit had been broken by misery, I should have been happy to have possessed as the brother of my heart.<p/><p/>I shall continue my journal concerning the stranger at intervals, should I have any fresh incidents to record.<p/>
Witness: fThomas I have promised that some one should watch for him, and give him instant notice if any new object should appear in sight.<p/><p/>Such is my journal of what relates to this strange occurrence up to the present day. The stranger has gradually improved in health, but is very silent, and appears uneasy when any one except myself enters his cabin. Yet his manners are so conciliating and gentle, that the sailors are all interested in him, although they have had very little communication with him. For my own part, I begin to love him as a brother; and his constant and deep grief fills me with sympathy and compassion. He must have been a noble creature in his better days, being even now in wreck so attractive and amiable.<p/><p/>I said in one of my letters, my dear Margaret, that I should find no friend on the wide ocean; yet I have found a man who, before his spirit had been broken by misery, I should have been happy to have possessed as the brother of my heart.<p/><p/>I shall continue my journal concerning the stranger at intervals, should I have any fresh incidents to record.<p/>
Witness: f1831 I have promised that some one should watch for him, and give him instant notice if any new object should appear in sight.<p/><p/>Such is my journal of what relates to this strange occurrence up to the present day. The stranger has gradually improved in health, but is very silent, and appears uneasy when any one except myself enters his cabin. Yet his manners are so conciliating and gentle, that the sailors are all interested in him, although they have had very little communication with him. For my own part, I begin to love him as a brother; and his constant and deep grief fills me with sympathy and compassion. He must have been a noble creature in his better days, being even now in wreck so attractive and amiable.<p/><p/>I said in one of my letters, my dear Margaret, that I should find no friend on the wide ocean; yet I have found a man who, before his spirit had been broken by misery, I should have been happy to have possessed as the brother of my heart.<p/><p/>I shall continue my journal concerning the stranger at intervals, should I have any fresh incidents to record.<p/>


Reading Group: C06a_app1_rg1

Witness: fMS

Reading Group: C06a_app1_rg2

Witness: f1818 <p/>August 13th, 17—.<p/><p/>My affection for my guest increases every day. He excites at once my admiration and my pity to an astonishing degree. How can I see so noble a creature destroyed by
Witness: f1823 <p/>August 13th, 17—.<p/><p/>My affection for my guest increases every day. He excites at once my admiration and my pity to an astonishing degree. How can I see so noble a creature destroyed by
Witness: fThomas <p/>August 13th, 17—.<p/><p/>My affection for my guest increases every day. He excites at once my admiration and my pity to an astonishing degree. How can I see so noble a creature destroyed by
Witness: f1831 <p/>August 13th, 17—.<p/><p/>My affection for my guest increases every day. He excites at once my admiration and my pity to an astonishing degree. How can I see so noble a creature destroyed by


Reading Group: C06a_app2_rg1

Witness: f1818 misery
Witness: f1823 misery
Witness: fThomas misery

Reading Group: C06a_app2_rg2

Witness: f1831 misery,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 without feeling the most poignant grief? He is so gentle, yet so wise; his mind is so cultivated;
Witness: f1823 without feeling the most poignant grief? He is so gentle, yet so wise; his mind is so cultivated;
Witness: fThomas without feeling the most poignant grief? He is so gentle, yet so wise; his mind is so cultivated;
Witness: f1831 without feeling the most poignant grief? He is so gentle, yet so wise; his mind is so cultivated;


Reading Group: C06a_app4_rg1

Witness: f1818 and when he speaks,
Witness: f1823 and when he speaks,
Witness: f1831 and when he speaks,

Reading Group: C06a_app4_rg2

Witness: fThomas and when he speaks, in his native language which is French,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 although his words are culled with the choicest art, yet they flow with rapidity and unparalleled eloquence.<p/><p/>He is now much recovered from his illness, and is continually on the deck, apparently watching for the sledge that preceded his own. Yet, although unhappy, he is not so utterly occupied by his own misery, but that he interests himself deeply in the
Witness: f1823 although his words are culled with the choicest art, yet they flow with rapidity and unparalleled eloquence.<p/><p/>He is now much recovered from his illness, and is continually on the deck, apparently watching for the sledge that preceded his own. Yet, although unhappy, he is not so utterly occupied by his own misery, but that he interests himself deeply in the
Witness: fThomas although his words are culled with the choicest art, yet they flow with rapidity and unparalleled eloquence.<p/><p/>He is now much recovered from his illness, and is continually on the deck, apparently watching for the sledge that preceded his own. Yet, although unhappy, he is not so utterly occupied by his own misery, but that he interests himself deeply in the
Witness: f1831 although his words are culled with the choicest art, yet they flow with rapidity and unparalleled eloquence.<p/><p/>He is now much recovered from his illness, and is continually on the deck, apparently watching for the sledge that preceded his own. Yet, although unhappy, he is not so utterly occupied by his own misery, but that he interests himself deeply in the


Reading Group: C06a_app6_rg1

Witness: f1818 employments
Witness: f1823 employments
Witness: fThomas employments

Reading Group: C06a_app6_rg2

Witness: f1831 projects


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of others. He has
Witness: f1823 of others. He has
Witness: fThomas of others. He has
Witness: f1831 of others. He has


Reading Group: C06b_app1_rg1

Witness: fMS

Reading Group: C06b_app1_rg2

Witness: f1831 frequently conversed with me on mine, which I have communicated to him without disguise. He entered attentively into all my arguments in favour of my eventual success, and into every minute detail of the measures I had taken to secure it. I was easily led by the sympathy which he evinced, to use the language of my heart; to give utterance to the burning ardour of my soul; and to say, with all the fervour that warmed me, how gladly I would sacrifice my fortune, my existence, my every hope, to the furtherance of my enterprise. One man’s life or death were but a small price to pay for the acquirement of the knowledge which I sought; for the dominion I should acquire and transmit over the elemental foes of our race. As I spoke, a dark gloom spread over my listener’s countenance. At first I perceived that he tried to suppress his emotion; he placed his hands before his eyes; and my voice quivered and failed me, as I beheld tears trickle fast from between his fingers,—a groan burst from his heaving breast. I paused; —at length he spoke, in broken accents:—“Unhappy man! Do you share my madness? Have you drank also of the intoxicating draught? Hear me,—let me reveal my tale, and you will dash the cup from your lips!”<p/> <p/>Such words, you may imagine, strongly excited my curiosity; but the paroxysm of grief that had seized the stranger overcame his weakened powers, and many hours of repose and tranquil conversation were necessary to restore his composure.<p/> <p/>Having conquered the violence of his feelings, he appeared to despise himself for being the slave of passion; and quelling the dark tyranny of despair, he led me again to converse concerning myself personally. He asked me the history of my earlier years. The tale was quickly told: but it awakened various trains of reflection. I spoke of my desire of finding a friend—of my thirst for a more intimate sympathy with a fellow mind than had ever fallen to my lot; and expressed my conviction that a man could boast of little happiness, who did not enjoy this blessing.<p/> <p/>“I agree with you,” replied the stranger; “we are unfashioned creatures, but half made up, if one wiser, better, dearer than ourselves—such a friend ought to be—do not lend his aid to perfectionate our weak and faulty natures.

Reading Group: C06b_app1_rg3

Witness: f1818 asked me many questions concerning my design; and I have related my little history frankly to him. He appeared pleased with the confidence, and suggested several alterations in my plan, which I shall find exceedingly useful. There is no pedantry in his manner; but all he does appears to spring solely from the interest he instinctively takes in the welfare of those who surround him. He is often overcome by
Witness: f1823 asked me many questions concerning my design; and I have related my little history frankly to him. He appeared pleased with the confidence, and suggested several alterations in my plan, which I shall find exceedingly useful. There is no pedantry in his manner; but all he does appears to spring solely from the interest he instinctively takes in the welfare of those who surround him. He is often overcome by
Witness: fThomas asked me many questions concerning my design; and I have related my little history frankly to him. He appeared pleased with the confidence, and suggested several alterations in my plan, which I shall find exceedingly useful. There is no pedantry in his manner; but all he does appears to spring solely from the interest he instinctively takes in the welfare of those who surround him. He is often overcome by


Reading Group: C06b_app2_rg1

Witness: fThomas a gloom,

Reading Group: C06b_app2_rg2

Witness: f1818 gloom,
Witness: f1823 gloom,


Reading Group: C06b_app3_rg1

Witness: fThomas and then he sits by himself, and tries to overcome all that is sullen or unsocial in his humour. These paroxysms pass from him like a cloud from before the sun, though his dejection never leaves him. <add/>Which veils his countenance like deep night—he neither speaks or notices anything around him, but sitting on a gun will gaze on the sea and I have sometimes observed his dark eyelash wet with a tear which falls silently silently in the deep. This unobtrusive sorrow excites in me the most painful interest, and he will at times reward my sympathy by throwing aside this veil of mortal woe, and then his ardent looks, his deep toned voice and powerful eloquence entrance me with delight.<add/>

Reading Group: C06b_app3_rg2

Witness: f1818 and then he sits by himself, and tries to overcome all that is sullen or unsocial in his humour. These paroxysms pass from him like a cloud from before the sun, though his dejection never leaves him.
Witness: f1823 and then he sits by himself, and tries to overcome all that is sullen or unsocial in his humour. These paroxysms pass from him like a cloud from before the sun, though his dejection never leaves him.


Reading Group: C06c_app1_rg1

Witness: fMS
Witness: f1831

Reading Group: C06c_app1_rg2

Witness: f1818 I have endeavoured to win his confidence; and I trust that I have succeeded. One day I mentioned to him the desire I had always felt of finding a friend who might
Witness: f1823 I have endeavoured to win his confidence; and I trust that I have succeeded. One day I mentioned to him the desire I had always felt of finding a friend who might
Witness: fThomas I have endeavoured to win his confidence; and I trust that I have succeeded. One day I mentioned to him the desire I had always felt of finding a friend who might


Reading Group: C06c_app2_rg1

Witness: f1823 sympathise

Reading Group: C06c_app2_rg2

Witness: f1818 sympathize
Witness: fThomas sympathize


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 with me, and direct me by his counsel. I said, I did not belong to that class of men who are offended by advice. “I am self-educated, and perhaps I hardly rely sufficiently upon my own powers. I
Witness: f1823 with me, and direct me by his counsel. I said, I did not belong to that class of men who are offended by advice. “I am self-educated, and perhaps I hardly rely sufficiently upon my own powers. I
Witness: fThomas with me, and direct me by his counsel. I said, I did not belong to that class of men who are offended by advice. “I am self-educated, and perhaps I hardly rely sufficiently upon my own powers. I


Reading Group: C06c_app4_rg1

Witness: f1818 wish therefore
Witness: fThomas wish therefore

Reading Group: C06c_app4_rg2

Witness: f1823 wish, therefore,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that my companion should be wiser and more experienced than myself, to confirm and support me; nor have I believed it impossible to find a true friend.”<p/><p/>“I agree with you,” replied the stranger, “in believing that friendship is not only a desirable, but a possible acquisition.
Witness: f1823 that my companion should be wiser and more experienced than myself, to confirm and support me; nor have I believed it impossible to find a true friend.”<p/><p/>“I agree with you,” replied the stranger, “in believing that friendship is not only a desirable, but a possible acquisition.
Witness: fThomas that my companion should be wiser and more experienced than myself, to confirm and support me; nor have I believed it impossible to find a true friend.”<p/><p/>“I agree with you,” replied the stranger, “in believing that friendship is not only a desirable, but a possible acquisition.


Reading Group: C06d_app1_rg1

Witness: fMS

Reading Group: C06d_app1_rg2

Witness: f1818 I once had a friend, the most noble of human creatures, and am entitled, therefore, to judge respecting friendship. You have hope, and the world before you, and have no cause for despair. But I—I have lost every thing, and cannot begin life anew.”<p/><p/>As he said this, his countenance became expressive of a calm settled grief, that touched me to the heart. But he was silent, and presently retired to his cabin.<p/><p/>Even broken in spirit as he is, no one can feel more deeply than he does the beauties of nature. The starry sky, the sea, and every sight afforded by these wonderful regions, seems still to have the power of elevating his soul from earth. Such a man has a double existence: he may suffer misery, and be overwhelmed by disappointments;
Witness: f1823 I once had a friend, the most noble of human creatures, and am entitled, therefore, to judge respecting friendship. You have hope, and the world before you, and have no cause for despair. But I—I have lost every thing, and cannot begin life anew.”<p/><p/>As he said this, his countenance became expressive of a calm settled grief, that touched me to the heart. But he was silent, and presently retired to his cabin.<p/><p/>Even broken in spirit as he is, no one can feel more deeply than he does the beauties of nature. The starry sky, the sea, and every sight afforded by these wonderful regions, seems still to have the power of elevating his soul from earth. Such a man has a double existence: he may suffer misery, and be overwhelmed by disappointments;
Witness: fThomas I once had a friend, the most noble of human creatures, and am entitled, therefore, to judge respecting friendship. You have hope, and the world before you, and have no cause for despair. But I—I have lost every thing, and cannot begin life anew.”<p/><p/>As he said this, his countenance became expressive of a calm settled grief, that touched me to the heart. But he was silent, and presently retired to his cabin.<p/><p/>Even broken in spirit as he is, no one can feel more deeply than he does the beauties of nature. The starry sky, the sea, and every sight afforded by these wonderful regions, seems still to have the power of elevating his soul from earth. Such a man has a double existence: he may suffer misery, and be overwhelmed by disappointments;
Witness: f1831 I once had a friend, the most noble of human creatures, and am entitled, therefore, to judge respecting friendship. You have hope, and the world before you, and have no cause for despair. But I—I have lost every thing, and cannot begin life anew.”<p/><p/>As he said this, his countenance became expressive of a calm settled grief, that touched me to the heart. But he was silent, and presently retired to his cabin.<p/><p/>Even broken in spirit as he is, no one can feel more deeply than he does the beauties of nature. The starry sky, the sea, and every sight afforded by these wonderful regions, seems still to have the power of elevating his soul from earth. Such a man has a double existence: he may suffer misery, and be overwhelmed by disappointments;


Reading Group: C06d_app2_rg1

Witness: f1818 yet
Witness: fThomas yet

Reading Group: C06d_app2_rg2

Witness: f1823 yet,
Witness: f1831 yet,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 when he has retired into himself, he will be like a celestial spirit, that has a halo around him, within whose circle no grief or folly ventures.<p/><p/>Will you
Witness: f1823 when he has retired into himself, he will be like a celestial spirit, that has a halo around him, within whose circle no grief or folly ventures.<p/><p/>Will you
Witness: fThomas when he has retired into himself, he will be like a celestial spirit, that has a halo around him, within whose circle no grief or folly ventures.<p/><p/>Will you
Witness: f1831 when he has retired into himself, he will be like a celestial spirit, that has a halo around him, within whose circle no grief or folly ventures.<p/><p/>Will you


Reading Group: C06d_app4_rg1

Witness: f1818 laugh
Witness: f1823 laugh
Witness: fThomas laugh

Reading Group: C06d_app4_rg2

Witness: f1831 smile


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 at the enthusiasm I express concerning this divine wanderer?
Witness: f1823 at the enthusiasm I express concerning this divine wanderer?
Witness: fThomas at the enthusiasm I express concerning this divine wanderer?
Witness: f1831 at the enthusiasm I express concerning this divine wanderer?


Reading Group: C06e_app1_rg1

Witness: fMS

Reading Group: C06e_app1_rg2

Witness: f1831 You would not, if you saw him. You have been tutored and refined by books and retirement from the world, and you are, therefore, somewhat fastidious; but this only renders you the more fit to appreciate the extraordinary merits of this wonderful man. Sometimes I have endeavoured to discover what quality it is which he possesses, that elevates him so immeasurably above any other person I ever knew. I believe it to be an intuitive discernment; a quick but never-failing power of judgment; a penetration into the causes of things, unequalled for clearness and precision; add to this a facility of expression, and a voice whose varied intonations are soul-subduing music.<p/>

Reading Group: C06e_app1_rg3

Witness: f1818 If you do, you must have certainly lost that simplicity which was once your characteristic charm. Yet, if you will, smile at the warmth of my expressions, while I find every day new causes for repeating them.<p/>
Witness: f1823 If you do, you must have certainly lost that simplicity which was once your characteristic charm. Yet, if you will, smile at the warmth of my expressions, while I find every day new causes for repeating them.<p/>
Witness: fThomas If you do, you must have certainly lost that simplicity which was once your characteristic charm. Yet, if you will, smile at the warmth of my expressions, while I find every day new causes for repeating them.<p/>


Reading Group: C06f_app1_rg1

Witness: fMS

Reading Group: C06f_app1_rg2

Witness: f1818 <p/>August
Witness: f1823 <p/>August
Witness: fThomas <p/>August
Witness: f1831 <p/>August


Reading Group: C06f_app2_rg1

Witness: f1831 19.

Reading Group: C06f_app2_rg2

Witness: f1818 19th,
Witness: f1823 19th,
Witness: fThomas 19th,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 17—.<p/><p/>Yesterday the stranger said to me, “You may easily perceive, Captain Walton, that I
Witness: f1823 17—.<p/><p/>Yesterday the stranger said to me, “You may easily perceive, Captain Walton, that I
Witness: fThomas 17—.<p/><p/>Yesterday the stranger said to me, “You may easily perceive, Captain Walton, that I
Witness: f1831 17—.<p/><p/>Yesterday the stranger said to me, “You may easily perceive, Captain Walton, that I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 have suffered
Witness: f1823 have suffered
Witness: f1831 have suffered
Witness: fThomas have suffered


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 great and unparalleled misfortunes. I had determined,
Witness: f1823 great and unparalleled misfortunes. I had determined,
Witness: fThomas great and unparalleled misfortunes. I had determined,
Witness: f1831 great and unparalleled misfortunes. I had determined,


Reading Group: C06f_app6_rg1

Witness: f1831 at one time,

Reading Group: C06f_app6_rg2

Witness: f1818 once,
Witness: f1823 once,
Witness: fThomas once,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that the memory
Witness: f1823 that the memory
Witness: fThomas that the memory
Witness: f1831 that the memory


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of these
Witness: f1823 of these
Witness: f1831 of these
Witness: fThomas of these


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 evils should die with me; but you have won me to alter my determination. You
Witness: f1823 evils should die with me; but you have won me to alter my determination. You
Witness: fThomas evils should die with me; but you have won me to alter my determination. You
Witness: f1831 evils should die with me; but you have won me to alter my determination. You


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 seek for
Witness: f1823 seek for
Witness: f1831 seek for
Witness: fThomas seek for


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 knowledge and wisdom, as I once did; and I ardently hope that the gratification
Witness: f1823 knowledge and wisdom, as I once did; and I ardently hope that the gratification
Witness: fThomas knowledge and wisdom, as I once did; and I ardently hope that the gratification
Witness: f1831 knowledge and wisdom, as I once did; and I ardently hope that the gratification


Reading Group: C06f_app12_rg1

Witness: f1818 of your
Witness: f1823 of your
Witness: f1831 of your

Reading Group: C06f_app12_rg2

Witness: fThomas ofyour


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 wishes may not be a serpent to sting you, as mine has been. I do not know that
Witness: f1823 wishes may not be a serpent to sting you, as mine has been. I do not know that
Witness: fThomas wishes may not be a serpent to sting you, as mine has been. I do not know that
Witness: f1831 wishes may not be a serpent to sting you, as mine has been. I do not know that


Reading Group: C06f_app14_rg1

Witness: f1818 the relation
Witness: f1823 the relation
Witness: f1831 the relation

Reading Group: C06f_app14_rg2

Witness: fThomas therelation


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of my
Witness: f1823 of my
Witness: fThomas of my
Witness: f1831 of my


Reading Group: C06f_app16_rg1

Witness: f1831 disasters

Reading Group: C06f_app16_rg2

Witness: f1818 misfortunes
Witness: f1823 misfortunes
Witness: fThomas misfortunes


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 will be useful to
Witness: f1823 will be useful to
Witness: fThomas will be useful to
Witness: f1831 will be useful to


Reading Group: C06f_app18_rg1

Witness: f1818 you,
Witness: fThomas you,

Reading Group: C06f_app18_rg2

Witness: f1823 you;
Witness: f1831 you;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 yet,
Witness: f1823 yet,
Witness: fThomas yet,
Witness: f1831 yet,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 if
Witness: f1823 if
Witness: fThomas if


Reading Group: C06g_app1_rg1

Witness: fMS

Reading Group: C06g_app1_rg2

Witness: f1831 when I reflect that you are pursuing the same course, exposing yourself to the same dangers which have rendered me what I am, I imagine that you may deduce an apt moral from my tale; one that may direct you if you succeed in your undertaking, and console you in case of failure. Prepare to hear of occurrences which are usually deemed marvellous. Were we among the tamer scenes of nature, I might fear to encounter your unbelief, perhaps your ridicule; but many things will appear possible in these wild and mysterious regions, which would provoke the laughter of those unacquainted with the ever-varied powers of nature:—nor can I

Reading Group: C06g_app1_rg3

Witness: f1818 you are inclined, listen to my tale. I believe that the strange incidents connected with it will afford a view of nature, which may enlarge your faculties and understanding. You will hear of powers and occurrences, such as you have been accustomed to believe impossible: but I do not
Witness: f1823 you are inclined, listen to my tale. I believe that the strange incidents connected with it will afford a view of nature, which may enlarge your faculties and understanding. You will hear of powers and occurrences, such as you have been accustomed to believe impossible: but I do not
Witness: fThomas you are inclined, listen to my tale. I believe that the strange incidents connected with it will afford a view of nature, which may enlarge your faculties and understanding. You will hear of powers and occurrences, such as you have been accustomed to believe impossible: but I do not


Reading Group: C06h_app1_rg1

Witness: fMS

Reading Group: C06h_app1_rg2

Witness: f1818 doubt
Witness: f1823 doubt
Witness: fThomas doubt

Reading Group: C06h_app1_rg3

Witness: f1831 doubt but


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that my tale conveys in its series internal evidence of the truth of the events of which it is composed.”<p/><p/>You may easily
Witness: f1823 that my tale conveys in its series internal evidence of the truth of the events of which it is composed.”<p/><p/>You may easily
Witness: fThomas that my tale conveys in its series internal evidence of the truth of the events of which it is composed.”<p/><p/>You may easily
Witness: f1831 that my tale conveys in its series internal evidence of the truth of the events of which it is composed.”<p/><p/>You may easily


Reading Group: C06h_app3_rg1

Witness: f1818 conceive
Witness: f1823 conceive
Witness: fThomas conceive

Reading Group: C06h_app3_rg2

Witness: f1831 imagine


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that I was much gratified by the offered communication; yet I could not endure that he should renew his grief by a recital of his misfortunes. I felt the greatest eagerness to hear the promised narrative, partly from curiosity, and partly from a strong desire to ameliorate his fate, if it were in my power. I expressed these feelings in my answer.<p/><p/>“I thank you,” he replied, “for your sympathy, but it is useless; my fate is nearly fulfilled. I wait but for one event, and then I shall repose in peace. I understand your feeling,” continued he, perceiving that I wished to interrupt him; “but you are mistaken, my friend, if thus you will allow me to name you; nothing can alter my destiny: listen to my history, and you will perceive how irrevocably it is
Witness: f1823 that I was much gratified by the offered communication; yet I could not endure that he should renew his grief by a recital of his misfortunes. I felt the greatest eagerness to hear the promised narrative, partly from curiosity, and partly from a strong desire to ameliorate his fate, if it were in my power. I expressed these feelings in my answer.<p/><p/>“I thank you,” he replied, “for your sympathy, but it is useless; my fate is nearly fulfilled. I wait but for one event, and then I shall repose in peace. I understand your feeling,” continued he, perceiving that I wished to interrupt him; “but you are mistaken, my friend, if thus you will allow me to name you; nothing can alter my destiny: listen to my history, and you will perceive how irrevocably it is
Witness: fThomas that I was much gratified by the offered communication; yet I could not endure that he should renew his grief by a recital of his misfortunes. I felt the greatest eagerness to hear the promised narrative, partly from curiosity, and partly from a strong desire to ameliorate his fate, if it were in my power. I expressed these feelings in my answer.<p/><p/>“I thank you,” he replied, “for your sympathy, but it is useless; my fate is nearly fulfilled. I wait but for one event, and then I shall repose in peace. I understand your feeling,” continued he, perceiving that I wished to interrupt him; “but you are mistaken, my friend, if thus you will allow me to name you; nothing can alter my destiny: listen to my history, and you will perceive how irrevocably it is
Witness: f1831 that I was much gratified by the offered communication; yet I could not endure that he should renew his grief by a recital of his misfortunes. I felt the greatest eagerness to hear the promised narrative, partly from curiosity, and partly from a strong desire to ameliorate his fate, if it were in my power. I expressed these feelings in my answer.<p/><p/>“I thank you,” he replied, “for your sympathy, but it is useless; my fate is nearly fulfilled. I wait but for one event, and then I shall repose in peace. I understand your feeling,” continued he, perceiving that I wished to interrupt him; “but you are mistaken, my friend, if thus you will allow me to name you; nothing can alter my destiny: listen to my history, and you will perceive how irrevocably it is


Reading Group: C06h_app5_rg1

Witness: f1823 determined.”<p/><p/>He
Witness: f1831 determined.”<p/><p/>He

Reading Group: C06h_app5_rg2

Witness: f1818 determined.<p/><p/>He
Witness: fThomas determined.<p/><p/>He


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 then told me, that he would commence his narrative the next day when I should be at leisure. This promise drew from me the warmest thanks. I have resolved every night, when I am not
Witness: f1823 then told me, that he would commence his narrative the next day when I should be at leisure. This promise drew from me the warmest thanks. I have resolved every night, when I am not
Witness: fThomas then told me, that he would commence his narrative the next day when I should be at leisure. This promise drew from me the warmest thanks. I have resolved every night, when I am not
Witness: f1831 then told me, that he would commence his narrative the next day when I should be at leisure. This promise drew from me the warmest thanks. I have resolved every night, when I am not


Reading Group: C06h_app7_rg1

Witness: f1818 engaged,
Witness: f1823 engaged,
Witness: fThomas engaged,

Reading Group: C06h_app7_rg2

Witness: f1831 imperatively occupied by my duties,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to record, as nearly as possible in his own words, what he has related during the day. If I should be engaged, I will at least make notes. This manuscript will doubtless afford you the greatest
Witness: f1823 to record, as nearly as possible in his own words, what he has related during the day. If I should be engaged, I will at least make notes. This manuscript will doubtless afford you the greatest
Witness: fThomas to record, as nearly as possible in his own words, what he has related during the day. If I should be engaged, I will at least make notes. This manuscript will doubtless afford you the greatest
Witness: f1831 to record, as nearly as possible in his own words, what he has related during the day. If I should be engaged, I will at least make notes. This manuscript will doubtless afford you the greatest


Reading Group: C06h_app9_rg1

Witness: f1818 pleasure:
Witness: f1823 pleasure:
Witness: f1831 pleasure:

Reading Group: C06h_app9_rg2

Witness: fThomas <hi/>pleasure<hi/><note/>impossible<note/>:


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but to me, who know him, and who hear it from his own lips, with what interest and sympathy shall I read it in some future
Witness: f1823 but to me, who know him, and who hear it from his own lips, with what interest and sympathy shall I read it in some future
Witness: fThomas but to me, who know him, and who hear it from his own lips, with what interest and sympathy shall I read it in some future
Witness: f1831 but to me, who know him, and who hear it from his own lips, with what interest and sympathy shall I read it in some future


Reading Group: C06h_app11_rg1

Witness: f1831 day! Even now, as I commence my task, his full-toned voice swells in my ears; his lustrous eyes dwell on me with all their melancholy sweetness; I see his thin hand raised in animation, while the lineaments of his face are irradiated by the soul within. Strange and harrowing must be his story; frightful the storm which embraced the gallant vessel on its course, and wrecked it—thus!<p/>

Reading Group: C06h_app11_rg2

Witness: f1818 day!<p/><head/>FRANKENSTEIN;<head/><head/><hi/>OR<hi/>,<head/><head/>THE MODERN PROMETHEUS.<head/>
Witness: f1823 day!<p/><head/>FRANKENSTEIN;<head/><head/><hi/>OR<hi/>,<head/><head/>THE MODERN PROMETHEUS.<head/>
Witness: fThomas day!<p/><head/>FRANKENSTEIN;<head/><head/><hi/>OR<hi/>,<head/><head/>THE MODERN PROMETHEUS.<head/>


Reading Group: C07a_app1_rg1

Witness: fMS

Reading Group: C07a_app1_rg2

Witness: f1818 <head/>CHAPTER
Witness: f1823 <head/>CHAPTER
Witness: fThomas <head/>CHAPTER
Witness: f1831 <head/>CHAPTER


Reading Group: C07a_app2_rg1

Witness: f1818 I.<head/><p/> I
Witness: fThomas I.<head/><p/> I
Witness: f1831 I.<head/><p/> I

Reading Group: C07a_app2_rg2

Witness: f1823 I.<head/><p/>I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 <hi/>AM<hi/> by birth a Genevese; and my family is one of the most distinguished of that republic. My ancestors had been for many years counsellors and syndics; and my father had filled several public situations with honour and reputation. He was respected by all who knew
Witness: f1823 <hi/>AM<hi/> by birth a Genevese; and my family is one of the most distinguished of that republic. My ancestors had been for many years counsellors and syndics; and my father had filled several public situations with honour and reputation. He was respected by all who knew
Witness: fThomas <hi/>AM<hi/> by birth a Genevese; and my family is one of the most distinguished of that republic. My ancestors had been for many years counsellors and syndics; and my father had filled several public situations with honour and reputation. He was respected by all who knew
Witness: f1831 <hi/>AM<hi/> by birth a Genevese; and my family is one of the most distinguished of that republic. My ancestors had been for many years counsellors and syndics; and my father had filled several public situations with honour and reputation. He was respected by all who knew


Reading Group: C07a_app4_rg1

Witness: f1818 him
Witness: f1823 him
Witness: fThomas him

Reading Group: C07a_app4_rg2

Witness: f1831 him,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 for his integrity and indefatigable attention to public business. He passed his younger days perpetually occupied by the affairs of his country;
Witness: f1823 for his integrity and indefatigable attention to public business. He passed his younger days perpetually occupied by the affairs of his country;
Witness: fThomas for his integrity and indefatigable attention to public business. He passed his younger days perpetually occupied by the affairs of his country;
Witness: f1831 for his integrity and indefatigable attention to public business. He passed his younger days perpetually occupied by the affairs of his country;


Reading Group: C07a_app6_rg1

Witness: f1831 a variety of circumstances had prevented his marrying early, nor

Reading Group: C07a_app6_rg2

Witness: f1818 and it
Witness: f1823 and it
Witness: fThomas and it


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was
Witness: f1823 was
Witness: fThomas was
Witness: f1831 was


Reading Group: C07a_app8_rg1

Witness: f1831 it

Reading Group: C07a_app8_rg2

Witness: f1818 not
Witness: f1823 not
Witness: fThomas not


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 until the decline of life that he
Witness: f1823 until the decline of life that he
Witness: fThomas until the decline of life that he
Witness: f1831 until the decline of life that he


Reading Group: C07a_app10_rg1

Witness: f1831 became a husband

Reading Group: C07a_app10_rg2

Witness: f1818 thought of marrying,
Witness: f1823 thought of marrying,
Witness: fThomas thought of marrying,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: f1831 and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 bestowing on
Witness: f1823 bestowing on
Witness: fThomas bestowing on


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: f1831 the


Reading Group: C07a_app14_rg1

Witness: f1831 father of a family.<p/><p/>As

Reading Group: C07a_app14_rg2

Witness: f1818 state sons who might carry his virtues and his name down to posterity.<p/><p/>As
Witness: f1823 state sons who might carry his virtues and his name down to posterity.<p/><p/>As
Witness: fThomas state sons who might carry his virtues and his name down to posterity.<p/><p/>As


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the circumstances of his marriage illustrate his character, I cannot refrain from relating them. One of his most intimate friends was a merchant, who, from a flourishing state, fell, through numerous mischances, into poverty. This man, whose name was Beaufort, was of a proud and unbending disposition, and could not bear to live in poverty and oblivion in the same country where he had formerly been distinguished for his rank and magnificence. Having paid his debts, therefore, in the most honourable manner, he retreated with his daughter to the town of Lucerne, where he lived unknown and in wretchedness. My father loved Beaufort with the truest friendship, and was deeply grieved by his retreat in these unfortunate circumstances. He
Witness: f1823 the circumstances of his marriage illustrate his character, I cannot refrain from relating them. One of his most intimate friends was a merchant, who, from a flourishing state, fell, through numerous mischances, into poverty. This man, whose name was Beaufort, was of a proud and unbending disposition, and could not bear to live in poverty and oblivion in the same country where he had formerly been distinguished for his rank and magnificence. Having paid his debts, therefore, in the most honourable manner, he retreated with his daughter to the town of Lucerne, where he lived unknown and in wretchedness. My father loved Beaufort with the truest friendship, and was deeply grieved by his retreat in these unfortunate circumstances. He
Witness: fThomas the circumstances of his marriage illustrate his character, I cannot refrain from relating them. One of his most intimate friends was a merchant, who, from a flourishing state, fell, through numerous mischances, into poverty. This man, whose name was Beaufort, was of a proud and unbending disposition, and could not bear to live in poverty and oblivion in the same country where he had formerly been distinguished for his rank and magnificence. Having paid his debts, therefore, in the most honourable manner, he retreated with his daughter to the town of Lucerne, where he lived unknown and in wretchedness. My father loved Beaufort with the truest friendship, and was deeply grieved by his retreat in these unfortunate circumstances. He
Witness: f1831 the circumstances of his marriage illustrate his character, I cannot refrain from relating them. One of his most intimate friends was a merchant, who, from a flourishing state, fell, through numerous mischances, into poverty. This man, whose name was Beaufort, was of a proud and unbending disposition, and could not bear to live in poverty and oblivion in the same country where he had formerly been distinguished for his rank and magnificence. Having paid his debts, therefore, in the most honourable manner, he retreated with his daughter to the town of Lucerne, where he lived unknown and in wretchedness. My father loved Beaufort with the truest friendship, and was deeply grieved by his retreat in these unfortunate circumstances. He


Reading Group: C07a_app16_rg1

Witness: f1831 bitterly deplored

Reading Group: C07a_app16_rg2

Witness: f1818 grieved also for
Witness: f1823 grieved also for
Witness: fThomas grieved also for


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: f1831 the


Reading Group: C07a_app18_rg1

Witness: f1831 false pride which led his friend to a conduct so little worthy

Reading Group: C07a_app18_rg2

Witness: f1818 loss
Witness: f1823 loss
Witness: fThomas loss


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of
Witness: f1823 of
Witness: fThomas of
Witness: f1831 of


Reading Group: C07a_app20_rg1

Witness: f1818 his society, and resolved
Witness: f1823 his society, and resolved
Witness: fThomas his society, and resolved

Reading Group: C07a_app20_rg2

Witness: f1831 the affection that united them. He lost no time in endeavouring


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to seek him
Witness: f1823 to seek him
Witness: fThomas to seek him
Witness: f1831 to seek him


Reading Group: C07a_app22_rg1

Witness: f1818 out
Witness: fThomas out

Reading Group: C07a_app22_rg2

Witness: f1823 out,
Witness: f1831 out,


Reading Group: C07a_app23_rg1

Witness: f1818 and endeavour to persuade
Witness: f1823 and endeavour to persuade
Witness: fThomas and endeavour to persuade

Reading Group: C07a_app23_rg2

Witness: f1831 with the hope of persuading


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 him to begin the world again through his credit and assistance.<p/><p/>Beaufort had taken effectual measures to conceal himself; and it was ten months before my father discovered his abode. Overjoyed at this discovery, he hastened to the house, which was situated in a mean street, near the Reuss. But when he entered, misery and despair alone welcomed him. Beaufort had saved but a very small sum of money from the wreck of his fortunes; but it was sufficient to provide him with sustenance for some months, and in the mean time he hoped to procure some respectable employment in a merchant’s house. The interval
Witness: f1823 him to begin the world again through his credit and assistance.<p/><p/>Beaufort had taken effectual measures to conceal himself; and it was ten months before my father discovered his abode. Overjoyed at this discovery, he hastened to the house, which was situated in a mean street, near the Reuss. But when he entered, misery and despair alone welcomed him. Beaufort had saved but a very small sum of money from the wreck of his fortunes; but it was sufficient to provide him with sustenance for some months, and in the mean time he hoped to procure some respectable employment in a merchant’s house. The interval
Witness: fThomas him to begin the world again through his credit and assistance.<p/><p/>Beaufort had taken effectual measures to conceal himself; and it was ten months before my father discovered his abode. Overjoyed at this discovery, he hastened to the house, which was situated in a mean street, near the Reuss. But when he entered, misery and despair alone welcomed him. Beaufort had saved but a very small sum of money from the wreck of his fortunes; but it was sufficient to provide him with sustenance for some months, and in the mean time he hoped to procure some respectable employment in a merchant’s house. The interval
Witness: f1831 him to begin the world again through his credit and assistance.<p/><p/>Beaufort had taken effectual measures to conceal himself; and it was ten months before my father discovered his abode. Overjoyed at this discovery, he hastened to the house, which was situated in a mean street, near the Reuss. But when he entered, misery and despair alone welcomed him. Beaufort had saved but a very small sum of money from the wreck of his fortunes; but it was sufficient to provide him with sustenance for some months, and in the mean time he hoped to procure some respectable employment in a merchant’s house. The interval


Reading Group: C07a_app25_rg1

Witness: f1818 was consequently
Witness: f1823 was consequently
Witness: fThomas was consequently

Reading Group: C07a_app25_rg2

Witness: f1831 was, consequently,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 spent in inaction; his grief only became more deep and rankling, when he had leisure for reflection; and at length it took so fast hold of his mind, that at the end of three months he lay on a bed of sickness, incapable of any exertion.<p/><p/>His daughter attended him with the greatest tenderness; but she saw with despair that their little fund was rapidly decreasing, and that there was no other prospect of support. But Caroline Beaufort possessed a mind of an uncommon mould; and her courage rose to support her in her adversity. She procured plain work; she plaited straw; and by various means contrived to earn a pittance scarcely sufficient to support life.<p/><p/>Several months passed in this manner. Her father grew worse; her time was more entirely occupied in attending him; her means of subsistence decreased; and in the tenth month her father died in her arms, leaving her an orphan and a beggar. This last blow overcame her; and she knelt by Beaufort’s coffin, weeping bitterly, when my father entered the chamber. He came like a protecting spirit to the poor girl, who committed herself to his
Witness: f1823 spent in inaction; his grief only became more deep and rankling, when he had leisure for reflection; and at length it took so fast hold of his mind, that at the end of three months he lay on a bed of sickness, incapable of any exertion.<p/><p/>His daughter attended him with the greatest tenderness; but she saw with despair that their little fund was rapidly decreasing, and that there was no other prospect of support. But Caroline Beaufort possessed a mind of an uncommon mould; and her courage rose to support her in her adversity. She procured plain work; she plaited straw; and by various means contrived to earn a pittance scarcely sufficient to support life.<p/><p/>Several months passed in this manner. Her father grew worse; her time was more entirely occupied in attending him; her means of subsistence decreased; and in the tenth month her father died in her arms, leaving her an orphan and a beggar. This last blow overcame her; and she knelt by Beaufort’s coffin, weeping bitterly, when my father entered the chamber. He came like a protecting spirit to the poor girl, who committed herself to his
Witness: fThomas spent in inaction; his grief only became more deep and rankling, when he had leisure for reflection; and at length it took so fast hold of his mind, that at the end of three months he lay on a bed of sickness, incapable of any exertion.<p/><p/>His daughter attended him with the greatest tenderness; but she saw with despair that their little fund was rapidly decreasing, and that there was no other prospect of support. But Caroline Beaufort possessed a mind of an uncommon mould; and her courage rose to support her in her adversity. She procured plain work; she plaited straw; and by various means contrived to earn a pittance scarcely sufficient to support life.<p/><p/>Several months passed in this manner. Her father grew worse; her time was more entirely occupied in attending him; her means of subsistence decreased; and in the tenth month her father died in her arms, leaving her an orphan and a beggar. This last blow overcame her; and she knelt by Beaufort’s coffin, weeping bitterly, when my father entered the chamber. He came like a protecting spirit to the poor girl, who committed herself to his
Witness: f1831 spent in inaction; his grief only became more deep and rankling, when he had leisure for reflection; and at length it took so fast hold of his mind, that at the end of three months he lay on a bed of sickness, incapable of any exertion.<p/><p/>His daughter attended him with the greatest tenderness; but she saw with despair that their little fund was rapidly decreasing, and that there was no other prospect of support. But Caroline Beaufort possessed a mind of an uncommon mould; and her courage rose to support her in her adversity. She procured plain work; she plaited straw; and by various means contrived to earn a pittance scarcely sufficient to support life.<p/><p/>Several months passed in this manner. Her father grew worse; her time was more entirely occupied in attending him; her means of subsistence decreased; and in the tenth month her father died in her arms, leaving her an orphan and a beggar. This last blow overcame her; and she knelt by Beaufort’s coffin, weeping bitterly, when my father entered the chamber. He came like a protecting spirit to the poor girl, who committed herself to his


Reading Group: C07a_app27_rg1

Witness: f1818 care,
Witness: f1823 care,
Witness: fThomas care,

Reading Group: C07a_app27_rg2

Witness: f1831 care;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and after the interment of his
Witness: f1823 and after the interment of his
Witness: fThomas and after the interment of his
Witness: f1831 and after the interment of his


Reading Group: C07a_app29_rg1

Witness: f1818 friend
Witness: fThomas friend

Reading Group: C07a_app29_rg2

Witness: f1823 friend,
Witness: f1831 friend,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 he conducted her to Geneva, and placed her under the protection of a relation. Two years after this event Caroline became his wife.<p/>
Witness: f1823 he conducted her to Geneva, and placed her under the protection of a relation. Two years after this event Caroline became his wife.<p/>
Witness: fThomas he conducted her to Geneva, and placed her under the protection of a relation. Two years after this event Caroline became his wife.<p/>
Witness: f1831 he conducted her to Geneva, and placed her under the protection of a relation. Two years after this event Caroline became his wife.<p/>


Reading Group: C07b_app1_rg1

Witness: f1831 <p/>There was a considerable difference between the ages of my parents, but this circumstance seemed to unite them only closer in bonds of devoted affection. There was a sense of justice in my father’s upright mind, which rendered it necessary that he should approve highly to love strongly. Perhaps during former years he had suffered from the late-discovered unworthiness of one beloved, and so was disposed to set a greater value on tried worth. There was a show of gratitude and worship in his attachment to my mother, differing wholly from the doating fondness of age, for it was inspired by reverence for her virtues, and a desire to be the means of, in some degree, recompensing her for the sorrows she had endured, but which gave inexpressible grace to his behaviour to her. Every thing was made to yield to her wishes and her convenience. He strove to shelter her, as a fair exotic is sheltered by the gardener, from every rougher wind, and to surround her with all that could tend to excite pleasurable emotion in her soft and benevolent mind. Her health, and even the tranquillity of her hitherto constant spirit, had been shaken by what she had gone through. During the two years that had elapsed previous to their marriage my father had gradually relinquished all his public functions; and immediately after their union they sought the pleasant climate of Italy, and the change of scene and interest attendant on a tour through that land of wonders, as a restorative for her weakened frame.<p/> <p/>From Italy they visited Germany and France. I, their eldest child, was born at Naples, and as an infant accompanied them in their rambles. I remained for several years their only child. Much as they were attached to each other, they seemed to draw inexhaustible stores of affection from a very mine of love to bestow them upon me. My mother’s tender caresses, and my father’s smile of benevolent pleasure while regarding me, are my first recollections. I was their plaything and their idol, and something better—their child, the innocent and helpless creature bestowed on them by Heaven, whom to bring up to good, and whose future lot it was in their hands to direct to happiness or misery, according as they fulfilled their duties towards me. With this deep consciousness of what they owed towards the being to which they had given life, added to the active spirit of tenderness that animated both, it may be imagined that while during every hour of my infant life I received a lesson of patience, of charity, and of self-control, I was so guided by a silken cord, that all seemed but one train of enjoyment to me.<p/> <p/>For a long time I was their only care. My mother had much desire to have a daughter, but I continued their single offspring. When I was about five years old, while making an excursion beyond the frontiers of Italy, they passed a week on the shores of the Lake of Como. Their benevolent disposition often made them enter the cottages of the poor. This, to my mother, was more than a duty; it was a necessity, a passion,—remembering what she had suffered, and how she had been relieved,—for her to act in her turn the guardian angel to the afflicted. During one of their walks a poor cot in the foldings of a vale attracted their notice, as being singularly disconsolate, while the number of half-clothed children gathered about it, spoke of penury in its worst shape. One day, when my father had gone by himself to Milan, my mother, accompanied by me, visited this abode. She found a peasant and his wife, hard working, bent down by care and labour, distributing a scanty meal to five hungry babes. Among these there was one which attracted my mother far above all the rest. She appeared of a different stock. The four others were dark-eyed, hardy little vagrants; this child was thin, and very fair. Her hair was the brightest living gold, and, despite the poverty of her clothing, seemed to set a crown of distinction on her head. Her brow was clear and ample, her blue eyes cloudless, and her lips and the moulding of her face so expressive of sensibility and sweetness, that none could behold her without looking on her as of a distinct species, a being heaven-sent, and bearing a celestial stamp in all her features.<p/> <p/> The peasant woman, perceiving that my mother fixed eyes of wonder and admiration on this lovely girl, eagerly communicated her history. She was not her child, but the daughter of a Milanese nobleman. Her mother was a German, and had died on giving her birth. The infant had been placed with these good people to nurse: they were better off then. They had not been long married, and their eldest child was but just born. The father of their charge was one of those Italians nursed in the memory of the antique glory of Italy,—one among the <hi/>schiavi ognor frementi<hi/>, who exerted himself to obtain the liberty of his country. He became the victim of its weakness. Whether he had died, or still lingered in the dungeons of Austria, was not known. His property was confiscated, his child became an orphan and a beggar. She continued with her foster parents, and bloomed in their rude abode, fairer than a garden rose among dark-leaved brambles.<p/> <p/>When my father returned from Milan, he found playing with me in the hall of our villa, a child fairer than pictured cherub—a creature who seemed to shed radiance from her looks, and whose form and motions were lighter than the chamois of the hills. The apparition was soon explained. With his permission my mother prevailed on her rustic guardians to yield their charge to her. They were fond of the sweet orphan. Her presence had seemed a blessing to them; but it would be unfair to her to keep her in poverty and want, when Providence afforded her such powerful protection. They consulted their village priest, and the result was, that Elizabeth Lavenza became the inmate of my parents’ house—my more than sister—the beautiful and adored companion of all my occupations and my pleasures.<p/>

Reading Group: C07b_app1_rg2

Witness: fMS

Reading Group: C07b_app1_rg3

Witness: fThomas <p/>When my father became a husband and a parent, he found his time so occupied by the duties of his new situation, that heAs my father’s age encreased he became more attached to the quiet of a domestic life, and

Reading Group: C07b_app1_rg4

Witness: f1818 <p/>When my father became a husband and a parent, he found his time so occupied by the duties of his new situation, that
Witness: f1823 <p/>When my father became a husband and a parent, he found his time so occupied by the duties of his new situation, that


Reading Group: C07b_app2_rg1

Witness: f1818 he
Witness: f1823 he

Reading Group: C07b_app2_rg2

Witness: fThomas he gradually


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 relinquished
Witness: f1823 relinquished
Witness: fThomas relinquished


Reading Group: C07b_app4_rg1

Witness: fThomas many of

Reading Group: C07b_app4_rg2

Witness: f1818 many of
Witness: f1823 many of


Reading Group: C07b_app5_rg1

Witness: f1818 his public employments, and devoted himself
Witness: f1823 his public employments, and devoted himself

Reading Group: C07b_app5_rg2

Witness: fThomas his public employments, and devoted himself with ardour


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to the education of his children. Of these I was the eldest, and the destined successor to all his labours and utility. No creature could have more tender parents than mine. My improvement and health were their constant care, especially as I remained for several years their only child. But before I continue my narrative, I must record an incident which took place when I was four years of age.<p/><p/>My father had a sister, whom he tenderly loved, and who had married early in life an Italian gentleman. Soon after her marriage, she had accompanied her husband into
Witness: f1823 to the education of his children. Of these I was the eldest, and the destined successor to all his labours and utility. No creature could have more tender parents than mine. My improvement and health were their constant care, especially as I remained for several years their only child. But before I continue my narrative, I must record an incident which took place when I was four years of age.<p/><p/>My father had a sister, whom he tenderly loved, and who had married early in life an Italian gentleman. Soon after her marriage, she had accompanied her husband into
Witness: fThomas to the education of his children. Of these I was the eldest, and the destined successor to all his labours and utility. No creature could have more tender parents than mine. My improvement and health were their constant care, especially as I remained for several years their only child. But before I continue my narrative, I must record an incident which took place when I was four years of age.<p/><p/>My father had a sister, whom he tenderly loved, and who had married early in life an Italian gentleman. Soon after her marriage, she had accompanied her husband into


Reading Group: C07b_app7_rg1

Witness: fThomas herhis

Reading Group: C07b_app7_rg2

Witness: f1818 her

Reading Group: C07b_app7_rg3

Witness: f1823 his


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 native country, and for some years my father had very little communication with her. About the time I mentioned she died; and a few months afterwards he received a letter from her husband, acquainting him with his intention of marrying an Italian lady, and requesting my father to take charge of the infant Elizabeth, the only child of his deceased sister. “It is my wish,” he said, “that you should consider her as your own daughter, and educate her thus. Her
Witness: f1823 native country, and for some years my father had very little communication with her. About the time I mentioned she died; and a few months afterwards he received a letter from her husband, acquainting him with his intention of marrying an Italian lady, and requesting my father to take charge of the infant Elizabeth, the only child of his deceased sister. “It is my wish,” he said, "that you should consider her as your own daughter, and educate her thus. Her
Witness: fThomas native country, and for some years my father had very little communication with her. About the time I mentioned she died; and a few months afterwards he received a letter from her husband, acquainting him with his intention of marrying an Italian lady, and requesting my father to take charge of the infant Elizabeth, the only child of his deceased sister. “It is my wish,” he said, “that you should consider her as your own daughter, and educate her thus. Her


Reading Group: C07b_app9_rg1

Witness: f1823 mother's

Reading Group: C07b_app9_rg2

Witness: f1818 mother’s
Witness: fThomas mother’s


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 fortune is secured to her, the documents of which I will commit to your keeping. Reflect upon this proposition; and decide whether you would prefer educating your niece yourself to her being brought up by a stepmother.”<p/><p/>My father did not hesitate, and immediately went to Italy, that he might accompany the little Elizabeth to her future home. I have often heard my mother say, that she was at that time the most beautiful child she had ever seen, and
Witness: f1823 fortune is secured to her, the documents of which I will commit to your keeping. Reflect upon this proposition; and decide whether you would prefer educating your niece yourself to her being brought up by a stepmother.”<p/><p/>My father did not hesitate, and immediately went to Italy, that he might accompany the little Elizabeth to her future home. I have often heard my mother say, that she was at that time the most beautiful child she had ever seen, and
Witness: fThomas fortune is secured to her, the documents of which I will commit to your keeping. Reflect upon this proposition; and decide whether you would prefer educating your niece yourself to her being brought up by a stepmother.”<p/><p/>My father did not hesitate, and immediately went to Italy, that he might accompany the little Elizabeth to her future home. I have often heard my mother say, that she was at that time the most beautiful child she had ever seen, and


Reading Group: C07b_app11_rg1

Witness: f1818 shewed
Witness: fThomas shewed

Reading Group: C07b_app11_rg2

Witness: f1823 showed


Reading Group: C07b_app12_rg1

Witness: fThomas every signs even then

Reading Group: C07b_app12_rg2

Witness: f1818 signs even then
Witness: f1823 signs even then


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of a gentle and affectionate disposition. These indications, and a desire to bind as closely as possible the ties of domestic love, determined my mother to consider Elizabeth as my future wife; a design which she never found reason to repent.<p/><p/>From this time Elizabeth Lavenza became my playfellow, and, as we grew older, my friend. She was docile and good tempered, yet gay and playful as a summer insect. Although she was lively and animated, her feelings were strong and deep, and her disposition uncommonly affectionate. No one could better enjoy liberty, yet no one could submit with more grace than she did to constraint and caprice. Her imagination was luxuriant, yet her capability of application was great. Her person was the image of her mind; her hazel eyes, although as lively as a bird’s, possessed an attractive softness. Her figure was light and airy; and, though capable of enduring great fatigue, she appeared the most fragile creature in the world. While I admired her understanding and fancy, I loved to tend on her, as I should on a favourite animal; and I never saw so much grace both of person and mind united to so little pretension.<p/>
Witness: f1823 of a gentle and affectionate disposition. These indications, and a desire to bind as closely as possible the ties of domestic love, determined my mother to consider Elizabeth as my future wife; a design which she never found reason to repent.<p/><p/>From this time Elizabeth Lavenza became my playfellow, and, as we grew older, my friend. She was docile and good tempered, yet gay and playful as a summer insect. Although she was lively and animated, her feelings were strong and deep, and her disposition uncommonly affectionate. No one could better enjoy liberty, yet no one could submit with more grace than she did to constraint and caprice. Her imagination was luxuriant, yet her capability of application was great. Her person was the image of her mind; her hazel eyes, although as lively as a bird’s, possessed an attractive softness. Her figure was light and airy; and, though capable of enduring great fatigue, she appeared the most fragile creature in the world. While I admired her understanding and fancy, I loved to tend on her, as I should on a favourite animal; and I never saw so much grace both of person and mind united to so little pretension.<p/>
Witness: fThomas of a gentle and affectionate disposition. These indications, and a desire to bind as closely as possible the ties of domestic love, determined my mother to consider Elizabeth as my future wife; a design which she never found reason to repent.<p/><p/>From this time Elizabeth Lavenza became my playfellow, and, as we grew older, my friend. She was docile and good tempered, yet gay and playful as a summer insect. Although she was lively and animated, her feelings were strong and deep, and her disposition uncommonly affectionate. No one could better enjoy liberty, yet no one could submit with more grace than she did to constraint and caprice. Her imagination was luxuriant, yet her capability of application was great. Her person was the image of her mind; her hazel eyes, although as lively as a bird’s, possessed an attractive softness. Her figure was light and airy; and, though capable of enduring great fatigue, she appeared the most fragile creature in the world. While I admired her understanding and fancy, I loved to tend on her, as I should on a favourite animal; and I never saw so much grace both of person and mind united to so little pretension.<p/>


Reading Group: C07c_app1_rg1

Witness: fMS

Reading Group: C07c_app1_rg2

Witness: f1818 <p/>Every one Elizabeth. If the
Witness: f1823 <p/>Every one Elizabeth. If the
Witness: fThomas <p/>Every one Elizabeth. If the

Reading Group: C07c_app1_rg3

Witness: f1831 <p/>Every one loved Elizabeth. The passionate and almost reverential attachment with which all regarded her became, while I shared it, my pride and my delight. On the evening previous to her being brought to my home, my mother had said playfully,—“I have a pretty present for my Victor—to-morrow he shall have it.” And when, on the morrow, she presented Elizabeth to me as her promised gift, I, with childish seriousness, interpreted her words literally, and looked upon Elizabeth as mine—mine to protect, love, and cherish. All praises bestowed on her, I received as made to a possession of my own. We called each other familiarly by the name of cousin. No word, no expression could body forth the kind of relation in which she stood to me—my more than sister, since till death she was to be mine only.<p/> <head/>CHAPTER II.<head/> <p/> W<hi/>E<hi/> were brought up together; there was not quite a year difference in our ages. I need not say that


Reading Group: C07d_app1_rg1

Witness: fMS sevr servants had any request

Reading Group: C07d_app1_rg2

Witness: f1818 servants had any request
Witness: f1823 servants had any request
Witness: fThomas servants had any request


Reading Group: C07d_app2_rg1

Witness: f1818 to make,
Witness: f1823 to make,
Witness: fThomas to make,

Reading Group: C07d_app2_rg2

Witness: fMS tomake


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 it
Witness: f1823 it
Witness: fThomas it
Witness: fMS it


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was
Witness: f1823 was
Witness: fThomas was


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 always through
Witness: f1823 always through
Witness: fThomas always through
Witness: fMS always through


Reading Group: C07d_app6_rg1

Witness: fMS theher intercession of Elizabeth For me I loved heWe agreed perfectly although there were many<metamark function="displacement" spanTo="#c56-0011.06" xml:id="c56-0011.07"></metamark><metamark function="displacement">X</metamark>

Reading Group: C07d_app6_rg2

Witness: f1818 her intercession.
Witness: f1823 her intercession.
Witness: fThomas her intercession.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 We were strangers
Witness: f1823 We were strangers
Witness: fThomas We were strangers
Witness: fMS We were strangers
Witness: f1831 we were strangers


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to any species
Witness: f1823 to any species
Witness: fThomas to any species
Witness: fMS to any species
Witness: f1831 to any species


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of disunion
Witness: f1823 of disunion
Witness: fThomas of disunion
Witness: fMS <metamark>X</metamark> of disunion
Witness: f1831 of disunion


Reading Group: C07d_app10_rg1

Witness: fMS

Reading Group: C07d_app10_rg2

Witness: f1818 and dispute; for
Witness: f1823 and dispute; for
Witness: fThomas and dispute; for


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS or
Witness: f1831 or


Reading Group: C07d_app12_rg1

Witness: fMS dispute <metamark function="separate">_____________</metamark> X XThereFor,

Reading Group: C07d_app12_rg2

Witness: f1831 dispute. Harmony was the soul of our companionship, and the diversity and contrast that subsisted


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 although
Witness: f1823 although
Witness: fThomas although
Witness: fMS although


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 there
Witness: f1823 there
Witness: fThomas there


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was a great dissimilitude
Witness: f1823 was a great dissimilitude
Witness: fThomas was a great dissimilitude
Witness: fMS was a great dissimilitude


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in our
Witness: f1823 in our
Witness: fThomas in our
Witness: fMS in our
Witness: f1831 in our


Reading Group: C07d_app17_rg1

Witness: fMS characters.<metamark function="displacement" xml:id="c56-0011.09">X</metamark><metamark>X</metamark> yet

Reading Group: C07d_app17_rg2

Witness: f1831 characters drew us nearer together. Elizabeth was of a calmer and more concentrated disposition; but, with all my ardour,

Reading Group: C07d_app17_rg3

Witness: f1818 characters,
Witness: f1823 characters,
Witness: fThomas characters,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 there
Witness: f1823 there
Witness: fThomas there
Witness: fMS there


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was
Witness: f1823 was
Witness: fThomas was
Witness: fMS was


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 an
Witness: f1823 an
Witness: fThomas an
Witness: fMS an


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 harmony in
Witness: f1823 harmony in
Witness: fThomas harmony in
Witness: fMS harmony in


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that very
Witness: f1823 that very
Witness: fThomas that very
Witness: fMS that very


Reading Group: C07d_app23_rg1

Witness: f1818 dissimilitude.
Witness: f1823 dissimilitude.
Witness: fThomas dissimilitude.

Reading Group: C07d_app23_rg2

Witness: fMS dissimilitude– <metamark function="separate">_____________</metamark>


Reading Group: C07d_app24_rg1

Witness: f1818 I was more calm and
Witness: f1823 I was more calm and
Witness: fThomas I was more calm and
Witness: fMS I was more calm and

Reading Group: C07d_app24_rg2

Witness: f1831 I was capable of a more intense application, and


Reading Group: C07d_app25_rg1

Witness: f1818 philosophical
Witness: f1823 philosophical
Witness: fThomas philosophical

Reading Group: C07d_app25_rg2

Witness: fMS philosphical

Reading Group: C07d_app25_rg3

Witness: f1831 was more deeply smitten with the thirst for knowledge.


Reading Group: C07d_app26_rg1

Witness: fMS than my companion

Reading Group: C07d_app26_rg2

Witness: f1818 than my companion;
Witness: f1823 than my companion;
Witness: fThomas than my companion;

Reading Group: C07d_app26_rg3

Witness: f1831 She busied herself with following the aerial creations of the poets; and in the majestic and wondrous scenes which surrounded our Swiss home—the sublime shapes of the mountains; the changes of the seasons; tempest and calm; the silence of winter, and the life and turbulence of our Alpine summers,—she found ample scope for admiration and delight.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 yet
Witness: f1823 yet
Witness: fThomas yet
Witness: fMS Yet


Reading Group: C07d_app28_rg1

Witness: fMS I

Reading Group: C07d_app28_rg2

Witness: f1818 my temper
Witness: f1823 my temper
Witness: fThomas my temper


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was not
Witness: f1823 was not
Witness: fThomas was not
Witness: fMS was not


Reading Group: C07d_app30_rg1

Witness: fMS n so

Reading Group: C07d_app30_rg2

Witness: f1818 so
Witness: f1823 so
Witness: fThomas so


Reading Group: C07d_app31_rg1

Witness: fMS mild or yielding.

Reading Group: C07d_app31_rg2

Witness: f1818 yielding.
Witness: f1823 yielding.
Witness: fThomas yielding.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 My application was
Witness: f1823 My application was
Witness: fThomas My application was
Witness: fMS My application was


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of
Witness: f1823 of
Witness: fThomas of
Witness: fMS of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 longer
Witness: f1823 longer
Witness: fThomas longer
Witness: fMS longer


Reading Group: C07d_app35_rg1

Witness: fMS endurance than hers

Reading Group: C07d_app35_rg2

Witness: f1818 endurance;
Witness: f1823 endurance;
Witness: fThomas endurance;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but it was not so severe
Witness: f1823 but it was not so severe
Witness: fThomas but it was not so severe
Witness: fMS but it was not so severe


Reading Group: C07d_app37_rg1

Witness: fMS as hers whilest it

Reading Group: C07d_app37_rg2

Witness: f1818 whilst it
Witness: f1823 whilst it
Witness: fThomas whilst it


Reading Group: C07d_app38_rg1

Witness: fMS lastedenduredmyamusements were studying old books of chemistry and natural magic those of Elizabeth were drawing & music.<metamark function="displacement" xml:id="c56-0011.13">X</metamark><metamark function="displacement">X</metamark>

Reading Group: C07d_app38_rg2

Witness: f1818 endured.
Witness: f1823 endured.
Witness: fThomas endured.


Reading Group: C07d_app39_rg1

Witness: f1818 I delighted in investigating the facts
Witness: f1823 I delighted in investigating the facts
Witness: fThomas I delighted in investigating the facts
Witness: fMS I delighted in investigating the facts

Reading Group: C07d_app39_rg2

Witness: f1831 While my companion contemplated with a serious and satisfied spirit the magnificent appearances of things, I delighted in investigating their causes.


Reading Group: C07d_app40_rg1

Witness: fMS relating

Reading Group: C07d_app40_rg2

Witness: f1818 relative
Witness: f1823 relative
Witness: fThomas relative


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to the actual
Witness: f1823 to the actual
Witness: fThomas to the actual
Witness: fMS to the actual


Reading Group: C07d_app42_rg1

Witness: fMS world,

Reading Group: C07d_app42_rg2

Witness: f1818 world;
Witness: f1823 world;
Witness: fThomas world;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 she busied herself in following
Witness: f1823 she busied herself in following
Witness: fThomas she busied herself in following
Witness: fMS she busied herself in <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>following


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: fMS the


Reading Group: C07d_app45_rg1

Witness: fMS aerial

Reading Group: C07d_app45_rg2

Witness: f1818 aërial
Witness: f1823 aërial
Witness: fThomas aërial


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 creations of the
Witness: f1823 creations of the
Witness: fThomas creations of the
Witness: fMS creations of the


Reading Group: C07d_app47_rg1

Witness: f1818 poets.
Witness: f1823 poets.
Witness: fThomas poets.

Reading Group: C07d_app47_rg2

Witness: fMS poets.–


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 The world was to me a
Witness: f1823 The world was to me a
Witness: fThomas The world was to me a
Witness: fMS The world was to me a
Witness: f1831 The world was to me a


Reading Group: C07d_app49_rg1

Witness: fMS secret
Witness: f1831 secret

Reading Group: C07d_app49_rg2

Witness: f1818 secret,
Witness: f1823 secret,
Witness: fThomas secret,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 which I desired to
Witness: f1823 which I desired to
Witness: fThomas which I desired to
Witness: fMS which I desired to
Witness: f1831 which I desired to


Reading Group: C07d_app51_rg1

Witness: fMS discover,–to

Reading Group: C07d_app51_rg2

Witness: f1818 discover;
Witness: f1823 discover;
Witness: fThomas discover;

Reading Group: C07d_app51_rg3

Witness: f1831 divine. Curiosity, earnest research to learn the hidden laws of nature, gladness akin to rapture, as they were unfolded to me, are among the earliest sensations I can remember.<p/>


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to her it was a
Witness: f1823 to her it was a
Witness: fThomas to her it was a
Witness: fMS to her it was a


Reading Group: C07d_app53_rg1

Witness: fMS havenvacancy

Reading Group: C07d_app53_rg2

Witness: f1818 vacancy,
Witness: f1823 vacancy,
Witness: fThomas vacancy,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 which she sought
Witness: f1823 which she sought
Witness: fThomas which she sought
Witness: fMS which she sought


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to
Witness: f1823 to
Witness: fThomas to
Witness: fMS to


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 people with imaginations of her
Witness: f1823 people with imaginations of her
Witness: fThomas people with imaginations of her
Witness: fMS people with imaginations of her


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS own.
Witness: f1818 own.<p/>
Witness: f1823 own.<p/>
Witness: fThomas own.<p/>


Unified Readings

Witness: f1831 <p/>On the birth of a second son, my junior by seven years, my parents gave up entirely their wandering life, and fixed themselves in their native country. We possessed a house in Geneva, and a campagne on Belrive, the eastern shore of the lake, at the distance of rather more than a league from the city. We resided principally in the latter, and the lives of my parents were passed in considerable seclusion. It was my temper to avoid a crowd, and to attach myself fervently to a few.


Reading Group: C07e_app1_rg1

Witness: fMS When II had My

Reading Group: C07e_app1_rg2

Witness: f1818 <p/>My
Witness: f1823 <p/>My
Witness: fThomas <p/>My

Reading Group: C07e_app1_rg3

Witness: f1831 I was indifferent, therefore, to my schoolfellows in general;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 brothers were considerably younger than
Witness: f1823 brothers were considerably younger than
Witness: fThomas brothers were considerably younger than
Witness: fMS brothers were considerably younger than


Reading Group: C07e_app3_rg1

Witness: fMS myself

Reading Group: C07e_app3_rg2

Witness: f1818 myself;
Witness: f1823 myself;
Witness: fThomas myself;


Reading Group: C07e_app4_rg1

Witness: f1818 but I had
Witness: f1823 but I had
Witness: fThomas but I had
Witness: fMS but I had

Reading Group: C07e_app4_rg2

Witness: f1831 but I united myself in the bonds of the closest friendship to one among them.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 had
Witness: f1823 had
Witness: fThomas had
Witness: fMS had


Reading Group: C07e_app6_rg1

Witness: f1818 a friend
Witness: f1823 a friend
Witness: fThomas a friend

Reading Group: C07e_app6_rg2

Witness: fMS a friend whowho


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in one of my
Witness: f1823 in one of my
Witness: fThomas in one of my
Witness: fMS in one of my


Reading Group: C07e_app8_rg1

Witness: fMS school fellows

Reading Group: C07e_app8_rg2

Witness: f1818 schoolfellows,
Witness: f1823 schoolfellows,
Witness: fThomas schoolfellows,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 who compensated for
Witness: f1823 who compensated for
Witness: fThomas who compensated for
Witness: fMS who compensated for


Reading Group: C07e_app10_rg1

Witness: f1818 this
Witness: f1823 this
Witness: fThomas this

Reading Group: C07e_app10_rg2

Witness: fMS this.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 deficiency.
Witness: f1823 deficiency.
Witness: fThomas deficiency.
Witness: fMS deficiency.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Henry
Witness: f1823 Henry
Witness: fThomas Henry
Witness: fMS Henry
Witness: f1831 Henry


Reading Group: C07e_app13_rg1

Witness: fMS CarignanClerval

Reading Group: C07e_app13_rg2

Witness: f1818 Clerval
Witness: f1823 Clerval
Witness: fThomas Clerval
Witness: f1831 Clerval


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was the
Witness: f1823 was the
Witness: fThomas was the
Witness: fMS was the
Witness: f1831 was the


Reading Group: C07e_app15_rg1

Witness: f1818 son
Witness: f1823 son
Witness: fThomas son
Witness: f1831 son

Reading Group: C07e_app15_rg2

Witness: fMS sons


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of a merchant
Witness: f1823 of a merchant
Witness: fThomas of a merchant
Witness: fMS of a merchant
Witness: f1831 of a merchant


Reading Group: C07e_app17_rg1

Witness: fMS an of

Reading Group: C07e_app17_rg2

Witness: f1818 of
Witness: f1823 of
Witness: fThomas of
Witness: f1831 of


Reading Group: C07e_app18_rg1

Witness: fMS Geneva and

Reading Group: C07e_app18_rg2

Witness: f1818 Geneva,
Witness: f1823 Geneva,
Witness: fThomas Geneva,

Reading Group: C07e_app18_rg3

Witness: f1831 Geneva.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 an intimate friend
Witness: f1823 an intimate friend
Witness: fThomas an intimate friend
Witness: fMS an intimate friend


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of
Witness: f1823 of
Witness: fThomas of
Witness: fMS of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my
Witness: f1823 my
Witness: fThomas my
Witness: fMS my


Reading Group: C07e_app22_rg1

Witness: fMS father's

Reading Group: C07e_app22_rg2

Witness: f1818 father.
Witness: f1823 father.
Witness: fThomas father.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 He was a boy of singular talent
Witness: f1823 He was a boy of singular talent
Witness: fThomas He was a boy of singular talent
Witness: fMS he was a boy of singular talent
Witness: f1831 He was a boy of singular talent


Reading Group: C07e_app24_rg1

Witness: f1818 and fancy.
Witness: f1823 and fancy.
Witness: fThomas and fancy.

Reading Group: C07e_app24_rg2

Witness: fMS &fancy fancy

Reading Group: C07e_app24_rg3

Witness: f1831 and fancy. He loved enterprise, hardship, even danger, for its own sake.


Reading Group: C07e_app25_rg1

Witness: fThomas I remember, when

Reading Group: C07e_app25_rg2

Witness: fMS I remember when

Reading Group: C07e_app25_rg3

Witness: f1818 I remember, when
Witness: f1823 I remember, when


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 he was
Witness: f1823 he was
Witness: fThomas he was
Witness: fMS he was


Reading Group: C07e_app27_rg1

Witness: fMS only nine years

Reading Group: C07e_app27_rg2

Witness: f1818 nine years
Witness: f1823 nine years
Witness: fThomas nine years


Reading Group: C07e_app28_rg1

Witness: fMS old

Reading Group: C07e_app28_rg2

Witness: f1818 old,
Witness: f1823 old,
Witness: fThomas old,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 he
Witness: f1823 he
Witness: fThomas he
Witness: fMS he


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 wrote a fairy
Witness: f1823 wrote a fairy
Witness: fThomas wrote a fairy
Witness: fMS wrote a fairy


Reading Group: C07e_app31_rg1

Witness: fMS tale

Reading Group: C07e_app31_rg2

Witness: f1818 tale,
Witness: f1823 tale,
Witness: fThomas tale,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 which was the
Witness: f1823 which was the
Witness: fThomas which was the
Witness: fMS which was the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 delight
Witness: f1823 delight
Witness: fThomas delight
Witness: fMS delight


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: fMS and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 amazement of all his
Witness: f1823 amazement of all his
Witness: fThomas amazement of all his
Witness: fMS amazement of all his


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 companions.
Witness: f1823 companions.
Witness: fThomas companions.
Witness: fMS companions.


Reading Group: C07e_app37_rg1

Witness: fMS Like Don Quixote his favourite study wasconsisted

Reading Group: C07e_app37_rg2

Witness: f1818 His favourite study
Witness: f1823 His favourite study
Witness: fThomas His favourite study

Reading Group: C07e_app37_rg3

Witness: f1831 He was deeply read


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in books of
Witness: f1823 in books of
Witness: fThomas in books of
Witness: fMS in books of
Witness: f1831 in books of


Reading Group: C07e_app39_rg1

Witness: f1818 chivalry and romance;
Witness: f1823 chivalry and romance;
Witness: fThomas chivalry and romance;

Reading Group: C07e_app39_rg2

Witness: fMS chivalry& romance

Reading Group: C07e_app39_rg3

Witness: f1831 chivalry and romance. He composed heroic songs, and began to write many a tale of enchantment and knightly adventure.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: fMS and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 when very young, I
Witness: f1823 when very young, I
Witness: fThomas when very young, I
Witness: fMS <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>when very young, I


Reading Group: C07e_app42_rg1

Witness: f1818 can remember,
Witness: f1823 can remember,
Witness: fThomas can remember,

Reading Group: C07e_app42_rg2

Witness: fMS canremember


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that we used to
Witness: f1823 that we used to
Witness: fThomas that we used to
Witness: fMS that we used to


Reading Group: C07e_app44_rg1

Witness: f1818 act plays composed by him out of
Witness: f1823 act plays composed by him out of
Witness: fThomas act plays composed by him out of
Witness: fMS act plays composed by him out of

Reading Group: C07e_app44_rg2

Witness: f1831 He tried to make us act plays, and to enter into masquerades, the characters were drawn from the heroes of Roncesvalles, of the Round Table of King Arthur, and the chivalrous train who shed their blood to redeem the holy sepulchre from the hands of the infidels.<p/>


Reading Group: C07e_app45_rg1

Witness: fMS thisesefavourite

Reading Group: C07e_app45_rg2

Witness: f1818 these favourite
Witness: f1823 these favourite
Witness: fThomas these favourite


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 books, the principal
Witness: f1823 books, the principal
Witness: fThomas books, the principal
Witness: fMS books, the principal


Reading Group: C07e_app47_rg1

Witness: fMS carcharacters

Reading Group: C07e_app47_rg2

Witness: f1818 characters
Witness: f1823 characters
Witness: fThomas characters


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of which were
Witness: f1823 of which were
Witness: fThomas of which were
Witness: fMS of which were


Reading Group: C07e_app49_rg1

Witness: fMS Orlando

Reading Group: C07e_app49_rg2

Witness: f1818 Orlando,
Witness: f1823 Orlando,
Witness: fThomas Orlando,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Robin Hood,
Witness: f1823 Robin Hood,
Witness: fThomas Robin Hood,
Witness: fMS Robin Hood,


Reading Group: C07e_app51_rg1

Witness: fMS Amadis

Reading Group: C07e_app51_rg2

Witness: f1818 Amadis,
Witness: f1823 Amadis,
Witness: fThomas Amadis,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and St.
Witness: f1823 and St.
Witness: fThomas and St.
Witness: fMS and St.


Reading Group: C07e_app53_rg1

Witness: f1818 George.<p/>
Witness: fThomas George.<p/>
Witness: f1823 George.<p/>

Reading Group: C07e_app53_rg2

Witness: fMS George–


Reading Group: C07e_app54_rg1

Witness: f1831 <p/>No human being could have passed a happier childhood than myself. My parents were possessed by the very spirit of kindness and indulgence. We felt that they were not the tyrants to rule our lot according to their caprice, but the agents and creators of all the many delights which we enjoyed. When I mingled with other families, I distinctly discerned how peculiarly fortunate my lot was, and gratitude assisted the developement of filial love.<p/>

Reading Group: C07e_app54_rg2

Witness: fThomas <p/> No youth could have passed more <pb xml:id="F1818_v1_061" n="049"/>happily than mine. My parents were indulgent, and my companions amiable. Our studies were never forced; and by some means we always had an end placed in view, which excited us to ardour in the prosecution of them. It was by this method, and not by emulation, that we were urged to application. Elizabeth was not incited to apply herself to drawing, that her companions might not outstrip her; but through the desire of pleasing her aunt, by the representation of some favourite scene done by her own hand. We learned Latin and English, that we might read the writings in those languages; and so far from study being made odious to us through punishment, we loved application, and our amusements would have been the labours of other children. Perhaps we did not read so many books, or learn languages so <pb xml:id="F1818_v1_062" n="050"/>quickly, as those who are disciplined according to the ordinary methods; but what we learned was impressed the more deeply on our memories. <note/>bad<note/>

Reading Group: C07e_app54_rg3

Witness: f1818 <p/>No youth
Witness: f1823 <p/>No youth

Reading Group: C07e_app54_rg4

Witness: fMS No youth


Reading Group: C07e_app55_rg1

Witness: fMS could could

Reading Group: C07e_app55_rg2

Witness: f1818 could
Witness: f1823 could


Reading Group: C07e_app56_rg1

Witness: fMS be

Reading Group: C07e_app56_rg2

Witness: f1818 have passed
Witness: f1823 have passed


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 more
Witness: f1823 more
Witness: fMS more


Reading Group: C07e_app58_rg1

Witness: f1818 happily
Witness: f1823 happily

Reading Group: C07e_app58_rg2

Witness: fMS happy


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 than mine.
Witness: f1823 than mine.
Witness: fMS than mine.


Reading Group: C07e_app60_rg1

Witness: f1818 My
Witness: f1823 My

Reading Group: C07e_app60_rg2

Witness: fMS OurMy


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 parents were indulgent,
Witness: f1823 parents were indulgent,
Witness: fMS parents were indulgent,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fMS and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my companions amiable.
Witness: f1823 my companions amiable.
Witness: fMS my companions amiable.


Reading Group: C07e_app64_rg1

Witness: fMS and our stud Our studies were never

Reading Group: C07e_app64_rg2

Witness: f1818 Our studies were never
Witness: f1823 Our studies were never


Reading Group: C07e_app65_rg1

Witness: fMS forced,

Reading Group: C07e_app65_rg2

Witness: f1818 forced;
Witness: f1823 forced;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fMS and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 by some means we always had an end placed
Witness: f1823 by some means we always had an end placed
Witness: fMS by some means we always had an end placed


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in
Witness: f1823 in
Witness: fMS in


Reading Group: C07e_app69_rg1

Witness: fMS view

Reading Group: C07e_app69_rg2

Witness: f1818 view,
Witness: f1823 view,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 which
Witness: f1823 which
Witness: fMS which


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 excited us to
Witness: f1823 excited us to
Witness: fMS excited us to


Reading Group: C07e_app72_rg1

Witness: f1818 ardour in
Witness: f1823 ardour in

Reading Group: C07e_app72_rg2

Witness: fMS ardour.<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>in


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fMS the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 prosecution of them. It was by this
Witness: f1823 prosecution of them. It was by this
Witness: fMS prosecution of them. It was by this


Reading Group: C07e_app75_rg1

Witness: fMS &method

Reading Group: C07e_app75_rg2

Witness: f1818 method, and
Witness: f1823 method, and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 not by
Witness: f1823 not by
Witness: fMS not by


Reading Group: C07e_app77_rg1

Witness: fMS emulation

Reading Group: C07e_app77_rg2

Witness: f1818 emulation,
Witness: f1823 emulation,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that we
Witness: f1823 that we
Witness: fMS that we


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 were
Witness: f1823 were
Witness: fMS were


Reading Group: C07e_app80_rg1

Witness: fMS urged.

Reading Group: C07e_app80_rg2

Witness: f1818 urged to application.
Witness: f1823 urged to application.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Elizabeth was not
Witness: f1823 Elizabeth was not
Witness: fMS Elizabeth was not


Reading Group: C07e_app82_rg1

Witness: f1818 incited
Witness: f1823 incited

Reading Group: C07e_app82_rg2

Witness: fMS told


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to apply
Witness: f1823 to apply
Witness: fMS to apply


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 herself to
Witness: f1823 herself to
Witness: fMS herself to


Reading Group: C07e_app85_rg1

Witness: fMS drawing

Reading Group: C07e_app85_rg2

Witness: f1818 drawing,
Witness: f1823 drawing,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that her companions
Witness: f1823 that her companions
Witness: fMS orthat her companions


Reading Group: C07e_app87_rg1

Witness: fMS wouldmight

Reading Group: C07e_app87_rg2

Witness: f1818 might
Witness: f1823 might


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 not outstrip
Witness: f1823 not outstrip
Witness: fMS not outstrip


Reading Group: C07e_app89_rg1

Witness: fMS her,

Reading Group: C07e_app89_rg2

Witness: f1818 her;
Witness: f1823 her;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but
Witness: f1823 but
Witness: fMS but


Reading Group: C07e_app91_rg1

Witness: fMS shebywasthedesire ofknew how

Reading Group: C07e_app91_rg2

Witness: f1818 through
Witness: f1823 through


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the desire of
Witness: f1823 the desire of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 pleasing her
Witness: f1823 pleasing her
Witness: fMS pleaseding her


Reading Group: C07e_app94_rg1

Witness: fMS Aunt would be

Reading Group: C07e_app94_rg2

Witness: f1818 aunt,
Witness: f1823 aunt,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 by
Witness: f1823 by
Witness: fMS by


Reading Group: C07e_app96_rg1

Witness: fMS a paintingthe

Reading Group: C07e_app96_rg2

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 representation of some
Witness: f1823 representation of some
Witness: fMS representation of some


Reading Group: C07e_app98_rg1

Witness: fMS of her favourite

Reading Group: C07e_app98_rg2

Witness: f1818 favourite
Witness: f1823 favourite


Reading Group: C07e_app99_rg1

Witness: f1818 scene
Witness: f1823 scene

Reading Group: C07e_app99_rg2

Witness: fMS scenes


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 done by her own
Witness: f1823 done by her own
Witness: fMS done by her own


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 hand.
Witness: f1823 hand.
Witness: fMS hand.


Reading Group: C07e_app102_rg1

Witness: fMS Latin We learned Latin &

Reading Group: C07e_app102_rg2

Witness: f1818 We learned Latin and
Witness: f1823 We learned Latin and


Reading Group: C07e_app103_rg1

Witness: fMS English

Reading Group: C07e_app103_rg2

Witness: f1818 English,
Witness: f1823 English,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that we might read the
Witness: f1823 that we might read the
Witness: fMS tothat we might read the


Reading Group: C07e_app105_rg1

Witness: fMS writersingsofin

Reading Group: C07e_app105_rg2

Witness: f1818 writings in
Witness: f1823 writings in


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 those
Witness: f1823 those
Witness: fMS those


Reading Group: C07e_app107_rg1

Witness: fMS languages

Reading Group: C07e_app107_rg2

Witness: f1818 languages;
Witness: f1823 languages;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and so far from study
Witness: f1823 and so far from study
Witness: fMS and so far from study


Reading Group: C07e_app109_rg1

Witness: fMS begin rendered

Reading Group: C07e_app109_rg2

Witness: f1818 being made
Witness: f1823 being made


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 odious
Witness: f1823 odious
Witness: fMS odious


Reading Group: C07e_app111_rg1

Witness: fMS by to us th<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>rough punishment, we loved

Reading Group: C07e_app111_rg2

Witness: f1818 to us through punishment, we loved
Witness: f1823 to us through punishment, we loved


Reading Group: C07e_app112_rg1

Witness: fMS application

Reading Group: C07e_app112_rg2

Witness: f1818 application,
Witness: f1823 application,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and our amusements
Witness: f1823 and our amusements
Witness: fMS and our amusements


Reading Group: C07e_app114_rg1

Witness: fMS werewould

Reading Group: C07e_app114_rg2

Witness: f1818 would
Witness: f1823 would


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 have been the
Witness: f1823 have been the
Witness: fMS have been the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 labours of other children. Perhaps
Witness: f1823 labours of other children. Perhaps
Witness: fMS labours of other children. perhaps


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 we did not read so many
Witness: f1823 we did not read so many
Witness: fMS we did not read so many


Reading Group: C07e_app118_rg1

Witness: fMS books

Reading Group: C07e_app118_rg2

Witness: f1818 books,
Witness: f1823 books,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 or learn
Witness: f1823 or learn
Witness: fMS or learn


Reading Group: C07e_app120_rg1

Witness: fMS a languages so

Reading Group: C07e_app120_rg2

Witness: f1818 languages so
Witness: f1823 languages so


Reading Group: C07e_app121_rg1

Witness: fMS quickly

Reading Group: C07e_app121_rg2

Witness: f1818 quickly,
Witness: f1823 quickly,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 as
Witness: f1823 as
Witness: fMS as


Reading Group: C07e_app123_rg1

Witness: fMS another childthose

Reading Group: C07e_app123_rg2

Witness: f1818 those
Witness: f1823 those


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 who are disciplined
Witness: f1823 who are disciplined
Witness: fMS who are disciplined


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 according to
Witness: f1823 according to
Witness: fMS according to


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fMS the


Reading Group: C07e_app127_rg1

Witness: f1818 ordinary methods;
Witness: f1823 ordinary methods;

Reading Group: C07e_app127_rg2

Witness: fMS ordinarymethod,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but what we
Witness: f1823 but what we
Witness: fMS but what we


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 learned was impressed the more deeply on our
Witness: f1823 learned was impressed the more deeply on our
Witness: fMS learned was impressed the more deeply on our


Reading Group: C07e_app130_rg1

Witness: fMS memory.

Reading Group: C07e_app130_rg2

Witness: f1818 memories.<p/>
Witness: f1823 memories.<p/>

Reading Group: C07e_app130_rg3

Witness: fThomas <add/>With what delight do I even now remember the details of our domestic circle, and the happy years of my childhood. Joy attended on my steps—and the ardent affection that attached me to my excellent parents, my beloved Elizabeth, and Henry, the brother of my soul, has given almost a religious and sacred feeling to the recollections of a period passed beneath their eyes, and in their society.<add/> <p/>


Unified Readings

Witness: f1831 <p/>My temper was sometimes violent, and my passions vehement; but by some law in my temperature they were turned, not towards childish pursuits, but to an eager desire to learn, and not to learn all things indiscriminately. I confess that neither the structure of languages, nor the code of governments, nor the politics of various states, possessed attractions for me. It was the secrets of heaven and earth that I desired to learn; and whether it was the outward substance of things, or the inner spirit of nature and the mysterious soul of man that occupied me, still my enquiries were directed to the metaphysical, or, in its highest sense, the physical secrets of the world.<p/> <p/>Meanwhile Clerval occupied himself, so to speak, with the moral relations of things. The busy stage of life, the virtues of heroes, and the actions of men, were his theme; and his hope and his dream was to become one among those whose names are recorded in story, as the gallant and adventurous benefactors of our species. The saintly soul of Elizabeth shone like a shrine-dedicated lamp in our peaceful home. Her sympathy was ours; her smile, her soft voice, the sweet glance of her celestial eyes, were ever there to bless and animate us. She was the living spirit of love to soften and attract: I might have become sullen in my study, rough through the ardour of my nature, but that she was there to subdue me to a semblance of her own gentleness. And Clerval—could aught ill entrench on the noble spirit of Clerval?—yet he might not have been so perfectly humane, so thoughtful in his generosity—so full of kindness and tenderness amidst his passion for adventurous exploit, had she not unfolded to him the real loveliness of beneficence, and made the doing good the end and aim of his soaring ambition.<p/>


Reading Group: C07f_app1_rg1

Witness: f1818 <p/>In this description
Witness: f1823 <p/>In this description
Witness: fThomas <p/>In this description

Reading Group: C07f_app1_rg2

Witness: fMS <metamark function="displacement" xml:id="c56-0012.05">X</metamark><metamark function="displacement">X</metamark>In thisthedescription


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of our domestic circle
Witness: f1823 of our domestic circle
Witness: fThomas of our domestic circle
Witness: fMS of our domestic circle


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: fMS I


Reading Group: C07f_app4_rg1

Witness: f1818 include
Witness: f1823 include
Witness: fThomas include

Reading Group: C07f_app4_rg2

Witness: fMS includeI includeHen


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Henry
Witness: f1823 Henry
Witness: fThomas Henry
Witness: fMS Henry


Reading Group: C07f_app6_rg1

Witness: fMS CarignanClerval,in this account

Reading Group: C07f_app6_rg2

Witness: f1818 Clerval;
Witness: f1823 Clerval;
Witness: fThomas Clerval;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 for he
Witness: f1823 for he
Witness: fThomas for he
Witness: fMS for <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>he


Reading Group: C07f_app8_rg1

Witness: f1818 was
Witness: f1823 was
Witness: fThomas was

Reading Group: C07f_app8_rg2

Witness: fMS wascon


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 constantly
Witness: f1823 constantly
Witness: fThomas constantly
Witness: fMS constantly


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 with us. He went to
Witness: f1823 with us. He went to
Witness: fThomas with us. He went to
Witness: fMS with us. he went to


Reading Group: C07f_app11_rg1

Witness: fMS sho school

Reading Group: C07f_app11_rg2

Witness: f1818 school
Witness: f1823 school
Witness: fThomas school


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 with
Witness: f1823 with
Witness: fThomas with
Witness: fMS with


Reading Group: C07f_app13_rg1

Witness: fMS me

Reading Group: C07f_app13_rg2

Witness: f1818 me,
Witness: f1823 me,
Witness: fThomas me,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and generally passed
Witness: f1823 and generally passed
Witness: fThomas and generally passed
Witness: fMS and generally passed


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the afternoon at our
Witness: f1823 the afternoon at our
Witness: fThomas the afternoon at our
Witness: fMS the afternoon at our


Reading Group: C07f_app16_rg1

Witness: fMS house

Reading Group: C07f_app16_rg2

Witness: f1818 house:
Witness: fThomas house:

Reading Group: C07f_app16_rg3

Witness: f1823 house;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 for being an only child, and destitute of companions at home,
Witness: f1823 for being an only child, and destitute of companions at home,
Witness: fThomas for being an only child, and destitute of companions at home,
Witness: fMS for being an only child, and destitute of companions at home,


Reading Group: C07f_app18_rg1

Witness: fMS h<mdel/>isto

Reading Group: C07f_app18_rg2

Witness: f1818 his
Witness: f1823 his
Witness: fThomas his


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 father was
Witness: f1823 father was
Witness: fThomas father was
Witness: fMS father was


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 well
Witness: f1823 well
Witness: fThomas well


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 pleased that he
Witness: f1823 pleased that he
Witness: fThomas pleased that he
Witness: fMS pleased that he


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 should find associates at our
Witness: f1823 should find associates at our
Witness: fThomas should find associates at our
Witness: fMS should find associates at our


Reading Group: C07f_app23_rg1

Witness: fMS house

Reading Group: C07f_app23_rg2

Witness: f1818 house;
Witness: f1823 house;
Witness: fThomas house;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and we were never completely happy when Clerval was
Witness: f1823 and we were never completely happy when Clerval was
Witness: fThomas and we were never completely happy when Clerval was
Witness: fMS and we were never completely happy when Clerval was


Reading Group: C07f_app25_rg1

Witness: f1831

Reading Group: C07f_app25_rg2

Witness: fMS absent.

Reading Group: C07f_app25_rg3

Witness: f1818 absent.<p/>
Witness: f1823 absent.<p/>
Witness: fThomas absent.<p/>


Reading Group: C07g_app1_rg1

Witness: fMS In this account of my early youth I wish particularly to mention record those circumstances which led to and nourished my taste for that science which was the principal amusement of my boyish days and in the end decided my destiny.

Reading Group: C07g_app1_rg2

Witness: f1818 <p/>I feel pleasure in dwelling on the recollections of childhood, before misfortune had tainted my mind, and changed its bright visions of extensive usefulness into gloomy and narrow reflections upon self.
Witness: f1823 <p/>I feel pleasure in dwelling on the recollections of childhood, before misfortune had tainted my mind, and changed its bright visions of extensive usefulness into gloomy and narrow reflections upon self.
Witness: fThomas <p/>I feel pleasure in dwelling on the recollections of childhood, before misfortune had tainted my mind, and changed its bright visions of extensive usefulness into gloomy and narrow reflections upon self.

Reading Group: C07g_app1_rg3

Witness: f1831 <p/>I feel exquisite pleasure in dwelling on the recollections of childhood, before misfortune had tainted my mind, and changed its bright visions of extensive usefulness into gloomy and narrow reflections upon self.


Reading Group: C07g_app2_rg1

Witness: fMS I mentioned before my taste for old books of chemistry and natural magic and I remember very well that I learned latin principally that I might read Pliny's Natural History my father refusing to allow me to read a translation. I used when very young to attend lectures of chemistry given in Geneva and athough I did not understand them the experiments never failed to attract my attention. I reme<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>mberalso

Reading Group: C07g_app2_rg2

Witness: f1831 Besides, in drawing the picture of my early days, I

Reading Group: C07g_app2_rg3

Witness: f1818 But, in drawing the picture of my early days, I
Witness: f1823 But, in drawing the picture of my early days, I
Witness: fThomas But, in drawing the picture of my early days, I


Reading Group: C07g_app3_rg1

Witness: f1831 also

Reading Group: C07g_app3_rg2

Witness: f1818 must not omit to
Witness: f1823 must not omit to
Witness: fThomas must not omit to


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 record those events which led, by insensible
Witness: f1823 record those events which led, by insensible
Witness: fThomas record those events which led, by insensible
Witness: f1831 record those events which led, by insensible


Reading Group: C07g_app5_rg1

Witness: f1818 steps
Witness: fThomas steps

Reading Group: C07g_app5_rg2

Witness: f1823 steps,
Witness: f1831 steps,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to my after tale of misery: for when I would account to myself for the birth of that passion, which afterwards ruled my destiny,
Witness: f1823 to my after tale of misery: for when I would account to myself for the birth of that passion, which afterwards ruled my destiny,
Witness: fThomas to my after tale of misery: for when I would account to myself for the birth of that passion, which afterwards ruled my destiny,
Witness: f1831 to my after tale of misery: for when I would account to myself for the birth of that passion, which afterwards ruled my destiny,


Reading Group: C07g_app7_rg1

Witness: fMS <gap quantity="22" reason="resequencing" unit="tokens"/><gap quantity="4" reason="resequencing" unit="lines"/>Chapt. 2 Those events which materially influence our future destinies are often causedby slight orderive thier origin from atrivial occurences. Strange as the<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>statement of thesimple factmay appear my fate had been

Reading Group: C07g_app7_rg2

Witness: f1818 I find it arise, like a mountain river, from ignoble and almost forgotten sources; but, swelling as it proceeded, it became the torrent which, in its course, has swept away all my hopes and joys.<p/>
Witness: f1823 I find it arise, like a mountain river, from ignoble and almost forgotten sources; but, swelling as it proceeded, it became the torrent which, in its course, has swept away all my hopes and joys.<p/>
Witness: fThomas I find it arise, like a mountain river, from ignoble and almost forgotten sources; but, swelling as it proceeded, it became the torrent which, in its course, has swept away all my hopes and joys.<p/>
Witness: f1831 I find it arise, like a mountain river, from ignoble and almost forgotten sources; but, swelling as it proceeded, it became the torrent which, in its course, has swept away all my hopes and joys.<p/>


Reading Group: C07g_app8_rg1

Witness: fMS ChemistNatural philosophy

Reading Group: C07g_app8_rg2

Witness: f1818 <p/>Natural philosophy
Witness: f1823 <p/>Natural philosophy
Witness: fThomas <p/>Natural philosophy
Witness: f1831 <p/>Natural philosophy


Reading Group: C07g_app9_rg1

Witness: fMS has is the genius that has

Reading Group: C07g_app9_rg2

Witness: f1818 is the genius that has
Witness: f1823 is the genius that has
Witness: fThomas is the genius that has
Witness: f1831 is the genius that has


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 regulated my
Witness: f1823 regulated my
Witness: fThomas regulated my
Witness: fMS regulated my
Witness: f1831 regulated my


Reading Group: C07g_app11_rg1

Witness: fMS fate

Reading Group: C07g_app11_rg2

Witness: f1818 fate;
Witness: f1823 fate;
Witness: fThomas fate;
Witness: f1831 fate;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: fMS I
Witness: f1831 I


Reading Group: C07g_app13_rg1

Witness: fMS wishdesire theirrefore

Reading Group: C07g_app13_rg2

Witness: f1818 desire
Witness: f1823 desire
Witness: fThomas desire

Reading Group: C07g_app13_rg3

Witness: f1831 desire,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 therefore,
Witness: f1823 therefore,
Witness: fThomas therefore,
Witness: f1831 therefore,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in this
Witness: f1823 in this
Witness: fThomas in this
Witness: fMS in this
Witness: f1831 in this


Reading Group: C07g_app16_rg1

Witness: fMS account of my early years

Reading Group: C07g_app16_rg2

Witness: f1818 narration,
Witness: f1823 narration,
Witness: fThomas narration,
Witness: f1831 narration,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to
Witness: f1823 to
Witness: fThomas to
Witness: fMS to
Witness: f1831 to


Reading Group: C07g_app18_rg1

Witness: fThomas staterelate

Reading Group: C07g_app18_rg2

Witness: f1818 state
Witness: f1823 state
Witness: fMS state
Witness: f1831 state


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 those facts which
Witness: f1823 those facts which
Witness: fThomas those facts which
Witness: fMS those facts which
Witness: f1831 those facts which


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 led to
Witness: f1823 led to
Witness: fThomas led to
Witness: fMS led to
Witness: f1831 led to


Reading Group: C07g_app21_rg1

Witness: f1818 my predilection
Witness: f1823 my predilection
Witness: fThomas my predilection
Witness: f1831 my predilection

Reading Group: C07g_app21_rg2

Witness: fMS mylovepursuitfirst aquof that study.predeliction


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 for that science. When
Witness: f1823 for that science. When
Witness: fThomas for that science. When
Witness: fMS for that science. When
Witness: f1831 for that science. When


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I was
Witness: f1823 I was
Witness: fThomas I was
Witness: fMS I was
Witness: f1831 I was


Reading Group: C07g_app24_rg1

Witness: fMS eleven

Reading Group: C07g_app24_rg2

Witness: f1818 thirteen
Witness: f1823 thirteen
Witness: fThomas thirteen
Witness: f1831 thirteen


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 years
Witness: f1823 years
Witness: fThomas years
Witness: fMS years
Witness: f1831 years


Reading Group: C07g_app26_rg1

Witness: f1818 of age,
Witness: f1823 of age,
Witness: fThomas of age,
Witness: f1831 of age,

Reading Group: C07g_app26_rg2

Witness: fMS old


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 we all went on a party
Witness: f1823 we all went on a party
Witness: fThomas we all went on a party
Witness: fMS we all went on a party
Witness: f1831 we all went on a party


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of pleasure to
Witness: f1823 of pleasure to
Witness: fThomas of pleasure to
Witness: fMS of pleasure to
Witness: f1831 of pleasure to


Reading Group: C07g_app29_rg1

Witness: fMS ThononThonon.and were confined therebobil<del rend="strikethrough" sID="c56-0005__main__d2e1093"/>obliged by

Reading Group: C07g_app29_rg2

Witness: f1818 the baths near Thonon:
Witness: f1823 the baths near Thonon:
Witness: fThomas the baths near Thonon:
Witness: f1831 the baths near Thonon:


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: fMS the
Witness: f1831 the


Reading Group: C07g_app31_rg1

Witness: fMS rainandtThe inclemency of the weather obliged us to remain a day

Reading Group: C07g_app31_rg2

Witness: f1818 inclemency of the weather obliged us to remain a day
Witness: f1823 inclemency of the weather obliged us to remain a day
Witness: fThomas inclemency of the weather obliged us to remain a day
Witness: f1831 inclemency of the weather obliged us to remain a day


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 confined to the inn. In this house I chanced
Witness: f1823 confined to the inn. In this house I chanced
Witness: fThomas confined to the inn. In this house I chanced
Witness: fMS confined to the inn. In this house I chanced
Witness: f1831 confined to the inn. In this house I chanced


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to find a
Witness: f1823 to find a
Witness: fThomas to find a
Witness: fMS to finedd a
Witness: f1831 to find a


Reading Group: C07g_app34_rg1

Witness: fMS fo volumes

Reading Group: C07g_app34_rg2

Witness: f1818 volume
Witness: f1823 volume
Witness: fThomas volume
Witness: f1831 volume


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of the works of Cornelius Agrippa.
Witness: f1823 of the works of Cornelius Agrippa.
Witness: fThomas of the works of Cornelius Agrippa.
Witness: fMS of the Works of Cornelius Agrippa.
Witness: f1831 of the works of Cornelius Agrippa.


Reading Group: C07g_app36_rg1

Witness: fMS And I opened it with

Reading Group: C07g_app36_rg2

Witness: f1818 I opened it with
Witness: f1823 I opened it with
Witness: fThomas I opened it with
Witness: f1831 I opened it with


Reading Group: C07g_app37_rg1

Witness: fMS apathy but<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>the

Reading Group: C07g_app37_rg2

Witness: f1818 apathy; the
Witness: f1823 apathy; the
Witness: fThomas apathy; the
Witness: f1831 apathy; the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 theory
Witness: f1823 theory
Witness: fThomas theory
Witness: fMS theory
Witness: f1831 theory


Reading Group: C07g_app39_rg1

Witness: fMS that

Reading Group: C07g_app39_rg2

Witness: f1818 which
Witness: f1823 which
Witness: fThomas which
Witness: f1831 which


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 he
Witness: f1823 he
Witness: fThomas he
Witness: fMS he
Witness: f1831 he


Reading Group: C07g_app41_rg1

Witness: fMS attempted

Reading Group: C07g_app41_rg2

Witness: f1818 attempts
Witness: f1823 attempts
Witness: fThomas attempts
Witness: f1831 attempts


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to
Witness: f1823 to
Witness: fThomas to
Witness: fMS to
Witness: f1831 to


Reading Group: C07g_app43_rg1

Witness: fMS ddemonstrate

Reading Group: C07g_app43_rg2

Witness: f1818 demonstrate,
Witness: f1823 demonstrate,
Witness: fThomas demonstrate,
Witness: f1831 demonstrate,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and the wonderful facts
Witness: f1823 and the wonderful facts
Witness: fThomas and the wonderful facts
Witness: fMS and the wonderful facts
Witness: f1831 and the wonderful facts


Reading Group: C07g_app45_rg1

Witness: fMS thathe relates chan

Reading Group: C07g_app45_rg2

Witness: f1818 which he relates,
Witness: f1823 which he relates,
Witness: fThomas which he relates,
Witness: f1831 which he relates,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 soon changed this feeling
Witness: f1823 soon changed this feeling
Witness: fThomas soon changed this feeling
Witness: fMS soon changed this feeling
Witness: f1831 soon changed this feeling


Reading Group: C07g_app47_rg1

Witness: f1818 into
Witness: f1823 into
Witness: fThomas into
Witness: f1831 into

Reading Group: C07g_app47_rg2

Witness: fMS intocontinued to re with


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 enthusiasm. A new
Witness: f1823 enthusiasm. A new
Witness: fThomas enthusiasm. A new
Witness: fMS enthusiasm. A new
Witness: f1831 enthusiasm. A new


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 light
Witness: f1823 light
Witness: fThomas light
Witness: fMS light
Witness: f1831 light


Reading Group: C07g_app50_rg1

Witness: fMS dawned

Reading Group: C07g_app50_rg2

Witness: f1818 seemed to dawn
Witness: f1823 seemed to dawn
Witness: fThomas seemed to dawn
Witness: f1831 seemed to dawn


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 upon my
Witness: f1823 upon my
Witness: fThomas upon my
Witness: fMS upon my
Witness: f1831 upon my


Reading Group: C07g_app52_rg1

Witness: fMS mind and Icom

Reading Group: C07g_app52_rg2

Witness: f1818 mind; and,
Witness: f1823 mind; and,
Witness: fThomas mind; and,
Witness: f1831 mind; and,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 bounding with
Witness: f1823 bounding with
Witness: fThomas bounding with
Witness: fMS bounding with
Witness: f1831 bounding with


Reading Group: C07g_app54_rg1

Witness: fMS joy

Reading Group: C07g_app54_rg2

Witness: f1818 joy,
Witness: f1823 joy,
Witness: fThomas joy,
Witness: f1831 joy,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I communicated my
Witness: f1823 I communicated my
Witness: fThomas I communicated my
Witness: fMS I communicated my
Witness: f1831 I communicated my


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 discovery to my father.
Witness: f1823 discovery to my father.
Witness: fThomas discovery to my father.
Witness: fMS discovery to my father.
Witness: f1831 discovery to my father.


Reading Group: C07g_app57_rg1

Witness: fThomas I cannot help remarking here the many opportunities instructors possess of directing the attention of their pupils to useful knowledge, which they utterly neglect. My father lookedwho looking

Reading Group: C07g_app57_rg2

Witness: fMS I cannot help here remarking the many opportunities parents<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>instructorshaveposess of directing the attention of their pupils to useful knowledge, which they utterly neglect. My father looked

Reading Group: C07g_app57_rg3

Witness: f1818 I cannot help remarking here the many opportunities instructors possess of directing the attention of their pupils to useful knowledge, which they utterly neglect. My father
Witness: f1823 I cannot help remarking here the many opportunities instructors possess of directing the attention of their pupils to useful knowledge, which they utterly neglect. My father looked

Reading Group: C07g_app57_rg4

Witness: f1831 My father looked


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 carelessly at the
Witness: f1823 carelessly at the
Witness: fThomas carelessly at the
Witness: fMS carelessly at the
Witness: f1831 carelessly at the


Reading Group: C07g_app59_rg1

Witness: fMS tittle page

Reading Group: C07g_app59_rg2

Witness: f1818 title-page
Witness: f1823 title-page
Witness: fThomas title-page

Reading Group: C07g_app59_rg3

Witness: f1831 titlepage


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of my
Witness: f1823 of my
Witness: fThomas of my
Witness: fMS of my
Witness: f1831 of my


Reading Group: C07g_app61_rg1

Witness: fMS book — Ah

Reading Group: C07g_app61_rg2

Witness: f1818 book,
Witness: f1823 book,
Witness: fThomas book,
Witness: f1831 book,


Reading Group: C07g_app62_rg1

Witness: fThomas and

Reading Group: C07g_app62_rg2

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fMS and
Witness: f1831 and


Reading Group: C07g_app63_rg1

Witness: fMS said Ah!

Reading Group: C07g_app63_rg2

Witness: f1818 said, “Ah!
Witness: f1823 said, “Ah!
Witness: fThomas said, “Ah!
Witness: f1831 said, “Ah!


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Cornelius
Witness: f1823 Cornelius
Witness: fThomas Cornelius
Witness: fMS Cornelius
Witness: f1831 Cornelius


Reading Group: C07g_app65_rg1

Witness: f1818 Agrippa!
Witness: f1823 Agrippa!
Witness: fThomas Agrippa!
Witness: f1831 Agrippa!

Reading Group: C07g_app65_rg2

Witness: fMS Agrippa! —


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 My dear
Witness: f1823 My dear
Witness: fThomas My dear
Witness: fMS My dear
Witness: f1831 My dear


Reading Group: C07g_app67_rg1

Witness: fMS Victor

Reading Group: C07g_app67_rg2

Witness: f1818 Victor,
Witness: f1823 Victor,
Witness: fThomas Victor,
Witness: f1831 Victor,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 do not waste
Witness: f1823 do not waste
Witness: fThomas do not waste
Witness: fMS do not waste
Witness: f1831 do not waste


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 your time upon
Witness: f1823 your time upon
Witness: fThomas your time upon
Witness: fMS your time upon
Witness: f1831 your time upon


Reading Group: C07g_app70_rg1

Witness: fMS this –

Reading Group: C07g_app70_rg2

Witness: f1818 this;
Witness: f1823 this;
Witness: fThomas this;
Witness: f1831 this;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 it is sad
Witness: f1823 it is sad
Witness: fThomas it is sad
Witness: fMS it is sad
Witness: f1831 it is sad


Reading Group: C07g_app72_rg1

Witness: f1818 trash.”<p/><p/>If,
Witness: f1823 trash.”<p/><p/>If,
Witness: fThomas trash.”<p/><p/>If,
Witness: f1831 trash.”<p/><p/>If,

Reading Group: C07g_app72_rg2

Witness: fMS trash. If


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 instead of this
Witness: f1823 instead of this
Witness: fThomas instead of this
Witness: fMS instead of this
Witness: f1831 instead of this


Reading Group: C07g_app74_rg1

Witness: fMS remark or rather exclamation

Reading Group: C07g_app74_rg2

Witness: f1818 remark,
Witness: f1823 remark,
Witness: fThomas remark,
Witness: f1831 remark,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my father had taken the pains to
Witness: f1823 my father had taken the pains to
Witness: fThomas my father had taken the pains to
Witness: fMS my father had taken the pains to
Witness: f1831 my father had taken the pains to


Reading Group: C07g_app76_rg1

Witness: fMS expound<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>lain

Reading Group: C07g_app76_rg2

Witness: f1818 explain
Witness: f1823 explain
Witness: fThomas explain
Witness: f1831 explain


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to
Witness: f1823 to
Witness: fThomas to
Witness: fMS to
Witness: f1831 to


Reading Group: C07g_app78_rg1

Witness: fMS me

Reading Group: C07g_app78_rg2

Witness: f1818 me,
Witness: f1823 me,
Witness: fThomas me,
Witness: f1831 me,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that the principles of Agrippa had been entirely
Witness: f1823 that the principles of Agrippa had been entirely
Witness: fThomas that the principles of Agrippa had been entirely
Witness: fMS that the principles of Agrippa had been entirely
Witness: f1831 that the principles of Agrippa had been entirely


Reading Group: C07g_app80_rg1

Witness: f1818 exploded,
Witness: f1823 exploded,
Witness: fThomas exploded,
Witness: f1831 exploded,

Reading Group: C07g_app80_rg2

Witness: fMS exploded. Andaan


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and that
Witness: f1823 and that
Witness: fThomas and that
Witness: fMS and that
Witness: f1831 and that


Reading Group: C07g_app82_rg1

Witness: fMS anothera modernsystem

Reading Group: C07g_app82_rg2

Witness: f1818 a modern system
Witness: f1823 a modern system
Witness: fThomas a modern system
Witness: f1831 a modern system


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of science
Witness: f1823 of science
Witness: fThomas of science
Witness: fMS of science
Witness: f1831 of science


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 had been
Witness: f1823 had been
Witness: fThomas had been
Witness: fMS had been
Witness: f1831 had been


Reading Group: C07g_app85_rg1

Witness: fMS introduced

Reading Group: C07g_app85_rg2

Witness: f1818 introduced,
Witness: f1823 introduced,
Witness: fThomas introduced,
Witness: f1831 introduced,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 which possessed much
Witness: f1823 which possessed much
Witness: fThomas which possessed much
Witness: fMS which possessed much
Witness: f1831 which possessed much


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 greater
Witness: f1823 greater
Witness: fThomas greater
Witness: fMS greater
Witness: f1831 greater


Reading Group: C07g_app88_rg1

Witness: fMS power

Reading Group: C07g_app88_rg2

Witness: f1818 powers
Witness: f1823 powers
Witness: fThomas powers
Witness: f1831 powers


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 than the
Witness: f1823 than the
Witness: fThomas than the
Witness: fMS than the
Witness: f1831 than the


Reading Group: C07g_app90_rg1

Witness: fMS ancient

Reading Group: C07g_app90_rg2

Witness: f1818 ancient,
Witness: f1823 ancient,
Witness: fThomas ancient,
Witness: f1831 ancient,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 because
Witness: f1823 because
Witness: fThomas because
Witness: fMS because
Witness: f1831 because


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the powers of the
Witness: f1823 the powers of the
Witness: fThomas the powers of the
Witness: fMS the powers of the
Witness: f1831 the powers of the


Reading Group: C07g_app93_rg1

Witness: fMS ancient

Reading Group: C07g_app93_rg2

Witness: f1818 latter
Witness: f1823 latter
Witness: fThomas latter
Witness: f1831 latter


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 were
Witness: f1823 were
Witness: fThomas were
Witness: fMS were
Witness: f1831 were


Reading Group: C07g_app95_rg1

Witness: fMS pretended and chimerical, while those of the

Reading Group: C07g_app95_rg2

Witness: f1818 chimerical, while those of the
Witness: f1823 chimerical, while those of the
Witness: fThomas chimerical, while those of the
Witness: f1831 chimerical, while those of the


Reading Group: C07g_app96_rg1

Witness: f1818 former were
Witness: f1823 former were
Witness: fThomas former were
Witness: f1831 former were

Reading Group: C07g_app96_rg2

Witness: fMS moderns are


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 real and practical; under such
Witness: f1823 real and practical; under such
Witness: fThomas real and practical; under such
Witness: fMS real and practical; under such
Witness: f1831 real and practical; under such


Reading Group: C07g_app98_rg1

Witness: fMS circumstances

Reading Group: C07g_app98_rg2

Witness: f1818 circumstances,
Witness: f1823 circumstances,
Witness: fThomas circumstances,
Witness: f1831 circumstances,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I should certainly have thrown
Witness: f1823 I should certainly have thrown
Witness: fThomas I should certainly have thrown
Witness: fMS I should certainly have thrown
Witness: f1831 I should certainly have thrown


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Agrippa aside,
Witness: f1823 Agrippa aside,
Witness: fThomas Agrippa aside,
Witness: fMS Agrippa aside,
Witness: f1831 Agrippa aside,


Reading Group: C07g_app101_rg1

Witness: fMS and
Witness: f1831 and

Reading Group: C07g_app101_rg2

Witness: f1818 and,
Witness: f1823 and,
Witness: fThomas and,


Reading Group: C07g_app102_rg1

Witness: f1831 have contented

Reading Group: C07g_app102_rg2

Witness: f1818 with
Witness: f1823 with
Witness: fThomas with
Witness: fMS with


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my
Witness: f1823 my
Witness: fThomas my
Witness: fMS my
Witness: f1831 my


Reading Group: C07g_app104_rg1

Witness: f1818 imagination
Witness: f1823 imagination
Witness: fThomas imagination
Witness: fMS imagination

Reading Group: C07g_app104_rg2

Witness: f1831 imagination,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 warmed as it
Witness: f1823 warmed as it
Witness: fThomas warmed as it
Witness: fMS warmed as it
Witness: f1831 warmed as it


Reading Group: C07g_app106_rg1

Witness: f1818 was, should probably have applied myself to the more rational theory of chemistry which has resulted from modern discoveries.
Witness: f1823 was, should probably have applied myself to the more rational theory of chemistry which has resulted from modern discoveries.
Witness: fThomas was, should probably have applied myself to the more rational theory of chemistry which has resulted from modern discoveries.

Reading Group: C07g_app106_rg2

Witness: fMS waswshould probably have aplied myself to m the more ra rational theory of chemistry which has at presenthas resulted from modern discoveriesthe approbation of the learned.

Reading Group: C07g_app106_rg3

Witness: f1831 was, by returning with greater ardour to my former studies.


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS It is even
Witness: f1818 It is even
Witness: f1823 It is even
Witness: fThomas It is even
Witness: f1831 It is even


Reading Group: C07g_app108_rg1

Witness: fMS possible

Reading Group: C07g_app108_rg2

Witness: f1818 possible,
Witness: f1823 possible,
Witness: fThomas possible,
Witness: f1831 possible,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that the train of my ideas
Witness: f1823 that the train of my ideas
Witness: fThomas that the train of my ideas
Witness: fMS that the train of my ideas
Witness: f1831 that the train of my ideas


Reading Group: C07g_app110_rg1

Witness: fMS might

Reading Group: C07g_app110_rg2

Witness: f1818 would
Witness: f1823 would
Witness: fThomas would
Witness: f1831 would


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 never have
Witness: f1823 never have
Witness: fThomas never have
Witness: fMS never have
Witness: f1831 never have


Reading Group: C07g_app112_rg1

Witness: f1818 received the
Witness: f1823 received the
Witness: fThomas received the
Witness: f1831 received the

Reading Group: C07g_app112_rg2

Witness: fMS recievedthat


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 fatal impulse
Witness: f1823 fatal impulse
Witness: fThomas fatal impulse
Witness: fMS fatal impulse
Witness: f1831 fatal impulse


Reading Group: C07g_app114_rg1

Witness: f1818 that
Witness: f1823 that
Witness: fThomas that
Witness: f1831 that

Reading Group: C07g_app114_rg2

Witness: fMS which


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 led
Witness: f1823 led
Witness: fThomas led
Witness: fMS led
Witness: f1831 led


Reading Group: C07g_app116_rg1

Witness: fMS me to my ruin. But the

Reading Group: C07g_app116_rg2

Witness: f1818 to my ruin. But the
Witness: f1823 to my ruin. But the
Witness: fThomas to my ruin. But the
Witness: f1831 to my ruin. But the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 cursory glance my father had taken of
Witness: f1823 cursory glance my father had taken of
Witness: fThomas cursory glance my father had taken of
Witness: fMS cursory glance my father had taken of
Witness: f1831 cursory glance my father had taken of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my volume by no means assured me
Witness: f1823 my volume by no means assured me
Witness: fThomas my volume by no means assured me
Witness: fMS my volume by no means assured me
Witness: f1831 my volume by no means assured me


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that he was acquainted with
Witness: f1823 that he was acquainted with
Witness: fThomas that he was acquainted with
Witness: fMS that he was acquainted with
Witness: f1831 that he was acquainted with


Reading Group: C07g_app120_rg1

Witness: fMS the<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>its

Reading Group: C07g_app120_rg2

Witness: f1818 its
Witness: f1823 its
Witness: fThomas its
Witness: f1831 its


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 contents;
Witness: f1823 contents;
Witness: fThomas contents;
Witness: fMS contents;
Witness: f1831 contents;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and I continued to read with the
Witness: f1823 and I continued to read with the
Witness: fThomas and I continued to read with the
Witness: fMS and I continued to read with the
Witness: f1831 and I continued to read with the


Reading Group: C07g_app123_rg1

Witness: f1823 greadest

Reading Group: C07g_app123_rg2

Witness: f1818 greatest
Witness: fThomas greatest
Witness: fMS greatest
Witness: f1831 greatest


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS avidity. <metamark function="paragraph">[</metamark>When
Witness: f1818 avidity.<p/><p/>When
Witness: f1823 avidity.<p/><p/>When
Witness: fThomas avidity.<p/><p/>When
Witness: f1831 avidity.<p/><p/>When


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I returned home, my first
Witness: f1823 I returned home, my first
Witness: fThomas I returned home, my first
Witness: fMS I returned home, my first
Witness: f1831 I returned home, my first


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 care was to procure
Witness: f1823 care was to procure
Witness: fThomas care was to procure
Witness: fMS care was to procure
Witness: f1831 care was to procure


Reading Group: C07g_app127_rg1

Witness: fMS this<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>the<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>whole

Reading Group: C07g_app127_rg2

Witness: f1818 the whole
Witness: f1823 the whole
Witness: fThomas the whole
Witness: f1831 the whole


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 works of this
Witness: f1823 works of this
Witness: fThomas works of this
Witness: fMS works of this
Witness: f1831 works of this


Reading Group: C07g_app129_rg1

Witness: fMS author

Reading Group: C07g_app129_rg2

Witness: f1818 author,
Witness: f1823 author,
Witness: fThomas author,
Witness: f1831 author,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and afterwards
Witness: f1823 and afterwards
Witness: fThomas and afterwards
Witness: fMS and afterwards
Witness: f1831 and afterwards


Reading Group: C07g_app131_rg1

Witness: fMS those of Paracelsus and Albertus Magnus. I read and studied the wild fancies of these

Reading Group: C07g_app131_rg2

Witness: f1818 of Paracelsus and Albertus Magnus. I read and studied the wild fancies of these
Witness: f1823 of Paracelsus and Albertus Magnus. I read and studied the wild fancies of these
Witness: fThomas of Paracelsus and Albertus Magnus. I read and studied the wild fancies of these
Witness: f1831 of Paracelsus and Albertus Magnus. I read and studied the wild fancies of these


Reading Group: C07g_app132_rg1

Witness: fMS authors

Reading Group: C07g_app132_rg2

Witness: f1818 writers
Witness: f1823 writers
Witness: fThomas writers
Witness: f1831 writers


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 with
Witness: f1823 with
Witness: fThomas with
Witness: fMS with
Witness: f1831 with


Reading Group: C07g_app134_rg1

Witness: fMS delight,

Reading Group: C07g_app134_rg2

Witness: f1818 delight;
Witness: f1823 delight;
Witness: fThomas delight;
Witness: f1831 delight;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 they appeared to me treasures
Witness: f1823 they appeared to me treasures
Witness: fThomas they appeared to me treasures
Witness: fMS they appeared to me treasures
Witness: f1831 they appeared to me treasures


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 known to few
Witness: f1823 known to few
Witness: fThomas known to few
Witness: fMS known to few
Witness: f1831 known to few


Reading Group: C07g_app137_rg1

Witness: f1818 beside
Witness: f1823 beside
Witness: fThomas beside
Witness: f1831 beside

Reading Group: C07g_app137_rg2

Witness: fMS besides


Reading Group: C07g_app138_rg1

Witness: f1831 myself.

Reading Group: C07g_app138_rg2

Witness: f1818 myself;
Witness: f1823 myself;
Witness: fThomas myself;
Witness: fMS myself;


Reading Group: C07g_app139_rg1

Witness: f1831 I have described myself as always having been embued with a fervent longing to penetrate the secrets of nature. In spite of the intense labour and wonderful discoveries of modern philosophers, I always came from my studies discontented and unsatisfied. Sir Isaac Newton is said to have avowed that he felt like a child picking up shells beside the great and unexplored ocean of truth. Those of his successors in each branch of natural philosophy with whom I was acquainted, appeared even to my boy’s apprehensions, as tyros engaged in the same pursuit.<p/><p/>The untaught peasant beheld the elements around him, and was acquainted with their practical uses. The most learned philosopher knew little more. He had partially unveiled the face of Nature, but her immortal lineaments were still a wonder and a mystery. He might dissect, anatomise, and give names; but, not to speak of a final cause, causes their secondary and tertiary grades were utterly unknown to him. I had gazed upon the fortifications and impediments that seemed to keep human beings from entering the citadel of nature, and rashly and ignorantly I had repined.<p/><p/>But here were books, and here were men who had penetrated deeper and knew more. I took their word for all that they averred, and I became their disciple.

Reading Group: C07g_app139_rg2

Witness: f1818 and although I often wished to communicate
Witness: f1823 and although I often wished to communicate
Witness: fThomas and although I often wished to communicate

Reading Group: C07g_app139_rg3

Witness: fMS and, although I often wished to discovercommunicate


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 these secret stores
Witness: f1823 these secret stores
Witness: fThomas these secret stores
Witness: fMS these secret stores


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of knowledge
Witness: f1823 of knowledge
Witness: fThomas of knowledge
Witness: fMS of knowledge


Reading Group: C07g_app142_rg1

Witness: fMS from to

Reading Group: C07g_app142_rg2

Witness: f1818 to
Witness: f1823 to
Witness: fThomas to


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my
Witness: f1823 my
Witness: fThomas my
Witness: fMS my


Reading Group: C07g_app144_rg1

Witness: fMS father

Reading Group: C07g_app144_rg2

Witness: f1818 father,
Witness: f1823 father,
Witness: fThomas father,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 yet his indefinite censure
Witness: f1823 yet his indefinite censure
Witness: fThomas yet his indefinite censure
Witness: fMS yet his indefinite censure


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of
Witness: f1823 of
Witness: fThomas of
Witness: fMS of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my
Witness: f1823 my
Witness: fThomas my
Witness: fMS my


Reading Group: C07g_app148_rg1

Witness: fMS favorite Agrippa,

Reading Group: C07g_app148_rg2

Witness: f1818 favourite Agrippa
Witness: f1823 favourite Agrippa
Witness: fThomas favourite Agrippa


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 always withheld me.
Witness: f1823 always withheld me.
Witness: fThomas always withheld me.
Witness: fMS always withheld me.


Reading Group: C07g_app150_rg1

Witness: fMS I let I disclosed

Reading Group: C07g_app150_rg2

Witness: f1818 I disclosed
Witness: f1823 I disclosed
Witness: fThomas I disclosed


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my
Witness: f1823 my
Witness: fThomas my
Witness: fMS my


Reading Group: C07g_app152_rg1

Witness: f1818 discoveries
Witness: f1823 discoveries
Witness: fThomas discoveries

Reading Group: C07g_app152_rg2

Witness: fMS secret


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to
Witness: f1823 to
Witness: fThomas to
Witness: fMS to


Reading Group: C07g_app154_rg1

Witness: fMS Elizabeth

Reading Group: C07g_app154_rg2

Witness: f1818 Elizabeth,
Witness: f1823 Elizabeth,
Witness: fThomas Elizabeth,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 therefore, under
Witness: f1823 therefore, under
Witness: fThomas therefore, under
Witness: fMS therefore, under


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a
Witness: f1823 a
Witness: fThomas a
Witness: fMS a


Reading Group: C07g_app157_rg1

Witness: fMS strict promise of secrecy;

Reading Group: C07g_app157_rg2

Witness: f1818 promise of strict secrecy;
Witness: f1823 promise of strict secrecy;
Witness: fThomas promise of strict secrecy;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but
Witness: f1823 but
Witness: fThomas but
Witness: fMS but


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 she did
Witness: f1823 she did
Witness: fThomas she did
Witness: fMS she did


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 not
Witness: f1823 not
Witness: fThomas not
Witness: fMS not


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 interest herself
Witness: f1823 interest herself
Witness: fThomas interest herself
Witness: fMS interest herself


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in
Witness: f1823 in
Witness: fThomas in
Witness: fMS in


Reading Group: C07g_app163_rg1

Witness: fMS them<mdel/>the

Reading Group: C07g_app163_rg2

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fThomas the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 subject,
Witness: f1823 subject,
Witness: fThomas subject,
Witness: fMS subject,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: fMS and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: fMS I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was left by her to pursue
Witness: f1823 was left by her to pursue
Witness: fThomas was left by her to pursue
Witness: fMS was left by her to pursue


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my studies
Witness: f1823 my studies
Witness: fThomas my studies
Witness: fMS my studies


Reading Group: C07g_app169_rg1

Witness: fMS alone. –

Reading Group: C07g_app169_rg2

Witness: f1818 alone.<p/>
Witness: f1823 alone.<p/>
Witness: fThomas alone.<p/>


Reading Group: C07g_app170_rg1

Witness: fMS It
Witness: f1818 <p/>It
Witness: f1823 <p/>It
Witness: fThomas <p/>It

Reading Group: C07g_app170_rg2

Witness: f1831 It


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 may appear
Witness: f1823 may appear
Witness: fThomas may appear
Witness: fMS may appear
Witness: f1831 may appear


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 very
Witness: f1823 very
Witness: fThomas very
Witness: fMS very


Reading Group: C07g_app173_rg1

Witness: fMS strange
Witness: f1831 strange

Reading Group: C07g_app173_rg2

Witness: f1818 strange,
Witness: f1823 strange,
Witness: fThomas strange,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that
Witness: f1823 that
Witness: fThomas that
Witness: fMS that
Witness: f1831 that


Reading Group: C07g_app175_rg1

Witness: f1818 a disciple of Albertus Magnus
Witness: f1823 a disciple of Albertus Magnus
Witness: fThomas a disciple of Albertus Magnus

Reading Group: C07g_app175_rg2

Witness: fMS a desciple of Albertus Magnus

Reading Group: C07g_app175_rg3

Witness: f1831 such


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 should arise in the
Witness: f1823 should arise in the
Witness: fThomas should arise in the
Witness: fMS should arise in the
Witness: f1831 should arise in the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 eighteenth
Witness: f1823 eighteenth
Witness: fThomas eighteenth
Witness: fMS eighteenth
Witness: f1831 eighteenth


Reading Group: C07g_app178_rg1

Witness: fMS century,

Reading Group: C07g_app178_rg2

Witness: f1818 century;
Witness: f1823 century;
Witness: fThomas century;
Witness: f1831 century;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but
Witness: f1823 but
Witness: fThomas but
Witness: fMS but
Witness: f1831 but


Reading Group: C07g_app180_rg1

Witness: f1818 our family
Witness: f1823 our family
Witness: fThomas our family
Witness: fMS our family

Reading Group: C07g_app180_rg2

Witness: f1831 while I followed the routine of education in the schools of Geneva, I was, to a great degree, self taught with regard to my favourite studies. My father


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was not
Witness: f1823 was not
Witness: fThomas was not
Witness: fMS was not
Witness: f1831 was not


Reading Group: C07g_app182_rg1

Witness: f1818 scientifical,
Witness: f1823 scientifical,
Witness: fThomas scientifical,
Witness: fMS scientifical,

Reading Group: C07g_app182_rg2

Witness: f1831 scientific,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and I
Witness: f1823 and I
Witness: fThomas and I
Witness: fMS and I
Witness: f1831 and I


Reading Group: C07g_app184_rg1

Witness: fMS didhad

Reading Group: C07g_app184_rg2

Witness: f1818 had
Witness: f1823 had
Witness: fThomas had

Reading Group: C07g_app184_rg3

Witness: f1831 was left to struggle with a child’s blindness, added to a student’s thirst for knowledge. Under the guidance of my new preceptors,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 not attended any of the
Witness: f1823 not attended any of the
Witness: fThomas not attended any of the
Witness: fMS not attended any of the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 lectures given at
Witness: f1823 lectures given at
Witness: fThomas lectures given at
Witness: fMS lectures given at


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the schools of
Witness: f1823 the schools of
Witness: fThomas the schools of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Geneva. My dreams were
Witness: f1823 Geneva. My dreams were
Witness: fThomas Geneva. My dreams were
Witness: fMS Geneva. My dreams were


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 therefore undisturbed by
Witness: f1823 therefore undisturbed by
Witness: fThomas therefore undisturbed by
Witness: fMS therefore undisturbed by


Reading Group: C07g_app190_rg1

Witness: fMS reality,

Reading Group: C07g_app190_rg2

Witness: f1818 reality;
Witness: f1823 reality;
Witness: fThomas reality;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: fMS and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I entered
Witness: f1823 I entered
Witness: fThomas I entered
Witness: fMS I entered
Witness: f1831 I entered


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 with the
Witness: f1823 with the
Witness: fThomas with the
Witness: fMS with the
Witness: f1831 with the


Reading Group: C07g_app194_rg1

Witness: fMS greates

Reading Group: C07g_app194_rg2

Witness: f1818 greatest
Witness: f1823 greatest
Witness: fThomas greatest
Witness: f1831 greatest


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 diligence into the search
Witness: f1823 diligence into the search
Witness: fThomas diligence into the search
Witness: fMS diligence into the search
Witness: f1831 diligence into the search


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of the
Witness: f1823 of the
Witness: fThomas of the
Witness: fMS of the
Witness: f1831 of the


Reading Group: C07g_app197_rg1

Witness: fMS philosophers

Reading Group: C07g_app197_rg2

Witness: f1818 philosopher’s
Witness: f1823 philosopher’s
Witness: fThomas philosopher’s
Witness: f1831 philosopher’s


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 stone and the
Witness: f1823 stone and the
Witness: fThomas stone and the
Witness: fMS stone and the
Witness: f1831 stone and the


Reading Group: C07g_app199_rg1

Witness: fMS <note/>or if you chose petrum philosophaleelizer vielixer

Reading Group: C07g_app199_rg2

Witness: f1818 elixir
Witness: f1823 elixir
Witness: fThomas elixir
Witness: f1831 elixir


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of
Witness: f1823 of
Witness: fThomas of
Witness: fMS of
Witness: f1831 of


Reading Group: C07g_app201_rg1

Witness: f1818 life.
Witness: f1823 life.
Witness: fThomas life.

Reading Group: C07g_app201_rg2

Witness: f1831 life;

Reading Group: C07g_app201_rg3

Witness: fMS life.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 But the latter
Witness: f1823 But the latter
Witness: fThomas But the latter
Witness: fMS But the latter
Witness: f1831 but the latter


Reading Group: C07g_app203_rg1

Witness: f1831 soon obtained my

Reading Group: C07g_app203_rg2

Witness: f1818 obtained my
Witness: f1823 obtained my
Witness: fThomas obtained my
Witness: fMS obtained my


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 most
Witness: f1823 most
Witness: fThomas most
Witness: fMS most


Reading Group: C07g_app205_rg1

Witness: fMS undived attention;

Reading Group: C07g_app205_rg2

Witness: f1818 undivided
Witness: f1823 undivided
Witness: fThomas undivided
Witness: f1831 undivided


Reading Group: C07g_app206_rg1

Witness: f1831 attention.

Reading Group: C07g_app206_rg2

Witness: f1818 attention:
Witness: f1823 attention:
Witness: fThomas attention:


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 wealth was an inferior
Witness: f1823 wealth was an inferior
Witness: fThomas wealth was an inferior
Witness: fMS wealth was an inferior
Witness: f1831 Wealth was an inferior


Reading Group: C07g_app208_rg1

Witness: fMS object

Reading Group: C07g_app208_rg2

Witness: f1818 object;
Witness: f1823 object;
Witness: fThomas object;
Witness: f1831 object;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but what
Witness: f1823 but what
Witness: fThomas but what
Witness: fMS but what
Witness: f1831 but what


Reading Group: C07g_app210_rg1

Witness: fMS would be the glory of the

Reading Group: C07g_app210_rg2

Witness: f1818 glory would attend the
Witness: f1823 glory would attend the
Witness: fThomas glory would attend the
Witness: f1831 glory would attend the


Reading Group: C07g_app211_rg1

Witness: fMS discovery

Reading Group: C07g_app211_rg2

Witness: f1818 discovery,
Witness: f1823 discovery,
Witness: fThomas discovery,
Witness: f1831 discovery,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 if I could
Witness: f1823 if I could
Witness: fThomas if I could
Witness: fMS if I could
Witness: f1831 if I could


Reading Group: C07g_app213_rg1

Witness: fMS bestoforever banish disease from the human

Reading Group: C07g_app213_rg2

Witness: f1818 banish disease from the human
Witness: f1823 banish disease from the human
Witness: fThomas banish disease from the human
Witness: f1831 banish disease from the human


Reading Group: C07g_app214_rg1

Witness: fMS frame

Reading Group: C07g_app214_rg2

Witness: f1818 frame,
Witness: f1823 frame,
Witness: fThomas frame,
Witness: f1831 frame,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and render man
Witness: f1823 and render man
Witness: fThomas and render man
Witness: fMS and render man
Witness: f1831 and render man


Reading Group: C07g_app216_rg1

Witness: fMS unatainablebyinvunerable

Reading Group: C07g_app216_rg2

Witness: f1818 invulnerable
Witness: f1823 invulnerable
Witness: fThomas invulnerable
Witness: f1831 invulnerable


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to
Witness: f1823 to
Witness: fThomas to
Witness: fMS to
Witness: f1831 to


Reading Group: C07g_app218_rg1

Witness: f1818 any but
Witness: f1823 any but
Witness: fThomas any but
Witness: f1831 any but

Reading Group: C07g_app218_rg2

Witness: fMS any<mdel/>but


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a violent
Witness: f1823 a violent
Witness: fThomas a violent
Witness: fMS a violent
Witness: f1831 a violent


Reading Group: C07g_app220_rg1

Witness: f1818 death!<p/><p/>Nor
Witness: f1823 death!<p/><p/>Nor
Witness: fThomas death!<p/><p/>Nor
Witness: f1831 death!<p/><p/>Nor

Reading Group: C07g_app220_rg2

Witness: fMS death. Nor


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 were these my only
Witness: f1823 were these my only
Witness: fThomas were these my only
Witness: fMS were these my only
Witness: f1831 were these my only


Reading Group: C07g_app222_rg1

Witness: fMS visions,

Reading Group: C07g_app222_rg2

Witness: f1818 visions.
Witness: f1823 visions.
Witness: fThomas visions.
Witness: f1831 visions.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 The
Witness: f1823 The
Witness: fThomas The
Witness: fMS the
Witness: f1831 The


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 raising of ghosts or devils
Witness: f1823 raising of ghosts or devils
Witness: fThomas raising of ghosts or devils
Witness: fMS raising of ghosts or devils
Witness: f1831 raising of ghosts or devils


Reading Group: C07g_app225_rg1

Witness: fMS <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>was also a favourwas

Reading Group: C07g_app225_rg2

Witness: f1818 was
Witness: f1823 was
Witness: fThomas was
Witness: f1831 was


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a promise liberally accorded
Witness: f1823 a promise liberally accorded
Witness: fThomas a promise liberally accorded
Witness: fMS a promise liberally accorded
Witness: f1831 a promise liberally accorded


Reading Group: C07g_app227_rg1

Witness: f1818 by my
Witness: f1823 by my
Witness: fThomas by my
Witness: f1831 by my

Reading Group: C07g_app227_rg2

Witness: fMS byitepursuitandIf I never saw anymy


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 favourite
Witness: f1823 favourite
Witness: fThomas favourite
Witness: fMS favourite
Witness: f1831 favourite


Reading Group: C07g_app229_rg1

Witness: f1818 authors,
Witness: f1823 authors,
Witness: fThomas authors,
Witness: f1831 authors,

Reading Group: C07g_app229_rg2

Witness: fMS authors;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the fulfilment of which I most eagerly
Witness: f1823 the fulfilment of which I most eagerly
Witness: fThomas the fulfilment of which I most eagerly
Witness: fMS the fulfilment of which I most eagerly
Witness: f1831 the fulfilment of which I most eagerly


Reading Group: C07g_app231_rg1

Witness: f1818 sought; and
Witness: f1823 sought; and
Witness: fThomas sought; and
Witness: f1831 sought; and

Reading Group: C07g_app231_rg2

Witness: fMS sought;&


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 if my incantations were always
Witness: f1823 if my incantations were always
Witness: fThomas if my incantations were always
Witness: fMS if my incantations were always
Witness: f1831 if my incantations were always


Reading Group: C07g_app233_rg1

Witness: f1818 unsuccessful, I attributed
Witness: f1823 unsuccessful, I attributed
Witness: fThomas unsuccessful, I attributed
Witness: f1831 unsuccessful, I attributed

Reading Group: C07g_app233_rg2

Witness: fMS unsuccessfulattributed


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the failure rather to my own inexperience
Witness: f1823 the failure rather to my own inexperience
Witness: fThomas the failure rather to my own inexperience
Witness: fMS itthe failure rather to my own inexperience
Witness: f1831 the failure rather to my own inexperience


Reading Group: C07g_app235_rg1

Witness: fMS th and mistake, than <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>to a want of skill <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>or fidelity in

Reading Group: C07g_app235_rg2

Witness: f1818 and mistake, than to a want of skill or fidelity in
Witness: f1823 and mistake, than to a want of skill or fidelity in
Witness: fThomas and mistake, than to a want of skill or fidelity in
Witness: f1831 and mistake, than to a want of skill or fidelity in


Reading Group: C07g_app236_rg1

Witness: fMS my instructors.When I was about fifteen my f The

Reading Group: C07g_app236_rg2

Witness: f1818 my instructors.<p/><p/>The
Witness: f1823 my instructors.<p/><p/>The
Witness: fThomas my instructors.<p/><p/>The

Reading Group: C07g_app236_rg3

Witness: f1831 my instructors. And thus for a time I was occupied by exploded systems, mingling, like an unadept, a thousand contradictory theories, and floundering desperately a very slough of multifarious knowledge, guided by an ardent imagination and childish reasoning, till an accident again changed the current of my ideas.<p/>


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 natural
Witness: f1823 natural
Witness: fThomas natural
Witness: fMS natural


Reading Group: C07g_app238_rg1

Witness: f1823 phenomena

Reading Group: C07g_app238_rg2

Witness: f1818 phænomena
Witness: fThomas phænomena

Reading Group: C07g_app238_rg3

Witness: fMS phænonema


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that
Witness: f1823 that
Witness: fThomas that
Witness: fMS that


Reading Group: C07g_app240_rg1

Witness: f1818 take
Witness: f1823 take
Witness: fThomas take

Reading Group: C07g_app240_rg2

Witness: fMS takes


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 place every day before our eyes did not
Witness: f1823 place every day before our eyes did not
Witness: fThomas place every day before our eyes did not
Witness: fMS place every day before our eyes did not


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 escape
Witness: f1823 escape
Witness: fThomas escape
Witness: fMS escape


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my
Witness: f1823 my
Witness: fThomas my
Witness: fMS my


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 examinations.
Witness: f1823 examinations.
Witness: fThomas examinations.
Witness: fMS exanmimnations.


Reading Group: C07g_app245_rg1

Witness: fMS I rememberThefermentationof liquorsdi<shi rend="underline">stillation</shi>

Reading Group: C07g_app245_rg2

Witness: f1818 Distillation,
Witness: f1823 Distillation,
Witness: fThomas Distillation,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the wonderful effects of steam, processes
Witness: f1823 the wonderful effects of steam, processes
Witness: fThomas the wonderful effects of steam, processes


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of which
Witness: f1823 of which
Witness: fThomas of which
Witness: fMS of which


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my
Witness: f1823 my
Witness: fThomas my
Witness: fMS my


Reading Group: C07g_app250_rg1

Witness: fMS favorite

Reading Group: C07g_app250_rg2

Witness: f1818 favourite
Witness: f1823 favourite
Witness: fThomas favourite


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 authors were
Witness: f1823 authors were
Witness: fThomas authors were
Witness: fMS authors were


Reading Group: C07g_app252_rg1

Witness: f1818 utterly ignorant,
Witness: f1823 utterly ignorant,
Witness: fThomas utterly ignorant,

Reading Group: C07g_app252_rg2

Witness: fMS utterly<note/> ignorant


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 excited my
Witness: f1823 excited my
Witness: fThomas excited my
Witness: fMS excited my


Reading Group: C07g_app254_rg1

Witness: fMS astonishment,

Reading Group: C07g_app254_rg2

Witness: f1818 astonishment;
Witness: f1823 astonishment;
Witness: fThomas astonishment;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but my utmost
Witness: f1823 but my utmost
Witness: fThomas but my utmost
Witness: fMS but my utmost


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 wonder
Witness: f1823 wonder
Witness: fThomas wonder
Witness: fMS wonder


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was
Witness: f1823 was
Witness: fThomas was
Witness: fMS was


Reading Group: C07g_app258_rg1

Witness: fMS causedby anengaged

Reading Group: C07g_app258_rg2

Witness: f1818 engaged
Witness: f1823 engaged
Witness: fThomas engaged


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 by
Witness: f1823 by
Witness: fThomas by
Witness: fMS by


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 some
Witness: f1823 some
Witness: fThomas some
Witness: fMS some


Reading Group: C07g_app261_rg1

Witness: fMS experiementsair pumpelectrical machineon

Reading Group: C07g_app261_rg2

Witness: f1818 experiments on
Witness: f1823 experiments on
Witness: fThomas experiments on


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 an
Witness: f1823 an
Witness: fThomas an
Witness: fMS an


Reading Group: C07g_app263_rg1

Witness: fMS air pump

Reading Group: C07g_app263_rg2

Witness: f1818 air-pump,
Witness: fThomas air-pump,

Reading Group: C07g_app263_rg3

Witness: f1823 airpump,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 which I saw
Witness: f1823 which I saw
Witness: fThomas which I saw
Witness: fMS which I saw


Reading Group: C07g_app265_rg1

Witness: f1818 employed
Witness: f1823 employed
Witness: fThomas employed

Reading Group: C07g_app265_rg2

Witness: fMS employedused


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 by
Witness: f1823 by
Witness: fThomas by
Witness: fMS by


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a
Witness: f1823 a
Witness: fThomas a
Witness: fMS a


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 gentleman whom
Witness: f1823 gentleman whom
Witness: fThomas gentleman whom
Witness: fMS gentleman whom


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 we were
Witness: f1823 we were
Witness: fThomas we were
Witness: fMS we were


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in
Witness: f1823 in
Witness: fThomas in
Witness: fMS in
Witness: f1831 in


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the habit
Witness: f1823 the habit
Witness: fThomas the habit
Witness: fMS the habit


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of
Witness: f1823 of
Witness: fThomas of
Witness: fMS of


Reading Group: C07g_app273_rg1

Witness: fMS visiting. The

Reading Group: C07g_app273_rg2

Witness: f1818 visiting.<p/><p/>The
Witness: f1823 visiting.<p/><p/>The
Witness: fThomas visiting.<p/><p/>The


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 ignorance of
Witness: f1823 ignorance of
Witness: fThomas ignorance of
Witness: fMS ignorance of


Reading Group: C07g_app275_rg1

Witness: fMS my

Reading Group: C07g_app275_rg2

Witness: f1818 the early
Witness: f1823 the early
Witness: fThomas the early


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 philosophers on these
Witness: f1823 philosophers on these
Witness: fThomas philosophers on these
Witness: fMS philosopheress on these


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: fMS and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 several other
Witness: f1823 several other
Witness: fThomas several other
Witness: fMS several other


Reading Group: C07g_app279_rg1

Witness: f1818 points
Witness: f1823 points
Witness: fThomas points

Reading Group: C07g_app279_rg2

Witness: fMS points,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 served to
Witness: f1823 served to
Witness: fThomas served to
Witness: fMS served to


Reading Group: C07g_app281_rg1

Witness: f1818 decrease their
Witness: f1823 decrease their
Witness: fThomas decrease their

Reading Group: C07g_app281_rg2

Witness: fMS decrease<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>thier


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 credit with
Witness: f1823 credit with
Witness: fThomas credit with
Witness: fMS credit with


Reading Group: C07g_app283_rg1

Witness: fMS <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>me –

Reading Group: C07g_app283_rg2

Witness: f1818 me:
Witness: f1823 me:
Witness: fThomas me:


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but I could not entirely throw
Witness: f1823 but I could not entirely throw
Witness: fThomas but I could not entirely throw
Witness: fMS but I could not entirely throw


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 them
Witness: f1823 them
Witness: fThomas them
Witness: fMS them


Reading Group: C07g_app286_rg1

Witness: fMS aside

Reading Group: C07g_app286_rg2

Witness: f1818 aside,
Witness: f1823 aside,
Witness: fThomas aside,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 before
Witness: f1823 before
Witness: fThomas before
Witness: fMS before


Reading Group: C07g_app288_rg1

Witness: fMS anysome some other system

Reading Group: C07g_app288_rg2

Witness: f1818 some other system
Witness: f1823 some other system
Witness: fThomas some other system


Reading Group: C07g_app289_rg1

Witness: fMS coccshouldoccupieyd

Reading Group: C07g_app289_rg2

Witness: f1818 should occupy
Witness: f1823 should occupy
Witness: fThomas should occupy


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 their
Witness: f1823 their
Witness: fThomas their
Witness: fMS their


Reading Group: C07g_app291_rg1

Witness: f1818 place
Witness: f1823 place
Witness: fThomas place

Reading Group: C07g_app291_rg2

Witness: fMS place.,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in
Witness: f1823 in
Witness: fThomas in
Witness: fMS in


Reading Group: C07g_app293_rg1

Witness: f1818 my mind.<p/>
Witness: f1823 my mind.<p/>
Witness: fThomas my mind.<p/>

Reading Group: C07g_app293_rg2

Witness: fMS my mind–<gap quantity="25" reason="resequencing" unit="lines"/><gap quantity="28" reason="resequencing" unit="lines"/><gap quantity="1" reason="resequencing" unit="tokens"/>


Reading Group: C07g_app294_rg1

Witness: f1818 <p/>When
Witness: f1823 <p/>When
Witness: fThomas <p/>When
Witness: f1831 <p/>When

Reading Group: C07g_app294_rg2

Witness: fMS <metamark function="paragraph"> [</metamark>wWhen


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I was about
Witness: f1823 I was about
Witness: fThomas I was about
Witness: fMS I was about
Witness: f1831 I was about


Reading Group: C07g_app296_rg1

Witness: fMS twelvefourteen

Reading Group: C07g_app296_rg2

Witness: f1818 fifteen
Witness: f1823 fifteen
Witness: fThomas fifteen
Witness: f1831 fifteen


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 years
Witness: f1823 years
Witness: fThomas years
Witness: fMS years
Witness: f1831 years


Reading Group: C07g_app298_rg1

Witness: f1818 old,
Witness: f1823 old,
Witness: fThomas old,

Reading Group: C07g_app298_rg2

Witness: fMS old
Witness: f1831 old


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 we
Witness: f1823 we
Witness: fThomas we
Witness: fMS we
Witness: f1831 we


Reading Group: C07g_app300_rg1

Witness: f1818 had retired to
Witness: f1823 had retired to
Witness: fThomas had retired to
Witness: f1831 had retired to

Reading Group: C07g_app300_rg2

Witness: fMS were at


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 our house near
Witness: f1823 our house near
Witness: fThomas our house near
Witness: fMS our house near
Witness: f1831 our house near


Reading Group: C07g_app302_rg1

Witness: fMS Belrive

Reading Group: C07g_app302_rg2

Witness: f1818 Belrive,
Witness: f1823 Belrive,
Witness: fThomas Belrive,
Witness: f1831 Belrive,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 when we witnessed
Witness: f1823 when we witnessed
Witness: fThomas when we witnessed
Witness: fMS when we witnessed
Witness: f1831 when we witnessed


Reading Group: C07g_app304_rg1

Witness: fMS the a

Reading Group: C07g_app304_rg2

Witness: f1818 a
Witness: f1823 a
Witness: fThomas a
Witness: f1831 a


Reading Group: C07g_app305_rg1

Witness: fMS violent atand terrible

Reading Group: C07g_app305_rg2

Witness: f1818 most violent and terrible
Witness: f1823 most violent and terrible
Witness: fThomas most violent and terrible
Witness: f1831 most violent and terrible


Reading Group: C07g_app306_rg1

Witness: fMS thunder storm

Reading Group: C07g_app306_rg2

Witness: f1818 thunder-storm.
Witness: f1823 thunder-storm.
Witness: fThomas thunder-storm.
Witness: f1831 thunder-storm.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 It advanced from behind
Witness: f1823 It advanced from behind
Witness: fThomas It advanced from behind
Witness: fMS it advanced from behind
Witness: f1831 It advanced from behind


Reading Group: C07g_app308_rg1

Witness: fMS Jura and the

Reading Group: C07g_app308_rg2

Witness: f1818 the mountains of Jura;
Witness: f1823 the mountains of Jura;
Witness: fThomas the mountains of Jura;
Witness: f1831 the mountains of Jura;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and the thunder
Witness: f1823 and the thunder
Witness: fThomas and the thunder
Witness: fMS and the thunder
Witness: f1831 and the thunder


Reading Group: C07g_app310_rg1

Witness: fMS was heard at once fromthe dseveral quarters of the heavens and burst at once with

Reading Group: C07g_app310_rg2

Witness: f1818 burst at once with
Witness: f1823 burst at once with
Witness: fThomas burst at once with
Witness: f1831 burst at once with


Reading Group: C07g_app311_rg1

Witness: fMS and frightful

Reading Group: C07g_app311_rg2

Witness: f1818 frightful
Witness: f1823 frightful
Witness: fThomas frightful
Witness: f1831 frightful


Reading Group: C07g_app312_rg1

Witness: f1818 loudness from
Witness: f1823 loudness from
Witness: fThomas loudness from
Witness: f1831 loudness from

Reading Group: C07g_app312_rg2

Witness: fMS loudness.<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>from


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 various quarters of the
Witness: f1823 various quarters of the
Witness: fThomas various quarters of the
Witness: fMS various quarters of the
Witness: f1831 various quarters of the


Reading Group: C07g_app314_rg1

Witness: fMS heavens

Reading Group: C07g_app314_rg2

Witness: f1818 heavens.
Witness: f1823 heavens.
Witness: fThomas heavens.
Witness: f1831 heavens.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: fMS I
Witness: f1831 I


Reading Group: C07g_app316_rg1

Witness: f1818 remained,
Witness: f1823 remained,
Witness: fThomas remained,
Witness: f1831 remained,

Reading Group: C07g_app316_rg2

Witness: fMS witnessed thise elementalstorm with pleasure and remained


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 while the storm
Witness: f1823 while the storm
Witness: fThomas while the storm
Witness: fMS while itthe storm
Witness: f1831 while the storm


Reading Group: C07g_app318_rg1

Witness: fMS lasted atwatching its

Reading Group: C07g_app318_rg2

Witness: f1818 lasted, watching
Witness: f1823 lasted, watching
Witness: fThomas lasted, watching
Witness: f1831 lasted, watching


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 its progress
Witness: f1823 its progress
Witness: fThomas its progress
Witness: fMS its progress
Witness: f1831 its progress


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 with curiosity and
Witness: f1823 with curiosity and
Witness: fThomas with curiosity and
Witness: fMS with curiosity &
Witness: f1831 with curiosity and


Reading Group: C07g_app321_rg1

Witness: f1818 delight. As
Witness: f1823 delight. As
Witness: fThomas delight. As
Witness: f1831 delight. As

Reading Group: C07g_app321_rg2

Witness: fMS delightthe doorwatching. When it was mostAs


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I stood at the
Witness: f1823 I stood at the
Witness: fThomas I stood at the
Witness: fMS I stood at the
Witness: f1831 I stood at the


Reading Group: C07g_app323_rg1

Witness: f1818 door, on
Witness: f1823 door, on
Witness: fThomas door, on
Witness: f1831 door, on

Reading Group: C07g_app323_rg2

Witness: fMS doorviolent,on


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a sudden I beheld
Witness: f1823 a sudden I beheld
Witness: fThomas a sudden I beheld
Witness: fMS a sudden I beheld
Witness: f1831 a sudden I beheld


Reading Group: C07g_app325_rg1

Witness: fMS the<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>a

Reading Group: C07g_app325_rg2

Witness: f1818 a
Witness: f1823 a
Witness: fThomas a
Witness: f1831 a


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 stream of fire issue
Witness: f1823 stream of fire issue
Witness: fThomas stream of fire issue
Witness: fMS stream of fire issue
Witness: f1831 stream of fire issue


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 from an old
Witness: f1823 from an old
Witness: fThomas from an old
Witness: fMS from an old
Witness: f1831 from an old


Reading Group: C07g_app328_rg1

Witness: fMS be and beautiful

Reading Group: C07g_app328_rg2

Witness: f1818 and beautiful
Witness: f1823 and beautiful
Witness: fThomas and beautiful
Witness: f1831 and beautiful


Reading Group: C07g_app329_rg1

Witness: fMS oak

Reading Group: C07g_app329_rg2

Witness: f1818 oak, which stood
Witness: f1823 oak, which stood
Witness: fThomas oak, which stood
Witness: f1831 oak, which stood


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 about
Witness: f1823 about
Witness: fThomas about
Witness: fMS about
Witness: f1831 about


Reading Group: C07g_app331_rg1

Witness: fMS wh twenty yards from

Reading Group: C07g_app331_rg2

Witness: f1818 twenty yards from
Witness: f1823 twenty yards from
Witness: fThomas twenty yards from
Witness: f1831 twenty yards from


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 our
Witness: f1823 our
Witness: fThomas our
Witness: fMS our
Witness: f1831 our


Reading Group: C07g_app333_rg1

Witness: fMS house

Reading Group: C07g_app333_rg2

Witness: f1818 house;
Witness: f1823 house;
Witness: fThomas house;
Witness: f1831 house;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: fMS and
Witness: f1831 and


Reading Group: C07g_app335_rg1

Witness: fMS whenso

Reading Group: C07g_app335_rg2

Witness: f1818 so
Witness: f1823 so
Witness: fThomas so
Witness: f1831 so


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 soon as the
Witness: f1823 soon as the
Witness: fThomas soon as the
Witness: fMS soon as the
Witness: f1831 soon as the


Reading Group: C07g_app337_rg1

Witness: fMS dazz dazzling light

Reading Group: C07g_app337_rg2

Witness: f1818 dazzling light
Witness: f1823 dazzling light
Witness: fThomas dazzling light
Witness: f1831 dazzling light


Reading Group: C07g_app338_rg1

Witness: fMS haddissadissappearedthepa vanished, the oak

Reading Group: C07g_app338_rg2

Witness: f1818 vanished, the oak
Witness: f1823 vanished, the oak
Witness: fThomas vanished, the oak
Witness: f1831 vanished, the oak


Reading Group: C07g_app339_rg1

Witness: fMS hand had

Reading Group: C07g_app339_rg2

Witness: f1818 had
Witness: f1823 had
Witness: fThomas had
Witness: f1831 had


Reading Group: C07g_app340_rg1

Witness: f1818 disappeared,
Witness: f1823 disappeared,
Witness: fThomas disappeared,
Witness: f1831 disappeared,

Reading Group: C07g_app340_rg2

Witness: fMS dissappeared


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: fMS an&
Witness: f1831 and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 nothing remained
Witness: f1823 nothing remained
Witness: fThomas nothing remained
Witness: f1831 nothing remained
Witness: fMS nothingremained


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but a
Witness: f1823 but a
Witness: fThomas but a
Witness: fMS but a
Witness: f1831 but a


Reading Group: C07g_app344_rg1

Witness: fMS rent<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>blasted

Reading Group: C07g_app344_rg2

Witness: f1818 blasted
Witness: f1823 blasted
Witness: fThomas blasted
Witness: f1831 blasted


Reading Group: C07g_app345_rg1

Witness: f1818 stump.
Witness: f1823 stump.
Witness: fThomas stump.
Witness: f1831 stump.

Reading Group: C07g_app345_rg2

Witness: fMS stump. remained.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 When we
Witness: f1823 When we
Witness: fThomas When we
Witness: fMS When we
Witness: f1831 When we


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 visited it the next
Witness: f1823 visited it the next
Witness: fThomas visited it the next
Witness: fMS visited it the next
Witness: f1831 visited it the next


Reading Group: C07g_app348_rg1

Witness: fMS morning

Reading Group: C07g_app348_rg2

Witness: f1818 morning,
Witness: f1823 morning,
Witness: fThomas morning,
Witness: f1831 morning,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 we found
Witness: f1823 we found
Witness: fThomas we found
Witness: fMS we found
Witness: f1831 we found


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: fMS the
Witness: f1831 the


Reading Group: C07g_app351_rg1

Witness: fMS trea tree shattered in a

Reading Group: C07g_app351_rg2

Witness: f1818 tree shattered in a
Witness: f1823 tree shattered in a
Witness: fThomas tree shattered in a
Witness: f1831 tree shattered in a


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 singular manner. It was not splintered by the shock, but entirely
Witness: f1823 singular manner. It was not splintered by the shock, but entirely
Witness: fThomas singular manner. It was not splintered by the shock, but entirely
Witness: fMS singular manner. It was not splintered by the shock, but entirely
Witness: f1831 singular manner. It was not splintered by the shock, but entirely


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 reduced to thin
Witness: f1823 reduced to thin
Witness: fThomas reduced to thin
Witness: fMS reduced to thin
Witness: f1831 reduced to thin


Reading Group: C07g_app354_rg1

Witness: f1823 ribands
Witness: fMS ribands
Witness: f1831 ribands

Reading Group: C07g_app354_rg2

Witness: f1818 ribbands
Witness: fThomas ribbands


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of wood.
Witness: f1823 of wood.
Witness: fThomas of wood.
Witness: fMS of wood.
Witness: f1831 of wood.


Reading Group: C07g_app356_rg1

Witness: fMS TheC I never

Reading Group: C07g_app356_rg2

Witness: f1818 I never
Witness: f1823 I never
Witness: fThomas I never
Witness: f1831 I never


Reading Group: C07g_app357_rg1

Witness: f1818 beheld
Witness: f1823 beheld
Witness: fThomas beheld
Witness: f1831 beheld

Reading Group: C07g_app357_rg2

Witness: fMS saw


Reading Group: C07g_app358_rg1

Witness: f1818 any thing
Witness: f1823 any thing
Witness: fThomas any thing
Witness: fMS any thing

Reading Group: C07g_app358_rg2

Witness: f1831 anything


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 so utterly
Witness: f1823 so utterly
Witness: fThomas so utterly
Witness: fMS so utterly
Witness: f1831 so utterly


Reading Group: C07g_app360_rg1

Witness: fMS destroyed.

Reading Group: C07g_app360_rg2

Witness: f1818 destroyed.<p/>
Witness: f1823 destroyed.<p/>
Witness: fThomas destroyed.<p/>
Witness: f1831 destroyed.<p/>


Reading Group: C07h_app1_rg1

Witness: f1818 <p/>The catastrophe of this tree excited my extreme astonishment;
Witness: f1823 <p/>The catastrophe of this tree excited my extreme astonishment;
Witness: fThomas <p/>The catastrophe of this tree excited my extreme astonishment;

Reading Group: C07h_app1_rg2

Witness: fMS The catastrophe of the tree excited my extreme astonishment andcaused<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>inducedme to aply wiithfresh diligence to the study of chemistrynatural philosophy which promised an exclamatio planation of theise sort of phænonema. On Elizabeth and Clerval it produced a di very different effect. They admired the beauty of the storm without wishing to analyze its causes. Henry said that the Fairies and giants were at war and Elizabeth attempted a picture of it. As I grew older my attempts in science were of a higher nature. I endeavou produced little earthquakes and tried every kind of combination of gasses to and elements to ascertain the results.<gap quantity="16" reason="resequencing" unit="lines"/><gap quantity="3" reason="resequencing" unit="lines"/>And<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>Among other questions suggested by natural objects

Reading Group: C07h_app1_rg3

Witness: f1831 <p/>Before this I was not unacquainted with the more obvious laws of electricity. On this occasion a man of great research in natural philosophy was with us, and, excited by this catastrophe, he entered on the explanation of a theory which he had formed on the subject of electricity and galvanism, which was at once new and astonishing to me. All that he said threw greatly into the shade Cornelius Agrippa, Albertus Magnus, and Paracelsus, the lords of my imagination; but by some fatality the overthrow of these men disinclined me to pursue my accustomed studies. It seemed to me as if nothing would or could ever be known. All that had so long engaged my attention suddenly grew despicable. By one of those caprices of the mind, which we are perhaps most subject to in early youth, I at once gave up my former occupations; set down natural history and all its progeny as a deformed and abortive creation; and entertained the greatest disdain for a would-be science, which could never even step within the threshold of real knowledge. In this mood of mind I betook myself to the mathematics, and the branches of study appertaining to that science, as being built upon secure foundations, and so worthy of my consideration.<p/> <p/>Thus strangely are our souls constructed, and by such slight ligaments are we bound to prosperity or ruin. When I look back, it seems to me as if this almost miraculous change of inclination and will was the immediate suggestion of the guardian angel of my life— the last effort made by the spirit of preservation to avert the storm that was even then hanging in the stars, and ready to envelope me. Her victory was announced by an unusual tranquillity and gladness of soul, which followed the relinquishing of my ancient and latterly tormenting studies. It was thus that I was to be taught to associate evil with their prosecution, happiness with their disregard.<p/> <p/> It was a strong effort of the spirit of good; but it was ineffectual. Destiny was too potent, and her immutable laws had decreed my utter and terrible destruction.<p/>


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: fMS I


Reading Group: C07h_app4_rg1

Witness: fMS as eagerly

Reading Group: C07h_app4_rg2

Witness: f1818 eagerly
Witness: f1823 eagerly
Witness: fThomas eagerly


Reading Group: C07h_app5_rg1

Witness: fMS enquired

Reading Group: C07h_app5_rg2

Witness: f1818 inquired
Witness: f1823 inquired
Witness: fThomas inquired


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of my father
Witness: f1823 of my father
Witness: fThomas of my father
Witness: fMS of my father


Reading Group: C07h_app7_rg1

Witness: fMS what<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>the

Reading Group: C07h_app7_rg2

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fThomas the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 nature and
Witness: f1823 nature and
Witness: fThomas nature and
Witness: fMS nature &


Reading Group: C07h_app9_rg1

Witness: fMS the origin of thunder and

Reading Group: C07h_app9_rg2

Witness: f1818 origin of thunder and
Witness: f1823 origin of thunder and
Witness: fThomas origin of thunder and


Reading Group: C07h_app10_rg1

Witness: fMS lightening. was.

Reading Group: C07h_app10_rg2

Witness: f1818 lightning.
Witness: f1823 lightning.
Witness: fThomas lightning.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 He
Witness: f1823 He
Witness: fThomas He
Witness: fMS He


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 replied,
Witness: f1823 replied,
Witness: fThomas replied,
Witness: fMS replied,


Reading Group: C07h_app13_rg1

Witness: f1818 “Electricity;”
Witness: f1823 “Electricity;”
Witness: fThomas “Electricity;”

Reading Group: C07h_app13_rg2

Witness: fMS electricity;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 describing at the same
Witness: f1823 describing at the same
Witness: fThomas describing at the same
Witness: fMS describing at the same


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 time the
Witness: f1823 time the
Witness: fThomas time the
Witness: fMS time the


Reading Group: C07h_app16_rg1

Witness: fMS effect

Reading Group: C07h_app16_rg2

Witness: f1818 various effects
Witness: f1823 various effects
Witness: fThomas various effects


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of that power. He
Witness: f1823 of that power. He
Witness: fThomas of that power. He
Witness: fMS of that power. He


Reading Group: C07h_app18_rg1

Witness: fMS madeconstructed

Reading Group: C07h_app18_rg2

Witness: f1818 constructed
Witness: f1823 constructed
Witness: fThomas constructed


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a small electrical
Witness: f1823 a small electrical
Witness: fThomas a small electrical
Witness: fMS a small electrical


Reading Group: C07h_app20_rg1

Witness: fMS machine

Reading Group: C07h_app20_rg2

Witness: f1818 machine,
Witness: f1823 machine,
Witness: fThomas machine,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and exhibited a few
Witness: f1823 and exhibited a few
Witness: fThomas and exhibited a few
Witness: fMS and exhibited a few


Reading Group: C07h_app22_rg1

Witness: fMS experiments and

Reading Group: C07h_app22_rg2

Witness: f1818 experiments; he
Witness: f1823 experiments; he
Witness: fThomas experiments; he


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 made
Witness: f1823 made
Witness: fThomas made
Witness: fMS made


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 also
Witness: f1823 also
Witness: fThomas also


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a
Witness: f1823 a
Witness: fThomas a
Witness: fMS a


Reading Group: C07h_app26_rg1

Witness: fMS kite

Reading Group: C07h_app26_rg2

Witness: f1818 kite,
Witness: f1823 kite,
Witness: fThomas kite,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 with a wire and
Witness: f1823 with a wire and
Witness: fThomas with a wire and
Witness: fMS with a wire &


Reading Group: C07h_app28_rg1

Witness: fMS string andwhich

Reading Group: C07h_app28_rg2

Witness: f1818 string, which
Witness: f1823 string, which
Witness: fThomas string, which


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 drew down
Witness: f1823 drew down
Witness: fThomas drew down
Witness: fMS drew down


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that fluid from the
Witness: f1823 that fluid from the
Witness: fThomas that fluid from the
Witness: fMS that fluid from the


Reading Group: C07h_app31_rg1

Witness: f1823 clouds. <p/><p/>This

Reading Group: C07h_app31_rg2

Witness: fThomas clouds.<note/>you said your family was not sientific.<note/><p/><p/>This

Reading Group: C07h_app31_rg3

Witness: fMS clouds. This

Reading Group: C07h_app31_rg4

Witness: f1818 clouds.<p/><p/>This


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 last
Witness: f1823 last
Witness: fThomas last
Witness: fMS last


Reading Group: C07h_app33_rg1

Witness: fMS blowst stroke

Reading Group: C07h_app33_rg2

Witness: f1818 stroke
Witness: f1823 stroke
Witness: fThomas stroke


Reading Group: C07h_app34_rg1

Witness: fMS compleated

Reading Group: C07h_app34_rg2

Witness: f1818 completed
Witness: f1823 completed
Witness: fThomas completed


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the overthrow of Cornelius Agrippa, Albertus
Witness: f1823 the overthrow of Cornelius Agrippa, Albertus
Witness: fThomas the overthrow of Cornelius Agrippa, Albertus
Witness: fMS the overthrow of Cornelius Agrippa, Albertus


Reading Group: C07h_app36_rg1

Witness: fMS Magnus

Reading Group: C07h_app36_rg2

Witness: f1818 Magnus,
Witness: f1823 Magnus,
Witness: fThomas Magnus,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and Paracelsus, who had so long
Witness: f1823 and Paracelsus, who had so long
Witness: fThomas and Paracelsus, who had so long
Witness: fMS and Paracelsus, who had so long


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 reigned the lords of my imagination. But
Witness: f1823 reigned the lords of my imagination. But
Witness: fThomas reigned the lords of my imagination. But
Witness: fMS reigned the lords of my imagination. But


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 by some fatality I did not feel
Witness: f1823 by some fatality I did not feel
Witness: fThomas by some fatality I did not feel
Witness: fMS by some fatality I did not feel


Reading Group: C07h_app40_rg1

Witness: fMS enclined

Reading Group: C07h_app40_rg2

Witness: f1818 inclined
Witness: f1823 inclined
Witness: fThomas inclined


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to
Witness: f1823 to
Witness: fThomas to
Witness: fMS to


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 commence
Witness: f1823 commence
Witness: fThomas commence
Witness: fMS commence


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the study of
Witness: f1823 the study of
Witness: fThomas the study of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 any modern
Witness: f1823 any modern
Witness: fThomas any modern
Witness: fMS any modern


Reading Group: C07h_app45_rg1

Witness: fMS system

Reading Group: C07h_app45_rg2

Witness: f1818 system;
Witness: f1823 system;
Witness: fThomas system;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and this
Witness: f1823 and this
Witness: fThomas and this
Witness: fMS and this


Reading Group: C07h_app47_rg1

Witness: fMS inclinationdisinclination

Reading Group: C07h_app47_rg2

Witness: f1818 disinclination
Witness: f1823 disinclination
Witness: fThomas disinclination


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was influenced by the following
Witness: f1823 was influenced by the following
Witness: fThomas was influenced by the following
Witness: fMS was influenced by the following


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS circumstance. My
Witness: f1818 circumstance.<p/><p/>My
Witness: f1823 circumstance.<p/><p/>My
Witness: fThomas circumstance.<p/><p/>My


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 father expressed a wish that I
Witness: f1823 father expressed a wish that I
Witness: fThomas father expressed a wish that I
Witness: fMS father expressed a wish that I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 should attend a course of lectures upon
Witness: f1823 should attend a course of lectures upon
Witness: fThomas should attend a course of lectures upon
Witness: fMS should attend a course of lectures upon


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 natural philosophy, to which
Witness: f1823 natural philosophy, to which
Witness: fThomas natural philosophy, to which
Witness: fMS natural philosophy, to which


Reading Group: C07h_app53_rg1

Witness: f1818 I cheerfully consented. Some
Witness: f1823 I cheerfully consented. Some
Witness: fThomas I cheerfully consented. Some

Reading Group: C07h_app53_rg2

Witness: fMS I <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>cheerfullyconsented and one evening that I spent in town at the house of Clerval's father I heard that M<shi rend="sup">r</shi> — was lef at met M. O P a proficient in Chemistry who left the company at an early hour to h give his lecture upon thant science enquiring as he went outif any one would him I wentbutSome


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 accident prevented my attending
Witness: f1823 accident prevented my attending
Witness: fThomas accident prevented my attending
Witness: fMS accident prevented my attending


Reading Group: C07h_app55_rg1

Witness: fMS the series of these

Reading Group: C07h_app55_rg2

Witness: f1818 these
Witness: f1823 these
Witness: fThomas these


Reading Group: C07h_app56_rg1

Witness: f1818 lectures until the course
Witness: f1823 lectures until the course
Witness: fThomas lectures until the course

Reading Group: C07h_app56_rg2

Witness: fMS lecturesthis lecture was unfortunately nearly theuntil they were nearly over they it


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was nearly
Witness: f1823 was nearly
Witness: fThomas was nearly
Witness: fMS was nearly


Reading Group: C07h_app58_rg1

Witness: fMS finihsed. Thelastlecture which I attended

Reading Group: C07h_app58_rg2

Witness: f1818 finished. The
Witness: f1823 finished. The
Witness: fThomas finished. The


Reading Group: C07h_app59_rg1

Witness: f1823 lecture being, therefore,

Reading Group: C07h_app59_rg2

Witness: f1818 lecture,
Witness: fThomas lecture,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 being
Witness: fThomas being
Witness: fMS being


Reading Group: C07h_app61_rg1

Witness: f1818 therefore
Witness: fThomas therefore

Reading Group: C07h_app61_rg2

Witness: fMS thus the almost


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 one of
Witness: f1823 one of
Witness: fThomas one of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: fMS the


Reading Group: C07h_app64_rg1

Witness: fMS last in his in his course

Reading Group: C07h_app64_rg2

Witness: f1818 last,
Witness: f1823 last,
Witness: fThomas last,


Reading Group: C07h_app65_rg1

Witness: f1818 was entirely incomprehensible to me.
Witness: f1823 was entirely incomprehensible to me.
Witness: fThomas was entirely incomprehensible to me.

Reading Group: C07h_app65_rg2

Witness: fMS <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>was entirely incomprehensible to me. –


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 The professor
Witness: f1823 The professor
Witness: fThomas The professor
Witness: fMS the professor


Reading Group: C07h_app67_rg1

Witness: f1818 discoursed
Witness: f1823 discoursed
Witness: fThomas discoursed

Reading Group: C07h_app67_rg2

Witness: fMS talked


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 with the greatest fluency of potassium and
Witness: f1823 with the greatest fluency of potassium and
Witness: fThomas with the greatest fluency of potassium and
Witness: fMS with the greatest fluency of potassium &


Reading Group: C07h_app69_rg1

Witness: fMS Boron zinc bismuth

Reading Group: C07h_app69_rg2

Witness: f1818 boron,
Witness: f1823 boron,
Witness: fThomas boron,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of
Witness: f1823 of
Witness: fThomas of
Witness: fMS of


Reading Group: C07h_app71_rg1

Witness: f1818 sulphates
Witness: f1823 sulphates
Witness: fThomas sulphates

Reading Group: C07h_app71_rg2

Witness: fMS sulphats


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: fMS and


Reading Group: C07h_app73_rg1

Witness: fMS oxids and displayed so manywordsterms

Reading Group: C07h_app73_rg2

Witness: f1818 oxyds, terms
Witness: f1823 oxyds, terms
Witness: fThomas oxyds, terms


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to which
Witness: f1823 to which
Witness: fThomas to which
Witness: fMS to which


Reading Group: C07h_app75_rg1

Witness: f1818 I could
Witness: f1823 I could
Witness: fThomas I could

Reading Group: C07h_app75_rg2

Witness: fMS I could not


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 affix
Witness: f1823 affix
Witness: fThomas affix
Witness: fMS affix


Reading Group: C07h_app77_rg1

Witness: fMS anyno idea: that

Reading Group: C07h_app77_rg2

Witness: f1818 no idea; and
Witness: f1823 no idea; and
Witness: fThomas no idea; and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: fMS I


Reading Group: C07h_app79_rg1

Witness: f1818 became
Witness: f1823 became
Witness: fThomas became

Reading Group: C07h_app79_rg2

Witness: fMS was


Reading Group: C07h_app80_rg1

Witness: fMS disgusted with the appearanceof a science that appeared to me to contain only words. From this time untill I went to Colledge I entirely neglected my formerly adored study of chemistrythe

Reading Group: C07h_app80_rg2

Witness: f1818 disgusted with the
Witness: f1823 disgusted with the
Witness: fThomas disgusted with the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 science of natural
Witness: f1823 science of natural
Witness: fThomas science of natural
Witness: fMS science of natural


Reading Group: C07h_app82_rg1

Witness: fMS philosophy

Reading Group: C07h_app82_rg2

Witness: f1818 philosophy,
Witness: f1823 philosophy,
Witness: fThomas philosophy,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 although I still
Witness: f1823 although I still
Witness: fThomas although I still
Witness: fMS although I still


Reading Group: C07h_app84_rg1

Witness: f1818 read
Witness: f1823 read
Witness: fThomas read

Reading Group: C07h_app84_rg2

Witness: fMS read with delight


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Pliny and
Witness: f1823 Pliny and
Witness: fThomas Pliny and
Witness: fMS Pliny and


Reading Group: C07h_app86_rg1

Witness: f1818 Buffon with delight, authors,
Witness: f1823 Buffon with delight, authors,
Witness: fThomas Buffon with delight, authors,

Reading Group: C07h_app86_rg2

Witness: fMS Buffons authors that stood about on a pararof


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in my
Witness: f1823 in my
Witness: fThomas in my
Witness: fMS in my


Reading Group: C07h_app88_rg1

Witness: fMS estimation

Reading Group: C07h_app88_rg2

Witness: f1818 estimation,
Witness: f1823 estimation,
Witness: fThomas estimation,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of nearly equal interest and
Witness: f1823 of nearly equal interest and
Witness: fThomas of nearly equal interest and
Witness: fMS of nearly equal interest &


Reading Group: C07h_app90_rg1

Witness: fMS utility. My studiesoccupations

Reading Group: C07h_app90_rg2

Witness: f1818 utility.<p/><p/>My occupations
Witness: f1823 utility.<p/><p/>My occupations
Witness: fThomas utility.<p/><p/>My occupations


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 at this age were
Witness: f1823 at this age were
Witness: fThomas at this age were
Witness: fMS at this age were


Reading Group: C07h_app92_rg1

Witness: fMS th principally the

Reading Group: C07h_app92_rg2

Witness: f1818 principally the
Witness: f1823 principally the
Witness: fThomas principally the


Reading Group: C07h_app93_rg1

Witness: f1818 mathematics,
Witness: f1823 mathematics,
Witness: fThomas mathematics,

Reading Group: C07h_app93_rg2

Witness: fMS mathematics, which I delighted in an


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and most
Witness: f1823 and most
Witness: fThomas and most
Witness: fMS and most


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of the branches of study appertaining
Witness: f1823 of the branches of study appertaining
Witness: fThomas of the branches of study appertaining
Witness: fMS of the branches of study appertaining


Reading Group: C07h_app96_rg1

Witness: fMS th to that

Reading Group: C07h_app96_rg2

Witness: f1818 to that
Witness: f1823 to that
Witness: fThomas to that


Reading Group: C07h_app97_rg1

Witness: f1818 science. I was
Witness: f1823 science. I was
Witness: fThomas science. I was

Reading Group: C07h_app97_rg2

Witness: fMS science. I was also


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 busily employed in learning
Witness: f1823 busily employed in learning
Witness: fThomas busily employed in learning
Witness: fMS busily employed in learning


Reading Group: C07h_app99_rg1

Witness: fMS languages

Reading Group: C07h_app99_rg2

Witness: f1818 languages;
Witness: f1823 languages;
Witness: fThomas languages;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Latin was already familiar to
Witness: f1823 Latin was already familiar to
Witness: fThomas Latin was already familiar to
Witness: fMS Latin was <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>already familiar to


Reading Group: C07h_app101_rg1

Witness: fMS me

Reading Group: C07h_app101_rg2

Witness: f1818 me,
Witness: f1823 me,
Witness: fThomas me,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and I began to
Witness: f1823 and I began to
Witness: fThomas and I began to
Witness: fMS and I began to


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 read
Witness: f1823 read
Witness: fThomas read
Witness: fMS read


Reading Group: C07h_app104_rg1

Witness: f1818 some
Witness: f1823 some
Witness: fThomas some

Reading Group: C07h_app104_rg2

Witness: fMS without the help


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of the
Witness: f1823 of the
Witness: fThomas of the
Witness: fMS of the


Reading Group: C07h_app106_rg1

Witness: fMS dictionarylexicon some of

Reading Group: C07h_app106_rg2

Witness: f1818 easiest Greek authors without
Witness: f1823 easiest Greek authors without
Witness: fThomas easiest Greek authors without


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: fMS the


Reading Group: C07h_app108_rg1

Witness: fMS easiest greek authors. –I

Reading Group: C07h_app108_rg2

Witness: f1818 help of a lexicon. I
Witness: f1823 help of a lexicon. I
Witness: fThomas help of a lexicon. I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 also
Witness: f1823 also
Witness: fThomas also
Witness: fMS also


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 perfectly
Witness: f1823 perfectly
Witness: fThomas perfectly


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 understood
Witness: f1823 understood
Witness: fThomas understood
Witness: fMS understood


Reading Group: C07h_app112_rg1

Witness: f1818 English and German. This is the
Witness: f1823 English and German. This is the
Witness: fThomas English and German. This is the

Reading Group: C07h_app112_rg2

Witness: fMS English& german perfectly: theseisareis


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 list of my accomplishments at
Witness: f1823 list of my accomplishments at
Witness: fThomas list of my accomplishments at
Witness: fMS list of my accomplishments at


Reading Group: C07h_app114_rg1

Witness: fMS thattimethe period the age of

Reading Group: C07h_app114_rg2

Witness: f1818 the age of
Witness: f1823 the age of
Witness: fThomas the age of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 seventeen;
Witness: f1823 seventeen;
Witness: fThomas seventeen;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and you may
Witness: f1823 and you may
Witness: fThomas and you may
Witness: fMS and you may


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 conceive that my hours were fully
Witness: f1823 conceive that my hours were fully
Witness: fThomas conceive that my hours were fully
Witness: fMS conceive that my hours were fully


Reading Group: C07h_app118_rg1

Witness: fMS employd

Reading Group: C07h_app118_rg2

Witness: f1818 employed
Witness: f1823 employed
Witness: fThomas employed


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in acquiring and maintaining a knowledge
Witness: f1823 in acquiring and maintaining a knowledge
Witness: fThomas in acquiring and maintaining a knowledge
Witness: fMS in acquiring and maintaining a knowledge


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of this various
Witness: f1823 of this various
Witness: fThomas of this various
Witness: fMS of this various


Reading Group: C07h_app121_rg1

Witness: f1818 literature.<p/><p/>Another
Witness: f1823 literature.<p/><p/>Another
Witness: fThomas literature.<p/><p/>Another

Reading Group: C07h_app121_rg2

Witness: fMS literature.<gap quantity="14" reason="resequencing" unit="lines"/>As I before mentioned my brothers were much younger than myself. Ernest the second of our family was five Another


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 task
Witness: f1823 task
Witness: fThomas task
Witness: fMS task


Reading Group: C07h_app123_rg1

Witness: fMS soon<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>also

Reading Group: C07h_app123_rg2

Witness: f1818 also
Witness: f1823 also
Witness: fThomas also


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 devolved upon
Witness: f1823 devolved upon
Witness: fThomas devolved upon
Witness: fMS devolved upon


Reading Group: C07h_app125_rg1

Witness: fMS me

Reading Group: C07h_app125_rg2

Witness: f1818 me,
Witness: f1823 me,
Witness: fThomas me,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 when I became the instructor
Witness: f1823 when I became the instructor
Witness: fThomas when I became the instructor
Witness: fMS when I became the instructor


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of my brothers. Ernest was
Witness: f1823 of my brothers. Ernest was
Witness: fThomas of my brothers. Ernest was
Witness: fMS of my brothers. Ernest was


Reading Group: C07h_app128_rg1

Witness: fMS five

Reading Group: C07h_app128_rg2

Witness: f1818 six
Witness: f1823 six
Witness: fThomas six


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 years
Witness: f1823 years
Witness: fThomas years
Witness: fMS years


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 younger than myself, and was my
Witness: f1823 younger than myself, and was my
Witness: fThomas younger than myself, and was my
Witness: fMS younger than myself, and was my


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 principal pupil. He had been
Witness: f1823 principal pupil. He had been
Witness: fThomas principal pupil. He had been
Witness: fMS principal pupil. He had been


Reading Group: C07h_app132_rg1

Witness: f1818 afflicted
Witness: f1823 afflicted
Witness: fThomas afflicted

Reading Group: C07h_app132_rg2

Witness: fMS aflicted


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 with ill health from his
Witness: f1823 with ill health from his
Witness: fThomas with ill health from his
Witness: fMS with ill health from his


Reading Group: C07h_app134_rg1

Witness: fMS infancy &thro

Reading Group: C07h_app134_rg2

Witness: f1818 infancy, through
Witness: f1823 infancy, through
Witness: fThomas infancy, through


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 which Elizabeth and I had been his constant
Witness: f1823 which Elizabeth and I had been his constant
Witness: fThomas which Elizabeth and I had been his constant
Witness: fMS which Elizabeth and I had been his constant


Reading Group: C07h_app136_rg1

Witness: fMS m nurses I

Reading Group: C07h_app136_rg2

Witness: f1818 nurses:
Witness: fThomas nurses:

Reading Group: C07h_app136_rg3

Witness: f1823 nurses;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 his disposition was
Witness: f1823 his disposition was
Witness: fThomas his disposition was
Witness: fMS his disposition was


Reading Group: C07h_app138_rg1

Witness: fMS gentle

Reading Group: C07h_app138_rg2

Witness: f1818 gentle,
Witness: f1823 gentle,
Witness: fThomas gentle,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but
Witness: f1823 but
Witness: fThomas but
Witness: fMS but


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 he was incapable
Witness: f1823 he was incapable
Witness: fThomas he was incapable
Witness: fMS he was incapable


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of
Witness: f1823 of
Witness: fThomas of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 any severe application.
Witness: f1823 any severe application.
Witness: fThomas any severe application.
Witness: fMS any severe application.


Reading Group: C07h_app143_rg1

Witness: fMS William

Reading Group: C07h_app143_rg2

Witness: f1818 William,
Witness: f1823 William,
Witness: fThomas William,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the youngest of our
Witness: f1823 the youngest of our
Witness: fThomas the youngest of our
Witness: fMS the youngeerst of our


Reading Group: C07h_app145_rg1

Witness: fMS family

Reading Group: C07h_app145_rg2

Witness: f1818 family,
Witness: f1823 family,
Witness: fThomas family,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was
Witness: f1823 was
Witness: fThomas was
Witness: fMS was


Reading Group: C07h_app147_rg1

Witness: fMS quite a child

Reading Group: C07h_app147_rg2

Witness: f1818 yet an infant,
Witness: f1823 yet an infant,
Witness: fThomas yet an infant,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and the
Witness: f1823 and the
Witness: fThomas and the
Witness: fMS and the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 most beautiful little fellow in the
Witness: f1823 most beautiful little fellow in the
Witness: fThomas most beautiful little fellow in the
Witness: fMS most beautiful little fellow in the


Reading Group: C07h_app150_rg1

Witness: fMS world,

Reading Group: C07h_app150_rg2

Witness: f1818 world;
Witness: f1823 world;
Witness: fThomas world;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 his lively blue
Witness: f1823 his lively blue
Witness: fThomas his lively blue
Witness: fMS his lively blue


Reading Group: C07h_app152_rg1

Witness: fMS eyes

Reading Group: C07h_app152_rg2

Witness: f1818 eyes,
Witness: f1823 eyes,
Witness: fThomas eyes,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 dimpled
Witness: f1823 dimpled
Witness: fThomas dimpled
Witness: fMS dimpled


Reading Group: C07h_app154_rg1

Witness: fMS cheeks

Reading Group: C07h_app154_rg2

Witness: f1818 cheeks,
Witness: f1823 cheeks,
Witness: fThomas cheeks,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: fMS and


Reading Group: C07h_app156_rg1

Witness: fMS affectionate endearing

Reading Group: C07h_app156_rg2

Witness: f1818 endearing
Witness: f1823 endearing
Witness: fThomas endearing


Reading Group: C07h_app157_rg1

Witness: fMS manners

Reading Group: C07h_app157_rg2

Witness: f1818 manners,
Witness: f1823 manners,
Witness: fThomas manners,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 inspired the tenderest
Witness: f1823 inspired the tenderest
Witness: fThomas inspired the tenderest
Witness: fMS inspired the tenderest


Reading Group: C07h_app159_rg1

Witness: fMS affection. Such

Reading Group: C07h_app159_rg2

Witness: f1818 affection.<p/><p/>Such
Witness: f1823 affection.<p/><p/>Such
Witness: fThomas affection.<p/><p/>Such


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was our domestic
Witness: f1823 was our domestic
Witness: fThomas was our domestic
Witness: fMS was our domestic


Reading Group: C07h_app161_rg1

Witness: fMS circle

Reading Group: C07h_app161_rg2

Witness: f1818 circle,
Witness: f1823 circle,
Witness: fThomas circle,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 from which
Witness: f1823 from which
Witness: fThomas from which
Witness: fMS from which


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 care and pain seemed for ever banished.
Witness: f1823 care and pain seemed for ever banished.
Witness: fThomas care and pain seemed for ever banished.
Witness: fMS care and pain seemed for ever banished.


Reading Group: C07h_app164_rg1

Witness: fMS f My father directed our

Reading Group: C07h_app164_rg2

Witness: f1818 My father directed our
Witness: f1823 My father directed our
Witness: fThomas My father directed our


Reading Group: C07h_app165_rg1

Witness: fMS studies

Reading Group: C07h_app165_rg2

Witness: f1818 studies,
Witness: f1823 studies,
Witness: fThomas studies,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and my mother partook of our
Witness: f1823 and my mother partook of our
Witness: fThomas and my mother partook of our
Witness: fMS and my mother partook of our


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 enjoyments.
Witness: f1823 enjoyments.
Witness: fThomas enjoyments.
Witness: fMS enjoyments.


Reading Group: C07h_app168_rg1

Witness: fMS we were all equalwe noneneither

Reading Group: C07h_app168_rg2

Witness: f1818 Neither
Witness: f1823 Neither
Witness: fThomas Neither


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of
Witness: f1823 of
Witness: fThomas of
Witness: fMS of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 us possessed
Witness: f1823 us possessed
Witness: fThomas us possessed
Witness: fMS us possessed


Reading Group: C07h_app171_rg1

Witness: fMS an envied preheminence

Reading Group: C07h_app171_rg2

Witness: f1818 the slightest pre-eminence
Witness: f1823 the slightest pre-eminence
Witness: fThomas the slightest pre-eminence


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 over the
Witness: f1823 over the
Witness: fThomas over the
Witness: fMS over the


Reading Group: C07h_app173_rg1

Witness: fMS other

Reading Group: C07h_app173_rg2

Witness: f1818 other;
Witness: f1823 other;
Witness: fThomas other;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: fMS the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 voice of command was never heard
Witness: f1823 voice of command was never heard
Witness: fThomas voice of command was never heard
Witness: fMS voice of command was never heard


Reading Group: C07h_app176_rg1

Witness: fMS among us

Reading Group: C07h_app176_rg2

Witness: f1818 amongst us;
Witness: f1823 amongst us;
Witness: fThomas amongst us;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but mutual affection
Witness: f1823 but mutual affection
Witness: fThomas but mutual affection
Witness: fMS but mutual affection


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 engaged us all to comply
Witness: f1823 engaged us all to comply
Witness: fThomas engaged us all to comply
Witness: fMS engaged us all to comply


Reading Group: C07h_app179_rg1

Witness: f1818 with and
Witness: f1823 with and
Witness: fThomas with and

Reading Group: C07h_app179_rg2

Witness: fMS with,&to


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 obey the slightest desire of each
Witness: f1823 obey the slightest desire of each
Witness: fThomas obey the slightest desire of each
Witness: fMS obey the slightest desire of each


Reading Group: C07h_app181_rg1

Witness: f1831

Reading Group: C07h_app181_rg2

Witness: fMS other.

Reading Group: C07h_app181_rg3

Witness: f1818 other.<p/>
Witness: fThomas other.<p/>
Witness: f1823 other.<p/>


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 <head/>CHAPTER
Witness: f1823 <head/>CHAPTER
Witness: fThomas <head/>CHAPTER
Witness: f1831 <head/>CHAPTER
Witness: fMS Chapter


Reading Group: C08a_app2_rg1

Witness: fMS 23

Reading Group: C08a_app2_rg2

Witness: f1818 II.<head/><p/>
Witness: fThomas II.<head/><p/>

Reading Group: C08a_app2_rg3

Witness: f1823 II.<head/><p/>W<hi/>HEN<hi/>

Reading Group: C08a_app2_rg4

Witness: f1831 III.<head/><p/>


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 W<hi/>HEN<hi/>
Witness: fThomas W<hi/>HEN<hi/>
Witness: f1831 W<hi/>HEN<hi/>
Witness: fMS When


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I had attained the age of
Witness: f1823 I had attained the age of
Witness: fThomas I had attained the age of
Witness: f1831 I had attained the age of
Witness: fMS I had attained the age of


Reading Group: C08a_app5_rg1

Witness: fMS seventeen

Reading Group: C08a_app5_rg2

Witness: f1818 seventeen,
Witness: f1823 seventeen,
Witness: fThomas seventeen,
Witness: f1831 seventeen,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my
Witness: f1823 my
Witness: fThomas my
Witness: f1831 my
Witness: fMS my


Reading Group: C08a_app7_rg1

Witness: fMS fatherparents

Reading Group: C08a_app7_rg2

Witness: f1818 parents
Witness: f1823 parents
Witness: fThomas parents
Witness: f1831 parents


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 resolved that
Witness: f1823 resolved that
Witness: fThomas resolved that
Witness: f1831 resolved that
Witness: fMS resolved that


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I should
Witness: f1823 I should
Witness: fThomas I should
Witness: f1831 I should
Witness: fMS I should


Reading Group: C08a_app10_rg1

Witness: fMS go tobecome

Reading Group: C08a_app10_rg2

Witness: f1818 become
Witness: f1823 become
Witness: fThomas become
Witness: f1831 become


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a student at the university of Ingolstadt. I had hitherto attended the
Witness: f1823 a student at the university of Ingolstadt. I had hitherto attended the
Witness: fThomas a student at the university of Ingolstadt. I had hitherto attended the
Witness: f1831 a student at the university of Ingolstadt. I had hitherto attended the
Witness: fMS a student at the university of Ingolstadt. I had hitherto attended the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 schools of
Witness: f1823 schools of
Witness: fThomas schools of
Witness: f1831 schools of
Witness: fMS schools of


Reading Group: C08a_app13_rg1

Witness: fMS Geneva,

Reading Group: C08a_app13_rg2

Witness: f1818 Geneva;
Witness: f1823 Geneva;
Witness: fThomas Geneva;
Witness: f1831 Geneva;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but my father thought
Witness: f1823 but my father thought
Witness: fThomas but my father thought
Witness: f1831 but my father thought
Witness: fMS but my father thought


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 it
Witness: f1823 it
Witness: fThomas it
Witness: f1831 it
Witness: fMS it


Reading Group: C08a_app16_rg1

Witness: fMS necessary

Reading Group: C08a_app16_rg2

Witness: f1818 necessary,
Witness: f1823 necessary,
Witness: fThomas necessary,
Witness: f1831 necessary,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 for the completion of my
Witness: f1823 for the completion of my
Witness: fThomas for the completion of my
Witness: f1831 for the completion of my
Witness: fMS for the completion of my


Reading Group: C08a_app18_rg1

Witness: fMS education that

Reading Group: C08a_app18_rg2

Witness: f1818 education,
Witness: f1823 education,
Witness: fThomas education,
Witness: f1831 education,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that I should be made acquainted with other customs
Witness: f1823 that I should be made acquainted with other customs
Witness: fThomas that I should be made acquainted with other customs
Witness: f1831 that I should be made acquainted with other customs
Witness: fMS that I should be made acquainted with other customs


Reading Group: C08a_app20_rg1

Witness: fMS besidesthan

Reading Group: C08a_app20_rg2

Witness: f1818 than
Witness: f1823 than
Witness: fThomas than
Witness: f1831 than


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 those of my native country. My departure was therefore fixed
Witness: f1823 those of my native country. My departure was therefore fixed
Witness: fThomas those of my native country. My departure was therefore fixed
Witness: f1831 those of my native country. My departure was therefore fixed
Witness: fMS those of my native country. My departure was therefore fixed


Reading Group: C08a_app22_rg1

Witness: fMS for at an

Reading Group: C08a_app22_rg2

Witness: f1818 at an
Witness: f1823 at an
Witness: fThomas at an
Witness: f1831 at an


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 early
Witness: f1823 early
Witness: fThomas early
Witness: f1831 early
Witness: fMS early


Reading Group: C08a_app24_rg1

Witness: fMS <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>date. But

Reading Group: C08a_app24_rg2

Witness: f1818 date; but,
Witness: f1823 date; but,
Witness: fThomas date; but,
Witness: f1831 date; but,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 before the day resolved
Witness: f1823 before the day resolved
Witness: fThomas before the day resolved
Witness: f1831 before the day resolved
Witness: fMS before the day resolved


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 upon could
Witness: f1823 upon could
Witness: fThomas upon could
Witness: f1831 upon could
Witness: fMS upon could


Reading Group: C08a_app27_rg1

Witness: fMS arrive

Reading Group: C08a_app27_rg2

Witness: f1818 arrive,
Witness: f1823 arrive,
Witness: fThomas arrive,
Witness: f1831 arrive,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the first misfortune of my life
Witness: f1823 the first misfortune of my life
Witness: fThomas the first misfortune of my life
Witness: f1831 the first misfortune of my life
Witness: fMS the first misfortune of my life


Reading Group: C08a_app29_rg1

Witness: fMS occurred: as if an omen

Reading Group: C08a_app29_rg2

Witness: f1818 occurred—an omen,
Witness: f1823 occurred—an omen,
Witness: fThomas occurred—an omen,
Witness: f1831 occurred—an omen,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 as it
Witness: f1823 as it
Witness: fThomas as it
Witness: f1831 as it
Witness: fMS as it


Reading Group: C08a_app31_rg1

Witness: fMS were

Reading Group: C08a_app31_rg2

Witness: f1818 were,
Witness: f1823 were,
Witness: fThomas were,
Witness: f1831 were,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of my future
Witness: f1823 of my future
Witness: fThomas of my future
Witness: f1831 of my future
Witness: fMS of my future


Reading Group: C08a_app33_rg1

Witness: f1818 misery. Elizabeth
Witness: fThomas misery. Elizabeth

Reading Group: C08a_app33_rg2

Witness: f1823 misery.<p/><p/>Elizabeth
Witness: f1831 misery.<p/><p/>Elizabeth

Reading Group: C08a_app33_rg3

Witness: fMS miseryif I should prosecute my journey.>Elizabeth


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 had caught the scarlet
Witness: f1823 had caught the scarlet
Witness: fThomas had caught the scarlet
Witness: f1831 had caught the scarlet
Witness: fMS had caught the scarlet


Reading Group: C08a_app35_rg1

Witness: fMS fever

Reading Group: C08a_app35_rg2

Witness: f1818 fever;
Witness: f1823 fever;
Witness: fThomas fever;
Witness: f1831 fever;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but
Witness: f1823 but
Witness: fThomas but
Witness: fMS but


Reading Group: C08a_app37_rg1

Witness: fMS <del rend="strikethrough" sID="c56-0017__main__d2e3208"/><del/> her illness was

Reading Group: C08a_app37_rg2

Witness: f1818 her illness was
Witness: f1823 her illness was
Witness: fThomas her illness was
Witness: f1831 her illness was


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 not
Witness: f1823 not
Witness: fThomas not
Witness: fMS not


Reading Group: C08a_app39_rg1

Witness: fMS severe

Reading Group: C08a_app39_rg2

Witness: f1818 severe,
Witness: f1823 severe,
Witness: fThomas severe,
Witness: f1831 severe,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and she
Witness: f1823 and she
Witness: fThomas and she
Witness: f1831 and she
Witness: fMS and she


Reading Group: C08a_app41_rg1

Witness: f1818 quickly recovered.
Witness: f1823 quickly recovered.
Witness: fThomas quickly recovered.
Witness: fMS quickly recovered.

Reading Group: C08a_app41_rg2

Witness: f1831 was in the greatest danger.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 During her
Witness: f1823 During her
Witness: fThomas During her
Witness: f1831 During her
Witness: fMS During her


Reading Group: C08a_app43_rg1

Witness: fMS confinement mady<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>made manyarguments

Reading Group: C08a_app43_rg2

Witness: f1818 confinement,
Witness: f1823 confinement,
Witness: fThomas confinement,

Reading Group: C08a_app43_rg3

Witness: f1831 illness,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 many arguments
Witness: f1823 many arguments
Witness: fThomas many arguments
Witness: f1831 many arguments


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 had been urged to persuade
Witness: f1823 had been urged to persuade
Witness: fThomas had been urged to persuade
Witness: f1831 had been urged to persuade
Witness: fMS had been urged to persuade


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my mother
Witness: f1823 my mother
Witness: fThomas my mother
Witness: f1831 my mother
Witness: fMS my mother


Reading Group: C08a_app47_rg1

Witness: fMS notato

Reading Group: C08a_app47_rg2

Witness: f1818 to
Witness: f1823 to
Witness: fThomas to
Witness: f1831 to


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 refrain from
Witness: f1823 refrain from
Witness: fThomas refrain from
Witness: f1831 refrain from
Witness: fMS refrain from


Reading Group: C08a_app49_rg1

Witness: f1818 attending
Witness: f1823 attending
Witness: fThomas attending
Witness: f1831 attending

Reading Group: C08a_app49_rg2

Witness: fMS to attend


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 upon
Witness: f1823 upon
Witness: fThomas upon
Witness: f1831 upon
Witness: fMS upon


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 her. She
Witness: f1823 her. She
Witness: fThomas her. She
Witness: f1831 her. She
Witness: fMS her. She


Reading Group: C08a_app52_rg1

Witness: fMS had

Reading Group: C08a_app52_rg2

Witness: f1818 had, at first,
Witness: f1823 had, at first,
Witness: fThomas had, at first,
Witness: f1831 had, at first,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 yielded
Witness: f1823 yielded
Witness: fThomas yielded
Witness: f1831 yielded
Witness: fMS yielded


Reading Group: C08a_app54_rg1

Witness: fMS theto theseto

Reading Group: C08a_app54_rg2

Witness: f1818 to
Witness: f1823 to
Witness: fThomas to
Witness: f1831 to


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 our
Witness: f1823 our
Witness: fThomas our
Witness: f1831 our
Witness: fMS our


Reading Group: C08a_app56_rg1

Witness: fMS entreaties,

Reading Group: C08a_app56_rg2

Witness: f1818 entreaties;
Witness: f1823 entreaties;
Witness: fThomas entreaties;
Witness: f1831 entreaties;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but
Witness: f1823 but
Witness: fThomas but
Witness: f1831 but
Witness: fMS but


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 when she
Witness: f1823 when she
Witness: fThomas when she
Witness: f1831 when she
Witness: fMS when she


Reading Group: C08a_app59_rg1

Witness: fMS ha heard that

Reading Group: C08a_app59_rg2

Witness: f1818 heard that
Witness: f1823 heard that
Witness: fThomas heard that
Witness: f1831 heard that


Reading Group: C08a_app60_rg1

Witness: f1831 the life of her

Reading Group: C08a_app60_rg2

Witness: f1818 her
Witness: f1823 her
Witness: fThomas her


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 favourite was
Witness: f1823 favourite was
Witness: fThomas favourite was
Witness: f1831 favourite was
Witness: fMS favourite was


Reading Group: C08a_app62_rg1

Witness: f1831 menaced,

Reading Group: C08a_app62_rg2

Witness: f1818 recovering,
Witness: f1823 recovering,
Witness: fThomas recovering,
Witness: fMS recovering,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 she could
Witness: f1823 she could
Witness: fThomas she could
Witness: f1831 she could
Witness: fMS she wcould


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 no longer
Witness: f1823 no longer
Witness: fThomas no longer
Witness: f1831 no longer
Witness: fMS no longer


Reading Group: C08a_app65_rg1

Witness: f1831 control

Reading Group: C08a_app65_rg2

Witness: f1818 debar herself from
Witness: f1823 debar herself from
Witness: fThomas debar herself from
Witness: fMS debar herself from


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 her
Witness: f1823 her
Witness: fThomas her
Witness: f1831 her
Witness: fMS her


Reading Group: C08a_app67_rg1

Witness: fMS

Reading Group: C08a_app67_rg2

Witness: f1831 anxiety. She attended


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 society, and entered
Witness: f1823 society, and entered
Witness: fThomas society, and entered
Witness: fMS society, and entered


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 her
Witness: f1823 her
Witness: fThomas her
Witness: f1831 her
Witness: fMS her


Reading Group: C08a_app70_rg1

Witness: f1831 sick bed,—her watchful attentions triumphed over

Reading Group: C08a_app70_rg2

Witness: fMS sick chamber long before

Reading Group: C08a_app70_rg3

Witness: f1818 chamber long before
Witness: f1823 chamber long before
Witness: fThomas chamber long before


Reading Group: C08a_app71_rg1

Witness: fMS it was safethe

Reading Group: C08a_app71_rg2

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: f1831 the


Reading Group: C08a_app72_rg1

Witness: f1818 danger
Witness: f1823 danger
Witness: fThomas danger
Witness: fMS danger

Reading Group: C08a_app72_rg2

Witness: f1831 malignity


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of
Witness: f1823 of
Witness: fThomas of
Witness: f1831 of
Witness: fMS of


Reading Group: C08a_app74_rg1

Witness: f1818 infection was past.
Witness: f1823 infection was past.
Witness: fThomas infection was past.
Witness: fMS infection was past.

Reading Group: C08a_app74_rg2

Witness: f1831 the distemper,—Elizabeth was saved, but


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 The consequences of this imprudence were
Witness: f1823 The consequences of this imprudence were
Witness: fThomas The consequences of this imprudence were
Witness: f1831 the consequences of this imprudence were
Witness: fMS The consequences of this imprudence were


Reading Group: C08a_app76_rg1

Witness: fMS fatal:

Reading Group: C08a_app76_rg2

Witness: f1831 fatal to her preserver.

Reading Group: C08a_app76_rg3

Witness: f1818 fatal.
Witness: f1823 fatal.
Witness: fThomas fatal.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 On the third day my mother
Witness: f1823 On the third day my mother
Witness: fThomas On the third day my mother
Witness: f1831 On the third day my mother
Witness: fMS on the third day my mother


Reading Group: C08a_app78_rg1

Witness: fMS sickened.

Reading Group: C08a_app78_rg2

Witness: f1818 sickened;
Witness: f1823 sickened;
Witness: fThomas sickened;
Witness: f1831 sickened;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 her fever was
Witness: f1823 her fever was
Witness: fThomas her fever was
Witness: f1831 her fever was
Witness: fMS Her fever was


Reading Group: C08a_app80_rg1

Witness: fMS verymalignant, tr

Reading Group: C08a_app80_rg2

Witness: f1831 accompanied by the most alarming symptoms,

Reading Group: C08a_app80_rg3

Witness: f1818 very malignant,
Witness: f1823 very malignant,
Witness: fThomas very malignant,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and the looks of her
Witness: f1823 and the looks of her
Witness: fThomas and the looks of her
Witness: f1831 and the looks of her
Witness: fMS and the looks of her


Reading Group: C08a_app82_rg1

Witness: f1831 medical attendants prognosticated the

Reading Group: C08a_app82_rg2

Witness: f1818 attendants prognosticated the
Witness: f1823 attendants prognosticated the
Witness: fThomas attendants prognosticated the
Witness: fMS attendants prognosticated the


Reading Group: C08a_app83_rg1

Witness: fMS wort worst

Reading Group: C08a_app83_rg2

Witness: f1818 worst
Witness: f1823 worst
Witness: fThomas worst
Witness: f1831 worst


Reading Group: C08a_app84_rg1

Witness: fMS evil.

Reading Group: C08a_app84_rg2

Witness: f1818 event.
Witness: f1823 event.
Witness: fThomas event.
Witness: f1831 event.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 On her
Witness: f1823 On her
Witness: fThomas On her
Witness: f1831 On her
Witness: fMS On her


Reading Group: C08a_app86_rg1

Witness: fMS death bed

Reading Group: C08a_app86_rg2

Witness: f1818 death-bed
Witness: f1823 death-bed
Witness: fThomas death-bed
Witness: f1831 death-bed


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the fortitude and benignity
Witness: f1823 the fortitude and benignity
Witness: fThomas the fortitude and benignity
Witness: f1831 the fortitude and benignity
Witness: fMS the fortitude and benignity


Reading Group: C08a_app88_rg1

Witness: fMS di of my motherthis

Reading Group: C08a_app88_rg2

Witness: f1818 of this
Witness: f1823 of this
Witness: fThomas of this
Witness: f1831 of this


Reading Group: C08a_app89_rg1

Witness: fThomas admirableamiable

Reading Group: C08a_app89_rg2

Witness: f1818 admirable
Witness: f1823 admirable
Witness: fMS admirable

Reading Group: C08a_app89_rg3

Witness: f1831 best of women


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 woman
Witness: f1823 woman
Witness: fThomas woman
Witness: fMS woman


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 did not desert her. She joined the
Witness: f1823 did not desert her. She joined the
Witness: fThomas did not desert her. She joined the
Witness: f1831 did not desert her. She joined the
Witness: fMS did not desert her. She joined the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 hands of Elizabeth and
Witness: f1823 hands of Elizabeth and
Witness: fThomas hands of Elizabeth and
Witness: f1831 hands of Elizabeth and
Witness: fMS hands of Elizabeth and


Reading Group: C08a_app93_rg1

Witness: fMS myself.

Reading Group: C08a_app93_rg2

Witness: f1818 myself:
Witness: f1823 myself:
Witness: fThomas myself:

Reading Group: C08a_app93_rg3

Witness: f1831 myself:—“My


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 “My
Witness: f1823 “My
Witness: fThomas “My
Witness: fMS "My


Reading Group: C08a_app95_rg1

Witness: fMS "children said

Reading Group: C08a_app95_rg2

Witness: f1818 children,”
Witness: f1823 children,”
Witness: fThomas children,”
Witness: f1831 children,”


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 she
Witness: f1823 she
Witness: fThomas she
Witness: f1831 she
Witness: fMS she


Reading Group: C08a_app97_rg1

Witness: fMS it was on your "union that my

Reading Group: C08a_app97_rg2

Witness: f1818 said, “my
Witness: f1823 said, “my
Witness: fThomas said, “my
Witness: f1831 said, “my


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 firmest hopes of
Witness: f1823 firmest hopes of
Witness: fThomas firmest hopes of
Witness: f1831 firmest hopes of
Witness: fMS firmest hopes of


Reading Group: C08a_app99_rg1

Witness: fMS "future

Reading Group: C08a_app99_rg2

Witness: f1818 future
Witness: f1823 future
Witness: fThomas future
Witness: f1831 future


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 happiness were
Witness: f1823 happiness were
Witness: fThomas happiness were
Witness: f1831 happiness were
Witness: fMS happiness were


Reading Group: C08a_app101_rg1

Witness: f1818 placed on the prospect of your union. This expectation will
Witness: f1823 placed on the prospect of your union. This expectation will
Witness: fThomas placed on the prospect of your union. This expectation will
Witness: f1831 placed on the prospect of your union. This expectation will

Reading Group: C08a_app101_rg2

Witness: fMS placed. It "will


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 now be the consolation of
Witness: f1823 now be the consolation of
Witness: fThomas now be the consolation of
Witness: f1831 now be the consolation of
Witness: fMS now be the consolation of


Reading Group: C08a_app103_rg1

Witness: fMS "your fathor father.alone

Reading Group: C08a_app103_rg2

Witness: f1818 your father.
Witness: f1823 your father.
Witness: fThomas your father.
Witness: f1831 your father.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Elizabeth, my
Witness: f1823 Elizabeth, my
Witness: fThomas Elizabeth, my
Witness: f1831 Elizabeth, my
Witness: fMS Elizabeth, my


Reading Group: C08a_app105_rg1

Witness: fMS "love,

Reading Group: C08a_app105_rg2

Witness: f1818 love, you must
Witness: f1823 love, you must
Witness: fThomas love, you must
Witness: f1831 love, you must


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 supply my place to
Witness: f1823 supply my place to
Witness: fThomas supply my place to
Witness: f1831 supply my place to
Witness: fMS supply my place to


Reading Group: C08a_app107_rg1

Witness: fMS the other "your young cons

Reading Group: C08a_app107_rg2

Witness: f1831 my

Reading Group: C08a_app107_rg3

Witness: f1818 your
Witness: f1823 your
Witness: fThomas your


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 younger
Witness: f1823 younger
Witness: fThomas younger
Witness: f1831 younger


Reading Group: C08a_app109_rg1

Witness: f1831 children.

Reading Group: C08a_app109_rg2

Witness: f1818 cousins.
Witness: f1823 cousins.
Witness: fThomas cousins.
Witness: fMS cousins.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Alas! I
Witness: f1823 Alas! I
Witness: fThomas Alas! I
Witness: f1831 Alas! I
Witness: fMS Alas! I


Reading Group: C08a_app111_rg1

Witness: fMS "almost regret

Reading Group: C08a_app111_rg2

Witness: f1818 regret
Witness: f1823 regret
Witness: fThomas regret
Witness: f1831 regret


Reading Group: C08a_app112_rg1

Witness: fMS beingthan

Reading Group: C08a_app112_rg2

Witness: f1818 that
Witness: f1823 that
Witness: fThomas that
Witness: f1831 that


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I am taken from
Witness: f1823 I am taken from
Witness: fThomas I am taken from
Witness: f1831 I am taken from
Witness: fMS I am taken from


Reading Group: C08a_app114_rg1

Witness: fMS you, "h and

Reading Group: C08a_app114_rg2

Witness: f1818 you; and,
Witness: f1823 you; and,
Witness: fThomas you; and,
Witness: f1831 you; and,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 happy and
Witness: f1823 happy and
Witness: fThomas happy and
Witness: f1831 happy and
Witness: fMS happy and


Reading Group: C08a_app116_rg1

Witness: f1818 beloved
Witness: f1823 beloved
Witness: fThomas beloved
Witness: f1831 beloved

Reading Group: C08a_app116_rg2

Witness: fMS beloved,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 as I
Witness: f1823 as I
Witness: fThomas as I
Witness: f1831 as I
Witness: fMS as I


Reading Group: C08a_app118_rg1

Witness: fMS am "is

Reading Group: C08a_app118_rg2

Witness: f1818 have been, is
Witness: f1823 have been, is
Witness: fThomas have been, is
Witness: f1831 have been, is


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 it not hard to quit you all? But
Witness: f1823 it not hard to quit you all? But
Witness: fThomas it not hard to quit you all? But
Witness: f1831 it not hard to quit you all? But
Witness: fMS it not hard to quit you all? But


Reading Group: C08a_app120_rg1

Witness: fMS "these

Reading Group: C08a_app120_rg2

Witness: f1818 these
Witness: f1823 these
Witness: fThomas these
Witness: f1831 these


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 are not thoughts befitting
Witness: f1823 are not thoughts befitting
Witness: fThomas are not thoughts befitting
Witness: f1831 are not thoughts befitting
Witness: fMS are not thoughts befitting


Reading Group: C08a_app122_rg1

Witness: fMS me "I

Reading Group: C08a_app122_rg2

Witness: f1818 me; I
Witness: f1823 me; I
Witness: fThomas me; I
Witness: f1831 me; I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 will endeavour to resign myself
Witness: f1823 will endeavour to resign myself
Witness: fThomas will endeavour to resign myself
Witness: f1831 will endeavour to resign myself
Witness: fMS <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>will endeavour to resign myself


Reading Group: C08a_app124_rg1

Witness: fMS to cheerfully to

Reading Group: C08a_app124_rg2

Witness: f1818 cheerfully to
Witness: f1823 cheerfully to
Witness: fThomas cheerfully to
Witness: f1831 cheerfully to


Reading Group: C08a_app125_rg1

Witness: fMS "death

Reading Group: C08a_app125_rg2

Witness: f1818 death,
Witness: f1823 death,
Witness: fThomas death,
Witness: f1831 death,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and will indulge a hope
Witness: f1823 and will indulge a hope
Witness: fThomas and will indulge a hope
Witness: f1831 and will indulge a hope
Witness: fMS and will indulge a hope


Reading Group: C08a_app127_rg1

Witness: fMS my "belovedcreatures of meeting you

Reading Group: C08a_app127_rg2

Witness: f1818 of meeting you
Witness: f1823 of meeting you
Witness: fThomas of meeting you
Witness: f1831 of meeting you


Reading Group: C08a_app128_rg1

Witness: fMS "in

Reading Group: C08a_app128_rg2

Witness: f1818 in
Witness: f1823 in
Witness: fThomas in
Witness: f1831 in


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 another
Witness: f1823 another
Witness: fThomas another
Witness: f1831 another
Witness: fMS another


Reading Group: C08a_app130_rg1

Witness: fMS world." She

Reading Group: C08a_app130_rg2

Witness: f1818 world.”<p/><p/>She
Witness: f1823 world.”<p/><p/>She
Witness: fThomas world.”<p/><p/>She
Witness: f1831 world.”<p/><p/>She


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 died
Witness: f1823 died
Witness: fThomas died
Witness: f1831 died
Witness: fMS died


Reading Group: C08a_app132_rg1

Witness: fMS calmly

Reading Group: C08a_app132_rg2

Witness: f1818 calmly;
Witness: f1823 calmly;
Witness: fThomas calmly;
Witness: f1831 calmly;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and her
Witness: f1823 and her
Witness: fThomas and her
Witness: f1831 and her
Witness: fMS and her


Reading Group: C08a_app134_rg1

Witness: f1818 countenance
Witness: f1823 countenance
Witness: fThomas countenance
Witness: f1831 countenance

Reading Group: C08a_app134_rg2

Witness: fMS features


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 expressed
Witness: f1823 expressed
Witness: fThomas expressed
Witness: f1831 expressed
Witness: fMS expressed


Reading Group: C08a_app136_rg1

Witness: fMS lov affection even in death.

Reading Group: C08a_app136_rg2

Witness: f1818 affection even in death.
Witness: f1823 affection even in death.
Witness: fThomas affection even in death.
Witness: f1831 affection even in death.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I need not describe the feelings of those whose dearest ties are rent by that
Witness: f1823 I need not describe the feelings of those whose dearest ties are rent by that
Witness: fThomas I need not describe the feelings of those whose dearest ties are rent by that
Witness: f1831 I need not describe the feelings of those whose dearest ties are rent by that
Witness: fMS I need not describe the feelings of those whose dearest ties are rent by that


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 most
Witness: f1823 most
Witness: fThomas most
Witness: f1831 most
Witness: fMS most


Reading Group: C08a_app139_rg1

Witness: f1818 irreparable
Witness: f1823 irreparable
Witness: fThomas irreparable
Witness: f1831 irreparable

Reading Group: C08a_app139_rg2

Witness: fMS irreperable


Reading Group: C08a_app140_rg1

Witness: f1818 evil,
Witness: f1823 evil,
Witness: fThomas evil,

Reading Group: C08a_app140_rg2

Witness: f1831 evil;
Witness: fMS evil;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fMS the


Reading Group: C08a_app142_rg1

Witness: fMS bla void

Reading Group: C08a_app142_rg2

Witness: f1818 void
Witness: f1823 void
Witness: fThomas void
Witness: f1831 void


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that
Witness: f1823 that
Witness: fThomas that
Witness: f1831 that
Witness: fMS that


Reading Group: C08a_app144_rg1

Witness: fMS every where presents itself to

Reading Group: C08a_app144_rg2

Witness: f1818 presents itself to
Witness: f1823 presents itself to
Witness: fThomas presents itself to
Witness: f1831 presents itself to


Reading Group: C08a_app145_rg1

Witness: fMS their<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>mindsthe soul

Reading Group: C08a_app145_rg2

Witness: f1818 the soul,
Witness: f1823 the soul,
Witness: fThomas the soul,

Reading Group: C08a_app145_rg3

Witness: f1831 the soul;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and the despair that
Witness: f1823 and the despair that
Witness: fThomas and the despair that
Witness: f1831 and the despair that
Witness: fMS and the despair that


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 is exhibited on the countenance.
Witness: f1823 is exhibited on the countenance.
Witness: fThomas is exhibited on the countenance.
Witness: f1831 is exhibited on the countenance.
Witness: fMS is exhibited on the countenance.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 It is so long before the mind can
Witness: f1823 It is so long before the mind can
Witness: fThomas It is so long before the mind can
Witness: f1831 It is so long before the mind can
Witness: fMS It is so long before the mind can


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 persuade itself that she, whom
Witness: f1823 persuade itself that she, whom
Witness: fThomas persuade itself that she, whom
Witness: f1831 persuade itself that she, whom
Witness: fMS persuade itself that she, whom


Reading Group: C08a_app150_rg1

Witness: fMS they

Reading Group: C08a_app150_rg2

Witness: f1818 we
Witness: f1823 we
Witness: fThomas we
Witness: f1831 we


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 saw every day, and whose very
Witness: f1823 saw every day, and whose very
Witness: fThomas saw every day, and whose very
Witness: f1831 saw every day, and whose very
Witness: fMS saw every day, and whose very


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 existence appeared a part of
Witness: f1823 existence appeared a part of
Witness: fThomas existence appeared a part of
Witness: f1831 existence appeared a part of
Witness: fMS existence appeared a part of


Reading Group: C08a_app153_rg1

Witness: f1818 our own,
Witness: f1823 our own,
Witness: fThomas our own,
Witness: f1831 our own,

Reading Group: C08a_app153_rg2

Witness: fMS theirs,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 can have departed for
Witness: f1823 can have departed for
Witness: fThomas can have departed for
Witness: f1831 can have departed for
Witness: fMS can have departed for


Reading Group: C08a_app155_rg1

Witness: fMS ever: Tthat

Reading Group: C08a_app155_rg2

Witness: f1818 ever—that
Witness: f1823 ever—that
Witness: fThomas ever—that
Witness: f1831 ever—that


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the brightness of a
Witness: f1823 the brightness of a
Witness: fThomas the brightness of a
Witness: f1831 the brightness of a
Witness: fMS the brightness of a


Reading Group: C08a_app157_rg1

Witness: f1818 beloved
Witness: f1823 beloved
Witness: fThomas beloved
Witness: f1831 beloved

Reading Group: C08a_app157_rg2

Witness: fMS loved


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 eye can have
Witness: f1823 eye can have
Witness: fThomas eye can have
Witness: f1831 eye can have
Witness: fMS eye can have


Reading Group: C08a_app159_rg1

Witness: fMS fadedbeen

Reading Group: C08a_app159_rg2

Witness: f1818 been
Witness: f1823 been
Witness: fThomas been
Witness: f1831 been


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 extinguished, and the sound of a voice
Witness: f1823 extinguished, and the sound of a voice
Witness: fThomas extinguished, and the sound of a voice
Witness: f1831 extinguished, and the sound of a voice
Witness: fMS extinguished, and the sound of a voice


Reading Group: C08a_app161_rg1

Witness: fMS never so

Reading Group: C08a_app161_rg2

Witness: f1818 so
Witness: f1823 so
Witness: fThomas so
Witness: f1831 so


Reading Group: C08a_app162_rg1

Witness: fMS familiar

Reading Group: C08a_app162_rg2

Witness: f1818 familiar,
Witness: f1823 familiar,
Witness: fThomas familiar,
Witness: f1831 familiar,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and dear to the
Witness: f1823 and dear to the
Witness: fThomas and dear to the
Witness: f1831 and dear to the
Witness: fMS and dear to the


Reading Group: C08a_app164_rg1

Witness: fMS ear

Reading Group: C08a_app164_rg2

Witness: f1818 ear,
Witness: f1823 ear,
Witness: fThomas ear,
Witness: f1831 ear,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 can be hushed, never more to be
Witness: f1823 can be hushed, never more to be
Witness: fThomas can be hushed, never more to be
Witness: f1831 can be hushed, never more to be
Witness: fMS can be hushed, never more to be


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 heard. These are the reflections of the
Witness: f1823 heard. These are the reflections of the
Witness: fThomas heard. These are the reflections of the
Witness: f1831 heard. These are the reflections of the
Witness: fMS heard. These are the reflections of the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 first
Witness: f1823 first
Witness: fThomas first
Witness: f1831 first
Witness: fMS first


Reading Group: C08a_app168_rg1

Witness: fMS days.

Reading Group: C08a_app168_rg2

Witness: f1818 days;
Witness: f1823 days;
Witness: fThomas days;
Witness: f1831 days;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but when the lapse of
Witness: f1823 but when the lapse of
Witness: fThomas but when the lapse of
Witness: f1831 but when the lapse of
Witness: fMS But when the lapse of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 time proves the reality of the
Witness: f1823 time proves the reality of the
Witness: fThomas time proves the reality of the
Witness: f1831 time proves the reality of the
Witness: fMS time proves the reality of the


Reading Group: C08a_app171_rg1

Witness: fMS evil

Reading Group: C08a_app171_rg2

Witness: f1818 evil,
Witness: f1823 evil,
Witness: fThomas evil,
Witness: f1831 evil,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 then the
Witness: f1823 then the
Witness: fThomas then the
Witness: f1831 then the
Witness: fMS then the


Reading Group: C08a_app173_rg1

Witness: fMS truedespairbitterness

Reading Group: C08a_app173_rg2

Witness: f1818 actual bitterness
Witness: f1823 actual bitterness
Witness: fThomas actual bitterness
Witness: f1831 actual bitterness


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of grief
Witness: f1823 of grief
Witness: fThomas of grief
Witness: f1831 of grief
Witness: fMS of grief


Reading Group: C08a_app175_rg1

Witness: fMS commences,Then the survivors dare not turnButYet,

Reading Group: C08a_app175_rg2

Witness: f1818 commences. Yet
Witness: f1823 commences. Yet
Witness: fThomas commences. Yet
Witness: f1831 commences. Yet


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 from whom
Witness: f1823 from whom
Witness: fThomas from whom
Witness: f1831 from whom
Witness: fMS from whom


Reading Group: C08a_app177_rg1

Witness: fMS who has not had some dear connection rent away by that rude hand

Reading Group: C08a_app177_rg2

Witness: f1818 has not that rude hand
Witness: f1823 has not that rude hand
Witness: fThomas has not that rude hand
Witness: f1831 has not that rude hand


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 rent away some
Witness: f1823 rent away some
Witness: fThomas rent away some
Witness: f1831 rent away some
Witness: fMS rent away some


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 dear
Witness: f1823 dear
Witness: fThomas dear
Witness: f1831 dear
Witness: fMS dear


Reading Group: C08a_app180_rg1

Witness: fMS connection,

Reading Group: C08a_app180_rg2

Witness: f1831 connection?

Reading Group: C08a_app180_rg3

Witness: f1818 connexion;
Witness: f1823 connexion;
Witness: fThomas connexion;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and why
Witness: f1823 and why
Witness: fThomas and why
Witness: f1831 and why
Witness: fMS and why


Reading Group: C08a_app182_rg1

Witness: fMS needshould

Reading Group: C08a_app182_rg2

Witness: f1818 should
Witness: f1823 should
Witness: fThomas should
Witness: f1831 should


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I describe a sorrow
Witness: f1823 I describe a sorrow
Witness: fThomas I describe a sorrow
Witness: f1831 I describe a sorrow
Witness: fMS I describe a sorrow


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 which all have felt, and must
Witness: f1823 which all have felt, and must
Witness: fThomas which all have felt, and must
Witness: f1831 which all have felt, and must
Witness: fMS which all have felt, and must


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 feel?
Witness: f1823 feel?
Witness: fThomas feel?
Witness: f1831 feel?
Witness: fMS feel?


Reading Group: C08a_app186_rg1

Witness: fMS ButtThe

Reading Group: C08a_app186_rg2

Witness: f1818 The
Witness: f1823 The
Witness: fThomas The
Witness: f1831 The


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 time at length
Witness: f1823 time at length
Witness: fThomas time at length
Witness: f1831 time at length
Witness: fMS time at length


Reading Group: C08a_app188_rg1

Witness: fMS arrives

Reading Group: C08a_app188_rg2

Witness: f1818 arrives,
Witness: f1823 arrives,
Witness: fThomas arrives,
Witness: f1831 arrives,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 when grief is rather an indulgence
Witness: f1823 when grief is rather an indulgence
Witness: fThomas when grief is rather an indulgence
Witness: f1831 when grief is rather an indulgence
Witness: fMS when grief is rather an indulgence


Reading Group: C08a_app190_rg1

Witness: fMS a than a

Reading Group: C08a_app190_rg2

Witness: f1818 than a
Witness: f1823 than a
Witness: fThomas than a
Witness: f1831 than a


Reading Group: C08a_app191_rg1

Witness: fMS necessity

Reading Group: C08a_app191_rg2

Witness: f1818 necessity;
Witness: f1823 necessity;
Witness: fThomas necessity;
Witness: f1831 necessity;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and the smile
Witness: f1823 and the smile
Witness: fThomas and the smile
Witness: f1831 and the smile
Witness: fMS and the smile


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that plays
Witness: f1823 that plays
Witness: fThomas that plays
Witness: f1831 that plays
Witness: fMS that plays


Reading Group: C08a_app194_rg1

Witness: fMS on

Reading Group: C08a_app194_rg2

Witness: f1818 upon
Witness: f1823 upon
Witness: fThomas upon
Witness: f1831 upon


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the lips, although
Witness: f1823 the lips, although
Witness: fThomas the lips, although
Witness: f1831 the lips, although
Witness: fMS the lips, although


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 it
Witness: f1823 it
Witness: fThomas it
Witness: f1831 it
Witness: fMS it


Reading Group: C08a_app197_rg1

Witness: fMS is

Reading Group: C08a_app197_rg2

Witness: f1818 may be
Witness: f1823 may be
Witness: fThomas may be
Witness: f1831 may be


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 deemed
Witness: f1823 deemed
Witness: fThomas deemed
Witness: f1831 deemed
Witness: fMS deemed


Reading Group: C08a_app199_rg1

Witness: f1818 a sacrilege,
Witness: f1823 a sacrilege,
Witness: fThomas a sacrilege,
Witness: f1831 a sacrilege,

Reading Group: C08a_app199_rg2

Witness: fMS sacriledge,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 is not
Witness: f1823 is not
Witness: fThomas is not
Witness: f1831 is not
Witness: fMS is not


Reading Group: C08a_app201_rg1

Witness: f1818 banished.
Witness: f1823 banished.
Witness: fThomas banished.
Witness: f1831 banished.

Reading Group: C08a_app201_rg2

Witness: fMS Banished.–


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 My mother
Witness: f1823 My mother
Witness: fThomas My mother
Witness: f1831 My mother
Witness: fMS My mother


Reading Group: C08a_app203_rg1

Witness: fMS was gonelosthad beentaken<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>awaywas dead

Reading Group: C08a_app203_rg2

Witness: f1818 was dead,
Witness: f1823 was dead,
Witness: fThomas was dead,
Witness: f1831 was dead,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but we had still duties which we ought to
Witness: f1823 but we had still duties which we ought to
Witness: fThomas but we had still duties which we ought to
Witness: f1831 but we had still duties which we ought to
Witness: fMS but we had still duties which we ought to


Reading Group: C08a_app205_rg1

Witness: fMS perform

Reading Group: C08a_app205_rg2

Witness: f1818 perform;
Witness: f1823 perform;
Witness: fThomas perform;
Witness: f1831 perform;


Reading Group: C08a_app206_rg1

Witness: f1818 we must continue our course with the rest,
Witness: f1823 we must continue our course with the rest,
Witness: fThomas we must continue our course with the rest,
Witness: f1831 we must continue our course with the rest,

Reading Group: C08a_app206_rg2

Witness: fMS we must continue our course with the rest & bless God if nothingelse<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>worsehappens.and the idleness generated by grief wouldbecome a bad habit if further indulged


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and learn
Witness: f1823 and learn
Witness: fThomas and learn
Witness: f1831 and learn
Witness: fMS and learn


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to think
Witness: f1823 to think
Witness: fThomas to think
Witness: f1831 to think
Witness: fMS to think


Reading Group: C08a_app209_rg1

Witness: f1818 ourselves fortunate,
Witness: f1823 ourselves fortunate,
Witness: fThomas ourselves fortunate,
Witness: f1831 ourselves fortunate,

Reading Group: C08a_app209_rg2

Witness: fMS ourselvesfortunate, if no more


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 whilst
Witness: f1823 whilst
Witness: fThomas whilst
Witness: f1831 whilst
Witness: fMS whilst


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 one remains
Witness: f1823 one remains
Witness: fThomas one remains
Witness: f1831 one remains
Witness: fMS one remains


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 whom the
Witness: f1823 whom the
Witness: fThomas whom the
Witness: f1831 whom the
Witness: fMS whom the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 spoiler has
Witness: f1823 spoiler has
Witness: fThomas spoiler has
Witness: f1831 spoiler has
Witness: fMS spoiler has


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 not
Witness: f1823 not
Witness: fThomas not
Witness: f1831 not
Witness: fMS not


Reading Group: C08a_app215_rg1

Witness: fMS seized. My

Reading Group: C08a_app215_rg2

Witness: f1818 seized.<p/><p/>My
Witness: f1823 seized.<p/><p/>My
Witness: fThomas seized.<p/><p/>My
Witness: f1831 seized.<p/><p/>My


Reading Group: C08a_app216_rg1

Witness: f1831 departure for

Reading Group: C08a_app216_rg2

Witness: f1818 journey to
Witness: f1823 journey to
Witness: fThomas journey to
Witness: fMS journey to


Reading Group: C08a_app217_rg1

Witness: fMS Ingolstadt

Reading Group: C08a_app217_rg2

Witness: f1818 Ingolstadt,
Witness: f1823 Ingolstadt,
Witness: fThomas Ingolstadt,
Witness: f1831 Ingolstadt,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 which had
Witness: f1823 which had
Witness: fThomas which had
Witness: f1831 which had
Witness: fMS which had


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 been deferred by these
Witness: f1823 been deferred by these
Witness: fThomas been deferred by these
Witness: f1831 been deferred by these
Witness: fMS been deferred by these


Reading Group: C08a_app220_rg1

Witness: fMS events

Reading Group: C08a_app220_rg2

Witness: f1818 events,
Witness: f1823 events,
Witness: fThomas events,
Witness: f1831 events,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was now
Witness: f1823 was now
Witness: fThomas was now
Witness: f1831 was now
Witness: fMS was now


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 again determined
Witness: f1823 again determined
Witness: fThomas again determined
Witness: f1831 again determined
Witness: fMS again determined


Reading Group: C08a_app223_rg1

Witness: fMS upon, and all that

Reading Group: C08a_app223_rg2

Witness: f1818 upon.
Witness: f1823 upon.
Witness: fThomas upon.
Witness: f1831 upon.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fMS I


Reading Group: C08a_app225_rg1

Witness: fMS could obtained from my father

Reading Group: C08a_app225_rg2

Witness: f1818 obtained from my father
Witness: f1823 obtained from my father
Witness: fThomas obtained from my father
Witness: f1831 obtained from my father


Reading Group: C08a_app226_rg1

Witness: fMS wasa

Reading Group: C08a_app226_rg2

Witness: f1818 a
Witness: f1823 a
Witness: fThomas a
Witness: f1831 a


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 respite of some weeks.
Witness: f1823 respite of some weeks.
Witness: fThomas respite of some weeks.
Witness: f1831 respite of some weeks.
Witness: fMS respite of some weeks.


Reading Group: C08b_app1_rg1

Witness: f1831 It appeared to me sacrilege so soon to leave the repose, akin to death, of the house of mourning, and to rush into the thick of life. I was new to sorrow, but it did not the less alarm me. I was unwilling to quit the sight of those that remained to me; and, above all, I desired to see my sweet Elizabeth in some degree consoled.<p/> <p/>She indeed veiled her grief, and strove to act the comforter to us all. She looked steadily on life, and assumed its duties with courage and zeal. She devoted herself to those whom she had been taught to call her uncle and cousins.

Reading Group: C08b_app1_rg2

Witness: f1818 This period was spent
Witness: f1823 This period was spent
Witness: fThomas This period was spent

Reading Group: C08b_app1_rg3

Witness: fMS This time was spent


Reading Group: C08b_app2_rg1

Witness: f1823 sadly ;

Reading Group: C08b_app2_rg2

Witness: fMS sadly.

Reading Group: C08b_app2_rg3

Witness: f1818 sadly;
Witness: fThomas sadly;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my
Witness: f1823 my
Witness: fThomas my
Witness: fMS My


Reading Group: C08b_app4_rg1

Witness: fMS mothers death

Reading Group: C08b_app4_rg2

Witness: f1818 mother’s death,
Witness: f1823 mother’s death,
Witness: fThomas mother’s death,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and my speedy
Witness: f1823 and my speedy
Witness: fThomas and my speedy
Witness: fMS and my speedy


Reading Group: C08b_app6_rg1

Witness: fMS departure

Reading Group: C08b_app6_rg2

Witness: f1818 departure,
Witness: fThomas departure,

Reading Group: C08b_app6_rg3

Witness: f1823 departure;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 depressed
Witness: f1823 depressed
Witness: fThomas depressed
Witness: fMS depressed


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 our
Witness: f1823 our
Witness: fThomas our
Witness: fMS our


Reading Group: C08b_app9_rg1

Witness: fMS spirits

Reading Group: C08b_app9_rg2

Witness: f1818 spirits;
Witness: f1823 spirits;
Witness: fThomas spirits;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but Elizabeth endeavoured to
Witness: f1823 but Elizabeth endeavoured to
Witness: fThomas but Elizabeth endeavoured to
Witness: fMS but Elizabeth endeavoured to


Reading Group: C08b_app11_rg1

Witness: fMS sprrenewthe spiritcast aa gleamrenew

Reading Group: C08b_app11_rg2

Witness: f1818 renew
Witness: f1823 renew
Witness: fThomas renew


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the spirit of
Witness: f1823 the spirit of
Witness: fThomas the spirit of
Witness: fMS the spirit of


Reading Group: C08b_app13_rg1

Witness: fMS cheer fullness

Reading Group: C08b_app13_rg2

Witness: f1818 cheerfulness
Witness: f1823 cheerfulness
Witness: fThomas cheerfulness


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in our little society. Since
Witness: f1823 in our little society. Since
Witness: fThomas in our little society. Since
Witness: fMS in our little society. Since


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the death of her
Witness: f1823 the death of her
Witness: fThomas the death of her
Witness: fMS the death of her


Reading Group: C08b_app16_rg1

Witness: fMS aunt

Reading Group: C08b_app16_rg2

Witness: f1818 aunt,
Witness: f1823 aunt,
Witness: fThomas aunt,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 her mind had acquired new
Witness: f1823 her mind had acquired new
Witness: fThomas her mind had acquired new
Witness: fMS her mind had acquired new


Reading Group: C08b_app18_rg1

Witness: fMS firmess firmness and

Reading Group: C08b_app18_rg2

Witness: f1818 firmness and
Witness: f1823 firmness and
Witness: fThomas firmness and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 vigour. She determined to fulfil her
Witness: f1823 vigour. She determined to fulfil her
Witness: fThomas vigour. She determined to fulfil her
Witness: fMS vigour. She determined to fulfil her


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 duties with the greatest
Witness: f1823 duties with the greatest
Witness: fThomas duties with the greatest
Witness: fMS duties with the greatest


Reading Group: C08b_app21_rg1

Witness: fMS exactitude

Reading Group: C08b_app21_rg2

Witness: f1818 exactness;
Witness: f1823 exactness;
Witness: fThomas exactness;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: fMS and


Reading Group: C08b_app23_rg1

Witness: fMS hershe

Reading Group: C08b_app23_rg2

Witness: f1818 she
Witness: f1823 she
Witness: fThomas she


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 felt that
Witness: f1823 felt that
Witness: fThomas felt that
Witness: fMS felt that


Reading Group: C08b_app25_rg1

Witness: f1818 that
Witness: f1823 that
Witness: fThomas that

Reading Group: C08b_app25_rg2

Witness: fMS the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 most imperious
Witness: f1823 most imperious
Witness: fThomas most imperious
Witness: fMS most imperious


Reading Group: C08b_app27_rg1

Witness: fMS duty wasofto

Reading Group: C08b_app27_rg2

Witness: f1818 duty, of
Witness: f1823 duty, of
Witness: fThomas duty, of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 rendering her uncle and cousins
Witness: f1823 rendering her uncle and cousins
Witness: fThomas rendering her uncle and cousins
Witness: fMS rendering her uncle and cousins


Reading Group: C08b_app29_rg1

Witness: f1818 happy,
Witness: f1823 happy,
Witness: fThomas happy,

Reading Group: C08b_app29_rg2

Witness: fMS happy.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 had devolved
Witness: f1823 had devolved
Witness: fThomas had devolved
Witness: fMS had devolved


Reading Group: C08b_app31_rg1

Witness: fMS on

Reading Group: C08b_app31_rg2

Witness: f1818 upon
Witness: f1823 upon
Witness: fThomas upon


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 her. She consoled me, amused her uncle,
Witness: f1823 her. She consoled me, amused her uncle,
Witness: fThomas her. She consoled me, amused her uncle,
Witness: fMS her. She consoled me, amused her uncle,


Reading Group: C08b_app33_rg1

Witness: fMS and instructed my

Reading Group: C08b_app33_rg2

Witness: f1818 instructed my
Witness: f1823 instructed my
Witness: fThomas instructed my


Reading Group: C08b_app34_rg1

Witness: fMS brothers

Reading Group: C08b_app34_rg2

Witness: f1818 brothers;
Witness: f1823 brothers;
Witness: fThomas brothers;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and I
Witness: f1823 and I
Witness: fThomas and I
Witness: fMS and I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 never
Witness: f1823 never
Witness: fThomas never
Witness: f1831 Never
Witness: fMS never


Reading Group: C08c_app2_rg1

Witness: fMS

Reading Group: C08c_app2_rg2

Witness: f1831 was she


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 beheld her
Witness: f1823 beheld her
Witness: fThomas beheld her
Witness: fMS beheld her


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 so enchanting as at this
Witness: f1823 so enchanting as at this
Witness: fThomas so enchanting as at this
Witness: f1831 so enchanting as at this
Witness: fMS so enchanting as at this


Reading Group: C08c_app5_rg1

Witness: fMS time

Reading Group: C08c_app5_rg2

Witness: f1818 time,
Witness: f1823 time,
Witness: fThomas time,
Witness: f1831 time,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 when she
Witness: f1823 when she
Witness: fThomas when she
Witness: f1831 when she
Witness: fMS when she


Reading Group: C08c_app7_rg1

Witness: f1831 recalled the sunshine of her smiles and spent them upon us. She forgot even her own regret in her endeavours to make us forget.<p/><p/>The

Reading Group: C08c_app7_rg2

Witness: fMS sar sacrifised every minuteof her timeto others<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>wascontinually

Reading Group: C08c_app7_rg3

Witness: f1818 was continually
Witness: f1823 was continually
Witness: fThomas was continually


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 endeavouring to contribute to the
Witness: f1823 endeavouring to contribute to the
Witness: fThomas endeavouring to contribute to the
Witness: fMS endeavouring to contribute to the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 happiness of
Witness: f1823 happiness of
Witness: fThomas happiness of
Witness: fMS happiness of


Reading Group: C08c_app10_rg1

Witness: fMS others

Reading Group: C08c_app10_rg2

Witness: f1818 others,
Witness: f1823 others,
Witness: fThomas others,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 entirely forgetful of
Witness: f1823 entirely forgetful of
Witness: fThomas entirely forgetful of
Witness: fMS entirely forgetful of


Reading Group: C08c_app12_rg1

Witness: fMS hels herself. The

Reading Group: C08c_app12_rg2

Witness: f1818 herself.<p/><p/>The
Witness: f1823 herself.<p/><p/>The
Witness: fThomas herself.<p/><p/>The


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 day of my departure at
Witness: f1823 day of my departure at
Witness: fThomas day of my departure at
Witness: f1831 day of my departure at
Witness: fMS day of my departure at


Reading Group: C08c_app14_rg1

Witness: fMS lenghth arrived –

Reading Group: C08c_app14_rg2

Witness: f1818 length arrived.
Witness: f1823 length arrived.
Witness: fThomas length arrived.
Witness: f1831 length arrived.


Reading Group: C08d_app1_rg1

Witness: f1831

Reading Group: C08d_app1_rg2

Witness: f1818 I had taken leave of all my
Witness: f1823 I had taken leave of all my
Witness: fThomas I had taken leave of all my
Witness: fMS I had taken leave of all my


Reading Group: C08d_app2_rg1

Witness: fMS friends

Reading Group: C08d_app2_rg2

Witness: f1818 friends,
Witness: f1823 friends,
Witness: fThomas friends,


Reading Group: C08d_app3_rg1

Witness: f1831 Clerval spent the last evening with us. He had endeavoured to persuade his father to permit him to accompany me, and to become my fellow student; but in vain. His father was a narrow-minded trader, and saw idleness and ruin in the aspirations and ambition of his son. Henry deeply felt the misfortune of being debarred from a liberal education. He said little; but when he spoke, I read in his kindling eye and in his animated glance a restrained but firm resolve, not to be chained to the miserable details of commerce.<p/> <p/>We sat late. We could not tear ourselves away from each other, nor persuade ourselves to say the word “Farewell!” It was said; and we retired under the pretence of seeking repose, each fancying that the other was deceived: but when at morning’s dawn I descended to the carriage which was to convey me away, they were all there—my father again to bless me, Clerval to press my hand once more, my Elizabeth to renew her entreaties that I would write often, and to bestow the last feminine attentions on her playmate and friend.<p/>

Reading Group: C08d_app3_rg2

Witness: f1818 excepting Clerval, who spent the last evening with us. He bitterly lamented that he was
Witness: f1823 excepting Clerval, who spent the last evening with us. He bitterly lamented that he was
Witness: fThomas excepting Clerval, who spent the last evening with us. He bitterly lamented that he was
Witness: fMS excepting Clerval, who spent the last evening with us. He bitterly lamented that he was


Reading Group: C08d_app4_rg1

Witness: fMS not ableunable

Reading Group: C08d_app4_rg2

Witness: f1818 unable
Witness: f1823 unable
Witness: fThomas unable


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to
Witness: f1823 to
Witness: fThomas to
Witness: fMS to


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 accompany
Witness: f1823 accompany
Witness: fThomas accompany
Witness: fMS accompany


Reading Group: C08d_app7_rg1

Witness: fMS me

Reading Group: C08d_app7_rg2

Witness: f1818 me:
Witness: f1823 me:
Witness: fThomas me:


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but his father
Witness: f1823 but his father
Witness: fThomas but his father
Witness: fMS But his father


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 could not
Witness: f1823 could not
Witness: fThomas could not
Witness: fMS could not


Reading Group: C08d_app10_rg1

Witness: fMS bearbe

Reading Group: C08d_app10_rg2

Witness: f1818 be
Witness: f1823 be
Witness: fThomas be


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 persuaded to part with
Witness: f1823 persuaded to part with
Witness: fThomas persuaded to part with
Witness: fMS persuaded to part with


Reading Group: C08d_app12_rg1

Witness: fMS him besidesashe intendedinghim tothat

Reading Group: C08d_app12_rg2

Witness: f1818 him,
Witness: f1823 him,
Witness: fThomas him,


Reading Group: C08d_app13_rg1

Witness: f1818 intending
Witness: fThomas intending

Reading Group: C08d_app13_rg2

Witness: f1823 intending,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that
Witness: f1823 that
Witness: fThomas that


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 he
Witness: f1823 he
Witness: fThomas he
Witness: fMS he


Reading Group: C08d_app16_rg1

Witness: f1818 should become
Witness: f1823 should become
Witness: fThomas should become

Reading Group: C08d_app16_rg2

Witness: fMS shouldbecome


Reading Group: C08d_app17_rg1

Witness: f1818 a partner with him in business,
Witness: f1823 a partner with him in business,
Witness: fThomas a partner with him in business,

Reading Group: C08d_app17_rg2

Witness: fMS a partner with him in his business, and he said he did notand


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in
Witness: f1823 in
Witness: fThomas in
Witness: fMS in


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 compliance
Witness: f1823 compliance
Witness: fThomas compliance
Witness: fMS compliance


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 with his favourite theory,
Witness: f1823 with his favourite theory,
Witness: fThomas with his favourite theory,
Witness: fMS with his favourite theory,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that
Witness: f1823 that
Witness: fThomas that
Witness: fMS that


Reading Group: C08d_app22_rg1

Witness: fMS the learning

Reading Group: C08d_app22_rg2

Witness: f1818 learning
Witness: f1823 learning
Witness: fThomas learning


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was
Witness: f1823 was
Witness: fThomas was
Witness: fMS was


Reading Group: C08d_app24_rg1

Witness: fMS superflous

Reading Group: C08d_app24_rg2

Witness: f1818 superfluous
Witness: f1823 superfluous
Witness: fThomas superfluous


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in the commerce of ordinary
Witness: f1823 in the commerce of ordinary
Witness: fThomas in the commerce of ordinary
Witness: fMS in the commerce of ordinary


Reading Group: C08d_app26_rg1

Witness: f1818 life.
Witness: f1823 life.
Witness: fThomas life.

Reading Group: C08d_app26_rg2

Witness: fMS life.see<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>ofwhat use learningwas<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>could beto amerchant.


Reading Group: C08d_app27_rg1

Witness: f1818 Henry had a refined mind; he had no desire to be idle, and was well pleased to become his father’s partner, but he believed that a man might be a very good trader, and yet possess a cultivated understanding.<p/><p/>We sat late,
Witness: f1823 Henry had a refined mind; he had no desire to be idle, and was well pleased to become his father’s partner, but he believed that a man might be a very good trader, and yet possess a cultivated understanding.<p/><p/>We sat late,

Reading Group: C08d_app27_rg2

Witness: fMS Henry had a refined mind and a he did not wishhad no desire to be idle and was well pleased to become the partnerof his father's <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>partnerbut he believed that a man might be a very good trader and yet haveposess a cultivated mind.understanding. We sate late

Reading Group: C08d_app27_rg3

Witness: fThomas Henryhad a refined mind; he had no desire to be idle, and was well pleased to become his father’s partner, but he believed that a man might be a very good trader, and yet possess a cultivated understanding.loved poetry and his mind was filled with the imagery and sublime sentiments of the masters of that art. A poet himself, he turned with y disgust from the details of ordinary life. His own soul mind was all the possession that he prized, beautiful & majestic thoughts the only wealth he coveted—daring as the eagle and as free, common laws could not be applied to him; and while you gazed on him you felt his soul’s spark was more divine—more truly stolen from Apollo’s sacred fire, than the glimmering ember that animates other men.<p/><p/>We sat late,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 listening to his complaints, and
Witness: f1823 listening to his complaints, and
Witness: fThomas listening to his complaints, and
Witness: fMS listening to his complaints, and


Reading Group: C08d_app29_rg1

Witness: fMS I making many little

Reading Group: C08d_app29_rg2

Witness: f1818 making many little
Witness: f1823 making many little
Witness: fThomas making many little


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 arrangements for the future.
Witness: f1823 arrangements for the future.
Witness: fThomas arrangements for the future.
Witness: fMS arrangements for the future.


Reading Group: C08d_app31_rg1

Witness: fMS andtThe

Reading Group: C08d_app31_rg2

Witness: f1818 The
Witness: f1823 The
Witness: fThomas The


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 next morning early I departed. Tears
Witness: f1823 next morning early I departed. Tears
Witness: fThomas next morning early I departed. Tears
Witness: fMS next morning early I departed. Tears


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 gushed from the eyes of
Witness: f1823 gushed from the eyes of
Witness: fThomas gushed from the eyes of
Witness: fMS gushed from the eyes of


Reading Group: C08d_app34_rg1

Witness: fMS Elizabeth

Reading Group: C08d_app34_rg2

Witness: f1818 Elizabeth;
Witness: f1823 Elizabeth;
Witness: fThomas Elizabeth;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 they proceeded partly from sorrow
Witness: f1823 they proceeded partly from sorrow
Witness: fThomas they proceeded partly from sorrow
Witness: fMS they proceeded partly from sorrow


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 at my departure, and partly because
Witness: f1823 at my departure, and partly because
Witness: fThomas at my departure, and partly because
Witness: fMS at my departure, and partly because


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 she reflected that the same journey
Witness: f1823 she reflected that the same journey
Witness: fThomas she reflected that the same journey
Witness: fMS she reflected that the same journey


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was to have taken place three
Witness: f1823 was to have taken place three
Witness: fThomas was to have taken place three
Witness: fMS was to have taken place three


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 months
Witness: f1823 months
Witness: fThomas months
Witness: fMS months


Reading Group: C08d_app40_rg1

Witness: fMS before

Reading Group: C08d_app40_rg2

Witness: f1818 before,
Witness: f1823 before,
Witness: fThomas before,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 when a
Witness: f1823 when a
Witness: fThomas when a
Witness: fMS when a


Reading Group: C08d_app42_rg1

Witness: fMS mothers

Reading Group: C08d_app42_rg2

Witness: f1818 mother’s
Witness: f1823 mother’s
Witness: fThomas mother’s


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 blessing would have accompanied
Witness: f1823 blessing would have accompanied
Witness: fThomas blessing would have accompanied
Witness: fMS blessing would have accompanied


Reading Group: C08d_app44_rg1

Witness: fMS me

Reading Group: C08d_app44_rg2

Witness: f1818 me.<p/>
Witness: f1823 me.<p/>
Witness: fThomas me.<p/>


Reading Group: C08e_app1_rg1

Witness: fMS I

Reading Group: C08e_app1_rg2

Witness: f1818 <p/>I
Witness: f1823 <p/>I
Witness: fThomas <p/>I
Witness: f1831 <p/>I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 threw myself into the chaise
Witness: f1823 threw myself into the chaise
Witness: fThomas threw myself into the chaise
Witness: f1831 threw myself into the chaise
Witness: fMS threw myself into the chaise


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that was to convey me
Witness: f1823 that was to convey me
Witness: fThomas that was to convey me
Witness: f1831 that was to convey me
Witness: fMS that was to convey me


Reading Group: C08e_app4_rg1

Witness: fMS away

Reading Group: C08e_app4_rg2

Witness: f1818 away,
Witness: f1823 away,
Witness: fThomas away,
Witness: f1831 away,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and indulged in the most melancholy reflections.
Witness: f1823 and indulged in the most melancholy reflections.
Witness: fThomas and indulged in the most melancholy reflections.
Witness: f1831 and indulged in the most melancholy reflections.
Witness: fMS and indulged in the most melancholy reflections.


Reading Group: C08e_app6_rg1

Witness: fMS I

Reading Group: C08e_app6_rg2

Witness: f1818 I,
Witness: f1823 I,
Witness: fThomas I,
Witness: f1831 I,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 who had ever been surrounded
Witness: f1823 who had ever been surrounded
Witness: fThomas who had ever been surrounded
Witness: f1831 who had ever been surrounded
Witness: fMS who had ever been surrounded


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 by amiable companions, continually
Witness: f1823 by amiable companions, continually
Witness: fThomas by amiable companions, continually
Witness: f1831 by amiable companions, continually
Witness: fMS by amiable companions, continually


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 engaged in
Witness: f1823 engaged in
Witness: fThomas engaged in
Witness: f1831 engaged in
Witness: fMS engaged in


Reading Group: C08e_app10_rg1

Witness: fMS ed endeavouring to

Reading Group: C08e_app10_rg2

Witness: f1818 endeavouring to
Witness: f1823 endeavouring to
Witness: fThomas endeavouring to
Witness: f1831 endeavouring to


Reading Group: C08e_app11_rg1

Witness: f1818 bestow
Witness: f1823 bestow
Witness: fThomas bestow
Witness: f1831 bestow

Reading Group: C08e_app11_rg2

Witness: fMS give


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 mutual
Witness: f1823 mutual
Witness: fThomas mutual
Witness: f1831 mutual
Witness: fMS mutual


Reading Group: C08e_app13_rg1

Witness: f1818 pleasure,
Witness: f1823 pleasure,
Witness: fThomas pleasure,
Witness: f1831 pleasure,

Reading Group: C08e_app13_rg2

Witness: fMS pleasure;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I was now alone.
Witness: f1823 I was now alone.
Witness: fThomas I was now alone.
Witness: f1831 I was now alone.
Witness: fMS I was now alone.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 In
Witness: f1823 In
Witness: fThomas In
Witness: f1831 In
Witness: fMS In


Reading Group: C08e_app16_rg1

Witness: f1823 th e niversity,

Reading Group: C08e_app16_rg2

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fMS the


Reading Group: C08e_app17_rg1

Witness: fMS university wi

Reading Group: C08e_app17_rg2

Witness: f1818 university,
Witness: fThomas university,
Witness: f1831 university,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 whither I was
Witness: f1823 whither I was
Witness: fThomas whither I was
Witness: f1831 whither I was
Witness: fMS whither I was


Reading Group: C08e_app19_rg1

Witness: fMS going

Reading Group: C08e_app19_rg2

Witness: f1818 going,
Witness: f1823 going,
Witness: fThomas going,
Witness: f1831 going,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I must form my own
Witness: f1823 I must form my own
Witness: fThomas I must form my own
Witness: f1831 I must form my own
Witness: fMS I must form my own


Reading Group: C08e_app21_rg1

Witness: fMS friends

Reading Group: C08e_app21_rg2

Witness: f1818 friends,
Witness: f1823 friends,
Witness: fThomas friends,
Witness: f1831 friends,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and be my own
Witness: f1823 and be my own
Witness: fThomas and be my own
Witness: f1831 and be my own
Witness: fMS and be my own


Reading Group: C08e_app23_rg1

Witness: fMS introduction.protector.

Reading Group: C08e_app23_rg2

Witness: f1818 protector.
Witness: f1823 protector.
Witness: fThomas protector.
Witness: f1831 protector.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 My
Witness: f1823 My
Witness: fThomas My
Witness: f1831 My
Witness: fMS My


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 life had hitherto been remarkably
Witness: f1823 life had hitherto been remarkably
Witness: fThomas life had hitherto been remarkably
Witness: f1831 life had hitherto been remarkably
Witness: fMS life had hitherto been remarkably


Reading Group: C08e_app26_rg1

Witness: fMS retired

Reading Group: C08e_app26_rg2

Witness: f1818 secluded
Witness: f1823 secluded
Witness: fThomas secluded
Witness: f1831 secluded


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fMS and


Reading Group: C08e_app28_rg1

Witness: fMS domestic

Reading Group: C08e_app28_rg2

Witness: f1818 domestic;
Witness: f1823 domestic;
Witness: fThomas domestic;
Witness: f1831 domestic;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and this had given me
Witness: f1823 and this had given me
Witness: fThomas and this had given me
Witness: f1831 and this had given me
Witness: fMS and this had given me


Reading Group: C08e_app30_rg1

Witness: fMS an invincible repugnance to new

Reading Group: C08e_app30_rg2

Witness: f1818 invincible repugnance to new
Witness: f1823 invincible repugnance to new
Witness: fThomas invincible repugnance to new
Witness: f1831 invincible repugnance to new


Reading Group: C08e_app31_rg1

Witness: fMS faces countenances. I loved my

Reading Group: C08e_app31_rg2

Witness: f1818 countenances. I loved my
Witness: f1823 countenances. I loved my
Witness: fThomas countenances. I loved my
Witness: f1831 countenances. I loved my


Reading Group: C08e_app32_rg1

Witness: fMS brothers Elizabeth

Reading Group: C08e_app32_rg2

Witness: f1818 brothers, Elizabeth,
Witness: f1823 brothers, Elizabeth,
Witness: fThomas brothers, Elizabeth,
Witness: f1831 brothers, Elizabeth,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fMS and


Reading Group: C08e_app34_rg1

Witness: fMS Clerval

Reading Group: C08e_app34_rg2

Witness: f1823 Clerval;
Witness: f1831 Clerval;

Reading Group: C08e_app34_rg3

Witness: f1818 Clerval;these
Witness: fThomas Clerval;these


Unified Readings

Witness: f1823 these
Witness: f1831 these
Witness: fMS these


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 were “old
Witness: f1823 were “old
Witness: fThomas were “old
Witness: f1831 were “old
Witness: fMS were "old


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 familiar
Witness: f1823 familiar
Witness: fThomas familiar
Witness: f1831 familiar
Witness: fMS familiar


Reading Group: C08e_app38_rg1

Witness: fMS faces"

Reading Group: C08e_app38_rg2

Witness: f1818 faces;”
Witness: f1823 faces;”
Witness: fThomas faces;”
Witness: f1831 faces;”


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but I believed myself totally unfitted for the company of strangers. Such were my reflections as I commenced my
Witness: f1823 but I believed myself totally unfitted for the company of strangers. Such were my reflections as I commenced my
Witness: fThomas but I believed myself totally unfitted for the company of strangers. Such were my reflections as I commenced my
Witness: f1831 but I believed myself totally unfitted for the company of strangers. Such were my reflections as I commenced my
Witness: fMS but I believed myself totally unfitted for the company of strangers. Such were my reflections as I commenced my


Reading Group: C08e_app40_rg1

Witness: fMS journey

Reading Group: C08e_app40_rg2

Witness: f1818 journey;
Witness: f1823 journey;
Witness: fThomas journey;
Witness: f1831 journey;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but
Witness: f1823 but
Witness: fThomas but
Witness: f1831 but
Witness: fMS But


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 as I
Witness: f1823 as I
Witness: fThomas as I
Witness: f1831 as I
Witness: fMS as I


Reading Group: C08e_app43_rg1

Witness: fMS proceeded

Reading Group: C08e_app43_rg2

Witness: f1818 proceeded,
Witness: f1823 proceeded,
Witness: fThomas proceeded,
Witness: f1831 proceeded,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my spirits and hopes
Witness: f1823 my spirits and hopes
Witness: fThomas my spirits and hopes
Witness: f1831 my spirits and hopes
Witness: fMS my spirits and hopes


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 rose. I ardently desired
Witness: f1823 rose. I ardently desired
Witness: fThomas rose. I ardently desired
Witness: f1831 rose. I ardently desired
Witness: fMS rose. I ardently desired


Reading Group: C08e_app46_rg1

Witness: fMS knowledge and II

Reading Group: C08e_app46_rg2

Witness: f1818 the acquisition of knowledge. I
Witness: f1823 the acquisition of knowledge. I
Witness: fThomas the acquisition of knowledge. I
Witness: f1831 the acquisition of knowledge. I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 had
Witness: f1823 had
Witness: fThomas had
Witness: f1831 had
Witness: fMS had


Reading Group: C08e_app48_rg1

Witness: fMS often

Reading Group: C08e_app48_rg2

Witness: f1818 often,
Witness: f1823 often,
Witness: fThomas often,
Witness: f1831 often,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 when at
Witness: f1823 when at
Witness: fThomas when at
Witness: f1831 when at
Witness: fMS when at


Reading Group: C08e_app50_rg1

Witness: fMS home

Reading Group: C08e_app50_rg2

Witness: f1818 home,
Witness: f1823 home,
Witness: fThomas home,
Witness: f1831 home,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 thought
Witness: f1823 thought
Witness: fThomas thought
Witness: f1831 thought
Witness: fMS thought


Reading Group: C08e_app52_rg1

Witness: fMS howit

Reading Group: C08e_app52_rg2

Witness: f1818 it
Witness: f1823 it
Witness: fThomas it
Witness: f1831 it


Reading Group: C08e_app53_rg1

Witness: f1818 hard
Witness: f1823 hard
Witness: fThomas hard
Witness: f1831 hard

Reading Group: C08e_app53_rg2

Witness: fMS hard it was


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to remain during my youth cooped up in one
Witness: f1823 to remain during my youth cooped up in one
Witness: fThomas to remain during my youth cooped up in one
Witness: f1831 to remain during my youth cooped up in one
Witness: fMS to remain during my youth cooped up in one


Reading Group: C08e_app55_rg1

Witness: fMS place all my life

Reading Group: C08e_app55_rg2

Witness: f1818 place,
Witness: f1823 place,
Witness: fThomas place,
Witness: f1831 place,


Reading Group: C08e_app56_rg1

Witness: f1818 and had longed to enter the
Witness: f1823 and had longed to enter the
Witness: fThomas and had longed to enter the
Witness: f1831 and had longed to enter the

Reading Group: C08e_app56_rg2

Witness: fMS and had longed to enter into the


Reading Group: C08e_app57_rg1

Witness: fMS worth world

Reading Group: C08e_app57_rg2

Witness: f1818 world,
Witness: f1823 world,
Witness: fThomas world,
Witness: f1831 world,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and take my
Witness: f1823 and take my
Witness: fThomas and take my
Witness: f1831 and take my
Witness: fMS and take my


Reading Group: C08e_app59_rg1

Witness: fMS placewithstation

Reading Group: C08e_app59_rg2

Witness: f1818 station
Witness: f1823 station
Witness: fThomas station
Witness: f1831 station


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 among other human beings.
Witness: f1823 among other human beings.
Witness: fThomas among other human beings.
Witness: f1831 among other human beings.
Witness: fMS among other human beings.


Reading Group: C08e_app61_rg1

Witness: fMS And now my desires were

Reading Group: C08e_app61_rg2

Witness: f1818 Now my desires were
Witness: f1823 Now my desires were
Witness: fThomas Now my desires were
Witness: f1831 Now my desires were


Reading Group: C08e_app62_rg1

Witness: fMS cop complyed with

Reading Group: C08e_app62_rg2

Witness: f1818 complied with,
Witness: f1823 complied with,
Witness: fThomas complied with,
Witness: f1831 complied with,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and it
Witness: f1823 and it
Witness: fThomas and it
Witness: f1831 and it
Witness: fMS & it


Reading Group: C08e_app64_rg1

Witness: fMS would <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>indeedhavebeindeed

Reading Group: C08e_app64_rg2

Witness: f1818 would, indeed, have
Witness: f1823 would, indeed, have
Witness: fThomas would, indeed, have
Witness: f1831 would, indeed, have


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 been folly to
Witness: f1823 been folly to
Witness: fThomas been folly to
Witness: f1831 been folly to
Witness: fMS been folly to


Reading Group: C08e_app66_rg1

Witness: fMS repent. I

Reading Group: C08e_app66_rg2

Witness: f1818 repent.<p/><p/>I
Witness: f1823 repent.<p/><p/>I
Witness: fThomas repent.<p/><p/>I
Witness: f1831 repent.<p/><p/>I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 had
Witness: f1823 had
Witness: fThomas had
Witness: f1831 had
Witness: fMS had


Reading Group: C08e_app68_rg1

Witness: fMS plenty ofsufficient

Reading Group: C08e_app68_rg2

Witness: f1818 sufficient
Witness: f1823 sufficient
Witness: fThomas sufficient
Witness: f1831 sufficient


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 leisure for these and many other reflections during
Witness: f1823 leisure for these and many other reflections during
Witness: fThomas leisure for these and many other reflections during
Witness: f1831 leisure for these and many other reflections during
Witness: fMS leisure for these and many other reflections during


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my journey to
Witness: f1823 my journey to
Witness: fThomas my journey to
Witness: f1831 my journey to
Witness: fMS my journey to


Reading Group: C08e_app71_rg1

Witness: fMS Ingolstadt

Reading Group: C08e_app71_rg2

Witness: f1818 Ingolstadt,
Witness: f1823 Ingolstadt,
Witness: fThomas Ingolstadt,
Witness: f1831 Ingolstadt,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 which was
Witness: f1823 which was
Witness: fThomas which was
Witness: f1831 which was
Witness: fMS which was


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 long and
Witness: f1823 long and
Witness: fThomas long and
Witness: f1831 long and
Witness: fMS long and


Reading Group: C08e_app74_rg1

Witness: fMS fatiguing –

Reading Group: C08e_app74_rg2

Witness: f1818 fatiguing.
Witness: f1823 fatiguing.
Witness: fThomas fatiguing.
Witness: f1831 fatiguing.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 At length the
Witness: f1823 At length the
Witness: fThomas At length the
Witness: f1831 At length the
Witness: fMS at length the


Reading Group: C08e_app76_rg1

Witness: fMS steeples

Reading Group: C08e_app76_rg2

Witness: f1818 high white steeple
Witness: f1823 high white steeple
Witness: fThomas high white steeple
Witness: f1831 high white steeple


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of the town met my eyes. I
Witness: f1823 of the town met my eyes. I
Witness: fThomas of the town met my eyes. I
Witness: f1831 of the town met my eyes. I
Witness: fMS of the town met my eyes. I


Reading Group: C08e_app78_rg1

Witness: fMS alighted

Reading Group: C08e_app78_rg2

Witness: f1818 alighted,
Witness: f1823 alighted,
Witness: fThomas alighted,
Witness: f1831 alighted,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and was conducted to my
Witness: f1823 and was conducted to my
Witness: fThomas and was conducted to my
Witness: f1831 and was conducted to my
Witness: fMS and was conducted to my


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 solitary
Witness: f1823 solitary
Witness: fThomas solitary
Witness: f1831 solitary
Witness: fMS solitary


Reading Group: C08e_app81_rg1

Witness: fMS apartment

Reading Group: C08e_app81_rg2

Witness: f1818 apartment,
Witness: f1823 apartment,
Witness: fThomas apartment,
Witness: f1831 apartment,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to spend the
Witness: f1823 to spend the
Witness: fThomas to spend the
Witness: f1831 to spend the
Witness: fMS to spend the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 evening as I
Witness: f1823 evening as I
Witness: fThomas evening as I
Witness: f1831 evening as I
Witness: fMS evening as I


Reading Group: C08e_app84_rg1

Witness: f1823 pleased. <p/><p/>The

Reading Group: C08e_app84_rg2

Witness: f1818 pleased.<p/><p/>The
Witness: fThomas pleased.<p/><p/>The
Witness: f1831 pleased.<p/><p/>The

Reading Group: C08e_app84_rg3

Witness: fMS pleased.Chap. 4 The


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 next morning I delivered my
Witness: f1823 next morning I delivered my
Witness: fThomas next morning I delivered my
Witness: f1831 next morning I delivered my
Witness: fMS next morning I delivered my


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 letters of
Witness: f1823 letters of
Witness: fThomas letters of
Witness: f1831 letters of
Witness: fMS letters of


Reading Group: C08e_app87_rg1

Witness: fMS introduction

Reading Group: C08e_app87_rg2

Witness: f1818 introduction,
Witness: f1823 introduction,
Witness: fThomas introduction,
Witness: f1831 introduction,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and paid a
Witness: f1823 and paid a
Witness: fThomas and paid a
Witness: f1831 and paid a
Witness: fMS and paid a


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 visit to some of the principal
Witness: f1823 visit to some of the principal
Witness: fThomas visit to some of the principal
Witness: f1831 visit to some of the principal
Witness: fMS visit to some of the principal


Reading Group: C08e_app90_rg1

Witness: fMS

Reading Group: C08e_app90_rg2

Witness: f1818 professors,
Witness: f1823 professors,
Witness: fThomas professors,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1831 professors.
Witness: fMS professors.


Reading Group: C08e_app92_rg1

Witness: f1818 and among others
Witness: f1823 and among others
Witness: fThomas and among others
Witness: fMS and among others

Reading Group: C08e_app92_rg2

Witness: f1831 Chance—or rather the evil influence, the Angel of Destruction, which asserted omnipotent sway over me from the moment I turned my reluctant steps from my father’s door—led me first


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to M.
Witness: f1823 to M.
Witness: fThomas to M.
Witness: f1831 to M.
Witness: fMS to M.


Reading Group: C08e_app94_rg1

Witness: fMS KKrempeKrempe

Reading Group: C08e_app94_rg2

Witness: f1818 Krempe,
Witness: f1823 Krempe,
Witness: fThomas Krempe,
Witness: f1831 Krempe,


Reading Group: C08e_app95_rg1

Witness: f1818 professor of
Witness: f1823 professor of
Witness: fThomas professor of
Witness: f1831 professor of

Reading Group: C08e_app95_rg2

Witness: fMS Professor of & Lecturerupon


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 natural
Witness: f1823 natural
Witness: fThomas natural
Witness: f1831 natural
Witness: fMS Natural


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 philosophy. He
Witness: f1823 philosophy. He
Witness: fThomas philosophy. He
Witness: f1831 philosophy. He
Witness: fMS philosophy. He


Reading Group: C08e_app98_rg1

Witness: f1818 received me with
Witness: f1823 received me with
Witness: fThomas received me with
Witness: fMS received me with

Reading Group: C08e_app98_rg2

Witness: f1831 was an uncouth man, but deeply embued in the secrets of his science. He


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 politeness, and
Witness: f1823 politeness, and
Witness: fThomas politeness, and
Witness: fMS politeness, and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 asked me several
Witness: f1823 asked me several
Witness: fThomas asked me several
Witness: f1831 asked me several
Witness: fMS asked me several


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 questions concerning my progress
Witness: f1823 questions concerning my progress
Witness: fThomas questions concerning my progress
Witness: f1831 questions concerning my progress
Witness: fMS questions concerning my progress


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in the
Witness: f1823 in the
Witness: fThomas in the
Witness: f1831 in the
Witness: fMS in the


Reading Group: C08e_app103_rg1

Witness: fMS sciences different branches of science appertaining to natural philosophy.

Reading Group: C08e_app103_rg2

Witness: f1818 different branches of science appertaining to natural philosophy.
Witness: f1823 different branches of science appertaining to natural philosophy.
Witness: fThomas different branches of science appertaining to natural philosophy.
Witness: f1831 different branches of science appertaining to natural philosophy.


Reading Group: C08e_app104_rg1

Witness: f1818 I mentioned, it is
Witness: f1823 I mentioned, it is
Witness: fThomas I mentioned, it is
Witness: fMS I mentioned, it is

Reading Group: C08e_app104_rg2

Witness: f1831 I replied carelessly; and, partly in contempt, mentioned the names of my alchymists as


Reading Group: C08e_app105_rg1

Witness: fMS true

Reading Group: C08e_app105_rg2

Witness: f1818 true,
Witness: f1823 true,
Witness: fThomas true,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 with fear and trembling,
Witness: f1823 with fear and trembling,
Witness: fThomas with fear and trembling,
Witness: fMS with fear and trembling,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fMS the


Reading Group: C08e_app108_rg1

Witness: f1818 only
Witness: f1823 only
Witness: fThomas only
Witness: fMS only

Reading Group: C08e_app108_rg2

Witness: f1831 principal


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 authors I had
Witness: f1823 authors I had
Witness: fThomas authors I had
Witness: f1831 authors I had
Witness: fMS authors I had


Reading Group: C08e_app110_rg1

Witness: f1818 ever read upon those
Witness: f1823 ever read upon those
Witness: fThomas ever read upon those
Witness: fMS <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>ever read upon those

Reading Group: C08e_app110_rg2

Witness: f1831 studied.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 subjects.
Witness: f1823 subjects.
Witness: fThomas subjects.
Witness: fMS subjects.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 The professor
Witness: f1823 The professor
Witness: fThomas The professor
Witness: f1831 The professor
Witness: fMS The professor


Reading Group: C08e_app113_rg1

Witness: fMS stared. I said that I did not mention these

Reading Group: C08e_app113_rg2

Witness: f1818 stared:
Witness: f1823 stared:
Witness: fThomas stared:
Witness: f1831 stared:


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 “Have
Witness: f1823 “Have
Witness: fThomas “Have
Witness: f1831 “Have
Witness: fMS "Have


Reading Group: C08e_app115_rg1

Witness: fMS you really" said"

Reading Group: C08e_app115_rg2

Witness: f1818 you,”
Witness: f1823 you,”
Witness: fThomas you,”
Witness: f1831 you,”


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 he
Witness: f1823 he
Witness: fThomas he
Witness: f1831 he
Witness: fMS he


Reading Group: C08e_app117_rg1

Witness: fMS "spent "your

Reading Group: C08e_app117_rg2

Witness: f1818 said, “really spent your
Witness: f1823 said, “really spent your
Witness: fThomas said, “really spent your
Witness: f1831 said, “really spent your


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 time in studying such
Witness: f1823 time in studying such
Witness: fThomas time in studying such
Witness: f1831 time in studying such
Witness: fMS time in studying such


Reading Group: C08e_app119_rg1

Witness: fMS "nonsence?" I

Reading Group: C08e_app119_rg2

Witness: f1818 nonsense?”<p/><p/>I
Witness: f1823 nonsense?”<p/><p/>I
Witness: fThomas nonsense?”<p/><p/>I
Witness: f1831 nonsense?”<p/><p/>I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 replied in the
Witness: f1823 replied in the
Witness: fThomas replied in the
Witness: f1831 replied in the
Witness: fMS replied in the


Reading Group: C08e_app121_rg1

Witness: f1818 affirmative.
Witness: f1823 affirmative.
Witness: fThomas affirmative.
Witness: f1831 affirmative.

Reading Group: C08e_app121_rg2

Witness: fMS affirmative.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 “Every
Witness: f1823 “Every
Witness: fThomas “Every
Witness: f1831 “Every
Witness: fMS "Every


Reading Group: C08e_app123_rg1

Witness: fMS minute"–

Reading Group: C08e_app123_rg2

Witness: f1818 minute,”
Witness: f1823 minute,”
Witness: fThomas minute,”
Witness: f1831 minute,”


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 continued M. Krempe with
Witness: f1823 continued M. Krempe with
Witness: fThomas continued M. Krempe with
Witness: f1831 continued M. Krempe with
Witness: fMS continued M. KKrempe with


Reading Group: C08e_app125_rg1

Witness: fMS warmth," every

Reading Group: C08e_app125_rg2

Witness: f1818 warmth, “every
Witness: f1823 warmth, “every
Witness: fThomas warmth, “every
Witness: f1831 warmth, “every


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 instant that
Witness: f1823 instant that
Witness: fThomas instant that
Witness: f1831 instant that
Witness: fMS instant that


Reading Group: C08e_app127_rg1

Witness: fMS "you

Reading Group: C08e_app127_rg2

Witness: f1818 you
Witness: f1823 you
Witness: fThomas you
Witness: f1831 you


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 have wasted
Witness: f1823 have wasted
Witness: fThomas have wasted
Witness: f1831 have wasted
Witness: fMS have wasted


Reading Group: C08e_app129_rg1

Witness: f1818 on
Witness: f1823 on
Witness: fThomas on
Witness: f1831 on

Reading Group: C08e_app129_rg2

Witness: fMS upon


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 those
Witness: f1823 those
Witness: fThomas those
Witness: f1831 those
Witness: fMS those


Reading Group: C08e_app131_rg1

Witness: fMS "books

Reading Group: C08e_app131_rg2

Witness: f1818 books
Witness: f1823 books
Witness: fThomas books
Witness: f1831 books


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 is utterly and entirely lost.
Witness: f1823 is utterly and entirely lost.
Witness: fThomas is utterly and entirely lost.
Witness: f1831 is utterly and entirely lost.
Witness: fMS is utterly and entirely lost.


Reading Group: C08e_app133_rg1

Witness: fMS "You

Reading Group: C08e_app133_rg2

Witness: f1818 You
Witness: f1823 You
Witness: fThomas You
Witness: f1831 You


Reading Group: C08e_app134_rg1

Witness: f1818 have burdened your
Witness: f1823 have burdened your
Witness: fThomas have burdened your
Witness: f1831 have burdened your

Reading Group: C08e_app134_rg2

Witness: fMS have burdened your bur "memor


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 memory with exploded
Witness: f1823 memory with exploded
Witness: fThomas memory with exploded
Witness: f1831 memory with exploded
Witness: fMS memory with exploded


Reading Group: C08e_app136_rg1

Witness: fMS "systems

Reading Group: C08e_app136_rg2

Witness: f1831 systems

Reading Group: C08e_app136_rg3

Witness: f1818 systems,
Witness: f1823 systems,
Witness: fThomas systems,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and useless names. Good
Witness: f1823 and useless names. Good
Witness: fThomas and useless names. Good
Witness: f1831 and useless names. Good
Witness: fMS and useless names. Good


Reading Group: C08e_app138_rg1

Witness: fMS "God where must youin

Reading Group: C08e_app138_rg2

Witness: f1818 God! in
Witness: f1823 God! in
Witness: fThomas God! in
Witness: f1831 God! in


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 what
Witness: f1823 what
Witness: fThomas what
Witness: f1831 what
Witness: fMS what


Reading Group: C08e_app140_rg1

Witness: fMS desart

Reading Group: C08e_app140_rg2

Witness: f1818 desert
Witness: f1823 desert
Witness: fThomas desert
Witness: f1831 desert


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 land have you
Witness: f1823 land have you
Witness: fThomas land have you
Witness: f1831 land have you
Witness: fMS land have you


Reading Group: C08e_app142_rg1

Witness: fMS "lived

Reading Group: C08e_app142_rg2

Witness: f1818 lived,
Witness: f1823 lived,
Witness: fThomas lived,
Witness: f1831 lived,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 where no one was kind
Witness: f1823 where no one was kind
Witness: fThomas where no one was kind
Witness: f1831 where no one was kind
Witness: fMS where no one was kind


Reading Group: C08e_app144_rg1

Witness: fMS "enough

Reading Group: C08e_app144_rg2

Witness: f1818 enough
Witness: f1823 enough
Witness: fThomas enough
Witness: f1831 enough


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to
Witness: f1823 to
Witness: fThomas to
Witness: f1831 to
Witness: fMS to


Reading Group: C08e_app146_rg1

Witness: fMS enfor inform you

Reading Group: C08e_app146_rg2

Witness: f1818 inform you
Witness: f1823 inform you
Witness: fThomas inform you
Witness: f1831 inform you


Reading Group: C08e_app147_rg1

Witness: fMS "that

Reading Group: C08e_app147_rg2

Witness: f1818 that
Witness: f1823 that
Witness: fThomas that
Witness: f1831 that


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 these
Witness: f1823 these
Witness: fThomas these
Witness: f1831 these
Witness: fMS these


Reading Group: C08e_app149_rg1

Witness: fMS fancies

Reading Group: C08e_app149_rg2

Witness: f1818 fancies,
Witness: f1823 fancies,
Witness: fThomas fancies,
Witness: f1831 fancies,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 which you have
Witness: f1823 which you have
Witness: fThomas which you have
Witness: f1831 which you have
Witness: fMS which <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>you have


Reading Group: C08e_app151_rg1

Witness: fMS "so

Reading Group: C08e_app151_rg2

Witness: f1818 so
Witness: f1823 so
Witness: fThomas so
Witness: f1831 so


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 greedily
Witness: f1823 greedily
Witness: fThomas greedily
Witness: f1831 greedily
Witness: fMS greedily


Reading Group: C08e_app153_rg1

Witness: fMS imbibed

Reading Group: C08e_app153_rg2

Witness: f1818 imbibed,
Witness: f1823 imbibed,
Witness: fThomas imbibed,
Witness: f1831 imbibed,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 are
Witness: f1823 are
Witness: fThomas are
Witness: f1831 are
Witness: fMS are


Reading Group: C08e_app155_rg1

Witness: fMS at le a

Reading Group: C08e_app155_rg2

Witness: f1818 a
Witness: f1823 a
Witness: fThomas a
Witness: f1831 a


Reading Group: C08e_app156_rg1

Witness: fMS "thousand

Reading Group: C08e_app156_rg2

Witness: f1818 thousand
Witness: f1823 thousand
Witness: fThomas thousand
Witness: f1831 thousand


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 years
Witness: f1823 years
Witness: fThomas years
Witness: f1831 years
Witness: fMS years


Reading Group: C08e_app158_rg1

Witness: fMS old

Reading Group: C08e_app158_rg2

Witness: f1818 old,
Witness: f1823 old,
Witness: fThomas old,
Witness: f1831 old,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and as musty as
Witness: f1823 and as musty as
Witness: fThomas and as musty as
Witness: f1831 and as musty as
Witness: fMS and as musty as


Reading Group: C08e_app160_rg1

Witness: fMS "your they are

Reading Group: C08e_app160_rg2

Witness: f1818 they are
Witness: f1823 they are
Witness: fThomas they are
Witness: f1831 they are


Reading Group: C08e_app161_rg1

Witness: fMS ancient.

Reading Group: C08e_app161_rg2

Witness: f1818 ancient?
Witness: f1823 ancient?
Witness: fThomas ancient?
Witness: f1831 ancient?


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I little
Witness: f1823 I little
Witness: fThomas I little
Witness: f1831 I little
Witness: fMS I little


Reading Group: C08e_app163_rg1

Witness: f1818 expected
Witness: f1823 expected
Witness: fThomas expected
Witness: fMS expected

Reading Group: C08e_app163_rg2

Witness: f1831 expected,


Reading Group: C08e_app164_rg1

Witness: fMS "in

Reading Group: C08e_app164_rg2

Witness: f1818 in
Witness: f1823 in
Witness: fThomas in
Witness: f1831 in


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 this enlightened and scientific
Witness: f1823 this enlightened and scientific
Witness: fThomas this enlightened and scientific
Witness: f1831 this enlightened and scientific
Witness: fMS this enlightened and scientific


Reading Group: C08e_app166_rg1

Witness: f1818 age
Witness: f1823 age
Witness: fThomas age
Witness: fMS age

Reading Group: C08e_app166_rg2

Witness: f1831 age,


Reading Group: C08e_app167_rg1

Witness: fMS "to

Reading Group: C08e_app167_rg2

Witness: f1818 to
Witness: f1823 to
Witness: fThomas to
Witness: f1831 to


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 find a disciple of Albertus
Witness: f1823 find a disciple of Albertus
Witness: fThomas find a disciple of Albertus
Witness: f1831 find a disciple of Albertus
Witness: fMS find a disciple of Albertus


Reading Group: C08e_app169_rg1

Witness: fMS Mag"nus

Reading Group: C08e_app169_rg2

Witness: f1818 Magnus
Witness: f1823 Magnus
Witness: fThomas Magnus
Witness: f1831 Magnus


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and Paracelsus. My dear
Witness: f1823 and Paracelsus. My dear
Witness: fThomas and Paracelsus. My dear
Witness: f1831 and Paracelsus. My dear
Witness: fMS and Paracelsus. My dear


Reading Group: C08e_app171_rg1

Witness: fMS sir "you

Reading Group: C08e_app171_rg2

Witness: f1818 Sir, you
Witness: f1823 Sir, you
Witness: fThomas Sir, you
Witness: f1831 sir, you


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 must begin your studies entirely
Witness: f1823 must begin your studies entirely
Witness: fThomas must begin your studies entirely
Witness: f1831 must begin your studies entirely
Witness: fMS must begin your studies entirely


Reading Group: C08e_app173_rg1

Witness: fMS anew." So saying

Reading Group: C08e_app173_rg2

Witness: f1818 anew.”<p/><p/>So saying,
Witness: f1823 anew.”<p/><p/>So saying,
Witness: fThomas anew.”<p/><p/>So saying,
Witness: f1831 anew.”<p/><p/>So saying,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 he
Witness: f1823 he
Witness: fThomas he
Witness: f1831 he
Witness: fMS he


Reading Group: C08e_app175_rg1

Witness: fMS stesspped

Reading Group: C08e_app175_rg2

Witness: f1818 stept
Witness: f1823 stept
Witness: fThomas stept
Witness: f1831 stept


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 aside, and
Witness: f1823 aside, and
Witness: fThomas aside, and
Witness: f1831 aside, and
Witness: fMS aside, and


Reading Group: C08e_app177_rg1

Witness: fMS wh wrote down a list of several

Reading Group: C08e_app177_rg2

Witness: f1818 wrote down a list of several
Witness: f1823 wrote down a list of several
Witness: fThomas wrote down a list of several
Witness: f1831 wrote down a list of several


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 books
Witness: f1823 books
Witness: fThomas books
Witness: f1831 books
Witness: fMS books


Reading Group: C08e_app179_rg1

Witness: fMS u upon

Reading Group: C08e_app179_rg2

Witness: f1818 treating of
Witness: f1823 treating of
Witness: fThomas treating of
Witness: f1831 treating of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 natural
Witness: f1823 natural
Witness: fThomas natural
Witness: f1831 natural
Witness: fMS natural


Reading Group: C08e_app181_rg1

Witness: fMS philosophy

Reading Group: C08e_app181_rg2

Witness: f1818 philosophy,
Witness: f1823 philosophy,
Witness: fThomas philosophy,
Witness: f1831 philosophy,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 which he desired me to
Witness: f1823 which he desired me to
Witness: fThomas which he desired me to
Witness: f1831 which he desired me to
Witness: fMS which he desired me to


Reading Group: C08e_app183_rg1

Witness: fMS procure

Reading Group: C08e_app183_rg2

Witness: f1818 procure,
Witness: f1823 procure,
Witness: fThomas procure,

Reading Group: C08e_app183_rg3

Witness: f1831 procure;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and dismissed
Witness: f1823 and dismissed
Witness: fThomas and dismissed
Witness: f1831 and dismissed
Witness: fMS and dismissed


Reading Group: C08e_app185_rg1

Witness: fMS me

Reading Group: C08e_app185_rg2

Witness: f1818 me,
Witness: f1823 me,
Witness: fThomas me,
Witness: f1831 me,


Reading Group: C08e_app186_rg1

Witness: f1818 after mentioning that
Witness: f1823 after mentioning that
Witness: fThomas after mentioning that
Witness: f1831 after mentioning that

Reading Group: C08e_app186_rg2

Witness: fMS after mentioning that he intendedto commen


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in
Witness: f1823 in
Witness: fThomas in
Witness: f1831 in
Witness: fMS in


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the beginning of the
Witness: f1823 the beginning of the
Witness: fThomas the beginning of the
Witness: f1831 the beginning of the
Witness: fMS the beginning of the


Reading Group: C08e_app189_rg1

Witness: f1818 following
Witness: f1823 following
Witness: fThomas following
Witness: f1831 following

Reading Group: C08e_app189_rg2

Witness: fMS next


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 week
Witness: f1823 week
Witness: fThomas week
Witness: f1831 week
Witness: fMS week


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 he intended to commence a course
Witness: f1823 he intended to commence a course
Witness: fThomas he intended to commence a course
Witness: f1831 he intended to commence a course
Witness: fMS he intended to commence a course


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of lectures upon natural philosophy
Witness: f1823 of lectures upon natural philosophy
Witness: fThomas of lectures upon natural philosophy
Witness: f1831 of lectures upon natural philosophy
Witness: fMS of lectures upon natural philosophy


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in its general
Witness: f1823 in its general
Witness: fThomas in its general
Witness: f1831 in its general
Witness: fMS <metamark function="displacement" xml:id="c56-0025.01">X</metamark><metamark function="displacement">X</metamark> in its general


Reading Group: C08e_app194_rg1

Witness: f1818 relations,
Witness: f1823 relations,
Witness: fThomas relations,
Witness: f1831 relations,

Reading Group: C08e_app194_rg2

Witness: fMS relations;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and that M.
Witness: f1823 and that M.
Witness: fThomas and that M.
Witness: f1831 and that M.
Witness: fMS and that M.


Reading Group: C08e_app196_rg1

Witness: fMS W.<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>aldham

Reading Group: C08e_app196_rg2

Witness: f1818 Waldman,
Witness: f1823 Waldman,
Witness: fThomas Waldman,
Witness: f1831 Waldman,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a
Witness: f1823 a
Witness: fThomas a
Witness: f1831 a
Witness: fMS a


Reading Group: C08e_app198_rg1

Witness: fMS fellow professor

Reading Group: C08e_app198_rg2

Witness: f1818 fellow-professor,
Witness: f1823 fellow-professor,
Witness: fThomas fellow-professor,
Witness: f1831 fellow-professor,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 would lecture upon chemistry
Witness: f1823 would lecture upon chemistry
Witness: fThomas would lecture upon chemistry
Witness: f1831 would lecture upon chemistry
Witness: fMS would lecture upon chemistry


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the alternate days
Witness: f1823 the alternate days
Witness: fThomas the alternate days
Witness: f1831 the alternate days
Witness: fMS the alternate days


Reading Group: C08e_app201_rg1

Witness: f1818 that
Witness: f1823 that
Witness: fThomas that
Witness: f1831 that

Reading Group: C08e_app201_rg2

Witness: fMS which


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 he
Witness: f1823 he
Witness: fThomas he
Witness: f1831 he
Witness: fMS he


Reading Group: C08e_app203_rg1

Witness: fMS missed. I

Reading Group: C08e_app203_rg2

Witness: f1818 missed.<p/><p/>I
Witness: f1823 missed.<p/><p/>I
Witness: fThomas missed.<p/><p/>I

Reading Group: C08e_app203_rg3

Witness: f1831 omitted.<p/><p/>I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 returned
Witness: f1823 returned
Witness: fThomas returned
Witness: f1831 returned
Witness: fMS returned


Reading Group: C08e_app205_rg1

Witness: fMS home

Reading Group: C08e_app205_rg2

Witness: f1818 home,
Witness: f1823 home,
Witness: fThomas home,
Witness: f1831 home,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 not
Witness: f1823 not
Witness: fThomas not
Witness: f1831 not
Witness: fMS not


Reading Group: C08e_app207_rg1

Witness: f1818 disappointed,
Witness: f1823 disappointed,
Witness: fThomas disappointed,
Witness: f1831 disappointed,

Reading Group: C08e_app207_rg2

Witness: fMS dissapointed


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 for
Witness: f1823 for
Witness: fThomas for
Witness: f1831 for
Witness: fMS for


Reading Group: C08e_app209_rg1

Witness: f1831 I have said that I had long considered

Reading Group: C08e_app209_rg2

Witness: f1818 I had long considered
Witness: f1823 I had long considered
Witness: fThomas I had long considered
Witness: fMS I had long considered


Reading Group: C08e_app210_rg1

Witness: fMS the

Reading Group: C08e_app210_rg2

Witness: f1818 those
Witness: f1823 those
Witness: fThomas those
Witness: f1831 those


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 authors useless
Witness: f1823 authors useless
Witness: fThomas authors useless
Witness: f1831 authors useless
Witness: fMS authors useless


Reading Group: C08e_app212_rg1

Witness: fMS which

Reading Group: C08e_app212_rg2

Witness: f1818 whom
Witness: f1823 whom
Witness: fThomas whom
Witness: f1831 whom


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the professor
Witness: f1823 the professor
Witness: fThomas the professor
Witness: f1831 the professor
Witness: fMS the professor


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 had so strongly
Witness: f1823 had so strongly
Witness: fThomas had so strongly
Witness: fMS had so strongly


Reading Group: C08e_app215_rg1

Witness: fMS reprobated –

Reading Group: C08e_app215_rg2

Witness: f1818 reprobated;
Witness: f1823 reprobated;
Witness: fThomas reprobated;
Witness: f1831 reprobated;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but I
Witness: f1823 but I
Witness: fThomas but I
Witness: f1831 but I
Witness: fMS but I


Reading Group: C08e_app217_rg1

Witness: f1831 returned, not at all the more inclined to recur to these studies in any shape.

Reading Group: C08e_app217_rg2

Witness: f1818 did not feel much inclined to study the
Witness: f1823 did not feel much inclined to study the
Witness: fThomas did not feel much inclined to study the

Reading Group: C08e_app217_rg3

Witness: fMS did not feel very much enclined to bu study those


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 books which
Witness: f1823 books which
Witness: fThomas books which
Witness: fMS books which


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I procured
Witness: f1823 I procured
Witness: fThomas I procured


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 at
Witness: f1823 at
Witness: fThomas at
Witness: fMS at


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 his
Witness: f1823 his
Witness: fThomas his
Witness: fMS his


Reading Group: C08e_app222_rg1

Witness: fMS recon recommondation I had procured.

Reading Group: C08e_app222_rg2

Witness: f1818 recommendation.
Witness: f1823 recommendation.
Witness: fThomas recommendation.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 M. Krempe was a little squat
Witness: f1823 M. Krempe was a little squat
Witness: fThomas M. Krempe was a little squat
Witness: f1831 M. Krempe was a little squat
Witness: fMS M. Krempe was a little squat


Reading Group: C08e_app224_rg1

Witness: fMS man

Reading Group: C08e_app224_rg2

Witness: f1818 man,
Witness: f1823 man,
Witness: fThomas man,
Witness: f1831 man,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 with a gruff voice and
Witness: f1823 with a gruff voice and
Witness: fThomas with a gruff voice and
Witness: f1831 with a gruff voice and
Witness: fMS with a gruff voice and


Reading Group: C08e_app226_rg1

Witness: f1831 a repulsive

Reading Group: C08e_app226_rg2

Witness: f1818 repulsive
Witness: f1823 repulsive
Witness: fThomas repulsive
Witness: fMS repulsive


Reading Group: C08e_app227_rg1

Witness: fMS countenance and

Reading Group: C08e_app227_rg2

Witness: f1818 countenance;
Witness: f1823 countenance;
Witness: fThomas countenance;
Witness: f1831 countenance;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fMS the


Reading Group: C08e_app229_rg1

Witness: fMS teacher

Reading Group: C08e_app229_rg2

Witness: f1818 teacher, therefore,
Witness: f1823 teacher, therefore,
Witness: fThomas teacher, therefore,
Witness: f1831 teacher, therefore,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 did not prepossess me in favour of his
Witness: f1823 did not prepossess me in favour of his
Witness: fThomas did not prepossess me in favour of his
Witness: f1831 did not prepossess me in favour of his
Witness: fMS did not prepossess me in favour of his


Reading Group: C08f_app1_rg1

Witness: f1831 pursuits. In rather a too philosophical and connected a strain, perhaps, I have given an account of the conclusions I had come to concerning them in my early years. As a child, I had not been content with the results promised by the modern professors of natural science. With a confusion of ideas only to be accounted for by my extreme youth, and my want of a guide on such matters, I had retrod the steps of knowledge along the paths of time, and exchanged the discoveries of recent enquirers for the dreams of forgotten alchymists.

Reading Group: C08f_app1_rg2

Witness: fMS science.doctrine.

Reading Group: C08f_app1_rg3

Witness: f1818 doctrine.
Witness: f1823 doctrine.
Witness: fThomas doctrine.


Reading Group: C08g_app1_rg1

Witness: fMS But when the neBesides

Reading Group: C08g_app1_rg2

Witness: f1818 Besides,
Witness: f1823 Besides,
Witness: fThomas Besides,
Witness: f1831 Besides,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I had a contempt for the uses
Witness: f1823 I had a contempt for the uses
Witness: fThomas I had a contempt for the uses
Witness: f1831 I had a contempt for the uses
Witness: fMS I had a contempt for the uses


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of modern
Witness: f1823 of modern
Witness: fThomas of modern
Witness: f1831 of modern
Witness: fMS of modern


Reading Group: C08g_app4_rg1

Witness: fMS chemistrynatural

Reading Group: C08g_app4_rg2

Witness: f1818 natural
Witness: f1823 natural
Witness: fThomas natural
Witness: f1831 natural


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 philosophy. It was very
Witness: f1823 philosophy. It was very
Witness: fThomas philosophy. It was very
Witness: f1831 philosophy. It was very
Witness: fMS philosophy. It was very


Reading Group: C08g_app6_rg1

Witness: fMS when different

Reading Group: C08g_app6_rg2

Witness: f1818 different,
Witness: f1823 different,
Witness: fThomas different,
Witness: f1831 different,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 when
Witness: f1823 when
Witness: fThomas when
Witness: f1831 when
Witness: fMS when


Reading Group: C08g_app8_rg1

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: f1831 the

Reading Group: C08g_app8_rg2

Witness: fMS then


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 masters
Witness: f1823 masters
Witness: fThomas masters
Witness: f1831 masters
Witness: fMS masters


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of the science sought immortality
Witness: f1823 of the science sought immortality
Witness: fThomas of the science sought immortality
Witness: f1831 of the science sought immortality
Witness: fMS of the science sought immortality


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fMS and


Reading Group: C08g_app12_rg1

Witness: fMS wealthpower;–

Reading Group: C08g_app12_rg2

Witness: f1818 power;
Witness: f1823 power;
Witness: fThomas power;
Witness: f1831 power;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 such
Witness: f1823 such
Witness: fThomas such
Witness: f1831 such
Witness: fMS such


Reading Group: C08g_app14_rg1

Witness: fMS views

Reading Group: C08g_app14_rg2

Witness: f1818 views,
Witness: f1823 views,
Witness: fThomas views,
Witness: f1831 views,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 although
Witness: f1823 although
Witness: fThomas although
Witness: f1831 although
Witness: fMS although


Reading Group: C08g_app16_rg1

Witness: fMS futile

Reading Group: C08g_app16_rg2

Witness: f1818 futile,
Witness: f1823 futile,
Witness: fThomas futile,
Witness: f1831 futile,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 were
Witness: f1823 were
Witness: fThomas were
Witness: f1831 were
Witness: fMS were


Reading Group: C08g_app18_rg1

Witness: f1818 grand:
Witness: f1823 grand:
Witness: fThomas grand:
Witness: f1831 grand:

Reading Group: C08g_app18_rg2

Witness: fMS grand;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but now the scene was
Witness: f1823 but now the scene was
Witness: fThomas but now the scene was
Witness: f1831 but now the scene was
Witness: fMS but now itthe scene was


Reading Group: C08g_app20_rg1

Witness: fMS all changed.t and the expulsion of chimera overthrew at the same time all greatness in the sciencethose

Reading Group: C08g_app20_rg2

Witness: f1818 changed.
Witness: f1823 changed.
Witness: fThomas changed.
Witness: f1831 changed.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 The
Witness: f1823 The
Witness: fThomas The
Witness: f1831 The
Witness: fMS the


Reading Group: C08g_app22_rg1

Witness: fMS utmost ambition of

Reading Group: C08g_app22_rg2

Witness: f1818 ambition of
Witness: f1823 ambition of
Witness: fThomas ambition of
Witness: f1831 ambition of


Reading Group: C08g_app23_rg1

Witness: fMS

Reading Group: C08g_app23_rg2

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: f1831 the


Reading Group: C08g_app24_rg1

Witness: f1831 enquirer
Witness: fMS enquirer

Reading Group: C08g_app24_rg2

Witness: f1818 inquirer
Witness: f1823 inquirer
Witness: fThomas inquirer


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 seemed
Witness: f1823 seemed
Witness: fThomas seemed
Witness: f1831 seemed
Witness: fMS seemed


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to limit itself
Witness: f1823 to limit itself
Witness: fThomas to limit itself
Witness: f1831 to limit itself
Witness: fMS to limit itself


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to the annihilation of those
Witness: f1823 to the annihilation of those
Witness: fThomas to the annihilation of those
Witness: f1831 to the annihilation of those
Witness: fMS to the annihilation of those


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 visions on which
Witness: f1823 visions on which
Witness: fThomas visions on which
Witness: f1831 visions on which
Witness: fMS visions on which


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my interest in science
Witness: f1823 my interest in science
Witness: fThomas my interest in science
Witness: f1831 my interest in science
Witness: fMS my interest in science


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was chiefly founded.
Witness: f1823 was chiefly founded.
Witness: fThomas was chiefly founded.
Witness: f1831 was chiefly founded.
Witness: fMS was chiefly founded.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I was required
Witness: f1823 I was required
Witness: fThomas I was required
Witness: f1831 I was required
Witness: fMS I was required


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to exchange
Witness: f1823 to exchange
Witness: fThomas to exchange
Witness: f1831 to exchange
Witness: fMS to exchange


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 chimeras of
Witness: f1823 chimeras of
Witness: fThomas chimeras of
Witness: f1831 chimeras of
Witness: fMS chimeras of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 boundless
Witness: f1823 boundless
Witness: fThomas boundless
Witness: f1831 boundless
Witness: fMS boundless


Reading Group: C08g_app35_rg1

Witness: f1818 grandeur
Witness: f1823 grandeur
Witness: fThomas grandeur
Witness: f1831 grandeur

Reading Group: C08g_app35_rg2

Witness: fMS grandeur,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 for realities of
Witness: f1823 for realities of
Witness: fThomas for realities of
Witness: f1831 for realities of
Witness: fMS for realities of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 little
Witness: f1823 little
Witness: fThomas little
Witness: f1831 little
Witness: fMS little


Reading Group: C08g_app38_rg1

Witness: fMS worth. Such

Reading Group: C08g_app38_rg2

Witness: f1818 worth.<p/><p/>Such
Witness: f1823 worth.<p/><p/>Such
Witness: fThomas worth.<p/><p/>Such
Witness: f1831 worth.<p/><p/>Such


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 were my reflections during
Witness: f1823 were my reflections during
Witness: fThomas were my reflections during
Witness: f1831 were my reflections during
Witness: fMS were my reflections during


Reading Group: C08g_app40_rg1

Witness: fMS tw

Reading Group: C08g_app40_rg2

Witness: f1818 the first
Witness: f1823 the first
Witness: fThomas the first
Witness: f1831 the first


Reading Group: C08g_app41_rg1

Witness: f1818 two or three days
Witness: f1823 two or three days
Witness: fThomas two or three days
Witness: fMS two or three days

Reading Group: C08g_app41_rg2

Witness: f1831 two or three days of my residence at Ingolstadt, which were chiefly


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 spent
Witness: f1823 spent
Witness: fThomas spent
Witness: f1831 spent
Witness: fMS <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>spent


Reading Group: C08g_app43_rg1

Witness: f1818 almost
Witness: f1823 almost
Witness: fThomas almost
Witness: fMS almost

Reading Group: C08g_app43_rg2

Witness: f1831 in becoming acquainted with the localities, and the principal residents


Reading Group: C08g_app44_rg1

Witness: f1818 in
Witness: f1823 in
Witness: fThomas in
Witness: f1831 in

Reading Group: C08g_app44_rg2

Witness: fMS insolitarysolitude:


Reading Group: C08g_app45_rg1

Witness: f1831 my new abode.

Reading Group: C08g_app45_rg2

Witness: f1818 solitude.
Witness: f1823 solitude.
Witness: fThomas solitude.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 But
Witness: f1823 But
Witness: fThomas But
Witness: f1831 But
Witness: fMS but


Reading Group: C08g_app47_rg1

Witness: fMS at as the

Reading Group: C08g_app47_rg2

Witness: f1818 as the
Witness: f1823 as the
Witness: fThomas as the
Witness: f1831 as the


Reading Group: C08g_app48_rg1

Witness: fMS ensueing

Reading Group: C08g_app48_rg2

Witness: f1818 ensuing
Witness: f1823 ensuing
Witness: fThomas ensuing
Witness: f1831 ensuing


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 week
Witness: f1823 week
Witness: fThomas week
Witness: f1831 week
Witness: fMS week


Reading Group: C08g_app50_rg1

Witness: fMS commenced

Reading Group: C08g_app50_rg2

Witness: f1818 commenced,
Witness: f1823 commenced,
Witness: fThomas commenced,
Witness: f1831 commenced,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I thought of the information
Witness: f1823 I thought of the information
Witness: fThomas I thought of the information
Witness: f1831 I thought of the information
Witness: fMS I thought of the information


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 which
Witness: f1823 which
Witness: fThomas which
Witness: f1831 which


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 M.
Witness: f1823 M.
Witness: fThomas M.
Witness: f1831 M.
Witness: fMS M<shi rend="sup">r</shi>.


Reading Group: C08g_app54_rg1

Witness: fMS K.rempe

Reading Group: C08g_app54_rg2

Witness: f1818 Krempe
Witness: f1823 Krempe
Witness: fThomas Krempe
Witness: f1831 Krempe


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 had given me
Witness: f1823 had given me
Witness: fThomas had given me
Witness: f1831 had given me
Witness: fMS had given me


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 concerning the
Witness: f1823 concerning the
Witness: fThomas concerning the
Witness: f1831 concerning the
Witness: fMS concerning the


Reading Group: C08g_app57_rg1

Witness: fMS lectures,

Reading Group: C08g_app57_rg2

Witness: f1818 lectures.
Witness: f1823 lectures.
Witness: fThomas lectures.
Witness: f1831 lectures.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 And although
Witness: f1823 And although
Witness: fThomas And although
Witness: f1831 And although
Witness: fMS and although


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I could not consent to go and hear
Witness: f1823 I could not consent to go and hear
Witness: fThomas I could not consent to go and hear
Witness: f1831 I could not consent to go and hear
Witness: fMS I could not consent to go and hear


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that little conceited fellow deliver
Witness: f1823 that little conceited fellow deliver
Witness: fThomas that little conceited fellow deliver
Witness: f1831 that little conceited fellow deliver
Witness: fMS that little conceited fellow deliver


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 sentences out of a
Witness: f1823 sentences out of a
Witness: fThomas sentences out of a
Witness: f1831 sentences out of a
Witness: fMS sentences <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>out of a


Reading Group: C08g_app62_rg1

Witness: fMS pulpit

Reading Group: C08g_app62_rg2

Witness: f1818 pulpit,
Witness: f1823 pulpit,
Witness: fThomas pulpit,
Witness: f1831 pulpit,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I recollected what he had
Witness: f1823 I recollected what he had
Witness: fThomas I recollected what he had
Witness: f1831 I recollected what he had
Witness: fMS I recollected what he had


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 said of M.
Witness: f1823 said of M.
Witness: fThomas said of M.
Witness: f1831 said of M.
Witness: fMS said of M<shi rend="sup">r</shi>.


Reading Group: C08g_app65_rg1

Witness: fMS Waldham,

Reading Group: C08g_app65_rg2

Witness: f1818 Waldman,
Witness: f1823 Waldman,
Witness: fThomas Waldman,
Witness: f1831 Waldman,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 whom I had
Witness: f1823 whom I had
Witness: fThomas whom I had
Witness: f1831 whom I had
Witness: fMS whom I had


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 never
Witness: f1823 never
Witness: fThomas never
Witness: f1831 never
Witness: fMS never


Reading Group: C08g_app68_rg1

Witness: fMS seen and

Reading Group: C08g_app68_rg2

Witness: f1818 seen,
Witness: f1823 seen,
Witness: fThomas seen,
Witness: f1831 seen,


Reading Group: C08g_app69_rg1

Witness: f1818 as he had
Witness: f1823 as he had
Witness: fThomas as he had
Witness: f1831 as he had

Reading Group: C08g_app69_rg2

Witness: fMS as he had been


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 hitherto
Witness: f1823 hitherto
Witness: fThomas hitherto
Witness: f1831 hitherto
Witness: fMS hitherto


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 been
Witness: f1823 been
Witness: fThomas been
Witness: f1831 been


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 out of
Witness: f1823 out of
Witness: fThomas out of
Witness: f1831 out of
Witness: fMS out of


Reading Group: C08g_app73_rg1

Witness: fMS town.Half out ofPartly

Reading Group: C08g_app73_rg2

Witness: f1818 town.<p/><p/>Partly
Witness: f1823 town.<p/><p/>Partly
Witness: fThomas town.<p/><p/>Partly
Witness: f1831 town.<p/><p/>Partly


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 from
Witness: f1823 from
Witness: fThomas from
Witness: f1831 from
Witness: fMS from


Reading Group: C08g_app75_rg1

Witness: fMS curiosity

Reading Group: C08g_app75_rg2

Witness: f1818 curiosity,
Witness: f1823 curiosity,
Witness: fThomas curiosity,
Witness: f1831 curiosity,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and partly from
Witness: f1823 and partly from
Witness: fThomas and partly from
Witness: f1831 and partly from
Witness: fMS and partly from


Reading Group: C08g_app77_rg1

Witness: fMS idleness

Reading Group: C08g_app77_rg2

Witness: f1818 idleness,
Witness: f1823 idleness,
Witness: fThomas idleness,
Witness: f1831 idleness,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I went into the lecturing
Witness: f1823 I went into the lecturing
Witness: fThomas I went into the lecturing
Witness: f1831 I went into the lecturing
Witness: fMS I went into the lecturing


Reading Group: C08g_app79_rg1

Witness: fMS room

Reading Group: C08g_app79_rg2

Witness: f1818 room,
Witness: f1823 room,
Witness: fThomas room,
Witness: f1831 room,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 which M.
Witness: f1823 which M.
Witness: fThomas which M.
Witness: f1831 which M.
Witness: fMS which M<shi rend="sup">r</shi>.


Reading Group: C08g_app81_rg1

Witness: fMS Waldham

Reading Group: C08g_app81_rg2

Witness: f1818 Waldman
Witness: f1823 Waldman
Witness: fThomas Waldman
Witness: f1831 Waldman


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 entered shortly
Witness: f1823 entered shortly
Witness: fThomas entered shortly
Witness: f1831 entered shortly
Witness: fMS entered shortly


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 after. This professor was
Witness: f1823 after. This professor was
Witness: fThomas after. This professor was
Witness: f1831 after. This professor was
Witness: fMS after. This Professor was


Reading Group: C08g_app84_rg1

Witness: fMS a very

Reading Group: C08g_app84_rg2

Witness: f1818 very
Witness: f1823 very
Witness: fThomas very
Witness: f1831 very


Reading Group: C08g_app85_rg1

Witness: fMS different man from the otherhis

Reading Group: C08g_app85_rg2

Witness: f1818 unlike his
Witness: f1823 unlike his
Witness: fThomas unlike his
Witness: f1831 unlike his


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 colleague. He
Witness: f1823 colleague. He
Witness: fThomas colleague. He
Witness: f1831 colleague. He
Witness: fMS colleague. He


Reading Group: C08g_app87_rg1

Witness: fMS was

Reading Group: C08g_app87_rg2

Witness: f1818 appeared
Witness: f1823 appeared
Witness: fThomas appeared
Witness: f1831 appeared


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 about fifty
Witness: f1823 about fifty
Witness: fThomas about fifty
Witness: f1831 about fifty
Witness: fMS about fifty


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 years of age,
Witness: f1823 years of age,
Witness: fThomas years of age,
Witness: f1831 years of age,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but with
Witness: f1823 but with
Witness: fThomas but with
Witness: f1831 but with
Witness: fMS but with


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 an
Witness: f1823 an
Witness: fThomas an
Witness: f1831 an


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 aspect expressive of the greatest
Witness: f1823 aspect expressive of the greatest
Witness: fThomas aspect expressive of the greatest
Witness: f1831 aspect expressive of the greatest
Witness: fMS aspect expressive of the greatest


Reading Group: C08g_app93_rg1

Witness: fMS benevolence

Reading Group: C08g_app93_rg2

Witness: f1818 benevolence;
Witness: f1823 benevolence;
Witness: fThomas benevolence;
Witness: f1831 benevolence;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a few
Witness: f1823 a few
Witness: fThomas a few
Witness: f1831 a few
Witness: fMS a few


Reading Group: C08g_app95_rg1

Witness: f1818 gray
Witness: f1823 gray
Witness: fThomas gray

Reading Group: C08g_app95_rg2

Witness: f1831 grey
Witness: fMS grey


Reading Group: C08g_app96_rg1

Witness: fMS hars hairs covered his

Reading Group: C08g_app96_rg2

Witness: f1818 hairs covered his
Witness: f1823 hairs covered his
Witness: fThomas hairs covered his
Witness: f1831 hairs covered his


Reading Group: C08g_app97_rg1

Witness: fMS temples

Reading Group: C08g_app97_rg2

Witness: f1818 temples,
Witness: f1823 temples,
Witness: fThomas temples,
Witness: f1831 temples,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but those at the back of his head
Witness: f1823 but those at the back of his head
Witness: fThomas but those at the back of his head
Witness: f1831 but those at the back of his head
Witness: fMS but those at the back of his head


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 were nearly black.
Witness: f1823 were nearly black.
Witness: fThomas were nearly black.
Witness: f1831 were nearly black.
Witness: fMS were nearly black.


Reading Group: C08g_app100_rg1

Witness: fMS He

Reading Group: C08g_app100_rg2

Witness: f1818 His person
Witness: f1823 His person
Witness: fThomas His person
Witness: f1831 His person


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was
Witness: f1823 was
Witness: fThomas was
Witness: f1831 was
Witness: fMS was


Reading Group: C08g_app102_rg1

Witness: fMS short in person

Reading Group: C08g_app102_rg2

Witness: f1818 short,
Witness: f1823 short,
Witness: fThomas short,
Witness: f1831 short,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but remarkably
Witness: f1823 but remarkably
Witness: fThomas but remarkably
Witness: f1831 but remarkably
Witness: fMS but remarkably


Reading Group: C08g_app104_rg1

Witness: fMS erect ha

Reading Group: C08g_app104_rg2

Witness: f1818 erect;
Witness: f1823 erect;
Witness: fThomas erect;
Witness: f1831 erect;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fMS and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 his voice the sweetest I had ever
Witness: f1823 his voice the sweetest I had ever
Witness: fThomas his voice the sweetest I had ever
Witness: f1831 his voice the sweetest I had ever
Witness: fMS his voice the sweetest I had ever


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 heard. He began his lecture
Witness: f1823 heard. He began his lecture
Witness: fThomas heard. He began his lecture
Witness: f1831 heard. He began his lecture
Witness: fMS heard. He began his lecture


Reading Group: C08g_app108_rg1

Witness: fMS with a kindof by a recapitulation of the history of

Reading Group: C08g_app108_rg2

Witness: f1818 by a recapitulation of the history of
Witness: f1823 by a recapitulation of the history of
Witness: fThomas by a recapitulation of the history of
Witness: f1831 by a recapitulation of the history of


Reading Group: C08g_app109_rg1

Witness: f1818 chemistry
Witness: f1823 chemistry
Witness: fThomas chemistry
Witness: fMS chemistry

Reading Group: C08g_app109_rg2

Witness: f1831 chemistry,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fMS and


Reading Group: C08g_app111_rg1

Witness: fMS remark-ed the various improvements

Reading Group: C08g_app111_rg2

Witness: f1818 the various improvements
Witness: f1823 the various improvements
Witness: fThomas the various improvements
Witness: f1831 the various improvements


Reading Group: C08g_app112_rg1

Witness: fMS <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>& discoveriesdifferentmade

Reading Group: C08g_app112_rg2

Witness: f1818 made
Witness: f1823 made
Witness: fThomas made
Witness: f1831 made


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 by
Witness: f1823 by
Witness: fThomas by
Witness: f1831 by
Witness: fMS by


Reading Group: C08g_app114_rg1

Witness: f1818 different
Witness: f1823 different
Witness: fThomas different
Witness: f1831 different

Reading Group: C08g_app114_rg2

Witness: fMS various


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 men
Witness: f1823 men
Witness: fThomas men
Witness: f1831 men
Witness: fMS men


Reading Group: C08g_app116_rg1

Witness: fMS had madeof learning pronoucing

Reading Group: C08g_app116_rg2

Witness: f1818 of learning, pronouncing with fervour
Witness: f1823 of learning, pronouncing with fervour
Witness: fThomas of learning, pronouncing with fervour
Witness: f1831 of learning, pronouncing with fervour


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the names of the
Witness: f1823 the names of the
Witness: fThomas the names of the
Witness: f1831 the names of the
Witness: fMS the names of the


Reading Group: C08g_app118_rg1

Witness: fMS greatest discoverers with great warmthwith fervour.

Reading Group: C08g_app118_rg2

Witness: f1818 most distinguished discoverers.
Witness: f1823 most distinguished discoverers.
Witness: fThomas most distinguished discoverers.
Witness: f1831 most distinguished discoverers.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 He then took
Witness: f1823 He then took
Witness: fThomas He then took
Witness: f1831 He then took
Witness: fMS He then took


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a cursory view of the present state
Witness: f1823 a cursory view of the present state
Witness: fThomas a cursory view of the present state
Witness: f1831 a cursory view of the present state
Witness: fMS a cursory view of the present state


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of
Witness: f1823 of
Witness: fThomas of
Witness: f1831 of
Witness: fMS of


Reading Group: C08g_app122_rg1

Witness: fMS chemistrythe

Reading Group: C08g_app122_rg2

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: f1831 the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 science, and explained many
Witness: f1823 science, and explained many
Witness: fThomas science, and explained many
Witness: f1831 science, and explained many
Witness: fMS science, and explained many


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of its
Witness: f1823 of its
Witness: fThomas of its
Witness: f1831 of its
Witness: fMS of its


Reading Group: C08g_app125_rg1

Witness: fMS termes

Reading Group: C08g_app125_rg2

Witness: f1818 elementary
Witness: f1823 elementary
Witness: fThomas elementary
Witness: f1831 elementary


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 terms.
Witness: f1823 terms.
Witness: fThomas terms.
Witness: f1831 terms.
Witness: fMS terms.


Reading Group: C08g_app127_rg1

Witness: fMS madeAfter making

Reading Group: C08g_app127_rg2

Witness: f1818 After having made
Witness: f1823 After having made
Witness: fThomas After having made
Witness: f1831 After having made


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a few
Witness: f1823 a few
Witness: fThomas a few
Witness: f1831 a few
Witness: fMS a few


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 preparatory
Witness: f1823 preparatory
Witness: fThomas preparatory
Witness: f1831 preparatory
Witness: fMS preparatory


Reading Group: C08g_app130_rg1

Witness: fMS experiments andheconcluded

Reading Group: C08g_app130_rg2

Witness: f1818 experiments, he concluded
Witness: f1823 experiments, he concluded
Witness: fThomas experiments, he concluded
Witness: f1831 experiments, he concluded


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 with a panegyric upon
Witness: f1823 with a panegyric upon
Witness: fThomas with a panegyric upon
Witness: f1831 with a panegyric upon
Witness: fMS with a panegyric upon


Reading Group: C08g_app132_rg1

Witness: f1818 modern chemistry,
Witness: f1823 modern chemistry,
Witness: fThomas modern chemistry,
Witness: f1831 modern chemistry,

Reading Group: C08g_app132_rg2

Witness: fMS <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>modernchemistry


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fMS the


Reading Group: C08g_app134_rg1

Witness: f1818 terms
Witness: f1823 terms
Witness: fThomas terms
Witness: f1831 terms

Reading Group: C08g_app134_rg2

Witness: fMS words


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of which I shall never
Witness: f1823 of which I shall never
Witness: fThomas of which I shall never
Witness: f1831 of which I shall never
Witness: fMS of which I shall never


Reading Group: C08g_app136_rg1

Witness: fMS forget. "The

Reading Group: C08g_app136_rg2

Witness: f1818 forget:—<p/><p/>“The
Witness: f1823 forget:—<p/><p/>“The
Witness: fThomas forget:—<p/><p/>“The
Witness: f1831 forget:—<p/><p/>“The


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 ancient teachers of this
Witness: f1823 ancient teachers of this
Witness: fThomas ancient teachers of this
Witness: f1831 ancient teachers of this
Witness: fMS ancient teachers of this


Reading Group: C08g_app138_rg1

Witness: fMS science"

Reading Group: C08g_app138_rg2

Witness: f1818 science,”
Witness: f1823 science,”
Witness: fThomas science,”
Witness: f1831 science,”


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 said he, “promised
Witness: f1823 said he, “promised
Witness: fThomas said he, “promised
Witness: f1831 said he, “promised
Witness: fMS said he, "promised


Reading Group: C08g_app140_rg1

Witness: fMS impossibilities "and

Reading Group: C08g_app140_rg2

Witness: f1818 impossibilities, and
Witness: f1823 impossibilities, and
Witness: fThomas impossibilities, and
Witness: f1831 impossibilities, and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 performed nothing. The modern
Witness: f1823 performed nothing. The modern
Witness: fThomas performed nothing. The modern
Witness: f1831 performed nothing. The modern
Witness: fMS performed nothing. The modern


Reading Group: C08g_app142_rg1

Witness: fMS "masters

Reading Group: C08g_app142_rg2

Witness: f1818 masters
Witness: f1823 masters
Witness: fThomas masters
Witness: f1831 masters


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 promise very
Witness: f1823 promise very
Witness: fThomas promise very
Witness: f1831 promise very
Witness: fMS promise very


Reading Group: C08g_app144_rg1

Witness: fMS little.

Reading Group: C08g_app144_rg2

Witness: f1818 little;
Witness: f1823 little;
Witness: fThomas little;
Witness: f1831 little;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 they
Witness: f1823 they
Witness: fThomas they
Witness: f1831 they
Witness: fMS They


Reading Group: C08g_app146_rg1

Witness: fMS "no know that metals cannot be

Reading Group: C08g_app146_rg2

Witness: f1818 know that metals cannot be
Witness: f1823 know that metals cannot be
Witness: fThomas know that metals cannot be
Witness: f1831 know that metals cannot be


Reading Group: C08g_app147_rg1

Witness: fMS "transmuted

Reading Group: C08g_app147_rg2

Witness: f1818 transmuted,
Witness: f1823 transmuted,
Witness: fThomas transmuted,
Witness: f1831 transmuted,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and that the elixir
Witness: f1823 and that the elixir
Witness: fThomas and that the elixir
Witness: f1831 and that the elixir
Witness: fMS and that the elixir


Reading Group: C08g_app149_rg1

Witness: fMS "vitæof

Reading Group: C08g_app149_rg2

Witness: f1818 of
Witness: f1823 of
Witness: fThomas of
Witness: f1831 of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 life is a
Witness: f1823 life is a
Witness: fThomas life is a
Witness: f1831 life is a
Witness: fMS life is a


Reading Group: C08g_app151_rg1

Witness: fMS mere chimæra.

Reading Group: C08g_app151_rg2

Witness: f1818 chimera.
Witness: f1823 chimera.
Witness: fThomas chimera.
Witness: f1831 chimera.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 But
Witness: f1823 But
Witness: fThomas But
Witness: f1831 But
Witness: fMS But


Reading Group: C08g_app153_rg1

Witness: fMS "these philosophers

Reading Group: C08g_app153_rg2

Witness: f1818 these philosophers,
Witness: f1823 these philosophers,
Witness: fThomas these philosophers,
Witness: f1831 these philosophers,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 whose
Witness: f1823 whose
Witness: fThomas whose
Witness: f1831 whose
Witness: fMS whose


Reading Group: C08g_app155_rg1

Witness: fMS eyes hands

Reading Group: C08g_app155_rg2

Witness: f1818 hands
Witness: f1823 hands
Witness: fThomas hands
Witness: f1831 hands


Reading Group: C08g_app156_rg1

Witness: fMS "appear

Reading Group: C08g_app156_rg2

Witness: f1818 seem
Witness: f1823 seem
Witness: fThomas seem
Witness: f1831 seem


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 only made to dabble in
Witness: f1823 only made to dabble in
Witness: fThomas only made to dabble in
Witness: f1831 only made to dabble in
Witness: fMS only made to dabble in


Reading Group: C08g_app158_rg1

Witness: fMS "dirt

Reading Group: C08g_app158_rg2

Witness: f1818 dirt,
Witness: f1823 dirt,
Witness: fThomas dirt,
Witness: f1831 dirt,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and their eyes to
Witness: f1823 and their eyes to
Witness: fThomas and their eyes to
Witness: f1831 and their eyes to
Witness: fMS and their eyes to


Reading Group: C08g_app160_rg1

Witness: f1823 pore
Witness: f1831 pore
Witness: fMS pore

Reading Group: C08g_app160_rg2

Witness: f1818 pour
Witness: fThomas pour


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 over
Witness: f1823 over
Witness: fThomas over
Witness: f1831 over
Witness: fMS over


Reading Group: C08g_app162_rg1

Witness: fMS "the

Reading Group: C08g_app162_rg2

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: f1831 the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 microscope or
Witness: f1823 microscope or
Witness: fThomas microscope or
Witness: f1831 microscope or
Witness: fMS microscope or


Reading Group: C08g_app164_rg1

Witness: f1818 crucible, have
Witness: f1823 crucible, have
Witness: fThomas crucible, have
Witness: f1831 crucible, have

Reading Group: C08g_app164_rg2

Witness: fMS cruscible, "have


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 indeed performed miracles.
Witness: f1823 indeed performed miracles.
Witness: fThomas indeed performed miracles.
Witness: f1831 indeed performed miracles.
Witness: fMS indeed performed miracles.


Reading Group: C08g_app166_rg1

Witness: fMS "They

Reading Group: C08g_app166_rg2

Witness: f1818 They
Witness: f1823 They
Witness: fThomas They
Witness: f1831 They


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 penetrate into the recesses of
Witness: f1823 penetrate into the recesses of
Witness: fThomas penetrate into the recesses of
Witness: f1831 penetrate into the recesses of
Witness: fMS penetrate into the recesses of


Reading Group: C08g_app168_rg1

Witness: fMS "nature

Reading Group: C08g_app168_rg2

Witness: f1818 nature,
Witness: f1823 nature,
Witness: fThomas nature,
Witness: f1831 nature,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fMS and


Reading Group: C08g_app170_rg1

Witness: f1818 shew
Witness: fThomas shew

Reading Group: C08g_app170_rg2

Witness: f1823 show
Witness: f1831 show
Witness: fMS show


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 how she works
Witness: f1823 how she works
Witness: fThomas how she works
Witness: f1831 how she works
Witness: fMS how she works


Reading Group: C08g_app172_rg1

Witness: fMS "in

Reading Group: C08g_app172_rg2

Witness: f1818 in
Witness: f1823 in
Witness: fThomas in
Witness: f1831 in


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 her hiding places. They ascend into
Witness: f1823 her hiding places. They ascend into
Witness: fThomas her hiding places. They ascend into
Witness: f1831 her hiding places. They ascend into
Witness: fMS her hiding places. They ascend into


Reading Group: C08g_app174_rg1

Witness: fMS "the heavens;–

Reading Group: C08g_app174_rg2

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: f1831 the


Reading Group: C08g_app175_rg1

Witness: f1823 heavens:
Witness: f1831 heavens:

Reading Group: C08g_app175_rg2

Witness: f1818 heavens;
Witness: fThomas heavens;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 they have
Witness: f1823 they have
Witness: fThomas they have
Witness: f1831 they have
Witness: fMS they have


Reading Group: C08g_app177_rg1

Witness: fMS discoverd

Reading Group: C08g_app177_rg2

Witness: f1818 discovered
Witness: f1823 discovered
Witness: fThomas discovered
Witness: f1831 discovered


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 how
Witness: f1823 how
Witness: fThomas how
Witness: f1831 how
Witness: fMS how


Reading Group: C08g_app179_rg1

Witness: fMS "the

Reading Group: C08g_app179_rg2

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: f1831 the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 blood circulates, and the nature
Witness: f1823 blood circulates, and the nature
Witness: fThomas blood circulates, and the nature
Witness: f1831 blood circulates, and the nature
Witness: fMS blood circulates, and the nature


Reading Group: C08g_app181_rg1

Witness: fMS "of

Reading Group: C08g_app181_rg2

Witness: f1818 of
Witness: f1823 of
Witness: fThomas of
Witness: f1831 of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the air we breathe.
Witness: f1823 the air we breathe.
Witness: fThomas the air we breathe.
Witness: f1831 the air we breathe.
Witness: fMS the air we breathe.


Reading Group: C08g_app183_rg1

Witness: fMS New They have

Reading Group: C08g_app183_rg2

Witness: f1818 They have
Witness: f1823 They have
Witness: fThomas They have
Witness: f1831 They have


Reading Group: C08g_app184_rg1

Witness: fMS "acquired

Reading Group: C08g_app184_rg2

Witness: f1818 acquired
Witness: f1823 acquired
Witness: fThomas acquired
Witness: f1831 acquired


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 new and almost unlimited
Witness: f1823 new and almost unlimited
Witness: fThomas new and almost unlimited
Witness: f1831 new and almost unlimited
Witness: fMS new and almost unlimited


Reading Group: C08g_app186_rg1

Witness: f1818 powers;
Witness: f1823 powers;
Witness: fThomas powers;
Witness: f1831 powers;

Reading Group: C08g_app186_rg2

Witness: fMS powers,;–


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 they can command the
Witness: f1823 they can command the
Witness: fThomas they can command the
Witness: f1831 they can command the
Witness: fMS They can command the


Reading Group: C08g_app188_rg1

Witness: fMS "thunders

Reading Group: C08g_app188_rg2

Witness: f1818 thunders
Witness: f1823 thunders
Witness: fThomas thunders
Witness: f1831 thunders


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of heaven,
Witness: f1823 of heaven,
Witness: fThomas of heaven,
Witness: f1831 of heaven,
Witness: fMS of heaven,


Reading Group: C08g_app190_rg1

Witness: f1818 mimic
Witness: f1823 mimic
Witness: fThomas mimic
Witness: f1831 mimic

Reading Group: C08g_app190_rg2

Witness: fMS mimick


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fMS the


Reading Group: C08g_app192_rg1

Witness: fMS "earthquake,

Reading Group: C08g_app192_rg2

Witness: f1818 earthquake,
Witness: f1823 earthquake,
Witness: fThomas earthquake,
Witness: f1831 earthquake,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and even mock the
Witness: f1823 and even mock the
Witness: fThomas and even mock the
Witness: f1831 and even mock the
Witness: fMS and even mock the


Reading Group: C08g_app194_rg1

Witness: fMS "invisible

Reading Group: C08g_app194_rg2

Witness: f1818 invisible
Witness: f1823 invisible
Witness: fThomas invisible
Witness: f1831 invisible


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 world with its own
Witness: f1823 world with its own
Witness: fThomas world with its own
Witness: f1831 world with its own
Witness: fMS world with its own


Reading Group: C08g_app196_rg1

Witness: fMS "shadows."

Reading Group: C08g_app196_rg2

Witness: f1818 shadows.”<p/>
Witness: f1823 shadows.”<p/>
Witness: fThomas shadows.”<p/>
Witness: f1831 shadows.”<p/>


Reading Group: C08h_app1_rg1

Witness: f1831 <p/>Such were the professor’s words—rather let me say such the words of fate, enounced to destroy me. As he went on, I felt as if my soul were grappling with a palpable enemy; one by one the various keys were touched which formed the mechanism of my being: chord after chord was sounded, and soon my mind was filled with one thought, one conception, one purpose. So much has been done, exclaimed the soul of Frankenstein,—more, far more, will I achieve: treading in the steps already marked, I will pioneer a new way, explore unknown powers, and unfold to the world the deepest mysteries of creation.<p/> <p/>I closed not my eyes that night. My internal being was in a state of insurrection and turmoil; I felt that order would thence arise, but I had no power to produce it. By degrees, after the morning’s dawn, sleep came. I awoke, and my yesternight’s thoughts were as a dream. There only remained a resolution to return to my ancient studies, and to devote myself to a science for which I believed myself to possess a natural talent.

Reading Group: C08h_app1_rg2

Witness: fMS I departed highly pleased with the professor and his
Witness: f1818 <p/>I departed highly pleased with the professor and his
Witness: f1823 <p/>I departed highly pleased with the professor and his
Witness: fThomas <p/>I departed highly pleased with the professor and his


Reading Group: C08h_app2_rg1

Witness: fMS lecture

Reading Group: C08h_app2_rg2

Witness: f1818 lecture,
Witness: f1823 lecture,
Witness: fThomas lecture,


Reading Group: C08i_app1_rg1

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: fMS &

Reading Group: C08i_app1_rg2

Witness: f1831 On the same day, I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 paid
Witness: f1823 paid
Witness: fThomas paid
Witness: f1831 paid
Witness: fMS paid


Reading Group: C08i_app3_rg1

Witness: f1818 him
Witness: f1823 him
Witness: fThomas him
Witness: fMS him

Reading Group: C08i_app3_rg2

Witness: f1831 M. Waldman


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a
Witness: f1823 a
Witness: fThomas a
Witness: f1831 a
Witness: fMS a


Reading Group: C08i_app5_rg1

Witness: f1818 visit the same evening.
Witness: f1823 visit the same evening.
Witness: fThomas visit the same evening.
Witness: fMS visit the same evening.

Reading Group: C08i_app5_rg2

Witness: f1831 visit.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 His manners in private were even
Witness: f1823 His manners in private were even
Witness: fThomas His manners in private were even
Witness: f1831 His manners in private were even
Witness: fMS His manners in private were even


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 more mild and attractive than in
Witness: f1823 more mild and attractive than in
Witness: fThomas more mild and attractive than in
Witness: f1831 more mild and attractive than in
Witness: fMS more mild <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>& attractive than in


Reading Group: C08i_app8_rg1

Witness: fMS public.

Reading Group: C08i_app8_rg2

Witness: f1818 public;
Witness: f1823 public;
Witness: fThomas public;
Witness: f1831 public;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 for
Witness: f1823 for
Witness: fThomas for
Witness: f1831 for
Witness: fMS For


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 there was a certain dignity in his
Witness: f1823 there was a certain dignity in his
Witness: fThomas there was a certain dignity in his
Witness: f1831 there was a certain dignity in his
Witness: fMS there was a certain dignity in his


Reading Group: C08i_app11_rg1

Witness: fMS manner

Reading Group: C08i_app11_rg2

Witness: f1818 mien
Witness: f1823 mien
Witness: fThomas mien
Witness: f1831 mien


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 during his
Witness: f1823 during his
Witness: fThomas during his
Witness: f1831 during his
Witness: fMS during his


Reading Group: C08i_app13_rg1

Witness: f1818 lecture,
Witness: f1823 lecture,
Witness: fThomas lecture,
Witness: f1831 lecture,

Reading Group: C08i_app13_rg2

Witness: fMS lectures


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 which
Witness: f1823 which
Witness: fThomas which
Witness: f1831 which
Witness: fMS which


Reading Group: C08i_app15_rg1

Witness: fMS

Reading Group: C08i_app15_rg2

Witness: f1818 in his own house
Witness: f1823 in his own house
Witness: fThomas in his own house
Witness: f1831 in his own house


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was replaced by the greatest
Witness: f1823 was replaced by the greatest
Witness: fThomas was replaced by the greatest
Witness: f1831 was replaced by the greatest
Witness: fMS was replaced by the greatest


Reading Group: C08i_app17_rg1

Witness: fMS affabity affability and

Reading Group: C08i_app17_rg2

Witness: f1818 affability and
Witness: f1823 affability and
Witness: fThomas affability and
Witness: f1831 affability and


Reading Group: C08i_app18_rg1

Witness: fMS kindness in his own house.

Reading Group: C08i_app18_rg2

Witness: f1818 kindness.
Witness: f1823 kindness.
Witness: fThomas kindness.
Witness: f1831 kindness.


Reading Group: C08i_app19_rg1

Witness: f1831 I gave him pretty nearly the same account of my former pursuits as I had given to his fellow-professor. He heard

Reading Group: C08i_app19_rg2

Witness: f1818 He heard
Witness: f1823 He heard
Witness: fThomas He heard
Witness: fMS He heard


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 with attention
Witness: f1823 with attention
Witness: fThomas with attention
Witness: f1831 with attention


Reading Group: C08i_app21_rg1

Witness: f1818 my
Witness: f1823 my
Witness: fThomas my
Witness: fMS bymy

Reading Group: C08i_app21_rg2

Witness: f1831 the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 little narration
Witness: f1823 little narration
Witness: fThomas little narration
Witness: f1831 little narration
Witness: fMS little narration


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 concerning my
Witness: f1823 concerning my
Witness: fThomas concerning my
Witness: f1831 concerning my
Witness: fMS concerning my


Reading Group: C08i_app24_rg1

Witness: fMS studies with attention

Reading Group: C08i_app24_rg2

Witness: f1818 studies, and
Witness: f1823 studies, and
Witness: fThomas studies, and
Witness: f1831 studies, and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 smiled at the names of Cornelius
Witness: f1823 smiled at the names of Cornelius
Witness: fThomas smiled at the names of Cornelius
Witness: f1831 smiled at the names of Cornelius
Witness: fMS smiled at the names of Cornelius


Reading Group: C08i_app26_rg1

Witness: fMS

Reading Group: C08i_app26_rg2

Witness: f1818 Agrippa,
Witness: fThomas Agrippa,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1823 Agrippa
Witness: f1831 Agrippa
Witness: fMS Agrippa


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fMS and


Reading Group: C08i_app29_rg1

Witness: fMS Paracelsus<metamark>X</metamark>

Reading Group: C08i_app29_rg2

Witness: f1818 Paracelsus,
Witness: f1823 Paracelsus,
Witness: fThomas Paracelsus,
Witness: f1831 Paracelsus,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but without
Witness: f1823 but without
Witness: fThomas but without
Witness: f1831 but without
Witness: fMS but without


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the contempt that
Witness: f1823 the contempt that
Witness: fThomas the contempt that
Witness: f1831 the contempt that
Witness: fMS the contempt that


Reading Group: C08i_app32_rg1

Witness: f1818 M.
Witness: f1823 M.
Witness: fThomas M.
Witness: f1831 M.

Reading Group: C08i_app32_rg2

Witness: fMS Mr


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Krempe had
Witness: f1823 Krempe had
Witness: fThomas Krempe had
Witness: f1831 Krempe had
Witness: fMS Krempe had


Reading Group: C08i_app34_rg1

Witness: fMS Exexhibitedexpressed to them. <metamark function="insert">^</metamark><metamark function="displacement">^</metamark>

Reading Group: C08i_app34_rg2

Witness: f1818 exhibited.
Witness: f1823 exhibited.
Witness: fThomas exhibited.
Witness: f1831 exhibited.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 He
Witness: f1823 He
Witness: fThomas He
Witness: f1831 He
Witness: fMS He


Reading Group: C08i_app36_rg1

Witness: fMS said

Reading Group: C08i_app36_rg2

Witness: f1818 said,
Witness: f1823 said,
Witness: fThomas said,
Witness: f1831 said,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that
Witness: f1823 that
Witness: fThomas that
Witness: f1831 that
Witness: fMS that


Reading Group: C08i_app38_rg1

Witness: f1818 “these
Witness: f1823 “these
Witness: fThomas “these
Witness: f1831 “these

Reading Group: C08i_app38_rg2

Witness: fMS these


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 were
Witness: f1823 were
Witness: fThomas were
Witness: f1831 were
Witness: fMS were


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 men to whose
Witness: f1823 men to whose
Witness: fThomas men to whose
Witness: f1831 men to whose
Witness: fMS men to whose


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 indefatigable zeal
Witness: f1823 indefatigable zeal
Witness: fThomas indefatigable zeal
Witness: f1831 indefatigable zeal
Witness: fMS indefatigable zeal


Reading Group: C08i_app42_rg1

Witness: fMS modernchemnaturalphilosophers

Reading Group: C08i_app42_rg2

Witness: f1818 modern philosophers
Witness: f1823 modern philosophers
Witness: fThomas modern philosophers
Witness: f1831 modern philosophers


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 were
Witness: f1823 were
Witness: fThomas were
Witness: f1831 were
Witness: fMS were


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 indebted for most
Witness: f1823 indebted for most
Witness: fThomas indebted for most
Witness: f1831 indebted for most
Witness: fMS indebted for most


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of the foundations
Witness: f1823 of the foundations
Witness: fThomas of the foundations
Witness: f1831 of the foundations
Witness: fMS of the foundations


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of their
Witness: f1823 of their
Witness: fThomas of their
Witness: f1831 of their
Witness: fMS of their


Reading Group: C08i_app47_rg1

Witness: f1818 knowledge. They had left
Witness: f1823 knowledge. They had left
Witness: fThomas knowledge. They had left
Witness: f1831 knowledge. They had left

Reading Group: C08i_app47_rg2

Witness: fMS knowledgeit is not a meaner taskThey<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>hadleft


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to
Witness: f1823 to
Witness: fThomas to
Witness: f1831 to
Witness: fMS to


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 us, as an easier
Witness: f1823 us, as an easier
Witness: fThomas us, as an easier
Witness: f1831 us, as an easier
Witness: fMS us, as an easier


Reading Group: C08i_app50_rg1

Witness: fMS task

Reading Group: C08i_app50_rg2

Witness: f1818 task,
Witness: f1823 task,
Witness: fThomas task,
Witness: f1831 task,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to give new
Witness: f1823 to give new
Witness: fThomas to give new
Witness: f1831 to give new
Witness: fMS to give new


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 names, and arrange
Witness: f1823 names, and arrange
Witness: fThomas names, and arrange
Witness: f1831 names, and arrange
Witness: fMS names, & arrange


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in
Witness: f1823 in
Witness: fThomas in
Witness: f1831 in
Witness: fMS in


Reading Group: C08i_app54_rg1

Witness: fMS conected classifications

Reading Group: C08i_app54_rg2

Witness: f1818 connected classifications,
Witness: f1823 connected classifications,
Witness: fThomas connected classifications,
Witness: f1831 connected classifications,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fMS the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 facts which they
Witness: f1823 facts which they
Witness: fThomas facts which they
Witness: f1831 facts which they
Witness: fMS facts which they


Reading Group: C08i_app57_rg1

Witness: fMS to

Reading Group: C08i_app57_rg2

Witness: f1818 in
Witness: f1823 in
Witness: fThomas in
Witness: f1831 in


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a great degree
Witness: f1823 a great degree
Witness: fThomas a great degree
Witness: f1831 a great degree
Witness: fMS a great degree


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 had been the
Witness: f1823 had been the
Witness: fThomas had been the
Witness: f1831 had been the
Witness: fMS havde been the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 instruments of
Witness: f1823 instruments of
Witness: fThomas instruments of
Witness: f1831 instruments of
Witness: fMS instruments of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 bringing to light.
Witness: f1823 bringing to light.
Witness: fThomas bringing to light.
Witness: f1831 bringing to light.
Witness: fMS bringing to light.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 The labours of
Witness: f1823 The labours of
Witness: fThomas The labours of
Witness: f1831 The labours of
Witness: fMS The labours of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 men of
Witness: f1823 men of
Witness: fThomas men of
Witness: f1831 men of
Witness: fMS men of


Reading Group: C08i_app64_rg1

Witness: fMS genius

Reading Group: C08i_app64_rg2

Witness: f1818 genius,
Witness: f1823 genius,
Witness: fThomas genius,
Witness: f1831 genius,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 however erroneously
Witness: f1823 however erroneously
Witness: fThomas however erroneously
Witness: f1831 however erroneously
Witness: fMS however erroneously


Reading Group: C08i_app66_rg1

Witness: fMS directed

Reading Group: C08i_app66_rg2

Witness: f1818 directed,
Witness: f1823 directed,
Witness: fThomas directed,
Witness: f1831 directed,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 scarcely ever
Witness: f1823 scarcely ever
Witness: fThomas scarcely ever
Witness: f1831 scarcely ever
Witness: fMS scarcely ever


Reading Group: C08i_app68_rg1

Witness: f1818 fail in
Witness: f1823 fail in
Witness: fThomas fail in
Witness: f1831 fail in

Reading Group: C08i_app68_rg2

Witness: fMS


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 ultimately
Witness: f1823 ultimately
Witness: fThomas ultimately
Witness: f1831 ultimately
Witness: fMS ultimately


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 turning to the
Witness: f1823 turning to the
Witness: fThomas turning to the
Witness: f1831 turning to the
Witness: fMS turning to the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 solid advantage of
Witness: f1823 solid advantage of
Witness: fThomas solid advantage of
Witness: f1831 solid advantage of
Witness: fMS solid advantage of


Reading Group: C08i_app72_rg1

Witness: fMS mankind.I

Reading Group: C08i_app72_rg2

Witness: f1818 mankind.” I
Witness: f1823 mankind.” I
Witness: fThomas mankind.” I
Witness: f1831 mankind.” I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 listened
Witness: f1823 listened
Witness: fThomas listened
Witness: f1831 listened
Witness: fMS listened


Reading Group: C08i_app74_rg1

Witness: fThomas to his statement, which was deliveredto him with interest for he spoke

Reading Group: C08i_app74_rg2

Witness: fMS to his statement which was delivered

Reading Group: C08i_app74_rg3

Witness: f1818 to his statement, which was delivered
Witness: f1823 to his statement, which was delivered
Witness: f1831 to his statement, which was delivered


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 without
Witness: f1823 without
Witness: fThomas without
Witness: f1831 without
Witness: fMS without


Reading Group: C08i_app76_rg1

Witness: fThomas any

Reading Group: C08i_app76_rg2

Witness: f1818 any
Witness: f1823 any
Witness: f1831 any
Witness: fMS any


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 presumption
Witness: f1823 presumption
Witness: fThomas presumption
Witness: f1831 presumption
Witness: fMS presumption


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 or affectation;
Witness: f1823 or affectation;
Witness: fThomas or affectation;
Witness: f1831 or affectation;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and then
Witness: f1823 and then
Witness: fThomas and then
Witness: f1831 and then
Witness: fMS & then


Reading Group: C08i_app80_rg1

Witness: f1818 added,
Witness: f1823 added,
Witness: fThomas added,
Witness: f1831 added,

Reading Group: C08i_app80_rg2

Witness: fMS addedI ended by saying


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that
Witness: f1823 that
Witness: fThomas that
Witness: f1831 that
Witness: fMS that


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 his lecture had removed my
Witness: f1823 his lecture had removed my
Witness: fThomas his lecture had removed my
Witness: f1831 his lecture had removed my
Witness: fMS his lecture had removed my


Reading Group: C08i_app83_rg1

Witness: fMS prejudice

Reading Group: C08i_app83_rg2

Witness: f1818 prejudices
Witness: f1823 prejudices
Witness: fThomas prejudices
Witness: f1831 prejudices


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 against modern
Witness: f1823 against modern
Witness: fThomas against modern
Witness: f1831 against modern
Witness: fMS against modern


Reading Group: C08i_app85_rg1

Witness: fMS chemists

Reading Group: C08i_app85_rg2

Witness: f1818 chemists;
Witness: f1823 chemists;
Witness: fThomas chemists;
Witness: f1831 chemists;


Reading Group: C08j_app1_rg1

Witness: f1831 I expressed myself in measured terms, with the modesty and deference due from a youth to his instructor, without letting escape (inexperience in life would have made me ashamed) any of the enthusiasm which stimulated my intended labours.

Reading Group: C08j_app1_rg2

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: fMS and


Reading Group: C08j_app2_rg1

Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fMS I

Reading Group: C08j_app2_rg2

Witness: f1818 I,
Witness: f1823 I,
Witness: fThomas I,


Reading Group: C08j_app3_rg1

Witness: fMS requested at the same

Reading Group: C08j_app3_rg2

Witness: f1818 at the same
Witness: f1823 at the same
Witness: fThomas at the same


Reading Group: C08j_app4_rg1

Witness: fMS time

Reading Group: C08j_app4_rg2

Witness: f1818 time,
Witness: f1823 time,
Witness: fThomas time,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 requested
Witness: f1823 requested
Witness: fThomas requested
Witness: f1831 requested


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 his advice
Witness: f1823 his advice
Witness: fThomas his advice
Witness: f1831 his advice
Witness: fMS his advice


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 concerning the books I ought to
Witness: f1823 concerning the books I ought to
Witness: fThomas concerning the books I ought to
Witness: f1831 concerning the books I ought to
Witness: fMS concerning the books I ought to


Reading Group: C08j_app8_rg1

Witness: f1818 procure.<p/><p/>“I
Witness: f1823 procure.<p/><p/>“I
Witness: fThomas procure.<p/><p/>“I
Witness: f1831 procure.<p/><p/>“I

Reading Group: C08j_app8_rg2

Witness: fMS procure "I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 am
Witness: f1823 am
Witness: fThomas am
Witness: f1831 am
Witness: fMS am


Reading Group: C08j_app10_rg1

Witness: fMS happy"

Reading Group: C08j_app10_rg2

Witness: f1818 happy,”
Witness: f1823 happy,”
Witness: fThomas happy,”
Witness: f1831 happy,”


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 said M.
Witness: f1823 said M.
Witness: fThomas said M.
Witness: f1831 said M.
Witness: fMS said M<shi rend="sup">r</shi>.


Reading Group: C08j_app12_rg1

Witness: fMS Waldham,

Reading Group: C08j_app12_rg2

Witness: f1818 Waldman,
Witness: f1823 Waldman,
Witness: fThomas Waldman,
Witness: f1831 Waldman,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 “to
Witness: f1823 “to
Witness: fThomas “to
Witness: f1831 “to
Witness: fMS "To


Reading Group: C08j_app14_rg1

Witness: fMS "have

Reading Group: C08j_app14_rg2

Witness: f1818 have
Witness: f1823 have
Witness: fThomas have
Witness: f1831 have


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 gained a
Witness: f1823 gained a
Witness: fThomas gained a
Witness: f1831 gained a
Witness: fMS gained a


Reading Group: C08j_app16_rg1

Witness: fMS desci desciple

Reading Group: C08j_app16_rg2

Witness: f1818 disciple;
Witness: f1823 disciple;
Witness: fThomas disciple;
Witness: f1831 disciple;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fMS and


Reading Group: C08j_app18_rg1

Witness: fMS if if your

Reading Group: C08j_app18_rg2

Witness: f1818 if your
Witness: f1823 if your
Witness: fThomas if your
Witness: f1831 if your


Reading Group: C08j_app19_rg1

Witness: fMS "appil application equals your

Reading Group: C08j_app19_rg2

Witness: f1818 application equals your
Witness: f1823 application equals your
Witness: fThomas application equals your
Witness: f1831 application equals your


Reading Group: C08j_app20_rg1

Witness: fMS ability "I

Reading Group: C08j_app20_rg2

Witness: f1818 ability, I
Witness: f1823 ability, I
Witness: fThomas ability, I
Witness: f1831 ability, I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 have no doubt of your success. Chemistry is that branch of natural
Witness: f1823 have no doubt of your success. Chemistry is that branch of natural
Witness: fThomas have no doubt of your success. Chemistry is that branch of natural
Witness: f1831 have no doubt of your success. Chemistry is that branch of natural
Witness: fMS have no doubt of your success. Chemistry is that branch of natural


Reading Group: C08j_app22_rg1

Witness: fMS "philosophy

Reading Group: C08j_app22_rg2

Witness: f1818 philosophy
Witness: f1823 philosophy
Witness: fThomas philosophy
Witness: f1831 philosophy


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in which the greatest improvements have
Witness: f1823 in which the greatest improvements have
Witness: fThomas in which the greatest improvements have
Witness: f1831 in which the greatest improvements have
Witness: fMS in which the greatest improvements have


Reading Group: C08j_app24_rg1

Witness: f1818 been and
Witness: f1823 been and
Witness: fThomas been and
Witness: f1831 been and

Reading Group: C08j_app24_rg2

Witness: fMS <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>been&


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 may be
Witness: f1823 may be
Witness: fThomas may be
Witness: f1831 may be
Witness: fMS may be


Reading Group: C08j_app26_rg1

Witness: fMS made. "It

Reading Group: C08j_app26_rg2

Witness: f1823 made:
Witness: f1831 made:

Reading Group: C08j_app26_rg3

Witness: f1818 made;
Witness: fThomas made;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 it
Witness: f1823 it
Witness: fThomas it
Witness: f1831 it


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 is on that
Witness: f1823 is on that
Witness: fThomas is on that
Witness: f1831 is on that
Witness: fMS is on that


Reading Group: C08j_app29_rg1

Witness: f1818 account
Witness: f1823 account
Witness: fThomas account
Witness: f1831 account

Reading Group: C08j_app29_rg2

Witness: fMS accounts


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that
Witness: f1823 that
Witness: fThomas that
Witness: f1831 that
Witness: fMS that


Reading Group: C08j_app31_rg1

Witness: f1818 I have made
Witness: f1823 I have made
Witness: fThomas I have made
Witness: f1831 I have made

Reading Group: C08j_app31_rg2

Witness: fMS Isl "chose


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 it
Witness: f1823 it
Witness: fThomas it
Witness: f1831 it
Witness: fMS it


Reading Group: C08j_app33_rg1

Witness: fMS for my peculiar

Reading Group: C08j_app33_rg2

Witness: f1818 my peculiar
Witness: f1823 my peculiar
Witness: fThomas my peculiar
Witness: f1831 my peculiar


Reading Group: C08j_app34_rg1

Witness: fMS study.

Reading Group: C08j_app34_rg2

Witness: f1818 study;
Witness: f1823 study;
Witness: fThomas study;
Witness: f1831 study;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but
Witness: f1823 but
Witness: fThomas but
Witness: f1831 but
Witness: fMS But


Reading Group: C08j_app36_rg1

Witness: fMS "at

Reading Group: C08j_app36_rg2

Witness: f1818 at
Witness: f1823 at
Witness: fThomas at
Witness: f1831 at


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the same time I
Witness: f1823 the same time I
Witness: fThomas the same time I
Witness: f1831 the same time I
Witness: fMS the same <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>time I


Reading Group: C08j_app38_rg1

Witness: fMS did

Reading Group: C08j_app38_rg2

Witness: f1818 have
Witness: f1823 have
Witness: fThomas have
Witness: f1831 have


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 not
Witness: f1823 not
Witness: fThomas not
Witness: f1831 not
Witness: fMS not


Reading Group: C08j_app40_rg1

Witness: fMS neglect

Reading Group: C08j_app40_rg2

Witness: f1818 neglected
Witness: f1823 neglected
Witness: fThomas neglected
Witness: f1831 neglected


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fMS the


Reading Group: C08j_app42_rg1

Witness: fMS "other sciences.

Reading Group: C08j_app42_rg2

Witness: f1818 other branches of science.
Witness: f1823 other branches of science.
Witness: fThomas other branches of science.
Witness: f1831 other branches of science.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 A man would make
Witness: f1823 A man would make
Witness: fThomas A man would make
Witness: f1831 A man would make
Witness: fMS A man would make


Reading Group: C08j_app44_rg1

Witness: fMS "a

Reading Group: C08j_app44_rg2

Witness: f1818 but a
Witness: f1823 but a
Witness: fThomas but a
Witness: f1831 but a


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 very sorry
Witness: f1823 very sorry
Witness: fThomas very sorry
Witness: f1831 very sorry
Witness: fMS very sorry


Reading Group: C08j_app46_rg1

Witness: f1823 chemist
Witness: f1831 chemist
Witness: fMS chemist

Reading Group: C08j_app46_rg2

Witness: f1818 chemist,
Witness: fThomas chemist,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 if he
Witness: f1823 if he
Witness: fThomas if he
Witness: f1831 if he
Witness: fMS if he


Reading Group: C08j_app48_rg1

Witness: f1818 attended
Witness: f1823 attended
Witness: fThomas attended
Witness: f1831 attended

Reading Group: C08j_app48_rg2

Witness: fMS atteneded


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to that department
Witness: f1823 to that department
Witness: fThomas to that department
Witness: f1831 to that department
Witness: fMS to that department


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of human knowledge
Witness: f1823 of human knowledge
Witness: fThomas of human knowledge
Witness: f1831 of human knowledge


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 alone. If
Witness: f1823 alone. If
Witness: fThomas alone. If
Witness: f1831 alone. If
Witness: fMS alone. If


Reading Group: C08j_app52_rg1

Witness: fMS "your

Reading Group: C08j_app52_rg2

Witness: f1818 your
Witness: f1823 your
Witness: fThomas your
Witness: f1831 your


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 wish is
Witness: f1823 wish is
Witness: fThomas wish is
Witness: f1831 wish is
Witness: fMS wish is


Reading Group: C08j_app54_rg1

Witness: fMS really to become

Reading Group: C08j_app54_rg2

Witness: f1818 to become
Witness: f1823 to become
Witness: fThomas to become
Witness: f1831 to become


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 really
Witness: f1823 really
Witness: fThomas really
Witness: f1831 really


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a
Witness: f1823 a
Witness: fThomas a
Witness: f1831 a
Witness: fMS a


Reading Group: C08j_app57_rg1

Witness: fMS "man

Reading Group: C08j_app57_rg2

Witness: f1818 man
Witness: f1823 man
Witness: fThomas man
Witness: f1831 man


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of
Witness: f1823 of
Witness: fThomas of
Witness: f1831 of
Witness: fMS of


Reading Group: C08j_app59_rg1

Witness: fMS science

Reading Group: C08j_app59_rg2

Witness: f1818 science,
Witness: f1823 science,
Witness: fThomas science,
Witness: f1831 science,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and not merely
Witness: f1823 and not merely
Witness: fThomas and not merely
Witness: f1831 and not merely
Witness: fMS and not merely


Reading Group: C08j_app61_rg1

Witness: fMS "a pretty experimentalist

Reading Group: C08j_app61_rg2

Witness: f1818 a petty experimentalist,
Witness: f1823 a petty experimentalist,
Witness: fThomas a petty experimentalist,
Witness: f1831 a petty experimentalist,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I should
Witness: f1823 I should
Witness: fThomas I should
Witness: f1831 I should
Witness: fMS I should


Reading Group: C08j_app63_rg1

Witness: fMS "advicse

Reading Group: C08j_app63_rg2

Witness: f1818 advise
Witness: f1823 advise
Witness: fThomas advise
Witness: f1831 advise


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 you to apply to every
Witness: f1823 you to apply to every
Witness: fThomas you to apply to every
Witness: f1831 you to apply to every
Witness: fMS you to apply to every


Reading Group: C08j_app65_rg1

Witness: fMS "branch

Reading Group: C08j_app65_rg2

Witness: f1818 branch
Witness: f1823 branch
Witness: fThomas branch
Witness: f1831 branch


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of natural
Witness: f1823 of natural
Witness: fThomas of natural
Witness: f1831 of natural
Witness: fMS of natural


Reading Group: C08j_app67_rg1

Witness: fMS philosophy and "Mathematics." He then gave me the list I had requested and mentioned a few machines that I ought to procure and promising that when I should have He

Reading Group: C08j_app67_rg2

Witness: f1818 philosophy, including mathematics.”<p/><p/>He
Witness: f1823 philosophy, including mathematics.”<p/><p/>He
Witness: fThomas philosophy, including mathematics.”<p/><p/>He
Witness: f1831 philosophy, including mathematics.”<p/><p/>He


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 then took me into his
Witness: f1823 then took me into his
Witness: fThomas then took me into his
Witness: f1831 then took me into his
Witness: fMS then took me into his


Reading Group: C08j_app69_rg1

Witness: fMS workroomlaboratory

Reading Group: C08j_app69_rg2

Witness: f1818 laboratory,
Witness: f1823 laboratory,
Witness: fThomas laboratory,
Witness: f1831 laboratory,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fMS and


Reading Group: C08j_app71_rg1

Witness: fMS shewed and explain ed

Reading Group: C08j_app71_rg2

Witness: f1818 explained
Witness: f1823 explained
Witness: fThomas explained
Witness: f1831 explained


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to me the
Witness: f1823 to me the
Witness: fThomas to me the
Witness: f1831 to me the
Witness: fMS to me the


Reading Group: C08j_app73_rg1

Witness: fMS use

Reading Group: C08j_app73_rg2

Witness: f1818 uses
Witness: f1823 uses
Witness: fThomas uses
Witness: f1831 uses


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of his various
Witness: f1823 of his various
Witness: fThomas of his various
Witness: f1831 of his various
Witness: fMS of his various


Reading Group: C08j_app75_rg1

Witness: f1818 machines; instructing
Witness: f1823 machines; instructing
Witness: fThomas machines; instructing
Witness: f1831 machines; instructing

Reading Group: C08j_app75_rg2

Witness: fMS machinestel ling meinstructing


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 me as to what I
Witness: f1823 me as to what I
Witness: fThomas me as to what I
Witness: f1831 me as to what I
Witness: fMS me as to what I


Reading Group: C08j_app77_rg1

Witness: fMS shouldprocureought

Reading Group: C08j_app77_rg2

Witness: f1818 ought
Witness: f1823 ought
Witness: fThomas ought
Witness: f1831 ought


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to
Witness: f1823 to
Witness: fThomas to
Witness: f1831 to
Witness: fMS to


Reading Group: C08j_app79_rg1

Witness: f1818 procure,
Witness: f1823 procure,
Witness: fThomas procure,
Witness: f1831 procure,

Reading Group: C08j_app79_rg2

Witness: fMS procurefor my priva


Reading Group: C08j_app80_rg1

Witness: f1818 and promising me
Witness: f1823 and promising me
Witness: fThomas and promising me
Witness: f1831 and promising me

Reading Group: C08j_app80_rg2

Witness: fMS and promising me a lone


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the use of his
Witness: f1823 the use of his
Witness: fThomas the use of his
Witness: f1831 the use of his
Witness: fMS the use of his


Reading Group: C08j_app82_rg1

Witness: f1823 own
Witness: f1831 own
Witness: fMS own

Reading Group: C08j_app82_rg2

Witness: f1818 own,
Witness: fThomas own,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 when I should
Witness: f1823 when I should
Witness: fThomas when I should
Witness: f1831 when I should
Witness: fMS when I should


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 have advanced
Witness: f1823 have advanced
Witness: fThomas have advanced
Witness: f1831 have advanced
Witness: fMS have advanced


Reading Group: C08j_app85_rg1

Witness: f1818 far
Witness: f1823 far
Witness: fThomas far
Witness: f1831 far

Reading Group: C08j_app85_rg2

Witness: fMS fare


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 enough in
Witness: f1823 enough in
Witness: fThomas enough in
Witness: f1831 enough in
Witness: fMS enough in


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fMS the


Reading Group: C08j_app88_rg1

Witness: f1818 science
Witness: f1823 science
Witness: fThomas science
Witness: f1831 science

Reading Group: C08j_app88_rg2

Witness: fMS study


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 not to
Witness: f1823 not to
Witness: fThomas not to
Witness: f1831 not to
Witness: fMS not to


Reading Group: C08j_app90_rg1

Witness: fMS desder derange

Reading Group: C08j_app90_rg2

Witness: f1818 derange
Witness: f1823 derange
Witness: fThomas derange
Witness: f1831 derange


Reading Group: C08j_app91_rg1

Witness: f1818 their mechanism.
Witness: f1823 their mechanism.
Witness: fThomas their mechanism.
Witness: f1831 their mechanism.

Reading Group: C08j_app91_rg2

Witness: fMS themir.<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>mechanism.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 He also gave me the list of
Witness: f1823 He also gave me the list of
Witness: fThomas He also gave me the list of
Witness: f1831 He also gave me the list of
Witness: fMS He also gave me the list of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 books which I had
Witness: f1823 books which I had
Witness: fThomas books which I had
Witness: f1831 books which I had
Witness: fMS books which I had


Reading Group: C08j_app94_rg1

Witness: fMS requested

Reading Group: C08j_app94_rg2

Witness: f1818 requested;
Witness: f1823 requested;
Witness: fThomas requested;
Witness: f1831 requested;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fMS and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I took my
Witness: f1823 I took my
Witness: fThomas I took my
Witness: f1831 I took my
Witness: fMS I took my


Reading Group: C08j_app97_rg1

Witness: fMS leave. Thus

Reading Group: C08j_app97_rg2

Witness: f1818 leave.<p/><p/>Thus
Witness: f1823 leave.<p/><p/>Thus
Witness: fThomas leave.<p/><p/>Thus
Witness: f1831 leave.<p/><p/>Thus


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 ended a day memorable
Witness: f1823 ended a day memorable
Witness: fThomas ended a day memorable
Witness: f1831 ended a day memorable
Witness: fMS ended a day memorable


Reading Group: C08j_app99_rg1

Witness: fMS <del rend="strikethrough" sID="c56-0030__main__d2e6114"/>in a

Reading Group: C08j_app99_rg2

Witness: f1818 to
Witness: f1823 to
Witness: fThomas to
Witness: f1831 to


Reading Group: C08j_app100_rg1

Witness: f1818 me:
Witness: f1823 me:
Witness: fThomas me:

Reading Group: C08j_app100_rg2

Witness: f1831 me;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 it decided
Witness: f1823 it decided
Witness: fThomas it decided
Witness: f1831 it decided


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my
Witness: f1823 my
Witness: fThomas my
Witness: f1831 my
Witness: fMS my


Reading Group: C08j_app103_rg1

Witness: f1818 future
Witness: f1823 future
Witness: fThomas future
Witness: f1831 future

Reading Group: C08j_app103_rg2

Witness: fMS life<del/>to me for it decided my destiny.


Reading Group: C08j_app104_rg1

Witness: f1818 destiny.<p/>
Witness: f1823 destiny.<p/>
Witness: f1831 destiny.<p/>

Reading Group: C08j_app104_rg2

Witness: fThomas destiny.<p/><note/>If there were ever to be another edition of this book, I should re-write these two first chapters. The incidents are tame and ill-arranged—the language sometimes childish.—They are unworthy of the rest of the w booknarration.<note/>


Reading Group: C09_app1_rg1

Witness: fMS Chap. 5

Reading Group: C09_app1_rg2

Witness: f1818 <head/>CHAPTER
Witness: f1823 <head/>CHAPTER
Witness: fThomas <head/>CHAPTER
Witness: f1831 <head/>CHAPTER


Reading Group: C09_app2_rg1

Witness: f1818 III.<head/><p/>
Witness: fThomas III.<head/><p/>

Reading Group: C09_app2_rg2

Witness: f1823 III.<head/><p/>From

Reading Group: C09_app2_rg3

Witness: f1831 IV.<head/><p/>F<hi/>ROM<hi/>


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 F<hi/>ROM<hi/>
Witness: fThomas F<hi/>ROM<hi/>
Witness: fMS From


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 this day natural
Witness: f1823 this day natural
Witness: fThomas this day natural
Witness: f1831 this day natural
Witness: fMS this day natural


Reading Group: C09_app5_rg1

Witness: fMS philosophy

Reading Group: C09_app5_rg2

Witness: f1818 philosophy,
Witness: f1823 philosophy,
Witness: fThomas philosophy,
Witness: f1831 philosophy,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and particularly
Witness: f1823 and particularly
Witness: fThomas and particularly
Witness: f1831 and particularly
Witness: fMS and particularly


Reading Group: C09_app7_rg1

Witness: fMS chemistry

Reading Group: C09_app7_rg2

Witness: f1818 chemistry, in the most comprehensive sense of the term,
Witness: f1823 chemistry, in the most comprehensive sense of the term,
Witness: fThomas chemistry, in the most comprehensive sense of the term,
Witness: f1831 chemistry, in the most comprehensive sense of the term,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 became nearly my sole
Witness: f1823 became nearly my sole
Witness: fThomas became nearly my sole
Witness: f1831 became nearly my sole
Witness: fMS became <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>nearly my sole


Reading Group: C09_app9_rg1

Witness: fMS appli study.

Reading Group: C09_app9_rg2

Witness: f1818 occupation.
Witness: f1823 occupation.
Witness: fThomas occupation.
Witness: f1831 occupation.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I read with ardour
Witness: f1823 I read with ardour
Witness: fThomas I read with ardour
Witness: f1831 I read with ardour
Witness: fMS I read with ardour


Reading Group: C09_app11_rg1

Witness: fMS m those

Reading Group: C09_app11_rg2

Witness: f1818 those
Witness: f1823 those
Witness: fThomas those
Witness: f1831 those


Reading Group: C09_app12_rg1

Witness: fMS books

Reading Group: C09_app12_rg2

Witness: f1818 works,
Witness: f1823 works,
Witness: fThomas works,
Witness: f1831 works,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 so full of genius and
Witness: f1823 so full of genius and
Witness: fThomas so full of genius and
Witness: f1831 so full of genius and
Witness: fMS so full of genius and


Reading Group: C09_app14_rg1

Witness: fMS discrimination that have been written enquirers

Reading Group: C09_app14_rg2

Witness: f1818 discrimination, which modern inquirers have written
Witness: f1823 discrimination, which modern inquirers have written
Witness: fThomas discrimination, which modern inquirers have written
Witness: f1831 discrimination, which modern inquirers have written


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 on these subjects. I attended the lectures, and cultivated the
Witness: f1823 on these subjects. I attended the lectures, and cultivated the
Witness: fThomas on these subjects. I attended the lectures, and cultivated the
Witness: f1831 on these subjects. I attended the lectures, and cultivated the
Witness: fMS on these subjects. I attended the lectures, and cultivated the


Reading Group: C09_app16_rg1

Witness: fMS acquaintance

Reading Group: C09_app16_rg2

Witness: f1818 acquaintance,
Witness: f1823 acquaintance,
Witness: fThomas acquaintance,
Witness: f1831 acquaintance,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of the men
Witness: f1823 of the men
Witness: fThomas of the men
Witness: f1831 of the men
Witness: fMS of the men


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of science of the university; and I found
Witness: f1823 of science of the university; and I found
Witness: fThomas of science of the university; and I found
Witness: f1831 of science of the university; and I found
Witness: fMS of science of the university; and I found


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 even in
Witness: f1823 even in
Witness: fThomas even in
Witness: f1831 even in
Witness: fMS even in


Reading Group: C09_app20_rg1

Witness: f1818 M.
Witness: f1823 M.
Witness: fThomas M.
Witness: f1831 M.

Reading Group: C09_app20_rg2

Witness: fMS M<shi rend="underline"></shi>


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Krempe a great deal
Witness: f1823 Krempe a great deal
Witness: fThomas Krempe a great deal
Witness: f1831 Krempe a great deal
Witness: fMS Krempe a great deal


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of sound sense and real
Witness: f1823 of sound sense and real
Witness: fThomas of sound sense and real
Witness: f1831 of sound sense and real
Witness: fMS of sound sense & real


Reading Group: C09_app23_rg1

Witness: fMS information combined

Reading Group: C09_app23_rg2

Witness: f1818 information, combined,
Witness: f1823 information, combined,
Witness: fThomas information, combined,
Witness: f1831 information, combined,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 it is
Witness: f1823 it is
Witness: fThomas it is
Witness: f1831 it is
Witness: fMS it is


Reading Group: C09_app25_rg1

Witness: fMS true

Reading Group: C09_app25_rg2

Witness: f1818 true,
Witness: f1823 true,
Witness: fThomas true,
Witness: f1831 true,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 with a repulsive
Witness: f1823 with a repulsive
Witness: fThomas with a repulsive
Witness: f1831 with a repulsive
Witness: fMS with a repulsive


Reading Group: C09_app27_rg1

Witness: fMS phisiognomy

Reading Group: C09_app27_rg2

Witness: f1818 physiognomy
Witness: f1823 physiognomy
Witness: fThomas physiognomy
Witness: f1831 physiognomy


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and manners, but not on
Witness: f1823 and manners, but not on
Witness: fThomas and manners, but not on
Witness: f1831 and manners, but not on
Witness: fMS & manners, but not on


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that account the less valuable.
Witness: f1823 that account the less valuable.
Witness: fThomas that account the less valuable.
Witness: f1831 that account the less valuable.
Witness: fMS that account the less valuable.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 In M. Waldman I found a true friend.
Witness: f1823 In M. Waldman I found a true friend.
Witness: fThomas In M. Waldman I found a true friend.
Witness: f1831 In M. Waldman I found a true friend.
Witness: fMS In M. Waldman I found a true friend.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 His gentleness was never tinged by
Witness: f1823 His gentleness was never tinged by
Witness: fThomas His gentleness was never tinged by
Witness: f1831 His gentleness was never tinged by
Witness: fMS His gentleness was never tinged by


Reading Group: C09_app32_rg1

Witness: fMS dg dogmatism

Reading Group: C09_app32_rg2

Witness: f1818 dogmatism;
Witness: f1823 dogmatism;
Witness: fThomas dogmatism;
Witness: f1831 dogmatism;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and his instructions were
Witness: f1823 and his instructions were
Witness: fThomas and his instructions were
Witness: f1831 and his instructions were
Witness: fMS and his instructions were


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 given with an air of frankness and
Witness: f1823 given with an air of frankness and
Witness: fThomas given with an air of frankness and
Witness: f1831 given with an air of frankness and
Witness: fMS given with an air of frankness and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 good
Witness: f1823 good
Witness: fThomas good
Witness: f1831 good
Witness: fMS good


Reading Group: C09_app36_rg1

Witness: fMS nature

Reading Group: C09_app36_rg2

Witness: f1818 nature,
Witness: f1823 nature,
Witness: fThomas nature,
Witness: f1831 nature,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that banished every idea
Witness: f1823 that banished every idea
Witness: fThomas that banished every idea
Witness: f1831 that banished every idea
Witness: fMS that banished every idea


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of
Witness: f1823 of
Witness: fThomas of
Witness: f1831 of
Witness: fMS of


Reading Group: C09_app39_rg1

Witness: fMS pedantl pedantry.

Reading Group: C09_app39_rg2

Witness: f1818 pedantry.
Witness: f1823 pedantry.
Witness: fThomas pedantry.

Reading Group: C09_app39_rg3

Witness: f1831 pedantry. In a thousand ways he smoothed for me the path of knowledge, and made the most abstruse enquiries clear and facile to my apprehension. My application was at first fluctuating and uncertain; it gained strength as I proceeded,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 It
Witness: f1823 It
Witness: fThomas It
Witness: fMS It


Reading Group: C09_app41_rg1

Witness: fMS was perhaps

Reading Group: C09_app41_rg2

Witness: f1818 was, perhaps,
Witness: f1823 was, perhaps,
Witness: fThomas was, perhaps,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: fMS the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 amiable character of this man that
Witness: f1823 amiable character of this man that
Witness: fThomas amiable character of this man that
Witness: fMS amiable character of this man that


Reading Group: C09_app44_rg1

Witness: fMS enclined

Reading Group: C09_app44_rg2

Witness: f1818 inclined
Witness: f1823 inclined
Witness: fThomas inclined


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 me more to
Witness: f1823 me more to
Witness: fThomas me more to
Witness: fMS me more to


Reading Group: C09_app46_rg1

Witness: fMS the study of that

Reading Group: C09_app46_rg2

Witness: f1818 that
Witness: f1823 that
Witness: fThomas that


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 branch of
Witness: f1823 branch of
Witness: fThomas branch of
Witness: fMS branch of


Reading Group: C09_app48_rg1

Witness: fMS science<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>natural

Reading Group: C09_app48_rg2

Witness: f1818 natural
Witness: f1823 natural
Witness: fThomas natural


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 philosophy which
Witness: f1823 philosophy which
Witness: fThomas philosophy which
Witness: fMS philosophy which


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 he
Witness: f1823 he
Witness: fThomas he
Witness: fMS he


Reading Group: C09_app51_rg1

Witness: fMS professed

Reading Group: C09_app51_rg2

Witness: f1818 professed,
Witness: f1823 professed,
Witness: fThomas professed,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 than an intrinsic
Witness: f1823 than an intrinsic
Witness: fThomas than an intrinsic
Witness: fMS than an intrinsic


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 love
Witness: f1823 love
Witness: fThomas love
Witness: fMS love


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 for
Witness: f1823 for
Witness: fThomas for
Witness: fMS for


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: fMS the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 science itself. But this
Witness: f1823 science itself. But this
Witness: fThomas science itself. But this
Witness: fMS science itself. But this


Reading Group: C09_app57_rg1

Witness: fMS <metamark function="displacement" xml:id="c56-0031.03">X</metamark>circumstance<mdel/>was had state

Reading Group: C09_app57_rg2

Witness: f1818 state
Witness: f1823 state
Witness: fThomas state


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of
Witness: f1823 of
Witness: fThomas of
Witness: fMS of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 mind had
Witness: f1823 mind had
Witness: fThomas mind had
Witness: fMS mind had


Reading Group: C09_app60_rg1

Witness: f1818 place
Witness: f1823 place
Witness: fThomas place

Reading Group: C09_app60_rg2

Witness: fMS place <metamark function="displacement">X</metamark>was


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 only in
Witness: f1823 only in
Witness: fThomas only in
Witness: fMS only in


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: fMS the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 first steps towards
Witness: f1823 first steps towards
Witness: fThomas first steps towards
Witness: fMS first steps towards


Reading Group: C09_app64_rg1

Witness: f1818 knowledge:
Witness: f1823 knowledge:
Witness: fThomas knowledge:

Reading Group: C09_app64_rg2

Witness: fMS the knowledge;


Reading Group: C09_app65_rg1

Witness: f1818 the more fully I entered
Witness: f1823 the more fully I entered
Witness: fThomas the more fully I entered

Reading Group: C09_app65_rg2

Witness: fMS asthe more fully I entered more fully


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 into
Witness: f1823 into
Witness: fThomas into
Witness: fMS into


Reading Group: C09_app67_rg1

Witness: fMS thephilosophyscience

Reading Group: C09_app67_rg2

Witness: f1818 the science,
Witness: f1823 the science,
Witness: fThomas the science,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the more
Witness: f1823 the more
Witness: fThomas the more
Witness: fMS the more


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 exclusively
Witness: f1823 exclusively
Witness: fThomas exclusively


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: fMS I


Reading Group: C09_app71_rg1

Witness: fMS studied<mdel/> pursued

Reading Group: C09_app71_rg2

Witness: f1818 pursued
Witness: f1823 pursued
Witness: fThomas pursued


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 it for its own sake. That
Witness: f1823 it for its own sake. That
Witness: fThomas it for its own sake. That
Witness: fMS it for its own sake. That


Reading Group: C09_app73_rg1

Witness: fMS application

Reading Group: C09_app73_rg2

Witness: f1818 application,
Witness: f1823 application,
Witness: fThomas application,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 which at first had been a matter of
Witness: f1823 which at first had been a matter of
Witness: fThomas which at first had been a matter of
Witness: fMS which at first had been a matter of


Reading Group: C09_app75_rg1

Witness: fMS ch duty

Reading Group: C09_app75_rg2

Witness: f1818 duty
Witness: f1823 duty
Witness: fThomas duty


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fMS <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>&


Reading Group: C09_app77_rg1

Witness: f1818 resolution, now
Witness: f1823 resolution, now
Witness: fThomas resolution, now
Witness: fMS resolution, now

Reading Group: C09_app77_rg2

Witness: f1831 soon


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 became so ardent
Witness: f1823 became so ardent
Witness: fThomas became so ardent
Witness: f1831 became so ardent
Witness: fMS became so ardent


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fMS and


Reading Group: C09_app80_rg1

Witness: fMS eager

Reading Group: C09_app80_rg2

Witness: f1818 eager,
Witness: f1823 eager,
Witness: fThomas eager,
Witness: f1831 eager,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that the stars often
Witness: f1823 that the stars often
Witness: fThomas that the stars often
Witness: f1831 that the stars often
Witness: fMS that the stars often


Reading Group: C09_app82_rg1

Witness: fMS dissapeared <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>

Reading Group: C09_app82_rg2

Witness: f1818 disappeared
Witness: f1823 disappeared
Witness: fThomas disappeared
Witness: f1831 disappeared


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in the light of
Witness: f1823 in the light of
Witness: fThomas in the light of
Witness: f1831 in the light of
Witness: fMS in the light of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 morning
Witness: f1823 morning
Witness: fThomas morning
Witness: f1831 morning
Witness: fMS morning


Reading Group: C09_app85_rg1

Witness: fMS while

Reading Group: C09_app85_rg2

Witness: f1818 whilst
Witness: f1823 whilst
Witness: fThomas whilst
Witness: f1831 whilst


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I was yet
Witness: f1823 I was yet
Witness: fThomas I was yet
Witness: f1831 I was yet
Witness: fMS I was yet


Reading Group: C09_app87_rg1

Witness: fMS labouringengaged

Reading Group: C09_app87_rg2

Witness: f1818 engaged
Witness: f1823 engaged
Witness: fThomas engaged
Witness: f1831 engaged


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in my
Witness: f1823 in my
Witness: fThomas in my
Witness: f1831 in my
Witness: fMS in my


Reading Group: C09_app89_rg1

Witness: f1818 laboratory.<p/><p/>As
Witness: f1823 laboratory.<p/><p/>As
Witness: fThomas laboratory.<p/><p/>As
Witness: f1831 laboratory.<p/><p/>As

Reading Group: C09_app89_rg2

Witness: fMS labrotary. As


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I applied so closely, it may be
Witness: f1823 I applied so closely, it may be
Witness: fThomas I applied so closely, it may be
Witness: f1831 I applied so closely, it may be
Witness: fMS I applied so closely, it may be


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 easily conceived that
Witness: f1823 easily conceived that
Witness: fThomas easily conceived that
Witness: f1831 easily conceived that
Witness: fMS easily conceived that


Reading Group: C09_app92_rg1

Witness: f1818 I improved rapidly.
Witness: f1823 I improved rapidly.
Witness: fThomas I improved rapidly.
Witness: fMS I improved rapidly.

Reading Group: C09_app92_rg2

Witness: f1831 my progress was rapid.


Reading Group: C09_app93_rg1

Witness: fMS It My ardour was indeed the astonishment of the

Reading Group: C09_app93_rg2

Witness: f1818 My ardour was indeed the astonishment of the
Witness: f1823 My ardour was indeed the astonishment of the
Witness: fThomas My ardour was indeed the astonishment of the
Witness: f1831 My ardour was indeed the astonishment of the


Reading Group: C09_app94_rg1

Witness: f1831 students,
Witness: fMS students,

Reading Group: C09_app94_rg2

Witness: f1818 students;
Witness: f1823 students;
Witness: fThomas students;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and my
Witness: f1823 and my
Witness: fThomas and my
Witness: f1831 and my
Witness: fMS and my


Reading Group: C09_app96_rg1

Witness: f1831 proficiency
Witness: fMS proficiency

Reading Group: C09_app96_rg2

Witness: f1818 proficiency,
Witness: f1823 proficiency,
Witness: fThomas proficiency,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that of the
Witness: f1823 that of the
Witness: fThomas that of the
Witness: f1831 that of the
Witness: fMS that of the


Reading Group: C09_app98_rg1

Witness: fMS master. and

Reading Group: C09_app98_rg2

Witness: f1818 masters.
Witness: f1823 masters.
Witness: fThomas masters.
Witness: f1831 masters.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Professor Krempe
Witness: f1823 Professor Krempe
Witness: fThomas Professor Krempe
Witness: f1831 Professor Krempe
Witness: fMS Professor Krempe


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 often asked
Witness: f1823 often asked
Witness: fThomas often asked
Witness: f1831 often asked
Witness: fMS often asked


Reading Group: C09_app101_rg1

Witness: fMS me

Reading Group: C09_app101_rg2

Witness: f1818 me,
Witness: f1823 me,
Witness: fThomas me,
Witness: f1831 me,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 with a sly
Witness: f1823 with a sly
Witness: fThomas with a sly
Witness: f1831 with a sly
Witness: fMS with a sly


Reading Group: C09_app103_rg1

Witness: fMS smile

Reading Group: C09_app103_rg2

Witness: f1818 smile,
Witness: f1823 smile,
Witness: fThomas smile,
Witness: f1831 smile,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 how Cornelius Agrippa went
Witness: f1823 how Cornelius Agrippa went
Witness: fThomas how Cornelius Agrippa went
Witness: f1831 how Cornelius Agrippa went
Witness: fMS how Cornelius Agrippa went


Reading Group: C09_app105_rg1

Witness: fMS on;<metamark function="insert">^</metamark> while

Reading Group: C09_app105_rg2

Witness: f1818 on? whilst
Witness: f1823 on? whilst
Witness: fThomas on? whilst
Witness: f1831 on? whilst


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 M.
Witness: f1823 M.
Witness: fThomas M.
Witness: f1831 M.
Witness: fMS M.


Reading Group: C09_app107_rg1

Witness: fMS Waldham

Reading Group: C09_app107_rg2

Witness: f1818 Waldman
Witness: f1823 Waldman
Witness: fThomas Waldman
Witness: f1831 Waldman


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 expressed the most
Witness: f1823 expressed the most
Witness: fThomas expressed the most
Witness: f1831 expressed the most
Witness: fMS expressed the most


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 heartfelt exultation
Witness: f1823 heartfelt exultation
Witness: fThomas heartfelt exultation
Witness: f1831 heartfelt exultation
Witness: fMS heartfelt exultation


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in my progress. Two
Witness: f1823 in my progress. Two
Witness: fThomas in my progress. Two
Witness: f1831 in my progress. Two
Witness: fMS in my progress. Two


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 years passed in this
Witness: f1823 years passed in this
Witness: fThomas years passed in this
Witness: f1831 years passed in this
Witness: fMS years passed in this


Reading Group: C09_app112_rg1

Witness: fMS manner

Reading Group: C09_app112_rg2

Witness: f1818 manner,
Witness: f1823 manner,
Witness: fThomas manner,
Witness: f1831 manner,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 during
Witness: f1823 during
Witness: fThomas during
Witness: f1831 during
Witness: fMS during


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 which I paid no visit to Geneva, but
Witness: f1823 which I paid no visit to Geneva, but
Witness: fThomas which I paid no visit to Geneva, but
Witness: f1831 which I paid no visit to Geneva, but
Witness: fMS which I paid no visit to Geneva, but


Reading Group: C09_app115_rg1

Witness: fMS ws was

Reading Group: C09_app115_rg2

Witness: f1818 was
Witness: f1823 was
Witness: fThomas was
Witness: f1831 was


Reading Group: C09_app116_rg1

Witness: fMS engaged

Reading Group: C09_app116_rg2

Witness: f1818 engaged,
Witness: f1823 engaged,
Witness: fThomas engaged,
Witness: f1831 engaged,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 heart and
Witness: f1823 heart and
Witness: fThomas heart and
Witness: f1831 heart and
Witness: fMS heart and


Reading Group: C09_app118_rg1

Witness: fMS soul

Reading Group: C09_app118_rg2

Witness: f1818 soul,
Witness: f1823 soul,
Witness: fThomas soul,
Witness: f1831 soul,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in the
Witness: f1823 in the
Witness: fThomas in the
Witness: f1831 in the
Witness: fMS in the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 pursuit of some
Witness: f1823 pursuit of some
Witness: fThomas pursuit of some
Witness: f1831 pursuit of some
Witness: fMS pursuit of some


Reading Group: C09_app121_rg1

Witness: fMS discoveries

Reading Group: C09_app121_rg2

Witness: f1818 discoveries,
Witness: f1823 discoveries,
Witness: fThomas discoveries,
Witness: f1831 discoveries,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 which I
Witness: f1823 which I
Witness: fThomas which I
Witness: f1831 which I
Witness: fMS which I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 hoped to make.
Witness: f1823 hoped to make.
Witness: fThomas hoped to make.
Witness: f1831 hoped to make.
Witness: fMS hoped to make.


Reading Group: C09_app124_rg1

Witness: fMS No one None but those

Reading Group: C09_app124_rg2

Witness: f1818 None but those
Witness: f1823 None but those
Witness: fThomas None but those
Witness: f1831 None but those


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 who have experienced
Witness: f1823 who have experienced
Witness: fThomas who have experienced
Witness: f1831 who have experienced
Witness: fMS who have experienced


Reading Group: C09_app126_rg1

Witness: fMS it

Reading Group: C09_app126_rg2

Witness: f1818 them
Witness: f1823 them
Witness: fThomas them
Witness: f1831 them


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 can conceive
Witness: f1823 can conceive
Witness: fThomas can conceive
Witness: f1831 can conceive
Witness: fMS can conceive


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of the enticements of
Witness: f1823 of the enticements of
Witness: fThomas of the enticements of
Witness: f1831 of the enticements of
Witness: fMS of the enticements of


Reading Group: C09_app129_rg1

Witness: f1818 science.
Witness: f1823 science.
Witness: fThomas science.
Witness: f1831 science.

Reading Group: C09_app129_rg2

Witness: fMS science–especially


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 In
Witness: f1823 In
Witness: fThomas In
Witness: f1831 In
Witness: fMS In


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 other studies you go as far as others have gone before
Witness: f1823 other studies you go as far as others have gone before
Witness: fThomas other studies you go as far as others have gone before
Witness: f1831 other studies you go as far as others have gone before
Witness: fMS other studies you go as far as others have dgone before


Reading Group: C09_app132_rg1

Witness: fMS you

Reading Group: C09_app132_rg2

Witness: f1818 you,
Witness: f1823 you,
Witness: fThomas you,
Witness: f1831 you,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and there is nothing
Witness: f1823 and there is nothing
Witness: fThomas and there is nothing
Witness: f1831 and there is nothing
Witness: fMS and there is nothing


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 more to
Witness: f1823 more to
Witness: fThomas more to
Witness: f1831 more to
Witness: fMS more to


Reading Group: C09_app135_rg1

Witness: fMS learn,know, learn,

Reading Group: C09_app135_rg2

Witness: f1818 know;
Witness: f1823 know;
Witness: fThomas know;
Witness: f1831 know;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but in a scientific
Witness: f1823 but in a scientific
Witness: fThomas but in a scientific
Witness: f1831 but in a scientific
Witness: fMS but in a scientific


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 pursuit
Witness: f1823 pursuit
Witness: fThomas pursuit
Witness: f1831 pursuit
Witness: fMS pursuit


Reading Group: C09_app138_rg1

Witness: fMS their there is continual

Reading Group: C09_app138_rg2

Witness: f1818 there is continual
Witness: f1823 there is continual
Witness: fThomas there is continual
Witness: f1831 there is continual


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 food for discovery and wonder. A mind
Witness: f1823 food for discovery and wonder. A mind
Witness: fThomas food for discovery and wonder. A mind
Witness: f1831 food for discovery and wonder. A mind
Witness: fMS food for discovery and wonder. A mind


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of
Witness: f1823 of
Witness: fThomas of
Witness: f1831 of
Witness: fMS of


Reading Group: C09_app141_rg1

Witness: fMS even moderate

Reading Group: C09_app141_rg2

Witness: f1818 moderate
Witness: f1823 moderate
Witness: fThomas moderate
Witness: f1831 moderate


Reading Group: C09_app142_rg1

Witness: fMS capacity who

Reading Group: C09_app142_rg2

Witness: f1818 capacity, which
Witness: f1823 capacity, which
Witness: fThomas capacity, which
Witness: f1831 capacity, which


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 closely pursues
Witness: f1823 closely pursues
Witness: fThomas closely pursues
Witness: f1831 closely pursues
Witness: fMS closely pursues


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 one
Witness: f1823 one
Witness: fThomas one
Witness: f1831 one
Witness: fMS one


Reading Group: C09_app145_rg1

Witness: fMS study

Reading Group: C09_app145_rg2

Witness: f1818 study,
Witness: f1823 study,
Witness: fThomas study,
Witness: f1831 study,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 must infallibly arrive at
Witness: f1823 must infallibly arrive at
Witness: fThomas must infallibly arrive at
Witness: f1831 must infallibly arrive at
Witness: fMS must infallibly arrive at


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 great proficiency in that
Witness: f1823 great proficiency in that
Witness: fThomas great proficiency in that
Witness: f1831 great proficiency in that
Witness: fMS great proficiency in theat


Reading Group: C09_app148_rg1

Witness: f1818 study; and I,
Witness: f1823 study; and I,
Witness: fThomas study; and I,
Witness: f1831 study; and I,

Reading Group: C09_app148_rg2

Witness: fMS study—And I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 who
Witness: f1823 who
Witness: fThomas who
Witness: f1831 who
Witness: fMS who


Reading Group: C09_app150_rg1

Witness: fMS was continually

Reading Group: C09_app150_rg2

Witness: f1818 continually
Witness: f1823 continually
Witness: fThomas continually
Witness: f1831 continually


Reading Group: C09_app151_rg1

Witness: fMS applied tosought

Reading Group: C09_app151_rg2

Witness: f1818 sought
Witness: f1823 sought
Witness: fThomas sought
Witness: f1831 sought


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the attainment of one
Witness: f1823 the attainment of one
Witness: fThomas the attainment of one
Witness: f1831 the attainment of one
Witness: fMS the attainment of one


Reading Group: C09_app153_rg1

Witness: fMS thingobject pursuit

Reading Group: C09_app153_rg2

Witness: f1818 object of pursuit,
Witness: f1823 object of pursuit,
Witness: fThomas object of pursuit,
Witness: f1831 object of pursuit,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and was
Witness: f1823 and was
Witness: fThomas and was
Witness: f1831 and was
Witness: fMS and was


Reading Group: C09_app155_rg1

Witness: f1818 solely wrapt up
Witness: f1823 solely wrapt up
Witness: fThomas solely wrapt up
Witness: f1831 solely wrapt up

Reading Group: C09_app155_rg2

Witness: fMS wra<mdel/>pt up as I was


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in
Witness: f1823 in
Witness: fThomas in
Witness: f1831 in
Witness: fMS in


Reading Group: C09_app157_rg1

Witness: fMS this soleI

Reading Group: C09_app157_rg2

Witness: f1818 this,
Witness: f1823 this,
Witness: fThomas this,
Witness: f1831 this,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 improved so
Witness: f1823 improved so
Witness: fThomas improved so
Witness: f1831 improved so
Witness: fMS improved so


Reading Group: C09_app159_rg1

Witness: fMS rapidly that

Reading Group: C09_app159_rg2

Witness: f1818 rapidly, that,
Witness: f1823 rapidly, that,
Witness: fThomas rapidly, that,
Witness: f1831 rapidly, that,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 at the end
Witness: f1823 at the end
Witness: fThomas at the end
Witness: f1831 at the end
Witness: fMS at the end


Reading Group: C09_app161_rg1

Witness: fMS of the

Reading Group: C09_app161_rg2

Witness: f1818 of
Witness: f1823 of
Witness: fThomas of
Witness: f1831 of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 two
Witness: f1823 two
Witness: fThomas two
Witness: f1831 two
Witness: fMS two


Reading Group: C09_app163_rg1

Witness: fMS years

Reading Group: C09_app163_rg2

Witness: f1818 years,
Witness: f1823 years,
Witness: fThomas years,
Witness: f1831 years,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I made
Witness: f1823 I made
Witness: fThomas I made
Witness: f1831 I made
Witness: fMS I made


Reading Group: C09_app165_rg1

Witness: fMS one or twosometrifling

Reading Group: C09_app165_rg2

Witness: f1818 some
Witness: f1823 some
Witness: fThomas some
Witness: f1831 some


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 discoveries in the improvement
Witness: f1823 discoveries in the improvement
Witness: fThomas discoveries in the improvement
Witness: f1831 discoveries in the improvement
Witness: fMS discoveries in the improvement


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of some chemical
Witness: f1823 of some chemical
Witness: fThomas of some chemical
Witness: f1831 of some chemical
Witness: fMS of some chemical


Reading Group: C09_app168_rg1

Witness: fMS machinesinstruments

Reading Group: C09_app168_rg2

Witness: f1818 instruments,
Witness: f1823 instruments,
Witness: fThomas instruments,
Witness: f1831 instruments,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 which procured me great esteem and admiration
Witness: f1823 which procured me great esteem and admiration
Witness: fThomas which procured me great esteem and admiration
Witness: f1831 which procured me great esteem and admiration
Witness: fMS which procured me great esteem and admiration


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 at the university. When I
Witness: f1823 at the university. When I
Witness: fThomas at the university. When I
Witness: f1831 at the university. When I
Witness: fMS at the university. When I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 had
Witness: f1823 had
Witness: fThomas had
Witness: f1831 had


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 arrived at
Witness: f1823 arrived at
Witness: fThomas arrived at
Witness: f1831 arrived at
Witness: fMS arrived at


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 this point,
Witness: f1823 this point,
Witness: fThomas this point,
Witness: f1831 this point,
Witness: fMS this <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>point,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and had
Witness: f1823 and had
Witness: fThomas and had
Witness: f1831 and had
Witness: fMS and havdng


Reading Group: C09_app175_rg1

Witness: f1818 become as well acquainted with
Witness: f1823 become as well acquainted with
Witness: fThomas become as well acquainted with
Witness: f1831 become as well acquainted with

Reading Group: C09_app175_rg2

Witness: fMS learned all


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fMS the


Reading Group: C09_app177_rg1

Witness: fMS professors at Ingolstadt were qualified to teachthat m<mdel/>y residence at Ingolstadt wasthere

Reading Group: C09_app177_rg2

Witness: f1818 theory and practice of natural philosophy as depended on the lessons of any of the professors at Ingolstadt, my residence there
Witness: f1823 theory and practice of natural philosophy as depended on the lessons of any of the professors at Ingolstadt, my residence there
Witness: fThomas theory and practice of natural philosophy as depended on the lessons of any of the professors at Ingolstadt, my residence there
Witness: f1831 theory and practice of natural philosophy as depended on the lessons of any of the professors at Ingolstadt, my residence there


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 being no longer conducive to
Witness: f1823 being no longer conducive to
Witness: fThomas being no longer conducive to
Witness: f1831 being no longer conducive to
Witness: fMS being no longer conducive to


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my
Witness: f1823 my
Witness: fThomas my
Witness: f1831 my
Witness: fMS my


Reading Group: C09_app180_rg1

Witness: fMS improvement,

Reading Group: C09_app180_rg2

Witness: f1818 improvements,
Witness: f1823 improvements,
Witness: fThomas improvements,
Witness: f1831 improvements,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I thought of returning
Witness: f1823 I thought of returning
Witness: fThomas I thought of returning
Witness: f1831 I thought of returning
Witness: fMS I thought of returning


Reading Group: C09_app182_rg1

Witness: fMS to my friends and to

Reading Group: C09_app182_rg2

Witness: f1818 to my friends and
Witness: f1823 to my friends and
Witness: fThomas to my friends and
Witness: f1831 to my friends and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my native town,
Witness: f1823 my native town,
Witness: fThomas my native town,
Witness: f1831 my native town,
Witness: fMS my native town,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 when an incident happened that
Witness: f1823 when an incident happened that
Witness: fThomas when an incident happened that
Witness: f1831 when an incident happened that
Witness: fMS when an incident happened that


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 protracted my
Witness: f1823 protracted my
Witness: fThomas protracted my
Witness: f1831 protracted my
Witness: fMS protracted my


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS stay. One of
Witness: f1818 stay.<p/><p/>One of
Witness: f1823 stay.<p/><p/>One of
Witness: fThomas stay.<p/><p/>One of
Witness: f1831 stay.<p/><p/>One of


Reading Group: C09_app187_rg1

Witness: fMS those phænonoma

Reading Group: C09_app187_rg2

Witness: f1818 the phænomena
Witness: fThomas the phænomena

Reading Group: C09_app187_rg3

Witness: f1823 the phenomena
Witness: f1831 the phenomena


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 which
Witness: f1823 which
Witness: fThomas which
Witness: f1831 which
Witness: fMS which


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 had
Witness: f1823 had
Witness: fThomas had
Witness: f1831 had
Witness: fMS had


Reading Group: C09_app190_rg1

Witness: fMS mo<mdel>re</mdel>st peculiarly attracted my attention was the structure of the human

Reading Group: C09_app190_rg2

Witness: f1818 peculiarly attracted my attention was the structure of the human
Witness: f1823 peculiarly attracted my attention was the structure of the human
Witness: fThomas peculiarly attracted my attention was the structure of the human
Witness: f1831 peculiarly attracted my attention was the structure of the human


Reading Group: C09_app191_rg1

Witness: fMS frame; and indeed that of

Reading Group: C09_app191_rg2

Witness: f1818 frame, and, indeed,
Witness: f1823 frame, and, indeed,
Witness: fThomas frame, and, indeed,
Witness: f1831 frame, and, indeed,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 any animal
Witness: f1823 any animal
Witness: fThomas any animal
Witness: f1831 any animal
Witness: fMS any animal


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 endued with life.
Witness: f1823 endued with life.
Witness: fThomas endued with life.
Witness: f1831 endued with life.
Witness: fMS endued with life.


Reading Group: C09_app194_rg1

Witness: fMS Whence

Reading Group: C09_app194_rg2

Witness: f1818 Whence,
Witness: f1823 Whence,
Witness: fThomas Whence,
Witness: f1831 Whence,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I often asked
Witness: f1823 I often asked
Witness: fThomas I often asked
Witness: f1831 I often asked
Witness: fMS I often asked


Reading Group: C09_app196_rg1

Witness: fMS myself

Reading Group: C09_app196_rg2

Witness: f1818 myself,
Witness: f1823 myself,
Witness: fThomas myself,
Witness: f1831 myself,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 did
Witness: f1823 did
Witness: fThomas did
Witness: f1831 did
Witness: fMS did


Reading Group: C09_app198_rg1

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: f1831 the

Reading Group: C09_app198_rg2

Witness: fMS this


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 principle of life
Witness: f1823 principle of life
Witness: fThomas principle of life
Witness: f1831 principle of life
Witness: fMS principle of life


Reading Group: C09_app200_rg1

Witness: fMS proceed.

Reading Group: C09_app200_rg2

Witness: f1818 proceed?
Witness: f1823 proceed?
Witness: fThomas proceed?
Witness: f1831 proceed?


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 It was a bold question, and one
Witness: f1823 It was a bold question, and one
Witness: fThomas It was a bold question, and one
Witness: f1831 It was a bold question, and one
Witness: fMS It was a bold question, and one


Reading Group: C09_app202_rg1

Witness: fMS thatwhich

Reading Group: C09_app202_rg2

Witness: f1818 which
Witness: f1823 which
Witness: fThomas which
Witness: f1831 which


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 has ever been considered as a
Witness: f1823 has ever been considered as a
Witness: fThomas has ever been considered as a
Witness: f1831 has ever been considered as a
Witness: fMS has ever been considered as a


Reading Group: C09_app204_rg1

Witness: fMS mystery.

Reading Group: C09_app204_rg2

Witness: f1818 mystery;
Witness: f1823 mystery;
Witness: fThomas mystery;
Witness: f1831 mystery;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 yet
Witness: f1823 yet
Witness: fThomas yet
Witness: f1831 yet
Witness: fMS Yet


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 with
Witness: f1823 with
Witness: fThomas with
Witness: f1831 with


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 how many things are we
Witness: f1823 how many things are we
Witness: fThomas how many things are we
Witness: f1831 how many things are we
Witness: fMS how many things are we


Reading Group: C09_app208_rg1

Witness: fMS on

Reading Group: C09_app208_rg2

Witness: f1818 upon
Witness: f1823 upon
Witness: fThomas upon
Witness: f1831 upon


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fMS the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 brink of becoming
Witness: f1823 brink of becoming
Witness: fThomas brink of becoming
Witness: f1831 brink of becoming
Witness: fMS brink of becoming


Reading Group: C09_app211_rg1

Witness: fMS acquainted with

Reading Group: C09_app211_rg2

Witness: f1818 acquainted,
Witness: f1823 acquainted,
Witness: fThomas acquainted,
Witness: f1831 acquainted,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 if cowardice or carelessness did
Witness: f1823 if cowardice or carelessness did
Witness: fThomas if cowardice or carelessness did
Witness: f1831 if cowardice or carelessness did
Witness: fMS if cowardice or carelessness did


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 not restrain our
Witness: f1823 not restrain our
Witness: fThomas not restrain our
Witness: f1831 not restrain our
Witness: fMS not restrain usour


Reading Group: C09_app214_rg1

Witness: f1831 enquiries.

Reading Group: C09_app214_rg2

Witness: fMS enquiries?.

Reading Group: C09_app214_rg3

Witness: f1818 inquiries.
Witness: f1823 inquiries.
Witness: fThomas inquiries.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I revolved these circumstances in my
Witness: f1823 I revolved these circumstances in my
Witness: fThomas I revolved these circumstances in my
Witness: f1831 I revolved these circumstances in my
Witness: fMS I revolved these circumstances in my


Reading Group: C09_app216_rg1

Witness: fMS mind

Reading Group: C09_app216_rg2

Witness: f1818 mind,
Witness: f1823 mind,
Witness: fThomas mind,
Witness: f1831 mind,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and determined
Witness: f1823 and determined
Witness: fThomas and determined
Witness: f1831 and determined
Witness: fMS and determined


Reading Group: C09_app218_rg1

Witness: fMS from thenceforth to apply myself more

Reading Group: C09_app218_rg2

Witness: f1818 thenceforth to apply myself more
Witness: f1823 thenceforth to apply myself more
Witness: fThomas thenceforth to apply myself more
Witness: f1831 thenceforth to apply myself more


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 particularly to those branches of natural
Witness: f1823 particularly to those branches of natural
Witness: fThomas particularly to those branches of natural
Witness: f1831 particularly to those branches of natural
Witness: fMS particularly to thatose branches of natural


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 philosophy which
Witness: f1823 philosophy which
Witness: fThomas philosophy which
Witness: f1831 philosophy which
Witness: fMS philosophy which


Reading Group: C09_app221_rg1

Witness: f1818 relate to physiology.
Witness: f1823 relate to physiology.
Witness: f1831 relate to physiology.

Reading Group: C09_app221_rg2

Witness: fMS treatsof relate to phisiology.

Reading Group: C09_app221_rg3

Witness: fThomas relate to physiology. The event of these enquiries interested my understanding, I may say my imagination, until I was exalted to a kind of transport. And indeed


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Unless I had been animated by an almost supernatural enthusiasm, my
Witness: f1823 Unless I had been animated by an almost supernatural enthusiasm, my
Witness: fThomas Unless I had been animated by an almost supernatural enthusiasm, my
Witness: f1831 Unless I had been animated by an almost supernatural enthusiasm, my
Witness: fMS Unless I had been animated by an almost supernatural enthusiasm, my


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 application to this study would have
Witness: f1823 application to this study would have
Witness: fThomas application to this study would have
Witness: f1831 application to this study would have
Witness: fMS application to this study would have


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 been
Witness: f1823 been
Witness: fThomas been
Witness: f1831 been
Witness: fMS been


Reading Group: C09_app225_rg1

Witness: fMS irksome

Reading Group: C09_app225_rg2

Witness: f1818 irksome,
Witness: f1823 irksome,
Witness: fThomas irksome,
Witness: f1831 irksome,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and almost intolerable.
Witness: f1823 and almost intolerable.
Witness: fThomas and almost intolerable.
Witness: f1831 and almost intolerable.
Witness: fMS and almost intolerable.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 To examine the causes of
Witness: f1823 To examine the causes of
Witness: fThomas To examine the causes of
Witness: f1831 To examine the causes of
Witness: fMS To examine the causes of


Reading Group: C09_app228_rg1

Witness: fMS life de

Reading Group: C09_app228_rg2

Witness: f1818 life,
Witness: f1823 life,
Witness: fThomas life,
Witness: f1831 life,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 we must
Witness: f1823 we must
Witness: fThomas we must
Witness: f1831 we must
Witness: fMS we must


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 first have
Witness: f1823 first have
Witness: fThomas first have
Witness: f1831 first have
Witness: fMS first have


Reading Group: C09_app231_rg1

Witness: fMS recou recourse to death.

Reading Group: C09_app231_rg2

Witness: f1818 recourse to death.
Witness: f1823 recourse to death.
Witness: fThomas recourse to death.
Witness: f1831 recourse to death.


Reading Group: C09_app232_rg1

Witness: fMS No is ano anatomy I became acquainted with the science of anatomy

Reading Group: C09_app232_rg2

Witness: f1818 I became acquainted with the science of anatomy:
Witness: f1823 I became acquainted with the science of anatomy:
Witness: fThomas I became acquainted with the science of anatomy:
Witness: f1831 I became acquainted with the science of anatomy:


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but this
Witness: f1823 but this
Witness: fThomas but this
Witness: f1831 but this
Witness: fMS but this


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was not
Witness: f1823 was not
Witness: fThomas was not
Witness: f1831 was not
Witness: fMS was not


Reading Group: C09_app235_rg1

Witness: fMS sufficient.

Reading Group: C09_app235_rg2

Witness: f1818 sufficient;
Witness: f1823 sufficient;
Witness: fThomas sufficient;
Witness: f1831 sufficient;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I must also observe
Witness: f1823 I must also observe
Witness: fThomas I must also observe
Witness: f1831 I must also observe
Witness: fMS I must also observe


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the natural decay and corruption of the
Witness: f1823 the natural decay and corruption of the
Witness: fThomas the natural decay and corruption of the
Witness: f1831 the natural decay and corruption of the
Witness: fMS the natural decay & corruption of the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 human body. In my education my father had taken the greatest
Witness: f1823 human body. In my education my father had taken the greatest
Witness: fThomas human body. In my education my father had taken the greatest
Witness: f1831 human body. In my education my father had taken the greatest
Witness: fMS human body. In my education my father had taken the greatest


Reading Group: C09_app239_rg1

Witness: fMS precautions that my mind should not

Reading Group: C09_app239_rg2

Witness: f1818 precautions that my mind should
Witness: f1823 precautions that my mind should
Witness: fThomas precautions that my mind should
Witness: f1831 precautions that my mind should


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 be impressed
Witness: f1823 be impressed
Witness: fThomas be impressed
Witness: f1831 be impressed
Witness: fMS be impressed


Reading Group: C09_app241_rg1

Witness: fMS by ^no

Reading Group: C09_app241_rg2

Witness: f1818 with no
Witness: f1823 with no
Witness: fThomas with no
Witness: f1831 with no


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 supernatural
Witness: f1823 supernatural
Witness: fThomas supernatural
Witness: f1831 supernatural
Witness: fMS supernatural


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 horrors. I do not ever remember
Witness: f1823 horrors. I do not ever remember
Witness: fThomas horrors. I do not ever remember
Witness: f1831 horrors. I do not ever remember
Witness: fMS horrors. I do not ever remember


Reading Group: C09_app244_rg1

Witness: fMS having

Reading Group: C09_app244_rg2

Witness: f1818 to have
Witness: f1823 to have
Witness: fThomas to have
Witness: f1831 to have


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 trembled at
Witness: f1823 trembled at
Witness: fThomas trembled at
Witness: f1831 trembled at
Witness: fMS trembled at


Reading Group: C09_app246_rg1

Witness: fMS a ghost storytale

Reading Group: C09_app246_rg2

Witness: f1818 a tale
Witness: f1823 a tale
Witness: fThomas a tale
Witness: f1831 a tale


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of
Witness: f1823 of
Witness: fThomas of
Witness: f1831 of
Witness: fMS of


Reading Group: C09_app248_rg1

Witness: fMS superstition

Reading Group: C09_app248_rg2

Witness: f1818 superstition,
Witness: f1823 superstition,
Witness: fThomas superstition,
Witness: f1831 superstition,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 or
Witness: f1823 or
Witness: fThomas or
Witness: f1831 or
Witness: fMS or


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to have feared the apparition of a
Witness: f1823 to have feared the apparition of a
Witness: fThomas to have feared the apparition of a
Witness: f1831 to have feared the apparition of a
Witness: fMS to have feared the apparition of a


Reading Group: C09_app251_rg1

Witness: fMS spirit Ligh

Reading Group: C09_app251_rg2

Witness: f1818 spirit.
Witness: f1823 spirit.
Witness: fThomas spirit.
Witness: f1831 spirit.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Darkness had no effect upon my
Witness: f1823 Darkness had no effect upon my
Witness: fThomas Darkness had no effect upon my
Witness: f1831 Darkness had no effect upon my
Witness: fMS Darkness had no effect upon my


Reading Group: C09_app253_rg1

Witness: fMS fancy

Reading Group: C09_app253_rg2

Witness: f1818 fancy;
Witness: f1823 fancy;
Witness: fThomas fancy;
Witness: f1831 fancy;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and a
Witness: f1823 and a
Witness: fThomas and a
Witness: f1831 and a
Witness: fMS and a


Reading Group: C09_app255_rg1

Witness: f1818 church-yard
Witness: fThomas church-yard

Reading Group: C09_app255_rg2

Witness: f1823 churchyard
Witness: f1831 churchyard
Witness: fMS churchyard


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was to
Witness: f1823 was to
Witness: fThomas was to
Witness: f1831 was to
Witness: fMS was to


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 me merely
Witness: f1823 me merely
Witness: fThomas me merely
Witness: f1831 me merely
Witness: fMS me merely


Reading Group: C09_app258_rg1

Witness: fMS ^as the receptacle of

Reading Group: C09_app258_rg2

Witness: f1818 the receptacle of
Witness: f1823 the receptacle of
Witness: fThomas the receptacle of
Witness: f1831 the receptacle of


Reading Group: C09_app259_rg1

Witness: fMS rotten b bodies deprived of

Reading Group: C09_app259_rg2

Witness: f1818 bodies deprived of
Witness: f1823 bodies deprived of
Witness: fThomas bodies deprived of
Witness: f1831 bodies deprived of


Reading Group: C09_app260_rg1

Witness: fMS life and becomingwhich

Reading Group: C09_app260_rg2

Witness: f1818 life, which,
Witness: f1823 life, which,
Witness: fThomas life, which,
Witness: f1831 life, which,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 from being the seat of beauty and
Witness: f1823 from being the seat of beauty and
Witness: fThomas from being the seat of beauty and
Witness: f1831 from being the seat of beauty and
Witness: fMS from being the seat of beauty &


Reading Group: C09_app262_rg1

Witness: fMS strength ^become

Reading Group: C09_app262_rg2

Witness: f1818 strength, had become
Witness: f1823 strength, had become
Witness: fThomas strength, had become
Witness: f1831 strength, had become


Reading Group: C09_app263_rg1

Witness: f1818 food for the worm.
Witness: f1823 food for the worm.
Witness: fThomas food for the worm.
Witness: f1831 food for the worm.

Reading Group: C09_app263_rg2

Witness: fMS food for the worm. ButI A loathsomecBut


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Now I was
Witness: f1823 Now I was
Witness: fThomas Now I was
Witness: f1831 Now I was
Witness: fMS now I was


Reading Group: C09_app265_rg1

Witness: fMS obligedled

Reading Group: C09_app265_rg2

Witness: f1818 led
Witness: f1823 led
Witness: fThomas led
Witness: f1831 led


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to examine the
Witness: f1823 to examine the
Witness: fThomas to examine the
Witness: f1831 to examine the
Witness: fMS to examine the


Reading Group: C09_app267_rg1

Witness: fMS causecause&

Reading Group: C09_app267_rg2

Witness: f1818 cause and
Witness: f1823 cause and
Witness: fThomas cause and
Witness: f1831 cause and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 progress
Witness: f1823 progress
Witness: fThomas progress
Witness: f1831 progress
Witness: fMS progress


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of this
Witness: f1823 of this
Witness: fThomas of this
Witness: f1831 of this
Witness: fMS of this


Reading Group: C09_app270_rg1

Witness: fMS decay

Reading Group: C09_app270_rg2

Witness: f1818 decay,
Witness: f1823 decay,
Witness: fThomas decay,
Witness: f1831 decay,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and forced to spend days
Witness: f1823 and forced to spend days
Witness: fThomas and forced to spend days
Witness: f1831 and forced to spend days
Witness: fMS and forced to spend days


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and nights in vaults and
Witness: f1823 and nights in vaults and
Witness: fThomas and nights in vaults and
Witness: f1831 and nights in vaults and
Witness: fMS and nights in vaults and


Reading Group: C09_app273_rg1

Witness: f1818 charnel
Witness: fThomas charnel
Witness: fMS Charnel

Reading Group: C09_app273_rg2

Witness: f1823 charnel-houses.
Witness: f1831 charnel-houses.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 houses.
Witness: fThomas houses.
Witness: fMS houses.


Reading Group: C09_app275_rg1

Witness: fMS I was obliged My attention was

Reading Group: C09_app275_rg2

Witness: f1818 My attention was
Witness: f1823 My attention was
Witness: fThomas My attention was
Witness: f1831 My attention was


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 fixed upon every
Witness: f1823 fixed upon every
Witness: fThomas fixed upon every
Witness: f1831 fixed upon every
Witness: fMS fixed upon every


Reading Group: C09_app277_rg1

Witness: fMS horror of whichobject calculated tothe

Reading Group: C09_app277_rg2

Witness: f1818 object the
Witness: f1823 object the
Witness: fThomas object the
Witness: f1831 object the


Reading Group: C09_app278_rg1

Witness: fMS most insupportable to the delicacy of the human feelings. are susceptable

Reading Group: C09_app278_rg2

Witness: f1818 most insupportable to the delicacy of the human feelings.
Witness: f1823 most insupportable to the delicacy of the human feelings.
Witness: fThomas most insupportable to the delicacy of the human feelings.
Witness: f1831 most insupportable to the delicacy of the human feelings.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I saw how the fine form of
Witness: f1823 I saw how the fine form of
Witness: fThomas I saw how the fine form of
Witness: f1831 I saw how the fine form of
Witness: fMS I saw how the fine form of


Reading Group: C09_app280_rg1

Witness: fMS a man

Reading Group: C09_app280_rg2

Witness: f1818 man
Witness: f1823 man
Witness: fThomas man
Witness: f1831 man


Reading Group: C09_app281_rg1

Witness: fMS wasbecamewas

Reading Group: C09_app281_rg2

Witness: f1818 was
Witness: f1823 was
Witness: fThomas was
Witness: f1831 was


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 degraded and
Witness: f1823 degraded and
Witness: fThomas degraded and
Witness: f1831 degraded and
Witness: fMS degraded and


Reading Group: C09_app283_rg1

Witness: fMS wasted.

Reading Group: C09_app283_rg2

Witness: f1818 wasted;
Witness: f1823 wasted;
Witness: fThomas wasted;
Witness: f1831 wasted;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I beheld the
Witness: f1823 I beheld the
Witness: fThomas I beheld the
Witness: f1831 I beheld the
Witness: fMS I beheld the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 corruption of death succeed to the blooming cheek of
Witness: f1823 corruption of death succeed to the blooming cheek of
Witness: fThomas corruption of death succeed to the blooming cheek of
Witness: f1831 corruption of death succeed to the blooming cheek of
Witness: fMS corruption of death succeed to the blooming cheek of


Reading Group: C09_app286_rg1

Witness: fMS life –

Reading Group: C09_app286_rg2

Witness: f1818 life;
Witness: f1823 life;
Witness: fThomas life;
Witness: f1831 life;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I saw how the
Witness: f1823 I saw how the
Witness: fThomas I saw how the
Witness: f1831 I saw how the
Witness: fMS I saw how the


Reading Group: C09_app288_rg1

Witness: f1818 worm inherited
Witness: f1823 worm inherited
Witness: fThomas worm inherited
Witness: f1831 worm inherited

Reading Group: C09_app288_rg2

Witness: fMS wormsucceeded toinherited


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the wonders of the eye and
Witness: f1823 the wonders of the eye and
Witness: fThomas the wonders of the eye and
Witness: f1831 the wonders of the eye and
Witness: fMS the wonders of the eye and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 brain. I paused, examining and
Witness: f1823 brain. I paused, examining and
Witness: fThomas brain. I paused, examining and
Witness: f1831 brain. I paused, examining and
Witness: fMS brain. I paused, examineding and


Reading Group: C09_app291_rg1

Witness: fMS analyzedyzingeveryminutiæ of causation

Reading Group: C09_app291_rg2

Witness: f1818 analysing
Witness: f1823 analysing
Witness: fThomas analysing
Witness: f1831 analysing


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 all the minutiæ
Witness: f1823 all the minutiæ
Witness: fThomas all the minutiæ
Witness: f1831 all the minutiæ
Witness: fMS all the minutiæ


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of
Witness: f1823 of
Witness: fThomas of
Witness: f1831 of
Witness: fMS of


Reading Group: C09_app294_rg1

Witness: fMS causation

Reading Group: C09_app294_rg2

Witness: f1818 causation,
Witness: f1823 causation,
Witness: fThomas causation,
Witness: f1831 causation,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 as exemplified in
Witness: f1823 as exemplified in
Witness: fThomas as exemplified in
Witness: f1831 as exemplified in
Witness: fMS as exemplified in


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the change from
Witness: f1823 the change from
Witness: fThomas the change from
Witness: f1831 the change from
Witness: fMS the change from


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 life to death, and death to life,
Witness: f1823 life to death, and death to life,
Witness: fThomas life to death, and death to life,
Witness: f1831 life to death, and death to life,
Witness: fMS life to death, & death to life,


Reading Group: C09_app298_rg1

Witness: f1818 until
Witness: f1823 until
Witness: fThomas until
Witness: f1831 until

Reading Group: C09_app298_rg2

Witness: fMS untill


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 from the midst of this darkness
Witness: f1823 from the midst of this darkness
Witness: fThomas from the midst of this darkness
Witness: f1831 from the midst of this darkness
Witness: fMS from the midst of this darkness


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a sudden light broke in upon
Witness: f1823 a sudden light broke in upon
Witness: fThomas a sudden light broke in upon
Witness: f1831 a sudden light broke in upon
Witness: fMS a sudden light broke in upon


Reading Group: C09_app301_rg1

Witness: fMS me. A

Reading Group: C09_app301_rg2

Witness: f1818 me—a
Witness: f1823 me—a
Witness: fThomas me—a
Witness: f1831 me—a


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 light so brilliant and
Witness: f1823 light so brilliant and
Witness: fThomas light so brilliant and
Witness: f1831 light so brilliant and
Witness: fMS light so brilliant &


Reading Group: C09_app303_rg1

Witness: fMS wondrous

Reading Group: C09_app303_rg2

Witness: f1818 wondrous,
Witness: f1823 wondrous,
Witness: fThomas wondrous,
Witness: f1831 wondrous,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 yet so
Witness: f1823 yet so
Witness: fThomas yet so
Witness: f1831 yet so
Witness: fMS yet so


Reading Group: C09_app305_rg1

Witness: fMS simple

Reading Group: C09_app305_rg2

Witness: f1818 simple,
Witness: f1823 simple,
Witness: fThomas simple,
Witness: f1831 simple,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that while
Witness: f1823 that while
Witness: fThomas that while
Witness: f1831 that while
Witness: fMS that while


Reading Group: C09_app307_rg1

Witness: fMS it intoxicated me I became dizzy

Reading Group: C09_app307_rg2

Witness: f1818 I became dizzy
Witness: f1823 I became dizzy
Witness: fThomas I became dizzy
Witness: f1831 I became dizzy


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 with the immensity of the prospect
Witness: f1823 with the immensity of the prospect
Witness: fThomas with the immensity of the prospect
Witness: f1831 with the immensity of the prospect
Witness: fMS with the immensity of the prospect


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 which it illustrated, I was
Witness: f1823 which it illustrated, I was
Witness: fThomas which it illustrated, I was
Witness: f1831 which it illustrated, I was
Witness: fMS which it illustrated, I was


Reading Group: C09_app310_rg1

Witness: f1818 surprised
Witness: fThomas surprised
Witness: fMS surprised

Reading Group: C09_app310_rg2

Witness: f1823 surprised,
Witness: f1831 surprised,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that
Witness: f1823 that
Witness: fThomas that
Witness: f1831 that
Witness: fMS that


Reading Group: C09_app312_rg1

Witness: fMS I was among so many men of

Reading Group: C09_app312_rg2

Witness: f1818 among so many men of
Witness: f1823 among so many men of
Witness: fThomas among so many men of
Witness: f1831 among so many men of


Reading Group: C09_app313_rg1

Witness: f1823 genius
Witness: f1831 genius
Witness: fMS genius

Reading Group: C09_app313_rg2

Witness: f1818 genius,
Witness: fThomas genius,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 who had
Witness: f1823 who had
Witness: fThomas who had
Witness: f1831 who had
Witness: fMS who had


Reading Group: C09_app315_rg1

Witness: fMS applied to

Reading Group: C09_app315_rg2

Witness: f1818 directed their
Witness: f1823 directed their
Witness: fThomas directed their
Witness: f1831 directed their


Reading Group: C09_app316_rg1

Witness: f1831 enquiries

Reading Group: C09_app316_rg2

Witness: f1818 inquiries
Witness: f1823 inquiries
Witness: fThomas inquiries


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 towards
Witness: f1823 towards
Witness: fThomas towards
Witness: f1831 towards


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the same
Witness: f1823 the same
Witness: fThomas the same
Witness: f1831 the same
Witness: fMS the same


Reading Group: C09_app319_rg1

Witness: fMS science

Reading Group: C09_app319_rg2

Witness: f1818 science,
Witness: f1823 science,
Witness: fThomas science,
Witness: f1831 science,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that I alone should
Witness: f1823 that I alone should
Witness: fThomas that I alone should
Witness: f1831 that I alone should
Witness: fMS that I alone should


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 be reserved to
Witness: f1823 be reserved to
Witness: fThomas be reserved to
Witness: f1831 be reserved to


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 discover
Witness: f1823 discover
Witness: fThomas discover
Witness: f1831 discover
Witness: fMS discover


Reading Group: C09_app323_rg1

Witness: fMS this

Reading Group: C09_app323_rg2

Witness: f1818 so
Witness: f1823 so
Witness: fThomas so
Witness: f1831 so


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 astonishing
Witness: f1823 astonishing
Witness: fThomas astonishing
Witness: f1831 astonishing
Witness: fMS astonishing


Reading Group: C09_app325_rg1

Witness: f1818 a secret.<p/><p/>Remember,
Witness: f1823 a secret.<p/><p/>Remember,
Witness: fThomas a secret.<p/><p/>Remember,
Witness: f1831 a secret.<p/><p/>Remember,

Reading Group: C09_app325_rg2

Witness: fMS secret. Remember


Reading Group: C09_app326_rg1

Witness: fMS I am <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>not recording the no vision

Reading Group: C09_app326_rg2

Witness: f1818 I am not recording the vision
Witness: f1823 I am not recording the vision
Witness: fThomas I am not recording the vision
Witness: f1831 I am not recording the vision


Reading Group: C09_app327_rg1

Witness: fMS of of a

Reading Group: C09_app327_rg2

Witness: f1818 of a
Witness: f1823 of a
Witness: fThomas of a
Witness: f1831 of a


Reading Group: C09_app328_rg1

Witness: fMS madman –

Reading Group: C09_app328_rg2

Witness: f1818 madman.
Witness: f1823 madman.
Witness: fThomas madman.
Witness: f1831 madman.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 The
Witness: f1823 The
Witness: fThomas The
Witness: f1831 The
Witness: fMS the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 sun does not more certainly shine
Witness: f1823 sun does not more certainly shine
Witness: fThomas sun does not more certainly shine
Witness: f1831 sun does not more certainly shine
Witness: fMS sun does not more certainly shine


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in the
Witness: f1823 in the
Witness: fThomas in the
Witness: f1831 in the
Witness: fMS in the


Reading Group: C09_app332_rg1

Witness: fMS heavens

Reading Group: C09_app332_rg2

Witness: f1818 heavens,
Witness: f1823 heavens,
Witness: fThomas heavens,
Witness: f1831 heavens,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 than that which I now
Witness: f1823 than that which I now
Witness: fThomas than that which I now
Witness: f1831 than that which I now
Witness: fMS than that whatich I now


Reading Group: C09_app334_rg1

Witness: fMS recordaffirm,

Reading Group: C09_app334_rg2

Witness: f1818 affirm
Witness: f1823 affirm
Witness: fThomas affirm
Witness: f1831 affirm


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 is true. Some miracle
Witness: f1823 is true. Some miracle
Witness: fThomas is true. Some miracle
Witness: f1831 is true. Some miracle
Witness: fMS is true. Some miracle


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 might have produced
Witness: f1823 might have produced
Witness: fThomas might have produced
Witness: f1831 might have produced
Witness: fMS might have produced


Reading Group: C09_app337_rg1

Witness: f1818 it, yet
Witness: f1823 it, yet
Witness: fThomas it, yet
Witness: f1831 it, yet

Reading Group: C09_app337_rg2

Witness: fMS it. But


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fMS the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 stages of
Witness: f1823 stages of
Witness: fThomas stages of
Witness: f1831 stages of
Witness: fMS stages of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: f1831 the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 discovery were distinct
Witness: f1823 discovery were distinct
Witness: fThomas discovery were distinct
Witness: f1831 discovery were distinct
Witness: fMS discovery were distinct


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and probable. After days and nights
Witness: f1823 and probable. After days and nights
Witness: fThomas and probable. After days and nights
Witness: f1831 and probable. After days and nights
Witness: fMS and probable. After days and nights


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of incredible
Witness: f1823 of incredible
Witness: fThomas of incredible
Witness: f1831 of incredible
Witness: fMS of incredible


Reading Group: C09_app344_rg1

Witness: fMS toillabour

Reading Group: C09_app344_rg2

Witness: f1818 labour
Witness: f1823 labour
Witness: fThomas labour
Witness: f1831 labour


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fMS and


Reading Group: C09_app346_rg1

Witness: fMS fatigue

Reading Group: C09_app346_rg2

Witness: f1818 fatigue,
Witness: f1823 fatigue,
Witness: fThomas fatigue,
Witness: f1831 fatigue,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I succeeded in discovering the
Witness: f1823 I succeeded in discovering the
Witness: fThomas I succeeded in discovering the
Witness: f1831 I succeeded in discovering the
Witness: fMS I succeeded in discovering the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 cause of generation and
Witness: f1823 cause of generation and
Witness: fThomas cause of generation and
Witness: f1831 cause of generation and
Witness: fMS cause of generation &


Reading Group: C09_app349_rg1

Witness: fMS life. Nay

Reading Group: C09_app349_rg2

Witness: f1818 life; nay,
Witness: f1823 life; nay,
Witness: fThomas life; nay,
Witness: f1831 life; nay,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 more, I
Witness: f1823 more, I
Witness: fThomas more, I
Witness: f1831 more, I
Witness: fMS more, I


Reading Group: C09_app351_rg1

Witness: fMS wasbecame

Reading Group: C09_app351_rg2

Witness: f1818 became
Witness: f1823 became
Witness: fThomas became
Witness: f1831 became


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 myself capable of
Witness: f1823 myself capable of
Witness: fThomas myself capable of
Witness: f1831 myself capable of
Witness: fMS myself capable of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 bestowing animation upon lifeless
Witness: f1823 bestowing animation upon lifeless
Witness: fThomas bestowing animation upon lifeless
Witness: f1831 bestowing animation upon lifeless
Witness: fMS bestowing animation upon lifeless


Reading Group: C09_app354_rg1

Witness: fMS matter.My The surprise thatwhich

Reading Group: C09_app354_rg2

Witness: f1818 matter.<p/><p/>The astonishment which
Witness: f1823 matter.<p/><p/>The astonishment which
Witness: fThomas matter.<p/><p/>The astonishment which
Witness: f1831 matter.<p/><p/>The astonishment which


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fMS I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 had
Witness: f1823 had
Witness: fThomas had
Witness: f1831 had


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 at
Witness: f1823 at
Witness: fThomas at
Witness: f1831 at
Witness: fMS <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>at


Reading Group: C09_app358_rg1

Witness: f1818 first experienced
Witness: f1823 first experienced
Witness: fThomas first experienced
Witness: f1831 first experienced

Reading Group: C09_app358_rg2

Witness: fMS firstexperienced


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 on this discovery soon gave place to
Witness: f1823 on this discovery soon gave place to
Witness: fThomas on this discovery soon gave place to
Witness: f1831 on this discovery soon gave place to
Witness: fMS on this discovery soon gave place to


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 delight and rapture.
Witness: f1823 delight and rapture.
Witness: fThomas delight and rapture.
Witness: f1831 delight and rapture.
Witness: fMS delight and rapture.


Reading Group: C09_app361_rg1

Witness: fMS After such painful labour<metamark function="insert" xml:id="c56-0035.06">^</metamark> After so much <shi rend="sup"></shi>time

Reading Group: C09_app361_rg2

Witness: f1818 After so much time
Witness: f1823 After so much time
Witness: fThomas After so much time
Witness: f1831 After so much time


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 spent in
Witness: f1823 spent in
Witness: fThomas spent in
Witness: f1831 spent in
Witness: fMS spent in


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 painful
Witness: f1823 painful
Witness: fThomas painful
Witness: f1831 painful
Witness: fMS painful


Reading Group: C09_app364_rg1

Witness: f1818 labour, to
Witness: f1823 labour, to
Witness: fThomas labour, to
Witness: f1831 labour, to

Reading Group: C09_app364_rg2

Witness: fMS labourcometo


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 arrive at
Witness: f1823 arrive at
Witness: fThomas arrive at
Witness: f1831 arrive at
Witness: fMS arrive at


Reading Group: C09_app366_rg1

Witness: f1818 once
Witness: f1823 once
Witness: fThomas once
Witness: f1831 once

Reading Group: C09_app366_rg2

Witness: fMS onece


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 at the
Witness: f1823 at the
Witness: fThomas at the
Witness: f1831 at the
Witness: fMS at the


Reading Group: C09_app368_rg1

Witness: fMS obj ectobjectsummit

Reading Group: C09_app368_rg2

Witness: f1818 summit
Witness: f1823 summit
Witness: fThomas summit
Witness: f1831 summit


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of my
Witness: f1823 of my
Witness: fThomas of my
Witness: f1831 of my
Witness: fMS of my


Reading Group: C09_app370_rg1

Witness: fMS desires

Reading Group: C09_app370_rg2

Witness: f1818 desires,
Witness: f1823 desires,
Witness: fThomas desires,
Witness: f1831 desires,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was the most gratifying
Witness: f1823 was the most gratifying
Witness: fThomas was the most gratifying
Witness: f1831 was the most gratifying
Witness: fMS was the most gratifying


Reading Group: C09_app372_rg1

Witness: fMS circumstance that could have occurred.

Reading Group: C09_app372_rg2

Witness: f1818 consummation of my toils.
Witness: f1823 consummation of my toils.
Witness: fThomas consummation of my toils.
Witness: f1831 consummation of my toils.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 But this
Witness: f1823 But this
Witness: fThomas But this
Witness: f1831 But this
Witness: fMS But this


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 discovery was so great and
Witness: f1823 discovery was so great and
Witness: fThomas discovery was so great and
Witness: f1831 discovery was so great and
Witness: fMS discovery was so great and


Reading Group: C09_app375_rg1

Witness: fMS overwhelming

Reading Group: C09_app375_rg2

Witness: f1818 overwhelming,
Witness: f1823 overwhelming,
Witness: fThomas overwhelming,
Witness: f1831 overwhelming,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that
Witness: f1823 that
Witness: fThomas that
Witness: f1831 that
Witness: fMS that


Reading Group: C09_app377_rg1

Witness: fMS thereflection all the steps

Reading Group: C09_app377_rg2

Witness: f1818 all the steps
Witness: f1823 all the steps
Witness: fThomas all the steps
Witness: f1831 all the steps


Reading Group: C09_app378_rg1

Witness: fMS thatby

Reading Group: C09_app378_rg2

Witness: f1818 by
Witness: f1823 by
Witness: fThomas by
Witness: f1831 by


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 which I had
Witness: f1823 which I had
Witness: fThomas which I had
Witness: f1831 which I had
Witness: fMS which I had


Reading Group: C09_app380_rg1

Witness: f1818 been progressively
Witness: f1823 been progressively
Witness: fThomas been progressively
Witness: f1831 been progressively

Reading Group: C09_app380_rg2

Witness: fMS beenprogressively


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 led to it were
Witness: f1823 led to it were
Witness: fThomas led to it were
Witness: f1831 led to it were
Witness: fMS led to it were


Reading Group: C09_app382_rg1

Witness: fMS obliterated. <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>andI saw<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>beheld

Reading Group: C09_app382_rg2

Witness: f1818 obliterated, and I beheld
Witness: f1823 obliterated, and I beheld
Witness: fThomas obliterated, and I beheld
Witness: f1831 obliterated, and I beheld


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 only the result. What
Witness: f1823 only the result. What
Witness: fThomas only the result. What
Witness: f1831 only the result. What
Witness: fMS only the result. What


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 had been the study and desire of the
Witness: f1823 had been the study and desire of the
Witness: fThomas had been the study and desire of the
Witness: f1831 had been the study and desire of the
Witness: fMS had been the study and desire of the


Reading Group: C09_app385_rg1

Witness: fMS m wisest men since the creation of

Reading Group: C09_app385_rg2

Witness: f1818 wisest men since the creation of
Witness: f1823 wisest men since the creation of
Witness: fThomas wisest men since the creation of
Witness: f1831 wisest men since the creation of


Reading Group: C09_app386_rg1

Witness: f1831 the world
Witness: fMS the world

Reading Group: C09_app386_rg2

Witness: f1818 the world,
Witness: f1823 the world,
Witness: fThomas the world,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was now within my
Witness: f1823 was now within my
Witness: fThomas was now within my
Witness: f1831 was now within my
Witness: fMS was now inwithin my


Reading Group: C09_app388_rg1

Witness: fMS hands.<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>grasp;

Reading Group: C09_app388_rg2

Witness: f1818 grasp.
Witness: f1823 grasp.
Witness: fThomas grasp.
Witness: f1831 grasp.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Not
Witness: f1823 Not
Witness: fThomas Not
Witness: f1831 Not
Witness: fMS Not


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that, like a magic
Witness: f1823 that, like a magic
Witness: fThomas that, like a magic
Witness: f1831 that, like a magic
Witness: fMS that, like a magic


Reading Group: C09_app391_rg1

Witness: fMS sceen scene

Reading Group: C09_app391_rg2

Witness: f1818 scene,
Witness: f1823 scene,
Witness: fThomas scene,
Witness: f1831 scene,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 it
Witness: f1823 it
Witness: fThomas it
Witness: f1831 it
Witness: fMS it


Reading Group: C09_app393_rg1

Witness: f1818 all opened upon me at once:
Witness: f1823 all opened upon me at once:
Witness: fThomas all opened upon me at once:
Witness: f1831 all opened upon me at once:

Reading Group: C09_app393_rg2

Witness: fMS all opened upon me at onece<mdel/>


Reading Group: C09_app394_rg1

Witness: fMS .on the contrarytThe big information

Reading Group: C09_app394_rg2

Witness: f1818 the information
Witness: f1823 the information
Witness: fThomas the information
Witness: f1831 the information


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I had obtained was of a nature rather
Witness: f1823 I had obtained was of a nature rather
Witness: fThomas I had obtained was of a nature rather
Witness: f1831 I had obtained was of a nature rather
Witness: fMS I had obtained was <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>of a nature rather


Reading Group: C09_app396_rg1

Witness: fMS one that would<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>to

Reading Group: C09_app396_rg2

Witness: f1818 to
Witness: f1823 to
Witness: fThomas to
Witness: f1831 to


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 direct my
Witness: f1823 direct my
Witness: fThomas direct my
Witness: f1831 direct my
Witness: fMS direct my


Reading Group: C09_app398_rg1

Witness: f1818 endeavours so
Witness: f1823 endeavours so
Witness: fThomas endeavours so
Witness: f1831 endeavours so

Reading Group: C09_app398_rg2

Witness: fMS endeavours. <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>that than show me the prospect with any precise certainty.<metamark function="displacement">^</metamark>so


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 soon as I
Witness: f1823 soon as I
Witness: fThomas soon as I
Witness: f1831 soon as I
Witness: fMS soon as I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 should point
Witness: f1823 should point
Witness: fThomas should point
Witness: f1831 should point
Witness: fMS should point


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 them towards
Witness: f1823 them towards
Witness: fThomas them towards
Witness: f1831 them towards
Witness: fMS them towards


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the object of
Witness: f1823 the object of
Witness: fThomas the object of
Witness: f1831 the object of
Witness: fMS the object of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my search,
Witness: f1823 my search,
Witness: fThomas my search,
Witness: f1831 my search,
Witness: fMS my search,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 than to exhibit that object already
Witness: f1823 than to exhibit that object already
Witness: fThomas than to exhibit that object already
Witness: f1831 than to exhibit that object already
Witness: fMS than to exhibit that object already


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 accomplished. I was like the
Witness: f1823 accomplished. I was like the
Witness: fThomas accomplished. I was like the
Witness: f1831 accomplished. I was like the
Witness: fMS accomplished. I was like the


Reading Group: C09_app406_rg1

Witness: fMS Arabian,

Reading Group: C09_app406_rg2

Witness: f1818 Arabian
Witness: f1823 Arabian
Witness: fThomas Arabian
Witness: f1831 Arabian


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 who had been buried with
Witness: f1823 who had been buried with
Witness: fThomas who had been buried with
Witness: f1831 who had been buried with
Witness: fMS who had been buried with


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the dead, and found a passage to
Witness: f1823 the dead, and found a passage to
Witness: fThomas the dead, and found a passage to
Witness: f1831 the dead, and found a passage to
Witness: fMS the dead, and found a passage to


Reading Group: C09_app409_rg1

Witness: f1818 life
Witness: fThomas life
Witness: fMS life

Reading Group: C09_app409_rg2

Witness: f1823 life,
Witness: f1831 life,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 aided only by one
Witness: f1823 aided only by one
Witness: fThomas aided only by one
Witness: f1831 aided only by one
Witness: fMS aided only by one


Reading Group: C09_app411_rg1

Witness: fMS glimmering

Reading Group: C09_app411_rg2

Witness: f1818 glimmering,
Witness: f1823 glimmering,
Witness: fThomas glimmering,
Witness: f1831 glimmering,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and seemingly
Witness: f1823 and seemingly
Witness: fThomas and seemingly
Witness: f1831 and seemingly
Witness: fMS and seemingly


Reading Group: C09_app413_rg1

Witness: fMS ineffectual light. I

Reading Group: C09_app413_rg2

Witness: f1818 ineffectual, light.<p/><p/>I
Witness: f1823 ineffectual, light.<p/><p/>I
Witness: fThomas ineffectual, light.<p/><p/>I
Witness: f1831 ineffectual, light.<p/><p/>I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 see by your
Witness: f1823 see by your
Witness: fThomas see by your
Witness: f1831 see by your
Witness: fMS see by your


Reading Group: C09_app415_rg1

Witness: f1818 eagerness,
Witness: f1823 eagerness,
Witness: fThomas eagerness,
Witness: f1831 eagerness,

Reading Group: C09_app415_rg2

Witness: fMS eargerness


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and the
Witness: f1823 and the
Witness: fThomas and the
Witness: f1831 and the
Witness: fMS and the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 wonder and hope which your eyes
Witness: f1823 wonder and hope which your eyes
Witness: fThomas wonder and hope which your eyes
Witness: f1831 wonder and hope which your eyes
Witness: fMS wonder and hope which your eyes


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 express, my friend, that you expect to
Witness: f1823 express, my friend, that you expect to
Witness: fThomas express, my friend, that you expect to
Witness: f1831 express, my friend, that you expect to
Witness: fMS express, my friend, that you expect to


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 be informed of the
Witness: f1823 be informed of the
Witness: fThomas be informed of the
Witness: f1831 be informed of the
Witness: fMS be informed of the


Reading Group: C09_app420_rg1

Witness: fMS scret secret with

Reading Group: C09_app420_rg2

Witness: f1818 secret with
Witness: f1823 secret with
Witness: fThomas secret with
Witness: f1831 secret with


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 which I am
Witness: f1823 which I am
Witness: fThomas which I am
Witness: f1831 which I am
Witness: fMS which I am


Reading Group: C09_app422_rg1

Witness: f1818 acquainted; that
Witness: f1823 acquainted; that
Witness: fThomas acquainted; that
Witness: f1831 acquainted; that

Reading Group: C09_app422_rg2

Witness: fMS acquainted,;but you arethat


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 cannot
Witness: f1823 cannot
Witness: fThomas cannot
Witness: f1831 cannot
Witness: fMS cannot


Reading Group: C09_app424_rg1

Witness: fMS be.mistaken.

Reading Group: C09_app424_rg2

Witness: f1818 be:
Witness: f1823 be:
Witness: fThomas be:
Witness: f1831 be:


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 listen patiently
Witness: f1823 listen patiently
Witness: fThomas listen patiently
Witness: f1831 listen patiently
Witness: fMS Listen patiently


Reading Group: C09_app426_rg1

Witness: fMS to

Reading Group: C09_app426_rg2

Witness: f1818 until
Witness: f1823 until
Witness: fThomas until
Witness: f1831 until


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the end
Witness: f1823 the end
Witness: fThomas the end
Witness: f1831 the end
Witness: fMS the end


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of my
Witness: f1823 of my
Witness: fThomas of my
Witness: f1831 of my
Witness: fMS of my


Reading Group: C09_app429_rg1

Witness: fMS story

Reading Group: C09_app429_rg2

Witness: f1818 story,
Witness: f1823 story,
Witness: fThomas story,
Witness: f1831 story,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and you will easily
Witness: f1823 and you will easily
Witness: fThomas and you will easily
Witness: f1831 and you will easily
Witness: fMS and you will easily


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 perceive why I am reserved upon that
Witness: f1823 perceive why I am reserved upon that
Witness: fThomas perceive why I am reserved upon that
Witness: f1831 perceive why I am reserved upon that
Witness: fMS perceive why I am reserved upon that


Reading Group: C09_app432_rg1

Witness: fMS subject.— For why should

Reading Group: C09_app432_rg2

Witness: f1818 subject.
Witness: f1823 subject.
Witness: fThomas subject.
Witness: f1831 subject.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I will not lead you
Witness: f1823 I will not lead you
Witness: fThomas I will not lead you
Witness: f1831 I will not lead you
Witness: fMS I will not lead you


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 on,
Witness: f1823 on,
Witness: fThomas on,
Witness: f1831 on,
Witness: fMS on,


Reading Group: C09_app435_rg1

Witness: fMS as unguarded and ardent as I then

Reading Group: C09_app435_rg2

Witness: f1818 unguarded and ardent as I then
Witness: f1823 unguarded and ardent as I then
Witness: fThomas unguarded and ardent as I then
Witness: f1831 unguarded and ardent as I then


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was, to your
Witness: f1823 was, to your
Witness: fThomas was, to your
Witness: f1831 was, to your
Witness: fMS was, to your


Reading Group: C09_app437_rg1

Witness: fMS destruct destruction & infallible misery. Learn from me, if

Reading Group: C09_app437_rg2

Witness: f1818 destruction and infallible misery. Learn from me, if
Witness: f1823 destruction and infallible misery. Learn from me, if
Witness: fThomas destruction and infallible misery. Learn from me, if
Witness: f1831 destruction and infallible misery. Learn from me, if


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 not by my
Witness: f1823 not by my
Witness: fThomas not by my
Witness: f1831 not by my
Witness: fMS not by my


Reading Group: C09_app439_rg1

Witness: fMS precepts

Reading Group: C09_app439_rg2

Witness: f1818 precepts,
Witness: f1823 precepts,
Witness: fThomas precepts,
Witness: f1831 precepts,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 at least by my
Witness: f1823 at least by my
Witness: fThomas at least by my
Witness: f1831 at least by my
Witness: fMS at least by my


Reading Group: C09_app441_rg1

Witness: fMS exam ple,

Reading Group: C09_app441_rg2

Witness: f1818 example,
Witness: f1823 example,
Witness: fThomas example,
Witness: f1831 example,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 how dangerous is the acquirement
Witness: f1823 how dangerous is the acquirement
Witness: fThomas how dangerous is the acquirement
Witness: f1831 how dangerous is the acquirement
Witness: fMS how dangerous is the acquirement


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of
Witness: f1823 of
Witness: fThomas of
Witness: f1831 of
Witness: fMS of


Reading Group: C09_app444_rg1

Witness: fMS knowledge

Reading Group: C09_app444_rg2

Witness: f1818 knowledge,
Witness: f1823 knowledge,
Witness: fThomas knowledge,
Witness: f1831 knowledge,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and how much happier
Witness: f1823 and how much happier
Witness: fThomas and how much happier
Witness: f1831 and how much happier
Witness: fMS and how much happier


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that man is who believes his native
Witness: f1823 that man is who believes his native
Witness: fThomas that man is who believes his native
Witness: f1831 that man is who believes his native
Witness: fMS that man is who believes his native


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 town
Witness: f1823 town
Witness: fThomas town
Witness: f1831 town
Witness: fMS town


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to be
Witness: f1823 to be
Witness: fThomas to be
Witness: f1831 to be


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the world, than he
Witness: f1823 the world, than he
Witness: fThomas the world, than he
Witness: f1831 the world, than he
Witness: fMS the world, than he


Reading Group: C09_app450_rg1

Witness: fMS whonto

Reading Group: C09_app450_rg2

Witness: f1818 who
Witness: f1823 who
Witness: fThomas who
Witness: f1831 who


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 aspires to become greater than his
Witness: f1823 aspires to become greater than his
Witness: fThomas aspires to become greater than his
Witness: f1831 aspires to become greater than his
Witness: fMS aspires to become greater than his


Reading Group: C09_app452_rg1

Witness: f1818 nature will allow.<p/>
Witness: f1823 nature will allow.<p/>
Witness: fThomas nature will allow.<p/>
Witness: f1831 nature will allow.<p/>

Reading Group: C09_app452_rg2

Witness: fMS nature allows. will allow.


Reading Group: C09_app453_rg1

Witness: f1818 <p/>When
Witness: f1823 <p/>When
Witness: fThomas <p/>When
Witness: f1831 <p/>When

Reading Group: C09_app453_rg2

Witness: fMS Chapter 6. When


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I found
Witness: f1823 I found
Witness: fThomas I found
Witness: f1831 I found
Witness: fMS I found


Reading Group: C09_app455_rg1

Witness: fMS thisso astonishinga

Reading Group: C09_app455_rg2

Witness: f1818 so astonishing a
Witness: f1823 so astonishing a
Witness: fThomas so astonishing a
Witness: f1831 so astonishing a


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 power
Witness: f1823 power
Witness: fThomas power
Witness: f1831 power
Witness: fMS power


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 placed within my hands, I hesitated a long time
Witness: f1823 placed within my hands, I hesitated a long time
Witness: fThomas placed within my hands, I hesitated a long time
Witness: f1831 placed within my hands, I hesitated a long time
Witness: fMS placed inwithin my hands, I hesitated a long time


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 concerning the
Witness: f1823 concerning the
Witness: fThomas concerning the
Witness: f1831 concerning the
Witness: fMS concerning the


Reading Group: C09_app459_rg1

Witness: fMS usemanner

Reading Group: C09_app459_rg2

Witness: f1818 manner
Witness: f1823 manner
Witness: fThomas manner
Witness: f1831 manner


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in which I should
Witness: f1823 in which I should
Witness: fThomas in which I should
Witness: f1831 in which I should
Witness: fMS in which I should


Reading Group: C09_app461_rg1

Witness: fMS make ofemploy

Reading Group: C09_app461_rg2

Witness: f1818 employ
Witness: f1823 employ
Witness: fThomas employ
Witness: f1831 employ


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 it.
Witness: f1823 it.
Witness: fThomas it.
Witness: f1831 it.
Witness: fMS it.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Although I
Witness: f1823 Although I
Witness: fThomas Although I
Witness: f1831 Although I
Witness: fMS Although I


Reading Group: C09_app464_rg1

Witness: fMS conceived myself capable of possessed

Reading Group: C09_app464_rg2

Witness: f1818 possessed
Witness: f1823 possessed
Witness: fThomas possessed
Witness: f1831 possessed


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the capacity of bestowing
Witness: f1823 the capacity of bestowing
Witness: fThomas the capacity of bestowing
Witness: f1831 the capacity of bestowing
Witness: fMS the capacity of bestowing


Reading Group: C09_app466_rg1

Witness: fMS animation

Reading Group: C09_app466_rg2

Witness: f1818 animation,
Witness: f1823 animation,
Witness: fThomas animation,
Witness: f1831 animation,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 yet
Witness: f1823 yet
Witness: fThomas yet
Witness: f1831 yet
Witness: fMS yet


Reading Group: C09_app468_rg1

Witness: fMS my to

Reading Group: C09_app468_rg2

Witness: f1818 to
Witness: f1823 to
Witness: fThomas to
Witness: f1831 to


Reading Group: C09_app469_rg1

Witness: fMS create<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>prepare

Reading Group: C09_app469_rg2

Witness: f1818 prepare
Witness: f1823 prepare
Witness: fThomas prepare
Witness: f1831 prepare


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a
Witness: f1823 a
Witness: fThomas a
Witness: f1831 a
Witness: fMS a


Reading Group: C09_app471_rg1

Witness: fMS creatureframe<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>for

Reading Group: C09_app471_rg2

Witness: f1818 frame for
Witness: f1823 frame for
Witness: fThomas frame for
Witness: f1831 frame for


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fMS the


Reading Group: C09_app473_rg1

Witness: fMS receiving ireception oftit

Reading Group: C09_app473_rg2

Witness: f1818 reception of it,
Witness: f1823 reception of it,
Witness: fThomas reception of it,
Witness: f1831 reception of it,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 with all its intricacies of
Witness: f1823 with all its intricacies of
Witness: fThomas with all its intricacies of
Witness: f1831 with all its intricacies of
Witness: fMS with all its intricacies of


Reading Group: C09_app475_rg1

Witness: fMS fibres muscles

Reading Group: C09_app475_rg2

Witness: f1818 fibres, muscles,
Witness: f1823 fibres, muscles,
Witness: fThomas fibres, muscles,
Witness: f1831 fibres, muscles,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fMS &


Reading Group: C09_app477_rg1

Witness: fMS veins must bestill

Reading Group: C09_app477_rg2

Witness: f1818 veins, still
Witness: f1823 veins, still
Witness: fThomas veins, still
Witness: f1831 veins, still


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 remained a work of inconceivable
Witness: f1823 remained a work of inconceivable
Witness: fThomas remained a work of inconceivable
Witness: f1831 remained a work of inconceivable
Witness: fMS remained a work of inconceivable


Reading Group: C09_app479_rg1

Witness: f1818 difficulty and labour.
Witness: f1823 difficulty and labour.
Witness: fThomas difficulty and labour.
Witness: f1831 difficulty and labour.

Reading Group: C09_app479_rg2

Witness: fMS labour<metamark function="transpose" target="#c56-0038.19">2</metamark>&<metamark function="transpose" target="#c56-0038.20">1</metamark>diffi culty.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I doubted at first whether I should
Witness: f1823 I doubted at first whether I should
Witness: fThomas I doubted at first whether I should
Witness: f1831 I doubted at first whether I should
Witness: fMS I doubted at first whether I should


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 attempt the creation of a
Witness: f1823 attempt the creation of a
Witness: fThomas attempt the creation of a
Witness: f1831 attempt the creation of a
Witness: fMS attempt the creation of a


Reading Group: C09_app482_rg1

Witness: fMS creaturebeing

Reading Group: C09_app482_rg2

Witness: f1818 being
Witness: f1823 being
Witness: fThomas being
Witness: f1831 being


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 like
Witness: f1823 like
Witness: fThomas like
Witness: f1831 like
Witness: fMS like


Reading Group: C09_app484_rg1

Witness: fMS unto

Reading Group: C09_app484_rg2

Witness: f1823 myself,
Witness: f1831 myself,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 myself
Witness: fThomas myself
Witness: fMS myself


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 or one of simpler
Witness: f1823 or one of simpler
Witness: fThomas or one of simpler
Witness: f1831 or one of simpler
Witness: fMS or one of simpler


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 organization;
Witness: f1823 organization;
Witness: fThomas organization;
Witness: f1831 organization;
Witness: fMS organization;


Reading Group: C09_app488_rg1

Witness: fMS b but my imagination

Reading Group: C09_app488_rg2

Witness: f1818 but my imagination
Witness: f1823 but my imagination
Witness: fThomas but my imagination
Witness: f1831 but my imagination


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was too much exalted by my first success
Witness: f1823 was too much exalted by my first success
Witness: fThomas was too much exalted by my first success
Witness: f1831 was too much exalted by my first success
Witness: fMS was too much exalted by my first success


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to permit me to doubt of my
Witness: f1823 to permit me to doubt of my
Witness: fThomas to permit me to doubt of my
Witness: f1831 to permit me to doubt of my
Witness: fMS to permit me to doubt of my


Reading Group: C09_app491_rg1

Witness: fMS capacity ability to

Reading Group: C09_app491_rg2

Witness: f1818 ability to
Witness: f1823 ability to
Witness: fThomas ability to
Witness: f1831 ability to


Reading Group: C09_app492_rg1

Witness: fMS creategive lifeatocreature<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>being

Reading Group: C09_app492_rg2

Witness: f1818 give life to
Witness: f1823 give life to
Witness: fThomas give life to
Witness: f1831 give life to


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 an animal as complex
Witness: f1823 an animal as complex
Witness: fThomas an animal as complex
Witness: f1831 an animal as complex
Witness: fMS an animal as complex


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and wonderful as man.
Witness: f1823 and wonderful as man.
Witness: fThomas and wonderful as man.
Witness: f1831 and wonderful as man.
Witness: fMS and wonderful as man.


Reading Group: C09_app495_rg1

Witness: fMS <del rend="overwritten" sID="c56-0038__main__d2e8053"/>butYetButwhen IwhenIlooked around forconsideredmymaterialsthey The materials

Reading Group: C09_app495_rg2

Witness: f1818 The materials
Witness: f1823 The materials
Witness: fThomas The materials
Witness: f1831 The materials


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 at present within my command hardly appeared adequate to so
Witness: f1823 at present within my command hardly appeared adequate to so
Witness: fThomas at present within my command hardly appeared adequate to so
Witness: f1831 at present within my command hardly appeared adequate to so
Witness: fMS at present within my command hardly appeared adequate to so


Reading Group: C09_app497_rg1

Witness: fMS ardous

Reading Group: C09_app497_rg2

Witness: f1818 arduous
Witness: f1823 arduous
Witness: fThomas arduous
Witness: f1831 arduous


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 an undertaking;
Witness: f1823 an undertaking;
Witness: fThomas an undertaking;
Witness: f1831 an undertaking;
Witness: fMS an undertaking;


Reading Group: C09_app499_rg1

Witness: fMS but I did not despair.but

Reading Group: C09_app499_rg2

Witness: f1818 but
Witness: f1823 but
Witness: fThomas but
Witness: f1831 but


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I doubted not that I should
Witness: f1823 I doubted not that I should
Witness: fThomas I doubted not that I should
Witness: f1831 I doubted not that I should
Witness: fMS I doubted not that I should


Reading Group: C09_app501_rg1

Witness: fMS ul-timately succeed.I allowed that my first attempts might be futile, my operations fail or my work be imperfect,but I looked around on

Reading Group: C09_app501_rg2

Witness: f1818 ultimately succeed.
Witness: f1823 ultimately succeed.
Witness: fThomas ultimately succeed.
Witness: f1831 ultimately succeed.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I prepared myself
Witness: f1823 I prepared myself
Witness: fThomas I prepared myself
Witness: f1831 I prepared myself
Witness: fMS I prepared myself


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 for a multitude
Witness: f1823 for a multitude
Witness: fThomas for a multitude
Witness: f1831 for a multitude
Witness: fMS for a multitude


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of
Witness: f1823 of
Witness: fThomas of
Witness: f1831 of
Witness: fMS of


Reading Group: C09_app505_rg1

Witness: fMS reverses,

Reading Group: C09_app505_rg2

Witness: f1818 reverses;
Witness: f1823 reverses;
Witness: fThomas reverses;
Witness: f1831 reverses;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my
Witness: f1823 my
Witness: fThomas my
Witness: f1831 my
Witness: fMS my


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 operations
Witness: f1823 operations
Witness: fThomas operations
Witness: f1831 operations
Witness: fMS operations


Reading Group: C09_app508_rg1

Witness: fMS might

Reading Group: C09_app508_rg2

Witness: f1818 might
Witness: f1823 might
Witness: fThomas might
Witness: f1831 might


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 be
Witness: f1823 be
Witness: fThomas be
Witness: f1831 be
Witness: fMS be


Reading Group: C09_app510_rg1

Witness: fMS baffled ever incessantly,

Reading Group: C09_app510_rg2

Witness: f1818 incessantly baffled,
Witness: f1823 incessantly baffled,
Witness: fThomas incessantly baffled,
Witness: f1831 incessantly baffled,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and at
Witness: f1823 and at
Witness: fThomas and at
Witness: f1831 and at
Witness: fMS & at


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 last my work be
Witness: f1823 last my work be
Witness: fThomas last my work be
Witness: f1831 last my work be
Witness: fMS last my work be


Reading Group: C09_app513_rg1

Witness: fMS but imperfect,

Reading Group: C09_app513_rg2

Witness: f1818 imperfect:
Witness: f1823 imperfect:
Witness: fThomas imperfect:
Witness: f1831 imperfect:


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 yet, when I considered the improvement
Witness: f1823 yet, when I considered the improvement
Witness: fThomas yet, when I considered the improvement
Witness: f1831 yet, when I considered the improvement
Witness: fMS yet, when I considered the improvement


Reading Group: C09_app515_rg1

Witness: fMS thatwhich

Reading Group: C09_app515_rg2

Witness: f1818 which
Witness: f1823 which
Witness: fThomas which
Witness: f1831 which


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 every day
Witness: f1823 every day
Witness: fThomas every day
Witness: f1831 every day
Witness: fMS every day


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 takes place in science and
Witness: f1823 takes place in science and
Witness: fThomas takes place in science and
Witness: f1831 takes place in science and
Witness: fMS takes place in science and


Reading Group: C09_app518_rg1

Witness: f1818 mechanics, I
Witness: f1823 mechanics, I
Witness: fThomas mechanics, I
Witness: f1831 mechanics, I

Reading Group: C09_app518_rg2

Witness: fMS mechanicsand m my attempt was so much granderI


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was encouraged to
Witness: f1823 was encouraged to
Witness: fThomas was encouraged to
Witness: f1831 was encouraged to
Witness: fMS was encouraged to


Reading Group: C09_app520_rg1

Witness: f1818 hope
Witness: f1823 hope
Witness: fThomas hope
Witness: f1831 hope

Reading Group: C09_app520_rg2

Witness: fMS hopeandAnd altho although I could not hope


Reading Group: C09_app521_rg1

Witness: fMS that my present attempts would

Reading Group: C09_app521_rg2

Witness: f1818 my present attempts would
Witness: f1823 my present attempts would
Witness: fThomas my present attempts would
Witness: f1831 my present attempts would


Reading Group: C09_app522_rg1

Witness: fMS sat lebe in everyat

Reading Group: C09_app522_rg2

Witness: f1818 at
Witness: f1823 at
Witness: fThomas at
Witness: f1831 at


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 least lay the foundations of future
Witness: f1823 least lay the foundations of future
Witness: fThomas least lay the foundations of future
Witness: f1831 least lay the foundations of future
Witness: fMS least <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>lay the foundations of future


Reading Group: C09_app524_rg1

Witness: f1818 success. Nor
Witness: f1823 success. Nor
Witness: fThomas success. Nor
Witness: f1831 success. Nor

Reading Group: C09_app524_rg2

Witness: fMS successway perfectbut<del/> Nor,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 could I
Witness: f1823 could I
Witness: fThomas could I
Witness: f1831 could I
Witness: fMS could I


Reading Group: C09_app526_rg1

Witness: f1818 consider
Witness: f1823 consider
Witness: fThomas consider
Witness: f1831 consider

Reading Group: C09_app526_rg2

Witness: fMS consider I did not think that


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the magnitude and
Witness: f1823 the magnitude and
Witness: fThomas the magnitude and
Witness: f1831 the magnitude and
Witness: fMS the magnitude and


Reading Group: C09_app528_rg1

Witness: fMS grandeurcomplexity

Reading Group: C09_app528_rg2

Witness: f1818 complexity
Witness: f1823 complexity
Witness: fThomas complexity
Witness: f1831 complexity


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of my plan
Witness: f1823 of my plan
Witness: fThomas of my plan
Witness: f1831 of my plan
Witness: fMS of my plan


Reading Group: C09_app530_rg1

Witness: fMS was

Reading Group: C09_app530_rg2

Witness: f1818 as
Witness: f1823 as
Witness: fThomas as
Witness: f1831 as


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 any argument of its impracticability.
Witness: f1823 any argument of its impracticability.
Witness: fThomas any argument of its impracticability.
Witness: f1831 any argument of its impracticability.
Witness: fMS any argument of its impracticability.


Reading Group: C09_app532_rg1

Witness: fMS AndiIt

Reading Group: C09_app532_rg2

Witness: f1818 It
Witness: f1823 It
Witness: fThomas It
Witness: f1831 It


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was with these feelings
Witness: f1823 was with these feelings
Witness: fThomas was with these feelings
Witness: f1831 was with these feelings
Witness: fMS was with these feelings


Reading Group: C09_app534_rg1

Witness: f1818 that I
Witness: f1823 that I
Witness: fThomas that I
Witness: f1831 that I

Reading Group: C09_app534_rg2

Witness: fMS <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>thatI


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 began the creation of a human being.
Witness: f1823 began the creation of a human being.
Witness: fThomas began the creation of a human being.
Witness: f1831 began the creation of a human being.
Witness: fMS began the creation of a human being.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 As the
Witness: f1823 As the
Witness: fThomas As the
Witness: f1831 As the
Witness: fMS As the


Reading Group: C09_app537_rg1

Witness: fMS smallnessminuteness

Reading Group: C09_app537_rg2

Witness: f1818 minuteness
Witness: f1823 minuteness
Witness: fThomas minuteness
Witness: f1831 minuteness


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of the parts
Witness: f1823 of the parts
Witness: fThomas of the parts
Witness: f1831 of the parts
Witness: fMS of the parts


Reading Group: C09_app539_rg1

Witness: fMS wereformed

Reading Group: C09_app539_rg2

Witness: f1818 formed
Witness: f1823 formed
Witness: fThomas formed
Witness: f1831 formed


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a
Witness: f1823 a
Witness: fThomas a
Witness: f1831 a
Witness: fMS a


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 great
Witness: f1823 great
Witness: fThomas great
Witness: f1831 great
Witness: fMS great


Reading Group: C09_app542_rg1

Witness: f1831 hinderance

Reading Group: C09_app542_rg2

Witness: f1818 hindrance
Witness: f1823 hindrance
Witness: fThomas hindrance
Witness: fMS hindrance


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to my
Witness: f1823 to my
Witness: fThomas to my
Witness: f1831 to my
Witness: fMS to my


Reading Group: C09_app544_rg1

Witness: fMS speed

Reading Group: C09_app544_rg2

Witness: f1818 speed,
Witness: f1823 speed,
Witness: fThomas speed,
Witness: f1831 speed,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I resolved,
Witness: f1823 I resolved,
Witness: fThomas I resolved,
Witness: f1831 I resolved,
Witness: fMS I resolved,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 contrary to my first intention, to make
Witness: f1823 contrary to my first intention, to make
Witness: fThomas contrary to my first intention, to make
Witness: f1831 contrary to my first intention, to make
Witness: fMS contrary to my first intention, to make


Reading Group: C09_app547_rg1

Witness: fMS himthe beingof

Reading Group: C09_app547_rg2

Witness: f1818 the being
Witness: f1823 the being
Witness: fThomas the being
Witness: f1831 the being


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of a gigantic stature; that
Witness: f1823 of a gigantic stature; that
Witness: fThomas of a gigantic stature; that
Witness: f1831 of a gigantic stature; that
Witness: fMS of a gigantic stature; that


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 is to
Witness: f1823 is to
Witness: fThomas is to
Witness: f1831 is to
Witness: fMS is to


Reading Group: C09_app550_rg1

Witness: fMS say

Reading Group: C09_app550_rg2

Witness: f1818 say,
Witness: f1823 say,
Witness: fThomas say,
Witness: f1831 say,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 about
Witness: f1823 about
Witness: fThomas about
Witness: f1831 about
Witness: fMS about


Reading Group: C09_app552_rg1

Witness: fMS 7<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>seven or eight feet in

Reading Group: C09_app552_rg2

Witness: f1818 eight feet in
Witness: f1823 eight feet in
Witness: fThomas eight feet in
Witness: f1831 eight feet in


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 height, and proportionably large.
Witness: f1823 height, and proportionably large.
Witness: fThomas height, and proportionably large.
Witness: f1831 height, and proportionably large.
Witness: fMS height, and proportionably large.


Reading Group: C09_app554_rg1

Witness: fMS And after having formed this

Reading Group: C09_app554_rg2

Witness: f1818 After having formed this
Witness: f1823 After having formed this
Witness: fThomas After having formed this
Witness: f1831 After having formed this


Reading Group: C09_app555_rg1

Witness: fMS determination

Reading Group: C09_app555_rg2

Witness: f1818 determination,
Witness: f1823 determination,
Witness: fThomas determination,
Witness: f1831 determination,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and having spent some months in
Witness: f1823 and having spent some months in
Witness: fThomas and having spent some months in
Witness: f1831 and having spent some months in
Witness: fMS and having spent some months in


Reading Group: C09_app557_rg1

Witness: fMS collectingof successfully collecting & arranging my materials, I

Reading Group: C09_app557_rg2

Witness: f1818 successfully collecting and arranging my materials, I
Witness: f1823 successfully collecting and arranging my materials, I
Witness: fThomas successfully collecting and arranging my materials, I
Witness: f1831 successfully collecting and arranging my materials, I


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS began. No
Witness: f1818 began.<p/><p/>No
Witness: f1823 began.<p/><p/>No
Witness: fThomas began.<p/><p/>No
Witness: f1831 began.<p/><p/>No


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 one can conceive
Witness: f1823 one can conceive
Witness: fThomas one can conceive
Witness: f1831 one can conceive
Witness: fMS one can conceive


Reading Group: C09_app560_rg1

Witness: fMS my the variety of feelings which

Reading Group: C09_app560_rg2

Witness: f1818 the variety of feelings which
Witness: f1823 the variety of feelings which
Witness: fThomas the variety of feelings which
Witness: f1831 the variety of feelings which


Reading Group: C09_app561_rg1

Witness: f1818 bore
Witness: f1823 bore
Witness: fThomas bore
Witness: f1831 bore

Reading Group: C09_app561_rg2

Witness: fMS pressed upon


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 me
Witness: f1823 me
Witness: fThomas me
Witness: f1831 me
Witness: fMS me


Reading Group: C09_app563_rg1

Witness: fMS during this time. When success raised me <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>toenthusiasm

Reading Group: C09_app563_rg2

Witness: f1818 onwards, like a hurricane, in the first enthusiasm of success.
Witness: f1823 onwards, like a hurricane, in the first enthusiasm of success.
Witness: fThomas onwards, like a hurricane, in the first enthusiasm of success.
Witness: f1831 onwards, like a hurricane, in the first enthusiasm of success.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Life and death appeared to me ideal bounds, which I
Witness: f1823 Life and death appeared to me ideal bounds, which I
Witness: fThomas Life and death appeared to me ideal bounds, which I
Witness: f1831 Life and death appeared to me ideal bounds, which I
Witness: fMS life and death appeared to me ideal bounds, which I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 should first break
Witness: f1823 should first break
Witness: fThomas should first break
Witness: f1831 should first break
Witness: fMS should first break


Reading Group: C09_app566_rg1

Witness: fMS thro,

Reading Group: C09_app566_rg2

Witness: f1818 through,
Witness: f1823 through,
Witness: fThomas through,
Witness: f1831 through,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and pour a
Witness: f1823 and pour a
Witness: fThomas and pour a
Witness: f1831 and pour a
Witness: fMS and pour a


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 torrent of light into our dark world.
Witness: f1823 torrent of light into our dark world.
Witness: fThomas torrent of light into our dark world.
Witness: f1831 torrent of light into our dark world.
Witness: fMS torrent of light into our dark world.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 A new
Witness: f1823 A new
Witness: fThomas A new
Witness: f1831 A new
Witness: fMS A new


Reading Group: C09_app570_rg1

Witness: fMS creationexistence

Reading Group: C09_app570_rg2

Witness: f1818 species
Witness: f1823 species
Witness: fThomas species
Witness: f1831 species


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 would bless me as its
Witness: f1823 would bless me as its
Witness: fThomas would bless me as its
Witness: f1831 would bless me as its
Witness: fMS would bless me as its


Reading Group: C09_app572_rg1

Witness: fMS makercreator

Reading Group: C09_app572_rg2

Witness: f1818 creator
Witness: f1823 creator
Witness: fThomas creator
Witness: f1831 creator


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and source; many happy and
Witness: f1823 and source; many happy and
Witness: fThomas and source; many happy and
Witness: f1831 and source; many happy and
Witness: fMS and source; many happy and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 excellent
Witness: f1823 excellent
Witness: fThomas excellent
Witness: f1831 excellent
Witness: fMS excellent


Reading Group: C09_app575_rg1

Witness: fMS creaturesbeingsnatures

Reading Group: C09_app575_rg2

Witness: f1818 natures
Witness: f1823 natures
Witness: fThomas natures
Witness: f1831 natures


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 would owe their
Witness: f1823 would owe their
Witness: fThomas would owe their
Witness: f1831 would owe their
Witness: fMS would owe their


Reading Group: C09_app577_rg1

Witness: fMS existenceinbeing

Reading Group: C09_app577_rg2

Witness: f1818 being
Witness: f1823 being
Witness: fThomas being
Witness: f1831 being


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to me.
Witness: f1823 to me.
Witness: fThomas to me.
Witness: f1831 to me.
Witness: fMS to me.


Reading Group: C09_app579_rg1

Witness: fMS in mannerin a manner no father could claim

Reading Group: C09_app579_rg2

Witness: f1818 No father could claim
Witness: f1823 No father could claim
Witness: fThomas No father could claim
Witness: f1831 No father could claim


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the gratitude of his child
Witness: f1823 the gratitude of his child
Witness: fThomas the gratitude of his child
Witness: f1831 the gratitude of his child
Witness: fMS the gratitude of his child


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 so completely as
Witness: f1823 so completely as
Witness: fThomas so completely as
Witness: f1831 so completely as
Witness: fMS <metamark function="displacement" xml:id="c56-0039.07">^</metamark> so completely as


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I should deserve
Witness: f1823 I should deserve
Witness: fThomas I should deserve
Witness: f1831 I should deserve
Witness: fMS I should deserve


Reading Group: C09_app583_rg1

Witness: fMS thiersAnd pur sueing

Reading Group: C09_app583_rg2

Witness: f1823 theirs.
Witness: f1831 theirs.

Reading Group: C09_app583_rg3

Witness: f1818 their’s.
Witness: fThomas their’s.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Pursuing
Witness: f1823 Pursuing
Witness: fThomas Pursuing
Witness: f1831 Pursuing


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 these
Witness: f1823 these
Witness: fThomas these
Witness: f1831 these
Witness: fMS mythese


Reading Group: C09_app586_rg1

Witness: fMS reflections if

Reading Group: C09_app586_rg2

Witness: f1818 reflections,
Witness: f1823 reflections,
Witness: fThomas reflections,
Witness: f1831 reflections,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fMS I


Reading Group: C09_app588_rg1

Witness: fMS thought

Reading Group: C09_app588_rg2

Witness: f1818 thought,
Witness: f1823 thought,
Witness: fThomas thought,
Witness: f1831 thought,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that if I could bestow
Witness: f1823 that if I could bestow
Witness: fThomas that if I could bestow
Witness: f1831 that if I could bestow
Witness: fMS that if I could bestow


Reading Group: C09_app590_rg1

Witness: fMS lifeanimation

Reading Group: C09_app590_rg2

Witness: f1818 animation
Witness: f1823 animation
Witness: fThomas animation
Witness: f1831 animation


Reading Group: C09_app591_rg1

Witness: f1818 upon
Witness: f1823 upon
Witness: fThomas upon
Witness: f1831 upon

Reading Group: C09_app591_rg2

Witness: fMS upon upon


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 lifeless
Witness: f1823 lifeless
Witness: fThomas lifeless
Witness: f1831 lifeless
Witness: fMS lifeless


Reading Group: C09_app593_rg1

Witness: fMS matter

Reading Group: C09_app593_rg2

Witness: f1818 matter,
Witness: f1823 matter,
Witness: fThomas matter,
Witness: f1831 matter,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I might in
Witness: f1823 I might in
Witness: fThomas I might in
Witness: f1831 I might in
Witness: fMS I might in


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 process of time (although I now found it impossible) renew life where
Witness: f1823 process of time (although I now found it impossible) renew life where
Witness: fThomas process of time (although I now found it impossible) renew life where
Witness: f1831 process of time (although I now found it impossible) renew life where
Witness: fMS process of time (although I now found it impossible) renew life where


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 death had apparently devoted the
Witness: f1823 death had apparently devoted the
Witness: fThomas death had apparently devoted the
Witness: f1831 death had apparently devoted the
Witness: fMS death had apparently devoted the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 body to
Witness: f1823 body to
Witness: fThomas body to
Witness: f1831 body to
Witness: fMS body to


Reading Group: C09_app598_rg1

Witness: fMS corruption. These

Reading Group: C09_app598_rg2

Witness: f1818 corruption.<p/><p/>These
Witness: f1823 corruption.<p/><p/>These
Witness: fThomas corruption.<p/><p/>These
Witness: f1831 corruption.<p/><p/>These


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 thoughts supported my
Witness: f1823 thoughts supported my
Witness: fThomas thoughts supported my
Witness: f1831 thoughts supported my
Witness: fMS thoughts supported my


Reading Group: C09_app600_rg1

Witness: fMS spirits

Reading Group: C09_app600_rg2

Witness: f1818 spirits,
Witness: f1823 spirits,
Witness: fThomas spirits,
Witness: f1831 spirits,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 while I pursued my
Witness: f1823 while I pursued my
Witness: fThomas while I pursued my
Witness: f1831 while I pursued my
Witness: fMS while I pursued my


Reading Group: C09_app602_rg1

Witness: fMS labours<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>undertaking

Reading Group: C09_app602_rg2

Witness: f1818 undertaking
Witness: f1823 undertaking
Witness: fThomas undertaking
Witness: f1831 undertaking


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 with unremitting
Witness: f1823 with unremitting
Witness: fThomas with unremitting
Witness: f1831 with unremitting
Witness: fMS with unremitting


Reading Group: C09_app604_rg1

Witness: fMS eagerness<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>ardour.

Reading Group: C09_app604_rg2

Witness: f1818 ardour.
Witness: f1823 ardour.
Witness: fThomas ardour.
Witness: f1831 ardour.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 My cheek
Witness: f1823 My cheek
Witness: fThomas My cheek
Witness: f1831 My cheek
Witness: fMS My cheek


Reading Group: C09_app606_rg1

Witness: fMS washad

Reading Group: C09_app606_rg2

Witness: f1818 had
Witness: f1823 had
Witness: fThomas had
Witness: f1831 had


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 grown pale with study, and
Witness: f1823 grown pale with study, and
Witness: fThomas grown pale with study, and
Witness: f1831 grown pale with study, and
Witness: fMS grown pale with study, and


Reading Group: C09_app608_rg1

Witness: fMS pe my person

Reading Group: C09_app608_rg2

Witness: f1818 my person
Witness: f1823 my person
Witness: fThomas my person
Witness: f1831 my person


Reading Group: C09_app609_rg1

Witness: fMS becameemaciated by

Reading Group: C09_app609_rg2

Witness: f1818 had become emaciated with
Witness: f1823 had become emaciated with
Witness: fThomas had become emaciated with
Witness: f1831 had become emaciated with


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 confinement.
Witness: f1823 confinement.
Witness: fThomas confinement.
Witness: f1831 confinement.
Witness: fMS confinement.


Reading Group: C09_app611_rg1

Witness: fMS sometimes

Reading Group: C09_app611_rg2

Witness: f1818 Sometimes,
Witness: f1823 Sometimes,
Witness: fThomas Sometimes,
Witness: f1831 Sometimes,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 on the very brink of
Witness: f1823 on the very brink of
Witness: fThomas on the very brink of
Witness: f1831 on the very brink of
Witness: fMS on the very brink of


Reading Group: C09_app613_rg1

Witness: fMS certainty

Reading Group: C09_app613_rg2

Witness: f1818 certainty,
Witness: f1823 certainty,
Witness: fThomas certainty,
Witness: f1831 certainty,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fMS I


Reading Group: C09_app615_rg1

Witness: fMS faild

Reading Group: C09_app615_rg2

Witness: f1818 failed;
Witness: f1823 failed;
Witness: fThomas failed;
Witness: f1831 failed;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 yet
Witness: f1823 yet
Witness: fThomas yet
Witness: f1831 yet
Witness: fMS yet


Reading Group: C09_app617_rg1

Witness: fMS I still

Reading Group: C09_app617_rg2

Witness: f1818 still I
Witness: f1823 still I
Witness: fThomas still I
Witness: f1831 still I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 clung to the hope which
Witness: f1823 clung to the hope which
Witness: fThomas clung to the hope which
Witness: f1831 clung to the hope which
Witness: fMS clung to the hope which


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the next day or the
Witness: f1823 the next day or the
Witness: fThomas the next day or the
Witness: f1831 the next day or the
Witness: fMS the next day or the


Reading Group: C09_app620_rg1

Witness: fMS nexhour next hour might

Reading Group: C09_app620_rg2

Witness: f1818 next hour might
Witness: f1823 next hour might
Witness: fThomas next hour might
Witness: f1831 next hour might


Reading Group: C09_app621_rg1

Witness: f1831 realise.

Reading Group: C09_app621_rg2

Witness: f1818 realize.
Witness: f1823 realize.
Witness: fThomas realize.
Witness: fMS realize.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 One secret
Witness: f1823 One secret
Witness: fThomas One secret
Witness: f1831 One secret
Witness: fMS One secret


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 which I alone
Witness: f1823 which I alone
Witness: fThomas which I alone
Witness: f1831 which I alone
Witness: fMS which I alone


Reading Group: C09_app624_rg1

Witness: fMS knewpossessed

Reading Group: C09_app624_rg2

Witness: f1818 possessed
Witness: f1823 possessed
Witness: fThomas possessed
Witness: f1831 possessed


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was the hope
Witness: f1823 was the hope
Witness: fThomas was the hope
Witness: f1831 was the hope
Witness: fMS was the hope


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to which I
Witness: f1823 to which I
Witness: fThomas to which I
Witness: f1831 to which I
Witness: fMS to which I


Reading Group: C09_app627_rg1

Witness: fMS clung

Reading Group: C09_app627_rg2

Witness: f1818 had dedicated myself;
Witness: f1823 had dedicated myself;
Witness: fThomas had dedicated myself;
Witness: f1831 had dedicated myself;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and the moon
Witness: f1823 and the moon
Witness: fThomas and the moon
Witness: f1831 and the moon
Witness: fMS and the moon


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 gazed on my midnight
Witness: f1823 gazed on my midnight
Witness: fThomas gazed on my midnight
Witness: f1831 gazed on my midnight
Witness: fMS gazed on my midnight


Reading Group: C09_app630_rg1

Witness: fMS labours while

Reading Group: C09_app630_rg2

Witness: f1818 labours, while,
Witness: f1823 labours, while,
Witness: fThomas labours, while,
Witness: f1831 labours, while,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 with unrelaxed and breathless
Witness: f1823 with unrelaxed and breathless
Witness: fThomas with unrelaxed and breathless
Witness: f1831 with unrelaxed and breathless
Witness: fMS with unrelaxed & breathless


Reading Group: C09_app632_rg1

Witness: fMS eagerness

Reading Group: C09_app632_rg2

Witness: f1818 eagerness,
Witness: f1823 eagerness,
Witness: fThomas eagerness,
Witness: f1831 eagerness,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I pursued nature to her
Witness: f1823 I pursued nature to her
Witness: fThomas I pursued nature to her
Witness: f1831 I pursued nature to her
Witness: fMS I pursued nature to her


Reading Group: C09_app634_rg1

Witness: fMS most secret hiding places. But

Reading Group: C09_app634_rg2

Witness: f1823 hiding-places.
Witness: f1831 hiding-places.

Reading Group: C09_app634_rg3

Witness: f1818 hiding places.
Witness: fThomas hiding places.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Who shall
Witness: f1823 Who shall
Witness: fThomas Who shall
Witness: f1831 Who shall
Witness: fMS who shall


Reading Group: C09_app636_rg1

Witness: fMS knowmy<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>concieve

Reading Group: C09_app636_rg2

Witness: f1818 conceive
Witness: f1823 conceive
Witness: fThomas conceive
Witness: f1831 conceive


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the horrors of my secret
Witness: f1823 the horrors of my secret
Witness: fThomas the horrors of my secret
Witness: f1831 the horrors of my secret
Witness: fMS the horrors of my secret


Reading Group: C09_app638_rg1

Witness: fMS operationstoil

Reading Group: C09_app638_rg2

Witness: f1818 toil,
Witness: f1823 toil,
Witness: fThomas toil,
Witness: f1831 toil,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 as I dabbled among the unhallowed
Witness: f1823 as I dabbled among the unhallowed
Witness: fThomas as I dabbled among the unhallowed
Witness: f1831 as I dabbled among the unhallowed
Witness: fMS as I dabbled among the unhallowed


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 damps of the grave, or tortured the
Witness: f1823 damps of the grave, or tortured the
Witness: fThomas damps of the grave, or tortured the
Witness: f1831 damps of the grave, or tortured the
Witness: fMS damps of the grave, or tortured the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 living
Witness: f1823 living
Witness: fThomas living
Witness: f1831 living
Witness: fMS living


Reading Group: C09_app642_rg1

Witness: fMS animate to ani animal to animate mythe lifeless clay?

Reading Group: C09_app642_rg2

Witness: f1818 animal to animate the lifeless clay?
Witness: f1823 animal to animate the lifeless clay?
Witness: fThomas animal to animate the lifeless clay?
Witness: f1831 animal to animate the lifeless clay?


Reading Group: C09_app643_rg1

Witness: fMS Now my limbs now

Reading Group: C09_app643_rg2

Witness: f1818 My limbs now
Witness: f1823 My limbs now
Witness: fThomas My limbs now
Witness: f1831 My limbs now


Reading Group: C09_app644_rg1

Witness: fMS tremble

Reading Group: C09_app644_rg2

Witness: f1818 tremble,
Witness: f1823 tremble,
Witness: fThomas tremble,
Witness: f1831 tremble,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and my eyes swim with the
Witness: f1823 and my eyes swim with the
Witness: fThomas and my eyes swim with the
Witness: f1831 and my eyes swim with the
Witness: fMS and my eyes swim with the


Reading Group: C09_app646_rg1

Witness: fMS rememberance,

Reading Group: C09_app646_rg2

Witness: f1818 remembrance;
Witness: f1823 remembrance;
Witness: fThomas remembrance;
Witness: f1831 remembrance;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but then a
Witness: f1823 but then a
Witness: fThomas but then a
Witness: f1831 but then a
Witness: fMS but then a


Reading Group: C09_app648_rg1

Witness: fMS resistless

Reading Group: C09_app648_rg2

Witness: f1818 resistless,
Witness: f1823 resistless,
Witness: fThomas resistless,
Witness: f1831 resistless,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fMS and


Reading Group: C09_app650_rg1

Witness: fMS all almost

Reading Group: C09_app650_rg2

Witness: f1818 almost
Witness: f1823 almost
Witness: fThomas almost
Witness: f1831 almost


Reading Group: C09_app651_rg1

Witness: fMS frantic
Witness: f1818 frantic
Witness: f1823 frantic
Witness: fThomas frantic

Reading Group: C09_app651_rg2

Witness: f1831 frantic,


Reading Group: C09_app652_rg1

Witness: fMS impulse

Reading Group: C09_app652_rg2

Witness: f1818 impulse,
Witness: f1823 impulse,
Witness: fThomas impulse,
Witness: f1831 impulse,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 urged me forward; I seemed to have lost all
Witness: f1823 urged me forward; I seemed to have lost all
Witness: fThomas urged me forward; I seemed to have lost all
Witness: f1831 urged me forward; I seemed to have lost all
Witness: fMS urged me onforward; I seemed to have lost all


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 soul or sensation but for
Witness: f1823 soul or sensation but for
Witness: fThomas soul or sensation but for
Witness: f1831 soul or sensation but for
Witness: fMS soul or sensation but for


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 this
Witness: f1823 this
Witness: fThomas this
Witness: f1831 this


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 one
Witness: f1823 one
Witness: fThomas one
Witness: f1831 one
Witness: fMS one


Reading Group: C09_app657_rg1

Witness: f1818 pursuit. It was indeed but a passing
Witness: f1823 pursuit. It was indeed but a passing
Witness: fThomas pursuit. It was indeed but a passing
Witness: f1831 pursuit. It was indeed but a passing

Reading Group: C09_app657_rg2

Witness: fMS pursuit. It was indeed a passing


Reading Group: C09_app658_rg1

Witness: fMS trance

Reading Group: C09_app658_rg2

Witness: f1818 trance,
Witness: f1823 trance,
Witness: fThomas trance,
Witness: f1831 trance,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that only made me feel with renewed acuteness
Witness: f1823 that only made me feel with renewed acuteness
Witness: fThomas that only made me feel with renewed acuteness
Witness: f1831 that only made me feel with renewed acuteness
Witness: fMS that only made me feel with renewed acuteness


Reading Group: C09_app660_rg1

Witness: fMS whenso

Reading Group: C09_app660_rg2

Witness: f1818 so
Witness: f1823 so
Witness: fThomas so
Witness: f1831 so


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 soon
Witness: f1823 soon
Witness: fThomas soon
Witness: f1831 soon
Witness: fMS soon


Reading Group: C09_app662_rg1

Witness: fMS as

Reading Group: C09_app662_rg2

Witness: f1818 as,
Witness: f1823 as,
Witness: fThomas as,
Witness: f1831 as,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the unnatural
Witness: f1823 the unnatural
Witness: fThomas the unnatural
Witness: f1831 the unnatural
Witness: fMS the unnatural


Reading Group: C09_app664_rg1

Witness: fMS sti mulus ceasedinghad

Reading Group: C09_app664_rg2

Witness: f1818 stimulus ceasing
Witness: f1823 stimulus ceasing
Witness: fThomas stimulus ceasing
Witness: f1831 stimulus ceasing


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to operate,
Witness: f1823 to operate,
Witness: fThomas to operate,
Witness: f1831 to operate,
Witness: fMS to operate,


Reading Group: C09_app666_rg1

Witness: fMS and I had returned to my old habits. I collected bones from

Reading Group: C09_app666_rg2

Witness: f1818 I had returned to my old habits. I collected bones from
Witness: f1823 I had returned to my old habits. I collected bones from
Witness: fThomas I had returned to my old habits. I collected bones from
Witness: f1831 I had returned to my old habits. I collected bones from


Reading Group: C09_app667_rg1

Witness: fMS Charnel houses

Reading Group: C09_app667_rg2

Witness: f1818 charnel houses;
Witness: fThomas charnel houses;

Reading Group: C09_app667_rg3

Witness: f1823 charnel-houses;
Witness: f1831 charnel-houses;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fMS and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 disturbed,
Witness: f1823 disturbed,
Witness: fThomas disturbed,
Witness: f1831 disturbed,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 with profane
Witness: f1823 with profane
Witness: fThomas with profane
Witness: f1831 with profane
Witness: fMS with profane


Reading Group: C09_app671_rg1

Witness: fMS fingers meddled with

Reading Group: C09_app671_rg2

Witness: f1818 fingers,
Witness: f1823 fingers,
Witness: fThomas fingers,
Witness: f1831 fingers,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fMS the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 tremendous
Witness: f1823 tremendous
Witness: fThomas tremendous
Witness: f1831 tremendous


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 secrets of the human
Witness: f1823 secrets of the human
Witness: fThomas secrets of the human
Witness: f1831 secrets of the human
Witness: fMS secrets of the human


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 frame. In a solitary
Witness: f1823 frame. In a solitary
Witness: fThomas frame. In a solitary
Witness: f1831 frame. In a solitary
Witness: fMS frame. In a solitary


Reading Group: C09_app676_rg1

Witness: f1818 chamber, or
Witness: f1823 chamber, or
Witness: fThomas chamber, or
Witness: f1831 chamber, or

Reading Group: C09_app676_rg2

Witness: fMS chamber–or


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 rather
Witness: f1823 rather
Witness: fThomas rather
Witness: f1831 rather
Witness: fMS rather


Reading Group: C09_app678_rg1

Witness: fMS cell

Reading Group: C09_app678_rg2

Witness: f1818 cell,
Witness: f1823 cell,
Witness: fThomas cell,
Witness: f1831 cell,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 at the top of the
Witness: f1823 at the top of the
Witness: fThomas at the top of the
Witness: f1831 at the top of the
Witness: fMS at the top of the


Reading Group: C09_app680_rg1

Witness: fMS house

Reading Group: C09_app680_rg2

Witness: f1818 house,
Witness: f1823 house,
Witness: fThomas house,
Witness: f1831 house,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fMS and


Reading Group: C09_app682_rg1

Witness: f1818 separated
Witness: f1823 separated
Witness: fThomas separated
Witness: f1831 separated

Reading Group: C09_app682_rg2

Witness: fMS seperated


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 from all
Witness: f1823 from all
Witness: fThomas from all
Witness: f1831 from all
Witness: fMS from all


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: f1831 the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 other
Witness: f1823 other
Witness: fThomas other
Witness: f1831 other
Witness: fMS other


Reading Group: C09_app686_rg1

Witness: f1818 apartments
Witness: f1823 apartments
Witness: fThomas apartments
Witness: f1831 apartments

Reading Group: C09_app686_rg2

Witness: fMS appartments


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 by a gallery
Witness: f1823 by a gallery
Witness: fThomas by a gallery
Witness: f1831 by a gallery
Witness: fMS by a gallery


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fMS and


Reading Group: C09_app689_rg1

Witness: fMS staircase

Reading Group: C09_app689_rg2

Witness: f1818 staircase,
Witness: f1823 staircase,
Witness: fThomas staircase,
Witness: f1831 staircase,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fMS I


Reading Group: C09_app691_rg1

Witness: fMS h kept my workshop

Reading Group: C09_app691_rg2

Witness: f1818 kept my workshop
Witness: f1823 kept my workshop
Witness: fThomas kept my workshop
Witness: f1831 kept my workshop


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of filthy
Witness: f1823 of filthy
Witness: fThomas of filthy
Witness: f1831 of filthy
Witness: fMS of filthy


Reading Group: C09_app693_rg1

Witness: f1823 creation:
Witness: f1831 creation:

Reading Group: C09_app693_rg2

Witness: f1818 creation;
Witness: fThomas creation;
Witness: fMS creation;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my
Witness: f1823 my
Witness: fThomas my
Witness: f1831 my
Witness: fMS my


Reading Group: C09_app695_rg1

Witness: f1831 eye-balls

Reading Group: C09_app695_rg2

Witness: f1818 eyeballs
Witness: f1823 eyeballs
Witness: fThomas eyeballs
Witness: fMS eyeballs


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 were
Witness: f1823 were
Witness: fThomas were
Witness: f1831 were
Witness: fMS were


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 starting from their sockets in attending to the
Witness: f1823 starting from their sockets in attending to the
Witness: fThomas starting from their sockets in attending to the
Witness: f1831 starting from their sockets in attending to the
Witness: fMS starting from their sockets in attending to the


Reading Group: C09_app698_rg1

Witness: f1818 details
Witness: f1823 details
Witness: fThomas details
Witness: f1831 details

Reading Group: C09_app698_rg2

Witness: fMS minutiæ


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of
Witness: f1823 of
Witness: fThomas of
Witness: f1831 of
Witness: fMS of


Reading Group: C09_app700_rg1

Witness: fMS the my

Reading Group: C09_app700_rg2

Witness: f1818 my
Witness: f1823 my
Witness: fThomas my
Witness: f1831 my


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 employment. The dissecting room and
Witness: f1823 employment. The dissecting room and
Witness: fThomas employment. The dissecting room and
Witness: f1831 employment. The dissecting room and
Witness: fMS employment. The dissecting room and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fMS the


Reading Group: C09_app703_rg1

Witness: fMS slaughter house

Reading Group: C09_app703_rg2

Witness: f1818 slaughter-house
Witness: f1823 slaughter-house
Witness: fThomas slaughter-house
Witness: f1831 slaughter-house


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 furnished many
Witness: f1823 furnished many
Witness: fThomas furnished many
Witness: f1831 furnished many
Witness: fMS furnished many


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of my
Witness: f1823 of my
Witness: fThomas of my
Witness: f1831 of my
Witness: fMS of my


Reading Group: C09_app706_rg1

Witness: fMS materials,

Reading Group: C09_app706_rg2

Witness: f1818 materials;
Witness: f1823 materials;
Witness: fThomas materials;
Witness: f1831 materials;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and often did my
Witness: f1823 and often did my
Witness: fThomas and often did my
Witness: f1831 and often did my
Witness: fMS and often did my


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 human nature turn
Witness: f1823 human nature turn
Witness: fThomas human nature turn
Witness: f1831 human nature turn
Witness: fMS human nature turn


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 with loathing
Witness: f1823 with loathing
Witness: fThomas with loathing
Witness: f1831 with loathing


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 from my
Witness: f1823 from my
Witness: fThomas from my
Witness: f1831 from my
Witness: fMS from my


Reading Group: C09_app711_rg1

Witness: fMS occupation butIwhilstwalwas

Reading Group: C09_app711_rg2

Witness: f1818 occupation, whilst,
Witness: f1823 occupation, whilst,
Witness: fThomas occupation, whilst,
Witness: f1831 occupation, whilst,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 still urged
Witness: f1823 still urged
Witness: fThomas still urged
Witness: f1831 still urged
Witness: fMS still urged


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 on by an eagerness which perpetually
Witness: f1823 on by an eagerness which perpetually
Witness: fThomas on by an eagerness which perpetually
Witness: f1831 on by an eagerness which perpetually
Witness: fMS on by an eagerness which perpetually


Reading Group: C09_app714_rg1

Witness: fMS encreased,

Reading Group: C09_app714_rg2

Witness: f1818 increased,
Witness: f1823 increased,
Witness: fThomas increased,
Witness: f1831 increased,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I brought my work
Witness: f1823 I brought my work
Witness: fThomas I brought my work
Witness: f1831 I brought my work
Witness: fMS asI brought my work


Reading Group: C09_app716_rg1

Witness: fMS drew near <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>to a

Reading Group: C09_app716_rg2

Witness: f1818 near to a
Witness: f1823 near to a
Witness: fThomas near to a
Witness: f1831 near to a


Reading Group: C09_app717_rg1

Witness: fMS conclusion. The sums

Reading Group: C09_app717_rg2

Witness: f1818 conclusion.<p/><p/>The
Witness: f1823 conclusion.<p/><p/>The
Witness: fThomas conclusion.<p/><p/>The
Witness: f1831 conclusion.<p/><p/>The


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 summer months
Witness: f1823 summer months
Witness: fThomas summer months
Witness: f1831 summer months
Witness: fMS Summer months


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 passed while I was thus
Witness: f1823 passed while I was thus
Witness: fThomas passed while I was thus
Witness: f1831 passed while I was thus
Witness: fMS passed while I was thus


Reading Group: C09_app720_rg1

Witness: fMS employedengaged,

Reading Group: C09_app720_rg2

Witness: f1818 engaged,
Witness: f1823 engaged,
Witness: fThomas engaged,
Witness: f1831 engaged,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 heart and soul, in one pursuit. It
Witness: f1823 heart and soul, in one pursuit. It
Witness: fThomas heart and soul, in one pursuit. It
Witness: f1831 heart and soul, in one pursuit. It
Witness: fMS heart and soul, in one pursuit. It


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was a most beautiful
Witness: f1823 was a most beautiful
Witness: fThomas was a most beautiful
Witness: f1831 was a most beautiful
Witness: fMS was a most beautiful


Reading Group: C09_app723_rg1

Witness: fMS season:

Reading Group: C09_app723_rg2

Witness: f1818 season;
Witness: f1823 season;
Witness: fThomas season;
Witness: f1831 season;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 never
Witness: f1823 never
Witness: fThomas never
Witness: f1831 never
Witness: fMS never


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 did the fields bestow a more plentiful
Witness: f1823 did the fields bestow a more plentiful
Witness: fThomas did the fields bestow a more plentiful
Witness: f1831 did the fields bestow a more plentiful
Witness: fMS did the fields bestow a more plentiful


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 harvest, or the vines
Witness: f1823 harvest, or the vines
Witness: fThomas harvest, or the vines
Witness: f1831 harvest, or the vines
Witness: fMS harvest, or the vines


Reading Group: C09_app727_rg1

Witness: fMS yeild

Reading Group: C09_app727_rg2

Witness: f1818 yield
Witness: f1823 yield
Witness: fThomas yield
Witness: f1831 yield


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a more
Witness: f1823 a more
Witness: fThomas a more
Witness: f1831 a more
Witness: fMS a more


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 luxuriant
Witness: f1823 luxuriant
Witness: fThomas luxuriant
Witness: f1831 luxuriant
Witness: fMS luxuriant


Reading Group: C09_app730_rg1

Witness: fMS vintage.

Reading Group: C09_app730_rg2

Witness: f1818 vintage:
Witness: f1823 vintage:
Witness: fThomas vintage:
Witness: f1831 vintage:


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but my eyes were
Witness: f1823 but my eyes were
Witness: fThomas but my eyes were
Witness: f1831 but my eyes were
Witness: fMS But my eyes were


Reading Group: C09_app732_rg1

Witness: fMS shutinsensible

Reading Group: C09_app732_rg2

Witness: f1818 insensible
Witness: f1823 insensible
Witness: fThomas insensible
Witness: f1831 insensible


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to the charms of
Witness: f1823 to the charms of
Witness: fThomas to the charms of
Witness: f1831 to the charms of
Witness: fMS to the charms of


Reading Group: C09_app734_rg1

Witness: fMS nature

Reading Group: C09_app734_rg2

Witness: f1818 nature.
Witness: f1823 nature.
Witness: fThomas nature.
Witness: f1831 nature.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 And the
Witness: f1823 And the
Witness: fThomas And the
Witness: f1831 And the
Witness: fMS & the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 same feelings which
Witness: f1823 same feelings which
Witness: fThomas same feelings which
Witness: f1831 same feelings which
Witness: fMS same feelings which


Reading Group: C09_app737_rg1

Witness: fMS caused<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>made

Reading Group: C09_app737_rg2

Witness: f1818 made
Witness: f1823 made
Witness: fThomas made
Witness: f1831 made


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 me
Witness: f1823 me
Witness: fThomas me
Witness: f1831 me
Witness: fMS me


Reading Group: C09_app739_rg1

Witness: fMS to neglect the scenes around me caused

Reading Group: C09_app739_rg2

Witness: f1818 neglect the scenes around me caused
Witness: f1823 neglect the scenes around me caused
Witness: fThomas neglect the scenes around me caused
Witness: f1831 neglect the scenes around me caused


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 me also to forget those friends who
Witness: f1823 me also to forget those friends who
Witness: fThomas me also to forget those friends who
Witness: f1831 me also to forget those friends who
Witness: fMS me also to forget those friends who


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 were so many miles
Witness: f1823 were so many miles
Witness: fThomas were so many miles
Witness: f1831 were so many miles
Witness: fMS were so many miles


Reading Group: C09_app742_rg1

Witness: fMS absent

Reading Group: C09_app742_rg2

Witness: f1818 absent,
Witness: f1823 absent,
Witness: fThomas absent,
Witness: f1831 absent,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and whom
Witness: f1823 and whom
Witness: fThomas and whom
Witness: f1831 and whom
Witness: fMS and whom


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I had not seen for so long a time. I knew
Witness: f1823 I had not seen for so long a time. I knew
Witness: fThomas I had not seen for so long a time. I knew
Witness: f1831 I had not seen for so long a time. I knew
Witness: fMS I had not seen for so long a time. I knew


Reading Group: C09_app745_rg1

Witness: fMS that my silence disquieted

Reading Group: C09_app745_rg2

Witness: f1818 my silence disquieted
Witness: f1823 my silence disquieted
Witness: fThomas my silence disquieted
Witness: f1831 my silence disquieted


Reading Group: C09_app746_rg1

Witness: fMS them

Reading Group: C09_app746_rg2

Witness: f1818 them;
Witness: f1823 them;
Witness: fThomas them;
Witness: f1831 them;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and I well remembered the
Witness: f1823 and I well remembered the
Witness: fThomas and I well remembered the
Witness: f1831 and I well remembered the
Witness: fMS and I well remembered the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 words of my
Witness: f1823 words of my
Witness: fThomas words of my
Witness: f1831 words of my
Witness: fMS words of my


Reading Group: C09_app749_rg1

Witness: fMS father.

Reading Group: C09_app749_rg2

Witness: f1818 father:
Witness: f1823 father:
Witness: fThomas father:
Witness: f1831 father:


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 “I know that while
Witness: f1823 “I know that while
Witness: fThomas “I know that while
Witness: f1831 “I know that while
Witness: fMS "I know that while


Reading Group: C09_app751_rg1

Witness: fMS "you

Reading Group: C09_app751_rg2

Witness: f1818 you
Witness: f1823 you
Witness: fThomas you
Witness: f1831 you


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 are pleased with
Witness: f1823 are pleased with
Witness: fThomas are pleased with
Witness: f1831 are pleased with
Witness: fMS are pleased with


Reading Group: C09_app753_rg1

Witness: fMS yourself

Reading Group: C09_app753_rg2

Witness: f1818 yourself,
Witness: f1823 yourself,
Witness: fThomas yourself,
Witness: f1831 yourself,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 you
Witness: f1823 you
Witness: fThomas you
Witness: f1831 you
Witness: fMS you


Reading Group: C09_app755_rg1

Witness: fMS "will thing

Reading Group: C09_app755_rg2

Witness: f1818 will
Witness: f1823 will
Witness: fThomas will
Witness: f1831 will


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 think of us with
Witness: f1823 think of us with
Witness: fThomas think of us with
Witness: f1831 think of us with
Witness: fMS think of us with


Reading Group: C09_app757_rg1

Witness: fMS affection "and

Reading Group: C09_app757_rg2

Witness: f1818 affection, and
Witness: f1823 affection, and
Witness: fThomas affection, and
Witness: f1831 affection, and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 we shall hear regularly from
Witness: f1823 we shall hear regularly from
Witness: fThomas we shall hear regularly from
Witness: f1831 we shall hear regularly from
Witness: fMS we shall hear regularly from


Reading Group: C09_app759_rg1

Witness: fMS "you. And

Reading Group: C09_app759_rg2

Witness: f1818 you.
Witness: f1823 you.
Witness: fThomas you.
Witness: f1831 you.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 You must pardon
Witness: f1823 You must pardon
Witness: fThomas You must pardon
Witness: f1831 You must pardon
Witness: fMS you must pardon


Reading Group: C09_app761_rg1

Witness: f1823 me
Witness: f1831 me
Witness: fMS me

Reading Group: C09_app761_rg2

Witness: f1818 me,
Witness: fThomas me,


Reading Group: C09_app762_rg1

Witness: fMS "if

Reading Group: C09_app762_rg2

Witness: f1818 if
Witness: f1823 if
Witness: fThomas if
Witness: f1831 if


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I regard
Witness: f1823 I regard
Witness: fThomas I regard
Witness: f1831 I regard
Witness: fMS I regard


Reading Group: C09_app764_rg1

Witness: fMS you any interruption

Reading Group: C09_app764_rg2

Witness: f1818 any interruption
Witness: f1823 any interruption
Witness: fThomas any interruption
Witness: f1831 any interruption


Reading Group: C09_app765_rg1

Witness: fMS "in

Reading Group: C09_app765_rg2

Witness: f1818 in
Witness: f1823 in
Witness: fThomas in
Witness: f1831 in


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 your
Witness: f1823 your
Witness: fThomas your
Witness: f1831 your
Witness: fMS your


Reading Group: C09_app767_rg1

Witness: fMS corespondence,

Reading Group: C09_app767_rg2

Witness: f1818 correspondence
Witness: f1823 correspondence
Witness: fThomas correspondence
Witness: f1831 correspondence


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 as a proof
Witness: f1823 as a proof
Witness: fThomas as a proof
Witness: f1831 as a proof
Witness: fMS as a proof


Reading Group: C09_app769_rg1

Witness: fMS "that

Reading Group: C09_app769_rg2

Witness: f1818 that
Witness: f1823 that
Witness: fThomas that
Witness: f1831 that


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 your other
Witness: f1823 your other
Witness: fThomas your other
Witness: f1831 your other
Witness: fMS your other


Reading Group: C09_app771_rg1

Witness: fMS studiesduties

Reading Group: C09_app771_rg2

Witness: f1818 duties
Witness: f1823 duties
Witness: fThomas duties
Witness: f1831 duties


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 are equally
Witness: f1823 are equally
Witness: fThomas are equally
Witness: f1831 are equally
Witness: fMS are equally


Reading Group: C09_app773_rg1

Witness: fMS neglected" I rembered knew well

Reading Group: C09_app773_rg2

Witness: f1818 neglected.”<p/><p/>I knew well
Witness: f1823 neglected.”<p/><p/>I knew well
Witness: fThomas neglected.”<p/><p/>I knew well
Witness: f1831 neglected.”<p/><p/>I knew well


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 therefore what
Witness: f1823 therefore what
Witness: fThomas therefore what
Witness: f1831 therefore what
Witness: fMS therefore what


Reading Group: C09_app775_rg1

Witness: fMS his opinion would be his feelings

Reading Group: C09_app775_rg2

Witness: f1818 would be my father’s feelings;
Witness: f1823 would be my father’s feelings;
Witness: fThomas would be my father’s feelings;
Witness: f1831 would be my father’s feelings;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but I could not tear my thoughts
Witness: f1823 but I could not tear my thoughts
Witness: fThomas but I could not tear my thoughts
Witness: f1831 but I could not tear my thoughts
Witness: fMS but I could not tear my thoughts


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 from my
Witness: f1823 from my
Witness: fThomas from my
Witness: f1831 from my
Witness: fMS from my


Reading Group: C09_app778_rg1

Witness: f1818 employment,
Witness: f1823 employment,
Witness: fThomas employment,
Witness: f1831 employment,

Reading Group: C09_app778_rg2

Witness: fMS occupation


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 loathsome in
Witness: f1823 loathsome in
Witness: fThomas loathsome in
Witness: f1831 loathsome in
Witness: fMS loathsome in


Reading Group: C09_app780_rg1

Witness: fMS itself

Reading Group: C09_app780_rg2

Witness: f1818 itself,
Witness: f1823 itself,
Witness: fThomas itself,
Witness: f1831 itself,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but which had taken
Witness: f1823 but which had taken
Witness: fThomas but which had taken
Witness: f1831 but which had taken
Witness: fMS but which had taken


Reading Group: C09_app782_rg1

Witness: f1818 an irresistible
Witness: f1823 an irresistible
Witness: fThomas an irresistible
Witness: f1831 an irresistible

Reading Group: C09_app782_rg2

Witness: fMS anstrongirresistible


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 hold of my
Witness: f1823 hold of my
Witness: fThomas hold of my
Witness: f1831 hold of my
Witness: fMS hold of my


Reading Group: C09_app784_rg1

Witness: fMS imagni imagination.

Reading Group: C09_app784_rg2

Witness: f1818 imagination.
Witness: f1823 imagination.
Witness: fThomas imagination.
Witness: f1831 imagination.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fMS I


Reading Group: C09_app786_rg1

Witness: fMS wished

Reading Group: C09_app786_rg2

Witness: f1818 wished,
Witness: f1823 wished,
Witness: fThomas wished,
Witness: f1831 wished,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 as it
Witness: f1823 as it
Witness: fThomas as it
Witness: f1831 as it
Witness: fMS as it


Reading Group: C09_app788_rg1

Witness: fMS were

Reading Group: C09_app788_rg2

Witness: f1818 were,
Witness: f1823 were,
Witness: fThomas were,
Witness: f1831 were,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to
Witness: f1823 to
Witness: fThomas to
Witness: f1831 to
Witness: fMS to


Reading Group: C09_app790_rg1

Witness: fMS procrprocrastinate<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>all

Reading Group: C09_app790_rg2

Witness: f1818 procrastinate all
Witness: f1823 procrastinate all
Witness: fThomas procrastinate all
Witness: f1831 procrastinate all


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that related to my feelings of
Witness: f1823 that related to my feelings of
Witness: fThomas that related to my feelings of
Witness: f1831 that related to my feelings of
Witness: fMS that related to my feelings of


Reading Group: C09_app792_rg1

Witness: f1818 affection until
Witness: f1823 affection until
Witness: fThomas affection until
Witness: f1831 affection until

Reading Group: C09_app792_rg2

Witness: fMS affection, untill


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the great
Witness: f1823 the great
Witness: fThomas the great
Witness: f1831 the great
Witness: fMS the great


Reading Group: C09_app794_rg1

Witness: fMS object of my affectionwaswhich

Reading Group: C09_app794_rg2

Witness: f1818 object, which
Witness: f1823 object, which
Witness: fThomas object, which
Witness: f1831 object, which


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 swallowed up every habit of my
Witness: f1823 swallowed up every habit of my
Witness: fThomas swallowed up every habit of my
Witness: f1831 swallowed up every habit of my
Witness: fMS swallowed up every habit of my


Reading Group: C09_app796_rg1

Witness: fMS nature

Reading Group: C09_app796_rg2

Witness: f1818 nature,
Witness: f1823 nature,
Witness: fThomas nature,
Witness: f1831 nature,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 should be
Witness: f1823 should be
Witness: fThomas should be
Witness: f1831 should be
Witness: fMS should be


Reading Group: C09_app798_rg1

Witness: fMS compleated.

Reading Group: C09_app798_rg2

Witness: f1818 completed.<p/>
Witness: f1823 completed.<p/>
Witness: fThomas completed.<p/>
Witness: f1831 completed.<p/>


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 <p/>I then thought that my father
Witness: f1823 <p/>I then thought that my father
Witness: fThomas <p/>I then thought that my father
Witness: f1831 <p/>I then thought that my father
Witness: fMS I then thought that my father


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 would be
Witness: f1823 would be
Witness: fThomas would be
Witness: f1831 would be
Witness: fMS would be


Reading Group: C09_app801_rg1

Witness: fMS in unjust toif he ascribed my

Reading Group: C09_app801_rg2

Witness: f1818 unjust if he ascribed my
Witness: f1823 unjust if he ascribed my
Witness: fThomas unjust if he ascribed my
Witness: f1831 unjust if he ascribed my


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 neglect to
Witness: f1823 neglect to
Witness: fThomas neglect to
Witness: f1831 neglect to
Witness: fMS neglect to


Reading Group: C09_app803_rg1

Witness: fMS vice

Reading Group: C09_app803_rg2

Witness: f1818 vice,
Witness: f1823 vice,
Witness: fThomas vice,
Witness: f1831 vice,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 or faultiness on my
Witness: f1823 or faultiness on my
Witness: fThomas or faultiness on my
Witness: f1831 or faultiness on my
Witness: fMS or faultiness on my


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 part; but I am now convinced
Witness: f1823 part; but I am now convinced
Witness: fThomas part; but I am now convinced
Witness: f1831 part; but I am now convinced
Witness: fMS part; but I am now convinced


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that
Witness: f1823 that
Witness: fThomas that
Witness: f1831 that
Witness: fMS that


Reading Group: C09_app807_rg1

Witness: fMS Iam<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>he was<metamark function="displacement">X</metamark>in the rightin co conceive<metamark>X</metamark> he was in the right

Reading Group: C09_app807_rg2

Witness: f1818 he was justified
Witness: f1823 he was justified
Witness: fThomas he was justified
Witness: f1831 he was justified


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in conceiving that I
Witness: f1823 in conceiving that I
Witness: fThomas in conceiving that I
Witness: f1831 in conceiving that I
Witness: fMS in conceiving that I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 should not be
Witness: f1823 should not be
Witness: fThomas should not be
Witness: f1831 should not be
Witness: fMS should not be


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 altogether free
Witness: f1823 altogether free
Witness: fThomas altogether free
Witness: f1831 altogether free
Witness: fMS altogether free


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 from
Witness: f1823 from
Witness: fThomas from
Witness: f1831 from
Witness: fMS from


Reading Group: C09_app812_rg1

Witness: f1818 blame.
Witness: f1823 blame.
Witness: fThomas blame.
Witness: f1831 blame.

Reading Group: C09_app812_rg2

Witness: fMS blame..


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 A human
Witness: f1823 A human
Witness: fThomas A human
Witness: f1831 A human
Witness: fMS A human


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 being in perfection ought always to
Witness: f1823 being in perfection ought always to
Witness: fThomas being in perfection ought always to
Witness: f1831 being in perfection ought always to
Witness: fMS being in perfection ought always to


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 preserve a
Witness: f1823 preserve a
Witness: fThomas preserve a
Witness: f1831 preserve a
Witness: fMS preserve a


Reading Group: C09_app816_rg1

Witness: fMS cl calm and peaceful

Reading Group: C09_app816_rg2

Witness: f1818 calm and peaceful
Witness: f1823 calm and peaceful
Witness: fThomas calm and peaceful
Witness: f1831 calm and peaceful


Reading Group: C09_app817_rg1

Witness: fMS mind

Reading Group: C09_app817_rg2

Witness: f1818 mind,
Witness: f1823 mind,
Witness: fThomas mind,
Witness: f1831 mind,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and never to allow passion or
Witness: f1823 and never to allow passion or
Witness: fThomas and never to allow passion or
Witness: f1831 and never to allow passion or
Witness: fMS and never to allow passion or


Reading Group: C09_app819_rg1

Witness: fMS ^a

Reading Group: C09_app819_rg2

Witness: f1818 a
Witness: f1823 a
Witness: fThomas a
Witness: f1831 a


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 transitory desire to disturb his
Witness: f1823 transitory desire to disturb his
Witness: fThomas transitory desire to disturb his
Witness: f1831 transitory desire to disturb his
Witness: fMS transitory desire to disturb his


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 tranquillity. I do not think that the pursuit
Witness: f1823 tranquillity. I do not think that the pursuit
Witness: fThomas tranquillity. I do not think that the pursuit
Witness: f1831 tranquillity. I do not think that the pursuit
Witness: fMS tranquillity. I do not think that the pursuit


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of knowledge is
Witness: f1823 of knowledge is
Witness: fThomas of knowledge is
Witness: f1831 of knowledge is
Witness: fMS of knowledge is


Reading Group: C09_app823_rg1

Witness: f1818 an
Witness: f1823 an
Witness: fThomas an
Witness: f1831 an

Reading Group: C09_app823_rg2

Witness: fMS any


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 exception to this rule.
Witness: f1823 exception to this rule.
Witness: fThomas exception to this rule.
Witness: f1831 exception to this rule.
Witness: fMS exception to this rule.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 If the study to which you apply yourself
Witness: f1823 If the study to which you apply yourself
Witness: fThomas If the study to which you apply yourself
Witness: f1831 If the study to which you apply yourself
Witness: fMS If the study to which you apply yourself


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 has a
Witness: f1823 has a
Witness: fThomas has a
Witness: f1831 has a
Witness: fMS has a


Reading Group: C09_app827_rg1

Witness: fMS d tendency to weaken your

Reading Group: C09_app827_rg2

Witness: f1818 tendency to weaken your
Witness: f1823 tendency to weaken your
Witness: fThomas tendency to weaken your
Witness: f1831 tendency to weaken your


Reading Group: C09_app828_rg1

Witness: fMS affections

Reading Group: C09_app828_rg2

Witness: f1818 affections,
Witness: f1823 affections,
Witness: fThomas affections,
Witness: f1831 affections,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and to destroy your taste for those simple
Witness: f1823 and to destroy your taste for those simple
Witness: fThomas and to destroy your taste for those simple
Witness: f1831 and to destroy your taste for those simple
Witness: fMS and to destroy your taste for those simple


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 pleasures in which no alloy can possibly
Witness: f1823 pleasures in which no alloy can possibly
Witness: fThomas pleasures in which no alloy can possibly
Witness: f1831 pleasures in which no alloy can possibly
Witness: fMS pleasures in which no alloy can possibly


Reading Group: C09_app831_rg1

Witness: fMS mix

Reading Group: C09_app831_rg2

Witness: f1818 mix,
Witness: f1823 mix,
Witness: fThomas mix,
Witness: f1831 mix,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 then that study is certainly
Witness: f1823 then that study is certainly
Witness: fThomas then that study is certainly
Witness: f1831 then that study is certainly
Witness: fMS then that study is certainly


Reading Group: C09_app833_rg1

Witness: fMS unlawful

Reading Group: C09_app833_rg2

Witness: f1818 unlawful,
Witness: f1823 unlawful,
Witness: fThomas unlawful,
Witness: f1831 unlawful,


Reading Group: C09_app834_rg1

Witness: f1818 that is to say,
Witness: f1823 that is to say,
Witness: fThomas that is to say,
Witness: f1831 that is to say,

Reading Group: C09_app834_rg2

Witness: fMS that it is to say on that


Reading Group: C09_app835_rg1

Witness: f1818 not befitting
Witness: f1823 not befitting
Witness: fThomas not befitting
Witness: f1831 not befitting

Reading Group: C09_app835_rg2

Witness: fMS not befitting to


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the human mind. If this
Witness: f1823 the human mind. If this
Witness: fThomas the human mind. If this
Witness: f1831 the human mind. If this
Witness: fMS the human mind. If this


Reading Group: C09_app837_rg1

Witness: fMS rul rule

Reading Group: C09_app837_rg2

Witness: f1818 rule
Witness: f1823 rule
Witness: fThomas rule
Witness: f1831 rule


Reading Group: C09_app838_rg1

Witness: fMS waswere always

Reading Group: C09_app838_rg2

Witness: f1818 were always
Witness: f1823 were always
Witness: fThomas were always
Witness: f1831 were always


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 observed; if no man allowed any
Witness: f1823 observed; if no man allowed any
Witness: fThomas observed; if no man allowed any
Witness: f1831 observed; if no man allowed any
Witness: fMS observed; if no man allowed any


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 pursuit whatsoever to interfere with
Witness: f1823 pursuit whatsoever to interfere with
Witness: fThomas pursuit whatsoever to interfere with
Witness: f1831 pursuit whatsoever to interfere with
Witness: fMS pursuit whatsoever to interfere with


Reading Group: C09_app841_rg1

Witness: fMS his

Reading Group: C09_app841_rg2

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: f1831 the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 tranquillity
Witness: f1823 tranquillity
Witness: fThomas tranquillity
Witness: f1831 tranquillity
Witness: fMS tranquillity


Reading Group: C09_app843_rg1

Witness: fMS and

Reading Group: C09_app843_rg2

Witness: f1818 of
Witness: f1823 of
Witness: fThomas of
Witness: f1831 of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 his domestic
Witness: f1823 his domestic
Witness: fThomas his domestic
Witness: f1831 his domestic
Witness: fMS his domestic


Reading Group: C09_app845_rg1

Witness: fMS affections

Reading Group: C09_app845_rg2

Witness: f1818 affections,
Witness: f1823 affections,
Witness: fThomas affections,
Witness: f1831 affections,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Greece had
Witness: f1823 Greece had
Witness: fThomas Greece had
Witness: f1831 Greece had
Witness: fMS Greece had


Reading Group: C09_app847_rg1

Witness: fMS never

Reading Group: C09_app847_rg2

Witness: f1818 not
Witness: f1823 not
Witness: fThomas not
Witness: f1831 not


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 been
Witness: f1823 been
Witness: fThomas been
Witness: f1831 been
Witness: fMS been


Reading Group: C09_app849_rg1

Witness: fMS enslaved,

Reading Group: C09_app849_rg2

Witness: f1818 enslaved;
Witness: f1823 enslaved;
Witness: fThomas enslaved;
Witness: f1831 enslaved;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Cæsar
Witness: f1823 Cæsar
Witness: fThomas Cæsar
Witness: f1831 Cæsar
Witness: fMS Cæsar


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 would have spared his
Witness: f1823 would have spared his
Witness: fThomas would have spared his
Witness: f1831 would have spared his
Witness: fMS would have spared his


Reading Group: C09_app852_rg1

Witness: fMS country,

Reading Group: C09_app852_rg2

Witness: f1818 country;
Witness: f1823 country;
Witness: fThomas country;
Witness: f1831 country;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 America
Witness: f1823 America
Witness: fThomas America
Witness: f1831 America
Witness: fMS America


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 would have been discovered more
Witness: f1823 would have been discovered more
Witness: fThomas would have been discovered more
Witness: f1831 would have been discovered more
Witness: fMS would have been discovered more


Reading Group: C09_app855_rg1

Witness: fMS gradually,

Reading Group: C09_app855_rg2

Witness: f1818 gradually;
Witness: f1823 gradually;
Witness: fThomas gradually;
Witness: f1831 gradually;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and the empires of Mexico and Peru had
Witness: f1823 and the empires of Mexico and Peru had
Witness: fThomas and the empires of Mexico and Peru had
Witness: f1831 and the empires of Mexico and Peru had
Witness: fMS and the Empires of Mexico & Peru had


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 not been
Witness: f1823 not been
Witness: fThomas not been
Witness: f1831 not been
Witness: fMS not been


Reading Group: C09_app858_rg1

Witness: fMS destroyed. But

Reading Group: C09_app858_rg2

Witness: f1818 destroyed.<p/><p/>But
Witness: f1823 destroyed.<p/><p/>But
Witness: fThomas destroyed.<p/><p/>But
Witness: f1831 destroyed.<p/><p/>But


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I forget that I am
Witness: f1823 I forget that I am
Witness: fThomas I forget that I am
Witness: f1831 I forget that I am
Witness: fMS I forget that I am


Reading Group: C09_app860_rg1

Witness: f1831 moralising

Reading Group: C09_app860_rg2

Witness: f1818 moralizing
Witness: f1823 moralizing
Witness: fThomas moralizing
Witness: fMS moralizing


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in the most
Witness: f1823 in the most
Witness: fThomas in the most
Witness: f1831 in the most
Witness: fMS in the most


Reading Group: C09_app862_rg1

Witness: f1818 interesting
Witness: f1823 interesting
Witness: fThomas interesting
Witness: f1831 interesting

Reading Group: C09_app862_rg2

Witness: fMS interresting


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 part of my
Witness: f1823 part of my
Witness: fThomas part of my
Witness: f1831 part of my
Witness: fMS part of my


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 tale; and your looks remind me to
Witness: f1823 tale; and your looks remind me to
Witness: fThomas tale; and your looks remind me to
Witness: f1831 tale; and your looks remind me to
Witness: fMS tale; and your looks remind me to


Reading Group: C09_app865_rg1

Witness: fMS proceed. My

Reading Group: C09_app865_rg2

Witness: f1818 proceed.<p/><p/>My
Witness: f1823 proceed.<p/><p/>My
Witness: fThomas proceed.<p/><p/>My
Witness: f1831 proceed.<p/><p/>My


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 father made no reproach in his
Witness: f1823 father made no reproach in his
Witness: fThomas father made no reproach in his
Witness: f1831 father made no reproach in his
Witness: fMS father made no reproach in his


Reading Group: C09_app867_rg1

Witness: f1818 letters;
Witness: fThomas letters;

Reading Group: C09_app867_rg2

Witness: f1823 letters,
Witness: f1831 letters,
Witness: fMS letters,


Reading Group: C09_app868_rg1

Witness: fMS an and only took notice of my

Reading Group: C09_app868_rg2

Witness: f1818 and only took notice of my
Witness: f1823 and only took notice of my
Witness: fThomas and only took notice of my
Witness: f1831 and only took notice of my


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 silence by
Witness: f1823 silence by
Witness: fThomas silence by
Witness: f1831 silence by
Witness: fMS silence by


Reading Group: C09_app870_rg1

Witness: f1831 enquiring
Witness: fMS enquiring

Reading Group: C09_app870_rg2

Witness: f1818 inquiring
Witness: f1823 inquiring
Witness: fThomas inquiring


Reading Group: C09_app871_rg1

Witness: f1818 into my occupations more particularly than before.
Witness: f1823 into my occupations more particularly than before.
Witness: fThomas into my occupations more particularly than before.
Witness: f1831 into my occupations more particularly than before.

Reading Group: C09_app871_rg2

Witness: fMS more particularly than before what my co occupations wer were.


Reading Group: C09_app872_rg1

Witness: fMS Winter spring

Reading Group: C09_app872_rg2

Witness: f1818 Winter, spring,
Witness: f1823 Winter, spring,
Witness: fThomas Winter, spring,
Witness: f1831 Winter, spring,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and summer
Witness: f1823 and summer
Witness: fThomas and summer
Witness: f1831 and summer
Witness: fMS and summer


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 passed away during my
Witness: f1823 passed away during my
Witness: fThomas passed away during my
Witness: f1831 passed away during my
Witness: fMS passed away during my


Reading Group: C09_app875_rg1

Witness: fMS tlabours

Reading Group: C09_app875_rg2

Witness: f1818 labours;
Witness: f1823 labours;
Witness: fThomas labours;
Witness: f1831 labours;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but
Witness: f1823 but
Witness: fThomas but
Witness: f1831 but
Witness: fMS but


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I did not watch the blossom or the
Witness: f1823 I did not watch the blossom or the
Witness: fThomas I did not watch the blossom or the
Witness: f1831 I did not watch the blossom or the
Witness: fMS I did not watch the blossom or the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 expanding
Witness: f1823 expanding
Witness: fThomas expanding
Witness: f1831 expanding
Witness: fMS expanding


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS leaves – sights
Witness: f1818 leaves—sights
Witness: f1823 leaves—sights
Witness: fThomas leaves—sights
Witness: f1831 leaves—sights


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 which before
Witness: f1823 which before
Witness: fThomas which before
Witness: f1831 which before
Witness: fMS which before


Reading Group: C09_app881_rg1

Witness: fMS had alway yeilded

Reading Group: C09_app881_rg2

Witness: f1818 always yielded
Witness: f1823 always yielded
Witness: fThomas always yielded
Witness: f1831 always yielded


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 me supreme
Witness: f1823 me supreme
Witness: fThomas me supreme
Witness: f1831 me supreme
Witness: fMS me supreme


Reading Group: C09_app883_rg1

Witness: f1818 delight, so
Witness: fThomas delight, so

Reading Group: C09_app883_rg2

Witness: fMS delight. so

Reading Group: C09_app883_rg3

Witness: f1823 delight—so
Witness: f1831 delight—so


Reading Group: C09_app884_rg1

Witness: fMS muchdeeply

Reading Group: C09_app884_rg2

Witness: f1818 deeply
Witness: f1823 deeply
Witness: fThomas deeply
Witness: f1831 deeply


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was I
Witness: f1823 was I
Witness: fThomas was I
Witness: f1831 was I
Witness: fMS was I


Reading Group: C09_app886_rg1

Witness: fMS taken up withengrossed

Reading Group: C09_app886_rg2

Witness: f1818 engrossed
Witness: f1823 engrossed
Witness: fThomas engrossed
Witness: f1831 engrossed


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in my occupation. The leaves of that year
Witness: f1823 in my occupation. The leaves of that year
Witness: fThomas in my occupation. The leaves of that year
Witness: f1831 in my occupation. The leaves of that year
Witness: fMS in my occupation. The leaves of that year


Reading Group: C09_app888_rg1

Witness: fMS were

Reading Group: C09_app888_rg2

Witness: f1818 had
Witness: f1823 had
Witness: fThomas had
Witness: f1831 had


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 withered before my work drew
Witness: f1823 withered before my work drew
Witness: fThomas withered before my work drew
Witness: f1831 withered before my work drew
Witness: fMS withered before my work drew


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 near
Witness: f1823 near
Witness: fThomas near
Witness: f1831 near
Witness: fMS near


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to
Witness: f1823 to
Witness: fThomas to
Witness: f1831 to


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a
Witness: f1823 a
Witness: fThomas a
Witness: f1831 a
Witness: fMS a


Reading Group: C09_app893_rg1

Witness: fMS close.

Reading Group: C09_app893_rg2

Witness: f1818 close;
Witness: f1823 close;
Witness: fThomas close;
Witness: f1831 close;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and now every day
Witness: f1823 and now every day
Witness: fThomas and now every day
Witness: f1831 and now every day
Witness: fMS And now every day


Reading Group: C09_app895_rg1

Witness: f1818 shewed
Witness: fThomas shewed
Witness: fMS shewed

Reading Group: C09_app895_rg2

Witness: f1823 showed
Witness: f1831 showed


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 me more plainly how well I had succeeded. But my enthusiasm was
Witness: f1823 me more plainly how well I had succeeded. But my enthusiasm was
Witness: fThomas me more plainly how well I had succeeded. But my enthusiasm was
Witness: f1831 me more plainly how well I had succeeded. But my enthusiasm was
Witness: fMS me more plainly how well I had succeeded. But my enthusiasm was


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 checked by my
Witness: f1823 checked by my
Witness: fThomas checked by my
Witness: f1831 checked by my
Witness: fMS checked by my


Reading Group: C09_app898_rg1

Witness: fMS am anxiety

Reading Group: C09_app898_rg2

Witness: f1818 anxiety,
Witness: f1823 anxiety,
Witness: fThomas anxiety,
Witness: f1831 anxiety,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and I appeared
Witness: f1823 and I appeared
Witness: fThomas and I appeared
Witness: f1831 and I appeared
Witness: fMS and I appeared


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 rather like one doomed by slavery
Witness: f1823 rather like one doomed by slavery
Witness: fThomas rather like one doomed by slavery
Witness: f1831 rather like one doomed by slavery
Witness: fMS rather like one doomed by slavery


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to toil in the
Witness: f1823 to toil in the
Witness: fThomas to toil in the
Witness: f1831 to toil in the
Witness: fMS to toil in the


Reading Group: C09_app902_rg1

Witness: fMS mines

Reading Group: C09_app902_rg2

Witness: f1818 mines,
Witness: f1823 mines,
Witness: fThomas mines,
Witness: f1831 mines,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 or any other
Witness: f1823 or any other
Witness: fThomas or any other
Witness: f1831 or any other
Witness: fMS or any other


Reading Group: C09_app904_rg1

Witness: fMS unwholsome trade

Reading Group: C09_app904_rg2

Witness: f1818 unwholesome trade,
Witness: f1823 unwholesome trade,
Witness: fThomas unwholesome trade,
Witness: f1831 unwholesome trade,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 than an artist
Witness: f1823 than an artist
Witness: fThomas than an artist
Witness: f1831 than an artist
Witness: fMS than an artist


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 occupied
Witness: f1823 occupied
Witness: fThomas occupied
Witness: f1831 occupied
Witness: fMS occupied


Reading Group: C09_app907_rg1

Witness: f1818 by
Witness: f1823 by
Witness: fThomas by
Witness: f1831 by

Reading Group: C09_app907_rg2

Witness: fMS in


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 his favourite employment.
Witness: f1823 his favourite employment.
Witness: fThomas his favourite employment.
Witness: f1831 his favourite employment.
Witness: fMS his favourite employment.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Every
Witness: f1823 Every
Witness: fThomas Every
Witness: f1831 Every
Witness: fMS Every


Reading Group: C09_app910_rg1

Witness: fMS nigh night

Reading Group: C09_app910_rg2

Witness: f1818 night
Witness: f1823 night
Witness: fThomas night
Witness: f1831 night


Reading Group: C09_app911_rg1

Witness: fMS a slow fever oppressed me

Reading Group: C09_app911_rg2

Witness: f1818 I was oppressed by a slow fever,
Witness: f1823 I was oppressed by a slow fever,
Witness: fThomas I was oppressed by a slow fever,
Witness: f1831 I was oppressed by a slow fever,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and I became
Witness: f1823 and I became
Witness: fThomas and I became
Witness: f1831 and I became
Witness: fMS and I became


Reading Group: C09_app913_rg1

Witness: fMS nevous<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>nervous

Reading Group: C09_app913_rg2

Witness: f1818 nervous
Witness: f1823 nervous
Witness: fThomas nervous
Witness: f1831 nervous


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to a
Witness: f1823 to a
Witness: fThomas to a
Witness: f1831 to a
Witness: fMS to a


Reading Group: C09_app915_rg1

Witness: fMS degre most painful degree;

Reading Group: C09_app915_rg2

Witness: f1818 most painful degree;
Witness: f1823 most painful degree;
Witness: fThomas most painful degree;

Reading Group: C09_app915_rg3

Witness: f1831 most painful degree; the fall of a leaf startled me, and I shunned my fellow-creatures as if I had been guilty of a crime. Sometimes I grew alarmed at the wreck I perceived that I had become; the energy of my purpose alone sustained me: my labours would soon end, and I perceived that I had become; the energy of my purpose alone sustained me: my labours would soon end, and


Reading Group: C09_app916_rg1

Witness: fThomas a disease that I regretted the more because I had hitherto en<pb xml:id="F1818_v1_108" n="096"/>joyed most excellent health, and had always boasted of the firmness of my nerves. <add/>my voice became broken, my trembling hands almost refused to accomplish their task; I became as timid as a love-sick girl, and alternate tremor and passionate ardour took the place of wholesome sensation and regulated ambition.<add/>

Reading Group: C09_app916_rg2

Witness: fMS a fever a disease I regretted the more because I had hitherto enjoyed excellent

Reading Group: C09_app916_rg3

Witness: f1818 a disease that I regretted the more because I had hitherto enjoyed most excellent
Witness: f1823 a disease that I regretted the more because I had hitherto enjoyed most excellent


Reading Group: C09_app917_rg1

Witness: fMS health &my nerveswere fi

Reading Group: C09_app917_rg2

Witness: f1818 health, and
Witness: f1823 health, and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 had always boasted of the firmness of my nerves.
Witness: f1823 had always boasted of the firmness of my nerves.
Witness: fMS had always boasted of mythe firmness<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>of my nerves.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 But
Witness: f1823 But
Witness: fThomas But
Witness: fMS But


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I believed that exercise and amusement would
Witness: f1823 I believed that exercise and amusement would
Witness: fThomas I believed that exercise and amusement would
Witness: f1831 I believed that exercise and amusement would
Witness: fMS I believed that exercise and amusement would


Reading Group: C09_app921_rg1

Witness: f1818 soon
Witness: f1823 soon
Witness: fThomas soon
Witness: fMS soon

Reading Group: C09_app921_rg2

Witness: f1831 then


Reading Group: C09_app922_rg1

Witness: fMS driv drive away

Reading Group: C09_app922_rg2

Witness: f1818 drive away
Witness: f1823 drive away
Witness: fThomas drive away
Witness: f1831 drive away


Reading Group: C09_app923_rg1

Witness: fMS thesesuchsymptoms

Reading Group: C09_app923_rg2

Witness: f1831 incipient disease;

Reading Group: C09_app923_rg3

Witness: f1818 such symptoms;
Witness: f1823 such symptoms;
Witness: fThomas such symptoms;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and I promised myself both
Witness: f1823 and I promised myself both
Witness: fThomas and I promised myself both
Witness: f1831 and I promised myself both
Witness: fMS and I promised myself both


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of
Witness: f1823 of
Witness: fThomas of
Witness: f1831 of
Witness: fMS of


Reading Group: C09_app926_rg1

Witness: f1823 these
Witness: f1831 these
Witness: fMS these

Reading Group: C09_app926_rg2

Witness: f1818 these,
Witness: fThomas these,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 when my creation should be
Witness: f1823 when my creation should be
Witness: fThomas when my creation should be
Witness: f1831 when my creation should be
Witness: fMS when my creation should be


Reading Group: C09_app928_rg1

Witness: fMS compleetteed. I hadhad t then determined to go to Geneva as soon as this should be done and a in the midst of my family find eve

Reading Group: C09_app928_rg2

Witness: f1818 complete.<p/>
Witness: fThomas complete.<p/>
Witness: f1823 complete.<p/>
Witness: f1831 complete.<p/>


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 <head/>CHAPTER
Witness: f1823 <head/>CHAPTER
Witness: fThomas <head/>CHAPTER
Witness: f1831 <head/>CHAPTER
Witness: fMS Chapter


Reading Group: C10_app2_rg1

Witness: fMS 7<shi rend="sup"></shi>

Reading Group: C10_app2_rg2

Witness: f1818 IV.<head/><p/>
Witness: f1823 IV.<head/><p/>
Witness: fThomas IV.<head/><p/>

Reading Group: C10_app2_rg3

Witness: f1831 V.<head/><p/>


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I<hi/>T<hi/>
Witness: f1823 I<hi/>T<hi/>
Witness: fThomas I<hi/>T<hi/>
Witness: f1831 I<hi/>T<hi/>
Witness: fMS It


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was on a dreary night of
Witness: f1823 was on a dreary night of
Witness: fThomas was on a dreary night of
Witness: f1831 was on a dreary night of
Witness: fMS was on a dreary night of


Reading Group: C10_app5_rg1

Witness: fMS November

Reading Group: C10_app5_rg2

Witness: f1818 November,
Witness: f1823 November,
Witness: fThomas November,
Witness: f1831 November,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that I beheld
Witness: f1823 that I beheld
Witness: fThomas that I beheld
Witness: f1831 that I beheld
Witness: fMS that I beheld


Reading Group: C10_app7_rg1

Witness: fMS the frame on whic my man compleatteed,. And

Reading Group: C10_app7_rg2

Witness: f1818 the accomplishment of my toils.
Witness: f1823 the accomplishment of my toils.
Witness: fThomas the accomplishment of my toils.
Witness: f1831 the accomplishment of my toils.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 With an anxiety that almost amounted to
Witness: f1823 With an anxiety that almost amounted to
Witness: fThomas With an anxiety that almost amounted to
Witness: f1831 With an anxiety that almost amounted to
Witness: fMS with an anxiety that almost amounted to


Reading Group: C10_app9_rg1

Witness: fMS agony

Reading Group: C10_app9_rg2

Witness: f1818 agony,
Witness: f1823 agony,
Witness: fThomas agony,
Witness: f1831 agony,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I collected
Witness: f1823 I collected
Witness: fThomas I collected
Witness: f1831 I collected
Witness: fMS I collected


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: f1831 the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 instruments of life
Witness: f1823 instruments of life
Witness: fThomas instruments of life
Witness: f1831 instruments of life
Witness: fMS instruments of life


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 around
Witness: f1823 around
Witness: fThomas around
Witness: f1831 around
Witness: fMS around


Reading Group: C10_app14_rg1

Witness: fMS me and endeavour tothat

Reading Group: C10_app14_rg2

Witness: f1818 me, that
Witness: f1823 me, that
Witness: fThomas me, that
Witness: f1831 me, that


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fMS I


Reading Group: C10_app16_rg1

Witness: f1818 might infuse
Witness: f1823 might infuse
Witness: fThomas might infuse
Witness: f1831 might infuse

Reading Group: C10_app16_rg2

Witness: fMS mighteinfuse


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a
Witness: f1823 a
Witness: fThomas a
Witness: f1831 a
Witness: fMS a


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 spark of being into the lifeless thing that lay at my feet. It was already
Witness: f1823 spark of being into the lifeless thing that lay at my feet. It was already
Witness: fThomas spark of being into the lifeless thing that lay at my feet. It was already
Witness: f1831 spark of being into the lifeless thing that lay at my feet. It was already
Witness: fMS spark of being into the lifeless thinkg that lay at my feet. It was already


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 one in the
Witness: f1823 one in the
Witness: fThomas one in the
Witness: f1831 one in the
Witness: fMS one in the


Reading Group: C10_app20_rg1

Witness: fMS morning,

Reading Group: C10_app20_rg2

Witness: f1818 morning;
Witness: f1823 morning;
Witness: fThomas morning;
Witness: f1831 morning;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the rain pattered
Witness: f1823 the rain pattered
Witness: fThomas the rain pattered
Witness: f1831 the rain pattered
Witness: fMS the rain pattered


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 dismally against the
Witness: f1823 dismally against the
Witness: fThomas dismally against the
Witness: f1831 dismally against the
Witness: fMS dismally against the


Reading Group: C10_app23_rg1

Witness: fMS window panes,

Reading Group: C10_app23_rg2

Witness: f1818 panes,
Witness: f1823 panes,
Witness: fThomas panes,
Witness: f1831 panes,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and my candle was nearly burnt out,
Witness: f1823 and my candle was nearly burnt out,
Witness: fThomas and my candle was nearly burnt out,
Witness: f1831 and my candle was nearly burnt out,
Witness: fMS & my candle was nearly burnt out,


Reading Group: C10_app25_rg1

Witness: fMS when

Reading Group: C10_app25_rg2

Witness: f1818 when,
Witness: f1823 when,
Witness: fThomas when,
Witness: f1831 when,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 by the glimmer of the
Witness: f1823 by the glimmer of the
Witness: fThomas by the glimmer of the
Witness: f1831 by the glimmer of the
Witness: fMS by the glimmer of the


Reading Group: C10_app27_rg1

Witness: fMS half extinguished light

Reading Group: C10_app27_rg2

Witness: f1818 half-extinguished light,
Witness: f1823 half-extinguished light,
Witness: fThomas half-extinguished light,
Witness: f1831 half-extinguished light,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I saw the dull yellow eye of the creature
Witness: f1823 I saw the dull yellow eye of the creature
Witness: fThomas I saw the dull yellow eye of the creature
Witness: f1831 I saw the dull yellow eye of the creature
Witness: fMS I saw the dull yellow eye of the creature


Reading Group: C10_app29_rg1

Witness: fMS open.—It

Reading Group: C10_app29_rg2

Witness: f1818 open; it
Witness: f1823 open; it
Witness: fThomas open; it
Witness: f1831 open; it


Unified Readings

Witness: f1831 breathed hard, and a convulsive motion agitated its
Witness: fMS breathed hard, and a convulsive motion agitated its
Witness: f1818 breathed hard, and a convulsive motion agitated its
Witness: f1823 breathed hard, and a convulsive motion agitated its
Witness: fThomas breathed hard, and a convulsive motion agitated its


Reading Group: C10_app31_rg1

Witness: fMS limbs.But how How

Reading Group: C10_app31_rg2

Witness: f1818 limbs.<p/><p/>How
Witness: f1823 limbs.<p/><p/>How
Witness: fThomas limbs.<p/><p/>How
Witness: f1831 limbs.<p/><p/>How


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 can I describe my
Witness: f1823 can I describe my
Witness: fThomas can I describe my
Witness: f1831 can I describe my
Witness: fMS can I describe my


Reading Group: C10_app33_rg1

Witness: fMS emotion

Reading Group: C10_app33_rg2

Witness: f1818 emotions
Witness: f1823 emotions
Witness: fThomas emotions
Witness: f1831 emotions


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 at this
Witness: f1823 at this
Witness: fThomas at this
Witness: f1831 at this
Witness: fMS at this


Reading Group: C10_app35_rg1

Witness: f1818 catastrophe,
Witness: f1823 catastrophe,
Witness: fThomas catastrophe,
Witness: f1831 catastrophe,

Reading Group: C10_app35_rg2

Witness: fMS catastrophe;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 or how delineate the wretch whom with such
Witness: f1823 or how delineate the wretch whom with such
Witness: fThomas or how delineate the wretch whom with such
Witness: f1831 or how delineate the wretch whom with such
Witness: fMS or how delineate the wretch whom with such


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 infinite pains and care I had endeavoured
Witness: f1823 infinite pains and care I had endeavoured
Witness: fThomas infinite pains and care I had endeavoured
Witness: f1831 infinite pains and care I had endeavoured
Witness: fMS infinite pains and care I had endeavoured


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to
Witness: f1823 to
Witness: fThomas to
Witness: f1831 to
Witness: fMS to


Reading Group: C10_app39_rg1

Witness: fMS form.

Reading Group: C10_app39_rg2

Witness: f1818 form?
Witness: f1823 form?
Witness: fThomas form?
Witness: f1831 form?


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 His limbs were in
Witness: f1823 His limbs were in
Witness: fThomas His limbs were in
Witness: f1831 His limbs were in
Witness: fMS His limbs were in


Reading Group: C10_app41_rg1

Witness: fMS proportion

Reading Group: C10_app41_rg2

Witness: f1818 proportion,
Witness: f1823 proportion,
Witness: fThomas proportion,
Witness: f1831 proportion,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and I had selected his features
Witness: f1823 and I had selected his features
Witness: fThomas and I had selected his features
Witness: f1831 and I had selected his features
Witness: fMS and I had selected his features


Reading Group: C10_app43_rg1

Witness: fMS h as

Reading Group: C10_app43_rg2

Witness: f1818 as
Witness: f1823 as
Witness: fThomas as
Witness: f1831 as


Reading Group: C10_app44_rg1

Witness: fMS handsome.handsomebeautiful.HandsomeBeautiful; Great

Reading Group: C10_app44_rg2

Witness: f1818 beautiful. Beautiful!—Great
Witness: f1823 beautiful. Beautiful!—Great
Witness: fThomas beautiful. Beautiful!—Great
Witness: f1831 beautiful. Beautiful!—Great


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 God! His
Witness: f1823 God! His
Witness: fThomas God! His
Witness: f1831 God! His
Witness: fMS God! His


Reading Group: C10_app46_rg1

Witness: fMS dunyellow

Reading Group: C10_app46_rg2

Witness: f1818 yellow
Witness: f1823 yellow
Witness: fThomas yellow
Witness: f1831 yellow


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 skin scarcely covered the work of
Witness: f1823 skin scarcely covered the work of
Witness: fThomas skin scarcely covered the work of
Witness: f1831 skin scarcely covered the work of
Witness: fMS skin scarcely covered the work of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 muscles and arteries beneath; his hair
Witness: f1823 muscles and arteries beneath; his hair
Witness: fThomas muscles and arteries beneath; his hair
Witness: f1831 muscles and arteries beneath; his hair
Witness: fMS muscles and arteries beneath; his hair


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS was<metamark function="displacement" xml:id="c56-0045.03">^</metamark>of
Witness: f1818 was of
Witness: f1823 was of
Witness: fThomas was of
Witness: f1831 was of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a lustrous
Witness: f1823 a lustrous
Witness: fThomas a lustrous
Witness: f1831 a lustrous
Witness: fMS a lustrous


Reading Group: C10_app51_rg1

Witness: fMS black

Reading Group: C10_app51_rg2

Witness: f1818 black,
Witness: f1823 black,
Witness: fThomas black,
Witness: f1831 black,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fMS &


Reading Group: C10_app53_rg1

Witness: fMS flowing and

Reading Group: C10_app53_rg2

Witness: f1818 flowing;
Witness: f1823 flowing;
Witness: fThomas flowing;
Witness: f1831 flowing;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 his teeth of a pearly
Witness: f1823 his teeth of a pearly
Witness: fThomas his teeth of a pearly
Witness: f1831 his teeth of a pearly
Witness: fMS his teeth of a pearly


Reading Group: C10_app55_rg1

Witness: fMS whiteness

Reading Group: C10_app55_rg2

Witness: f1818 whiteness;
Witness: f1823 whiteness;
Witness: fThomas whiteness;
Witness: f1831 whiteness;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but these
Witness: f1823 but these
Witness: fThomas but these
Witness: f1831 but these
Witness: fMS but these


Reading Group: C10_app57_rg1

Witness: f1818 luxuriances
Witness: f1823 luxuriances
Witness: fThomas luxuriances
Witness: f1831 luxuriances

Reading Group: C10_app57_rg2

Witness: fMS luxuriancies


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 only
Witness: f1823 only
Witness: fThomas only
Witness: f1831 only
Witness: fMS only


Reading Group: C10_app59_rg1

Witness: fMS fomed formed a more horrid contrast with

Reading Group: C10_app59_rg2

Witness: f1818 formed a more horrid contrast with
Witness: f1823 formed a more horrid contrast with
Witness: fThomas formed a more horrid contrast with
Witness: f1831 formed a more horrid contrast with


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 his
Witness: f1823 his
Witness: fThomas his
Witness: f1831 his
Witness: fMS his


Reading Group: C10_app61_rg1

Witness: f1818 watery eyes,
Witness: f1823 watery eyes,
Witness: fThomas watery eyes,
Witness: f1831 watery eyes,

Reading Group: C10_app61_rg2

Witness: fMS watry eyes


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that seemed almost of
Witness: f1823 that seemed almost of
Witness: fThomas that seemed almost of
Witness: f1831 that seemed almost of
Witness: fMS that seemed almost of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the same colour as the dun white
Witness: f1823 the same colour as the dun white
Witness: fThomas the same colour as the dun white
Witness: f1831 the same colour as the dun white
Witness: fMS the same colour as the dun white


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 sockets in which they were set, his shrivelled
Witness: f1823 sockets in which they were set, his shrivelled
Witness: fThomas sockets in which they were set, his shrivelled
Witness: f1831 sockets in which they were set, his shrivelled
Witness: fMS sockets in which they were set, his shrivelled


Reading Group: C10_app65_rg1

Witness: f1831 complexion
Witness: fMS complexion

Reading Group: C10_app65_rg2

Witness: f1818 complexion,
Witness: f1823 complexion,
Witness: fThomas complexion,


Reading Group: C10_app66_rg1

Witness: fThomas and

Reading Group: C10_app66_rg2

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fMS and


Reading Group: C10_app67_rg1

Witness: f1818 straight
Witness: f1823 straight
Witness: fThomas straight
Witness: f1831 straight

Reading Group: C10_app67_rg2

Witness: fMS strait


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 black
Witness: f1823 black
Witness: fThomas black
Witness: f1831 black
Witness: fMS black


Reading Group: C10_app69_rg1

Witness: fThomas lips. And the contortions that ever and anon conpulsvulsed & deformed his un-human features.<p/>

Reading Group: C10_app69_rg2

Witness: fMS lips.
Witness: f1818 lips.<p/>
Witness: f1823 lips.<p/>
Witness: f1831 lips.<p/>


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 <p/>The different accidents of life are
Witness: f1823 <p/>The different accidents of life are
Witness: fThomas <p/>The different accidents of life are
Witness: f1831 <p/>The different accidents of life are
Witness: fMS the different accidents of life are


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 not so changeable as the feelings of human nature. I had worked hard for
Witness: f1823 not so changeable as the feelings of human nature. I had worked hard for
Witness: fThomas not so changeable as the feelings of human nature. I had worked hard for
Witness: f1831 not so changeable as the feelings of human nature. I had worked hard for
Witness: fMS not so changeable as the feelings of human nature. I had worked hard for


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 nearly two
Witness: f1823 nearly two
Witness: fThomas nearly two
Witness: f1831 nearly two
Witness: fMS nearly two


Reading Group: C10_app73_rg1

Witness: fMS years

Reading Group: C10_app73_rg2

Witness: f1818 years,
Witness: f1823 years,
Witness: fThomas years,
Witness: f1831 years,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 for the sole purpose
Witness: f1823 for the sole purpose
Witness: fThomas for the sole purpose
Witness: f1831 for the sole purpose
Witness: fMS for the sole purpose


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of infusing
Witness: f1823 of infusing
Witness: fThomas of infusing
Witness: f1831 of infusing
Witness: fMS of infusing


Reading Group: C10_app76_rg1

Witness: fMS f life into an inanimate

Reading Group: C10_app76_rg2

Witness: f1818 life into an inanimate
Witness: f1823 life into an inanimate
Witness: fThomas life into an inanimate
Witness: f1831 life into an inanimate


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 body. For this I had deprived myself of
Witness: f1823 body. For this I had deprived myself of
Witness: fThomas body. For this I had deprived myself of
Witness: f1831 body. For this I had deprived myself of
Witness: fMS body. For this I had deprived myself of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 rest and
Witness: f1823 rest and
Witness: fThomas rest and
Witness: f1831 rest and
Witness: fMS rest and


Reading Group: C10_app79_rg1

Witness: fMS heath health. I had desired

Reading Group: C10_app79_rg2

Witness: f1818 health. I had desired
Witness: f1823 health. I had desired
Witness: fThomas health. I had desired
Witness: f1831 health. I had desired


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 it with an ardour that far exceeded moderation; but now that I had
Witness: f1823 it with an ardour that far exceeded moderation; but now that I had
Witness: fThomas it with an ardour that far exceeded moderation; but now that I had
Witness: f1831 it with an ardour that far exceeded moderation; but now that I had
Witness: fMS it with an ardour that far exceeded moderation; but now that I had


Reading Group: C10_app81_rg1

Witness: f1818 finished, the beauty of the dream vanished,
Witness: f1823 finished, the beauty of the dream vanished,
Witness: fThomas finished, the beauty of the dream vanished,
Witness: f1831 finished, the beauty of the dream vanished,

Reading Group: C10_app81_rg2

Witness: fMS succeeded these dreams vanished


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and breathless
Witness: f1823 and breathless
Witness: fThomas and breathless
Witness: f1831 and breathless
Witness: fMS and breathless


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 horror and disgust filled my heart.
Witness: f1823 horror and disgust filled my heart.
Witness: fThomas horror and disgust filled my heart.
Witness: f1831 horror and disgust filled my heart.
Witness: fMS horror and disgust filled my heart.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Unable to endure the aspect of the
Witness: f1823 Unable to endure the aspect of the
Witness: fThomas Unable to endure the aspect of the
Witness: f1831 Unable to endure the aspect of the
Witness: fMS Unable <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>to endure the aspect of the


Reading Group: C10_app85_rg1

Witness: fMS creaturebeing

Reading Group: C10_app85_rg2

Witness: f1818 being
Witness: f1823 being
Witness: fThomas being
Witness: f1831 being


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fMS I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 had created, I rushed out of the
Witness: f1823 had created, I rushed out of the
Witness: fThomas had created, I rushed out of the
Witness: f1831 had created, I rushed out of the
Witness: fMS had created, I rushed out of the


Reading Group: C10_app88_rg1

Witness: fMS room

Reading Group: C10_app88_rg2

Witness: f1818 room,
Witness: f1823 room,
Witness: fThomas room,
Witness: f1831 room,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fMS and


Reading Group: C10_app90_rg1

Witness: fMS remainedcontinued

Reading Group: C10_app90_rg2

Witness: f1818 continued
Witness: f1823 continued
Witness: fThomas continued
Witness: f1831 continued


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a long time traversing my
Witness: f1823 a long time traversing my
Witness: fThomas a long time traversing my
Witness: f1831 a long time traversing my
Witness: fMS a long time traversing my


Reading Group: C10_app92_rg1

Witness: fMS bed chamber

Reading Group: C10_app92_rg2

Witness: f1818 bed-chamber,
Witness: f1823 bed-chamber,
Witness: fThomas bed-chamber,

Reading Group: C10_app92_rg3

Witness: f1831 bedchamber,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 unable to compose my
Witness: f1823 unable to compose my
Witness: fThomas unable to compose my
Witness: f1831 unable to compose my
Witness: fMS unable to compose my


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 mind to sleep. At
Witness: f1823 mind to sleep. At
Witness: fThomas mind to sleep. At
Witness: f1831 mind to sleep. At
Witness: fMS mind to sleep. At


Reading Group: C10_app95_rg1

Witness: fMS lenght <mdel/>lassitude

Reading Group: C10_app95_rg2

Witness: f1818 length lassitude
Witness: f1823 length lassitude
Witness: fThomas length lassitude
Witness: f1831 length lassitude


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 succeeded to the tumult I had before
Witness: f1823 succeeded to the tumult I had before
Witness: fThomas succeeded to the tumult I had before
Witness: f1831 succeeded to the tumult I had before
Witness: fMS succeeded to the tumult I had before


Reading Group: C10_app97_rg1

Witness: fMS endured,

Reading Group: C10_app97_rg2

Witness: f1818 endured;
Witness: f1823 endured;
Witness: fThomas endured;
Witness: f1831 endured;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and I threw myself on
Witness: f1823 and I threw myself on
Witness: fThomas and I threw myself on
Witness: f1831 and I threw myself on
Witness: fMS and I threw myself on


Reading Group: C10_app99_rg1

Witness: fMS my

Reading Group: C10_app99_rg2

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: f1831 the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 bed in my
Witness: f1823 bed in my
Witness: fThomas bed in my
Witness: f1831 bed in my
Witness: fMS bed in my


Reading Group: C10_app101_rg1

Witness: fMS clothes

Reading Group: C10_app101_rg2

Witness: f1818 clothes,
Witness: f1823 clothes,
Witness: fThomas clothes,
Witness: f1831 clothes,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 endeavouring to seek
Witness: f1823 endeavouring to seek
Witness: fThomas endeavouring to seek
Witness: f1831 endeavouring to seek
Witness: fMS endeavouring to seek


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a
Witness: f1823 a
Witness: fThomas a
Witness: f1831 a
Witness: fMS a


Reading Group: C10_app104_rg1

Witness: fMS feew few moments of

Reading Group: C10_app104_rg2

Witness: f1818 few moments of
Witness: f1823 few moments of
Witness: fThomas few moments of
Witness: f1831 few moments of


Reading Group: C10_app105_rg1

Witness: fMS forgetfullness.

Reading Group: C10_app105_rg2

Witness: f1818 forgetfulness.
Witness: f1823 forgetfulness.
Witness: fThomas forgetfulness.
Witness: f1831 forgetfulness.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 But it was in
Witness: f1823 But it was in
Witness: fThomas But it was in
Witness: f1831 But it was in
Witness: fMS But it was in


Reading Group: C10_app107_rg1

Witness: f1818 vain:
Witness: f1823 vain:
Witness: fThomas vain:
Witness: f1831 vain:

Reading Group: C10_app107_rg2

Witness: fMS vain;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fMS I


Reading Group: C10_app109_rg1

Witness: f1818 slept
Witness: f1823 slept
Witness: fThomas slept
Witness: fMS slept

Reading Group: C10_app109_rg2

Witness: f1831 slept,


Reading Group: C10_app110_rg1

Witness: fMS indeed

Reading Group: C10_app110_rg2

Witness: f1818 indeed,
Witness: f1823 indeed,
Witness: fThomas indeed,
Witness: f1831 indeed,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but I was disturbed by the wildest
Witness: f1823 but I was disturbed by the wildest
Witness: fThomas but I was disturbed by the wildest
Witness: f1831 but I was disturbed by the wildest
Witness: fMS but I was disturbed by the wildest


Reading Group: C10_app112_rg1

Witness: f1818 dreams. I thought
Witness: f1823 dreams. I thought
Witness: fThomas dreams. I thought
Witness: f1831 dreams. I thought

Reading Group: C10_app112_rg2

Witness: fMS dreams–


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I saw
Witness: f1823 I saw
Witness: fThomas I saw
Witness: f1831 I saw
Witness: fMS I saw


Reading Group: C10_app114_rg1

Witness: fMS Elizabeth

Reading Group: C10_app114_rg2

Witness: f1818 Elizabeth,
Witness: f1823 Elizabeth,
Witness: fThomas Elizabeth,
Witness: f1831 Elizabeth,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in the bloom of
Witness: f1823 in the bloom of
Witness: fThomas in the bloom of
Witness: f1831 in the bloom of
Witness: fMS <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>in the bloom of


Reading Group: C10_app116_rg1

Witness: fMS health

Reading Group: C10_app116_rg2

Witness: f1818 health,
Witness: f1823 health,
Witness: fThomas health,
Witness: f1831 health,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 walking in the streets of
Witness: f1823 walking in the streets of
Witness: fThomas walking in the streets of
Witness: f1831 walking in the streets of
Witness: fMS walking in the streets of


Reading Group: C10_app118_rg1

Witness: fMS Ingolstadt;

Reading Group: C10_app118_rg2

Witness: f1818 Ingolstadt.
Witness: f1823 Ingolstadt.
Witness: fThomas Ingolstadt.
Witness: f1831 Ingolstadt.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Delighted and
Witness: f1823 Delighted and
Witness: fThomas Delighted and
Witness: f1831 Delighted and
Witness: fMS delighted &


Reading Group: C10_app120_rg1

Witness: fMS surprised

Reading Group: C10_app120_rg2

Witness: f1818 surprised,
Witness: f1823 surprised,
Witness: fThomas surprised,
Witness: f1831 surprised,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I embraced
Witness: f1823 I embraced
Witness: fThomas I embraced
Witness: f1831 I embraced
Witness: fMS I embraced


Reading Group: C10_app122_rg1

Witness: fMS her

Reading Group: C10_app122_rg2

Witness: f1818 her;
Witness: f1823 her;
Witness: fThomas her;
Witness: f1831 her;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but as I imprinted the first kiss
Witness: f1823 but as I imprinted the first kiss
Witness: fThomas but as I imprinted the first kiss
Witness: f1831 but as I imprinted the first kiss
Witness: fMS but as I imprinted the first kiss


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 on her
Witness: f1823 on her
Witness: fThomas on her
Witness: f1831 on her
Witness: fMS on her


Reading Group: C10_app125_rg1

Witness: fMS lips

Reading Group: C10_app125_rg2

Witness: f1818 lips,
Witness: f1823 lips,
Witness: fThomas lips,
Witness: f1831 lips,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 they became
Witness: f1823 they became
Witness: fThomas they became
Witness: f1831 they became
Witness: fMS they became


Reading Group: C10_app127_rg1

Witness: f1818 livid
Witness: f1823 livid
Witness: fThomas livid
Witness: f1831 livid

Reading Group: C10_app127_rg2

Witness: fMS lurid


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 with
Witness: f1823 with
Witness: fThomas with
Witness: f1831 with
Witness: fMS with


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the hue of death; her features appeared to
Witness: f1823 the hue of death; her features appeared to
Witness: fThomas the hue of death; her features appeared to
Witness: f1831 the hue of death; her features appeared to
Witness: fMS the hue of death; her features appeared to


Reading Group: C10_app130_rg1

Witness: fMS change

Reading Group: C10_app130_rg2

Witness: f1818 change,
Witness: f1823 change,
Witness: fThomas change,
Witness: f1831 change,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and I thought that I held
Witness: f1823 and I thought that I held
Witness: fThomas and I thought that I held
Witness: f1831 and I thought that I held
Witness: fMS and I thought that I held


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the corpse of my dead mother in my
Witness: f1823 the corpse of my dead mother in my
Witness: fThomas the corpse of my dead mother in my
Witness: f1831 the corpse of my dead mother in my
Witness: fMS the corpse of my dead mother in my


Reading Group: C10_app133_rg1

Witness: fMS arms,:aA

Reading Group: C10_app133_rg2

Witness: f1818 arms; a
Witness: f1823 arms; a
Witness: fThomas arms; a
Witness: f1831 arms; a


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 shroud
Witness: f1823 shroud
Witness: fThomas shroud
Witness: f1831 shroud
Witness: fMS shroud


Reading Group: C10_app135_rg1

Witness: f1818 enveloped
Witness: f1823 enveloped
Witness: fThomas enveloped
Witness: f1831 enveloped

Reading Group: C10_app135_rg2

Witness: fMS envolepped


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 her
Witness: f1823 her
Witness: fThomas her
Witness: f1831 her
Witness: fMS her


Reading Group: C10_app137_rg1

Witness: fMS form

Reading Group: C10_app137_rg2

Witness: f1818 form,
Witness: f1823 form,
Witness: fThomas form,
Witness: f1831 form,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and I saw
Witness: f1823 and I saw
Witness: fThomas and I saw
Witness: f1831 and I saw
Witness: fMS & I saw


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fMS the


Reading Group: C10_app140_rg1

Witness: fMS grave worms

Reading Group: C10_app140_rg2

Witness: f1818 grave-worms
Witness: f1823 grave-worms
Witness: fThomas grave-worms
Witness: f1831 grave-worms


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 crawling in the folds of
Witness: f1823 crawling in the folds of
Witness: fThomas crawling in the folds of
Witness: f1831 crawling in the folds of
Witness: fMS crawling in the folds of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fMS the


Reading Group: C10_app143_rg1

Witness: f1818 flannel.
Witness: f1823 flannel.
Witness: fThomas flannel.
Witness: f1831 flannel.

Reading Group: C10_app143_rg2

Witness: fMS flannel;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I started from my sleep with
Witness: f1823 I started from my sleep with
Witness: fThomas I started from my sleep with
Witness: f1831 I started from my sleep with
Witness: fMS I started <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>from my sleep with


Reading Group: C10_app145_rg1

Witness: fMS horror,

Reading Group: C10_app145_rg2

Witness: f1818 horror;
Witness: f1823 horror;
Witness: fThomas horror;
Witness: f1831 horror;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a
Witness: f1823 a
Witness: fThomas a
Witness: f1831 a
Witness: fMS a


Reading Group: C10_app147_rg1

Witness: fMS when I saw cold dew covered my

Reading Group: C10_app147_rg2

Witness: f1818 cold dew covered my
Witness: f1823 cold dew covered my
Witness: fThomas cold dew covered my
Witness: f1831 cold dew covered my


Reading Group: C10_app148_rg1

Witness: fMS forehead

Reading Group: C10_app148_rg2

Witness: f1818 forehead,
Witness: f1823 forehead,
Witness: fThomas forehead,
Witness: f1831 forehead,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my teeth
Witness: f1823 my teeth
Witness: fThomas my teeth
Witness: f1831 my teeth
Witness: fMS my teeth


Reading Group: C10_app150_rg1

Witness: fMS ah chattered

Reading Group: C10_app150_rg2

Witness: f1818 chattered,
Witness: f1823 chattered,
Witness: fThomas chattered,
Witness: f1831 chattered,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and every limb
Witness: f1823 and every limb
Witness: fThomas and every limb
Witness: f1831 and every limb
Witness: fMS and every limb


Reading Group: C10_app152_rg1

Witness: fMS wasbecame convul<mdel/>sed,

Reading Group: C10_app152_rg2

Witness: f1818 became
Witness: f1823 became
Witness: fThomas became
Witness: f1831 became


Reading Group: C10_app153_rg1

Witness: f1831 convulsed:

Reading Group: C10_app153_rg2

Witness: f1818 convulsed;
Witness: f1823 convulsed;
Witness: fThomas convulsed;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 when, by the dim and
Witness: f1823 when, by the dim and
Witness: fThomas when, by the dim and
Witness: f1831 when, by the dim and
Witness: fMS when, by the dim and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 yellow light of the
Witness: f1823 yellow light of the
Witness: fThomas yellow light of the
Witness: f1831 yellow light of the
Witness: fMS yellow light of the


Reading Group: C10_app156_rg1

Witness: fMS moon

Reading Group: C10_app156_rg2

Witness: f1818 moon,
Witness: f1823 moon,
Witness: fThomas moon,
Witness: f1831 moon,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 as it forced
Witness: f1823 as it forced
Witness: fThomas as it forced
Witness: f1831 as it forced
Witness: fMS as it forced


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 its way through the
Witness: f1823 its way through the
Witness: fThomas its way through the
Witness: f1831 its way through the
Witness: fMS its way through the


Reading Group: C10_app159_rg1

Witness: f1823 window shutters,
Witness: f1831 window shutters,
Witness: fMS window shutters,

Reading Group: C10_app159_rg2

Witness: f1818 window-shutters,
Witness: fThomas window-shutters,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fMS I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 beheld the
Witness: f1823 beheld the
Witness: fThomas beheld the
Witness: f1831 beheld the
Witness: fMS beheld the


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS wretch — the
Witness: f1818 wretch—the
Witness: f1823 wretch—the
Witness: fThomas wretch—the
Witness: f1831 wretch—the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 miserable
Witness: f1823 miserable
Witness: fThomas miserable
Witness: f1831 miserable
Witness: fMS miserable


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 monster whom I had
Witness: f1823 monster whom I had
Witness: fThomas monster whom I had
Witness: f1831 monster whom I had
Witness: fMS monster whom I had


Reading Group: C10_app165_rg1

Witness: f1818 created.
Witness: f1823 created.
Witness: fThomas created.
Witness: f1831 created.

Reading Group: C10_app165_rg2

Witness: fMS created;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 He
Witness: f1823 He
Witness: fThomas He
Witness: f1831 He
Witness: fMS he


Reading Group: C10_app167_rg1

Witness: fMS hel<mdel/>d

Reading Group: C10_app167_rg2

Witness: f1818 held
Witness: f1823 held
Witness: fThomas held
Witness: f1831 held


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 up
Witness: f1823 up
Witness: fThomas up
Witness: f1831 up
Witness: fMS up


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the curtain of
Witness: f1823 the curtain of
Witness: fThomas the curtain of
Witness: f1831 the curtain of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fMS the


Reading Group: C10_app171_rg1

Witness: f1818 bed;
Witness: f1823 bed;
Witness: fThomas bed;
Witness: f1831 bed;

Reading Group: C10_app171_rg2

Witness: fMS curtain,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and his
Witness: f1823 and his
Witness: fThomas and his
Witness: f1831 and his
Witness: fMS and his


Reading Group: C10_app173_rg1

Witness: f1818 eyes,
Witness: f1823 eyes,
Witness: fThomas eyes,
Witness: f1831 eyes,

Reading Group: C10_app173_rg2

Witness: fMS eyes—;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 if eyes
Witness: f1823 if eyes
Witness: fThomas if eyes
Witness: f1831 if eyes
Witness: fMS if eyes


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 they may be
Witness: f1823 they may be
Witness: fThomas they may be
Witness: f1831 they may be
Witness: fMS they may be


Reading Group: C10_app176_rg1

Witness: f1818 called,
Witness: f1823 called,
Witness: fThomas called,
Witness: f1831 called,

Reading Group: C10_app176_rg2

Witness: fMS called,—


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 were fixed on
Witness: f1823 were fixed on
Witness: fThomas were fixed on
Witness: f1831 were fixed on
Witness: fMS were fixed on


Reading Group: C10_app178_rg1

Witness: f1818 me. His
Witness: f1823 me. His
Witness: fThomas me. His
Witness: f1831 me. His

Reading Group: C10_app178_rg2

Witness: fMS me–His


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 jaws
Witness: f1823 jaws
Witness: fThomas jaws
Witness: f1831 jaws
Witness: fMS jaws


Reading Group: C10_app180_rg1

Witness: fMS opened

Reading Group: C10_app180_rg2

Witness: f1818 opened,
Witness: f1823 opened,
Witness: fThomas opened,
Witness: f1831 opened,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and he muttered
Witness: f1823 and he muttered
Witness: fThomas and he muttered
Witness: f1831 and he muttered
Witness: fMS and he muttered


Reading Group: C10_app182_rg1

Witness: fMS in some

Reading Group: C10_app182_rg2

Witness: f1818 some
Witness: f1823 some
Witness: fThomas some
Witness: f1831 some


Reading Group: C10_app183_rg1

Witness: fMS words inarticulate

Reading Group: C10_app183_rg2

Witness: f1818 inarticulate
Witness: f1823 inarticulate
Witness: fThomas inarticulate
Witness: f1831 inarticulate


Reading Group: C10_app184_rg1

Witness: fMS sounds

Reading Group: C10_app184_rg2

Witness: f1818 sounds,
Witness: f1823 sounds,
Witness: fThomas sounds,
Witness: f1831 sounds,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 while a grin wrinkled his cheeks. He
Witness: f1823 while a grin wrinkled his cheeks. He
Witness: fThomas while a grin wrinkled his cheeks. He
Witness: f1831 while a grin wrinkled his cheeks. He
Witness: fMS while a grin wrinkled his cheeks. He


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 might have
Witness: f1823 might have
Witness: fThomas might have
Witness: f1831 might have
Witness: fMS might have


Reading Group: C10_app187_rg1

Witness: fMS spoken

Reading Group: C10_app187_rg2

Witness: f1818 spoken,
Witness: f1823 spoken,
Witness: fThomas spoken,
Witness: f1831 spoken,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but I did not
Witness: f1823 but I did not
Witness: fThomas but I did not
Witness: f1831 but I did not
Witness: fMS but I did not


Reading Group: C10_app189_rg1

Witness: fMS hear —

Reading Group: C10_app189_rg2

Witness: f1818 hear;
Witness: f1823 hear;
Witness: fThomas hear;
Witness: f1831 hear;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 one
Witness: f1823 one
Witness: fThomas one
Witness: f1831 one
Witness: fMS one


Reading Group: C10_app191_rg1

Witness: fMS had hand was stretched

Reading Group: C10_app191_rg2

Witness: f1818 hand was stretched
Witness: f1823 hand was stretched
Witness: fThomas hand was stretched
Witness: f1831 hand was stretched


Reading Group: C10_app192_rg1

Witness: fMS out

Reading Group: C10_app192_rg2

Witness: f1818 out, seemingly
Witness: f1823 out, seemingly
Witness: fThomas out, seemingly
Witness: f1831 out, seemingly


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to detain
Witness: f1823 to detain
Witness: fThomas to detain
Witness: f1831 to detain
Witness: fMS to detain


Reading Group: C10_app194_rg1

Witness: fMS me

Reading Group: C10_app194_rg2

Witness: f1818 me,
Witness: f1823 me,
Witness: fThomas me,
Witness: f1831 me,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but I
Witness: f1823 but I
Witness: fThomas but I
Witness: f1831 but I
Witness: fMS but I


Reading Group: C10_app196_rg1

Witness: fMS escaped

Reading Group: C10_app196_rg2

Witness: f1818 escaped,
Witness: f1823 escaped,
Witness: fThomas escaped,
Witness: f1831 escaped,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fMS and


Reading Group: C10_app198_rg1

Witness: fMS ran rushed down

Reading Group: C10_app198_rg2

Witness: f1818 rushed down
Witness: f1823 rushed down
Witness: fThomas rushed down
Witness: f1831 rushed down


Reading Group: C10_app199_rg1

Witness: fMS the stairscase

Reading Group: C10_app199_rg2

Witness: f1818 stairs.
Witness: f1823 stairs.
Witness: fThomas stairs.
Witness: f1831 stairs.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I took refuge in
Witness: f1823 I took refuge in
Witness: fThomas I took refuge in
Witness: f1831 I took refuge in
Witness: fMS I took refuge in


Reading Group: C10_app201_rg1

Witness: fMS a

Reading Group: C10_app201_rg2

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: f1831 the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 court-yard belonging to the house
Witness: f1823 court-yard belonging to the house
Witness: fThomas court-yard belonging to the house
Witness: f1831 court-yard belonging to the house
Witness: fMS court-yard belonging to the house


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 which I inhabited; where I remained during the rest of the
Witness: f1823 which I inhabited; where I remained during the rest of the
Witness: fThomas which I inhabited; where I remained during the rest of the
Witness: f1831 which I inhabited; where I remained during the rest of the
Witness: fMS which I inhabited; where I remained during the rest of the


Reading Group: C10_app204_rg1

Witness: fMS night

Reading Group: C10_app204_rg2

Witness: f1818 night,
Witness: f1823 night,
Witness: fThomas night,
Witness: f1831 night,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 walking up and
Witness: f1823 walking up and
Witness: fThomas walking up and
Witness: f1831 walking up and
Witness: fMS walking up and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 down in the greatest
Witness: f1823 down in the greatest
Witness: fThomas down in the greatest
Witness: f1831 down in the greatest
Witness: fMS down in the greatest


Reading Group: C10_app207_rg1

Witness: f1818 agitation,
Witness: f1823 agitation,
Witness: fThomas agitation,
Witness: f1831 agitation,

Reading Group: C10_app207_rg2

Witness: fMS agitation;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 listening attentively, catching and fearing each
Witness: f1823 listening attentively, catching and fearing each
Witness: fThomas listening attentively, catching and fearing each
Witness: f1831 listening attentively, catching and fearing each
Witness: fMS listening attentively, catching and fearing each


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 sound as if it were to announce the
Witness: f1823 sound as if it were to announce the
Witness: fThomas sound as if it were to announce the
Witness: f1831 sound as if it were to announce the
Witness: fMS sound as if it were to announce the


Reading Group: C10_app210_rg1

Witness: fMS arrival

Reading Group: C10_app210_rg2

Witness: f1818 approach
Witness: f1823 approach
Witness: fThomas approach
Witness: f1831 approach


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of the demoniacal corpse to
Witness: f1823 of the demoniacal corpse to
Witness: fThomas of the demoniacal corpse to
Witness: f1831 of the demoniacal corpse to
Witness: fMS of the demoniacal corpse to


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 which I had so miserably given
Witness: f1823 which I had so miserably given
Witness: fThomas which I had so miserably given
Witness: f1831 which I had so miserably given
Witness: fMS which I had so miserabley given


Reading Group: C10_app213_rg1

Witness: fMS life. Oh!

Reading Group: C10_app213_rg2

Witness: f1818 life.<p/><p/>Oh!
Witness: f1823 life.<p/><p/>Oh!
Witness: fThomas life.<p/><p/>Oh!
Witness: f1831 life.<p/><p/>Oh!


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 no mortal could support
Witness: f1823 no mortal could support
Witness: fThomas no mortal could support
Witness: f1831 no mortal could support
Witness: fMS no mortal could support


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the horror of that countenance. A
Witness: f1823 the horror of that countenance. A
Witness: fThomas the horror of that countenance. A
Witness: f1831 the horror of that countenance. A
Witness: fMS the horror of that countenance. A


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 mummy again endued with
Witness: f1823 mummy again endued with
Witness: fThomas mummy again endued with
Witness: f1831 mummy again endued with
Witness: fMS mummy <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>again endued with


Reading Group: C10_app217_rg1

Witness: fMS lifeanimation

Reading Group: C10_app217_rg2

Witness: f1818 animation
Witness: f1823 animation
Witness: fThomas animation
Witness: f1831 animation


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 could not be so hideous as
Witness: f1823 could not be so hideous as
Witness: fThomas could not be so hideous as
Witness: f1831 could not be so hideous as
Witness: fMS could not be so hideous as


Reading Group: C10_app219_rg1

Witness: fMS <shi rend="double-underline">He</shi>.

Reading Group: C10_app219_rg2

Witness: f1818 that wretch.
Witness: f1823 that wretch.
Witness: fThomas that wretch.
Witness: f1831 that wretch.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I had gazed on him
Witness: f1823 I had gazed on him
Witness: fThomas I had gazed on him
Witness: f1831 I had gazed on him
Witness: fMS I had gazed on him


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 while unfinished;
Witness: f1823 while unfinished;
Witness: fThomas while unfinished;
Witness: f1831 while unfinished;
Witness: fMS while unfinished;


Reading Group: C10_app222_rg1

Witness: fMS and I thought he was ugly then.

Reading Group: C10_app222_rg2

Witness: f1818 he was ugly then;
Witness: f1823 he was ugly then;
Witness: fThomas he was ugly then;
Witness: f1831 he was ugly then;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but when those muscles
Witness: f1823 but when those muscles
Witness: fThomas but when those muscles
Witness: f1831 but when those muscles
Witness: fMS But when those muscles


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and joints were
Witness: f1823 and joints were
Witness: fThomas and joints were
Witness: f1831 and joints were
Witness: fMS and joints were


Reading Group: C10_app225_rg1

Witness: fMS endued with motion

Reading Group: C10_app225_rg2

Witness: f1818 rendered capable of motion,
Witness: f1823 rendered capable of motion,
Witness: fThomas rendered capable of motion,
Witness: f1831 rendered capable of motion,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 it became a thing
Witness: f1823 it became a thing
Witness: fThomas it became a thing
Witness: f1831 it became a thing
Witness: fMS it became a thing


Reading Group: C10_app227_rg1

Witness: fMS to such as even Dante

Reading Group: C10_app227_rg2

Witness: f1818 such as even Dante
Witness: f1823 such as even Dante
Witness: fThomas such as even Dante
Witness: f1831 such as even Dante


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 could
Witness: f1823 could
Witness: fThomas could
Witness: f1831 could
Witness: fMS could


Reading Group: C10_app229_rg1

Witness: fMS never

Reading Group: C10_app229_rg2

Witness: f1818 not
Witness: f1823 not
Witness: fThomas not
Witness: f1831 not


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 have
Witness: f1823 have
Witness: fThomas have
Witness: f1831 have
Witness: fMS have


Reading Group: C10_app231_rg1

Witness: fMS conceived. I

Reading Group: C10_app231_rg2

Witness: f1818 conceived.<p/><p/>I
Witness: f1823 conceived.<p/><p/>I
Witness: fThomas conceived.<p/><p/>I
Witness: f1831 conceived.<p/><p/>I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 passed the night
Witness: f1823 passed the night
Witness: fThomas passed the night
Witness: f1831 passed the night
Witness: fMS passed the night


Reading Group: C10_app233_rg1

Witness: f1818 wretchedly.
Witness: f1823 wretchedly.
Witness: fThomas wretchedly.
Witness: f1831 wretchedly.

Reading Group: C10_app233_rg2

Witness: fMS wretchedly–


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Sometimes my
Witness: f1823 Sometimes my
Witness: fThomas Sometimes my
Witness: f1831 Sometimes my
Witness: fMS sometimes my


Reading Group: C10_app235_rg1

Witness: f1818 pulse
Witness: f1823 pulse
Witness: fThomas pulse
Witness: f1831 pulse

Reading Group: C10_app235_rg2

Witness: fMS pulses


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 beat so quickly and
Witness: f1823 beat so quickly and
Witness: fThomas beat so quickly and
Witness: f1831 beat so quickly and
Witness: fMS beat so quickly tand


Reading Group: C10_app237_rg1

Witness: fMS ha<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>rdly

Reading Group: C10_app237_rg2

Witness: f1818 hardly,
Witness: f1823 hardly,
Witness: fThomas hardly,
Witness: f1831 hardly,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that I felt the palpitation of
Witness: f1823 that I felt the palpitation of
Witness: fThomas that I felt the palpitation of
Witness: f1831 that I felt the palpitation of
Witness: fMS that I felt the palpitation of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 every
Witness: f1823 every
Witness: fThomas every
Witness: f1831 every
Witness: fMS every


Reading Group: C10_app240_rg1

Witness: fMS artery:

Reading Group: C10_app240_rg2

Witness: f1818 artery;
Witness: f1823 artery;
Witness: fThomas artery;
Witness: f1831 artery;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 at
Witness: f1823 at
Witness: fThomas at
Witness: f1831 at
Witness: fMS At


Reading Group: C10_app242_rg1

Witness: fMS others

Reading Group: C10_app242_rg2

Witness: f1818 others,
Witness: f1823 others,
Witness: fThomas others,
Witness: f1831 others,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I nearly
Witness: f1823 I nearly
Witness: fThomas I nearly
Witness: f1831 I nearly
Witness: fMS I nearly


Reading Group: C10_app244_rg1

Witness: f1818 sank
Witness: f1823 sank
Witness: fThomas sank
Witness: f1831 sank

Reading Group: C10_app244_rg2

Witness: fMS sunk


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to the ground
Witness: f1823 to the ground
Witness: fThomas to the ground
Witness: f1831 to the ground
Witness: fMS to the ground


Reading Group: C10_app246_rg1

Witness: fMS withthro

Reading Group: C10_app246_rg2

Witness: f1818 through
Witness: f1823 through
Witness: fThomas through
Witness: f1831 through


Reading Group: C10_app247_rg1

Witness: f1818 languor and extreme weakness.
Witness: f1823 languor and extreme weakness.
Witness: fThomas languor and extreme weakness.
Witness: f1831 languor and extreme weakness.

Reading Group: C10_app247_rg2

Witness: fMS languor and extreme weakness. Surely so wretched a<metamark function="displacement" xml:id="c56-0048.01">X</metamark><metamark function="displacement">X</metamark> and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Mingled
Witness: f1823 Mingled
Witness: fThomas Mingled
Witness: f1831 Mingled
Witness: fMS mingled


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 with this
Witness: f1823 with this
Witness: fThomas with this
Witness: f1831 with this
Witness: fMS with this


Reading Group: C10_app250_rg1

Witness: fMS horror

Reading Group: C10_app250_rg2

Witness: f1818 horror,
Witness: f1823 horror,
Witness: fThomas horror,
Witness: f1831 horror,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I felt the
Witness: f1823 I felt the
Witness: fThomas I felt the
Witness: f1831 I felt the
Witness: fMS I felt the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 bitterness of
Witness: f1823 bitterness of
Witness: fThomas bitterness of
Witness: f1831 bitterness of
Witness: fMS bitterness of


Reading Group: C10_app253_rg1

Witness: fMS disapp disappointment:creature as I never before existed.

Reading Group: C10_app253_rg2

Witness: f1818 disappointment:
Witness: fThomas disappointment:

Reading Group: C10_app253_rg3

Witness: f1823 disappointment;
Witness: f1831 disappointment;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 dreams that had been my food and
Witness: f1823 dreams that had been my food and
Witness: fThomas dreams that had been my food and
Witness: f1831 dreams that had been my food and
Witness: fMS Dreams that had been my food and


Reading Group: C10_app255_rg1

Witness: fMS

Reading Group: C10_app255_rg2

Witness: f1818 pleasant
Witness: f1823 pleasant
Witness: fThomas pleasant
Witness: f1831 pleasant


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 rest for so long a
Witness: f1823 rest for so long a
Witness: fThomas rest for so long a
Witness: f1831 rest for so long a
Witness: fMS rest for so long a


Reading Group: C10_app257_rg1

Witness: f1831 space
Witness: fMS space

Reading Group: C10_app257_rg2

Witness: f1818 space,
Witness: f1823 space,
Witness: fThomas space,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 were now
Witness: f1823 were now
Witness: fThomas were now
Witness: f1831 were now
Witness: fMS were now


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 become a hell to
Witness: f1823 become a hell to
Witness: fThomas become a hell to
Witness: f1831 become a hell to
Witness: fMS become a hell to


Reading Group: C10_app260_rg1

Witness: f1818 me;
Witness: f1823 me;
Witness: fThomas me;
Witness: f1831 me;

Reading Group: C10_app260_rg2

Witness: fMS me– I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and the
Witness: f1823 and the
Witness: fThomas and the
Witness: f1831 and the
Witness: fMS and the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 change was so rapid, the overthrow
Witness: f1823 change was so rapid, the overthrow
Witness: fThomas change was so rapid, the overthrow
Witness: f1831 change was so rapid, the overthrow
Witness: fMS change was so rapid, the overthrow


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 so
Witness: f1823 so
Witness: fThomas so
Witness: f1831 so
Witness: fMS so


Reading Group: C10_app264_rg1

Witness: f1818 complete!<p/><p/>Morning,
Witness: f1823 complete!<p/><p/>Morning,
Witness: fThomas complete!<p/><p/>Morning,
Witness: f1831 complete!<p/><p/>Morning,

Reading Group: C10_app264_rg2

Witness: fMS complete. Morning —


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 dismal and
Witness: f1823 dismal and
Witness: fThomas dismal and
Witness: f1831 dismal and
Witness: fMS dismal and


Reading Group: C10_app266_rg1

Witness: fMS wet —

Reading Group: C10_app266_rg2

Witness: f1818 wet,
Witness: f1823 wet,
Witness: fThomas wet,
Witness: f1831 wet,


Reading Group: C10_app267_rg1

Witness: f1818 at length dawned, and
Witness: f1823 at length dawned, and
Witness: fThomas at length dawned, and
Witness: f1831 at length dawned, and

Reading Group: C10_app267_rg2

Witness: fMS at lenghtth dawned, and to


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 discovered to my sleepless
Witness: f1823 discovered to my sleepless
Witness: fThomas discovered to my sleepless
Witness: f1831 discovered to my sleepless
Witness: fMS discovered to my sleepless


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and aching eyes the church of
Witness: f1823 and aching eyes the church of
Witness: fThomas and aching eyes the church of
Witness: f1831 and aching eyes the church of
Witness: fMS and aching eyes the church of


Reading Group: C10_app270_rg1

Witness: fMS Ingolsstadt

Reading Group: C10_app270_rg2

Witness: f1818 Ingolstadt,
Witness: f1823 Ingolstadt,
Witness: fThomas Ingolstadt,
Witness: f1831 Ingolstadt,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 its white steeple
Witness: f1823 its white steeple
Witness: fThomas its white steeple
Witness: f1831 its white steeple
Witness: fMS its white steeple


Reading Group: C10_app272_rg1

Witness: f1818 and clock,
Witness: f1823 and clock,
Witness: fThomas and clock,
Witness: f1831 and clock,

Reading Group: C10_app272_rg2

Witness: fMS &the its clock


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 which
Witness: f1823 which
Witness: fThomas which
Witness: f1831 which
Witness: fMS which


Reading Group: C10_app274_rg1

Witness: fMS pointed to

Reading Group: C10_app274_rg2

Witness: f1818 indicated
Witness: f1823 indicated
Witness: fThomas indicated
Witness: f1831 indicated


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fMS the


Reading Group: C10_app276_rg1

Witness: f1818 sixth
Witness: f1823 sixth
Witness: fThomas sixth
Witness: f1831 sixth

Reading Group: C10_app276_rg2

Witness: fMS sixthe


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 hour. The porter
Witness: f1823 hour. The porter
Witness: fThomas hour. The porter
Witness: f1831 hour. The porter
Witness: fMS hour. The porter


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 opened the gates of the
Witness: f1823 opened the gates of the
Witness: fThomas opened the gates of the
Witness: f1831 opened the gates of the
Witness: fMS opened the gates of the


Reading Group: C10_app279_rg1

Witness: fMS court

Reading Group: C10_app279_rg2

Witness: f1818 court,
Witness: f1823 court,
Witness: fThomas court,
Witness: f1831 court,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 which had
Witness: f1823 which had
Witness: fThomas which had
Witness: f1831 which had
Witness: fMS which had


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that night been my
Witness: f1823 that night been my
Witness: fThomas that night been my
Witness: f1831 that night been my
Witness: fMS that night been my


Reading Group: C10_app282_rg1

Witness: fMS assylum

Reading Group: C10_app282_rg2

Witness: f1818 asylum,
Witness: f1823 asylum,
Witness: fThomas asylum,
Witness: f1831 asylum,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and I
Witness: f1823 and I
Witness: fThomas and I
Witness: f1831 and I
Witness: fMS and I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 issued into the streets, pacing them with
Witness: f1823 issued into the streets, pacing them with
Witness: fThomas issued into the streets, pacing them with
Witness: f1831 issued into the streets, pacing them with
Witness: fMS issued into the streets, pacing them with


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 quick
Witness: f1823 quick
Witness: fThomas quick
Witness: f1831 quick
Witness: fMS quick


Reading Group: C10_app286_rg1

Witness: fMS steps

Reading Group: C10_app286_rg2

Witness: f1818 steps,
Witness: f1823 steps,
Witness: fThomas steps,
Witness: f1831 steps,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 as if I
Witness: f1823 as if I
Witness: fThomas as if I
Witness: f1831 as if I
Witness: fMS as if I


Reading Group: C10_app288_rg1

Witness: fMS sought to avoid the wretch whom I feared every turning ough

Reading Group: C10_app288_rg2

Witness: f1818 sought to avoid the wretch whom I feared every turning
Witness: f1823 sought to avoid the wretch whom I feared every turning
Witness: fThomas sought to avoid the wretch whom I feared every turning
Witness: f1831 sought to avoid the wretch whom I feared every turning


Reading Group: C10_app289_rg1

Witness: fMS in

Reading Group: C10_app289_rg2

Witness: f1818 of
Witness: f1823 of
Witness: fThomas of
Witness: f1831 of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the street would present to my view. I did not dare
Witness: f1823 the street would present to my view. I did not dare
Witness: fThomas the street would present to my view. I did not dare
Witness: f1831 the street would present to my view. I did not dare
Witness: fMS the street would present to my view. I did not dare


Reading Group: C10_app291_rg1

Witness: fMS to return

Reading Group: C10_app291_rg2

Witness: f1818 return
Witness: f1823 return
Witness: fThomas return
Witness: f1831 return


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to the
Witness: f1823 to the
Witness: fThomas to the
Witness: f1831 to the
Witness: fMS to the


Reading Group: C10_app293_rg1

Witness: f1818 apartment
Witness: f1823 apartment
Witness: fThomas apartment
Witness: f1831 apartment

Reading Group: C10_app293_rg2

Witness: fMS appartment


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 which I
Witness: f1823 which I
Witness: fThomas which I
Witness: f1831 which I
Witness: fMS <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>which I


Reading Group: C10_app295_rg1

Witness: fMS inhabited

Reading Group: C10_app295_rg2

Witness: f1818 inhabited,
Witness: f1823 inhabited,
Witness: fThomas inhabited,
Witness: f1831 inhabited,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but
Witness: f1823 but
Witness: fThomas but
Witness: f1831 but
Witness: fMS but


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 felt impelled to hurry
Witness: f1823 felt impelled to hurry
Witness: fThomas felt impelled to hurry
Witness: f1831 felt impelled to hurry
Witness: fMS felt impelled to hurry


Reading Group: C10_app298_rg1

Witness: fMS on

Reading Group: C10_app298_rg2

Witness: f1818 on,
Witness: f1823 on,
Witness: fThomas on,
Witness: f1831 on,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 although
Witness: f1823 although
Witness: fThomas although
Witness: f1831 although
Witness: fMS although


Reading Group: C10_app300_rg1

Witness: f1818 wetted
Witness: f1823 wetted
Witness: fThomas wetted
Witness: fMS wetted

Reading Group: C10_app300_rg2

Witness: f1831 drenched


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 by the
Witness: f1823 by the
Witness: fThomas by the
Witness: f1831 by the
Witness: fMS by the


Reading Group: C10_app302_rg1

Witness: fMS drizzling rain

Reading Group: C10_app302_rg2

Witness: f1818 rain,
Witness: fThomas rain,

Reading Group: C10_app302_rg3

Witness: f1823 rain
Witness: f1831 rain


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 which poured
Witness: f1823 which poured
Witness: fThomas which poured
Witness: f1831 which poured
Witness: fMS which poured


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 from a black and comfortless
Witness: f1823 from a black and comfortless
Witness: fThomas from a black and comfortless
Witness: f1831 from a black and comfortless
Witness: fMS from a black and comfortless


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS sky. I
Witness: f1818 sky.<p/><p/>I
Witness: f1823 sky.<p/><p/>I
Witness: fThomas sky.<p/><p/>I
Witness: f1831 sky.<p/><p/>I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 continued walking in this manner
Witness: f1823 continued walking in this manner
Witness: fThomas continued walking in this manner
Witness: f1831 continued walking in this manner
Witness: fMS continued walking in this manner


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 for some
Witness: f1823 for some
Witness: fThomas for some
Witness: f1831 for some
Witness: fMS for some


Reading Group: C10_app308_rg1

Witness: fMS time endeavouring

Reading Group: C10_app308_rg2

Witness: f1818 time, endeavouring,
Witness: f1823 time, endeavouring,
Witness: fThomas time, endeavouring,
Witness: f1831 time, endeavouring,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 by bodily
Witness: f1823 by bodily
Witness: fThomas by bodily
Witness: f1831 by bodily
Witness: fMS by bodily


Reading Group: C10_app310_rg1

Witness: fMS exercise

Reading Group: C10_app310_rg2

Witness: f1818 exercise,
Witness: f1823 exercise,
Witness: fThomas exercise,
Witness: f1831 exercise,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to ease the load that weighed
Witness: f1823 to ease the load that weighed
Witness: fThomas to ease the load that weighed
Witness: f1831 to ease the load that weighed
Witness: fMS to ease the load that weighed


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 upon my mind. I traversed the
Witness: f1823 upon my mind. I traversed the
Witness: fThomas upon my mind. I traversed the
Witness: f1831 upon my mind. I traversed the
Witness: fMS upon my mind. I traversed the


Reading Group: C10_app313_rg1

Witness: fMS streets

Reading Group: C10_app313_rg2

Witness: f1818 streets,
Witness: f1823 streets,
Witness: fThomas streets,
Witness: f1831 streets,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 without any clear conception of where
Witness: f1823 without any clear conception of where
Witness: fThomas without any clear conception of where
Witness: f1831 without any clear conception of where
Witness: fMS without any clear conception of where


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fMS I


Reading Group: C10_app316_rg1

Witness: fMS was

Reading Group: C10_app316_rg2

Witness: f1818 was,
Witness: f1823 was,
Witness: fThomas was,
Witness: f1831 was,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 or what I was
Witness: f1823 or what I was
Witness: fThomas or what I was
Witness: f1831 or what I was
Witness: fMS or what I was


Reading Group: C10_app318_rg1

Witness: f1818 doing.
Witness: f1823 doing.
Witness: fThomas doing.
Witness: f1831 doing.

Reading Group: C10_app318_rg2

Witness: fMS doing:


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 My heart
Witness: f1823 My heart
Witness: fThomas My heart
Witness: f1831 My heart
Witness: fMS my heart


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 palpitated
Witness: f1823 palpitated
Witness: fThomas palpitated
Witness: f1831 palpitated
Witness: fMS palpitated


Reading Group: C10_app321_rg1

Witness: fMS with<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>in

Reading Group: C10_app321_rg2

Witness: f1818 in
Witness: f1823 in
Witness: fThomas in
Witness: f1831 in


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the sickness of
Witness: f1823 the sickness of
Witness: fThomas the sickness of
Witness: f1831 the sickness of
Witness: fMS the sickness of


Reading Group: C10_app323_rg1

Witness: fMS fear

Reading Group: C10_app323_rg2

Witness: f1818 fear;
Witness: f1823 fear;
Witness: fThomas fear;
Witness: f1831 fear;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and I hurried
Witness: f1823 and I hurried
Witness: fThomas and I hurried
Witness: f1831 and I hurried
Witness: fMS and I hurried


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 on with irregular
Witness: f1823 on with irregular
Witness: fThomas on with irregular
Witness: f1831 on with irregular
Witness: fMS on with irregular


Reading Group: C10_app326_rg1

Witness: fMS steps

Reading Group: C10_app326_rg2

Witness: f1818 steps,
Witness: f1823 steps,
Witness: fThomas steps,
Witness: f1831 steps,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 not daring
Witness: f1823 not daring
Witness: fThomas not daring
Witness: f1831 not daring
Witness: fMS not daring


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to look about
Witness: f1823 to look about
Witness: fThomas to look about
Witness: f1831 to look about
Witness: fMS to look about


Reading Group: C10_app329_rg1

Witness: fMS me, "Like

Reading Group: C10_app329_rg2

Witness: f1818 me:<p/><p/><cit/><quote/><lg/><l/>Like
Witness: f1823 me:<p/><p/><cit/><quote/><lg/><l/>Like
Witness: fThomas me:<p/><p/><cit/><quote/><lg/><l/>Like

Reading Group: C10_app329_rg3

Witness: f1831 me:—<p/><p/><cit/><quote/><lg/><l/>Like


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 one
Witness: f1823 one
Witness: fThomas one
Witness: f1831 one
Witness: fMS one


Reading Group: C10_app331_rg1

Witness: fMS who

Reading Group: C10_app331_rg2

Witness: f1818 who,
Witness: f1823 who,
Witness: fThomas who,
Witness: f1831 who,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 on a
Witness: f1823 on a
Witness: fThomas on a
Witness: f1831 on a
Witness: fMS on a


Reading Group: C10_app333_rg1

Witness: f1818 lonely road,<l/><l/>Doth
Witness: f1823 lonely road,<l/><l/>Doth
Witness: fThomas lonely road,<l/><l/>Doth
Witness: f1831 lonely road,<l/><l/>Doth

Reading Group: C10_app333_rg2

Witness: fMS lonsesome road "doth


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 walk in fear and
Witness: f1823 walk in fear and
Witness: fThomas walk in fear and
Witness: f1831 walk in fear and
Witness: fMS walk in fear and


Reading Group: C10_app335_rg1

Witness: fMS dread "and

Reading Group: C10_app335_rg2

Witness: f1818 dread,<l/><l/>And,
Witness: f1823 dread,<l/><l/>And,
Witness: fThomas dread,<l/><l/>And,
Witness: f1831 dread,<l/><l/>And,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 having once
Witness: f1823 having once
Witness: fThomas having once
Witness: f1831 having once
Witness: fMS having once


Reading Group: C10_app337_rg1

Witness: f1823 turned
Witness: f1831 turned
Witness: fMS turned

Reading Group: C10_app337_rg2

Witness: f1818 turn’d
Witness: fThomas turn’d


Reading Group: C10_app338_rg1

Witness: fMS round

Reading Group: C10_app338_rg2

Witness: f1818 round,
Witness: f1823 round,
Witness: fThomas round,
Witness: f1831 round,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 walks
Witness: f1823 walks
Witness: fThomas walks
Witness: f1831 walks
Witness: fMS <metamark>L</metamark>walks


Reading Group: C10_app340_rg1

Witness: fMS on "walAnd

Reading Group: C10_app340_rg2

Witness: f1818 on,<l/><l/>And
Witness: f1823 on,<l/><l/>And
Witness: fThomas on,<l/><l/>And
Witness: f1831 on,<l/><l/>And


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 turns no more his
Witness: f1823 turns no more his
Witness: fThomas turns no more his
Witness: f1831 turns no more his
Witness: fMS turns no more his


Reading Group: C10_app342_rg1

Witness: fMS head "Because

Reading Group: C10_app342_rg2

Witness: f1818 head;<l/><l/>Because
Witness: f1823 head;<l/><l/>Because
Witness: fThomas head;<l/><l/>Because
Witness: f1831 head;<l/><l/>Because


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 he knows a frightful
Witness: f1823 he knows a frightful
Witness: fThomas he knows a frightful
Witness: f1831 he knows a frightful
Witness: fMS he knows a frightful


Reading Group: C10_app344_rg1

Witness: fMS <metamark>L</metamark>fiend "doth

Reading Group: C10_app344_rg2

Witness: f1818 fiend<l/><l/>Doth
Witness: f1823 fiend<l/><l/>Doth
Witness: fThomas fiend<l/><l/>Doth
Witness: f1831 fiend<l/><l/>Doth


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 close behind him
Witness: f1823 close behind him
Witness: fThomas close behind him
Witness: f1831 close behind him
Witness: fMS close behind him


Reading Group: C10_app346_rg1

Witness: f1818 tread*.<l/><lg/><quote/><note/>* <bibl/>Coleridge’s “Ancient Mariner.”<bibl/><note/><cit/><p/>
Witness: f1823 tread*.<l/><lg/><quote/><note/>* <bibl/>Coleridge’s “Ancient Mariner.”<bibl/><note/><cit/><p/>
Witness: fThomas tread*.<l/><lg/><quote/><note/>* <bibl/>Coleridge’s “Ancient Mariner.”<bibl/><note/><cit/><p/>

Reading Group: C10_app346_rg2

Witness: f1831 tread*.<l/><lg/><quote/><note/>*<bibl/>Coleridge’s “Ancient Mariner.”<bibl/><note/><cit/><p/>

Reading Group: C10_app346_rg3

Witness: fMS tread."<metamark>*</metamark> <metamark>_______________</metamark><metamark>*</metamark>Coleridge's "Ancient Mariner."


Reading Group: C10_app347_rg1

Witness: fMS Continueing

Reading Group: C10_app347_rg2

Witness: f1818 <p/>Continuing
Witness: f1823 <p/>Continuing
Witness: fThomas <p/>Continuing
Witness: f1831 <p/>Continuing


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 thus, I came at
Witness: f1823 thus, I came at
Witness: fThomas thus, I came at
Witness: f1831 thus, I came at
Witness: fMS thus, I came at


Reading Group: C10_app349_rg1

Witness: fMS lenght oppositeopposite

Reading Group: C10_app349_rg2

Witness: f1818 length opposite
Witness: f1823 length opposite
Witness: fThomas length opposite
Witness: f1831 length opposite


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to the inn at which the
Witness: f1823 to the inn at which the
Witness: fThomas to the inn at which the
Witness: f1831 to the inn at which the
Witness: fMS to the Inn at which the


Reading Group: C10_app351_rg1

Witness: f1818 various diligences and carriages usually stopped. Here
Witness: f1823 various diligences and carriages usually stopped. Here
Witness: fThomas various diligences and carriages usually stopped. Here
Witness: f1831 various diligences and carriages usually stopped. Here

Reading Group: C10_app351_rg2

Witness: fMS diligences and carriages usually stopped. Here


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fMS I


Reading Group: C10_app353_rg1

Witness: fMS paused

Reading Group: C10_app353_rg2

Witness: f1818 paused,
Witness: f1823 paused,
Witness: fThomas paused,
Witness: f1831 paused,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I knew not
Witness: f1823 I knew not
Witness: fThomas I knew not
Witness: f1831 I knew not
Witness: fMS I knew not


Reading Group: C10_app355_rg1

Witness: fMS why

Reading Group: C10_app355_rg2

Witness: f1818 why;
Witness: f1823 why;
Witness: fThomas why;
Witness: f1831 why;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but
Witness: f1823 but
Witness: fThomas but
Witness: f1831 but
Witness: fMS but


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: f1831 I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 remained
Witness: f1823 remained
Witness: fThomas remained
Witness: f1831 remained
Witness: fMS remained


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 some minutes with my eyes fixed on
Witness: f1823 some minutes with my eyes fixed on
Witness: fThomas some minutes with my eyes fixed on
Witness: f1831 some minutes with my eyes fixed on
Witness: fMS some minutes with my eyes fixed on


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a coach that was coming towards me
Witness: f1823 a coach that was coming towards me
Witness: fThomas a coach that was coming towards me
Witness: f1831 a coach that was coming towards me
Witness: fMS a coach that was coming towards me


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 from the other end of the street.
Witness: f1823 from the other end of the street.
Witness: fThomas from the other end of the street.
Witness: f1831 from the other end of the street.
Witness: fMS from the other end of the street.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 As it drew
Witness: f1823 As it drew
Witness: fThomas As it drew
Witness: f1831 As it drew
Witness: fMS As I<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>it drew


Reading Group: C10_app363_rg1

Witness: fMS nearer

Reading Group: C10_app363_rg2

Witness: f1818 nearer,
Witness: f1823 nearer,
Witness: fThomas nearer,
Witness: f1831 nearer,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I observed that it
Witness: f1823 I observed that it
Witness: fThomas I observed that it
Witness: f1831 I observed that it
Witness: fMS I observed that it


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was the Swiss
Witness: f1823 was the Swiss
Witness: fThomas was the Swiss
Witness: f1831 was the Swiss
Witness: fMS was the Swiss


Reading Group: C10_app366_rg1

Witness: f1818 diligence:
Witness: f1823 diligence:
Witness: fThomas diligence:
Witness: f1831 diligence:

Reading Group: C10_app366_rg2

Witness: fMS diligence;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 it stopped
Witness: f1823 it stopped
Witness: fThomas it stopped
Witness: f1831 it stopped
Witness: fMS it stopped


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 just where I was
Witness: f1823 just where I was
Witness: fThomas just where I was
Witness: f1831 just where I was
Witness: fMS just where I was


Reading Group: C10_app369_rg1

Witness: fMS standing, and on

Reading Group: C10_app369_rg2

Witness: f1818 standing; and, on
Witness: f1823 standing; and, on
Witness: fThomas standing; and, on
Witness: f1831 standing; and, on


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fMS the


Reading Group: C10_app371_rg1

Witness: f1818 door
Witness: f1823 door
Witness: fThomas door
Witness: f1831 door

Reading Group: C10_app371_rg2

Witness: fMS doors


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 being
Witness: f1823 being
Witness: fThomas being
Witness: f1831 being
Witness: fMS being


Reading Group: C10_app373_rg1

Witness: fMS opened

Reading Group: C10_app373_rg2

Witness: f1818 opened,
Witness: f1823 opened,
Witness: fThomas opened,
Witness: f1831 opened,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I perceived Henry
Witness: f1823 I perceived Henry
Witness: fThomas I perceived Henry
Witness: f1831 I perceived Henry
Witness: fMS I perceived Henry


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Clerval,
Witness: f1823 Clerval,
Witness: fThomas Clerval,
Witness: f1831 Clerval,
Witness: fMS Clerval,


Reading Group: C10_app376_rg1

Witness: fMS who

Reading Group: C10_app376_rg2

Witness: f1818 who,
Witness: f1823 who,
Witness: fThomas who,
Witness: f1831 who,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 on
Witness: f1823 on
Witness: fThomas on
Witness: f1831 on
Witness: fMS on


Reading Group: C10_app378_rg1

Witness: fMS seee seeing

Reading Group: C10_app378_rg2

Witness: f1818 seeing
Witness: f1823 seeing
Witness: fThomas seeing
Witness: f1831 seeing


Reading Group: C10_app379_rg1

Witness: fMS me

Reading Group: C10_app379_rg2

Witness: f1818 me,
Witness: f1823 me,
Witness: fThomas me,
Witness: f1831 me,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 instantly
Witness: f1823 instantly
Witness: fThomas instantly
Witness: f1831 instantly
Witness: fMS instantly


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 sprung
Witness: f1823 sprung
Witness: fThomas sprung
Witness: f1831 sprung
Witness: fMS sprung


Reading Group: C10_app382_rg1

Witness: f1818 out.
Witness: f1823 out.
Witness: fThomas out.
Witness: f1831 out.

Reading Group: C10_app382_rg2

Witness: fMS out.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 “My dear
Witness: f1823 “My dear
Witness: fThomas “My dear
Witness: f1831 “My dear
Witness: fMS "My dear


Reading Group: C10_app384_rg1

Witness: f1818 Frankenstein,”
Witness: f1823 Frankenstein,”
Witness: fThomas Frankenstein,”
Witness: f1831 Frankenstein,”

Reading Group: C10_app384_rg2

Witness: fMS Frankenstien,"


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 exclaimed
Witness: f1823 exclaimed
Witness: fThomas exclaimed
Witness: f1831 exclaimed
Witness: fMS exclaimed


Reading Group: C10_app386_rg1

Witness: fMS he

Reading Group: C10_app386_rg2

Witness: f1818 he,
Witness: f1823 he,
Witness: fThomas he,
Witness: f1831 he,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 “how glad I am to see
Witness: f1823 “how glad I am to see
Witness: fThomas “how glad I am to see
Witness: f1831 “how glad I am to see
Witness: fMS "How glad I am to see


Reading Group: C10_app388_rg1

Witness: f1818 you!
Witness: f1823 you!
Witness: fThomas you!
Witness: f1831 you!

Reading Group: C10_app388_rg2

Witness: fMS you;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 how
Witness: f1823 how
Witness: fThomas how
Witness: f1831 how
Witness: fMS how


Reading Group: C10_app390_rg1

Witness: fMS "fortunate

Reading Group: C10_app390_rg2

Witness: f1818 fortunate
Witness: f1823 fortunate
Witness: fThomas fortunate
Witness: f1831 fortunate


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that you should be here at
Witness: f1823 that you should be here at
Witness: fThomas that you should be here at
Witness: f1831 that you should be here at
Witness: fMS that you should be here at


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the very moment of my
Witness: f1823 the very moment of my
Witness: fThomas the very moment of my
Witness: f1831 the very moment of my
Witness: fMS the <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>very moment of my


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 alighting!”<p/><p/>Nothing
Witness: f1823 alighting!”<p/><p/>Nothing
Witness: fThomas alighting!”<p/><p/>Nothing
Witness: f1831 alighting!”<p/><p/>Nothing
Witness: fMS alighting." Nothing


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 could equal my delight
Witness: f1823 could equal my delight
Witness: fThomas could equal my delight
Witness: f1831 could equal my delight
Witness: fMS could equal my delight


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 on
Witness: f1823 on
Witness: fThomas on
Witness: f1831 on
Witness: fMS on


Reading Group: C10_app396_rg1

Witness: fMS see seing Clerval:

Reading Group: C10_app396_rg2

Witness: f1818 seeing Clerval;
Witness: f1823 seeing Clerval;
Witness: fThomas seeing Clerval;
Witness: f1831 seeing Clerval;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 his presence
Witness: f1823 his presence
Witness: fThomas his presence
Witness: f1831 his presence
Witness: fMS his presence


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 brought back to my thoughts my father,
Witness: f1823 brought back to my thoughts my father,
Witness: fThomas brought back to my thoughts my father,
Witness: f1831 brought back to my thoughts my father,
Witness: fMS brought back to my thoughts my father,


Reading Group: C10_app399_rg1

Witness: fMS Elizabeth

Reading Group: C10_app399_rg2

Witness: f1818 Elizabeth,
Witness: f1823 Elizabeth,
Witness: fThomas Elizabeth,
Witness: f1831 Elizabeth,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and all those scenes
Witness: f1823 and all those scenes
Witness: fThomas and all those scenes
Witness: f1831 and all those scenes
Witness: fMS and all those scenes


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of home so dear to my recollection.
Witness: f1823 of home so dear to my recollection.
Witness: fThomas of home so dear to my recollection.
Witness: f1831 of home so dear to my recollection.
Witness: fMS of home so dear to my recollection.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I grasped his hand, and in a moment
Witness: f1823 I grasped his hand, and in a moment
Witness: fThomas I grasped his hand, and in a moment
Witness: f1831 I grasped his hand, and in a moment
Witness: fMS I grasped his hand, and in a moment


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 forgot my horror and
Witness: f1823 forgot my horror and
Witness: fThomas forgot my horror and
Witness: f1831 forgot my horror and
Witness: fMS forgot my horror and


Reading Group: C10_app404_rg1

Witness: fMS misfortune.

Reading Group: C10_app404_rg2

Witness: f1818 misfortune;
Witness: f1823 misfortune;
Witness: fThomas misfortune;
Witness: f1831 misfortune;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fMS I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 felt suddenly,
Witness: f1823 felt suddenly,
Witness: fThomas felt suddenly,
Witness: f1831 felt suddenly,
Witness: fMS felt<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>suddenly,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and for the first time
Witness: f1823 and for the first time
Witness: fThomas and for the first time
Witness: f1831 and for the first time
Witness: fMS and for the first time


Reading Group: C10_app408_rg1

Witness: fMS forduringfor

Reading Group: C10_app408_rg2

Witness: f1818 during
Witness: f1823 during
Witness: fThomas during
Witness: f1831 during


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 many months, calm and serene
Witness: f1823 many months, calm and serene
Witness: fThomas many months, calm and serene
Witness: f1831 many months, calm and serene
Witness: fMS many months, calm and serene


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 joy. I welcomed my
Witness: f1823 joy. I welcomed my
Witness: fThomas joy. I welcomed my
Witness: f1831 joy. I welcomed my
Witness: fMS joy. I welcomed my


Reading Group: C10_app411_rg1

Witness: fMS friend therefore

Reading Group: C10_app411_rg2

Witness: f1818 friend, therefore,
Witness: f1823 friend, therefore,
Witness: fThomas friend, therefore,
Witness: f1831 friend, therefore,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in the most cordial
Witness: f1823 in the most cordial
Witness: fThomas in the most cordial
Witness: f1831 in the most cordial
Witness: fMS in the most cordial


Reading Group: C10_app413_rg1

Witness: fMS manner

Reading Group: C10_app413_rg2

Witness: f1818 manner,
Witness: f1823 manner,
Witness: fThomas manner,
Witness: f1831 manner,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and we walked towards my
Witness: f1823 and we walked towards my
Witness: fThomas and we walked towards my
Witness: f1831 and we walked towards my
Witness: fMS & we walked towards my


Reading Group: C10_app415_rg1

Witness: fMS colledge.

Reading Group: C10_app415_rg2

Witness: f1818 college.
Witness: f1823 college.
Witness: fThomas college.
Witness: f1831 college.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Clerval
Witness: f1823 Clerval
Witness: fThomas Clerval
Witness: f1831 Clerval
Witness: fMS Clerval


Reading Group: C10_app417_rg1

Witness: fMS ran ontalked continued

Reading Group: C10_app417_rg2

Witness: f1818 continued
Witness: f1823 continued
Witness: fThomas continued
Witness: f1831 continued


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 talking for some time about our mutual
Witness: f1823 talking for some time about our mutual
Witness: fThomas talking for some time about our mutual
Witness: f1831 talking for some time about our mutual
Witness: fMS talking for some time about myour mutual


Reading Group: C10_app419_rg1

Witness: fMS friends

Reading Group: C10_app419_rg2

Witness: f1818 friends,
Witness: f1823 friends,
Witness: fThomas friends,
Witness: f1831 friends,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and his
Witness: f1823 and his
Witness: fThomas and his
Witness: f1831 and his
Witness: fMS and his


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 own good
Witness: f1823 own good
Witness: fThomas own good
Witness: f1831 own good
Witness: fMS owngood


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 fortune in
Witness: f1823 fortune in
Witness: fThomas fortune in
Witness: f1831 fortune in
Witness: fMS fortune in


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 being
Witness: f1823 being
Witness: fThomas being
Witness: f1831 being
Witness: fMS being


Reading Group: C10_app424_rg1

Witness: fMS allowed

Reading Group: C10_app424_rg2

Witness: f1818 permitted
Witness: f1823 permitted
Witness: fThomas permitted
Witness: f1831 permitted


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to come to
Witness: f1823 to come to
Witness: fThomas to come to
Witness: f1831 to come to
Witness: fMS to come to


Reading Group: C10_app426_rg1

Witness: f1818 Ingolstadt.
Witness: f1823 Ingolstadt.
Witness: fThomas Ingolstadt.
Witness: f1831 Ingolstadt.

Reading Group: C10_app426_rg2

Witness: fMS Ingolstadt.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 “You may
Witness: f1823 “You may
Witness: fThomas “You may
Witness: f1831 “You may
Witness: fMS "You may


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 easily
Witness: f1823 easily
Witness: fThomas easily
Witness: f1831 easily


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 believe,” said he,
Witness: f1823 believe,” said he,
Witness: fThomas believe,” said he,
Witness: f1831 believe,” said he,
Witness: fMS believe," said he,


Reading Group: C10_app430_rg1

Witness: f1818 “how great
Witness: f1823 “how great
Witness: fThomas “how great
Witness: f1831 “how great

Reading Group: C10_app430_rg2

Witness: fMS "that "it


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was
Witness: f1823 was
Witness: fThomas was
Witness: f1831 was
Witness: fMS was


Reading Group: C10_app432_rg1

Witness: fMS not without considerable "trouble that I persuaded

Reading Group: C10_app432_rg2

Witness: f1818 the difficulty to persuade
Witness: f1823 the difficulty to persuade
Witness: fThomas the difficulty to persuade
Witness: f1831 the difficulty to persuade


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my
Witness: f1823 my
Witness: fThomas my
Witness: f1831 my
Witness: fMS my


Reading Group: C10_app434_rg1

Witness: fMS "father

Reading Group: C10_app434_rg2

Witness: f1818 father
Witness: f1823 father
Witness: fThomas father
Witness: f1831 father


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that
Witness: f1823 that
Witness: fThomas that
Witness: f1831 that
Witness: fMS that


Reading Group: C10_app436_rg1

Witness: fMS it is not absolutely "necessary for a merchant to "know nothing except

Reading Group: C10_app436_rg2

Witness: f1818 it was not absolutely necessary for a merchant not to understand any thing except
Witness: f1823 it was not absolutely necessary for a merchant not to understand any thing except
Witness: fThomas it was not absolutely necessary for a merchant not to understand any thing except

Reading Group: C10_app436_rg3

Witness: f1831 all knowledge was not comprised in the noble art of


Reading Group: C10_app437_rg1

Witness: f1818 book-keeping; and, indeed,
Witness: f1823 book-keeping; and, indeed,
Witness: fThomas book-keeping; and, indeed,
Witness: f1831 book-keeping; and, indeed,

Reading Group: C10_app437_rg2

Witness: fMS bookeeping "and indeed


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I believe I left him
Witness: f1823 I believe I left him
Witness: fThomas I believe I left him
Witness: f1831 I believe I left him
Witness: fMS I believe I left him


Reading Group: C10_app439_rg1

Witness: fMS "incredulous

Reading Group: C10_app439_rg2

Witness: f1818 incredulous
Witness: f1823 incredulous
Witness: fThomas incredulous
Witness: f1831 incredulous


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to the
Witness: f1823 to the
Witness: fThomas to the
Witness: f1831 to the
Witness: fMS to the


Reading Group: C10_app441_rg1

Witness: fMS last

Reading Group: C10_app441_rg2

Witness: f1818 last,
Witness: f1823 last,
Witness: fThomas last,
Witness: f1831 last,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 for his constant answer to my
Witness: f1823 for his constant answer to my
Witness: fThomas for his constant answer to my
Witness: f1831 for his constant answer to my
Witness: fMS for his constant answer to my


Reading Group: C10_app443_rg1

Witness: fMS applications "was

Reading Group: C10_app443_rg2

Witness: f1818 unwearied entreaties was
Witness: f1823 unwearied entreaties was
Witness: fThomas unwearied entreaties was
Witness: f1831 unwearied entreaties was


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the same as that
Witness: f1823 the same as that
Witness: fThomas the same as that
Witness: f1831 the same as that
Witness: fMS the same as <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>that


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of the
Witness: f1823 of the
Witness: fThomas of the
Witness: f1831 of the
Witness: fMS ofthe


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Dutch
Witness: f1823 Dutch
Witness: fThomas Dutch
Witness: f1831 Dutch
Witness: fMS dutch


Reading Group: C10_app447_rg1

Witness: fMS school "master

Reading Group: C10_app447_rg2

Witness: f1818 schoolmaster
Witness: f1823 schoolmaster
Witness: fThomas schoolmaster
Witness: f1831 schoolmaster


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in the Vicar of
Witness: f1823 in the Vicar of
Witness: fThomas in the Vicar of
Witness: f1831 in the Vicar of
Witness: fMS in the Vicar of


Reading Group: C10_app449_rg1

Witness: f1818 Wakefield: ‘I
Witness: f1823 Wakefield: ‘I
Witness: fThomas Wakefield: ‘I

Reading Group: C10_app449_rg2

Witness: f1831 Wakefield:—‘I

Reading Group: C10_app449_rg3

Witness: fMS Wakefield– 'I live very well yet I do not know "Greek " I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 have ten thousand
Witness: f1823 have ten thousand
Witness: fThomas have ten thousand
Witness: f1831 have ten thousand
Witness: fMS have ten thousand


Reading Group: C10_app451_rg1

Witness: f1818 florins a year without Greek, I eat
Witness: f1823 florins a year without Greek, I eat
Witness: fThomas florins a year without Greek, I eat
Witness: f1831 florins a year without Greek, I eat

Reading Group: C10_app451_rg2

Witness: fMS florins– "y<shi rend="sup">r</shi>. with "out greek –I "eat


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 heartily
Witness: f1823 heartily
Witness: fThomas heartily
Witness: f1831 heartily
Witness: fMS heartily


Reading Group: C10_app453_rg1

Witness: fMS "without greek of- "But

Reading Group: C10_app453_rg2

Witness: f1818 without Greek.’ But
Witness: f1823 without Greek.’ But
Witness: fThomas without Greek.’ But
Witness: f1831 without Greek.’ But


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 his affection for me at
Witness: f1823 his affection for me at
Witness: fThomas his affection for me at
Witness: f1831 his affection for me at
Witness: fMS his affection for me at


Reading Group: C10_app455_rg1

Witness: fMS "length

Reading Group: C10_app455_rg2

Witness: f1818 length
Witness: f1823 length
Witness: fThomas length
Witness: f1831 length


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 overcame his dislike
Witness: f1823 overcame his dislike
Witness: fThomas overcame his dislike
Witness: f1831 overcame his dislike
Witness: fMS overcame his dislike


Reading Group: C10_app457_rg1

Witness: fMS for "learning,

Reading Group: C10_app457_rg2

Witness: f1818 of learning,
Witness: f1823 of learning,
Witness: fThomas of learning,
Witness: f1831 of learning,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and he
Witness: f1823 and he
Witness: fThomas and he
Witness: f1831 and he
Witness: fMS and he


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 has
Witness: f1823 has
Witness: fThomas has
Witness: f1831 has


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 permitted me
Witness: f1823 permitted me
Witness: fThomas permitted me
Witness: f1831 permitted me
Witness: fMS permitted me


Reading Group: C10_app461_rg1

Witness: fMS "to

Reading Group: C10_app461_rg2

Witness: f1818 to
Witness: f1823 to
Witness: fThomas to
Witness: f1831 to


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 undertake a voyage of
Witness: f1823 undertake a voyage of
Witness: fThomas undertake a voyage of
Witness: f1831 undertake a voyage of
Witness: fMS <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>undertake a voyage of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 discovery to
Witness: f1823 discovery to
Witness: fThomas discovery to
Witness: f1831 discovery to
Witness: fMS discoveryto


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the land of
Witness: f1823 the land of
Witness: fThomas the land of
Witness: f1831 the land of
Witness: fMS the land of


Reading Group: C10_app465_rg1

Witness: fMS "knowledge." "And

Reading Group: C10_app465_rg2

Witness: f1818 knowledge.”<p/><p/>“It gives me the greatest delight to see you; but tell me how you left
Witness: f1823 knowledge.”<p/><p/>“It gives me the greatest delight to see you; but tell me how you left
Witness: fThomas knowledge.”<p/><p/>“It gives me the greatest delight to see you; but tell me how you left
Witness: f1831 knowledge.”<p/><p/>“It gives me the greatest delight to see you; but tell me how you left


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my father,
Witness: f1823 my father,
Witness: fThomas my father,
Witness: f1831 my father,
Witness: fMS my father,


Reading Group: C10_app467_rg1

Witness: fMS brothers &Elizabeth" said I "Very well

Reading Group: C10_app467_rg2

Witness: f1818 brothers, and Elizabeth.”<p/><p/>“Very well,
Witness: f1823 brothers, and Elizabeth.”<p/><p/>“Very well,
Witness: fThomas brothers, and Elizabeth.”<p/><p/>“Very well,
Witness: f1831 brothers, and Elizabeth.”<p/><p/>“Very well,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and very
Witness: f1823 and very
Witness: fThomas and very
Witness: f1831 and very
Witness: fMS & very


Reading Group: C10_app469_rg1

Witness: fMS happy" replied he "only

Reading Group: C10_app469_rg2

Witness: f1818 happy, only
Witness: f1823 happy, only
Witness: fThomas happy, only
Witness: f1831 happy, only


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a little uneasy that
Witness: f1823 a little uneasy that
Witness: fThomas a little uneasy that
Witness: f1831 a little uneasy that
Witness: fMS a little uneasy that


Reading Group: C10_app471_rg1

Witness: fMS yo "they

Reading Group: C10_app471_rg2

Witness: f1818 they
Witness: f1823 they
Witness: fThomas they
Witness: f1831 they


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 hear from you so
Witness: f1823 hear from you so
Witness: fThomas hear from you so
Witness: f1831 hear from you so
Witness: fMS hear from you so


Reading Group: C10_app473_rg1

Witness: fMS seldom, & "by

Reading Group: C10_app473_rg2

Witness: f1818 seldom. By
Witness: f1823 seldom. By
Witness: fThomas seldom. By
Witness: f1831 seldom. By


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fMS the


Reading Group: C10_app475_rg1

Witness: f1823 by,
Witness: f1831 by,

Reading Group: C10_app475_rg2

Witness: f1818 bye,
Witness: fThomas bye,
Witness: fMS bye,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I mean to lecture you
Witness: f1823 I mean to lecture you
Witness: fThomas I mean to lecture you
Witness: f1831 I mean to lecture you
Witness: fMS I mean to lecture you


Reading Group: C10_app477_rg1

Witness: fMS "a

Reading Group: C10_app477_rg2

Witness: f1818 a
Witness: f1823 a
Witness: fThomas a
Witness: f1831 a


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 little upon their account
Witness: f1823 little upon their account
Witness: fThomas little upon their account
Witness: f1831 little upon their account
Witness: fMS little upon their account


Reading Group: C10_app479_rg1

Witness: fMS "myself– But

Reading Group: C10_app479_rg2

Witness: f1818 myself.—But,
Witness: f1823 myself.—But,
Witness: fThomas myself.—But,
Witness: f1831 myself.—But,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my dear
Witness: f1823 my dear
Witness: fThomas my dear
Witness: f1831 my dear
Witness: fMS my dear


Reading Group: C10_app481_rg1

Witness: fMS Frankenstein"

Reading Group: C10_app481_rg2

Witness: f1818 Frankenstein,”
Witness: f1823 Frankenstein,”
Witness: fThomas Frankenstein,”
Witness: f1831 Frankenstein,”


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 continued
Witness: f1823 continued
Witness: fThomas continued
Witness: f1831 continued
Witness: fMS continued


Reading Group: C10_app483_rg1

Witness: fMS he

Reading Group: C10_app483_rg2

Witness: f1818 he,
Witness: f1823 he,
Witness: fThomas he,
Witness: f1831 he,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 stopping
Witness: f1823 stopping
Witness: fThomas stopping
Witness: f1831 stopping
Witness: fMS stopping


Reading Group: C10_app485_rg1

Witness: fMS short

Reading Group: C10_app485_rg2

Witness: f1818 short,
Witness: f1823 short,
Witness: fThomas short,
Witness: f1831 short,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and gazing
Witness: f1823 and gazing
Witness: fThomas and gazing
Witness: f1831 and gazing
Witness: fMS & gazing


Reading Group: C10_app487_rg1

Witness: fMS "full

Reading Group: C10_app487_rg2

Witness: f1818 full
Witness: f1823 full
Witness: fThomas full
Witness: f1831 full


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in my
Witness: f1823 in my
Witness: fThomas in my
Witness: f1831 in my
Witness: fMS in my


Reading Group: C10_app489_rg1

Witness: fMS face

Reading Group: C10_app489_rg2

Witness: f1818 face,
Witness: f1823 face,
Witness: fThomas face,
Witness: f1831 face,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 “I did not before
Witness: f1823 “I did not before
Witness: fThomas “I did not before
Witness: f1831 “I did not before
Witness: fMS "I did not before


Reading Group: C10_app491_rg1

Witness: fMS "remark

Reading Group: C10_app491_rg2

Witness: f1818 remark
Witness: f1823 remark
Witness: fThomas remark
Witness: f1831 remark


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 how very ill you
Witness: f1823 how very ill you
Witness: fThomas how very ill you
Witness: f1831 how very ill you
Witness: fMS how very ill you


Reading Group: C10_app493_rg1

Witness: f1818 appear;
Witness: f1823 appear;
Witness: fThomas appear;
Witness: f1831 appear;

Reading Group: C10_app493_rg2

Witness: fMS are.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 so thin
Witness: f1823 so thin
Witness: fThomas so thin
Witness: f1831 so thin
Witness: fMS So thin


Reading Group: C10_app495_rg1

Witness: fMS "and

Reading Group: C10_app495_rg2

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: f1831 and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 pale; you
Witness: f1823 pale; you
Witness: fThomas pale; you
Witness: f1831 pale; you
Witness: fMS pale; you


Reading Group: C10_app497_rg1

Witness: fMS appear

Reading Group: C10_app497_rg2

Witness: f1818 look
Witness: f1823 look
Witness: fThomas look
Witness: f1831 look


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 as if you had
Witness: f1823 as if you had
Witness: fThomas as if you had
Witness: f1831 as if you had
Witness: fMS as if you had


Reading Group: C10_app499_rg1

Witness: fMS "been

Reading Group: C10_app499_rg2

Witness: f1818 been
Witness: f1823 been
Witness: fThomas been
Witness: f1831 been


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 watching for several
Witness: f1823 watching for several
Witness: fThomas watching for several
Witness: f1831 watching for several
Witness: fMS watching for several


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS nights." "You
Witness: f1818 nights.”<p/><p/>“You
Witness: f1823 nights.”<p/><p/>“You
Witness: fThomas nights.”<p/><p/>“You
Witness: f1831 nights.”<p/><p/>“You


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 have guessed
Witness: f1823 have guessed
Witness: fThomas have guessed
Witness: f1831 have guessed
Witness: fMS have guessed


Reading Group: C10_app503_rg1

Witness: fMS right"

Reading Group: C10_app503_rg2

Witness: f1818 right;
Witness: f1823 right;
Witness: fThomas right;
Witness: f1831 right;


Reading Group: C10_app504_rg1

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: f1831 I

Reading Group: C10_app504_rg2

Witness: fMS I replied "I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 have lately been so
Witness: f1823 have lately been so
Witness: fThomas have lately been so
Witness: f1831 have lately been so
Witness: fMS have lately been so


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 deeply
Witness: f1823 deeply
Witness: fThomas deeply
Witness: f1831 deeply


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 engaged in
Witness: f1823 engaged in
Witness: fThomas engaged in
Witness: f1831 engaged in
Witness: fMS engaged in


Reading Group: C10_app508_rg1

Witness: f1818 one occupation,
Witness: f1823 one occupation,
Witness: fThomas one occupation,
Witness: f1831 one occupation,

Reading Group: C10_app508_rg2

Witness: fMS "severalstudious one occupations


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that I
Witness: f1823 that I
Witness: fThomas that I
Witness: f1831 that I
Witness: fMS that I


Reading Group: C10_app510_rg1

Witness: fMS didhave "not allowed<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>myself

Reading Group: C10_app510_rg2

Witness: f1818 have not allowed myself
Witness: f1823 have not allowed myself
Witness: fThomas have not allowed myself
Witness: f1831 have not allowed myself


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 sufficient
Witness: f1823 sufficient
Witness: fThomas sufficient
Witness: f1831 sufficient
Witness: fMS sufficient


Reading Group: C10_app512_rg1

Witness: fMS rest

Reading Group: C10_app512_rg2

Witness: f1818 rest,
Witness: f1823 rest,
Witness: fThomas rest,
Witness: f1831 rest,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 as you
Witness: f1823 as you
Witness: fThomas as you
Witness: f1831 as you
Witness: fMS as you


Reading Group: C10_app514_rg1

Witness: fMS "see;

Reading Group: C10_app514_rg2

Witness: f1818 see:
Witness: f1823 see:
Witness: fThomas see:
Witness: f1831 see:


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but I hope, I sincerely
Witness: f1823 but I hope, I sincerely
Witness: fThomas but I hope, I sincerely
Witness: f1831 but I hope, I sincerely
Witness: fMS but I hope, I sincerely


Reading Group: C10_app516_rg1

Witness: fMS hope

Reading Group: C10_app516_rg2

Witness: f1818 hope, that
Witness: f1823 hope, that
Witness: fThomas hope, that
Witness: f1831 hope, that


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 all
Witness: f1823 all
Witness: fThomas all
Witness: f1831 all
Witness: fMS all


Reading Group: C10_app518_rg1

Witness: f1818 these employments
Witness: f1823 these employments
Witness: fThomas these employments
Witness: f1831 these employments

Reading Group: C10_app518_rg2

Witness: fMS those "occupations


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 are
Witness: f1823 are
Witness: fThomas are
Witness: f1831 are
Witness: fMS are


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 now
Witness: f1823 now
Witness: fThomas now
Witness: f1831 now


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 at an
Witness: f1823 at an
Witness: fThomas at an
Witness: f1831 at an
Witness: fMS at an


Reading Group: C10_app522_rg1

Witness: f1818 end, and that I am at length
Witness: f1823 end, and that I am at length
Witness: fThomas end, and that I am at length
Witness: f1831 end, and that I am at length

Reading Group: C10_app522_rg2

Witness: fMS end—I am free "now I hope." I


Reading Group: C10_app523_rg1

Witness: f1823 free.” <p/><p/>I

Reading Group: C10_app523_rg2

Witness: f1818 free.”<p/><p/>I
Witness: fThomas free.”<p/><p/>I
Witness: f1831 free.”<p/><p/>I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 trembled
Witness: f1823 trembled
Witness: fThomas trembled
Witness: f1831 trembled
Witness: fMS trembled


Reading Group: C10_app525_rg1

Witness: fMS excessively:

Reading Group: C10_app525_rg2

Witness: f1818 excessively;
Witness: f1823 excessively;
Witness: fThomas excessively;
Witness: f1831 excessively;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I could not
Witness: f1823 I could not
Witness: fThomas I could not
Witness: f1831 I could not
Witness: fMS I could not


Reading Group: C10_app527_rg1

Witness: fMS bear

Reading Group: C10_app527_rg2

Witness: f1818 endure
Witness: f1823 endure
Witness: fThomas endure
Witness: f1831 endure


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to think
Witness: f1823 to think
Witness: fThomas to think
Witness: f1831 to think
Witness: fMS to think


Reading Group: C10_app529_rg1

Witness: f1818 of, and
Witness: f1823 of, and
Witness: fThomas of, and
Witness: f1831 of, and

Reading Group: C10_app529_rg2

Witness: fMS of,&


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 far less to allude
Witness: f1823 far less to allude
Witness: fThomas far less to allude
Witness: f1831 far less to allude
Witness: fMS far less to allude


Reading Group: C10_app531_rg1

Witness: f1831 to,

Reading Group: C10_app531_rg2

Witness: f1818 to
Witness: f1823 to
Witness: fThomas to
Witness: fMS to


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fMS the


Reading Group: C10_app533_rg1

Witness: fMS occurences

Reading Group: C10_app533_rg2

Witness: f1818 occurrences
Witness: f1823 occurrences
Witness: fThomas occurrences
Witness: f1831 occurrences


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of the
Witness: f1823 of the
Witness: fThomas of the
Witness: f1831 of the
Witness: fMS of the


Reading Group: C10_app535_rg1

Witness: fMS preceeding

Reading Group: C10_app535_rg2

Witness: f1818 preceding
Witness: f1823 preceding
Witness: fThomas preceding
Witness: f1831 preceding


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 night.
Witness: f1823 night.
Witness: fThomas night.
Witness: f1831 night.
Witness: fMS night.


Reading Group: C10_app537_rg1

Witness: f1818 I walked
Witness: f1823 I walked
Witness: fThomas I walked
Witness: f1831 I walked

Reading Group: C10_app537_rg2

Witness: fMS I continued to walktheire I walked therefore


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 with a quick pace,
Witness: f1823 with a quick pace,
Witness: fThomas with a quick pace,
Witness: f1831 with a quick pace,
Witness: fMS with a quick pace,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and we soon arrived at my
Witness: f1823 and we soon arrived at my
Witness: fThomas and we soon arrived at my
Witness: f1831 and we soon arrived at my
Witness: fMS and we soon arrived at my


Reading Group: C10_app540_rg1

Witness: fMS colledge.

Reading Group: C10_app540_rg2

Witness: f1818 college.
Witness: f1823 college.
Witness: fThomas college.
Witness: f1831 college.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I then
Witness: f1823 I then
Witness: fThomas I then
Witness: f1831 I then
Witness: fMS I then


Reading Group: C10_app542_rg1

Witness: fMS reflected –

Reading Group: C10_app542_rg2

Witness: f1818 reflected,
Witness: f1823 reflected,
Witness: fThomas reflected,
Witness: f1831 reflected,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and the thought made
Witness: f1823 and the thought made
Witness: fThomas and the thought made
Witness: f1831 and the thought made
Witness: fMS and the thought made


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 me
Witness: f1823 me
Witness: fThomas me
Witness: f1831 me
Witness: fMS me


Reading Group: C10_app545_rg1

Witness: fMS shiver

Reading Group: C10_app545_rg2

Witness: f1818 shiver,
Witness: f1823 shiver,
Witness: fThomas shiver,
Witness: f1831 shiver,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that the creature whom
Witness: f1823 that the creature whom
Witness: fThomas that the creature whom
Witness: f1831 that the creature whom
Witness: fMS that the creature whom


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I had left in my
Witness: f1823 I had left in my
Witness: fThomas I had left in my
Witness: f1831 I had left in my
Witness: fMS I had left in my


Reading Group: C10_app548_rg1

Witness: f1818 apartment
Witness: f1823 apartment
Witness: fThomas apartment
Witness: f1831 apartment

Reading Group: C10_app548_rg2

Witness: fMS appartment


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 might
Witness: f1823 might
Witness: fThomas might
Witness: f1831 might
Witness: fMS might


Reading Group: C10_app550_rg1

Witness: f1818 still be there, alive,
Witness: f1823 still be there, alive,
Witness: fThomas still be there, alive,
Witness: f1831 still be there, alive,

Reading Group: C10_app550_rg2

Witness: fMS be still there—alive


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and walking
Witness: f1823 and walking
Witness: fThomas and walking
Witness: f1831 and walking
Witness: fMS and walking


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 about. I dreaded to
Witness: f1823 about. I dreaded to
Witness: fThomas about. I dreaded to
Witness: f1831 about. I dreaded to
Witness: fMS about. I dreaded to


Reading Group: C10_app553_rg1

Witness: f1818 behold this monster;
Witness: f1823 behold this monster;
Witness: fThomas behold this monster;
Witness: f1831 behold this monster;

Reading Group: C10_app553_rg2

Witness: fMS see him


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but I
Witness: f1823 but I
Witness: fThomas but I
Witness: f1831 but I
Witness: fMS but I


Reading Group: C10_app555_rg1

Witness: fMS dreaded

Reading Group: C10_app555_rg2

Witness: f1818 feared
Witness: f1823 feared
Witness: fThomas feared
Witness: f1831 feared


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 still more that Henry should
Witness: f1823 still more that Henry should
Witness: fThomas still more that Henry should
Witness: f1831 still more that Henry should
Witness: fMS still more that Henry should


Reading Group: C10_app557_rg1

Witness: fMS behold the monsther. I therefore

Reading Group: C10_app557_rg2

Witness: f1818 see him.
Witness: f1823 see him.
Witness: fThomas see him.
Witness: f1831 see him.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Entreating
Witness: f1823 Entreating
Witness: fThomas Entreating
Witness: f1831 Entreating
Witness: fMS entreateding


Reading Group: C10_app559_rg1

Witness: f1818 him
Witness: f1823 him
Witness: fThomas him
Witness: fMS him

Reading Group: C10_app559_rg2

Witness: f1831 him,


Reading Group: C10_app560_rg1

Witness: fMS <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>therefore
Witness: f1818 therefore
Witness: f1823 therefore
Witness: fThomas therefore

Reading Group: C10_app560_rg2

Witness: f1831 therefore,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to remain a few
Witness: f1823 to remain a few
Witness: fThomas to remain a few
Witness: f1831 to remain a few
Witness: fMS to remain a few


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 minutes at the bottom of the
Witness: f1823 minutes at the bottom of the
Witness: fThomas minutes at the bottom of the
Witness: f1831 minutes at the bottom of the
Witness: fMS minutes at the bottom of the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 stairs,
Witness: f1823 stairs,
Witness: fThomas stairs,
Witness: f1831 stairs,
Witness: fMS stairs,


Reading Group: C10_app564_rg1

Witness: fMS while I darted up towards

Reading Group: C10_app564_rg2

Witness: f1818 I darted up towards
Witness: f1823 I darted up towards
Witness: fThomas I darted up towards
Witness: f1831 I darted up towards


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my own room. My hand was already
Witness: f1823 my own room. My hand was already
Witness: fThomas my own room. My hand was already
Witness: f1831 my own room. My hand was already
Witness: fMS my own room. My hand was already


Reading Group: C10_app566_rg1

Witness: f1818 on the lock of the door
Witness: f1823 on the lock of the door
Witness: fThomas on the lock of the door
Witness: f1831 on the lock of the door

Reading Group: C10_app566_rg2

Witness: fMS on the lock


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 before I
Witness: f1823 before I
Witness: fThomas before I
Witness: f1831 before I
Witness: fMS before I


Reading Group: C10_app568_rg1

Witness: f1818 recollected myself.
Witness: f1823 recollected myself.
Witness: fThomas recollected myself.
Witness: f1831 recollected myself.

Reading Group: C10_app568_rg2

Witness: fMS recovered myself,


Reading Group: C10_app569_rg1

Witness: fMS when I paused

Reading Group: C10_app569_rg2

Witness: f1818 I then paused;
Witness: f1823 I then paused;
Witness: fThomas I then paused;
Witness: f1831 I then paused;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and a cold
Witness: f1823 and a cold
Witness: fThomas and a cold
Witness: f1831 and a cold
Witness: fMS and a cold


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 shivering came over me. I threw
Witness: f1823 shivering came over me. I threw
Witness: fThomas shivering came over me. I threw
Witness: f1831 shivering came over me. I threw
Witness: fMS shivering came over me. I threw


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the door
Witness: f1823 the door
Witness: fThomas the door
Witness: f1831 the door
Witness: fMS the door


Reading Group: C10_app573_rg1

Witness: f1818 forcibly open,
Witness: f1823 forcibly open,
Witness: fThomas forcibly open,
Witness: f1831 forcibly open,

Reading Group: C10_app573_rg2

Witness: fMS open


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 as children are accustomed to do when they expect
Witness: f1823 as children are accustomed to do when they expect
Witness: fThomas as children are accustomed to do when they expect
Witness: f1831 as children are accustomed to do when they expect
Witness: fMS as children are accustomed to do when they expect


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a spectre to stand in waiting for
Witness: f1823 a spectre to stand in waiting for
Witness: fThomas a spectre to stand in waiting for
Witness: f1831 a spectre to stand in waiting for
Witness: fMS a spectre to stand in waiting for


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 them on the other
Witness: f1823 them on the other
Witness: fThomas them on the other
Witness: f1831 them on the other
Witness: fMS them on the other


Reading Group: C10_app577_rg1

Witness: fMS side.

Reading Group: C10_app577_rg2

Witness: f1818 side;
Witness: f1823 side;
Witness: fThomas side;
Witness: f1831 side;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but
Witness: f1823 but
Witness: fThomas but
Witness: f1831 but
Witness: fMS But


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 nothing appeared. I stepped fearfully
Witness: f1823 nothing appeared. I stepped fearfully
Witness: fThomas nothing appeared. I stepped fearfully
Witness: f1831 nothing appeared. I stepped fearfully
Witness: fMS nothing appeared. I stepped fearfully


Reading Group: C10_app580_rg1

Witness: fMS in –

Reading Group: C10_app580_rg2

Witness: f1818 in:
Witness: f1823 in:
Witness: fThomas in:
Witness: f1831 in:


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fMS the


Reading Group: C10_app582_rg1

Witness: f1818 apartment
Witness: f1823 apartment
Witness: fThomas apartment
Witness: f1831 apartment

Reading Group: C10_app582_rg2

Witness: fMS appartment


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was
Witness: f1823 was
Witness: fThomas was
Witness: f1831 was
Witness: fMS was


Reading Group: C10_app584_rg1

Witness: fMS empty,

Reading Group: C10_app584_rg2

Witness: f1818 empty;
Witness: f1823 empty;
Witness: fThomas empty;
Witness: f1831 empty;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fMS and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my
Witness: f1823 my
Witness: fThomas my
Witness: f1831 my
Witness: fMS my


Reading Group: C10_app587_rg1

Witness: f1818 bed-room
Witness: f1823 bed-room
Witness: fThomas bed-room
Witness: f1831 bed-room

Reading Group: C10_app587_rg2

Witness: fMS bedroon


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was also freed from its
Witness: f1823 was also freed from its
Witness: fThomas was also freed from its
Witness: f1831 was also freed from its
Witness: fMS was also freed from its


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 hideous guest. I could hardly
Witness: f1823 hideous guest. I could hardly
Witness: fThomas hideous guest. I could hardly
Witness: f1831 hideous guest. I could hardly
Witness: fMS hideous guest. I could hardly


Reading Group: C10_app590_rg1

Witness: fMS belief believe that so great a

Reading Group: C10_app590_rg2

Witness: f1818 believe that so great a
Witness: f1823 believe that so great a
Witness: fThomas believe that so great a
Witness: f1831 believe that so great a


Reading Group: C10_app591_rg1

Witness: f1831 good fortune
Witness: fMS good fortune

Reading Group: C10_app591_rg2

Witness: f1818 good-fortune
Witness: f1823 good-fortune
Witness: fThomas good-fortune


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 could have befallen me; but when
Witness: f1823 could have befallen me; but when
Witness: fThomas could have befallen me; but when
Witness: f1831 could have befallen me; but when
Witness: fMS could have befallen me; but when


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fMS I


Reading Group: C10_app594_rg1

Witness: fMS wasbecame

Reading Group: C10_app594_rg2

Witness: f1818 became
Witness: f1823 became
Witness: fThomas became
Witness: f1831 became


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 assured that my enemy had
Witness: f1823 assured that my enemy had
Witness: fThomas assured that my enemy had
Witness: f1831 assured that my enemy had
Witness: fMS assured that my enemy had


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 indeed fled, I clapped my hands for
Witness: f1823 indeed fled, I clapped my hands for
Witness: fThomas indeed fled, I clapped my hands for
Witness: f1831 indeed fled, I clapped my hands for
Witness: fMS indeed fled, I clapped my hands for


Reading Group: C10_app597_rg1

Witness: fMS joy

Reading Group: C10_app597_rg2

Witness: f1818 joy,
Witness: f1823 joy,
Witness: fThomas joy,
Witness: f1831 joy,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and ran down to
Witness: f1823 and ran down to
Witness: fThomas and ran down to
Witness: f1831 and ran down to
Witness: fMS and ran down to


Reading Group: C10_app599_rg1

Witness: f1818 Clerval.<p/><p/>We
Witness: f1823 Clerval.<p/><p/>We
Witness: fThomas Clerval.<p/><p/>We
Witness: f1831 Clerval.<p/><p/>We

Reading Group: C10_app599_rg2

Witness: fMS Henry. We


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 ascended into my
Witness: f1823 ascended into my
Witness: fThomas ascended into my
Witness: f1831 ascended into my
Witness: fMS ascended into my


Reading Group: C10_app601_rg1

Witness: fMS room

Reading Group: C10_app601_rg2

Witness: f1818 room,
Witness: f1823 room,
Witness: fThomas room,
Witness: f1831 room,


Reading Group: C10_app602_rg1

Witness: f1818 and the servant presently
Witness: f1823 and the servant presently
Witness: fThomas and the servant presently
Witness: f1831 and the servant presently

Reading Group: C10_app602_rg2

Witness: fMS & present ly the servant


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 brought
Witness: f1823 brought
Witness: fThomas brought
Witness: f1831 brought
Witness: fMS brought


Reading Group: C10_app604_rg1

Witness: fMS breakfast:

Reading Group: C10_app604_rg2

Witness: f1818 breakfast;
Witness: f1823 breakfast;
Witness: fThomas breakfast;
Witness: f1831 breakfast;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but I was unable to contain myself. It was not joy only that possessed
Witness: f1823 but I was unable to contain myself. It was not joy only that possessed
Witness: fThomas but I was unable to contain myself. It was not joy only that possessed
Witness: f1831 but I was unable to contain myself. It was not joy only that possessed
Witness: fMS but I was unable to contain myself. It was not joy only that possessed


Reading Group: C10_app606_rg1

Witness: fMS me,–I

Reading Group: C10_app606_rg2

Witness: f1818 me; I
Witness: f1823 me; I
Witness: fThomas me; I
Witness: f1831 me; I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 felt my flesh tingle with
Witness: f1823 felt my flesh tingle with
Witness: fThomas felt my flesh tingle with
Witness: f1831 felt my flesh tingle with
Witness: fMS felt my flesh tingle with


Reading Group: C10_app608_rg1

Witness: fMS the excess of

Reading Group: C10_app608_rg2

Witness: f1818 excess of
Witness: f1823 excess of
Witness: fThomas excess of
Witness: f1831 excess of


Reading Group: C10_app609_rg1

Witness: fMS sensitiveness

Reading Group: C10_app609_rg2

Witness: f1818 sensitiveness,
Witness: f1823 sensitiveness,
Witness: fThomas sensitiveness,
Witness: f1831 sensitiveness,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and my
Witness: f1823 and my
Witness: fThomas and my
Witness: f1831 and my
Witness: fMS and my


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 pulse beat rapidly. I was unable to
Witness: f1823 pulse beat rapidly. I was unable to
Witness: fThomas pulse beat rapidly. I was unable to
Witness: f1831 pulse beat rapidly. I was unable to
Witness: fMS pulse beat rapidly. I was unable to


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 remain for a single instant in
Witness: f1823 remain for a single instant in
Witness: fThomas remain for a single instant in
Witness: f1831 remain for a single instant in
Witness: fMS remain for a single instant in


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the same
Witness: f1823 the same
Witness: fThomas the same
Witness: f1831 the same
Witness: fMS the same


Reading Group: C10_app614_rg1

Witness: fMS place —

Reading Group: C10_app614_rg2

Witness: f1818 place;
Witness: f1823 place;
Witness: fThomas place;
Witness: f1831 place;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I jumped over
Witness: f1823 I jumped over
Witness: fThomas I jumped over
Witness: f1831 I jumped over
Witness: fMS I jumped over


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the chairs, clapped my
Witness: f1823 the chairs, clapped my
Witness: fThomas the chairs, clapped my
Witness: f1831 the chairs, clapped my
Witness: fMS the chairs, clapped my


Reading Group: C10_app617_rg1

Witness: f1818 hands, and
Witness: f1823 hands, and
Witness: fThomas hands, and
Witness: f1831 hands, and

Reading Group: C10_app617_rg2

Witness: fMS hands&


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 laughed
Witness: f1823 laughed
Witness: fThomas laughed
Witness: f1831 laughed
Witness: fMS laughed


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 aloud. Clerval at first attributed
Witness: f1823 aloud. Clerval at first attributed
Witness: fThomas aloud. Clerval at first attributed
Witness: f1831 aloud. Clerval at first attributed
Witness: fMS aloud. Clerval at first attributed


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my unusual spirits to joy on his
Witness: f1823 my unusual spirits to joy on his
Witness: fThomas my unusual spirits to joy on his
Witness: f1831 my unusual spirits to joy on his
Witness: fMS my unusual spirits to joy aton his


Reading Group: C10_app621_rg1

Witness: fMS arrival–

Reading Group: C10_app621_rg2

Witness: f1818 arrival;
Witness: f1823 arrival;
Witness: fThomas arrival;
Witness: f1831 arrival;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but when
Witness: f1823 but when
Witness: fThomas but when
Witness: f1831 but when
Witness: fMS but when


Reading Group: C10_app623_rg1

Witness: fMS saw he observed

Reading Group: C10_app623_rg2

Witness: f1818 he observed
Witness: f1823 he observed
Witness: fThomas he observed
Witness: f1831 he observed


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 me more
Witness: f1823 me more
Witness: fThomas me more
Witness: f1831 me more
Witness: fMS me <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>more


Reading Group: C10_app625_rg1

Witness: f1818 attentively, he
Witness: f1823 attentively, he
Witness: fThomas attentively, he
Witness: f1831 attentively, he

Reading Group: C10_app625_rg2

Witness: fMS attentivelyhe


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 saw a wildness in my eyes for
Witness: f1823 saw a wildness in my eyes for
Witness: fThomas saw a wildness in my eyes for
Witness: f1831 saw a wildness in my eyes for
Witness: fMS saw a wildness in my eyes for


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 which he could not
Witness: f1823 which he could not
Witness: fThomas which he could not
Witness: f1831 which he could not
Witness: fMS which he could not


Reading Group: C10_app628_rg1

Witness: fMS account

Reading Group: C10_app628_rg2

Witness: f1818 account;
Witness: f1823 account;
Witness: fThomas account;
Witness: f1831 account;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fMS and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my
Witness: f1823 my
Witness: fThomas my
Witness: f1831 my
Witness: fMS my


Reading Group: C10_app631_rg1

Witness: fMS loud unrestrained

Reading Group: C10_app631_rg2

Witness: f1818 loud, unrestrained,
Witness: f1823 loud, unrestrained,
Witness: fThomas loud, unrestrained,
Witness: f1831 loud, unrestrained,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 heartless
Witness: f1823 heartless
Witness: fThomas heartless
Witness: f1831 heartless
Witness: fMS heartless


Reading Group: C10_app633_rg1

Witness: fMS laughter

Reading Group: C10_app633_rg2

Witness: f1818 laughter,
Witness: f1823 laughter,
Witness: fThomas laughter,
Witness: f1831 laughter,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 frightened and astonished
Witness: f1823 frightened and astonished
Witness: fThomas frightened and astonished
Witness: f1831 frightened and astonished
Witness: fMS frightened and astonished


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS him. My
Witness: f1818 him.<p/><p/>“My
Witness: f1823 him.<p/><p/>“My
Witness: fThomas him.<p/><p/>“My
Witness: f1831 him.<p/><p/>“My


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 dear
Witness: f1823 dear
Witness: fThomas dear
Witness: f1831 dear
Witness: fMS dear


Reading Group: C10_app637_rg1

Witness: fMS Frankenstein,"

Reading Group: C10_app637_rg2

Witness: f1818 Victor,”
Witness: f1823 Victor,”
Witness: fThomas Victor,”
Witness: f1831 Victor,”


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 cried
Witness: f1823 cried
Witness: fThomas cried
Witness: f1831 cried
Witness: fMS cried


Reading Group: C10_app639_rg1

Witness: fMS he "What

Reading Group: C10_app639_rg2

Witness: f1818 he, “what,
Witness: f1823 he, “what,
Witness: fThomas he, “what,
Witness: f1831 he, “what,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 for
Witness: f1823 for
Witness: fThomas for
Witness: f1831 for
Witness: fMS for


Reading Group: C10_app641_rg1

Witness: fMS God’s sake

Reading Group: C10_app641_rg2

Witness: f1818 God’s sake,
Witness: f1823 God’s sake,
Witness: fThomas God’s sake,
Witness: f1831 God’s sake,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 is the
Witness: f1823 is the
Witness: fThomas is the
Witness: f1831 is the
Witness: fMS is the


Reading Group: C10_app643_rg1

Witness: fMS matter for

Reading Group: C10_app643_rg2

Witness: f1818 matter?
Witness: f1823 matter?
Witness: fThomas matter?
Witness: f1831 matter?


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Do not
Witness: f1823 Do not
Witness: fThomas Do not
Witness: f1831 Do not
Witness: fMS do not


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 laugh
Witness: f1823 laugh
Witness: fThomas laugh
Witness: f1831 laugh
Witness: fMS laugh


Reading Group: C10_app646_rg1

Witness: f1818 in that manner.
Witness: f1823 in that manner.
Witness: fThomas in that manner.
Witness: f1831 in that manner.

Reading Group: C10_app646_rg2

Witness: fMS so – What has


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 How ill you are!
Witness: f1823 How ill you are!
Witness: fThomas How ill you are!
Witness: f1831 How ill you are!
Witness: fMS How ill you are!


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 What is the cause of all
Witness: f1823 What is the cause of all
Witness: fThomas What is the cause of all
Witness: f1831 What is the cause of all
Witness: fMS What is the cause of all


Reading Group: C10_app649_rg1

Witness: f1818 this?”<p/><p/>“Do
Witness: fThomas this?”<p/><p/>“Do
Witness: f1831 this?”<p/><p/>“Do
Witness: fMS this? Do

Reading Group: C10_app649_rg2

Witness: f1823 this?<p/><p/>“Do


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 not ask
Witness: f1823 not ask
Witness: fThomas not ask
Witness: f1831 not ask
Witness: fMS not ask


Reading Group: C10_app651_rg1

Witness: fMS me

Reading Group: C10_app651_rg2

Witness: f1818 me,”
Witness: f1823 me,”
Witness: fThomas me,”
Witness: f1831 me,”


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 cried I, putting my
Witness: f1823 cried I, putting my
Witness: fThomas cried I, putting my
Witness: f1831 cried I, putting my
Witness: fMS cried I, putting my


Reading Group: C10_app653_rg1

Witness: fMS handsfef

Reading Group: C10_app653_rg2

Witness: f1818 hands
Witness: f1823 hands
Witness: fThomas hands
Witness: f1831 hands


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 before my eyes, for I thought
Witness: f1823 before my eyes, for I thought
Witness: fThomas before my eyes, for I thought
Witness: f1831 before my eyes, for I thought
Witness: fMS before my eyes, for I thought


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I saw
Witness: f1823 I saw
Witness: fThomas I saw
Witness: f1831 I saw
Witness: fMS I saw


Reading Group: C10_app656_rg1

Witness: fMS <shi rend="underline">the spectre</shi>

Reading Group: C10_app656_rg2

Witness: f1818 the dreaded spectre
Witness: f1823 the dreaded spectre
Witness: fThomas the dreaded spectre
Witness: f1831 the dreaded spectre


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 glide into the
Witness: f1823 glide into the
Witness: fThomas glide into the
Witness: f1831 glide into the
Witness: fMS glide into the


Reading Group: C10_app658_rg1

Witness: fMS room – Wh He

Reading Group: C10_app658_rg2

Witness: f1818 room; “<hi/>he<hi/>
Witness: f1823 room; “<hi/>he<hi/>
Witness: fThomas room; “<hi/>he<hi/>
Witness: f1831 room; “<hi/>he<hi/>


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 can
Witness: f1823 can
Witness: fThomas can
Witness: f1831 can
Witness: fMS can


Reading Group: C10_app660_rg1

Witness: fMS tell! Oh

Reading Group: C10_app660_rg2

Witness: f1818 tell.—Oh,
Witness: f1823 tell.—Oh,
Witness: fThomas tell.—Oh,
Witness: f1831 tell.—Oh,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 save
Witness: f1823 save
Witness: fThomas save
Witness: f1831 save
Witness: fMS save


Reading Group: C10_app662_rg1

Witness: f1818 me!
Witness: f1823 me!
Witness: fThomas me!
Witness: f1831 me!

Reading Group: C10_app662_rg2

Witness: fMS me


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 save
Witness: f1823 save
Witness: fThomas save
Witness: f1831 save
Witness: fMS save


Reading Group: C10_app664_rg1

Witness: fMS I me"–

Reading Group: C10_app664_rg2

Witness: f1818 me!”
Witness: f1823 me!”
Witness: fThomas me!”
Witness: f1831 me!”


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I imagined that the
Witness: f1823 I imagined that the
Witness: fThomas I imagined that the
Witness: f1831 I imagined that the
Witness: fMS I imagined that the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 monster seized
Witness: f1823 monster seized
Witness: fThomas monster seized
Witness: f1831 monster seized
Witness: fMS monster seized


Reading Group: C10_app667_rg1

Witness: fMS me

Reading Group: C10_app667_rg2

Witness: f1818 me;
Witness: f1823 me;
Witness: fThomas me;
Witness: f1831 me;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I struggled
Witness: f1823 I struggled
Witness: fThomas I struggled
Witness: f1831 I struggled
Witness: fMS I struggled


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS furious ly
Witness: f1818 furiously,
Witness: f1823 furiously,
Witness: fThomas furiously,
Witness: f1831 furiously,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and fell down in a
Witness: f1823 and fell down in a
Witness: fThomas and fell down in a
Witness: f1831 and fell down in a
Witness: fMS & fell down in a


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS fit. Poor
Witness: f1818 fit.<p/><p/>Poor
Witness: f1823 fit.<p/><p/>Poor
Witness: fThomas fit.<p/><p/>Poor
Witness: f1831 fit.<p/><p/>Poor


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Clerval! what must have been
Witness: f1823 Clerval! what must have been
Witness: fThomas Clerval! what must have been
Witness: f1831 Clerval! what must have been
Witness: fMS Clerval! What must have been


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 his
Witness: f1823 his
Witness: fThomas his
Witness: f1831 his
Witness: fMS his


Reading Group: C10_app674_rg1

Witness: fMS feelings.

Reading Group: C10_app674_rg2

Witness: f1818 feelings?
Witness: f1823 feelings?
Witness: fThomas feelings?
Witness: f1831 feelings?


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 A
Witness: f1823 A
Witness: fThomas A
Witness: f1831 A
Witness: fMS A


Reading Group: C10_app676_rg1

Witness: fMS joymeti meeting

Reading Group: C10_app676_rg2

Witness: f1818 meeting,
Witness: f1823 meeting,
Witness: fThomas meeting,
Witness: f1831 meeting,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 which
Witness: f1823 which
Witness: fThomas which
Witness: f1831 which
Witness: fMS which


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 he
Witness: f1823 he
Witness: fThomas he
Witness: f1831 he
Witness: fMS he


Reading Group: C10_app679_rg1

Witness: fMS had anticipated with such

Reading Group: C10_app679_rg2

Witness: f1818 anticipated with such
Witness: f1823 anticipated with such
Witness: fThomas anticipated with such
Witness: f1831 anticipated with such


Reading Group: C10_app680_rg1

Witness: fMS joy

Reading Group: C10_app680_rg2

Witness: f1818 joy,
Witness: f1823 joy,
Witness: fThomas joy,
Witness: f1831 joy,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 so
Witness: f1823 so
Witness: fThomas so
Witness: f1831 so
Witness: fMS so


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 strangely turned to bitterness. But I
Witness: f1823 strangely turned to bitterness. But I
Witness: fThomas strangely turned to bitterness. But I
Witness: f1831 strangely turned to bitterness. But I
Witness: fMS strangely turned to bitterness. But I


Reading Group: C10_app683_rg1

Witness: fMS did not witness his grief

Reading Group: C10_app683_rg2

Witness: f1818 was not the witness of his grief;
Witness: f1823 was not the witness of his grief;
Witness: fThomas was not the witness of his grief;
Witness: f1831 was not the witness of his grief;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 for I was
Witness: f1823 for I was
Witness: fThomas for I was
Witness: f1831 for I was
Witness: fMS for I was


Reading Group: C10_app685_rg1

Witness: fMS senselesslifeless

Reading Group: C10_app685_rg2

Witness: f1818 lifeless,
Witness: f1823 lifeless,
Witness: fThomas lifeless,
Witness: f1831 lifeless,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and did not recover my
Witness: f1823 and did not recover my
Witness: fThomas and did not recover my
Witness: f1831 and did not recover my
Witness: fMS and did not recover my


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 senses for
Witness: f1823 senses for
Witness: fThomas senses for
Witness: f1831 senses for
Witness: fMS senses for


Reading Group: C10_app688_rg1

Witness: fMS several a long, long

Reading Group: C10_app688_rg2

Witness: f1818 a long, long
Witness: f1823 a long, long
Witness: fThomas a long, long
Witness: f1831 a long, long


Reading Group: C10_app689_rg1

Witness: f1818 time.<p/><p/>This
Witness: f1823 time.<p/><p/>This
Witness: fThomas time.<p/><p/>This
Witness: f1831 time.<p/><p/>This

Reading Group: C10_app689_rg2

Witness: fMS time.Chap. 7 This


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was the commencement of a nervous
Witness: f1823 was the commencement of a nervous
Witness: fThomas was the commencement of a nervous
Witness: f1831 was the commencement of a nervous
Witness: fMS was the commencement of a nervous


Reading Group: C10_app691_rg1

Witness: fMS fever

Reading Group: C10_app691_rg2

Witness: f1818 fever,
Witness: f1823 fever,
Witness: fThomas fever,
Witness: f1831 fever,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 which confined me for several
Witness: f1823 which confined me for several
Witness: fThomas which confined me for several
Witness: f1831 which confined me for several
Witness: fMS which confined me for several


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 months.
Witness: f1823 months.
Witness: fThomas months.
Witness: f1831 months.
Witness: fMS months.


Reading Group: C10_app694_rg1

Witness: fMS And during all

Reading Group: C10_app694_rg2

Witness: f1818 During all
Witness: f1823 During all
Witness: fThomas During all
Witness: f1831 During all


Reading Group: C10_app695_rg1

Witness: f1818 that
Witness: f1823 that
Witness: fThomas that
Witness: f1831 that

Reading Group: C10_app695_rg2

Witness: fMS this


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 time Henry was
Witness: f1823 time Henry was
Witness: fThomas time Henry was
Witness: f1831 time Henry was
Witness: fMS time Henry was


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my only nurse. I afterwards learned
Witness: f1823 my only nurse. I afterwards learned
Witness: fThomas my only nurse. I afterwards learned
Witness: f1831 my only nurse. I afterwards learned
Witness: fMS my only nurse. I afterwards learned


Reading Group: C10_app698_rg1

Witness: fMS that kn

Reading Group: C10_app698_rg2

Witness: f1818 that,
Witness: f1823 that,
Witness: fThomas that,
Witness: f1831 that,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 knowing my
Witness: f1823 knowing my
Witness: fThomas knowing my
Witness: f1831 knowing my
Witness: fMS knowing my


Reading Group: C10_app700_rg1

Witness: fMS fathers

Reading Group: C10_app700_rg2

Witness: f1818 father’s
Witness: f1823 father’s
Witness: fThomas father’s
Witness: f1831 father’s


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 advanced
Witness: f1823 advanced
Witness: fThomas advanced
Witness: f1831 advanced
Witness: fMS advanced


Reading Group: C10_app702_rg1

Witness: fMS age

Reading Group: C10_app702_rg2

Witness: f1818 age,
Witness: f1823 age,
Witness: fThomas age,
Witness: f1831 age,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and unfitness for so long a
Witness: f1823 and unfitness for so long a
Witness: fThomas and unfitness for so long a
Witness: f1831 and unfitness for so long a
Witness: fMS and unfitness for so long a


Reading Group: C10_app704_rg1

Witness: fMS journey

Reading Group: C10_app704_rg2

Witness: f1818 journey,
Witness: f1823 journey,
Witness: fThomas journey,
Witness: f1831 journey,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fMS &


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 how
Witness: f1823 how
Witness: fThomas how
Witness: f1831 how


Reading Group: C10_app707_rg1

Witness: f1818 wretched my sickness would make Elizabeth,
Witness: f1823 wretched my sickness would make Elizabeth,
Witness: fThomas wretched my sickness would make Elizabeth,
Witness: f1831 wretched my sickness would make Elizabeth,

Reading Group: C10_app707_rg2

Witness: fMS wretched Elizabeth would be


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 he
Witness: f1823 he
Witness: fThomas he
Witness: f1831 he
Witness: fMS he


Reading Group: C10_app709_rg1

Witness: fMS had spared them this <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>grief by

Reading Group: C10_app709_rg2

Witness: f1818 spared them this grief by
Witness: f1823 spared them this grief by
Witness: fThomas spared them this grief by
Witness: f1831 spared them this grief by


Reading Group: C10_app710_rg1

Witness: fMS partlyconcealing

Reading Group: C10_app710_rg2

Witness: f1818 concealing
Witness: f1823 concealing
Witness: fThomas concealing
Witness: f1831 concealing


Reading Group: C10_app711_rg1

Witness: fThomas the extent of my disorder.the violence of the attack.

Reading Group: C10_app711_rg2

Witness: f1818 the extent of my disorder.
Witness: f1823 the extent of my disorder.
Witness: f1831 the extent of my disorder.
Witness: fMS the extent of my disorder.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 He knew
Witness: f1823 He knew
Witness: fThomas He knew
Witness: f1831 He knew
Witness: fMS He knew


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that I could not have a more kind and attentive nurse than
Witness: f1823 that I could not have a more kind and attentive nurse than
Witness: fThomas that I could not have a more kind and attentive nurse than
Witness: f1831 that I could not have a more kind and attentive nurse than
Witness: fMS that I could not have a more kind & attentive nurse than


Reading Group: C10_app714_rg1

Witness: fMS himself, and

Reading Group: C10_app714_rg2

Witness: f1818 himself; and,
Witness: f1823 himself; and,
Witness: fThomas himself; and,
Witness: f1831 himself; and,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 firm in the hope he
Witness: f1823 firm in the hope he
Witness: fThomas firm in the hope he
Witness: f1831 firm in the hope he
Witness: fMS firm in the hope he


Reading Group: C10_app716_rg1

Witness: f1818 felt
Witness: f1823 felt
Witness: fThomas felt
Witness: f1831 felt

Reading Group: C10_app716_rg2

Witness: fMS had


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of my
Witness: f1823 of my
Witness: fThomas of my
Witness: f1831 of my
Witness: fMS of my


Reading Group: C10_app718_rg1

Witness: fMS recovery

Reading Group: C10_app718_rg2

Witness: f1818 recovery,
Witness: f1823 recovery,
Witness: fThomas recovery,
Witness: f1831 recovery,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 he did not doubt
Witness: f1823 he did not doubt
Witness: fThomas he did not doubt
Witness: f1831 he did not doubt
Witness: fMS he did not doubt


Reading Group: C10_app720_rg1

Witness: fMS that

Reading Group: C10_app720_rg2

Witness: f1818 that,
Witness: f1823 that,
Witness: fThomas that,
Witness: f1831 that,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 instead of doing
Witness: f1823 instead of doing
Witness: fThomas instead of doing
Witness: f1831 instead of doing
Witness: fMS instead of doing


Reading Group: C10_app722_rg1

Witness: fMS harm

Reading Group: C10_app722_rg2

Witness: f1818 harm,
Witness: f1823 harm,
Witness: fThomas harm,
Witness: f1831 harm,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 he performed the kindest action
Witness: f1823 he performed the kindest action
Witness: fThomas he performed the kindest action
Witness: f1831 he performed the kindest action
Witness: fMS he performed the kindest action


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that he could towards
Witness: f1823 that he could towards
Witness: fThomas that he could towards
Witness: f1831 that he could towards
Witness: fMS that he could towards


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS them. But
Witness: f1818 them.<p/><p/>But
Witness: f1823 them.<p/><p/>But
Witness: fThomas them.<p/><p/>But
Witness: f1831 them.<p/><p/>But


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I was in reality very
Witness: f1823 I was in reality very
Witness: fThomas I was in reality very
Witness: f1831 I was in reality very
Witness: fMS I was in reality very


Reading Group: C10_app727_rg1

Witness: fMS ill

Reading Group: C10_app727_rg2

Witness: f1818 ill;
Witness: f1823 ill;
Witness: fThomas ill;
Witness: f1831 ill;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and surely nothing but the unbounded
Witness: f1823 and surely nothing but the unbounded
Witness: fThomas and surely nothing but the unbounded
Witness: f1831 and surely nothing but the unbounded
Witness: fMS & surely nothing but the unbounded


Reading Group: C10_app729_rg1

Witness: fMS affection&

Reading Group: C10_app729_rg2

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: f1831 and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 unremitting attentions of
Witness: f1823 unremitting attentions of
Witness: fThomas unremitting attentions of
Witness: f1831 unremitting attentions of
Witness: fMS unremitting attentions of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my friend could have restored me to
Witness: f1823 my friend could have restored me to
Witness: fThomas my friend could have restored me to
Witness: f1831 my friend could have restored me to
Witness: fMS my friend could have restored me to


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 life. The form of the monster on whom
Witness: f1823 life. The form of the monster on whom
Witness: fThomas life. The form of the monster on whom
Witness: f1831 life. The form of the monster on whom
Witness: fMS life. The form of the mo<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>nster on whom


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I had bestowed
Witness: f1823 I had bestowed
Witness: fThomas I had bestowed
Witness: f1831 I had bestowed
Witness: fMS I had bestowed


Reading Group: C10_app734_rg1

Witness: f1818 existence
Witness: f1823 existence
Witness: fThomas existence
Witness: f1831 existence

Reading Group: C10_app734_rg2

Witness: fMS life


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was for ever before
Witness: f1823 was for ever before
Witness: fThomas was for ever before
Witness: f1831 was for ever before
Witness: fMS was for ever before


Reading Group: C10_app736_rg1

Witness: f1818 my eyes,
Witness: f1823 my eyes,
Witness: fThomas my eyes,
Witness: f1831 my eyes,

Reading Group: C10_app736_rg2

Witness: fMS myeyes,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and I raved
Witness: f1823 and I raved
Witness: fThomas and I raved
Witness: f1831 and I raved
Witness: fMS and I raved


Reading Group: C10_app738_rg1

Witness: fMS incessant incessantly

Reading Group: C10_app738_rg2

Witness: f1818 incessantly
Witness: f1823 incessantly
Witness: fThomas incessantly
Witness: f1831 incessantly


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 concerning him.
Witness: f1823 concerning him.
Witness: fThomas concerning him.
Witness: f1831 concerning him.
Witness: fMS concerning him.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Doubtless my
Witness: f1823 Doubtless my
Witness: fThomas Doubtless my
Witness: f1831 Doubtless my
Witness: fMS DoubtlessMy


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 words
Witness: f1823 words
Witness: fThomas words
Witness: f1831 words
Witness: fMS words


Reading Group: C10_app742_rg1

Witness: fMS nodoubt surprised

Reading Group: C10_app742_rg2

Witness: f1818 surprised
Witness: f1823 surprised
Witness: fThomas surprised
Witness: f1831 surprised


Reading Group: C10_app743_rg1

Witness: fMS Henry –

Reading Group: C10_app743_rg2

Witness: f1818 Henry:
Witness: f1823 Henry:
Witness: fThomas Henry:
Witness: f1831 Henry:


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 he at first believed
Witness: f1823 he at first believed
Witness: fThomas he at first believed
Witness: f1831 he at first believed
Witness: fMS he at first believed


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 them
Witness: f1823 them
Witness: fThomas them
Witness: f1831 them
Witness: fMS them


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to be
Witness: f1823 to be
Witness: fThomas to be
Witness: f1831 to be


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the wanderings of my
Witness: f1823 the wanderings of my
Witness: fThomas the wanderings of my
Witness: f1831 the wanderings of my
Witness: fMS the wanderings of my


Reading Group: C10_app748_rg1

Witness: fMS disordered imagination

Reading Group: C10_app748_rg2

Witness: f1818 disturbed imagination;
Witness: f1823 disturbed imagination;
Witness: fThomas disturbed imagination;
Witness: f1831 disturbed imagination;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but the
Witness: f1823 but the
Witness: fThomas but the
Witness: f1831 but the
Witness: fMS but the


Reading Group: C10_app750_rg1

Witness: fMS continuance and perntinacity with which I continually recurred to the same

Reading Group: C10_app750_rg2

Witness: f1818 pertinacity with which I continually recurred to the same
Witness: f1823 pertinacity with which I continually recurred to the same
Witness: fThomas pertinacity with which I continually recurred to the same
Witness: f1831 pertinacity with which I continually recurred to the same


Reading Group: C10_app751_rg1

Witness: f1818 subject
Witness: f1823 subject
Witness: fThomas subject

Reading Group: C10_app751_rg2

Witness: f1831 subject,

Reading Group: C10_app751_rg3

Witness: fMS subjectastonished him.sta


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 persuaded him that my disorder
Witness: f1823 persuaded him that my disorder
Witness: fThomas persuaded him that my disorder
Witness: f1831 persuaded him that my disorder
Witness: fMS persuaded him that my disorder


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 indeed
Witness: f1823 indeed
Witness: fThomas indeed
Witness: f1831 indeed


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 owed
Witness: f1823 owed
Witness: fThomas owed
Witness: f1831 owed
Witness: fMS owed


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 its origin to
Witness: f1823 its origin to
Witness: fThomas its origin to
Witness: f1831 its origin to
Witness: fMS its origin to


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 some uncommon and terrible
Witness: f1823 some uncommon and terrible
Witness: fThomas some uncommon and terrible
Witness: f1831 some uncommon and terrible
Witness: fMS some uncommon & terrible


Reading Group: C10_app757_rg1

Witness: fMS eventIt was by

Reading Group: C10_app757_rg2

Witness: f1818 event.<p/><p/>By
Witness: f1823 event.<p/><p/>By
Witness: fThomas event.<p/><p/>By
Witness: f1831 event.<p/><p/>By


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 very slow
Witness: f1823 very slow
Witness: fThomas very slow
Witness: f1831 very slow
Witness: fMS very slow


Reading Group: C10_app759_rg1

Witness: fMS degrees

Reading Group: C10_app759_rg2

Witness: f1818 degrees,
Witness: f1823 degrees,
Witness: fThomas degrees,
Witness: f1831 degrees,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and with
Witness: f1823 and with
Witness: fThomas and with
Witness: f1831 and with
Witness: fMS and with


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 frequent
Witness: f1823 frequent
Witness: fThomas frequent
Witness: f1831 frequent
Witness: fMS frequent


Reading Group: C10_app762_rg1

Witness: fMS relapses

Reading Group: C10_app762_rg2

Witness: f1818 relapses,
Witness: f1823 relapses,
Witness: fThomas relapses,
Witness: f1831 relapses,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that alarmed and grieved my
Witness: f1823 that alarmed and grieved my
Witness: fThomas that alarmed and grieved my
Witness: f1831 that alarmed and grieved my
Witness: fMS that alarmed & grieved my


Reading Group: C10_app764_rg1

Witness: fMS friend that

Reading Group: C10_app764_rg2

Witness: f1818 friend,
Witness: f1823 friend,
Witness: fThomas friend,
Witness: f1831 friend,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I recovered. I remember
Witness: f1823 I recovered. I remember
Witness: fThomas I recovered. I remember
Witness: f1831 I recovered. I remember
Witness: fMS I recovered. I remember


Reading Group: C10_app766_rg1

Witness: fMS that the first time I

Reading Group: C10_app766_rg2

Witness: f1818 the first time I
Witness: f1823 the first time I
Witness: fThomas the first time I
Witness: f1831 the first time I


Reading Group: C10_app767_rg1

Witness: f1818 became
Witness: f1823 became
Witness: fThomas became
Witness: f1831 became

Reading Group: C10_app767_rg2

Witness: fMS was


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 capable of
Witness: f1823 capable of
Witness: fThomas capable of
Witness: f1831 capable of
Witness: fMS capable of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 observing outward objects with any kind
Witness: f1823 observing outward objects with any kind
Witness: fThomas observing outward objects with any kind
Witness: f1831 observing outward objects with any kind
Witness: fMS observing outward objects with any kind


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of pleasure, I perceived that the
Witness: f1823 of pleasure, I perceived that the
Witness: fThomas of pleasure, I perceived that the
Witness: f1831 of pleasure, I perceived that the
Witness: fMS of pleasure, I perceived that the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 fallen leaves had
Witness: f1823 fallen leaves had
Witness: fThomas fallen leaves had
Witness: f1831 fallen leaves had
Witness: fMS fallen leaves had


Reading Group: C10_app772_rg1

Witness: fMS disappeared

Reading Group: C10_app772_rg2

Witness: f1818 disappeared,
Witness: f1823 disappeared,
Witness: fThomas disappeared,
Witness: f1831 disappeared,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and that
Witness: f1823 and that
Witness: fThomas and that
Witness: f1831 and that
Witness: fMS and that


Reading Group: C10_app774_rg1

Witness: f1818 the young buds were shooting forth from
Witness: f1823 the young buds were shooting forth from
Witness: fThomas the young buds were shooting forth from
Witness: f1831 the young buds were shooting forth from

Reading Group: C10_app774_rg2

Witness: fMS young buds were shooting forth from


Reading Group: C10_app775_rg1

Witness: f1818 the trees that shaded my window.
Witness: f1823 the trees that shaded my window.
Witness: fThomas the trees that shaded my window.
Witness: f1831 the trees that shaded my window.

Reading Group: C10_app775_rg2

Witness: fMS the trees.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 It was a divine
Witness: f1823 It was a divine
Witness: fThomas It was a divine
Witness: f1831 It was a divine
Witness: fMS It was a divine


Reading Group: C10_app777_rg1

Witness: fMS spring

Reading Group: C10_app777_rg2

Witness: f1818 spring;
Witness: f1823 spring;
Witness: fThomas spring;
Witness: f1831 spring;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and the
Witness: f1823 and the
Witness: fThomas and the
Witness: f1831 and the
Witness: fMS & the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 season
Witness: f1823 season
Witness: fThomas season
Witness: f1831 season
Witness: fMS season


Reading Group: C10_app780_rg1

Witness: fMS no doubt contributed greatly

Reading Group: C10_app780_rg2

Witness: f1818 contributed greatly
Witness: f1823 contributed greatly
Witness: fThomas contributed greatly
Witness: f1831 contributed greatly


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to my convalescence. I felt also sentiments of joy and affection revive
Witness: f1823 to my convalescence. I felt also sentiments of joy and affection revive
Witness: fThomas to my convalescence. I felt also sentiments of joy and affection revive
Witness: f1831 to my convalescence. I felt also sentiments of joy and affection revive
Witness: fMS to my convalescence. I felt also sentiments of joy and affection revive


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in my
Witness: f1823 in my
Witness: fThomas in my
Witness: f1831 in my
Witness: fMS in my


Reading Group: C10_app783_rg1

Witness: fMS bosom,

Reading Group: C10_app783_rg2

Witness: f1818 bosom;
Witness: f1823 bosom;
Witness: fThomas bosom;
Witness: f1831 bosom;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my gloom
Witness: f1823 my gloom
Witness: fThomas my gloom
Witness: f1831 my gloom
Witness: fMS my gloom


Reading Group: C10_app785_rg1

Witness: fMS disappeared

Reading Group: C10_app785_rg2

Witness: f1818 disappeared,
Witness: f1823 disappeared,
Witness: fThomas disappeared,
Witness: f1831 disappeared,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fMS and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in a short time I became as cheerful
Witness: f1823 in a short time I became as cheerful
Witness: fThomas in a short time I became as cheerful
Witness: f1831 in a short time I became as cheerful
Witness: fMS in a short time I became as cheerful


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 as before I was attacked by the fatal
Witness: f1823 as before I was attacked by the fatal
Witness: fThomas as before I was attacked by the fatal
Witness: f1831 as before I was attacked by the fatal
Witness: fMS as before I was attacked by the fatal


Reading Group: C10_app789_rg1

Witness: fMS passion that consumed me. "Dearest

Reading Group: C10_app789_rg2

Witness: f1818 passion.<p/><p/>“Dearest
Witness: f1823 passion.<p/><p/>“Dearest
Witness: fThomas passion.<p/><p/>“Dearest
Witness: f1831 passion.<p/><p/>“Dearest


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Clerval,”
Witness: f1823 Clerval,”
Witness: fThomas Clerval,”
Witness: f1831 Clerval,”
Witness: fMS Clerval,"


Reading Group: C10_app791_rg1

Witness: f1818 exclaimed I,
Witness: f1823 exclaimed I,
Witness: fThomas exclaimed I,
Witness: f1831 exclaimed I,

Reading Group: C10_app791_rg2

Witness: fMS said I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 “how kind,
Witness: f1823 “how kind,
Witness: fThomas “how kind,
Witness: f1831 “how kind,
Witness: fMS "How kind,


Reading Group: C10_app793_rg1

Witness: fMS "how

Reading Group: C10_app793_rg2

Witness: f1818 how
Witness: f1823 how
Witness: fThomas how
Witness: f1831 how


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 very good you are to me. This
Witness: f1823 very good you are to me. This
Witness: fThomas very good you are to me. This
Witness: f1831 very good you are to me. This
Witness: fMS very good you are to me. This


Reading Group: C10_app795_rg1

Witness: fMS "whole winter

Reading Group: C10_app795_rg2

Witness: f1818 whole winter,
Witness: f1823 whole winter,
Witness: fThomas whole winter,
Witness: f1831 whole winter,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 instead of
Witness: f1823 instead of
Witness: fThomas instead of
Witness: f1831 instead of
Witness: fMS instead of


Reading Group: C10_app797_rg1

Witness: f1818 being spent
Witness: f1823 being spent
Witness: fThomas being spent
Witness: f1831 being spent

Reading Group: C10_app797_rg2

Witness: fMS spending it "at


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in
Witness: f1823 in
Witness: fThomas in
Witness: f1831 in
Witness: fMS in


Reading Group: C10_app799_rg1

Witness: fMS study

Reading Group: C10_app799_rg2

Witness: f1818 study,
Witness: f1823 study,
Witness: fThomas study,
Witness: f1831 study,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 as you promised yourself,
Witness: f1823 as you promised yourself,
Witness: fThomas as you promised yourself,
Witness: f1831 as you promised yourself,
Witness: fMS as you promised yourself,


Reading Group: C10_app801_rg1

Witness: fMS "has

Reading Group: C10_app801_rg2

Witness: f1818 has
Witness: f1823 has
Witness: fThomas has
Witness: f1831 has


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 been consumed in my sick
Witness: f1823 been consumed in my sick
Witness: fThomas been consumed in my sick
Witness: f1831 been consumed in my sick
Witness: fMS been consumed in my sick


Reading Group: C10_app803_rg1

Witness: f1818 room. How
Witness: f1823 room. How
Witness: fThomas room. How
Witness: f1831 room. How

Reading Group: C10_app803_rg2

Witness: fMS room: "how


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 shall I ever repay you? I feel
Witness: f1823 shall I ever repay you? I feel
Witness: fThomas shall I ever repay you? I feel
Witness: f1831 shall I ever repay you? I feel
Witness: fMS shall I ever repay you? I feel


Reading Group: C10_app805_rg1

Witness: fMS "the

Reading Group: C10_app805_rg2

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: f1831 the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 greatest remorse for the disappointment
Witness: f1823 greatest remorse for the disappointment
Witness: fThomas greatest remorse for the disappointment
Witness: f1831 greatest remorse for the disappointment
Witness: fMS greatest remorse for the disappointment


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of which
Witness: f1823 of which
Witness: fThomas of which
Witness: f1831 of which


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I have been the
Witness: f1823 I have been the
Witness: fThomas I have been the
Witness: f1831 I have been the
Witness: fMS I have been the


Reading Group: C10_app809_rg1

Witness: fMS coccasion of–

Reading Group: C10_app809_rg2

Witness: f1818 occasion;
Witness: f1823 occasion;
Witness: fThomas occasion;
Witness: f1831 occasion;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but you will forgive
Witness: f1823 but you will forgive
Witness: fThomas but you will forgive
Witness: f1831 but you will forgive
Witness: fMS But you will forgive


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS me." "You
Witness: f1818 me.”<p/><p/>“You
Witness: f1823 me.”<p/><p/>“You
Witness: fThomas me.”<p/><p/>“You
Witness: f1831 me.”<p/><p/>“You


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 will repay
Witness: f1823 will repay
Witness: fThomas will repay
Witness: f1831 will repay
Witness: fMS will repay


Reading Group: C10_app813_rg1

Witness: f1818 me entirely, if
Witness: f1823 me entirely, if
Witness: fThomas me entirely, if
Witness: f1831 me entirely, if

Reading Group: C10_app813_rg2

Witness: fMS me," replied Henry, "if


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 you do not
Witness: f1823 you do not
Witness: fThomas you do not
Witness: f1831 you do not
Witness: fMS you do not


Reading Group: C10_app815_rg1

Witness: fMS dis compose yourself; "but

Reading Group: C10_app815_rg2

Witness: f1818 discompose yourself, but
Witness: f1823 discompose yourself, but
Witness: fThomas discompose yourself, but
Witness: f1831 discompose yourself, but


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 get well as fast as you
Witness: f1823 get well as fast as you
Witness: fThomas get well as fast as you
Witness: f1831 get well as fast as you
Witness: fMS get well as fast as you


Reading Group: C10_app817_rg1

Witness: fMS camn.

Reading Group: C10_app817_rg2

Witness: f1818 can;
Witness: f1823 can;
Witness: fThomas can;
Witness: f1831 can;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fMS And


Reading Group: C10_app819_rg1

Witness: fMS "since

Reading Group: C10_app819_rg2

Witness: f1818 since
Witness: f1823 since
Witness: fThomas since
Witness: f1831 since


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 you appear in such good
Witness: f1823 you appear in such good
Witness: fThomas you appear in such good
Witness: f1831 you appear in such good
Witness: fMS you appear in such good


Reading Group: C10_app821_rg1

Witness: fMS "spirits

Reading Group: C10_app821_rg2

Witness: f1818 spirits,
Witness: f1823 spirits,
Witness: fThomas spirits,
Witness: f1831 spirits,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I may speak to you on
Witness: f1823 I may speak to you on
Witness: fThomas I may speak to you on
Witness: f1831 I may speak to you on
Witness: fMS I may speak to you on


Reading Group: C10_app823_rg1

Witness: fMS "one subject;

Reading Group: C10_app823_rg2

Witness: f1818 one subject,
Witness: f1823 one subject,
Witness: fThomas one subject,
Witness: f1831 one subject,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 may I
Witness: f1823 may I
Witness: fThomas may I
Witness: f1831 may I
Witness: fMS may I


Reading Group: C10_app825_rg1

Witness: fMS not?" I trembled;

Reading Group: C10_app825_rg2

Witness: f1818 not?”<p/><p/>I trembled.
Witness: f1823 not?”<p/><p/>I trembled.
Witness: fThomas not?”<p/><p/>I trembled.
Witness: f1831 not?”<p/><p/>I trembled.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 One subject! what
Witness: f1823 One subject! what
Witness: fThomas One subject! what
Witness: f1831 One subject! what
Witness: fMS one subject! What


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 could it be? Could he allude
Witness: f1823 could it be? Could he allude
Witness: fThomas could it be? Could he allude
Witness: f1831 could it be? Could he allude
Witness: fMS could it be? Could he allude


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to an
Witness: f1823 to an
Witness: fThomas to an
Witness: f1831 to an
Witness: fMS to<metamark function="insert"></metamark>an


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 object on whom I dared not even
Witness: f1823 object on whom I dared not even
Witness: fThomas object on whom I dared not even
Witness: f1831 object on whom I dared not even
Witness: fMS object on whom I dared not even


Reading Group: C10_app830_rg1

Witness: fMS think. Do not frighten

Reading Group: C10_app830_rg2

Witness: f1818 think?<p/><p/>“Compose
Witness: f1823 think?<p/><p/>“Compose
Witness: fThomas think?<p/><p/>“Compose
Witness: f1831 think?<p/><p/>“Compose


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 yourself,” said Clerval, who observed
Witness: f1823 yourself,” said Clerval, who observed
Witness: fThomas yourself,” said Clerval, who observed
Witness: f1831 yourself,” said Clerval, who observed
Witness: fMS yourself," said Clerval, who observed


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my change of
Witness: f1823 my change of
Witness: fThomas my change of
Witness: f1831 my change of
Witness: fMS my change of


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS colour," I
Witness: f1818 colour, “I
Witness: f1823 colour, “I
Witness: fThomas colour, “I
Witness: f1831 colour, “I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 will not mention
Witness: f1823 will not mention
Witness: fThomas will not mention
Witness: f1831 will not mention
Witness: fMS will not mention


Reading Group: C10_app835_rg1

Witness: fMS "it

Reading Group: C10_app835_rg2

Witness: f1818 it,
Witness: f1823 it,
Witness: fThomas it,
Witness: f1831 it,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 if it agitates
Witness: f1823 if it agitates
Witness: fThomas if it agitates
Witness: f1831 if it agitates
Witness: fMS if it agitates


Reading Group: C10_app837_rg1

Witness: fMS you.

Reading Group: C10_app837_rg2

Witness: f1818 you;
Witness: f1823 you;
Witness: fThomas you;
Witness: f1831 you;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but your father
Witness: f1823 but your father
Witness: fThomas but your father
Witness: f1831 but your father
Witness: fMS But your father


Reading Group: C10_app839_rg1

Witness: fMS "and

Reading Group: C10_app839_rg2

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: f1831 and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 cousin would be
Witness: f1823 cousin would be
Witness: fThomas cousin would be
Witness: f1831 cousin would be
Witness: fMS cousin would be


Reading Group: C10_app841_rg1

Witness: fMS so

Reading Group: C10_app841_rg2

Witness: f1818 very
Witness: f1823 very
Witness: fThomas very
Witness: f1831 very


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 happy if they
Witness: f1823 happy if they
Witness: fThomas happy if they
Witness: f1831 happy if they
Witness: fMS happy if they


Reading Group: C10_app843_rg1

Witness: fMS "rec received a letter from you in

Reading Group: C10_app843_rg2

Witness: f1818 received a letter from you in
Witness: f1823 received a letter from you in
Witness: fThomas received a letter from you in
Witness: f1831 received a letter from you in


Reading Group: C10_app844_rg1

Witness: fMS "your

Reading Group: C10_app844_rg2

Witness: f1818 your
Witness: f1823 your
Witness: fThomas your
Witness: f1831 your


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 own
Witness: f1823 own
Witness: fThomas own
Witness: f1831 own
Witness: fMS own


Reading Group: C10_app846_rg1

Witness: fMS hand –

Reading Group: C10_app846_rg2

Witness: f1818 hand-writing.
Witness: f1823 hand-writing.
Witness: fThomas hand-writing.
Witness: f1831 hand-writing.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 They hardly know how
Witness: f1823 They hardly know how
Witness: fThomas They hardly know how
Witness: f1831 They hardly know how
Witness: fMS They hardly know how


Reading Group: C10_app848_rg1

Witness: fMS "ill

Reading Group: C10_app848_rg2

Witness: f1818 ill
Witness: f1823 ill
Witness: fThomas ill
Witness: f1831 ill


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 you have been, and are uneasy
Witness: f1823 you have been, and are uneasy
Witness: fThomas you have been, and are uneasy
Witness: f1831 you have been, and are uneasy
Witness: fMS you have been, and are uneasy


Reading Group: C10_app850_rg1

Witness: fMS "at

Reading Group: C10_app850_rg2

Witness: f1818 at
Witness: f1823 at
Witness: fThomas at
Witness: f1831 at


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 your long
Witness: f1823 your long
Witness: fThomas your long
Witness: f1831 your long
Witness: fMS your long


Reading Group: C10_app852_rg1

Witness: fMS silence." Is

Reading Group: C10_app852_rg2

Witness: f1818 silence.”<p/><p/>“Is
Witness: f1823 silence.”<p/><p/>“Is
Witness: fThomas silence.”<p/><p/>“Is
Witness: f1831 silence.”<p/><p/>“Is


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that
Witness: f1823 that
Witness: fThomas that
Witness: f1831 that
Witness: fMS that


Reading Group: C10_app854_rg1

Witness: f1831 all,

Reading Group: C10_app854_rg2

Witness: f1818 all?
Witness: f1823 all?
Witness: fThomas all?
Witness: fMS all?


Reading Group: C10_app855_rg1

Witness: fMS "I said smiling "My

Reading Group: C10_app855_rg2

Witness: f1818 my
Witness: f1823 my
Witness: fThomas my
Witness: f1831 my


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 dear
Witness: f1823 dear
Witness: fThomas dear
Witness: f1831 dear
Witness: fMS dear


Reading Group: C10_app857_rg1

Witness: fMS Henry

Reading Group: C10_app857_rg2

Witness: f1818 Henry.
Witness: f1823 Henry.
Witness: fThomas Henry.

Reading Group: C10_app857_rg3

Witness: f1831 Henry?


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 How could you suppose
Witness: f1823 How could you suppose
Witness: fThomas How could you suppose
Witness: f1831 How could you suppose
Witness: fMS how could you suppose


Reading Group: C10_app859_rg1

Witness: fMS "that

Reading Group: C10_app859_rg2

Witness: f1818 that
Witness: f1823 that
Witness: fThomas that
Witness: f1831 that


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my first
Witness: f1823 my first
Witness: fThomas my first
Witness: f1831 my first
Witness: fMS my first


Reading Group: C10_app861_rg1

Witness: f1818 thought
Witness: f1823 thought
Witness: fThomas thought
Witness: f1831 thought

Reading Group: C10_app861_rg2

Witness: fMS thoughts


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 would not
Witness: f1823 would not
Witness: fThomas would not
Witness: f1831 would not
Witness: fMS would not


Reading Group: C10_app863_rg1

Witness: fMS "fly towardsthat<metamark function="insert">߶</metamark>those

Reading Group: C10_app863_rg2

Witness: f1818 fly towards those
Witness: f1823 fly towards those
Witness: fThomas fly towards those
Witness: f1831 fly towards those


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 dear, dear friends
Witness: f1823 dear, dear friends
Witness: fThomas dear, dear friends
Witness: f1831 dear, dear friends
Witness: fMS dear, dear friends


Reading Group: C10_app865_rg1

Witness: fMS "whom

Reading Group: C10_app865_rg2

Witness: f1818 whom
Witness: f1823 whom
Witness: fThomas whom
Witness: f1831 whom


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fMS I


Reading Group: C10_app867_rg1

Witness: fMS love

Reading Group: C10_app867_rg2

Witness: f1818 love,
Witness: f1823 love,
Witness: fThomas love,
Witness: f1831 love,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and who are so deserving
Witness: f1823 and who are so deserving
Witness: fThomas and who are so deserving
Witness: f1831 and who are so deserving
Witness: fMS and who are so deserving


Reading Group: C10_app869_rg1

Witness: fMS "of

Reading Group: C10_app869_rg2

Witness: f1818 of
Witness: f1823 of
Witness: fThomas of
Witness: f1831 of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my
Witness: f1823 my
Witness: fThomas my
Witness: f1831 my
Witness: fMS my


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS love." "If
Witness: f1818 love.”<p/><p/>“If
Witness: f1823 love.”<p/><p/>“If
Witness: fThomas love.”<p/><p/>“If
Witness: f1831 love.”<p/><p/>“If


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 this is your present
Witness: f1823 this is your present
Witness: fThomas this is your present
Witness: f1831 this is your present
Witness: fMS this is your present


Reading Group: C10_app873_rg1

Witness: fMS temper" said Henry "you

Reading Group: C10_app873_rg2

Witness: f1818 temper, my friend, you
Witness: f1823 temper, my friend, you
Witness: fThomas temper, my friend, you
Witness: f1831 temper, my friend, you


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 will
Witness: f1823 will
Witness: fThomas will
Witness: f1831 will
Witness: fMS will


Reading Group: C10_app875_rg1

Witness: f1818 perhaps be glad to
Witness: f1823 perhaps be glad to
Witness: fThomas perhaps be glad to
Witness: f1831 perhaps be glad to

Reading Group: C10_app875_rg2

Witness: fMS be glad perhaps "to


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 see a letter
Witness: f1823 see a letter
Witness: fThomas see a letter
Witness: f1831 see a letter
Witness: fMS see a letter


Reading Group: C10_app877_rg1

Witness: fMS here that has been

Reading Group: C10_app877_rg2

Witness: f1818 that has been
Witness: f1823 that has been
Witness: fThomas that has been
Witness: f1831 that has been


Reading Group: C10_app878_rg1

Witness: fMS "ly lyinge

Reading Group: C10_app878_rg2

Witness: f1818 lying
Witness: f1823 lying
Witness: fThomas lying
Witness: f1831 lying


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 here some days
Witness: f1823 here some days
Witness: fThomas here some days
Witness: f1831 here some days
Witness: fMS here some days


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 for you:
Witness: f1823 for you:
Witness: fThomas for you:
Witness: f1831 for you:


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 it is from your
Witness: f1823 it is from your
Witness: fThomas it is from your
Witness: f1831 it is from your
Witness: fMS it is from your


Reading Group: C10_app882_rg1

Witness: fMS "cousin

Reading Group: C10_app882_rg2

Witness: f1818 cousin,
Witness: f1823 cousin,
Witness: fThomas cousin,
Witness: f1831 cousin,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fMS I


Reading Group: C10_app884_rg1

Witness: fMS believe."

Reading Group: C10_app884_rg2

Witness: f1818 believe.”<p/>
Witness: f1823 believe.”<p/>
Witness: fThomas believe.”<p/>
Witness: f1831 believe.”<p/>


Reading Group: C11a_app1_rg1

Witness: fMS Ch V– 113 He

Reading Group: C11a_app1_rg2

Witness: f1818 <head/>CHAPTER
Witness: f1823 <head/>CHAPTER
Witness: fThomas <head/>CHAPTER
Witness: f1831 <head/>CHAPTER


Reading Group: C11a_app2_rg1

Witness: f1818 V.<head/><p/>C<hi/>LERVAL<hi/>
Witness: f1823 V.<head/><p/>C<hi/>LERVAL<hi/>
Witness: fThomas V.<head/><p/>C<hi/>LERVAL<hi/>

Reading Group: C11a_app2_rg2

Witness: f1831 VI.<head/><p/> C<hi/>LERVAL<hi/>


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 then put the following letter
Witness: f1823 then put the following letter
Witness: fThomas then put the following letter
Witness: f1831 then put the following letter
Witness: fMS then put the following letter


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 into my
Witness: f1823 into my
Witness: fThomas into my
Witness: f1831 into my
Witness: fMS into my


Reading Group: C11a_app5_rg1

Witness: f1831 hands.
Witness: fMS hands.

Reading Group: C11a_app5_rg2

Witness: f1818 hands.<p/>
Witness: f1823 hands.<p/>
Witness: fThomas hands.<p/>


Reading Group: C11b_app1_rg1

Witness: f1831 It was from my own Elizabeth:—<p/> <p/>“My dearest Cousin,<p/>

Reading Group: C11b_app1_rg2

Witness: fMS "To V. Frankenstien Geneva AprilMarch 18<shi rend="underline"></shi> 17— "My dear Cousin "I

Reading Group: C11b_app1_rg3

Witness: fThomas <ab sID="novel1_letter4_chapter5_div4_div5_del1_ab1"/><hi sID="novel1_letter4_chapter5_div4_div5_del1_ab1_hi1"/>To<hi eID="novel1_letter4_chapter5_div4_div5_del1_ab1_hi1"/> V. F<hi sID="novel1_letter4_chapter5_div4_div5_del1_ab1_hi2"/>RANKENSTEIN<hi eID="novel1_letter4_chapter5_div4_div5_del1_ab1_hi2"/>.<ab eID="novel1_letter4_chapter5_div4_div5_del1_ab1"/><p/>“<hi/>MY DEAR COUSIN<hi/>,<p/><p/>“I

Reading Group: C11b_app1_rg4

Witness: f1823 <p/><ab/>“<hi/>To<hi/> V. F<hi/>RANKENSTEIN<hi/>.<ab/><p/><p/>“<hi/>MY DEAR COUSIN<hi/>,<p/><p/>“I

Reading Group: C11b_app1_rg5

Witness: f1818 <p/><ab/><hi/>To<hi/> V. F<hi/>RANKENSTEIN<hi/>.<ab/><p/><p/>“<hi/>MY DEAR COUSIN<hi/>,<p/><p/>“I


Reading Group: C11b_app2_rg1

Witness: f1818 cannot describe to you the uneasiness we have all felt concerning your
Witness: f1823 cannot describe to you the uneasiness we have all felt concerning your
Witness: fThomas cannot describe to you the uneasiness we have all felt concerning your
Witness: fMS cannot describe to you the uneasiness we have all felt concerning your

Reading Group: C11b_app2_rg2

Witness: f1831 <p/>“You have been ill, very ill, and even the constant letters of dear kind Henry are not sufficient to reassure me on your account. You are forbidden to write—to hold a pen; yet one word from you, dear Victor, is necessary to calm our apprehensions. For a long time I have thought that each post would bring this line, and my persuasions have restrained my uncle from undertaking a journey to Ingolstadt. I have prevented his encountering the inconveniences and perhaps dangers of so long a journey; yet how often have I regretted not being able to perform it myself! I figure to myself that the task of attending on your sick bed has devolved on some mercenary old nurse, who could never guess your wishes, nor minister to them with the care and affection of your poor cousin. Yet that is over now:


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 health. We cannot help imagining that
Witness: f1823 health. We cannot help imagining that
Witness: fThomas health. We cannot help imagining that
Witness: fMS health. We cannot help imagining that


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 your friend Clerval conceals the extent of your
Witness: f1823 your friend Clerval conceals the extent of your
Witness: fThomas your friend Clerval conceals the extent of your
Witness: fMS your friend Clerval conceals the extent of your


Reading Group: C11b_app5_rg1

Witness: fMS disorder,

Reading Group: C11b_app5_rg2

Witness: f1818 disorder:
Witness: f1823 disorder:
Witness: fThomas disorder:


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 for it is now
Witness: f1823 for it is now
Witness: fThomas for it is now
Witness: fMS for it is now


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 several months since we have seen
Witness: f1823 several months since we have seen
Witness: fThomas several months since we have seen
Witness: fMS several months since we have seen


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 your
Witness: f1823 your
Witness: fThomas your
Witness: fMS your


Reading Group: C11b_app9_rg1

Witness: f1818 hand-writing;
Witness: f1823 hand-writing;
Witness: fThomas hand-writing;

Reading Group: C11b_app9_rg2

Witness: fMS handwriting


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and all this time
Witness: f1823 and all this time
Witness: fThomas and all this time
Witness: fMS and all this time


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 you have been obliged to dictate
Witness: f1823 you have been obliged to dictate
Witness: fThomas you have been obliged to dictate
Witness: fMS you have been obliged to dictate


Reading Group: C11b_app12_rg1

Witness: fMS to Henry – Surely Victor

Reading Group: C11b_app12_rg2

Witness: f1818 your letters to Henry. Surely, Victor,
Witness: f1823 your letters to Henry. Surely, Victor,
Witness: fThomas your letters to Henry. Surely, Victor,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 you must have
Witness: f1823 you must have
Witness: fThomas you must have
Witness: fMS you must have


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 been
Witness: f1823 been
Witness: fThomas been
Witness: fMS been


Reading Group: C11b_app15_rg1

Witness: f1818 exceedingly ill; and this makes us all very wretched, as much so nearly as after the death of your dear mother.
Witness: f1823 exceedingly ill; and this makes us all very wretched, as much so nearly as after the death of your dear mother.

Reading Group: C11b_app15_rg2

Witness: fThomas exceedingly ill; and this makes us all very wretched, as much so nearly as after the death of your dear mother.and this suspicion fills us with anguish. I perceive that your father conceals attempts to conceal his fears from me; but cheerfulness has flown from our little circle, only to be restored by a certain assuranance that there is no foundation for our anxiety. At one time

Reading Group: C11b_app15_rg3

Witness: fMS very illand this makes us very wretched as much so <metamark function="displacement" xml:id="c56-0058.01">X</metamark> nearly as t after the death of your dear mother.


Reading Group: C11b_app16_rg1

Witness: fMS My father

Reading Group: C11b_app16_rg2

Witness: f1818 My uncle
Witness: f1823 My uncle
Witness: fThomas My uncle


Reading Group: C11b_app17_rg1

Witness: fMS was almost persuaded of thisthat you were indeed dangerously ill, and could hardly be refstrained from <metamark function="insert">߶</metamark>undertaking a journey to Ingolstadt. Ibut I entreated him notto undertake itbecause<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>foralthoughhis health is better now thatn it has been since the death of My beloved Aunt, yet thathe fatigue might havemake him very illand

Reading Group: C11b_app17_rg2

Witness: fThomas wasbeing almost persuaded that you were indeed dangerously ill, and could hardly be restrained from undertaking a journey to Ingolstadt.

Reading Group: C11b_app17_rg3

Witness: f1818 was almost persuaded that you were indeed dangerously ill, and could hardly be restrained from undertaking a journey to Ingolstadt.
Witness: f1823 was almost persuaded that you were indeed dangerously ill, and could hardly be restrained from undertaking a journey to Ingolstadt.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Clerval
Witness: f1823 Clerval
Witness: fThomas Clerval
Witness: f1831 Clerval
Witness: fMS Clerval


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 always
Witness: f1823 always
Witness: fThomas always
Witness: fMS always


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 writes that
Witness: f1823 writes that
Witness: fThomas writes that
Witness: f1831 writes that
Witness: fMS wroites that


Unified Readings

Witness: f1831 indeed


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 you
Witness: f1823 you
Witness: fThomas you
Witness: f1831 you
Witness: fMS you


Reading Group: C11c_app6_rg1

Witness: fMS were

Reading Group: C11c_app6_rg2

Witness: f1818 are
Witness: f1823 are
Witness: fThomas are
Witness: f1831 are


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 getting
Witness: f1823 getting
Witness: fThomas getting
Witness: f1831 getting
Witness: fMS getting


Reading Group: C11c_app8_rg1

Witness: fMS better and<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>II arden

Reading Group: C11c_app8_rg2

Witness: f1831 better.

Reading Group: C11c_app8_rg3

Witness: f1818 better;
Witness: f1823 better;
Witness: fThomas better;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: f1831 I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 eagerly hope
Witness: f1823 eagerly hope
Witness: fThomas eagerly hope
Witness: f1831 eagerly hope
Witness: fMS eagerly hope


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that
Witness: f1823 that
Witness: fThomas that
Witness: f1831 that


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 you
Witness: f1823 you
Witness: fThomas you
Witness: f1831 you
Witness: fMS you


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 will confirm
Witness: f1823 will confirm
Witness: fThomas will confirm
Witness: f1831 will confirm
Witness: fMS will confirm


Reading Group: C11c_app14_rg1

Witness: f1818 this intelligence
Witness: f1823 this intelligence
Witness: fThomas this intelligence
Witness: f1831 this intelligence

Reading Group: C11c_app14_rg2

Witness: fMS thisintelligence


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 soon in your own
Witness: f1823 soon in your own
Witness: fThomas soon in your own
Witness: f1831 soon in your own
Witness: fMS soon in your own


Reading Group: C11c_app16_rg1

Witness: fMS handwriting

Reading Group: C11c_app16_rg2

Witness: f1818 hand-writing;
Witness: fThomas hand-writing;

Reading Group: C11c_app16_rg3

Witness: f1831 handwriting.<p/>

Reading Group: C11c_app16_rg4

Witness: f1823 handwriting;


Reading Group: C11d_app1_rg1

Witness: f1831

Reading Group: C11d_app1_rg2

Witness: f1818 for indeed,
Witness: f1823 for indeed,
Witness: fThomas for indeed,
Witness: fMS for indeed,


Reading Group: C11d_app2_rg1

Witness: fMS indeed Victor

Reading Group: C11d_app2_rg2

Witness: f1818 indeed, Victor,
Witness: f1823 indeed, Victor,
Witness: fThomas indeed, Victor,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 we are all very
Witness: f1823 we are all very
Witness: fThomas we are all very
Witness: fMS we are all very


Reading Group: C11d_app4_rg1

Witness: fMS uneasy<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>miserable

Reading Group: C11d_app4_rg2

Witness: f1818 miserable
Witness: f1823 miserable
Witness: fThomas miserable


Reading Group: C11d_app5_rg1

Witness: f1818 on this account. Relieve us from this
Witness: f1823 on this account. Relieve us from this
Witness: fThomas on this account. Relieve us from this
Witness: fMS on this account. Relieve us from this

Reading Group: C11d_app5_rg2

Witness: f1831 “Get well—and return to us. You will find a happy, cheerful home, and friends who love you dearly.


Reading Group: C11d_app6_rg1

Witness: fMS fear

Reading Group: C11d_app6_rg2

Witness: f1818 fear,
Witness: f1823 fear,
Witness: fThomas fear,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and we shall
Witness: f1823 and we shall
Witness: fThomas and we shall
Witness: fMS and we shall


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 be the happiest creatures in the
Witness: f1823 be the happiest creatures in the
Witness: fThomas be the happiest creatures in the
Witness: fMS be the happiest creatures in the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 world.
Witness: f1823 world.
Witness: fThomas world.
Witness: fMS world.


Reading Group: C11e_app1_rg1

Witness: f1831 <p/>Your

Reading Group: C11e_app1_rg2

Witness: f1818 Your
Witness: f1823 Your
Witness: fThomas Your

Reading Group: C11e_app1_rg3

Witness: fMS – My uncles


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 father’s
Witness: f1823 father’s
Witness: fThomas father’s
Witness: f1831 father’s


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 health
Witness: f1823 health
Witness: fThomas health
Witness: f1831 health
Witness: fMS health


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS impro


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 is
Witness: f1823 is
Witness: fThomas is
Witness: f1831 is
Witness: fMS is


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 now
Witness: f1823 now
Witness: fThomas now
Witness: fMS now


Reading Group: C11e_app7_rg1

Witness: fMS well &far vigorous

Reading Group: C11e_app7_rg2

Witness: f1818 so
Witness: f1823 so
Witness: fThomas so


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 vigorous,
Witness: f1823 vigorous,
Witness: fThomas vigorous,
Witness: f1831 vigorous,


Reading Group: C11f_app1_rg1

Witness: f1831 and he asks but to see you,—but to be assured that you are well; and not a care will ever cloud his benevolent countenance.

Reading Group: C11f_app1_rg2

Witness: f1818 that he appears ten years younger since last winter.
Witness: f1823 that he appears ten years younger since last winter.
Witness: fThomas that he appears ten years younger since last winter.
Witness: fMS that he appears ten years younger since last winter.


Reading Group: C11f_app2_rg1

Witness: f1831 How pleased you would be to remark the improvement of our Ernest!

Reading Group: C11f_app2_rg2

Witness: f1818 Ernest also is so much improved,
Witness: f1823 Ernest also is so much improved,
Witness: fThomas Ernest also is so much improved,
Witness: fMS Ernest also is so much improved,


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS so


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that you would hardly
Witness: f1823 that you would hardly
Witness: fThomas that you would hardly
Witness: fMS that you would hardly


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 know
Witness: f1823 know
Witness: fThomas know
Witness: fMS know


Reading Group: C11f_app6_rg1

Witness: f1818 him:
Witness: f1823 him:
Witness: fThomas him:

Reading Group: C11f_app6_rg2

Witness: fMS him;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 he is now
Witness: f1823 he is now
Witness: fThomas he is now
Witness: f1831 He is now
Witness: fMS he is now


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 nearly
Witness: f1823 nearly
Witness: fThomas nearly
Witness: fMS nearly


Reading Group: C11g_app3_rg1

Witness: fMS sixteen you know

Reading Group: C11g_app3_rg2

Witness: f1818 sixteen,
Witness: f1823 sixteen,
Witness: fThomas sixteen,
Witness: f1831 sixteen,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fMS and


Reading Group: C11h_app1_rg1

Witness: f1831 full of activity and spirit. He is desirous to be a true Swiss, and to enter into foreign service; but we cannot part with him, at least until his elder brother return to us. My uncle is not pleased with the idea of a military career in a distant country; but Ernest never had your powers of application. He looks upon study as an odious fetter;—his time is spent

Reading Group: C11h_app1_rg2

Witness: fMS has quite lost that sickly appearance that he had some years ago –

Reading Group: C11h_app1_rg3

Witness: f1818 has lost that sickly appearance which he had some years ago;
Witness: f1823 has lost that sickly appearance which he had some years ago;
Witness: fThomas has lost that sickly appearance which he had some years ago;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 he is
Witness: f1823 he is
Witness: fThomas he is
Witness: fMS he is


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 grown
Witness: f1823 grown
Witness: fThomas grown


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 quite
Witness: f1823 quite
Witness: fThomas quite
Witness: fMS quite


Reading Group: C11i_app1_rg1

Witness: f1831

Reading Group: C11i_app1_rg2

Witness: fMS well & <shi rend="underline">hearty</shi> if I y may use that term for it is very expressive.

Reading Group: C11i_app1_rg3

Witness: f1818 robust and active.<p/>
Witness: f1823 robust and active.<p/>
Witness: fThomas robust and active.<p/>


Reading Group: C11j_app1_rg1

Witness: f1831

Reading Group: C11j_app1_rg2

Witness: f1818 <p/>“My
Witness: f1823 <p/>“My
Witness: fThomas <p/>“My

Reading Group: C11j_app1_rg3

Witness: fMS "My


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 uncle and I conversed
Witness: f1823 uncle and I conversed
Witness: fThomas uncle and I conversed
Witness: fMS uncle and I conversed


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS the last night


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a long time
Witness: f1823 a long time
Witness: fThomas a long time
Witness: fMS a long time


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 last night
Witness: f1823 last night
Witness: fThomas last night


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 about what
Witness: f1823 about what
Witness: fThomas about what
Witness: fMS about what


Reading Group: C11j_app7_rg1

Witness: fMS professionErnest <shi rend="underline">should be</shi>should

Reading Group: C11j_app7_rg2

Witness: f1818 profession Ernest should
Witness: f1823 profession Ernest should
Witness: fThomas profession Ernest should


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 follow. His constant
Witness: f1823 follow. His constant
Witness: fThomas follow. His constant
Witness: fMS follow. His constant


Reading Group: C11j_app9_rg1

Witness: fMS ill health

Reading Group: C11j_app9_rg2

Witness: f1818 illness
Witness: f1823 illness
Witness: fThomas illness


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 when young has deprived
Witness: f1823 when young has deprived
Witness: fThomas when young has deprived
Witness: fMS when young has deprived


Reading Group: C11j_app11_rg1

Witness: fMS himof

Reading Group: C11j_app11_rg2

Witness: f1818 him of
Witness: f1823 him of
Witness: fThomas him of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: fMS the


Reading Group: C11j_app13_rg1

Witness: fMS habit

Reading Group: C11j_app13_rg2

Witness: f1818 habits
Witness: f1823 habits
Witness: fThomas habits


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of
Witness: f1823 of
Witness: fThomas of
Witness: fMS of


Reading Group: C11j_app15_rg1

Witness: fMS application

Reading Group: C11j_app15_rg2

Witness: f1818 application;
Witness: f1823 application;
Witness: fThomas application;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and now
Witness: f1823 and now
Witness: fThomas and now
Witness: fMS and now


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that he enjoys good
Witness: f1823 that he enjoys good
Witness: fThomas that he enjoys good
Witness: fMS that he enjoys good


Reading Group: C11j_app18_rg1

Witness: fMS health we

Reading Group: C11j_app18_rg2

Witness: f1818 health,
Witness: f1823 health,
Witness: fThomas health,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 he
Witness: f1823 he
Witness: fThomas he
Witness: fMS he


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 is continually
Witness: f1823 is continually
Witness: fThomas is continually
Witness: fMS is continually


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in the open
Witness: f1823 in the open
Witness: fThomas in the open
Witness: f1831 in the open
Witness: fMS in the open


Reading Group: C11k_app2_rg1

Witness: fMS air on

Reading Group: C11k_app2_rg2

Witness: f1818 air,
Witness: f1823 air,
Witness: fThomas air,
Witness: f1831 air,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 climbing the
Witness: f1823 climbing the
Witness: fThomas climbing the
Witness: f1831 climbing the
Witness: fMS climbing the


Reading Group: C11k_app4_rg1

Witness: f1831 hills
Witness: fMS hills

Reading Group: C11k_app4_rg2

Witness: f1818 hills,
Witness: f1823 hills,
Witness: fThomas hills,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 or rowing on the
Witness: f1823 or rowing on the
Witness: fThomas or rowing on the
Witness: f1831 or rowing on the
Witness: fMS or rowing on the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 lake.
Witness: f1823 lake.
Witness: fThomas lake.
Witness: f1831 lake.
Witness: fMS lake.


Reading Group: C11l_app1_rg1

Witness: f1831 I fear that he will become an idler, unless we yield the point, and permit him to enter on the profession which he has selected.<p/>

Reading Group: C11l_app1_rg2

Witness: f1818 I therefore proposed that he should be a farmer;
Witness: f1823 I therefore proposed that he should be a farmer;
Witness: fThomas I therefore proposed that he should be a farmer;

Reading Group: C11l_app1_rg3

Witness: fMS I, therefore, proposed that he shouldbe a farmer


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 which you
Witness: f1823 which you
Witness: fThomas which you
Witness: fMS which you


Reading Group: C11l_app3_rg1

Witness: fMS know cousin

Reading Group: C11l_app3_rg2

Witness: f1818 know, Cousin,
Witness: f1823 know, cousin,
Witness: fThomas know, Cousin,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 is a favourite scheme
Witness: f1823 is a favourite scheme
Witness: fThomas is a favourite scheme
Witness: fMS is a favourite scheme


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of
Witness: f1823 of
Witness: fThomas of
Witness: fMS of


Reading Group: C11l_app6_rg1

Witness: fMS mine –A farmer's

Reading Group: C11l_app6_rg2

Witness: f1818 mine. A farmer’s
Witness: f1823 mine. A farmer’s
Witness: fThomas mine. A farmer’s


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 is a very healthy
Witness: f1823 is a very healthy
Witness: fThomas is a very healthy
Witness: fMS is a very healthy


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS &


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 happy life; and the least
Witness: f1823 happy life; and the least
Witness: fThomas happy life; and the least
Witness: fMS happy life; and the least


Reading Group: C11l_app10_rg1

Witness: fMS hurtful

Reading Group: C11l_app10_rg2

Witness: f1818 hurtful,
Witness: f1823 hurtful,
Witness: fThomas hurtful,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 or rather the most
Witness: f1823 or rather the most
Witness: fThomas or rather the most
Witness: fMS or rather the most


Reading Group: C11l_app12_rg1

Witness: f1818 beneficial profession of
Witness: f1823 beneficial profession of
Witness: fThomas beneficial profession of

Reading Group: C11l_app12_rg2

Witness: fMS benificial of any profession.<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 any. My
Witness: f1823 any. My
Witness: fThomas any. My
Witness: fMS any. My


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS father


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 uncle had an
Witness: f1823 uncle had an
Witness: fThomas uncle had an
Witness: fMS uncle had an


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 idea of his
Witness: f1823 idea of his
Witness: fThomas idea of his
Witness: fMS idea of his


Reading Group: C11l_app17_rg1

Witness: f1818 being educated
Witness: f1823 being educated
Witness: fThomas being educated

Reading Group: C11l_app17_rg2

Witness: fMS being<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>educated


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 as an advocate, that through
Witness: f1823 as an advocate, that through
Witness: fThomas as an advocate, that through
Witness: fMS as an advocate, &that through


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 his
Witness: f1823 his
Witness: fThomas his
Witness: fMS his


Reading Group: C11l_app20_rg1

Witness: f1818 interest he
Witness: f1823 interest he
Witness: fThomas interest he

Reading Group: C11l_app20_rg2

Witness: fMS interresthe


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 might become a judge.
Witness: f1823 might become a judge.
Witness: fThomas might become a judge.
Witness: fMS might become a judge.


Reading Group: C11l_app22_rg1

Witness: fMS But

Reading Group: C11l_app22_rg2

Witness: f1818 But,
Witness: f1823 But,
Witness: fThomas But,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 besides that
Witness: f1823 besides that
Witness: fThomas besides that
Witness: fMS besides that


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 he is not at all
Witness: f1823 he is not at all
Witness: fThomas he is not at all
Witness: fMS he is not at all


Reading Group: C11l_app25_rg1

Witness: fMS fit

Reading Group: C11l_app25_rg2

Witness: f1818 fitted
Witness: f1823 fitted
Witness: fThomas fitted


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 for such an
Witness: f1823 for such an
Witness: fThomas for such an
Witness: fMS for such an


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 occupation, it is certainly
Witness: f1823 occupation, it is certainly
Witness: fThomas occupation, it is certainly
Witness: fMS occupation, it is certainly


Reading Group: C11l_app28_rg1

Witness: fMS bettermore honourablecreditable

Reading Group: C11l_app28_rg2

Witness: f1818 more creditable
Witness: f1823 more creditable
Witness: fThomas more creditable


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to
Witness: f1823 to
Witness: fThomas to
Witness: fMS to


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS to


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 cultivate the earth for the sustenance of
Witness: f1823 cultivate the earth for the sustenance of
Witness: fThomas cultivate the earth for the sustenance of
Witness: fMS cultivate the earth for the sustenance of


Reading Group: C11l_app32_rg1

Witness: fMS man

Reading Group: C11l_app32_rg2

Witness: f1818 man,
Witness: f1823 man,
Witness: fThomas man,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 than
Witness: f1823 than
Witness: fThomas than
Witness: fMS than


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS it


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to be the
Witness: f1823 to be the
Witness: fThomas to be the
Witness: fMS to be the


Reading Group: C11l_app36_rg1

Witness: fMS confid<mdel/>ant

Reading Group: C11l_app36_rg2

Witness: f1818 confidant,
Witness: f1823 confidant,
Witness: fThomas confidant,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and sometimes
Witness: f1823 and sometimes
Witness: fThomas and sometimes
Witness: fMS & sometimes


Reading Group: C11l_app38_rg1

Witness: fMS a helpmatethe accomplice

Reading Group: C11l_app38_rg2

Witness: f1818 the accomplice,
Witness: f1823 the accomplice,
Witness: fThomas the accomplice,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of
Witness: f1823 of
Witness: fThomas of
Witness: fMS of


Reading Group: C11l_app40_rg1

Witness: fMS theirhis

Reading Group: C11l_app40_rg2

Witness: f1818 his
Witness: f1823 his
Witness: fThomas his


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 vices; which is the
Witness: f1823 vices; which is the
Witness: fThomas vices; which is the
Witness: fMS vices; which is the


Reading Group: C11l_app42_rg1

Witness: fMS employment<metamark function="displacement" xml:id="c56-0059.03">^</metamark>&

Reading Group: C11l_app42_rg2

Witness: f1818 profession
Witness: f1823 profession
Witness: fThomas profession


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of a lawyer.
Witness: f1823 of a lawyer.
Witness: fThomas of a lawyer.
Witness: fMS of a Lawyer.


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS And if he should become a judge


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: fMS I


Reading Group: C11l_app46_rg1

Witness: fMS said

Reading Group: C11l_app46_rg2

Witness: f1818 said,
Witness: f1823 said,
Witness: fThomas said,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that
Witness: f1823 that
Witness: fThomas that
Witness: fMS that


Reading Group: C11l_app48_rg1

Witness: fMS arichthe occupation

Reading Group: C11l_app48_rg2

Witness: f1818 the employments
Witness: f1823 the employments
Witness: fThomas the employments


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of a prosperous
Witness: f1823 of a prosperous
Witness: fThomas of a prosperous
Witness: fMS of a prosperous


Reading Group: C11l_app50_rg1

Witness: fMS farmer

Reading Group: C11l_app50_rg2

Witness: f1818 farmer,
Witness: f1823 farmer,
Witness: fThomas farmer,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 if
Witness: f1823 if
Witness: fThomas if
Witness: fMS if


Reading Group: C11l_app52_rg1

Witness: fMS it

Reading Group: C11l_app52_rg2

Witness: f1818 they
Witness: f1823 they
Witness: fThomas they


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 were not a more
Witness: f1823 were not a more
Witness: fThomas were not a more
Witness: fMS were not a more


Reading Group: C11l_app54_rg1

Witness: fMS honourable it was

Reading Group: C11l_app54_rg2

Witness: f1818 honourable, they were
Witness: f1823 honourable, they were
Witness: fThomas honourable, they were


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 at least a happier
Witness: f1823 at least a happier
Witness: fThomas at least a happier
Witness: fMS at least a happier


Reading Group: C11l_app56_rg1

Witness: fMS employ ment

Reading Group: C11l_app56_rg2

Witness: f1818 species of occupation
Witness: f1823 species of occupation
Witness: fThomas species of occupation


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 than that of a judge, whose
Witness: f1823 than that of a judge, whose
Witness: fThomas than that of a judge, whose
Witness: fMS than that of a judge, whose


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 misfortune it was always to meddle
Witness: f1823 misfortune it was always to meddle
Witness: fThomas misfortune it was always to meddle
Witness: fMS misfortune it was always to meddle


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 with the dark side of human
Witness: f1823 with the dark side of human
Witness: fThomas with the dark side of human
Witness: fMS with the dark side of human


Reading Group: C11l_app60_rg1

Witness: fMS nature

Reading Group: C11l_app60_rg2

Witness: f1818 nature.
Witness: f1823 nature.
Witness: fThomas nature.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 My uncle
Witness: f1823 My uncle
Witness: fThomas My uncle
Witness: fMS My uncle


Reading Group: C11l_app62_rg1

Witness: fMS smiled

Reading Group: C11l_app62_rg2

Witness: f1818 smiled,
Witness: f1823 smiled,
Witness: fThomas smiled,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: fMS and


Reading Group: C11l_app64_rg1

Witness: fMS said

Reading Group: C11l_app64_rg2

Witness: f1818 said,
Witness: f1823 said,
Witness: fThomas said,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that I
Witness: f1823 that I
Witness: fThomas that I
Witness: fMS that I


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS ougt


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 ought to be an advocate
Witness: f1823 ought to be an advocate
Witness: fThomas ought to be an advocate
Witness: fMS ought to be an advocate


Reading Group: C11l_app68_rg1

Witness: f1818 myself,
Witness: f1823 myself,
Witness: fThomas myself,

Reading Group: C11l_app68_rg2

Witness: fMS myself;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 which put an end to the conversation
Witness: f1823 which put an end to the conversation
Witness: fThomas which put an end to the conversation
Witness: fMS which put an end to the conversation


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 on that
Witness: f1823 on that
Witness: fThomas on that
Witness: fMS on that


Reading Group: C11l_app71_rg1

Witness: f1818 subject.<p/><p/>“And
Witness: f1823 subject.<p/><p/>“And
Witness: fThomas subject.<p/><p/>“And

Reading Group: C11l_app71_rg2

Witness: fMS subject And


Reading Group: C11l_app72_rg1

Witness: f1831 <p/>“Little alteration, except the growth of our dear children, has taken place since you left us. The blue lake, and snow-clad mountains, they never change;—and I think our placid home, and our contented hearts are regulated by the same immutable laws. My trifling occupations take up my time and amuse me, and I am rewarded for any exertions by seeing none but happy, kind faces around me. Since you left us, but one change has taken place in our little household.

Reading Group: C11l_app72_rg2

Witness: f1818 now I must tell you a little story that will
Witness: f1823 now I must tell you a little story that will
Witness: fThomas now I must tell you a little story that will
Witness: fMS now I must tell you a little story that will


Reading Group: C11l_app73_rg1

Witness: f1823 please
Witness: fMS please

Reading Group: C11l_app73_rg2

Witness: f1818 please,
Witness: fThomas please,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and perhaps amuse
Witness: f1823 and perhaps amuse
Witness: fThomas and perhaps amuse


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 you.
Witness: f1823 you.
Witness: fThomas you.
Witness: fMS you.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Do you
Witness: f1823 Do you
Witness: fThomas Do you
Witness: f1831 Do you
Witness: fMS Do you


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 not
Witness: f1823 not
Witness: fThomas not
Witness: fMS not


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 remember
Witness: f1823 remember
Witness: fThomas remember
Witness: f1831 remember
Witness: fMS remember


Reading Group: C11m_app4_rg1

Witness: fMS Ju

Reading Group: C11m_app4_rg2

Witness: f1831 on what occasion


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Justine
Witness: f1823 Justine
Witness: fThomas Justine
Witness: f1831 Justine
Witness: fMS Justine


Reading Group: C11m_app6_rg1

Witness: fMS Martin?Moritz? Perhaps

Reading Group: C11m_app6_rg2

Witness: f1831 Moritz entered our family?

Reading Group: C11m_app6_rg3

Witness: f1818 Moritz?
Witness: f1823 Moritz?
Witness: fThomas Moritz?


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Probably
Witness: f1823 Probably
Witness: fThomas Probably
Witness: f1831 Probably


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 you do
Witness: f1823 you do
Witness: fThomas you do
Witness: f1831 you do
Witness: fMS you do


Reading Group: C11m_app9_rg1

Witness: fMS not

Reading Group: C11m_app9_rg2

Witness: f1818 not;
Witness: f1823 not;
Witness: fThomas not;
Witness: f1831 not;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I will
Witness: f1823 I will
Witness: fThomas I will
Witness: f1831 I will
Witness: fMS I will


Reading Group: C11m_app11_rg1

Witness: f1818 relate
Witness: f1823 relate
Witness: fThomas relate
Witness: f1831 relate

Reading Group: C11m_app11_rg2

Witness: fMS therefore tell you


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 her
Witness: f1823 her
Witness: fThomas her
Witness: f1831 her
Witness: fMS her


Reading Group: C11m_app13_rg1

Witness: f1818 history, therefore,
Witness: f1823 history, therefore,
Witness: fThomas history, therefore,
Witness: f1831 history, therefore,

Reading Group: C11m_app13_rg2

Witness: fMS story


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in a few words.
Witness: f1823 in a few words.
Witness: fThomas in a few words.
Witness: f1831 in a few words.
Witness: fMS in a few words.


Reading Group: C11m_app15_rg1

Witness: fMS Mad. Martin

Reading Group: C11m_app15_rg2

Witness: f1818 Madame Moritz,
Witness: f1823 Madame Moritz,
Witness: fThomas Madame Moritz,
Witness: f1831 Madame Moritz,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 her
Witness: f1823 her
Witness: fThomas her
Witness: f1831 her
Witness: fMS her


Reading Group: C11m_app17_rg1

Witness: fMS Mother

Reading Group: C11m_app17_rg2

Witness: f1818 mother,
Witness: f1823 mother,
Witness: fThomas mother,
Witness: f1831 mother,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was a widow with
Witness: f1823 was a widow with
Witness: fThomas was a widow with
Witness: f1831 was a widow with
Witness: fMS was a widow with


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 four
Witness: f1823 four
Witness: fThomas four
Witness: f1831 four
Witness: fMS four


Reading Group: C11m_app20_rg1

Witness: fMS children

Reading Group: C11m_app20_rg2

Witness: f1818 children,
Witness: f1823 children,
Witness: fThomas children,
Witness: f1831 children,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of whom
Witness: f1823 of whom
Witness: fThomas of whom
Witness: f1831 of whom
Witness: fMS of whom


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS this


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Justine
Witness: f1823 Justine
Witness: fThomas Justine
Witness: f1831 Justine
Witness: fMS Justine


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was the third. This girl had always been
Witness: f1823 was the third. This girl had always been
Witness: fThomas was the third. This girl had always been
Witness: f1831 was the third. This girl had always been
Witness: fMS was the third. This girl had always been


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fMS the


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS favou


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 favourite of her
Witness: f1823 favourite of her
Witness: fThomas favourite of her
Witness: f1831 favourite of her
Witness: fMS favourite of her


Reading Group: C11m_app28_rg1

Witness: fMS father andbutbythro an odd perversity

Reading Group: C11m_app28_rg2

Witness: f1818 father; but, through a strange perversity,
Witness: f1823 father; but, through a strange perversity,
Witness: fThomas father; but, through a strange perversity,
Witness: f1831 father; but, through a strange perversity,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 her mother
Witness: f1823 her mother
Witness: fThomas her mother
Witness: f1831 her mother
Witness: fMS her Mother


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS never


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 could
Witness: f1823 could
Witness: fThomas could
Witness: f1831 could
Witness: fMS could


Reading Group: C11m_app32_rg1

Witness: fMS bear<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>not

Reading Group: C11m_app32_rg2

Witness: f1818 not
Witness: f1823 not
Witness: fThomas not
Witness: f1831 not


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 endure
Witness: f1823 endure
Witness: fThomas endure
Witness: f1831 endure
Witness: fMS endure


Reading Group: C11m_app34_rg1

Witness: fMS her and

Reading Group: C11m_app34_rg2

Witness: f1818 her, and,
Witness: f1823 her, and,
Witness: fThomas her, and,
Witness: f1831 her, and,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 after the
Witness: f1823 after the
Witness: fThomas after the
Witness: f1831 after the
Witness: fMS after the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 death of M.
Witness: f1823 death of M.
Witness: fThomas death of M.
Witness: f1831 death of M.
Witness: fMS death of M.


Reading Group: C11m_app37_rg1

Witness: fMS MartinMoritz

Reading Group: C11m_app37_rg2

Witness: f1818 Moritz,
Witness: f1823 Moritz,
Witness: fThomas Moritz,
Witness: f1831 Moritz,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 treated her very ill.
Witness: f1823 treated her very ill.
Witness: fThomas treated her very ill.
Witness: f1831 treated her very ill.
Witness: fMS treated her very ill.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 My aunt observed
Witness: f1823 My aunt observed
Witness: fThomas My aunt observed
Witness: f1831 My aunt observed
Witness: fMS My aunt observed


Reading Group: C11m_app40_rg1

Witness: fMS this, and

Reading Group: C11m_app40_rg2

Witness: f1818 this; and,
Witness: f1823 this; and,
Witness: fThomas this; and,
Witness: f1831 this; and,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 when Justine
Witness: f1823 when Justine
Witness: fThomas when Justine
Witness: f1831 when Justine
Witness: fMS when Justine


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was
Witness: f1823 was
Witness: fThomas was
Witness: f1831 was
Witness: fMS was


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS ten


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 twelve years
Witness: f1823 twelve years
Witness: fThomas twelve years
Witness: f1831 twelve years
Witness: fMS twelve years


Reading Group: C11m_app45_rg1

Witness: f1818 of age,
Witness: f1823 of age,
Witness: fThomas of age,
Witness: f1831 of age,

Reading Group: C11m_app45_rg2

Witness: fMS old too


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 prevailed
Witness: f1823 prevailed
Witness: fThomas prevailed
Witness: f1831 prevailed
Witness: fMS prevailed


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 on her mother to allow her to live
Witness: f1823 on her mother to allow her to live
Witness: fThomas on her mother to allow her to live
Witness: f1831 on her mother to allow her to live
Witness: fMS on her mother to allow her to live


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 at
Witness: f1823 at
Witness: fThomas at
Witness: f1831 at
Witness: fMS at


Reading Group: C11m_app49_rg1

Witness: f1818 her
Witness: f1823 her
Witness: fThomas her

Reading Group: C11m_app49_rg2

Witness: f1831 our
Witness: fMS our


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 house. The republican
Witness: f1823 house. The republican
Witness: fThomas house. The republican
Witness: f1831 house. The republican
Witness: fMS house.<metamark function="displacement" xml:id="c56-0060.03">X</metamark><metamark function="displacement">X</metamark> The republican


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 institutions of our
Witness: f1823 institutions of our
Witness: fThomas institutions of our
Witness: f1831 institutions of our
Witness: fMS institutions of our


Reading Group: C11m_app52_rg1

Witness: fMS state country,

Reading Group: C11m_app52_rg2

Witness: f1818 country
Witness: f1823 country
Witness: fThomas country
Witness: f1831 country


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 have
Witness: f1823 have
Witness: fThomas have
Witness: f1831 have
Witness: fMS have


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 produced simpler and happier manners
Witness: f1823 produced simpler and happier manners
Witness: fThomas produced simpler and happier manners
Witness: f1831 produced simpler and happier manners
Witness: fMS produced simpler & happier manners


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 than those which
Witness: f1823 than those which
Witness: fThomas than those which
Witness: f1831 than those which
Witness: fMS than those which


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 prevail in the
Witness: f1823 prevail in the
Witness: fThomas prevail in the
Witness: f1831 prevail in the
Witness: fMS prevail in the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 great monarchies
Witness: f1823 great monarchies
Witness: fThomas great monarchies
Witness: f1831 great monarchies
Witness: fMS great monarchies


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that surround it.
Witness: f1823 that surround it.
Witness: fThomas that surround it.
Witness: f1831 that surround it.
Witness: fMS that surround it.


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS Ju Whilst


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Hence there
Witness: f1823 Hence there
Witness: fThomas Hence there
Witness: f1831 Hence there
Witness: fMS Hence there


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 is less
Witness: f1823 is less
Witness: fThomas is less
Witness: f1831 is less
Witness: fMS is less


Reading Group: C11m_app62_rg1

Witness: fMS dis tinctions

Reading Group: C11m_app62_rg2

Witness: f1818 distinction
Witness: f1823 distinction
Witness: fThomas distinction
Witness: f1831 distinction


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 between the
Witness: f1823 between the
Witness: fThomas between the
Witness: f1831 between the
Witness: fMS between the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 several
Witness: f1823 several
Witness: fThomas several
Witness: f1831 several


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 classes
Witness: f1823 classes
Witness: fThomas classes
Witness: f1831 classes
Witness: fMS classes


Reading Group: C11m_app66_rg1

Witness: fMS into which human beings have been divided,

Reading Group: C11m_app66_rg2

Witness: f1818 of its inhabitants;
Witness: f1823 of its inhabitants;
Witness: fThomas of its inhabitants;
Witness: f1831 of its inhabitants;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and the lower orders being neither so poor nor so
Witness: f1823 and the lower orders being neither so poor nor so
Witness: fThomas and the lower orders being neither so poor nor so
Witness: f1831 and the lower orders being neither so poor nor so
Witness: fMS & the lower orders being neither so poor nor so


Reading Group: C11m_app68_rg1

Witness: fMS despised

Reading Group: C11m_app68_rg2

Witness: f1818 despised, their manners
Witness: f1823 despised, their manners
Witness: fThomas despised, their manners
Witness: f1831 despised, their manners


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 are more refined and moral. A servant
Witness: f1823 are more refined and moral. A servant
Witness: fThomas are more refined and moral. A servant
Witness: f1831 are more refined and moral. A servant
Witness: fMS are more refined & moral. A servant


Reading Group: C11m_app70_rg1

Witness: fMS at

Reading Group: C11m_app70_rg2

Witness: f1818 in
Witness: f1823 in
Witness: fThomas in
Witness: f1831 in


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Geneva does not mean the same thing as a servant in France
Witness: f1823 Geneva does not mean the same thing as a servant in France
Witness: fThomas Geneva does not mean the same thing as a servant in France
Witness: f1831 Geneva does not mean the same thing as a servant in France
Witness: fMS Geneva does not mean the same thing as a servant in France


Reading Group: C11m_app72_rg1

Witness: f1818 and England. Justine,
Witness: f1823 and England. Justine,
Witness: fThomas and England. Justine,
Witness: f1831 and England. Justine,

Reading Group: C11m_app72_rg2

Witness: fMS or England —Justine <shi rend="underline">was</shi>


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 thus
Witness: f1823 thus
Witness: fThomas thus
Witness: f1831 thus
Witness: fMS thus


Reading Group: C11m_app74_rg1

Witness: f1818 received in
Witness: f1823 received in
Witness: fThomas received in
Witness: f1831 received in

Reading Group: C11m_app74_rg2

Witness: fMS recieved into


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 our
Witness: f1823 our
Witness: fThomas our
Witness: f1831 our
Witness: fMS our


Reading Group: C11m_app76_rg1

Witness: fMS family to learn

Reading Group: C11m_app76_rg2

Witness: f1818 family, learned
Witness: f1823 family, learned
Witness: fThomas family, learned
Witness: f1831 family, learned


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the duties of
Witness: f1823 the duties of
Witness: fThomas the duties of
Witness: f1831 the duties of
Witness: fMS the duties of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a servant;
Witness: f1823 a servant;
Witness: fThomas a servant;
Witness: f1831 a servant;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a
Witness: f1823 a
Witness: fThomas a
Witness: f1831 a
Witness: fMS a


Reading Group: C11m_app80_rg1

Witness: f1818 condition which,
Witness: f1823 condition which,
Witness: fThomas condition which,
Witness: f1831 condition which,

Reading Group: C11m_app80_rg2

Witness: fMS servant, which


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in our fortunate
Witness: f1823 in our fortunate
Witness: fThomas in our fortunate
Witness: f1831 in our fortunate
Witness: fMS in our fortunate


Reading Group: C11m_app82_rg1

Witness: fMS country

Reading Group: C11m_app82_rg2

Witness: f1818 country,
Witness: f1823 country,
Witness: fThomas country,
Witness: f1831 country,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 does not include
Witness: f1823 does not include
Witness: fThomas does not include
Witness: f1831 does not include
Witness: fMS does not include


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the idea of ignorance, and
Witness: f1823 the idea of ignorance, and
Witness: fThomas the idea of ignorance, and
Witness: f1831 the idea of ignorance, and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a
Witness: f1823 a
Witness: fThomas a
Witness: f1831 a
Witness: fMS a


Reading Group: C11m_app86_rg1

Witness: f1818 sacrifice
Witness: f1823 sacrifice
Witness: fThomas sacrifice
Witness: f1831 sacrifice

Reading Group: C11m_app86_rg2

Witness: fMS sacrifize


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of the dignity of a human
Witness: f1823 of the dignity of a human
Witness: fThomas of the dignity of a human
Witness: f1831 of the dignity of a human
Witness: fMS of the dignity of a human


Reading Group: C11m_app88_rg1

Witness: fMS being.Whereshe was taught all the duties of servant & was very kindly treated.

Reading Group: C11m_app88_rg2

Witness: f1818 being.<p/>
Witness: f1823 being.<p/>
Witness: fThomas being.<p/>
Witness: f1831 being.<p/>


Reading Group: C11n_app1_rg1

Witness: f1831

Reading Group: C11n_app1_rg2

Witness: f1818 <p/>“After what I have said,
Witness: f1823 <p/>“After what I have said,
Witness: fThomas <p/>“After what I have said,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I dare say
Witness: f1823 I dare say
Witness: fThomas I dare say
Witness: fMS I dare say


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS that


Reading Group: C11n_app4_rg1

Witness: f1831 “Justine, you may remember,

Reading Group: C11n_app4_rg2

Witness: f1818 you well remember
Witness: f1823 you well remember
Witness: fThomas you well remember

Reading Group: C11n_app4_rg3

Witness: fMS you now remember


Reading Group: C11n_app5_rg1

Witness: fMS all about it,

Reading Group: C11n_app5_rg2

Witness: f1818 the heroine of my little tale:
Witness: f1823 the heroine of my little tale:
Witness: fThomas the heroine of my little tale:


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 for Justine
Witness: f1823 for Justine
Witness: fThomas for Justine
Witness: fMS for Justine


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was a great favourite of
Witness: f1823 was a great favourite of
Witness: fThomas was a great favourite of
Witness: f1831 was a great favourite of
Witness: fMS was a great favourite of


Reading Group: C11o_app2_rg1

Witness: fMS yours,

Reading Group: C11o_app2_rg2

Witness: f1823 yours;
Witness: f1831 yours;

Reading Group: C11o_app2_rg3

Witness: f1818 your’s;
Witness: fThomas your’s;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and I
Witness: f1823 and I
Witness: fThomas and I
Witness: f1831 and I
Witness: fMS & I


Reading Group: C11o_app4_rg1

Witness: fMS rememberrecollect

Reading Group: C11o_app4_rg2

Witness: f1818 recollect
Witness: f1823 recollect
Witness: fThomas recollect
Witness: f1831 recollect


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 you once
Witness: f1823 you once
Witness: fThomas you once
Witness: f1831 you once
Witness: fMS you once


Reading Group: C11o_app6_rg1

Witness: f1818 remarked,
Witness: f1823 remarked,
Witness: fThomas remarked,
Witness: f1831 remarked,

Reading Group: C11o_app6_rg2

Witness: fMS said,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that if you were
Witness: f1823 that if you were
Witness: fThomas that if you were
Witness: f1831 that if you were
Witness: fMS that if you were


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS a


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in an
Witness: f1823 in an
Witness: fThomas in an
Witness: f1831 in an
Witness: fMS in an


Reading Group: C11o_app10_rg1

Witness: f1818 ill
Witness: f1823 ill
Witness: fThomas ill
Witness: fMS ill

Reading Group: C11o_app10_rg2

Witness: f1831 ill-humour,


Reading Group: C11o_app11_rg1

Witness: fMS humour

Reading Group: C11o_app11_rg2

Witness: f1818 humour,
Witness: f1823 humour,
Witness: fThomas humour,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 one glance from
Witness: f1823 one glance from
Witness: fThomas one glance from
Witness: f1831 one glance from
Witness: fMS one glance from


Reading Group: C11o_app13_rg1

Witness: f1818 Justine
Witness: f1823 Justine
Witness: fThomas Justine
Witness: f1831 Justine

Reading Group: C11o_app13_rg2

Witness: fMS Justine,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 could dissipate
Witness: f1823 could dissipate
Witness: fThomas could dissipate
Witness: f1831 could dissipate
Witness: fMS could dissipate


Reading Group: C11o_app15_rg1

Witness: fMS it fromfor

Reading Group: C11o_app15_rg2

Witness: f1818 it, for
Witness: f1823 it, for
Witness: fThomas it, for
Witness: f1831 it, for


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the same reason
Witness: f1823 the same reason
Witness: fThomas the same reason
Witness: f1831 the same reason
Witness: fMS the same reason


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that Ariosto
Witness: f1823 that Ariosto
Witness: fThomas that Ariosto
Witness: f1831 that Ariosto
Witness: fMS that Ariosto


Reading Group: C11o_app18_rg1

Witness: fMS gave

Reading Group: C11o_app18_rg2

Witness: f1818 gives
Witness: f1823 gives
Witness: fThomas gives
Witness: f1831 gives


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 concerning the
Witness: f1823 concerning the
Witness: fThomas concerning the
Witness: f1831 concerning the
Witness: fMS concerning the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 beauty of
Witness: f1823 beauty of
Witness: fThomas beauty of
Witness: f1831 beauty of
Witness: fMS beauty of


Reading Group: C11o_app21_rg1

Witness: fMS Angelica:– she

Reading Group: C11o_app21_rg2

Witness: f1818 Angelica—she
Witness: f1823 Angelica—she
Witness: fThomas Angelica—she
Witness: f1831 Angelica—she


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 looked so
Witness: f1823 looked so
Witness: fThomas looked so
Witness: f1831 looked so
Witness: fMS looked so


Reading Group: C11o_app23_rg1

Witness: fMS frank hearted

Reading Group: C11o_app23_rg2

Witness: f1818 frank-hearted
Witness: f1823 frank-hearted
Witness: fThomas frank-hearted
Witness: f1831 frank-hearted


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and happy. My aunt
Witness: f1823 and happy. My aunt
Witness: fThomas and happy. My aunt
Witness: f1831 and happy. My aunt
Witness: fMS and happy. My Aunt


Reading Group: C11o_app25_rg1

Witness: fMS was very fond of her whichcausedconcieved an

Reading Group: C11o_app25_rg2

Witness: f1818 conceived a great
Witness: f1823 conceived a great
Witness: fThomas conceived a great
Witness: f1831 conceived a great


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 attachment for her, by which she
Witness: f1823 attachment for her, by which she
Witness: fThomas attachment for her, by which she
Witness: f1831 attachment for her, by which she
Witness: fMS attachment for her, by which she


Reading Group: C11o_app27_rg1

Witness: f1818 was induced to
Witness: f1823 was induced to
Witness: fThomas was induced to
Witness: f1831 was induced to

Reading Group: C11o_app27_rg2

Witness: fMS <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>wasinducedher to<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>to


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 give her
Witness: f1823 give her
Witness: fThomas give her
Witness: f1831 give her
Witness: fMS give her


Reading Group: C11o_app29_rg1

Witness: f1818 an
Witness: f1823 an
Witness: fThomas an
Witness: f1831 an

Reading Group: C11o_app29_rg2

Witness: fMS and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 education
Witness: f1823 education
Witness: fThomas education
Witness: f1831 education
Witness: fMS education


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 superior to that which she had at
Witness: f1823 superior to that which she had at
Witness: fThomas superior to that which she had at
Witness: f1831 superior to that which she had at
Witness: fMS superior to that which she <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>had at


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 first
Witness: f1823 first
Witness: fThomas first
Witness: f1831 first
Witness: fMS first


Reading Group: C11o_app33_rg1

Witness: f1818 intended. This
Witness: f1823 intended. This
Witness: fThomas intended. This
Witness: f1831 intended. This

Reading Group: C11o_app33_rg2

Witness: fMS intended.and sheThis


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 benefit was fully
Witness: f1823 benefit was fully
Witness: fThomas benefit was fully
Witness: f1831 benefit was fully
Witness: fMS benefit was fully


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 repaid;
Witness: f1823 repaid;
Witness: fThomas repaid;
Witness: f1831 repaid;
Witness: fMS repaid;


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS for


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Justine was the most
Witness: f1823 Justine was the most
Witness: fThomas Justine was the most
Witness: f1831 Justine was the most
Witness: fMS Justine was the most


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 grateful little creature in the
Witness: f1823 grateful little creature in the
Witness: fThomas grateful little creature in the
Witness: f1831 grateful little creature in the
Witness: fMS grateful little creature in the


Reading Group: C11o_app39_rg1

Witness: fMS world.

Reading Group: C11o_app39_rg2

Witness: f1818 world:
Witness: f1823 world:
Witness: fThomas world:
Witness: f1831 world:


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I do not mean that she
Witness: f1823 I do not mean that she
Witness: fThomas I do not mean that she
Witness: f1831 I do not mean that she
Witness: fMS I do not mean that she


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 made any
Witness: f1823 made any
Witness: fThomas made any
Witness: f1831 made any
Witness: fMS made any


Reading Group: C11o_app42_rg1

Witness: f1818 professions,
Witness: f1823 professions,
Witness: fThomas professions,

Reading Group: C11o_app42_rg2

Witness: f1831 professions;

Reading Group: C11o_app42_rg3

Witness: fMS professions–I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: f1831 I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 never
Witness: f1823 never
Witness: fThomas never
Witness: f1831 never
Witness: fMS never


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 heard one pass her
Witness: f1823 heard one pass her
Witness: fThomas heard one pass her
Witness: f1831 heard one pass her
Witness: fMS heard one pass her


Reading Group: C11o_app46_rg1

Witness: fMS lips w

Reading Group: C11o_app46_rg2

Witness: f1818 lips;
Witness: f1823 lips;
Witness: fThomas lips;
Witness: f1831 lips;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but
Witness: f1823 but
Witness: fThomas but
Witness: f1831 but
Witness: fMS but


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 you could see by her
Witness: f1823 you could see by her
Witness: fThomas you could see by her
Witness: f1831 you could see by her
Witness: fMS you could see by her


Reading Group: C11o_app49_rg1

Witness: fMS eye

Reading Group: C11o_app49_rg2

Witness: f1818 eyes
Witness: f1823 eyes
Witness: fThomas eyes
Witness: f1831 eyes


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that
Witness: f1823 that
Witness: fThomas that
Witness: f1831 that
Witness: fMS that


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 she almost adored her protectress.
Witness: f1823 she almost adored her protectress.
Witness: fThomas she almost adored her protectress.
Witness: f1831 she almost adored her protectress.
Witness: fMS she almost adored her protectress.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Although
Witness: f1823 Although
Witness: fThomas Although
Witness: f1831 Although
Witness: fMS Although


Reading Group: C11o_app53_rg1

Witness: f1818 her disposition was
Witness: f1823 her disposition was
Witness: fThomas her disposition was
Witness: f1831 her disposition was

Reading Group: C11o_app53_rg2

Witness: fMS very


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 gay, and in many respects
Witness: f1823 gay, and in many respects
Witness: fThomas gay, and in many respects
Witness: f1831 gay, and in many respects
Witness: fMS gay, and in many respects


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 inconsiderate, yet she paid
Witness: f1823 inconsiderate, yet she paid
Witness: fThomas inconsiderate, yet she paid
Witness: f1831 inconsiderate, yet she paid
Witness: fMS inconsiderate, yet she paid


Reading Group: C11o_app56_rg1

Witness: f1831 the greatest
Witness: fMS the greatest

Reading Group: C11o_app56_rg2

Witness: f1818 thegreatest
Witness: f1823 thegreatest
Witness: fThomas thegreatest


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 attention to every gesture of my
Witness: f1823 attention to every gesture of my
Witness: fThomas attention to every gesture of my
Witness: f1831 attention to every gesture of my
Witness: fMS attention to every gesture of my


Reading Group: C11o_app58_rg1

Witness: f1818 aunt.
Witness: f1823 aunt.
Witness: fThomas aunt.
Witness: f1831 aunt.

Reading Group: C11o_app58_rg2

Witness: fMS Aunt–


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 She thought her the
Witness: f1823 She thought her the
Witness: fThomas She thought her the
Witness: f1831 She thought her the
Witness: fMS she thought her the


Reading Group: C11o_app60_rg1

Witness: fMS miraclemodel

Reading Group: C11o_app60_rg2

Witness: f1818 model
Witness: f1823 model
Witness: fThomas model
Witness: f1831 model


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of
Witness: f1823 of
Witness: fThomas of
Witness: f1831 of
Witness: fMS of


Reading Group: C11o_app62_rg1

Witness: f1818 all excellence,
Witness: f1823 all excellence,
Witness: fThomas all excellence,
Witness: f1831 all excellence,

Reading Group: C11o_app62_rg2

Witness: fMS allperfectionexcellence,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and endeavoured to imitate her
Witness: f1823 and endeavoured to imitate her
Witness: fThomas and endeavoured to imitate her
Witness: f1831 and endeavoured to imitate her
Witness: fMS and endeavoured to imitate her


Reading Group: C11o_app64_rg1

Witness: f1818 phraseology
Witness: f1823 phraseology
Witness: fThomas phraseology
Witness: f1831 phraseology

Reading Group: C11o_app64_rg2

Witness: fMS words


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fMS and


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS even her


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 manners, so that even now she
Witness: f1823 manners, so that even now she
Witness: fThomas manners, so that even now she
Witness: f1831 manners, so that even now she
Witness: fMS manners, so that <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>even now she


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS very


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 often
Witness: f1823 often
Witness: fThomas often
Witness: f1831 often
Witness: fMS often


Reading Group: C11o_app70_rg1

Witness: fMS putsreminds

Reading Group: C11o_app70_rg2

Witness: f1818 reminds
Witness: f1823 reminds
Witness: fThomas reminds
Witness: f1831 reminds


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 me
Witness: f1823 me
Witness: fThomas me
Witness: f1831 me
Witness: fMS me


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS in mind


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of
Witness: f1823 of
Witness: fThomas of
Witness: f1831 of
Witness: fMS of


Reading Group: C11o_app74_rg1

Witness: fMS her. You did not observe all this, nor did I at the time but it struck me afterwards when I reflected on the subject. When

Reading Group: C11o_app74_rg2

Witness: f1818 her.<p/><p/>“When
Witness: f1823 her.<p/><p/>“When
Witness: fThomas her.<p/><p/>“When
Witness: f1831 her.<p/><p/>“When


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my dearest aunt
Witness: f1823 my dearest aunt
Witness: fThomas my dearest aunt
Witness: f1831 my dearest aunt
Witness: fMS my dearest Aunt


Reading Group: C11o_app76_rg1

Witness: fMS died

Reading Group: C11o_app76_rg2

Witness: f1818 died,
Witness: f1823 died,
Witness: fThomas died,
Witness: f1831 died,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 every
Witness: f1823 every
Witness: fThomas every
Witness: f1831 every
Witness: fMS every


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 one was too much occupied in their own
Witness: f1823 one was too much occupied in their own
Witness: fThomas one was too much occupied in their own
Witness: f1831 one was too much occupied in their own
Witness: fMS one was too much occupied in their own


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS grif


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 grief to notice poor
Witness: f1823 grief to notice poor
Witness: fThomas grief to notice poor
Witness: f1831 grief to notice poor
Witness: fMS grief to notice poor


Reading Group: C11o_app81_rg1

Witness: fMS Justine

Reading Group: C11o_app81_rg2

Witness: f1818 Justine,
Witness: f1823 Justine,
Witness: fThomas Justine,
Witness: f1831 Justine,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 who had attended her during her
Witness: f1823 who had attended her during her
Witness: fThomas who had attended her during her
Witness: f1831 who had attended her during her
Witness: fMS who had attended her during her


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS whole


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 illness with the
Witness: f1823 illness with the
Witness: fThomas illness with the
Witness: f1831 illness with the
Witness: fMS illness with the


Reading Group: C11o_app85_rg1

Witness: fMS greatest

Reading Group: C11o_app85_rg2

Witness: f1818 most anxious
Witness: f1823 most anxious
Witness: fThomas most anxious
Witness: f1831 most anxious


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 affection.
Witness: f1823 affection.
Witness: fThomas affection.
Witness: f1831 affection.
Witness: fMS affection.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Poor Justine was very
Witness: f1823 Poor Justine was very
Witness: fThomas Poor Justine was very
Witness: f1831 Poor Justine was very
Witness: fMS Poor Justine was very


Reading Group: C11o_app88_rg1

Witness: fMS ill

Reading Group: C11o_app88_rg2

Witness: f1818 ill;
Witness: f1823 ill;
Witness: fThomas ill;
Witness: f1831 ill;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but other
Witness: f1823 but other
Witness: fThomas but other
Witness: f1831 but other
Witness: fMS but other


Reading Group: C11o_app90_rg1

Witness: fMS tryals

Reading Group: C11o_app90_rg2

Witness: f1818 trials
Witness: f1823 trials
Witness: fThomas trials
Witness: f1831 trials


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 were reserved for
Witness: f1823 were reserved for
Witness: fThomas were reserved for
Witness: f1831 were reserved for
Witness: fMS were reserved for


Reading Group: C11o_app92_rg1

Witness: fMS her. One

Reading Group: C11o_app92_rg2

Witness: f1818 her.<p/><p/>“One
Witness: f1823 her.<p/><p/>“One
Witness: fThomas her.<p/><p/>“One
Witness: f1831 her.<p/><p/>“One


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 by
Witness: f1823 by
Witness: fThomas by
Witness: f1831 by
Witness: fMS by


Reading Group: C11o_app94_rg1

Witness: fMS one

Reading Group: C11o_app94_rg2

Witness: f1818 one,
Witness: f1823 one,
Witness: fThomas one,
Witness: f1831 one,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 her brothers and sister
Witness: f1823 her brothers and sister
Witness: fThomas her brothers and sister
Witness: f1831 her brothers and sister
Witness: fMS her brothers & sister


Reading Group: C11o_app96_rg1

Witness: fMS had died

Reading Group: C11o_app96_rg2

Witness: f1818 died;
Witness: f1823 died;
Witness: fThomas died;
Witness: f1831 died;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and her
Witness: f1823 and her
Witness: fThomas and her
Witness: f1831 and her
Witness: fMS and her


Reading Group: C11o_app98_rg1

Witness: fMS mother was now

Reading Group: C11o_app98_rg2

Witness: f1818 mother,
Witness: f1823 mother,
Witness: fThomas mother,
Witness: f1831 mother,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 with the exception of her neglected
Witness: f1823 with the exception of her neglected
Witness: fThomas with the exception of her neglected
Witness: f1831 with the exception of her neglected
Witness: fMS with the exception of her neglected


Reading Group: C11o_app100_rg1

Witness: fMS daugher was

Reading Group: C11o_app100_rg2

Witness: f1818 daughter, was
Witness: f1823 daughter, was
Witness: fThomas daughter, was
Witness: f1831 daughter, was


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 left childless. The
Witness: f1823 left childless. The
Witness: fThomas left childless. The
Witness: f1831 left childless. The
Witness: fMS left childless. The


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 conscience of the woman was
Witness: f1823 conscience of the woman was
Witness: fThomas conscience of the woman was
Witness: f1831 conscience of the woman was
Witness: fMS conscience of the woman was


Reading Group: C11o_app103_rg1

Witness: fMS troubled and

Reading Group: C11o_app103_rg2

Witness: f1818 troubled;
Witness: f1823 troubled;
Witness: fThomas troubled;
Witness: f1831 troubled;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 she began to think that the
Witness: f1823 she began to think that the
Witness: fThomas she began to think that the
Witness: f1831 she began to think that the
Witness: fMS she began to think that the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 deaths of her favourites was a
Witness: f1823 deaths of her favourites was a
Witness: fThomas deaths of her favourites was a
Witness: f1831 deaths of her favourites was a
Witness: fMS deaths of her favourites was a


Reading Group: C11o_app106_rg1

Witness: fMS judgement sentfrom

Reading Group: C11o_app106_rg2

Witness: f1818 judgment from
Witness: f1823 judgment from
Witness: fThomas judgment from
Witness: f1831 judgment from


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 heaven to
Witness: f1823 heaven to
Witness: fThomas heaven to
Witness: f1831 heaven to
Witness: fMS heaven to


Reading Group: C11o_app108_rg1

Witness: fMS punishchastise

Reading Group: C11o_app108_rg2

Witness: f1818 chastise
Witness: f1823 chastise
Witness: fThomas chastise
Witness: f1831 chastise


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 her
Witness: f1823 her
Witness: fThomas her
Witness: f1831 her
Witness: fMS her


Reading Group: C11o_app110_rg1

Witness: f1818 partiality.
Witness: f1823 partiality.
Witness: fThomas partiality.
Witness: f1831 partiality.

Reading Group: C11o_app110_rg2

Witness: fMS partiallinty


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 She was a Roman
Witness: f1823 She was a Roman
Witness: fThomas She was a Roman
Witness: f1831 She was a Roman
Witness: fMS she was a roman


Reading Group: C11o_app112_rg1

Witness: fMS Catholic

Reading Group: C11o_app112_rg2

Witness: f1818 Catholic;
Witness: f1823 Catholic;
Witness: fThomas Catholic;
Witness: f1831 catholic;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and I believe
Witness: f1823 and I believe
Witness: fThomas and I believe
Witness: f1831 and I believe
Witness: fMS and I believe


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 her confessor
Witness: f1823 her confessor
Witness: fThomas her confessor
Witness: f1831 her confessor
Witness: fMS her confessor


Reading Group: C11o_app115_rg1

Witness: f1818 confirmed
Witness: f1823 confirmed
Witness: fThomas confirmed
Witness: f1831 confirmed

Reading Group: C11o_app115_rg2

Witness: fMS encouraged


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fMS the


Reading Group: C11o_app117_rg1

Witness: f1818 idea which
Witness: f1823 idea which
Witness: fThomas idea which
Witness: f1831 idea which

Reading Group: C11o_app117_rg2

Witness: fMS idea<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>which


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 she had
Witness: f1823 she had
Witness: fThomas she had
Witness: f1831 she had
Witness: fMS she had


Reading Group: C11o_app119_rg1

Witness: f1818 conceived.
Witness: f1823 conceived.
Witness: fThomas conceived.
Witness: f1831 conceived.

Reading Group: C11o_app119_rg2

Witness: fMS concieved..


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Accordingly, a few months after your departure for Ingolstadt,
Witness: f1823 Accordingly, a few months after your departure for Ingolstadt,
Witness: fThomas Accordingly, a few months after your departure for Ingolstadt,
Witness: f1831 Accordingly, a few months after your departure for Ingolstadt,
Witness: fMS Accordingly, a few Months after your departure for iIngolstadt,


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS sh


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Justine was called
Witness: f1823 Justine was called
Witness: fThomas Justine was called
Witness: f1831 Justine was called
Witness: fMS Justine was called


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 home by her repentant mother. Poor
Witness: f1823 home by her repentant mother. Poor
Witness: fThomas home by her repentant mother. Poor
Witness: f1831 home by her repentant mother. Poor
Witness: fMS home by her repentant Mother. Poor


Reading Group: C11o_app124_rg1

Witness: fMS girl

Reading Group: C11o_app124_rg2

Witness: f1818 girl!
Witness: f1823 girl!
Witness: fThomas girl!
Witness: f1831 girl!


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 she wept when she quitted our
Witness: f1823 she wept when she quitted our
Witness: fThomas she wept when she quitted our
Witness: f1831 she wept when she quitted our
Witness: fMS she wept when she quitted our


Reading Group: C11o_app126_rg1

Witness: fMS house

Reading Group: C11o_app126_rg2

Witness: f1818 house:
Witness: fThomas house:

Reading Group: C11o_app126_rg3

Witness: f1823 house;
Witness: f1831 house;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 she was much altered since the death
Witness: f1823 she was much altered since the death
Witness: fThomas she was much altered since the death
Witness: f1831 she was much altered since the death
Witness: fMS she was much altered since the death


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of my
Witness: f1823 of my
Witness: fThomas of my
Witness: f1831 of my
Witness: fMS of my


Reading Group: C11o_app129_rg1

Witness: fMS aunt:

Reading Group: C11o_app129_rg2

Witness: f1818 aunt;
Witness: f1823 aunt;
Witness: fThomas aunt;
Witness: f1831 aunt;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 grief had given softness
Witness: f1823 grief had given softness
Witness: fThomas grief had given softness
Witness: f1831 grief had given softness
Witness: fMS grief had given softeness


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and a winning mildness to her
Witness: f1823 and a winning mildness to her
Witness: fThomas and a winning mildness to her
Witness: f1831 and a winning mildness to her
Witness: fMS and a winning mildness to her


Reading Group: C11o_app132_rg1

Witness: fMS manners

Reading Group: C11o_app132_rg2

Witness: f1818 manners,
Witness: f1823 manners,
Witness: fThomas manners,
Witness: f1831 manners,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 which had before been remarkable
Witness: f1823 which had before been remarkable
Witness: fThomas which had before been remarkable
Witness: f1831 which had before been remarkable
Witness: fMS which had before been remarkable


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 for vivacity. Nor
Witness: f1823 for vivacity. Nor
Witness: fThomas for vivacity. Nor
Witness: f1831 for vivacity. Nor
Witness: fMS for vivacity. Nor


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS did


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was her residence
Witness: f1823 was her residence
Witness: fThomas was her residence
Witness: f1831 was her residence
Witness: fMS was her residence


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 at her
Witness: f1823 at her
Witness: fThomas at her
Witness: f1831 at her
Witness: fMS at her


Reading Group: C11o_app138_rg1

Witness: fMS Mothers

Reading Group: C11o_app138_rg2

Witness: f1818 mother’s
Witness: f1823 mother’s
Witness: fThomas mother’s
Witness: f1831 mother’s


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 house of a nature to
Witness: f1823 house of a nature to
Witness: fThomas house of a nature to
Witness: f1831 house of a nature to
Witness: fMS house of a nature to


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 restore her gaiety. The poor
Witness: f1823 restore her gaiety. The poor
Witness: fThomas restore her gaiety. The poor
Witness: f1831 restore her gaiety. The poor
Witness: fMS restore her gaiety. The poor


Reading Group: C11o_app141_rg1

Witness: fMS fo wo man

Reading Group: C11o_app141_rg2

Witness: f1818 woman
Witness: f1823 woman
Witness: fThomas woman
Witness: f1831 woman


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was very vacillating in her
Witness: f1823 was very vacillating in her
Witness: fThomas was very vacillating in her
Witness: f1831 was very vacillating in her
Witness: fMS was very vacillating in her


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 repentance. She sometimes begged
Witness: f1823 repentance. She sometimes begged
Witness: fThomas repentance. She sometimes begged
Witness: f1831 repentance. She sometimes begged
Witness: fMS repentance. She sometimes begged


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Justine to forgive her
Witness: f1823 Justine to forgive her
Witness: fThomas Justine to forgive her
Witness: f1831 Justine to forgive her
Witness: fMS Justine to forgive her


Reading Group: C11o_app145_rg1

Witness: fMS unkindness

Reading Group: C11o_app145_rg2

Witness: f1818 unkindness,
Witness: f1823 unkindness,
Witness: fThomas unkindness,
Witness: f1831 unkindness,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but much
Witness: f1823 but much
Witness: fThomas but much
Witness: f1831 but much
Witness: fMS but much


Reading Group: C11o_app147_rg1

Witness: f1818 oftener
Witness: f1823 oftener
Witness: fThomas oftener
Witness: f1831 oftener

Reading Group: C11o_app147_rg2

Witness: fMS oftenor


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 accused her
Witness: f1823 accused her
Witness: fThomas accused her
Witness: f1831 accused her
Witness: fMS accused her


Reading Group: C11o_app149_rg1

Witness: fMS as

Reading Group: C11o_app149_rg2

Witness: f1818 of
Witness: f1823 of
Witness: fThomas of
Witness: f1831 of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 having caused the deaths of
Witness: f1823 having caused the deaths of
Witness: fThomas having caused the deaths of
Witness: f1831 having caused the deaths of
Witness: fMS having caused the deaths of


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS h


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 her
Witness: f1823 her
Witness: fThomas her
Witness: f1831 her
Witness: fMS her


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 brothers and sister. Perpetual fretting
Witness: f1823 brothers and sister. Perpetual fretting
Witness: fThomas brothers and sister. Perpetual fretting
Witness: f1831 brothers and sister. Perpetual fretting
Witness: fMS brothers & sister. Perpetual fretting


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 at
Witness: f1823 at
Witness: fThomas at
Witness: f1831 at
Witness: fMS at


Reading Group: C11o_app155_rg1

Witness: fMS last

Reading Group: C11o_app155_rg2

Witness: f1818 length
Witness: f1823 length
Witness: fThomas length
Witness: f1831 length


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 threw
Witness: f1823 threw
Witness: fThomas threw
Witness: f1831 threw
Witness: fMS threw


Reading Group: C11o_app157_rg1

Witness: fMS Mad. Martin

Reading Group: C11o_app157_rg2

Witness: f1818 Madame Moritz
Witness: f1823 Madame Moritz
Witness: fThomas Madame Moritz
Witness: f1831 Madame Moritz


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 into
Witness: f1823 into
Witness: fThomas into
Witness: f1831 into
Witness: fMS into


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a decline, which at first
Witness: f1823 a decline, which at first
Witness: fThomas a decline, which at first
Witness: f1831 a decline, which at first
Witness: fMS a decline, which at first


Reading Group: C11o_app160_rg1

Witness: fMS encreased

Reading Group: C11o_app160_rg2

Witness: f1818 increased
Witness: f1823 increased
Witness: fThomas increased
Witness: f1831 increased


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 her irritability, but she is now at
Witness: f1823 her irritability, but she is now at
Witness: fThomas her irritability, but she is now at
Witness: f1831 her irritability, but she is now at
Witness: fMS her irritability, but she is now at


Reading Group: C11o_app162_rg1

Witness: fMS rest

Reading Group: C11o_app162_rg2

Witness: f1818 peace
Witness: f1823 peace
Witness: fThomas peace
Witness: f1831 peace


Reading Group: C11o_app163_rg1

Witness: f1818 for
Witness: f1823 for
Witness: fThomas for
Witness: fMS for

Reading Group: C11o_app163_rg2

Witness: f1831 forever.


Reading Group: C11o_app164_rg1

Witness: f1818 ever.
Witness: f1823 ever.
Witness: fThomas ever.

Reading Group: C11o_app164_rg2

Witness: fMS ever; forS


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 She
Witness: f1823 She
Witness: fThomas She
Witness: f1831 She
Witness: fMS she


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS did


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 died
Witness: f1823 died
Witness: fThomas died
Witness: f1831 died
Witness: fMS died


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 on the first approach of cold
Witness: f1823 on the first approach of cold
Witness: fThomas on the first approach of cold
Witness: f1831 on the first approach of cold
Witness: fMS on the first approach of cold


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 weather,
Witness: f1823 weather,
Witness: fThomas weather,
Witness: f1831 weather,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 at
Witness: f1823 at
Witness: fThomas at
Witness: f1831 at
Witness: fMS at


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the beginning of
Witness: f1823 the beginning of
Witness: fThomas the beginning of
Witness: f1831 the beginning of
Witness: fMS the beginning of


Reading Group: C11o_app172_rg1

Witness: f1818 this last winter.
Witness: f1823 this last winter.
Witness: fThomas this last winter.
Witness: f1831 this last winter.

Reading Group: C11o_app172_rg2

Witness: fMS theis<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>last winter that has just passed.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Justine has
Witness: f1823 Justine has
Witness: fThomas Justine has
Witness: f1831 Justine has
Witness: fMS Justine has


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 returned to
Witness: f1823 returned to
Witness: fThomas returned to
Witness: f1831 returned to
Witness: fMS returned to


Reading Group: C11o_app175_rg1

Witness: fMS us

Reading Group: C11o_app175_rg2

Witness: f1818 us;
Witness: f1823 us;
Witness: fThomas us;
Witness: f1831 us;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and I assure you
Witness: f1823 and I assure you
Witness: fThomas and I assure you
Witness: f1831 and I assure you
Witness: fMS and I assure you


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I love her tenderly. She is very clever
Witness: f1823 I love her tenderly. She is very clever
Witness: fThomas I love her tenderly. She is very clever
Witness: f1831 I love her tenderly. She is very clever
Witness: fMS I love her tenderly. She is very clever


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fMS and


Reading Group: C11o_app179_rg1

Witness: fMS extremely mild

Reading Group: C11o_app179_rg2

Witness: f1818 gentle,
Witness: f1823 gentle,
Witness: fThomas gentle,
Witness: f1831 gentle,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fMS &


Reading Group: C11o_app181_rg1

Witness: f1818 extremely pretty;
Witness: f1823 extremely pretty;
Witness: fThomas extremely pretty;
Witness: f1831 extremely pretty;

Reading Group: C11o_app181_rg2

Witness: fMS pretty and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 as
Witness: f1823 as
Witness: fThomas as
Witness: f1831 as
Witness: fMS as


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I mentioned
Witness: f1823 I mentioned
Witness: fThomas I mentioned
Witness: f1831 I mentioned
Witness: fMS I mentioned


Reading Group: C11o_app184_rg1

Witness: fMS before sheis

Reading Group: C11o_app184_rg2

Witness: f1818 before,
Witness: f1823 before,
Witness: fThomas before,
Witness: f1831 before,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 her
Witness: f1823 her
Witness: fThomas her
Witness: f1831 her
Witness: fMS her


Reading Group: C11o_app186_rg1

Witness: fMS airmein

Reading Group: C11o_app186_rg2

Witness: f1818 mien
Witness: f1823 mien
Witness: fThomas mien
Witness: f1831 mien


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and her expressions
Witness: f1823 and her expressions
Witness: fThomas and her expressions
Witness: f1831 and her expressions
Witness: fMS and her expressions


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS are


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 continually remind me
Witness: f1823 continually remind me
Witness: fThomas continually remind me
Witness: f1831 continually remind me
Witness: fMS continually remind me


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of my dear
Witness: f1823 of my dear
Witness: fThomas of my dear
Witness: f1831 of my dear
Witness: fMS of my dear


Reading Group: C11o_app191_rg1

Witness: fMS Aunt.And I

Reading Group: C11o_app191_rg2

Witness: f1818 aunt.<p/><p/>“I
Witness: f1823 aunt.<p/><p/>“I
Witness: fThomas aunt.<p/><p/>“I
Witness: f1831 aunt.<p/><p/>“I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 must say
Witness: f1823 must say
Witness: fThomas must say
Witness: f1831 must say
Witness: fMS must say


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 also
Witness: f1823 also
Witness: fThomas also
Witness: f1831 also


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a few words to
Witness: f1823 a few words to
Witness: fThomas a few words to
Witness: f1831 a few words to
Witness: fMS a few words to


Reading Group: C11o_app195_rg1

Witness: fMS you also,

Reading Group: C11o_app195_rg2

Witness: f1818 you,
Witness: f1823 you,
Witness: fThomas you,
Witness: f1831 you,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my dear
Witness: f1823 my dear
Witness: fThomas my dear
Witness: f1831 my dear
Witness: fMS My dear


Reading Group: C11o_app197_rg1

Witness: f1818 cousin,
Witness: f1823 cousin,
Witness: fThomas cousin,
Witness: f1831 cousin,

Reading Group: C11o_app197_rg2

Witness: fMS Victor,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of little darling
Witness: f1823 of little darling
Witness: fThomas of little darling
Witness: f1831 of little darling
Witness: fMS of little darling


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 William. I wish you could see
Witness: f1823 William. I wish you could see
Witness: fThomas William. I wish you could see
Witness: f1831 William. I wish you could see
Witness: fMS William. I wish you could see


Reading Group: C11o_app200_rg1

Witness: fMS him.

Reading Group: C11o_app200_rg2

Witness: f1818 him;
Witness: f1823 him;
Witness: fThomas him;
Witness: f1831 him;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 he
Witness: f1823 he
Witness: fThomas he
Witness: f1831 he
Witness: fMS He


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 is very tall of his
Witness: f1823 is very tall of his
Witness: fThomas is very tall of his
Witness: f1831 is very tall of his
Witness: fMS is very tall of his


Reading Group: C11o_app203_rg1

Witness: fMS age

Reading Group: C11o_app203_rg2

Witness: f1818 age,
Witness: f1823 age,
Witness: fThomas age,
Witness: f1831 age,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 with sweet laughing
Witness: f1823 with sweet laughing
Witness: fThomas with sweet laughing
Witness: f1831 with sweet laughing
Witness: fMS with sweet laughing


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 blue
Witness: f1823 blue
Witness: fThomas blue
Witness: f1831 blue
Witness: fMS blue


Reading Group: C11o_app206_rg1

Witness: fMS eyes and

Reading Group: C11o_app206_rg2

Witness: f1818 eyes,
Witness: f1823 eyes,
Witness: fThomas eyes,
Witness: f1831 eyes,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 dark
Witness: f1823 dark
Witness: fThomas dark
Witness: f1831 dark
Witness: fMS dark


Reading Group: C11o_app208_rg1

Witness: f1818 eye-lashes,
Witness: f1823 eye-lashes,
Witness: fThomas eye-lashes,
Witness: f1831 eye-lashes,

Reading Group: C11o_app208_rg2

Witness: fMS eyelashes


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and curling
Witness: f1823 and curling
Witness: fThomas and curling
Witness: f1831 and curling
Witness: fMS and curling


Reading Group: C11o_app210_rg1

Witness: fMS hair

Reading Group: C11o_app210_rg2

Witness: f1818 hair.
Witness: f1823 hair.
Witness: fThomas hair.
Witness: f1831 hair.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 When he
Witness: f1823 When he
Witness: fThomas When he
Witness: f1831 When he
Witness: fMS When he


Reading Group: C11o_app212_rg1

Witness: fMS smiles

Reading Group: C11o_app212_rg2

Witness: f1818 smiles,
Witness: f1823 smiles,
Witness: fThomas smiles,
Witness: f1831 smiles,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 two little dimples
Witness: f1823 two little dimples
Witness: fThomas two little dimples
Witness: f1831 two little dimples
Witness: fMS two little dimples


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 appear on
Witness: f1823 appear on
Witness: fThomas appear on
Witness: f1831 appear on
Witness: fMS appear on


Reading Group: C11o_app215_rg1

Witness: f1818 each cheek,
Witness: f1823 each cheek,
Witness: fThomas each cheek,
Witness: f1831 each cheek,

Reading Group: C11o_app215_rg2

Witness: fMS his cheeks


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 which are rosy
Witness: f1823 which are rosy
Witness: fThomas which are rosy
Witness: f1831 which are rosy
Witness: fMS which are rosy


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 with
Witness: f1823 with
Witness: fThomas with
Witness: f1831 with
Witness: fMS with


Reading Group: C11o_app218_rg1

Witness: fMS health — his chin comes down in a beautiful oval a After this description I can only say what our visitors say a thousand times a day–'He is too pretty for a boy'.<metamark function="displacement" xml:id="c56-0063.03">X</metamark>

Reading Group: C11o_app218_rg2

Witness: f1818 health.
Witness: f1823 health.
Witness: fThomas health.
Witness: f1831 health.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 He has already
Witness: f1823 He has already
Witness: fThomas He has already
Witness: f1831 He has already
Witness: fMS He has already


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 had one or two
Witness: f1823 had one or two
Witness: fThomas had one or two
Witness: f1831 had one or two
Witness: fMS had one or two


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 little
Witness: f1823 little
Witness: fThomas little
Witness: f1831 little
Witness: fMS little


Reading Group: C11o_app222_rg1

Witness: fMS <shi rend="underline">wives</shi>

Reading Group: C11o_app222_rg2

Witness: f1818 <hi/>wives<hi/>,
Witness: f1823 <hi/>wives<hi/>,
Witness: fThomas <hi/>wives<hi/>,
Witness: f1831 <hi/>wives<hi/>,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but Louisa
Witness: f1823 but Louisa
Witness: fThomas but Louisa
Witness: f1831 but Louisa
Witness: fMS but Louisa


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS MCaln


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Biron is his
Witness: f1823 Biron is his
Witness: fThomas Biron is his
Witness: f1831 Biron is his
Witness: fMS Biron is his


Reading Group: C11o_app226_rg1

Witness: f1818 favourite,
Witness: f1823 favourite,
Witness: fThomas favourite,
Witness: f1831 favourite,

Reading Group: C11o_app226_rg2

Witness: fMS favourite–


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a pretty little
Witness: f1823 a pretty little
Witness: fThomas a pretty little
Witness: f1831 a pretty little
Witness: fMS a pretty little


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 girl of five years
Witness: f1823 girl of five years
Witness: fThomas girl of five years
Witness: f1831 girl of five years
Witness: fMS girl of five years


Reading Group: C11o_app229_rg1

Witness: f1818 of age.<p/><p/>“Now,
Witness: f1823 of age.<p/><p/>“Now,
Witness: fThomas of age.<p/><p/>“Now,
Witness: f1831 of age.<p/><p/>“Now,

Reading Group: C11o_app229_rg2

Witness: fMS old toMiss Mansfeld Now,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 dear
Witness: f1823 dear
Witness: fThomas dear
Witness: f1831 dear
Witness: fMS dear


Reading Group: C11o_app231_rg1

Witness: fMS Victor

Reading Group: C11o_app231_rg2

Witness: f1818 Victor,
Witness: f1823 Victor,
Witness: fThomas Victor,
Witness: f1831 Victor,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I dare say
Witness: f1823 I dare say
Witness: fThomas I dare say
Witness: f1831 I dare say
Witness: fMS I dare say


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 you wish to be indulged in a little
Witness: f1823 you wish to be indulged in a little
Witness: fThomas you wish to be indulged in a little
Witness: f1831 you wish to be indulged in a little
Witness: fMS you wish to be indulged in a little


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 gossip
Witness: f1823 gossip
Witness: fThomas gossip
Witness: f1831 gossip
Witness: fMS gossip


Reading Group: C11o_app236_rg1

Witness: fMS about your acquaintance.

Reading Group: C11o_app236_rg2

Witness: f1818 concerning the good people of Geneva.
Witness: f1823 concerning the good people of Geneva.
Witness: fThomas concerning the good people of Geneva.
Witness: f1831 concerning the good people of Geneva.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 The
Witness: f1823 The
Witness: fThomas The
Witness: f1831 The
Witness: fMS The


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 pretty Miss
Witness: f1823 pretty Miss
Witness: fThomas pretty Miss
Witness: f1831 pretty Miss
Witness: fMS pretty Miss


Reading Group: C11o_app239_rg1

Witness: fMS Mansfeld

Reading Group: C11o_app239_rg2

Witness: f1818 Mansfield
Witness: f1823 Mansfield
Witness: fThomas Mansfield
Witness: f1831 Mansfield


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 has already received
Witness: f1823 has already received
Witness: fThomas has already received
Witness: f1831 has already received
Witness: fMS has already received


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS onher


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the congratulatory visits on her
Witness: f1823 the congratulatory visits on her
Witness: fThomas the congratulatory visits on her
Witness: f1831 the congratulatory visits on her
Witness: fMS the congratulatory visits on her


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 approaching marriage with a young
Witness: f1823 approaching marriage with a young
Witness: fThomas approaching marriage with a young
Witness: f1831 approaching marriage with a young
Witness: fMS approaching marriage with a young


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Englishman, John
Witness: f1823 Englishman, John
Witness: fThomas Englishman, John
Witness: f1831 Englishman, John
Witness: fMS Englishman, John


Reading Group: C11o_app245_rg1

Witness: fMS MebourneMelbourne

Reading Group: C11o_app245_rg2

Witness: f1818 Melbourne,
Witness: f1823 Melbourne,
Witness: fThomas Melbourne,
Witness: f1831 Melbourne,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Esq. Her ugly
Witness: f1823 Esq. Her ugly
Witness: fThomas Esq. Her ugly
Witness: f1831 Esq. Her ugly
Witness: fMS Esq. Her ugly


Reading Group: C11o_app247_rg1

Witness: fMS sister Manon

Reading Group: C11o_app247_rg2

Witness: f1818 sister, Manon,
Witness: f1823 sister, Manon,
Witness: fThomas sister, Manon,
Witness: f1831 sister, Manon,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 married M.
Witness: f1823 married M.
Witness: fThomas married M.
Witness: f1831 married M.
Witness: fMS married M.


Reading Group: C11o_app249_rg1

Witness: f1818 Duvillard,
Witness: f1823 Duvillard,
Witness: fThomas Duvillard,
Witness: f1831 Duvillard,

Reading Group: C11o_app249_rg2

Witness: fMS Hofland


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the rich
Witness: f1823 the rich
Witness: fThomas the rich
Witness: f1831 the rich
Witness: fMS the rich


Reading Group: C11o_app251_rg1

Witness: fMS banker

Reading Group: C11o_app251_rg2

Witness: f1818 banker,
Witness: f1823 banker,
Witness: fThomas banker,
Witness: f1831 banker,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 last
Witness: f1823 last
Witness: fThomas last
Witness: f1831 last
Witness: fMS last


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 autumn. Your favourite
Witness: f1823 autumn. Your favourite
Witness: fThomas autumn. Your favourite
Witness: f1831 autumn. Your favourite
Witness: fMS autumn. Your favourite


Reading Group: C11o_app254_rg1

Witness: fMS schoolfellow

Reading Group: C11o_app254_rg2

Witness: f1818 schoolfellow,
Witness: f1823 schoolfellow,
Witness: fThomas schoolfellow,
Witness: f1831 schoolfellow,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Louis
Witness: f1823 Louis
Witness: fThomas Louis
Witness: f1831 Louis
Witness: fMS Louis


Reading Group: C11o_app256_rg1

Witness: fMS Manoir ma

Reading Group: C11o_app256_rg2

Witness: f1818 Manoir,
Witness: f1823 Manoir,
Witness: fThomas Manoir,
Witness: f1831 Manoir,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 has suffered several
Witness: f1823 has suffered several
Witness: fThomas has suffered several
Witness: f1831 has suffered several
Witness: fMS has suffered several


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 misfortunes
Witness: f1823 misfortunes
Witness: fThomas misfortunes
Witness: f1831 misfortunes
Witness: fMS misfortunes


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS d


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 since the departure
Witness: f1823 since the departure
Witness: fThomas since the departure
Witness: f1831 since the departure
Witness: fMS since the departure


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of Clerval from
Witness: f1823 of Clerval from
Witness: fThomas of Clerval from
Witness: f1831 of Clerval from
Witness: fMS of Clerval from


Reading Group: C11o_app262_rg1

Witness: fMS Geneva b

Reading Group: C11o_app262_rg2

Witness: f1818 Geneva.
Witness: f1823 Geneva.
Witness: fThomas Geneva.
Witness: f1831 Geneva.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 But he
Witness: f1823 But he
Witness: fThomas But he
Witness: f1831 But he
Witness: fMS But he


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 has
Witness: f1823 has
Witness: fThomas has
Witness: f1831 has
Witness: fMS has


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS atready


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 already recovered his
Witness: f1823 already recovered his
Witness: fThomas already recovered his
Witness: f1831 already recovered his
Witness: fMS already recovered his


Reading Group: C11o_app267_rg1

Witness: fMS spirits

Reading Group: C11o_app267_rg2

Witness: f1818 spirits,
Witness: f1823 spirits,
Witness: fThomas spirits,
Witness: f1831 spirits,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fMS and


Reading Group: C11o_app269_rg1

Witness: fMS he

Reading Group: C11o_app269_rg2

Witness: f1818 is
Witness: f1823 is
Witness: fThomas is
Witness: f1831 is


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 reported to
Witness: f1823 reported to
Witness: fThomas reported to
Witness: f1831 reported to
Witness: fMS reported to


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS m


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 be on the point
Witness: f1823 be on the point
Witness: fThomas be on the point
Witness: f1831 be on the point
Witness: fMS be on the point


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of marrying a very lively pretty
Witness: f1823 of marrying a very lively pretty
Witness: fThomas of marrying a very lively pretty
Witness: f1831 of marrying a very lively pretty
Witness: fMS of marrying a very lively pretty


Reading Group: C11o_app274_rg1

Witness: fMS french woman— Mad. Tavernier –She

Reading Group: C11o_app274_rg2

Witness: f1818 Frenchwoman, Madame Tavernier. She
Witness: f1823 Frenchwoman, Madame Tavernier. She
Witness: fThomas Frenchwoman, Madame Tavernier. She
Witness: f1831 Frenchwoman, Madame Tavernier. She


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 is a
Witness: f1823 is a
Witness: fThomas is a
Witness: f1831 is a
Witness: fMS is a


Reading Group: C11o_app276_rg1

Witness: fMS widow

Reading Group: C11o_app276_rg2

Witness: f1818 widow,
Witness: f1823 widow,
Witness: fThomas widow,
Witness: f1831 widow,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and much older than
Witness: f1823 and much older than
Witness: fThomas and much older than
Witness: f1831 and much older than
Witness: fMS and much older than


Reading Group: C11o_app278_rg1

Witness: fMS Manoir

Reading Group: C11o_app278_rg2

Witness: f1818 Manoir;
Witness: f1823 Manoir;
Witness: fThomas Manoir;
Witness: f1831 Manoir;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but
Witness: f1823 but
Witness: fThomas but
Witness: f1831 but
Witness: fMS but


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 she is
Witness: f1823 she is
Witness: fThomas she is
Witness: f1831 she is
Witness: fMS she is


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 very
Witness: f1823 very
Witness: fThomas very
Witness: f1831 very


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 much
Witness: f1823 much
Witness: fThomas much
Witness: f1831 much
Witness: fMS much


Reading Group: C11o_app283_rg1

Witness: fMS adv admired

Reading Group: C11o_app283_rg2

Witness: f1818 admired,
Witness: f1823 admired,
Witness: fThomas admired,
Witness: f1831 admired,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and a
Witness: f1823 and a
Witness: fThomas and a
Witness: f1831 and a
Witness: fMS and a


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 favourite with
Witness: f1823 favourite with
Witness: fThomas favourite with
Witness: f1831 favourite with
Witness: fMS favourite with


Reading Group: C11o_app286_rg1

Witness: f1818 every
Witness: f1823 every
Witness: fThomas every
Witness: fMS every

Reading Group: C11o_app286_rg2

Witness: f1831 everybody.<p/><p/>“I


Reading Group: C11o_app287_rg1

Witness: fMS body. I

Reading Group: C11o_app287_rg2

Witness: f1818 body.<p/><p/>“I
Witness: f1823 body.<p/><p/>“I
Witness: fThomas body.<p/><p/>“I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 have written myself into
Witness: f1823 have written myself into
Witness: fThomas have written myself into
Witness: f1831 have written myself into
Witness: fMS have written myself into


Reading Group: C11o_app289_rg1

Witness: f1831 better

Reading Group: C11o_app289_rg2

Witness: f1818 good
Witness: f1823 good
Witness: fThomas good
Witness: fMS good


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 spirits, dear
Witness: f1823 spirits, dear
Witness: fThomas spirits, dear
Witness: f1831 spirits, dear
Witness: fMS spirits, dear


Reading Group: C11o_app291_rg1

Witness: fMS Cousin

Reading Group: C11o_app291_rg2

Witness: f1818 cousin;
Witness: f1823 cousin;
Witness: fThomas cousin;
Witness: f1831 cousin;


Reading Group: C11o_app292_rg1

Witness: f1831 but my anxiety returns upon me as I conclude. Write, dearest Victor,—one line—one word will be a blessing to us. Ten thousand thanks to Henry for his kindness, his affection, and his many letters: we are sincerely grateful. Adieu! my cousin; take care of yourself; and, I entreat you, write!<p/><p/>“E<hi/>LIZABETH<hi/>

Reading Group: C11o_app292_rg2

Witness: f1818 yet I
Witness: f1823 yet I
Witness: fThomas yet I
Witness: fMS yet I


Reading Group: C11o_app293_rg1

Witness: fMS can not

Reading Group: C11o_app293_rg2

Witness: f1818 cannot
Witness: f1823 cannot
Witness: fThomas cannot


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 conclude
Witness: f1823 conclude
Witness: fThomas conclude
Witness: fMS conclude


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 without again anxiously
Witness: f1823 without again anxiously
Witness: fThomas without again anxiously
Witness: fMS without again anxiously


Reading Group: C11o_app296_rg1

Witness: fMS enquiring

Reading Group: C11o_app296_rg2

Witness: f1818 inquiring
Witness: f1823 inquiring
Witness: fThomas inquiring


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 concerning your
Witness: f1823 concerning your
Witness: fThomas concerning your
Witness: fMS concerning your


Reading Group: C11o_app298_rg1

Witness: f1818 health.
Witness: f1823 health.
Witness: fThomas health.

Reading Group: C11o_app298_rg2

Witness: fMS health—


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Dear Victor, if
Witness: f1823 Dear Victor, if
Witness: fThomas Dear Victor, if
Witness: fMS Dear Victor, if


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 you are not very
Witness: f1823 you are not very
Witness: fThomas you are not very
Witness: fMS you are not very


Reading Group: C11o_app301_rg1

Witness: fMS ill

Reading Group: C11o_app301_rg2

Witness: f1818 ill,
Witness: f1823 ill,
Witness: fThomas ill,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 write
Witness: f1823 write
Witness: fThomas write
Witness: fMS write


Reading Group: C11o_app303_rg1

Witness: fMS yourself

Reading Group: C11o_app303_rg2

Witness: f1818 yourself,
Witness: f1823 yourself,
Witness: fThomas yourself,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and make your father and all
Witness: f1823 and make your father and all
Witness: fThomas and make your father and all
Witness: fMS and make your father and all


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of us
Witness: f1823 of us
Witness: fThomas of us
Witness: fMS of us


Reading Group: C11o_app306_rg1

Witness: fMS happy or— I

Reading Group: C11o_app306_rg2

Witness: f1818 happy; or——I
Witness: f1823 happy; or——I
Witness: fThomas happy; or——I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 cannot bear to
Witness: f1823 cannot bear to
Witness: fThomas cannot bear to
Witness: fMS cannot bear to


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 think
Witness: f1823 think
Witness: fThomas think
Witness: fMS think


Reading Group: C11o_app309_rg1

Witness: f1818 of
Witness: f1823 of
Witness: fThomas of

Reading Group: C11o_app309_rg2

Witness: fMS of<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>on


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: fMS the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 other side
Witness: f1823 other side
Witness: fThomas other side
Witness: fMS other side


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of the
Witness: f1823 of the
Witness: fThomas of the
Witness: fMS of the


Reading Group: C11o_app313_rg1

Witness: fMS question

Reading Group: C11o_app313_rg2

Witness: f1818 question;
Witness: f1823 question;
Witness: fThomas question;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my tears already
Witness: f1823 my tears already
Witness: fThomas my tears already
Witness: fMS my tears already


Reading Group: C11o_app315_rg1

Witness: fMS flow Your very affectionate Cousin dearrest – dearest Victor<metamark function="separate">)</metamark> Elizabeth Lavenza write–

Reading Group: C11o_app315_rg2

Witness: f1818 flow. Adieu, my dearest cousin.<p/><p/>“E<hi/>LIZABETH<hi/>
Witness: f1823 flow. Adieu, my dearest cousin.<p/><p/>“E<hi/>LIZABETH<hi/>
Witness: fThomas flow. Adieu, my dearest cousin.<p/><p/>“E<hi/>LIZABETH<hi/>


Reading Group: C11o_app316_rg1

Witness: f1818 L<hi/>AVENZA<hi/>.<p/><p/>“Geneva,
Witness: fThomas L<hi/>AVENZA<hi/>.<p/><p/>“Geneva,
Witness: f1831 L<hi/>AVENZA<hi/>.<p/><p/>“Geneva,

Reading Group: C11o_app316_rg2

Witness: f1823 L<hi/>AVENZA<hi/>.<p/><p/> “Geneva,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 March 18th,
Witness: f1823 March 18th,
Witness: fThomas March 18th,
Witness: f1831 March 18th,


Reading Group: C11o_app318_rg1

Witness: f1818 17—.”<p/>
Witness: f1831 17—.”<p/>

Reading Group: C11o_app318_rg2

Witness: fThomas 17—.”<p/><note/>This letter ought to be re-written.<note/>

Reading Group: C11o_app318_rg3

Witness: f1823 17—.<p/>


Reading Group: C12a_app1_rg1

Witness: f1818 <p/>“Dear,
Witness: f1823 <p/>“Dear,
Witness: fThomas <p/>“Dear,
Witness: f1831 <p/>“Dear,

Reading Group: C12a_app1_rg2

Witness: fMS "Dear,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 dear
Witness: f1823 dear
Witness: fThomas dear
Witness: f1831 dear
Witness: fMS dear


Reading Group: C12a_app3_rg1

Witness: f1818 Elizabeth!”
Witness: f1823 Elizabeth!”
Witness: fThomas Elizabeth!”
Witness: f1831 Elizabeth!”

Reading Group: C12a_app3_rg2

Witness: fMS Elizabeth"


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fMS I


Reading Group: C12a_app5_rg1

Witness: f1818 exclaimed
Witness: f1823 exclaimed
Witness: fThomas exclaimed
Witness: fMS exclaimed

Reading Group: C12a_app5_rg2

Witness: f1831 exclaimed,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 when I had read her
Witness: f1823 when I had read her
Witness: fThomas when I had read her
Witness: f1831 when I had read her
Witness: fMS when I had read her


Reading Group: C12a_app7_rg1

Witness: fMS letter"–I

Reading Group: C12a_app7_rg2

Witness: f1818 letter, “I
Witness: f1823 letter, “I
Witness: fThomas letter, “I
Witness: f1831 letter, “I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 will write
Witness: f1823 will write
Witness: fThomas will write
Witness: f1831 will write
Witness: fMS will write


Reading Group: C12a_app9_rg1

Witness: fMS instantly

Reading Group: C12a_app9_rg2

Witness: f1818 instantly,
Witness: f1823 instantly,
Witness: fThomas instantly,
Witness: f1831 instantly,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and relieve them from the
Witness: f1823 and relieve them from the
Witness: fThomas and relieve them from the
Witness: f1831 and relieve them from the
Witness: fMS and relieve them from the


Reading Group: C12a_app11_rg1

Witness: fMS great pain

Reading Group: C12a_app11_rg2

Witness: f1818 anxiety
Witness: f1823 anxiety
Witness: fThomas anxiety
Witness: f1831 anxiety


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 they must
Witness: f1823 they must
Witness: fThomas they must
Witness: f1831 they must
Witness: fMS they must


Reading Group: C12a_app13_rg1

Witness: f1818 feel.”
Witness: f1823 feel.”
Witness: fThomas feel.”
Witness: f1831 feel.”

Reading Group: C12a_app13_rg2

Witness: fMS feel."


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I wrote, and this exertion greatly
Witness: f1823 I wrote, and this exertion greatly
Witness: fThomas I wrote, and this exertion greatly
Witness: f1831 I wrote, and this exertion greatly
Witness: fMS I wrote, and this exertion greatly


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 fatigued me; but my convalescence
Witness: f1823 fatigued me; but my convalescence
Witness: fThomas fatigued me; but my convalescence
Witness: f1831 fatigued me; but my convalescence
Witness: fMS fatigued me; byut my convalescence


Reading Group: C12a_app16_rg1

Witness: fMS washad commenced

Reading Group: C12a_app16_rg2

Witness: f1818 had commenced,
Witness: f1823 had commenced,
Witness: fThomas had commenced,
Witness: f1831 had commenced,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fMS and


Reading Group: C12a_app18_rg1

Witness: fMS went onproceeded regularly–in

Reading Group: C12a_app18_rg2

Witness: f1818 proceeded regularly. In
Witness: f1823 proceeded regularly. In
Witness: fThomas proceeded regularly. In
Witness: f1831 proceeded regularly. In


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 another fortnight I was able to
Witness: f1823 another fortnight I was able to
Witness: fThomas another fortnight I was able to
Witness: f1831 another fortnight I was able to
Witness: fMS another fortnight I was able to


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 leave my
Witness: f1823 leave my
Witness: fThomas leave my
Witness: f1831 leave my
Witness: fMS leave my


Reading Group: C12a_app21_rg1

Witness: fMS chamber. <metamark function="separate">______</metamark>Chap. 8<shi rend="sup"></shi> one

Reading Group: C12a_app21_rg2

Witness: f1818 chamber.<p/><p/>One
Witness: f1823 chamber.<p/><p/>One
Witness: fThomas chamber.<p/><p/>One
Witness: f1831 chamber.<p/><p/>One


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of my first duties on my recovery was
Witness: f1823 of my first duties on my recovery was
Witness: fThomas of my first duties on my recovery was
Witness: f1831 of my first duties on my recovery was
Witness: fMS of my first duties on my recovery was


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to introduce Clerval to the several professors of
Witness: f1823 to introduce Clerval to the several professors of
Witness: fThomas to introduce Clerval to the several professors of
Witness: f1831 to introduce Clerval to the several professors of
Witness: fMS to introduce Clerval to the <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>several professors of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the university.
Witness: f1823 the university.
Witness: fThomas the university.
Witness: f1831 the university.
Witness: fMS the university.


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS And


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 In doing
Witness: f1823 In doing
Witness: fThomas In doing
Witness: f1831 In doing
Witness: fMS in doing


Reading Group: C12a_app27_rg1

Witness: fMS this

Reading Group: C12a_app27_rg2

Witness: f1818 this,
Witness: f1823 this,
Witness: fThomas this,
Witness: f1831 this,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fMS I


Reading Group: C12a_app29_rg1

Witness: fMS under went torments

Reading Group: C12a_app29_rg2

Witness: f1818 underwent
Witness: f1823 underwent
Witness: fThomas underwent
Witness: f1831 underwent


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a kind of rough
Witness: f1823 a kind of rough
Witness: fThomas a kind of rough
Witness: f1831 a kind of rough
Witness: fMS a kind of rough


Reading Group: C12a_app31_rg1

Witness: fMS usage that

Reading Group: C12a_app31_rg2

Witness: f1818 usage,
Witness: f1823 usage,
Witness: fThomas usage,
Witness: f1831 usage,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 ill
Witness: f1823 ill
Witness: fThomas ill
Witness: f1831 ill
Witness: fMS ill


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS befitten


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 befitting the wounds that my mind had sustained. Ever since the
Witness: f1823 befitting the wounds that my mind had sustained. Ever since the
Witness: fThomas befitting the wounds that my mind had sustained. Ever since the
Witness: f1831 befitting the wounds that my mind had sustained. Ever since the
Witness: fMS befitteding the wounds that my mind had sustained. Ever since the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 fatal
Witness: f1823 fatal
Witness: fThomas fatal
Witness: f1831 fatal
Witness: fMS fatal


Reading Group: C12a_app36_rg1

Witness: fMS night –

Reading Group: C12a_app36_rg2

Witness: f1818 night,
Witness: f1823 night,
Witness: fThomas night,
Witness: f1831 night,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the end of my
Witness: f1823 the end of my
Witness: fThomas the end of my
Witness: f1831 the end of my
Witness: fMS the end of my


Reading Group: C12a_app38_rg1

Witness: fMS labours

Reading Group: C12a_app38_rg2

Witness: f1818 labours,
Witness: f1823 labours,
Witness: fThomas labours,
Witness: f1831 labours,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and the beginning of my
Witness: f1823 and the beginning of my
Witness: fThomas and the beginning of my
Witness: f1831 and the beginning of my
Witness: fMS & the beginning of my


Reading Group: C12a_app40_rg1

Witness: fMS misfortunes (

Reading Group: C12a_app40_rg2

Witness: f1818 misfortunes,
Witness: f1823 misfortunes,
Witness: fThomas misfortunes,
Witness: f1831 misfortunes,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I had
Witness: f1823 I had
Witness: fThomas I had
Witness: f1831 I had
Witness: fMS I had


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 conceived a violent antipathy even to
Witness: f1823 conceived a violent antipathy even to
Witness: fThomas conceived a violent antipathy even to
Witness: f1831 conceived a violent antipathy even to
Witness: fMS conceived a violent antipathy even to


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the name of
Witness: f1823 the name of
Witness: fThomas the name of
Witness: f1831 the name of
Witness: fMS the name of


Reading Group: C12a_app44_rg1

Witness: fMS ChChemistryNatural

Reading Group: C12a_app44_rg2

Witness: f1818 natural
Witness: f1823 natural
Witness: fThomas natural
Witness: f1831 natural


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 philosophy. When I was otherwise quite restored to
Witness: f1823 philosophy. When I was otherwise quite restored to
Witness: fThomas philosophy. When I was otherwise quite restored to
Witness: f1831 philosophy. When I was otherwise quite restored to
Witness: fMS Philosophy. When I was otherwise quite restored to


Reading Group: C12a_app46_rg1

Witness: f1823 health
Witness: fMS health

Reading Group: C12a_app46_rg2

Witness: f1818 health,
Witness: fThomas health,
Witness: f1831 health,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the sight of a chemical instrument
Witness: f1823 the sight of a chemical instrument
Witness: fThomas the sight of a chemical instrument
Witness: f1831 the sight of a chemical instrument
Witness: fMS the sight of a Chemical instrument


Reading Group: C12a_app48_rg1

Witness: fMS brought on againrenewed

Reading Group: C12a_app48_rg2

Witness: f1818 would renew
Witness: f1823 would renew
Witness: fThomas would renew
Witness: f1831 would renew


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 all the agony of
Witness: f1823 all the agony of
Witness: fThomas all the agony of
Witness: f1831 all the agony of
Witness: fMS all <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>the agony of


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS my


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my nervous
Witness: f1823 my nervous
Witness: fThomas my nervous
Witness: f1831 my nervous
Witness: fMS my<metamark function="insert">^</metamark> nervous


Reading Group: C12a_app52_rg1

Witness: f1818 symptoms.
Witness: f1823 symptoms.
Witness: fThomas symptoms.
Witness: f1831 symptoms.

Reading Group: C12a_app52_rg2

Witness: fMS symtoms. Lo


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Henry saw
Witness: f1823 Henry saw
Witness: fThomas Henry saw
Witness: f1831 Henry saw
Witness: fMS Henry saw


Reading Group: C12a_app54_rg1

Witness: fMS this

Reading Group: C12a_app54_rg2

Witness: f1818 this,
Witness: f1823 this,
Witness: fThomas this,
Witness: f1831 this,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and had
Witness: f1823 and had
Witness: fThomas and had
Witness: f1831 and had
Witness: fMS and had


Reading Group: C12a_app56_rg1

Witness: fMS ppacked upremoved

Reading Group: C12a_app56_rg2

Witness: f1818 removed
Witness: f1823 removed
Witness: fThomas removed
Witness: f1831 removed


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 all my
Witness: f1823 all my
Witness: fThomas all my
Witness: f1831 all my
Witness: fMS all my


Reading Group: C12a_app58_rg1

Witness: fMS machinesin a chestapparatus

Reading Group: C12a_app58_rg2

Witness: f1818 apparatus
Witness: f1823 apparatus
Witness: fThomas apparatus
Witness: f1831 apparatus


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 from my
Witness: f1823 from my
Witness: fThomas from my
Witness: f1831 from my
Witness: fMS from my


Reading Group: C12a_app60_rg1

Witness: fMS che view

Reading Group: C12a_app60_rg2

Witness: f1818 view.
Witness: f1823 view.
Witness: fThomas view.
Witness: f1831 view.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 He had also
Witness: f1823 He had also
Witness: fThomas He had also
Witness: f1831 He had also
Witness: fMS he had also


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 changed my
Witness: f1823 changed my
Witness: fThomas changed my
Witness: f1831 changed my
Witness: fMS changed my


Reading Group: C12a_app63_rg1

Witness: fMS roomappartment,

Reading Group: C12a_app63_rg2

Witness: f1818 apartment;
Witness: f1823 apartment;
Witness: fThomas apartment;
Witness: f1831 apartment;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 for he perceived that
Witness: f1823 for he perceived that
Witness: fThomas for he perceived that
Witness: f1831 for he perceived that
Witness: fMS for he perceived that


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I had acquired
Witness: f1823 I had acquired
Witness: fThomas I had acquired
Witness: f1831 I had acquired
Witness: fMS I had aacquired


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a
Witness: f1823 a
Witness: fThomas a
Witness: f1831 a


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 dislike
Witness: f1823 dislike
Witness: fThomas dislike
Witness: f1831 dislike
Witness: fMS dislike


Reading Group: C12a_app68_rg1

Witness: f1818 for
Witness: f1823 for
Witness: fThomas for
Witness: f1831 for

Reading Group: C12a_app68_rg2

Witness: fMS to


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the room which had
Witness: f1823 the room which had
Witness: fThomas the room which had
Witness: f1831 the room which had
Witness: fMS the room which had


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 previously been my
Witness: f1823 previously been my
Witness: fThomas previously been my
Witness: f1831 previously been my
Witness: fMS previously been my


Reading Group: C12a_app71_rg1

Witness: f1818 laboratory.
Witness: f1823 laboratory.
Witness: fThomas laboratory.
Witness: f1831 laboratory.

Reading Group: C12a_app71_rg2

Witness: fMS workshop.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 But these
Witness: f1823 But these
Witness: fThomas But these
Witness: f1831 But these
Witness: fMS But these


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 cares of Clerval were
Witness: f1823 cares of Clerval were
Witness: fThomas cares of Clerval were
Witness: f1831 cares of Clerval were
Witness: fMS cares of Clerval were


Reading Group: C12a_app74_rg1

Witness: fMS thrown awaymade

Reading Group: C12a_app74_rg2

Witness: f1818 made
Witness: f1823 made
Witness: fThomas made
Witness: f1831 made


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of no avail when
Witness: f1823 of no avail when
Witness: fThomas of no avail when
Witness: f1831 of no avail when
Witness: fMS of no avail when


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I visited the professors.
Witness: f1823 I visited the professors.
Witness: fThomas I visited the professors.
Witness: f1831 I visited the professors.
Witness: fMS I visited the professors.


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS even my excellent


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 M. Waldman inflicted torture when
Witness: f1823 M. Waldman inflicted torture when
Witness: fThomas M. Waldman inflicted torture when
Witness: f1831 M. Waldman inflicted torture when
Witness: fMS M. Waldman inflicted torture when


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 he
Witness: f1823 he
Witness: fThomas he
Witness: f1831 he
Witness: fMS he


Reading Group: C12a_app80_rg1

Witness: fMS praised

Reading Group: C12a_app80_rg2

Witness: f1818 praised,
Witness: f1823 praised,
Witness: fThomas praised,
Witness: f1831 praised,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 with
Witness: f1823 with
Witness: fThomas with
Witness: f1831 with
Witness: fMS with


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 kindness and warmth,
Witness: f1823 kindness and warmth,
Witness: fThomas kindness and warmth,
Witness: f1831 kindness and warmth,
Witness: fMS kindness and warmth,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the astonishing progress
Witness: f1823 the astonishing progress
Witness: fThomas the astonishing progress
Witness: f1831 the astonishing progress
Witness: fMS the astonishing progress


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS that


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I had made
Witness: f1823 I had made
Witness: fThomas I had made
Witness: f1831 I had made
Witness: fMS I had made


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in the sciences. He soon perceived that I
Witness: f1823 in the sciences. He soon perceived that I
Witness: fThomas in the sciences. He soon perceived that I
Witness: f1831 in the sciences. He soon perceived that I
Witness: fMS in the sciences. He soon perceived mythat I


Reading Group: C12a_app88_rg1

Witness: f1818 disliked
Witness: f1823 disliked
Witness: fThomas disliked
Witness: f1831 disliked

Reading Group: C12a_app88_rg2

Witness: fMS dislikedof


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fMS the


Reading Group: C12a_app90_rg1

Witness: fMS subject,

Reading Group: C12a_app90_rg2

Witness: f1818 subject;
Witness: f1823 subject;
Witness: fThomas subject;
Witness: f1831 subject;


Reading Group: C12a_app91_rg1

Witness: f1823 but
Witness: f1831 but
Witness: fMS but

Reading Group: C12a_app91_rg2

Witness: f1818 but,
Witness: fThomas but,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 not guessing
Witness: f1823 not guessing
Witness: fThomas not guessing
Witness: f1831 not guessing
Witness: fMS not guessing


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the real
Witness: f1823 the real
Witness: fThomas the real
Witness: f1831 the real
Witness: fMS the real


Reading Group: C12a_app94_rg1

Witness: fMS cause

Reading Group: C12a_app94_rg2

Witness: f1818 cause,
Witness: f1823 cause,
Witness: fThomas cause,
Witness: f1831 cause,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 he attributed my feelings to
Witness: f1823 he attributed my feelings to
Witness: fThomas he attributed my feelings to
Witness: f1831 he attributed my feelings to
Witness: fMS he attributed toitmy feelings to


Reading Group: C12a_app96_rg1

Witness: fMS modesty on hearing myself praisedhe thereforeand

Reading Group: C12a_app96_rg2

Witness: f1818 modesty, and
Witness: f1823 modesty, and
Witness: fThomas modesty, and
Witness: f1831 modesty, and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 changed the subject from
Witness: f1823 changed the subject from
Witness: fThomas changed the subject from
Witness: f1831 changed the subject from
Witness: fMS changed the subject from


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my
Witness: f1823 my
Witness: fThomas my
Witness: f1831 my
Witness: fMS my


Reading Group: C12a_app99_rg1

Witness: f1818 improvement
Witness: fThomas improvement

Reading Group: C12a_app99_rg2

Witness: f1823 improvement,
Witness: f1831 improvement,
Witness: fMS improvement,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to the science itself,
Witness: f1823 to the science itself,
Witness: fThomas to the science itself,
Witness: f1831 to the science itself,
Witness: fMS to the science itself,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 with
Witness: f1823 with
Witness: fThomas with
Witness: f1831 with
Witness: fMS with


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS an


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a
Witness: f1823 a
Witness: fThomas a
Witness: f1831 a
Witness: fMS a


Reading Group: C12a_app104_rg1

Witness: fMS desire

Reading Group: C12a_app104_rg2

Witness: f1818 desire,
Witness: f1823 desire,
Witness: fThomas desire,
Witness: f1831 desire,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 as I evidently
Witness: f1823 as I evidently
Witness: fThomas as I evidently
Witness: f1831 as I evidently
Witness: fMS as I evidently


Reading Group: C12a_app106_rg1

Witness: fMS saw

Reading Group: C12a_app106_rg2

Witness: f1818 saw,
Witness: f1823 saw,
Witness: fThomas saw,
Witness: f1831 saw,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of drawing
Witness: f1823 of drawing
Witness: fThomas of drawing
Witness: f1831 of drawing
Witness: fMS of drawing


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS friend


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 me out.
Witness: f1823 me out.
Witness: fThomas me out.
Witness: f1831 me out.
Witness: fMS me out.


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS KKind friend he tortured me withoutbut itHow cruel is


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 What could I do?
Witness: f1823 What could I do?
Witness: fThomas What could I do?
Witness: f1831 What could I do?
Witness: fMS What could I do?


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 He meant to
Witness: f1823 He meant to
Witness: fThomas He meant to
Witness: f1831 He meant to
Witness: fMS He meant to


Reading Group: C12a_app113_rg1

Witness: fMS please andme&

Reading Group: C12a_app113_rg2

Witness: f1818 please, and
Witness: f1823 please, and
Witness: fThomas please, and
Witness: f1831 please, and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 he
Witness: f1823 he
Witness: fThomas he
Witness: f1831 he
Witness: fMS he


Reading Group: C12a_app115_rg1

Witness: fMS torturedtormented me it wasI

Reading Group: C12a_app115_rg2

Witness: f1818 tormented me. I
Witness: f1823 tormented me. I
Witness: fThomas tormented me. I
Witness: f1831 tormented me. I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 felt as if he
Witness: f1823 felt as if he
Witness: fThomas felt as if he
Witness: f1831 felt as if he
Witness: fMS felt as if he


Reading Group: C12a_app117_rg1

Witness: fMS hadplaced carefully

Reading Group: C12a_app117_rg2

Witness: f1818 had placed carefully,
Witness: f1823 had placed carefully,
Witness: fThomas had placed carefully,
Witness: f1831 had placed carefully,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 one by
Witness: f1823 one by
Witness: fThomas one by
Witness: f1831 one by
Witness: fMS one by


Reading Group: C12a_app119_rg1

Witness: fMS one placed

Reading Group: C12a_app119_rg2

Witness: f1818 one,
Witness: f1823 one,
Witness: fThomas one,
Witness: f1831 one,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in my
Witness: f1823 in my
Witness: fThomas in my
Witness: f1831 in my
Witness: fMS in my


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 view those instruments which were to be afterwards used in putting me to a
Witness: f1823 view those instruments which were to be afterwards used in putting me to a
Witness: fThomas view those instruments which were to be afterwards used in putting me to a
Witness: f1831 view those instruments which were to be afterwards used in putting me to a
Witness: fMS view those instruments which were to be afterwards used in putting me to a


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 slow and cruel
Witness: f1823 slow and cruel
Witness: fThomas slow and cruel
Witness: f1831 slow and cruel
Witness: fMS slow and cruel


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS dre


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 death. I writhed
Witness: f1823 death. I writhed
Witness: fThomas death. I writhed
Witness: f1831 death. I writhed
Witness: fMS death. I writhed


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 under his words, yet dared not
Witness: f1823 under his words, yet dared not
Witness: fThomas under his words, yet dared not
Witness: f1831 under his words, yet dared not
Witness: fMS under his words, yet dared not


Reading Group: C12a_app126_rg1

Witness: f1818 exhibit
Witness: f1823 exhibit
Witness: fThomas exhibit
Witness: f1831 exhibit

Reading Group: C12a_app126_rg2

Witness: fMS shew my


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the pain I felt. Clerval, whose
Witness: f1823 the pain I felt. Clerval, whose
Witness: fThomas the pain I felt. Clerval, whose
Witness: f1831 the pain I felt. Clerval, whose
Witness: fMS the pain I felt. Clerval, whose


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 eyes and feelings were always quick
Witness: f1823 eyes and feelings were always quick
Witness: fThomas eyes and feelings were always quick
Witness: f1831 eyes and feelings were always quick
Witness: fMS eyes and feelings were always quick


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in discerning the sensations of
Witness: f1823 in discerning the sensations of
Witness: fThomas in discerning the sensations of
Witness: f1831 in discerning the sensations of
Witness: fMS in discerning the sensations of


Reading Group: C12a_app130_rg1

Witness: fMS others

Reading Group: C12a_app130_rg2

Witness: f1818 others,
Witness: f1823 others,
Witness: fThomas others,
Witness: f1831 others,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 declined the
Witness: f1823 declined the
Witness: fThomas declined the
Witness: f1831 declined the
Witness: fMS declined the


Reading Group: C12a_app132_rg1

Witness: fMS subject alledging

Reading Group: C12a_app132_rg2

Witness: f1818 subject, alleging, in excuse,
Witness: f1823 subject, alleging, in excuse,
Witness: fThomas subject, alleging, in excuse,
Witness: f1831 subject, alleging, in excuse,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 his
Witness: f1823 his
Witness: fThomas his
Witness: f1831 his
Witness: fMS in<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>his


Reading Group: C12a_app134_rg1

Witness: fMS ignorance

Reading Group: C12a_app134_rg2

Witness: f1818 total ignorance;
Witness: f1823 total ignorance;
Witness: fThomas total ignorance;
Witness: f1831 total ignorance;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and the conversation took
Witness: f1823 and the conversation took
Witness: fThomas and the conversation took
Witness: f1831 and the conversation took
Witness: fMS & the conversation took


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a more general turn. I thanked
Witness: f1823 a more general turn. I thanked
Witness: fThomas a more general turn. I thanked
Witness: f1831 a more general turn. I thanked
Witness: fMS a more general turn. I thanked


Reading Group: C12a_app137_rg1

Witness: fMS him

Reading Group: C12a_app137_rg2

Witness: f1818 my friend
Witness: f1823 my friend
Witness: fThomas my friend
Witness: f1831 my friend


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 from my heart, but I did not speak.
Witness: f1823 from my heart, but I did not speak.
Witness: fThomas from my heart, but I did not speak.
Witness: f1831 from my heart, but I did not speak.
Witness: fMS from my heart, but I did not speak.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fMS I


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS plainly


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 saw
Witness: f1823 saw
Witness: fThomas saw
Witness: f1831 saw
Witness: fMS saw


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 plainly
Witness: f1823 plainly
Witness: fThomas plainly
Witness: f1831 plainly


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that he was surprised,
Witness: f1823 that he was surprised,
Witness: fThomas that he was surprised,
Witness: f1831 that he was surprised,
Witness: fMS that he was surprised,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but he never attempted to draw
Witness: f1823 but he never attempted to draw
Witness: fThomas but he never attempted to draw
Witness: f1831 but he never attempted to draw
Witness: fMS but he never attempted to draw


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my secret from
Witness: f1823 my secret from
Witness: fThomas my secret from
Witness: f1831 my secret from
Witness: fMS my secret from


Reading Group: C12a_app146_rg1

Witness: fMS me,

Reading Group: C12a_app146_rg2

Witness: f1818 me;
Witness: f1823 me;
Witness: fThomas me;
Witness: f1831 me;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and although
Witness: f1823 and although
Witness: fThomas and although
Witness: f1831 and although
Witness: fMS and although


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I loved him with a mixture of
Witness: f1823 I loved him with a mixture of
Witness: fThomas I loved him with a mixture of
Witness: f1831 I loved him with a mixture of
Witness: fMS I loved him with a mixture of


Reading Group: C12a_app149_rg1

Witness: fMS loveaffection

Reading Group: C12a_app149_rg2

Witness: f1818 affection
Witness: f1823 affection
Witness: fThomas affection
Witness: f1831 affection


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and reverence that knew
Witness: f1823 and reverence that knew
Witness: fThomas and reverence that knew
Witness: f1831 and reverence that knew
Witness: fMS and reverence that knew


Reading Group: C12a_app151_rg1

Witness: f1823 no
Witness: f1831 no
Witness: fMS no

Reading Group: C12a_app151_rg2

Witness: f1818 nobounds,
Witness: fThomas nobounds,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1823 bounds,
Witness: f1831 bounds,
Witness: fMS bounds,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 yet I could never
Witness: f1823 yet I could never
Witness: fThomas yet I could never
Witness: f1831 yet I could never
Witness: fMS yet I could never


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS pr


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 persuade
Witness: f1823 persuade
Witness: fThomas persuade
Witness: f1831 persuade
Witness: fMS persuade


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 myself to confide to him that event
Witness: f1823 myself to confide to him that event
Witness: fThomas myself to confide to him that event
Witness: f1831 myself to confide to him that event
Witness: fMS myself to confide to him that event


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 which was so often present to my
Witness: f1823 which was so often present to my
Witness: fThomas which was so often present to my
Witness: f1831 which was so often present to my
Witness: fMS which was so often present to my


Reading Group: C12a_app158_rg1

Witness: fMS thoughts,

Reading Group: C12a_app158_rg2

Witness: f1818 recollection,
Witness: f1823 recollection,
Witness: fThomas recollection,
Witness: f1831 recollection,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but which I feared the detail
Witness: f1823 but which I feared the detail
Witness: fThomas but which I feared the detail
Witness: f1831 but which I feared the detail
Witness: fMS but which I feared the detail


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to another would only impress more
Witness: f1823 to another would only impress more
Witness: fThomas to another would only impress more
Witness: f1831 to another would only impress more
Witness: fMS to another would only impress more


Reading Group: C12a_app161_rg1

Witness: fMS deeply. M<shi rend="sup">r</shi>.

Reading Group: C12a_app161_rg2

Witness: f1818 deeply.<p/><p/>M.
Witness: f1823 deeply.<p/><p/>M.
Witness: fThomas deeply.<p/><p/>M.
Witness: f1831 deeply.<p/><p/>M.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Krempe was not equally
Witness: f1823 Krempe was not equally
Witness: fThomas Krempe was not equally
Witness: f1831 Krempe was not equally
Witness: fMS Krempe was not <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>equally


Reading Group: C12a_app163_rg1

Witness: fMS docile yet&weak as my illness had made me

Reading Group: C12a_app163_rg2

Witness: f1818 docile; and
Witness: f1823 docile; and
Witness: fThomas docile; and
Witness: f1831 docile; and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in my
Witness: f1823 in my
Witness: fThomas in my
Witness: f1831 in my
Witness: fMS in my


Reading Group: C12a_app165_rg1

Witness: f1818 condition at that time,
Witness: f1823 condition at that time,
Witness: fThomas condition at that time,
Witness: f1831 condition at that time,

Reading Group: C12a_app165_rg2

Witness: fMS then condition


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of
Witness: f1823 of
Witness: fThomas of
Witness: f1831 of
Witness: fMS of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 almost insupportable
Witness: f1823 almost insupportable
Witness: fThomas almost insupportable
Witness: f1831 almost insupportable
Witness: fMS almost insupportable


Reading Group: C12a_app168_rg1

Witness: fMS sensitiveness

Reading Group: C12a_app168_rg2

Witness: f1818 sensitiveness,
Witness: f1823 sensitiveness,
Witness: fThomas sensitiveness,
Witness: f1831 sensitiveness,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 his harsh
Witness: f1823 his harsh
Witness: fThomas his harsh
Witness: f1831 his harsh
Witness: fMS his harsh


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 blunt
Witness: f1823 blunt
Witness: fThomas blunt
Witness: f1831 blunt
Witness: fMS blunt


Reading Group: C12a_app171_rg1

Witness: fMS econiums

Reading Group: C12a_app171_rg2

Witness: f1818 encomiums
Witness: f1823 encomiums
Witness: fThomas encomiums
Witness: f1831 encomiums


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 gave me even more
Witness: f1823 gave me even more
Witness: fThomas gave me even more
Witness: f1831 gave me even more
Witness: fMS gave me even more


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 pain
Witness: f1823 pain
Witness: fThomas pain
Witness: f1831 pain
Witness: fMS pain


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS that


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 than the benevolent
Witness: f1823 than the benevolent
Witness: fThomas than the benevolent
Witness: f1831 than the benevolent
Witness: fMS than the benevolent


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 approbation of M.
Witness: f1823 approbation of M.
Witness: fThomas approbation of M.
Witness: f1831 approbation of M.
Witness: fMS approbation of M.


Reading Group: C12a_app177_rg1

Witness: fMS Waldman —"Dammn "the fellow,"

Reading Group: C12a_app177_rg2

Witness: f1818 Waldman. “D—n the fellow!”
Witness: f1823 Waldman. “D—n the fellow!”
Witness: fThomas Waldman. “D—n the fellow!”
Witness: f1831 Waldman. “D—n the fellow!”


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 cried
Witness: f1823 cried
Witness: fThomas cried
Witness: f1831 cried
Witness: fMS cried


Reading Group: C12a_app179_rg1

Witness: fMS he "Why

Reading Group: C12a_app179_rg2

Witness: f1818 he; “why,
Witness: f1823 he; “why,
Witness: fThomas he; “why,
Witness: f1831 he; “why,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 M.
Witness: f1823 M.
Witness: fThomas M.
Witness: f1831 M.
Witness: fMS M<shi rend="sup">r</shi>.


Reading Group: C12a_app181_rg1

Witness: fMS Clerval "I tell

Reading Group: C12a_app181_rg2

Witness: f1818 Clerval, I assure
Witness: f1823 Clerval, I assure
Witness: fThomas Clerval, I assure
Witness: f1831 Clerval, I assure


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 you he has
Witness: f1823 you he has
Witness: fThomas you he has
Witness: f1831 you he has
Witness: fMS you he has


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS beaut


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 outstript
Witness: f1823 outstript
Witness: fThomas outstript
Witness: f1831 outstript
Witness: fMS outstript


Reading Group: C12a_app185_rg1

Witness: fMS "us all– ay

Reading Group: C12a_app185_rg2

Witness: f1818 us all.
Witness: f1823 us all.
Witness: fThomas us all.
Witness: f1831 us all.


Reading Group: C12a_app186_rg1

Witness: f1823 Ay,
Witness: f1831 Ay,

Reading Group: C12a_app186_rg2

Witness: f1818 Aye,
Witness: fThomas Aye,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 stare if you
Witness: f1823 stare if you
Witness: fThomas stare if you
Witness: f1831 stare if you
Witness: fMS stare if you


Reading Group: C12a_app188_rg1

Witness: fMS please

Reading Group: C12a_app188_rg2

Witness: f1818 please;
Witness: f1823 please;
Witness: fThomas please;
Witness: f1831 please;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but
Witness: f1823 but
Witness: fThomas but
Witness: f1831 but
Witness: fMS but


Reading Group: C12a_app190_rg1

Witness: fMS "it

Reading Group: C12a_app190_rg2

Witness: f1818 it
Witness: f1823 it
Witness: fThomas it
Witness: f1831 it


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 is
Witness: f1823 is
Witness: fThomas is
Witness: f1831 is
Witness: fMS is


Reading Group: C12a_app192_rg1

Witness: f1823 nevertheeless

Reading Group: C12a_app192_rg2

Witness: f1818 nevertheless
Witness: fThomas nevertheless
Witness: f1831 nevertheless
Witness: fMS nevertheless


Reading Group: C12a_app193_rg1

Witness: fMS true –

Reading Group: C12a_app193_rg2

Witness: f1818 true.
Witness: f1823 true.
Witness: fThomas true.
Witness: f1831 true.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 A youngster
Witness: f1823 A youngster
Witness: fThomas A youngster
Witness: f1831 A youngster
Witness: fMS A youngster


Reading Group: C12a_app195_rg1

Witness: fMS "who

Reading Group: C12a_app195_rg2

Witness: f1818 who,
Witness: f1823 who,
Witness: fThomas who,
Witness: f1831 who,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but
Witness: f1823 but
Witness: fThomas but
Witness: f1831 but
Witness: fMS but


Reading Group: C12a_app197_rg1

Witness: fMS two three

Reading Group: C12a_app197_rg2

Witness: f1818 a few
Witness: f1823 a few
Witness: fThomas a few
Witness: f1831 a few


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 years
Witness: f1823 years
Witness: fThomas years
Witness: f1831 years
Witness: fMS years


Reading Group: C12a_app199_rg1

Witness: fMS ago

Reading Group: C12a_app199_rg2

Witness: f1818 ago,
Witness: f1823 ago,
Witness: fThomas ago,
Witness: f1831 ago,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 believed
Witness: f1823 believed
Witness: fThomas believed
Witness: f1831 believed
Witness: fMS believed


Reading Group: C12a_app201_rg1

Witness: fMS "Cornelius

Reading Group: C12a_app201_rg2

Witness: f1831 in


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Cornelius
Witness: f1823 Cornelius
Witness: fThomas Cornelius
Witness: f1831 Cornelius


Reading Group: C12a_app203_rg1

Witness: f1818 Agrippa
Witness: fThomas Agrippa
Witness: f1831 Agrippa
Witness: fMS Agrippa

Reading Group: C12a_app203_rg2

Witness: f1823 Agrippa,


Reading Group: C12a_app204_rg1

Witness: fMS to be<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>as

Reading Group: C12a_app204_rg2

Witness: f1818 as
Witness: f1823 as
Witness: fThomas as
Witness: f1831 as


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 firmly as
Witness: f1823 firmly as
Witness: fThomas firmly as
Witness: f1831 firmly as
Witness: fMS firmly as


Unified Readings

Witness: f1831 in


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fMS the


Reading Group: C12a_app208_rg1

Witness: fMS gospel

Reading Group: C12a_app208_rg2

Witness: f1818 gospel,
Witness: f1823 gospel,
Witness: fThomas gospel,
Witness: f1831 gospel,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 has
Witness: f1823 has
Witness: fThomas has
Witness: f1831 has
Witness: fMS has


Reading Group: C12a_app210_rg1

Witness: fMS "now

Reading Group: C12a_app210_rg2

Witness: f1818 now
Witness: f1823 now
Witness: fThomas now
Witness: f1831 now


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 set himself at the head of
Witness: f1823 set himself at the head of
Witness: fThomas set himself at the head of
Witness: f1831 set himself at the head of
Witness: fMS set himself at the head of


Reading Group: C12a_app212_rg1

Witness: fMS "the university

Reading Group: C12a_app212_rg2

Witness: f1818 the university;
Witness: f1823 the university;
Witness: fThomas the university;
Witness: f1831 the university;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and if he is not soon
Witness: f1823 and if he is not soon
Witness: fThomas and if he is not soon
Witness: f1831 and if he is not soon
Witness: fMS & if he is not soon


Reading Group: C12a_app214_rg1

Witness: fMS "pulled down

Reading Group: C12a_app214_rg2

Witness: f1818 pulled down,
Witness: f1823 pulled down,
Witness: fThomas pulled down,
Witness: f1831 pulled down,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 we shall all be out
Witness: f1823 we shall all be out
Witness: fThomas we shall all be out
Witness: f1831 we shall all be out
Witness: fMS we shall all be out


Reading Group: C12a_app216_rg1

Witness: fMS "of

Reading Group: C12a_app216_rg2

Witness: f1818 of
Witness: f1823 of
Witness: fThomas of
Witness: f1831 of


Reading Group: C12a_app217_rg1

Witness: f1823 countenance.—Ay, ay,”
Witness: f1831 countenance.—Ay, ay,”

Reading Group: C12a_app217_rg2

Witness: f1818 countenance.—Aye,
Witness: fThomas countenance.—Aye,
Witness: fMS countenance.—Aye,


Reading Group: C12a_app218_rg1

Witness: f1818 aye,”
Witness: fThomas aye,”

Reading Group: C12a_app218_rg2

Witness: fMS Aye,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 continued
Witness: f1823 continued
Witness: fThomas continued
Witness: f1831 continued
Witness: fMS continued


Reading Group: C12a_app220_rg1

Witness: fMS "he

Reading Group: C12a_app220_rg2

Witness: f1818 he,
Witness: f1823 he,
Witness: fThomas he,
Witness: f1831 he,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 observing my
Witness: f1823 observing my
Witness: fThomas observing my
Witness: f1831 observing my
Witness: fMS observing my


Reading Group: C12a_app222_rg1

Witness: fMS countenance<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>faceexpressive

Reading Group: C12a_app222_rg2

Witness: f1818 face expressive
Witness: f1823 face expressive
Witness: fThomas face expressive
Witness: f1831 face expressive


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of
Witness: f1823 of
Witness: fThomas of
Witness: f1831 of
Witness: fMS of


Reading Group: C12a_app224_rg1

Witness: fMS suffering "Mr. fFrankenstein

Reading Group: C12a_app224_rg2

Witness: f1818 suffering, “M. Frankenstein
Witness: f1823 suffering, “M. Frankenstein
Witness: fThomas suffering, “M. Frankenstein
Witness: f1831 suffering, “M. Frankenstein


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 is
Witness: f1823 is
Witness: fThomas is
Witness: f1831 is
Witness: fMS is


Reading Group: C12a_app226_rg1

Witness: fMS modest

Reading Group: C12a_app226_rg2

Witness: f1818 modest;
Witness: f1823 modest;
Witness: fThomas modest;
Witness: f1831 modest;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 an excellent quality in
Witness: f1823 an excellent quality in
Witness: fThomas an excellent quality in
Witness: f1831 an excellent quality in
Witness: fMS an excellent quality in


Reading Group: C12a_app228_rg1

Witness: fMS "a

Reading Group: C12a_app228_rg2

Witness: f1818 a
Witness: f1823 a
Witness: fThomas a
Witness: f1831 a


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 young
Witness: f1823 young
Witness: fThomas young
Witness: f1831 young
Witness: fMS young


Reading Group: C12a_app230_rg1

Witness: f1818 man.
Witness: f1823 man.
Witness: fThomas man.
Witness: f1831 man.

Reading Group: C12a_app230_rg2

Witness: fMS man;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Young men should be
Witness: f1823 Young men should be
Witness: fThomas Young men should be
Witness: f1831 Young men should be
Witness: fMS Young men should be


Reading Group: C12a_app232_rg1

Witness: fMS "diffident

Reading Group: C12a_app232_rg2

Witness: f1818 diffident
Witness: f1823 diffident
Witness: fThomas diffident
Witness: f1831 diffident


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of
Witness: f1823 of
Witness: fThomas of
Witness: f1831 of
Witness: fMS of


Reading Group: C12a_app234_rg1

Witness: fMS themselves

Reading Group: C12a_app234_rg2

Witness: f1818 themselves,
Witness: f1823 themselves,
Witness: fThomas themselves,
Witness: f1831 themselves,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 you
Witness: f1823 you
Witness: fThomas you
Witness: f1831 you
Witness: fMS you


Reading Group: C12a_app236_rg1

Witness: fMS know M<shi rend="sup"></shi> "Clerval;

Reading Group: C12a_app236_rg2

Witness: f1818 know, M.
Witness: f1823 know, M.
Witness: fThomas know, M.
Witness: f1831 know, M.


Reading Group: C12a_app237_rg1

Witness: f1831 Clerval:

Reading Group: C12a_app237_rg2

Witness: f1818 Clerval;
Witness: f1823 Clerval;
Witness: fThomas Clerval;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I was myself when
Witness: f1823 I was myself when
Witness: fThomas I was myself when
Witness: f1831 I was myself when
Witness: fMS I was myself when


Reading Group: C12a_app239_rg1

Witness: fMS young

Reading Group: C12a_app239_rg2

Witness: f1818 young:
Witness: f1823 young:
Witness: fThomas young:

Reading Group: C12a_app239_rg3

Witness: f1831 young;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but
Witness: f1823 but
Witness: fThomas but
Witness: f1831 but
Witness: fMS but


Reading Group: C12a_app241_rg1

Witness: fMS "one soon grows out of that." M<shi rend="sup"></shi>

Reading Group: C12a_app241_rg2

Witness: f1818 that wears out in a very short time.”<p/><p/>M.
Witness: f1823 that wears out in a very short time.”<p/><p/>M.
Witness: fThomas that wears out in a very short time.”<p/><p/>M.
Witness: f1831 that wears out in a very short time.”<p/><p/>M.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Krempe had now commenced
Witness: f1823 Krempe had now commenced
Witness: fThomas Krempe had now commenced
Witness: f1831 Krempe had now commenced
Witness: fMS Krempe had now commenced


Reading Group: C12a_app243_rg1

Witness: fMS the subject of his own praisean

Reading Group: C12a_app243_rg2

Witness: f1818 an
Witness: f1823 an
Witness: fThomas an
Witness: f1831 an


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 eulogy on
Witness: f1823 eulogy on
Witness: fThomas eulogy on
Witness: f1831 eulogy on
Witness: fMS eulogy on


Reading Group: C12a_app245_rg1

Witness: fMS himself and that

Reading Group: C12a_app245_rg2

Witness: f1818 himself, which
Witness: f1823 himself, which
Witness: fThomas himself, which
Witness: f1831 himself, which


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 happily turned the conversation
Witness: f1823 happily turned the conversation
Witness: fThomas happily turned the conversation
Witness: f1831 happily turned the conversation
Witness: fMS happily turned the conversation


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 from
Witness: f1823 from
Witness: fThomas from
Witness: f1831 from
Witness: fMS from


Reading Group: C12a_app248_rg1

Witness: f1818 a
Witness: f1823 a
Witness: fThomas a
Witness: f1831 a

Reading Group: C12a_app248_rg2

Witness: fMS the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 subject that was so
Witness: f1823 subject that was so
Witness: fThomas subject that was so
Witness: f1831 subject that was so
Witness: fMS subject that was so


Reading Group: C12a_app250_rg1

Witness: fMS painfulagonizing

Reading Group: C12a_app250_rg2

Witness: f1818 annoying
Witness: f1823 annoying
Witness: fThomas annoying
Witness: f1831 annoying


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to
Witness: f1823 to
Witness: fThomas to
Witness: f1831 to
Witness: fMS to


Reading Group: C12a_app252_rg1

Witness: fMS me.

Reading Group: C12a_app252_rg2

Witness: f1818 me.<p/>
Witness: f1823 me.<p/>
Witness: fThomas me.<p/>
Witness: f1831 me.<p/>


Reading Group: C12b_app1_rg1

Witness: fMS Clerval

Reading Group: C12b_app1_rg2

Witness: f1818 <p/>Clerval
Witness: f1823 <p/>Clerval
Witness: fThomas <p/>Clerval
Witness: f1831 <p/>Clerval


Reading Group: C12b_app2_rg1

Witness: f1831 had never sympathised in my tastes for natural science;

Reading Group: C12b_app2_rg2

Witness: f1818 was no natural philosopher.
Witness: f1823 was no natural philosopher.
Witness: fThomas was no natural philosopher.
Witness: fMS was no natural philosopher.


Reading Group: C12b_app3_rg1

Witness: f1831 and his literary pursuits differed wholly from those which had occupied me.

Reading Group: C12b_app3_rg2

Witness: f1818 His imagination was too vivid for the
Witness: f1823 His imagination was too vivid for the
Witness: fThomas His imagination was too vivid for the
Witness: fMS His imagination was too vivid for the


Reading Group: C12b_app4_rg1

Witness: fMS minutiæ

Reading Group: C12b_app4_rg2

Witness: f1818 minutæ
Witness: f1823 minutæ
Witness: fThomas minutæ


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of science.
Witness: f1823 of science.
Witness: fThomas of science.
Witness: fMS of science.


Reading Group: C12b_app6_rg1

Witness: f1831 He came to the university with the design of making himself complete master of the oriental languages, as thus he should open a field for the plan of life he had marked out for himself. Resolved to pursue no inglorious career, he turned his eyes toward the East, as affording scope for his spirit of enterprise.

Reading Group: C12b_app6_rg2

Witness: fMS LaLanguages were his chief<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>principal study for

Reading Group: C12b_app6_rg3

Witness: f1818 Languages were his principal study; and
Witness: f1823 Languages were his principal study; and
Witness: fThomas Languages were his principal study; and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 he
Witness: f1823 he
Witness: fThomas he
Witness: fMS he


Reading Group: C12b_app8_rg1

Witness: fMS wished

Reading Group: C12b_app8_rg2

Witness: f1818 sought, by acquiring their elements,
Witness: f1823 sought, by acquiring their elements,
Witness: fThomas sought, by acquiring their elements,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to open a field for
Witness: f1823 to open a field for
Witness: fThomas to open a field for
Witness: fMS to open a field for


Reading Group: C12b_app10_rg1

Witness: fMS <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>himself-instruction

Reading Group: C12b_app10_rg2

Witness: f1818 self-instruction
Witness: f1823 self-instruction
Witness: fThomas self-instruction


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 on his return
Witness: f1823 on his return
Witness: fThomas on his return
Witness: fMS on his return


Reading Group: C12b_app12_rg1

Witness: f1818 to Geneva.
Witness: f1823 to Geneva.
Witness: fThomas to Geneva.

Reading Group: C12b_app12_rg2

Witness: fMS


Reading Group: C12c_app1_rg1

Witness: fMS Greek Persian & Arabic

Reading Group: C12c_app1_rg2

Witness: f1831 The


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Persian, Arabic,
Witness: f1823 Persian, Arabic,
Witness: fThomas Persian, Arabic,
Witness: f1831 Persian, Arabic,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fMS &


Reading Group: C12c_app4_rg1

Witness: fMS Hebrew

Reading Group: C12c_app4_rg2

Witness: f1818 Hebrew,
Witness: f1823 Hebrew,
Witness: fThomas Hebrew,

Reading Group: C12c_app4_rg3

Witness: f1831 Sanscrit languages engaged


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 gained
Witness: f1823 gained
Witness: fThomas gained
Witness: fMS gained


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 his
Witness: f1823 his
Witness: fThomas his
Witness: f1831 his
Witness: fMS his


Reading Group: C12c_app7_rg1

Witness: fMS attention

Reading Group: C12c_app7_rg2

Witness: f1818 attention,
Witness: f1823 attention,
Witness: fThomas attention,
Witness: f1831 attention,


Reading Group: C12d_app1_rg1

Witness: fMS when<metamark function="displacement" xml:id="c56-0069.01">X</metamark>so soon as

Reading Group: C12d_app1_rg2

Witness: f1818 after
Witness: f1823 after
Witness: fThomas after


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 he had
Witness: f1823 he had
Witness: fThomas he had
Witness: fMS <metamark function="displacement">X</metamark> he had


Reading Group: C12d_app3_rg1

Witness: fMS <metamark function="displacement">X</metamark> become

Reading Group: C12d_app3_rg2

Witness: f1818 made himself
Witness: f1823 made himself
Witness: fThomas made himself


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 perfectly master of
Witness: f1823 perfectly master of
Witness: fThomas perfectly master of
Witness: fMS <metamark function="displacement">X</metamark> perfectly master of


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS <metamark function="displacement">X</metamark> the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Greek and
Witness: f1823 Greek and
Witness: fThomas Greek and
Witness: fMS <metamark function="displacement">X</metamark> Greek &


Reading Group: C12d_app7_rg1

Witness: fMS <metamark function="displacement">X</metamark> Latin languages.

Reading Group: C12d_app7_rg2

Witness: f1818 Latin.
Witness: f1823 Latin.
Witness: fThomas Latin.


Reading Group: C12d_app8_rg1

Witness: f1831 and I was easily induced to enter on the same studies.

Reading Group: C12d_app8_rg2

Witness: fMS <metamark function="displacement">X</metamark> >For my own part

Reading Group: C12d_app8_rg3

Witness: f1818 For my own part,
Witness: f1823 For my own part,
Witness: fThomas For my own part,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 idleness had
Witness: f1823 idleness had
Witness: fThomas idleness had
Witness: f1831 Idleness had
Witness: fMS idleness had


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 ever been irksome to
Witness: f1823 ever been irksome to
Witness: fThomas ever been irksome to
Witness: f1831 ever been irksome to
Witness: fMS ever been irksome to


Reading Group: C12e_app3_rg1

Witness: fMS me

Reading Group: C12e_app3_rg2

Witness: f1831 me,

Reading Group: C12e_app3_rg3

Witness: f1818 me;
Witness: f1823 me;
Witness: fThomas me;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fMS and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 now that I
Witness: f1823 now that I
Witness: fThomas now that I
Witness: f1831 now that I
Witness: fMS now that I


Reading Group: C12e_app6_rg1

Witness: f1823 wished to
Witness: f1831 wished to
Witness: fMS wished to

Reading Group: C12e_app6_rg2

Witness: f1818 wishedto
Witness: fThomas wishedto


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 fly from
Witness: f1823 fly from
Witness: fThomas fly from
Witness: f1831 fly from
Witness: fMS fly from


Reading Group: C12e_app8_rg1

Witness: fMS reflection

Reading Group: C12e_app8_rg2

Witness: f1818 reflection,
Witness: f1823 reflection,
Witness: fThomas reflection,
Witness: f1831 reflection,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and hated my former
Witness: f1823 and hated my former
Witness: fThomas and hated my former
Witness: f1831 and hated my former
Witness: fMS and hated my former


Reading Group: C12e_app10_rg1

Witness: fMS studies a

Reading Group: C12e_app10_rg2

Witness: f1818 studies,
Witness: f1823 studies,
Witness: fThomas studies,
Witness: f1831 studies,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fMS I


Reading Group: C12e_app12_rg1

Witness: f1818 felt
Witness: f1823 felt
Witness: fThomas felt
Witness: f1831 felt

Reading Group: C12e_app12_rg2

Witness: fMS found


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 great relief in being the
Witness: f1823 great relief in being the
Witness: fThomas great relief in being the
Witness: f1831 great relief in being the
Witness: fMS great relief in being the


Reading Group: C12e_app14_rg1

Witness: fMS fellow pupil

Reading Group: C12e_app14_rg2

Witness: f1818 fellow-pupil
Witness: f1823 fellow-pupil
Witness: fThomas fellow-pupil
Witness: f1831 fellow-pupil


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 with my
Witness: f1823 with my
Witness: fThomas with my
Witness: f1831 with my
Witness: fMS ofwith my


Reading Group: C12e_app16_rg1

Witness: fMS fr friend

Reading Group: C12e_app16_rg2

Witness: f1818 friend,
Witness: f1823 friend,
Witness: fThomas friend,
Witness: f1831 friend,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fMS and


Reading Group: C12e_app18_rg1

Witness: fMS <del rend="strikethrough" sID="c56-0069__main__d2e14548"/>I

Reading Group: C12e_app18_rg2

Witness: f1818 found
Witness: f1823 found
Witness: fThomas found
Witness: f1831 found


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 not
Witness: f1823 not
Witness: fThomas not
Witness: f1831 not
Witness: fMS not


Reading Group: C12e_app20_rg1

Witness: fMS a onlyinstructnot onlyinstruction

Reading Group: C12e_app20_rg2

Witness: f1818 only instruction
Witness: f1823 only instruction
Witness: fThomas only instruction
Witness: f1831 only instruction


Reading Group: C12e_app21_rg1

Witness: f1831 but consolation in the works of the orientalists. I did not, like him, attempt a critical knowledge of their dialects, for I did not contemplate making any other use of them than temporary amusement. I read merely to understand their meaning, and they well repaid my labours.

Reading Group: C12e_app21_rg2

Witness: f1818 but consolation in the works of the orientalists.
Witness: f1823 but consolation in the works of the orientalists.
Witness: fThomas but consolation in the works of the orientalists.

Reading Group: C12e_app21_rg3

Witness: fMS but consolation in the works of the orientalists. There is something soothing


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Their melancholy is
Witness: f1823 Their melancholy is
Witness: fThomas Their melancholy is
Witness: f1831 Their melancholy is
Witness: fMS Their melancholy is


Reading Group: C12f_app2_rg1

Witness: fMS soothing

Reading Group: C12f_app2_rg2

Witness: f1818 soothing,
Witness: f1823 soothing,
Witness: fThomas soothing,
Witness: f1831 soothing,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and their
Witness: f1823 and their
Witness: fThomas and their
Witness: f1831 and their
Witness: fMS and their


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 joy
Witness: f1823 joy
Witness: fThomas joy
Witness: f1831 joy
Witness: fMS joy


Reading Group: C12f_app5_rg1

Witness: f1818 elevating
Witness: f1823 elevating
Witness: fThomas elevating
Witness: fMS elevating

Reading Group: C12f_app5_rg2

Witness: f1831 elevating,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to a degree I never
Witness: f1823 to a degree I never
Witness: fThomas to a degree I never
Witness: f1831 to a degree I never
Witness: fMS to a degree I never


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS before


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 experienced in
Witness: f1823 experienced in
Witness: fThomas experienced in
Witness: f1831 experienced in
Witness: fMS experienced in


Reading Group: C12f_app9_rg1

Witness: fMS reading<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>studyingany<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>the

Reading Group: C12f_app9_rg2

Witness: f1818 studying the
Witness: f1823 studying the
Witness: fThomas studying the
Witness: f1831 studying the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 authors
Witness: f1823 authors
Witness: fThomas authors
Witness: f1831 authors
Witness: fMS authors


Reading Group: C12f_app11_rg1

Witness: f1818 of any
Witness: f1823 of any
Witness: fThomas of any
Witness: f1831 of any

Reading Group: C12f_app11_rg2

Witness: fMS ofany


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 other
Witness: f1823 other
Witness: fThomas other
Witness: f1831 other
Witness: fMS other


Reading Group: C12f_app13_rg1

Witness: fMS books.<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>country.

Reading Group: C12f_app13_rg2

Witness: f1818 country.
Witness: f1823 country.
Witness: fThomas country.
Witness: f1831 country.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 When you
Witness: f1823 When you
Witness: fThomas When you
Witness: f1831 When you
Witness: fMS When you


Reading Group: C12f_app15_rg1

Witness: f1818 read
Witness: f1823 read
Witness: fThomas read
Witness: f1831 read

Reading Group: C12f_app15_rg2

Witness: fMS reads


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 their
Witness: f1823 their
Witness: fThomas their
Witness: f1831 their
Witness: fMS their


Reading Group: C12f_app17_rg1

Witness: fMS li writings

Reading Group: C12f_app17_rg2

Witness: f1818 writings,
Witness: f1823 writings,
Witness: fThomas writings,
Witness: f1831 writings,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 life
Witness: f1823 life
Witness: fThomas life
Witness: f1831 life
Witness: fMS life


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 appears to consist in a warm sun
Witness: f1823 appears to consist in a warm sun
Witness: fThomas appears to consist in a warm sun
Witness: f1831 appears to consist in a warm sun
Witness: fMS appears to consist in a warm sun


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fMS and


Reading Group: C12f_app21_rg1

Witness: f1831 a

Reading Group: C12f_app21_rg2

Witness: fMS gardens


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 garden
Witness: f1823 garden
Witness: fThomas garden
Witness: f1831 garden


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of
Witness: f1823 of
Witness: fThomas of
Witness: f1831 of
Witness: fMS of


Reading Group: C12f_app24_rg1

Witness: fMS roses – in

Reading Group: C12f_app24_rg2

Witness: f1818 roses,—in
Witness: f1823 roses,—in
Witness: fThomas roses,—in
Witness: f1831 roses,—in


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the smiles
Witness: f1823 the smiles
Witness: fThomas the smiles
Witness: f1831 the smiles
Witness: fMS the smiles


Reading Group: C12f_app26_rg1

Witness: f1818 and frowns
Witness: f1823 and frowns
Witness: fThomas and frowns
Witness: f1831 and frowns

Reading Group: C12f_app26_rg2

Witness: fMS &tearsfrowns


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of a fair
Witness: f1823 of a fair
Witness: fThomas of a fair
Witness: f1831 of a fair
Witness: fMS of a fair


Reading Group: C12f_app28_rg1

Witness: fMS enemy

Reading Group: C12f_app28_rg2

Witness: f1818 enemy,
Witness: f1823 enemy,
Witness: fThomas enemy,
Witness: f1831 enemy,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and the fire
Witness: f1823 and the fire
Witness: fThomas and the fire
Witness: f1831 and the fire
Witness: fMS and the fire


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that consumes your own
Witness: f1823 that consumes your own
Witness: fThomas that consumes your own
Witness: f1831 that consumes your own
Witness: fMS that consumes your own


Reading Group: C12f_app31_rg1

Witness: fMS heart

Reading Group: C12f_app31_rg2

Witness: f1818 heart.
Witness: f1823 heart.
Witness: fThomas heart.
Witness: f1831 heart.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 How different from the manly
Witness: f1823 How different from the manly
Witness: fThomas How different from the manly
Witness: f1831 How different from the manly
Witness: fMS How different from the man<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>ly


Reading Group: C12f_app33_rg1

Witness: f1818 and heroical poetry
Witness: f1823 and heroical poetry
Witness: fThomas and heroical poetry
Witness: f1831 and heroical poetry

Reading Group: C12f_app33_rg2

Witness: fMS &warlikeheroical poet<mdel/>ry


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of Greece and
Witness: f1823 of Greece and
Witness: fThomas of Greece and
Witness: f1831 of Greece and
Witness: fMS of Greece &


Reading Group: C12f_app35_rg1

Witness: f1831 Rome!<p/><p/>Summer

Reading Group: C12f_app35_rg2

Witness: fMS Rome. Summer

Reading Group: C12f_app35_rg3

Witness: f1818 Rome.<p/><p/>Summer
Witness: f1823 Rome.<p/><p/>Summer
Witness: fThomas Rome.<p/><p/>Summer


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 passed away in these
Witness: f1823 passed away in these
Witness: fThomas passed away in these
Witness: f1831 passed away in these
Witness: fMS passed away in these


Reading Group: C12f_app37_rg1

Witness: fMS studiesoccupations&

Reading Group: C12f_app37_rg2

Witness: f1818 occupations, and
Witness: f1823 occupations, and
Witness: fThomas occupations, and
Witness: f1831 occupations, and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my return to Geneva was
Witness: f1823 my return to Geneva was
Witness: fThomas my return to Geneva was
Witness: f1831 my return to Geneva was
Witness: fMS my return to Geneva was


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 fixed for the latter end of
Witness: f1823 fixed for the latter end of
Witness: fThomas fixed for the latter end of
Witness: f1831 fixed for the latter end of
Witness: fMS fixed for the latter end of


Reading Group: C12f_app40_rg1

Witness: fMS Autummn

Reading Group: C12f_app40_rg2

Witness: f1818 autumn;
Witness: f1823 autumn;
Witness: fThomas autumn;
Witness: f1831 autumn;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but being delayed by several
Witness: f1823 but being delayed by several
Witness: fThomas but being delayed by several
Witness: f1831 but being delayed by several
Witness: fMS but being delayed by several


Reading Group: C12f_app42_rg1

Witness: fMS accidents

Reading Group: C12f_app42_rg2

Witness: f1818 accidents,
Witness: f1823 accidents,
Witness: fThomas accidents,
Witness: f1831 accidents,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 winter and snow arrived,
Witness: f1823 winter and snow arrived,
Witness: fThomas winter and snow arrived,
Witness: f1831 winter and snow arrived,
Witness: fMS winter & snow arrived,


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the roads were
Witness: f1823 the roads were
Witness: fThomas the roads were
Witness: f1831 the roads were
Witness: fMS the roads were


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 deemed
Witness: f1823 deemed
Witness: fThomas deemed
Witness: f1831 deemed
Witness: fMS deemed


Reading Group: C12f_app47_rg1

Witness: fMS impassable

Reading Group: C12f_app47_rg2

Witness: f1818 impassable,
Witness: f1823 impassable,
Witness: fThomas impassable,
Witness: f1831 impassable,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and my
Witness: f1823 and my
Witness: fThomas and my
Witness: f1831 and my
Witness: fMS and my


Reading Group: C12f_app49_rg1

Witness: fMS return<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>journeydelayed

Reading Group: C12f_app49_rg2

Witness: f1818 journey
Witness: f1823 journey
Witness: fThomas journey
Witness: f1831 journey


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was
Witness: f1823 was
Witness: fThomas was
Witness: f1831 was
Witness: fMS was


Reading Group: C12f_app51_rg1

Witness: fMS retarted untill

Reading Group: C12f_app51_rg2

Witness: f1818 retarded until
Witness: f1823 retarded until
Witness: fThomas retarded until
Witness: f1831 retarded until


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the ensuing spring. I felt this
Witness: f1823 the ensuing spring. I felt this
Witness: fThomas the ensuing spring. I felt this
Witness: f1831 the ensuing spring. I felt this
Witness: fMS the <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>ensuing spring. I felt this


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 delay very
Witness: f1823 delay very
Witness: fThomas delay very
Witness: f1831 delay very
Witness: fMS delay very


Reading Group: C12f_app54_rg1

Witness: fMS bitterly

Reading Group: C12f_app54_rg2

Witness: f1818 bitterly;
Witness: f1823 bitterly;
Witness: fThomas bitterly;
Witness: f1831 bitterly;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 for I longed to see my
Witness: f1823 for I longed to see my
Witness: fThomas for I longed to see my
Witness: f1831 for I longed to see my
Witness: fMS <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>for I longed to see my


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 native
Witness: f1823 native
Witness: fThomas native
Witness: f1831 native
Witness: fMS native


Reading Group: C12f_app57_rg1

Witness: f1831 town
Witness: fMS ctown

Reading Group: C12f_app57_rg2

Witness: f1818 town,
Witness: f1823 town,
Witness: fThomas town,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and my beloved
Witness: f1823 and my beloved
Witness: fThomas and my beloved
Witness: f1831 and my beloved
Witness: fMS and my beloved


Reading Group: C12f_app59_rg1

Witness: fMS friends and

Reading Group: C12f_app59_rg2

Witness: f1818 friends.
Witness: f1823 friends.
Witness: fThomas friends.
Witness: f1831 friends.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 My return had only been delayed
Witness: f1823 My return had only been delayed
Witness: fThomas My return had only been delayed
Witness: f1831 My return had only been delayed
Witness: fMS my return had only been delayed


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 so
Witness: f1823 so
Witness: fThomas so
Witness: f1831 so
Witness: fMS so


Reading Group: C12f_app62_rg1

Witness: f1818 long
Witness: f1823 long
Witness: fThomas long
Witness: fMS long

Reading Group: C12f_app62_rg2

Witness: f1831 long,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 from an unwillingness to leave
Witness: f1823 from an unwillingness to leave
Witness: fThomas from an unwillingness to leave
Witness: f1831 from an unwillingness to leave
Witness: fMS from an unwillingness to leave


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Clerval in a strange
Witness: f1823 Clerval in a strange
Witness: fThomas Clerval in a strange
Witness: f1831 Clerval in a strange
Witness: fMS Clerval in a strange


Reading Group: C12f_app65_rg1

Witness: f1818 place,
Witness: f1823 place,
Witness: fThomas place,
Witness: f1831 place,

Reading Group: C12f_app65_rg2

Witness: fMS town


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 before he
Witness: f1823 before he
Witness: fThomas before he
Witness: f1831 before he
Witness: fMS before he


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 had become acquainted with
Witness: f1823 had become acquainted with
Witness: fThomas had become acquainted with
Witness: f1831 had become acquainted with
Witness: fMS had become acquainted with


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 any of
Witness: f1823 any of
Witness: fThomas any of
Witness: f1831 any of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 its inhabitants. The
Witness: f1823 its inhabitants. The
Witness: fThomas its inhabitants. The
Witness: f1831 its inhabitants. The
Witness: fMS its inhabitants. The


Reading Group: C12f_app70_rg1

Witness: fMS winter <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>however

Reading Group: C12f_app70_rg2

Witness: f1818 winter, however,
Witness: f1823 winter, however,
Witness: fThomas winter, however,
Witness: f1831 winter, however,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was
Witness: f1823 was
Witness: fThomas was
Witness: f1831 was
Witness: fMS was


Reading Group: C12f_app72_rg1

Witness: fMS howevers spenta cheerfullyone

Reading Group: C12f_app72_rg2

Witness: f1818 spent cheerfully;
Witness: f1823 spent cheerfully;
Witness: fThomas spent cheerfully;
Witness: f1831 spent cheerfully;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and although the
Witness: f1823 and although the
Witness: fThomas and although the
Witness: f1831 and although the
Witness: fMS and although the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 spring was uncommonly
Witness: f1823 spring was uncommonly
Witness: fThomas spring was uncommonly
Witness: f1831 spring was uncommonly
Witness: fMS spring was uncommonly


Reading Group: C12f_app75_rg1

Witness: fMS late

Reading Group: C12f_app75_rg2

Witness: f1818 late,
Witness: f1823 late,
Witness: fThomas late,
Witness: f1831 late,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 when
Witness: f1823 when
Witness: fThomas when
Witness: f1831 when
Witness: fMS when


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 it
Witness: f1823 it
Witness: fThomas it
Witness: f1831 it
Witness: fMS it


Reading Group: C12f_app78_rg1

Witness: f1823 came
Witness: f1831 came
Witness: fMS came

Reading Group: C12f_app78_rg2

Witness: f1818 came,
Witness: fThomas came,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 its beauty compensated
Witness: f1823 its beauty compensated
Witness: fThomas its beauty compensated
Witness: f1831 its beauty compensated
Witness: fMS its beauty compensated


Reading Group: C12f_app80_rg1

Witness: fMS for

Reading Group: C12f_app80_rg2

Witness: f1818 for
Witness: f1823 for
Witness: fThomas for
Witness: f1831 for


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 its
Witness: f1823 its
Witness: fThomas its
Witness: f1831 its
Witness: fMS its


Reading Group: C12f_app82_rg1

Witness: fMS dilatoriness. Ma The

Reading Group: C12f_app82_rg2

Witness: f1818 dilatoriness.<p/><p/>The
Witness: f1823 dilatoriness.<p/><p/>The
Witness: fThomas dilatoriness.<p/><p/>The
Witness: f1831 dilatoriness.<p/><p/>The


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 month
Witness: f1823 month
Witness: fThomas month
Witness: f1831 month
Witness: fMS month


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of May
Witness: f1823 of May
Witness: fThomas of May
Witness: f1831 of May
Witness: fMS of May


Reading Group: C12f_app85_rg1

Witness: f1818 had
Witness: f1823 had
Witness: fThomas had
Witness: f1831 had

Reading Group: C12f_app85_rg2

Witness: fMS was


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 already
Witness: f1823 already
Witness: fThomas already
Witness: f1831 already
Witness: fMS already


Reading Group: C12f_app87_rg1

Witness: fMS finisendcompleated,

Reading Group: C12f_app87_rg2

Witness: f1818 commenced,
Witness: f1823 commenced,
Witness: fThomas commenced,
Witness: f1831 commenced,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and I expected
Witness: f1823 and I expected
Witness: fThomas and I expected
Witness: f1831 and I expected
Witness: fMS and I expected


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS daily


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fMS the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 letter
Witness: f1823 letter
Witness: fThomas letter
Witness: f1831 letter
Witness: fMS letter


Reading Group: C12f_app92_rg1

Witness: f1818 daily which
Witness: f1823 daily which
Witness: fThomas daily which
Witness: f1831 daily which

Reading Group: C12f_app92_rg2

Witness: fMS that


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was to fix the date of
Witness: f1823 was to fix the date of
Witness: fThomas was to fix the date of
Witness: f1831 was to fix the date of
Witness: fMS was to fix the date of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my
Witness: f1823 my
Witness: fThomas my
Witness: f1831 my
Witness: fMS my


Reading Group: C12f_app95_rg1

Witness: fMS return<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>departure,

Reading Group: C12f_app95_rg2

Witness: f1818 departure,
Witness: f1823 departure,
Witness: fThomas departure,
Witness: f1831 departure,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 when Henry proposed
Witness: f1823 when Henry proposed
Witness: fThomas when Henry proposed
Witness: f1831 when Henry proposed
Witness: fMS When Henry proposed


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a pedestrian tour in
Witness: f1823 a pedestrian tour in
Witness: fThomas a pedestrian tour in
Witness: f1831 a pedestrian tour in
Witness: fMS a pedestrian tour in


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: f1831 the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 environs of
Witness: f1823 environs of
Witness: fThomas environs of
Witness: f1831 environs of
Witness: fMS environs of


Reading Group: C12f_app100_rg1

Witness: fMS

Reading Group: C12f_app100_rg2

Witness: f1823 Ingolstadt,
Witness: f1831 Ingolstadt,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Ingolstadt
Witness: fThomas Ingolstadt
Witness: fMS Ingolstadt


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that I might bid
Witness: f1823 that I might bid
Witness: fThomas that I might bid
Witness: f1831 that I might bid
Witness: fMS that I might bid


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a personal
Witness: f1823 a personal
Witness: fThomas a personal
Witness: f1831 a personal


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 farewell
Witness: f1823 farewell
Witness: fThomas farewell
Witness: f1831 farewell
Witness: fMS farewell


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to the country I had so long
Witness: f1823 to the country I had so long
Witness: fThomas to the country I had so long
Witness: f1831 to the country I had so long
Witness: fMS to the country I had so long


Reading Group: C12f_app106_rg1

Witness: f1818 inhabited.
Witness: f1823 inhabited.
Witness: fThomas inhabited.
Witness: f1831 inhabited.

Reading Group: C12f_app106_rg2

Witness: fMS inhabited.–


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fMS I


Reading Group: C12f_app108_rg1

Witness: f1818 acceded
Witness: f1823 acceded
Witness: fThomas acceded
Witness: f1831 acceded

Reading Group: C12f_app108_rg2

Witness: fMS acceeded


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 with pleasure to
Witness: f1823 with pleasure to
Witness: fThomas with pleasure to
Witness: f1831 with pleasure to
Witness: fMS with pleasure to


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 this
Witness: f1823 this
Witness: fThomas this
Witness: f1831 this
Witness: fMS this


Reading Group: C12f_app111_rg1

Witness: f1818 proposition:
Witness: f1823 proposition:
Witness: fThomas proposition:
Witness: f1831 proposition:

Reading Group: C12f_app111_rg2

Witness: fMS proposal<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>ition–


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I was fond of
Witness: f1823 I was fond of
Witness: fThomas I was fond of
Witness: f1831 I was fond of
Witness: fMS I was fond of


Reading Group: C12f_app113_rg1

Witness: fMS Exercise

Reading Group: C12f_app113_rg2

Witness: f1818 exercise,
Witness: f1823 exercise,
Witness: fThomas exercise,
Witness: f1831 exercise,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and Clerval had always been my
Witness: f1823 and Clerval had always been my
Witness: fThomas and Clerval had always been my
Witness: f1831 and Clerval had always been my
Witness: fMS and Clerval had always been my


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 favourite companion in the rambles
Witness: f1823 favourite companion in the rambles
Witness: fThomas favourite companion in the rambles
Witness: f1831 favourite companion in the rambles
Witness: fMS favourite companion in j<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>the rambles


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of this nature that I had taken
Witness: f1823 of this nature that I had taken
Witness: fThomas of this nature that I had taken
Witness: f1831 of this nature that I had taken
Witness: fMS of this nature that I had taken


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 among the scenes of my native
Witness: f1823 among the scenes of my native
Witness: fThomas among the scenes of my native
Witness: f1831 among the scenes of my native
Witness: fMS among the scenes of my native


Reading Group: C12f_app118_rg1

Witness: fMS coun try. We

Reading Group: C12f_app118_rg2

Witness: f1818 country.<p/><p/>We
Witness: f1823 country.<p/><p/>We
Witness: fThomas country.<p/><p/>We
Witness: f1831 country.<p/><p/>We


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 passed a fortnight in these
Witness: f1823 passed a fortnight in these
Witness: fThomas passed a fortnight in these
Witness: f1831 passed a fortnight in these
Witness: fMS passed a fortnight in these


Reading Group: C12f_app120_rg1

Witness: fMS perambulations.

Reading Group: C12f_app120_rg2

Witness: f1818 perambulations:
Witness: f1823 perambulations:
Witness: fThomas perambulations:
Witness: f1831 perambulations:


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my health and spirits had long
Witness: f1823 my health and spirits had long
Witness: fThomas my health and spirits had long
Witness: f1831 my health and spirits had long
Witness: fMS My health and spirits had long


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 been
Witness: f1823 been
Witness: fThomas been
Witness: f1831 been
Witness: fMS been


Reading Group: C12f_app123_rg1

Witness: fMS restored

Reading Group: C12f_app123_rg2

Witness: f1818 restored,
Witness: f1823 restored,
Witness: fThomas restored,
Witness: f1831 restored,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and they gained additional
Witness: f1823 and they gained additional
Witness: fThomas and they gained additional
Witness: f1831 and they gained additional
Witness: fMS and they gained addiitional


Reading Group: C12f_app125_rg1

Witness: f1818 strength
Witness: f1823 strength
Witness: fThomas strength
Witness: f1831 strength

Reading Group: C12f_app125_rg2

Witness: fMS vigour


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 from the salubrious
Witness: f1823 from the salubrious
Witness: fThomas from the salubrious
Witness: f1831 from the salubrious
Witness: fMS from the salubrious


Reading Group: C12f_app127_rg1

Witness: f1818 air
Witness: f1823 air
Witness: fThomas air
Witness: f1831 air

Reading Group: C12f_app127_rg2

Witness: fMS air,<metamark>X</metamark>


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I breathed,
Witness: f1823 I breathed,
Witness: fThomas I breathed,
Witness: f1831 I breathed,
Witness: fMS I breathed,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the natural
Witness: f1823 the natural
Witness: fThomas the natural
Witness: f1831 the natural
Witness: fMS <metamark function="displacement" xml:id="c56-0071.01">X</metamark> the natural


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 incidents of
Witness: f1823 incidents of
Witness: fThomas incidents of
Witness: f1831 incidents of
Witness: fMS incidents of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 our
Witness: f1823 our
Witness: fThomas our
Witness: f1831 our
Witness: fMS our


Reading Group: C12f_app132_rg1

Witness: fMS progress<metamark>X</metamark>

Reading Group: C12f_app132_rg2

Witness: f1818 progress,
Witness: f1823 progress,
Witness: fThomas progress,
Witness: f1831 progress,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and the
Witness: f1823 and the
Witness: fThomas and the
Witness: f1831 and the
Witness: fMS and the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 conversation of my friend. Study had before
Witness: f1823 conversation of my friend. Study had before
Witness: fThomas conversation of my friend. Study had before
Witness: f1831 conversation of my friend. Study had before
Witness: fMS conversation of my friend. Study had before


Reading Group: C12f_app135_rg1

Witness: fMS rendered

Reading Group: C12f_app135_rg2

Witness: f1818 secluded
Witness: f1823 secluded
Witness: fThomas secluded
Witness: f1831 secluded


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 me
Witness: f1823 me
Witness: fThomas me
Witness: f1831 me
Witness: fMS me


Reading Group: C12f_app137_rg1

Witness: f1818 from
Witness: f1823 from
Witness: fThomas from
Witness: f1831 from

Reading Group: C12f_app137_rg2

Witness: fMS unsociablel, –Ihad shunned


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fMS the


Reading Group: C12f_app139_rg1

Witness: fMS face company

Reading Group: C12f_app139_rg2

Witness: f1818 intercourse
Witness: f1823 intercourse
Witness: fThomas intercourse
Witness: f1831 intercourse


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of my
Witness: f1823 of my
Witness: fThomas of my
Witness: f1831 of my
Witness: fMS of my


Reading Group: C12f_app141_rg1

Witness: fMS fellow beings

Reading Group: C12f_app141_rg2

Witness: f1818 fellow-creatures, and rendered me unsocial;
Witness: f1823 fellow-creatures, and rendered me unsocial;
Witness: fThomas fellow-creatures, and rendered me unsocial;
Witness: f1831 fellow-creatures, and rendered me unsocial;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but Clerval
Witness: f1823 but Clerval
Witness: fThomas but Clerval
Witness: f1831 but Clerval
Witness: fMS But Clerval


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 called forth the better feelings of my
Witness: f1823 called forth the better feelings of my
Witness: fThomas called forth the better feelings of my
Witness: f1831 called forth the better feelings of my
Witness: fMS called forth the better feelings of my


Reading Group: C12f_app144_rg1

Witness: fMS heart.

Reading Group: C12f_app144_rg2

Witness: f1818 heart;
Witness: f1823 heart;
Witness: fThomas heart;
Witness: f1831 heart;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 he again taught me to love the aspect
Witness: f1823 he again taught me to love the aspect
Witness: fThomas he again taught me to love the aspect
Witness: f1831 he again taught me to love the aspect
Witness: fMS he again taught me to love the aspect


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of
Witness: f1823 of
Witness: fThomas of
Witness: f1831 of
Witness: fMS of


Reading Group: C12f_app147_rg1

Witness: fMS nature

Reading Group: C12f_app147_rg2

Witness: f1818 nature,
Witness: f1823 nature,
Witness: fThomas nature,
Witness: f1831 nature,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and the cheerful faces of children. Excellent friend! how sincerely did you
Witness: f1823 and the cheerful faces of children. Excellent friend! how sincerely did you
Witness: fThomas and the cheerful faces of children. Excellent friend! how sincerely did you
Witness: f1831 and the cheerful faces of children. Excellent friend! how sincerely did you
Witness: fMS and the cheerful faces of children. Excellent Friend! How sincerely did you


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 love
Witness: f1823 love
Witness: fThomas love
Witness: f1831 love
Witness: fMS love


Reading Group: C12f_app150_rg1

Witness: fMS me

Reading Group: C12f_app150_rg2

Witness: f1818 me,
Witness: f1823 me,
Witness: fThomas me,
Witness: f1831 me,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and endeavour to elevate my
Witness: f1823 and endeavour to elevate my
Witness: fThomas and endeavour to elevate my
Witness: f1831 and endeavour to elevate my
Witness: fMS and endeavour to elevate my


Reading Group: C12f_app152_rg1

Witness: fMS

Reading Group: C12f_app152_rg2

Witness: f1818 mind,
Witness: f1823 mind,
Witness: fThomas mind,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1831 mind
Witness: fMS mind


Reading Group: C12f_app154_rg1

Witness: f1818 until
Witness: f1823 until
Witness: fThomas until
Witness: f1831 until

Reading Group: C12f_app154_rg2

Witness: fMS untill


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 it was on a level with
Witness: f1823 it was on a level with
Witness: fThomas it was on a level with
Witness: f1831 it was on a level with
Witness: fMS it was on a level with


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 your
Witness: f1823 your
Witness: fThomas your
Witness: f1831 your
Witness: fMS your


Reading Group: C12f_app157_rg1

Witness: f1831 own!

Reading Group: C12f_app157_rg2

Witness: f1818 own.
Witness: f1823 own.
Witness: fThomas own.
Witness: fMS own.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 A selfish
Witness: f1823 A selfish
Witness: fThomas A selfish
Witness: f1831 A selfish
Witness: fMS A selfish


Reading Group: C12f_app159_rg1

Witness: fMS persuite

Reading Group: C12f_app159_rg2

Witness: f1818 pursuit
Witness: f1823 pursuit
Witness: fThomas pursuit
Witness: f1831 pursuit


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 had cramped and narrowed
Witness: f1823 had cramped and narrowed
Witness: fThomas had cramped and narrowed
Witness: f1831 had cramped and narrowed
Witness: fMS had cramped and narrowed


Reading Group: C12f_app161_rg1

Witness: fMS it<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>me untill

Reading Group: C12f_app161_rg2

Witness: f1818 me, until
Witness: f1823 me, until
Witness: fThomas me, until
Witness: f1831 me, until


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 your
Witness: f1823 your
Witness: fThomas your
Witness: f1831 your
Witness: fMS your


Reading Group: C12f_app163_rg1

Witness: fMS gentle ness

Reading Group: C12f_app163_rg2

Witness: f1818 gentleness
Witness: f1823 gentleness
Witness: fThomas gentleness
Witness: f1831 gentleness


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and affection warmed and opened my
Witness: f1823 and affection warmed and opened my
Witness: fThomas and affection warmed and opened my
Witness: f1831 and affection warmed and opened my
Witness: fMS & affection warmed & opened it<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>my


Reading Group: C12f_app165_rg1

Witness: fMS senses. and now

Reading Group: C12f_app165_rg2

Witness: f1818 senses;
Witness: f1823 senses;
Witness: fThomas senses;
Witness: f1831 senses;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fMS I


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>now


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 became the same happy creature
Witness: f1823 became the same happy creature
Witness: fThomas became the same happy creature
Witness: f1831 became the same happy creature
Witness: fMS became the same happy creature


Reading Group: C12f_app169_rg1

Witness: fMS who

Reading Group: C12f_app169_rg2

Witness: f1818 who,
Witness: f1823 who,
Witness: fThomas who,
Witness: f1831 who,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a few years ago,
Witness: f1823 a few years ago,
Witness: fThomas a few years ago,
Witness: f1831 a few years ago,
Witness: fMS a few years ago,


Reading Group: C12f_app171_rg1

Witness: f1831 loved

Reading Group: C12f_app171_rg2

Witness: f1818 loving
Witness: f1823 loving
Witness: fThomas loving
Witness: fMS loving


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and beloved by
Witness: f1823 and beloved by
Witness: fThomas and beloved by
Witness: f1831 and beloved by
Witness: fMS & beloved by


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 all, had no sorrow or
Witness: f1823 all, had no sorrow or
Witness: fThomas all, had no sorrow or
Witness: f1831 all, had no sorrow or
Witness: fMS all, had no sorrow or


Reading Group: C12f_app174_rg1

Witness: fMS care – Iand

Reading Group: C12f_app174_rg2

Witness: f1818 care.
Witness: f1823 care.
Witness: fThomas care.
Witness: f1831 care.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 When
Witness: f1823 When
Witness: fThomas When
Witness: f1831 When
Witness: fMS when


Reading Group: C12f_app176_rg1

Witness: fMS happy so<mdel/>soul was more fitted than mine for feeling delightin

Reading Group: C12f_app176_rg2

Witness: f1818 happy,
Witness: f1823 happy,
Witness: fThomas happy,
Witness: f1831 happy,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 inanimate nature had the
Witness: f1823 inanimate nature had the
Witness: fThomas inanimate nature had the
Witness: f1831 inanimate nature had the
Witness: fMS inanimate nature <metamark function="displacement" xml:id="c56-0071.05">X</metamark><metamark function="displacement">X</metamark>had the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 power of
Witness: f1823 power of
Witness: fThomas power of
Witness: f1831 power of
Witness: fMS power of


Reading Group: C12f_app179_rg1

Witness: fMS besbotowing

Reading Group: C12f_app179_rg2

Witness: f1818 bestowing
Witness: f1823 bestowing
Witness: fThomas bestowing
Witness: f1831 bestowing


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 on
Witness: f1823 on
Witness: fThomas on
Witness: f1831 on
Witness: fMS on


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 me the most
Witness: f1823 me the most
Witness: fThomas me the most
Witness: f1831 me the most
Witness: fMS me the most


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 delightful
Witness: f1823 delightful
Witness: fThomas delightful
Witness: f1831 delightful
Witness: fMS delightful


Reading Group: C12f_app183_rg1

Witness: fMS sensations —

Reading Group: C12f_app183_rg2

Witness: f1818 sensations.
Witness: f1823 sensations.
Witness: fThomas sensations.
Witness: f1831 sensations.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 A serene sky
Witness: f1823 A serene sky
Witness: fThomas A serene sky
Witness: f1831 A serene sky
Witness: fMS A serene sky


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS filled


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fMS and


Reading Group: C12f_app187_rg1

Witness: f1818 verdant
Witness: f1823 verdant
Witness: fThomas verdant
Witness: f1831 verdant

Reading Group: C12f_app187_rg2

Witness: fMS verdants


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 fields
Witness: f1823 fields
Witness: fThomas fields
Witness: f1831 fields
Witness: fMS fields


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 filled me with
Witness: f1823 filled me with
Witness: fThomas filled me with
Witness: f1831 filled me with
Witness: fMS filled me with


Reading Group: C12f_app190_rg1

Witness: f1818 ecstasy. The
Witness: f1823 ecstasy. The
Witness: fThomas ecstasy. The
Witness: f1831 ecstasy. The

Reading Group: C12f_app190_rg2

Witness: fMS extasy.–tThe


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 present season was indeed
Witness: f1823 present season was indeed
Witness: fThomas present season was indeed
Witness: f1831 present season was indeed
Witness: fMS <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>present season was indeed


Reading Group: C12f_app192_rg1

Witness: fMS divine –

Reading Group: C12f_app192_rg2

Witness: f1818 divine;
Witness: f1823 divine;
Witness: fThomas divine;
Witness: f1831 divine;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the flowers of spring
Witness: f1823 the flowers of spring
Witness: fThomas the flowers of spring
Witness: f1831 the flowers of spring
Witness: fMS the flowers of spring


Reading Group: C12f_app194_rg1

Witness: fMS blossomed<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>bloomed

Reading Group: C12f_app194_rg2

Witness: f1818 bloomed
Witness: f1823 bloomed
Witness: fThomas bloomed
Witness: f1831 bloomed


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in the
Witness: f1823 in the
Witness: fThomas in the
Witness: f1831 in the
Witness: fMS in the


Reading Group: C12f_app196_rg1

Witness: fMS hedges

Reading Group: C12f_app196_rg2

Witness: f1818 hedges,
Witness: f1823 hedges,
Witness: fThomas hedges,
Witness: f1831 hedges,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 while those of summer were already in
Witness: f1823 while those of summer were already in
Witness: fThomas while those of summer were already in
Witness: f1831 while those of summer were already in
Witness: fMS while those of summer were already in


Reading Group: C12f_app198_rg1

Witness: f1831 bud.

Reading Group: C12f_app198_rg2

Witness: f1818 bud:
Witness: f1823 bud:
Witness: fThomas bud:

Reading Group: C12f_app198_rg3

Witness: fMS bud–


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fMS I


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS dis


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was
Witness: f1823 was
Witness: fThomas was
Witness: f1831 was
Witness: fMS was


Reading Group: C12f_app202_rg1

Witness: fMS not disturbed

Reading Group: C12f_app202_rg2

Witness: f1818 undisturbed
Witness: f1823 undisturbed
Witness: fThomas undisturbed
Witness: f1831 undisturbed


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 by
Witness: f1823 by
Witness: fThomas by
Witness: f1831 by
Witness: fMS by


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 thoughts
Witness: f1823 thoughts
Witness: fThomas thoughts
Witness: f1831 thoughts
Witness: fMS thoughts


Reading Group: C12f_app205_rg1

Witness: fMS that

Reading Group: C12f_app205_rg2

Witness: f1818 which
Witness: f1823 which
Witness: fThomas which
Witness: f1831 which


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 during the
Witness: f1823 during the
Witness: fThomas during the
Witness: f1831 during the
Witness: fMS during the


Reading Group: C12f_app207_rg1

Witness: f1818 preceding
Witness: f1823 preceding
Witness: fThomas preceding
Witness: f1831 preceding

Reading Group: C12f_app207_rg2

Witness: fMS preceeding


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 year
Witness: f1823 year
Witness: fThomas year
Witness: f1831 year
Witness: fMS year


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 had
Witness: f1823 had
Witness: fThomas had
Witness: f1831 had


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 pressed upon
Witness: f1823 pressed upon
Witness: fThomas pressed upon
Witness: f1831 pressed upon
Witness: fMS pressed upon


Reading Group: C12f_app211_rg1

Witness: fMS me not withstanding

Reading Group: C12f_app211_rg2

Witness: f1818 me, notwithstanding
Witness: f1823 me, notwithstanding
Witness: fThomas me, notwithstanding
Witness: f1831 me, notwithstanding


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my endeavours to throw them
Witness: f1823 my endeavours to throw them
Witness: fThomas my endeavours to throw them
Witness: f1831 my endeavours to throw them
Witness: fMS my endeavours to throw them


Reading Group: C12f_app213_rg1

Witness: f1818 off, with
Witness: f1823 off, with
Witness: fThomas off, with
Witness: f1831 off, with

Reading Group: C12f_app213_rg2

Witness: fMS offwith


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 an invincible
Witness: f1823 an invincible
Witness: fThomas an invincible
Witness: f1831 an invincible
Witness: fMS an invincible


Reading Group: C12f_app215_rg1

Witness: f1818 burden.<p/><p/>Henry
Witness: f1823 burden.<p/><p/>Henry
Witness: fThomas burden.<p/><p/>Henry
Witness: f1831 burden.<p/><p/>Henry

Reading Group: C12f_app215_rg2

Witness: fMS burthen. Henry a


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 rejoiced
Witness: f1823 rejoiced
Witness: fThomas rejoiced
Witness: f1831 rejoiced
Witness: fMS rejoiced


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS im


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in my
Witness: f1823 in my
Witness: fThomas in my
Witness: f1831 in my
Witness: fMS in my


Reading Group: C12f_app219_rg1

Witness: fMS gaiety

Reading Group: C12f_app219_rg2

Witness: f1818 gaiety,
Witness: f1823 gaiety,
Witness: fThomas gaiety,
Witness: f1831 gaiety,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fMS and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 sincerely
Witness: f1823 sincerely
Witness: fThomas sincerely
Witness: f1831 sincerely
Witness: fMS sincerely


Reading Group: C12f_app222_rg1

Witness: f1831 sympathised

Reading Group: C12f_app222_rg2

Witness: f1818 sympathized
Witness: f1823 sympathized
Witness: fThomas sympathized
Witness: fMS sympathized


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in my
Witness: f1823 in my
Witness: fThomas in my
Witness: f1831 in my
Witness: fMS in my


Reading Group: C12f_app224_rg1

Witness: fMS joyfeelings –

Reading Group: C12f_app224_rg2

Witness: f1818 feelings:
Witness: f1823 feelings:
Witness: fThomas feelings:
Witness: f1831 feelings:


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 he exerted himself to amuse me, while he expressed
Witness: f1823 he exerted himself to amuse me, while he expressed
Witness: fThomas he exerted himself to amuse me, while he expressed
Witness: f1831 he exerted himself to amuse me, while he expressed
Witness: fMS he exerted himself to amuse me, while he expressed


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fMS the


Reading Group: C12f_app227_rg1

Witness: fMS feelings

Reading Group: C12f_app227_rg2

Witness: f1818 sensations
Witness: f1823 sensations
Witness: fThomas sensations
Witness: f1831 sensations


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that
Witness: f1823 that
Witness: fThomas that
Witness: f1831 that
Witness: fMS that


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS al


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 filled his
Witness: f1823 filled his
Witness: fThomas filled his
Witness: f1831 filled his
Witness: fMS filled his


Reading Group: C12f_app231_rg1

Witness: fMS mind<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>soul.

Reading Group: C12f_app231_rg2

Witness: f1818 soul.
Witness: f1823 soul.
Witness: fThomas soul.
Witness: f1831 soul.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 The
Witness: f1823 The
Witness: fThomas The
Witness: f1831 The
Witness: fMS The


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 resources of his mind on this occasion
Witness: f1823 resources of his mind on this occasion
Witness: fThomas resources of his mind on this occasion
Witness: f1831 resources of his mind on this occasion
Witness: fMS resources of his mind on this occasion


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 were truly
Witness: f1823 were truly
Witness: fThomas were truly
Witness: f1831 were truly
Witness: fMS were truly


Reading Group: C12f_app235_rg1

Witness: fMS astonishing. As we rested during the sultry heat of noon he invented

Reading Group: C12f_app235_rg2

Witness: f1818 astonishing:
Witness: f1823 astonishing:
Witness: fThomas astonishing:
Witness: f1831 astonishing:


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 his conversation was full of
Witness: f1823 his conversation was full of
Witness: fThomas his conversation was full of
Witness: f1831 his conversation was full of
Witness: fMS his conversation was full of


Reading Group: C12f_app237_rg1

Witness: fMS imagination

Reading Group: C12f_app237_rg2

Witness: f1818 imagination;
Witness: f1823 imagination;
Witness: fThomas imagination;
Witness: f1831 imagination;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and very often, in imitation of the
Witness: f1823 and very often, in imitation of the
Witness: fThomas and very often, in imitation of the
Witness: f1831 and very often, in imitation of the
Witness: fMS and very often, in imitation of the


Reading Group: C12f_app239_rg1

Witness: f1818 Persian and
Witness: f1823 Persian and
Witness: fThomas Persian and
Witness: f1831 Persian and

Reading Group: C12f_app239_rg2

Witness: fMS persian&


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Arabic writers, he invented tales
Witness: f1823 Arabic writers, he invented tales
Witness: fThomas Arabic writers, he invented tales
Witness: f1831 Arabic writers, he invented tales
Witness: fMS Arabic writers, he invented tales


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of
Witness: f1823 of
Witness: fThomas of
Witness: f1831 of
Witness: fMS of


Reading Group: C12f_app242_rg1

Witness: fMS great<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>wonderful

Reading Group: C12f_app242_rg2

Witness: f1818 wonderful
Witness: f1823 wonderful
Witness: fThomas wonderful
Witness: f1831 wonderful


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 fancy and
Witness: f1823 fancy and
Witness: fThomas fancy and
Witness: f1831 fancy and
Witness: fMS fancy and


Reading Group: C12f_app244_rg1

Witness: fMS interrest.

Reading Group: C12f_app244_rg2

Witness: f1818 passion.
Witness: f1823 passion.
Witness: fThomas passion.
Witness: f1831 passion.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 At other
Witness: f1823 At other
Witness: fThomas At other
Witness: f1831 At other
Witness: fMS At other


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 times he repeated my favourite
Witness: f1823 times he repeated my favourite
Witness: fThomas times he repeated my favourite
Witness: f1831 times he repeated my favourite
Witness: fMS times he repeated my favourite


Reading Group: C12f_app247_rg1

Witness: fMS poems

Reading Group: C12f_app247_rg2

Witness: f1818 poems,
Witness: f1823 poems,
Witness: fThomas poems,
Witness: f1831 poems,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 or drew me out into
Witness: f1823 or drew me out into
Witness: fThomas or drew me out into
Witness: f1831 or drew me out into
Witness: fMS or drew me out into


Reading Group: C12f_app249_rg1

Witness: fMS arguments

Reading Group: C12f_app249_rg2

Witness: f1818 arguments,
Witness: f1823 arguments,
Witness: fThomas arguments,
Witness: f1831 arguments,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 which
Witness: f1823 which
Witness: fThomas which
Witness: f1831 which
Witness: fMS which


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 he supported with great
Witness: f1823 he supported with great
Witness: fThomas he supported with great
Witness: f1831 he supported with great
Witness: fMS he supported with great


Reading Group: C12f_app252_rg1

Witness: fMS ingenuity. We

Reading Group: C12f_app252_rg2

Witness: f1818 ingenuity.<p/><p/>We
Witness: f1823 ingenuity.<p/><p/>We
Witness: fThomas ingenuity.<p/><p/>We
Witness: f1831 ingenuity.<p/><p/>We


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 returned to our
Witness: f1823 returned to our
Witness: fThomas returned to our
Witness: f1831 returned to our
Witness: fMS returned <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>to our


Reading Group: C12f_app254_rg1

Witness: fMS colledge

Reading Group: C12f_app254_rg2

Witness: f1818 college
Witness: f1823 college
Witness: fThomas college
Witness: f1831 college


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 on a Sunday
Witness: f1823 on a Sunday
Witness: fThomas on a Sunday
Witness: f1831 on a Sunday
Witness: fMS on a sunday


Reading Group: C12f_app256_rg1

Witness: f1818 afternoon:
Witness: f1823 afternoon:
Witness: fThomas afternoon:
Witness: f1831 afternoon:

Reading Group: C12f_app256_rg2

Witness: fMS


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fMS the


Reading Group: C12f_app258_rg1

Witness: fMS pea sants

Reading Group: C12f_app258_rg2

Witness: f1818 peasants
Witness: f1823 peasants
Witness: fThomas peasants
Witness: f1831 peasants


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 were
Witness: f1823 were
Witness: fThomas were
Witness: f1831 were
Witness: fMS were


Reading Group: C12f_app260_rg1

Witness: fMS dancing

Reading Group: C12f_app260_rg2

Witness: f1818 dancing,
Witness: f1823 dancing,
Witness: fThomas dancing,
Witness: f1831 dancing,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and every one we
Witness: f1823 and every one we
Witness: fThomas and every one we
Witness: f1831 and every one we
Witness: fMS and every one we


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 met appeared
Witness: f1823 met appeared
Witness: fThomas met appeared
Witness: f1831 met appeared
Witness: fMS met appeared


Reading Group: C12f_app263_rg1

Witness: f1818 gay
Witness: f1823 gay
Witness: fThomas gay
Witness: f1831 gay

Reading Group: C12f_app263_rg2

Witness: fMS joyful


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fMS and


Reading Group: C12f_app265_rg1

Witness: fMS happy –

Reading Group: C12f_app265_rg2

Witness: f1818 happy.
Witness: f1823 happy.
Witness: fThomas happy.
Witness: f1831 happy.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 My
Witness: f1823 My
Witness: fThomas My
Witness: f1831 My
Witness: fMS my


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 own spirits were
Witness: f1823 own spirits were
Witness: fThomas own spirits were
Witness: f1831 own spirits were
Witness: fMS own spirits were


Reading Group: C12f_app268_rg1

Witness: fMS high

Reading Group: C12f_app268_rg2

Witness: f1818 high,
Witness: f1823 high,
Witness: fThomas high,
Witness: f1831 high,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and I bounded
Witness: f1823 and I bounded
Witness: fThomas and I bounded
Witness: f1831 and I bounded
Witness: fMS and I bounded


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 along with
Witness: f1823 along with
Witness: fThomas along with
Witness: f1831 along with
Witness: fMS along with


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS a


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 feelings of
Witness: f1823 feelings of
Witness: fThomas feelings of
Witness: f1831 feelings of
Witness: fMS feelings of


Reading Group: C12f_app273_rg1

Witness: fMS hilarityunbound edunbridled

Reading Group: C12f_app273_rg2

Witness: f1818 unbridled
Witness: f1823 unbridled
Witness: fThomas unbridled
Witness: f1831 unbridled


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 joy and
Witness: f1823 joy and
Witness: fThomas joy and
Witness: f1831 joy and
Witness: fMS joy and


Reading Group: C12f_app275_rg1

Witness: f1831 hilarity.
Witness: fMS hilarity.

Reading Group: C12f_app275_rg2

Witness: f1818 hilarity.<p/>
Witness: f1823 hilarity.<p/>
Witness: fThomas hilarity.<p/>


Reading Group: C12f_app276_rg1

Witness: fMS <metamark function="count">20</metamark><metamark function="count">15</metamark>

Reading Group: C12f_app276_rg2

Witness: f1831 <p/>


Reading Group: C13a_app1_rg1

Witness: fMS Chap. 9<shi rend="sup"></shi> On

Reading Group: C13a_app1_rg2

Witness: f1818 <head/>CHAPTER
Witness: f1823 <head/>CHAPTER
Witness: fThomas <head/>CHAPTER
Witness: f1831 <head/>CHAPTER


Reading Group: C13a_app2_rg1

Witness: f1818 VI.<head/><p/>O<hi/>N<hi/>
Witness: fThomas VI.<head/><p/>O<hi/>N<hi/>

Reading Group: C13a_app2_rg2

Witness: f1823 VI.<head/><p/>O<hi/>N<hi/>,

Reading Group: C13a_app2_rg3

Witness: f1831 VII.<head/><p/>O<hi/>N<hi/>


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my
Witness: f1823 my
Witness: fThomas my
Witness: f1831 my
Witness: fMS my


Reading Group: C13a_app4_rg1

Witness: fMS return

Reading Group: C13a_app4_rg2

Witness: f1818 return,
Witness: f1823 return,
Witness: fThomas return,
Witness: f1831 return,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I found the following letter
Witness: f1823 I found the following letter
Witness: fThomas I found the following letter
Witness: f1831 I found the following letter
Witness: fMS I found the following letter


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 from my
Witness: f1823 from my
Witness: fThomas from my
Witness: f1831 from my
Witness: fMS from my


Reading Group: C13a_app7_rg1

Witness: fMS father. To V.–Frankenstein Geneva – June 2<shi rend="sup"> d</shi>– 17— My

Reading Group: C13a_app7_rg2

Witness: f1818 father:—<p/><ab/><hi/>”To<hi/>
Witness: f1823 father:—<p/><ab/><hi/>”To<hi/>

Reading Group: C13a_app7_rg3

Witness: fThomas father:—<p/><del/><ab/><hi/>”To<hi/>

Reading Group: C13a_app7_rg4

Witness: f1831 father:—<p/><p/>“My


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 V.
Witness: f1823 V.
Witness: fThomas V.


Reading Group: C13a_app9_rg1

Witness: fThomas F<hi/>RANKENSTEIN<hi/>.<ab/><del/><p/>“<hi/>MY

Reading Group: C13a_app9_rg2

Witness: f1818 F<hi/>RANKENSTEIN<hi/>.<ab/><p/>“<hi/>MY
Witness: f1823 F<hi/>RANKENSTEIN<hi/>.<ab/><p/>“<hi/>MY


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 DEAR
Witness: f1823 DEAR
Witness: fThomas DEAR
Witness: f1831 dear
Witness: fMS dear


Reading Group: C13a_app11_rg1

Witness: f1818 VICTOR<hi/>,<p/><p/>“You
Witness: f1823 VICTOR,<hi/><p/><p/>“You
Witness: fThomas VICTOR<hi/>,<p/><p/>“You
Witness: f1831 Victor,<p/><p/>“You

Reading Group: C13a_app11_rg2

Witness: fMS Victor You


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 have probably waited
Witness: f1823 have probably waited
Witness: fThomas have probably waited
Witness: f1831 have probably waited
Witness: fMS have probably waited


Reading Group: C13a_app13_rg1

Witness: f1818 impatiently
Witness: f1823 impatiently
Witness: fThomas impatiently
Witness: f1831 impatiently

Reading Group: C13a_app13_rg2

Witness: fMS impatientlythe


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 for
Witness: f1823 for
Witness: fThomas for
Witness: f1831 for
Witness: fMS for


Reading Group: C13a_app15_rg1

Witness: fMS thea

Reading Group: C13a_app15_rg2

Witness: f1818 a
Witness: f1823 a
Witness: fThomas a
Witness: f1831 a


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 letter
Witness: f1823 letter
Witness: fThomas letter
Witness: f1831 letter
Witness: fMS letter


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS which was


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to fix the date of your return
Witness: f1823 to fix the date of your return
Witness: fThomas to fix the date of your return
Witness: f1831 to fix the date of your return
Witness: fMS to fix the date of your return


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to us;
Witness: f1823 to us;
Witness: fThomas to us;
Witness: f1831 to us;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and I was at first tempted
Witness: f1823 and I was at first tempted
Witness: fThomas and I was at first tempted
Witness: f1831 and I was at first tempted
Witness: fMS and I was at first tempted


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to write
Witness: f1823 to write
Witness: fThomas to write
Witness: f1831 to write
Witness: fMS to write


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 only
Witness: f1823 only
Witness: fThomas only
Witness: f1831 only


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a few
Witness: f1823 a few
Witness: fThomas a few
Witness: f1831 a few
Witness: fMS a few


Reading Group: C13a_app24_rg1

Witness: fMS lines onlytofixthatmerely

Reading Group: C13a_app24_rg2

Witness: f1818 lines, merely
Witness: f1823 lines, merely
Witness: fThomas lines, merely
Witness: f1831 lines, merely


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 mentioning the
Witness: f1823 mentioning the
Witness: fThomas mentioning the
Witness: f1831 mentioning the
Witness: fMS mentioning the


Reading Group: C13a_app26_rg1

Witness: f1818 day
Witness: f1823 day
Witness: fThomas day
Witness: f1831 day

Reading Group: C13a_app26_rg2

Witness: fMS daydate


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 on which
Witness: f1823 on which
Witness: fThomas on which
Witness: f1831 on which
Witness: fMS on which


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I should
Witness: f1823 I should
Witness: fThomas I should
Witness: f1831 I should
Witness: fMS I should


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 expect
Witness: f1823 expect
Witness: fThomas expect
Witness: f1831 expect
Witness: fMS expect


Reading Group: C13a_app30_rg1

Witness: fMS you –

Reading Group: C13a_app30_rg2

Witness: f1818 you.
Witness: f1823 you.
Witness: fThomas you.
Witness: f1831 you.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 But that would be
Witness: f1823 But that would be
Witness: fThomas But that would be
Witness: f1831 But that would be
Witness: fMS but that would be


Reading Group: C13a_app32_rg1

Witness: f1818 a
Witness: f1823 a
Witness: fThomas a
Witness: f1831 a

Reading Group: C13a_app32_rg2

Witness: fMS <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>avery


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 cruel
Witness: f1823 cruel
Witness: fThomas cruel
Witness: f1831 cruel
Witness: fMS cruel


Reading Group: C13a_app34_rg1

Witness: fMS <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>kindness

Reading Group: C13a_app34_rg2

Witness: f1818 kindness,
Witness: f1823 kindness,
Witness: fThomas kindness,
Witness: f1831 kindness,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and I dare not do it. What would be your
Witness: f1823 and I dare not do it. What would be your
Witness: fThomas and I dare not do it. What would be your
Witness: f1831 and I dare not do it. What would be your
Witness: fMS and I dare not do it. What would <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>be your


Reading Group: C13a_app36_rg1

Witness: fMS surprise be,

Reading Group: C13a_app36_rg2

Witness: f1818 surprise,
Witness: f1823 surprise,
Witness: fThomas surprise,
Witness: f1831 surprise,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my
Witness: f1823 my
Witness: fThomas my
Witness: f1831 my
Witness: fMS my


Reading Group: C13a_app38_rg1

Witness: f1818 son,
Witness: f1823 son,
Witness: fThomas son,
Witness: f1831 son,

Reading Group: C13a_app38_rg2

Witness: fMS sone,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 when
Witness: f1823 when
Witness: fThomas when
Witness: f1831 when
Witness: fMS when


Reading Group: C13a_app40_rg1

Witness: f1818 you
Witness: f1823 you
Witness: fThomas you
Witness: f1831 you

Reading Group: C13a_app40_rg2

Witness: fMS your


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 expected a happy and
Witness: f1823 expected a happy and
Witness: fThomas expected a happy and
Witness: f1831 expected a happy and
Witness: fMS expected a happy and


Reading Group: C13a_app42_rg1

Witness: f1818 gay
Witness: f1823 gay
Witness: fThomas gay
Witness: fMS gay

Reading Group: C13a_app42_rg2

Witness: f1831 glad


Reading Group: C13a_app43_rg1

Witness: fMS welcome

Reading Group: C13a_app43_rg2

Witness: f1818 welcome,
Witness: f1823 welcome,
Witness: fThomas welcome,
Witness: f1831 welcome,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to
Witness: f1823 to
Witness: fThomas to
Witness: f1831 to
Witness: fMS to


Reading Group: C13a_app45_rg1

Witness: fMS heho behoeld

Reading Group: C13a_app45_rg2

Witness: f1818 behold,
Witness: f1823 behold,
Witness: fThomas behold,
Witness: f1831 behold,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 on the
Witness: f1823 on the
Witness: fThomas on the
Witness: f1831 on the
Witness: fMS on the


Reading Group: C13a_app47_rg1

Witness: fMS contrary

Reading Group: C13a_app47_rg2

Witness: f1818 contrary,
Witness: f1823 contrary,
Witness: fThomas contrary,
Witness: f1831 contrary,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 tears and
Witness: f1823 tears and
Witness: fThomas tears and
Witness: f1831 tears and
Witness: fMS tears and


Reading Group: C13a_app49_rg1

Witness: fMS wretchedness.

Reading Group: C13a_app49_rg2

Witness: f1818 wretchedness?
Witness: f1823 wretchedness?
Witness: fThomas wretchedness?
Witness: f1831 wretchedness?


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 And how, Victor, can I relate our
Witness: f1823 And how, Victor, can I relate our
Witness: fThomas And how, Victor, can I relate our
Witness: f1831 And how, Victor, can I relate our
Witness: fMS And how, Victor, can I relate our


Reading Group: C13a_app51_rg1

Witness: fMS misfortune<mdel/>?

Reading Group: C13a_app51_rg2

Witness: f1818 misfortune?
Witness: f1823 misfortune?
Witness: fThomas misfortune?
Witness: f1831 misfortune?


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Absence cannot have rendered
Witness: f1823 Absence cannot have rendered
Witness: fThomas Absence cannot have rendered
Witness: f1831 Absence cannot have rendered
Witness: fMS absence cannot have rendered


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 you callous to our joys and
Witness: f1823 you callous to our joys and
Witness: fThomas you callous to our joys and
Witness: f1831 you callous to our joys and
Witness: fMS you callous to our joys and


Reading Group: C13a_app54_rg1

Witness: fMS griefs

Reading Group: C13a_app54_rg2

Witness: f1818 griefs;
Witness: f1823 griefs;
Witness: fThomas griefs;
Witness: f1831 griefs;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and how
Witness: f1823 and how
Witness: fThomas and how
Witness: f1831 and how
Witness: fMS and how


Reading Group: C13a_app56_rg1

Witness: fMS can

Reading Group: C13a_app56_rg2

Witness: f1818 shall
Witness: f1823 shall
Witness: fThomas shall
Witness: f1831 shall


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I inflict pain on
Witness: f1823 I inflict pain on
Witness: fThomas I inflict pain on
Witness: f1831 I inflict pain on
Witness: fMS I inflict pain on


Reading Group: C13a_app58_rg1

Witness: f1818 an
Witness: f1823 an
Witness: fThomas an
Witness: fMS an

Reading Group: C13a_app58_rg2

Witness: f1831 my long


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 absent
Witness: f1823 absent
Witness: fThomas absent
Witness: f1831 absent
Witness: fMS absent


Reading Group: C13a_app60_rg1

Witness: fMS child.?

Reading Group: C13a_app60_rg2

Witness: f1818 child?
Witness: f1823 child?
Witness: fThomas child?

Reading Group: C13a_app60_rg3

Witness: f1831 son?


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I wish to prepare you for the
Witness: f1823 I wish to prepare you for the
Witness: fThomas I wish to prepare you for the
Witness: f1831 I wish to prepare you for the
Witness: fMS I wish to prepare you for the


Reading Group: C13a_app62_rg1

Witness: f1818 woeful
Witness: fThomas woeful
Witness: fMS woeful

Reading Group: C13a_app62_rg2

Witness: f1823 woful
Witness: f1831 woful


Reading Group: C13a_app63_rg1

Witness: fMS news

Reading Group: C13a_app63_rg2

Witness: f1818 news,
Witness: f1823 news,
Witness: fThomas news,
Witness: f1831 news,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but I know it is impossible; even
Witness: f1823 but I know it is impossible; even
Witness: fThomas but I know it is impossible; even
Witness: f1831 but I know it is impossible; even
Witness: fMS but I know it is impossible; even


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 now your eye skims over the
Witness: f1823 now your eye skims over the
Witness: fThomas now your eye skims over the
Witness: f1831 now your eye skims over the
Witness: fMS now your eye skims over the


Reading Group: C13a_app66_rg1

Witness: fMS page

Reading Group: C13a_app66_rg2

Witness: f1818 page,
Witness: f1823 page,
Witness: fThomas page,
Witness: f1831 page,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to
Witness: f1823 to
Witness: fThomas to
Witness: f1831 to
Witness: fMS to


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 seek the words which are to convey to
Witness: f1823 seek the words which are to convey to
Witness: fThomas seek the words which are to convey to
Witness: f1831 seek the words which are to convey to
Witness: fMS seek the words which are to convey to


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 you the horrible
Witness: f1823 you the horrible
Witness: fThomas you the horrible
Witness: f1831 you the horrible
Witness: fMS you the horrible


Reading Group: C13a_app70_rg1

Witness: fMS tidings. William

Reading Group: C13a_app70_rg2

Witness: f1818 tidings.<p/><p/>“William
Witness: f1823 tidings.<p/><p/>“William
Witness: fThomas tidings.<p/><p/>“William
Witness: f1831 tidings.<p/><p/>“William


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 is
Witness: f1823 is
Witness: fThomas is
Witness: f1831 is
Witness: fMS is


Reading Group: C13a_app72_rg1

Witness: fMS dead! That

Reading Group: C13a_app72_rg2

Witness: f1818 dead!—that
Witness: f1823 dead!—that
Witness: fThomas dead!—that
Witness: f1831 dead!—that


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 sweet
Witness: f1823 sweet
Witness: fThomas sweet
Witness: f1831 sweet
Witness: fMS sweet


Reading Group: C13a_app74_rg1

Witness: fMS child

Reading Group: C13a_app74_rg2

Witness: f1818 child,
Witness: f1823 child,
Witness: fThomas child,
Witness: f1831 child,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 whose smiles delighted and warmed
Witness: f1823 whose smiles delighted and warmed
Witness: fThomas whose smiles delighted and warmed
Witness: f1831 whose smiles delighted and warmed
Witness: fMS whose smiles delighted & warmed


Reading Group: C13a_app76_rg1

Witness: fMS me

Reading Group: C13a_app76_rg2

Witness: f1818 my heart,
Witness: f1823 my heart,
Witness: fThomas my heart,
Witness: f1831 my heart,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 who was so
Witness: f1823 who was so
Witness: fThomas who was so
Witness: f1831 who was so
Witness: fMS who was so


Reading Group: C13a_app78_rg1

Witness: fMS gentle

Reading Group: C13a_app78_rg2

Witness: f1818 gentle,
Witness: f1823 gentle,
Witness: fThomas gentle,
Witness: f1831 gentle,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 yet so
Witness: f1823 yet so
Witness: fThomas yet so
Witness: f1831 yet so
Witness: fMS yet so


Reading Group: C13a_app80_rg1

Witness: f1818 gay!
Witness: f1823 gay!
Witness: fThomas gay!
Witness: f1831 gay!

Reading Group: C13a_app80_rg2

Witness: fMS gay,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Victor, he
Witness: f1823 Victor, he
Witness: fThomas Victor, he
Witness: f1831 Victor, he
Witness: fMS Victor, he


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 is
Witness: f1823 is
Witness: fThomas is
Witness: f1831 is
Witness: fMS is


Reading Group: C13a_app83_rg1

Witness: fMS Murdered! I

Reading Group: C13a_app83_rg2

Witness: f1818 murdered!<p/><p/>“I
Witness: f1823 murdered!<p/><p/>“I
Witness: fThomas murdered!<p/><p/>“I
Witness: f1831 murdered!<p/><p/>“I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 will not attempt to
Witness: f1823 will not attempt to
Witness: fThomas will not attempt to
Witness: f1831 will not attempt to
Witness: fMS will not attempt to


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS o


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 console
Witness: f1823 console
Witness: fThomas console
Witness: f1831 console
Witness: fMS console


Reading Group: C13a_app87_rg1

Witness: fMS you

Reading Group: C13a_app87_rg2

Witness: f1818 you;
Witness: f1823 you;
Witness: fThomas you;
Witness: f1831 you;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but will simply relate the circumstances
Witness: f1823 but will simply relate the circumstances
Witness: fThomas but will simply relate the circumstances
Witness: f1831 but will simply relate the circumstances
Witness: fMS but will simply relate the circumstances


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of the
Witness: f1823 of the
Witness: fThomas of the
Witness: f1831 of the
Witness: fMS of the


Reading Group: C13a_app90_rg1

Witness: fMS transaction. Last thurday

Reading Group: C13a_app90_rg2

Witness: f1818 transaction.<p/><p/>“Last Thursday
Witness: f1823 transaction.<p/><p/>“Last Thursday
Witness: fThomas transaction.<p/><p/>“Last Thursday
Witness: f1831 transaction.<p/><p/>“Last Thursday


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 (May
Witness: f1823 (May
Witness: fThomas (May
Witness: f1831 (May
Witness: fMS (May


Reading Group: C13a_app92_rg1

Witness: f1818 7th)
Witness: f1823 7th)
Witness: fThomas 7th)

Reading Group: C13a_app92_rg2

Witness: f1831 7th),

Reading Group: C13a_app92_rg3

Witness: fMS 26 28<shi rend="underline">th</shi>) I; yourmycousin


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I,
Witness: f1823 I,
Witness: fThomas I,
Witness: f1831 I,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my
Witness: f1823 my
Witness: fThomas my
Witness: f1831 my
Witness: fMS my


Reading Group: C13a_app95_rg1

Witness: fMS niece

Reading Group: C13a_app95_rg2

Witness: f1818 niece,
Witness: f1823 niece,
Witness: fThomas niece,
Witness: f1831 niece,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and your two
Witness: f1823 and your two
Witness: fThomas and your two
Witness: f1831 and your two
Witness: fMS and your two


Reading Group: C13a_app97_rg1

Witness: fMS brothers

Reading Group: C13a_app97_rg2

Witness: f1818 brothers,
Witness: f1823 brothers,
Witness: fThomas brothers,
Witness: f1831 brothers,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 went to
Witness: f1823 went to
Witness: fThomas went to
Witness: f1831 went to
Witness: fMS went to


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 walk in Plainpalais. The evening was
Witness: f1823 walk in Plainpalais. The evening was
Witness: fThomas walk in Plainpalais. The evening was
Witness: f1831 walk in Plainpalais. The evening was
Witness: fMS walk in Plainpalais. The evening was


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 warm and serene, and we prolonged our
Witness: f1823 warm and serene, and we prolonged our
Witness: fThomas warm and serene, and we prolonged our
Witness: f1831 warm and serene, and we prolonged our
Witness: fMS warm and serene, and we prolonged our


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 walk
Witness: f1823 walk
Witness: fThomas walk
Witness: f1831 walk
Witness: fMS walk


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS fat


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 farther than usual. It was
Witness: f1823 farther than usual. It was
Witness: fThomas farther than usual. It was
Witness: f1831 farther than usual. It was
Witness: fMS farther than usual. It was


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS <shi rend="underline">ale</shi>


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 already dusk before we thought of
Witness: f1823 already dusk before we thought of
Witness: fThomas already dusk before we thought of
Witness: f1831 already dusk before we thought of
Witness: fMS already dusk before we thought of


Reading Group: C13a_app106_rg1

Witness: fMS returning Whenand

Reading Group: C13a_app106_rg2

Witness: f1818 returning; and
Witness: f1823 returning; and
Witness: fThomas returning; and
Witness: f1831 returning; and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 then we
Witness: f1823 then we
Witness: fThomas then we
Witness: f1831 then we
Witness: fMS then we


Reading Group: C13a_app108_rg1

Witness: fMS found<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>discovered

Reading Group: C13a_app108_rg2

Witness: f1818 discovered
Witness: f1823 discovered
Witness: fThomas discovered
Witness: f1831 discovered


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that
Witness: f1823 that
Witness: fThomas that
Witness: f1831 that
Witness: fMS that


Reading Group: C13a_app110_rg1

Witness: fMS Ernest

Reading Group: C13a_app110_rg2

Witness: f1818 William
Witness: f1823 William
Witness: fThomas William
Witness: f1831 William


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fMS and


Reading Group: C13a_app112_rg1

Witness: f1818 Ernest,
Witness: f1823 Ernest,
Witness: fThomas Ernest,
Witness: f1831 Ernest,

Reading Group: C13a_app112_rg2

Witness: fMS William


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 who had gone on before,
Witness: f1823 who had gone on before,
Witness: fThomas who had gone on before,
Witness: f1831 who had gone on before,
Witness: fMS who had gone on before,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 were not to be found. We accordingly
Witness: f1823 were not to be found. We accordingly
Witness: fThomas were not to be found. We accordingly
Witness: f1831 were not to be found. We accordingly
Witness: fMS were not to be found. We accordingly


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 rested on a seat
Witness: f1823 rested on a seat
Witness: fThomas rested on a seat
Witness: f1831 rested on a seat
Witness: fMS rested on a seat


Reading Group: C13a_app116_rg1

Witness: f1818 until
Witness: f1823 until
Witness: fThomas until
Witness: f1831 until

Reading Group: C13a_app116_rg2

Witness: fMS untill


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 they should
Witness: f1823 they should
Witness: fThomas they should
Witness: f1831 they should
Witness: fMS they should


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 return. Presently Ernest
Witness: f1823 return. Presently Ernest
Witness: fThomas return. Presently Ernest
Witness: f1831 return. Presently Ernest
Witness: fMS return. Presently Ernest


Reading Group: C13a_app119_rg1

Witness: fMS came up&

Reading Group: C13a_app119_rg2

Witness: f1818 came, and
Witness: f1823 came, and
Witness: fThomas came, and
Witness: f1831 came, and


Reading Group: C13a_app120_rg1

Witness: f1831 enquired
Witness: fMS enquired

Reading Group: C13a_app120_rg2

Witness: f1818 inquired
Witness: f1823 inquired
Witness: fThomas inquired


Reading Group: C13a_app121_rg1

Witness: fMS for

Reading Group: C13a_app121_rg2

Witness: f1818 if we had seen
Witness: f1823 if we had seen
Witness: fThomas if we had seen
Witness: f1831 if we had seen


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 his
Witness: f1823 his
Witness: fThomas his
Witness: f1831 his
Witness: fMS his


Reading Group: C13a_app123_rg1

Witness: fMS brother

Reading Group: C13a_app123_rg2

Witness: f1818 brother:
Witness: fThomas brother:
Witness: f1831 brother:

Reading Group: C13a_app123_rg3

Witness: f1823 brother;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 he
Witness: f1823 he
Witness: fThomas he
Witness: f1831 he
Witness: fMS he


Reading Group: C13a_app125_rg1

Witness: fMS said

Reading Group: C13a_app125_rg2

Witness: f1818 said,
Witness: f1823 said,
Witness: fThomas said,
Witness: f1831 said,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that
Witness: f1823 that
Witness: fThomas that
Witness: f1831 that
Witness: fMS that


Reading Group: C13a_app127_rg1

Witness: fMS

Reading Group: C13a_app127_rg2

Witness: f1818 they
Witness: f1823 they
Witness: fThomas they


Unified Readings

Witness: f1831 he
Witness: fMS he


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 had been playing
Witness: f1823 had been playing
Witness: fThomas had been playing
Witness: f1831 had been playing
Witness: fMS had been playing


Reading Group: C13a_app130_rg1

Witness: f1818 together,
Witness: f1823 together,
Witness: fThomas together,

Reading Group: C13a_app130_rg2

Witness: f1831 with
Witness: fMS with


Reading Group: C13a_app131_rg1

Witness: fMS them him and

Reading Group: C13a_app131_rg2

Witness: f1831 him,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that William had run away to
Witness: f1823 that William had run away to
Witness: fThomas that William had run away to
Witness: f1831 that William had run away to
Witness: fMS that William had run away to


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 hide
Witness: f1823 hide
Witness: fThomas hide
Witness: f1831 hide
Witness: fMS hide


Reading Group: C13a_app134_rg1

Witness: fMS himself

Reading Group: C13a_app134_rg2

Witness: f1818 himself,
Witness: f1823 himself,
Witness: fThomas himself,
Witness: f1831 himself,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and that he
Witness: f1823 and that he
Witness: fThomas and that he
Witness: f1831 and that he
Witness: fMS and that he


Reading Group: C13a_app136_rg1

Witness: fMS had waivainly

Reading Group: C13a_app136_rg2

Witness: f1818 vainly
Witness: f1823 vainly
Witness: fThomas vainly
Witness: f1831 vainly


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 sought
Witness: f1823 sought
Witness: fThomas sought
Witness: f1831 sought
Witness: fMS sought


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS fo


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 for
Witness: f1823 for
Witness: fThomas for
Witness: f1831 for
Witness: fMS for


Reading Group: C13a_app140_rg1

Witness: fMS him

Reading Group: C13a_app140_rg2

Witness: f1818 him,
Witness: f1823 him,
Witness: fThomas him,
Witness: f1831 him,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and afterwards
Witness: f1823 and afterwards
Witness: fThomas and afterwards
Witness: f1831 and afterwards
Witness: fMS & afterwards


Reading Group: C13a_app142_rg1

Witness: fMS wai ted

Reading Group: C13a_app142_rg2

Witness: f1818 waited for him
Witness: f1823 waited for him
Witness: fThomas waited for him
Witness: f1831 waited for him


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a long
Witness: f1823 a long
Witness: fThomas a long
Witness: f1831 a long
Witness: fMS a long


Reading Group: C13a_app144_rg1

Witness: fMS time

Reading Group: C13a_app144_rg2

Witness: f1818 time,
Witness: f1823 time,
Witness: fThomas time,
Witness: f1831 time,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but that he did
Witness: f1823 but that he did
Witness: fThomas but that he did
Witness: f1831 but that he did
Witness: fMS but that he did


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 not
Witness: f1823 not
Witness: fThomas not
Witness: f1831 not
Witness: fMS not


Reading Group: C13a_app147_rg1

Witness: fMS return. This

Reading Group: C13a_app147_rg2

Witness: f1818 return.<p/><p/>“This account
Witness: f1823 return.<p/><p/>“This account
Witness: fThomas return.<p/><p/>“This account
Witness: f1831 return.<p/><p/>“This account


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 rather alarmed
Witness: f1823 rather alarmed
Witness: fThomas rather alarmed
Witness: f1831 rather alarmed
Witness: fMS rather alarmed


Reading Group: C13a_app149_rg1

Witness: fMS us

Reading Group: C13a_app149_rg2

Witness: f1818 us,
Witness: f1823 us,
Witness: fThomas us,
Witness: f1831 us,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and we
Witness: f1823 and we
Witness: fThomas and we
Witness: f1831 and we
Witness: fMS and we


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS sought


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 continued to search for
Witness: f1823 continued to search for
Witness: fThomas continued to search for
Witness: f1831 continued to search for
Witness: fMS continued to search for


Reading Group: C13a_app153_rg1

Witness: f1818 him until
Witness: f1823 him until
Witness: fThomas him until
Witness: f1831 him until

Reading Group: C13a_app153_rg2

Witness: fMS himuntill


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 night
Witness: f1823 night
Witness: fThomas night
Witness: f1831 night
Witness: fMS night


Reading Group: C13a_app155_rg1

Witness: f1818 fell,
Witness: f1823 fell,
Witness: fThomas fell,
Witness: f1831 fell,

Reading Group: C13a_app155_rg2

Witness: fMS felll;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 when Elizabeth conjectured that he might have
Witness: f1823 when Elizabeth conjectured that he might have
Witness: fThomas when Elizabeth conjectured that he might have
Witness: f1831 when Elizabeth conjectured that he might have
Witness: fMS when Elizabeth conjectured that he might have


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 returned to the
Witness: f1823 returned to the
Witness: fThomas returned to the
Witness: f1831 returned to the
Witness: fMS returned to the


Reading Group: C13a_app158_rg1

Witness: f1818 house.
Witness: f1823 house.
Witness: fThomas house.
Witness: f1831 house.

Reading Group: C13a_app158_rg2

Witness: fMS house: but


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 He was
Witness: f1823 He was
Witness: fThomas He was
Witness: f1831 He was
Witness: fMS he was


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 not
Witness: f1823 not
Witness: fThomas not
Witness: f1831 not
Witness: fMS not


Reading Group: C13a_app161_rg1

Witness: fMS there –

Reading Group: C13a_app161_rg2

Witness: f1818 there.
Witness: f1823 there.
Witness: fThomas there.
Witness: f1831 there.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 We returned
Witness: f1823 We returned
Witness: fThomas We returned
Witness: f1831 We returned
Witness: fMS We returned


Reading Group: C13a_app163_rg1

Witness: fMS again

Reading Group: C13a_app163_rg2

Witness: f1818 again,
Witness: f1823 again,
Witness: fThomas again,
Witness: f1831 again,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 with
Witness: f1823 with
Witness: fThomas with
Witness: f1831 with
Witness: fMS with


Reading Group: C13a_app165_rg1

Witness: fMS torches

Reading Group: C13a_app165_rg2

Witness: f1818 torches;
Witness: f1823 torches;
Witness: fThomas torches;
Witness: f1831 torches;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 for I could not
Witness: f1823 for I could not
Witness: fThomas for I could not
Witness: f1831 for I could not
Witness: fMS for I could not


Reading Group: C13a_app167_rg1

Witness: fMS rest

Reading Group: C13a_app167_rg2

Witness: f1818 rest,
Witness: f1823 rest,
Witness: fThomas rest,
Witness: f1831 rest,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 when I thought
Witness: f1823 when I thought
Witness: fThomas when I thought
Witness: f1831 when I thought
Witness: fMS when I thought


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that
Witness: f1823 that
Witness: fThomas that
Witness: f1831 that


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my
Witness: f1823 my
Witness: fThomas my
Witness: f1831 my
Witness: fMS my


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 sweet
Witness: f1823 sweet
Witness: fThomas sweet
Witness: f1831 sweet
Witness: fMS sweet


Reading Group: C13a_app172_rg1

Witness: f1818 boy
Witness: f1823 boy
Witness: fThomas boy
Witness: f1831 boy

Reading Group: C13a_app172_rg2

Witness: fMS child


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 had lost himself, and
Witness: f1823 had lost himself, and
Witness: fThomas had lost himself, and
Witness: f1831 had lost himself, and
Witness: fMS had lost himself, and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was exposed to all the damps and dews
Witness: f1823 was exposed to all the damps and dews
Witness: fThomas was exposed to all the damps and dews
Witness: f1831 was exposed to all the damps and dews
Witness: fMS was exposed to all the damps & dews


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of
Witness: f1823 of
Witness: fThomas of
Witness: f1831 of
Witness: fMS of


Reading Group: C13a_app176_rg1

Witness: f1818 night:
Witness: fThomas night:

Reading Group: C13a_app176_rg2

Witness: f1823 night;
Witness: f1831 night;
Witness: fMS night;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Elizabeth also suffered extreme
Witness: f1823 Elizabeth also suffered extreme
Witness: fThomas Elizabeth also suffered extreme
Witness: f1831 Elizabeth also suffered extreme
Witness: fMS Elizabeth also suffered extreme


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 anguish.
Witness: f1823 anguish.
Witness: fThomas anguish.
Witness: f1831 anguish.
Witness: fMS anguish.


Reading Group: C13a_app179_rg1

Witness: fMS We found himaAbout fourseven

Reading Group: C13a_app179_rg2

Witness: f1818 About five
Witness: f1823 About five
Witness: fThomas About five
Witness: f1831 About five


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in the morning I discovered my lovely
Witness: f1823 in the morning I discovered my lovely
Witness: fThomas in the morning I discovered my lovely
Witness: f1831 in the morning I discovered my lovely
Witness: fMS in the morning I discovered my lovely


Reading Group: C13a_app181_rg1

Witness: fMS boy

Reading Group: C13a_app181_rg2

Witness: f1818 boy,
Witness: f1823 boy,
Witness: fThomas boy,
Witness: f1831 boy,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 whom the night before I had seen blooming and active in
Witness: f1823 whom the night before I had seen blooming and active in
Witness: fThomas whom the night before I had seen blooming and active in
Witness: f1831 whom the night before I had seen blooming and active in
Witness: fMS whom the night before I had seen blooming & active in


Reading Group: C13a_app183_rg1

Witness: fMS health stretch ed

Reading Group: C13a_app183_rg2

Witness: f1818 health, stretched
Witness: f1823 health, stretched
Witness: fThomas health, stretched
Witness: f1831 health, stretched


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 on the grass livid and
Witness: f1823 on the grass livid and
Witness: fThomas on the grass livid and
Witness: f1831 on the grass livid and
Witness: fMS on the grass livid and


Reading Group: C13a_app185_rg1

Witness: f1818 motionless:
Witness: f1823 motionless:
Witness: fThomas motionless:
Witness: f1831 motionless:

Reading Group: C13a_app185_rg2

Witness: fMS motionless–


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the print of the
Witness: f1823 the print of the
Witness: fThomas the print of the
Witness: f1831 the print of the
Witness: fMS the print of the


Reading Group: C13a_app187_rg1

Witness: fMS murderers

Reading Group: C13a_app187_rg2

Witness: f1818 murderer’s
Witness: f1823 murderer’s
Witness: fThomas murderer’s
Witness: f1831 murderer’s


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 finger was
Witness: f1823 finger was
Witness: fThomas finger was
Witness: f1831 finger was
Witness: fMS finger was


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 on his
Witness: f1823 on his
Witness: fThomas on his
Witness: f1831 on his
Witness: fMS on his


Reading Group: C13a_app190_rg1

Witness: fMS neck. He

Reading Group: C13a_app190_rg2

Witness: f1818 neck.<p/><p/>“He
Witness: f1823 neck.<p/><p/>“He
Witness: fThomas neck.<p/><p/>“He
Witness: f1831 neck.<p/><p/>“He


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was conveyed
Witness: f1823 was conveyed
Witness: fThomas was conveyed
Witness: f1831 was conveyed
Witness: fMS was conveyed


Reading Group: C13a_app192_rg1

Witness: fMS home

Reading Group: C13a_app192_rg2

Witness: f1818 home,
Witness: f1823 home,
Witness: fThomas home,
Witness: f1831 home,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and the
Witness: f1823 and the
Witness: fThomas and the
Witness: f1831 and the
Witness: fMS and the


Reading Group: C13a_app194_rg1

Witness: fMS extremewhmiseryanguishagony

Reading Group: C13a_app194_rg2

Witness: f1818 anguish
Witness: f1823 anguish
Witness: fThomas anguish
Witness: f1831 anguish


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that was
Witness: f1823 that was
Witness: fThomas that was
Witness: f1831 that was
Witness: fMS that was


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 visible in my countenance
Witness: f1823 visible in my countenance
Witness: fThomas visible in my countenance
Witness: f1831 visible in my countenance
Witness: fMS visible in my countenance


Reading Group: C13a_app197_rg1

Witness: f1818 betrayed
Witness: f1823 betrayed
Witness: fThomas betrayed
Witness: f1831 betrayed

Reading Group: C13a_app197_rg2

Witness: fMS revealed


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the secret to Elizabeth. She was
Witness: f1823 the secret to Elizabeth. She was
Witness: fThomas the secret to Elizabeth. She was
Witness: f1831 the secret to Elizabeth. She was
Witness: fMS the secret to Elizabeth. She was


Reading Group: C13a_app199_rg1

Witness: fMS extremelyvery

Reading Group: C13a_app199_rg2

Witness: f1818 very
Witness: f1823 very
Witness: fThomas very
Witness: f1831 very


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 earnest to see the corpse.
Witness: f1823 earnest to see the corpse.
Witness: fThomas earnest to see the corpse.
Witness: f1831 earnest to see the corpse.
Witness: fMS earnest to see the corpse.


Reading Group: C13a_app201_rg1

Witness: fMS which^<mdel/>for a long timerefusedAt

Reading Group: C13a_app201_rg2

Witness: f1818 At
Witness: f1823 At
Witness: fThomas At
Witness: f1831 At


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 first I attempted to prevent
Witness: f1823 first I attempted to prevent
Witness: fThomas first I attempted to prevent
Witness: f1831 first I attempted to prevent
Witness: fMS first I attempted to prevent


Reading Group: C13a_app203_rg1

Witness: fMS her

Reading Group: C13a_app203_rg2

Witness: f1818 her;
Witness: f1823 her;
Witness: fThomas her;
Witness: f1831 her;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but
Witness: f1823 but
Witness: fThomas but
Witness: f1831 but
Witness: fMS but


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS <del rend="strikethrough" sID="c56-0075__main__d2e16028"/><del/>


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 she persisted,
Witness: f1823 she persisted,
Witness: fThomas she persisted,
Witness: f1831 she persisted,
Witness: fMS she persisted,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and entering the room where it
Witness: f1823 and entering the room where it
Witness: fThomas and entering the room where it
Witness: f1831 and entering the room where it
Witness: fMS and entering the room where it


Reading Group: C13a_app208_rg1

Witness: fMS lay quickly

Reading Group: C13a_app208_rg2

Witness: f1818 lay,
Witness: f1823 lay,
Witness: fThomas lay,
Witness: f1831 lay,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 hastily examined the neck of
Witness: f1823 hastily examined the neck of
Witness: fThomas hastily examined the neck of
Witness: f1831 hastily examined the neck of
Witness: fMS hastily examined the neck of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fMS the


Reading Group: C13a_app211_rg1

Witness: fMS victim

Reading Group: C13a_app211_rg2

Witness: f1818 victim,
Witness: f1823 victim,
Witness: fThomas victim,
Witness: f1831 victim,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and clasping her
Witness: f1823 and clasping her
Witness: fThomas and clasping her
Witness: f1831 and clasping her
Witness: fMS and clasping her


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS hads


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 hands
Witness: f1823 hands
Witness: fThomas hands
Witness: f1831 hands
Witness: fMS hands


Reading Group: C13a_app215_rg1

Witness: f1818 exclaimed, ‘O
Witness: f1823 exclaimed, ‘O
Witness: fThomas exclaimed, ‘O
Witness: f1831 exclaimed, ‘O

Reading Group: C13a_app215_rg2

Witness: fMS exclaimed— Go Oh


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 God! I have
Witness: f1823 God! I have
Witness: fThomas God! I have
Witness: f1831 God! I have
Witness: fMS God! I have


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 murdered
Witness: f1823 murdered
Witness: fThomas murdered
Witness: f1831 murdered
Witness: fMS murdered


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS this sweetbabe.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my darling
Witness: f1823 my darling
Witness: fThomas my darling
Witness: f1831 my darling
Witness: fMS my darling


Reading Group: C13a_app220_rg1

Witness: fMS infant. She fainted

Reading Group: C13a_app220_rg2

Witness: f1831 child!’<p/><p/>“She

Reading Group: C13a_app220_rg3

Witness: f1818 infant!’<p/><p/>“She
Witness: f1823 infant!’<p/><p/>“She
Witness: fThomas infant!’<p/><p/>“She


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 fainted,
Witness: f1823 fainted,
Witness: fThomas fainted,
Witness: f1831 fainted,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and was
Witness: f1823 and was
Witness: fThomas and was
Witness: f1831 and was
Witness: fMS and was


Reading Group: C13a_app223_rg1

Witness: f1818 restored
Witness: f1823 restored
Witness: fThomas restored
Witness: f1831 restored

Reading Group: C13a_app223_rg2

Witness: fMS retored


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 with
Witness: f1823 with
Witness: fThomas with
Witness: f1831 with
Witness: fMS with


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 extreme
Witness: f1823 extreme
Witness: fThomas extreme
Witness: f1831 extreme
Witness: fMS extreme


Reading Group: C13a_app226_rg1

Witness: f1818 difficulty.
Witness: f1823 difficulty.
Witness: fThomas difficulty.
Witness: f1831 difficulty.

Reading Group: C13a_app226_rg2

Witness: fMS difficulty; and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 When she again
Witness: f1823 When she again
Witness: fThomas When she again
Witness: f1831 When she again
Witness: fMS when she again


Reading Group: C13a_app228_rg1

Witness: fMS lived

Reading Group: C13a_app228_rg2

Witness: f1818 lived,
Witness: f1823 lived,
Witness: fThomas lived,
Witness: f1831 lived,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 it was only to weep and
Witness: f1823 it was only to weep and
Witness: fThomas it was only to weep and
Witness: f1831 it was only to weep and
Witness: fMS it was only to weep and


Reading Group: C13a_app230_rg1

Witness: f1818 sigh.
Witness: f1823 sigh.
Witness: fThomas sigh.
Witness: f1831 sigh.

Reading Group: C13a_app230_rg2

Witness: fMS sigh–


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 She told
Witness: f1823 She told
Witness: fThomas She told
Witness: f1831 She told
Witness: fMS She told


Reading Group: C13a_app232_rg1

Witness: fMS me

Reading Group: C13a_app232_rg2

Witness: f1818 me,
Witness: f1823 me,
Witness: fThomas me,
Witness: f1831 me,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that that same evening
Witness: f1823 that that same evening
Witness: fThomas that that same evening
Witness: f1831 that that same evening
Witness: fMS that that same evening


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 William had
Witness: f1823 William had
Witness: fThomas William had
Witness: f1831 William had
Witness: fMS William had


Reading Group: C13a_app235_rg1

Witness: fThomas teazedentreated

Reading Group: C13a_app235_rg2

Witness: f1831 teased

Reading Group: C13a_app235_rg3

Witness: f1818 teazed
Witness: f1823 teazed
Witness: fMS teazed


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 her to let him
Witness: f1823 her to let him
Witness: fThomas her to let him
Witness: f1831 her to let him
Witness: fMS her to let him


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS wewe


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 wear a
Witness: f1823 wear a
Witness: fThomas wear a
Witness: f1831 wear a
Witness: fMS wear a


Reading Group: C13a_app239_rg1

Witness: fThomas very valuable

Reading Group: C13a_app239_rg2

Witness: f1818 very valuable
Witness: f1823 very valuable
Witness: f1831 very valuable
Witness: fMS very valuable


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 miniature
Witness: f1823 miniature
Witness: fThomas miniature
Witness: f1831 miniature
Witness: fMS miniature


Reading Group: C13a_app241_rg1

Witness: fMS

Reading Group: C13a_app241_rg2

Witness: f1818 that
Witness: f1823 that
Witness: fThomas that
Witness: f1831 that


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 she possessed of your mother.
Witness: f1823 she possessed of your mother.
Witness: fThomas she possessed of your mother.
Witness: f1831 she possessed of your mother.
Witness: fMS she possessed of your Mother.


Unified Readings

Witness: fThomas Which was set in jewels.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 This
Witness: f1823 This
Witness: fThomas This
Witness: f1831 This
Witness: fMS This


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 picture is
Witness: f1823 picture is
Witness: fThomas picture is
Witness: f1831 picture is
Witness: fMS picture is


Reading Group: C13a_app246_rg1

Witness: fMS gone

Reading Group: C13a_app246_rg2

Witness: f1818 gone,
Witness: f1823 gone,
Witness: fThomas gone,
Witness: f1831 gone,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and was doubtless
Witness: f1823 and was doubtless
Witness: fThomas and was doubtless
Witness: f1831 and was doubtless
Witness: fMS and was doubtless


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the temptation which urged the murderer to the deed. We have no trace
Witness: f1823 the temptation which urged the murderer to the deed. We have no trace
Witness: fThomas the temptation which urged the murderer to the deed. We have no trace
Witness: f1831 the temptation which urged the murderer to the deed. We have no trace
Witness: fMS the temptation which urged the murderer to the deed. We have no trace


Reading Group: C13a_app249_rg1

Witness: fMS ofCome my dear Victorhim

Reading Group: C13a_app249_rg2

Witness: f1818 of him
Witness: f1823 of him
Witness: fThomas of him
Witness: f1831 of him


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 at
Witness: f1823 at
Witness: fThomas at
Witness: f1831 at
Witness: fMS at


Reading Group: C13a_app251_rg1

Witness: fMS present of him, butaltho

Reading Group: C13a_app251_rg2

Witness: f1818 present, although
Witness: f1823 present, although
Witness: fThomas present, although
Witness: f1831 present, although


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 our exertions
Witness: f1823 our exertions
Witness: fThomas our exertions
Witness: f1831 our exertions
Witness: fMS our exertions


Reading Group: C13a_app253_rg1

Witness: fMS areto

Reading Group: C13a_app253_rg2

Witness: f1818 to
Witness: f1823 to
Witness: fThomas to
Witness: f1831 to


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 discover him are unremitted; but they will not restore
Witness: f1823 discover him are unremitted; but they will not restore
Witness: fThomas discover him are unremitted; but they will not restore
Witness: f1831 discover him are unremitted; but they will not restore
Witness: fMS discover him are unremitted; but they will not restore


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my beloved
Witness: f1823 my beloved
Witness: fThomas my beloved
Witness: f1831 my beloved
Witness: fMS my beloved


Reading Group: C13a_app256_rg1

Witness: f1831 William!<p/><p/>“Come,

Reading Group: C13a_app256_rg2

Witness: fMS William. Come,

Reading Group: C13a_app256_rg3

Witness: f1818 William.<p/><p/>“Come,
Witness: f1823 William.<p/><p/>“Come,
Witness: fThomas William.<p/><p/>“Come,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 dearest
Witness: f1823 dearest
Witness: fThomas dearest
Witness: f1831 dearest
Witness: fMS dearest


Reading Group: C13a_app258_rg1

Witness: fMS Victor,

Reading Group: C13a_app258_rg2

Witness: f1818 Victor;
Witness: f1823 Victor;
Witness: fThomas Victor;
Witness: f1831 Victor;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 you alone can console
Witness: f1823 you alone can console
Witness: fThomas you alone can console
Witness: f1831 you alone can console
Witness: fMS you alone can console


Reading Group: C13a_app260_rg1

Witness: fMS Elizabeth, whoShe

Reading Group: C13a_app260_rg2

Witness: f1818 Elizabeth. She
Witness: f1823 Elizabeth. She
Witness: fThomas Elizabeth. She
Witness: f1831 Elizabeth. She


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 weeps
Witness: f1823 weeps
Witness: fThomas weeps
Witness: f1831 weeps
Witness: fMS weeps


Reading Group: C13a_app262_rg1

Witness: f1818 continually, and
Witness: f1823 continually, and
Witness: fThomas continually, and
Witness: f1831 continually, and

Reading Group: C13a_app262_rg2

Witness: fMS <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>continually&


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 accuses herself
Witness: f1823 accuses herself
Witness: fThomas accuses herself
Witness: f1831 accuses herself
Witness: fMS accuses herself


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS of all how uso


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 unjustly
Witness: f1823 unjustly
Witness: fThomas unjustly
Witness: f1831 unjustly
Witness: fMS unjustly


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS <metamark function="displacement" xml:id="c56-0076.01">^</metamark>and yet her words of th


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 as the cause of his
Witness: f1823 as the cause of his
Witness: fThomas as the cause of his
Witness: f1831 as the cause of his
Witness: fMS as the cause of his


Reading Group: C13a_app268_rg1

Witness: f1818 death; her words
Witness: f1823 death; her words
Witness: fThomas death; her words
Witness: f1831 death; her words

Reading Group: C13a_app268_rg2

Witness: fMS death—


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 pierce my heart. We are all
Witness: f1823 pierce my heart. We are all
Witness: fThomas pierce my heart. We are all
Witness: f1831 pierce my heart. We are all
Witness: fMS pierce my heart. We are all


Reading Group: C13a_app270_rg1

Witness: fMS unhappy

Reading Group: C13a_app270_rg2

Witness: f1818 unhappy;
Witness: f1823 unhappy;
Witness: fThomas unhappy;
Witness: f1831 unhappy;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but
Witness: f1823 but
Witness: fThomas but
Witness: f1831 but
Witness: fMS but


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS that


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 will not that be an additional motive for you, my
Witness: f1823 will not that be an additional motive for you, my
Witness: fThomas will not that be an additional motive for you, my
Witness: f1831 will not that be an additional motive for you, my
Witness: fMS will not that be an additional motive tofor you, my


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS co


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 son, to
Witness: f1823 son, to
Witness: fThomas son, to
Witness: f1831 son, to
Witness: fMS son, to


Reading Group: C13a_app276_rg1

Witness: fMS comereturn

Reading Group: C13a_app276_rg2

Witness: f1818 return
Witness: f1823 return
Witness: fThomas return
Witness: f1831 return


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and be our
Witness: f1823 and be our
Witness: fThomas and be our
Witness: f1831 and be our
Witness: fMS and be our


Reading Group: C13a_app278_rg1

Witness: fMS comforter.

Reading Group: C13a_app278_rg2

Witness: f1818 comforter?
Witness: f1823 comforter?
Witness: fThomas comforter?
Witness: f1831 comforter?


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Your dear mother!
Witness: f1823 Your dear mother!
Witness: fThomas Your dear mother!
Witness: f1831 Your dear mother!
Witness: fMS Your dear Mother!


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Alas, Victor! I now
Witness: f1823 Alas, Victor! I now
Witness: fThomas Alas, Victor! I now
Witness: f1831 Alas, Victor! I now
Witness: fMS Alas, Victor! I now


Reading Group: C13a_app281_rg1

Witness: fMS say

Reading Group: C13a_app281_rg2

Witness: f1818 say,
Witness: f1823 say,
Witness: fThomas say,
Witness: f1831 say,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Thank God she did
Witness: f1823 Thank God she did
Witness: fThomas Thank God she did
Witness: f1831 Thank God she did
Witness: fMS Thank God she did


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 not live to witness
Witness: f1823 not live to witness
Witness: fThomas not live to witness
Witness: f1831 not live to witness
Witness: fMS not live to witness


Reading Group: C13a_app284_rg1

Witness: fMS this griefTthe cruel

Reading Group: C13a_app284_rg2

Witness: f1818 the cruel,
Witness: f1823 the cruel,
Witness: fThomas the cruel,
Witness: f1831 the cruel,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 miserable death of her youngest
Witness: f1823 miserable death of her youngest
Witness: fThomas miserable death of her youngest
Witness: f1831 miserable death of her youngest
Witness: fMS miserable death of her youngest


Reading Group: C13a_app286_rg1

Witness: f1818 darling!<p/><p/>“Come,
Witness: f1823 darling!<p/><p/>“Come,
Witness: fThomas darling!<p/><p/>“Come,
Witness: f1831 darling!<p/><p/>“Come,

Reading Group: C13a_app286_rg2

Witness: fMS darling. Come,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Victor; not brooding
Witness: f1823 Victor; not brooding
Witness: fThomas Victor; not brooding
Witness: f1831 Victor; not brooding
Witness: fMS Victor; not brooding


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS w


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 thoughts
Witness: f1823 thoughts
Witness: fThomas thoughts
Witness: f1831 thoughts
Witness: fMS thoughts


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of vengeance against the
Witness: f1823 of vengeance against the
Witness: fThomas of vengeance against the
Witness: f1831 of vengeance against the
Witness: fMS of vengeance against the


Reading Group: C13a_app291_rg1

Witness: fMS assassin

Reading Group: C13a_app291_rg2

Witness: f1818 assassin,
Witness: f1823 assassin,
Witness: fThomas assassin,
Witness: f1831 assassin,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but
Witness: f1823 but
Witness: fThomas but
Witness: f1831 but
Witness: fMS but


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 with feelings of peace and
Witness: f1823 with feelings of peace and
Witness: fThomas with feelings of peace and
Witness: f1831 with feelings of peace and
Witness: fMS with feelings of peace and


Reading Group: C13a_app294_rg1

Witness: fMS gentleness

Reading Group: C13a_app294_rg2

Witness: f1818 gentleness,
Witness: f1823 gentleness,
Witness: fThomas gentleness,
Witness: f1831 gentleness,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that will
Witness: f1823 that will
Witness: fThomas that will
Witness: f1831 that will
Witness: fMS that will


Reading Group: C13a_app296_rg1

Witness: fMS heal

Reading Group: C13a_app296_rg2

Witness: f1818 heal,
Witness: f1823 heal,
Witness: fThomas heal,
Witness: f1831 heal,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 instead of
Witness: f1823 instead of
Witness: fThomas instead of
Witness: f1831 instead of
Witness: fMS instead of


Reading Group: C13a_app298_rg1

Witness: f1818 festering
Witness: fThomas festering
Witness: fMS festering

Reading Group: C13a_app298_rg2

Witness: f1823 festering,
Witness: f1831 festering,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fMS the


Reading Group: C13a_app300_rg1

Witness: fMS woul wounds

Reading Group: C13a_app300_rg2

Witness: f1818 wounds
Witness: f1823 wounds
Witness: fThomas wounds
Witness: f1831 wounds


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of our
Witness: f1823 of our
Witness: fThomas of our
Witness: f1831 of our
Witness: fMS of our


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS soul


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 minds. Enter
Witness: f1823 minds. Enter
Witness: fThomas minds. Enter
Witness: f1831 minds. Enter
Witness: fMS minds. Enter


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the house of mourning, my
Witness: f1823 the house of mourning, my
Witness: fThomas the house of mourning, my
Witness: f1831 the house of mourning, my
Witness: fMS the house of mourning, my


Reading Group: C13a_app305_rg1

Witness: f1818 friend,
Witness: f1823 friend,
Witness: fThomas friend,
Witness: f1831 friend,

Reading Group: C13a_app305_rg2

Witness: fMS son & friend


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but with kindness and affection
Witness: f1823 but with kindness and affection
Witness: fThomas but with kindness and affection
Witness: f1831 but with kindness and affection
Witness: fMS but with kindness and affection


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 for those who love
Witness: f1823 for those who love
Witness: fThomas for those who love
Witness: f1831 for those who love
Witness: fMS for those who love


Reading Group: C13a_app308_rg1

Witness: fMS you

Reading Group: C13a_app308_rg2

Witness: f1818 you,
Witness: f1823 you,
Witness: fThomas you,
Witness: f1831 you,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and not with
Witness: f1823 and not with
Witness: fThomas and not with
Witness: f1831 and not with
Witness: fMS & not with


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 hatred for your
Witness: f1823 hatred for your
Witness: fThomas hatred for your
Witness: f1831 hatred for your
Witness: fMS hatered for your


Reading Group: C13a_app311_rg1

Witness: fMS enemies. Your

Reading Group: C13a_app311_rg2

Witness: f1818 enemies.<p/><p/>“Your
Witness: f1823 enemies.<p/><p/>“Your
Witness: fThomas enemies.<p/><p/>“Your
Witness: f1831 enemies.<p/><p/>“Your


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 affectionate and afflicted
Witness: f1823 affectionate and afflicted
Witness: fThomas affectionate and afflicted
Witness: f1831 affectionate and afflicted
Witness: fMS affectionate & afflicted


Reading Group: C13a_app313_rg1

Witness: fMS father Alphonse Frankenstein Al<metamark function="separate">_______________</metamark> Clerval

Reading Group: C13a_app313_rg2

Witness: f1831 father,<p/><p/>“A<hi/>LPHONSE<hi/>

Reading Group: C13a_app313_rg3

Witness: f1818 father,<p/><p/>A<hi/>LPHONSE<hi/>
Witness: f1823 father,<p/><p/>A<hi/>LPHONSE<hi/>
Witness: fThomas father,<p/><p/>A<hi/>LPHONSE<hi/>


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 F<hi/>RANKENSTEIN<hi/>.<p/><p/>“Geneva, May 12th, 17—.”<p/><p/>Clerval,
Witness: f1823 F<hi/>RANKENSTEIN<hi/>.<p/><p/>“Geneva, May 12th, 17—.”<p/><p/>Clerval,
Witness: fThomas F<hi/>RANKENSTEIN<hi/>.<p/><p/>“Geneva, May 12th, 17—.”<p/><p/>Clerval,
Witness: f1831 F<hi/>RANKENSTEIN<hi/>.<p/><p/>“Geneva, May 12th, 17—.”<p/><p/>Clerval,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 who had watched my countenance
Witness: f1823 who had watched my countenance
Witness: fThomas who had watched my countenance
Witness: f1831 who had watched my countenance
Witness: fMS who had watched my countenance


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 as I read this
Witness: f1823 as I read this
Witness: fThomas as I read this
Witness: f1831 as I read this
Witness: fMS as I read this


Reading Group: C13a_app317_rg1

Witness: fMS letter

Reading Group: C13a_app317_rg2

Witness: f1818 letter,
Witness: f1823 letter,
Witness: fThomas letter,
Witness: f1831 letter,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was surprised
Witness: f1823 was surprised
Witness: fThomas was surprised
Witness: f1831 was surprised
Witness: fMS was surprised


Reading Group: C13a_app319_rg1

Witness: fMS in observ- ing

Reading Group: C13a_app319_rg2

Witness: f1818 to observe
Witness: f1823 to observe
Witness: fThomas to observe
Witness: f1831 to observe


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the despair that succeeded to the joy
Witness: f1823 the despair that succeeded to the joy
Witness: fThomas the despair that succeeded to the joy
Witness: f1831 the despair that succeeded to the joy
Witness: fMS the despair that succeeded to the joy


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fMS I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 at first
Witness: f1823 at first
Witness: fThomas at first
Witness: f1831 at first


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 expressed on receiving news from my friends.
Witness: f1823 expressed on receiving news from my friends.
Witness: fThomas expressed on receiving news from my friends.
Witness: f1831 expressed on receiving news from my friends.
Witness: fMS expressed on receiving news from my friends.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I threw the letter on the
Witness: f1823 I threw the letter on the
Witness: fThomas I threw the letter on the
Witness: f1831 I threw the letter on the
Witness: fMS I threw the letter on the


Reading Group: C13a_app325_rg1

Witness: fMS table

Reading Group: C13a_app325_rg2

Witness: f1818 table,
Witness: f1823 table,
Witness: fThomas table,
Witness: f1831 table,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and covered
Witness: f1823 and covered
Witness: fThomas and covered
Witness: f1831 and covered
Witness: fMS and covered


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my face with my
Witness: f1823 my face with my
Witness: fThomas my face with my
Witness: f1831 my face with my
Witness: fMS my face with my


Reading Group: C13a_app328_rg1

Witness: fMS hands. "My

Reading Group: C13a_app328_rg2

Witness: f1818 hands.<p/><p/>“My
Witness: f1823 hands.<p/><p/>“My
Witness: fThomas hands.<p/><p/>“My
Witness: f1831 hands.<p/><p/>“My


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 dear
Witness: f1823 dear
Witness: fThomas dear
Witness: f1831 dear
Witness: fMS dear


Reading Group: C13a_app330_rg1

Witness: f1818 Frankenstein,”
Witness: f1823 Frankenstein,”
Witness: fThomas Frankenstein,”
Witness: f1831 Frankenstein,”

Reading Group: C13a_app330_rg2

Witness: fMS Frankenstien,"


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 exclaimed
Witness: f1823 exclaimed
Witness: fThomas exclaimed
Witness: f1831 exclaimed
Witness: fMS exclaimed


Reading Group: C13a_app332_rg1

Witness: fMS hen Henry

Reading Group: C13a_app332_rg2

Witness: f1818 Henry,
Witness: f1823 Henry,
Witness: fThomas Henry,
Witness: f1831 Henry,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 when he
Witness: f1823 when he
Witness: fThomas when he
Witness: f1831 when he
Witness: fMS when he


Reading Group: C13a_app334_rg1

Witness: f1818 perceived
Witness: f1823 perceived
Witness: fThomas perceived
Witness: f1831 perceived

Reading Group: C13a_app334_rg2

Witness: fMS saw


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 me weep with
Witness: f1823 me weep with
Witness: fThomas me weep with
Witness: f1831 me weep with
Witness: fMS me weep with


Reading Group: C13a_app336_rg1

Witness: fMS bitterness

Reading Group: C13a_app336_rg2

Witness: f1818 bitterness,
Witness: f1823 bitterness,
Witness: fThomas bitterness,
Witness: f1831 bitterness,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 “are you always to be unhappy?
Witness: f1823 “are you always to be unhappy?
Witness: fThomas “are you always to be unhappy?
Witness: f1831 “are you always to be unhappy?
Witness: fMS "are you always to be unhappy?


Reading Group: C13a_app338_rg1

Witness: fMS "my

Reading Group: C13a_app338_rg2

Witness: f1818 My
Witness: f1823 My
Witness: fThomas My
Witness: f1831 My


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 dear friend, what has
Witness: f1823 dear friend, what has
Witness: fThomas dear friend, what has
Witness: f1831 dear friend, what has
Witness: fMS dear friend, what has


Reading Group: C13a_app340_rg1

Witness: fMS happened?" I

Reading Group: C13a_app340_rg2

Witness: f1818 happened?”<p/><p/>I
Witness: f1823 happened?”<p/><p/>I
Witness: fThomas happened?”<p/><p/>I
Witness: f1831 happened?”<p/><p/>I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 motioned to him to
Witness: f1823 motioned to him to
Witness: fThomas motioned to him to
Witness: f1831 motioned to him to
Witness: fMS motioned to him to


Reading Group: C13a_app342_rg1

Witness: fMS readtake

Reading Group: C13a_app342_rg2

Witness: f1818 take
Witness: f1823 take
Witness: fThomas take
Witness: f1831 take


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 up the
Witness: f1823 up the
Witness: fThomas up the
Witness: f1831 up the
Witness: fMS up the


Reading Group: C13a_app344_rg1

Witness: fMS letter

Reading Group: C13a_app344_rg2

Witness: f1818 letter,
Witness: f1823 letter,
Witness: fThomas letter,
Witness: f1831 letter,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 while I walked up and down the room
Witness: f1823 while I walked up and down the room
Witness: fThomas while I walked up and down the room
Witness: f1831 while I walked up and down the room
Witness: fMS while I walked up & down the room


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in the
Witness: f1823 in the
Witness: fThomas in the
Witness: f1831 in the
Witness: fMS in the


Reading Group: C13a_app347_rg1

Witness: f1818 extremest
Witness: f1823 extremest
Witness: fThomas extremest
Witness: f1831 extremest

Reading Group: C13a_app347_rg2

Witness: fMS most extreme


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 agitation.
Witness: f1823 agitation.
Witness: fThomas agitation.
Witness: f1831 agitation.
Witness: fMS agitation.


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS Clerval read the letter – and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Tears also
Witness: f1823 Tears also
Witness: fThomas Tears also
Witness: f1831 Tears also
Witness: fMS tears also


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS gush


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 gushed
Witness: f1823 gushed
Witness: fThomas gushed
Witness: f1831 gushed
Witness: fMS gushed


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>also


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 from
Witness: f1823 from
Witness: fThomas from
Witness: f1831 from
Witness: fMS from


Reading Group: C13a_app355_rg1

Witness: fMS his<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>the

Reading Group: C13a_app355_rg2

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: f1831 the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 eyes of
Witness: f1823 eyes of
Witness: fThomas eyes of
Witness: f1831 eyes of
Witness: fMS eyes <metamark function="displacement" xml:id="c56-0077.02">X</metamark><metamark function="displacement">X</metamark>of


Reading Group: C13a_app357_rg1

Witness: fMS Clerval

Reading Group: C13a_app357_rg2

Witness: f1818 Clerval,
Witness: f1823 Clerval,
Witness: fThomas Clerval,
Witness: f1831 Clerval,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 as he read the
Witness: f1823 as he read the
Witness: fThomas as he read the
Witness: f1831 as he read the
Witness: fMS as he read the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 account of my
Witness: f1823 account of my
Witness: fThomas account of my
Witness: f1831 account of my
Witness: fMS account of my


Reading Group: C13a_app360_rg1

Witness: fMS misfortune –"I

Reading Group: C13a_app360_rg2

Witness: f1818 misfortune.<p/><p/>“I
Witness: f1823 misfortune.<p/><p/>“I
Witness: fThomas misfortune.<p/><p/>“I
Witness: f1831 misfortune.<p/><p/>“I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 can offer you
Witness: f1823 can offer you
Witness: fThomas can offer you
Witness: f1831 can offer you
Witness: fMS can offer you


Reading Group: C13a_app362_rg1

Witness: fMS "no

Reading Group: C13a_app362_rg2

Witness: f1818 no
Witness: f1823 no
Witness: fThomas no
Witness: f1831 no


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 consolation, my friend,” said
Witness: f1823 consolation, my friend,” said
Witness: fThomas consolation, my friend,” said
Witness: f1831 consolation, my friend,” said
Witness: fMS consolation, my friend," said


Reading Group: C13a_app364_rg1

Witness: fMS he my

Reading Group: C13a_app364_rg2

Witness: f1818 he;
Witness: f1823 he;
Witness: fThomas he;
Witness: f1831 he;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 “your
Witness: f1823 “your
Witness: fThomas “your
Witness: f1831 “your
Witness: fMS "your


Reading Group: C13a_app366_rg1

Witness: fMS misfortunedisaster

Reading Group: C13a_app366_rg2

Witness: f1818 disaster
Witness: f1823 disaster
Witness: fThomas disaster
Witness: f1831 disaster


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 is
Witness: f1823 is
Witness: fThomas is
Witness: f1831 is
Witness: fMS is


Reading Group: C13a_app368_rg1

Witness: f1818 irreparable.
Witness: f1823 irreparable.
Witness: fThomas irreparable.
Witness: f1831 irreparable.

Reading Group: C13a_app368_rg2

Witness: fMS irreperable."


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 What
Witness: f1823 What
Witness: fThomas What
Witness: f1831 What
Witness: fMS What


Reading Group: C13a_app370_rg1

Witness: fMS "do

Reading Group: C13a_app370_rg2

Witness: f1818 do
Witness: f1823 do
Witness: fThomas do
Witness: f1831 do


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 you intend to
Witness: f1823 you intend to
Witness: fThomas you intend to
Witness: f1831 you intend to
Witness: fMS you intend to


Reading Group: C13a_app372_rg1

Witness: fMS do"? "To

Reading Group: C13a_app372_rg2

Witness: f1818 do?”<p/><p/>“To
Witness: f1823 do?”<p/><p/>“To
Witness: fThomas do?”<p/><p/>“To
Witness: f1831 do?”<p/><p/>“To


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 go instantly to
Witness: f1823 go instantly to
Witness: fThomas go instantly to
Witness: f1831 go instantly to
Witness: fMS go instantly to


Reading Group: C13a_app374_rg1

Witness: f1818 Geneva:
Witness: f1823 Geneva:
Witness: fThomas Geneva:
Witness: f1831 Geneva:

Reading Group: C13a_app374_rg2

Witness: fMS Geneva"


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 come
Witness: f1823 come
Witness: fThomas come
Witness: f1831 come
Witness: fMS come


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 with me,
Witness: f1823 with me,
Witness: fThomas with me,
Witness: f1831 with me,
Witness: fMS with me,


Reading Group: C13a_app377_rg1

Witness: fMS Clerval,

Reading Group: C13a_app377_rg2

Witness: f1818 Henry,
Witness: f1823 Henry,
Witness: fThomas Henry,
Witness: f1831 Henry,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to order the
Witness: f1823 to order the
Witness: fThomas to order the
Witness: f1831 to order the
Witness: fMS to order the


Reading Group: C13a_app379_rg1

Witness: fMS horses" During

Reading Group: C13a_app379_rg2

Witness: f1818 horses.”<p/><p/>During
Witness: f1823 horses.”<p/><p/>During
Witness: fThomas horses.”<p/><p/>During
Witness: f1831 horses.”<p/><p/>During


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 our
Witness: f1823 our
Witness: fThomas our
Witness: f1831 our
Witness: fMS our


Reading Group: C13a_app381_rg1

Witness: fMS walk C Henryendeavoured

Reading Group: C13a_app381_rg2

Witness: f1818 walk, Clerval endeavoured
Witness: f1823 walk, Clerval endeavoured
Witness: fThomas walk, Clerval endeavoured
Witness: f1831 walk, Clerval endeavoured


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to
Witness: f1823 to
Witness: fThomas to
Witness: f1831 to
Witness: fMS to


Reading Group: C13a_app383_rg1

Witness: f1818 raise my
Witness: f1823 raise my
Witness: fThomas raise my
Witness: fMS raise my

Reading Group: C13a_app383_rg2

Witness: f1831 say a few words


Reading Group: C13a_app384_rg1

Witness: f1818 spirits.
Witness: f1823 spirits.
Witness: fThomas spirits.

Reading Group: C13a_app384_rg2

Witness: fMS spirits–


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 He did not
Witness: f1823 He did not
Witness: fThomas He did not
Witness: fMS He did not


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 do this by
Witness: f1823 do this by
Witness: fThomas do this by
Witness: fMS do this by


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 common topics
Witness: f1823 common topics
Witness: fThomas common topics
Witness: fMS common topics


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of
Witness: f1823 of
Witness: fThomas of
Witness: f1831 of
Witness: fMS of


Reading Group: C13a_app390_rg1

Witness: fMS conversatio consolation butt

Reading Group: C13a_app390_rg2

Witness: f1818 consolation, but
Witness: f1823 consolation, but
Witness: fThomas consolation, but

Reading Group: C13a_app390_rg3

Witness: f1831 consolation; he could only express his heartfelt


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 by
Witness: f1823 by
Witness: fThomas by
Witness: fMS by


Reading Group: C13a_app392_rg1

Witness: f1818 exhibiting
Witness: f1823 exhibiting
Witness: fThomas exhibiting

Reading Group: C13a_app392_rg2

Witness: fMS sheweing


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the truest
Witness: f1823 the truest
Witness: fThomas the truest
Witness: fMS the truest


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 sympathy. “Poor
Witness: f1823 sympathy. “Poor
Witness: fThomas sympathy. “Poor
Witness: f1831 sympathy. “Poor
Witness: fMS sympathy. "Poor


Reading Group: C13a_app395_rg1

Witness: f1818 William!”
Witness: f1823 William!”
Witness: fThomas William!”
Witness: f1831 William!”

Reading Group: C13a_app395_rg2

Witness: fMS William"


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 said
Witness: f1823 said
Witness: fThomas said
Witness: f1831 said
Witness: fMS said


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 he,
Witness: f1823 he,
Witness: fThomas he,
Witness: f1831 he,


Reading Group: C13a_app398_rg1

Witness: f1831 “dear lovely child,

Reading Group: C13a_app398_rg2

Witness: f1818 “that dear
Witness: f1823 “that dear
Witness: fThomas “that dear
Witness: fMS "that dear


Reading Group: C13a_app399_rg1

Witness: fMS "child

Reading Group: C13a_app399_rg2

Witness: f1818 child;
Witness: f1823 child;
Witness: fThomas child;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 he now sleeps with his angel
Witness: f1823 he now sleeps with his angel
Witness: fThomas he now sleeps with his angel
Witness: f1831 he now sleeps with his angel
Witness: fMS he now sleeps with his angel


Reading Group: C13a_app401_rg1

Witness: fMS "mother.

Reading Group: C13a_app401_rg2

Witness: f1831 mother! Who that had seen him bright and joyous in his young beauty, but must weep over his untimely loss! To die so miserably; to feel the murderer’s grasp! How much more a murderer, that could destroy such radiant innocence! Poor little fellow! one only consolation have we;

Reading Group: C13a_app401_rg3

Witness: f1818 mother.
Witness: f1823 mother.
Witness: fThomas mother.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 His friends mourn and
Witness: f1823 His friends mourn and
Witness: fThomas His friends mourn and
Witness: f1831 his friends mourn and
Witness: fMS His friends mourn and


Reading Group: C13a_app403_rg1

Witness: fMS weep

Reading Group: C13a_app403_rg2

Witness: f1818 weep,
Witness: f1823 weep,
Witness: fThomas weep,
Witness: f1831 weep,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but
Witness: f1823 but
Witness: fThomas but
Witness: f1831 but
Witness: fMS but


Reading Group: C13a_app405_rg1

Witness: fMS "he

Reading Group: C13a_app405_rg2

Witness: f1818 he
Witness: f1823 he
Witness: fThomas he
Witness: f1831 he


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 is at
Witness: f1823 is at
Witness: fThomas is at
Witness: f1831 is at
Witness: fMS is at


Reading Group: C13a_app407_rg1

Witness: fMS rest

Reading Group: C13a_app407_rg2

Witness: f1831 rest. The pang is over, his sufferings are at an end for ever.

Reading Group: C13a_app407_rg3

Witness: f1818 rest:
Witness: f1823 rest:
Witness: fThomas rest:


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 he does not now feel the
Witness: f1823 he does not now feel the
Witness: fThomas he does not now feel the
Witness: fMS he does not now feel the


Reading Group: C13a_app409_rg1

Witness: fMS "murderers grasp –

Reading Group: C13a_app409_rg2

Witness: f1818 murderer’s grasp;
Witness: f1823 murderer’s grasp;
Witness: fThomas murderer’s grasp;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a
Witness: f1823 a
Witness: fThomas a
Witness: f1831 A
Witness: fMS a


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS green


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 sod covers his
Witness: f1823 sod covers his
Witness: fThomas sod covers his
Witness: f1831 sod covers his
Witness: fMS sod covers his


Reading Group: C13a_app413_rg1

Witness: fMS "gentle form

Reading Group: C13a_app413_rg2

Witness: f1818 gentle form,
Witness: f1823 gentle form,
Witness: fThomas gentle form,
Witness: f1831 gentle form,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and he knows no
Witness: f1823 and he knows no
Witness: fThomas and he knows no
Witness: f1831 and he knows no
Witness: fMS and he knows no


Reading Group: C13a_app415_rg1

Witness: f1818 pain. He can
Witness: f1823 pain. He can
Witness: fThomas pain. He can
Witness: f1831 pain. He can

Reading Group: C13a_app415_rg2

Witness: fMS pain–He "can


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 no longer be a
Witness: f1823 no longer be a
Witness: fThomas no longer be a
Witness: f1831 no longer be a
Witness: fMS no longer be a


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 fit
Witness: f1823 fit
Witness: fThomas fit


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 subject for
Witness: f1823 subject for
Witness: fThomas subject for
Witness: f1831 subject for
Witness: fMS subject for


Reading Group: C13a_app419_rg1

Witness: fMS pity

Reading Group: C13a_app419_rg2

Witness: f1818 pity;
Witness: f1823 pity;
Witness: fThomas pity;
Witness: f1831 pity;


Reading Group: C13b_app1_rg1

Witness: f1831 we must reserve that for his miserable survivors.”<p/>

Reading Group: C13b_app1_rg2

Witness: fMS his > "survivors

Reading Group: C13b_app1_rg3

Witness: f1818 the survivors
Witness: f1823 the survivors
Witness: fThomas the survivors


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 are the greatest
Witness: f1823 are the greatest
Witness: fThomas are the greatest
Witness: fMS are the greatest


Reading Group: C13b_app3_rg1

Witness: fMS sufferers

Reading Group: C13b_app3_rg2

Witness: f1818 sufferers,
Witness: f1823 sufferers,
Witness: fThomas sufferers,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: fMS and


Reading Group: C13b_app5_rg1

Witness: fMS "for

Reading Group: C13b_app5_rg2

Witness: f1818 for
Witness: f1823 for
Witness: fThomas for


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 them time is
Witness: f1823 them time is
Witness: fThomas them time is
Witness: fMS them time is


Reading Group: C13b_app7_rg1

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fThomas the

Reading Group: C13b_app7_rg2

Witness: fMS their


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 only consolation.
Witness: f1823 only consolation.
Witness: fThomas only consolation.
Witness: fMS only consolation.


Reading Group: C13b_app9_rg1

Witness: fMS "Those

Reading Group: C13b_app9_rg2

Witness: f1818 Those
Witness: f1823 Those
Witness: fThomas Those


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 maxims of the
Witness: f1823 maxims of the
Witness: fThomas maxims of the
Witness: fMS maxims of the


Reading Group: C13b_app11_rg1

Witness: fMS stoics

Reading Group: C13b_app11_rg2

Witness: f1818 Stoics,
Witness: f1823 Stoics,
Witness: fThomas Stoics,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that death
Witness: f1823 that death
Witness: fThomas that death
Witness: fMS that death


Reading Group: C13b_app13_rg1

Witness: fMS "was

Reading Group: C13b_app13_rg2

Witness: f1818 was
Witness: f1823 was
Witness: fThomas was


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 no
Witness: f1823 no
Witness: fThomas no
Witness: fMS no


Reading Group: C13b_app15_rg1

Witness: fMS evil

Reading Group: C13b_app15_rg2

Witness: f1818 evil,
Witness: f1823 evil,
Witness: fThomas evil,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and that the mind of man
Witness: f1823 and that the mind of man
Witness: fThomas and that the mind of man
Witness: fMS and that the mind of man


Reading Group: C13b_app17_rg1

Witness: fMS "ought

Reading Group: C13b_app17_rg2

Witness: f1818 ought
Witness: f1823 ought
Witness: fThomas ought


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to be superior to
Witness: f1823 to be superior to
Witness: fThomas to be superior to
Witness: fMS to be superior to


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS that


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 despair
Witness: f1823 despair
Witness: fThomas despair
Witness: fMS despair


Reading Group: C13b_app21_rg1

Witness: fMS "on

Reading Group: C13b_app21_rg2

Witness: f1818 on
Witness: f1823 on
Witness: fThomas on


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the eternal absence of a beloved
Witness: f1823 the eternal absence of a beloved
Witness: fThomas the eternal absence of a beloved
Witness: fMS the eternal absence of a beloved


Reading Group: C13b_app23_rg1

Witness: fMS "object

Reading Group: C13b_app23_rg2

Witness: f1818 object,
Witness: f1823 object,
Witness: fThomas object,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 ought not to be
Witness: f1823 ought not to be
Witness: fThomas ought not to be
Witness: fMS ought not to be


Reading Group: C13b_app25_rg1

Witness: fMS urged –

Reading Group: C13b_app25_rg2

Witness: f1818 urged.
Witness: f1823 urged.
Witness: fThomas urged.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Even
Witness: f1823 Even
Witness: fThomas Even
Witness: fMS even


Reading Group: C13b_app27_rg1

Witness: fMS "Cato

Reading Group: C13b_app27_rg2

Witness: f1818 Cato
Witness: f1823 Cato
Witness: fThomas Cato


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 wept over the dead body of his
Witness: f1823 wept over the dead body of his
Witness: fThomas wept over the dead body of his
Witness: fMS wept over the dead body of his


Reading Group: C13b_app29_rg1

Witness: fMS "brother."

Reading Group: C13b_app29_rg2

Witness: f1818 brother.”<p/>
Witness: f1823 brother.”<p/>
Witness: fThomas brother.”<p/>


Reading Group: C13c_app1_rg1

Witness: fMS Clerval

Reading Group: C13c_app1_rg2

Witness: f1818 <p/>Clerval
Witness: f1823 <p/>Clerval
Witness: fThomas <p/>Clerval
Witness: f1831 <p/>Clerval


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 spoke
Witness: f1823 spoke
Witness: fThomas spoke
Witness: f1831 spoke
Witness: fMS spoke


Reading Group: C13c_app3_rg1

Witness: fMS this

Reading Group: C13c_app3_rg2

Witness: f1818 thus
Witness: f1823 thus
Witness: fThomas thus
Witness: f1831 thus


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 as we
Witness: f1823 as we
Witness: fThomas as we
Witness: f1831 as we
Witness: fMS as we


Reading Group: C13c_app5_rg1

Witness: fMS huried thou

Reading Group: C13c_app5_rg2

Witness: f1818 hurried
Witness: f1823 hurried
Witness: fThomas hurried
Witness: f1831 hurried


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 through the
Witness: f1823 through the
Witness: fThomas through the
Witness: f1831 through the
Witness: fMS through the


Reading Group: C13c_app7_rg1

Witness: fMS streets

Reading Group: C13c_app7_rg2

Witness: f1818 streets;
Witness: f1823 streets;
Witness: fThomas streets;
Witness: f1831 streets;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the words
Witness: f1823 the words
Witness: fThomas the words
Witness: f1831 the words
Witness: fMS the words


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 impressed themselves on my
Witness: f1823 impressed themselves on my
Witness: fThomas impressed themselves on my
Witness: f1831 impressed themselves on my
Witness: fMS impressed themselves on my


Reading Group: C13c_app10_rg1

Witness: fMS memor mind

Reading Group: C13c_app10_rg2

Witness: f1818 mind,
Witness: f1823 mind,
Witness: fThomas mind,
Witness: f1831 mind,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and I remembered them
Witness: f1823 and I remembered them
Witness: fThomas and I remembered them
Witness: f1831 and I remembered them
Witness: fMS and I remembered them


Reading Group: C13c_app12_rg1

Witness: fMS afterwads

Reading Group: C13c_app12_rg2

Witness: f1818 afterwards
Witness: f1823 afterwards
Witness: fThomas afterwards
Witness: f1831 afterwards


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in solitude.
Witness: f1823 in solitude.
Witness: fThomas in solitude.
Witness: f1831 in solitude.
Witness: fMS in solitude.


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS As soon


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 But now, as soon
Witness: f1823 But now, as soon
Witness: fThomas But now, as soon
Witness: f1831 But now, as soon
Witness: fMS But now, as soon


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 as the horses
Witness: f1823 as the horses
Witness: fThomas as the horses
Witness: f1831 as the horses
Witness: fMS as the horses


Reading Group: C13c_app17_rg1

Witness: fMS arrived

Reading Group: C13c_app17_rg2

Witness: f1818 arrived,
Witness: f1823 arrived,
Witness: fThomas arrived,
Witness: f1831 arrived,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I hurried into
Witness: f1823 I hurried into
Witness: fThomas I hurried into
Witness: f1831 I hurried into
Witness: fMS I hurried into


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a
Witness: f1823 a
Witness: fThomas a
Witness: f1831 a
Witness: fMS a


Reading Group: C13c_app20_rg1

Witness: f1818 cabriole,
Witness: f1823 cabriole,
Witness: fThomas cabriole,

Reading Group: C13c_app20_rg2

Witness: fMS Cabriolet

Reading Group: C13c_app20_rg3

Witness: f1831 cabriolet,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fMS and


Reading Group: C13c_app22_rg1

Witness: fMS left Ingo bad fare well

Reading Group: C13c_app22_rg2

Witness: f1818 bade farewell
Witness: f1823 bade farewell
Witness: fThomas bade farewell
Witness: f1831 bade farewell


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to my
Witness: f1823 to my
Witness: fThomas to my
Witness: f1831 to my
Witness: fMS to my


Reading Group: C13c_app24_rg1

Witness: fMS friend. My

Reading Group: C13c_app24_rg2

Witness: f1818 friend.<p/><p/>My
Witness: f1823 friend.<p/><p/>My
Witness: fThomas friend.<p/><p/>My
Witness: f1831 friend.<p/><p/>My


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 journey was very melancholy.
Witness: f1823 journey was very melancholy.
Witness: fThomas journey was very melancholy.
Witness: f1831 journey was very melancholy.
Witness: fMS journey was very melancholy.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 At first I wished to hurry
Witness: f1823 At first I wished to hurry
Witness: fThomas At first I wished to hurry
Witness: f1831 At first I wished to hurry
Witness: fMS At first I wished to hurry


Reading Group: C13c_app27_rg1

Witness: fMS on

Reading Group: C13c_app27_rg2

Witness: f1818 on,
Witness: f1823 on,
Witness: fThomas on,
Witness: f1831 on,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 for I longed
Witness: f1823 for I longed
Witness: fThomas for I longed
Witness: f1831 for I longed
Witness: fMS for I longed


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to console and
Witness: f1823 to console and
Witness: fThomas to console and
Witness: f1831 to console and
Witness: fMS to console &


Reading Group: C13c_app30_rg1

Witness: f1831 sympathise

Reading Group: C13c_app30_rg2

Witness: f1818 sympathize
Witness: f1823 sympathize
Witness: fThomas sympathize
Witness: fMS sympathize


Reading Group: C13c_app31_rg1

Witness: f1818 with my
Witness: f1823 with my
Witness: fThomas with my
Witness: f1831 with my

Reading Group: C13c_app31_rg2

Witness: fMS withmy


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 loved and
Witness: f1823 loved and
Witness: fThomas loved and
Witness: f1831 loved and
Witness: fMS loved and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 sorrowing
Witness: f1823 sorrowing
Witness: fThomas sorrowing
Witness: f1831 sorrowing
Witness: fMS sorrowing


Reading Group: C13c_app34_rg1

Witness: fMS friends

Reading Group: C13c_app34_rg2

Witness: f1818 friends;
Witness: f1823 friends;
Witness: fThomas friends;
Witness: f1831 friends;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but when I drew
Witness: f1823 but when I drew
Witness: fThomas but when I drew
Witness: f1831 but when I drew
Witness: fMS but when I drew


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 near my
Witness: f1823 near my
Witness: fThomas near my
Witness: f1831 near my
Witness: fMS near my


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS t


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 native
Witness: f1823 native
Witness: fThomas native
Witness: f1831 native
Witness: fMS native


Reading Group: C13c_app39_rg1

Witness: fMS town

Reading Group: C13c_app39_rg2

Witness: f1818 town,
Witness: f1823 town,
Witness: fThomas town,
Witness: f1831 town,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I slackened
Witness: f1823 I slackened
Witness: fThomas I slackened
Witness: f1831 I slackened
Witness: fMS I sla<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>ckened


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my
Witness: f1823 my
Witness: fThomas my
Witness: f1831 my
Witness: fMS my


Reading Group: C13c_app42_rg1

Witness: fMS paceprogress. IC

Reading Group: C13c_app42_rg2

Witness: f1818 progress.
Witness: f1823 progress.
Witness: fThomas progress.
Witness: f1831 progress.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I could hardly sustain
Witness: f1823 I could hardly sustain
Witness: fThomas I could hardly sustain
Witness: f1831 I could hardly sustain
Witness: fMS I could hardly sustain


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the multitude of feelings that
Witness: f1823 the multitude of feelings that
Witness: fThomas the multitude of feelings that
Witness: f1831 the multitude of feelings that
Witness: fMS the multitude of feelings that


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS crowed


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 crowded into my mind. I passed
Witness: f1823 crowded into my mind. I passed
Witness: fThomas crowded into my mind. I passed
Witness: f1831 crowded into my mind. I passed
Witness: fMS crowded into my mind. I passed


Reading Group: C13c_app47_rg1

Witness: fMS though scee

Reading Group: C13c_app47_rg2

Witness: f1818 through
Witness: f1823 through
Witness: fThomas through
Witness: f1831 through


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 scenes familiar to my
Witness: f1823 scenes familiar to my
Witness: fThomas scenes familiar to my
Witness: f1831 scenes familiar to my
Witness: fMS scenes familiar to my


Reading Group: C13c_app49_rg1

Witness: fMS youth

Reading Group: C13c_app49_rg2

Witness: f1818 youth,
Witness: f1823 youth,
Witness: fThomas youth,
Witness: f1831 youth,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but which I had not seen for nearly
Witness: f1823 but which I had not seen for nearly
Witness: fThomas but which I had not seen for nearly
Witness: f1831 but which I had not seen for nearly
Witness: fMS but which I had not seen for nearly


Reading Group: C13c_app51_rg1

Witness: fMS five years,

Reading Group: C13c_app51_rg2

Witness: f1818 six years.
Witness: f1823 six years.
Witness: fThomas six years.
Witness: f1831 six years.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 How altered every thing might
Witness: f1823 How altered every thing might
Witness: fThomas How altered every thing might
Witness: f1831 How altered every thing might
Witness: fMS how altered every thing might


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 be
Witness: f1823 be
Witness: fThomas be
Witness: f1831 be
Witness: fMS be


Reading Group: C13c_app54_rg1

Witness: fMS duringsincethat

Reading Group: C13c_app54_rg2

Witness: f1818 during that
Witness: f1823 during that
Witness: fThomas during that
Witness: f1831 during that


Reading Group: C13c_app55_rg1

Witness: f1823 time!
Witness: f1831 time!

Reading Group: C13c_app55_rg2

Witness: f1818 time?
Witness: fThomas time?
Witness: fMS time?


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 One
Witness: f1823 One
Witness: fThomas One
Witness: f1831 One
Witness: fMS one


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS great


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 sudden
Witness: f1823 sudden
Witness: fThomas sudden
Witness: f1831 sudden
Witness: fMS sudden


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and desolating change had taken
Witness: f1823 and desolating change had taken
Witness: fThomas and desolating change had taken
Witness: f1831 and desolating change had taken
Witness: fMS and desolating change had taken


Reading Group: C13c_app60_rg1

Witness: fMS place

Reading Group: C13c_app60_rg2

Witness: f1818 place;
Witness: f1823 place;
Witness: fThomas place;
Witness: f1831 place;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but a thousand little
Witness: f1823 but a thousand little
Witness: fThomas but a thousand little
Witness: f1831 but a thousand little
Witness: fMS but a thousand little


Reading Group: C13c_app62_rg1

Witness: fMS circumstance

Reading Group: C13c_app62_rg2

Witness: f1818 circumstances
Witness: f1823 circumstances
Witness: fThomas circumstances
Witness: f1831 circumstances


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 might have
Witness: f1823 might have
Witness: fThomas might have
Witness: f1831 might have
Witness: fMS might have


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS sappedworked


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 by
Witness: f1823 by
Witness: fThomas by
Witness: f1831 by
Witness: fMS by


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS degreed


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 degrees
Witness: f1823 degrees
Witness: fThomas degrees
Witness: f1831 degrees
Witness: fMS degrees


Reading Group: C13c_app68_rg1

Witness: fMS workedworked otherstas great alterations <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>which

Reading Group: C13c_app68_rg2

Witness: f1818 worked other alterations, which,
Witness: f1823 worked other alterations, which,
Witness: fThomas worked other alterations, which,
Witness: f1831 worked other alterations, which,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 although
Witness: f1823 although
Witness: fThomas although
Witness: f1831 although
Witness: fMS although


Reading Group: C13c_app70_rg1

Witness: fMS it might be

Reading Group: C13c_app70_rg2

Witness: f1818 they were
Witness: f1823 they were
Witness: fThomas they were
Witness: f1831 they were


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 done more
Witness: f1823 done more
Witness: fThomas done more
Witness: f1831 done more
Witness: fMS done more


Reading Group: C13c_app72_rg1

Witness: fMS tranquilly would

Reading Group: C13c_app72_rg2

Witness: f1818 tranquilly, might
Witness: f1823 tranquilly, might
Witness: fThomas tranquilly, might
Witness: f1831 tranquilly, might


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 not be
Witness: f1823 not be
Witness: fThomas not be
Witness: f1831 not be
Witness: fMS not be


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: f1831 the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 less decisive. Fear overcame
Witness: f1823 less decisive. Fear overcame
Witness: fThomas less decisive. Fear overcame
Witness: f1831 less decisive. Fear overcame
Witness: fMS less descisive. Fear overcame


Reading Group: C13c_app76_rg1

Witness: fMS me

Reading Group: C13c_app76_rg2

Witness: f1818 me;
Witness: f1823 me;
Witness: fThomas me;
Witness: f1831 me;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I dared
Witness: f1823 I dared
Witness: fThomas I dared
Witness: f1831 I dared
Witness: fMS I dared


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS hadN


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 not
Witness: f1823 not
Witness: fThomas not
Witness: f1831 not
Witness: fMS not


Reading Group: C13c_app80_rg1

Witness: fMS advance fea

Reading Group: C13c_app80_rg2

Witness: f1818 advance,
Witness: f1823 advance,
Witness: fThomas advance,
Witness: f1831 advance,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 dreading
Witness: f1823 dreading
Witness: fThomas dreading
Witness: f1831 dreading
Witness: fMS dreading


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a
Witness: f1823 a
Witness: fThomas a
Witness: f1831 a
Witness: fMS a


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS thoug


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 thousand nameless evils that
Witness: f1823 thousand nameless evils that
Witness: fThomas thousand nameless evils that
Witness: f1831 thousand nameless evils that
Witness: fMS thousand nameless evils that


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 made me
Witness: f1823 made me
Witness: fThomas made me
Witness: f1831 made me
Witness: fMS made me


Reading Group: C13c_app86_rg1

Witness: fMS tremble whilealthough

Reading Group: C13c_app86_rg2

Witness: f1818 tremble, although
Witness: f1823 tremble, although
Witness: fThomas tremble, although
Witness: f1831 tremble, although


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fMS I


Reading Group: C13c_app88_rg1

Witness: fMS could notwas

Reading Group: C13c_app88_rg2

Witness: f1818 was
Witness: f1823 was
Witness: fThomas was
Witness: f1831 was


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 unable to define
Witness: f1823 unable to define
Witness: fThomas unable to define
Witness: f1831 unable to define
Witness: fMS unable to define


Reading Group: C13c_app90_rg1

Witness: fMS them. I

Reading Group: C13c_app90_rg2

Witness: f1818 them.<p/><p/>I
Witness: f1823 them.<p/><p/>I
Witness: fThomas them.<p/><p/>I
Witness: f1831 them.<p/><p/>I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 remained
Witness: f1823 remained
Witness: fThomas remained
Witness: f1831 remained
Witness: fMS remained


Reading Group: C13c_app92_rg1

Witness: fMS thus

Reading Group: C13c_app92_rg2

Witness: f1818 two days
Witness: f1823 two days
Witness: fThomas two days
Witness: f1831 two days


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 at
Witness: f1823 at
Witness: fThomas at
Witness: f1831 at
Witness: fMS at


Reading Group: C13c_app94_rg1

Witness: fMS Lausanne for two days not daring to proceed.

Reading Group: C13c_app94_rg2

Witness: f1818 Lausanne, in this painful state of mind.
Witness: f1823 Lausanne, in this painful state of mind.
Witness: fThomas Lausanne, in this painful state of mind.
Witness: f1831 Lausanne, in this painful state of mind.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I contemplated the
Witness: f1823 I contemplated the
Witness: fThomas I contemplated the
Witness: f1831 I contemplated the
Witness: fMS I contemplated the


Reading Group: C13c_app96_rg1

Witness: fMS lake –

Reading Group: C13c_app96_rg2

Witness: f1818 lake:
Witness: f1823 lake:
Witness: fThomas lake:
Witness: f1831 lake:


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the waters were
Witness: f1823 the waters were
Witness: fThomas the waters were
Witness: f1831 the waters were
Witness: fMS the waters were


Reading Group: C13c_app98_rg1

Witness: fMS placid –

Reading Group: C13c_app98_rg2

Witness: f1818 placid;
Witness: f1823 placid;
Witness: fThomas placid;
Witness: f1831 placid;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 all around was
Witness: f1823 all around was
Witness: fThomas all around was
Witness: f1831 all around was
Witness: fMS all around was


Reading Group: C13c_app100_rg1

Witness: fMS calm

Reading Group: C13c_app100_rg2

Witness: f1818 calm,
Witness: f1823 calm,
Witness: fThomas calm,

Reading Group: C13c_app100_rg3

Witness: f1831 calm;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and the
Witness: f1823 and the
Witness: fThomas and the
Witness: f1831 and the
Witness: fMS and the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 snowy
Witness: f1823 snowy
Witness: fThomas snowy
Witness: f1831 snowy
Witness: fMS Snowy


Reading Group: C13c_app103_rg1

Witness: fMS mountains the "Palaces

Reading Group: C13c_app103_rg2

Witness: f1818 mountains, “the palaces
Witness: f1823 mountains, “the palaces
Witness: fThomas mountains, “the palaces
Witness: f1831 mountains, “the palaces


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of
Witness: f1823 of
Witness: fThomas of
Witness: f1831 of
Witness: fMS of


Reading Group: C13c_app105_rg1

Witness: fMS Nature"<metamark function="displacement" xml:id="c56-0079.01">X</metamark><metamark function="displacement">X</metamark>Lo<shi rend="underline">rd Byron</shi>

Reading Group: C13c_app105_rg2

Witness: f1818 nature,”
Witness: f1823 nature,”
Witness: fThomas nature,”
Witness: f1831 nature,”


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 were not changed. By
Witness: f1823 were not changed. By
Witness: fThomas were not changed. By
Witness: f1831 were not changed. By
Witness: fMS were not changed. By


Reading Group: C13c_app107_rg1

Witness: f1818 degrees the
Witness: f1823 degrees the
Witness: fThomas degrees the
Witness: f1831 degrees the

Reading Group: C13c_app107_rg2

Witness: fMS degrees, this


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 calm
Witness: f1823 calm
Witness: fThomas calm
Witness: f1831 calm
Witness: fMS calm


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and heavenly scene restored me, and I
Witness: f1823 and heavenly scene restored me, and I
Witness: fThomas and heavenly scene restored me, and I
Witness: f1831 and heavenly scene restored me, and I
Witness: fMS and heavenly scene restored me, and I


Reading Group: C13c_app110_rg1

Witness: fMS proceededcontinued

Reading Group: C13c_app110_rg2

Witness: f1818 continued
Witness: f1823 continued
Witness: fThomas continued
Witness: f1831 continued


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my journey towards
Witness: f1823 my journey towards
Witness: fThomas my journey towards
Witness: f1831 my journey towards
Witness: fMS my journey towards


Reading Group: C13c_app112_rg1

Witness: fMS Geneva. The

Reading Group: C13c_app112_rg2

Witness: f1818 Geneva.<p/><p/>The
Witness: f1823 Geneva.<p/><p/>The
Witness: fThomas Geneva.<p/><p/>The
Witness: f1831 Geneva.<p/><p/>The


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 road
Witness: f1823 road
Witness: fThomas road
Witness: f1831 road
Witness: fMS road


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 ran by the side of the
Witness: f1823 ran by the side of the
Witness: fThomas ran by the side of the
Witness: f1831 ran by the side of the
Witness: fMS ran by the side of the


Reading Group: C13c_app115_rg1

Witness: fMS lake

Reading Group: C13c_app115_rg2

Witness: f1818 lake,
Witness: f1823 lake,
Witness: fThomas lake,
Witness: f1831 lake,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 which
Witness: f1823 which
Witness: fThomas which
Witness: f1831 which
Witness: fMS which


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 became narrower as I approached
Witness: f1823 became narrower as I approached
Witness: fThomas became narrower as I approached
Witness: f1831 became narrower as I approached
Witness: fMS became narrower as I approached


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my native
Witness: f1823 my native
Witness: fThomas my native
Witness: f1831 my native
Witness: fMS my native


Reading Group: C13c_app119_rg1

Witness: fMS town –

Reading Group: C13c_app119_rg2

Witness: f1818 town.
Witness: f1823 town.
Witness: fThomas town.
Witness: f1831 town.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I discovered more
Witness: f1823 I discovered more
Witness: fThomas I discovered more
Witness: f1831 I discovered more
Witness: fMS I discovered more


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 distinctly the black sides of
Witness: f1823 distinctly the black sides of
Witness: fThomas distinctly the black sides of
Witness: f1831 distinctly the black sides of
Witness: fMS distinctly the black sides of


Reading Group: C13c_app122_rg1

Witness: f1818 Jura,
Witness: f1823 Jura,
Witness: fThomas Jura,
Witness: f1831 Jura,

Reading Group: C13c_app122_rg2

Witness: fMS Jura;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and the
Witness: f1823 and the
Witness: fThomas and the
Witness: f1831 and the
Witness: fMS and the


Reading Group: C13c_app124_rg1

Witness: f1818 bright summit
Witness: f1823 bright summit
Witness: fThomas bright summit
Witness: f1831 bright summit

Reading Group: C13c_app124_rg2

Witness: fMS <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>brightsummit


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of
Witness: f1823 of
Witness: fThomas of
Witness: f1831 of
Witness: fMS of


Reading Group: C13c_app126_rg1

Witness: f1818 Mont
Witness: f1823 Mont
Witness: fThomas Mont
Witness: f1831 Mont

Reading Group: C13c_app126_rg2

Witness: fMS Mount Blanc–


Reading Group: C13c_app127_rg1

Witness: f1831 Blanc.

Reading Group: C13c_app127_rg2

Witness: f1818 Blanc;
Witness: f1823 Blanc;
Witness: fThomas Blanc;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I wept like a
Witness: f1823 I wept like a
Witness: fThomas I wept like a
Witness: f1831 I wept like a
Witness: fMS I wept like a


Reading Group: C13c_app129_rg1

Witness: f1831 child.

Reading Group: C13c_app129_rg2

Witness: f1818 child:
Witness: f1823 child:
Witness: fThomas child:

Reading Group: C13c_app129_rg3

Witness: fMS child– Dear mountains


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 “Dear mountains!
Witness: f1823 “Dear mountains!
Witness: fThomas “Dear mountains!
Witness: f1831 “Dear mountains!


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my own beautiful
Witness: f1823 my own beautiful
Witness: fThomas my own beautiful
Witness: f1831 my own beautiful
Witness: fMS my own beautiful


Reading Group: C13c_app132_rg1

Witness: f1818 lake!
Witness: f1823 lake!
Witness: fThomas lake!
Witness: f1831 lake!

Reading Group: C13c_app132_rg2

Witness: fMS lake


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 how do you
Witness: f1823 how do you
Witness: fThomas how do you
Witness: f1831 how do you
Witness: fMS how do you


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 welcome your
Witness: f1823 welcome your
Witness: fThomas welcome your
Witness: f1831 welcome your
Witness: fMS welcome your


Reading Group: C13c_app135_rg1

Witness: fMS wanderer

Reading Group: C13c_app135_rg2

Witness: f1818 wanderer?
Witness: f1823 wanderer?
Witness: fThomas wanderer?
Witness: f1831 wanderer?


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Your summits are
Witness: f1823 Your summits are
Witness: fThomas Your summits are
Witness: f1831 Your summits are
Witness: fMS Your summits are


Reading Group: C13c_app137_rg1

Witness: fMS clear

Reading Group: C13c_app137_rg2

Witness: f1818 clear;
Witness: f1823 clear;
Witness: fThomas clear;
Witness: f1831 clear;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the sky and lake
Witness: f1823 the sky and lake
Witness: fThomas the sky and lake
Witness: f1831 the sky and lake
Witness: fMS the sky and lake


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 are blue
Witness: f1823 are blue
Witness: fThomas are blue
Witness: f1831 are blue
Witness: fMS are blue


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and placid.
Witness: f1823 and placid.
Witness: fThomas and placid.
Witness: f1831 and placid.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Is this
Witness: f1823 Is this
Witness: fThomas Is this
Witness: f1831 Is this
Witness: fMS is this


Reading Group: C13c_app142_rg1

Witness: f1818 to prognosticate peace,
Witness: f1823 to prognosticate peace,
Witness: fThomas to prognosticate peace,
Witness: f1831 to prognosticate peace,

Reading Group: C13c_app142_rg2

Witness: fMS <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>toprognosticate peace


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 or to mock
Witness: f1823 or to mock
Witness: fThomas or to mock
Witness: f1831 or to mock
Witness: fMS or to mock


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 at
Witness: f1823 at
Witness: fThomas at
Witness: f1831 at


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my
Witness: f1823 my
Witness: fThomas my
Witness: f1831 my
Witness: fMS my


Reading Group: C13c_app146_rg1

Witness: f1818 unhappiness?”<p/><p/>I
Witness: f1823 unhappiness?”<p/><p/>I
Witness: fThomas unhappiness?”<p/><p/>I
Witness: f1831 unhappiness?”<p/><p/>I

Reading Group: C13c_app146_rg2

Witness: fMS unhappiness? I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 fear, my
Witness: f1823 fear, my
Witness: fThomas fear, my
Witness: f1831 fear, my
Witness: fMS fear, my


Reading Group: C13c_app148_rg1

Witness: fMS friend

Reading Group: C13c_app148_rg2

Witness: f1818 friend,
Witness: f1823 friend,
Witness: fThomas friend,
Witness: f1831 friend,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that I shall render myself
Witness: f1823 that I shall render myself
Witness: fThomas that I shall render myself
Witness: f1831 that I shall render myself
Witness: fMS to<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>that I shall render myself


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 tedious by dwelling on these preliminary
Witness: f1823 tedious by dwelling on these preliminary
Witness: fThomas tedious by dwelling on these preliminary
Witness: f1831 tedious by dwelling on these preliminary
Witness: fMS tedious by dwelling on these preliminary


Reading Group: C13c_app151_rg1

Witness: fMS circumstances

Reading Group: C13c_app151_rg2

Witness: f1818 circumstances;
Witness: f1823 circumstances;
Witness: fThomas circumstances;
Witness: f1831 circumstances;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but they were days of
Witness: f1823 but they were days of
Witness: fThomas but they were days of
Witness: f1831 but they were days of
Witness: fMS but they were days of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 comparative
Witness: f1823 comparative
Witness: fThomas comparative
Witness: f1831 comparative
Witness: fMS comparative


Reading Group: C13c_app154_rg1

Witness: fMS happiness

Reading Group: C13c_app154_rg2

Witness: f1818 happiness,
Witness: f1823 happiness,
Witness: fThomas happiness,
Witness: f1831 happiness,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and I
Witness: f1823 and I
Witness: fThomas and I
Witness: f1831 and I
Witness: fMS and I


Reading Group: C13c_app156_rg1

Witness: fMS dwell<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>think

Reading Group: C13c_app156_rg2

Witness: f1818 think
Witness: f1823 think
Witness: fThomas think
Witness: f1831 think


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of them with
Witness: f1823 of them with
Witness: fThomas of them with
Witness: f1831 of them with
Witness: fMS onf them with


Reading Group: C13c_app158_rg1

Witness: fMS pleasure –

Reading Group: C13c_app158_rg2

Witness: f1818 pleasure.
Witness: f1823 pleasure.
Witness: fThomas pleasure.
Witness: f1831 pleasure.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 My
Witness: f1823 My
Witness: fThomas My
Witness: f1831 My
Witness: fMS My


Reading Group: C13c_app160_rg1

Witness: fMS Country

Reading Group: C13c_app160_rg2

Witness: f1818 country,
Witness: f1823 country,
Witness: fThomas country,
Witness: f1831 country,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my beloved
Witness: f1823 my beloved
Witness: fThomas my beloved
Witness: f1831 my beloved
Witness: fMS my beloved


Reading Group: C13c_app162_rg1

Witness: f1818 country!
Witness: f1823 country!
Witness: fThomas country!
Witness: f1831 country!

Reading Group: C13c_app162_rg2

Witness: fMS country


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 who but a
Witness: f1823 who but a
Witness: fThomas who but a
Witness: f1831 who but a
Witness: fMS Who <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>but a


Reading Group: C13c_app164_rg1

Witness: f1818 native can
Witness: f1823 native can
Witness: fThomas native can
Witness: f1831 native can

Reading Group: C13c_app164_rg2

Witness: fMS nativecan


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 tell the
Witness: f1823 tell the
Witness: fThomas tell the
Witness: f1831 tell the
Witness: fMS tell the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 delight I took in again beholding thy
Witness: f1823 delight I took in again beholding thy
Witness: fThomas delight I took in again beholding thy
Witness: f1831 delight I took in again beholding thy
Witness: fMS delight I took in again beholding thy


Reading Group: C13c_app167_rg1

Witness: fMS st<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>reams

Reading Group: C13c_app167_rg2

Witness: f1818 streams,
Witness: f1823 streams,
Witness: fThomas streams,
Witness: f1831 streams,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 thy
Witness: f1823 thy
Witness: fThomas thy
Witness: f1831 thy
Witness: fMS thy


Reading Group: C13c_app169_rg1

Witness: fMS mountains and

Reading Group: C13c_app169_rg2

Witness: f1818 mountains, and,
Witness: f1823 mountains, and,
Witness: fThomas mountains, and,
Witness: f1831 mountains, and,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 more than
Witness: f1823 more than
Witness: fThomas more than
Witness: f1831 more than
Witness: fMS more than


Reading Group: C13c_app171_rg1

Witness: fMS all

Reading Group: C13c_app171_rg2

Witness: f1818 all,
Witness: f1823 all,
Witness: fThomas all,
Witness: f1831 all,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 thy lovely
Witness: f1823 thy lovely
Witness: fThomas thy lovely
Witness: f1831 thy lovely
Witness: fMS thy lovely


Reading Group: C13c_app173_rg1

Witness: f1831 lake!<p/><p/>Yet,

Reading Group: C13c_app173_rg2

Witness: fMS lake and Yet

Reading Group: C13c_app173_rg3

Witness: f1818 lake.<p/><p/>Yet,
Witness: f1823 lake.<p/><p/>Yet,
Witness: fThomas lake.<p/><p/>Yet,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 as I drew nearer
Witness: f1823 as I drew nearer
Witness: fThomas as I drew nearer
Witness: f1831 as I drew nearer
Witness: fMS as I drew nearer


Reading Group: C13c_app175_rg1

Witness: fMS home

Reading Group: C13c_app175_rg2

Witness: f1818 home,
Witness: f1823 home,
Witness: fThomas home,
Witness: f1831 home,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 grief and
Witness: f1823 grief and
Witness: fThomas grief and
Witness: f1831 grief and
Witness: fMS grief and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 fear
Witness: f1823 fear
Witness: fThomas fear
Witness: f1831 fear
Witness: fMS fear


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 again
Witness: f1823 again
Witness: fThomas again
Witness: f1831 again


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 overcame
Witness: f1823 overcame
Witness: fThomas overcame
Witness: f1831 overcame
Witness: fMS overcame


Reading Group: C13c_app180_rg1

Witness: fMS me –

Reading Group: C13c_app180_rg2

Witness: f1818 me.
Witness: f1823 me.
Witness: fThomas me.
Witness: f1831 me.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Night also closed
Witness: f1823 Night also closed
Witness: fThomas Night also closed
Witness: f1831 Night also closed
Witness: fMS night also closed


Reading Group: C13c_app182_rg1

Witness: fMS round me

Reading Group: C13c_app182_rg2

Witness: f1818 around;
Witness: f1823 around;
Witness: fThomas around;
Witness: f1831 around;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and when I could hardly
Witness: f1823 and when I could hardly
Witness: fThomas and when I could hardly
Witness: f1831 and when I could hardly
Witness: fMS and when I could hardly


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 see the dark
Witness: f1823 see the dark
Witness: fThomas see the dark
Witness: f1831 see the dark
Witness: fMS see the dark


Reading Group: C13c_app185_rg1

Witness: fMS mountains

Reading Group: C13c_app185_rg2

Witness: f1818 mountains,
Witness: f1823 mountains,
Witness: fThomas mountains,
Witness: f1831 mountains,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I felt still
Witness: f1823 I felt still
Witness: fThomas I felt still
Witness: f1831 I felt still
Witness: fMS I felt still


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 more
Witness: f1823 more
Witness: fThomas more
Witness: f1831 more
Witness: fMS more


Reading Group: C13c_app188_rg1

Witness: fMS gloomily I pictured to myself every evil

Reading Group: C13c_app188_rg2

Witness: f1818 gloomily. The picture appeared a vast and dim scene of evil,
Witness: f1823 gloomily. The picture appeared a vast and dim scene of evil,
Witness: fThomas gloomily. The picture appeared a vast and dim scene of evil,
Witness: f1831 gloomily. The picture appeared a vast and dim scene of evil,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fMS and


Reading Group: C13c_app190_rg1

Witness: f1818 I foresaw obscurely
Witness: f1823 I foresaw obscurely
Witness: fThomas I foresaw obscurely
Witness: f1831 I foresaw obscurely

Reading Group: C13c_app190_rg2

Witness: fMS persuaded myself


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that
Witness: f1823 that
Witness: fThomas that
Witness: f1831 that
Witness: fMS that


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS themost


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I was destined to become
Witness: f1823 I was destined to become
Witness: fThomas I was destined to become
Witness: f1831 I was destined to become
Witness: fMS I was destined to become


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the most
Witness: f1823 the most
Witness: fThomas the most
Witness: f1831 the most
Witness: fMS the most


Reading Group: C13c_app195_rg1

Witness: fMS whretched

Reading Group: C13c_app195_rg2

Witness: f1818 wretched
Witness: f1823 wretched
Witness: fThomas wretched
Witness: f1831 wretched


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of human
Witness: f1823 of human
Witness: fThomas of human
Witness: f1831 of human
Witness: fMS of human


Reading Group: C13c_app197_rg1

Witness: f1818 beings.
Witness: f1823 beings.
Witness: fThomas beings.
Witness: f1831 beings.

Reading Group: C13c_app197_rg2

Witness: fMS beings–


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Alas! I
Witness: f1823 Alas! I
Witness: fThomas Alas! I
Witness: f1831 Alas! I
Witness: fMS Alas! I


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS prho


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 prophesied
Witness: f1823 prophesied
Witness: fThomas prophesied
Witness: f1831 prophesied
Witness: fMS prophesied


Reading Group: C13c_app201_rg1

Witness: fMS truly

Reading Group: C13c_app201_rg2

Witness: f1818 truly,
Witness: f1823 truly,
Witness: fThomas truly,
Witness: f1831 truly,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fMS and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 failed
Witness: f1823 failed
Witness: fThomas failed
Witness: f1831 failed
Witness: fMS failed


Reading Group: C13c_app204_rg1

Witness: f1818 only in
Witness: f1823 only in
Witness: fThomas only in
Witness: f1831 only in

Reading Group: C13c_app204_rg2

Witness: fMS onlyin


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 one single
Witness: f1823 one single
Witness: fThomas one single
Witness: f1831 one single
Witness: fMS one single


Reading Group: C13c_app206_rg1

Witness: f1818 circumstance,
Witness: f1823 circumstance,
Witness: fThomas circumstance,
Witness: f1831 circumstance,

Reading Group: C13c_app206_rg2

Witness: fMS circumstance:


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that in all the misery
Witness: f1823 that in all the misery
Witness: fThomas that in all the misery
Witness: f1831 that in all the misery
Witness: fMS that in all the misery


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I imagined and dreaded, I did not conceive
Witness: f1823 I imagined and dreaded, I did not conceive
Witness: fThomas I imagined and dreaded, I did not conceive
Witness: f1831 I imagined and dreaded, I did not conceive
Witness: fMS I imagined and dreaded, I did not conceive


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the hundredth part of the anguish I was destined to
Witness: f1823 the hundredth part of the anguish I was destined to
Witness: fThomas the hundredth part of the anguish I was destined to
Witness: f1831 the hundredth part of the anguish I was destined to
Witness: fMS the hundredth part of the anguish II was destined to


Reading Group: C13c_app211_rg1

Witness: fMS feel. endure.Chapter 10<shi rend="sup"></shi> Night had closed <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>in

Reading Group: C13c_app211_rg2

Witness: f1818 endure.<p/><p/>It was completely dark
Witness: f1823 endure.<p/><p/>It was completely dark
Witness: fThomas endure.<p/><p/>It was completely dark
Witness: f1831 endure.<p/><p/>It was completely dark


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 when I arrived
Witness: f1823 when I arrived
Witness: fThomas when I arrived
Witness: f1831 when I arrived
Witness: fMS when I arrived


Reading Group: C13c_app213_rg1

Witness: fMS and

Reading Group: C13c_app213_rg2

Witness: f1818 in the environs of Geneva;
Witness: f1823 in the environs of Geneva;
Witness: fThomas in the environs of Geneva;
Witness: f1831 in the environs of Geneva;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the gates of
Witness: f1823 the gates of
Witness: fThomas the gates of
Witness: f1831 the gates of
Witness: fMS the gates of


Reading Group: C13c_app215_rg1

Witness: fMS Geneva

Reading Group: C13c_app215_rg2

Witness: f1818 the town
Witness: f1823 the town
Witness: fThomas the town
Witness: f1831 the town


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 were already
Witness: f1823 were already
Witness: fThomas were already
Witness: f1831 were already
Witness: fMS were already


Reading Group: C13c_app217_rg1

Witness: fMS closed<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>shut

Reading Group: C13c_app217_rg2

Witness: f1818 shut;
Witness: f1823 shut;
Witness: fThomas shut;
Witness: f1831 shut;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fMS and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fMS I


Reading Group: C13c_app220_rg1

Witness: fMS determined

Reading Group: C13c_app220_rg2

Witness: f1818 was obliged
Witness: f1823 was obliged
Witness: fThomas was obliged
Witness: f1831 was obliged


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to
Witness: f1823 to
Witness: fThomas to
Witness: f1831 to
Witness: fMS to


Reading Group: C13c_app222_rg1

Witness: f1818 pass the
Witness: f1823 pass the
Witness: fThomas pass the
Witness: f1831 pass the

Reading Group: C13c_app222_rg2

Witness: fMS remain that


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 night at
Witness: f1823 night at
Witness: fThomas night at
Witness: f1831 night at
Witness: fMS night at


Reading Group: C13c_app224_rg1

Witness: fMS Secheron

Reading Group: C13c_app224_rg2

Witness: f1818 Secheron,
Witness: f1823 Secheron,
Witness: fThomas Secheron,
Witness: f1831 Secheron,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a village
Witness: f1823 a village
Witness: fThomas a village
Witness: f1831 a village
Witness: fMS a village


Reading Group: C13c_app226_rg1

Witness: fMS

Reading Group: C13c_app226_rg2

Witness: f1831 at the distance of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 half a league
Witness: f1823 half a league
Witness: fThomas half a league
Witness: f1831 half a league
Witness: fMS half a league


Reading Group: C13c_app228_rg1

Witness: fMS

Reading Group: C13c_app228_rg2

Witness: f1831 from


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to the east
Witness: f1823 to the east
Witness: fThomas to the east
Witness: fMS to the east


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS -ward


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of
Witness: f1823 of
Witness: fThomas of
Witness: fMS of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the city. The
Witness: f1823 the city. The
Witness: fThomas the city. The
Witness: f1831 the city. The
Witness: fMS the city. The


Reading Group: C13c_app233_rg1

Witness: fMS nightsky

Reading Group: C13c_app233_rg2

Witness: f1818 sky
Witness: f1823 sky
Witness: fThomas sky
Witness: f1831 sky


Unified Readings

Witness: fThomas above


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was
Witness: f1823 was
Witness: fThomas was
Witness: f1831 was
Witness: fMS was


Reading Group: C13c_app236_rg1

Witness: fMS very fineserene and unable

Reading Group: C13c_app236_rg2

Witness: f1818 serene;
Witness: f1823 serene;
Witness: fThomas serene;
Witness: f1831 serene;


Reading Group: C13c_app237_rg1

Witness: fThomas and,

Reading Group: C13c_app237_rg2

Witness: f1818 and,
Witness: f1823 and,
Witness: f1831 and,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 as I was unable to
Witness: f1823 as I was unable to
Witness: fThomas as I was unable to
Witness: f1831 as I was unable to
Witness: fMS as I was unable to


Reading Group: C13c_app239_rg1

Witness: fMS rest

Reading Group: C13c_app239_rg2

Witness: f1818 rest,
Witness: f1823 rest,
Witness: fThomas rest,
Witness: f1831 rest,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I resolved
Witness: f1823 I resolved
Witness: fThomas I resolved
Witness: f1831 I resolved
Witness: fMS I resolved


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to
Witness: f1823 to
Witness: fThomas to
Witness: f1831 to
Witness: fMS to


Reading Group: C13c_app242_rg1

Witness: fMS walk towardsvisit

Reading Group: C13c_app242_rg2

Witness: f1818 visit
Witness: f1823 visit
Witness: fThomas visit
Witness: f1831 visit


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the spot where
Witness: f1823 the spot where
Witness: fThomas the spot where
Witness: f1831 the spot where
Witness: fMS the spot where


Reading Group: C13c_app244_rg1

Witness: fMS m<mdel/>y

Reading Group: C13c_app244_rg2

Witness: f1818 my
Witness: f1823 my
Witness: fThomas my
Witness: f1831 my


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 poor William had been
Witness: f1823 poor William had been
Witness: fThomas poor William had been
Witness: f1831 poor William had been
Witness: fMS poor William had been


Reading Group: C13c_app246_rg1

Witness: f1818 murdered.
Witness: f1823 murdered.
Witness: fThomas murdered.
Witness: f1831 murdered.

Reading Group: C13c_app246_rg2

Witness: fMS murdered;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 As I
Witness: f1823 As I
Witness: fThomas As I
Witness: f1831 As I
Witness: fMS as I


Reading Group: C13c_app248_rg1

Witness: f1818 could not pass through the town,
Witness: f1823 could not pass through the town,
Witness: fThomas could not pass through the town,
Witness: f1831 could not pass through the town,

Reading Group: C13c_app248_rg2

Witness: fMS walked


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fMS I


Reading Group: C13c_app250_rg1

Witness: fMS perceived

Reading Group: C13c_app250_rg2

Witness: f1818 was obliged to cross the lake in
Witness: f1823 was obliged to cross the lake in
Witness: fThomas was obliged to cross the lake in
Witness: f1831 was obliged to cross the lake in


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a
Witness: f1823 a
Witness: fThomas a
Witness: f1831 a
Witness: fMS a


Reading Group: C13c_app252_rg1

Witness: f1818 boat to arrive at Plainpalais. During this short voyage
Witness: f1823 boat to arrive at Plainpalais. During this short voyage
Witness: fThomas boat to arrive at Plainpalais. During this short voyage
Witness: f1831 boat to arrive at Plainpalais. During this short voyage

Reading Group: C13c_app252_rg2

Witness: fMS storm collecting on the other side of the lake.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I saw the
Witness: f1823 I saw the
Witness: fThomas I saw the
Witness: f1831 I saw the
Witness: fMS I saw the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 lightnings
Witness: f1823 lightnings
Witness: fThomas lightnings
Witness: f1831 lightnings
Witness: fMS lightnings


Reading Group: C13c_app255_rg1

Witness: fMS play

Reading Group: C13c_app255_rg2

Witness: f1818 playing on the summit of Mont Blanc
Witness: f1823 playing on the summit of Mont Blanc
Witness: fThomas playing on the summit of Mont Blanc
Witness: f1831 playing on the summit of Mont Blanc


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in the most beautiful
Witness: f1823 in the most beautiful
Witness: fThomas in the most beautiful
Witness: f1831 in the most beautiful
Witness: fMS in the most beautiful


Reading Group: C13c_app257_rg1

Witness: fMS figures and gained

Reading Group: C13c_app257_rg2

Witness: f1818 figures. The storm appeared to approach rapidly; and, on landing, I ascended
Witness: f1823 figures. The storm appeared to approach rapidly; and, on landing, I ascended
Witness: fThomas figures. The storm appeared to approach rapidly; and, on landing, I ascended
Witness: f1831 figures. The storm appeared to approach rapidly; and, on landing, I ascended


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a
Witness: f1823 a
Witness: fThomas a
Witness: f1831 a
Witness: fMS a


Reading Group: C13c_app259_rg1

Witness: f1818 low hill,
Witness: f1823 low hill,
Witness: fThomas low hill,
Witness: f1831 low hill,

Reading Group: C13c_app259_rg2

Witness: fMS summit


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that I might observe
Witness: f1823 that I might observe
Witness: fThomas that I might observe
Witness: f1831 that I might observe
Witness: fMS that I might observe


Reading Group: C13c_app261_rg1

Witness: fMS the<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>its

Reading Group: C13c_app261_rg2

Witness: f1818 its
Witness: f1823 its
Witness: fThomas its
Witness: f1831 its


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 progress.
Witness: f1823 progress.
Witness: fThomas progress.
Witness: f1831 progress.
Witness: fMS progress.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 It
Witness: f1823 It
Witness: fThomas It
Witness: f1831 It
Witness: fMS It


Reading Group: C13c_app264_rg1

Witness: fMS advanced slowly and

Reading Group: C13c_app264_rg2

Witness: f1818 advanced; the heavens were clouded,
Witness: f1823 advanced; the heavens were clouded,
Witness: fThomas advanced; the heavens were clouded,
Witness: f1831 advanced; the heavens were clouded,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and I soon felt
Witness: f1823 and I soon felt
Witness: fThomas and I soon felt
Witness: f1831 and I soon felt
Witness: fMS and I soon felt


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the rain coming slowly in large
Witness: f1823 the rain coming slowly in large
Witness: fThomas the rain coming slowly in large
Witness: f1831 the rain coming slowly in large
Witness: fMS the rain coming slowly in large


Reading Group: C13c_app267_rg1

Witness: fMS drops

Reading Group: C13c_app267_rg2

Witness: f1818 drops,
Witness: f1823 drops,
Witness: fThomas drops,
Witness: f1831 drops,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but its violence quickly
Witness: f1823 but its violence quickly
Witness: fThomas but its violence quickly
Witness: f1831 but its violence quickly
Witness: fMS but its violence quickly


Reading Group: C13c_app269_rg1

Witness: fMS encreased. I

Reading Group: C13c_app269_rg2

Witness: fThomas increased. butAnd the clouds were gathering on the ris horison, mass rising above mass, while the lightning they emitted shewed their shapes and size.<p/><p/>I

Reading Group: C13c_app269_rg3

Witness: f1818 increased.<p/><p/>I
Witness: f1823 increased.<p/><p/>I
Witness: f1831 increased.<p/><p/>I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 quitted my
Witness: f1823 quitted my
Witness: fThomas quitted my
Witness: f1831 quitted my
Witness: fMS quitted my


Reading Group: C13c_app271_rg1

Witness: fMS seat

Reading Group: C13c_app271_rg2

Witness: f1818 seat,
Witness: f1823 seat,
Witness: fThomas seat,
Witness: f1831 seat,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fMS and


Reading Group: C13c_app273_rg1

Witness: fMS walk

Reading Group: C13c_app273_rg2

Witness: f1818 walked
Witness: f1823 walked
Witness: fThomas walked
Witness: f1831 walked


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 on,
Witness: f1823 on,
Witness: fThomas on,
Witness: f1831 on,
Witness: fMS on,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 although the darkness and storm
Witness: f1823 although the darkness and storm
Witness: fThomas although the darkness and storm
Witness: f1831 although the darkness and storm
Witness: fMS although the darkness and storm


Reading Group: C13c_app276_rg1

Witness: fMS augmented

Reading Group: C13c_app276_rg2

Witness: f1818 increased
Witness: f1823 increased
Witness: fThomas increased
Witness: f1831 increased


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 every
Witness: f1823 every
Witness: fThomas every
Witness: f1831 every
Witness: fMS every


Reading Group: C13c_app278_rg1

Witness: fMS minute

Reading Group: C13c_app278_rg2

Witness: f1818 minute,
Witness: f1823 minute,
Witness: fThomas minute,
Witness: f1831 minute,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and the thunder
Witness: f1823 and the thunder
Witness: fThomas and the thunder
Witness: f1831 and the thunder
Witness: fMS and the thunder


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 burst
Witness: f1823 burst
Witness: fThomas burst
Witness: f1831 burst
Witness: fMS burst


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS violently over


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 with a terrific
Witness: f1823 with a terrific
Witness: fThomas with a terrific
Witness: f1831 with a terrific
Witness: fMS with a terrific


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 crash over my
Witness: f1823 crash over my
Witness: fThomas crash over my
Witness: f1831 crash over my
Witness: fMS crash over my


Reading Group: C13c_app284_rg1

Witness: fMS head — William I ex cried aloud – dear angel this is thy funeral this thy dirge.

Reading Group: C13c_app284_rg2

Witness: f1818 head.
Witness: f1823 head.
Witness: fThomas head.
Witness: f1831 head.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 It was echoed
Witness: f1823 It was echoed
Witness: fThomas It was echoed
Witness: f1831 It was echoed
Witness: fMS It was echoed


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 from
Witness: f1823 from
Witness: fThomas from
Witness: f1831 from
Witness: fMS from


Reading Group: C13c_app287_rg1

Witness: fMS Salêve

Reading Group: C13c_app287_rg2

Witness: f1818 Salêve,
Witness: f1823 Salêve,
Witness: fThomas Salêve,
Witness: f1831 Salêve,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fMS <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>the


Reading Group: C13c_app289_rg1

Witness: fMS Jura

Reading Group: C13c_app289_rg2

Witness: f1818 Juras,
Witness: f1823 Juras,
Witness: fThomas Juras,
Witness: f1831 Juras,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and the Alps of
Witness: f1823 and the Alps of
Witness: fThomas and the Alps of
Witness: f1831 and the Alps of
Witness: fMS and the Alps of


Reading Group: C13c_app291_rg1

Witness: f1818 Savoy;
Witness: f1823 Savoy;
Witness: fThomas Savoy;
Witness: f1831 Savoy;

Reading Group: C13c_app291_rg2

Witness: fMS Savoy—


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 vivid flashes of lightning dazzled my
Witness: f1823 vivid flashes of lightning dazzled my
Witness: fThomas vivid flashes of lightning dazzled my
Witness: f1831 vivid flashes of lightning dazzled my
Witness: fMS vivid flashes of lightning dazzled my


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 eyes,
Witness: f1823 eyes,
Witness: fThomas eyes,
Witness: f1831 eyes,
Witness: fMS eyes,


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 illuminating the
Witness: f1823 illuminating the
Witness: fThomas illuminating the
Witness: f1831 illuminating the
Witness: fMS illuminedating the


Reading Group: C13c_app296_rg1

Witness: f1818 lake, making it appear like a vast sheet of fire;
Witness: f1823 lake, making it appear like a vast sheet of fire;
Witness: fThomas lake, making it appear like a vast sheet of fire;
Witness: f1831 lake, making it appear like a vast sheet of fire;

Reading Group: C13c_app296_rg2

Witness: fMS lake; and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 then for an instant every thing
Witness: f1823 then for an instant every thing
Witness: fThomas then for an instant every thing
Witness: f1831 then for an instant every thing
Witness: fMS then for an instant every thing


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 seemed of a pitchy
Witness: f1823 seemed of a pitchy
Witness: fThomas seemed of a pitchy
Witness: f1831 seemed of a pitchy
Witness: fMS seemed of a pitchy


Reading Group: C13c_app299_rg1

Witness: fMS black<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>darknesstil untill

Reading Group: C13c_app299_rg2

Witness: f1818 darkness, until
Witness: f1823 darkness, until
Witness: fThomas darkness, until
Witness: f1831 darkness, until


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the eye recovered itself from the
Witness: f1823 the eye recovered itself from the
Witness: fThomas the eye recovered itself from the
Witness: f1831 the eye recovered itself from the
Witness: fMS the eye recovered itself from the


Reading Group: C13c_app301_rg1

Witness: f1818 preceding
Witness: f1823 preceding
Witness: fThomas preceding
Witness: f1831 preceding

Reading Group: C13c_app301_rg2

Witness: fMS <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>preceeding


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 flash.
Witness: f1823 flash.
Witness: fThomas flash.
Witness: f1831 flash.
Witness: fMS flash.


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS A


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 The
Witness: f1823 The
Witness: fThomas The
Witness: f1831 The
Witness: fMS The


Reading Group: C13c_app305_rg1

Witness: fMS storm

Reading Group: C13c_app305_rg2

Witness: f1818 storm,
Witness: f1823 storm,
Witness: fThomas storm,
Witness: f1831 storm,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 as is often the case
Witness: f1823 as is often the case
Witness: fThomas as is often the case
Witness: f1831 as is often the case
Witness: fMS as is often the case


Reading Group: C13c_app307_rg1

Witness: f1818 in Switzerland,
Witness: f1823 in Switzerland,
Witness: fThomas in Switzerland,
Witness: f1831 in Switzerland,

Reading Group: C13c_app307_rg2

Witness: fMS inthat countrySwitzerland


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 appeared at once in various
Witness: f1823 appeared at once in various
Witness: fThomas appeared at once in various
Witness: f1831 appeared at once in various
Witness: fMS appeared at once in various


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 parts of the heavens. The most violent
Witness: f1823 parts of the heavens. The most violent
Witness: fThomas parts of the heavens. The most violent
Witness: f1831 parts of the heavens. The most violent
Witness: fMS parts of the heavens. The most violent


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 storm
Witness: f1823 storm
Witness: fThomas storm
Witness: f1831 storm
Witness: fMS storm


Reading Group: C13c_app311_rg1

Witness: fMS washung

Reading Group: C13c_app311_rg2

Witness: f1818 hung
Witness: f1823 hung
Witness: fThomas hung
Witness: f1831 hung


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 exactly
Witness: f1823 exactly
Witness: fThomas exactly
Witness: f1831 exactly
Witness: fMS exactly


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS noth


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 north of the
Witness: f1823 north of the
Witness: fThomas north of the
Witness: f1831 north of the
Witness: fMS north of the


Reading Group: C13c_app315_rg1

Witness: fMS town and atover

Reading Group: C13c_app315_rg2

Witness: f1818 town, over
Witness: f1823 town, over
Witness: fThomas town, over
Witness: f1831 town, over


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that part
Witness: f1823 that part
Witness: fThomas that part
Witness: f1831 that part
Witness: fMS that part


Reading Group: C13c_app317_rg1

Witness: fMS whereof

Reading Group: C13c_app317_rg2

Witness: f1818 of
Witness: f1823 of
Witness: fThomas of
Witness: f1831 of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the lake
Witness: f1823 the lake
Witness: fThomas the lake
Witness: f1831 the lake
Witness: fMS the lake


Reading Group: C13c_app319_rg1

Witness: fMS <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>turnswhich

Reading Group: C13c_app319_rg2

Witness: f1818 which
Witness: f1823 which
Witness: fThomas which
Witness: f1831 which


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 lies between the promontory of Belrive and
Witness: f1823 lies between the promontory of Belrive and
Witness: fThomas lies between the promontory of Belrive and
Witness: f1831 lies between the promontory of Belrive and
Witness: fMS atlies between the promontory of Belrive and


Reading Group: C13c_app321_rg1

Witness: fMS changingthevillage

Reading Group: C13c_app321_rg2

Witness: f1818 the village
Witness: f1823 the village
Witness: fThomas the village
Witness: f1831 the village


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of
Witness: f1823 of
Witness: fThomas of
Witness: f1831 of
Witness: fMS of


Reading Group: C13c_app323_rg1

Witness: fMS Copetits course from South to north which it before p<mdel/>ursuesd proceeds from west to east —

Reading Group: C13c_app323_rg2

Witness: f1818 Copêt.
Witness: f1823 Copêt.
Witness: fThomas Copêt.
Witness: f1831 Copêt.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Another storm enlightened
Witness: f1823 Another storm enlightened
Witness: fThomas Another storm enlightened
Witness: f1831 Another storm enlightened
Witness: fMS another storm enlightened


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Jura with faint
Witness: f1823 Jura with faint
Witness: fThomas Jura with faint
Witness: f1831 Jura with faint
Witness: fMS Jura with faint


Reading Group: C13c_app326_rg1

Witness: fMS flashes

Reading Group: C13c_app326_rg2

Witness: f1818 flashes;
Witness: f1823 flashes;
Witness: fThomas flashes;
Witness: f1831 flashes;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and another
Witness: f1823 and another
Witness: fThomas and another
Witness: f1831 and another
Witness: fMS and another


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS appeared


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 darkened and sometimes
Witness: f1823 darkened and sometimes
Witness: fThomas darkened and sometimes
Witness: f1831 darkened and sometimes
Witness: fMS darkened and sometimes


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 disclosed the
Witness: f1823 disclosed the
Witness: fThomas disclosed the
Witness: f1831 disclosed the
Witness: fMS disclosed the


Reading Group: C13c_app331_rg1

Witness: fMS Mole – the name of

Reading Group: C13c_app331_rg2

Witness: f1818 Môle,
Witness: f1823 Môle,
Witness: fThomas Môle,
Witness: f1831 Môle,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a peaked mountain to the east of
Witness: f1823 a peaked mountain to the east of
Witness: fThomas a peaked mountain to the east of
Witness: f1831 a peaked mountain to the east of
Witness: fMS a peaked mountain to the east of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fMS the


Reading Group: C13c_app334_rg1

Witness: fMS lake. While

Reading Group: C13c_app334_rg2

Witness: f1818 lake.<p/><p/>While
Witness: f1823 lake.<p/><p/>While
Witness: fThomas lake.<p/><p/>While
Witness: f1831 lake.<p/><p/>While


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I watched the
Witness: f1823 I watched the
Witness: fThomas I watched the
Witness: f1831 I watched the
Witness: fMS I watched the


Reading Group: C13c_app336_rg1

Witness: fMS storm –

Reading Group: C13c_app336_rg2

Witness: f1818 storm,
Witness: f1823 storm,
Witness: fThomas storm,

Reading Group: C13c_app336_rg3

Witness: f1831 tempest,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 so beautiful yet
Witness: f1823 so beautiful yet
Witness: fThomas so beautiful yet
Witness: f1831 so beautiful yet
Witness: fMS so beautiful yet


Reading Group: C13c_app338_rg1

Witness: fMS terrific

Reading Group: C13c_app338_rg2

Witness: f1818 terrific,
Witness: f1823 terrific,
Witness: fThomas terrific,
Witness: f1831 terrific,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I wandered
Witness: f1823 I wandered
Witness: fThomas I wandered
Witness: f1831 I wandered
Witness: fMS I wandered


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS listlessly


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 on with a hasty
Witness: f1823 on with a hasty
Witness: fThomas on with a hasty
Witness: f1831 on with a hasty
Witness: fMS on with a hasty


Reading Group: C13c_app342_rg1

Witness: fMS step – I felt that thise

Reading Group: C13c_app342_rg2

Witness: f1818 step. This
Witness: f1823 step. This
Witness: fThomas step. This
Witness: f1831 step. This


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 noble war in the sky elevated
Witness: f1823 noble war in the sky elevated
Witness: fThomas noble war in the sky elevated
Witness: f1831 noble war in the sky elevated
Witness: fMS noble war in the sky elevated


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my spirits; I clasped my
Witness: f1823 my spirits; I clasped my
Witness: fThomas my spirits; I clasped my
Witness: f1831 my spirits; I clasped my
Witness: fMS my spirits; I clasped my


Reading Group: C13c_app345_rg1

Witness: fMS hands

Reading Group: C13c_app345_rg2

Witness: f1818 hands,
Witness: f1823 hands,
Witness: fThomas hands,
Witness: f1831 hands,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fMS &


Reading Group: C13c_app347_rg1

Witness: fMS ex claimed aloud

Reading Group: C13c_app347_rg2

Witness: f1818 exclaimed aloud,
Witness: f1823 exclaimed aloud,
Witness: fThomas exclaimed aloud,
Witness: f1831 exclaimed aloud,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 “William, dear
Witness: f1823 “William, dear
Witness: fThomas “William, dear
Witness: f1831 “William, dear
Witness: fMS "William, dear


Reading Group: C13c_app349_rg1

Witness: f1818 angel!
Witness: f1823 angel!
Witness: fThomas angel!
Witness: f1831 angel!

Reading Group: C13c_app349_rg2

Witness: fMS angel,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 this is thy funeral, this thy
Witness: f1823 this is thy funeral, this thy
Witness: fThomas this is thy funeral, this thy
Witness: f1831 this is thy funeral, this thy
Witness: fMS this is thy funeral, this thy


Reading Group: C13c_app351_rg1

Witness: f1818 dirge!”
Witness: f1823 dirge!”
Witness: fThomas dirge!”
Witness: f1831 dirge!”

Reading Group: C13c_app351_rg2

Witness: fMS dirge!"–


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 As I said these
Witness: f1823 As I said these
Witness: fThomas As I said these
Witness: f1831 As I said these
Witness: fMS As I said these


Reading Group: C13c_app353_rg1

Witness: fMS words a flash of lightningI

Reading Group: C13c_app353_rg2

Witness: f1818 words, I
Witness: f1823 words, I
Witness: fThomas words, I
Witness: f1831 words, I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 perceived in the
Witness: f1823 perceived in the
Witness: fThomas perceived in the
Witness: f1831 perceived in the
Witness: fMS perceived in the


Reading Group: C13c_app355_rg1

Witness: f1818 gloom
Witness: f1823 gloom
Witness: fThomas gloom
Witness: f1831 gloom

Reading Group: C13c_app355_rg2

Witness: fMS gloomdiscovered to me


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a figure which stole from
Witness: f1823 a figure which stole from
Witness: fThomas a figure which stole from
Witness: f1831 a figure which stole from
Witness: fMS a figure which stole from


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 behind a clump of trees near
Witness: f1823 behind a clump of trees near
Witness: fThomas behind a clump of trees near
Witness: f1831 behind a clump of trees near
Witness: fMS behind a clump of trees near


Reading Group: C13c_app358_rg1

Witness: fMS me – <metamark function="displacement" xml:id="c56-0082.09">X</metamark>

Reading Group: C13c_app358_rg2

Witness: f1818 me;
Witness: f1823 me;
Witness: fThomas me;
Witness: f1831 me;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I stood
Witness: f1823 I stood
Witness: fThomas I stood
Witness: f1831 I stood
Witness: fMS I stood


Reading Group: C13c_app360_rg1

Witness: fMS fixed

Reading Group: C13c_app360_rg2

Witness: f1818 fixed,
Witness: f1823 fixed,
Witness: fThomas fixed,
Witness: f1831 fixed,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 gazing
Witness: f1823 gazing
Witness: fThomas gazing
Witness: f1831 gazing
Witness: fMS gazing


Reading Group: C13c_app362_rg1

Witness: fMS intently,

Reading Group: C13c_app362_rg2

Witness: f1818 intently:
Witness: f1823 intently:
Witness: fThomas intently:
Witness: f1831 intently:


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fMS I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 could not
Witness: f1823 could not
Witness: fThomas could not
Witness: f1831 could not
Witness: fMS could not


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 be
Witness: f1823 be
Witness: fThomas be
Witness: f1831 be
Witness: fMS be


Reading Group: C13c_app366_rg1

Witness: fMS mistaken

Reading Group: C13c_app366_rg2

Witness: f1818 mistaken.
Witness: f1823 mistaken.
Witness: fThomas mistaken.
Witness: f1831 mistaken.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 A
Witness: f1823 A
Witness: fThomas A
Witness: f1831 A
Witness: fMS a


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 flash of
Witness: f1823 flash of
Witness: fThomas flash of
Witness: f1831 flash of
Witness: fMS flash of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 lightning
Witness: f1823 lightning
Witness: fThomas lightning
Witness: f1831 lightning
Witness: fMS lightning


Reading Group: C13c_app370_rg1

Witness: fMS illumined

Reading Group: C13c_app370_rg2

Witness: f1818 illuminated
Witness: f1823 illuminated
Witness: fThomas illuminated
Witness: f1831 illuminated


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the object, and discovered
Witness: f1823 the object, and discovered
Witness: fThomas the object, and discovered
Witness: f1831 the object, and discovered
Witness: fMS the object, and discovered


Reading Group: C13c_app372_rg1

Witness: f1818 its shape plainly to me;
Witness: f1823 its shape plainly to me;
Witness: fThomas its shape plainly to me;
Witness: f1831 its shape plainly to me;

Reading Group: C13c_app372_rg2

Witness: fMS to meI stood aghast


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 its
Witness: f1823 its
Witness: fThomas its
Witness: f1831 its
Witness: fMS its


Reading Group: C13c_app374_rg1

Witness: fMS gigantc stanture, its&

Reading Group: C13c_app374_rg2

Witness: f1818 gigantic stature, and
Witness: f1823 gigantic stature, and
Witness: fThomas gigantic stature, and
Witness: f1831 gigantic stature, and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the deformity of its
Witness: f1823 the deformity of its
Witness: fThomas the deformity of its
Witness: f1831 the deformity of its
Witness: fMS the deformity of its


Reading Group: C13c_app376_rg1

Witness: f1818 aspect, more
Witness: f1823 aspect, more
Witness: fThomas aspect, more
Witness: f1831 aspect, more

Reading Group: C13c_app376_rg2

Witness: fMS aspectmore


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 hideous
Witness: f1823 hideous
Witness: fThomas hideous
Witness: f1831 hideous
Witness: fMS hideous


Reading Group: C13c_app378_rg1

Witness: f1818 than belongs
Witness: f1823 than belongs
Witness: fThomas than belongs
Witness: f1831 than belongs

Reading Group: C13c_app378_rg2

Witness: fMS thatnaman could bebelongs


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to
Witness: f1823 to
Witness: fThomas to
Witness: f1831 to
Witness: fMS to


Reading Group: C13c_app380_rg1

Witness: f1818 humanity,
Witness: f1823 humanity,
Witness: fThomas humanity,
Witness: f1831 humanity,

Reading Group: C13c_app380_rg2

Witness: fMS humanityexplain


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 instantly informed me
Witness: f1823 instantly informed me
Witness: fThomas instantly informed me
Witness: f1831 instantly informed me
Witness: fMS instantly informed me


Reading Group: C13c_app382_rg1

Witness: f1818 that
Witness: f1823 that
Witness: fThomas that
Witness: f1831 that

Reading Group: C13c_app382_rg2

Witness: fMS who it was.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 it was the wretch, the filthy
Witness: f1823 it was the wretch, the filthy
Witness: fThomas it was the wretch, the filthy
Witness: f1831 it was the wretch, the filthy
Witness: fMS It was the wretch, the filthy


Reading Group: C13c_app384_rg1

Witness: f1818 dæmon
Witness: f1823 dæmon
Witness: fThomas dæmon
Witness: fMS dæmon

Reading Group: C13c_app384_rg2

Witness: f1831 dæmon,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to
Witness: f1823 to
Witness: fThomas to
Witness: f1831 to
Witness: fMS to


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 whom I had given life. What did he there?
Witness: f1823 whom I had given life. What did he there?
Witness: fThomas whom I had given life. What did he there?
Witness: f1831 whom I had given life. What did he there?
Witness: fMS whom I had given life. What did he there?


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Could he be (I shuddered at the
Witness: f1823 Could he be (I shuddered at the
Witness: fThomas Could he be (I shuddered at the
Witness: f1831 Could he be (I shuddered at the
Witness: fMS Could he be (I shuddered at the


Reading Group: C13c_app388_rg1

Witness: fMS conception

Reading Group: C13c_app388_rg2

Witness: f1818 conception)
Witness: f1823 conception)
Witness: fThomas conception)
Witness: f1831 conception)


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the murderer of my
Witness: f1823 the murderer of my
Witness: fThomas the murderer of my
Witness: f1831 the murderer of my
Witness: fMS the murderer of my


Reading Group: C13c_app390_rg1

Witness: fMS brother.

Reading Group: C13c_app390_rg2

Witness: f1818 brother?
Witness: f1823 brother?
Witness: fThomas brother?
Witness: f1831 brother?


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 No sooner
Witness: f1823 No sooner
Witness: fThomas No sooner
Witness: f1831 No sooner
Witness: fMS No sooner


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 did that idea cross my
Witness: f1823 did that idea cross my
Witness: fThomas did that idea cross my
Witness: f1831 did that idea cross my
Witness: fMS did that idea cross my


Reading Group: C13c_app393_rg1

Witness: fMS imagination

Reading Group: C13c_app393_rg2

Witness: f1818 imagination,
Witness: f1823 imagination,
Witness: fThomas imagination,
Witness: f1831 imagination,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 than
Witness: f1823 than
Witness: fThomas than
Witness: f1831 than
Witness: fMS than


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I became convinced of its
Witness: f1823 I became convinced of its
Witness: fThomas I became convinced of its
Witness: f1831 I became convinced of its
Witness: fMS I became convinced <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>of its


Reading Group: C13c_app396_rg1

Witness: fMS truth —

Reading Group: C13c_app396_rg2

Witness: f1818 truth;
Witness: f1823 truth;
Witness: fThomas truth;
Witness: f1831 truth;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my teeth
Witness: f1823 my teeth
Witness: fThomas my teeth
Witness: f1831 my teeth
Witness: fMS my teeth


Reading Group: C13c_app398_rg1

Witness: fMS chattered

Reading Group: C13c_app398_rg2

Witness: f1818 chattered,
Witness: f1823 chattered,
Witness: fThomas chattered,
Witness: f1831 chattered,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and I was forced to lean against
Witness: f1823 and I was forced to lean against
Witness: fThomas and I was forced to lean against
Witness: f1831 and I was forced to lean against
Witness: fMS and I was forced to lean against


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS th


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a
Witness: f1823 a
Witness: fThomas a
Witness: f1831 a
Witness: fMS a


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 tree for
Witness: f1823 tree for
Witness: fThomas tree for
Witness: f1831 tree for
Witness: fMS tree for


Reading Group: C13c_app403_rg1

Witness: fMS support —

Reading Group: C13c_app403_rg2

Witness: f1818 support.
Witness: f1823 support.
Witness: fThomas support.
Witness: f1831 support.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 The figure
Witness: f1823 The figure
Witness: fThomas The figure
Witness: f1831 The figure
Witness: fMS The figure


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS quickly


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 passed
Witness: f1823 passed
Witness: fThomas passed
Witness: f1831 passed
Witness: fMS passed


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 me
Witness: f1823 me
Witness: fThomas me
Witness: f1831 me
Witness: fMS me


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 quickly,
Witness: f1823 quickly,
Witness: fThomas quickly,
Witness: f1831 quickly,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and I lost it in the gloom.
Witness: f1823 and I lost it in the gloom.
Witness: fThomas and I lost it in the gloom.
Witness: f1831 and I lost it in the gloom.
Witness: fMS and I lost it in the gloom.


Reading Group: C13c_app410_rg1

Witness: fMS AndhHe therefore was the murderer! I<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>could not doubt itnotmythethoughtwas agony<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>I was agonized by the bare probability Nothingin

Reading Group: C13c_app410_rg2

Witness: f1818 Nothing in
Witness: f1823 Nothing in
Witness: fThomas Nothing in
Witness: f1831 Nothing in


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 human
Witness: f1823 human
Witness: fThomas human
Witness: f1831 human
Witness: fMS human


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 shape could
Witness: f1823 shape could
Witness: fThomas shape could
Witness: f1831 shape could
Witness: fMS shape could


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 have destroyed
Witness: f1823 have destroyed
Witness: fThomas have destroyed
Witness: f1831 have destroyed
Witness: fMS have destroyed


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that fair
Witness: f1823 that fair
Witness: fThomas that fair
Witness: f1831 that fair
Witness: fMS that fair


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 child. <hi/>He<hi/> was the
Witness: f1823 child. <hi/>He<hi/> was the
Witness: fThomas child. <hi/>He<hi/> was the
Witness: f1831 child. <hi/>He<hi/> was the
Witness: fMS child. He was the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 murderer!
Witness: f1823 murderer!
Witness: fThomas murderer!
Witness: f1831 murderer!
Witness: fMS murderer!


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I could not
Witness: f1823 I could not
Witness: fThomas I could not
Witness: f1831 I could not
Witness: fMS I could not


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 doubt it.
Witness: f1823 doubt it.
Witness: fThomas doubt it.
Witness: f1831 doubt it.
Witness: fMS doubt it.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 The mere presence
Witness: f1823 The mere presence
Witness: fThomas The mere presence
Witness: f1831 The mere presence
Witness: fMS The mere presence


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of the idea
Witness: f1823 of the idea
Witness: fThomas of the idea
Witness: f1831 of the idea
Witness: fMS of the idea


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was an irresistible proof of the
Witness: f1823 was an irresistible proof of the
Witness: fThomas was an irresistible proof of the
Witness: f1831 was an irresistible proof of the
Witness: fMS was an irresistible proof of the


Reading Group: C13c_app422_rg1

Witness: fMS fact —

Reading Group: C13c_app422_rg2

Witness: f1818 fact.
Witness: f1823 fact.
Witness: fThomas fact.
Witness: f1831 fact.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I thought of
Witness: f1823 I thought of
Witness: fThomas I thought of
Witness: f1831 I thought of
Witness: fMS I thought of


Reading Group: C13c_app424_rg1

Witness: fMS pursueing

Reading Group: C13c_app424_rg2

Witness: f1818 pursuing
Witness: f1823 pursuing
Witness: fThomas pursuing
Witness: f1831 pursuing


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fMS the


Reading Group: C13c_app426_rg1

Witness: fMS devil,

Reading Group: C13c_app426_rg2

Witness: f1818 devil;
Witness: f1823 devil;
Witness: fThomas devil;
Witness: f1831 devil;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but
Witness: f1823 but
Witness: fThomas but
Witness: f1831 but
Witness: fMS but


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 it would have been in
Witness: f1823 it would have been in
Witness: fThomas it would have been in
Witness: f1831 it would have been in
Witness: fMS <metamark function="insert">^</metamark> it would have been in


Reading Group: C13c_app429_rg1

Witness: fMS <metamark function="insert">^</metamark> vain

Reading Group: C13c_app429_rg2

Witness: f1818 vain,
Witness: f1823 vain,
Witness: fThomas vain,
Witness: f1831 vain,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 for another
Witness: f1823 for another
Witness: fThomas for another
Witness: f1831 for another
Witness: fMS <metamark function="insert">^</metamark> for another


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 flash discovered him to me
Witness: f1823 flash discovered him to me
Witness: fThomas flash discovered him to me
Witness: f1831 flash discovered him to me
Witness: fMS flash discovered him to me


Reading Group: C13c_app432_rg1

Witness: fMS climbing up the steep andhanging

Reading Group: C13c_app432_rg2

Witness: f1818 hanging
Witness: f1823 hanging
Witness: fThomas hanging
Witness: f1831 hanging


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 among the rocks of the nearly perpendicular
Witness: f1823 among the rocks of the nearly perpendicular
Witness: fThomas among the rocks of the nearly perpendicular
Witness: f1831 among the rocks of the nearly perpendicular
Witness: fMS among the rocks of the nearly perpendicular


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 ascent of
Witness: f1823 ascent of
Witness: fThomas ascent of
Witness: f1831 ascent of
Witness: fMS ascent of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Mont Salêve, a hill that bounds Plainpalais on
Witness: f1823 Mont Salêve, a hill that bounds Plainpalais on
Witness: fThomas Mont Salêve, a hill that bounds Plainpalais on
Witness: f1831 Mont Salêve, a hill that bounds Plainpalais on


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fMS the


Reading Group: C13c_app437_rg1

Witness: fMS Mont-Salêve;

Reading Group: C13c_app437_rg2

Witness: f1818 south.
Witness: f1823 south.
Witness: fThomas south.
Witness: f1831 south.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 He soon reached
Witness: f1823 He soon reached
Witness: fThomas He soon reached
Witness: f1831 He soon reached
Witness: fMS he soon reached


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fMS the


Reading Group: C13c_app440_rg1

Witness: fMS summit

Reading Group: C13c_app440_rg2

Witness: f1818 summit,
Witness: f1823 summit,
Witness: fThomas summit,
Witness: f1831 summit,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fMS and


Reading Group: C13c_app442_rg1

Witness: f1818 disappeared.<p/><p/>I
Witness: f1823 disappeared.<p/><p/>I
Witness: fThomas disappeared.<p/><p/>I
Witness: f1831 disappeared.<p/><p/>I

Reading Group: C13c_app442_rg2

Witness: fMS dissappeared. I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 remained
Witness: f1823 remained
Witness: fThomas remained
Witness: f1831 remained
Witness: fMS remained


Reading Group: C13c_app444_rg1

Witness: fMS motionless

Reading Group: C13c_app444_rg2

Witness: f1818 motionless.
Witness: f1823 motionless.
Witness: fThomas motionless.
Witness: f1831 motionless.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 The thunder
Witness: f1823 The thunder
Witness: fThomas The thunder
Witness: f1831 The thunder
Witness: fMS the thunder


Reading Group: C13c_app446_rg1

Witness: fMS ceased

Reading Group: C13c_app446_rg2

Witness: f1818 ceased;
Witness: f1823 ceased;
Witness: fThomas ceased;
Witness: f1831 ceased;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but the rain still
Witness: f1823 but the rain still
Witness: fThomas but the rain still
Witness: f1831 but the rain still
Witness: fMS but the rain still


Reading Group: C13c_app448_rg1

Witness: fMS continued

Reading Group: C13c_app448_rg2

Witness: f1818 continued,
Witness: f1823 continued,
Witness: fThomas continued,
Witness: f1831 continued,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and the scene was
Witness: f1823 and the scene was
Witness: fThomas and the scene was
Witness: f1831 and the scene was
Witness: fMS & the scene was


Reading Group: C13c_app450_rg1

Witness: f1818 enveloped
Witness: f1823 enveloped
Witness: fThomas enveloped
Witness: f1831 enveloped

Reading Group: C13c_app450_rg2

Witness: fMS inveloped


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in
Witness: f1823 in
Witness: fThomas in
Witness: f1831 in
Witness: fMS in


Reading Group: C13c_app452_rg1

Witness: f1818 an impenetrable darkness.
Witness: f1823 an impenetrable darkness.
Witness: fThomas an impenetrable darkness.
Witness: f1831 an impenetrable darkness.

Reading Group: C13c_app452_rg2

Witness: fMS anpitchy<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>impenetrabledarkness. I revolved in my mind


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I revolved
Witness: f1823 I revolved
Witness: fThomas I revolved
Witness: f1831 I revolved
Witness: fMS I revolved


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS in my mindI resolved


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in my mind the events which I
Witness: f1823 in my mind the events which I
Witness: fThomas in my mind the events which I
Witness: f1831 in my mind the events which I
Witness: fMS in my mind the events which I


Reading Group: C13c_app456_rg1

Witness: fMS u had, untill now,

Reading Group: C13c_app456_rg2

Witness: f1818 had until now
Witness: f1823 had until now
Witness: fThomas had until now
Witness: f1831 had until now


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 sought to
Witness: f1823 sought to
Witness: fThomas sought to
Witness: f1831 sought to
Witness: fMS sought to


Reading Group: C13c_app458_rg1

Witness: fMS forget. <metamark function="displacement" xml:id="c56-0083.08">^</metamark>

Reading Group: C13c_app458_rg2

Witness: f1818 forget:
Witness: f1823 forget:
Witness: fThomas forget:
Witness: f1831 forget:


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the whole
Witness: f1823 the whole
Witness: fThomas the whole
Witness: f1831 the whole
Witness: fMS The whole


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 train of my
Witness: f1823 train of my
Witness: fThomas train of my
Witness: f1831 train of my
Witness: fMS train of my


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 progress towards
Witness: f1823 progress towards
Witness: fThomas progress towards
Witness: f1831 progress towards
Witness: fMS progress towards


Reading Group: C13c_app462_rg1

Witness: fMS my <del rend="strikethrough" sID="c56-0083__left_margin__d2e17983"/><del/> creation

Reading Group: C13c_app462_rg2

Witness: f1818 the creation;
Witness: f1823 the creation;
Witness: fThomas the creation;
Witness: f1831 the creation;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the appearance
Witness: f1823 the appearance
Witness: fThomas the appearance
Witness: f1831 the appearance
Witness: fMS The appearance


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of
Witness: f1823 of
Witness: fThomas of
Witness: f1831 of
Witness: fMS of


Reading Group: C13c_app465_rg1

Witness: fMS the creature<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>the

Reading Group: C13c_app465_rg2

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: f1831 the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 work of my own
Witness: f1823 work of my own
Witness: fThomas work of my own
Witness: f1831 work of my own
Witness: fMS work of my own


Reading Group: C13c_app467_rg1

Witness: f1818 hands
Witness: f1823 hands
Witness: fThomas hands
Witness: f1831 hands

Reading Group: C13c_app467_rg2

Witness: fMS hands,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 alive at my
Witness: f1823 alive at my
Witness: fThomas alive at my
Witness: f1831 alive at my
Witness: fMS alive at my


Reading Group: C13c_app469_rg1

Witness: f1818 bed
Witness: f1823 bed
Witness: fThomas bed
Witness: fMS bed

Reading Group: C13c_app469_rg2

Witness: f1831 bedside;


Reading Group: C13c_app470_rg1

Witness: fMS side – &

Reading Group: C13c_app470_rg2

Witness: f1818 side;
Witness: f1823 side;
Witness: fThomas side;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 its departure.
Witness: f1823 its departure.
Witness: fThomas its departure.
Witness: f1831 its departure.
Witness: fMS its departure.


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS ItsIt was now nearly


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Two years had now nearly elapsed since the
Witness: f1823 Two years had now nearly elapsed since the
Witness: fThomas Two years had now nearly elapsed since the
Witness: f1831 Two years had now nearly elapsed since the
Witness: fMS two years <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>had now nearly elapsed since the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 night
Witness: f1823 night
Witness: fThomas night
Witness: f1831 night
Witness: fMS night


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 on which he first received
Witness: f1823 on which he first received
Witness: fThomas on which he first received
Witness: f1831 on which he first received
Witness: fMS on which he first received


Reading Group: C13c_app477_rg1

Witness: fMS life,

Reading Group: C13c_app477_rg2

Witness: f1818 life;
Witness: f1823 life;
Witness: fThomas life;
Witness: f1831 life;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and was this his first
Witness: f1823 and was this his first
Witness: fThomas and was this his first
Witness: f1831 and was this his first
Witness: fMS and was this his first


Reading Group: C13c_app479_rg1

Witness: fMS crime – ?Alas!

Reading Group: C13c_app479_rg2

Witness: f1818 crime? Alas!
Witness: f1823 crime? Alas!
Witness: fThomas crime? Alas!
Witness: f1831 crime? Alas!


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I had turned loose
Witness: f1823 I had turned loose
Witness: fThomas I had turned loose
Witness: f1831 I had turned loose
Witness: fMS I <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>had turned loose


Reading Group: C13c_app481_rg1

Witness: fMS in

Reading Group: C13c_app481_rg2

Witness: f1818 into
Witness: f1823 into
Witness: fThomas into
Witness: f1831 into


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the world a depraved
Witness: f1823 the world a depraved
Witness: fThomas the world a depraved
Witness: f1831 the world a depraved
Witness: fMS the world a depraved


Reading Group: C13c_app483_rg1

Witness: fMS wretch

Reading Group: C13c_app483_rg2

Witness: f1818 wretch,
Witness: f1823 wretch,
Witness: fThomas wretch,
Witness: f1831 wretch,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 whose delight was in
Witness: f1823 whose delight was in
Witness: fThomas whose delight was in
Witness: f1831 whose delight was in
Witness: fMS whose delight was in


Reading Group: C13c_app485_rg1

Witness: fMS deat murder

Reading Group: C13c_app485_rg2

Witness: f1818 carnage
Witness: f1823 carnage
Witness: fThomas carnage
Witness: f1831 carnage


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fMS &


Reading Group: C13c_app487_rg1

Witness: f1818 misery;
Witness: f1823 misery;
Witness: fThomas misery;
Witness: f1831 misery;

Reading Group: C13c_app487_rg2

Witness: fMS wretchedness; Forfor


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 had he
Witness: f1823 had he
Witness: fThomas had he
Witness: f1831 had he
Witness: fMS had he


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 not murdered my
Witness: f1823 not murdered my
Witness: fThomas not murdered my
Witness: f1831 not murdered my
Witness: fMS not murdered my


Reading Group: C13c_app490_rg1

Witness: fMS brother? No

Reading Group: C13c_app490_rg2

Witness: f1818 brother?<p/><p/>No
Witness: f1823 brother?<p/><p/>No
Witness: fThomas brother?<p/><p/>No
Witness: f1831 brother?<p/><p/>No


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 one can conceive
Witness: f1823 one can conceive
Witness: fThomas one can conceive
Witness: f1831 one can conceive
Witness: fMS one can conceive


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the anguish I
Witness: f1823 the anguish I
Witness: fThomas the anguish I
Witness: f1831 the anguish I
Witness: fMS the anguish I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 suffered during the remainder of the
Witness: f1823 suffered during the remainder of the
Witness: fThomas suffered during the remainder of the
Witness: f1831 suffered during the remainder of the
Witness: fMS sufferered during the remainder of the


Reading Group: C13c_app495_rg1

Witness: fMS night

Reading Group: C13c_app495_rg2

Witness: f1818 night,
Witness: f1823 night,
Witness: fThomas night,
Witness: f1831 night,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 which I
Witness: f1823 which I
Witness: fThomas which I
Witness: f1831 which I
Witness: fMS which I


Reading Group: C13c_app497_rg1

Witness: f1818 spent, cold
Witness: f1823 spent, cold
Witness: fThomas spent, cold
Witness: f1831 spent, cold

Reading Group: C13c_app497_rg2

Witness: fMS spent<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>cold


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fMS &


Reading Group: C13c_app499_rg1

Witness: fMS wet

Reading Group: C13c_app499_rg2

Witness: f1818 wet,
Witness: f1823 wet,
Witness: fThomas wet,
Witness: f1831 wet,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in the open
Witness: f1823 in the open
Witness: fThomas in the open
Witness: f1831 in the open
Witness: fMS in the open


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 air.
Witness: f1823 air.
Witness: fThomas air.
Witness: f1831 air.
Witness: fMS air.


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS cold and wet.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 But I did not
Witness: f1823 But I did not
Witness: fThomas But I did not
Witness: f1831 But I did not
Witness: fMS But I did not


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 feel
Witness: f1823 feel
Witness: fThomas feel
Witness: f1831 feel
Witness: fMS feel


Reading Group: C13c_app505_rg1

Witness: f1818 the inconvenience
Witness: f1823 the inconvenience
Witness: fThomas the inconvenience
Witness: f1831 the inconvenience

Reading Group: C13c_app505_rg2

Witness: fMS thies<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>incovenience


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of the
Witness: f1823 of the
Witness: fThomas of the
Witness: f1831 of the
Witness: fMS of the


Reading Group: C13c_app507_rg1

Witness: fMS weather.

Reading Group: C13c_app507_rg2

Witness: f1818 weather;
Witness: f1823 weather;
Witness: fThomas weather;
Witness: f1831 weather;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my imagination was busy
Witness: f1823 my imagination was busy
Witness: fThomas my imagination was busy
Witness: f1831 my imagination was busy
Witness: fMS my imagination was busy


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS in


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in
Witness: f1823 in
Witness: fThomas in
Witness: f1831 in
Witness: fMS in


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS scene


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 scenes of evil and
Witness: f1823 scenes of evil and
Witness: fThomas scenes of evil and
Witness: f1831 scenes of evil and
Witness: fMS scenes of eveil and


Reading Group: C13c_app513_rg1

Witness: fMS despair

Reading Group: C13c_app513_rg2

Witness: f1818 despair.
Witness: f1823 despair.
Witness: fThomas despair.
Witness: f1831 despair.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I considered the
Witness: f1823 I considered the
Witness: fThomas I considered the
Witness: f1831 I considered the
Witness: fMS I considered the


Reading Group: C13c_app515_rg1

Witness: fMS whwretchbeing

Reading Group: C13c_app515_rg2

Witness: f1818 being
Witness: f1823 being
Witness: fThomas being
Witness: f1831 being


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 whom I
Witness: f1823 whom I
Witness: fThomas whom I
Witness: f1831 whom I
Witness: fMS whom I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 had cast
Witness: f1823 had cast
Witness: fThomas had cast
Witness: f1831 had cast
Witness: fMS had cast


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS in


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 among
Witness: f1823 among
Witness: fThomas among
Witness: f1831 among
Witness: fMS among


Reading Group: C13c_app520_rg1

Witness: fMS mankind for pu

Reading Group: C13c_app520_rg2

Witness: f1818 mankind,
Witness: f1823 mankind,
Witness: fThomas mankind,
Witness: f1831 mankind,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fMS and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 endowed with
Witness: f1823 endowed with
Witness: fThomas endowed with
Witness: f1831 endowed with
Witness: fMS endowed with


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the will and
Witness: f1823 the will and
Witness: fThomas the will and
Witness: f1831 the will and
Witness: fMS the will &


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 power
Witness: f1823 power
Witness: fThomas power
Witness: f1831 power
Witness: fMS power


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to effect purposes of
Witness: f1823 to effect purposes of
Witness: fThomas to effect purposes of
Witness: f1831 to effect purposes of
Witness: fMS to effect purposes of


Reading Group: C13c_app527_rg1

Witness: fMS mischiefhorror

Reading Group: C13c_app527_rg2

Witness: f1818 horror,
Witness: f1823 horror,
Witness: fThomas horror,
Witness: f1831 horror,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 such as
Witness: f1823 such as
Witness: fThomas such as
Witness: f1831 such as
Witness: fMS such as


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS this


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the deed which he
Witness: f1823 the deed which he
Witness: fThomas the deed which he
Witness: f1831 the deed which he
Witness: fMS the deed which he


Reading Group: C13c_app531_rg1

Witness: f1818 had now
Witness: f1823 had now
Witness: fThomas had now
Witness: f1831 had now

Reading Group: C13c_app531_rg2

Witness: fMS hadnow


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 done, nearly in the light
Witness: f1823 done, nearly in the light
Witness: fThomas done, nearly in the light
Witness: f1831 done, nearly in the light
Witness: fMS done, nearly in the light


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of my
Witness: f1823 of my
Witness: fThomas of my
Witness: f1831 of my
Witness: fMS of my


Reading Group: C13c_app534_rg1

Witness: fMS ow vampire;

Reading Group: C13c_app534_rg2

Witness: f1818 own vampire,
Witness: f1823 own vampire,
Witness: fThomas own vampire,
Witness: f1831 own vampire,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my own spirit let
Witness: f1823 my own spirit let
Witness: fThomas my own spirit let
Witness: f1831 my own spirit let
Witness: fMS my own spirit let


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 loose from the
Witness: f1823 loose from the
Witness: fThomas loose from the
Witness: f1831 loose from the
Witness: fMS loose from the


Reading Group: C13c_app537_rg1

Witness: fMS grave

Reading Group: C13c_app537_rg2

Witness: f1818 grave,
Witness: f1823 grave,
Witness: fThomas grave,
Witness: f1831 grave,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and forced to
Witness: f1823 and forced to
Witness: fThomas and forced to
Witness: f1831 and forced to
Witness: fMS and forced to


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 destroy all
Witness: f1823 destroy all
Witness: fThomas destroy all
Witness: f1831 destroy all
Witness: fMS destroy all


Reading Group: C13c_app540_rg1

Witness: f1818 that was
Witness: f1823 that was
Witness: fThomas that was
Witness: f1831 that was

Reading Group: C13c_app540_rg2

Witness: fMS who were


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 dear to
Witness: f1823 dear to
Witness: fThomas dear to
Witness: f1831 dear to
Witness: fMS dear to


Reading Group: C13c_app542_rg1

Witness: fMS me. Day dawned

Reading Group: C13c_app542_rg2

Witness: f1818 me.<p/><p/>Day dawned;
Witness: f1823 me.<p/><p/>Day dawned;
Witness: fThomas me.<p/><p/>Day dawned;
Witness: f1831 me.<p/><p/>Day dawned;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and I directed my
Witness: f1823 and I directed my
Witness: fThomas and I directed my
Witness: f1831 and I directed my
Witness: fMS and I directed my


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 steps towards the
Witness: f1823 steps towards the
Witness: fThomas steps towards the
Witness: f1831 steps towards the
Witness: fMS steps towards the


Reading Group: C13c_app545_rg1

Witness: fMS town –

Reading Group: C13c_app545_rg2

Witness: f1818 town.
Witness: f1823 town.
Witness: fThomas town.
Witness: f1831 town.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 The gates were
Witness: f1823 The gates were
Witness: fThomas The gates were
Witness: f1831 The gates were
Witness: fMS the gates were


Reading Group: C13c_app547_rg1

Witness: fMS open

Reading Group: C13c_app547_rg2

Witness: f1823 open,
Witness: f1831 open,

Reading Group: C13c_app547_rg3

Witness: f1818 open;
Witness: fThomas open;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and I hastened to my
Witness: f1823 and I hastened to my
Witness: fThomas and I hastened to my
Witness: f1831 and I hastened to my
Witness: fMS and I hastened to my


Reading Group: C13c_app549_rg1

Witness: fMS father's houses.–My n

Reading Group: C13c_app549_rg2

Witness: f1818 father’s house. My
Witness: f1823 father’s house. My
Witness: fThomas father’s house. My
Witness: f1831 father’s house. My


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 first thought was to discover what I knew of the
Witness: f1823 first thought was to discover what I knew of the
Witness: fThomas first thought was to discover what I knew of the
Witness: f1831 first thought was to discover what I knew of the
Witness: fMS first thought was to discover what I knew of the


Reading Group: C13c_app551_rg1

Witness: fMS murderer

Reading Group: C13c_app551_rg2

Witness: f1818 murderer,
Witness: f1823 murderer,
Witness: fThomas murderer,
Witness: f1831 murderer,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and cause instant
Witness: f1823 and cause instant
Witness: fThomas and cause instant
Witness: f1831 and cause instant
Witness: fMS & cause instant


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS search


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 pursuit to
Witness: f1823 pursuit to
Witness: fThomas pursuit to
Witness: f1831 pursuit to
Witness: fMS pursuit to


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 be made. But I paused when I reflected
Witness: f1823 be made. But I paused when I reflected
Witness: fThomas be made. But I paused when I reflected
Witness: f1831 be made. But I paused when I reflected
Witness: fMS be made. But I paused when I reflected


Reading Group: C13c_app556_rg1

Witness: f1818 on
Witness: f1823 on
Witness: fThomas on
Witness: f1831 on

Reading Group: C13c_app556_rg2

Witness: fMS what


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the story
Witness: f1823 the story
Witness: fThomas the story
Witness: f1831 the story
Witness: fMS the story


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS was


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that I had
Witness: f1823 that I had
Witness: fThomas that I had
Witness: f1831 that I had
Witness: fMS that I had


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to tell. A
Witness: f1823 to tell. A
Witness: fThomas to tell. A
Witness: f1831 to tell. A
Witness: fMS to tell. A


Reading Group: C13c_app561_rg1

Witness: fMS creaturebeing

Reading Group: C13c_app561_rg2

Witness: f1818 being
Witness: f1823 being
Witness: fThomas being
Witness: f1831 being


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 whom I myself
Witness: f1823 whom I myself
Witness: fThomas whom I myself
Witness: f1831 whom I myself
Witness: fMS whom I myself


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 had
Witness: f1823 had
Witness: fThomas had
Witness: f1831 had
Witness: fMS had


Reading Group: C13c_app564_rg1

Witness: fMS created

Reading Group: C13c_app564_rg2

Witness: f1818 formed,
Witness: f1823 formed,
Witness: fThomas formed,
Witness: f1831 formed,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and endued with life,
Witness: f1823 and endued with life,
Witness: fThomas and endued with life,
Witness: f1831 and endued with life,
Witness: fMS and endued with life,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 had met
Witness: f1823 had met
Witness: fThomas had met
Witness: f1831 had met
Witness: fMS had met


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 me at midnight among
Witness: f1823 me at midnight among
Witness: fThomas me at midnight among
Witness: f1831 me at midnight among
Witness: fMS me at midnight among


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fMS the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 precipices of
Witness: f1823 precipices of
Witness: fThomas precipices of
Witness: f1831 precipices of
Witness: fMS precipices of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 an inaccessible
Witness: f1823 an inaccessible
Witness: fThomas an inaccessible
Witness: f1831 an inaccessible
Witness: fMS an inaccessible


Reading Group: C13c_app571_rg1

Witness: fMS mountain

Reading Group: C13c_app571_rg2

Witness: f1818 mountain. I remembered also the nervous fever with which I had been seized just at
Witness: f1823 mountain. I remembered also the nervous fever with which I had been seized just at
Witness: fThomas mountain. I remembered also the nervous fever with which I had been seized just at
Witness: f1831 mountain. I remembered also the nervous fever with which I had been seized just at


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fMS The


Reading Group: C13c_app573_rg1

Witness: fMS storytale was utterly improbable

Reading Group: C13c_app573_rg2

Witness: f1818 time that I dated my creation,
Witness: f1823 time that I dated my creation,
Witness: fThomas time that I dated my creation,
Witness: f1831 time that I dated my creation,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fMS and


Reading Group: C13c_app575_rg1

Witness: fMS I knew

Reading Group: C13c_app575_rg2

Witness: f1818 which would give an air of delirium to a tale otherwise so utterly improbable. I
Witness: f1823 which would give an air of delirium to a tale otherwise so utterly improbable. I
Witness: fThomas which would give an air of delirium to a tale otherwise so utterly improbable. I
Witness: f1831 which would give an air of delirium to a tale otherwise so utterly improbable. I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 well
Witness: f1823 well
Witness: fThomas well
Witness: f1831 well
Witness: fMS well


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 knew
Witness: f1823 knew
Witness: fThomas knew
Witness: f1831 knew


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that if any other had
Witness: f1823 that if any other had
Witness: fThomas that if any other had
Witness: f1831 that if any other had
Witness: fMS that if any other had


Reading Group: C13c_app579_rg1

Witness: fMS relatedcommunicated

Reading Group: C13c_app579_rg2

Witness: f1818 communicated
Witness: f1823 communicated
Witness: fThomas communicated
Witness: f1831 communicated


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 such
Witness: f1823 such
Witness: fThomas such
Witness: f1831 such
Witness: fMS such


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a
Witness: f1823 a
Witness: fThomas a
Witness: f1831 a
Witness: fMS a


Reading Group: C13c_app582_rg1

Witness: fMS tale<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>relation

Reading Group: C13c_app582_rg2

Witness: f1818 relation
Witness: f1823 relation
Witness: fThomas relation
Witness: f1831 relation


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to
Witness: f1823 to
Witness: fThomas to
Witness: f1831 to
Witness: fMS to


Reading Group: C13c_app584_rg1

Witness: fMS me

Reading Group: C13c_app584_rg2

Witness: f1818 me,
Witness: f1823 me,
Witness: fThomas me,
Witness: f1831 me,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I should have looked
Witness: f1823 I should have looked
Witness: fThomas I should have looked
Witness: f1831 I should have looked
Witness: fMS I should have looked


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 upon it as the ravings of
Witness: f1823 upon it as the ravings of
Witness: fThomas upon it as the ravings of
Witness: f1831 upon it as the ravings of
Witness: fMS upon it as the ravings of


Reading Group: C13c_app587_rg1

Witness: fMS delirium Besides

Reading Group: C13c_app587_rg2

Witness: f1818 insanity. Besides,
Witness: f1823 insanity. Besides,
Witness: fThomas insanity. Besides,
Witness: f1831 insanity. Besides,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the strange nature of the
Witness: f1823 the strange nature of the
Witness: fThomas the strange nature of the
Witness: f1831 the strange nature of the
Witness: fMS the strange nature of the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 animal would
Witness: f1823 animal would
Witness: fThomas animal would
Witness: f1831 animal would
Witness: fMS animal would


Reading Group: C13c_app590_rg1

Witness: fMS <del rend="strikethrough" sID="c56-0084__main__d2e18369"/>elude

Reading Group: C13c_app590_rg2

Witness: f1818 elude
Witness: f1823 elude
Witness: fThomas elude
Witness: f1831 elude


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 all
Witness: f1823 all
Witness: fThomas all
Witness: f1831 all
Witness: fMS all


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS the us<del/> elude


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 pursuit, even if I were so
Witness: f1823 pursuit, even if I were so
Witness: fThomas pursuit, even if I were so
Witness: f1831 pursuit, even if I were so
Witness: fMS pursuit, even if I were so


Reading Group: C13c_app594_rg1

Witness: f1818 far credited as
Witness: f1823 far credited as
Witness: fThomas far credited as
Witness: f1831 far credited as

Reading Group: C13c_app594_rg2

Witness: fMS farbelievedcreditedwhich was<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>utterly impossibleas


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to persuade
Witness: f1823 to persuade
Witness: fThomas to persuade
Witness: f1831 to persuade
Witness: fMS to persuade


Reading Group: C13c_app596_rg1

Witness: fMS itsselfmy

Reading Group: C13c_app596_rg2

Witness: f1818 my
Witness: f1823 my
Witness: fThomas my
Witness: f1831 my


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 relatives to commence
Witness: f1823 relatives to commence
Witness: fThomas relatives to commence
Witness: f1831 relatives to commence
Witness: fMS relatives to commence


Reading Group: C13c_app598_rg1

Witness: fMS it – the common people would believe it to be a real devil

Reading Group: C13c_app598_rg2

Witness: f1818 it.
Witness: f1823 it.
Witness: fThomas it.
Witness: f1831 it.


Reading Group: C13c_app599_rg1

Witness: fThomas BesidesAnd,

Reading Group: C13c_app599_rg2

Witness: f1831 And
Witness: fMS and

Reading Group: C13c_app599_rg3

Witness: f1818 Besides,
Witness: f1823 Besides,


Reading Group: C13c_app600_rg1

Witness: f1831 then

Reading Group: C13c_app600_rg2

Witness: fMS who could attempt Besides


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of what use
Witness: f1823 of what use
Witness: fThomas of what use
Witness: f1831 of what use
Witness: fMS of what use


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 would be pursuit?
Witness: f1823 would be pursuit?
Witness: fThomas would be pursuit?
Witness: f1831 would be pursuit?
Witness: fMS would be pursuit?


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Who could
Witness: f1823 Who could
Witness: fThomas Who could
Witness: f1831 Who could
Witness: fMS Who could


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 arrest a creature
Witness: f1823 arrest a creature
Witness: fThomas arrest a creature
Witness: f1831 arrest a creature
Witness: fMS arrest a creature


Reading Group: C13c_app605_rg1

Witness: fMS that couldcapable

Reading Group: C13c_app605_rg2

Witness: f1818 capable
Witness: f1823 capable
Witness: fThomas capable
Witness: f1831 capable


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of scaling the
Witness: f1823 of scaling the
Witness: fThomas of scaling the
Witness: f1831 of scaling the
Witness: fMS of scaleing the


Reading Group: C13c_app607_rg1

Witness: fMS steepoverhanging

Reading Group: C13c_app607_rg2

Witness: f1818 overhanging
Witness: f1823 overhanging
Witness: fThomas overhanging
Witness: f1831 overhanging


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 sides of
Witness: f1823 sides of
Witness: fThomas sides of
Witness: f1831 sides of
Witness: fMS sides of


Reading Group: C13c_app609_rg1

Witness: f1818 Mont
Witness: fThomas Mont
Witness: f1831 Mont

Reading Group: C13c_app609_rg2

Witness: fMS Mont-Salêve?

Reading Group: C13c_app609_rg3

Witness: f1823 Mount


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Salêve?
Witness: f1823 Salêve?
Witness: fThomas Salêve?
Witness: f1831 Salêve?


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 These
Witness: f1823 These
Witness: fThomas These
Witness: f1831 These
Witness: fMS These


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 reflections determined me, and I resolved
Witness: f1823 reflections determined me, and I resolved
Witness: fThomas reflections determined me, and I resolved
Witness: f1831 reflections determined me, and I resolved
Witness: fMS reflections determined me, and I resolved


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to remain
Witness: f1823 to remain
Witness: fThomas to remain
Witness: f1831 to remain
Witness: fMS to be<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>remain


Reading Group: C13c_app614_rg1

Witness: fMS silent. It

Reading Group: C13c_app614_rg2

Witness: f1818 silent.<p/><p/>It
Witness: f1823 silent.<p/><p/>It
Witness: fThomas silent.<p/><p/>It
Witness: f1831 silent.<p/><p/>It


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was about five in the morning when
Witness: f1823 was about five in the morning when
Witness: fThomas was about five in the morning when
Witness: f1831 was about five in the morning when
Witness: fMS was about five in the morning when


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I entered my
Witness: f1823 I entered my
Witness: fThomas I entered my
Witness: f1831 I entered my
Witness: fMS I entered my


Reading Group: C13c_app617_rg1

Witness: fMS fathers

Reading Group: C13c_app617_rg2

Witness: f1818 father’s
Witness: f1823 father’s
Witness: fThomas father’s
Witness: f1831 father’s


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 house. I told the servants not to disturb the family, and went into
Witness: f1823 house. I told the servants not to disturb the family, and went into
Witness: fThomas house. I told the servants not to disturb the family, and went into
Witness: f1831 house. I told the servants not to disturb the family, and went into
Witness: fMS house. I told the servants not to disturb the family, and went into


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the library to attend their usual
Witness: f1823 the library to attend their usual
Witness: fThomas the library to attend their usual
Witness: f1831 the library to attend their usual
Witness: fMS the library to attend their usual


Reading Group: C13c_app620_rg1

Witness: f1818 hour
Witness: f1823 hour
Witness: fThomas hour
Witness: f1831 hour

Reading Group: C13c_app620_rg2

Witness: fMS time


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of
Witness: f1823 of
Witness: fThomas of
Witness: f1831 of
Witness: fMS of


Reading Group: C13c_app622_rg1

Witness: fMS rising. Five

Reading Group: C13c_app622_rg2

Witness: f1818 rising.<p/><p/>Six
Witness: f1823 rising.<p/><p/>Six
Witness: fThomas rising.<p/><p/>Six
Witness: f1831 rising.<p/><p/>Six


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 years had
Witness: f1823 years had
Witness: fThomas years had
Witness: f1831 years had
Witness: fMS years had


Reading Group: C13c_app624_rg1

Witness: f1818 elapsed, passed
Witness: f1823 elapsed, passed
Witness: fThomas elapsed, passed
Witness: f1831 elapsed, passed

Reading Group: C13c_app624_rg2

Witness: fMS elapsed–passed


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 as
Witness: f1823 as
Witness: fThomas as
Witness: f1831 as
Witness: fMS as


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a dream but for one indelible trace, and
Witness: f1823 a dream but for one indelible trace, and
Witness: fThomas a dream but for one indelible trace, and
Witness: f1831 a dream but for one indelible trace, and
Witness: fMS a dream but for one indelible trace, and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I stood in the same place where I had last
Witness: f1823 I stood in the same place where I had last
Witness: fThomas I stood in the same place where I had last
Witness: f1831 I stood in the same place where I had last
Witness: fMS I stood in the same place where I had last


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 embraced my father before my departure
Witness: f1823 embraced my father before my departure
Witness: fThomas embraced my father before my departure
Witness: f1831 embraced my father before my departure
Witness: fMS embraced my father before my departure


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 for Ingolstadt. Beloved and
Witness: f1823 for Ingolstadt. Beloved and
Witness: fThomas for Ingolstadt. Beloved and
Witness: f1831 for Ingolstadt. Beloved and
Witness: fMS for Ingolstadt. Beloved and


Reading Group: C13c_app630_rg1

Witness: f1818 respectable
Witness: f1823 respectable
Witness: fThomas respectable
Witness: fMS respectable

Reading Group: C13c_app630_rg2

Witness: f1831 venerable


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 parent!
Witness: f1823 parent!
Witness: fThomas parent!
Witness: f1831 parent!
Witness: fMS parent!


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS His chair was before the reading desk and a book open


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 He still remained
Witness: f1823 He still remained
Witness: fThomas He still remained
Witness: f1831 He still remained
Witness: fMS He still remained


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to me. I gazed on
Witness: f1823 to me. I gazed on
Witness: fThomas to me. I gazed on
Witness: f1831 to me. I gazed on
Witness: fMS to me. I gazed on


Reading Group: C13c_app635_rg1

Witness: fMS a

Reading Group: C13c_app635_rg2

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: f1831 the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 picture of my
Witness: f1823 picture of my
Witness: fThomas picture of my
Witness: f1831 picture of my
Witness: fMS picture of my


Reading Group: C13c_app637_rg1

Witness: fMS mother

Reading Group: C13c_app637_rg2

Witness: f1818 mother,
Witness: f1823 mother,
Witness: fThomas mother,
Witness: f1831 mother,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 which stood over the
Witness: f1823 which stood over the
Witness: fThomas which stood over the
Witness: f1831 which stood over the
Witness: fMS which stood over the


Reading Group: C13c_app639_rg1

Witness: f1831 mantel-piece.

Reading Group: C13c_app639_rg2

Witness: f1823 mantelpiece.

Reading Group: C13c_app639_rg3

Witness: f1818 mantlepiece.
Witness: fThomas mantlepiece.
Witness: fMS mantlepiece.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 It was
Witness: f1823 It was
Witness: fThomas It was
Witness: f1831 It was
Witness: fMS It was


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 an historical
Witness: f1823 an historical
Witness: fThomas an historical
Witness: f1831 an historical
Witness: fMS an historical


Reading Group: C13c_app642_rg1

Witness: fMS piece

Reading Group: C13c_app642_rg2

Witness: f1818 subject,
Witness: f1823 subject,
Witness: fThomas subject,
Witness: f1831 subject,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 painted
Witness: f1823 painted
Witness: fThomas painted
Witness: f1831 painted
Witness: fMS painted


Reading Group: C13c_app644_rg1

Witness: f1818 at
Witness: f1823 at
Witness: fThomas at
Witness: f1831 at

Reading Group: C13c_app644_rg2

Witness: fMS to please


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my
Witness: f1823 my
Witness: fThomas my
Witness: f1831 my
Witness: fMS my


Reading Group: C13c_app646_rg1

Witness: fMS father

Reading Group: C13c_app646_rg2

Witness: f1818 father’s desire,
Witness: f1823 father’s desire,
Witness: fThomas father’s desire,
Witness: f1831 father’s desire,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and represented Caroline
Witness: f1823 and represented Caroline
Witness: fThomas and represented Caroline
Witness: f1831 and represented Caroline
Witness: fMS and represented Caroline


Reading Group: C13c_app648_rg1

Witness: f1818 Beaufort
Witness: f1823 Beaufort
Witness: fThomas Beaufort
Witness: f1831 Beaufort

Reading Group: C13c_app648_rg2

Witness: fMS Beaumont


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in an agony of
Witness: f1823 in an agony of
Witness: fThomas in an agony of
Witness: f1831 in an agony of
Witness: fMS in an agony of


Reading Group: C13c_app650_rg1

Witness: fMS despair

Reading Group: C13c_app650_rg2

Witness: f1818 despair,
Witness: f1823 despair,
Witness: fThomas despair,
Witness: f1831 despair,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 kneeling by the coffin
Witness: f1823 kneeling by the coffin
Witness: fThomas kneeling by the coffin
Witness: f1831 kneeling by the coffin
Witness: fMS kneeling by the coffin


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of her dead father. Her garb was
Witness: f1823 of her dead father. Her garb was
Witness: fThomas of her dead father. Her garb was
Witness: f1831 of her dead father. Her garb was
Witness: fMS of her dead father. Her garb was


Reading Group: C13c_app653_rg1

Witness: f1818 rustic, and
Witness: f1823 rustic, and
Witness: fThomas rustic, and
Witness: f1831 rustic, and

Reading Group: C13c_app653_rg2

Witness: fMS rustic,&


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 her
Witness: f1823 her
Witness: fThomas her
Witness: f1831 her
Witness: fMS her


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 cheek
Witness: f1823 cheek
Witness: fThomas cheek
Witness: f1831 cheek
Witness: fMS cheek


Reading Group: C13c_app656_rg1

Witness: fMS pale

Reading Group: C13c_app656_rg2

Witness: f1818 pale;
Witness: f1823 pale;
Witness: fThomas pale;
Witness: f1831 pale;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but there was an air of dignity
Witness: f1823 but there was an air of dignity
Witness: fThomas but there was an air of dignity
Witness: f1831 but there was an air of dignity
Witness: fMS but there was an air of dignity


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fMS and


Reading Group: C13c_app659_rg1

Witness: fMS beauty

Reading Group: C13c_app659_rg2

Witness: f1818 beauty,
Witness: f1823 beauty,
Witness: fThomas beauty,
Witness: f1831 beauty,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that hardly
Witness: f1823 that hardly
Witness: fThomas that hardly
Witness: f1831 that hardly
Witness: fMS that hardly


Reading Group: C13c_app661_rg1

Witness: fMS allowed of<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>permitted

Reading Group: C13c_app661_rg2

Witness: f1818 permitted
Witness: f1823 permitted
Witness: fThomas permitted
Witness: f1831 permitted


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fMS the


Reading Group: C13c_app663_rg1

Witness: fMS feelingsentiment

Reading Group: C13c_app663_rg2

Witness: f1818 sentiment
Witness: f1823 sentiment
Witness: fThomas sentiment
Witness: f1831 sentiment


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of pity. Below this picture was a
Witness: f1823 of pity. Below this picture was a
Witness: fThomas of pity. Below this picture was a
Witness: f1831 of pity. Below this picture was a
Witness: fMS of pity. Below this picture was a


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 miniature of
Witness: f1823 miniature of
Witness: fThomas miniature of
Witness: f1831 miniature of
Witness: fMS miniature of


Reading Group: C13c_app666_rg1

Witness: fMS William,

Reading Group: C13c_app666_rg2

Witness: f1818 William;
Witness: f1823 William;
Witness: fThomas William;
Witness: f1831 William;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and my tears
Witness: f1823 and my tears
Witness: fThomas and my tears
Witness: f1831 and my tears
Witness: fMS and my tears


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 flowed when I looked upon
Witness: f1823 flowed when I looked upon
Witness: fThomas flowed when I looked upon
Witness: f1831 flowed when I looked upon
Witness: fMS flowed when I looked upon


Reading Group: C13c_app669_rg1

Witness: f1818 it. While
Witness: f1823 it. While
Witness: fThomas it. While
Witness: f1831 it. While

Reading Group: C13c_app669_rg2

Witness: fMS it—While


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I was
Witness: f1823 I was
Witness: fThomas I was
Witness: f1831 I was
Witness: fMS I was


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 thus
Witness: f1823 thus
Witness: fThomas thus
Witness: f1831 thus
Witness: fMS thus


Reading Group: C13c_app672_rg1

Witness: fMS engaged

Reading Group: C13c_app672_rg2

Witness: f1818 engaged,
Witness: f1823 engaged,
Witness: fThomas engaged,
Witness: f1831 engaged,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Ernest
Witness: f1823 Ernest
Witness: fThomas Ernest
Witness: f1831 Ernest
Witness: fMS Ernest


Reading Group: C13c_app674_rg1

Witness: f1818 entered:
Witness: f1823 entered:
Witness: fThomas entered:
Witness: f1831 entered:

Reading Group: C13c_app674_rg2

Witness: fMS entered–


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 he had heard
Witness: f1823 he had heard
Witness: fThomas he had heard
Witness: f1831 he had heard
Witness: fMS he had heard


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 me
Witness: f1823 me
Witness: fThomas me
Witness: f1831 me
Witness: fMS me


Reading Group: C13c_app677_rg1

Witness: fMS arrive

Reading Group: C13c_app677_rg2

Witness: f1818 arrive,
Witness: f1823 arrive,
Witness: fThomas arrive,
Witness: f1831 arrive,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and hastened to welcome me.
Witness: f1823 and hastened to welcome me.
Witness: fThomas and hastened to welcome me.
Witness: f1831 and hastened to welcome me.
Witness: fMS and hastened to welcome me.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 He expressed
Witness: f1823 He expressed
Witness: fThomas He expressed
Witness: f1831 He expressed
Witness: fMS He expressed


Reading Group: C13c_app680_rg1

Witness: f1818 a sorrowful
Witness: f1823 a sorrowful
Witness: fThomas a sorrowful
Witness: f1831 a sorrowful

Reading Group: C13c_app680_rg2

Witness: fMS the greatest


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 delight
Witness: f1823 delight
Witness: fThomas delight
Witness: f1831 delight
Witness: fMS delight


Reading Group: C13c_app682_rg1

Witness: fMS on seeing me – "Welcome

Reading Group: C13c_app682_rg2

Witness: f1818 to see me: “Welcome,
Witness: f1823 to see me: “Welcome,
Witness: fThomas to see me: “Welcome,
Witness: f1831 to see me: “Welcome,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my dearest Victor,” said
Witness: f1823 my dearest Victor,” said
Witness: fThomas my dearest Victor,” said
Witness: f1831 my dearest Victor,” said
Witness: fMS my dearest Victor," said


Reading Group: C13c_app684_rg1

Witness: fMS he, ah

Reading Group: C13c_app684_rg2

Witness: f1818 he. “Ah!
Witness: f1823 he. “Ah!
Witness: fThomas he. “Ah!
Witness: f1831 he. “Ah!


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I wish you had come three
Witness: f1823 I wish you had come three
Witness: fThomas I wish you had come three
Witness: f1831 I wish you had come three
Witness: fMS I wish you had come three


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS weeks


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 months
Witness: f1823 months
Witness: fThomas months
Witness: f1831 months
Witness: fMS months


Reading Group: C13c_app688_rg1

Witness: fMS ago

Reading Group: C13c_app688_rg2

Witness: f1818 ago,
Witness: f1823 ago,
Witness: fThomas ago,
Witness: f1831 ago,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and then you would have
Witness: f1823 and then you would have
Witness: fThomas and then you would have
Witness: f1831 and then you would have
Witness: fMS and then you would have


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS been welcomed as you ought


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 found
Witness: f1823 found
Witness: fThomas found
Witness: f1831 found
Witness: fMS found


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 us all
Witness: f1823 us all
Witness: fThomas us all
Witness: f1831 us all
Witness: fMS us all


Reading Group: C13c_app693_rg1

Witness: f1818 joyous and delighted.
Witness: f1823 joyous and delighted.
Witness: fThomas joyous and delighted.
Witness: f1831 joyous and delighted.

Reading Group: C13c_app693_rg2

Witness: fMS joyous&delighted


Reading Group: C13d_app1_rg1

Witness: f1831 You come to us now to share a misery which nothing can alleviate; yet your presence will, I hope, revive our father, who seems sinking under his misfortune; and your persuasions will induce poor Elizabeth to cease her vain and tormenting self-accusations.—Poor William! he was our darling and our pride!”<p/>

Reading Group: C13d_app1_rg2

Witness: fMS – But we are now all of us so unhappy that

Reading Group: C13d_app1_rg3

Witness: f1818 But we are now unhappy; and,
Witness: f1823 But we are now unhappy; and,
Witness: fThomas But we are now unhappy; and,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I am
Witness: f1823 I am
Witness: fThomas I am
Witness: fMS I am


Reading Group: C13d_app3_rg1

Witness: fMS afraid

Reading Group: C13d_app3_rg2

Witness: f1818 afraid,
Witness: f1823 afraid,
Witness: fThomas afraid,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 tears instead of smiles
Witness: f1823 tears instead of smiles
Witness: fThomas tears instead of smiles
Witness: fMS tears instead of smiles


Reading Group: C13d_app5_rg1

Witness: fMS for<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>will

Reading Group: C13d_app5_rg2

Witness: f1818 will
Witness: f1823 will
Witness: fThomas will


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 be your
Witness: f1823 be your
Witness: fThomas be your
Witness: fMS be your


Reading Group: C13d_app7_rg1

Witness: fMS welcome

Reading Group: C13d_app7_rg2

Witness: f1818 welcome.
Witness: f1823 welcome.
Witness: fThomas welcome.


Reading Group: C13e_app1_rg1

Witness: f1831

Reading Group: C13e_app1_rg2

Witness: fThomas Our father looks so sorrowful: this dreadful event seems to have revived in his mind his grief on the death of Mamma. Poor Elizabeth also is quite inconsolable.” <add/>the sense of our misfortune is yet unalleviated; the silence of our father is uninterrupted, and there is something more distressing than tears in his unaltered sadness—while poor Elizabeth, seeking solitude and for ever weeping, already begins to feel the effects of incessant grief—for her colour is gone, and her eyes are hollow & lustreless<add/>

Reading Group: C13e_app1_rg3

Witness: fMS my<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>our father looks so sorrowful and it seems to have revived in his mind his sorrow for the death of Mamma and poor Elizabeth is quite inconsolable."

Reading Group: C13e_app1_rg4

Witness: f1818 Our father looks so sorrowful: this dreadful event seems to have revived in his mind his grief on the death of Mamma. Poor Elizabeth also is quite inconsolable.”

Reading Group: C13e_app1_rg5

Witness: f1823 Our father looks so sorrowful: this dreadful event seems to have revived in his mind his grief on the death of Mamma. Poor Elizabeth, also, is quite inconsolable.”


Reading Group: C13f_app1_rg1

Witness: f1831 <p/>Tears, unrestrained, fell from my brother’s eyes; a sense of mortal agony crept over my frame. Before, I had only imagined the wretchedness of my desolated home; the reality came on me as a new, and a not less terrible, disaster.

Reading Group: C13f_app1_rg2

Witness: f1818 Ernest began to weep as he said these
Witness: f1823 Ernest began to weep as he said these
Witness: fThomas Ernest began to weep as he said these
Witness: fMS Ernest began to weep as he said these


Reading Group: C13f_app2_rg1

Witness: f1831 I tried to calm Ernest; I enquired more minutely concerning my father, and her I named my cousin.<p/>

Reading Group: C13f_app2_rg2

Witness: fMS words. "Do not <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>you" said I," welcome me thus; try

Reading Group: C13f_app2_rg3

Witness: f1818 words.<p/><p/>“Do not,” said I, “welcome me thus; try
Witness: f1823 words.<p/><p/>“Do not,” said I, “welcome me thus; try
Witness: fThomas words.<p/><p/>“Do not,” said I, “welcome me thus; try


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to be more
Witness: f1823 to be more
Witness: fThomas to be more
Witness: fMS to be more


Reading Group: C13f_app4_rg1

Witness: fMS calm andnot letprevengm<mdel>e</mdel>y beingthat

Reading Group: C13f_app4_rg2

Witness: f1818 calm, that
Witness: f1823 calm, that
Witness: fThomas calm, that


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I may not
Witness: f1823 I may not
Witness: fThomas I may not
Witness: fMS I may not


Reading Group: C13f_app6_rg1

Witness: f1818 be absolutely
Witness: f1823 be absolutely
Witness: fThomas be absolutely

Reading Group: C13f_app6_rg2

Witness: fMS beabsolutely


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 miserable the moment I enter
Witness: f1823 miserable the moment I enter
Witness: fThomas miserable the moment I enter
Witness: fMS miserable the moment I enter


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my
Witness: f1823 my
Witness: fThomas my
Witness: fMS my


Reading Group: C13f_app9_rg1

Witness: fMS fathers

Reading Group: C13f_app9_rg2

Witness: f1818 father’s
Witness: f1823 father’s
Witness: fThomas father’s


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 house after so long an absence.
Witness: f1823 house after so long an absence.
Witness: fThomas house after so long an absence.
Witness: fMS house after so long an absence.


Reading Group: C13g_app1_rg1

Witness: f1831

Reading Group: C13g_app1_rg2

Witness: fThomas But, tell me, how does my father support his misfortunes? and how is <add/>You must assist me in acquiring sufficient calmness to console my father and support<add/>

Reading Group: C13g_app1_rg3

Witness: fMS But tell me, Howdoes my father supports it and if Elizabeth his f misfortunes; and how is

Reading Group: C13g_app1_rg4

Witness: f1818 But, tell me, how does my father support his misfortunes? and how is
Witness: f1823 But, tell me, how does my father support his misfortunes? and how is


Reading Group: C13g_app2_rg1

Witness: fThomas my poor Elizabeth?”<p/>

Reading Group: C13g_app2_rg2

Witness: f1818 my poor Elizabeth?”<p/>
Witness: f1823 my poor Elizabeth?”<p/>

Reading Group: C13g_app2_rg3

Witness: fMS my poor Elizabeth?"


Reading Group: C13g_app3_rg1

Witness: f1831 <p/>“She most of all,” said Ernest,

Reading Group: C13g_app3_rg2

Witness: fMS She indeed

Reading Group: C13g_app3_rg3

Witness: f1818 <p/>“She indeed
Witness: f1823 <p/>“She indeed
Witness: fThomas <p/>“She indeed


Reading Group: C13h_app1_rg1

Witness: f1831 “requires

Reading Group: C13h_app1_rg2

Witness: f1818 requires
Witness: f1823 requires
Witness: fThomas requires
Witness: fMS requires


Reading Group: C13h_app2_rg1

Witness: fMS consolation," replied Ernest–"

Reading Group: C13h_app2_rg2

Witness: f1818 consolation;
Witness: f1823 consolation;
Witness: fThomas consolation;
Witness: f1831 consolation;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 she accused herself of having caused
Witness: f1823 she accused herself of having caused
Witness: fThomas she accused herself of having caused
Witness: f1831 she accused herself of having caused
Witness: fMS She accused herself of having caused


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the death of my
Witness: f1823 the death of my
Witness: fThomas the death of my
Witness: f1831 the death of my
Witness: fMS the death of my


Reading Group: C13h_app5_rg1

Witness: fMS brother

Reading Group: C13h_app5_rg2

Witness: f1818 brother,
Witness: f1823 brother,
Witness: fThomas brother,
Witness: f1831 brother,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and that made
Witness: f1823 and that made
Witness: fThomas and that made
Witness: f1831 and that made
Witness: fMS and that made


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 her
Witness: f1823 her
Witness: fThomas her
Witness: f1831 her
Witness: fMS her


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS very,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 very
Witness: f1823 very
Witness: fThomas very
Witness: f1831 very
Witness: fMS very


Reading Group: C13h_app10_rg1

Witness: f1818 wretched.
Witness: f1823 wretched.
Witness: fThomas wretched.
Witness: f1831 wretched.

Reading Group: C13h_app10_rg2

Witness: fMS wretched;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 But since the
Witness: f1823 But since the
Witness: fThomas But since the
Witness: f1831 But since the
Witness: fMS but since the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 murderer has been
Witness: f1823 murderer has been
Witness: fThomas murderer has been
Witness: f1831 murderer has been
Witness: fMS murderer has been


Reading Group: C13h_app13_rg1

Witness: fMS discovered"——" "The

Reading Group: C13h_app13_rg2

Witness: f1818 discovered—”<p/><p/>“The
Witness: f1823 discovered—”<p/><p/>“The
Witness: fThomas discovered—”<p/><p/>“The
Witness: f1831 discovered—”<p/><p/>“The


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 murderer
Witness: f1823 murderer
Witness: fThomas murderer
Witness: f1831 murderer
Witness: fMS murderer


Reading Group: C13h_app15_rg1

Witness: fMS discovered!" Exclaimed I– "Good God

Reading Group: C13h_app15_rg2

Witness: f1818 discovered! Good God!
Witness: f1823 discovered! Good God!
Witness: fThomas discovered! Good God!
Witness: f1831 discovered! Good God!


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 how can that be? who could
Witness: f1823 how can that be? who could
Witness: fThomas how can that be? who could
Witness: f1831 how can that be? who could
Witness: fMS how can that be? Who could


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 attempt to pursue him? It is
Witness: f1823 attempt to pursue him? It is
Witness: fThomas attempt to pursue him? It is
Witness: f1831 attempt to pursue him? It is
Witness: fMS attempt to pursue him? It is


Reading Group: C13h_app18_rg1

Witness: fMS impossible,

Reading Group: C13h_app18_rg2

Witness: f1818 impossible;
Witness: f1823 impossible;
Witness: fThomas impossible;
Witness: f1831 impossible;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 one might as well try to
Witness: f1823 one might as well try to
Witness: fThomas one might as well try to
Witness: f1831 one might as well try to
Witness: fMS one might as well try to


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 overtake the
Witness: f1823 overtake the
Witness: fThomas overtake the
Witness: f1831 overtake the
Witness: fMS overtake the


Reading Group: C13h_app21_rg1

Witness: fMS winds

Reading Group: C13h_app21_rg2

Witness: f1818 winds,
Witness: f1823 winds,
Witness: fThomas winds,
Witness: f1831 winds,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 or confine a
Witness: f1823 or confine a
Witness: fThomas or confine a
Witness: f1831 or confine a
Witness: fMS or confine a


Reading Group: C13h_app23_rg1

Witness: fMS mountain stream

Reading Group: C13h_app23_rg2

Witness: f1818 mountain-stream
Witness: f1823 mountain-stream
Witness: fThomas mountain-stream
Witness: f1831 mountain-stream


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 with a
Witness: f1823 with a
Witness: fThomas with a
Witness: f1831 with a
Witness: fMS with a


Reading Group: C13h_app25_rg1

Witness: fMS straw! "I

Reading Group: C13h_app25_rg2

Witness: f1818 straw.”<p/><p/>“I
Witness: f1823 straw.”<p/><p/>“I
Witness: fThomas straw.”<p/><p/>“I

Reading Group: C13h_app25_rg3

Witness: f1831 straw. I saw him too; he was free last night!”<p/><p/>“I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 do not know what you
Witness: f1823 do not know what you
Witness: fThomas do not know what you
Witness: f1831 do not know what you
Witness: fMS do not know what you


Reading Group: C13h_app27_rg1

Witness: fMS mean" replied Ernest,

Reading Group: C13h_app27_rg2

Witness: f1831 mean,” replied my brother, in accents of wonder, “but to us the discovery we have made completes our misery.

Reading Group: C13h_app27_rg3

Witness: f1818 mean;
Witness: f1823 mean;
Witness: fThomas mean;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but we were all very unhappy
Witness: f1823 but we were all very unhappy
Witness: fThomas but we were all very unhappy
Witness: fMS But we were all very unhappy


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 when she was
Witness: f1823 when she was
Witness: fThomas when she was
Witness: fMS when she was


Reading Group: C13h_app30_rg1

Witness: f1818 discovered.
Witness: f1823 discovered.
Witness: fThomas discovered.

Reading Group: C13h_app30_rg2

Witness: fMS discovered–No


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 No
Witness: f1823 No
Witness: fThomas No
Witness: f1831 No


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 one would
Witness: f1823 one would
Witness: fThomas one would
Witness: f1831 one would
Witness: fMS one would


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS one


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 believe it at
Witness: f1823 believe it at
Witness: fThomas believe it at
Witness: f1831 believe it at
Witness: fMS believe it at


Reading Group: C13h_app35_rg1

Witness: fMS first

Reading Group: C13h_app35_rg2

Witness: f1818 first;
Witness: f1823 first;
Witness: fThomas first;
Witness: f1831 first;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and even
Witness: f1823 and even
Witness: fThomas and even
Witness: f1831 and even
Witness: fMS and even


Reading Group: C13h_app37_rg1

Witness: f1818 now
Witness: f1823 now
Witness: fThomas now
Witness: f1831 now

Reading Group: C13h_app37_rg2

Witness: fMS now<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>can


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Elizabeth
Witness: f1823 Elizabeth
Witness: fThomas Elizabeth
Witness: f1831 Elizabeth
Witness: fMS Elizabeth


Reading Group: C13h_app39_rg1

Witness: fMS willMyrtella will

Reading Group: C13h_app39_rg2

Witness: f1818 will
Witness: f1823 will
Witness: fThomas will
Witness: f1831 will


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 not be
Witness: f1823 not be
Witness: fThomas not be
Witness: f1831 not be
Witness: fMS not be


Reading Group: C13h_app41_rg1

Witness: fMS convinced notwith standing

Reading Group: C13h_app41_rg2

Witness: f1818 convinced, notwithstanding
Witness: f1823 convinced, notwithstanding
Witness: fThomas convinced, notwithstanding
Witness: f1831 convinced, notwithstanding


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 all the evidence.
Witness: f1823 all the evidence.
Witness: fThomas all the evidence.
Witness: f1831 all the evidence.
Witness: fMS all the evidence.


Reading Group: C13h_app43_rg1

Witness: fMS Indeed

Reading Group: C13h_app43_rg2

Witness: f1818 Indeed,
Witness: f1823 Indeed,
Witness: fThomas Indeed,
Witness: f1831 Indeed,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 who
Witness: f1823 who
Witness: fThomas who
Witness: f1831 who
Witness: fMS who


Reading Group: C13h_app45_rg1

Witness: fMS could have believed

Reading Group: C13h_app45_rg2

Witness: f1818 would credit
Witness: f1823 would credit
Witness: fThomas would credit
Witness: f1831 would credit


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that Justine Moritz,
Witness: f1823 that Justine Moritz,
Witness: fThomas that Justine Moritz,
Witness: f1831 that Justine Moritz,
Witness: fMS that Justine Moritz,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 who was so
Witness: f1823 who was so
Witness: fThomas who was so
Witness: f1831 who was so
Witness: fMS who was so


Reading Group: C13h_app48_rg1

Witness: fMS amiable

Reading Group: C13h_app48_rg2

Witness: f1818 amiable,
Witness: f1823 amiable,
Witness: fThomas amiable,
Witness: f1831 amiable,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and fond of all the
Witness: f1823 and fond of all the
Witness: fThomas and fond of all the
Witness: f1831 and fond of all the
Witness: fMS and fond of all the


Reading Group: C13h_app50_rg1

Witness: fMS family

Reading Group: C13h_app50_rg2

Witness: f1818 family,
Witness: f1823 family,
Witness: fThomas family,
Witness: f1831 family,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 could
Witness: f1823 could
Witness: fThomas could
Witness: f1831 could
Witness: fMS could


Reading Group: C13h_app52_rg1

Witness: f1818 all at once become
Witness: f1823 all at once become
Witness: fThomas all at once become
Witness: fMS all at once become

Reading Group: C13h_app52_rg2

Witness: f1831 suddenly become capable of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1831 so
Witness: fMS so


Reading Group: C13h_app54_rg1

Witness: fMS

Reading Group: C13h_app54_rg2

Witness: f1831 frightful,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 so
Witness: f1823 so
Witness: fThomas so
Witness: f1831 so


Reading Group: C13h_app56_rg1

Witness: f1831 appalling a crime?”<p/><p/>“Justine

Reading Group: C13h_app56_rg2

Witness: f1818 extremely
Witness: f1823 extremely
Witness: fThomas extremely
Witness: fMS extremely


Reading Group: C13h_app57_rg1

Witness: fMS wicked." "Justine Moritz!" cried I,"im "poor,

Reading Group: C13h_app57_rg2

Witness: f1818 wicked?”<p/><p/>“Justine
Witness: f1823 wicked?”<p/><p/>“Justine
Witness: fThomas wicked?”<p/><p/>“Justine


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Moritz! Poor,
Witness: f1823 Moritz! Poor,
Witness: fThomas Moritz! Poor,
Witness: f1831 Moritz! Poor,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 poor
Witness: f1823 poor
Witness: fThomas poor
Witness: f1831 poor
Witness: fMS poor


Reading Group: C13h_app60_rg1

Witness: fMS girl

Reading Group: C13h_app60_rg2

Witness: f1818 girl,
Witness: f1823 girl,
Witness: fThomas girl,
Witness: f1831 girl,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 is she
Witness: f1823 is she
Witness: fThomas is she
Witness: f1831 is she
Witness: fMS is she


Reading Group: C13h_app62_rg1

Witness: f1818 the accused?
Witness: f1823 the accused?
Witness: fThomas the accused?
Witness: f1831 the accused?

Reading Group: C13h_app62_rg2

Witness: fMS then accused –


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 But it is
Witness: f1823 But it is
Witness: fThomas But it is
Witness: f1831 But it is
Witness: fMS but it is


Reading Group: C13h_app64_rg1

Witness: fMS wrongfully

Reading Group: C13h_app64_rg2

Witness: f1818 wrongfully;
Witness: f1823 wrongfully;
Witness: fThomas wrongfully;
Witness: f1831 wrongfully;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 every one knows
Witness: f1823 every one knows
Witness: fThomas every one knows
Witness: f1831 every one knows
Witness: fMS every one knows


Reading Group: C13h_app66_rg1

Witness: fMS that.

Reading Group: C13h_app66_rg2

Witness: f1818 that;
Witness: f1823 that;
Witness: fThomas that;
Witness: f1831 that;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 no one
Witness: f1823 no one
Witness: fThomas no one
Witness: f1831 no one
Witness: fMS No one


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS bell


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 believes
Witness: f1823 believes
Witness: fThomas believes
Witness: f1831 believes
Witness: fMS believes


Reading Group: C13h_app70_rg1

Witness: fMS it

Reading Group: C13h_app70_rg2

Witness: f1818 it,
Witness: f1823 it,
Witness: fThomas it,
Witness: f1831 it,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 surely,
Witness: f1823 surely,
Witness: fThomas surely,
Witness: f1831 surely,
Witness: fMS surely,


Reading Group: C13h_app72_rg1

Witness: fMS Ernest?" "No

Reading Group: C13h_app72_rg2

Witness: f1818 Ernest?”<p/><p/>“No
Witness: f1823 Ernest?”<p/><p/>“No
Witness: fThomas Ernest?”<p/><p/>“No
Witness: f1831 Ernest?”<p/><p/>“No


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 one did at
Witness: f1823 one did at
Witness: fThomas one did at
Witness: f1831 one did at
Witness: fMS one did at


Reading Group: C13h_app74_rg1

Witness: fMS first," said my brother, "but

Reading Group: C13h_app74_rg2

Witness: f1818 first; but
Witness: f1823 first; but
Witness: fThomas first; but
Witness: f1831 first; but


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 several
Witness: f1823 several
Witness: fThomas several
Witness: f1831 several
Witness: fMS several


Reading Group: C13h_app76_rg1

Witness: fMS things<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>circumstances

Reading Group: C13h_app76_rg2

Witness: f1818 circumstances
Witness: f1823 circumstances
Witness: fThomas circumstances
Witness: f1831 circumstances


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 came out,
Witness: f1823 came out,
Witness: fThomas came out,
Witness: f1831 came out,
Witness: fMS came out,


Reading Group: C13h_app78_rg1

Witness: fMS will

Reading Group: C13h_app78_rg2

Witness: f1818 that have almost
Witness: f1823 that have almost
Witness: fThomas that have almost
Witness: f1831 that have almost


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 forced
Witness: f1823 forced
Witness: fThomas forced
Witness: f1831 forced
Witness: fMS forced


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 conviction
Witness: f1823 conviction
Witness: fThomas conviction
Witness: f1831 conviction
Witness: fMS conviction


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 upon
Witness: f1823 upon
Witness: fThomas upon
Witness: f1831 upon
Witness: fMS upon


Reading Group: C13h_app82_rg1

Witness: fMS us

Reading Group: C13h_app82_rg2

Witness: f1818 us:
Witness: fThomas us:

Reading Group: C13h_app82_rg3

Witness: f1823 us;
Witness: f1831 us;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and her
Witness: f1823 and her
Witness: fThomas and her
Witness: f1831 and her
Witness: fMS and her


Reading Group: C13h_app84_rg1

Witness: fMS "own

Reading Group: C13h_app84_rg2

Witness: f1818 own
Witness: f1823 own
Witness: fThomas own
Witness: f1831 own


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 behaviour
Witness: f1823 behaviour
Witness: fThomas behaviour
Witness: f1831 behaviour
Witness: fMS behaviour


Reading Group: C13h_app86_rg1

Witness: fMS was so<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>has

Reading Group: C13h_app86_rg2

Witness: f1818 has
Witness: f1823 has
Witness: fThomas has
Witness: f1831 has


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 been
Witness: f1823 been
Witness: fThomas been
Witness: f1831 been
Witness: fMS been


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS such


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 so
Witness: f1823 so
Witness: fThomas so
Witness: f1831 so
Witness: fMS so


Reading Group: C13h_app90_rg1

Witness: fMS confused <metamark function="displacement" xml:id="c56-0087.05">^</metamark><metamark function="displacement">^</metamark>and

Reading Group: C13h_app90_rg2

Witness: f1818 confused,
Witness: f1823 confused,
Witness: fThomas confused,
Witness: f1831 confused,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 as
Witness: f1823 as
Witness: fThomas as
Witness: f1831 as
Witness: fMS as


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to add
Witness: f1823 to add
Witness: fThomas to add
Witness: f1831 to add
Witness: fMS to add


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to the evidence
Witness: f1823 to the evidence
Witness: fThomas to the evidence
Witness: f1831 to the evidence
Witness: fMS to the evidence


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of facts
Witness: f1823 of facts
Witness: fThomas of facts
Witness: f1831 of facts
Witness: fMS of facts


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a weight
Witness: f1823 a weight
Witness: fThomas a weight
Witness: f1831 a weight
Witness: fMS a weight


Reading Group: C13h_app96_rg1

Witness: fMS that

Reading Group: C13h_app96_rg2

Witness: f1818 that,
Witness: f1823 that,
Witness: fThomas that,
Witness: f1831 that,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fMS I


Reading Group: C13h_app98_rg1

Witness: fMS fear

Reading Group: C13h_app98_rg2

Witness: f1818 fear,
Witness: f1823 fear,
Witness: fThomas fear,
Witness: f1831 fear,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 leaves
Witness: f1823 leaves
Witness: fThomas leaves
Witness: f1831 leaves
Witness: fMS leaves


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 no hope
Witness: f1823 no hope
Witness: fThomas no hope
Witness: f1831 no hope
Witness: fMS no hope


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 for
Witness: f1823 for
Witness: fThomas for
Witness: f1831 for
Witness: fMS for


Reading Group: C13h_app102_rg1

Witness: f1818 doubt.
Witness: f1823 doubt.
Witness: fThomas doubt.
Witness: f1831 doubt.

Reading Group: C13h_app102_rg2

Witness: fMS doubt:


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 But she
Witness: f1823 But she
Witness: fThomas But she
Witness: f1831 But she
Witness: fMS but she


Reading Group: C13h_app104_rg1

Witness: fMS "will

Reading Group: C13h_app104_rg2

Witness: f1818 will be
Witness: f1823 will be
Witness: fThomas will be
Witness: f1831 will be


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 tried
Witness: f1823 tried
Witness: fThomas tried
Witness: f1831 tried
Witness: fMS tried


Reading Group: C13h_app106_rg1

Witness: f1818 to-day,
Witness: f1823 to-day,
Witness: fThomas to-day,
Witness: f1831 to-day,

Reading Group: C13h_app106_rg2

Witness: fMS today


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and you will then hear
Witness: f1823 and you will then hear
Witness: fThomas and you will then hear
Witness: f1831 and you will then hear
Witness: fMS and you will then hear


Reading Group: C13h_app108_rg1

Witness: fMS "all?" He then related that after some days of useless e search t one of the magis trates opened waited on my father and informed of his desire to search & examine the servants of the house –To this my father readily agreed being persuaded that nothingcou all his domestics were perfectly innocent. Justine had been taken very ill the day after morning that the murder of William had been discovered and been obliged to confine herself to her bed— Her apparel was exami He then

Reading Group: C13h_app108_rg2

Witness: f1818 all.”<p/><p/>He
Witness: f1823 all.”<p/><p/>He
Witness: fThomas all.”<p/><p/>He
Witness: f1831 all.”<p/><p/>He


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 related
Witness: f1823 related
Witness: fThomas related
Witness: f1831 related
Witness: fMS related


Reading Group: C13h_app110_rg1

Witness: fMS that

Reading Group: C13h_app110_rg2

Witness: f1818 that,
Witness: f1823 that,
Witness: fThomas that,
Witness: f1831 that,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the morning
Witness: f1823 the morning
Witness: fThomas the morning
Witness: f1831 the morning
Witness: fMS the morning


Reading Group: C13h_app112_rg1

Witness: fMS afteron

Reading Group: C13h_app112_rg2

Witness: f1818 on
Witness: f1823 on
Witness: fThomas on
Witness: f1831 on


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 which the murder of poor William
Witness: f1823 which the murder of poor William
Witness: fThomas which the murder of poor William
Witness: f1831 which the murder of poor William
Witness: fMS which the murder of poor William


Reading Group: C13h_app114_rg1

Witness: fMS had

Reading Group: C13h_app114_rg2

Witness: f1818 had
Witness: f1823 had
Witness: fThomas had
Witness: f1831 had


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 been
Witness: f1823 been
Witness: fThomas been
Witness: f1831 been
Witness: fMS been


Reading Group: C13h_app116_rg1

Witness: fMS discovered Justine oon the bod

Reading Group: C13h_app116_rg2

Witness: f1818 discovered,
Witness: f1823 discovered,
Witness: fThomas discovered,
Witness: f1831 discovered,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Justine had been taken
Witness: f1823 Justine had been taken
Witness: fThomas Justine had been taken
Witness: f1831 Justine had been taken
Witness: fMS Justine had been taken


Reading Group: C13h_app118_rg1

Witness: fMS ill

Reading Group: C13h_app118_rg2

Witness: f1818 ill,
Witness: f1823 ill,
Witness: fThomas ill,
Witness: f1831 ill,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fMS and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 confined to her
Witness: f1823 confined to her
Witness: fThomas confined to her
Witness: f1831 confined to her
Witness: fMS confined to her


Reading Group: C13h_app121_rg1

Witness: f1831 bed for

Reading Group: C13h_app121_rg2

Witness: fMS bed, and

Reading Group: C13h_app121_rg3

Witness: f1818 bed; and,
Witness: f1823 bed; and,
Witness: fThomas bed; and,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 after
Witness: f1823 after
Witness: fThomas after
Witness: fMS after


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 several
Witness: f1823 several
Witness: fThomas several
Witness: f1831 several
Witness: fMS several


Reading Group: C13h_app124_rg1

Witness: fMS days

Reading Group: C13h_app124_rg2

Witness: f1818 days,
Witness: f1823 days,
Witness: fThomas days,

Reading Group: C13h_app124_rg3

Witness: f1831 days. During this interval,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 one of the
Witness: f1823 one of the
Witness: fThomas one of the
Witness: f1831 one of the
Witness: fMS one of the


Reading Group: C13h_app126_rg1

Witness: fMS servants happen<mdel>s</mdel>ed<mdel/>ing

Reading Group: C13h_app126_rg2

Witness: f1818 servants, happening
Witness: f1823 servants, happening
Witness: fThomas servants, happening
Witness: f1831 servants, happening


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to
Witness: f1823 to
Witness: fThomas to
Witness: f1831 to
Witness: fMS to


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 examine the apparel she had worn on
Witness: f1823 examine the apparel she had worn on
Witness: fThomas examine the apparel she had worn on
Witness: f1831 examine the apparel she had worn on
Witness: fMS examine the apparel she had worn on


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the night of the
Witness: f1823 the night of the
Witness: fThomas the night of the
Witness: f1831 the night of the
Witness: fMS the night of the


Reading Group: C13h_app130_rg1

Witness: fMS murder & hardad

Reading Group: C13h_app130_rg2

Witness: f1818 murder, had
Witness: f1823 murder, had
Witness: fThomas murder, had
Witness: f1831 murder, had


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 discovered
Witness: f1823 discovered
Witness: fThomas discovered
Witness: f1831 discovered
Witness: fMS discovered


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in her pocket the picture of my
Witness: f1823 in her pocket the picture of my
Witness: fThomas in her pocket the picture of my
Witness: f1831 in her pocket the picture of my
Witness: fMS in her pocket the picture of my


Reading Group: C13h_app133_rg1

Witness: fMS mother

Reading Group: C13h_app133_rg2

Witness: f1818 mother,
Witness: f1823 mother,
Witness: fThomas mother,
Witness: f1831 mother,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 which had been judged to be the temptation of the murderer. The servant instantly
Witness: f1823 which had been judged to be the temptation of the murderer. The servant instantly
Witness: fThomas which had been judged to be the temptation of the murderer. The servant instantly
Witness: f1831 which had been judged to be the temptation of the murderer. The servant instantly
Witness: fMS which had been judged to be the temptation of the murderer. The servant instantly


Reading Group: C13h_app135_rg1

Witness: fMS

Reading Group: C13h_app135_rg2

Witness: f1823 showed
Witness: f1831 showed


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 shewed
Witness: fThomas shewed
Witness: fMS shewed


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 it to one of the others,
Witness: f1823 it to one of the others,
Witness: fThomas it to one of the others,
Witness: f1831 it to one of the others,
Witness: fMS it to one of the others,


Reading Group: C13h_app138_rg1

Witness: fMS andwho

Reading Group: C13h_app138_rg2

Witness: f1818 who,
Witness: f1823 who,
Witness: fThomas who,
Witness: f1831 who,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 without
Witness: f1823 without
Witness: fThomas without
Witness: f1831 without
Witness: fMS without


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 saying a word to any of the
Witness: f1823 saying a word to any of the
Witness: fThomas saying a word to any of the
Witness: f1831 saying a word to any of the
Witness: fMS saying a word to any of the


Reading Group: C13h_app141_rg1

Witness: fMS family they

Reading Group: C13h_app141_rg2

Witness: f1818 family,
Witness: f1823 family,
Witness: fThomas family,
Witness: f1831 family,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 went to a
Witness: f1823 went to a
Witness: fThomas went to a
Witness: f1831 went to a
Witness: fMS went to a


Reading Group: C13h_app143_rg1

Witness: fMS magistrate who sent to apprehend Justine. who

Reading Group: C13h_app143_rg2

Witness: f1818 magistrate; and, upon their deposition, Justine was apprehended.
Witness: f1823 magistrate; and, upon their deposition, Justine was apprehended.
Witness: fThomas magistrate; and, upon their deposition, Justine was apprehended.
Witness: f1831 magistrate; and, upon their deposition, Justine was apprehended.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 On being charged with
Witness: f1823 On being charged with
Witness: fThomas On being charged with
Witness: f1831 On being charged with
Witness: fMS on being charged with


Reading Group: C13h_app145_rg1

Witness: fMS

Reading Group: C13h_app145_rg2

Witness: f1818 the fact,
Witness: f1823 the fact,
Witness: fThomas the fact,
Witness: f1831 the fact,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fMS the


Reading Group: C13h_app147_rg1

Witness: fMS factshe

Reading Group: C13h_app147_rg2

Witness: f1818 poor girl
Witness: f1823 poor girl
Witness: fThomas poor girl
Witness: f1831 poor girl


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 confirmed the suspicion
Witness: f1823 confirmed the suspicion
Witness: fThomas confirmed the suspicion
Witness: f1831 confirmed the suspicion
Witness: fMS confirmed the suspicion


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS toa


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in a great measure by her extreme
Witness: f1823 in a great measure by her extreme
Witness: fThomas in a great measure by her extreme
Witness: f1831 in a great measure by her extreme
Witness: fMS in a great measure by her extreme


Reading Group: C13h_app151_rg1

Witness: fMS confusion. This

Reading Group: C13h_app151_rg2

Witness: f1818 confusion of manner.<p/><p/>This
Witness: f1823 confusion of manner.<p/><p/>This
Witness: fThomas confusion of manner.<p/><p/>This
Witness: f1831 confusion of manner.<p/><p/>This


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was a strange
Witness: f1823 was a strange
Witness: fThomas was a strange
Witness: f1831 was a strange
Witness: fMS was a strange


Reading Group: C13h_app153_rg1

Witness: fMS tale

Reading Group: C13h_app153_rg2

Witness: f1818 tale,
Witness: f1823 tale,
Witness: fThomas tale,
Witness: f1831 tale,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but it did
Witness: f1823 but it did
Witness: fThomas but it did
Witness: f1831 but it did
Witness: fMS but it did


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 not shake my
Witness: f1823 not shake my
Witness: fThomas not shake my
Witness: f1831 not shake my
Witness: fMS not shake my


Reading Group: C13h_app156_rg1

Witness: fMS faith

Reading Group: C13h_app156_rg2

Witness: f1818 faith;
Witness: f1823 faith;
Witness: fThomas faith;
Witness: f1831 faith;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and I replied
Witness: f1823 and I replied
Witness: fThomas and I replied
Witness: f1831 and I replied
Witness: fMS and I replied


Reading Group: C13h_app158_rg1

Witness: f1818 earnestly,
Witness: f1823 earnestly,
Witness: fThomas earnestly,
Witness: f1831 earnestly,

Reading Group: C13h_app158_rg2

Witness: fMS earnestly.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 “You are all
Witness: f1823 “You are all
Witness: fThomas “You are all
Witness: f1831 “You are all
Witness: fMS "You are all


Reading Group: C13h_app160_rg1

Witness: fMS mistaken.

Reading Group: C13h_app160_rg2

Witness: f1818 mistaken;
Witness: f1823 mistaken;
Witness: fThomas mistaken;
Witness: f1831 mistaken;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I know the
Witness: f1823 I know the
Witness: fThomas I know the
Witness: f1831 I know the
Witness: fMS I know the


Reading Group: C13h_app162_rg1

Witness: fMS murderer

Reading Group: C13h_app162_rg2

Witness: f1818 murderer.
Witness: f1823 murderer.
Witness: fThomas murderer.
Witness: f1831 murderer.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Justine, poor, good
Witness: f1823 Justine, poor, good
Witness: fThomas Justine, poor, good
Witness: f1831 Justine, poor, good
Witness: fMS Justine, poor, good


Reading Group: C13h_app164_rg1

Witness: fMS Justine

Reading Group: C13h_app164_rg2

Witness: f1818 Justine,
Witness: f1823 Justine,
Witness: fThomas Justine,
Witness: f1831 Justine,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 is
Witness: f1823 is
Witness: fThomas is
Witness: f1831 is
Witness: fMS is


Reading Group: C13h_app166_rg1

Witness: fMS innocent." At

Reading Group: C13h_app166_rg2

Witness: f1818 innocent.”<p/><p/>At
Witness: f1823 innocent.”<p/><p/>At
Witness: fThomas innocent.”<p/><p/>At
Witness: f1831 innocent.”<p/><p/>At


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that instant my father
Witness: f1823 that instant my father
Witness: fThomas that instant my father
Witness: f1831 that instant my father
Witness: fMS that instant my father


Reading Group: C13h_app168_rg1

Witness: f1818 entered. I saw unhappiness deeply impressed on his countenance, but he endeavoured to welcome me cheerfully; and,
Witness: f1823 entered. I saw unhappiness deeply impressed on his countenance, but he endeavoured to welcome me cheerfully; and,
Witness: fThomas entered. I saw unhappiness deeply impressed on his countenance, but he endeavoured to welcome me cheerfully; and,
Witness: f1831 entered. I saw unhappiness deeply impressed on his countenance, but he endeavoured to welcome me cheerfully; and,

Reading Group: C13h_app168_rg2

Witness: fMS entered<del rend="strikethrough" sID="c56-0088__main__d2e19266"/><metamark function="displacement" xml:id="c56-0088.01">X</metamark>


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 after
Witness: f1823 after
Witness: fThomas after
Witness: f1831 after
Witness: fMS After


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 we had exchanged
Witness: f1823 we had exchanged
Witness: fThomas we had exchanged
Witness: f1831 we had exchanged


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 our
Witness: f1823 our
Witness: fThomas our
Witness: f1831 our
Witness: fMS our


Reading Group: C13h_app172_rg1

Witness: fMS first mournful greetings had past Iand

Reading Group: C13h_app172_rg2

Witness: f1818 mournful greeting, would have introduced some other topic than that of our disaster, had not
Witness: f1823 mournful greeting, would have introduced some other topic than that of our disaster, had not
Witness: fThomas mournful greeting, would have introduced some other topic than that of our disaster, had not
Witness: f1831 mournful greeting, would have introduced some other topic than that of our disaster, had not


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Ernest
Witness: f1823 Ernest
Witness: fThomas Ernest
Witness: f1831 Ernest
Witness: fMS Ernest


Reading Group: C13h_app174_rg1

Witness: fMS exclaimed Good

Reading Group: C13h_app174_rg2

Witness: f1818 exclaimed, “Good
Witness: f1823 exclaimed, “Good
Witness: fThomas exclaimed, “Good
Witness: f1831 exclaimed, “Good


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 God, Papa! Victor says that he
Witness: f1823 God, papa! Victor says that he
Witness: fThomas God, Papa! Victor says that he
Witness: f1831 God, papa! Victor says that he
Witness: fMS God, Papa! Victor says that he


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS ha<mdel>d</mdel>sk


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 knows
Witness: f1823 knows
Witness: fThomas knows
Witness: f1831 knows
Witness: fMS knows


Reading Group: C13h_app178_rg1

Witness: fMS

Reading Group: C13h_app178_rg2

Witness: f1818 who was
Witness: f1823 who was
Witness: fThomas who was
Witness: f1831 who was


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the murderer of poor
Witness: f1823 the murderer of poor
Witness: fThomas the murderer of poor
Witness: f1831 the murderer of poor
Witness: fMS the murderer of poor


Reading Group: C13h_app180_rg1

Witness: f1818 William.”<p/><p/>“We
Witness: f1823 William.”<p/><p/>“We
Witness: fThomas William.”<p/><p/>“We
Witness: f1831 William.”<p/><p/>“We

Reading Group: C13h_app180_rg2

Witness: fMS William. "And We


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 do also, unfortunately,” replied my
Witness: f1823 do also, unfortunately,” replied my
Witness: fThomas do also, unfortunately,” replied my
Witness: f1831 do also, unfortunately,” replied my
Witness: fMS do also, unfortunately," replied my


Reading Group: C13h_app182_rg1

Witness: fMS father for

Reading Group: C13h_app182_rg2

Witness: f1818 father; “for
Witness: f1823 father; “for
Witness: fThomas father; “for
Witness: f1831 father; “for


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 indeed I had rather have
Witness: f1823 indeed I had rather have
Witness: fThomas indeed I had rather have
Witness: f1831 indeed I had rather have
Witness: fMS indeed I had rather have


Reading Group: C13h_app184_rg1

Witness: fMS been<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>for

Reading Group: C13h_app184_rg2

Witness: f1818 been for
Witness: f1823 been for
Witness: fThomas been for
Witness: f1831 been for


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 ever ignorant
Witness: f1823 ever ignorant
Witness: fThomas ever ignorant
Witness: f1831 ever ignorant
Witness: fMS ever ignorant


Reading Group: C13h_app186_rg1

Witness: f1818 than
Witness: f1823 than
Witness: fThomas than
Witness: f1831 than

Reading Group: C13h_app186_rg2

Witness: fMS than,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 have discovered so
Witness: f1823 have discovered so
Witness: fThomas have discovered so
Witness: f1831 have discovered so
Witness: fMS have discovered so


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 much depravity and ingratitude in one
Witness: f1823 much depravity and ingratitude in one
Witness: fThomas much depravity and ingratitude in one
Witness: f1831 much depravity and ingratitude in one
Witness: fMS much depravity & ingratitude in one


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS whom


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I valued so
Witness: f1823 I valued so
Witness: fThomas I valued so
Witness: f1831 I valued so
Witness: fMS I valued so


Reading Group: C13h_app191_rg1

Witness: f1818 highly.”<p/><p/>“My
Witness: f1823 highly.”<p/><p/>“My
Witness: fThomas highly.”<p/><p/>“My
Witness: f1831 highly.”<p/><p/>“My

Reading Group: C13h_app191_rg2

Witness: fMS highly. "My


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 dear
Witness: f1823 dear
Witness: fThomas dear
Witness: f1831 dear
Witness: fMS dear


Reading Group: C13h_app193_rg1

Witness: fMS father" exclaimed I–"You

Reading Group: C13h_app193_rg2

Witness: f1818 father, you
Witness: f1823 father, you
Witness: fThomas father, you
Witness: f1831 father, you


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 are
Witness: f1823 are
Witness: fThomas are
Witness: f1831 are
Witness: fMS are


Reading Group: C13h_app195_rg1

Witness: fMS mistaken.

Reading Group: C13h_app195_rg2

Witness: f1818 mistaken;
Witness: f1823 mistaken;
Witness: fThomas mistaken;
Witness: f1831 mistaken;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Justine is
Witness: f1823 Justine is
Witness: fThomas Justine is
Witness: f1831 Justine is
Witness: fMS Justine is


Reading Group: C13h_app197_rg1

Witness: fMS innocent." "If

Reading Group: C13h_app197_rg2

Witness: f1818 innocent.”<p/><p/>“If
Witness: f1823 innocent.”<p/><p/>“If
Witness: fThomas innocent.”<p/><p/>“If
Witness: f1831 innocent.”<p/><p/>“If


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 she
Witness: f1823 she
Witness: fThomas she
Witness: f1831 she
Witness: fMS she


Reading Group: C13h_app199_rg1

Witness: fMS is" replied my father "God

Reading Group: C13h_app199_rg2

Witness: f1818 is, God
Witness: f1823 is, God
Witness: fThomas is, God
Witness: f1831 is, God


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 forbid that she should suffer as
Witness: f1823 forbid that she should suffer as
Witness: fThomas forbid that she should suffer as
Witness: f1831 forbid that she should suffer as
Witness: fMS forbid that she should suffer as


Reading Group: C13h_app201_rg1

Witness: fMS innocent guilty –

Reading Group: C13h_app201_rg2

Witness: f1818 guilty.
Witness: f1823 guilty.
Witness: fThomas guilty.
Witness: f1831 guilty.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 She is to be tried
Witness: f1823 She is to be tried
Witness: fThomas She is to be tried
Witness: f1831 She is to be tried
Witness: fMS She is to be tried


Reading Group: C13h_app203_rg1

Witness: f1818 to-day,
Witness: f1823 to-day,
Witness: fThomas to-day,
Witness: f1831 to-day,

Reading Group: C13h_app203_rg2

Witness: fMS today


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and I
Witness: f1823 and I
Witness: fThomas and I
Witness: f1831 and I
Witness: fMS and I


Reading Group: C13h_app205_rg1

Witness: fMS hope

Reading Group: C13h_app205_rg2

Witness: f1818 hope,
Witness: f1823 hope,
Witness: fThomas hope,
Witness: f1831 hope,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fMS I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 sincerely
Witness: f1823 sincerely
Witness: fThomas sincerely
Witness: f1831 sincerely
Witness: fMS sincerely


Reading Group: C13h_app208_rg1

Witness: fMS hope

Reading Group: C13h_app208_rg2

Witness: f1818 hope,
Witness: f1823 hope,
Witness: fThomas hope,
Witness: f1831 hope,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that she will be
Witness: f1823 that she will be
Witness: fThomas that she will be
Witness: f1831 that she will be
Witness: fMS that she will be


Reading Group: C13h_app210_rg1

Witness: f1823 acquitted.” <p/><p/>This

Reading Group: C13h_app210_rg2

Witness: f1818 acquitted.”<p/><p/>This
Witness: fThomas acquitted.”<p/><p/>This
Witness: f1831 acquitted.”<p/><p/>This

Reading Group: C13h_app210_rg3

Witness: fMS acquitted This


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 speech calmed me. I was firmly convinced in my own mind that
Witness: f1823 speech calmed me. I was firmly convinced in my own mind that
Witness: fThomas speech calmed me. I was firmly convinced in my own mind that
Witness: f1831 speech calmed me. I was firmly convinced in my own mind that
Witness: fMS speech calmed me. I was firmly convinced in my own mind that


Reading Group: C13h_app212_rg1

Witness: fMS Justine

Reading Group: C13h_app212_rg2

Witness: f1818 Justine,
Witness: f1823 Justine,
Witness: fThomas Justine,
Witness: f1831 Justine,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fMS and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 indeed every human
Witness: f1823 indeed every human
Witness: fThomas indeed every human
Witness: f1831 indeed every human
Witness: fMS indeed every human


Reading Group: C13h_app215_rg1

Witness: fMS being

Reading Group: C13h_app215_rg2

Witness: f1818 being,
Witness: f1823 being,
Witness: fThomas being,
Witness: f1831 being,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was guiltless of
Witness: f1823 was guiltless of
Witness: fThomas was guiltless of
Witness: f1831 was guiltless of
Witness: fMS was guiltless of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 this murder. I had no
Witness: f1823 this murder. I had no
Witness: fThomas this murder. I had no
Witness: f1831 this murder. I had no
Witness: fMS this murder. I had no


Reading Group: C13h_app218_rg1

Witness: fMS fear therefore

Reading Group: C13h_app218_rg2

Witness: f1818 fear, therefore,
Witness: f1823 fear, therefore,
Witness: fThomas fear, therefore,
Witness: f1831 fear, therefore,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that any circumstantial evidence could
Witness: f1823 that any circumstantial evidence could
Witness: fThomas that any circumstantial evidence could
Witness: f1831 that any circumstantial evidence could
Witness: fMS that any circumstantial evidence could


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 be brought forward strong enough to
Witness: f1823 be brought forward strong enough to
Witness: fThomas be brought forward strong enough to
Witness: f1831 be brought forward strong enough to
Witness: fMS be brought forward strong enough to


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 convict
Witness: f1823 convict
Witness: fThomas convict
Witness: f1831 convict
Witness: fMS convict


Reading Group: C13h_app222_rg1

Witness: fMS her

Reading Group: C13h_app222_rg2

Witness: f1831 her.

Reading Group: C13h_app222_rg3

Witness: f1818 her;
Witness: f1823 her;
Witness: fThomas her;


Reading Group: C13i_app1_rg1

Witness: f1831 My tale was not one to announce publicly; its astounding horror would be looked upon as madness by the vulgar. Did any one indeed exist, except I, the creator, who would believe, unless his senses convinced him, in the existence of the living monument of presumption and rash ignorance which I had let loose upon the world?<p/>

Reading Group: C13i_app1_rg2

Witness: fMS and in this assurance I calmed myself expecting the trial with eagerness

Reading Group: C13i_app1_rg3

Witness: f1818 and, in this assurance, I calmed myself, expecting the trial with eagerness,
Witness: f1823 and, in this assurance, I calmed myself, expecting the trial with eagerness,
Witness: fThomas and, in this assurance, I calmed myself, expecting the trial with eagerness,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but without prognosticating an evil
Witness: f1823 but without prognosticating an evil
Witness: fThomas but without prognosticating an evil
Witness: fMS but without prognosticating an evil


Reading Group: C13i_app3_rg1

Witness: fMS result. <metamark function="separate">_____________________</metamark><metamark function="displacement"></metamark>I saw unhappiness deeply impressed co on his countenance but he endeavoured to welcome me cheerfully and he<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>after ourwemournful had exchanged our mournful greetings would have spoken on some other topic than that of our disaster had not

Reading Group: C13i_app3_rg2

Witness: f1818 result.<p/>
Witness: f1823 result.<p/>
Witness: fThomas result.<p/>


Reading Group: C13i_app4_rg1

Witness: fMS Chap. 11 We were soon joined By<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>by Elizabeth. Time

Reading Group: C13i_app4_rg2

Witness: f1818 <p/>We were soon joined by Elizabeth. Time
Witness: f1823 <p/>We were soon joined by Elizabeth. Time
Witness: fThomas <p/>We were soon joined by Elizabeth. Time
Witness: f1831 <p/>We were soon joined by Elizabeth. Time


Reading Group: C13i_app5_rg1

Witness: f1831 had altered her since I last beheld her; it had endowed her with loveliness surpassing the beauty of her childish years. There was the same candour, the same vivacity, but it was allied to an expression more full of sensibility and intellect.

Reading Group: C13i_app5_rg2

Witness: f1818 had made great alterations in her form since I had last beheld her.
Witness: f1823 had made great alterations in her form since I had last beheld her.
Witness: fThomas had made great alterations in her form since I had last beheld her.
Witness: fMS had made great alterations in her form since I had last beheld her.


Reading Group: C13i_app6_rg1

Witness: fMS Five

Reading Group: C13i_app6_rg2

Witness: f1818 Six
Witness: f1823 Six
Witness: fThomas Six


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 years
Witness: f1823 years
Witness: fThomas years
Witness: fMS years


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS ago


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 before
Witness: f1823 before
Witness: fThomas before
Witness: fMS before


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 she
Witness: f1823 she
Witness: fThomas she
Witness: fMS she


Reading Group: C13i_app11_rg1

Witness: f1818 had been
Witness: f1823 had been
Witness: fThomas had been

Reading Group: C13i_app11_rg2

Witness: fMS was


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a pretty,
Witness: f1823 a pretty,
Witness: fThomas a pretty,
Witness: fMS a pretty,


Reading Group: C13i_app13_rg1

Witness: fMS good humoured girl with an understanding above her years

Reading Group: C13i_app13_rg2

Witness: f1818 good-humoured girl,
Witness: f1823 good-humoured girl,
Witness: fThomas good-humoured girl,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 whom every
Witness: f1823 whom every
Witness: fThomas whom every
Witness: fMS Whom every


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 one
Witness: f1823 one
Witness: fThomas one
Witness: fMS one


Reading Group: C13i_app16_rg1

Witness: f1818 loved
Witness: f1823 loved
Witness: fThomas loved

Reading Group: C13i_app16_rg2

Witness: fMS loved,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: fMS and


Reading Group: C13i_app18_rg1

Witness: fMS humouredcaressed.

Reading Group: C13i_app18_rg2

Witness: f1818 caressed.
Witness: f1823 caressed.
Witness: fThomas caressed.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 She was now a woman
Witness: f1823 She was now a woman
Witness: fThomas She was now a woman
Witness: fMS She was now a woman


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in stature and expression of
Witness: f1823 in stature and expression of
Witness: fThomas in stature and expression of
Witness: fMS in stature and expression of


Reading Group: C13i_app21_rg1

Witness: fMS countenance

Reading Group: C13i_app21_rg2

Witness: f1818 countenance,
Witness: f1823 countenance,
Witness: fThomas countenance,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 which was uncommonly
Witness: f1823 which was uncommonly
Witness: fThomas which was uncommonly
Witness: fMS which was uncommonly


Reading Group: C13i_app23_rg1

Witness: fMS lovely —

Reading Group: C13i_app23_rg2

Witness: f1818 lovely.
Witness: f1823 lovely.
Witness: fThomas lovely.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 An open and capacious forehead gave indications of a good
Witness: f1823 An open and capacious forehead gave indications of a good
Witness: fThomas An open and capacious forehead gave indications of a good
Witness: fMS An open & capacious for<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>ehead gave indications of a good


Reading Group: C13i_app25_rg1

Witness: fMS understanding

Reading Group: C13i_app25_rg2

Witness: f1818 understanding,
Witness: f1823 understanding,
Witness: fThomas understanding,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 joined to great
Witness: f1823 joined to great
Witness: fThomas joined to great
Witness: fMS joined to great


Reading Group: C13i_app27_rg1

Witness: f1818 frankness of disposition.
Witness: f1823 frankness of disposition.
Witness: fThomas frankness of disposition.

Reading Group: C13i_app27_rg2

Witness: fMS frankness.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Her
Witness: f1823 Her
Witness: fThomas Her
Witness: fMS Her


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 eyes were
Witness: f1823 eyes were
Witness: fThomas eyes were
Witness: fMS eyes were


Reading Group: C13i_app30_rg1

Witness: fMS hazel

Reading Group: C13i_app30_rg2

Witness: f1818 hazel,
Witness: f1823 hazel,
Witness: fThomas hazel,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: fMS and


Reading Group: C13i_app32_rg1

Witness: f1818 expressive of mildness,
Witness: f1823 expressive of mildness,
Witness: fThomas expressive of mildness,

Reading Group: C13i_app32_rg2

Witness: fMS very soft now through recent affliction they expressed sorrow. Her smile had som expressedivegreat<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>of uncommon mildness


Reading Group: C13i_app33_rg1

Witness: f1818 now
Witness: fThomas now
Witness: fMS now

Reading Group: C13i_app33_rg2

Witness: f1823 now,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 through recent
Witness: f1823 through recent
Witness: fThomas through recent
Witness: fMS through recent


Reading Group: C13i_app35_rg1

Witness: f1818 affliction
Witness: fThomas affliction
Witness: fMS affliction

Reading Group: C13i_app35_rg2

Witness: f1823 affliction,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 allied to
Witness: f1823 allied to
Witness: fThomas allied to
Witness: fMS allied to


Reading Group: C13i_app37_rg1

Witness: f1818 sadness.
Witness: f1823 sadness.
Witness: fThomas sadness.

Reading Group: C13i_app37_rg2

Witness: fMS sadness–


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Her hair was of a
Witness: f1823 Her hair was of a
Witness: fThomas Her hair was of a
Witness: fMS Her hair was of a


Reading Group: C13i_app39_rg1

Witness: f1818 rich dark auburn, her
Witness: f1823 rich dark auburn, her
Witness: fThomas rich dark auburn, her

Reading Group: C13i_app39_rg2

Witness: fMS rich<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>dark auburn<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>her


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 complexion
Witness: f1823 complexion
Witness: fThomas complexion
Witness: fMS complexion


Reading Group: C13i_app41_rg1

Witness: fMS fair

Reading Group: C13i_app41_rg2

Witness: f1818 fair,
Witness: f1823 fair,
Witness: fThomas fair,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and her
Witness: f1823 and her
Witness: fThomas and her
Witness: fMS and her


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 figure slight and graceful.
Witness: f1823 figure slight and graceful.
Witness: fThomas figure slight and graceful.
Witness: fMS figure slimght and graceful.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 She
Witness: f1823 She
Witness: fThomas She
Witness: f1831 She
Witness: fMS She


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS embracedwme with


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 welcomed me with the greatest
Witness: f1823 welcomed me with the greatest
Witness: fThomas welcomed me with the greatest
Witness: f1831 welcomed me with the greatest
Witness: fMS welcomed me with the greatest


Reading Group: C13j_app4_rg1

Witness: fMS affection

Reading Group: C13j_app4_rg2

Witness: f1818 affection.
Witness: f1823 affection.
Witness: fThomas affection.
Witness: f1831 affection.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 “Your arrival, my
Witness: f1823 “Your arrival, my
Witness: fThomas “Your arrival, my
Witness: f1831 “Your arrival, my
Witness: fMS "Your arrival, my


Reading Group: C13j_app6_rg1

Witness: fMS bestdearest

Reading Group: C13j_app6_rg2

Witness: f1818 dear
Witness: f1823 dear
Witness: fThomas dear
Witness: f1831 dear


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 cousin,”
Witness: f1823 cousin,”
Witness: fThomas cousin,”
Witness: f1831 cousin,”
Witness: fMS cousin,"


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 said she,
Witness: f1823 said she,
Witness: fThomas said she,
Witness: f1831 said she,
Witness: fMS said she,


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS give


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 “fills me with hope. You
Witness: f1823 “fills me with hope. You
Witness: fThomas “fills me with hope. You
Witness: f1831 “fills me with hope. You
Witness: fMS "fills me with hope. You


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 perhaps will find
Witness: f1823 perhaps will find
Witness: fThomas perhaps will find
Witness: f1831 perhaps will find
Witness: fMS perhaps will find


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS out


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 some means to
Witness: f1823 some means to
Witness: fThomas some means to
Witness: f1831 some means to
Witness: fMS some means to


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 justify my poor
Witness: f1823 justify my poor
Witness: fThomas justify my poor
Witness: f1831 justify my poor
Witness: fMS justify my poor


Reading Group: C13j_app15_rg1

Witness: fMS innocent<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>guiltless

Reading Group: C13j_app15_rg2

Witness: f1818 guiltless
Witness: f1823 guiltless
Witness: fThomas guiltless
Witness: f1831 guiltless


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Justine.
Witness: f1823 Justine.
Witness: fThomas Justine.
Witness: f1831 Justine.
Witness: fMS Justine.


Reading Group: C13j_app17_rg1

Witness: f1818 Alas!
Witness: f1823 Alas!
Witness: fThomas Alas!
Witness: f1831 Alas!

Reading Group: C13j_app17_rg2

Witness: fMS Alas


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 who is
Witness: f1823 who is
Witness: fThomas who is
Witness: f1831 who is
Witness: fMS Who is


Reading Group: C13j_app19_rg1

Witness: fMS safe is

Reading Group: C13j_app19_rg2

Witness: f1818 safe, if
Witness: f1823 safe, if
Witness: fThomas safe, if
Witness: f1831 safe, if


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 she
Witness: f1823 she
Witness: fThomas she
Witness: f1831 she
Witness: fMS she


Reading Group: C13j_app21_rg1

Witness: f1818 be
Witness: f1823 be
Witness: fThomas be
Witness: f1831 be

Reading Group: C13j_app21_rg2

Witness: fMS were


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 convicted of
Witness: f1823 convicted of
Witness: fThomas convicted of
Witness: f1831 convicted of
Witness: fMS convicted <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>of


Reading Group: C13j_app23_rg1

Witness: f1818 crime?
Witness: f1823 crime?
Witness: fThomas crime?
Witness: f1831 crime?

Reading Group: C13j_app23_rg2

Witness: fMS crime?for


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fMS I


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS belie


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 rely on
Witness: f1823 rely on
Witness: fThomas rely on
Witness: f1831 rely on
Witness: fMS rely on


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS her


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 her innocence as certainly as I do upon my own.
Witness: f1823 her innocence as certainly as I do upon my own.
Witness: fThomas her innocence as certainly as I do upon my own.
Witness: f1831 her innocence as certainly as I do upon my own.
Witness: fMS her innocence as certainly as I do onupon my own.


Reading Group: C13j_app29_rg1

Witness: f1818 Our misfortune
Witness: f1823 Our misfortune
Witness: fThomas Our misfortune
Witness: f1831 Our misfortune

Reading Group: C13j_app29_rg2

Witness: fMS OurMisfortune


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 is
Witness: f1823 is
Witness: fThomas is
Witness: f1831 is
Witness: fMS is


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 doubly hard to
Witness: f1823 doubly hard to
Witness: fThomas doubly hard to
Witness: f1831 doubly hard to
Witness: fMS doubly hard to


Reading Group: C13j_app32_rg1

Witness: fMS us.

Reading Group: C13j_app32_rg2

Witness: f1818 us;
Witness: f1823 us;
Witness: fThomas us;
Witness: f1831 us;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 we have not only lost
Witness: f1823 we have not only lost
Witness: fThomas we have not only lost
Witness: f1831 we have not only lost
Witness: fMS IWe have not only lost


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that lovely darling
Witness: f1823 that lovely darling
Witness: fThomas that lovely darling
Witness: f1831 that lovely darling
Witness: fMS that lovely darling


Reading Group: C13j_app35_rg1

Witness: fMS boy

Reading Group: C13j_app35_rg2

Witness: f1818 boy,
Witness: f1823 boy,
Witness: fThomas boy,
Witness: f1831 boy,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but this poor
Witness: f1823 but this poor
Witness: fThomas but this poor
Witness: f1831 but this poor
Witness: fMS but this poor


Reading Group: C13j_app37_rg1

Witness: fMS girl

Reading Group: C13j_app37_rg2

Witness: f1818 girl,
Witness: f1823 girl,
Witness: fThomas girl,
Witness: f1831 girl,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 whom I sincerely love, is to be torn away by even a worse
Witness: f1823 whom I sincerely love, is to be torn away by even a worse
Witness: fThomas whom I sincerely love, is to be torn away by even a worse
Witness: f1831 whom I sincerely love, is to be torn away by even a worse
Witness: fMS whom I sincerely love, is to be torn away by even a worse


Reading Group: C13j_app39_rg1

Witness: fMS fate – Alas

Reading Group: C13j_app39_rg2

Witness: f1818 fate.
Witness: f1823 fate.
Witness: fThomas fate.
Witness: f1831 fate.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 If she
Witness: f1823 If she
Witness: fThomas If she
Witness: f1831 If she
Witness: fMS if she


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 is
Witness: f1823 is
Witness: fThomas is
Witness: f1831 is
Witness: fMS is


Reading Group: C13j_app42_rg1

Witness: fMS condemned

Reading Group: C13j_app42_rg2

Witness: f1818 condemned,
Witness: f1823 condemned,
Witness: fThomas condemned,
Witness: f1831 condemned,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fMS I


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS shall


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 never
Witness: f1823 never
Witness: fThomas never
Witness: f1831 never
Witness: fMS never


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 shall
Witness: f1823 shall
Witness: fThomas shall
Witness: f1831 shall


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 know joy
Witness: f1823 know joy
Witness: fThomas know joy
Witness: f1831 know joy
Witness: fMS know joy


Reading Group: C13j_app48_rg1

Witness: fMS more

Reading Group: C13j_app48_rg2

Witness: f1818 more.
Witness: f1823 more.
Witness: fThomas more.
Witness: f1831 more.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 But she will
Witness: f1823 But she will
Witness: fThomas But she will
Witness: f1831 But she will
Witness: fMS But she will


Reading Group: C13j_app50_rg1

Witness: fMS not

Reading Group: C13j_app50_rg2

Witness: f1818 not,
Witness: f1823 not,
Witness: fThomas not,
Witness: f1831 not,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I am sure she will
Witness: f1823 I am sure she will
Witness: fThomas I am sure she will
Witness: f1831 I am sure she will
Witness: fMS I am sure she will


Reading Group: C13j_app52_rg1

Witness: fMS not

Reading Group: C13j_app52_rg2

Witness: f1818 not;
Witness: f1823 not;
Witness: fThomas not;
Witness: f1831 not;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and then I shall be happy
Witness: f1823 and then I shall be happy
Witness: fThomas and then I shall be happy
Witness: f1831 and then I shall be happy
Witness: fMS and then I shall be happy


Reading Group: C13j_app54_rg1

Witness: fMS again

Reading Group: C13j_app54_rg2

Witness: f1818 again,
Witness: f1823 again,
Witness: fThomas again,
Witness: f1831 again,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 even
Witness: f1823 even
Witness: fThomas even
Witness: f1831 even
Witness: fMS even


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 after the
Witness: f1823 after the
Witness: fThomas after the
Witness: f1831 after the
Witness: fMS after the


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS d


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 sad death of my little
Witness: f1823 sad death of my little
Witness: fThomas sad death of my little
Witness: f1831 sad death of my little
Witness: fMS sad death of my little


Reading Group: C13j_app59_rg1

Witness: fMS William." "She

Reading Group: C13j_app59_rg2

Witness: f1818 William.”<p/><p/>“She
Witness: f1823 William.”<p/><p/>“She
Witness: fThomas William.”<p/><p/>“She
Witness: f1831 William.”<p/><p/>“She


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 is innocent, my Elizabeth,” said
Witness: f1823 is innocent, my Elizabeth,” said
Witness: fThomas is innocent, my Elizabeth,” said
Witness: f1831 is innocent, my Elizabeth,” said
Witness: fMS is innocent, my Elizabeth," said


Reading Group: C13j_app61_rg1

Witness: fMS I and

Reading Group: C13j_app61_rg2

Witness: f1818 I, “and
Witness: f1823 I, “and
Witness: fThomas I, “and
Witness: f1831 I, “and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that shall be
Witness: f1823 that shall be
Witness: fThomas that shall be
Witness: f1831 that shall be
Witness: fMS that shall be


Reading Group: C13j_app63_rg1

Witness: fMS proved –

Reading Group: C13j_app63_rg2

Witness: f1818 proved;
Witness: f1823 proved;
Witness: fThomas proved;
Witness: f1831 proved;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 fear
Witness: f1823 fear
Witness: fThomas fear
Witness: f1831 fear
Witness: fMS fear


Reading Group: C13j_app65_rg1

Witness: fMS nothing

Reading Group: C13j_app65_rg2

Witness: f1818 nothing,
Witness: f1823 nothing,
Witness: fThomas nothing,
Witness: f1831 nothing,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but let
Witness: f1823 but let
Witness: fThomas but let
Witness: f1831 but let
Witness: fMS but let


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 your spirits be cheered by the assurance
Witness: f1823 your spirits be cheered by the assurance
Witness: fThomas your spirits be cheered by the assurance
Witness: f1831 your spirits be cheered by the assurance
Witness: fMS your spirits be cheered by the assurance


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of her
Witness: f1823 of her
Witness: fThomas of her
Witness: f1831 of her
Witness: fMS of her


Reading Group: C13j_app69_rg1

Witness: f1818 acquittal.”<p/><p/>“How
Witness: f1823 acquittal.”<p/><p/>“How
Witness: fThomas acquittal.”<p/><p/>“How
Witness: f1831 acquittal.”<p/><p/>“How

Reading Group: C13j_app69_rg2

Witness: fMS aquittal. "How


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 kind
Witness: f1823 kind
Witness: fThomas kind
Witness: f1831 kind
Witness: fMS kind


Reading Group: C13j_app71_rg1

Witness: f1831 and generous

Reading Group: C13j_app71_rg2

Witness: fMS your are," replied Elizabeth, "every


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 you are! every
Witness: f1823 you are! every
Witness: fThomas you are! every
Witness: f1831 you are! every


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 one else believes in her guilt, and
Witness: f1823 one else believes in her guilt, and
Witness: fThomas one else believes in her guilt, and
Witness: f1831 one else believes in her guilt, and
Witness: fMS one else believes in her guilt, and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that made me
Witness: f1823 that made me
Witness: fThomas that made me
Witness: f1831 that made me
Witness: fMS that made me


Reading Group: C13j_app75_rg1

Witness: fMS wretched for I would as surely believe in my

Reading Group: C13j_app75_rg2

Witness: f1823 wretched,
Witness: f1831 wretched,

Reading Group: C13j_app75_rg3

Witness: f1818 wretched;
Witness: fThomas wretched;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 for I knew
Witness: f1823 for I knew
Witness: fThomas for I knew
Witness: f1831 for I knew
Witness: fMS for I knew


Reading Group: C13j_app77_rg1

Witness: fMS it to bethat

Reading Group: C13j_app77_rg2

Witness: f1818 that
Witness: f1823 that
Witness: fThomas that
Witness: f1831 that


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 it was
Witness: f1823 it was
Witness: fThomas it was
Witness: f1831 it was
Witness: fMS it was


Reading Group: C13j_app79_rg1

Witness: fMS impossible,

Reading Group: C13j_app79_rg2

Witness: f1818 impossible:
Witness: f1823 impossible:
Witness: fThomas impossible:
Witness: f1831 impossible:


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and to see every one else
Witness: f1823 and to see every one else
Witness: fThomas and to see every one else
Witness: f1831 and to see every one else
Witness: fMS and to see every one else


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 prejudiced in so deadly a
Witness: f1823 prejudiced in so deadly a
Witness: fThomas prejudiced in so deadly a
Witness: f1831 prejudiced in so deadly a
Witness: fMS prejudiced in so deadly a


Reading Group: C13j_app82_rg1

Witness: f1823 manner
Witness: f1831 manner
Witness: fMS manner

Reading Group: C13j_app82_rg2

Witness: f1818 manner,
Witness: fThomas manner,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 rendered
Witness: f1823 rendered
Witness: fThomas rendered
Witness: f1831 rendered
Witness: fMS rendered


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 me hopeless and despairing.” She
Witness: f1823 me hopeless and despairing.” She
Witness: fThomas me hopeless and despairing.” She
Witness: f1831 me hopeless and despairing.” She
Witness: fMS me hopeless and despairing." She


Reading Group: C13j_app85_rg1

Witness: f1831 wept.<p/><p/>“Dearest

Reading Group: C13j_app85_rg2

Witness: f1818 wept.<p/><p/>“Sweet
Witness: f1823 wept.<p/><p/>“Sweet
Witness: fThomas wept.<p/><p/>“Sweet

Reading Group: C13j_app85_rg3

Witness: fMS wept— "Sweet niece"


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 niece,”
Witness: f1823 niece,”
Witness: fThomas niece,”
Witness: f1831 niece,”


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 said my
Witness: f1823 said my
Witness: fThomas said my
Witness: f1831 said my
Witness: fMS said my


Reading Group: C13j_app88_rg1

Witness: fMS father dry

Reading Group: C13j_app88_rg2

Witness: f1818 father, “dry
Witness: f1823 father, “dry
Witness: fThomas father, “dry
Witness: f1831 father, “dry


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 your
Witness: f1823 your
Witness: fThomas your
Witness: f1831 your
Witness: fMS your


Reading Group: C13j_app90_rg1

Witness: fMS eyes tears and do not give so sadsorrowful a welc- come to Victor who has been so long absent

Reading Group: C13j_app90_rg2

Witness: f1818 tears.
Witness: f1823 tears.
Witness: fThomas tears.
Witness: f1831 tears.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 If she
Witness: f1823 If she
Witness: fThomas If she
Witness: f1831 If she
Witness: fMS if she


Reading Group: C13j_app92_rg1

Witness: fMS is

Reading Group: C13j_app92_rg2

Witness: f1818 is,
Witness: f1823 is,
Witness: fThomas is,
Witness: f1831 is,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 as you
Witness: f1823 as you
Witness: fThomas as you
Witness: f1831 as you
Witness: fMS as you


Reading Group: C13j_app94_rg1

Witness: fMS believe innocent

Reading Group: C13j_app94_rg2

Witness: f1818 believe, innocent,
Witness: f1823 believe, innocent,
Witness: fThomas believe, innocent,
Witness: f1831 believe, innocent,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 rely
Witness: f1823 rely
Witness: fThomas rely
Witness: f1831 rely
Witness: fMS rely


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS that


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 on the justice of our
Witness: f1823 on the justice of our
Witness: fThomas on the justice of our
Witness: f1831 on the justice of our
Witness: fMS on the justice of our


Reading Group: C13j_app98_rg1

Witness: fMS judges

Reading Group: C13j_app98_rg2

Witness: f1818 judges,
Witness: f1823 judges,
Witness: fThomas judges,

Reading Group: C13j_app98_rg3

Witness: f1831 laws,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and the activity with
Witness: f1823 and the activity with
Witness: fThomas and the activity with
Witness: f1831 and the activity with
Witness: fMS & the activity with


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 which I shall prevent the slightest shadow of
Witness: f1823 which I shall prevent the slightest shadow of
Witness: fThomas which I shall prevent the slightest shadow of
Witness: f1831 which I shall prevent the slightest shadow of
Witness: fMS which I shall prevent the slightest shadow of


Reading Group: C13j_app101_rg1

Witness: f1831 partiality.” <p/>

Reading Group: C13j_app101_rg2

Witness: f1818 partiality.”<p/>
Witness: f1823 partiality.”<p/>
Witness: fThomas partiality.”<p/>

Reading Group: C13j_app101_rg3

Witness: fMS partiality.


Reading Group: C14A_app1_rg1

Witness: fMS We

Reading Group: C14A_app1_rg2

Witness: f1818 <head/>CHAPTER
Witness: f1823 <head/>CHAPTER
Witness: fThomas <head/>CHAPTER
Witness: f1831 <head/>CHAPTER


Reading Group: C14A_app2_rg1

Witness: f1818 VII.<head/><p/>W<hi/>E<hi/>
Witness: f1823 VII.<head/><p/>W<hi/>E<hi/>
Witness: fThomas VII.<head/><p/>W<hi/>E<hi/>

Reading Group: C14A_app2_rg2

Witness: f1831 VIII.<head/><p/>W<hi/>E<hi/>


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 passed a few sad
Witness: f1823 passed a few sad
Witness: fThomas passed a few sad
Witness: f1831 passed a few sad
Witness: fMS passed a few sad


Reading Group: C14A_app4_rg1

Witness: fMS hours untill

Reading Group: C14A_app4_rg2

Witness: f1818 hours, until
Witness: f1823 hours, until
Witness: fThomas hours, until
Witness: f1831 hours, until


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 eleven
Witness: f1823 eleven
Witness: fThomas eleven
Witness: f1831 eleven
Witness: fMS eleven


Reading Group: C14A_app6_rg1

Witness: fMS o'clock

Reading Group: C14A_app6_rg2

Witness: f1818 o’clock,
Witness: f1823 o’clock,
Witness: fThomas o’clock,
Witness: f1831 o’clock,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 when the trial was to
Witness: f1823 when the trial was to
Witness: fThomas when the trial was to
Witness: f1831 when the trial was to
Witness: fMS when the trial was to


Reading Group: C14A_app8_rg1

Witness: fMS begincommenceandmMy

Reading Group: C14A_app8_rg2

Witness: f1818 commence. My
Witness: f1823 commence. My
Witness: fThomas commence. My
Witness: f1831 commence. My


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 father
Witness: f1823 father
Witness: fThomas father
Witness: f1831 father
Witness: fMS father


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fMS and


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS EfatherEl


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the rest of the family being obliged
Witness: f1823 the rest of the family being obliged
Witness: fThomas the rest of the family being obliged
Witness: f1831 the rest of the family being obliged
Witness: fMS the rest of the family being obliged


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to attend as
Witness: f1823 to attend as
Witness: fThomas to attend as
Witness: f1831 to attend as
Witness: fMS to attend as


Reading Group: C14A_app14_rg1

Witness: fMS witnesses Iac

Reading Group: C14A_app14_rg2

Witness: f1818 witnesses,
Witness: f1823 witnesses,
Witness: fThomas witnesses,
Witness: f1831 witnesses,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I accompanied them to
Witness: f1823 I accompanied them to
Witness: fThomas I accompanied them to
Witness: f1831 I accompanied them to
Witness: fMS I accompanied them to


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the court. During the whole of this wretched
Witness: f1823 the court. During the whole of this wretched
Witness: fThomas the court. During the whole of this wretched
Witness: f1831 the court. During the whole of this wretched
Witness: fMS the court. During the whole of this wretched


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 mockery of
Witness: f1823 mockery of
Witness: fThomas mockery of
Witness: f1831 mockery of
Witness: fMS mockery of


Reading Group: C14A_app18_rg1

Witness: f1823 justice
Witness: f1831 justice
Witness: fMS justice

Reading Group: C14A_app18_rg2

Witness: f1818 justice,
Witness: fThomas justice,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fMS I


Reading Group: C14A_app20_rg1

Witness: f1818 suffered
Witness: f1823 suffered
Witness: fThomas suffered
Witness: f1831 suffered

Reading Group: C14A_app20_rg2

Witness: fMS sufferred


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 living torture. It was to be
Witness: f1823 living torture. It was to be
Witness: fThomas living torture. It was to be
Witness: f1831 living torture. It was to be
Witness: fMS living torture. It was to be


Reading Group: C14A_app22_rg1

Witness: fMS decided

Reading Group: C14A_app22_rg2

Witness: f1818 decided,
Witness: f1823 decided,
Witness: fThomas decided,
Witness: f1831 decided,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 whether the result of
Witness: f1823 whether the result of
Witness: fThomas whether the result of
Witness: f1831 whether the result of
Witness: fMS whether the result of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my curiosity and
Witness: f1823 my curiosity and
Witness: fThomas my curiosity and
Witness: f1831 my curiosity and
Witness: fMS my curiosity and


Reading Group: C14A_app25_rg1

Witness: f1818 lawless devices
Witness: f1823 lawless devices
Witness: fThomas lawless devices
Witness: f1831 lawless devices

Reading Group: C14A_app25_rg2

Witness: fMS lawlessdesiresdevices


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 would cause the death of two of my
Witness: f1823 would cause the death of two of my
Witness: fThomas would cause the death of two of my
Witness: f1831 would cause the death of two of my
Witness: fMS would cause the death of two of my


Reading Group: C14A_app27_rg1

Witness: fMS fellow beings.

Reading Group: C14A_app27_rg2

Witness: f1818 fellow-beings:
Witness: f1823 fellow-beings:
Witness: fThomas fellow-beings:
Witness: f1831 fellow-beings:


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 one a
Witness: f1823 one a
Witness: fThomas one a
Witness: f1831 one a
Witness: fMS One a


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 smiling
Witness: f1823 smiling
Witness: fThomas smiling
Witness: f1831 smiling
Witness: fMS smiling


Reading Group: C14A_app30_rg1

Witness: fMS babe

Reading Group: C14A_app30_rg2

Witness: f1818 babe,
Witness: f1823 babe,
Witness: fThomas babe,
Witness: f1831 babe,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 full of innocence and
Witness: f1823 full of innocence and
Witness: fThomas full of innocence and
Witness: f1831 full of innocence and
Witness: fMS full of innocence and


Reading Group: C14A_app32_rg1

Witness: fMS joy,

Reading Group: C14A_app32_rg2

Witness: f1818 joy;
Witness: f1823 joy;
Witness: fThomas joy;
Witness: f1831 joy;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fMS the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 other far more dreadfully
Witness: f1823 other far more dreadfully
Witness: fThomas other far more dreadfully
Witness: f1831 other far more dreadfully
Witness: fMS other far more dreadfully


Reading Group: C14A_app35_rg1

Witness: fMS murdered

Reading Group: C14A_app35_rg2

Witness: f1818 murdered,
Witness: f1823 murdered,
Witness: fThomas murdered,
Witness: f1831 murdered,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 with
Witness: f1823 with
Witness: fThomas with
Witness: f1831 with
Witness: fMS with


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 every
Witness: f1823 every
Witness: fThomas every
Witness: f1831 every
Witness: fMS every


Reading Group: C14A_app38_rg1

Witness: f1818 aggravation of
Witness: f1823 aggravation of
Witness: fThomas aggravation of
Witness: f1831 aggravation of

Reading Group: C14A_app38_rg2

Witness: fMS agravation ignominy


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 infamy that could
Witness: f1823 infamy that could
Witness: fThomas infamy that could
Witness: f1831 infamy that could
Witness: fMS infamy that could


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 make
Witness: f1823 make
Witness: fThomas make
Witness: f1831 make
Witness: fMS make


Reading Group: C14A_app41_rg1

Witness: fMS that

Reading Group: C14A_app41_rg2

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: f1831 the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 murder
Witness: f1823 murder
Witness: fThomas murder
Witness: f1831 murder
Witness: fMS murder


Reading Group: C14A_app43_rg1

Witness: fMS more terrible.memorable

Reading Group: C14A_app43_rg2

Witness: f1818 memorable
Witness: f1823 memorable
Witness: fThomas memorable
Witness: f1831 memorable


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in horror. Justine
Witness: f1823 in horror. Justine
Witness: fThomas in horror. Justine
Witness: f1831 in horror. Justine
Witness: fMS in horror. Justine


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 also was a girl of
Witness: f1823 also was a girl of
Witness: fThomas also was a girl of
Witness: f1831 also was a girl of
Witness: fMS also was a girl of


Reading Group: C14A_app46_rg1

Witness: fMS merit

Reading Group: C14A_app46_rg2

Witness: f1818 merit,
Witness: f1823 merit,
Witness: fThomas merit,
Witness: f1831 merit,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and possessed
Witness: f1823 and possessed
Witness: fThomas and possessed
Witness: f1831 and possessed
Witness: fMS and possessed


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 qualities which promised to render her
Witness: f1823 qualities which promised to render her
Witness: fThomas qualities which promised to render her
Witness: f1831 qualities which promised to render her
Witness: fMS qualities which promised to render her


Reading Group: C14A_app49_rg1

Witness: fMS little worldlife happy;

Reading Group: C14A_app49_rg2

Witness: f1818 life happy:
Witness: f1823 life happy:
Witness: fThomas life happy:
Witness: f1831 life happy:


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 now all was to be obliterated in
Witness: f1823 now all was to be obliterated in
Witness: fThomas now all was to be obliterated in
Witness: f1831 now all was to be obliterated in
Witness: fMS now all was to be obliterated in


Reading Group: C14A_app51_rg1

Witness: f1818 an
Witness: f1823 an
Witness: fThomas an
Witness: f1831 an

Reading Group: C14A_app51_rg2

Witness: fMS and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 ignominious
Witness: f1823 ignominious
Witness: fThomas ignominious
Witness: f1831 ignominious
Witness: fMS ignominious


Reading Group: C14A_app53_rg1

Witness: fMS grave ;

Reading Group: C14A_app53_rg2

Witness: f1818 grave;
Witness: f1823 grave;
Witness: fThomas grave;
Witness: f1831 grave;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and I the
Witness: f1823 and I the
Witness: fThomas and I the
Witness: f1831 and I the
Witness: fMS And I the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 cause! A thousand times rather would
Witness: f1823 cause! A thousand times rather would
Witness: fThomas cause! A thousand times rather would
Witness: f1831 cause! A thousand times rather would
Witness: fMS cause! A thousand times rather would


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I have confessed myself guilty of the crime
Witness: f1823 I have confessed myself guilty of the crime
Witness: fThomas I have confessed myself guilty of the crime
Witness: f1831 I have confessed myself guilty of the crime
Witness: fMS I have confessed myself guilty of the crime


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 ascribed to
Witness: f1823 ascribed to
Witness: fThomas ascribed to
Witness: f1831 ascribed to
Witness: fMS ascribed to


Reading Group: C14A_app58_rg1

Witness: fMS Justine,

Reading Group: C14A_app58_rg2

Witness: f1818 Justine;
Witness: f1823 Justine;
Witness: fThomas Justine;
Witness: f1831 Justine;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but I was absent when
Witness: f1823 but I was absent when
Witness: fThomas but I was absent when
Witness: f1831 but I was absent when
Witness: fMS but I was absent when


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 it was
Witness: f1823 it was
Witness: fThomas it was
Witness: f1831 it was
Witness: fMS it was


Reading Group: C14A_app61_rg1

Witness: fMS committed

Reading Group: C14A_app61_rg2

Witness: f1818 committed,
Witness: f1823 committed,
Witness: fThomas committed,
Witness: f1831 committed,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and such a declaration
Witness: f1823 and such a declaration
Witness: fThomas and such a declaration
Witness: f1831 and such a declaration
Witness: fMS and such a declaration


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 would
Witness: f1823 would
Witness: fThomas would
Witness: f1831 would
Witness: fMS would


Reading Group: C14A_app64_rg1

Witness: f1818 have been
Witness: f1823 have been
Witness: fThomas have been
Witness: f1831 have been

Reading Group: C14A_app64_rg2

Witness: fMS havebeen


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 considered as the ravings of
Witness: f1823 considered as the ravings of
Witness: fThomas considered as the ravings of
Witness: f1831 considered as the ravings of
Witness: fMS considered as the ravings of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a
Witness: f1823 a
Witness: fThomas a
Witness: f1831 a
Witness: fMS a


Reading Group: C14A_app67_rg1

Witness: fMS madman

Reading Group: C14A_app67_rg2

Witness: f1818 madman,
Witness: f1823 madman,
Witness: fThomas madman,
Witness: f1831 madman,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fMS and


Reading Group: C14A_app69_rg1

Witness: fMS could

Reading Group: C14A_app69_rg2

Witness: f1818 would
Witness: f1823 would
Witness: fThomas would
Witness: f1831 would


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 not have exculpated her who suffered through
Witness: f1823 not have exculpated her who suffered through
Witness: fThomas not have exculpated her who suffered through
Witness: f1831 not have exculpated her who suffered through
Witness: fMS not have exculpated her who suffered through


Reading Group: C14A_app71_rg1

Witness: fMS me. The aff

Reading Group: C14A_app71_rg2

Witness: f1818 me.<p/><p/>The
Witness: f1823 me.<p/><p/>The
Witness: fThomas me.<p/><p/>The
Witness: f1831 me.<p/><p/>The


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 appearance of Justine was
Witness: f1823 appearance of Justine was
Witness: fThomas appearance of Justine was
Witness: f1831 appearance of Justine was
Witness: fMS appearance of Justine was


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 calm. She was dressed in
Witness: f1823 calm. She was dressed in
Witness: fThomas calm. She was dressed in
Witness: f1831 calm. She was dressed in
Witness: fMS calm. She was dressed in


Reading Group: C14A_app74_rg1

Witness: fMS morn mourning

Reading Group: C14A_app74_rg2

Witness: f1818 mourning;
Witness: f1823 mourning;
Witness: fThomas mourning;
Witness: f1831 mourning;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fMS and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 her countenance, always engaging, was
Witness: f1823 her countenance, always engaging, was
Witness: fThomas her countenance, always engaging, was
Witness: f1831 her countenance, always engaging, was
Witness: fMS her countenance, always engaging, was


Reading Group: C14A_app77_rg1

Witness: fMS rendered

Reading Group: C14A_app77_rg2

Witness: f1818 rendered,
Witness: f1823 rendered,
Witness: fThomas rendered,
Witness: f1831 rendered,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 by the solemnity of her
Witness: f1823 by the solemnity of her
Witness: fThomas by the solemnity of her
Witness: f1831 by the solemnity of her
Witness: fMS by the solemnity of her


Reading Group: C14A_app79_rg1

Witness: fMS feelings exquisite -ly

Reading Group: C14A_app79_rg2

Witness: f1818 feelings, exquisitely
Witness: f1823 feelings, exquisitely
Witness: fThomas feelings, exquisitely
Witness: f1831 feelings, exquisitely


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 beautiful.
Witness: f1823 beautiful.
Witness: fThomas beautiful.
Witness: f1831 beautiful.
Witness: fMS beautiful.


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS Yet sheHer mann


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Yet she
Witness: f1823 Yet she
Witness: fThomas Yet she
Witness: f1831 Yet she
Witness: fMS Yet she


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 appeared confident in
Witness: f1823 appeared confident in
Witness: fThomas appeared confident in
Witness: f1831 appeared confident in
Witness: fMS appeared confident in


Reading Group: C14A_app84_rg1

Witness: fMS innocence

Reading Group: C14A_app84_rg2

Witness: f1818 innocence,
Witness: f1823 innocence,
Witness: fThomas innocence,
Witness: f1831 innocence,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fMS and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 did not
Witness: f1823 did not
Witness: fThomas did not
Witness: f1831 did not
Witness: fMS did not


Reading Group: C14A_app87_rg1

Witness: fMS tremble

Reading Group: C14A_app87_rg2

Witness: f1818 tremble,
Witness: f1823 tremble,
Witness: fThomas tremble,
Witness: f1831 tremble,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 although gazed
Witness: f1823 although gazed
Witness: fThomas although gazed
Witness: f1831 although gazed
Witness: fMS although gazed


Reading Group: C14A_app89_rg1

Witness: fMS at

Reading Group: C14A_app89_rg2

Witness: f1818 on
Witness: f1823 on
Witness: fThomas on
Witness: f1831 on


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fMS and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 execrated by
Witness: f1823 execrated by
Witness: fThomas execrated by
Witness: f1831 execrated by
Witness: fMS execrated by


Reading Group: C14A_app92_rg1

Witness: fMS thousands. fo

Reading Group: C14A_app92_rg2

Witness: f1818 thousands;
Witness: f1823 thousands;
Witness: fThomas thousands;
Witness: f1831 thousands;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 for all the
Witness: f1823 for all the
Witness: fThomas for all the
Witness: f1831 for all the
Witness: fMS For all the


Reading Group: C14A_app94_rg1

Witness: fMS kind ness

Reading Group: C14A_app94_rg2

Witness: f1818 kindness
Witness: f1823 kindness
Witness: fThomas kindness
Witness: f1831 kindness


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 which her beauty might
Witness: f1823 which her beauty might
Witness: fThomas which her beauty might
Witness: f1831 which her beauty might
Witness: fMS which her beauty might


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 otherwise
Witness: f1823 otherwise
Witness: fThomas otherwise
Witness: f1831 otherwise


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 have
Witness: f1823 have
Witness: fThomas have
Witness: f1831 have
Witness: fMS have


Reading Group: C14A_app98_rg1

Witness: fMS gained from others

Reading Group: C14A_app98_rg2

Witness: f1818 excited,
Witness: f1823 excited,
Witness: fThomas excited,
Witness: f1831 excited,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was obliterated
Witness: f1823 was obliterated
Witness: fThomas was obliterated
Witness: f1831 was obliterated
Witness: fMS was obliterated


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in the minds of the spectators
Witness: f1823 in the minds of the spectators
Witness: fThomas in the minds of the spectators
Witness: f1831 in the minds of the spectators


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 by
Witness: f1823 by
Witness: fThomas by
Witness: f1831 by
Witness: fMS by


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fMS the


Reading Group: C14A_app103_rg1

Witness: f1818 imagination
Witness: f1823 imagination
Witness: fThomas imagination
Witness: f1831 imagination

Reading Group: C14A_app103_rg2

Witness: fMS rememberance


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of the enormity she was
Witness: f1823 of the enormity she was
Witness: fThomas of the enormity she was
Witness: f1831 of the enormity she was
Witness: fMS of the enormity she was


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 supposed to have committed. She was
Witness: f1823 supposed to have committed. She was
Witness: fThomas supposed to have committed. She was
Witness: f1831 supposed to have committed. She was
Witness: fMS supposed to have committed. She was


Reading Group: C14A_app106_rg1

Witness: fMS tranquil

Reading Group: C14A_app106_rg2

Witness: f1818 tranquil,
Witness: f1823 tranquil,
Witness: fThomas tranquil,
Witness: f1831 tranquil,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 yet her tranquillity was
Witness: f1823 yet her tranquillity was
Witness: fThomas yet her tranquillity was
Witness: f1831 yet her tranquillity was
Witness: fMS yet her tranquillity was


Reading Group: C14A_app108_rg1

Witness: fMS evident constrained –

Reading Group: C14A_app108_rg2

Witness: f1818 evidently constrained;
Witness: f1823 evidently constrained;
Witness: fThomas evidently constrained;
Witness: f1831 evidently constrained;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and as her confusion had
Witness: f1823 and as her confusion had
Witness: fThomas and as her confusion had
Witness: f1831 and as her confusion had
Witness: fMS and as her confusion had


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 before been adduced as a proof of her
Witness: f1823 before been adduced as a proof of her
Witness: fThomas before been adduced as a proof of her
Witness: f1831 before been adduced as a proof of her
Witness: fMS before been adduced as a proof of her


Reading Group: C14A_app111_rg1

Witness: fMS guilt

Reading Group: C14A_app111_rg2

Witness: f1818 guilt,
Witness: f1823 guilt,
Witness: fThomas guilt,
Witness: f1831 guilt,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 she worked
Witness: f1823 she worked
Witness: fThomas she worked
Witness: f1831 she worked
Witness: fMS she worked


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS herself


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 up her mind to an appearance of courage. When she entered the
Witness: f1823 up her mind to an appearance of courage. When she entered the
Witness: fThomas up her mind to an appearance of courage. When she entered the
Witness: f1831 up her mind to an appearance of courage. When she entered the
Witness: fMS up her mind to an appearance of courage. When she entered the


Reading Group: C14A_app115_rg1

Witness: fMS court

Reading Group: C14A_app115_rg2

Witness: f1818 court,
Witness: f1823 court,
Witness: fThomas court,
Witness: f1831 court,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 she threw her eyes round
Witness: f1823 she threw her eyes round
Witness: fThomas she threw her eyes round
Witness: f1831 she threw her eyes round
Witness: fMS she threw her eyes round


Reading Group: C14A_app117_rg1

Witness: fMS it

Reading Group: C14A_app117_rg2

Witness: f1818 it,
Witness: f1823 it,
Witness: fThomas it,
Witness: f1831 it,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and quickly discovered where we were
Witness: f1823 and quickly discovered where we were
Witness: fThomas and quickly discovered where we were
Witness: f1831 and quickly discovered where we were
Witness: fMS and quickly discovered where we were


Reading Group: C14A_app119_rg1

Witness: fMS seated –

Reading Group: C14A_app119_rg2

Witness: f1818 seated.
Witness: f1823 seated.
Witness: fThomas seated.
Witness: f1831 seated.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 A tear seemed
Witness: f1823 A tear seemed
Witness: fThomas A tear seemed
Witness: f1831 A tear seemed
Witness: fMS a tear seemed


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to dim her eye when she saw
Witness: f1823 to dim her eye when she saw
Witness: fThomas to dim her eye when she saw
Witness: f1831 to dim her eye when she saw
Witness: fMS to dim her eye when she saw


Reading Group: C14A_app122_rg1

Witness: fMS us

Reading Group: C14A_app122_rg2

Witness: f1818 us;
Witness: f1823 us;
Witness: fThomas us;
Witness: f1831 us;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but she
Witness: f1823 but she
Witness: fThomas but she
Witness: f1831 but she
Witness: fMS but she


Reading Group: C14A_app124_rg1

Witness: fMS

Reading Group: C14A_app124_rg2

Witness: fThomas quicklyinstantly

Reading Group: C14A_app124_rg3

Witness: f1818 quickly
Witness: f1823 quickly
Witness: f1831 quickly


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 recovered
Witness: f1823 recovered
Witness: fThomas recovered
Witness: f1831 recovered
Witness: fMS recovered


Reading Group: C14A_app126_rg1

Witness: fMS herself

Reading Group: C14A_app126_rg2

Witness: f1818 herself,
Witness: f1823 herself,
Witness: fThomas herself,
Witness: f1831 herself,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fMS and


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS gwith


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a
Witness: f1823 a
Witness: fThomas a
Witness: f1831 a
Witness: fMS a


Reading Group: C14A_app130_rg1

Witness: f1818 look
Witness: f1823 look
Witness: fThomas look
Witness: f1831 look

Reading Group: C14A_app130_rg2

Witness: fMS looke


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of sorrowful affection seemed to attest her utter
Witness: f1823 of sorrowful affection seemed to attest her utter
Witness: fThomas of sorrowful affection seemed to attest her utter
Witness: f1831 of sorrowful affection seemed to attest her utter
Witness: fMS of sorrowful affection seemed to attest her utter


Reading Group: C14A_app132_rg1

Witness: fMS guiltlessness. The

Reading Group: C14A_app132_rg2

Witness: f1818 guiltlessness.<p/><p/>The
Witness: f1823 guiltlessness.<p/><p/>The
Witness: fThomas guiltlessness.<p/><p/>The
Witness: f1831 guiltlessness.<p/><p/>The


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 trial
Witness: f1823 trial
Witness: fThomas trial
Witness: f1831 trial
Witness: fMS trial


Reading Group: C14A_app134_rg1

Witness: fMS began andlistened attentively wish

Reading Group: C14A_app134_rg2

Witness: f1818 began;
Witness: f1823 began;
Witness: fThomas began;
Witness: f1831 began;


Reading Group: C14A_app135_rg1

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: fMS and

Reading Group: C14A_app135_rg2

Witness: f1823 and,
Witness: f1831 and,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 after the advocate against her
Witness: f1823 after the advocate against her
Witness: fThomas after the advocate against her
Witness: f1831 after the advocate against her
Witness: fMS after the advocate against her


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 had stated the
Witness: f1823 had stated the
Witness: fThomas had stated the
Witness: f1831 had stated the
Witness: fMS had stated the


Reading Group: C14A_app138_rg1

Witness: fMS charge

Reading Group: C14A_app138_rg2

Witness: f1818 charge,
Witness: f1823 charge,
Witness: fThomas charge,
Witness: f1831 charge,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 several witnesses
Witness: f1823 several witnesses
Witness: fThomas several witnesses
Witness: f1831 several witnesses
Witness: fMS several witnesses


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 were called. Several strange facts combined
Witness: f1823 were called. Several strange facts combined
Witness: fThomas were called. Several strange facts combined
Witness: f1831 were called. Several strange facts combined
Witness: fMS were called. Several strange facts combined


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 against
Witness: f1823 against
Witness: fThomas against
Witness: f1831 against
Witness: fMS against


Reading Group: C14A_app142_rg1

Witness: fMS her

Reading Group: C14A_app142_rg2

Witness: f1818 her,
Witness: f1823 her,
Witness: fThomas her,
Witness: f1831 her,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 which
Witness: f1823 which
Witness: fThomas which
Witness: f1831 which
Witness: fMS which


Reading Group: C14A_app144_rg1

Witness: f1818 might
Witness: f1823 might
Witness: fThomas might
Witness: f1831 might

Reading Group: C14A_app144_rg2

Witness: fMS would


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 have staggered
Witness: f1823 have staggered
Witness: fThomas have staggered
Witness: f1831 have staggered
Witness: fMS have staggered


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 any one who had not such
Witness: f1823 any one who had not such
Witness: fThomas any one who had not such
Witness: f1831 any one who had not such
Witness: fMS any one who had not such


Reading Group: C14A_app147_rg1

Witness: fMS prof

Reading Group: C14A_app147_rg2

Witness: f1818 proof
Witness: f1823 proof
Witness: fThomas proof
Witness: f1831 proof


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of her
Witness: f1823 of her
Witness: fThomas of her
Witness: f1831 of her
Witness: fMS of her


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 innocence as I had. She had been out the
Witness: f1823 innocence as I had. She had been out the
Witness: fThomas innocence as I had. She had been out the
Witness: f1831 innocence as I had. She had been out the
Witness: fMS innocence as I had. She had been out the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 whole of the night on which the murder had been
Witness: f1823 whole of the night on which the murder had been
Witness: fThomas whole of the night on which the murder had been
Witness: f1831 whole of the night on which the murder had been
Witness: fMS whole of the night on which the murder had been


Reading Group: C14A_app151_rg1

Witness: fMS committed

Reading Group: C14A_app151_rg2

Witness: f1818 committed,
Witness: f1823 committed,
Witness: fThomas committed,
Witness: f1831 committed,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and towards
Witness: f1823 and towards
Witness: fThomas and towards
Witness: f1831 and towards
Witness: fMS and towards


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 morning had been perceived by a
Witness: f1823 morning had been perceived by a
Witness: fThomas morning had been perceived by a
Witness: f1831 morning had been perceived by a
Witness: fMS morning had been perceived by a


Reading Group: C14A_app154_rg1

Witness: fMS farmemarket-woman

Reading Group: C14A_app154_rg2

Witness: f1818 market-woman
Witness: f1823 market-woman
Witness: fThomas market-woman
Witness: f1831 market-woman


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 not far from the spot where
Witness: f1823 not far from the spot where
Witness: fThomas not far from the spot where
Witness: f1831 not far from the spot where
Witness: fMS not far from the spot where


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the body of the murdered child had been
Witness: f1823 the body of the murdered child had been
Witness: fThomas the body of the murdered child had been
Witness: f1831 the body of the murdered child had been
Witness: fMS the body of the murdered child had been


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 afterwards found.
Witness: f1823 afterwards found.
Witness: fThomas afterwards found.
Witness: f1831 afterwards found.
Witness: fMS afterwards found.


Reading Group: C14A_app158_rg1

Witness: fMS He asked her whSheThe

Reading Group: C14A_app158_rg2

Witness: f1818 The
Witness: f1823 The
Witness: fThomas The
Witness: f1831 The


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 woman asked her what she did
Witness: f1823 woman asked her what she did
Witness: fThomas woman asked her what she did
Witness: f1831 woman asked her what she did
Witness: fMS woman asked <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>her what she did


Reading Group: C14A_app160_rg1

Witness: f1818 there; but
Witness: f1823 there; but
Witness: fThomas there; but
Witness: f1831 there; but

Reading Group: C14A_app160_rg2

Witness: fMS there?–forbut


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 she looked
Witness: f1823 she looked
Witness: fThomas she looked
Witness: f1831 she looked
Witness: fMS she looked


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 very
Witness: f1823 very
Witness: fThomas very
Witness: f1831 very
Witness: fMS very


Reading Group: C14A_app163_rg1

Witness: fMS stang strangely

Reading Group: C14A_app163_rg2

Witness: f1818 strangely,
Witness: f1823 strangely,
Witness: fThomas strangely,
Witness: f1831 strangely,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and only returned a
Witness: f1823 and only returned a
Witness: fThomas and only returned a
Witness: f1831 and only returned a
Witness: fMS and only returned a


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 confused
Witness: f1823 confused
Witness: fThomas confused
Witness: f1831 confused
Witness: fMS confused


Reading Group: C14A_app166_rg1

Witness: f1818 and unintelligible answer. She
Witness: f1823 and unintelligible answer. She
Witness: fThomas and unintelligible answer. She
Witness: f1831 and unintelligible answer. She

Reading Group: C14A_app166_rg2

Witness: fMS <metamark function="displacement" xml:id="c56-0093.04">^</metamark>&unintelligible<metamark function="displacement">^</metamark> answere. <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>SShecame


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 returned to
Witness: f1823 returned to
Witness: fThomas returned to
Witness: f1831 returned to
Witness: fMS returned to


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the house about eight
Witness: f1823 the house about eight
Witness: fThomas the house about eight
Witness: f1831 the house about eight
Witness: fMS the house about eight


Reading Group: C14A_app169_rg1

Witness: fMS o'clock

Reading Group: C14A_app169_rg2

Witness: f1818 o’clock;
Witness: f1823 o’clock;
Witness: fThomas o’clock;
Witness: f1831 o’clock;


Reading Group: C14A_app170_rg1

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: fMS and

Reading Group: C14A_app170_rg2

Witness: f1823 and,
Witness: f1831 and,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 when
Witness: f1823 when
Witness: fThomas when
Witness: f1831 when
Witness: fMS when


Unified Readings

Witness: fThomas some
Witness: fMS some


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 one
Witness: f1823 one
Witness: fThomas one
Witness: f1831 one
Witness: fMS one


Reading Group: C14A_app174_rg1

Witness: f1831 enquired
Witness: fMS enquired

Reading Group: C14A_app174_rg2

Witness: f1818 inquired
Witness: f1823 inquired
Witness: fThomas inquired


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 where she had
Witness: f1823 where she had
Witness: fThomas where she had
Witness: f1831 where she had
Witness: fMS where she had


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 passed the
Witness: f1823 passed the
Witness: fThomas passed the
Witness: f1831 passed the
Witness: fMS passed the


Reading Group: C14A_app177_rg1

Witness: fMS night

Reading Group: C14A_app177_rg2

Witness: f1818 night,
Witness: f1823 night,
Witness: fThomas night,
Witness: f1831 night,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 she
Witness: f1823 she
Witness: fThomas she
Witness: f1831 she
Witness: fMS she


Reading Group: C14A_app179_rg1

Witness: f1823 replied
Witness: f1831 replied
Witness: fMS replied

Reading Group: C14A_app179_rg2

Witness: f1818 replied,
Witness: fThomas replied,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that she
Witness: f1823 that she
Witness: fThomas that she
Witness: f1831 that she
Witness: fMS that she


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 had been looking for the
Witness: f1823 had been looking for the
Witness: fThomas had been looking for the
Witness: f1831 had been looking for the
Witness: fMS had been looking offor the


Reading Group: C14A_app182_rg1

Witness: fMS child

Reading Group: C14A_app182_rg2

Witness: f1818 child,
Witness: f1823 child,
Witness: fThomas child,
Witness: f1831 child,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fMS and


Reading Group: C14A_app184_rg1

Witness: fMS <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>enquireddemanded

Reading Group: C14A_app184_rg2

Witness: f1818 demanded
Witness: f1823 demanded
Witness: fThomas demanded
Witness: f1831 demanded


Reading Group: C14A_app185_rg1

Witness: f1823 earnestly
Witness: f1831 earnestly
Witness: fMS earnestly

Reading Group: C14A_app185_rg2

Witness: f1818 earnestly,
Witness: fThomas earnestly,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 if any thing had been heard concerning him. When
Witness: f1823 if any thing had been heard concerning him. When
Witness: fThomas if any thing had been heard concerning him. When
Witness: f1831 if any thing had been heard concerning him. When
Witness: fMS if any thing had been heard concerning him. When


Reading Group: C14A_app187_rg1

Witness: f1818 shewn
Witness: fThomas shewn

Reading Group: C14A_app187_rg2

Witness: f1823 shown
Witness: f1831 shown

Reading Group: C14A_app187_rg3

Witness: fMS the body was brought into


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fMS the


Reading Group: C14A_app189_rg1

Witness: f1818 body,
Witness: f1823 body,
Witness: fThomas body,
Witness: f1831 body,

Reading Group: C14A_app189_rg2

Witness: fMS house


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 she fell into violent
Witness: f1823 she fell into violent
Witness: fThomas she fell into violent
Witness: f1831 she fell into violent
Witness: fMS she fell into violent


Reading Group: C14A_app191_rg1

Witness: fMS hysterics

Reading Group: C14A_app191_rg2

Witness: f1818 hysterics,
Witness: f1823 hysterics,
Witness: fThomas hysterics,
Witness: f1831 hysterics,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and kept her bed for several
Witness: f1823 and kept her bed for several
Witness: fThomas and kept her bed for several
Witness: f1831 and kept her bed for several
Witness: fMS and kept her bed for several


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 days. The picture was then
Witness: f1823 days. The picture was then
Witness: fThomas days. The picture was then
Witness: f1831 days. The picture was then
Witness: fMS days. The picture was then


Reading Group: C14A_app194_rg1

Witness: fMS produced

Reading Group: C14A_app194_rg2

Witness: f1818 produced,
Witness: f1823 produced,
Witness: fThomas produced,
Witness: f1831 produced,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 which the servant had found in her
Witness: f1823 which the servant had found in her
Witness: fThomas which the servant had found in her
Witness: f1831 which the servant had found in her
Witness: fMS which the servant had found in her


Reading Group: C14A_app196_rg1

Witness: fMS pocket

Reading Group: C14A_app196_rg2

Witness: f1818 pocket;
Witness: f1823 pocket;
Witness: fThomas pocket;
Witness: f1831 pocket;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and when
Witness: f1823 and when
Witness: fThomas and when
Witness: f1831 and when
Witness: fMS and when


Reading Group: C14A_app198_rg1

Witness: fMS Elizabeth

Reading Group: C14A_app198_rg2

Witness: f1818 Elizabeth,
Witness: f1823 Elizabeth,
Witness: fThomas Elizabeth,
Witness: f1831 Elizabeth,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in a faltering
Witness: f1823 in a faltering
Witness: fThomas in a faltering
Witness: f1831 in a faltering
Witness: fMS in a faltering


Reading Group: C14A_app200_rg1

Witness: fMS voice

Reading Group: C14A_app200_rg2

Witness: f1818 voice,
Witness: f1823 voice,
Witness: fThomas voice,
Witness: f1831 voice,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 proved that it was the same
Witness: f1823 proved that it was the same
Witness: fThomas proved that it was the same
Witness: f1831 proved that it was the same
Witness: fMS proved that it was the same


Reading Group: C14A_app202_rg1

Witness: fMS she hadwhichthe

Reading Group: C14A_app202_rg2

Witness: f1818 which,
Witness: f1823 which,
Witness: fThomas which,
Witness: f1831 which,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 an hour before
Witness: f1823 an hour before
Witness: fThomas an hour before
Witness: f1831 an hour before
Witness: fMS an hour before


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS the murder


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the child had been
Witness: f1823 the child had been
Witness: fThomas the child had been
Witness: f1831 the child had been
Witness: fMS the child had been


Reading Group: C14A_app206_rg1

Witness: f1818 missed, she
Witness: f1823 missed, she
Witness: fThomas missed, she
Witness: f1831 missed, she

Reading Group: C14A_app206_rg2

Witness: fMS missed,she


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 had placed round
Witness: f1823 had placed round
Witness: fThomas had placed round
Witness: f1831 had placed round
Witness: fMS had placed round


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 his
Witness: f1823 his
Witness: fThomas his
Witness: f1831 his
Witness: fMS his


Reading Group: C14A_app209_rg1

Witness: fMS neck

Reading Group: C14A_app209_rg2

Witness: f1818 neck,
Witness: f1823 neck,
Witness: fThomas neck,
Witness: f1831 neck,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a murmur of
Witness: f1823 a murmur of
Witness: fThomas a murmur of
Witness: f1831 a murmur of
Witness: fMS a murmur of


Reading Group: C14A_app211_rg1

Witness: f1818 horror
Witness: f1823 horror
Witness: fThomas horror
Witness: f1831 horror

Reading Group: C14A_app211_rg2

Witness: fMS indignation


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fMS and


Reading Group: C14A_app213_rg1

Witness: fMS horror

Reading Group: C14A_app213_rg2

Witness: f1818 indignation
Witness: f1823 indignation
Witness: fThomas indignation
Witness: f1831 indignation


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 filled the
Witness: f1823 filled the
Witness: fThomas filled the
Witness: f1831 filled the
Witness: fMS filled the


Reading Group: C14A_app215_rg1

Witness: fMS court. Justine

Reading Group: C14A_app215_rg2

Witness: f1818 court.<p/><p/>Justine
Witness: f1823 court.<p/><p/>Justine
Witness: fThomas court.<p/><p/>Justine
Witness: f1831 court.<p/><p/>Justine


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was
Witness: f1823 was
Witness: fThomas was
Witness: f1831 was
Witness: fMS was


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS then


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 called on for
Witness: f1823 called on for
Witness: fThomas called on for
Witness: f1831 called on for
Witness: fMS called on for


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 her defence.
Witness: f1823 her defence.
Witness: fThomas her defence.
Witness: f1831 her defence.
Witness: fMS her defence.


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS God kno who reads all hearts knows how


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 As the trial had
Witness: f1823 As the trial had
Witness: fThomas As the trial had
Witness: f1831 As the trial had
Witness: fMS As the trial had


Reading Group: C14A_app222_rg1

Witness: fMS proceeded

Reading Group: C14A_app222_rg2

Witness: f1818 proceeded,
Witness: f1823 proceeded,
Witness: fThomas proceeded,
Witness: f1831 proceeded,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 her countenance had altered.
Witness: f1823 her countenance had altered.
Witness: fThomas her countenance had altered.
Witness: f1831 her countenance had altered.
Witness: fMS her countenance had altered.


Reading Group: C14A_app224_rg1

Witness: fMS Surprise horror

Reading Group: C14A_app224_rg2

Witness: f1818 Surprise, horror,
Witness: f1823 Surprise, horror,
Witness: fThomas Surprise, horror,
Witness: f1831 Surprise, horror,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fMS and


Reading Group: C14A_app226_rg1

Witness: f1823 misery
Witness: f1831 misery
Witness: fMS misery

Reading Group: C14A_app226_rg2

Witness: f1818 misery,
Witness: fThomas misery,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 were
Witness: f1823 were
Witness: fThomas were
Witness: f1831 were
Witness: fMS were


Reading Group: C14A_app228_rg1

Witness: fMS strong ly

Reading Group: C14A_app228_rg2

Witness: f1818 strongly
Witness: f1823 strongly
Witness: fThomas strongly
Witness: f1831 strongly


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 expressed. Sometimes she struggled
Witness: f1823 expressed. Sometimes she struggled
Witness: fThomas expressed. Sometimes she struggled
Witness: f1831 expressed. Sometimes she struggled
Witness: fMS expressed. Sometimes she struggled


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 with her
Witness: f1823 with her
Witness: fThomas with her
Witness: f1831 with her
Witness: fMS with her


Reading Group: C14A_app231_rg1

Witness: fMS tears wh

Reading Group: C14A_app231_rg2

Witness: f1818 tears;
Witness: f1823 tears;
Witness: fThomas tears;
Witness: f1831 tears;


Reading Group: C14A_app232_rg1

Witness: f1818 but
Witness: fThomas but
Witness: fMS but

Reading Group: C14A_app232_rg2

Witness: f1823 but,
Witness: f1831 but,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 when she
Witness: f1823 when she
Witness: fThomas when she
Witness: f1831 when she
Witness: fMS when she


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was desired to
Witness: f1823 was desired to
Witness: fThomas was desired to
Witness: f1831 was desired to
Witness: fMS was desired to


Reading Group: C14A_app235_rg1

Witness: f1818 plead,
Witness: f1823 plead,
Witness: fThomas plead,
Witness: f1831 plead,

Reading Group: C14A_app235_rg2

Witness: fMS speak


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 she collected her
Witness: f1823 she collected her
Witness: fThomas she collected her
Witness: f1831 she collected her
Witness: fMS she collected her


Reading Group: C14A_app237_rg1

Witness: fMS powers

Reading Group: C14A_app237_rg2

Witness: f1818 powers,
Witness: f1823 powers,
Witness: fThomas powers,
Witness: f1831 powers,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fMS and


Reading Group: C14A_app239_rg1

Witness: f1818 spoke
Witness: f1823 spoke
Witness: fThomas spoke
Witness: fMS spoke

Reading Group: C14A_app239_rg2

Witness: f1831 spoke,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in an
Witness: f1823 in an
Witness: fThomas in an
Witness: f1831 in an
Witness: fMS in an


Reading Group: C14A_app241_rg1

Witness: f1818 audible
Witness: fThomas audible
Witness: fMS audible

Reading Group: C14A_app241_rg2

Witness: f1823 audible,
Witness: f1831 audible,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 although
Witness: f1823 although
Witness: fThomas although
Witness: f1831 although
Witness: fMS although


Reading Group: C14A_app243_rg1

Witness: fMS

Reading Group: C14A_app243_rg2

Witness: f1823 variable,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 variable
Witness: fThomas variable
Witness: f1831 variable
Witness: fMS variable


Reading Group: C14A_app245_rg1

Witness: fMS voice. "God

Reading Group: C14A_app245_rg2

Witness: f1831 voice.<p/><p/>“God

Reading Group: C14A_app245_rg3

Witness: f1818 voice:—<p/><p/>“God
Witness: f1823 voice:—<p/><p/>“God
Witness: fThomas voice:—<p/><p/>“God


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 knows,” she said,
Witness: f1823 knows,” she said,
Witness: fThomas knows,” she said,
Witness: f1831 knows,” she said,
Witness: fMS knows," she said,


Reading Group: C14A_app247_rg1

Witness: fMS "whow

Reading Group: C14A_app247_rg2

Witness: f1818 “how
Witness: f1823 “how
Witness: fThomas “how
Witness: f1831 “how


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 entirely I
Witness: f1823 entirely I
Witness: fThomas entirely I
Witness: f1831 entirely I
Witness: fMS entirely I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 am
Witness: f1823 am
Witness: fThomas am
Witness: f1831 am
Witness: fMS am


Reading Group: C14A_app250_rg1

Witness: f1818 innocent.
Witness: f1823 innocent.
Witness: fThomas innocent.
Witness: f1831 innocent.

Reading Group: C14A_app250_rg2

Witness: fMS inocent.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 But I do not pretend
Witness: f1823 But I do not pretend
Witness: fThomas But I do not pretend
Witness: f1831 But I do not pretend
Witness: fMS but I do not pretend


Reading Group: C14A_app252_rg1

Witness: f1818 that
Witness: f1823 that
Witness: fThomas that
Witness: f1831 that

Reading Group: C14A_app252_rg2

Witness: fMS to be acquitted on account of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my protestations
Witness: f1823 my protestations
Witness: fThomas my protestations
Witness: f1831 my protestations
Witness: fMS my protestations


Reading Group: C14A_app254_rg1

Witness: fMS

Reading Group: C14A_app254_rg2

Witness: f1818 should acquit me:
Witness: f1823 should acquit me:
Witness: fThomas should acquit me:
Witness: f1831 should acquit me:


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I rest my innocence
Witness: f1823 I rest my innocence
Witness: fThomas I rest my innocence
Witness: f1831 I rest my innocence
Witness: fMS I rest my innocence


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS a


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 on a
Witness: f1823 on a
Witness: fThomas on a
Witness: f1831 on a
Witness: fMS on a


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 plain and
Witness: f1823 plain and
Witness: fThomas plain and
Witness: f1831 plain and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 simple
Witness: f1823 simple
Witness: fThomas simple
Witness: f1831 simple
Witness: fMS simple


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 explanation of the
Witness: f1823 explanation of the
Witness: fThomas explanation of the
Witness: f1831 explanation of the
Witness: fMS explanation of the


Reading Group: C14A_app261_rg1

Witness: fMS factsfacts

Reading Group: C14A_app261_rg2

Witness: f1818 facts
Witness: f1823 facts
Witness: fThomas facts
Witness: f1831 facts


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 which have
Witness: f1823 which have
Witness: fThomas which have
Witness: f1831 which have
Witness: fMS which have


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 been adduced against
Witness: f1823 been adduced against
Witness: fThomas been adduced against
Witness: f1831 been adduced against
Witness: fMS been adduced against


Reading Group: C14A_app264_rg1

Witness: fMS me,

Reading Group: C14A_app264_rg2

Witness: f1818 me;
Witness: f1823 me;
Witness: fThomas me;
Witness: f1831 me;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and I hope
Witness: f1823 and I hope
Witness: fThomas and I hope
Witness: f1831 and I hope
Witness: fMS and I hope


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the character I have always borne will
Witness: f1823 the character I have always borne will
Witness: fThomas the character I have always borne will
Witness: f1831 the character I have always borne will
Witness: fMS the character I have always borne will


Reading Group: C14A_app267_rg1

Witness: fMS encline

Reading Group: C14A_app267_rg2

Witness: f1818 incline
Witness: f1823 incline
Witness: fThomas incline
Witness: f1831 incline


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my judges to a favourable
Witness: f1823 my judges to a favourable
Witness: fThomas my judges to a favourable
Witness: f1831 my judges to a favourable
Witness: fMS my judges to a favourable


Reading Group: C14A_app269_rg1

Witness: fMS interpretation

Reading Group: C14A_app269_rg2

Witness: f1818 interpretation,
Witness: f1823 interpretation,
Witness: fThomas interpretation,
Witness: f1831 interpretation,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 where any
Witness: f1823 where any
Witness: fThomas where any
Witness: f1831 where any
Witness: fMS where any


Reading Group: C14A_app271_rg1

Witness: fMS factcircumstance

Reading Group: C14A_app271_rg2

Witness: f1818 circumstance
Witness: f1823 circumstance
Witness: fThomas circumstance
Witness: f1831 circumstance


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 appears doubtful or
Witness: f1823 appears doubtful or
Witness: fThomas appears doubtful or
Witness: f1831 appears doubtful or
Witness: fMS appears doubtful or


Reading Group: C14A_app273_rg1

Witness: f1818 suspicious.”<p/><p/>She
Witness: f1823 suspicious.”<p/><p/>She
Witness: fThomas suspicious.”<p/><p/>She
Witness: f1831 suspicious.”<p/><p/>She

Reading Group: C14A_app273_rg2

Witness: fMS suspicious. By the permission of Mad<shi rend="sup"> e</shi> Lavenza I passed the evening with an aunt at Chêne. One of my cousins returning from Geneva said that he had been at the house of M. Frankenstein and She


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 then related
Witness: f1823 then related
Witness: fThomas then related
Witness: f1831 then related
Witness: fMS then related


Reading Group: C14A_app275_rg1

Witness: fMS that

Reading Group: C14A_app275_rg2

Witness: f1818 that,
Witness: f1823 that,
Witness: fThomas that,
Witness: f1831 that,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 by the
Witness: f1823 by the
Witness: fThomas by the
Witness: f1831 by the
Witness: fMS by the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 permission of
Witness: f1823 permission of
Witness: fThomas permission of
Witness: f1831 permission of
Witness: fMS permission of


Reading Group: C14A_app278_rg1

Witness: fMS Elizabeth

Reading Group: C14A_app278_rg2

Witness: f1818 Elizabeth,
Witness: f1823 Elizabeth,
Witness: fThomas Elizabeth,
Witness: f1831 Elizabeth,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 she had passed
Witness: f1823 she had passed
Witness: fThomas she had passed
Witness: f1831 she had passed
Witness: fMS she had passed


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the evening of the night on which the
Witness: f1823 the evening of the night on which the
Witness: fThomas the evening of the night on which the
Witness: f1831 the evening of the night on which the
Witness: fMS the evening of the night on which the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 murder
Witness: f1823 murder
Witness: fThomas murder
Witness: f1831 murder
Witness: fMS murder


Reading Group: C14A_app282_rg1

Witness: f1818 had been
Witness: f1823 had been
Witness: fThomas had been
Witness: f1831 had been

Reading Group: C14A_app282_rg2

Witness: fMS was perpetrated


Reading Group: C14A_app283_rg1

Witness: f1823 committed
Witness: f1831 committed

Reading Group: C14A_app283_rg2

Witness: f1818 committed,
Witness: fThomas committed,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 at the house of an aunt
Witness: f1823 at the house of an aunt
Witness: fThomas at the house of an aunt
Witness: f1831 at the house of an aunt
Witness: fMS at M<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>the house of an aunt


Reading Group: C14A_app285_rg1

Witness: fMS who resided in Chêne

Reading Group: C14A_app285_rg2

Witness: f1818 at Chêne,
Witness: f1823 at Chêne,
Witness: fThomas at Chêne,
Witness: f1831 at Chêne,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a village
Witness: f1823 a village
Witness: fThomas a village
Witness: f1831 a village
Witness: fMS a village


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 situated at
Witness: f1823 situated at
Witness: fThomas situated at
Witness: f1831 situated at


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 about
Witness: f1823 about
Witness: fThomas about
Witness: f1831 about
Witness: fMS about


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a league from Geneva. On her
Witness: f1823 a league from Geneva. On her
Witness: fThomas a league from Geneva. On her
Witness: f1831 a league from Geneva. On her
Witness: fMS a league from Geneva. On her


Reading Group: C14A_app290_rg1

Witness: fMS return

Reading Group: C14A_app290_rg2

Witness: f1818 return,
Witness: f1823 return,
Witness: fThomas return,
Witness: f1831 return,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 at about nine
Witness: f1823 at about nine
Witness: fThomas at about nine
Witness: f1831 at about nine
Witness: fMS at about nine


Reading Group: C14A_app292_rg1

Witness: fMS o'clock

Reading Group: C14A_app292_rg2

Witness: f1818 o’clock,
Witness: f1823 o’clock,
Witness: fThomas o’clock,
Witness: f1831 o’clock,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 she met a
Witness: f1823 she met a
Witness: fThomas she met a
Witness: f1831 she met a
Witness: fMS she met a


Reading Group: C14A_app294_rg1

Witness: fMS servant man

Reading Group: C14A_app294_rg2

Witness: f1818 man,
Witness: f1823 man,
Witness: fThomas man,
Witness: f1831 man,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 who asked her if she had seen
Witness: f1823 who asked her if she had seen
Witness: fThomas who asked her if she had seen
Witness: f1831 who asked her if she had seen
Witness: fMS who asked her if she had seen


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 any thing of the child who was lost. She
Witness: f1823 any thing of the child who was lost. She
Witness: fThomas any thing of the child who was lost. She
Witness: f1831 any thing of the child who was lost. She
Witness: fMS any thing of the child who was lost. She


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was
Witness: f1823 was
Witness: fThomas was
Witness: f1831 was
Witness: fMS was


Reading Group: C14A_app298_rg1

Witness: f1818 alarmed by
Witness: f1823 alarmed by
Witness: fThomas alarmed by
Witness: f1831 alarmed by

Reading Group: C14A_app298_rg2

Witness: fMS frightened at


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 this account, and passed
Witness: f1823 this account, and passed
Witness: fThomas this account, and passed
Witness: f1831 this account, and passed
Witness: fMS this account, and passed


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 several hours in looking for
Witness: f1823 several hours in looking for
Witness: fThomas several hours in looking for
Witness: f1831 several hours in looking for
Witness: fMS several hours in looking for


Reading Group: C14A_app301_rg1

Witness: fMS him

Reading Group: C14A_app301_rg2

Witness: f1818 him,
Witness: f1823 him,
Witness: fThomas him,
Witness: f1831 him,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 when
Witness: f1823 when
Witness: fThomas when
Witness: f1831 when
Witness: fMS when


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the gates of Geneva were
Witness: f1823 the gates of Geneva were
Witness: fThomas the gates of Geneva were
Witness: f1831 the gates of Geneva were
Witness: fMS the gates of Geneva were


Reading Group: C14A_app304_rg1

Witness: fMS shut

Reading Group: C14A_app304_rg2

Witness: f1818 shut,
Witness: f1823 shut,
Witness: fThomas shut,
Witness: f1831 shut,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and she
Witness: f1823 and she
Witness: fThomas and she
Witness: f1831 and she
Witness: fMS and she


Reading Group: C14A_app306_rg1

Witness: fMS passed<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>was

Reading Group: C14A_app306_rg2

Witness: f1818 was
Witness: f1823 was
Witness: fThomas was
Witness: f1831 was


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 forced to remain
Witness: f1823 forced to remain
Witness: fThomas forced to remain
Witness: f1831 forced to remain
Witness: fMS forced to remained


Reading Group: C14A_app308_rg1

Witness: fThomas several hoursthe greater part

Reading Group: C14A_app308_rg2

Witness: f1818 several
Witness: f1823 several
Witness: f1831 several

Reading Group: C14A_app308_rg3

Witness: fMS s<shi rend="underline">e</shi>veral


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 hours
Witness: f1823 hours
Witness: f1831 hours
Witness: fMS hours


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of the
Witness: f1823 of the
Witness: fThomas of the
Witness: f1831 of the
Witness: fMS of the


Reading Group: C14A_app311_rg1

Witness: f1818 night in
Witness: f1823 night in
Witness: fThomas night in
Witness: f1831 night in

Reading Group: C14A_app311_rg2

Witness: fMS nightin


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a
Witness: f1823 a
Witness: fThomas a
Witness: f1831 a
Witness: fMS a


Reading Group: C14A_app313_rg1

Witness: fMS

Reading Group: C14A_app313_rg2

Witness: f1818 barn belonging to a
Witness: f1823 barn belonging to a
Witness: fThomas barn belonging to a
Witness: f1831 barn belonging to a


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 cottage,
Witness: f1823 cottage,
Witness: fThomas cottage,
Witness: f1831 cottage,
Witness: fMS cottage,


Reading Group: C14A_app315_rg1

Witness: f1818 being unwilling to call up the inhabitants, to whom she was well known.
Witness: f1823 being unwilling to call up the inhabitants, to whom she was well known.
Witness: fThomas being unwilling to call up the inhabitants, to whom she was well known.
Witness: f1831 being unwilling to call up the inhabitants, to whom she was well known.

Reading Group: C14A_app315_rg2

Witness: fMS but


Reading Group: C14A_app316_rg1

Witness: f1831 Most of the night she spent here watching; towards morning she believed that she slept for a few minutes; some steps disturbed her, and she awoke. It was dawn, and

Reading Group: C14A_app316_rg2

Witness: f1818 Unable to rest or sleep,
Witness: f1823 Unable to rest or sleep,
Witness: fThomas Unable to rest or sleep,
Witness: fMS unable to rest or sleep,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 she
Witness: f1823 she
Witness: fThomas she
Witness: f1831 she
Witness: fMS she


Reading Group: C14A_app318_rg1

Witness: fMS rose early

Reading Group: C14A_app318_rg2

Witness: f1818 quitted her
Witness: f1823 quitted her
Witness: fThomas quitted her
Witness: f1831 quitted her


Reading Group: C14A_app319_rg1

Witness: f1818 asylum early,
Witness: f1823 asylum early,
Witness: fThomas asylum early,

Reading Group: C14A_app319_rg2

Witness: f1831 asylum,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that she might again
Witness: f1823 that she might again
Witness: fThomas that she might again
Witness: f1831 that she might again
Witness: fMS that she might again


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 endeavour to find my brother. If she
Witness: f1823 endeavour to find my brother. If she
Witness: fThomas endeavour to find my brother. If she
Witness: f1831 endeavour to find my brother. If she
Witness: fMS endeavour to find my brother. If she


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 had gone near the
Witness: f1823 had gone near the
Witness: fThomas had gone near the
Witness: f1831 had gone near the
Witness: fMS had gone near the


Reading Group: C14A_app323_rg1

Witness: fMS <del eID="c56-0095__main__d2e20596"/> spot

Reading Group: C14A_app323_rg2

Witness: f1818 spot
Witness: f1823 spot
Witness: fThomas spot
Witness: f1831 spot


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 where his
Witness: f1823 where his
Witness: fThomas where his
Witness: f1831 where his
Witness: fMS where his


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 body
Witness: f1823 body
Witness: fThomas body
Witness: f1831 body
Witness: fMS body


Reading Group: C14A_app326_rg1

Witness: fMS lay

Reading Group: C14A_app326_rg2

Witness: f1818 lay,
Witness: f1823 lay,
Witness: fThomas lay,
Witness: f1831 lay,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 it was without her
Witness: f1823 it was without her
Witness: fThomas it was without her
Witness: f1831 it was without her
Witness: fMS it was without her


Reading Group: C14A_app328_rg1

Witness: fMS knowledge and she had been confusedThat if

Reading Group: C14A_app328_rg2

Witness: f1818 knowledge. That
Witness: f1823 knowledge. That
Witness: fThomas knowledge. That
Witness: f1831 knowledge. That


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 she had been bewildered when
Witness: f1823 she had been bewildered when
Witness: fThomas she had been bewildered when
Witness: f1831 she had been bewildered when
Witness: fMS she had been bewildered when


Reading Group: C14A_app330_rg1

Witness: fMS ques tioned

Reading Group: C14A_app330_rg2

Witness: f1818 questioned
Witness: f1823 questioned
Witness: fThomas questioned
Witness: f1831 questioned


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 by the
Witness: f1823 by the
Witness: fThomas by the
Witness: f1831 by the
Witness: fMS by the


Reading Group: C14A_app332_rg1

Witness: fMS market woman,

Reading Group: C14A_app332_rg2

Witness: f1823 market-woman
Witness: f1831 market-woman

Reading Group: C14A_app332_rg3

Witness: f1818 market-woman,
Witness: fThomas market-woman,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was
Witness: f1823 was
Witness: fThomas was
Witness: f1831 was
Witness: fMS was


Reading Group: C14A_app334_rg1

Witness: fMS thatnot surprising when

Reading Group: C14A_app334_rg2

Witness: f1818 not surprising, since
Witness: f1823 not surprising, since
Witness: fThomas not surprising, since
Witness: f1831 not surprising, since


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 she
Witness: f1823 she
Witness: fThomas she
Witness: f1831 she
Witness: fMS she


Reading Group: C14A_app336_rg1

Witness: fMS was soc was so wretched onfor

Reading Group: C14A_app336_rg2

Witness: f1818 had passed a sleepless night, and
Witness: f1823 had passed a sleepless night, and
Witness: fThomas had passed a sleepless night, and
Witness: f1831 had passed a sleepless night, and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fMS the


Reading Group: C14A_app338_rg1

Witness: f1818 fate
Witness: f1823 fate
Witness: fThomas fate
Witness: f1831 fate

Reading Group: C14A_app338_rg2

Witness: fMS loss


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of poor
Witness: f1823 of poor
Witness: fThomas of poor
Witness: f1831 of poor
Witness: fMS of poor


Reading Group: C14A_app340_rg1

Witness: fMS William.

Reading Group: C14A_app340_rg2

Witness: f1818 William was yet uncertain.
Witness: f1823 William was yet uncertain.
Witness: fThomas William was yet uncertain.
Witness: f1831 William was yet uncertain.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Concerning the picture she
Witness: f1823 Concerning the picture she
Witness: fThomas Concerning the picture she
Witness: f1831 Concerning the picture she
Witness: fMS Concerning the picture she


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 could give no
Witness: f1823 could give no
Witness: fThomas could give no
Witness: f1831 could give no
Witness: fMS could give no


Reading Group: C14A_app343_rg1

Witness: fMS account. "I

Reading Group: C14A_app343_rg2

Witness: f1818 account.<p/><p/>“I
Witness: f1823 account.<p/><p/>“I
Witness: fThomas account.<p/><p/>“I
Witness: f1831 account.<p/><p/>“I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 know,” continued the unhappy
Witness: f1823 know,” continued the unhappy
Witness: fThomas know,” continued the unhappy
Witness: f1831 know,” continued the unhappy
Witness: fMS know," continued the unhappy


Reading Group: C14A_app345_rg1

Witness: f1818 victim,
Witness: f1823 victim,
Witness: fThomas victim,
Witness: f1831 victim,

Reading Group: C14A_app345_rg2

Witness: fMS victime


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 “how heavily and fatally this
Witness: f1823 “how heavily and fatally this
Witness: fThomas “how heavily and fatally this
Witness: f1831 “how heavily and fatally this
Witness: fMS "how heavily and fatally this


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS o


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 one circumstance
Witness: f1823 one circumstance
Witness: fThomas one circumstance
Witness: f1831 one circumstance
Witness: fMS one circumstance


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS we


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 weighs against
Witness: f1823 weighs against
Witness: fThomas weighs against
Witness: f1831 weighs against
Witness: fMS weighs against


Reading Group: C14A_app351_rg1

Witness: fMS me

Reading Group: C14A_app351_rg2

Witness: f1818 me,
Witness: f1823 me,
Witness: fThomas me,
Witness: f1831 me,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but I have no power of explaining
Witness: f1823 but I have no power of explaining
Witness: fThomas but I have no power of explaining
Witness: f1831 but I have no power of explaining
Witness: fMS but I have no power of explaining


Reading Group: C14A_app353_rg1

Witness: fMS it

Reading Group: C14A_app353_rg2

Witness: f1818 it;
Witness: f1823 it;
Witness: fThomas it;
Witness: f1831 it;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fMS and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 when I have expressed my utter
Witness: f1823 when I have expressed my utter
Witness: fThomas when I have expressed my utter
Witness: f1831 when I have expressed my utter
Witness: fMS when I have expressed my utter


Reading Group: C14A_app356_rg1

Witness: fMS ignorance

Reading Group: C14A_app356_rg2

Witness: f1818 ignorance,
Witness: f1823 ignorance,
Witness: fThomas ignorance,
Witness: f1831 ignorance,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I am only left
Witness: f1823 I am only left
Witness: fThomas I am only left
Witness: f1831 I am only left
Witness: fMS I am only left


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS was any other is to conjecture


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to conjecture concerning the probabilities
Witness: f1823 to conjecture concerning the probabilities
Witness: fThomas to conjecture concerning the probabilities
Witness: f1831 to conjecture concerning the probabilities
Witness: fMS to conjecture concerning the probabilities


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 by which it might have been placed in
Witness: f1823 by which it might have been placed in
Witness: fThomas by which it might have been placed in
Witness: f1831 by which it might have been placed in
Witness: fMS by which it might have been placed in


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my pocket. But
Witness: f1823 my pocket. But
Witness: fThomas my pocket. But
Witness: f1831 my pocket. But
Witness: fMS my pocket. But


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 here also I am
Witness: f1823 here also I am
Witness: fThomas here also I am
Witness: f1831 here also I am
Witness: fMS here also I am


Reading Group: C14A_app364_rg1

Witness: fMS at acheckedstandI

Reading Group: C14A_app364_rg2

Witness: f1818 checked. I
Witness: f1823 checked. I
Witness: fThomas checked. I
Witness: f1831 checked. I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 believe that I
Witness: f1823 believe that I
Witness: fThomas believe that I
Witness: f1831 believe that I
Witness: fMS believe that I


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS have


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 have no enemy on
Witness: f1823 have no enemy on
Witness: fThomas have no enemy on
Witness: f1831 have no enemy on
Witness: fMS have no enemy on


Reading Group: C14A_app368_rg1

Witness: fMS earth who that I know

Reading Group: C14A_app368_rg2

Witness: f1818 earth,
Witness: f1823 earth,
Witness: fThomas earth,
Witness: f1831 earth,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and none surely
Witness: f1823 and none surely
Witness: fThomas and none surely
Witness: f1831 and none surely
Witness: fMS and none surely


Reading Group: C14A_app370_rg1

Witness: fMS who could

Reading Group: C14A_app370_rg2

Witness: f1818 would
Witness: f1823 would
Witness: fThomas would
Witness: f1831 would


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 have
Witness: f1823 have
Witness: fThomas have
Witness: f1831 have
Witness: fMS have


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 been so wicked as
Witness: f1823 been so wicked as
Witness: fThomas been so wicked as
Witness: f1831 been so wicked as
Witness: fMS been so wicked as


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS d


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to destroy me
Witness: f1823 to destroy me
Witness: fThomas to destroy me
Witness: f1831 to destroy me
Witness: fMS to destroy me


Reading Group: C14A_app375_rg1

Witness: fMS so cruelly<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>wantonly.

Reading Group: C14A_app375_rg2

Witness: f1818 wantonly.
Witness: f1823 wantonly.
Witness: fThomas wantonly.
Witness: f1831 wantonly.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Did the murderer place it there? I know
Witness: f1823 Did the murderer place it there? I know
Witness: fThomas Did the murderer place it there? I know
Witness: f1831 Did the murderer place it there? I know
Witness: fMS Did the murderer place it there? I know


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of no opportunity afforded him for so
Witness: f1823 of no opportunity afforded him for so
Witness: fThomas of no opportunity afforded him for so
Witness: f1831 of no opportunity afforded him for so
Witness: fMS of no opportunity afforded him for so


Reading Group: C14A_app378_rg1

Witness: fMS doing

Reading Group: C14A_app378_rg2

Witness: f1818 doing;
Witness: f1823 doing;
Witness: fThomas doing;
Witness: f1831 doing;


Reading Group: C14A_app379_rg1

Witness: f1818 or
Witness: fThomas or
Witness: fMS or

Reading Group: C14A_app379_rg2

Witness: f1823 or,
Witness: f1831 or,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 if I
Witness: f1823 if I
Witness: fThomas if I
Witness: f1831 if I
Witness: fMS if I


Reading Group: C14A_app381_rg1

Witness: fMS had

Reading Group: C14A_app381_rg2

Witness: f1818 had,
Witness: f1823 had,
Witness: fThomas had,
Witness: f1831 had,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 why should he have stolen
Witness: f1823 why should he have stolen
Witness: fThomas why should he have stolen
Witness: f1831 why should he have stolen
Witness: fMS why should he have stolen


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fMS the


Reading Group: C14A_app384_rg1

Witness: fMS jewel

Reading Group: C14A_app384_rg2

Witness: f1818 jewel,
Witness: f1823 jewel,
Witness: fThomas jewel,
Witness: f1831 jewel,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to part with it again so
Witness: f1823 to part with it again so
Witness: fThomas to part with it again so
Witness: f1831 to part with it again so
Witness: fMS to part with it <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>again so


Reading Group: C14A_app386_rg1

Witness: fMS soon again? "I

Reading Group: C14A_app386_rg2

Witness: f1818 soon?<p/><p/>“I
Witness: f1823 soon?<p/><p/>“I
Witness: fThomas soon?<p/><p/>“I
Witness: f1831 soon?<p/><p/>“I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 commit my cause to the justice of
Witness: f1823 commit my cause to the justice of
Witness: fThomas commit my cause to the justice of
Witness: f1831 commit my cause to the justice of
Witness: fMS commit my cause to the justice of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my
Witness: f1823 my
Witness: fThomas my
Witness: f1831 my
Witness: fMS my


Reading Group: C14A_app389_rg1

Witness: fMS judges

Reading Group: C14A_app389_rg2

Witness: f1818 judges,
Witness: f1823 judges,
Witness: fThomas judges,
Witness: f1831 judges,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 yet I see no room for hope. I
Witness: f1823 yet I see no room for hope. I
Witness: fThomas yet I see no room for hope. I
Witness: f1831 yet I see no room for hope. I
Witness: fMS yet I see no room for hope. I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 beg permission to have a few witnesses examined concerning my
Witness: f1823 beg permission to have a few witnesses examined concerning my
Witness: fThomas beg permission to have a few witnesses examined concerning my
Witness: f1831 beg permission to have a few witnesses examined concerning my
Witness: fMS beg permission to have a few witnesses examined concerning my


Reading Group: C14A_app392_rg1

Witness: fMS character

Reading Group: C14A_app392_rg2

Witness: f1818 character;
Witness: f1823 character;
Witness: fThomas character;
Witness: f1831 character;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and if
Witness: f1823 and if
Witness: fThomas and if
Witness: f1831 and if
Witness: fMS and if


Reading Group: C14A_app394_rg1

Witness: f1818 their testimony
Witness: f1823 their testimony
Witness: fThomas their testimony
Witness: f1831 their testimony

Reading Group: C14A_app394_rg2

Witness: fMS thenirtestimony


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 shall not
Witness: f1823 shall not
Witness: fThomas shall not
Witness: f1831 shall not
Witness: fMS shall not


Reading Group: C14A_app396_rg1

Witness: f1818 overweigh my
Witness: f1823 overweigh my
Witness: fThomas overweigh my
Witness: f1831 overweigh my

Reading Group: C14A_app396_rg2

Witness: fMS overweighmy


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 supposed
Witness: f1823 supposed
Witness: fThomas supposed
Witness: f1831 supposed
Witness: fMS supposed


Reading Group: C14A_app398_rg1

Witness: f1818 guilt,
Witness: f1823 guilt,
Witness: fThomas guilt,
Witness: f1831 guilt,

Reading Group: C14A_app398_rg2

Witness: fMS guiltis an apparent


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fMS I


Reading Group: C14A_app400_rg1

Witness: fMS shallmust

Reading Group: C14A_app400_rg2

Witness: f1818 must
Witness: f1823 must
Witness: fThomas must
Witness: f1831 must


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 be
Witness: f1823 be
Witness: fThomas be
Witness: f1831 be
Witness: fMS be


Reading Group: C14A_app402_rg1

Witness: fMS condemned

Reading Group: C14A_app402_rg2

Witness: f1818 condemned,
Witness: f1823 condemned,
Witness: fThomas condemned,
Witness: f1831 condemned,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 although I
Witness: f1823 although I
Witness: fThomas although I
Witness: f1831 although I
Witness: fMS although I


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS p


Reading Group: C14A_app405_rg1

Witness: fThomas would

Reading Group: C14A_app405_rg2

Witness: f1818 would
Witness: f1823 would
Witness: f1831 would
Witness: fMS would


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 pledge
Witness: f1823 pledge
Witness: fThomas pledge
Witness: f1831 pledge
Witness: fMS pledge


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my salvation on my
Witness: f1823 my salvation on my
Witness: fThomas my salvation on my
Witness: f1831 my salvation on my
Witness: fMS my salvation on my


Reading Group: C14A_app408_rg1

Witness: fMS innocence." Several

Reading Group: C14A_app408_rg2

Witness: f1818 innocence.”<p/><p/>Several
Witness: f1823 innocence.”<p/><p/>Several
Witness: fThomas innocence.”<p/><p/>Several
Witness: f1831 innocence.”<p/><p/>Several


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 witnesses were
Witness: f1823 witnesses were
Witness: fThomas witnesses were
Witness: f1831 witnesses were
Witness: fMS witnesses were


Reading Group: C14A_app410_rg1

Witness: fMS called

Reading Group: C14A_app410_rg2

Witness: f1818 called,
Witness: f1823 called,
Witness: fThomas called,
Witness: f1831 called,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 who had
Witness: f1823 who had
Witness: fThomas who had
Witness: f1831 who had
Witness: fMS who had


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 known her for many
Witness: f1823 known her for many
Witness: fThomas known her for many
Witness: f1831 known her for many
Witness: fMS known her for many


Reading Group: C14A_app413_rg1

Witness: fMS years

Reading Group: C14A_app413_rg2

Witness: f1818 years,
Witness: f1823 years,
Witness: fThomas years,
Witness: f1831 years,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and they spoke
Witness: f1823 and they spoke
Witness: fThomas and they spoke
Witness: f1831 and they spoke
Witness: fMS and they spoke


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 well of
Witness: f1823 well of
Witness: fThomas well of
Witness: f1831 well of
Witness: fMS well of


Reading Group: C14A_app416_rg1

Witness: fMS her

Reading Group: C14A_app416_rg2

Witness: f1818 her;
Witness: f1823 her;
Witness: fThomas her;
Witness: f1831 her;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but
Witness: f1823 but
Witness: fThomas but
Witness: f1831 but
Witness: fMS but


Reading Group: C14A_app418_rg1

Witness: fMS fear

Reading Group: C14A_app418_rg2

Witness: f1818 fear,
Witness: f1823 fear,
Witness: fThomas fear,
Witness: f1831 fear,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and hatred of the
Witness: f1823 and hatred of the
Witness: fThomas and hatred of the
Witness: f1831 and hatred of the
Witness: fMS and hatred of the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 crime of which they supposed her
Witness: f1823 crime of which they supposed her
Witness: fThomas crime of which they supposed her
Witness: f1831 crime of which they supposed her
Witness: fMS crime of which they supposed her


Reading Group: C14A_app421_rg1

Witness: fMS guilty

Reading Group: C14A_app421_rg2

Witness: f1818 guilty,
Witness: f1823 guilty,
Witness: fThomas guilty,
Witness: f1831 guilty,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 rendered them
Witness: f1823 rendered them
Witness: fThomas rendered them
Witness: f1831 rendered them
Witness: fMS rendered them


Reading Group: C14A_app423_rg1

Witness: fMS timorous

Reading Group: C14A_app423_rg2

Witness: f1818 timorous,
Witness: f1823 timorous,
Witness: fThomas timorous,
Witness: f1831 timorous,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and unwilling
Witness: f1823 and unwilling
Witness: fThomas and unwilling
Witness: f1831 and unwilling
Witness: fMS and unwilling


Reading Group: C14A_app425_rg1

Witness: fMS to speak<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>come forward.

Reading Group: C14A_app425_rg2

Witness: f1818 to come forward.
Witness: f1823 to come forward.
Witness: fThomas to come forward.
Witness: f1831 to come forward.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Elizabeth saw even this last
Witness: f1823 Elizabeth saw even this last
Witness: fThomas Elizabeth saw even this last
Witness: f1831 Elizabeth saw even this last
Witness: fMS Elizabeth saw even this last


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 resource, her excellent
Witness: f1823 resource, her excellent
Witness: fThomas resource, her excellent
Witness: f1831 resource, her excellent
Witness: fMS resource, her excellent


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS and irreproachable


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 dispositions and
Witness: f1823 dispositions and
Witness: fThomas dispositions and
Witness: f1831 dispositions and
Witness: fMS dispositions &


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 irreproachable
Witness: f1823 irreproachable
Witness: fThomas irreproachable
Witness: f1831 irreproachable


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 conduct, about to fail the accused,
Witness: f1823 conduct, about to fail the accused,
Witness: fThomas conduct, about to fail the accused,
Witness: f1831 conduct, about to fail the accused,
Witness: fMS conduct, about to fail the accused,


Reading Group: C14A_app432_rg1

Witness: fMS when

Reading Group: C14A_app432_rg2

Witness: f1818 when,
Witness: f1823 when,
Witness: fThomas when,
Witness: f1831 when,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 although
Witness: f1823 although
Witness: fThomas although
Witness: f1831 although
Witness: fMS although


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS uncalled


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 violently
Witness: f1823 violently
Witness: fThomas violently
Witness: f1831 violently
Witness: fMS violently


Reading Group: C14A_app436_rg1

Witness: fMS agitated

Reading Group: C14A_app436_rg2

Witness: f1818 agitated,
Witness: f1823 agitated,
Witness: fThomas agitated,
Witness: f1831 agitated,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 she desired permission to
Witness: f1823 she desired permission to
Witness: fThomas she desired permission to
Witness: f1831 she desired permission to
Witness: fMS she desired permission to


Reading Group: C14A_app438_rg1

Witness: f1818 address the court.<p/><p/>“I am,”
Witness: f1823 address the court.<p/><p/>“I am,”
Witness: fThomas address the court.<p/><p/>“I am,”
Witness: f1831 address the court.<p/><p/>“I am,”

Reading Group: C14A_app438_rg2

Witness: fMS speak. "I am"


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 said
Witness: f1823 said
Witness: fThomas said
Witness: f1831 said
Witness: fMS said


Reading Group: C14A_app440_rg1

Witness: fMS she

Reading Group: C14A_app440_rg2

Witness: f1818 she,
Witness: f1823 she,
Witness: fThomas she,
Witness: f1831 she,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 “the cousin of the unhappy
Witness: f1823 “the cousin of the unhappy
Witness: fThomas “the cousin of the unhappy
Witness: f1831 “the cousin of the unhappy
Witness: fMS "the cousin of the unhappy


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 child who was
Witness: f1823 child who was
Witness: fThomas child who was
Witness: f1831 child who was
Witness: fMS child who was


Reading Group: C14A_app443_rg1

Witness: fMS murdered

Reading Group: C14A_app443_rg2

Witness: f1818 murdered,
Witness: f1823 murdered,
Witness: fThomas murdered,
Witness: f1831 murdered,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 or rather his
Witness: f1823 or rather his
Witness: fThomas or rather his
Witness: f1831 or rather his
Witness: fMS or rather his


Reading Group: C14A_app445_rg1

Witness: fMS sister

Reading Group: C14A_app445_rg2

Witness: f1818 sister,
Witness: f1823 sister,
Witness: fThomas sister,
Witness: f1831 sister,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 for I was educated
Witness: f1823 for I was educated
Witness: fThomas for I was educated
Witness: f1831 for I was educated
Witness: fMS for I was educated


Reading Group: C14A_app447_rg1

Witness: f1818 by
Witness: fThomas by
Witness: fMS <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>by

Reading Group: C14A_app447_rg2

Witness: f1823 by,
Witness: f1831 by,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fMS and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 have
Witness: f1823 have
Witness: fThomas have
Witness: f1831 have


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 lived
Witness: f1823 lived
Witness: fThomas lived
Witness: f1831 lived
Witness: fMS lived


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 with his parents
Witness: f1823 with his parents
Witness: fThomas with his parents
Witness: f1831 with his parents
Witness: fMS with his parents


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS s


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 ever
Witness: f1823 ever
Witness: fThomas ever
Witness: f1831 ever
Witness: fMS ever


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS sin


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 since and
Witness: f1823 since and
Witness: fThomas since and
Witness: f1831 since and
Witness: fMS since and


Reading Group: C14A_app456_rg1

Witness: fMS

Reading Group: C14A_app456_rg2

Witness: f1818 even
Witness: f1823 even
Witness: fThomas even
Witness: f1831 even


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 long
Witness: f1823 long
Witness: fThomas long
Witness: f1831 long
Witness: fMS long


Reading Group: C14A_app458_rg1

Witness: f1818 before
Witness: f1823 before
Witness: fThomas before
Witness: fMS before

Reading Group: C14A_app458_rg2

Witness: f1831 before,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 his
Witness: f1823 his
Witness: fThomas his
Witness: f1831 his
Witness: fMS his


Reading Group: C14A_app460_rg1

Witness: f1818 birth.
Witness: f1823 birth.
Witness: fThomas birth.
Witness: f1831 birth.

Reading Group: C14A_app460_rg2

Witness: fMS birth;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 It may therefore
Witness: f1823 It may therefore
Witness: fThomas It may therefore
Witness: f1831 It may therefore
Witness: fMS it may therefore


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 be judged indecent in me to come
Witness: f1823 be judged indecent in me to come
Witness: fThomas be judged indecent in me to come
Witness: f1831 be judged indecent in me to come
Witness: fMS be judged indecent in me to come


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 forward on this
Witness: f1823 forward on this
Witness: fThomas forward on this
Witness: f1831 forward on this
Witness: fMS forward on this


Reading Group: C14A_app464_rg1

Witness: fMS occasion

Reading Group: C14A_app464_rg2

Witness: f1818 occasion;
Witness: f1823 occasion;
Witness: fThomas occasion;
Witness: f1831 occasion;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but when
Witness: f1823 but when
Witness: fThomas but when
Witness: f1831 but when
Witness: fMS but when


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I see a
Witness: f1823 I see a
Witness: fThomas I see a
Witness: f1831 I see a
Witness: fMS I see a


Reading Group: C14A_app467_rg1

Witness: fMS fellow creature

Reading Group: C14A_app467_rg2

Witness: f1818 fellow-creature
Witness: f1823 fellow-creature
Witness: fThomas fellow-creature
Witness: f1831 fellow-creature


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 about to perish
Witness: f1823 about to perish
Witness: fThomas about to perish
Witness: f1831 about to perish
Witness: fMS about to perish


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 through the cowardice of her pretended
Witness: f1823 through the cowardice of her pretended
Witness: fThomas through the cowardice of her pretended
Witness: f1831 through the cowardice of her pretended
Witness: fMS through the cowardice of her pretended


Reading Group: C14A_app470_rg1

Witness: fMS friends

Reading Group: C14A_app470_rg2

Witness: f1818 friends,
Witness: f1823 friends,
Witness: fThomas friends,
Witness: f1831 friends,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I wish to be allowed to
Witness: f1823 I wish to be allowed to
Witness: fThomas I wish to be allowed to
Witness: f1831 I wish to be allowed to
Witness: fMS I wish to be allowed to


Reading Group: C14A_app472_rg1

Witness: fMS speak

Reading Group: C14A_app472_rg2

Witness: f1818 speak,
Witness: f1823 speak,
Witness: fThomas speak,
Witness: f1831 speak,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that
Witness: f1823 that
Witness: fThomas that
Witness: f1831 that
Witness: fMS that


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I may say what I know of her character.
Witness: f1823 I may say what I know of her character.
Witness: fThomas I may say what I know of her character.
Witness: f1831 I may say what I know of her character.
Witness: fMS I may say what I know of her character.


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fMS I


Reading Group: C14A_app477_rg1

Witness: fMS know a great deal<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>am

Reading Group: C14A_app477_rg2

Witness: f1818 am
Witness: f1823 am
Witness: fThomas am
Witness: f1831 am


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 well acquainted with
Witness: f1823 well acquainted with
Witness: fThomas well acquainted with
Witness: f1831 well acquainted with
Witness: fMS well acquainted with


Reading Group: C14A_app479_rg1

Witness: fMS it.for

Reading Group: C14A_app479_rg2

Witness: f1818 the accused.
Witness: f1823 the accused.
Witness: fThomas the accused.
Witness: f1831 the accused.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I have
Witness: f1823 I have
Witness: fThomas I have
Witness: f1831 I have
Witness: fMS I have


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 lived in the same house with
Witness: f1823 lived in the same house with
Witness: fThomas lived in the same house with
Witness: f1831 lived in the same house with
Witness: fMS lived in the same house with


Reading Group: C14A_app482_rg1

Witness: fMS her

Reading Group: C14A_app482_rg2

Witness: f1818 her,
Witness: f1823 her,
Witness: fThomas her,
Witness: f1831 her,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 at
Witness: f1823 at
Witness: fThomas at
Witness: f1831 at
Witness: fMS at


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 one time for
Witness: f1823 one time for
Witness: fThomas one time for
Witness: f1831 one time for
Witness: fMS one time for


Reading Group: C14A_app485_rg1

Witness: fMS five

Reading Group: C14A_app485_rg2

Witness: f1818 five,
Witness: f1823 five,
Witness: fThomas five,
Witness: f1831 five,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fMS and


Reading Group: C14A_app487_rg1

Witness: fMS afterwards

Reading Group: C14A_app487_rg2

Witness: f1818 at another
Witness: f1823 at another
Witness: fThomas at another
Witness: f1831 at another


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 for
Witness: f1823 for
Witness: fThomas for
Witness: f1831 for
Witness: fMS for


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 nearly two years. During all that
Witness: f1823 nearly two years. During all that
Witness: fThomas nearly two years. During all that
Witness: f1831 nearly two years. During all that
Witness: fMS nearly two years. During all that


Reading Group: C14A_app490_rg1

Witness: fMS time<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>period

Reading Group: C14A_app490_rg2

Witness: f1818 period
Witness: f1823 period
Witness: fThomas period
Witness: f1831 period


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 she
Witness: f1823 she
Witness: fThomas she
Witness: f1831 she
Witness: fMS she


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS <del rend="strikethrough" sID="c56-0097__main__d2e20993"/><del/>


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 appeared to me
Witness: f1823 appeared to me
Witness: fThomas appeared to me
Witness: f1831 appeared to me
Witness: fMS appeared to me


Reading Group: C14A_app494_rg1

Witness: fMS a

Reading Group: C14A_app494_rg2

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: f1831 the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 most amiable
Witness: f1823 most amiable
Witness: fThomas most amiable
Witness: f1831 most amiable
Witness: fMS most amiable


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and benevolent
Witness: f1823 and benevolent
Witness: fThomas and benevolent
Witness: f1831 and benevolent
Witness: fMS and benevolent


Reading Group: C14A_app497_rg1

Witness: fMS creature.

Reading Group: C14A_app497_rg2

Witness: f1818 of human creatures.
Witness: f1823 of human creatures.
Witness: fThomas of human creatures.
Witness: f1831 of human creatures.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 She
Witness: f1823 She
Witness: fThomas She
Witness: f1831 She
Witness: fMS She


Reading Group: C14A_app499_rg1

Witness: f1818 nursed Madame Frankenstein,
Witness: f1823 nursed Madame Frankenstein,
Witness: fThomas nursed Madame Frankenstein,
Witness: f1831 nursed Madame Frankenstein,

Reading Group: C14A_app499_rg2

Witness: fMS nurst


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my
Witness: f1823 my
Witness: fThomas my
Witness: f1831 my
Witness: fMS my


Reading Group: C14A_app501_rg1

Witness: fMS aunt

Reading Group: C14A_app501_rg2

Witness: f1818 aunt,
Witness: f1823 aunt,
Witness: fThomas aunt,
Witness: f1831 aunt,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in her last
Witness: f1823 in her last
Witness: fThomas in her last
Witness: f1831 in her last
Witness: fMS in her last


Reading Group: C14A_app503_rg1

Witness: f1818 illness
Witness: fThomas illness
Witness: fMS illness

Reading Group: C14A_app503_rg2

Witness: f1823 illness,
Witness: f1831 illness,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 with the
Witness: f1823 with the
Witness: fThomas with the
Witness: f1831 with the
Witness: fMS with the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 greatest affection and
Witness: f1823 greatest affection and
Witness: fThomas greatest affection and
Witness: f1831 greatest affection and
Witness: fMS greatest affection and


Reading Group: C14A_app506_rg1

Witness: fMS care

Reading Group: C14A_app506_rg2

Witness: f1818 care;
Witness: f1823 care;
Witness: fThomas care;
Witness: f1831 care;


Reading Group: C14A_app507_rg1

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fMS and

Reading Group: C14A_app507_rg2

Witness: f1823 andafterwards


Reading Group: C14A_app508_rg1

Witness: fMS after terwards

Reading Group: C14A_app508_rg2

Witness: f1818 afterwards
Witness: fThomas afterwards
Witness: f1831 afterwards


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 attended her own mother during a
Witness: f1823 attended her own mother during a
Witness: fThomas attended her own mother during a
Witness: f1831 attended her own mother during a
Witness: fMS attended her <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>own mother during a


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS long &


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 tedious
Witness: f1823 tedious
Witness: fThomas tedious
Witness: f1831 tedious
Witness: fMS tedious


Reading Group: C14A_app512_rg1

Witness: fMS illness w

Reading Group: C14A_app512_rg2

Witness: f1818 illness,
Witness: f1823 illness,
Witness: fThomas illness,
Witness: f1831 illness,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in a manner
Witness: f1823 in a manner
Witness: fThomas in a manner
Witness: f1831 in a manner
Witness: fMS in a manner


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that excited the admiration of all
Witness: f1823 that excited the admiration of all
Witness: fThomas that excited the admiration of all
Witness: f1831 that excited the admiration of all
Witness: fMS that excited the admiration of all


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 who knew
Witness: f1823 who knew
Witness: fThomas who knew
Witness: f1831 who knew
Witness: fMS who knew


Reading Group: C14A_app516_rg1

Witness: f1818 her.
Witness: f1823 her.
Witness: fThomas her.
Witness: fMS her.

Reading Group: C14A_app516_rg2

Witness: f1831 her;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 After which she again
Witness: f1823 After which she again
Witness: fThomas After which she again
Witness: f1831 after which she again
Witness: fMS After which she again


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 lived in my
Witness: f1823 lived in my
Witness: fThomas lived in my
Witness: f1831 lived in my
Witness: fMS lived in my


Reading Group: C14A_app519_rg1

Witness: fMS uncle's house

Reading Group: C14A_app519_rg2

Witness: f1818 uncle’s house,
Witness: f1823 uncle’s house,
Witness: fThomas uncle’s house,
Witness: f1831 uncle’s house,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 where she
Witness: f1823 where she
Witness: fThomas where she
Witness: f1831 where she
Witness: fMS where she


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was
Witness: f1823 was
Witness: fThomas was
Witness: f1831 was
Witness: fMS was


Reading Group: C14A_app522_rg1

Witness: fMS always a favourite<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>beloved

Reading Group: C14A_app522_rg2

Witness: f1818 beloved
Witness: f1823 beloved
Witness: fThomas beloved
Witness: f1831 beloved


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 by all the family.
Witness: f1823 by all the family.
Witness: fThomas by all the family.
Witness: f1831 by all the family.
Witness: fMS by all the family.


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS Of the deceased


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 She was
Witness: f1823 She was
Witness: fThomas She was
Witness: f1831 She was
Witness: fMS she was


Reading Group: C14A_app526_rg1

Witness: fMS veryfond<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>warmly

Reading Group: C14A_app526_rg2

Witness: f1818 warmly
Witness: f1823 warmly
Witness: fThomas warmly
Witness: f1831 warmly


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 attached to
Witness: f1823 attached to
Witness: fThomas attached to
Witness: f1831 attached to
Witness: fMS attached to


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the child who
Witness: f1823 the child who
Witness: fThomas the child who
Witness: f1831 the child who
Witness: fMS of the child who


Reading Group: C14A_app529_rg1

Witness: fMS of has been murdered

Reading Group: C14A_app529_rg2

Witness: f1818 is now dead,
Witness: f1823 is now dead,
Witness: fThomas is now dead,
Witness: f1831 is now dead,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and acted towards him
Witness: f1823 and acted towards him
Witness: fThomas and acted towards him
Witness: f1831 and acted towards him
Witness: fMS of and acted towards him


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS of in


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 like a most affectionate mother. For my own
Witness: f1823 like a most affectionate mother. For my own
Witness: fThomas like a most affectionate mother. For my own
Witness: f1831 like a most affectionate mother. For my own
Witness: fMS of like a most affectionate Mother. for my own


Reading Group: C14A_app533_rg1

Witness: fMS of part

Reading Group: C14A_app533_rg2

Witness: f1818 part,
Witness: f1823 part,
Witness: fThomas part,
Witness: f1831 part,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I do not hesitate to
Witness: f1823 I do not hesitate to
Witness: fThomas I do not hesitate to
Witness: f1831 I do not hesitate to
Witness: fMS of I do not hesitate to


Reading Group: C14A_app535_rg1

Witness: fMS of say that not withstanding

Reading Group: C14A_app535_rg2

Witness: f1818 say, that, notwithstanding
Witness: f1823 say, that, notwithstanding
Witness: fThomas say, that, notwithstanding
Witness: f1831 say, that, notwithstanding


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 all the
Witness: f1823 all the
Witness: fThomas all the
Witness: f1831 all the
Witness: fMS of <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>all the


Reading Group: C14A_app537_rg1

Witness: f1818 evidence produced
Witness: f1823 evidence produced
Witness: fThomas evidence produced
Witness: f1831 evidence produced

Reading Group: C14A_app537_rg2

Witness: fMS of evidenceproduced


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 against
Witness: f1823 against
Witness: fThomas against
Witness: f1831 against
Witness: fMS of against


Reading Group: C14A_app539_rg1

Witness: fMS of her

Reading Group: C14A_app539_rg2

Witness: f1818 her,
Witness: f1823 her,
Witness: fThomas her,
Witness: f1831 her,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I believe and rely on
Witness: f1823 I believe and rely on
Witness: fThomas I believe and rely on
Witness: f1831 I believe and rely on
Witness: fMS of I believe and rely ion


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 her perfect innocence.
Witness: f1823 her perfect innocence.
Witness: fThomas her perfect innocence.
Witness: f1831 her perfect innocence.
Witness: fMS her perfect innocence.


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS An


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 She had
Witness: f1823 She had
Witness: fThomas She had
Witness: f1831 She had
Witness: fMS She had


Reading Group: C14A_app544_rg1

Witness: fMS not

Reading Group: C14A_app544_rg2

Witness: f1818 no
Witness: f1823 no
Witness: fThomas no
Witness: f1831 no


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 temptation
Witness: f1823 temptation
Witness: fThomas temptation
Witness: f1831 temptation
Witness: fMS temptation


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS and her dispo characterwhi


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 for such an
Witness: f1823 for such an
Witness: fThomas for such an
Witness: f1831 for such an
Witness: fMS for such an


Reading Group: C14A_app548_rg1

Witness: f1818 action:
Witness: f1823 action:
Witness: fThomas action:
Witness: f1831 action:

Reading Group: C14A_app548_rg2

Witness: fMS actionis amiablefor


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 as to the bauble on which
Witness: f1823 as to the bauble on which
Witness: fThomas as to the bauble on which
Witness: f1831 as to the bauble on which
Witness: fMS as to the bauble on which


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the chief proof
Witness: f1823 the chief proof
Witness: fThomas the chief proof
Witness: f1831 the chief proof
Witness: fMS the chief proof


Reading Group: C14A_app551_rg1

Witness: fMS rests IfsI<mdel/>

Reading Group: C14A_app551_rg2

Witness: f1818 rests,
Witness: f1823 rests,
Witness: fThomas rests,
Witness: f1831 rests,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 if
Witness: f1823 if
Witness: fThomas if
Witness: f1831 if
Witness: fMS if


Reading Group: C14A_app553_rg1

Witness: fMS <shi rend="underline">s</shi>he

Reading Group: C14A_app553_rg2

Witness: f1818 she
Witness: f1823 she
Witness: fThomas she
Witness: f1831 she


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 had
Witness: f1823 had
Witness: fThomas had
Witness: f1831 had
Witness: fMS had


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 earnestly
Witness: f1823 earnestly
Witness: fThomas earnestly
Witness: f1831 earnestly
Witness: fMS earnestly


Reading Group: C14A_app556_rg1

Witness: f1818 desired it,
Witness: f1823 desired it,
Witness: fThomas desired it,
Witness: f1831 desired it,

Reading Group: C14A_app556_rg2

Witness: fMS wished for it


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I should have
Witness: f1823 I should have
Witness: fThomas I should have
Witness: f1831 I should have
Witness: fMS I should have


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 willingly given it
Witness: f1823 willingly given it
Witness: fThomas willingly given it
Witness: f1831 willingly given it
Witness: fMS willingly given it


Reading Group: C14A_app559_rg1

Witness: fMS her

Reading Group: C14A_app559_rg2

Witness: f1818 to her;
Witness: f1823 to her;
Witness: fThomas to her;
Witness: f1831 to her;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 so much
Witness: f1823 so much
Witness: fThomas so much
Witness: f1831 so much
Witness: fMS so much


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS did


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 do
Witness: f1823 do
Witness: fThomas do
Witness: f1831 do
Witness: fMS do


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS I rely


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I esteem and value
Witness: f1823 I esteem and value
Witness: fThomas I esteem and value
Witness: f1831 I esteem and value
Witness: fMS I esteem and value


Reading Group: C14A_app565_rg1

Witness: fMS her." Excellent

Reading Group: C14A_app565_rg2

Witness: f1831 her.”<p/><p/>A

Reading Group: C14A_app565_rg3

Witness: f1818 her.”<p/><p/>Excellent
Witness: f1823 her.”<p/><p/>Excellent
Witness: fThomas her.”<p/><p/>Excellent


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Elizabeth! A
Witness: f1823 Elizabeth! A
Witness: fThomas Elizabeth! A
Witness: fMS Elizabeth! A


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 murmur
Witness: f1823 murmur
Witness: fThomas murmur
Witness: f1831 murmur
Witness: fMS murmur


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of approbation
Witness: f1823 of approbation
Witness: fThomas of approbation
Witness: f1831 of approbation
Witness: fMS of approbation


Reading Group: C14A_app569_rg1

Witness: fMS o

Reading Group: C14A_app569_rg2

Witness: f1831 followed Elizabeth’s simple and powerful appeal;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was
Witness: f1823 was
Witness: fThomas was
Witness: fMS was


Reading Group: C14A_app571_rg1

Witness: fMS heard,

Reading Group: C14A_app571_rg2

Witness: f1818 heard;
Witness: f1823 heard;
Witness: fThomas heard;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but it
Witness: f1823 but it
Witness: fThomas but it
Witness: f1831 but it
Witness: fMS but it


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was
Witness: f1823 was
Witness: fThomas was
Witness: f1831 was
Witness: fMS was


Reading Group: C14A_app574_rg1

Witness: fMS on her account<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>excited

Reading Group: C14A_app574_rg2

Witness: f1818 excited
Witness: f1823 excited
Witness: fThomas excited
Witness: f1831 excited


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 by her generous
Witness: f1823 by her generous
Witness: fThomas by her generous
Witness: f1831 by her generous
Witness: fMS by her generous


Reading Group: C14A_app576_rg1

Witness: f1818 interference, and
Witness: f1823 interference, and
Witness: fThomas interference, and
Witness: f1831 interference, and

Reading Group: C14A_app576_rg2

Witness: fMS interference&


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 not in favour
Witness: f1823 not in favour
Witness: fThomas not in favour
Witness: f1831 not in favour
Witness: fMS not in favour


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of poor
Witness: f1823 of poor
Witness: fThomas of poor
Witness: f1831 of poor
Witness: fMS of poor


Reading Group: C14A_app579_rg1

Witness: fMS Justine

Reading Group: C14A_app579_rg2

Witness: f1818 Justine,
Witness: f1823 Justine,
Witness: fThomas Justine,
Witness: f1831 Justine,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 on whom the public
Witness: f1823 on whom the public
Witness: fThomas on whom the public
Witness: f1831 on whom the public
Witness: fMS on whom the public


Reading Group: C14A_app581_rg1

Witness: fMS ig indignationwas

Reading Group: C14A_app581_rg2

Witness: f1818 indignation was
Witness: f1823 indignation was
Witness: fThomas indignation was
Witness: f1831 indignation was


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 turned with renewed
Witness: f1823 turned with renewed
Witness: fThomas turned with renewed
Witness: f1831 turned with renewed
Witness: fMS turned with renewed


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 violence, charging
Witness: f1823 violence, charging
Witness: fThomas violence, charging
Witness: f1831 violence, charging
Witness: fMS violence, charging


Reading Group: C14A_app584_rg1

Witness: f1818 her with
Witness: f1823 her with
Witness: fThomas her with
Witness: f1831 her with

Reading Group: C14A_app584_rg2

Witness: fMS herwith


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the blackest
Witness: f1823 the blackest
Witness: fThomas the blackest
Witness: f1831 the blackest
Witness: fMS the blackest


Reading Group: C14A_app586_rg1

Witness: fMS in- gratitude. For

Reading Group: C14A_app586_rg2

Witness: f1818 ingratitude.
Witness: f1823 ingratitude.
Witness: fThomas ingratitude.
Witness: f1831 ingratitude.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 She herself wept as
Witness: f1823 She herself wept as
Witness: fThomas She herself wept as
Witness: f1831 She herself wept as
Witness: fMS She herself wept as


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Elizabeth
Witness: f1823 Elizabeth
Witness: fThomas Elizabeth
Witness: f1831 Elizabeth
Witness: fMS Elizabeth


Reading Group: C14A_app589_rg1

Witness: fMS spoke

Reading Group: C14A_app589_rg2

Witness: f1818 spoke,
Witness: f1823 spoke,
Witness: fThomas spoke,
Witness: f1831 spoke,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but she did not
Witness: f1823 but she did not
Witness: fThomas but she did not
Witness: f1831 but she did not
Witness: fMS but she did not


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 answer. My own
Witness: f1823 answer. My own
Witness: fThomas answer. My own
Witness: f1831 answer. My own
Witness: fMS answer. My own


Reading Group: C14A_app592_rg1

Witness: f1818 agitation and
Witness: f1823 agitation and
Witness: fThomas agitation and
Witness: f1831 agitation and

Reading Group: C14A_app592_rg2

Witness: fMS agitation<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>&


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 anguish was extreme
Witness: f1823 anguish was extreme
Witness: fThomas anguish was extreme
Witness: f1831 anguish was extreme
Witness: fMS anguish was extreme


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS wh


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 during the whole
Witness: f1823 during the whole
Witness: fThomas during the whole
Witness: f1831 during the whole
Witness: fMS during the whole


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS of the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 trial.
Witness: f1823 trial.
Witness: fThomas trial.
Witness: f1831 trial.
Witness: fMS trial.


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS The picture was


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I believed in her
Witness: f1823 I believed in her
Witness: fThomas I believed in her
Witness: f1831 I believed in her
Witness: fMS I believed in her


Reading Group: C14A_app600_rg1

Witness: fMS innocence

Reading Group: C14A_app600_rg2

Witness: f1818 innocence;
Witness: f1823 innocence;
Witness: fThomas innocence;
Witness: f1831 innocence;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I knew it. Could the
Witness: f1823 I knew it. Could the
Witness: fThomas I knew it. Could the
Witness: f1831 I knew it. Could the
Witness: fMS I knew it. Could the


Reading Group: C14A_app602_rg1

Witness: f1818 dæmon,
Witness: f1823 dæmon,
Witness: fThomas dæmon,
Witness: f1831 dæmon,

Reading Group: C14A_app602_rg2

Witness: fMS monster


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 who had (I did not for a minute
Witness: f1823 who had (I did not for a minute
Witness: fThomas who had (I did not for a minute
Witness: f1831 who had (I did not for a minute
Witness: fMS who had (I did not for a minute


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 doubt) murdered my brother,
Witness: f1823 doubt) murdered my brother,
Witness: fThomas doubt) murdered my brother,
Witness: f1831 doubt) murdered my brother,
Witness: fMS doubt) murdered my brother,


Reading Group: C14A_app605_rg1

Witness: fMS alo

Reading Group: C14A_app605_rg2

Witness: f1818 also
Witness: f1823 also
Witness: fThomas also
Witness: f1831 also


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in
Witness: f1823 in
Witness: fThomas in
Witness: f1831 in
Witness: fMS in


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 his hellish
Witness: f1823 his hellish
Witness: fThomas his hellish
Witness: f1831 his hellish
Witness: fMS his hellish


Reading Group: C14A_app608_rg1

Witness: f1818 sport have
Witness: f1823 sport have
Witness: fThomas sport have
Witness: f1831 sport have

Reading Group: C14A_app608_rg2

Witness: fMS sporthave


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 betrayed the innocent to death and
Witness: f1823 betrayed the innocent to death and
Witness: fThomas betrayed the innocent to death and
Witness: f1831 betrayed the innocent to death and
Witness: fMS betrayed the innocent to death and


Reading Group: C14A_app610_rg1

Witness: f1818 ignominy.
Witness: f1823 ignominy.
Witness: fThomas ignominy.
Witness: fMS ignominy.

Reading Group: C14A_app610_rg2

Witness: f1831 ignominy?


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I could
Witness: f1823 I could
Witness: fThomas I could
Witness: f1831 I could
Witness: fMS I could


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 not sustain the horror of my
Witness: f1823 not sustain the horror of my
Witness: fThomas not sustain the horror of my
Witness: f1831 not sustain the horror of my
Witness: fMS not sustain the horror of my


Reading Group: C14A_app613_rg1

Witness: fMS situa tion

Reading Group: C14A_app613_rg2

Witness: f1818 situation;
Witness: f1823 situation;
Witness: fThomas situation;
Witness: f1831 situation;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and when I
Witness: f1823 and when I
Witness: fThomas and when I
Witness: f1831 and when I
Witness: fMS and when I


Reading Group: C14A_app615_rg1

Witness: f1818 perceived
Witness: f1823 perceived
Witness: fThomas perceived
Witness: f1831 perceived

Reading Group: C14A_app615_rg2

Witness: fMS saw


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that the popular
Witness: f1823 that the popular
Witness: fThomas that the popular
Witness: f1831 that the popular
Witness: fMS that the popular


Reading Group: C14A_app617_rg1

Witness: fMS voice

Reading Group: C14A_app617_rg2

Witness: f1818 voice,
Witness: f1823 voice,
Witness: fThomas voice,
Witness: f1831 voice,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and the
Witness: f1823 and the
Witness: fThomas and the
Witness: f1831 and the
Witness: fMS and the


Reading Group: C14A_app619_rg1

Witness: fMS countenance

Reading Group: C14A_app619_rg2

Witness: f1818 countenances
Witness: f1823 countenances
Witness: fThomas countenances
Witness: f1831 countenances


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of the
Witness: f1823 of the
Witness: fThomas of the
Witness: f1831 of the
Witness: fMS of the


Reading Group: C14A_app621_rg1

Witness: fMS Judges

Reading Group: C14A_app621_rg2

Witness: f1818 judges,
Witness: f1823 judges,
Witness: fThomas judges,
Witness: f1831 judges,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 had already condemned
Witness: f1823 had already condemned
Witness: fThomas had already condemned
Witness: f1831 had already condemned
Witness: fMS had already condemned


Reading Group: C14A_app623_rg1

Witness: f1818 my
Witness: f1823 my
Witness: fThomas my
Witness: f1831 my

Reading Group: C14A_app623_rg2

Witness: fMS <metamark function="displacement" xml:id="c56-0099.01">X</metamark>the accused<metamark function="displacement">X</metamark>my


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 unhappy
Witness: f1823 unhappy
Witness: fThomas unhappy
Witness: f1831 unhappy
Witness: fMS unhappy


Reading Group: C14A_app625_rg1

Witness: f1818 victim,
Witness: f1823 victim,
Witness: fThomas victim,
Witness: f1831 victim,

Reading Group: C14A_app625_rg2

Witness: fMS victimher


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I rushed out of the court in agony. The
Witness: f1823 I rushed out of the court in agony. The
Witness: fThomas I rushed out of the court in agony. The
Witness: f1831 I rushed out of the court in agony. The
Witness: fMS I rushed out of the court in agony. The


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 tortures of the accused did not equal
Witness: f1823 tortures of the accused did not equal
Witness: fThomas tortures of the accused did not equal
Witness: f1831 tortures of the accused did not equal
Witness: fMS tortures of the accused did not equal


Reading Group: C14A_app628_rg1

Witness: fMS mine

Reading Group: C14A_app628_rg2

Witness: f1818 mine;
Witness: f1823 mine;
Witness: fThomas mine;
Witness: f1831 mine;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 she was sustained by
Witness: f1823 she was sustained by
Witness: fThomas she was sustained by
Witness: f1831 she was sustained by
Witness: fMS she was sustained by


Reading Group: C14A_app630_rg1

Witness: fMS innocence

Reading Group: C14A_app630_rg2

Witness: f1818 innocence,
Witness: f1823 innocence,
Witness: fThomas innocence,
Witness: f1831 innocence,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but the fangs of remorse tore my
Witness: f1823 but the fangs of remorse tore my
Witness: fThomas but the fangs of remorse tore my
Witness: f1831 but the fangs of remorse tore my
Witness: fMS but the fangs of remorse tore my


Reading Group: C14A_app632_rg1

Witness: f1818 bosom, and would not forego their hold.<p/><p/>I
Witness: f1823 bosom, and would not forego their hold.<p/><p/>I
Witness: fThomas bosom, and would not forego their hold.<p/><p/>I
Witness: f1831 bosom, and would not forego their hold.<p/><p/>I

Reading Group: C14A_app632_rg2

Witness: fMS bosom– I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 passed a night of unmingled wretchedness. In the morning I went to the
Witness: f1823 passed a night of unmingled wretchedness. In the morning I went to the
Witness: fThomas passed a night of unmingled wretchedness. In the morning I went to the
Witness: f1831 passed a night of unmingled wretchedness. In the morning I went to the
Witness: fMS passed a night of unmingled wretchedness. In the morning I went to the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 court; my lips and throat were
Witness: f1823 court; my lips and throat were
Witness: fThomas court; my lips and throat were
Witness: f1831 court; my lips and throat were
Witness: fMS court; my lips and throat were


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 parched. I dared not ask the fatal
Witness: f1823 parched. I dared not ask the fatal
Witness: fThomas parched. I dared not ask the fatal
Witness: f1831 parched. I dared not ask the fatal
Witness: fMS parched. I dared not ask the fatal


Reading Group: C14A_app636_rg1

Witness: fMS question –

Reading Group: C14A_app636_rg2

Witness: f1818 question;
Witness: f1823 question;
Witness: fThomas question;
Witness: f1831 question;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but I was
Witness: f1823 but I was
Witness: fThomas but I was
Witness: f1831 but I was
Witness: fMS but I was


Reading Group: C14A_app638_rg1

Witness: fMS known

Reading Group: C14A_app638_rg2

Witness: f1818 known,
Witness: f1823 known,
Witness: fThomas known,
Witness: f1831 known,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and the
Witness: f1823 and the
Witness: fThomas and the
Witness: f1831 and the
Witness: fMS and the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 officer guessed
Witness: f1823 officer guessed
Witness: fThomas officer guessed
Witness: f1831 officer guessed
Witness: fMS officer guessed


Reading Group: C14A_app641_rg1

Witness: fMS what I came to en-<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>the

Reading Group: C14A_app641_rg2

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: f1831 the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 cause of my
Witness: f1823 cause of my
Witness: fThomas cause of my
Witness: f1831 cause of my
Witness: fMS cause of my


Reading Group: C14A_app643_rg1

Witness: f1818 visit.
Witness: f1823 visit.
Witness: fThomas visit.
Witness: f1831 visit.

Reading Group: C14A_app643_rg2

Witness: fMS visitquire;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 The ballots had been
Witness: f1823 The ballots had been
Witness: fThomas The ballots had been
Witness: f1831 The ballots had been
Witness: fMS the ballots had been


Reading Group: C14A_app645_rg1

Witness: fMS thrown

Reading Group: C14A_app645_rg2

Witness: f1818 thrown;
Witness: f1823 thrown;
Witness: fThomas thrown;
Witness: f1831 thrown;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 they were all
Witness: f1823 they were all
Witness: fThomas they were all
Witness: f1831 they were all
Witness: fMS they were all


Reading Group: C14A_app647_rg1

Witness: fMS blak<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>black&

Reading Group: C14A_app647_rg2

Witness: f1818 black, and
Witness: f1823 black, and
Witness: fThomas black, and
Witness: f1831 black, and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Justine was
Witness: f1823 Justine was
Witness: fThomas Justine was
Witness: f1831 Justine was
Witness: fMS Justine was


Reading Group: C14A_app649_rg1

Witness: fMS condemned.Chapter 112 I

Reading Group: C14A_app649_rg2

Witness: f1818 condemned.<p/><p/>I
Witness: f1823 condemned.<p/><p/>I
Witness: fThomas condemned.<p/><p/>I
Witness: f1831 condemned.<p/><p/>I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 cannot
Witness: f1823 cannot
Witness: fThomas cannot
Witness: f1831 cannot
Witness: fMS cannot


Reading Group: C14A_app651_rg1

Witness: fMS attempt

Reading Group: C14A_app651_rg2

Witness: f1818 pretend
Witness: f1823 pretend
Witness: fThomas pretend
Witness: f1831 pretend


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to describe what I
Witness: f1823 to describe what I
Witness: fThomas to describe what I
Witness: f1831 to describe what I
Witness: fMS to describe what I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 then
Witness: f1823 then
Witness: fThomas then
Witness: f1831 then
Witness: fMS then


Reading Group: C14A_app654_rg1

Witness: fMS felt –

Reading Group: C14A_app654_rg2

Witness: f1818 felt.
Witness: f1823 felt.
Witness: fThomas felt.
Witness: f1831 felt.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I had
Witness: f1823 I had
Witness: fThomas I had
Witness: f1831 I had
Witness: fMS I had


Reading Group: C14A_app656_rg1

Witness: fMS hadexperienced

Reading Group: C14A_app656_rg2

Witness: f1818 before experienced
Witness: f1823 before experienced
Witness: fThomas before experienced
Witness: f1831 before experienced


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 sensations of
Witness: f1823 sensations of
Witness: fThomas sensations of
Witness: f1831 sensations of
Witness: fMS sensations of


Reading Group: C14A_app658_rg1

Witness: fMS horror before

Reading Group: C14A_app658_rg2

Witness: f1818 horror;
Witness: f1823 horror;
Witness: fThomas horror;
Witness: f1831 horror;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and I have endeavoured to bestow
Witness: f1823 and I have endeavoured to bestow
Witness: fThomas and I have endeavoured to bestow
Witness: f1831 and I have endeavoured to bestow
Witness: fMS and I have endeavoured to bestow


Reading Group: C14A_app660_rg1

Witness: fMS on

Reading Group: C14A_app660_rg2

Witness: f1818 upon
Witness: f1823 upon
Witness: fThomas upon
Witness: f1831 upon


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 them adequate
Witness: f1823 them adequate
Witness: fThomas them adequate
Witness: f1831 them adequate
Witness: fMS them adequate


Reading Group: C14A_app662_rg1

Witness: fMS expressions

Reading Group: C14A_app662_rg2

Witness: f1818 expressions,
Witness: f1823 expressions,
Witness: fThomas expressions,
Witness: f1831 expressions,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but
Witness: f1823 but
Witness: fThomas but
Witness: f1831 but
Witness: fMS but


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS now


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 words cannot convey
Witness: f1823 words cannot convey
Witness: fThomas words cannot convey
Witness: f1831 words cannot convey
Witness: fMS words cannot convey


Reading Group: C14A_app666_rg1

Witness: f1818 an
Witness: f1823 an
Witness: fThomas an
Witness: f1831 an

Reading Group: C14A_app666_rg2

Witness: fMS any


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 idea of the
Witness: f1823 idea of the
Witness: fThomas idea of the
Witness: f1831 idea of the
Witness: fMS idea of the


Reading Group: C14A_app668_rg1

Witness: fMS heart sickening

Reading Group: C14A_app668_rg2

Witness: f1818 heart-sickening
Witness: f1823 heart-sickening
Witness: fThomas heart-sickening
Witness: f1831 heart-sickening


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 despair that I
Witness: f1823 despair that I
Witness: fThomas despair that I
Witness: f1831 despair that I
Witness: fMS despair that I


Reading Group: C14A_app670_rg1

Witness: fMS then felt<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>endured. Nor

Reading Group: C14A_app670_rg2

Witness: f1818 then endured.
Witness: f1823 then endured.
Witness: fThomas then endured.
Witness: f1831 then endured.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 The person to whom I
Witness: f1823 The person to whom I
Witness: fThomas The person to whom I
Witness: f1831 The person to whom I
Witness: fMS The person to whom I


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS had


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 addressed
Witness: f1823 addressed
Witness: fThomas addressed
Witness: f1831 addressed
Witness: fMS addressed


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 myself
Witness: f1823 myself
Witness: fThomas myself
Witness: f1831 myself
Witness: fMS myself


Reading Group: C14A_app675_rg1

Witness: f1818 added,
Witness: f1823 added,
Witness: fThomas added,
Witness: f1831 added,

Reading Group: C14A_app675_rg2

Witness: fMS also added


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that Justine had already confessed her guilt. “That
Witness: f1823 that Justine had already confessed her guilt. “That
Witness: fThomas that Justine had already confessed her guilt. “That
Witness: f1831 that Justine had already confessed her guilt. “That
Witness: fMS that Justine had already confessed her guilt. "That


Reading Group: C14A_app677_rg1

Witness: fMS evidence"

Reading Group: C14A_app677_rg2

Witness: f1818 evidence,”
Witness: f1823 evidence,”
Witness: fThomas evidence,”
Witness: f1831 evidence,”


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 he
Witness: f1823 he
Witness: fThomas he
Witness: f1831 he
Witness: fMS he


Reading Group: C14A_app679_rg1

Witness: fMS observed –"was

Reading Group: C14A_app679_rg2

Witness: f1818 observed, “was
Witness: f1823 observed, “was
Witness: fThomas observed, “was
Witness: f1831 observed, “was


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 hardly required in so glaring
Witness: f1823 hardly required in so glaring
Witness: fThomas hardly required in so glaring
Witness: f1831 hardly required in so glaring
Witness: fMS hardly required in so glaring


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a
Witness: f1823 a
Witness: fThomas a
Witness: f1831 a
Witness: fMS a


Reading Group: C14A_app682_rg1

Witness: fMS case

Reading Group: C14A_app682_rg2

Witness: f1818 case,
Witness: f1823 case,
Witness: fThomas case,
Witness: f1831 case,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but I
Witness: f1823 but I
Witness: fThomas but I
Witness: f1831 but I
Witness: fMS but I


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 am glad of it;
Witness: f1823 am glad of it;
Witness: fThomas am glad of it;
Witness: f1831 am glad of it;
Witness: fMS am glad of it;


Reading Group: C14A_app686_rg1

Witness: fMS and indeed

Reading Group: C14A_app686_rg2

Witness: f1818 and, indeed,
Witness: f1823 and, indeed,
Witness: fThomas and, indeed,
Witness: f1831 and, indeed,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 none of our judges like to condemn a
Witness: f1823 none of our judges like to condemn a
Witness: fThomas none of our judges like to condemn a
Witness: f1831 none of our judges like to condemn a
Witness: fMS none of our judges like to condemn a


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS ch


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 criminal upon circumstantial
Witness: f1823 criminal upon circumstantial
Witness: fThomas criminal upon circumstantial
Witness: f1831 criminal upon circumstantial
Witness: fMS criminal upon circumstantial


Reading Group: C14A_app690_rg1

Witness: f1818 evidence, be it
Witness: f1823 evidence, be it
Witness: fThomas evidence, be it
Witness: f1831 evidence, be it

Reading Group: C14A_app690_rg2

Witness: fMS evidencelet it be<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>it


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 ever so
Witness: f1823 ever so
Witness: fThomas ever so
Witness: f1831 ever so
Witness: fMS ever so


Reading Group: C14A_app692_rg1

Witness: fMS decisive." When

Reading Group: C14A_app692_rg2

Witness: f1831 decisive.”<p/><p/>This was strange and unexpected intelligence; what could it mean? Had my eyes deceived me? and was I really as mad as the whole world would believe me to be, if I disclosed the object of my suspicions?

Reading Group: C14A_app692_rg3

Witness: f1818 decisive.”<p/><p/>When
Witness: f1823 decisive.”<p/><p/>When
Witness: fThomas decisive.”<p/><p/>When


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fMS I


Reading Group: C14A_app694_rg1

Witness: f1831 hastened to return

Reading Group: C14A_app694_rg2

Witness: f1818 returned
Witness: f1823 returned
Witness: fThomas returned
Witness: fMS returned


Reading Group: C14A_app695_rg1

Witness: fMS home

Reading Group: C14A_app695_rg2

Witness: f1818 home,
Witness: f1823 home,
Witness: fThomas home,
Witness: f1831 home,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1831 and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Elizabeth
Witness: f1823 Elizabeth
Witness: fThomas Elizabeth
Witness: f1831 Elizabeth
Witness: fMS Elizabeth


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 eagerly
Witness: f1823 eagerly
Witness: fThomas eagerly
Witness: f1831 eagerly
Witness: fMS eagerly


Reading Group: C14A_app699_rg1

Witness: fMS enquired<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>demanded

Reading Group: C14A_app699_rg2

Witness: f1818 demanded
Witness: f1823 demanded
Witness: fThomas demanded
Witness: f1831 demanded


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fMS the


Reading Group: C14A_app701_rg1

Witness: fMS result. "My cousin"

Reading Group: C14A_app701_rg2

Witness: f1818 result.<p/><p/>“My cousin,”
Witness: f1823 result.<p/><p/>“My cousin,”
Witness: fThomas result.<p/><p/>“My cousin,”
Witness: f1831 result.<p/><p/>“My cousin,”


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 replied I, “it is decided as you may have
Witness: f1823 replied I, “it is decided as you may have
Witness: fThomas replied I, “it is decided as you may have
Witness: f1831 replied I, “it is decided as you may have
Witness: fMS replied I, "it is decided as you may have


Reading Group: C14A_app703_rg1

Witness: fMS suspected – <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>allJudges

Reading Group: C14A_app703_rg2

Witness: f1818 expected; all judges
Witness: f1823 expected; all judges
Witness: fThomas expected; all judges
Witness: f1831 expected; all judges


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 had rather that ten
Witness: f1823 had rather that ten
Witness: fThomas had rather that ten
Witness: f1831 had rather that ten
Witness: fMS had rather that ten


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 innocent should
Witness: f1823 innocent should
Witness: fThomas innocent should
Witness: f1831 innocent should
Witness: fMS innocent should


Reading Group: C14A_app706_rg1

Witness: fMS suffer

Reading Group: C14A_app706_rg2

Witness: f1818 suffer,
Witness: f1823 suffer,
Witness: fThomas suffer,
Witness: f1831 suffer,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 than that
Witness: f1823 than that
Witness: fThomas than that
Witness: f1831 than that
Witness: fMS thatn that


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 one guilty should
Witness: f1823 one guilty should
Witness: fThomas one guilty should
Witness: f1831 one guilty should
Witness: fMS one guilty should


Reading Group: C14A_app709_rg1

Witness: f1818 escape.
Witness: f1823 escape.
Witness: fThomas escape.
Witness: f1831 escape.

Reading Group: C14A_app709_rg2

Witness: fMS escape:


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 But she
Witness: f1823 But she
Witness: fThomas But she
Witness: f1831 But she
Witness: fMS but she


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 has
Witness: f1823 has
Witness: fThomas has
Witness: f1831 has
Witness: fMS has


Reading Group: C14A_app712_rg1

Witness: fMS confessed." This

Reading Group: C14A_app712_rg2

Witness: f1818 confessed.”<p/><p/>This
Witness: f1823 confessed.”<p/><p/>This
Witness: fThomas confessed.”<p/><p/>This
Witness: f1831 confessed.”<p/><p/>This


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was a
Witness: f1823 was a
Witness: fThomas was a
Witness: f1831 was a
Witness: fMS was a


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS b


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 dire blow to poor
Witness: f1823 dire blow to poor
Witness: fThomas dire blow to poor
Witness: f1831 dire blow to poor
Witness: fMS dire blow to poor


Reading Group: C14A_app716_rg1

Witness: fMS Elizabeth

Reading Group: C14A_app716_rg2

Witness: f1818 Elizabeth,
Witness: f1823 Elizabeth,
Witness: fThomas Elizabeth,
Witness: f1831 Elizabeth,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 who had relied with firmness
Witness: f1823 who had relied with firmness
Witness: fThomas who had relied with firmness
Witness: f1831 who had relied with firmness
Witness: fMS who had relied with firmness


Reading Group: C14A_app718_rg1

Witness: fMS on her

Reading Group: C14A_app718_rg2

Witness: f1818 upon Justine’s
Witness: f1823 upon Justine’s
Witness: fThomas upon Justine’s
Witness: f1831 upon Justine’s


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 innocence. “Alas!” said
Witness: f1823 innocence. “Alas!” said
Witness: fThomas innocence. “Alas!” said
Witness: f1831 innocence. “Alas!” said
Witness: fMS innocence. "Alas!" said


Reading Group: C14A_app720_rg1

Witness: fMS she

Reading Group: C14A_app720_rg2

Witness: f1818 she,
Witness: f1823 she,
Witness: fThomas she,
Witness: f1831 she,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 “how
Witness: f1823 “how
Witness: fThomas “how
Witness: f1831 “how
Witness: fMS "How


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 shall I ever again believe in human
Witness: f1823 shall I ever again believe in human
Witness: fThomas shall I ever again believe in human
Witness: f1831 shall I ever again believe in human
Witness: fMS shall I ever again believe in human


Reading Group: C14A_app723_rg1

Witness: fMS benovolence –

Reading Group: C14A_app723_rg2

Witness: f1818 benevolence?
Witness: f1823 benevolence?
Witness: fThomas benevolence?

Reading Group: C14A_app723_rg3

Witness: f1831 goodness?


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Justine, whom I loved and
Witness: f1823 Justine, whom I loved and
Witness: fThomas Justine, whom I loved and
Witness: f1831 Justine, whom I loved and
Witness: fMS Justine, whom I loved and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 esteemed as my
Witness: f1823 esteemed as my
Witness: fThomas esteemed as my
Witness: f1831 esteemed as my
Witness: fMS esteemed as my


Reading Group: C14A_app726_rg1

Witness: f1818 sister,
Witness: f1823 sister,
Witness: fThomas sister,
Witness: f1831 sister,

Reading Group: C14A_app726_rg2

Witness: fMS sister.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 how could she
Witness: f1823 how could she
Witness: fThomas how could she
Witness: f1831 how could she
Witness: fMS How could she


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 put on
Witness: f1823 put on
Witness: fThomas put on
Witness: f1831 put on
Witness: fMS put on


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS thos


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 those smiles of innocence
Witness: f1823 those smiles of innocence
Witness: fThomas those smiles of innocence
Witness: f1831 those smiles of innocence
Witness: fMS those smiles of innocence


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 only to
Witness: f1823 only to
Witness: fThomas only to
Witness: f1831 only to
Witness: fMS only to


Reading Group: C14A_app732_rg1

Witness: f1818 betray;
Witness: f1823 betray;
Witness: fThomas betray;

Reading Group: C14A_app732_rg2

Witness: f1831 betray?

Reading Group: C14A_app732_rg3

Witness: fMS betray–


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 her mild eyes seemed incapable of any severity or
Witness: f1823 her mild eyes seemed incapable of any severity or
Witness: fThomas her mild eyes seemed incapable of any severity or
Witness: f1831 her mild eyes seemed incapable of any severity or
Witness: fMS her mild eyes seemed incapable of any severity or


Reading Group: C14A_app734_rg1

Witness: f1831 guile,

Reading Group: C14A_app734_rg2

Witness: f1823 ill
Witness: fMS ill

Reading Group: C14A_app734_rg3

Witness: f1818 ill-humour,
Witness: fThomas ill-humour,


Reading Group: C14A_app735_rg1

Witness: fMS humour

Reading Group: C14A_app735_rg2

Witness: f1823 humour,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fMS and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 yet she has
Witness: f1823 yet she has
Witness: fThomas yet she has
Witness: f1831 yet she has
Witness: fMS yet she has


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS com


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 committed a
Witness: f1823 committed a
Witness: fThomas committed a
Witness: f1831 committed a
Witness: fMS committed a


Reading Group: C14A_app740_rg1

Witness: fMS murder." Soon

Reading Group: C14A_app740_rg2

Witness: f1818 murder.”<p/><p/>Soon
Witness: f1823 murder.”<p/><p/>Soon
Witness: fThomas murder.”<p/><p/>Soon
Witness: f1831 murder.”<p/><p/>Soon


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 after we heard that the
Witness: f1823 after we heard that the
Witness: fThomas after we heard that the
Witness: f1831 after we heard that the
Witness: fMS after we heard that the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 poor victim had expressed a
Witness: f1823 poor victim had expressed a
Witness: fThomas poor victim had expressed a
Witness: f1831 poor victim had expressed a
Witness: fMS poor victim had expressed a


Reading Group: C14A_app743_rg1

Witness: f1831 desire

Reading Group: C14A_app743_rg2

Witness: f1818 wish
Witness: f1823 wish
Witness: fThomas wish
Witness: fMS wish


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to
Witness: f1823 to
Witness: fThomas to
Witness: f1831 to
Witness: fMS to


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 see my cousin. My father wished her not
Witness: f1823 see my cousin. My father wished her not
Witness: fThomas see my cousin. My father wished her not
Witness: f1831 see my cousin. My father wished her not
Witness: fMS see my cousin. My father wished her not


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to
Witness: f1823 to
Witness: fThomas to
Witness: f1831 to
Witness: fMS to


Reading Group: C14A_app747_rg1

Witness: fMS go

Reading Group: C14A_app747_rg2

Witness: f1818 go;
Witness: f1823 go;
Witness: fThomas go;
Witness: f1831 go;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but
Witness: f1823 but
Witness: fThomas but
Witness: f1831 but
Witness: fMS but


Reading Group: C14A_app749_rg1

Witness: fMS said

Reading Group: C14A_app749_rg2

Witness: f1818 said,
Witness: f1823 said,
Witness: fThomas said,
Witness: f1831 said,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that he left it to her
Witness: f1823 that he left it to her
Witness: fThomas that he left it to her
Witness: f1831 that he left it to her
Witness: fMS that he left it to her


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 own
Witness: f1823 own
Witness: fThomas own
Witness: f1831 own
Witness: fMS own


Reading Group: C14A_app752_rg1

Witness: fMS judgement

Reading Group: C14A_app752_rg2

Witness: f1818 judgment
Witness: f1823 judgment
Witness: fThomas judgment
Witness: f1831 judgment


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and feelings to decide.
Witness: f1823 and feelings to decide.
Witness: fThomas and feelings to decide.
Witness: f1831 and feelings to decide.
Witness: fMS and feelings to decide.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 “Yes,” said
Witness: f1823 “Yes,” said
Witness: fThomas “Yes,” said
Witness: f1831 “Yes,” said
Witness: fMS "Yes," said


Reading Group: C14A_app755_rg1

Witness: fMS Elizabeth

Reading Group: C14A_app755_rg2

Witness: f1818 Elizabeth,
Witness: f1823 Elizabeth,
Witness: fThomas Elizabeth,
Witness: f1831 Elizabeth,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 “I will
Witness: f1823 “I will
Witness: fThomas “I will
Witness: f1831 “I will
Witness: fMS "I will


Reading Group: C14A_app757_rg1

Witness: fMS go

Reading Group: C14A_app757_rg2

Witness: f1818 go,
Witness: f1823 go,
Witness: fThomas go,
Witness: f1831 go,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 although
Witness: f1823 although
Witness: fThomas although
Witness: f1831 although
Witness: fMS although


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 she is
Witness: f1823 she is
Witness: fThomas she is
Witness: f1831 she is
Witness: fMS she is


Reading Group: C14A_app760_rg1

Witness: fMS guilty –

Reading Group: C14A_app760_rg2

Witness: f1818 guilty;
Witness: f1823 guilty;
Witness: fThomas guilty;
Witness: f1831 guilty;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fMS and


Reading Group: C14A_app762_rg1

Witness: fMS you Victor

Reading Group: C14A_app762_rg2

Witness: f1818 you, Victor,
Witness: f1823 you, Victor,
Witness: fThomas you, Victor,
Witness: f1831 you, Victor,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 shall
Witness: f1823 shall
Witness: fThomas shall
Witness: f1831 shall
Witness: fMS shall


Reading Group: C14A_app764_rg1

Witness: f1818 accompany me: I
Witness: f1823 accompany me: I
Witness: fThomas accompany me: I
Witness: f1831 accompany me: I

Reading Group: C14A_app764_rg2

Witness: fMS accopany me –I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 cannot go
Witness: f1823 cannot go
Witness: fThomas cannot go
Witness: f1831 cannot go
Witness: fMS cannot go


Reading Group: C14A_app766_rg1

Witness: fMS alone". This

Reading Group: C14A_app766_rg2

Witness: f1818 alone.”
Witness: f1823 alone.”
Witness: fThomas alone.”
Witness: f1831 alone.”


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 The
Witness: f1823 The
Witness: fThomas The
Witness: f1831 The
Witness: fMS The


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 idea of this visit was torture to
Witness: f1823 idea of this visit was torture to
Witness: fThomas idea of this visit was torture to
Witness: f1831 idea of this visit was torture to
Witness: fMS idea of this visit was torture to


Reading Group: C14A_app769_rg1

Witness: fMS me

Reading Group: C14A_app769_rg2

Witness: f1818 me,
Witness: f1823 me,
Witness: fThomas me,
Witness: f1831 me,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 yet I could not
Witness: f1823 yet I could not
Witness: fThomas yet I could not
Witness: f1831 yet I could not
Witness: fMS yet I could not


Reading Group: C14A_app771_rg1

Witness: fMS refuse. We

Reading Group: C14A_app771_rg2

Witness: f1818 refuse.<p/><p/>We
Witness: f1823 refuse.<p/><p/>We
Witness: fThomas refuse.<p/><p/>We
Witness: f1831 refuse.<p/><p/>We


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 entered the gloomy
Witness: f1823 entered the gloomy
Witness: fThomas entered the gloomy
Witness: f1831 entered the gloomy
Witness: fMS entered the gloomy


Reading Group: C14A_app773_rg1

Witness: fMS prison chamber

Reading Group: C14A_app773_rg2

Witness: f1818 prison-chamber,
Witness: f1823 prison-chamber,
Witness: fThomas prison-chamber,
Witness: f1831 prison-chamber,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and beheld Justine sitting on some
Witness: f1823 and beheld Justine sitting on some
Witness: fThomas and beheld Justine sitting on some
Witness: f1831 and beheld Justine sitting on some
Witness: fMS and beheld Justine sitting on some


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 straw at the
Witness: f1823 straw at the
Witness: fThomas straw at the
Witness: f1831 straw at the
Witness: fMS straw at the


Reading Group: C14A_app776_rg1

Witness: f1831 farther

Reading Group: C14A_app776_rg2

Witness: f1818 further
Witness: f1823 further
Witness: fThomas further
Witness: fMS further


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 end; her hands
Witness: f1823 end; her hands
Witness: fThomas end; her hands
Witness: f1831 end; her hands
Witness: fMS end; her hands


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 were
Witness: f1823 were
Witness: fThomas were
Witness: f1831 were
Witness: fMS were


Reading Group: C14A_app779_rg1

Witness: f1818 manacled,
Witness: f1823 manacled,
Witness: fThomas manacled,
Witness: f1831 manacled,

Reading Group: C14A_app779_rg2

Witness: fMS mannacled


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and her head rested
Witness: f1823 and her head rested
Witness: fThomas and her head rested
Witness: f1831 and her head rested
Witness: fMS and her head rested


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 on her
Witness: f1823 on her
Witness: fThomas on her
Witness: f1831 on her
Witness: fMS on her


Reading Group: C14A_app782_rg1

Witness: fMS knews knees,–

Reading Group: C14A_app782_rg2

Witness: f1818 knees.
Witness: f1823 knees.
Witness: fThomas knees.
Witness: f1831 knees.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 She rose on seeing
Witness: f1823 She rose on seeing
Witness: fThomas She rose on seeing
Witness: f1831 She rose on seeing
Witness: fMS she rose on seeing


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 us
Witness: f1823 us
Witness: fThomas us
Witness: f1831 us
Witness: fMS us


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 enter;
Witness: f1823 enter;
Witness: fThomas enter;
Witness: f1831 enter;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and when
Witness: f1823 and when
Witness: fThomas and when
Witness: f1831 and when
Witness: fMS and when


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS th


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 we were left alone
Witness: f1823 we were left alone
Witness: fThomas we were left alone
Witness: f1831 we were left alone
Witness: fMS we were left alone


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 with
Witness: f1823 with
Witness: fThomas with
Witness: f1831 with
Witness: fMS with


Reading Group: C14A_app790_rg1

Witness: fMS her

Reading Group: C14A_app790_rg2

Witness: f1818 her,
Witness: f1823 her,
Witness: fThomas her,
Witness: f1831 her,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 she threw herself at the
Witness: f1823 she threw herself at the
Witness: fThomas she threw herself at the
Witness: f1831 she threw herself at the
Witness: fMS she threw herself at the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 feet of
Witness: f1823 feet of
Witness: fThomas feet of
Witness: f1831 feet of
Witness: fMS feet of


Reading Group: C14A_app793_rg1

Witness: fMS Elizabeth

Reading Group: C14A_app793_rg2

Witness: f1818 Elizabeth,
Witness: f1823 Elizabeth,
Witness: fThomas Elizabeth,
Witness: f1831 Elizabeth,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 weeping
Witness: f1823 weeping
Witness: fThomas weeping
Witness: f1831 weeping
Witness: fMS weeping


Reading Group: C14A_app795_rg1

Witness: f1818 bitterly.
Witness: f1823 bitterly.
Witness: fThomas bitterly.
Witness: f1831 bitterly.

Reading Group: C14A_app795_rg2

Witness: fMS bitterly.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 My cousin wept
Witness: f1823 My cousin wept
Witness: fThomas My cousin wept
Witness: f1831 My cousin wept
Witness: fMS My cousin wept


Reading Group: C14A_app797_rg1

Witness: fMS also – Oh Justine

Reading Group: C14A_app797_rg2

Witness: f1818 also.<p/><p/>“Oh, Justine!”
Witness: f1823 also.<p/><p/>“Oh, Justine!”
Witness: fThomas also.<p/><p/>“Oh, Justine!”
Witness: f1831 also.<p/><p/>“Oh, Justine!”


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 said she,
Witness: f1823 said she,
Witness: fThomas said she,
Witness: f1831 said she,
Witness: fMS said she,


Reading Group: C14A_app799_rg1

Witness: f1818 “why
Witness: fThomas “why
Witness: f1831 “why

Reading Group: C14A_app799_rg2

Witness: f1823 why
Witness: fMS why


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 did you rob me of my
Witness: f1823 did you rob me of my
Witness: fThomas did you rob me of my
Witness: f1831 did you rob me of my
Witness: fMS did you rob me of my


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 last
Witness: f1823 last
Witness: fThomas last
Witness: f1831 last
Witness: fMS last


Reading Group: C14A_app802_rg1

Witness: fMS consolation –

Reading Group: C14A_app802_rg2

Witness: f1818 consolation.
Witness: f1823 consolation.
Witness: fThomas consolation.

Reading Group: C14A_app802_rg3

Witness: f1831 consolation?


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fMS I


Reading Group: C14A_app804_rg1

Witness: fMS believedreliedion

Reading Group: C14A_app804_rg2

Witness: f1818 relied on
Witness: f1823 relied on
Witness: fThomas relied on
Witness: f1831 relied on


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 your
Witness: f1823 your
Witness: fThomas your
Witness: f1831 your
Witness: fMS your


Reading Group: C14A_app806_rg1

Witness: fMS innocence

Reading Group: C14A_app806_rg2

Witness: f1818 innocence;
Witness: f1823 innocence;
Witness: fThomas innocence;
Witness: f1831 innocence;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and although I was
Witness: f1823 and although I was
Witness: fThomas and although I was
Witness: f1831 and although I was
Witness: fMS and although I was


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 then
Witness: f1823 then
Witness: fThomas then
Witness: f1831 then


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 very
Witness: f1823 very
Witness: fThomas very
Witness: f1831 very
Witness: fMS very


Reading Group: C14A_app810_rg1

Witness: fMS wh wretched

Reading Group: C14A_app810_rg2

Witness: f1818 wretched,
Witness: f1823 wretched,
Witness: fThomas wretched,
Witness: f1831 wretched,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I was not so miserable
Witness: f1823 I was not so miserable
Witness: fThomas I was not so miserable
Witness: f1831 I was not so miserable
Witness: fMS I was not so miserable


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 as I am
Witness: f1823 as I am
Witness: fThomas as I am
Witness: f1831 as I am
Witness: fMS as I am


Reading Group: C14A_app813_rg1

Witness: fMS now." "And

Reading Group: C14A_app813_rg2

Witness: f1818 now.”<p/><p/>“And
Witness: f1823 now.”<p/><p/>“And
Witness: fThomas now.”<p/><p/>“And
Witness: f1831 now.”<p/><p/>“And


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 do you also believe that I am
Witness: f1823 do you also believe that I am
Witness: fThomas do you also believe that I am
Witness: f1831 do you also believe that I am
Witness: fMS do you also believe that I am


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 so
Witness: f1823 so
Witness: fThomas so
Witness: f1831 so
Witness: fMS so


Reading Group: C14A_app816_rg1

Witness: fMS very

Reading Group: C14A_app816_rg2

Witness: f1818 very,
Witness: f1823 very,
Witness: fThomas very,
Witness: f1831 very,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 very
Witness: f1823 very
Witness: fThomas very
Witness: f1831 very
Witness: fMS very


Reading Group: C14A_app818_rg1

Witness: f1818 wicked?
Witness: f1823 wicked?
Witness: fThomas wicked?
Witness: f1831 wicked?

Reading Group: C14A_app818_rg2

Witness: fMS wicked–?<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>Cried Justine


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Do you also join
Witness: f1823 Do you also join
Witness: fThomas Do you also join
Witness: f1831 Do you also join
Witness: fMS Do you also join


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 with my enemies to crush
Witness: f1823 with my enemies to crush
Witness: fThomas with my enemies to crush
Witness: f1831 with my enemies to crush
Witness: fMS with my enemies to crush


Reading Group: C14A_app821_rg1

Witness: f1831 me, to condemn me as a murderer?”

Reading Group: C14A_app821_rg2

Witness: f1818 me?”
Witness: f1823 me?”
Witness: fThomas me?”

Reading Group: C14A_app821_rg3

Witness: fMS me?


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Her
Witness: f1823 Her
Witness: fThomas Her
Witness: f1831 Her
Witness: fMS Her


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 voice was suffocated with
Witness: f1823 voice was suffocated with
Witness: fThomas voice was suffocated with
Witness: f1831 voice was suffocated with
Witness: fMS voice was suffocated inwith


Reading Group: C14A_app824_rg1

Witness: fMS sobs. "Rise

Reading Group: C14A_app824_rg2

Witness: f1818 sobs.<p/><p/>“Rise,
Witness: f1823 sobs.<p/><p/>“Rise,
Witness: fThomas sobs.<p/><p/>“Rise,
Witness: f1831 sobs.<p/><p/>“Rise,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my poor girl,” said
Witness: f1823 my poor girl,” said
Witness: fThomas my poor girl,” said
Witness: f1831 my poor girl,” said
Witness: fMS my poor girl," said


Reading Group: C14A_app826_rg1

Witness: fMS Elizabeth

Reading Group: C14A_app826_rg2

Witness: f1818 Elizabeth,
Witness: f1823 Elizabeth,
Witness: fThomas Elizabeth,
Witness: f1831 Elizabeth,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 “why do you
Witness: f1823 “why do you
Witness: fThomas “why do you
Witness: f1831 “why do you
Witness: fMS "why do you


Reading Group: C14A_app828_rg1

Witness: fMS kneel

Reading Group: C14A_app828_rg2

Witness: f1818 kneel,
Witness: f1823 kneel,
Witness: fThomas kneel,
Witness: f1831 kneel,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 if you are
Witness: f1823 if you are
Witness: fThomas if you are
Witness: f1831 if you are
Witness: fMS if you are


Reading Group: C14A_app830_rg1

Witness: fMS innocent

Reading Group: C14A_app830_rg2

Witness: f1818 innocent?
Witness: f1823 innocent?
Witness: fThomas innocent?
Witness: f1831 innocent?


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I am not one of your
Witness: f1823 I am not one of your
Witness: fThomas I am not one of your
Witness: f1831 I am not one of your
Witness: fMS I am not one of your


Reading Group: C14A_app832_rg1

Witness: fMS enemies,

Reading Group: C14A_app832_rg2

Witness: f1818 enemies;
Witness: f1823 enemies;
Witness: fThomas enemies;
Witness: f1831 enemies;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I believed
Witness: f1823 I believed
Witness: fThomas I believed
Witness: f1831 I believed
Witness: fMS I believed


Reading Group: C14A_app834_rg1

Witness: fMS in your innocence

Reading Group: C14A_app834_rg2

Witness: f1818 you guiltless,
Witness: f1823 you guiltless,
Witness: fThomas you guiltless,
Witness: f1831 you guiltless,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 notwithstanding every
Witness: f1823 notwithstanding every
Witness: fThomas notwithstanding every
Witness: f1831 notwithstanding every
Witness: fMS notwithstanding every


Reading Group: C14A_app836_rg1

Witness: fMS evidence untill

Reading Group: C14A_app836_rg2

Witness: f1818 evidence, until
Witness: f1823 evidence, until
Witness: fThomas evidence, until
Witness: f1831 evidence, until


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I heard that you had
Witness: f1823 I heard that you had
Witness: fThomas I heard that you had
Witness: f1831 I heard that you had
Witness: fMS I heard that you had


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 yourself declared your guilt. That
Witness: f1823 yourself declared your guilt. That
Witness: fThomas yourself declared your guilt. That
Witness: f1831 yourself declared your guilt. That
Witness: fMS yourself declared your guilt. That


Reading Group: C14A_app839_rg1

Witness: fMS report

Reading Group: C14A_app839_rg2

Witness: f1818 report,
Witness: f1823 report,
Witness: fThomas report,
Witness: f1831 report,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 you
Witness: f1823 you
Witness: fThomas you
Witness: f1831 you
Witness: fMS you


Reading Group: C14A_app841_rg1

Witness: fMS say

Reading Group: C14A_app841_rg2

Witness: f1818 say,
Witness: f1823 say,
Witness: fThomas say,
Witness: f1831 say,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 is
Witness: f1823 is
Witness: fThomas is
Witness: f1831 is
Witness: fMS is


Reading Group: C14A_app843_rg1

Witness: fMS false,

Reading Group: C14A_app843_rg2

Witness: f1818 false;
Witness: f1823 false;
Witness: fThomas false;
Witness: f1831 false;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and be
Witness: f1823 and be
Witness: fThomas and be
Witness: f1831 and be
Witness: fMS and be


Reading Group: C14A_app845_rg1

Witness: fMS assured my

Reading Group: C14A_app845_rg2

Witness: f1818 assured,
Witness: f1823 assured,
Witness: fThomas assured,
Witness: f1831 assured,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 dear
Witness: f1823 dear
Witness: fThomas dear
Witness: f1831 dear
Witness: fMS dear


Reading Group: C14A_app847_rg1

Witness: fMS Justine

Reading Group: C14A_app847_rg2

Witness: f1818 Justine, that
Witness: f1823 Justine, that
Witness: fThomas Justine, that
Witness: f1831 Justine, that


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 nothing can
Witness: f1823 nothing can
Witness: fThomas nothing can
Witness: f1831 nothing can
Witness: fMS nothing can


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS for a minute


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 shake my confidence in you
Witness: f1823 shake my confidence in you
Witness: fThomas shake my confidence in you
Witness: f1831 shake my confidence in you
Witness: fMS shake my confidence in you


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 for a moment,
Witness: f1823 for a moment,
Witness: fThomas for a moment,
Witness: f1831 for a moment,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but
Witness: f1823 but
Witness: fThomas but
Witness: f1831 but
Witness: fMS but


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 your own
Witness: f1823 your own
Witness: fThomas your own
Witness: f1831 your own
Witness: fMS your own


Reading Group: C14A_app854_rg1

Witness: f1818 confession.”<p/><p/>“I
Witness: f1823 confession.”<p/><p/>“I
Witness: fThomas confession.”<p/><p/>“I
Witness: f1831 confession.”<p/><p/>“I

Reading Group: C14A_app854_rg2

Witness: fMS confession–" "I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 did
Witness: f1823 did
Witness: fThomas did
Witness: f1831 did
Witness: fMS did


Reading Group: C14A_app856_rg1

Witness: fMS confess" said Justine "but

Reading Group: C14A_app856_rg2

Witness: f1818 confess; but
Witness: f1823 confess; but
Witness: fThomas confess; but
Witness: f1831 confess; but


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I confessed a lie. I
Witness: f1823 I confessed a lie. I
Witness: fThomas I confessed a lie. I
Witness: f1831 I confessed a lie. I
Witness: fMS I confessed a lie. I


Reading Group: C14A_app858_rg1

Witness: fMS confessed

Reading Group: C14A_app858_rg2

Witness: f1818 confessed,
Witness: f1823 confessed,
Witness: fThomas confessed,
Witness: f1831 confessed,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that I
Witness: f1823 that I
Witness: fThomas that I
Witness: f1831 that I
Witness: fMS that I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 might obtain
Witness: f1823 might obtain
Witness: fThomas might obtain
Witness: f1831 might obtain
Witness: fMS might obtain


Reading Group: C14A_app861_rg1

Witness: fMS absolution

Reading Group: C14A_app861_rg2

Witness: f1818 absolution;
Witness: f1823 absolution;
Witness: fThomas absolution;
Witness: f1831 absolution;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but now
Witness: f1823 but now
Witness: fThomas but now
Witness: f1831 but now
Witness: fMS but now


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that falsehood lies heavier at my
Witness: f1823 that falsehood lies heavier at my
Witness: fThomas that falsehood lies heavier at my
Witness: f1831 that falsehood lies heavier at my
Witness: fMS that falsehood lies heavier at my


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 heart than all my other sins. The God
Witness: f1823 heart than all my other sins. The God
Witness: fThomas heart than all my other sins. The God
Witness: f1831 heart than all my other sins. The God
Witness: fMS heart than all my other sins. The God


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of heaven forgive me! Ever since I
Witness: f1823 of heaven forgive me! Ever since I
Witness: fThomas of heaven forgive me! Ever since I
Witness: f1831 of heaven forgive me! Ever since I
Witness: fMS of heaven forgive me! Ever since I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was
Witness: f1823 was
Witness: fThomas was
Witness: f1831 was
Witness: fMS was


Reading Group: C14A_app867_rg1

Witness: fMS condemned

Reading Group: C14A_app867_rg2

Witness: f1818 condemned,
Witness: f1823 condemned,
Witness: fThomas condemned,
Witness: f1831 condemned,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my confessor has besieged
Witness: f1823 my confessor has besieged
Witness: fThomas my confessor has besieged
Witness: f1831 my confessor has besieged
Witness: fMS my confessor has besieged


Reading Group: C14A_app869_rg1

Witness: fMS me,–

Reading Group: C14A_app869_rg2

Witness: f1818 me;
Witness: f1823 me;
Witness: fThomas me;
Witness: f1831 me;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 he threatened and
Witness: f1823 he threatened and
Witness: fThomas he threatened and
Witness: f1831 he threatened and
Witness: fMS he threatened and


Reading Group: C14A_app871_rg1

Witness: fMS menaced untill

Reading Group: C14A_app871_rg2

Witness: f1818 menaced, until
Witness: f1823 menaced, until
Witness: fThomas menaced, until
Witness: f1831 menaced, until


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I almost began to think that I was
Witness: f1823 I almost began to think that I was
Witness: fThomas I almost began to think that I was
Witness: f1831 I almost began to think that I was
Witness: fMS I almost began to think that I was


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fMS the


Reading Group: C14A_app874_rg1

Witness: f1818 monster that
Witness: f1823 monster that
Witness: fThomas monster that
Witness: f1831 monster that

Reading Group: C14A_app874_rg2

Witness: fMS wicked wretch


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 he said I was. He
Witness: f1823 he said I was. He
Witness: fThomas he said I was. He
Witness: f1831 he said I was. He
Witness: fMS he said I was. He


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 threatened
Witness: f1823 threatened
Witness: fThomas threatened
Witness: f1831 threatened
Witness: fMS threatened


Reading Group: C14A_app877_rg1

Witness: f1818 excommunication
Witness: f1823 excommunication
Witness: fThomas excommunication
Witness: f1831 excommunication

Reading Group: C14A_app877_rg2

Witness: fMS excomunication


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and hell
Witness: f1823 and hell
Witness: fThomas and hell
Witness: f1831 and hell
Witness: fMS and Hell


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 fire in my last
Witness: f1823 fire in my last
Witness: fThomas fire in my last
Witness: f1831 fire in my last
Witness: fMS fire in my last


Reading Group: C14A_app880_rg1

Witness: fMS moments

Reading Group: C14A_app880_rg2

Witness: f1818 moments,
Witness: f1823 moments,
Witness: fThomas moments,
Witness: f1831 moments,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 if I continued obdurate. Dear lady, I had none
Witness: f1823 if I continued obdurate. Dear lady, I had none
Witness: fThomas if I continued obdurate. Dear lady, I had none
Witness: f1831 if I continued obdurate. Dear lady, I had none
Witness: fMS if I continued obdurate. Dear Lady, I had none


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to support
Witness: f1823 to support
Witness: fThomas to support
Witness: f1831 to support
Witness: fMS to support


Reading Group: C14A_app883_rg1

Witness: fMS me –

Reading Group: C14A_app883_rg2

Witness: f1818 me;
Witness: f1823 me;
Witness: fThomas me;
Witness: f1831 me;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 all looked on me
Witness: f1823 all looked on me
Witness: fThomas all looked on me
Witness: f1831 all looked on me
Witness: fMS all looked on me


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 as a wretch
Witness: f1823 as a wretch
Witness: fThomas as a wretch
Witness: f1831 as a wretch
Witness: fMS as a wretch


Reading Group: C14A_app886_rg1

Witness: fMS doom

Reading Group: C14A_app886_rg2

Witness: f1818 doomed
Witness: f1823 doomed
Witness: fThomas doomed
Witness: f1831 doomed


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to ignominy and
Witness: f1823 to ignominy and
Witness: fThomas to ignominy and
Witness: f1831 to ignominy and
Witness: fMS to ignominy and


Reading Group: C14A_app888_rg1

Witness: fMS perdition;

Reading Group: C14A_app888_rg2

Witness: f1818 perdition.
Witness: f1823 perdition.
Witness: fThomas perdition.
Witness: f1831 perdition.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 What could I do? In an evil
Witness: f1823 What could I do? In an evil
Witness: fThomas What could I do? In an evil
Witness: f1831 What could I do? In an evil
Witness: fMS what could I do? In an evil


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 hour I
Witness: f1823 hour I
Witness: fThomas hour I
Witness: f1831 hour I
Witness: fMS hour I


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS confessed


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 subscribed to a
Witness: f1823 subscribed to a
Witness: fThomas subscribed to a
Witness: f1831 subscribed to a
Witness: fMS subscribed to a


Reading Group: C14A_app893_rg1

Witness: fMS lie

Reading Group: C14A_app893_rg2

Witness: f1818 lie;
Witness: f1823 lie;
Witness: fThomas lie;
Witness: f1831 lie;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and now only
Witness: f1823 and now only
Witness: fThomas and now only
Witness: f1831 and now only
Witness: fMS and now only


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 am
Witness: f1823 am
Witness: fThomas am
Witness: f1831 am
Witness: fMS am


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: f1831 I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 truly
Witness: f1823 truly
Witness: fThomas truly
Witness: f1831 truly
Witness: fMS truly


Reading Group: C14A_app899_rg1

Witness: fMS miserable." She

Reading Group: C14A_app899_rg2

Witness: f1818 miserable.”<p/><p/>She
Witness: f1823 miserable.”<p/><p/>She
Witness: fThomas miserable.”<p/><p/>She
Witness: f1831 miserable.”<p/><p/>She


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 paused, weeping, and then
Witness: f1823 paused, weeping, and then
Witness: fThomas paused, weeping, and then
Witness: f1831 paused, weeping, and then
Witness: fMS paused, weeping, and then


Reading Group: C14A_app901_rg1

Witness: fMS continued. "I

Reading Group: C14A_app901_rg2

Witness: f1818 continued—“I
Witness: f1823 continued—“I
Witness: fThomas continued—“I
Witness: f1831 continued—“I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 thought with horror, my sweet lady,
Witness: f1823 thought with horror, my sweet lady,
Witness: fThomas thought with horror, my sweet lady,
Witness: f1831 thought with horror, my sweet lady,
Witness: fMS thought with horror, my sweet lady,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that you should
Witness: f1823 that you should
Witness: fThomas that you should
Witness: f1831 that you should
Witness: fMS that you should


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS sho


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 believe
Witness: f1823 believe
Witness: fThomas believe
Witness: f1831 believe
Witness: fMS believe


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS that


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 your
Witness: f1823 your
Witness: fThomas your
Witness: f1831 your
Witness: fMS your


Reading Group: C14A_app908_rg1

Witness: fMS Justine

Reading Group: C14A_app908_rg2

Witness: f1818 Justine,
Witness: f1823 Justine,
Witness: fThomas Justine,
Witness: f1831 Justine,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 whom your
Witness: f1823 whom your
Witness: fThomas whom your
Witness: f1831 whom your
Witness: fMS whom your


Reading Group: C14A_app910_rg1

Witness: fMS bessed

Reading Group: C14A_app910_rg2

Witness: f1818 blessed
Witness: f1823 blessed
Witness: fThomas blessed
Witness: f1831 blessed


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 aunt had so highly
Witness: f1823 aunt had so highly
Witness: fThomas aunt had so highly
Witness: f1831 aunt had so highly
Witness: fMS aunt had so highly


Reading Group: C14A_app912_rg1

Witness: fMS honoured

Reading Group: C14A_app912_rg2

Witness: f1818 honoured,
Witness: f1823 honoured,
Witness: fThomas honoured,
Witness: f1831 honoured,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fMS and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 whom you loved, was a
Witness: f1823 whom you loved, was a
Witness: fThomas whom you loved, was a
Witness: f1831 whom you loved, was a
Witness: fMS whom you loved, was a


Reading Group: C14A_app915_rg1

Witness: f1818 creature
Witness: f1823 creature
Witness: fThomas creature
Witness: f1831 creature

Reading Group: C14A_app915_rg2

Witness: fMS wretch


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 capable
Witness: f1823 capable
Witness: fThomas capable
Witness: f1831 capable
Witness: fMS capable


Reading Group: C14A_app917_rg1

Witness: f1818 of a
Witness: f1823 of a
Witness: fThomas of a
Witness: f1831 of a

Reading Group: C14A_app917_rg2

Witness: fMS of<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>a


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 crime which
Witness: f1823 crime which
Witness: fThomas crime which
Witness: f1831 crime which
Witness: fMS crime which


Reading Group: C14A_app919_rg1

Witness: fMS notnone

Reading Group: C14A_app919_rg2

Witness: f1818 none
Witness: f1823 none
Witness: fThomas none
Witness: f1831 none


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but the
Witness: f1823 but the
Witness: fThomas but the
Witness: f1831 but the
Witness: fMS but the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 devil himself
Witness: f1823 devil himself
Witness: fThomas devil himself
Witness: f1831 devil himself
Witness: fMS devil himself


Reading Group: C14A_app922_rg1

Witness: fMS was capable of<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>could

Reading Group: C14A_app922_rg2

Witness: f1818 could
Witness: f1823 could
Witness: fThomas could
Witness: f1831 could


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 have perpetrated. Dear
Witness: f1823 have perpetrated. Dear
Witness: fThomas have perpetrated. Dear
Witness: f1831 have perpetrated. Dear
Witness: fMS have perpetrated. Dear


Reading Group: C14A_app924_rg1

Witness: fMS William,

Reading Group: C14A_app924_rg2

Witness: f1818 William!
Witness: f1823 William!
Witness: fThomas William!
Witness: f1831 William!


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 dearest blessed
Witness: f1823 dearest blessed
Witness: fThomas dearest blessed
Witness: f1831 dearest blessed
Witness: fMS dearest blessed


Reading Group: C14A_app926_rg1

Witness: f1818 child!
Witness: f1823 child!
Witness: fThomas child!
Witness: f1831 child!

Reading Group: C14A_app926_rg2

Witness: fMS child,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I soon
Witness: f1823 I soon
Witness: fThomas I soon
Witness: f1831 I soon
Witness: fMS I soon


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 shall see you again in
Witness: f1823 shall see you again in
Witness: fThomas shall see you again in
Witness: f1831 shall see you again in
Witness: fMS shall see you again in


Reading Group: C14A_app929_rg1

Witness: fMS heaven & glory

Reading Group: C14A_app929_rg2

Witness: f1818 heaven, where we shall all be happy;
Witness: f1823 heaven, where we shall all be happy;
Witness: fThomas heaven, where we shall all be happy;
Witness: f1831 heaven, where we shall all be happy;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and that consoles
Witness: f1823 and that consoles
Witness: fThomas and that consoles
Witness: f1831 and that consoles
Witness: fMS and that consoles


Reading Group: C14A_app931_rg1

Witness: fMS me

Reading Group: C14A_app931_rg2

Witness: f1818 me,
Witness: f1823 me,
Witness: fThomas me,
Witness: f1831 me,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 going as
Witness: f1823 going as
Witness: fThomas going as
Witness: f1831 going as
Witness: fMS going as


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I am to suffer ignominy and
Witness: f1823 I am to suffer ignominy and
Witness: fThomas I am to suffer ignominy and
Witness: f1831 I am to suffer ignominy and
Witness: fMS I am to suffer ignominy and


Reading Group: C14A_app934_rg1

Witness: fMS de"ath.

Reading Group: C14A_app934_rg2

Witness: f1818 death.”<p/>
Witness: f1823 death.”<p/>
Witness: fThomas death.”<p/>
Witness: f1831 death.”<p/>


Reading Group: C14B_app1_rg1

Witness: f1818 <p/>“Oh, Justine! forgive
Witness: f1823 <p/>“Oh, Justine! forgive
Witness: fThomas <p/>“Oh, Justine! forgive
Witness: f1831 <p/>“Oh, Justine! forgive

Reading Group: C14B_app1_rg2

Witness: fMS "Oh Justine" cried the weeping Elizabeth, "forgive


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 me for having for
Witness: f1823 me for having for
Witness: fThomas me for having for
Witness: fMS me for having for
Witness: f1831 me for having for


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 one moment distrusted
Witness: f1823 one moment distrusted
Witness: fThomas one moment distrusted
Witness: fMS one moment distrusted
Witness: f1831 one moment distrusted


Reading Group: C14B_app4_rg1

Witness: fMS you – But

Reading Group: C14B_app4_rg2

Witness: f1818 you.
Witness: f1823 you.
Witness: fThomas you.
Witness: f1831 you.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Why
Witness: f1823 Why
Witness: fThomas Why
Witness: fMS why
Witness: f1831 Why


Reading Group: C14B_app6_rg1

Witness: f1818 did you
Witness: f1823 did you
Witness: fThomas did you
Witness: f1831 did you

Reading Group: C14B_app6_rg2

Witness: fMS didyou


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 confess? But do not
Witness: f1823 confess? But do not
Witness: fThomas confess? But do not
Witness: fMS confess? But do not
Witness: f1831 confess? But do not


Reading Group: C14B_app8_rg1

Witness: fMS mourn

Reading Group: C14B_app8_rg2

Witness: f1818 mourn,
Witness: f1823 mourn,
Witness: fThomas mourn,
Witness: f1831 mourn,


Reading Group: C14B_app9_rg1

Witness: f1831 dear girl. Do not fear.

Reading Group: C14B_app9_rg2

Witness: fMS my dear girl,

Reading Group: C14B_app9_rg3

Witness: f1818 my dear girl;
Witness: f1823 my dear girl;
Witness: fThomas my dear girl;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I will
Witness: f1823 I will
Witness: fThomas I will
Witness: fMS I will
Witness: f1831 I will


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 every where
Witness: f1823 every where
Witness: fThomas every where
Witness: fMS every where


Reading Group: C14B_app12_rg1

Witness: f1818 proclaim
Witness: f1823 proclaim
Witness: fThomas proclaim
Witness: fMS proclaim

Reading Group: C14B_app12_rg2

Witness: f1831 proclaim, I will prove


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 your
Witness: f1823 your
Witness: fThomas your
Witness: fMS your
Witness: f1831 your


Reading Group: C14B_app14_rg1

Witness: fMS innocence

Reading Group: C14B_app14_rg2

Witness: f1818 innocence,
Witness: f1823 innocence,
Witness: fThomas innocence,

Reading Group: C14B_app14_rg3

Witness: f1831 innocence. I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: fMS and


Reading Group: C14B_app16_rg1

Witness: f1831 will melt the stony hearts of your enemies by my tears and prayers.

Reading Group: C14B_app16_rg2

Witness: fMS will force belief.

Reading Group: C14B_app16_rg3

Witness: f1818 force belief.
Witness: f1823 force belief.
Witness: fThomas force belief.


Reading Group: C14B_app17_rg1

Witness: fMS Yet you must die – you

Reading Group: C14B_app17_rg2

Witness: f1818 Yet you must die; you,
Witness: f1823 Yet you must die; you,
Witness: fThomas Yet you must die; you,

Reading Group: C14B_app17_rg3

Witness: f1831 You shall not die!—You,


Reading Group: C14B_app18_rg1

Witness: fMS my companion,

Reading Group: C14B_app18_rg2

Witness: f1831 my play-fellow,

Reading Group: C14B_app18_rg3

Witness: f1818 my playfellow,
Witness: f1823 my playfellow,
Witness: fThomas my playfellow,


Reading Group: C14B_app19_rg1

Witness: fMS my playfellow,

Reading Group: C14B_app19_rg2

Witness: f1818 my companion,
Witness: f1823 my companion,
Witness: fThomas my companion,
Witness: f1831 my companion,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my
Witness: f1823 my
Witness: fThomas my
Witness: fMS my
Witness: f1831 my


Reading Group: C14B_app21_rg1

Witness: f1818 more than sister.
Witness: f1823 more than sister.
Witness: fThomas more than sister.

Reading Group: C14B_app21_rg2

Witness: fMS more than sister— die

Reading Group: C14B_app21_rg3

Witness: f1831 sister, perish on the scaffold! No! no! I


Reading Group: C14B_app22_rg1

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: fThomas I

Reading Group: C14B_app22_rg2

Witness: fMS –I never


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 never
Witness: f1823 never
Witness: fThomas never
Witness: fMS never
Witness: f1831 never


Reading Group: C14B_app24_rg1

Witness: f1818 can
Witness: f1823 can
Witness: fThomas can
Witness: fMS can

Reading Group: C14B_app24_rg2

Witness: f1831 could


Reading Group: C14B_app25_rg1

Witness: f1818 survive so horrible a misfortune.”<p/>
Witness: f1823 survive so horrible a misfortune.”<p/>
Witness: fThomas survive so horrible a misfortune.”<p/>
Witness: f1831 survive so horrible a misfortune.”<p/>

Reading Group: C14B_app25_rg2

Witness: fMS survive so horrible a misfortune".


Reading Group: C14c_app1_rg1

Witness: f1831 <p/>Justine shook her head mournfully. “I do not fear to die,” she said; “that pang is past. God raises my weakness, and gives me courage to endure the worst. I leave a sad and bitter world; and if you remember me, and think of me as of one unjustly condemned, I am resigned to the fate awaiting me. Learn from me, dear lady, to submit in patience to the will of Heaven!”<p/>

Reading Group: C14c_app1_rg2

Witness: f1818 <p/>“Dear, sweet Elizabeth, do not weep.
Witness: f1823 <p/>“Dear, sweet Elizabeth, do not weep.
Witness: fThomas <p/>“Dear, sweet Elizabeth, do not weep.

Reading Group: C14c_app1_rg3

Witness: fMS "Dear Sweet lady," do not weep"– sai replied Justine"–


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 You ought to
Witness: f1823 You ought to
Witness: fThomas You ought to
Witness: fMS you ought to


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 raise me
Witness: f1823 raise me
Witness: fThomas raise me
Witness: fMS raise me


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS w


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 with thoughts of a better
Witness: f1823 with thoughts of a better
Witness: fThomas with thoughts of a better
Witness: fMS with thoughts of a better


Reading Group: C14c_app6_rg1

Witness: fMS worldlife,

Reading Group: C14c_app6_rg2

Witness: f1818 life,
Witness: f1823 life,
Witness: fThomas life,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and elevate me from the
Witness: f1823 and elevate me from the
Witness: fThomas and elevate me from the
Witness: fMS and elevate me from the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 petty cares of this world of injustice
Witness: f1823 petty cares of this world of injustice
Witness: fThomas petty cares of this world of injustice
Witness: fMS petty cares of this world of injustice


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: fMS and


Reading Group: C14c_app10_rg1

Witness: fMS strife –Do

Reading Group: C14c_app10_rg2

Witness: f1818 strife. Do
Witness: f1823 strife. Do
Witness: fThomas strife. Do


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 not you, excellent
Witness: f1823 not you, excellent
Witness: fThomas not you, excellent
Witness: fMS not you, excellent


Reading Group: C14c_app12_rg1

Witness: fMS Elizabeth

Reading Group: C14c_app12_rg2

Witness: f1818 friend,
Witness: f1823 friend,
Witness: fThomas friend,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 drive me to
Witness: f1823 drive me to
Witness: fThomas drive me to
Witness: fMS drive me to


Reading Group: C14c_app14_rg1

Witness: fMS despair." Elizabeth Em embraced the suffer er "I

Reading Group: C14c_app14_rg2

Witness: f1818 despair.”<p/><p/>“I
Witness: f1823 despair.”<p/><p/>“I
Witness: fThomas despair.”<p/><p/>“I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 will try to comfort
Witness: f1823 will try to comfort
Witness: fThomas will try to comfort
Witness: fMS will try to comfort


Reading Group: C14c_app16_rg1

Witness: fMS you," said she,

Reading Group: C14c_app16_rg2

Witness: f1818 you;
Witness: f1823 you;
Witness: fThomas you;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but
Witness: f1823 but
Witness: fThomas but
Witness: fMS but


Reading Group: C14c_app18_rg1

Witness: fMS this

Reading Group: C14c_app18_rg2

Witness: f1818 this,
Witness: f1823 this,
Witness: fThomas this,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: fMS I


Reading Group: C14c_app20_rg1

Witness: fMS fear

Reading Group: C14c_app20_rg2

Witness: f1818 fear,
Witness: f1823 fear,
Witness: fThomas fear,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 is an evil too deep and poignant
Witness: f1823 is an evil too deep and poignant
Witness: fThomas is an evil too deep and poignant
Witness: fMS is an evil too deep and poignant


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to admit of
Witness: f1823 to admit of
Witness: fThomas to admit of
Witness: fMS to admit of


Reading Group: C14c_app23_rg1

Witness: fMS consolation or

Reading Group: C14c_app23_rg2

Witness: f1818 consolation,
Witness: f1823 consolation,
Witness: fThomas consolation,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 for there is no
Witness: f1823 for there is no
Witness: fThomas for there is no
Witness: fMS for there is no


Reading Group: C14c_app25_rg1

Witness: fMS hope

Reading Group: C14c_app25_rg2

Witness: f1818 hope.
Witness: f1823 hope.
Witness: fThomas hope.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Yet heaven bless thee, my dearest Justine,
Witness: f1823 Yet heaven bless thee, my dearest Justine,
Witness: fThomas Yet heaven bless thee, my dearest Justine,
Witness: fMS Yet heaven bless thee, my dearest Justine,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 with
Witness: f1823 with
Witness: fThomas with
Witness: fMS with


Reading Group: C14c_app28_rg1

Witness: fMS resignation

Reading Group: C14c_app28_rg2

Witness: f1818 resignation,
Witness: f1823 resignation,
Witness: fThomas resignation,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: fMS and


Reading Group: C14c_app30_rg1

Witness: fMS a hopea

Reading Group: C14c_app30_rg2

Witness: f1818 a
Witness: f1823 a
Witness: fThomas a


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 confidence elevated
Witness: f1823 confidence elevated
Witness: fThomas confidence elevated
Witness: fMS confidence elevated


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 beyond this world.
Witness: f1823 beyond this world.
Witness: fThomas beyond this world.
Witness: fMS beyond this world.


Reading Group: C14c_app33_rg1

Witness: f1818 Oh!
Witness: f1823 Oh!
Witness: fThomas Oh!

Reading Group: C14c_app33_rg2

Witness: fMS Oh


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 how I hate
Witness: f1823 how I hate
Witness: fThomas how I hate
Witness: fMS how I hate


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS all


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 its
Witness: f1823 its
Witness: fThomas its
Witness: fMS its


Reading Group: C14c_app37_rg1

Witness: f1818 shews
Witness: fThomas shews
Witness: fMS shews

Reading Group: C14c_app37_rg2

Witness: f1823 shows


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: fMS and


Reading Group: C14c_app39_rg1

Witness: f1818 mockeries!
Witness: f1823 mockeries!
Witness: fThomas mockeries!

Reading Group: C14c_app39_rg2

Witness: fMS mockeries.–


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 when one creature is
Witness: f1823 when one creature is
Witness: fThomas when one creature is
Witness: fMS When one creature is


Reading Group: C14c_app41_rg1

Witness: fMS deprived of lifemurderedtheybelanother

Reading Group: C14c_app41_rg2

Witness: f1818 murdered, another
Witness: f1823 murdered, another
Witness: fThomas murdered, another


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 is immediately
Witness: f1823 is immediately
Witness: fThomas is immediately
Witness: fMS is immediately


Reading Group: C14c_app43_rg1

Witness: f1818 deprived
Witness: f1823 deprived
Witness: fThomas deprived

Reading Group: C14c_app43_rg2

Witness: fMS murderanotherdeprive


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of life in a slow torturing
Witness: f1823 of life in a slow torturing
Witness: fThomas of life in a slow torturing
Witness: fMS of life in a slow torturing


Reading Group: C14c_app45_rg1

Witness: fMS manner &<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>then

Reading Group: C14c_app45_rg2

Witness: f1818 manner; then
Witness: f1823 manner; then
Witness: fThomas manner; then


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: fMS the


Reading Group: C14c_app47_rg1

Witness: fMS executioners

Reading Group: C14c_app47_rg2

Witness: f1818 executioners,
Witness: f1823 executioners,
Witness: fThomas executioners,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 their hands yet reeking with the blood of
Witness: f1823 their hands yet reeking with the blood of
Witness: fThomas their hands yet reeking with the blood of
Witness: fMS their hands yet reeking with the blood of


Reading Group: C14c_app49_rg1

Witness: fMS innocence

Reading Group: C14c_app49_rg2

Witness: f1818 innocence,
Witness: f1823 innocence,
Witness: fThomas innocence,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 believe that they have done a great
Witness: f1823 believe that they have done a great
Witness: fThomas believe that they have done a great
Witness: fMS believe that they have done a great


Reading Group: C14c_app51_rg1

Witness: fMS thingsdeed.

Reading Group: C14c_app51_rg2

Witness: f1818 deed.
Witness: f1823 deed.
Witness: fThomas deed.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 They call this
Witness: f1823 They call this
Witness: fThomas They call this
Witness: fMS They call this


Reading Group: C14c_app53_rg1

Witness: f1818 <hi/>retribution<hi/>.
Witness: f1823 <hi/>retribution<hi/>.
Witness: fThomas <hi/>retribution<hi/>.

Reading Group: C14c_app53_rg2

Witness: fMS retribution;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Hateful name! When that word is
Witness: f1823 Hateful name! When that word is
Witness: fThomas Hateful name! When that word is
Witness: fMS hateful name! When that <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>word is


Reading Group: C14c_app55_rg1

Witness: fMS pronounced

Reading Group: C14c_app55_rg2

Witness: f1818 pronounced,
Witness: f1823 pronounced,
Witness: fThomas pronounced,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I know
Witness: f1823 I know
Witness: fThomas I know
Witness: fMS I know


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS that


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 greater and more horrid
Witness: f1823 greater and more horrid
Witness: fThomas greater and more horrid
Witness: fMS greater and more horrid


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 punishments are going to be inflicted
Witness: f1823 punishments are going to be inflicted
Witness: fThomas punishments are going to be inflicted
Witness: fMS punishments are going to be inflicted


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 than the gloomiest tyrant has
Witness: f1823 than the gloomiest tyrant has
Witness: fThomas than the gloomiest tyrant has
Witness: fMS than the gloomiest tyrant has


Reading Group: C14c_app61_rg1

Witness: f1818 ever invented
Witness: f1823 ever invented
Witness: fThomas ever invented

Reading Group: C14c_app61_rg2

Witness: fMS <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>everin ventented


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to
Witness: f1823 to
Witness: fThomas to
Witness: fMS to


Reading Group: C14c_app63_rg1

Witness: f1818 satiate his
Witness: f1823 satiate his
Witness: fThomas satiate his

Reading Group: C14c_app63_rg2

Witness: fMS satiatehis


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 utmost revenge. Yet this
Witness: f1823 utmost revenge. Yet this
Witness: fThomas utmost revenge. Yet this
Witness: fMS utmost revenge. Yet this


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 is not consolation for you, my Justine,
Witness: f1823 is not consolation for you, my Justine,
Witness: fThomas is not consolation for you, my Justine,
Witness: fMS is not consolation to<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>for you, my Justine,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 unless indeed that you may glory
Witness: f1823 unless indeed that you may glory
Witness: fThomas unless indeed that you may glory
Witness: fMS unless indeed that you may glory


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in escaping
Witness: f1823 in escaping
Witness: fThomas in escaping
Witness: fMS in escaping


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 from
Witness: f1823 from
Witness: fThomas from


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 so miserable a den. Alas!
Witness: f1823 so miserable a den. Alas!
Witness: fThomas so miserable a den. Alas!
Witness: fMS so miserable a den. Alas!


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I would I were in peace with my aunt and my
Witness: f1823 I would I were in peace with my aunt and my
Witness: fThomas I would I were in peace with my aunt and my
Witness: fMS I would I were <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>in peace with my aunt & my


Reading Group: C14c_app71_rg1

Witness: fMS sweet William – in peace

Reading Group: C14c_app71_rg2

Witness: f1818 lovely William,
Witness: f1823 lovely William,
Witness: fThomas lovely William,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 escaped
Witness: f1823 escaped
Witness: fThomas escaped
Witness: fMS escaped


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 from
Witness: f1823 from
Witness: fThomas from
Witness: fMS from


Reading Group: C14c_app74_rg1

Witness: f1818 a world
Witness: f1823 a world
Witness: fThomas a world

Reading Group: C14c_app74_rg2

Witness: fMS light


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 which
Witness: f1823 which
Witness: fThomas which
Witness: fMS which


Reading Group: C14c_app76_rg1

Witness: fMS I abhoris

Reading Group: C14c_app76_rg2

Witness: f1818 is
Witness: f1823 is
Witness: fThomas is


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 hateful to
Witness: f1823 hateful to
Witness: fThomas hateful to
Witness: fMS hateful to


Reading Group: C14c_app78_rg1

Witness: fMS me

Reading Group: C14c_app78_rg2

Witness: f1818 me,
Witness: f1823 me,
Witness: fThomas me,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and the
Witness: f1823 and the
Witness: fThomas and the
Witness: fMS and the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 visages of men which
Witness: f1823 visages of men which
Witness: fThomas visages of men which
Witness: fMS visages of men which


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS are hateful to me."


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: fMS I


Reading Group: C14c_app83_rg1

Witness: f1818 abhor.”<p/><p/>Justine
Witness: f1823 abhor.”<p/><p/>Justine
Witness: fThomas abhor.”<p/><p/>Justine

Reading Group: C14c_app83_rg2

Witness: fMS abhor. Justine


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 smiled languidly. “This, dear
Witness: f1823 smiled languidly. “This, dear
Witness: fThomas smiled languidly. “This, dear
Witness: fMS smiled languidly. "This, dear


Reading Group: C14c_app85_rg1

Witness: fMS Lady said she

Reading Group: C14c_app85_rg2

Witness: f1818 lady,
Witness: f1823 lady,
Witness: fThomas lady,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 is
Witness: f1823 is
Witness: fThomas is
Witness: fMS is


Reading Group: C14c_app87_rg1

Witness: fMS despair

Reading Group: C14c_app87_rg2

Witness: f1818 despair,
Witness: f1823 despair,
Witness: fThomas despair,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and not resignation.
Witness: f1823 and not resignation.
Witness: fThomas and not resignation.
Witness: fMS and not resignation.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I must not learn the lesson that you
Witness: f1823 I must not learn the lesson that you
Witness: fThomas I must not learn the lesson that you
Witness: fMS I must not learn the lesson that you


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 would teach
Witness: f1823 would teach
Witness: fThomas would teach
Witness: fMS would teach


Reading Group: C14c_app91_rg1

Witness: fMS me –

Reading Group: C14c_app91_rg2

Witness: f1818 me.
Witness: f1823 me.
Witness: fThomas me.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Talk of
Witness: f1823 Talk of
Witness: fThomas Talk of
Witness: fMS talk of


Reading Group: C14c_app93_rg1

Witness: f1818 something else,
Witness: f1823 something else,
Witness: fThomas something else,

Reading Group: C14c_app93_rg2

Witness: fMS somthing else of fieldss of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 something that will
Witness: f1823 something that will
Witness: fThomas something that will
Witness: fMS something that will


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS brig jo


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 bring
Witness: f1823 bring
Witness: fThomas bring
Witness: fMS bring


Reading Group: C14c_app97_rg1

Witness: fMS joy

Reading Group: C14c_app97_rg2

Witness: f1818 peace,
Witness: f1823 peace,
Witness: fThomas peace,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and not
Witness: f1823 and not
Witness: fThomas and not
Witness: fMS and not


Reading Group: C14c_app99_rg1

Witness: fMS encrease

Reading Group: C14c_app99_rg2

Witness: f1818 increase
Witness: f1823 increase
Witness: fThomas increase


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of
Witness: f1823 of
Witness: fThomas of
Witness: fMS of


Reading Group: C14c_app101_rg1

Witness: fMS misery."

Reading Group: C14c_app101_rg2

Witness: f1818 misery.”<p/>
Witness: f1823 misery.”<p/>
Witness: fThomas misery.”<p/>


Reading Group: C14d_app1_rg1

Witness: fMS During

Reading Group: C14d_app1_rg2

Witness: f1818 <p/>During
Witness: f1823 <p/>During
Witness: fThomas <p/>During
Witness: f1831 <p/>During


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 this conversation I had retired
Witness: f1823 this conversation I had retired
Witness: fThomas this conversation I had retired
Witness: fMS this conversation I had retired
Witness: f1831 this conversation I had retired


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to a corner of the
Witness: f1823 to a corner of the
Witness: fThomas to a corner of the
Witness: fMS to a corner of the
Witness: f1831 to a corner of the


Reading Group: C14d_app4_rg1

Witness: fMS prison-room

Reading Group: C14d_app4_rg2

Witness: f1818 prison-room,
Witness: f1823 prison-room,
Witness: fThomas prison-room,
Witness: f1831 prison-room,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 where
Witness: f1823 where
Witness: fThomas where
Witness: fMS where
Witness: f1831 where


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I could conceal the horrid anguish
Witness: f1823 I could conceal the horrid anguish
Witness: fThomas I could conceal the horrid anguish
Witness: fMS I could conceal the horrid anguish
Witness: f1831 I could conceal the horrid anguish


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that possessed
Witness: f1823 that possessed
Witness: fThomas that possessed
Witness: fMS that possessed
Witness: f1831 that possessed


Reading Group: C14d_app8_rg1

Witness: f1818 me.
Witness: f1823 me.
Witness: fThomas me.
Witness: f1831 me.

Reading Group: C14d_app8_rg2

Witness: fMS me–


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Despair! Who dared
Witness: f1823 Despair! Who dared
Witness: fThomas Despair! Who dared
Witness: fMS Despair! Who dared
Witness: f1831 Despair! Who dared


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 talk of that? The poor
Witness: f1823 talk of that? The poor
Witness: fThomas talk of that? The poor
Witness: fMS talk of that? The poor
Witness: f1831 talk of that? The poor


Reading Group: C14d_app11_rg1

Witness: fMS victim

Reading Group: C14d_app11_rg2

Witness: f1818 victim,
Witness: f1823 victim,
Witness: fThomas victim,
Witness: f1831 victim,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 who
Witness: f1823 who
Witness: fThomas who
Witness: fMS who
Witness: f1831 who


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 on the morrow was to pass the
Witness: f1823 on the morrow was to pass the
Witness: fThomas on the morrow was to pass the
Witness: fMS on the morrow was to pass the
Witness: f1831 on the morrow was to pass the


Reading Group: C14d_app14_rg1

Witness: fMS

Reading Group: C14d_app14_rg2

Witness: f1831 awful


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 dreary
Witness: f1823 dreary
Witness: fThomas dreary
Witness: fMS dreary


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 boundary
Witness: f1823 boundary
Witness: fThomas boundary
Witness: fMS boundary
Witness: f1831 boundary


Reading Group: C14d_app17_rg1

Witness: f1818 between
Witness: f1823 between
Witness: fThomas between
Witness: f1831 between

Reading Group: C14d_app17_rg2

Witness: fMS of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 life and
Witness: f1823 life and
Witness: fThomas life and
Witness: fMS life &
Witness: f1831 life and


Reading Group: C14d_app19_rg1

Witness: fMS death

Reading Group: C14d_app19_rg2

Witness: f1818 death,
Witness: f1823 death,
Witness: fThomas death,
Witness: f1831 death,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 felt
Witness: f1823 felt
Witness: fThomas felt
Witness: fMS felt
Witness: f1831 felt


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 not as I
Witness: f1823 not as I
Witness: fThomas not as I
Witness: fMS not as I
Witness: f1831 not as I


Reading Group: C14d_app22_rg1

Witness: fMS did —

Reading Group: C14d_app22_rg2

Witness: f1818 did,
Witness: f1823 did,
Witness: fThomas did,
Witness: f1831 did,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 such deep and bitter
Witness: f1823 such deep and bitter
Witness: fThomas such deep and bitter
Witness: fMS Such deep & bitter
Witness: f1831 such deep and bitter


Reading Group: C14d_app24_rg1

Witness: fMS agony

Reading Group: C14d_app24_rg2

Witness: f1818 agony.
Witness: f1823 agony.
Witness: fThomas agony.
Witness: f1831 agony.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I gnashed my
Witness: f1823 I gnashed my
Witness: fThomas I gnashed my
Witness: fMS I gnashed my
Witness: f1831 I gnashed my


Reading Group: C14d_app26_rg1

Witness: fMS teeth

Reading Group: C14d_app26_rg2

Witness: f1818 teeth,
Witness: f1823 teeth,
Witness: fThomas teeth,
Witness: f1831 teeth,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and ground them
Witness: f1823 and ground them
Witness: fThomas and ground them
Witness: fMS and ground them
Witness: f1831 and ground them


Reading Group: C14d_app28_rg1

Witness: fMS <del rend="strikethrough" sID="c56-0105__main__d2e22337"/><del/> together

Reading Group: C14d_app28_rg2

Witness: f1818 together,
Witness: f1823 together,
Witness: fThomas together,
Witness: f1831 together,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 uttering a groan that came
Witness: f1823 uttering a groan that came
Witness: fThomas uttering a groan that came
Witness: fMS uttering a groan that came
Witness: f1831 uttering a groan that came


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 from my inmost soul. Justine
Witness: f1823 from my inmost soul. Justine
Witness: fThomas from my inmost soul. Justine
Witness: fMS from my inmost soul. Justine
Witness: f1831 from my inmost soul. Justine


Reading Group: C14d_app31_rg1

Witness: fMS started and

Reading Group: C14d_app31_rg2

Witness: f1818 started.
Witness: f1823 started.
Witness: fThomas started.
Witness: f1831 started.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 When she saw who it
Witness: f1823 When she saw who it
Witness: fThomas When she saw who it
Witness: fMS when she saw whaot it
Witness: f1831 When she saw who it


Reading Group: C14d_app33_rg1

Witness: fMS was

Reading Group: C14d_app33_rg2

Witness: f1818 was,
Witness: f1823 was,
Witness: fThomas was,
Witness: f1831 was,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 she approached
Witness: f1823 she approached
Witness: fThomas she approached
Witness: fMS she approached
Witness: f1831 she approached


Reading Group: C14d_app35_rg1

Witness: f1818 me, and said, “Dear Sir, you
Witness: f1823 me, and said, “Dear Sir, you
Witness: fThomas me, and said, “Dear Sir, you
Witness: f1831 me, and said, “Dear sir, you

Reading Group: C14d_app35_rg2

Witness: fMS me. "Dear Sir," said she, "you


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 are very kind to visit me;
Witness: f1823 are very kind to visit me;
Witness: fThomas are very kind to visit me;
Witness: fMS are very kind to visit me;
Witness: f1831 are very kind to visit me;


Reading Group: C14d_app37_rg1

Witness: fMS you

Reading Group: C14d_app37_rg2

Witness: f1818 you,
Witness: f1823 you,
Witness: fThomas you,
Witness: f1831 you,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: fMS I
Witness: f1831 I


Reading Group: C14d_app39_rg1

Witness: fMS hope

Reading Group: C14d_app39_rg2

Witness: f1818 hope,
Witness: f1823 hope,
Witness: fThomas hope,
Witness: f1831 hope,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 do not believe that I am
Witness: f1823 do not believe that I am
Witness: fThomas do not believe that I am
Witness: fMS do not believe that I am
Witness: f1831 do not believe that I am


Reading Group: C14d_app41_rg1

Witness: fMS guilty.""I

Reading Group: C14d_app41_rg2

Witness: f1818 guilty.”<p/><p/>I
Witness: f1823 guilty.”<p/><p/>I
Witness: fThomas guilty.”<p/><p/>I

Reading Group: C14d_app41_rg3

Witness: f1831 guilty?”<p/><p/>I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 could not
Witness: f1823 could not
Witness: fThomas could not
Witness: fMS could not
Witness: f1831 could not


Reading Group: C14d_app43_rg1

Witness: fMS answer – "No Justine"

Reading Group: C14d_app43_rg2

Witness: f1818 answer. “No, Justine,”
Witness: f1823 answer. “No, Justine,”
Witness: fThomas answer. “No, Justine,”
Witness: f1831 answer. “No, Justine,”


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 said Elizabeth; “he is
Witness: f1823 said Elizabeth; “he is
Witness: fThomas said Elizabeth; “he is
Witness: fMS said Elizabeth; "he is
Witness: f1831 said Elizabeth; “he is


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS even


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 more
Witness: f1823 more
Witness: fThomas more
Witness: fMS more
Witness: f1831 more


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 convinced of your innocence than
Witness: f1823 convinced of your innocence than
Witness: fThomas convinced of your innocence than
Witness: fMS convinced of your innocence than
Witness: f1831 convinced of your innocence than


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: fMS I
Witness: f1831 I


Reading Group: C14d_app49_rg1

Witness: fMS was

Reading Group: C14d_app49_rg2

Witness: f1818 was;
Witness: f1823 was;
Witness: fThomas was;
Witness: f1831 was;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 for even when he heard
Witness: f1823 for even when he heard
Witness: fThomas for even when he heard
Witness: fMS for even when he heard
Witness: f1831 for even when he heard


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that you had
Witness: f1823 that you had
Witness: fThomas that you had
Witness: fMS that you had
Witness: f1831 that you had


Reading Group: C14d_app52_rg1

Witness: fMS confessed

Reading Group: C14d_app52_rg2

Witness: f1818 confessed,
Witness: f1823 confessed,
Witness: fThomas confessed,
Witness: f1831 confessed,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 he did not
Witness: f1823 he did not
Witness: fThomas he did not
Witness: fMS he did not
Witness: f1831 he did not


Reading Group: C14d_app54_rg1

Witness: fMS believecredit it." "I

Reading Group: C14d_app54_rg2

Witness: f1818 credit it.”<p/><p/>“I
Witness: f1823 credit it.”<p/><p/>“I
Witness: fThomas credit it.”<p/><p/>“I
Witness: f1831 credit it.”<p/><p/>“I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 truly thank
Witness: f1823 truly thank
Witness: fThomas truly thank
Witness: fMS truly thank
Witness: f1831 truly thank


Reading Group: C14d_app56_rg1

Witness: fMS him"– said Justine "In

Reading Group: C14d_app56_rg2

Witness: f1818 him. In
Witness: f1823 him. In
Witness: fThomas him. In
Witness: f1831 him. In


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 these last
Witness: f1823 these last
Witness: fThomas these last
Witness: fMS these last
Witness: f1831 these last


Reading Group: C14d_app58_rg1

Witness: fMS minutes

Reading Group: C14d_app58_rg2

Witness: f1818 moments
Witness: f1823 moments
Witness: fThomas moments
Witness: f1831 moments


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I feel the
Witness: f1823 I feel the
Witness: fThomas I feel the
Witness: fMS I feel the
Witness: f1831 I feel the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 sincerest gratitude
Witness: f1823 sincerest gratitude
Witness: fThomas sincerest gratitude
Witness: fMS sincerest gratitude
Witness: f1831 sincerest gratitude


Reading Group: C14d_app61_rg1

Witness: fMS for

Reading Group: C14d_app61_rg2

Witness: f1818 towards
Witness: f1823 towards
Witness: fThomas towards
Witness: f1831 towards


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 those who
Witness: f1823 those who
Witness: fThomas those who
Witness: fMS those who
Witness: f1831 those who


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS still


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 think of me with kindness. How
Witness: f1823 think of me with kindness. How
Witness: fThomas think of me with kindness. How
Witness: fMS think of me with kindness. How
Witness: f1831 think of me with kindness. How


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 sweet is the affection of others to
Witness: f1823 sweet is the affection of others to
Witness: fThomas sweet is the affection of others to
Witness: fMS sweet is the affection of others to
Witness: f1831 sweet is the affection of others to


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 such a wretch as I
Witness: f1823 such a wretch as I
Witness: fThomas such a wretch as I
Witness: fMS such a wretch as I
Witness: f1831 such a wretch as I


Reading Group: C14d_app67_rg1

Witness: f1818 am!
Witness: f1823 am!
Witness: fThomas am!
Witness: f1831 am!

Reading Group: C14d_app67_rg2

Witness: fMS am –


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 It removes
Witness: f1823 It removes
Witness: fThomas It removes
Witness: fMS It removes
Witness: f1831 It removes


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 more than half my
Witness: f1823 more than half my
Witness: fThomas more than half my
Witness: fMS more than half my
Witness: f1831 more than half my


Reading Group: C14d_app70_rg1

Witness: fMS misfortune

Reading Group: C14d_app70_rg2

Witness: f1818 misfortune;
Witness: f1823 misfortune;
Witness: fThomas misfortune;
Witness: f1831 misfortune;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and I feel as if I could die in
Witness: f1823 and I feel as if I could die in
Witness: fThomas and I feel as if I could die in
Witness: fMS and I feel as if I could die in
Witness: f1831 and I feel as if I could die in


Reading Group: C14d_app72_rg1

Witness: fMS pea peace. thn

Reading Group: C14d_app72_rg2

Witness: f1818 peace,
Witness: f1823 peace,
Witness: fThomas peace,
Witness: f1831 peace,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 now that my innocence
Witness: f1823 now that my innocence
Witness: fThomas now that my innocence
Witness: fMS now that my innocence
Witness: f1831 now that my innocence


Reading Group: C14d_app74_rg1

Witness: f1818 is acknowledged
Witness: f1823 is acknowledged
Witness: fThomas is acknowledged
Witness: f1831 is acknowledged

Reading Group: C14d_app74_rg2

Witness: fMS isacknowledged


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 by you,
Witness: f1823 by you,
Witness: fThomas by you,
Witness: fMS by you,
Witness: f1831 by you,


Reading Group: C14d_app76_rg1

Witness: f1818 dear
Witness: f1823 dear
Witness: fThomas dear
Witness: f1831 dear

Reading Group: C14d_app76_rg2

Witness: fMS sweet


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 lady, and your
Witness: f1823 lady, and your
Witness: fThomas lady, and your
Witness: fMS lady, and your
Witness: f1831 lady, and your


Reading Group: C14d_app78_rg1

Witness: fMS cousin." Thus

Reading Group: C14d_app78_rg2

Witness: f1818 cousin.”<p/><p/>Thus
Witness: f1823 cousin.”<p/><p/>Thus
Witness: fThomas cousin.”<p/><p/>Thus
Witness: f1831 cousin.”<p/><p/>Thus


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the poor sufferer
Witness: f1823 the poor sufferer
Witness: fThomas the poor sufferer
Witness: fMS the poor sufferer
Witness: f1831 the poor sufferer


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS cr


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 tried
Witness: f1823 tried
Witness: fThomas tried
Witness: fMS tried
Witness: f1831 tried


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to comfort others and herself. She indeed
Witness: f1823 to comfort others and herself. She indeed
Witness: fThomas to comfort others and herself. She indeed
Witness: fMS to comfort others and herself. She indeed
Witness: f1831 to comfort others and herself. She indeed


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 gained the resignation she
Witness: f1823 gained the resignation she
Witness: fThomas gained the resignation she
Witness: fMS gained the resignation she
Witness: f1831 gained the resignation she


Reading Group: C14d_app84_rg1

Witness: f1818 desired.
Witness: f1823 desired.
Witness: fThomas desired.
Witness: f1831 desired.

Reading Group: C14d_app84_rg2

Witness: fMS wished for


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 But
Witness: f1823 But
Witness: fThomas But
Witness: fMS but
Witness: f1831 But


Reading Group: C14d_app86_rg1

Witness: fMS I

Reading Group: C14d_app86_rg2

Witness: f1818 I,
Witness: f1823 I,
Witness: fThomas I,
Witness: f1831 I,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the true
Witness: f1823 the true
Witness: fThomas the true
Witness: fMS the true
Witness: f1831 the true


Reading Group: C14d_app88_rg1

Witness: fMS murderer w

Reading Group: C14d_app88_rg2

Witness: f1818 murderer,
Witness: f1823 murderer,
Witness: fThomas murderer,
Witness: f1831 murderer,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 felt
Witness: f1823 felt
Witness: fThomas felt
Witness: fMS felt
Witness: f1831 felt


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: fMS the
Witness: f1831 the


Reading Group: C14d_app91_rg1

Witness: fMS never dying

Reading Group: C14d_app91_rg2

Witness: f1818 never-dying
Witness: f1823 never-dying
Witness: fThomas never-dying
Witness: f1831 never-dying


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 worm alive
Witness: f1823 worm alive
Witness: fThomas worm alive
Witness: fMS worm alive
Witness: f1831 worm alive


Reading Group: C14d_app93_rg1

Witness: fMS and I waswhich

Reading Group: C14d_app93_rg2

Witness: f1818 in my bosom, which
Witness: f1823 in my bosom, which
Witness: fThomas in my bosom, which
Witness: f1831 in my bosom, which


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 allowed
Witness: f1823 allowed
Witness: fThomas allowed
Witness: fMS allowed
Witness: f1831 allowed


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of
Witness: f1823 of
Witness: fThomas of
Witness: f1831 of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 no hope or consolation. Elizabeth also
Witness: f1823 no hope or consolation. Elizabeth also
Witness: fThomas no hope or consolation. Elizabeth also
Witness: fMS no hope or consolation. Elizabeth also
Witness: f1831 no hope or consolation. Elizabeth also


Reading Group: C14d_app97_rg1

Witness: fMS wept

Reading Group: C14d_app97_rg2

Witness: f1818 wept,
Witness: f1823 wept,
Witness: fThomas wept,
Witness: f1831 wept,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and was
Witness: f1823 and was
Witness: fThomas and was
Witness: fMS and was
Witness: f1831 and was


Reading Group: C14d_app99_rg1

Witness: fMS unhappy

Reading Group: C14d_app99_rg2

Witness: f1818 unhappy;
Witness: f1823 unhappy;
Witness: fThomas unhappy;
Witness: f1831 unhappy;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but
Witness: f1823 but
Witness: fThomas but
Witness: fMS but
Witness: f1831 but


Reading Group: C14d_app101_rg1

Witness: fMS hers<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>also

Reading Group: C14d_app101_rg2

Witness: f1818 her’s also
Witness: f1823 her’s also
Witness: fThomas her’s also
Witness: f1831 her’s also


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was
Witness: f1823 was
Witness: fThomas was
Witness: fMS was
Witness: f1831 was


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS also


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the misery of
Witness: f1823 the misery of
Witness: fThomas the misery of
Witness: fMS the misery of
Witness: f1831 the misery of


Reading Group: C14d_app105_rg1

Witness: fMS innocence thatwhich

Reading Group: C14d_app105_rg2

Witness: f1818 innocence, which,
Witness: f1823 innocence, which,
Witness: fThomas innocence, which,
Witness: f1831 innocence, which,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 like a cloud
Witness: f1823 like a cloud
Witness: fThomas like a cloud
Witness: fMS like a cloud
Witness: f1831 like a cloud


Reading Group: C14d_app107_rg1

Witness: fMS thatthat

Reading Group: C14d_app107_rg2

Witness: f1818 that
Witness: f1823 that
Witness: fThomas that
Witness: f1831 that


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 passes over the
Witness: f1823 passes over the
Witness: fThomas passes over the
Witness: fMS passes over the
Witness: f1831 passes over the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 fair
Witness: f1823 fair
Witness: fThomas fair
Witness: fMS fair
Witness: f1831 fair


Reading Group: C14d_app110_rg1

Witness: fMS moon which&

Reading Group: C14d_app110_rg2

Witness: f1818 moon,
Witness: f1823 moon,
Witness: fThomas moon,
Witness: f1831 moon,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 for a while
Witness: f1823 for a while
Witness: fThomas for a while
Witness: fMS for a while
Witness: f1831 for a while


Reading Group: C14d_app112_rg1

Witness: fMS des

Reading Group: C14d_app112_rg2

Witness: f1831 hides

Reading Group: C14d_app112_rg3

Witness: f1818 hides,
Witness: f1823 hides,
Witness: fThomas hides,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but cannot
Witness: f1823 but cannot
Witness: fThomas but cannot
Witness: fMS but cannot
Witness: f1831 but cannot


Reading Group: C14d_app114_rg1

Witness: fMS disturbdestroy

Reading Group: C14d_app114_rg2

Witness: f1818 tarnish
Witness: f1823 tarnish
Witness: fThomas tarnish
Witness: f1831 tarnish


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 its
Witness: f1823 its
Witness: fThomas its
Witness: fMS its
Witness: f1831 its


Reading Group: C14d_app116_rg1

Witness: fMS brightness butmisery&desp

Reading Group: C14d_app116_rg2

Witness: f1818 brightness.
Witness: f1823 brightness.
Witness: fThomas brightness.
Witness: f1831 brightness.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Anguish and
Witness: f1823 Anguish and
Witness: fThomas Anguish and
Witness: fMS anguish and
Witness: f1831 Anguish and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 despair had
Witness: f1823 despair had
Witness: fThomas despair had
Witness: fMS despair had
Witness: f1831 despair had


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS penetr


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 penetrated into
Witness: f1823 penetrated into
Witness: fThomas penetrated into
Witness: fMS penetrated into
Witness: f1831 penetrated into


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the core of my
Witness: f1823 the core of my
Witness: fThomas the core of my
Witness: fMS the core of my
Witness: f1831 the core of my


Reading Group: C14d_app122_rg1

Witness: fMS heart –

Reading Group: C14d_app122_rg2

Witness: f1818 heart;
Witness: f1823 heart;
Witness: fThomas heart;
Witness: f1831 heart;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I bore a hell
Witness: f1823 I bore a hell
Witness: fThomas I bore a hell
Witness: fMS I bore a hell
Witness: f1831 I bore a hell


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 within
Witness: f1823 within
Witness: fThomas within
Witness: fMS within
Witness: f1831 within


Reading Group: C14d_app125_rg1

Witness: fMS me that

Reading Group: C14d_app125_rg2

Witness: f1818 me, which
Witness: f1823 me, which
Witness: fThomas me, which
Witness: f1831 me, which


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 nothing could
Witness: f1823 nothing could
Witness: fThomas nothing could
Witness: fMS nothing could
Witness: f1831 nothing could


Reading Group: C14d_app127_rg1

Witness: fMS diminish.extinguish.

Reading Group: C14d_app127_rg2

Witness: f1818 extinguish.
Witness: f1823 extinguish.
Witness: fThomas extinguish.
Witness: f1831 extinguish.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 We
Witness: f1823 We
Witness: fThomas We
Witness: fMS We
Witness: f1831 We


Reading Group: C14d_app129_rg1

Witness: f1818 staid
Witness: f1823 staid
Witness: fThomas staid
Witness: fMS staid

Reading Group: C14d_app129_rg2

Witness: f1831 stayed


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 several hours with
Witness: f1823 several hours with
Witness: fThomas several hours with
Witness: fMS several hours with
Witness: f1831 several hours with


Reading Group: C14d_app131_rg1

Witness: fMS Justine

Reading Group: C14d_app131_rg2

Witness: f1818 Justine;
Witness: f1823 Justine;
Witness: fThomas Justine;
Witness: f1831 Justine;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: fMS and
Witness: f1831 and


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS with


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 it was with great difficulty
Witness: f1823 it was with great difficulty
Witness: fThomas it was with great difficulty
Witness: fMS it was with great difficulty
Witness: f1831 it was with great difficulty


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that Elizabeth
Witness: f1823 that Elizabeth
Witness: fThomas that Elizabeth
Witness: fMS that Elizabeth
Witness: f1831 that Elizabeth


Reading Group: C14d_app136_rg1

Witness: f1818 could tear
Witness: f1823 could tear
Witness: fThomas could tear
Witness: f1831 could tear

Reading Group: C14d_app136_rg2

Witness: fMS tore


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 herself
Witness: f1823 herself
Witness: fThomas herself
Witness: fMS herself
Witness: f1831 herself


Reading Group: C14d_app138_rg1

Witness: fMS away

Reading Group: C14d_app138_rg2

Witness: f1818 away.
Witness: f1823 away.
Witness: fThomas away.
Witness: f1831 away.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 “I
Witness: f1823 “I
Witness: fThomas “I
Witness: fMS "I
Witness: f1831 “I


Reading Group: C14d_app140_rg1

Witness: fMS wish"

Reading Group: C14d_app140_rg2

Witness: f1818 wish,”
Witness: f1823 wish,”
Witness: fThomas wish,”
Witness: f1831 wish,”


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 cried
Witness: f1823 cried
Witness: fThomas cried
Witness: fMS cried
Witness: f1831 cried


Reading Group: C14d_app142_rg1

Witness: fMS she that

Reading Group: C14d_app142_rg2

Witness: f1818 she, “that
Witness: f1823 she, “that
Witness: fThomas she, “that
Witness: f1831 she, “that


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I were to die
Witness: f1823 I were to die
Witness: fThomas I were to die
Witness: fMS I were to die
Witness: f1831 I were to die


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 with
Witness: f1823 with
Witness: fThomas with
Witness: fMS with
Witness: f1831 with


Reading Group: C14d_app145_rg1

Witness: fMS you –

Reading Group: C14d_app145_rg2

Witness: f1818 you;
Witness: f1823 you;
Witness: fThomas you;
Witness: f1831 you;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I cannot live in this world
Witness: f1823 I cannot live in this world
Witness: fThomas I cannot live in this world
Witness: fMS I cannot live in theis world
Witness: f1831 I cannot live in this world


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of
Witness: f1823 of
Witness: fThomas of
Witness: fMS of
Witness: f1831 of


Reading Group: C14d_app148_rg1

Witness: fMS misery." Justine

Reading Group: C14d_app148_rg2

Witness: f1818 misery.”<p/><p/>Justine
Witness: f1823 misery.”<p/><p/>Justine
Witness: fThomas misery.”<p/><p/>Justine
Witness: f1831 misery.”<p/><p/>Justine


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 assumed an air
Witness: f1823 assumed an air
Witness: fThomas assumed an air
Witness: fMS assumed an air
Witness: f1831 assumed an air


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of
Witness: f1823 of
Witness: fThomas of
Witness: fMS of
Witness: f1831 of


Reading Group: C14d_app151_rg1

Witness: fMS Cheerfullness

Reading Group: C14d_app151_rg2

Witness: f1818 cheerfulness,
Witness: f1823 cheerfulness,
Witness: fThomas cheerfulness,
Witness: f1831 cheerfulness,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 while she with difficulty repressed
Witness: f1823 while she with difficulty repressed
Witness: fThomas while she with difficulty repressed
Witness: fMS whichle she with difficulty repressed
Witness: f1831 while she with difficulty repressed


Reading Group: C14d_app153_rg1

Witness: f1818 her
Witness: f1823 her
Witness: fThomas her
Witness: f1831 her

Reading Group: C14d_app153_rg2

Witness: fMS the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 bitter
Witness: f1823 bitter
Witness: fThomas bitter
Witness: fMS bitter
Witness: f1831 bitter


Reading Group: C14d_app155_rg1

Witness: fMS tears – "Farewell

Reading Group: C14d_app155_rg2

Witness: f1818 tears. She embraced Elizabeth, and said, in a voice of half-suppressed emotion, “Farewell,
Witness: f1823 tears. She embraced Elizabeth, and said, in a voice of half-suppressed emotion, “Farewell,
Witness: fThomas tears. She embraced Elizabeth, and said, in a voice of half-suppressed emotion, “Farewell,
Witness: f1831 tears. She embraced Elizabeth, and said, in a voice of half-suppressed emotion, “Farewell,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 sweet lady, dearest
Witness: f1823 sweet lady, dearest
Witness: fThomas sweet lady, dearest
Witness: fMS sweet lady, dearest
Witness: f1831 sweet lady, dearest


Reading Group: C14d_app157_rg1

Witness: fMS Elizabeth

Reading Group: C14d_app157_rg2

Witness: f1818 Elizabeth, my beloved and only friend;
Witness: f1823 Elizabeth, my beloved and only friend;
Witness: fThomas Elizabeth, my beloved and only friend;
Witness: f1831 Elizabeth, my beloved and only friend;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 may
Witness: f1823 may
Witness: fThomas may
Witness: fMS may
Witness: f1831 may


Reading Group: C14d_app159_rg1

Witness: f1818 heaven
Witness: f1823 heaven
Witness: fThomas heaven
Witness: fMS heaven

Reading Group: C14d_app159_rg2

Witness: f1831 Heaven,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in its
Witness: f1823 in its
Witness: fThomas in its
Witness: fMS in its
Witness: f1831 in its


Reading Group: C14d_app161_rg1

Witness: f1818 bounty
Witness: f1823 bounty
Witness: fThomas bounty
Witness: fMS bounty

Reading Group: C14d_app161_rg2

Witness: f1831 bounty,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 bless and preserve
Witness: f1823 bless and preserve
Witness: fThomas bless and preserve
Witness: fMS bless and preserve
Witness: f1831 bless and preserve


Reading Group: C14d_app163_rg1

Witness: fMS you

Reading Group: C14d_app163_rg2

Witness: f1818 you;
Witness: f1823 you;
Witness: fThomas you;
Witness: f1831 you;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 may this be the last misfortune that
Witness: f1823 may this be the last misfortune that
Witness: fThomas may this be the last misfortune that
Witness: fMS May this be the last misfortune that
Witness: f1831 may this be the last misfortune that


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 you will ever
Witness: f1823 you will ever
Witness: fThomas you will ever
Witness: fMS you will ever
Witness: f1831 you will ever


Reading Group: C14d_app166_rg1

Witness: f1831 suffer!

Reading Group: C14d_app166_rg2

Witness: f1818 suffer.
Witness: f1823 suffer.
Witness: fThomas suffer.
Witness: fMS suffer.


Reading Group: C14d_app167_rg1

Witness: f1818 Live,
Witness: f1823 Live,
Witness: fThomas Live,
Witness: f1831 Live,

Reading Group: C14d_app167_rg2

Witness: fMS – live


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and be
Witness: f1823 and be
Witness: fThomas and be
Witness: fMS & be
Witness: f1831 and be


Reading Group: C14d_app169_rg1

Witness: fMS happy to

Reading Group: C14d_app169_rg2

Witness: f1818 happy, and
Witness: f1823 happy, and
Witness: fThomas happy, and
Witness: f1831 happy, and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 make
Witness: f1823 make
Witness: fThomas make
Witness: fMS make
Witness: f1831 make


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 others
Witness: f1823 others
Witness: fThomas others
Witness: fMS others
Witness: f1831 others


Reading Group: C14d_app173_rg1

Witness: f1818 so.”<p/>
Witness: f1823 so.”<p/>
Witness: fThomas so.”<p/>
Witness: f1831 so.”<p/>

Reading Group: C14d_app173_rg2

Witness: fMS so.


Reading Group: C14e_app1_rg1

Witness: fMS As

Reading Group: C14e_app1_rg2

Witness: f1818 <p/>As
Witness: f1823 <p/>As
Witness: fThomas <p/>As


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 we
Witness: f1823 we
Witness: fThomas we
Witness: fMS We


Reading Group: C14e_app3_rg1

Witness: fMS returned

Reading Group: C14e_app3_rg2

Witness: f1818 returned,
Witness: f1823 returned,
Witness: fThomas returned,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Elizabeth said,
Witness: f1823 Elizabeth said,
Witness: fThomas Elizabeth said,
Witness: fMS Elizabeth said,


Reading Group: C14e_app5_rg1

Witness: f1818 “You know not,
Witness: f1823 “You know not,
Witness: fThomas “You know not,

Reading Group: C14e_app5_rg2

Witness: fMS You do not know,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my dear Victor,
Witness: f1823 my dear Victor,
Witness: fThomas my dear Victor,
Witness: fMS my dear Victor,


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS w


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 how
Witness: f1823 how
Witness: fThomas how
Witness: fMS how


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 much I am
Witness: f1823 much I am
Witness: fThomas much I am
Witness: fMS much I am


Reading Group: C14e_app10_rg1

Witness: fMS relieved

Reading Group: C14e_app10_rg2

Witness: f1818 relieved,
Witness: f1823 relieved,
Witness: fThomas relieved,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 now that I trust
Witness: f1823 now that I trust
Witness: fThomas now that I trust
Witness: fMS now that I trust


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in the innocence of this unfortunate
Witness: f1823 in the innocence of this unfortunate
Witness: fThomas in the innocence of this unfortunate
Witness: fMS in the innocence of this unfortunate


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 girl. I never could again have
Witness: f1823 girl. I never could again have
Witness: fThomas girl. I never could again have
Witness: fMS girl. I never could again have


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 known
Witness: f1823 known
Witness: fThomas known
Witness: fMS known


Reading Group: C14e_app15_rg1

Witness: fMS peace

Reading Group: C14e_app15_rg2

Witness: f1818 peace,
Witness: f1823 peace,
Witness: fThomas peace,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 if I had been deceived
Witness: f1823 if I had been deceived
Witness: fThomas if I had been deceived
Witness: fMS if I had been deceived


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in my reliance on her. For the moment that I did believe
Witness: f1823 in my reliance on her. For the moment that I did believe
Witness: fThomas in my reliance on her. For the moment that I did believe
Witness: fMS in my reliance on her. For the moment that I did believe


Reading Group: C14e_app18_rg1

Witness: f1818 her guilty,
Witness: f1823 her guilty,
Witness: fThomas her guilty,

Reading Group: C14e_app18_rg2

Witness: fMS it


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I felt
Witness: f1823 I felt
Witness: fThomas I felt
Witness: fMS I felt


Reading Group: C14e_app20_rg1

Witness: fMS such

Reading Group: C14e_app20_rg2

Witness: f1818 an
Witness: f1823 an
Witness: fThomas an


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 anguish that I could not have
Witness: f1823 anguish that I could not have
Witness: fThomas anguish that I could not have
Witness: fMS anguish that I could not have


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 long sustained. Now my heart is lightened. The innocent
Witness: f1823 long sustained. Now my heart is lightened. The innocent
Witness: fThomas long sustained. Now my heart is lightened. The innocent
Witness: fMS long sustained. Now my heart is lightened. The innocent


Reading Group: C14e_app23_rg1

Witness: fMS suffers –

Reading Group: C14e_app23_rg2

Witness: f1818 suffers;
Witness: f1823 suffers;
Witness: fThomas suffers;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but she
Witness: f1823 but she
Witness: fThomas but she
Witness: fMS but she


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 whom I thought amiable and good
Witness: f1823 whom I thought amiable and good
Witness: fThomas whom I thought amiable and good
Witness: fMS whom I thought amiable and good


Reading Group: C14e_app26_rg1

Witness: fMS is

Reading Group: C14e_app26_rg2

Witness: f1818 has
Witness: f1823 has
Witness: fThomas has


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 not
Witness: f1823 not
Witness: fThomas not
Witness: fMS not


Reading Group: C14e_app28_rg1

Witness: f1818 betrayed the trust I reposed in her,
Witness: f1823 betrayed the trust I reposed in her,
Witness: fThomas betrayed the trust I reposed in her,

Reading Group: C14e_app28_rg2

Witness: fMS wicked


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and I am
Witness: f1823 and I am
Witness: fThomas and I am
Witness: fMS and I am


Reading Group: C14e_app30_rg1

Witness: fMS consoled."AmiableSweet

Reading Group: C14e_app30_rg2

Witness: f1818 consoled.<p/><p/>Amiable
Witness: f1823 consoled.<p/><p/>Amiable
Witness: fThomas consoled.<p/><p/>Amiable


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 cousin! such were your
Witness: f1823 cousin! such were your
Witness: fThomas cousin! such were your
Witness: fMS Cousin! Such were your


Reading Group: C14e_app32_rg1

Witness: fMS thoughts

Reading Group: C14e_app32_rg2

Witness: f1818 thoughts,
Witness: f1823 thoughts,
Witness: fThomas thoughts,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 mild and gentle as your
Witness: f1823 mild and gentle as your
Witness: fThomas mild and gentle as your
Witness: fMS mild and gentle as your


Reading Group: C14e_app34_rg1

Witness: fMS

Reading Group: C14e_app34_rg2

Witness: f1818 own
Witness: f1823 own
Witness: fThomas own


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 dear eyes
Witness: f1823 dear eyes
Witness: fThomas dear eyes
Witness: fMS dear eyes


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS &gentle tone


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and voice. But
Witness: f1823 and voice. But
Witness: fThomas and voice. But
Witness: fMS and voice. but


Reading Group: C14e_app38_rg1

Witness: fMS I.—— I

Reading Group: C14e_app38_rg2

Witness: f1818 I—I
Witness: f1823 I—I
Witness: fThomas I—I


Reading Group: C14e_app39_rg1

Witness: f1818 was a wretch,
Witness: f1823 was a wretch,
Witness: fThomas was a wretch,

Reading Group: C14e_app39_rg2

Witness: fMS was a wretch


Reading Group: C14e_app40_rg1

Witness: f1831 <p/>And on the morrow Justine died. Elizabeth’s heart-rending eloquence failed to move the judges from their settled conviction in the criminality of the saintly sufferer. My passionate and indignant appeals were lost upon them. And when I received their cold answers, and heard the harsh unfeeling reasoning of these men, my purposed avowal died away on my lips. Thus I might proclaim myself a madman, but not revoke the sentence passed upon my wretched victim. She perished on the scaffold as a murderess!<p/> <p/>From the tortures of my own heart, I turned to contemplate the deep and voiceless grief of my Elizabeth. This also was my doing! And my father’s woe, and the desolation of that late so smiling home—all was the work of my thrice-accursed hands! Ye weep, unhappy ones; but these are not your last tears! Again shall you raise the funeral wail, and the sound of your lamentations shall again and again be heard! Frankenstein, your son, your kinsman, your early, much-loved friend; he who would spend each vital drop of blood for your sakes—who has no thought nor sense of joy, except as it is mirrored also in your dear countenances—who would fill the air with blessings, and spend his life in serving you—he bids you weep—to shed countless tears; happy beyond his hopes, if thus inexorable fate be satisfied, and if the destruction pause before the peace of the grave have succeeded to your sad torments!<p/> <p/>Thus spoke my prophetic soul, as, torn by remorse, horror, and despair, I beheld those I loved spend vain sorrow upon the graves of William and Justine, the first hapless victims to my unhallowed arts. <p/>

Reading Group: C14e_app40_rg2

Witness: fMS none& none ever conceived of the misery that I then suffered.

Reading Group: C14e_app40_rg3

Witness: f1818 and none ever conceived of the misery that I then endured.<p/><head/>END OF VOL. I.<head/>
Witness: fThomas and none ever conceived of the misery that I then endured.<p/><head/>END OF VOL. I.<head/>

Reading Group: C14e_app40_rg4

Witness: f1823 and none ever conceived of the misery that I then endured.<p/>


Reading Group: C15a_app1_rg1

Witness: fMS Chap. 13<shi rend="underline"></shi> Nothing

Reading Group: C15a_app1_rg2

Witness: f1818 <head/>CHAPTER
Witness: f1823 <head/>CHAPTER
Witness: fThomas <head/>CHAPTER
Witness: f1831 <head/>CHAPTER


Reading Group: C15a_app2_rg1

Witness: f1818 I.<head/><p/>N<hi/>OTHING<hi/>
Witness: fThomas I.<head/><p/>N<hi/>OTHING<hi/>

Reading Group: C15a_app2_rg2

Witness: f1831 IX.<head/><p/>N<hi/>OTHING<hi/>

Reading Group: C15a_app2_rg3

Witness: f1823 VIII.<head/><p/>N<hi/>OTHING<hi/>


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 is more painful
Witness: f1823 is more painful
Witness: fThomas is more painful
Witness: f1831 is more painful
Witness: fMS is more painful


Reading Group: C15a_app4_rg1

Witness: fMS <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>than when

Reading Group: C15a_app4_rg2

Witness: f1818 to
Witness: f1823 to
Witness: fThomas to
Witness: f1831 to


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fMS the


Reading Group: C15a_app6_rg1

Witness: fMS mind has

Reading Group: C15a_app6_rg2

Witness: f1818 human mind, than, after the feelings have
Witness: f1823 human mind, than, after the feelings have
Witness: fThomas human mind, than, after the feelings have
Witness: f1831 human mind, than, after the feelings have


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 been worked up by a
Witness: f1823 been worked up by a
Witness: fThomas been worked up by a
Witness: f1831 been worked up by a
Witness: fMS been worked up by a


Reading Group: C15a_app8_rg1

Witness: f1818 quick
Witness: f1823 quick
Witness: fThomas quick
Witness: f1831 quick

Reading Group: C15a_app8_rg2

Witness: fMS quickS


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 succession of events,
Witness: f1823 succession of events,
Witness: fThomas succession of events,
Witness: f1831 succession of events,
Witness: fMS succession of events,


Reading Group: C15a_app10_rg1

Witness: fMS for a

Reading Group: C15a_app10_rg2

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: f1831 the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 dead
Witness: f1823 dead
Witness: fThomas dead
Witness: f1831 dead
Witness: fMS dead


Reading Group: C15a_app12_rg1

Witness: fMS calm

Reading Group: C15a_app12_rg2

Witness: f1818 calmness
Witness: f1823 calmness
Witness: fThomas calmness
Witness: f1831 calmness


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of inaction and certainty
Witness: f1823 of inaction and certainty
Witness: fThomas of inaction and certainty
Witness: f1831 of inaction and certainty
Witness: fMS of inaction and certainty


Reading Group: C15a_app14_rg1

Witness: fMS to of inaction

Reading Group: C15a_app14_rg2

Witness: f1818 which follows,
Witness: f1823 which follows,
Witness: fThomas which follows,
Witness: f1831 which follows,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fMS &


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS certainty the dead calmness<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>which followswhichand


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 deprives the
Witness: f1823 deprives the
Witness: fThomas deprives the
Witness: f1831 deprives the
Witness: fMS deprives the


Reading Group: C15a_app18_rg1

Witness: fMS mindsoul

Reading Group: C15a_app18_rg2

Witness: f1818 soul
Witness: f1823 soul
Witness: fThomas soul
Witness: f1831 soul


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 both of hope
Witness: f1823 both of hope
Witness: fThomas both of hope
Witness: f1831 both of hope
Witness: fMS both of hope


Reading Group: C15a_app20_rg1

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: f1831 and

Reading Group: C15a_app20_rg2

Witness: fMS or


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 fear.
Witness: f1823 fear.
Witness: fThomas fear.
Witness: f1831 fear.
Witness: fMS fear.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Justine
Witness: f1823 Justine
Witness: fThomas Justine
Witness: f1831 Justine
Witness: fMS Justine


Reading Group: C15a_app23_rg1

Witness: f1818 died;
Witness: f1823 died;
Witness: fThomas died;
Witness: f1831 died;

Reading Group: C15a_app23_rg2

Witness: fMS died—


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 she
Witness: f1823 she
Witness: fThomas she
Witness: f1831 she
Witness: fMS She


Reading Group: C15a_app25_rg1

Witness: fMS rested. But&

Reading Group: C15a_app25_rg2

Witness: f1818 rested; and
Witness: f1823 rested; and
Witness: fThomas rested; and
Witness: f1831 rested; and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I was
Witness: f1823 I was
Witness: fThomas I was
Witness: f1831 I was
Witness: fMS I was


Reading Group: C15a_app27_rg1

Witness: fMS alive

Reading Group: C15a_app27_rg2

Witness: f1818 alive.
Witness: f1823 alive.
Witness: fThomas alive.
Witness: f1831 alive.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 The blood flowed freely in my
Witness: f1823 The blood flowed freely in my
Witness: fThomas The blood flowed freely in my
Witness: f1831 The blood flowed freely in my
Witness: fMS the blood flowed freely in my


Reading Group: C15a_app29_rg1

Witness: fMS veins

Reading Group: C15a_app29_rg2

Witness: f1818 veins,
Witness: f1823 veins,
Witness: fThomas veins,
Witness: f1831 veins,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but
Witness: f1823 but
Witness: fThomas but
Witness: f1831 but
Witness: fMS but


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a weight of despair and remorse pressed
Witness: f1823 a weight of despair and remorse pressed
Witness: fThomas a weight of despair and remorse pressed
Witness: f1831 a weight of despair and remorse pressed
Witness: fMS a weight of despair & remorse pressed


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 on my
Witness: f1823 on my
Witness: fThomas on my
Witness: f1831 on my
Witness: fMS on my


Reading Group: C15a_app33_rg1

Witness: fMS heart

Reading Group: C15a_app33_rg2

Witness: f1818 heart,
Witness: f1823 heart,
Witness: fThomas heart,
Witness: f1831 heart,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 which nothing could
Witness: f1823 which nothing could
Witness: fThomas which nothing could
Witness: f1831 which nothing could
Witness: fMS which nothing could


Reading Group: C15a_app35_rg1

Witness: f1818 remove. Sleep
Witness: f1823 remove. Sleep
Witness: fThomas remove. Sleep
Witness: f1831 remove. Sleep

Reading Group: C15a_app35_rg2

Witness: fMS remove– our house was a house of mourning– My fathers health was deeply shaken by the horror of the recent events; Elizabeth was sad and desponding– She no longer took delight in her ordinary occupations all pleasure seemed to her sacriledge towards the dead— eternal woe and tears she then thought was the just tribute she ought to pay to innocence thus blasted &destroyedSleep


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 fled
Witness: f1823 fled
Witness: fThomas fled
Witness: f1831 fled
Witness: fMS fled


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 from my
Witness: f1823 from my
Witness: fThomas from my
Witness: f1831 from my
Witness: fMS from my


Reading Group: C15a_app38_rg1

Witness: fMS eyes.

Reading Group: C15a_app38_rg2

Witness: f1818 eyes;
Witness: f1823 eyes;
Witness: fThomas eyes;
Witness: f1831 eyes;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I wandered like an
Witness: f1823 I wandered like an
Witness: fThomas I wandered like an
Witness: f1831 I wandered like an
Witness: fMS I wandered like an


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 evil
Witness: f1823 evil
Witness: fThomas evil
Witness: f1831 evil
Witness: fMS evil


Reading Group: C15a_app41_rg1

Witness: fMS spirit

Reading Group: C15a_app41_rg2

Witness: f1818 spirit,
Witness: f1823 spirit,
Witness: fThomas spirit,
Witness: f1831 spirit,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 for I
Witness: f1823 for I
Witness: fThomas for I
Witness: f1831 for I
Witness: fMS for I


Reading Group: C15a_app43_rg1

Witness: fMS done<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>had

Reading Group: C15a_app43_rg2

Witness: f1818 had
Witness: f1823 had
Witness: fThomas had
Witness: f1831 had


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 committed deeds of
Witness: f1823 committed deeds of
Witness: fThomas committed deeds of
Witness: f1831 committed deeds of
Witness: fMS committed deeds of


Reading Group: C15a_app45_rg1

Witness: f1818 mischief beyond
Witness: fThomas mischief beyond
Witness: f1831 mischief beyond
Witness: fMS mischief beyond

Reading Group: C15a_app45_rg2

Witness: f1823 mischiefbeyond


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 description horrible, and
Witness: f1823 description horrible, and
Witness: fThomas description horrible, and
Witness: f1831 description horrible, and
Witness: fMS description <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>horrible, and


Reading Group: C15a_app47_rg1

Witness: fMS hor more

Reading Group: C15a_app47_rg2

Witness: f1818 more,
Witness: f1823 more,
Witness: fThomas more,
Witness: f1831 more,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 much
Witness: f1823 much
Witness: fThomas much
Witness: f1831 much
Witness: fMS much


Reading Group: C15a_app49_rg1

Witness: f1831 more
Witness: fMS more

Reading Group: C15a_app49_rg2

Witness: f1818 more,
Witness: f1823 more,
Witness: fThomas more,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 (I
Witness: f1823 (I
Witness: fThomas (I
Witness: f1831 (I
Witness: fMS (I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 persuaded
Witness: f1823 persuaded
Witness: fThomas persuaded
Witness: f1831 persuaded
Witness: fMS persuaded


Reading Group: C15a_app52_rg1

Witness: fMS my self)

Reading Group: C15a_app52_rg2

Witness: f1818 myself)
Witness: f1823 myself)
Witness: fThomas myself)

Reading Group: C15a_app52_rg3

Witness: f1831 myself),


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was yet
Witness: f1823 was yet
Witness: fThomas was yet
Witness: f1831 was yet
Witness: fMS was yet


Reading Group: C15a_app54_rg1

Witness: f1818 behind.
Witness: f1823 behind.
Witness: fThomas behind.
Witness: f1831 behind.

Reading Group: C15a_app54_rg2

Witness: fMS in store.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Yet my heart overflowed with
Witness: f1823 Yet my heart overflowed with
Witness: fThomas Yet my heart overflowed with
Witness: f1831 Yet my heart overflowed with
Witness: fMS Yet my heart overflowed with


Reading Group: C15a_app56_rg1

Witness: fMS kindness

Reading Group: C15a_app56_rg2

Witness: f1818 kindness,
Witness: f1823 kindness,
Witness: fThomas kindness,
Witness: f1831 kindness,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fMS and


Reading Group: C15a_app58_rg1

Witness: fMS benevolencegoodness –

Reading Group: C15a_app58_rg2

Witness: f1818 the love of virtue.
Witness: f1823 the love of virtue.
Witness: fThomas the love of virtue.
Witness: f1831 the love of virtue.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I had begun life
Witness: f1823 I had begun life
Witness: fThomas I had begun life
Witness: f1831 I had begun life
Witness: fMS I had begun life


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 with benevolent
Witness: f1823 with benevolent
Witness: fThomas with benevolent
Witness: f1831 with benevolent
Witness: fMS with benevolent


Reading Group: C15a_app61_rg1

Witness: fMS intentions

Reading Group: C15a_app61_rg2

Witness: f1818 intentions,
Witness: f1823 intentions,
Witness: fThomas intentions,
Witness: f1831 intentions,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and thirsted for
Witness: f1823 and thirsted for
Witness: fThomas and thirsted for
Witness: f1831 and thirsted for
Witness: fMS and thirsted for


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the moment when I
Witness: f1823 the moment when I
Witness: fThomas the moment when I
Witness: f1831 the moment when I
Witness: fMS the moment when I


Reading Group: C15a_app64_rg1

Witness: fMS <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>could

Reading Group: C15a_app64_rg2

Witness: f1818 should
Witness: f1823 should
Witness: fThomas should
Witness: f1831 should


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 put them in
Witness: f1823 put them in
Witness: fThomas put them in
Witness: f1831 put them in
Witness: fMS put them in


Reading Group: C15a_app66_rg1

Witness: f1818 practice,
Witness: f1823 practice,
Witness: fThomas practice,
Witness: f1831 practice,

Reading Group: C15a_app66_rg2

Witness: fMS practise


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and make myself useful to my
Witness: f1823 and make myself useful to my
Witness: fThomas and make myself useful to my
Witness: f1831 and make myself useful to my
Witness: fMS and make myself useful to my


Reading Group: C15a_app68_rg1

Witness: fMS fellow beings. ButnNow

Reading Group: C15a_app68_rg2

Witness: f1818 fellow-beings. Now
Witness: f1823 fellow-beings. Now
Witness: fThomas fellow-beings. Now
Witness: f1831 fellow-beings. Now


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 all was
Witness: f1823 all was
Witness: fThomas all was
Witness: f1831 all was
Witness: fMS all was


Reading Group: C15a_app70_rg1

Witness: f1818 blasted:
Witness: f1823 blasted:
Witness: fThomas blasted:
Witness: f1831 blasted:

Reading Group: C15a_app70_rg2

Witness: fMS blasted;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 instead
Witness: f1823 instead
Witness: fThomas instead
Witness: f1831 instead
Witness: fMS Instead


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of
Witness: f1823 of
Witness: fThomas of
Witness: f1831 of
Witness: fMS of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that
Witness: f1823 that
Witness: fThomas that
Witness: f1831 that


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 serenity of
Witness: f1823 serenity of
Witness: fThomas serenity of
Witness: f1831 serenity of
Witness: fMS sereneity of


Reading Group: C15a_app75_rg1

Witness: fMS conscience

Reading Group: C15a_app75_rg2

Witness: f1818 conscience,
Witness: f1823 conscience,
Witness: fThomas conscience,
Witness: f1831 conscience,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 which allowed me
Witness: f1823 which allowed me
Witness: fThomas which allowed me
Witness: f1831 which allowed me
Witness: fMS which allowed me


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to look back
Witness: f1823 to look back
Witness: fThomas to look back
Witness: f1831 to look back
Witness: fMS to look back


Reading Group: C15a_app78_rg1

Witness: fMS on my actions

Reading Group: C15a_app78_rg2

Witness: f1818 upon the past
Witness: f1823 upon the past
Witness: fThomas upon the past
Witness: f1831 upon the past


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 with
Witness: f1823 with
Witness: fThomas with
Witness: f1831 with
Witness: fMS with


Reading Group: C15a_app80_rg1

Witness: fMS self satisfaction,

Reading Group: C15a_app80_rg2

Witness: f1818 self-satisfaction,
Witness: f1823 self-satisfaction,
Witness: fThomas self-satisfaction,
Witness: f1831 self-satisfaction,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and from thence to gather promise of new
Witness: f1823 and from thence to gather promise of new
Witness: fThomas and from thence to gather promise of new
Witness: f1831 and from thence to gather promise of new
Witness: fMS and from thence <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>to gather promise of new


Reading Group: C15a_app82_rg1

Witness: fMS hopes like gay-sweet-smelling flowers to spring up with <shi rend="underline">regard</shi> to futurity.

Reading Group: C15a_app82_rg2

Witness: f1818 hopes,
Witness: f1823 hopes,
Witness: fThomas hopes,
Witness: f1831 hopes,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I was seized by
Witness: f1823 I was seized by
Witness: fThomas I was seized by
Witness: f1831 I was seized by
Witness: fMS I was seized by


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 remorse and
Witness: f1823 remorse and
Witness: fThomas remorse and
Witness: f1831 remorse and
Witness: fMS remorse and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the sense of
Witness: f1823 the sense of
Witness: fThomas the sense of
Witness: f1831 the sense of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 guilt,
Witness: f1823 guilt,
Witness: fThomas guilt,
Witness: f1831 guilt,
Witness: fMS guilt,


Reading Group: C15a_app87_rg1

Witness: fMS and

Reading Group: C15a_app87_rg2

Witness: f1818 which
Witness: f1823 which
Witness: fThomas which
Witness: f1831 which


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 hurried
Witness: f1823 hurried
Witness: fThomas hurried
Witness: f1831 hurried
Witness: fMS hurried


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 me
Witness: f1823 me
Witness: fThomas me
Witness: f1831 me


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 away
Witness: f1823 away
Witness: fThomas away
Witness: f1831 away
Witness: fMS away


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to a hell
Witness: f1823 to a hell
Witness: fThomas to a hell
Witness: f1831 to a hell
Witness: fMS to a hell


Reading Group: C15a_app92_rg1

Witness: fMS no tongueof

Reading Group: C15a_app92_rg2

Witness: f1818 of
Witness: f1823 of
Witness: fThomas of
Witness: f1831 of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 intense
Witness: f1823 intense
Witness: fThomas intense
Witness: f1831 intense
Witness: fMS intense


Reading Group: C15a_app94_rg1

Witness: fMS tortures

Reading Group: C15a_app94_rg2

Witness: f1818 tortures,
Witness: f1823 tortures,
Witness: fThomas tortures,
Witness: f1831 tortures,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 such as no language can
Witness: f1823 such as no language can
Witness: fThomas such as no language can
Witness: f1831 such as no language can
Witness: fMS such as no language can


Reading Group: C15a_app96_rg1

Witness: fMS describe. This

Reading Group: C15a_app96_rg2

Witness: f1818 describe.<p/><p/>This
Witness: f1823 describe.<p/><p/>This
Witness: fThomas describe.<p/><p/>This
Witness: f1831 describe.<p/><p/>This


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 state of mind
Witness: f1823 state of mind
Witness: fThomas state of mind
Witness: f1831 state of mind
Witness: fMS state of mind


Reading Group: C15a_app98_rg1

Witness: fMS alltalteredpreyed

Reading Group: C15a_app98_rg2

Witness: f1818 preyed
Witness: f1823 preyed
Witness: fThomas preyed
Witness: f1831 preyed


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 upon my
Witness: f1823 upon my
Witness: fThomas upon my
Witness: f1831 upon my
Witness: fMS upon my


Reading Group: C15a_app100_rg1

Witness: fMS health

Reading Group: C15a_app100_rg2

Witness: f1818 health,
Witness: f1823 health,
Witness: fThomas health,
Witness: f1831 health,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 which had
Witness: f1823 which had
Witness: fThomas which had
Witness: f1831 which had
Witness: fMS which had


Reading Group: C15a_app102_rg1

Witness: fMS nearlyentirely

Reading Group: C15a_app102_rg2

Witness: f1831 perhaps never


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 entirely
Witness: f1823 entirely
Witness: fThomas entirely
Witness: f1831 entirely


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 recovered from the
Witness: f1823 recovered from the
Witness: fThomas recovered from the
Witness: f1831 recovered from the
Witness: fMS recovered from the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 first shock it had sustained. I shunned
Witness: f1823 first shock it had sustained. I shunned
Witness: fThomas first shock it had sustained. I shunned
Witness: f1831 first shock it had sustained. I shunned
Witness: fMS first shock it had sustained. I shunned


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the face of man; all sound of joy or
Witness: f1823 the face of man; all sound of joy or
Witness: fThomas the face of man; all sound of joy or
Witness: f1831 the face of man; all sound of joy or
Witness: fMS the face of man; all sound of joy or


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 complacency was torture to me; solitude
Witness: f1823 complacency was torture to me; solitude
Witness: fThomas complacency was torture to me; solitude
Witness: f1831 complacency was torture to me; solitude
Witness: fMS complacency was torture to me; Solitude


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was my only
Witness: f1823 was my only
Witness: fThomas was my only
Witness: f1831 was my only
Witness: fMS was my only


Reading Group: C15a_app109_rg1

Witness: fMS consolation deep,

Reading Group: C15a_app109_rg2

Witness: f1818 consolation—deep,
Witness: f1823 consolation—deep,
Witness: fThomas consolation—deep,
Witness: f1831 consolation—deep,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 dark,
Witness: f1823 dark,
Witness: fThomas dark,
Witness: f1831 dark,
Witness: fMS dark,


Reading Group: C15a_app111_rg1

Witness: fMS night

Reading Group: C15a_app111_rg2

Witness: f1831 deathlike


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 death-like
Witness: f1823 death-like
Witness: fThomas death-like
Witness: fMS death-like


Reading Group: C15a_app113_rg1

Witness: fMS solitude. My

Reading Group: C15a_app113_rg2

Witness: f1818 solitude.<p/><p/>My
Witness: f1823 solitude.<p/><p/>My
Witness: fThomas solitude.<p/><p/>My
Witness: f1831 solitude.<p/><p/>My


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 father observed
Witness: f1823 father observed
Witness: fThomas father observed
Witness: f1831 father observed
Witness: fMS father observed


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 with pain
Witness: f1823 with pain
Witness: fThomas with pain
Witness: f1831 with pain
Witness: fMS with pain


Reading Group: C15a_app116_rg1

Witness: fMS howthe

Reading Group: C15a_app116_rg2

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: f1831 the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 alteration perceptible in my
Witness: f1823 alteration perceptible in my
Witness: fThomas alteration perceptible in my
Witness: f1831 alteration perceptible in my
Witness: fMS alteration perceptible in my


Reading Group: C15a_app118_rg1

Witness: f1818 disposition
Witness: f1823 disposition
Witness: fThomas disposition
Witness: f1831 disposition

Reading Group: C15a_app118_rg2

Witness: fMS dispositions


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fMS &


Reading Group: C15a_app120_rg1

Witness: f1818 habits, and endeavoured to reason with me on the folly of giving way to immoderate grief.
Witness: f1823 habits, and endeavoured to reason with me on the folly of giving way to immoderate grief.

Reading Group: C15a_app120_rg2

Witness: fThomas habits,and endeavoured to reason with me on the folly of giving way to immoderate grief.At first he suspected some latent cause for my affliction, but when I assured him that the late events were the causes of my dejection, he called to his aid philosophy and reason, while he endeavoured to restore me to a calmer state of mind.

Reading Group: C15a_app120_rg3

Witness: fMS habits, were altered and endeavoured to reason with me on the folly of giving way to immoderate grief.

Reading Group: C15a_app120_rg4

Witness: f1831 habits, and endeavoured by arguments deduced from the feelings of his serene conscience and guiltless life, to inspire me with fortitude, and awaken in me the courage to dispel the dark cloud which brooded over me.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 “Do you think,
Witness: f1823 “Do you think,
Witness: fThomas “Do you think,
Witness: f1831 “Do you think,
Witness: fMS "Do you think,


Reading Group: C15a_app122_rg1

Witness: fMS Victor"

Reading Group: C15a_app122_rg2

Witness: f1818 Victor,”
Witness: f1823 Victor,”
Witness: fThomas Victor,”
Witness: f1831 Victor,”


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 said
Witness: f1823 said
Witness: fThomas said
Witness: f1831 said
Witness: fMS said


Reading Group: C15a_app124_rg1

Witness: fMS he

Reading Group: C15a_app124_rg2

Witness: f1818 he,
Witness: f1823 he,
Witness: fThomas he,
Witness: f1831 he,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 “that I do not suffer
Witness: f1823 “that I do not suffer
Witness: fThomas “that I do not suffer
Witness: f1831 “that I do not suffer
Witness: fMS "That I do not suffer


Reading Group: C15a_app126_rg1

Witness: f1818 also?
Witness: f1823 also?
Witness: fThomas also?
Witness: f1831 also?

Reading Group: C15a_app126_rg2

Witness: fMS also–


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 No one could
Witness: f1823 No one could
Witness: fThomas No one could
Witness: f1831 No one could
Witness: fMS no one <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>could


Reading Group: C15a_app128_rg1

Witness: f1818 love
Witness: f1823 love
Witness: fThomas love
Witness: f1831 love

Reading Group: C15a_app128_rg2

Witness: fMS loved


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a child more than I
Witness: f1823 a child more than I
Witness: fThomas a child more than I
Witness: f1831 a child more than I
Witness: fMS a child more than I


Reading Group: C15a_app130_rg1

Witness: fMS didloved

Reading Group: C15a_app130_rg2

Witness: f1818 loved
Witness: f1823 loved
Witness: fThomas loved
Witness: f1831 loved


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 your
Witness: f1823 your
Witness: fThomas your
Witness: f1831 your
Witness: fMS your


Reading Group: C15a_app132_rg1

Witness: f1818 brother;” (tears
Witness: f1823 brother;” (tears
Witness: fThomas brother;” (tears
Witness: f1831 brother;” (tears

Reading Group: C15a_app132_rg2

Witness: fMS brother– (and tears


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 came
Witness: f1823 came
Witness: fThomas came
Witness: f1831 came
Witness: fMS came


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS into


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 into his eyes as he
Witness: f1823 into his eyes as he
Witness: fThomas into his eyes as he
Witness: f1831 into his eyes as he
Witness: fMS into his eyes as he


Reading Group: C15a_app136_rg1

Witness: fMS said this) but

Reading Group: C15a_app136_rg2

Witness: f1818 spoke);
Witness: f1823 spoke);
Witness: fThomas spoke);

Reading Group: C15a_app136_rg3

Witness: f1831 spoke;)


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 “but
Witness: f1823 “but
Witness: fThomas “but
Witness: f1831 “but


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 is it not
Witness: f1823 is it not
Witness: fThomas is it not
Witness: f1831 is it not
Witness: fMS is it not


Reading Group: C15a_app139_rg1

Witness: fMS thoura

Reading Group: C15a_app139_rg2

Witness: f1818 a
Witness: f1823 a
Witness: fThomas a
Witness: f1831 a


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 duty
Witness: f1823 duty
Witness: fThomas duty
Witness: f1831 duty
Witness: fMS duty


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS not to add


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to the
Witness: f1823 to the
Witness: fThomas to the
Witness: f1831 to the
Witness: fMS to the


Reading Group: C15a_app143_rg1

Witness: fMS grief ofowed to their survivors not<metamark function="insert">^</metamark><mdel/>add to

Reading Group: C15a_app143_rg2

Witness: f1818 survivors,
Witness: f1823 survivors,
Witness: fThomas survivors,
Witness: f1831 survivors,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that we
Witness: f1823 that we
Witness: fThomas that we
Witness: f1831 that we
Witness: fMS that we


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 should refrain from
Witness: f1823 should refrain from
Witness: fThomas should refrain from
Witness: f1831 should refrain from
Witness: fMS should refrain from


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS adding to


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 augmenting their unhappiness by an appearance of immoderate
Witness: f1823 augmenting their unhappiness by an appearance of immoderate
Witness: fThomas augmenting their unhappiness by an appearance of immoderate
Witness: f1831 augmenting their unhappiness by an appearance of immoderate
Witness: fMS augmenting their unhappiness by an appearance of immoderate


Reading Group: C15a_app148_rg1

Witness: fMS grief.

Reading Group: C15a_app148_rg2

Witness: f1818 grief?
Witness: f1823 grief?
Witness: fThomas grief?
Witness: f1831 grief?


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 It is also a duty
Witness: f1823 It is also a duty
Witness: fThomas It is also a duty
Witness: f1831 It is also a duty
Witness: fMS It is also a duty


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 owed to yourself; for excessive sorrow
Witness: f1823 owed to yourself; for excessive sorrow
Witness: fThomas owed to yourself; for excessive sorrow
Witness: f1831 owed to yourself; for excessive sorrow
Witness: fMS owed to yourself; for excessive sorrow


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 prevents improvement or enjoyment, or
Witness: f1823 prevents improvement or enjoyment, or
Witness: fThomas prevents improvement or enjoyment, or
Witness: f1831 prevents improvement or enjoyment, or
Witness: fMS prevents improvement or enjoyment, or


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 even the discharge of
Witness: f1823 even the discharge of
Witness: fThomas even the discharge of
Witness: f1831 even the discharge of
Witness: fMS even the discharge of


Reading Group: C15a_app153_rg1

Witness: f1818 daily usefulness,
Witness: f1823 daily usefulness,
Witness: fThomas daily usefulness,
Witness: f1831 daily usefulness,

Reading Group: C15a_app153_rg2

Witness: fMS dayly usefullness


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 without which no man is fit for
Witness: f1823 without which no man is fit for
Witness: fThomas without which no man is fit for
Witness: f1831 without which no man is fit for
Witness: fMS without which no man is fit for


Reading Group: C15a_app155_rg1

Witness: fMS society." This

Reading Group: C15a_app155_rg2

Witness: f1818 society.”<p/><p/>This
Witness: f1823 society.”<p/><p/>This
Witness: fThomas society.”<p/><p/>This
Witness: f1831 society.”<p/><p/>This


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 advice, although good, was
Witness: f1823 advice, although good, was
Witness: fThomas advice, although good, was
Witness: f1831 advice, although good, was
Witness: fMS advice, although good, was


Reading Group: C15a_app157_rg1

Witness: f1818 totally inapplicable
Witness: f1823 totally inapplicable
Witness: fThomas totally inapplicable
Witness: f1831 totally inapplicable

Reading Group: C15a_app157_rg2

Witness: fMS utterly innaplicable


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to my case; I should have been
Witness: f1823 to my case; I should have been
Witness: fThomas to my case; I should have been
Witness: f1831 to my case; I should have been
Witness: fMS to my case; I should have been


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the first to hide my
Witness: f1823 the first to hide my
Witness: fThomas the first to hide my
Witness: f1831 the first to hide my
Witness: fMS the first to hide my


Reading Group: C15a_app160_rg1

Witness: fMS grief

Reading Group: C15a_app160_rg2

Witness: f1818 grief,
Witness: f1823 grief,
Witness: fThomas grief,
Witness: f1831 grief,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and console
Witness: f1823 and console
Witness: fThomas and console
Witness: f1831 and console
Witness: fMS and console


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my
Witness: f1823 my
Witness: fThomas my
Witness: f1831 my
Witness: fMS my


Reading Group: C15a_app163_rg1

Witness: fMS friends

Reading Group: C15a_app163_rg2

Witness: f1818 friends,
Witness: f1823 friends,
Witness: fThomas friends,
Witness: f1831 friends,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 if remorse had not mingled
Witness: f1823 if remorse had not mingled
Witness: fThomas if remorse had not mingled
Witness: f1831 if remorse had not mingled
Witness: fMS if remorse had not mingled


Unified Readings

Witness: f1831 its
Witness: fMS its


Reading Group: C15a_app166_rg1

Witness: fMS

Reading Group: C15a_app166_rg2

Witness: f1831 bitterness, and terror


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 its
Witness: f1823 its
Witness: fThomas its
Witness: f1831 its


Reading Group: C15a_app168_rg1

Witness: f1831 alarm

Reading Group: C15a_app168_rg2

Witness: f1818 bitterness
Witness: f1823 bitterness
Witness: fThomas bitterness
Witness: fMS bitterness


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 with my other sensations. Now
Witness: f1823 with my other sensations. Now
Witness: fThomas with my other sensations. Now
Witness: f1831 with my other sensations. Now
Witness: fMS with my other sensations. Now


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I could only answer my father with a
Witness: f1823 I could only answer my father with a
Witness: fThomas I could only answer my father with a
Witness: f1831 I could only answer my father with a
Witness: fMS I could only answer my father with a


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 look of
Witness: f1823 look of
Witness: fThomas look of
Witness: f1831 look of
Witness: fMS look of


Reading Group: C15a_app172_rg1

Witness: fMS despair

Reading Group: C15a_app172_rg2

Witness: f1818 despair,
Witness: f1823 despair,
Witness: fThomas despair,
Witness: f1831 despair,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and endeavour to
Witness: f1823 and endeavour to
Witness: fThomas and endeavour to
Witness: f1831 and endeavour to
Witness: fMS and endeavour to


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 hide myself from his
Witness: f1823 hide myself from his
Witness: fThomas hide myself from his
Witness: f1831 hide myself from his
Witness: fMS hide myself from his


Reading Group: C15a_app175_rg1

Witness: fMS view. About

Reading Group: C15a_app175_rg2

Witness: f1818 view.<p/><p/>About
Witness: f1823 view.<p/><p/>About
Witness: fThomas view.<p/><p/>About
Witness: f1831 view.<p/><p/>About


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 this
Witness: f1823 this
Witness: fThomas this
Witness: f1831 this
Witness: fMS this


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 time
Witness: f1823 time
Witness: fThomas time
Witness: f1831 time
Witness: fMS time


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS also


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 we retired to our house at
Witness: f1823 we retired to our house at
Witness: fThomas we retired to our house at
Witness: f1831 we retired to our house at
Witness: fMS we retired to our house at


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Belrive. This
Witness: f1823 Belrive. This
Witness: fThomas Belrive. This
Witness: f1831 Belrive. This
Witness: fMS Belrive. This


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS chal


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 change was
Witness: f1823 change was
Witness: fThomas change was
Witness: f1831 change was
Witness: fMS change was


Reading Group: C15a_app183_rg1

Witness: f1818 particularly agreeable
Witness: f1823 particularly agreeable
Witness: fThomas particularly agreeable
Witness: f1831 particularly agreeable

Reading Group: C15a_app183_rg2

Witness: fMS very agreable


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to
Witness: f1823 to
Witness: fThomas to
Witness: f1831 to
Witness: fMS to


Reading Group: C15a_app185_rg1

Witness: fMS me in particular.

Reading Group: C15a_app185_rg2

Witness: f1818 me.
Witness: f1823 me.
Witness: fThomas me.
Witness: f1831 me.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 The
Witness: f1823 The
Witness: fThomas The
Witness: f1831 The
Witness: fMS The


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 shutting of the gates
Witness: f1823 shutting of the gates
Witness: fThomas shutting of the gates
Witness: f1831 shutting of the gates
Witness: fMS shutting of the gates


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS of the town


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 regularly
Witness: f1823 regularly
Witness: fThomas regularly
Witness: f1831 regularly
Witness: fMS regularly


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 at ten
Witness: f1823 at ten
Witness: fThomas at ten
Witness: f1831 at ten
Witness: fMS at ten


Reading Group: C15a_app191_rg1

Witness: fMS o'clock

Reading Group: C15a_app191_rg2

Witness: f1818 o’clock,
Witness: f1823 o’clock,
Witness: fThomas o’clock,
Witness: f1831 o’clock,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and the impossibility of
Witness: f1823 and the impossibility of
Witness: fThomas and the impossibility of
Witness: f1831 and the impossibility of
Witness: fMS and the impossibility of


Reading Group: C15a_app193_rg1

Witness: fMS stay<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>ingremaining

Reading Group: C15a_app193_rg2

Witness: f1818 remaining
Witness: f1823 remaining
Witness: fThomas remaining
Witness: f1831 remaining


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 on the lake after that
Witness: f1823 on the lake after that
Witness: fThomas on the lake after that
Witness: f1831 on the lake after that
Witness: fMS on the lake after that


Reading Group: C15a_app195_rg1

Witness: fMS hour

Reading Group: C15a_app195_rg2

Witness: f1818 hour, had
Witness: f1823 hour, had
Witness: fThomas hour, had
Witness: f1831 hour, had


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 rendered our residence within the
Witness: f1823 rendered our residence within the
Witness: fThomas rendered our residence within the
Witness: f1831 rendered our residence within the
Witness: fMS rendered our residence within the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 walls of Geneva very irksome to me.
Witness: f1823 walls of Geneva very irksome to me.
Witness: fThomas walls of Geneva very irksome to me.
Witness: f1831 walls of Geneva very irksome to me.
Witness: fMS walls of Geneva very irksome to me.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I was now
Witness: f1823 I was now
Witness: fThomas I was now
Witness: f1831 I was now
Witness: fMS I was now


Reading Group: C15a_app199_rg1

Witness: f1818 free.
Witness: f1823 free.
Witness: fThomas free.
Witness: f1831 free.

Reading Group: C15a_app199_rg2

Witness: fMS free:


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Often, after the rest of
Witness: f1823 Often, after the rest of
Witness: fThomas Often, after the rest of
Witness: f1831 Often, after the rest of
Witness: fMS often, after the rest of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the family had retired for the
Witness: f1823 the family had retired for the
Witness: fThomas the family had retired for the
Witness: f1831 the family had retired for the
Witness: fMS the family had retired for the


Reading Group: C15a_app202_rg1

Witness: fMS night

Reading Group: C15a_app202_rg2

Witness: f1818 night,
Witness: f1823 night,
Witness: fThomas night,
Witness: f1831 night,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I took the
Witness: f1823 I took the
Witness: fThomas I took the
Witness: f1831 I took the
Witness: fMS I took the


Reading Group: C15a_app204_rg1

Witness: fMS boat

Reading Group: C15a_app204_rg2

Witness: f1818 boat,
Witness: f1823 boat,
Witness: fThomas boat,
Witness: f1831 boat,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and passed
Witness: f1823 and passed
Witness: fThomas and passed
Witness: f1831 and passed
Witness: fMS and passed


Reading Group: C15a_app206_rg1

Witness: f1818 many hours
Witness: f1823 many hours
Witness: fThomas many hours
Witness: f1831 many hours

Reading Group: C15a_app206_rg2

Witness: fMS the night


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 upon the
Witness: f1823 upon the
Witness: fThomas upon the
Witness: f1831 upon the
Witness: fMS upon the


Reading Group: C15a_app208_rg1

Witness: f1818 water. Sometimes,
Witness: f1823 water. Sometimes,
Witness: fThomas water. Sometimes,
Witness: f1831 water. Sometimes,

Reading Group: C15a_app208_rg2

Witness: fMS water: sometimes


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 with my sails
Witness: f1823 with my sails
Witness: fThomas with my sails
Witness: f1831 with my sails
Witness: fMS with my sails


Reading Group: C15a_app210_rg1

Witness: fMS set

Reading Group: C15a_app210_rg2

Witness: f1818 set,
Witness: f1823 set,
Witness: fThomas set,
Witness: f1831 set,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I was carried by the
Witness: f1823 I was carried by the
Witness: fThomas I was carried by the
Witness: f1831 I was carried by the
Witness: fMS I was carried by the


Reading Group: C15a_app212_rg1

Witness: fMS wind

Reading Group: C15a_app212_rg2

Witness: f1818 wind;
Witness: f1823 wind;
Witness: fThomas wind;
Witness: f1831 wind;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fMS and


Reading Group: C15a_app214_rg1

Witness: fMS sometimes

Reading Group: C15a_app214_rg2

Witness: f1818 sometimes,
Witness: f1823 sometimes,
Witness: fThomas sometimes,
Witness: f1831 sometimes,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 after
Witness: f1823 after
Witness: fThomas after
Witness: f1831 after
Witness: fMS after


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS wo


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 rowing
Witness: f1823 rowing
Witness: fThomas rowing
Witness: f1831 rowing
Witness: fMS rowing


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 into the middle of the
Witness: f1823 into the middle of the
Witness: fThomas into the middle of the
Witness: f1831 into the middle of the
Witness: fMS into the middle of the


Reading Group: C15a_app219_rg1

Witness: fMS lake

Reading Group: C15a_app219_rg2

Witness: f1818 lake,
Witness: f1823 lake,
Witness: fThomas lake,
Witness: f1831 lake,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I left the
Witness: f1823 I left the
Witness: fThomas I left the
Witness: f1831 I left the
Witness: fMS I left the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 boat to
Witness: f1823 boat to
Witness: fThomas boat to
Witness: f1831 boat to
Witness: fMS boat to


Reading Group: C15a_app222_rg1

Witness: fMS take<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>pursue

Reading Group: C15a_app222_rg2

Witness: f1818 pursue
Witness: f1823 pursue
Witness: fThomas pursue
Witness: f1831 pursue


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 its own
Witness: f1823 its own
Witness: fThomas its own
Witness: f1831 its own
Witness: fMS its own


Reading Group: C15a_app224_rg1

Witness: fMS course

Reading Group: C15a_app224_rg2

Witness: f1818 course,
Witness: f1823 course,
Witness: fThomas course,
Witness: f1831 course,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fMS and


Reading Group: C15a_app226_rg1

Witness: fMS followed<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>gave

Reading Group: C15a_app226_rg2

Witness: f1818 gave
Witness: f1823 gave
Witness: fThomas gave
Witness: f1831 gave


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 way to my own miserable reflections.
Witness: f1823 way to my own miserable reflections.
Witness: fThomas way to my own miserable reflections.
Witness: f1831 way to my own miserable reflections.
Witness: fMS way to my own miserable reflections.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I was often
Witness: f1823 I was often
Witness: fThomas I was often
Witness: f1831 I was often
Witness: fMS I was often


Reading Group: C15a_app229_rg1

Witness: fMS tempted w

Reading Group: C15a_app229_rg2

Witness: f1818 tempted,
Witness: f1823 tempted,
Witness: fThomas tempted,
Witness: f1831 tempted,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 when all was
Witness: f1823 when all was
Witness: fThomas when all was
Witness: f1831 when all was
Witness: fMS when all was


Reading Group: C15a_app231_rg1

Witness: fMS quiet<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>at

Reading Group: C15a_app231_rg2

Witness: f1818 at
Witness: f1823 at
Witness: fThomas at
Witness: f1831 at


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 peace around
Witness: f1823 peace around
Witness: fThomas peace around
Witness: f1831 peace around
Witness: fMS peace around


Reading Group: C15a_app233_rg1

Witness: fMS me

Reading Group: C15a_app233_rg2

Witness: f1818 me,
Witness: f1823 me,
Witness: fThomas me,
Witness: f1831 me,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and I the only unquiet
Witness: f1823 and I the only unquiet
Witness: fThomas and I the only unquiet
Witness: f1831 and I the only unquiet
Witness: fMS and I the only unquiet


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 thing that wandered restless in a scene so beautiful and
Witness: f1823 thing that wandered restless in a scene so beautiful and
Witness: fThomas thing that wandered restless in a scene so beautiful and
Witness: f1831 thing that wandered restless in a scene so beautiful and
Witness: fMS thing that wandered restless in a scene so beautiful &


Reading Group: C15a_app236_rg1

Witness: f1818 heavenly,
Witness: f1823 heavenly,
Witness: fThomas heavenly,

Reading Group: C15a_app236_rg2

Witness: fMS heavenly;

Reading Group: C15a_app236_rg3

Witness: f1831 heavenly—if


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 if
Witness: f1823 if
Witness: fThomas if
Witness: fMS if


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I except
Witness: f1823 I except
Witness: fThomas I except
Witness: f1831 I except
Witness: fMS I except


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS alone


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 some bat, or
Witness: f1823 some bat, or
Witness: fThomas some bat, or
Witness: f1831 some bat, or
Witness: fMS some bat, or


Reading Group: C15a_app241_rg1

Witness: f1818 the frogs,
Witness: f1823 the frogs,
Witness: fThomas the frogs,
Witness: f1831 the frogs,

Reading Group: C15a_app241_rg2

Witness: fMS the<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>frogs,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 whose harsh and
Witness: f1823 whose harsh and
Witness: fThomas whose harsh and
Witness: f1831 whose harsh and
Witness: fMS whose harsh and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 interrupted croaking
Witness: f1823 interrupted croaking
Witness: fThomas interrupted croaking
Witness: f1831 interrupted croaking
Witness: fMS interrupted croaking


Reading Group: C15a_app244_rg1

Witness: fMS of the frogswhichwasI

Reading Group: C15a_app244_rg2

Witness: f1818 was
Witness: f1823 was
Witness: fThomas was
Witness: f1831 was


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 heard only when I approached the
Witness: f1823 heard only when I approached the
Witness: fThomas heard only when I approached the
Witness: f1831 heard only when I approached the
Witness: fMS heard only when I approached the


Reading Group: C15a_app246_rg1

Witness: fMS shore; often

Reading Group: C15a_app246_rg2

Witness: f1818 shore—often,
Witness: f1823 shore—often,
Witness: fThomas shore—often,
Witness: f1831 shore—often,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I say, I was tempted to
Witness: f1823 I say, I was tempted to
Witness: fThomas I say, I was tempted to
Witness: f1831 I say, I was tempted to
Witness: fMS I say, I was tempted to


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 plunge into the
Witness: f1823 plunge into the
Witness: fThomas plunge into the
Witness: f1831 plunge into the
Witness: fMS plunge into the


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS still and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 silent
Witness: f1823 silent
Witness: fThomas silent
Witness: f1831 silent
Witness: fMS silent


Reading Group: C15a_app251_rg1

Witness: fMS lake and letthat

Reading Group: C15a_app251_rg2

Witness: f1818 lake, that
Witness: f1823 lake, that
Witness: fThomas lake, that
Witness: f1831 lake, that


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fMS the


Reading Group: C15a_app253_rg1

Witness: f1818 waters might
Witness: f1823 waters might
Witness: fThomas waters might
Witness: f1831 waters might

Reading Group: C15a_app253_rg2

Witness: fMS waters<metamark function="insert">>^</metamark>might


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 close over me and my calamities for ever. But I was
Witness: f1823 close over me and my calamities for ever. But I was
Witness: fThomas close over me and my calamities for ever. But I was
Witness: f1831 close over me and my calamities for ever. But I was
Witness: fMS close over me & my calamities for ever. But I was


Reading Group: C15a_app255_rg1

Witness: fMS restrained

Reading Group: C15a_app255_rg2

Witness: f1818 restrained,
Witness: f1823 restrained,
Witness: fThomas restrained,
Witness: f1831 restrained,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 when I thought of the heroic
Witness: f1823 when I thought of the heroic
Witness: fThomas when I thought of the heroic
Witness: f1831 when I thought of the heroic
Witness: fMS when I thought of the heroic


Reading Group: C15a_app257_rg1

Witness: f1818 and suffering Elizabeth,
Witness: f1823 and suffering Elizabeth,
Witness: fThomas and suffering Elizabeth,
Witness: f1831 and suffering Elizabeth,

Reading Group: C15a_app257_rg2

Witness: fMS &suffering Elizabeth


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 whom I tenderly
Witness: f1823 whom I tenderly
Witness: fThomas whom I tenderly
Witness: f1831 whom I tenderly
Witness: fMS whom I tenderly


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 loved, and whose existence was bound
Witness: f1823 loved, and whose existence was bound
Witness: fThomas loved, and whose existence was bound
Witness: f1831 loved, and whose existence was bound
Witness: fMS loved, and whose existence was bound


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 up in mine.
Witness: f1823 up in mine.
Witness: fThomas up in mine.
Witness: f1831 up in mine.
Witness: fMS up in mine.


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS And then


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I thought also
Witness: f1823 I thought also
Witness: fThomas I thought also
Witness: f1831 I thought also
Witness: fMS I thought also


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of my
Witness: f1823 of my
Witness: fThomas of my
Witness: f1831 of my
Witness: fMS of my


Reading Group: C15a_app264_rg1

Witness: fMS father

Reading Group: C15a_app264_rg2

Witness: f1818 father,
Witness: f1823 father,
Witness: fThomas father,
Witness: f1831 father,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and surviving
Witness: f1823 and surviving
Witness: fThomas and surviving
Witness: f1831 and surviving
Witness: fMS and surviving


Reading Group: C15a_app266_rg1

Witness: f1818 brother:
Witness: f1823 brother:
Witness: fThomas brother:
Witness: f1831 brother:

Reading Group: C15a_app266_rg2

Witness: fMS brother; And


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 should I
Witness: f1823 should I
Witness: fThomas should I
Witness: f1831 should I
Witness: fMS should I


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS not


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 by my base desertion leave
Witness: f1823 by my base desertion leave
Witness: fThomas by my base desertion leave
Witness: f1831 by my base desertion leave
Witness: fMS by my base desertion leave


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 them exposed and unprotected to the
Witness: f1823 them exposed and unprotected to the
Witness: fThomas them exposed and unprotected to the
Witness: f1831 them exposed and unprotected to the
Witness: fMS them exposed & unprotected to the


Reading Group: C15a_app271_rg1

Witness: fMS mali<mdel/>ce

Reading Group: C15a_app271_rg2

Witness: f1818 malice
Witness: f1823 malice
Witness: fThomas malice
Witness: f1831 malice


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of the fiend
Witness: f1823 of the fiend
Witness: fThomas of the fiend
Witness: f1831 of the fiend
Witness: fMS of the fiend


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 whom I had
Witness: f1823 whom I had
Witness: fThomas whom I had
Witness: f1831 whom I had
Witness: fMS whom I had


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 let
Witness: f1823 let
Witness: fThomas let
Witness: f1831 let
Witness: fMS let


Reading Group: C15a_app276_rg1

Witness: f1818 loose
Witness: f1823 loose
Witness: fThomas loose
Witness: f1831 loose

Reading Group: C15a_app276_rg2

Witness: fMS lose


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 among
Witness: f1823 among
Witness: fThomas among
Witness: f1831 among
Witness: fMS among


Reading Group: C15a_app278_rg1

Witness: fMS them? At

Reading Group: C15a_app278_rg2

Witness: f1818 them?<p/><p/>At
Witness: f1823 them?<p/><p/>At
Witness: fThomas them?<p/><p/>At
Witness: f1831 them?<p/><p/>At


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 these
Witness: f1823 these
Witness: fThomas these
Witness: f1831 these
Witness: fMS these


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 moments I wept
Witness: f1823 moments I wept
Witness: fThomas moments I wept
Witness: f1831 moments I wept
Witness: fMS moments I wept


Reading Group: C15a_app281_rg1

Witness: fMS bitterly

Reading Group: C15a_app281_rg2

Witness: f1818 bitterly,
Witness: f1823 bitterly,
Witness: fThomas bitterly,
Witness: f1831 bitterly,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and wished
Witness: f1823 and wished
Witness: fThomas and wished
Witness: f1831 and wished
Witness: fMS and wished


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that peace would revisit my mind
Witness: f1823 that peace would revisit my mind
Witness: fThomas that peace would revisit my mind
Witness: f1831 that peace would revisit my mind
Witness: fMS that peace would revisit my mind


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS <metamark function="displacement" xml:id="c56-0111.02">^</metamark>if


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 only
Witness: f1823 only
Witness: fThomas only
Witness: f1831 only
Witness: fMS only


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that I might afford them consolation
Witness: f1823 that I might afford them consolation
Witness: fThomas that I might afford them consolation
Witness: f1831 that I might afford them consolation
Witness: fMS that I might afford them consolation


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fMS and


Reading Group: C15a_app289_rg1

Witness: fMS happiness —

Reading Group: C15a_app289_rg2

Witness: f1818 happiness.
Witness: f1823 happiness.
Witness: fThomas happiness.
Witness: f1831 happiness.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 But that could not
Witness: f1823 But that could not
Witness: fThomas But that could not
Witness: f1831 But that could not
Witness: fMS but that could not


Reading Group: C15a_app291_rg1

Witness: fMS be:

Reading Group: C15a_app291_rg2

Witness: f1818 be.
Witness: f1823 be.
Witness: fThomas be.
Witness: f1831 be.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Remorse
Witness: f1823 Remorse
Witness: fThomas Remorse
Witness: f1831 Remorse
Witness: fMS remorse


Reading Group: C15a_app293_rg1

Witness: fMS took awayextinguished

Reading Group: C15a_app293_rg2

Witness: f1818 extinguished
Witness: f1823 extinguished
Witness: fThomas extinguished
Witness: f1831 extinguished


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 every
Witness: f1823 every
Witness: fThomas every
Witness: f1831 every
Witness: fMS every


Reading Group: C15a_app295_rg1

Witness: f1818 hope.
Witness: f1823 hope.
Witness: fThomas hope.
Witness: f1831 hope.

Reading Group: C15a_app295_rg2

Witness: fMS hope—


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I had been the
Witness: f1823 I had been the
Witness: fThomas I had been the
Witness: f1831 I had been the
Witness: fMS I had been the


Reading Group: C15a_app297_rg1

Witness: fMS causeauthor

Reading Group: C15a_app297_rg2

Witness: f1818 author
Witness: f1823 author
Witness: fThomas author
Witness: f1831 author


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of unalterable
Witness: f1823 of unalterable
Witness: fThomas of unalterable
Witness: f1831 of unalterable
Witness: fMS of unalterable


Reading Group: C15a_app299_rg1

Witness: fMS evil,

Reading Group: C15a_app299_rg2

Witness: f1818 evils;
Witness: f1823 evils;
Witness: fThomas evils;
Witness: f1831 evils;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and I lived in daily
Witness: f1823 and I lived in daily
Witness: fThomas and I lived in daily
Witness: f1831 and I lived in daily
Witness: fMS and I lived in daily


Reading Group: C15a_app301_rg1

Witness: fMS fear that the dæmonof some new wickedness whichlet

Reading Group: C15a_app301_rg2

Witness: f1818 fear, lest
Witness: f1823 fear, lest
Witness: fThomas fear, lest
Witness: f1831 fear, lest


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the monster whom I had
Witness: f1823 the monster whom I had
Witness: fThomas the monster whom I had
Witness: f1831 the monster whom I had
Witness: fMS the monster whom I had


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 created
Witness: f1823 created
Witness: fThomas created
Witness: f1831 created
Witness: fMS created


Reading Group: C15a_app304_rg1

Witness: fMS might commitperpetratesome

Reading Group: C15a_app304_rg2

Witness: f1818 should perpetrate some
Witness: f1823 should perpetrate some
Witness: fThomas should perpetrate some
Witness: f1831 should perpetrate some


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 new wickedness.
Witness: f1823 new wickedness.
Witness: fThomas new wickedness.
Witness: f1831 new wickedness.
Witness: fMS new wickedness.


Reading Group: C15a_app306_rg1

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: f1831 I

Reading Group: C15a_app306_rg2

Witness: fMS –I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 had
Witness: f1823 had
Witness: fThomas had
Witness: f1831 had
Witness: fMS had


Reading Group: C15a_app308_rg1

Witness: f1818 an obscure
Witness: f1823 an obscure
Witness: fThomas an obscure
Witness: f1831 an obscure

Reading Group: C15a_app308_rg2

Witness: fMS anobscure


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 feeling
Witness: f1823 feeling
Witness: fThomas feeling
Witness: f1831 feeling
Witness: fMS feeling


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that all was not over, and that
Witness: f1823 that all was not over, and that
Witness: fThomas that all was not over, and that
Witness: f1831 that all was not over, and that
Witness: fMS that all was not over, and that


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 he would still commit some
Witness: f1823 he would still commit some
Witness: fThomas he would still commit some
Witness: f1831 he would still commit some
Witness: fMS he would still commit some


Reading Group: C15a_app312_rg1

Witness: f1818 signal crime,
Witness: f1823 signal crime,
Witness: fThomas signal crime,
Witness: f1831 signal crime,

Reading Group: C15a_app312_rg2

Witness: fMS signalcr crime


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 which by its enormity
Witness: f1823 which by its enormity
Witness: fThomas which by its enormity
Witness: f1831 which by its enormity
Witness: fMS which by its enormity


Reading Group: C15a_app314_rg1

Witness: f1818 should
Witness: f1823 should
Witness: fThomas should
Witness: f1831 should

Reading Group: C15a_app314_rg2

Witness: fMS would


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 almost efface the recollection of the past.
Witness: f1823 almost efface the recollection of the past.
Witness: fThomas almost efface the recollection of the past.
Witness: f1831 almost efface the recollection of the past.
Witness: fMS almost efface the recollection of the past.


Reading Group: C15a_app316_rg1

Witness: fMS <metamark function="displacement" xml:id="c56-0112.02">X</metamark><metamark function="displacement"></metamark>There

Reading Group: C15a_app316_rg2

Witness: f1818 There
Witness: f1823 There
Witness: fThomas There
Witness: f1831 There


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was
Witness: f1823 was
Witness: fThomas was
Witness: f1831 was
Witness: fMS was


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 always scope
Witness: f1823 always scope
Witness: fThomas always scope
Witness: f1831 always scope
Witness: fMS always scope


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 for
Witness: f1823 for
Witness: fThomas for
Witness: f1831 for
Witness: fMS for


Reading Group: C15a_app320_rg1

Witness: fMS fear

Reading Group: C15a_app320_rg2

Witness: f1818 fear,
Witness: f1823 fear,
Witness: fThomas fear,
Witness: f1831 fear,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 so
Witness: f1823 so
Witness: fThomas so
Witness: f1831 so
Witness: fMS so


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 long as any
Witness: f1823 long as any
Witness: fThomas long as any
Witness: f1831 long as any
Witness: fMS long as any


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 thing
Witness: f1823 thing
Witness: fThomas thing
Witness: f1831 thing
Witness: fMS thing


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS that


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I loved remained
Witness: f1823 I loved remained
Witness: fThomas I loved remained
Witness: f1831 I loved remained
Witness: fMS I loved remained


Reading Group: C15a_app326_rg1

Witness: fMS alive.

Reading Group: C15a_app326_rg2

Witness: f1818 behind.
Witness: f1823 behind.
Witness: fThomas behind.
Witness: f1831 behind.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 My
Witness: f1823 My
Witness: fThomas My
Witness: f1831 My
Witness: fMS My


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 abhorrence of this fiend cannot be
Witness: f1823 abhorrence of this fiend cannot be
Witness: fThomas abhorrence of this fiend cannot be
Witness: f1831 abhorrence of this fiend cannot be
Witness: fMS abhorrence of this fiend cannot be


Reading Group: C15a_app329_rg1

Witness: fMS conceived –

Reading Group: C15a_app329_rg2

Witness: f1818 conceived.
Witness: f1823 conceived.
Witness: fThomas conceived.
Witness: f1831 conceived.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 When I thought of
Witness: f1823 When I thought of
Witness: fThomas When I thought of
Witness: f1831 When I thought of
Witness: fMS When I thought of


Reading Group: C15a_app331_rg1

Witness: fMS him

Reading Group: C15a_app331_rg2

Witness: f1818 him,
Witness: f1823 him,
Witness: fThomas him,
Witness: f1831 him,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fMS I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 gnashed my
Witness: f1823 gnashed my
Witness: fThomas gnashed my
Witness: f1831 gnashed my
Witness: fMS gnashed my


Reading Group: C15a_app334_rg1

Witness: fMS teeth

Reading Group: C15a_app334_rg2

Witness: f1818 teeth,
Witness: f1823 teeth,
Witness: fThomas teeth,
Witness: f1831 teeth,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my eyes became
Witness: f1823 my eyes became
Witness: fThomas my eyes became
Witness: f1831 my eyes became
Witness: fMS my eyes became


Reading Group: C15a_app336_rg1

Witness: fMS inflamed

Reading Group: C15a_app336_rg2

Witness: f1818 inflamed,
Witness: f1823 inflamed,
Witness: fThomas inflamed,
Witness: f1831 inflamed,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and I ardently wished to extinguish
Witness: f1823 and I ardently wished to extinguish
Witness: fThomas and I ardently wished to extinguish
Witness: f1831 and I ardently wished to extinguish
Witness: fMS and I ardently wished to extinguish


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that life which I had so thoughtlessly
Witness: f1823 that life which I had so thoughtlessly
Witness: fThomas that life which I had so thoughtlessly
Witness: f1831 that life which I had so thoughtlessly
Witness: fMS that life which I had so thoughtlessly


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 bestowed. When I
Witness: f1823 bestowed. When I
Witness: fThomas bestowed. When I
Witness: f1831 bestowed. When I
Witness: fMS bestowed. When I


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS though


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 reflected on his
Witness: f1823 reflected on his
Witness: fThomas reflected on his
Witness: f1831 reflected on his
Witness: fMS reflected on his


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 crimes and malice, my hatred and
Witness: f1823 crimes and malice, my hatred and
Witness: fThomas crimes and malice, my hatred and
Witness: f1831 crimes and malice, my hatred and
Witness: fMS crimes and malice, my hatred and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 revenge burst all bounds of
Witness: f1823 revenge burst all bounds of
Witness: fThomas revenge burst all bounds of
Witness: f1831 revenge burst all bounds of
Witness: fMS revenge burst all bounds of


Reading Group: C15a_app344_rg1

Witness: fMS moderation I wished but to see him again that I might

Reading Group: C15a_app344_rg2

Witness: f1818 moderation.
Witness: f1823 moderation.
Witness: fThomas moderation.
Witness: f1831 moderation.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I would have made a pilgrimage
Witness: f1823 I would have made a pilgrimage
Witness: fThomas I would have made a pilgrimage
Witness: f1831 I would have made a pilgrimage
Witness: fMS I would have made a pilgrimage


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to the
Witness: f1823 to the
Witness: fThomas to the
Witness: f1831 to the
Witness: fMS to the


Reading Group: C15a_app347_rg1

Witness: f1818 highest peak
Witness: f1823 highest peak
Witness: fThomas highest peak
Witness: f1831 highest peak

Reading Group: C15a_app347_rg2

Witness: fMS highestpeak


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of the
Witness: f1823 of the
Witness: fThomas of the
Witness: f1831 of the
Witness: fMS of the


Reading Group: C15a_app349_rg1

Witness: fMS Andes

Reading Group: C15a_app349_rg2

Witness: f1818 Andes,
Witness: f1823 Andes,
Witness: fThomas Andes,
Witness: f1831 Andes,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 could
Witness: f1823 could
Witness: fThomas could
Witness: f1831 could
Witness: fMS could


Reading Group: C15a_app351_rg1

Witness: fMS I

Reading Group: C15a_app351_rg2

Witness: f1818 I,
Witness: f1823 I,
Witness: fThomas I,
Witness: f1831 I,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 when
Witness: f1823 when
Witness: fThomas when
Witness: f1831 when
Witness: fMS when


Reading Group: C15a_app353_rg1

Witness: fMS there

Reading Group: C15a_app353_rg2

Witness: f1818 there,
Witness: f1823 there,
Witness: fThomas there,
Witness: f1831 there,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 have precipitated him to their
Witness: f1823 have precipitated him to their
Witness: fThomas have precipitated him to their
Witness: f1831 have precipitated him to their
Witness: fMS have precipitated him to their


Reading Group: C15a_app355_rg1

Witness: fMS footbase;

Reading Group: C15a_app355_rg2

Witness: f1818 base.
Witness: f1823 base.
Witness: fThomas base.
Witness: f1831 base.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fMS I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 wished
Witness: f1823 wished
Witness: fThomas wished
Witness: f1831 wished
Witness: fMS wished


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS but


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to see him
Witness: f1823 to see him
Witness: fThomas to see him
Witness: f1831 to see him
Witness: fMS to see him


Reading Group: C15a_app360_rg1

Witness: fMS again

Reading Group: C15a_app360_rg2

Witness: f1818 again,
Witness: f1823 again,
Witness: fThomas again,
Witness: f1831 again,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that
Witness: f1823 that
Witness: fThomas that
Witness: f1831 that
Witness: fMS that


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I might wreak the utmost extent of
Witness: f1823 I might wreak the utmost extent of
Witness: fThomas I might wreak the utmost extent of
Witness: f1831 I might wreak the utmost extent of
Witness: fMS I might wreak the utmost extent of


Reading Group: C15a_app363_rg1

Witness: fMS

Reading Group: C15a_app363_rg2

Witness: f1831 abhorrence


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 anger
Witness: f1823 anger
Witness: fThomas anger
Witness: fMS anger


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 on his
Witness: f1823 on his
Witness: fThomas on his
Witness: f1831 on his
Witness: fMS on his


Reading Group: C15a_app366_rg1

Witness: fMS head

Reading Group: C15a_app366_rg2

Witness: f1818 head,
Witness: f1823 head,
Witness: fThomas head,
Witness: f1831 head,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and avenge the
Witness: f1823 and avenge the
Witness: fThomas and avenge the
Witness: f1831 and avenge the
Witness: fMS and avenge the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 deaths of William and
Witness: f1823 deaths of William and
Witness: fThomas deaths of William and
Witness: f1831 deaths of William and
Witness: fMS deaths of William and


Reading Group: C15a_app369_rg1

Witness: fMS Justine. Our

Reading Group: C15a_app369_rg2

Witness: f1818 Justine.<p/><p/>Our
Witness: f1823 Justine.<p/><p/>Our
Witness: fThomas Justine.<p/><p/>Our
Witness: f1831 Justine.<p/><p/>Our


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 house was
Witness: f1823 house was
Witness: fThomas house was
Witness: f1831 house was
Witness: fMS house was


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS now


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the house
Witness: f1823 the house
Witness: fThomas the house
Witness: f1831 the house
Witness: fMS the house


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of
Witness: f1823 of
Witness: fThomas of
Witness: f1831 of
Witness: fMS of


Reading Group: C15a_app374_rg1

Witness: fMS mourning,

Reading Group: C15a_app374_rg2

Witness: f1818 mourning.
Witness: f1823 mourning.
Witness: fThomas mourning.
Witness: f1831 mourning.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 My
Witness: f1823 My
Witness: fThomas My
Witness: f1831 My
Witness: fMS my


Reading Group: C15a_app376_rg1

Witness: fMS father's

Reading Group: C15a_app376_rg2

Witness: f1818 father’s
Witness: f1823 father’s
Witness: fThomas father’s
Witness: f1831 father’s


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 health was deeply
Witness: f1823 health was deeply
Witness: fThomas health was deeply
Witness: f1831 health was deeply
Witness: fMS health was deeply


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 shaken by the horror of the recent
Witness: f1823 shaken by the horror of the recent
Witness: fThomas shaken by the horror of the recent
Witness: f1831 shaken by the horror of the recent
Witness: fMS shaken by the horror of the recent


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 events. Elizabeth was sad and
Witness: f1823 events. Elizabeth was sad and
Witness: fThomas events. Elizabeth was sad and
Witness: f1831 events. Elizabeth was sad and
Witness: fMS events. Elizabeth was sad and


Reading Group: C15a_app380_rg1

Witness: fMS desponding

Reading Group: C15a_app380_rg2

Witness: f1818 desponding;
Witness: f1823 desponding;
Witness: fThomas desponding;
Witness: f1831 desponding;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 she no longer took delight in her
Witness: f1823 she no longer took delight in her
Witness: fThomas she no longer took delight in her
Witness: f1831 she no longer took delight in her
Witness: fMS she no longer took delight in her


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 ordinary occupations; all pleasure seemed
Witness: f1823 ordinary occupations; all pleasure seemed
Witness: fThomas ordinary occupations; all pleasure seemed
Witness: f1831 ordinary occupations; all pleasure seemed
Witness: fMS ordinary occupations; all pleasure seemed


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to her
Witness: f1823 to her
Witness: fThomas to her
Witness: f1831 to her
Witness: fMS to her


Reading Group: C15a_app384_rg1

Witness: fMS sacriledge towards

Reading Group: C15a_app384_rg2

Witness: f1818 sacrilege toward
Witness: f1823 sacrilege toward
Witness: fThomas sacrilege toward
Witness: f1831 sacrilege toward


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the dead; eternal woe and tears she then thought was the
Witness: f1823 the dead; eternal woe and tears she then thought was the
Witness: fThomas the dead; eternal woe and tears she then thought was the
Witness: f1831 the dead; eternal woe and tears she then thought was the
Witness: fMS the dead; eter<metamark>=</metamark>nal woe and teasrs she then thought was the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 just tribute she should pay to innocence
Witness: f1823 just tribute she should pay to innocence
Witness: fThomas just tribute she should pay to innocence
Witness: f1831 just tribute she should pay to innocence
Witness: fMS just tribute she should pay to innocence


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 so blasted and destroyed. She was no longer
Witness: f1823 so blasted and destroyed. She was no longer
Witness: fThomas so blasted and destroyed. She was no longer
Witness: f1831 so blasted and destroyed. She was no longer
Witness: fMS so blasted and destroyed. She was no longer


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that happy
Witness: f1823 that happy
Witness: fThomas that happy
Witness: f1831 that happy
Witness: fMS that happy


Reading Group: C15a_app389_rg1

Witness: fMS creature she had been whenlast saw her

Reading Group: C15a_app389_rg2

Witness: f1818 creature,
Witness: f1823 creature,
Witness: fThomas creature,
Witness: f1831 creature,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 who in earlier
Witness: f1823 who in earlier
Witness: fThomas who in earlier
Witness: f1831 who in earlier
Witness: fMS who in earlier


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 youth
Witness: f1823 youth
Witness: fThomas youth
Witness: f1831 youth
Witness: fMS youth


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS had had<del/>


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 wandered with
Witness: f1823 wandered with
Witness: fThomas wandered with
Witness: f1831 wandered with
Witness: fMS wandered with


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS on


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 me on the banks of the
Witness: f1823 me on the banks of the
Witness: fThomas me on the banks of the
Witness: f1831 me on the banks of the
Witness: fMS me on the banks of the


Reading Group: C15a_app396_rg1

Witness: fMS lake

Reading Group: C15a_app396_rg2

Witness: f1818 lake,
Witness: f1823 lake,
Witness: fThomas lake,
Witness: f1831 lake,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and talked with
Witness: f1823 and talked with
Witness: fThomas and talked with
Witness: f1831 and talked with
Witness: fMS and talked with


Reading Group: C15a_app398_rg1

Witness: f1818 ecstacy
Witness: f1823 ecstacy
Witness: fThomas ecstacy

Reading Group: C15a_app398_rg2

Witness: f1831 ecstasy

Reading Group: C15a_app398_rg3

Witness: fMS extacy


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of our future
Witness: f1823 of our future
Witness: fThomas of our future
Witness: f1831 of our future
Witness: fMS of our future


Reading Group: C15a_app400_rg1

Witness: fMS prospects–

Reading Group: C15a_app400_rg2

Witness: f1818 prospects.
Witness: f1823 prospects.
Witness: fThomas prospects.
Witness: f1831 prospects.


Reading Group: C15a_app401_rg1

Witness: f1818 She
Witness: f1823 She
Witness: fThomas She
Witness: fMS She

Reading Group: C15a_app401_rg2

Witness: f1831 The first of those sorrows which are sent to wean us from


Reading Group: C15a_app402_rg1

Witness: fMS washad

Reading Group: C15a_app402_rg2

Witness: f1818 had
Witness: f1823 had
Witness: fThomas had


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 become grave, and often
Witness: f1823 become grave, and often
Witness: fThomas become grave, and often
Witness: fMS become grave, and often


Reading Group: C15a_app404_rg1

Witness: fMS talkedconversed

Reading Group: C15a_app404_rg2

Witness: f1818 conversed
Witness: f1823 conversed
Witness: fThomas conversed


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of
Witness: f1823 of
Witness: fThomas of
Witness: fMS of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fMS the


Reading Group: C15a_app407_rg1

Witness: f1831 earth, had visited her,

Reading Group: C15a_app407_rg2

Witness: f1818 inconstancy of
Witness: f1823 inconstancy of
Witness: fThomas inconstancy of
Witness: fMS inconstancy of


Reading Group: C15a_app408_rg1

Witness: fMS fortune

Reading Group: C15a_app408_rg2

Witness: f1818 fortune,
Witness: f1823 fortune,
Witness: fThomas fortune,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fMS and


Reading Group: C15a_app410_rg1

Witness: f1831 its dimming influence quenched her dearest smiles.<p/><p/>“When

Reading Group: C15a_app410_rg2

Witness: f1818 the instability of human
Witness: f1823 the instability of human
Witness: fThomas the instability of human
Witness: fMS the instability of human


Reading Group: C15a_app411_rg1

Witness: f1818 life.<p/><p/>“When
Witness: f1823 life.<p/><p/>“When
Witness: fThomas life.<p/><p/>“When

Reading Group: C15a_app411_rg2

Witness: fMS life— "When


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I reflect, my dear cousin,”
Witness: f1823 I reflect, my dear cousin,”
Witness: fThomas I reflect, my dear cousin,”
Witness: f1831 I reflect, my dear cousin,”
Witness: fMS I reflect, my dear Cousin,"


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS she


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 said
Witness: f1823 said
Witness: fThomas said
Witness: f1831 said
Witness: fMS said


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 she,
Witness: f1823 she,
Witness: fThomas she,
Witness: f1831 she,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 “on
Witness: f1823 “on
Witness: fThomas “on
Witness: f1831 “on
Witness: fMS "on


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the miserable death of Justine Moritz, I
Witness: f1823 the miserable death of Justine Moritz, I
Witness: fThomas the miserable death of Justine Moritz, I
Witness: f1831 the miserable death of Justine Moritz, I
Witness: fMS the miserable death of Justine Moritz, I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 no longer see
Witness: f1823 no longer see
Witness: fThomas no longer see
Witness: f1831 no longer see
Witness: fMS no longer see


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS things


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the world and its
Witness: f1823 the world and its
Witness: fThomas the world and its
Witness: f1831 the world and its
Witness: fMS the world and its


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 works
Witness: f1823 works
Witness: fThomas works
Witness: f1831 works
Witness: fMS works


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS in the same light


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 as they before
Witness: f1823 as they before
Witness: fThomas as they before
Witness: f1831 as they before
Witness: fMS as they before


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 appeared to me.
Witness: f1823 appeared to me.
Witness: fThomas appeared to me.
Witness: f1831 appeared to me.
Witness: fMS appeared to <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>me.


Reading Group: C15a_app425_rg1

Witness: fMS Before – StoriesI

Reading Group: C15a_app425_rg2

Witness: f1818 Before, I
Witness: f1823 Before, I
Witness: fThomas Before, I
Witness: f1831 Before, I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 looked upon the accounts of vice
Witness: f1823 looked upon the accounts of vice
Witness: fThomas looked upon the accounts of vice
Witness: f1831 looked upon the accounts of vice
Witness: fMS looked upon the accounts of vice


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fMS and


Reading Group: C15a_app428_rg1

Witness: fMS injustice

Reading Group: C15a_app428_rg2

Witness: f1818 injustice,
Witness: f1823 injustice,
Witness: fThomas injustice,
Witness: f1831 injustice,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that I read in books or heard
Witness: f1823 that I read in books or heard
Witness: fThomas that I read in books or heard
Witness: f1831 that I read in books or heard
Witness: fMS that I read in books or heard


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 from
Witness: f1823 from
Witness: fThomas from
Witness: f1831 from
Witness: fMS from


Reading Group: C15a_app431_rg1

Witness: fMS others

Reading Group: C15a_app431_rg2

Witness: f1818 others,
Witness: f1823 others,
Witness: fThomas others,
Witness: f1831 others,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 as tales of ancient
Witness: f1823 as tales of ancient
Witness: fThomas as tales of ancient
Witness: f1831 as tales of ancient
Witness: fMS as tales of ancient


Reading Group: C15a_app433_rg1

Witness: fMS days

Reading Group: C15a_app433_rg2

Witness: f1818 days,
Witness: f1823 days,
Witness: fThomas days,
Witness: f1831 days,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 or
Witness: f1823 or
Witness: fThomas or
Witness: f1831 or
Witness: fMS or


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 imaginary
Witness: f1823 imaginary
Witness: fThomas imaginary
Witness: f1831 imaginary
Witness: fMS imaginary


Reading Group: C15a_app436_rg1

Witness: f1818 evils; at
Witness: f1823 evils; at
Witness: fThomas evils; at
Witness: f1831 evils; at

Reading Group: C15a_app436_rg2

Witness: fMS evils;<metamark function="displacement" xml:id="c56-0113.06">X</metamark><metamark function="displacement"></metamark>At


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 least they
Witness: f1823 least they
Witness: fThomas least they
Witness: f1831 least they
Witness: fMS least they


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 were remote,
Witness: f1823 were remote,
Witness: fThomas were remote,
Witness: f1831 were remote,
Witness: fMS were remote,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and more
Witness: f1823 and more
Witness: fThomas and more
Witness: f1831 and more
Witness: fMS and more


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 familiar to
Witness: f1823 familiar to
Witness: fThomas familiar to
Witness: f1831 familiar to
Witness: fMS familiar to


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS the beli


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 reason than
Witness: f1823 reason than
Witness: fThomas reason than
Witness: f1831 reason than
Witness: fMS reason than


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to
Witness: f1823 to
Witness: fThomas to
Witness: f1831 to
Witness: fMS to


Reading Group: C15a_app444_rg1

Witness: fMS imagination

Reading Group: C15a_app444_rg2

Witness: f1818 the imagination;
Witness: f1823 the imagination;
Witness: fThomas the imagination;
Witness: f1831 the imagination;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but now misery has
Witness: f1823 but now misery has
Witness: fThomas but now misery has
Witness: f1831 but now misery has
Witness: fMS but now misery has


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 come
Witness: f1823 come
Witness: fThomas come
Witness: f1831 come
Witness: fMS come


Reading Group: C15a_app447_rg1

Witness: fMS home

Reading Group: C15a_app447_rg2

Witness: f1818 home,
Witness: f1823 home,
Witness: fThomas home,
Witness: f1831 home,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and men appear to me as
Witness: f1823 and men appear to me as
Witness: fThomas and men appear to me as
Witness: f1831 and men appear to me as
Witness: fMS and men appear to me as


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 monsters thirsting for each
Witness: f1823 monsters thirsting for each
Witness: fThomas monsters thirsting for each
Witness: f1831 monsters thirsting for each
Witness: fMS monsters thirsting for each


Reading Group: C15a_app450_rg1

Witness: fMS others

Reading Group: C15a_app450_rg2

Witness: f1818 other’s
Witness: f1823 other’s
Witness: fThomas other’s
Witness: f1831 other’s


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 blood.
Witness: f1823 blood.
Witness: fThomas blood.
Witness: f1831 blood.
Witness: fMS blood.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Yet I am certainly
Witness: f1823 Yet I am certainly
Witness: fThomas Yet I am certainly
Witness: f1831 Yet I am certainly
Witness: fMS Yet I am certainly


Reading Group: C15a_app453_rg1

Witness: f1818 unjust. Every body
Witness: f1823 unjust. Every body
Witness: fThomas unjust. Every body
Witness: f1831 unjust. Every body

Reading Group: C15a_app453_rg2

Witness: fMS unjust.–Every one


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 believed that poor girl to be
Witness: f1823 believed that poor girl to be
Witness: fThomas believed that poor girl to be
Witness: f1831 believed that poor girl to be
Witness: fMS believed that poor girl to be


Reading Group: C15a_app455_rg1

Witness: fMS guilty,

Reading Group: C15a_app455_rg2

Witness: f1818 guilty;
Witness: f1823 guilty;
Witness: fThomas guilty;
Witness: f1831 guilty;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fMS and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 if she
Witness: f1823 if she
Witness: fThomas if she
Witness: f1831 if she
Witness: fMS if she


Reading Group: C15a_app458_rg1

Witness: fMS had<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>could

Reading Group: C15a_app458_rg2

Witness: f1818 could
Witness: f1823 could
Witness: fThomas could
Witness: f1831 could


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 have committed the crime for which she suffered, assuredly she would
Witness: f1823 have committed the crime for which she suffered, assuredly she would
Witness: fThomas have committed the crime for which she suffered, assuredly she would
Witness: f1831 have committed the crime for which she suffered, assuredly she would
Witness: fMS have committed the crime for which she suffered, assuredly she would


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS she not


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 have been
Witness: f1823 have been
Witness: fThomas have been
Witness: f1831 have been
Witness: fMS have been


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the most depraved of human creatures. For the
Witness: f1823 the most depraved of human creatures. For the
Witness: fThomas the most depraved of human creatures. For the
Witness: f1831 the most depraved of human creatures. For the
Witness: fMS the most depraved of <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>human creatures. For the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 sake of a few
Witness: f1823 sake of a few
Witness: fThomas sake of a few
Witness: f1831 sake of a few
Witness: fMS sake of a few


Reading Group: C15a_app464_rg1

Witness: fMS jewels

Reading Group: C15a_app464_rg2

Witness: f1818 jewels,
Witness: f1823 jewels,
Witness: fThomas jewels,
Witness: f1831 jewels,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to have murdered
Witness: f1823 to have murdered
Witness: fThomas to have murdered
Witness: f1831 to have murdered
Witness: fMS to have murdered


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the son of her benefactor and friend, a child
Witness: f1823 the son of her benefactor and friend, a child
Witness: fThomas the son of her benefactor and friend, a child
Witness: f1831 the son of her benefactor and friend, a child
Witness: fMS the son of her benefactor & friend, a child


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 whom she had nursed from its
Witness: f1823 whom she had nursed from its
Witness: fThomas whom she had nursed from its
Witness: f1831 whom she had nursed from its
Witness: fMS whom she had nursed from its


Reading Group: C15a_app468_rg1

Witness: fMS birth

Reading Group: C15a_app468_rg2

Witness: f1818 birth,
Witness: f1823 birth,
Witness: fThomas birth,
Witness: f1831 birth,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and appeared to love as if it had been
Witness: f1823 and appeared to love as if it had been
Witness: fThomas and appeared to love as if it had been
Witness: f1831 and appeared to love as if it had been
Witness: fMS and appeared to love as if it had been


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS its


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 her
Witness: f1823 her
Witness: fThomas her
Witness: f1831 her
Witness: fMS her


Reading Group: C15a_app472_rg1

Witness: f1818 own!
Witness: f1823 own!
Witness: fThomas own!
Witness: f1831 own!

Reading Group: C15a_app472_rg2

Witness: fMS own.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I could not consent to the
Witness: f1823 I could not consent to the
Witness: fThomas I could not consent to the
Witness: f1831 I could not consent to the
Witness: fMS I could not consent to the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 death of any human
Witness: f1823 death of any human
Witness: fThomas death of any human
Witness: f1831 death of any human
Witness: fMS death of any human


Reading Group: C15a_app475_rg1

Witness: fMS being yetbut

Reading Group: C15a_app475_rg2

Witness: f1818 being; but
Witness: f1823 being; but
Witness: fThomas being; but
Witness: f1831 being; but


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 certainly
Witness: f1823 certainly
Witness: fThomas certainly
Witness: f1831 certainly
Witness: fMS certainly


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I should have thought such a
Witness: f1823 I should have thought such a
Witness: fThomas I should have thought such a
Witness: f1831 I should have thought such a
Witness: fMS I should have thought such a


Reading Group: C15a_app478_rg1

Witness: fMS womanbeingunworthy of lifeas

Reading Group: C15a_app478_rg2

Witness: f1818 creature
Witness: f1823 creature
Witness: fThomas creature
Witness: f1831 creature


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 unfit to remain in the society of men.
Witness: f1823 unfit to remain in the society of men.
Witness: fThomas unfit to remain in the society of men.
Witness: f1831 unfit to remain in the society of men.
Witness: fMS unfit to remain in the society of men.


Reading Group: C15a_app480_rg1

Witness: f1831 But

Reading Group: C15a_app480_rg2

Witness: fMS


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Yet
Witness: f1823 Yet
Witness: fThomas Yet
Witness: fMS Yet


Reading Group: C15a_app482_rg1

Witness: f1818 she
Witness: f1823 she
Witness: fThomas she
Witness: f1831 she

Reading Group: C15a_app482_rg2

Witness: fMS sheshe


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was
Witness: f1823 was
Witness: fThomas was
Witness: f1831 was
Witness: fMS was


Reading Group: C15a_app484_rg1

Witness: f1818 innocent. I know, I
Witness: f1823 innocent. I know, I
Witness: fThomas innocent. I know, I
Witness: f1831 innocent. I know, I

Reading Group: C15a_app484_rg2

Witness: fMS innocent–I knowI


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 feel she was
Witness: f1823 feel she was
Witness: fThomas feel she was
Witness: f1831 feel she was
Witness: fMS feel she was


Reading Group: C15a_app486_rg1

Witness: fMS innocent

Reading Group: C15a_app486_rg2

Witness: f1818 innocent;
Witness: f1823 innocent;
Witness: fThomas innocent;
Witness: f1831 innocent;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 you
Witness: f1823 you
Witness: fThomas you
Witness: f1831 you
Witness: fMS You


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 are of the same
Witness: f1823 are of the same
Witness: fThomas are of the same
Witness: f1831 are of the same
Witness: fMS are of the same


Reading Group: C15a_app489_rg1

Witness: fMS opinion

Reading Group: C15a_app489_rg2

Witness: f1818 opinion,
Witness: f1823 opinion,
Witness: fThomas opinion,
Witness: f1831 opinion,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and that
Witness: f1823 and that
Witness: fThomas and that
Witness: f1831 and that
Witness: fMS and that


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 confirms me.
Witness: f1823 confirms me.
Witness: fThomas confirms me.
Witness: f1831 confirms me.
Witness: fMS confirms me.


Reading Group: C15a_app492_rg1

Witness: f1818 Alas! Victor,
Witness: f1823 Alas! Victor,
Witness: fThomas Alas! Victor,
Witness: f1831 Alas! Victor,

Reading Group: C15a_app492_rg2

Witness: fMS Alas, Victor!


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 when
Witness: f1823 when
Witness: fThomas when
Witness: f1831 when
Witness: fMS when


Reading Group: C15a_app494_rg1

Witness: fMS <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>liesappearfalsehood lookcan

Reading Group: C15a_app494_rg2

Witness: f1818 falsehood can
Witness: f1823 falsehood can
Witness: fThomas falsehood can
Witness: f1831 falsehood can


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 look so like the truth, who can assure
Witness: f1823 look so like the truth, who can assure
Witness: fThomas look so like the truth, who can assure
Witness: f1831 look so like the truth, who can assure
Witness: fMS look so like the truth, who can assure


Reading Group: C15a_app496_rg1

Witness: fMS them selves

Reading Group: C15a_app496_rg2

Witness: f1818 themselves
Witness: f1823 themselves
Witness: fThomas themselves
Witness: f1831 themselves


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of certain happiness? I feel as if I
Witness: f1823 of certain happiness? I feel as if I
Witness: fThomas of certain happiness? I feel as if I
Witness: f1831 of certain happiness? I feel as if I
Witness: fMS of certain happiness? I feel as if I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 were walking on the edge of
Witness: f1823 were walking on the edge of
Witness: fThomas were walking on the edge of
Witness: f1831 were walking on the edge of
Witness: fMS were walking on the edge of


Reading Group: C15a_app499_rg1

Witness: f1818 a precipice,
Witness: f1823 a precipice,
Witness: fThomas a precipice,
Witness: f1831 a precipice,

Reading Group: C15a_app499_rg2

Witness: fMS precipiece


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 towards which thousands are
Witness: f1823 towards which thousands are
Witness: fThomas towards which thousands are
Witness: f1831 towards which thousands are
Witness: fMS towards which thousands are


Reading Group: C15a_app501_rg1

Witness: fMS crowding

Reading Group: C15a_app501_rg2

Witness: f1818 crowding,
Witness: f1823 crowding,
Witness: fThomas crowding,
Witness: f1831 crowding,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and endeavouring to plunge me into the
Witness: f1823 and endeavouring to plunge me into the
Witness: fThomas and endeavouring to plunge me into the
Witness: f1831 and endeavouring to plunge me into the
Witness: fMS & endeavouring to plunge me into the


Reading Group: C15a_app503_rg1

Witness: fMS abyss.–

Reading Group: C15a_app503_rg2

Witness: f1818 abyss.
Witness: f1823 abyss.
Witness: fThomas abyss.
Witness: f1831 abyss.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 William and Justine were
Witness: f1823 William and Justine were
Witness: fThomas William and Justine were
Witness: f1831 William and Justine were
Witness: fMS William & Justine were


Reading Group: C15a_app505_rg1

Witness: fMS assassinated

Reading Group: C15a_app505_rg2

Witness: f1818 assassinated,
Witness: f1823 assassinated,
Witness: fThomas assassinated,
Witness: f1831 assassinated,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and the murderer
Witness: f1823 and the murderer
Witness: fThomas and the murderer
Witness: f1831 and the murderer
Witness: fMS and the murderer


Reading Group: C15a_app507_rg1

Witness: fMS escapses, wearing human lineaments;

Reading Group: C15a_app507_rg2

Witness: f1818 escapes;
Witness: f1823 escapes;
Witness: fThomas escapes;
Witness: f1831 escapes;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 he walks about the world
Witness: f1823 he walks about the world
Witness: fThomas he walks about the world
Witness: f1831 he walks about the world
Witness: fMS he walks aboultd the world


Reading Group: C15a_app509_rg1

Witness: fMS free

Reading Group: C15a_app509_rg2

Witness: f1818 free,
Witness: f1823 free,
Witness: fThomas free,
Witness: f1831 free,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and perhaps respected.
Witness: f1823 and perhaps respected.
Witness: fThomas and perhaps respected.
Witness: f1831 and perhaps respected.
Witness: fMS & perhaps respected.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 But
Witness: f1823 But
Witness: fThomas But
Witness: f1831 But
Witness: fMS But


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS if


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 even if
Witness: f1823 even if
Witness: fThomas even if
Witness: f1831 even if
Witness: fMS even if


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS tomo


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I were
Witness: f1823 I were
Witness: fThomas I were
Witness: f1831 I were
Witness: fMS I were


Reading Group: C15a_app516_rg1

Witness: fMS condemmed

Reading Group: C15a_app516_rg2

Witness: f1818 condemned
Witness: f1823 condemned
Witness: fThomas condemned
Witness: f1831 condemned


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to suffer on the scaffold for the same
Witness: f1823 to suffer on the scaffold for the same
Witness: fThomas to suffer on the scaffold for the same
Witness: f1831 to suffer on the scaffold for the same
Witness: fMS to suffer on the scaffold for the same


Reading Group: C15a_app518_rg1

Witness: fMS crimes

Reading Group: C15a_app518_rg2

Witness: f1818 crimes,
Witness: f1823 crimes,
Witness: fThomas crimes,
Witness: f1831 crimes,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I would not change places with
Witness: f1823 I would not change places with
Witness: fThomas I would not change places with
Witness: f1831 I would not change places with
Witness: fMS I would not change places with


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 such a
Witness: f1823 such a
Witness: fThomas such a
Witness: f1831 such a
Witness: fMS such a


Reading Group: C15a_app521_rg1

Witness: fMS wretch." I

Reading Group: C15a_app521_rg2

Witness: f1818 wretch.”<p/><p/>I
Witness: f1823 wretch.”<p/><p/>I
Witness: fThomas wretch.”<p/><p/>I
Witness: f1831 wretch.”<p/><p/>I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 listened to this discourse with the
Witness: f1823 listened to this discourse with the
Witness: fThomas listened to this discourse with the
Witness: f1831 listened to this discourse with the
Witness: fMS listened to this discourse with the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 extremest
Witness: f1823 extremest
Witness: fThomas extremest
Witness: f1831 extremest
Witness: fMS extremest


Reading Group: C15a_app524_rg1

Witness: fMS agony – I –

Reading Group: C15a_app524_rg2

Witness: f1818 agony. I,
Witness: f1823 agony. I,
Witness: fThomas agony. I,
Witness: f1831 agony. I,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 not
Witness: f1823 not
Witness: fThomas not
Witness: f1831 not
Witness: fMS not


Reading Group: C15a_app526_rg1

Witness: fMS <mdel/>ind<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>in deed

Reading Group: C15a_app526_rg2

Witness: f1818 in deed,
Witness: f1823 in deed,
Witness: fThomas in deed,
Witness: f1831 in deed,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but in
Witness: f1823 but in
Witness: fThomas but in
Witness: f1831 but in
Witness: fMS but in


Reading Group: C15a_app528_rg1

Witness: fMS effect

Reading Group: C15a_app528_rg2

Witness: f1818 effect,
Witness: f1823 effect,
Witness: fThomas effect,
Witness: f1831 effect,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was the true
Witness: f1823 was the true
Witness: fThomas was the true
Witness: f1831 was the true
Witness: fMS was the true


Reading Group: C15a_app530_rg1

Witness: f1818 murderer.
Witness: f1823 murderer.
Witness: fThomas murderer.
Witness: f1831 murderer.

Reading Group: C15a_app530_rg2

Witness: fMS murderer.—


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Elizabeth read my anguish in my countenance, and kindly taking my
Witness: f1823 Elizabeth read my anguish in my countenance, and kindly taking my
Witness: fThomas Elizabeth read my anguish in my countenance, and kindly taking my
Witness: f1831 Elizabeth read my anguish in my countenance, and kindly taking my
Witness: fMS Elizabeth read my anguish in my countenance, and kindly taking my


Reading Group: C15a_app532_rg1

Witness: f1818 hand
Witness: fThomas hand
Witness: fMS hand

Reading Group: C15a_app532_rg2

Witness: f1823 hand,
Witness: f1831 hand,


Reading Group: C15a_app533_rg1

Witness: fMS said–"My

Reading Group: C15a_app533_rg2

Witness: f1818 said, “My
Witness: f1823 said, “My
Witness: fThomas said, “My
Witness: f1831 said, “My


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 dearest
Witness: f1823 dearest
Witness: fThomas dearest
Witness: f1831 dearest
Witness: fMS dearest


Reading Group: C15a_app535_rg1

Witness: f1818 cousin,
Witness: f1823 cousin,
Witness: fThomas cousin,
Witness: fMS cousin,

Reading Group: C15a_app535_rg2

Witness: f1831 friend,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 you must
Witness: f1823 you must
Witness: fThomas you must
Witness: f1831 you must
Witness: fMS you must


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 calm
Witness: f1823 calm
Witness: fThomas calm
Witness: f1831 calm
Witness: fMS calm


Reading Group: C15a_app538_rg1

Witness: f1818 yourself.
Witness: f1823 yourself.
Witness: fThomas yourself.
Witness: f1831 yourself.

Reading Group: C15a_app538_rg2

Witness: fMS yourself;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 These events have
Witness: f1823 These events have
Witness: fThomas These events have
Witness: f1831 These events have
Witness: fMS these events have


Reading Group: C15a_app540_rg1

Witness: fMS affect ed me

Reading Group: C15a_app540_rg2

Witness: f1818 affected me,
Witness: f1823 affected me,
Witness: fThomas affected me,
Witness: f1831 affected me,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 God knows how
Witness: f1823 God knows how
Witness: fThomas God knows how
Witness: f1831 God knows how
Witness: fMS gGod knows how


Reading Group: C15a_app542_rg1

Witness: fMS deeply!

Reading Group: C15a_app542_rg2

Witness: f1818 deeply;
Witness: f1823 deeply;
Witness: fThomas deeply;
Witness: f1831 deeply;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but I am
Witness: f1823 but I am
Witness: fThomas but I am
Witness: f1831 but I am
Witness: fMS but I am


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 not so wretched as you are. There is an
Witness: f1823 not so wretched as you are. There is an
Witness: fThomas not so wretched as you are. There is an
Witness: f1831 not so wretched as you are. There is an
Witness: fMS not so wretched as you are. There is an


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 expression of
Witness: f1823 expression of
Witness: fThomas expression of
Witness: f1831 expression of
Witness: fMS expression of


Reading Group: C15a_app546_rg1

Witness: f1818 despair,
Witness: f1823 despair,
Witness: fThomas despair,
Witness: f1831 despair,

Reading Group: C15a_app546_rg2

Witness: fMS misery


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and sometimes of
Witness: f1823 and sometimes of
Witness: fThomas and sometimes of
Witness: f1831 and sometimes of
Witness: fMS and sometimes of


Reading Group: C15a_app548_rg1

Witness: fMS revenge

Reading Group: C15a_app548_rg2

Witness: f1818 revenge,
Witness: f1823 revenge,
Witness: fThomas revenge,
Witness: f1831 revenge,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in your
Witness: f1823 in your
Witness: fThomas in your
Witness: f1831 in your
Witness: fMS in your


Reading Group: C15a_app550_rg1

Witness: fMS countenance

Reading Group: C15a_app550_rg2

Witness: f1818 countenance,
Witness: f1823 countenance,
Witness: fThomas countenance,
Witness: f1831 countenance,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that
Witness: f1823 that
Witness: fThomas that
Witness: f1831 that
Witness: fMS that


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 makes me
Witness: f1823 makes me
Witness: fThomas makes me
Witness: f1831 makes me
Witness: fMS makes me


Reading Group: C15a_app553_rg1

Witness: f1818 tremble.
Witness: f1823 tremble.
Witness: fThomas tremble.
Witness: f1831 tremble.

Reading Group: C15a_app553_rg2

Witness: fMS tremble;


Reading Group: C15a_app554_rg1

Witness: f1818 Be calm, my
Witness: f1823 Be calm, my
Witness: fThomas Be calm, my
Witness: fMS be calm, my

Reading Group: C15a_app554_rg2

Witness: f1831 Dear Victor, banish these dark passions. Remember the friends around you, who centre all their hopes in you. Have we lost the power of rendering you happy? Ah! while we love—while


Reading Group: C15a_app555_rg1

Witness: fMS <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>best Victor,

Reading Group: C15a_app555_rg2

Witness: f1818 dear Victor;
Witness: f1823 dear Victor;
Witness: fThomas dear Victor;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I would sacrifice my life to your
Witness: f1823 I would sacrifice my life to your
Witness: fThomas I would sacrifice my life to your
Witness: fMS I cwould sacrifice my life to your


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 peace.
Witness: f1823 peace.
Witness: fThomas peace.
Witness: fMS peace.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 We
Witness: f1823 We
Witness: fThomas We
Witness: f1831 we
Witness: fMS We


Reading Group: C15a_app559_rg1

Witness: f1831 are true to each other, here

Reading Group: C15a_app559_rg2

Witness: f1818 surely shall be
Witness: f1823 surely shall be
Witness: fThomas surely shall be
Witness: fMS surely shall be


Reading Group: C15a_app560_rg1

Witness: f1818 happy:
Witness: f1823 happy:
Witness: fThomas happy:

Reading Group: C15a_app560_rg2

Witness: fMS happy; quite


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 quiet
Witness: f1823 quiet
Witness: fThomas quiet
Witness: fMS quiet


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in
Witness: f1823 in
Witness: fThomas in
Witness: f1831 in
Witness: fMS in


Reading Group: C15a_app563_rg1

Witness: f1818 our
Witness: f1823 our
Witness: fThomas our
Witness: fMS our

Reading Group: C15a_app563_rg2

Witness: f1831 this land of peace and beauty, your


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 native
Witness: f1823 native
Witness: fThomas native
Witness: f1831 native
Witness: fMS native


Reading Group: C15a_app565_rg1

Witness: fMS country

Reading Group: C15a_app565_rg2

Witness: f1818 country,
Witness: f1823 country,
Witness: fThomas country,
Witness: f1831 country,


Reading Group: C15a_app566_rg1

Witness: f1818 and not mingling in the
Witness: f1823 and not mingling in the
Witness: fThomas and not mingling in the
Witness: fMS and not mingling in the

Reading Group: C15a_app566_rg2

Witness: f1831 we may reap every tranquil blessing,—what


Reading Group: C15a_app567_rg1

Witness: fMS world

Reading Group: C15a_app567_rg2

Witness: f1818 world,
Witness: f1823 world,
Witness: fThomas world,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 what
Witness: f1823 what
Witness: fThomas what
Witness: fMS what


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 can disturb our
Witness: f1823 can disturb our
Witness: fThomas can disturb our
Witness: f1831 can disturb our
Witness: fMS can disturb our


Reading Group: C15a_app570_rg1

Witness: f1831 peace?”<p/><p/>And could not such words from her whom I fondly prized before every other gift of fortune, suffice to

Reading Group: C15a_app570_rg2

Witness: fMS tranquillity?" She

Reading Group: C15a_app570_rg3

Witness: f1818 tranquillity?”<p/><p/>She
Witness: f1823 tranquillity?”<p/><p/>She
Witness: fThomas tranquillity?”<p/><p/>She


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 shed tears as she said
Witness: f1823 shed tears as she said
Witness: fThomas shed tears as she said
Witness: fMS shed tears as she said


Reading Group: C15a_app572_rg1

Witness: fMS this <metamark function="displacement" xml:id="c56-0115.01">^</metamark>

Reading Group: C15a_app572_rg2

Witness: f1818 this,
Witness: f1823 this,
Witness: fThomas this,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 distrusting the
Witness: f1823 distrusting the
Witness: fThomas distrusting the
Witness: fMS distrusting the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 very solace
Witness: f1823 very solace
Witness: fThomas very solace
Witness: fMS very solace


Reading Group: C15a_app575_rg1

Witness: fMS which

Reading Group: C15a_app575_rg2

Witness: f1818 that
Witness: f1823 that
Witness: fThomas that


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 she
Witness: f1823 she
Witness: fThomas she
Witness: fMS she


Reading Group: C15a_app577_rg1

Witness: fMS gave,butbut

Reading Group: C15a_app577_rg2

Witness: f1818 gave; but
Witness: f1823 gave; but
Witness: fThomas gave; but


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 at the same time
Witness: f1823 at the same time
Witness: fThomas at the same time
Witness: fMS at the same time


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 she
Witness: f1823 she
Witness: fThomas she


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 smiled, that
Witness: f1823 smiled, that
Witness: fThomas smiled, that
Witness: fMS smiled, that


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 she might
Witness: f1823 she might
Witness: fThomas she might
Witness: fMS she might


Reading Group: C15a_app582_rg1

Witness: f1818 chase away the fiend that lurked in my heart.
Witness: f1823 chase away the fiend that lurked in my heart.
Witness: fThomas chase away the fiend that lurked in my heart.
Witness: fMS chase away the fiend that lurked in my heart.

Reading Group: C15a_app582_rg2

Witness: f1831 chase away the fiend that lurked in my heart? Even as she spoke I drew near to her, as if in terror; lest at that very moment the destroyer had been near to rob me of her. <p/> <p/>Thus not the tenderness of friendship, nor the beauty of earth, nor of heaven, could redeem my soul from woe: the very accents of love were ineffectual. I was encompassed by a cloud which no beneficial influence could penetrate. The wounded deer dragging its fainting limbs to some untrodden brake, there to gaze upon the arrow which had pierced it, and to die—was but a type of me.<p/>


Reading Group: C15b_app1_rg1

Witness: f1831

Reading Group: C15b_app1_rg2

Witness: f1818 My father, who saw in the unhappiness that was painted in my face
Witness: f1823 My father, who saw in the unhappiness that was painted in my face
Witness: fThomas My father, who saw in the unhappiness that was painted in my face

Reading Group: C15b_app1_rg3

Witness: fMS My father who saw in the unhappiness that was painted in my face,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 only an exaggeration of that
Witness: f1823 only an exaggeration of that
Witness: fThomas only an exaggeration of that
Witness: fMS only an exaggeration of that



Reading Group: C15b_app4_rg1

Witness: f1818 sorrow which I might naturally feel,
Witness: f1823 sorrow which I might naturally feel,
Witness: fThomas sorrow which I might naturally feel,

Reading Group: C15b_app4_rg2

Witness: fMS w sorrow which I might naturally feel


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 thought that an amusement
Witness: f1823 thought that an amusement
Witness: fThomas thought that an amusement
Witness: fMS thought that an amusement


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 suited to my taste would be the best
Witness: f1823 suited to my taste would be the best
Witness: fThomas suited to my taste would be the best
Witness: fMS suited to my taste would be the best


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 means of restoring to me my wonted
Witness: f1823 means of restoring to me my wonted
Witness: fThomas means of restoring to me my wonted
Witness: fMS means of restoring to me my wonted


Reading Group: C15b_app8_rg1

Witness: fMS serenity –

Reading Group: C15b_app8_rg2

Witness: f1818 serenity.
Witness: f1823 serenity.
Witness: fThomas serenity.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 It was
Witness: f1823 It was
Witness: fThomas It was
Witness: fMS It was


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS th


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 from this cause that
Witness: f1823 from this cause that
Witness: fThomas from this cause that
Witness: fMS fronm this cause that


Reading Group: C15b_app12_rg1

Witness: fMS hea

Reading Group: C15b_app12_rg2

Witness: f1818 he
Witness: f1823 he
Witness: fThomas he


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 had removed to the
Witness: f1823 had removed to the
Witness: fThomas had removed to the
Witness: fMS had removed to the


Reading Group: C15b_app14_rg1

Witness: fMS country &frominduced

Reading Group: C15b_app14_rg2

Witness: f1818 country; and, induced
Witness: f1823 country; and, induced
Witness: fThomas country; and, induced


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 by the same
Witness: f1823 by the same
Witness: fThomas by the same
Witness: fMS by the same


Reading Group: C15b_app16_rg1

Witness: f1818 motive,
Witness: f1823 motive,
Witness: fThomas motive,

Reading Group: C15b_app16_rg2

Witness: fMS reasons


Reading Group: C15b_app17_rg1

Witness: f1831 <p/>Sometimes I could cope with the sullen despair that overwhelmed me: but sometimes the whirlwind passions of my soul drove me to seek, by bodily exercise and by change of place, some relief from my intolerable sensations. It was during an access of this kind that I suddenly left my home, and bending my steps towards the near Alpine valleys, sought in the magnificence, the eternity of such scenes, to forget myself and my ephemeral, because human, sorrows. My wanderings were directed towards the valley of Chamounix. I had visited it frequently during my boyhood. Six years had passed since then: <hi/>I<hi/> was a wreck—but nought had changed in those savage and enduring scenes.<p/> <p/>I performed the first part of my journey on horseback. I afterwards hired a mule, as the more sure-footed, and least liable to receive injury on these rugged roads. The weather was fine: it was

Reading Group: C15b_app17_rg2

Witness: f1818 he now proposed that we should all make an excursion to the valley of Chamounix. I had been there before,
Witness: f1823 he now proposed that we should all make an excursion to the valley of Chamounix. I had been there before,
Witness: fThomas he now proposed that we should all make an excursion to the valley of Chamounix. I had been there before,

Reading Group: C15b_app17_rg3

Witness: fMS he now proposed that I we should all tak take a journey to the Valley of C<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>hamounix. I had been there before


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but Elizabeth and Ernest
Witness: f1823 but Elizabeth and Ernest
Witness: fThomas but Elizabeth and Ernest
Witness: fMS but Elizabeth & Ernest


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 never
Witness: f1823 never
Witness: fThomas never
Witness: fMS never


Reading Group: C15b_app20_rg1

Witness: fMS had,

Reading Group: C15b_app20_rg2

Witness: f1818 had;
Witness: f1823 had;
Witness: fThomas had;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and both had often expressed
Witness: f1823 and both had often expressed
Witness: fThomas and both had often expressed
Witness: fMS and both had often expressed


Reading Group: C15b_app22_rg1

Witness: fMS a wish

Reading Group: C15b_app22_rg2

Witness: f1818 an earnest desire
Witness: f1823 an earnest desire
Witness: fThomas an earnest desire


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to see
Witness: f1823 to see
Witness: fThomas to see
Witness: fMS to see


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the scenery of
Witness: f1823 the scenery of
Witness: fThomas the scenery of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 this
Witness: f1823 this
Witness: fThomas this
Witness: fMS this


Reading Group: C15b_app26_rg1

Witness: fMS place

Reading Group: C15b_app26_rg2

Witness: f1818 place,
Witness: f1823 place,
Witness: fThomas place,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 which
Witness: f1823 which
Witness: fThomas which
Witness: fMS which


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 had been described to them as so wonderful and sublime. Accordingly we departed from
Witness: f1823 had been described to them as so wonderful and sublime. Accordingly we departed from
Witness: fThomas had been described to them as so wonderful and sublime. Accordingly we departed from
Witness: fMS had been described to them as so wonderful & sublime. Accordingly we departed from


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Geneva on this tour
Witness: f1823 Geneva on this tour
Witness: fThomas Geneva on this tour
Witness: fMS Geneva on this tour


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 about the middle
Witness: f1823 about the middle
Witness: fThomas about the middle
Witness: f1831 about the middle
Witness: fMS about the middle


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of the month of
Witness: f1823 of the month of
Witness: fThomas of the month of
Witness: f1831 of the month of
Witness: fMS of the month of


Reading Group: C15c_app3_rg1

Witness: fMS august morethan

Reading Group: C15c_app3_rg2

Witness: f1818 August,
Witness: f1823 August,
Witness: fThomas August,
Witness: f1831 August,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 nearly
Witness: f1823 nearly
Witness: fThomas nearly
Witness: f1831 nearly
Witness: fMS nearly


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 two months after the death of
Witness: f1823 two months after the death of
Witness: fThomas two months after the death of
Witness: f1831 two months after the death of
Witness: fMS two months after the death of


Reading Group: C15c_app6_rg1

Witness: fMS Justine. The

Reading Group: C15c_app6_rg2

Witness: f1818 Justine.<p/><p/>The
Witness: f1823 Justine.<p/><p/>The
Witness: fThomas Justine.<p/><p/>The

Reading Group: C15c_app6_rg3

Witness: f1831 Justine; that miserable epoch from which I dated all my woe.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 weather was
Witness: f1823 weather was
Witness: fThomas weather was
Witness: fMS weather was


Reading Group: C15c_app8_rg1

Witness: fMS beautiful

Reading Group: C15c_app8_rg2

Witness: f1818 uncommonly fine;
Witness: f1823 uncommonly fine;
Witness: fThomas uncommonly fine;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and if
Witness: f1823 and if
Witness: fThomas and if
Witness: fMS and if


Reading Group: C15c_app10_rg1

Witness: fMS mined

Reading Group: C15c_app10_rg2

Witness: f1818 mine
Witness: f1823 mine
Witness: fThomas mine


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 had been a sorrow to be chased
Witness: f1823 had been a sorrow to be chased
Witness: fThomas had been a sorrow to be chased
Witness: fMS had been a sorrow to be chased


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 away by any fleeting
Witness: f1823 away by any fleeting
Witness: fThomas away by any fleeting
Witness: fMS away by any fleeting


Reading Group: C15c_app13_rg1

Witness: fMS circumstance

Reading Group: C15c_app13_rg2

Witness: f1818 circumstance,
Witness: f1823 circumstance,
Witness: fThomas circumstance,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 this
Witness: f1823 this
Witness: fThomas this
Witness: fMS this


Reading Group: C15c_app15_rg1

Witness: fMS voyage

Reading Group: C15c_app15_rg2

Witness: f1818 excursion
Witness: f1823 excursion
Witness: fThomas excursion


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 would certainly have had
Witness: f1823 would certainly have had
Witness: fThomas would certainly have had
Witness: fMS would certainly have had


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: fMS the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 effect
Witness: f1823 effect
Witness: fThomas effect
Witness: fMS effect


Reading Group: C15c_app19_rg1

Witness: fMS whichintended

Reading Group: C15c_app19_rg2

Witness: f1818 intended
Witness: f1823 intended
Witness: fThomas intended


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 by
Witness: f1823 by
Witness: fThomas by
Witness: fMS by


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my
Witness: f1823 my
Witness: fThomas my
Witness: fMS my


Reading Group: C15c_app22_rg1

Witness: fMS father intended.

Reading Group: C15c_app22_rg2

Witness: f1818 father.
Witness: f1823 father.
Witness: fThomas father.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 As it
Witness: f1823 As it
Witness: fThomas As it
Witness: fMS As it


Reading Group: C15c_app24_rg1

Witness: fMS was

Reading Group: C15c_app24_rg2

Witness: f1818 was,
Witness: f1823 was,
Witness: fThomas was,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: fMS I


Reading Group: C15c_app26_rg1

Witness: f1818 was somewhat interested
Witness: f1823 was somewhat interested
Witness: fThomas was somewhat interested

Reading Group: C15c_app26_rg2

Witness: fMS wassomewhat interrested and sometimesin


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in
Witness: f1823 in
Witness: fThomas in


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: fMS the


Reading Group: C15c_app29_rg1

Witness: fMS sometimesamusedsomehow

Reading Group: C15c_app29_rg2

Witness: f1818 scene; it sometimes lulled, although it
Witness: f1823 scene; it sometimes lulled, although it
Witness: fThomas scene; it sometimes lulled, although it


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 could not extinguish my
Witness: f1823 could not extinguish my
Witness: fThomas could not extinguish my
Witness: fMS could not extinguish my


Reading Group: C15c_app31_rg1

Witness: f1818 grief. During
Witness: f1823 grief. During
Witness: fThomas grief. During

Reading Group: C15c_app31_rg2

Witness: fMS grief.duringThe


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fThomas the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 first day we travelled
Witness: f1823 first day we travelled
Witness: fThomas first day we travelled
Witness: fMS first day we travelled


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in a carriage. In
Witness: f1823 in a carriage. In
Witness: fThomas in a carriage. In
Witness: fMS in a carriage. In


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: fMS the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 morning we
Witness: f1823 morning we
Witness: fThomas morning we
Witness: fMS morning we


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 had seen the
Witness: f1823 had seen the
Witness: fThomas had seen the
Witness: fMS had seen the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 mountains
Witness: f1823 mountains
Witness: fThomas mountains
Witness: f1831 mountains
Witness: fMS mountains


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 at a
Witness: f1823 at a
Witness: fThomas at a
Witness: fMS at a


Reading Group: C15c_app40_rg1

Witness: fMS distance to

Reading Group: C15c_app40_rg2

Witness: f1818 distance, towards
Witness: f1823 distance, towards
Witness: fThomas distance, towards


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 which we gradually advanced.
Witness: f1823 which we gradually advanced.
Witness: fThomas which we gradually advanced.
Witness: fMS which we gradually advanced.


Reading Group: C15c_app42_rg1

Witness: fMS Br We perceived that

Reading Group: C15c_app42_rg2

Witness: f1818 We perceived that
Witness: f1823 We perceived that
Witness: fThomas We perceived that


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: fMS the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 valley through
Witness: f1823 valley through
Witness: fThomas valley through
Witness: fMS valley through


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 which we wound,
Witness: f1823 which we wound,
Witness: fThomas which we wound,
Witness: fMS which we wound,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: fMS and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 which was
Witness: f1823 which was
Witness: fThomas which was
Witness: fMS which was


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 formed by
Witness: f1823 formed by
Witness: fThomas formed by
Witness: fMS formed by


Reading Group: C15c_app49_rg1

Witness: fMS the Arve whose course we followed, closed upon us by degrees

Reading Group: C15c_app49_rg2

Witness: f1831 The weight upon my spirit was sensibly lightened as I plunged yet deeper in the ravine of Arve.

Reading Group: C15c_app49_rg3

Witness: f1818 the river Arve, whose course we followed, closed in upon us by degrees;
Witness: f1823 the river Arve, whose course we followed, closed in upon us by degrees;
Witness: fThomas the river Arve, whose course we followed, closed in upon us by degrees;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and when the sun had
Witness: f1823 and when the sun had
Witness: fThomas and when the sun had
Witness: fMS and when the sun had


Reading Group: C15c_app51_rg1

Witness: fMS set

Reading Group: C15c_app51_rg2

Witness: f1818 set,
Witness: f1823 set,
Witness: fThomas set,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 we
Witness: f1823 we
Witness: fThomas we
Witness: fMS we


Reading Group: C15c_app53_rg1

Witness: fMS saw

Reading Group: C15c_app53_rg2

Witness: f1818 beheld
Witness: f1823 beheld
Witness: fThomas beheld


Reading Group: C15c_app54_rg1

Witness: f1831 The immense mountains and precipices that overhung me on every side—the sound of the river raging among the rocks, and the dashing of the waterfalls around, spoke of a power mighty as Omnipotence—and I ceased to fear, or to bend before any being less almighty than that which had created and ruled the elements, here displayed in their most terrific guise. Still,

Reading Group: C15c_app54_rg2

Witness: f1818 immense mountains and precipices overhanging us on every side, and heard the sound of the river raging among rocks, and the dashing of water-falls around.
Witness: f1823 immense mountains and precipices overhanging us on every side, and heard the sound of the river raging among rocks, and the dashing of water-falls around.
Witness: fThomas immense mountains and precipices overhanging us on every side, and heard the sound of the river raging among rocks, and the dashing of water-falls around.

Reading Group: C15c_app54_rg3

Witness: fMS immense mountains &precipieces overhanging us on eacheveryside of us& heard the sound of mounthe river ragingtainstreamsamong rocks, and the dashing of the waterfalls.around.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 <p/><p/>The
Witness: f1823 <p/><p/>The
Witness: fThomas <p/><p/>The
Witness: fMS The


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 next day we pursued our
Witness: f1823 next day we pursued our
Witness: fThomas next day we pursued our
Witness: fMS next day we pursued our


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 journey
Witness: f1823 journey
Witness: fThomas journey
Witness: fMS journey


Reading Group: C15c_app58_rg1

Witness: fMS on mules

Reading Group: C15c_app58_rg2

Witness: f1818 upon mules;
Witness: f1823 upon mules;
Witness: fThomas upon mules;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: fMS and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 as
Witness: f1823 as
Witness: fThomas as
Witness: f1831 as
Witness: fMS as


Reading Group: C15c_app61_rg1

Witness: f1831 I

Reading Group: C15c_app61_rg2

Witness: f1818 we
Witness: f1823 we
Witness: fThomas we
Witness: fMS we


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 ascended
Witness: f1823 ascended
Witness: fThomas ascended
Witness: f1831 ascended
Witness: fMS ascended


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 still
Witness: f1823 still
Witness: fThomas still
Witness: fMS still


Reading Group: C15c_app64_rg1

Witness: f1818 higher,
Witness: f1823 higher,
Witness: fThomas higher,
Witness: f1831 higher,

Reading Group: C15c_app64_rg2

Witness: fMS higher;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the valley assumed a
Witness: f1823 the valley assumed a
Witness: fThomas the valley assumed a
Witness: f1831 the valley assumed a
Witness: fMS the valley assumed a


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 more
Witness: f1823 more
Witness: fThomas more
Witness: f1831 more
Witness: fMS more


Reading Group: C15c_app67_rg1

Witness: fMS beautiful

Reading Group: C15c_app67_rg2

Witness: f1818 magnificent
Witness: f1823 magnificent
Witness: fThomas magnificent
Witness: f1831 magnificent


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fMS &


Reading Group: C15c_app69_rg1

Witness: f1818 astonishing character.
Witness: f1823 astonishing character.
Witness: fThomas astonishing character.
Witness: f1831 astonishing character.

Reading Group: C15c_app69_rg2

Witness: fMS verdant appearance –


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Ruined castles
Witness: f1823 Ruined castles
Witness: fThomas Ruined castles
Witness: f1831 Ruined castles
Witness: fMS Ruined castles


Reading Group: C15c_app71_rg1

Witness: fMS on^builthanging

Reading Group: C15c_app71_rg2

Witness: f1818 hanging
Witness: f1823 hanging
Witness: fThomas hanging
Witness: f1831 hanging


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 on the precipices of piny mountains;
Witness: f1823 on the precipices of piny mountains;
Witness: fThomas on the precipices of piny mountains;
Witness: f1831 on the precipices of piny mountains;
Witness: fMS on the precipices of piny mountains;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the impetuous Arve, and cottages every
Witness: f1823 the impetuous Arve, and cottages every
Witness: fThomas the impetuous Arve, and cottages every
Witness: f1831 the impetuous Arve, and cottages every
Witness: fMS the impetuous Arve, and cottages every


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 here and there peeping
Witness: f1823 here and there peeping
Witness: fThomas here and there peeping
Witness: f1831 here and there peeping
Witness: fMS here & there peeping


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 forth
Witness: f1823 forth
Witness: fThomas forth
Witness: f1831 forth


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 from among the
Witness: f1823 from among the
Witness: fThomas from among the
Witness: f1831 from among the
Witness: fMS from among the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 trees, formed a scene of singular
Witness: f1823 trees, formed a scene of singular
Witness: fThomas trees, formed a scene of singular
Witness: f1831 trees, formed a scene of singular
Witness: fMS trees, formed a scene of singular


Reading Group: C15c_app78_rg1

Witness: fMS beauty..

Reading Group: C15c_app78_rg2

Witness: f1818 beauty.
Witness: f1823 beauty.
Witness: fThomas beauty.
Witness: f1831 beauty.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 But it was
Witness: f1823 But it was
Witness: fThomas But it was
Witness: f1831 But it was
Witness: fMS But it was


Reading Group: C15c_app80_rg1

Witness: f1818 augmented and
Witness: f1823 augmented and
Witness: fThomas augmented and
Witness: f1831 augmented and

Reading Group: C15c_app80_rg2

Witness: fMS augmented&


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 rendered sublime by the mighty
Witness: f1823 rendered sublime by the mighty
Witness: fThomas rendered sublime by the mighty
Witness: f1831 rendered sublime by the mighty
Witness: fMS rendered sublime by the mighty


Reading Group: C15c_app82_rg1

Witness: fMS alps

Reading Group: C15c_app82_rg2

Witness: f1818 Alps,
Witness: f1823 Alps,
Witness: fThomas Alps,
Witness: f1831 Alps,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 whose white and shining
Witness: f1823 whose white and shining
Witness: fThomas whose white and shining
Witness: f1831 whose white and shining
Witness: fMS whose white & shining


Reading Group: C15c_app84_rg1

Witness: fMS pir piramids

Reading Group: C15c_app84_rg2

Witness: f1818 pyramids
Witness: f1823 pyramids
Witness: fThomas pyramids
Witness: f1831 pyramids


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and domes towered above
Witness: f1823 and domes towered above
Witness: fThomas and domes towered above
Witness: f1831 and domes towered above
Witness: fMS & domes towered above


Reading Group: C15c_app86_rg1

Witness: fMS all like the

Reading Group: C15c_app86_rg2

Witness: f1818 all, as belonging to
Witness: f1823 all, as belonging to
Witness: fThomas all, as belonging to
Witness: f1831 all, as belonging to


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 another
Witness: f1823 another
Witness: fThomas another
Witness: f1831 another
Witness: fMS another


Reading Group: C15c_app88_rg1

Witness: fMS earth —the

Reading Group: C15c_app88_rg2

Witness: f1818 earth, the
Witness: f1823 earth, the
Witness: fThomas earth, the
Witness: f1831 earth, the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 habitations of another race of
Witness: f1823 habitations of another race of
Witness: fThomas habitations of another race of
Witness: f1831 habitations of another race of
Witness: fMS habitations of another race of


Reading Group: C15c_app90_rg1

Witness: fMS beings Soone after we entered the valley of Chamounix. This valley is more beautifulwondeful and sublime but not so beau We

Reading Group: C15c_app90_rg2

Witness: f1831 beings.<p/><p/>I

Reading Group: C15c_app90_rg3

Witness: f1818 beings.<p/><p/>We
Witness: f1823 beings.<p/><p/>We
Witness: fThomas beings.<p/><p/>We


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 passed the bridge of
Witness: f1823 passed the bridge of
Witness: fThomas passed the bridge of
Witness: f1831 passed the bridge of
Witness: fMS passed the bridge of


Reading Group: C15c_app92_rg1

Witness: fMS Pellisier Pellissier,

Reading Group: C15c_app92_rg2

Witness: f1818 Pelissier,
Witness: f1823 Pelissier,
Witness: fThomas Pelissier,

Reading Group: C15c_app92_rg3

Witness: f1831 Pélissier,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 where the
Witness: f1823 where the
Witness: fThomas where the
Witness: f1831 where the
Witness: fMS where the


Reading Group: C15c_app94_rg1

Witness: fMS ravine

Reading Group: C15c_app94_rg2

Witness: f1818 ravine,
Witness: f1823 ravine,
Witness: fThomas ravine,
Witness: f1831 ravine,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 which the
Witness: f1823 which the
Witness: fThomas which the
Witness: f1831 which the
Witness: fMS which the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 river
Witness: f1823 river
Witness: fThomas river
Witness: f1831 river
Witness: fMS river


Reading Group: C15c_app97_rg1

Witness: fMS forms

Reading Group: C15c_app97_rg2

Witness: f1818 forms,
Witness: f1823 forms,
Witness: fThomas forms,
Witness: f1831 forms,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 opened before
Witness: f1823 opened before
Witness: fThomas opened before
Witness: f1831 opened before
Witness: fMS opened before


Reading Group: C15c_app99_rg1

Witness: f1831 me,

Reading Group: C15c_app99_rg2

Witness: fMS us

Reading Group: C15c_app99_rg3

Witness: f1818 us,
Witness: f1823 us,
Witness: fThomas us,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fMS and


Reading Group: C15c_app101_rg1

Witness: f1831 I

Reading Group: C15c_app101_rg2

Witness: f1818 we
Witness: f1823 we
Witness: fThomas we
Witness: fMS we


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 began to ascend the mountain
Witness: f1823 began to ascend the mountain
Witness: fThomas began to ascend the mountain
Witness: f1831 began to ascend the mountain
Witness: fMS began to ascend the mountain


Reading Group: C15c_app103_rg1

Witness: fMS which over hung it–.

Reading Group: C15c_app103_rg2

Witness: f1818 that overhangs it.
Witness: f1823 that overhangs it.
Witness: fThomas that overhangs it.
Witness: f1831 that overhangs it.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Soon after
Witness: f1823 Soon after
Witness: fThomas Soon after
Witness: f1831 Soon after
Witness: fMS Soon after


Reading Group: C15c_app105_rg1

Witness: f1831 I

Reading Group: C15c_app105_rg2

Witness: f1818 we
Witness: f1823 we
Witness: fThomas we
Witness: fMS we


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 entered the valley of Chamounix. This
Witness: f1823 entered the valley of Chamounix. This
Witness: fThomas entered the valley of Chamounix. This
Witness: f1831 entered the valley of Chamounix. This
Witness: fMS entered the Valley of Chamounix. This


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 valley is more wonderful and
Witness: f1823 valley is more wonderful and
Witness: fThomas valley is more wonderful and
Witness: f1831 valley is more wonderful and
Witness: fMS valley is more wonderful and


Reading Group: C15c_app108_rg1

Witness: fMS sublime

Reading Group: C15c_app108_rg2

Witness: f1818 sublime,
Witness: f1823 sublime,
Witness: fThomas sublime,
Witness: f1831 sublime,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but not so
Witness: f1823 but not so
Witness: fThomas but not so
Witness: f1831 but not so
Witness: fMS but not so


Unified Readings

Witness: f1823 beautiful and
Witness: f1831 beautiful and
Witness: fMS beautiful &
Witness: f1818 beautiful and
Witness: fThomas beautiful and


Reading Group: C15c_app111_rg1

Witness: f1818 picturesque
Witness: f1823 picturesque
Witness: fThomas picturesque
Witness: fMS picturesque

Reading Group: C15c_app111_rg2

Witness: f1831 picturesque,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 as that of
Witness: f1823 as that of
Witness: fThomas as that of
Witness: f1831 as that of
Witness: fMS as that of


Reading Group: C15c_app113_rg1

Witness: f1818 Servox,
Witness: f1823 Servox,
Witness: fThomas Servox,
Witness: f1831 Servox,

Reading Group: C15c_app113_rg2

Witness: fMS Servox;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 through which
Witness: f1823 through which
Witness: fThomas through which
Witness: f1831 through which
Witness: fMS through which


Reading Group: C15c_app115_rg1

Witness: f1831 I

Reading Group: C15c_app115_rg2

Witness: f1818 we
Witness: f1823 we
Witness: fThomas we
Witness: fMS we


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 had just passed. The high and snowy
Witness: f1823 had just passed. The high and snowy
Witness: fThomas had just passed. The high and snowy
Witness: f1831 had just passed. The high and snowy
Witness: fMS had just passed. The high & snowy


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 mountains
Witness: f1823 mountains
Witness: fThomas mountains
Witness: f1831 mountains
Witness: fMS mountains


Reading Group: C15c_app118_rg1

Witness: fMS where

Reading Group: C15c_app118_rg2

Witness: f1818 were
Witness: f1823 were
Witness: fThomas were
Witness: f1831 were


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 its
Witness: f1823 its
Witness: fThomas its
Witness: f1831 its
Witness: fMS its


Reading Group: C15c_app120_rg1

Witness: fMS boundaries

Reading Group: C15c_app120_rg2

Witness: f1818 immediate boundaries;
Witness: f1823 immediate boundaries;
Witness: fThomas immediate boundaries;
Witness: f1831 immediate boundaries;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but
Witness: f1823 but
Witness: fThomas but
Witness: f1831 but
Witness: fMS but


Reading Group: C15c_app122_rg1

Witness: fMS t we

Reading Group: C15c_app122_rg2

Witness: f1831 I

Reading Group: C15c_app122_rg3

Witness: f1818 we
Witness: f1823 we
Witness: fThomas we


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 saw no more ruined castles
Witness: f1823 saw no more ruined castles
Witness: fThomas saw no more ruined castles
Witness: f1831 saw no more ruined castles
Witness: fMS saw no more ruined castles


Reading Group: C15c_app124_rg1

Witness: fMS or

Reading Group: C15c_app124_rg2

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: f1831 and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 fertile fields. Immense glaciers
Witness: f1823 fertile fields. Immense glaciers
Witness: fThomas fertile fields. Immense glaciers
Witness: f1831 fertile fields. Immense glaciers
Witness: fMS fertile fields. Immense glaciers


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 approached the
Witness: f1823 approached the
Witness: fThomas approached the
Witness: f1831 approached the
Witness: fMS approached the


Reading Group: C15c_app127_rg1

Witness: fMS road, and

Reading Group: C15c_app127_rg2

Witness: f1818 road;
Witness: f1823 road;
Witness: fThomas road;
Witness: f1831 road;


Reading Group: C15c_app128_rg1

Witness: f1831 I

Reading Group: C15c_app128_rg2

Witness: f1818 we
Witness: f1823 we
Witness: fThomas we
Witness: fMS we


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 heard
Witness: f1823 heard
Witness: fThomas heard
Witness: f1831 heard
Witness: fMS heard


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the rumbling thunder of the falling
Witness: f1823 the rumbling thunder of the falling
Witness: fThomas the rumbling thunder of the falling
Witness: f1831 the rumbling thunder of the falling
Witness: fMS the rumbling thunder of the falling


Reading Group: C15c_app131_rg1

Witness: fMS Avelanche

Reading Group: C15c_app131_rg2

Witness: f1831 avalanche,

Reading Group: C15c_app131_rg3

Witness: f1818 avelânche,
Witness: f1823 avelânche,
Witness: fThomas avelânche,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and marked the smoke
Witness: f1823 and marked the smoke
Witness: fThomas and marked the smoke
Witness: f1831 and marked the smoke
Witness: fMS and marked the smoke


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of its
Witness: f1823 of its
Witness: fThomas of its
Witness: f1831 of its
Witness: fMS of its


Reading Group: C15c_app134_rg1

Witness: f1818 passage. Mont
Witness: f1823 passage. Mont
Witness: fThomas passage. Mont
Witness: f1831 passage. Mont

Reading Group: C15c_app134_rg2

Witness: fMS passage.–Mont


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Blanc, the
Witness: f1823 Blanc, the
Witness: fThomas Blanc, the
Witness: f1831 Blanc, the
Witness: fMS Blanc, the


Reading Group: C15c_app136_rg1

Witness: fMS beautifulsupreme

Reading Group: C15c_app136_rg2

Witness: f1818 supreme
Witness: f1823 supreme
Witness: fThomas supreme
Witness: f1831 supreme


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and magnificent Mont
Witness: f1823 and magnificent Mont
Witness: fThomas and magnificent Mont
Witness: f1831 and magnificent Mont
Witness: fMS & magnificent Mont


Reading Group: C15c_app138_rg1

Witness: fMS Blanc

Reading Group: C15c_app138_rg2

Witness: f1818 Blanc,
Witness: f1823 Blanc,
Witness: fThomas Blanc,
Witness: f1831 Blanc,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 raised itself from
Witness: f1823 raised itself from
Witness: fThomas raised itself from
Witness: f1831 raised itself from
Witness: fMS raised itself from


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the surrounding
Witness: f1823 the surrounding
Witness: fThomas the surrounding
Witness: f1831 the surrounding
Witness: fMS the surrounding


Reading Group: C15c_app141_rg1

Witness: fMS <shi rend="underline">aiguilles</shi>

Reading Group: C15c_app141_rg2

Witness: f1818 <hi/>aiguilles<hi/>,
Witness: f1823 <hi/>aiguilles<hi/>,
Witness: fThomas <hi/>aiguilles<hi/>,
Witness: f1831 <hi/>aiguilles<hi/>,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and its tremendous
Witness: f1823 and its tremendous
Witness: fThomas and its tremendous
Witness: f1831 and its tremendous
Witness: fMS and its tremendous


Reading Group: C15c_app143_rg1

Witness: fMS <shi rend="underline">dome</shi>
Witness: f1818 <hi/>dome<hi/>
Witness: f1823 <hi/>dome<hi/>
Witness: fThomas <hi/>dome<hi/>

Reading Group: C15c_app143_rg2

Witness: f1831 <hi/>dôme<hi/>


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 overlooked the
Witness: f1823 overlooked the
Witness: fThomas overlooked the
Witness: f1831 overlooked the
Witness: fMS overlooked the


Reading Group: C15c_app145_rg1

Witness: fMS valley. During

Reading Group: C15c_app145_rg2

Witness: f1831 valley.<p/><p/>A tingling long-lost sense of pleasure often came across me during

Reading Group: C15c_app145_rg3

Witness: f1818 valley.<p/><p/>During
Witness: f1823 valley.<p/><p/>During
Witness: fThomas valley.<p/><p/>During


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 this
Witness: f1823 this
Witness: fThomas this
Witness: f1831 this
Witness: fMS this


Reading Group: C15c_app147_rg1

Witness: fMS journey

Reading Group: C15c_app147_rg2

Witness: f1818 journey,
Witness: f1823 journey,
Witness: fThomas journey,

Reading Group: C15c_app147_rg3

Witness: f1831 journey. Some turn in the road, some new object suddenly perceived and recognised, reminded me of days gone by, and were associated with the light-hearted gaiety of boyhood. The very winds whispered in soothing accents, and maternal nature bade me weep no more. Then again the kindly influence ceased to act—I found myself fettered again to grief,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I sometimes joined
Witness: f1823 I sometimes joined
Witness: fThomas I sometimes joined
Witness: fMS I sometimes joined


Reading Group: C15c_app149_rg1

Witness: fMS Elizabeth

Reading Group: C15c_app149_rg2

Witness: f1818 Elizabeth,
Witness: f1823 Elizabeth,
Witness: fThomas Elizabeth,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: fMS and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 exerted myself to point
Witness: f1823 exerted myself to point
Witness: fThomas exerted myself to point
Witness: fMS exerted myself to point


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 out to her
Witness: f1823 out to her
Witness: fThomas out to her
Witness: fMS out to her


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: fMS the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 various beauties
Witness: f1823 various beauties
Witness: fThomas various beauties
Witness: fMS various beauties


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of
Witness: f1823 of
Witness: fThomas of
Witness: fMS of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: fMS the


Reading Group: C15c_app157_rg1

Witness: fMS scene.— And often

Reading Group: C15c_app157_rg2

Witness: f1818 scene.
Witness: f1823 scene.
Witness: fThomas scene.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: fMS I


Reading Group: C15c_app159_rg1

Witness: fMS let my

Reading Group: C15c_app159_rg2

Witness: f1818 often
Witness: f1823 often
Witness: fThomas often


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 suffered
Witness: f1823 suffered
Witness: fThomas suffered
Witness: fMS suffered


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my mule
Witness: f1823 my mule
Witness: fThomas my mule
Witness: fMS my mule


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to
Witness: f1823 to
Witness: fThomas to
Witness: fMS to


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 lag
Witness: f1823 lag
Witness: fThomas lag
Witness: fMS lag


Reading Group: C15c_app164_rg1

Witness: fMS behind

Reading Group: C15c_app164_rg2

Witness: f1818 behind,
Witness: f1823 behind,
Witness: fThomas behind,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fMS &


Reading Group: C15c_app166_rg1

Witness: f1818 indulged in
Witness: f1823 indulged in
Witness: fThomas indulged in
Witness: fMS indulged in

Reading Group: C15c_app166_rg2

Witness: f1831 indulging in all


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the misery of reflection.
Witness: f1823 the misery of reflection.
Witness: fThomas the misery of reflection.
Witness: f1831 the misery of reflection.
Witness: fMS the misery of reflection.


Reading Group: C15c_app168_rg1

Witness: f1818 At other times
Witness: f1823 At other times
Witness: fThomas At other times
Witness: fMS At other times

Reading Group: C15c_app168_rg2

Witness: f1831 Then


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I spurred on
Witness: f1823 I spurred on
Witness: fThomas I spurred on
Witness: f1831 I spurred on
Witness: fMS I spurred on


Reading Group: C15c_app170_rg1

Witness: fMS my mulethe animal before

Reading Group: C15c_app170_rg2

Witness: f1818 the animal before
Witness: f1823 the animal before
Witness: fThomas the animal before

Reading Group: C15c_app170_rg3

Witness: f1831 my animal,


Reading Group: C15c_app171_rg1

Witness: fMS my companions

Reading Group: C15c_app171_rg2

Witness: f1818 my companions,
Witness: f1823 my companions,
Witness: fThomas my companions,


Reading Group: C15c_app172_rg1

Witness: f1831 striving so to

Reading Group: C15c_app172_rg2

Witness: f1818 that I might
Witness: f1823 that I might
Witness: fThomas that I might
Witness: fMS that I might


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 forget
Witness: f1823 forget
Witness: fThomas forget
Witness: f1831 forget
Witness: fMS forget


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 them,
Witness: f1823 them,
Witness: fThomas them,
Witness: fMS them,


Reading Group: C15c_app175_rg1

Witness: f1818 the world,
Witness: f1823 the world,
Witness: fThomas the world,
Witness: fMS the world,

Reading Group: C15c_app175_rg2

Witness: f1831 the world, my fears,


Reading Group: C15c_app176_rg1

Witness: fMS and

Reading Group: C15c_app176_rg2

Witness: f1818 and,
Witness: f1823 and,
Witness: fThomas and,
Witness: f1831 and,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 more than
Witness: f1823 more than
Witness: fThomas more than
Witness: f1831 more than
Witness: fMS more than


Reading Group: C15c_app178_rg1

Witness: fMS all

Reading Group: C15c_app178_rg2

Witness: f1818 all,
Witness: f1823 all,
Witness: fThomas all,
Witness: f1831 all,


Reading Group: C15c_app179_rg1

Witness: f1818 myself. When at
Witness: f1823 myself. When at
Witness: fThomas myself. When at
Witness: fMS myself. When at

Reading Group: C15c_app179_rg2

Witness: f1831 myself—or, in


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a
Witness: f1823 a
Witness: fThomas a
Witness: f1831 a
Witness: fMS a


Reading Group: C15c_app181_rg1

Witness: fMS distance

Reading Group: C15c_app181_rg2

Witness: f1818 distance,
Witness: f1823 distance,
Witness: fThomas distance,

Reading Group: C15c_app181_rg3

Witness: f1831 more desperate fashion,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fMS I


Reading Group: C15c_app183_rg1

Witness: fMS alighted

Reading Group: C15c_app183_rg2

Witness: f1818 alighted,
Witness: f1823 alighted,
Witness: fThomas alighted,
Witness: f1831 alighted,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and threw myself on
Witness: f1823 and threw myself on
Witness: fThomas and threw myself on
Witness: f1831 and threw myself on
Witness: fMS and threw myself on


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fMS the


Reading Group: C15c_app186_rg1

Witness: fMS grass to shut out

Reading Group: C15c_app186_rg2

Witness: f1818 grass,
Witness: f1823 grass,
Witness: fThomas grass,
Witness: f1831 grass,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 weighed down
Witness: f1823 weighed down
Witness: fThomas weighed down
Witness: f1831 weighed down
Witness: fMS weighed down


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 by horror and
Witness: f1823 by horror and
Witness: fThomas by horror and
Witness: f1831 by horror and
Witness: fMS by horror &


Reading Group: C15c_app189_rg1

Witness: f1818 despair. At eight in the evening
Witness: f1823 despair. At eight in the evening
Witness: fThomas despair. At eight in the evening
Witness: fMS despair. At eight in the evening

Reading Group: C15c_app189_rg2

Witness: f1831 despair.<p/><p/>At length


Reading Group: C15c_app190_rg1

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: f1831 I

Reading Group: C15c_app190_rg2

Witness: fMS we


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 arrived at
Witness: f1823 arrived at
Witness: fThomas arrived at
Witness: f1831 arrived at
Witness: fMS arrived at


Reading Group: C15c_app192_rg1

Witness: f1818 Chamounix.
Witness: f1823 Chamounix.
Witness: fThomas Chamounix.
Witness: fMS Chamounix.

Reading Group: C15c_app192_rg2

Witness: f1831 the village of Chamounix.


Reading Group: C15c_app193_rg1

Witness: fMS Myrtellawas<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>My father & Elizabeth were very much fatigued.

Reading Group: C15c_app193_rg2

Witness: f1818 My father and Elizabeth were very much fatigued;
Witness: f1823 My father and Elizabeth were very much fatigued;
Witness: fThomas My father and Elizabeth were very much fatigued;

Reading Group: C15c_app193_rg3

Witness: f1831 Exhaustion succeeded to the extreme fatigue both of body and of mind which I had endured.


Reading Group: C15c_app194_rg1

Witness: fMS a Ernest

Reading Group: C15c_app194_rg2

Witness: f1818 Ernest,
Witness: f1823 Ernest,
Witness: fThomas Ernest,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 who accompanied
Witness: f1823 who accompanied
Witness: fThomas who accompanied
Witness: fMS who accompanied


Reading Group: C15c_app196_rg1

Witness: fMS us

Reading Group: C15c_app196_rg2

Witness: f1818 us,
Witness: f1823 us,
Witness: fThomas us,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was
Witness: f1823 was
Witness: fThomas was
Witness: fMS was


Reading Group: C15c_app198_rg1

Witness: fMS delighted

Reading Group: C15c_app198_rg2

Witness: f1818 delighted,
Witness: f1823 delighted,
Witness: fThomas delighted,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and in high
Witness: f1823 and in high
Witness: fThomas and in high
Witness: fMS and in high


Reading Group: C15c_app200_rg1

Witness: f1818 spirits:
Witness: fThomas spirits:

Reading Group: C15c_app200_rg2

Witness: f1823 spirits;

Reading Group: C15c_app200_rg3

Witness: fMS spirits–


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: fMS The


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 only circumstance that detracted from his pleasure was the south
Witness: f1823 only circumstance that detracted from his pleasure was the south
Witness: fThomas only circumstance that detracted from his pleasure was the south
Witness: fMS only circumstance that detracted from his pleasure was the south


Reading Group: C15c_app203_rg1

Witness: fMS wind

Reading Group: C15c_app203_rg2

Witness: f1818 wind,
Witness: f1823 wind,
Witness: fThomas wind,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: fMS and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the rain
Witness: f1823 the rain
Witness: fThomas the rain
Witness: fMS the rain


Reading Group: C15c_app206_rg1

Witness: f1818 it
Witness: f1823 it
Witness: fThomas it

Reading Group: C15c_app206_rg2

Witness: fMS that that wind


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 seemed
Witness: f1823 seemed
Witness: fThomas seemed
Witness: fMS seemed


Reading Group: C15c_app208_rg1

Witness: f1818 to promise
Witness: f1823 to promise
Witness: fThomas to promise

Reading Group: C15c_app208_rg2

Witness: fMS to promise us


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 for the next
Witness: f1823 for the next
Witness: fThomas for the next
Witness: fMS for the next


Reading Group: C15c_app210_rg1

Witness: fMS day. We

Reading Group: C15c_app210_rg2

Witness: f1818 day.<p/><p/>We
Witness: f1823 day.<p/><p/>We
Witness: fThomas day.<p/><p/>We


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 retired early to our
Witness: f1823 retired early to our
Witness: fThomas retired early to our
Witness: fMS retired early to our


Reading Group: C15c_app212_rg1

Witness: f1818 apartments,
Witness: f1823 apartments,
Witness: fThomas apartments,

Reading Group: C15c_app212_rg2

Witness: fMS appartments


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but not to
Witness: f1823 but not to
Witness: fThomas but not to
Witness: fMS but not to


Reading Group: C15c_app214_rg1

Witness: fMS sleep:–

Reading Group: C15c_app214_rg2

Witness: f1818 sleep;
Witness: f1823 sleep;
Witness: fThomas sleep;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 at least I did not.
Witness: f1823 at least I did not.
Witness: fThomas at least I did not.
Witness: fMS at least I did not.


Reading Group: C15c_app216_rg1

Witness: f1818 I remained many hours
Witness: f1823 I remained many hours
Witness: fThomas I remained many hours
Witness: fMS I remained many hours

Reading Group: C15c_app216_rg2

Witness: f1831 For a short space of time I remained


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 at the
Witness: f1823 at the
Witness: fThomas at the
Witness: f1831 at the
Witness: fMS at the


Reading Group: C15c_app218_rg1

Witness: fMS window

Reading Group: C15c_app218_rg2

Witness: f1818 window,
Witness: f1823 window,
Witness: fThomas window,
Witness: f1831 window,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 watching the pallid
Witness: f1823 watching the pallid
Witness: fThomas watching the pallid
Witness: f1831 watching the pallid
Witness: fMS watching the <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>pallid


Reading Group: C15c_app220_rg1

Witness: f1818 lightning
Witness: f1823 lightning
Witness: fThomas lightning
Witness: fMS lightning

Reading Group: C15c_app220_rg2

Witness: f1831 lightnings


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that played
Witness: f1823 that played
Witness: fThomas that played
Witness: f1831 that played
Witness: fMS that played


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 above Mont
Witness: f1823 above Mont
Witness: fThomas above Mont
Witness: f1831 above Mont
Witness: fMS above Mont


Reading Group: C15c_app223_rg1

Witness: fMS Blanc –

Reading Group: C15c_app223_rg2

Witness: f1818 Blanc,
Witness: f1823 Blanc,
Witness: fThomas Blanc,
Witness: f1831 Blanc,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and listening to the rushing of the
Witness: f1823 and listening to the rushing of the
Witness: fThomas and listening to the rushing of the
Witness: f1831 and listening to the rushing of the
Witness: fMS and listening to the rushing of the


Reading Group: C15c_app225_rg1

Witness: fMS Arve

Reading Group: C15c_app225_rg2

Witness: f1818 Arve,
Witness: f1823 Arve,
Witness: fThomas Arve,
Witness: f1831 Arve,


Reading Group: C15c_app226_rg1

Witness: fMS which ran before my window.

Reading Group: C15c_app226_rg2

Witness: f1818 which ran below my window.<p/>
Witness: f1823 which ran below my window.<p/>
Witness: fThomas which ran below my window.<p/>

Reading Group: C15c_app226_rg3

Witness: f1831 pursued its noisy way beneath. The same lulling sounds acted as a lullaby to my too keen sensations: when I placed my head upon my pillow, sleep crept over me; I felt it as it came, and blest the giver of oblivion. <p/>


Reading Group: C16a_app1_rg1

Witness: fMS Chap. 14The

Reading Group: C16a_app1_rg2

Witness: f1818 <head/>CHAPTER
Witness: f1823 <head/>CHAPTER
Witness: fThomas <head/>CHAPTER
Witness: f1831 <head/>CHAPTER


Reading Group: C16a_app2_rg1

Witness: f1818 II.<head/><p/>T<hi/>HE<hi/>
Witness: fThomas II.<head/><p/>T<hi/>HE<hi/>

Reading Group: C16a_app2_rg2

Witness: f1823 IX.<head/><p/>T<hi/>HE<hi/>

Reading Group: C16a_app2_rg3

Witness: f1831 X.<head/> <p/>I <hi/>SPENT<hi/>


Reading Group: C16a_app3_rg1

Witness: f1831 the following day roaming through the valley.

Reading Group: C16a_app3_rg2

Witness: f1818 next day, contrary to the
Witness: f1823 next day, contrary to the
Witness: fThomas next day, contrary to the
Witness: fMS next day, contrary to the


Reading Group: C16a_app4_rg1

Witness: f1818 prognostications
Witness: f1823 prognostications
Witness: fThomas prognostications

Reading Group: C16a_app4_rg2

Witness: fMS prognostics


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of our
Witness: f1823 of our
Witness: fThomas of our
Witness: fMS of our


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 guides, was
Witness: f1823 guides, was
Witness: fThomas guides, was
Witness: fMS guides, was


Reading Group: C16a_app7_rg1

Witness: fMS fine

Reading Group: C16a_app7_rg2

Witness: f1818 fine,
Witness: f1823 fine,
Witness: fThomas fine,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 although clouded.
Witness: f1823 although clouded.
Witness: fThomas although clouded.
Witness: fMS although clouded.


Reading Group: C16a_app9_rg1

Witness: f1831 I stood beside the sources of the Arveiron, which take their rise in a glacier, that with slow pace is advancing down from the summit of the hills, to barricade the valley. The abrupt sides of vast mountains were before me; the icy wall of the glacier overhung me; a few shattered pines were scattered around; and the solemn silence of this glorious presence-chamber of imperial Nature was broken only by the brawling waves, or the fall of some vast fragment, the thunder sound of the avalanche, or the cracking, reverberated along the mountains of the accumulated ice, which, through the silent working of immutable laws, was ever and anon rent and torn, as if it had been but a plaything in their hands.

Reading Group: C16a_app9_rg2

Witness: f1818 We visited the source of the Arveiron,
Witness: f1823 We visited the source of the Arveiron,
Witness: fThomas We visited the source of the Arveiron,

Reading Group: C16a_app9_rg3

Witness: fMS <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>We visited the source of the Aveiron


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and rode about the
Witness: f1823 and rode about the
Witness: fThomas and rode about the
Witness: fMS and rode about the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 valley
Witness: f1823 valley
Witness: fThomas valley
Witness: fMS valley


Reading Group: C16a_app12_rg1

Witness: fMS the whole dayuntil

Reading Group: C16a_app12_rg2

Witness: f1818 until
Witness: f1823 until
Witness: fThomas until


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 evening.
Witness: f1823 evening.
Witness: fThomas evening.
Witness: fMS evening.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 These sublime and
Witness: f1823 These sublime and
Witness: fThomas These sublime and
Witness: f1831 These sublime and
Witness: fMS These sublime and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 magnificent scenes afforded me the greatest
Witness: f1823 magnificent scenes afforded me the greatest
Witness: fThomas magnificent scenes afforded me the greatest
Witness: f1831 magnificent scenes afforded me the greatest
Witness: fMS magnificent scenes afforded me the greatest


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 consolation that I was capable of
Witness: f1823 consolation that I was capable of
Witness: fThomas consolation that I was capable of
Witness: f1831 consolation that I was capable of
Witness: fMS consolation that I was capable of


Reading Group: C16b_app4_rg1

Witness: fMS receiving

Reading Group: C16b_app4_rg2

Witness: f1818 receiving.
Witness: f1823 receiving.
Witness: fThomas receiving.
Witness: f1831 receiving.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 They elevated me from all littleness of
Witness: f1823 They elevated me from all littleness of
Witness: fThomas They elevated me from all littleness of
Witness: f1831 They elevated me from all littleness of
Witness: fMS They elevated me from all littleness of


Reading Group: C16b_app6_rg1

Witness: fMS feeling

Reading Group: C16b_app6_rg2

Witness: f1818 feeling;
Witness: f1823 feeling;
Witness: fThomas feeling;
Witness: f1831 feeling;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and although they
Witness: f1823 and although they
Witness: fThomas and although they
Witness: f1831 and although they
Witness: fMS and although they


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS d


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 did not remove my
Witness: f1823 did not remove my
Witness: fThomas did not remove my
Witness: f1831 did not remove my
Witness: fMS did not remove my


Reading Group: C16b_app10_rg1

Witness: fMS grief

Reading Group: C16b_app10_rg2

Witness: f1818 grief,
Witness: f1823 grief,
Witness: fThomas grief,
Witness: f1831 grief,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 they
Witness: f1823 they
Witness: fThomas they
Witness: f1831 they
Witness: fMS they


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS t


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 subdued and
Witness: f1823 subdued and
Witness: fThomas subdued and
Witness: f1831 subdued and
Witness: fMS subdued and


Reading Group: C16b_app14_rg1

Witness: fMS tranquilized

Reading Group: C16b_app14_rg2

Witness: f1831 tranquillised

Reading Group: C16b_app14_rg3

Witness: f1818 tranquillized
Witness: f1823 tranquillized
Witness: fThomas tranquillized


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 it.
Witness: f1823 it.
Witness: fThomas it.
Witness: f1831 it.
Witness: fMS it.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 In some degree,
Witness: f1823 In some degree,
Witness: fThomas In some degree,
Witness: f1831 In some degree,
Witness: fMS In some degree,


Reading Group: C16b_app17_rg1

Witness: fMS also

Reading Group: C16b_app17_rg2

Witness: f1818 also,
Witness: f1823 also,
Witness: fThomas also,
Witness: f1831 also,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 they diverted my mind
Witness: f1823 they diverted my mind
Witness: fThomas they diverted my mind
Witness: f1831 they diverted my mind
Witness: fMS they diverted my mind


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 from the thoughts over which it had brooded
Witness: f1823 from the thoughts over which it had brooded
Witness: fThomas from the thoughts over which it had brooded
Witness: f1831 from the thoughts over which it had brooded
Witness: fMS from the thoughts <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>over which it had brooded


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS over


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 for the last
Witness: f1823 for the last
Witness: fThomas for the last
Witness: f1831 for the last
Witness: fMS for the last


Reading Group: C16b_app22_rg1

Witness: f1818 month.
Witness: f1823 month.
Witness: fThomas month.
Witness: f1831 month.

Reading Group: C16b_app22_rg2

Witness: fMS months.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818


Reading Group: C16c_app1_rg1

Witness: f1831 I retired to rest at night; my slumbers, as it were, waited on and ministered to by the assemblance of grand shapes which I had contemplated during the day. They congregated round me; the unstained snowy mountain-top, the glittering pinnacle, the pine woods, and ragged bare ravine; the eagle, soaring amidst the clouds—they all gathered round me, and bade me be at peace.<p/> <p/>Where had they fled when the next morning I awoke? All of soul-inspiriting fled with sleep, and dark melancholy clouded every thought.

Reading Group: C16c_app1_rg2

Witness: f1818 I returned in the evening,
Witness: f1823 I returned in the evening,
Witness: fThomas I returned in the evening,
Witness: fMS I returned in the evening,


Reading Group: C16c_app2_rg1

Witness: fMS fatigued

Reading Group: C16c_app2_rg2

Witness: f1818 fatigued,
Witness: f1823 fatigued,
Witness: fThomas fatigued,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but less
Witness: f1823 but less
Witness: fThomas but less
Witness: fMS but less


Reading Group: C16c_app4_rg1

Witness: fMS unhappy

Reading Group: C16c_app4_rg2

Witness: f1818 unhappy,
Witness: f1823 unhappy,
Witness: fThomas unhappy,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: fMS and


Reading Group: C16c_app6_rg1

Witness: fMS convered

Reading Group: C16c_app6_rg2

Witness: f1818 conversed
Witness: f1823 conversed
Witness: fThomas conversed


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 with
Witness: f1823 with
Witness: fThomas with
Witness: fMS with


Reading Group: C16c_app8_rg1

Witness: f1818 my
Witness: f1823 my
Witness: fThomas my

Reading Group: C16c_app8_rg2

Witness: fMS the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 family
Witness: f1823 family
Witness: fThomas family
Witness: fMS family


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS t


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 with more cheerfulness than
Witness: f1823 with more cheerfulness than
Witness: fThomas with more cheerfulness than
Witness: fMS with more cheerfulness than


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 had been
Witness: f1823 had been
Witness: fThomas had been
Witness: fMS had been


Reading Group: C16c_app14_rg1

Witness: fMS accustomedtomy

Reading Group: C16c_app14_rg2

Witness: f1818 my
Witness: f1823 my
Witness: fThomas my


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 custom for some time.
Witness: f1823 custom for some time.
Witness: fThomas custom for some time.
Witness: fMS custom for some time.


Reading Group: C16c_app16_rg1

Witness: fThomas My father was pleased, and Elizabeth overjoyed. “My dear cousin,” said she, “you see what happiness you diffuse when you are happy; do not relapse again!”The affectionate smile with which Elizabeth welcomed my altered mood excited me to greater exertion; and I felt as I spoke long forgotten sensations of pleasure arise in my mind. I knew that this state of being would only be temporary, that gloom and misery was near at hand, but this knowledge only acted as a stimulant, and gave added a tingling sensation of fear, while the blood danced along my veins—my eyes sparkled and my limbs even trembled beneath the influence of unaccustomed emotion.<p/><p/>The

Reading Group: C16c_app16_rg2

Witness: f1818 My father was pleased, and Elizabeth overjoyed. “My dear cousin,” said she, “you see what happiness you diffuse when you are happy; do not relapse again!”<p/><p/>The
Witness: f1823 My father was pleased, and Elizabeth overjoyed. “My dear cousin,” said she, “you see what happiness you diffuse when you are happy; do not relapse again!”<p/><p/>The

Reading Group: C16c_app16_rg3

Witness: fMS My father was pleased and Elizabeth overjoyed; "My dear Cousin," said she, "You see what happiness you diffuse when you are cheerfulhappy; do not relapse again!— The


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 following morning
Witness: f1823 following morning
Witness: fThomas following morning
Witness: fMS following morning


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the rain
Witness: f1823 the rain
Witness: fThomas the rain
Witness: f1831 The rain
Witness: fMS the rain


Reading Group: C16d_app2_rg1

Witness: f1818 poured
Witness: f1823 poured
Witness: fThomas poured
Witness: fMS poured

Reading Group: C16d_app2_rg2

Witness: f1831 was pouring


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 down
Witness: f1823 down
Witness: fThomas down
Witness: fMS down


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in
Witness: f1823 in
Witness: fThomas in
Witness: f1831 in
Witness: fMS in


Reading Group: C16d_app5_rg1

Witness: fMS torrents

Reading Group: C16d_app5_rg2

Witness: f1818 torrents,
Witness: f1823 torrents,
Witness: fThomas torrents,
Witness: f1831 torrents,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and thick mists hid
Witness: f1823 and thick mists hid
Witness: fThomas and thick mists hid
Witness: f1831 and thick mists hid
Witness: fMS and thick mists hid


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818
Witness: f1823 the summits of the
Witness: fThomas the summits of the
Witness: f1831 the summits of the
Witness: fMS the summits of the


Reading Group: C16d_app8_rg1

Witness: f1831 the summits of the mountains, so that I even saw not the faces of those mighty friends. Still I would penetrate their misty veil, and seek them in their cloudy retreats. What were rain and storm to me?

Reading Group: C16d_app8_rg2

Witness: f1818 the summits of the mountains.
Witness: f1823 the summits of the mountains.
Witness: fThomas the summits of the mountains.
Witness: fMS the summits of the mountains.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I rose
Witness: f1823 I rose
Witness: fThomas I rose
Witness: fMS I rose


Reading Group: C16e_app2_rg1

Witness: fMS early

Reading Group: C16e_app2_rg2

Witness: f1818 early,
Witness: f1823 early,
Witness: fThomas early,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but felt unusually melancholy. The rain
Witness: f1823 but felt unusually melancholy. The rain
Witness: fThomas but felt unusually melancholy. The rain
Witness: fMS but felt unusually melancholy. The rain


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 depressed
Witness: f1823 depressed
Witness: fThomas depressed
Witness: fMS depressed


Reading Group: C16e_app5_rg1

Witness: fMS my<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>me,

Reading Group: C16e_app5_rg2

Witness: f1818 me;
Witness: f1823 me;
Witness: fThomas me;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my old feelings
Witness: f1823 my old feelings
Witness: fThomas my old feelings
Witness: fMS my old feelings


Reading Group: C16e_app7_rg1

Witness: fMS recurred

Reading Group: C16e_app7_rg2

Witness: f1818 recurred,
Witness: f1823 recurred,
Witness: fThomas recurred,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and I was miserable. I knew how
Witness: f1823 and I was miserable. I knew how
Witness: fThomas and I was miserable. I knew how
Witness: fMS and I was miserable. I knew how


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 disappointed
Witness: f1823 disappointed
Witness: fThomas disappointed


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my father
Witness: f1823 my father
Witness: fThomas my father
Witness: fMS my father


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 would be
Witness: f1823 would be
Witness: fThomas would be
Witness: fMS would be


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS dissapointed


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 at this sudden
Witness: f1823 at this sudden
Witness: fThomas at this sudden
Witness: fMS at this sudden


Reading Group: C16e_app14_rg1

Witness: fMS change

Reading Group: C16e_app14_rg2

Witness: f1818 change,
Witness: f1823 change,
Witness: fThomas change,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and I wished to avoid him
Witness: f1823 and I wished to avoid him
Witness: fThomas and I wished to avoid him
Witness: fMS and I wished to avoid him


Reading Group: C16e_app16_rg1

Witness: fMS untill

Reading Group: C16e_app16_rg2

Witness: f1818 until
Witness: f1823 until
Witness: fThomas until


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I had
Witness: f1823 I had
Witness: fThomas I had
Witness: fMS I had


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS rev


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 recovered myself so far
Witness: f1823 recovered myself so far
Witness: fThomas recovered myself so far
Witness: fMS recovered myself so far


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 as
Witness: f1823 as
Witness: fThomas as
Witness: fMS as


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to be enabled
Witness: f1823 to be enabled
Witness: fThomas to be enabled


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to conceal
Witness: f1823 to conceal
Witness: fThomas to conceal
Witness: fMS to conceal


Reading Group: C16e_app23_rg1

Witness: fMS the

Reading Group: C16e_app23_rg2

Witness: f1818 those
Witness: f1823 those
Witness: fThomas those


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 feelings that overpowered
Witness: f1823 feelings that overpowered
Witness: fThomas feelings that overpowered
Witness: fMS feelings that overpowered


Reading Group: C16e_app25_rg1

Witness: fMS me —

Reading Group: C16e_app25_rg2

Witness: f1818 me.
Witness: f1823 me.
Witness: fThomas me.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I knew that they would remain
Witness: f1823 I knew that they would remain
Witness: fThomas I knew that they would remain
Witness: fMS I knew that they would remain


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that day at the
Witness: f1823 that day at the
Witness: fThomas that day at the
Witness: fMS that day at the


Reading Group: C16e_app28_rg1

Witness: fMS inn

Reading Group: C16e_app28_rg2

Witness: f1818 inn;
Witness: f1823 inn;
Witness: fThomas inn;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and as I
Witness: f1823 and as I
Witness: fThomas and as I
Witness: fMS and as I


Reading Group: C16e_app30_rg1

Witness: f1818 had ever
Witness: f1823 had ever
Witness: fThomas had ever

Reading Group: C16e_app30_rg2

Witness: fMS hadnever


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 inured myself to
Witness: f1823 inured myself to
Witness: fThomas inured myself to
Witness: fMS inured myself to


Reading Group: C16e_app32_rg1

Witness: fMS rain

Reading Group: C16e_app32_rg2

Witness: f1818 rain, moisture,
Witness: f1823 rain, moisture,
Witness: fThomas rain, moisture,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: fMS and


Reading Group: C16e_app34_rg1

Witness: fMS cold

Reading Group: C16e_app34_rg2

Witness: f1818 cold,
Witness: f1823 cold,
Witness: fThomas cold,


Reading Group: C16f_app1_rg1

Witness: f1818 I resolved
Witness: f1823 I resolved
Witness: fThomas I resolved

Reading Group: C16f_app1_rg2

Witness: fMS I resolved 't

Reading Group: C16f_app1_rg3

Witness: f1831 My mule was brought to the door, and I resolved


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to
Witness: f1823 to
Witness: fThomas to
Witness: f1831 to
Witness: fMS to


Reading Group: C16f_app3_rg1

Witness: f1831 ascend

Reading Group: C16f_app3_rg2

Witness: f1818 go
Witness: f1823 go
Witness: fThomas go
Witness: fMS go


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 alone
Witness: f1823 alone
Witness: fThomas alone


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to the summit of
Witness: f1823 to the summit of
Witness: fThomas to the summit of
Witness: f1831 to the summit of
Witness: fMS to the summit of


Reading Group: C16f_app6_rg1

Witness: fMS Montanvert by myselfalone.

Reading Group: C16f_app6_rg2

Witness: f1818 Montanvert.
Witness: f1823 Montanvert.
Witness: fThomas Montanvert.
Witness: f1831 Montanvert.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I remembered
Witness: f1823 I remembered
Witness: fThomas I remembered
Witness: f1831 I remembered
Witness: fMS I remembered


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the effect
Witness: f1823 the effect
Witness: fThomas the effect
Witness: f1831 the effect
Witness: fMS the effect


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that
Witness: f1823 that
Witness: fThomas that
Witness: f1831 that


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the view of the tremendous
Witness: f1823 the view of the tremendous
Witness: fThomas the view of the tremendous
Witness: f1831 the view of the tremendous
Witness: fMS the view of the tremendous


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fMS and


Reading Group: C16f_app12_rg1

Witness: fMS ever moving

Reading Group: C16f_app12_rg2

Witness: f1818 ever-moving
Witness: f1823 ever-moving
Witness: fThomas ever-moving
Witness: f1831 ever-moving


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 glacier had
Witness: f1823 glacier had
Witness: fThomas glacier had
Witness: f1831 glacier had
Witness: fMS glacier had


Reading Group: C16f_app14_rg1

Witness: fMS hadproduced

Reading Group: C16f_app14_rg2

Witness: f1818 produced
Witness: f1823 produced
Witness: fThomas produced
Witness: f1831 produced


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 upon my mind when I first saw
Witness: f1823 upon my mind when I first saw
Witness: fThomas upon my mind when I first saw
Witness: f1831 upon my mind when I first saw
Witness: fMS upon my mind when I first saw


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 it.
Witness: f1823 it.
Witness: fThomas it.
Witness: f1831 it.


Reading Group: C16f_app17_rg1

Witness: f1818 It
Witness: f1823 It
Witness: fThomas It
Witness: f1831 It

Reading Group: C16f_app17_rg2

Witness: fMS it howiIt


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 had then filled me with
Witness: f1823 had then filled me with
Witness: fThomas had then filled me with
Witness: f1831 had then filled me with
Witness: fMS had then filled me with


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a sublime
Witness: f1823 a sublime
Witness: fThomas a sublime
Witness: f1831 a sublime
Witness: fMS a sublime


Reading Group: C16f_app20_rg1

Witness: f1818 ecstacy
Witness: f1823 ecstacy
Witness: fThomas ecstacy

Reading Group: C16f_app20_rg2

Witness: f1831 ecstasy,

Reading Group: C16f_app20_rg3

Witness: fMS extacy


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that gave wings
Witness: f1823 that gave wings
Witness: fThomas that gave wings
Witness: f1831 that gave wings
Witness: fMS that gave wings


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to the
Witness: f1823 to the
Witness: fThomas to the
Witness: f1831 to the
Witness: fMS to the


Reading Group: C16f_app23_rg1

Witness: fMS soul

Reading Group: C16f_app23_rg2

Witness: f1818 soul,
Witness: f1823 soul,
Witness: fThomas soul,
Witness: f1831 soul,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and allowed it to soar from
Witness: f1823 and allowed it to soar from
Witness: fThomas and allowed it to soar from
Witness: f1831 and allowed it to soar from
Witness: fMS and allowed <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>it to soar from


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fMS the


Reading Group: C16f_app26_rg1

Witness: fMS lowerobscure

Reading Group: C16f_app26_rg2

Witness: f1818 obscure
Witness: f1823 obscure
Witness: fThomas obscure
Witness: f1831 obscure


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 world to light and joy. The
Witness: f1823 world to light and joy. The
Witness: fThomas world to light and joy. The
Witness: f1831 world to light and joy. The
Witness: fMS world to light & joy. The


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 sight of the awful and majestic in
Witness: f1823 sight of the awful and majestic in
Witness: fThomas sight of the awful and majestic in
Witness: f1831 sight of the awful and majestic in
Witness: fMS sight of the awful & majestic in


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 nature had indeed always the effect
Witness: f1823 nature had indeed always the effect
Witness: fThomas nature had indeed always the effect
Witness: f1831 nature had indeed always the effect
Witness: fMS nature had indeed always the effect


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of
Witness: f1823 of
Witness: fThomas of
Witness: f1831 of
Witness: fMS of


Reading Group: C16f_app31_rg1

Witness: fMS tranquillizing the<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>solemnizing<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>my mind

Reading Group: C16f_app31_rg2

Witness: f1831 solemnising

Reading Group: C16f_app31_rg3

Witness: f1818 solemnizing
Witness: f1823 solemnizing
Witness: fThomas solemnizing


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my mind,
Witness: f1823 my mind,
Witness: fThomas my mind,
Witness: f1831 my mind,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and causing
Witness: f1823 and causing
Witness: fThomas and causing
Witness: f1831 and causing
Witness: fMS & causing


Reading Group: C16f_app34_rg1

Witness: f1818 me to forget the
Witness: f1823 me to forget the
Witness: fThomas me to forget the
Witness: f1831 me to forget the

Reading Group: C16f_app34_rg2

Witness: fMS me to forget the the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 passing cares
Witness: f1823 passing cares
Witness: fThomas passing cares
Witness: f1831 passing cares
Witness: fMS passing cares


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of life. I determined to go
Witness: f1823 of life. I determined to go
Witness: fThomas of life. I determined to go
Witness: f1831 of life. I determined to go
Witness: fMS of life. I determined to go


Reading Group: C16f_app37_rg1

Witness: fMS fby myselfalone

Reading Group: C16f_app37_rg2

Witness: f1818 alone,
Witness: f1823 alone,
Witness: fThomas alone,

Reading Group: C16f_app37_rg3

Witness: f1831 without a guide,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 for I was well acquainted with the
Witness: f1823 for I was well acquainted with the
Witness: fThomas for I was well acquainted with the
Witness: f1831 for I was well acquainted with the
Witness: fMS for I was well acquainted with the


Reading Group: C16f_app39_rg1

Witness: fMS path

Reading Group: C16f_app39_rg2

Witness: f1818 path,
Witness: f1823 path,
Witness: fThomas path,
Witness: f1831 path,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and the presence of another
Witness: f1823 and the presence of another
Witness: fThomas and the presence of another
Witness: f1831 and the presence of another
Witness: fMS and the presence of another


Reading Group: C16f_app41_rg1

Witness: fMS had the effect ofwould destroying

Reading Group: C16f_app41_rg2

Witness: f1818 would destroy
Witness: f1823 would destroy
Witness: fThomas would destroy
Witness: f1831 would destroy


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fMS the


Reading Group: C16f_app43_rg1

Witness: fMS solitary solitary grandeur of the

Reading Group: C16f_app43_rg2

Witness: f1818 solitary grandeur of the
Witness: f1823 solitary grandeur of the
Witness: fThomas solitary grandeur of the
Witness: f1831 solitary grandeur of the


Reading Group: C16f_app44_rg1

Witness: fMS scene. The

Reading Group: C16f_app44_rg2

Witness: f1818 scene.<p/><p/>The
Witness: f1823 scene.<p/><p/>The
Witness: fThomas scene.<p/><p/>The
Witness: f1831 scene.<p/><p/>The


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 ascent
Witness: f1823 ascent
Witness: fThomas ascent
Witness: f1831 ascent
Witness: fMS ascent


Reading Group: C16f_app46_rg1

Witness: fMS to the mountain<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>isprecipitousw<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>with<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>but

Reading Group: C16f_app46_rg2

Witness: f1818 is precipitous, but
Witness: f1823 is precipitous, but
Witness: fThomas is precipitous, but
Witness: f1831 is precipitous, but


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the path is cut into continual and short
Witness: f1823 the path is cut into continual and short
Witness: fThomas the path is cut into continual and short
Witness: f1831 the path is cut into continual and short
Witness: fMS the path is cut into continual and short


Reading Group: C16f_app48_rg1

Witness: fMS windings

Reading Group: C16f_app48_rg2

Witness: f1818 windings,
Witness: f1823 windings,
Witness: fThomas windings,
Witness: f1831 windings,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 which
Witness: f1823 which
Witness: fThomas which
Witness: f1831 which
Witness: fMS which


Reading Group: C16f_app50_rg1

Witness: f1818 enable
Witness: f1823 enable
Witness: fThomas enable
Witness: f1831 enable

Reading Group: C16f_app50_rg2

Witness: fMS enablesto


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 you
Witness: f1823 you
Witness: fThomas you
Witness: f1831 you
Witness: fMS you


Reading Group: C16f_app52_rg1

Witness: fMS

Reading Group: C16f_app52_rg2

Witness: f1818 to
Witness: f1823 to
Witness: fThomas to
Witness: f1831 to


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 surmount the
Witness: f1823 surmount the
Witness: fThomas surmount the
Witness: f1831 surmount the
Witness: fMS surmount the


Reading Group: C16f_app54_rg1

Witness: fMS perpedicularity

Reading Group: C16f_app54_rg2

Witness: f1818 perpendicularity
Witness: f1823 perpendicularity
Witness: fThomas perpendicularity
Witness: f1831 perpendicularity


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of
Witness: f1823 of
Witness: fThomas of
Witness: f1831 of
Witness: fMS of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fMS the


Reading Group: C16f_app57_rg1

Witness: f1818 mountain.
Witness: f1823 mountain.
Witness: fThomas mountain.
Witness: f1831 mountain.

Reading Group: C16f_app57_rg2

Witness: fMS mountains–


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 It is a scene
Witness: f1823 It is a scene
Witness: fThomas It is a scene
Witness: f1831 It is a scene
Witness: fMS It is a scene


Reading Group: C16f_app59_rg1

Witness: fMS terrifical ly

Reading Group: C16f_app59_rg2

Witness: f1818 terrifically
Witness: f1823 terrifically
Witness: fThomas terrifically
Witness: f1831 terrifically


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 desolate. In a thousand
Witness: f1823 desolate. In a thousand
Witness: fThomas desolate. In a thousand
Witness: f1831 desolate. In a thousand
Witness: fMS desolate. In a thousand


Reading Group: C16f_app61_rg1

Witness: fMS places

Reading Group: C16f_app61_rg2

Witness: f1818 spots
Witness: f1823 spots
Witness: fThomas spots
Witness: f1831 spots


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fMS the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 traces of the winter
Witness: f1823 traces of the winter
Witness: fThomas traces of the winter
Witness: f1831 traces of the winter
Witness: fMS traces of the winter


Reading Group: C16f_app64_rg1

Witness: f1831 avalanche

Reading Group: C16f_app64_rg2

Witness: f1818 avelanche
Witness: fThomas avelanche
Witness: fMS avelanche

Reading Group: C16f_app64_rg3

Witness: f1823 avelânche


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 may be
Witness: f1823 may be
Witness: fThomas may be
Witness: f1831 may be
Witness: fMS may be


Reading Group: C16f_app66_rg1

Witness: fMS perceived

Reading Group: C16f_app66_rg2

Witness: f1818 perceived,
Witness: f1823 perceived,
Witness: fThomas perceived,
Witness: f1831 perceived,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 where trees lie broken and strewed on the ground; some entirely
Witness: f1823 where trees lie broken and strewed on the ground; some entirely
Witness: fThomas where trees lie broken and strewed on the ground; some entirely
Witness: f1831 where trees lie broken and strewed on the ground; some entirely
Witness: fMS where trees lie broken and strewed on the ground; some entirely


Reading Group: C16f_app68_rg1

Witness: fMS destroyed

Reading Group: C16f_app68_rg2

Witness: f1818 destroyed,
Witness: f1823 destroyed,
Witness: fThomas destroyed,
Witness: f1831 destroyed,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 others
Witness: f1823 others
Witness: fThomas others
Witness: f1831 others
Witness: fMS others


Reading Group: C16f_app70_rg1

Witness: fMS bent

Reading Group: C16f_app70_rg2

Witness: f1818 bent,
Witness: f1823 bent,
Witness: fThomas bent,
Witness: f1831 bent,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 leaning upon
Witness: f1823 leaning upon
Witness: fThomas leaning upon
Witness: f1831 leaning upon
Witness: fMS leaning upon


Reading Group: C16f_app72_rg1

Witness: fMS juts in the jutting

Reading Group: C16f_app72_rg2

Witness: f1818 the jutting
Witness: f1823 the jutting
Witness: fThomas the jutting
Witness: f1831 the jutting


Reading Group: C16f_app73_rg1

Witness: fMS cornersrocks

Reading Group: C16f_app73_rg2

Witness: f1818 rocks
Witness: f1823 rocks
Witness: fThomas rocks
Witness: f1831 rocks


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of the
Witness: f1823 of the
Witness: fThomas of the
Witness: f1831 of the
Witness: fMS of the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 mountain, or transversely upon other trees. The
Witness: f1823 mountain, or transversely upon other trees. The
Witness: fThomas mountain, or transversely upon other trees. The
Witness: f1831 mountain, or transversely upon other trees. The
Witness: fMS mountain, or <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>transversely upon other trees. The


Reading Group: C16f_app76_rg1

Witness: fMS path

Reading Group: C16f_app76_rg2

Witness: f1818 path,
Witness: f1823 path,
Witness: fThomas path,
Witness: f1831 path,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 as you
Witness: f1823 as you
Witness: fThomas as you
Witness: f1831 as you
Witness: fMS as you


Reading Group: C16f_app78_rg1

Witness: fMS ascen ascend

Reading Group: C16f_app78_rg2

Witness: f1818 ascend
Witness: f1823 ascend
Witness: fThomas ascend
Witness: f1831 ascend


Reading Group: C16f_app79_rg1

Witness: fMS higher

Reading Group: C16f_app79_rg2

Witness: f1818 higher,
Witness: f1823 higher,
Witness: fThomas higher,
Witness: f1831 higher,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 is
Witness: f1823 is
Witness: fThomas is
Witness: f1831 is
Witness: fMS is


Reading Group: C16f_app81_rg1

Witness: fMS interspersedectedwithby

Reading Group: C16f_app81_rg2

Witness: f1818 intersected by
Witness: f1823 intersected by
Witness: fThomas intersected by
Witness: f1831 intersected by


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 ravines of snow, down which stones continually roll from above;
Witness: f1823 ravines of snow, down which stones continually roll from above;
Witness: fThomas ravines of snow, down which stones continually roll from above;
Witness: f1831 ravines of snow, down which stones continually roll from above;
Witness: fMS ravines of snow, down which stones continually roll from above;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 one of
Witness: f1823 one of
Witness: fThomas one of
Witness: f1831 one of
Witness: fMS one of


Reading Group: C16f_app84_rg1

Witness: fMS the them is particularly dangerous

Reading Group: C16f_app84_rg2

Witness: f1818 them is particularly dangerous,
Witness: f1823 them is particularly dangerous,
Witness: fThomas them is particularly dangerous,
Witness: f1831 them is particularly dangerous,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 as the slightest
Witness: f1823 as the slightest
Witness: fThomas as the slightest
Witness: f1831 as the slightest
Witness: fMS as the slightest


Reading Group: C16f_app86_rg1

Witness: fMS sound

Reading Group: C16f_app86_rg2

Witness: f1818 sound,
Witness: f1823 sound,
Witness: fThomas sound,
Witness: f1831 sound,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 such as even speaking in a loud
Witness: f1823 such as even speaking in a loud
Witness: fThomas such as even speaking in a loud
Witness: f1831 such as even speaking in a loud
Witness: fMS such as even speaking in a loud


Reading Group: C16f_app88_rg1

Witness: fMS voice

Reading Group: C16f_app88_rg2

Witness: f1818 voice,
Witness: f1823 voice,
Witness: fThomas voice,
Witness: f1831 voice,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 produces a
Witness: f1823 produces a
Witness: fThomas produces a
Witness: f1831 produces a
Witness: fMS isproduces a


Reading Group: C16f_app90_rg1

Witness: fMS suffi ciendt concussion of air sufficient

Reading Group: C16f_app90_rg2

Witness: f1818 concussion of air sufficient
Witness: f1823 concussion of air sufficient
Witness: fThomas concussion of air sufficient
Witness: f1831 concussion of air sufficient


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to draw destruction
Witness: f1823 to draw destruction
Witness: fThomas to draw destruction
Witness: f1831 to draw destruction
Witness: fMS to draw destruction


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 upon
Witness: f1823 upon
Witness: fThomas upon
Witness: f1831 upon


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the head of the
Witness: f1823 the head of the
Witness: fThomas the head of the
Witness: f1831 the head of the
Witness: fMS the head of the


Reading Group: C16f_app94_rg1

Witness: f1818 speaker. The pines
Witness: f1823 speaker. The pines
Witness: fThomas speaker. The pines
Witness: f1831 speaker. The pines

Reading Group: C16f_app94_rg2

Witness: fMS speaker. The pines here


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 are not tall or
Witness: f1823 are not tall or
Witness: fThomas are not tall or
Witness: f1831 are not
Witness: fMS are not tall or


Reading Group: C16f_app96_rg1

Witness: fMS luxuriant

Reading Group: C16f_app96_rg2

Witness: f1818 luxuriant,
Witness: f1823 luxuriant,
Witness: fThomas luxuriant,
Witness: f1831 luxuriant,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but they are
Witness: f1823 but they are
Witness: fThomas but they are
Witness: f1831 but they are
Witness: fMS but they are


Reading Group: C16f_app98_rg1

Witness: fMS sombre

Reading Group: C16f_app98_rg2

Witness: f1818 sombre,
Witness: f1823 sombre,
Witness: fThomas sombre,
Witness: f1831 sombre,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and add an air of
Witness: f1823 and add an air of
Witness: fThomas and add an air of
Witness: f1831 and add an air of
Witness: fMS and add an air of


Reading Group: C16f_app100_rg1

Witness: fMS gravityseverity

Reading Group: C16f_app100_rg2

Witness: f1818 severity
Witness: f1823 severity
Witness: fThomas severity
Witness: f1831 severity


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to the scene.
Witness: f1823 to the scene.
Witness: fThomas to the scene.
Witness: f1831 to the scene.
Witness: fMS to the scene.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I looked on the valley
Witness: f1823 I looked on the valley
Witness: fThomas I looked on the valley
Witness: f1831 I looked on the valley
Witness: fMS I looked on the valley


Reading Group: C16f_app103_rg1

Witness: fMS beneath.;

Reading Group: C16f_app103_rg2

Witness: f1818 beneath;
Witness: f1823 beneath;
Witness: fThomas beneath;
Witness: f1831 beneath;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 vast
Witness: f1823 vast
Witness: fThomas vast
Witness: f1831 vast
Witness: fMS Vast


Reading Group: C16f_app105_rg1

Witness: fMS mist

Reading Group: C16f_app105_rg2

Witness: f1818 mists
Witness: f1823 mists
Witness: fThomas mists
Witness: f1831 mists


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 were rising from the
Witness: f1823 were rising from the
Witness: fThomas were rising from the
Witness: f1831 were rising from the
Witness: fMS were rising from the


Reading Group: C16f_app107_rg1

Witness: fMS river

Reading Group: C16f_app107_rg2

Witness: f1818 rivers
Witness: f1823 rivers
Witness: fThomas rivers
Witness: f1831 rivers


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 which ran
Witness: f1823 which ran
Witness: fThomas which ran
Witness: f1831 which ran
Witness: fMS which ran


Reading Group: C16f_app109_rg1

Witness: fMS throught<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>it

Reading Group: C16f_app109_rg2

Witness: f1818 through it,
Witness: f1823 through it,
Witness: fThomas through it,
Witness: f1831 through it,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and curling in thick wreaths
Witness: f1823 and curling in thick wreaths
Witness: fThomas and curling in thick wreaths
Witness: f1831 and curling in thick wreaths
Witness: fMS and curling in thick wreaths


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 around the opposite
Witness: f1823 around the opposite
Witness: fThomas around the opposite
Witness: f1831 around the opposite
Witness: fMS around the opposite


Reading Group: C16f_app112_rg1

Witness: fMS mountains

Reading Group: C16f_app112_rg2

Witness: f1818 mountains,
Witness: f1823 mountains,
Witness: fThomas mountains,
Witness: f1831 mountains,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 whose summits were hid in the uniform clouds, while rain poured from the
Witness: f1823 whose summits were hid in the uniform clouds, while rain poured from the
Witness: fThomas whose summits were hid in the uniform clouds, while rain poured from the
Witness: f1831 whose summits were hid in the uniform clouds, while rain poured from the
Witness: fMS whose summits were hid in the uniform clouds, while rain poured from the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 dark
Witness: f1823 dark
Witness: fThomas dark
Witness: f1831 dark
Witness: fMS dark


Reading Group: C16f_app115_rg1

Witness: fMS sky

Reading Group: C16f_app115_rg2

Witness: f1818 sky,
Witness: f1823 sky,
Witness: fThomas sky,
Witness: f1831 sky,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and added to the melancholy
Witness: f1823 and added to the melancholy
Witness: fThomas and added to the melancholy
Witness: f1831 and added to the melancholy
Witness: fMS and added to the melancholy


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 impression I received from the objects
Witness: f1823 impression I received from the objects
Witness: fThomas impression I received from the objects
Witness: f1831 impression I received from the objects
Witness: fMS impression I received from the objects


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 around
Witness: f1823 around
Witness: fThomas around
Witness: f1831 around
Witness: fMS around


Reading Group: C16f_app119_rg1

Witness: fMS me —

Reading Group: C16f_app119_rg2

Witness: f1818 me.
Witness: f1823 me.
Witness: fThomas me.
Witness: f1831 me.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Alas!
Witness: f1823 Alas!
Witness: fThomas Alas!
Witness: f1831 Alas!
Witness: fMS Alas!


Reading Group: C16f_app121_rg1

Witness: fMS who can boast why

Reading Group: C16f_app121_rg2

Witness: f1818 why
Witness: f1823 why
Witness: fThomas why
Witness: f1831 why


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 does man boast of sensibilities
Witness: f1823 does man boast of sensibilities
Witness: fThomas does man boast of sensibilities
Witness: f1831 does man boast of sensibilities
Witness: fMS does man boast of sensibilities


Reading Group: C16f_app123_rg1

Witness: fMS above

Reading Group: C16f_app123_rg2

Witness: f1818 superior to
Witness: f1823 superior to
Witness: fThomas superior to
Witness: f1831 superior to


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 those apparent in the
Witness: f1823 those apparent in the
Witness: fThomas those apparent in the
Witness: f1831 those apparent in the
Witness: fMS those apparent in the


Reading Group: C16f_app125_rg1

Witness: fMS brute

Reading Group: C16f_app125_rg2

Witness: f1818 brute;
Witness: f1823 brute;
Witness: fThomas brute;
Witness: f1831 brute;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 it only
Witness: f1823 it only
Witness: fThomas it only
Witness: f1831 it only
Witness: fMS it only


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 renders them more
Witness: f1823 renders them more
Witness: fThomas renders them more
Witness: f1831 renders them more
Witness: fMS renders them more


Reading Group: C16f_app128_rg1

Witness: fMS <shi rend="underline">necessary</shi>

Reading Group: C16f_app128_rg2

Witness: f1818 necessary
Witness: f1823 necessary
Witness: fThomas necessary
Witness: f1831 necessary


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 beings.
Witness: f1823 beings.
Witness: fThomas beings.
Witness: f1831 beings.
Witness: fMS beings.


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS Hunger & desire and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 If our impulses were
Witness: f1823 If our impulses were
Witness: fThomas If our impulses were
Witness: f1831 If our impulses were
Witness: fMS If our impulses were


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 confined to
Witness: f1823 confined to
Witness: fThomas confined to
Witness: f1831 confined to
Witness: fMS confined to


Reading Group: C16f_app133_rg1

Witness: fMS hunger thirst

Reading Group: C16f_app133_rg2

Witness: f1818 hunger, thirst,
Witness: f1823 hunger, thirst,
Witness: fThomas hunger, thirst,
Witness: f1831 hunger, thirst,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fMS and


Reading Group: C16f_app135_rg1

Witness: fMS desire

Reading Group: C16f_app135_rg2

Witness: f1818 desire,
Witness: f1823 desire,
Witness: fThomas desire,
Witness: f1831 desire,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 we might be
Witness: f1823 we might be
Witness: fThomas we might be
Witness: f1831 we might be
Witness: fMS we might be


Reading Group: C16f_app137_rg1

Witness: fMS morenearly free

Reading Group: C16f_app137_rg2

Witness: f1818 nearly free;
Witness: f1823 nearly free;
Witness: fThomas nearly free;
Witness: f1831 nearly free;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but now
Witness: f1823 but now
Witness: fThomas but now
Witness: f1831 but now
Witness: fMS but now


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 we are moved by every wind that
Witness: f1823 we are moved by every wind that
Witness: fThomas we are moved by every wind that
Witness: f1831 we are moved by every wind that
Witness: fMS we are moved by every wind that


Reading Group: C16f_app140_rg1

Witness: fMS blows

Reading Group: C16f_app140_rg2

Witness: f1818 blows,
Witness: f1823 blows,
Witness: fThomas blows,
Witness: f1831 blows,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fMS &


Reading Group: C16f_app142_rg1

Witness: f1818 a
Witness: f1823 a
Witness: fThomas a
Witness: f1831 a

Reading Group: C16f_app142_rg2

Witness: fMS by every sc


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 chance
Witness: f1823 chance
Witness: fThomas chance
Witness: f1831 chance
Witness: fMS chance


Reading Group: C16f_app144_rg1

Witness: fMS work word or scene that that

Reading Group: C16f_app144_rg2

Witness: f1818 word or scene that that
Witness: f1823 word or scene that that
Witness: fThomas word or scene that that
Witness: f1831 word or scene that that


Reading Group: C16f_app145_rg1

Witness: fMS wind

Reading Group: C16f_app145_rg2

Witness: f1818 word
Witness: f1823 word
Witness: fThomas word
Witness: f1831 word


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 may convey to
Witness: f1823 may convey to
Witness: fThomas may convey to
Witness: f1831 may convey to
Witness: fMS may convey to


Reading Group: C16f_app147_rg1

Witness: fMS us We rest,

Reading Group: C16f_app147_rg2

Witness: f1818 us.<p/><lg/><l/>We rest;
Witness: f1823 us.<p/><lg/><l/>We rest;
Witness: fThomas us.<p/><lg/><l/>We rest;
Witness: f1831 us.<p/><lg/><l/>We rest;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a dream has power to poison
Witness: f1823 a dream has power to poison
Witness: fThomas a dream has power to poison
Witness: f1831 a dream has power to poison
Witness: fMS A dream has power to poison


Reading Group: C16f_app149_rg1

Witness: fMS <metamark>L</metamark> sleep We rise

Reading Group: C16f_app149_rg2

Witness: f1818 sleep.<l/><l/>We rise;
Witness: f1823 sleep.<l/><l/>We rise;
Witness: fThomas sleep.<l/><l/>We rise;
Witness: f1831 sleep.<l/><l/>We rise;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 one
Witness: f1823 one
Witness: fThomas one
Witness: f1831 one
Witness: fMS one


Reading Group: C16f_app151_rg1

Witness: fMS wandering

Reading Group: C16f_app151_rg2

Witness: f1818 wand’ring
Witness: f1823 wand’ring
Witness: fThomas wand’ring
Witness: f1831 wand’ring


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 thought pollutes
Witness: f1823 thought pollutes
Witness: fThomas thought pollutes
Witness: f1831 thought pollutes
Witness: fMS thought pollutes


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fMS the


Reading Group: C16f_app154_rg1

Witness: fMS day We feel

Reading Group: C16f_app154_rg2

Witness: f1818 day.<l/><l/>We feel,
Witness: f1823 day.<l/><l/>We feel,
Witness: fThomas day.<l/><l/>We feel,
Witness: f1831 day.<l/><l/>We feel,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 conceive, or
Witness: f1823 conceive, or
Witness: fThomas conceive, or
Witness: f1831 conceive, or
Witness: fMS conceive, or


Reading Group: C16f_app156_rg1

Witness: fMS reason –

Reading Group: C16f_app156_rg2

Witness: f1818 reason;
Witness: f1823 reason;
Witness: fThomas reason;
Witness: f1831 reason;


Reading Group: C16f_app157_rg1

Witness: f1823 laugh
Witness: f1831 laugh
Witness: fMS laugh

Reading Group: C16f_app157_rg2

Witness: f1818 laugh,
Witness: fThomas laugh,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 or
Witness: f1823 or
Witness: fThomas or
Witness: f1831 or
Witness: fMS or


Reading Group: C16f_app159_rg1

Witness: fMS weep Embrace

Reading Group: C16f_app159_rg2

Witness: f1818 weep,<l/><l/>Embrace
Witness: f1823 weep,<l/><l/>Embrace
Witness: fThomas weep,<l/><l/>Embrace
Witness: f1831 weep,<l/><l/>Embrace


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 fond
Witness: f1823 fond
Witness: fThomas fond
Witness: f1831 fond
Witness: fMS fond


Reading Group: C16f_app161_rg1

Witness: fMS woe

Reading Group: C16f_app161_rg2

Witness: f1818 woe,
Witness: f1823 woe,
Witness: fThomas woe,
Witness: f1831 woe,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 or cast our cares
Witness: f1823 or cast our cares
Witness: fThomas or cast our cares
Witness: f1831 or cast our cares
Witness: fMS or cast our cares


Reading Group: C16f_app163_rg1

Witness: fMS away It

Reading Group: C16f_app163_rg2

Witness: f1818 away;<l/><l/>It
Witness: f1823 away;<l/><l/>It
Witness: fThomas away;<l/><l/>It
Witness: f1831 away;<l/><l/>It


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 is the
Witness: f1823 is the
Witness: fThomas is the
Witness: f1831 is the
Witness: fMS is the


Reading Group: C16f_app165_rg1

Witness: fMS same –for

Reading Group: C16f_app165_rg2

Witness: f1818 same: for,
Witness: f1823 same: for,
Witness: fThomas same: for,
Witness: f1831 same: for,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 be it joy or
Witness: f1823 be it joy or
Witness: fThomas be it joy or
Witness: f1831 be it joy or
Witness: fMS be it joy or


Reading Group: C16f_app167_rg1

Witness: fMS sorrow The

Reading Group: C16f_app167_rg2

Witness: f1818 sorrow,<l/><l/>The
Witness: f1823 sorrow,<l/><l/>The
Witness: fThomas sorrow,<l/><l/>The
Witness: f1831 sorrow,<l/><l/>The


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 path of its departure still is
Witness: f1823 path of its departure still is
Witness: fThomas path of its departure still is
Witness: f1831 path of its departure still is
Witness: fMS path of its departure still is


Reading Group: C16f_app169_rg1

Witness: fMS free Mans

Reading Group: C16f_app169_rg2

Witness: f1818 free.<l/><l/>Man’s
Witness: f1823 free.<l/><l/>Man’s
Witness: fThomas free.<l/><l/>Man’s
Witness: f1831 free.<l/><l/>Man’s


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 yesterday may
Witness: f1823 yesterday may
Witness: fThomas yesterday may
Witness: f1831 yesterday may
Witness: fMS yesterday may


Reading Group: C16f_app171_rg1

Witness: fMS ne'er

Reading Group: C16f_app171_rg2

Witness: f1818 ne’er
Witness: f1823 ne’er
Witness: fThomas ne’er
Witness: f1831 ne’er


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 be like his
Witness: f1823 be like his
Witness: fThomas be like his
Witness: f1831 be like his
Witness: fMS be like his


Reading Group: C16f_app173_rg1

Witness: fMS morrow Nought

Reading Group: C16f_app173_rg2

Witness: f1818 morrow;<l/><l/>Nought
Witness: f1823 morrow;<l/><l/>Nought
Witness: fThomas morrow;<l/><l/>Nought
Witness: f1831 morrow;<l/><l/>Nought


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 may endure but
Witness: f1823 may endure but
Witness: fThomas may endure but
Witness: f1831 may endure but
Witness: fMS may endure but


Reading Group: C16f_app175_rg1

Witness: fThomas mutability!<l/><lg/><note/>Shelley’s Poems.—“On Mutability.”<note/><p/>It

Reading Group: C16f_app175_rg2

Witness: f1818 mutability!<l/><lg/><p/>It
Witness: f1823 mutability!<l/><lg/><p/>It
Witness: f1831 mutability!<l/><lg/><p/>It

Reading Group: C16f_app175_rg3

Witness: fMS mutability. It


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was
Witness: f1823 was
Witness: fThomas was
Witness: f1831 was
Witness: fMS was


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 nearly
Witness: f1823 nearly
Witness: fThomas nearly
Witness: f1831 nearly


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 noon when I arrived at the
Witness: f1823 noon when I arrived at the
Witness: fThomas noon when I arrived at the
Witness: f1831 noon when I arrived at the
Witness: fMS noon when I arrived at the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 top of the
Witness: f1823 top of the
Witness: fThomas top of the
Witness: f1831 top of the
Witness: fMS top of the


Reading Group: C16f_app180_rg1

Witness: fMS mountainascent.

Reading Group: C16f_app180_rg2

Witness: f1818 ascent.
Witness: f1823 ascent.
Witness: fThomas ascent.
Witness: f1831 ascent.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 For some time I
Witness: f1823 For some time I
Witness: fThomas For some time I
Witness: f1831 For some time I
Witness: fMS For some time I


Reading Group: C16f_app182_rg1

Witness: f1818 sat upon the
Witness: f1823 sat upon the
Witness: fThomas sat upon the
Witness: f1831 sat upon the

Reading Group: C16f_app182_rg2

Witness: fMS sat upon the the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 rock that overlooks
Witness: f1823 rock that overlooks
Witness: fThomas rock that overlooks
Witness: f1831 rock that overlooks
Witness: fMS rock that overlooks


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the sea of ice. A mist covered both
Witness: f1823 the sea of ice. A mist covered both
Witness: fThomas the sea of ice. A mist covered both
Witness: f1831 the sea of ice. A mist covered both
Witness: fMS the sea of ice. A mist covered both


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that and the surrounding
Witness: f1823 that and the surrounding
Witness: fThomas that and the surrounding
Witness: f1831 that and the surrounding
Witness: fMS that and the surrounding


Reading Group: C16f_app186_rg1

Witness: f1818 mountains.
Witness: f1823 mountains.
Witness: fThomas mountains.
Witness: f1831 mountains.

Reading Group: C16f_app186_rg2

Witness: fMS untains


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Presently a breeze dissipated the
Witness: f1823 Presently a breeze dissipated the
Witness: fThomas Presently a breeze dissipated the
Witness: f1831 Presently a breeze dissipated the
Witness: fMS Presently a breeze dissipated the


Reading Group: C16f_app188_rg1

Witness: f1818 cloud,
Witness: f1823 cloud,
Witness: fThomas cloud,
Witness: f1831 cloud,

Reading Group: C16f_app188_rg2

Witness: fMS mist


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and I descended
Witness: f1823 and I descended
Witness: fThomas and I descended
Witness: f1831 and I descended
Witness: fMS and I descended


Reading Group: C16f_app190_rg1

Witness: fMS on

Reading Group: C16f_app190_rg2

Witness: f1818 upon
Witness: f1823 upon
Witness: fThomas upon
Witness: f1831 upon


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fMS the


Reading Group: C16f_app192_rg1

Witness: fMS iceglacier. It is insterspersed with rifts –

Reading Group: C16f_app192_rg2

Witness: f1818 glacier.
Witness: f1823 glacier.
Witness: fThomas glacier.
Witness: f1831 glacier.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 The surface is very
Witness: f1823 The surface is very
Witness: fThomas The surface is very
Witness: f1831 The surface is very
Witness: fMS The surface is very


Reading Group: C16f_app194_rg1

Witness: fMS uneven

Reading Group: C16f_app194_rg2

Witness: f1818 uneven,
Witness: f1823 uneven,
Witness: fThomas uneven,
Witness: f1831 uneven,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 rising like the waves of a troubled sea,
Witness: f1823 rising like the waves of a troubled sea,
Witness: fThomas rising like the waves of a troubled sea,
Witness: f1831 rising like the waves of a troubled sea,
Witness: fMS rising like the waves of a troubled sea,


Reading Group: C16f_app196_rg1

Witness: fMS decending tow

Reading Group: C16f_app196_rg2

Witness: f1818 descending
Witness: f1823 descending
Witness: fThomas descending
Witness: f1831 descending


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 low, and
Witness: f1823 low, and
Witness: fThomas low, and
Witness: f1831 low, and
Witness: fMS low, &


Reading Group: C16f_app198_rg1

Witness: fMS insterspered

Reading Group: C16f_app198_rg2

Witness: f1818 interspersed
Witness: f1823 interspersed
Witness: fThomas interspersed
Witness: f1831 interspersed


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 by rifts
Witness: f1823 by rifts
Witness: fThomas by rifts
Witness: f1831 by rifts
Witness: fMS by rifts


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that sink
Witness: f1823 that sink
Witness: fThomas that sink
Witness: f1831 that sink
Witness: fMS that sink


Reading Group: C16f_app201_rg1

Witness: f1818 deep.
Witness: f1823 deep.
Witness: fThomas deep.
Witness: f1831 deep.

Reading Group: C16f_app201_rg2

Witness: fMS deep—


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 The
Witness: f1823 The
Witness: fThomas The
Witness: f1831 The
Witness: fMS The


Reading Group: C16f_app203_rg1

Witness: fMS width of thefield

Reading Group: C16f_app203_rg2

Witness: f1818 field
Witness: f1823 field
Witness: fThomas field
Witness: f1831 field


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of ice is
Witness: f1823 of ice is
Witness: fThomas of ice is
Witness: f1831 of ice is
Witness: fMS of ice is


Reading Group: C16f_app205_rg1

Witness: fMS nearly

Reading Group: C16f_app205_rg2

Witness: f1818 almost
Witness: f1823 almost
Witness: fThomas almost
Witness: f1831 almost


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a
Witness: f1823 a
Witness: fThomas a
Witness: f1831 a
Witness: fMS a


Reading Group: C16f_app207_rg1

Witness: fMS lege league,<metamark>^</metamark>in

Reading Group: C16f_app207_rg2

Witness: f1818 league in
Witness: f1823 league in
Witness: fThomas league in
Witness: f1831 league in


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 width, but I
Witness: f1823 width, but I
Witness: fThomas width, but I
Witness: f1831 width, but I
Witness: fMS width, but I


Reading Group: C16f_app209_rg1

Witness: f1818 spent
Witness: f1823 spent
Witness: fThomas spent
Witness: f1831 spent

Reading Group: C16f_app209_rg2

Witness: fMS was


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 nearly two hours in crossing
Witness: f1823 nearly two hours in crossing
Witness: fThomas nearly two hours in crossing
Witness: f1831 nearly two hours in crossing
Witness: fMS nearly two hours in crossing


Reading Group: C16f_app211_rg1

Witness: fMS it – Theoppositet

Reading Group: C16f_app211_rg2

Witness: f1818 it. The opposite
Witness: f1823 it. The opposite
Witness: fThomas it. The opposite
Witness: f1831 it. The opposite


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 mountain is a bare perpendicular
Witness: f1823 mountain is a bare perpendicular
Witness: fThomas mountain is a bare perpendicular
Witness: f1831 mountain is a bare perpendicular
Witness: fMS mountain is a bare perpendicular


Reading Group: C16f_app213_rg1

Witness: f1818 rock. From the
Witness: f1823 rock. From the
Witness: fThomas rock. From the
Witness: f1831 rock. From the

Reading Group: C16f_app213_rg2

Witness: fMS rock.–From that


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 side where I now
Witness: f1823 side where I now
Witness: fThomas side where I now
Witness: f1831 side where I now
Witness: fMS side where I now


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 stood Montanvert was exactly
Witness: f1823 stood Montanvert was exactly
Witness: fThomas stood Montanvert was exactly
Witness: f1831 stood Montanvert was exactly
Witness: fMS stood Montanvert was exactly


Reading Group: C16f_app216_rg1

Witness: fMS opposite

Reading Group: C16f_app216_rg2

Witness: f1818 opposite,
Witness: f1823 opposite,
Witness: fThomas opposite,
Witness: f1831 opposite,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 at the distance of a
Witness: f1823 at the distance of a
Witness: fThomas at the distance of a
Witness: f1831 at the distance of a
Witness: fMS at the distance of a


Reading Group: C16f_app218_rg1

Witness: fMS league

Reading Group: C16f_app218_rg2

Witness: f1818 league;
Witness: f1823 league;
Witness: fThomas league;
Witness: f1831 league;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and above
Witness: f1823 and above
Witness: fThomas and above
Witness: f1831 and above
Witness: fMS and above


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS I should listen to the dæmon – my feelings were ag<shi rend="underline">ainst</shi> it but the misery he expressed had allready moved my compassion and I thought the least justice I could shew would be to listen to to his tale. We entered the hut – the monster lighted a fire and sitting by it he began thus.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 it rose Mont
Witness: f1823 it rose Mont
Witness: fThomas it rose Mont
Witness: f1831 it rose Mont
Witness: fMS it rose Mont


Reading Group: C16f_app222_rg1

Witness: fMS Blanc

Reading Group: C16f_app222_rg2

Witness: f1818 Blanc,
Witness: f1823 Blanc,
Witness: fThomas Blanc,
Witness: f1831 Blanc,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in awful majesty. I remained in a recess of the
Witness: f1823 in awful majesty. I remained in a recess of the
Witness: fThomas in awful majesty. I remained in a recess of the
Witness: f1831 in awful majesty. I remained in a recess of the
Witness: fMS in awful majesty. I remained in a recess of the


Reading Group: C16f_app224_rg1

Witness: fMS rock

Reading Group: C16f_app224_rg2

Witness: f1818 rock,
Witness: f1823 rock,
Witness: fThomas rock,
Witness: f1831 rock,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 gazing on
Witness: f1823 gazing on
Witness: fThomas gazing on
Witness: f1831 gazing on
Witness: fMS gazing on


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 this wonderful and
Witness: f1823 this wonderful and
Witness: fThomas this wonderful and
Witness: f1831 this wonderful and
Witness: fMS this wonderful &


Reading Group: C16f_app227_rg1

Witness: fMS stupedous scene –

Reading Group: C16f_app227_rg2

Witness: f1818 stupendous scene.
Witness: f1823 stupendous scene.
Witness: fThomas stupendous scene.
Witness: f1831 stupendous scene.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 The
Witness: f1823 The
Witness: fThomas The
Witness: f1831 The
Witness: fMS the


Reading Group: C16f_app229_rg1

Witness: fMS sea

Reading Group: C16f_app229_rg2

Witness: f1818 sea,
Witness: f1823 sea,
Witness: fThomas sea,
Witness: f1831 sea,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 or
Witness: f1823 or
Witness: fThomas or
Witness: f1831 or
Witness: fMS or


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 rather the vast river of
Witness: f1823 rather the vast river of
Witness: fThomas rather the vast river of
Witness: f1831 rather the vast river of
Witness: fMS rather the vast river of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 ice, wound among
Witness: f1823 ice, wound among
Witness: fThomas ice, wound among
Witness: f1831 ice, wound among
Witness: fMS ice, wound among


Reading Group: C16f_app233_rg1

Witness: fMS the its

Reading Group: C16f_app233_rg2

Witness: f1818 its
Witness: f1823 its
Witness: fThomas its
Witness: f1831 its


Reading Group: C16f_app234_rg1

Witness: fMS dependant mountains

Reading Group: C16f_app234_rg2

Witness: f1818 dependent
Witness: f1823 dependent
Witness: fThomas dependent
Witness: f1831 dependent


Reading Group: C16f_app235_rg1

Witness: f1818 mountains,
Witness: fThomas mountains,
Witness: f1831 mountains,

Reading Group: C16f_app235_rg2

Witness: f1823 mountains,whose


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 whose
Witness: fThomas whose
Witness: f1831 whose
Witness: fMS whose


Reading Group: C16f_app237_rg1

Witness: fMS

Reading Group: C16f_app237_rg2

Witness: f1818 aërial
Witness: f1823 aërial
Witness: fThomas aërial


Unified Readings

Witness: f1831 aerial
Witness: fMS aerial


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 summits
Witness: f1823 summits
Witness: fThomas summits
Witness: f1831 summits
Witness: fMS summits


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 hung over its
Witness: f1823 hung over its
Witness: fThomas hung over its
Witness: f1831 hung over its
Witness: fMS hung over its


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 recesses.
Witness: f1823 recesses.
Witness: fThomas recesses.
Witness: f1831 recesses.
Witness: fMS recesses.


Reading Group: C16f_app242_rg1

Witness: f1818 Their
Witness: f1823 Their
Witness: fThomas Their
Witness: f1831 Their

Reading Group: C16f_app242_rg2

Witness: fMS Thier


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 icy and glittering
Witness: f1823 icy and glittering
Witness: fThomas icy and glittering
Witness: f1831 icy and glittering
Witness: fMS icy & glittering


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 peaks shone
Witness: f1823 peaks shone
Witness: fThomas peaks shone
Witness: f1831 peaks shone
Witness: fMS peaks shone


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in
Witness: f1823 in
Witness: fThomas in
Witness: f1831 in
Witness: fMS in


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: f1831 the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 sunlight
Witness: f1823 sunlight
Witness: fThomas sunlight
Witness: f1831 sunlight
Witness: fMS sunlight


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 over the clouds. My
Witness: f1823 over the clouds. My
Witness: fThomas over the clouds. My
Witness: f1831 over the clouds. My
Witness: fMS over the clouds. My


Reading Group: C16f_app249_rg1

Witness: fMS heart beforesadwhich

Reading Group: C16f_app249_rg2

Witness: f1818 heart, which
Witness: f1823 heart, which
Witness: fThomas heart, which
Witness: f1831 heart, which


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was
Witness: f1823 was
Witness: fThomas was
Witness: f1831 was
Witness: fMS was


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 before
Witness: f1823 before
Witness: fThomas before
Witness: f1831 before


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 sorrowful, now swelled with
Witness: f1823 sorrowful, now swelled with
Witness: fThomas sorrowful, now swelled with
Witness: f1831 sorrowful, now swelled with
Witness: fMS sorrowfully, now swelled with


Reading Group: C16f_app253_rg1

Witness: f1818 something
Witness: f1823 something
Witness: fThomas something
Witness: f1831 something

Reading Group: C16f_app253_rg2

Witness: fMS somthing


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 like
Witness: f1823 like
Witness: fThomas like
Witness: f1831 like
Witness: fMS like


Reading Group: C16f_app255_rg1

Witness: fMS joy I clas

Reading Group: C16f_app255_rg2

Witness: f1818 joy;
Witness: f1823 joy;
Witness: fThomas joy;
Witness: f1831 joy;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fMS I


Reading Group: C16f_app257_rg1

Witness: fMS exclaimed – Wandering

Reading Group: C16f_app257_rg2

Witness: f1818 exclaimed—“Wandering
Witness: f1823 exclaimed—“Wandering
Witness: fThomas exclaimed—“Wandering
Witness: f1831 exclaimed—“Wandering


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 spirits,
Witness: f1823 spirits,
Witness: fThomas spirits,
Witness: f1831 spirits,
Witness: fMS spirits,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 if indeed ye
Witness: f1823 if indeed ye
Witness: fThomas if indeed ye
Witness: f1831 if indeed ye
Witness: fMS if indeed ye


Reading Group: C16f_app260_rg1

Witness: fMS wander

Reading Group: C16f_app260_rg2

Witness: f1818 wander,
Witness: f1823 wander,
Witness: fThomas wander,
Witness: f1831 wander,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and do not rest in
Witness: f1823 and do not rest in
Witness: fThomas and do not rest in
Witness: f1831 and do not rest in
Witness: fMS and do not rest in


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 your narrow beds, allow me this faint
Witness: f1823 your narrow beds, allow me this faint
Witness: fThomas your narrow beds, allow me this faint
Witness: f1831 your narrow beds, allow me this faint
Witness: fMS your narrow beds, allow me this faint


Reading Group: C16f_app263_rg1

Witness: fMS happiness

Reading Group: C16f_app263_rg2

Witness: f1818 happiness,
Witness: f1823 happiness,
Witness: fThomas happiness,
Witness: f1831 happiness,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 or take
Witness: f1823 or take
Witness: fThomas or take
Witness: f1831 or take
Witness: fMS or take


Reading Group: C16f_app265_rg1

Witness: fMS me

Reading Group: C16f_app265_rg2

Witness: f1818 me,
Witness: f1823 me,
Witness: fThomas me,
Witness: f1831 me,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 as your
Witness: f1823 as your
Witness: fThomas as your
Witness: f1831 as your
Witness: fMS as your


Reading Group: C16f_app267_rg1

Witness: fMS companion

Reading Group: C16f_app267_rg2

Witness: f1818 companion,
Witness: f1823 companion,
Witness: fThomas companion,
Witness: f1831 companion,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 away from the joys of
Witness: f1823 away from the joys of
Witness: fThomas away from the joys of
Witness: f1831 away from the joys of
Witness: fMS away from the joys of


Reading Group: C16f_app269_rg1

Witness: fMS life." As

Reading Group: C16f_app269_rg2

Witness: f1818 life.”<p/><p/>As
Witness: f1823 life.”<p/><p/>As
Witness: fThomas life.”<p/><p/>As
Witness: f1831 life.”<p/><p/>As


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fMS I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 said
Witness: f1823 said
Witness: fThomas said
Witness: f1831 said
Witness: fMS said


Reading Group: C16f_app272_rg1

Witness: fMS this

Reading Group: C16f_app272_rg2

Witness: f1818 this,
Witness: f1823 this,
Witness: fThomas this,
Witness: f1831 this,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I suddenly beheld
Witness: f1823 I suddenly beheld
Witness: fThomas I suddenly beheld
Witness: f1831 I suddenly beheld
Witness: fMS I suddenly beheld


Reading Group: C16f_app274_rg1

Witness: fMS ahumanthe

Reading Group: C16f_app274_rg2

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: f1831 the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 figure of a
Witness: f1823 figure of a
Witness: fThomas figure of a
Witness: f1831 figure of a
Witness: fMS figure of a


Reading Group: C16f_app276_rg1

Witness: fMS man

Reading Group: C16f_app276_rg2

Witness: f1818 man,
Witness: f1823 man,
Witness: fThomas man,
Witness: f1831 man,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 at some
Witness: f1823 at some
Witness: fThomas at some
Witness: f1831 at some
Witness: fMS at some


Reading Group: C16f_app278_rg1

Witness: fMS distance

Reading Group: C16f_app278_rg2

Witness: f1818 distance,
Witness: f1823 distance,
Witness: fThomas distance,
Witness: f1831 distance,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 advancing
Witness: f1823 advancing
Witness: fThomas advancing
Witness: f1831 advancing
Witness: fMS advancing


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 towards me with superhuman
Witness: f1823 towards me with superhuman
Witness: fThomas towards me with superhuman
Witness: f1831 towards me with superhuman
Witness: fMS towards me with superhuman


Reading Group: C16f_app281_rg1

Witness: f1818 speed.
Witness: f1823 speed.
Witness: fThomas speed.
Witness: f1831 speed.

Reading Group: C16f_app281_rg2

Witness: fMS speed—


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 He bounded over the crevices in the
Witness: f1823 He bounded over the crevices in the
Witness: fThomas He bounded over the crevices in the
Witness: f1831 He bounded over the crevices in the
Witness: fMS He bounded over the crevices in the


Reading Group: C16f_app283_rg1

Witness: fMS ice

Reading Group: C16f_app283_rg2

Witness: f1818 ice,
Witness: f1823 ice,
Witness: fThomas ice,
Witness: f1831 ice,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 among which I had walked with
Witness: f1823 among which I had walked with
Witness: fThomas among which I had walked with
Witness: f1831 among which I had walked with
Witness: fMS byamong which I had walked with


Reading Group: C16f_app285_rg1

Witness: fMS caution,

Reading Group: C16f_app285_rg2

Witness: f1818 caution;
Witness: f1823 caution;
Witness: fThomas caution;
Witness: f1831 caution;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 his
Witness: f1823 his
Witness: fThomas his
Witness: f1831 his
Witness: fMS his


Reading Group: C16f_app287_rg1

Witness: f1818 stature
Witness: f1823 stature
Witness: fThomas stature
Witness: fMS stature

Reading Group: C16f_app287_rg2

Witness: f1831 stature,


Reading Group: C16f_app288_rg1

Witness: fMS also

Reading Group: C16f_app288_rg2

Witness: f1818 also,
Witness: f1823 also,
Witness: fThomas also,
Witness: f1831 also,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 as he
Witness: f1823 as he
Witness: fThomas as he
Witness: f1831 as he
Witness: fMS as he


Reading Group: C16f_app290_rg1

Witness: fMS approached seem ed

Reading Group: C16f_app290_rg2

Witness: f1818 approached, seemed
Witness: f1823 approached, seemed
Witness: fThomas approached, seemed
Witness: f1831 approached, seemed


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to exceed that of
Witness: f1823 to exceed that of
Witness: fThomas to exceed that of
Witness: f1831 to exceed that of
Witness: fMS to exceed that of


Reading Group: C16f_app292_rg1

Witness: fMS man –I

Reading Group: C16f_app292_rg2

Witness: f1818 man. I
Witness: f1823 man. I
Witness: fThomas man. I
Witness: f1831 man. I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was
Witness: f1823 was
Witness: fThomas was
Witness: f1831 was
Witness: fMS was


Reading Group: C16f_app294_rg1

Witness: fMS troubled —

Reading Group: C16f_app294_rg2

Witness: f1818 troubled:
Witness: f1823 troubled:
Witness: fThomas troubled:
Witness: f1831 troubled:


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a mist
Witness: f1823 a mist
Witness: fThomas a mist
Witness: f1831 a mist
Witness: fMS a mist


Reading Group: C16f_app296_rg1

Witness: f1818 came over
Witness: f1823 came over
Witness: fThomas came over
Witness: f1831 came over

Reading Group: C16f_app296_rg2

Witness: fMS covered


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my
Witness: f1823 my
Witness: fThomas my
Witness: f1831 my
Witness: fMS my


Reading Group: C16f_app298_rg1

Witness: fMS eyes

Reading Group: C16f_app298_rg2

Witness: f1818 eyes,
Witness: f1823 eyes,
Witness: fThomas eyes,
Witness: f1831 eyes,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fMS and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I felt
Witness: f1823 I felt
Witness: fThomas I felt
Witness: f1831 I felt
Witness: fMS I felt


Reading Group: C16f_app301_rg1

Witness: fMS ready to pa faintfaintness seize me. –

Reading Group: C16f_app301_rg2

Witness: f1818 a faintness seize me; but I was quickly restored by
Witness: f1823 a faintness seize me; but I was quickly restored by
Witness: fThomas a faintness seize me; but I was quickly restored by
Witness: f1831 a faintness seize me; but I was quickly restored by


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the cold
Witness: f1823 the cold
Witness: fThomas the cold
Witness: f1831 the cold
Witness: fMS The cold


Reading Group: C16f_app303_rg1

Witness: fMS breeze

Reading Group: C16f_app303_rg2

Witness: f1818 gale
Witness: f1823 gale
Witness: fThomas gale
Witness: f1831 gale


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of the
Witness: f1823 of the
Witness: fThomas of the
Witness: f1831 of the
Witness: fMS of the


Reading Group: C16f_app305_rg1

Witness: fMS mountains quickly restored me. But

Reading Group: C16f_app305_rg2

Witness: f1818 mountains.
Witness: f1823 mountains.
Witness: fThomas mountains.
Witness: f1831 mountains.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fMS I


Reading Group: C16f_app307_rg1

Witness: fMS perceived

Reading Group: C16f_app307_rg2

Witness: f1818 perceived,
Witness: f1823 perceived,
Witness: fThomas perceived,
Witness: f1831 perceived,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 as the shape came
Witness: f1823 as the shape came
Witness: fThomas as the shape came
Witness: f1831 as the shape came
Witness: fMS as hethe shape came


Reading Group: C16f_app309_rg1

Witness: f1831 nearer
Witness: fMS nearer

Reading Group: C16f_app309_rg2

Witness: f1818 nearer,
Witness: f1823 nearer,
Witness: fThomas nearer,


Reading Group: C16f_app310_rg1

Witness: fMS (oh sight

Reading Group: C16f_app310_rg2

Witness: f1818 (sight
Witness: f1823 (sight
Witness: fThomas (sight
Witness: f1831 (sight


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 tremendous and
Witness: f1823 tremendous and
Witness: fThomas tremendous and
Witness: f1831 tremendous and
Witness: fMS tremendous and


Reading Group: C16f_app312_rg1

Witness: f1818 abhorred!)
Witness: f1823 abhorred!)
Witness: fThomas abhorred!)
Witness: f1831 abhorred!)

Reading Group: C16f_app312_rg2

Witness: fMS abhorred)


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that it
Witness: f1823 that it
Witness: fThomas that it
Witness: f1831 that it
Witness: fMS that it


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was the wretch whom I
Witness: f1823 was the wretch whom I
Witness: fThomas was the wretch whom I
Witness: f1831 was the wretch whom I
Witness: fMS was the wretch whom I


Reading Group: C16f_app315_rg1

Witness: fMS had cr created and who had

Reading Group: C16f_app315_rg2

Witness: f1818 had
Witness: f1823 had
Witness: fThomas had
Witness: f1831 had


Reading Group: C16f_app316_rg1

Witness: fMS caused me such deep misery.

Reading Group: C16f_app316_rg2

Witness: f1818 created.
Witness: f1823 created.
Witness: fThomas created.
Witness: f1831 created.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fMS I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 trembled with rage
Witness: f1823 trembled with rage
Witness: fThomas trembled with rage
Witness: f1831 trembled with rage
Witness: fMS trembled with rage


Reading Group: C16f_app319_rg1

Witness: fMS an and

Reading Group: C16f_app319_rg2

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: f1831 and


Reading Group: C16f_app320_rg1

Witness: fMS horror determinIingresolvinedg

Reading Group: C16f_app320_rg2

Witness: f1818 horror, resolving
Witness: f1823 horror, resolving
Witness: fThomas horror, resolving
Witness: f1831 horror, resolving


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to wait his
Witness: f1823 to wait his
Witness: fThomas to wait his
Witness: f1831 to wait his
Witness: fMS to wait his


Reading Group: C16f_app322_rg1

Witness: f1818 approach, and
Witness: f1823 approach, and
Witness: fThomas approach, and
Witness: f1831 approach, and

Reading Group: C16f_app322_rg2

Witness: fMS approach&


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 then close
Witness: f1823 then close
Witness: fThomas then close
Witness: f1831 then close
Witness: fMS then close


Reading Group: C16f_app324_rg1

Witness: f1818 with him in mortal combat. He approached;
Witness: f1823 with him in mortal combat. He approached;
Witness: fThomas with him in mortal combat. He approached;
Witness: f1831 with him in mortal combat. He approached;

Reading Group: C16f_app324_rg2

Witness: fMS with him in mortal combat. He approached; I saw again that form from whichI


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 his countenance bespoke bitter
Witness: f1823 his countenance bespoke bitter
Witness: fThomas his countenance bespoke bitter
Witness: f1831 his countenance bespoke bitter
Witness: fMS His countenance bespoke bitter


Reading Group: C16f_app326_rg1

Witness: fMS anguish

Reading Group: C16f_app326_rg2

Witness: f1818 anguish,
Witness: f1823 anguish,
Witness: fThomas anguish,
Witness: f1831 anguish,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 combined with disdain and
Witness: f1823 combined with disdain and
Witness: fThomas combined with disdain and
Witness: f1831 combined with disdain and
Witness: fMS combined with deisdain and


Reading Group: C16f_app328_rg1

Witness: fMS malignancy.

Reading Group: C16f_app328_rg2

Witness: f1818 malignity, while its unearthly ugliness rendered it almost too horrible for human eyes.
Witness: f1823 malignity, while its unearthly ugliness rendered it almost too horrible for human eyes.
Witness: fThomas malignity, while its unearthly ugliness rendered it almost too horrible for human eyes.
Witness: f1831 malignity, while its unearthly ugliness rendered it almost too horrible for human eyes.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 But I
Witness: f1823 But I
Witness: fThomas But I
Witness: f1831 But I
Witness: fMS But I


Reading Group: C16f_app330_rg1

Witness: fMS hardly<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>scarcely

Reading Group: C16f_app330_rg2

Witness: f1818 scarcely
Witness: f1823 scarcely
Witness: fThomas scarcely
Witness: f1831 scarcely


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 observed
Witness: f1823 observed
Witness: fThomas observed
Witness: f1831 observed
Witness: fMS observed


Reading Group: C16f_app332_rg1

Witness: f1818 this;
Witness: f1823 this;
Witness: fThomas this;
Witness: f1831 this;

Reading Group: C16f_app332_rg2

Witness: fMS this–anger


Reading Group: C16f_app333_rg1

Witness: f1818 anger
Witness: f1823 anger
Witness: fThomas anger

Reading Group: C16f_app333_rg2

Witness: f1831 rage


Reading Group: C16f_app334_rg1

Witness: f1818 and hatred
Witness: f1823 and hatred
Witness: fThomas and hatred
Witness: f1831 and hatred

Reading Group: C16f_app334_rg2

Witness: fMS and hatred at f


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 had at first deprived me of
Witness: f1823 had at first deprived me of
Witness: fThomas had at first deprived me of
Witness: f1831 had at first deprived me of
Witness: fMS had at first deprived me of


Reading Group: C16f_app336_rg1

Witness: fMS utterance

Reading Group: C16f_app336_rg2

Witness: f1818 utterance,
Witness: f1823 utterance,
Witness: fThomas utterance,
Witness: f1831 utterance,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and I recovered only to overwhelm him
Witness: f1823 and I recovered only to overwhelm him
Witness: fThomas and I recovered only to overwhelm him
Witness: f1831 and I recovered only to overwhelm him
Witness: fMS and I recovered only to overwhelm him


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 with
Witness: f1823 with
Witness: fThomas with
Witness: f1831 with
Witness: fMS with


Reading Group: C16f_app339_rg1

Witness: fMS express words expressive of

Reading Group: C16f_app339_rg2

Witness: f1818 words expressive of
Witness: f1823 words expressive of
Witness: fThomas words expressive of
Witness: f1831 words expressive of


Reading Group: C16f_app340_rg1

Witness: f1818 furious
Witness: f1823 furious
Witness: fThomas furious
Witness: f1831 furious

Reading Group: C16f_app340_rg2

Witness: fMS utter


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 detestation
Witness: f1823 detestation
Witness: fThomas detestation
Witness: f1831 detestation
Witness: fMS detestation


Reading Group: C16f_app342_rg1

Witness: fMS andre and contempt – "Devil"

Reading Group: C16f_app342_rg2

Witness: f1818 and contempt.<p/><p/>“Devil!”
Witness: f1823 and contempt.<p/><p/>“Devil!”
Witness: fThomas and contempt.<p/><p/>“Devil!”

Reading Group: C16f_app342_rg3

Witness: f1831 and contempt.<p/><p/>“Devil,”


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fMS I


Reading Group: C16f_app344_rg1

Witness: fMS exclaimed –

Reading Group: C16f_app344_rg2

Witness: f1818 exclaimed,
Witness: f1823 exclaimed,
Witness: fThomas exclaimed,
Witness: f1831 exclaimed,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 “do you dare approach
Witness: f1823 “do you dare approach
Witness: fThomas “do you dare approach
Witness: f1831 “do you dare approach
Witness: fMS "do you dare approach


Reading Group: C16f_app346_rg1

Witness: fMS me

Reading Group: C16f_app346_rg2

Witness: f1818 me?
Witness: f1823 me?
Witness: fThomas me?
Witness: f1831 me?


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and do not you
Witness: f1823 and do not you
Witness: fThomas and do not you
Witness: f1831 and do not you
Witness: fMS and do not <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>you


Reading Group: C16f_app348_rg1

Witness: fMS dread

Reading Group: C16f_app348_rg2

Witness: f1818 fear
Witness: f1823 fear
Witness: fThomas fear
Witness: f1831 fear


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the fierce vengeance
Witness: f1823 the fierce vengeance
Witness: fThomas the fierce vengeance
Witness: f1831 the fierce vengeance
Witness: fMS the fierce vengeance


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of my arm wreaked on your miserable
Witness: f1823 of my arm wreaked on your miserable
Witness: fThomas of my arm wreaked on your miserable
Witness: f1831 of my arm wreaked on your miserable
Witness: fMS of my arm wreaked on your miserable


Reading Group: C16f_app351_rg1

Witness: fMS head – Begone

Reading Group: C16f_app351_rg2

Witness: f1818 head? Begone,
Witness: f1823 head? Begone,
Witness: fThomas head? Begone,
Witness: f1831 head? Begone,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 vile
Witness: f1823 vile
Witness: fThomas vile
Witness: f1831 vile
Witness: fMS vile


Reading Group: C16f_app353_rg1

Witness: f1818 insect!
Witness: f1823 insect!
Witness: fThomas insect!
Witness: f1831 insect!

Reading Group: C16f_app353_rg2

Witness: fMS insect


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 or
Witness: f1823 or
Witness: fThomas or
Witness: f1831 or
Witness: fMS or


Reading Group: C16f_app355_rg1

Witness: f1818 rather
Witness: f1823 rather
Witness: fThomas rather
Witness: fMS <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>rather

Reading Group: C16f_app355_rg2

Witness: f1831 rather,


Reading Group: C16f_app356_rg1

Witness: fMS Stay

Reading Group: C16f_app356_rg2

Witness: f1818 stay,
Witness: f1823 stay,
Witness: fThomas stay,
Witness: f1831 stay,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that
Witness: f1823 that
Witness: fThomas that
Witness: f1831 that
Witness: fMS that


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I may trample you to
Witness: f1823 I may trample you to
Witness: fThomas I may trample you to
Witness: f1831 I may trample you to
Witness: fMS I may trample you to


Reading Group: C16f_app359_rg1

Witness: f1818 dust! and,
Witness: f1823 dust! and,
Witness: fThomas dust! and,
Witness: f1831 dust! and,

Reading Group: C16f_app359_rg2

Witness: fMS dust and oh


Reading Group: C16f_app360_rg1

Witness: f1831 oh!

Reading Group: C16f_app360_rg2

Witness: f1818 oh,
Witness: f1823 oh,
Witness: fThomas oh,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that
Witness: f1823 that
Witness: fThomas that
Witness: f1831 that
Witness: fMS that


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fMS I


Reading Group: C16f_app363_rg1

Witness: fMS could

Reading Group: C16f_app363_rg2

Witness: f1818 could,
Witness: f1823 could,
Witness: fThomas could,
Witness: f1831 could,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 with the
Witness: f1823 with the
Witness: fThomas with the
Witness: f1831 with the
Witness: fMS with <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>the


Reading Group: C16f_app365_rg1

Witness: fMS endextinction

Reading Group: C16f_app365_rg2

Witness: f1818 extinction
Witness: f1823 extinction
Witness: fThomas extinction
Witness: f1831 extinction


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of your miserable
Witness: f1823 of your miserable
Witness: fThomas of your miserable
Witness: f1831 of your miserable
Witness: fMS of your miserable


Reading Group: C16f_app367_rg1

Witness: fMS existence

Reading Group: C16f_app367_rg2

Witness: f1818 existence,
Witness: f1823 existence,
Witness: fThomas existence,
Witness: f1831 existence,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 restore those
Witness: f1823 restore those
Witness: fThomas restore those
Witness: f1831 restore those
Witness: fMS restore those


Reading Group: C16f_app369_rg1

Witness: fMS creatures

Reading Group: C16f_app369_rg2

Witness: f1818 victims
Witness: f1823 victims
Witness: fThomas victims
Witness: f1831 victims


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 whom you
Witness: f1823 whom you
Witness: fThomas whom you
Witness: f1831 whom you
Witness: fMS whom you


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 have
Witness: f1823 have
Witness: fThomas have
Witness: f1831 have
Witness: fMS have


Reading Group: C16f_app372_rg1

Witness: fMS diabollicaly murdered" "I

Reading Group: C16f_app372_rg2

Witness: f1818 so diabolically murdered!”<p/><p/>“I
Witness: f1823 so diabolically murdered!”<p/><p/>“I
Witness: fThomas so diabolically murdered!”<p/><p/>“I
Witness: f1831 so diabolically murdered!”<p/><p/>“I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 expected this
Witness: f1823 expected this
Witness: fThomas expected this
Witness: f1831 expected this
Witness: fMS expected this


Reading Group: C16f_app374_rg1

Witness: fMS reception"

Reading Group: C16f_app374_rg2

Witness: f1818 reception,”
Witness: f1823 reception,”
Witness: fThomas reception,”
Witness: f1831 reception,”


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 said the
Witness: f1823 said the
Witness: fThomas said the
Witness: f1831 said the
Witness: fMS said the


Reading Group: C16f_app376_rg1

Witness: fMS dæmon all

Reading Group: C16f_app376_rg2

Witness: f1818 dæmon. “All
Witness: f1823 dæmon. “All
Witness: fThomas dæmon. “All
Witness: f1831 dæmon. “All


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 men hate the
Witness: f1823 men hate the
Witness: fThomas men hate the
Witness: f1831 men hate the
Witness: fMS men hate <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>the


Reading Group: C16f_app378_rg1

Witness: fMS wretched –

Reading Group: C16f_app378_rg2

Witness: f1818 wretched;
Witness: f1823 wretched;
Witness: fThomas wretched;
Witness: f1831 wretched;


Reading Group: C16f_app379_rg1

Witness: f1818 how then
Witness: f1823 how then
Witness: fThomas how then
Witness: fMS how then

Reading Group: C16f_app379_rg2

Witness: f1831 how, then,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 must I be
Witness: f1823 must I be
Witness: fThomas must I be
Witness: f1831 must I be
Witness: fMS must OI be


Reading Group: C16f_app381_rg1

Witness: fMS hated

Reading Group: C16f_app381_rg2

Witness: f1818 hated,
Witness: f1823 hated,
Witness: fThomas hated,
Witness: f1831 hated,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 who am miserable
Witness: f1823 who am miserable
Witness: fThomas who am miserable
Witness: f1831 who am miserable
Witness: fMS who am miserable


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 beyond
Witness: f1823 beyond
Witness: fThomas beyond
Witness: f1831 beyond
Witness: fMS beyond


Reading Group: C16f_app384_rg1

Witness: fMS conception orideaall

Reading Group: C16f_app384_rg2

Witness: f1818 all
Witness: f1823 all
Witness: fThomas all
Witness: f1831 all


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 living
Witness: f1823 living
Witness: fThomas living
Witness: f1831 living
Witness: fMS living


Reading Group: C16f_app386_rg1

Witness: f1818 things!
Witness: f1823 things!
Witness: fThomas things!
Witness: f1831 things!

Reading Group: C16f_app386_rg2

Witness: fMS things. –


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Yet
Witness: f1823 Yet
Witness: fThomas Yet
Witness: f1831 Yet
Witness: fMS Yet


Reading Group: C16f_app388_rg1

Witness: fMS you my

Reading Group: C16f_app388_rg2

Witness: f1818 you,
Witness: f1823 you,
Witness: fThomas you,
Witness: f1831 you,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my
Witness: f1823 my
Witness: fThomas my
Witness: f1831 my
Witness: fMS my


Reading Group: C16f_app390_rg1

Witness: fMS creator hate me

Reading Group: C16f_app390_rg2

Witness: f1818 creator, detest
Witness: f1823 creator, detest
Witness: fThomas creator, detest
Witness: f1831 creator, detest


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and spurn
Witness: f1823 and spurn
Witness: fThomas and spurn
Witness: f1831 and spurn
Witness: fMS and spurn


Reading Group: C16f_app392_rg1

Witness: f1818 me,
Witness: f1823 me,
Witness: fThomas me,
Witness: f1831 me,

Reading Group: C16f_app392_rg2

Witness: fMS meme


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 thy
Witness: f1823 thy
Witness: fThomas thy
Witness: f1831 thy
Witness: fMS thy


Reading Group: C16f_app394_rg1

Witness: fMS creature

Reading Group: C16f_app394_rg2

Witness: f1818 creature,
Witness: f1823 creature,
Witness: fThomas creature,
Witness: f1831 creature,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to whom thou art
Witness: f1823 to whom thou art
Witness: fThomas to whom thou art
Witness: f1831 to whom thou art
Witness: fMS to whom thou art


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 bound
Witness: f1823 bound
Witness: fThomas bound
Witness: f1831 bound
Witness: fMS bound


Reading Group: C16f_app397_rg1

Witness: f1818 by
Witness: f1823 by
Witness: fThomas by
Witness: f1831 by

Reading Group: C16f_app397_rg2

Witness: fMS with


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 ties only dissoluble by the
Witness: f1823 ties only dissoluble by the
Witness: fThomas ties only dissoluble by the
Witness: f1831 ties only dissoluble by the
Witness: fMS ties only dissoluble by the


Reading Group: C16f_app399_rg1

Witness: fMS death

Reading Group: C16f_app399_rg2

Witness: f1818 annihilation
Witness: f1823 annihilation
Witness: fThomas annihilation
Witness: f1831 annihilation


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of one of us.
Witness: f1823 of one of us.
Witness: fThomas of one of us.
Witness: f1831 of one of us.
Witness: fMS of one of us.


Reading Group: C16f_app401_rg1

Witness: fMS AndyYou wishpurpose

Reading Group: C16f_app401_rg2

Witness: f1818 You purpose
Witness: f1823 You purpose
Witness: fThomas You purpose
Witness: f1831 You purpose


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to kill
Witness: f1823 to kill
Witness: fThomas to kill
Witness: f1831 to kill
Witness: fMS to kill


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 me.
Witness: f1823 me.
Witness: fThomas me.
Witness: f1831 me.
Witness: fMS me.


Reading Group: C16f_app404_rg1

Witness: fMS AndhHow

Reading Group: C16f_app404_rg2

Witness: f1818 How
Witness: f1823 How
Witness: fThomas How
Witness: f1831 How


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 dare you sport thus
Witness: f1823 dare you sport thus
Witness: fThomas dare you sport thus
Witness: f1831 dare you sport thus
Witness: fMS dare you sport thus


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 with life? Do your duty towards
Witness: f1823 with life? Do your duty towards
Witness: fThomas with life? Do your duty towards
Witness: f1831 with life? Do your duty towards
Witness: fMS with life? Do your duty towards


Reading Group: C16f_app407_rg1

Witness: fMS me

Reading Group: C16f_app407_rg2

Witness: f1818 me,
Witness: f1823 me,
Witness: fThomas me,
Witness: f1831 me,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and I will do mine towards you and the rest of mankind. If you
Witness: f1823 and I will do mine towards you and the rest of mankind. If you
Witness: fThomas and I will do mine towards you and the rest of mankind. If you
Witness: f1831 and I will do mine towards you and the rest of mankind. If you
Witness: fMS and I will do mine towards you & the rest of mankind. <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>If you


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 will
Witness: f1823 will
Witness: fThomas will
Witness: f1831 will


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 comply with my
Witness: f1823 comply with my
Witness: fThomas comply with my
Witness: f1831 comply with my
Witness: fMS comply with my


Reading Group: C16f_app411_rg1

Witness: fMS conditions –I

Reading Group: C16f_app411_rg2

Witness: f1818 conditions, I
Witness: f1823 conditions, I
Witness: fThomas conditions, I
Witness: f1831 conditions, I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 will leave them
Witness: f1823 will leave them
Witness: fThomas will leave them
Witness: f1831 will leave them
Witness: fMS will leave them


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and you at
Witness: f1823 and you at
Witness: fThomas and you at
Witness: f1831 and you at
Witness: fMS and you at


Reading Group: C16f_app414_rg1

Witness: fMS peace –

Reading Group: C16f_app414_rg2

Witness: f1818 peace;
Witness: f1823 peace;
Witness: fThomas peace;
Witness: f1831 peace;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but
Witness: f1823 but
Witness: fThomas but
Witness: f1831 but
Witness: fMS but


Reading Group: C16f_app416_rg1

Witness: fMS as I am if you do not comply with my conti condi tionsbut if you

Reading Group: C16f_app416_rg2

Witness: f1818 if you
Witness: f1823 if you
Witness: fThomas if you
Witness: f1831 if you


Reading Group: C16f_app417_rg1

Witness: fMS refuse

Reading Group: C16f_app417_rg2

Witness: f1818 refuse,
Witness: f1823 refuse,
Witness: fThomas refuse,
Witness: f1831 refuse,


Reading Group: C16f_app418_rg1

Witness: f1818 I will glut the
Witness: f1823 I will glut the
Witness: fThomas I will glut the
Witness: f1831 I will glut the

Reading Group: C16f_app418_rg2

Witness: fMS I <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>will glut the t


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 maw of
Witness: f1823 maw of
Witness: fThomas maw of
Witness: f1831 maw of
Witness: fMS maw of


Reading Group: C16f_app420_rg1

Witness: fMS death untill

Reading Group: C16f_app420_rg2

Witness: f1818 death, until
Witness: f1823 death, until
Witness: fThomas death, until
Witness: f1831 death, until


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 it be
Witness: f1823 it be
Witness: fThomas it be
Witness: f1831 it be
Witness: fMS heit be


Reading Group: C16f_app422_rg1

Witness: fMS satiate satiated

Reading Group: C16f_app422_rg2

Witness: f1818 satiated
Witness: f1823 satiated
Witness: fThomas satiated
Witness: f1831 satiated


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS even


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 with
Witness: f1823 with
Witness: fThomas with
Witness: f1831 with
Witness: fMS with


Reading Group: C16f_app425_rg1

Witness: f1818 the blood of your remaining friends.”<p/><p/>“Abhorred monster!
Witness: f1823 the blood of your remaining friends.”<p/><p/>“Abhorred monster!
Witness: fThomas the blood of your remaining friends.”<p/><p/>“Abhorred monster!
Witness: f1831 the blood of your remaining friends.”<p/><p/>“Abhorred monster!

Reading Group: C16f_app425_rg2

Witness: fMS your dearest friends." "Miserablewretch Abhorred monster, cried I furiously,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 fiend that thou
Witness: f1823 fiend that thou
Witness: fThomas fiend that thou
Witness: f1831 fiend that thou
Witness: fMS fiend that thou


Reading Group: C16f_app427_rg1

Witness: f1818 art!
Witness: f1823 art!
Witness: fThomas art!
Witness: f1831 art!

Reading Group: C16f_app427_rg2

Witness: fMS art


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the tortures of hell are too
Witness: f1823 the tortures of hell are too
Witness: fThomas the tortures of hell are too
Witness: f1831 the tortures of hell are too
Witness: fMS the tortures of Hell are too


Reading Group: C16f_app429_rg1

Witness: fMS soft for thee mild a

Reading Group: C16f_app429_rg2

Witness: f1818 mild a
Witness: f1823 mild a
Witness: fThomas mild a
Witness: f1831 mild a


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 vengeance for
Witness: f1823 vengeance for
Witness: fThomas vengeance for
Witness: f1831 vengeance for
Witness: fMS vengeance for


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 thy crimes. Wretched devil! you reproach me
Witness: f1823 thy crimes. Wretched devil! you reproach me
Witness: fThomas thy crimes. Wretched devil! you reproach me
Witness: f1831 thy crimes. Wretched devil! you reproach me
Witness: fMS thy crimes. wretched devil! you reproach me


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 with your creation;
Witness: f1823 with your creation;
Witness: fThomas with your creation;
Witness: f1831 with your creation;
Witness: fMS with your creation;


Reading Group: C16f_app433_rg1

Witness: f1818 come
Witness: f1823 come
Witness: fThomas come
Witness: f1831 come

Reading Group: C16f_app433_rg2

Witness: fMS come,


Reading Group: C16f_app434_rg1

Witness: f1818 on
Witness: f1823 on
Witness: fThomas on

Reading Group: C16f_app434_rg2

Witness: f1831 on,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 then,
Witness: f1823 then,
Witness: fThomas then,
Witness: f1831 then,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that I may
Witness: f1823 that I may
Witness: fThomas that I may
Witness: f1831 that I may
Witness: fMS that I may


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 extinguish the spark
Witness: f1823 extinguish the spark
Witness: fThomas extinguish the spark
Witness: f1831 extinguish the spark
Witness: fMS extinguish the spark


Reading Group: C16f_app438_rg1

Witness: fMS that

Reading Group: C16f_app438_rg2

Witness: f1818 which
Witness: f1823 which
Witness: fThomas which
Witness: f1831 which


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I so negligently
Witness: f1823 I so negligently
Witness: fThomas I so negligently
Witness: f1831 I so negligently
Witness: fMS I so negligently


Reading Group: C16f_app440_rg1

Witness: fMS bestowed." My

Reading Group: C16f_app440_rg2

Witness: f1818 bestowed.”<p/><p/>My
Witness: f1823 bestowed.”<p/><p/>My
Witness: fThomas bestowed.”<p/><p/>My
Witness: f1831 bestowed.”<p/><p/>My


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 rage was without
Witness: f1823 rage was without
Witness: fThomas rage was without
Witness: f1831 rage was without
Witness: fMS rage was without


Reading Group: C16f_app442_rg1

Witness: fMS bounds

Reading Group: C16f_app442_rg2

Witness: f1818 bounds;
Witness: f1823 bounds;
Witness: fThomas bounds;
Witness: f1831 bounds;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fMS I


Reading Group: C16f_app444_rg1

Witness: f1818 sprang
Witness: f1823 sprang
Witness: fThomas sprang
Witness: f1831 sprang

Reading Group: C16f_app444_rg2

Witness: fMS sprung


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 on
Witness: f1823 on
Witness: fThomas on
Witness: f1831 on
Witness: fMS on


Reading Group: C16f_app446_rg1

Witness: fMS him that Iandmight destroy so hateful a monster–and

Reading Group: C16f_app446_rg2

Witness: f1818 him,
Witness: f1823 him,
Witness: fThomas him,
Witness: f1831 him,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 impelled by all the feelings which can arm one being against
Witness: f1823 impelled by all the feelings which can arm one being against
Witness: fThomas impelled by all the feelings which can arm one being against
Witness: f1831 impelled by all the feelings which can arm one being against
Witness: fMS impelled by all the feelings which can arm one being against


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the existence
Witness: f1823 the existence
Witness: fThomas the existence
Witness: f1831 the existence
Witness: fMS the existence


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of
Witness: f1823 of
Witness: fThomas of
Witness: f1831 of
Witness: fMS of


Reading Group: C16f_app450_rg1

Witness: fMS another. He

Reading Group: C16f_app450_rg2

Witness: f1818 another.<p/><p/>He easily
Witness: f1823 another.<p/><p/>He easily
Witness: fThomas another.<p/><p/>He easily
Witness: f1831 another.<p/><p/>He easily


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 eluded
Witness: f1823 eluded
Witness: fThomas eluded
Witness: f1831 eluded
Witness: fMS eluded


Reading Group: C16f_app452_rg1

Witness: fMS me easily,

Reading Group: C16f_app452_rg2

Witness: f1818 me,
Witness: f1823 me,
Witness: fThomas me,
Witness: f1831 me,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fMS and


Reading Group: C16f_app454_rg1

Witness: fMS said – Be

Reading Group: C16f_app454_rg2

Witness: f1818 said,<p/><p/>“Be
Witness: f1823 said,<p/><p/>“Be
Witness: fThomas said,<p/><p/>“Be

Reading Group: C16f_app454_rg3

Witness: f1831 said—<p/><p/>“Be


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 calm! I entreat
Witness: f1823 calm! I entreat
Witness: fThomas calm! I entreat
Witness: f1831 calm! I entreat
Witness: fMS calm! I entreat


Reading Group: C16f_app456_rg1

Witness: fMS h you to hear me, before you give vent

Reading Group: C16f_app456_rg2

Witness: f1818 you to hear me, before you give vent
Witness: f1823 you to hear me, before you give vent
Witness: fThomas you to hear me, before you give vent
Witness: f1831 you to hear me, before you give vent


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to your hatred
Witness: f1823 to your hatred
Witness: fThomas to your hatred
Witness: f1831 to your hatred
Witness: fMS to your hatred


Reading Group: C16f_app458_rg1

Witness: f1818 on
Witness: f1823 on
Witness: fThomas on
Witness: f1831 on

Reading Group: C16f_app458_rg2

Witness: fMS upon


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my devoted
Witness: f1823 my devoted
Witness: fThomas my devoted
Witness: f1831 my devoted
Witness: fMS my devoted


Reading Group: C16f_app460_rg1

Witness: f1818 head.
Witness: f1823 head.
Witness: fThomas head.
Witness: f1831 head.

Reading Group: C16f_app460_rg2

Witness: fMS head–.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Have
Witness: f1823 Have
Witness: fThomas Have
Witness: f1831 Have
Witness: fMS Have


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I not
Witness: f1823 I not
Witness: fThomas I not
Witness: f1831 I not
Witness: fMS I not


Reading Group: C16f_app463_rg1

Witness: fMS sufferred enough

Reading Group: C16f_app463_rg2

Witness: f1818 suffered enough,
Witness: f1823 suffered enough,
Witness: fThomas suffered enough,
Witness: f1831 suffered enough,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that you
Witness: f1823 that you
Witness: fThomas that you
Witness: f1831 that you
Witness: fMS that you


Reading Group: C16f_app465_rg1

Witness: fMS should wish

Reading Group: C16f_app465_rg2

Witness: f1818 seek
Witness: f1823 seek
Witness: fThomas seek
Witness: f1831 seek


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to
Witness: f1823 to
Witness: fThomas to
Witness: f1831 to
Witness: fMS to


Reading Group: C16f_app467_rg1

Witness: fMS encrease

Reading Group: C16f_app467_rg2

Witness: f1818 increase
Witness: f1823 increase
Witness: fThomas increase
Witness: f1831 increase


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my
Witness: f1823 my
Witness: fThomas my
Witness: f1831 my
Witness: fMS my


Reading Group: C16f_app469_rg1

Witness: f1818 misery? Life,
Witness: f1823 misery? Life,
Witness: fThomas misery? Life,
Witness: f1831 misery? Life,

Reading Group: C16f_app469_rg2

Witness: fMS misery–Life


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 although it
Witness: f1823 although it
Witness: fThomas although it
Witness: f1831 although it
Witness: fMS although it


Reading Group: C16f_app471_rg1

Witness: fMS be

Reading Group: C16f_app471_rg2

Witness: f1818 may
Witness: f1823 may
Witness: fThomas may
Witness: f1831 may


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 only
Witness: f1823 only
Witness: fThomas only
Witness: f1831 only
Witness: fMS only


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 be
Witness: f1823 be
Witness: fThomas be
Witness: f1831 be


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 an accumulation
Witness: f1823 an accumulation
Witness: fThomas an accumulation
Witness: f1831 an accumulation
Witness: fMS an accumulation


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of
Witness: f1823 of
Witness: fThomas of
Witness: f1831 of
Witness: fMS of


Reading Group: C16f_app476_rg1

Witness: fMS anguish

Reading Group: C16f_app476_rg2

Witness: f1818 anguish,
Witness: f1823 anguish,
Witness: fThomas anguish,
Witness: f1831 anguish,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 is dear to
Witness: f1823 is dear to
Witness: fThomas is dear to
Witness: f1831 is dear to
Witness: fMS is dear to


Reading Group: C16f_app478_rg1

Witness: fMS me

Reading Group: C16f_app478_rg2

Witness: f1818 me,
Witness: f1823 me,
Witness: fThomas me,
Witness: f1831 me,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and I will defend
Witness: f1823 and I will defend
Witness: fThomas and I will defend
Witness: f1831 and I will defend
Witness: fMS and I will defend


Reading Group: C16f_app480_rg1

Witness: fMS it remember

Reading Group: C16f_app480_rg2

Witness: f1818 it. Remember,
Witness: f1823 it. Remember,
Witness: fThomas it. Remember,
Witness: f1831 it. Remember,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 thou hast made me more powerful than
Witness: f1823 thou hast made me more powerful than
Witness: fThomas thou hast made me more powerful than
Witness: f1831 thou hast made me more powerful than
Witness: fMS thou hast made me more powe<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>rful than


Reading Group: C16f_app482_rg1

Witness: fMS thyself

Reading Group: C16f_app482_rg2

Witness: f1818 thyself;
Witness: f1823 thyself;
Witness: fThomas thyself;
Witness: f1831 thyself;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my height is superior
Witness: f1823 my height is superior
Witness: fThomas my height is superior
Witness: f1831 my height is superior
Witness: fMS my height is superior


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to
Witness: f1823 to
Witness: fThomas to
Witness: f1831 to
Witness: fMS to


Reading Group: C16f_app485_rg1

Witness: f1818 thine;
Witness: f1823 thine;
Witness: fThomas thine;
Witness: f1831 thine;

Reading Group: C16f_app485_rg2

Witness: fMS yours


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my joints more supple. But I
Witness: f1823 my joints more supple. But I
Witness: fThomas my joints more supple. But I
Witness: f1831 my joints more supple. But I
Witness: fMS my joints more supple. But I


Reading Group: C16f_app487_rg1

Witness: fMS do not wish to traveyouwill

Reading Group: C16f_app487_rg2

Witness: f1818 will
Witness: f1823 will
Witness: fThomas will
Witness: f1831 will


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 not be tempted to set myself in opposition to
Witness: f1823 not be tempted to set myself in opposition to
Witness: fThomas not be tempted to set myself in opposition to
Witness: f1831 not be tempted to set myself in opposition to
Witness: fMS not be tempted to set myself in opposition to


Reading Group: C16f_app489_rg1

Witness: fMS thee,

Reading Group: C16f_app489_rg2

Witness: f1818 thee.
Witness: f1823 thee.
Witness: fThomas thee.
Witness: f1831 thee.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I am thy
Witness: f1823 I am thy
Witness: fThomas I am thy
Witness: f1831 I am thy
Witness: fMS I am thy


Reading Group: C16f_app491_rg1

Witness: fMS creature

Reading Group: C16f_app491_rg2

Witness: f1818 creature,
Witness: f1823 creature,
Witness: fThomas creature,
Witness: f1831 creature,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fMS and


Reading Group: C16f_app493_rg1

Witness: fMS I

Reading Group: C16f_app493_rg2

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: f1831 I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 will be even mild and docile
Witness: f1823 will be even mild and docile
Witness: fThomas will be even mild and docile
Witness: f1831 will be even mild and docile
Witness: fMS withll be even mild and docile


Reading Group: C16f_app495_rg1

Witness: fMS to youto thee, my gentle mastermy

Reading Group: C16f_app495_rg2

Witness: f1818 to my
Witness: f1823 to my
Witness: fThomas to my
Witness: f1831 to my


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 natural
Witness: f1823 natural
Witness: fThomas natural
Witness: f1831 natural
Witness: fMS natural


Reading Group: C16f_app497_rg1

Witness: f1818 lord
Witness: f1823 lord
Witness: fThomas lord
Witness: f1831 lord

Reading Group: C16f_app497_rg2

Witness: fMS master


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and king,
Witness: f1823 and king,
Witness: fThomas and king,
Witness: f1831 and king,
Witness: fMS & king,


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 if
Witness: f1823 if
Witness: fThomas if
Witness: f1831 if
Witness: fMS if


Reading Group: C16f_app501_rg1

Witness: fMS youthou will

Reading Group: C16f_app501_rg2

Witness: f1818 thou wilt also
Witness: f1823 thou wilt also
Witness: fThomas thou wilt also
Witness: f1831 thou wilt also


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 perform
Witness: f1823 perform
Witness: fThomas perform
Witness: f1831 perform
Witness: fMS perform


Reading Group: C16f_app503_rg1

Witness: fMS yourthy part also,

Reading Group: C16f_app503_rg2

Witness: f1818 thy part,
Witness: f1823 thy part,
Witness: fThomas thy part,
Witness: f1831 thy part,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the which thou owest
Witness: f1823 the which thou owest
Witness: fThomas the which thou owest
Witness: f1831 the which thou owest
Witness: fMS the which thou owest


Reading Group: C16f_app505_rg1

Witness: fMS me dutyiestowards<metamark function="insert">^</metamark> me.

Reading Group: C16f_app505_rg2

Witness: f1818 me.
Witness: f1823 me.
Witness: fThomas me.
Witness: f1831 me.


Reading Group: C16f_app506_rg1

Witness: fMS Oh

Reading Group: C16f_app506_rg2

Witness: f1818 Oh,
Witness: f1823 Oh,
Witness: fThomas Oh,
Witness: f1831 Oh,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Frankenstein,
Witness: f1823 Frankenstein,
Witness: fThomas Frankenstein,
Witness: f1831 Frankenstein,
Witness: fMS Frankenstein,


Reading Group: C16f_app508_rg1

Witness: f1818 be not
Witness: f1823 be not
Witness: fThomas be not
Witness: f1831 be not

Reading Group: C16f_app508_rg2

Witness: fMS do not be


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 equitable to every
Witness: f1823 equitable to every
Witness: fThomas equitable to every
Witness: f1831 equitable to every
Witness: fMS equitable to every


Reading Group: C16f_app510_rg1

Witness: fMS other

Reading Group: C16f_app510_rg2

Witness: f1818 other,
Witness: f1823 other,
Witness: fThomas other,
Witness: f1831 other,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and trample upon me
Witness: f1823 and trample upon me
Witness: fThomas and trample upon me
Witness: f1831 and trample upon me
Witness: fMS and trample upon me


Reading Group: C16f_app512_rg1

Witness: fMS alone

Reading Group: C16f_app512_rg2

Witness: f1818 alone,
Witness: f1823 alone,
Witness: fThomas alone,
Witness: f1831 alone,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to whom thy
Witness: f1823 to whom thy
Witness: fThomas to whom thy
Witness: f1831 to whom thy
Witness: fMS to whom thy


Reading Group: C16f_app514_rg1

Witness: fMS justice

Reading Group: C16f_app514_rg2

Witness: f1818 justice,
Witness: f1823 justice,
Witness: fThomas justice,
Witness: f1831 justice,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and even
Witness: f1823 and even
Witness: fThomas and even
Witness: f1831 and even
Witness: fMS & even


Reading Group: C16f_app516_rg1

Witness: fMS merecharitythey clemency, thy affection

Reading Group: C16f_app516_rg2

Witness: f1818 thy clemency and affection,
Witness: f1823 thy clemency and affection,
Witness: fThomas thy clemency and affection,
Witness: f1831 thy clemency and affection,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 is most
Witness: f1823 is most
Witness: fThomas is most
Witness: f1831 is most
Witness: fMS is most


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 due.
Witness: f1823 due.
Witness: fThomas due.
Witness: f1831 due.
Witness: fMS due.


Reading Group: C16f_app519_rg1

Witness: fMS Remb Remember

Reading Group: C16f_app519_rg2

Witness: f1818 Remember,
Witness: f1823 Remember,
Witness: fThomas Remember,
Witness: f1831 Remember,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that I am
Witness: f1823 that I am
Witness: fThomas that I am
Witness: f1831 that I am
Witness: fMS that I am


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 thy
Witness: f1823 thy
Witness: fThomas thy
Witness: f1831 thy
Witness: fMS thy


Reading Group: C16f_app522_rg1

Witness: fMS creature –

Reading Group: C16f_app522_rg2

Witness: f1818 creature:
Witness: f1823 creature:
Witness: fThomas creature:

Reading Group: C16f_app522_rg3

Witness: f1831 creature;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I ought to be thy
Witness: f1823 I ought to be thy
Witness: fThomas I ought to be thy
Witness: f1831 I ought to be thy
Witness: fMS I ought to be Thy


Reading Group: C16f_app524_rg1

Witness: fMS Adam –

Reading Group: C16f_app524_rg2

Witness: f1818 Adam;
Witness: f1823 Adam;
Witness: fThomas Adam;
Witness: f1831 Adam;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but I am rather the
Witness: f1823 but I am rather the
Witness: fThomas but I am rather the
Witness: f1831 but I am rather the
Witness: fMS or<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>but I am rather the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 fallen
Witness: f1823 fallen
Witness: fThomas fallen
Witness: f1831 fallen
Witness: fMS fallen


Reading Group: C16f_app527_rg1

Witness: fMS angel forwhom

Reading Group: C16f_app527_rg2

Witness: f1818 angel, whom
Witness: f1823 angel, whom
Witness: fThomas angel, whom
Witness: f1831 angel, whom


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 thou
Witness: f1823 thou
Witness: fThomas thou
Witness: f1831 thou
Witness: fMS thou


Reading Group: C16f_app529_rg1

Witness: fMS driven

Reading Group: C16f_app529_rg2

Witness: f1818 drivest
Witness: f1823 drivest
Witness: fThomas drivest
Witness: f1831 drivest


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 from joy for no
Witness: f1823 from joy for no
Witness: fThomas from joy for no
Witness: f1831 from joy for no
Witness: fMS from joy for no


Reading Group: C16f_app531_rg1

Witness: f1818 misdeed.
Witness: f1823 misdeed.
Witness: fThomas misdeed.
Witness: f1831 misdeed.

Reading Group: C16f_app531_rg2

Witness: fMS misdeed;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Every where I see
Witness: f1823 Every where I see
Witness: fThomas Every where I see
Witness: f1831 Every where I see
Witness: fMS every where I see


Reading Group: C16f_app533_rg1

Witness: fMS bliss

Reading Group: C16f_app533_rg2

Witness: f1818 bliss,
Witness: f1823 bliss,
Witness: fThomas bliss,
Witness: f1831 bliss,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 from
Witness: f1823 from
Witness: fThomas from
Witness: f1831 from
Witness: fMS from


Reading Group: C16f_app535_rg1

Witness: fMS whiilech

Reading Group: C16f_app535_rg2

Witness: f1818 which
Witness: f1823 which
Witness: fThomas which
Witness: f1831 which


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fMS I


Reading Group: C16f_app537_rg1

Witness: fMS alome

Reading Group: C16f_app537_rg2

Witness: f1818 alone
Witness: f1823 alone
Witness: fThomas alone
Witness: f1831 alone


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 am
Witness: f1823 am
Witness: fThomas am
Witness: f1831 am
Witness: fMS am


Reading Group: C16f_app539_rg1

Witness: fMS irrecoverably wretchedexcluded.

Reading Group: C16f_app539_rg2

Witness: f1818 irrevocably excluded.
Witness: f1823 irrevocably excluded.
Witness: fThomas irrevocably excluded.
Witness: f1831 irrevocably excluded.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I was benevolent and
Witness: f1823 I was benevolent and
Witness: fThomas I was benevolent and
Witness: f1831 I was benevolent and
Witness: fMS I was benevolent and


Reading Group: C16f_app541_rg1

Witness: fMS good:

Reading Group: C16f_app541_rg2

Witness: f1818 good;
Witness: f1823 good;
Witness: fThomas good;
Witness: f1831 good;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 misery made me a fiend. Make me
Witness: f1823 misery made me a fiend. Make me
Witness: fThomas misery made me a fiend. Make me
Witness: f1831 misery made me a fiend. Make me
Witness: fMS misery made me a fiend. Make me


Reading Group: C16f_app543_rg1

Witness: fMS happy

Reading Group: C16f_app543_rg2

Witness: f1818 happy,
Witness: f1823 happy,
Witness: fThomas happy,
Witness: f1831 happy,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and I shall again be
Witness: f1823 and I shall again be
Witness: fThomas and I shall again be
Witness: f1831 and I shall again be
Witness: fMS and I shall again be


Reading Group: C16f_app545_rg1

Witness: f1818 virtuous.”<p/><p/>“Begone!
Witness: f1823 virtuous.”<p/><p/>“Begone!
Witness: fThomas virtuous.”<p/><p/>“Begone!
Witness: f1831 virtuous.”<p/><p/>“Begone!

Reading Group: C16f_app545_rg2

Witness: fMS virtuous Begone replied I –


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fMS I


Reading Group: C16f_app547_rg1

Witness: fMS cannot and will not hear you. there can be no

Reading Group: C16f_app547_rg2

Witness: f1818 will not hear you. There can be no
Witness: f1823 will not hear you. There can be no
Witness: fThomas will not hear you. There can be no
Witness: f1831 will not hear you. There can be no


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 community between you and
Witness: f1823 community between you and
Witness: fThomas community between you and
Witness: f1831 community between you and
Witness: fMS community between you and


Reading Group: C16f_app549_rg1

Witness: fMS I–

Reading Group: C16f_app549_rg2

Witness: f1818 me;
Witness: f1823 me;
Witness: fThomas me;
Witness: f1831 me;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 we are
Witness: f1823 we are
Witness: fThomas we are
Witness: f1831 we are
Witness: fMS We are


Reading Group: C16f_app551_rg1

Witness: fMS enemies — Begone

Reading Group: C16f_app551_rg2

Witness: f1818 enemies. Begone,
Witness: f1823 enemies. Begone,
Witness: fThomas enemies. Begone,
Witness: f1831 enemies. Begone,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 or
Witness: f1823 or
Witness: fThomas or
Witness: f1831 or
Witness: fMS or


Reading Group: C16f_app553_rg1

Witness: fMS allhow let us try

Reading Group: C16f_app553_rg2

Witness: f1818 let us try
Witness: f1823 let us try
Witness: fThomas let us try
Witness: f1831 let us try


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 our
Witness: f1823 our
Witness: fThomas our
Witness: f1831 our
Witness: fMS our


Reading Group: C16f_app555_rg1

Witness: fMS strenghth

Reading Group: C16f_app555_rg2

Witness: f1818 strength
Witness: f1823 strength
Witness: fThomas strength
Witness: f1831 strength


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in a
Witness: f1823 in a
Witness: fThomas in a
Witness: f1831 in a
Witness: fMS in a


Reading Group: C16f_app557_rg1

Witness: fMS fight

Reading Group: C16f_app557_rg2

Witness: f1818 fight,
Witness: f1823 fight,
Witness: fThomas fight,
Witness: f1831 fight,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in which
Witness: f1823 in which
Witness: fThomas in which
Witness: f1831 in which
Witness: fMS in which


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 one must
Witness: f1823 one must
Witness: fThomas one must
Witness: f1831 one must
Witness: fMS one must


Reading Group: C16f_app560_rg1

Witness: f1823 fall”<p/><p/>“How

Reading Group: C16f_app560_rg2

Witness: f1818 fall.”<p/><p/>“How
Witness: fThomas fall.”<p/><p/>“How
Witness: f1831 fall.”<p/><p/>“How

Reading Group: C16f_app560_rg3

Witness: fMS fall.">How How


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 can I move
Witness: f1823 can I move
Witness: fThomas can I move
Witness: f1831 can I move
Witness: fMS can I move


Reading Group: C16f_app562_rg1

Witness: f1818 thee?
Witness: f1823 thee?
Witness: fThomas thee?
Witness: f1831 thee?

Reading Group: C16f_app562_rg2

Witness: fMS you? said the fiend—


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Will no entreaties cause
Witness: f1823 Will no entreaties cause
Witness: fThomas Will no entreaties cause
Witness: f1831 Will no entreaties cause
Witness: fMS Will no entreaties cause


Reading Group: C16f_app564_rg1

Witness: f1818 thee
Witness: f1823 thee
Witness: fThomas thee
Witness: f1831 thee

Reading Group: C16f_app564_rg2

Witness: fMS you


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to turn a favourable eye upon thy
Witness: f1823 to turn a favourable eye upon thy
Witness: fThomas to turn a favourable eye upon thy
Witness: f1831 to turn a favourable eye upon thy
Witness: fMS to turn a favourable eye upon thy


Reading Group: C16f_app566_rg1

Witness: fMS creature

Reading Group: C16f_app566_rg2

Witness: f1818 creature,
Witness: f1823 creature,
Witness: fThomas creature,
Witness: f1831 creature,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 who implores thy goodness and
Witness: f1823 who implores thy goodness and
Witness: fThomas who implores thy goodness and
Witness: f1831 who implores thy goodness and
Witness: fMS who implores thy goodness and


Reading Group: C16f_app568_rg1

Witness: fMS compassion –

Reading Group: C16f_app568_rg2

Witness: f1818 compassion.
Witness: f1823 compassion.
Witness: fThomas compassion.

Reading Group: C16f_app568_rg3

Witness: f1831 compassion?


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Believe me,
Witness: f1823 Believe me,
Witness: fThomas Believe me,
Witness: f1831 Believe me,
Witness: fMS Believe me,


Reading Group: C16f_app570_rg1

Witness: f1818 Frankenstein:
Witness: f1823 Frankenstein:
Witness: fThomas Frankenstein:
Witness: f1831 Frankenstein:

Reading Group: C16f_app570_rg2

Witness: fMS Frankenstien


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I was
Witness: f1823 I was
Witness: fThomas I was
Witness: f1831 I was
Witness: fMS I was


Reading Group: C16f_app572_rg1

Witness: fMS benevolent —my

Reading Group: C16f_app572_rg2

Witness: f1818 benevolent; my
Witness: f1823 benevolent; my
Witness: fThomas benevolent; my
Witness: f1831 benevolent; my


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 soul glowed with love and
Witness: f1823 soul glowed with love and
Witness: fThomas soul glowed with love and
Witness: f1831 soul glowed with love and
Witness: fMS soul glowed with love and


Reading Group: C16f_app574_rg1

Witness: fMS humanity

Reading Group: C16f_app574_rg2

Witness: f1818 humanity:
Witness: f1823 humanity:
Witness: fThomas humanity:
Witness: f1831 humanity:


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but am I not
Witness: f1823 but am I not
Witness: fThomas but am I not
Witness: f1831 but am I not
Witness: fMS but am I not


Reading Group: C16f_app576_rg1

Witness: fMS alone

Reading Group: C16f_app576_rg2

Witness: f1818 alone,
Witness: f1823 alone,
Witness: fThomas alone,
Witness: f1831 alone,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 miserably
Witness: f1823 miserably
Witness: fThomas miserably
Witness: f1831 miserably
Witness: fMS miserably


Reading Group: C16f_app578_rg1

Witness: fMS alone – None to love me but all flyand

Reading Group: C16f_app578_rg2

Witness: f1818 alone?
Witness: f1823 alone?
Witness: fThomas alone?
Witness: f1831 alone?


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 You, my
Witness: f1823 You, my
Witness: fThomas You, my
Witness: f1831 You, my
Witness: fMS You, my


Reading Group: C16f_app580_rg1

Witness: fMS creator

Reading Group: C16f_app580_rg2

Witness: f1818 creator,
Witness: f1823 creator,
Witness: fThomas creator,
Witness: f1831 creator,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 abhor
Witness: f1823 abhor
Witness: fThomas abhor
Witness: f1831 abhor
Witness: fMS abhor


Reading Group: C16f_app582_rg1

Witness: fMS me

Reading Group: C16f_app582_rg2

Witness: f1818 me;
Witness: f1823 me;
Witness: fThomas me;
Witness: f1831 me;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 what hope
Witness: f1823 what hope
Witness: fThomas what hope
Witness: f1831 what hope
Witness: fMS What hope


Reading Group: C16f_app584_rg1

Witness: fMS have I then fromcan

Reading Group: C16f_app584_rg2

Witness: f1818 can
Witness: f1823 can
Witness: fThomas can
Witness: f1831 can


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I gather from your
Witness: f1823 I gather from your
Witness: fThomas I gather from your
Witness: f1831 I gather from your
Witness: fMS I gather from your


Reading Group: C16f_app586_rg1

Witness: fMS fellow creatures

Reading Group: C16f_app586_rg2

Witness: f1818 fellow-creatures,
Witness: f1823 fellow-creatures,
Witness: fThomas fellow-creatures,
Witness: f1831 fellow-creatures,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 who owe me
Witness: f1823 who owe me
Witness: fThomas who owe me
Witness: f1831 who owe me
Witness: fMS <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>who owe me


Reading Group: C16f_app588_rg1

Witness: fMS nothing.—They

Reading Group: C16f_app588_rg2

Witness: f1818 nothing? they
Witness: f1823 nothing? they
Witness: fThomas nothing? they
Witness: f1831 nothing? they


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 spurn and
Witness: f1823 spurn and
Witness: fThomas spurn and
Witness: f1831 spurn and
Witness: fMS spurn and


Reading Group: C16f_app590_rg1

Witness: fMS abhor<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>hate

Reading Group: C16f_app590_rg2

Witness: f1818 hate
Witness: f1823 hate
Witness: fThomas hate
Witness: f1831 hate


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 me. The
Witness: f1823 me. The
Witness: fThomas me. The
Witness: f1831 me. The
Witness: fMS me. The


Reading Group: C16f_app592_rg1

Witness: fMS desart

Reading Group: C16f_app592_rg2

Witness: f1818 desert
Witness: f1823 desert
Witness: fThomas desert
Witness: f1831 desert


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 mountains and
Witness: f1823 mountains and
Witness: fThomas mountains and
Witness: f1831 mountains and
Witness: fMS mountains and


Reading Group: C16f_app594_rg1

Witness: f1818 dreary
Witness: f1823 dreary
Witness: fThomas dreary
Witness: f1831 dreary

Reading Group: C16f_app594_rg2

Witness: fMS mourful


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 glaciers are my
Witness: f1823 glaciers are my
Witness: fThomas glaciers are my
Witness: f1831 glaciers are my
Witness: fMS glaciers are my


Reading Group: C16f_app596_rg1

Witness: f1818 refuge. I
Witness: f1823 refuge. I
Witness: fThomas refuge. I
Witness: f1831 refuge. I

Reading Group: C16f_app596_rg2

Witness: fMS refuge—I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 have wandered
Witness: f1823 have wandered
Witness: fThomas have wandered
Witness: f1831 have wandered
Witness: fMS have wandered


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 here many
Witness: f1823 here many
Witness: fThomas here many
Witness: f1831 here many
Witness: fMS here many


Reading Group: C16f_app599_rg1

Witness: f1818 days;
Witness: f1823 days;
Witness: fThomas days;
Witness: f1831 days;

Reading Group: C16f_app599_rg2

Witness: fMS days–


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the caves of
Witness: f1823 the caves of
Witness: fThomas the caves of
Witness: f1831 the caves of
Witness: fMS The caves of


Reading Group: C16f_app601_rg1

Witness: fMS ice are mywhich

Reading Group: C16f_app601_rg2

Witness: f1818 ice, which
Witness: f1823 ice, which
Witness: fThomas ice, which
Witness: f1831 ice, which


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I only do not
Witness: f1823 I only do not
Witness: fThomas I only do not
Witness: f1831 I only do not
Witness: fMS I only do not


Reading Group: C16f_app603_rg1

Witness: fMS fear

Reading Group: C16f_app603_rg2

Witness: f1818 fear,
Witness: f1823 fear,
Witness: fThomas fear,
Witness: f1831 fear,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 are a dwelling to
Witness: f1823 are a dwelling to
Witness: fThomas are a dwelling to
Witness: f1831 are a dwelling to
Witness: fMS are a dwelling to


Reading Group: C16f_app605_rg1

Witness: fMS me

Reading Group: C16f_app605_rg2

Witness: f1818 me,
Witness: f1823 me,
Witness: fThomas me,
Witness: f1831 me,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fMS and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the only one which man does not
Witness: f1823 the only one which man does not
Witness: fThomas the only one which man does not
Witness: f1831 the only one which man does not
Witness: fMS the only one which man does not


Reading Group: C16f_app608_rg1

Witness: fMS grudge to meAnd food

Reading Group: C16f_app608_rg2

Witness: f1818 grudge.
Witness: f1823 grudge.
Witness: fThomas grudge.
Witness: f1831 grudge.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 These bleak skies I
Witness: f1823 These bleak skies I
Witness: fThomas These bleak skies I
Witness: f1831 These bleak skies I
Witness: fMS These bleak skies I


Reading Group: C16f_app610_rg1

Witness: fMS hail

Reading Group: C16f_app610_rg2

Witness: f1818 hail,
Witness: f1823 hail,
Witness: fThomas hail,
Witness: f1831 hail,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 for they are kinder to me than
Witness: f1823 for they are kinder to me than
Witness: fThomas for they are kinder to me than
Witness: f1831 for they are kinder to me than
Witness: fMS for they are kinder to me than


Reading Group: C16f_app612_rg1

Witness: fMS manyour fellow creatures<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>beingsandBut I no<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>TheyManhates me and ifthey<mdel/>

Reading Group: C16f_app612_rg2

Witness: f1818 your fellow-beings.
Witness: f1823 your fellow-beings.
Witness: fThomas your fellow-beings.
Witness: f1831 your fellow-beings.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 If the
Witness: f1823 If the
Witness: fThomas If the
Witness: f1831 If the
Witness: fMS If the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 multitude
Witness: f1823 multitude
Witness: fThomas multitude
Witness: f1831 multitude
Witness: fMS multitude


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of mankind knew of my
Witness: f1823 of mankind knew of my
Witness: fThomas of mankind knew of my
Witness: f1831 of mankind knew of my
Witness: fMS of mankind knew of my


Reading Group: C16f_app616_rg1

Witness: fMS existence

Reading Group: C16f_app616_rg2

Witness: f1818 existence,
Witness: f1823 existence,
Witness: fThomas existence,
Witness: f1831 existence,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 they would
Witness: f1823 they would
Witness: fThomas they would
Witness: f1831 they would
Witness: fMS <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>they would


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 do
Witness: f1823 do
Witness: fThomas do
Witness: f1831 do


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 as
Witness: f1823 as
Witness: fThomas as
Witness: f1831 as
Witness: fMS as


Reading Group: C16f_app620_rg1

Witness: f1818 you do, and
Witness: f1823 you do, and
Witness: fThomas you do, and
Witness: f1831 you do, and

Reading Group: C16f_app620_rg2

Witness: fMS you<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>do


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 arm themselves for my
Witness: f1823 arm themselves for my
Witness: fThomas arm themselves for my
Witness: f1831 arm themselves for my
Witness: fMS arm themselves for my


Reading Group: C16f_app622_rg1

Witness: fMS destruction – AndsShall

Reading Group: C16f_app622_rg2

Witness: f1818 destruction. Shall
Witness: f1823 destruction. Shall
Witness: fThomas destruction. Shall
Witness: f1831 destruction. Shall


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I not then hate them who abhor
Witness: f1823 I not then hate them who abhor
Witness: fThomas I not then hate them who abhor
Witness: f1831 I not then hate them who abhor
Witness: fMS I not then hate them who abhor


Reading Group: C16f_app624_rg1

Witness: fMS me

Reading Group: C16f_app624_rg2

Witness: f1818 me?
Witness: f1823 me?
Witness: fThomas me?
Witness: f1831 me?


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I will keep no
Witness: f1823 I will keep no
Witness: fThomas I will keep no
Witness: f1831 I will keep no
Witness: fMS I <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>will keep no


Reading Group: C16f_app626_rg1

Witness: fMS temm terms with <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>my

Reading Group: C16f_app626_rg2

Witness: f1818 terms with my
Witness: f1823 terms with my
Witness: fThomas terms with my
Witness: f1831 terms with my


Reading Group: C16f_app627_rg1

Witness: fMS enemies and

Reading Group: C16f_app627_rg2

Witness: f1818 enemies.
Witness: f1823 enemies.
Witness: fThomas enemies.
Witness: f1831 enemies.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I am
Witness: f1823 I am
Witness: fThomas I am
Witness: f1831 I am
Witness: fMS I am


Reading Group: C16f_app629_rg1

Witness: fMS miserable

Reading Group: C16f_app629_rg2

Witness: f1818 miserable,
Witness: f1823 miserable,
Witness: fThomas miserable,
Witness: f1831 miserable,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and they shall share my
Witness: f1823 and they shall share my
Witness: fThomas and they shall share my
Witness: f1831 and they shall share my
Witness: fMS & they shall share my


Reading Group: C16f_app631_rg1

Witness: fMS wretchedness–

Reading Group: C16f_app631_rg2

Witness: f1818 wretchedness.
Witness: f1823 wretchedness.
Witness: fThomas wretchedness.
Witness: f1831 wretchedness.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Yet it is in your power to recompense
Witness: f1823 Yet it is in your power to recompense
Witness: fThomas Yet it is in your power to recompense
Witness: f1831 Yet it is in your power to recompense
Witness: fMS Yet it is in your powreer to recompense


Reading Group: C16f_app633_rg1

Witness: fMS me

Reading Group: C16f_app633_rg2

Witness: f1818 me,
Witness: f1823 me,
Witness: fThomas me,
Witness: f1831 me,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and deliver them from
Witness: f1823 and deliver them from
Witness: fThomas and deliver them from
Witness: f1831 and deliver them from
Witness: fMS and deliver them from


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 an evil
Witness: f1823 an evil
Witness: fThomas an evil
Witness: f1831 an evil
Witness: fMS an evil


Reading Group: C16f_app636_rg1

Witness: f1818 which it
Witness: f1823 which it
Witness: fThomas which it
Witness: f1831 which it

Reading Group: C16f_app636_rg2

Witness: fMS which<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>it


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 only remains
Witness: f1823 only remains
Witness: fThomas only remains
Witness: f1831 only remains
Witness: fMS only remains


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 for you to
Witness: f1823 for you to
Witness: fThomas for you to
Witness: f1831 for you to
Witness: fMS for you to


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 make so
Witness: f1823 make so
Witness: fThomas make so
Witness: f1831 make so
Witness: fMS make so


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 great, that
Witness: f1823 great, that
Witness: fThomas great, that
Witness: f1831 great, that
Witness: fMS great, that


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 not only you and your
Witness: f1823 not only you and your
Witness: fThomas not only you and your
Witness: f1831 not only you and your
Witness: fMS not only you & your


Reading Group: C16f_app642_rg1

Witness: fMS family

Reading Group: C16f_app642_rg2

Witness: f1818 family,
Witness: f1823 family,
Witness: fThomas family,
Witness: f1831 family,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but thousands
Witness: f1823 but thousands
Witness: fThomas but thousands
Witness: f1831 but thousands
Witness: fMS but thousands


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of
Witness: f1823 of
Witness: fThomas of
Witness: f1831 of
Witness: fMS of


Reading Group: C16f_app645_rg1

Witness: fMS others

Reading Group: C16f_app645_rg2

Witness: f1818 others,
Witness: f1823 others,
Witness: fThomas others,
Witness: f1831 others,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 shall
Witness: f1823 shall
Witness: fThomas shall
Witness: f1831 shall
Witness: fMS shall


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 be swallowed
Witness: f1823 be swallowed
Witness: fThomas be swallowed
Witness: f1831 be swallowed
Witness: fMS be swallowed


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 up in the
Witness: f1823 up in the
Witness: fThomas up in the
Witness: f1831 up in the
Witness: fMS up in the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 whirlwinds of
Witness: f1823 whirlwinds of
Witness: fThomas whirlwinds of
Witness: f1831 whirlwinds of
Witness: fMS whirlwinds of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 its
Witness: f1823 its
Witness: fThomas its
Witness: f1831 its
Witness: fMS its


Reading Group: C16f_app651_rg1

Witness: f1818 rage.
Witness: f1823 rage.
Witness: fThomas rage.
Witness: f1831 rage.

Reading Group: C16f_app651_rg2

Witness: fMS rage.youhave bestowed on them.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Let your compassion
Witness: f1823 Let your compassion
Witness: fThomas Let your compassion
Witness: f1831 Let your compassion
Witness: fMS Let your compassion


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS and justice


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 be
Witness: f1823 be
Witness: fThomas be
Witness: f1831 be
Witness: fMS be


Reading Group: C16f_app655_rg1

Witness: fMS moved

Reading Group: C16f_app655_rg2

Witness: f1818 moved,
Witness: f1823 moved,
Witness: fThomas moved,
Witness: f1831 moved,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and do not disdain me. Listen
Witness: f1823 and do not disdain me. Listen
Witness: fThomas and do not disdain me. Listen
Witness: f1831 and do not disdain me. Listen
Witness: fMS and do not disdain me. Listen


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to my
Witness: f1823 to my
Witness: fThomas to my
Witness: f1831 to my
Witness: fMS to my


Reading Group: C16f_app658_rg1

Witness: fMS tale !

Reading Group: C16f_app658_rg2

Witness: f1818 tale:
Witness: f1823 tale:
Witness: fThomas tale:
Witness: f1831 tale:


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 when you have heard
Witness: f1823 when you have heard
Witness: fThomas when you have heard
Witness: f1831 when you have heard
Witness: fMS when you have heard


Reading Group: C16f_app660_rg1

Witness: fMS that deny

Reading Group: C16f_app660_rg2

Witness: f1818 that, abandon
Witness: f1823 that, abandon
Witness: fThomas that, abandon
Witness: f1831 that, abandon


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 or
Witness: f1823 or
Witness: fThomas or
Witness: f1831 or
Witness: fMS or


Reading Group: C16f_app662_rg1

Witness: fMS comiserated me

Reading Group: C16f_app662_rg2

Witness: f1818 commiserate me,
Witness: f1823 commiserate me,
Witness: fThomas commiserate me,
Witness: f1831 commiserate me,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 as you shall
Witness: f1823 as you shall
Witness: fThomas as you shall
Witness: f1831 as you shall
Witness: fMS as you shall


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 judge that I
Witness: f1823 judge that I
Witness: fThomas judge that I
Witness: f1831 judge that I
Witness: fMS judge that I


Reading Group: C16f_app665_rg1

Witness: f1818 deserve.
Witness: f1823 deserve.
Witness: fThomas deserve.
Witness: f1831 deserve.

Reading Group: C16f_app665_rg2

Witness: fMS deserve–.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 But
Witness: f1823 But
Witness: fThomas But
Witness: f1831 But
Witness: fMS But


Reading Group: C16f_app667_rg1

Witness: fMS here<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>hear me –The

Reading Group: C16f_app667_rg2

Witness: f1818 hear me. The
Witness: f1823 hear me. The
Witness: fThomas hear me. The
Witness: f1831 hear me. The


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 guilty
Witness: f1823 guilty
Witness: fThomas guilty
Witness: f1831 guilty
Witness: fMS guilty


Reading Group: C16f_app669_rg1

Witness: fMS may are

Reading Group: C16f_app669_rg2

Witness: f1818 are
Witness: f1823 are
Witness: fThomas are
Witness: f1831 are


Reading Group: C16f_app670_rg1

Witness: fMS allowed

Reading Group: C16f_app670_rg2

Witness: f1818 allowed,
Witness: f1823 allowed,
Witness: fThomas allowed,
Witness: f1831 allowed,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 by human laws,
Witness: f1823 by human laws,
Witness: fThomas by human laws,
Witness: f1831 by human laws,
Witness: fMS by human laws,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 bloody as they
Witness: f1823 bloody as they
Witness: fThomas bloody as they
Witness: f1831 bloody as they
Witness: fMS bloody as they


Reading Group: C16f_app673_rg1

Witness: fMS aremay

Reading Group: C16f_app673_rg2

Witness: f1823 are,
Witness: f1831 are,

Reading Group: C16f_app673_rg3

Witness: f1818 may
Witness: fThomas may


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 be,
Witness: fThomas be,
Witness: fMS be,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to speak in their own defence before they are
Witness: f1823 to speak in their own defence before they are
Witness: fThomas to speak in their own defence before they are
Witness: f1831 to speak in their own defence before they are
Witness: fMS to speak in their own defence before they are


Reading Group: C16f_app676_rg1

Witness: fMS condemned

Reading Group: C16f_app676_rg2

Witness: f1818 condemned.
Witness: f1823 condemned.
Witness: fThomas condemned.
Witness: f1831 condemned.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Listen to
Witness: f1823 Listen to
Witness: fThomas Listen to
Witness: f1831 Listen to
Witness: fMS Listen to


Reading Group: C16f_app678_rg1

Witness: fMS me Frankenstein for you are

Reading Group: C16f_app678_rg2

Witness: f1818 me, Frankenstein.
Witness: f1823 me, Frankenstein.
Witness: fThomas me, Frankenstein.
Witness: f1831 me, Frankenstein.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 You accuse me of
Witness: f1823 You accuse me of
Witness: fThomas You accuse me of
Witness: f1831 You accuse me of
Witness: fMS you accuse me of


Reading Group: C16f_app680_rg1

Witness: fMS muder

Reading Group: C16f_app680_rg2

Witness: f1818 murder;
Witness: f1823 murder;
Witness: fThomas murder;
Witness: f1831 murder;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and yet
Witness: f1823 and yet
Witness: fThomas and yet
Witness: f1831 and yet
Witness: fMS and yet


Reading Group: C16f_app682_rg1

Witness: fMS wh you would

Reading Group: C16f_app682_rg2

Witness: f1818 you would
Witness: f1823 you would
Witness: fThomas you would
Witness: f1831 you would


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 with a
Witness: f1823 with a
Witness: fThomas with a
Witness: f1831 with a
Witness: fMS with a


Reading Group: C16f_app684_rg1

Witness: fMS s satisficed conscience

Reading Group: C16f_app684_rg2

Witness: f1818 satisfied conscience,
Witness: f1823 satisfied conscience,
Witness: fThomas satisfied conscience,
Witness: f1831 satisfied conscience,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 destroy
Witness: f1823 destroy
Witness: fThomas destroy
Witness: f1831 destroy
Witness: fMS destroy


Reading Group: C16f_app686_rg1

Witness: fMS thythine

Reading Group: C16f_app686_rg2

Witness: f1818 your
Witness: f1823 your
Witness: fThomas your
Witness: f1831 your


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 own
Witness: f1823 own
Witness: fThomas own
Witness: f1831 own
Witness: fMS own


Reading Group: C16f_app688_rg1

Witness: fMS creature –Oh

Reading Group: C16f_app688_rg2

Witness: f1818 creature. Oh,
Witness: f1823 creature. Oh,
Witness: fThomas creature. Oh,
Witness: f1831 creature. Oh,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 praise the eternal justice of
Witness: f1823 praise the eternal justice of
Witness: fThomas praise the eternal justice of
Witness: f1831 praise the eternal justice of
Witness: fMS praise the eternal justice of


Reading Group: C16f_app690_rg1

Witness: f1818 man! Yet
Witness: f1823 man! Yet
Witness: fThomas man! Yet
Witness: f1831 man! Yet

Reading Group: C16f_app690_rg2

Witness: fMS man!—Yet


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I ask you
Witness: f1823 I ask you
Witness: fThomas I ask you
Witness: f1831 I ask you
Witness: fMS I ask you


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 not to spare
Witness: f1823 not to spare
Witness: fThomas not to spare
Witness: f1831 not to spare
Witness: fMS not to spare


Reading Group: C16f_app693_rg1

Witness: fMS me,

Reading Group: C16f_app693_rg2

Witness: f1818 me:
Witness: f1823 me:
Witness: fThomas me:
Witness: f1831 me:


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 listen
Witness: f1823 listen
Witness: fThomas listen
Witness: f1831 listen
Witness: fMS listen


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to me;
Witness: f1823 to me;
Witness: fThomas to me;
Witness: f1831 to me;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and then, if
Witness: f1823 and then, if
Witness: fThomas and then, if
Witness: f1831 and then, if
Witness: fMS and then, if


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 you
Witness: f1823 you
Witness: fThomas you
Witness: f1831 you
Witness: fMS you


Reading Group: C16f_app698_rg1

Witness: fMS <metamark>^</metamark>can

Reading Group: C16f_app698_rg2

Witness: f1818 can,
Witness: f1823 can,
Witness: fThomas can,
Witness: f1831 can,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and if you will, destroy the work of your
Witness: f1823 and if you will, destroy the work of your
Witness: fThomas and if you will, destroy the work of your
Witness: f1831 and if you will, destroy the work of your
Witness: fMS and if you will, destroy the work of your


Reading Group: C16f_app700_rg1

Witness: fMS hands." "Why" cried I–"do

Reading Group: C16f_app700_rg2

Witness: f1818 hands.”<p/><p/>“Why do
Witness: f1823 hands.”<p/><p/>“Why do
Witness: fThomas hands.”<p/><p/>“Why do
Witness: f1831 hands.”<p/><p/>“Why do


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 you
Witness: f1823 you
Witness: fThomas you
Witness: f1831 you
Witness: fMS you


Reading Group: C16f_app702_rg1

Witness: fMS ever call to my

Reading Group: C16f_app702_rg2

Witness: f1818 call to my
Witness: f1823 call to my
Witness: fThomas call to my
Witness: f1831 call to my


Reading Group: C16f_app703_rg1

Witness: f1823 remembrance,” I rejoined, “circumstances,
Witness: f1831 remembrance,” I rejoined, “circumstances,

Reading Group: C16f_app703_rg2

Witness: f1818 remembrance circumstances
Witness: fThomas remembrance circumstances

Reading Group: C16f_app703_rg3

Witness: fMS remembrance those circumstances


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of which
Witness: f1823 of which
Witness: fThomas of which
Witness: f1831 of which
Witness: fMS of which


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I shudder to
Witness: f1823 I shudder to
Witness: fThomas I shudder to
Witness: f1831 I shudder to
Witness: fMS I shudder to


Reading Group: C16f_app706_rg1

Witness: fMS reflect ever re occuredthat

Reading Group: C16f_app706_rg2

Witness: f1818 reflect, that
Witness: f1823 reflect, that
Witness: fThomas reflect, that
Witness: f1831 reflect, that


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I have been the miserable
Witness: f1823 I have been the miserable
Witness: fThomas I have been the miserable
Witness: f1831 I have been the miserable
Witness: fMS I have been the miserable


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 origin and
Witness: f1823 origin and
Witness: fThomas origin and
Witness: f1831 origin and
Witness: fMS origin &


Reading Group: C16f_app709_rg1

Witness: fMS author –

Reading Group: C16f_app709_rg2

Witness: f1818 author?
Witness: f1823 author?
Witness: fThomas author?
Witness: f1831 author?


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Cursed be the
Witness: f1823 Cursed be the
Witness: fThomas Cursed be the
Witness: f1831 Cursed be the
Witness: fMS Cursed be the


Reading Group: C16f_app711_rg1

Witness: fMS night o during which you day

Reading Group: C16f_app711_rg2

Witness: f1818 day, abhorred devil,
Witness: f1823 day, abhorred devil,
Witness: fThomas day, abhorred devil,
Witness: f1831 day, abhorred devil,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in which you first saw
Witness: f1823 in which you first saw
Witness: fThomas in which you first saw
Witness: f1831 in which you first saw
Witness: fMS in which you first saw


Reading Group: C16f_app713_rg1

Witness: f1818 light!
Witness: f1823 light!
Witness: fThomas light!
Witness: f1831 light!

Reading Group: C16f_app713_rg2

Witness: fMS light,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Cursed
Witness: f1823 Cursed
Witness: fThomas Cursed
Witness: f1831 Cursed
Witness: fMS cursed


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 (although I curse myself) be the hands
Witness: f1823 (although I curse myself) be the hands
Witness: fThomas (although I curse myself) be the hands
Witness: f1831 (although I curse myself) be the hands
Witness: fMS (although I curse myself) be the hands


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that formed
Witness: f1823 that formed
Witness: fThomas that formed
Witness: f1831 that formed
Witness: fMS that formed


Reading Group: C16f_app717_rg1

Witness: f1818 you!
Witness: f1823 you!
Witness: fThomas you!
Witness: f1831 you!

Reading Group: C16f_app717_rg2

Witness: fMS you!—


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 You have made
Witness: f1823 You have made
Witness: fThomas You have made
Witness: f1831 You have made
Witness: fMS You have made


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 me wretched beyond
Witness: f1823 me wretched beyond
Witness: fThomas me wretched beyond
Witness: f1831 me wretched beyond
Witness: fMS me wretched beyond


Reading Group: C16f_app720_rg1

Witness: fMS expression

Reading Group: C16f_app720_rg2

Witness: f1818 expression.
Witness: f1823 expression.
Witness: fThomas expression.
Witness: f1831 expression.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 You have left me no power to
Witness: f1823 You have left me no power to
Witness: fThomas You have left me no power to
Witness: f1831 You have left me no power to
Witness: fMS <metamark>^</metamark>You have left me no power to


Reading Group: C16f_app722_rg1

Witness: f1818 consider whether
Witness: f1823 consider whether
Witness: fThomas consider whether
Witness: f1831 consider whether

Reading Group: C16f_app722_rg2

Witness: fMS considerwhether


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I am just to
Witness: f1823 I am just to
Witness: fThomas I am just to
Witness: f1831 I am just to
Witness: fMS I am just to


Reading Group: C16f_app724_rg1

Witness: fMS you

Reading Group: C16f_app724_rg2

Witness: f1818 you,
Witness: f1823 you,
Witness: fThomas you,
Witness: f1831 you,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 or
Witness: f1823 or
Witness: fThomas or
Witness: f1831 or
Witness: fMS or


Reading Group: C16f_app726_rg1

Witness: fMS no. begone,

Reading Group: C16f_app726_rg2

Witness: f1818 not. Begone!
Witness: f1823 not. Begone!
Witness: fThomas not. Begone!
Witness: f1831 not. Begone!


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 relieve me from
Witness: f1823 relieve me from
Witness: fThomas relieve me from
Witness: f1831 relieve me from
Witness: fMS relieve me from


Reading Group: C16f_app728_rg1

Witness: fMS theyyour sightThus

Reading Group: C16f_app728_rg2

Witness: f1818 the sight of your detested form.”<p/><p/>“Thus
Witness: f1823 the sight of your detested form.”<p/><p/>“Thus
Witness: fThomas the sight of your detested form.”<p/><p/>“Thus
Witness: f1831 the sight of your detested form.”<p/><p/>“Thus


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I relieve
Witness: f1823 I relieve
Witness: fThomas I relieve
Witness: f1831 I relieve
Witness: fMS I relieve


Reading Group: C16f_app730_rg1

Witness: f1818 thee, my creator,” he said, and
Witness: f1823 thee, my creator,” he said, and
Witness: fThomas thee, my creator,” he said, and
Witness: f1831 thee, my creator,” he said, and

Reading Group: C16f_app730_rg2

Witness: fMS you, Creatorhe replied &He


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 placed his
Witness: f1823 placed his
Witness: fThomas placed his
Witness: f1831 placed his
Witness: fMS placed his


Reading Group: C16f_app732_rg1

Witness: fMS abhorred hands

Reading Group: C16f_app732_rg2

Witness: f1818 hated hands
Witness: f1823 hated hands
Witness: fThomas hated hands
Witness: f1831 hated hands


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 before
Witness: f1823 before
Witness: fThomas before
Witness: f1831 before
Witness: fMS before


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my
Witness: f1823 my
Witness: fThomas my
Witness: f1831 my
Witness: fMS my


Reading Group: C16f_app735_rg1

Witness: fMS eyes – Thus will I relieve youwhich

Reading Group: C16f_app735_rg2

Witness: f1818 eyes, which
Witness: f1823 eyes, which
Witness: fThomas eyes, which
Witness: f1831 eyes, which


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I flung from me with
Witness: f1823 I flung from me with
Witness: fThomas I flung from me with
Witness: f1831 I flung from me with
Witness: fMS I flung from me with


Reading Group: C16f_app737_rg1

Witness: fMS violence – Creator he replied –fronm the

Reading Group: C16f_app737_rg2

Witness: f1818 violence; “thus I take from thee a
Witness: f1823 violence; “thus I take from thee a
Witness: fThomas violence; “thus I take from thee a
Witness: f1831 violence; “thus I take from thee a


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 sight
Witness: f1823 sight
Witness: fThomas sight
Witness: f1831 sight
Witness: fMS sight


Reading Group: C16f_app739_rg1

Witness: fMS of one whom

Reading Group: C16f_app739_rg2

Witness: f1818 which
Witness: f1823 which
Witness: fThomas which
Witness: f1831 which


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 you
Witness: f1823 you
Witness: fThomas you
Witness: f1831 you
Witness: fMS you


Reading Group: C16f_app741_rg1

Witness: f1818 abhor. Still thou canst
Witness: f1823 abhor. Still thou canst
Witness: fThomas abhor. Still thou canst
Witness: f1831 abhor. Still thou canst

Reading Group: C16f_app741_rg2

Witness: fMS abhor.–still you can


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 listen to
Witness: f1823 listen to
Witness: fThomas listen to
Witness: f1831 listen to
Witness: fMS listen to


Reading Group: C16f_app743_rg1

Witness: fMS me

Reading Group: C16f_app743_rg2

Witness: f1818 me,
Witness: f1823 me,
Witness: fThomas me,
Witness: f1831 me,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and grant me
Witness: f1823 and grant me
Witness: fThomas and grant me
Witness: f1831 and grant me
Witness: fMS and grant me


Reading Group: C16f_app745_rg1

Witness: f1818 thy compassion. By
Witness: f1823 thy compassion. By
Witness: fThomas thy compassion. By
Witness: f1831 thy compassion. By

Reading Group: C16f_app745_rg2

Witness: fMS your compassion –By the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the virtues
Witness: f1823 the virtues
Witness: fThomas the virtues
Witness: f1831 the virtues
Witness: fMS the virtues


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that
Witness: f1823 that
Witness: fThomas that
Witness: f1831 that


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fMS I


Reading Group: C16f_app749_rg1

Witness: fMS conce possessed

Reading Group: C16f_app749_rg2

Witness: f1818 once possessed,
Witness: f1823 once possessed,
Witness: fThomas once possessed,
Witness: f1831 once possessed,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I demand this
Witness: f1823 I demand this
Witness: fThomas I demand this
Witness: f1831 I demand this
Witness: fMS I demand this


Reading Group: C16f_app751_rg1

Witness: fMS of you – Lis

Reading Group: C16f_app751_rg2

Witness: f1818 from you.
Witness: f1823 from you.
Witness: fThomas from you.
Witness: f1831 from you.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Hear my
Witness: f1823 Hear my
Witness: fThomas Hear my
Witness: f1831 Hear my
Witness: fMS Hear my


Reading Group: C16f_app753_rg1

Witness: fMS tale tale –It

Reading Group: C16f_app753_rg2

Witness: f1818 tale; it
Witness: f1823 tale; it
Witness: fThomas tale; it
Witness: f1831 tale; it


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 is
Witness: f1823 is
Witness: fThomas is
Witness: f1831 is
Witness: fMS is


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 long and
Witness: f1823 long and
Witness: fThomas long and
Witness: f1831 long and
Witness: fMS long and


Reading Group: C16f_app756_rg1

Witness: fMS strange but

Reading Group: C16f_app756_rg2

Witness: f1818 strange,
Witness: f1823 strange,
Witness: fThomas strange,
Witness: f1831 strange,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and the temperature
Witness: f1823 and the temperature
Witness: fThomas and the temperature
Witness: f1831 and the temperature
Witness: fMS and the temperature


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of this place is not fitting
Witness: f1823 of this place is not fitting
Witness: fThomas of this place is not fitting
Witness: f1831 of this place is not fitting
Witness: fMS of this place is not fitting


Reading Group: C16f_app759_rg1

Witness: fMS y to your

Reading Group: C16f_app759_rg2

Witness: f1818 to your
Witness: f1823 to your
Witness: fThomas to your
Witness: f1831 to your


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 fine sensations; come to the hut
Witness: f1823 fine sensations; come to the hut
Witness: fThomas fine sensations; come to the hut
Witness: f1831 fine sensations; come to the hut
Witness: fMS fine sensations; come to the hut


Reading Group: C16f_app761_rg1

Witness: fMS on Motanthe mountainvert

Reading Group: C16f_app761_rg2

Witness: f1818 upon the mountain.
Witness: f1823 upon the mountain.
Witness: fThomas upon the mountain.
Witness: f1831 upon the mountain.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 The sun is yet high in the
Witness: f1823 The sun is yet high in the
Witness: fThomas The sun is yet high in the
Witness: f1831 The sun is yet high in the
Witness: fMS The sun is yet high in the


Reading Group: C16f_app763_rg1

Witness: fMS heavens –

Reading Group: C16f_app763_rg2

Witness: f1818 heavens;
Witness: f1823 heavens;
Witness: fThomas heavens;
Witness: f1831 heavens;


Reading Group: C16f_app764_rg1

Witness: f1818 before it descends to hide itself behind
Witness: f1823 before it descends to hide itself behind
Witness: fThomas before it descends to hide itself behind
Witness: f1831 before it descends to hide itself behind

Reading Group: C16f_app764_rg2

Witness: fMS before it descends to its lowest hide itself behind


Reading Group: C16f_app765_rg1

Witness: fMS theseyon mountains

Reading Group: C16f_app765_rg2

Witness: f1818 yon snowy precipices,
Witness: f1823 yon snowy precipices,
Witness: fThomas yon snowy precipices,
Witness: f1831 yon snowy precipices,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fMS and


Reading Group: C16f_app767_rg1

Witness: fMS illuminates

Reading Group: C16f_app767_rg2

Witness: f1818 illuminate
Witness: f1823 illuminate
Witness: fThomas illuminate
Witness: f1831 illuminate


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 another
Witness: f1823 another
Witness: fThomas another
Witness: f1831 another
Witness: fMS another


Reading Group: C16f_app769_rg1

Witness: fMS world

Reading Group: C16f_app769_rg2

Witness: f1818 world,
Witness: f1823 world,
Witness: fThomas world,
Witness: f1831 world,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 you will have
Witness: f1823 you will have
Witness: fThomas you will have
Witness: f1831 you will have
Witness: fMS you will have


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 heard my
Witness: f1823 heard my
Witness: fThomas heard my
Witness: f1831 heard my
Witness: fMS heard my


Reading Group: C16f_app772_rg1

Witness: fMS story

Reading Group: C16f_app772_rg2

Witness: f1818 story,
Witness: f1823 story,
Witness: fThomas story,
Witness: f1831 story,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and can decide.
Witness: f1823 and can decide.
Witness: fThomas and can decide.
Witness: f1831 and can decide.
Witness: fMS and can decide.


Reading Group: C16f_app774_rg1

Witness: fMS And on you it

Reading Group: C16f_app774_rg2

Witness: f1818 On you it
Witness: f1823 On you it
Witness: fThomas On you it
Witness: f1831 On you it


Reading Group: C16f_app775_rg1

Witness: fMS rests

Reading Group: C16f_app775_rg2

Witness: f1818 rests,
Witness: f1823 rests,
Witness: fThomas rests,
Witness: f1831 rests,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 whether I quit for ever
Witness: f1823 whether I quit for ever
Witness: fThomas whether I quit for ever
Witness: f1831 whether I quit for ever
Witness: fMS whether I quit for ever


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fMS the


Reading Group: C16f_app778_rg1

Witness: fMS habitations

Reading Group: C16f_app778_rg2

Witness: f1818 neighbourhood
Witness: f1823 neighbourhood
Witness: fThomas neighbourhood
Witness: f1831 neighbourhood


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of
Witness: f1823 of
Witness: fThomas of
Witness: f1831 of
Witness: fMS of


Reading Group: C16f_app780_rg1

Witness: fMS man

Reading Group: C16f_app780_rg2

Witness: f1818 man,
Witness: f1823 man,
Witness: fThomas man,
Witness: f1831 man,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and lead a
Witness: f1823 and lead a
Witness: fThomas and lead a
Witness: f1831 and lead a
Witness: fMS & lead a


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 harmless
Witness: f1823 harmless
Witness: fThomas harmless
Witness: f1831 harmless
Witness: fMS harmless


Reading Group: C16f_app783_rg1

Witness: fMS life

Reading Group: C16f_app783_rg2

Witness: f1818 life,
Witness: f1823 life,
Witness: fThomas life,
Witness: f1831 life,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 or become the scourge
Witness: f1823 or become the scourge
Witness: fThomas or become the scourge
Witness: f1831 or become the scourge
Witness: fMS or become the scourge


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of your
Witness: f1823 of your
Witness: fThomas of your
Witness: f1831 of your
Witness: fMS of your


Reading Group: C16f_app786_rg1

Witness: fMS fellow creatures,&

Reading Group: C16f_app786_rg2

Witness: f1818 fellow-creatures, and
Witness: f1823 fellow-creatures, and
Witness: fThomas fellow-creatures, and
Witness: f1831 fellow-creatures, and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the author of your own speedy
Witness: f1823 the author of your own speedy
Witness: fThomas the author of your own speedy
Witness: f1831 the author of your own speedy
Witness: fMS the author of your own speedy


Reading Group: C16f_app788_rg1

Witness: f1818 ruin.”<p/><p/>As
Witness: f1823 ruin.”<p/><p/>As
Witness: fThomas ruin.”<p/><p/>As
Witness: f1831 ruin.”<p/><p/>As

Reading Group: C16f_app788_rg2

Witness: fMS ruin. As


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 he said
Witness: f1823 he said
Witness: fThomas he said
Witness: f1831 he said
Witness: fMS he said


Reading Group: C16f_app790_rg1

Witness: fMS this

Reading Group: C16f_app790_rg2

Witness: f1818 this,
Witness: f1823 this,
Witness: fThomas this,
Witness: f1831 this,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 he led the way
Witness: f1823 he led the way
Witness: fThomas he led the way
Witness: f1831 he led the way
Witness: fMS he led the way


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 across the
Witness: f1823 across the
Witness: fThomas across the
Witness: f1831 across the
Witness: fMS across the


Reading Group: C16f_app793_rg1

Witness: fMS ice –I followed –

Reading Group: C16f_app793_rg2

Witness: f1818 ice: I followed.
Witness: f1823 ice: I followed.
Witness: fThomas ice: I followed.
Witness: f1831 ice: I followed.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 My heart was
Witness: f1823 My heart was
Witness: fThomas My heart was
Witness: f1831 My heart was
Witness: fMS my heart was


Reading Group: C16f_app795_rg1

Witness: fMS full

Reading Group: C16f_app795_rg2

Witness: f1818 full,
Witness: f1823 full,
Witness: fThomas full,
Witness: f1831 full,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and I did not answer
Witness: f1823 and I did not answer
Witness: fThomas and I did not answer
Witness: f1831 and I did not answer
Witness: fMS and I did not answer


Reading Group: C16f_app797_rg1

Witness: fMS him but whenas

Reading Group: C16f_app797_rg2

Witness: f1818 him; but, as
Witness: f1823 him; but, as
Witness: fThomas him; but, as
Witness: f1831 him; but, as


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fMS I


Reading Group: C16f_app799_rg1

Witness: fMS proceeded

Reading Group: C16f_app799_rg2

Witness: f1818 proceeded,
Witness: f1823 proceeded,
Witness: fThomas proceeded,
Witness: f1831 proceeded,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I weighed the various arguments
Witness: f1823 I weighed the various arguments
Witness: fThomas I weighed the various arguments
Witness: f1831 I weighed the various arguments
Witness: fMS I weighed the various arguments


Reading Group: C16f_app801_rg1

Witness: fMS which

Reading Group: C16f_app801_rg2

Witness: f1818 that
Witness: f1823 that
Witness: fThomas that
Witness: f1831 that


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 he had used,
Witness: f1823 he had used,
Witness: fThomas he had used,
Witness: f1831 he had used,
Witness: fMS he had used,


Reading Group: C16f_app803_rg1

Witness: fMS <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>Ifelt enclined& I

Reading Group: C16f_app803_rg2

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: f1831 and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 determined at least to listen to his
Witness: f1823 determined at least to listen to his
Witness: fThomas determined at least to listen to his
Witness: f1831 determined at least to listen to his
Witness: fMS determined at least to listen to his


Reading Group: C16f_app805_rg1

Witness: f1818 tale. I
Witness: f1823 tale. I
Witness: fThomas tale. I
Witness: f1831 tale. I

Reading Group: C16f_app805_rg2

Witness: fMS tale—I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was partly urged
Witness: f1823 was partly urged
Witness: fThomas was partly urged
Witness: f1831 was partly urged
Witness: fMS was partly urged


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 by curiosity, and compassion confirmed
Witness: f1823 by curiosity, and compassion confirmed
Witness: fThomas by curiosity, and compassion confirmed
Witness: f1831 by curiosity, and compassion confirmed
Witness: fMS by curiosity, and compassion confirmed


Reading Group: C16f_app808_rg1

Witness: fMS me.– AsI was not

Reading Group: C16f_app808_rg2

Witness: f1818 my resolution.
Witness: f1823 my resolution.
Witness: fThomas my resolution.
Witness: f1831 my resolution.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I had hitherto supposed him to be the murderer of my
Witness: f1823 I had hitherto supposed him to be the murderer of my
Witness: fThomas I had hitherto supposed him to be the murderer of my
Witness: f1831 I had hitherto supposed him to be the murderer of my
Witness: fMS I had hitherto supposed him to be the murderer of my


Reading Group: C16f_app810_rg1

Witness: fMS brother

Reading Group: C16f_app810_rg2

Witness: f1818 brother,
Witness: f1823 brother,
Witness: fThomas brother,
Witness: f1831 brother,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fMS and


Reading Group: C16f_app812_rg1

Witness: fMS I wished to find this either confirmed or denied. I eagerly sought

Reading Group: C16f_app812_rg2

Witness: f1818 I eagerly sought
Witness: f1823 I eagerly sought
Witness: fThomas I eagerly sought
Witness: f1831 I eagerly sought


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a confirmation or denial
Witness: f1823 a confirmation or denial
Witness: fThomas a confirmation or denial
Witness: f1831 a confirmation or denial
Witness: fMS a confirmation or denial


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of this opinion. For the first
Witness: f1823 of this opinion. For the first
Witness: fThomas of this opinion. For the first
Witness: f1831 of this opinion. For the first
Witness: fMS of this opinion. For the first


Reading Group: C16f_app815_rg1

Witness: fMS time also

Reading Group: C16f_app815_rg2

Witness: f1818 time, also,
Witness: f1823 time, also,
Witness: fThomas time, also,
Witness: f1831 time, also,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I felt
Witness: f1823 I felt
Witness: fThomas I felt
Witness: f1831 I felt
Witness: fMS I felt


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 what the duties of a creator towards his
Witness: f1823 what the duties of a creator towards his
Witness: fThomas what the duties of a creator towards his
Witness: f1831 what the duties of a creator towards his
Witness: fMS what the duties of a creator towards his


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 creature
Witness: f1823 creature
Witness: fThomas creature
Witness: f1831 creature
Witness: fMS creature


Reading Group: C16f_app819_rg1

Witness: fMS were

Reading Group: C16f_app819_rg2

Witness: f1818 were,
Witness: f1823 were,
Witness: fThomas were,
Witness: f1831 were,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and that I ought to
Witness: f1823 and that I ought to
Witness: fThomas and that I ought to
Witness: f1831 and that I ought to
Witness: fMS and that I ought to


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 render him happy before I complained
Witness: f1823 render him happy before I complained
Witness: fThomas render him happy before I complained
Witness: f1831 render him happy before I complained
Witness: fMS render him happy before I complained


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of his wickedness. These motives urged me
Witness: f1823 of his wickedness. These motives urged me
Witness: fThomas of his wickedness. These motives urged me
Witness: f1831 of his wickedness. These motives urged me
Witness: fMS of his wickedness. these motives urged me


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to comply with his
Witness: f1823 to comply with his
Witness: fThomas to comply with his
Witness: f1831 to comply with his
Witness: fMS to comply with his


Reading Group: C16f_app824_rg1

Witness: fMS requestdemand –

Reading Group: C16f_app824_rg2

Witness: f1818 demand.
Witness: f1823 demand.
Witness: fThomas demand.
Witness: f1831 demand.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 We crossed
Witness: f1823 We crossed
Witness: fThomas We crossed
Witness: f1831 We crossed
Witness: fMS We crossed


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fMS the


Reading Group: C16f_app827_rg1

Witness: fMS ice

Reading Group: C16f_app827_rg2

Witness: f1818 ice,
Witness: f1823 ice,
Witness: fThomas ice,
Witness: f1831 ice,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 therefore, and ascended the
Witness: f1823 therefore, and ascended the
Witness: fThomas therefore, and ascended the
Witness: f1831 therefore, and ascended the
Witness: fMS therefore, and ascended the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 opposite
Witness: f1823 opposite
Witness: fThomas opposite
Witness: f1831 opposite
Witness: fMS opposite


Reading Group: C16f_app830_rg1

Witness: f1818 rock.
Witness: f1823 rock.
Witness: fThomas rock.
Witness: f1831 rock.

Reading Group: C16f_app830_rg2

Witness: fMS rock.–


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 The air was
Witness: f1823 The air was
Witness: fThomas The air was
Witness: f1831 The air was
Witness: fMS The air was


Reading Group: C16f_app832_rg1

Witness: fMS cold

Reading Group: C16f_app832_rg2

Witness: f1818 cold,
Witness: f1823 cold,
Witness: fThomas cold,
Witness: f1831 cold,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fMS and


Reading Group: C16f_app834_rg1

Witness: f1818 the rain again began
Witness: f1823 the rain again began
Witness: fThomas the rain again began
Witness: f1831 the rain again began

Reading Group: C16f_app834_rg2

Witness: fMS the rain began again


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to
Witness: f1823 to
Witness: fThomas to
Witness: f1831 to
Witness: fMS to


Reading Group: C16f_app836_rg1

Witness: f1818 descend: we
Witness: f1823 descend: we
Witness: fThomas descend: we
Witness: f1831 descend: we

Reading Group: C16f_app836_rg2

Witness: fMS descend–We


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 entered the
Witness: f1823 entered the
Witness: fThomas entered the
Witness: f1831 entered the
Witness: fMS entered the


Reading Group: C16f_app838_rg1

Witness: fMS hut –

Reading Group: C16f_app838_rg2

Witness: f1818 hut,
Witness: f1823 hut,
Witness: fThomas hut,
Witness: f1831 hut,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the fiend with an
Witness: f1823 the fiend with an
Witness: fThomas the fiend with an
Witness: f1831 the fiend with an
Witness: fMS the fiend with an


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 air of
Witness: f1823 air of
Witness: fThomas air of
Witness: f1831 air of
Witness: fMS air of


Reading Group: C16f_app841_rg1

Witness: fMS exultation

Reading Group: C16f_app841_rg2

Witness: f1818 exultation,
Witness: f1823 exultation,
Witness: fThomas exultation,
Witness: f1831 exultation,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I with a heavy
Witness: f1823 I with a heavy
Witness: fThomas I with a heavy
Witness: f1831 I with a heavy
Witness: fMS I with a heavy


Reading Group: C16f_app843_rg1

Witness: fMS heart

Reading Group: C16f_app843_rg2

Witness: f1818 heart,
Witness: f1823 heart,
Witness: fThomas heart,
Witness: f1831 heart,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and depressed
Witness: f1823 and depressed
Witness: fThomas and depressed
Witness: f1831 and depressed
Witness: fMS and depressed


Reading Group: C16f_app845_rg1

Witness: fMS spirits –

Reading Group: C16f_app845_rg2

Witness: f1818 spirits.
Witness: f1823 spirits.
Witness: fThomas spirits.
Witness: f1831 spirits.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 But I consented
Witness: f1823 But I consented
Witness: fThomas But I consented
Witness: f1831 But I consented
Witness: fMS But I consented


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to
Witness: f1823 to
Witness: fThomas to
Witness: f1831 to
Witness: fMS to


Reading Group: C16f_app848_rg1

Witness: fMS listen and sittingseating

Reading Group: C16f_app848_rg2

Witness: f1818 listen; and, seating
Witness: f1823 listen; and, seating
Witness: fThomas listen; and, seating
Witness: f1831 listen; and, seating


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 myself by the fire which
Witness: f1823 myself by the fire which
Witness: fThomas myself by the fire which
Witness: f1831 myself by the fire which
Witness: fMS myself by the fire which


Reading Group: C16f_app850_rg1

Witness: fMS he lighted

Reading Group: C16f_app850_rg2

Witness: f1818 my odious companion had lighted,
Witness: f1823 my odious companion had lighted,
Witness: fThomas my odious companion had lighted,
Witness: f1831 my odious companion had lighted,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 he thus
Witness: f1823 he thus
Witness: fThomas he thus
Witness: f1831 he thus
Witness: fMS he thus


Reading Group: C16f_app852_rg1

Witness: fMS began began his

Reading Group: C16f_app852_rg2

Witness: f1818 began his
Witness: f1823 began his
Witness: fThomas began his
Witness: f1831 began his
Witness: fMS


Reading Group: C16f_app853_rg1

Witness: fMS tale.

Reading Group: C16f_app853_rg2

Witness: f1818 tale.<p/>
Witness: f1823 tale.<p/>
Witness: fThomas tale.<p/>
Witness: f1831 tale.<p/>


Reading Group: C17_app1_rg1

Witness: fMS Vol. II Chap I

Reading Group: C17_app1_rg2

Witness: f1818 <head/>CHAPTER
Witness: f1823 <head/>CHAPTER
Witness: f1831 <head/>CHAPTER
Witness: fThomas <head/>CHAPTER


Reading Group: C17_app2_rg1

Witness: f1818 III.<head/><p/>
Witness: fThomas III.<head/><p/>

Reading Group: C17_app2_rg2

Witness: f1823 X.<head/><p/>“I<hi/>T<hi/>

Reading Group: C17_app2_rg3

Witness: f1831 XI.<head/><p/>


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 “I<hi/>T<hi/>
Witness: f1831 “I<hi/>T<hi/>
Witness: fThomas “I<hi/>T<hi/>
Witness: fMS "It


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 is with
Witness: f1823 is with
Witness: f1831 is with
Witness: fThomas is with
Witness: fMS is with


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 considerable
Witness: f1823 considerable
Witness: f1831 considerable
Witness: fThomas considerable


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 difficulty that I remember
Witness: f1823 difficulty that I remember
Witness: f1831 difficulty that I remember
Witness: fThomas difficulty that I remember
Witness: fMS difficulty that I remember


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: fMS the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 original
Witness: f1823 original
Witness: f1831 original
Witness: fThomas original


Reading Group: C17_app9_rg1

Witness: f1831 era

Reading Group: C17_app9_rg2

Witness: f1818 æra
Witness: f1823 æra
Witness: fThomas æra
Witness: fMS æra


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of my
Witness: f1823 of my
Witness: f1831 of my
Witness: fThomas of my
Witness: fMS of my


Reading Group: C17_app11_rg1

Witness: fMS cr being.

Reading Group: C17_app11_rg2

Witness: f1818 being:
Witness: f1823 being:
Witness: f1831 being:
Witness: fThomas being:


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 all the events of
Witness: f1823 all the events of
Witness: f1831 all the events of
Witness: fThomas all the events of
Witness: fMS All the events of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that period appear confused
Witness: f1823 that period appear confused
Witness: f1831 that period appear confused
Witness: fThomas that period appear confused
Witness: fMS that period appear confused


Reading Group: C17_app14_rg1

Witness: fMS &

Reading Group: C17_app14_rg2

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fThomas and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 indistinct.
Witness: f1823 indistinct.
Witness: f1831 indistinct.
Witness: fThomas indistinct.
Witness: fMS indistinct.


Reading Group: C17_app16_rg1

Witness: fMS I know only that I felt a strange A strange

Reading Group: C17_app16_rg2

Witness: f1818 A strange
Witness: f1823 A strange
Witness: f1831 A strange
Witness: fThomas A strange


Reading Group: C17_app17_rg1

Witness: fMS sensation sea

Reading Group: C17_app17_rg2

Witness: f1818 multiplicity of sensations
Witness: f1823 multiplicity of sensations
Witness: f1831 multiplicity of sensations
Witness: fThomas multiplicity of sensations


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 seized
Witness: f1823 seized
Witness: f1831 seized
Witness: fThomas seized
Witness: fMS seized


Reading Group: C17_app19_rg1

Witness: fMS me and a it appeared

Reading Group: C17_app19_rg2

Witness: f1818 me, and
Witness: f1823 me, and
Witness: f1831 me, and
Witness: fThomas me, and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I saw,
Witness: f1823 I saw,
Witness: f1831 I saw,
Witness: fThomas I saw,
Witness: fMS I saw,


Reading Group: C17_app21_rg1

Witness: fMS felt heard

Reading Group: C17_app21_rg2

Witness: f1818 felt, heard,
Witness: f1823 felt, heard,
Witness: f1831 felt, heard,
Witness: fThomas felt, heard,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: fMS and


Reading Group: C17_app23_rg1

Witness: fMS smelt

Reading Group: C17_app23_rg2

Witness: f1818 smelt,
Witness: f1823 smelt,
Witness: f1831 smelt,
Witness: fThomas smelt,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 at the same
Witness: f1823 at the same
Witness: f1831 at the same
Witness: fThomas at the same
Witness: fMS at the same


Reading Group: C17_app25_rg1

Witness: fMS time

Reading Group: C17_app25_rg2

Witness: f1818 time;
Witness: f1823 time;
Witness: f1831 time;
Witness: fThomas time;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and it
Witness: f1823 and it
Witness: f1831 and it
Witness: fThomas and it
Witness: fMS and it


Reading Group: C17_app27_rg1

Witness: fMS was indeed

Reading Group: C17_app27_rg2

Witness: f1818 was, indeed,
Witness: f1823 was, indeed,
Witness: f1831 was, indeed,
Witness: fThomas was, indeed,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a long time before I learned to distinguish between the
Witness: f1823 a long time before I learned to distinguish between the
Witness: f1831 a long time before I learned to distinguish between the
Witness: fThomas a long time before I learned to distinguish between the
Witness: fMS a long time before I learned to distinguish between the


Reading Group: C17_app29_rg1

Witness: fMS various <del rend="unmarked" sID="c57-0002__main__d3e83"/><del/>operations

Reading Group: C17_app29_rg2

Witness: f1818 operations
Witness: f1823 operations
Witness: f1831 operations
Witness: fThomas operations


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of my various senses. By
Witness: f1823 of my various senses. By
Witness: f1831 of my various senses. By
Witness: fThomas of my various senses. By
Witness: fMS of my various senses. By


Reading Group: C17_app31_rg1

Witness: fMS degrees

Reading Group: C17_app31_rg2

Witness: f1818 degrees,
Witness: f1823 degrees,
Witness: f1831 degrees,
Witness: fThomas degrees,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: fMS I


Reading Group: C17_app33_rg1

Witness: fMS remember

Reading Group: C17_app33_rg2

Witness: f1818 remember,
Witness: f1823 remember,
Witness: f1831 remember,
Witness: fThomas remember,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a stronger light pressed upon
Witness: f1823 a stronger light pressed upon
Witness: f1831 a stronger light pressed upon
Witness: fThomas a stronger light pressed upon
Witness: fMS a stronger light pressed upon


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my
Witness: f1823 my
Witness: f1831 my
Witness: fThomas my
Witness: fMS my


Reading Group: C17_app36_rg1

Witness: fMS nerves and

Reading Group: C17_app36_rg2

Witness: f1818 nerves,
Witness: f1823 nerves,
Witness: f1831 nerves,
Witness: fThomas nerves,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 so that I was obliged to
Witness: f1823 so that I was obliged to
Witness: f1831 so that I was obliged to
Witness: fThomas so that I was obliged to
Witness: fMS so that I was obliged to


Reading Group: C17_app38_rg1

Witness: fMS close

Reading Group: C17_app38_rg2

Witness: f1818 shut
Witness: f1823 shut
Witness: f1831 shut
Witness: fThomas shut


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my eyes. Darkness then came over
Witness: f1823 my eyes. Darkness then came over
Witness: f1831 my eyes. Darkness then came over
Witness: fThomas my eyes. Darkness then came over
Witness: fMS my eyes. Darkness then came over


Reading Group: C17_app40_rg1

Witness: fMS me

Reading Group: C17_app40_rg2

Witness: f1818 me,
Witness: f1823 me,
Witness: f1831 me,
Witness: fThomas me,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and troubled
Witness: f1823 and troubled
Witness: f1831 and troubled
Witness: fThomas and troubled
Witness: fMS and troubled


Reading Group: C17_app42_rg1

Witness: fMS me.–

Reading Group: C17_app42_rg2

Witness: f1818 me;
Witness: f1823 me;
Witness: f1831 me;
Witness: fThomas me;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but
Witness: f1823 but
Witness: f1831 but
Witness: fThomas but
Witness: fMS But


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818
Witness: fThomas


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 hardly had I felt
Witness: f1823 hardly had I felt
Witness: f1831 hardly had I felt
Witness: fThomas hardly had I felt
Witness: fMS hardly had I felt


Reading Group: C17_app46_rg1

Witness: fMS this when (by

Reading Group: C17_app46_rg2

Witness: f1818 this, when, by
Witness: f1823 this, when, by
Witness: f1831 this, when, by
Witness: fThomas this, when, by


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 opening my
Witness: f1823 opening my
Witness: f1831 opening my
Witness: fThomas opening my
Witness: fMS opening my


Reading Group: C17_app48_rg1

Witness: fMS eyes

Reading Group: C17_app48_rg2

Witness: f1818 eyes,
Witness: f1823 eyes,
Witness: f1831 eyes,
Witness: fThomas eyes,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 as I now
Witness: f1823 as I now
Witness: f1831 as I now
Witness: fThomas as I now
Witness: fMS as I now


Reading Group: C17_app50_rg1

Witness: fMS suppose)

Reading Group: C17_app50_rg2

Witness: f1818 suppose,
Witness: f1823 suppose,
Witness: f1831 suppose,
Witness: fThomas suppose,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the light poured in upon me
Witness: f1823 the light poured in upon me
Witness: f1831 the light poured in upon me
Witness: fThomas the light poured in upon me
Witness: fMS the light poured in upon me


Reading Group: C17_app52_rg1

Witness: f1818 again.
Witness: f1823 again.
Witness: f1831 again.
Witness: fThomas again.

Reading Group: C17_app52_rg2

Witness: fMS again–


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: fMS I


Reading Group: C17_app54_rg1

Witness: fMS walked and

Reading Group: C17_app54_rg2

Witness: f1818 walked, and,
Witness: f1823 walked, and,
Witness: f1831 walked, and,
Witness: fThomas walked, and,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: fMS I


Reading Group: C17_app56_rg1

Witness: fMS believe

Reading Group: C17_app56_rg2

Witness: f1818 believe,
Witness: f1823 believe,
Witness: f1831 believe,
Witness: fThomas believe,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 descended; but
Witness: f1823 descended; but
Witness: f1831 descended; but
Witness: fThomas descended; but
Witness: fMS descended; but


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS presently


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: fMS I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 presently
Witness: f1823 presently
Witness: f1831 presently
Witness: fThomas presently


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 found
Witness: f1823 found
Witness: f1831 found
Witness: fThomas found
Witness: fMS found


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a great
Witness: f1823 a great
Witness: f1831 a great
Witness: fThomas a great
Witness: fMS a great


Reading Group: C17_app63_rg1

Witness: fMS differencealteration

Reading Group: C17_app63_rg2

Witness: f1818 alteration
Witness: f1823 alteration
Witness: f1831 alteration
Witness: fThomas alteration


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in my
Witness: f1823 in my
Witness: f1831 in my
Witness: fThomas in my
Witness: fMS in my


Reading Group: C17_app65_rg1

Witness: f1818 sensations. Before,
Witness: f1823 sensations. Before,
Witness: f1831 sensations. Before,
Witness: fThomas sensations. Before,

Reading Group: C17_app65_rg2

Witness: fMS sensations; before


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 dark
Witness: f1823 dark
Witness: f1831 dark
Witness: fThomas dark
Witness: fMS dark


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fThomas and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 opaque bodies had surrounded me, impervious to my touch or
Witness: f1823 opaque bodies had surrounded me, impervious to my touch or
Witness: f1831 opaque bodies had surrounded me, impervious to my touch or
Witness: fThomas opaque bodies had surrounded me, impervious to my touch or
Witness: fMS opaque bodies had surrounded me, impervious to my touch or


Reading Group: C17_app69_rg1

Witness: fMS sight – and

Reading Group: C17_app69_rg2

Witness: f1818 sight; but
Witness: f1823 sight; but
Witness: f1831 sight; but
Witness: fThomas sight; but


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: fMS I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 now found that I could wander on at
Witness: f1823 now found that I could wander on at
Witness: f1831 now found that I could wander on at
Witness: fThomas now found that I could wander on at
Witness: fMS now found that I could wander on at


Reading Group: C17_app72_rg1

Witness: fMS liberty

Reading Group: C17_app72_rg2

Witness: f1818 liberty,
Witness: f1823 liberty,
Witness: f1831 liberty,
Witness: fThomas liberty,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 with no obstacles which I could not either
Witness: f1823 with no obstacles which I could not either
Witness: f1831 with no obstacles which I could not either
Witness: fThomas with no obstacles which I could not either
Witness: fMS with no obstacles which I could not either


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 surmount or
Witness: f1823 surmount or
Witness: f1831 surmount or
Witness: fThomas surmount or
Witness: fMS surmount or


Reading Group: C17_app75_rg1

Witness: f1818 avoid.
Witness: f1823 avoid.
Witness: f1831 avoid.
Witness: fThomas avoid.

Reading Group: C17_app75_rg2

Witness: fMS avoid–


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 The light
Witness: f1823 The light
Witness: f1831 The light
Witness: fThomas The light
Witness: fMS The light


Reading Group: C17_app77_rg1

Witness: fMS be became

Reading Group: C17_app77_rg2

Witness: f1818 became
Witness: f1823 became
Witness: f1831 became
Witness: fThomas became


Reading Group: C17_app78_rg1

Witness: fMS <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>more&

Reading Group: C17_app78_rg2

Witness: f1818 more and
Witness: f1823 more and
Witness: f1831 more and
Witness: fThomas more and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 more
Witness: f1823 more
Witness: f1831 more
Witness: fThomas more
Witness: fMS more


Reading Group: C17_app80_rg1

Witness: f1818 oppressive
Witness: f1823 oppressive
Witness: f1831 oppressive
Witness: fThomas oppressive

Reading Group: C17_app80_rg2

Witness: fMS opressive


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to
Witness: f1823 to
Witness: f1831 to
Witness: fThomas to
Witness: fMS to


Reading Group: C17_app82_rg1

Witness: fMS me and

Reading Group: C17_app82_rg2

Witness: f1818 me; and,
Witness: f1823 me; and,
Witness: f1831 me; and,
Witness: fThomas me; and,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the heat wearying
Witness: f1823 the heat wearying
Witness: f1831 the heat wearying
Witness: fThomas the heat wearying
Witness: fMS the heat wearying


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 me as I
Witness: f1823 me as I
Witness: f1831 me as I
Witness: fThomas me as I
Witness: fMS me as I


Reading Group: C17_app85_rg1

Witness: fMS walked

Reading Group: C17_app85_rg2

Witness: f1818 walked,
Witness: f1823 walked,
Witness: f1831 walked,
Witness: fThomas walked,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I sought a place where I could
Witness: f1823 I sought a place where I could
Witness: f1831 I sought a place where I could
Witness: fThomas I sought a place where I could
Witness: fMS I sought a place where I could


Reading Group: C17_app87_rg1

Witness: fMS perceiverecieve

Reading Group: C17_app87_rg2

Witness: f1818 receive
Witness: f1823 receive
Witness: f1831 receive
Witness: fThomas receive


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 shade. This was the forest near
Witness: f1823 shade. This was the forest near
Witness: f1831 shade. This was the forest near
Witness: fThomas shade. This was the forest near
Witness: fMS shade. This was the forest near


Reading Group: C17_app89_rg1

Witness: fMS Ingolstadt,

Reading Group: C17_app89_rg2

Witness: f1818 Ingolstadt;
Witness: f1823 Ingolstadt;
Witness: f1831 Ingolstadt;
Witness: fThomas Ingolstadt;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and here
Witness: f1823 and here
Witness: f1831 and here
Witness: fThomas and here
Witness: fMS and here


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I lay
Witness: f1823 I lay
Witness: f1831 I lay
Witness: fThomas I lay


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 by the side of a brook
Witness: f1823 by the side of a brook
Witness: f1831 by the side of a brook
Witness: fThomas by the side of a brook
Witness: fMS by the side of a brook


Reading Group: C17_app93_rg1

Witness: fMS I lay weary for some hours <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>resting from my

Reading Group: C17_app93_rg2

Witness: f1818 resting from my
Witness: f1823 resting from my
Witness: f1831 resting from my
Witness: fThomas resting from my


Reading Group: C17_app94_rg1

Witness: fMS fatigue untill

Reading Group: C17_app94_rg2

Witness: f1818 fatigue, until
Witness: f1823 fatigue, until
Witness: f1831 fatigue, until
Witness: fThomas fatigue, until


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I felt tormented by
Witness: f1823 I felt tormented by
Witness: f1831 I felt tormented by
Witness: fThomas I felt tormented by
Witness: fMS I felt tormented by


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 hunger and thirst. This roused me from my nearly dormant
Witness: f1823 hunger and thirst. This roused me from my nearly dormant
Witness: f1831 hunger and thirst. This roused me from my nearly dormant
Witness: fThomas hunger and thirst. This roused me from my nearly dormant
Witness: fMS hunger and thirst. This roused me from my nearly dormant


Reading Group: C17_app97_rg1

Witness: fMS state

Reading Group: C17_app97_rg2

Witness: f1818 state,
Witness: f1823 state,
Witness: f1831 state,
Witness: fThomas state,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and I ate some berries
Witness: f1823 and I ate some berries
Witness: f1831 and I ate some berries
Witness: fThomas and I ate some berries
Witness: fMS and I ate some berries


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 which I found hanging on the
Witness: f1823 which I found hanging on the
Witness: f1831 which I found hanging on the
Witness: fThomas which I found hanging on the
Witness: fMS which I found <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>hanging on the


Reading Group: C17_app100_rg1

Witness: fMS trees

Reading Group: C17_app100_rg2

Witness: f1818 trees,
Witness: f1823 trees,
Witness: f1831 trees,
Witness: fThomas trees,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 or lying on
Witness: f1823 or lying on
Witness: f1831 or lying on
Witness: fThomas or lying on
Witness: fMS or lying on


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: fMS the


Reading Group: C17_app103_rg1

Witness: fMS ground –

Reading Group: C17_app103_rg2

Witness: f1818 ground.
Witness: f1823 ground.
Witness: f1831 ground.
Witness: fThomas ground.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I slaked my thirst
Witness: f1823 I slaked my thirst
Witness: f1831 I slaked my thirst
Witness: fThomas I slaked my thirst
Witness: fMS I slaked my thirst


Reading Group: C17_app105_rg1

Witness: f1818 at
Witness: f1823 at
Witness: f1831 at
Witness: fThomas at

Reading Group: C17_app105_rg2

Witness: fMS by


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: fMS the


Reading Group: C17_app107_rg1

Witness: fMS brook

Reading Group: C17_app107_rg2

Witness: f1818 brook;
Witness: f1823 brook;
Witness: f1831 brook;
Witness: fThomas brook;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and then
Witness: f1823 and then
Witness: f1831 and then
Witness: fThomas and then
Witness: fMS and then


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS again


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 lying
Witness: f1823 lying
Witness: f1831 lying
Witness: fThomas lying
Witness: fMS lying


Reading Group: C17_app111_rg1

Witness: fMS down I

Reading Group: C17_app111_rg2

Witness: f1818 down,
Witness: f1823 down,
Witness: f1831 down,
Witness: fThomas down,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was
Witness: f1823 was
Witness: f1831 was
Witness: fThomas was
Witness: fMS was


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 overcome by
Witness: f1823 overcome by
Witness: f1831 overcome by
Witness: fThomas overcome by
Witness: fMS overcome by


Reading Group: C17_app114_rg1

Witness: f1818 sleep.<p/><p/>“It
Witness: f1823 sleep.<p/><p/>“It
Witness: f1831 sleep.<p/><p/>“It
Witness: fThomas sleep.<p/><p/>“It

Reading Group: C17_app114_rg2

Witness: fMS sleep; It


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was dark when I
Witness: f1823 was dark when I
Witness: f1831 was dark when I
Witness: fThomas was dark when I
Witness: fMS was dark when I


Reading Group: C17_app116_rg1

Witness: fMS awoke,

Reading Group: C17_app116_rg2

Witness: f1818 awoke;
Witness: f1823 awoke;
Witness: f1831 awoke;
Witness: fThomas awoke;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I felt cold
Witness: f1823 I felt cold
Witness: f1831 I felt cold
Witness: fThomas I felt cold
Witness: fMS I felt cold


Reading Group: C17_app118_rg1

Witness: fMS also

Reading Group: C17_app118_rg2

Witness: f1818 also,
Witness: f1823 also,
Witness: f1831 also,
Witness: fThomas also,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: fMS and


Reading Group: C17_app120_rg1

Witness: fMS half frightened

Reading Group: C17_app120_rg2

Witness: f1818 half-frightened
Witness: fThomas half-frightened

Reading Group: C17_app120_rg3

Witness: f1823 half-frightened,
Witness: f1831 half-frightened,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 as it were
Witness: f1823 as it were
Witness: f1831 as it were
Witness: fThomas as it were
Witness: fMS <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>as it were


Reading Group: C17_app122_rg1

Witness: fMS instinctively on seein

Reading Group: C17_app122_rg2

Witness: f1818 instinctively,
Witness: f1823 instinctively,
Witness: f1831 instinctively,
Witness: fThomas instinctively,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 finding myself so desolate.
Witness: f1823 finding myself so desolate.
Witness: f1831 finding myself so desolate.
Witness: fThomas finding myself so desolate.
Witness: fMS finding myself so desolate.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Before I had quitted your
Witness: f1823 Before I had quitted your
Witness: f1831 Before I had quitted your
Witness: fThomas Before I had quitted your
Witness: fMS Before I had quitted your


Reading Group: C17_app125_rg1

Witness: f1818 apartment,
Witness: f1823 apartment,
Witness: f1831 apartment,
Witness: fThomas apartment,

Reading Group: C17_app125_rg2

Witness: fMS appartment


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 on a sensation of
Witness: f1823 on a sensation of
Witness: f1831 on a sensation of
Witness: fThomas on a sensation of
Witness: fMS on a sensation of


Reading Group: C17_app127_rg1

Witness: fMS cold

Reading Group: C17_app127_rg2

Witness: f1818 cold,
Witness: f1823 cold,
Witness: f1831 cold,
Witness: fThomas cold,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I had covered
Witness: f1823 I had covered
Witness: f1831 I had covered
Witness: fThomas I had covered
Witness: fMS I had covered


Reading Group: C17_app129_rg1

Witness: fMS my self

Reading Group: C17_app129_rg2

Witness: f1818 myself
Witness: f1823 myself
Witness: f1831 myself
Witness: fThomas myself


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 with some
Witness: f1823 with some
Witness: f1831 with some
Witness: fThomas with some
Witness: fMS with some


Reading Group: C17_app131_rg1

Witness: fMS clothes,

Reading Group: C17_app131_rg2

Witness: f1818 clothes;
Witness: f1823 clothes;
Witness: f1831 clothes;
Witness: fThomas clothes;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but these were
Witness: f1823 but these were
Witness: f1831 but these were
Witness: fThomas but these were
Witness: fMS but these were


Reading Group: C17_app133_rg1

Witness: fMS notinsufficient

Reading Group: C17_app133_rg2

Witness: f1818 insufficient
Witness: f1823 insufficient
Witness: f1831 insufficient
Witness: fThomas insufficient


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to secure me from the
Witness: f1823 to secure me from the
Witness: f1831 to secure me from the
Witness: fThomas to secure me from the
Witness: fMS to secure me from the


Reading Group: C17_app135_rg1

Witness: fMS dw dews of night. I was a

Reading Group: C17_app135_rg2

Witness: f1818 dews of night. I was a
Witness: f1823 dews of night. I was a
Witness: f1831 dews of night. I was a
Witness: fThomas dews of night. I was a


Reading Group: C17_app136_rg1

Witness: fMS poor helpless

Reading Group: C17_app136_rg2

Witness: f1818 poor, helpless,
Witness: f1823 poor, helpless,
Witness: f1831 poor, helpless,
Witness: fThomas poor, helpless,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 miserable
Witness: f1823 miserable
Witness: f1831 miserable
Witness: fThomas miserable
Witness: fMS miserable


Reading Group: C17_app138_rg1

Witness: f1818 wretch; I knew, and
Witness: f1823 wretch; I knew, and
Witness: f1831 wretch; I knew, and
Witness: fThomas wretch; I knew, and

Reading Group: C17_app138_rg2

Witness: fMS wretch—I knew no&


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 could
Witness: f1823 could
Witness: f1831 could
Witness: fThomas could
Witness: fMS could


Reading Group: C17_app140_rg1

Witness: fMS distinguish no nothing

Reading Group: C17_app140_rg2

Witness: f1818 distinguish, nothing;
Witness: f1823 distinguish, nothing;
Witness: f1831 distinguish, nothing;
Witness: fThomas distinguish, nothing;


Reading Group: C17_app141_rg1

Witness: f1823 but
Witness: f1831 but
Witness: fMS but

Reading Group: C17_app141_rg2

Witness: f1818 but,
Witness: fThomas but,


Reading Group: C17_app142_rg1

Witness: fMS felt<metamark>^</metamark>feeling

Reading Group: C17_app142_rg2

Witness: f1818 feeling
Witness: f1823 feeling
Witness: f1831 feeling
Witness: fThomas feeling


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 pain
Witness: f1823 pain
Witness: f1831 pain
Witness: fThomas pain
Witness: fMS pain


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 invade me on all
Witness: f1823 invade me on all
Witness: f1831 invade me on all
Witness: fThomas invade me on all
Witness: fMS invade me on all


Reading Group: C17_app145_rg1

Witness: fMS sides and

Reading Group: C17_app145_rg2

Witness: f1818 sides,
Witness: f1823 sides,
Witness: f1831 sides,
Witness: fThomas sides,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I sat down
Witness: f1823 I sat down
Witness: f1831 I sat down
Witness: fThomas I sat down
Witness: fMS I sat down


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: fMS and


Reading Group: C17_app148_rg1

Witness: fMS wept. Soon

Reading Group: C17_app148_rg2

Witness: f1818 wept.<p/><p/>“Soon
Witness: f1823 wept.<p/><p/>“Soon
Witness: f1831 wept.<p/><p/>“Soon
Witness: fThomas wept.<p/><p/>“Soon


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a gentle light stole over the
Witness: f1823 a gentle light stole over the
Witness: f1831 a gentle light stole over the
Witness: fThomas a gentle light stole over the
Witness: fMS a gentle light stole over the


Reading Group: C17_app150_rg1

Witness: fMS heavens

Reading Group: C17_app150_rg2

Witness: f1818 heavens,
Witness: f1823 heavens,
Witness: f1831 heavens,
Witness: fThomas heavens,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and gave me a sensation of
Witness: f1823 and gave me a sensation of
Witness: f1831 and gave me a sensation of
Witness: fThomas and gave me a sensation of
Witness: fMS and gave me a sensation of


Reading Group: C17_app152_rg1

Witness: fMS pleasure

Reading Group: C17_app152_rg2

Witness: f1818 pleasure.
Witness: f1823 pleasure.
Witness: f1831 pleasure.
Witness: fThomas pleasure.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I started up, and beheld a radiant form
Witness: f1823 I started up, and beheld a radiant form
Witness: f1831 I started up, and beheld a radiant form
Witness: fThomas I started up, and beheld a radiant form
Witness: fMS I started up, and beheld a radiant form


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 rise
Witness: f1823 rise
Witness: f1831 rise
Witness: fThomas rise
Witness: fMS rise


Reading Group: C17_app155_rg1

Witness: fMS am from among

Reading Group: C17_app155_rg2

Witness: f1818 from among
Witness: f1823 from among
Witness: f1831 from among
Witness: fThomas from among


Reading Group: C17_app156_rg1

Witness: f1823 the trees*<note/>* The moon.<note/>.

Reading Group: C17_app156_rg2

Witness: f1831 the trees.*<note/>* The moon.<note/>

Reading Group: C17_app156_rg3

Witness: f1818 the trees.
Witness: fThomas the trees.
Witness: fMS the trees.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I gazed with
Witness: f1823 I gazed with
Witness: f1831 I gazed with
Witness: fThomas I gazed with
Witness: fMS I gazed with


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a kind of
Witness: f1823 a kind of
Witness: f1831 a kind of
Witness: fThomas a kind of
Witness: fMS a kind of


Reading Group: C17_app159_rg1

Witness: fMS wonder –

Reading Group: C17_app159_rg2

Witness: f1818 wonder.
Witness: f1823 wonder.
Witness: f1831 wonder.
Witness: fThomas wonder.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 It moved
Witness: f1823 It moved
Witness: f1831 It moved
Witness: fThomas It moved
Witness: fMS It moved


Reading Group: C17_app161_rg1

Witness: f1818 slowly,
Witness: f1823 slowly,
Witness: f1831 slowly,
Witness: fThomas slowly,

Reading Group: C17_app161_rg2

Witness: fMS slowly;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but
Witness: f1823 but
Witness: f1831 but
Witness: fThomas but
Witness: fMS but


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 it enlightened my
Witness: f1823 it enlightened my
Witness: f1831 it enlightened my
Witness: fThomas it enlightened my
Witness: fMS it enlightened my


Reading Group: C17_app164_rg1

Witness: fMS path,

Reading Group: C17_app164_rg2

Witness: f1818 path;
Witness: f1823 path;
Witness: f1831 path;
Witness: fThomas path;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and I again
Witness: f1823 and I again
Witness: f1831 and I again
Witness: fThomas and I again
Witness: fMS and I again


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 went out in search of berries. I was still
Witness: f1823 went out in search of berries. I was still
Witness: f1831 went out in search of berries. I was still
Witness: fThomas went out in search of berries. I was still
Witness: fMS went out in search of berries. I was still


Reading Group: C17_app167_rg1

Witness: fMS cold

Reading Group: C17_app167_rg2

Witness: f1818 cold,
Witness: f1823 cold,
Witness: f1831 cold,
Witness: fThomas cold,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 when
Witness: f1823 when
Witness: f1831 when
Witness: fThomas when
Witness: fMS when


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS on the ground


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 under one of the
Witness: f1823 under one of the
Witness: f1831 under one of the
Witness: fThomas under one of the
Witness: fMS under one of the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 trees I found a huge
Witness: f1823 trees I found a huge
Witness: f1831 trees I found a huge
Witness: fThomas trees I found a huge
Witness: fMS trees I found a huge


Reading Group: C17_app172_rg1

Witness: fMS cloak

Reading Group: C17_app172_rg2

Witness: f1818 cloak,
Witness: f1823 cloak,
Witness: f1831 cloak,
Witness: fThomas cloak,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 with which
Witness: f1823 with which
Witness: f1831 with which
Witness: fThomas with which
Witness: fMS with which


Reading Group: C17_app174_rg1

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fThomas I

Reading Group: C17_app174_rg2

Witness: fMS I–


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 covered myself, and sat down
Witness: f1823 covered myself, and sat down
Witness: f1831 covered myself, and sat down
Witness: fThomas covered myself, and sat down
Witness: fMS covered myself, and sat down


Reading Group: C17_app176_rg1

Witness: fMS on

Reading Group: C17_app176_rg2

Witness: f1818 upon
Witness: f1823 upon
Witness: f1831 upon
Witness: fThomas upon


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the ground.
Witness: f1823 the ground.
Witness: f1831 the ground.
Witness: fThomas the ground.
Witness: fMS the ground.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 No distinct ideas occupied my
Witness: f1823 No distinct ideas occupied my
Witness: f1831 No distinct ideas occupied my
Witness: fThomas No distinct ideas occupied my
Witness: fMS No distinct ideas occupied my


Reading Group: C17_app179_rg1

Witness: fMS mind

Reading Group: C17_app179_rg2

Witness: f1818 mind;
Witness: f1823 mind;
Witness: f1831 mind;
Witness: fThomas mind;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 all was
Witness: f1823 all was
Witness: f1831 all was
Witness: fThomas all was
Witness: fMS all was


Reading Group: C17_app181_rg1

Witness: fMS confused and

Reading Group: C17_app181_rg2

Witness: f1818 confused.
Witness: f1823 confused.
Witness: f1831 confused.
Witness: fThomas confused.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I felt
Witness: f1823 I felt
Witness: f1831 I felt
Witness: fThomas I felt
Witness: fMS I felt


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 light, and
Witness: f1823 light, and
Witness: f1831 light, and
Witness: fThomas light, and
Witness: fMS light, and


Reading Group: C17_app185_rg1

Witness: fMS hunger

Reading Group: C17_app185_rg2

Witness: f1818 hunger,
Witness: f1823 hunger,
Witness: f1831 hunger,
Witness: fThomas hunger,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: fMS and


Reading Group: C17_app187_rg1

Witness: fMS thirst

Reading Group: C17_app187_rg2

Witness: f1818 thirst,
Witness: f1823 thirst,
Witness: f1831 thirst,
Witness: fThomas thirst,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and darkness; innumerable
Witness: f1823 and darkness; innumerable
Witness: f1831 and darkness; innumerable
Witness: fThomas and darkness; innumerable
Witness: fMS and darkness; innumerable


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 sounds rung in my
Witness: f1823 sounds rung in my
Witness: f1831 sounds rung in my
Witness: fThomas sounds rung in my
Witness: fMS sounds rung in my


Reading Group: C17_app190_rg1

Witness: fMS ears

Reading Group: C17_app190_rg2

Witness: f1818 ears,
Witness: f1823 ears,
Witness: f1831 ears,
Witness: fThomas ears,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and on all sides
Witness: f1823 and on all sides
Witness: f1831 and on all sides
Witness: fThomas and on all sides
Witness: fMS and on all sides


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 various scents saluted
Witness: f1823 various scents saluted
Witness: f1831 various scents saluted
Witness: fThomas various scents saluted
Witness: fMS various scents saluted


Reading Group: C17_app193_rg1

Witness: f1818 me:
Witness: f1823 me:
Witness: f1831 me:
Witness: fThomas me:

Reading Group: C17_app193_rg2

Witness: fMS me;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the only object
Witness: f1823 the only object
Witness: f1831 the only object
Witness: fThomas the only object
Witness: fMS the only object


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that I could distinguish was the bright
Witness: f1823 that I could distinguish was the bright
Witness: f1831 that I could distinguish was the bright
Witness: fThomas that I could distinguish was the bright
Witness: fMS that I could distinguish was the bright


Reading Group: C17_app196_rg1

Witness: fMS moon

Reading Group: C17_app196_rg2

Witness: f1818 moon,
Witness: f1823 moon,
Witness: f1831 moon,
Witness: fThomas moon,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and I fixed my eyes on
Witness: f1823 and I fixed my eyes on
Witness: f1831 and I fixed my eyes on
Witness: fThomas and I fixed my eyes on
Witness: fMS and I fixed my eyes ion


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS th


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that with
Witness: f1823 that with
Witness: f1831 that with
Witness: fThomas that with
Witness: fMS that with


Reading Group: C17_app200_rg1

Witness: fMS pleasure. Several

Reading Group: C17_app200_rg2

Witness: f1818 pleasure.<p/><p/>“Several
Witness: f1823 pleasure.<p/><p/>“Several
Witness: f1831 pleasure.<p/><p/>“Several
Witness: fThomas pleasure.<p/><p/>“Several


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 changes of day and night
Witness: f1823 changes of day and night
Witness: f1831 changes of day and night
Witness: fThomas changes of day and night
Witness: fMS changes of day and night


Reading Group: C17_app202_rg1

Witness: fMS passed

Reading Group: C17_app202_rg2

Witness: f1818 passed,
Witness: f1823 passed,
Witness: f1831 passed,
Witness: fThomas passed,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and the orb of night had greatly
Witness: f1823 and the orb of night had greatly
Witness: f1831 and the orb of night had greatly
Witness: fThomas and the orb of night had greatly
Witness: fMS and the orb of night had greatly


Reading Group: C17_app204_rg1

Witness: fMS

Reading Group: C17_app204_rg2

Witness: f1823 lessened,
Witness: f1831 lessened,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 lessened
Witness: fThomas lessened
Witness: fMS lessened


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 when I began to distinguish my
Witness: f1823 when I began to distinguish my
Witness: f1831 when I began to distinguish my
Witness: fThomas when I began to distinguish my
Witness: fMS when I began to distinguish my


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 sensations from each
Witness: f1823 sensations from each
Witness: f1831 sensations from each
Witness: fThomas sensations from each
Witness: fMS sensations <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>from each


Reading Group: C17_app208_rg1

Witness: f1818 other.
Witness: f1823 other.
Witness: f1831 other.
Witness: fThomas other.

Reading Group: C17_app208_rg2

Witness: fMS other–.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: fMS I


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS first sawdis


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 gradually saw plainly the clear stream
Witness: f1823 gradually saw plainly the clear stream
Witness: f1831 gradually saw plainly the clear stream
Witness: fThomas gradually saw plainly the clear stream
Witness: fMS gradually saw plainly the clear stream


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that supplied me with
Witness: f1823 that supplied me with
Witness: f1831 that supplied me with
Witness: fThomas that supplied me with
Witness: fMS that supplied me with


Reading Group: C17_app213_rg1

Witness: fMS drink

Reading Group: C17_app213_rg2

Witness: f1818 drink,
Witness: f1823 drink,
Witness: f1831 drink,
Witness: fThomas drink,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and the
Witness: f1823 and the
Witness: f1831 and the
Witness: fThomas and the
Witness: fMS and the


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS gre


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 trees that
Witness: f1823 trees that
Witness: f1831 trees that
Witness: fThomas trees that
Witness: fMS trees that


Reading Group: C17_app217_rg1

Witness: fMS covered<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>shaded

Reading Group: C17_app217_rg2

Witness: f1818 shaded
Witness: f1823 shaded
Witness: f1831 shaded
Witness: fThomas shaded


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 me with their foliage.
Witness: f1823 me with their foliage.
Witness: f1831 me with their foliage.
Witness: fThomas me with their foliage.
Witness: fMS me with their foliage.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I was delighted when I first discovered
Witness: f1823 I was delighted when I first discovered
Witness: f1831 I was delighted when I first discovered
Witness: fThomas I was delighted when I first discovered
Witness: fMS I was delighted when I first discovered


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that a pleasant
Witness: f1823 that a pleasant
Witness: f1831 that a pleasant
Witness: fThomas that a pleasant
Witness: fMS that a pleasant


Reading Group: C17_app221_rg1

Witness: fMS sound thatwhich

Reading Group: C17_app221_rg2

Witness: f1818 sound, which
Witness: f1823 sound, which
Witness: f1831 sound, which
Witness: fThomas sound, which


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 often
Witness: f1823 often
Witness: f1831 often
Witness: fThomas often
Witness: fMS often


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS delighte


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 saluted my
Witness: f1823 saluted my
Witness: f1831 saluted my
Witness: fThomas saluted my
Witness: fMS saluted my


Reading Group: C17_app225_rg1

Witness: fMS ears

Reading Group: C17_app225_rg2

Witness: f1818 ears,
Witness: f1823 ears,
Witness: f1831 ears,
Witness: fThomas ears,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 proceeded
Witness: f1823 proceeded
Witness: f1831 proceeded
Witness: fThomas proceeded
Witness: fMS proceeded


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 from the throats of
Witness: f1823 from the throats of
Witness: f1831 from the throats of
Witness: fThomas from the throats of
Witness: fMS from the throats of


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS son


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the little
Witness: f1823 the little
Witness: f1831 the little
Witness: fThomas the little
Witness: fMS the little


Reading Group: C17_app230_rg1

Witness: fMS anihwingedamnimals

Reading Group: C17_app230_rg2

Witness: f1818 winged animals
Witness: f1823 winged animals
Witness: f1831 winged animals
Witness: fThomas winged animals


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 who
Witness: f1823 who
Witness: f1831 who
Witness: fThomas who
Witness: fMS who


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 had
Witness: f1823 had
Witness: f1831 had
Witness: fThomas had


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 often intercepted the light from my eyes. I began also to
Witness: f1823 often intercepted the light from my eyes. I began also to
Witness: f1831 often intercepted the light from my eyes. I began also to
Witness: fThomas often intercepted the light from my eyes. I began also to
Witness: fMS often intercepted the light from my eyes. I began also to


Reading Group: C17_app234_rg1

Witness: f1818 observe,
Witness: f1823 observe,
Witness: f1831 observe,
Witness: fThomas observe,

Reading Group: C17_app234_rg2

Witness: fMS see an


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 with
Witness: f1823 with
Witness: f1831 with
Witness: fThomas with
Witness: fMS with


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS forms


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 greater
Witness: f1823 greater
Witness: f1831 greater
Witness: fThomas greater
Witness: fMS greater


Reading Group: C17_app238_rg1

Witness: fMS accuracy

Reading Group: C17_app238_rg2

Witness: f1818 accuracy,
Witness: f1823 accuracy,
Witness: f1831 accuracy,
Witness: fThomas accuracy,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the forms
Witness: f1823 the forms
Witness: f1831 the forms
Witness: fThomas the forms
Witness: fMS the forms


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that surrounded
Witness: f1823 that surrounded
Witness: f1831 that surrounded
Witness: fThomas that surrounded
Witness: fMS that surrounded


Reading Group: C17_app241_rg1

Witness: fMS me

Reading Group: C17_app241_rg2

Witness: f1818 me,
Witness: f1823 me,
Witness: f1831 me,
Witness: fThomas me,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and to perceive
Witness: f1823 and to perceive
Witness: f1831 and to perceive
Witness: fThomas and to perceive
Witness: fMS and to perceive


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the boundaries of the radiant
Witness: f1823 the boundaries of the radiant
Witness: f1831 the boundaries of the radiant
Witness: fThomas the boundaries of the radiant
Witness: fMS the boundaries of the radiant


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 roof of
Witness: f1823 roof of
Witness: f1831 roof of
Witness: fThomas roof of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 light which
Witness: f1823 light which
Witness: f1831 light which
Witness: fThomas light which
Witness: fMS light which


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS overspeaed my dwelling


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 canopied
Witness: f1823 canopied
Witness: f1831 canopied
Witness: fThomas canopied
Witness: fMS canopied


Reading Group: C17_app248_rg1

Witness: f1818 me. Sometimes
Witness: f1823 me. Sometimes
Witness: f1831 me. Sometimes
Witness: fThomas me. Sometimes

Reading Group: C17_app248_rg2

Witness: fMS me.–sometimes


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I tried to imitate the pleasant songs of
Witness: f1823 I tried to imitate the pleasant songs of
Witness: f1831 I tried to imitate the pleasant songs of
Witness: fThomas I tried to imitate the pleasant songs of
Witness: fMS I tried to imitate the pleasant songs of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: fMS the


Reading Group: C17_app251_rg1

Witness: fMS birds

Reading Group: C17_app251_rg2

Witness: f1818 birds,
Witness: f1823 birds,
Witness: f1831 birds,
Witness: fThomas birds,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but was
Witness: f1823 but was
Witness: f1831 but was
Witness: fThomas but was
Witness: fMS but was


Reading Group: C17_app253_rg1

Witness: f1818 unable.
Witness: f1823 unable.
Witness: f1831 unable.
Witness: fThomas unable.

Reading Group: C17_app253_rg2

Witness: fMS unable—


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Sometimes I
Witness: f1823 Sometimes I
Witness: f1831 Sometimes I
Witness: fThomas Sometimes I
Witness: fMS Sometimes I


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS also


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 wished to express my sensations in
Witness: f1823 wished to express my sensations in
Witness: f1831 wished to express my sensations in
Witness: fThomas wished to express my sensations in
Witness: fMS wished to express my sensations in


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my own
Witness: f1823 my own
Witness: f1831 my own
Witness: fThomas my own
Witness: fMS my own


Reading Group: C17_app258_rg1

Witness: fMS mode

Reading Group: C17_app258_rg2

Witness: f1818 mode,
Witness: f1823 mode,
Witness: f1831 mode,
Witness: fThomas mode,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but the uncouth and
Witness: f1823 but the uncouth and
Witness: f1831 but the uncouth and
Witness: fThomas but the uncouth and
Witness: fMS but the uncouth and


Reading Group: C17_app260_rg1

Witness: f1818 inarticulate sounds
Witness: f1823 inarticulate sounds
Witness: f1831 inarticulate sounds
Witness: fThomas inarticulate sounds

Reading Group: C17_app260_rg2

Witness: fMS innarticulate sound


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 which broke from me
Witness: f1823 which broke from me
Witness: f1831 which broke from me
Witness: fThomas which broke from me
Witness: fMS which broke from me


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS which


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 frightened
Witness: f1823 frightened
Witness: f1831 frightened
Witness: fThomas frightened
Witness: fMS frightened


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 me into silence
Witness: f1823 me into silence
Witness: f1831 me into silence
Witness: fThomas me into silence
Witness: fMS me into silence


Reading Group: C17_app265_rg1

Witness: fMS again. The

Reading Group: C17_app265_rg2

Witness: f1818 again.<p/><p/>“The
Witness: f1823 again.<p/><p/>“The
Witness: f1831 again.<p/><p/>“The
Witness: fThomas again.<p/><p/>“The


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 moon had
Witness: f1823 moon had
Witness: f1831 moon had
Witness: fThomas moon had
Witness: fMS moon had


Reading Group: C17_app267_rg1

Witness: f1818 disappeared
Witness: f1823 disappeared
Witness: f1831 disappeared
Witness: fThomas disappeared

Reading Group: C17_app267_rg2

Witness: fMS dissapeared


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 from the night,
Witness: f1823 from the night,
Witness: f1831 from the night,
Witness: fThomas from the night,
Witness: fMS from the night,


Reading Group: C17_app269_rg1

Witness: fMS & again

Reading Group: C17_app269_rg2

Witness: f1818 and again,
Witness: f1823 and again,
Witness: f1831 and again,
Witness: fThomas and again,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 with a lessened
Witness: f1823 with a lessened
Witness: f1831 with a lessened
Witness: fThomas with a lessened
Witness: fMS with a lessened


Reading Group: C17_app271_rg1

Witness: fMS form it

Reading Group: C17_app271_rg2

Witness: f1818 form,
Witness: f1823 form,
Witness: f1831 form,
Witness: fThomas form,


Reading Group: C17_app272_rg1

Witness: f1818 shewed
Witness: fThomas shewed
Witness: fMS shewed

Reading Group: C17_app272_rg2

Witness: f1823 showed
Witness: f1831 showed


Reading Group: C17_app273_rg1

Witness: fMS itself again

Reading Group: C17_app273_rg2

Witness: f1818 itself,
Witness: f1823 itself,
Witness: f1831 itself,
Witness: fThomas itself,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 while I still remained in the forest.
Witness: f1823 while I still remained in the forest.
Witness: f1831 while I still remained in the forest.
Witness: fThomas while I still remained in the forest.
Witness: fMS while I still remained in the forest.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 My
Witness: f1823 My
Witness: f1831 My
Witness: fThomas My
Witness: fMS My


Reading Group: C17_app276_rg1

Witness: fMS ideas<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>sensations were

Reading Group: C17_app276_rg2

Witness: f1818 sensations had,
Witness: f1823 sensations had,
Witness: f1831 sensations had,
Witness: fThomas sensations had,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 by this
Witness: f1823 by this
Witness: f1831 by this
Witness: fThomas by this
Witness: fMS by this


Reading Group: C17_app278_rg1

Witness: fMS time

Reading Group: C17_app278_rg2

Witness: f1818 time,
Witness: f1823 time,
Witness: f1831 time,
Witness: fThomas time,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 become
Witness: f1823 become
Witness: f1831 become
Witness: fThomas become
Witness: fMS become


Reading Group: C17_app280_rg1

Witness: fMS distinct &<mdel/><metamark function="insert">^</metamark>my

Reading Group: C17_app280_rg2

Witness: f1818 distinct, and my
Witness: f1823 distinct, and my
Witness: f1831 distinct, and my
Witness: fThomas distinct, and my


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 mind received every day
Witness: f1823 mind received every day
Witness: f1831 mind received every day
Witness: fThomas mind received every day
Witness: fMS mind received every day


Reading Group: C17_app282_rg1

Witness: f1818 additional ideas.
Witness: f1823 additional ideas.
Witness: f1831 additional ideas.
Witness: fThomas additional ideas.

Reading Group: C17_app282_rg2

Witness: fMS aditional ones<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>ideas.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 My eyes
Witness: f1823 My eyes
Witness: f1831 My eyes
Witness: fThomas My eyes
Witness: fMS My eyes


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 became accustomed to the
Witness: f1823 became accustomed to the
Witness: f1831 became accustomed to the
Witness: fThomas became accustomed to the
Witness: fMS became accustomed to the


Reading Group: C17_app285_rg1

Witness: fMS light

Reading Group: C17_app285_rg2

Witness: f1818 light,
Witness: f1823 light,
Witness: f1831 light,
Witness: fThomas light,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and to
Witness: f1823 and to
Witness: f1831 and to
Witness: fThomas and to
Witness: fMS and to


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 perceive objects in their right forms; I distinguished
Witness: f1823 perceive objects in their right forms; I distinguished
Witness: f1831 perceive objects in their right forms; I distinguished
Witness: fThomas perceive objects in their right forms; I distinguished
Witness: fMS perceive objects in their right forms; I distinguished


Reading Group: C17_app288_rg1

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fThomas the

Reading Group: C17_app288_rg2

Witness: fMS theinsect


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 insect from the herb,
Witness: f1823 insect from the herb,
Witness: f1831 insect from the herb,
Witness: fThomas insect from the herb,
Witness: fMS insect from the herb,


Reading Group: C17_app290_rg1

Witness: fMS and

Reading Group: C17_app290_rg2

Witness: f1818 and,
Witness: f1823 and,
Witness: f1831 and,
Witness: fThomas and,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 by
Witness: f1823 by
Witness: f1831 by
Witness: fThomas by
Witness: fMS by


Reading Group: C17_app292_rg1

Witness: fMS degrees

Reading Group: C17_app292_rg2

Witness: f1818 degrees,
Witness: f1823 degrees,
Witness: f1831 degrees,
Witness: fThomas degrees,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 one herb from
Witness: f1823 one herb from
Witness: f1831 one herb from
Witness: fThomas one herb from
Witness: fMS one herb from


Reading Group: C17_app294_rg1

Witness: fMS a another –

Reading Group: C17_app294_rg2

Witness: f1818 another.
Witness: f1823 another.
Witness: f1831 another.
Witness: fThomas another.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I found
Witness: f1823 I found
Witness: f1831 I found
Witness: fThomas I found
Witness: fMS I found


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that the sparrow uttered none but harsh
Witness: f1823 that the sparrow uttered none but harsh
Witness: f1831 that the sparrow uttered none but harsh
Witness: fThomas that the sparrow uttered none but harsh
Witness: fMS that the sparrow uttered none but harsh


Reading Group: C17_app297_rg1

Witness: fMS notes andbutwhilstthat<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>those

Reading Group: C17_app297_rg2

Witness: f1818 notes, whilst those
Witness: f1823 notes, whilst those
Witness: f1831 notes, whilst those
Witness: fThomas notes, whilst those


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of the blackbird
Witness: f1823 of the blackbird
Witness: f1831 of the blackbird
Witness: fThomas of the blackbird
Witness: fMS of the blackbird


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and thrush
Witness: f1823 and thrush
Witness: f1831 and thrush
Witness: fThomas and thrush


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 were sweet
Witness: f1823 were sweet
Witness: f1831 were sweet
Witness: fThomas were sweet
Witness: fMS were sweet


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: fMS and


Reading Group: C17_app302_rg1

Witness: fMS enticing. I had le one day

Reading Group: C17_app302_rg2

Witness: f1818 enticing.<p/><p/>“One day,
Witness: f1823 enticing.<p/><p/>“One day,
Witness: f1831 enticing.<p/><p/>“One day,
Witness: fThomas enticing.<p/><p/>“One day,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 when I was
Witness: f1823 when I was
Witness: f1831 when I was
Witness: fThomas when I was
Witness: fMS when I was


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 oppressed by
Witness: f1823 oppressed by
Witness: f1831 oppressed by
Witness: fThomas oppressed by
Witness: fMS oppressed by


Reading Group: C17_app305_rg1

Witness: fMS cold

Reading Group: C17_app305_rg2

Witness: f1818 cold,
Witness: f1823 cold,
Witness: f1831 cold,
Witness: fThomas cold,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I found a fire
Witness: f1823 I found a fire
Witness: f1831 I found a fire
Witness: fThomas I found a fire
Witness: fMS I found a fire


Reading Group: C17_app307_rg1

Witness: fMS that

Reading Group: C17_app307_rg2

Witness: f1818 which
Witness: f1823 which
Witness: f1831 which
Witness: fThomas which


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 had been left by some wandering
Witness: f1823 had been left by some wandering
Witness: f1831 had been left by some wandering
Witness: fThomas had been left by some wandering
Witness: fMS had been left by some wandering


Reading Group: C17_app309_rg1

Witness: fMS beggars

Reading Group: C17_app309_rg2

Witness: f1818 beggars,
Witness: f1823 beggars,
Witness: f1831 beggars,
Witness: fThomas beggars,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and was
Witness: f1823 and was
Witness: f1831 and was
Witness: fThomas and was
Witness: fMS and was


Reading Group: C17_app311_rg1

Witness: fMS over come

Reading Group: C17_app311_rg2

Witness: f1818 overcome
Witness: f1823 overcome
Witness: f1831 overcome
Witness: fThomas overcome


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 with delight at the warmth
Witness: f1823 with delight at the warmth
Witness: f1831 with delight at the warmth
Witness: fThomas with delight at the warmth
Witness: fMS with delight.<metamark function="displacement" xml:id="c57-0005.02">X</metamark><metamark function="displacement">X</metamark> at the warmth


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS which


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: fMS I


Reading Group: C17_app315_rg1

Witness: fMS ex- perienced

Reading Group: C17_app315_rg2

Witness: f1818 experienced
Witness: f1823 experienced
Witness: f1831 experienced
Witness: fThomas experienced


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 from
Witness: f1823 from
Witness: f1831 from
Witness: fThomas from
Witness: fMS from


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 it. In my joy I thrust my hand into the
Witness: f1823 it. In my joy I thrust my hand into the
Witness: f1831 it. In my joy I thrust my hand into the
Witness: fThomas it. In my joy I thrust my hand into the
Witness: fMS it. In my joy I thrust my hand into the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 live
Witness: f1823 live
Witness: f1831 live
Witness: fThomas live
Witness: fMS live


Reading Group: C17_app319_rg1

Witness: fMS embers

Reading Group: C17_app319_rg2

Witness: f1818 embers,
Witness: f1823 embers,
Witness: f1831 embers,
Witness: fThomas embers,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but quickly drew it
Witness: f1823 but quickly drew it
Witness: f1831 but quickly drew it
Witness: fThomas but quickly drew it
Witness: fMS but quickly drew it


Reading Group: C17_app321_rg1

Witness: fMS away

Reading Group: C17_app321_rg2

Witness: f1818 out again
Witness: f1823 out again
Witness: f1831 out again
Witness: fThomas out again


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 with a
Witness: f1823 with a
Witness: f1831 with a
Witness: fThomas with a
Witness: fMS with a


Reading Group: C17_app323_rg1

Witness: f1818 cry of pain.
Witness: f1823 cry of pain.
Witness: f1831 cry of pain.
Witness: fThomas cry of pain.

Reading Group: C17_app323_rg2

Witness: fMS cryinof pain–


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 How strange, I thought, that the
Witness: f1823 How strange, I thought, that the
Witness: f1831 How strange, I thought, that the
Witness: fThomas How strange, I thought, that the
Witness: fMS How strange, I thought, that the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 same cause should
Witness: f1823 same cause should
Witness: f1831 same cause should
Witness: fThomas same cause should
Witness: fMS same cause should


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS at once


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 produce
Witness: f1823 produce
Witness: f1831 produce
Witness: fThomas produce
Witness: fMS produce


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 such
Witness: f1823 such
Witness: f1831 such
Witness: fThomas such
Witness: fMS such


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS delicious and suchuopp


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 opposite
Witness: f1823 opposite
Witness: f1831 opposite
Witness: fThomas opposite
Witness: fMS opposite


Reading Group: C17_app331_rg1

Witness: fMS effects –I

Reading Group: C17_app331_rg2

Witness: f1818 effects! I
Witness: f1823 effects! I
Witness: f1831 effects! I
Witness: fThomas effects! I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 examined the materials of the
Witness: f1823 examined the materials of the
Witness: f1831 examined the materials of the
Witness: fThomas examined the materials of the
Witness: fMS examined the materials of the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 fire,
Witness: f1823 fire,
Witness: f1831 fire,
Witness: fThomas fire,
Witness: fMS fire,


Reading Group: C17_app334_rg1

Witness: fMS &

Reading Group: C17_app334_rg2

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fThomas and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to my joy found it to be
Witness: f1823 to my joy found it to be
Witness: f1831 to my joy found it to be
Witness: fThomas to my joy found it to be
Witness: fMS to my joy found it to be


Reading Group: C17_app336_rg1

Witness: f1818 composed of wood.
Witness: f1823 composed of wood.
Witness: f1831 composed of wood.
Witness: fThomas composed of wood.

Reading Group: C17_app336_rg2

Witness: fMS wood –


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I quickly collected some
Witness: f1823 I quickly collected some
Witness: f1831 I quickly collected some
Witness: fThomas I quickly collected some
Witness: fMS I quickly collected some


Reading Group: C17_app338_rg1

Witness: fMS branches

Reading Group: C17_app338_rg2

Witness: f1818 branches;
Witness: f1823 branches;
Witness: f1831 branches;
Witness: fThomas branches;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but
Witness: f1823 but
Witness: f1831 but
Witness: fThomas but
Witness: fMS but


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 they were
Witness: f1823 they were
Witness: f1831 they were
Witness: fThomas they were
Witness: fMS they were


Reading Group: C17_app341_rg1

Witness: fMS wet

Reading Group: C17_app341_rg2

Witness: f1818 wet,
Witness: f1823 wet,
Witness: f1831 wet,
Witness: fThomas wet,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and would not burn.
Witness: f1823 and would not burn.
Witness: f1831 and would not burn.
Witness: fThomas and would not burn.
Witness: fMS and would not burn.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I was pained at
Witness: f1823 I was pained at
Witness: f1831 I was pained at
Witness: fThomas I was pained at
Witness: fMS I was pained at


Reading Group: C17_app344_rg1

Witness: fMS this

Reading Group: C17_app344_rg2

Witness: f1818 this,
Witness: f1823 this,
Witness: f1831 this,
Witness: fThomas this,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and sat still
Witness: f1823 and sat still
Witness: f1831 and sat still
Witness: fThomas and sat still
Witness: fMS and sat still


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 watching the
Witness: f1823 watching the
Witness: f1831 watching the
Witness: fThomas watching the
Witness: fMS watching the


Reading Group: C17_app347_rg1

Witness: fMS opperation

Reading Group: C17_app347_rg2

Witness: f1818 operation
Witness: f1823 operation
Witness: f1831 operation
Witness: fThomas operation


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of the fire.
Witness: f1823 of the fire.
Witness: f1831 of the fire.
Witness: fThomas of the fire.
Witness: fMS of the fire.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 The wet wood
Witness: f1823 The wet wood
Witness: f1831 The wet wood
Witness: fThomas The wet wood
Witness: fMS The wet wood


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 which
Witness: f1823 which
Witness: f1831 which
Witness: fThomas which


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I had placed near the heat
Witness: f1823 I had placed near the heat
Witness: f1831 I had placed near the heat
Witness: fThomas I had placed near the heat
Witness: fMS I had placed near the heat


Reading Group: C17_app352_rg1

Witness: fMS became dy drydried,

Reading Group: C17_app352_rg2

Witness: f1818 dried,
Witness: f1823 dried,
Witness: f1831 dried,
Witness: fThomas dried,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and itself
Witness: f1823 and itself
Witness: f1831 and itself
Witness: fThomas and itself
Witness: fMS and itself


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS became


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 became
Witness: f1823 became
Witness: f1831 became
Witness: fThomas became
Witness: fMS became


Reading Group: C17_app356_rg1

Witness: fMS hotinflamed.

Reading Group: C17_app356_rg2

Witness: f1818 inflamed.
Witness: f1823 inflamed.
Witness: f1831 inflamed.
Witness: fThomas inflamed.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I reflected on
Witness: f1823 I reflected on
Witness: f1831 I reflected on
Witness: fThomas I reflected on
Witness: fMS I reflected on


Reading Group: C17_app358_rg1

Witness: fMS this, and

Reading Group: C17_app358_rg2

Witness: f1818 this; and,
Witness: f1823 this; and,
Witness: f1831 this; and,
Witness: fThomas this; and,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 by touching
Witness: f1823 by touching
Witness: f1831 by touching
Witness: fThomas by touching
Witness: fMS by touching


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the various
Witness: f1823 the various
Witness: f1831 the various
Witness: fThomas the various
Witness: fMS the various


Reading Group: C17_app361_rg1

Witness: fMS branches

Reading Group: C17_app361_rg2

Witness: f1818 branches,
Witness: f1823 branches,
Witness: f1831 branches,
Witness: fThomas branches,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I discovered the
Witness: f1823 I discovered the
Witness: f1831 I discovered the
Witness: fThomas I discovered the
Witness: fMS I discovered the


Reading Group: C17_app363_rg1

Witness: fMS cause

Reading Group: C17_app363_rg2

Witness: f1818 cause,
Witness: f1823 cause,
Witness: f1831 cause,
Witness: fThomas cause,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and busied myself in collecting a great
Witness: f1823 and busied myself in collecting a great
Witness: f1831 and busied myself in collecting a great
Witness: fThomas and busied myself in collecting a great
Witness: fMS and busied myself in collectionng a great


Reading Group: C17_app365_rg1

Witness: fMS dealquantity

Reading Group: C17_app365_rg2

Witness: f1818 quantity
Witness: f1823 quantity
Witness: f1831 quantity
Witness: fThomas quantity


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of
Witness: f1823 of
Witness: f1831 of
Witness: fThomas of
Witness: fMS of


Reading Group: C17_app367_rg1

Witness: fMS wood

Reading Group: C17_app367_rg2

Witness: f1818 wood,
Witness: f1823 wood,
Witness: f1831 wood,
Witness: fThomas wood,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that I might dry
Witness: f1823 that I might dry
Witness: f1831 that I might dry
Witness: fThomas that I might dry
Witness: fMS that I might dry


Reading Group: C17_app369_rg1

Witness: fMS it

Reading Group: C17_app369_rg2

Witness: f1818 it,
Witness: f1823 it,
Witness: f1831 it,
Witness: fThomas it,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: fMS and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 have a
Witness: f1823 have a
Witness: f1831 have a
Witness: fThomas have a
Witness: fMS have a


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS pel


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 plentiful supply
Witness: f1823 plentiful supply
Witness: f1831 plentiful supply
Witness: fThomas plentiful supply
Witness: fMS plentiful supply


Reading Group: C17_app374_rg1

Witness: f1818 of
Witness: f1823 of
Witness: f1831 of
Witness: fThomas of

Reading Group: C17_app374_rg2

Witness: fMS oof


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 fire. When night
Witness: f1823 fire. When night
Witness: f1831 fire. When night
Witness: fThomas fire. When night
Witness: fMS fire. When night


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 came
Witness: f1823 came
Witness: f1831 came
Witness: fThomas came
Witness: fMS came


Reading Group: C17_app377_rg1

Witness: fMS on

Reading Group: C17_app377_rg2

Witness: f1818 on,
Witness: f1823 on,
Witness: f1831 on,
Witness: fThomas on,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and brought
Witness: f1823 and brought
Witness: f1831 and brought
Witness: fThomas and brought
Witness: fMS and <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>brought


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 sleep
Witness: f1823 sleep
Witness: f1831 sleep
Witness: fThomas sleep


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 with
Witness: f1823 with
Witness: f1831 with
Witness: fThomas with
Witness: fMS with


Reading Group: C17_app381_rg1

Witness: fMS it sleep,

Reading Group: C17_app381_rg2

Witness: f1818 it,
Witness: f1823 it,
Witness: f1831 it,
Witness: fThomas it,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I was in the greatest
Witness: f1823 I was in the greatest
Witness: f1831 I was in the greatest
Witness: fThomas I was in the greatest
Witness: fMS I was in the greatest


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 fear lest my fire should be
Witness: f1823 fear lest my fire should be
Witness: f1831 fear lest my fire should be
Witness: fThomas fear lest my fire should be
Witness: fMS fear lest my fire should be


Reading Group: C17_app384_rg1

Witness: fMS extinguished

Reading Group: C17_app384_rg2

Witness: f1818 extinguished.
Witness: f1823 extinguished.
Witness: f1831 extinguished.
Witness: fThomas extinguished.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I covered it carefully with
Witness: f1823 I covered it carefully with
Witness: f1831 I covered it carefully with
Witness: fThomas I covered it carefully with
Witness: fMS I covered it carefully with


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS try


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 dry wood
Witness: f1823 dry wood
Witness: f1831 dry wood
Witness: fThomas dry wood
Witness: fMS dry wood


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: fMS and


Reading Group: C17_app389_rg1

Witness: fMS leaves & then

Reading Group: C17_app389_rg2

Witness: f1818 leaves, and
Witness: f1823 leaves, and
Witness: f1831 leaves, and
Witness: fThomas leaves, and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 placed
Witness: f1823 placed
Witness: f1831 placed
Witness: fThomas placed
Witness: fMS placed


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS upon that


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 wet
Witness: f1823 wet
Witness: f1831 wet
Witness: fThomas wet
Witness: fMS wet


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 branches
Witness: f1823 branches
Witness: f1831 branches
Witness: fThomas branches
Witness: fMS branches


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 upon it;
Witness: f1823 upon it;
Witness: f1831 upon it;
Witness: fThomas upon it;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: fMS and


Reading Group: C17_app396_rg1

Witness: fMS then

Reading Group: C17_app396_rg2

Witness: f1818 then,
Witness: f1823 then,
Witness: f1831 then,
Witness: fThomas then,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 spreading my
Witness: f1823 spreading my
Witness: f1831 spreading my
Witness: fThomas spreading my
Witness: fMS spreading my


Reading Group: C17_app398_rg1

Witness: fMS cloak

Reading Group: C17_app398_rg2

Witness: f1818 cloak,
Witness: f1823 cloak,
Witness: f1831 cloak,
Witness: fThomas cloak,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: fMS I


Reading Group: C17_app400_rg1

Witness: fMS la

Reading Group: C17_app400_rg2

Witness: f1818 lay
Witness: f1823 lay
Witness: f1831 lay
Witness: fThomas lay


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 on the
Witness: f1823 on the
Witness: f1831 on the
Witness: fThomas on the
Witness: fMS on the


Reading Group: C17_app402_rg1

Witness: fMS ground I&

Reading Group: C17_app402_rg2

Witness: f1818 ground, and
Witness: f1823 ground, and
Witness: f1831 ground, and
Witness: fThomas ground, and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 sunk into
Witness: f1823 sunk into
Witness: f1831 sunk into
Witness: fThomas sunk into
Witness: fMS sunk into


Reading Group: C17_app404_rg1

Witness: fMS sleep. I was morning when I It

Reading Group: C17_app404_rg2

Witness: f1818 sleep.<p/><p/>“It
Witness: f1823 sleep.<p/><p/>“It
Witness: f1831 sleep.<p/><p/>“It
Witness: fThomas sleep.<p/><p/>“It


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was morning when I
Witness: f1823 was morning when I
Witness: f1831 was morning when I
Witness: fThomas was morning when I
Witness: fMS was morning when I


Reading Group: C17_app406_rg1

Witness: fMS awoke &

Reading Group: C17_app406_rg2

Witness: f1818 awoke, and
Witness: f1823 awoke, and
Witness: f1831 awoke, and
Witness: fThomas awoke, and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my
Witness: f1823 my
Witness: f1831 my
Witness: fThomas my
Witness: fMS my


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 first care was to visit the
Witness: f1823 first care was to visit the
Witness: f1831 first care was to visit the
Witness: fThomas first care was to visit the
Witness: fMS first care was to visit the


Reading Group: C17_app409_rg1

Witness: fMS fire –I

Reading Group: C17_app409_rg2

Witness: f1818 fire. I
Witness: f1823 fire. I
Witness: f1831 fire. I
Witness: fThomas fire. I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 uncovered
Witness: f1823 uncovered
Witness: f1831 uncovered
Witness: fThomas uncovered
Witness: fMS uncovered


Reading Group: C17_app411_rg1

Witness: fMS it

Reading Group: C17_app411_rg2

Witness: f1818 it,
Witness: f1823 it,
Witness: f1831 it,
Witness: fThomas it,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: fMS and


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS th


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a gentle breeze quickly fanned it
Witness: f1823 a gentle breeze quickly fanned it
Witness: f1831 a gentle breeze quickly fanned it
Witness: fThomas a gentle breeze quickly fanned it
Witness: fMS a gentle breeze quickly fanned it


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 into a
Witness: f1823 into a
Witness: f1831 into a
Witness: fThomas into a
Witness: fMS into a


Reading Group: C17_app416_rg1

Witness: fMS flame

Reading Group: C17_app416_rg2

Witness: f1818 flame.
Witness: f1823 flame.
Witness: f1831 flame.
Witness: fThomas flame.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I observed this
Witness: f1823 I observed this
Witness: f1831 I observed this
Witness: fThomas I observed this
Witness: fMS I observed this


Reading Group: C17_app418_rg1

Witness: fMS also

Reading Group: C17_app418_rg2

Witness: f1818 also,
Witness: f1823 also,
Witness: f1831 also,
Witness: fThomas also,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and contrived a fan of
Witness: f1823 and contrived a fan of
Witness: f1831 and contrived a fan of
Witness: fThomas and contrived a fan of
Witness: fMS and contrived a fan of


Reading Group: C17_app420_rg1

Witness: fMS branches

Reading Group: C17_app420_rg2

Witness: f1818 branches,
Witness: f1823 branches,
Witness: f1831 branches,
Witness: fThomas branches,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 which roused the
Witness: f1823 which roused the
Witness: f1831 which roused the
Witness: fThomas which roused the
Witness: fMS which roused the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 embers when
Witness: f1823 embers when
Witness: f1831 embers when
Witness: fThomas embers when
Witness: fMS embers when


Reading Group: C17_app423_rg1

Witness: f1818 they
Witness: f1823 they
Witness: f1831 they
Witness: fThomas they

Reading Group: C17_app423_rg2

Witness: fMS thy


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 were nearly extinguished.
Witness: f1823 were nearly extinguished.
Witness: f1831 were nearly extinguished.
Witness: fThomas were nearly extinguished.
Witness: fMS were nearly extinguished.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 When night
Witness: f1823 When night
Witness: f1831 When night
Witness: fThomas When night
Witness: fMS When night


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS again


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 came
Witness: f1823 came
Witness: f1831 came
Witness: fThomas came
Witness: fMS came


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 again,
Witness: f1823 again,
Witness: f1831 again,
Witness: fThomas again,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: fMS I


Reading Group: C17_app430_rg1

Witness: fMS found

Reading Group: C17_app430_rg2

Witness: f1818 found,
Witness: f1823 found,
Witness: f1831 found,
Witness: fThomas found,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 with
Witness: f1823 with
Witness: f1831 with
Witness: fThomas with
Witness: fMS with


Reading Group: C17_app432_rg1

Witness: fMS pleasure

Reading Group: C17_app432_rg2

Witness: f1818 pleasure,
Witness: f1823 pleasure,
Witness: f1831 pleasure,
Witness: fThomas pleasure,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that the fire gave light as well
Witness: f1823 that the fire gave light as well
Witness: f1831 that the fire gave light as well
Witness: fThomas that the fire gave light as well
Witness: fMS that the fire gave light as well


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 as
Witness: f1823 as
Witness: f1831 as
Witness: fThomas as
Witness: fMS as


Reading Group: C17_app435_rg1

Witness: fMS heat and I often

Reading Group: C17_app435_rg2

Witness: f1818 heat;
Witness: f1823 heat;
Witness: f1831 heat;
Witness: fThomas heat;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: fMS and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that
Witness: f1823 that
Witness: f1831 that
Witness: fThomas that


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the discovery of this
Witness: f1823 the discovery of this
Witness: f1831 the discovery of this
Witness: fThomas the discovery of this
Witness: fMS the discovery of this


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 element was useful to me
Witness: f1823 element was useful to me
Witness: f1831 element was useful to me
Witness: fThomas element was useful to me
Witness: fMS element was useful to me


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS also


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in my
Witness: f1823 in my
Witness: f1831 in my
Witness: fThomas in my
Witness: fMS in my


Reading Group: C17_app442_rg1

Witness: f1818 food;
Witness: f1823 food;
Witness: f1831 food;
Witness: fThomas food;

Reading Group: C17_app442_rg2

Witness: fMS food–


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 for I found some of
Witness: f1823 for I found some of
Witness: f1831 for I found some of
Witness: fThomas for I found some of
Witness: fMS for I found some of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fThomas the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 offals that the travellers had left had been
Witness: f1823 offals that the travellers had left had been
Witness: f1831 offals that the travellers had left had been
Witness: fThomas offals that the travellers had left had been
Witness: fMS offals that the travellers had left had been


Reading Group: C17_app446_rg1

Witness: fMS roasted

Reading Group: C17_app446_rg2

Witness: f1818 roasted,
Witness: f1823 roasted,
Witness: f1831 roasted,
Witness: fThomas roasted,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and tasted
Witness: f1823 and tasted
Witness: f1831 and tasted
Witness: fThomas and tasted
Witness: fMS and tasted


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 much more savoury than the berries
Witness: f1823 much more savoury than the berries
Witness: f1831 much more savoury than the berries
Witness: fThomas much more savoury than the berries
Witness: fMS much more savoury than the berries


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: fMS I


Reading Group: C17_app450_rg1

Witness: f1818 gathered from the trees.
Witness: f1823 gathered from the trees.
Witness: f1831 gathered from the trees.
Witness: fThomas gathered from the trees.

Reading Group: C17_app450_rg2

Witness: fMS gathered;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: fMS I


Reading Group: C17_app452_rg1

Witness: fMS tried therefore

Reading Group: C17_app452_rg2

Witness: f1818 tried, therefore,
Witness: f1823 tried, therefore,
Witness: f1831 tried, therefore,
Witness: fThomas tried, therefore,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to dress my food
Witness: f1823 to dress my food
Witness: f1831 to dress my food
Witness: fThomas to dress my food
Witness: fMS to dress my food


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in the same manner, placing
Witness: f1823 in the same manner, placing
Witness: f1831 in the same manner, placing
Witness: fThomas in the same manner, placing
Witness: fMS in the same manner, placing


Reading Group: C17_app455_rg1

Witness: f1818 it
Witness: f1823 it
Witness: f1831 it
Witness: fThomas it

Reading Group: C17_app455_rg2

Witness: fMS them


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 on the live
Witness: f1823 on the live
Witness: f1831 on the live
Witness: fThomas on the live
Witness: fMS on the live


Reading Group: C17_app457_rg1

Witness: f1818 embers.
Witness: f1823 embers.
Witness: f1831 embers.
Witness: fThomas embers.

Reading Group: C17_app457_rg2

Witness: fMS embers–


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I found that the
Witness: f1823 I found that the
Witness: f1831 I found that the
Witness: fThomas I found that the
Witness: fMS I found that the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 berries were spoiled by this
Witness: f1823 berries were spoiled by this
Witness: f1831 berries were spoiled by this
Witness: fThomas berries were spoiled by this
Witness: fMS berries were spoiled by this


Reading Group: C17_app460_rg1

Witness: fMS opperation

Reading Group: C17_app460_rg2

Witness: f1818 operation,
Witness: f1823 operation,
Witness: f1831 operation,
Witness: fThomas operation,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and the nuts
Witness: f1823 and the nuts
Witness: f1831 and the nuts
Witness: fThomas and the nuts
Witness: fMS and the nuts


Reading Group: C17_app462_rg1

Witness: f1818 and roots much improved.<p/><p/>“Food, however,
Witness: f1823 and roots much improved.<p/><p/>“Food, however,
Witness: f1831 and roots much improved.<p/><p/>“Food, however,
Witness: fThomas and roots much improved.<p/><p/>“Food, however,

Reading Group: C17_app462_rg2

Witness: fMS much improved. Food however


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 became
Witness: f1823 became
Witness: f1831 became
Witness: fThomas became
Witness: fMS became


Reading Group: C17_app464_rg1

Witness: f1818 scarce;
Witness: f1823 scarce;
Witness: f1831 scarce;
Witness: fThomas scarce;

Reading Group: C17_app464_rg2

Witness: fMS very scarce


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and I often
Witness: f1823 and I often
Witness: f1831 and I often
Witness: fThomas and I often
Witness: fMS and I often


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 spent
Witness: f1823 spent
Witness: f1831 spent
Witness: fThomas spent
Witness: fMS spent


Reading Group: C17_app467_rg1

Witness: fMS a

Reading Group: C17_app467_rg2

Witness: f1818 the whole
Witness: f1823 the whole
Witness: f1831 the whole
Witness: fThomas the whole


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 day searching in vain for a
Witness: f1823 day searching in vain for a
Witness: f1831 day searching in vain for a
Witness: fThomas day searching in vain for a
Witness: fMS day searching in vain for a


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 few acorns to assuage the pangs of hunger.
Witness: f1823 few acorns to assuage the pangs of hunger.
Witness: f1831 few acorns to assuage the pangs of hunger.
Witness: fThomas few acorns to assuage the pangs of hunger.
Witness: fMS few acorns to assuage the pangs of hunger.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 When I found
Witness: f1823 When I found
Witness: f1831 When I found
Witness: fThomas When I found
Witness: fMS When I found


Reading Group: C17_app471_rg1

Witness: fMS this

Reading Group: C17_app471_rg2

Witness: f1818 this, I
Witness: f1823 this, I
Witness: f1831 this, I
Witness: fThomas this, I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 resolved to quit the place
Witness: f1823 resolved to quit the place
Witness: f1831 resolved to quit the place
Witness: fThomas resolved to quit the place
Witness: fMS resolved to quit the place


Reading Group: C17_app473_rg1

Witness: fMS which

Reading Group: C17_app473_rg2

Witness: f1818 that
Witness: f1823 that
Witness: f1831 that
Witness: fThomas that


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I had hitherto
Witness: f1823 I had hitherto
Witness: f1831 I had hitherto
Witness: fThomas I had hitherto
Witness: fMS I had hitherto


Reading Group: C17_app475_rg1

Witness: fMS inhabited &

Reading Group: C17_app475_rg2

Witness: f1818 inhabited,
Witness: f1823 inhabited,
Witness: f1831 inhabited,
Witness: fThomas inhabited,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to seek for
Witness: f1823 to seek for
Witness: f1831 to seek for
Witness: fThomas to seek for
Witness: fMS to seek for


Reading Group: C17_app477_rg1

Witness: fMS a placeone

Reading Group: C17_app477_rg2

Witness: f1818 one
Witness: f1823 one
Witness: f1831 one
Witness: fThomas one


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 where the few wants I experienced would be more easily satisfied.
Witness: f1823 where the few wants I experienced would be more easily satisfied.
Witness: f1831 where the few wants I experienced would be more easily satisfied.
Witness: fThomas where the few wants I experienced would be more easily satisfied.
Witness: fMS where the few wants I experienced would be more easily satisfied.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 In this
Witness: f1823 In this
Witness: f1831 In this
Witness: fThomas In this
Witness: fMS In this


Reading Group: C17_app480_rg1

Witness: fMS emigration

Reading Group: C17_app480_rg2

Witness: f1818 emigration,
Witness: f1823 emigration,
Witness: f1831 emigration,
Witness: fThomas emigration,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: fMS I


Reading Group: C17_app482_rg1

Witness: fMS extremelyexceedingly

Reading Group: C17_app482_rg2

Witness: f1818 exceedingly
Witness: f1823 exceedingly
Witness: f1831 exceedingly
Witness: fThomas exceedingly


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 lamented the
Witness: f1823 lamented the
Witness: f1831 lamented the
Witness: fThomas lamented the
Witness: fMS lamented the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 loss of
Witness: f1823 loss of
Witness: f1831 loss of
Witness: fThomas loss of
Witness: fMS loss of


Reading Group: C17_app485_rg1

Witness: fMS my fire–I

Reading Group: C17_app485_rg2

Witness: f1818 the fire which I
Witness: f1823 the fire which I
Witness: f1831 the fire which I
Witness: fThomas the fire which I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 had obtained
Witness: f1823 had obtained
Witness: f1831 had obtained
Witness: fThomas had obtained
Witness: fMS had obtained


Reading Group: C17_app487_rg1

Witness: fMS it by by strange means

Reading Group: C17_app487_rg2

Witness: f1818 through accident,
Witness: f1823 through accident,
Witness: f1831 through accident,
Witness: fThomas through accident,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and knew not how to
Witness: f1823 and knew not how to
Witness: f1831 and knew not how to
Witness: fThomas and knew not how to
Witness: fMS and knew not how to


Reading Group: C17_app489_rg1

Witness: f1818 re-produce
Witness: f1823 re-produce
Witness: fThomas re-produce

Reading Group: C17_app489_rg2

Witness: f1831 reproduce
Witness: fMS reproduce


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 it.
Witness: f1823 it.
Witness: f1831 it.
Witness: fThomas it.
Witness: fMS it.


Reading Group: C17_app491_rg1

Witness: fMS by myselfThisthis deficiency obtained my

Reading Group: C17_app491_rg2

Witness: f1818 I gave several hours to the
Witness: f1823 I gave several hours to the
Witness: f1831 I gave several hours to the
Witness: fThomas I gave several hours to the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 serious consideration
Witness: f1823 serious consideration
Witness: f1831 serious consideration
Witness: fThomas serious consideration
Witness: fMS serious consideration


Reading Group: C17_app493_rg1

Witness: fMS for several hours

Reading Group: C17_app493_rg2

Witness: f1818 of this difficulty;
Witness: f1823 of this difficulty;
Witness: f1831 of this difficulty;
Witness: fThomas of this difficulty;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but I was obliged to
Witness: f1823 but I was obliged to
Witness: f1831 but I was obliged to
Witness: fThomas but I was obliged to
Witness: fMS but I was obliged to


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS leave it


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 relinquish all
Witness: f1823 relinquish all
Witness: f1831 relinquish all
Witness: fThomas relinquish all
Witness: fMS relinquish all


Reading Group: C17_app497_rg1

Witness: fMS attempts

Reading Group: C17_app497_rg2

Witness: f1818 attempt
Witness: f1823 attempt
Witness: f1831 attempt
Witness: fThomas attempt


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to
Witness: f1823 to
Witness: f1831 to
Witness: fThomas to
Witness: fMS to


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 supply
Witness: f1823 supply
Witness: f1831 supply
Witness: fThomas supply
Witness: fMS supply


Reading Group: C17_app500_rg1

Witness: fMS it, and wrapp<mdel/>ing

Reading Group: C17_app500_rg2

Witness: f1818 it; and, wrapping
Witness: f1823 it; and, wrapping
Witness: f1831 it; and, wrapping
Witness: fThomas it; and, wrapping


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 myself up in my
Witness: f1823 myself up in my
Witness: f1831 myself up in my
Witness: fThomas myself up in my
Witness: fMS myself up in my


Reading Group: C17_app502_rg1

Witness: fMS cloak

Reading Group: C17_app502_rg2

Witness: f1818 cloak,
Witness: f1823 cloak,
Witness: f1831 cloak,
Witness: fThomas cloak,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I struck across the wood towards the
Witness: f1823 I struck across the wood towards the
Witness: f1831 I struck across the wood towards the
Witness: fThomas I struck across the wood towards the
Witness: fMS I struck across the wood towards the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 setting
Witness: f1823 setting
Witness: f1831 setting
Witness: fThomas setting
Witness: fMS setting


Reading Group: C17_app505_rg1

Witness: fMS sun –

Reading Group: C17_app505_rg2

Witness: f1818 sun.
Witness: f1823 sun.
Witness: f1831 sun.
Witness: fThomas sun.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I passed three days in these
Witness: f1823 I passed three days in these
Witness: f1831 I passed three days in these
Witness: fThomas I passed three days in these
Witness: fMS I passed three days in these


Reading Group: C17_app507_rg1

Witness: fMS rambles

Reading Group: C17_app507_rg2

Witness: f1818 rambles,
Witness: f1823 rambles,
Witness: f1831 rambles,
Witness: fThomas rambles,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and at length discovered the
Witness: f1823 and at length discovered the
Witness: f1831 and at length discovered the
Witness: fThomas and at length discovered the
Witness: fMS and at length discovered the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 open
Witness: f1823 open
Witness: f1831 open
Witness: fThomas open
Witness: fMS open


Reading Group: C17_app510_rg1

Witness: fMS country –

Reading Group: C17_app510_rg2

Witness: f1818 country.
Witness: f1823 country.
Witness: f1831 country.
Witness: fThomas country.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 A great fall of snow had
Witness: f1823 A great fall of snow had
Witness: f1831 A great fall of snow had
Witness: fThomas A great fall of snow had
Witness: fMS A great fall of snow had


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 taken place the night
Witness: f1823 taken place the night
Witness: f1831 taken place the night
Witness: fThomas taken place the night
Witness: fMS taken place the night


Reading Group: C17_app513_rg1

Witness: fMS before

Reading Group: C17_app513_rg2

Witness: f1818 before,
Witness: f1823 before,
Witness: f1831 before,
Witness: fThomas before,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and the
Witness: f1823 and the
Witness: f1831 and the
Witness: fThomas and the
Witness: fMS and the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 fields were of one
Witness: f1823 fields were of one
Witness: f1831 fields were of one
Witness: fThomas fields were of one
Witness: fMS fields were of one


Reading Group: C17_app516_rg1

Witness: fMS uninform white

Reading Group: C17_app516_rg2

Witness: f1818 uniform white;
Witness: f1823 uniform white;
Witness: f1831 uniform white;
Witness: fThomas uniform white;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: fMS the


Reading Group: C17_app518_rg1

Witness: fMS appearrance

Reading Group: C17_app518_rg2

Witness: f1818 appearance
Witness: f1823 appearance
Witness: f1831 appearance
Witness: fThomas appearance


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was
Witness: f1823 was
Witness: f1831 was
Witness: fThomas was
Witness: fMS was


Reading Group: C17_app520_rg1

Witness: fMS disconsolate

Reading Group: C17_app520_rg2

Witness: f1818 disconsolate,
Witness: f1823 disconsolate,
Witness: f1831 disconsolate,
Witness: fThomas disconsolate,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and I
Witness: f1823 and I
Witness: f1831 and I
Witness: fThomas and I
Witness: fMS and I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 found my feet chilled by the cold
Witness: f1823 found my feet chilled by the cold
Witness: f1831 found my feet chilled by the cold
Witness: fThomas found my feet chilled by the cold
Witness: fMS found my feet chilled by the cold


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS dab


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 damp substance that covered the
Witness: f1823 damp substance that covered the
Witness: f1831 damp substance that covered the
Witness: fThomas damp substance that covered the
Witness: fMS damp <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>substance that covered the


Reading Group: C17_app525_rg1

Witness: fMS ground – It

Reading Group: C17_app525_rg2

Witness: f1818 ground.<p/><p/>“It
Witness: f1823 ground.<p/><p/>“It
Witness: f1831 ground.<p/><p/>“It
Witness: fThomas ground.<p/><p/>“It


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was about seven in
Witness: f1823 was about seven in
Witness: f1831 was about seven in
Witness: fThomas was about seven in
Witness: fMS was about seven in


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: fMS the


Reading Group: C17_app528_rg1

Witness: fMS morning

Reading Group: C17_app528_rg2

Witness: f1818 morning,
Witness: f1823 morning,
Witness: f1831 morning,
Witness: fThomas morning,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and I longed to obtain food
Witness: f1823 and I longed to obtain food
Witness: f1831 and I longed to obtain food
Witness: fThomas and I longed to obtain food
Witness: fMS and I longed to obtain food


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: fMS and


Reading Group: C17_app531_rg1

Witness: fMS shelter.

Reading Group: C17_app531_rg2

Witness: f1818 shelter;
Witness: f1823 shelter;
Witness: f1831 shelter;
Witness: fThomas shelter;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 at length I perceived
Witness: f1823 at length I perceived
Witness: f1831 at length I perceived
Witness: fThomas at length I perceived
Witness: fMS At length I perceived


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS in


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a
Witness: f1823 a
Witness: f1831 a
Witness: fThomas a
Witness: fMS a


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 small
Witness: f1823 small
Witness: f1831 small
Witness: fThomas small
Witness: fMS small


Reading Group: C17_app536_rg1

Witness: fMS hut

Reading Group: C17_app536_rg2

Witness: f1818 hut, on a rising ground,
Witness: f1823 hut, on a rising ground,
Witness: f1831 hut, on a rising ground,
Witness: fThomas hut, on a rising ground,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 which had
Witness: f1823 which had
Witness: f1831 which had
Witness: fThomas which had
Witness: fMS which had


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS b


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 doubtless been
Witness: f1823 doubtless been
Witness: f1831 doubtless been
Witness: fThomas doubtless been
Witness: fMS doubtless been


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 built for the convenience of
Witness: f1823 built for the convenience of
Witness: f1831 built for the convenience of
Witness: fThomas built for the convenience of
Witness: fMS built for the convenience of


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 some
Witness: f1823 some
Witness: f1831 some
Witness: fThomas some
Witness: fMS some


Reading Group: C17_app543_rg1

Witness: fMS shepheard.

Reading Group: C17_app543_rg2

Witness: f1818 shepherd.
Witness: f1823 shepherd.
Witness: f1831 shepherd.
Witness: fThomas shepherd.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 This was a new sight
Witness: f1823 This was a new sight
Witness: f1831 This was a new sight
Witness: fThomas This was a new sight
Witness: fMS This was a new sight


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to
Witness: f1823 to
Witness: f1831 to
Witness: fThomas to
Witness: fMS to


Reading Group: C17_app546_rg1

Witness: fMS me

Reading Group: C17_app546_rg2

Witness: f1818 me;
Witness: f1823 me;
Witness: f1831 me;
Witness: fThomas me;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and I examined the
Witness: f1823 and I examined the
Witness: f1831 and I examined the
Witness: fThomas and I examined the
Witness: fMS and I examined the


Reading Group: C17_app548_rg1

Witness: fMS stustructure of it

Reading Group: C17_app548_rg2

Witness: f1818 structure
Witness: f1823 structure
Witness: f1831 structure
Witness: fThomas structure


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 with great curiosity.
Witness: f1823 with great curiosity.
Witness: f1831 with great curiosity.
Witness: fThomas with great curiosity.
Witness: fMS with great curiosity.


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Finding the door
Witness: f1823 Finding the door
Witness: f1831 Finding the door
Witness: fThomas Finding the door
Witness: fMS finding the door


Reading Group: C17_app552_rg1

Witness: fMS open

Reading Group: C17_app552_rg2

Witness: f1818 open,
Witness: f1823 open,
Witness: f1831 open,
Witness: fThomas open,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I entered. An old
Witness: f1823 I entered. An old
Witness: f1831 I entered. An old
Witness: fThomas I entered. An old
Witness: fMS I entered. An old


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 man sat
Witness: f1823 man sat
Witness: f1831 man sat
Witness: fThomas man sat
Witness: fMS man sat


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS it


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in it, near a
Witness: f1823 in it, near a
Witness: f1831 in it, near a
Witness: fThomas in it, near a
Witness: fMS in it, near a


Reading Group: C17_app557_rg1

Witness: fMS fire onover<mdel/>

Reading Group: C17_app557_rg2

Witness: f1818 fire, over
Witness: f1823 fire, over
Witness: f1831 fire, over
Witness: fThomas fire, over


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 which he was preparing his
Witness: f1823 which he was preparing his
Witness: f1831 which he was preparing his
Witness: fThomas which he was preparing his
Witness: fMS which he was preparing his


Reading Group: C17_app559_rg1

Witness: fMS breakfast

Reading Group: C17_app559_rg2

Witness: f1818 breakfast.
Witness: f1823 breakfast.
Witness: f1831 breakfast.
Witness: fThomas breakfast.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 He turned
Witness: f1823 He turned
Witness: f1831 He turned
Witness: fThomas He turned
Witness: fMS he turned


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 on hearing a
Witness: f1823 on hearing a
Witness: f1831 on hearing a
Witness: fThomas on hearing a
Witness: fMS on hearing a


Reading Group: C17_app563_rg1

Witness: fMS noise &onand

Reading Group: C17_app563_rg2

Witness: f1818 noise; and,
Witness: f1823 noise; and,
Witness: f1831 noise; and,
Witness: fThomas noise; and,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 perceiving
Witness: f1823 perceiving
Witness: f1831 perceiving
Witness: fThomas perceiving
Witness: fMS perceiving


Reading Group: C17_app565_rg1

Witness: fMS me

Reading Group: C17_app565_rg2

Witness: f1818 me,
Witness: f1823 me,
Witness: f1831 me,
Witness: fThomas me,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 shrieked
Witness: f1823 shrieked
Witness: f1831 shrieked
Witness: fThomas shrieked
Witness: fMS shrieked


Reading Group: C17_app567_rg1

Witness: fMS loudly and quiting

Reading Group: C17_app567_rg2

Witness: f1818 loudly, and, quitting
Witness: f1823 loudly, and, quitting
Witness: f1831 loudly, and, quitting
Witness: fThomas loudly, and, quitting


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: fMS the


Reading Group: C17_app569_rg1

Witness: fMS hut

Reading Group: C17_app569_rg2

Witness: f1818 hut,
Witness: f1823 hut,
Witness: f1831 hut,
Witness: fThomas hut,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 ran across the fields with
Witness: f1823 ran across the fields with
Witness: f1831 ran across the fields with
Witness: fThomas ran across the fields with
Witness: fMS ran across the fields with


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a speed
Witness: f1823 a speed
Witness: f1831 a speed
Witness: fThomas a speed
Witness: fMS a speed


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS little


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of which his debilitated form
Witness: f1823 of which his debilitated form
Witness: f1831 of which his debilitated form
Witness: fThomas of which his debilitated form
Witness: fMS of which his debilitated form


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 hardly appeared capable. His
Witness: f1823 hardly appeared capable. His
Witness: f1831 hardly appeared capable. His
Witness: fThomas hardly appeared capable. His
Witness: fMS hardly appeared capable.of His


Reading Group: C17_app575_rg1

Witness: f1818 appearance, different from any I had ever before seen, and his flight,
Witness: f1823 appearance, different from any I had ever before seen, and his flight,
Witness: f1831 appearance, different from any I had ever before seen, and his flight,
Witness: fThomas appearance, different from any I had ever before seen, and his flight,

Reading Group: C17_app575_rg2

Witness: fMS flight


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 somewhat surprised
Witness: f1823 somewhat surprised
Witness: f1831 somewhat surprised
Witness: fThomas somewhat surprised
Witness: fMS somewhat surprised


Reading Group: C17_app577_rg1

Witness: fMS me –

Reading Group: C17_app577_rg2

Witness: f1818 me.
Witness: f1823 me.
Witness: f1831 me.
Witness: fThomas me.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 But I was
Witness: f1823 But I was
Witness: f1831 But I was
Witness: fThomas But I was
Witness: fMS but I was


Reading Group: C17_app579_rg1

Witness: fMS inchanted with

Reading Group: C17_app579_rg2

Witness: f1818 enchanted by
Witness: f1823 enchanted by
Witness: f1831 enchanted by
Witness: fThomas enchanted by


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the appearance of the
Witness: f1823 the appearance of the
Witness: f1831 the appearance of the
Witness: fThomas the appearance of the
Witness: fMS the appearance of the


Reading Group: C17_app581_rg1

Witness: fMS hut.

Reading Group: C17_app581_rg2

Witness: f1818 hut:
Witness: f1823 hut:
Witness: f1831 hut:
Witness: fThomas hut:


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 here the snow and rain could not
Witness: f1823 here the snow and rain could not
Witness: f1831 here the snow and rain could not
Witness: fThomas here the snow and rain could not
Witness: fMS Here the snow and rain could not


Reading Group: C17_app583_rg1

Witness: fMS penetrate –

Reading Group: C17_app583_rg2

Witness: f1818 penetrate;
Witness: f1823 penetrate;
Witness: f1831 penetrate;
Witness: fThomas penetrate;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the ground was
Witness: f1823 the ground was
Witness: f1831 the ground was
Witness: fThomas the ground was
Witness: fMS the ground was


Reading Group: C17_app585_rg1

Witness: fMS dry and wind expelled

Reading Group: C17_app585_rg2

Witness: f1818 dry;
Witness: f1823 dry;
Witness: f1831 dry;
Witness: fThomas dry;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and it
Witness: f1823 and it
Witness: f1831 and it
Witness: fThomas and it
Witness: fMS and it


Reading Group: C17_app587_rg1

Witness: fMS appearedpresented

Reading Group: C17_app587_rg2

Witness: f1818 presented
Witness: f1823 presented
Witness: f1831 presented
Witness: fThomas presented


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to me then
Witness: f1823 to me then
Witness: f1831 to me then
Witness: fThomas to me then
Witness: fMS to me then


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 as
Witness: f1823 as
Witness: f1831 as
Witness: fThomas as
Witness: fMS as


Reading Group: C17_app590_rg1

Witness: fMS <del rend="strikethrough" sID="c57-0007__main__d3e1283"/>heavenly

Reading Group: C17_app590_rg2

Witness: f1818 exquisite
Witness: f1823 exquisite
Witness: f1831 exquisite
Witness: fThomas exquisite


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: fMS and


Reading Group: C17_app592_rg1

Witness: f1818 divine
Witness: f1823 divine
Witness: f1831 divine
Witness: fThomas divine

Reading Group: C17_app592_rg2

Witness: fMS divine<del/> exquisite &divine


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a retreat as
Witness: f1823 a retreat as
Witness: f1831 a retreat as
Witness: fThomas a retreat as
Witness: fMS a retreat as


Reading Group: C17_app594_rg1

Witness: fMS Pandemonium

Reading Group: C17_app594_rg2

Witness: f1818 Pandæmonium
Witness: f1823 Pandæmonium
Witness: f1831 Pandæmonium
Witness: fThomas Pandæmonium


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 appeared
Witness: f1823 appeared
Witness: f1831 appeared
Witness: fThomas appeared
Witness: fMS appeared


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to the
Witness: f1823 to the
Witness: f1831 to the
Witness: fThomas to the
Witness: fMS to the


Reading Group: C17_app597_rg1

Witness: fMS tr dominions

Reading Group: C17_app597_rg2

Witness: f1818 dæmons
Witness: f1823 dæmons
Witness: f1831 dæmons
Witness: fThomas dæmons


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of
Witness: f1823 of
Witness: f1831 of
Witness: fThomas of
Witness: fMS of


Reading Group: C17_app599_rg1

Witness: f1818 hell
Witness: f1823 hell
Witness: f1831 hell
Witness: fThomas hell

Reading Group: C17_app599_rg2

Witness: fMS Hell.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 after
Witness: f1823 after
Witness: f1831 after
Witness: fThomas after
Witness: fMS after


Reading Group: C17_app601_rg1

Witness: f1818 their sufferings
Witness: f1823 their sufferings
Witness: f1831 their sufferings
Witness: fThomas their sufferings

Reading Group: C17_app601_rg2

Witness: fMS thier suffocation


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in the
Witness: f1823 in the
Witness: f1831 in the
Witness: fThomas in the
Witness: fMS in the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 lake of
Witness: f1823 lake of
Witness: f1831 lake of
Witness: fThomas lake of
Witness: fMS lake of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 fire. I greedily
Witness: f1823 fire. I greedily
Witness: f1831 fire. I greedily
Witness: fThomas fire. I greedily
Witness: fMS fire. I greedily


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 devoured the remnants of the
Witness: f1823 devoured the remnants of the
Witness: f1831 devoured the remnants of the
Witness: fThomas devoured the remnants of the
Witness: fMS devoured the remmnants of the


Reading Group: C17_app606_rg1

Witness: fMS shepherds breakfast

Reading Group: C17_app606_rg2

Witness: f1818 shepherd’s breakfast,
Witness: f1823 shepherd’s breakfast,
Witness: f1831 shepherd’s breakfast,
Witness: fThomas shepherd’s breakfast,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 which consisted of bread, cheese,
Witness: f1823 which consisted of bread, cheese,
Witness: f1831 which consisted of bread, cheese,
Witness: fThomas which consisted of bread, cheese,
Witness: fMS which consisted of bread, cheese,


Reading Group: C17_app608_rg1

Witness: fMS milk & rhenish

Reading Group: C17_app608_rg2

Witness: f1818 milk, and
Witness: f1823 milk, and
Witness: f1831 milk, and
Witness: fThomas milk, and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 wine; the
Witness: f1823 wine; the
Witness: f1831 wine; the
Witness: fThomas wine; the
Witness: fMS wine; the


Reading Group: C17_app610_rg1

Witness: fMS latter of which however

Reading Group: C17_app610_rg2

Witness: f1818 latter, however,
Witness: f1823 latter, however,
Witness: f1831 latter, however,
Witness: fThomas latter, however,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I did not like.
Witness: f1823 I did not like.
Witness: f1831 I did not like.
Witness: fThomas I did not like.
Witness: fMS I did not like.


Reading Group: C17_app612_rg1

Witness: fThomas After my meal I felt

Reading Group: C17_app612_rg2

Witness: fMS Then

Reading Group: C17_app612_rg3

Witness: f1823 Then,
Witness: f1831 Then,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 overcome
Witness: f1823 overcome
Witness: f1831 overcome
Witness: fThomas overcome
Witness: fMS overcome


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 by
Witness: f1823 by
Witness: f1831 by
Witness: fThomas by
Witness: fMS by


Reading Group: C17_app615_rg1

Witness: fMS fatigue

Reading Group: C17_app615_rg2

Witness: f1818 fatigue,
Witness: f1823 fatigue,
Witness: f1831 fatigue,
Witness: fThomas fatigue,


Reading Group: C17_app616_rg1

Witness: fThomas I layand lying

Reading Group: C17_app616_rg2

Witness: f1818 I lay
Witness: f1823 I lay
Witness: f1831 I lay
Witness: fMS I lay


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 down among some
Witness: f1823 down among some
Witness: f1831 down among some
Witness: fThomas down among some
Witness: fMS down among some


Reading Group: C17_app618_rg1

Witness: fMS straw &

Reading Group: C17_app618_rg2

Witness: f1818 straw,
Witness: f1823 straw,
Witness: f1831 straw,
Witness: fThomas straw,


Reading Group: C17_app619_rg1

Witness: fThomas andI

Reading Group: C17_app619_rg2

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: f1831 and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 fell
Witness: f1823 fell
Witness: f1831 fell
Witness: fThomas fell
Witness: fMS fell


Reading Group: C17_app621_rg1

Witness: fMS asleep. It

Reading Group: C17_app621_rg2

Witness: f1818 asleep.<p/><p/>“It
Witness: f1823 asleep.<p/><p/>“It
Witness: f1831 asleep.<p/><p/>“It
Witness: fThomas asleep.<p/><p/>“It


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was noon when I
Witness: f1823 was noon when I
Witness: f1831 was noon when I
Witness: fThomas was noon when I
Witness: fMS was noon when I


Reading Group: C17_app623_rg1

Witness: fMS awoke and

Reading Group: C17_app623_rg2

Witness: f1818 awoke; and,
Witness: f1823 awoke; and,
Witness: f1831 awoke; and,
Witness: fThomas awoke; and,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 allured
Witness: f1823 allured
Witness: f1831 allured
Witness: fThomas allured
Witness: fMS allured


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 by the
Witness: f1823 by the
Witness: f1831 by the
Witness: fThomas by the
Witness: fMS by the


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS warth


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 warmth of
Witness: f1823 warmth of
Witness: f1831 warmth of
Witness: fThomas warmth of
Witness: fMS warmth of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the sun, which shone brightly on
Witness: f1823 the sun, which shone brightly on
Witness: f1831 the sun, which shone brightly on
Witness: fThomas the sun, which shone brightly on


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: fMS the


Reading Group: C17_app630_rg1

Witness: fMS sun

Reading Group: C17_app630_rg2

Witness: f1818 white ground,
Witness: f1823 white ground,
Witness: f1831 white ground,
Witness: fThomas white ground,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I determined to recommence my
Witness: f1823 I determined to recommence my
Witness: f1831 I determined to recommence my
Witness: fThomas I determined to recommence my
Witness: fMS I determined to recommence my


Reading Group: C17_app632_rg1

Witness: f1818 travels; and, depositing
Witness: f1823 travels; and, depositing
Witness: f1831 travels; and, depositing
Witness: fThomas travels; and, depositing

Reading Group: C17_app632_rg2

Witness: fMS travels–&wrappingdepdepositing


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: fMS the


Reading Group: C17_app634_rg1

Witness: fMS restremains

Reading Group: C17_app634_rg2

Witness: f1818 remains
Witness: f1823 remains
Witness: f1831 remains
Witness: fThomas remains


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of the
Witness: f1823 of the
Witness: f1831 of the
Witness: fThomas of the
Witness: fMS of the


Reading Group: C17_app636_rg1

Witness: fMS herds bre peasants

Reading Group: C17_app636_rg2

Witness: f1818 peasant’s
Witness: f1823 peasant’s
Witness: f1831 peasant’s
Witness: fThomas peasant’s


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 breakfast in a wallet I found, I proceeded
Witness: f1823 breakfast in a wallet I found, I proceeded
Witness: f1831 breakfast in a wallet I found, I proceeded
Witness: fThomas breakfast in a wallet I found, I proceeded
Witness: fMS breakfast in a wallet I found, I proceeded


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 across the fields for several hours,
Witness: f1823 across the fields for several hours,
Witness: f1831 across the fields for several hours,
Witness: fThomas across the fields for several hours,
Witness: fMS across the fields for several hours,


Reading Group: C17_app639_rg1

Witness: f1818 until
Witness: f1823 until
Witness: f1831 until
Witness: fThomas until

Reading Group: C17_app639_rg2

Witness: fMS untill


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 at sunset I
Witness: f1823 at sunset I
Witness: f1831 at sunset I
Witness: fThomas at sunset I
Witness: fMS at sunset I


Reading Group: C17_app641_rg1

Witness: fMS came toarrived

Reading Group: C17_app641_rg2

Witness: f1818 arrived
Witness: f1823 arrived
Witness: f1831 arrived
Witness: fThomas arrived


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 at a village. How miraculous did this
Witness: f1823 at a village. How miraculous did this
Witness: f1831 at a village. How miraculous did this
Witness: fThomas at a village. How miraculous did this
Witness: fMS at a village. How miraculous did this


Reading Group: C17_app643_rg1

Witness: f1818 appear!
Witness: f1823 appear!
Witness: f1831 appear!
Witness: fThomas appear!

Reading Group: C17_app643_rg2

Witness: fMS appear.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: fMS The


Reading Group: C17_app645_rg1

Witness: fMS huts

Reading Group: C17_app645_rg2

Witness: f1818 huts,
Witness: f1823 huts,
Witness: f1831 huts,
Witness: fThomas huts,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the neater
Witness: f1823 the neater
Witness: f1831 the neater
Witness: fThomas the neater
Witness: fMS the neater


Reading Group: C17_app647_rg1

Witness: fMS cottages & stat<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>elier houses

Reading Group: C17_app647_rg2

Witness: f1818 cottages, and stately houses,
Witness: f1823 cottages, and stately houses,
Witness: f1831 cottages, and stately houses,
Witness: fThomas cottages, and stately houses,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 engaged my
Witness: f1823 engaged my
Witness: f1831 engaged my
Witness: fThomas engaged my
Witness: fMS engaged my


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 admiration by
Witness: f1823 admiration by
Witness: f1831 admiration by
Witness: fThomas admiration by
Witness: fMS admiration by


Reading Group: C17_app650_rg1

Witness: f1818 turns.
Witness: f1823 turns.
Witness: f1831 turns.
Witness: fThomas turns.

Reading Group: C17_app650_rg2

Witness: fMS turns–


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 The vegetables in the
Witness: f1823 The vegetables in the
Witness: f1831 The vegetables in the
Witness: fThomas The vegetables in the
Witness: fMS The vegetables in the


Reading Group: C17_app652_rg1

Witness: fMS gardensallured me and

Reading Group: C17_app652_rg2

Witness: f1818 gardens,
Witness: f1823 gardens,
Witness: f1831 gardens,
Witness: fThomas gardens,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the milk and
Witness: f1823 the milk and
Witness: f1831 the milk and
Witness: fThomas the milk and
Witness: fMS the milk and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 cheese that I saw placed at
Witness: f1823 cheese that I saw placed at
Witness: f1831 cheese that I saw placed at
Witness: fThomas cheese that I saw placed at
Witness: fMS cheese that I saw placed at


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS s


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the windows
Witness: f1823 the windows
Witness: f1831 the windows
Witness: fThomas the windows
Witness: fMS the windows


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of some of the
Witness: f1823 of some of the
Witness: f1831 of some of the
Witness: fThomas of some of the
Witness: fMS of some of the


Reading Group: C17_app658_rg1

Witness: f1818 cottages, allured my appetite.
Witness: f1823 cottages, allured my appetite.
Witness: f1831 cottages, allured my appetite.
Witness: fThomas cottages, allured my appetite.

Reading Group: C17_app658_rg2

Witness: fMS cottagesallured me—


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 One of the best of
Witness: f1823 One of the best of
Witness: f1831 One of the best of
Witness: fThomas One of the best of
Witness: fMS One of the best of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 these I
Witness: f1823 these I
Witness: f1831 these I
Witness: fThomas these I
Witness: fMS these I


Reading Group: C17_app661_rg1

Witness: f1818 entered;
Witness: f1823 entered;
Witness: f1831 entered;
Witness: fThomas entered;

Reading Group: C17_app661_rg2

Witness: fMS entered–


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but I had hardly placed
Witness: f1823 but I had hardly placed
Witness: f1831 but I had hardly placed
Witness: fThomas but I had hardly placed
Witness: fMS but I had hardly placed


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my foot
Witness: f1823 my foot
Witness: f1831 my foot
Witness: fThomas my foot
Witness: fMS my foot


Reading Group: C17_app664_rg1

Witness: fMS insidewithin

Reading Group: C17_app664_rg2

Witness: f1818 within
Witness: f1823 within
Witness: f1831 within
Witness: fThomas within


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: fMS the


Reading Group: C17_app666_rg1

Witness: fMS door

Reading Group: C17_app666_rg2

Witness: f1818 door,
Witness: f1823 door,
Witness: f1831 door,
Witness: fThomas door,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 before the
Witness: f1823 before the
Witness: f1831 before the
Witness: fThomas before the
Witness: fMS before the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 children
Witness: f1823 children
Witness: f1831 children
Witness: fThomas children
Witness: fMS children


Reading Group: C17_app669_rg1

Witness: fMS shrieked

Reading Group: C17_app669_rg2

Witness: f1818 shrieked,
Witness: f1823 shrieked,
Witness: f1831 shrieked,
Witness: fThomas shrieked,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and one of the
Witness: f1823 and one of the
Witness: f1831 and one of the
Witness: fThomas and one of the
Witness: fMS and one of the


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS children


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 women
Witness: f1823 women
Witness: f1831 women
Witness: fThomas women
Witness: fMS women


Reading Group: C17_app673_rg1

Witness: fMS fainted,

Reading Group: C17_app673_rg2

Witness: f1818 fainted.
Witness: f1823 fainted.
Witness: f1831 fainted.
Witness: fThomas fainted.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 The
Witness: f1823 The
Witness: f1831 The
Witness: fThomas The
Witness: fMS the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 whole
Witness: f1823 whole
Witness: f1831 whole
Witness: fThomas whole


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 village was
Witness: f1823 village was
Witness: f1831 village was
Witness: fThomas village was
Witness: fMS village was


Reading Group: C17_app677_rg1

Witness: fMS roused

Reading Group: C17_app677_rg2

Witness: f1818 roused;
Witness: f1823 roused;
Witness: f1831 roused;
Witness: fThomas roused;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 some
Witness: f1823 some
Witness: f1831 some
Witness: fThomas some
Witness: fMS some


Reading Group: C17_app679_rg1

Witness: f1818 fled, some
Witness: f1823 fled, some
Witness: f1831 fled, some
Witness: fThomas fled, some

Reading Group: C17_app679_rg2

Witness: fMS fled,—some


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 attacked
Witness: f1823 attacked
Witness: f1831 attacked
Witness: fThomas attacked
Witness: fMS attacked


Reading Group: C17_app681_rg1

Witness: fMS me untill

Reading Group: C17_app681_rg2

Witness: f1818 me, until,
Witness: f1823 me, until,
Witness: f1831 me, until,
Witness: fThomas me, until,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 grievously bruised by
Witness: f1823 grievously bruised by
Witness: f1831 grievously bruised by
Witness: fThomas grievously bruised by
Witness: fMS grievously bruised by


Reading Group: C17_app683_rg1

Witness: fMS sticks<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>stones

Reading Group: C17_app683_rg2

Witness: f1818 stones
Witness: f1823 stones
Witness: f1831 stones
Witness: fThomas stones


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: fMS and


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS all


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 many other kinds of missile
Witness: f1823 many other kinds of missile
Witness: f1831 many other kinds of missile
Witness: fThomas many other kinds of missile
Witness: fMS many other kinds of missile


Reading Group: C17_app687_rg1

Witness: fMS weapon

Reading Group: C17_app687_rg2

Witness: f1818 weapons,
Witness: f1823 weapons,
Witness: f1831 weapons,
Witness: fThomas weapons,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I escaped to the open
Witness: f1823 I escaped to the open
Witness: f1831 I escaped to the open
Witness: fThomas I escaped to the open
Witness: fMS I escaped to the open


Reading Group: C17_app689_rg1

Witness: fMS country

Reading Group: C17_app689_rg2

Witness: f1818 country,
Witness: f1823 country,
Witness: f1831 country,
Witness: fThomas country,


Unified Readings

Witness: fThomas Night came on as I wandered with wild agitation among the hedges and fields that surrounded me; I felt chill,


Unified Readings

Witness: fThomas and
Witness: fMS and


Reading Group: C17_app692_rg1

Witness: fThomas darkness, which ever filled me with dread, seemed to press with double weight upon my blinded organs. I looked round for shelter

Reading Group: C17_app692_rg2

Witness: fMS fear fully


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and fearfully
Witness: f1823 and fearfully
Witness: f1831 and fearfully
Witness: fThomas and fearfully


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 took refuge in a low
Witness: f1823 took refuge in a low
Witness: f1831 took refuge in a low
Witness: fThomas took refuge in a low
Witness: fMS took refuge in a low


Reading Group: C17_app695_rg1

Witness: fMS huthovel –quite bare

Reading Group: C17_app695_rg2

Witness: f1818 hovel, quite bare,
Witness: f1823 hovel, quite bare,
Witness: f1831 hovel, quite bare,
Witness: fThomas hovel, quite bare,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and making a wretched appearance
Witness: f1823 and making a wretched appearance
Witness: f1831 and making a wretched appearance
Witness: fThomas and making a wretched appearance
Witness: fMS and making a wretched appearance


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 after the
Witness: f1823 after the
Witness: f1831 after the
Witness: fThomas after the
Witness: fMS after the


Reading Group: C17_app698_rg1

Witness: fMS pallaces

Reading Group: C17_app698_rg2

Witness: f1818 palaces
Witness: f1823 palaces
Witness: f1831 palaces
Witness: fThomas palaces


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I had beheld in the
Witness: f1823 I had beheld in the
Witness: f1831 I had beheld in the
Witness: fThomas I had beheld in the
Witness: fMS I had beheld in the


Reading Group: C17_app700_rg1

Witness: fMS village.–

Reading Group: C17_app700_rg2

Witness: f1818 village.
Witness: f1823 village.
Witness: f1831 village.
Witness: fThomas village.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 This
Witness: f1823 This
Witness: f1831 This
Witness: fThomas This
Witness: fMS This


Reading Group: C17_app702_rg1

Witness: fMS huthovel however adjoined

Reading Group: C17_app702_rg2

Witness: f1818 hovel, however, joined
Witness: f1823 hovel, however, joined
Witness: f1831 hovel, however, joined
Witness: fThomas hovel, however, joined


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a
Witness: f1823 a
Witness: f1831 a
Witness: fThomas a
Witness: fMS a


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 cottage of a neat
Witness: f1823 cottage of a neat
Witness: f1831 cottage of a neat
Witness: fThomas cottage of a neat
Witness: fMS cottage of a neat


Reading Group: C17_app705_rg1

Witness: fMS &

Reading Group: C17_app705_rg2

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fThomas and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 pleasant
Witness: f1823 pleasant
Witness: f1831 pleasant
Witness: fThomas pleasant
Witness: fMS pleasant


Reading Group: C17_app707_rg1

Witness: fMS appearance, but

Reading Group: C17_app707_rg2

Witness: f1818 appearance; but,
Witness: f1823 appearance; but,
Witness: f1831 appearance; but,
Witness: fThomas appearance; but,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 after my late
Witness: f1823 after my late
Witness: f1831 after my late
Witness: fThomas after my late
Witness: fMS after my late


Reading Group: C17_app709_rg1

Witness: f1831 dearly bought
Witness: fMS <metamark>^</metamark>dearly bought

Reading Group: C17_app709_rg2

Witness: f1818 dearly-bought
Witness: f1823 dearly-bought
Witness: fThomas dearly-bought


Reading Group: C17_app710_rg1

Witness: fMS experience

Reading Group: C17_app710_rg2

Witness: f1818 experience,
Witness: f1823 experience,
Witness: f1831 experience,
Witness: fThomas experience,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I dared not enter it. My place
Witness: f1823 I dared not enter it. My place
Witness: f1831 I dared not enter it. My place
Witness: fThomas I dared not enter it. My place
Witness: fMS I dared not enter it. My place


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS of refuge<metamark function="displacement" xml:id="c57-0009.04">X</metamark>was the tool house and had not beenwas not used for by the inhabitants of the adjoining dwelling and was entirely shut out from view by a pigstye on one side and a dunghill & small spool on the another – the two others were formed by the wall of the cottage. Here then I retreated and lay down happy to have found a shelter from the inclemency of the season & still more from the barbarity


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of
Witness: f1823 of
Witness: f1831 of
Witness: fThomas of
Witness: fMS of


Reading Group: C17_app714_rg1

Witness: fMS man <metamark function="separate">___________________________</metamark>

Reading Group: C17_app714_rg2

Witness: f1818 refuge
Witness: f1823 refuge
Witness: f1831 refuge
Witness: fThomas refuge


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was constructed of wood, but so
Witness: f1823 was constructed of wood, but so
Witness: f1831 was constructed of wood, but so
Witness: fThomas was constructed of wood, but so
Witness: fMS was constructed of wood, &but so


Reading Group: C17_app716_rg1

Witness: fMS low

Reading Group: C17_app716_rg2

Witness: f1818 low,
Witness: f1823 low,
Witness: f1831 low,
Witness: fThomas low,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that
Witness: f1823 that
Witness: f1831 that
Witness: fThomas that
Witness: fMS that


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I could with difficulty sit upright in
Witness: f1823 I could with difficulty sit upright in
Witness: f1831 I could with difficulty sit upright in
Witness: fThomas I could with difficulty sit upright in
Witness: fMS I could with difficulty sit upright in


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 it.
Witness: f1823 it.
Witness: f1831 it.
Witness: fThomas it.
Witness: fMS it.


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS Thefearth


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 No
Witness: f1823 No
Witness: f1831 No
Witness: fThomas No
Witness: fMS No


Reading Group: C17_app722_rg1

Witness: fMS wood however

Reading Group: C17_app722_rg2

Witness: f1818 wood, however,
Witness: f1823 wood, however,
Witness: f1831 wood, however,
Witness: fThomas wood, however,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was placed on the
Witness: f1823 was placed on the
Witness: f1831 was placed on the
Witness: fThomas was placed on the
Witness: fMS was placed on the


Reading Group: C17_app724_rg1

Witness: fMS earth

Reading Group: C17_app724_rg2

Witness: f1818 earth,
Witness: f1823 earth,
Witness: f1831 earth,
Witness: fThomas earth,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 which formed
Witness: f1823 which formed
Witness: f1831 which formed
Witness: fThomas which formed
Witness: fMS which formed


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS the floor of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: fMS the


Reading Group: C17_app728_rg1

Witness: fMS cottage

Reading Group: C17_app728_rg2

Witness: f1818 floor,
Witness: f1823 floor,
Witness: f1831 floor,
Witness: fThomas floor,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but it was
Witness: f1823 but it was
Witness: f1831 but it was
Witness: fThomas but it was
Witness: fMS but it was


Reading Group: C17_app730_rg1

Witness: fMS dry

Reading Group: C17_app730_rg2

Witness: f1818 dry;
Witness: f1823 dry;
Witness: f1831 dry;
Witness: fThomas dry;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and although the wind entered
Witness: f1823 and although the wind entered
Witness: f1831 and although the wind entered
Witness: fThomas and although the wind entered
Witness: fMS and although the wind entered


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 it
Witness: f1823 it
Witness: f1831 it
Witness: fThomas it


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 by
Witness: f1823 by
Witness: f1831 by
Witness: fThomas by
Witness: fMS by


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 innumerable
Witness: f1823 innumerable
Witness: f1831 innumerable
Witness: fThomas innumerable
Witness: fMS innumerable


Reading Group: C17_app735_rg1

Witness: fMS chinks

Reading Group: C17_app735_rg2

Witness: f1818 chinks,
Witness: f1823 chinks,
Witness: f1831 chinks,
Witness: fThomas chinks,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I found it an
Witness: f1823 I found it an
Witness: f1831 I found it an
Witness: fThomas I found it an
Witness: fMS I found it an


Reading Group: C17_app737_rg1

Witness: fMS agreable assylum

Reading Group: C17_app737_rg2

Witness: f1818 agreeable asylum
Witness: f1823 agreeable asylum
Witness: f1831 agreeable asylum
Witness: fThomas agreeable asylum


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 from the snow
Witness: f1823 from the snow
Witness: f1831 from the snow
Witness: fThomas from the snow
Witness: fMS from the snow


Reading Group: C17_app739_rg1

Witness: fMS & rainChap. 2 As

Reading Group: C17_app739_rg2

Witness: f1818 and rain.<p/><p/>“Here then I retreated, and lay
Witness: f1823 and rain.<p/><p/>“Here then I retreated, and lay
Witness: f1831 and rain.<p/><p/>“Here then I retreated, and lay
Witness: fThomas and rain.<p/><p/>“Here then I retreated, and lay


Reading Group: C17_app740_rg1

Witness: f1831 down

Reading Group: C17_app740_rg2

Witness: f1818 down,
Witness: f1823 down,
Witness: fThomas down,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 happy to have found a shelter, however miserable, from the inclemency of the season, and still more from the barbarity of man.<p/><p/>“As
Witness: f1823 happy to have found a shelter, however miserable, from the inclemency of the season, and still more from the barbarity of man.<p/><p/>“As
Witness: f1831 happy to have found a shelter, however miserable, from the inclemency of the season, and still more from the barbarity of man.<p/><p/>“As
Witness: fThomas happy to have found a shelter, however miserable, from the inclemency of the season, and still more from the barbarity of man.<p/><p/>“As


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 soon as morning
Witness: f1823 soon as morning
Witness: f1831 soon as morning
Witness: fThomas soon as morning
Witness: fMS soon as morning


Reading Group: C17_app743_rg1

Witness: fMS dawned

Reading Group: C17_app743_rg2

Witness: f1818 dawned,
Witness: f1823 dawned,
Witness: f1831 dawned,
Witness: fThomas dawned,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I crept from
Witness: f1823 I crept from
Witness: f1831 I crept from
Witness: fThomas I crept from
Witness: fMS I crept from


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my
Witness: f1823 my
Witness: f1831 my
Witness: fThomas my
Witness: fMS my


Reading Group: C17_app746_rg1

Witness: fMS assylum to

Reading Group: C17_app746_rg2

Witness: f1818 kennel,
Witness: f1823 kennel,
Witness: f1831 kennel,
Witness: fThomas kennel,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that I might view the
Witness: f1823 that I might view the
Witness: f1831 that I might view the
Witness: fThomas that I might view the
Witness: fMS that I might view the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 adjacent
Witness: f1823 adjacent
Witness: f1831 adjacent
Witness: fThomas adjacent
Witness: fMS adjacent


Reading Group: C17_app749_rg1

Witness: fMS cottage

Reading Group: C17_app749_rg2

Witness: f1818 cottage,
Witness: f1823 cottage,
Witness: f1831 cottage,
Witness: fThomas cottage,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and discover if I could
Witness: f1823 and discover if I could
Witness: f1831 and discover if I could
Witness: fThomas and discover if I could
Witness: fMS and discover if I could


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 remain in the
Witness: f1823 remain in the
Witness: f1831 remain in the
Witness: fThomas remain in the
Witness: fMS remain in the


Reading Group: C17_app752_rg1

Witness: f1818 habitation
Witness: f1823 habitation
Witness: f1831 habitation
Witness: fThomas habitation

Reading Group: C17_app752_rg2

Witness: fMS kennel that


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I had found.
Witness: f1823 I had found.
Witness: f1831 I had found.
Witness: fThomas I had found.
Witness: fMS I had found.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 It was situated against the back of the
Witness: f1823 It was situated against the back of the
Witness: f1831 It was situated against the back of the
Witness: fThomas It was situated against the back of the
Witness: fMS It was situated at<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>against the back of the


Reading Group: C17_app755_rg1

Witness: fMS cottage

Reading Group: C17_app755_rg2

Witness: f1818 cottage,
Witness: f1823 cottage,
Witness: f1831 cottage,
Witness: fThomas cottage,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and surrounded on
Witness: f1823 and surrounded on
Witness: f1831 and surrounded on
Witness: fThomas and surrounded on
Witness: fMS and <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>surrounded on


Reading Group: C17_app757_rg1

Witness: fMS its<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>theopenthe

Reading Group: C17_app757_rg2

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fThomas the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 sides which were exposed
Witness: f1823 sides which were exposed
Witness: f1831 sides which were exposed
Witness: fThomas sides which were exposed
Witness: fMS sides which were exposed


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 by a
Witness: f1823 by a
Witness: f1831 by a
Witness: fThomas by a
Witness: fMS by a


Reading Group: C17_app760_rg1

Witness: f1831 pig-sty

Reading Group: C17_app760_rg2

Witness: f1818 pig-stye
Witness: f1823 pig-stye
Witness: fThomas pig-stye

Reading Group: C17_app760_rg3

Witness: fMS pigstye & –crlear


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and a clear
Witness: f1823 and a clear
Witness: f1831 and a clear
Witness: fThomas and a clear


Reading Group: C17_app762_rg1

Witness: fThomas poolrivulet

Reading Group: C17_app762_rg2

Witness: f1818 pool
Witness: f1823 pool
Witness: f1831 pool
Witness: fMS pool


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of
Witness: f1823 of
Witness: f1831 of
Witness: fThomas of
Witness: fMS of


Reading Group: C17_app764_rg1

Witness: fMS water

Reading Group: C17_app764_rg2

Witness: f1818 water.
Witness: f1823 water.
Witness: f1831 water.
Witness: fThomas water.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 One
Witness: f1823 One
Witness: f1831 One
Witness: fThomas One
Witness: fMS one


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 part was
Witness: f1823 part was
Witness: f1831 part was
Witness: fThomas part was
Witness: fMS part was


Reading Group: C17_app767_rg1

Witness: fMS open

Reading Group: C17_app767_rg2

Witness: f1818 open,
Witness: f1823 open,
Witness: f1831 open,
Witness: fThomas open,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and by that I had crept
Witness: f1823 and by that I had crept
Witness: f1831 and by that I had crept
Witness: fThomas and by that I had crept
Witness: fMS and by that I had crept


Reading Group: C17_app769_rg1

Witness: fMS in

Reading Group: C17_app769_rg2

Witness: f1818 in;
Witness: f1823 in;
Witness: f1831 in;
Witness: fThomas in;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but now
Witness: f1823 but now
Witness: f1831 but now
Witness: fThomas but now
Witness: fMS but now


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS with stones and wood


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: fMS I


Reading Group: C17_app773_rg1

Witness: fMS cover ed

Reading Group: C17_app773_rg2

Witness: f1818 covered
Witness: f1823 covered
Witness: f1831 covered
Witness: fThomas covered


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 every crevice
Witness: f1823 every crevice
Witness: f1831 every crevice
Witness: fThomas every crevice
Witness: fMS every crevice


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS with stones & wood


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 by which I might be
Witness: f1823 by which I might be
Witness: f1831 by which I might be
Witness: fThomas by which I might be
Witness: fMS by which I might be


Reading Group: C17_app777_rg1

Witness: fMS discovered <metamark function="displacement" xml:id="c57-0010.01">^</metamark>

Reading Group: C17_app777_rg2

Witness: f1818 perceived with stones and wood,
Witness: f1823 perceived with stones and wood,
Witness: f1831 perceived with stones and wood,
Witness: fThomas perceived with stones and wood,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 yet in such a manner
Witness: f1823 yet in such a manner
Witness: f1831 yet in such a manner
Witness: fThomas yet in such a manner
Witness: fMS yet in such a manner


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that I
Witness: f1823 that I
Witness: f1831 that I
Witness: fThomas that I
Witness: fMS that I


Reading Group: C17_app780_rg1

Witness: fMS could

Reading Group: C17_app780_rg2

Witness: f1818 might
Witness: f1823 might
Witness: f1831 might
Witness: fThomas might


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 move them on
Witness: f1823 move them on
Witness: f1831 move them on
Witness: fThomas move them on
Witness: fMS move thenm on


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS an


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 occasion
Witness: f1823 occasion
Witness: f1831 occasion
Witness: fThomas occasion
Witness: fMS occasion


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to pass
Witness: f1823 to pass
Witness: f1831 to pass
Witness: fThomas to pass
Witness: fMS to pass


Reading Group: C17_app785_rg1

Witness: f1818 out:
Witness: f1823 out:
Witness: f1831 out:
Witness: fThomas out:

Reading Group: C17_app785_rg2

Witness: fMS out;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 all the light I enjoyed came
Witness: f1823 all the light I enjoyed came
Witness: f1831 all the light I enjoyed came
Witness: fThomas all the light I enjoyed came
Witness: fMS all the light I enjoyed came


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 through the
Witness: f1823 through the
Witness: f1831 through the
Witness: fThomas through the
Witness: fMS through the


Reading Group: C17_app788_rg1

Witness: f1831 sty,

Reading Group: C17_app788_rg2

Witness: fMS stye

Reading Group: C17_app788_rg3

Witness: f1818 stye,
Witness: f1823 stye,
Witness: fThomas stye,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and that was
Witness: f1823 and that was
Witness: f1831 and that was
Witness: fThomas and that was
Witness: fMS and that was


Reading Group: C17_app790_rg1

Witness: fMS suffi cient

Reading Group: C17_app790_rg2

Witness: f1818 sufficient
Witness: f1823 sufficient
Witness: f1831 sufficient
Witness: fThomas sufficient


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 for
Witness: f1823 for
Witness: f1831 for
Witness: fThomas for
Witness: fMS for


Reading Group: C17_app792_rg1

Witness: fMS me. Having

Reading Group: C17_app792_rg2

Witness: f1818 me.<p/><p/>“Having
Witness: f1823 me.<p/><p/>“Having
Witness: f1831 me.<p/><p/>“Having
Witness: fThomas me.<p/><p/>“Having


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 thus arranged my
Witness: f1823 thus arranged my
Witness: f1831 thus arranged my
Witness: fThomas thus arranged my
Witness: fMS thus arranged my


Reading Group: C17_app794_rg1

Witness: fMS dwelling &spr

Reading Group: C17_app794_rg2

Witness: f1818 dwelling, and
Witness: f1823 dwelling, and
Witness: f1831 dwelling, and
Witness: fThomas dwelling, and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 carpeted it with clean straw, I
Witness: f1823 carpeted it with clean straw, I
Witness: f1831 carpeted it with clean straw, I
Witness: fThomas carpeted it with clean straw, I
Witness: fMS carpeted it with clean straw, I


Reading Group: C17_app796_rg1

Witness: fMS retired

Reading Group: C17_app796_rg2

Witness: f1818 retired;
Witness: f1823 retired;
Witness: f1831 retired;
Witness: fThomas retired;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 for I saw the figure of a man at a
Witness: f1823 for I saw the figure of a man at a
Witness: f1831 for I saw the figure of a man at a
Witness: fThomas for I saw the figure of a man at a
Witness: fMS for I saw the figure of a man inat a


Reading Group: C17_app798_rg1

Witness: fMS distance

Reading Group: C17_app798_rg2

Witness: f1818 distance,
Witness: f1823 distance,
Witness: f1831 distance,
Witness: fThomas distance,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and I
Witness: f1823 and I
Witness: f1831 and I
Witness: fThomas and I
Witness: fMS and I


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS feared


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 remembered
Witness: f1823 remembered
Witness: f1831 remembered
Witness: fThomas remembered
Witness: fMS remembered


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS but


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 too well my treatment the night
Witness: f1823 too well my treatment the night
Witness: f1831 too well my treatment the night
Witness: fThomas too well my treatment the night
Witness: fMS too well my treatment the night


Reading Group: C17_app804_rg1

Witness: fMS before not

Reading Group: C17_app804_rg2

Witness: f1818 before,
Witness: f1823 before,
Witness: f1831 before,
Witness: fThomas before,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to trust myself in his
Witness: f1823 to trust myself in his
Witness: f1831 to trust myself in his
Witness: fThomas to trust myself in his
Witness: fMS to trust myself in his


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 power. I had
Witness: f1823 power. I had
Witness: f1831 power. I had
Witness: fThomas power. I had
Witness: fMS power. I had


Reading Group: C17_app807_rg1

Witness: fMS first however

Reading Group: C17_app807_rg2

Witness: f1818 first, however,
Witness: f1823 first, however,
Witness: f1831 first, however,
Witness: fThomas first, however,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 provided
Witness: f1823 provided
Witness: f1831 provided
Witness: fThomas provided
Witness: fMS provided


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 for my sustenance for that
Witness: f1823 for my sustenance for that
Witness: f1831 for my sustenance for that
Witness: fThomas for my sustenance for that
Witness: fMS for my sustenance for that


Reading Group: C17_app810_rg1

Witness: fMS day by mean

Reading Group: C17_app810_rg2

Witness: f1818 day,
Witness: f1823 day,
Witness: f1831 day,
Witness: fThomas day,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 by a loaf of
Witness: f1823 by a loaf of
Witness: f1831 by a loaf of
Witness: fThomas by a loaf of
Witness: fMS by a loaf of


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS bro


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 coarse
Witness: f1823 coarse
Witness: f1831 coarse
Witness: fThomas coarse
Witness: fMS coarse


Reading Group: C17_app814_rg1

Witness: fMS bread

Reading Group: C17_app814_rg2

Witness: f1818 bread,
Witness: f1823 bread,
Witness: f1831 bread,
Witness: fThomas bread,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 which I
Witness: f1823 which I
Witness: f1831 which I
Witness: fThomas which I
Witness: fMS which I


Reading Group: C17_app816_rg1

Witness: fMS pur loined

Reading Group: C17_app816_rg2

Witness: f1818 purloined,
Witness: f1823 purloined,
Witness: f1831 purloined,
Witness: fThomas purloined,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and a cup with which I could
Witness: f1823 and a cup with which I could
Witness: f1831 and a cup with which I could
Witness: fThomas and a cup with which I could
Witness: fMS and a cup wbywith which I could


Reading Group: C17_app818_rg1

Witness: fMS take dringk

Reading Group: C17_app818_rg2

Witness: f1818 drink,
Witness: f1823 drink,
Witness: f1831 drink,
Witness: fThomas drink,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 more conveniently than from my
Witness: f1823 more conveniently than from my
Witness: f1831 more conveniently than from my
Witness: fThomas more conveniently than from my
Witness: fMS more conveniently than from my


Reading Group: C17_app820_rg1

Witness: fMS hand andofthe

Reading Group: C17_app820_rg2

Witness: f1818 hand, of the
Witness: f1823 hand, of the
Witness: f1831 hand, of the
Witness: fThomas hand, of the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 pure water which flowed by my
Witness: f1823 pure water which flowed by my
Witness: f1831 pure water which flowed by my
Witness: fThomas pure water which flowed by my
Witness: fMS pure water which flowed by my


Reading Group: C17_app822_rg1

Witness: fMS houseretreat – buttThe f<mdel/>loor of thatbeingwas

Reading Group: C17_app822_rg2

Witness: f1818 retreat. The floor was
Witness: f1823 retreat. The floor was
Witness: f1831 retreat. The floor was
Witness: fThomas retreat. The floor was


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a little
Witness: f1823 a little
Witness: f1831 a little
Witness: fThomas a little
Witness: fMS a little


Reading Group: C17_app824_rg1

Witness: fMS raised

Reading Group: C17_app824_rg2

Witness: f1818 raised,
Witness: f1823 raised,
Witness: f1831 raised,
Witness: fThomas raised,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 so that it was kept perfectly
Witness: f1823 so that it was kept perfectly
Witness: f1831 so that it was kept perfectly
Witness: fThomas so that it was kept perfectly
Witness: fMS <mdel/>it<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>so that it was kept <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>perfectly


Reading Group: C17_app826_rg1

Witness: fMS dry

Reading Group: C17_app826_rg2

Witness: f1818 dry,
Witness: f1823 dry,
Witness: f1831 dry,
Witness: fThomas dry,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and by
Witness: f1823 and by
Witness: f1831 and by
Witness: fThomas and by
Witness: fMS and by


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 its vicinity to the chimney
Witness: f1823 its vicinity to the chimney
Witness: f1831 its vicinity to the chimney
Witness: fThomas its vicinity to the chimney
Witness: fMS its vicinity to the chimney


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS of the kitchen fire


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of the cottage it was
Witness: f1823 of the cottage it was
Witness: f1831 of the cottage it was
Witness: fThomas of the cottage it was
Witness: fMS of the cottage it was


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 tolerably
Witness: f1823 tolerably
Witness: f1831 tolerably
Witness: fThomas tolerably
Witness: fMS tolerably


Reading Group: C17_app832_rg1

Witness: fMS warm. AndbBeing

Reading Group: C17_app832_rg2

Witness: f1818 warm.<p/><p/>“Being
Witness: f1823 warm.<p/><p/>“Being
Witness: f1831 warm.<p/><p/>“Being
Witness: fThomas warm.<p/><p/>“Being


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 thus
Witness: f1823 thus
Witness: f1831 thus
Witness: fThomas thus
Witness: fMS thus


Reading Group: C17_app834_rg1

Witness: fMS provided

Reading Group: C17_app834_rg2

Witness: f1818 provided,
Witness: f1823 provided,
Witness: f1831 provided,
Witness: fThomas provided,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: fMS I


Reading Group: C17_app836_rg1

Witness: fMS determined

Reading Group: C17_app836_rg2

Witness: f1818 resolved
Witness: f1823 resolved
Witness: f1831 resolved
Witness: fThomas resolved


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to reside in this
Witness: f1823 to reside in this
Witness: f1831 to reside in this
Witness: fThomas to reside in this
Witness: fMS to reside in this


Reading Group: C17_app838_rg1

Witness: fMS hovel untill o

Reading Group: C17_app838_rg2

Witness: f1818 hovel, until
Witness: f1823 hovel, until
Witness: f1831 hovel, until
Witness: fThomas hovel, until


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 something should occur which
Witness: f1823 something should occur which
Witness: f1831 something should occur which
Witness: fThomas something should occur which
Witness: fMS something should occur which


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 might alter my determination. It
Witness: f1823 might alter my determination. It
Witness: f1831 might alter my determination. It
Witness: fThomas might alter my determination. It
Witness: fMS might alter my determination. It


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was indeed a
Witness: f1823 was indeed a
Witness: f1831 was indeed a
Witness: fThomas was indeed a
Witness: fMS was indeed a


Reading Group: C17_app842_rg1

Witness: fMS paradise

Reading Group: C17_app842_rg2

Witness: f1818 paradise,
Witness: f1823 paradise,
Witness: f1831 paradise,
Witness: fThomas paradise,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 compared to
Witness: f1823 compared to
Witness: f1831 compared to
Witness: fThomas compared to
Witness: fMS compared to


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: fMS the


Reading Group: C17_app845_rg1

Witness: fMS bleack

Reading Group: C17_app845_rg2

Witness: f1818 bleak
Witness: f1823 bleak
Witness: f1831 bleak
Witness: fThomas bleak


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 forest, my former residence,
Witness: f1823 forest, my former residence,
Witness: f1831 forest, my former residence,
Witness: fThomas forest, my former residence,
Witness: fMS forest, my former residence,


Reading Group: C17_app847_rg1

Witness: fMS and their rain dropping leaves<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>branches <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>& the

Reading Group: C17_app847_rg2

Witness: f1818 the rain-dropping branches, and
Witness: f1823 the rain-dropping branches, and
Witness: f1831 the rain-dropping branches, and
Witness: fThomas the rain-dropping branches, and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 dank earth. I ate
Witness: f1823 dank earth. I ate
Witness: f1831 dank earth. I ate
Witness: fThomas dank earth. I ate
Witness: fMS dank earth. I ate


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my breakfast with
Witness: f1823 my breakfast with
Witness: f1831 my breakfast with
Witness: fThomas my breakfast with
Witness: fMS my breakfast with


Reading Group: C17_app850_rg1

Witness: fMS pleasure

Reading Group: C17_app850_rg2

Witness: f1818 pleasure,
Witness: f1823 pleasure,
Witness: f1831 pleasure,
Witness: fThomas pleasure,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and was
Witness: f1823 and was
Witness: f1831 and was
Witness: fThomas and was
Witness: fMS and was


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 about to remove a plank to procure
Witness: f1823 about to remove a plank to procure
Witness: f1831 about to remove a plank to procure
Witness: fThomas about to remove a plank to procure
Witness: fMS about to remove a plank to procure


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 myself a little
Witness: f1823 myself a little
Witness: f1831 myself a little
Witness: fThomas myself a little
Witness: fMS myself a little


Reading Group: C17_app854_rg1

Witness: fMS water

Reading Group: C17_app854_rg2

Witness: f1818 water,
Witness: f1823 water,
Witness: f1831 water,
Witness: fThomas water,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 when I heard
Witness: f1823 when I heard
Witness: f1831 when I heard
Witness: fThomas when I heard
Witness: fMS when I heard


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a
Witness: f1823 a
Witness: f1831 a
Witness: fThomas a
Witness: fMS a


Reading Group: C17_app857_rg1

Witness: fMS step

Reading Group: C17_app857_rg2

Witness: f1818 step,
Witness: f1823 step,
Witness: f1831 step,
Witness: fThomas step,


Reading Group: C17_app858_rg1

Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fMS and

Reading Group: C17_app858_rg2

Witness: f1818 and,
Witness: f1823 and,
Witness: fThomas and,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 looking through a small
Witness: f1823 looking through a small
Witness: f1831 looking through a small
Witness: fThomas looking through a small
Witness: fMS looking through a small


Reading Group: C17_app860_rg1

Witness: fMS chink a

Reading Group: C17_app860_rg2

Witness: f1818 chink, I
Witness: f1823 chink, I
Witness: f1831 chink, I
Witness: fThomas chink, I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 beheld a young
Witness: f1823 beheld a young
Witness: f1831 beheld a young
Witness: fThomas beheld a young
Witness: fMS beheld a young


Reading Group: C17_app862_rg1

Witness: fMS creature

Reading Group: C17_app862_rg2

Witness: f1818 creature,
Witness: f1823 creature,
Witness: f1831 creature,
Witness: fThomas creature,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 with a pail on her
Witness: f1823 with a pail on her
Witness: f1831 with a pail on her
Witness: fThomas with a pail on her
Witness: fMS with a pail on her


Reading Group: C17_app864_rg1

Witness: fMS head

Reading Group: C17_app864_rg2

Witness: f1818 head,
Witness: f1823 head,
Witness: f1831 head,
Witness: fThomas head,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 passing
Witness: f1823 passing
Witness: f1831 passing
Witness: fThomas passing
Witness: fMS passing


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 before my hovel. The girl was
Witness: f1823 before my hovel. The girl was
Witness: f1831 before my hovel. The girl was
Witness: fThomas before my hovel. The girl was
Witness: fMS before my hovel. The girl was


Reading Group: C17_app867_rg1

Witness: fMS youn<mdel/>g

Reading Group: C17_app867_rg2

Witness: f1818 young
Witness: f1823 young
Witness: fThomas young

Reading Group: C17_app867_rg3

Witness: f1831 young,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and of gentle
Witness: f1823 and of gentle
Witness: f1831 and of gentle
Witness: fThomas and of gentle
Witness: fMS and of gentle


Reading Group: C17_app869_rg1

Witness: f1818 demeanour,
Witness: f1823 demeanour,
Witness: f1831 demeanour,
Witness: fThomas demeanour,

Reading Group: C17_app869_rg2

Witness: fMS demænour


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 unlike what
Witness: f1823 unlike what
Witness: f1831 unlike what
Witness: fThomas unlike what
Witness: fMS unlike what


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I have since found cottagers and
Witness: f1823 I have since found cottagers and
Witness: f1831 I have since found cottagers and
Witness: fThomas I have since found cottagers and
Witness: fMS I have since found Cottagers and


Reading Group: C17_app872_rg1

Witness: fMS farm house

Reading Group: C17_app872_rg2

Witness: f1818 farm-house
Witness: f1823 farm-house
Witness: f1831 farm-house
Witness: fThomas farm-house


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 servants to
Witness: f1823 servants to
Witness: f1831 servants to
Witness: fThomas servants to
Witness: fMS servants to


Reading Group: C17_app874_rg1

Witness: fMS be –

Reading Group: C17_app874_rg2

Witness: f1818 be.
Witness: f1823 be.
Witness: f1831 be.
Witness: fThomas be.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Yet she was
Witness: f1823 Yet she was
Witness: f1831 Yet she was
Witness: fThomas Yet she was
Witness: fMS Yet she was


Reading Group: C17_app876_rg1

Witness: fMS mean ly dressed –

Reading Group: C17_app876_rg2

Witness: f1818 meanly dressed,
Witness: f1823 meanly dressed,
Witness: f1831 meanly dressed,
Witness: fThomas meanly dressed,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a
Witness: f1823 a
Witness: f1831 a
Witness: fThomas a
Witness: fMS a


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS blue


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 coarse blue petticoat and a linen jacket being her only
Witness: f1823 coarse blue petticoat and a linen jacket being her only
Witness: f1831 coarse blue petticoat and a linen jacket being her only
Witness: fThomas coarse blue petticoat and a linen jacket being her only
Witness: fMS coarse <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>blue petticoat and a linen jacket being her only


Reading Group: C17_app880_rg1

Witness: fMS garb on

Reading Group: C17_app880_rg2

Witness: f1818 garb;
Witness: f1823 garb;
Witness: f1831 garb;
Witness: fThomas garb;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 her fair hair
Witness: f1823 her fair hair
Witness: f1831 her fair hair
Witness: fThomas her fair hair
Witness: fMS her fair hair


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was
Witness: f1823 was
Witness: f1831 was
Witness: fThomas was
Witness: fMS was


Reading Group: C17_app883_rg1

Witness: fMS plaited

Reading Group: C17_app883_rg2

Witness: f1818 plaited,
Witness: f1823 plaited,
Witness: f1831 plaited,
Witness: fThomas plaited,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but not adorned; she looked
Witness: f1823 but not adorned; she looked
Witness: f1831 but not adorned; she looked
Witness: fThomas but not adorned; she looked
Witness: fMS but not adorned; she looked


Reading Group: C17_app885_rg1

Witness: fMS patient

Reading Group: C17_app885_rg2

Witness: f1818 patient,
Witness: f1823 patient,
Witness: f1831 patient,
Witness: fThomas patient,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 yet sad.
Witness: f1823 yet sad.
Witness: f1831 yet sad.
Witness: fThomas yet sad.
Witness: fMS yet sad.


Reading Group: C17_app887_rg1

Witness: f1818 I lost sight of her; and
Witness: f1823 I lost sight of her; and
Witness: f1831 I lost sight of her; and
Witness: fThomas I lost sight of her; and

Reading Group: C17_app887_rg2

Witness: fMS She passed aw away but


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in
Witness: f1823 in
Witness: f1831 in
Witness: fThomas in
Witness: fMS in


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 about
Witness: f1823 about
Witness: f1831 about
Witness: fThomas about


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a quarter
Witness: f1823 a quarter
Witness: f1831 a quarter
Witness: fThomas a quarter
Witness: fMS a quarter


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of an hour
Witness: f1823 of an hour
Witness: f1831 of an hour
Witness: fThomas of an hour
Witness: fMS of an hour


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 she
Witness: f1823 she
Witness: f1831 she
Witness: fThomas she


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 returned,
Witness: f1823 returned,
Witness: f1831 returned,
Witness: fThomas returned,
Witness: fMS returned,


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS be


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 bearing the
Witness: f1823 bearing the
Witness: f1831 bearing the
Witness: fThomas bearing the
Witness: fMS bearing the


Reading Group: C17_app896_rg1

Witness: fMS pail

Reading Group: C17_app896_rg2

Witness: f1818 pail,
Witness: f1823 pail,
Witness: f1831 pail,
Witness: fThomas pail,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 which
Witness: f1823 which
Witness: f1831 which
Witness: fThomas which
Witness: fMS which


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was now partly filled with milk. As she walked
Witness: f1823 was now partly filled with milk. As she walked
Witness: f1831 was now partly filled with milk. As she walked
Witness: fThomas was now partly filled with milk. As she walked
Witness: fMS was now partly filled with milk. As she walked


Reading Group: C17_app899_rg1

Witness: fMS along

Reading Group: C17_app899_rg2

Witness: f1818 along,
Witness: f1823 along,
Witness: f1831 along,
Witness: fThomas along,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 seemingly incommoded by the
Witness: f1823 seemingly incommoded by the
Witness: f1831 seemingly incommoded by the
Witness: fThomas seemingly incommoded by the
Witness: fMS seemingly incommoded by the


Reading Group: C17_app901_rg1

Witness: f1818 burden,
Witness: f1823 burden,
Witness: f1831 burden,
Witness: fThomas burden,

Reading Group: C17_app901_rg2

Witness: fMS burthen


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a young man met
Witness: f1823 a young man met
Witness: f1831 a young man met
Witness: fThomas a young man met
Witness: fMS a young man met


Reading Group: C17_app903_rg1

Witness: fMS her

Reading Group: C17_app903_rg2

Witness: f1818 her,
Witness: f1823 her,
Witness: f1831 her,
Witness: fThomas her,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 whose countenance
Witness: f1823 whose countenance
Witness: f1831 whose countenance
Witness: fThomas whose countenance
Witness: fMS whose countenance


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 expressed a deeper
Witness: f1823 expressed a deeper
Witness: f1831 expressed a deeper
Witness: fThomas expressed a deeper
Witness: fMS expressed a deeper


Reading Group: C17_app906_rg1

Witness: fMS desponc<mdel/>ensdescesly; than her

Reading Group: C17_app906_rg2

Witness: f1818 despondence.
Witness: f1823 despondence.
Witness: f1831 despondence.
Witness: fThomas despondence.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Uttering a few
Witness: f1823 Uttering a few
Witness: f1831 Uttering a few
Witness: fThomas Uttering a few
Witness: fMS uttering a few


Reading Group: C17_app908_rg1

Witness: fMS wordssounds

Reading Group: C17_app908_rg2

Witness: f1818 sounds
Witness: f1823 sounds
Witness: f1831 sounds
Witness: fThomas sounds


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 with
Witness: f1823 with
Witness: f1831 with
Witness: fThomas with
Witness: fMS with


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS ain


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 an air of
Witness: f1823 an air of
Witness: f1831 an air of
Witness: fThomas an air of
Witness: fMS an air of


Reading Group: C17_app912_rg1

Witness: fMS melancholy

Reading Group: C17_app912_rg2

Witness: f1818 melancholy,
Witness: f1823 melancholy,
Witness: f1831 melancholy,
Witness: fThomas melancholy,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 he took the pail from her
Witness: f1823 he took the pail from her
Witness: f1831 he took the pail from her
Witness: fThomas he took the pail from her
Witness: fMS he took the pail from her


Reading Group: C17_app914_rg1

Witness: fMS head

Reading Group: C17_app914_rg2

Witness: f1818 head,
Witness: f1823 head,
Witness: f1831 head,
Witness: fThomas head,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and bore it
Witness: f1823 and bore it
Witness: f1831 and bore it
Witness: fThomas and bore it
Witness: fMS and bore it


Reading Group: C17_app916_rg1

Witness: fMS into

Reading Group: C17_app916_rg2

Witness: f1818 to
Witness: f1823 to
Witness: f1831 to
Witness: fThomas to


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the cottage himself. She
Witness: f1823 the cottage himself. She
Witness: f1831 the cottage himself. She
Witness: fThomas the cottage himself. She
Witness: fMS the cottage himself. She


Reading Group: C17_app918_rg1

Witness: fMS followed wipingdry my her tears whi,

Reading Group: C17_app918_rg2

Witness: f1818 followed,
Witness: f1823 followed,
Witness: f1831 followed,
Witness: fThomas followed,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and they
Witness: f1823 and they
Witness: f1831 and they
Witness: fThomas and they
Witness: fMS and they


Reading Group: C17_app920_rg1

Witness: fMS diasppeared –

Reading Group: C17_app920_rg2

Witness: f1818 disappeared.
Witness: f1823 disappeared.
Witness: f1831 disappeared.
Witness: fThomas disappeared.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Presently I saw the young man
Witness: f1823 Presently I saw the young man
Witness: f1831 Presently I saw the young man
Witness: fThomas Presently I saw the young man
Witness: fMS Presently I saw the young man


Reading Group: C17_app922_rg1

Witness: fMS again

Reading Group: C17_app922_rg2

Witness: f1818 again,
Witness: f1823 again,
Witness: f1831 again,
Witness: fThomas again,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 with some tools in his
Witness: f1823 with some tools in his
Witness: f1831 with some tools in his
Witness: fThomas with some tools in his
Witness: fMS with some tools in his


Reading Group: C17_app924_rg1

Witness: fMS hand

Reading Group: C17_app924_rg2

Witness: f1818 hand,
Witness: f1823 hand,
Witness: f1831 hand,
Witness: fThomas hand,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 cross the
Witness: f1823 cross the
Witness: f1831 cross the
Witness: fThomas cross the
Witness: fMS cross the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 field
Witness: f1823 field
Witness: f1831 field
Witness: fThomas field
Witness: fMS field


Reading Group: C17_app927_rg1

Witness: f1818 behind
Witness: f1823 behind
Witness: f1831 behind
Witness: fThomas behind

Reading Group: C17_app927_rg2

Witness: fMS opposite


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: fMS the


Reading Group: C17_app929_rg1

Witness: fMS cottage

Reading Group: C17_app929_rg2

Witness: f1818 cottage;
Witness: f1823 cottage;
Witness: f1831 cottage;
Witness: fThomas cottage;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and the girl was
Witness: f1823 and the girl was
Witness: f1831 and the girl was
Witness: fThomas and the girl was
Witness: fMS and the girl was


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 also
Witness: f1823 also
Witness: f1831 also
Witness: fThomas also
Witness: fMS also


Reading Group: C17_app932_rg1

Witness: fMS busied

Reading Group: C17_app932_rg2

Witness: f1818 busied,
Witness: f1823 busied,
Witness: f1831 busied,
Witness: fThomas busied,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 sometimes in
Witness: f1823 sometimes in
Witness: f1831 sometimes in
Witness: fThomas sometimes in
Witness: fMS sometinmes in


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS and som


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: fMS the


Reading Group: C17_app936_rg1

Witness: fMS cottage

Reading Group: C17_app936_rg2

Witness: f1818 house,
Witness: f1823 house,
Witness: f1831 house,
Witness: fThomas house,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and sometimes in the
Witness: f1823 and sometimes in the
Witness: f1831 and sometimes in the
Witness: fThomas and sometimes in the
Witness: fMS and sometimes in the


Reading Group: C17_app938_rg1

Witness: fMS yard where she fetd some ck chickens. and after some hours While I examined

Reading Group: C17_app938_rg2

Witness: f1818 yard.<p/><p/>“On examining
Witness: f1823 yard.<p/><p/>“On examining
Witness: f1831 yard.<p/><p/>“On examining
Witness: fThomas yard.<p/><p/>“On examining


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my
Witness: f1823 my
Witness: f1831 my
Witness: fThomas my
Witness: fMS my


Reading Group: C17_app940_rg1

Witness: fMS dwelling

Reading Group: C17_app940_rg2

Witness: f1818 dwelling,
Witness: f1823 dwelling,
Witness: f1831 dwelling,
Witness: fThomas dwelling,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: fMS I


Reading Group: C17_app942_rg1

Witness: fMS discovered

Reading Group: C17_app942_rg2

Witness: f1818 found
Witness: f1823 found
Witness: f1831 found
Witness: fThomas found


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that
Witness: f1823 that
Witness: f1831 that
Witness: fThomas that
Witness: fMS that


Reading Group: C17_app944_rg1

Witness: f1818 one of the windows
Witness: f1823 one of the windows
Witness: f1831 one of the windows
Witness: fThomas one of the windows

Reading Group: C17_app944_rg2

Witness: fMS part


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of the cottage
Witness: f1823 of the cottage
Witness: f1831 of the cottage
Witness: fThomas of the cottage
Witness: fMS of the cottage


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS window


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 had formerly occupied
Witness: f1823 had formerly occupied
Witness: f1831 had formerly occupied
Witness: fThomas had formerly occupied
Witness: fMS had formerly occupied


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a
Witness: f1823 a
Witness: f1831 a
Witness: fThomas a
Witness: fMS a


Reading Group: C17_app949_rg1

Witness: fMS corner

Reading Group: C17_app949_rg2

Witness: f1818 part
Witness: f1823 part
Witness: f1831 part
Witness: fThomas part


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of
Witness: f1823 of
Witness: f1831 of
Witness: fThomas of
Witness: fMS of


Reading Group: C17_app951_rg1

Witness: fMS it pu

Reading Group: C17_app951_rg2

Witness: f1818 it,
Witness: f1823 it,
Witness: f1831 it,
Witness: fThomas it,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but the panes had
Witness: f1823 but the panes had
Witness: f1831 but the panes had
Witness: fThomas but the panes had
Witness: fMS but the panes had


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS n


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 been
Witness: f1823 been
Witness: f1831 been
Witness: fThomas been
Witness: fMS been


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 filled up with wood. In one of these was
Witness: f1823 filled up with wood. In one of these was
Witness: f1831 filled up with wood. In one of these was
Witness: fThomas filled up with wood. In one of these was
Witness: fMS filled up with wood. In one of these was


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a small
Witness: f1823 a small
Witness: f1831 a small
Witness: fThomas a small
Witness: fMS a small


Reading Group: C17_app957_rg1

Witness: fMS & allmost

Reading Group: C17_app957_rg2

Witness: f1818 and almost
Witness: f1823 and almost
Witness: f1831 and almost
Witness: fThomas and almost


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 imperceptible
Witness: f1823 imperceptible
Witness: f1831 imperceptible
Witness: fThomas imperceptible
Witness: fMS imperceptible


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS h


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 chink,
Witness: f1823 chink,
Witness: f1831 chink,
Witness: fThomas chink,
Witness: fMS chink,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 through which
Witness: f1823 through which
Witness: f1831 through which
Witness: fThomas through which
Witness: fMS through which


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS howev


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the eye could just
Witness: f1823 the eye could just
Witness: f1831 the eye could just
Witness: fThomas the eye could just
Witness: fMS the eye could just


Reading Group: C17_app964_rg1

Witness: fMS peneatrate; and looking inI behesawthro

Reading Group: C17_app964_rg2

Witness: f1818 penetrate. Through
Witness: f1823 penetrate. Through
Witness: f1831 penetrate. Through
Witness: fThomas penetrate. Through


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 this
Witness: f1823 this
Witness: f1831 this
Witness: fThomas this
Witness: fMS this


Reading Group: C17_app966_rg1

Witness: fMS chink

Reading Group: C17_app966_rg2

Witness: f1823 crevice
Witness: f1831 crevice

Reading Group: C17_app966_rg3

Witness: f1818 crevice,
Witness: fThomas crevice,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a
Witness: f1823 a
Witness: f1831 a
Witness: fThomas a
Witness: fMS a


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 small room was visible,
Witness: f1823 small room was visible,
Witness: f1831 small room was visible,
Witness: fThomas small room was visible,
Witness: fMS small room was visible,


Reading Group: C17_app969_rg1

Witness: f1818 white-washed
Witness: f1823 white-washed
Witness: fThomas white-washed

Reading Group: C17_app969_rg2

Witness: f1831 whitewashed
Witness: fMS whitewashed


Reading Group: C17_app970_rg1

Witness: fMS <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>& clean

Reading Group: C17_app970_rg2

Witness: f1818 and clean,
Witness: f1823 and clean,
Witness: f1831 and clean,
Witness: fThomas and clean,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but very
Witness: f1823 but very
Witness: f1831 but very
Witness: fThomas but very
Witness: fMS but very


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 bare of
Witness: f1823 bare of
Witness: f1831 bare of
Witness: fThomas bare of
Witness: fMS bare of


Reading Group: C17_app973_rg1

Witness: fMS furniture &

Reading Group: C17_app973_rg2

Witness: f1818 furniture.
Witness: f1823 furniture.
Witness: f1831 furniture.
Witness: fThomas furniture.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 In
Witness: f1823 In
Witness: f1831 In
Witness: fThomas In
Witness: fMS in


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS co


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 one
Witness: f1823 one
Witness: f1831 one
Witness: fThomas one
Witness: fMS one


Reading Group: C17_app977_rg1

Witness: fMS corner

Reading Group: C17_app977_rg2

Witness: f1818 corner,
Witness: f1823 corner,
Witness: f1831 corner,
Witness: fThomas corner,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 near
Witness: f1823 near
Witness: f1831 near
Witness: fThomas near
Witness: fMS near


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a small
Witness: f1823 a small
Witness: f1831 a small
Witness: fThomas a small
Witness: fMS a small


Reading Group: C17_app980_rg1

Witness: fMS fire I saw<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>beheldsate

Reading Group: C17_app980_rg2

Witness: f1818 fire, sat
Witness: f1823 fire, sat
Witness: f1831 fire, sat
Witness: fThomas fire, sat


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 an old
Witness: f1823 an old
Witness: f1831 an old
Witness: fThomas an old
Witness: fMS an old


Reading Group: C17_app982_rg1

Witness: fMS man sitting

Reading Group: C17_app982_rg2

Witness: f1818 man,
Witness: f1823 man,
Witness: f1831 man,
Witness: fThomas man,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 leaning
Witness: f1823 leaning
Witness: f1831 leaning
Witness: fThomas leaning
Witness: fMS leaning


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 his head on his
Witness: f1823 his head on his
Witness: f1831 his head on his
Witness: fThomas his head on his
Witness: fMS his head on his


Reading Group: C17_app985_rg1

Witness: fMS hand

Reading Group: C17_app985_rg2

Witness: f1818 hands
Witness: f1823 hands
Witness: f1831 hands
Witness: fThomas hands


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in a
Witness: f1823 in a
Witness: f1831 in a
Witness: fThomas in a
Witness: fMS in a


Reading Group: C17_app987_rg1

Witness: fMS disconslate atti tude — <metamark function="displacement" xml:id="c57-0012.01">X</metamark> his hair was grey

Reading Group: C17_app987_rg2

Witness: f1818 disconsolate attitude.
Witness: f1823 disconsolate attitude.
Witness: f1831 disconsolate attitude.
Witness: fThomas disconsolate attitude.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 The young girl was
Witness: f1823 The young girl was
Witness: f1831 The young girl was
Witness: fThomas The young girl was
Witness: fMS The young girl was


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS co


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 occupied in
Witness: f1823 occupied in
Witness: f1831 occupied in
Witness: fThomas occupied in
Witness: fMS occupied in


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 arranging the
Witness: f1823 arranging the
Witness: f1831 arranging the
Witness: fThomas arranging the
Witness: fMS arranging the


Reading Group: C17_app992_rg1

Witness: fMS cottage andbut presentlywhen that was done

Reading Group: C17_app992_rg2

Witness: f1818 cottage; but presently
Witness: f1823 cottage; but presently
Witness: f1831 cottage; but presently
Witness: fThomas cottage; but presently


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 she took
Witness: f1823 she took
Witness: f1831 she took
Witness: fThomas she took
Witness: fMS she took


Reading Group: C17_app994_rg1

Witness: f1818 something
Witness: f1823 something
Witness: f1831 something
Witness: fThomas something

Reading Group: C17_app994_rg2

Witness: fMS somthing


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 out
Witness: f1823 out
Witness: f1831 out
Witness: fThomas out
Witness: fMS out


Reading Group: C17_app996_rg1

Witness: f1818 of
Witness: f1823 of
Witness: f1831 of
Witness: fThomas of

Reading Group: C17_app996_rg2

Witness: fMS ofthe


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a
Witness: f1823 a
Witness: f1831 a
Witness: fThomas a
Witness: fMS a


Reading Group: C17_app998_rg1

Witness: fMS drawer

Reading Group: C17_app998_rg2

Witness: f1818 drawer,
Witness: f1823 drawer,
Witness: f1831 drawer,
Witness: fThomas drawer,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 which employed her
Witness: f1823 which employed her
Witness: f1831 which employed her
Witness: fThomas which employed her
Witness: fMS which employed her


Reading Group: C17_app1000_rg1

Witness: fMS hands and<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>&

Reading Group: C17_app1000_rg2

Witness: f1818 hands, and she
Witness: f1823 hands, and she
Witness: f1831 hands, and she
Witness: fThomas hands, and she


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 sat down beside
Witness: f1823 sat down beside
Witness: f1831 sat down beside
Witness: fThomas sat down beside
Witness: fMS sat down beside


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS the o


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the old
Witness: f1823 the old
Witness: f1831 the old
Witness: fThomas the old
Witness: fMS the old


Reading Group: C17_app1004_rg1

Witness: fMS man who

Reading Group: C17_app1004_rg2

Witness: f1818 man, who,
Witness: f1823 man, who,
Witness: f1831 man, who,
Witness: fThomas man, who,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 taking up an
Witness: f1823 taking up an
Witness: f1831 taking up an
Witness: fThomas taking up an
Witness: fMS taking up an


Reading Group: C17_app1006_rg1

Witness: fMS instur instrument

Reading Group: C17_app1006_rg2

Witness: f1818 instrument,
Witness: f1823 instrument,
Witness: f1831 instrument,
Witness: fThomas instrument,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 began
Witness: f1823 began
Witness: f1831 began
Witness: fThomas began
Witness: fMS began


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to
Witness: f1823 to
Witness: f1831 to
Witness: fThomas to
Witness: fMS to


Reading Group: C17_app1009_rg1

Witness: fMS play

Reading Group: C17_app1009_rg2

Witness: f1818 play,
Witness: f1823 play,
Witness: f1831 play,
Witness: fThomas play,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and to produce
Witness: f1823 and to produce
Witness: f1831 and to produce
Witness: fThomas and to produce
Witness: fMS and to produce


Reading Group: C17_app1011_rg1

Witness: f1823 sounds
Witness: f1831 sounds
Witness: fMS sounds

Reading Group: C17_app1011_rg2

Witness: f1818 sounds,
Witness: fThomas sounds,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 sweeter than
Witness: f1823 sweeter than
Witness: f1831 sweeter than
Witness: fThomas sweeter than
Witness: fMS sweeter than


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the voice of the thrush or
Witness: f1823 the voice of the thrush or
Witness: f1831 the voice of the thrush or
Witness: fThomas the voice of the thrush or
Witness: fMS the voice of the thrush or


Reading Group: C17_app1014_rg1

Witness: fMS nightingale.<note resp="#pbs"/>This chapter is too short

Reading Group: C17_app1014_rg2

Witness: f1818 the nightingale.
Witness: f1823 the nightingale.
Witness: f1831 the nightingale.
Witness: fThomas the nightingale.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 It was a lovely
Witness: f1823 It was a lovely
Witness: f1831 It was a lovely
Witness: fThomas It was a lovely
Witness: fMS It was a lovely


Reading Group: C17_app1016_rg1

Witness: fMS sight

Reading Group: C17_app1016_rg2

Witness: f1818 sight,
Witness: f1823 sight,
Witness: f1831 sight,
Witness: fThomas sight,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 even to
Witness: f1823 even to
Witness: f1831 even to
Witness: fThomas even to
Witness: fMS even to


Reading Group: C17_app1018_rg1

Witness: fMS me

Reading Group: C17_app1018_rg2

Witness: f1818 me,
Witness: f1823 me,
Witness: f1831 me,
Witness: fThomas me,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 poor
Witness: f1823 poor
Witness: f1831 poor
Witness: fThomas poor
Witness: fMS poor


Reading Group: C17_app1020_rg1

Witness: fMS whec wretch

Reading Group: C17_app1020_rg2

Witness: f1818 wretch!
Witness: f1823 wretch!
Witness: f1831 wretch!
Witness: fThomas wretch!


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 who had never beheld aught
Witness: f1823 who had never beheld aught
Witness: f1831 who had never beheld aught
Witness: fThomas who had never beheld aught
Witness: fMS who had never beheld aught


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 beautiful before.
Witness: f1823 beautiful before.
Witness: f1831 beautiful before.
Witness: fThomas beautiful before.
Witness: fMS beautiful before.


Reading Group: C17_app1023_rg1

Witness: fMS histhe

Reading Group: C17_app1023_rg2

Witness: f1818 The
Witness: f1823 The
Witness: f1831 The
Witness: fThomas The


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 silver
Witness: f1823 silver
Witness: f1831 silver
Witness: fThomas silver
Witness: fMS silver


Reading Group: C17_app1025_rg1

Witness: f1818 hair and
Witness: f1823 hair and
Witness: f1831 hair and
Witness: fThomas hair and

Reading Group: C17_app1025_rg2

Witness: fMS hairs &


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 benevolent countenance of
Witness: f1823 benevolent countenance of
Witness: f1831 benevolent countenance of
Witness: fThomas benevolent countenance of
Witness: fMS benevolent countenance <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>of


Reading Group: C17_app1027_rg1

Witness: fMS themore

Reading Group: C17_app1027_rg2

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fThomas the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 aged
Witness: f1823 aged
Witness: f1831 aged
Witness: fThomas aged
Witness: fMS aged


Reading Group: C17_app1029_rg1

Witness: fMS inhabit

Reading Group: C17_app1029_rg2

Witness: f1818 cottager,
Witness: fThomas cottager,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1823 cottager
Witness: f1831 cottager
Witness: fMS cottager


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 won my
Witness: f1823 won my
Witness: f1831 won my
Witness: fThomas won my
Witness: fMS won my


Reading Group: C17_app1032_rg1

Witness: fMS reverence

Reading Group: C17_app1032_rg2

Witness: f1823 reverence,
Witness: f1831 reverence,

Reading Group: C17_app1032_rg3

Witness: f1818 reverence;
Witness: fThomas reverence;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 while the gentle manners of the girl enticed
Witness: f1823 while the gentle manners of the girl enticed
Witness: f1831 while the gentle manners of the girl enticed
Witness: fThomas while the gentle manners of the girl enticed
Witness: fMS while <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>the gentle manners of the girl enticed


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my love. He played a sweet mournful
Witness: f1823 my love. He played a sweet mournful
Witness: f1831 my love. He played a sweet mournful
Witness: fThomas my love. He played a sweet mournful
Witness: fMS my love. He played a sweet mournful


Reading Group: C17_app1035_rg1

Witness: fMS air

Reading Group: C17_app1035_rg2

Witness: f1818 air,
Witness: f1823 air,
Witness: f1831 air,
Witness: fThomas air,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 which I
Witness: f1823 which I
Witness: f1831 which I
Witness: fThomas which I
Witness: fMS which I


Reading Group: C17_app1037_rg1

Witness: f1818 perceived
Witness: f1823 perceived
Witness: f1831 perceived
Witness: fThomas perceived

Reading Group: C17_app1037_rg2

Witness: fMS percieved


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 drew tears from
Witness: f1823 drew tears from
Witness: f1831 drew tears from
Witness: fThomas drew tears from
Witness: fMS drew tears from


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the eyes of
Witness: f1823 the eyes of
Witness: f1831 the eyes of
Witness: fThomas the eyes of
Witness: fMS the eyes of


Reading Group: C17_app1040_rg1

Witness: fMS the gen amiable girl<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>his you

Reading Group: C17_app1040_rg2

Witness: f1818 his
Witness: f1823 his
Witness: f1831 his
Witness: fThomas his


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 amiable
Witness: f1823 amiable
Witness: f1831 amiable
Witness: fThomas amiable
Witness: fMS amiable


Reading Group: C17_app1042_rg1

Witness: f1818 companion, of
Witness: f1823 companion, of
Witness: f1831 companion, of
Witness: fThomas companion, of

Reading Group: C17_app1042_rg2

Witness: fMS companiontill herof


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 which the old man took no
Witness: f1823 which the old man took no
Witness: f1831 which the old man took no
Witness: fThomas which the old man took no
Witness: fMS which the old man took <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>no


Reading Group: C17_app1044_rg1

Witness: fMS notice of it untill

Reading Group: C17_app1044_rg2

Witness: f1818 notice, until
Witness: f1823 notice, until
Witness: f1831 notice, until
Witness: fThomas notice, until


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 she sobbed
Witness: f1823 she sobbed
Witness: f1831 she sobbed
Witness: fThomas she sobbed
Witness: fMS she sobbed


Reading Group: C17_app1046_rg1

Witness: fMS audibly –

Reading Group: C17_app1046_rg2

Witness: f1818 audibly;
Witness: f1823 audibly;
Witness: f1831 audibly;
Witness: fThomas audibly;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 he
Witness: f1823 he
Witness: f1831 he
Witness: fThomas he
Witness: fMS He


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 then pronounced
Witness: f1823 then pronounced
Witness: f1831 then pronounced
Witness: fThomas then pronounced
Witness: fMS then pronounced


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a few
Witness: f1823 a few
Witness: f1831 a few
Witness: fThomas a few
Witness: fMS a few


Reading Group: C17_app1051_rg1

Witness: fMS sounds

Reading Group: C17_app1051_rg2

Witness: f1818 sounds,
Witness: f1823 sounds,
Witness: f1831 sounds,
Witness: fThomas sounds,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and the
Witness: f1823 and the
Witness: f1831 and the
Witness: fThomas and the
Witness: fMS and the


Reading Group: C17_app1053_rg1

Witness: f1818 fair creature,
Witness: f1823 fair creature,
Witness: f1831 fair creature,
Witness: fThomas fair creature,

Reading Group: C17_app1053_rg2

Witness: fMS poor creature


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 leaving
Witness: f1823 leaving
Witness: f1831 leaving
Witness: fThomas leaving
Witness: fMS leaving


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 her
Witness: f1823 her
Witness: f1831 her
Witness: fThomas her
Witness: fMS her


Reading Group: C17_app1056_rg1

Witness: fMS work

Reading Group: C17_app1056_rg2

Witness: f1818 work,
Witness: f1823 work,
Witness: f1831 work,
Witness: fThomas work,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 knelt at his
Witness: f1823 knelt at his
Witness: f1831 knelt at his
Witness: fThomas knelt at his
Witness: fMS knelt at his


Reading Group: C17_app1058_rg1

Witness: fMS feet

Reading Group: C17_app1058_rg2

Witness: f1818 feet.
Witness: f1823 feet.
Witness: f1831 feet.
Witness: fThomas feet.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 He
Witness: f1823 He
Witness: f1831 He
Witness: fThomas He
Witness: fMS he


Reading Group: C17_app1060_rg1

Witness: f1818 raised her,
Witness: f1823 raised her,
Witness: f1831 raised her,
Witness: fThomas raised her,

Reading Group: C17_app1060_rg2

Witness: fMS rasied her


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and smiled with such
Witness: f1823 and smiled with such
Witness: f1831 and smiled with such
Witness: fThomas and smiled with such
Witness: fMS and smiled with such


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS grace


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 kindness
Witness: f1823 kindness
Witness: f1831 kindness
Witness: fThomas kindness
Witness: fMS kindness


Reading Group: C17_app1064_rg1

Witness: fMS & love

Reading Group: C17_app1064_rg2

Witness: f1818 and affection,
Witness: f1823 and affection,
Witness: f1831 and affection,
Witness: fThomas and affection,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that I felt
Witness: f1823 that I felt
Witness: f1831 that I felt
Witness: fThomas that I felt
Witness: fMS that I felt


Reading Group: C17_app1066_rg1

Witness: fMS my own hard nerves<del next="#c57-0013.05" rend="strikethrough" sID="c57-0013__main__d3e2642" xml:id="c57-0013.03"/>move

Reading Group: C17_app1066_rg2

Witness: f1818 sensations of a peculiar
Witness: f1823 sensations of a peculiar
Witness: f1831 sensations of a peculiar
Witness: fThomas sensations of a peculiar


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: fMS and


Reading Group: C17_app1068_rg1

Witness: fMS I was obliged to withdraw from<del/>nature

Reading Group: C17_app1068_rg2

Witness: f1818 overpowering nature:
Witness: f1823 overpowering nature:
Witness: f1831 overpowering nature:
Witness: fThomas overpowering nature:


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 they were
Witness: f1823 they were
Witness: f1831 they were
Witness: fThomas they were
Witness: fMS they were


Reading Group: C17_app1070_rg1

Witness: f1818 a mixture of
Witness: f1823 a mixture of
Witness: f1831 a mixture of
Witness: fThomas a mixture of

Reading Group: C17_app1070_rg2

Witness: fMS anaturemixtureof


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 pain
Witness: f1823 pain
Witness: f1831 pain
Witness: fThomas pain
Witness: fMS pain


Reading Group: C17_app1072_rg1

Witness: fMS & pleasure;

Reading Group: C17_app1072_rg2

Witness: f1818 and pleasure,
Witness: f1823 and pleasure,
Witness: f1831 and pleasure,
Witness: fThomas and pleasure,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 such as I had never
Witness: f1823 such as I had never
Witness: f1831 such as I had never
Witness: fThomas such as I had never
Witness: fMS such as I had never


Reading Group: C17_app1074_rg1

Witness: f1818 before experienced, either from hunger
Witness: f1823 before experienced, either from hunger
Witness: f1831 before experienced, either from hunger
Witness: fThomas before experienced, either from hunger

Reading Group: C17_app1074_rg2

Witness: fMS experiencedmy the hole. Presently the young maeither fromthehunger


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 or cold,
Witness: f1823 or cold,
Witness: f1831 or cold,
Witness: fThomas or cold,
Witness: fMS or cold,


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS orfromor


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 warmth or
Witness: f1823 warmth or
Witness: f1831 warmth or
Witness: fThomas warmth or
Witness: fMS warmth or


Reading Group: C17_app1078_rg1

Witness: fMS food

Reading Group: C17_app1078_rg2

Witness: f1818 food;
Witness: f1823 food;
Witness: f1831 food;
Witness: fThomas food;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: fMS and


Reading Group: C17_app1080_rg1

Witness: f1818 I withdrew from the window, unable to bear these emotions.<p/><p/>“Soon
Witness: f1823 I withdrew from the window, unable to bear these emotions.<p/><p/>“Soon
Witness: f1831 I withdrew from the window, unable to bear these emotions.<p/><p/>“Soon
Witness: fThomas I withdrew from the window, unable to bear these emotions.<p/><p/>“Soon

Reading Group: C17_app1080_rg2

Witness: fMS Iwithdrewfrom my stationwithdrewunable tobearthese newtheseemotionsemotions Soon


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 after this the young man
Witness: f1823 after this the young man
Witness: f1831 after this the young man
Witness: fThomas after this the young man
Witness: fMS after this the young man


Reading Group: C17_app1082_rg1

Witness: fMS returned

Reading Group: C17_app1082_rg2

Witness: f1818 returned,
Witness: f1823 returned,
Witness: f1831 returned,
Witness: fThomas returned,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 bearing on his
Witness: f1823 bearing on his
Witness: f1831 bearing on his
Witness: fThomas bearing on his
Witness: fMS bearing on his


Reading Group: C17_app1084_rg1

Witness: fMS sholders

Reading Group: C17_app1084_rg2

Witness: f1818 shoulders
Witness: f1823 shoulders
Witness: f1831 shoulders
Witness: fThomas shoulders


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a
Witness: f1823 a
Witness: f1831 a
Witness: fThomas a
Witness: fMS a


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS load


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 load of
Witness: f1823 load of
Witness: f1831 load of
Witness: fThomas load of
Witness: fMS load of


Reading Group: C17_app1088_rg1

Witness: fMS wood ther

Reading Group: C17_app1088_rg2

Witness: f1818 wood. The
Witness: f1823 wood. The
Witness: f1831 wood. The
Witness: fThomas wood. The


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 girl met him at the
Witness: f1823 girl met him at the
Witness: f1831 girl met him at the
Witness: fThomas girl met him at the
Witness: fMS girl met him at the


Reading Group: C17_app1090_rg1

Witness: f1818 door,
Witness: f1823 door,
Witness: f1831 door,
Witness: fThomas door,

Reading Group: C17_app1090_rg2

Witness: fMS door&


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 helped
Witness: f1823 helped
Witness: f1831 helped
Witness: fThomas helped
Witness: fMS helped


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to relieve him of his
Witness: f1823 to relieve him of his
Witness: f1831 to relieve him of his
Witness: fThomas to relieve him of his
Witness: fMS to relieve him of his


Reading Group: C17_app1093_rg1

Witness: fMS burden and took

Reading Group: C17_app1093_rg2

Witness: f1818 burden, and,
Witness: f1823 burden, and,
Witness: f1831 burden, and,
Witness: fThomas burden, and,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 taking some of
Witness: f1823 taking some of
Witness: f1831 taking some of
Witness: fThomas taking some of
Witness: fMS taking some of


Reading Group: C17_app1095_rg1

Witness: fMS it

Reading Group: C17_app1095_rg2

Witness: f1818 the fuel
Witness: f1823 the fuel
Witness: f1831 the fuel
Witness: fThomas the fuel


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 into the
Witness: f1823 into the
Witness: f1831 into the
Witness: fThomas into the
Witness: fMS into the


Reading Group: C17_app1097_rg1

Witness: fMS fire cottage

Reading Group: C17_app1097_rg2

Witness: f1818 cottage,
Witness: f1823 cottage,
Witness: f1831 cottage,
Witness: fThomas cottage,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 placed it on the fire;
Witness: f1823 placed it on the fire;
Witness: f1831 placed it on the fire;
Witness: fThomas placed it on the fire;
Witness: fMS placed it on the fire;


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS &


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 then she and the
Witness: f1823 then she and the
Witness: f1831 then she and the
Witness: fThomas then she and the
Witness: fMS then she and the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 youth went apart into a
Witness: f1823 youth went apart into a
Witness: f1831 youth went apart into a
Witness: fThomas youth went apart into a
Witness: fMS youth went apart into a


Reading Group: C17_app1102_rg1

Witness: fMS noknook

Reading Group: C17_app1102_rg2

Witness: f1818 nook
Witness: f1823 nook
Witness: f1831 nook
Witness: fThomas nook


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of the
Witness: f1823 of the
Witness: f1831 of the
Witness: fThomas of the
Witness: fMS of the


Reading Group: C17_app1104_rg1

Witness: fMS cottage

Reading Group: C17_app1104_rg2

Witness: f1818 cottage,
Witness: f1823 cottage,
Witness: f1831 cottage,
Witness: fThomas cottage,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and he
Witness: f1823 and he
Witness: f1831 and he
Witness: fThomas and he
Witness: fMS and he


Reading Group: C17_app1106_rg1

Witness: f1818 shewed
Witness: fThomas shewed
Witness: fMS shewed

Reading Group: C17_app1106_rg2

Witness: f1823 showed
Witness: f1831 showed


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 her a large loaf and a piece
Witness: f1823 her a large loaf and a piece
Witness: f1831 her a large loaf and a piece
Witness: fThomas her a large loaf and a piece
Witness: fMS her a large loaf and a piece


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of
Witness: f1823 of
Witness: f1831 of
Witness: fThomas of
Witness: fMS of


Reading Group: C17_app1109_rg1

Witness: f1818 cheese. She
Witness: f1823 cheese. She
Witness: f1831 cheese. She
Witness: fThomas cheese. She

Reading Group: C17_app1109_rg2

Witness: fMS cheese.—She


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 seemed
Witness: f1823 seemed
Witness: f1831 seemed
Witness: fThomas seemed
Witness: fMS seemed


Reading Group: C17_app1111_rg1

Witness: fMS pleased

Reading Group: C17_app1111_rg2

Witness: f1818 pleased,
Witness: f1823 pleased,
Witness: f1831 pleased,
Witness: fThomas pleased,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and went
Witness: f1823 and went
Witness: f1831 and went
Witness: fThomas and went
Witness: fMS and went


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 into the garden for
Witness: f1823 into the garden for
Witness: f1831 into the garden for
Witness: fThomas into the garden for
Witness: fMS into the garden for


Reading Group: C17_app1114_rg1

Witness: f1818 some
Witness: f1823 some
Witness: f1831 some
Witness: fThomas some

Reading Group: C17_app1114_rg2

Witness: fMS soome


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 roots
Witness: f1823 roots
Witness: f1831 roots
Witness: fThomas roots
Witness: fMS roots


Reading Group: C17_app1116_rg1

Witness: fMS & plants

Reading Group: C17_app1116_rg2

Witness: f1818 and plants,
Witness: f1823 and plants,
Witness: f1831 and plants,
Witness: fThomas and plants,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 which she placed in
Witness: f1823 which she placed in
Witness: f1831 which she placed in
Witness: fThomas which she placed in
Witness: fMS which she placed in


Reading Group: C17_app1118_rg1

Witness: fMS water

Reading Group: C17_app1118_rg2

Witness: f1818 water,
Witness: f1823 water,
Witness: f1831 water,
Witness: fThomas water,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and then upon
Witness: f1823 and then upon
Witness: f1831 and then upon
Witness: fThomas and then upon
Witness: fMS and then upon


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: fMS the


Reading Group: C17_app1121_rg1

Witness: f1818 fire.
Witness: f1823 fire.
Witness: f1831 fire.
Witness: fThomas fire.

Reading Group: C17_app1121_rg2

Witness: fMS fire–.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 She
Witness: f1823 She
Witness: f1831 She
Witness: fThomas She
Witness: fMS She


Reading Group: C17_app1123_rg1

Witness: fMS thenafterwards

Reading Group: C17_app1123_rg2

Witness: f1818 afterwards
Witness: f1823 afterwards
Witness: f1831 afterwards
Witness: fThomas afterwards


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 continued her
Witness: f1823 continued her
Witness: f1831 continued her
Witness: fThomas continued her
Witness: fMS continued her


Reading Group: C17_app1125_rg1

Witness: fMS work

Reading Group: C17_app1125_rg2

Witness: f1818 work,
Witness: f1823 work,
Witness: f1831 work,
Witness: fThomas work,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 whilst the young man went into the
Witness: f1823 whilst the young man went into the
Witness: f1831 whilst the young man went into the
Witness: fThomas whilst the young man went into the
Witness: fMS &whilst the young man went into the


Reading Group: C17_app1127_rg1

Witness: fMS pa garden

Reading Group: C17_app1127_rg2

Witness: f1818 garden,
Witness: f1823 garden,
Witness: f1831 garden,
Witness: fThomas garden,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and appeared busily employed in digging
Witness: f1823 and appeared busily employed in digging
Witness: f1831 and appeared busily employed in digging
Witness: fThomas and appeared busily employed in digging
Witness: fMS and appeared busily employed in digging


Reading Group: C17_app1129_rg1

Witness: fMS & pul

Reading Group: C17_app1129_rg2

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fThomas and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 pulling up
Witness: f1823 pulling up
Witness: f1831 pulling up
Witness: fThomas pulling up
Witness: fMS pulling up


Reading Group: C17_app1131_rg1

Witness: f1818 roots. After
Witness: f1823 roots. After
Witness: f1831 roots. After
Witness: fThomas roots. After

Reading Group: C17_app1131_rg2

Witness: fMS roots– –After


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 he had been employed
Witness: f1823 he had been employed
Witness: f1831 he had been employed
Witness: fThomas he had been employed
Witness: fMS he had been employed


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 thus about
Witness: f1823 thus about
Witness: f1831 thus about
Witness: fThomas thus about
Witness: fMS thus about


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS hal


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 an
Witness: f1823 an
Witness: f1831 an
Witness: fThomas an
Witness: fMS an


Reading Group: C17_app1136_rg1

Witness: fMS hour

Reading Group: C17_app1136_rg2

Witness: f1818 hour,
Witness: f1823 hour,
Witness: f1831 hour,
Witness: fThomas hour,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the young woman
Witness: f1823 the young woman
Witness: f1831 the young woman
Witness: fThomas the young woman
Witness: fMS the young woman


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 joined him,
Witness: f1823 joined him,
Witness: f1831 joined him,
Witness: fThomas joined him,
Witness: fMS joined him,


Reading Group: C17_app1139_rg1

Witness: fMS &

Reading Group: C17_app1139_rg2

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fThomas and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 they
Witness: f1823 they
Witness: f1831 they
Witness: fThomas they
Witness: fMS they


Reading Group: C17_app1141_rg1

Witness: f1818 entered
Witness: f1823 entered
Witness: f1831 entered
Witness: fThomas entered

Reading Group: C17_app1141_rg2

Witness: fMS returned to


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the cottage
Witness: f1823 the cottage
Witness: f1831 the cottage
Witness: fThomas the cottage
Witness: fMS the cottage


Reading Group: C17_app1143_rg1

Witness: fMS together – The

Reading Group: C17_app1143_rg2

Witness: f1823 together. <p/><p/>“The

Reading Group: C17_app1143_rg3

Witness: f1818 together.<p/><p/>“The
Witness: f1831 together.<p/><p/>“The
Witness: fThomas together.<p/><p/>“The


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 old man
Witness: f1823 old man
Witness: f1831 old man
Witness: fThomas old man
Witness: fMS old man


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 had,
Witness: f1823 had,
Witness: f1831 had,
Witness: fThomas had,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in the mean
Witness: f1823 in the mean
Witness: f1831 in the mean
Witness: fThomas in the mean
Witness: fMS in the mean


Reading Group: C17_app1147_rg1

Witness: fMS time had

Reading Group: C17_app1147_rg2

Witness: f1818 time,
Witness: f1823 time,
Witness: f1831 time,
Witness: fThomas time,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 been
Witness: f1823 been
Witness: f1831 been
Witness: fThomas been
Witness: fMS been


Reading Group: C17_app1149_rg1

Witness: fMS pe<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>nsive but

Reading Group: C17_app1149_rg2

Witness: f1818 pensive; but,
Witness: f1823 pensive; but,
Witness: f1831 pensive; but,
Witness: fThomas pensive; but,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 on the
Witness: f1823 on the
Witness: f1831 on the
Witness: fThomas on the
Witness: fMS on the


Reading Group: C17_app1151_rg1

Witness: f1818 appearance
Witness: f1823 appearance
Witness: f1831 appearance
Witness: fThomas appearance

Reading Group: C17_app1151_rg2

Witness: fMS approach


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of
Witness: f1823 of
Witness: f1831 of
Witness: fThomas of
Witness: fMS of


Reading Group: C17_app1153_rg1

Witness: fMS the others<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>his companions

Reading Group: C17_app1153_rg2

Witness: f1818 his companions,
Witness: f1823 his companions,
Witness: f1831 his companions,
Witness: fThomas his companions,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 he assumed a
Witness: f1823 he assumed a
Witness: f1831 he assumed a
Witness: fThomas he assumed a
Witness: fMS he assumed a


Reading Group: C17_app1155_rg1

Witness: fMS penmore

Reading Group: C17_app1155_rg2

Witness: f1818 more
Witness: f1823 more
Witness: f1831 more
Witness: fThomas more


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 cheerful
Witness: f1823 cheerful
Witness: f1831 cheerful
Witness: fThomas cheerful
Witness: fMS cheerful


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 air, and they sat down to eat.
Witness: f1823 air, and they sat down to eat.
Witness: f1831 air, and they sat down to eat.
Witness: fThomas air, and they sat down to eat.
Witness: fMS air, and they sat down to eat.


Reading Group: C17_app1158_rg1

Witness: f1818 The
Witness: f1823 The
Witness: f1831 The
Witness: fThomas The

Reading Group: C17_app1158_rg2

Witness: fMS They quickly finished their


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 meal was quickly
Witness: f1823 meal was quickly
Witness: f1831 meal was quickly
Witness: fThomas meal was quickly
Witness: fMS meal <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>was quickly


Reading Group: C17_app1160_rg1

Witness: f1823 despatched.
Witness: f1831 despatched.

Reading Group: C17_app1160_rg2

Witness: f1818 dispatched.
Witness: fThomas dispatched.

Reading Group: C17_app1160_rg3

Witness: fMS dispatched;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 The young woman was
Witness: f1823 The young woman was
Witness: f1831 The young woman was
Witness: fThomas The young woman was
Witness: fMS the young woman was


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 again occupied in arranging the
Witness: f1823 again occupied in arranging the
Witness: f1831 again occupied in arranging the
Witness: fThomas again occupied in arranging the
Witness: fMS again occupied in arranging the


Reading Group: C17_app1163_rg1

Witness: fMS cottage

Reading Group: C17_app1163_rg2

Witness: f1818 cottage;
Witness: f1823 cottage;
Witness: f1831 cottage;
Witness: fThomas cottage;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: fMS the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 old man walked before the
Witness: f1823 old man walked before the
Witness: f1831 old man walked before the
Witness: fThomas old man walked before the
Witness: fMS old man walked before the


Reading Group: C17_app1166_rg1

Witness: f1818 cottage
Witness: f1823 cottage
Witness: f1831 cottage
Witness: fThomas cottage

Reading Group: C17_app1166_rg2

Witness: fMS door


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in the
Witness: f1823 in the
Witness: f1831 in the
Witness: fThomas in the
Witness: fMS in the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 sun for a few minutes, leaning on the arm of the
Witness: f1823 sun for a few minutes, leaning on the arm of the
Witness: f1831 sun for a few minutes, leaning on the arm of the
Witness: fThomas sun for a few minutes, leaning on the arm of the
Witness: fMS sun for a few minutes, leaning on the arm of the


Reading Group: C17_app1169_rg1

Witness: f1818 youth.
Witness: f1823 youth.
Witness: f1831 youth.
Witness: fThomas youth.

Reading Group: C17_app1169_rg2

Witness: fMS youngthman


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Nothing could exceed in beauty the contrast
Witness: f1823 Nothing could exceed in beauty the contrast
Witness: f1831 Nothing could exceed in beauty the contrast
Witness: fThomas Nothing could exceed in beauty the contrast
Witness: fMS Nothing could exceed in beauty the contrast


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 between these two
Witness: f1823 between these two
Witness: f1831 between these two
Witness: fThomas between these two
Witness: fMS between these two


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS loveexcl


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 excellent
Witness: f1823 excellent
Witness: f1831 excellent
Witness: fThomas excellent
Witness: fMS excellent


Reading Group: C17_app1174_rg1

Witness: fMS creatures

Reading Group: C17_app1174_rg2

Witness: f1818 creatures.
Witness: f1823 creatures.
Witness: f1831 creatures.
Witness: fThomas creatures.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 One was old, with silver hairs
Witness: f1823 One was old, with silver hairs
Witness: f1831 One was old, with silver hairs
Witness: fThomas One was old, with silver hairs
Witness: fMS One was old, with silver hairs


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and a countenance beaming with
Witness: f1823 and a countenance beaming with
Witness: f1831 and a countenance beaming with
Witness: fThomas and a countenance beaming with
Witness: fMS and a countenance beaming with


Reading Group: C17_app1177_rg1

Witness: fMS bene volence & love;

Reading Group: C17_app1177_rg2

Witness: f1818 benevolence and love:
Witness: f1823 benevolence and love:
Witness: f1831 benevolence and love:
Witness: fThomas benevolence and love:


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the younger was slight and graceful in his
Witness: f1823 the younger was slight and graceful in his
Witness: f1831 the younger was slight and graceful in his
Witness: fThomas the younger was slight and graceful in his
Witness: fMS the younger was slimght and graceful in his


Reading Group: C17_app1179_rg1

Witness: fMS fu figure

Reading Group: C17_app1179_rg2

Witness: f1818 figure,
Witness: f1823 figure,
Witness: f1831 figure,
Witness: fThomas figure,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: fMS and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 his
Witness: f1823 his
Witness: f1831 his
Witness: fThomas his
Witness: fMS his


Reading Group: C17_app1182_rg1

Witness: f1818 features
Witness: f1823 features
Witness: f1831 features
Witness: fThomas features

Reading Group: C17_app1182_rg2

Witness: fMS feautures


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 were moulded with the
Witness: f1823 were moulded with the
Witness: f1831 were moulded with the
Witness: fThomas were moulded with the
Witness: fMS were moulded with the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 finest
Witness: f1823 finest
Witness: f1831 finest
Witness: fThomas finest
Witness: fMS finest


Reading Group: C17_app1185_rg1

Witness: fMS simetrysymmetry –

Reading Group: C17_app1185_rg2

Witness: f1818 symmetry;
Witness: f1823 symmetry;
Witness: f1831 symmetry;
Witness: fThomas symmetry;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 yet his eyes
Witness: f1823 yet his eyes
Witness: f1831 yet his eyes
Witness: fThomas yet his eyes
Witness: fMS yet his eyes


Reading Group: C17_app1187_rg1

Witness: fMS &

Reading Group: C17_app1187_rg2

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fThomas and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 attitude
Witness: f1823 attitude
Witness: f1831 attitude
Witness: fThomas attitude
Witness: fMS attitude


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 expressed the utmost sadness and
Witness: f1823 expressed the utmost sadness and
Witness: f1831 expressed the utmost sadness and
Witness: fThomas expressed the utmost sadness and
Witness: fMS expressed the utmost sadness and


Reading Group: C17_app1190_rg1

Witness: fMS despon dencency—

Reading Group: C17_app1190_rg2

Witness: f1818 despondency.
Witness: f1823 despondency.
Witness: f1831 despondency.
Witness: fThomas despondency.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 The old man returned to the
Witness: f1823 The old man returned to the
Witness: f1831 The old man returned to the
Witness: fThomas The old man returned to the
Witness: fMS The old man returned to the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 cottage; and the
Witness: f1823 cottage; and the
Witness: f1831 cottage; and the
Witness: fThomas cottage; and the
Witness: fMS cottage; and the


Reading Group: C17_app1193_rg1

Witness: fMS youth

Reading Group: C17_app1193_rg2

Witness: f1818 youth,
Witness: f1823 youth,
Witness: f1831 youth,
Witness: fThomas youth,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 with tools different
Witness: f1823 with tools different
Witness: f1831 with tools different
Witness: fThomas with tools different
Witness: fMS with tools different


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 from those
Witness: f1823 from those
Witness: f1831 from those
Witness: fThomas from those
Witness: fMS from those


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS which


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 he had used in the morning,
Witness: f1823 he had used in the morning,
Witness: f1831 he had used in the morning,
Witness: fThomas he had used in the morning,
Witness: fMS he had used in the morning,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 directed his steps across the
Witness: f1823 directed his steps across the
Witness: f1831 directed his steps across the
Witness: fThomas directed his steps across the
Witness: fMS directed his steps across the


Reading Group: C17_app1199_rg1

Witness: f1818 fields.<p/><p/>“Night
Witness: f1823 fields.<p/><p/>“Night
Witness: f1831 fields.<p/><p/>“Night
Witness: fThomas fields.<p/><p/>“Night

Reading Group: C17_app1199_rg2

Witness: fMS fields– Night


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 quickly shut
Witness: f1823 quickly shut
Witness: f1831 quickly shut
Witness: fThomas quickly shut
Witness: fMS quickly shut


Reading Group: C17_app1201_rg1

Witness: fMS in but

Reading Group: C17_app1201_rg2

Witness: f1818 in; but,
Witness: f1823 in; but,
Witness: f1831 in; but,
Witness: fThomas in; but,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to my extreme
Witness: f1823 to my extreme
Witness: f1831 to my extreme
Witness: fThomas to my extreme
Witness: fMS to my extreme


Reading Group: C17_app1203_rg1

Witness: fMS won der

Reading Group: C17_app1203_rg2

Witness: f1818 wonder,
Witness: f1823 wonder,
Witness: f1831 wonder,
Witness: fThomas wonder,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I found that the cottagers had a
Witness: f1823 I found that the cottagers had a
Witness: f1831 I found that the cottagers had a
Witness: fThomas I found that the cottagers had a
Witness: fMS I found that the cottagers had a


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 means of prolonging
Witness: f1823 means of prolonging
Witness: f1831 means of prolonging
Witness: fThomas means of prolonging
Witness: fMS means of prolonging


Reading Group: C17_app1206_rg1

Witness: f1823 light
Witness: f1831 light
Witness: fMS light

Reading Group: C17_app1206_rg2

Witness: f1818 light,
Witness: fThomas light,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 by the use of
Witness: f1823 by the use of
Witness: f1831 by the use of
Witness: fThomas by the use of
Witness: fMS by the use of


Reading Group: C17_app1208_rg1

Witness: fMS tapers

Reading Group: C17_app1208_rg2

Witness: f1818 tapers,
Witness: f1823 tapers,
Witness: f1831 tapers,
Witness: fThomas tapers,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and was
Witness: f1823 and was
Witness: f1831 and was
Witness: fThomas and was
Witness: fMS and was


Reading Group: C17_app1210_rg1

Witness: f1818 delighted
Witness: f1823 delighted
Witness: f1831 delighted
Witness: fThomas delighted

Reading Group: C17_app1210_rg2

Witness: fMS pleased


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to
Witness: f1823 to
Witness: f1831 to
Witness: fThomas to
Witness: fMS to


Reading Group: C17_app1212_rg1

Witness: f1823 find
Witness: f1831 find
Witness: fMS find

Reading Group: C17_app1212_rg2

Witness: f1818 find,
Witness: fThomas find,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that
Witness: f1823 that
Witness: f1831 that
Witness: fThomas that
Witness: fMS that


Reading Group: C17_app1214_rg1

Witness: fMS end

Reading Group: C17_app1214_rg2

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fThomas the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 setting
Witness: f1823 setting
Witness: f1831 setting
Witness: fThomas setting
Witness: fMS setting


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of the sun did not put an end
Witness: f1823 of the sun did not put an end
Witness: f1831 of the sun did not put an end
Witness: fThomas of the sun did not put an end
Witness: fMS of the sun did not put an end


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS I had


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to
Witness: f1823 to
Witness: f1831 to
Witness: fThomas to
Witness: fMS to


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the pleasure I experienced in watching
Witness: f1823 the pleasure I experienced in watching
Witness: f1831 the pleasure I experienced in watching
Witness: fThomas the pleasure I experienced in watching
Witness: fMS the pleasure I experienced in watching


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my human
Witness: f1823 my human
Witness: f1831 my human
Witness: fThomas my human
Witness: fMS my human


Reading Group: C17_app1222_rg1

Witness: f1818 neighbours. In
Witness: f1823 neighbours. In
Witness: f1831 neighbours. In
Witness: fThomas neighbours. In

Reading Group: C17_app1222_rg2

Witness: fMS neighbours.–In


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: fMS the


Reading Group: C17_app1224_rg1

Witness: fMS evening

Reading Group: C17_app1224_rg2

Witness: f1818 evening,
Witness: f1823 evening,
Witness: f1831 evening,
Witness: fThomas evening,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the young girl and her companion
Witness: f1823 the young girl and her companion
Witness: f1831 the young girl and her companion
Witness: fThomas the young girl and her companion
Witness: fMS the young girl and her companion


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 were employed in various
Witness: f1823 were employed in various
Witness: f1831 were employed in various
Witness: fThomas were employed in various
Witness: fMS were employed in various


Reading Group: C17_app1227_rg1

Witness: f1818 occupations which
Witness: f1823 occupations which
Witness: f1831 occupations which
Witness: fThomas occupations which

Reading Group: C17_app1227_rg2

Witness: fMS occupations; thatwhich


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I did not
Witness: f1823 I did not
Witness: f1831 I did not
Witness: fThomas I did not
Witness: fMS I did not


Reading Group: C17_app1229_rg1

Witness: fMS then understand, &

Reading Group: C17_app1229_rg2

Witness: f1818 understand; and
Witness: f1823 understand; and
Witness: f1831 understand; and
Witness: fThomas understand; and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: fMS the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 old man again took
Witness: f1823 old man again took
Witness: f1831 old man again took
Witness: fThomas old man again took
Witness: fMS old man again took


Reading Group: C17_app1232_rg1

Witness: fMS that instru ment

Reading Group: C17_app1232_rg2

Witness: f1818 up the
Witness: f1823 up the
Witness: f1831 up the
Witness: fThomas up the


Reading Group: C17_app1233_rg1

Witness: f1823 instrument
Witness: f1831 instrument

Reading Group: C17_app1233_rg2

Witness: f1818 instrument,
Witness: fThomas instrument,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 which produced the divine
Witness: f1823 which produced the divine
Witness: f1831 which produced the divine
Witness: fThomas which produced the divine
Witness: fMS which produced thoese divine


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 sounds that had enchanted me in
Witness: f1823 sounds that had enchanted me in
Witness: f1831 sounds that had enchanted me in
Witness: fThomas sounds that had enchanted me in
Witness: fMS sounds that had enchanted me in


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the morning.
Witness: f1823 the morning.
Witness: f1831 the morning.
Witness: fThomas the morning.
Witness: fMS the morning.


Reading Group: C17_app1237_rg1

Witness: fMS and<mdel>w</mdel>WhenSo

Reading Group: C17_app1237_rg2

Witness: f1818 So
Witness: f1823 So
Witness: f1831 So
Witness: fThomas So


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 soon as he had
Witness: f1823 soon as he had
Witness: f1831 soon as he had
Witness: fThomas soon as he had
Witness: fMS soon as he had


Reading Group: C17_app1239_rg1

Witness: fMS finish -ed

Reading Group: C17_app1239_rg2

Witness: f1818 finished,
Witness: f1823 finished,
Witness: f1831 finished,
Witness: fThomas finished,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the youth
Witness: f1823 the youth
Witness: f1831 the youth
Witness: fThomas the youth
Witness: fMS the youth


Reading Group: C17_app1241_rg1

Witness: f1818 began,
Witness: f1823 began,
Witness: f1831 began,
Witness: fThomas began,

Reading Group: C17_app1241_rg2

Witness: fMS began,–


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 not to
Witness: f1823 not to
Witness: f1831 not to
Witness: fThomas not to
Witness: fMS not to


Reading Group: C17_app1243_rg1

Witness: f1818 play,
Witness: f1823 play,
Witness: f1831 play,
Witness: fThomas play,

Reading Group: C17_app1243_rg2

Witness: fMS play,–


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but to
Witness: f1823 but to
Witness: f1831 but to
Witness: fThomas but to
Witness: fMS but heto


Reading Group: C17_app1245_rg1

Witness: f1818 utter
Witness: f1823 utter
Witness: f1831 utter
Witness: fThomas utter

Reading Group: C17_app1245_rg2

Witness: fMS uttered


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 sounds
Witness: f1823 sounds
Witness: f1831 sounds
Witness: fThomas sounds
Witness: fMS sounds


Reading Group: C17_app1247_rg1

Witness: f1818 that
Witness: f1823 that
Witness: f1831 that
Witness: fThomas that

Reading Group: C17_app1247_rg2

Witness: fMS which


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 were
Witness: f1823 were
Witness: f1831 were
Witness: fThomas were
Witness: fMS were


Reading Group: C17_app1249_rg1

Witness: fMS monoto nous and

Reading Group: C17_app1249_rg2

Witness: f1818 monotonous,
Witness: f1823 monotonous,
Witness: f1831 monotonous,
Witness: fThomas monotonous,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: fMS and


Reading Group: C17_app1251_rg1

Witness: fMS far fromneither

Reading Group: C17_app1251_rg2

Witness: f1818 neither
Witness: f1823 neither
Witness: f1831 neither
Witness: fThomas neither


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 resembling the harmony
Witness: f1823 resembling the harmony
Witness: f1831 resembling the harmony
Witness: fThomas resembling the harmony
Witness: fMS resembling the harmony


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of the old
Witness: f1823 of the old
Witness: f1831 of the old
Witness: fThomas of the old
Witness: fMS of the old


Reading Group: C17_app1254_rg1

Witness: fMS mans

Reading Group: C17_app1254_rg2

Witness: f1818 man’s
Witness: f1823 man’s
Witness: f1831 man’s
Witness: fThomas man’s


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 instrument
Witness: f1823 instrument
Witness: f1831 instrument
Witness: fThomas instrument
Witness: fMS instrument


Reading Group: C17_app1256_rg1

Witness: f1831 nor

Reading Group: C17_app1256_rg2

Witness: f1818 or
Witness: f1823 or
Witness: fThomas or
Witness: fMS or


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: fMS the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 songs of the
Witness: f1823 songs of the
Witness: f1831 songs of the
Witness: fThomas songs of the
Witness: fMS songs of the


Reading Group: C17_app1259_rg1

Witness: fMS birds

Reading Group: C17_app1259_rg2

Witness: f1823 birds:
Witness: f1831 birds:

Reading Group: C17_app1259_rg3

Witness: f1818 birds;
Witness: fThomas birds;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I since found that
Witness: f1823 I since found that
Witness: f1831 I since found that
Witness: fThomas I since found that
Witness: fMS I since found that


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 he read aloud, but at that time I knew nothing of the
Witness: f1823 he read aloud, but at that time I knew nothing of the
Witness: f1831 he read aloud, but at that time I knew nothing of the
Witness: fThomas he read aloud, but at that time I knew nothing of the
Witness: fMS he read aloud, but at that time I knew nothing of the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 science of words or
Witness: f1823 science of words or
Witness: f1831 science of words or
Witness: fThomas science of words or
Witness: fMS science of words or


Reading Group: C17_app1263_rg1

Witness: fThomas letters. I continued however to watch the countenances of the Cottagers and the changes I perceived were at once the excitements and the aliments of a boundless curiosity.<p/><p/>“The

Reading Group: C17_app1263_rg2

Witness: fMS letters. a<mdel/>t that time. The

Reading Group: C17_app1263_rg3

Witness: f1818 letters.<p/><p/>“The
Witness: f1823 letters.<p/><p/>“The
Witness: f1831 letters.<p/><p/>“The


Reading Group: C17_app1264_rg1

Witness: fMS family soon

Reading Group: C17_app1264_rg2

Witness: f1818 family, after having been thus occupied for a short time,
Witness: f1823 family, after having been thus occupied for a short time,
Witness: f1831 family, after having been thus occupied for a short time,
Witness: fThomas family, after having been thus occupied for a short time,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 extinguished
Witness: f1823 extinguished
Witness: f1831 extinguished
Witness: fThomas extinguished
Witness: fMS extinguished


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 their
Witness: f1823 their
Witness: f1831 their
Witness: fThomas their
Witness: fMS their


Reading Group: C17_app1267_rg1

Witness: fMS lights

Reading Group: C17_app1267_rg2

Witness: f1818 lights,
Witness: f1823 lights,
Witness: f1831 lights,
Witness: fThomas lights,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and retired, as I conjectured,
Witness: f1823 and retired, as I conjectured,
Witness: f1831 and retired, as I conjectured,
Witness: fThomas and retired, as I conjectured,
Witness: fMS and retired, as I conjectured,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to
Witness: f1823 to
Witness: f1831 to
Witness: fThomas to
Witness: fMS to


Reading Group: C17_app1270_rg1

Witness: fMS sleep. rest

Reading Group: C17_app1270_rg2

Witness: f1831 rest. <p/>

Reading Group: C17_app1270_rg3

Witness: f1818 rest.<p/>
Witness: f1823 rest.<p/>
Witness: fThomas rest.<p/>


Reading Group: C18_app1_rg1

Witness: fMS I

Reading Group: C18_app1_rg2

Witness: f1818 <head/>CHAPTER
Witness: f1823 <head/>CHAPTER
Witness: f1831 <head/>CHAPTER
Witness: fThomas <head/>CHAPTER


Reading Group: C18_app2_rg1

Witness: f1818 IV.<head/><p/> “I
Witness: fThomas IV.<head/><p/> “I

Reading Group: C18_app2_rg2

Witness: f1823 XI.<head/><p/>“I

Reading Group: C18_app2_rg3

Witness: f1831 XII.<head/><p/>“I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 <hi/>LAY<hi/> on my
Witness: f1823 <hi/>LAY<hi/> on my
Witness: f1831 <hi/>LAY<hi/> on my
Witness: fThomas <hi/>LAY<hi/> on my
Witness: fMS lay on my


Reading Group: C18_app4_rg1

Witness: fMS straw

Reading Group: C18_app4_rg2

Witness: f1818 straw,
Witness: f1823 straw,
Witness: f1831 straw,
Witness: fThomas straw,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but I could not
Witness: f1823 but I could not
Witness: f1831 but I could not
Witness: fThomas but I could not
Witness: fMS but I could not


Reading Group: C18_app6_rg1

Witness: fMS sleep –

Reading Group: C18_app6_rg2

Witness: f1818 sleep.
Witness: f1823 sleep.
Witness: f1831 sleep.
Witness: fThomas sleep.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I thought of the
Witness: f1823 I thought of the
Witness: f1831 I thought of the
Witness: fThomas I thought of the
Witness: fMS I thought of the


Reading Group: C18_app8_rg1

Witness: fMS occurences

Reading Group: C18_app8_rg2

Witness: f1818 occurrences
Witness: f1823 occurrences
Witness: f1831 occurrences
Witness: fThomas occurrences


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of
Witness: f1823 of
Witness: f1831 of
Witness: fThomas of
Witness: fMS of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: fMS the


Reading Group: C18_app11_rg1

Witness: f1818 day.
Witness: f1823 day.
Witness: f1831 day.
Witness: fThomas day.

Reading Group: C18_app11_rg2

Witness: fMS day.–


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 What
Witness: f1823 What
Witness: f1831 What
Witness: fThomas What
Witness: fMS What


Reading Group: C18_app13_rg1

Witness: fMS cheifly

Reading Group: C18_app13_rg2

Witness: f1818 chiefly
Witness: f1823 chiefly
Witness: f1831 chiefly
Witness: fThomas chiefly


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 struck me was
Witness: f1823 struck me was
Witness: f1831 struck me was
Witness: fThomas struck me was
Witness: fMS struck me was


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the gentle manners of these
Witness: f1823 the gentle manners of these
Witness: f1831 the gentle manners of these
Witness: fThomas the gentle manners of these
Witness: fMS the gentle manners of these


Reading Group: C18_app16_rg1

Witness: fMS people,

Reading Group: C18_app16_rg2

Witness: f1818 people;
Witness: f1823 people;
Witness: f1831 people;
Witness: fThomas people;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: fMS and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I longed to join
Witness: f1823 I longed to join
Witness: f1831 I longed to join
Witness: fThomas I longed to join
Witness: fMS I longed to join


Reading Group: C18_app19_rg1

Witness: fMS them

Reading Group: C18_app19_rg2

Witness: f1818 them,
Witness: f1823 them,
Witness: f1831 them,
Witness: fThomas them,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but dared
Witness: f1823 but dared
Witness: f1831 but dared
Witness: fThomas but dared
Witness: fMS but dared


Reading Group: C18_app21_rg1

Witness: f1818 not.
Witness: f1823 not.
Witness: f1831 not.
Witness: fThomas not.

Reading Group: C18_app21_rg2

Witness: fMS not.—


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I remembered too well the treatment I
Witness: f1823 I remembered too well the treatment I
Witness: f1831 I remembered too well the treatment I
Witness: fThomas I remembered too well the treatment I
Witness: fMS I remembered too well the treatment I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 had suffered the night before from the barbarous
Witness: f1823 had suffered the night before from the barbarous
Witness: f1831 had suffered the night before from the barbarous
Witness: fThomas had suffered the night before from the barbarous
Witness: fMS had suffered the night before fronm the barbarous


Reading Group: C18_app24_rg1

Witness: fMS villagers

Reading Group: C18_app24_rg2

Witness: f1818 villagers,
Witness: f1823 villagers,
Witness: f1831 villagers,
Witness: fThomas villagers,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: fMS and


Reading Group: C18_app26_rg1

Witness: fMS resolved

Reading Group: C18_app26_rg2

Witness: f1818 resolved,
Witness: f1823 resolved,
Witness: f1831 resolved,
Witness: fThomas resolved,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 whatever
Witness: f1823 whatever
Witness: f1831 whatever
Witness: fThomas whatever
Witness: fMS whatever


Reading Group: C18_app28_rg1

Witness: fMS Ishould<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>course

Reading Group: C18_app28_rg2

Witness: f1818 course
Witness: f1823 course
Witness: f1831 course
Witness: fThomas course


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of conduct I
Witness: f1823 of conduct I
Witness: f1831 of conduct I
Witness: fThomas of conduct I
Witness: fMS of conduct I


Reading Group: C18_app30_rg1

Witness: f1818 might hereafter think it right
Witness: f1823 might hereafter think it right
Witness: f1831 might hereafter think it right
Witness: fThomas might hereafter think it right

Reading Group: C18_app30_rg2

Witness: fMS mightafterwardsthink ithereafter considerright to doit proper


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to
Witness: f1823 to
Witness: f1831 to
Witness: fThomas to
Witness: fMS to


Reading Group: C18_app32_rg1

Witness: fMS pursue

Reading Group: C18_app32_rg2

Witness: f1818 pursue,
Witness: f1823 pursue,
Witness: f1831 pursue,
Witness: fThomas pursue,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that for the present I would
Witness: f1823 that for the present I would
Witness: f1831 that for the present I would
Witness: fThomas that for the present I would
Witness: fMS that for the present I would


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 remain quietly in my
Witness: f1823 remain quietly in my
Witness: f1831 remain quietly in my
Witness: fThomas remain quietly in my
Witness: fMS remain quietly in my


Reading Group: C18_app35_rg1

Witness: fMS hovel watching

Reading Group: C18_app35_rg2

Witness: f1818 hovel, watching,
Witness: f1823 hovel, watching,
Witness: f1831 hovel, watching,
Witness: fThomas hovel, watching,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and endeavouring to discover the
Witness: f1823 and endeavouring to discover the
Witness: f1831 and endeavouring to discover the
Witness: fThomas and endeavouring to discover the
Witness: fMS and endeavouring to discover the


Reading Group: C18_app37_rg1

Witness: fMS motive of

Reading Group: C18_app37_rg2

Witness: f1818 motives which influenced
Witness: f1823 motives which influenced
Witness: f1831 motives which influenced
Witness: fThomas motives which influenced


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 their
Witness: f1823 their
Witness: f1831 their
Witness: fThomas their
Witness: fMS their


Reading Group: C18_app39_rg1

Witness: fMS motions actions.— They<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>cottagers

Reading Group: C18_app39_rg2

Witness: f1818 actions.<p/><p/>“The cottagers
Witness: f1823 actions.<p/><p/>“The cottagers
Witness: f1831 actions.<p/><p/>“The cottagers
Witness: fThomas actions.<p/><p/>“The cottagers


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 arose the next morning before
Witness: f1823 arose the next morning before
Witness: f1831 arose the next morning before
Witness: fThomas arose the next morning before
Witness: fMS arose the next morning before


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: fMS the


Reading Group: C18_app42_rg1

Witness: f1818 sun.
Witness: f1823 sun.
Witness: f1831 sun.
Witness: fThomas sun.

Reading Group: C18_app42_rg2

Witness: fMS sun;–


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 The young woman arranged the
Witness: f1823 The young woman arranged the
Witness: f1831 The young woman arranged the
Witness: fThomas The young woman arranged the
Witness: fMS The young woman arranged the


Reading Group: C18_app44_rg1

Witness: fMS cottage &per

Reading Group: C18_app44_rg2

Witness: f1818 cottage, and
Witness: f1823 cottage, and
Witness: f1831 cottage, and
Witness: fThomas cottage, and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 prepared the food;
Witness: f1823 prepared the food;
Witness: f1831 prepared the food;
Witness: fThomas prepared the food;
Witness: fMS prepared the food;


Reading Group: C18_app46_rg1

Witness: fMS &

Reading Group: C18_app46_rg2

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fThomas and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: fMS the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 youth
Witness: f1823 youth
Witness: f1831 youth
Witness: fThomas youth
Witness: fMS youth


Reading Group: C18_app49_rg1

Witness: f1818 departed after the first meal.<p/><p/>“This
Witness: f1823 departed after the first meal.<p/><p/>“This
Witness: f1831 departed after the first meal.<p/><p/>“This
Witness: fThomas departed after the first meal.<p/><p/>“This

Reading Group: C18_app49_rg2

Witness: fMS mounted on a large strange animal road rode away. This


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 day was passed in
Witness: f1823 day was passed in
Witness: f1831 day was passed in
Witness: fThomas day was passed in
Witness: fMS day was passed in


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the same routine
Witness: f1823 the same routine
Witness: f1831 the same routine
Witness: fThomas the same routine
Witness: fMS the same routine


Reading Group: C18_app52_rg1

Witness: fMS andas the preceeding one.

Reading Group: C18_app52_rg2

Witness: f1818 as that which preceded it.
Witness: f1823 as that which preceded it.
Witness: f1831 as that which preceded it.
Witness: fThomas as that which preceded it.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 The
Witness: f1823 The
Witness: f1831 The
Witness: fThomas The
Witness: fMS The


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS young


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 young man was constantly
Witness: f1823 young man was constantly
Witness: f1831 young man was constantly
Witness: fThomas young man was constantly
Witness: fMS young man was constantly


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 employed out of
Witness: f1823 employed out of
Witness: f1831 employed out of
Witness: fThomas employed out of
Witness: fMS employed out of


Reading Group: C18_app57_rg1

Witness: fMS doors

Reading Group: C18_app57_rg2

Witness: f1818 doors,
Witness: f1823 doors,
Witness: f1831 doors,
Witness: fThomas doors,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and the girl in
Witness: f1823 and the girl in
Witness: f1831 and the girl in
Witness: fThomas and the girl in
Witness: fMS and the girl in


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 various laborious occupations
Witness: f1823 various laborious occupations
Witness: f1831 various laborious occupations
Witness: fThomas various laborious occupations
Witness: fMS various laborious occupations


Reading Group: C18_app60_rg1

Witness: f1818 within.
Witness: f1823 within.
Witness: f1831 within.
Witness: fThomas within.

Reading Group: C18_app60_rg2

Witness: fMS within..—


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 The old
Witness: f1823 The old
Witness: f1831 The old
Witness: fThomas The old
Witness: fMS The old


Reading Group: C18_app62_rg1

Witness: fMS man

Reading Group: C18_app62_rg2

Witness: f1818 man,
Witness: f1823 man,
Witness: f1831 man,
Witness: fThomas man,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 whom I soon perceived to be
Witness: f1823 whom I soon perceived to be
Witness: f1831 whom I soon perceived to be
Witness: fThomas whom I soon perceived to be
Witness: fMS whom I soon perceived to be


Reading Group: C18_app64_rg1

Witness: fMS blind

Reading Group: C18_app64_rg2

Witness: f1818 blind,
Witness: f1823 blind,
Witness: f1831 blind,
Witness: fThomas blind,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 employed his leisure hours
Witness: f1823 employed his leisure hours
Witness: f1831 employed his leisure hours
Witness: fThomas employed his leisure hours
Witness: fMS employed his leisure hours


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS in playing


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 on his
Witness: f1823 on his
Witness: f1831 on his
Witness: fThomas on his
Witness: fMS on his


Reading Group: C18_app68_rg1

Witness: f1823 instrument
Witness: f1831 instrument
Witness: fMS instrument

Reading Group: C18_app68_rg2

Witness: f1818 instrument,
Witness: fThomas instrument,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 or in
Witness: f1823 or in
Witness: f1831 or in
Witness: fThomas or in
Witness: fMS or in


Reading Group: C18_app70_rg1

Witness: fMS pesively contemplation –

Reading Group: C18_app70_rg2

Witness: f1818 contemplation.
Witness: f1823 contemplation.
Witness: f1831 contemplation.
Witness: fThomas contemplation.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Nothing could exceed
Witness: f1823 Nothing could exceed
Witness: f1831 Nothing could exceed
Witness: fThomas Nothing could exceed
Witness: fMS Nothing could exceed


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the love
Witness: f1823 the love
Witness: f1831 the love
Witness: fThomas the love
Witness: fMS the love


Reading Group: C18_app73_rg1

Witness: fMS &

Reading Group: C18_app73_rg2

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fThomas and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 respect
Witness: f1823 respect
Witness: f1831 respect
Witness: fThomas respect
Witness: fMS respect


Reading Group: C18_app75_rg1

Witness: fMS that

Reading Group: C18_app75_rg2

Witness: f1818 which
Witness: f1823 which
Witness: f1831 which
Witness: fThomas which


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the younger
Witness: f1823 the younger
Witness: f1831 the younger
Witness: fThomas the younger
Witness: fMS the younger


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 cottagers
Witness: f1823 cottagers
Witness: f1831 cottagers
Witness: fThomas cottagers
Witness: fMS cottagers


Reading Group: C18_app78_rg1

Witness: fMS boreshewed

Reading Group: C18_app78_rg2

Witness: f1818 exhibited
Witness: f1823 exhibited
Witness: f1831 exhibited
Witness: fThomas exhibited


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 towards
Witness: f1823 towards
Witness: f1831 towards
Witness: fThomas towards
Witness: fMS towards


Reading Group: C18_app80_rg1

Witness: f1818 their
Witness: f1823 their
Witness: f1831 their
Witness: fThomas their

Reading Group: C18_app80_rg2

Witness: fMS this


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 venerable
Witness: f1823 venerable
Witness: f1831 venerable
Witness: fThomas venerable
Witness: fMS venerable


Reading Group: C18_app82_rg1

Witness: fMS old man –

Reading Group: C18_app82_rg2

Witness: f1818 companion.
Witness: f1823 companion.
Witness: f1831 companion.
Witness: fThomas companion.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 They performed towards him every
Witness: f1823 They performed towards him every
Witness: f1831 They performed towards him every
Witness: fThomas They performed towards him every
Witness: fMS They performed towards <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>him every


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 little office of
Witness: f1823 little office of
Witness: f1831 little office of
Witness: fThomas little office of
Witness: fMS little office of


Reading Group: C18_app85_rg1

Witness: fMS loveaffection&

Reading Group: C18_app85_rg2

Witness: f1818 affection and
Witness: f1823 affection and
Witness: f1831 affection and
Witness: fThomas affection and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 duty with gentleness;
Witness: f1823 duty with gentleness;
Witness: f1831 duty with gentleness;
Witness: fThomas duty with gentleness;
Witness: fMS duty with gentleness;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and he rewarded them by his
Witness: f1823 and he rewarded them by his
Witness: f1831 and he rewarded them by his
Witness: fThomas and he rewarded them by his
Witness: fMS and he rewarded them by his


Reading Group: C18_app88_rg1

Witness: fMS benevo lent smiles. B They

Reading Group: C18_app88_rg2

Witness: f1818 benevolent smiles.<p/><p/>“They
Witness: f1823 benevolent smiles.<p/><p/>“They
Witness: f1831 benevolent smiles.<p/><p/>“They
Witness: fThomas benevolent smiles.<p/><p/>“They


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 were not
Witness: f1823 were not
Witness: f1831 were not
Witness: fThomas were not
Witness: fMS were not


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS however


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 entirely
Witness: f1823 entirely
Witness: f1831 entirely
Witness: fThomas entirely
Witness: fMS entirely


Reading Group: C18_app92_rg1

Witness: fMS happy–The youth younger mand&

Reading Group: C18_app92_rg2

Witness: f1818 happy. The young man and
Witness: f1823 happy. The young man and
Witness: f1831 happy. The young man and
Witness: fThomas happy. The young man and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 his
Witness: f1823 his
Witness: f1831 his
Witness: fThomas his
Witness: fMS his


Reading Group: C18_app94_rg1

Witness: fMS companion,

Reading Group: C18_app94_rg2

Witness: f1818 companion
Witness: f1823 companion
Witness: f1831 companion
Witness: fThomas companion


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 often
Witness: f1823 often
Witness: f1831 often
Witness: fThomas often
Witness: fMS often


Reading Group: C18_app96_rg1

Witness: fMS retired into a corner of their common room and wept.

Reading Group: C18_app96_rg2

Witness: f1818 went apart, and appeared to weep.
Witness: f1823 went apart, and appeared to weep.
Witness: f1831 went apart, and appeared to weep.
Witness: fThomas went apart, and appeared to weep.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I saw
Witness: f1823 I saw
Witness: f1831 I saw
Witness: fThomas I saw
Witness: fMS I saw


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 no cause for
Witness: f1823 no cause for
Witness: f1831 no cause for
Witness: fThomas no cause for
Witness: fMS no cause for


Reading Group: C18_app99_rg1

Witness: f1818 their unhappiness;
Witness: f1823 their unhappiness;
Witness: f1831 their unhappiness;
Witness: fThomas their unhappiness;

Reading Group: C18_app99_rg2

Witness: fMS this unhappiness


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but
Witness: f1823 but
Witness: f1831 but
Witness: fThomas but
Witness: fMS but


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I was deeply affected by
Witness: f1823 I was deeply affected by
Witness: f1831 I was deeply affected by
Witness: fThomas I was deeply affected by
Witness: fMS I was deeply affected by


Reading Group: C18_app102_rg1

Witness: fMS it –

Reading Group: C18_app102_rg2

Witness: f1818 it.
Witness: f1823 it.
Witness: f1831 it.
Witness: fThomas it.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 If such
Witness: f1823 If such
Witness: f1831 If such
Witness: fThomas If such
Witness: fMS If such


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 lovely creatures were
Witness: f1823 lovely creatures were
Witness: f1831 lovely creatures were
Witness: fThomas lovely creatures were
Witness: fMS lovely creatures were


Reading Group: C18_app105_rg1

Witness: fMS miserable

Reading Group: C18_app105_rg2

Witness: f1818 miserable,
Witness: f1823 miserable,
Witness: f1831 miserable,
Witness: fThomas miserable,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 it was
Witness: f1823 it was
Witness: f1831 it was
Witness: fThomas it was
Witness: fMS it was


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 less strange that
Witness: f1823 less strange that
Witness: f1831 less strange that
Witness: fThomas less strange that
Witness: fMS less strange that


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS alone<del/>


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I, an imperfect
Witness: f1823 I, an imperfect
Witness: f1831 I, an imperfect
Witness: fThomas I, an imperfect
Witness: fMS I, an imperfect


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and solitary
Witness: f1823 and solitary
Witness: f1831 and solitary
Witness: fThomas and solitary
Witness: fMS and solitary


Reading Group: C18_app111_rg1

Witness: fMS being

Reading Group: C18_app111_rg2

Witness: f1818 being,
Witness: f1823 being,
Witness: f1831 being,
Witness: fThomas being,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 should be
Witness: f1823 should be
Witness: f1831 should be
Witness: fThomas should be
Witness: fMS should be


Reading Group: C18_app113_rg1

Witness: f1818 wretched.
Witness: f1823 wretched.
Witness: f1831 wretched.
Witness: fThomas wretched.

Reading Group: C18_app113_rg2

Witness: fMS wretched—


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Yet why were these gentle beings
Witness: f1823 Yet why were these gentle beings
Witness: f1831 Yet why were these gentle beings
Witness: fThomas Yet why were these gentle beings
Witness: fMS yet why were these gentle beings


Reading Group: C18_app115_rg1

Witness: fThomas unhappysorrowful?

Reading Group: C18_app115_rg2

Witness: fMS un happy –

Reading Group: C18_app115_rg3

Witness: f1818 unhappy?
Witness: f1823 unhappy?
Witness: f1831 unhappy?


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 They possessed a delightful house
Witness: f1823 They possessed a delightful house
Witness: f1831 They possessed a delightful house
Witness: fThomas They possessed a delightful house
Witness: fMS they poss<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>essed a delightful house


Reading Group: C18_app117_rg1

Witness: f1818 (for
Witness: f1823 (for
Witness: f1831 (for
Witness: fThomas (for

Reading Group: C18_app117_rg2

Witness: fMS for


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 such it was in my
Witness: f1823 such it was in my
Witness: f1831 such it was in my
Witness: fThomas such it was in my
Witness: fMS such <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>it was ittoin my


Reading Group: C18_app119_rg1

Witness: f1823 eyes)
Witness: f1831 eyes)
Witness: fMS eyes)

Reading Group: C18_app119_rg2

Witness: f1818 eyes),
Witness: fThomas eyes),


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and every
Witness: f1823 and every
Witness: f1831 and every
Witness: fThomas and every
Witness: fMS and every


Reading Group: C18_app121_rg1

Witness: fMS luxury.

Reading Group: C18_app121_rg2

Witness: f1818 luxury;
Witness: f1823 luxury;
Witness: f1831 luxury;
Witness: fThomas luxury;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 they had a fire to warm
Witness: f1823 they had a fire to warm
Witness: f1831 they had a fire to warm
Witness: fThomas they had a fire to warm
Witness: fMS they had a fire to warm


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 them when
Witness: f1823 them when
Witness: f1831 them when
Witness: fThomas them when
Witness: fMS them when


Reading Group: C18_app124_rg1

Witness: fMS chill

Reading Group: C18_app124_rg2

Witness: f1818 chill,
Witness: f1823 chill,
Witness: f1831 chill,
Witness: fThomas chill,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and delicious viands when
Witness: f1823 and delicious viands when
Witness: f1831 and delicious viands when
Witness: fThomas and delicious viands when
Witness: fMS and delicious viands when


Reading Group: C18_app126_rg1

Witness: f1818 hungry;
Witness: f1823 hungry;
Witness: f1831 hungry;
Witness: fThomas hungry;

Reading Group: C18_app126_rg2

Witness: fMS hungry–


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 they were dressed
Witness: f1823 they were dressed
Witness: f1831 they were dressed
Witness: fThomas they were dressed
Witness: fMS they were dressed


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS in clothes that kept t


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in
Witness: f1823 in
Witness: f1831 in
Witness: fThomas in
Witness: fMS in


Reading Group: C18_app130_rg1

Witness: fMS excel lent clothes and

Reading Group: C18_app130_rg2

Witness: f1818 excellent clothes; and,
Witness: f1823 excellent clothes; and,
Witness: f1831 excellent clothes; and,
Witness: fThomas excellent clothes; and,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 still
Witness: f1823 still
Witness: f1831 still
Witness: fThomas still
Witness: fMS still


Reading Group: C18_app132_rg1

Witness: fMS more

Reading Group: C18_app132_rg2

Witness: f1818 more,
Witness: f1823 more,
Witness: f1831 more,
Witness: fThomas more,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 they
Witness: f1823 they
Witness: f1831 they
Witness: fThomas they
Witness: fMS they


Reading Group: C18_app134_rg1

Witness: fMS enjoy ed

Reading Group: C18_app134_rg2

Witness: f1818 enjoyed
Witness: f1823 enjoyed
Witness: f1831 enjoyed
Witness: fThomas enjoyed


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 one
Witness: f1823 one
Witness: f1831 one
Witness: fThomas one
Witness: fMS one


Reading Group: C18_app136_rg1

Witness: fMS anothers

Reading Group: C18_app136_rg2

Witness: f1818 another’s
Witness: f1823 another’s
Witness: f1831 another’s
Witness: fThomas another’s


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 company
Witness: f1823 company
Witness: f1831 company
Witness: fThomas company
Witness: fMS company


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS & speech —


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: fMS and


Reading Group: C18_app140_rg1

Witness: fMS sawinterchanged

Reading Group: C18_app140_rg2

Witness: f1818 speech, interchanging
Witness: f1823 speech, interchanging
Witness: f1831 speech, interchanging
Witness: fThomas speech, interchanging


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 each day looks of affection
Witness: f1823 each day looks of affection
Witness: f1831 each day looks of affection
Witness: fThomas each day looks of affection
Witness: fMS each day looks of affection


Reading Group: C18_app142_rg1

Witness: fMS & kindness–

Reading Group: C18_app142_rg2

Witness: f1818 and kindness.
Witness: f1823 and kindness.
Witness: f1831 and kindness.
Witness: fThomas and kindness.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 What did their tears
Witness: f1823 What did their tears
Witness: f1831 What did their tears
Witness: fThomas What did their tears
Witness: fMS What did their tears


Reading Group: C18_app144_rg1

Witness: f1818 imply?
Witness: f1823 imply?
Witness: f1831 imply?
Witness: fThomas imply?

Reading Group: C18_app144_rg2

Witness: fMS mean?


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Did they
Witness: f1823 Did they
Witness: f1831 Did they
Witness: fThomas Did they
Witness: fMS Did they


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 really express pain? I was at first
Witness: f1823 really express pain? I was at first
Witness: f1831 really express pain? I was at first
Witness: fThomas really express pain? I was at first
Witness: fMS really express pain? I was at first


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 unable to solve these
Witness: f1823 unable to solve these
Witness: f1831 unable to solve these
Witness: fThomas unable to solve these
Witness: fMS unable to solve these


Reading Group: C18_app148_rg1

Witness: fMS questions

Reading Group: C18_app148_rg2

Witness: f1818 questions;
Witness: f1823 questions;
Witness: f1831 questions;
Witness: fThomas questions;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but
Witness: f1823 but
Witness: f1831 but
Witness: fThomas but
Witness: fMS but


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 perpetual
Witness: f1823 perpetual
Witness: f1831 perpetual
Witness: fThomas perpetual
Witness: fMS perpetual


Reading Group: C18_app151_rg1

Witness: f1823 attention
Witness: f1831 attention
Witness: fMS attention

Reading Group: C18_app151_rg2

Witness: f1818 attention,
Witness: fThomas attention,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: fMS and


Reading Group: C18_app153_rg1

Witness: f1823 time
Witness: f1831 time
Witness: fMS time

Reading Group: C18_app153_rg2

Witness: f1818 time,
Witness: fThomas time,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 explained to me many
Witness: f1823 explained to me many
Witness: f1831 explained to me many
Witness: fThomas explained to me many
Witness: fMS explained to me many


Reading Group: C18_app155_rg1

Witness: f1818 appearances
Witness: f1823 appearances
Witness: f1831 appearances
Witness: fThomas appearances

Reading Group: C18_app155_rg2

Witness: fMS of the appear ances


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 which
Witness: f1823 which
Witness: f1831 which
Witness: fThomas which
Witness: fMS which


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 were
Witness: f1823 were
Witness: f1831 were
Witness: fThomas were


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 at first
Witness: f1823 at first
Witness: f1831 at first
Witness: fThomas at first
Witness: fMS at first


Reading Group: C18_app159_rg1

Witness: f1818 enigmatic.<p/><p/>“A
Witness: f1823 enigmatic.<p/><p/>“A
Witness: f1831 enigmatic.<p/><p/>“A
Witness: fThomas enigmatic.<p/><p/>“A

Reading Group: C18_app159_rg2

Witness: fMS seemed igmmaticenigmatic. <note resp="#pbs"/>o you pretty Pecksie!Chap. 3It was some time<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>A


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 considerable period elapsed before I discovered one of the causes of the uneasiness of this amiable
Witness: f1823 considerable period elapsed before I discovered one of the causes of the uneasiness of this amiable
Witness: f1831 considerable period elapsed before I discovered one of the causes of the uneasiness of this amiable
Witness: fThomas considerable period elapsed before I discovered one of the causes of the uneasiness of this amiable
Witness: fMS considerable period elapsed before I discovered one of the causes of the uneasiness of this amiable


Reading Group: C18_app161_rg1

Witness: fMS family – ItItw<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>It

Reading Group: C18_app161_rg2

Witness: f1823 family:
Witness: f1831 family:

Reading Group: C18_app161_rg3

Witness: f1818 family;
Witness: fThomas family;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 it
Witness: f1823 it
Witness: f1831 it
Witness: fThomas it


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was
Witness: f1823 was
Witness: f1831 was
Witness: fThomas was
Witness: fMS was


Reading Group: C18_app164_rg1

Witness: f1818 poverty:
Witness: fThomas poverty:

Reading Group: C18_app164_rg2

Witness: f1823 poverty;
Witness: f1831 poverty;

Reading Group: C18_app164_rg3

Witness: fMS poverty–


Reading Group: C18_app165_rg1

Witness: fThomas <del/>and

Reading Group: C18_app165_rg2

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fMS and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 they suffered
Witness: f1823 they suffered
Witness: f1831 they suffered
Witness: fThomas they suffered
Witness: fMS they suffered


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that evil in a very distressing
Witness: f1823 that evil in a very distressing
Witness: f1831 that evil in a very distressing
Witness: fThomas that evil in a very distressing
Witness: fMS that evil in a very distressing


Reading Group: C18_app168_rg1

Witness: f1818 degree.
Witness: f1823 degree.
Witness: f1831 degree.

Reading Group: C18_app168_rg2

Witness: fThomas degree.p apparent, since their delicate frame made them subject to a thousand wants of

Reading Group: C18_app168_rg3

Witness: fMS degree– Dur ring


Unified Readings

Witness: fThomas the
Witness: fMS the


Reading Group: C18_app170_rg1

Witness: fThomas existence of which I was entirely ignorant.

Reading Group: C18_app170_rg2

Witness: fMS winterThey often had hardly any


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Their nourishment consisted entirely of
Witness: f1823 Their nourishment consisted entirely of
Witness: f1831 Their nourishment consisted entirely of
Witness: fThomas Their nourishment consisted entirely of
Witness: fMS their nourishment consisted entirely of


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS bread and –


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the vegetables of their
Witness: f1823 the vegetables of their
Witness: f1831 the vegetables of their
Witness: fThomas the vegetables of their
Witness: fMS the vegetables of their


Reading Group: C18_app174_rg1

Witness: fMS garden

Reading Group: C18_app174_rg2

Witness: f1818 garden,
Witness: f1823 garden,
Witness: f1831 garden,
Witness: fThomas garden,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and the
Witness: f1823 and the
Witness: f1831 and the
Witness: fThomas and the
Witness: fMS and the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 milk of one
Witness: f1823 milk of one
Witness: f1831 milk of one
Witness: fThomas milk of one
Witness: fMS milk of one


Reading Group: C18_app177_rg1

Witness: fMS cow

Reading Group: C18_app177_rg2

Witness: f1818 cow,
Witness: f1823 cow,
Witness: f1831 cow,
Witness: fThomas cow,


Reading Group: C18_app178_rg1

Witness: f1831 which
Witness: fMS which

Reading Group: C18_app178_rg2

Witness: f1818 who
Witness: f1823 who
Witness: fThomas who


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 gave very little
Witness: f1823 gave very little
Witness: f1831 gave very little
Witness: fThomas gave very little
Witness: fMS gave very little


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 during the
Witness: f1823 during the
Witness: f1831 during the
Witness: fThomas during the
Witness: fMS during the


Reading Group: C18_app181_rg1

Witness: fMS hardmonthes winter

Reading Group: C18_app181_rg2

Witness: f1818 winter,
Witness: f1823 winter,
Witness: f1831 winter,
Witness: fThomas winter,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 when
Witness: f1823 when
Witness: f1831 when
Witness: fThomas when
Witness: fMS when


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 its masters could
Witness: f1823 its masters could
Witness: f1831 its masters could
Witness: fThomas its masters could
Witness: fMS its masters could


Reading Group: C18_app185_rg1

Witness: fMS sparescarcelyvery little money towards the procurieng<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>anyof

Reading Group: C18_app185_rg2

Witness: f1818 scarcely procure
Witness: f1823 scarcely procure
Witness: f1831 scarcely procure
Witness: fThomas scarcely procure


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 food
Witness: f1823 food
Witness: f1831 food
Witness: fThomas food
Witness: fMS food


Reading Group: C18_app187_rg1

Witness: fMS for

Reading Group: C18_app187_rg2

Witness: f1818 to support
Witness: f1823 to support
Witness: f1831 to support
Witness: fThomas to support


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 it.
Witness: f1823 it.
Witness: f1831 it.
Witness: fThomas it.
Witness: fMS it.


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS This state of poverty


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 They
Witness: f1823 They
Witness: f1831 They
Witness: fThomas They
Witness: fMS They


Reading Group: C18_app191_rg1

Witness: fMS often

Reading Group: C18_app191_rg2

Witness: f1818 often,
Witness: f1823 often,
Witness: f1831 often,
Witness: fThomas often,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: fMS I


Reading Group: C18_app193_rg1

Witness: f1818 believe,
Witness: f1823 believe,
Witness: f1831 believe,
Witness: fThomas believe,

Reading Group: C18_app193_rg2

Witness: fMS believed


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 suffered the pangs of hunger very
Witness: f1823 suffered the pangs of hunger very
Witness: f1831 suffered the pangs of hunger very
Witness: fThomas suffered the pangs of hunger very
Witness: fMS suffered the pangs of hunger very


Reading Group: C18_app195_rg1

Witness: fMS poi gnantly

Reading Group: C18_app195_rg2

Witness: f1818 poignantly,
Witness: f1823 poignantly,
Witness: f1831 poignantly,
Witness: fThomas poignantly,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 especially the two
Witness: f1823 especially the two
Witness: f1831 especially the two
Witness: fThomas especially the two
Witness: fMS especially the two


Reading Group: C18_app197_rg1

Witness: f1818 younger cottagers;
Witness: f1823 younger cottagers;
Witness: f1831 younger cottagers;
Witness: fThomas younger cottagers;

Reading Group: C18_app197_rg2

Witness: fMS youngerer part


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 for several times they
Witness: f1823 for several times they
Witness: f1831 for several times they
Witness: fThomas for several times they
Witness: fMS for <metamark>^</metamark>several times they


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS often


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 placed food before the old
Witness: f1823 placed food before the old
Witness: f1831 placed food before the old
Witness: fThomas placed food before the old
Witness: fMS placed food before the old


Reading Group: C18_app201_rg1

Witness: fMS man

Reading Group: C18_app201_rg2

Witness: f1818 man,
Witness: f1823 man,
Witness: f1831 man,
Witness: fThomas man,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 when
Witness: f1823 when
Witness: f1831 when
Witness: fThomas when
Witness: fMS when


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS they<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>werethemselves in want of it


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 they
Witness: f1823 they
Witness: f1831 they
Witness: fThomas they
Witness: fMS they


Reading Group: C18_app205_rg1

Witness: fMS had

Reading Group: C18_app205_rg2

Witness: f1818 reserved
Witness: f1823 reserved
Witness: f1831 reserved
Witness: fThomas reserved


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 none for
Witness: f1823 none for
Witness: f1831 none for
Witness: fThomas none for
Witness: fMS none for


Reading Group: C18_app207_rg1

Witness: fMS their themselves –This

Reading Group: C18_app207_rg2

Witness: f1818 themselves.<p/><p/>“This
Witness: f1823 themselves.<p/><p/>“This
Witness: f1831 themselves.<p/><p/>“This
Witness: fThomas themselves.<p/><p/>“This


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 trait of kindness moved me sensibly.
Witness: f1823 trait of kindness moved me sensibly.
Witness: f1831 trait of kindness moved me sensibly.
Witness: fThomas trait of kindness moved me sensibly.
Witness: fMS trait of kindness moved me sensibly.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I had been
Witness: f1823 I had been
Witness: f1831 I had been
Witness: fThomas I had been
Witness: fMS I had been


Reading Group: C18_app210_rg1

Witness: fMS accustomed

Reading Group: C18_app210_rg2

Witness: f1818 accustomed,
Witness: f1823 accustomed,
Witness: f1831 accustomed,
Witness: fThomas accustomed,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 during the
Witness: f1823 during the
Witness: f1831 during the
Witness: fThomas during the
Witness: fMS during the


Reading Group: C18_app212_rg1

Witness: fMS night

Reading Group: C18_app212_rg2

Witness: f1818 night,
Witness: f1823 night,
Witness: f1831 night,
Witness: fThomas night,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to steal a part of their store for my
Witness: f1823 to steal a part of their store for my
Witness: f1831 to steal a part of their store for my
Witness: fThomas to steal a part of their store for my
Witness: fMS to steal a part of their store for my


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 own consumption; but when I found
Witness: f1823 own consumption; but when I found
Witness: f1831 own consumption; but when I found
Witness: fThomas own consumption; but when I found
Witness: fMS own consumption; but when I found


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that in doing this I inflicted pain on the
Witness: f1823 that in doing this I inflicted pain on the
Witness: f1831 that in doing this I inflicted pain on the
Witness: fThomas that in doing this I inflicted pain on the
Witness: fMS that in doing this I inflicted pain on the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 cottagers, I abstained, and satisfied
Witness: f1823 cottagers, I abstained, and satisfied
Witness: f1831 cottagers, I abstained, and satisfied
Witness: fThomas cottagers, I abstained, and satisfied
Witness: fMS cottagers, I abstained, and satisfied


Reading Group: C18_app217_rg1

Witness: fMS my self

Reading Group: C18_app217_rg2

Witness: f1818 myself
Witness: f1823 myself
Witness: f1831 myself
Witness: fThomas myself


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 with
Witness: f1823 with
Witness: f1831 with
Witness: fThomas with
Witness: fMS with


Reading Group: C18_app219_rg1

Witness: fMS berries nuts

Reading Group: C18_app219_rg2

Witness: f1818 berries, nuts,
Witness: f1823 berries, nuts,
Witness: f1831 berries, nuts,
Witness: fThomas berries, nuts,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: fMS and


Reading Group: C18_app221_rg1

Witness: fMS roots

Reading Group: C18_app221_rg2

Witness: f1818 roots,
Witness: f1823 roots,
Witness: f1831 roots,
Witness: fThomas roots,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 which
Witness: f1823 which
Witness: f1831 which
Witness: fThomas which
Witness: fMS which


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: fMS I


Reading Group: C18_app224_rg1

Witness: fMS foundingathered

Reading Group: C18_app224_rg2

Witness: f1818 gathered
Witness: f1823 gathered
Witness: f1831 gathered
Witness: fThomas gathered


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 from a neighbouring
Witness: f1823 from a neighbouring
Witness: f1831 from a neighbouring
Witness: fThomas from a neighbouring
Witness: fMS from a neighbouring


Reading Group: C18_app226_rg1

Witness: fMS wood. I found<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>discovered

Reading Group: C18_app226_rg2

Witness: fThomas wood.<note/>Thomas copy: pencil mark joins paragraphs.<note/> “I

Reading Group: C18_app226_rg3

Witness: f1818 wood.<p/><p/>“I
Witness: f1823 wood.<p/><p/>“I
Witness: f1831 wood.<p/><p/>“I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 discovered
Witness: f1823 discovered
Witness: f1831 discovered
Witness: fThomas discovered


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 also
Witness: f1823 also
Witness: f1831 also
Witness: fThomas also
Witness: fMS also


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 another means
Witness: f1823 another means
Witness: f1831 another means
Witness: fThomas another means
Witness: fMS another means


Reading Group: C18_app230_rg1

Witness: fMS by

Reading Group: C18_app230_rg2

Witness: f1818 through
Witness: f1823 through
Witness: f1831 through
Witness: fThomas through


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 which I was
Witness: f1823 which I was
Witness: f1831 which I was
Witness: fThomas which I was
Witness: fMS which I was


Reading Group: C18_app232_rg1

Witness: fMS able

Reading Group: C18_app232_rg2

Witness: f1818 enabled
Witness: f1823 enabled
Witness: f1831 enabled
Witness: fThomas enabled


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to assist their labours. I found that the youth spent a great part of each
Witness: f1823 to assist their labours. I found that the youth spent a great part of each
Witness: f1831 to assist their labours. I found that the youth spent a great part of each
Witness: fThomas to assist their labours. I found that the youth spent a great part of each
Witness: fMS to assist their labours. I found that the youth spent a great part of each


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 day in
Witness: f1823 day in
Witness: f1831 day in
Witness: fThomas day in
Witness: fMS day in


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS felling


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 collecting wood for the
Witness: f1823 collecting wood for the
Witness: f1831 collecting wood for the
Witness: fThomas collecting wood for the
Witness: fMS collecting wood for the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 family
Witness: f1823 family
Witness: f1831 family
Witness: fThomas family
Witness: fMS family


Reading Group: C18_app238_rg1

Witness: f1818 fire; and,
Witness: f1823 fire; and,
Witness: f1831 fire; and,
Witness: fThomas fire; and,

Reading Group: C18_app238_rg2

Witness: fMS fire–and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 during the
Witness: f1823 during the
Witness: f1831 during the
Witness: fThomas during the
Witness: fMS during the


Reading Group: C18_app240_rg1

Witness: fMS night

Reading Group: C18_app240_rg2

Witness: f1818 night,
Witness: f1823 night,
Witness: f1831 night,
Witness: fThomas night,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I often
Witness: f1823 I often
Witness: f1831 I often
Witness: fThomas I often
Witness: fMS I often


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 took his
Witness: f1823 took his
Witness: f1831 took his
Witness: fThomas took his
Witness: fMS took his


Reading Group: C18_app243_rg1

Witness: fMS tools

Reading Group: C18_app243_rg2

Witness: f1818 tools,
Witness: f1823 tools,
Witness: f1831 tools,
Witness: fThomas tools,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: fMS the


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS com


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 use of which I
Witness: f1823 use of which I
Witness: f1831 use of which I
Witness: fThomas use of which I
Witness: fMS use of which I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 quickly
Witness: f1823 quickly
Witness: f1831 quickly
Witness: fThomas quickly
Witness: fMS quickly


Reading Group: C18_app248_rg1

Witness: fMS discovered

Reading Group: C18_app248_rg2

Witness: f1818 discovered,
Witness: f1823 discovered,
Witness: f1831 discovered,
Witness: fThomas discovered,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and brought home
Witness: f1823 and brought home
Witness: f1831 and brought home
Witness: fThomas and brought home
Witness: fMS and brought home


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS for them


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 firing sufficient for the
Witness: f1823 firing sufficient for the
Witness: f1831 firing sufficient for the
Witness: fThomas firing sufficient for the
Witness: fMS firing sufficient <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>for the


Reading Group: C18_app252_rg1

Witness: f1818 consumption of several days.<p/><p/>“I remember,
Witness: f1823 consumption of several days.<p/><p/>“I remember,
Witness: f1831 consumption of several days.<p/><p/>“I remember,
Witness: fThomas consumption of several days.<p/><p/>“I remember,

Reading Group: C18_app252_rg2

Witness: fMS consumptionforf seve ral days– <metamark function="paragraph">[</metamark>I remember


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the first time that I
Witness: f1823 the first time that I
Witness: f1831 the first time that I
Witness: fThomas the first time that I
Witness: fMS the first time that I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 did this, the young
Witness: f1823 did this, the young
Witness: f1831 did this, the young
Witness: fThomas did this, the young
Witness: fMS did this, the young


Reading Group: C18_app255_rg1

Witness: fMS woman who

Reading Group: C18_app255_rg2

Witness: f1818 woman, when she
Witness: f1823 woman, when she
Witness: f1831 woman, when she
Witness: fThomas woman, when she


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 opened
Witness: f1823 opened
Witness: f1831 opened
Witness: fThomas opened
Witness: fMS opened


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the door in the
Witness: f1823 the door in the
Witness: f1831 the door in the
Witness: fThomas the door in the
Witness: fMS the door in the


Reading Group: C18_app258_rg1

Witness: fMS morning wasappeared

Reading Group: C18_app258_rg2

Witness: f1818 morning, appeared
Witness: f1823 morning, appeared
Witness: f1831 morning, appeared
Witness: fThomas morning, appeared


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 greatly
Witness: f1823 greatly
Witness: f1831 greatly
Witness: fThomas greatly
Witness: fMS greatly


Reading Group: C18_app260_rg1

Witness: f1818 astonished on seeing
Witness: f1823 astonished on seeing
Witness: f1831 astonished on seeing
Witness: fThomas astonished on seeing

Reading Group: C18_app260_rg2

Witness: fMS sur prisedastonished to see


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a great pile of wood on
Witness: f1823 a great pile of wood on
Witness: f1831 a great pile of wood on
Witness: fThomas a great pile of wood on
Witness: fMS a great pile of wood on


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: fMS the


Reading Group: C18_app263_rg1

Witness: fMS outside –

Reading Group: C18_app263_rg2

Witness: f1818 outside.
Witness: f1823 outside.
Witness: f1831 outside.
Witness: fThomas outside.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 She
Witness: f1823 She
Witness: f1831 She
Witness: fThomas She
Witness: fMS she


Reading Group: C18_app265_rg1

Witness: fMS said

Reading Group: C18_app265_rg2

Witness: f1818 uttered
Witness: f1823 uttered
Witness: f1831 uttered
Witness: fThomas uttered


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 some words in a
Witness: f1823 some words in a
Witness: f1831 some words in a
Witness: fThomas some words in a
Witness: fMS some words in a


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 loud voice,
Witness: f1823 loud voice,
Witness: f1831 loud voice,
Witness: fThomas loud voice,
Witness: fMS loud voice,


Reading Group: C18_app268_rg1

Witness: fMS & presently

Reading Group: C18_app268_rg2

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fThomas and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the youth joined
Witness: f1823 the youth joined
Witness: f1831 the youth joined
Witness: fThomas the youth joined
Witness: fMS the youth joined


Reading Group: C18_app270_rg1

Witness: fMS her

Reading Group: C18_app270_rg2

Witness: f1818 her,
Witness: f1823 her,
Witness: f1831 her,
Witness: fThomas her,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 who also
Witness: f1823 who also
Witness: f1831 who also
Witness: fThomas who also
Witness: fMS who also


Reading Group: C18_app272_rg1

Witness: fMS appeared astonished. and

Reading Group: C18_app272_rg2

Witness: f1818 expressed surprise.
Witness: f1823 expressed surprise.
Witness: f1831 expressed surprise.
Witness: fThomas expressed surprise.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: fMS I


Reading Group: C18_app274_rg1

Witness: fMS observed th

Reading Group: C18_app274_rg2

Witness: f1818 observed,
Witness: f1823 observed,
Witness: f1831 observed,
Witness: fThomas observed,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 with
Witness: f1823 with
Witness: f1831 with
Witness: fThomas with
Witness: fMS with


Reading Group: C18_app276_rg1

Witness: fMS pleasure

Reading Group: C18_app276_rg2

Witness: f1818 pleasure,
Witness: f1823 pleasure,
Witness: f1831 pleasure,
Witness: fThomas pleasure,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that he
Witness: f1823 that he
Witness: f1831 that he
Witness: fThomas that he
Witness: fMS that he


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 did not go to the
Witness: f1823 did not go to the
Witness: f1831 did not go to the
Witness: fThomas did not go to the
Witness: fMS did not go to the


Reading Group: C18_app279_rg1

Witness: fMS wood<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>forest

Reading Group: C18_app279_rg2

Witness: f1818 forest
Witness: f1823 forest
Witness: f1831 forest
Witness: fThomas forest


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that
Witness: f1823 that
Witness: f1831 that
Witness: fThomas that
Witness: fMS that


Reading Group: C18_app281_rg1

Witness: fMS day

Reading Group: C18_app281_rg2

Witness: f1818 day,
Witness: f1823 day,
Witness: f1831 day,
Witness: fThomas day,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but
Witness: f1823 but
Witness: f1831 but
Witness: fThomas but
Witness: fMS but


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 spent it in repairing the
Witness: f1823 spent it in repairing the
Witness: f1831 spent it in repairing the
Witness: fThomas spent it in repairing the
Witness: fMS spent it in repairing the


Reading Group: C18_app284_rg1

Witness: fMS cottage & in

Reading Group: C18_app284_rg2

Witness: f1818 cottage, and
Witness: f1823 cottage, and
Witness: f1831 cottage, and
Witness: fThomas cottage, and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 cultivating the
Witness: f1823 cultivating the
Witness: f1831 cultivating the
Witness: fThomas cultivating the
Witness: fMS cultivating the


Reading Group: C18_app286_rg1

Witness: f1818 garden.<p/><p/>“By
Witness: f1823 garden.<p/><p/>“By
Witness: f1831 garden.<p/><p/>“By
Witness: fThomas garden.<p/><p/>“By

Reading Group: C18_app286_rg2

Witness: fMS garden.—Soon after<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>By


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 degrees
Witness: f1823 degrees
Witness: f1831 degrees
Witness: fThomas degrees
Witness: fMS degrees


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS also


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I made
Witness: f1823 I made
Witness: f1831 I made
Witness: fThomas I made
Witness: fMS I made


Reading Group: C18_app290_rg1

Witness: f1818 a
Witness: f1823 a
Witness: f1831 a
Witness: fThomas a

Reading Group: C18_app290_rg2

Witness: fMS another


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 discovery
Witness: f1823 discovery
Witness: f1831 discovery
Witness: fThomas discovery
Witness: fMS discovery


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS which was thatto me


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of still
Witness: f1823 of still
Witness: f1831 of still
Witness: fThomas of still
Witness: fMS of still


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 greater
Witness: f1823 greater
Witness: f1831 greater
Witness: fThomas greater
Witness: fMS greater


Reading Group: C18_app295_rg1

Witness: fMS moment <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>to me

Reading Group: C18_app295_rg2

Witness: f1818 moment.
Witness: f1823 moment.
Witness: f1831 moment.
Witness: fThomas moment.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: fMS I


Reading Group: C18_app297_rg1

Witness: fMS found<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>that

Reading Group: C18_app297_rg2

Witness: f1818 found that
Witness: f1823 found that
Witness: f1831 found that
Witness: fThomas found that


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 these people
Witness: f1823 these people
Witness: f1831 these people
Witness: fThomas these people
Witness: fMS these people


Reading Group: C18_app299_rg1

Witness: fMS hadposessed

Reading Group: C18_app299_rg2

Witness: f1818 possessed
Witness: f1823 possessed
Witness: f1831 possessed
Witness: fThomas possessed


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a
Witness: f1823 a
Witness: f1831 a
Witness: fThomas a
Witness: fMS a


Reading Group: C18_app301_rg1

Witness: fMS meansmethod

Reading Group: C18_app301_rg2

Witness: f1818 method
Witness: f1823 method
Witness: f1831 method
Witness: fThomas method


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of communicating their
Witness: f1823 of communicating their
Witness: f1831 of communicating their
Witness: fThomas of communicating their
Witness: fMS of communicating their


Reading Group: C18_app303_rg1

Witness: fMS ideasexperience & to

Reading Group: C18_app303_rg2

Witness: f1818 experience and
Witness: f1823 experience and
Witness: f1831 experience and
Witness: fThomas experience and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 feelings
Witness: f1823 feelings
Witness: f1831 feelings
Witness: fThomas feelings
Witness: fMS feelings


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to
Witness: f1823 to
Witness: f1831 to
Witness: fThomas to


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 one another by articulate
Witness: f1823 one another by articulate
Witness: f1831 one another by articulate
Witness: fThomas one another by articulate
Witness: fMS one another by articulate


Reading Group: C18_app307_rg1

Witness: fMS sounds which they uttered somw

Reading Group: C18_app307_rg2

Witness: f1818 sounds.
Witness: f1823 sounds.
Witness: f1831 sounds.
Witness: fThomas sounds.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: fMS I


Reading Group: C18_app309_rg1

Witness: fMS often percieved

Reading Group: C18_app309_rg2

Witness: f1818 perceived
Witness: f1823 perceived
Witness: f1831 perceived
Witness: fThomas perceived


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that
Witness: f1823 that
Witness: f1831 that
Witness: fThomas that
Witness: fMS that


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the words they spoke
Witness: f1823 the words they spoke
Witness: f1831 the words they spoke
Witness: fThomas the words they spoke
Witness: fMS the words they spoke


Reading Group: C18_app312_rg1

Witness: f1818 sometimes
Witness: fThomas sometimes
Witness: fMS <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>sometimes

Reading Group: C18_app312_rg2

Witness: f1823 sometimes,
Witness: f1831 sometimes,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 produced
Witness: f1823 produced
Witness: f1831 produced
Witness: fThomas produced
Witness: fMS produced


Reading Group: C18_app314_rg1

Witness: fMS plea sure

Reading Group: C18_app314_rg2

Witness: f1818 pleasure or
Witness: f1823 pleasure or
Witness: f1831 pleasure or
Witness: fThomas pleasure or


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 pain, smiles or
Witness: f1823 pain, smiles or
Witness: f1831 pain, smiles or
Witness: fThomas pain, smiles or
Witness: fMS pain, smiles or


Reading Group: C18_app316_rg1

Witness: fMS sadness

Reading Group: C18_app316_rg2

Witness: f1818 sadness,
Witness: f1823 sadness,
Witness: f1831 sadness,
Witness: fThomas sadness,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in the minds
Witness: f1823 in the minds
Witness: f1831 in the minds
Witness: fThomas in the minds
Witness: fMS in the minds


Reading Group: C18_app318_rg1

Witness: fMS &countenances

Reading Group: C18_app318_rg2

Witness: f1818 and countenances
Witness: f1823 and countenances
Witness: f1831 and countenances
Witness: fThomas and countenances


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of the
Witness: f1823 of the
Witness: f1831 of the
Witness: fThomas of the
Witness: fMS of the


Reading Group: C18_app320_rg1

Witness: f1818 hearers.
Witness: f1823 hearers.
Witness: f1831 hearers.
Witness: fThomas hearers.

Reading Group: C18_app320_rg2

Witness: fMS heareeers–


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 This was
Witness: f1823 This was
Witness: f1831 This was
Witness: fThomas This was
Witness: fMS This was


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 indeed a godlike
Witness: f1823 indeed a godlike
Witness: f1831 indeed a godlike
Witness: fThomas indeed a godlike
Witness: fMS indeed a Godlike


Reading Group: C18_app323_rg1

Witness: fMS science

Reading Group: C18_app323_rg2

Witness: f1818 science,
Witness: f1823 science,
Witness: f1831 science,
Witness: fThomas science,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and I ardently
Witness: f1823 and I ardently
Witness: f1831 and I ardently
Witness: fThomas and I ardently
Witness: fMS and I ardently


Reading Group: C18_app325_rg1

Witness: fMS wisheddesired

Reading Group: C18_app325_rg2

Witness: f1818 desired
Witness: f1823 desired
Witness: f1831 desired
Witness: fThomas desired


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to become acquainted with
Witness: f1823 to become acquainted with
Witness: f1831 to become acquainted with
Witness: fThomas to become acquainted with
Witness: fMS to become acquainted with


Reading Group: C18_app327_rg1

Witness: f1818 it. But
Witness: f1823 it. But
Witness: f1831 it. But
Witness: fThomas it. But

Reading Group: C18_app327_rg2

Witness: fMS it–But


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I was baffled in every attempt
Witness: f1823 I was baffled in every attempt
Witness: f1831 I was baffled in every attempt
Witness: fThomas I was baffled in every attempt
Witness: fMS I was baffled in every attempt


Reading Group: C18_app329_rg1

Witness: fMS theyI

Reading Group: C18_app329_rg2

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fThomas I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 made for this
Witness: f1823 made for this
Witness: f1831 made for this
Witness: fThomas made for this
Witness: fMS made for this


Reading Group: C18_app331_rg1

Witness: fMS purpose

Reading Group: C18_app331_rg2

Witness: f1818 purpose.
Witness: f1823 purpose.
Witness: f1831 purpose.
Witness: fThomas purpose.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Their pronunciation was
Witness: f1823 Their pronunciation was
Witness: f1831 Their pronunciation was
Witness: fThomas Their pronunciation was
Witness: fMS Their pronunciation was


Reading Group: C18_app333_rg1

Witness: fMS quick &

Reading Group: C18_app333_rg2

Witness: f1818 quick; and
Witness: f1823 quick; and
Witness: f1831 quick; and
Witness: fThomas quick; and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: fMS the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 words they
Witness: f1823 words they
Witness: f1831 words they
Witness: fThomas words they
Witness: fMS words they


Reading Group: C18_app336_rg1

Witness: fMS uttered seemedhad

Reading Group: C18_app336_rg2

Witness: f1818 uttered,
Witness: f1823 uttered,
Witness: f1831 uttered,
Witness: fThomas uttered,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 not having any apparent
Witness: f1823 not having any apparent
Witness: f1831 not having any apparent
Witness: fThomas not having any apparent
Witness: fMS not having any apparent


Reading Group: C18_app338_rg1

Witness: fMS co

Reading Group: C18_app338_rg2

Witness: f1831 connection


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 connexion
Witness: f1823 connexion
Witness: fThomas connexion
Witness: fMS connexion


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 with
Witness: f1823 with
Witness: f1831 with
Witness: fThomas with
Witness: fMS with


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 visible
Witness: f1823 visible
Witness: f1831 visible
Witness: fThomas visible
Witness: fMS visible


Reading Group: C18_app343_rg1

Witness: fMS objects

Reading Group: C18_app343_rg2

Witness: f1818 objects,
Witness: f1823 objects,
Witness: f1831 objects,
Witness: fThomas objects,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I was unable to discover any clue
Witness: f1823 I was unable to discover any clue
Witness: f1831 I was unable to discover any clue
Witness: fThomas I was unable to discover any clue
Witness: fMS I was unable to discover any clue


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 by which I could
Witness: f1823 by which I could
Witness: f1831 by which I could
Witness: fThomas by which I could
Witness: fMS by which I could


Reading Group: C18_app346_rg1

Witness: fMS unrable

Reading Group: C18_app346_rg2

Witness: f1818 unravel
Witness: f1823 unravel
Witness: f1831 unravel
Witness: fThomas unravel


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the mystery
Witness: f1823 the mystery
Witness: f1831 the mystery
Witness: fThomas the mystery
Witness: fMS the mystery


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of their
Witness: f1823 of their
Witness: f1831 of their
Witness: fThomas of their
Witness: fMS of their


Reading Group: C18_app349_rg1

Witness: fMS sounds.application reference..

Reading Group: C18_app349_rg2

Witness: f1818 reference.
Witness: f1823 reference.
Witness: f1831 reference.
Witness: fThomas reference.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 By great
Witness: f1823 By great
Witness: f1831 By great
Witness: fThomas By great
Witness: fMS By great


Reading Group: C18_app351_rg1

Witness: fMS application how ever

Reading Group: C18_app351_rg2

Witness: f1818 application, however,
Witness: f1823 application, however,
Witness: f1831 application, however,
Witness: fThomas application, however,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and after having remained during the space of several
Witness: f1823 and after having remained during the space of several
Witness: f1831 and after having remained during the space of several
Witness: fThomas and after having remained during the space of several
Witness: fMS and after having remained <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>during the space of several


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 revolutions of the moon in my
Witness: f1823 revolutions of the moon in my
Witness: f1831 revolutions of the moon in my
Witness: fThomas revolutions of the moon in my
Witness: fMS revolutions of the moon in my


Reading Group: C18_app354_rg1

Witness: fMS hovel

Reading Group: C18_app354_rg2

Witness: f1818 hovel,
Witness: f1823 hovel,
Witness: f1831 hovel,
Witness: fThomas hovel,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I discovered the names that were given
Witness: f1823 I discovered the names that were given
Witness: f1831 I discovered the names that were given
Witness: fThomas I discovered the names that were given
Witness: fMS I discovered the names that were given


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to some of the most familiar objects of
Witness: f1823 to some of the most familiar objects of
Witness: f1831 to some of the most familiar objects of
Witness: fThomas to some of the most familiar objects of
Witness: fMS to some of the most familiar objects of


Reading Group: C18_app357_rg1

Witness: fMS discourse,

Reading Group: C18_app357_rg2

Witness: f1818 discourse;
Witness: f1823 discourse;
Witness: f1831 discourse;
Witness: fThomas discourse;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I learned
Witness: f1823 I learned
Witness: f1831 I learned
Witness: fThomas I learned
Witness: fMS I learned


Reading Group: C18_app359_rg1

Witness: fMS <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>&

Reading Group: C18_app359_rg2

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fThomas and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 applied the
Witness: f1823 applied the
Witness: f1831 applied the
Witness: fThomas applied the
Witness: fMS applied the


Reading Group: C18_app361_rg1

Witness: f1818 words
Witness: fThomas words
Witness: fMS words

Reading Group: C18_app361_rg2

Witness: f1823 words,
Witness: f1831 words,


Reading Group: C18_app362_rg1

Witness: fMS <shi rend="underline">fire, </shi><shi rend="underline">mil</shi>k <shi rend="underline">bread</shi>&<shi rend="underline">wood</shi>

Reading Group: C18_app362_rg2

Witness: f1818 <hi/>fire<hi/>, <hi/>milk<hi/>, <hi/>bread<hi/>, and <hi/>wood<hi/>.
Witness: f1823 <hi/>fire<hi/>, <hi/>milk<hi/>, <hi/>bread<hi/>, and <hi/>wood<hi/>.
Witness: f1831 <hi/>fire<hi/>, <hi/>milk<hi/>, <hi/>bread<hi/>, and <hi/>wood<hi/>.
Witness: fThomas <hi/>fire<hi/>, <hi/>milk<hi/>, <hi/>bread<hi/>, and <hi/>wood<hi/>.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I learned also the names
Witness: f1823 I learned also the names
Witness: f1831 I learned also the names
Witness: fThomas I learned also the names
Witness: fMS I learned also the names


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of the cottagers
Witness: f1823 of the cottagers
Witness: f1831 of the cottagers
Witness: fThomas of the cottagers
Witness: fMS of the cottagers


Reading Group: C18_app365_rg1

Witness: f1818 themselves. The youth and
Witness: f1823 themselves. The youth and
Witness: f1831 themselves. The youth and
Witness: fThomas themselves. The youth and

Reading Group: C18_app365_rg2

Witness: fMS themselfves– but as they<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>youth &


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 his companion had
Witness: f1823 his companion had
Witness: f1831 his companion had
Witness: fThomas his companion had
Witness: fMS his companion had


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS h


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 each of them several
Witness: f1823 each of them several
Witness: f1831 each of them several
Witness: fThomas each of them several
Witness: fMS each of them several


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 names,
Witness: f1823 names,
Witness: f1831 names,
Witness: fThomas names,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but
Witness: f1823 but
Witness: f1831 but
Witness: fThomas but
Witness: fMS but


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the old man had only
Witness: f1823 the old man had only
Witness: f1831 the old man had only
Witness: fThomas the old man had only
Witness: fMS the old man had only


Reading Group: C18_app372_rg1

Witness: fMS one

Reading Group: C18_app372_rg2

Witness: f1818 one,
Witness: f1823 one,
Witness: f1831 one,
Witness: fThomas one,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 which
Witness: f1823 which
Witness: f1831 which
Witness: fThomas which
Witness: fMS which


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was
Witness: f1823 was
Witness: f1831 was
Witness: fThomas was
Witness: fMS was


Reading Group: C18_app375_rg1

Witness: fMS <shi rend="underline">Father</shi> –

Reading Group: C18_app375_rg2

Witness: f1818 <hi/>father<hi/>.
Witness: f1823 <hi/>father<hi/>.
Witness: f1831 <hi/>father<hi/>.
Witness: fThomas <hi/>father<hi/>.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 The girl was
Witness: f1823 The girl was
Witness: f1831 The girl was
Witness: fThomas The girl was
Witness: fMS the girl was


Reading Group: C18_app377_rg1

Witness: fMS called Sist Sister

Reading Group: C18_app377_rg2

Witness: f1818 called <hi/>sister<hi/>,
Witness: f1823 called <hi/>sister<hi/>,
Witness: f1831 called <hi/>sister<hi/>,
Witness: fThomas called <hi/>sister<hi/>,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 or
Witness: f1823 or
Witness: f1831 or
Witness: fThomas or
Witness: fMS or


Reading Group: C18_app379_rg1

Witness: fMS Agatha

Reading Group: C18_app379_rg2

Witness: f1818 <hi/>Agatha<hi/>;
Witness: f1823 <hi/>Agatha<hi/>;
Witness: f1831 <hi/>Agatha<hi/>;
Witness: fThomas <hi/>Agatha<hi/>;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and the youth
Witness: f1823 and the youth
Witness: f1831 and the youth
Witness: fThomas and the youth
Witness: fMS and the youth


Reading Group: C18_app381_rg1

Witness: fMS Felix. <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>or brother

Reading Group: C18_app381_rg2

Witness: f1818 <hi/>Felix<hi/>, <hi/>brother<hi/>,
Witness: f1823 <hi/>Felix<hi/>, <hi/>brother<hi/>,
Witness: f1831 <hi/>Felix<hi/>, <hi/>brother<hi/>,
Witness: fThomas <hi/>Felix<hi/>, <hi/>brother<hi/>,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 or
Witness: f1823 or
Witness: f1831 or
Witness: fThomas or
Witness: fMS or


Reading Group: C18_app383_rg1

Witness: fMS son

Reading Group: C18_app383_rg2

Witness: f1818 <hi/>son<hi/>.
Witness: f1823 <hi/>son<hi/>.
Witness: f1831 <hi/>son<hi/>.
Witness: fThomas <hi/>son<hi/>.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: fMS I


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS c


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 cannot describe the delight
Witness: f1823 cannot describe the delight
Witness: f1831 cannot describe the delight
Witness: fThomas cannot describe the delight
Witness: fMS cannot describe the delight


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I felt when I
Witness: f1823 I felt when I
Witness: f1831 I felt when I
Witness: fThomas I felt when I
Witness: fMS I felt when I


Reading Group: C18_app388_rg1

Witness: fMS discovered<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>learned

Reading Group: C18_app388_rg2

Witness: f1818 learned
Witness: f1823 learned
Witness: f1831 learned
Witness: fThomas learned


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the ideas
Witness: f1823 the ideas
Witness: f1831 the ideas
Witness: fThomas the ideas
Witness: fMS the ideas


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS opp


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 appropriated to each of these
Witness: f1823 appropriated to each of these
Witness: f1831 appropriated to each of these
Witness: fThomas appropriated to each of these
Witness: fMS appropriated to each of these


Reading Group: C18_app392_rg1

Witness: fMS sounds

Reading Group: C18_app392_rg2

Witness: f1818 sounds,
Witness: f1823 sounds,
Witness: f1831 sounds,
Witness: fThomas sounds,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and was able to pronounce them.
Witness: f1823 and was able to pronounce them.
Witness: f1831 and was able to pronounce them.
Witness: fThomas and was able to pronounce them.
Witness: fMS and was able to pronounce them.


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS But


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: fMS I


Reading Group: C18_app396_rg1

Witness: fMS learned<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>distinguished

Reading Group: C18_app396_rg2

Witness: f1818 distinguished
Witness: f1823 distinguished
Witness: f1831 distinguished
Witness: fThomas distinguished


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 several other
Witness: f1823 several other
Witness: f1831 several other
Witness: fThomas several other
Witness: fMS several other


Reading Group: C18_app398_rg1

Witness: fMS sounds words

Reading Group: C18_app398_rg2

Witness: f1818 words,
Witness: f1823 words,
Witness: f1831 words,
Witness: fThomas words,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 without being able as yet to understand
Witness: f1823 without being able as yet to understand
Witness: f1831 without being able as yet to understand
Witness: fThomas without being able as yet to understand
Witness: fMS without being able <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>as yet to understand


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS th


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 or
Witness: f1823 or
Witness: f1831 or
Witness: fThomas or
Witness: fMS or


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 apply
Witness: f1823 apply
Witness: f1831 apply
Witness: fThomas apply
Witness: fMS apply


Reading Group: C18_app403_rg1

Witness: fMS them – Among these

Reading Group: C18_app403_rg2

Witness: f1818 them;
Witness: f1823 them;
Witness: f1831 them;
Witness: fThomas them;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 such as
Witness: f1823 such as
Witness: f1831 such as
Witness: fThomas such as
Witness: fMS Such as


Reading Group: C18_app405_rg1

Witness: fMS <shi rend="underline">good</shi><shi rend="underline">dearest</shi> – <shi rend="underline">unhappy</shi>. I

Reading Group: C18_app405_rg2

Witness: f1818 <hi/>good<hi/>, <hi/>dearest<hi/>, <hi/>unhappy<hi/>.<p/><p/>“I
Witness: f1823 <hi/>good<hi/>, <hi/>dearest<hi/>, <hi/>unhappy<hi/>.<p/><p/>“I
Witness: f1831 <hi/>good<hi/>, <hi/>dearest<hi/>, <hi/>unhappy<hi/>.<p/><p/>“I
Witness: fThomas <hi/>good<hi/>, <hi/>dearest<hi/>, <hi/>unhappy<hi/>.<p/><p/>“I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 spent the winter in this
Witness: f1823 spent the winter in this
Witness: f1831 spent the winter in this
Witness: fThomas spent the winter in this
Witness: fMS spent the winter in this


Reading Group: C18_app407_rg1

Witness: f1818 manner.
Witness: f1823 manner.
Witness: f1831 manner.
Witness: fThomas manner.

Reading Group: C18_app407_rg2

Witness: fMS manner–


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 The gentle manners and beauty of the
Witness: f1823 The gentle manners and beauty of the
Witness: f1831 The gentle manners and beauty of the
Witness: fThomas The gentle manners and beauty of the
Witness: fMS the gentle manners and beauty of the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 cottagers greatly endeared them to
Witness: f1823 cottagers greatly endeared them to
Witness: f1831 cottagers greatly endeared them to
Witness: fThomas cottagers greatly endeared them to
Witness: fMS cottagers greatly endeared them to


Reading Group: C18_app410_rg1

Witness: f1818 me: when
Witness: f1823 me: when
Witness: f1831 me: when
Witness: fThomas me: when

Reading Group: C18_app410_rg2

Witness: fMS me–When


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 they were
Witness: f1823 they were
Witness: f1831 they were
Witness: fThomas they were
Witness: fMS they were


Reading Group: C18_app412_rg1

Witness: fMS unhappy

Reading Group: C18_app412_rg2

Witness: f1818 unhappy,
Witness: f1823 unhappy,
Witness: f1831 unhappy,
Witness: fThomas unhappy,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I felt
Witness: f1823 I felt
Witness: f1831 I felt
Witness: fThomas I felt
Witness: fMS I felt


Reading Group: C18_app414_rg1

Witness: fMS depressed and

Reading Group: C18_app414_rg2

Witness: f1818 depressed; when they rejoiced,
Witness: f1823 depressed; when they rejoiced,
Witness: f1831 depressed; when they rejoiced,
Witness: fThomas depressed; when they rejoiced,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: fMS I


Reading Group: C18_app416_rg1

Witness: f1831 sympathised

Reading Group: C18_app416_rg2

Witness: f1818 sympathized
Witness: f1823 sympathized
Witness: fThomas sympathized
Witness: fMS sympathized


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in their joys. I saw few
Witness: f1823 in their joys. I saw few
Witness: f1831 in their joys. I saw few
Witness: fThomas in their joys. I saw few
Witness: fMS in their joys. I saw few


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 human beings
Witness: f1823 human beings
Witness: f1831 human beings
Witness: fThomas human beings
Witness: fMS human beings


Reading Group: C18_app419_rg1

Witness: f1818 beside them;
Witness: f1823 beside them;
Witness: f1831 beside them;
Witness: fThomas beside them;

Reading Group: C18_app419_rg2

Witness: fMS besides them,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and if
Witness: f1823 and if
Witness: f1831 and if
Witness: fThomas and if
Witness: fMS and if


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 any other happened to enter the
Witness: f1823 any other happened to enter the
Witness: f1831 any other happened to enter the
Witness: fThomas any other happened to enter the
Witness: fMS any other happened to enter the


Reading Group: C18_app422_rg1

Witness: fMS cottage

Reading Group: C18_app422_rg2

Witness: f1818 cottage,
Witness: f1823 cottage,
Witness: f1831 cottage,
Witness: fThomas cottage,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 their harsh
Witness: f1823 their harsh
Witness: f1831 their harsh
Witness: fThomas their harsh
Witness: fMS their harsh


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS and rud


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 manners
Witness: f1823 manners
Witness: f1831 manners
Witness: fThomas manners
Witness: fMS manners


Reading Group: C18_app426_rg1

Witness: fMS &

Reading Group: C18_app426_rg2

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fThomas and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 rude
Witness: f1823 rude
Witness: f1831 rude
Witness: fThomas rude
Witness: fMS rude


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 gait only enhanced to me
Witness: f1823 gait only enhanced to me
Witness: f1831 gait only enhanced to me
Witness: fThomas gait only enhanced to me
Witness: fMS gait only enhanced to me


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS thmy friends


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the superior
Witness: f1823 the superior
Witness: f1831 the superior
Witness: fThomas the superior
Witness: fMS the superior


Reading Group: C18_app431_rg1

Witness: f1818 accomplishments
Witness: f1823 accomplishments
Witness: f1831 accomplishments
Witness: fThomas accomplishments

Reading Group: C18_app431_rg2

Witness: fMS advantages


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of my friends.
Witness: f1823 of my friends.
Witness: f1831 of my friends.
Witness: fThomas of my friends.
Witness: fMS of my friends.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 The
Witness: f1823 The
Witness: f1831 The
Witness: fThomas The
Witness: fMS The


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS Father


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 old man, I could
Witness: f1823 old man, I could
Witness: f1831 old man, I could
Witness: fThomas old man, I could
Witness: fMS old man, I could


Reading Group: C18_app436_rg1

Witness: f1818 perceive,
Witness: f1823 perceive,
Witness: f1831 perceive,
Witness: fThomas perceive,

Reading Group: C18_app436_rg2

Witness: fMS percieve,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 often endeavoured to encourage his
Witness: f1823 often endeavoured to encourage his
Witness: f1831 often endeavoured to encourage his
Witness: fThomas often endeavoured to encourage his
Witness: fMS often endeavoured to encourage his


Reading Group: C18_app438_rg1

Witness: fMS children

Reading Group: C18_app438_rg2

Witness: f1818 children,
Witness: f1823 children,
Witness: f1831 children,
Witness: fThomas children,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 as
Witness: f1823 as
Witness: f1831 as
Witness: fThomas as
Witness: fMS as


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 sometimes
Witness: f1823 sometimes
Witness: f1831 sometimes
Witness: fThomas sometimes
Witness: fMS sometimes


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fThomas I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 found that
Witness: f1823 found that
Witness: f1831 found that
Witness: fThomas found that
Witness: fMS found that


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 he called
Witness: f1823 he called
Witness: f1831 he called
Witness: fThomas he called
Witness: fMS he called


Reading Group: C18_app445_rg1

Witness: f1818 them,
Witness: f1823 them,
Witness: f1831 them,
Witness: fThomas them,

Reading Group: C18_app445_rg2

Witness: fMS them.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to cast off their melancholy. He would talk in
Witness: f1823 to cast off their melancholy. He would talk in
Witness: f1831 to cast off their melancholy. He would talk in
Witness: fThomas to cast off their melancholy. He would talk in
Witness: fMS <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>to cast off their melancholy. He would talk in


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a cheerful
Witness: f1823 a cheerful
Witness: f1831 a cheerful
Witness: fThomas a cheerful
Witness: fMS a cheerful


Reading Group: C18_app448_rg1

Witness: fMS accent

Reading Group: C18_app448_rg2

Witness: f1818 accent,
Witness: f1823 accent,
Witness: f1831 accent,
Witness: fThomas accent,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 with an
Witness: f1823 with an
Witness: f1831 with an
Witness: fThomas with an
Witness: fMS with an


Reading Group: C18_app450_rg1

Witness: fMS aspectexpression ofgodn

Reading Group: C18_app450_rg2

Witness: f1818 expression of
Witness: f1823 expression of
Witness: f1831 expression of
Witness: fThomas expression of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 goodness that
Witness: f1823 goodness that
Witness: f1831 goodness that
Witness: fThomas goodness that
Witness: fMS goodness that


Reading Group: C18_app452_rg1

Witness: fMS evengave<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>medelight.bestowed pleasureeven on me;

Reading Group: C18_app452_rg2

Witness: f1818 bestowed pleasure even upon me.
Witness: f1823 bestowed pleasure even upon me.
Witness: f1831 bestowed pleasure even upon me.
Witness: fThomas bestowed pleasure even upon me.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Agatha listened with
Witness: f1823 Agatha listened with
Witness: f1831 Agatha listened with
Witness: fThomas Agatha listened with
Witness: fMS Agatha listened with


Reading Group: C18_app454_rg1

Witness: f1818 respect,
Witness: f1823 respect,
Witness: f1831 respect,
Witness: fThomas respect,

Reading Group: C18_app454_rg2

Witness: fMS respect–


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 her eyes
Witness: f1823 her eyes
Witness: f1831 her eyes
Witness: fThomas her eyes
Witness: fMS her eyes


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS f


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 sometimes filled with
Witness: f1823 sometimes filled with
Witness: f1831 sometimes filled with
Witness: fThomas sometimes filled with
Witness: fMS sometimes filled with


Reading Group: C18_app458_rg1

Witness: fMS tears

Reading Group: C18_app458_rg2

Witness: f1818 tears,
Witness: f1823 tears,
Witness: f1831 tears,
Witness: fThomas tears,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 which
Witness: f1823 which
Witness: f1831 which
Witness: fThomas which
Witness: fMS which


Reading Group: C18_app460_rg1

Witness: fMS <metamark function="displacement" xml:id="c57-0021.02"></metamark>she

Reading Group: C18_app460_rg2

Witness: f1818 she
Witness: f1823 she
Witness: f1831 she
Witness: fThomas she


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 endeavoured
Witness: f1823 endeavoured
Witness: f1831 endeavoured
Witness: fThomas endeavoured
Witness: fMS endeavoured


Reading Group: C18_app462_rg1

Witness: f1818 to wipe
Witness: f1823 to wipe
Witness: f1831 to wipe
Witness: fThomas to wipe

Reading Group: C18_app462_rg2

Witness: fMS <shi rend="sup">to</shi>wiped


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 away
Witness: f1823 away
Witness: f1831 away
Witness: fThomas away
Witness: fMS away


Reading Group: C18_app464_rg1

Witness: f1818 unperceived;
Witness: f1823 unperceived;
Witness: f1831 unperceived;
Witness: fThomas unperceived;

Reading Group: C18_app464_rg2

Witness: fMS unpercieved


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but I generally found that her
Witness: f1823 but I generally found that her
Witness: f1831 but I generally found that her
Witness: fThomas but I generally found that her
Witness: fMS but I generally found that her


Reading Group: C18_app466_rg1

Witness: f1818 countenance
Witness: f1823 countenance
Witness: f1831 countenance
Witness: fThomas countenance

Reading Group: C18_app466_rg2

Witness: fMS manners


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and tone
Witness: f1823 and tone
Witness: f1831 and tone
Witness: fThomas and tone
Witness: fMS and tone


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 were more cheerful after having
Witness: f1823 were more cheerful after having
Witness: f1831 were more cheerful after having
Witness: fThomas were more cheerful after having
Witness: fMS were more cheerful after having


Reading Group: C18_app469_rg1

Witness: f1818 listened
Witness: f1823 listened
Witness: f1831 listened
Witness: fThomas listened

Reading Group: C18_app469_rg2

Witness: fMS listenend


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to
Witness: f1823 to
Witness: f1831 to
Witness: fThomas to
Witness: fMS to


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the exhortations of her
Witness: f1823 the exhortations of her
Witness: f1831 the exhortations of her
Witness: fThomas the exhortations of her
Witness: fMS the exhortations of her


Reading Group: C18_app473_rg1

Witness: fMS father

Reading Group: C18_app473_rg2

Witness: f1818 father.
Witness: f1823 father.
Witness: f1831 father.
Witness: fThomas father.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 It was not thus with Felix. He was
Witness: f1823 It was not thus with Felix. He was
Witness: f1831 It was not thus with Felix. He was
Witness: fThomas It was not thus with Felix. He was
Witness: fMS It was not thus with Felix. He was


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 always the saddest of the
Witness: f1823 always the saddest of the
Witness: f1831 always the saddest of the
Witness: fThomas always the saddest of the
Witness: fMS always the saddest of the


Reading Group: C18_app476_rg1

Witness: f1831 group;

Reading Group: C18_app476_rg2

Witness: fMS groupe And

Reading Group: C18_app476_rg3

Witness: f1818 groupe;
Witness: f1823 groupe;
Witness: fThomas groupe;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and,
Witness: f1823 and,
Witness: f1831 and,
Witness: fThomas and,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 even to my unpractised
Witness: f1823 even to my unpractised
Witness: f1831 even to my unpractised
Witness: fThomas even to my unpractised
Witness: fMS even to my unpractised


Reading Group: C18_app479_rg1

Witness: fMS senses

Reading Group: C18_app479_rg2

Witness: f1818 senses,
Witness: f1823 senses,
Witness: f1831 senses,
Witness: fThomas senses,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 he
Witness: f1823 he
Witness: f1831 he
Witness: fThomas he
Witness: fMS he


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 appeared to have suffered more
Witness: f1823 appeared to have suffered more
Witness: f1831 appeared to have suffered more
Witness: fThomas appeared to have suffered more
Witness: fMS appeared to have suffered more


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 deeply than his friends. But if his
Witness: f1823 deeply than his friends. But if his
Witness: f1831 deeply than his friends. But if his
Witness: fThomas deeply than his friends. But if his
Witness: fMS deeply than his friends. But if his


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 countenance was more
Witness: f1823 countenance was more
Witness: f1831 countenance was more
Witness: fThomas countenance was more
Witness: fMS countenance was more


Reading Group: C18_app484_rg1

Witness: fMS sorrowful

Reading Group: C18_app484_rg2

Witness: f1818 sorrowful,
Witness: f1823 sorrowful,
Witness: f1831 sorrowful,
Witness: fThomas sorrowful,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 his voice was more cheerful than that of his
Witness: f1823 his voice was more cheerful than that of his
Witness: f1831 his voice was more cheerful than that of his
Witness: fThomas his voice was more cheerful than that of his
Witness: fMS his voice was more cheerful than that of his


Reading Group: C18_app486_rg1

Witness: f1818 sister, especially
Witness: f1823 sister, especially
Witness: f1831 sister, especially
Witness: fThomas sister, especially

Reading Group: C18_app486_rg2

Witness: fMS sisteres expecially


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 when he
Witness: f1823 when he
Witness: f1831 when he
Witness: fThomas when he
Witness: fMS when he


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 addressed the old
Witness: f1823 addressed the old
Witness: f1831 addressed the old
Witness: fThomas addressed the old
Witness: fMS addressed the old


Reading Group: C18_app489_rg1

Witness: f1818 man.<p/><p/>“I
Witness: f1823 man.<p/><p/>“I
Witness: f1831 man.<p/><p/>“I
Witness: fThomas man.<p/><p/>“I

Reading Group: C18_app489_rg2

Witness: fMS man— I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 could mention innumerable
Witness: f1823 could mention innumerable
Witness: f1831 could mention innumerable
Witness: fThomas could mention innumerable
Witness: fMS could mention innumerable


Reading Group: C18_app491_rg1

Witness: fMS instances which

Reading Group: C18_app491_rg2

Witness: f1818 instances, which,
Witness: f1823 instances, which,
Witness: f1831 instances, which,
Witness: fThomas instances, which,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 although
Witness: f1823 although
Witness: f1831 although
Witness: fThomas although
Witness: fMS although


Reading Group: C18_app493_rg1

Witness: fMS slight

Reading Group: C18_app493_rg2

Witness: f1818 slight,
Witness: f1823 slight,
Witness: f1831 slight,
Witness: fThomas slight,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 marked the
Witness: f1823 marked the
Witness: f1831 marked the
Witness: fThomas marked the
Witness: fMS marked the


Reading Group: C18_app495_rg1

Witness: fMS heartdispositionsin<mdel/>ofwhich

Reading Group: C18_app495_rg2

Witness: f1818 dispositions of
Witness: f1823 dispositions of
Witness: f1831 dispositions of
Witness: fThomas dispositions of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 these amiable
Witness: f1823 these amiable
Witness: f1831 these amiable
Witness: fThomas these amiable
Witness: fMS these amiable


Reading Group: C18_app497_rg1

Witness: fMS cottagers shewed their dispositions.

Reading Group: C18_app497_rg2

Witness: f1818 cottagers.
Witness: f1823 cottagers.
Witness: f1831 cottagers.
Witness: fThomas cottagers.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 In the midst of poverty
Witness: f1823 In the midst of poverty
Witness: f1831 In the midst of poverty
Witness: fThomas In the midst of poverty
Witness: fMS In the midst of poverty


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: fMS and


Reading Group: C18_app500_rg1

Witness: fMS want

Reading Group: C18_app500_rg2

Witness: f1818 want,
Witness: f1823 want,
Witness: f1831 want,
Witness: fThomas want,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Felix carried with pleasure
Witness: f1823 Felix carried with pleasure
Witness: f1831 Felix carried with pleasure
Witness: fThomas Felix carried with pleasure
Witness: fMS Felix carried with pleasure


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to his sister the
Witness: f1823 to his sister the
Witness: f1831 to his sister the
Witness: fThomas to his sister the
Witness: fMS to his sister the


Reading Group: C18_app503_rg1

Witness: f1818 first
Witness: f1823 first
Witness: f1831 first
Witness: fThomas first

Reading Group: C18_app503_rg2

Witness: fMS fist


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 little white flower
Witness: f1823 little white flower
Witness: f1831 little white flower
Witness: fThomas little white flower
Witness: fMS little white flower


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that peeped out from beneath the
Witness: f1823 that peeped out from beneath the
Witness: f1831 that peeped out from beneath the
Witness: fThomas that peeped out from beneath the
Witness: fMS that peeped out from beneath the


Reading Group: C18_app506_rg1

Witness: fMS snowsnowywhite groundEarlyIin

Reading Group: C18_app506_rg2

Witness: f1818 snowy ground. Early in
Witness: f1823 snowy ground. Early in
Witness: f1831 snowy ground. Early in
Witness: fThomas snowy ground. Early in


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: fMS the


Reading Group: C18_app508_rg1

Witness: f1818 morning
Witness: f1823 morning
Witness: fThomas morning
Witness: fMS morning

Reading Group: C18_app508_rg2

Witness: f1831 morning,


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS early


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 before
Witness: f1823 before
Witness: f1831 before
Witness: fThomas before
Witness: fMS before


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS any of the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 she had
Witness: f1823 she had
Witness: f1831 she had
Witness: fThomas she had
Witness: fMS she had


Reading Group: C18_app513_rg1

Witness: fMS risen

Reading Group: C18_app513_rg2

Witness: f1818 risen,
Witness: f1823 risen,
Witness: f1831 risen,
Witness: fThomas risen,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 he
Witness: f1823 he
Witness: f1831 he
Witness: fThomas he
Witness: fMS he


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS had


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 cleared away the
Witness: f1823 cleared away the
Witness: f1831 cleared away the
Witness: fThomas cleared away the
Witness: fMS cleared away the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 snow that obstructed her path to the
Witness: f1823 snow that obstructed her path to the
Witness: f1831 snow that obstructed her path to the
Witness: fThomas snow that obstructed her path to the
Witness: fMS snow that obst<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>ructed her path to the


Reading Group: C18_app518_rg1

Witness: fMS milkhouse;

Reading Group: C18_app518_rg2

Witness: f1818 milk-house,
Witness: f1823 milk-house,
Witness: f1831 milk-house,
Witness: fThomas milk-house,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 drew water from the
Witness: f1823 drew water from the
Witness: f1831 drew water from the
Witness: fThomas drew water from the
Witness: fMS drew water from the


Reading Group: C18_app520_rg1

Witness: fMS well

Reading Group: C18_app520_rg2

Witness: f1818 well,
Witness: f1823 well,
Witness: f1831 well,
Witness: fThomas well,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and brought the wood from the
Witness: f1823 and brought the wood from the
Witness: f1831 and brought the wood from the
Witness: fThomas and brought the wood from the
Witness: fMS and brought the wood from the


Reading Group: C18_app522_rg1

Witness: fMS <del rend="strikethrough" sID="c57-0022__main__d3e4772"/>outhouse<del/><metamark function="displacement" xml:id="c57-0022.05">X</metamark><metamark function="displacement">X</metamark> outhouse where

Reading Group: C18_app522_rg2

Witness: f1818 out-house, where,
Witness: f1823 out-house, where,
Witness: f1831 out-house, where,
Witness: fThomas out-house, where,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to his
Witness: f1823 to his
Witness: f1831 to his
Witness: fThomas to his
Witness: fMS to his


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 perpetual
Witness: f1823 perpetual
Witness: f1831 perpetual
Witness: fThomas perpetual
Witness: fMS perpetual


Reading Group: C18_app525_rg1

Witness: fMS astonishment

Reading Group: C18_app525_rg2

Witness: f1818 astonishment,
Witness: f1823 astonishment,
Witness: f1831 astonishment,
Witness: fThomas astonishment,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 he found his
Witness: f1823 he found his
Witness: f1831 he found his
Witness: fThomas he found his
Witness: fMS he found his


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 store always
Witness: f1823 store always
Witness: f1831 store always
Witness: fThomas store always
Witness: fMS store always


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 replenished by
Witness: f1823 replenished by
Witness: f1831 replenished by
Witness: fThomas replenished by
Witness: fMS replenished by


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 an invisible
Witness: f1823 an invisible
Witness: f1831 an invisible
Witness: fThomas an invisible
Witness: fMS an invisible


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 hand. In the
Witness: f1823 hand. In the
Witness: f1831 hand. In the
Witness: fThomas hand. In the
Witness: fMS hand. In the


Reading Group: C18_app531_rg1

Witness: fMS day

Reading Group: C18_app531_rg2

Witness: f1818 day,
Witness: f1823 day,
Witness: f1831 day,
Witness: fThomas day,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: fMS I


Reading Group: C18_app533_rg1

Witness: fMS believe

Reading Group: C18_app533_rg2

Witness: f1818 believe,
Witness: f1823 believe,
Witness: f1831 believe,
Witness: fThomas believe,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 he worked sometimes
Witness: f1823 he worked sometimes
Witness: f1831 he worked sometimes
Witness: fThomas he worked sometimes
Witness: fMS he worked sometimes


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 for a neighbouring farmer,
Witness: f1823 for a neighbouring farmer,
Witness: f1831 for a neighbouring farmer,
Witness: fThomas for a neighbouring farmer,
Witness: fMS for a neighbouring farmer,


Reading Group: C18_app536_rg1

Witness: fMS forbecause

Reading Group: C18_app536_rg2

Witness: f1818 because
Witness: f1823 because
Witness: f1831 because
Witness: fThomas because


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 he
Witness: f1823 he
Witness: f1831 he
Witness: fThomas he
Witness: fMS he


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 often went
Witness: f1823 often went
Witness: f1831 often went
Witness: fThomas often went
Witness: fMS often went


Reading Group: C18_app539_rg1

Witness: fMS outforth,

Reading Group: C18_app539_rg2

Witness: f1818 forth,
Witness: f1823 forth,
Witness: f1831 forth,
Witness: fThomas forth,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and did not return
Witness: f1823 and did not return
Witness: f1831 and did not return
Witness: fThomas and did not return
Witness: fMS and did not return


Reading Group: C18_app541_rg1

Witness: fMS untill

Reading Group: C18_app541_rg2

Witness: f1818 until
Witness: f1823 until
Witness: f1831 until
Witness: fThomas until


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 dinner, yet brought no wood
Witness: f1823 dinner, yet brought no wood
Witness: f1831 dinner, yet brought no wood
Witness: fThomas dinner, yet brought no wood
Witness: fMS dinner, yet brought no wood


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 with
Witness: f1823 with
Witness: f1831 with
Witness: fThomas with
Witness: fMS with


Reading Group: C18_app544_rg1

Witness: f1818 him.
Witness: f1823 him.
Witness: f1831 him.
Witness: fThomas him.

Reading Group: C18_app544_rg2

Witness: fMS him:–


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 At other times he worked
Witness: f1823 At other times he worked
Witness: f1831 At other times he worked
Witness: fThomas At other times he worked
Witness: fMS at other times he worked


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in the
Witness: f1823 in the
Witness: f1831 in the
Witness: fThomas in the
Witness: fMS in the


Reading Group: C18_app547_rg1

Witness: fMS garden but

Reading Group: C18_app547_rg2

Witness: f1818 garden; but,
Witness: f1823 garden; but,
Witness: f1831 garden; but,
Witness: fThomas garden; but,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 as there was little to do in the frosty
Witness: f1823 as there was little to do in the frosty
Witness: f1831 as there was little to do in the frosty
Witness: fThomas as there was little to do in the frosty
Witness: fMS as there was littele to do in the frosty


Reading Group: C18_app549_rg1

Witness: fMS season

Reading Group: C18_app549_rg2

Witness: f1818 season,
Witness: f1823 season,
Witness: f1831 season,
Witness: fThomas season,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 he
Witness: f1823 he
Witness: f1831 he
Witness: fThomas he
Witness: fMS he


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS often


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 read to the old man and
Witness: f1823 read to the old man and
Witness: f1831 read to the old man and
Witness: fThomas read to the old man and
Witness: fMS read to the old man and


Reading Group: C18_app553_rg1

Witness: fMS Agatha. This

Reading Group: C18_app553_rg2

Witness: f1818 Agatha.<p/><p/>“This
Witness: f1823 Agatha.<p/><p/>“This
Witness: f1831 Agatha.<p/><p/>“This
Witness: fThomas Agatha.<p/><p/>“This


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 reading had puzzled me extremely
Witness: f1823 reading had puzzled me extremely
Witness: f1831 reading had puzzled me extremely
Witness: fThomas reading had puzzled me extremely
Witness: fMS reading had puzzled me extremely


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 at
Witness: f1823 at
Witness: f1831 at
Witness: fThomas at
Witness: fMS at


Reading Group: C18_app556_rg1

Witness: fMS first – but

Reading Group: C18_app556_rg2

Witness: f1818 first; but,
Witness: f1823 first; but,
Witness: f1831 first; but,
Witness: fThomas first; but,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 by
Witness: f1823 by
Witness: f1831 by
Witness: fThomas by
Witness: fMS by


Reading Group: C18_app558_rg1

Witness: fMS degrees

Reading Group: C18_app558_rg2

Witness: f1818 degrees,
Witness: f1823 degrees,
Witness: f1831 degrees,
Witness: fThomas degrees,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I discovered
Witness: f1823 I discovered
Witness: f1831 I discovered
Witness: fThomas I discovered
Witness: fMS I discovered


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that he uttered many of the same
Witness: f1823 that he uttered many of the same
Witness: f1831 that he uttered many of the same
Witness: fThomas that he uttered many of the same
Witness: fMS that he uttered many of the same


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 sounds when he
Witness: f1823 sounds when he
Witness: f1831 sounds when he
Witness: fThomas sounds when he
Witness: fMS sounds when he


Reading Group: C18_app562_rg1

Witness: f1818 read
Witness: fThomas read
Witness: fMS read

Reading Group: C18_app562_rg2

Witness: f1823 read,
Witness: f1831 read,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 as when he
Witness: f1823 as when he
Witness: f1831 as when he
Witness: fThomas as when he
Witness: fMS as when he


Reading Group: C18_app564_rg1

Witness: f1818 talked.
Witness: f1823 talked.
Witness: f1831 talked.
Witness: fThomas talked.

Reading Group: C18_app564_rg2

Witness: fMS talked;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: fMS I


Reading Group: C18_app566_rg1

Witness: fMS conjectured their therefore

Reading Group: C18_app566_rg2

Witness: f1818 conjectured, therefore,
Witness: f1823 conjectured, therefore,
Witness: f1831 conjectured, therefore,
Witness: fThomas conjectured, therefore,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that he
Witness: f1823 that he
Witness: f1831 that he
Witness: fThomas that he
Witness: fMS that he


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 found on the paper signs for speech
Witness: f1823 found on the paper signs for speech
Witness: f1831 found on the paper signs for speech
Witness: fThomas found on the paper signs for speech
Witness: fMS found on the paper signs for speech


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 which he
Witness: f1823 which he
Witness: f1831 which he
Witness: fThomas which he
Witness: fMS which he


Reading Group: C18_app570_rg1

Witness: fMS understood

Reading Group: C18_app570_rg2

Witness: f1818 understood,
Witness: f1823 understood,
Witness: f1831 understood,
Witness: fThomas understood,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and I ardently longed
Witness: f1823 and I ardently longed
Witness: f1831 and I ardently longed
Witness: fThomas and I ardently longed
Witness: fMS and I ardently longed


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to
Witness: f1823 to
Witness: f1831 to
Witness: fThomas to
Witness: fMS to


Reading Group: C18_app573_rg1

Witness: fMS understand<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>comprehend

Reading Group: C18_app573_rg2

Witness: f1818 comprehend
Witness: f1823 comprehend
Witness: f1831 comprehend
Witness: fThomas comprehend


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 these
Witness: f1823 these
Witness: f1831 these
Witness: fThomas these
Witness: fMS these


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS b


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 also;
Witness: f1823 also;
Witness: f1831 also;
Witness: fThomas also;
Witness: fMS also;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but how was that possible, when I did not even understand the sounds for which they stood as signs? I improved, however, sensibly in this science, but not sufficiently to follow up any kind of conversation, although I applied my whole mind to the endeavour: for I easily perceived that, although I eagerly longed to discover myself to the cottagers, I ought not to make the attempt until I had first become master of their language; which knowledge might enable me to make them overlook the deformity of my figure; for with this also the contrast perpetually presented to my eyes had made me acquainted.<p/><p/>“I had admired the perfect forms of my cottagers—their grace, beauty, and delicate complexions:
Witness: f1823 but how was that possible, when I did not even understand the sounds for which they stood as signs? I improved, however, sensibly in this science, but not sufficiently to follow up any kind of conversation, although I applied my whole mind to the endeavour: for I easily perceived that, although I eagerly longed to discover myself to the cottagers, I ought not to make the attempt until I had first become master of their language; which knowledge might enable me to make them overlook the deformity of my figure; for with this also the contrast perpetually presented to my eyes had made me acquainted.<p/><p/>“I had admired the perfect forms of my cottagers—their grace, beauty, and delicate complexions:
Witness: f1831 but how was that possible, when I did not even understand the sounds for which they stood as signs? I improved, however, sensibly in this science, but not sufficiently to follow up any kind of conversation, although I applied my whole mind to the endeavour: for I easily perceived that, although I eagerly longed to discover myself to the cottagers, I ought not to make the attempt until I had first become master of their language; which knowledge might enable me to make them overlook the deformity of my figure; for with this also the contrast perpetually presented to my eyes had made me acquainted.<p/><p/>“I had admired the perfect forms of my cottagers—their grace, beauty, and delicate complexions:
Witness: fThomas but how was that possible, when I did not even understand the sounds for which they stood as signs? I improved, however, sensibly in this science, but not sufficiently to follow up any kind of conversation, although I applied my whole mind to the endeavour: for I easily perceived that, although I eagerly longed to discover myself to the cottagers, I ought not to make the attempt until I had first become master of their language; which knowledge might enable me to make them overlook the deformity of my figure; for with this also the contrast perpetually presented to my eyes had made me acquainted.<p/><p/>“I had admired the perfect forms of my cottagers—their grace, beauty, and delicate complexions:


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but how
Witness: f1823 but how
Witness: f1831 but how
Witness: fThomas but how
Witness: fMS but how


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was I terrified, when I viewed myself in a transparent pool! At first I started back, unable to believe that it was indeed I who was reflected in the mirror; and when I became fully convinced that I was in reality the monster that I am, I was filled with the bitterest sensations of despondence and mortification. Alas! I did not yet entirely know the fatal effects of this miserable deformity.<p/><p/>“As the sun became warmer, and the light of day longer, the snow vanished, and I beheld the bare trees and the black earth. From this time Felix was more
Witness: f1823 was I terrified, when I viewed myself in a transparent pool! At first I started back, unable to believe that it was indeed I who was reflected in the mirror; and when I became fully convinced that I was in reality the monster that I am, I was filled with the bitterest sensations of despondence and mortification. Alas! I did not yet entirely know the fatal effects of this miserable deformity.<p/><p/>“As the sun became warmer, and the light of day longer, the snow vanished, and I beheld the bare trees and the black earth. From this time Felix was more
Witness: f1831 was I terrified, when I viewed myself in a transparent pool! At first I started back, unable to believe that it was indeed I who was reflected in the mirror; and when I became fully convinced that I was in reality the monster that I am, I was filled with the bitterest sensations of despondence and mortification. Alas! I did not yet entirely know the fatal effects of this miserable deformity.<p/><p/>“As the sun became warmer, and the light of day longer, the snow vanished, and I beheld the bare trees and the black earth. From this time Felix was more
Witness: fThomas was I terrified, when I viewed myself in a transparent pool! At first I started back, unable to believe that it was indeed I who was reflected in the mirror; and when I became fully convinced that I was in reality the monster that I am, I was filled with the bitterest sensations of despondence and mortification. Alas! I did not yet entirely know the fatal effects of this miserable deformity.<p/><p/>“As the sun became warmer, and the light of day longer, the snow vanished, and I beheld the bare trees and the black earth. From this time Felix was more


Reading Group: C18_app580_rg1

Witness: f1823 employed:

Reading Group: C18_app580_rg2

Witness: f1818 employed;
Witness: f1831 employed;
Witness: fThomas employed;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and the heart-moving indications of impending famine disappeared. Their food, as I afterwards found, was coarse, but it was wholesome; and they procured a sufficiency of it. Several new kinds of plants sprung up in the garden, which they dressed; and these signs of comfort increased daily as the season advanced.<p/><p/>“The old man, leaning on his son, walked each day at noon, when it did not rain, as I found it was called when the heavens poured forth its waters. This frequently took place; but a high wind quickly dried the earth, and the season became far more pleasant than it had been.<p/><p/>“My mode of life in my hovel was uniform. During the
Witness: f1823 and the heart-moving indications of impending famine disappeared. Their food, as I afterwards found, was coarse, but it was wholesome; and they procured a sufficiency of it. Several new kinds of plants sprung up in the garden, which they dressed; and these signs of comfort increased daily as the season advanced.<p/><p/>“The old man, leaning on his son, walked each day at noon, when it did not rain, as I found it was called when the heavens poured forth its waters. This frequently took place; but a high wind quickly dried the earth, and the season became far more pleasant than it had been.<p/><p/>“My mode of life in my hovel was uniform. During the
Witness: f1831 and the heart-moving indications of impending famine disappeared. Their food, as I afterwards found, was coarse, but it was wholesome; and they procured a sufficiency of it. Several new kinds of plants sprung up in the garden, which they dressed; and these signs of comfort increased daily as the season advanced.<p/><p/>“The old man, leaning on his son, walked each day at noon, when it did not rain, as I found it was called when the heavens poured forth its waters. This frequently took place; but a high wind quickly dried the earth, and the season became far more pleasant than it had been.<p/><p/>“My mode of life in my hovel was uniform. During the
Witness: fThomas and the heart-moving indications of impending famine disappeared. Their food, as I afterwards found, was coarse, but it was wholesome; and they procured a sufficiency of it. Several new kinds of plants sprung up in the garden, which they dressed; and these signs of comfort increased daily as the season advanced.<p/><p/>“The old man, leaning on his son, walked each day at noon, when it did not rain, as I found it was called when the heavens poured forth its waters. This frequently took place; but a high wind quickly dried the earth, and the season became far more pleasant than it had been.<p/><p/>“My mode of life in my hovel was uniform. During the


Reading Group: C18_app582_rg1

Witness: f1818 morning
Witness: f1823 morning
Witness: fThomas morning

Reading Group: C18_app582_rg2

Witness: f1831 morning,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I attended the motions of the cottagers; and when they were dispersed in various occupations, I slept: the remainder of the day was spent in observing my friends. When they had retired to rest, if there was any moon, or the night was star-light, I went into the woods, and collected my own food and fuel for the cottage. When I returned, as often as it was necessary, I cleared their path from the snow, and performed those offices that I had seen done by Felix. I afterwards found that these labours, performed by an invisible hand, greatly astonished them; and once or twice I heard them, on these occasions, utter the words <hi/>good spirit<hi/>, <hi/>wonderful<hi/>; but I did not then understand the signification of these terms.<p/><p/>“My thoughts now became more active, and I longed to discover the motives and feelings of these lovely creatures; I was inquisitive to know why Felix appeared so miserable, and Agatha so sad. I thought (foolish wretch!) that it might be in my power to restore happiness to these deserving people. When I slept, or was absent, the forms of the venerable blind father, the gentle Agatha, and the excellent Felix, flitted before me. I looked upon them as superior beings, who would be the arbiters of my future destiny. I formed in my imagination a thousand pictures of presenting myself to them, and their reception of me. I imagined that they would be disgusted, until, by my gentle demeanour and conciliating words, I should first win their favour, and afterwards their love.<p/><p/>“These thoughts exhilarated me, and led me to apply with fresh ardour to the acquiring the art of language. My organs were indeed harsh, but supple; and although my voice was very unlike the soft music of their tones, yet I pronounced such words as I understood with tolerable ease. It was as the ass and the lap-dog; yet surely the gentle
Witness: f1823 I attended the motions of the cottagers; and when they were dispersed in various occupations, I slept: the remainder of the day was spent in observing my friends. When they had retired to rest, if there was any moon, or the night was star-light, I went into the woods, and collected my own food and fuel for the cottage. When I returned, as often as it was necessary, I cleared their path from the snow, and performed those offices that I had seen done by Felix. I afterwards found that these labours, performed by an invisible hand, greatly astonished them; and once or twice I heard them, on these occasions, utter the words <hi/>good spirit<hi/>, <hi/>wonderful<hi/>; but I did not then understand the signification of these terms.<p/><p/>“My thoughts now became more active, and I longed to discover the motives and feelings of these lovely creatures; I was inquisitive to know why Felix appeared so miserable, and Agatha so sad. I thought (foolish wretch!) that it might be in my power to restore happiness to these deserving people. When I slept, or was absent, the forms of the venerable blind father, the gentle Agatha, and the excellent Felix, flitted before me. I looked upon them as superior beings, who would be the arbiters of my future destiny. I formed in my imagination a thousand pictures of presenting myself to them, and their reception of me. I imagined that they would be disgusted, until, by my gentle demeanour and conciliating words, I should first win their favour, and afterwards their love.<p/><p/>“These thoughts exhilarated me, and led me to apply with fresh ardour to the acquiring the art of language. My organs were indeed harsh, but supple; and although my voice was very unlike the soft music of their tones, yet I pronounced such words as I understood with tolerable ease. It was as the ass and the lap-dog; yet surely the gentle
Witness: f1831 I attended the motions of the cottagers; and when they were dispersed in various occupations, I slept: the remainder of the day was spent in observing my friends. When they had retired to rest, if there was any moon, or the night was star-light, I went into the woods, and collected my own food and fuel for the cottage. When I returned, as often as it was necessary, I cleared their path from the snow, and performed those offices that I had seen done by Felix. I afterwards found that these labours, performed by an invisible hand, greatly astonished them; and once or twice I heard them, on these occasions, utter the words <hi/>good spirit<hi/>, <hi/>wonderful<hi/>; but I did not then understand the signification of these terms.<p/><p/>“My thoughts now became more active, and I longed to discover the motives and feelings of these lovely creatures; I was inquisitive to know why Felix appeared so miserable, and Agatha so sad. I thought (foolish wretch!) that it might be in my power to restore happiness to these deserving people. When I slept, or was absent, the forms of the venerable blind father, the gentle Agatha, and the excellent Felix, flitted before me. I looked upon them as superior beings, who would be the arbiters of my future destiny. I formed in my imagination a thousand pictures of presenting myself to them, and their reception of me. I imagined that they would be disgusted, until, by my gentle demeanour and conciliating words, I should first win their favour, and afterwards their love.<p/><p/>“These thoughts exhilarated me, and led me to apply with fresh ardour to the acquiring the art of language. My organs were indeed harsh, but supple; and although my voice was very unlike the soft music of their tones, yet I pronounced such words as I understood with tolerable ease. It was as the ass and the lap-dog; yet surely the gentle
Witness: fThomas I attended the motions of the cottagers; and when they were dispersed in various occupations, I slept: the remainder of the day was spent in observing my friends. When they had retired to rest, if there was any moon, or the night was star-light, I went into the woods, and collected my own food and fuel for the cottage. When I returned, as often as it was necessary, I cleared their path from the snow, and performed those offices that I had seen done by Felix. I afterwards found that these labours, performed by an invisible hand, greatly astonished them; and once or twice I heard them, on these occasions, utter the words <hi/>good spirit<hi/>, <hi/>wonderful<hi/>; but I did not then understand the signification of these terms.<p/><p/>“My thoughts now became more active, and I longed to discover the motives and feelings of these lovely creatures; I was inquisitive to know why Felix appeared so miserable, and Agatha so sad. I thought (foolish wretch!) that it might be in my power to restore happiness to these deserving people. When I slept, or was absent, the forms of the venerable blind father, the gentle Agatha, and the excellent Felix, flitted before me. I looked upon them as superior beings, who would be the arbiters of my future destiny. I formed in my imagination a thousand pictures of presenting myself to them, and their reception of me. I imagined that they would be disgusted, until, by my gentle demeanour and conciliating words, I should first win their favour, and afterwards their love.<p/><p/>“These thoughts exhilarated me, and led me to apply with fresh ardour to the acquiring the art of language. My organs were indeed harsh, but supple; and although my voice was very unlike the soft music of their tones, yet I pronounced such words as I understood with tolerable ease. It was as the ass and the lap-dog; yet surely the gentle


Reading Group: C18_app584_rg1

Witness: f1831 ass

Reading Group: C18_app584_rg2

Witness: f1818 ass,
Witness: f1823 ass,
Witness: fThomas ass,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 whose intentions were affectionate, although his manners were rude, deserved better treatment than blows and execration.<p/><p/>“The pleasant showers and genial warmth of spring greatly altered the aspect of the earth. Men, who
Witness: f1823 whose intentions were affectionate, although his manners were rude, deserved better treatment than blows and execration.<p/><p/>“The pleasant showers and genial warmth of spring greatly altered the aspect of the earth. Men, who
Witness: f1831 whose intentions were affectionate, although his manners were rude, deserved better treatment than blows and execration.<p/><p/>“The pleasant showers and genial warmth of spring greatly altered the aspect of the earth. Men, who
Witness: fThomas whose intentions were affectionate, although his manners were rude, deserved better treatment than blows and execration.<p/><p/>“The pleasant showers and genial warmth of spring greatly altered the aspect of the earth. Men, who


Reading Group: C18_app586_rg1

Witness: f1818 before
Witness: f1831 before
Witness: fThomas before

Reading Group: C18_app586_rg2

Witness: f1823 bfore


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 this change seemed to have been hid in caves, dispersed themselves, and were employed in various arts of cultivation. The birds sang in more cheerful notes, and the leaves began to bud forth on the trees. Happy, happy earth! fit habitation for gods, which, so short a time before, was bleak, damp, and unwholesome. My spirits were elevated by the enchanting appearance of nature; the past was blotted from my memory, the present
Witness: f1823 this change seemed to have been hid in caves, dispersed themselves, and were employed in various arts of cultivation. The birds sang in more cheerful notes, and the leaves began to bud forth on the trees. Happy, happy earth! fit habitation for gods, which, so short a time before, was bleak, damp, and unwholesome. My spirits were elevated by the enchanting appearance of nature; the past was blotted from my memory, the present
Witness: f1831 this change seemed to have been hid in caves, dispersed themselves, and were employed in various arts of cultivation. The birds sang in more cheerful notes, and the leaves began to bud forth on the trees. Happy, happy earth! fit habitation for gods, which, so short a time before, was bleak, damp, and unwholesome. My spirits were elevated by the enchanting appearance of nature; the past was blotted from my memory, the present
Witness: fThomas this change seemed to have been hid in caves, dispersed themselves, and were employed in various arts of cultivation. The birds sang in more cheerful notes, and the leaves began to bud forth on the trees. Happy, happy earth! fit habitation for gods, which, so short a time before, was bleak, damp, and unwholesome. My spirits were elevated by the enchanting appearance of nature; the past was blotted from my memory, the present


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was
Witness: f1823 was
Witness: f1831 was
Witness: fThomas was
Witness: fMS was


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 tranquil, and the future gilded by bright rays of hope, and anticipations
Witness: f1823 tranquil, and the future gilded by bright rays of hope, and anticipations
Witness: f1831 tranquil, and the future gilded by bright rays of hope, and anticipations
Witness: fThomas tranquil, and the future gilded by bright rays of hope, and anticipations


Unified Readings

Witness: f1823 of joy.”<p/><head/><hi/>END


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of
Witness: f1823 OF
Witness: f1831 of
Witness: fThomas of


Reading Group: C18_app592_rg1

Witness: f1831 joy.” <p/>

Reading Group: C18_app592_rg2

Witness: f1818 joy.<p/>
Witness: fThomas joy.<p/>

Reading Group: C18_app592_rg3

Witness: f1823 VOL. I.<hi/><head/>


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 <head/>CHAPTER
Witness: f1823 <head/>CHAPTER
Witness: f1831 <head/>CHAPTER
Witness: fThomas <head/>CHAPTER


Reading Group: C19_app2_rg1

Witness: f1823 I.<head/><p/>“I

Reading Group: C19_app2_rg2

Witness: f1818 V.<head/><p/> “I
Witness: fThomas V.<head/><p/> “I

Reading Group: C19_app2_rg3

Witness: f1831 XIII.<head/><p/>“I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 <hi/>NOW<hi/> hasten to the more moving part of my story. I shall relate
Witness: f1823 <hi/>NOW<hi/> hasten to the more moving part of my story. I shall relate
Witness: f1831 <hi/>NOW<hi/> hasten to the more moving part of my story. I shall relate
Witness: fThomas <hi/>NOW<hi/> hasten to the more moving part of my story. I shall relate


Reading Group: C19_app4_rg1

Witness: f1818 events
Witness: fThomas events

Reading Group: C19_app4_rg2

Witness: f1823 events,
Witness: f1831 events,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that impressed me with feelings which, from what I
Witness: f1823 that impressed me with feelings which, from what I
Witness: f1831 that impressed me with feelings which, from what I
Witness: fThomas that impressed me with feelings which, from what I


Reading Group: C19_app6_rg1

Witness: f1823 had been,
Witness: f1831 had been,

Reading Group: C19_app6_rg2

Witness: f1818 was,
Witness: fThomas was,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 have made me what I am.<p/><p/>“Spring advanced rapidly; the weather became fine, and the skies cloudless. It surprised me, that what before was desert and gloomy should now bloom with the most beautiful flowers and verdure. My senses were gratified and refreshed by a thousand scents of delight, and a thousand sights of beauty.<p/><p/>“It was on one of these days, when my cottagers periodically rested from labour—the old man played on his guitar, and the children listened to
Witness: f1823 have made me what I am.<p/><p/>“Spring advanced rapidly; the weather became fine, and the skies cloudless. It surprised me, that what before was desert and gloomy should now bloom with the most beautiful flowers and verdure. My senses were gratified and refreshed by a thousand scents of delight, and a thousand sights of beauty.<p/><p/>“It was on one of these days, when my cottagers periodically rested from labour—the old man played on his guitar, and the children listened to
Witness: f1831 have made me what I am.<p/><p/>“Spring advanced rapidly; the weather became fine, and the skies cloudless. It surprised me, that what before was desert and gloomy should now bloom with the most beautiful flowers and verdure. My senses were gratified and refreshed by a thousand scents of delight, and a thousand sights of beauty.<p/><p/>“It was on one of these days, when my cottagers periodically rested from labour—the old man played on his guitar, and the children listened to
Witness: fThomas have made me what I am.<p/><p/>“Spring advanced rapidly; the weather became fine, and the skies cloudless. It surprised me, that what before was desert and gloomy should now bloom with the most beautiful flowers and verdure. My senses were gratified and refreshed by a thousand scents of delight, and a thousand sights of beauty.<p/><p/>“It was on one of these days, when my cottagers periodically rested from labour—the old man played on his guitar, and the children listened to


Reading Group: C19_app8_rg1

Witness: f1818 him—I
Witness: fThomas him—I

Reading Group: C19_app8_rg2

Witness: f1823 him—that I
Witness: f1831 him—that I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 observed
Witness: f1823 observed
Witness: f1831 observed
Witness: fThomas observed


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that
Witness: fThomas that


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the countenance of Felix was melancholy beyond expression; he sighed frequently; and once his father paused in his music, and I conjectured by his manner that he
Witness: f1823 the countenance of Felix was melancholy beyond expression; he sighed frequently; and once his father paused in his music, and I conjectured by his manner that he
Witness: f1831 the countenance of Felix was melancholy beyond expression; he sighed frequently; and once his father paused in his music, and I conjectured by his manner that he
Witness: fThomas the countenance of Felix was melancholy beyond expression; he sighed frequently; and once his father paused in his music, and I conjectured by his manner that he


Reading Group: C19_app12_rg1

Witness: f1831 enquired

Reading Group: C19_app12_rg2

Witness: f1818 inquired
Witness: f1823 inquired
Witness: fThomas inquired


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the cause of his son’s sorrow. Felix replied in a cheerful accent, and the old man was recommencing his music, when some one tapped at the door.<p/><p/>“It was a lady on horseback, accompanied by a countryman as a guide. The lady was dressed in a dark suit, and covered with a thick black veil. Agatha asked a question; to which the stranger only replied by pronouncing, in a sweet accent, the name of Felix. Her voice was musical, but unlike that of either of my friends. On hearing this word, Felix came up hastily to the lady; who, when she saw him, threw up her veil, and I beheld a countenance of angelic beauty and expression. Her hair of a shining raven black, and curiously braided; her eyes were dark, but gentle, although animated; her features of a regular proportion, and her complexion wondrously fair, each cheek tinged with a lovely pink.<p/><p/>“Felix seemed ravished with delight when he saw her, every trait of sorrow vanished from his face, and it instantly expressed a degree of ecstatic joy, of which I could hardly have believed it capable; his eyes sparkled, as his cheek flushed with pleasure; and at that moment I thought him as beautiful as the stranger. She appeared affected by different feelings; wiping a few tears from her lovely eyes, she held out her hand to Felix, who kissed it rapturously, and called her, as well as I could distinguish, his sweet Arabian. She did not appear to understand him, but smiled. He assisted her to dismount,
Witness: f1823 the cause of his son’s sorrow. Felix replied in a cheerful accent, and the old man was recommencing his music, when some one tapped at the door.<p/><p/>“It was a lady on horseback, accompanied by a countryman as a guide. The lady was dressed in a dark suit, and covered with a thick black veil. Agatha asked a question; to which the stranger only replied by pronouncing, in a sweet accent, the name of Felix. Her voice was musical, but unlike that of either of my friends. On hearing this word, Felix came up hastily to the lady; who, when she saw him, threw up her veil, and I beheld a countenance of angelic beauty and expression. Her hair of a shining raven black, and curiously braided; her eyes were dark, but gentle, although animated; her features of a regular proportion, and her complexion wondrously fair, each cheek tinged with a lovely pink.<p/><p/>“Felix seemed ravished with delight when he saw her, every trait of sorrow vanished from his face, and it instantly expressed a degree of ecstatic joy, of which I could hardly have believed it capable; his eyes sparkled, as his cheek flushed with pleasure; and at that moment I thought him as beautiful as the stranger. She appeared affected by different feelings; wiping a few tears from her lovely eyes, she held out her hand to Felix, who kissed it rapturously, and called her, as well as I could distinguish, his sweet Arabian. She did not appear to understand him, but smiled. He assisted her to dismount,
Witness: f1831 the cause of his son’s sorrow. Felix replied in a cheerful accent, and the old man was recommencing his music, when some one tapped at the door.<p/><p/>“It was a lady on horseback, accompanied by a countryman as a guide. The lady was dressed in a dark suit, and covered with a thick black veil. Agatha asked a question; to which the stranger only replied by pronouncing, in a sweet accent, the name of Felix. Her voice was musical, but unlike that of either of my friends. On hearing this word, Felix came up hastily to the lady; who, when she saw him, threw up her veil, and I beheld a countenance of angelic beauty and expression. Her hair of a shining raven black, and curiously braided; her eyes were dark, but gentle, although animated; her features of a regular proportion, and her complexion wondrously fair, each cheek tinged with a lovely pink.<p/><p/>“Felix seemed ravished with delight when he saw her, every trait of sorrow vanished from his face, and it instantly expressed a degree of ecstatic joy, of which I could hardly have believed it capable; his eyes sparkled, as his cheek flushed with pleasure; and at that moment I thought him as beautiful as the stranger. She appeared affected by different feelings; wiping a few tears from her lovely eyes, she held out her hand to Felix, who kissed it rapturously, and called her, as well as I could distinguish, his sweet Arabian. She did not appear to understand him, but smiled. He assisted her to dismount,
Witness: fThomas the cause of his son’s sorrow. Felix replied in a cheerful accent, and the old man was recommencing his music, when some one tapped at the door.<p/><p/>“It was a lady on horseback, accompanied by a countryman as a guide. The lady was dressed in a dark suit, and covered with a thick black veil. Agatha asked a question; to which the stranger only replied by pronouncing, in a sweet accent, the name of Felix. Her voice was musical, but unlike that of either of my friends. On hearing this word, Felix came up hastily to the lady; who, when she saw him, threw up her veil, and I beheld a countenance of angelic beauty and expression. Her hair of a shining raven black, and curiously braided; her eyes were dark, but gentle, although animated; her features of a regular proportion, and her complexion wondrously fair, each cheek tinged with a lovely pink.<p/><p/>“Felix seemed ravished with delight when he saw her, every trait of sorrow vanished from his face, and it instantly expressed a degree of ecstatic joy, of which I could hardly have believed it capable; his eyes sparkled, as his cheek flushed with pleasure; and at that moment I thought him as beautiful as the stranger. She appeared affected by different feelings; wiping a few tears from her lovely eyes, she held out her hand to Felix, who kissed it rapturously, and called her, as well as I could distinguish, his sweet Arabian. She did not appear to understand him, but smiled. He assisted her to dismount,


Reading Group: C19_app14_rg1

Witness: f1823 and
Witness: f1831 and

Reading Group: C19_app14_rg2

Witness: f1818 and,
Witness: fThomas and,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 dismissing her guide, conducted her into the cottage. Some conversation took place between him and his father; and the young stranger knelt at the old man’s feet, and would have kissed his hand, but he raised her, and embraced her affectionately.<p/><p/>“I soon perceived, that although the stranger uttered articulate sounds, and appeared to have a language of her own, she was neither understood by,
Witness: f1823 dismissing her guide, conducted her into the cottage. Some conversation took place between him and his father; and the young stranger knelt at the old man’s feet, and would have kissed his hand, but he raised her, and embraced her affectionately.<p/><p/>“I soon perceived, that although the stranger uttered articulate sounds, and appeared to have a language of her own, she was neither understood by,
Witness: f1831 dismissing her guide, conducted her into the cottage. Some conversation took place between him and his father; and the young stranger knelt at the old man’s feet, and would have kissed his hand, but he raised her, and embraced her affectionately.<p/><p/>“I soon perceived, that although the stranger uttered articulate sounds, and appeared to have a language of her own, she was neither understood by,
Witness: fThomas dismissing her guide, conducted her into the cottage. Some conversation took place between him and his father; and the young stranger knelt at the old man’s feet, and would have kissed his hand, but he raised her, and embraced her affectionately.<p/><p/>“I soon perceived, that although the stranger uttered articulate sounds, and appeared to have a language of her own, she was neither understood by,


Reading Group: C19_app16_rg1

Witness: f1823 nor
Witness: f1831 nor

Reading Group: C19_app16_rg2

Witness: f1818 or
Witness: fThomas or


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 herself understood, the cottagers. They made many signs which I did not comprehend; but I saw that her presence diffused gladness through the cottage, dispelling their sorrow as the sun dissipates the morning mists. Felix seemed peculiarly happy, and with smiles of delight welcomed his Arabian. Agatha, the ever-gentle Agatha, kissed the hands of the lovely stranger; and, pointing to her brother, made signs which appeared to me to mean that he had been sorrowful until she came. Some hours passed thus, while they, by their countenances, expressed joy, the cause of which I did not comprehend. Presently I found, by the frequent recurrence of
Witness: f1823 herself understood, the cottagers. They made many signs which I did not comprehend; but I saw that her presence diffused gladness through the cottage, dispelling their sorrow as the sun dissipates the morning mists. Felix seemed peculiarly happy, and with smiles of delight welcomed his Arabian. Agatha, the ever-gentle Agatha, kissed the hands of the lovely stranger; and, pointing to her brother, made signs which appeared to me to mean that he had been sorrowful until she came. Some hours passed thus, while they, by their countenances, expressed joy, the cause of which I did not comprehend. Presently I found, by the frequent recurrence of
Witness: f1831 herself understood, the cottagers. They made many signs which I did not comprehend; but I saw that her presence diffused gladness through the cottage, dispelling their sorrow as the sun dissipates the morning mists. Felix seemed peculiarly happy, and with smiles of delight welcomed his Arabian. Agatha, the ever-gentle Agatha, kissed the hands of the lovely stranger; and, pointing to her brother, made signs which appeared to me to mean that he had been sorrowful until she came. Some hours passed thus, while they, by their countenances, expressed joy, the cause of which I did not comprehend. Presently I found, by the frequent recurrence of
Witness: fThomas herself understood, the cottagers. They made many signs which I did not comprehend; but I saw that her presence diffused gladness through the cottage, dispelling their sorrow as the sun dissipates the morning mists. Felix seemed peculiarly happy, and with smiles of delight welcomed his Arabian. Agatha, the ever-gentle Agatha, kissed the hands of the lovely stranger; and, pointing to her brother, made signs which appeared to me to mean that he had been sorrowful until she came. Some hours passed thus, while they, by their countenances, expressed joy, the cause of which I did not comprehend. Presently I found, by the frequent recurrence of


Reading Group: C19_app18_rg1

Witness: f1818 one
Witness: fThomas one

Reading Group: C19_app18_rg2

Witness: f1823 some
Witness: f1831 some


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 sound which the stranger repeated after them, that she was endeavouring to learn their language; and the idea instantly occurred to me, that I should make use of the same instructions to the same end. The stranger learned about twenty words at the first lesson, most of
Witness: f1823 sound which the stranger repeated after them, that she was endeavouring to learn their language; and the idea instantly occurred to me, that I should make use of the same instructions to the same end. The stranger learned about twenty words at the first lesson, most of
Witness: f1831 sound which the stranger repeated after them, that she was endeavouring to learn their language; and the idea instantly occurred to me, that I should make use of the same instructions to the same end. The stranger learned about twenty words at the first lesson, most of
Witness: fThomas sound which the stranger repeated after them, that she was endeavouring to learn their language; and the idea instantly occurred to me, that I should make use of the same instructions to the same end. The stranger learned about twenty words at the first lesson, most of


Reading Group: C19_app20_rg1

Witness: f1818 them indeed
Witness: fThomas them indeed

Reading Group: C19_app20_rg2

Witness: f1823 them, indeed,
Witness: f1831 them, indeed,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 were those which I had before understood, but I profited by the others.<p/><p/>“As night came on, Agatha and the Arabian retired early. When they separated, Felix kissed the hand of the stranger, and said, ‘Good night, sweet Safie.’ He sat up much longer, conversing with his father; and, by the frequent repetition of her name, I conjectured that their lovely guest was the subject of their conversation. I ardently desired to understand them, and bent every faculty towards that purpose, but found it utterly impossible.<p/><p/>“The next morning Felix went out to his work; and, after the usual occupations of Agatha were finished, the Arabian sat at the feet of the old man, and, taking his guitar, played some airs so entrancingly beautiful, that they at once drew tears of sorrow and delight from my eyes. She sang, and her voice flowed in a rich cadence, swelling or dying away, like a nightingale of the woods.<p/><p/>“When she had finished, she gave the guitar to Agatha, who at first declined it. She played a simple air, and her voice accompanied it in sweet accents, but unlike the wondrous strain of the stranger. The old man appeared enraptured, and said some words, which Agatha endeavoured to explain to Safie, and by which he appeared to wish to express that she bestowed on him the greatest delight by her music.<p/><p/>“The days now passed as peaceably as before, with the sole alteration, that joy had taken place of sadness in the countenances of my friends. Safie was always gay and happy; she and I improved rapidly in the knowledge of language, so that in two months I began to comprehend most of the words uttered by my protectors.<p/><p/>“In the meanwhile also the black ground was covered with herbage, and the green banks interspersed with innumerable flowers, sweet to the scent and the eyes, stars of pale radiance among the moonlight woods; the sun became warmer, the nights clear and balmy; and my nocturnal rambles were an extreme pleasure to me, although they were considerably shortened by the late setting and early rising of the sun; for I never ventured abroad during daylight, fearful of meeting with the same treatment
Witness: f1823 were those which I had before understood, but I profited by the others.<p/><p/>“As night came on, Agatha and the Arabian retired early. When they separated, Felix kissed the hand of the stranger, and said, ‘Good night, sweet Safie.’ He sat up much longer, conversing with his father; and, by the frequent repetition of her name, I conjectured that their lovely guest was the subject of their conversation. I ardently desired to understand them, and bent every faculty towards that purpose, but found it utterly impossible.<p/><p/>“The next morning Felix went out to his work; and, after the usual occupations of Agatha were finished, the Arabian sat at the feet of the old man, and, taking his guitar, played some airs so entrancingly beautiful, that they at once drew tears of sorrow and delight from my eyes. She sang, and her voice flowed in a rich cadence, swelling or dying away, like a nightingale of the woods.<p/><p/>“When she had finished, she gave the guitar to Agatha, who at first declined it. She played a simple air, and her voice accompanied it in sweet accents, but unlike the wondrous strain of the stranger. The old man appeared enraptured, and said some words, which Agatha endeavoured to explain to Safie, and by which he appeared to wish to express that she bestowed on him the greatest delight by her music.<p/><p/>“The days now passed as peaceably as before, with the sole alteration, that joy had taken place of sadness in the countenances of my friends. Safie was always gay and happy; she and I improved rapidly in the knowledge of language, so that in two months I began to comprehend most of the words uttered by my protectors.<p/><p/>“In the meanwhile also the black ground was covered with herbage, and the green banks interspersed with innumerable flowers, sweet to the scent and the eyes, stars of pale radiance among the moonlight woods; the sun became warmer, the nights clear and balmy; and my nocturnal rambles were an extreme pleasure to me, although they were considerably shortened by the late setting and early rising of the sun; for I never ventured abroad during daylight, fearful of meeting with the same treatment
Witness: f1831 were those which I had before understood, but I profited by the others.<p/><p/>“As night came on, Agatha and the Arabian retired early. When they separated, Felix kissed the hand of the stranger, and said, ‘Good night, sweet Safie.’ He sat up much longer, conversing with his father; and, by the frequent repetition of her name, I conjectured that their lovely guest was the subject of their conversation. I ardently desired to understand them, and bent every faculty towards that purpose, but found it utterly impossible.<p/><p/>“The next morning Felix went out to his work; and, after the usual occupations of Agatha were finished, the Arabian sat at the feet of the old man, and, taking his guitar, played some airs so entrancingly beautiful, that they at once drew tears of sorrow and delight from my eyes. She sang, and her voice flowed in a rich cadence, swelling or dying away, like a nightingale of the woods.<p/><p/>“When she had finished, she gave the guitar to Agatha, who at first declined it. She played a simple air, and her voice accompanied it in sweet accents, but unlike the wondrous strain of the stranger. The old man appeared enraptured, and said some words, which Agatha endeavoured to explain to Safie, and by which he appeared to wish to express that she bestowed on him the greatest delight by her music.<p/><p/>“The days now passed as peaceably as before, with the sole alteration, that joy had taken place of sadness in the countenances of my friends. Safie was always gay and happy; she and I improved rapidly in the knowledge of language, so that in two months I began to comprehend most of the words uttered by my protectors.<p/><p/>“In the meanwhile also the black ground was covered with herbage, and the green banks interspersed with innumerable flowers, sweet to the scent and the eyes, stars of pale radiance among the moonlight woods; the sun became warmer, the nights clear and balmy; and my nocturnal rambles were an extreme pleasure to me, although they were considerably shortened by the late setting and early rising of the sun; for I never ventured abroad during daylight, fearful of meeting with the same treatment
Witness: fThomas were those which I had before understood, but I profited by the others.<p/><p/>“As night came on, Agatha and the Arabian retired early. When they separated, Felix kissed the hand of the stranger, and said, ‘Good night, sweet Safie.’ He sat up much longer, conversing with his father; and, by the frequent repetition of her name, I conjectured that their lovely guest was the subject of their conversation. I ardently desired to understand them, and bent every faculty towards that purpose, but found it utterly impossible.<p/><p/>“The next morning Felix went out to his work; and, after the usual occupations of Agatha were finished, the Arabian sat at the feet of the old man, and, taking his guitar, played some airs so entrancingly beautiful, that they at once drew tears of sorrow and delight from my eyes. She sang, and her voice flowed in a rich cadence, swelling or dying away, like a nightingale of the woods.<p/><p/>“When she had finished, she gave the guitar to Agatha, who at first declined it. She played a simple air, and her voice accompanied it in sweet accents, but unlike the wondrous strain of the stranger. The old man appeared enraptured, and said some words, which Agatha endeavoured to explain to Safie, and by which he appeared to wish to express that she bestowed on him the greatest delight by her music.<p/><p/>“The days now passed as peaceably as before, with the sole alteration, that joy had taken place of sadness in the countenances of my friends. Safie was always gay and happy; she and I improved rapidly in the knowledge of language, so that in two months I began to comprehend most of the words uttered by my protectors.<p/><p/>“In the meanwhile also the black ground was covered with herbage, and the green banks interspersed with innumerable flowers, sweet to the scent and the eyes, stars of pale radiance among the moonlight woods; the sun became warmer, the nights clear and balmy; and my nocturnal rambles were an extreme pleasure to me, although they were considerably shortened by the late setting and early rising of the sun; for I never ventured abroad during daylight, fearful of meeting with the same treatment


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 as
Witness: fThomas as


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I had formerly endured in the first village which
Witness: f1823 I had formerly endured in the first village which
Witness: f1831 I had formerly endured in the first village which
Witness: fThomas I had formerly endured in the first village which


Unified Readings

Witness: fThomas I entered. Nay if by moonlight I saw a human form, with a beating heart I squatted down amid the bushes fearful of discovery. And think you that it was with no bitterness of heart that I did this? It was in intercourse with man alone that I could hope


Unified Readings

Witness: fThomas for any pleasurable sensations and I was obliged to avoid it—Oh truly,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fThomas I


Reading Group: C19_app27_rg1

Witness: fThomas am grateful to thee my Creator for the gift of life, which was but pain, and to thy tender mercy which deserted me on life’s threshold—to suffer—all that man can inflict<p/><p/>“My

Reading Group: C19_app27_rg2

Witness: f1818 entered.<p/><p/>“My
Witness: f1823 entered.<p/><p/>“My
Witness: f1831 entered.<p/><p/>“My


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 days were spent in close attention, that I might more speedily master the language; and I may boast that I improved more rapidly than the Arabian, who understood very little, and conversed in broken accents, whilst I comprehended and could imitate almost every word that was spoken.<p/><p/>“While I improved in speech, I also learned the science of letters, as it was taught to the stranger; and this opened before me a wide field for wonder and delight.<p/><p/>“The book from which Felix instructed Safie was Volney’s
Witness: f1823 days were spent in close attention, that I might more speedily master the language; and I may boast that I improved more rapidly than the Arabian, who understood very little, and conversed in broken accents, whilst I comprehended and could imitate almost every word that was spoken.<p/><p/>“While I improved in speech, I also learned the science of letters, as it was taught to the stranger; and this opened before me a wide field for wonder and delight.<p/><p/>“The book from which Felix instructed Safie was Volney’s
Witness: f1831 days were spent in close attention, that I might more speedily master the language; and I may boast that I improved more rapidly than the Arabian, who understood very little, and conversed in broken accents, whilst I comprehended and could imitate almost every word that was spoken.<p/><p/>“While I improved in speech, I also learned the science of letters, as it was taught to the stranger; and this opened before me a wide field for wonder and delight.<p/><p/>“The book from which Felix instructed Safie was Volney’s
Witness: fThomas days were spent in close attention, that I might more speedily master the language; and I may boast that I improved more rapidly than the Arabian, who understood very little, and conversed in broken accents, whilst I comprehended and could imitate almost every word that was spoken.<p/><p/>“While I improved in speech, I also learned the science of letters, as it was taught to the stranger; and this opened before me a wide field for wonder and delight.<p/><p/>“The book from which Felix instructed Safie was Volney’s


Reading Group: C19_app29_rg1

Witness: f1818 <hi/>Ruins
Witness: f1823 <hi/>Ruins
Witness: fThomas <hi/>Ruins

Reading Group: C19_app29_rg2

Witness: f1831 ‘Ruins


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of
Witness: f1823 of
Witness: f1831 of
Witness: fThomas of


Reading Group: C19_app31_rg1

Witness: f1818 Empires<hi/>.
Witness: f1823 Empires<hi/>.
Witness: fThomas Empires<hi/>.

Reading Group: C19_app31_rg2

Witness: f1831 Empires.’


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I should not have understood the purport of this book, had not Felix, in reading it, given very minute explanations. He had chosen this work, he said, because the declamatory style was framed in imitation of the eastern authors. Through this work I obtained a cursory knowledge of history, and a view of the several empires at present existing in the world; it gave me an insight into the manners, governments, and religions of the different nations of the earth. I heard of the slothful Asiatics; of the stupendous genius and mental activity of the Grecians; of the wars and wonderful virtue of the early Romans—of their subsequent
Witness: f1823 I should not have understood the purport of this book, had not Felix, in reading it, given very minute explanations. He had chosen this work, he said, because the declamatory style was framed in imitation of the eastern authors. Through this work I obtained a cursory knowledge of history, and a view of the several empires at present existing in the world; it gave me an insight into the manners, governments, and religions of the different nations of the earth. I heard of the slothful Asiatics; of the stupendous genius and mental activity of the Grecians; of the wars and wonderful virtue of the early Romans—of their subsequent
Witness: f1831 I should not have understood the purport of this book, had not Felix, in reading it, given very minute explanations. He had chosen this work, he said, because the declamatory style was framed in imitation of the eastern authors. Through this work I obtained a cursory knowledge of history, and a view of the several empires at present existing in the world; it gave me an insight into the manners, governments, and religions of the different nations of the earth. I heard of the slothful Asiatics; of the stupendous genius and mental activity of the Grecians; of the wars and wonderful virtue of the early Romans—of their subsequent
Witness: fThomas I should not have understood the purport of this book, had not Felix, in reading it, given very minute explanations. He had chosen this work, he said, because the declamatory style was framed in imitation of the eastern authors. Through this work I obtained a cursory knowledge of history, and a view of the several empires at present existing in the world; it gave me an insight into the manners, governments, and religions of the different nations of the earth. I heard of the slothful Asiatics; of the stupendous genius and mental activity of the Grecians; of the wars and wonderful virtue of the early Romans—of their subsequent


Reading Group: C19_app33_rg1

Witness: f1823 degenerating—of
Witness: f1831 degenerating—of

Reading Group: C19_app33_rg2

Witness: f1818 degeneration—of
Witness: fThomas degeneration—of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the decline of that mighty empire; of chivalry, Christianity, and kings. I heard of the discovery of the American hemisphere, and wept with Safie over the hapless fate of its original inhabitants.<p/><p/>“These wonderful narrations inspired me with strange feelings. Was man, indeed, at once so powerful, so virtuous, and magnificent, yet so vicious and base? He appeared at one time a mere scion of the evil principle, and at
Witness: f1823 the decline of that mighty empire; of chivalry, Christianity, and kings. I heard of the discovery of the American hemisphere, and wept with Safie over the hapless fate of its original inhabitants.<p/><p/>“These wonderful narrations inspired me with strange feelings. Was man, indeed, at once so powerful, so virtuous, and magnificent, yet so vicious and base? He appeared at one time a mere scion of the evil principle, and at
Witness: f1831 the decline of that mighty empire; of chivalry, Christianity, and kings. I heard of the discovery of the American hemisphere, and wept with Safie over the hapless fate of its original inhabitants.<p/><p/>“These wonderful narrations inspired me with strange feelings. Was man, indeed, at once so powerful, so virtuous, and magnificent, yet so vicious and base? He appeared at one time a mere scion of the evil principle, and at
Witness: fThomas the decline of that mighty empire; of chivalry, Christianity, and kings. I heard of the discovery of the American hemisphere, and wept with Safie over the hapless fate of its original inhabitants.<p/><p/>“These wonderful narrations inspired me with strange feelings. Was man, indeed, at once so powerful, so virtuous, and magnificent, yet so vicious and base? He appeared at one time a mere scion of the evil principle, and at


Reading Group: C19_app35_rg1

Witness: f1818 another
Witness: f1823 another
Witness: fThomas another

Reading Group: C19_app35_rg2

Witness: f1831 another,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 as all that can be conceived of noble and godlike. To be a great and virtuous man appeared the highest honour that can befall a sensitive being; to be base and vicious, as many on record have been, appeared the lowest degradation, a condition more abject than that of the blind mole or harmless worm. For a long time I could not conceive how one man could go forth to murder his fellow, or even why there were laws and governments; but when I heard details of vice and bloodshed, my wonder ceased, and I turned away with disgust and loathing.<p/><p/>“Every conversation of the cottagers now opened new wonders to me. While I listened to the instructions which Felix bestowed upon the Arabian, the strange system of human society was explained to me. I heard of the division of property, of immense wealth and squalid poverty; of rank, descent, and noble blood.<p/><p/>“The words induced me to turn towards myself. I learned that the possessions most esteemed by your fellow-creatures were, high and unsullied descent united with riches. A man might be respected with only one of these
Witness: f1823 as all that can be conceived of noble and godlike. To be a great and virtuous man appeared the highest honour that can befall a sensitive being; to be base and vicious, as many on record have been, appeared the lowest degradation, a condition more abject than that of the blind mole or harmless worm. For a long time I could not conceive how one man could go forth to murder his fellow, or even why there were laws and governments; but when I heard details of vice and bloodshed, my wonder ceased, and I turned away with disgust and loathing.<p/><p/>“Every conversation of the cottagers now opened new wonders to me. While I listened to the instructions which Felix bestowed upon the Arabian, the strange system of human society was explained to me. I heard of the division of property, of immense wealth and squalid poverty; of rank, descent, and noble blood.<p/><p/>“The words induced me to turn towards myself. I learned that the possessions most esteemed by your fellow-creatures were, high and unsullied descent united with riches. A man might be respected with only one of these
Witness: f1831 as all that can be conceived of noble and godlike. To be a great and virtuous man appeared the highest honour that can befall a sensitive being; to be base and vicious, as many on record have been, appeared the lowest degradation, a condition more abject than that of the blind mole or harmless worm. For a long time I could not conceive how one man could go forth to murder his fellow, or even why there were laws and governments; but when I heard details of vice and bloodshed, my wonder ceased, and I turned away with disgust and loathing.<p/><p/>“Every conversation of the cottagers now opened new wonders to me. While I listened to the instructions which Felix bestowed upon the Arabian, the strange system of human society was explained to me. I heard of the division of property, of immense wealth and squalid poverty; of rank, descent, and noble blood.<p/><p/>“The words induced me to turn towards myself. I learned that the possessions most esteemed by your fellow-creatures were, high and unsullied descent united with riches. A man might be respected with only one of these
Witness: fThomas as all that can be conceived of noble and godlike. To be a great and virtuous man appeared the highest honour that can befall a sensitive being; to be base and vicious, as many on record have been, appeared the lowest degradation, a condition more abject than that of the blind mole or harmless worm. For a long time I could not conceive how one man could go forth to murder his fellow, or even why there were laws and governments; but when I heard details of vice and bloodshed, my wonder ceased, and I turned away with disgust and loathing.<p/><p/>“Every conversation of the cottagers now opened new wonders to me. While I listened to the instructions which Felix bestowed upon the Arabian, the strange system of human society was explained to me. I heard of the division of property, of immense wealth and squalid poverty; of rank, descent, and noble blood.<p/><p/>“The words induced me to turn towards myself. I learned that the possessions most esteemed by your fellow-creatures were, high and unsullied descent united with riches. A man might be respected with only one of these


Reading Group: C19_app37_rg1

Witness: f1818 acquisitions;
Witness: fThomas acquisitions;

Reading Group: C19_app37_rg2

Witness: f1823 advantages;
Witness: f1831 advantages;


Reading Group: C19_app38_rg1

Witness: f1818 but
Witness: f1823 but
Witness: fThomas but

Reading Group: C19_app38_rg2

Witness: f1831 but,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 without
Witness: f1823 without
Witness: f1831 without
Witness: fThomas without


Reading Group: C19_app40_rg1

Witness: f1818 either
Witness: f1823 either
Witness: fThomas either

Reading Group: C19_app40_rg2

Witness: f1831 either,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 he was considered, except in very rare instances, as a vagabond and a slave, doomed to waste his powers for the
Witness: f1823 he was considered, except in very rare instances, as a vagabond and a slave, doomed to waste his powers for the
Witness: f1831 he was considered, except in very rare instances, as a vagabond and a slave, doomed to waste his powers for the
Witness: fThomas he was considered, except in very rare instances, as a vagabond and a slave, doomed to waste his powers for the


Reading Group: C19_app42_rg1

Witness: f1818 profit
Witness: f1823 profit
Witness: fThomas profit

Reading Group: C19_app42_rg2

Witness: f1831 profits


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of the chosen
Witness: f1823 of the chosen
Witness: f1831 of the chosen
Witness: fThomas of the chosen


Reading Group: C19_app44_rg1

Witness: f1831 few!

Reading Group: C19_app44_rg2

Witness: f1818 few.
Witness: fThomas few.

Reading Group: C19_app44_rg3

Witness: f1823 few?


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 And what was I? Of my creation and creator I was absolutely ignorant; but I knew that I possessed no money, no friends, no kind of property. I was, besides,
Witness: f1823 And what was I? Of my creation and creator I was absolutely ignorant; but I knew that I possessed no money, no friends, no kind of property. I was, besides,
Witness: f1831 And what was I? Of my creation and creator I was absolutely ignorant; but I knew that I possessed no money, no friends, no kind of property. I was, besides,
Witness: fThomas And what was I? Of my creation and creator I was absolutely ignorant; but I knew that I possessed no money, no friends, no kind of property. I was, besides,


Reading Group: C19_app46_rg1

Witness: f1818 endowed
Witness: fThomas endowed

Reading Group: C19_app46_rg2

Witness: f1823 endued
Witness: f1831 endued


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 with a figure hideously deformed and loathsome; I was not even of the same nature as man. I was more agile than they, and could subsist upon coarser diet; I bore the extremes of heat and cold with less injury to my frame; my stature far exceeded
Witness: f1823 with a figure hideously deformed and loathsome; I was not even of the same nature as man. I was more agile than they, and could subsist upon coarser diet; I bore the extremes of heat and cold with less injury to my frame; my stature far exceeded
Witness: f1831 with a figure hideously deformed and loathsome; I was not even of the same nature as man. I was more agile than they, and could subsist upon coarser diet; I bore the extremes of heat and cold with less injury to my frame; my stature far exceeded
Witness: fThomas with a figure hideously deformed and loathsome; I was not even of the same nature as man. I was more agile than they, and could subsist upon coarser diet; I bore the extremes of heat and cold with less injury to my frame; my stature far exceeded


Reading Group: C19_app48_rg1

Witness: f1823 theirs.
Witness: f1831 theirs.

Reading Group: C19_app48_rg2

Witness: f1818 their’s.
Witness: fThomas their’s.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 When I looked around, I saw and heard of none like me. Was I then a monster, a blot upon the earth, from which all men fled, and whom all men
Witness: f1823 When I looked around, I saw and heard of none like me. Was I then a monster, a blot upon the earth, from which all men fled, and whom all men
Witness: f1831 When I looked around, I saw and heard of none like me. Was I then a monster, a blot upon the earth, from which all men fled, and whom all men
Witness: fThomas When I looked around, I saw and heard of none like me. Was I then a monster, a blot upon the earth, from which all men fled, and whom all men


Reading Group: C19_app50_rg1

Witness: fThomas disowned?<note/>Thomas copy: pencil mark joins paragraphs.<note/> “I

Reading Group: C19_app50_rg2

Witness: f1818 disowned?<p/><p/>“I
Witness: f1823 disowned?<p/><p/>“I
Witness: f1831 disowned?<p/><p/>“I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 cannot describe to you the agony that these reflections inflicted upon
Witness: f1823 cannot describe to you the agony that these reflections inflicted upon
Witness: f1831 cannot describe to you the agony that these reflections inflicted upon
Witness: fThomas cannot describe to you the agony that these reflections inflicted upon


Reading Group: C19_app52_rg1

Witness: f1831 me:

Reading Group: C19_app52_rg2

Witness: f1818 me;
Witness: f1823 me;
Witness: fThomas me;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I tried to dispel them, but sorrow only increased with knowledge. Oh, that I had for ever remained in my native wood, nor known
Witness: f1823 I tried to dispel them, but sorrow only increased with knowledge. Oh, that I had for ever remained in my native wood, nor known
Witness: f1831 I tried to dispel them, but sorrow only increased with knowledge. Oh, that I had for ever remained in my native wood, nor known
Witness: fThomas I tried to dispel them, but sorrow only increased with knowledge. Oh, that I had for ever remained in my native wood, nor known


Reading Group: C19_app54_rg1

Witness: f1823 nor
Witness: f1831 nor

Reading Group: C19_app54_rg2

Witness: f1818 or
Witness: fThomas or


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 felt beyond the sensations of hunger, thirst, and heat!<p/><p/>“Of what a strange nature is knowledge! It clings to the mind, when it has once seized on it, like a lichen on the rock. I wished sometimes to shake off all thought and feeling; but I learned that there was but one means to overcome the sensation of pain, and that was death—a state which I feared yet did not understand. I admired virtue and good feelings, and loved the gentle manners and amiable qualities of my cottagers; but I was shut out from intercourse with them, except through means which I obtained by stealth, when I was unseen and unknown, and which rather increased than satisfied the desire I had of becoming one among my fellows. The gentle words of Agatha, and the animated smiles of the charming Arabian, were not for me. The mild exhortations of the old man, and the lively conversation of the loved Felix, were not for me. Miserable, unhappy wretch!<p/><p/>“Other lessons were impressed upon me even more deeply. I heard of the difference of sexes;
Witness: f1823 felt beyond the sensations of hunger, thirst, and heat!<p/><p/>“Of what a strange nature is knowledge! It clings to the mind, when it has once seized on it, like a lichen on the rock. I wished sometimes to shake off all thought and feeling; but I learned that there was but one means to overcome the sensation of pain, and that was death—a state which I feared yet did not understand. I admired virtue and good feelings, and loved the gentle manners and amiable qualities of my cottagers; but I was shut out from intercourse with them, except through means which I obtained by stealth, when I was unseen and unknown, and which rather increased than satisfied the desire I had of becoming one among my fellows. The gentle words of Agatha, and the animated smiles of the charming Arabian, were not for me. The mild exhortations of the old man, and the lively conversation of the loved Felix, were not for me. Miserable, unhappy wretch!<p/><p/>“Other lessons were impressed upon me even more deeply. I heard of the difference of sexes;
Witness: f1831 felt beyond the sensations of hunger, thirst, and heat!<p/><p/>“Of what a strange nature is knowledge! It clings to the mind, when it has once seized on it, like a lichen on the rock. I wished sometimes to shake off all thought and feeling; but I learned that there was but one means to overcome the sensation of pain, and that was death—a state which I feared yet did not understand. I admired virtue and good feelings, and loved the gentle manners and amiable qualities of my cottagers; but I was shut out from intercourse with them, except through means which I obtained by stealth, when I was unseen and unknown, and which rather increased than satisfied the desire I had of becoming one among my fellows. The gentle words of Agatha, and the animated smiles of the charming Arabian, were not for me. The mild exhortations of the old man, and the lively conversation of the loved Felix, were not for me. Miserable, unhappy wretch!<p/><p/>“Other lessons were impressed upon me even more deeply. I heard of the difference of sexes;
Witness: fThomas felt beyond the sensations of hunger, thirst, and heat!<p/><p/>“Of what a strange nature is knowledge! It clings to the mind, when it has once seized on it, like a lichen on the rock. I wished sometimes to shake off all thought and feeling; but I learned that there was but one means to overcome the sensation of pain, and that was death—a state which I feared yet did not understand. I admired virtue and good feelings, and loved the gentle manners and amiable qualities of my cottagers; but I was shut out from intercourse with them, except through means which I obtained by stealth, when I was unseen and unknown, and which rather increased than satisfied the desire I had of becoming one among my fellows. The gentle words of Agatha, and the animated smiles of the charming Arabian, were not for me. The mild exhortations of the old man, and the lively conversation of the loved Felix, were not for me. Miserable, unhappy wretch!<p/><p/>“Other lessons were impressed upon me even more deeply. I heard of the difference of sexes;


Reading Group: C19_app56_rg1

Witness: f1831 and

Reading Group: C19_app56_rg2

Witness: f1818 of
Witness: f1823 of
Witness: fThomas of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the birth and growth of children; how the father doated on the smiles of the infant, and the lively sallies of the older child; how all the life and cares of the mother were
Witness: f1823 the birth and growth of children; how the father doated on the smiles of the infant, and the lively sallies of the older child; how all the life and cares of the mother were
Witness: f1831 the birth and growth of children; how the father doated on the smiles of the infant, and the lively sallies of the older child; how all the life and cares of the mother were
Witness: fThomas the birth and growth of children; how the father doated on the smiles of the infant, and the lively sallies of the older child; how all the life and cares of the mother were


Reading Group: C19_app58_rg1

Witness: f1823 wrapped
Witness: f1831 wrapped

Reading Group: C19_app58_rg2

Witness: f1818 wrapt
Witness: fThomas wrapt


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 up in the precious charge; how the mind of youth expanded and gained knowledge; of brother, sister, and all the various relationships which bind one human being to another in mutual bonds.<p/><p/>“But where were my friends and relations? No father had watched my infant days, no mother had blessed me with smiles and caresses; or if they had, all my past life was now a blot, a blind vacancy in which I distinguished nothing. From my earliest remembrance I had been as I then was in height and proportion. I had never yet seen a being resembling me, or who claimed any intercourse with me. What was I? The question again recurred, to be answered only with groans.<p/><p/>“I will soon explain to what these feelings tended; but allow me now to return to the cottagers, whose story excited in me such various feelings of indignation, delight, and wonder, but which all terminated in additional love and reverence for my protectors (for so I loved, in an innocent, half painful self-deceit, to call them).<p/>
Witness: f1823 up in the precious charge; how the mind of youth expanded and gained knowledge; of brother, sister, and all the various relationships which bind one human being to another in mutual bonds.<p/><p/>“But where were my friends and relations? No father had watched my infant days, no mother had blessed me with smiles and caresses; or if they had, all my past life was now a blot, a blind vacancy in which I distinguished nothing. From my earliest remembrance I had been as I then was in height and proportion. I had never yet seen a being resembling me, or who claimed any intercourse with me. What was I? The question again recurred, to be answered only with groans.<p/><p/>“I will soon explain to what these feelings tended; but allow me now to return to the cottagers, whose story excited in me such various feelings of indignation, delight, and wonder, but which all terminated in additional love and reverence for my protectors (for so I loved, in an innocent, half painful self-deceit, to call them).<p/>
Witness: f1831 up in the precious charge; how the mind of youth expanded and gained knowledge; of brother, sister, and all the various relationships which bind one human being to another in mutual bonds.<p/><p/>“But where were my friends and relations? No father had watched my infant days, no mother had blessed me with smiles and caresses; or if they had, all my past life was now a blot, a blind vacancy in which I distinguished nothing. From my earliest remembrance I had been as I then was in height and proportion. I had never yet seen a being resembling me, or who claimed any intercourse with me. What was I? The question again recurred, to be answered only with groans.<p/><p/>“I will soon explain to what these feelings tended; but allow me now to return to the cottagers, whose story excited in me such various feelings of indignation, delight, and wonder, but which all terminated in additional love and reverence for my protectors (for so I loved, in an innocent, half painful self-deceit, to call them).<p/>
Witness: fThomas up in the precious charge; how the mind of youth expanded and gained knowledge; of brother, sister, and all the various relationships which bind one human being to another in mutual bonds.<p/><p/>“But where were my friends and relations? No father had watched my infant days, no mother had blessed me with smiles and caresses; or if they had, all my past life was now a blot, a blind vacancy in which I distinguished nothing. From my earliest remembrance I had been as I then was in height and proportion. I had never yet seen a being resembling me, or who claimed any intercourse with me. What was I? The question again recurred, to be answered only with groans.<p/><p/>“I will soon explain to what these feelings tended; but allow me now to return to the cottagers, whose story excited in me such various feelings of indignation, delight, and wonder, but which all terminated in additional love and reverence for my protectors (for so I loved, in an innocent, half painful self-deceit, to call them).<p/>


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS another


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 <head/>CHAPTER
Witness: f1823 <head/>CHAPTER
Witness: f1831 <head/>CHAPTER
Witness: fThomas <head/>CHAPTER
Witness: fMS Chapter


Reading Group: C20a_app3_rg1

Witness: f1823 II.<head/><p/>“S<hi/>OME<hi/>

Reading Group: C20a_app3_rg2

Witness: fMS Sometime

Reading Group: C20a_app3_rg3

Witness: f1818 VI.<head/><p/>“S<hi/>OME<hi/>
Witness: fThomas VI.<head/><p/>“S<hi/>OME<hi/>

Reading Group: C20a_app3_rg4

Witness: f1831 XIV.<head/><p/>“S<hi/>OME<hi/>


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 time
Witness: f1823 time
Witness: f1831 time
Witness: fThomas time


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 elapsed before I
Witness: f1823 elapsed before I
Witness: f1831 elapsed before I
Witness: fThomas elapsed before I
Witness: fMS elapsed before I


Reading Group: C20a_app6_rg1

Witness: fMS became informed of th of<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>learned

Reading Group: C20a_app6_rg2

Witness: f1818 learned
Witness: f1823 learned
Witness: f1831 learned
Witness: fThomas learned


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the history of my friends. It was one
Witness: f1823 the history of my friends. It was one
Witness: f1831 the history of my friends. It was one
Witness: fThomas the history of my friends. It was one
Witness: fMS the history of my friends. It was one


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS that


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 which could not fail to impress itself deeply on my
Witness: f1823 which could not fail to impress itself deeply on my
Witness: f1831 which could not fail to impress itself deeply on my
Witness: fThomas which could not fail to impress itself deeply on my
Witness: fMS which could not fail to impress itself deeply inon my


Reading Group: C20a_app10_rg1

Witness: fMS mind

Reading Group: C20a_app10_rg2

Witness: f1818 mind,
Witness: f1823 mind,
Witness: f1831 mind,
Witness: fThomas mind,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 unfolding as it did a number of
Witness: f1823 unfolding as it did a number of
Witness: f1831 unfolding as it did a number of
Witness: fThomas unfolding as it did a number of
Witness: fMS unfolding as it did a number of


Reading Group: C20a_app12_rg1

Witness: fMS

Reading Group: C20a_app12_rg2

Witness: f1823 circumstances,
Witness: f1831 circumstances,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 circumstances
Witness: fThomas circumstances
Witness: fMS circumstances


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 each
Witness: f1823 each
Witness: f1831 each
Witness: fThomas each
Witness: fMS each


Reading Group: C20a_app15_rg1

Witness: fMS interresting &wonderful

Reading Group: C20a_app15_rg2

Witness: f1818 interesting and wonderful
Witness: f1823 interesting and wonderful
Witness: f1831 interesting and wonderful
Witness: fThomas interesting and wonderful


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to one so utterly inexperienced as I
Witness: f1823 to one so utterly inexperienced as I
Witness: f1831 to one so utterly inexperienced as I
Witness: fThomas to one so utterly inexperienced as I
Witness: fMS to one so utterly inexperienced as I


Reading Group: C20a_app17_rg1

Witness: fMS was. 2 The

Reading Group: C20a_app17_rg2

Witness: f1818 was.<p/><p/>“The
Witness: f1823 was.<p/><p/>“The
Witness: f1831 was.<p/><p/>“The
Witness: fThomas was.<p/><p/>“The


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 name of the old man was De Lacey.
Witness: f1823 name of the old man was De Lacey.
Witness: f1831 name of the old man was De Lacey.
Witness: fThomas name of the old man was De Lacey.
Witness: fMS name of the old man was De Lacey.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 He was
Witness: f1823 He was
Witness: f1831 He was
Witness: fThomas He was
Witness: fMS He was


Reading Group: C20a_app20_rg1

Witness: fMS decended

Reading Group: C20a_app20_rg2

Witness: f1818 descended
Witness: f1823 descended
Witness: f1831 descended
Witness: fThomas descended


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 from a good family in
Witness: f1823 from a good family in
Witness: f1831 from a good family in
Witness: fThomas from a good family in
Witness: fMS from a good family in


Reading Group: C20a_app22_rg1

Witness: fMS France & untill very lately

Reading Group: C20a_app22_rg2

Witness: f1818 France, where he
Witness: f1823 France, where he
Witness: f1831 France, where he
Witness: fThomas France, where he


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 had lived
Witness: f1823 had lived
Witness: f1831 had lived
Witness: fThomas had lived
Witness: fMS had lived


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS where


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 for many years
Witness: f1823 for many years
Witness: f1831 for many years
Witness: fThomas for many years
Witness: fMS for many years


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS he had lived


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in
Witness: f1823 in
Witness: f1831 in
Witness: fThomas in
Witness: fMS in


Reading Group: C20a_app28_rg1

Witness: fMS affluence

Reading Group: C20a_app28_rg2

Witness: f1818 affluence,
Witness: f1823 affluence,
Witness: f1831 affluence,
Witness: fThomas affluence,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 respected by his
Witness: f1823 respected by his
Witness: f1831 respected by his
Witness: fThomas respected by his
Witness: fMS respected by his


Reading Group: C20a_app30_rg1

Witness: fMS superiors &

Reading Group: C20a_app30_rg2

Witness: f1818 superiors, and
Witness: f1823 superiors, and
Witness: f1831 superiors, and
Witness: fThomas superiors, and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 beloved by his equals.
Witness: f1823 beloved by his equals.
Witness: f1831 beloved by his equals.
Witness: fThomas beloved by his equals.
Witness: fMS beloved by his equals.


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS His two children Felix &Agatha


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 His son was bred in the service of his
Witness: f1823 His son was bred in the service of his
Witness: f1831 His son was bred in the service of his
Witness: fThomas His son was bred in the service of his
Witness: fMS His son was bred tin the service of his


Reading Group: C20a_app34_rg1

Witness: fMS country &

Reading Group: C20a_app34_rg2

Witness: f1818 country; and
Witness: f1823 country; and
Witness: f1831 country; and
Witness: fThomas country; and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Agatha had
Witness: f1823 Agatha had
Witness: f1831 Agatha had
Witness: fThomas Agatha had
Witness: fMS Agatha had


Reading Group: C20a_app36_rg1

Witness: fMS beenrankedwoedby gentlemenwith

Reading Group: C20a_app36_rg2

Witness: f1818 ranked with
Witness: f1823 ranked with
Witness: f1831 ranked with
Witness: fThomas ranked with


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 ladies of the
Witness: f1823 ladies of the
Witness: f1831 ladies of the
Witness: fThomas ladies of the
Witness: fMS ladies of the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 highest distinction. A few months
Witness: f1823 highest distinction. A few months
Witness: f1831 highest distinction. A few months
Witness: fThomas highest distinction. A few months
Witness: fMS highest distinction. A few months


Reading Group: C20a_app39_rg1

Witness: fMS previousbeforeto

Reading Group: C20a_app39_rg2

Witness: f1818 before
Witness: f1823 before
Witness: f1831 before
Witness: fThomas before


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my
Witness: f1823 my
Witness: f1831 my
Witness: fThomas my
Witness: fMS my


Reading Group: C20a_app41_rg1

Witness: fMS arrival

Reading Group: C20a_app41_rg2

Witness: f1818 arrival,
Witness: f1823 arrival,
Witness: f1831 arrival,
Witness: fThomas arrival,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 they had lived in a large
Witness: f1823 they had lived in a large
Witness: f1831 they had lived in a large
Witness: fThomas they had lived in a large
Witness: fMS they had lived in a large


Reading Group: C20a_app43_rg1

Witness: fMS &luxurious city

Reading Group: C20a_app43_rg2

Witness: f1818 and luxurious city,
Witness: f1823 and luxurious city,
Witness: f1831 and luxurious city,
Witness: fThomas and luxurious city,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 called Paris, surrounded by
Witness: f1823 called Paris, surrounded by
Witness: f1831 called Paris, surrounded by
Witness: fThomas called Paris, surrounded by
Witness: fMS called Paris, surrounded by


Reading Group: C20a_app45_rg1

Witness: fMS friends &

Reading Group: C20a_app45_rg2

Witness: f1818 friends, and
Witness: f1823 friends, and
Witness: f1831 friends, and
Witness: fThomas friends, and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 possessed of every enjoyment
Witness: f1823 possessed of every enjoyment
Witness: f1831 possessed of every enjoyment
Witness: fThomas possessed of every enjoyment
Witness: fMS possessed of every enjoyment


Reading Group: C20a_app47_rg1

Witness: fMS that thatwhich virtue <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>&

Reading Group: C20a_app47_rg2

Witness: f1818 which virtue,
Witness: f1823 which virtue,
Witness: f1831 which virtue,
Witness: fThomas which virtue,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 refinement of
Witness: f1823 refinement of
Witness: f1831 refinement of
Witness: fThomas refinement of
Witness: fMS refinement of


Reading Group: C20a_app49_rg1

Witness: fMS intellect & taste,accompanied with

Reading Group: C20a_app49_rg2

Witness: f1818 intellect, or taste, accompanied by
Witness: f1823 intellect, or taste, accompanied by
Witness: f1831 intellect, or taste, accompanied by
Witness: fThomas intellect, or taste, accompanied by


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a
Witness: f1823 a
Witness: f1831 a
Witness: fThomas a
Witness: fMS a


Reading Group: C20a_app51_rg1

Witness: fMS competent fortune

Reading Group: C20a_app51_rg2

Witness: f1818 moderate fortune,
Witness: f1823 moderate fortune,
Witness: f1831 moderate fortune,
Witness: fThomas moderate fortune,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 could
Witness: f1823 could
Witness: f1831 could
Witness: fThomas could
Witness: fMS could


Reading Group: C20a_app53_rg1

Witness: fMS afford. The

Reading Group: C20a_app53_rg2

Witness: f1818 afford.<p/><p/>“The
Witness: f1823 afford.<p/><p/>“The
Witness: f1831 afford.<p/><p/>“The
Witness: fThomas afford.<p/><p/>“The


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 father of Safie
Witness: f1823 father of Safie
Witness: f1831 father of Safie
Witness: fThomas father of Safie
Witness: fMS father of Safie


Reading Group: C20a_app55_rg1

Witness: fMS washad

Reading Group: C20a_app55_rg2

Witness: f1818 had
Witness: f1823 had
Witness: f1831 had
Witness: fThomas had


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 been the cause of their
Witness: f1823 been the cause of their
Witness: f1831 been the cause of their
Witness: fThomas been the cause of their
Witness: fMS been the cause of their


Reading Group: C20a_app57_rg1

Witness: fMS fallruin;

Reading Group: C20a_app57_rg2

Witness: f1818 ruin.
Witness: f1823 ruin.
Witness: f1831 ruin.
Witness: fThomas ruin.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 He was a Turkish
Witness: f1823 He was a Turkish
Witness: f1831 He was a Turkish
Witness: fThomas He was a Turkish
Witness: fMS He was a tTurkish


Reading Group: C20a_app59_rg1

Witness: fMS Merchant

Reading Group: C20a_app59_rg2

Witness: f1818 merchant,
Witness: f1823 merchant,
Witness: f1831 merchant,
Witness: fThomas merchant,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and had
Witness: f1823 and had
Witness: f1831 and had
Witness: fThomas and had
Witness: fMS and had


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS li


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 inhabited Paris for many
Witness: f1823 inhabited Paris for many
Witness: f1831 inhabited Paris for many
Witness: fThomas inhabited Paris for many
Witness: fMS inhabited Paris for many


Reading Group: C20a_app63_rg1

Witness: f1818 years, when, for
Witness: f1823 years, when, for
Witness: f1831 years, when, for
Witness: fThomas years, when, for

Reading Group: C20a_app63_rg2

Witness: fMS years. When his person became for some<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>for


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 some reason which I could not
Witness: f1823 some reason which I could not
Witness: f1831 some reason which I could not
Witness: fThomas some reason which I could not
Witness: fMS some reason which I could not


Reading Group: C20a_app65_rg1

Witness: fMS learn

Reading Group: C20a_app65_rg2

Witness: f1818 learn, he became
Witness: f1823 learn, he became
Witness: f1831 learn, he became
Witness: fThomas learn, he became


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 obnoxious to the
Witness: f1823 obnoxious to the
Witness: f1831 obnoxious to the
Witness: fThomas obnoxious to the
Witness: fMS obnoxious to the


Reading Group: C20a_app67_rg1

Witness: f1818 government.
Witness: f1823 government.
Witness: f1831 government.
Witness: fThomas government.

Reading Group: C20a_app67_rg2

Witness: fMS government–


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 He was seized and cast into prison
Witness: f1823 He was seized and cast into prison
Witness: f1831 He was seized and cast into prison
Witness: fThomas He was seized and cast into prison
Witness: fMS He was seized and cast into prison


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the very day that Safie arrived from Constantinople to join him. He was
Witness: f1823 the very day that Safie arrived from Constantinople to join him. He was
Witness: f1831 the very day that Safie arrived from Constantinople to join him. He was
Witness: fThomas the very day that Safie arrived from Constantinople to join him. He was
Witness: fMS the very day that Safie arrived from Constantinople to join him. He was


Reading Group: C20a_app70_rg1

Witness: fMS tried &

Reading Group: C20a_app70_rg2

Witness: f1818 tried, and
Witness: f1823 tried, and
Witness: f1831 tried, and
Witness: fThomas tried, and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 condemned
Witness: f1823 condemned
Witness: f1831 condemned
Witness: fThomas condemned
Witness: fMS condemned


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to death. The injustice of his sentence was very
Witness: f1823 to death. The injustice of his sentence was very
Witness: f1831 to death. The injustice of his sentence was very
Witness: fThomas to death. The injustice of his sentence was very
Witness: fMS to death. The injustice of his sentence was very


Reading Group: C20a_app73_rg1

Witness: fMS flagrant

Reading Group: C20a_app73_rg2

Witness: f1818 flagrant;
Witness: f1823 flagrant;
Witness: f1831 flagrant;
Witness: fThomas flagrant;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 all Paris
Witness: f1823 all Paris
Witness: f1831 all Paris
Witness: fThomas all Paris
Witness: fMS All Paris


Reading Group: C20a_app75_rg1

Witness: f1818 was indignant; and
Witness: f1823 was indignant; and
Witness: f1831 was indignant; and
Witness: fThomas was indignant; and

Reading Group: C20a_app75_rg2

Witness: fMS were indignant &


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 it
Witness: f1823 it
Witness: f1831 it
Witness: fThomas it
Witness: fMS it


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was judged that his
Witness: f1823 was judged that his
Witness: f1831 was judged that his
Witness: fThomas was judged that his
Witness: fMS was judged that his


Reading Group: C20a_app78_rg1

Witness: fMS religiion

Reading Group: C20a_app78_rg2

Witness: f1818 religion
Witness: f1823 religion
Witness: f1831 religion
Witness: fThomas religion


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: fMS and


Reading Group: C20a_app80_rg1

Witness: fMS wealth had been the causes of his condemnation ratherthanrather

Reading Group: C20a_app80_rg2

Witness: f1818 wealth, rather
Witness: f1823 wealth, rather
Witness: f1831 wealth, rather
Witness: fThomas wealth, rather


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 than the crime
Witness: f1823 than the crime
Witness: f1831 than the crime
Witness: fThomas than the crime
Witness: fMS than the crime


Reading Group: C20a_app82_rg1

Witness: fMS alledged

Reading Group: C20a_app82_rg2

Witness: f1818 alleged
Witness: f1823 alleged
Witness: f1831 alleged
Witness: fThomas alleged


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 against
Witness: f1823 against
Witness: f1831 against
Witness: fThomas against
Witness: fMS against


Reading Group: C20a_app84_rg1

Witness: fMS him

Reading Group: C20a_app84_rg2

Witness: f1818 him,
Witness: f1823 him,
Witness: f1831 him,
Witness: fThomas him,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 had been the
Witness: f1823 had been the
Witness: f1831 had been the
Witness: fThomas had been the
Witness: fMS had been the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 cause of his
Witness: f1823 cause of his
Witness: f1831 cause of his
Witness: fThomas cause of his
Witness: fMS cause of his


Reading Group: C20a_app87_rg1

Witness: fMS condemnation Felix was

Reading Group: C20a_app87_rg2

Witness: f1818 condemnation.<p/><p/>“Felix had
Witness: f1823 condemnation.<p/><p/>“Felix had
Witness: f1831 condemnation.<p/><p/>“Felix had
Witness: fThomas condemnation.<p/><p/>“Felix had


Unified Readings

Witness: f1823 accidentally
Witness: f1831 accidentally


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 been
Witness: f1823 been
Witness: f1831 been
Witness: fThomas been


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 present at
Witness: f1823 present at
Witness: f1831 present at
Witness: fThomas present at
Witness: fMS present at


Reading Group: C20a_app91_rg1

Witness: fMS his

Reading Group: C20a_app91_rg2

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fThomas the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 trial;
Witness: f1823 trial;
Witness: f1831 trial;
Witness: fThomas trial;
Witness: fMS trial;


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS &


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 his horror
Witness: f1823 his horror
Witness: f1831 his horror
Witness: fThomas his horror
Witness: fMS his horror


Reading Group: C20a_app95_rg1

Witness: fMS & in dignation

Reading Group: C20a_app95_rg2

Witness: f1818 and indignation
Witness: f1823 and indignation
Witness: f1831 and indignation
Witness: fThomas and indignation


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 were
Witness: f1823 were
Witness: f1831 were
Witness: fThomas were
Witness: fMS <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>wasere


Reading Group: C20a_app97_rg1

Witness: fMS uncontrolable

Reading Group: C20a_app97_rg2

Witness: f1818 uncontrollable,
Witness: f1823 uncontrollable,
Witness: f1831 uncontrollable,
Witness: fThomas uncontrollable,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 when he heard the
Witness: f1823 when he heard the
Witness: f1831 when he heard the
Witness: fThomas when he heard the
Witness: fMS when he heard the


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS event.of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 decision of the court. He
Witness: f1823 decision of the court. He
Witness: f1831 decision of the court. He
Witness: fThomas decision of the court. He
Witness: fMS decision of the court. He


Reading Group: C20a_app101_rg1

Witness: fMS made

Reading Group: C20a_app101_rg2

Witness: f1818 made,
Witness: f1823 made,
Witness: f1831 made,
Witness: fThomas made,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 at that
Witness: f1823 at that
Witness: f1831 at that
Witness: fThomas at that
Witness: fMS at that


Reading Group: C20a_app103_rg1

Witness: fMS moment

Reading Group: C20a_app103_rg2

Witness: f1818 moment,
Witness: f1823 moment,
Witness: f1831 moment,
Witness: fThomas moment,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a solemn
Witness: f1823 a solemn
Witness: f1831 a solemn
Witness: fThomas a solemn
Witness: fMS a solemn


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 vow to deliver
Witness: f1823 vow to deliver
Witness: f1831 vow to deliver
Witness: fThomas vow to deliver
Witness: fMS vow to deliver


Reading Group: C20a_app106_rg1

Witness: fMS him &

Reading Group: C20a_app106_rg2

Witness: f1818 him, and
Witness: f1823 him, and
Witness: f1831 him, and
Witness: fThomas him, and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 then looked around
Witness: f1823 then looked around
Witness: f1831 then looked around
Witness: fThomas then looked around
Witness: fMS then looked around


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 for the means. After many fruitless
Witness: f1823 for the means. After many fruitless
Witness: f1831 for the means. After many fruitless
Witness: fThomas for the means. After many fruitless
Witness: fMS for the means. After many fruitless


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 attempts to gain admittance to the
Witness: f1823 attempts to gain admittance to the
Witness: f1831 attempts to gain admittance to the
Witness: fThomas attempts to gain admittance to the
Witness: fMS attempts to gain admittance to the


Reading Group: C20a_app110_rg1

Witness: f1818 prison,
Witness: f1823 prison,
Witness: f1831 prison,
Witness: fThomas prison,

Reading Group: C20a_app110_rg2

Witness: fMS prisongoalprison


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 he found a strongly grated window
Witness: f1823 he found a strongly grated window
Witness: f1831 he found a strongly grated window
Witness: fThomas he found a strongly grated window
Witness: fMS he found a st<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>rongly grated window


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in an unguarded part of the
Witness: f1823 in an unguarded part of the
Witness: f1831 in an unguarded part of the
Witness: fThomas in an unguarded part of the
Witness: fMS in an unguarded part of the


Reading Group: C20a_app113_rg1

Witness: fMS prisonbuilding,

Reading Group: C20a_app113_rg2

Witness: f1818 building,
Witness: f1823 building,
Witness: f1831 building,
Witness: fThomas building,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 which
Witness: f1823 which
Witness: f1831 which
Witness: fThomas which
Witness: fMS which


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS liilluminated


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 lighted the dungeon
Witness: f1823 lighted the dungeon
Witness: f1831 lighted the dungeon
Witness: fThomas lighted the dungeon
Witness: fMS lighted the dungeon


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of the unfortunate
Witness: f1823 of the unfortunate
Witness: f1831 of the unfortunate
Witness: fThomas of the unfortunate
Witness: fMS of the unfortunate


Reading Group: C20a_app118_rg1

Witness: fMS Mahometan, who

Reading Group: C20a_app118_rg2

Witness: f1818 Mahometan; who,
Witness: f1823 Mahometan; who,
Witness: f1831 Mahometan; who,
Witness: fThomas Mahometan; who,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 loaded with
Witness: f1823 loaded with
Witness: f1831 loaded with
Witness: fThomas loaded with
Witness: fMS loaded with


Reading Group: C20a_app120_rg1

Witness: fMS chains

Reading Group: C20a_app120_rg2

Witness: f1818 chains,
Witness: f1823 chains,
Witness: f1831 chains,
Witness: fThomas chains,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 waited in despair
Witness: f1823 waited in despair
Witness: f1831 waited in despair
Witness: fThomas waited in despair
Witness: fMS waited in despair


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the execution of the barbarous sentence. Felix visited the grate at
Witness: f1823 the execution of the barbarous sentence. Felix visited the grate at
Witness: f1831 the execution of the barbarous sentence. Felix visited the grate at
Witness: fThomas the execution of the barbarous sentence. Felix visited the grate at
Witness: fMS the execution of the barbarous sentence. Felix visited the grate at


Reading Group: C20a_app123_rg1

Witness: fMS night h

Reading Group: C20a_app123_rg2

Witness: f1818 night,
Witness: f1823 night,
Witness: f1831 night,
Witness: fThomas night,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and made known to the prisoner his
Witness: f1823 and made known to the prisoner his
Witness: f1831 and made known to the prisoner his
Witness: fThomas and made known to the prisoner his
Witness: fMS and made known to the prisoner his


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 intentions in his favour. The
Witness: f1823 intentions in his favour. The
Witness: f1831 intentions in his favour. The
Witness: fThomas intentions in his favour. The
Witness: fMS intentions in his favour. The


Reading Group: C20a_app126_rg1

Witness: fMS Turk

Reading Group: C20a_app126_rg2

Witness: f1818 Turk,
Witness: f1823 Turk,
Witness: f1831 Turk,
Witness: fThomas Turk,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 amazed and
Witness: f1823 amazed and
Witness: f1831 amazed and
Witness: fThomas amazed and
Witness: fMS amazed and


Reading Group: C20a_app128_rg1

Witness: fMS delighted

Reading Group: C20a_app128_rg2

Witness: f1818 delighted,
Witness: f1823 delighted,
Witness: f1831 delighted,
Witness: fThomas delighted,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 endeavoured to
Witness: f1823 endeavoured to
Witness: f1831 endeavoured to
Witness: fThomas endeavoured to
Witness: fMS endeavoured to


Reading Group: C20a_app130_rg1

Witness: fMS warmkindle

Reading Group: C20a_app130_rg2

Witness: f1818 kindle
Witness: f1823 kindle
Witness: f1831 kindle
Witness: fThomas kindle


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the zeal of his
Witness: f1823 the zeal of his
Witness: f1831 the zeal of his
Witness: fThomas the zeal of his
Witness: fMS the zeal of his


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS promised


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 deliverer by
Witness: f1823 deliverer by
Witness: f1831 deliverer by
Witness: fThomas deliverer by
Witness: fMS deliverer by


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 promises of reward
Witness: f1823 promises of reward
Witness: f1831 promises of reward
Witness: fThomas promises of reward
Witness: fMS promises of reward


Reading Group: C20a_app135_rg1

Witness: fMS &

Reading Group: C20a_app135_rg2

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fThomas and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 wealth. Felix rejected
Witness: f1823 wealth. Felix rejected
Witness: f1831 wealth. Felix rejected
Witness: fThomas wealth. Felix rejected
Witness: fMS wealth. Felix rejected


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 his offers with
Witness: f1823 his offers with
Witness: f1831 his offers with
Witness: fThomas his offers with
Witness: fMS his offers with


Reading Group: C20a_app138_rg1

Witness: fMS contempt

Reading Group: C20a_app138_rg2

Witness: f1818 contempt;
Witness: f1823 contempt;
Witness: f1831 contempt;
Witness: fThomas contempt;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 yet when he
Witness: f1823 yet when he
Witness: f1831 yet when he
Witness: fThomas yet when he
Witness: fMS Yet when he


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 saw the lovely
Witness: f1823 saw the lovely
Witness: f1831 saw the lovely
Witness: fThomas saw the lovely
Witness: fMS saw the lovely


Reading Group: C20a_app141_rg1

Witness: fMS Safie

Reading Group: C20a_app141_rg2

Witness: f1818 Safie,
Witness: f1823 Safie,
Witness: f1831 Safie,
Witness: fThomas Safie,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 who was allowed
Witness: f1823 who was allowed
Witness: f1831 who was allowed
Witness: fThomas who was allowed
Witness: fMS who was allowed


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to visit her
Witness: f1823 to visit her
Witness: f1831 to visit her
Witness: fThomas to visit her
Witness: fMS to visit her


Reading Group: C20a_app144_rg1

Witness: fMS father & who

Reading Group: C20a_app144_rg2

Witness: f1818 father, and who,
Witness: f1823 father, and who,
Witness: f1831 father, and who,
Witness: fThomas father, and who,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 by her
Witness: f1823 by her
Witness: f1831 by her
Witness: fThomas by her
Witness: fMS by her


Reading Group: C20a_app146_rg1

Witness: fMS expressive gestures

Reading Group: C20a_app146_rg2

Witness: f1818 gestures,
Witness: f1823 gestures,
Witness: f1831 gestures,
Witness: fThomas gestures,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 expressed her lively gratitude, the
Witness: f1823 expressed her lively gratitude, the
Witness: f1831 expressed her lively gratitude, the
Witness: fThomas expressed her lively gratitude, the
Witness: fMS expressed her lively gratitude, the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 youth could not help owning to his own
Witness: f1823 youth could not help owning to his own
Witness: f1831 youth could not help owning to his own
Witness: fThomas youth could not help owning to his own
Witness: fMS youth could not help owning to his own


Reading Group: C20a_app149_rg1

Witness: fMS mind

Reading Group: C20a_app149_rg2

Witness: f1818 mind,
Witness: f1823 mind,
Witness: f1831 mind,
Witness: fThomas mind,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that the captive possessed a
Witness: f1823 that the captive possessed a
Witness: f1831 that the captive possessed a
Witness: fThomas that the captive possessed a
Witness: fMS that the captive possessed a


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 treasure which
Witness: f1823 treasure which
Witness: f1831 treasure which
Witness: fThomas treasure which
Witness: fMS treasure which


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>altho it had not en


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 would fully reward his
Witness: f1823 would fully reward his
Witness: f1831 would fully reward his
Witness: fThomas would fully reward his
Witness: fMS would fully reward his


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 toil
Witness: f1823 toil
Witness: f1831 toil
Witness: fThomas toil
Witness: fMS toil


Reading Group: C20a_app155_rg1

Witness: fMS & hazard. The

Reading Group: C20a_app155_rg2

Witness: f1818 and hazard.<p/><p/>“The
Witness: f1823 and hazard.<p/><p/>“The
Witness: f1831 and hazard.<p/><p/>“The
Witness: fThomas and hazard.<p/><p/>“The


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Turk quickly perceived the impression that his daughter had made on
Witness: f1823 Turk quickly perceived the impression that his daughter had made on
Witness: f1831 Turk quickly perceived the impression that his daughter had made on
Witness: fThomas Turk quickly perceived the impression that his daughter had made on
Witness: fMS Turk quickly perceived the impression that his daughter had made on


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fThomas the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 heart of
Witness: f1823 heart of
Witness: f1831 heart of
Witness: fThomas heart of
Witness: fMS heart of


Reading Group: C20a_app159_rg1

Witness: fMS Felix and resolved to obtainhis at any price the full zeal

Reading Group: C20a_app159_rg2

Witness: f1818 Felix,
Witness: f1823 Felix,
Witness: f1831 Felix,
Witness: fThomas Felix,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: fMS and


Reading Group: C20a_app161_rg1

Witness: fMS re<mdel/>solvedendeavored

Reading Group: C20a_app161_rg2

Witness: f1818 endeavoured
Witness: f1823 endeavoured
Witness: f1831 endeavoured
Witness: fThomas endeavoured


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to secure
Witness: f1823 to secure
Witness: f1831 to secure
Witness: fThomas to secure
Witness: fMS to secure


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS theinterrest


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 him
Witness: f1823 him
Witness: f1831 him
Witness: fThomas him
Witness: fMS him


Reading Group: C20a_app165_rg1

Witness: fMS at any pr<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>more entirely

Reading Group: C20a_app165_rg2

Witness: f1818 more entirely in his interests
Witness: f1823 more entirely in his interests
Witness: f1831 more entirely in his interests
Witness: fThomas more entirely in his interests


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 by
Witness: f1823 by
Witness: f1831 by
Witness: fThomas by
Witness: fMS by


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the promise of her hand in
Witness: f1823 the promise of her hand in
Witness: f1831 the promise of her hand in
Witness: fThomas the promise of her hand in
Witness: fMS the promise of her hand in


Reading Group: C20a_app168_rg1

Witness: f1818 marriage, so soon as he should be conveyed to a place of safety.
Witness: f1823 marriage, so soon as he should be conveyed to a place of safety.
Witness: f1831 marriage, so soon as he should be conveyed to a place of safety.
Witness: fThomas marriage, so soon as he should be conveyed to a place of safety.

Reading Group: C20a_app168_rg2

Witness: fMS marriage;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Felix was too delicate to accept
Witness: f1823 Felix was too delicate to accept
Witness: f1831 Felix was too delicate to accept
Witness: fThomas Felix was too delicate to accept
Witness: fMS Felix was too delicate to accept


Reading Group: C20a_app170_rg1

Witness: fMS offeroffer

Reading Group: C20a_app170_rg2

Witness: f1818 this offer;
Witness: f1823 this offer;
Witness: f1831 this offer;
Witness: fThomas this offer;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 yet
Witness: f1823 yet
Witness: f1831 yet
Witness: fThomas yet
Witness: fMS yet


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 he looked forward to the probability of
Witness: f1823 he looked forward to the probability of
Witness: f1831 he looked forward to the probability of
Witness: fThomas he looked forward to the probability of
Witness: fMS he looked forward to the probability of


Reading Group: C20a_app173_rg1

Witness: fMS

Reading Group: C20a_app173_rg2

Witness: f1823 the
Witness: f1831 the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that
Witness: fThomas that
Witness: fMS that


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 event as
Witness: f1823 event as
Witness: f1831 event as
Witness: fThomas event as
Witness: fMS event as


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to
Witness: f1823 to
Witness: f1831 to
Witness: fThomas to


Reading Group: C20a_app177_rg1

Witness: f1818 that
Witness: fThomas that

Reading Group: C20a_app177_rg2

Witness: f1823 the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fMS the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 consummation of
Witness: f1823 consummation of
Witness: f1831 consummation of
Witness: fThomas consummation of
Witness: fMS consummation of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 his
Witness: f1823 his
Witness: f1831 his
Witness: fThomas his
Witness: fMS his


Reading Group: C20a_app180_rg1

Witness: fMS happiness.

Reading Group: C20a_app180_rg2

Witness: f1818 happiness.<p/>
Witness: f1823 happiness.<p/>
Witness: f1831 happiness.<p/>
Witness: fThomas happiness.<p/>


Reading Group: C20b_app1_rg1

Witness: fMS

Reading Group: C20b_app1_rg2

Witness: f1818 <p/>“During the ensuing days, while the preparations were going forward for the escape of the merchant, the zeal of Felix was warmed by several letters that he received from this lovely girl, who found means to express her thoughts in the language of her lover by the aid of an old man, a servant of her
Witness: f1823 <p/>“During the ensuing days, while the preparations were going forward for the escape of the merchant, the zeal of Felix was warmed by several letters that he received from this lovely girl, who found means to express her thoughts in the language of her lover by the aid of an old man, a servant of her
Witness: f1831 <p/>“During the ensuing days, while the preparations were going forward for the escape of the merchant, the zeal of Felix was warmed by several letters that he received from this lovely girl, who found means to express her thoughts in the language of her lover by the aid of an old man, a servant of her
Witness: fThomas <p/>“During the ensuing days, while the preparations were going forward for the escape of the merchant, the zeal of Felix was warmed by several letters that he received from this lovely girl, who found means to express her thoughts in the language of her lover by the aid of an old man, a servant of her


Reading Group: C20b_app2_rg1

Witness: f1823 father,
Witness: f1831 father,

Reading Group: C20b_app2_rg2

Witness: f1818 father’s,
Witness: fThomas father’s,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 who understood French. She thanked him in the most ardent terms for his intended services towards her
Witness: f1823 who understood French. She thanked him in the most ardent terms for his intended services towards her
Witness: f1831 who understood French. She thanked him in the most ardent terms for his intended services towards her
Witness: fThomas who understood French. She thanked him in the most ardent terms for his intended services towards her


Reading Group: C20b_app4_rg1

Witness: f1818 father;
Witness: fThomas father;

Reading Group: C20b_app4_rg2

Witness: f1823 parent;
Witness: f1831 parent;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and at the same time she gently deplored her own fate.<p/><p/>“I have copies of these letters; for I found means, during my residence in the hovel, to procure the implements of writing; and the letters were often in the hands of Felix or Agatha. Before I depart, I will give them to you, they will prove the truth of my tale; but at present, as the sun is already far declined, I shall only have time to repeat the substance of them to you.<p/><p/>“Safie related, that her mother was a Christian Arab, seized and made a slave by the Turks; recommended by her beauty, she had won the heart of the father of Safie, who married her. The young girl spoke in high and enthusiastic terms of her mother, who, born in
Witness: f1823 and at the same time she gently deplored her own fate.<p/><p/>“I have copies of these letters; for I found means, during my residence in the hovel, to procure the implements of writing; and the letters were often in the hands of Felix or Agatha. Before I depart, I will give them to you, they will prove the truth of my tale; but at present, as the sun is already far declined, I shall only have time to repeat the substance of them to you.<p/><p/>“Safie related, that her mother was a Christian Arab, seized and made a slave by the Turks; recommended by her beauty, she had won the heart of the father of Safie, who married her. The young girl spoke in high and enthusiastic terms of her mother, who, born in
Witness: f1831 and at the same time she gently deplored her own fate.<p/><p/>“I have copies of these letters; for I found means, during my residence in the hovel, to procure the implements of writing; and the letters were often in the hands of Felix or Agatha. Before I depart, I will give them to you, they will prove the truth of my tale; but at present, as the sun is already far declined, I shall only have time to repeat the substance of them to you.<p/><p/>“Safie related, that her mother was a Christian Arab, seized and made a slave by the Turks; recommended by her beauty, she had won the heart of the father of Safie, who married her. The young girl spoke in high and enthusiastic terms of her mother, who, born in
Witness: fThomas and at the same time she gently deplored her own fate.<p/><p/>“I have copies of these letters; for I found means, during my residence in the hovel, to procure the implements of writing; and the letters were often in the hands of Felix or Agatha. Before I depart, I will give them to you, they will prove the truth of my tale; but at present, as the sun is already far declined, I shall only have time to repeat the substance of them to you.<p/><p/>“Safie related, that her mother was a Christian Arab, seized and made a slave by the Turks; recommended by her beauty, she had won the heart of the father of Safie, who married her. The young girl spoke in high and enthusiastic terms of her mother, who, born in


Reading Group: C20b_app6_rg1

Witness: f1818 freedom
Witness: fThomas freedom

Reading Group: C20b_app6_rg2

Witness: f1823 freedom,
Witness: f1831 freedom,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 spurned the bondage to which she was now reduced. She instructed her daughter in the tenets of her religion, and taught her to aspire to higher powers of intellect, and an independence of spirit, forbidden to the female followers of Mahomet. This lady died; but her lessons were indelibly impressed on the mind of Safie, who sickened at the prospect of again returning to Asia, and
Witness: f1823 spurned the bondage to which she was now reduced. She instructed her daughter in the tenets of her religion, and taught her to aspire to higher powers of intellect, and an independence of spirit, forbidden to the female followers of Mahomet. This lady died; but her lessons were indelibly impressed on the mind of Safie, who sickened at the prospect of again returning to Asia, and
Witness: f1831 spurned the bondage to which she was now reduced. She instructed her daughter in the tenets of her religion, and taught her to aspire to higher powers of intellect, and an independence of spirit, forbidden to the female followers of Mahomet. This lady died; but her lessons were indelibly impressed on the mind of Safie, who sickened at the prospect of again returning to Asia, and
Witness: fThomas spurned the bondage to which she was now reduced. She instructed her daughter in the tenets of her religion, and taught her to aspire to higher powers of intellect, and an independence of spirit, forbidden to the female followers of Mahomet. This lady died; but her lessons were indelibly impressed on the mind of Safie, who sickened at the prospect of again returning to Asia, and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: fThomas the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 being immured within the walls of a haram, allowed only to occupy herself with
Witness: f1823 being immured within the walls of a haram, allowed only to occupy herself with
Witness: f1831 being immured within the walls of a haram, allowed only to occupy herself with
Witness: fThomas being immured within the walls of a haram, allowed only to occupy herself with


Reading Group: C20b_app10_rg1

Witness: f1823 infantile
Witness: f1831 infantile

Reading Group: C20b_app10_rg2

Witness: f1818 puerile
Witness: fThomas puerile


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 amusements, ill suited to the temper of her soul, now accustomed to grand ideas and a noble emulation for virtue. The prospect of marrying a Christian, and remaining in a country where women were allowed to take a rank in society, was enchanting to her.<p/><p/>“The day for the execution of the Turk was fixed; but, on the night previous to it, he
Witness: f1823 amusements, ill suited to the temper of her soul, now accustomed to grand ideas and a noble emulation for virtue. The prospect of marrying a Christian, and remaining in a country where women were allowed to take a rank in society, was enchanting to her.<p/><p/>“The day for the execution of the Turk was fixed; but, on the night previous to it, he
Witness: f1831 amusements, ill suited to the temper of her soul, now accustomed to grand ideas and a noble emulation for virtue. The prospect of marrying a Christian, and remaining in a country where women were allowed to take a rank in society, was enchanting to her.<p/><p/>“The day for the execution of the Turk was fixed; but, on the night previous to it, he
Witness: fThomas amusements, ill suited to the temper of her soul, now accustomed to grand ideas and a noble emulation for virtue. The prospect of marrying a Christian, and remaining in a country where women were allowed to take a rank in society, was enchanting to her.<p/><p/>“The day for the execution of the Turk was fixed; but, on the night previous to it, he


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 had
Witness: fThomas had


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 quitted
Witness: f1823 quitted
Witness: f1831 quitted
Witness: fThomas quitted


Unified Readings

Witness: f1823 his
Witness: f1831 his


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 prison, and before morning was distant many leagues from Paris. Felix had procured passports in the name of his father, sister, and himself. He had previously communicated his plan to the former, who aided the deceit by quitting his house, under the pretence of a journey, and concealed himself, with his daughter, in an obscure part of Paris.<p/><p/>“Felix conducted the fugitives through France to Lyons, and across Mont Cenis to Leghorn, where the merchant had decided to wait a favourable opportunity of passing into some part of the Turkish dominions.<p/><p/>“Safie resolved to remain with her father until the moment of his departure, before which time the Turk renewed his promise that she should be united to his deliverer; and Felix remained with them in expectation of that event; and in the mean time he enjoyed the society of the Arabian, who exhibited towards him the simplest and tenderest affection. They conversed with one another through the means of an interpreter, and sometimes with the interpretation of looks; and Safie sang to him the divine airs of her native country.<p/><p/>“The Turk allowed this intimacy to take place, and encouraged the hopes of the youthful lovers, while in his heart he had formed far other plans. He loathed the idea that his daughter should be united to a Christian; but he feared the resentment of
Witness: f1823 prison, and before morning was distant many leagues from Paris. Felix had procured passports in the name of his father, sister, and himself. He had previously communicated his plan to the former, who aided the deceit by quitting his house, under the pretence of a journey, and concealed himself, with his daughter, in an obscure part of Paris.<p/><p/>“Felix conducted the fugitives through France to Lyons, and across Mont Cenis to Leghorn, where the merchant had decided to wait a favourable opportunity of passing into some part of the Turkish dominions.<p/><p/>“Safie resolved to remain with her father until the moment of his departure, before which time the Turk renewed his promise that she should be united to his deliverer; and Felix remained with them in expectation of that event; and in the mean time he enjoyed the society of the Arabian, who exhibited towards him the simplest and tenderest affection. They conversed with one another through the means of an interpreter, and sometimes with the interpretation of looks; and Safie sang to him the divine airs of her native country.<p/><p/>“The Turk allowed this intimacy to take place, and encouraged the hopes of the youthful lovers, while in his heart he had formed far other plans. He loathed the idea that his daughter should be united to a Christian; but he feared the resentment of
Witness: f1831 prison, and before morning was distant many leagues from Paris. Felix had procured passports in the name of his father, sister, and himself. He had previously communicated his plan to the former, who aided the deceit by quitting his house, under the pretence of a journey, and concealed himself, with his daughter, in an obscure part of Paris.<p/><p/>“Felix conducted the fugitives through France to Lyons, and across Mont Cenis to Leghorn, where the merchant had decided to wait a favourable opportunity of passing into some part of the Turkish dominions.<p/><p/>“Safie resolved to remain with her father until the moment of his departure, before which time the Turk renewed his promise that she should be united to his deliverer; and Felix remained with them in expectation of that event; and in the mean time he enjoyed the society of the Arabian, who exhibited towards him the simplest and tenderest affection. They conversed with one another through the means of an interpreter, and sometimes with the interpretation of looks; and Safie sang to him the divine airs of her native country.<p/><p/>“The Turk allowed this intimacy to take place, and encouraged the hopes of the youthful lovers, while in his heart he had formed far other plans. He loathed the idea that his daughter should be united to a Christian; but he feared the resentment of
Witness: fThomas prison, and before morning was distant many leagues from Paris. Felix had procured passports in the name of his father, sister, and himself. He had previously communicated his plan to the former, who aided the deceit by quitting his house, under the pretence of a journey, and concealed himself, with his daughter, in an obscure part of Paris.<p/><p/>“Felix conducted the fugitives through France to Lyons, and across Mont Cenis to Leghorn, where the merchant had decided to wait a favourable opportunity of passing into some part of the Turkish dominions.<p/><p/>“Safie resolved to remain with her father until the moment of his departure, before which time the Turk renewed his promise that she should be united to his deliverer; and Felix remained with them in expectation of that event; and in the mean time he enjoyed the society of the Arabian, who exhibited towards him the simplest and tenderest affection. They conversed with one another through the means of an interpreter, and sometimes with the interpretation of looks; and Safie sang to him the divine airs of her native country.<p/><p/>“The Turk allowed this intimacy to take place, and encouraged the hopes of the youthful lovers, while in his heart he had formed far other plans. He loathed the idea that his daughter should be united to a Christian; but he feared the resentment of


Reading Group: C20b_app16_rg1

Witness: f1818 Felix
Witness: fThomas Felix

Reading Group: C20b_app16_rg2

Witness: f1823 Felix,
Witness: f1831 Felix,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 if he should appear lukewarm; for he knew that he was still in the power of his deliverer, if he should choose to betray him to the Italian state which they inhabited. He revolved a thousand plans by which he should be enabled to prolong the deceit until it might be no longer necessary, and secretly to take his daughter with him when he departed. His plans were
Witness: f1823 if he should appear lukewarm; for he knew that he was still in the power of his deliverer, if he should choose to betray him to the Italian state which they inhabited. He revolved a thousand plans by which he should be enabled to prolong the deceit until it might be no longer necessary, and secretly to take his daughter with him when he departed. His plans were
Witness: f1831 if he should appear lukewarm; for he knew that he was still in the power of his deliverer, if he should choose to betray him to the Italian state which they inhabited. He revolved a thousand plans by which he should be enabled to prolong the deceit until it might be no longer necessary, and secretly to take his daughter with him when he departed. His plans were
Witness: fThomas if he should appear lukewarm; for he knew that he was still in the power of his deliverer, if he should choose to betray him to the Italian state which they inhabited. He revolved a thousand plans by which he should be enabled to prolong the deceit until it might be no longer necessary, and secretly to take his daughter with him when he departed. His plans were


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 greatly
Witness: f1823 greatly
Witness: fThomas greatly


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 facilitated by the news which arrived from Paris.<p/><p/>“The government of France were greatly enraged at the escape of their victim, and spared no pains to detect and punish his deliverer. The plot of Felix was quickly discovered, and De Lacey and Agatha were thrown into prison. The news reached Felix, and roused him from his dream of pleasure. His blind and aged father, and his gentle sister, lay in a noisome dungeon, while he enjoyed the free air, and the society of her whom he loved. This idea was torture to him. He quickly arranged with the
Witness: f1823 facilitated by the news which arrived from Paris.<p/><p/>“The government of France were greatly enraged at the escape of their victim, and spared no pains to detect and punish his deliverer. The plot of Felix was quickly discovered, and De Lacey and Agatha were thrown into prison. The news reached Felix, and roused him from his dream of pleasure. His blind and aged father, and his gentle sister, lay in a noisome dungeon, while he enjoyed the free air, and the society of her whom he loved. This idea was torture to him. He quickly arranged with the
Witness: f1831 facilitated by the news which arrived from Paris.<p/><p/>“The government of France were greatly enraged at the escape of their victim, and spared no pains to detect and punish his deliverer. The plot of Felix was quickly discovered, and De Lacey and Agatha were thrown into prison. The news reached Felix, and roused him from his dream of pleasure. His blind and aged father, and his gentle sister, lay in a noisome dungeon, while he enjoyed the free air, and the society of her whom he loved. This idea was torture to him. He quickly arranged with the
Witness: fThomas facilitated by the news which arrived from Paris.<p/><p/>“The government of France were greatly enraged at the escape of their victim, and spared no pains to detect and punish his deliverer. The plot of Felix was quickly discovered, and De Lacey and Agatha were thrown into prison. The news reached Felix, and roused him from his dream of pleasure. His blind and aged father, and his gentle sister, lay in a noisome dungeon, while he enjoyed the free air, and the society of her whom he loved. This idea was torture to him. He quickly arranged with the


Reading Group: C20b_app20_rg1

Witness: f1818 Turk,
Witness: f1823 Turk,
Witness: fThomas Turk,

Reading Group: C20b_app20_rg2

Witness: f1831 Turks,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that if the latter should find a favourable opportunity for escape before Felix could return to Italy, Safie should remain as a boarder at a convent at Leghorn; and then, quitting the lovely Arabian, he hastened to Paris, and delivered himself up to the vengeance of the law, hoping to free De Lacey and Agatha by this
Witness: f1823 that if the latter should find a favourable opportunity for escape before Felix could return to Italy, Safie should remain as a boarder at a convent at Leghorn; and then, quitting the lovely Arabian, he hastened to Paris, and delivered himself up to the vengeance of the law, hoping to free De Lacey and Agatha by this
Witness: f1831 that if the latter should find a favourable opportunity for escape before Felix could return to Italy, Safie should remain as a boarder at a convent at Leghorn; and then, quitting the lovely Arabian, he hastened to Paris, and delivered himself up to the vengeance of the law, hoping to free De Lacey and Agatha by this
Witness: fThomas that if the latter should find a favourable opportunity for escape before Felix could return to Italy, Safie should remain as a boarder at a convent at Leghorn; and then, quitting the lovely Arabian, he hastened to Paris, and delivered himself up to the vengeance of the law, hoping to free De Lacey and Agatha by this


Reading Group: C20b_app22_rg1

Witness: fThomas proceeding.<note/>Thomas copy: pencil mark joins paragraphs.<note/> “He

Reading Group: C20b_app22_rg2

Witness: f1818 proceeding.<p/><p/>“He
Witness: f1823 proceeding.<p/><p/>“He
Witness: f1831 proceeding.<p/><p/>“He


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 did not succeed. They remained confined for five months before the trial took place; the result of which deprived them of their fortune, and condemned them to a perpetual exile from their native country.<p/><p/>“They found a miserable asylum in the cottage in Germany, where I discovered them. Felix soon learned that the treacherous Turk, for whom he and his family endured such unheard-of oppression, on discovering that his deliverer was thus reduced to poverty and
Witness: f1823 did not succeed. They remained confined for five months before the trial took place; the result of which deprived them of their fortune, and condemned them to a perpetual exile from their native country.<p/><p/>“They found a miserable asylum in the cottage in Germany, where I discovered them. Felix soon learned that the treacherous Turk, for whom he and his family endured such unheard-of oppression, on discovering that his deliverer was thus reduced to poverty and
Witness: f1831 did not succeed. They remained confined for five months before the trial took place; the result of which deprived them of their fortune, and condemned them to a perpetual exile from their native country.<p/><p/>“They found a miserable asylum in the cottage in Germany, where I discovered them. Felix soon learned that the treacherous Turk, for whom he and his family endured such unheard-of oppression, on discovering that his deliverer was thus reduced to poverty and
Witness: fThomas did not succeed. They remained confined for five months before the trial took place; the result of which deprived them of their fortune, and condemned them to a perpetual exile from their native country.<p/><p/>“They found a miserable asylum in the cottage in Germany, where I discovered them. Felix soon learned that the treacherous Turk, for whom he and his family endured such unheard-of oppression, on discovering that his deliverer was thus reduced to poverty and


Reading Group: C20b_app24_rg1

Witness: f1818 impotence,
Witness: f1823 impotence,
Witness: fThomas impotence,

Reading Group: C20b_app24_rg2

Witness: f1831 ruin,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 became a traitor to good feeling and honour, and had quitted Italy with his daughter, insultingly sending Felix a pittance of
Witness: f1823 became a traitor to good feeling and honour, and had quitted Italy with his daughter, insultingly sending Felix a pittance of
Witness: f1831 became a traitor to good feeling and honour, and had quitted Italy with his daughter, insultingly sending Felix a pittance of
Witness: fThomas became a traitor to good feeling and honour, and had quitted Italy with his daughter, insultingly sending Felix a pittance of


Reading Group: C20b_app26_rg1

Witness: f1818 money
Witness: fThomas money

Reading Group: C20b_app26_rg2

Witness: f1823 money,
Witness: f1831 money,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to aid him, as he said, in some plan of future maintenance.<p/><p/>“Such were the events that preyed on the heart of Felix, and rendered him, when I first saw him, the most miserable of his family. He could have endured
Witness: f1823 to aid him, as he said, in some plan of future maintenance.<p/><p/>“Such were the events that preyed on the heart of Felix, and rendered him, when I first saw him, the most miserable of his family. He could have endured
Witness: f1831 to aid him, as he said, in some plan of future maintenance.<p/><p/>“Such were the events that preyed on the heart of Felix, and rendered him, when I first saw him, the most miserable of his family. He could have endured
Witness: fThomas to aid him, as he said, in some plan of future maintenance.<p/><p/>“Such were the events that preyed on the heart of Felix, and rendered him, when I first saw him, the most miserable of his family. He could have endured


Reading Group: C20b_app28_rg1

Witness: f1818 poverty,
Witness: f1823 poverty,
Witness: fThomas poverty,

Reading Group: C20b_app28_rg2

Witness: f1831 poverty;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fThomas and


Reading Group: C20b_app30_rg1

Witness: f1818 when
Witness: fThomas when

Reading Group: C20b_app30_rg2

Witness: f1823 while
Witness: f1831 while


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 this distress had been the meed of his virtue, he
Witness: f1823 this distress had been the meed of his virtue, he
Witness: f1831 this distress had been the meed of his virtue, he
Witness: fThomas this distress had been the meed of his virtue, he


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 would have
Witness: fThomas would have


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 gloried in it: but the ingratitude of the Turk, and the loss of his beloved Safie, were misfortunes more bitter and irreparable. The arrival of the Arabian now infused new life into his soul.<p/><p/>“When the news reached Leghorn, that Felix was deprived of his wealth and
Witness: f1823 gloried in it: but the ingratitude of the Turk, and the loss of his beloved Safie, were misfortunes more bitter and irreparable. The arrival of the Arabian now infused new life into his soul.<p/><p/>“When the news reached Leghorn, that Felix was deprived of his wealth and
Witness: f1831 gloried in it: but the ingratitude of the Turk, and the loss of his beloved Safie, were misfortunes more bitter and irreparable. The arrival of the Arabian now infused new life into his soul.<p/><p/>“When the news reached Leghorn, that Felix was deprived of his wealth and
Witness: fThomas gloried in it: but the ingratitude of the Turk, and the loss of his beloved Safie, were misfortunes more bitter and irreparable. The arrival of the Arabian now infused new life into his soul.<p/><p/>“When the news reached Leghorn, that Felix was deprived of his wealth and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1831 <p/>“During the ensuing days, while the preparations were going forward for the escape of the merchant, the zeal of Felix was warmed by several letters that he received from this lovely girl, who found means to express her thoughts in the language of her lover by the aid of an old man, a servant of her father, who understood French. She thanked him in the most ardent terms for his intended services towards her parent; and at the same time she gently deplored her own fate.<p/><p/>“I have copies of these letters; for I found means, during my residence in the hovel, to procure the implements of writing; and the letters were often in the hands of Felix or Agatha. Before I depart, I will give them to you, they will prove the truth of my tale; but at present, as the sun is already far declined, I shall only have time to repeat the substance of them to you.<p/><p/>“Safie related, that her mother was a Christian Arab, seized and made a slave by the Turks; recommended by her beauty, she had won the heart of the father of Safie, who married her. The young girl spoke in high and enthusiastic terms of her mother, who, born in freedom, spurned the bondage to which she was now reduced. She instructed her daughter in the tenets of her religion, and taught her to aspire to higher powers of intellect, and an independence of spirit, forbidden to the female followers of Mahomet. This lady died; but her lessons were indelibly impressed on the mind of Safie, who sickened at the prospect of again returning to Asia, and being immured within the walls of a haram, allowed only to occupy herself with infantile amusements, ill suited to the temper of her soul, now accustomed to grand ideas and a noble emulation for virtue. The prospect of marrying a Christian, and remaining in a country where women were allowed to take a


Unified Readings

Witness: f1831 rank
Witness: fMS rank


Reading Group: C20c_app3_rg1

Witness: fMS her fatherthe

Reading Group: C20c_app3_rg2

Witness: f1831 in society, was enchanting to her.<p/><p/>“The day for the execution of the Turk was fixed; but, on the night previous to it, he quitted his prison, and before morning was distant many leagues from Paris. Felix had procured passports in the name of his father, sister, and himself. He had previously communicated his plan to the former, who aided the deceit by quitting his house, under the pretence of a journey, and concealed himself, with his daughter, in an obscure part of Paris.<p/><p/>“Felix conducted the fugitives through France to Lyons, and across Mont Cenis to Leghorn, where the merchant had decided to wait a favourable opportunity of passing into some part of the Turkish dominions.<p/><p/>“Safie resolved to remain with her father until the moment of his departure, before which time the Turk renewed his promise that she should be united to his deliverer; and Felix remained with them in expectation of that event; and in the mean time he enjoyed the society of the Arabian, who exhibited towards him the simplest and tenderest affection. They conversed with one another through the means of an interpreter, and sometimes with the interpretation of looks; and Safie sang to him the divine airs of her native country.<p/><p/>“The Turk allowed this intimacy to take place, and encouraged the hopes of the youthful lovers, while in his heart he had formed far other plans. He loathed the idea that his daughter should be united to a Christian; but he feared the resentment of Felix, if he should appear lukewarm; for he knew that he was still in the power of his deliverer, if he should choose to betray him to the Italian state which they inhabited. He revolved a thousand plans by which he should be enabled to prolong the deceit until it might be no longer necessary, and secretly to take his daughter with him when he departed. His plans were facilitated by the news which arrived from Paris.<p/><p/>“The government of France were greatly enraged at the escape of their victim, and spared no pains to detect and punish his deliverer. The plot of Felix was quickly discovered, and De Lacey and Agatha were thrown into prison. The news reached Felix, and roused him from his dream of pleasure. His blind and aged father, and his gentle sister, lay in a noisome dungeon, while he enjoyed the free air, and the society of her whom he loved. This idea was torture to him. He quickly arranged with the Turks, that if the latter should find a favourable opportunity for escape before Felix could return to Italy, Safie should remain as a boarder at a convent at Leghorn; and then, quitting the lovely Arabian, he hastened to Paris, and delivered himself up to the vengeance of the law, hoping to free De Lacey and Agatha by this proceeding.<p/><p/>“He did not succeed. They remained confined for five months before the trial took place; the result of which deprived them of their fortune, and condemned them to a perpetual exile from their native country.<p/><p/>“They found a miserable asylum in the cottage in Germany, where I discovered them. Felix soon learned that the treacherous Turk, for whom he and his family endured such unheard-of oppression, on discovering that his deliverer was thus reduced to poverty and ruin, became a traitor to good feeling and honour, and had quitted Italy with his daughter, insultingly sending Felix a pittance of money, to aid him, as he said, in some plan of future maintenance.<p/><p/>“Such were the events that preyed on the heart of Felix, and rendered him, when I first saw him, the most miserable of his family. He could have endured poverty; and while this distress had been the meed of his virtue, he gloried in it: but the ingratitude of the Turk, and the loss of his beloved Safie, were misfortunes more bitter and irreparable. The arrival of the Arabian now infused new life into his soul.<p/><p/>“When the news reached Leghorn, that Felix was deprived of his wealth and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 rank, the
Witness: f1823 rank, the
Witness: f1831 rank, the
Witness: fThomas rank, the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 merchant
Witness: f1823 merchant
Witness: f1831 merchant
Witness: fThomas merchant
Witness: fMS merchant


Reading Group: C20c_app6_rg1

Witness: f1818 commanded his
Witness: f1823 commanded his
Witness: f1831 commanded his
Witness: fThomas commanded his

Reading Group: C20c_app6_rg2

Witness: fMS commander herhis


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 daughter to think no more of
Witness: f1823 daughter to think no more of
Witness: f1831 daughter to think no more of
Witness: fThomas daughter to think no more of
Witness: fMS daughter to think no more of


Reading Group: C20c_app8_rg1

Witness: fMS himher lover

Reading Group: C20c_app8_rg2

Witness: f1818 her lover,
Witness: f1823 her lover,
Witness: f1831 her lover,
Witness: fThomas her lover,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but to
Witness: f1823 but to
Witness: f1831 but to
Witness: fThomas but to
Witness: fMS but to


Reading Group: C20c_app10_rg1

Witness: fMS repare

Reading Group: C20c_app10_rg2

Witness: f1818 prepare
Witness: f1823 prepare
Witness: f1831 prepare
Witness: fThomas prepare


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to return
Witness: f1823 to return
Witness: f1831 to return
Witness: fThomas to return
Witness: fMS to return


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 with him
Witness: fThomas with him


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to her native
Witness: f1823 to her native
Witness: f1831 to her native
Witness: fThomas to her native
Witness: fMS to her native


Reading Group: C20c_app14_rg1

Witness: fMS country with him.–The

Reading Group: C20c_app14_rg2

Witness: f1818 country. The
Witness: f1823 country. The
Witness: f1831 country. The
Witness: fThomas country. The


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 generous nature of Safie
Witness: f1823 generous nature of Safie
Witness: f1831 generous nature of Safie
Witness: fThomas generous nature of Safie
Witness: fMS generous nature of Safie


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was outraged by this
Witness: f1823 was outraged by this
Witness: f1831 was outraged by this
Witness: fThomas was outraged by this
Witness: fMS was outraged by this


Reading Group: C20c_app17_rg1

Witness: fMS command –She

Reading Group: C20c_app17_rg2

Witness: f1818 command; she
Witness: f1823 command; she
Witness: f1831 command; she
Witness: fThomas command; she


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 attempted to expostulate with her
Witness: f1823 attempted to expostulate with her
Witness: f1831 attempted to expostulate with her
Witness: fThomas attempted to expostulate with her
Witness: fMS attempted to expostulate with her


Reading Group: C20c_app19_rg1

Witness: fMS father

Reading Group: C20c_app19_rg2

Witness: f1818 father,
Witness: f1823 father,
Witness: f1831 father,
Witness: fThomas father,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but
Witness: f1823 but
Witness: f1831 but
Witness: fThomas but
Witness: fMS but


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 he
Witness: f1823 he
Witness: f1831 he
Witness: fThomas he
Witness: fMS he


Reading Group: C20c_app22_rg1

Witness: f1818 left
Witness: f1823 left
Witness: f1831 left
Witness: fThomas left

Reading Group: C20c_app22_rg2

Witness: fMS lefter


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 her
Witness: f1823 her
Witness: f1831 her
Witness: fThomas her
Witness: fMS her


Reading Group: C20c_app24_rg1

Witness: fMS angrily re

Reading Group: C20c_app24_rg2

Witness: f1818 angrily,
Witness: f1823 angrily,
Witness: f1831 angrily,
Witness: fThomas angrily,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 reiterating his
Witness: f1823 reiterating his
Witness: f1831 reiterating his
Witness: fThomas reiterating his
Witness: fMS reiterating his


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 tyrannical
Witness: f1823 tyrannical
Witness: f1831 tyrannical
Witness: fThomas tyrannical
Witness: fMS tyrannical


Reading Group: C20c_app27_rg1

Witness: fMS <shi rend="underline">command.</shi>orders. A

Reading Group: C20c_app27_rg2

Witness: fThomas mandate.<note/>Thomas copy: pencil mark joins paragraphs.<note/> “A

Reading Group: C20c_app27_rg3

Witness: f1818 mandate.<p/><p/>“A
Witness: f1823 mandate.<p/><p/>“A
Witness: f1831 mandate.<p/><p/>“A


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 few days
Witness: f1823 few days
Witness: f1831 few days
Witness: fThomas few days
Witness: fMS few days


Reading Group: C20c_app29_rg1

Witness: fMS after

Reading Group: C20c_app29_rg2

Witness: f1818 after,
Witness: f1823 after,
Witness: f1831 after,
Witness: fThomas after,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the Turk entered
Witness: f1823 the Turk entered
Witness: f1831 the Turk entered
Witness: fThomas the Turk entered
Witness: fMS the Turk entered


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 his
Witness: f1823 his
Witness: f1831 his
Witness: fThomas his
Witness: fMS his


Reading Group: C20c_app32_rg1

Witness: fMS daughters appartment

Reading Group: C20c_app32_rg2

Witness: f1818 daughter’s apartment,
Witness: f1823 daughter’s apartment,
Witness: f1831 daughter’s apartment,
Witness: fThomas daughter’s apartment,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and told her
Witness: f1823 and told her
Witness: f1831 and told her
Witness: fThomas and told her
Witness: fMS and told her


Reading Group: C20c_app34_rg1

Witness: fMS hastily

Reading Group: C20c_app34_rg2

Witness: f1818 hastily,
Witness: f1823 hastily,
Witness: f1831 hastily,
Witness: fThomas hastily,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that he had reason to believe
Witness: f1823 that he had reason to believe
Witness: f1831 that he had reason to believe
Witness: fThomas that he had reason to believe
Witness: fMS that he had reason to believe


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that his residence
Witness: f1823 that his residence
Witness: f1831 that his residence
Witness: fThomas that his residence
Witness: fMS that his residence


Reading Group: C20c_app37_rg1

Witness: f1818 at
Witness: f1823 at
Witness: f1831 at
Witness: fThomas at

Reading Group: C20c_app37_rg2

Witness: fMS in


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Leghorn had been
Witness: f1823 Leghorn had been
Witness: f1831 Leghorn had been
Witness: fThomas Leghorn had been
Witness: fMS Leghorn had been


Reading Group: C20c_app39_rg1

Witness: fMS divulged

Reading Group: C20c_app39_rg2

Witness: f1818 divulged,
Witness: f1823 divulged,
Witness: f1831 divulged,
Witness: fThomas divulged,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and that he
Witness: f1823 and that he
Witness: f1831 and that he
Witness: fThomas and that he
Witness: fMS and that he


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS wouldwas


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 should speedily
Witness: f1823 should speedily
Witness: f1831 should speedily
Witness: fThomas should speedily
Witness: fMS shouldb speedily


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 be delivered up to the French
Witness: f1823 be delivered up to the French
Witness: f1831 be delivered up to the French
Witness: fThomas be delivered up to the French
Witness: fMS be delivered <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>up to the French


Reading Group: C20c_app44_rg1

Witness: f1818 government;
Witness: f1823 government;
Witness: f1831 government;
Witness: fThomas government;

Reading Group: C20c_app44_rg2

Witness: fMS Government– He had just heard of a small vessel bound for Constantinople which


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 he
Witness: f1823 he
Witness: f1831 he
Witness: fThomas he
Witness: fMS He


Reading Group: C20c_app46_rg1

Witness: fMS had

Reading Group: C20c_app46_rg2

Witness: f1818 had,
Witness: f1823 had,
Witness: f1831 had,
Witness: fThomas had,


Reading Group: C20c_app47_rg1

Witness: f1831 consequently
Witness: fMS consequently

Reading Group: C20c_app47_rg2

Witness: f1818 consequently,
Witness: f1823 consequently,
Witness: fThomas consequently,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 hired a vessel to convey him to
Witness: f1823 hired a vessel to convey him to
Witness: f1831 hired a vessel to convey him to
Witness: fThomas hired a vessel to convey him to
Witness: fMS hired a vessel to convey him to


Reading Group: C20c_app49_rg1

Witness: fMS Can Constantinople

Reading Group: C20c_app49_rg2

Witness: f1818 Constantinople,
Witness: f1823 Constantinople,
Witness: f1831 Constantinople,
Witness: fThomas Constantinople,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 for which city he should
Witness: f1823 for which city he should
Witness: f1831 for which city he should
Witness: fThomas for which city he should
Witness: fMS infor which city he should


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 sail in
Witness: f1823 sail in
Witness: f1831 sail in
Witness: fThomas sail in
Witness: fMS sail in


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a
Witness: f1823 a
Witness: f1831 a
Witness: fThomas a


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 few hours. He intended to leave his
Witness: f1823 few hours. He intended to leave his
Witness: f1831 few hours. He intended to leave his
Witness: fThomas few hours. He intended to leave his
Witness: fMS few hours. He intended to leave his


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 daughter
Witness: f1823 daughter
Witness: f1831 daughter
Witness: fThomas daughter
Witness: fMS daughter


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS to foll


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 under the care of a
Witness: f1823 under the care of a
Witness: f1831 under the care of a
Witness: fThomas under the care of a
Witness: fMS under the care of a


Reading Group: C20c_app57_rg1

Witness: f1818 confidential servant,
Witness: f1823 confidential servant,
Witness: f1831 confidential servant,
Witness: fThomas confidential servant,

Reading Group: C20c_app57_rg2

Witness: fMS servant


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to follow at her leisure with the greater part
Witness: f1823 to follow at her leisure with the greater part
Witness: f1831 to follow at her leisure with the greater part
Witness: fThomas to follow at her leisure with the greater part
Witness: fMS to follow at her leisure with the greater part


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of his
Witness: f1823 of his
Witness: f1831 of his
Witness: fThomas of his
Witness: fMS of his


Reading Group: C20c_app60_rg1

Witness: fMS property

Reading Group: C20c_app60_rg2

Witness: f1818 property,
Witness: f1823 property,
Witness: f1831 property,
Witness: fThomas property,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 which had not yet arrived
Witness: f1823 which had not yet arrived
Witness: f1831 which had not yet arrived
Witness: fThomas which had not yet arrived
Witness: fMS which had not yet arrived


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 at
Witness: f1823 at
Witness: f1831 at
Witness: fThomas at
Witness: fMS at


Reading Group: C20c_app63_rg1

Witness: fMS Leghorn.LefDeserted by her father

Reading Group: C20c_app63_rg2

Witness: f1818 Leghorn.<p/><p/>“When alone,
Witness: f1823 Leghorn.<p/><p/>“When alone,
Witness: f1831 Leghorn.<p/><p/>“When alone,
Witness: fThomas Leghorn.<p/><p/>“When alone,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Safie
Witness: f1823 Safie
Witness: f1831 Safie
Witness: fThomas Safie
Witness: fMS Safie


Reading Group: C20c_app65_rg1

Witness: f1818 resolved
Witness: f1823 resolved
Witness: f1831 resolved
Witness: fThomas resolved

Reading Group: C20c_app65_rg2

Witness: fMS revolved


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in her own mind the
Witness: f1823 in her own mind the
Witness: f1831 in her own mind the
Witness: fThomas in her own mind the
Witness: fMS in her own mind the


Reading Group: C20c_app67_rg1

Witness: fMS various plans

Reading Group: C20c_app67_rg2

Witness: f1818 plan
Witness: f1823 plan
Witness: f1831 plan
Witness: fThomas plan


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of conduct that it would become her to pursue in this
Witness: f1823 of conduct that it would become her to pursue in this
Witness: f1831 of conduct that it would become her to pursue in this
Witness: fThomas of conduct that it would become her to pursue in this
Witness: fMS of conduct that it would become her to pursue in this


Reading Group: C20c_app69_rg1

Witness: f1818 emergency.
Witness: f1823 emergency.
Witness: f1831 emergency.
Witness: fThomas emergency.

Reading Group: C20c_app69_rg2

Witness: fMS emergency.The slavery


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 A residence in Turkey was abhorrent to
Witness: f1823 A residence in Turkey was abhorrent to
Witness: f1831 A residence in Turkey was abhorrent to
Witness: fThomas A residence in Turkey was abhorrent to
Witness: fMS A residence in Turkey was abhorrent to


Reading Group: C20c_app71_rg1

Witness: fMS her –

Reading Group: C20c_app71_rg2

Witness: f1818 her;
Witness: f1823 her;
Witness: f1831 her;
Witness: fThomas her;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 her religion
Witness: f1823 her religion
Witness: f1831 her religion
Witness: fThomas her religion
Witness: fMS her religion


Reading Group: C20c_app73_rg1

Witness: fMS &

Reading Group: C20c_app73_rg2

Witness: f1818 and her
Witness: f1823 and her
Witness: f1831 and her
Witness: fThomas and her


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 feelings were
Witness: f1823 feelings were
Witness: f1831 feelings were
Witness: fThomas feelings were
Witness: fMS feelings were


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 alike adverse to it. By some papers
Witness: f1823 alike adverse to it. By some papers
Witness: f1831 alike adverse to it. By some papers
Witness: fThomas alike adverse to it. By some papers
Witness: fMS alike adverse to it. By some papers


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS that


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of her
Witness: f1823 of her
Witness: f1831 of her
Witness: fThomas of her
Witness: fMS of her


Reading Group: C20c_app78_rg1

Witness: f1823 father,
Witness: f1831 father,

Reading Group: C20c_app78_rg2

Witness: fMS fathers that

Reading Group: C20c_app78_rg3

Witness: f1818 father’s,
Witness: fThomas father’s,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 which
Witness: f1823 which
Witness: f1831 which
Witness: fThomas which


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 fell into her
Witness: f1823 fell into her
Witness: f1831 fell into her
Witness: fThomas fell into her
Witness: fMS fell into her


Reading Group: C20c_app81_rg1

Witness: fMS hands

Reading Group: C20c_app81_rg2

Witness: f1818 hands,
Witness: f1823 hands,
Witness: f1831 hands,
Witness: fThomas hands,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 she
Witness: f1823 she
Witness: f1831 she
Witness: fThomas she
Witness: fMS she


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 heard of the exile of her
Witness: f1823 heard of the exile of her
Witness: f1831 heard of the exile of her
Witness: fThomas heard of the exile of her
Witness: fMS heard of the exile of her


Reading Group: C20c_app84_rg1

Witness: fMS lover

Reading Group: C20c_app84_rg2

Witness: f1818 lover,
Witness: f1823 lover,
Witness: f1831 lover,
Witness: fThomas lover,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: fMS and


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 learnt the name of the spot where
Witness: f1823 learnt the name of the spot where
Witness: f1831 learnt the name of the spot where
Witness: fThomas learnt the name of the spot where
Witness: fMS learnt the name of the spot where


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 he
Witness: f1823 he
Witness: f1831 he
Witness: fThomas he
Witness: fMS he


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 then
Witness: f1823 then
Witness: f1831 then
Witness: fThomas then


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 resided. She hesitated some
Witness: f1823 resided. She hesitated some
Witness: f1831 resided. She hesitated some
Witness: fThomas resided. She hesitated some
Witness: fMS resided. She hesitated some


Reading Group: C20c_app91_rg1

Witness: fMS time

Reading Group: C20c_app91_rg2

Witness: f1818 time,
Witness: f1823 time,
Witness: f1831 time,
Witness: fThomas time,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but at
Witness: f1823 but at
Witness: f1831 but at
Witness: fThomas but at
Witness: fMS but at


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 length she formed her
Witness: f1823 length she formed her
Witness: f1831 length she formed her
Witness: fThomas length she formed her
Witness: fMS length she formed her


Reading Group: C20c_app94_rg1

Witness: f1818 determination. Taking
Witness: f1823 determination. Taking
Witness: f1831 determination. Taking
Witness: fThomas determination. Taking

Reading Group: C20c_app94_rg2

Witness: fMS resolution —Taking


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 with her some jewels that belonged to her,
Witness: f1823 with her some jewels that belonged to her,
Witness: f1831 with her some jewels that belonged to her,
Witness: fThomas with her some jewels that belonged to her,
Witness: fMS with her some jewels that belonged to her,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and a
Witness: f1823 and a
Witness: f1831 and a
Witness: fThomas and a
Witness: fMS and a


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 small
Witness: f1823 small
Witness: fThomas small
Witness: fMS small


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 sum of
Witness: f1823 sum of
Witness: f1831 sum of
Witness: fThomas sum of
Witness: fMS sum of


Reading Group: C20c_app99_rg1

Witness: f1818 money,
Witness: f1823 money,
Witness: f1831 money,
Witness: fThomas money,

Reading Group: C20c_app99_rg2

Witness: fMS money;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 she quitted
Witness: f1823 she quitted
Witness: f1831 she quitted
Witness: fThomas she quitted
Witness: fMS she quitted


Reading Group: C20c_app101_rg1

Witness: fMS

Reading Group: C20c_app101_rg2

Witness: f1818 Italy,
Witness: f1823 Italy,
Witness: fThomas Italy,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1831 Italy
Witness: fMS Italy


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 with
Witness: f1823 with
Witness: f1831 with
Witness: fThomas with
Witness: fMS with


Reading Group: C20c_app104_rg1

Witness: f1818 an attendant,
Witness: f1823 an attendant,
Witness: f1831 an attendant,
Witness: fThomas an attendant,

Reading Group: C20c_app104_rg2

Witness: fMS anservant who attendant


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a
Witness: f1823 a
Witness: f1831 a
Witness: fThomas a
Witness: fMS a


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 native of
Witness: f1823 native of
Witness: f1831 native of
Witness: fThomas native of
Witness: fMS native of


Reading Group: C20c_app107_rg1

Witness: fMS Leghorn

Reading Group: C20c_app107_rg2

Witness: f1818 Leghorn,
Witness: f1823 Leghorn,
Witness: f1831 Leghorn,
Witness: fThomas Leghorn,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but who understood
Witness: f1823 but who understood
Witness: f1831 but who understood
Witness: fThomas but who understood
Witness: fMS but who understood


Reading Group: C20c_app109_rg1

Witness: f1818 the common language of Turkey,
Witness: f1823 the common language of Turkey,
Witness: f1831 the common language of Turkey,
Witness: fThomas the common language of Turkey,

Reading Group: C20c_app109_rg2

Witness: fMS Tur kishArabic


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and departed for
Witness: f1823 and departed for
Witness: f1831 and departed for
Witness: fThomas and departed for
Witness: fMS and departed for


Reading Group: C20c_app111_rg1

Witness: fMS Germany. She

Reading Group: C20c_app111_rg2

Witness: f1818 Germany.<p/><p/>“She
Witness: f1823 Germany.<p/><p/>“She
Witness: f1831 Germany.<p/><p/>“She
Witness: fThomas Germany.<p/><p/>“She


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 arrived
Witness: f1823 arrived
Witness: f1831 arrived
Witness: fThomas arrived
Witness: fMS arrived


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS safely


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in safety at a town about
Witness: f1823 in safety at a town about
Witness: f1831 in safety at a town about
Witness: fThomas in safety at a town about
Witness: fMS in safety at a town about


Reading Group: C20c_app115_rg1

Witness: fMS 5020

Reading Group: C20c_app115_rg2

Witness: f1818 twenty
Witness: f1823 twenty
Witness: f1831 twenty
Witness: fThomas twenty


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 leagues
Witness: f1823 leagues
Witness: f1831 leagues
Witness: fThomas leagues
Witness: fMS leagues


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 from the cottage of De
Witness: f1823 from the cottage of De
Witness: f1831 from the cottage of De
Witness: fThomas from the cottage of De
Witness: fMS from the Cottage of De


Reading Group: C20c_app118_rg1

Witness: fMS Lacey –

Reading Group: C20c_app118_rg2

Witness: f1818 Lacey, when
Witness: f1823 Lacey, when
Witness: f1831 Lacey, when
Witness: fThomas Lacey, when


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 her attendant
Witness: f1823 her attendant
Witness: f1831 her attendant
Witness: fThomas her attendant
Witness: fMS her attendant


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS then


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 fell dangerously
Witness: f1823 fell dangerously
Witness: f1831 fell dangerously
Witness: fThomas fell dangerously
Witness: fMS fell <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>dangerously


Reading Group: C20c_app122_rg1

Witness: fMS ill and she was retarded wh

Reading Group: C20c_app122_rg2

Witness: f1818 ill.
Witness: f1823 ill.
Witness: f1831 ill.
Witness: fThomas ill.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Safie
Witness: f1823 Safie
Witness: f1831 Safie
Witness: fThomas Safie
Witness: fMS Safie


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS watched


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 nursed her with the most devoted
Witness: f1823 nursed her with the most devoted
Witness: f1831 nursed her with the most devoted
Witness: fThomas nursed her with the most devoted
Witness: fMS nursed her with the most devoted


Reading Group: C20c_app126_rg1

Witness: fMS affection

Reading Group: C20c_app126_rg2

Witness: f1818 affection;
Witness: f1823 affection;
Witness: f1831 affection;
Witness: fThomas affection;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but the poor girl
Witness: f1823 but the poor girl
Witness: f1831 but the poor girl
Witness: fThomas but the poor girl
Witness: fMS but the poor girl


Reading Group: C20c_app128_rg1

Witness: fMS died &Safiethe

Reading Group: C20c_app128_rg2

Witness: f1818 died, and the
Witness: f1823 died, and the
Witness: f1831 died, and the
Witness: fThomas died, and the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Arabian was left
Witness: f1823 Arabian was left
Witness: f1831 Arabian was left
Witness: fThomas Arabian was left
Witness: fMS Arabian was left


Reading Group: C20c_app130_rg1

Witness: fMS alone

Reading Group: C20c_app130_rg2

Witness: f1818 alone,
Witness: f1823 alone,
Witness: f1831 alone,
Witness: fThomas alone,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 unacquainted with the language of the
Witness: f1823 unacquainted with the language of the
Witness: f1831 unacquainted with the language of the
Witness: fThomas unacquainted with the language of the
Witness: fMS unacquainted with the language of the


Reading Group: C20c_app132_rg1

Witness: fMS country

Reading Group: C20c_app132_rg2

Witness: f1818 country,
Witness: f1823 country,
Witness: f1831 country,
Witness: fThomas country,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and utterly ignorant of
Witness: f1823 and utterly ignorant of
Witness: f1831 and utterly ignorant of
Witness: fThomas and utterly ignorant of
Witness: fMS and utterly ignorant of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the customs of the
Witness: f1823 the customs of the
Witness: f1831 the customs of the
Witness: fThomas the customs of the
Witness: fMS the customs of the


Reading Group: C20c_app135_rg1

Witness: f1818 world.
Witness: f1823 world.
Witness: f1831 world.
Witness: fThomas world.

Reading Group: C20c_app135_rg2

Witness: fMS world.–


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 She
Witness: f1823 She
Witness: f1831 She
Witness: fThomas She
Witness: fMS She


Reading Group: C20c_app137_rg1

Witness: fMS fell hover however in to

Reading Group: C20c_app137_rg2

Witness: f1818 fell, however, into
Witness: f1823 fell, however, into
Witness: f1831 fell, however, into
Witness: fThomas fell, however, into


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 good
Witness: f1823 good
Witness: f1831 good
Witness: fThomas good
Witness: fMS good


Reading Group: C20c_app139_rg1

Witness: f1818 hands.
Witness: f1823 hands.
Witness: f1831 hands.
Witness: fThomas hands.

Reading Group: C20c_app139_rg2

Witness: fMS hands– The hostess of the Inn was interrested in her fateAndand


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 The Italian
Witness: f1823 The Italian
Witness: f1831 The Italian
Witness: fThomas The Italian
Witness: fMS The Italian


Reading Group: C20c_app141_rg1

Witness: fMS before her deathhad

Reading Group: C20c_app141_rg2

Witness: f1818 had
Witness: f1823 had
Witness: f1831 had
Witness: fThomas had


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 mentioned the name of the
Witness: f1823 mentioned the name of the
Witness: f1831 mentioned the name of the
Witness: fThomas mentioned the name of the
Witness: fMS mentioned the name of the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 spot for which they were
Witness: f1823 spot for which they were
Witness: f1831 spot for which they were
Witness: fThomas spot for which they were
Witness: fMS spot for which they were


Reading Group: C20c_app144_rg1

Witness: fMS bound and

Reading Group: C20c_app144_rg2

Witness: f1818 bound; and,
Witness: f1823 bound; and,
Witness: f1831 bound; and,
Witness: fThomas bound; and,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 after
Witness: f1823 after
Witness: f1831 after
Witness: fThomas after
Witness: fMS after


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 her
Witness: f1823 her
Witness: f1831 her
Witness: fThomas her
Witness: fMS her


Reading Group: C20c_app147_rg1

Witness: fMS death

Reading Group: C20c_app147_rg2

Witness: f1818 death,
Witness: f1823 death,
Witness: f1831 death,
Witness: fThomas death,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the woman of the house in which
Witness: f1823 the woman of the house in which
Witness: f1831 the woman of the house in which
Witness: fThomas the woman of the house in which
Witness: fMS the woman of the house in which


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 they had lived took care that Safie should
Witness: f1823 they had lived took care that Safie should
Witness: f1831 they had lived took care that Safie should
Witness: fThomas they had lived took care that Safie should
Witness: fMS they had lived took care that Safie should


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 arrive
Witness: f1823 arrive
Witness: f1831 arrive
Witness: fThomas arrive
Witness: fMS arrive


Reading Group: C20c_app151_rg1

Witness: f1818 in safety
Witness: f1823 in safety
Witness: f1831 in safety
Witness: fThomas in safety

Reading Group: C20c_app151_rg2

Witness: fMS safely


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 at the cottage of
Witness: f1823 at the cottage of
Witness: f1831 at the cottage of
Witness: fThomas at the cottage of
Witness: fMS at the cottage of


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS her lover.having overcome many difficulties succeeded at length in joining


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 her
Witness: f1823 her
Witness: f1831 her
Witness: fThomas her
Witness: fMS her


Reading Group: C20c_app155_rg1

Witness: fMS lover in his retreat

Reading Group: C20c_app155_rg2

Witness: f1818 lover.<p/>
Witness: f1823 lover.<p/>
Witness: f1831 lover.<p/>
Witness: fThomas lover.<p/>


Reading Group: C21_app1_rg1

Witness: fMS Such

Reading Group: C21_app1_rg2

Witness: f1818 <head/>CHAPTER
Witness: f1823 <head/>CHAPTER
Witness: f1831 <head/>CHAPTER
Witness: fThomas <head/>CHAPTER


Reading Group: C21_app2_rg1

Witness: f1823 III.<head/><p/>“S<hi/>UCH<hi/>

Reading Group: C21_app2_rg2

Witness: f1818 VII.<head/><p/>“S<hi/>UCH<hi/>
Witness: fThomas VII.<head/><p/>“S<hi/>UCH<hi/>

Reading Group: C21_app2_rg3

Witness: f1831 XV.<head/><p/>“S<hi/>UCH<hi/>


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was the history of my beloved cottagers. It
Witness: f1823 was the history of my beloved cottagers. It
Witness: f1831 was the history of my beloved cottagers. It
Witness: fThomas was the history of my beloved cottagers. It
Witness: fMS was the history of my beloved cottagers. It


Reading Group: C21_app4_rg1

Witness: fMS struck<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>impressed

Reading Group: C21_app4_rg2

Witness: f1818 impressed
Witness: f1823 impressed
Witness: f1831 impressed
Witness: fThomas impressed


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 me
Witness: f1823 me
Witness: f1831 me
Witness: fThomas me
Witness: fMS me


Reading Group: C21_app6_rg1

Witness: fMS deeply, and<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>promit fr

Reading Group: C21_app6_rg2

Witness: f1818 deeply.
Witness: f1823 deeply.
Witness: f1831 deeply.
Witness: fThomas deeply.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: fMS I


Reading Group: C21_app8_rg1

Witness: fMS learned

Reading Group: C21_app8_rg2

Witness: f1818 learned,
Witness: f1823 learned,
Witness: f1831 learned,
Witness: fThomas learned,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 from
Witness: f1823 from
Witness: f1831 from
Witness: fThomas from
Witness: fMS from


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the views
Witness: f1823 the views
Witness: f1831 the views
Witness: fThomas the views
Witness: fMS it<metamark function="displacement" xml:id="c57-0037.02">^</metamark><metamark function="displacement">^</metamark> the views


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of social
Witness: f1823 of social
Witness: f1831 of social
Witness: fThomas of social
Witness: fMS of social


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 life which
Witness: f1823 life which
Witness: f1831 life which
Witness: fThomas life which
Witness: fMS life which


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 it
Witness: f1823 it
Witness: f1831 it
Witness: fThomas it
Witness: fMS it


Reading Group: C21_app14_rg1

Witness: fMS developed

Reading Group: C21_app14_rg2

Witness: f1818 developed,
Witness: f1823 developed,
Witness: f1831 developed,
Witness: fThomas developed,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to admire
Witness: f1823 to admire
Witness: f1831 to admire
Witness: fThomas to admire
Witness: fMS to admire


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 their
Witness: f1823 their
Witness: f1831 their
Witness: fThomas their
Witness: fMS their


Reading Group: C21_app17_rg1

Witness: fMS virtues &

Reading Group: C21_app17_rg2

Witness: f1818 virtues, and
Witness: f1823 virtues, and
Witness: f1831 virtues, and
Witness: fThomas virtues, and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to deprecate the vices of
Witness: f1823 to deprecate the vices of
Witness: f1831 to deprecate the vices of
Witness: fThomas to deprecate the vices of
Witness: fMS to deprecate the vices of


Reading Group: C21_app19_rg1

Witness: fMS mankind. But crimes were distantButaAs

Reading Group: C21_app19_rg2

Witness: fThomas mankind.<note/>Thomas copy: pencil mark joins paragraphs.<note/> “As

Reading Group: C21_app19_rg3

Witness: f1818 mankind.<p/><p/>“As
Witness: f1823 mankind.<p/><p/>“As
Witness: f1831 mankind.<p/><p/>“As


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 yet I looked
Witness: f1823 yet I looked
Witness: f1831 yet I looked
Witness: fThomas yet I looked
Witness: fMS yet I looked


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 upon crime as a distant evil;
Witness: f1823 upon crime as a distant evil;
Witness: f1831 upon crime as a distant evil;
Witness: fThomas upon crime as a distant evil;
Witness: fMS upon crime as a distant evil;


Reading Group: C21_app22_rg1

Witness: fMS butforbenevolence&

Reading Group: C21_app22_rg2

Witness: f1818 benevolence and
Witness: f1823 benevolence and
Witness: f1831 benevolence and
Witness: fThomas benevolence and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 generosity were ever present
Witness: f1823 generosity were ever present
Witness: f1831 generosity were ever present
Witness: fThomas generosity were ever present
Witness: fMS generosity were ever present


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 before
Witness: f1823 before
Witness: f1831 before
Witness: fThomas before
Witness: fMS before


Reading Group: C21_app25_rg1

Witness: fMS me – andI <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>ardently<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>desiredto make one<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>inciting in

Reading Group: C21_app25_rg2

Witness: f1818 me, inciting within
Witness: f1823 me, inciting within
Witness: f1831 me, inciting within
Witness: fThomas me, inciting within


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 me
Witness: f1823 me
Witness: f1831 me
Witness: fThomas me
Witness: fMS me


Reading Group: C21_app27_rg1

Witness: f1818 a
Witness: f1823 a
Witness: f1831 a
Witness: fThomas a

Reading Group: C21_app27_rg2

Witness: fMS to


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 desire to become an actor in the
Witness: f1823 desire to become an actor in the
Witness: f1831 desire to become an actor in the
Witness: fThomas desire to become an actor in the
Witness: fMS desire to become an actor in the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 busy scene where so many admirable
Witness: f1823 busy scene where so many admirable
Witness: f1831 busy scene where so many admirable
Witness: fThomas busy scene where so many admirable
Witness: fMS busy scene where so many admirable


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 qualities were called forth and displayed.
Witness: f1823 qualities were called forth and displayed.
Witness: f1831 qualities were called forth and displayed.
Witness: fThomas qualities were called forth and displayed.
Witness: fMS qualities were called forth and displayed.


Reading Group: C21_app31_rg1

Witness: fMS But I

Reading Group: C21_app31_rg2

Witness: f1818 But,
Witness: f1823 But,
Witness: f1831 But,
Witness: fThomas But,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in giving
Witness: f1823 in giving
Witness: f1831 in giving
Witness: fThomas in giving
Witness: fMS in giving


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS the histor


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 an account
Witness: f1823 an account
Witness: f1831 an account
Witness: fThomas an account
Witness: fMS an account


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of the progress of my
Witness: f1823 of the progress of my
Witness: f1831 of the progress of my
Witness: fThomas of the progress of my
Witness: fMS of the progress of my


Reading Group: C21_app36_rg1

Witness: f1818 intellect,
Witness: f1823 intellect,
Witness: f1831 intellect,
Witness: fThomas intellect,

Reading Group: C21_app36_rg2

Witness: fMS intellects,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I must not
Witness: f1823 I must not
Witness: f1831 I must not
Witness: fThomas I must not
Witness: fMS I must not


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 omit a circumstance
Witness: f1823 omit a circumstance
Witness: f1831 omit a circumstance
Witness: fThomas omit a circumstance
Witness: fMS omit a circumstance


Reading Group: C21_app39_rg1

Witness: fMS that tookwhich occurredplace

Reading Group: C21_app39_rg2

Witness: f1818 which occurred
Witness: f1823 which occurred
Witness: f1831 which occurred
Witness: fThomas which occurred


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in the beginning of the month
Witness: f1823 in the beginning of the month
Witness: f1831 in the beginning of the month
Witness: fThomas in the beginning of the month
Witness: fMS in the beginning of the month


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of August of
Witness: f1823 of August of
Witness: f1831 of August of
Witness: fThomas of August of
Witness: fMS of August of


Reading Group: C21_app42_rg1

Witness: fMS thatthe

Reading Group: C21_app42_rg2

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fThomas the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 same
Witness: f1823 same
Witness: f1831 same
Witness: fThomas same
Witness: fMS same


Reading Group: C21_app44_rg1

Witness: fMS year. One night

Reading Group: C21_app44_rg2

Witness: f1818 year.<p/><p/>“One night,
Witness: f1823 year.<p/><p/>“One night,
Witness: f1831 year.<p/><p/>“One night,
Witness: fThomas year.<p/><p/>“One night,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 during my accustomed
Witness: f1823 during my accustomed
Witness: f1831 during my accustomed
Witness: fThomas during my accustomed
Witness: fMS during my accustomed


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 visit to the neighbouring
Witness: f1823 visit to the neighbouring
Witness: f1831 visit to the neighbouring
Witness: fThomas visit to the neighbouring
Witness: fMS visit to the neighbouring


Reading Group: C21_app47_rg1

Witness: fMS wood

Reading Group: C21_app47_rg2

Witness: f1818 wood,
Witness: f1823 wood,
Witness: f1831 wood,
Witness: fThomas wood,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 where
Witness: f1823 where
Witness: f1831 where
Witness: fThomas where
Witness: fMS where


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I collected my own
Witness: f1823 I collected my own
Witness: f1831 I collected my own
Witness: fThomas I collected my own
Witness: fMS I collected my own


Reading Group: C21_app50_rg1

Witness: fMS food

Reading Group: C21_app50_rg2

Witness: f1818 food,
Witness: f1823 food,
Witness: f1831 food,
Witness: fThomas food,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and brought
Witness: f1823 and brought
Witness: f1831 and brought
Witness: fThomas and brought
Witness: fMS and brought


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 home firing for
Witness: f1823 home firing for
Witness: f1831 home firing for
Witness: fThomas home firing for
Witness: fMS home firing for


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS p


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my protectors, I found
Witness: f1823 my protectors, I found
Witness: f1831 my protectors, I found
Witness: fThomas my protectors, I found
Witness: fMS my protectors, I found


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 on the ground a leathern
Witness: f1823 on the ground a leathern
Witness: f1831 on the ground a leathern
Witness: fThomas on the ground a leathern
Witness: fMS on the ground a leathern


Reading Group: C21_app56_rg1

Witness: fMS portmanteau

Reading Group: C21_app56_rg2

Witness: f1818 portmanteau,
Witness: f1823 portmanteau,
Witness: f1831 portmanteau,
Witness: fThomas portmanteau,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 containing several articles of dress
Witness: f1823 containing several articles of dress
Witness: f1831 containing several articles of dress
Witness: fThomas containing several articles of dress
Witness: fMS containing several articles of dress


Reading Group: C21_app58_rg1

Witness: fMS &

Reading Group: C21_app58_rg2

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fThomas and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 some
Witness: f1823 some
Witness: f1831 some
Witness: fThomas some
Witness: fMS some


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 books. I
Witness: f1823 books. I
Witness: f1831 books. I
Witness: fThomas books. I
Witness: fMS books. I


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS se


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 eagerly seized the
Witness: f1823 eagerly seized the
Witness: f1831 eagerly seized the
Witness: fThomas eagerly seized the
Witness: fMS eagerly seized the


Reading Group: C21_app63_rg1

Witness: fMS prize&

Reading Group: C21_app63_rg2

Witness: f1818 prize, and
Witness: f1823 prize, and
Witness: f1831 prize, and
Witness: fThomas prize, and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 returned with it to my hovel.
Witness: f1823 returned with it to my hovel.
Witness: f1831 returned with it to my hovel.
Witness: fThomas returned with it to my hovel.
Witness: fMS returned with it to my hovel.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Fortunately
Witness: f1823 Fortunately
Witness: f1831 Fortunately
Witness: fThomas Fortunately


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the books
Witness: f1823 the books
Witness: f1831 the books
Witness: fThomas the books
Witness: fMS The books


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 were
Witness: f1823 were
Witness: f1831 were
Witness: fThomas were
Witness: fMS were


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS fortunately


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 written in the
Witness: f1823 written in the
Witness: f1831 written in the
Witness: fThomas written in the
Witness: fMS written in the


Reading Group: C21_app70_rg1

Witness: f1818 language
Witness: f1823 language
Witness: fThomas language
Witness: fMS language

Reading Group: C21_app70_rg2

Witness: f1831 language,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the elements
Witness: f1823 the elements
Witness: f1831 the elements
Witness: fThomas the elements
Witness: fMS the elements


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of which I had
Witness: f1823 of which I had
Witness: f1831 of which I had
Witness: fThomas of which I had
Witness: fMS of which I had


Reading Group: C21_app73_rg1

Witness: f1818 acquired
Witness: f1823 acquired
Witness: f1831 acquired
Witness: fThomas acquired

Reading Group: C21_app73_rg2

Witness: fMS learned


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 at the cottage; they consisted
Witness: f1823 at the cottage; they consisted
Witness: f1831 at the cottage; they consisted
Witness: fThomas at the cottage; they consisted
Witness: fMS at the cottage; they consisted


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of
Witness: f1823 of
Witness: f1831 of
Witness: fThomas of
Witness: fMS of


Reading Group: C21_app76_rg1

Witness: fMS "Paradise Lost" —

Reading Group: C21_app76_rg2

Witness: f1818 <hi/>Paradise Lost<hi/>,
Witness: f1823 <hi/>Paradise Lost<hi/>,
Witness: fThomas <hi/>Paradise Lost<hi/>,

Reading Group: C21_app76_rg3

Witness: f1831 ‘Paradise Lost,’


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a volume of
Witness: f1823 a volume of
Witness: f1831 a volume of
Witness: fThomas a volume of
Witness: fMS a volume of


Reading Group: C21_app78_rg1

Witness: f1823 <hi/>Plutarch's

Reading Group: C21_app78_rg2

Witness: fMS Plutarchs lives

Reading Group: C21_app78_rg3

Witness: f1818 <hi/>Plutarch’s
Witness: fThomas <hi/>Plutarch’s

Reading Group: C21_app78_rg4

Witness: f1831 ‘Plutarch’s Lives,’


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Lives<hi/>,
Witness: f1823 Lives<hi/>,
Witness: fThomas Lives<hi/>,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and the
Witness: f1823 and the
Witness: f1831 and the
Witness: fThomas and the
Witness: fMS and the


Reading Group: C21_app81_rg1

Witness: f1818 <hi/>Sorrows
Witness: f1823 <hi/>Sorrows
Witness: fThomas <hi/>Sorrows
Witness: fMS sSorrows

Reading Group: C21_app81_rg2

Witness: f1831 ‘Sorrows


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of
Witness: f1823 of
Witness: f1831 of
Witness: fThomas of
Witness: fMS of


Reading Group: C21_app83_rg1

Witness: fMS Werter – And these I <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>wasdelightedin<mdel/>the possessiniongof

Reading Group: C21_app83_rg2

Witness: f1818 Werter<hi/>.
Witness: f1823 Werter<hi/>.
Witness: fThomas Werter<hi/>.

Reading Group: C21_app83_rg3

Witness: f1831 Werter.’


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 The possession of
Witness: f1823 The possession of
Witness: f1831 The possession of
Witness: fThomas The possession of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 these treasures
Witness: f1823 these treasures
Witness: f1831 these treasures
Witness: fThomas these treasures
Witness: fMS these treasures


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS which<metamark function="displacement" xml:id="c57-0037.08">X</metamark>


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 gave me
Witness: f1823 gave me
Witness: f1831 gave me
Witness: fThomas gave me
Witness: fMS gave me


Reading Group: C21_app88_rg1

Witness: fMS infiniteextreme delight<metamark function="displacement">^</metamark>

Reading Group: C21_app88_rg2

Witness: f1818 extreme delight;
Witness: f1823 extreme delight;
Witness: f1831 extreme delight;
Witness: fThomas extreme delight;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: fMS I


Reading Group: C21_app90_rg1

Witness: fMS could now

Reading Group: C21_app90_rg2

Witness: f1818 now
Witness: f1823 now
Witness: f1831 now
Witness: fThomas now


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 continually
Witness: f1823 continually
Witness: f1831 continually
Witness: fThomas continually
Witness: fMS continually


Reading Group: C21_app92_rg1

Witness: f1818 studied
Witness: f1823 studied
Witness: f1831 studied
Witness: fThomas studied

Reading Group: C21_app92_rg2

Witness: fMS study


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: fMS and


Reading Group: C21_app94_rg1

Witness: fMS occupyexercise

Reading Group: C21_app94_rg2

Witness: f1818 exercised
Witness: f1823 exercised
Witness: f1831 exercised
Witness: fThomas exercised


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my mind upon
Witness: f1823 my mind upon
Witness: f1831 my mind upon
Witness: fThomas my mind upon
Witness: fMS my mind upon


Reading Group: C21_app96_rg1

Witness: f1818 these histories, whilst
Witness: f1823 these histories, whilst
Witness: f1831 these histories, whilst
Witness: fThomas these histories, whilst

Reading Group: C21_app96_rg2

Witness: fMS <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>themsehistories when


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my
Witness: f1823 my
Witness: f1831 my
Witness: fThomas my
Witness: fMS my


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 friends were employed in their ordinary
Witness: f1823 friends were employed in their ordinary
Witness: f1831 friends were employed in their ordinary
Witness: fThomas friends were employed in their ordinary
Witness: fMS friends were employed in their ordinary


Reading Group: C21_app99_rg1

Witness: fMS concernsoccupations. I

Reading Group: C21_app99_rg2

Witness: f1818 occupations.<p/><p/>“I
Witness: f1823 occupations.<p/><p/>“I
Witness: f1831 occupations.<p/><p/>“I
Witness: fThomas occupations.<p/><p/>“I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 can hardly describe to you the effect
Witness: f1823 can hardly describe to you the effect
Witness: f1831 can hardly describe to you the effect
Witness: fThomas can hardly describe to you the effect
Witness: fMS can hardly describe to you the effect


Reading Group: C21_app101_rg1

Witness: fMS thatof

Reading Group: C21_app101_rg2

Witness: f1818 of
Witness: f1823 of
Witness: f1831 of
Witness: fThomas of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 these
Witness: f1823 these
Witness: f1831 these
Witness: fThomas these
Witness: fMS these


Reading Group: C21_app103_rg1

Witness: fMS books had upon meproduced.

Reading Group: C21_app103_rg2

Witness: f1818 books.
Witness: f1823 books.
Witness: f1831 books.
Witness: fThomas books.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 They produced in me an infinity of new images
Witness: f1823 They produced in me an infinity of new images
Witness: f1831 They produced in me an infinity of new images
Witness: fThomas They produced in me an infinity of new images
Witness: fMS They produced in me an infinity of new images


Reading Group: C21_app105_rg1

Witness: fMS & ideas

Reading Group: C21_app105_rg2

Witness: f1818 and feelings,
Witness: f1823 and feelings,
Witness: f1831 and feelings,
Witness: fThomas and feelings,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that sometimes raised me to
Witness: f1823 that sometimes raised me to
Witness: f1831 that sometimes raised me to
Witness: fThomas that sometimes raised me to
Witness: fMS that sometimes raised me to


Reading Group: C21_app107_rg1

Witness: f1818 ecstasy,
Witness: f1823 ecstasy,
Witness: f1831 ecstasy,
Witness: fThomas ecstasy,

Reading Group: C21_app107_rg2

Witness: fMS extacy


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but
Witness: f1823 but
Witness: f1831 but
Witness: fThomas but
Witness: fMS but


Reading Group: C21_app109_rg1

Witness: fMS oftenormorefrequently

Reading Group: C21_app109_rg2

Witness: f1818 more frequently
Witness: f1823 more frequently
Witness: f1831 more frequently
Witness: fThomas more frequently


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 sunk me
Witness: f1823 sunk me
Witness: f1831 sunk me
Witness: fThomas sunk me
Witness: fMS sunk me


Reading Group: C21_app111_rg1

Witness: f1818 into
Witness: f1823 into
Witness: f1831 into
Witness: fThomas into

Reading Group: C21_app111_rg2

Witness: fMS to


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the lowest dejection. In the
Witness: f1823 the lowest dejection. In the
Witness: f1831 the lowest dejection. In the
Witness: fThomas the lowest dejection. In the
Witness: fMS the lowest dejection. In the


Reading Group: C21_app113_rg1

Witness: fMS

Reading Group: C21_app113_rg2

Witness: f1831 ‘Sorrows


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 <hi/>Sorrows
Witness: f1823 <hi/>Sorrows
Witness: fThomas <hi/>Sorrows
Witness: fMS Sorrows


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of
Witness: f1823 of
Witness: f1831 of
Witness: fThomas of
Witness: fMS of


Reading Group: C21_app116_rg1

Witness: fMS Werter

Reading Group: C21_app116_rg2

Witness: f1818 Werter<hi/>,
Witness: f1823 Werter<hi/>,
Witness: fThomas Werter<hi/>,

Reading Group: C21_app116_rg3

Witness: f1831 Werter,’


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 besides the
Witness: f1823 besides the
Witness: f1831 besides the
Witness: fThomas besides the
Witness: fMS besides the


Reading Group: C21_app118_rg1

Witness: f1818 interest
Witness: f1823 interest
Witness: f1831 interest
Witness: fThomas interest

Reading Group: C21_app118_rg2

Witness: fMS interrest


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of its
Witness: f1823 of its
Witness: f1831 of its
Witness: fThomas of its
Witness: fMS of its


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 simple and affecting
Witness: f1823 simple and affecting
Witness: f1831 simple and affecting
Witness: fThomas simple and affecting
Witness: fMS simple and affecting


Reading Group: C21_app121_rg1

Witness: fMS story

Reading Group: C21_app121_rg2

Witness: f1818 story,
Witness: f1823 story,
Witness: f1831 story,
Witness: fThomas story,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 so many opinions are
Witness: f1823 so many opinions are
Witness: f1831 so many opinions are
Witness: fThomas so many opinions are
Witness: fMS so many opinions are


Reading Group: C21_app123_rg1

Witness: fMS canvassed

Reading Group: C21_app123_rg2

Witness: f1818 canvassed,
Witness: f1823 canvassed,
Witness: f1831 canvassed,
Witness: fThomas canvassed,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and so many lights thrown upon what had hitherto been to me
Witness: f1823 and so many lights thrown upon what had hitherto been to me
Witness: f1831 and so many lights thrown upon what had hitherto been to me
Witness: fThomas and so many lights thrown upon what had hitherto been to me
Witness: fMS and so many lights thrown upon what had <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>hitherto been to me


Reading Group: C21_app125_rg1

Witness: fMS hithertodarkobscure subects

Reading Group: C21_app125_rg2

Witness: f1818 obscure subjects,
Witness: f1823 obscure subjects,
Witness: f1831 obscure subjects,
Witness: fThomas obscure subjects,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that I found in it
Witness: f1823 that I found in it
Witness: f1831 that I found in it
Witness: fThomas that I found in it
Witness: fMS that I found <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>in it


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a
Witness: f1823 a
Witness: f1831 a
Witness: fThomas a
Witness: fMS a


Reading Group: C21_app128_rg1

Witness: fMS never end

Reading Group: C21_app128_rg2

Witness: f1818 never-ending
Witness: f1823 never-ending
Witness: f1831 never-ending
Witness: fThomas never-ending


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 source of
Witness: f1823 source of
Witness: f1831 source of
Witness: fThomas source of
Witness: fMS source of


Reading Group: C21_app130_rg1

Witness: f1818 speculation and
Witness: f1823 speculation and
Witness: f1831 speculation and
Witness: fThomas speculation and

Reading Group: C21_app130_rg2

Witness: fMS speculation. &


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 astonishment. The
Witness: f1823 astonishment. The
Witness: f1831 astonishment. The
Witness: fThomas astonishment. The
Witness: fMS astonishment. The


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 gentle and domestic manners it
Witness: f1823 gentle and domestic manners it
Witness: f1831 gentle and domestic manners it
Witness: fThomas gentle and domestic manners it
Witness: fMS gentle and domestic manners it


Reading Group: C21_app133_rg1

Witness: fMS described

Reading Group: C21_app133_rg2

Witness: f1818 described,
Witness: f1823 described,
Witness: f1831 described,
Witness: fThomas described,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 combined with lofty
Witness: f1823 combined with lofty
Witness: f1831 combined with lofty
Witness: fThomas combined with lofty
Witness: fMS combined with lofty


Reading Group: C21_app135_rg1

Witness: f1818 sentiments
Witness: f1823 sentiments
Witness: f1831 sentiments
Witness: fThomas sentiments

Reading Group: C21_app135_rg2

Witness: fMS sentiments,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: fMS and


Reading Group: C21_app137_rg1

Witness: fMS feelings

Reading Group: C21_app137_rg2

Witness: f1818 feelings,
Witness: f1823 feelings,
Witness: f1831 feelings,
Witness: fThomas feelings,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 which had for their object something out of
Witness: f1823 which had for their object something out of
Witness: f1831 which had for their object something out of
Witness: fThomas which had for their object something out of
Witness: fMS <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>which had for their object something out of


Reading Group: C21_app139_rg1

Witness: f1818 self, accorded
Witness: f1823 self, accorded
Witness: f1831 self, accorded
Witness: fThomas self, accorded

Reading Group: C21_app139_rg2

Witness: fMS selfaccorded


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 well with my experience among my
Witness: f1823 well with my experience among my
Witness: f1831 well with my experience among my
Witness: fThomas well with my experience among my
Witness: fMS well with my experience among my


Reading Group: C21_app141_rg1

Witness: f1818 protectors,
Witness: f1823 protectors,
Witness: f1831 protectors,
Witness: fThomas protectors,

Reading Group: C21_app141_rg2

Witness: fMS protectors.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and with the wants which were for ever alive
Witness: f1823 and with the wants which were for ever alive
Witness: f1831 and with the wants which were for ever alive
Witness: fThomas and with the wants which were for ever alive
Witness: fMS <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>and with the wants which were for ever alive


Reading Group: C21_app143_rg1

Witness: f1818 in
Witness: f1823 in
Witness: f1831 in
Witness: fThomas in

Reading Group: C21_app143_rg2

Witness: fMS within


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my own bosom. But I thought Werter himself a more
Witness: f1823 my own bosom. But I thought Werter himself a more
Witness: f1831 my own bosom. But I thought Werter himself a more
Witness: fThomas my own bosom. But I thought Werter himself a more
Witness: fMS my own bosom. But I thought Werter himself a more


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 divine being than I had ever
Witness: f1823 divine being than I had ever
Witness: f1831 divine being than I had ever
Witness: fThomas divine being than I had ever
Witness: fMS divine being than I had ever


Reading Group: C21_app146_rg1

Witness: f1818 beheld
Witness: f1823 beheld
Witness: f1831 beheld
Witness: fThomas beheld

Reading Group: C21_app146_rg2

Witness: fMS beheld,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 or
Witness: f1823 or
Witness: f1831 or
Witness: fThomas or
Witness: fMS or


Reading Group: C21_app148_rg1

Witness: fMS imagined.

Reading Group: C21_app148_rg2

Witness: f1818 imagined;
Witness: f1823 imagined;
Witness: f1831 imagined;
Witness: fThomas imagined;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 his character contained no
Witness: f1823 his character contained no
Witness: f1831 his character contained no
Witness: fThomas his character contained no
Witness: fMS His character contained no


Reading Group: C21_app150_rg1

Witness: f1818 pretension,
Witness: f1823 pretension,
Witness: f1831 pretension,
Witness: fThomas pretension,

Reading Group: C21_app150_rg2

Witness: fMS pretention


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but it sunk
Witness: f1823 but it sunk
Witness: f1831 but it sunk
Witness: fThomas but it sunk
Witness: fMS but it sunk


Reading Group: C21_app152_rg1

Witness: fMS deep – for he thought

Reading Group: C21_app152_rg2

Witness: f1818 deep.
Witness: f1823 deep.
Witness: f1831 deep.
Witness: fThomas deep.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 The disquisitions upon death
Witness: f1823 The disquisitions upon death
Witness: f1831 The disquisitions upon death
Witness: fThomas The disquisitions upon death
Witness: fMS The disquisitions upon death


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and suicide
Witness: f1823 and suicide
Witness: f1831 and suicide
Witness: fThomas and suicide
Witness: fMS and suicide


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS gave


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 were calculated to fill me
Witness: f1823 were calculated to fill me
Witness: f1831 were calculated to fill me
Witness: fThomas were calculated to fill me
Witness: fMS were calculated to fill me


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 with
Witness: f1823 with
Witness: f1831 with
Witness: fThomas with
Witness: fMS with


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS astonishment<mdel/>


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 wonder.
Witness: f1823 wonder.
Witness: f1831 wonder.
Witness: fThomas wonder.
Witness: fMS wonder.


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I did not pretend to
Witness: f1823 I did not pretend to
Witness: f1831 I did not pretend to
Witness: fThomas I did not pretend to
Witness: fMS I did not pretend to


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 enter into the merits of the
Witness: f1823 enter into the merits of the
Witness: f1831 enter into the merits of the
Witness: fThomas enter into the merits of the
Witness: fMS enter into the merits of the


Reading Group: C21_app163_rg1

Witness: fMS case

Reading Group: C21_app163_rg2

Witness: f1818 case,
Witness: f1823 case,
Witness: f1831 case,
Witness: fThomas case,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 yet I inclined towards the
Witness: f1823 yet I inclined towards the
Witness: f1831 yet I inclined towards the
Witness: fThomas yet I inclined towards the
Witness: fMS yet I einclined towards the


Reading Group: C21_app165_rg1

Witness: fMS opinion

Reading Group: C21_app165_rg2

Witness: f1818 opinions
Witness: f1823 opinions
Witness: f1831 opinions
Witness: fThomas opinions


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of the
Witness: f1823 of the
Witness: f1831 of the
Witness: fThomas of the
Witness: fMS of the


Reading Group: C21_app167_rg1

Witness: fMS Hero

Reading Group: C21_app167_rg2

Witness: f1818 hero,
Witness: f1823 hero,
Witness: f1831 hero,
Witness: fThomas hero,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 whose extinction I
Witness: f1823 whose extinction I
Witness: f1831 whose extinction I
Witness: fThomas whose extinction I
Witness: fMS whose extinction I


Reading Group: C21_app169_rg1

Witness: fMS wept although I didwithout preciselynot

Reading Group: C21_app169_rg2

Witness: f1818 wept, without precisely
Witness: f1823 wept, without precisely
Witness: f1831 wept, without precisely
Witness: fThomas wept, without precisely


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 understanding
Witness: f1823 understanding
Witness: f1831 understanding
Witness: fThomas understanding
Witness: fMS understanding


Reading Group: C21_app171_rg1

Witness: fMS it. As

Reading Group: C21_app171_rg2

Witness: f1818 it.<p/><p/>“As
Witness: f1823 it.<p/><p/>“As
Witness: f1831 it.<p/><p/>“As
Witness: fThomas it.<p/><p/>“As


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: fMS I


Reading Group: C21_app173_rg1

Witness: fMS read however

Reading Group: C21_app173_rg2

Witness: f1818 read, however,
Witness: f1823 read, however,
Witness: f1831 read, however,
Witness: fThomas read, however,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: fMS I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 applied much personally to
Witness: f1823 applied much personally to
Witness: f1831 applied much personally to
Witness: fThomas applied much personally to
Witness: fMS applied much <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>personally to


Reading Group: C21_app176_rg1

Witness: f1818 my own
Witness: f1823 my own
Witness: f1831 my own
Witness: fThomas my own

Reading Group: C21_app176_rg2

Witness: fMS myself<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>andown


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 feelings
Witness: f1823 feelings
Witness: f1831 feelings
Witness: fThomas feelings
Witness: fMS feelings


Reading Group: C21_app178_rg1

Witness: fMS & condition

Reading Group: C21_app178_rg2

Witness: f1818 and condition.
Witness: f1823 and condition.
Witness: f1831 and condition.
Witness: fThomas and condition.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I found
Witness: f1823 I found
Witness: f1831 I found
Witness: fThomas I found
Witness: fMS I found


Reading Group: C21_app180_rg1

Witness: f1818 myself similar,
Witness: f1823 myself similar,
Witness: f1831 myself similar,
Witness: fThomas myself similar,

Reading Group: C21_app180_rg2

Witness: fMS myselfat the same time similar


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 yet at the same time strangely unlike
Witness: f1823 yet at the same time strangely unlike
Witness: f1831 yet at the same time strangely unlike
Witness: fThomas yet at the same time strangely unlike
Witness: fMS yet <metamark function="displacement" xml:id="c57-0038.07">^</metamark>at the same time strangely unlike


Unified Readings

Witness: f1823 to
Witness: f1831 to


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the beings concerning whom
Witness: f1823 the beings concerning whom
Witness: f1831 the beings concerning whom
Witness: fThomas the beings concerning whom
Witness: fMS the beings concerning whom


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: fMS I


Reading Group: C21_app185_rg1

Witness: fMS read

Reading Group: C21_app185_rg2

Witness: f1818 read,
Witness: f1823 read,
Witness: f1831 read,
Witness: fThomas read,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: fMS and


Reading Group: C21_app187_rg1

Witness: fMS who were mytoto of

Reading Group: C21_app187_rg2

Witness: f1818 to
Witness: f1823 to
Witness: f1831 to
Witness: fThomas to


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 whose conversation I was a
Witness: f1823 whose conversation I was a
Witness: f1831 whose conversation I was a
Witness: fThomas whose conversation I was a
Witness: fMS whose conversation I was a


Reading Group: C21_app189_rg1

Witness: fMS listener –

Reading Group: C21_app189_rg2

Witness: f1818 listener.
Witness: f1823 listener.
Witness: f1831 listener.
Witness: fThomas listener.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: fMS I


Reading Group: C21_app191_rg1

Witness: f1831 sympathised

Reading Group: C21_app191_rg2

Witness: f1818 sympathized
Witness: f1823 sympathized
Witness: fThomas sympathized
Witness: fMS sympathized


Reading Group: C21_app192_rg1

Witness: fMS I pa with &

Reading Group: C21_app192_rg2

Witness: f1818 with, and
Witness: f1823 with, and
Witness: f1831 with, and
Witness: fThomas with, and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 partly understood
Witness: f1823 partly understood
Witness: f1831 partly understood
Witness: fThomas partly understood
Witness: fMS partly understood


Reading Group: C21_app194_rg1

Witness: f1818 them,
Witness: f1823 them,
Witness: f1831 them,
Witness: fThomas them,

Reading Group: C21_app194_rg2

Witness: fMS them–


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but
Witness: f1823 but
Witness: f1831 but
Witness: fThomas but
Witness: fMS but


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I was unformed in
Witness: f1823 I was unformed in
Witness: f1831 I was unformed in
Witness: fThomas I was unformed in
Witness: fMS I was unformed in


Reading Group: C21_app197_rg1

Witness: fMS mind.

Reading Group: C21_app197_rg2

Witness: f1818 mind;
Witness: f1823 mind;
Witness: f1831 mind;
Witness: fThomas mind;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I was
Witness: f1823 I was
Witness: f1831 I was
Witness: fThomas I was
Witness: fMS I was


Reading Group: C21_app199_rg1

Witness: fMS dependant

Reading Group: C21_app199_rg2

Witness: f1818 dependent
Witness: f1823 dependent
Witness: f1831 dependent
Witness: fThomas dependent


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 on
Witness: f1823 on
Witness: f1831 on
Witness: fThomas on
Witness: fMS on


Reading Group: C21_app201_rg1

Witness: f1818 none
Witness: fThomas none

Reading Group: C21_app201_rg2

Witness: f1823 none,
Witness: f1831 none,
Witness: fMS none,


Reading Group: C21_app202_rg1

Witness: fMS &

Reading Group: C21_app202_rg2

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fThomas and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 related to
Witness: f1823 related to
Witness: f1831 related to
Witness: fThomas related to
Witness: fMS related to


Reading Group: C21_app204_rg1

Witness: fMS none – "The

Reading Group: C21_app204_rg2

Witness: f1818 none. ‘The
Witness: f1823 none. ‘The
Witness: f1831 none. ‘The
Witness: fThomas none. ‘The


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 path of my
Witness: f1823 path of my
Witness: f1831 path of my
Witness: fThomas path of my
Witness: fMS path of my


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 departure was
Witness: f1823 departure was
Witness: f1831 departure was
Witness: fThomas departure was
Witness: fMS departure was


Reading Group: C21_app207_rg1

Witness: fMS free"!

Reading Group: C21_app207_rg2

Witness: f1818 free;’
Witness: f1823 free;’
Witness: f1831 free;’
Witness: fThomas free;’


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and there was none
Witness: f1823 and there was none
Witness: f1831 and there was none
Witness: fThomas and there was none
Witness: fMS and there was none


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to lament
Witness: f1823 to lament
Witness: f1831 to lament
Witness: fThomas to lament
Witness: fMS to lament


Reading Group: C21_app210_rg1

Witness: fMS my extinctionmy annihilation –

Reading Group: C21_app210_rg2

Witness: f1818 my annihilation.
Witness: f1823 my annihilation.
Witness: f1831 my annihilation.
Witness: fThomas my annihilation.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 My person
Witness: f1823 My person
Witness: f1831 My person
Witness: fThomas My person
Witness: fMS My person


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was
Witness: f1823 was
Witness: f1831 was
Witness: fThomas was
Witness: fMS was


Reading Group: C21_app213_rg1

Witness: fMS hideous

Reading Group: C21_app213_rg2

Witness: f1818 hideous,
Witness: f1823 hideous,
Witness: f1831 hideous,
Witness: fThomas hideous,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and my stature
Witness: f1823 and my stature
Witness: f1831 and my stature
Witness: fThomas and my stature
Witness: fMS and my stature


Reading Group: C21_app215_rg1

Witness: fMS gigantic –

Reading Group: C21_app215_rg2

Witness: f1818 gigantic:
Witness: f1823 gigantic:
Witness: fThomas gigantic:

Reading Group: C21_app215_rg3

Witness: f1831 gigantic?


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 what
Witness: f1823 what
Witness: f1831 What
Witness: fThomas what
Witness: fMS What


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 did this mean? Who was I? What was I? Whence
Witness: f1823 did this mean? Who was I? What was I? Whence
Witness: f1831 did this mean? Who was I? What was I? Whence
Witness: fThomas did this mean? Who was I? What was I? Whence
Witness: fMS did this mean? Who was I? What was I? Whence


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 did I come?
Witness: f1823 did I come?
Witness: f1831 did I come?
Witness: fThomas did I come?
Witness: fMS did I come?


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 What was
Witness: f1823 What was
Witness: f1831 What was
Witness: fThomas What was
Witness: fMS What was


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my destination? These questions continually
Witness: f1823 my destination? These questions continually
Witness: f1831 my destination? These questions continually
Witness: fThomas my destination? These questions continually
Witness: fMS my destination? these questions continually


Reading Group: C21_app221_rg1

Witness: fMS recurred

Reading Group: C21_app221_rg2

Witness: f1818 recurred,
Witness: f1823 recurred,
Witness: f1831 recurred,
Witness: fThomas recurred,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but I
Witness: f1823 but I
Witness: f1831 but I
Witness: fThomas but I
Witness: fMS but I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was unable to solve
Witness: f1823 was unable to solve
Witness: f1831 was unable to solve
Witness: fThomas was unable to solve
Witness: fMS was unable to solve


Reading Group: C21_app224_rg1

Witness: f1818 them.<p/><p/>“The
Witness: f1823 them.<p/><p/>“The
Witness: f1831 them.<p/><p/>“The
Witness: fThomas them.<p/><p/>“The

Reading Group: C21_app224_rg2

Witness: fMS them The


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 volume of
Witness: f1823 volume of
Witness: f1831 volume of
Witness: fThomas volume of
Witness: fMS volume of


Reading Group: C21_app226_rg1

Witness: fMS Plutarchs

Reading Group: C21_app226_rg2

Witness: f1818 <hi/>Plutarch’s
Witness: f1823 <hi/>Plutarch’s
Witness: fThomas <hi/>Plutarch’s

Reading Group: C21_app226_rg3

Witness: f1831 ‘Plutarch’s Lives,’


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Lives<hi/>
Witness: f1823 Lives<hi/>
Witness: fThomas Lives<hi/>
Witness: fMS lives


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 which I
Witness: f1823 which I
Witness: f1831 which I
Witness: fThomas which I
Witness: fMS which I


Reading Group: C21_app229_rg1

Witness: fMS

Reading Group: C21_app229_rg2

Witness: f1818 possessed,
Witness: f1831 possessed,
Witness: fThomas possessed,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1823 possessed
Witness: fMS possessed


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 contained the histories of the first
Witness: f1823 contained the histories of the first
Witness: f1831 contained the histories of the first
Witness: fThomas contained the histories of the first
Witness: fMS contained the histories of the first


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 founders of the ancient
Witness: f1823 founders of the ancient
Witness: f1831 founders of the ancient
Witness: fThomas founders of the ancient
Witness: fMS founders of the ancient


Reading Group: C21_app233_rg1

Witness: f1818 republics.
Witness: f1823 republics.
Witness: f1831 republics.
Witness: fThomas republics.

Reading Group: C21_app233_rg2

Witness: fMS republics–


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 This book
Witness: f1823 This book
Witness: f1831 This book
Witness: fThomas This book
Witness: fMS This book


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 had a far different effect upon me from
Witness: f1823 had a far different effect upon me from
Witness: f1831 had a far different effect upon me from
Witness: fThomas had a far different effect upon me from
Witness: fMS had a far different effect upon me from


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS the letters Sorrows


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: fMS the


Reading Group: C21_app238_rg1

Witness: fMS letters

Reading Group: C21_app238_rg2

Witness: f1818 <hi/>Sorrows
Witness: f1823 <hi/>Sorrows
Witness: fThomas <hi/>Sorrows

Reading Group: C21_app238_rg3

Witness: f1831 ‘Sorrows


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of
Witness: f1823 of
Witness: f1831 of
Witness: fThomas of
Witness: fMS of


Reading Group: C21_app240_rg1

Witness: f1818 Werter<hi/>.
Witness: f1823 Werter<hi/>.
Witness: fThomas Werter<hi/>.
Witness: fMS Werter.

Reading Group: C21_app240_rg2

Witness: f1831 Werter.’


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I learned
Witness: f1823 I learned
Witness: f1831 I learned
Witness: fThomas I learned
Witness: fMS I learned


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 from
Witness: f1823 from
Witness: f1831 from
Witness: fThomas from
Witness: fMS from


Reading Group: C21_app243_rg1

Witness: fMS thathis Werter's g

Reading Group: C21_app243_rg2

Witness: f1818 Werter’s
Witness: f1823 Werter’s
Witness: f1831 Werter’s
Witness: fThomas Werter’s


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 imaginations despondency
Witness: f1823 imaginations despondency
Witness: f1831 imaginations despondency
Witness: fThomas imaginations despondency
Witness: fMS imaginations despondency


Reading Group: C21_app245_rg1

Witness: fMS & gloom;

Reading Group: C21_app245_rg2

Witness: f1818 and gloom:
Witness: f1823 and gloom:
Witness: f1831 and gloom:
Witness: fThomas and gloom:


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but Plutarch
Witness: f1823 but Plutarch
Witness: f1831 but Plutarch
Witness: fThomas but Plutarch
Witness: fMS but Plutarch


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 taught me high
Witness: f1823 taught me high
Witness: f1831 taught me high
Witness: fThomas taught me high
Witness: fMS taught me high


Reading Group: C21_app248_rg1

Witness: f1818 thoughts; he
Witness: f1823 thoughts; he
Witness: f1831 thoughts; he
Witness: fThomas thoughts; he

Reading Group: C21_app248_rg2

Witness: fMS thoughts—he


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 elevated me above
Witness: f1823 elevated me above
Witness: f1831 elevated me above
Witness: fThomas elevated me above
Witness: fMS elevated me above


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS m


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the wretched sphere of my own
Witness: f1823 the wretched sphere of my own
Witness: f1831 the wretched sphere of my own
Witness: fThomas the wretched sphere of my own
Witness: fMS the wretched sphere of my own


Reading Group: C21_app252_rg1

Witness: fMS reflections

Reading Group: C21_app252_rg2

Witness: f1818 reflections,
Witness: f1823 reflections,
Witness: f1831 reflections,
Witness: fThomas reflections,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to admire
Witness: f1823 to admire
Witness: f1831 to admire
Witness: fThomas to admire
Witness: fMS to admire


Reading Group: C21_app254_rg1

Witness: fMS &

Reading Group: C21_app254_rg2

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fThomas and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 love the heroes of past ages.
Witness: f1823 love the heroes of past ages.
Witness: f1831 love the heroes of past ages.
Witness: fThomas love the heroes of past ages.
Witness: fMS love the heroes of past ages.


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS Yet


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Many things I read surpassed my
Witness: f1823 Many things I read surpassed my
Witness: f1831 Many things I read surpassed my
Witness: fThomas Many things I read surpassed my
Witness: fMS Many things I read surpassed my


Reading Group: C21_app258_rg1

Witness: f1818 understanding
Witness: f1823 understanding
Witness: f1831 understanding
Witness: fThomas understanding

Reading Group: C21_app258_rg2

Witness: fMS unterstanding


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: fMS and


Reading Group: C21_app260_rg1

Witness: fMS knowledge<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>experience

Reading Group: C21_app260_rg2

Witness: f1818 experience.
Witness: f1823 experience.
Witness: f1831 experience.
Witness: fThomas experience.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I had a very
Witness: f1823 I had a very
Witness: f1831 I had a very
Witness: fThomas I had a very
Witness: fMS I had a very


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS t


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 confused knowledge of
Witness: f1823 confused knowledge of
Witness: f1831 confused knowledge of
Witness: fThomas confused knowledge of
Witness: fMS confused knowledge of


Reading Group: C21_app264_rg1

Witness: fMS kingdoms &

Reading Group: C21_app264_rg2

Witness: f1818 kingdoms,
Witness: f1823 kingdoms,
Witness: f1831 kingdoms,
Witness: fThomas kingdoms,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 wide extents of
Witness: f1823 wide extents of
Witness: f1831 wide extents of
Witness: fThomas wide extents of
Witness: fMS wide extents of


Reading Group: C21_app266_rg1

Witness: fMS country

Reading Group: C21_app266_rg2

Witness: f1818 country,
Witness: f1823 country,
Witness: f1831 country,
Witness: fThomas country,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 mighty
Witness: f1823 mighty
Witness: f1831 mighty
Witness: fThomas mighty
Witness: fMS mighty


Reading Group: C21_app268_rg1

Witness: fMS rivers

Reading Group: C21_app268_rg2

Witness: f1818 rivers,
Witness: f1823 rivers,
Witness: f1831 rivers,
Witness: fThomas rivers,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and boundless seas. But I
Witness: f1823 and boundless seas. But I
Witness: f1831 and boundless seas. But I
Witness: fThomas and boundless seas. But I
Witness: fMS and boundless seas. But I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was perfectly unacquainted with
Witness: f1823 was perfectly unacquainted with
Witness: f1831 was perfectly unacquainted with
Witness: fThomas was perfectly unacquainted with
Witness: fMS was perfectly unacquainted with


Reading Group: C21_app271_rg1

Witness: fMS towns &

Reading Group: C21_app271_rg2

Witness: f1818 towns, and
Witness: f1823 towns, and
Witness: f1831 towns, and
Witness: fThomas towns, and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 large
Witness: f1823 large
Witness: f1831 large
Witness: fThomas large
Witness: fMS large


Reading Group: C21_app273_rg1

Witness: fMS assemblegsassemblages

Reading Group: C21_app273_rg2

Witness: f1818 assemblages
Witness: f1823 assemblages
Witness: f1831 assemblages
Witness: fThomas assemblages


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of men. The
Witness: f1823 of men. The
Witness: f1831 of men. The
Witness: fThomas of men. The
Witness: fMS of men. The


Reading Group: C21_app275_rg1

Witness: f1818 cottage of
Witness: f1823 cottage of
Witness: f1831 cottage of
Witness: fThomas cottage of

Reading Group: C21_app275_rg2

Witness: fMS cottagerswereof


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my protectors
Witness: f1823 my protectors
Witness: f1831 my protectors
Witness: fThomas my protectors
Witness: fMS my protectors


Reading Group: C21_app277_rg1

Witness: fMS waswas

Reading Group: C21_app277_rg2

Witness: f1818 had been
Witness: f1823 had been
Witness: f1831 had been
Witness: fThomas had been


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: fMS the


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS o


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 only school
Witness: f1823 only school
Witness: f1831 only school
Witness: fThomas only school
Witness: fMS only school


Reading Group: C21_app281_rg1

Witness: f1818 in which
Witness: f1823 in which
Witness: f1831 in which
Witness: fThomas in which

Reading Group: C21_app281_rg2

Witness: fMS inwherewhich


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I had studied human
Witness: f1823 I had studied human
Witness: f1831 I had studied human
Witness: fThomas I had studied human
Witness: fMS I had studied human


Reading Group: C21_app283_rg1

Witness: fMS nature —

Reading Group: C21_app283_rg2

Witness: f1818 nature;
Witness: f1823 nature;
Witness: f1831 nature;
Witness: fThomas nature;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but this book
Witness: f1823 but this book
Witness: f1831 but this book
Witness: fThomas but this book
Witness: fMS But this book


Reading Group: C21_app285_rg1

Witness: fMS threw a new lightupon<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>developed

Reading Group: C21_app285_rg2

Witness: f1818 developed
Witness: f1823 developed
Witness: f1831 developed
Witness: fThomas developed


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 new
Witness: f1823 new
Witness: f1831 new
Witness: fThomas new
Witness: fMS new


Reading Group: C21_app287_rg1

Witness: fMS &

Reading Group: C21_app287_rg2

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fThomas and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 mightier scenes of
Witness: f1823 mightier scenes of
Witness: f1831 mightier scenes of
Witness: fThomas mightier scenes of
Witness: fMS mightier scenes of


Reading Group: C21_app289_rg1

Witness: f1818 action.
Witness: f1823 action.
Witness: f1831 action.
Witness: fThomas action.

Reading Group: C21_app289_rg2

Witness: fMS actionit


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I read of men concerned in public
Witness: f1823 I read of men concerned in public
Witness: f1831 I read of men concerned in public
Witness: fThomas I read of men concerned in public
Witness: fMS I read of men concerned in public


Reading Group: C21_app291_rg1

Witness: fMS

Reading Group: C21_app291_rg2

Witness: f1823 affairs,
Witness: f1831 affairs,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 affairs
Witness: fThomas affairs
Witness: fMS affairs


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 governing
Witness: f1823 governing
Witness: f1831 governing
Witness: fThomas governing
Witness: fMS governing


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS their species —an


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 or
Witness: f1823 or
Witness: f1831 or
Witness: fThomas or
Witness: fMS or


Reading Group: C21_app296_rg1

Witness: f1818 massacring
Witness: f1823 massacring
Witness: f1831 massacring
Witness: fThomas massacring

Reading Group: C21_app296_rg2

Witness: fMS masser cering


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 their
Witness: f1823 their
Witness: f1831 their
Witness: fThomas their
Witness: fMS their


Reading Group: C21_app298_rg1

Witness: fMS speceis.

Reading Group: C21_app298_rg2

Witness: f1818 species.
Witness: f1823 species.
Witness: f1831 species.
Witness: fThomas species.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I felt the greatest ardour
Witness: f1823 I felt the greatest ardour
Witness: f1831 I felt the greatest ardour
Witness: fThomas I felt the greatest ardour
Witness: fMS I felt the greatest ardour


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 for virtue rise within
Witness: f1823 for virtue rise within
Witness: f1831 for virtue rise within
Witness: fThomas for virtue rise within
Witness: fMS for virtue rise within


Reading Group: C21_app301_rg1

Witness: fMS me

Reading Group: C21_app301_rg2

Witness: f1818 me,
Witness: f1823 me,
Witness: f1831 me,
Witness: fThomas me,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and abhorrence for
Witness: f1823 and abhorrence for
Witness: f1831 and abhorrence for
Witness: fThomas and abhorrence for
Witness: fMS and abhorrence for


Reading Group: C21_app303_rg1

Witness: fMS vice <del rend="vertical_line" sID="c57-0039__main__d3e7002"/><del/>

Reading Group: C21_app303_rg2

Witness: f1818 vice,
Witness: f1823 vice,
Witness: f1831 vice,
Witness: fThomas vice,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 as far as I understood
Witness: f1823 as far as I understood
Witness: f1831 as far as I understood
Witness: fThomas as far as I understood
Witness: fMS as far as I understood


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS it


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: fMS the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 signification of those
Witness: f1823 signification of those
Witness: f1831 signification of those
Witness: fThomas signification of those
Witness: fMS signification of those


Reading Group: C21_app308_rg1

Witness: fMS terms

Reading Group: C21_app308_rg2

Witness: f1818 terms,
Witness: f1823 terms,
Witness: f1831 terms,
Witness: fThomas terms,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 relative as they
Witness: f1823 relative as they
Witness: f1831 relative as they
Witness: fThomas relative as they
Witness: fMS relative as they


Reading Group: C21_app310_rg1

Witness: fMS were only,

Reading Group: C21_app310_rg2

Witness: f1818 were,
Witness: f1823 were,
Witness: f1831 were,
Witness: fThomas were,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 as I applied them, to pleasure
Witness: f1823 as I applied them, to pleasure
Witness: f1831 as I applied them, to pleasure
Witness: fThomas as I applied them, to pleasure
Witness: fMS as I applied them, to pleasure


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and pain
Witness: f1823 and pain
Witness: f1831 and pain
Witness: fThomas and pain
Witness: fMS and pain


Reading Group: C21_app313_rg1

Witness: f1818 alone. Induced
Witness: f1823 alone. Induced
Witness: f1831 alone. Induced
Witness: fThomas alone. Induced

Reading Group: C21_app313_rg2

Witness: fMS <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>alone.. withInduced


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 by these
Witness: f1823 by these
Witness: f1831 by these
Witness: fThomas by these
Witness: fMS by these


Reading Group: C21_app315_rg1

Witness: fMS feelings it may be

Reading Group: C21_app315_rg2

Witness: f1818 feelings,
Witness: f1823 feelings,
Witness: f1831 feelings,
Witness: fThomas feelings,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I was of course led to admire
Witness: f1823 I was of course led to admire
Witness: f1831 I was of course led to admire
Witness: fThomas I was of course led to admire
Witness: fMS I was of course led to admire


Reading Group: C21_app317_rg1

Witness: fMS peacable lawgivers

Reading Group: C21_app317_rg2

Witness: f1818 peaceable
Witness: f1823 peaceable
Witness: f1831 peaceable
Witness: fThomas peaceable


Reading Group: C21_app318_rg1

Witness: f1818 law-givers,
Witness: f1823 law-givers,
Witness: fThomas law-givers,

Reading Group: C21_app318_rg2

Witness: f1831 lawgivers,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Numa,
Witness: f1823 Numa,
Witness: f1831 Numa,
Witness: fThomas Numa,
Witness: fMS Numa,


Reading Group: C21_app320_rg1

Witness: fMS Solon & Lycurgus more than

Reading Group: C21_app320_rg2

Witness: f1818 Solon, and Lycurgus, in preference to
Witness: f1823 Solon, and Lycurgus, in preference to
Witness: f1831 Solon, and Lycurgus, in preference to
Witness: fThomas Solon, and Lycurgus, in preference to


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Romulus and Theseus. The patriarchal lives
Witness: f1823 Romulus and Theseus. The patriarchal lives
Witness: f1831 Romulus and Theseus. The patriarchal lives
Witness: fThomas Romulus and Theseus. The patriarchal lives
Witness: fMS Romulus and Theseus. The patriarchal lives


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of my protectors
Witness: f1823 of my protectors
Witness: f1831 of my protectors
Witness: fThomas of my protectors
Witness: fMS of my protectors


Reading Group: C21_app323_rg1

Witness: fMS inducedim causedto a greater degree

Reading Group: C21_app323_rg2

Witness: f1818 caused
Witness: f1823 caused
Witness: f1831 caused
Witness: fThomas caused


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 these impressions to take a firm hold on my
Witness: f1823 these impressions to take a firm hold on my
Witness: f1831 these impressions to take a firm hold on my
Witness: fThomas these impressions to take a firm hold on my
Witness: fMS these impressions <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>to take a firm hold on my


Reading Group: C21_app325_rg1

Witness: fMS mind — perhaps

Reading Group: C21_app325_rg2

Witness: f1818 mind; perhaps,
Witness: f1823 mind; perhaps,
Witness: f1831 mind; perhaps,
Witness: fThomas mind; perhaps,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 if my first
Witness: f1823 if my first
Witness: f1831 if my first
Witness: fThomas if my first
Witness: fMS if my first


Reading Group: C21_app327_rg1

Witness: f1818 introduction
Witness: f1823 introduction
Witness: f1831 introduction
Witness: fThomas introduction

Reading Group: C21_app327_rg2

Witness: fMS residencehuman introduction


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to
Witness: f1823 to
Witness: f1831 to
Witness: fThomas to
Witness: fMS to


Reading Group: C21_app329_rg1

Witness: fMS intercoursewithhumanity

Reading Group: C21_app329_rg2

Witness: f1818 humanity
Witness: f1823 humanity
Witness: f1831 humanity
Witness: fThomas humanity


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 had been
Witness: f1823 had been
Witness: f1831 had been
Witness: fThomas had been
Witness: fMS had been


Reading Group: C21_app331_rg1

Witness: fMS <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>withmade

Reading Group: C21_app331_rg2

Witness: f1818 made
Witness: f1823 made
Witness: f1831 made
Witness: fThomas made


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 by a young
Witness: f1823 by a young
Witness: f1831 by a young
Witness: fThomas by a young
Witness: fMS by a young


Reading Group: C21_app333_rg1

Witness: fMS soldier

Reading Group: C21_app333_rg2

Witness: f1818 soldier,
Witness: f1823 soldier,
Witness: f1831 soldier,
Witness: fThomas soldier,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 burning for glory and
Witness: f1823 burning for glory and
Witness: f1831 burning for glory and
Witness: fThomas burning for glory and
Witness: fMS burning for glory and


Reading Group: C21_app335_rg1

Witness: fMS slaughter

Reading Group: C21_app335_rg2

Witness: f1818 slaughter,
Witness: f1823 slaughter,
Witness: f1831 slaughter,
Witness: fThomas slaughter,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I should have
Witness: f1823 I should have
Witness: f1831 I should have
Witness: fThomas I should have
Witness: fMS I should have


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 been imbued with different
Witness: f1823 been imbued with different
Witness: f1831 been imbued with different
Witness: fThomas been imbued with different
Witness: fMS been imbued with different


Reading Group: C21_app338_rg1

Witness: f1818 sensations.<p/><p/>“But
Witness: f1823 sensations.<p/><p/>“But
Witness: f1831 sensations.<p/><p/>“But
Witness: fThomas sensations.<p/><p/>“But

Reading Group: C21_app338_rg2

Witness: fMS sensations But


Reading Group: C21_app339_rg1

Witness: f1818 <hi/>Paradise Lost<hi/>
Witness: f1823 <hi/>Paradise Lost<hi/>
Witness: fThomas <hi/>Paradise Lost<hi/>
Witness: fMS Paradise Lost

Reading Group: C21_app339_rg2

Witness: f1831 ‘Paradise Lost’


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 excited
Witness: f1823 excited
Witness: f1831 excited
Witness: fThomas excited
Witness: fMS Excited


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS in me


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 different and far deeper
Witness: f1823 different and far deeper
Witness: f1831 different and far deeper
Witness: fThomas different and far deeper
Witness: fMS different and far deeper


Reading Group: C21_app343_rg1

Witness: fMS sensationsfeelingsemotions –I

Reading Group: C21_app343_rg2

Witness: f1818 emotions. I
Witness: f1823 emotions. I
Witness: f1831 emotions. I
Witness: fThomas emotions. I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 read
Witness: f1823 read
Witness: f1831 read
Witness: fThomas read
Witness: fMS read


Reading Group: C21_app345_rg1

Witness: fMS it

Reading Group: C21_app345_rg2

Witness: f1818 it,
Witness: f1823 it,
Witness: f1831 it,
Witness: fThomas it,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 as I
Witness: f1823 as I
Witness: f1831 as I
Witness: fThomas as I
Witness: fMS as I


Reading Group: C21_app347_rg1

Witness: fMS didhad

Reading Group: C21_app347_rg2

Witness: f1818 had
Witness: f1823 had
Witness: f1831 had
Witness: fThomas had


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 read the
Witness: f1823 read the
Witness: f1831 read the
Witness: fThomas read the
Witness: fMS read the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 other volumes which had fallen
Witness: f1823 other volumes which had fallen
Witness: f1831 other volumes which had fallen
Witness: fThomas other volumes which had fallen
Witness: fMS other volumes which had fallen


Reading Group: C21_app350_rg1

Witness: fMS in to

Reading Group: C21_app350_rg2

Witness: f1818 into
Witness: f1823 into
Witness: f1831 into
Witness: fThomas into


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my hands, as a true history.
Witness: f1823 my hands, as a true history.
Witness: f1831 my hands, as a true history.
Witness: fThomas my hands, as a true history.
Witness: fMS my hands, as a true history.


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 It
Witness: f1823 It
Witness: f1831 It
Witness: fThomas It
Witness: fMS It


Reading Group: C21_app354_rg1

Witness: fMS excitedmoved

Reading Group: C21_app354_rg2

Witness: f1818 moved
Witness: f1823 moved
Witness: f1831 moved
Witness: fThomas moved


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 every
Witness: f1823 every
Witness: f1831 every
Witness: fThomas every
Witness: fMS every


Reading Group: C21_app356_rg1

Witness: fMS feelingfeeling

Reading Group: C21_app356_rg2

Witness: f1818 feeling
Witness: f1823 feeling
Witness: f1831 feeling
Witness: fThomas feeling


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of wonder and
Witness: f1823 of wonder and
Witness: f1831 of wonder and
Witness: fThomas of wonder and
Witness: fMS of wonder and


Reading Group: C21_app358_rg1

Witness: fMS awe. I deeply lamented

Reading Group: C21_app358_rg2

Witness: f1818 awe, that
Witness: f1823 awe, that
Witness: f1831 awe, that
Witness: fThomas awe, that


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: fMS the


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS fall of AdamthatTthe


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 picture of an omnipotent God warring with his creatures was capable of
Witness: f1823 picture of an omnipotent God warring with his creatures was capable of
Witness: f1831 picture of an omnipotent God warring with his creatures was capable of
Witness: fThomas picture of an omnipotent God warring with his creatures was capable of
Witness: fMS picture of an omnipotent God warring with his creatures was capable of


Reading Group: C21_app362_rg1

Witness: fMS exciting – often

Reading Group: C21_app362_rg2

Witness: f1818 exciting.
Witness: f1823 exciting.
Witness: f1831 exciting.
Witness: fThomas exciting.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I often referred the several
Witness: f1823 I often referred the several
Witness: f1831 I often referred the several
Witness: fThomas I often referred the several
Witness: fMS I <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>often referred the several


Reading Group: C21_app364_rg1

Witness: fMS situations

Reading Group: C21_app364_rg2

Witness: f1818 situations,
Witness: f1823 situations,
Witness: f1831 situations,
Witness: fThomas situations,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 as their similarity struck
Witness: f1823 as their similarity struck
Witness: f1831 as their similarity struck
Witness: fThomas as their similarity struck
Witness: fMS as their similarity struck


Reading Group: C21_app366_rg1

Witness: fMS me

Reading Group: C21_app366_rg2

Witness: f1818 me,
Witness: f1823 me,
Witness: f1831 me,
Witness: fThomas me,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to
Witness: f1823 to
Witness: f1831 to
Witness: fThomas to
Witness: fMS to


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my own. Like
Witness: f1823 my own. Like
Witness: f1831 my own. Like
Witness: fThomas my own. Like
Witness: fMS my own. Like


Reading Group: C21_app369_rg1

Witness: fMS Adam

Reading Group: C21_app369_rg2

Witness: f1818 Adam,
Witness: f1823 Adam,
Witness: f1831 Adam,
Witness: fThomas Adam,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: fMS I


Reading Group: C21_app371_rg1

Witness: fMS felt mywasself

Reading Group: C21_app371_rg2

Witness: f1818 was
Witness: f1823 was
Witness: f1831 was
Witness: fThomas was


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 created
Witness: fThomas created
Witness: fMS created


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS but I w


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 apparently
Witness: f1823 apparently
Witness: f1831 apparently
Witness: fThomas apparently
Witness: fMS apparently


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS desolate in my situation as I had been had been


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 united by no link to any
Witness: f1823 united by no link to any
Witness: f1831 united by no link to any
Witness: fThomas united by no link to any
Witness: fMS united by no link to any


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 other being
Witness: f1823 other being
Witness: f1831 other being
Witness: fThomas other being
Witness: fMS other being


Reading Group: C21_app378_rg1

Witness: f1818 in existence;
Witness: f1823 in existence;
Witness: f1831 in existence;
Witness: fThomas in existence;

Reading Group: C21_app378_rg2

Witness: fMS of the creationin existence


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but
Witness: f1823 but
Witness: f1831 but
Witness: fThomas but
Witness: fMS but


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 his state was
Witness: f1823 his state was
Witness: f1831 his state was
Witness: fThomas his state was
Witness: fMS his state was


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 far
Witness: f1823 far
Witness: f1831 far
Witness: fThomas far


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 different from
Witness: f1823 different from
Witness: f1831 different from
Witness: fThomas different from
Witness: fMS different from


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 mine in every other respect.
Witness: f1823 mine in every other respect.
Witness: f1831 mine in every other respect.
Witness: fThomas mine in every other respect.
Witness: fMS mine in every other respect.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 He had come forth from the
Witness: f1823 He had come forth from the
Witness: f1831 He had come forth from the
Witness: fThomas He had come forth from the
Witness: fMS He had come forth from the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 hands of God a perfect
Witness: f1823 hands of God a perfect
Witness: f1831 hands of God a perfect
Witness: fThomas hands of God a perfect
Witness: fMS hands of God a perfect


Reading Group: C21_app386_rg1

Witness: fMS creature

Reading Group: C21_app386_rg2

Witness: f1818 creature,
Witness: f1823 creature,
Witness: f1831 creature,
Witness: fThomas creature,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 happy
Witness: f1823 happy
Witness: f1831 happy
Witness: fThomas happy
Witness: fMS happy


Reading Group: C21_app388_rg1

Witness: fMS & prosperous<metamark function="displacement" xml:id="c57-0040.11">X</metamark>

Reading Group: C21_app388_rg2

Witness: f1818 and prosperous,
Witness: f1823 and prosperous,
Witness: f1831 and prosperous,
Witness: fThomas and prosperous,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 guarded by the
Witness: f1823 guarded by the
Witness: f1831 guarded by the
Witness: fThomas guarded by the
Witness: fMS guarded by the


Reading Group: C21_app390_rg1

Witness: fMS speespecial

Reading Group: C21_app390_rg2

Witness: f1818 especial
Witness: f1823 especial
Witness: f1831 especial
Witness: fThomas especial


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 care of his
Witness: f1823 care of his
Witness: f1831 care of his
Witness: fThomas care of his
Witness: fMS care of his


Reading Group: C21_app392_rg1

Witness: fMS creator. and–he wasallowed

Reading Group: C21_app392_rg2

Witness: f1818 Creator; he was allowed
Witness: f1823 Creator; he was allowed
Witness: f1831 Creator; he was allowed
Witness: fThomas Creator; he was allowed


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to converse
Witness: f1823 to converse
Witness: f1831 to converse
Witness: fThomas to converse
Witness: fMS to converse


Reading Group: C21_app394_rg1

Witness: fMS &

Reading Group: C21_app394_rg2

Witness: f1818 with, and
Witness: f1823 with, and
Witness: f1831 with, and
Witness: fThomas with, and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 acquire knowledge
Witness: f1823 acquire knowledge
Witness: f1831 acquire knowledge
Witness: fThomas acquire knowledge
Witness: fMS acquire knowledge


Reading Group: C21_app396_rg1

Witness: fMS

Reading Group: C21_app396_rg2

Witness: f1831 from,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 from
Witness: f1823 from
Witness: fThomas from
Witness: fMS from


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 beings of a
Witness: f1823 beings of a
Witness: f1831 beings of a
Witness: fThomas beings of a
Witness: fMS beings of a


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 superior
Witness: f1823 superior
Witness: f1831 superior
Witness: fThomas superior
Witness: fMS superior


Reading Group: C21_app400_rg1

Witness: f1818 nature:
Witness: f1823 nature:
Witness: f1831 nature:
Witness: fThomas nature:

Reading Group: C21_app400_rg2

Witness: fMS nature–


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but I was
Witness: f1823 but I was
Witness: f1831 but I was
Witness: fThomas but I was
Witness: fMS but I was


Reading Group: C21_app402_rg1

Witness: fMS wretched helpless

Reading Group: C21_app402_rg2

Witness: f1818 wretched, helpless,
Witness: f1823 wretched, helpless,
Witness: f1831 wretched, helpless,
Witness: fThomas wretched, helpless,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and alone.
Witness: f1823 and alone.
Witness: f1831 and alone.
Witness: fThomas and alone.
Witness: fMS and alone.


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS Oft


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Many times I considered Satan
Witness: f1823 Many times I considered Satan
Witness: f1831 Many times I considered Satan
Witness: fThomas Many times I considered Satan
Witness: fMS Many times I considered Satan


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 as
Witness: f1823 as
Witness: f1831 as
Witness: fThomas as
Witness: fMS as


Reading Group: C21_app407_rg1

Witness: fMS my

Reading Group: C21_app407_rg2

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fThomas the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 fitter
Witness: f1823 fitter
Witness: f1831 fitter
Witness: fThomas fitter
Witness: fMS fitter


Reading Group: C21_app409_rg1

Witness: f1818 emblem of my condition;
Witness: f1823 emblem of my condition;
Witness: f1831 emblem of my condition;
Witness: fThomas emblem of my condition;

Reading Group: C21_app409_rg2

Witness: fMS mate


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 for
Witness: f1823 for
Witness: f1831 for
Witness: fThomas for
Witness: fMS for


Reading Group: C21_app411_rg1

Witness: fMS often

Reading Group: C21_app411_rg2

Witness: f1818 often,
Witness: f1823 often,
Witness: f1831 often,
Witness: fThomas often,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 like
Witness: f1823 like
Witness: f1831 like
Witness: fThomas like
Witness: fMS like


Reading Group: C21_app413_rg1

Witness: fMS him

Reading Group: C21_app413_rg2

Witness: f1818 him,
Witness: f1823 him,
Witness: f1831 him,
Witness: fThomas him,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 when I viewed the
Witness: f1823 when I viewed the
Witness: f1831 when I viewed the
Witness: fThomas when I viewed the
Witness: fMS when I viewed the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 bliss of my
Witness: f1823 bliss of my
Witness: f1831 bliss of my
Witness: fThomas bliss of my
Witness: fMS bliss of my


Reading Group: C21_app416_rg1

Witness: fMS protectors

Reading Group: C21_app416_rg2

Witness: f1818 protectors,
Witness: f1823 protectors,
Witness: f1831 protectors,
Witness: fThomas protectors,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the bitter
Witness: f1823 the bitter
Witness: f1831 the bitter
Witness: fThomas the bitter
Witness: fMS the bitter


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 gall of envy rose within
Witness: f1823 gall of envy rose within
Witness: f1831 gall of envy rose within
Witness: fThomas gall of envy rose within
Witness: fMS gall of envy rose within


Reading Group: C21_app419_rg1

Witness: fThomas me.
Witness: fMS me.

Reading Group: C21_app419_rg2

Witness: f1818 me.<p/><p/>“Another
Witness: f1823 me.<p/><p/>“Another
Witness: f1831 me.<p/><p/>“Another


Reading Group: C21_app420_rg1

Witness: fMS <del rend="strikethrough" sID="c57-0040__main__d3e7443"/>But

Reading Group: C21_app420_rg2

Witness: fThomas While neither the feeling of remorse of self accusation mingled with my throes; although the contempt with


Unified Readings

Witness: fThomas I
Witness: fMS I


Reading Group: C21_app422_rg1

Witness: fThomas was treated also prevented any sublime defiance to have a place in my mind.<p/><p/>“Another

Reading Group: C21_app422_rg2

Witness: fMS would not disturb theirhe Another


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 circumstance
Witness: f1823 circumstance
Witness: f1831 circumstance
Witness: fThomas circumstance
Witness: fMS circumstance


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 strengthened and confirmed these
Witness: f1823 strengthened and confirmed these
Witness: f1831 strengthened and confirmed these
Witness: fThomas strengthened and confirmed these
Witness: fMS strengthened and confirmed these


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 feelings.
Witness: f1823 feelings.
Witness: f1831 feelings.
Witness: fThomas feelings.
Witness: fMS feelings.


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS I had soon a


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Soon
Witness: f1823 Soon
Witness: f1831 Soon
Witness: fThomas Soon
Witness: fMS Soon


Reading Group: C21_app428_rg1

Witness: fMS affeafter

Reading Group: C21_app428_rg2

Witness: f1818 after
Witness: f1823 after
Witness: f1831 after
Witness: fThomas after


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my arrival in the
Witness: f1823 my arrival in the
Witness: f1831 my arrival in the
Witness: fThomas my arrival in the
Witness: fMS my arrival in the


Reading Group: C21_app430_rg1

Witness: fMS hovel

Reading Group: C21_app430_rg2

Witness: f1818 hovel,
Witness: f1823 hovel,
Witness: f1831 hovel,
Witness: fThomas hovel,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I discovered some papers in
Witness: f1823 I discovered some papers in
Witness: f1831 I discovered some papers in
Witness: fThomas I discovered some papers in
Witness: fMS I discovered some papers in


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS one of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: fMS the


Reading Group: C21_app434_rg1

Witness: fMS pockets

Reading Group: C21_app434_rg2

Witness: f1818 pocket
Witness: f1823 pocket
Witness: f1831 pocket
Witness: fThomas pocket


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of the dress
Witness: f1823 of the dress
Witness: f1831 of the dress
Witness: fThomas of the dress
Witness: fMS of the dress


Reading Group: C21_app436_rg1

Witness: fMS thatwhich

Reading Group: C21_app436_rg2

Witness: f1818 which
Witness: f1823 which
Witness: f1831 which
Witness: fThomas which


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I had taken
Witness: f1823 I had taken
Witness: f1831 I had taken
Witness: fThomas I had taken
Witness: fMS I had taken


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 from your
Witness: f1823 from your
Witness: f1831 from your
Witness: fThomas from your
Witness: fMS from your


Reading Group: C21_app439_rg1

Witness: f1818 laboratory. At
Witness: f1823 laboratory. At
Witness: f1831 laboratory. At
Witness: fThomas laboratory. At

Reading Group: C21_app439_rg2

Witness: fMS study. IAthad


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 first I
Witness: f1823 first I
Witness: f1831 first I
Witness: fThomas first I
Witness: fMS first I


Reading Group: C21_app441_rg1

Witness: f1818 had neglected them;
Witness: f1823 had neglected them;
Witness: f1831 had neglected them;
Witness: fThomas had neglected them;

Reading Group: C21_app441_rg2

Witness: fMS haddespisedneglected them


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but now that I was able to
Witness: f1823 but now that I was able to
Witness: f1831 but now that I was able to
Witness: fThomas but now that I was able to
Witness: fMS but now that I was able to


Reading Group: C21_app443_rg1

Witness: f1831 decipher

Reading Group: C21_app443_rg2

Witness: f1818 decypher
Witness: f1823 decypher
Witness: fThomas decypher
Witness: fMS decypher


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the characters in
Witness: f1823 the characters in
Witness: f1831 the characters in
Witness: fThomas the characters in
Witness: fMS the characters in


Reading Group: C21_app445_rg1

Witness: fMS them<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>which

Reading Group: C21_app445_rg2

Witness: f1818 which
Witness: f1823 which
Witness: f1831 which
Witness: fThomas which


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 they were
Witness: f1823 they were
Witness: f1831 they were
Witness: fThomas they were
Witness: fMS they were


Reading Group: C21_app447_rg1

Witness: fMS written

Reading Group: C21_app447_rg2

Witness: f1818 written,
Witness: f1823 written,
Witness: f1831 written,
Witness: fThomas written,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I began to
Witness: f1823 I began to
Witness: f1831 I began to
Witness: fThomas I began to
Witness: fMS I began to


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS decypher


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 study them
Witness: f1823 study them
Witness: f1831 study them
Witness: fThomas study them
Witness: fMS study them


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 with diligence. It was your journal of
Witness: f1823 with diligence. It was your journal of
Witness: f1831 with diligence. It was your journal of
Witness: fThomas with diligence. It was your journal of
Witness: fMS with diligence. It was your journal of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the four
Witness: f1823 the four
Witness: f1831 the four
Witness: fThomas the four
Witness: fMS the four


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS la


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 months that
Witness: f1823 months that
Witness: f1831 months that
Witness: fThomas months that
Witness: fMS months that


Reading Group: C21_app455_rg1

Witness: f1818 preceded
Witness: f1823 preceded
Witness: f1831 preceded
Witness: fThomas preceded

Reading Group: C21_app455_rg2

Witness: fMS preceeded


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my creation.
Witness: f1823 my creation.
Witness: f1831 my creation.
Witness: fThomas my creation.
Witness: fMS my creation.


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS It<mdel/>


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 You minutely
Witness: f1823 You minutely
Witness: f1831 You minutely
Witness: fThomas You minutely
Witness: fMS you minutely


Reading Group: C21_app459_rg1

Witness: f1818 described in
Witness: f1823 described in
Witness: f1831 described in
Witness: fThomas described in

Reading Group: C21_app459_rg2

Witness: fMS described<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>in it


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 these papers every step you took in the
Witness: f1823 these papers every step you took in the
Witness: f1831 these papers every step you took in the
Witness: fThomas these papers every step you took in the
Witness: fMS these papers every step you took in the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 progress of your work;
Witness: f1823 progress of your work;
Witness: f1831 progress of your work;
Witness: fThomas progress of your work;
Witness: fMS progress of your work;


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 this history was
Witness: f1823 this history was
Witness: f1831 this history was
Witness: fThomas this history was
Witness: fMS this <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>history was


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 mingled with accounts of domestic
Witness: f1823 mingled with accounts of domestic
Witness: f1831 mingled with accounts of domestic
Witness: fThomas mingled with accounts of domestic
Witness: fMS mingled with accounts of domestic


Reading Group: C21_app465_rg1

Witness: fMS occurences. You doubtless well

Reading Group: C21_app465_rg2

Witness: f1818 occurrences. You, doubtless,
Witness: f1823 occurrences. You, doubtless,
Witness: f1831 occurrences. You, doubtless,
Witness: fThomas occurrences. You, doubtless,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 recollect
Witness: f1823 recollect
Witness: f1831 recollect
Witness: fThomas recollect
Witness: fMS recollect


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 these
Witness: f1823 these
Witness: f1831 these
Witness: fThomas these
Witness: fMS these


Reading Group: C21_app468_rg1

Witness: f1818 papers.
Witness: f1823 papers.
Witness: f1831 papers.
Witness: fThomas papers.

Reading Group: C21_app468_rg2

Witness: fMS papers–


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Here they
Witness: f1823 Here they
Witness: f1831 Here they
Witness: fThomas Here they
Witness: fMS Here they


Reading Group: C21_app470_rg1

Witness: fMS are – Everything

Reading Group: C21_app470_rg2

Witness: f1818 are. Every thing
Witness: f1823 are. Every thing
Witness: f1831 are. Every thing
Witness: fThomas are. Every thing


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 is
Witness: f1823 is
Witness: f1831 is
Witness: fThomas is
Witness: fMS is


Reading Group: C21_app472_rg1

Witness: fMS toldrelatedi

Reading Group: C21_app472_rg2

Witness: f1818 related
Witness: f1823 related
Witness: f1831 related
Witness: fThomas related


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in
Witness: f1823 in
Witness: f1831 in
Witness: fThomas in
Witness: fMS in


Reading Group: C21_app474_rg1

Witness: f1818 them which
Witness: f1823 them which
Witness: f1831 them which
Witness: fThomas them which

Reading Group: C21_app474_rg2

Witness: fMS them<metamark function="displacement" xml:id="c57-0041.02">^</metamark><metamark function="displacement">^</metamark>which


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 bears
Witness: f1823 bears
Witness: f1831 bears
Witness: fThomas bears
Witness: fMS bears


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 reference to
Witness: f1823 reference to
Witness: f1831 reference to
Witness: fThomas reference to
Witness: fMS reference to


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my accursed
Witness: f1823 my accursed
Witness: f1831 my accursed
Witness: fThomas my accursed
Witness: fMS my accursed


Reading Group: C21_app478_rg1

Witness: fMS origin.& everythe

Reading Group: C21_app478_rg2

Witness: f1818 origin; the
Witness: f1823 origin; the
Witness: f1831 origin; the
Witness: fThomas origin; the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 whole detail of
Witness: f1823 whole detail of
Witness: f1831 whole detail of
Witness: fThomas whole detail of
Witness: fMS whole detail of


Reading Group: C21_app480_rg1

Witness: f1818 that series
Witness: f1823 that series
Witness: f1831 that series
Witness: fThomas that series

Reading Group: C21_app480_rg2

Witness: fMS thatdisgustingcircumstanceseries


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of
Witness: f1823 of
Witness: f1831 of
Witness: fThomas of
Witness: fMS of


Reading Group: C21_app482_rg1

Witness: fMS horrorsdisgusting

Reading Group: C21_app482_rg2

Witness: f1818 disgusting
Witness: f1823 disgusting
Witness: f1831 disgusting
Witness: fThomas disgusting


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 circumstances which produced
Witness: f1823 circumstances which produced
Witness: f1831 circumstances which produced
Witness: fThomas circumstances which produced
Witness: fMS circumstances which produced


Reading Group: C21_app484_rg1

Witness: f1818 it
Witness: f1823 it
Witness: fThomas it
Witness: fMS it

Reading Group: C21_app484_rg2

Witness: f1831 it,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 is set in view;
Witness: f1823 is set in view;
Witness: f1831 is set in view;
Witness: fThomas is set in view;
Witness: fMS is set in view;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the minutest description
Witness: f1823 the minutest description
Witness: f1831 the minutest description
Witness: fThomas the minutest description
Witness: fMS the minutest description


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS is given


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of my
Witness: f1823 of my
Witness: f1831 of my
Witness: fThomas of my
Witness: fMS of my


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 odious
Witness: f1823 odious
Witness: f1831 odious
Witness: fThomas odious
Witness: fMS odious


Reading Group: C21_app490_rg1

Witness: fMS &

Reading Group: C21_app490_rg2

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fThomas and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 loathsome
Witness: f1823 loathsome
Witness: f1831 loathsome
Witness: fThomas loathsome
Witness: fMS loathsome


Reading Group: C21_app492_rg1

Witness: f1818 person
Witness: f1823 person
Witness: f1831 person
Witness: fThomas person

Reading Group: C21_app492_rg2

Witness: fMS person.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 is
Witness: f1823 is
Witness: f1831 is
Witness: fThomas is
Witness: fMS is


Reading Group: C21_app494_rg1

Witness: fMS <metamark function="displacement" xml:id="c57-0041.05">X</metamark><metamark function="displacement">X</metamark>given

Reading Group: C21_app494_rg2

Witness: f1818 given,
Witness: f1823 given,
Witness: f1831 given,
Witness: fThomas given,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in language
Witness: f1823 in language
Witness: f1831 in language
Witness: fThomas in language
Witness: fMS in language


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 which painted your
Witness: f1823 which painted your
Witness: f1831 which painted your
Witness: fThomas which painted your
Witness: fMS which painted your


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 own horrors,
Witness: f1823 own horrors,
Witness: f1831 own horrors,
Witness: fThomas own horrors,
Witness: fMS own horrors,


Reading Group: C21_app498_rg1

Witness: fMS &has tracedconveyed them to has

Reading Group: C21_app498_rg2

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fThomas and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 rendered mine
Witness: f1823 rendered mine
Witness: f1831 rendered mine
Witness: fThomas rendered mine
Witness: fMS rendered mine


Reading Group: C21_app500_rg1

Witness: fMS ineffaceable..

Reading Group: C21_app500_rg2

Witness: f1823 indelible.
Witness: f1831 indelible.

Reading Group: C21_app500_rg3

Witness: f1818 ineffaceable.
Witness: fThomas ineffaceable.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: fMS I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 sickened as I
Witness: f1823 sickened as I
Witness: f1831 sickened as I
Witness: fThomas sickened as I
Witness: fMS sickened as I


Reading Group: C21_app503_rg1

Witness: fMS read – the papers.One Hateful

Reading Group: C21_app503_rg2

Witness: f1818 read. ‘Hateful
Witness: f1823 read. ‘Hateful
Witness: f1831 read. ‘Hateful
Witness: fThomas read. ‘Hateful


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 day when I received
Witness: f1823 day when I received
Witness: f1831 day when I received
Witness: fThomas day when I received
Witness: fMS day when I received


Reading Group: C21_app505_rg1

Witness: f1818 life!’
Witness: f1823 life!’
Witness: f1831 life!’
Witness: fThomas life!’

Reading Group: C21_app505_rg2

Witness: fMS life,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: fMS I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 exclaimed in
Witness: f1823 exclaimed in
Witness: f1831 exclaimed in
Witness: fThomas exclaimed in
Witness: fMS exclaimed in


Reading Group: C21_app508_rg1

Witness: f1818 agony.
Witness: f1823 agony.
Witness: f1831 agony.
Witness: fThomas agony.

Reading Group: C21_app508_rg2

Witness: fMS agony— Cursed cCreator


Reading Group: C21_app509_rg1

Witness: f1831 ‘Accursed

Reading Group: C21_app509_rg2

Witness: f1818 ‘Cursed
Witness: f1823 ‘Cursed
Witness: fThomas ‘Cursed


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 creator!
Witness: f1823 creator!
Witness: f1831 creator!
Witness: fThomas creator!


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Why did you form a monster
Witness: f1823 Why did you form a monster
Witness: f1831 Why did you form a monster
Witness: fThomas Why did you form a monster
Witness: fMS Why did you form a monster


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 so hideous that even you turned
Witness: f1823 so hideous that even <hi/>you<hi/> turned
Witness: f1831 so hideous that even <hi/>you<hi/> turned
Witness: fThomas so hideous that even you turned
Witness: fMS so hideous that even you turned


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 from me in
Witness: f1823 from me in
Witness: f1831 from me in
Witness: fThomas from me in
Witness: fMS from me in


Reading Group: C21_app514_rg1

Witness: fMS disgust.

Reading Group: C21_app514_rg2

Witness: f1818 disgust?
Witness: f1823 disgust?
Witness: f1831 disgust?
Witness: fThomas disgust?


Reading Group: C21_app515_rg1

Witness: f1818 God
Witness: f1823 God
Witness: fThomas God
Witness: fMS God

Reading Group: C21_app515_rg2

Witness: f1831 God,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in
Witness: f1823 in
Witness: f1831 in
Witness: fThomas in
Witness: fMS in


Reading Group: C21_app517_rg1

Witness: f1818 pity
Witness: f1823 pity
Witness: fThomas pity
Witness: fMS pity

Reading Group: C21_app517_rg2

Witness: f1831 pity,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 made
Witness: f1823 made
Witness: f1831 made
Witness: fThomas made
Witness: fMS made


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 man beautiful
Witness: f1823 man beautiful
Witness: f1831 man beautiful
Witness: fThomas man beautiful
Witness: fMS man beautiful


Reading Group: C21_app520_rg1

Witness: fMS & alluring – I am more hateful to the sight than the bitter apples of Hell to

Reading Group: C21_app520_rg2

Witness: f1818 and alluring, after his own image; but my form is a filthy type of
Witness: f1823 and alluring, after his own image; but my form is a filthy type of
Witness: f1831 and alluring, after his own image; but my form is a filthy type of
Witness: fThomas and alluring, after his own image; but my form is a filthy type of


Reading Group: C21_app521_rg1

Witness: f1823 yours,
Witness: f1831 yours,

Reading Group: C21_app521_rg2

Witness: f1818 your’s,
Witness: fThomas your’s,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 more horrid
Witness: f1823 more horrid
Witness: f1831 more horrid
Witness: fThomas more horrid


Unified Readings

Witness: f1823 even
Witness: f1831 even


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 from
Witness: f1823 from
Witness: f1831 from
Witness: fThomas from


Reading Group: C21_app525_rg1

Witness: f1818 its
Witness: fThomas its

Reading Group: C21_app525_rg2

Witness: f1823 the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fMS the


Reading Group: C21_app526_rg1

Witness: fMS taste

Reading Group: C21_app526_rg2

Witness: f1818 very resemblance.
Witness: f1823 very resemblance.
Witness: f1831 very resemblance.
Witness: fThomas very resemblance.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Satan
Witness: f1823 Satan
Witness: f1831 Satan
Witness: fThomas Satan
Witness: fMS Satan


Reading Group: C21_app528_rg1

Witness: f1818 had
Witness: f1823 had
Witness: f1831 had
Witness: fThomas had

Reading Group: C21_app528_rg2

Witness: fMS has


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 his companions,
Witness: f1823 his companions,
Witness: f1831 his companions,
Witness: fThomas his companions,
Witness: fMS his companions,


Reading Group: C21_app530_rg1

Witness: fMS fellow devils,

Reading Group: C21_app530_rg2

Witness: f1818 fellow-devils,
Witness: f1823 fellow-devils,
Witness: f1831 fellow-devils,
Witness: fThomas fellow-devils,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to admire and encourage
Witness: f1823 to admire and encourage
Witness: f1831 to admire and encourage
Witness: fThomas to admire and encourage
Witness: fMS to admire and encourage


Reading Group: C21_app532_rg1

Witness: fMS him.

Reading Group: C21_app532_rg2

Witness: f1818 him;
Witness: f1823 him;
Witness: f1831 him;
Witness: fThomas him;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but I am solitary
Witness: f1823 but I am solitary
Witness: f1831 but I am solitary
Witness: fThomas but I am solitary
Witness: fMS but I am solitary


Reading Group: C21_app534_rg1

Witness: fMS & detestedSuch<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>These

Reading Group: C21_app534_rg2

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fThomas and


Reading Group: C21_app535_rg1

Witness: f1831 abhorred.’<p/><p/>“These

Reading Group: C21_app535_rg2

Witness: f1818 detested.’<p/><p/>“These
Witness: f1823 detested.’<p/><p/>“These
Witness: fThomas detested.’<p/><p/>“These


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 were
Witness: f1823 were
Witness: f1831 were
Witness: fThomas were
Witness: fMS were


Reading Group: C21_app537_rg1

Witness: fMS my

Reading Group: C21_app537_rg2

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fThomas the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 reflections
Witness: f1823 reflections
Witness: f1831 reflections
Witness: fThomas reflections
Witness: fMS reflections


Reading Group: C21_app539_rg1

Witness: fMS in

Reading Group: C21_app539_rg2

Witness: f1818 of
Witness: f1823 of
Witness: f1831 of
Witness: fThomas of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my
Witness: f1823 my
Witness: f1831 my
Witness: fThomas my
Witness: fMS my


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 hours of
Witness: f1823 hours of
Witness: f1831 hours of
Witness: fThomas hours of
Witness: fMS hours of


Reading Group: C21_app542_rg1

Witness: fMS despond<mdel/>ency & solitude

Reading Group: C21_app542_rg2

Witness: f1818 despondency and solitude;
Witness: f1823 despondency and solitude;
Witness: f1831 despondency and solitude;
Witness: fThomas despondency and solitude;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but
Witness: f1823 but
Witness: f1831 but
Witness: fThomas but
Witness: fMS but


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 when I contemplated the virtues of
Witness: f1823 when I contemplated the virtues of
Witness: f1831 when I contemplated the virtues of
Witness: fThomas when I contemplated the virtues of
Witness: fMS when I contemplated the virtues of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: fMS the


Reading Group: C21_app546_rg1

Witness: f1818 cottagers,
Witness: f1823 cottagers,
Witness: f1831 cottagers,
Witness: fThomas cottagers,

Reading Group: C21_app546_rg2

Witness: fMS cottagers.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 their amiable
Witness: f1823 their amiable
Witness: f1831 their amiable
Witness: fThomas their amiable
Witness: fMS Their amiable


Reading Group: C21_app548_rg1

Witness: fMS &

Reading Group: C21_app548_rg2

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fThomas and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 benevolent
Witness: f1823 benevolent
Witness: f1831 benevolent
Witness: fThomas benevolent
Witness: fMS benevolent


Reading Group: C21_app550_rg1

Witness: fMS dispositions

Reading Group: C21_app550_rg2

Witness: f1818 dispositions,
Witness: f1823 dispositions,
Witness: f1831 dispositions,
Witness: fThomas dispositions,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I persuaded myself that when they should
Witness: f1823 I persuaded myself that when they should
Witness: f1831 I persuaded myself that when they should
Witness: fThomas I persuaded myself that when they should
Witness: fMS I persuaded myself that <metamark function="displacement" xml:id="c57-0042.01">X</metamark><metamark>X</metamark>When they <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>should


Reading Group: C21_app552_rg1

Witness: fMS be came

Reading Group: C21_app552_rg2

Witness: f1818 become
Witness: f1823 become
Witness: f1831 become
Witness: fThomas become


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 acquainted with
Witness: f1823 acquainted with
Witness: f1831 acquainted with
Witness: fThomas acquainted with
Witness: fMS acquainted with


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my admiration of their
Witness: f1823 my admiration of their
Witness: f1831 my admiration of their
Witness: fThomas my admiration of their
Witness: fMS my admiration of their


Reading Group: C21_app555_rg1

Witness: fMS virtues

Reading Group: C21_app555_rg2

Witness: f1818 virtues,
Witness: f1823 virtues,
Witness: f1831 virtues,
Witness: fThomas virtues,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 they would
Witness: f1823 they would
Witness: f1831 they would
Witness: fThomas they would
Witness: fMS they would


Reading Group: C21_app557_rg1

Witness: f1818 compassionate me,
Witness: f1823 compassionate me,
Witness: f1831 compassionate me,
Witness: fThomas compassionate me,

Reading Group: C21_app557_rg2

Witness: fMS pity me


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and overlook
Witness: f1823 and overlook
Witness: f1831 and overlook
Witness: fThomas and overlook
Witness: fMS and overlook


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my personal
Witness: f1823 my personal
Witness: f1831 my personal
Witness: fThomas my personal
Witness: fMS my personal


Reading Group: C21_app560_rg1

Witness: fMS deformity when they should know my admiration of their virtues.Yes I <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>was mad enough to <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>put my trust in my own intentions and to

Reading Group: C21_app560_rg2

Witness: f1818 deformity.
Witness: f1823 deformity.
Witness: f1831 deformity.
Witness: fThomas deformity.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Could they turn from their door
Witness: f1823 Could they turn from their door
Witness: f1831 Could they turn from their door
Witness: fThomas Could they turn from their door
Witness: fMS Could they turn from their door


Reading Group: C21_app562_rg1

Witness: fMS one

Reading Group: C21_app562_rg2

Witness: f1818 one,
Witness: f1823 one,
Witness: f1831 one,
Witness: fThomas one,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 however monstrous, who solicited their compassion
Witness: f1823 however monstrous, who solicited their compassion
Witness: f1831 however monstrous, who solicited their compassion
Witness: fThomas however monstrous, who solicited their compassion
Witness: fMS however monstrous, who solicited their compassion


Reading Group: C21_app564_rg1

Witness: fMS &

Reading Group: C21_app564_rg2

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fThomas and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 friendship?
Witness: f1823 friendship?
Witness: f1831 friendship?
Witness: fThomas friendship?
Witness: fMS friendship?


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: fMS I


Reading Group: C21_app567_rg1

Witness: fMS resolved

Reading Group: C21_app567_rg2

Witness: f1818 resolved,
Witness: f1823 resolved,
Witness: f1831 resolved,
Witness: fThomas resolved,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 at
Witness: f1823 at
Witness: f1831 at
Witness: fThomas at
Witness: fMS at


Reading Group: C21_app569_rg1

Witness: fMS least

Reading Group: C21_app569_rg2

Witness: f1818 least,
Witness: f1823 least,
Witness: f1831 least,
Witness: fThomas least,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 not to
Witness: f1823 not to
Witness: f1831 not to
Witness: fThomas not to
Witness: fMS not to


Reading Group: C21_app571_rg1

Witness: fMS despair

Reading Group: C21_app571_rg2

Witness: f1818 despair,
Witness: f1823 despair,
Witness: f1831 despair,
Witness: fThomas despair,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but in every way to fit myself
Witness: f1823 but in every way to fit myself
Witness: f1831 but in every way to fit myself
Witness: fThomas but in every way to fit myself
Witness: fMS but in every way to fit myself


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 for an interview
Witness: f1823 for an interview
Witness: f1831 for an interview
Witness: fThomas for an interview
Witness: fMS for an interview


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 with them
Witness: f1823 with them
Witness: f1831 with them
Witness: fThomas with them


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 which would
Witness: f1823 which would
Witness: f1831 which would
Witness: fThomas which would
Witness: fMS which would


Reading Group: C21_app576_rg1

Witness: fMS descide

Reading Group: C21_app576_rg2

Witness: f1818 decide
Witness: f1823 decide
Witness: f1831 decide
Witness: fThomas decide


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my fate.
Witness: f1823 my fate.
Witness: f1831 my fate.
Witness: fThomas my fate.
Witness: fMS my fate.


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS I wish


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I postponed this attempt for some months
Witness: f1823 I postponed this attempt for some months
Witness: f1831 I postponed this attempt for some months
Witness: fThomas I postponed this attempt for some months
Witness: fMS I postponed this attempt for some months


Reading Group: C21_app580_rg1

Witness: fMS longer

Reading Group: C21_app580_rg2

Witness: f1818 longer;
Witness: f1823 longer;
Witness: f1831 longer;
Witness: fThomas longer;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 for the
Witness: f1823 for the
Witness: f1831 for the
Witness: fThomas for the
Witness: fMS for the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 importance attached to
Witness: f1823 importance attached to
Witness: f1831 importance attached to
Witness: fThomas importance attached to
Witness: fMS importance attached to


Reading Group: C21_app583_rg1

Witness: fMS it'ssuccess

Reading Group: C21_app583_rg2

Witness: f1818 its success
Witness: f1823 its success
Witness: f1831 its success
Witness: fThomas its success


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 inspired
Witness: f1823 inspired
Witness: f1831 inspired
Witness: fThomas inspired
Witness: fMS inspired


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 me with a
Witness: f1823 me with a
Witness: f1831 me with a
Witness: fThomas me with a
Witness: fMS me with a


Reading Group: C21_app586_rg1

Witness: f1818 dread lest
Witness: f1823 dread lest
Witness: f1831 dread lest
Witness: fThomas dread lest

Reading Group: C21_app586_rg2

Witness: fMS <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>dreadfor it's successlest it should not succeedthat


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: fMS I


Reading Group: C21_app588_rg1

Witness: fMS in vain endeavoured to surmount. Besides

Reading Group: C21_app588_rg2

Witness: f1818 should fail. Besides,
Witness: f1823 should fail. Besides,
Witness: f1831 should fail. Besides,
Witness: fThomas should fail. Besides,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I found that
Witness: f1823 I found that
Witness: f1831 I found that
Witness: fThomas I found that
Witness: fMS I found that


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my understanding improved so much
Witness: f1823 my understanding improved so much
Witness: f1831 my understanding improved so much
Witness: fThomas my understanding improved so much
Witness: fMS my understanding improved so much


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 with every
Witness: f1823 with every
Witness: f1831 with every
Witness: fThomas with every
Witness: fMS with every


Reading Group: C21_app592_rg1

Witness: fMS days experience thatI

Reading Group: C21_app592_rg2

Witness: f1818 day’s experience,
Witness: f1823 day’s experience,
Witness: f1831 day’s experience,
Witness: fThomas day’s experience,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that I was unwilling to
Witness: f1823 that I was unwilling to
Witness: f1831 that I was unwilling to
Witness: fThomas that I was unwilling to
Witness: fMS that I was unwilling to


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS attempt


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 commence this
Witness: f1823 commence this
Witness: f1831 commence this
Witness: fThomas commence this
Witness: fMS commence this


Reading Group: C21_app596_rg1

Witness: fMS attemptsundertaking untill

Reading Group: C21_app596_rg2

Witness: f1818 undertaking until
Witness: f1823 undertaking until
Witness: f1831 undertaking until
Witness: fThomas undertaking until


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a few more months should have
Witness: f1823 a few more months should have
Witness: f1831 a few more months should have
Witness: fThomas a few more months should have
Witness: fMS a few more months should have


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 added to my
Witness: f1823 added to my
Witness: f1831 added to my
Witness: fThomas added to my
Witness: fMS added to my


Reading Group: C21_app599_rg1

Witness: fMS des wisdomManySeveral changes

Reading Group: C21_app599_rg2

Witness: f1831 sagacity.<p/><p/>“Several

Reading Group: C21_app599_rg3

Witness: f1818 wisdom.<p/><p/>“Several
Witness: f1823 wisdom.<p/><p/>“Several
Witness: fThomas wisdom.<p/><p/>“Several


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 changes,
Witness: f1823 changes,
Witness: f1831 changes,
Witness: fThomas changes,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in the mean
Witness: f1823 in the mean
Witness: f1831 in the mean
Witness: fThomas in the mean
Witness: fMS in the mean


Reading Group: C21_app602_rg1

Witness: fMS time

Reading Group: C21_app602_rg2

Witness: f1818 time,
Witness: f1823 time,
Witness: f1831 time,
Witness: fThomas time,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 took place in the
Witness: f1823 took place in the
Witness: f1831 took place in the
Witness: fThomas took place in the
Witness: fMS took place in the


Reading Group: C21_app604_rg1

Witness: fMS cottage

Reading Group: C21_app604_rg2

Witness: f1818 cottage.
Witness: f1823 cottage.
Witness: f1831 cottage.
Witness: fThomas cottage.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 The presence of
Witness: f1823 The presence of
Witness: f1831 The presence of
Witness: fThomas The presence of
Witness: fMS the presence of


Reading Group: C21_app606_rg1

Witness: fMS MaimounaSafie

Reading Group: C21_app606_rg2

Witness: f1818 Safie
Witness: f1823 Safie
Witness: f1831 Safie
Witness: fThomas Safie


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 diffused
Witness: f1823 diffused
Witness: f1831 diffused
Witness: fThomas diffused
Witness: fMS diffused


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 happiness among its
Witness: f1823 happiness among its
Witness: f1831 happiness among its
Witness: fThomas happiness among its
Witness: fMS happiness among its


Reading Group: C21_app609_rg1

Witness: fMS inhabitants and also as I soon perceived more plenty

Reading Group: C21_app609_rg2

Witness: f1818 inhabitants;
Witness: f1823 inhabitants;
Witness: f1831 inhabitants;
Witness: fThomas inhabitants;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and I also found that a greater
Witness: f1823 and I also found that a greater
Witness: f1831 and I also found that a greater
Witness: fThomas and I also found that a greater
Witness: fMS and I also found that a greater


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS g


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 degree
Witness: f1823 degree
Witness: f1831 degree
Witness: fThomas degree
Witness: fMS degree


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of plenty
Witness: f1823 of plenty
Witness: f1831 of plenty
Witness: fThomas of plenty
Witness: fMS of plenty


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS & en


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 reigned
Witness: f1823 reigned
Witness: f1831 reigned
Witness: fThomas reigned
Witness: fMS reigned


Reading Group: C21_app616_rg1

Witness: fMS there –

Reading Group: C21_app616_rg2

Witness: f1818 there.
Witness: f1823 there.
Witness: f1831 there.
Witness: fThomas there.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Felix
Witness: f1823 Felix
Witness: f1831 Felix
Witness: fThomas Felix
Witness: fMS Felix


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS &


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and Agatha spent more time
Witness: f1823 and Agatha spent more time
Witness: f1831 and Agatha spent more time
Witness: fThomas and Agatha spent more time
Witness: fMS and Agatha spent more time


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in amusement
Witness: f1823 in amusement
Witness: f1831 in amusement
Witness: fThomas in amusement
Witness: fMS in amusement


Reading Group: C21_app621_rg1

Witness: fMS <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>and& conversation they

Reading Group: C21_app621_rg2

Witness: f1818 and conversation,
Witness: f1823 and conversation,
Witness: f1831 and conversation,
Witness: fThomas and conversation,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and were
Witness: f1823 and were
Witness: f1831 and were
Witness: fThomas and were
Witness: fMS and were


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS now also


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 assisted in their labours by
Witness: f1823 assisted in their labours by
Witness: f1831 assisted in their labours by
Witness: fThomas assisted in their labours by
Witness: fMS assisted in their labours by


Reading Group: C21_app625_rg1

Witness: fMS servants

Reading Group: C21_app625_rg2

Witness: f1818 servants.
Witness: f1823 servants.
Witness: f1831 servants.
Witness: fThomas servants.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 They
Witness: f1823 They
Witness: f1831 They
Witness: fThomas They
Witness: fMS They


Reading Group: C21_app627_rg1

Witness: fMS werenotdid

Reading Group: C21_app627_rg2

Witness: f1818 did
Witness: f1823 did
Witness: f1831 did
Witness: fThomas did


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 not appear
Witness: f1823 not appear
Witness: f1831 not appear
Witness: fThomas not appear
Witness: fMS not appear


Reading Group: C21_app629_rg1

Witness: fMS rich

Reading Group: C21_app629_rg2

Witness: f1818 rich,
Witness: f1823 rich,
Witness: f1831 rich,
Witness: fThomas rich,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but they were contented
Witness: f1823 but they were contented
Witness: f1831 but they were contented
Witness: fThomas but they were contented
Witness: fMS but they were contented


Reading Group: C21_app631_rg1

Witness: fMS & happy. Such were

Reading Group: C21_app631_rg2

Witness: f1818 and happy;
Witness: f1823 and happy;
Witness: f1831 and happy;
Witness: fThomas and happy;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 their
Witness: f1823 their
Witness: f1831 their
Witness: fThomas their
Witness: fMS their


Reading Group: C21_app633_rg1

Witness: f1818 feelings were
Witness: f1823 feelings were
Witness: f1831 feelings were
Witness: fThomas feelings were

Reading Group: C21_app633_rg2

Witness: fMS feelings<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>were


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 serene
Witness: f1823 serene
Witness: f1831 serene
Witness: fThomas serene
Witness: fMS serene


Reading Group: C21_app635_rg1

Witness: fMS &

Reading Group: C21_app635_rg2

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fThomas and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 peaceful, while mine became every day more
Witness: f1823 peaceful, while mine became every day more
Witness: f1831 peaceful, while mine became every day more
Witness: fThomas peaceful, while mine became every day more
Witness: fMS peaceful, while Imine became every day more


Reading Group: C21_app637_rg1

Witness: fMS unhappymiserable – encrease

Reading Group: C21_app637_rg2

Witness: f1818 tumultuous. Increase
Witness: f1823 tumultuous. Increase
Witness: f1831 tumultuous. Increase
Witness: fThomas tumultuous. Increase


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of knowledge only
Witness: f1823 of knowledge only
Witness: f1831 of knowledge only
Witness: fThomas of knowledge only
Witness: fMS of knowledge only


Reading Group: C21_app639_rg1

Witness: fMS sheweddiscovered

Reading Group: C21_app639_rg2

Witness: f1818 discovered
Witness: f1823 discovered
Witness: f1831 discovered
Witness: fThomas discovered


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to me more
Witness: f1823 to me more
Witness: f1831 to me more
Witness: fThomas to me more
Witness: fMS to me more


Reading Group: C21_app641_rg1

Witness: fMS plainly<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>clearly

Reading Group: C21_app641_rg2

Witness: f1818 clearly
Witness: f1823 clearly
Witness: f1831 clearly
Witness: fThomas clearly


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 what a wretched outcast
Witness: f1823 what a wretched outcast
Witness: f1831 what a wretched outcast
Witness: fThomas what a wretched outcast
Witness: fMS what a wretched outcast


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I was. I cherished
Witness: f1823 I was. I cherished
Witness: f1831 I was. I cherished
Witness: fThomas I was. I cherished
Witness: fMS I was. I cherished


Reading Group: C21_app644_rg1

Witness: fMS hope

Reading Group: C21_app644_rg2

Witness: f1818 hope,
Witness: f1823 hope,
Witness: f1831 hope,
Witness: fThomas hope,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 it is
Witness: f1823 it is
Witness: f1831 it is
Witness: fThomas it is
Witness: fMS it is


Reading Group: C21_app646_rg1

Witness: fMS true

Reading Group: C21_app646_rg2

Witness: f1818 true;
Witness: f1823 true;
Witness: f1831 true;
Witness: fThomas true;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but
Witness: f1823 but
Witness: f1831 but
Witness: fThomas but
Witness: fMS but


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 it
Witness: f1823 it
Witness: f1831 it
Witness: fThomas it
Witness: fMS it


Reading Group: C21_app649_rg1

Witness: fMS vanished

Reading Group: C21_app649_rg2

Witness: f1818 vanished,
Witness: f1823 vanished,
Witness: f1831 vanished,
Witness: fThomas vanished,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 when I beheld my person
Witness: f1823 when I beheld my person
Witness: f1831 when I beheld my person
Witness: fThomas when I beheld my person
Witness: fMS when I beheld my person


Reading Group: C21_app651_rg1

Witness: f1818 reflected in water,
Witness: f1823 reflected in water,
Witness: f1831 reflected in water,
Witness: fThomas reflected in water,

Reading Group: C21_app651_rg2

Witness: fMS reflectedbyinthe water


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 or
Witness: f1823 or
Witness: f1831 or
Witness: fThomas or
Witness: fMS or


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS even


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my shadow
Witness: f1823 my shadow
Witness: f1831 my shadow
Witness: fThomas my shadow
Witness: fMS my shadow


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in the
Witness: f1823 in the
Witness: f1831 in the
Witness: fThomas in the
Witness: fMS in the


Reading Group: C21_app656_rg1

Witness: f1818 moon-shine,
Witness: fThomas moon-shine,

Reading Group: C21_app656_rg2

Witness: fMS moonshine —I

Reading Group: C21_app656_rg3

Witness: f1823 moonshine,
Witness: f1831 moonshine,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 even as that frail image and that inconstant shade.<p/><p/>“I
Witness: f1823 even as that frail image and that inconstant shade.<p/><p/>“I
Witness: f1831 even as that frail image and that inconstant shade.<p/><p/>“I
Witness: fThomas even as that frail image and that inconstant shade.<p/><p/>“I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 endeavoured to
Witness: f1823 endeavoured to
Witness: f1831 endeavoured to
Witness: fThomas endeavoured to
Witness: fMS endeavoured to


Reading Group: C21_app659_rg1

Witness: fMS hushcrush

Reading Group: C21_app659_rg2

Witness: f1818 crush
Witness: f1823 crush
Witness: f1831 crush
Witness: fThomas crush


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 these
Witness: f1823 these
Witness: f1831 these
Witness: fThomas these
Witness: fMS these


Reading Group: C21_app661_rg1

Witness: fMS fears

Reading Group: C21_app661_rg2

Witness: f1818 fears,
Witness: f1823 fears,
Witness: f1831 fears,
Witness: fThomas fears,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and to fortify myself for the
Witness: f1823 and to fortify myself for the
Witness: f1831 and to fortify myself for the
Witness: fThomas and to fortify myself for the
Witness: fMS and to fortify myself for the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 trial which in a few months I resolved
Witness: f1823 trial which in a few months I resolved
Witness: f1831 trial which in a few months I resolved
Witness: fThomas trial which in a few months I resolved
Witness: fMS trial which in a few months I resolved


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to undergo; and sometimes I allowed my
Witness: f1823 to undergo; and sometimes I allowed my
Witness: f1831 to undergo; and sometimes I allowed my
Witness: fThomas to undergo; and sometimes I allowed my
Witness: fMS to undergo; and sometimes I allowed my


Reading Group: C21_app665_rg1

Witness: fMS thoughts

Reading Group: C21_app665_rg2

Witness: f1818 thoughts,
Witness: f1823 thoughts,
Witness: f1831 thoughts,
Witness: fThomas thoughts,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 unchecked by
Witness: f1823 unchecked by
Witness: f1831 unchecked by
Witness: fThomas unchecked by
Witness: fMS unchecked by


Reading Group: C21_app667_rg1

Witness: fMS reason

Reading Group: C21_app667_rg2

Witness: f1818 reason,
Witness: f1823 reason,
Witness: f1831 reason,
Witness: fThomas reason,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to ramble
Witness: f1823 to ramble
Witness: f1831 to ramble
Witness: fThomas to ramble
Witness: fMS to ramble


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in the fields of
Witness: f1823 in the fields of
Witness: f1831 in the fields of
Witness: fThomas in the fields of
Witness: fMS in the fields of


Reading Group: C21_app670_rg1

Witness: fMS Paradise &tofan

Reading Group: C21_app670_rg2

Witness: f1818 Paradise, and
Witness: f1823 Paradise, and
Witness: f1831 Paradise, and
Witness: fThomas Paradise, and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 dared
Witness: f1823 dared
Witness: f1831 dared
Witness: fThomas dared
Witness: fMS dared


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to fancy amiable
Witness: f1823 to fancy amiable
Witness: f1831 to fancy amiable
Witness: fThomas to fancy amiable
Witness: fMS to fancy amiable


Reading Group: C21_app673_rg1

Witness: fMS &

Reading Group: C21_app673_rg2

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fThomas and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 lovely
Witness: f1823 lovely
Witness: f1831 lovely
Witness: fThomas lovely
Witness: fMS lovely


Reading Group: C21_app675_rg1

Witness: fMS beings

Reading Group: C21_app675_rg2

Witness: f1818 creatures
Witness: f1823 creatures
Witness: f1831 creatures
Witness: fThomas creatures


Reading Group: C21_app676_rg1

Witness: f1831 sympathising

Reading Group: C21_app676_rg2

Witness: f1818 sympathizing
Witness: f1823 sympathizing
Witness: fThomas sympathizing
Witness: fMS sympathizing


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 with my
Witness: f1823 with my
Witness: f1831 with my
Witness: fThomas with my
Witness: fMS with my


Reading Group: C21_app678_rg1

Witness: f1818 feelings
Witness: f1823 feelings
Witness: fThomas feelings
Witness: fMS feelings

Reading Group: C21_app678_rg2

Witness: f1831 feelings,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and cheering my
Witness: f1823 and cheering my
Witness: f1831 and cheering my
Witness: fThomas and cheering my
Witness: fMS and cheering my


Reading Group: C21_app680_rg1

Witness: fMS d gloom —

Reading Group: C21_app680_rg2

Witness: f1818 gloom;
Witness: f1823 gloom;
Witness: f1831 gloom;
Witness: fThomas gloom;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 their angelic
Witness: f1823 their angelic
Witness: f1831 their angelic
Witness: fThomas their angelic
Witness: fMS Their angelic


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS cont


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 countenances breathed smiles of
Witness: f1823 countenances breathed smiles of
Witness: f1831 countenances breathed smiles of
Witness: fThomas countenances breathed smiles of
Witness: fMS countenances breathed smiles of


Reading Group: C21_app684_rg1

Witness: fMS consolation —

Reading Group: C21_app684_rg2

Witness: f1818 consolation.
Witness: f1823 consolation.
Witness: f1831 consolation.
Witness: fThomas consolation.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 But it was all a
Witness: f1823 But it was all a
Witness: f1831 But it was all a
Witness: fThomas But it was all a
Witness: fMS But it was all a


Reading Group: C21_app686_rg1

Witness: fMS dream –

Reading Group: C21_app686_rg2

Witness: f1818 dream:
Witness: fThomas dream:

Reading Group: C21_app686_rg3

Witness: f1823 dream;
Witness: f1831 dream;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 no
Witness: f1823 no
Witness: f1831 no
Witness: fThomas no
Witness: fMS No


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Eve
Witness: f1823 Eve
Witness: f1831 Eve
Witness: fThomas Eve
Witness: fMS Eve


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS waited on


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 soothed my
Witness: f1823 soothed my
Witness: f1831 soothed my
Witness: fThomas soothed my
Witness: fMS soothed my


Reading Group: C21_app691_rg1

Witness: fMS sorrows

Reading Group: C21_app691_rg2

Witness: f1818 sorrows,
Witness: f1823 sorrows,
Witness: f1831 sorrows,
Witness: fThomas sorrows,


Reading Group: C21_app692_rg1

Witness: f1831 nor

Reading Group: C21_app692_rg2

Witness: f1818 or
Witness: f1823 or
Witness: fThomas or
Witness: fMS or


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 shared my
Witness: f1823 shared my
Witness: f1831 shared my
Witness: fThomas shared my
Witness: fMS shared my


Reading Group: C21_app694_rg1

Witness: fMS thoughts.

Reading Group: C21_app694_rg2

Witness: f1818 thoughts;
Witness: f1823 thoughts;
Witness: f1831 thoughts;
Witness: fThomas thoughts;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I was alone.
Witness: f1823 I was alone.
Witness: f1831 I was alone.
Witness: fThomas I was alone.
Witness: fMS I was alone.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I remembered
Witness: f1823 I remembered
Witness: f1831 I remembered
Witness: fThomas I remembered
Witness: fMS I remembered


Reading Group: C21_app697_rg1

Witness: fMS Adams

Reading Group: C21_app697_rg2

Witness: f1818 Adam’s
Witness: f1823 Adam’s
Witness: f1831 Adam’s
Witness: fThomas Adam’s


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 supplication to
Witness: f1823 supplication to
Witness: f1831 supplication to
Witness: fThomas supplication to
Witness: fMS supplication to


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 his
Witness: f1823 his
Witness: f1831 his
Witness: fThomas his
Witness: fMS his


Reading Group: C21_app700_rg1

Witness: fMS creator

Reading Group: C21_app700_rg2

Witness: f1823 Creator.
Witness: f1831 Creator.

Reading Group: C21_app700_rg3

Witness: f1818 Creator;
Witness: fThomas Creator;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but where was mine?
Witness: f1823 But where was mine?
Witness: f1831 But where was mine?
Witness: fThomas but where was mine?
Witness: fMS but where was mine?


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 he had
Witness: f1823 He had
Witness: f1831 He had
Witness: fThomas he had
Witness: fMS He had


Reading Group: C21_app703_rg1

Witness: f1818 abandoned
Witness: f1823 abandoned
Witness: f1831 abandoned
Witness: fThomas abandoned

Reading Group: C21_app703_rg2

Witness: fMS abbandoned me and


Reading Group: C21_app704_rg1

Witness: f1818 me,
Witness: f1823 me,
Witness: fThomas me,

Reading Group: C21_app704_rg2

Witness: f1831 me;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and,
Witness: f1823 and,
Witness: f1831 and,
Witness: fThomas and,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in the
Witness: f1823 in the
Witness: f1831 in the
Witness: fThomas in the
Witness: fMS in the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 bitterness of my
Witness: f1823 bitterness of my
Witness: f1831 bitterness of my
Witness: fThomas bitterness of my
Witness: fMS bitterness of my


Reading Group: C21_app708_rg1

Witness: fMS heart

Reading Group: C21_app708_rg2

Witness: f1818 heart,
Witness: f1823 heart,
Witness: f1831 heart,
Witness: fThomas heart,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I cursed
Witness: f1823 I cursed
Witness: f1831 I cursed
Witness: fThomas I cursed
Witness: fMS I cursed


Reading Group: C21_app710_rg1

Witness: fMS him. Autumn

Reading Group: C21_app710_rg2

Witness: f1818 him.<p/><p/>“Autumn
Witness: f1823 him.<p/><p/>“Autumn
Witness: f1831 him.<p/><p/>“Autumn
Witness: fThomas him.<p/><p/>“Autumn


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 passed
Witness: f1823 passed
Witness: f1831 passed
Witness: fThomas passed
Witness: fMS passed


Reading Group: C21_app712_rg1

Witness: fMS thus and

Reading Group: C21_app712_rg2

Witness: f1818 thus. I saw,
Witness: f1823 thus. I saw,
Witness: f1831 thus. I saw,
Witness: fThomas thus. I saw,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 with
Witness: f1823 with
Witness: f1831 with
Witness: fThomas with
Witness: fMS with


Reading Group: C21_app714_rg1

Witness: fMS surpise & grief I saw

Reading Group: C21_app714_rg2

Witness: f1818 surprise and grief,
Witness: f1823 surprise and grief,
Witness: f1831 surprise and grief,
Witness: fThomas surprise and grief,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the leaves decay
Witness: f1823 the leaves decay
Witness: f1831 the leaves decay
Witness: fThomas the leaves decay
Witness: fMS the leaves decay


Reading Group: C21_app716_rg1

Witness: fMS &

Reading Group: C21_app716_rg2

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fThomas and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 fall,
Witness: f1823 fall,
Witness: f1831 fall,
Witness: fThomas fall,
Witness: fMS fall,


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS <del rend="strikethrough" sID="c57-0043__main__d3e8398"/><del/>


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and nature again assume
Witness: f1823 and nature again assume
Witness: f1831 and nature again assume
Witness: fThomas and nature again assume
Witness: fMS And nature again assume


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the barren
Witness: f1823 the barren
Witness: f1831 the barren
Witness: fThomas the barren
Witness: fMS the barren


Reading Group: C21_app721_rg1

Witness: fMS &

Reading Group: C21_app721_rg2

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fThomas and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 bleak appearance
Witness: f1823 bleak appearance
Witness: f1831 bleak appearance
Witness: fThomas bleak appearance
Witness: fMS bleak appearance


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 it had
Witness: f1823 it had
Witness: f1831 it had
Witness: fThomas it had
Witness: fMS it had


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 worn
Witness: f1823 worn
Witness: f1831 worn
Witness: fThomas worn


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 when I first beheld the
Witness: f1823 when I first beheld the
Witness: f1831 when I first beheld the
Witness: fThomas when I first beheld the
Witness: fMS when I first beheld the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 woods and the lovely moon.
Witness: f1823 woods and the lovely moon.
Witness: f1831 woods and the lovely moon.
Witness: fThomas woods and the lovely moon.
Witness: fMS woods and the lovely moon.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Yet
Witness: f1823 Yet
Witness: f1831 Yet
Witness: fThomas Yet


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: fMS I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 did not heed the
Witness: f1823 did not heed the
Witness: f1831 did not heed the
Witness: fThomas did not heed the
Witness: fMS did not heed the


Reading Group: C21_app730_rg1

Witness: fMS coldbleakness

Reading Group: C21_app730_rg2

Witness: f1818 bleakness
Witness: f1823 bleakness
Witness: f1831 bleakness
Witness: fThomas bleakness


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of the
Witness: f1823 of the
Witness: f1831 of the
Witness: fThomas of the
Witness: fMS of the


Reading Group: C21_app732_rg1

Witness: f1818 weather; I
Witness: f1823 weather; I
Witness: f1831 weather; I
Witness: fThomas weather; I

Reading Group: C21_app732_rg2

Witness: fMS weatherBy my constitutionI


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was
Witness: f1823 was
Witness: f1831 was
Witness: fThomas was
Witness: fMS was


Reading Group: C21_app734_rg1

Witness: f1818 better
Witness: f1823 better
Witness: f1831 better
Witness: fThomas better

Reading Group: C21_app734_rg2

Witness: fMS more


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 fitted
Witness: f1823 fitted
Witness: f1831 fitted
Witness: fThomas fitted
Witness: fMS fitted


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 by my conformation
Witness: f1823 by my conformation
Witness: f1831 by my conformation
Witness: fThomas by my conformation


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 for
Witness: f1823 for
Witness: f1831 for
Witness: fThomas for
Witness: fMS for


Reading Group: C21_app738_rg1

Witness: fMS thatthis sufferanceof

Reading Group: C21_app738_rg2

Witness: f1818 the endurance of
Witness: f1823 the endurance of
Witness: f1831 the endurance of
Witness: fThomas the endurance of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 cold than heat. But my
Witness: f1823 cold than heat. But my
Witness: f1831 cold than heat. But my
Witness: fThomas cold than heat. But my
Witness: fMS cold than heat. But my


Reading Group: C21_app740_rg1

Witness: f1818 chief delights
Witness: f1823 chief delights
Witness: f1831 chief delights
Witness: fThomas chief delights

Reading Group: C21_app740_rg2

Witness: fMS only joys were


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 were the sight of
Witness: f1823 were the sight of
Witness: f1831 were the sight of
Witness: fThomas were the sight of
Witness: fMS were the sight of


Reading Group: C21_app742_rg1

Witness: fMS flowers and birds

Reading Group: C21_app742_rg2

Witness: f1818 the flowers, the birds,
Witness: f1823 the flowers, the birds,
Witness: f1831 the flowers, the birds,
Witness: fThomas the flowers, the birds,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and all the gay apparel of
Witness: f1823 and all the gay apparel of
Witness: f1831 and all the gay apparel of
Witness: fThomas and all the gay apparel of
Witness: fMS and all the gay apparel of


Reading Group: C21_app744_rg1

Witness: fMS summer butand

Reading Group: C21_app744_rg2

Witness: f1818 summer;
Witness: f1823 summer;
Witness: f1831 summer;
Witness: fThomas summer;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 when those deserted
Witness: f1823 when those deserted
Witness: f1831 when those deserted
Witness: fThomas when those deserted
Witness: fMS when those deserted


Reading Group: C21_app746_rg1

Witness: fMS me & the days became shorter

Reading Group: C21_app746_rg2

Witness: f1818 me,
Witness: f1823 me,
Witness: f1831 me,
Witness: fThomas me,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I turned with
Witness: f1823 I turned with
Witness: f1831 I turned with
Witness: fThomas I turned with
Witness: fMS I turned with


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 more attention towards the
Witness: f1823 more attention towards the
Witness: f1831 more attention towards the
Witness: fThomas more attention towards the
Witness: fMS more attention towards the


Reading Group: C21_app749_rg1

Witness: fMS cottagers

Reading Group: C21_app749_rg2

Witness: f1818 cottagers.
Witness: f1823 cottagers.
Witness: f1831 cottagers.
Witness: fThomas cottagers.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Their happiness was not decreased by the absence of
Witness: f1823 Their happiness was not decreased by the absence of
Witness: f1831 Their happiness was not decreased by the absence of
Witness: fThomas Their happiness was not decreased by the absence of
Witness: fMS Their happiness was <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>not decreased by Tthe absence of


Reading Group: C21_app751_rg1

Witness: fMS summer –

Reading Group: C21_app751_rg2

Witness: f1818 summer.
Witness: f1823 summer.
Witness: f1831 summer.
Witness: fThomas summer.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 They
Witness: f1823 They
Witness: f1831 They
Witness: fThomas They
Witness: fMS They


Reading Group: C21_app753_rg1

Witness: fMS loved

Reading Group: C21_app753_rg2

Witness: f1818 loved,
Witness: f1823 loved,
Witness: f1831 loved,
Witness: fThomas loved,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: fMS and


Reading Group: C21_app755_rg1

Witness: f1831 sympathised

Reading Group: C21_app755_rg2

Witness: f1818 sympathized
Witness: f1823 sympathized
Witness: fThomas sympathized
Witness: fMS sympathized


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 with one
Witness: f1823 with one
Witness: f1831 with one
Witness: fThomas with one
Witness: fMS with one


Reading Group: C21_app757_rg1

Witness: fMS another

Reading Group: C21_app757_rg2

Witness: f1818 another;
Witness: f1823 another;
Witness: f1831 another;
Witness: fThomas another;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: fMS and


Reading Group: C21_app759_rg1

Witness: f1818 their joys,
Witness: f1823 their joys,
Witness: f1831 their joys,
Witness: fThomas their joys,

Reading Group: C21_app759_rg2

Witness: fMS theirhappiness<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>joys


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 depending on
Witness: f1823 depending on
Witness: f1831 depending on
Witness: fThomas depending on
Witness: fMS depending on


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 each
Witness: f1823 each
Witness: f1831 each
Witness: fThomas each
Witness: fMS each


Reading Group: C21_app762_rg1

Witness: fMS other

Reading Group: C21_app762_rg2

Witness: f1818 other,
Witness: f1823 other,
Witness: f1831 other,
Witness: fThomas other,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 were not
Witness: f1823 were not
Witness: f1831 were not
Witness: fThomas were not
Witness: fMS were not


Reading Group: C21_app764_rg1

Witness: fMS hurtinterrupted

Reading Group: C21_app764_rg2

Witness: f1818 interrupted
Witness: f1823 interrupted
Witness: f1831 interrupted
Witness: fThomas interrupted


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 by the
Witness: f1823 by the
Witness: f1831 by the
Witness: fThomas by the
Witness: fMS by the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 casualties that took place around
Witness: f1823 casualties that took place around
Witness: f1831 casualties that took place around
Witness: fThomas casualties that took place around
Witness: fMS casualties that took place around


Reading Group: C21_app767_rg1

Witness: fMS them —

Reading Group: C21_app767_rg2

Witness: f1818 them.
Witness: f1823 them.
Witness: f1831 them.
Witness: fThomas them.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 The more I saw of
Witness: f1823 The more I saw of
Witness: f1831 The more I saw of
Witness: fThomas The more I saw of
Witness: fMS The more I saw of


Reading Group: C21_app769_rg1

Witness: fMS them

Reading Group: C21_app769_rg2

Witness: f1818 them,
Witness: f1823 them,
Witness: f1831 them,
Witness: fThomas them,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the greater became my desire to
Witness: f1823 the greater became my desire to
Witness: f1831 the greater became my desire to
Witness: fThomas the greater became my desire to
Witness: fMS the greater became my desire to


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 claim their protection
Witness: f1823 claim their protection
Witness: f1831 claim their protection
Witness: fThomas claim their protection
Witness: fMS claim their protection


Reading Group: C21_app772_rg1

Witness: fMS & kindness.

Reading Group: C21_app772_rg2

Witness: f1818 and kindness;
Witness: f1823 and kindness;
Witness: f1831 and kindness;
Witness: fThomas and kindness;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my heart yearned to
Witness: f1823 my heart yearned to
Witness: f1831 my heart yearned to
Witness: fThomas my heart yearned to
Witness: fMS My heart yearned to


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS beco


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 be known and loved
Witness: f1823 be known and loved
Witness: f1831 be known and loved
Witness: fThomas be known and loved
Witness: fMS be <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>known and loved


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 by these amiable
Witness: f1823 by these amiable
Witness: f1831 by these amiable
Witness: fThomas by these amiable
Witness: fMS by these amiable


Reading Group: C21_app777_rg1

Witness: fMS creatures

Reading Group: C21_app777_rg2

Witness: f1818 creatures:
Witness: f1823 creatures:
Witness: f1831 creatures:
Witness: fThomas creatures:


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to see
Witness: f1823 to see
Witness: f1831 to see
Witness: fThomas to see
Witness: fMS to see


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 their sweet looks
Witness: f1823 their sweet looks
Witness: f1831 their sweet looks
Witness: fThomas their sweet looks
Witness: fMS their sweet looks


Reading Group: C21_app780_rg1

Witness: f1831 directed
Witness: fMS directed

Reading Group: C21_app780_rg2

Witness: f1818 turned
Witness: f1823 turned
Witness: fThomas turned


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 towards
Witness: f1823 towards
Witness: f1831 towards
Witness: fThomas towards
Witness: fMS towards


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 me
Witness: f1823 me
Witness: f1831 me
Witness: fThomas me
Witness: fMS me


Reading Group: C21_app783_rg1

Witness: fMS in kindness –

Reading Group: C21_app783_rg2

Witness: f1818 with affection, was the utmost limit of my ambition.
Witness: f1823 with affection, was the utmost limit of my ambition.
Witness: f1831 with affection, was the utmost limit of my ambition.
Witness: fThomas with affection, was the utmost limit of my ambition.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I dared not think
Witness: f1823 I dared not think
Witness: f1831 I dared not think
Witness: fThomas I dared not think
Witness: fMS I dared not think


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that they would turn them from me
Witness: f1823 that they would turn them from me
Witness: f1831 that they would turn them from me
Witness: fThomas that they would turn them from me
Witness: fMS that they would turn them from me


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 with disdain
Witness: f1823 with disdain
Witness: f1831 with disdain
Witness: fThomas with disdain
Witness: fMS with disdain


Reading Group: C21_app787_rg1

Witness: f1818 and horror.
Witness: f1823 and horror.
Witness: f1831 and horror.
Witness: fThomas and horror.

Reading Group: C21_app787_rg2

Witness: fMS or horror –


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 The poor
Witness: f1823 The poor
Witness: f1831 The poor
Witness: fThomas The poor
Witness: fMS The poor


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that
Witness: f1823 that
Witness: f1831 that
Witness: fThomas that
Witness: fMS that


Reading Group: C21_app790_rg1

Witness: f1818 stopped
Witness: f1823 stopped
Witness: f1831 stopped
Witness: fThomas stopped

Reading Group: C21_app790_rg2

Witness: fMS stopt


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 at their door were
Witness: f1823 at their door were
Witness: f1831 at their door were
Witness: fThomas at their door were
Witness: fMS at their door were


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 never driven
Witness: f1823 never driven
Witness: f1831 never driven
Witness: fThomas never driven
Witness: fMS never driven


Reading Group: C21_app793_rg1

Witness: fMS away –And I

Reading Group: C21_app793_rg2

Witness: f1818 away.
Witness: f1823 away.
Witness: f1831 away.
Witness: fThomas away.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: fMS I


Reading Group: C21_app795_rg1

Witness: fMS asked

Reading Group: C21_app795_rg2

Witness: f1818 asked,
Witness: f1823 asked,
Witness: f1831 asked,
Witness: fThomas asked,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 it is
Witness: f1823 it is
Witness: f1831 it is
Witness: fThomas it is
Witness: fMS it is


Reading Group: C21_app797_rg1

Witness: fMS true

Reading Group: C21_app797_rg2

Witness: f1818 true,
Witness: f1823 true,
Witness: f1831 true,
Witness: fThomas true,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 for greater treasures
Witness: f1823 for greater treasures
Witness: f1831 for greater treasures
Witness: fThomas for greater treasures
Witness: fMS for greater treasures


Reading Group: C21_app799_rg1

Witness: fMS that

Reading Group: C21_app799_rg2

Witness: f1818 than
Witness: f1823 than
Witness: f1831 than
Witness: fThomas than


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a little food or
Witness: f1823 a little food or
Witness: f1831 a little food or
Witness: fThomas a little food or
Witness: fMS a little food or


Reading Group: C21_app801_rg1

Witness: fMS rest

Reading Group: C21_app801_rg2

Witness: f1831 rest:

Reading Group: C21_app801_rg3

Witness: f1818 rest;
Witness: f1823 rest;
Witness: fThomas rest;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I required
Witness: f1823 I required
Witness: f1831 I required
Witness: fThomas I required
Witness: fMS I required


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 kindness
Witness: f1823 kindness
Witness: f1831 kindness
Witness: fThomas kindness
Witness: fMS kindness


Reading Group: C21_app804_rg1

Witness: fMS & sympathy

Reading Group: C21_app804_rg2

Witness: f1818 and sympathy;
Witness: f1823 and sympathy;
Witness: f1831 and sympathy;
Witness: fThomas and sympathy;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but I did not
Witness: f1823 but I did not
Witness: f1831 but I did not
Witness: fThomas but I did not
Witness: fMS but I <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>did not


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 believe
Witness: f1823 believe
Witness: f1831 believe
Witness: fThomas believe
Witness: fMS believe


Reading Group: C21_app807_rg1

Witness: fMS my self

Reading Group: C21_app807_rg2

Witness: f1818 myself
Witness: f1823 myself
Witness: f1831 myself
Witness: fThomas myself


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 utterly unworthy
Witness: f1823 utterly unworthy
Witness: f1831 utterly unworthy
Witness: fThomas utterly unworthy
Witness: fMS utterly unworthy


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of
Witness: f1823 of
Witness: f1831 of
Witness: fThomas of
Witness: fMS of


Reading Group: C21_app810_rg1

Witness: f1818 it.<p/><p/>“The winter advanced,
Witness: f1823 it.<p/><p/>“The winter advanced,
Witness: f1831 it.<p/><p/>“The winter advanced,
Witness: fThomas it.<p/><p/>“The winter advanced,

Reading Group: C21_app810_rg2

Witness: fMS itChap. 7<shi rend="sup"></shi> The seasonwinter advanced


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: fMS and


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS it was now about aand


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 an entire revolution of
Witness: f1823 an entire revolution of
Witness: f1831 an entire revolution of
Witness: fThomas an entire revolution of
Witness: fMS an entire revolution of


Reading Group: C21_app814_rg1

Witness: f1818 the seasons
Witness: f1823 the seasons
Witness: f1831 the seasons
Witness: fThomas the seasons

Reading Group: C21_app814_rg2

Witness: fMS theyear<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>seasons


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 had taken place since I awoke into
Witness: f1823 had taken place since I awoke into
Witness: f1831 had taken place since I awoke into
Witness: fThomas had taken place since I awoke into
Witness: fMS had taken place since I awoke into


Reading Group: C21_app816_rg1

Witness: f1818 life.
Witness: f1823 life.
Witness: f1831 life.
Witness: fThomas life.

Reading Group: C21_app816_rg2

Witness: fMS life.– and I thenat thattime


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 My
Witness: f1823 My
Witness: f1831 My
Witness: fThomas My
Witness: fMS My


Reading Group: C21_app818_rg1

Witness: fMS attention

Reading Group: C21_app818_rg2

Witness: f1818 attention,
Witness: f1823 attention,
Witness: f1831 attention,
Witness: fThomas attention,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 at this
Witness: f1823 at this
Witness: f1831 at this
Witness: fThomas at this
Witness: fMS <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>at this


Reading Group: C21_app820_rg1

Witness: fMS time

Reading Group: C21_app820_rg2

Witness: f1818 time,
Witness: f1823 time,
Witness: f1831 time,
Witness: fThomas time,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was
Witness: f1823 was
Witness: f1831 was
Witness: fThomas was
Witness: fMS was


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS now


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 solely
Witness: f1823 solely
Witness: f1831 solely
Witness: fThomas solely
Witness: fMS solely


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 directed towards my plan of introducing
Witness: f1823 directed towards my plan of introducing
Witness: f1831 directed towards my plan of introducing
Witness: fThomas directed towards my plan of introducing
Witness: fMS directed towards my plan of introducing


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 myself into the cottage of my protectors. I revolved many
Witness: f1823 myself into the cottage of my protectors. I revolved many
Witness: f1831 myself into the cottage of my protectors. I revolved many
Witness: fThomas myself into the cottage of my protectors. I revolved many
Witness: fMS myself into the cottage of my protectors. I revolved many


Reading Group: C21_app826_rg1

Witness: fMS projects

Reading Group: C21_app826_rg2

Witness: f1818 projects;
Witness: f1823 projects;
Witness: f1831 projects;
Witness: fThomas projects;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but that on which I
Witness: f1823 but that on which I
Witness: f1831 but that on which I
Witness: fThomas but that on which I
Witness: fMS but that on which I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 finally fixed
Witness: f1823 finally fixed
Witness: f1831 finally fixed
Witness: fThomas finally fixed
Witness: fMS finally fixed


Reading Group: C21_app829_rg1

Witness: fMS was

Reading Group: C21_app829_rg2

Witness: f1818 was,
Witness: f1823 was,
Witness: f1831 was,
Witness: fThomas was,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to enter
Witness: f1823 to enter
Witness: f1831 to enter
Witness: fThomas to enter
Witness: fMS to enter


Reading Group: C21_app831_rg1

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fThomas the

Reading Group: C21_app831_rg2

Witness: fMS their


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 dwelling when
Witness: f1823 dwelling when
Witness: f1831 dwelling when
Witness: fThomas dwelling when
Witness: fMS dwelling when


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the blind old man
Witness: f1823 the blind old man
Witness: f1831 the blind old man
Witness: fThomas the blind old man
Witness: fMS the blind old man


Reading Group: C21_app834_rg1

Witness: fMS wasshould

Reading Group: C21_app834_rg2

Witness: f1818 should
Witness: f1823 should
Witness: f1831 should
Witness: fThomas should


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 be alone.
Witness: f1823 be alone.
Witness: f1831 be alone.
Witness: fThomas be alone.
Witness: fMS be alone.


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS My voice although harsh had nothinkg terrible in it.and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I had sagacity enough to
Witness: f1823 I had sagacity enough to
Witness: f1831 I had sagacity enough to
Witness: fThomas I had sagacity enough to
Witness: fMS I had sagacity enough to


Reading Group: C21_app838_rg1

Witness: fMS discover

Reading Group: C21_app838_rg2

Witness: f1818 discover,
Witness: f1823 discover,
Witness: f1831 discover,
Witness: fThomas discover,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that the unnatural hideousness of my person
Witness: f1823 that the unnatural hideousness of my person
Witness: f1831 that the unnatural hideousness of my person
Witness: fThomas that the unnatural hideousness of my person
Witness: fMS that the unnatural hideousness of my person


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was the chief object of horror
Witness: f1823 was the chief object of horror
Witness: f1831 was the chief object of horror
Witness: fThomas was the chief object of horror
Witness: fMS was the chief object of horror


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS am


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 with those
Witness: f1823 with those
Witness: f1831 with those
Witness: fThomas with those
Witness: fMS with those


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 who had formerly beheld
Witness: f1823 who had formerly beheld
Witness: f1831 who had formerly beheld
Witness: fThomas who had formerly beheld
Witness: fMS who had formerly beheld


Reading Group: C21_app844_rg1

Witness: f1818 me. My voice,
Witness: f1823 me. My voice,
Witness: f1831 me. My voice,
Witness: fThomas me. My voice,

Reading Group: C21_app844_rg2

Witness: fMS me:–my voice


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 although harsh, had nothing terrible in
Witness: f1823 although harsh, had nothing terrible in
Witness: f1831 although harsh, had nothing terrible in
Witness: fThomas although harsh, had nothing terrible in
Witness: fMS although harsh, had nothing terrible in


Reading Group: C21_app846_rg1

Witness: fMS it.

Reading Group: C21_app846_rg2

Witness: f1818 it;
Witness: f1823 it;
Witness: f1831 it;
Witness: fThomas it;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: fMS I


Reading Group: C21_app848_rg1

Witness: fMS thought therefore

Reading Group: C21_app848_rg2

Witness: f1818 thought, therefore,
Witness: f1823 thought, therefore,
Witness: f1831 thought, therefore,
Witness: fThomas thought, therefore,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that
Witness: f1823 that
Witness: f1831 that
Witness: fThomas that
Witness: fMS that


Reading Group: C21_app850_rg1

Witness: fMS if

Reading Group: C21_app850_rg2

Witness: f1818 if,
Witness: f1823 if,
Witness: f1831 if,
Witness: fThomas if,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in the absence
Witness: f1823 in the absence
Witness: f1831 in the absence
Witness: fThomas in the absence
Witness: fMS in the absence


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of his
Witness: f1823 of his
Witness: f1831 of his
Witness: fThomas of his
Witness: fMS of his


Reading Group: C21_app853_rg1

Witness: fMS children

Reading Group: C21_app853_rg2

Witness: f1818 children,
Witness: f1823 children,
Witness: f1831 children,
Witness: fThomas children,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I could gain the
Witness: f1823 I could gain the
Witness: f1831 I could gain the
Witness: fThomas I could gain the
Witness: fMS I could gain the


Reading Group: C21_app855_rg1

Witness: f1818 good-will and mediation
Witness: f1823 good-will and mediation
Witness: f1831 good-will and mediation
Witness: fThomas good-will and mediation

Reading Group: C21_app855_rg2

Witness: fMS goodwill


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of the old De
Witness: f1823 of the old De
Witness: f1831 of the old De
Witness: fThomas of the old De
Witness: fMS of the old De


Reading Group: C21_app857_rg1

Witness: fMS Lacey

Reading Group: C21_app857_rg2

Witness: f1818 Lacey,
Witness: f1823 Lacey,
Witness: f1831 Lacey,
Witness: fThomas Lacey,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: fMS I


Reading Group: C21_app859_rg1

Witness: fMS might

Reading Group: C21_app859_rg2

Witness: f1818 might,
Witness: f1823 might,
Witness: f1831 might,
Witness: fThomas might,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 by his
Witness: f1823 by his
Witness: f1831 by his
Witness: fThomas by his
Witness: fMS by his


Reading Group: C21_app861_rg1

Witness: fMS means

Reading Group: C21_app861_rg2

Witness: f1818 means,
Witness: f1823 means,
Witness: f1831 means,
Witness: fThomas means,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 be
Witness: f1823 be
Witness: f1831 be
Witness: fThomas be
Witness: fMS be


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 tolerated by
Witness: f1823 tolerated by
Witness: f1831 tolerated by
Witness: fThomas tolerated by
Witness: fMS tolerated by


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my younger
Witness: f1823 my younger
Witness: f1831 my younger
Witness: fThomas my younger
Witness: fMS my younger


Reading Group: C21_app866_rg1

Witness: fMS protectors.One clear One day

Reading Group: C21_app866_rg2

Witness: f1818 protectors.<p/><p/>“One day,
Witness: f1823 protectors.<p/><p/>“One day,
Witness: f1831 protectors.<p/><p/>“One day,
Witness: fThomas protectors.<p/><p/>“One day,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 when the sun
Witness: f1823 when the sun
Witness: f1831 when the sun
Witness: fThomas when the sun
Witness: fMS when the sun


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 shone on the red leaves that strewed
Witness: f1823 shone on the red leaves that strewed
Witness: f1831 shone on the red leaves that strewed
Witness: fThomas shone on the red leaves that strewed
Witness: fMS shone on the red leaves that strewed


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the ground, and
Witness: f1823 the ground, and
Witness: f1831 the ground, and
Witness: fThomas the ground, and
Witness: fMS the ground, and


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS all


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 diffused
Witness: f1823 diffused
Witness: f1831 diffused
Witness: fThomas diffused
Witness: fMS diffused


Reading Group: C21_app872_rg1

Witness: fMS cheerfulness

Reading Group: C21_app872_rg2

Witness: f1818 cheerfulness,
Witness: f1823 cheerfulness,
Witness: f1831 cheerfulness,
Witness: fThomas cheerfulness,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 although it denied
Witness: f1823 although it denied
Witness: f1831 although it denied
Witness: fThomas although it denied
Witness: fMS although it denied


Reading Group: C21_app874_rg1

Witness: fMS warmth MaimounaSafie Agatha

Reading Group: C21_app874_rg2

Witness: f1818 warmth, Safie, Agatha,
Witness: f1823 warmth, Safie, Agatha,
Witness: f1831 warmth, Safie, Agatha,
Witness: fThomas warmth, Safie, Agatha,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: fMS and


Reading Group: C21_app876_rg1

Witness: f1831 Felix
Witness: fMS Felix

Reading Group: C21_app876_rg2

Witness: f1818 Felix,
Witness: f1823 Felix,
Witness: fThomas Felix,


Reading Group: C21_app877_rg1

Witness: f1818 departed
Witness: f1823 departed
Witness: f1831 departed
Witness: fThomas departed

Reading Group: C21_app877_rg2

Witness: fMS set out


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 on a long country
Witness: f1823 on a long country
Witness: f1831 on a long country
Witness: fThomas on a long country
Witness: fMS on a long country


Reading Group: C21_app879_rg1

Witness: fMS walk

Reading Group: C21_app879_rg2

Witness: f1818 walk,
Witness: f1823 walk,
Witness: f1831 walk,
Witness: fThomas walk,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and the old
Witness: f1823 and the old
Witness: f1831 and the old
Witness: fThomas and the old
Witness: fMS and the old


Reading Group: C21_app881_rg1

Witness: fMS man

Reading Group: C21_app881_rg2

Witness: f1818 man,
Witness: f1823 man,
Witness: f1831 man,
Witness: fThomas man,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 at his own
Witness: f1823 at his own
Witness: f1831 at his own
Witness: fThomas at his own
Witness: fMS at his own


Reading Group: C21_app883_rg1

Witness: fMS desire

Reading Group: C21_app883_rg2

Witness: f1818 desire,
Witness: f1823 desire,
Witness: f1831 desire,
Witness: fThomas desire,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was left alone in the cottage. When his children had
Witness: f1823 was left alone in the cottage. When his children had
Witness: f1831 was left alone in the cottage. When his children had
Witness: fThomas was left alone in the cottage. When his children had
Witness: fMS was left alone in the cottage. When his children had


Reading Group: C21_app885_rg1

Witness: fMS departed

Reading Group: C21_app885_rg2

Witness: f1818 departed,
Witness: f1823 departed,
Witness: f1831 departed,
Witness: fThomas departed,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 he took up his
Witness: f1823 he took up his
Witness: f1831 he took up his
Witness: fThomas he took up his
Witness: fMS he took up his


Reading Group: C21_app887_rg1

Witness: fMS guitar &

Reading Group: C21_app887_rg2

Witness: f1818 guitar, and
Witness: f1823 guitar, and
Witness: f1831 guitar, and
Witness: fThomas guitar, and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 played
Witness: f1823 played
Witness: f1831 played
Witness: fThomas played
Witness: fMS played


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS ver


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 several
Witness: f1823 several
Witness: f1831 several
Witness: fThomas several
Witness: fMS several


Reading Group: C21_app891_rg1

Witness: f1831 mournful
Witness: fMS mournful

Reading Group: C21_app891_rg2

Witness: f1818 mournful,
Witness: f1823 mournful,
Witness: fThomas mournful,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but sweet
Witness: f1823 but sweet
Witness: f1831 but sweet
Witness: fThomas but sweet
Witness: fMS but sweet


Reading Group: C21_app893_rg1

Witness: fMS airs:that I had seldom<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>more

Reading Group: C21_app893_rg2

Witness: f1818 airs, more
Witness: f1823 airs, more
Witness: f1831 airs, more
Witness: fThomas airs, more


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 sweet
Witness: f1823 sweet
Witness: f1831 sweet
Witness: fThomas sweet
Witness: fMS sweet


Reading Group: C21_app895_rg1

Witness: fMS &

Reading Group: C21_app895_rg2

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fThomas and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 mournful
Witness: f1823 mournful
Witness: f1831 mournful
Witness: fThomas mournful
Witness: fMS mournful


Reading Group: C21_app897_rg1

Witness: f1818 than
Witness: f1823 than
Witness: f1831 than
Witness: fThomas than

Reading Group: C21_app897_rg2

Witness: fMS that


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I had ever heard him play
Witness: f1823 I had ever heard him play
Witness: f1831 I had ever heard him play
Witness: fThomas I had ever heard him play
Witness: fMS I had ever heard him play


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 before. At first his countenance was illuminated with
Witness: f1823 before. At first his countenance was illuminated with
Witness: f1831 before. At first his countenance was illuminated with
Witness: fThomas before. At first his countenance was illuminated with
Witness: fMS before. At first his countenance was illuminated with


Reading Group: C21_app900_rg1

Witness: fMS pleasure but

Reading Group: C21_app900_rg2

Witness: f1818 pleasure, but,
Witness: f1823 pleasure, but,
Witness: f1831 pleasure, but,
Witness: fThomas pleasure, but,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 as he
Witness: f1823 as he
Witness: f1831 as he
Witness: fThomas as he
Witness: fMS as he


Reading Group: C21_app902_rg1

Witness: fMS continued thoughtfullness

Reading Group: C21_app902_rg2

Witness: f1818 continued, thoughtfulness
Witness: f1823 continued, thoughtfulness
Witness: f1831 continued, thoughtfulness
Witness: fThomas continued, thoughtfulness


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and sadness
Witness: f1823 and sadness
Witness: f1831 and sadness
Witness: fThomas and sadness
Witness: fMS and sadness


Reading Group: C21_app904_rg1

Witness: fMS succeeded and

Reading Group: C21_app904_rg2

Witness: f1818 succeeded; at length,
Witness: f1823 succeeded; at length,
Witness: f1831 succeeded; at length,
Witness: fThomas succeeded; at length,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 laying
Witness: f1823 laying
Witness: f1831 laying
Witness: fThomas laying
Witness: fMS laying


Reading Group: C21_app906_rg1

Witness: f1818 aside
Witness: f1823 aside
Witness: f1831 aside
Witness: fThomas aside

Reading Group: C21_app906_rg2

Witness: fMS down


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: fMS the


Reading Group: C21_app908_rg1

Witness: fMS instrument

Reading Group: C21_app908_rg2

Witness: f1818 instrument,
Witness: f1823 instrument,
Witness: f1831 instrument,
Witness: fThomas instrument,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 he sat absorbed
Witness: f1823 he sat absorbed
Witness: f1831 he sat absorbed
Witness: fThomas he sat absorbed
Witness: fMS he sat absorbed


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in
Witness: f1823 in
Witness: f1831 in
Witness: fThomas in
Witness: fMS in


Reading Group: C21_app911_rg1

Witness: fMS reflection. My

Reading Group: C21_app911_rg2

Witness: f1818 reflection.<p/><p/>“My
Witness: f1823 reflection.<p/><p/>“My
Witness: f1831 reflection.<p/><p/>“My
Witness: fThomas reflection.<p/><p/>“My


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 heart beat
Witness: f1823 heart beat
Witness: f1831 heart beat
Witness: fThomas heart beat
Witness: fMS heart beat


Reading Group: C21_app913_rg1

Witness: fMS quick.

Reading Group: C21_app913_rg2

Witness: f1818 quick;
Witness: f1823 quick;
Witness: f1831 quick;
Witness: fThomas quick;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 this
Witness: f1823 this
Witness: f1831 this
Witness: fThomas this
Witness: fMS This


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was the hour
Witness: f1823 was the hour
Witness: f1831 was the hour
Witness: fThomas was the hour
Witness: fMS was the hour


Reading Group: C21_app916_rg1

Witness: fMS &

Reading Group: C21_app916_rg2

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fThomas and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 moment of
Witness: f1823 moment of
Witness: f1831 moment of
Witness: fThomas moment of
Witness: fMS moment of


Reading Group: C21_app918_rg1

Witness: fMS trial

Reading Group: C21_app918_rg2

Witness: f1818 trial,
Witness: f1823 trial,
Witness: f1831 trial,
Witness: fThomas trial,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 which
Witness: f1823 which
Witness: f1831 which
Witness: fThomas which
Witness: fMS which


Reading Group: C21_app920_rg1

Witness: fMS was to<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>would

Reading Group: C21_app920_rg2

Witness: f1818 would
Witness: f1823 would
Witness: f1831 would
Witness: fThomas would


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 decide my
Witness: f1823 decide my
Witness: f1831 decide my
Witness: fThomas decide my
Witness: fMS decide my


Reading Group: C21_app922_rg1

Witness: fMS fea hopes or<del rend="strikethrough" sID="c57-0046__main__d3e8927"/>I quitted

Reading Group: C21_app922_rg2

Witness: f1818 hopes, or
Witness: f1823 hopes, or
Witness: f1831 hopes, or
Witness: fThomas hopes, or


Reading Group: C21_app923_rg1

Witness: f1831 realise

Reading Group: C21_app923_rg2

Witness: f1818 realize
Witness: f1823 realize
Witness: fThomas realize


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my
Witness: f1823 my
Witness: f1831 my
Witness: fThomas my
Witness: fMS my


Reading Group: C21_app925_rg1

Witness: f1818 fears.
Witness: f1823 fears.
Witness: f1831 fears.
Witness: fThomas fears.

Reading Group: C21_app925_rg2

Witness: fMS hovel with trem<del/>


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 The
Witness: f1823 The
Witness: f1831 The
Witness: fThomas The
Witness: fMS The


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 servants
Witness: f1823 servants
Witness: f1831 servants
Witness: fThomas servants
Witness: fMS servants


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS of the cottage


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 were gone
Witness: f1823 were gone
Witness: f1831 were gone
Witness: fThomas were gone
Witness: fMS were gone


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to a neighbouring
Witness: f1823 to a neighbouring
Witness: f1831 to a neighbouring
Witness: fThomas to a neighbouring
Witness: fMS to a neighbouring


Reading Group: C21_app931_rg1

Witness: f1818 fair.
Witness: f1823 fair.
Witness: f1831 fair.
Witness: fThomas fair.

Reading Group: C21_app931_rg2

Witness: fMS fair:–


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 All was
Witness: f1823 All was
Witness: f1831 All was
Witness: fThomas All was
Witness: fMS All was


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 silent in and around the
Witness: f1823 silent in and around the
Witness: f1831 silent in and around the
Witness: fThomas silent in and around the
Witness: fMS silent in and around the


Reading Group: C21_app934_rg1

Witness: fMS cottage

Reading Group: C21_app934_rg2

Witness: f1818 cottage:
Witness: f1823 cottage:
Witness: f1831 cottage:
Witness: fThomas cottage:


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 it was an excellent
Witness: f1823 it was an excellent
Witness: f1831 it was an excellent
Witness: fThomas it was an excellent
Witness: fMS It was an excellent


Reading Group: C21_app936_rg1

Witness: fMS opportunity yet

Reading Group: C21_app936_rg2

Witness: f1818 opportunity; yet,
Witness: f1823 opportunity; yet,
Witness: f1831 opportunity; yet,
Witness: fThomas opportunity; yet,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 when I
Witness: f1823 when I
Witness: f1831 when I
Witness: fThomas when I
Witness: fMS when I


Reading Group: C21_app938_rg1

Witness: fMS roseproceeded

Reading Group: C21_app938_rg2

Witness: f1818 proceeded
Witness: f1823 proceeded
Witness: f1831 proceeded
Witness: fThomas proceeded


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to execute my
Witness: f1823 to execute my
Witness: f1831 to execute my
Witness: fThomas to execute my
Witness: fMS to execute my


Reading Group: C21_app940_rg1

Witness: fMS plan

Reading Group: C21_app940_rg2

Witness: f1818 plan,
Witness: f1823 plan,
Witness: f1831 plan,
Witness: fThomas plan,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my limbs failed me, and I
Witness: f1823 my limbs failed me, and I
Witness: f1831 my limbs failed me, and I
Witness: fThomas my limbs failed me, and I
Witness: fMS my limbs failed me, and I


Reading Group: C21_app942_rg1

Witness: f1831 sank

Reading Group: C21_app942_rg2

Witness: f1818 sunk
Witness: f1823 sunk
Witness: fThomas sunk
Witness: fMS sunk


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to the ground. Again I
Witness: f1823 to the ground. Again I
Witness: f1831 to the ground. Again I
Witness: fThomas to the ground. Again I
Witness: fMS to the ground. Again I


Reading Group: C21_app944_rg1

Witness: fMS rose and with withexerting

Reading Group: C21_app944_rg2

Witness: f1818 rose; and, exerting
Witness: f1823 rose; and, exerting
Witness: f1831 rose; and, exerting
Witness: fThomas rose; and, exerting


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 all
Witness: f1823 all
Witness: f1831 all
Witness: fThomas all
Witness: fMS all


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: fMS the


Reading Group: C21_app948_rg1

Witness: fMS firm<mdel/>ness

Reading Group: C21_app948_rg2

Witness: f1818 firmness
Witness: f1823 firmness
Witness: f1831 firmness
Witness: fThomas firmness


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of which I
Witness: f1823 of which I
Witness: f1831 of which I
Witness: fThomas of which I
Witness: fMS <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>of which I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was
Witness: f1823 was
Witness: f1831 was
Witness: fThomas was
Witness: fMS was


Reading Group: C21_app951_rg1

Witness: fMS master of

Reading Group: C21_app951_rg2

Witness: f1818 master,
Witness: f1823 master,
Witness: f1831 master,
Witness: fThomas master,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 removed the planks
Witness: f1823 removed the planks
Witness: f1831 removed the planks
Witness: fThomas removed the planks
Witness: fMS removed the planks


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 which I had placed before my
Witness: f1823 which I had placed before my
Witness: f1831 which I had placed before my
Witness: fThomas which I had placed before my
Witness: fMS which I had placed before my


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 hovel to conceal my
Witness: f1823 hovel to conceal my
Witness: f1831 hovel to conceal my
Witness: fThomas hovel to conceal my
Witness: fMS hovel to conceal my


Reading Group: C21_app955_rg1

Witness: fMS retreat –

Reading Group: C21_app955_rg2

Witness: f1818 retreat.
Witness: f1823 retreat.
Witness: f1831 retreat.
Witness: fThomas retreat.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 The
Witness: f1823 The
Witness: f1831 The
Witness: fThomas The
Witness: fMS The


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 fresh air revived
Witness: f1823 fresh air revived
Witness: f1831 fresh air revived
Witness: fThomas fresh air revived
Witness: fMS fresh air revived


Reading Group: C21_app958_rg1

Witness: fMS me and

Reading Group: C21_app958_rg2

Witness: f1818 me, and,
Witness: f1823 me, and,
Witness: f1831 me, and,
Witness: fThomas me, and,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 with
Witness: f1823 with
Witness: f1831 with
Witness: fThomas with
Witness: fMS with


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 renewed
Witness: f1823 renewed
Witness: f1831 renewed
Witness: fThomas renewed
Witness: fMS renewed


Reading Group: C21_app961_rg1

Witness: fMS determination

Reading Group: C21_app961_rg2

Witness: f1818 determination,
Witness: f1823 determination,
Witness: f1831 determination,
Witness: fThomas determination,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I approached the door of
Witness: f1823 I approached the door of
Witness: f1831 I approached the door of
Witness: fThomas I approached the door of
Witness: fMS I approached the door of


Reading Group: C21_app963_rg1

Witness: fMS the cottage. I knocked – "who

Reading Group: C21_app963_rg2

Witness: f1818 their cottage.<p/><p/>“I knocked. ‘Who
Witness: f1823 their cottage.<p/><p/>“I knocked. ‘Who
Witness: f1831 their cottage.<p/><p/>“I knocked. ‘Who
Witness: fThomas their cottage.<p/><p/>“I knocked. ‘Who


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 is
Witness: f1823 is
Witness: f1831 is
Witness: fThomas is
Witness: fMS is


Reading Group: C21_app965_rg1

Witness: fMS there?"

Reading Group: C21_app965_rg2

Witness: f1818 there?’
Witness: f1823 there?’
Witness: f1831 there?’
Witness: fThomas there?’


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 said the old
Witness: f1823 said the old
Witness: f1831 said the old
Witness: fThomas said the old
Witness: fMS said the old


Reading Group: C21_app967_rg1

Witness: fMS man– "come in"— I entered – "Pardon

Reading Group: C21_app967_rg2

Witness: f1818 man—‘Come in.’<p/><p/>“I entered; ‘Pardon
Witness: f1823 man—‘Come in.’<p/><p/>“I entered; ‘Pardon
Witness: f1831 man—‘Come in.’<p/><p/>“I entered; ‘Pardon
Witness: fThomas man—‘Come in.’<p/><p/>“I entered; ‘Pardon


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 this
Witness: f1823 this
Witness: f1831 this
Witness: fThomas this
Witness: fMS this


Reading Group: C21_app969_rg1

Witness: fMS intrusion"

Reading Group: C21_app969_rg2

Witness: f1818 intrusion,’
Witness: f1823 intrusion,’
Witness: f1831 intrusion,’
Witness: fThomas intrusion,’


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 said
Witness: f1823 said
Witness: f1831 said
Witness: fThomas said
Witness: fMS said


Reading Group: C21_app971_rg1

Witness: f1818 I,
Witness: f1823 I,
Witness: fThomas I,

Reading Group: C21_app971_rg2

Witness: f1831 I:

Reading Group: C21_app971_rg3

Witness: fMS I– "I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 ‘I
Witness: f1823 ‘I
Witness: f1831 ‘I
Witness: fThomas ‘I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 am a
Witness: f1823 am a
Witness: f1831 am a
Witness: fThomas am a
Witness: fMS am a


Reading Group: C21_app974_rg1

Witness: fMS traveller,

Reading Group: C21_app974_rg2

Witness: f1818 traveller
Witness: f1823 traveller
Witness: f1831 traveller
Witness: fThomas traveller


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in want of a little
Witness: f1823 in want of a little
Witness: f1831 in want of a little
Witness: fThomas in want of a little
Witness: fMS in want of a little


Reading Group: C21_app976_rg1

Witness: fMS rest. and

Reading Group: C21_app976_rg2

Witness: f1818 rest;
Witness: f1823 rest;
Witness: f1831 rest;
Witness: fThomas rest;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 you would greatly oblige
Witness: f1823 you would greatly oblige
Witness: f1831 you would greatly oblige
Witness: fThomas you would greatly oblige
Witness: fMS you would greatly oblige


Reading Group: C21_app978_rg1

Witness: fMS me

Reading Group: C21_app978_rg2

Witness: f1818 me,
Witness: f1823 me,
Witness: f1831 me,
Witness: fThomas me,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 if you would allow me to
Witness: f1823 if you would allow me to
Witness: f1831 if you would allow me to
Witness: fThomas if you would allow me to
Witness: fMS if you would allow me to


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 remain a few minutes before
Witness: f1823 remain a few minutes before
Witness: f1831 remain a few minutes before
Witness: fThomas remain a few minutes before
Witness: fMS remain a few minutes before


Reading Group: C21_app981_rg1

Witness: fMS your fire." "Enter"

Reading Group: C21_app981_rg2

Witness: f1818 the fire.’<p/><p/>“‘Enter,’
Witness: f1823 the fire.’<p/><p/>“‘Enter,’
Witness: f1831 the fire.’<p/><p/>“‘Enter,’
Witness: fThomas the fire.’<p/><p/>“‘Enter,’


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 said De
Witness: f1823 said De
Witness: f1831 said De
Witness: fThomas said De
Witness: fMS said De


Reading Group: C21_app983_rg1

Witness: fMS Lacey &

Reading Group: C21_app983_rg2

Witness: f1818 Lacey; ‘and
Witness: f1823 Lacey; ‘and
Witness: f1831 Lacey; ‘and
Witness: fThomas Lacey; ‘and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I will try in what manner I can relieve your
Witness: f1823 I will try in what manner I can relieve your
Witness: f1831 I will try in what manner I can relieve your
Witness: fThomas I will try in what manner I can relieve your
Witness: fMS I will try in what manner I can relieve your


Reading Group: C21_app985_rg1

Witness: f1818 wants; but, unfortunately,
Witness: f1823 wants; but, unfortunately,
Witness: f1831 wants; but, unfortunately,
Witness: fThomas wants; but, unfortunately,

Reading Group: C21_app985_rg2

Witness: fMS wants– but unfortunately


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my children are
Witness: f1823 my children are
Witness: f1831 my children are
Witness: fThomas my children are
Witness: fMS my children are


Reading Group: C21_app987_rg1

Witness: fMS outfrom

Reading Group: C21_app987_rg2

Witness: f1818 from
Witness: f1823 from
Witness: f1831 from
Witness: fThomas from


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 home,
Witness: f1823 home,
Witness: f1831 home,
Witness: fThomas home,
Witness: fMS home,


Reading Group: C21_app989_rg1

Witness: fMS and

Reading Group: C21_app989_rg2

Witness: f1818 and,
Witness: f1823 and,
Witness: f1831 and,
Witness: fThomas and,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 as I am
Witness: f1823 as I am
Witness: f1831 as I am
Witness: fThomas as I am
Witness: fMS <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>as I am


Reading Group: C21_app991_rg1

Witness: fMS blind

Reading Group: C21_app991_rg2

Witness: f1818 blind,
Witness: f1823 blind,
Witness: f1831 blind,
Witness: fThomas blind,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I am afraid
Witness: f1823 I am afraid
Witness: f1831 I am afraid
Witness: fThomas I am afraid
Witness: fMS I am afraid


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS therefore


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I shall find it
Witness: f1823 I shall find it
Witness: f1831 I shall find it
Witness: fThomas I shall find it
Witness: fMS I shall find it


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 difficult to procure food for
Witness: f1823 difficult to procure food for
Witness: f1831 difficult to procure food for
Witness: fThomas difficult to procure food for
Witness: fMS difficult to procure food for


Reading Group: C21_app996_rg1

Witness: fMS you"– "Do

Reading Group: C21_app996_rg2

Witness: f1818 you.’<p/><p/>“‘Do
Witness: f1823 you.’<p/><p/>“‘Do
Witness: f1831 you.’<p/><p/>“‘Do
Witness: fThomas you.’<p/><p/>“‘Do


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 not trouble yourself, my kind
Witness: f1823 not trouble yourself, my kind
Witness: f1831 not trouble yourself, my kind
Witness: fThomas not trouble yourself, my kind
Witness: fMS not trouble yourself, my kind


Reading Group: C21_app998_rg1

Witness: fMS host," I replied,

Reading Group: C21_app998_rg2

Witness: f1818 host,
Witness: f1823 host,
Witness: f1831 host,
Witness: fThomas host,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I have
Witness: f1823 I have
Witness: f1831 I have
Witness: fThomas I have
Witness: fMS I have


Reading Group: C21_app1000_rg1

Witness: fMS food,

Reading Group: C21_app1000_rg2

Witness: f1818 food;
Witness: f1823 food;
Witness: f1831 food;
Witness: fThomas food;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 it is warmth
Witness: f1823 it is warmth
Witness: f1831 it is warmth
Witness: fThomas it is warmth
Witness: fMS it is warmth


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and rest only that I
Witness: f1823 and rest only that I
Witness: f1831 and rest only that I
Witness: fThomas and rest only that I
Witness: fMS and rest only that I


Reading Group: C21_app1003_rg1

Witness: fMS need.–I

Reading Group: C21_app1003_rg2

Witness: f1818 need.’<p/><p/>“I
Witness: f1823 need.’<p/><p/>“I
Witness: f1831 need.’<p/><p/>“I
Witness: fThomas need.’<p/><p/>“I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 sat
Witness: f1823 sat
Witness: f1831 sat
Witness: fThomas sat
Witness: fMS sat


Reading Group: C21_app1005_rg1

Witness: fMS down

Reading Group: C21_app1005_rg2

Witness: f1818 down,
Witness: f1823 down,
Witness: f1831 down,
Witness: fThomas down,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and a silence
Witness: f1823 and a silence
Witness: f1831 and a silence
Witness: fThomas and a silence
Witness: fMS and a silence


Reading Group: C21_app1007_rg1

Witness: f1818 ensued.
Witness: f1823 ensued.
Witness: f1831 ensued.
Witness: fThomas ensued.

Reading Group: C21_app1007_rg2

Witness: fMS ensued;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I knew
Witness: f1823 I knew
Witness: f1831 I knew
Witness: fThomas I knew
Witness: fMS I knoew


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS very well


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that every minute was precious
Witness: f1823 that every minute was precious
Witness: f1831 that every minute was precious
Witness: fThomas that every minute was precious
Witness: fMS that every minute was precious


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to
Witness: f1823 to
Witness: f1831 to
Witness: fThomas to
Witness: fMS to


Reading Group: C21_app1012_rg1

Witness: fMS me

Reading Group: C21_app1012_rg2

Witness: f1818 me,
Witness: f1823 me,
Witness: f1831 me,
Witness: fThomas me,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 yet I remained irresolute in what
Witness: f1823 yet I remained irresolute in what
Witness: f1831 yet I remained irresolute in what
Witness: fThomas yet I remained irresolute in what
Witness: fMS yet I remained irresolute <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>in what


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS to say


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 manner to
Witness: f1823 manner to
Witness: f1831 manner to
Witness: fThomas manner to
Witness: fMS manner to


Reading Group: C21_app1016_rg1

Witness: fMS comemmence

Reading Group: C21_app1016_rg2

Witness: f1818 commence
Witness: f1823 commence
Witness: f1831 commence
Witness: fThomas commence


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: fMS the


Reading Group: C21_app1018_rg1

Witness: fMS interview

Reading Group: C21_app1018_rg2

Witness: f1818 interview;
Witness: f1823 interview;
Witness: f1831 interview;
Witness: fThomas interview;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 when the old man
Witness: f1823 when the old man
Witness: f1831 when the old man
Witness: fThomas when the old man
Witness: fMS when the old man


Reading Group: C21_app1020_rg1

Witness: fMS began<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>addressed me –"By

Reading Group: C21_app1020_rg2

Witness: f1818 addressed me—<p/><p/>“‘By
Witness: f1823 addressed me—<p/><p/>“‘By
Witness: f1831 addressed me—<p/><p/>“‘By
Witness: fThomas addressed me—<p/><p/>“‘By


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 your
Witness: f1823 your
Witness: f1831 your
Witness: fThomas your
Witness: fMS your


Reading Group: C21_app1022_rg1

Witness: fMS language

Reading Group: C21_app1022_rg2

Witness: f1818 language,
Witness: f1823 language,
Witness: f1831 language,
Witness: fThomas language,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 stranger, I suppose you
Witness: f1823 stranger, I suppose you
Witness: f1831 stranger, I suppose you
Witness: fThomas stranger, I suppose you
Witness: fMS St<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>ranger, I suppose you


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 are my
Witness: f1823 are my
Witness: f1831 are my
Witness: fThomas are my
Witness: fMS are my


Reading Group: C21_app1025_rg1

Witness: fMS countryman, are

Reading Group: C21_app1025_rg2

Witness: f1818 countryman;—are
Witness: f1823 countryman;—are
Witness: f1831 countryman;—are
Witness: fThomas countryman;—are


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 you
Witness: f1823 you
Witness: f1831 you
Witness: fThomas you
Witness: fMS you


Reading Group: C21_app1027_rg1

Witness: fMS french?" "No," replied I

Reading Group: C21_app1027_rg2

Witness: f1818 French?’<p/><p/>“‘No;
Witness: f1823 French?’<p/><p/>“‘No;
Witness: f1831 French?’<p/><p/>“‘No;
Witness: fThomas French?’<p/><p/>“‘No;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but I was educated by a
Witness: f1823 but I was educated by a
Witness: f1831 but I was educated by a
Witness: fThomas but I was educated by a
Witness: fMS but I was educated by a


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 French
Witness: f1823 French
Witness: f1831 French
Witness: fThomas French
Witness: fMS french


Reading Group: C21_app1030_rg1

Witness: fMS family

Reading Group: C21_app1030_rg2

Witness: f1818 family,
Witness: f1823 family,
Witness: f1831 family,
Witness: fThomas family,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and understand that
Witness: f1823 and understand that
Witness: f1831 and understand that
Witness: fThomas and understand that
Witness: fMS and understand that


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 language only.
Witness: f1823 language only.
Witness: f1831 language only.
Witness: fThomas language only.
Witness: fMS language only.


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS I am unfortunate and a Str


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I am now going to claim the
Witness: f1823 I am now going to claim the
Witness: f1831 I am now going to claim the
Witness: fThomas I am now going to claim the
Witness: fMS I am now going to claim the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 protection of some friends, whom I sincerely
Witness: f1823 protection of some friends, whom I sincerely
Witness: f1831 protection of some friends, whom I sincerely
Witness: fThomas protection of some friends, whom I sincerely
Witness: fMS protection of some friends, whom I sincerely


Reading Group: C21_app1036_rg1

Witness: fMS love butand

Reading Group: C21_app1036_rg2

Witness: f1818 love, and
Witness: f1823 love, and
Witness: f1831 love, and
Witness: fThomas love, and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of whose favour I have
Witness: f1823 of whose favour I have
Witness: f1831 of whose favour I have
Witness: fThomas of whose favour I have
Witness: fMS of whose favour I have


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 some
Witness: f1823 some
Witness: f1831 some
Witness: fThomas some
Witness: fMS some


Reading Group: C21_app1039_rg1

Witness: fMS hopes." "Are

Reading Group: C21_app1039_rg2

Witness: f1818 hopes.’<p/><p/>“‘Are
Witness: f1823 hopes.’<p/><p/>“‘Are
Witness: f1831 hopes.’<p/><p/>“‘Are
Witness: fThomas hopes.’<p/><p/>“‘Are


Reading Group: C21_app1040_rg1

Witness: f1818 these
Witness: fThomas these
Witness: fMS these

Reading Group: C21_app1040_rg2

Witness: f1823 they
Witness: f1831 they


Reading Group: C21_app1041_rg1

Witness: fMS Germans"– <del eID="c57-0047__main__d3e9215"/> Asked <lb n="c57-0047__main__17"/> De Lacey – "No –They

Reading Group: C21_app1041_rg2

Witness: f1818 Germans?’<p/><p/>“‘No, they
Witness: f1823 Germans?’<p/><p/>“‘No, they
Witness: f1831 Germans?’<p/><p/>“‘No, they
Witness: fThomas Germans?’<p/><p/>“‘No, they


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 are
Witness: f1823 are
Witness: f1831 are
Witness: fThomas are
Witness: fMS are


Reading Group: C21_app1043_rg1

Witness: fMS french –But

Reading Group: C21_app1043_rg2

Witness: f1818 French. But
Witness: f1823 French. But
Witness: f1831 French. But
Witness: fThomas French. But


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 let
Witness: f1823 let
Witness: f1831 let
Witness: fThomas let
Witness: fMS let


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 us change the
Witness: f1823 us change the
Witness: f1831 us change the
Witness: fThomas us change the
Witness: fMS us change the


Reading Group: C21_app1046_rg1

Witness: fMS subject –I

Reading Group: C21_app1046_rg2

Witness: f1818 subject. I
Witness: f1823 subject. I
Witness: f1831 subject. I
Witness: fThomas subject. I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 am an
Witness: f1823 am an
Witness: f1831 am an
Witness: fThomas am an
Witness: fMS am an


Reading Group: C21_app1048_rg1

Witness: fMS unfortunate&

Reading Group: C21_app1048_rg2

Witness: f1818 unfortunate and
Witness: f1823 unfortunate and
Witness: f1831 unfortunate and
Witness: fThomas unfortunate and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 deserted
Witness: f1823 deserted
Witness: f1831 deserted
Witness: fThomas deserted
Witness: fMS deserted


Reading Group: C21_app1050_rg1

Witness: fMS creature.

Reading Group: C21_app1050_rg2

Witness: f1818 creature;
Witness: f1823 creature;
Witness: f1831 creature;
Witness: fThomas creature;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I look
Witness: f1823 I look
Witness: f1831 I look
Witness: fThomas I look
Witness: fMS I look


Reading Group: C21_app1052_rg1

Witness: fMS around

Reading Group: C21_app1052_rg2

Witness: f1818 around,
Witness: f1823 around,
Witness: f1831 around,
Witness: fThomas around,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: fMS and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I have no relation or friend
Witness: f1823 I have no relation or friend
Witness: f1831 I have no relation or friend
Witness: fThomas I have no relation or friend
Witness: fMS I have no relation or friend


Reading Group: C21_app1055_rg1

Witness: fMS <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>on earth – Thesekind<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>amiable

Reading Group: C21_app1055_rg2

Witness: f1818 upon earth. These amiable
Witness: f1823 upon earth. These amiable
Witness: f1831 upon earth. These amiable
Witness: fThomas upon earth. These amiable


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 people to whom I
Witness: f1823 people to whom I
Witness: f1831 people to whom I
Witness: fThomas people to whom I
Witness: fMS people to whom I


Reading Group: C21_app1057_rg1

Witness: f1818 go
Witness: f1823 go
Witness: f1831 go
Witness: fThomas go

Reading Group: C21_app1057_rg2

Witness: fMS go,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 have never
Witness: f1823 have never
Witness: f1831 have never
Witness: fThomas have never
Witness: fMS have never


Reading Group: C21_app1059_rg1

Witness: fMS seem me

Reading Group: C21_app1059_rg2

Witness: f1818 seen me,
Witness: f1823 seen me,
Witness: f1831 seen me,
Witness: fThomas seen me,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and know little of me. I am full
Witness: f1823 and know little of me. I am full
Witness: f1831 and know little of me. I am full
Witness: fThomas and know little of me. I am full
Witness: fMS and know little of me. I am full


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of
Witness: f1823 of
Witness: f1831 of
Witness: fThomas of
Witness: fMS of


Reading Group: C21_app1062_rg1

Witness: fMS fears,

Reading Group: C21_app1062_rg2

Witness: f1818 fears;
Witness: f1823 fears;
Witness: f1831 fears;
Witness: fThomas fears;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 for if I fail there, I am an
Witness: f1823 for if I fail there, I am an
Witness: f1831 for if I fail there, I am an
Witness: fThomas for if I fail there, I am an
Witness: fMS for if I fail there, I am an


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 outcast in the world for
Witness: f1823 outcast in the world for
Witness: f1831 outcast in the world for
Witness: fThomas outcast in the world for
Witness: fMS outcast in the world for


Reading Group: C21_app1065_rg1

Witness: fMS ever." Do

Reading Group: C21_app1065_rg2

Witness: f1818 ever.’<p/><p/>“‘Do
Witness: f1823 ever.’<p/><p/>“‘Do
Witness: f1831 ever.’<p/><p/>“‘Do
Witness: fThomas ever.’<p/><p/>“‘Do


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 not
Witness: f1823 not
Witness: f1831 not
Witness: fThomas not
Witness: fMS not


Reading Group: C21_app1067_rg1

Witness: fMS despair, said the old man.

Reading Group: C21_app1067_rg2

Witness: f1818 despair.
Witness: f1823 despair.
Witness: f1831 despair.
Witness: fThomas despair.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 To be friendless is indeed to be
Witness: f1823 To be friendless is indeed to be
Witness: f1831 To be friendless is indeed to be
Witness: fThomas To be friendless is indeed to be
Witness: fMS To be friendless is indeed to be


Reading Group: C21_app1069_rg1

Witness: fMS unfortunate:

Reading Group: C21_app1069_rg2

Witness: f1818 unfortunate;
Witness: f1823 unfortunate;
Witness: f1831 unfortunate;
Witness: fThomas unfortunate;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but the hearts of
Witness: f1823 but the hearts of
Witness: f1831 but the hearts of
Witness: fThomas but the hearts of
Witness: fMS but <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>the hearts of


Reading Group: C21_app1071_rg1

Witness: fMS men are

Reading Group: C21_app1071_rg2

Witness: f1818 men,
Witness: f1823 men,
Witness: f1831 men,
Witness: fThomas men,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 when unprejudiced by
Witness: f1823 when unprejudiced by
Witness: f1831 when unprejudiced by
Witness: fThomas when unprejudiced by
Witness: fMS when unprejudiced by


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 any
Witness: f1823 any
Witness: f1831 any
Witness: fThomas any


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 obvious
Witness: f1823 obvious
Witness: f1831 obvious
Witness: fThomas obvious
Witness: fMS obvious


Reading Group: C21_app1075_rg1

Witness: fMS self interrest,

Reading Group: C21_app1075_rg2

Witness: f1818 self-interest,
Witness: f1823 self-interest,
Witness: f1831 self-interest,
Witness: fThomas self-interest,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 are full of brotherly love and charity.
Witness: f1823 are full of brotherly love and charity.
Witness: f1831 are full of brotherly love and charity.
Witness: fThomas are full of brotherly love and charity.
Witness: fMS are full of brotherly love and charity.


Reading Group: C21_app1077_rg1

Witness: fMS Rely therefore

Reading Group: C21_app1077_rg2

Witness: f1818 Rely, therefore,
Witness: f1823 Rely, therefore,
Witness: f1831 Rely, therefore,
Witness: fThomas Rely, therefore,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 on your
Witness: f1823 on your
Witness: f1831 on your
Witness: fThomas on your
Witness: fMS on your


Reading Group: C21_app1079_rg1

Witness: fMS hopes

Reading Group: C21_app1079_rg2

Witness: f1818 hopes;
Witness: f1823 hopes;
Witness: f1831 hopes;
Witness: fThomas hopes;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and if
Witness: f1823 and if
Witness: f1831 and if
Witness: fThomas and if
Witness: fMS and if


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS these dispositions of your friends are kind


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 these friends
Witness: f1823 these friends
Witness: f1831 these friends
Witness: fThomas these friends
Witness: fMS these friends


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 are good and
Witness: f1823 are good and
Witness: f1831 are good and
Witness: fThomas are good and
Witness: fMS are good and


Reading Group: C21_app1084_rg1

Witness: fMS amiable –

Reading Group: C21_app1084_rg2

Witness: f1818 amiable,
Witness: f1823 amiable,
Witness: f1831 amiable,
Witness: fThomas amiable,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 do not
Witness: f1823 do not
Witness: f1831 do not
Witness: fThomas do not
Witness: fMS do not


Reading Group: C21_app1086_rg1

Witness: fMS feardespairfor your They

Reading Group: C21_app1086_rg2

Witness: f1818 despair.’<p/><p/>“‘They
Witness: f1823 despair.’<p/><p/>“‘They
Witness: f1831 despair.’<p/><p/>“‘They
Witness: fThomas despair.’<p/><p/>“‘They


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 are
Witness: f1823 are
Witness: f1831 are
Witness: fThomas are
Witness: fMS are


Reading Group: C21_app1088_rg1

Witness: fMS kind– I answered– They

Reading Group: C21_app1088_rg2

Witness: f1818 kind—they
Witness: f1823 kind—they
Witness: f1831 kind—they
Witness: fThomas kind—they


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 are the most
Witness: f1823 are the most
Witness: f1831 are the most
Witness: fThomas are the most
Witness: fMS are the most


Reading Group: C21_app1090_rg1

Witness: fMS amiableexcellent

Reading Group: C21_app1090_rg2

Witness: f1818 excellent
Witness: f1823 excellent
Witness: f1831 excellent
Witness: fThomas excellent


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 creatures in the
Witness: f1823 creatures in the
Witness: f1831 creatures in the
Witness: fThomas creatures in the
Witness: fMS creatures in the


Reading Group: C21_app1092_rg1

Witness: fMS world but unfortunately

Reading Group: C21_app1092_rg2

Witness: f1818 world; but, unfortunately,
Witness: f1823 world; but, unfortunately,
Witness: f1831 world; but, unfortunately,
Witness: fThomas world; but, unfortunately,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 they are prejudiced against me. I
Witness: f1823 they are prejudiced against me. I
Witness: f1831 they are prejudiced against me. I
Witness: fThomas they are prejudiced against me. I
Witness: fMS they are prejudiced against me. I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 have good
Witness: f1823 have good
Witness: f1831 have good
Witness: fThomas have good
Witness: fMS have good


Reading Group: C21_app1095_rg1

Witness: fMS dispositions –I love virtue and detest knowledge, –my

Reading Group: C21_app1095_rg2

Witness: f1818 dispositions; my
Witness: f1823 dispositions; my
Witness: f1831 dispositions; my
Witness: fThomas dispositions; my


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 life has been hitherto
Witness: f1823 life has been hitherto
Witness: f1831 life has been hitherto
Witness: fThomas life has been hitherto
Witness: fMS life has been hitherto


Reading Group: C21_app1097_rg1

Witness: fMS harmless &

Reading Group: C21_app1097_rg2

Witness: f1818 harmless, and
Witness: f1823 harmless, and
Witness: f1831 harmless, and
Witness: fThomas harmless, and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in some
Witness: f1823 in some
Witness: f1831 in some
Witness: fThomas in some
Witness: fMS in some


Reading Group: C21_app1099_rg1

Witness: f1823 degree
Witness: f1831 degree
Witness: fMS degree

Reading Group: C21_app1099_rg2

Witness: f1818 degree,
Witness: fThomas degree,


Reading Group: C21_app1100_rg1

Witness: fMS beneficial

Reading Group: C21_app1100_rg2

Witness: f1818 beneficial;
Witness: f1823 beneficial;
Witness: f1831 beneficial;
Witness: fThomas beneficial;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but a fatal prejudice clouds their
Witness: f1823 but a fatal prejudice clouds their
Witness: f1831 but a fatal prejudice clouds their
Witness: fThomas but a fatal prejudice clouds their
Witness: fMS but a fatal prejudice clouds their


Reading Group: C21_app1102_rg1

Witness: fMS eyes

Reading Group: C21_app1102_rg2

Witness: f1818 eyes,
Witness: f1823 eyes,
Witness: f1831 eyes,
Witness: fThomas eyes,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and where they ought to see a feeling
Witness: f1823 and where they ought to see a feeling
Witness: f1831 and where they ought to see a feeling
Witness: fThomas and where they ought to see a feeling
Witness: fMS and where they ought to see a feeling


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and kind friend, they behold only a detestable
Witness: f1823 and kind friend, they behold only a detestable
Witness: f1831 and kind friend, they behold only a detestable
Witness: fThomas and kind friend, they behold only a detestable
Witness: fMS and kind friend, they behold only a detestable


Reading Group: C21_app1105_rg1

Witness: fMS monster.– That

Reading Group: C21_app1105_rg2

Witness: f1818 monster.’<p/><p/>“‘That
Witness: f1823 monster.’<p/><p/>“‘That
Witness: f1831 monster.’<p/><p/>“‘That
Witness: fThomas monster.’<p/><p/>“‘That


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 is indeed
Witness: f1823 is indeed
Witness: f1831 is indeed
Witness: fThomas is indeed
Witness: fMS is indeed


Reading Group: C21_app1107_rg1

Witness: fMS unfortunate, replied De Lacey–

Reading Group: C21_app1107_rg2

Witness: f1818 unfortunate;
Witness: f1823 unfortunate;
Witness: f1831 unfortunate;
Witness: fThomas unfortunate;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but if you are really
Witness: f1823 but if you are really
Witness: f1831 but if you are really
Witness: fThomas but if you are really
Witness: fMS but if you are really


Reading Group: C21_app1109_rg1

Witness: fMS blameless can not

Reading Group: C21_app1109_rg2

Witness: f1818 blameless, cannot
Witness: f1823 blameless, cannot
Witness: f1831 blameless, cannot
Witness: fThomas blameless, cannot


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 you undeceive
Witness: f1823 you undeceive
Witness: f1831 you undeceive
Witness: fThomas you undeceive
Witness: fMS you undeceive


Reading Group: C21_app1111_rg1

Witness: fMS them?This isThat isthe taskthatwhat I amshallgoin<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>am aboutendeavouringto

Reading Group: C21_app1111_rg2

Witness: f1818 them?’<p/><p/>“‘I am about to
Witness: f1823 them?’<p/><p/>“‘I am about to
Witness: f1831 them?’<p/><p/>“‘I am about to
Witness: fThomas them?’<p/><p/>“‘I am about to


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 undertake that
Witness: f1823 undertake that
Witness: f1831 undertake that
Witness: fThomas undertake that
Witness: fMS undertake that


Reading Group: C21_app1113_rg1

Witness: fMS task — said I "And

Reading Group: C21_app1113_rg2

Witness: f1818 task; and
Witness: f1823 task; and
Witness: f1831 task; and
Witness: fThomas task; and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 it is on that
Witness: f1823 it is on that
Witness: f1831 it is on that
Witness: fThomas it is on that
Witness: fMS it is on that


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 account that I feel so many overwhelming
Witness: f1823 account that I feel so many overwhelming
Witness: f1831 account that I feel so many overwhelming
Witness: fThomas account that I feel so many overwhelming
Witness: fMS account that I feel so many overwhelming


Reading Group: C21_app1116_rg1

Witness: fMS terrors—I

Reading Group: C21_app1116_rg2

Witness: f1818 terrors. I tenderly
Witness: f1823 terrors. I tenderly
Witness: f1831 terrors. I tenderly
Witness: fThomas terrors. I tenderly


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 love these
Witness: f1823 love these
Witness: f1831 love these
Witness: fThomas love these
Witness: fMS love these


Reading Group: C21_app1118_rg1

Witness: fMS friends tenderly; for many months

Reading Group: C21_app1118_rg2

Witness: f1818 friends;
Witness: f1823 friends;
Witness: f1831 friends;
Witness: fThomas friends;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: fMS I


Reading Group: C21_app1120_rg1

Witness: fMS have <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>for many months

Reading Group: C21_app1120_rg2

Witness: f1818 have,
Witness: f1823 have,
Witness: f1831 have,
Witness: fThomas have,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 unknown to
Witness: f1823 unknown to
Witness: f1831 unknown to
Witness: fThomas unknown to
Witness: fMS unknown to


Reading Group: C21_app1122_rg1

Witness: fMS them

Reading Group: C21_app1122_rg2

Witness: f1818 them,
Witness: f1823 them,
Witness: f1831 them,
Witness: fThomas them,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 been for many months in the habits of daily kindness towards
Witness: f1823 been for many months in the habits of daily kindness towards
Witness: f1831 been for many months in the habits of daily kindness towards
Witness: fThomas been for many months in the habits of daily kindness towards
Witness: fMS been for many months in the habits of daily kindness towards


Reading Group: C21_app1124_rg1

Witness: fMS them,

Reading Group: C21_app1124_rg2

Witness: f1818 them;
Witness: f1823 them;
Witness: f1831 them;
Witness: fThomas them;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but they believe that I wish to injure
Witness: f1823 but they believe that I wish to injure
Witness: f1831 but they believe that I wish to injure
Witness: fThomas but they believe that I wish to injure
Witness: fMS but they believe that I wish to injure


Reading Group: C21_app1126_rg1

Witness: fMS them

Reading Group: C21_app1126_rg2

Witness: f1818 them,
Witness: f1823 them,
Witness: f1831 them,
Witness: fThomas them,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and it is that prejudice which
Witness: f1823 and it is that prejudice which
Witness: f1831 and it is that prejudice which
Witness: fThomas and it is that prejudice which
Witness: fMS and it is that prejudice which


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I wish to
Witness: f1823 I wish to
Witness: f1831 I wish to
Witness: fThomas I wish to
Witness: fMS I wish to


Reading Group: C21_app1129_rg1

Witness: fMS over come. Where

Reading Group: C21_app1129_rg2

Witness: f1818 overcome.’<p/><p/>“‘Where
Witness: f1823 overcome.’<p/><p/>“‘Where
Witness: f1831 overcome.’<p/><p/>“‘Where
Witness: fThomas overcome.’<p/><p/>“‘Where


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 do these friends
Witness: f1823 do these friends
Witness: f1831 do these friends
Witness: fThomas do these friends
Witness: fMS do these friends


Reading Group: C21_app1131_rg1

Witness: fMS reside, said de Lacey — N Near here. I replied<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>onthis spot.<metamark function="paragraph">[</metamark>The

Reading Group: C21_app1131_rg2

Witness: f1818 reside?’<p/><p/>“‘Near this spot.’<p/><p/>“The
Witness: f1823 reside?’<p/><p/>“‘Near this spot.’<p/><p/>“The
Witness: f1831 reside?’<p/><p/>“‘Near this spot.’<p/><p/>“The
Witness: fThomas reside?’<p/><p/>“‘Near this spot.’<p/><p/>“The


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 old man
Witness: f1823 old man
Witness: f1831 old man
Witness: fThomas old man
Witness: fMS old man


Reading Group: C21_app1133_rg1

Witness: fMS paused a moment

Reading Group: C21_app1133_rg2

Witness: f1818 paused,
Witness: f1823 paused,
Witness: f1831 paused,
Witness: fThomas paused,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and then
Witness: f1823 and then
Witness: f1831 and then
Witness: fThomas and then
Witness: fMS and then


Reading Group: C21_app1135_rg1

Witness: fMS continued If

Reading Group: C21_app1135_rg2

Witness: f1818 continued, ‘If
Witness: f1823 continued, ‘If
Witness: f1831 continued, ‘If
Witness: fThomas continued, ‘If


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 you will unreservedly confide to me
Witness: f1823 you will unreservedly confide to me
Witness: f1831 you will unreservedly confide to me
Witness: fThomas you will unreservedly confide to me
Witness: fMS you will unreservedly confide to me


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the particulars
Witness: f1823 the particulars
Witness: f1831 the particulars
Witness: fThomas the particulars
Witness: fMS the particulars


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of your tale,
Witness: f1823 of your tale,
Witness: f1831 of your tale,
Witness: fThomas of your tale,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I perhaps may be of use
Witness: f1823 I perhaps may be of use
Witness: f1831 I perhaps may be of use
Witness: fThomas I perhaps may be of use
Witness: fMS I perhaps may be of use


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in undeceiving them. I am
Witness: f1823 in undeceiving them. I am
Witness: f1831 in undeceiving them. I am
Witness: fThomas in undeceiving them. I am
Witness: fMS in undeceiving them. I am


Reading Group: C21_app1141_rg1

Witness: fMS blind

Reading Group: C21_app1141_rg2

Witness: f1818 blind,
Witness: f1823 blind,
Witness: f1831 blind,
Witness: fThomas blind,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: fMS and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 cannot judge of your
Witness: f1823 cannot judge of your
Witness: f1831 cannot judge of your
Witness: fThomas cannot judge of your
Witness: fMS cannot judge of your


Reading Group: C21_app1144_rg1

Witness: fMS countenance

Reading Group: C21_app1144_rg2

Witness: f1818 countenance,
Witness: f1823 countenance,
Witness: f1831 countenance,
Witness: fThomas countenance,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but
Witness: f1823 but
Witness: f1831 but
Witness: fThomas but
Witness: fMS but


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 there is
Witness: f1823 there is
Witness: f1831 there is
Witness: fThomas there is
Witness: fMS there is


Reading Group: C21_app1147_rg1

Witness: f1818 something
Witness: f1823 something
Witness: f1831 something
Witness: fThomas something

Reading Group: C21_app1147_rg2

Witness: fMS somthing


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in your
Witness: f1823 in your
Witness: f1831 in your
Witness: fThomas in your
Witness: fMS in your


Reading Group: C21_app1149_rg1

Witness: f1818 words
Witness: fThomas words
Witness: fMS words

Reading Group: C21_app1149_rg2

Witness: f1823 words,
Witness: f1831 words,


Reading Group: C21_app1150_rg1

Witness: fMS thatwhichpersuades

Reading Group: C21_app1150_rg2

Witness: f1818 which persuades
Witness: f1823 which persuades
Witness: f1831 which persuades
Witness: fThomas which persuades


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 me that you are sincere. I am
Witness: f1823 me that you are sincere. I am
Witness: f1831 me that you are sincere. I am
Witness: fThomas me that you are sincere. I am
Witness: fMS me that you are sincere. I am


Reading Group: C21_app1152_rg1

Witness: fMS poor

Reading Group: C21_app1152_rg2

Witness: f1818 poor,
Witness: f1823 poor,
Witness: f1831 poor,
Witness: fThomas poor,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and an
Witness: f1823 and an
Witness: f1831 and an
Witness: fThomas and an
Witness: fMS and an


Reading Group: C21_app1154_rg1

Witness: fMS exile,

Reading Group: C21_app1154_rg2

Witness: f1818 exile;
Witness: f1823 exile;
Witness: f1831 exile;
Witness: fThomas exile;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but it
Witness: f1823 but it
Witness: f1831 but it
Witness: fThomas but it
Witness: fMS but it


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 will afford me true pleasure to
Witness: f1823 will afford me true pleasure to
Witness: f1831 will afford me true pleasure to
Witness: fThomas will afford me true pleasure to
Witness: fMS will afford me true pleasure to


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 be in any way serviceable to a
Witness: f1823 be in any way serviceable to a
Witness: f1831 be in any way serviceable to a
Witness: fThomas be in any way serviceable to a
Witness: fMS be in any way serviceable to a


Reading Group: C21_app1159_rg1

Witness: fMS fellowhuman creature.— Excellent man – exclaimed I,

Reading Group: C21_app1159_rg2

Witness: f1818 human creature.’<p/><p/>“‘Excellent man!
Witness: f1823 human creature.’<p/><p/>“‘Excellent man!
Witness: f1831 human creature.’<p/><p/>“‘Excellent man!
Witness: fThomas human creature.’<p/><p/>“‘Excellent man!


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: fMS I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 thank
Witness: f1823 thank
Witness: f1831 thank
Witness: fThomas thank
Witness: fMS thank


Reading Group: C21_app1162_rg1

Witness: fMS you

Reading Group: C21_app1162_rg2

Witness: f1818 you,
Witness: f1823 you,
Witness: f1831 you,
Witness: fThomas you,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and accept your generous
Witness: f1823 and accept your generous
Witness: f1831 and accept your generous
Witness: fThomas and accept your generous
Witness: fMS and accept your <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>generous


Reading Group: C21_app1164_rg1

Witness: fMS offer <metamark function="displacement" xml:id="c57-0049.02">X</metamark><metamark/>You

Reading Group: C21_app1164_rg2

Witness: f1818 offer. You
Witness: f1823 offer. You
Witness: f1831 offer. You
Witness: fThomas offer. You


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 raise me
Witness: f1823 raise me
Witness: f1831 raise me
Witness: fThomas raise me
Witness: fMS raise me


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 from the dust
Witness: f1823 from the dust
Witness: f1831 from the dust
Witness: fThomas from the dust
Witness: fMS from the dust


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 by this
Witness: f1823 by this
Witness: f1831 by this
Witness: fThomas by this
Witness: fMS by this


Reading Group: C21_app1168_rg1

Witness: fMS kindess

Reading Group: C21_app1168_rg2

Witness: f1818 kindness;
Witness: f1823 kindness;
Witness: f1831 kindness;
Witness: fThomas kindness;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and I trust
Witness: f1823 and I trust
Witness: f1831 and I trust
Witness: fThomas and I trust
Witness: fMS and I trust


Reading Group: C21_app1170_rg1

Witness: fMS now that

Reading Group: C21_app1170_rg2

Witness: f1818 that, by your aid,
Witness: f1823 that, by your aid,
Witness: f1831 that, by your aid,
Witness: fThomas that, by your aid,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I shall not be driven
Witness: f1823 I shall not be driven
Witness: f1831 I shall not be driven
Witness: fThomas I shall not be driven
Witness: fMS I shall not be driven


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 from the society
Witness: f1823 from the society
Witness: f1831 from the society
Witness: fThomas from the society
Witness: fMS from the society


Reading Group: C21_app1173_rg1

Witness: fMS &

Reading Group: C21_app1173_rg2

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fThomas and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 sympathy of
Witness: f1823 sympathy of
Witness: f1831 sympathy of
Witness: fThomas sympathy of
Witness: fMS sympathy of


Reading Group: C21_app1175_rg1

Witness: fMS my fellow creatures Heaven

Reading Group: C21_app1175_rg2

Witness: f1818 your fellow-creatures.’<p/><p/>“‘Heaven
Witness: f1823 your fellow-creatures.’<p/><p/>“‘Heaven
Witness: f1831 your fellow-creatures.’<p/><p/>“‘Heaven
Witness: fThomas your fellow-creatures.’<p/><p/>“‘Heaven


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 forbid! even if you
Witness: f1823 forbid! even if you
Witness: f1831 forbid! even if you
Witness: fThomas forbid! even if you
Witness: fMS forbid! even if you


Reading Group: C21_app1177_rg1

Witness: fMS arewere

Reading Group: C21_app1177_rg2

Witness: f1818 were
Witness: f1823 were
Witness: f1831 were
Witness: fThomas were


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 really
Witness: f1823 really
Witness: f1831 really
Witness: fThomas really
Witness: fMS really


Reading Group: C21_app1179_rg1

Witness: fMS criminal

Reading Group: C21_app1179_rg2

Witness: f1818 criminal;
Witness: f1823 criminal;
Witness: f1831 criminal;
Witness: fThomas criminal;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 for
Witness: f1823 for
Witness: f1831 for
Witness: fThomas for
Witness: fMS for


Reading Group: C21_app1181_rg1

Witness: f1818 that
Witness: f1823 that
Witness: f1831 that
Witness: fThomas that

Reading Group: C21_app1181_rg2

Witness: fMS thatnot in


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 can only drive you
Witness: f1823 can only drive you
Witness: f1831 can only drive you
Witness: fThomas can only drive you
Witness: fMS can only drive you


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to
Witness: f1823 to
Witness: f1831 to
Witness: fThomas to
Witness: fMS to


Reading Group: C21_app1184_rg1

Witness: fMS desperation

Reading Group: C21_app1184_rg2

Witness: f1818 desperation,
Witness: f1823 desperation,
Witness: f1831 desperation,
Witness: fThomas desperation,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and not
Witness: f1823 and not
Witness: f1831 and not
Witness: fThomas and not
Witness: fMS and not


Reading Group: C21_app1186_rg1

Witness: fMS reform<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>instigate

Reading Group: C21_app1186_rg2

Witness: f1818 instigate
Witness: f1823 instigate
Witness: f1831 instigate
Witness: fThomas instigate


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 you to
Witness: f1823 you to
Witness: f1831 you to
Witness: fThomas you to
Witness: fMS you <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>to


Reading Group: C21_app1188_rg1

Witness: fMS virtue —

Reading Group: C21_app1188_rg2

Witness: f1818 virtue.
Witness: f1823 virtue.
Witness: f1831 virtue.
Witness: fThomas virtue.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I also am
Witness: f1823 I also am
Witness: f1831 I also am
Witness: fThomas I also am
Witness: fMS I also am


Reading Group: C21_app1190_rg1

Witness: fMS unfortunate.– I<del rend="strikethrough" sID="c57-0049__main__d3e9753"/><del/>

Reading Group: C21_app1190_rg2

Witness: f1818 unfortunate; I
Witness: f1823 unfortunate; I
Witness: f1831 unfortunate; I
Witness: fThomas unfortunate; I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and my
Witness: f1823 and my
Witness: f1831 and my
Witness: fThomas and my
Witness: fMS and my


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 family have been
Witness: f1823 family have been
Witness: f1831 family have been
Witness: fThomas family have been
Witness: fMS family have been


Reading Group: C21_app1193_rg1

Witness: fMS condemned when

Reading Group: C21_app1193_rg2

Witness: f1818 condemned,
Witness: f1823 condemned,
Witness: f1831 condemned,
Witness: fThomas condemned,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 although
Witness: f1823 although
Witness: f1831 although
Witness: fThomas although
Witness: fMS although


Reading Group: C21_app1195_rg1

Witness: fMS innocent judge therefore

Reading Group: C21_app1195_rg2

Witness: f1818 innocent: judge, therefore,
Witness: f1823 innocent: judge, therefore,
Witness: f1831 innocent: judge, therefore,
Witness: fThomas innocent: judge, therefore,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 if I do not
Witness: f1823 if I do not
Witness: f1831 if I do not
Witness: fThomas if I do not
Witness: fMS if I do not


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS sympath


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 feel for your
Witness: f1823 feel for your
Witness: f1831 feel for your
Witness: fThomas feel for your
Witness: fMS feel for your


Reading Group: C21_app1199_rg1

Witness: fMS misfortunes— How

Reading Group: C21_app1199_rg2

Witness: f1818 misfortunes.’<p/><p/>“‘How
Witness: f1823 misfortunes.’<p/><p/>“‘How
Witness: f1831 misfortunes.’<p/><p/>“‘How
Witness: fThomas misfortunes.’<p/><p/>“‘How


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 can I thank you, my best
Witness: f1823 can I thank you, my best
Witness: f1831 can I thank you, my best
Witness: fThomas can I thank you, my best
Witness: fMS can I thank you, my best


Reading Group: C21_app1201_rg1

Witness: fMS &

Reading Group: C21_app1201_rg2

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fThomas and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 only
Witness: f1823 only
Witness: f1831 only
Witness: fThomas only
Witness: fMS only


Reading Group: C21_app1203_rg1

Witness: fMS benefactor –

Reading Group: C21_app1203_rg2

Witness: f1818 benefactor?
Witness: f1823 benefactor?
Witness: f1831 benefactor?
Witness: fThomas benefactor?


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 From your lips first
Witness: f1823 from your lips first
Witness: f1831 From your lips first
Witness: fThomas From your lips first
Witness: fMS from your lips first


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 have I heard the voice of kindness
Witness: f1823 have I heard the voice of kindness
Witness: f1831 have I heard the voice of kindness
Witness: fThomas have I heard the voice of kindness
Witness: fMS have I heard the voice of kindness


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 directed towards
Witness: f1823 directed towards
Witness: f1831 directed towards
Witness: fThomas directed towards
Witness: fMS directed towards


Reading Group: C21_app1207_rg1

Witness: fMS me –I

Reading Group: C21_app1207_rg2

Witness: f1818 me; I
Witness: f1823 me; I
Witness: f1831 me; I
Witness: fThomas me; I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 shall be
Witness: f1823 shall be
Witness: f1831 shall be
Witness: fThomas shall be
Witness: fMS shall be


Reading Group: C21_app1209_rg1

Witness: f1818 for ever grateful;
Witness: f1823 for ever grateful;
Witness: f1831 for ever grateful;
Witness: fThomas for ever grateful;

Reading Group: C21_app1209_rg2

Witness: fMS forever grateful


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and your present
Witness: f1823 and your present
Witness: f1831 and your present
Witness: fThomas and your present
Witness: fMS and your present


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 humanity assures me of success with
Witness: f1823 humanity assures me of success with
Witness: f1831 humanity assures me of success with
Witness: fThomas humanity assures me of success with
Witness: fMS humanity assures me of success with


Reading Group: C21_app1212_rg1

Witness: fMS the

Reading Group: C21_app1212_rg2

Witness: f1818 those
Witness: f1823 those
Witness: f1831 those
Witness: fThomas those


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 friends whom I am on the
Witness: f1823 friends whom I am on the
Witness: f1831 friends whom I am on the
Witness: fThomas friends whom I am on the
Witness: fMS friends whom I am on the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 point of
Witness: f1823 point of
Witness: f1831 point of
Witness: fThomas point of
Witness: fMS point of


Reading Group: C21_app1215_rg1

Witness: f1818 meeting.’<p/><p/>“‘May
Witness: f1823 meeting.’<p/><p/>“‘May
Witness: f1831 meeting.’<p/><p/>“‘May
Witness: fThomas meeting.’<p/><p/>“‘May

Reading Group: C21_app1215_rg2

Witness: fMS meeting May


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I know the names
Witness: f1823 I know the names
Witness: f1831 I know the names
Witness: fThomas I know the names
Witness: fMS I know the names


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and residence
Witness: f1823 and residence
Witness: f1831 and residence
Witness: fThomas and residence
Witness: fMS and residence


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of those
Witness: f1823 of those
Witness: f1831 of those
Witness: fThomas of those
Witness: fMS of those


Reading Group: C21_app1220_rg1

Witness: fMS friends? asked De Lacey.

Reading Group: C21_app1220_rg2

Witness: f1818 friends?’<p/><p/>“I paused. This,
Witness: f1823 friends?’<p/><p/>“I paused. This,
Witness: f1831 friends?’<p/><p/>“I paused. This,
Witness: fThomas friends?’<p/><p/>“I paused. This,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: fMS I


Reading Group: C21_app1222_rg1

Witness: fMS paused — This

Reading Group: C21_app1222_rg2

Witness: f1818 thought,
Witness: f1823 thought,
Witness: f1831 thought,
Witness: fThomas thought,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was the moment
Witness: f1823 was the moment
Witness: f1831 was the moment
Witness: fThomas was the moment
Witness: fMS was the moment


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of
Witness: f1823 of
Witness: f1831 of
Witness: fThomas of
Witness: fMS of


Reading Group: C21_app1225_rg1

Witness: fMS decision

Reading Group: C21_app1225_rg2

Witness: f1818 decision,
Witness: f1823 decision,
Witness: f1831 decision,
Witness: fThomas decision,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 which was to rob me
Witness: f1823 which was to rob me
Witness: f1831 which was to rob me
Witness: fThomas which was to rob me
Witness: fMS which was to rob me


Reading Group: C21_app1227_rg1

Witness: fMS <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>of

Reading Group: C21_app1227_rg2

Witness: f1818 of,
Witness: f1823 of,
Witness: f1831 of,
Witness: fThomas of,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 or
Witness: f1823 or
Witness: f1831 or
Witness: fThomas or
Witness: fMS or


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 bestow happiness on me for
Witness: f1823 bestow happiness on me for
Witness: f1831 bestow happiness on me for
Witness: fThomas bestow happiness on me for
Witness: fMS bestow happiness <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>on me for


Reading Group: C21_app1230_rg1

Witness: fMS ever – I sum

Reading Group: C21_app1230_rg2

Witness: f1818 ever.
Witness: f1823 ever.
Witness: f1831 ever.
Witness: fThomas ever.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I struggled vainly
Witness: f1823 I struggled vainly
Witness: f1831 I struggled vainly
Witness: fThomas I struggled vainly
Witness: fMS I struggled vainly


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS to find


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 for firmness sufficient
Witness: f1823 for firmness sufficient
Witness: f1831 for firmness sufficient
Witness: fThomas for firmness sufficient
Witness: fMS for firmness sufficient


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS enough


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to answer
Witness: f1823 to answer
Witness: f1831 to answer
Witness: fThomas to answer
Witness: fMS to answer


Reading Group: C21_app1236_rg1

Witness: fMS him – but

Reading Group: C21_app1236_rg2

Witness: f1818 him, but
Witness: f1823 him, but
Witness: f1831 him, but
Witness: fThomas him, but


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the effort
Witness: f1823 the effort
Witness: f1831 the effort
Witness: fThomas the effort
Witness: fMS the effort


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 destroyed all my remaining
Witness: f1823 destroyed all my remaining
Witness: f1831 destroyed all my remaining
Witness: fThomas destroyed all my remaining
Witness: fMS destroyed all my remaining


Reading Group: C21_app1239_rg1

Witness: fMS strentgth &

Reading Group: C21_app1239_rg2

Witness: f1818 strength;
Witness: f1823 strength;
Witness: f1831 strength;
Witness: fThomas strength;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I sank on
Witness: f1823 I sank on
Witness: f1831 I sank on
Witness: fThomas I sank on
Witness: fMS I sank on


Reading Group: C21_app1241_rg1

Witness: fMS the a chair &

Reading Group: C21_app1241_rg2

Witness: f1818 the chair, and
Witness: f1823 the chair, and
Witness: f1831 the chair, and
Witness: fThomas the chair, and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 sobbed
Witness: f1823 sobbed
Witness: f1831 sobbed
Witness: fThomas sobbed
Witness: fMS sobbed


Reading Group: C21_app1243_rg1

Witness: fMS aloud

Reading Group: C21_app1243_rg2

Witness: f1818 aloud.
Witness: f1823 aloud.
Witness: f1831 aloud.
Witness: fThomas aloud.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 At that moment I heard the steps
Witness: f1823 At that moment I heard the steps
Witness: f1831 At that moment I heard the steps
Witness: fThomas At that moment I heard the steps
Witness: fMS At that moment I heard the steps


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of my younger
Witness: f1823 of my younger
Witness: f1831 of my younger
Witness: fThomas of my younger
Witness: fMS of my younger


Reading Group: C21_app1246_rg1

Witness: f1818 protectors.
Witness: f1823 protectors.
Witness: f1831 protectors.
Witness: fThomas protectors.

Reading Group: C21_app1246_rg2

Witness: fMS protectors—I


Unified Readings

Witness: fThomas They returned sooner than I expected and their inopportune appearance destroyed the fruits of so many months patience and expectation. My presence of mind deserted me at this crisis, I thought that


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fThomas I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 had not
Witness: f1823 had not
Witness: f1831 had not
Witness: fThomas had not
Witness: fMS had not


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a moment to
Witness: f1823 a moment to
Witness: f1831 a moment to
Witness: fThomas a moment to
Witness: fMS a moment to


Reading Group: C21_app1251_rg1

Witness: fMS lose, but

Reading Group: C21_app1251_rg2

Witness: f1818 lose; but,
Witness: f1823 lose; but,
Witness: f1831 lose; but,
Witness: fThomas lose; but,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 seizing the
Witness: f1823 seizing the
Witness: f1831 seizing the
Witness: fThomas seizing the
Witness: fMS seizing the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 hand of the old
Witness: f1823 hand of the old
Witness: f1831 hand of the old
Witness: fThomas hand of the old
Witness: fMS hand of the old


Reading Group: C21_app1254_rg1

Witness: fMS man

Reading Group: C21_app1254_rg2

Witness: f1818 man,
Witness: f1823 man,
Witness: f1831 man,
Witness: fThomas man,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: fMS I


Reading Group: C21_app1256_rg1

Witness: f1818 cried, ‘Now
Witness: f1823 cried, ‘Now
Witness: f1831 cried, ‘Now
Witness: fThomas cried, ‘Now

Reading Group: C21_app1256_rg2

Witness: fMS cried– Now


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 is the
Witness: f1823 is the
Witness: f1831 is the
Witness: fThomas is the
Witness: fMS is the


Reading Group: C21_app1258_rg1

Witness: f1818 time!—save
Witness: f1823 time!—save
Witness: f1831 time!—save
Witness: fThomas time!—save

Reading Group: C21_app1258_rg2

Witness: fMS time, save


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and protect
Witness: f1823 and protect
Witness: f1831 and protect
Witness: fThomas and protect
Witness: fMS and protect


Reading Group: C21_app1260_rg1

Witness: f1818 me!
Witness: f1823 me!
Witness: f1831 me!
Witness: fThomas me!

Reading Group: C21_app1260_rg2

Witness: fMS me


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 You and your family are the
Witness: f1823 You and your family are the
Witness: f1831 You and your family are the
Witness: fThomas You and your family are the
Witness: fMS You and your family are the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 friends whom I
Witness: f1823 friends whom I
Witness: f1831 friends whom I
Witness: fThomas friends whom I
Witness: fMS friends whom I


Reading Group: C21_app1263_rg1

Witness: fMS seek –

Reading Group: C21_app1263_rg2

Witness: f1818 seek.
Witness: f1823 seek.
Witness: f1831 seek.
Witness: fThomas seek.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Do not you
Witness: f1823 Do not you
Witness: f1831 Do not you
Witness: fThomas Do not you
Witness: fMS Do not you


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 desert me in the hour of
Witness: f1823 desert me in the hour of
Witness: f1831 desert me in the hour of
Witness: fThomas desert me in the hour of
Witness: fMS desa<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>ert me in the hour of


Reading Group: C21_app1266_rg1

Witness: fMS trial!.– Great God!

Reading Group: C21_app1266_rg2

Witness: f1818 trial!’<p/><p/>“‘Great God!’
Witness: f1823 trial!’<p/><p/>“‘Great God!’
Witness: f1831 trial!’<p/><p/>“‘Great God!’
Witness: fThomas trial!’<p/><p/>“‘Great God!’


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 exclaimed the old
Witness: f1823 exclaimed the old
Witness: f1831 exclaimed the old
Witness: fThomas exclaimed the old
Witness: fMS exclaimed the old


Reading Group: C21_app1268_rg1

Witness: fMS man – Who

Reading Group: C21_app1268_rg2

Witness: f1818 man, ‘who
Witness: f1823 man, ‘who
Witness: f1831 man, ‘who
Witness: fThomas man, ‘who


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 are
Witness: f1823 are
Witness: f1831 are
Witness: fThomas are
Witness: fMS are


Reading Group: C21_app1270_rg1

Witness: fMS you? At

Reading Group: C21_app1270_rg2

Witness: f1818 you?’<p/><p/>“At
Witness: f1823 you?’<p/><p/>“At
Witness: f1831 you?’<p/><p/>“At
Witness: fThomas you?’<p/><p/>“At


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that instant the cottage
Witness: f1823 that instant the cottage
Witness: f1831 that instant the cottage
Witness: fThomas that instant the cottage
Witness: fMS that instandt the cottage


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 door
Witness: f1823 door
Witness: f1831 door
Witness: fThomas door
Witness: fMS door


Reading Group: C21_app1273_rg1

Witness: fMS opened

Reading Group: C21_app1273_rg2

Witness: f1818 was opened,
Witness: f1823 was opened,
Witness: f1831 was opened,
Witness: fThomas was opened,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and Felix,
Witness: f1823 and Felix,
Witness: f1831 and Felix,
Witness: fThomas and Felix,
Witness: fMS and Felix,


Reading Group: C21_app1275_rg1

Witness: fMS MaimounaSafie

Reading Group: C21_app1275_rg2

Witness: f1818 Safie,
Witness: f1823 Safie,
Witness: f1831 Safie,
Witness: fThomas Safie,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and Agatha
Witness: f1823 and Agatha
Witness: f1831 and Agatha
Witness: fThomas and Agatha
Witness: fMS and Agatha


Reading Group: C21_app1277_rg1

Witness: fMS entered –

Reading Group: C21_app1277_rg2

Witness: f1818 entered.
Witness: f1823 entered.
Witness: f1831 entered.
Witness: fThomas entered.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Who can
Witness: f1823 Who can
Witness: f1831 Who can
Witness: fThomas Who can
Witness: fMS Who can


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 describe their horror and
Witness: f1823 describe their horror and
Witness: f1831 describe their horror and
Witness: fThomas describe their horror and
Witness: fMS describe their horrowr and


Reading Group: C21_app1280_rg1

Witness: fMS astonishment

Reading Group: C21_app1280_rg2

Witness: f1818 consternation
Witness: f1823 consternation
Witness: f1831 consternation
Witness: fThomas consternation


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 on beholding
Witness: f1823 on beholding
Witness: f1831 on beholding
Witness: fThomas on beholding
Witness: fMS on beholding


Reading Group: C21_app1282_rg1

Witness: fMS <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>me –Agatha fainted &MaimounaSafie

Reading Group: C21_app1282_rg2

Witness: f1818 me? Agatha fainted; and Safie,
Witness: f1823 me? Agatha fainted; and Safie,
Witness: f1831 me? Agatha fainted; and Safie,
Witness: fThomas me? Agatha fainted; and Safie,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 unable
Witness: f1823 unable
Witness: f1831 unable
Witness: fThomas unable
Witness: fMS unable


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to attend to her
Witness: f1823 to attend to her
Witness: f1831 to attend to her
Witness: fThomas to attend to her
Witness: fMS to attend to her


Reading Group: C21_app1285_rg1

Witness: fMS friend

Reading Group: C21_app1285_rg2

Witness: f1818 friend,
Witness: f1823 friend,
Witness: f1831 friend,
Witness: fThomas friend,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 rushed
Witness: f1823 rushed
Witness: f1831 rushed
Witness: fThomas rushed
Witness: fMS rushed


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 out of the
Witness: f1823 out of the
Witness: f1831 out of the
Witness: fThomas out of the
Witness: fMS out of the


Reading Group: C21_app1288_rg1

Witness: f1818 cottage.
Witness: f1823 cottage.
Witness: f1831 cottage.
Witness: fThomas cottage.

Reading Group: C21_app1288_rg2

Witness: fMS cottage.–


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Felix darted
Witness: f1823 Felix darted
Witness: f1831 Felix darted
Witness: fThomas Felix darted
Witness: fMS Felix darted


Reading Group: C21_app1290_rg1

Witness: fMS forward

Reading Group: C21_app1290_rg2

Witness: f1818 forward,
Witness: f1823 forward,
Witness: f1831 forward,
Witness: fThomas forward,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and with supernatural
Witness: f1823 and with supernatural
Witness: f1831 and with supernatural
Witness: fThomas and with supernatural
Witness: fMS and with supernatural


Reading Group: C21_app1292_rg1

Witness: fMS strength

Reading Group: C21_app1292_rg2

Witness: f1818 force
Witness: f1823 force
Witness: f1831 force
Witness: fThomas force


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 tore me from his
Witness: f1823 tore me from his
Witness: f1831 tore me from his
Witness: fThomas tore me from his
Witness: fMS tore me from his


Reading Group: C21_app1294_rg1

Witness: fMS father

Reading Group: C21_app1294_rg2

Witness: f1818 father,
Witness: f1823 father,
Witness: f1831 father,
Witness: fThomas father,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to whose knees I
Witness: f1823 to whose knees I
Witness: f1831 to whose knees I
Witness: fThomas to whose knees I
Witness: fMS to whose knees I


Reading Group: C21_app1296_rg1

Witness: fMS clung –In

Reading Group: C21_app1296_rg2

Witness: f1818 clung: in
Witness: f1823 clung: in
Witness: f1831 clung: in
Witness: fThomas clung: in


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a
Witness: f1823 a
Witness: f1831 a
Witness: fThomas a
Witness: fMS a


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 transport of
Witness: f1823 transport of
Witness: f1831 transport of
Witness: fThomas transport of
Witness: fMS transport of


Reading Group: C21_app1299_rg1

Witness: fMS fury

Reading Group: C21_app1299_rg2

Witness: f1818 fury,
Witness: f1823 fury,
Witness: f1831 fury,
Witness: fThomas fury,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 he dashed
Witness: f1823 he dashed
Witness: f1831 he dashed
Witness: fThomas he dashed
Witness: fMS he dashed


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 me to the
Witness: f1823 me to the
Witness: f1831 me to the
Witness: fThomas me to the
Witness: fMS me to the


Reading Group: C21_app1302_rg1

Witness: fMS ground

Reading Group: C21_app1302_rg2

Witness: f1818 ground,
Witness: f1823 ground,
Witness: f1831 ground,
Witness: fThomas ground,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and struck
Witness: f1823 and struck
Witness: f1831 and struck
Witness: fThomas and struck
Witness: fMS and struck


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 me
Witness: f1823 me
Witness: f1831 me
Witness: fThomas me
Witness: fMS me


Reading Group: C21_app1305_rg1

Witness: f1818 violently
Witness: f1823 violently
Witness: f1831 violently
Witness: fThomas violently

Reading Group: C21_app1305_rg2

Witness: fMS voilenlently


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 with a
Witness: f1823 with a
Witness: f1831 with a
Witness: fThomas with a
Witness: fMS with a


Reading Group: C21_app1307_rg1

Witness: fMS stick

Reading Group: C21_app1307_rg2

Witness: f1818 stick. I could have torn him limb from limb, as the lion rends the antelope. But my heart sunk within me as with bitter sickness, and I refrained.
Witness: f1823 stick. I could have torn him limb from limb, as the lion rends the antelope. But my heart sunk within me as with bitter sickness, and I refrained.
Witness: f1831 stick. I could have torn him limb from limb, as the lion rends the antelope. But my heart sunk within me as with bitter sickness, and I refrained.
Witness: fThomas stick. I could have torn him limb from limb, as the lion rends the antelope. But my heart sunk within me as with bitter sickness, and I refrained.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I saw him
Witness: f1823 I saw him
Witness: f1831 I saw him
Witness: fThomas I saw him
Witness: fMS I saw him


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS goingto


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 on the point
Witness: f1823 on the point
Witness: f1831 on the point
Witness: fThomas on the point
Witness: fMS on the point


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of repeating
Witness: f1823 of repeating
Witness: f1831 of repeating
Witness: fThomas of repeating
Witness: fMS of repeating


Reading Group: C21_app1312_rg1

Witness: f1818 his blow, when,
Witness: f1823 his blow, when,
Witness: f1831 his blow, when,
Witness: fThomas his blow, when,

Reading Group: C21_app1312_rg2

Witness: fMS the p blow when


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 overcome by pain and
Witness: f1823 overcome by pain and
Witness: f1831 overcome by pain and
Witness: fThomas overcome by pain and
Witness: fMS overcome by pain and


Reading Group: C21_app1314_rg1

Witness: fMS anguish

Reading Group: C21_app1314_rg2

Witness: f1818 anguish,
Witness: f1823 anguish,
Witness: f1831 anguish,
Witness: fThomas anguish,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I quitted the
Witness: f1823 I quitted the
Witness: f1831 I quitted the
Witness: fThomas I quitted the
Witness: fMS I quitted the


Reading Group: C21_app1316_rg1

Witness: fMS cottage

Reading Group: C21_app1316_rg2

Witness: f1818 cottage,
Witness: f1823 cottage,
Witness: f1831 cottage,
Witness: fThomas cottage,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and in the
Witness: f1823 and in the
Witness: f1831 and in the
Witness: fThomas and in the
Witness: fMS and in the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 general
Witness: f1823 general
Witness: f1831 general
Witness: fThomas general
Witness: fMS general


Reading Group: C21_app1319_rg1

Witness: f1818 tumult
Witness: f1823 tumult
Witness: f1831 tumult
Witness: fThomas tumult

Reading Group: C21_app1319_rg2

Witness: fMS tumult,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 escaped unperceived to my
Witness: f1823 escaped unperceived to my
Witness: f1831 escaped unperceived to my
Witness: fThomas escaped unperceived to my
Witness: fMS escaped unperceived to my


Reading Group: C21_app1321_rg1

Witness: fMS hovel.

Reading Group: C21_app1321_rg2

Witness: f1818 hovel.<p/>
Witness: f1823 hovel.<p/>
Witness: f1831 hovel.<p/>
Witness: fThomas hovel.<p/>


Reading Group: C22_app1_rg1

Witness: fMS Cursed,

Reading Group: C22_app1_rg2

Witness: f1818 <head/>CHAPTER
Witness: f1823 <head/>CHAPTER
Witness: f1831 <head/>CHAPTER
Witness: fThomas <head/>CHAPTER


Reading Group: C22_app2_rg1

Witness: f1823 IV.<head/><p/>“C<hi/>URSED<hi/>,

Reading Group: C22_app2_rg2

Witness: f1818 VIII.<head/><p/> “C<hi/>URSED<hi/>,
Witness: fThomas VIII.<head/><p/> “C<hi/>URSED<hi/>,

Reading Group: C22_app2_rg3

Witness: f1831 XVI.<head/><p/>“C<hi/>URSED<hi/>,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 cursed creator! Why
Witness: f1823 cursed creator! Why
Witness: f1831 cursed creator! Why
Witness: fThomas cursed creator! Why
Witness: fMS Cursed Creator! Why


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 did I
Witness: f1823 did I
Witness: f1831 did I
Witness: fThomas did I
Witness: fMS did I


Reading Group: C22_app5_rg1

Witness: fMS lif live why

Reading Group: C22_app5_rg2

Witness: f1818 live? Why,
Witness: f1823 live? Why,
Witness: f1831 live? Why,
Witness: fThomas live? Why,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in that
Witness: f1823 in that
Witness: f1831 in that
Witness: fThomas in that
Witness: fMS in that


Reading Group: C22_app7_rg1

Witness: fMS instant

Reading Group: C22_app7_rg2

Witness: f1818 instant,
Witness: f1823 instant,
Witness: f1831 instant,
Witness: fThomas instant,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 did I not extinguish the spark of
Witness: f1823 did I not extinguish the spark of
Witness: f1831 did I not extinguish the spark of
Witness: fThomas did I not extinguish the spark of
Witness: fMS did I not extinguish the spark of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 existence which you had so wantonly
Witness: f1823 existence which you had so wantonly
Witness: f1831 existence which you had so wantonly
Witness: fThomas existence which you had so wantonly
Witness: fMS existence which you had so wantonly


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 bestowed? I know
Witness: f1823 bestowed? I know
Witness: f1831 bestowed? I know
Witness: fThomas bestowed? I know
Witness: fMS bestowed? I know


Reading Group: C22_app11_rg1

Witness: f1818 not;
Witness: f1823 not;
Witness: f1831 not;
Witness: fThomas not;

Reading Group: C22_app11_rg2

Witness: fMS not—


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 despair had not
Witness: f1823 despair had not
Witness: f1831 despair had not
Witness: fThomas despair had not
Witness: fMS Despair had not


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 yet taken possession of
Witness: f1823 yet taken possession of
Witness: f1831 yet taken possession of
Witness: fThomas yet taken possession of
Witness: fMS yet taken possession of


Reading Group: C22_app14_rg1

Witness: fMS me it wI was enraged

Reading Group: C22_app14_rg2

Witness: f1818 me;
Witness: f1823 me;
Witness: f1831 me;
Witness: fThomas me;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my feelings were those
Witness: f1823 my feelings were those
Witness: f1831 my feelings were those
Witness: fThomas my feelings were those
Witness: fMS my feelings were those


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of rage and
Witness: f1823 of rage and
Witness: f1831 of rage and
Witness: fThomas of rage and
Witness: fMS of rage &


Reading Group: C22_app17_rg1

Witness: fMS revenge –I w

Reading Group: C22_app17_rg2

Witness: f1818 revenge. I
Witness: f1823 revenge. I
Witness: f1831 revenge. I
Witness: fThomas revenge. I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 could with
Witness: f1823 could with
Witness: f1831 could with
Witness: fThomas could with
Witness: fMS could with


Reading Group: C22_app19_rg1

Witness: f1818 pleasure
Witness: f1823 pleasure
Witness: f1831 pleasure
Witness: fThomas pleasure

Reading Group: C22_app19_rg2

Witness: fMS pleasureoftorn


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 have destroyed the cottage
Witness: f1823 have destroyed the cottage
Witness: f1831 have destroyed the cottage
Witness: fThomas have destroyed the cottage
Witness: fMS have destroyed the cottage


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and its inhabitants, and
Witness: f1823 and its inhabitants, and
Witness: f1831 and its inhabitants, and
Witness: fThomas and its inhabitants, and
Witness: fMS and its inhabitants, and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 have
Witness: f1823 have
Witness: f1831 have
Witness: fThomas have


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 glutted myself with their shrieks and
Witness: f1823 glutted myself with their shrieks and
Witness: f1831 glutted myself with their shrieks and
Witness: fThomas glutted myself with their shrieks and
Witness: fMS glutted myself with their shrieks &


Reading Group: C22_app24_rg1

Witness: fMS misery. TheyAs When

Reading Group: C22_app24_rg2

Witness: f1818 misery.<p/><p/>“When
Witness: f1823 misery.<p/><p/>“When
Witness: f1831 misery.<p/><p/>“When
Witness: fThomas misery.<p/><p/>“When


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 night
Witness: f1823 night
Witness: f1831 night
Witness: fThomas night
Witness: fMS night


Reading Group: C22_app26_rg1

Witness: fMS came on

Reading Group: C22_app26_rg2

Witness: f1818 came,
Witness: f1823 came,
Witness: f1831 came,
Witness: fThomas came,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I quitted
Witness: f1823 I quitted
Witness: f1831 I quitted
Witness: fThomas I quitted
Witness: fMS I quitted


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my
Witness: f1823 my
Witness: f1831 my
Witness: fThomas my
Witness: fMS my


Reading Group: C22_app29_rg1

Witness: fMS retreat

Reading Group: C22_app29_rg2

Witness: f1818 retreat,
Witness: f1823 retreat,
Witness: f1831 retreat,
Witness: fThomas retreat,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and wandered
Witness: f1823 and wandered
Witness: f1831 and wandered
Witness: fThomas and wandered
Witness: fMS and wandered


Reading Group: C22_app31_rg1

Witness: f1818 in
Witness: f1823 in
Witness: f1831 in
Witness: fThomas in

Reading Group: C22_app31_rg2

Witness: fMS to


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: fMS the


Reading Group: C22_app33_rg1

Witness: fMS wood.— And nownNo

Reading Group: C22_app33_rg2

Witness: f1818 wood; and now, no
Witness: f1823 wood; and now, no
Witness: f1831 wood; and now, no
Witness: fThomas wood; and now, no


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 longer restrained
Witness: f1823 longer restrained
Witness: f1831 longer restrained
Witness: fThomas longer restrained
Witness: fMS longer restrained


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 by the fear of
Witness: f1823 by the fear of
Witness: f1831 by the fear of
Witness: fThomas by the fear of
Witness: fMS by the fear of


Reading Group: C22_app36_rg1

Witness: fMS discovery

Reading Group: C22_app36_rg2

Witness: f1818 discovery,
Witness: f1823 discovery,
Witness: f1831 discovery,
Witness: fThomas discovery,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I gave vent
Witness: f1823 I gave vent
Witness: f1831 I gave vent
Witness: fThomas I gave vent
Witness: fMS I gave vent


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to my anguish in fearful howlings.
Witness: f1823 to my anguish in fearful howlings.
Witness: f1831 to my anguish in fearful howlings.
Witness: fThomas to my anguish in fearful howlings.
Witness: fMS to my anguish in fearful howlings.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I was like a wild beast
Witness: f1823 I was like a wild beast
Witness: f1831 I was like a wild beast
Witness: fThomas I was like a wild beast
Witness: fMS I was like a wild beast


Reading Group: C22_app40_rg1

Witness: fMS in

Reading Group: C22_app40_rg2

Witness: f1818 that had broken
Witness: f1823 that had broken
Witness: f1831 that had broken
Witness: fThomas that had broken


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the toils;
Witness: f1823 the toils;
Witness: f1831 the toils;
Witness: fThomas the toils;
Witness: fMS the toils;


Reading Group: C22_app42_rg1

Witness: fMS tearingdestroying

Reading Group: C22_app42_rg2

Witness: f1818 destroying
Witness: f1823 destroying
Witness: f1831 destroying
Witness: fThomas destroying


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the objects that obstructed
Witness: f1823 the objects that obstructed
Witness: f1831 the objects that obstructed
Witness: fThomas the objects that obstructed
Witness: fMS the objects that obstructed


Reading Group: C22_app44_rg1

Witness: fMS me withfearand

Reading Group: C22_app44_rg2

Witness: f1818 me, and
Witness: f1823 me, and
Witness: f1831 me, and
Witness: fThomas me, and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 ranging through the
Witness: f1823 ranging through the
Witness: f1831 ranging through the
Witness: fThomas ranging through the
Witness: fMS ranging through the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 wood with
Witness: f1823 wood with
Witness: f1831 wood with
Witness: fThomas wood with
Witness: fMS wood with


Reading Group: C22_app47_rg1

Witness: f1818 a stag-like swiftness.
Witness: f1823 a stag-like swiftness.
Witness: f1831 a stag-like swiftness.
Witness: fThomas a stag-like swiftness.

Reading Group: C22_app47_rg2

Witness: fMS stag like swiftness.—


Reading Group: C22_app48_rg1

Witness: f1831 O!

Reading Group: C22_app48_rg2

Witness: f1818 Oh!
Witness: f1823 Oh!
Witness: fThomas Oh!
Witness: fMS Oh!


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 what a miserable night I
Witness: f1823 what a miserable night I
Witness: f1831 what a miserable night I
Witness: fThomas what a miserable night I
Witness: fMS What a miserable night I


Reading Group: C22_app50_rg1

Witness: f1818 passed!
Witness: f1823 passed!
Witness: f1831 passed!
Witness: fThomas passed!

Reading Group: C22_app50_rg2

Witness: fMS passed.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the cold stars shone in mockery,
Witness: f1823 the cold stars shone in mockery,
Witness: f1831 the cold stars shone in mockery,
Witness: fThomas the cold stars shone in mockery,
Witness: fMS the cold stars shone in mockery,


Reading Group: C22_app52_rg1

Witness: fMS

Reading Group: C22_app52_rg2

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fThomas and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the bare trees waved their branches
Witness: f1823 the bare trees waved their branches
Witness: f1831 the bare trees waved their branches
Witness: fThomas the bare trees waved their branches
Witness: fMS the bare trees waved their branches


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 above
Witness: f1823 above
Witness: f1831 above
Witness: fThomas above
Witness: fMS above


Reading Group: C22_app55_rg1

Witness: fMS me and

Reading Group: C22_app55_rg2

Witness: f1818 me:
Witness: f1823 me:
Witness: f1831 me:
Witness: fThomas me:


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 now and then the sweet
Witness: f1823 now and then the sweet
Witness: f1831 now and then the sweet
Witness: fThomas now and then the sweet
Witness: fMS now and then the sweet


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 voice of a bird burst forth amidst
Witness: f1823 voice of a bird burst forth amidst
Witness: f1831 voice of a bird burst forth amidst
Witness: fThomas voice of a bird burst forth amidst
Witness: fMS voice of a bird burst forth amidst


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the universal
Witness: f1823 the universal
Witness: f1831 the universal
Witness: fThomas the universal
Witness: fMS the universal


Reading Group: C22_app59_rg1

Witness: f1818 stillness. All,
Witness: f1823 stillness. All,
Witness: f1831 stillness. All,
Witness: fThomas stillness. All,

Reading Group: C22_app59_rg2

Witness: fMS stillness.– All


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 save
Witness: f1823 save
Witness: f1831 save
Witness: fThomas save
Witness: fMS <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>save


Reading Group: C22_app61_rg1

Witness: fMS I

Reading Group: C22_app61_rg2

Witness: f1818 I,
Witness: f1823 I,
Witness: f1831 I,
Witness: fThomas I,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 were
Witness: f1823 were
Witness: f1831 were
Witness: fThomas were
Witness: fMS were


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 at rest or in
Witness: f1823 at rest or in
Witness: f1831 at rest or in
Witness: fThomas at rest or in
Witness: fMS at rest or in


Reading Group: C22_app64_rg1

Witness: fMS enjoyment but I.And I

Reading Group: C22_app64_rg2

Witness: f1818 enjoyment: I,
Witness: f1823 enjoyment: I,
Witness: f1831 enjoyment: I,
Witness: fThomas enjoyment: I,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 like the
Witness: f1823 like the
Witness: f1831 like the
Witness: fThomas like the
Witness: fMS like the


Reading Group: C22_app66_rg1

Witness: f1818 arch
Witness: f1823 arch
Witness: fThomas arch
Witness: fMS arch

Reading Group: C22_app66_rg2

Witness: f1831 arch-fiend,


Reading Group: C22_app67_rg1

Witness: fMS fiend

Reading Group: C22_app67_rg2

Witness: f1818 fiend,
Witness: f1823 fiend,
Witness: fThomas fiend,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 bore
Witness: f1823 bore
Witness: f1831 bore
Witness: fThomas bore
Witness: fMS bore


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS bo


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a hell
Witness: f1823 a hell
Witness: f1831 a hell
Witness: fThomas a hell
Witness: fMS a hell


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 within
Witness: f1823 within
Witness: f1831 within
Witness: fThomas within
Witness: fMS within


Reading Group: C22_app72_rg1

Witness: fMS me

Reading Group: C22_app72_rg2

Witness: f1818 me;
Witness: f1823 me;
Witness: f1831 me;
Witness: fThomas me;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and, finding
Witness: f1823 and, finding
Witness: f1831 and, finding
Witness: fThomas and, finding
Witness: fMS and, finding


Reading Group: C22_app74_rg1

Witness: fMS themyself

Reading Group: C22_app74_rg2

Witness: f1818 myself
Witness: f1823 myself
Witness: f1831 myself
Witness: fThomas myself


Reading Group: C22_app75_rg1

Witness: f1831 unsympathised

Reading Group: C22_app75_rg2

Witness: f1818 unsympathized
Witness: f1823 unsympathized
Witness: fThomas unsympathized
Witness: fMS unsympathized


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 with,
Witness: f1823 with,
Witness: f1831 with,
Witness: fThomas with,
Witness: fMS with,


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS I wi


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 wished
Witness: f1823 wished
Witness: f1831 wished
Witness: fThomas wished
Witness: fMS wished


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to tear up the trees,
Witness: f1823 to tear up the trees,
Witness: f1831 to tear up the trees,
Witness: fThomas to tear up the trees,
Witness: fMS to tear of<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>up the trees,


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS <del rend="strikethrough" sID="c57-0051__main__d3e10291"/><del/>


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 spread
Witness: f1823 spread
Witness: f1831 spread
Witness: fThomas spread
Witness: fMS spread


Reading Group: C22_app82_rg1

Witness: f1818 havoc
Witness: f1823 havoc
Witness: f1831 havoc
Witness: fThomas havoc

Reading Group: C22_app82_rg2

Witness: fMS havock


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and destruction
Witness: f1823 and destruction
Witness: f1831 and destruction
Witness: fThomas and destruction
Witness: fMS and destruction


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 around me,
Witness: f1823 around me,
Witness: f1831 around me,
Witness: fThomas around me,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and then
Witness: f1823 and then
Witness: f1831 and then
Witness: fThomas and then
Witness: fMS and then


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to
Witness: f1823 to
Witness: f1831 to
Witness: fThomas to


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 have
Witness: f1823 have
Witness: f1831 have
Witness: fThomas have
Witness: fMS have


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 sat down and enjoyed the
Witness: f1823 sat down and enjoyed the
Witness: f1831 sat down and enjoyed the
Witness: fThomas sat down and enjoyed the
Witness: fMS sat down & enjoyed the


Reading Group: C22_app89_rg1

Witness: f1818 ruin.<p/><p/>“But
Witness: f1823 ruin.<p/><p/>“But
Witness: f1831 ruin.<p/><p/>“But
Witness: fThomas ruin.<p/><p/>“But

Reading Group: C22_app89_rg2

Witness: fMS ruin– But


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 this was a luxury of
Witness: f1823 this was a luxury of
Witness: f1831 this was a luxury of
Witness: fThomas this was a luxury of
Witness: fMS this was a luxury of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 sensation that could not
Witness: f1823 sensation that could not
Witness: f1831 sensation that could not
Witness: fThomas sensation that could not
Witness: fMS sensation that could not


Reading Group: C22_app92_rg1

Witness: fMS lastendure

Reading Group: C22_app92_rg2

Witness: f1818 endure;
Witness: f1823 endure;
Witness: f1831 endure;
Witness: fThomas endure;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: fMS I


Reading Group: C22_app94_rg1

Witness: fMS grewtiredbecame

Reading Group: C22_app94_rg2

Witness: f1818 became
Witness: f1823 became
Witness: f1831 became
Witness: fThomas became


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 fatigued with excess of bodily
Witness: f1823 fatigued with excess of bodily
Witness: f1831 fatigued with excess of bodily
Witness: fThomas fatigued with excess of bodily
Witness: fMS fatigued with excess of bodily


Reading Group: C22_app96_rg1

Witness: fMS exertion;

Reading Group: C22_app96_rg2

Witness: f1818 exertion,
Witness: f1823 exertion,
Witness: f1831 exertion,
Witness: fThomas exertion,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and sank on the
Witness: f1823 and sank on the
Witness: f1831 and sank on the
Witness: fThomas and sank on the
Witness: fMS and sank on the


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS g


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 damp grass in the
Witness: f1823 damp grass in the
Witness: f1831 damp grass in the
Witness: fThomas damp grass in the
Witness: fMS damp grass in the


Reading Group: C22_app100_rg1

Witness: fMS despondency

Reading Group: C22_app100_rg2

Witness: f1818 sick impotence
Witness: f1823 sick impotence
Witness: f1831 sick impotence
Witness: fThomas sick impotence


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of despair. There was
Witness: f1823 of despair. There was
Witness: f1831 of despair. There was
Witness: fThomas of despair. There was
Witness: fMS of despair. There was


Reading Group: C22_app102_rg1

Witness: fMS no one in amoung

Reading Group: C22_app102_rg2

Witness: f1818 none among
Witness: f1823 none among
Witness: f1831 none among
Witness: fThomas none among


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the myriads of men that
Witness: f1823 the myriads of men that
Witness: f1831 the myriads of men that
Witness: fThomas the myriads of men that
Witness: fMS the myriads of men that


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 existed
Witness: f1823 existed
Witness: f1831 existed
Witness: fThomas existed
Witness: fMS existed


Reading Group: C22_app105_rg1

Witness: fMS that could

Reading Group: C22_app105_rg2

Witness: f1818 who
Witness: f1823 who
Witness: f1831 who
Witness: fThomas who


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 would pity
Witness: f1823 would pity
Witness: f1831 would pity
Witness: fThomas would pity
Witness: fMS would pity


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 or assist
Witness: f1823 or assist
Witness: f1831 or assist
Witness: fThomas or assist
Witness: fMS or assist


Reading Group: C22_app108_rg1

Witness: fMS me —

Reading Group: C22_app108_rg2

Witness: f1818 me;
Witness: f1823 me;
Witness: f1831 me;
Witness: fThomas me;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and should I feel
Witness: f1823 and should I feel
Witness: f1831 and should I feel
Witness: fThomas and should I feel
Witness: fMS and should I feel


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 kindness towards my enemies?
Witness: f1823 kindness towards my enemies?
Witness: f1831 kindness towards my enemies?
Witness: fThomas kindness towards my enemies?
Witness: fMS kindness towards my enemies?


Reading Group: C22_app111_rg1

Witness: fMS No!

Reading Group: C22_app111_rg2

Witness: f1818 No:
Witness: f1823 No:
Witness: f1831 No:
Witness: fThomas No:


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 from that moment I declared everlasting war against the
Witness: f1823 from that moment I declared everlasting war against the
Witness: f1831 from that moment I declared everlasting war against the
Witness: fThomas from that moment I declared everlasting war against the
Witness: fMS from that moment I declared everlasting war against them<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>


Reading Group: C22_app113_rg1

Witness: fMS species and

Reading Group: C22_app113_rg2

Witness: f1818 species, and,
Witness: f1823 species, and,
Witness: f1831 species, and,
Witness: fThomas species, and,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 more than
Witness: f1823 more than
Witness: f1831 more than
Witness: fThomas more than
Witness: fMS more than


Reading Group: C22_app115_rg1

Witness: fMS all

Reading Group: C22_app115_rg2

Witness: f1818 all,
Witness: f1823 all,
Witness: f1831 all,
Witness: fThomas all,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 against
Witness: f1823 against
Witness: f1831 against
Witness: fThomas against
Witness: fMS against


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 him who had formed
Witness: f1823 him who had formed
Witness: f1831 him who had formed
Witness: fThomas him who had formed
Witness: fMS heim who had formed


Reading Group: C22_app118_rg1

Witness: fMS me

Reading Group: C22_app118_rg2

Witness: f1818 me,
Witness: f1823 me,
Witness: f1831 me,
Witness: fThomas me,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and sent
Witness: f1823 and sent
Witness: f1831 and sent
Witness: fThomas and sent
Witness: fMS & sent


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 me forth to
Witness: f1823 me forth to
Witness: f1831 me forth to
Witness: fThomas me forth to
Witness: fMS me forth to


Reading Group: C22_app121_rg1

Witness: fMS pain &this

Reading Group: C22_app121_rg2

Witness: f1818 this
Witness: f1823 this
Witness: f1831 this
Witness: fThomas this


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 insupportable
Witness: f1823 insupportable
Witness: f1831 insupportable
Witness: fThomas insupportable
Witness: fMS insupportable


Reading Group: C22_app123_rg1

Witness: fMS misery. The

Reading Group: C22_app123_rg2

Witness: f1818 misery.<p/><p/>“The
Witness: f1823 misery.<p/><p/>“The
Witness: f1831 misery.<p/><p/>“The
Witness: fThomas misery.<p/><p/>“The


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 sun
Witness: f1823 sun
Witness: f1831 sun
Witness: fThomas sun
Witness: fMS sun


Reading Group: C22_app125_rg1

Witness: fMS rose –

Reading Group: C22_app125_rg2

Witness: f1818 rose;
Witness: f1823 rose;
Witness: f1831 rose;
Witness: fThomas rose;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I heard the
Witness: f1823 I heard the
Witness: f1831 I heard the
Witness: fThomas I heard the
Witness: fMS I heard the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 voices of
Witness: f1823 voices of
Witness: f1831 voices of
Witness: fThomas voices of
Witness: fMS voices of


Reading Group: C22_app128_rg1

Witness: fMS men

Reading Group: C22_app128_rg2

Witness: f1818 men,
Witness: f1823 men,
Witness: f1831 men,
Witness: fThomas men,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and knew that it
Witness: f1823 and knew that it
Witness: f1831 and knew that it
Witness: fThomas and knew that it
Witness: fMS and knew that it


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was impossible to return to my retreat during that
Witness: f1823 was impossible to return to my retreat during that
Witness: f1831 was impossible to return to my retreat during that
Witness: fThomas was impossible to return to my retreat during that
Witness: fMS was impossible to return to my retreat during that


Reading Group: C22_app131_rg1

Witness: f1818 day. Accordingly
Witness: f1823 day. Accordingly
Witness: f1831 day. Accordingly
Witness: fThomas day. Accordingly

Reading Group: C22_app131_rg2

Witness: fMS day; accordingly,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I hid myself
Witness: f1823 I hid myself
Witness: f1831 I hid myself
Witness: fThomas I hid myself
Witness: fMS I hid myself


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in some thick
Witness: f1823 in some thick
Witness: f1831 in some thick
Witness: fThomas in some thick
Witness: fMS in some thick


Reading Group: C22_app134_rg1

Witness: fMS underwood determine

Reading Group: C22_app134_rg2

Witness: f1818 underwood,
Witness: f1823 underwood,
Witness: f1831 underwood,
Witness: fThomas underwood,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 determining to devote the
Witness: f1823 determining to devote the
Witness: f1831 determining to devote the
Witness: fThomas determining to devote the
Witness: fMS determineding to devote the


Reading Group: C22_app136_rg1

Witness: fMS ensueing

Reading Group: C22_app136_rg2

Witness: f1818 ensuing
Witness: f1823 ensuing
Witness: f1831 ensuing
Witness: fThomas ensuing


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 hours to reflection on my
Witness: f1823 hours to reflection on my
Witness: f1831 hours to reflection on my
Witness: fThomas hours to reflection on my
Witness: fMS hours to reflection on my


Reading Group: C22_app138_rg1

Witness: f1818 situation.<p/><p/>“The
Witness: f1823 situation.<p/><p/>“The
Witness: f1831 situation.<p/><p/>“The
Witness: fThomas situation.<p/><p/>“The

Reading Group: C22_app138_rg2

Witness: fMS situation— The


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 pleasant
Witness: f1823 pleasant
Witness: f1831 pleasant
Witness: fThomas pleasant
Witness: fMS pleasant


Reading Group: C22_app140_rg1

Witness: fMS sunshine

Reading Group: C22_app140_rg2

Witness: f1818 sunshine,
Witness: f1823 sunshine,
Witness: f1831 sunshine,
Witness: fThomas sunshine,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: fMS and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fThomas the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 pure air of
Witness: f1823 pure air of
Witness: f1831 pure air of
Witness: fThomas pure air of
Witness: fMS pure air of


Reading Group: C22_app144_rg1

Witness: fMS day

Reading Group: C22_app144_rg2

Witness: f1818 day,
Witness: f1823 day,
Witness: f1831 day,
Witness: fThomas day,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 restored me to some
Witness: f1823 restored me to some
Witness: f1831 restored me to some
Witness: fThomas restored me to some
Witness: fMS restored me to some


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 degree of
Witness: f1823 degree of
Witness: f1831 degree of
Witness: fThomas degree of
Witness: fMS degree of


Reading Group: C22_app147_rg1

Witness: fMS tranquillity &When

Reading Group: C22_app147_rg2

Witness: f1818 tranquillity; and when
Witness: f1823 tranquillity; and when
Witness: f1831 tranquillity; and when
Witness: fThomas tranquillity; and when


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I considered what had passed
Witness: f1823 I considered what had passed
Witness: f1831 I considered what had passed
Witness: fThomas I considered what had passed
Witness: fMS I considered what had passed


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 at the
Witness: f1823 at the
Witness: f1831 at the
Witness: fThomas at the
Witness: fMS at the


Reading Group: C22_app150_rg1

Witness: fMS cottage

Reading Group: C22_app150_rg2

Witness: f1818 cottage,
Witness: f1823 cottage,
Witness: f1831 cottage,
Witness: fThomas cottage,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I could not help
Witness: f1823 I could not help
Witness: f1831 I could not help
Witness: fThomas I could not help
Witness: fMS I could not help


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 believing that I
Witness: f1823 believing that I
Witness: f1831 believing that I
Witness: fThomas believing that I
Witness: fMS believing that I


Reading Group: C22_app153_rg1

Witness: f1818 had been
Witness: f1823 had been
Witness: f1831 had been
Witness: fThomas had been

Reading Group: C22_app153_rg2

Witness: fMS was


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 too hasty in
Witness: f1823 too hasty in
Witness: f1831 too hasty in
Witness: fThomas too hasty in
Witness: fMS too hasty in


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my
Witness: f1823 my
Witness: f1831 my
Witness: fThomas my
Witness: fMS my


Reading Group: C22_app156_rg1

Witness: fMS conclusions – Ther

Reading Group: C22_app156_rg2

Witness: f1818 conclusions.
Witness: f1823 conclusions.
Witness: f1831 conclusions.
Witness: fThomas conclusions.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I had certainly acted imprudently.
Witness: f1823 I had certainly acted imprudently.
Witness: f1831 I had certainly acted imprudently.
Witness: fThomas I had certainly acted imprudently.
Witness: fMS I had certainly acted imprudently.


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS My con


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 It was
Witness: f1823 It was
Witness: f1831 It was
Witness: fThomas It was
Witness: fMS It was


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 apparent that my conversation had
Witness: f1823 apparent that my conversation had
Witness: f1831 apparent that my conversation had
Witness: fThomas apparent that my conversation had
Witness: fMS apparent that my conversation had


Reading Group: C22_app161_rg1

Witness: f1818 interested
Witness: f1823 interested
Witness: f1831 interested
Witness: fThomas interested

Reading Group: C22_app161_rg2

Witness: fMS softened


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the father
Witness: f1823 the father
Witness: f1831 the father
Witness: fThomas the father
Witness: fMS the father


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in my behalf,
Witness: f1823 in my behalf,
Witness: f1831 in my behalf,
Witness: fThomas in my behalf,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and I was a
Witness: f1823 and I was a
Witness: f1831 and I was a
Witness: fThomas and I was a
Witness: fMS and I was a


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 fool
Witness: f1823 fool
Witness: f1831 fool
Witness: fThomas fool
Witness: fMS fool


Reading Group: C22_app166_rg1

Witness: fMS tofor

Reading Group: C22_app166_rg2

Witness: f1818 in
Witness: f1823 in
Witness: f1831 in
Witness: fThomas in


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 having exposed my person to the
Witness: f1823 having exposed my person to the
Witness: f1831 having exposed my person to the
Witness: fThomas having exposed my person to the
Witness: fMS having exposed my person to the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 horror of his children. I ought to have
Witness: f1823 horror of his children. I ought to have
Witness: f1831 horror of his children. I ought to have
Witness: fThomas horror of his children. I ought to have
Witness: fMS horror of his children. I ought to have


Reading Group: C22_app169_rg1

Witness: fMS familiarzirized

Reading Group: C22_app169_rg2

Witness: f1831 familiarised

Reading Group: C22_app169_rg3

Witness: f1818 familiarized
Witness: f1823 familiarized
Witness: fThomas familiarized


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the old De Lacey
Witness: f1823 the old De Lacey
Witness: f1831 the old De Lacey
Witness: fThomas the old De Lacey
Witness: fMS the old LDe Lacey


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to
Witness: f1823 to
Witness: f1831 to
Witness: fThomas to
Witness: fMS to


Reading Group: C22_app172_rg1

Witness: fMS me

Reading Group: C22_app172_rg2

Witness: f1818 me,
Witness: f1823 me,
Witness: f1831 me,
Witness: fThomas me,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and by degrees
Witness: f1823 and by degrees
Witness: f1831 and by degrees
Witness: fThomas and by degrees
Witness: fMS and by degrees


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to
Witness: f1823 to
Witness: f1831 to
Witness: fThomas to


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 have discovered
Witness: f1823 have discovered
Witness: f1831 have discovered
Witness: fThomas have discovered
Witness: fMS have discovered


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 myself to the rest of
Witness: f1823 myself to the rest of
Witness: f1831 myself to the rest of
Witness: fThomas myself to the rest of
Witness: fMS myself to the rest of


Reading Group: C22_app177_rg1

Witness: f1818 his family,
Witness: f1823 his family,
Witness: f1831 his family,
Witness: fThomas his family,

Reading Group: C22_app177_rg2

Witness: fMS the family


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 when
Witness: f1823 when
Witness: f1831 when
Witness: fThomas when
Witness: fMS when


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 they should have been prepared for
Witness: f1823 they should have been prepared for
Witness: f1831 they should have been prepared for
Witness: fThomas they should have been prepared for
Witness: fMS they should have been prepared for


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my
Witness: f1823 my
Witness: f1831 my
Witness: fThomas my
Witness: fMS my


Reading Group: C22_app181_rg1

Witness: fMS approach –

Reading Group: C22_app181_rg2

Witness: f1818 approach.
Witness: f1823 approach.
Witness: f1831 approach.
Witness: fThomas approach.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 But I did not believe
Witness: f1823 But I did not believe
Witness: f1831 But I did not believe
Witness: fThomas But I did not believe
Witness: fMS But I did not believe


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my errors
Witness: f1823 my errors
Witness: f1831 my errors
Witness: fThomas my errors
Witness: fMS my errors


Reading Group: C22_app184_rg1

Witness: fMS irretrievable – and

Reading Group: C22_app184_rg2

Witness: f1818 to be irretrievable; and,
Witness: f1823 to be irretrievable; and,
Witness: f1831 to be irretrievable; and,
Witness: fThomas to be irretrievable; and,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 after
Witness: f1823 after
Witness: f1831 after
Witness: fThomas after
Witness: fMS after


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 much
Witness: f1823 much
Witness: f1831 much
Witness: fThomas much
Witness: fMS much


Reading Group: C22_app187_rg1

Witness: fMS consideration

Reading Group: C22_app187_rg2

Witness: f1818 consideration,
Witness: f1823 consideration,
Witness: f1831 consideration,
Witness: fThomas consideration,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I resolved to
Witness: f1823 I resolved to
Witness: f1831 I resolved to
Witness: fThomas I resolved to
Witness: fMS I resolved to


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 return to the
Witness: f1823 return to the
Witness: f1831 return to the
Witness: fThomas return to the
Witness: fMS return to the


Reading Group: C22_app190_rg1

Witness: fMS cottage —

Reading Group: C22_app190_rg2

Witness: f1818 cottage,
Witness: f1823 cottage,
Witness: f1831 cottage,
Witness: fThomas cottage,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 seek the
Witness: f1823 seek the
Witness: f1831 seek the
Witness: fThomas seek the
Witness: fMS seek the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 old
Witness: f1823 old
Witness: f1831 old
Witness: fThomas old
Witness: fMS old


Reading Group: C22_app193_rg1

Witness: fMS man

Reading Group: C22_app193_rg2

Witness: f1818 man,
Witness: f1823 man,
Witness: f1831 man,
Witness: fThomas man,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and by my representations win him to my
Witness: f1823 and by my representations win him to my
Witness: f1831 and by my representations win him to my
Witness: fThomas and by my representations win him to my
Witness: fMS and by my representations win him to my


Reading Group: C22_app195_rg1

Witness: f1818 party.<p/><p/>“These
Witness: f1823 party.<p/><p/>“These
Witness: f1831 party.<p/><p/>“These
Witness: fThomas party.<p/><p/>“These

Reading Group: C22_app195_rg2

Witness: fMS party.— These


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 thoughts calmed
Witness: f1823 thoughts calmed
Witness: f1831 thoughts calmed
Witness: fThomas thoughts calmed
Witness: fMS thoughts calmed


Reading Group: C22_app197_rg1

Witness: fMS me

Reading Group: C22_app197_rg2

Witness: f1818 me,
Witness: f1823 me,
Witness: f1831 me,
Witness: fThomas me,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and in the afternoon I
Witness: f1823 and in the afternoon I
Witness: f1831 and in the afternoon I
Witness: fThomas and in the afternoon I
Witness: fMS & in the afternoon I


Reading Group: C22_app199_rg1

Witness: f1818 sank
Witness: f1823 sank
Witness: f1831 sank
Witness: fThomas sank

Reading Group: C22_app199_rg2

Witness: fMS sunk


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 into a
Witness: f1823 into a
Witness: f1831 into a
Witness: fThomas into a
Witness: fMS into a


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 profound
Witness: f1823 profound
Witness: f1831 profound
Witness: fThomas profound
Witness: fMS profound


Reading Group: C22_app202_rg1

Witness: f1818 sleep;
Witness: f1823 sleep;
Witness: f1831 sleep;
Witness: fThomas sleep;

Reading Group: C22_app202_rg2

Witness: fMS sleep–


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but the fever
Witness: f1823 but the fever
Witness: f1831 but the fever
Witness: fThomas but the fever
Witness: fMS but the fever


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of my blood did not
Witness: f1823 of my blood did not
Witness: f1831 of my blood did not
Witness: fThomas of my blood did not
Witness: fMS of my blood did not


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS pe


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 allow
Witness: f1823 allow
Witness: f1831 allow
Witness: fThomas allow
Witness: fMS allow


Reading Group: C22_app207_rg1

Witness: f1818 me to be visited by peaceful dreams.
Witness: f1823 me to be visited by peaceful dreams.
Witness: f1831 me to be visited by peaceful dreams.
Witness: fThomas me to be visited by peaceful dreams.

Reading Group: C22_app207_rg2

Witness: fMS of peaceful dreams for ever


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 The
Witness: f1823 The
Witness: f1831 The
Witness: fThomas The
Witness: fMS the


Reading Group: C22_app209_rg1

Witness: fMS hor ridble

Reading Group: C22_app209_rg2

Witness: f1818 horrible
Witness: f1823 horrible
Witness: f1831 horrible
Witness: fThomas horrible


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 scene of the
Witness: f1823 scene of the
Witness: f1831 scene of the
Witness: fThomas scene of the
Witness: fMS scene of the


Reading Group: C22_app211_rg1

Witness: f1818 preceding
Witness: f1823 preceding
Witness: f1831 preceding
Witness: fThomas preceding

Reading Group: C22_app211_rg2

Witness: fMS <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>preceeding


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 day
Witness: f1823 day
Witness: f1831 day
Witness: fThomas day
Witness: fMS day


Reading Group: C22_app213_rg1

Witness: fMS beforewaswas

Reading Group: C22_app213_rg2

Witness: f1818 was
Witness: f1823 was
Witness: f1831 was
Witness: fThomas was


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 for ever acting before my
Witness: f1823 for ever acting before my
Witness: f1831 for ever acting before my
Witness: fThomas for ever acting before my
Witness: fMS for ever acting before my


Reading Group: C22_app215_rg1

Witness: fMS eyes –

Reading Group: C22_app215_rg2

Witness: f1818 eyes;
Witness: f1823 eyes;
Witness: f1831 eyes;
Witness: fThomas eyes;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the females
Witness: f1823 the females
Witness: f1831 the females
Witness: fThomas the females
Witness: fMS The females


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 were
Witness: f1823 were
Witness: f1831 were
Witness: fThomas were
Witness: fMS were


Reading Group: C22_app218_rg1

Witness: fMS flying

Reading Group: C22_app218_rg2

Witness: f1818 flying,
Witness: f1823 flying,
Witness: f1831 flying,
Witness: fThomas flying,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and the
Witness: f1823 and the
Witness: f1831 and the
Witness: fThomas and the
Witness: fMS and the


Reading Group: C22_app220_rg1

Witness: f1818 enraged
Witness: f1823 enraged
Witness: f1831 enraged
Witness: fThomas enraged

Reading Group: C22_app220_rg2

Witness: fMS eraged


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Felix
Witness: f1823 Felix
Witness: f1831 Felix
Witness: fThomas Felix
Witness: fMS Felix


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 tearing me from his
Witness: f1823 tearing me from his
Witness: f1831 tearing me from his
Witness: fThomas tearing me from his
Witness: fMS tearing me from his


Reading Group: C22_app223_rg1

Witness: fMS fathers feet–

Reading Group: C22_app223_rg2

Witness: f1818 father’s feet.
Witness: f1823 father’s feet.
Witness: f1831 father’s feet.
Witness: fThomas father’s feet.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: fMS I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 awoke
Witness: f1823 awoke
Witness: f1831 awoke
Witness: fThomas awoke
Witness: fMS awoke


Reading Group: C22_app226_rg1

Witness: fMS exhausted, and

Reading Group: C22_app226_rg2

Witness: f1818 exhausted; and,
Witness: f1823 exhausted; and,
Witness: f1831 exhausted; and,
Witness: fThomas exhausted; and,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 finding that
Witness: f1823 finding that
Witness: f1831 finding that
Witness: fThomas finding that
Witness: fMS finding that


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 it was already
Witness: f1823 it was already
Witness: f1831 it was already
Witness: fThomas it was already
Witness: fMS it was already


Reading Group: C22_app229_rg1

Witness: fMS night

Reading Group: C22_app229_rg2

Witness: f1818 night,
Witness: f1823 night,
Witness: f1831 night,
Witness: fThomas night,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I crept
Witness: f1823 I crept
Witness: f1831 I crept
Witness: fThomas I crept
Witness: fMS I crept


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 forth
Witness: f1823 forth
Witness: f1831 forth
Witness: fThomas forth


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 from
Witness: f1823 from
Witness: f1831 from
Witness: fThomas from
Witness: fMS from


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my
Witness: f1823 my
Witness: f1831 my
Witness: fThomas my
Witness: fMS my


Reading Group: C22_app234_rg1

Witness: fMS hiding place

Reading Group: C22_app234_rg2

Witness: f1818 hiding-place,
Witness: f1823 hiding-place,
Witness: f1831 hiding-place,
Witness: fThomas hiding-place,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and went in search
Witness: f1823 and went in search
Witness: f1831 and went in search
Witness: fThomas and went in search
Witness: fMS & went in search


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of
Witness: f1823 of
Witness: f1831 of
Witness: fThomas of
Witness: fMS of


Reading Group: C22_app237_rg1

Witness: f1818 food.<p/><p/>“When
Witness: f1823 food.<p/><p/>“When
Witness: f1831 food.<p/><p/>“When
Witness: fThomas food.<p/><p/>“When

Reading Group: C22_app237_rg2

Witness: fMS food.Chapt. 8 When


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my hunger was
Witness: f1823 my hunger was
Witness: f1831 my hunger was
Witness: fThomas my hunger was
Witness: fMS my hunger was


Reading Group: C22_app239_rg1

Witness: fMS appeased

Reading Group: C22_app239_rg2

Witness: f1818 appeased,
Witness: f1823 appeased,
Witness: f1831 appeased,
Witness: fThomas appeased,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I directed
Witness: f1823 I directed
Witness: f1831 I directed
Witness: fThomas I directed
Witness: fMS I directed


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my steps towards the
Witness: f1823 my steps towards the
Witness: f1831 my steps towards the
Witness: fThomas my steps towards the
Witness: fMS my steps towards the


Reading Group: C22_app242_rg1

Witness: fMS well known

Reading Group: C22_app242_rg2

Witness: f1818 well-known
Witness: f1823 well-known
Witness: f1831 well-known
Witness: fThomas well-known


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 path
Witness: f1823 path
Witness: f1831 path
Witness: fThomas path
Witness: fMS path


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that conducted to the
Witness: f1823 that conducted to the
Witness: f1831 that conducted to the
Witness: fThomas that conducted to the
Witness: fMS that conducted to the


Reading Group: C22_app245_rg1

Witness: fMS cottage –

Reading Group: C22_app245_rg2

Witness: f1818 cottage.
Witness: f1823 cottage.
Witness: f1831 cottage.
Witness: fThomas cottage.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 All
Witness: f1823 All
Witness: f1831 All
Witness: fThomas All
Witness: fMS All


Reading Group: C22_app247_rg1

Witness: f1818 there
Witness: f1823 there
Witness: f1831 there
Witness: fThomas there

Reading Group: C22_app247_rg2

Witness: fMS there,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was at
Witness: f1823 was at
Witness: f1831 was at
Witness: fThomas was at
Witness: fMS was at


Reading Group: C22_app249_rg1

Witness: fMS peace – I

Reading Group: C22_app249_rg2

Witness: f1818 peace.
Witness: f1823 peace.
Witness: f1831 peace.
Witness: fThomas peace.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I crept into my
Witness: f1823 I crept into my
Witness: f1831 I crept into my
Witness: fThomas I crept into my
Witness: fMS I crept into my


Reading Group: C22_app251_rg1

Witness: fMS hovel

Reading Group: C22_app251_rg2

Witness: f1818 hovel,
Witness: f1823 hovel,
Witness: f1831 hovel,
Witness: fThomas hovel,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and remained in silent expectation of
Witness: f1823 and remained in silent expectation of
Witness: f1831 and remained in silent expectation of
Witness: fThomas and remained in silent expectation of
Witness: fMS and remained in silent expectation of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the accustomed hour when the family
Witness: f1823 the accustomed hour when the family
Witness: f1831 the accustomed hour when the family
Witness: fThomas the accustomed hour when the family
Witness: fMS the accustomed hour when the family


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 arose. That
Witness: f1823 arose. That
Witness: f1831 arose. That
Witness: fThomas arose. That
Witness: fMS arose. That


Reading Group: C22_app255_rg1

Witness: f1818 hour
Witness: f1823 hour
Witness: f1831 hour
Witness: fThomas hour

Reading Group: C22_app255_rg2

Witness: fMS hour<del rend="strikethrough" sID="c57-0054__main__d3e10701"/><del/>


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 past,
Witness: f1823 past,
Witness: f1831 past,
Witness: fThomas past,
Witness: fMS past,


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the sun mounted
Witness: f1823 the sun mounted
Witness: f1831 the sun mounted
Witness: fThomas the sun mounted
Witness: fMS the sun mounted


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 high in the
Witness: f1823 high in the
Witness: f1831 high in the
Witness: fThomas high in the
Witness: fMS high in the


Reading Group: C22_app260_rg1

Witness: fMS heavens

Reading Group: C22_app260_rg2

Witness: f1818 heavens,
Witness: f1823 heavens,
Witness: f1831 heavens,
Witness: fThomas heavens,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but the cottagers
Witness: f1823 but the cottagers
Witness: f1831 but the cottagers
Witness: fThomas but the cottagers
Witness: fMS but the cottagers


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 did not
Witness: f1823 did not
Witness: f1831 did not
Witness: fThomas did not
Witness: fMS did not


Reading Group: C22_app263_rg1

Witness: fMS appear –

Reading Group: C22_app263_rg2

Witness: f1818 appear.
Witness: f1823 appear.
Witness: f1831 appear.
Witness: fThomas appear.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I trembled violently,
Witness: f1823 I trembled violently,
Witness: f1831 I trembled violently,
Witness: fThomas I trembled violently,
Witness: fMS I trembled violently,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 apprehending some dreadful misfortune.
Witness: f1823 apprehending some dreadful misfortune.
Witness: f1831 apprehending some dreadful misfortune.
Witness: fThomas apprehending some dreadful misfortune.
Witness: fMS apprehending some dreadful misfortune.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 The inside of the cottage was
Witness: f1823 The inside of the cottage was
Witness: f1831 The inside of the cottage was
Witness: fThomas The inside of the cottage was
Witness: fMS The inside of the cottage was


Reading Group: C22_app267_rg1

Witness: fMS dar<mdel/>k&

Reading Group: C22_app267_rg2

Witness: f1818 dark, and
Witness: f1823 dark, and
Witness: f1831 dark, and
Witness: fThomas dark, and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: fMS I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 heard no
Witness: f1823 heard no
Witness: f1831 heard no
Witness: fThomas heard no
Witness: fMS heard no


Reading Group: C22_app270_rg1

Witness: fMS motion.

Reading Group: C22_app270_rg2

Witness: f1818 motion;
Witness: f1823 motion;
Witness: f1831 motion;
Witness: fThomas motion;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I cannot describe the
Witness: f1823 I cannot describe the
Witness: f1831 I cannot describe the
Witness: fThomas I cannot describe the
Witness: fMS I cannot describe the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 agony
Witness: f1823 agony
Witness: f1831 agony
Witness: fThomas agony
Witness: fMS agony


Reading Group: C22_app273_rg1

Witness: fMS I felt during

Reading Group: C22_app273_rg2

Witness: f1818 of
Witness: f1823 of
Witness: f1831 of
Witness: fThomas of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 this
Witness: f1823 this
Witness: f1831 this
Witness: fThomas this
Witness: fMS this


Reading Group: C22_app275_rg1

Witness: f1818 suspence.<p/><p/>“Presently
Witness: fThomas suspence.<p/><p/>“Presently

Reading Group: C22_app275_rg2

Witness: fMS suspense. Presently

Reading Group: C22_app275_rg3

Witness: f1823 suspense.<p/><p/>“Presently
Witness: f1831 suspense.<p/><p/>“Presently


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 two countrymen
Witness: f1823 two countrymen
Witness: f1831 two countrymen
Witness: fThomas two countrymen
Witness: fMS two countrymen


Reading Group: C22_app277_rg1

Witness: f1818 passed by; but,
Witness: f1823 passed by; but,
Witness: f1831 passed by; but,
Witness: fThomas passed by; but,

Reading Group: C22_app277_rg2

Witness: fMS past by but


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 pausing near the
Witness: f1823 pausing near the
Witness: f1831 pausing near the
Witness: fThomas pausing near the
Witness: fMS pausing near the


Reading Group: C22_app279_rg1

Witness: fMS cottage

Reading Group: C22_app279_rg2

Witness: f1818 cottage,
Witness: f1823 cottage,
Witness: f1831 cottage,
Witness: fThomas cottage,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 they
Witness: f1823 they
Witness: f1831 they
Witness: fThomas they
Witness: fMS they


Reading Group: C22_app281_rg1

Witness: f1818 entered
Witness: f1823 entered
Witness: f1831 entered
Witness: fThomas entered

Reading Group: C22_app281_rg2

Witness: fMS enterred


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 into
Witness: f1823 into
Witness: f1831 into
Witness: fThomas into
Witness: fMS into


Reading Group: C22_app283_rg1

Witness: fMS conversation

Reading Group: C22_app283_rg2

Witness: f1818 conversation,
Witness: f1823 conversation,
Witness: f1831 conversation,
Witness: fThomas conversation,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 using violent
Witness: f1823 using violent
Witness: f1831 using violent
Witness: fThomas using violent
Witness: fMS using violent


Reading Group: C22_app285_rg1

Witness: f1818 gesticulations; but
Witness: f1823 gesticulations; but
Witness: f1831 gesticulations; but
Witness: fThomas gesticulations; but

Reading Group: C22_app285_rg2

Witness: fMS gestures


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I did not understand what they
Witness: f1823 I did not understand what they
Witness: f1831 I did not understand what they
Witness: fThomas I did not understand what they
Witness: fMS I did not understand what they


Reading Group: C22_app287_rg1

Witness: fMS said for they their

Reading Group: C22_app287_rg2

Witness: f1818 said, as they spoke the
Witness: f1823 said, as they spoke the
Witness: f1831 said, as they spoke the
Witness: fThomas said, as they spoke the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 language
Witness: f1823 language
Witness: f1831 language
Witness: fThomas language
Witness: fMS language


Reading Group: C22_app289_rg1

Witness: fMS differred

Reading Group: C22_app289_rg2

Witness: f1818 of the country, which differed
Witness: f1823 of the country, which differed
Witness: f1831 of the country, which differed
Witness: fThomas of the country, which differed


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 from that
Witness: f1823 from that
Witness: f1831 from that
Witness: fThomas from that
Witness: fMS from that


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of my
Witness: f1823 of my
Witness: f1831 of my
Witness: fThomas of my
Witness: fMS of my


Reading Group: C22_app292_rg1

Witness: fMS frien protectors –

Reading Group: C22_app292_rg2

Witness: f1818 protectors.
Witness: f1823 protectors.
Witness: f1831 protectors.
Witness: fThomas protectors.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Soon after, however,
Witness: f1823 Soon after, however,
Witness: f1831 Soon after, however,
Witness: fThomas Soon after, however,
Witness: fMS Soon After, however,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Felix approached with another
Witness: f1823 Felix approached with another
Witness: f1831 Felix approached with another
Witness: fThomas Felix approached with another
Witness: fMS Felix approached with another


Reading Group: C22_app295_rg1

Witness: fMS man

Reading Group: C22_app295_rg2

Witness: f1818 man:
Witness: f1823 man:
Witness: f1831 man:
Witness: fThomas man:


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I was
Witness: f1823 I was
Witness: f1831 I was
Witness: fThomas I was
Witness: fMS I was


Reading Group: C22_app297_rg1

Witness: fMS surprised

Reading Group: C22_app297_rg2

Witness: f1818 surprised,
Witness: f1823 surprised,
Witness: f1831 surprised,
Witness: fThomas surprised,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 as I knew that
Witness: f1823 as I knew that
Witness: f1831 as I knew that
Witness: fThomas as I knew that
Witness: fMS as I knew that


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS H


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 he
Witness: f1823 he
Witness: f1831 he
Witness: fThomas he
Witness: fMS he


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 had not quitted the cottage that
Witness: f1823 had not quitted the cottage that
Witness: f1831 had not quitted the cottage that
Witness: fThomas had not quitted the cottage that
Witness: fMS had not quitted the cottage that


Reading Group: C22_app302_rg1

Witness: fMS morning

Reading Group: C22_app302_rg2

Witness: f1818 morning,
Witness: f1823 morning,
Witness: f1831 morning,
Witness: fThomas morning,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and waited anxiously to
Witness: f1823 and waited anxiously to
Witness: f1831 and waited anxiously to
Witness: fThomas and waited anxiously to
Witness: fMS and waited anxiously to


Reading Group: C22_app304_rg1

Witness: fMS discover by

Reading Group: C22_app304_rg2

Witness: f1818 discover, from
Witness: f1823 discover, from
Witness: f1831 discover, from
Witness: fThomas discover, from


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 his
Witness: f1823 his
Witness: f1831 his
Witness: fThomas his
Witness: fMS his


Reading Group: C22_app306_rg1

Witness: fMS discourse

Reading Group: C22_app306_rg2

Witness: f1818 discourse,
Witness: f1823 discourse,
Witness: f1831 discourse,
Witness: fThomas discourse,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the meaning of these
Witness: f1823 the meaning of these
Witness: f1831 the meaning of these
Witness: fThomas the meaning of these
Witness: fMS the meaning of these


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 unusual
Witness: f1823 unusual
Witness: f1831 unusual
Witness: fThomas unusual
Witness: fMS unusual


Reading Group: C22_app309_rg1

Witness: fMS appearances. "Do

Reading Group: C22_app309_rg2

Witness: f1818 appearances.<p/><p/>“‘Do
Witness: f1823 appearances.<p/><p/>“‘Do
Witness: f1831 appearances.<p/><p/>“‘Do
Witness: fThomas appearances.<p/><p/>“‘Do


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 you
Witness: f1823 you
Witness: f1831 you
Witness: fThomas you
Witness: fMS you


Reading Group: C22_app311_rg1

Witness: fMS consider, "said

Reading Group: C22_app311_rg2

Witness: f1818 consider,’ said
Witness: f1823 consider,’ said
Witness: f1831 consider,’ said
Witness: fThomas consider,’ said


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 his companion to
Witness: f1823 his companion to
Witness: f1831 his companion to
Witness: fThomas his companion to
Witness: fMS his companion to


Reading Group: C22_app313_rg1

Witness: fMS him — that

Reading Group: C22_app313_rg2

Witness: f1818 him, ‘that
Witness: f1823 him, ‘that
Witness: f1831 him, ‘that
Witness: fThomas him, ‘that


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 you
Witness: f1823 you
Witness: f1831 you
Witness: fThomas you
Witness: fMS you


Reading Group: C22_app315_rg1

Witness: fMS "will

Reading Group: C22_app315_rg2

Witness: f1818 will
Witness: f1823 will
Witness: f1831 will
Witness: fThomas will


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 be obliged to pay three
Witness: f1823 be obliged to pay three
Witness: f1831 be obliged to pay three
Witness: fThomas be obliged to pay three
Witness: fMS be obliged to pay three


Reading Group: C22_app317_rg1

Witness: fMS months rent "&

Reading Group: C22_app317_rg2

Witness: f1818 months’ rent, and
Witness: f1823 months’ rent, and
Witness: f1831 months’ rent, and
Witness: fThomas months’ rent, and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to lose the produce of your
Witness: f1823 to lose the produce of your
Witness: f1831 to lose the produce of your
Witness: fThomas to lose the produce of your
Witness: fMS to lose the produce of your


Reading Group: C22_app319_rg1

Witness: fMS garden. "Cons

Reading Group: C22_app319_rg2

Witness: f1818 garden?
Witness: f1823 garden?
Witness: f1831 garden?
Witness: fThomas garden?


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I do not
Witness: f1823 I do not
Witness: f1831 I do not
Witness: fThomas I do not
Witness: fMS I do not


Reading Group: C22_app321_rg1

Witness: f1818 wish
Witness: f1823 wish
Witness: f1831 wish
Witness: fThomas wish

Reading Group: C22_app321_rg2

Witness: fMS with


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to take any unfair
Witness: f1823 to take any unfair
Witness: f1831 to take any unfair
Witness: fThomas to take any unfair
Witness: fMS to take any unfair


Reading Group: C22_app323_rg1

Witness: fMS advantage

Reading Group: C22_app323_rg2

Witness: f1818 advantage,
Witness: f1823 advantage,
Witness: f1831 advantage,
Witness: fThomas advantage,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and I beg therefore that you will
Witness: f1823 and I beg therefore that you will
Witness: f1831 and I beg therefore that you will
Witness: fThomas and I beg therefore that you will
Witness: fMS and I beg therefore that you will


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 take some days to
Witness: f1823 take some days to
Witness: f1831 take some days to
Witness: fThomas take some days to
Witness: fMS take some days to


Reading Group: C22_app326_rg1

Witness: fMS consult<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>consider ofabout this affair with

Reading Group: C22_app326_rg2

Witness: f1818 consider of
Witness: f1823 consider of
Witness: f1831 consider of
Witness: fThomas consider of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 your
Witness: f1823 your
Witness: f1831 your
Witness: fThomas your
Witness: fMS your


Reading Group: C22_app328_rg1

Witness: fMS friends. determination. It

Reading Group: C22_app328_rg2

Witness: f1818 determination.’<p/><p/>“‘It
Witness: f1823 determination.’<p/><p/>“‘It
Witness: f1831 determination.’<p/><p/>“‘It
Witness: fThomas determination.’<p/><p/>“‘It


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 is utterly
Witness: f1823 is utterly
Witness: f1831 is utterly
Witness: fThomas is utterly
Witness: fMS is utterly


Reading Group: C22_app330_rg1

Witness: f1818 useless,’
Witness: f1823 useless,’
Witness: f1831 useless,’
Witness: fThomas useless,’

Reading Group: C22_app330_rg2

Witness: fMS useless–


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 replied
Witness: f1823 replied
Witness: f1831 replied
Witness: fThomas replied
Witness: fMS replied


Reading Group: C22_app332_rg1

Witness: f1818 Felix,
Witness: f1823 Felix,
Witness: fThomas Felix,
Witness: fMS Felix,

Reading Group: C22_app332_rg2

Witness: f1831 Felix;


Reading Group: C22_app333_rg1

Witness: fMS we

Reading Group: C22_app333_rg2

Witness: f1818 ‘we
Witness: f1823 ‘we
Witness: f1831 ‘we
Witness: fThomas ‘we


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 can never again inhabit
Witness: f1823 can never again inhabit
Witness: f1831 can never again inhabit
Witness: fThomas can never again inhabit
Witness: fMS scan never <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>again inhabit


Reading Group: C22_app335_rg1

Witness: fMS that cottage again –The

Reading Group: C22_app335_rg2

Witness: f1818 your cottage. The
Witness: f1823 your cottage. The
Witness: f1831 your cottage. The
Witness: fThomas your cottage. The


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 life of my father is in the greatest
Witness: f1823 life of my father is in the greatest
Witness: f1831 life of my father is in the greatest
Witness: fThomas life of my father is in the greatest
Witness: fMS life of <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>my father is in the greatest


Reading Group: C22_app337_rg1

Witness: fMS danger

Reading Group: C22_app337_rg2

Witness: f1818 danger,
Witness: f1823 danger,
Witness: f1831 danger,
Witness: fThomas danger,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 owing to the dreadful
Witness: f1823 owing to the dreadful
Witness: f1831 owing to the dreadful
Witness: fThomas owing to the dreadful
Witness: fMS owing to the dreadful


Reading Group: C22_app339_rg1

Witness: fMS circumstanc

Reading Group: C22_app339_rg2

Witness: f1818 circumstance
Witness: f1823 circumstance
Witness: f1831 circumstance
Witness: fThomas circumstance


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that I have
Witness: f1823 that I have
Witness: f1831 that I have
Witness: fThomas that I have
Witness: fMS that I have


Reading Group: C22_app341_rg1

Witness: f1818 related.
Witness: f1823 related.
Witness: f1831 related.
Witness: fThomas related.

Reading Group: C22_app341_rg2

Witness: fMS related—


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 My wife and
Witness: f1823 My wife and
Witness: f1831 My wife and
Witness: fThomas My wife and
Witness: fMS My wife and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my
Witness: f1823 my
Witness: f1831 my
Witness: fThomas my


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 sister
Witness: f1823 sister
Witness: f1831 sister
Witness: fThomas sister
Witness: fMS sister


Reading Group: C22_app345_rg1

Witness: fMS can<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>will

Reading Group: C22_app345_rg2

Witness: f1818 will
Witness: f1823 will
Witness: f1831 will
Witness: fThomas will


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 never recover their
Witness: f1823 never recover their
Witness: f1831 never recover their
Witness: fThomas never recover their
Witness: fMS never recover their


Reading Group: C22_app347_rg1

Witness: f1818 horror.
Witness: f1823 horror.
Witness: f1831 horror.
Witness: fThomas horror.

Reading Group: C22_app347_rg2

Witness: fMS horror— Do


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: fMS I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 entreat you not to reason with me
Witness: f1823 entreat you not to reason with me
Witness: f1831 entreat you not to reason with me
Witness: fThomas entreat you not to reason with me
Witness: fMS entreat you not to reason with me


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 any
Witness: f1823 any
Witness: f1831 any
Witness: fThomas any
Witness: fMS any


Reading Group: C22_app351_rg1

Witness: f1818 more.
Witness: f1823 more.
Witness: f1831 more.
Witness: fThomas more.

Reading Group: C22_app351_rg2

Witness: fMS more—let


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Take possession of your
Witness: f1823 Take possession of your
Witness: f1831 Take possession of your
Witness: fThomas Take possession of your
Witness: fMS Take possession <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>of your


Reading Group: C22_app353_rg1

Witness: fMS tenement

Reading Group: C22_app353_rg2

Witness: f1818 tenement,
Witness: f1823 tenement,
Witness: f1831 tenement,
Witness: fThomas tenement,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and let me
Witness: f1823 and let me
Witness: f1831 and let me
Witness: fThomas and let me
Witness: fMS and let me


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 fly from this
Witness: f1823 fly from this
Witness: f1831 fly from this
Witness: fThomas fly from this
Witness: fMS fly from this


Reading Group: C22_app356_rg1

Witness: fMS place – veryWe intend very soon to quit entirely the country. Felix

Reading Group: C22_app356_rg2

Witness: f1818 place.’<p/><p/>“Felix
Witness: f1823 place.’<p/><p/>“Felix
Witness: f1831 place.’<p/><p/>“Felix
Witness: fThomas place.’<p/><p/>“Felix


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 trembled violently as he said
Witness: f1823 trembled violently as he said
Witness: f1831 trembled violently as he said
Witness: fThomas trembled violently as he said
Witness: fMS trembled violently as he said


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 this. He and his companion entered the
Witness: f1823 this. He and his companion entered the
Witness: f1831 this. He and his companion entered the
Witness: fThomas this. He and his companion entered the
Witness: fMS this. He and his companion entered the


Reading Group: C22_app359_rg1

Witness: fMS cottage w

Reading Group: C22_app359_rg2

Witness: f1818 cottage,
Witness: f1823 cottage,
Witness: f1831 cottage,
Witness: fThomas cottage,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in which they remained for a
Witness: f1823 in which they remained for a
Witness: f1831 in which they remained for a
Witness: fThomas in which they remained for a
Witness: fMS in which they remained for a


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 few
Witness: f1823 few
Witness: f1831 few
Witness: fThomas few
Witness: fMS few


Reading Group: C22_app362_rg1

Witness: fMS minutes

Reading Group: C22_app362_rg2

Witness: f1818 minutes,
Witness: f1823 minutes,
Witness: f1831 minutes,
Witness: fThomas minutes,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and then departed. I never
Witness: f1823 and then departed. I never
Witness: f1831 and then departed. I never
Witness: fThomas and then departed. I never
Witness: fMS & then departed. I never


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS again


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 saw any of the family of De
Witness: f1823 saw any of the family of De
Witness: f1831 saw any of the family of De
Witness: fThomas saw any of the family of De
Witness: fMS saw any of the family of de


Reading Group: C22_app366_rg1

Witness: f1818 Lacey more.<p/><p/>“I continued
Witness: f1823 Lacey more.<p/><p/>“I continued
Witness: f1831 Lacey more.<p/><p/>“I continued
Witness: fThomas Lacey more.<p/><p/>“I continued

Reading Group: C22_app366_rg2

Witness: fMS Lacey.They had qumore.And now my hopes were entirely fled –were I had been fool enough to hope but these> I remainedcontinuedall night<mdel/> in my hovel<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 for the remainder of the day
Witness: f1823 for the remainder of the day
Witness: f1831 for the remainder of the day
Witness: fThomas for the remainder of the day
Witness: fMS for the remainder of the day


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in my hovel
Witness: f1823 in my hovel
Witness: f1831 in my hovel
Witness: fThomas in my hovel


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in a state of utter and stupid
Witness: f1823 in a state of utter and stupid
Witness: f1831 in a state of utter and stupid
Witness: fThomas in a state of utter and stupid
Witness: fMS in a state of utter & stupid


Reading Group: C22_app370_rg1

Witness: f1818 despair.
Witness: f1823 despair.
Witness: f1831 despair.
Witness: fThomas despair.

Reading Group: C22_app370_rg2

Witness: fMS despair–


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 My protectors had
Witness: f1823 My protectors had
Witness: f1831 My protectors had
Witness: fThomas My protectors had
Witness: fMS my protectors had


Reading Group: C22_app372_rg1

Witness: fMS departed

Reading Group: C22_app372_rg2

Witness: f1818 departed,
Witness: f1823 departed,
Witness: f1831 departed,
Witness: fThomas departed,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and had
Witness: f1823 and had
Witness: f1831 and had
Witness: fThomas and had
Witness: fMS and had


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 broken the only link that held me
Witness: f1823 broken the only link that held me
Witness: f1831 broken the only link that held me
Witness: fThomas broken the only link that held me
Witness: fMS broken the only link that held me


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to the
Witness: f1823 to the
Witness: f1831 to the
Witness: fThomas to the
Witness: fMS to the


Reading Group: C22_app376_rg1

Witness: f1818 world.
Witness: f1823 world.
Witness: f1831 world.
Witness: fThomas world.

Reading Group: C22_app376_rg2

Witness: fMS world–


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 For the first time the
Witness: f1823 For the first time the
Witness: f1831 For the first time the
Witness: fThomas For the first time the
Witness: fMS for the first time the


Reading Group: C22_app378_rg1

Witness: fMS feeling

Reading Group: C22_app378_rg2

Witness: f1818 feelings
Witness: f1823 feelings
Witness: f1831 feelings
Witness: fThomas feelings


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of revenge and hatred filled
Witness: f1823 of revenge and hatred filled
Witness: f1831 of revenge and hatred filled
Witness: fThomas of revenge and hatred filled
Witness: fMS of revenge and hatred filled


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my bosom, and I did not strive to
Witness: f1823 my bosom, and I did not strive to
Witness: f1831 my bosom, and I did not strive to
Witness: fThomas my bosom, and I did not strive to
Witness: fMS my bosom, and I did not strive to


Reading Group: C22_app381_rg1

Witness: fMS

Reading Group: C22_app381_rg2

Witness: f1823 control
Witness: f1831 control


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 controul
Witness: fThomas controul
Witness: fMS controul


Reading Group: C22_app383_rg1

Witness: fMS them — but

Reading Group: C22_app383_rg2

Witness: f1818 them; but,
Witness: f1823 them; but,
Witness: f1831 them; but,
Witness: fThomas them; but,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 allowing myself
Witness: f1823 allowing myself
Witness: f1831 allowing myself
Witness: fThomas allowing myself
Witness: fMS allowing myself


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to be borne away by the
Witness: f1823 to be borne away by the
Witness: f1831 to be borne away by the
Witness: fThomas to be borne away by the
Witness: fMS to be borne away by the


Reading Group: C22_app386_rg1

Witness: fMS stream

Reading Group: C22_app386_rg2

Witness: f1818 stream,
Witness: f1823 stream,
Witness: f1831 stream,
Witness: fThomas stream,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: fMS I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 bent my
Witness: f1823 bent my
Witness: f1831 bent my
Witness: fThomas bent my
Witness: fMS bent my


Reading Group: C22_app389_rg1

Witness: f1818 mind
Witness: f1823 mind
Witness: f1831 mind
Witness: fThomas mind

Reading Group: C22_app389_rg2

Witness: fMS minds


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 towards
Witness: f1823 towards
Witness: f1831 towards
Witness: fThomas towards
Witness: fMS towards


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 injury and
Witness: f1823 injury and
Witness: f1831 injury and
Witness: fThomas injury and
Witness: fMS injury &


Reading Group: C22_app393_rg1

Witness: f1818 death.
Witness: f1823 death.
Witness: f1831 death.
Witness: fThomas death.

Reading Group: C22_app393_rg2

Witness: fMS death– But


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 When I thought of my
Witness: f1823 When I thought of my
Witness: f1831 When I thought of my
Witness: fThomas When I thought of my
Witness: fMS when I thought of my


Reading Group: C22_app395_rg1

Witness: f1818 friends,
Witness: f1823 friends,
Witness: f1831 friends,
Witness: fThomas friends,

Reading Group: C22_app395_rg2

Witness: fMS friends–


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of
Witness: f1823 of
Witness: f1831 of
Witness: fThomas of
Witness: fMS of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the mild voice of De
Witness: f1823 the mild voice of De
Witness: f1831 the mild voice of De
Witness: fThomas the mild voice of De
Witness: fMS the mild voice of De


Reading Group: C22_app398_rg1

Witness: fMS Lacey

Reading Group: C22_app398_rg2

Witness: f1818 Lacey,
Witness: f1823 Lacey,
Witness: f1831 Lacey,
Witness: fThomas Lacey,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the gentle
Witness: f1823 the gentle
Witness: f1831 the gentle
Witness: fThomas the gentle
Witness: fMS the gentle


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 eyes of
Witness: f1823 eyes of
Witness: f1831 eyes of
Witness: fThomas eyes of
Witness: fMS eyes of


Reading Group: C22_app401_rg1

Witness: fMS Agatha –

Reading Group: C22_app401_rg2

Witness: f1818 Agatha,
Witness: f1823 Agatha,
Witness: f1831 Agatha,
Witness: fThomas Agatha,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and the
Witness: f1823 and the
Witness: f1831 and the
Witness: fThomas and the
Witness: fMS and the


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS warmhe


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 exquisite beauty of the
Witness: f1823 exquisite beauty of the
Witness: f1831 exquisite beauty of the
Witness: fThomas exquisite beauty of the
Witness: fMS exquisite beauty of the


Reading Group: C22_app405_rg1

Witness: fMS Arabian —

Reading Group: C22_app405_rg2

Witness: f1818 Arabian,
Witness: f1823 Arabian,
Witness: f1831 Arabian,
Witness: fThomas Arabian,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 these thoughts
Witness: f1823 these thoughts
Witness: f1831 these thoughts
Witness: fThomas these thoughts
Witness: fMS these thoughts


Reading Group: C22_app407_rg1

Witness: fMS vanished&

Reading Group: C22_app407_rg2

Witness: f1818 vanished, and
Witness: f1823 vanished, and
Witness: f1831 vanished, and
Witness: fThomas vanished, and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a gush of tears somewhat soothed
Witness: f1823 a gush of tears somewhat soothed
Witness: f1831 a gush of tears somewhat soothed
Witness: fThomas a gush of tears somewhat soothed
Witness: fMS a gush of tears somewhat soothed


Reading Group: C22_app409_rg1

Witness: fMS me—But again

Reading Group: C22_app409_rg2

Witness: f1818 me. But again,
Witness: f1823 me. But again,
Witness: f1831 me. But again,
Witness: fThomas me. But again,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 when I reflected that they had
Witness: f1823 when I reflected that they had
Witness: f1831 when I reflected that they had
Witness: fThomas when I reflected that they had
Witness: fMS <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>when I reflected that they had


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 spurned and deserted me, anger
Witness: f1823 spurned and deserted me, anger
Witness: f1831 spurned and deserted me, anger
Witness: fThomas spurned and deserted me, anger
Witness: fMS spurned & deserted me, anger


Reading Group: C22_app412_rg1

Witness: fMS returned and

Reading Group: C22_app412_rg2

Witness: f1818 returned, a rage of anger; and,
Witness: f1823 returned, a rage of anger; and,
Witness: f1831 returned, a rage of anger; and,
Witness: fThomas returned, a rage of anger; and,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 unable to
Witness: f1823 unable to
Witness: f1831 unable to
Witness: fThomas unable to
Witness: fMS unable to


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS hurt


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 injure
Witness: f1823 injure
Witness: f1831 injure
Witness: fThomas injure
Witness: fMS injure


Reading Group: C22_app416_rg1

Witness: f1818 any thing human,
Witness: f1823 any thing human,
Witness: f1831 any thing human,
Witness: fThomas any thing human,

Reading Group: C22_app416_rg2

Witness: fMS anything human


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I turned my fury towards
Witness: f1823 I turned my fury towards
Witness: f1831 I turned my fury towards
Witness: fThomas I turned my fury towards
Witness: fMS I turned my fury towards


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 inanimate
Witness: f1823 inanimate
Witness: f1831 inanimate
Witness: fThomas inanimate
Witness: fMS inanimate


Reading Group: C22_app419_rg1

Witness: f1818 objects.
Witness: f1823 objects.
Witness: f1831 objects.
Witness: fThomas objects.

Reading Group: C22_app419_rg2

Witness: fMS objects.–


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 As night
Witness: f1823 As night
Witness: f1831 As night
Witness: fThomas As night
Witness: fMS As night


Reading Group: C22_app421_rg1

Witness: fMS advanced

Reading Group: C22_app421_rg2

Witness: f1818 advanced,
Witness: f1823 advanced,
Witness: f1831 advanced,
Witness: fThomas advanced,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I placed a variety of combustibles around
Witness: f1823 I placed a variety of combustibles around
Witness: f1831 I placed a variety of combustibles around
Witness: fThomas I placed a variety of combustibles around
Witness: fMS I placed a variety of combustibles around


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: fMS the


Reading Group: C22_app424_rg1

Witness: fMS cottage, and

Reading Group: C22_app424_rg2

Witness: f1818 cottage; and,
Witness: f1823 cottage; and,
Witness: f1831 cottage; and,
Witness: fThomas cottage; and,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 after having destroyed
Witness: f1823 after having destroyed
Witness: f1831 after having destroyed
Witness: fThomas after having destroyed
Witness: fMS after having destroyed


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 every vestige of cultivation in the
Witness: f1823 every vestige of cultivation in the
Witness: f1831 every vestige of cultivation in the
Witness: fThomas every vestige of cultivation in the
Witness: fMS every vestige of cultivation in the


Reading Group: C22_app427_rg1

Witness: fMS garden — whenthe sun hthe moon had

Reading Group: C22_app427_rg2

Witness: f1818 garden,
Witness: f1823 garden,
Witness: f1831 garden,
Witness: fThomas garden,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I waited with forced
Witness: f1823 I waited with forced
Witness: f1831 I waited with forced
Witness: fThomas I waited with forced
Witness: fMS I waited with forced


Reading Group: C22_app429_rg1

Witness: f1818 impatience until
Witness: f1823 impatience until
Witness: f1831 impatience until
Witness: fThomas impatience until

Reading Group: C22_app429_rg2

Witness: fMS patience untill


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the moon had sunk
Witness: f1823 the moon had sunk
Witness: f1831 the moon had sunk
Witness: fThomas the moon had sunk
Witness: fMS the moon had sunk


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to commence my
Witness: f1823 to commence my
Witness: f1831 to commence my
Witness: fThomas to commence my
Witness: fMS to commence my


Reading Group: C22_app433_rg1

Witness: fMS operations. As

Reading Group: C22_app433_rg2

Witness: f1818 operations.<p/><p/>“As
Witness: f1823 operations.<p/><p/>“As
Witness: f1831 operations.<p/><p/>“As
Witness: fThomas operations.<p/><p/>“As


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the night
Witness: f1823 the night
Witness: f1831 the night
Witness: fThomas the night
Witness: fMS the night


Reading Group: C22_app435_rg1

Witness: fMS advanced

Reading Group: C22_app435_rg2

Witness: f1818 advanced,
Witness: f1823 advanced,
Witness: f1831 advanced,
Witness: fThomas advanced,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a fierce wind
Witness: f1823 a fierce wind
Witness: f1831 a fierce wind
Witness: fThomas a fierce wind
Witness: fMS a fierce wind


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 arose from the
Witness: f1823 arose from the
Witness: f1831 arose from the
Witness: fThomas arose from the
Witness: fMS arose from the


Reading Group: C22_app438_rg1

Witness: fMS woods

Reading Group: C22_app438_rg2

Witness: f1818 woods,
Witness: f1823 woods,
Witness: f1831 woods,
Witness: fThomas woods,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and quickly
Witness: f1823 and quickly
Witness: f1831 and quickly
Witness: fThomas and quickly
Witness: fMS and quickly


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS covered the heavens wit


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 dispersed
Witness: f1823 dispersed
Witness: f1831 dispersed
Witness: fThomas dispersed
Witness: fMS dispersed


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the clouds that had loitered in the
Witness: f1823 the clouds that had loitered in the
Witness: f1831 the clouds that had loitered in the
Witness: fThomas the clouds that had loitered in the
Witness: fMS the clouds that had loitered in the


Reading Group: C22_app443_rg1

Witness: fMS heavens— <shi rend="underline">Like a mighty avelanche</shi>the

Reading Group: C22_app443_rg2

Witness: f1818 heavens: the
Witness: f1823 heavens: the
Witness: f1831 heavens: the
Witness: fThomas heavens: the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 blast
Witness: f1823 blast
Witness: f1831 blast
Witness: fThomas blast
Witness: fMS blast


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS it


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 tore
Witness: f1823 tore
Witness: f1831 tore
Witness: fThomas tore
Witness: fMS tore


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 along like
Witness: f1823 along like
Witness: f1831 along like
Witness: fThomas along like


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a
Witness: f1823 a
Witness: f1831 a
Witness: fThomas a
Witness: fMS a


Reading Group: C22_app449_rg1

Witness: fMS long <metamark corresp="#c57-0056.03" function="displacement">/</metamark>

Reading Group: C22_app449_rg2

Witness: f1818 mighty
Witness: f1823 mighty
Witness: f1831 mighty
Witness: fThomas mighty


Reading Group: C22_app450_rg1

Witness: f1831 avalanche,

Reading Group: C22_app450_rg2

Witness: f1818 avelanche,
Witness: fThomas avelanche,

Reading Group: C22_app450_rg3

Witness: f1823 avelânche,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: fMS and


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS filled with


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 produced
Witness: f1823 produced
Witness: f1831 produced
Witness: fThomas produced
Witness: fMS produced


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS <shi rend="underline">in my spirits</shi>


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a kind
Witness: f1823 a kind
Witness: f1831 a kind
Witness: fThomas a kind
Witness: fMS a kind


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of insanity
Witness: f1823 of insanity
Witness: f1831 of insanity
Witness: fThomas of insanity
Witness: fMS of insanity


Reading Group: C22_app457_rg1

Witness: fMS <metamark corresp="#c57-0056.04" function="displacement">/</metamark>

Reading Group: C22_app457_rg2

Witness: f1818 in my spirits,
Witness: f1823 in my spirits,
Witness: f1831 in my spirits,
Witness: fThomas in my spirits,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that burst all bounds
Witness: f1823 that burst all bounds
Witness: f1831 that burst all bounds
Witness: fThomas that burst all bounds
Witness: fMS that burst all bounds


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of reason
Witness: f1823 of reason
Witness: f1831 of reason
Witness: fThomas of reason
Witness: fMS of reason


Reading Group: C22_app460_rg1

Witness: f1818 and reflection.
Witness: f1823 and reflection.
Witness: f1831 and reflection.
Witness: fThomas and reflection.

Reading Group: C22_app460_rg2

Witness: fMS or reflection —


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I lighted
Witness: f1823 I lighted
Witness: f1831 I lighted
Witness: fThomas I lighted
Witness: fMS I lighted


Reading Group: C22_app462_rg1

Witness: fMS a

Reading Group: C22_app462_rg2

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fThomas the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 dry branch of
Witness: f1823 dry branch of
Witness: f1831 dry branch of
Witness: fThomas dry branch of
Witness: fMS dry branch of


Reading Group: C22_app464_rg1

Witness: f1818 a tree,
Witness: f1823 a tree,
Witness: f1831 a tree,
Witness: fThomas a tree,

Reading Group: C22_app464_rg2

Witness: fMS tree


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and danced
Witness: f1823 and danced
Witness: f1831 and danced
Witness: fThomas and danced
Witness: fMS and danced


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 with
Witness: f1823 with
Witness: f1831 with
Witness: fThomas with
Witness: fMS with


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS wild


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 fury around the devoted
Witness: f1823 fury around the devoted
Witness: f1831 fury around the devoted
Witness: fThomas fury around the devoted
Witness: fMS fury around the devoted


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 cottage, my eyes still fixed on the
Witness: f1823 cottage, my eyes still fixed on the
Witness: f1831 cottage, my eyes still fixed on the
Witness: fThomas cottage, my eyes still fixed on the
Witness: fMS cottage, my eyes still fixed on the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 western horizon,
Witness: f1823 western horizon,
Witness: f1831 western horizon,
Witness: fThomas western horizon,
Witness: fMS western horizon,


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS towards


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the edge
Witness: f1823 the edge
Witness: f1831 the edge
Witness: fThomas the edge
Witness: fMS the edge


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of which the moon nearly touched.
Witness: f1823 of which the moon nearly touched.
Witness: f1831 of which the moon nearly touched.
Witness: fThomas of which the moon nearly touched.
Witness: fMS of which the moon nearly touched.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 A
Witness: f1823 A
Witness: f1831 A
Witness: fThomas A


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 part of
Witness: f1823 part of
Witness: f1831 part of
Witness: fThomas part of
Witness: fMS part of


Reading Group: C22_app476_rg1

Witness: fMS it

Reading Group: C22_app476_rg2

Witness: f1818 its
Witness: f1823 its
Witness: f1831 its
Witness: fThomas its


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 orb was
Witness: f1823 orb was
Witness: f1831 orb was
Witness: fThomas orb was
Witness: fMS orb was


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS h


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 at length
Witness: f1823 at length
Witness: f1831 at length
Witness: fThomas at length
Witness: fMS at length


Reading Group: C22_app480_rg1

Witness: fMS hid

Reading Group: C22_app480_rg2

Witness: f1818 hid,
Witness: f1823 hid,
Witness: f1831 hid,
Witness: fThomas hid,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and I waved my
Witness: f1823 and I waved my
Witness: f1831 and I waved my
Witness: fThomas and I waved my
Witness: fMS and I waved my


Reading Group: C22_app482_rg1

Witness: fMS brand —

Reading Group: C22_app482_rg2

Witness: f1818 brand;
Witness: f1823 brand;
Witness: f1831 brand;
Witness: fThomas brand;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 it
Witness: f1823 it
Witness: f1831 it
Witness: fThomas it
Witness: fMS it


Reading Group: C22_app484_rg1

Witness: fMS sunk and

Reading Group: C22_app484_rg2

Witness: f1818 sunk, and,
Witness: f1823 sunk, and,
Witness: f1831 sunk, and,
Witness: fThomas sunk, and,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 with a loud
Witness: f1823 with a loud
Witness: f1831 with a loud
Witness: fThomas with a loud
Witness: fMS with a loud


Reading Group: C22_app486_rg1

Witness: fMS scream

Reading Group: C22_app486_rg2

Witness: f1818 scream,
Witness: f1823 scream,
Witness: f1831 scream,
Witness: fThomas scream,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: fMS I


Reading Group: C22_app488_rg1

Witness: fMS fird

Reading Group: C22_app488_rg2

Witness: f1818 fired
Witness: f1823 fired
Witness: f1831 fired
Witness: fThomas fired


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: fMS the


Reading Group: C22_app490_rg1

Witness: fMS straw

Reading Group: C22_app490_rg2

Witness: f1818 straw,
Witness: f1823 straw,
Witness: f1831 straw,
Witness: fThomas straw,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: fMS and


Reading Group: C22_app492_rg1

Witness: fMS hay of my bon that

Reading Group: C22_app492_rg2

Witness: f1818 heath, and bushes, which
Witness: f1823 heath, and bushes, which
Witness: f1831 heath, and bushes, which
Witness: fThomas heath, and bushes, which


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I had collected. The wind
Witness: f1823 I had collected. The wind
Witness: f1831 I had collected. The wind
Witness: fThomas I had collected. The wind
Witness: fMS I had collected. The wind


Reading Group: C22_app494_rg1

Witness: fMS blewfanned

Reading Group: C22_app494_rg2

Witness: f1818 fanned
Witness: f1823 fanned
Witness: f1831 fanned
Witness: fThomas fanned


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: fMS the


Reading Group: C22_app496_rg1

Witness: fMS flamefire

Reading Group: C22_app496_rg2

Witness: f1818 fire,
Witness: f1823 fire,
Witness: f1831 fire,
Witness: fThomas fire,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and the cottage was quickly enveloped
Witness: f1823 and the cottage was quickly enveloped
Witness: f1831 and the cottage was quickly enveloped
Witness: fThomas and the cottage was quickly enveloped
Witness: fMS and the cottage was quickly enveloped


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 by the
Witness: f1823 by the
Witness: f1831 by the
Witness: fThomas by the
Witness: fMS by the


Reading Group: C22_app499_rg1

Witness: fMS flames

Reading Group: C22_app499_rg2

Witness: f1818 flames,
Witness: f1823 flames,
Witness: f1831 flames,
Witness: fThomas flames,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 which
Witness: f1823 which
Witness: f1831 which
Witness: fThomas which
Witness: fMS which


Reading Group: C22_app501_rg1

Witness: fMS clun<mdel/>g

Reading Group: C22_app501_rg2

Witness: f1818 clung
Witness: f1823 clung
Witness: f1831 clung
Witness: fThomas clung


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to
Witness: f1823 to
Witness: f1831 to
Witness: fThomas to
Witness: fMS to


Reading Group: C22_app503_rg1

Witness: fMS it

Reading Group: C22_app503_rg2

Witness: f1818 it,
Witness: f1823 it,
Witness: f1831 it,
Witness: fThomas it,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: fMS and


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS liked


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 licked it with
Witness: f1823 licked it with
Witness: f1831 licked it with
Witness: fThomas licked it with
Witness: fMS licked it with


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS thwith


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 their forked
Witness: f1823 their forked
Witness: f1831 their forked
Witness: fThomas their forked
Witness: fMS their forked


Reading Group: C22_app509_rg1

Witness: fMS ton&

Reading Group: C22_app509_rg2

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fThomas and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 destroying
Witness: f1823 destroying
Witness: f1831 destroying
Witness: fThomas destroying
Witness: fMS destroying


Reading Group: C22_app511_rg1

Witness: fMS tongues, to destroy it—. As

Reading Group: C22_app511_rg2

Witness: f1818 tongues.<p/><p/>“As
Witness: f1823 tongues.<p/><p/>“As
Witness: f1831 tongues.<p/><p/>“As
Witness: fThomas tongues.<p/><p/>“As


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 soon as I was convinced that
Witness: f1823 soon as I was convinced that
Witness: f1831 soon as I was convinced that
Witness: fThomas soon as I was convinced that
Witness: fMS soon as I was convinced that


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 no
Witness: f1823 no
Witness: f1831 no
Witness: fThomas no
Witness: fMS no


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS hu


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 assistance could save any
Witness: f1823 assistance could save any
Witness: f1831 assistance could save any
Witness: fThomas assistance could save any
Witness: fMS assistance could save any


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 part of the
Witness: f1823 part of the
Witness: f1831 part of the
Witness: fThomas part of the
Witness: fMS part of the


Reading Group: C22_app517_rg1

Witness: fMS habitation

Reading Group: C22_app517_rg2

Witness: f1818 habitation,
Witness: f1823 habitation,
Witness: f1831 habitation,
Witness: fThomas habitation,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I quitted
Witness: f1823 I quitted
Witness: f1831 I quitted
Witness: fThomas I quitted
Witness: fMS I quitted


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: fMS the


Reading Group: C22_app520_rg1

Witness: fMS scene

Reading Group: C22_app520_rg2

Witness: f1818 scene,
Witness: f1823 scene,
Witness: f1831 scene,
Witness: fThomas scene,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and sought for refuge
Witness: f1823 and sought for refuge
Witness: f1831 and sought for refuge
Witness: fThomas and sought for refuge
Witness: fMS and sought for refuge


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in the
Witness: f1823 in the
Witness: f1831 in the
Witness: fThomas in the
Witness: fMS in the


Reading Group: C22_app523_rg1

Witness: fMS wood. And now it

Reading Group: C22_app523_rg2

Witness: f1818 woods.<p/><p/>“And now,
Witness: f1823 woods.<p/><p/>“And now,
Witness: f1831 woods.<p/><p/>“And now,
Witness: fThomas woods.<p/><p/>“And now,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 with the world before
Witness: f1823 with the world before
Witness: f1831 with the world before
Witness: fThomas with the world before
Witness: fMS with the world before


Reading Group: C22_app525_rg1

Witness: fMS me

Reading Group: C22_app525_rg2

Witness: f1818 me,
Witness: f1823 me,
Witness: f1831 me,
Witness: fThomas me,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 whither should I bend my steps?
Witness: f1823 whither should I bend my steps?
Witness: f1831 whither should I bend my steps?
Witness: fThomas whither should I bend my steps?
Witness: fMS w<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>hither should I bend my steps?


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I resolved to fly far from the scene
Witness: f1823 I resolved to fly far from the scene
Witness: f1831 I resolved to fly far from the scene
Witness: fThomas I resolved to fly far from the scene
Witness: fMS I resolved to fly far from the scene


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of my
Witness: f1823 of my
Witness: f1831 of my
Witness: fThomas of my
Witness: fMS of my


Reading Group: C22_app529_rg1

Witness: fMS misfortunes – AndBut

Reading Group: C22_app529_rg2

Witness: f1818 misfortunes; but
Witness: f1823 misfortunes; but
Witness: f1831 misfortunes; but
Witness: fThomas misfortunes; but


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to me, hated
Witness: f1823 to me, hated
Witness: f1831 to me, hated
Witness: fThomas to me, hated
Witness: fMS to me, hated


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and despised, every country
Witness: f1823 and despised, every country
Witness: f1831 and despised, every country
Witness: fThomas and despised, every country
Witness: fMS and despised, every country


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS And


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 must be equally
Witness: f1823 must be equally
Witness: f1831 must be equally
Witness: fThomas must be equally
Witness: fMS must be equally


Reading Group: C22_app534_rg1

Witness: f1818 horrible.
Witness: f1823 horrible.
Witness: f1831 horrible.
Witness: fThomas horrible.

Reading Group: C22_app534_rg2

Witness: fMS horrible.–


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 At length
Witness: f1823 At length
Witness: f1831 At length
Witness: fThomas At length
Witness: fMS At length


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the thought of you crossed my
Witness: f1823 the thought of you crossed my
Witness: f1831 the thought of you crossed my
Witness: fThomas the thought of you crossed my
Witness: fMS the thought of you crossed my


Reading Group: C22_app537_rg1

Witness: fMS mind —

Reading Group: C22_app537_rg2

Witness: f1818 mind.
Witness: f1823 mind.
Witness: f1831 mind.
Witness: fThomas mind.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I learned from your papers
Witness: f1823 I learned from your papers
Witness: f1831 I learned from your papers
Witness: fThomas I learned from your papers
Witness: fMS I learned from your papers


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that you
Witness: f1823 that you
Witness: f1831 that you
Witness: fThomas that you
Witness: fMS that you


Reading Group: C22_app540_rg1

Witness: fMS was Iwere

Reading Group: C22_app540_rg2

Witness: f1818 were my father,
Witness: f1823 were my father,
Witness: f1831 were my father,
Witness: fThomas were my father,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my
Witness: f1823 my
Witness: f1831 my
Witness: fThomas my
Witness: fMS my


Reading Group: C22_app542_rg1

Witness: fMS creator

Reading Group: C22_app542_rg2

Witness: f1818 creator;
Witness: f1823 creator;
Witness: f1831 creator;
Witness: fThomas creator;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and to whom
Witness: f1823 and to whom
Witness: f1831 and to whom
Witness: fThomas and to whom
Witness: fMS & to whom


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS w


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 could I apply with more fitness
Witness: f1823 could I apply with more fitness
Witness: f1831 could I apply with more fitness
Witness: fThomas could I apply with more fitness
Witness: fMS could I apply with more fitness


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 than to him who had given me
Witness: f1823 than to him who had given me
Witness: f1831 than to him who had given me
Witness: fThomas than to him who had given me
Witness: fMS than to heim who had given <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>me


Reading Group: C22_app547_rg1

Witness: fMS life.

Reading Group: C22_app547_rg2

Witness: f1818 life?
Witness: f1823 life?
Witness: f1831 life?
Witness: fThomas life?


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Among the lessons that Felix had
Witness: f1823 Among the lessons that Felix had
Witness: f1831 Among the lessons that Felix had
Witness: fThomas Among the lessons that Felix had
Witness: fMS Among the lessons that Felix had


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 bestowed
Witness: f1823 bestowed
Witness: f1831 bestowed
Witness: fThomas bestowed
Witness: fMS bestowed


Reading Group: C22_app550_rg1

Witness: fMS on MaimounaSafie

Reading Group: C22_app550_rg2

Witness: f1818 upon
Witness: f1823 upon
Witness: f1831 upon
Witness: fThomas upon


Reading Group: C22_app551_rg1

Witness: f1818 Safie
Witness: f1823 Safie
Witness: fThomas Safie

Reading Group: C22_app551_rg2

Witness: f1831 Safie,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 geography
Witness: f1823 geography
Witness: f1831 geography
Witness: fThomas geography
Witness: fMS geography


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 had not been
Witness: f1823 had not been
Witness: f1831 had not been
Witness: fThomas had not been
Witness: fMS had not been


Reading Group: C22_app554_rg1

Witness: f1818 omitted:
Witness: f1823 omitted:
Witness: f1831 omitted:
Witness: fThomas omitted:

Reading Group: C22_app554_rg2

Witness: fMS ommitted. From these


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I had learned
Witness: f1823 I had learned
Witness: f1831 I had learned
Witness: fThomas I had learned
Witness: fMS I had learned


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 from these
Witness: f1823 from these
Witness: f1831 from these
Witness: fThomas from these


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the relative
Witness: f1823 the relative
Witness: f1831 the relative
Witness: fThomas the relative
Witness: fMS the relative


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 situations of the different countries of the
Witness: f1823 situations of the different countries of the
Witness: f1831 situations of the different countries of the
Witness: fThomas situations of the different countries of the
Witness: fMS situations of the different countries of the


Reading Group: C22_app559_rg1

Witness: f1818 earth.
Witness: f1823 earth.
Witness: f1831 earth.
Witness: fThomas earth.

Reading Group: C22_app559_rg2

Witness: fMS earth;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 You had mentioned Geneva as
Witness: f1823 You had mentioned Geneva as
Witness: f1831 You had mentioned Geneva as
Witness: fThomas You had mentioned Geneva as
Witness: fMS You had mentioned Geneva as


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the name of your native
Witness: f1823 the name of your native
Witness: f1831 the name of your native
Witness: fThomas the name of your native
Witness: fMS the name of your native


Reading Group: C22_app562_rg1

Witness: fMS town

Reading Group: C22_app562_rg2

Witness: f1818 town;
Witness: f1823 town;
Witness: f1831 town;
Witness: fThomas town;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: fMS &


Reading Group: C22_app564_rg1

Witness: fMS to

Reading Group: C22_app564_rg2

Witness: f1818 towards
Witness: f1823 towards
Witness: f1831 towards
Witness: fThomas towards


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 this place I resolved to
Witness: f1823 this place I resolved to
Witness: f1831 this place I resolved to
Witness: fThomas this place I resolved to
Witness: fMS this place I resolved to


Reading Group: C22_app566_rg1

Witness: fMS proceed. But

Reading Group: C22_app566_rg2

Witness: f1818 proceed.<p/><p/>“But
Witness: f1823 proceed.<p/><p/>“But
Witness: f1831 proceed.<p/><p/>“But
Witness: fThomas proceed.<p/><p/>“But


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 how was I to direct
Witness: f1823 how was I to direct
Witness: f1831 how was I to direct
Witness: fThomas how was I to direct
Witness: fMS how was I to direct


Reading Group: C22_app568_rg1

Witness: f1818 myself? I
Witness: f1823 myself? I
Witness: f1831 myself? I
Witness: fThomas myself? I

Reading Group: C22_app568_rg2

Witness: fMS myself?—<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 knew that I must travel in a
Witness: f1823 knew that I must travel in a
Witness: f1831 knew that I must travel in a
Witness: fThomas knew that I must travel in a
Witness: fMS knew that I must travel in a


Reading Group: C22_app570_rg1

Witness: fMS South westerlydirectionI knewto

Reading Group: C22_app570_rg2

Witness: f1818 south-westerly direction to
Witness: f1823 south-westerly direction to
Witness: f1831 south-westerly direction to
Witness: fThomas south-westerly direction to


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 reach my
Witness: f1823 reach my
Witness: f1831 reach my
Witness: fThomas reach my
Witness: fMS reach my


Reading Group: C22_app572_rg1

Witness: fMS destination

Reading Group: C22_app572_rg2

Witness: f1818 destination;
Witness: f1823 destination;
Witness: f1831 destination;
Witness: fThomas destination;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but
Witness: f1823 but
Witness: f1831 but
Witness: fThomas but
Witness: fMS but


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS in this


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the sun was my only
Witness: f1823 the sun was my only
Witness: f1831 the sun was my only
Witness: fThomas the sun was my only
Witness: fMS the sun was my only


Reading Group: C22_app576_rg1

Witness: fMS guide –

Reading Group: C22_app576_rg2

Witness: f1818 guide.
Witness: f1823 guide.
Witness: f1831 guide.
Witness: fThomas guide.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I did not
Witness: f1823 I did not
Witness: f1831 I did not
Witness: fThomas I did not
Witness: fMS I did not


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 know the names of the towns
Witness: f1823 know the names of the towns
Witness: f1831 know the names of the towns
Witness: fThomas know the names of the towns
Witness: fMS know the names of the towns


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that
Witness: f1823 that
Witness: f1831 that
Witness: fThomas that


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I was to pass
Witness: f1823 I was to pass
Witness: f1831 I was to pass
Witness: fThomas I was to pass
Witness: fMS I was to pass


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 through, nor could I ask information from
Witness: f1823 through, nor could I ask information from
Witness: f1831 through, nor could I ask information from
Witness: fThomas through, nor could I ask information from
Witness: fMS through, nor could I ask information from


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a single human
Witness: f1823 a single human
Witness: f1831 a single human
Witness: fThomas a single human
Witness: fMS a single human


Reading Group: C22_app583_rg1

Witness: fMS being –

Reading Group: C22_app583_rg2

Witness: f1818 being;
Witness: f1823 being;
Witness: f1831 being;
Witness: fThomas being;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but I did not
Witness: f1823 but I did not
Witness: f1831 but I did not
Witness: fThomas but I did not
Witness: fMS But I did not


Reading Group: C22_app585_rg1

Witness: fMS despair

Reading Group: C22_app585_rg2

Witness: f1818 despair.
Witness: f1823 despair.
Witness: f1831 despair.
Witness: fThomas despair.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 From you only could I hope for
Witness: f1823 From you only could I hope for
Witness: f1831 From you only could I hope for
Witness: fThomas From you only could I hope for
Witness: fMS From you only could I hope for


Reading Group: C22_app587_rg1

Witness: fMS succour

Reading Group: C22_app587_rg2

Witness: f1818 succour,
Witness: f1823 succour,
Witness: f1831 succour,
Witness: fThomas succour,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 although towards you I felt
Witness: f1823 although towards you I felt
Witness: f1831 although towards you I felt
Witness: fThomas although towards you I felt
Witness: fMS although towards you I felt


Reading Group: C22_app589_rg1

Witness: fMS onlynothesenti ments ofdetestationthat

Reading Group: C22_app589_rg2

Witness: f1818 no sentiment but
Witness: f1823 no sentiment but
Witness: f1831 no sentiment but
Witness: fThomas no sentiment but


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that of
Witness: f1823 that of
Witness: f1831 that of
Witness: fThomas that of
Witness: fMS that of


Reading Group: C22_app591_rg1

Witness: fMS hate. – Unfeeling

Reading Group: C22_app591_rg2

Witness: f1818 hatred. Unfeeling,
Witness: f1823 hatred. Unfeeling,
Witness: f1831 hatred. Unfeeling,
Witness: fThomas hatred. Unfeeling,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 heartless
Witness: f1823 heartless
Witness: f1831 heartless
Witness: fThomas heartless
Witness: fMS heartless


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 creator! you had endowed me with perceptions and
Witness: f1823 creator! you had endowed me with perceptions and
Witness: f1831 creator! you had endowed me with perceptions and
Witness: fThomas creator! you had endowed me with perceptions and
Witness: fMS creator! You had endowed me with perceptions and


Reading Group: C22_app594_rg1

Witness: fMS passions

Reading Group: C22_app594_rg2

Witness: f1818 passions,
Witness: f1823 passions,
Witness: f1831 passions,
Witness: fThomas passions,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and then cast me
Witness: f1823 and then cast me
Witness: f1831 and then cast me
Witness: fThomas and then cast me
Witness: fMS and then cast me


Reading Group: C22_app596_rg1

Witness: fMS abroard

Reading Group: C22_app596_rg2

Witness: f1818 abroad an object
Witness: f1823 abroad an object
Witness: f1831 abroad an object
Witness: fThomas abroad an object


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 for the scorn and horror of
Witness: f1823 for the scorn and horror of
Witness: f1831 for the scorn and horror of
Witness: fThomas for the scorn and horror of
Witness: fMS for the scorn & horror of


Reading Group: C22_app598_rg1

Witness: fMS mankind — On

Reading Group: C22_app598_rg2

Witness: f1818 mankind.
Witness: f1823 mankind.
Witness: f1831 mankind.
Witness: fThomas mankind.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 But on you only had I any
Witness: f1823 But on you only had I any
Witness: f1831 But on you only had I any
Witness: fThomas But on you only had I any
Witness: fMS But on you only had I any


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 claim
Witness: f1823 claim
Witness: f1831 claim
Witness: fThomas claim
Witness: fMS claim


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 for pity and redress,
Witness: f1823 for pity and redress,
Witness: f1831 for pity and redress,
Witness: fThomas for pity and redress,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and from you I determined to seek that
Witness: f1823 and from you I determined to seek that
Witness: f1831 and from you I determined to seek that
Witness: fThomas and from you I determined to seek that
Witness: fMS & from you I determined toto seek that


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 justice
Witness: f1823 justice
Witness: f1831 justice
Witness: fThomas justice
Witness: fMS justice


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS &for


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 which I
Witness: f1823 which I
Witness: f1831 which I
Witness: fThomas which I
Witness: fMS which I


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS w


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 vainly attempted
Witness: f1823 vainly attempted
Witness: f1831 vainly attempted
Witness: fThomas vainly attempted
Witness: fMS vainly attempted


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to gain from
Witness: f1823 to gain from
Witness: f1831 to gain from
Witness: fThomas to gain from
Witness: fMS to gain from


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS your fellow creatures.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 any other being
Witness: f1823 any other being
Witness: f1831 any other being
Witness: fThomas any other being
Witness: fMS any other being


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that wore the human
Witness: f1823 that wore the human
Witness: f1831 that wore the human
Witness: fThomas that wore the human
Witness: fMS that wore the human


Reading Group: C22_app612_rg1

Witness: fMS form. . My

Reading Group: C22_app612_rg2

Witness: f1818 form.<p/><p/>“My
Witness: f1823 form.<p/><p/>“My
Witness: f1831 form.<p/><p/>“My
Witness: fThomas form.<p/><p/>“My


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 travels were
Witness: f1823 travels were
Witness: f1831 travels were
Witness: fThomas travels were
Witness: fMS travels were


Reading Group: C22_app614_rg1

Witness: fMS long

Reading Group: C22_app614_rg2

Witness: f1818 long,
Witness: f1823 long,
Witness: f1831 long,
Witness: fThomas long,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: fMS and


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: fMS the


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS suff


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 sufferings I endured
Witness: f1823 sufferings I endured
Witness: f1831 sufferings I endured
Witness: fThomas sufferings I endured
Witness: fMS sufferings I endured


Reading Group: C22_app620_rg1

Witness: fMS intense –It

Reading Group: C22_app620_rg2

Witness: f1818 intense. It
Witness: f1823 intense. It
Witness: f1831 intense. It
Witness: fThomas intense. It


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was
Witness: f1823 was
Witness: f1831 was
Witness: fThomas was
Witness: fMS was


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 late in autumn when I quitted the
Witness: f1823 late in autumn when I quitted the
Witness: f1831 late in autumn when I quitted the
Witness: fThomas late in autumn when I quitted the
Witness: fMS late in autumn when I quitted the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 district where I had so long
Witness: f1823 district where I had so long
Witness: f1831 district where I had so long
Witness: fThomas district where I had so long
Witness: fMS district where I had so long


Reading Group: C22_app624_rg1

Witness: fMS resided – Months passed and I knew not how near I

Reading Group: C22_app624_rg2

Witness: f1818 resided.
Witness: f1823 resided.
Witness: f1831 resided.
Witness: fThomas resided.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I travelled only at night, fearful of
Witness: f1823 I travelled only at night, fearful of
Witness: f1831 I travelled only at night, fearful of
Witness: fThomas I travelled only at night, fearful of
Witness: fMS I travelled only at night, fearful of


Reading Group: C22_app626_rg1

Witness: f1818 encountering
Witness: f1823 encountering
Witness: f1831 encountering
Witness: fThomas encountering

Reading Group: C22_app626_rg2

Witness: fMS meeting


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the visage of a human
Witness: f1823 the visage of a human
Witness: f1831 the visage of a human
Witness: fThomas the visage of a human
Witness: fMS the visage of a human


Reading Group: C22_app628_rg1

Witness: f1818 being. Nature
Witness: f1823 being. Nature
Witness: f1831 being. Nature
Witness: fThomas being. Nature

Reading Group: C22_app628_rg2

Witness: fMS being.—Nature


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 decayed around
Witness: f1823 decayed around
Witness: f1831 decayed around
Witness: fThomas decayed around
Witness: fMS decayed around


Reading Group: C22_app630_rg1

Witness: fMS me

Reading Group: C22_app630_rg2

Witness: f1818 me,
Witness: f1823 me,
Witness: f1831 me,
Witness: fThomas me,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and the sun became
Witness: f1823 and the sun became
Witness: f1831 and the sun became
Witness: fThomas and the sun became
Witness: fMS and the sun became


Reading Group: C22_app632_rg1

Witness: fMS co heatless,—rain

Reading Group: C22_app632_rg2

Witness: f1818 heatless; rain
Witness: f1823 heatless; rain
Witness: f1831 heatless; rain
Witness: fThomas heatless; rain


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and snow poured around
Witness: f1823 and snow poured around
Witness: f1831 and snow poured around
Witness: fThomas and snow poured around
Witness: fMS & snow poured around


Reading Group: C22_app634_rg1

Witness: fMS me

Reading Group: C22_app634_rg2

Witness: f1818 me; mighty rivers were frozen; the surface of the earth was
Witness: f1823 me; mighty rivers were frozen; the surface of the earth was
Witness: f1831 me; mighty rivers were frozen; the surface of the earth was
Witness: fThomas me; mighty rivers were frozen; the surface of the earth was


Reading Group: C22_app635_rg1

Witness: f1831 hard

Reading Group: C22_app635_rg2

Witness: f1818 hard,
Witness: f1823 hard,
Witness: fThomas hard,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and chill, and bare,
Witness: f1823 and chill, and bare,
Witness: f1831 and chill, and bare,
Witness: fThomas and chill, and bare,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and I
Witness: f1823 and I
Witness: f1831 and I
Witness: fThomas and I
Witness: fMS and I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 found no
Witness: f1823 found no
Witness: f1831 found no
Witness: fThomas found no
Witness: fMS found no


Reading Group: C22_app639_rg1

Witness: fMS shelter — Oh Earth

Reading Group: C22_app639_rg2

Witness: f1818 shelter. Oh, earth!
Witness: f1823 shelter. Oh, earth!
Witness: f1831 shelter. Oh, earth!
Witness: fThomas shelter. Oh, earth!


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 how often
Witness: f1823 how often
Witness: f1831 how often
Witness: fThomas how often
Witness: fMS how often


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 did I imprecate curses on the cause of
Witness: f1823 did I imprecate curses on the cause of
Witness: f1831 did I imprecate curses on the cause of
Witness: fThomas did I imprecate curses on the cause of
Witness: fMS did I imprecate curses on the cause of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my
Witness: f1823 my
Witness: f1831 my
Witness: fThomas my
Witness: fMS my


Reading Group: C22_app643_rg1

Witness: f1818 being!
Witness: f1823 being!
Witness: f1831 being!
Witness: fThomas being!

Reading Group: C22_app643_rg2

Witness: fMS being—


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 The mildness of
Witness: f1823 The mildness of
Witness: f1831 The mildness of
Witness: fThomas The mildness of
Witness: fMS The mildness of


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my nature
Witness: f1823 my nature
Witness: f1831 my nature
Witness: fThomas my nature
Witness: fMS my nature


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 had
Witness: f1823 had
Witness: f1831 had
Witness: fThomas had
Witness: fMS had


Reading Group: C22_app648_rg1

Witness: fMS fled

Reading Group: C22_app648_rg2

Witness: f1818 fled,
Witness: f1823 fled,
Witness: f1831 fled,
Witness: fThomas fled,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and all within me was turned to gall
Witness: f1823 and all within me was turned to gall
Witness: f1831 and all within me was turned to gall
Witness: fThomas and all within me was turned to gall
Witness: fMS & all within me was turned to gall


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS & bitterness – I hated De Lacey


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: fMS and


Reading Group: C22_app652_rg1

Witness: f1818 bitterness.
Witness: f1823 bitterness.
Witness: f1831 bitterness.
Witness: fThomas bitterness.

Reading Group: C22_app652_rg2

Witness: fMS his family and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 The nearer I approached to your
Witness: f1823 The nearer I approached to your
Witness: f1831 The nearer I approached to your
Witness: fThomas The nearer I approached to your
Witness: fMS the nearer I approached to your


Reading Group: C22_app654_rg1

Witness: fMS habitation

Reading Group: C22_app654_rg2

Witness: f1818 habitation,
Witness: f1823 habitation,
Witness: f1831 habitation,
Witness: fThomas habitation,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the more deeply did I feel the spirit
Witness: f1823 the more deeply did I feel the spirit
Witness: f1831 the more deeply did I feel the spirit
Witness: fThomas the more deeply did I feel the spirit
Witness: fMS the more deeply did I feel the spirit


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of revenge
Witness: f1823 of revenge
Witness: f1831 of revenge
Witness: fThomas of revenge
Witness: fMS of revenge


Reading Group: C22_app657_rg1

Witness: fMS imprint itself onbecome kindled

Reading Group: C22_app657_rg2

Witness: f1818 enkindled
Witness: f1823 enkindled
Witness: f1831 enkindled
Witness: fThomas enkindled


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in my
Witness: f1823 in my
Witness: f1831 in my
Witness: fThomas in my
Witness: fMS in my


Reading Group: C22_app659_rg1

Witness: f1818 heart.
Witness: f1823 heart.
Witness: f1831 heart.
Witness: fThomas heart.

Reading Group: C22_app659_rg2

Witness: fMS heart—


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Snow
Witness: f1823 Snow
Witness: f1831 Snow
Witness: fThomas Snow
Witness: fMS Snow


Reading Group: C22_app661_rg1

Witness: fMS fell around me

Reading Group: C22_app661_rg2

Witness: f1818 fell,
Witness: f1823 fell,
Witness: f1831 fell,
Witness: fThomas fell,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and the waters
Witness: f1823 and the waters
Witness: f1831 and the waters
Witness: fThomas and the waters
Witness: fMS and the waters


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 were
Witness: f1823 were
Witness: f1831 were
Witness: fThomas were
Witness: fMS were


Reading Group: C22_app664_rg1

Witness: f1818 hardened,
Witness: f1823 hardened,
Witness: fThomas hardened,
Witness: fMS hardened,

Reading Group: C22_app664_rg2

Witness: f1831 hardened;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but I rested
Witness: f1823 but I rested
Witness: f1831 but I rested
Witness: fThomas but I rested
Witness: fMS but I rested


Reading Group: C22_app666_rg1

Witness: f1818 not. A
Witness: f1823 not. A
Witness: f1831 not. A
Witness: fThomas not. A

Reading Group: C22_app666_rg2

Witness: fMS not—A


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 few
Witness: f1823 few
Witness: f1831 few
Witness: fThomas few
Witness: fMS few


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 incidents now and then directed
Witness: f1823 incidents now and then directed
Witness: f1831 incidents now and then directed
Witness: fThomas incidents now and then directed
Witness: fMS incidents now and then directed


Reading Group: C22_app669_rg1

Witness: fMS me right

Reading Group: C22_app669_rg2

Witness: f1818 me, and I possessed a map of the country;
Witness: f1823 me, and I possessed a map of the country;
Witness: f1831 me, and I possessed a map of the country;
Witness: fThomas me, and I possessed a map of the country;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but I often
Witness: f1823 but I often
Witness: f1831 but I often
Witness: fThomas but I often
Witness: fMS but I often


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS de


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 wandered wide from
Witness: f1823 wandered wide from
Witness: f1831 wandered wide from
Witness: fThomas wandered wide from
Witness: fMS wandered wide from


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my path.
Witness: f1823 my path.
Witness: f1831 my path.
Witness: fThomas my path.
Witness: fMS my path.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 The agony of
Witness: f1823 The agony of
Witness: f1831 The agony of
Witness: fThomas The agony of
Witness: fMS <metamark function="displacement" xml:id="c57-0059.01">X</metamark><metamark function="displacement">X</metamark> The agony of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my
Witness: f1823 my
Witness: f1831 my
Witness: fThomas my
Witness: fMS my


Reading Group: C22_app676_rg1

Witness: f1818 feelings
Witness: f1823 feelings
Witness: f1831 feelings
Witness: fThomas feelings

Reading Group: C22_app676_rg2

Witness: fMS grief


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 allowed me no
Witness: f1823 allowed me no
Witness: f1831 allowed me no
Witness: fThomas allowed me no
Witness: fMS allowed me no


Reading Group: C22_app678_rg1

Witness: fMS respite, NNo event of my

Reading Group: C22_app678_rg2

Witness: f1818 respite:
Witness: f1823 respite:
Witness: f1831 respite:
Witness: fThomas respite:


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 no incident
Witness: f1823 no incident
Witness: f1831 no incident
Witness: fThomas no incident
Witness: fMS No incident


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 occurred from
Witness: f1823 occurred from
Witness: f1831 occurred from
Witness: fThomas occurred from
Witness: fMS occurred from


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 which my rage and misery could
Witness: f1823 which my rage and misery could
Witness: f1831 which my rage and misery could
Witness: fThomas which my rage and misery could
Witness: fMS which my rage & misery could


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 not extract its
Witness: f1823 not extract its
Witness: f1831 not extract its
Witness: fThomas not extract its
Witness: fMS not extract its


Reading Group: C22_app683_rg1

Witness: fMS food.Anincidentbut

Reading Group: C22_app683_rg2

Witness: f1818 food; but
Witness: f1823 food; but
Witness: f1831 food; but
Witness: fThomas food; but


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a circumstance that happened
Witness: f1823 a circumstance that happened
Witness: f1831 a circumstance that happened
Witness: fThomas a circumstance that happened
Witness: fMS a circumstance that happened


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 when I arrived on the confines of
Witness: f1823 when I arrived on the confines of
Witness: f1831 when I arrived on the confines of
Witness: fThomas when I arrived on the confines of
Witness: fMS when I arrived on the confines of


Reading Group: C22_app686_rg1

Witness: fMS Switzerland —

Reading Group: C22_app686_rg2

Witness: f1818 Switzerland,
Witness: f1823 Switzerland,
Witness: f1831 Switzerland,
Witness: fThomas Switzerland,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 when the sun had recovered
Witness: f1823 when the sun had recovered
Witness: f1831 when the sun had recovered
Witness: fThomas when the sun had recovered
Witness: fMS when the sun had recovered


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS a part of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 its
Witness: f1823 its
Witness: f1831 its
Witness: fThomas its
Witness: fMS its


Reading Group: C22_app690_rg1

Witness: fMS heat

Reading Group: C22_app690_rg2

Witness: f1818 warmth,
Witness: f1823 warmth,
Witness: f1831 warmth,
Witness: fThomas warmth,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and the earth again
Witness: f1823 and the earth again
Witness: f1831 and the earth again
Witness: fThomas and the earth again
Witness: fMS & the earth again


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 began to look
Witness: f1823 began to look
Witness: f1831 began to look
Witness: fThomas began to look
Witness: fMS began to look


Reading Group: C22_app693_rg1

Witness: fMS green

Reading Group: C22_app693_rg2

Witness: f1818 green,
Witness: f1823 green,
Witness: f1831 green,
Witness: fThomas green,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 confirmed in
Witness: f1823 confirmed in
Witness: f1831 confirmed in
Witness: fThomas confirmed in
Witness: fMS confirmed in


Reading Group: C22_app695_rg1

Witness: f1818 an especial
Witness: f1823 an especial
Witness: f1831 an especial
Witness: fThomas an especial

Reading Group: C22_app695_rg2

Witness: fMS andreadfulespecial


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 manner the bitterness and horror of my
Witness: f1823 manner the bitterness and horror of my
Witness: f1831 manner the bitterness and horror of my
Witness: fThomas manner the bitterness and horror of my
Witness: fMS manner the bitterness & horror of my


Reading Group: C22_app697_rg1

Witness: fMS feelings. I

Reading Group: C22_app697_rg2

Witness: f1818 feelings.<p/><p/>“I
Witness: f1823 feelings.<p/><p/>“I
Witness: f1831 feelings.<p/><p/>“I
Witness: fThomas feelings.<p/><p/>“I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 generally rested
Witness: f1823 generally rested
Witness: f1831 generally rested
Witness: fThomas generally rested
Witness: fMS generally rested


Reading Group: C22_app699_rg1

Witness: fMS throughduring

Reading Group: C22_app699_rg2

Witness: f1818 during
Witness: f1823 during
Witness: f1831 during
Witness: fThomas during


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: fMS the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 day, and travelled only when I was secured by night from the view of man.
Witness: f1823 day, and travelled only when I was secured by night from the view of man.
Witness: f1831 day, and travelled only when I was secured by night from the view of man.
Witness: fThomas day, and travelled only when I was secured by night from the view of man.
Witness: fMS day, and travelled only when I was secured by night from the view of man.


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS <del rend="strikethrough" sID="c57-0059__main__d3e11838"/><del/>


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 One
Witness: f1823 One
Witness: f1831 One
Witness: fThomas One
Witness: fMS one


Reading Group: C22_app704_rg1

Witness: fMS morning however

Reading Group: C22_app704_rg2

Witness: f1818 morning, however,
Witness: f1823 morning, however,
Witness: f1831 morning, however,
Witness: fThomas morning, however,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 finding
Witness: f1823 finding
Witness: f1831 finding
Witness: fThomas finding
Witness: fMS finding


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that my path lay through a deep
Witness: f1823 that my path lay through a deep
Witness: f1831 that my path lay through a deep
Witness: fThomas that my path lay through a deep
Witness: fMS that my path lay through a deep


Reading Group: C22_app707_rg1

Witness: fMS wood

Reading Group: C22_app707_rg2

Witness: f1818 wood,
Witness: f1823 wood,
Witness: f1831 wood,
Witness: fThomas wood,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I ventured to continue my
Witness: f1823 I ventured to continue my
Witness: f1831 I ventured to continue my
Witness: fThomas I ventured to continue my
Witness: fMS I ventured to continue my


Reading Group: C22_app709_rg1

Witness: fMS wayjourney

Reading Group: C22_app709_rg2

Witness: f1818 journey
Witness: f1823 journey
Witness: f1831 journey
Witness: fThomas journey


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 after the sun had
Witness: f1823 after the sun had
Witness: f1831 after the sun had
Witness: fThomas after the sun had
Witness: fMS after the sun had


Reading Group: C22_app711_rg1

Witness: f1818 risen;
Witness: f1823 risen;
Witness: f1831 risen;
Witness: fThomas risen;

Reading Group: C22_app711_rg2

Witness: fMS risenhigh in the heavens.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: fMS The


Reading Group: C22_app713_rg1

Witness: fMS day

Reading Group: C22_app713_rg2

Witness: f1818 day,
Witness: f1823 day,
Witness: f1831 day,
Witness: fThomas day,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 which was one
Witness: f1823 which was one
Witness: f1831 which was one
Witness: fThomas which was one
Witness: fMS which was one


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of the first of
Witness: f1823 of the first of
Witness: f1831 of the first of
Witness: fThomas of the first of
Witness: fMS of the first of


Reading Group: C22_app716_rg1

Witness: fMS spring andeven

Reading Group: C22_app716_rg2

Witness: f1818 spring,
Witness: f1823 spring,
Witness: f1831 spring,
Witness: fThomas spring,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 cheered even me by the loveliness of its
Witness: f1823 cheered even me by the loveliness of its
Witness: f1831 cheered even me by the loveliness of its
Witness: fThomas cheered even me by the loveliness of its
Witness: fMS cheered even me by the loveliness of its


Reading Group: C22_app718_rg1

Witness: f1818 sunshine and
Witness: f1823 sunshine and
Witness: f1831 sunshine and
Witness: fThomas sunshine and

Reading Group: C22_app718_rg2

Witness: fMS sun<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>shine&


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: fMS the


Reading Group: C22_app720_rg1

Witness: f1818 balminess
Witness: f1823 balminess
Witness: f1831 balminess
Witness: fThomas balminess

Reading Group: C22_app720_rg2

Witness: fMS gentleness


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of the
Witness: f1823 of the
Witness: f1831 of the
Witness: fThomas of the
Witness: fMS of the


Reading Group: C22_app722_rg1

Witness: f1818 air.
Witness: f1823 air.
Witness: f1831 air.
Witness: fThomas air.

Reading Group: C22_app722_rg2

Witness: fMS breeze. –


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I felt
Witness: f1823 I felt
Witness: f1831 I felt
Witness: fThomas I felt
Witness: fMS I felt


Reading Group: C22_app724_rg1

Witness: fMS feelingsemotions

Reading Group: C22_app724_rg2

Witness: f1818 emotions
Witness: f1823 emotions
Witness: f1831 emotions
Witness: fThomas emotions


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of
Witness: f1823 of
Witness: f1831 of
Witness: fThomas of
Witness: fMS of


Reading Group: C22_app726_rg1

Witness: f1818 gentleness
Witness: f1823 gentleness
Witness: f1831 gentleness
Witness: fThomas gentleness

Reading Group: C22_app726_rg2

Witness: fMS softness


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: fMS and


Reading Group: C22_app728_rg1

Witness: fMS pleasure

Reading Group: C22_app728_rg2

Witness: f1818 pleasure,
Witness: f1823 pleasure,
Witness: f1831 pleasure,
Witness: fThomas pleasure,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that had
Witness: f1823 that had
Witness: f1831 that had
Witness: fThomas that had
Witness: fMS that had


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 long appeared dead, revive within
Witness: f1823 long appeared dead, revive within
Witness: f1831 long appeared dead, revive within
Witness: fThomas long appeared dead, revive within
Witness: fMS long appeared dead, revive within


Reading Group: C22_app731_rg1

Witness: f1818 me.
Witness: f1823 me.
Witness: f1831 me.
Witness: fThomas me.

Reading Group: C22_app731_rg2

Witness: fMS me;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Half
Witness: f1823 Half
Witness: f1831 Half
Witness: fThomas Half
Witness: fMS half


Reading Group: C22_app733_rg1

Witness: f1818 surprised by the novelty of
Witness: f1823 surprised by the novelty of
Witness: f1831 surprised by the novelty of
Witness: fThomas surprised by the novelty of

Reading Group: C22_app733_rg2

Witness: fMS surprized with


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 these
Witness: f1823 these
Witness: f1831 these
Witness: fThomas these
Witness: fMS these


Reading Group: C22_app735_rg1

Witness: fMS new sensations

Reading Group: C22_app735_rg2

Witness: f1818 sensations,
Witness: f1823 sensations,
Witness: f1831 sensations,
Witness: fThomas sensations,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I allowed myself to be borne
Witness: f1823 I allowed myself to be borne
Witness: f1831 I allowed myself to be borne
Witness: fThomas I allowed myself to be borne
Witness: fMS I allowed myself to be borne


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 away by
Witness: f1823 away by
Witness: f1831 away by
Witness: fThomas away by
Witness: fMS away by


Reading Group: C22_app738_rg1

Witness: fMS them &forg

Reading Group: C22_app738_rg2

Witness: f1818 them; and,
Witness: f1823 them; and,
Witness: f1831 them; and,
Witness: fThomas them; and,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 forgetting my
Witness: f1823 forgetting my
Witness: f1831 forgetting my
Witness: fThomas forgetting my
Witness: fMS forgetting my


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 solitude and
Witness: f1823 solitude and
Witness: f1831 solitude and
Witness: fThomas solitude and
Witness: fMS solitude &


Reading Group: C22_app741_rg1

Witness: fMS deformity

Reading Group: C22_app741_rg2

Witness: f1818 deformity,
Witness: f1823 deformity,
Witness: f1831 deformity,
Witness: fThomas deformity,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 dared to be
Witness: f1823 dared to be
Witness: f1831 dared to be
Witness: fThomas dared to be
Witness: fMS dared to be


Reading Group: C22_app743_rg1

Witness: fMS happy

Reading Group: C22_app743_rg2

Witness: f1818 happy. Soft
Witness: f1823 happy. Soft
Witness: f1831 happy. Soft
Witness: fThomas happy. Soft


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 tears
Witness: f1823 tears
Witness: f1831 tears
Witness: fThomas tears
Witness: fMS tears


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS of gentleness


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 again bedewed my
Witness: f1823 again bedewed my
Witness: f1831 again bedewed my
Witness: fThomas again bedewed my
Witness: fMS again bedewed my


Reading Group: C22_app747_rg1

Witness: fMS cheeks

Reading Group: C22_app747_rg2

Witness: f1818 cheeks,
Witness: f1823 cheeks,
Witness: f1831 cheeks,
Witness: fThomas cheeks,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and I even raised my humid eyes
Witness: f1823 and I even raised my humid eyes
Witness: f1831 and I even raised my humid eyes
Witness: fThomas and I even raised my humid eyes
Witness: fMS and I <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>even raised my humid eyes


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 with
Witness: f1823 with
Witness: f1831 with
Witness: fThomas with
Witness: fMS with


Reading Group: C22_app750_rg1

Witness: fMS thankfullness

Reading Group: C22_app750_rg2

Witness: f1818 thankfulness
Witness: f1823 thankfulness
Witness: f1831 thankfulness
Witness: fThomas thankfulness


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 towards the blessed
Witness: f1823 towards the blessed
Witness: f1831 towards the blessed
Witness: fThomas towards the blessed
Witness: fMS towards the blessed


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 sun which bestowed
Witness: f1823 sun which bestowed
Witness: f1831 sun which bestowed
Witness: fThomas sun which bestowed
Witness: fMS sun which bestowed


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS on me


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 such joy upon
Witness: f1823 such joy upon
Witness: f1831 such joy upon
Witness: fThomas such joy upon
Witness: fMS such joy upon


Reading Group: C22_app755_rg1

Witness: f1818 me.<p/><p/>“I
Witness: f1823 me.<p/><p/>“I
Witness: f1831 me.<p/><p/>“I
Witness: fThomas me.<p/><p/>“I

Reading Group: C22_app755_rg2

Witness: fMS <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>me As I continued my way in this mood I heard a voices which forced me to conceal myself. This I did in a small cave surrounded by wood at the foot of which was a <mdel/><metamark function="insert">^</metamark>deep & impetuous river – I presently discovered that the voices proceeded from people who were on the rock which formed the roof of the cavern – They spoke a language unknown to me – when suddenly I heard a noise and saw a woma young girl fall from the precipiece into the river a and aloud loud scream followed & all was quiet– I rushed from my hiding place & dashing into the river rescued the girl & bore her to the shore. She was senseless & I endeavoured to restore her to life when a man came suddenly from the woods and appeared aghas I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 continued to wind among the paths of the
Witness: f1823 continued to wind among the paths of the
Witness: f1831 continued to wind among the paths of the
Witness: fThomas continued to wind among the paths of the
Witness: fMS continued to wind among the paths of the


Reading Group: C22_app757_rg1

Witness: fMS wood untill

Reading Group: C22_app757_rg2

Witness: f1818 wood, until
Witness: f1823 wood, until
Witness: f1831 wood, until
Witness: fThomas wood, until


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I came to its
Witness: f1823 I came to its
Witness: f1831 I came to its
Witness: fThomas I came to its
Witness: fMS I came to its


Reading Group: C22_app759_rg1

Witness: fMS skirts boundary

Reading Group: C22_app759_rg2

Witness: f1818 boundary,
Witness: f1823 boundary,
Witness: f1831 boundary,
Witness: fThomas boundary,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 which
Witness: f1823 which
Witness: f1831 which
Witness: fThomas which
Witness: fMS which


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was skirted
Witness: f1823 was skirted
Witness: f1831 was skirted
Witness: fThomas was skirted
Witness: fMS was skirted


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 by
Witness: f1823 by
Witness: f1831 by
Witness: fThomas by


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a deep and rapid
Witness: f1823 a deep and rapid
Witness: f1831 a deep and rapid
Witness: fThomas a deep and rapid
Witness: fMS a deep & rapid


Reading Group: C22_app764_rg1

Witness: fMS river —

Reading Group: C22_app764_rg2

Witness: f1818 river,
Witness: f1823 river,
Witness: f1831 river,
Witness: fThomas river,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 into which
Witness: f1823 into which
Witness: f1831 into which
Witness: fThomas into which
Witness: fMS into which


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 many of the trees bent their
Witness: f1823 many of the trees bent their
Witness: f1831 many of the trees bent their
Witness: fThomas many of the trees bent their
Witness: fMS many of the trees bent their


Reading Group: C22_app767_rg1

Witness: fMS branches

Reading Group: C22_app767_rg2

Witness: f1818 branches,
Witness: f1823 branches,
Witness: f1831 branches,
Witness: fThomas branches,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 now budding
Witness: f1823 now budding
Witness: f1831 now budding
Witness: fThomas now budding
Witness: fMS now budding


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 with the fresh
Witness: f1823 with the fresh
Witness: f1831 with the fresh
Witness: fThomas with the fresh
Witness: fMS with the fresh


Reading Group: C22_app770_rg1

Witness: f1818 spring.
Witness: f1823 spring.
Witness: f1831 spring.
Witness: fThomas spring.

Reading Group: C22_app770_rg2

Witness: fMS spring.–


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Here I paused, not exactly knowing what
Witness: f1823 Here I paused, not exactly knowing what
Witness: f1831 Here I paused, not exactly knowing what
Witness: fThomas Here I paused, not exactly knowing what
Witness: fMS Here I paused, not exactly knowing what


Reading Group: C22_app772_rg1

Witness: fMS course

Reading Group: C22_app772_rg2

Witness: f1818 path
Witness: f1823 path
Witness: f1831 path
Witness: fThomas path


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to
Witness: f1823 to
Witness: f1831 to
Witness: fThomas to
Witness: fMS to


Reading Group: C22_app774_rg1

Witness: fMS pursue

Reading Group: C22_app774_rg2

Witness: f1818 pursue,
Witness: f1823 pursue,
Witness: f1831 pursue,
Witness: fThomas pursue,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 when I heard
Witness: f1823 when I heard
Witness: f1831 when I heard
Witness: fThomas when I heard
Witness: fMS when I heard


Reading Group: C22_app776_rg1

Witness: fMS voices

Reading Group: C22_app776_rg2

Witness: f1818 the sound of voices,
Witness: f1823 the sound of voices,
Witness: f1831 the sound of voices,
Witness: fThomas the sound of voices,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that induced me to conceal myself under
Witness: f1823 that induced me to conceal myself under
Witness: f1831 that induced me to conceal myself under
Witness: fThomas that induced me to conceal myself under
Witness: fMS that induced me to conceal myself under


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the shade of
Witness: f1823 the shade of
Witness: f1831 the shade of
Witness: fThomas the shade of
Witness: fMS the shade of


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS cypress. A rustic approached armed with a gun and leading


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a
Witness: f1823 a
Witness: f1831 a
Witness: fThomas a
Witness: fMS a


Reading Group: C22_app781_rg1

Witness: f1818 cypress.
Witness: f1823 cypress.
Witness: f1831 cypress.
Witness: fThomas cypress.

Reading Group: C22_app781_rg2

Witness: fMS young girl of about twelve years of age When they came near me they turne


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I was scarcely
Witness: f1823 I was scarcely
Witness: f1831 I was scarcely
Witness: fThomas I was scarcely
Witness: fMS I was scarcely


Reading Group: C22_app783_rg1

Witness: fMS hid

Reading Group: C22_app783_rg2

Witness: f1818 hid,
Witness: f1823 hid,
Witness: f1831 hid,
Witness: fThomas hid,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 when a young girl came running towards the
Witness: f1823 when a young girl came running towards the
Witness: f1831 when a young girl came running towards the
Witness: fThomas when a young girl came running towards the
Witness: fMS when a young girl came running towards the


Reading Group: C22_app785_rg1

Witness: fMS riverspot

Reading Group: C22_app785_rg2

Witness: f1818 spot
Witness: f1823 spot
Witness: f1831 spot
Witness: fThomas spot


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 where I was
Witness: f1823 where I was
Witness: f1831 where I was
Witness: fThomas where I was
Witness: fMS where I was


Reading Group: C22_app787_rg1

Witness: fMS concealed –

Reading Group: C22_app787_rg2

Witness: f1818 concealed,
Witness: f1823 concealed,
Witness: f1831 concealed,
Witness: fThomas concealed,


Reading Group: C22_app788_rg1

Witness: f1818 laughing
Witness: f1823 laughing
Witness: fThomas laughing
Witness: fMS laughing

Reading Group: C22_app788_rg2

Witness: f1831 laughing,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 as if she
Witness: f1823 as if she
Witness: f1831 as if she
Witness: fThomas as if she
Witness: fMS as if she


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS had


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 ran
Witness: f1823 ran
Witness: f1831 ran
Witness: fThomas ran
Witness: fMS ran


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 from some one in
Witness: f1823 from some one in
Witness: f1831 from some one in
Witness: fThomas from some one in
Witness: fMS from some one in


Reading Group: C22_app793_rg1

Witness: fMS sport –

Reading Group: C22_app793_rg2

Witness: f1818 sport.
Witness: f1823 sport.
Witness: f1831 sport.
Witness: fThomas sport.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 She continued her
Witness: f1823 She continued her
Witness: f1831 She continued her
Witness: fThomas She continued her
Witness: fMS She continued her


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 course along the
Witness: f1823 course along the
Witness: f1831 course along the
Witness: fThomas course along the
Witness: fMS course along the


Reading Group: C22_app796_rg1

Witness: fMS precipitate

Reading Group: C22_app796_rg2

Witness: f1818 precipitous
Witness: f1823 precipitous
Witness: f1831 precipitous
Witness: fThomas precipitous


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 sides of the
Witness: f1823 sides of the
Witness: f1831 sides of the
Witness: fThomas sides of the
Witness: fMS sides of the


Reading Group: C22_app798_rg1

Witness: fMS river

Reading Group: C22_app798_rg2

Witness: f1818 river,
Witness: f1823 river,
Witness: f1831 river,
Witness: fThomas river,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 when suddenly her foot slipt, and she fell into the rapid
Witness: f1823 when suddenly her foot slipt, and she fell into the rapid
Witness: f1831 when suddenly her foot slipt, and she fell into the rapid
Witness: fThomas when suddenly her foot slipt, and she fell into the rapid
Witness: fMS when suddenly her foot slipt, & she fell into the rapid


Reading Group: C22_app800_rg1

Witness: fMS currentstream.

Reading Group: C22_app800_rg2

Witness: f1818 stream.
Witness: f1823 stream.
Witness: f1831 stream.
Witness: fThomas stream.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I rushed from my
Witness: f1823 I rushed from my
Witness: f1831 I rushed from my
Witness: fThomas I rushed from my
Witness: fMS I rushed from my


Reading Group: C22_app802_rg1

Witness: f1818 hiding
Witness: fThomas hiding
Witness: fMS hiding

Reading Group: C22_app802_rg2

Witness: f1823 hiding-place,

Reading Group: C22_app802_rg3

Witness: f1831 hiding-place;


Reading Group: C22_app803_rg1

Witness: fMS place and

Reading Group: C22_app803_rg2

Witness: f1818 place,
Witness: fThomas place,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and,
Witness: f1823 and,
Witness: f1831 and,
Witness: fThomas and,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 with extreme labour from the
Witness: f1823 with extreme labour from the
Witness: f1831 with extreme labour from the
Witness: fThomas with extreme labour from the
Witness: fMS with extreme labour from the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 force of the
Witness: f1823 force of the
Witness: f1831 force of the
Witness: fThomas force of the
Witness: fMS force of the


Reading Group: C22_app807_rg1

Witness: fMS current

Reading Group: C22_app807_rg2

Witness: f1818 current,
Witness: f1823 current,
Witness: f1831 current,
Witness: fThomas current,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 saved her, and dragged her
Witness: f1823 saved her, and dragged her
Witness: f1831 saved her, and dragged her
Witness: fThomas saved her, and dragged her
Witness: fMS saved her, & dragged her


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to
Witness: f1823 to
Witness: f1831 to
Witness: fThomas to
Witness: fMS to


Reading Group: C22_app810_rg1

Witness: fMS shore —

Reading Group: C22_app810_rg2

Witness: f1818 shore.
Witness: f1823 shore.
Witness: f1831 shore.
Witness: fThomas shore.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 She was
Witness: f1823 She was
Witness: f1831 She was
Witness: fThomas She was
Witness: fMS She was


Reading Group: C22_app812_rg1

Witness: fMS sensell senseless

Reading Group: C22_app812_rg2

Witness: f1818 senseless;
Witness: f1823 senseless;
Witness: f1831 senseless;
Witness: fThomas senseless;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: fMS and


Reading Group: C22_app814_rg1

Witness: f1818 I endeavoured,
Witness: f1823 I endeavoured,
Witness: f1831 I endeavoured,
Witness: fThomas I endeavoured,

Reading Group: C22_app814_rg2

Witness: fMS <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>Iendeavoured


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 by every means in my
Witness: f1823 by every means in my
Witness: f1831 by every means in my
Witness: fThomas by every means in my
Witness: fMS by every means in my


Reading Group: C22_app816_rg1

Witness: fMS power

Reading Group: C22_app816_rg2

Witness: f1818 power,
Witness: f1823 power,
Witness: f1831 power,
Witness: fThomas power,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to
Witness: f1823 to
Witness: f1831 to
Witness: fThomas to
Witness: fMS to


Reading Group: C22_app818_rg1

Witness: f1818 restore animation,
Witness: f1823 restore animation,
Witness: f1831 restore animation,
Witness: fThomas restore animation,

Reading Group: C22_app818_rg2

Witness: fMS restoreheranimation


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 when I was suddenly interrupted by
Witness: f1823 when I was suddenly interrupted by
Witness: f1831 when I was suddenly interrupted by
Witness: fThomas when I was suddenly interrupted by
Witness: fMS when I was suddenly interrupted by


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the approach of a
Witness: f1823 the approach of a
Witness: f1831 the approach of a
Witness: fThomas the approach of a
Witness: fMS the approach of a


Reading Group: C22_app821_rg1

Witness: fMS rustic

Reading Group: C22_app821_rg2

Witness: f1818 rustic,
Witness: f1823 rustic,
Witness: f1831 rustic,
Witness: fThomas rustic,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 who was probably
Witness: f1823 who was probably
Witness: f1831 who was probably
Witness: fThomas who was probably
Witness: fMS who was probably


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS her


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the person from whom she had
Witness: f1823 the person from whom she had
Witness: f1831 the person from whom she had
Witness: fThomas the person from whom she had
Witness: fMS the person from whom she had


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 playfully
Witness: f1823 playfully
Witness: f1831 playfully
Witness: fThomas playfully
Witness: fMS playfully


Reading Group: C22_app826_rg1

Witness: fMS fled –

Reading Group: C22_app826_rg2

Witness: f1818 fled.
Witness: f1823 fled.
Witness: f1831 fled.
Witness: fThomas fled.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 On seeing
Witness: f1823 On seeing
Witness: f1831 On seeing
Witness: fThomas On seeing
Witness: fMS On seeing


Reading Group: C22_app828_rg1

Witness: fMS me

Reading Group: C22_app828_rg2

Witness: f1818 me,
Witness: f1823 me,
Witness: f1831 me,
Witness: fThomas me,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 he darted
Witness: f1823 he darted
Witness: f1831 he darted
Witness: fThomas he darted
Witness: fMS he darted


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 towards
Witness: f1823 towards
Witness: f1831 towards
Witness: fThomas towards
Witness: fMS towards


Reading Group: C22_app831_rg1

Witness: fMS me

Reading Group: C22_app831_rg2

Witness: f1818 me,
Witness: f1823 me,
Witness: f1831 me,
Witness: fThomas me,


Reading Group: C22_app832_rg1

Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fMS and

Reading Group: C22_app832_rg2

Witness: f1818 and,
Witness: f1823 and,
Witness: fThomas and,


Reading Group: C22_app833_rg1

Witness: fMS tore<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>tearing

Reading Group: C22_app833_rg2

Witness: f1818 tearing
Witness: f1823 tearing
Witness: f1831 tearing
Witness: fThomas tearing


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the girl from
Witness: f1823 the girl from
Witness: f1831 the girl from
Witness: fThomas the girl from
Witness: fMS the girl from


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my
Witness: f1823 my
Witness: f1831 my
Witness: fThomas my
Witness: fMS my


Reading Group: C22_app836_rg1

Witness: fMS arms

Reading Group: C22_app836_rg2

Witness: f1818 arms,
Witness: f1823 arms,
Witness: f1831 arms,
Witness: fThomas arms,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 hastened towards the deeper
Witness: f1823 hastened towards the deeper
Witness: f1831 hastened towards the deeper
Witness: fThomas hastened towards the deeper
Witness: fMS hastened towards the deeper


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 parts of the
Witness: f1823 parts of the
Witness: f1831 parts of the
Witness: fThomas parts of the
Witness: fMS parts of the


Reading Group: C22_app839_rg1

Witness: fMS forest — I know not by what

Reading Group: C22_app839_rg2

Witness: f1818 wood.
Witness: f1823 wood.
Witness: f1831 wood.
Witness: fThomas wood.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I followed
Witness: f1823 I followed
Witness: f1831 I followed
Witness: fThomas I followed
Witness: fMS I followed


Reading Group: C22_app841_rg1

Witness: fMS speedily

Reading Group: C22_app841_rg2

Witness: f1818 speedily,
Witness: f1823 speedily,
Witness: f1831 speedily,
Witness: fThomas speedily,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I hardly knew
Witness: f1823 I hardly knew
Witness: f1831 I hardly knew
Witness: fThomas I hardly knew
Witness: fMS I hardly knew


Reading Group: C22_app843_rg1

Witness: fMS why

Reading Group: C22_app843_rg2

Witness: f1818 why;
Witness: f1823 why;
Witness: f1831 why;
Witness: fThomas why;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but when the man saw me
Witness: f1823 but when the man saw me
Witness: f1831 but when the man saw me
Witness: fThomas but when the man saw me
Witness: fMS but when the man saw me


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 draw
Witness: f1823 draw
Witness: f1831 draw
Witness: fThomas draw
Witness: fMS draw


Reading Group: C22_app846_rg1

Witness: fMS near

Reading Group: C22_app846_rg2

Witness: f1818 near,
Witness: f1823 near,
Witness: f1831 near,
Witness: fThomas near,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 he aimed a
Witness: f1823 he aimed a
Witness: f1831 he aimed a
Witness: fThomas he aimed a
Witness: fMS he aimed a


Reading Group: C22_app848_rg1

Witness: fMS gun

Reading Group: C22_app848_rg2

Witness: f1818 gun,
Witness: f1823 gun,
Witness: f1831 gun,
Witness: fThomas gun,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 which
Witness: f1823 which
Witness: f1831 which
Witness: fThomas which
Witness: fMS which


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 he carried, at my
Witness: f1823 he carried, at my
Witness: f1831 he carried, at my
Witness: fThomas he carried, at my
Witness: fMS he carried, at my


Reading Group: C22_app851_rg1

Witness: fMS body

Reading Group: C22_app851_rg2

Witness: f1818 body,
Witness: f1823 body,
Witness: f1831 body,
Witness: fThomas body,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and fired. I
Witness: f1823 and fired. I
Witness: f1831 and fired. I
Witness: fThomas and fired. I
Witness: fMS & fired. I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 sunk to the
Witness: f1823 sunk to the
Witness: f1831 sunk to the
Witness: fThomas sunk to the
Witness: fMS sunk to the


Reading Group: C22_app854_rg1

Witness: fMS ground

Reading Group: C22_app854_rg2

Witness: f1818 ground,
Witness: f1823 ground,
Witness: f1831 ground,
Witness: fThomas ground,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: fMS &


Reading Group: C22_app856_rg1

Witness: f1818 my injurer, with increased swiftness,
Witness: f1823 my injurer, with increased swiftness,
Witness: f1831 my injurer, with increased swiftness,
Witness: fThomas my injurer, with increased swiftness,

Reading Group: C22_app856_rg2

Witness: fMS with encreased swiftness He


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 escaped into the
Witness: f1823 escaped into the
Witness: f1831 escaped into the
Witness: fThomas escaped into the
Witness: fMS escaped into the


Reading Group: C22_app858_rg1

Witness: fMS wood. This

Reading Group: C22_app858_rg2

Witness: f1818 wood.<p/><p/>“This was
Witness: f1823 wood.<p/><p/>“This was
Witness: f1831 wood.<p/><p/>“This was
Witness: fThomas wood.<p/><p/>“This was


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 then
Witness: f1823 then
Witness: f1831 then
Witness: fThomas then
Witness: fMS then


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS was


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the reward of my
Witness: f1823 the reward of my
Witness: f1831 the reward of my
Witness: fThomas the reward of my
Witness: fMS the reward of my


Reading Group: C22_app862_rg1

Witness: fMS benevolence

Reading Group: C22_app862_rg2

Witness: f1818 benevolence!
Witness: f1823 benevolence!
Witness: f1831 benevolence!
Witness: fThomas benevolence!


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: fMS I


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS writhed under the wound.w


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 had saved a human
Witness: f1823 had saved a human
Witness: f1831 had saved a human
Witness: fThomas had saved a human
Witness: fMS had saved a human


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 being from
Witness: f1823 being from
Witness: f1831 being from
Witness: fThomas being from
Witness: fMS being from


Reading Group: C22_app867_rg1

Witness: fMS destruction and

Reading Group: C22_app867_rg2

Witness: f1818 destruction, and,
Witness: f1823 destruction, and,
Witness: f1831 destruction, and,
Witness: fThomas destruction, and,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 as a
Witness: f1823 as a
Witness: f1831 as a
Witness: fThomas as a
Witness: fMS as a


Reading Group: C22_app869_rg1

Witness: fMS recompence

Reading Group: C22_app869_rg2

Witness: f1818 recompense,
Witness: f1823 recompense,
Witness: f1831 recompense,
Witness: fThomas recompense,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I now writhed
Witness: f1823 I now writhed
Witness: f1831 I now writhed
Witness: fThomas I now writhed
Witness: fMS I now writhed


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS un


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 under
Witness: f1823 under
Witness: f1831 under
Witness: fThomas under
Witness: fMS under


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the miserable pain of
Witness: f1823 the miserable pain of
Witness: f1831 the miserable pain of
Witness: fThomas the miserable pain of
Witness: fMS the miserable pain of


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS my wounda multitude ofwounds.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a
Witness: f1823 a
Witness: f1831 a
Witness: fThomas a
Witness: fMS a


Reading Group: C22_app876_rg1

Witness: fMS wound

Reading Group: C22_app876_rg2

Witness: f1818 wound,
Witness: f1823 wound,
Witness: f1831 wound,
Witness: fThomas wound,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 which
Witness: f1823 which
Witness: f1831 which
Witness: fThomas which
Witness: fMS which


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 shattered the
Witness: f1823 shattered the
Witness: f1831 shattered the
Witness: fThomas shattered the
Witness: fMS shattered the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 flesh and
Witness: f1823 flesh and
Witness: f1831 flesh and
Witness: fThomas flesh and
Witness: fMS flesh &


Reading Group: C22_app880_rg1

Witness: fMS bone One The ball had grazed my neck&the an other entered my shoulder.

Reading Group: C22_app880_rg2

Witness: f1818 bone.
Witness: f1823 bone.
Witness: f1831 bone.
Witness: fThomas bone.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 The feelings
Witness: f1823 The feelings
Witness: f1831 The feelings
Witness: fThomas The feelings
Witness: fMS The feelings


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of kindness and
Witness: f1823 of kindness and
Witness: f1831 of kindness and
Witness: fThomas of kindness and
Witness: fMS of kindness and


Reading Group: C22_app883_rg1

Witness: fMS softnessgentleness

Reading Group: C22_app883_rg2

Witness: f1818 gentleness,
Witness: f1823 gentleness,
Witness: f1831 gentleness,
Witness: fThomas gentleness,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 which I had
Witness: f1823 which I had
Witness: f1831 which I had
Witness: fThomas which I had
Witness: fMS which I had


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 entertained but a few moments
Witness: f1823 entertained but a few moments
Witness: f1831 entertained but a few moments
Witness: fThomas entertained but a few moments
Witness: fMS entertained but a few moments


Reading Group: C22_app886_rg1

Witness: fMS before

Reading Group: C22_app886_rg2

Witness: f1818 before,
Witness: f1823 before,
Witness: f1831 before,
Witness: fThomas before,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 gave place to hellish rage and gnashing
Witness: f1823 gave place to hellish rage and gnashing
Witness: f1831 gave place to hellish rage and gnashing
Witness: fThomas gave place to hellish rage and gnashing
Witness: fMS gave place to hellish rage & gnashing


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of
Witness: f1823 of
Witness: f1831 of
Witness: fThomas of
Witness: fMS of


Reading Group: C22_app889_rg1

Witness: fMS teeth –

Reading Group: C22_app889_rg2

Witness: f1818 teeth.
Witness: f1823 teeth.
Witness: f1831 teeth.
Witness: fThomas teeth.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Inflamed by
Witness: f1823 Inflamed by
Witness: f1831 Inflamed by
Witness: fThomas Inflamed by
Witness: fMS inflamed by


Reading Group: C22_app891_rg1

Witness: fMS pain

Reading Group: C22_app891_rg2

Witness: f1818 pain,
Witness: f1823 pain,
Witness: f1831 pain,
Witness: fThomas pain,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I vowed
Witness: f1823 I vowed
Witness: f1831 I vowed
Witness: fThomas I vowed
Witness: fMS I vowed


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 eternal hatred and vengeance to all
Witness: f1823 eternal hatred and vengeance to all
Witness: f1831 eternal hatred and vengeance to all
Witness: fThomas eternal hatred and vengeance to all
Witness: fMS eternal hatred & vengeance to all


Reading Group: C22_app894_rg1

Witness: fMS mankind —

Reading Group: C22_app894_rg2

Witness: f1818 mankind.
Witness: f1823 mankind.
Witness: f1831 mankind.
Witness: fThomas mankind.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 But
Witness: f1823 But
Witness: f1831 But
Witness: fThomas But
Witness: fMS But


Reading Group: C22_app896_rg1

Witness: fMS pain<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>the

Reading Group: C22_app896_rg2

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fThomas the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 agony of my wound overcame
Witness: f1823 agony of my wound overcame
Witness: f1831 agony of my wound overcame
Witness: fThomas agony of my wound overcame
Witness: fMS agony of my wound overcame


Reading Group: C22_app898_rg1

Witness: fMS me sens

Reading Group: C22_app898_rg2

Witness: f1818 me;
Witness: f1823 me;
Witness: f1831 me;
Witness: fThomas me;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my pulses
Witness: f1823 my pulses
Witness: f1831 my pulses
Witness: fThomas my pulses
Witness: fMS my pulses


Reading Group: C22_app900_rg1

Witness: fMS paused

Reading Group: C22_app900_rg2

Witness: f1818 paused,
Witness: f1823 paused,
Witness: f1831 paused,
Witness: fThomas paused,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and I
Witness: f1823 and I
Witness: f1831 and I
Witness: fThomas and I
Witness: fMS and I


Reading Group: C22_app902_rg1

Witness: fMS fainted. For

Reading Group: C22_app902_rg2

Witness: f1818 fainted.<p/><p/>“For
Witness: f1823 fainted.<p/><p/>“For
Witness: f1831 fainted.<p/><p/>“For
Witness: fThomas fainted.<p/><p/>“For


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 some weeks I led a miserable
Witness: f1823 some weeks I led a miserable
Witness: f1831 some weeks I led a miserable
Witness: fThomas some weeks I led a miserable
Witness: fMS some weeks I led a miserable


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 life in
Witness: f1823 life in
Witness: f1831 life in
Witness: fThomas life in
Witness: fMS life in


Reading Group: C22_app905_rg1

Witness: f1818 the woods,
Witness: f1823 the woods,
Witness: f1831 the woods,
Witness: fThomas the woods,

Reading Group: C22_app905_rg2

Witness: fMS these woods


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 endeavouring to
Witness: f1823 endeavouring to
Witness: f1831 endeavouring to
Witness: fThomas endeavouring to
Witness: fMS endeavouring to


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 cure the wound which I had received. The
Witness: f1823 cure the wound which I had received. The
Witness: f1831 cure the wound which I had received. The
Witness: fThomas cure the wound which I had received. The
Witness: fMS cure the wound which I had received. The


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 ball had entered my
Witness: f1823 ball had entered my
Witness: f1831 ball had entered my
Witness: fThomas ball had entered my
Witness: fMS ball had entered my


Reading Group: C22_app909_rg1

Witness: fMS shoulder

Reading Group: C22_app909_rg2

Witness: f1818 shoulder,
Witness: f1823 shoulder,
Witness: f1831 shoulder,
Witness: fThomas shoulder,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and I knew
Witness: f1823 and I knew
Witness: f1831 and I knew
Witness: fThomas and I knew
Witness: fMS and I knew


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 not whether it had remained there
Witness: f1823 not whether it had remained there
Witness: f1831 not whether it had remained there
Witness: fThomas not whether it had remained there
Witness: fMS not whether it had remained there


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 or passed
Witness: f1823 or passed
Witness: f1831 or passed
Witness: fThomas or passed
Witness: fMS or passed


Reading Group: C22_app913_rg1

Witness: f1818 through; at
Witness: f1823 through; at
Witness: f1831 through; at
Witness: fThomas through; at

Reading Group: C22_app913_rg2

Witness: fMS through—at


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 any rate I had no means of extracting it.
Witness: f1823 any rate I had no means of extracting it.
Witness: f1831 any rate I had no means of extracting it.
Witness: fThomas any rate I had no means of extracting it.
Witness: fMS any rate I had no means of extracting it.


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS A


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 My
Witness: f1823 My
Witness: f1831 My
Witness: fThomas My
Witness: fMS My


Reading Group: C22_app917_rg1

Witness: fMS suffering

Reading Group: C22_app917_rg2

Witness: f1818 sufferings
Witness: f1823 sufferings
Witness: f1831 sufferings
Witness: fThomas sufferings


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 were
Witness: f1823 were
Witness: f1831 were
Witness: fThomas were
Witness: fMS were


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 augmented also by the oppressive sense
Witness: f1823 augmented also by the oppressive sense
Witness: f1831 augmented also by the oppressive sense
Witness: fThomas augmented also by the oppressive sense
Witness: fMS augmented also by the oppressive sense


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS I had


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of the injustice and ingratitude of their
Witness: f1823 of the injustice and ingratitude of their
Witness: f1831 of the injustice and ingratitude of their
Witness: fThomas of the injustice and ingratitude of their
Witness: fMS of the injustice & ingratitude <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>of their


Reading Group: C22_app922_rg1

Witness: fMS infliction

Reading Group: C22_app922_rg2

Witness: f1818 infliction.
Witness: f1823 infliction.
Witness: f1831 infliction.
Witness: fThomas infliction.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 My daily
Witness: f1823 My daily
Witness: f1831 My daily
Witness: fThomas My daily
Witness: fMS My daily


Reading Group: C22_app924_rg1

Witness: fMS prayersvows

Reading Group: C22_app924_rg2

Witness: f1818 vows
Witness: f1823 vows
Witness: f1831 vows
Witness: fThomas vows


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 rose for
Witness: f1823 rose for
Witness: f1831 rose for
Witness: fThomas rose for
Witness: fMS rose for


Reading Group: C22_app926_rg1

Witness: fMS revenge – a

Reading Group: C22_app926_rg2

Witness: f1818 revenge—a
Witness: f1823 revenge—a
Witness: f1831 revenge—a
Witness: fThomas revenge—a


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 deep and deadly
Witness: f1823 deep and deadly
Witness: f1831 deep and deadly
Witness: fThomas deep and deadly
Witness: fMS deep & deadly


Reading Group: C22_app928_rg1

Witness: fMS revenge

Reading Group: C22_app928_rg2

Witness: f1818 revenge,
Witness: f1823 revenge,
Witness: f1831 revenge,
Witness: fThomas revenge,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 such as would alone compensate for the
Witness: f1823 such as would alone compensate for the
Witness: f1831 such as would alone compensate for the
Witness: fThomas such as would alone compensate for the
Witness: fMS such as would alone compensate for the


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS horrors of my situation.the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 outrages and
Witness: f1823 outrages and
Witness: f1831 outrages and
Witness: fThomas outrages and
Witness: fMS outrages &


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 anguish I had
Witness: f1823 anguish I had
Witness: f1831 anguish I had
Witness: fThomas anguish I had
Witness: fMS anguish I had


Reading Group: C22_app934_rg1

Witness: fMS endured. After

Reading Group: C22_app934_rg2

Witness: f1818 endured.<p/><p/>“After
Witness: f1823 endured.<p/><p/>“After
Witness: f1831 endured.<p/><p/>“After
Witness: fThomas endured.<p/><p/>“After


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 some weeks my wound
Witness: f1823 some weeks my wound
Witness: f1831 some weeks my wound
Witness: fThomas some weeks my wound
Witness: fMS some weeks my wound


Reading Group: C22_app936_rg1

Witness: fMS healed

Reading Group: C22_app936_rg2

Witness: f1818 healed,
Witness: f1823 healed,
Witness: f1831 healed,
Witness: fThomas healed,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and I continued my
Witness: f1823 and I continued my
Witness: f1831 and I continued my
Witness: fThomas and I continued my
Witness: fMS and I continued my


Reading Group: C22_app938_rg1

Witness: fMS journey —

Reading Group: C22_app938_rg2

Witness: f1818 journey.
Witness: f1823 journey.
Witness: f1831 journey.
Witness: fThomas journey.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 The labours
Witness: f1823 The labours
Witness: f1831 The labours
Witness: fThomas The labours
Witness: fMS the labours


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I endured were no longer to be alleviated by the
Witness: f1823 I endured were no longer to be alleviated by the
Witness: f1831 I endured were no longer to be alleviated by the
Witness: fThomas I endured were no longer to be alleviated by the
Witness: fMS I endured were no longer <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>to be alleviated by the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 bright sun or
Witness: f1823 bright sun or
Witness: f1831 bright sun or
Witness: fThomas bright sun or
Witness: fMS bright sun or


Reading Group: C22_app942_rg1

Witness: fMS genttle

Reading Group: C22_app942_rg2

Witness: f1818 gentle
Witness: f1823 gentle
Witness: f1831 gentle
Witness: fThomas gentle


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 breezes of
Witness: f1823 breezes of
Witness: f1831 breezes of
Witness: fThomas breezes of
Witness: fMS breezes of


Reading Group: C22_app944_rg1

Witness: fMS spring —

Reading Group: C22_app944_rg2

Witness: f1818 spring;
Witness: f1823 spring;
Witness: f1831 spring;
Witness: fThomas spring;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 all joy was but a
Witness: f1823 all joy was but a
Witness: f1831 all joy was but a
Witness: fThomas all joy was but a
Witness: fMS all joy was but a


Reading Group: C22_app946_rg1

Witness: fMS mockery to me, &

Reading Group: C22_app946_rg2

Witness: f1818 mockery,
Witness: f1823 mockery,
Witness: f1831 mockery,
Witness: fThomas mockery,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 which insulted my desolate
Witness: f1823 which insulted my desolate
Witness: f1831 which insulted my desolate
Witness: fThomas which insulted my desolate
Witness: fMS which insulted my desolate


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 state, and made me feel more painfully that
Witness: f1823 state, and made me feel more painfully that
Witness: f1831 state, and made me feel more painfully that
Witness: fThomas state, and made me feel more painfully that
Witness: fMS state, & made me feel more painfully that


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I was not made for
Witness: f1823 I was not made for
Witness: f1831 I was not made for
Witness: fThomas I was not made for
Witness: fMS I was not made for


Reading Group: C22_app950_rg1

Witness: fMS enjoyment. But

Reading Group: C22_app950_rg2

Witness: f1818 the enjoyment of pleasure.<p/><p/>“But
Witness: f1823 the enjoyment of pleasure.<p/><p/>“But
Witness: f1831 the enjoyment of pleasure.<p/><p/>“But
Witness: fThomas the enjoyment of pleasure.<p/><p/>“But


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my
Witness: f1823 my
Witness: f1831 my
Witness: fThomas my
Witness: fMS my


Reading Group: C22_app952_rg1

Witness: fMS journeytoils

Reading Group: C22_app952_rg2

Witness: f1818 toils
Witness: f1823 toils
Witness: f1831 toils
Witness: fThomas toils


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 now drew near a
Witness: f1823 now drew near a
Witness: f1831 now drew near a
Witness: fThomas now drew near a
Witness: fMS now drew near a


Reading Group: C22_app954_rg1

Witness: fMS close &

Reading Group: C22_app954_rg2

Witness: f1818 close; and,
Witness: f1823 close; and,
Witness: f1831 close; and,
Witness: fThomas close; and,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1823 in
Witness: f1831 in


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 two
Witness: f1823 two
Witness: f1831 two
Witness: fThomas two
Witness: fMS two


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 months from this
Witness: f1823 months from this
Witness: f1831 months from this
Witness: fThomas months from this
Witness: fMS months from this


Reading Group: C22_app958_rg1

Witness: fMS time

Reading Group: C22_app958_rg2

Witness: f1818 time,
Witness: f1823 time,
Witness: f1831 time,
Witness: fThomas time,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I reached the
Witness: f1823 I reached the
Witness: f1831 I reached the
Witness: fThomas I reached the
Witness: fMS I reached the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 environs of
Witness: f1823 environs of
Witness: f1831 environs of
Witness: fThomas environs of
Witness: fMS environs of


Reading Group: C22_app961_rg1

Witness: fMS Geneva. The same chapter continued<milestone spanTo="#c57-0063.01" unit="tei:head"/>Chap. 9<shi rend="underline"></shi>I now saw Thus my journey appeared It

Reading Group: C22_app961_rg2

Witness: f1818 Geneva.<p/><p/>“It
Witness: f1823 Geneva.<p/><p/>“It
Witness: f1831 Geneva.<p/><p/>“It
Witness: fThomas Geneva.<p/><p/>“It


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was evening when I
Witness: f1823 was evening when I
Witness: f1831 was evening when I
Witness: fThomas was evening when I
Witness: fMS was evening when I


Reading Group: C22_app963_rg1

Witness: fMS arrived in the outskirts of Geneva<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>that town

Reading Group: C22_app963_rg2

Witness: f1818 arrived,
Witness: f1823 arrived,
Witness: f1831 arrived,
Witness: fThomas arrived,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and I retired to a
Witness: f1823 and I retired to a
Witness: f1831 and I retired to a
Witness: fThomas and I retired to a
Witness: fMS and I retired to a


Reading Group: C22_app965_rg1

Witness: fMS hiding place

Reading Group: C22_app965_rg2

Witness: f1818 hiding-place
Witness: f1823 hiding-place
Witness: f1831 hiding-place
Witness: fThomas hiding-place


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 among the
Witness: f1823 among the
Witness: f1831 among the
Witness: fThomas among the
Witness: fMS among the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 fields that
Witness: f1823 fields that
Witness: f1831 fields that
Witness: fThomas fields that
Witness: fMS fields that


Reading Group: C22_app968_rg1

Witness: f1818 surround
Witness: f1823 surround
Witness: f1831 surround
Witness: fThomas surround

Reading Group: C22_app968_rg2

Witness: fMS surrounds


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 it, to
Witness: f1823 it, to
Witness: f1831 it, to
Witness: fThomas it, to
Witness: fMS it, to


Reading Group: C22_app970_rg1

Witness: fMS consider

Reading Group: C22_app970_rg2

Witness: f1818 meditate
Witness: f1823 meditate
Witness: f1831 meditate
Witness: fThomas meditate


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in what
Witness: f1823 in what
Witness: f1831 in what
Witness: fThomas in what
Witness: fMS in what


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 manner I should apply to you. I was oppressed
Witness: f1823 manner I should apply to you. I was oppressed
Witness: f1831 manner I should apply to you. I was oppressed
Witness: fThomas manner I should apply to you. I was oppressed
Witness: fMS manner I should apply to you. I was oppressed


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 by fatigue and
Witness: f1823 by fatigue and
Witness: f1831 by fatigue and
Witness: fThomas by fatigue and
Witness: fMS by fatigue and


Reading Group: C22_app974_rg1

Witness: fMS hunger

Reading Group: C22_app974_rg2

Witness: f1818 hunger,
Witness: f1823 hunger,
Witness: f1831 hunger,
Witness: fThomas hunger,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and far too unhappy to
Witness: f1823 and far too unhappy to
Witness: f1831 and far too unhappy to
Witness: fThomas and far too unhappy to
Witness: fMS and far too unhappy to


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 enjoy the
Witness: f1823 enjoy the
Witness: f1831 enjoy the
Witness: fThomas enjoy the
Witness: fMS enjoy the


Reading Group: C22_app977_rg1

Witness: fMS gentlle

Reading Group: C22_app977_rg2

Witness: f1818 gentle
Witness: f1823 gentle
Witness: f1831 gentle
Witness: fThomas gentle


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 breezes of
Witness: f1823 breezes of
Witness: f1831 breezes of
Witness: fThomas breezes of
Witness: fMS breezes of


Reading Group: C22_app979_rg1

Witness: fMS evening

Reading Group: C22_app979_rg2

Witness: f1818 evening,
Witness: f1823 evening,
Witness: f1831 evening,
Witness: fThomas evening,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 or the prospect
Witness: f1823 or the prospect
Witness: f1831 or the prospect
Witness: fThomas or the prospect
Witness: fMS or the prospect


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of the sun setting behind the stupendous mountains of
Witness: f1823 of the sun setting behind the stupendous mountains of
Witness: f1831 of the sun setting behind the stupendous mountains of
Witness: fThomas of the sun setting behind the stupendous mountains of
Witness: fMS of the sun setting behind the stupendous mountains of


Reading Group: C22_app982_rg1

Witness: f1818 Jura.<p/><p/>“At
Witness: f1823 Jura.<p/><p/>“At
Witness: f1831 Jura.<p/><p/>“At
Witness: fThomas Jura.<p/><p/>“At

Reading Group: C22_app982_rg2

Witness: fMS the Jura. At


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 this time
Witness: f1823 this time
Witness: f1831 this time
Witness: fThomas this time
Witness: fMS this time


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS I was relieved by


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a slight sleep relieved me
Witness: f1823 a slight sleep relieved me
Witness: f1831 a slight sleep relieved me
Witness: fThomas a slight sleep relieved me
Witness: fMS a slight sleep <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>relieved me


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 from the pain of reflection,
Witness: f1823 from the pain of reflection,
Witness: f1831 from the pain of reflection,
Witness: fThomas from the pain of reflection,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 which was disturbed by the
Witness: f1823 which was disturbed by the
Witness: f1831 which was disturbed by the
Witness: fThomas which was disturbed by the
Witness: fMS which was disturbed by the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 approach of a beautiful
Witness: f1823 approach of a beautiful
Witness: f1831 approach of a beautiful
Witness: fThomas approach of a beautiful
Witness: fMS approach of a beautiful


Reading Group: C22_app989_rg1

Witness: fMS child

Reading Group: C22_app989_rg2

Witness: f1818 child,
Witness: f1823 child,
Witness: f1831 child,
Witness: fThomas child,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 who came
Witness: f1823 who came
Witness: f1831 who came
Witness: fThomas who came
Witness: fMS who came


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 running into the recess I had
Witness: f1823 running into the recess I had
Witness: f1831 running into the recess I had
Witness: fThomas running into the recess I had
Witness: fMS running into the recess I had


Reading Group: C22_app992_rg1

Witness: f1818 chosen
Witness: fThomas chosen
Witness: fMS chosen

Reading Group: C22_app992_rg2

Witness: f1823 chosen,
Witness: f1831 chosen,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 with
Witness: f1823 with
Witness: f1831 with
Witness: fThomas with
Witness: fMS with


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 all the sportiveness of
Witness: f1823 all the sportiveness of
Witness: f1831 all the sportiveness of
Witness: fThomas all the sportiveness of
Witness: fMS all the sportiveness of


Reading Group: C22_app995_rg1

Witness: f1818 infancy. Suddenly,
Witness: f1823 infancy. Suddenly,
Witness: f1831 infancy. Suddenly,
Witness: fThomas infancy. Suddenly,

Reading Group: C22_app995_rg2

Witness: fMS infancy—Suddenly


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 as I
Witness: f1823 as I
Witness: f1831 as I
Witness: fThomas as I
Witness: fMS as I


Reading Group: C22_app997_rg1

Witness: fMS gaze<mdel/>d

Reading Group: C22_app997_rg2

Witness: f1818 gazed
Witness: f1823 gazed
Witness: f1831 gazed
Witness: fThomas gazed


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 on
Witness: f1823 on
Witness: f1831 on
Witness: fThomas on
Witness: fMS on


Reading Group: C22_app999_rg1

Witness: fMS him anthoughtidea

Reading Group: C22_app999_rg2

Witness: f1818 him, an idea
Witness: f1823 him, an idea
Witness: f1831 him, an idea
Witness: fThomas him, an idea


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 seized
Witness: f1823 seized
Witness: f1831 seized
Witness: fThomas seized
Witness: fMS seized


Reading Group: C22_app1001_rg1

Witness: fMS me –

Reading Group: C22_app1001_rg2

Witness: f1818 me,
Witness: f1823 me,
Witness: f1831 me,
Witness: fThomas me,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that
Witness: f1823 that
Witness: f1831 that
Witness: fThomas that
Witness: fMS that


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 this little creature was
Witness: f1823 this little creature was
Witness: f1831 this little creature was
Witness: fThomas this little creature was
Witness: fMS this little creature was


Reading Group: C22_app1004_rg1

Witness: fMS uncorrupted &unprejudiced&

Reading Group: C22_app1004_rg2

Witness: f1818 unprejudiced, and
Witness: f1823 unprejudiced, and
Witness: f1831 unprejudiced, and
Witness: fThomas unprejudiced, and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 had lived too short a time to have
Witness: f1823 had lived too short a time to have
Witness: f1831 had lived too short a time to have
Witness: fThomas had lived too short a time to have
Witness: fMS havde lived too short a time to have


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 imbibed a horror of deformity.
Witness: f1823 imbibed a horror of deformity.
Witness: f1831 imbibed a horror of deformity.
Witness: fThomas imbibed a horror of deformity.
Witness: fMS imbibed <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>a horrowr of deformity.


Reading Group: C22_app1007_rg1

Witness: fMS If therefore

Reading Group: C22_app1007_rg2

Witness: f1818 If, therefore,
Witness: f1823 If, therefore,
Witness: f1831 If, therefore,
Witness: fThomas If, therefore,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: fMS I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 could seize
Witness: f1823 could seize
Witness: f1831 could seize
Witness: fThomas could seize
Witness: fMS could seize


Reading Group: C22_app1010_rg1

Witness: fMS him

Reading Group: C22_app1010_rg2

Witness: f1818 him,
Witness: f1823 him,
Witness: f1831 him,
Witness: fThomas him,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and educate him as my
Witness: f1823 and educate him as my
Witness: f1831 and educate him as my
Witness: fThomas and educate him as my
Witness: fMS & educate him as my


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 companion and friend, I should not be so
Witness: f1823 companion and friend, I should not be so
Witness: f1831 companion and friend, I should not be so
Witness: fThomas companion and friend, I should not be so
Witness: fMS companion & friend, I should not be so


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 desolate
Witness: f1823 desolate
Witness: f1831 desolate
Witness: fThomas desolate
Witness: fMS desolate


Reading Group: C22_app1014_rg1

Witness: fMS <mdel/>in

Reading Group: C22_app1014_rg2

Witness: f1818 in
Witness: f1823 in
Witness: f1831 in
Witness: fThomas in


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 this peopled
Witness: f1823 this peopled
Witness: f1831 this peopled
Witness: fThomas this peopled
Witness: fMS this peopled


Reading Group: C22_app1016_rg1

Witness: fMS earth. Un Urged

Reading Group: C22_app1016_rg2

Witness: f1818 earth.<p/><p/>“Urged
Witness: f1823 earth.<p/><p/>“Urged
Witness: f1831 earth.<p/><p/>“Urged
Witness: fThomas earth.<p/><p/>“Urged


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 by this
Witness: f1823 by this
Witness: f1831 by this
Witness: fThomas by this
Witness: fMS by this


Reading Group: C22_app1018_rg1

Witness: fMS impulse

Reading Group: C22_app1018_rg2

Witness: f1818 impulse,
Witness: f1823 impulse,
Witness: f1831 impulse,
Witness: fThomas impulse,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I seized on the boy as he
Witness: f1823 I seized on the boy as he
Witness: f1831 I seized on the boy as he
Witness: fThomas I seized on the boy as he
Witness: fMS I seized on the boy as he


Reading Group: C22_app1020_rg1

Witness: fMS passed

Reading Group: C22_app1020_rg2

Witness: f1818 passed,
Witness: f1823 passed,
Witness: f1831 passed,
Witness: fThomas passed,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and drew him towards me. As soon as he beheld
Witness: f1823 and drew him towards me. As soon as he beheld
Witness: f1831 and drew him towards me. As soon as he beheld
Witness: fThomas and drew him towards me. As soon as he beheld
Witness: fMS and drew him towards me. As soon as he beheld


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my
Witness: f1823 my
Witness: f1831 my
Witness: fThomas my
Witness: fMS my


Reading Group: C22_app1023_rg1

Witness: fMS form

Reading Group: C22_app1023_rg2

Witness: f1818 form,
Witness: f1823 form,
Witness: f1831 form,
Witness: fThomas form,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 he placed his
Witness: f1823 he placed his
Witness: f1831 he placed his
Witness: fThomas he placed his
Witness: fMS he placed his


Reading Group: C22_app1025_rg1

Witness: fMS hand

Reading Group: C22_app1025_rg2

Witness: f1818 hands
Witness: f1823 hands
Witness: f1831 hands
Witness: fThomas hands


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 before his
Witness: f1823 before his
Witness: f1831 before his
Witness: fThomas before his
Witness: fMS before his


Reading Group: C22_app1027_rg1

Witness: fMS eyes

Reading Group: C22_app1027_rg2

Witness: f1818 eyes,
Witness: f1823 eyes,
Witness: f1831 eyes,
Witness: fThomas eyes,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and uttered a shrill
Witness: f1823 and uttered a shrill
Witness: f1831 and uttered a shrill
Witness: fThomas and uttered a shrill
Witness: fMS & uttered a shrill


Reading Group: C22_app1029_rg1

Witness: fMS scream.

Reading Group: C22_app1029_rg2

Witness: f1818 scream:
Witness: f1823 scream:
Witness: f1831 scream:
Witness: fThomas scream:


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I drew his hand
Witness: f1823 I drew his hand
Witness: f1831 I drew his hand
Witness: fThomas I drew his hand
Witness: fMS I drew his hand


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 forcibly from his
Witness: f1823 forcibly from his
Witness: f1831 forcibly from his
Witness: fThomas forcibly from his
Witness: fMS forcibly from his


Reading Group: C22_app1032_rg1

Witness: fMS eyesface& said Child,

Reading Group: C22_app1032_rg2

Witness: f1818 face, and said, ‘Child,
Witness: f1823 face, and said, ‘Child,
Witness: f1831 face, and said, ‘Child,
Witness: fThomas face, and said, ‘Child,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 what is
Witness: f1823 what is
Witness: f1831 what is
Witness: fThomas what is
Witness: fMS w<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>hat is


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the meaning of this? I do not intend to hurt
Witness: f1823 the meaning of this? I do not intend to hurt
Witness: f1831 the meaning of this? I do not intend to hurt
Witness: fThomas the meaning of this? I do not intend to hurt
Witness: fMS the meaning of this? I do not intend to hurt


Reading Group: C22_app1035_rg1

Witness: fMS you—

Reading Group: C22_app1035_rg2

Witness: f1818 you;
Witness: f1823 you;
Witness: f1831 you;
Witness: fThomas you;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 listen to
Witness: f1823 listen to
Witness: f1831 listen to
Witness: fThomas listen to
Witness: fMS listen to


Reading Group: C22_app1037_rg1

Witness: fMS me. He

Reading Group: C22_app1037_rg2

Witness: f1818 me.’<p/><p/>“He
Witness: f1823 me.’<p/><p/>“He
Witness: f1831 me.’<p/><p/>“He
Witness: fThomas me.’<p/><p/>“He


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 struggled
Witness: f1823 struggled
Witness: f1831 struggled
Witness: fThomas struggled
Witness: fMS struggled


Reading Group: C22_app1039_rg1

Witness: fMS violently Let

Reading Group: C22_app1039_rg2

Witness: f1831 violently.

Reading Group: C22_app1039_rg3

Witness: f1818 violently;
Witness: f1823 violently;
Witness: fThomas violently;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 ‘Let
Witness: f1823 ‘Let
Witness: f1831 ‘Let
Witness: fThomas ‘Let


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 me
Witness: f1823 me
Witness: f1831 me
Witness: fThomas me
Witness: fMS me


Reading Group: C22_app1042_rg1

Witness: fMS grow

Reading Group: C22_app1042_rg2

Witness: f1818 go,’
Witness: f1823 go,’
Witness: f1831 go,’
Witness: fThomas go,’


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 he
Witness: f1823 he
Witness: f1831 he
Witness: fThomas he
Witness: fMS he


Reading Group: C22_app1044_rg1

Witness: f1818 cried; ‘monster!
Witness: f1823 cried; ‘monster!
Witness: f1831 cried; ‘monster!
Witness: fThomas cried; ‘monster!

Reading Group: C22_app1044_rg2

Witness: fMS cried— Monster —


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 ugly
Witness: f1823 ugly
Witness: f1831 ugly
Witness: fThomas ugly
Witness: fMS ugly


Reading Group: C22_app1046_rg1

Witness: f1818 wretch!
Witness: f1823 wretch!
Witness: f1831 wretch!
Witness: fThomas wretch!

Reading Group: C22_app1046_rg2

Witness: fMS wretch


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 you wish to eat
Witness: f1823 you wish to eat
Witness: f1831 you wish to eat
Witness: fThomas you wish to eat
Witness: fMS You wish to eat


Reading Group: C22_app1048_rg1

Witness: fMS me

Reading Group: C22_app1048_rg2

Witness: f1818 me,
Witness: f1823 me,
Witness: f1831 me,
Witness: fThomas me,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and tear me to
Witness: f1823 and tear me to
Witness: f1831 and tear me to
Witness: fThomas and tear me to
Witness: fMS & tear me to


Reading Group: C22_app1050_rg1

Witness: fMS pieces you

Reading Group: C22_app1050_rg2

Witness: f1818 pieces—You
Witness: f1823 pieces—You
Witness: f1831 pieces—You
Witness: fThomas pieces—You


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 are an
Witness: f1823 are an
Witness: f1831 are an
Witness: fThomas are an
Witness: fMS are an


Reading Group: C22_app1052_rg1

Witness: fMS ogre, – let

Reading Group: C22_app1052_rg2

Witness: f1818 ogre—Let
Witness: f1823 ogre—Let
Witness: f1831 ogre—Let
Witness: fThomas ogre—Let


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 me
Witness: f1823 me
Witness: f1831 me
Witness: fThomas me
Witness: fMS me


Reading Group: C22_app1054_rg1

Witness: fMS go

Reading Group: C22_app1054_rg2

Witness: f1818 go,
Witness: f1823 go,
Witness: f1831 go,
Witness: fThomas go,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 or I will tell my
Witness: f1823 or I will tell my
Witness: f1831 or I will tell my
Witness: fThomas or I will tell my
Witness: fMS or I will tell my


Reading Group: C22_app1056_rg1

Witness: fMS papa. Boy said I –

Reading Group: C22_app1056_rg2

Witness: f1818 papa.’<p/><p/>“‘Boy,
Witness: f1823 papa.’<p/><p/>“‘Boy,
Witness: f1831 papa.’<p/><p/>“‘Boy,
Witness: fThomas papa.’<p/><p/>“‘Boy,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 you will never see your father
Witness: f1823 you will never see your father
Witness: f1831 you will never see your father
Witness: fThomas you will never see your father
Witness: fMS You will never see your father


Reading Group: C22_app1058_rg1

Witness: fMS again –you

Reading Group: C22_app1058_rg2

Witness: f1818 again; you
Witness: f1823 again; you
Witness: f1831 again; you
Witness: fThomas again; you


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 must come with
Witness: f1823 must come with
Witness: f1831 must come with
Witness: fThomas must come with
Witness: fMS must come with


Reading Group: C22_app1060_rg1

Witness: fMS me. He burst into loud cries — hideous monster

Reading Group: C22_app1060_rg2

Witness: f1818 me.’<p/><p/>“‘Hideous monster!
Witness: f1823 me.’<p/><p/>“‘Hideous monster!
Witness: f1831 me.’<p/><p/>“‘Hideous monster!
Witness: fThomas me.’<p/><p/>“‘Hideous monster!


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 let me
Witness: f1823 let me
Witness: f1831 let me
Witness: fThomas let me
Witness: fMS let me


Reading Group: C22_app1062_rg1

Witness: fMS go —

Reading Group: C22_app1062_rg2

Witness: f1823 go.
Witness: f1831 go.

Reading Group: C22_app1062_rg3

Witness: f1818 go;
Witness: fThomas go;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 My papa is a
Witness: f1823 My papa is a
Witness: f1831 My papa is a
Witness: fThomas My papa is a
Witness: fMS My papa is a


Reading Group: C22_app1064_rg1

Witness: fMS syndic he

Reading Group: C22_app1064_rg2

Witness: f1818 Syndic—he
Witness: f1823 Syndic—he
Witness: f1831 Syndic—he
Witness: fThomas Syndic—he


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 is
Witness: f1823 is
Witness: f1831 is
Witness: fThomas is
Witness: fMS is


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 M.
Witness: f1823 M.
Witness: f1831 M.
Witness: fThomas M.
Witness: fMS M.


Reading Group: C22_app1067_rg1

Witness: f1818 Frankenstein—he
Witness: f1823 Frankenstein—he
Witness: f1831 Frankenstein—he
Witness: fThomas Frankenstein—he

Reading Group: C22_app1067_rg2

Witness: fMS Frankenstien let me go


Reading Group: C22_app1068_rg1

Witness: f1823 will
Witness: f1831 will

Reading Group: C22_app1068_rg2

Witness: f1818 would
Witness: fThomas would


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 punish you.
Witness: f1823 punish you.
Witness: f1831 punish you.
Witness: fThomas punish you.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 You dare not
Witness: f1823 You dare not
Witness: f1831 You dare not
Witness: fThomas You dare not
Witness: fMS you dare not


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 keep
Witness: f1823 keep
Witness: f1831 keep
Witness: fThomas keep
Witness: fMS keep


Reading Group: C22_app1072_rg1

Witness: fMS me!. Frankenstein cried I —

Reading Group: C22_app1072_rg2

Witness: f1818 me.’<p/><p/>“‘Frankenstein!
Witness: f1823 me.’<p/><p/>“‘Frankenstein!
Witness: f1831 me.’<p/><p/>“‘Frankenstein!
Witness: fThomas me.’<p/><p/>“‘Frankenstein!


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 you belong then
Witness: f1823 you belong then
Witness: f1831 you belong then
Witness: fThomas you belong then
Witness: fMS You belong then


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to my
Witness: f1823 to my
Witness: f1831 to my
Witness: fThomas to my
Witness: fMS to my


Reading Group: C22_app1075_rg1

Witness: fMS enemy–To wh

Reading Group: C22_app1075_rg2

Witness: f1818 enemy—to
Witness: f1823 enemy—to
Witness: f1831 enemy—to
Witness: fThomas enemy—to


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 him towards whom I have sworn eternal
Witness: f1823 him towards whom I have sworn eternal
Witness: f1831 him towards whom I have sworn eternal
Witness: fThomas him towards whom I have sworn eternal
Witness: fMS him towards whom I have sworn eternal


Reading Group: C22_app1077_rg1

Witness: fMS revenge &

Reading Group: C22_app1077_rg2

Witness: f1818 revenge;
Witness: f1823 revenge;
Witness: f1831 revenge;
Witness: fThomas revenge;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 you shall be
Witness: f1823 you shall be
Witness: f1831 you shall be
Witness: fThomas you shall be
Witness: fMS you shall be


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my first
Witness: f1823 my first
Witness: f1831 my first
Witness: fThomas my first
Witness: fMS my first


Reading Group: C22_app1080_rg1

Witness: fMS victim. The

Reading Group: C22_app1080_rg2

Witness: f1818 victim.’<p/><p/>“The
Witness: f1823 victim.’<p/><p/>“The
Witness: f1831 victim.’<p/><p/>“The
Witness: fThomas victim.’<p/><p/>“The


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 child still
Witness: f1823 child still
Witness: f1831 child still
Witness: fThomas child still
Witness: fMS child still


Reading Group: C22_app1082_rg1

Witness: fMS struggled

Reading Group: C22_app1082_rg2

Witness: f1818 struggled,
Witness: f1823 struggled,
Witness: f1831 struggled,
Witness: fThomas struggled,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and loaded me
Witness: f1823 and loaded me
Witness: f1831 and loaded me
Witness: fThomas and loaded me
Witness: fMS & loaded me


Reading Group: C22_app1084_rg1

Witness: f1818 with
Witness: f1823 with
Witness: f1831 with
Witness: fThomas with

Reading Group: C22_app1084_rg2

Witness: fMS withe


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 epithets which carried
Witness: f1823 epithets which carried
Witness: f1831 epithets which carried
Witness: fThomas epithets which carried
Witness: fMS epithets which carried


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 despair to my
Witness: f1823 despair to my
Witness: f1831 despair to my
Witness: fThomas despair to my
Witness: fMS despair to my


Reading Group: C22_app1087_rg1

Witness: fMS heart –

Reading Group: C22_app1087_rg2

Witness: f1818 heart:
Witness: f1823 heart:
Witness: fThomas heart:

Reading Group: C22_app1087_rg3

Witness: f1831 heart;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I grasped his throat
Witness: f1823 I grasped his throat
Witness: f1831 I grasped his throat
Witness: fThomas I grasped his throat
Witness: fMS I grasped his trhroat


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to silence
Witness: f1823 to silence
Witness: f1831 to silence
Witness: fThomas to silence
Witness: fMS to silence


Reading Group: C22_app1090_rg1

Witness: fMS him

Reading Group: C22_app1090_rg2

Witness: f1818 him,
Witness: f1823 him,
Witness: f1831 him,
Witness: fThomas him,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and in a moment he lay
Witness: f1823 and in a moment he lay
Witness: f1831 and in a moment he lay
Witness: fThomas and in a moment he lay
Witness: fMS & in a moment he lay


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 dead at my
Witness: f1823 dead at my
Witness: f1831 dead at my
Witness: fThomas dead at my
Witness: fMS dead at my


Reading Group: C22_app1093_rg1

Witness: fMS feet. I

Reading Group: C22_app1093_rg2

Witness: f1818 feet.<p/><p/>“I
Witness: f1823 feet.<p/><p/>“I
Witness: f1831 feet.<p/><p/>“I
Witness: fThomas feet.<p/><p/>“I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 gazed on my
Witness: f1823 gazed on my
Witness: f1831 gazed on my
Witness: fThomas gazed on my
Witness: fMS gazed on my


Reading Group: C22_app1095_rg1

Witness: fMS victim

Reading Group: C22_app1095_rg2

Witness: f1818 victim,
Witness: f1823 victim,
Witness: f1831 victim,
Witness: fThomas victim,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and my heart
Witness: f1823 and my heart
Witness: f1831 and my heart
Witness: fThomas and my heart
Witness: fMS and my heart


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 swelled with exultation and hellish
Witness: f1823 swelled with exultation and hellish
Witness: f1831 swelled with exultation and hellish
Witness: fThomas swelled with exultation and hellish
Witness: fMS swelled with exultation and hellish


Reading Group: C22_app1098_rg1

Witness: fMS triumph — I

Reading Group: C22_app1098_rg2

Witness: f1818 triumph:
Witness: f1823 triumph:
Witness: f1831 triumph:
Witness: fThomas triumph:


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 clapping my
Witness: f1823 clapping my
Witness: f1831 clapping my
Witness: fThomas clapping my
Witness: fMS clappeding my


Reading Group: C22_app1100_rg1

Witness: fMS hands &

Reading Group: C22_app1100_rg2

Witness: f1818 hands,
Witness: f1823 hands,
Witness: f1831 hands,
Witness: fThomas hands,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: fMS I


Reading Group: C22_app1102_rg1

Witness: fMS exclaimed I tootoo

Reading Group: C22_app1102_rg2

Witness: f1818 exclaimed, ‘I, too,
Witness: f1823 exclaimed, ‘I, too,
Witness: f1831 exclaimed, ‘I, too,
Witness: fThomas exclaimed, ‘I, too,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 can
Witness: f1823 can
Witness: f1831 can
Witness: fThomas can
Witness: fMS can


Reading Group: C22_app1104_rg1

Witness: fMS destroymake desolate. –

Reading Group: C22_app1104_rg2

Witness: f1818 create desolation;
Witness: f1823 create desolation;
Witness: f1831 create desolation;
Witness: fThomas create desolation;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my enemy is not
Witness: f1823 my enemy is not
Witness: f1831 my enemy is not
Witness: fThomas my enemy is not
Witness: fMS My enemy is not


Reading Group: C22_app1106_rg1

Witness: f1818 impregnable;
Witness: f1823 impregnable;
Witness: fThomas impregnable;
Witness: fMS impregnable;

Reading Group: C22_app1106_rg2

Witness: f1831 invulnerable;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 this death will carry despair to
Witness: f1823 this death will carry despair to
Witness: f1831 this death will carry despair to
Witness: fThomas this death will carry despair to
Witness: fMS this death will carry despair to


Reading Group: C22_app1108_rg1

Witness: fMS him

Reading Group: C22_app1108_rg2

Witness: f1818 him,
Witness: f1823 him,
Witness: f1831 him,
Witness: fThomas him,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and a
Witness: f1823 and a
Witness: f1831 and a
Witness: fThomas and a
Witness: fMS & a


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS thousand


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 thousand
Witness: f1823 thousand
Witness: f1831 thousand
Witness: fThomas thousand
Witness: fMS thousand


Reading Group: C22_app1112_rg1

Witness: f1818 other miseries
Witness: f1823 other miseries
Witness: f1831 other miseries
Witness: fThomas other miseries

Reading Group: C22_app1112_rg2

Witness: fMS others <metamark>^</metamark>miserieswill d


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 shall torment and destroy
Witness: f1823 shall torment and destroy
Witness: f1831 shall torment and destroy
Witness: fThomas shall torment and destroy
Witness: fMS shall torment & destroy


Reading Group: C22_app1114_rg1

Witness: fMS him. As

Reading Group: C22_app1114_rg2

Witness: f1818 him.’<p/><p/>“As
Witness: f1823 him.’<p/><p/>“As
Witness: f1831 him.’<p/><p/>“As
Witness: fThomas him.’<p/><p/>“As


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I fixed my eyes on the
Witness: f1823 I fixed my eyes on the
Witness: f1831 I fixed my eyes on the
Witness: fThomas I fixed my eyes on the
Witness: fMS I fixed my eyes on the


Reading Group: C22_app1116_rg1

Witness: fMS child

Reading Group: C22_app1116_rg2

Witness: f1818 child,
Witness: f1823 child,
Witness: f1831 child,
Witness: fThomas child,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I saw something glittering on his
Witness: f1823 I saw something glittering on his
Witness: f1831 I saw something glittering on his
Witness: fThomas I saw something glittering on his
Witness: fMS I saw something glittering on his


Reading Group: C22_app1118_rg1

Witness: fMS breast –

Reading Group: C22_app1118_rg2

Witness: f1818 breast.
Witness: f1823 breast.
Witness: f1831 breast.
Witness: fThomas breast.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I took
Witness: f1823 I took
Witness: f1831 I took
Witness: fThomas I took
Witness: fMS I took


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 it;
Witness: f1823 it;
Witness: f1831 it;
Witness: fThomas it;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 it
Witness: f1823 it
Witness: f1831 it
Witness: fThomas it
Witness: fMS it


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was
Witness: f1823 was
Witness: f1831 was
Witness: fThomas was
Witness: fMS was


Reading Group: C22_app1124_rg1

Witness: f1818 a
Witness: f1823 a
Witness: f1831 a
Witness: fThomas a

Reading Group: C22_app1124_rg2

Witness: fMS the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 portrait of a most lovely woman.
Witness: f1823 portrait of a most lovely woman.
Witness: f1831 portrait of a most lovely woman.
Witness: fThomas portrait of a most lovely woman.
Witness: fMS portraidt of a most lovely woman.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 In spite of my
Witness: f1823 In spite of my
Witness: f1831 In spite of my
Witness: fThomas In spite of my
Witness: fMS In spite of my


Reading Group: C22_app1127_rg1

Witness: fMS malignity and horro

Reading Group: C22_app1127_rg2

Witness: f1818 malignity,
Witness: f1823 malignity,
Witness: f1831 malignity,
Witness: fThomas malignity,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 it
Witness: f1823 it
Witness: f1831 it
Witness: fThomas it
Witness: fMS it


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 softened and attracted me. For a few
Witness: f1823 softened and attracted me. For a few
Witness: f1831 softened and attracted me. For a few
Witness: fThomas softened and attracted me. For a few
Witness: fMS softened and attracted me. for a few


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 moments I gazed with delight on her
Witness: f1823 moments I gazed with delight on her
Witness: f1831 moments I gazed with delight on her
Witness: fThomas moments I gazed with delight on her
Witness: fMS moments I gazed with delight on her


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 dark
Witness: f1823 dark
Witness: f1831 dark
Witness: fThomas dark
Witness: fMS dark


Reading Group: C22_app1132_rg1

Witness: fMS blackdeep eyes

Reading Group: C22_app1132_rg2

Witness: f1818 eyes, fringed by deep lashes,
Witness: f1823 eyes, fringed by deep lashes,
Witness: f1831 eyes, fringed by deep lashes,
Witness: fThomas eyes, fringed by deep lashes,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: fMS &


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 her
Witness: f1823 her
Witness: f1831 her
Witness: fThomas her


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 lovely
Witness: f1823 lovely
Witness: f1831 lovely
Witness: fThomas lovely
Witness: fMS lovely


Reading Group: C22_app1136_rg1

Witness: fMS lips

Reading Group: C22_app1136_rg2

Witness: f1818 lips;
Witness: f1823 lips;
Witness: f1831 lips;
Witness: fThomas lips;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but
Witness: f1823 but
Witness: f1831 but
Witness: fThomas but
Witness: fMS but


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 presently my rage returned: I remembered
Witness: f1823 presently my rage returned: I remembered
Witness: f1831 presently my rage returned: I remembered
Witness: fThomas presently my rage returned: I remembered
Witness: fMS presently my rage returned: I remembered


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that I was for ever deprived of the
Witness: f1823 that I was for ever deprived of the
Witness: f1831 that I was for ever deprived of the
Witness: fThomas that I was for ever deprived of the
Witness: fMS that I was for ever deprived of the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 delights
Witness: f1823 delights
Witness: f1831 delights
Witness: fThomas delights
Witness: fMS delights


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that
Witness: f1823 that
Witness: f1831 that
Witness: fThomas that


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 such
Witness: f1823 such
Witness: f1831 such
Witness: fThomas such
Witness: fMS such


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS ba


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 beautiful creatures
Witness: f1823 beautiful creatures
Witness: f1831 beautiful creatures
Witness: fThomas beautiful creatures
Witness: fMS beautiful creatures


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 could
Witness: f1823 could
Witness: f1831 could
Witness: fThomas could
Witness: fMS could


Reading Group: C22_app1146_rg1

Witness: fMS bestow –

Reading Group: C22_app1146_rg2

Witness: f1818 bestow;
Witness: f1823 bestow;
Witness: f1831 bestow;
Witness: fThomas bestow;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and that
Witness: f1823 and that
Witness: f1831 and that
Witness: fThomas and that
Witness: fMS and that


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS the cont


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 she whose
Witness: f1823 she whose
Witness: f1831 she whose
Witness: fThomas she whose
Witness: fMS she whose


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 resemblance I contemplated
Witness: f1823 resemblance I contemplated
Witness: f1831 resemblance I contemplated
Witness: fThomas resemblance I contemplated
Witness: fMS resemblance I contemplated


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS wh


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 would,
Witness: f1823 would,
Witness: f1831 would,
Witness: fThomas would,
Witness: fMS would,


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS havech


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in regarding
Witness: f1823 in regarding
Witness: f1831 in regarding
Witness: fThomas in regarding
Witness: fMS in regarding


Reading Group: C22_app1155_rg1

Witness: fMS me have,

Reading Group: C22_app1155_rg2

Witness: f1818 me, have
Witness: f1823 me, have
Witness: f1831 me, have
Witness: fThomas me, have


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 changed
Witness: f1823 changed
Witness: f1831 changed
Witness: fThomas changed
Witness: fMS changed


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that air of divine benignity to one
Witness: f1823 that air of divine benignity to one
Witness: f1831 that air of divine benignity to one
Witness: fThomas that air of divine benignity to one
Witness: fMS that air of divine benignity to one


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 expressive
Witness: f1823 expressive
Witness: f1831 expressive
Witness: fThomas expressive


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of
Witness: f1823 of
Witness: f1831 of
Witness: fThomas of
Witness: fMS of


Reading Group: C22_app1160_rg1

Witness: fMS horror

Reading Group: C22_app1160_rg2

Witness: f1818 disgust
Witness: f1823 disgust
Witness: f1831 disgust
Witness: fThomas disgust


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: fMS &


Reading Group: C22_app1162_rg1

Witness: f1818 affright.<p/><p/>“Can
Witness: f1823 affright.<p/><p/>“Can
Witness: f1831 affright.<p/><p/>“Can
Witness: fThomas affright.<p/><p/>“Can

Reading Group: C22_app1162_rg2

Witness: fMS detestation. Can


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 you wonder that such
Witness: f1823 you wonder that such
Witness: f1831 you wonder that such
Witness: fThomas you wonder that such
Witness: fMS you wonder that such


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 thoughts transported me with rage?
Witness: f1823 thoughts transported me with rage?
Witness: f1831 thoughts transported me with rage?
Witness: fThomas thoughts transported me with rage?
Witness: fMS thoughts transported me with rage?


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I only wonder that at that
Witness: f1823 I only wonder that at that
Witness: f1831 I only wonder that at that
Witness: fThomas I only wonder that at that
Witness: fMS I only wonder that at that


Reading Group: C22_app1166_rg1

Witness: fMS moment

Reading Group: C22_app1166_rg2

Witness: f1818 moment,
Witness: f1823 moment,
Witness: f1831 moment,
Witness: fThomas moment,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 instead of venting my sensations in
Witness: f1823 instead of venting my sensations in
Witness: f1831 instead of venting my sensations in
Witness: fThomas instead of venting my sensations in
Witness: fMS instead of venting my sensations in


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS useless


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 exclamations and
Witness: f1823 exclamations and
Witness: f1831 exclamations and
Witness: fThomas exclamations and
Witness: fMS exclamations &


Reading Group: C22_app1170_rg1

Witness: fMS agony

Reading Group: C22_app1170_rg2

Witness: f1818 agony,
Witness: f1823 agony,
Witness: f1831 agony,
Witness: fThomas agony,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I did not
Witness: f1823 I did not
Witness: f1831 I did not
Witness: fThomas I did not
Witness: fMS I did not


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 rush among
Witness: f1823 rush among
Witness: f1831 rush among
Witness: fThomas rush among
Witness: fMS rush among


Reading Group: C22_app1173_rg1

Witness: fMS mankind

Reading Group: C22_app1173_rg2

Witness: f1818 mankind,
Witness: f1823 mankind,
Witness: f1831 mankind,
Witness: fThomas mankind,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and perish
Witness: f1823 and perish
Witness: f1831 and perish
Witness: fThomas and perish
Witness: fMS and perish


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in the attempt to destroy
Witness: f1823 in the attempt to destroy
Witness: f1831 in the attempt to destroy
Witness: fThomas in the attempt to destroy
Witness: fMS in the attempt to destroy


Reading Group: C22_app1176_rg1

Witness: fMS them. While

Reading Group: C22_app1176_rg2

Witness: f1818 them.<p/><p/>“While
Witness: f1823 them.<p/><p/>“While
Witness: f1831 them.<p/><p/>“While
Witness: fThomas them.<p/><p/>“While


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I was overcome by these
Witness: f1823 I was overcome by these
Witness: f1831 I was overcome by these
Witness: fThomas I was overcome by these
Witness: fMS I <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>was overcome by these


Reading Group: C22_app1178_rg1

Witness: fMS feelings

Reading Group: C22_app1178_rg2

Witness: f1818 feelings,
Witness: f1823 feelings,
Witness: f1831 feelings,
Witness: fThomas feelings,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: fMS I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 left the spot where I had committed the
Witness: f1823 left the spot where I had committed the
Witness: f1831 left the spot where I had committed the
Witness: fThomas left the spot where I had committed the
Witness: fMS left the spot where I had committed the


Reading Group: C22_app1181_rg1

Witness: fMS murder

Reading Group: C22_app1181_rg2

Witness: f1818 murder,
Witness: f1823 murder,
Witness: f1831 murder,
Witness: fThomas murder,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: fMS and


Reading Group: C22_app1183_rg1

Witness: fMS sought

Reading Group: C22_app1183_rg2

Witness: f1818 was
Witness: f1823 was
Witness: fThomas was


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 seeking
Witness: f1823 seeking
Witness: f1831 seeking
Witness: fThomas seeking


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a more secluded
Witness: f1823 a more secluded
Witness: f1831 a more secluded
Witness: fThomas a more secluded
Witness: fMS a more secluded


Reading Group: C22_app1186_rg1

Witness: fMS hideding place. At that moment I peceiving

Reading Group: C22_app1186_rg2

Witness: f1818 hiding-place,
Witness: f1823 hiding-place,
Witness: f1831 hiding-place,
Witness: fThomas hiding-place,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 when
Witness: f1823 when
Witness: fThomas when


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fThomas I


Reading Group: C22_app1189_rg1

Witness: f1831 entered a barn which had appeared to me to be empty.

Reading Group: C22_app1189_rg2

Witness: f1818 perceived
Witness: f1823 perceived
Witness: fThomas perceived


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a woman
Witness: f1823 a woman
Witness: f1831 A woman
Witness: fThomas a woman
Witness: fMS a woman


Reading Group: C22_app1191_rg1

Witness: f1818 passing near
Witness: f1823 passing near
Witness: fThomas passing near
Witness: fMS passing near

Reading Group: C22_app1191_rg2

Witness: f1831 was sleeping on some straw;


Reading Group: C22_app1192_rg1

Witness: fMS me,–

Reading Group: C22_app1192_rg2

Witness: f1818 me.
Witness: f1823 me.
Witness: fThomas me.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 She
Witness: f1823 She
Witness: f1831 she
Witness: fThomas She
Witness: fMS she


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was
Witness: f1823 was
Witness: f1831 was
Witness: fThomas was
Witness: fMS was


Reading Group: C22_app1195_rg1

Witness: f1818 young,
Witness: f1823 young,
Witness: fThomas young,

Reading Group: C22_app1195_rg2

Witness: f1831 young:

Reading Group: C22_app1195_rg3

Witness: fMS young;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 not indeed so beautiful as
Witness: f1823 not indeed so beautiful as
Witness: f1831 not indeed so beautiful as
Witness: fThomas not indeed so beautiful as
Witness: fMS not indeed so beautiful as


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 her
Witness: f1823 her
Witness: f1831 her
Witness: fThomas her
Witness: fMS her


Reading Group: C22_app1198_rg1

Witness: fMS who

Reading Group: C22_app1198_rg2

Witness: f1818 whose
Witness: f1823 whose
Witness: f1831 whose
Witness: fThomas whose


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 portrait I
Witness: f1823 portrait I
Witness: f1831 portrait I
Witness: fThomas portrait I
Witness: fMS portrait I


Reading Group: C22_app1200_rg1

Witness: fMS held

Reading Group: C22_app1200_rg2

Witness: f1818 held,
Witness: f1823 held,
Witness: fThomas held,

Reading Group: C22_app1200_rg3

Witness: f1831 held;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but of an
Witness: f1823 but of an
Witness: f1831 but of an
Witness: fThomas but of an
Witness: fMS but of an


Reading Group: C22_app1202_rg1

Witness: fMS agreable in aspect

Reading Group: C22_app1202_rg2

Witness: f1818 agreeable aspect,
Witness: f1823 agreeable aspect,
Witness: f1831 agreeable aspect,
Witness: fThomas agreeable aspect,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and blooming in the
Witness: f1823 and blooming in the
Witness: f1831 and blooming in the
Witness: fThomas and blooming in the
Witness: fMS & blooming in the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 loveliness of
Witness: f1823 loveliness of
Witness: f1831 loveliness of
Witness: fThomas loveliness of
Witness: fMS loveliness of


Reading Group: C22_app1205_rg1

Witness: fMS health & youth.

Reading Group: C22_app1205_rg2

Witness: f1818 youth
Witness: f1823 youth
Witness: f1831 youth
Witness: fThomas youth


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: fMS And


Reading Group: C22_app1207_rg1

Witness: f1818 health. Here,
Witness: f1823 health. Here,
Witness: f1831 health. Here,
Witness: fThomas health. Here,

Reading Group: C22_app1207_rg2

Witness: fMS here


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: fMS I


Reading Group: C22_app1209_rg1

Witness: fMS thought

Reading Group: C22_app1209_rg2

Witness: f1818 thought,
Witness: f1823 thought,
Witness: f1831 thought,
Witness: fThomas thought,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 is one
Witness: f1823 is one
Witness: f1831 is one
Witness: fThomas is one
Witness: fMS is one


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS one


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of those whose
Witness: f1823 of those whose
Witness: f1831 of those whose
Witness: fThomas of those whose
Witness: fMS of those whose


Reading Group: C22_app1213_rg1

Witness: fMS

Reading Group: C22_app1213_rg2

Witness: f1831 joy-imparting


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 smiles are bestowed on all
Witness: f1823 smiles are bestowed on all
Witness: f1831 smiles are bestowed on all
Witness: fThomas smiles are bestowed on all
Witness: fMS smiles are bestowed on all


Unified Readings

Witness: f1831 but me. And then I bent over her, and whispered “Awake, fairest, thy lover is near—he who would give his life but to obtain one look of affection from thine eyes: my beloved, awake!”<p/><p/>“The sleeper stirred; a thrill of terror ran through me. Should she indeed awake, and see me, and curse me, and denounce the murderer? Thus would she assuredly act, if her darkened eyes opened, and she beheld me. The thought was madness; it stirred the fiend within me—not I,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but
Witness: f1823 but
Witness: f1831 but
Witness: fThomas but
Witness: fMS but


Reading Group: C22_app1217_rg1

Witness: fMS me but

Reading Group: C22_app1217_rg2

Witness: f1818 me;
Witness: f1823 me;
Witness: fThomas me;

Reading Group: C22_app1217_rg3

Witness: f1831 she shall suffer: the murder I have committed because I am for ever robbed of all that she could give me,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 she shall
Witness: f1823 she shall
Witness: f1831 she shall
Witness: fThomas she shall
Witness: fMS She shall


Reading Group: C22_app1219_rg1

Witness: f1831 atone. The crime had its source in her: be hers the punishment!

Reading Group: C22_app1219_rg2

Witness: f1818 not
Witness: f1823 not
Witness: fThomas not
Witness: fMS not


Reading Group: C22_app1220_rg1

Witness: fMS escape my vengeance

Reading Group: C22_app1220_rg2

Witness: f1818 escape:
Witness: f1823 escape:
Witness: fThomas escape:


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 thanks to the lessons of
Witness: f1823 thanks to the lessons of
Witness: f1831 Thanks to the lessons of
Witness: fThomas thanks to the lessons of
Witness: fMS thanks to the lessons of


Reading Group: C22_app1222_rg1

Witness: f1831 Felix
Witness: fMS Felix

Reading Group: C22_app1222_rg2

Witness: f1818 Felix,
Witness: f1823 Felix,
Witness: fThomas Felix,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and the
Witness: f1823 and the
Witness: f1831 and the
Witness: fThomas and the
Witness: fMS & the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 sanguinary laws of man, I
Witness: f1823 sanguinary laws of man, I
Witness: f1831 sanguinary laws of man, I
Witness: fThomas sanguinary laws of man, I
Witness: fMS sanguinary laws of man, I


Reading Group: C22_app1225_rg1

Witness: fMS knowhave

Reading Group: C22_app1225_rg2

Witness: f1831 had

Reading Group: C22_app1225_rg3

Witness: f1818 have
Witness: f1823 have
Witness: fThomas have


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 learned
Witness: f1823 learned
Witness: f1831 learned
Witness: fThomas learned
Witness: fMS learned


Reading Group: C22_app1227_rg1

Witness: f1818 how
Witness: f1823 how
Witness: fThomas how
Witness: fMS how

Reading Group: C22_app1227_rg2

Witness: f1831 now


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to work mischief. I
Witness: f1823 to work mischief. I
Witness: f1831 to work mischief. I
Witness: fThomas to work mischief. I
Witness: fMS to work mischief. I


Reading Group: C22_app1229_rg1

Witness: f1818 approached her
Witness: f1823 approached her
Witness: fThomas approached her
Witness: fMS approached her

Reading Group: C22_app1229_rg2

Witness: f1831 bent over her,


Reading Group: C22_app1230_rg1

Witness: fMS unpeceived,

Reading Group: C22_app1230_rg2

Witness: f1818 unperceived,
Witness: f1823 unperceived,
Witness: fThomas unperceived,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and placed the portrait
Witness: f1823 and placed the portrait
Witness: f1831 and placed the portrait
Witness: fThomas and placed the portrait
Witness: fMS and placed the portrait


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 securely in one of the folds of her
Witness: f1823 securely in one of the folds of her
Witness: f1831 securely in one of the folds of her
Witness: fThomas securely in one of the folds of her
Witness: fMS securely in one of the folds of her


Reading Group: C22_app1233_rg1

Witness: fMS dress. For

Reading Group: C22_app1233_rg2

Witness: f1831 dress. She moved again, and I fled.<p/><p/>“For

Reading Group: C22_app1233_rg3

Witness: f1818 dress.<p/><p/>“For
Witness: f1823 dress.<p/><p/>“For
Witness: fThomas dress.<p/><p/>“For


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 some
Witness: f1823 some
Witness: f1831 some
Witness: fThomas some
Witness: fMS some


Reading Group: C22_app1235_rg1

Witness: fMS day

Reading Group: C22_app1235_rg2

Witness: f1818 days
Witness: f1823 days
Witness: f1831 days
Witness: fThomas days


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I haunted the spot
Witness: f1823 I haunted the spot
Witness: f1831 I haunted the spot
Witness: fThomas I haunted the spot
Witness: fMS I haunted the spot


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 where these scenes had taken
Witness: f1823 where these scenes had taken
Witness: f1831 where these scenes had taken
Witness: fThomas where these scenes had taken
Witness: fMS where these scenes had taken


Reading Group: C22_app1238_rg1

Witness: fMS place

Reading Group: C22_app1238_rg2

Witness: f1818 place;
Witness: f1823 place;
Witness: f1831 place;
Witness: fThomas place;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 sometimes wishing to see
Witness: f1823 sometimes wishing to see
Witness: f1831 sometimes wishing to see
Witness: fThomas sometimes wishing to see
Witness: fMS sometimes wishing to see


Reading Group: C22_app1240_rg1

Witness: fMS you

Reading Group: C22_app1240_rg2

Witness: f1818 you,
Witness: f1823 you,
Witness: f1831 you,
Witness: fThomas you,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 sometimes resolved to quit the world and
Witness: f1823 sometimes resolved to quit the world and
Witness: f1831 sometimes resolved to quit the world and
Witness: fThomas sometimes resolved to quit the world and
Witness: fMS sometimes resolved to quit the world &


Reading Group: C22_app1242_rg1

Witness: fMS it

Reading Group: C22_app1242_rg2

Witness: f1818 its
Witness: f1823 its
Witness: f1831 its
Witness: fThomas its


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 miseries for ever.
Witness: f1823 miseries for ever.
Witness: f1831 miseries for ever.
Witness: fThomas miseries for ever.
Witness: fMS miseries for ever.


Reading Group: C22_app1244_rg1

Witness: fMS I haveAt

Reading Group: C22_app1244_rg2

Witness: f1818 At
Witness: f1823 At
Witness: f1831 At
Witness: fThomas At


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 length I wandered towards these
Witness: f1823 length I wandered towards these
Witness: f1831 length I wandered towards these
Witness: fThomas length I wandered towards these
Witness: fMS length I wandered totowards these


Reading Group: C22_app1246_rg1

Witness: fMS mountains

Reading Group: C22_app1246_rg2

Witness: f1818 mountains,
Witness: f1823 mountains,
Witness: f1831 mountains,
Witness: fThomas mountains,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and have ranged through their immense
Witness: f1823 and have ranged through their immense
Witness: f1831 and have ranged through their immense
Witness: fThomas and have ranged through their immense
Witness: fMS and have ranged inthrough their immense


Reading Group: C22_app1248_rg1

Witness: fMS recesses

Reading Group: C22_app1248_rg2

Witness: f1818 recesses,
Witness: f1823 recesses,
Witness: f1831 recesses,
Witness: fThomas recesses,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 consumed
Witness: f1823 consumed
Witness: f1831 consumed
Witness: fThomas consumed
Witness: fMS consumed


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 by a burning passion which you
Witness: f1823 by a burning passion which you
Witness: f1831 by a burning passion which you
Witness: fThomas by a burning passion which you
Witness: fMS by a burning passion which you


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 alone can
Witness: f1823 alone can
Witness: f1831 alone can
Witness: fThomas alone can
Witness: fMS alone can


Reading Group: C22_app1252_rg1

Witness: f1818 gratify.
Witness: f1823 gratify.
Witness: f1831 gratify.
Witness: fThomas gratify.

Reading Group: C22_app1252_rg2

Witness: fMS gratify—And


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 We may not
Witness: f1823 We may not
Witness: f1831 We may not
Witness: fThomas We may not
Witness: fMS we may not


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 part
Witness: f1823 part
Witness: f1831 part
Witness: fThomas part
Witness: fMS part


Reading Group: C22_app1255_rg1

Witness: f1818 until
Witness: f1823 until
Witness: f1831 until
Witness: fThomas until

Reading Group: C22_app1255_rg2

Witness: fMS untill


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 you have promised
Witness: f1823 you have promised
Witness: f1831 you have promised
Witness: fThomas you have promised
Witness: fMS you have promised


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to comply with my
Witness: f1823 to comply with my
Witness: f1831 to comply with my
Witness: fThomas to comply with my
Witness: fMS to scomply with my


Reading Group: C22_app1258_rg1

Witness: f1818 requisition.
Witness: f1823 requisition.
Witness: f1831 requisition.
Witness: fThomas requisition.

Reading Group: C22_app1258_rg2

Witness: fMS requisitions.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I am
Witness: f1823 I am
Witness: f1831 I am
Witness: fThomas I am
Witness: fMS I am


Reading Group: C22_app1260_rg1

Witness: fMS alone

Reading Group: C22_app1260_rg2

Witness: f1818 alone,
Witness: f1823 alone,
Witness: f1831 alone,
Witness: fThomas alone,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: fMS &


Reading Group: C22_app1262_rg1

Witness: fMS miserable.

Reading Group: C22_app1262_rg2

Witness: f1818 miserable;
Witness: f1823 miserable;
Witness: f1831 miserable;
Witness: fThomas miserable;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 man will not
Witness: f1823 man will not
Witness: f1831 man will not
Witness: fThomas man will not
Witness: fMS Man will not


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 associate with
Witness: f1823 associate with
Witness: f1831 associate with
Witness: fThomas associate with
Witness: fMS associate with


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 me;
Witness: f1823 me;
Witness: f1831 me;
Witness: fThomas me;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but one as deformed
Witness: f1823 but one as deformed
Witness: f1831 but one as deformed
Witness: fThomas but one as deformed
Witness: fMS but one as deformed


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and horrible as
Witness: f1823 and horrible as
Witness: f1831 and horrible as
Witness: fThomas and horrible as
Witness: fMS and horrible as


Reading Group: C22_app1268_rg1

Witness: fMS my self

Reading Group: C22_app1268_rg2

Witness: f1818 myself
Witness: f1823 myself
Witness: f1831 myself
Witness: fThomas myself


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 would not
Witness: f1823 would not
Witness: f1831 would not
Witness: fThomas would not
Witness: fMS would not


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 deny herself to me.
Witness: f1823 deny herself to me.
Witness: f1831 deny herself to me.
Witness: fThomas deny herself to me.
Witness: fMS deny herself to me.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 My companion must be of the same species, and have the same defects.
Witness: f1823 My companion must be of the same species, and have the same defects.
Witness: f1831 My companion must be of the same species, and have the same defects.
Witness: fThomas My companion must be of the same species, and have the same defects.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 This being you
Witness: f1823 This being you
Witness: f1831 This being you
Witness: fThomas This being you
Witness: fMS This being you


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 must
Witness: f1823 must
Witness: f1831 must
Witness: fThomas must
Witness: fMS must


Reading Group: C22_app1274_rg1

Witness: f1818 create.”<p/>
Witness: f1823 create.”<p/>
Witness: f1831 create.”<p/>
Witness: fThomas create.”<p/>

Reading Group: C22_app1274_rg2

Witness: fMS create.for me.


Reading Group: C23a_app1_rg1

Witness: fMS Chap. 9<shi rend="underline"></shi> The creature

Reading Group: C23a_app1_rg2

Witness: f1818 <head/>CHAPTER
Witness: f1823 <head/>CHAPTER
Witness: f1831 <head/>CHAPTER
Witness: fThomas <head/>CHAPTER


Reading Group: C23a_app2_rg1

Witness: f1818 IX.<head/><p/>T<hi/>HE<hi/>
Witness: fThomas IX.<head/><p/>T<hi/>HE<hi/>

Reading Group: C23a_app2_rg2

Witness: f1823 V.<head/><p/>T<hi/>HE<hi/>

Reading Group: C23a_app2_rg3

Witness: f1831 XVII.<head/><p/>T<hi/>HE<hi/>


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 being
Witness: f1823 being
Witness: f1831 being
Witness: fThomas being


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 finished
Witness: f1823 finished
Witness: f1831 finished
Witness: fThomas finished
Witness: fMS finished


Reading Group: C23a_app5_rg1

Witness: fMS speaking

Reading Group: C23a_app5_rg2

Witness: f1818 speaking,
Witness: f1823 speaking,
Witness: f1831 speaking,
Witness: fThomas speaking,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and fixed his
Witness: f1823 and fixed his
Witness: f1831 and fixed his
Witness: fThomas and fixed his
Witness: fMS and fixed his


Reading Group: C23a_app7_rg1

Witness: fMS eyeslooks on

Reading Group: C23a_app7_rg2

Witness: f1818 looks upon
Witness: f1823 looks upon
Witness: f1831 looks upon
Witness: fThomas looks upon


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 me in expectation of
Witness: f1823 me in expectation of
Witness: f1831 me in expectation of
Witness: fThomas me in expectation of
Witness: fMS me in expectation of


Reading Group: C23a_app9_rg1

Witness: f1818 a reply.
Witness: f1823 a reply.
Witness: f1831 a reply.
Witness: fThomas a reply.

Reading Group: C23a_app9_rg2

Witness: fMS ananswer<mdel>.</mdel><metamark function="insert">^</metamark>reply.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 But I was
Witness: f1823 But I was
Witness: f1831 But I was
Witness: fThomas But I was
Witness: fMS But I was


Reading Group: C23a_app11_rg1

Witness: fMS bewilderred & perplexed

Reading Group: C23a_app11_rg2

Witness: f1818 bewildered, perplexed,
Witness: f1823 bewildered, perplexed,
Witness: f1831 bewildered, perplexed,
Witness: fThomas bewildered, perplexed,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and unable
Witness: f1823 and unable
Witness: f1831 and unable
Witness: fThomas and unable
Witness: fMS & unable


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to arrange my ideas sufficiently to understand the
Witness: f1823 to arrange my ideas sufficiently to understand the
Witness: f1831 to arrange my ideas sufficiently to understand the
Witness: fThomas to arrange my ideas sufficiently to understand the
Witness: fMS to arrange my ideas sufficiently to understand the


Reading Group: C23a_app14_rg1

Witness: f1818 full extent
Witness: f1823 full extent
Witness: f1831 full extent
Witness: fThomas full extent

Reading Group: C23a_app14_rg2

Witness: fMS meaning


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of his proposition. He
Witness: f1823 of his proposition. He
Witness: f1831 of his proposition. He
Witness: fThomas of his proposition. He
Witness: fMS of his proposition. He


Reading Group: C23a_app16_rg1

Witness: fMS continued. You

Reading Group: C23a_app16_rg2

Witness: f1818 continued—<p/><p/>“You
Witness: f1823 continued—<p/><p/>“You
Witness: f1831 continued—<p/><p/>“You
Witness: fThomas continued—<p/><p/>“You


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 must create a female for
Witness: f1823 must create a female for
Witness: f1831 must create a female for
Witness: fThomas must create a female for
Witness: fMS must create a female for


Reading Group: C23a_app18_rg1

Witness: fMS me

Reading Group: C23a_app18_rg2

Witness: f1818 me,
Witness: f1823 me,
Witness: f1831 me,
Witness: fThomas me,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 with whom I can live in the
Witness: f1823 with whom I can live in the
Witness: f1831 with whom I can live in the
Witness: fThomas with whom I can live in the
Witness: fMS with whom I can live in the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 interchange of those sympathies necessary
Witness: f1823 interchange of those sympathies necessary
Witness: f1831 interchange of those sympathies necessary
Witness: fThomas interchange of those sympathies necessary
Witness: fMS interchange of those sympathies necessary


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 for my
Witness: f1823 for my
Witness: f1831 for my
Witness: fThomas for my
Witness: fMS for my


Reading Group: C23a_app22_rg1

Witness: f1818 being.
Witness: f1823 being.
Witness: f1831 being.
Witness: fThomas being.

Reading Group: C23a_app22_rg2

Witness: fMS being;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 This you alone can
Witness: f1823 This you alone can
Witness: f1831 This you alone can
Witness: fThomas This you alone can
Witness: fMS This you alone can


Reading Group: C23a_app24_rg1

Witness: fMS do

Reading Group: C23a_app24_rg2

Witness: f1818 do;
Witness: f1823 do;
Witness: f1831 do;
Witness: fThomas do;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and I demand
Witness: f1823 and I demand
Witness: f1831 and I demand
Witness: fThomas and I demand
Witness: fMS & I demand


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 it
Witness: f1823 it
Witness: f1831 it
Witness: fThomas it


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of you as a right which you
Witness: f1823 of you as a right which you
Witness: f1831 of you as a right which you
Witness: fThomas of you as a right which you
Witness: fMS of you as a right which you


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 must not
Witness: f1823 must not
Witness: f1831 must not
Witness: fThomas must not
Witness: fMS must not


Reading Group: C23a_app29_rg1

Witness: f1823 refuse to concede.”<p/><p/>The
Witness: f1831 refuse to concede.”<p/><p/>The

Reading Group: C23a_app29_rg2

Witness: f1818 refuse.”<p/><p/>The
Witness: fThomas refuse.”<p/><p/>The

Reading Group: C23a_app29_rg3

Witness: fMS refuse.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 latter part of his tale had kindled anew in me the anger that had died away while he narrated his peaceful life among the cottagers, and,
Witness: f1823 latter part of his tale had kindled anew in me the anger that had died away while he narrated his peaceful life among the cottagers, and,
Witness: f1831 latter part of his tale had kindled anew in me the anger that had died away while he narrated his peaceful life among the cottagers, and,
Witness: fThomas latter part of his tale had kindled anew in me the anger that had died away while he narrated his peaceful life among the cottagers, and,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 as he said
Witness: f1823 as he said
Witness: f1831 as he said
Witness: fThomas as he said
Witness: fMS As he said


Reading Group: C23a_app32_rg1

Witness: fMS this

Reading Group: C23a_app32_rg2

Witness: f1818 this,
Witness: f1823 this,
Witness: f1831 this,
Witness: fThomas this,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I could no longer suppress
Witness: f1823 I could no longer suppress
Witness: f1831 I could no longer suppress
Witness: fThomas I could no longer suppress
Witness: fMS I could no longer suppress


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: fMS the


Reading Group: C23a_app35_rg1

Witness: fMS anger

Reading Group: C23a_app35_rg2

Witness: f1818 rage
Witness: f1823 rage
Witness: f1831 rage
Witness: fThomas rage


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that burned within
Witness: f1823 that burned within
Witness: f1831 that burned within
Witness: fThomas that burned within
Witness: fMS that burned within


Reading Group: C23a_app37_rg1

Witness: fMS me. I

Reading Group: C23a_app37_rg2

Witness: f1818 me.<p/><p/>“I
Witness: f1823 me.<p/><p/>“I
Witness: f1831 me.<p/><p/>“I
Witness: fThomas me.<p/><p/>“I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 do
Witness: f1823 do
Witness: f1831 do
Witness: fThomas do
Witness: fMS do


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 refuse
Witness: f1823 refuse
Witness: f1831 refuse
Witness: fThomas refuse
Witness: fMS refuse


Reading Group: C23a_app40_rg1

Witness: f1818 it,”
Witness: f1823 it,”
Witness: f1831 it,”
Witness: fThomas it,”

Reading Group: C23a_app40_rg2

Witness: fMS it,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: fMS I


Reading Group: C23a_app42_rg1

Witness: fMS replied, &

Reading Group: C23a_app42_rg2

Witness: f1818 replied; “and
Witness: f1823 replied; “and
Witness: f1831 replied; “and
Witness: fThomas replied; “and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 no torture shall ever
Witness: f1823 no torture shall ever
Witness: f1831 no torture shall ever
Witness: fThomas no torture shall ever
Witness: fMS no torture shall ever


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 extort a consent from
Witness: f1823 extort a consent from
Witness: f1831 extort a consent from
Witness: fThomas extort a consent from
Witness: fMS extort a consent from


Reading Group: C23a_app45_rg1

Witness: fMS me –

Reading Group: C23a_app45_rg2

Witness: f1818 me.
Witness: f1823 me.
Witness: f1831 me.
Witness: fThomas me.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 You may
Witness: f1823 You may
Witness: f1831 You may
Witness: fThomas You may
Witness: fMS You may


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 render me the most miserable of
Witness: f1823 render me the most miserable of
Witness: f1831 render me the most miserable of
Witness: fThomas render me the most miserable of
Witness: fMS render me the most miserable of


Reading Group: C23a_app48_rg1

Witness: fMS men

Reading Group: C23a_app48_rg2

Witness: f1818 men,
Witness: f1823 men,
Witness: f1831 men,
Witness: fThomas men,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but you shall never make me base
Witness: f1823 but you shall never make me base
Witness: f1831 but you shall never make me base
Witness: fThomas but you shall never make me base
Witness: fMS but you shall never make me base


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in my own eyes. Shall I create another like
Witness: f1823 in my own eyes. Shall I create another like
Witness: f1831 in my own eyes. Shall I create another like
Witness: fThomas in my own eyes. Shall I create another like
Witness: fMS in my own eyes. Shall I create another like


Reading Group: C23a_app51_rg1

Witness: fMS yourself

Reading Group: C23a_app51_rg2

Witness: f1818 yourself,
Witness: f1823 yourself,
Witness: f1831 yourself,
Witness: fThomas yourself,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 whose joint wickedness
Witness: f1823 whose joint wickedness
Witness: f1831 whose joint wickedness
Witness: fThomas whose joint wickedness
Witness: fMS whose joint wickedness


Reading Group: C23a_app53_rg1

Witness: f1818 might
Witness: f1823 might
Witness: f1831 might
Witness: fThomas might

Reading Group: C23a_app53_rg2

Witness: fMS would


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 desolate the
Witness: f1823 desolate the
Witness: f1831 desolate the
Witness: fThomas desolate the
Witness: fMS desolate the


Reading Group: C23a_app55_rg1

Witness: f1818 world. Begone! I
Witness: f1823 world. Begone! I
Witness: f1831 world. Begone! I
Witness: fThomas world. Begone! I

Reading Group: C23a_app55_rg2

Witness: fMS world? Begone –I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 have answered
Witness: f1823 have answered
Witness: f1831 have answered
Witness: fThomas have answered
Witness: fMS have answered


Reading Group: C23a_app57_rg1

Witness: fMS you –

Reading Group: C23a_app57_rg2

Witness: f1818 you;
Witness: f1823 you;
Witness: f1831 you;
Witness: fThomas you;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 you may
Witness: f1823 you may
Witness: f1831 you may
Witness: fThomas you may
Witness: fMS You may


Reading Group: C23a_app59_rg1

Witness: fMS kill me

Reading Group: C23a_app59_rg2

Witness: f1818 torture me,
Witness: f1823 torture me,
Witness: f1831 torture me,
Witness: fThomas torture me,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but I will
Witness: f1823 but I will
Witness: f1831 but I will
Witness: fThomas but I will
Witness: fMS but I will


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 never
Witness: f1823 never
Witness: f1831 never
Witness: fThomas never
Witness: fMS never


Reading Group: C23a_app62_rg1

Witness: f1818 consent.”<p/><p/>“You
Witness: f1823 consent.”<p/><p/>“You
Witness: f1831 consent.”<p/><p/>“You
Witness: fThomas consent.”<p/><p/>“You

Reading Group: C23a_app62_rg2

Witness: fMS consent. You


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 are in the
Witness: f1823 are in the
Witness: f1831 are in the
Witness: fThomas are in the
Witness: fMS are in the


Reading Group: C23a_app64_rg1

Witness: f1818 wrong,”
Witness: f1823 wrong,”
Witness: f1831 wrong,”
Witness: fThomas wrong,”

Reading Group: C23a_app64_rg2

Witness: fMS wrong,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 replied
Witness: f1823 replied
Witness: f1831 replied
Witness: fThomas replied
Witness: fMS replied


Reading Group: C23a_app66_rg1

Witness: fMS he, &

Reading Group: C23a_app66_rg2

Witness: f1818 the fiend; “and,
Witness: f1823 the fiend; “and,
Witness: f1831 the fiend; “and,
Witness: fThomas the fiend; “and,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 instead of
Witness: f1823 instead of
Witness: f1831 instead of
Witness: fThomas instead of
Witness: fMS instead of


Reading Group: C23a_app68_rg1

Witness: fMS threatening

Reading Group: C23a_app68_rg2

Witness: f1818 threatening,
Witness: f1823 threatening,
Witness: f1831 threatening,
Witness: fThomas threatening,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I am content to reason
Witness: f1823 I am content to reason
Witness: f1831 I am content to reason
Witness: fThomas I am content to reason
Witness: fMS I am content to reason


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 with you. I am
Witness: f1823 with you. I am
Witness: f1831 with you. I am
Witness: fThomas with you. I am
Witness: fMS with you. I am


Reading Group: C23a_app71_rg1

Witness: fMS wick malicious,

Reading Group: C23a_app71_rg2

Witness: f1818 malicious
Witness: f1823 malicious
Witness: f1831 malicious
Witness: fThomas malicious


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 because
Witness: f1823 because
Witness: f1831 because
Witness: fThomas because
Witness: fMS because


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I am
Witness: f1823 I am
Witness: f1831 I am
Witness: fThomas I am
Witness: fMS I am


Reading Group: C23a_app74_rg1

Witness: f1823 miserable.
Witness: f1831 miserable.
Witness: fMS miserable.

Reading Group: C23a_app74_rg2

Witness: f1818 miserable;
Witness: fThomas miserable;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 am I not shunned and hated by all mankind?
Witness: f1823 Am I not shunned and hated by all mankind?
Witness: f1831 Am I not shunned and hated by all mankind?
Witness: fThomas am I not shunned and hated by all mankind?
Witness: fMS Am I not shunned & hated by all mankind?


Reading Group: C23a_app76_rg1

Witness: fMS You

Reading Group: C23a_app76_rg2

Witness: f1818 You,
Witness: f1823 You,
Witness: f1831 You,
Witness: fThomas You,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my
Witness: f1823 my
Witness: f1831 my
Witness: fThomas my
Witness: fMS my


Reading Group: C23a_app78_rg1

Witness: fMS creator

Reading Group: C23a_app78_rg2

Witness: f1818 creator,
Witness: f1823 creator,
Witness: f1831 creator,
Witness: fThomas creator,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 would tear me to
Witness: f1823 would tear me to
Witness: f1831 would tear me to
Witness: fThomas would tear me to
Witness: fMS would tear me to


Reading Group: C23a_app80_rg1

Witness: fMS pieces

Reading Group: C23a_app80_rg2

Witness: f1818 pieces,
Witness: f1823 pieces,
Witness: f1831 pieces,
Witness: fThomas pieces,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: fMS &


Reading Group: C23a_app82_rg1

Witness: fMS triumph –Remember that

Reading Group: C23a_app82_rg2

Witness: f1818 triumph; remember that,
Witness: f1823 triumph; remember that,
Witness: f1831 triumph; remember that,
Witness: fThomas triumph; remember that,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and tell me why I should pity
Witness: f1823 and tell me why I should pity
Witness: f1831 and tell me why I should pity
Witness: fThomas and tell me why I should pity
Witness: fMS & tell me why I should pity


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 man more than he pities
Witness: f1823 man more than he pities
Witness: f1831 man more than he pities
Witness: fThomas man more than he pities
Witness: fMS man more than he pities


Reading Group: C23a_app85_rg1

Witness: fMS me.

Reading Group: C23a_app85_rg2

Witness: f1818 me?
Witness: f1823 me?
Witness: f1831 me?
Witness: fThomas me?


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 You
Witness: f1823 You
Witness: f1831 You
Witness: fThomas You
Witness: fMS You


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 would not call it
Witness: f1823 would not call it
Witness: f1831 would not call it
Witness: fThomas would not call it
Witness: fMS would not call it


Reading Group: C23a_app88_rg1

Witness: fMS murder

Reading Group: C23a_app88_rg2

Witness: f1818 murder,
Witness: f1823 murder,
Witness: f1831 murder,
Witness: fThomas murder,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 if you
Witness: f1823 if you
Witness: f1831 if you
Witness: fThomas if you
Witness: fMS if you


Reading Group: C23a_app90_rg1

Witness: f1818 could precipitate
Witness: f1823 could precipitate
Witness: f1831 could precipitate
Witness: fThomas could precipitate

Reading Group: C23a_app90_rg2

Witness: fMS precipitated


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 me into one of those
Witness: f1823 me into one of those
Witness: f1831 me into one of those
Witness: fThomas me into one of those
Witness: fMS me into one of those


Reading Group: C23a_app92_rg1

Witness: fMS ice rifts

Reading Group: C23a_app92_rg2

Witness: f1818 ice-rifts,
Witness: f1823 ice-rifts,
Witness: f1831 ice-rifts,
Witness: fThomas ice-rifts,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: fMS &


Reading Group: C23a_app94_rg1

Witness: f1818 destroy
Witness: f1823 destroy
Witness: f1831 destroy
Witness: fThomas destroy

Reading Group: C23a_app94_rg2

Witness: fMS destroyed


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my frame, the work of your own hands.
Witness: f1823 my frame, the work of your own hands.
Witness: f1831 my frame, the work of your own hands.
Witness: fThomas my frame, the work of your own hands.
Witness: fMS my frame, the work of your <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>own hands.


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS And


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Shall I respect
Witness: f1823 Shall I respect
Witness: f1831 Shall I respect
Witness: fThomas Shall I respect
Witness: fMS shall I respect


Reading Group: C23a_app98_rg1

Witness: fMS man

Reading Group: C23a_app98_rg2

Witness: f1818 man,
Witness: f1823 man,
Witness: f1831 man,
Witness: fThomas man,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 when
Witness: f1823 when
Witness: f1831 when
Witness: fThomas when
Witness: fMS when


Reading Group: C23a_app100_rg1

Witness: f1818 he contemns
Witness: f1823 he contemns
Witness: f1831 he contemns
Witness: fThomas he contemns

Reading Group: C23a_app100_rg2

Witness: fMS hecon-temns


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 me? Let him live with me in
Witness: f1823 me? Let him live with me in
Witness: f1831 me? Let him live with me in
Witness: fThomas me? Let him live with me in
Witness: fMS me? Let him live with me in


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the interchange of
Witness: f1823 the interchange of
Witness: f1831 the interchange of
Witness: fThomas the interchange of
Witness: fMS the interchange of


Reading Group: C23a_app103_rg1

Witness: fMS kindness and

Reading Group: C23a_app103_rg2

Witness: f1818 kindness,
Witness: fThomas kindness,

Reading Group: C23a_app103_rg3

Witness: f1823 kindness;
Witness: f1831 kindness;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and,
Witness: f1823 and,
Witness: f1831 and,
Witness: fThomas and,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 instead of
Witness: f1823 instead of
Witness: f1831 instead of
Witness: fThomas instead of
Witness: fMS instead of


Reading Group: C23a_app106_rg1

Witness: fMS injury

Reading Group: C23a_app106_rg2

Witness: f1818 injury,
Witness: f1823 injury,
Witness: f1831 injury,
Witness: fThomas injury,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I would bestow every benefit upon him with
Witness: f1823 I would bestow every benefit upon him with
Witness: f1831 I would bestow every benefit upon him with
Witness: fThomas I would bestow every benefit upon him with
Witness: fMS I would bestow every benefit upon him with


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 tears of gratitude at his acceptance. But
Witness: f1823 tears of gratitude at his acceptance. But
Witness: f1831 tears of gratitude at his acceptance. But
Witness: fThomas tears of gratitude at his acceptance. But
Witness: fMS tears of gratitude at his acceptance. But


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that cannot be; the human senses are
Witness: f1823 that cannot be; the human senses are
Witness: f1831 that cannot be; the human senses are
Witness: fThomas that cannot be; the human senses are
Witness: fMS that cannot be; Tthe human senses are


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS an


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 insurmountable barriers to our union.
Witness: f1823 insurmountable barriers to our union.
Witness: f1831 insurmountable barriers to our union.
Witness: fThomas insurmountable barriers to our union.
Witness: fMS insurmountable barriers to our union.


Reading Group: C23a_app112_rg1

Witness: fMS But

Reading Group: C23a_app112_rg2

Witness: f1818 Yet
Witness: f1823 Yet
Witness: f1831 Yet
Witness: fThomas Yet


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 mine shall not
Witness: f1823 mine shall not
Witness: f1831 mine shall not
Witness: fThomas mine shall not
Witness: fMS mine shall not


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 be
Witness: f1823 be
Witness: f1831 be
Witness: fThomas be


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the submission of abject
Witness: f1823 the submission of abject
Witness: f1831 the submission of abject
Witness: fThomas the submission of abject
Witness: fMS the submission of abject


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 slavery. I will revenge my
Witness: f1823 slavery. I will revenge my
Witness: f1831 slavery. I will revenge my
Witness: fThomas slavery. I will revenge my
Witness: fMS slavery. I will revenge my


Reading Group: C23a_app117_rg1

Witness: fMS injuries &

Reading Group: C23a_app117_rg2

Witness: f1818 injuries:
Witness: f1823 injuries:
Witness: f1831 injuries:
Witness: fThomas injuries:


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 if I
Witness: f1823 if I
Witness: f1831 if I
Witness: fThomas if I
Witness: fMS if I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 cannot inspire
Witness: f1823 cannot inspire
Witness: f1831 cannot inspire
Witness: fThomas cannot inspire
Witness: fMS cannot inspire


Reading Group: C23a_app120_rg1

Witness: fMS love

Reading Group: C23a_app120_rg2

Witness: f1818 love,
Witness: f1823 love,
Witness: f1831 love,
Witness: fThomas love,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I will cause
Witness: f1823 I will cause
Witness: f1831 I will cause
Witness: fThomas I will cause
Witness: fMS I will cause


Reading Group: C23a_app122_rg1

Witness: fMS fear

Reading Group: C23a_app122_rg2

Witness: f1818 fear;
Witness: f1823 fear;
Witness: f1831 fear;
Witness: fThomas fear;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and chiefly towards you my
Witness: f1823 and chiefly towards you my
Witness: f1831 and chiefly towards you my
Witness: fThomas and chiefly towards you my
Witness: fMS and chiefly towards you my


Reading Group: C23a_app124_rg1

Witness: fMS arch-enemy

Reading Group: C23a_app124_rg2

Witness: f1818 arch-enemy,
Witness: f1823 arch-enemy,
Witness: f1831 arch-enemy,
Witness: fThomas arch-enemy,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 because
Witness: f1823 because
Witness: f1831 because
Witness: fThomas because
Witness: fMS because


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my
Witness: f1823 my
Witness: f1831 my
Witness: fThomas my
Witness: fMS my


Reading Group: C23a_app127_rg1

Witness: f1818 creator,
Witness: f1823 creator,
Witness: f1831 creator,
Witness: fThomas creator,

Reading Group: C23a_app127_rg2

Witness: fMS creator; I w


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 do I swear
Witness: f1823 do I swear
Witness: f1831 do I swear
Witness: fThomas do I swear
Witness: fMS do I swear


Reading Group: C23a_app129_rg1

Witness: fMS unutterableinextinguishable hatred–

Reading Group: C23a_app129_rg2

Witness: f1818 inextinguishable hatred. Have a care:
Witness: f1823 inextinguishable hatred. Have a care:
Witness: f1831 inextinguishable hatred. Have a care:
Witness: fThomas inextinguishable hatred. Have a care:


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I will work
Witness: f1823 I will work
Witness: f1831 I will work
Witness: fThomas I will work
Witness: fMS I will work


Reading Group: C23a_app131_rg1

Witness: fMS & destroy

Reading Group: C23a_app131_rg2

Witness: f1818 at your destruction,
Witness: f1823 at your destruction,
Witness: f1831 at your destruction,
Witness: fThomas at your destruction,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 nor finish
Witness: f1823 nor finish
Witness: f1831 nor finish
Witness: fThomas nor finish
Witness: fMS nor finish


Reading Group: C23a_app133_rg1

Witness: fMS untill

Reading Group: C23a_app133_rg2

Witness: f1818 until
Witness: f1823 until
Witness: f1831 until
Witness: fThomas until


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I desolate your
Witness: f1823 I desolate your
Witness: f1831 I desolate your
Witness: fThomas I desolate your
Witness: fMS I desolate your


Reading Group: C23a_app135_rg1

Witness: fMS heart

Reading Group: C23a_app135_rg2

Witness: f1818 heart,
Witness: f1823 heart,
Witness: f1831 heart,
Witness: fThomas heart,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 so that you
Witness: f1823 so that you
Witness: f1831 so that you
Witness: fThomas so that you
Witness: fMS so that you


Reading Group: C23a_app137_rg1

Witness: fMS

Reading Group: C23a_app137_rg2

Witness: f1823 shall
Witness: f1831 shall


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 curse the hour of your
Witness: f1823 curse the hour of your
Witness: f1831 curse the hour of your
Witness: fThomas curse the hour of your
Witness: fMS curse the hour of your


Reading Group: C23a_app139_rg1

Witness: fMS birth." A fiend -ish

Reading Group: C23a_app139_rg2

Witness: f1818 birth.”<p/><p/>A fiendish
Witness: f1823 birth.”<p/><p/>A fiendish
Witness: f1831 birth.”<p/><p/>A fiendish
Witness: fThomas birth.”<p/><p/>A fiendish


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 rage animated him as he said
Witness: f1823 rage animated him as he said
Witness: f1831 rage animated him as he said
Witness: fThomas rage animated him as he said
Witness: fMS rage animated him as he said


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 this; his face was wrinkled into contortions
Witness: f1823 this; his face was wrinkled into contortions
Witness: f1831 this; his face was wrinkled into contortions
Witness: fThomas this; his face was wrinkled into contortions
Witness: fMS this; his face was wrinkled into contortions


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 too horrible for human eyes to behold;
Witness: f1823 too horrible for human eyes to behold;
Witness: f1831 too horrible for human eyes to behold;
Witness: fThomas too horrible for human eyes to behold;
Witness: fMS too horrible for human eyes to behold;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but presently he calmed
Witness: f1823 but presently he calmed
Witness: f1831 but presently he calmed
Witness: fThomas but presently he calmed
Witness: fMS but presently he calmed


Reading Group: C23a_app144_rg1

Witness: f1831 himself

Reading Group: C23a_app144_rg2

Witness: f1818 himself,
Witness: f1823 himself,
Witness: fThomas himself,
Witness: fMS himself,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: fMS &


Reading Group: C23a_app146_rg1

Witness: fMS proceeded. I

Reading Group: C23a_app146_rg2

Witness: f1818 proceeded—<p/><p/>“I
Witness: f1823 proceeded—<p/><p/>“I
Witness: f1831 proceeded—<p/><p/>“I
Witness: fThomas proceeded—<p/><p/>“I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 intended to reason. This passion
Witness: f1823 intended to reason. This passion
Witness: f1831 intended to reason. This passion
Witness: fThomas intended to reason. This passion
Witness: fMS intended to reason. This passion


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 is detrimental to
Witness: f1823 is detrimental to
Witness: f1831 is detrimental to
Witness: fThomas is detrimental to
Witness: fMS is detrimental to


Reading Group: C23a_app149_rg1

Witness: fMS me,

Reading Group: C23a_app149_rg2

Witness: f1818 me;
Witness: f1823 me;
Witness: f1831 me;
Witness: fThomas me;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 for you do not
Witness: f1823 for you do not
Witness: f1831 for you do not
Witness: fThomas for you do not
Witness: fMS for you do not


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 reflect
Witness: f1823 reflect
Witness: f1831 reflect
Witness: fThomas reflect
Witness: fMS reflect


Reading Group: C23a_app152_rg1

Witness: f1818 that you
Witness: fThomas that you
Witness: fMS that you

Reading Group: C23a_app152_rg2

Witness: f1823 that<hi/>you<hi/>
Witness: f1831 that<hi/>you<hi/>


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 are the
Witness: f1823 are the
Witness: f1831 are the
Witness: fThomas are the
Witness: fMS are the


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>sole


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 cause of its
Witness: f1823 cause of its
Witness: f1831 cause of its
Witness: fThomas cause of its
Witness: fMS cause <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>of its


Reading Group: C23a_app156_rg1

Witness: f1818 excess.
Witness: f1823 excess.
Witness: f1831 excess.
Witness: fThomas excess.

Reading Group: C23a_app156_rg2

Witness: fMS excesses..


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 If
Witness: f1823 If
Witness: f1831 If
Witness: fThomas If
Witness: fMS If


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 any being felt emotions of benevolence
Witness: f1823 any being felt emotions of benevolence
Witness: f1831 any being felt emotions of benevolence
Witness: fThomas any being felt emotions of benevolence
Witness: fMS any being felt emotions of benevolence


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 towards
Witness: f1823 towards
Witness: f1831 towards
Witness: fThomas towards
Witness: fMS towards


Reading Group: C23a_app160_rg1

Witness: fMS me

Reading Group: C23a_app160_rg2

Witness: f1818 me,
Witness: f1823 me,
Witness: f1831 me,
Witness: fThomas me,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I should return
Witness: f1823 I should return
Witness: f1831 I should return
Witness: fThomas I should return
Witness: fMS I should return


Reading Group: C23a_app162_rg1

Witness: f1818 them
Witness: f1823 them
Witness: f1831 them
Witness: fThomas them

Reading Group: C23a_app162_rg2

Witness: fMS then


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 an
Witness: f1823 an
Witness: f1831 an
Witness: fThomas an
Witness: fMS an


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 hundred and
Witness: f1823 hundred and
Witness: f1831 hundred and
Witness: fThomas hundred and
Witness: fMS hundred &


Reading Group: C23a_app165_rg1

Witness: fMS a

Reading Group: C23a_app165_rg2

Witness: f1818 an
Witness: f1823 an
Witness: f1831 an
Witness: fThomas an


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 hundred fold; for that
Witness: f1823 hundred fold; for that
Witness: f1831 hundred fold; for that
Witness: fThomas hundred fold; for that
Witness: fMS hundred fold; for that


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 one
Witness: f1823 one
Witness: f1831 one
Witness: fThomas one
Witness: fMS one


Reading Group: C23a_app168_rg1

Witness: fMS creature's sake

Reading Group: C23a_app168_rg2

Witness: f1818 creature’s sake,
Witness: f1823 creature’s sake,
Witness: f1831 creature’s sake,
Witness: fThomas creature’s sake,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I would make peace
Witness: f1823 I would make peace
Witness: f1831 I would make peace
Witness: fThomas I would make peace
Witness: fMS I would make peace


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 with the whole
Witness: f1823 with the whole
Witness: f1831 with the whole
Witness: fThomas with the whole
Witness: fMS with the whole


Reading Group: C23a_app171_rg1

Witness: f1818 kind!
Witness: f1823 kind!
Witness: f1831 kind!
Witness: fThomas kind!

Reading Group: C23a_app171_rg2

Witness: fMS kind–


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 But I now indulge
Witness: f1823 But I now indulge
Witness: f1831 But I now indulge
Witness: fThomas But I now indulge
Witness: fMS But I now indulge


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in dreams of bliss that cannot be
Witness: f1823 in dreams of bliss that cannot be
Witness: f1831 in dreams of bliss that cannot be
Witness: fThomas in dreams of bliss that cannot be
Witness: fMS in dreams <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>of bliss that cannot be


Reading Group: C23a_app174_rg1

Witness: f1831 realised.

Reading Group: C23a_app174_rg2

Witness: f1818 realized.
Witness: f1823 realized.
Witness: fThomas realized.
Witness: fMS realized.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 What
Witness: f1823 What
Witness: f1831 What
Witness: fThomas What
Witness: fMS What


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: fMS I


Reading Group: C23a_app177_rg1

Witness: fMS aask

Reading Group: C23a_app177_rg2

Witness: f1818 ask
Witness: f1823 ask
Witness: f1831 ask
Witness: fThomas ask


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of you is reasonable and
Witness: f1823 of you is reasonable and
Witness: f1831 of you is reasonable and
Witness: fThomas of you is reasonable and
Witness: fMS of you is reasonable and


Reading Group: C23a_app179_rg1

Witness: fMS moderate.

Reading Group: C23a_app179_rg2

Witness: f1818 moderate;
Witness: f1823 moderate;
Witness: f1831 moderate;
Witness: fThomas moderate;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I demand a creature of another
Witness: f1823 I demand a creature of another
Witness: f1831 I demand a creature of another
Witness: fThomas I demand a creature of another
Witness: fMS I demand a creature of another


Reading Group: C23a_app181_rg1

Witness: fMS sex

Reading Group: C23a_app181_rg2

Witness: f1818 sex,
Witness: f1823 sex,
Witness: f1831 sex,
Witness: fThomas sex,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but
Witness: f1823 but
Witness: f1831 but
Witness: fThomas but
Witness: fMS but


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 as hideous as
Witness: f1823 as hideous as
Witness: f1831 as hideous as
Witness: fThomas as hideous as
Witness: fMS as hideous as


Reading Group: C23a_app184_rg1

Witness: fMS myself.

Reading Group: C23a_app184_rg2

Witness: f1818 myself:
Witness: fThomas myself:

Reading Group: C23a_app184_rg3

Witness: f1823 myself;
Witness: f1831 myself;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the gratification is
Witness: f1823 the gratification is
Witness: f1831 the gratification is
Witness: fThomas the gratification is
Witness: fMS The gratification is


Reading Group: C23a_app186_rg1

Witness: fMS small

Reading Group: C23a_app186_rg2

Witness: f1818 small,
Witness: f1823 small,
Witness: f1831 small,
Witness: fThomas small,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but it is all that I can
Witness: f1823 but it is all that I can
Witness: f1831 but it is all that I can
Witness: fThomas but it is all that I can
Witness: fMS but it is all that I can


Reading Group: C23a_app188_rg1

Witness: fMS receive

Reading Group: C23a_app188_rg2

Witness: f1818 receive,
Witness: f1823 receive,
Witness: f1831 receive,
Witness: fThomas receive,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and it shall content me. It is
Witness: f1823 and it shall content me. It is
Witness: f1831 and it shall content me. It is
Witness: fThomas and it shall content me. It is
Witness: fMS and it shall content me. It is


Reading Group: C23a_app190_rg1

Witness: fMS true

Reading Group: C23a_app190_rg2

Witness: f1818 true,
Witness: f1823 true,
Witness: f1831 true,
Witness: fThomas true,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 we
Witness: f1823 we
Witness: f1831 we
Witness: fThomas we
Witness: fMS we


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 shall be
Witness: f1823 shall be
Witness: f1831 shall be
Witness: fThomas shall be
Witness: fMS shall be


Reading Group: C23a_app193_rg1

Witness: fMS monsters

Reading Group: C23a_app193_rg2

Witness: f1818 monsters,
Witness: f1823 monsters,
Witness: f1831 monsters,
Witness: fThomas monsters,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 cut off from all
Witness: f1823 cut off from all
Witness: f1831 cut off from all
Witness: fThomas cut off from all
Witness: fMS cut off from all


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: fMS the


Reading Group: C23a_app196_rg1

Witness: fMS world

Reading Group: C23a_app196_rg2

Witness: f1818 world;
Witness: f1823 world;
Witness: f1831 world;
Witness: fThomas world;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but on that account we
Witness: f1823 but on that account we
Witness: f1831 but on that account we
Witness: fThomas but on that account we
Witness: fMS but on that account we


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 shall be more attached to one
Witness: f1823 shall be more attached to one
Witness: f1831 shall be more attached to one
Witness: fThomas shall be more attached to one
Witness: fMS shall be more attached to one


Reading Group: C23a_app199_rg1

Witness: fMS another

Reading Group: C23a_app199_rg2

Witness: f1818 another.
Witness: f1823 another.
Witness: f1831 another.
Witness: fThomas another.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Our lives will not be
Witness: f1823 Our lives will not be
Witness: f1831 Our lives will not be
Witness: fThomas Our lives will not be
Witness: fMS Our lives will not be


Reading Group: C23a_app201_rg1

Witness: fMS happy

Reading Group: C23a_app201_rg2

Witness: f1818 happy,
Witness: f1823 happy,
Witness: f1831 happy,
Witness: fThomas happy,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but they
Witness: f1823 but they
Witness: f1831 but they
Witness: fThomas but they
Witness: fMS but they


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 will be
Witness: f1823 will be
Witness: f1831 will be
Witness: fThomas will be
Witness: fMS will be


Reading Group: C23a_app204_rg1

Witness: fMS harmless

Reading Group: C23a_app204_rg2

Witness: f1818 harmless,
Witness: f1823 harmless,
Witness: f1831 harmless,
Witness: fThomas harmless,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and free from the misery
Witness: f1823 and free from the misery
Witness: f1831 and free from the misery
Witness: fThomas and free from the misery
Witness: fMS & free from the misery


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS thatwhich


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I now feel. Oh! my
Witness: f1823 I now feel. Oh! my
Witness: f1831 I now feel. Oh! my
Witness: fThomas I now feel. Oh! my
Witness: fMS I now feel. Oh! my


Reading Group: C23a_app208_rg1

Witness: fMS creator makeme happy–,let

Reading Group: C23a_app208_rg2

Witness: f1818 creator, make me happy; let
Witness: f1823 creator, make me happy; let
Witness: f1831 creator, make me happy; let
Witness: fThomas creator, make me happy; let


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 me feel gratitude towards you for one
Witness: f1823 me feel gratitude towards you for one
Witness: f1831 me feel gratitude towards you for one
Witness: fThomas me feel gratitude towards you for one
Witness: fMS me feel gratitude towards you for one


Reading Group: C23a_app210_rg1

Witness: fMS benefit;

Reading Group: C23a_app210_rg2

Witness: f1818 benefit!
Witness: f1823 benefit!
Witness: f1831 benefit!
Witness: fThomas benefit!


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Let me see that I excite the
Witness: f1823 Let me see that I excite the
Witness: f1831 Let me see that I excite the
Witness: fThomas Let me see that I excite the
Witness: fMS Let me see that I excite the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 sympathy of
Witness: f1823 sympathy of
Witness: f1831 sympathy of
Witness: fThomas sympathy of
Witness: fMS sympathy of


Reading Group: C23a_app213_rg1

Witness: fMS <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>one creature.

Reading Group: C23a_app213_rg2

Witness: f1818 some existing thing;
Witness: f1823 some existing thing;
Witness: f1831 some existing thing;
Witness: fThomas some existing thing;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 do not deny me my
Witness: f1823 do not deny me my
Witness: f1831 do not deny me my
Witness: fThomas do not deny me my
Witness: fMS Do not deny me my


Reading Group: C23a_app215_rg1

Witness: fMS request. I

Reading Group: C23a_app215_rg2

Witness: f1818 request!”<p/><p/>I
Witness: f1823 request!”<p/><p/>I
Witness: f1831 request!”<p/><p/>I
Witness: fThomas request!”<p/><p/>I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was moved. I shuddered when I thought
Witness: f1823 was moved. I shuddered when I thought
Witness: f1831 was moved. I shuddered when I thought
Witness: fThomas was moved. I shuddered when I thought
Witness: fMS was moved. I shuddered when I thought


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of the possible consequences of my
Witness: f1823 of the possible consequences of my
Witness: f1831 of the possible consequences of my
Witness: fThomas of the possible consequences of my
Witness: fMS of the possible consequences of my


Reading Group: C23a_app218_rg1

Witness: fMS consent

Reading Group: C23a_app218_rg2

Witness: f1818 consent;
Witness: f1823 consent;
Witness: f1831 consent;
Witness: fThomas consent;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but I felt that there was some justice
Witness: f1823 but I felt that there was some justice
Witness: f1831 but I felt that there was some justice
Witness: fThomas but I felt that there was some justice
Witness: fMS but I felt that there was some justice


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in his argument. His
Witness: f1823 in his argument. His
Witness: f1831 in his argument. His
Witness: fThomas in his argument. His
Witness: fMS in his argument. His


Reading Group: C23a_app221_rg1

Witness: fMS tale

Reading Group: C23a_app221_rg2

Witness: f1818 tale,
Witness: f1823 tale,
Witness: f1831 tale,
Witness: fThomas tale,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and the feelings he now
Witness: f1823 and the feelings he now
Witness: f1831 and the feelings he now
Witness: fThomas and the feelings he now
Witness: fMS and the feelings he now


Reading Group: C23a_app223_rg1

Witness: fMS expressed approved

Reading Group: C23a_app223_rg2

Witness: f1818 expressed, proved
Witness: f1823 expressed, proved
Witness: f1831 expressed, proved
Witness: fThomas expressed, proved


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 him to
Witness: f1823 him to
Witness: f1831 him to
Witness: fThomas him to
Witness: fMS him to


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 be a creature of fine
Witness: f1823 be a creature of fine
Witness: f1831 be a creature of fine
Witness: fThomas be a creature of fine
Witness: fMS be a creature of fine


Reading Group: C23a_app226_rg1

Witness: fMS sensations

Reading Group: C23a_app226_rg2

Witness: f1818 sensations;
Witness: f1823 sensations;
Witness: f1831 sensations;
Witness: fThomas sensations;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: fMS and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 did
Witness: f1823 did
Witness: f1831 did
Witness: fThomas did
Witness: fMS did


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS not


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: fMS I


Reading Group: C23a_app231_rg1

Witness: f1823 not
Witness: f1831 not

Reading Group: C23a_app231_rg2

Witness: f1818 not,
Witness: fThomas not,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 as his
Witness: f1823 as his
Witness: f1831 as his
Witness: fThomas as his
Witness: fMS <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>as his


Reading Group: C23a_app233_rg1

Witness: fMS creator maker

Reading Group: C23a_app233_rg2

Witness: f1818 maker,
Witness: f1823 maker,
Witness: f1831 maker,
Witness: fThomas maker,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 owe him
Witness: f1823 owe him
Witness: f1831 owe him
Witness: fThomas owe him
Witness: fMS owe him


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 all the portion of happiness that it
Witness: f1823 all the portion of happiness that it
Witness: f1831 all the portion of happiness that it
Witness: fThomas all the portion of happiness that it
Witness: fMS all the portion of happiness that it


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was in my power to bestow? He saw my
Witness: f1823 was in my power to bestow? He saw my
Witness: f1831 was in my power to bestow? He saw my
Witness: fThomas was in my power to bestow? He saw my
Witness: fMS was in pw<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>my power to bestow? He saw my


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 change of
Witness: f1823 change of
Witness: f1831 change of
Witness: fThomas change of
Witness: fMS change of


Reading Group: C23a_app238_rg1

Witness: fMS feeling

Reading Group: C23a_app238_rg2

Witness: f1818 feeling,
Witness: f1823 feeling,
Witness: f1831 feeling,
Witness: fThomas feeling,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: fMS &


Reading Group: C23a_app240_rg1

Witness: fMS continued. If

Reading Group: C23a_app240_rg2

Witness: f1818 continued—<p/><p/>“If
Witness: f1823 continued—<p/><p/>“If
Witness: f1831 continued—<p/><p/>“If
Witness: fThomas continued—<p/><p/>“If


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 you
Witness: f1823 you
Witness: f1831 you
Witness: fThomas you
Witness: fMS you


Reading Group: C23a_app242_rg1

Witness: fMS consent

Reading Group: C23a_app242_rg2

Witness: f1818 consent,
Witness: f1823 consent,
Witness: f1831 consent,
Witness: fThomas consent,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 neither you
Witness: f1823 neither you
Witness: f1831 neither you
Witness: fThomas neither you
Witness: fMS neither you


Reading Group: C23a_app244_rg1

Witness: f1818 nor
Witness: f1823 nor
Witness: f1831 nor
Witness: fThomas nor

Reading Group: C23a_app244_rg2

Witness: fMS or


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 any
Witness: f1823 any
Witness: f1831 any
Witness: fThomas any
Witness: fMS any


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 other
Witness: f1823 other
Witness: f1831 other
Witness: fThomas other


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 human
Witness: f1823 human
Witness: f1831 human
Witness: fThomas human
Witness: fMS human


Reading Group: C23a_app248_rg1

Witness: fMS being creature

Reading Group: C23a_app248_rg2

Witness: f1818 being
Witness: f1823 being
Witness: f1831 being
Witness: fThomas being


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 shall ever see
Witness: f1823 shall ever see
Witness: f1831 shall ever see
Witness: fThomas shall ever see
Witness: fMS shall ever see


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 us
Witness: f1823 us
Witness: f1831 us
Witness: fThomas us
Witness: fMS us


Reading Group: C23a_app251_rg1

Witness: fMS again.

Reading Group: C23a_app251_rg2

Witness: f1818 again:
Witness: f1823 again:
Witness: f1831 again:
Witness: fThomas again:


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I will go to the vast wilds of
Witness: f1823 I will go to the vast wilds of
Witness: f1831 I will go to the vast wilds of
Witness: fThomas I will go to the vast wilds of
Witness: fMS I will go to the vast wilds of


Reading Group: C23a_app253_rg1

Witness: fMS

Reading Group: C23a_app253_rg2

Witness: f1818 South
Witness: f1823 South
Witness: f1831 South
Witness: fThomas South


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 America. My food is not that of man; I
Witness: f1823 America. My food is not that of man; I
Witness: f1831 America. My food is not that of man; I
Witness: fThomas America. My food is not that of man; I
Witness: fMS America. My food is not that of man; I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 do not destroy the lamb
Witness: f1823 do not destroy the lamb
Witness: f1831 do not destroy the lamb
Witness: fThomas do not destroy the lamb
Witness: fMS do not destroy the lamb


Reading Group: C23a_app256_rg1

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fThomas and

Reading Group: C23a_app256_rg2

Witness: fMS or


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: fMS the


Reading Group: C23a_app258_rg1

Witness: f1823 kid
Witness: f1831 kid
Witness: fMS kid

Reading Group: C23a_app258_rg2

Witness: f1818 kid,
Witness: fThomas kid,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to
Witness: f1823 to
Witness: f1831 to
Witness: fThomas to
Witness: fMS to


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 glut my
Witness: f1823 glut my
Witness: f1831 glut my
Witness: fThomas glut my
Witness: fMS glut my


Reading Group: C23a_app261_rg1

Witness: fMS appetite.

Reading Group: C23a_app261_rg2

Witness: f1818 appetite;
Witness: f1823 appetite;
Witness: f1831 appetite;
Witness: fThomas appetite;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 acorns and berries afford
Witness: f1823 acorns and berries afford
Witness: f1831 acorns and berries afford
Witness: fThomas acorns and berries afford
Witness: fMS Acorns & berries afford


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 me sufficient nourishment. My companion will be of the same nature
Witness: f1823 me sufficient nourishment. My companion will be of the same nature
Witness: f1831 me sufficient nourishment. My companion will be of the same nature
Witness: fThomas me sufficient nourishment. My companion will be of the same nature
Witness: fMS me sufficient nourishment. My companion will be of the same nature


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 as
Witness: f1823 as
Witness: f1831 as
Witness: fThomas as
Witness: fMS as


Reading Group: C23a_app265_rg1

Witness: fMS myself

Reading Group: C23a_app265_rg2

Witness: f1818 myself,
Witness: f1823 myself,
Witness: f1831 myself,
Witness: fThomas myself,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and will be content with
Witness: f1823 and will be content with
Witness: f1831 and will be content with
Witness: fThomas and will be content with
Witness: fMS and will be content with


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the same fare. We shall make our bed
Witness: f1823 the same fare. We shall make our bed
Witness: f1831 the same fare. We shall make our bed
Witness: fThomas the same fare. We shall make our bed
Witness: fMS the same fare. We shall make our bed


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of dried leaves; the sun will shine on
Witness: f1823 of dried leaves; the sun will shine on
Witness: f1831 of dried leaves; the sun will shine on
Witness: fThomas of dried leaves; the sun will shine on
Witness: fMS of dried leaves; the sun will shine on


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 us as on
Witness: f1823 us as on
Witness: f1831 us as on
Witness: fThomas us as on
Witness: fMS us as on


Reading Group: C23a_app270_rg1

Witness: fMS man

Reading Group: C23a_app270_rg2

Witness: f1818 man,
Witness: f1823 man,
Witness: f1831 man,
Witness: fThomas man,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and will ripen our food.
Witness: f1823 and will ripen our food.
Witness: f1831 and will ripen our food.
Witness: fThomas and will ripen our food.
Witness: fMS & will ripen our food.


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS You are moved.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 The picture I present to you
Witness: f1823 The picture I present to you
Witness: f1831 The picture I present to you
Witness: fThomas The picture I present to you
Witness: fMS The picture I present to you


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 is peaceful and
Witness: f1823 is peaceful and
Witness: f1831 is peaceful and
Witness: fThomas is peaceful and
Witness: fMS is peaceful &


Reading Group: C23a_app275_rg1

Witness: fMS human

Reading Group: C23a_app275_rg2

Witness: f1818 human,
Witness: f1823 human,
Witness: f1831 human,
Witness: fThomas human,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and you must
Witness: f1823 and you must
Witness: f1831 and you must
Witness: fThomas and you must
Witness: fMS and you must


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 feel that you could deny it only in
Witness: f1823 feel that you could deny it only in
Witness: f1831 feel that you could deny it only in
Witness: fThomas feel that you could deny it only in
Witness: fMS feel that you could deny it only in


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: fMS the


Reading Group: C23a_app279_rg1

Witness: fMS wantoness

Reading Group: C23a_app279_rg2

Witness: f1818 wantonness
Witness: f1823 wantonness
Witness: f1831 wantonness
Witness: fThomas wantonness


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of power and cruelty. Pitiless
Witness: f1823 of power and cruelty. Pitiless
Witness: f1831 of power and cruelty. Pitiless
Witness: fThomas of power and cruelty. Pitiless
Witness: fMS of power & cruelty. Pitiless


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 as you
Witness: f1823 as you
Witness: f1831 as you
Witness: fThomas as you
Witness: fMS as you


Reading Group: C23a_app282_rg1

Witness: fMS are

Reading Group: C23a_app282_rg2

Witness: f1818 have been
Witness: f1823 have been
Witness: f1831 have been
Witness: fThomas have been


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 towards
Witness: f1823 towards
Witness: f1831 towards
Witness: fThomas towards
Witness: fMS towards


Reading Group: C23a_app284_rg1

Witness: fMS me

Reading Group: C23a_app284_rg2

Witness: f1818 me,
Witness: f1823 me,
Witness: f1831 me,
Witness: fThomas me,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: fMS I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 now
Witness: f1823 now
Witness: f1831 now
Witness: fThomas now


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 see compassion in your
Witness: f1823 see compassion in your
Witness: f1831 see compassion in your
Witness: fThomas see compassion in your
Witness: fMS see compassion in your


Reading Group: C23a_app288_rg1

Witness: fMS eyes.

Reading Group: C23a_app288_rg2

Witness: f1818 eyes;
Witness: f1823 eyes;
Witness: f1831 eyes;
Witness: fThomas eyes;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 let me seize the
Witness: f1823 let me seize the
Witness: f1831 let me seize the
Witness: fThomas let me seize the
Witness: fMS Let me seize the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 favourable
Witness: f1823 favourable
Witness: f1831 favourable
Witness: fThomas favourable
Witness: fMS favourable


Reading Group: C23a_app291_rg1

Witness: fMS moment &pro

Reading Group: C23a_app291_rg2

Witness: f1818 moment, and
Witness: f1823 moment, and
Witness: f1831 moment, and
Witness: fThomas moment, and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 persuade
Witness: f1823 persuade
Witness: f1831 persuade
Witness: fThomas persuade
Witness: fMS persuade


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 you to promise what I so ardently
Witness: f1823 you to promise what I so ardently
Witness: f1831 you to promise what I so ardently
Witness: fThomas you to promise what I so ardently
Witness: fMS you to promise what I so ardently


Reading Group: C23a_app294_rg1

Witness: fMS desire. You promise,

Reading Group: C23a_app294_rg2

Witness: f1818 desire.”<p/><p/>“You propose,”
Witness: f1823 desire.”<p/><p/>“You propose,”
Witness: f1831 desire.”<p/><p/>“You propose,”
Witness: fThomas desire.”<p/><p/>“You propose,”


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 replied I,
Witness: f1823 replied I,
Witness: f1831 replied I,
Witness: fThomas replied I,
Witness: fMS replied I,


Reading Group: C23a_app296_rg1

Witness: f1818 “to fly from
Witness: f1823 “to fly from
Witness: f1831 “to fly from
Witness: fThomas “to fly from

Reading Group: C23a_app296_rg2

Witness: fMS to quit


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the habitations of
Witness: f1823 the habitations of
Witness: f1831 the habitations of
Witness: fThomas the habitations of
Witness: fMS the habitations of


Reading Group: C23a_app298_rg1

Witness: fMS man and

Reading Group: C23a_app298_rg2

Witness: f1818 man,
Witness: f1823 man,
Witness: f1831 man,
Witness: fThomas man,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to
Witness: f1823 to
Witness: f1831 to
Witness: fThomas to
Witness: fMS to


Reading Group: C23a_app300_rg1

Witness: f1818 dwell in
Witness: f1823 dwell in
Witness: f1831 dwell in
Witness: fThomas dwell in

Reading Group: C23a_app300_rg2

Witness: fMS inhabit


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 those wilds where
Witness: f1823 those wilds where
Witness: f1831 those wilds where
Witness: fThomas those wilds where
Witness: fMS those wilds where


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the beasts of the field will be your only companions. How can
Witness: f1823 the beasts of the field will be your only companions. How can
Witness: f1831 the beasts of the field will be your only companions. How can
Witness: fThomas the beasts of the field will be your only companions. How can
Witness: fMS the beasts of the field will be your only conmpanions. How can


Reading Group: C23a_app303_rg1

Witness: fMS you

Reading Group: C23a_app303_rg2

Witness: f1818 you,
Witness: f1823 you,
Witness: f1831 you,
Witness: fThomas you,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 who long for the love and sympathy of
Witness: f1823 who long for the love and sympathy of
Witness: f1831 who long for the love and sympathy of
Witness: fThomas who long for the love and sympathy of
Witness: fMS who long for the love & sympathy of


Reading Group: C23a_app305_rg1

Witness: fMS human beings<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>man

Reading Group: C23a_app305_rg2

Witness: f1818 man,
Witness: f1823 man,
Witness: f1831 man,
Witness: fThomas man,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 persevere in
Witness: f1823 persevere in
Witness: f1831 persevere in
Witness: fThomas persevere in
Witness: fMS persevere in


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 this exile? You will
Witness: f1823 this exile? You will
Witness: f1831 this exile? You will
Witness: fThomas this exile? You will
Witness: fMS this exile? You will


Reading Group: C23a_app308_rg1

Witness: fMS return

Reading Group: C23a_app308_rg2

Witness: f1818 return,
Witness: f1823 return,
Witness: f1831 return,
Witness: fThomas return,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: fMS and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 again
Witness: f1823 again
Witness: f1831 again
Witness: fThomas again


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 seek
Witness: f1823 seek
Witness: f1831 seek
Witness: fThomas seek
Witness: fMS seek


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS for


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 their
Witness: f1823 their
Witness: f1831 their
Witness: fThomas their
Witness: fMS their


Reading Group: C23a_app314_rg1

Witness: fMS kindness

Reading Group: C23a_app314_rg2

Witness: f1818 kindness,
Witness: f1823 kindness,
Witness: f1831 kindness,
Witness: fThomas kindness,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and you will meet
Witness: f1823 and you will meet
Witness: f1831 and you will meet
Witness: fThomas and you will meet
Witness: fMS & you will meet


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 with
Witness: f1823 with
Witness: f1831 with
Witness: fThomas with


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 their
Witness: f1823 their
Witness: f1831 their
Witness: fThomas their
Witness: fMS their


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 detestation; your evil
Witness: f1823 detestation; your evil
Witness: f1831 detestation; your evil
Witness: fThomas detestation; your evil
Witness: fMS detestation; your evil


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS w


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 passions will
Witness: f1823 passions will
Witness: f1831 passions will
Witness: fThomas passions will
Witness: fMS passions will


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 be renewed, and you will then have
Witness: f1823 be renewed, and you will then have
Witness: f1831 be renewed, and you will then have
Witness: fThomas be renewed, and you will then have
Witness: fMS be renewed, & you will then have


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a companion to aid you in
Witness: f1823 a companion to aid you in
Witness: f1831 a companion to aid you in
Witness: fThomas a companion to aid you in
Witness: fMS a companion to aid you in


Reading Group: C23a_app323_rg1

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fThomas the

Reading Group: C23a_app323_rg2

Witness: fMS your


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 task of destruction.
Witness: f1823 task of destruction.
Witness: f1831 task of destruction.
Witness: fThomas task of destruction.
Witness: fMS task of destruction.


Reading Group: C23a_app325_rg1

Witness: fMS Begone; I cannot consent.

Reading Group: C23a_app325_rg2

Witness: f1818 This may not
Witness: f1823 This may not
Witness: f1831 This may not
Witness: fThomas This may not


Reading Group: C23a_app326_rg1

Witness: f1823 be:
Witness: f1831 be:

Reading Group: C23a_app326_rg2

Witness: f1818 be;
Witness: fThomas be;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 cease to argue
Witness: f1823 cease to argue
Witness: f1831 cease to argue
Witness: fThomas cease to argue


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: fMS The


Reading Group: C23a_app329_rg1

Witness: fMS Monster replied with fervour, How

Reading Group: C23a_app329_rg2

Witness: f1818 point, for I cannot consent.”<p/><p/>“How
Witness: f1823 point, for I cannot consent.”<p/><p/>“How
Witness: f1831 point, for I cannot consent.”<p/><p/>“How
Witness: fThomas point, for I cannot consent.”<p/><p/>“How


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 inconstant are your
Witness: f1823 inconstant are your
Witness: f1831 inconstant are your
Witness: fThomas inconstant are your
Witness: fMS inconstant are your


Reading Group: C23a_app331_rg1

Witness: f1818 feelings!
Witness: f1823 feelings!
Witness: f1831 feelings!
Witness: fThomas feelings!

Reading Group: C23a_app331_rg2

Witness: fMS feelings;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but
Witness: f1823 but
Witness: f1831 but
Witness: fThomas but
Witness: fMS but


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a moment ago you were moved by
Witness: f1823 a moment ago you were moved by
Witness: f1831 a moment ago you were moved by
Witness: fThomas a moment ago you were moved by
Witness: fMS a moment ago you were moved by


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my representations, and why do you again
Witness: f1823 my representations, and why do you again
Witness: f1831 my representations, and why do you again
Witness: fThomas my representations, and why do you again
Witness: fMS my representations, & why do you again


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 harden yourself to my complaints? I
Witness: f1823 harden yourself to my complaints? I
Witness: f1831 harden yourself to my complaints? I
Witness: fThomas harden yourself to my complaints? I
Witness: fMS harden yourself to my complaints? I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 swear
Witness: f1823 swear
Witness: f1831 swear
Witness: fThomas swear
Witness: fMS swear


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to you,
Witness: f1823 to you,
Witness: f1831 to you,
Witness: fThomas to you,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 by the earth which I
Witness: f1823 by the earth which I
Witness: f1831 by the earth which I
Witness: fThomas by the earth which I
Witness: fMS by the earth which I


Reading Group: C23a_app339_rg1

Witness: fMS inhabit

Reading Group: C23a_app339_rg2

Witness: f1818 inhabit,
Witness: f1823 inhabit,
Witness: f1831 inhabit,
Witness: fThomas inhabit,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and by you that made
Witness: f1823 and by you that made
Witness: f1831 and by you that made
Witness: fThomas and by you that made
Witness: fMS & by you that made


Reading Group: C23a_app341_rg1

Witness: fMS me that

Reading Group: C23a_app341_rg2

Witness: f1818 me, that,
Witness: f1823 me, that,
Witness: f1831 me, that,
Witness: fThomas me, that,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 with
Witness: f1823 with
Witness: f1831 with
Witness: fThomas with
Witness: fMS with


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the companion you
Witness: f1823 the companion you
Witness: f1831 the companion you
Witness: fThomas the companion you
Witness: fMS the companion you


Reading Group: C23a_app344_rg1

Witness: fMS bestow

Reading Group: C23a_app344_rg2

Witness: f1818 bestow,
Witness: f1823 bestow,
Witness: f1831 bestow,
Witness: fThomas bestow,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I will
Witness: f1823 I will
Witness: f1831 I will
Witness: fThomas I will
Witness: fMS I will


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 quit the neighbourhood of
Witness: f1823 quit the neighbourhood of
Witness: f1831 quit the neighbourhood of
Witness: fThomas quit the neighbourhood of
Witness: fMS quit the neighbourhood of


Reading Group: C23a_app347_rg1

Witness: fMS man

Reading Group: C23a_app347_rg2

Witness: f1818 man,
Witness: f1823 man,
Witness: f1831 man,
Witness: fThomas man,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: fMS &


Reading Group: C23a_app349_rg1

Witness: f1831 dwell

Reading Group: C23a_app349_rg2

Witness: f1818 dwell,
Witness: f1823 dwell,
Witness: fThomas dwell,
Witness: fMS dwell,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 as it may chance, in the
Witness: f1823 as it may chance, in the
Witness: f1831 as it may chance, in the
Witness: fThomas as it may chance, in the
Witness: fMS as it may chance, in the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 most savage
Witness: f1823 most savage
Witness: f1831 most savage
Witness: fThomas most savage
Witness: fMS most savage


Reading Group: C23a_app352_rg1

Witness: fMS of

Reading Group: C23a_app352_rg2

Witness: f1818 of
Witness: f1823 of
Witness: f1831 of
Witness: fThomas of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 places. My evil
Witness: f1823 places. My evil
Witness: f1831 places. My evil
Witness: fThomas places. My evil
Witness: fMS places. My evil


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 passions will have fled, for I shall
Witness: f1823 passions will have fled, for I shall
Witness: f1831 passions will have fled, for I shall
Witness: fThomas passions will have fled, for I shall
Witness: fMS passions will have fled, for I shall


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 meet with
Witness: f1823 meet with
Witness: f1831 meet with
Witness: fThomas meet with
Witness: fMS meet with


Reading Group: C23a_app356_rg1

Witness: f1823 sympathy!
Witness: f1831 sympathy!

Reading Group: C23a_app356_rg2

Witness: fMS sympathy.

Reading Group: C23a_app356_rg3

Witness: f1818 sympathy;
Witness: fThomas sympathy;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my life will
Witness: f1823 my life will
Witness: f1831 my life will
Witness: fThomas my life will
Witness: fMS My life will


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 flow quietly
Witness: f1823 flow quietly
Witness: f1831 flow quietly
Witness: fThomas flow quietly
Witness: fMS flow quietly


Reading Group: C23a_app359_rg1

Witness: fMS away &

Reading Group: C23a_app359_rg2

Witness: f1818 away, and,
Witness: f1823 away, and,
Witness: f1831 away, and,
Witness: fThomas away, and,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in my dying
Witness: f1823 in my dying
Witness: f1831 in my dying
Witness: fThomas in my dying
Witness: fMS in my dying


Reading Group: C23a_app361_rg1

Witness: fMS momen moments

Reading Group: C23a_app361_rg2

Witness: f1818 moments,
Witness: f1823 moments,
Witness: f1831 moments,
Witness: fThomas moments,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I shall not curse my
Witness: f1823 I shall not curse my
Witness: f1831 I shall not curse my
Witness: fThomas I shall not curse my
Witness: fMS I shall not curse my


Reading Group: C23a_app363_rg1

Witness: fMS maker. His

Reading Group: C23a_app363_rg2

Witness: f1818 maker.”<p/><p/>His
Witness: f1823 maker.”<p/><p/>His
Witness: f1831 maker.”<p/><p/>His
Witness: fThomas maker.”<p/><p/>His


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 words had a strange effect
Witness: f1823 words had a strange effect
Witness: f1831 words had a strange effect
Witness: fThomas words had a strange effect
Witness: fMS words had a strange effect


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 upon me. I compassionated
Witness: f1823 upon me. I compassionated
Witness: f1831 upon me. I compassionated
Witness: fThomas upon me. I compassionated
Witness: fMS upon me. I compassionated


Reading Group: C23a_app366_rg1

Witness: fMS him

Reading Group: C23a_app366_rg2

Witness: f1818 him,
Witness: f1823 him,
Witness: f1831 him,
Witness: fThomas him,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and sometimes felt a wish to console
Witness: f1823 and sometimes felt a wish to console
Witness: f1831 and sometimes felt a wish to console
Witness: fThomas and sometimes felt a wish to console
Witness: fMS & sometimes felt a wish to console


Reading Group: C23a_app368_rg1

Witness: fMS him

Reading Group: C23a_app368_rg2

Witness: f1818 him;
Witness: f1823 him;
Witness: f1831 him;
Witness: fThomas him;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but when I looked
Witness: f1823 but when I looked
Witness: f1831 but when I looked
Witness: fThomas but when I looked
Witness: fMS but when I looked


Reading Group: C23a_app370_rg1

Witness: fMS on him

Reading Group: C23a_app370_rg2

Witness: f1818 upon him,
Witness: f1823 upon him,
Witness: f1831 upon him,
Witness: fThomas upon him,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 when I saw
Witness: f1823 when I saw
Witness: f1831 when I saw
Witness: fThomas when I saw
Witness: fMS when I saw


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the filthy mass that moved and
Witness: f1823 the filthy mass that moved and
Witness: f1831 the filthy mass that moved and
Witness: fThomas the filthy mass that moved and
Witness: fMS the filthy mass that moved &


Reading Group: C23a_app373_rg1

Witness: fMS talked

Reading Group: C23a_app373_rg2

Witness: f1818 talked,
Witness: f1823 talked,
Witness: f1831 talked,
Witness: fThomas talked,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my heart
Witness: f1823 my heart
Witness: f1831 my heart
Witness: fThomas my heart
Witness: fMS my heart


Reading Group: C23a_app375_rg1

Witness: fMS sickend

Reading Group: C23a_app375_rg2

Witness: f1818 sickened,
Witness: f1823 sickened,
Witness: f1831 sickened,
Witness: fThomas sickened,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and my feelings were
Witness: f1823 and my feelings were
Witness: f1831 and my feelings were
Witness: fThomas and my feelings were
Witness: fMS & my feelings were


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 altered to those
Witness: f1823 altered to those
Witness: f1831 altered to those
Witness: fThomas altered to those
Witness: fMS altered to <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>those


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of
Witness: f1823 of
Witness: f1831 of
Witness: fThomas of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 horror and hatred. I tried to
Witness: f1823 horror and hatred. I tried to
Witness: f1831 horror and hatred. I tried to
Witness: fThomas horror and hatred. I tried to
Witness: fMS horror & hatred. I tried to


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 stifle
Witness: f1823 stifle
Witness: f1831 stifle
Witness: fThomas stifle
Witness: fMS stifle


Reading Group: C23a_app381_rg1

Witness: fMS them

Reading Group: C23a_app381_rg2

Witness: f1818 these sensations;
Witness: f1823 these sensations;
Witness: f1831 these sensations;
Witness: fThomas these sensations;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: fMS I


Reading Group: C23a_app383_rg1

Witness: fMS thought

Reading Group: C23a_app383_rg2

Witness: f1818 thought,
Witness: f1823 thought,
Witness: f1831 thought,
Witness: fThomas thought,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that as I could
Witness: f1823 that as I could
Witness: f1831 that as I could
Witness: fThomas that as I could
Witness: fMS that as I could


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 not
Witness: f1823 not
Witness: f1831 not
Witness: fThomas not
Witness: fMS not


Reading Group: C23a_app386_rg1

Witness: fMS comfort<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>sympathizehim I hsymposympathize

Reading Group: C23a_app386_rg2

Witness: f1831 sympathise

Reading Group: C23a_app386_rg3

Witness: f1818 sympathize
Witness: f1823 sympathize
Witness: fThomas sympathize


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 with
Witness: f1823 with
Witness: f1831 with
Witness: fThomas with
Witness: fMS with


Reading Group: C23a_app388_rg1

Witness: fMS him

Reading Group: C23a_app388_rg2

Witness: f1818 him,
Witness: f1823 him,
Witness: f1831 him,
Witness: fThomas him,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I had no right to
Witness: f1823 I had no right to
Witness: f1831 I had no right to
Witness: fThomas I had no right to
Witness: fMS I had no right to


Reading Group: C23a_app390_rg1

Witness: fMS refuse

Reading Group: C23a_app390_rg2

Witness: f1818 withhold from
Witness: f1823 withhold from
Witness: f1831 withhold from
Witness: fThomas withhold from


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 him
Witness: f1823 him
Witness: f1831 him
Witness: fThomas him
Witness: fMS him


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the small portion of happiness
Witness: f1823 the small portion of happiness
Witness: f1831 the small portion of happiness
Witness: fThomas the small portion of happiness
Witness: fMS the small portion of happiness


Reading Group: C23a_app393_rg1

Witness: fMS that I had it

Reading Group: C23a_app393_rg2

Witness: f1818 which was yet
Witness: f1823 which was yet
Witness: f1831 which was yet
Witness: fThomas which was yet


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in my power to
Witness: f1823 in my power to
Witness: f1831 in my power to
Witness: fThomas in my power to
Witness: fMS in my power to


Reading Group: C23a_app395_rg1

Witness: fMS bestow. IYou swear,

Reading Group: C23a_app395_rg2

Witness: f1818 bestow.<p/><p/>“You swear,”
Witness: f1823 bestow.<p/><p/>“You swear,”
Witness: f1831 bestow.<p/><p/>“You swear,”
Witness: fThomas bestow.<p/><p/>“You swear,”


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I said,
Witness: f1823 I said,
Witness: f1831 I said,
Witness: fThomas I said,
Witness: fMS I said,


Reading Group: C23a_app397_rg1

Witness: f1818 “to
Witness: f1823 “to
Witness: f1831 “to
Witness: fThomas “to

Reading Group: C23a_app397_rg2

Witness: fMS to


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 be
Witness: f1823 be
Witness: f1831 be
Witness: fThomas be
Witness: fMS be


Reading Group: C23a_app399_rg1

Witness: fMS harmless

Reading Group: C23a_app399_rg2

Witness: f1818 harmless;
Witness: f1823 harmless;
Witness: f1831 harmless;
Witness: fThomas harmless;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but have you not already
Witness: f1823 but have you not already
Witness: f1831 but have you not already
Witness: fThomas but have you not already
Witness: fMS but have you not already


Reading Group: C23a_app401_rg1

Witness: f1818 shewn
Witness: fThomas shewn

Reading Group: C23a_app401_rg2

Witness: f1823 shown
Witness: f1831 shown
Witness: fMS shown


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a degree of
Witness: f1823 a degree of
Witness: f1831 a degree of
Witness: fThomas a degree of
Witness: fMS a degree of


Reading Group: C23a_app403_rg1

Witness: f1818 malice
Witness: f1823 malice
Witness: f1831 malice
Witness: fThomas malice

Reading Group: C23a_app403_rg2

Witness: fMS malise


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that
Witness: f1823 that
Witness: f1831 that
Witness: fThomas that
Witness: fMS that


Reading Group: C23a_app405_rg1

Witness: f1818 should
Witness: f1823 should
Witness: f1831 should
Witness: fThomas should

Reading Group: C23a_app405_rg2

Witness: fMS would


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 reasonably
Witness: f1823 reasonably
Witness: f1831 reasonably
Witness: fThomas reasonably
Witness: fMS reasonably


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 make me distrust you? May not even this
Witness: f1823 make me distrust you? May not even this
Witness: f1831 make me distrust you? May not even this
Witness: fThomas make me distrust you? May not even this
Witness: fMS make me distrust you? May not even this


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 be a feint that will
Witness: f1823 be a feint that will
Witness: f1831 be a feint that will
Witness: fThomas be a feint that will
Witness: fMS be a feint that will


Reading Group: C23a_app409_rg1

Witness: fMS encrease

Reading Group: C23a_app409_rg2

Witness: f1818 increase
Witness: f1823 increase
Witness: f1831 increase
Witness: fThomas increase


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 your triumph
Witness: f1823 your triumph
Witness: f1831 your triumph
Witness: fThomas your triumph
Witness: fMS your triumph


Reading Group: C23a_app411_rg1

Witness: fMS & desire of revengeby

Reading Group: C23a_app411_rg2

Witness: f1818 by
Witness: f1823 by
Witness: f1831 by
Witness: fThomas by


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 affording a wider scope
Witness: f1823 affording a wider scope
Witness: f1831 affording a wider scope
Witness: fThomas affording a wider scope
Witness: fMS affording a wider scope


Reading Group: C23a_app413_rg1

Witness: f1818 for
Witness: f1823 for
Witness: f1831 for
Witness: fThomas for

Reading Group: C23a_app413_rg2

Witness: fMS to


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 your
Witness: f1823 your
Witness: f1831 your
Witness: fThomas your
Witness: fMS your


Reading Group: C23a_app415_rg1

Witness: f1823 revenge.”<p/><p/>“How
Witness: f1831 revenge.”<p/><p/>“How

Reading Group: C23a_app415_rg2

Witness: fMS revenge. How

Reading Group: C23a_app415_rg3

Witness: f1818 revenge?”<p/><p/>“How
Witness: fThomas revenge?”<p/><p/>“How


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 is
Witness: f1823 is
Witness: f1831 is
Witness: fThomas is
Witness: fMS is


Reading Group: C23a_app417_rg1

Witness: fMS this, cried he;

Reading Group: C23a_app417_rg2

Witness: f1818 this?
Witness: f1823 this?
Witness: f1831 this?
Witness: fThomas this?


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: fMS I


Reading Group: C23a_app419_rg1

Witness: f1823 must not be trifled
Witness: f1831 must not be trifled

Reading Group: C23a_app419_rg2

Witness: f1818 thought I had moved
Witness: fThomas thought I had moved
Witness: fMS thought I had moved


Reading Group: C23a_app420_rg1

Witness: fMS

Reading Group: C23a_app420_rg2

Witness: f1831 with:

Reading Group: C23a_app420_rg3

Witness: f1823 with;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 your compassion,
Witness: fThomas your compassion,
Witness: fMS your compassion,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: fMS and


Reading Group: C23a_app423_rg1

Witness: f1823 I demand an answer.
Witness: f1831 I demand an answer.

Reading Group: C23a_app423_rg2

Witness: f1818 yet you still refuse to
Witness: fThomas yet you still refuse to
Witness: fMS yet you still refuse to


Reading Group: C23a_app424_rg1

Witness: fMS givebestow

Reading Group: C23a_app424_rg2

Witness: f1818 bestow
Witness: fThomas bestow


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 on me the only benefit that can soften my
Witness: fThomas on me the only benefit that can soften my
Witness: fMS on me the only benefit that can soften my


Reading Group: C23a_app426_rg1

Witness: fMS heart

Reading Group: C23a_app426_rg2

Witness: f1818 heart,
Witness: fThomas heart,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and render me harmless.
Witness: fThomas and render me harmless.
Witness: fMS and render me harmless.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 If I
Witness: f1823 If I
Witness: f1831 If I
Witness: fThomas If I
Witness: fMS If I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 have no ties and no
Witness: f1823 have no ties and no
Witness: f1831 have no ties and no
Witness: fThomas have no ties and no
Witness: fMS have no ties & no


Reading Group: C23a_app430_rg1

Witness: fMS affections

Reading Group: C23a_app430_rg2

Witness: f1818 affections,
Witness: f1823 affections,
Witness: f1831 affections,
Witness: fThomas affections,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 hatred and vice
Witness: f1823 hatred and vice
Witness: f1831 hatred and vice
Witness: fThomas hatred and vice
Witness: fMS hatred & vice


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 must be my
Witness: f1823 must be my
Witness: f1831 must be my
Witness: fThomas must be my
Witness: fMS must be my


Reading Group: C23a_app433_rg1

Witness: fMS portion.

Reading Group: C23a_app433_rg2

Witness: f1818 portion;
Witness: f1823 portion;
Witness: f1831 portion;
Witness: fThomas portion;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the love of another
Witness: f1823 the love of another
Witness: f1831 the love of another
Witness: fThomas the love of another
Witness: fMS The love of another


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 will destroy the cause of my
Witness: f1823 will destroy the cause of my
Witness: f1831 will destroy the cause of my
Witness: fThomas will destroy the cause of my
Witness: fMS will destroy the cause of my


Reading Group: C23a_app436_rg1

Witness: fMS crimes

Reading Group: C23a_app436_rg2

Witness: f1818 crimes,
Witness: f1823 crimes,
Witness: f1831 crimes,
Witness: fThomas crimes,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and I shall
Witness: f1823 and I shall
Witness: f1831 and I shall
Witness: fThomas and I shall
Witness: fMS & I shall


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 become a
Witness: f1823 become a
Witness: f1831 become a
Witness: fThomas become a
Witness: fMS become a


Reading Group: C23a_app439_rg1

Witness: fMS thing

Reading Group: C23a_app439_rg2

Witness: f1818 thing,
Witness: f1823 thing,
Witness: f1831 thing,
Witness: fThomas thing,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of whose existence every
Witness: f1823 of whose existence every
Witness: f1831 of whose existence every
Witness: fThomas of whose existence every
Witness: fMS of whose existence every


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 one will be ignorant. My vices are
Witness: f1823 one will be ignorant. My vices are
Witness: f1831 one will be ignorant. My vices are
Witness: fThomas one will be ignorant. My vices are
Witness: fMS one will be ignorant. My vices are


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS ch


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the children of a forced solitude that I
Witness: f1823 the children of a forced solitude that I
Witness: f1831 the children of a forced solitude that I
Witness: fThomas the children of a forced solitude that I
Witness: fMS the children of <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>a forced solitude that I


Reading Group: C23a_app444_rg1

Witness: fMS abhor

Reading Group: C23a_app444_rg2

Witness: f1818 abhor;
Witness: f1823 abhor;
Witness: f1831 abhor;
Witness: fThomas abhor;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and my virtues will necessarily arise
Witness: f1823 and my virtues will necessarily arise
Witness: f1831 and my virtues will necessarily arise
Witness: fThomas and my virtues will necessarily arise
Witness: fMS and my virtues will necessarily arise


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 when
Witness: f1823 when
Witness: f1831 when
Witness: fThomas when
Witness: fMS when


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS sh


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: fMS I


Reading Group: C23a_app449_rg1

Witness: f1818 live in communion with
Witness: f1823 live in communion with
Witness: f1831 live in communion with
Witness: fThomas live in communion with

Reading Group: C23a_app449_rg2

Witness: fMS shall receive the sympathy of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 an equal.
Witness: f1823 an equal.
Witness: f1831 an equal.
Witness: fThomas an equal.
Witness: fMS an equal.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I shall feel
Witness: f1823 I shall feel
Witness: f1831 I shall feel
Witness: fThomas I shall feel
Witness: fMS I shall feel


Reading Group: C23a_app452_rg1

Witness: fMS humanthesyf

Reading Group: C23a_app452_rg2

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fThomas the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 affections of a
Witness: f1823 affections of a
Witness: f1831 affections of a
Witness: fThomas affections of a
Witness: fMS affections <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>of a


Reading Group: C23a_app454_rg1

Witness: fMS living being&

Reading Group: C23a_app454_rg2

Witness: f1818 sensitive being, and
Witness: f1823 sensitive being, and
Witness: f1831 sensitive being, and
Witness: fThomas sensitive being, and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 become linked to the chain of existence and
Witness: f1823 become linked to the chain of existence and
Witness: f1831 become linked to the chain of existence and
Witness: fThomas become linked to the chain of existence and
Witness: fMS become linked to the chain of existence &


Reading Group: C23a_app456_rg1

Witness: fMS events

Reading Group: C23a_app456_rg2

Witness: f1818 events,
Witness: f1823 events,
Witness: f1831 events,
Witness: fThomas events,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 from which I am now
Witness: f1823 from which I am now
Witness: f1831 from which I am now
Witness: fThomas from which I am now
Witness: fMS from which I am now


Reading Group: C23a_app458_rg1

Witness: f1818 excluded.”<p/><p/>I
Witness: f1823 excluded.”<p/><p/>I
Witness: f1831 excluded.”<p/><p/>I
Witness: fThomas excluded.”<p/><p/>I

Reading Group: C23a_app458_rg2

Witness: fMS excluded I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 paused some time to reflect on all
Witness: f1823 paused some time to reflect on all
Witness: f1831 paused some time to reflect on all
Witness: fThomas paused some time to reflect on all
Witness: fMS paused some time <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>to reflect on all


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 he had
Witness: f1823 he had
Witness: f1831 he had
Witness: fThomas he had
Witness: fMS he had


Reading Group: C23a_app461_rg1

Witness: fMS related

Reading Group: C23a_app461_rg2

Witness: f1818 related,
Witness: f1823 related,
Witness: f1831 related,
Witness: fThomas related,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and the various arguments
Witness: f1823 and the various arguments
Witness: f1831 and the various arguments
Witness: fThomas and the various arguments
Witness: fMS and the various arguments


Reading Group: C23a_app463_rg1

Witness: fMS thatwhich

Reading Group: C23a_app463_rg2

Witness: f1818 which
Witness: f1823 which
Witness: f1831 which
Witness: fThomas which


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 he had
Witness: f1823 he had
Witness: f1831 he had
Witness: fThomas he had
Witness: fMS he had


Reading Group: C23a_app465_rg1

Witness: fMS usedemployed.

Reading Group: C23a_app465_rg2

Witness: f1818 employed.
Witness: f1823 employed.
Witness: f1831 employed.
Witness: fThomas employed.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I thought of
Witness: f1823 I thought of
Witness: f1831 I thought of
Witness: fThomas I thought of
Witness: fMS I thought of


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS promises& threats


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: fMS the


Reading Group: C23a_app469_rg1

Witness: fMS variouspromise

Reading Group: C23a_app469_rg2

Witness: f1818 promise
Witness: f1823 promise
Witness: f1831 promise
Witness: fThomas promise


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of virtues which he
Witness: f1823 of virtues which he
Witness: f1831 of virtues which he
Witness: fThomas of virtues which he
Witness: fMS of virtues which he


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 had displayed on the opening of his
Witness: f1823 had displayed on the opening of his
Witness: f1831 had displayed on the opening of his
Witness: fThomas had displayed on the opening of his
Witness: fMS had displayed on the opening of his


Reading Group: C23a_app472_rg1

Witness: f1818 existence,
Witness: f1823 existence,
Witness: f1831 existence,
Witness: fThomas existence,

Reading Group: C23a_app472_rg2

Witness: fMS existence;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: fMS and


Reading Group: C23a_app474_rg1

Witness: fMS theire

Reading Group: C23a_app474_rg2

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fThomas the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 subsequent blight
Witness: f1823 subsequent blight
Witness: f1831 subsequent blight
Witness: fThomas subsequent blight
Witness: fMS subsequent blight


Reading Group: C23a_app476_rg1

Witness: fMS caused byof allkindly feelings

Reading Group: C23a_app476_rg2

Witness: f1818 of all kindly feeling
Witness: f1823 of all kindly feeling
Witness: f1831 of all kindly feeling
Witness: fThomas of all kindly feeling


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 by the
Witness: f1823 by the
Witness: f1831 by the
Witness: fThomas by the
Witness: fMS by the


Reading Group: C23a_app478_rg1

Witness: fMS detestation

Reading Group: C23a_app478_rg2

Witness: f1818 loathing
Witness: f1823 loathing
Witness: f1831 loathing
Witness: fThomas loathing


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: fMS &


Reading Group: C23a_app480_rg1

Witness: fMS horror that hisinspired by

Reading Group: C23a_app480_rg2

Witness: f1818 scorn which his
Witness: f1823 scorn which his
Witness: f1831 scorn which his
Witness: fThomas scorn which his


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 protectors had manifested towards
Witness: f1823 protectors had manifested towards
Witness: f1831 protectors had manifested towards
Witness: fThomas protectors had manifested towards
Witness: fMS protectors had manifested towards


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 him. His power and threats were not
Witness: f1823 him. His power and threats were not
Witness: f1831 him. His power and threats were not
Witness: fThomas him. His power and threats were not
Witness: fMS him. His power & threats were not


Reading Group: C23a_app483_rg1

Witness: fMS ommitted

Reading Group: C23a_app483_rg2

Witness: f1818 omitted
Witness: f1823 omitted
Witness: f1831 omitted
Witness: fThomas omitted


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in my
Witness: f1823 in my
Witness: f1831 in my
Witness: fThomas in my
Witness: fMS in my


Reading Group: C23a_app485_rg1

Witness: f1818 calculations:
Witness: f1823 calculations:
Witness: f1831 calculations:
Witness: fThomas calculations:

Reading Group: C23a_app485_rg2

Witness: fMS calculations;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a creature who could exist
Witness: f1823 a creature who could exist
Witness: f1831 a creature who could exist
Witness: fThomas a creature who could exist
Witness: fMS a creature who could exist


Reading Group: C23a_app487_rg1

Witness: fMS among

Reading Group: C23a_app487_rg2

Witness: f1818 in
Witness: f1823 in
Witness: f1831 in
Witness: fThomas in


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: fMS the


Reading Group: C23a_app489_rg1

Witness: f1818 ice caves
Witness: fThomas ice caves
Witness: fMS ice caves

Reading Group: C23a_app489_rg2

Witness: f1823 ice-caves
Witness: f1831 ice-caves


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of the
Witness: f1823 of the
Witness: f1831 of the
Witness: fThomas of the
Witness: fMS of the


Reading Group: C23a_app491_rg1

Witness: fMS glaciers

Reading Group: C23a_app491_rg2

Witness: f1818 glaciers,
Witness: f1823 glaciers,
Witness: f1831 glaciers,
Witness: fThomas glaciers,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and hide himself from
Witness: f1823 and hide himself from
Witness: f1831 and hide himself from
Witness: fThomas and hide himself from
Witness: fMS & hide himself from


Reading Group: C23a_app493_rg1

Witness: fMS persuit in

Reading Group: C23a_app493_rg2

Witness: f1818 pursuit among
Witness: f1823 pursuit among
Witness: f1831 pursuit among
Witness: fThomas pursuit among


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the ridges
Witness: f1823 the ridges
Witness: f1831 the ridges
Witness: fThomas the ridges
Witness: fMS the ridges


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of
Witness: f1823 of
Witness: f1831 of
Witness: fThomas of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 inaccessible
Witness: f1823 inaccessible
Witness: f1831 inaccessible
Witness: fThomas inaccessible
Witness: fMS inaccessible


Reading Group: C23a_app497_rg1

Witness: fMS precepieces wasa powerful <shi rend="underline">cre</shi> being.

Reading Group: C23a_app497_rg2

Witness: f1818 precipices,
Witness: f1823 precipices,
Witness: f1831 precipices,
Witness: fThomas precipices,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was a being possessing faculties it would be vain to cope
Witness: f1823 was a being possessing faculties it would be vain to cope
Witness: f1831 was a being possessing faculties it would be vain to cope
Witness: fThomas was a being possessing faculties it would be vain to cope
Witness: fMS was a being possessing faculties it would be vain to cope


Reading Group: C23a_app499_rg1

Witness: fMS with; I thoughtAndaAfter

Reading Group: C23a_app499_rg2

Witness: f1818 with. After
Witness: f1823 with. After
Witness: f1831 with. After
Witness: fThomas with. After


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a long pause
Witness: f1823 a long pause
Witness: f1831 a long pause
Witness: fThomas a long pause
Witness: fMS a long pause


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of
Witness: f1823 of
Witness: f1831 of
Witness: fThomas of
Witness: fMS of


Reading Group: C23a_app502_rg1

Witness: fMS reflection

Reading Group: C23a_app502_rg2

Witness: f1818 reflection,
Witness: f1823 reflection,
Witness: f1831 reflection,
Witness: fThomas reflection,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: fMS I


Reading Group: C23a_app504_rg1

Witness: f1823 concluded
Witness: f1831 concluded
Witness: fMS concluded

Reading Group: C23a_app504_rg2

Witness: f1818 concluded,
Witness: fThomas concluded,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that the justice
Witness: f1823 that the justice
Witness: f1831 that the justice
Witness: fThomas that the justice
Witness: fMS that the justice


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 due both to him and my
Witness: f1823 due both to him and my
Witness: f1831 due both to him and my
Witness: fThomas due both to him and my
Witness: fMS due both to him & my


Reading Group: C23a_app507_rg1

Witness: fMS <mdel/>fellow creatures

Reading Group: C23a_app507_rg2

Witness: f1818 fellow-creatures
Witness: f1823 fellow-creatures
Witness: f1831 fellow-creatures
Witness: fThomas fellow-creatures


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 demanded of me that I should comply
Witness: f1823 demanded of me that I should comply
Witness: f1831 demanded of me that I should comply
Witness: fThomas demanded of me that I should comply
Witness: fMS demanded of me that I should comply


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 with his request. Turning to
Witness: f1823 with his request. Turning to
Witness: f1831 with his request. Turning to
Witness: fThomas with his request. Turning to
Witness: fMS with his request. Turning to


Reading Group: C23a_app510_rg1

Witness: fMS him therefore

Reading Group: C23a_app510_rg2

Witness: f1818 him, therefore,
Witness: f1823 him, therefore,
Witness: f1831 him, therefore,
Witness: fThomas him, therefore,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: fMS I


Reading Group: C23a_app512_rg1

Witness: fMS said. I

Reading Group: C23a_app512_rg2

Witness: f1818 said—<p/><p/>“I
Witness: f1823 said—<p/><p/>“I
Witness: f1831 said—<p/><p/>“I
Witness: fThomas said—<p/><p/>“I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 consent to your
Witness: f1823 consent to your
Witness: f1831 consent to your
Witness: fThomas consent to your
Witness: fMS consent to your


Reading Group: C23a_app514_rg1

Witness: fMS demand

Reading Group: C23a_app514_rg2

Witness: f1818 demand,
Witness: f1823 demand,
Witness: f1831 demand,
Witness: fThomas demand,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 on
Witness: f1823 on
Witness: f1831 on
Witness: fThomas on
Witness: fMS on


Reading Group: C23a_app516_rg1

Witness: fMS you

Reading Group: C23a_app516_rg2

Witness: f1818 your
Witness: f1823 your
Witness: f1831 your
Witness: fThomas your


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 solemn oath to quit Europe
Witness: f1823 solemn oath to quit Europe
Witness: f1831 solemn oath to quit Europe
Witness: fThomas solemn oath to quit Europe
Witness: fMS solemn oath to quit Europe


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 for ever,
Witness: f1823 for ever,
Witness: f1831 for ever,
Witness: fThomas for ever,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and every other place in the neighbourhood
Witness: f1823 and every other place in the neighbourhood
Witness: f1831 and every other place in the neighbourhood
Witness: fThomas and every other place in the neighbourhood
Witness: fMS & every other place in the neighbourhood


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of
Witness: f1823 of
Witness: f1831 of
Witness: fThomas of
Witness: fMS of


Reading Group: C23a_app521_rg1

Witness: fMS mam

Reading Group: C23a_app521_rg2

Witness: f1818 man,
Witness: f1823 man,
Witness: f1831 man,
Witness: fThomas man,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 as soon as I shall deliver
Witness: f1823 as soon as I shall deliver
Witness: f1831 as soon as I shall deliver
Witness: fThomas as soon as I shall deliver
Witness: fMS as soon as I shall deliver


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 into
Witness: f1823 into
Witness: f1831 into
Witness: fThomas into
Witness: fMS into


Reading Group: C23a_app524_rg1

Witness: fMS you

Reading Group: C23a_app524_rg2

Witness: f1818 your
Witness: f1823 your
Witness: f1831 your
Witness: fThomas your


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 hands a female who
Witness: f1823 hands a female who
Witness: f1831 hands a female who
Witness: fThomas hands a female who
Witness: fMS hands a female who


Reading Group: C23a_app526_rg1

Witness: fMS is to

Reading Group: C23a_app526_rg2

Witness: f1818 will
Witness: f1823 will
Witness: f1831 will
Witness: fThomas will


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 accompany you in your
Witness: f1823 accompany you in your
Witness: f1831 accompany you in your
Witness: fThomas accompany you in your
Witness: fMS accompany you in your


Reading Group: C23a_app528_rg1

Witness: f1818 exile.”<p/><p/>“I swear,”
Witness: f1823 exile.”<p/><p/>“I swear,”
Witness: f1831 exile.”<p/><p/>“I swear,”
Witness: fThomas exile.”<p/><p/>“I swear,”

Reading Group: C23a_app528_rg2

Witness: fMS exile. I swear,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 he cried,
Witness: f1823 he cried,
Witness: f1831 he cried,
Witness: fThomas he cried,
Witness: fMS he cried,


Reading Group: C23a_app530_rg1

Witness: f1818 “by
Witness: f1823 “by
Witness: f1831 “by
Witness: fThomas “by

Reading Group: C23a_app530_rg2

Witness: fMS by


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: fMS the


Reading Group: C23a_app532_rg1

Witness: fMS sun

Reading Group: C23a_app532_rg2

Witness: f1818 sun,
Witness: f1823 sun,
Witness: f1831 sun,
Witness: fThomas sun,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and by
Witness: f1823 and by
Witness: f1831 and by
Witness: fThomas and by
Witness: fMS & by


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: fMS the


Reading Group: C23a_app535_rg1

Witness: fMS cloudsblue

Reading Group: C23a_app535_rg2

Witness: f1818 blue
Witness: f1823 blue
Witness: f1831 blue
Witness: fThomas blue


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 sky
Witness: f1823 sky
Witness: f1831 sky
Witness: fThomas sky
Witness: fMS sky


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of heaven,
Witness: f1823 of heaven,
Witness: f1831 of Heaven,
Witness: fThomas of heaven,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1831 and by the fire


Unified Readings

Witness: f1831 of
Witness: fMS of


Reading Group: C23a_app540_rg1

Witness: fMS heaven

Reading Group: C23a_app540_rg2

Witness: f1831 love that burns my heart,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that
Witness: f1823 that
Witness: f1831 that
Witness: fThomas that
Witness: fMS that


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 if you grant my prayer,
Witness: f1823 if you grant my prayer,
Witness: f1831 if you grant my prayer,
Witness: fThomas if you grant my prayer,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 while they exist you
Witness: f1823 while they exist you
Witness: f1831 while they exist you
Witness: fThomas while they exist you
Witness: fMS while they exist you


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 shall never behold
Witness: f1823 shall never behold
Witness: f1831 shall never behold
Witness: fThomas shall never behold
Witness: fMS shall never behold


Reading Group: C23a_app545_rg1

Witness: f1818 me again.
Witness: f1823 me again.
Witness: f1831 me again.
Witness: fThomas me again.

Reading Group: C23a_app545_rg2

Witness: fMS me.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Depart
Witness: f1823 Depart
Witness: f1831 Depart
Witness: fThomas Depart
Witness: fMS Depart


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS then


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to your
Witness: f1823 to your
Witness: f1831 to your
Witness: fThomas to your
Witness: fMS to your


Reading Group: C23a_app549_rg1

Witness: fMS home

Reading Group: C23a_app549_rg2

Witness: f1818 home,
Witness: f1823 home,
Witness: f1831 home,
Witness: fThomas home,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and commence
Witness: f1823 and commence
Witness: f1831 and commence
Witness: fThomas and commence
Witness: fMS & commence


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 your
Witness: f1823 your
Witness: f1831 your
Witness: fThomas your
Witness: fMS your


Reading Group: C23a_app552_rg1

Witness: fMS labours.

Reading Group: C23a_app552_rg2

Witness: f1818 labours:
Witness: f1823 labours:
Witness: f1831 labours:
Witness: fThomas labours:


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I shall
Witness: f1823 I shall
Witness: f1831 I shall
Witness: fThomas I shall
Witness: fMS I shall


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS th


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 watch
Witness: f1823 watch
Witness: f1831 watch
Witness: fThomas watch
Witness: fMS watch


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 their progress with
Witness: f1823 their progress with
Witness: f1831 their progress with
Witness: fThomas their progress with
Witness: fMS their progress with


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS utt


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 unutterable
Witness: f1823 unutterable
Witness: f1831 unutterable
Witness: fThomas unutterable
Witness: fMS unutterable


Reading Group: C23a_app559_rg1

Witness: fMS anxiety

Reading Group: C23a_app559_rg2

Witness: f1818 anxiety;
Witness: f1823 anxiety;
Witness: f1831 anxiety;
Witness: fThomas anxiety;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and fear not but that when
Witness: f1823 and fear not but that when
Witness: f1831 and fear not but that when
Witness: fThomas and fear not but that when
Witness: fMS and fear not but that when


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 you are ready
Witness: f1823 you are ready
Witness: f1831 you are ready
Witness: fThomas you are ready
Witness: fMS you are ready


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS for me but that


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I shall
Witness: f1823 I shall
Witness: f1831 I shall
Witness: fThomas I shall
Witness: fMS I shall


Reading Group: C23a_app564_rg1

Witness: f1818 appear.”<p/><p/>Saying this,
Witness: f1823 appear.”<p/><p/>Saying this,
Witness: f1831 appear.”<p/><p/>Saying this,
Witness: fThomas appear.”<p/><p/>Saying this,

Reading Group: C23a_app564_rg2

Witness: fMS appear. Saying this


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 he suddenly quitted
Witness: f1823 he suddenly quitted
Witness: f1831 he suddenly quitted
Witness: fThomas he suddenly quitted
Witness: fMS he suddenly quitted


Reading Group: C23a_app566_rg1

Witness: fMS me fearful perhaps

Reading Group: C23a_app566_rg2

Witness: f1818 me, fearful, perhaps,
Witness: f1823 me, fearful, perhaps,
Witness: f1831 me, fearful, perhaps,
Witness: fThomas me, fearful, perhaps,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of any change in
Witness: f1823 of any change in
Witness: f1831 of any change in
Witness: fThomas of any change in
Witness: fMS of any change in


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my sentiments. I saw him descend
Witness: f1823 my sentiments. I saw him descend
Witness: f1831 my sentiments. I saw him descend
Witness: fThomas my sentiments. I saw him descend
Witness: fMS my sentiments. I saw him descend


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the mountain with greater speed than
Witness: f1823 the mountain with greater speed than
Witness: f1831 the mountain with greater speed than
Witness: fThomas the mountain with greater speed than
Witness: fMS the mountain with greater speed than


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the flight of
Witness: f1823 the flight of
Witness: f1831 the flight of
Witness: fThomas the flight of
Witness: fMS the flight of


Reading Group: C23a_app571_rg1

Witness: f1818 an eagle,
Witness: f1823 an eagle,
Witness: f1831 an eagle,
Witness: fThomas an eagle,

Reading Group: C23a_app571_rg2

Witness: fMS the eagle


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and quickly lost
Witness: f1823 and quickly lost
Witness: f1831 and quickly lost
Witness: fThomas and quickly lost
Witness: fMS and quickly lost


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 him
Witness: f1823 him
Witness: fThomas him
Witness: fMS him


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 among the undulations of the
Witness: f1823 among the undulations of the
Witness: f1831 among the undulations of the
Witness: fThomas among the undulations of the
Witness: fMS among the undulations of the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 sea of
Witness: f1823 sea of
Witness: f1831 sea of
Witness: fThomas sea of
Witness: fMS sea of


Reading Group: C23a_app576_rg1

Witness: fMS ice. His

Reading Group: C23a_app576_rg2

Witness: f1818 ice.<p/><p/>His
Witness: f1823 ice.<p/><p/>His
Witness: f1831 ice.<p/><p/>His
Witness: fThomas ice.<p/><p/>His


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 tale had occupied the whole
Witness: f1823 tale had occupied the whole
Witness: f1831 tale had occupied the whole
Witness: fThomas tale had occupied the whole
Witness: fMS tale had occupied the whole


Reading Group: C23a_app578_rg1

Witness: fMS day

Reading Group: C23a_app578_rg2

Witness: f1818 day;
Witness: f1823 day;
Witness: f1831 day;
Witness: fThomas day;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and the sun was upon the
Witness: f1823 and the sun was upon the
Witness: f1831 and the sun was upon the
Witness: fThomas and the sun was upon the
Witness: fMS and the sun was upon the


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS ve


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 verge
Witness: f1823 verge
Witness: f1831 verge
Witness: fThomas verge
Witness: fMS verge


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of the horizon when he departed. I knew
Witness: f1823 of the horizon when he departed. I knew
Witness: f1831 of the horizon when he departed. I knew
Witness: fThomas of the horizon when he departed. I knew
Witness: fMS of the horizon when he departed. I knew


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that I ought to hasten
Witness: f1823 that I ought to hasten
Witness: f1831 that I ought to hasten
Witness: fThomas that I ought to hasten
Witness: fMS that I ought to hasten


Reading Group: C23a_app584_rg1

Witness: f1818 my descent towards
Witness: f1823 my descent towards
Witness: f1831 my descent towards
Witness: fThomas my descent towards

Reading Group: C23a_app584_rg2

Witness: fMS to descend to


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: fMS the


Reading Group: C23a_app586_rg1

Witness: fMS valley

Reading Group: C23a_app586_rg2

Witness: f1818 valley,
Witness: f1823 valley,
Witness: f1831 valley,
Witness: fThomas valley,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 as I should soon be encompassed in
Witness: f1823 as I should soon be encompassed in
Witness: f1831 as I should soon be encompassed in
Witness: fThomas as I should soon be encompassed in
Witness: fMS as I should soon be encompassed in


Reading Group: C23a_app588_rg1

Witness: fMS darkness.

Reading Group: C23a_app588_rg2

Witness: f1818 darkness;
Witness: f1823 darkness;
Witness: f1831 darkness;
Witness: fThomas darkness;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but my heart was heavy, and
Witness: f1823 but my heart was heavy, and
Witness: f1831 but my heart was heavy, and
Witness: fThomas but my heart was heavy, and
Witness: fMS But my heart was heavy, and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my steps slow. The labour of winding among the little paths
Witness: f1823 my steps slow. The labour of winding among the little paths
Witness: f1831 my steps slow. The labour of winding among the little paths
Witness: fThomas my steps slow. The labour of winding among the little paths
Witness: fMS my steps slow. The labour of winding among the little paths


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of the mountains,
Witness: f1823 of the mountains,
Witness: f1831 of the mountains,
Witness: fThomas of the mountains,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and fixing my feet
Witness: f1823 and fixing my feet
Witness: f1831 and fixing my feet
Witness: fThomas and fixing my feet
Witness: fMS and fixing my feet


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 firmly
Witness: f1823 firmly
Witness: f1831 firmly
Witness: fThomas firmly
Witness: fMS firmly


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS a


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 as I
Witness: f1823 as I
Witness: f1831 as I
Witness: fThomas as I
Witness: fMS as I


Reading Group: C23a_app596_rg1

Witness: fMS advanced teazed me

Reading Group: C23a_app596_rg2

Witness: f1818 advanced, perplexed me,
Witness: f1823 advanced, perplexed me,
Witness: f1831 advanced, perplexed me,
Witness: fThomas advanced, perplexed me,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 occupied
Witness: f1823 occupied
Witness: f1831 occupied
Witness: fThomas occupied
Witness: fMS occupied


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 as I was by the
Witness: f1823 as I was by the
Witness: f1831 as I was by the
Witness: fThomas as I was by the
Witness: fMS as I was by the


Reading Group: C23a_app599_rg1

Witness: f1818 emotions which
Witness: f1823 emotions which
Witness: f1831 emotions which
Witness: fThomas emotions which

Reading Group: C23a_app599_rg2

Witness: fMS feelings <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>thatwhich


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: fMS the


Reading Group: C23a_app601_rg1

Witness: fMS occurences

Reading Group: C23a_app601_rg2

Witness: f1818 occurrences
Witness: f1823 occurrences
Witness: f1831 occurrences
Witness: fThomas occurrences


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of the
Witness: f1823 of the
Witness: f1831 of the
Witness: fThomas of the
Witness: fMS of the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 day had produced.
Witness: f1823 day had produced.
Witness: f1831 day had produced.
Witness: fThomas day had produced.
Witness: fMS day had produced.


Reading Group: C23a_app604_rg1

Witness: fMS It had long been night

Reading Group: C23a_app604_rg2

Witness: f1818 Night was far advanced,
Witness: f1823 Night was far advanced,
Witness: f1831 Night was far advanced,
Witness: fThomas Night was far advanced,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 when I came to the
Witness: f1823 when I came to the
Witness: f1831 when I came to the
Witness: fThomas when I came to the
Witness: fMS when I came to the


Reading Group: C23a_app606_rg1

Witness: fMS half way resting place

Reading Group: C23a_app606_rg2

Witness: f1818 half-way resting-place,
Witness: f1823 half-way resting-place,
Witness: f1831 half-way resting-place,
Witness: fThomas half-way resting-place,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and seated myself beside the fountain. The stars
Witness: f1823 and seated myself beside the fountain. The stars
Witness: f1831 and seated myself beside the fountain. The stars
Witness: fThomas and seated myself beside the fountain. The stars
Witness: fMS & seated myself beside the fountain. The stars


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 shone at
Witness: f1823 shone at
Witness: f1831 shone at
Witness: fThomas shone at
Witness: fMS shone at


Reading Group: C23a_app609_rg1

Witness: fMS intervals

Reading Group: C23a_app609_rg2

Witness: f1818 intervals,
Witness: f1823 intervals,
Witness: f1831 intervals,
Witness: fThomas intervals,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 as the
Witness: f1823 as the
Witness: f1831 as the
Witness: fThomas as the
Witness: fMS as the


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS dark


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 clouds passed
Witness: f1823 clouds passed
Witness: f1831 clouds passed
Witness: fThomas clouds passed
Witness: fMS clouds passed


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 from over
Witness: f1823 from over
Witness: f1831 from over
Witness: fThomas from over
Witness: fMS from over


Reading Group: C23a_app614_rg1

Witness: fMS them —

Reading Group: C23a_app614_rg2

Witness: f1818 them;
Witness: f1823 them;
Witness: f1831 them;
Witness: fThomas them;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the dark pines rose
Witness: f1823 the dark pines rose
Witness: f1831 the dark pines rose
Witness: fThomas the dark pines rose
Witness: fMS The dark pines rose


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 before
Witness: f1823 before
Witness: f1831 before
Witness: fThomas before
Witness: fMS before


Reading Group: C23a_app617_rg1

Witness: fMS me

Reading Group: C23a_app617_rg2

Witness: f1818 me,
Witness: f1823 me,
Witness: f1831 me,
Witness: fThomas me,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and every here and there a broken
Witness: f1823 and every here and there a broken
Witness: f1831 and every here and there a broken
Witness: fThomas and every here and there a broken
Witness: fMS & every here and there a broken


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 tree lay
Witness: f1823 tree lay
Witness: f1831 tree lay
Witness: fThomas tree lay
Witness: fMS tree lay


Reading Group: C23a_app620_rg1

Witness: fMS listlessof<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>on

Reading Group: C23a_app620_rg2

Witness: f1818 on
Witness: f1823 on
Witness: f1831 on
Witness: fThomas on


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: fMS the


Reading Group: C23a_app622_rg1

Witness: f1818 ground:
Witness: f1823 ground:
Witness: f1831 ground:
Witness: fThomas ground:

Reading Group: C23a_app622_rg2

Witness: fMS ground;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 it was
Witness: f1823 it was
Witness: f1831 it was
Witness: fThomas it was
Witness: fMS it was


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a scene of wonderful
Witness: f1823 a scene of wonderful
Witness: f1831 a scene of wonderful
Witness: fThomas a scene of wonderful
Witness: fMS a scene of wonderful


Reading Group: C23a_app625_rg1

Witness: fMS solemnity &moved me

Reading Group: C23a_app625_rg2

Witness: f1818 solemnity, and
Witness: f1823 solemnity, and
Witness: f1831 solemnity, and
Witness: fThomas solemnity, and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 stirred strange thoughts within
Witness: f1823 stirred strange thoughts within
Witness: f1831 stirred strange thoughts within
Witness: fThomas stirred strange thoughts within
Witness: fMS stirred strange thoughts within


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 me. I wept
Witness: f1823 me. I wept
Witness: f1831 me. I wept
Witness: fThomas me. I wept
Witness: fMS me. I wept


Reading Group: C23a_app628_rg1

Witness: fMS bitterly

Reading Group: C23a_app628_rg2

Witness: f1818 bitterly;
Witness: f1823 bitterly;
Witness: f1831 bitterly;
Witness: fThomas bitterly;


Reading Group: C23a_app629_rg1

Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fMS and

Reading Group: C23a_app629_rg2

Witness: f1818 and,
Witness: f1823 and,
Witness: fThomas and,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 clasping my
Witness: f1823 clasping my
Witness: f1831 clasping my
Witness: fThomas clasping my
Witness: fMS clasping my


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 hands in
Witness: f1823 hands in
Witness: f1831 hands in
Witness: fThomas hands in
Witness: fMS hands in


Reading Group: C23a_app632_rg1

Witness: fMS agony

Reading Group: C23a_app632_rg2

Witness: f1818 agony,
Witness: f1823 agony,
Witness: f1831 agony,
Witness: fThomas agony,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: fMS I


Reading Group: C23a_app634_rg1

Witness: f1818 exclaimed, “Oh!
Witness: f1823 exclaimed, “Oh!
Witness: f1831 exclaimed, “Oh!
Witness: fThomas exclaimed, “Oh!

Reading Group: C23a_app634_rg2

Witness: fMS exclaimed— Oh


Reading Group: C23a_app635_rg1

Witness: f1831 stars

Reading Group: C23a_app635_rg2

Witness: f1818 stars,
Witness: f1823 stars,
Witness: fThomas stars,
Witness: fMS stars,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and clouds, and
Witness: f1823 and clouds, and
Witness: f1831 and clouds, and
Witness: fThomas and clouds, and
Witness: fMS & clouds, and


Reading Group: C23a_app637_rg1

Witness: fMS wind

Reading Group: C23a_app637_rg2

Witness: f1818 winds,
Witness: f1823 winds,
Witness: f1831 winds,
Witness: fThomas winds,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 ye are all about
Witness: f1823 ye are all about
Witness: f1831 ye are all about
Witness: fThomas ye are all about
Witness: fMS ye are all about


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS ye


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to mock
Witness: f1823 to mock
Witness: f1831 to mock
Witness: fThomas to mock
Witness: fMS to mock


Reading Group: C23a_app641_rg1

Witness: fMS me —

Reading Group: C23a_app641_rg2

Witness: f1818 me:
Witness: f1823 me:
Witness: f1831 me:
Witness: fThomas me:


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 if ye really pity
Witness: f1823 if ye really pity
Witness: f1831 if ye really pity
Witness: fThomas if ye really pity
Witness: fMS If ye really pity


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 me,
Witness: f1823 me,
Witness: f1831 me,
Witness: fThomas me,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 crush
Witness: f1823 crush
Witness: f1831 crush
Witness: fThomas crush
Witness: fMS crush


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 sensation and memory; let
Witness: f1823 sensation and memory; let
Witness: f1831 sensation and memory; let
Witness: fThomas sensation and memory; let


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 me
Witness: f1823 me
Witness: f1831 me
Witness: fThomas me
Witness: fMS me


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 become as nought;
Witness: f1823 become as nought;
Witness: f1831 become as nought;
Witness: fThomas become as nought;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but if
Witness: f1823 but if
Witness: f1831 but if
Witness: fThomas but if
Witness: fMS but if


Reading Group: C23a_app649_rg1

Witness: fMS not depart

Reading Group: C23a_app649_rg2

Witness: f1818 not,
Witness: f1823 not,
Witness: f1831 not,
Witness: fThomas not,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1831 depart,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 depart,
Witness: f1823 depart,
Witness: f1831 depart,
Witness: fThomas depart,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 depart
Witness: f1823 depart
Witness: fThomas depart
Witness: fMS depart


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and leave me
Witness: f1823 and leave me
Witness: f1831 and leave me
Witness: fThomas and leave me
Witness: fMS & leave <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>me


Reading Group: C23a_app654_rg1

Witness: f1818 in darkness.”<p/><p/>These
Witness: f1823 in darkness.”<p/><p/>These
Witness: f1831 in darkness.”<p/><p/>These
Witness: fThomas in darkness.”<p/><p/>These

Reading Group: C23a_app654_rg2

Witness: fMS to darkness. Wild These


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 were wild and miserable
Witness: f1823 were wild and miserable
Witness: f1831 were wild and miserable
Witness: fThomas were wild and miserable
Witness: fMS were wild & miserable


Reading Group: C23a_app656_rg1

Witness: fMS thoughts

Reading Group: C23a_app656_rg2

Witness: f1818 thoughts;
Witness: f1823 thoughts;
Witness: f1831 thoughts;
Witness: fThomas thoughts;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but I cannot describe to you how the
Witness: f1823 but I cannot describe to you how the
Witness: f1831 but I cannot describe to you how the
Witness: fThomas but I cannot describe to you how the
Witness: fMS but I cannot describe to you how the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 eternal twinkling of
Witness: f1823 eternal twinkling of
Witness: f1831 eternal twinkling of
Witness: fThomas eternal twinkling of
Witness: fMS eternal twinkling of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fThomas the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 stars weighed upon
Witness: f1823 stars weighed upon
Witness: f1831 stars weighed upon
Witness: fThomas stars weighed upon
Witness: fMS stars weighed upon


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 me, and
Witness: f1823 me, and
Witness: f1831 me, and
Witness: fThomas me, and
Witness: fMS me, and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 how
Witness: f1823 how
Witness: f1831 how
Witness: fThomas how


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I listened to every blast of
Witness: f1823 I listened to every blast of
Witness: f1831 I listened to every blast of
Witness: fThomas I listened to every blast of
Witness: fMS I listened to every blast of


Reading Group: C23a_app664_rg1

Witness: fMS wind

Reading Group: C23a_app664_rg2

Witness: f1818 wind,
Witness: f1823 wind,
Witness: f1831 wind,
Witness: fThomas wind,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 as
Witness: f1823 as
Witness: f1831 as
Witness: fThomas as
Witness: fMS as


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 if
Witness: f1823 if
Witness: f1831 if
Witness: fThomas if


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 it were a dull ugly
Witness: f1823 it were a dull ugly
Witness: f1831 it were a dull ugly
Witness: fThomas it were a dull ugly
Witness: fMS it were a dull ugly


Reading Group: C23a_app668_rg1

Witness: f1818 siroc
Witness: f1823 siroc
Witness: f1831 siroc

Reading Group: C23a_app668_rg2

Witness: fMS sirock

Reading Group: C23a_app668_rg3

Witness: fThomas sirocco


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 on its way
Witness: f1823 on its way
Witness: f1831 on its way
Witness: fThomas on its way
Witness: fMS on its way


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to consume
Witness: f1823 to consume
Witness: f1831 to consume
Witness: fThomas to consume
Witness: fMS to consume


Reading Group: C23a_app671_rg1

Witness: fMS me. It was morning

Reading Group: C23a_app671_rg2

Witness: f1818 me.<p/><p/>Morning dawned
Witness: f1823 me.<p/><p/>Morning dawned
Witness: f1831 me.<p/><p/>Morning dawned
Witness: fThomas me.<p/><p/>Morning dawned


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 before I arrived at
Witness: f1823 before I arrived at
Witness: f1831 before I arrived at
Witness: fThomas before I arrived at
Witness: fMS before I arrived at


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the village of
Witness: f1823 the village of
Witness: f1831 the village of
Witness: fThomas the village of
Witness: fMS the village of


Reading Group: C23a_app674_rg1

Witness: fMS Chamounix

Reading Group: C23a_app674_rg2

Witness: f1818 Chamounix;
Witness: f1823 Chamounix;
Witness: f1831 Chamounix;
Witness: fThomas Chamounix;


Reading Group: C23b_app1_rg1

Witness: f1831

Reading Group: C23b_app1_rg2

Witness: fMS


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but my
Witness: f1823 but my
Witness: fThomas but my
Witness: fMS but my


Reading Group: C23b_app3_rg1

Witness: fMS presence

Reading Group: C23b_app3_rg2

Witness: f1818 presence,
Witness: f1823 presence,
Witness: fThomas presence,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 so haggard and
Witness: f1823 so haggard and
Witness: fThomas so haggard and
Witness: fMS so haggard &


Reading Group: C23b_app5_rg1

Witness: fMS strange

Reading Group: C23b_app5_rg2

Witness: f1818 strange,
Witness: f1823 strange,
Witness: fThomas strange,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 hardly calmed the
Witness: f1823 hardly calmed the
Witness: fThomas hardly calmed the
Witness: fMS hardly calmed the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 fears of my
Witness: f1823 fears of my
Witness: fThomas fears of my
Witness: fMS fears of my


Reading Group: C23b_app8_rg1

Witness: fMS family

Reading Group: C23b_app8_rg2

Witness: f1818 family,
Witness: f1823 family,
Witness: fThomas family,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 who had waited the
Witness: f1823 who had waited the
Witness: fThomas who had waited the
Witness: fMS who had waited the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 whole night in anxious expectation of
Witness: f1823 whole night in anxious expectation of
Witness: fThomas whole night in anxious expectation of
Witness: fMS whole night in anxious expectation of


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS my return. What could I say to them or how account for


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my
Witness: f1823 my
Witness: fThomas my
Witness: fMS my


Reading Group: C23b_app13_rg1

Witness: fMS disappearance and present miser The

Reading Group: C23b_app13_rg2

Witness: f1818 return.<p/><p/>The
Witness: f1823 return.<p/><p/>The
Witness: fThomas return.<p/><p/>The


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 following day we returned to Geneva.
Witness: f1823 following day we returned to Geneva.
Witness: fThomas following day we returned to Geneva.
Witness: fMS following day we returned to Geneva.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 The
Witness: f1823 The
Witness: fThomas The
Witness: fMS The


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS purpos


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 intention of my father in coming had been to divert my
Witness: f1823 intention of my father in coming had been to divert my
Witness: fThomas intention of my father in coming had been to divert my
Witness: fMS intention of my father in coming had been to divert my


Reading Group: C23b_app18_rg1

Witness: fMS mind

Reading Group: C23b_app18_rg2

Witness: f1818 mind,
Witness: f1823 mind,
Witness: fThomas mind,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and to restore
Witness: f1823 and to restore
Witness: fThomas and to restore
Witness: fMS & to restore


Reading Group: C23b_app20_rg1

Witness: fMS

Reading Group: C23b_app20_rg2

Witness: f1818 me
Witness: f1823 me
Witness: fThomas me


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to
Witness: f1823 to
Witness: fThomas to
Witness: fMS to


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS me


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my lost
Witness: f1823 my lost
Witness: fThomas my lost
Witness: fMS my lost


Reading Group: C23b_app24_rg1

Witness: fMS tranquillity.

Reading Group: C23b_app24_rg2

Witness: f1818 tranquillity;
Witness: f1823 tranquillity;
Witness: fThomas tranquillity;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but the
Witness: f1823 but the
Witness: fThomas but the
Witness: fMS But the


Reading Group: C23b_app26_rg1

Witness: fMS medecine

Reading Group: C23b_app26_rg2

Witness: f1818 medicine
Witness: f1823 medicine
Witness: fThomas medicine


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 had been
Witness: f1823 had been
Witness: fThomas had been
Witness: fMS had been


Reading Group: C23b_app28_rg1

Witness: fMS fatal &

Reading Group: C23b_app28_rg2

Witness: f1818 fatal. And,
Witness: f1823 fatal. And,
Witness: fThomas fatal. And,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 unable to account
Witness: f1823 unable to account
Witness: fThomas unable to account
Witness: fMS unable to account


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 for the excess of misery I appeared to
Witness: f1823 for the excess of misery I appeared to
Witness: fThomas for the excess of misery I appeared to
Witness: fMS for the excess of misery I appeared to


Reading Group: C23b_app31_rg1

Witness: fMS suffer

Reading Group: C23b_app31_rg2

Witness: f1818 suffer,
Witness: f1823 suffer,
Witness: fThomas suffer,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 he hastened to return
Witness: f1823 he hastened to return
Witness: fThomas he hastened to return
Witness: fMS he hastened to return


Reading Group: C23b_app33_rg1

Witness: fMS home

Reading Group: C23b_app33_rg2

Witness: f1818 home,
Witness: f1823 home,
Witness: fThomas home,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 hoping
Witness: f1823 hoping
Witness: fThomas hoping
Witness: fMS hoping


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS that


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the quiet and
Witness: f1823 the quiet and
Witness: fThomas the quiet and
Witness: fMS the quiet &


Reading Group: C23b_app37_rg1

Witness: fMS calm

Reading Group: C23b_app37_rg2

Witness: f1818 monotony
Witness: f1823 monotony
Witness: fThomas monotony


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of a domestic
Witness: f1823 of a domestic
Witness: fThomas of a domestic
Witness: fMS of a domestic


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 life would by degrees alleviate my sufferings from
Witness: f1823 life would by degrees alleviate my sufferings from
Witness: fThomas life would by degrees alleviate my sufferings from
Witness: fMS life would by degrees alleviate my sufferings from


Reading Group: C23b_app40_rg1

Witness: f1823 whatever

Reading Group: C23b_app40_rg2

Witness: f1818 whatsoever
Witness: fThomas whatsoever
Witness: fMS whatsoever


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 cause they
Witness: f1823 cause they
Witness: fThomas cause they
Witness: fMS cause they


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 might
Witness: f1823 might
Witness: fThomas might
Witness: fMS might


Reading Group: C23b_app43_rg1

Witness: fMS spring. For myself

Reading Group: C23b_app43_rg2

Witness: f1818 spring.<p/><p/>For myself,
Witness: f1823 spring.<p/><p/>For myself,
Witness: fThomas spring.<p/><p/>For myself,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I was passive in all
Witness: f1823 I was passive in all
Witness: fThomas I was passive in all
Witness: fMS I was passive in all


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 their
Witness: f1823 their
Witness: fThomas their
Witness: fMS their


Reading Group: C23b_app46_rg1

Witness: fMS arrangements,

Reading Group: C23b_app46_rg2

Witness: f1818 arrangements;
Witness: f1823 arrangements;
Witness: fThomas arrangements;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and the gentle
Witness: f1823 and the gentle
Witness: fThomas and the gentle
Witness: fMS and the gentle


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 affection of my beloved Elizabeth was
Witness: f1823 affection of my beloved Elizabeth was
Witness: fThomas affection of my beloved Elizabeth was
Witness: fMS affection of my beloved Elizabeth was


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 inadequate to draw me from the
Witness: f1823 inadequate to draw me from the
Witness: fThomas inadequate to draw me from the
Witness: fMS inadequate to draw me from the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 depth of my despair. The promise I
Witness: f1823 depth of my despair. The promise I
Witness: fThomas depth of my despair. The promise I
Witness: fMS depth of my despair. The promise I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 had made to the dæmon weighed
Witness: f1823 had made to the dæmon weighed
Witness: fThomas had made to the dæmon weighed
Witness: fMS had made to the dæmon weighed


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 upon my
Witness: f1823 upon my
Witness: fThomas upon my
Witness: fMS upon my


Reading Group: C23b_app53_rg1

Witness: fMS mind

Reading Group: C23b_app53_rg2

Witness: f1818 mind,
Witness: f1823 mind,
Witness: fThomas mind,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 like
Witness: f1823 like
Witness: fThomas like
Witness: fMS like


Reading Group: C23b_app55_rg1

Witness: fMS Dante's

Reading Group: C23b_app55_rg2

Witness: f1818 Dante’s
Witness: f1823 Dante’s
Witness: fThomas Dante’s


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 iron
Witness: f1823 iron
Witness: fThomas iron
Witness: fMS iron


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 cowl on the
Witness: f1823 cowl on the
Witness: fThomas cowl on the
Witness: fMS cowl on the


Reading Group: C23b_app58_rg1

Witness: fMS head

Reading Group: C23b_app58_rg2

Witness: f1818 heads
Witness: f1823 heads
Witness: fThomas heads


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of the hellish hypocrites. All pleasures of earth
Witness: f1823 of the hellish hypocrites. All pleasures of earth
Witness: fThomas of the hellish hypocrites. All pleasures of earth
Witness: fMS of the hellish hypocrites. all pleasures of earth


Reading Group: C23b_app60_rg1

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and

Reading Group: C23b_app60_rg2

Witness: fMS or


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 sky
Witness: f1823 sky
Witness: fThomas sky
Witness: fMS sky


Reading Group: C23c_app1_rg1

Witness: f1831 pass

Reading Group: C23c_app1_rg2

Witness: f1818 passed
Witness: f1823 passed
Witness: fThomas passed
Witness: fMS passed


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 before me
Witness: f1823 before me
Witness: f1831 before me
Witness: fThomas before me
Witness: fMS before me


Reading Group: C23c_app3_rg1

Witness: fMS as

Reading Group: C23c_app3_rg2

Witness: f1818 like
Witness: f1823 like
Witness: f1831 like
Witness: fThomas like


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a
Witness: f1823 a
Witness: f1831 a
Witness: fThomas a
Witness: fMS a


Reading Group: C23c_app5_rg1

Witness: fMS dream

Reading Group: C23c_app5_rg2

Witness: f1818 dream,
Witness: f1823 dream,
Witness: fThomas dream,

Reading Group: C23c_app5_rg3

Witness: f1831 dream;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and that
Witness: f1823 and that
Witness: f1831 and that
Witness: fThomas and that
Witness: fMS & that


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS one


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 thought only had to me the
Witness: f1823 thought only had to me the
Witness: f1831 thought only had to me the
Witness: fThomas thought only had to me the
Witness: fMS thought only had to me the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 reality
Witness: f1823 reality
Witness: f1831 reality
Witness: fThomas reality
Witness: fMS reality


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of life. Can you
Witness: f1823 of life. Can you
Witness: fThomas of life. Can you
Witness: fMS of life. Can you


Reading Group: C23c_app11_rg1

Witness: fMS wonder

Reading Group: C23c_app11_rg2

Witness: f1818 wonder,
Witness: f1823 wonder,
Witness: fThomas wonder,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that
Witness: f1823 that
Witness: fThomas that
Witness: fMS that


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 sometimes a kind of insanity possessed
Witness: f1823 sometimes a kind of insanity possessed
Witness: fThomas sometimes a kind of insanity possessed
Witness: fMS sometimes a kind of insanity possessed


Reading Group: C23c_app14_rg1

Witness: fMS me

Reading Group: C23c_app14_rg2

Witness: f1818 me,
Witness: f1823 me,
Witness: fThomas me,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 or that I saw
Witness: f1823 or that I saw
Witness: fThomas or that I saw
Witness: fMS or that I saw


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 continually
Witness: f1823 continually
Witness: fThomas continually


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 about me a
Witness: f1823 about me a
Witness: fThomas about me a
Witness: fMS about me a


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 multitude of filthy animals inflicting on me incessant
Witness: f1823 multitude of filthy animals inflicting on me incessant
Witness: fThomas multitude of filthy animals inflicting on me incessant
Witness: fMS multitude of filthy animals inflicting on me incessant


Reading Group: C23c_app19_rg1

Witness: fMS torture

Reading Group: C23c_app19_rg2

Witness: f1818 torture,
Witness: f1823 torture,
Witness: fThomas torture,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that
Witness: f1823 that
Witness: fThomas that
Witness: fMS that


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 often extorted
Witness: f1823 often extorted
Witness: fThomas often extorted
Witness: fMS often extorted


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS from


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 screams and bitter
Witness: f1823 screams and bitter
Witness: fThomas screams and bitter
Witness: fMS screams & bitter


Reading Group: C23c_app24_rg1

Witness: fMS groans. By degrees however

Reading Group: C23c_app24_rg2

Witness: f1818 groans?<p/><p/>By degrees, however,
Witness: f1823 groans?<p/><p/>By degrees, however,
Witness: fThomas groans?<p/><p/>By degrees, however,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 these
Witness: f1823 these
Witness: fThomas these
Witness: fMS these


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 feelings became calmed. I entered
Witness: f1823 feelings became calmed. I entered
Witness: fThomas feelings became calmed. I entered
Witness: fMS feelings became calmed. I entered


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 again into the
Witness: f1823 again into the
Witness: fThomas again into the
Witness: fMS again into the


Reading Group: C23c_app28_rg1

Witness: fMS every day

Reading Group: C23c_app28_rg2

Witness: f1818 every-day scene
Witness: f1823 every-day scene
Witness: fThomas every-day scene


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of
Witness: f1823 of
Witness: fThomas of
Witness: fMS of


Reading Group: C23c_app30_rg1

Witness: fMS life

Reading Group: C23c_app30_rg2

Witness: f1818 life,
Witness: f1823 life,
Witness: fThomas life,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 if
Witness: f1823 if
Witness: fThomas if
Witness: fMS if


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 not with
Witness: f1823 not with
Witness: fThomas not with
Witness: fMS not with


Reading Group: C23c_app33_rg1

Witness: f1818 interest,
Witness: f1823 interest,
Witness: fThomas interest,

Reading Group: C23c_app33_rg2

Witness: fMS interrest


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 at least with
Witness: f1823 at least with
Witness: fThomas at least with
Witness: fMS at least with


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 some degree
Witness: f1823 some degree
Witness: fThomas some degree
Witness: fMS some degree


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of tranquillity.<p/><head/>END
Witness: fThomas of tranquillity.<p/><head/>END


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 OF
Witness: f1823 of
Witness: f1831 of
Witness: fThomas OF
Witness: fMS of


Reading Group: C23c_app38_rg1

Witness: f1831 life.<p/>

Reading Group: C23c_app38_rg2

Witness: fMS tranquillity.

Reading Group: C23c_app38_rg3

Witness: f1823 tranquillity.<p/>

Reading Group: C23c_app38_rg4

Witness: f1818 VOL. II<head/>
Witness: fThomas VOL. II<head/>


Reading Group: C24a_app1_rg1

Witness: fMS Chap. 10<shi rend="underline">th</shi> Day

Reading Group: C24a_app1_rg2

Witness: f1818 <head/>CHAPTER
Witness: f1823 <head/>CHAPTER
Witness: f1831 <head/>CHAPTER
Witness: fThomas <head/>CHAPTER


Reading Group: C24a_app2_rg1

Witness: f1818 I.<head/><p/>D<hi/>AY<hi/>
Witness: fThomas I.<head/><p/>D<hi/>AY<hi/>

Reading Group: C24a_app2_rg2

Witness: f1823 VI.<head/><p/>D<hi/>AY<hi/>

Reading Group: C24a_app2_rg3

Witness: f1831 XVIII.<head/><p/>D<hi/>AY<hi/>


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 after day, week after
Witness: f1823 after day, week after
Witness: f1831 after day, week after
Witness: fThomas after day, week after
Witness: fMS after day, week after


Reading Group: C24a_app4_rg1

Witness: fMS week

Reading Group: C24a_app4_rg2

Witness: f1818 week,
Witness: f1823 week,
Witness: f1831 week,
Witness: fThomas week,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 passed away on
Witness: f1823 passed away on
Witness: f1831 passed away on
Witness: fThomas passed away on
Witness: fMS passed away on


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my return to
Witness: f1823 my return to
Witness: f1831 my return to
Witness: fThomas my return to
Witness: fMS my return to


Reading Group: C24a_app7_rg1

Witness: fMS Geneva

Reading Group: C24a_app7_rg2

Witness: f1818 Geneva;
Witness: f1823 Geneva;
Witness: f1831 Geneva;
Witness: fThomas Geneva;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and I
Witness: f1823 and I
Witness: f1831 and I
Witness: fThomas and I
Witness: fMS and I


Reading Group: C24a_app9_rg1

Witness: f1818 could
Witness: f1823 could
Witness: f1831 could
Witness: fThomas could

Reading Group: C24a_app9_rg2

Witness: fMS had


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 not
Witness: f1823 not
Witness: f1831 not
Witness: fThomas not
Witness: fMS not


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 collect
Witness: f1823 collect
Witness: f1831 collect
Witness: fThomas collect


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: fMS the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 courage to
Witness: f1823 courage to
Witness: f1831 courage to
Witness: fThomas courage to
Witness: fMS courage to


Reading Group: C24a_app14_rg1

Witness: fMS commence

Reading Group: C24a_app14_rg2

Witness: f1818 recommence
Witness: f1823 recommence
Witness: f1831 recommence
Witness: fThomas recommence


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my work. I feared the
Witness: f1823 my work. I feared the
Witness: f1831 my work. I feared the
Witness: fThomas my work. I feared the
Witness: fMS my work. I feared the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 vengeance of the disappointed
Witness: f1823 vengeance of the disappointed
Witness: f1831 vengeance of the disappointed
Witness: fThomas vengeance of the disappointed
Witness: fMS vengeance of the disappointed


Reading Group: C24a_app17_rg1

Witness: fMS fiend

Reading Group: C24a_app17_rg2

Witness: f1818 fiend,
Witness: f1823 fiend,
Witness: f1831 fiend,
Witness: fThomas fiend,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 yet
Witness: f1823 yet
Witness: f1831 yet
Witness: fThomas yet
Witness: fMS yet


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: fMS I


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS could notI


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was unable to overcome my repugnance to the
Witness: f1823 was unable to overcome my repugnance to the
Witness: f1831 was unable to overcome my repugnance to the
Witness: fThomas was unable to overcome my repugnance to the
Witness: fMS was unable to overcome my repugnance <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>to the


Reading Group: C24a_app22_rg1

Witness: f1818 task
Witness: f1823 task
Witness: f1831 task
Witness: fThomas task

Reading Group: C24a_app22_rg2

Witness: fMS task.


Reading Group: C24b_app1_rg1

Witness: fMS

Reading Group: C24b_app1_rg2

Witness: f1818 which was enjoined me. I found that I could not compose a female without again devoting several months to profound study and laborious disquisition. I had heard of some discoveries having been made by an English philosopher, the knowledge of which was material to my success, and I sometimes thought of obtaining my father’s consent to visit England for this purpose; but I clung to every pretence of delay, and
Witness: f1823 which was enjoined me. I found that I could not compose a female without again devoting several months to profound study and laborious disquisition. I had heard of some discoveries having been made by an English philosopher, the knowledge of which was material to my success, and I sometimes thought of obtaining my father’s consent to visit England for this purpose; but I clung to every pretence of delay, and
Witness: f1831 which was enjoined me. I found that I could not compose a female without again devoting several months to profound study and laborious disquisition. I had heard of some discoveries having been made by an English philosopher, the knowledge of which was material to my success, and I sometimes thought of obtaining my father’s consent to visit England for this purpose; but I clung to every pretence of delay, and
Witness: fThomas which was enjoined me. I found that I could not compose a female without again devoting several months to profound study and laborious disquisition. I had heard of some discoveries having been made by an English philosopher, the knowledge of which was material to my success, and I sometimes thought of obtaining my father’s consent to visit England for this purpose; but I clung to every pretence of delay, and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 could not resolve to interrupt my returning tranquillity.
Witness: f1823 could not resolve to interrupt my returning tranquillity.
Witness: fThomas could not resolve to interrupt my returning tranquillity.


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS <metamark function="displacement" xml:id="c57-0074.01"> 1</metamark>


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 My
Witness: f1823 My
Witness: f1831 my
Witness: fThomas My
Witness: fMS My


Reading Group: C24c1_app3_rg1

Witness: fMS health also

Reading Group: C24c1_app3_rg2

Witness: f1818 health,
Witness: f1823 health,
Witness: f1831 health,
Witness: fThomas health,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 which had hitherto
Witness: f1823 which had hitherto
Witness: f1831 which had hitherto
Witness: fThomas which had hitherto
Witness: fMS which had hitherto


Reading Group: C24c1_app5_rg1

Witness: fMS declined

Reading Group: C24c1_app5_rg2

Witness: f1818 declined,
Witness: f1823 declined,
Witness: f1831 declined,
Witness: fThomas declined,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was now much
Witness: f1823 was now much
Witness: f1831 was now much
Witness: fThomas was now much
Witness: fMS was now much


Reading Group: C24c1_app7_rg1

Witness: fMS restored,

Reading Group: C24c1_app7_rg2

Witness: f1818 restored;
Witness: f1823 restored;
Witness: f1831 restored;
Witness: fThomas restored;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and my
Witness: f1823 and my
Witness: f1831 and my
Witness: fThomas and my
Witness: fMS & my


Reading Group: C24c1_app9_rg1

Witness: fMS spirits

Reading Group: C24c1_app9_rg2

Witness: f1818 spirits,
Witness: f1823 spirits,
Witness: f1831 spirits,
Witness: fThomas spirits,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 when
Witness: f1823 when
Witness: f1831 when
Witness: fThomas when
Witness: fMS when


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 unchecked by the memory of my unhappy
Witness: f1823 unchecked by the memory of my unhappy
Witness: f1831 unchecked by the memory of my unhappy
Witness: fThomas unchecked by the memory of my unhappy
Witness: fMS unchecked by the memory of my unhappy


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 promise, rose proportionably. My father
Witness: f1823 promise, rose proportionably. My father
Witness: f1831 promise, rose proportionably. My father
Witness: fThomas promise, rose proportionably. My father
Witness: fMS promise, rose proporittionably. My father


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 saw this
Witness: f1823 saw this
Witness: f1831 saw this
Witness: fThomas saw this
Witness: fMS saw this


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 change
Witness: f1823 change
Witness: f1831 change
Witness: fThomas change


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 with
Witness: f1823 with
Witness: f1831 with
Witness: fThomas with
Witness: fMS with


Reading Group: C24c1_app16_rg1

Witness: fMS pleasure

Reading Group: C24c1_app16_rg2

Witness: f1818 pleasure,
Witness: f1823 pleasure,
Witness: f1831 pleasure,
Witness: fThomas pleasure,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and he turned his
Witness: f1823 and he turned his
Witness: f1831 and he turned his
Witness: fThomas and he turned his
Witness: fMS and he turned his


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 thoughts towards the best
Witness: f1823 thoughts towards the best
Witness: f1831 thoughts towards the best
Witness: fThomas thoughts towards the best
Witness: fMS thoughts towards the best


Reading Group: C24c1_app19_rg1

Witness: fMS me<mdel/>thod

Reading Group: C24c1_app19_rg2

Witness: f1818 method
Witness: f1823 method
Witness: f1831 method
Witness: fThomas method


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of
Witness: f1823 of
Witness: f1831 of
Witness: fThomas of
Witness: fMS of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 eradicating the remains of my
Witness: f1823 eradicating the remains of my
Witness: f1831 eradicating the remains of my
Witness: fThomas eradicating the remains of my
Witness: fMS eradicating the remains of my


Reading Group: C24c1_app22_rg1

Witness: f1818 melancholy,
Witness: f1823 melancholy,
Witness: f1831 melancholy,
Witness: fThomas melancholy,

Reading Group: C24c1_app22_rg2

Witness: fMS melancholy–


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 which every now and then would return
Witness: f1823 which every now and then would return
Witness: f1831 which every now and then would return
Witness: fThomas which every now and then would return
Witness: fMS which every now and then would return


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 by
Witness: f1823 by
Witness: f1831 by
Witness: fThomas by
Witness: fMS by


Reading Group: C24c1_app25_rg1

Witness: fMS fits

Reading Group: C24c1_app25_rg2

Witness: f1818 fits,
Witness: f1823 fits,
Witness: f1831 fits,
Witness: fThomas fits,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and with a devouring blackness overcast the approaching
Witness: f1823 and with a devouring blackness overcast the approaching
Witness: f1831 and with a devouring blackness overcast the approaching
Witness: fThomas and with a devouring blackness overcast the approaching
Witness: fMS & with a devouring blackness overcast the approaching


Reading Group: C24c1_app27_rg1

Witness: fMS day<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>sunshine.

Reading Group: C24c1_app27_rg2

Witness: f1818 sunshine.
Witness: f1823 sunshine.
Witness: f1831 sunshine.
Witness: fThomas sunshine.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 At these
Witness: f1823 At these
Witness: f1831 At these
Witness: fThomas At these
Witness: fMS At these


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 moments I took refuge in the most
Witness: f1823 moments I took refuge in the most
Witness: f1831 moments I took refuge in the most
Witness: fThomas moments I took refuge in the most
Witness: fMS moments I took refuge in the most


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 perfect
Witness: f1823 perfect
Witness: f1831 perfect
Witness: fThomas perfect
Witness: fMS perfect


Reading Group: C24c1_app31_rg1

Witness: f1818 solitude. I
Witness: f1823 solitude. I
Witness: f1831 solitude. I
Witness: fThomas solitude. I

Reading Group: C24c1_app31_rg2

Witness: fMS solitude: & my deliI used toAlone in a little boatI


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 passed whole days on
Witness: f1823 passed whole days on
Witness: f1831 passed whole days on
Witness: fThomas passed whole days on
Witness: fMS passed whole days on


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the lake
Witness: f1823 the lake
Witness: f1831 the lake
Witness: fThomas the lake
Witness: fMS the lake


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 alone in a little boat,
Witness: f1823 alone in a little boat,
Witness: f1831 alone in a little boat,
Witness: fThomas alone in a little boat,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 watching the
Witness: f1823 watching the
Witness: f1831 watching the
Witness: fThomas watching the
Witness: fMS watching the


Reading Group: C24c1_app36_rg1

Witness: fMS clouds &<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>listening

Reading Group: C24c1_app36_rg2

Witness: f1818 clouds, and listening
Witness: f1823 clouds, and listening
Witness: f1831 clouds, and listening
Witness: fThomas clouds, and listening


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to the
Witness: f1823 to the
Witness: f1831 to the
Witness: fThomas to the
Witness: fMS to the


Reading Group: C24c1_app38_rg1

Witness: fMS ripplesling

Reading Group: C24c1_app38_rg2

Witness: f1818 rippling
Witness: f1823 rippling
Witness: f1831 rippling
Witness: fThomas rippling


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of the waves, silent and listless. But the fresh
Witness: f1823 of the waves, silent and listless. But the fresh
Witness: f1831 of the waves, silent and listless. But the fresh
Witness: fThomas of the waves, silent and listless. But the fresh
Witness: fMS of the waves, silent & listless. But the fresh


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 air and bright sun seldom failed to restore me to some degree of
Witness: f1823 air and bright sun seldom failed to restore me to some degree of
Witness: f1831 air and bright sun seldom failed to restore me to some degree of
Witness: fThomas air and bright sun seldom failed to restore me to some degree of
Witness: fMS air and bright sun seldom failed to restore me to some degree of


Reading Group: C24c1_app41_rg1

Witness: f1818 composure; and,
Witness: f1823 composure; and,
Witness: f1831 composure; and,
Witness: fThomas composure; and,

Reading Group: C24c1_app41_rg2

Witness: fMS composure&I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 on my
Witness: f1823 on my
Witness: f1831 on my
Witness: fThomas on my
Witness: fMS on my


Reading Group: C24c1_app43_rg1

Witness: fMS return

Reading Group: C24c1_app43_rg2

Witness: f1818 return,
Witness: f1823 return,
Witness: f1831 return,
Witness: fThomas return,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I met the
Witness: f1823 I met the
Witness: f1831 I met the
Witness: fThomas I met the
Witness: fMS I met the


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS smi


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 salutations of my friends with a
Witness: f1823 salutations of my friends with a
Witness: f1831 salutations of my friends with a
Witness: fThomas salutations of my friends with a
Witness: fMS salutations of my friends with a


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 readier
Witness: f1823 readier
Witness: f1831 readier
Witness: fThomas readier
Witness: fMS readier


Reading Group: C24c1_app48_rg1

Witness: f1818 smile and a
Witness: f1823 smile and a
Witness: f1831 smile and a
Witness: fThomas smile and a

Reading Group: C24c1_app48_rg2

Witness: fMS smile, &<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>a


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 more cheerful
Witness: f1823 more cheerful
Witness: f1831 more cheerful
Witness: fThomas more cheerful
Witness: fMS more cheerful


Reading Group: C24c1_app50_rg1

Witness: f1818 heart.<p/><p/>It
Witness: f1823 heart.<p/><p/>It
Witness: f1831 heart.<p/><p/>It
Witness: fThomas heart.<p/><p/>It

Reading Group: C24c1_app50_rg2

Witness: fMS heart It


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was after my return from one
Witness: f1823 was after my return from one
Witness: f1831 was after my return from one
Witness: fThomas was after my return from one
Witness: fMS was after my return from one


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of these
Witness: f1823 of these
Witness: f1831 of these
Witness: fThomas of these
Witness: fMS of these


Reading Group: C24c1_app53_rg1

Witness: f1818 rambles
Witness: f1823 rambles
Witness: fThomas rambles
Witness: fMS rambles

Reading Group: C24c1_app53_rg2

Witness: f1831 rambles,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that my
Witness: f1823 that my
Witness: f1831 that my
Witness: fThomas that my
Witness: fMS that my


Reading Group: C24c1_app55_rg1

Witness: fMS father

Reading Group: C24c1_app55_rg2

Witness: f1818 father,
Witness: f1823 father,
Witness: f1831 father,
Witness: fThomas father,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 calling
Witness: f1823 calling
Witness: f1831 calling
Witness: fThomas calling
Witness: fMS calling


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 me
Witness: f1823 me
Witness: f1831 me
Witness: fThomas me
Witness: fMS me


Reading Group: C24c1_app58_rg1

Witness: fMS aside

Reading Group: C24c1_app58_rg2

Witness: f1818 aside,
Witness: f1823 aside,
Witness: f1831 aside,
Witness: fThomas aside,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 thus addressed
Witness: f1823 thus addressed
Witness: f1831 thus addressed
Witness: fThomas thus addressed
Witness: fMS thus a<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>ddressed


Reading Group: C24c1_app60_rg1

Witness: fMS me. I

Reading Group: C24c1_app60_rg2

Witness: f1818 me:—<p/><p/>“I
Witness: f1823 me:—<p/><p/>“I
Witness: f1831 me:—<p/><p/>“I
Witness: fThomas me:—<p/><p/>“I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 am happy to remark, my dear
Witness: f1823 am happy to remark, my dear
Witness: f1831 am happy to remark, my dear
Witness: fThomas am happy to remark, my dear
Witness: fMS am happy to remark, my dear


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 son, that
Witness: f1823 son, that
Witness: f1831 son, that
Witness: fThomas son, that
Witness: fMS son, that


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS lately


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 you have
Witness: f1823 you have
Witness: f1831 you have
Witness: fThomas you have
Witness: fMS you have


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS acqu


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 resumed your former
Witness: f1823 resumed your former
Witness: f1831 resumed your former
Witness: fThomas resumed your former
Witness: fMS resumed your former


Reading Group: C24c1_app67_rg1

Witness: fMS pleasures

Reading Group: C24c1_app67_rg2

Witness: f1818 pleasures,
Witness: f1823 pleasures,
Witness: f1831 pleasures,
Witness: fThomas pleasures,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and seem
Witness: f1823 and seem
Witness: f1831 and seem
Witness: fThomas and seem
Witness: fMS & seem


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to be returning to yourself. And yet
Witness: f1823 to be returning to yourself. And yet
Witness: f1831 to be returning to yourself. And yet
Witness: fThomas to be returning to yourself. And yet
Witness: fMS to be returning to yourself. And yet


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS so


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 you are still
Witness: f1823 you are still
Witness: f1831 you are still
Witness: fThomas you are still
Witness: fMS you are still


Reading Group: C24c1_app72_rg1

Witness: fMS unhappy

Reading Group: C24c1_app72_rg2

Witness: f1818 unhappy,
Witness: f1823 unhappy,
Witness: f1831 unhappy,
Witness: fThomas unhappy,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and still avoid
Witness: f1823 and still avoid
Witness: f1831 and still avoid
Witness: fThomas and still avoid
Witness: fMS & still avoid


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 our society.
Witness: f1823 our society.
Witness: f1831 our society.
Witness: fThomas our society.
Witness: fMS our society.


Reading Group: C24c2_app1_rg1

Witness: fMS

Reading Group: C24c2_app1_rg2

Witness: f1818 For some time I was lost in conjecture as to the cause of this; but yesterday an idea struck me, and if it is well founded, I conjure you to avow it. Reserve on such a point would be not only useless, but draw down treble misery on us all.”<p/><p/>I trembled violently at
Witness: f1823 For some time I was lost in conjecture as to the cause of this; but yesterday an idea struck me, and if it is well founded, I conjure you to avow it. Reserve on such a point would be not only useless, but draw down treble misery on us all.”<p/><p/>I trembled violently at
Witness: f1831 For some time I was lost in conjecture as to the cause of this; but yesterday an idea struck me, and if it is well founded, I conjure you to avow it. Reserve on such a point would be not only useless, but draw down treble misery on us all.”<p/><p/>I trembled violently at
Witness: fThomas For some time I was lost in conjecture as to the cause of this; but yesterday an idea struck me, and if it is well founded, I conjure you to avow it. Reserve on such a point would be not only useless, but draw down treble misery on us all.”<p/><p/>I trembled violently at


Reading Group: C24c2_app2_rg1

Witness: f1831 his

Reading Group: C24c2_app2_rg2

Witness: f1818 this
Witness: f1823 this
Witness: fThomas this


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 exordium, and my father continued—<p/><p/>“I confess, my son, that I have always looked forward to your marriage with
Witness: f1823 exordium, and my father continued—<p/><p/>“I confess, my son, that I have always looked forward to your marriage with
Witness: f1831 exordium, and my father continued—<p/><p/>“I confess, my son, that I have always looked forward to your marriage with
Witness: fThomas exordium, and my father continued—<p/><p/>“I confess, my son, that I have always looked forward to your marriage with


Reading Group: C24c2_app4_rg1

Witness: f1831 our dear Elizabeth

Reading Group: C24c2_app4_rg2

Witness: f1818 your cousin
Witness: f1823 your cousin
Witness: fThomas your cousin


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 as the tie of our domestic comfort, and the stay of my declining years. You were attached to each other from your earliest infancy; you studied together, and appeared, in dispositions and tastes, entirely suited to one another. But so blind is the experience of man, that what I conceived to be the best assistants to my
Witness: f1823 as the tie of our domestic comfort, and the stay of my declining years. You were attached to each other from your earliest infancy; you studied together, and appeared, in dispositions and tastes, entirely suited to one another. But so blind is the experience of man, that what I conceived to be the best assistants to my
Witness: f1831 as the tie of our domestic comfort, and the stay of my declining years. You were attached to each other from your earliest infancy; you studied together, and appeared, in dispositions and tastes, entirely suited to one another. But so blind is the experience of man, that what I conceived to be the best assistants to my
Witness: fThomas as the tie of our domestic comfort, and the stay of my declining years. You were attached to each other from your earliest infancy; you studied together, and appeared, in dispositions and tastes, entirely suited to one another. But so blind is the experience of man, that what I conceived to be the best assistants to my


Reading Group: C24c2_app6_rg1

Witness: f1818 plan
Witness: f1823 plan
Witness: fThomas plan

Reading Group: C24c2_app6_rg2

Witness: f1831 plan,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 may have entirely destroyed it. You, perhaps, regard her as your sister, without any wish that she might become your wife. Nay, you may have met with another whom you may love; and, considering yourself as bound in honour to
Witness: f1823 may have entirely destroyed it. You, perhaps, regard her as your sister, without any wish that she might become your wife. Nay, you may have met with another whom you may love; and, considering yourself as bound in honour to
Witness: f1831 may have entirely destroyed it. You, perhaps, regard her as your sister, without any wish that she might become your wife. Nay, you may have met with another whom you may love; and, considering yourself as bound in honour to
Witness: fThomas may have entirely destroyed it. You, perhaps, regard her as your sister, without any wish that she might become your wife. Nay, you may have met with another whom you may love; and, considering yourself as bound in honour to


Reading Group: C24c2_app8_rg1

Witness: f1831 Elizabeth,

Reading Group: C24c2_app8_rg2

Witness: f1818 your cousin,
Witness: f1823 your cousin,
Witness: fThomas your cousin,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 this struggle may occasion the poignant misery which you appear to feel.”<p/><p/>“My dear father, re-assure yourself. I love my cousin tenderly and sincerely. I never saw any
Witness: f1823 this struggle may occasion the poignant misery which you appear to feel.”<p/><p/>“My dear father, re-assure yourself. I love my cousin tenderly and sincerely. I never saw any
Witness: f1831 this struggle may occasion the poignant misery which you appear to feel.”<p/><p/>“My dear father, re-assure yourself. I love my cousin tenderly and sincerely. I never saw any
Witness: fThomas this struggle may occasion the poignant misery which you appear to feel.”<p/><p/>“My dear father, re-assure yourself. I love my cousin tenderly and sincerely. I never saw any


Reading Group: C24c2_app10_rg1

Witness: f1818 woman
Witness: f1831 woman
Witness: fThomas woman

Reading Group: C24c2_app10_rg2

Witness: f1823 woman,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 who excited, as Elizabeth does, my warmest admiration and affection. My future hopes and prospects are entirely bound up in the expectation of our union.”<p/><p/>“The expression of your sentiments on this subject, my dear Victor, gives me more pleasure than I have for some time experienced. If you feel thus, we shall assuredly be happy, however present events may cast a gloom over us.
Witness: f1823 who excited, as Elizabeth does, my warmest admiration and affection. My future hopes and prospects are entirely bound up in the expectation of our union.”<p/><p/>“The expression of your sentiments on this subject, my dear Victor, gives me more pleasure than I have for some time experienced. If you feel thus, we shall assuredly be happy, however present events may cast a gloom over us.
Witness: f1831 who excited, as Elizabeth does, my warmest admiration and affection. My future hopes and prospects are entirely bound up in the expectation of our union.”<p/><p/>“The expression of your sentiments on this subject, my dear Victor, gives me more pleasure than I have for some time experienced. If you feel thus, we shall assuredly be happy, however present events may cast a gloom over us.
Witness: fThomas who excited, as Elizabeth does, my warmest admiration and affection. My future hopes and prospects are entirely bound up in the expectation of our union.”<p/><p/>“The expression of your sentiments on this subject, my dear Victor, gives me more pleasure than I have for some time experienced. If you feel thus, we shall assuredly be happy, however present events may cast a gloom over us.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 But it is this
Witness: f1823 But it is this
Witness: f1831 But it is this
Witness: fThomas But it is this
Witness: fMS But it is this


Reading Group: C24d_app2_rg1

Witness: f1823 gloom
Witness: f1831 gloom
Witness: fMS gloom

Reading Group: C24d_app2_rg2

Witness: f1818 gloom,
Witness: fThomas gloom,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 which appears to have taken
Witness: f1823 which appears to have taken
Witness: f1831 which appears to have taken
Witness: fThomas which appears to have taken
Witness: fMS which appears to have taken


Reading Group: C24d_app4_rg1

Witness: fMS too

Reading Group: C24d_app4_rg2

Witness: f1818 so
Witness: f1823 so
Witness: f1831 so
Witness: fThomas so


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 strong a hold of your
Witness: f1823 strong a hold of your
Witness: f1831 strong a hold of your
Witness: fThomas strong a hold of your
Witness: fMS strong a hold of your


Reading Group: C24d_app6_rg1

Witness: fMS mind

Reading Group: C24d_app6_rg2

Witness: f1818 mind,
Witness: f1823 mind,
Witness: f1831 mind,
Witness: fThomas mind,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that I wish to dissipate. Tell
Witness: f1823 that I wish to dissipate. Tell
Witness: f1831 that I wish to dissipate. Tell
Witness: fThomas that I wish to dissipate. Tell
Witness: fMS that I wish to dissipate. Tell


Reading Group: C24d_app8_rg1

Witness: fMS me therefore

Reading Group: C24d_app8_rg2

Witness: f1818 me, therefore,
Witness: f1823 me, therefore,
Witness: f1831 me, therefore,
Witness: fThomas me, therefore,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 whether you object to an immediate
Witness: f1823 whether you object to an immediate
Witness: f1831 whether you object to an immediate
Witness: fThomas whether you object to an immediate
Witness: fMS whether you object to an immediate


Reading Group: C24d_app10_rg1

Witness: f1831 solemnisation

Reading Group: C24d_app10_rg2

Witness: f1818 solemnization
Witness: f1823 solemnization
Witness: fThomas solemnization
Witness: fMS solemnization


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of the marriage. We have been
Witness: f1823 of the marriage. We have been
Witness: f1831 of the marriage. We have been
Witness: fThomas of the marriage. We have been
Witness: fMS of the marriage. We have been


Reading Group: C24d_app12_rg1

Witness: fMS unfortunatetunate,

Reading Group: C24d_app12_rg2

Witness: f1818 unfortunate,
Witness: f1823 unfortunate,
Witness: f1831 unfortunate,
Witness: fThomas unfortunate,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and recent events have drawn us from that
Witness: f1823 and recent events have drawn us from that
Witness: f1831 and recent events have drawn us from that
Witness: fThomas and recent events have drawn us from that
Witness: fMS and recent events have drawn us from that


Reading Group: C24d_app14_rg1

Witness: fMS every day

Reading Group: C24d_app14_rg2

Witness: f1818 every-day
Witness: f1823 every-day
Witness: f1831 every-day
Witness: fThomas every-day


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 tranquillity
Witness: f1823 tranquillity
Witness: f1831 tranquillity
Witness: fThomas tranquillity
Witness: fMS tranquillity


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS so necess


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 befitting my years and
Witness: f1823 befitting my years and
Witness: f1831 befitting my years and
Witness: fThomas befitting my years and
Witness: fMS befitting my years and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 infirmities. You are
Witness: f1823 infirmities. You are
Witness: f1831 infirmities. You are
Witness: fThomas infirmities. You are
Witness: fMS infirmities. You are


Reading Group: C24d_app19_rg1

Witness: fMS younger

Reading Group: C24d_app19_rg2

Witness: f1818 younger;
Witness: f1823 younger;
Witness: f1831 younger;
Witness: fThomas younger;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 yet I do not suppose, possessed as you are of a competent
Witness: f1823 yet I do not suppose, possessed as you are of a competent
Witness: f1831 yet I do not suppose, possessed as you are of a competent
Witness: fThomas yet I do not suppose, possessed as you are of a competent
Witness: fMS yet I do not suppose, possessed as you are of a competent


Reading Group: C24d_app21_rg1

Witness: fMS fortune

Reading Group: C24d_app21_rg2

Witness: f1818 fortune,
Witness: f1823 fortune,
Witness: f1831 fortune,
Witness: fThomas fortune,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that an early
Witness: f1823 that an early
Witness: f1831 that an early
Witness: fThomas that an early
Witness: fMS that an early


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 marriage would at all interfere with any future plans
Witness: f1823 marriage would at all interfere with any future plans
Witness: f1831 marriage would at all interfere with any future plans
Witness: fThomas marriage would at all interfere with any future plans
Witness: fMS marriage would at all interfere with any future plans


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of honour and
Witness: f1823 of honour and
Witness: f1831 of honour and
Witness: fThomas of honour and
Witness: fMS of honour and


Reading Group: C24d_app25_rg1

Witness: f1818 utility that
Witness: f1823 utility that
Witness: f1831 utility that
Witness: fThomas utility that

Reading Group: C24d_app25_rg2

Witness: fMS utility<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>that


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 you may have formed.
Witness: f1823 you may have formed.
Witness: f1831 you may have formed.
Witness: fThomas you may have formed.
Witness: fMS you may have formed.


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS Yet


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Do not
Witness: f1823 Do not
Witness: f1831 Do not
Witness: fThomas Do not
Witness: fMS Do not


Reading Group: C24d_app29_rg1

Witness: fMS suppose however

Reading Group: C24d_app29_rg2

Witness: f1818 suppose, however,
Witness: f1823 suppose, however,
Witness: f1831 suppose, however,
Witness: fThomas suppose, however,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that
Witness: f1823 that
Witness: f1831 that
Witness: fThomas that
Witness: fMS that


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I wish to dictate happiness to
Witness: f1823 I wish to dictate happiness to
Witness: f1831 I wish to dictate happiness to
Witness: fThomas I wish to dictate happiness to
Witness: fMS I wish to dictate happiness to


Reading Group: C24d_app32_rg1

Witness: fMS you

Reading Group: C24d_app32_rg2

Witness: f1818 you,
Witness: f1823 you,
Witness: f1831 you,
Witness: fThomas you,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 or that a
Witness: f1823 or that a
Witness: f1831 or that a
Witness: fThomas or that a
Witness: fMS or that a


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 delay on your part would cause me any
Witness: f1823 delay on your part would cause me any
Witness: f1831 delay on your part would cause me any
Witness: fThomas delay on your part would cause me any
Witness: fMS delay on your part would cause me any


Reading Group: C24d_app35_rg1

Witness: f1818 serious uneasiness. Interpret
Witness: f1823 serious uneasiness. Interpret
Witness: f1831 serious uneasiness. Interpret
Witness: fThomas serious uneasiness. Interpret

Reading Group: C24d_app35_rg2

Witness: fMS <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>seriousuneasiness; Interpereet


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my words with
Witness: f1823 my words with
Witness: f1831 my words with
Witness: fThomas my words with
Witness: fMS my words with


Reading Group: C24d_app37_rg1

Witness: fMS candour

Reading Group: C24d_app37_rg2

Witness: f1818 candour,
Witness: f1823 candour,
Witness: f1831 candour,
Witness: fThomas candour,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and answer
Witness: f1823 and answer
Witness: f1831 and answer
Witness: fThomas and answer
Witness: fMS and answer


Reading Group: C24d_app39_rg1

Witness: fMS me

Reading Group: C24d_app39_rg2

Witness: f1818 me,
Witness: f1823 me,
Witness: f1831 me,
Witness: fThomas me,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I conjure
Witness: f1823 I conjure
Witness: f1831 I conjure
Witness: fThomas I conjure
Witness: fMS I conjure


Reading Group: C24d_app41_rg1

Witness: fMS you

Reading Group: C24d_app41_rg2

Witness: f1818 you,
Witness: f1823 you,
Witness: f1831 you,
Witness: fThomas you,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 with confidence and
Witness: f1823 with confidence and
Witness: f1831 with confidence and
Witness: fThomas with confidence and
Witness: fMS with confidence and


Reading Group: C24d_app43_rg1

Witness: f1818 sincerity.”<p/><p/>I
Witness: f1823 sincerity.”<p/><p/>I
Witness: f1831 sincerity.”<p/><p/>I
Witness: fThomas sincerity.”<p/><p/>I

Reading Group: C24d_app43_rg2

Witness: fMS sincerity. I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 listened to my father in
Witness: f1823 listened to my father in
Witness: f1831 listened to my father in
Witness: fThomas listened to my father in
Witness: fMS listened to my father in


Reading Group: C24d_app45_rg1

Witness: fMS silence

Reading Group: C24d_app45_rg2

Witness: f1818 silence,
Witness: f1823 silence,
Witness: f1831 silence,
Witness: fThomas silence,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and remained for
Witness: f1823 and remained for
Witness: f1831 and remained for
Witness: fThomas and remained for
Witness: fMS and remained <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>for


Reading Group: C24d_app47_rg1

Witness: f1818 some time incapable of
Witness: f1823 some time incapable of
Witness: f1831 some time incapable of
Witness: fThomas some time incapable of

Reading Group: C24d_app47_rg2

Witness: fMS sometime without


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 offering any reply. I revolved
Witness: f1823 offering any reply. I revolved
Witness: f1831 offering any reply. I revolved
Witness: fThomas offering any reply. I revolved
Witness: fMS offering any reply. I revolved


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 rapidly in my mind a multitude of
Witness: f1823 rapidly in my mind a multitude of
Witness: f1831 rapidly in my mind a multitude of
Witness: fThomas rapidly in my mind a multitude of
Witness: fMS rapidly in my mind a multitude of


Reading Group: C24d_app50_rg1

Witness: fMS ideasthoughts

Reading Group: C24d_app50_rg2

Witness: f1818 thoughts,
Witness: f1823 thoughts,
Witness: f1831 thoughts,
Witness: fThomas thoughts,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: fMS and


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS d


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 endeavoured to
Witness: f1823 endeavoured to
Witness: f1831 endeavoured to
Witness: fThomas endeavoured to
Witness: fMS endeavoured to


Reading Group: C24d_app54_rg1

Witness: f1818 arrive at
Witness: f1823 arrive at
Witness: f1831 arrive at
Witness: fThomas arrive at

Reading Group: C24d_app54_rg2

Witness: fMS come to


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 some conclusion. Alas!
Witness: f1823 some conclusion. Alas!
Witness: f1831 some conclusion. Alas!
Witness: fThomas some conclusion. Alas!
Witness: fMS some conclusion. Alas!


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to me the idea of an immediate union with my
Witness: f1823 to me the idea of an immediate union with my
Witness: f1831 to me the idea of an immediate union with my
Witness: fThomas to me the idea of an immediate union with my
Witness: fMS to me the idea of an immediate union with my


Reading Group: C24d_app57_rg1

Witness: fMS

Reading Group: C24d_app57_rg2

Witness: f1831 Elizabeth


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 cousin
Witness: f1823 cousin
Witness: fThomas cousin
Witness: fMS cousin


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was one of horror and dismay. I was bound by
Witness: f1823 was one of horror and dismay. I was bound by
Witness: f1831 was one of horror and dismay. I was bound by
Witness: fThomas was one of horror and dismay. I was bound by
Witness: fMS was one of horror and dismay. I was bound by


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a solemn
Witness: f1823 a solemn
Witness: f1831 a solemn
Witness: fThomas a solemn
Witness: fMS a solemn


Reading Group: C24d_app61_rg1

Witness: fMS promise

Reading Group: C24d_app61_rg2

Witness: f1818 promise,
Witness: f1823 promise,
Witness: f1831 promise,
Witness: fThomas promise,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 which I had not yet
Witness: f1823 which I had not yet
Witness: f1831 which I had not yet
Witness: fThomas which I had not yet
Witness: fMS which I had not yet


Reading Group: C24d_app63_rg1

Witness: fMS fufilled

Reading Group: C24d_app63_rg2

Witness: f1818 fulfilled,
Witness: f1823 fulfilled,
Witness: f1831 fulfilled,
Witness: fThomas fulfilled,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: fMS and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 dared not break;
Witness: f1823 dared not break;
Witness: f1831 dared not break;
Witness: fThomas dared not break;
Witness: fMS dared not break;


Reading Group: C24d_app66_rg1

Witness: fMS or

Reading Group: C24d_app66_rg2

Witness: f1818 or,
Witness: f1823 or,
Witness: f1831 or,
Witness: fThomas or,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 if I
Witness: f1823 if I
Witness: f1831 if I
Witness: fThomas if I
Witness: fMS if I


Reading Group: C24d_app68_rg1

Witness: fMS did

Reading Group: C24d_app68_rg2

Witness: f1818 did,
Witness: f1823 did,
Witness: f1831 did,
Witness: fThomas did,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 what manifold miseries might not impend over me and my devoted family!
Witness: f1823 what manifold miseries might not impend over me and my devoted family!
Witness: f1831 what manifold miseries might not impend over me and my devoted family!
Witness: fThomas what manifold miseries might not impend over me and my devoted family!
Witness: fMS what manifold miseries might not impend over me and my devoted family!


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS And


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Could I enter into a festival with
Witness: f1823 Could I enter into a festival with
Witness: f1831 Could I enter into a festival with
Witness: fThomas Could I enter into a festival with
Witness: fMS could I enter into a festival with


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 this deadly weight yet hanging round my
Witness: f1823 this deadly weight yet hanging round my
Witness: f1831 this deadly weight yet hanging round my
Witness: fThomas this deadly weight yet hanging round my
Witness: fMS this deadly weight yet hanging round my


Reading Group: C24d_app73_rg1

Witness: fMS neck

Reading Group: C24d_app73_rg2

Witness: f1818 neck,
Witness: f1823 neck,
Witness: f1831 neck,
Witness: fThomas neck,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: fMS and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 bowing me to the ground.
Witness: f1823 bowing me to the ground.
Witness: f1831 bowing me to the ground.
Witness: fThomas bowing me to the ground.
Witness: fMS bowing me to the ground.


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS No, <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>that


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: fMS I


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS could not endure thatand therefore resolved toI


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 must perform my
Witness: f1823 must perform my
Witness: f1831 must perform my
Witness: fThomas must perform my
Witness: fMS must perform my


Reading Group: C24d_app80_rg1

Witness: fMS engage ment

Reading Group: C24d_app80_rg2

Witness: f1818 engagement,
Witness: f1823 engagement,
Witness: f1831 engagement,
Witness: fThomas engagement,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and let the monster depart with his
Witness: f1823 and let the monster depart with his
Witness: f1831 and let the monster depart with his
Witness: fThomas and let the monster depart with his
Witness: fMS and let the monster depart with his


Reading Group: C24d_app82_rg1

Witness: fMS mate

Reading Group: C24d_app82_rg2

Witness: f1818 mate,
Witness: f1823 mate,
Witness: f1831 mate,
Witness: fThomas mate,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 before I allowed myself to enjoy the delight of
Witness: f1823 before I allowed myself to enjoy the delight of
Witness: f1831 before I allowed myself to enjoy the delight of
Witness: fThomas <hi/>before I allowed myself to enjoy the delight of
Witness: fMS before I allowed myself to enjoy the delight of


Reading Group: C24d_app84_rg1

Witness: fMS a union, I should otherwise eagerly expectfrom

Reading Group: C24d_app84_rg2

Witness: f1818 an union from
Witness: f1823 an union from
Witness: f1831 an union from
Witness: fThomas an union from


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 which I
Witness: f1823 which I
Witness: f1831 which I
Witness: fThomas which I
Witness: fMS which I


Reading Group: C24d_app86_rg1

Witness: f1818 expected peace.<p/><p/>I
Witness: f1823 expected peace.<p/><p/>I
Witness: f1831 expected peace.<p/><p/>I
Witness: fThomas expected peace.<hi/><p/><p/>I

Reading Group: C24d_app86_rg2

Witness: fMS expected. I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 remembered also the necessity
Witness: f1823 remembered also the necessity
Witness: f1831 remembered also the necessity
Witness: fThomas remembered also the necessity
Witness: fMS remembered also the necessity


Reading Group: C24d_app88_rg1

Witness: fMS I was under

Reading Group: C24d_app88_rg2

Witness: f1818 imposed upon me
Witness: f1823 imposed upon me
Witness: f1831 imposed upon me
Witness: fThomas imposed upon me


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of either
Witness: f1823 of either
Witness: f1831 of either
Witness: fThomas of either
Witness: fMS of either


Reading Group: C24d_app90_rg1

Witness: fMS goingjourneying

Reading Group: C24d_app90_rg2

Witness: f1818 journeying
Witness: f1823 journeying
Witness: f1831 journeying
Witness: fThomas journeying


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to
Witness: f1823 to
Witness: f1831 to
Witness: fThomas to
Witness: fMS to


Reading Group: C24d_app92_rg1

Witness: fMS England

Reading Group: C24d_app92_rg2

Witness: f1818 England,
Witness: f1823 England,
Witness: f1831 England,
Witness: fThomas England,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 or entering into a long correspondence with
Witness: f1823 or entering into a long correspondence with
Witness: f1831 or entering into a long correspondence with
Witness: fThomas or entering into a long correspondence with
Witness: fMS or entering into a long correspondence with


Reading Group: C24d_app94_rg1

Witness: fMS thoseemenphilosophers

Reading Group: C24d_app94_rg2

Witness: f1818 those philosophers
Witness: f1823 those philosophers
Witness: f1831 those philosophers
Witness: fThomas those philosophers


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of that
Witness: f1823 of that
Witness: f1831 of that
Witness: fThomas of that
Witness: fMS of that


Reading Group: C24d_app96_rg1

Witness: fMS country

Reading Group: C24d_app96_rg2

Witness: f1818 country,
Witness: f1823 country,
Witness: f1831 country,
Witness: fThomas country,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 whose knowledge and
Witness: f1823 whose knowledge and
Witness: f1831 whose knowledge and
Witness: fThomas whose knowledge and
Witness: fMS whose knowledge and


Reading Group: C24d_app98_rg1

Witness: f1818 discoveries were
Witness: f1823 discoveries were
Witness: f1831 discoveries were
Witness: fThomas discoveries were

Reading Group: C24d_app98_rg2

Witness: fMS discoveriesmightwere


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of
Witness: f1823 of
Witness: f1831 of
Witness: fThomas of
Witness: fMS of


Reading Group: C24d_app100_rg1

Witness: fMS be of inestimableindispensablenecess

Reading Group: C24d_app100_rg2

Witness: f1818 indispensable use
Witness: f1823 indispensable use
Witness: f1831 indispensable use
Witness: fThomas indispensable use


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to me in my present undertaking. The latter
Witness: f1823 to me in my present undertaking. The latter
Witness: f1831 to me in my present undertaking. The latter
Witness: fThomas to me in my present undertaking. The latter
Witness: fMS to me<metamark function="insert">^</metamark> in my present undertaking. The latter


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 method of obtaining the desired intelligence was dilatory and
Witness: f1823 method of obtaining the desired intelligence was dilatory and
Witness: f1831 method of obtaining the desired intelligence was dilatory and
Witness: fThomas method of obtaining the desired intelligence was dilatory and
Witness: fMS method of obtaining the desired intelligence was dilatory and


Reading Group: C24d_app103_rg1

Witness: f1818 unsatisfactory: besides,
Witness: f1823 unsatisfactory: besides,
Witness: f1831 unsatisfactory: besides,
Witness: fThomas unsatisfactory: besides,

Reading Group: C24d_app103_rg2

Witness: fMS unsatisfactory; besides


Reading Group: C24e_app1_rg1

Witness: f1831

Reading Group: C24e_app1_rg2

Witness: f1818 any
Witness: f1823 any
Witness: fThomas any
Witness: fMS any


Reading Group: C24e_app2_rg1

Witness: fMS change of scene

Reading Group: C24e_app2_rg2

Witness: f1818 variation
Witness: f1823 variation
Witness: fThomas variation


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was
Witness: f1823 was
Witness: fThomas was
Witness: fMS was


Reading Group: C24e_app4_rg1

Witness: fMS agreable

Reading Group: C24e_app4_rg2

Witness: f1818 agreeable
Witness: f1823 agreeable
Witness: fThomas agreeable


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to
Witness: f1823 to
Witness: fThomas to
Witness: fMS to


Reading Group: C24e_app6_rg1

Witness: fMS me

Reading Group: C24e_app6_rg2

Witness: f1818 me,
Witness: f1823 me,
Witness: fThomas me,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and I was delighted with the
Witness: f1823 and I was delighted with the
Witness: fThomas and I was delighted with the
Witness: fMS and I was delighted with the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 idea of spending a year or two
Witness: f1823 idea of spending a year or two
Witness: fThomas idea of spending a year or two
Witness: fMS idea of spending a year or two


Reading Group: C24e_app9_rg1

Witness: fMS away fromin absence frommyfamilyin

Reading Group: C24e_app9_rg2

Witness: f1818 in
Witness: f1823 in
Witness: fThomas in


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 change of
Witness: f1823 change of
Witness: fThomas change of
Witness: fMS change of


Reading Group: C24e_app11_rg1

Witness: f1818 scene and
Witness: f1823 scene and
Witness: fThomas scene and

Reading Group: C24e_app11_rg2

Witness: fMS scene&


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 variety of
Witness: f1823 variety of
Witness: fThomas variety of
Witness: fMS variety of


Reading Group: C24e_app13_rg1

Witness: fMS occupation

Reading Group: C24e_app13_rg2

Witness: f1818 occupation,
Witness: f1823 occupation,
Witness: fThomas occupation,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in absence from my
Witness: f1823 in absence from my
Witness: fThomas in absence from my
Witness: fMS in absence from my


Reading Group: C24e_app15_rg1

Witness: fMS family

Reading Group: C24e_app15_rg2

Witness: f1818 family;
Witness: f1823 family;
Witness: fThomas family;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 during which
Witness: f1823 during which
Witness: fThomas during which
Witness: fMS during which


Reading Group: C24e_app17_rg1

Witness: f1818 period
Witness: f1823 period
Witness: fThomas period

Reading Group: C24e_app17_rg2

Witness: fMS time during thistimewhichtime


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 some event might happen which would
Witness: f1823 some event might happen which would
Witness: fThomas some event might happen which would
Witness: fMS some event might happen which would


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 restore me to them
Witness: f1823 restore me to them
Witness: fThomas restore me to them
Witness: fMS restore me to them


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in peace and
Witness: f1823 in peace and
Witness: f1831 in peace and
Witness: fThomas in peace and
Witness: fMS in peace and


Reading Group: C24f_app2_rg1

Witness: f1831 happiness.
Witness: fMS happiness.

Reading Group: C24f_app2_rg2

Witness: f1818 happiness:
Witness: f1823 happiness:
Witness: fThomas happiness:


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my
Witness: f1823 my
Witness: f1831 My
Witness: fThomas my
Witness: fMS My


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 promise
Witness: f1823 promise
Witness: f1831 promise
Witness: fThomas promise
Witness: fMS promise


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 might be
Witness: f1823 might be
Witness: fThomas might be
Witness: fMS might be


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 fulfilled,
Witness: f1823 fulfilled,
Witness: f1831 fulfilled,
Witness: fThomas fulfilled,
Witness: fMS fulfilled,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: fMS and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the monster
Witness: f1823 the monster
Witness: f1831 the monster
Witness: fThomas the monster
Witness: fMS the monster


Reading Group: C24f_app9_rg1

Witness: fMS

Reading Group: C24f_app9_rg2

Witness: f1831 would depart for ever.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 have
Witness: f1823 have
Witness: fThomas have
Witness: fMS have


Reading Group: C24f_app11_rg1

Witness: fMS departed

Reading Group: C24f_app11_rg2

Witness: f1818 departed;
Witness: f1823 departed;
Witness: fThomas departed;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 or
Witness: f1823 or
Witness: f1831 Or
Witness: fThomas or
Witness: fMS or


Unified Readings

Witness: f1831 (so my fond fancy imaged)


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 some
Witness: f1823 some
Witness: f1831 some
Witness: fThomas some
Witness: fMS some


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS other


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 accident might
Witness: f1823 accident might
Witness: f1831 accident might
Witness: fThomas accident might
Witness: fMS accident might


Reading Group: C24f_app17_rg1

Witness: fMS

Reading Group: C24f_app17_rg2

Witness: f1831 meanwhile


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 occur to destroy
Witness: f1823 occur to destroy
Witness: f1831 occur to destroy
Witness: fThomas occur to destroy
Witness: fMS occur to destroy


Reading Group: C24f_app19_rg1

Witness: fMS him

Reading Group: C24f_app19_rg2

Witness: f1818 him,
Witness: f1823 him,
Witness: f1831 him,
Witness: fThomas him,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and put
Witness: f1823 and put
Witness: f1831 and put
Witness: fThomas and put
Witness: fMS and put


Reading Group: C24f_app21_rg1

Witness: f1818 an
Witness: f1823 an
Witness: f1831 an
Witness: fThomas an

Reading Group: C24f_app21_rg2

Witness: fMS anf


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 end to my
Witness: f1823 end to my
Witness: f1831 end to my
Witness: fThomas end to my
Witness: fMS end to my


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 slavery for
Witness: f1823 slavery for
Witness: f1831 slavery for
Witness: fThomas slavery for
Witness: fMS slavery for


Reading Group: C24f_app24_rg1

Witness: f1818 ever.<p/><p/>These
Witness: f1823 ever.<p/><p/>These
Witness: f1831 ever.<p/><p/>These
Witness: fThomas ever.<p/><p/>These

Reading Group: C24f_app24_rg2

Witness: fMS ever—These


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 feelings dictated my answer to my father. I
Witness: f1823 feelings dictated my answer to my father. I
Witness: f1831 feelings dictated my answer to my father. I
Witness: fThomas feelings dictated my answer to my father. I
Witness: fMS feelings dictated my answer to my father. I


Reading Group: C24f_app26_rg1

Witness: fMS said Iexpressed my

Reading Group: C24f_app26_rg2

Witness: f1818 expressed
Witness: f1823 expressed
Witness: f1831 expressed
Witness: fThomas expressed


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a
Witness: f1823 a
Witness: f1831 a
Witness: fThomas a
Witness: fMS a


Reading Group: C24f_app28_rg1

Witness: f1818 wish
Witness: f1823 wish
Witness: f1831 wish
Witness: fThomas wish

Reading Group: C24f_app28_rg2

Witness: fMS wished


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to visit
Witness: f1823 to visit
Witness: f1831 to visit
Witness: fThomas to visit
Witness: fMS to visit


Reading Group: C24f_app30_rg1

Witness: fMS England but

Reading Group: C24f_app30_rg2

Witness: f1818 England; but,
Witness: f1823 England; but,
Witness: f1831 England; but,
Witness: fThomas England; but,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 concealing the true reasons
Witness: f1823 concealing the true reasons
Witness: f1831 concealing the true reasons
Witness: fThomas concealing the true reasons
Witness: fMS concealing mythe true reasons


Reading Group: C24f_app32_rg1

Witness: fMS formyof

Reading Group: C24f_app32_rg2

Witness: f1818 of
Witness: f1823 of
Witness: f1831 of
Witness: fThomas of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 this
Witness: f1823 this
Witness: f1831 this
Witness: fThomas this
Witness: fMS this


Reading Group: C24f_app34_rg1

Witness: fMS request

Reading Group: C24f_app34_rg2

Witness: f1818 request,
Witness: f1823 request,
Witness: f1831 request,
Witness: fThomas request,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: fMS I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 clothed my desires under
Witness: f1823 clothed my desires under
Witness: f1831 clothed my desires under
Witness: fThomas clothed my desires under
Witness: fMS clothed my desires under


Reading Group: C24f_app37_rg1

Witness: f1831 a

Reading Group: C24f_app37_rg2

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: fMS the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 guise
Witness: f1823 guise
Witness: f1831 guise
Witness: fThomas guise
Witness: fMS guise


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of
Witness: f1823 of
Witness: fThomas of
Witness: fMS of


Reading Group: C24g_app1_rg1

Witness: f1831

Reading Group: C24g_app1_rg2

Witness: fMS whwishing

Reading Group: C24g_app1_rg3

Witness: f1818 wishing
Witness: f1823 wishing
Witness: fThomas wishing


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to
Witness: f1823 to
Witness: fThomas to
Witness: fMS to


Reading Group: C24g_app3_rg1

Witness: fMS

Reading Group: C24g_app3_rg2

Witness: f1823 travel,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 travel
Witness: fThomas travel
Witness: fMS travel


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and see the world before I sat down
Witness: f1823 and see the world before I sat down
Witness: fThomas and see the world before I sat down
Witness: fMS and see the world before I sat down


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 for life within the walls of my native
Witness: f1823 for life within the walls of my native
Witness: fThomas for life within the walls of my native
Witness: fMS for life within the walls of my native


Reading Group: C24g_app7_rg1

Witness: fMS town. I

Reading Group: C24g_app7_rg2

Witness: f1818 town.<p/><p/>I
Witness: f1823 town.<p/><p/>I
Witness: fThomas town.<p/><p/>I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 urged my
Witness: f1823 urged my
Witness: fThomas urged my
Witness: fMS urged my


Reading Group: C24g_app9_rg1

Witness: fMS requestentreaty

Reading Group: C24g_app9_rg2

Witness: f1818 entreaty
Witness: f1823 entreaty
Witness: fThomas entreaty


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 with
Witness: f1823 with
Witness: fThomas with
Witness: fMS with


Reading Group: C24g_app11_rg1

Witness: fMS earnestness

Reading Group: C24g_app11_rg2

Witness: f1818 earnestness,
Witness: f1823 earnestness,
Witness: fThomas earnestness,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: fMS and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my father was easily induced to
Witness: f1823 my father was easily induced to
Witness: fThomas my father was easily induced to
Witness: fMS my father was easily induced to


Reading Group: C24g_app14_rg1

Witness: fMS grant itcomply;

Reading Group: C24g_app14_rg2

Witness: f1818 comply;
Witness: f1823 comply;
Witness: fThomas comply;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 for a
Witness: f1823 for a
Witness: fThomas for a
Witness: fMS for a


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS man


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 more indulgent
Witness: f1823 more indulgent
Witness: fThomas more indulgent
Witness: fMS more indulgent


Reading Group: C24g_app18_rg1

Witness: fMS andor a

Reading Group: C24g_app18_rg2

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 less dictatorial parent did not exist upon earth. Our plan
Witness: f1823 less dictatorial parent did not exist upon earth. Our plan
Witness: fThomas less dictatorial parent did not exist upon earth. Our plan
Witness: fMS less dictatorial parent did not exist upon earth. Our plan


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was soon arranged. I should travel
Witness: f1823 was soon arranged. I should travel
Witness: fThomas was soon arranged. I should travel
Witness: fMS was soon arranged. I should travel


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to
Witness: f1823 to
Witness: fThomas to
Witness: fMS to


Reading Group: C24g_app22_rg1

Witness: fMS Strasburgh

Reading Group: C24g_app22_rg2

Witness: f1818 Strasburgh,
Witness: f1823 Strasburgh,
Witness: fThomas Strasburgh,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 where Clerval would
Witness: f1823 where Clerval would
Witness: fThomas where Clerval would
Witness: fMS where Clerval would


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 join
Witness: f1823 join
Witness: fThomas join
Witness: fMS join


Reading Group: C24g_app25_rg1

Witness: fMS me and we should proceed down the Rhine together.

Reading Group: C24g_app25_rg2

Witness: f1818 me.
Witness: f1823 me.
Witness: fThomas me.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Some short time
Witness: f1823 Some short time
Witness: fThomas Some short time
Witness: fMS Some short time


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 would be spent in the towns of
Witness: f1823 would be spent in the towns of
Witness: fThomas would be spent in the towns of
Witness: fMS would be spent in the towns of


Reading Group: C24g_app28_rg1

Witness: fMS Holland but

Reading Group: C24g_app28_rg2

Witness: f1818 Holland, and
Witness: f1823 Holland, and
Witness: fThomas Holland, and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 our principal stay would be in England.
Witness: f1823 our principal stay would be in England.
Witness: fThomas our principal stay would be in England.
Witness: fMS our principal stay would be in England.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 We should return by
Witness: f1823 We should return by
Witness: fThomas We should return by
Witness: fMS We should return by


Reading Group: C24g_app31_rg1

Witness: fMS France –&and

Reading Group: C24g_app31_rg2

Witness: f1818 France; and
Witness: f1823 France; and
Witness: fThomas France; and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 it
Witness: f1823 it
Witness: fThomas it
Witness: fMS it


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was agreed that
Witness: f1823 was agreed that
Witness: fThomas was agreed that
Witness: fMS was agreed that


Reading Group: C24g_app34_rg1

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fThomas the

Reading Group: C24g_app34_rg2

Witness: fMS this


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 tour should occupy the space of two
Witness: f1823 tour should occupy the space of two
Witness: fThomas tour should occupy the space of two
Witness: fMS tour should occupy the space of two


Reading Group: C24g_app36_rg1

Witness: fMS years. My

Reading Group: C24g_app36_rg2

Witness: f1818 years.<p/><p/>My
Witness: f1823 years.<p/><p/>My
Witness: fThomas years.<p/><p/>My


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 father pleased himself
Witness: f1823 father pleased himself
Witness: fThomas father pleased himself
Witness: fMS father pleased himself


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 with the
Witness: f1823 with the
Witness: fThomas with the
Witness: fMS with the


Reading Group: C24g_app39_rg1

Witness: fMS reflection

Reading Group: C24g_app39_rg2

Witness: f1818 reflection,
Witness: f1823 reflection,
Witness: fThomas reflection,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that
Witness: f1823 that
Witness: fThomas that
Witness: fMS that


Reading Group: C24g_app41_rg1

Witness: fMS I should be united to Elizabeth

Reading Group: C24g_app41_rg2

Witness: f1818 my union with Elizabeth should take place
Witness: f1823 my union with Elizabeth should take place
Witness: fThomas my union with Elizabeth should take place


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 immediately
Witness: f1823 immediately
Witness: fThomas immediately
Witness: fMS immediately


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 on my return to Geneva.
Witness: f1823 on my return to Geneva.
Witness: fThomas on my return to Geneva.
Witness: fMS on my return to Geneva.


Reading Group: C24g_app44_rg1

Witness: f1818 “These
Witness: f1823 “These
Witness: fThomas “These

Reading Group: C24g_app44_rg2

Witness: fMS These


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 two
Witness: f1823 two
Witness: fThomas two
Witness: fMS two


Reading Group: C24g_app46_rg1

Witness: fMS years,

Reading Group: C24g_app46_rg2

Witness: f1818 years,”
Witness: f1823 years,”
Witness: fThomas years,”


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 said he,
Witness: f1823 said he,
Witness: fThomas said he,
Witness: fMS said he,


Reading Group: C24g_app48_rg1

Witness: f1818 “will
Witness: f1823 “will
Witness: fThomas “will

Reading Group: C24g_app48_rg2

Witness: fMS will


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 pass
Witness: f1823 pass
Witness: fThomas pass
Witness: fMS pass


Reading Group: C24g_app50_rg1

Witness: fMS swiftly

Reading Group: C24g_app50_rg2

Witness: f1818 swiftly,
Witness: f1823 swiftly,
Witness: fThomas swiftly,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: fMS and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 it will be the last delay that
Witness: f1823 it will be the last delay that
Witness: fThomas it will be the last delay that
Witness: fMS it will be the last delay that


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 will oppose itself to your happiness.
Witness: f1823 will oppose itself to your happiness.
Witness: fThomas will oppose itself to your happiness.
Witness: fMS will oppose itself to your happiness.


Reading Group: C24g_app54_rg1

Witness: fMS And indeed

Reading Group: C24g_app54_rg2

Witness: f1818 And, indeed,
Witness: f1823 And, indeed,
Witness: fThomas <hi/>And, indeed,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I earnestly desire
Witness: f1823 I earnestly desire
Witness: fThomas I earnestly desire
Witness: fMS I earnestly desire


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that period to
Witness: f1823 that period to
Witness: fThomas that period to
Witness: fMS that period to


Reading Group: C24g_app57_rg1

Witness: fMS arrive

Reading Group: C24g_app57_rg2

Witness: f1818 arrive,
Witness: f1823 arrive,
Witness: fThomas arrive,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 when we
Witness: f1823 when we
Witness: fThomas when we
Witness: fMS when we


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 shall all be
Witness: f1823 shall all be
Witness: fThomas shall all be
Witness: fMS shall all be


Reading Group: C24g_app60_rg1

Witness: fMS united

Reading Group: C24g_app60_rg2

Witness: f1818 united,
Witness: f1823 united,
Witness: fThomas united,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and neither hopes
Witness: f1823 and neither hopes
Witness: fThomas and neither hopes
Witness: fMS and neither hopes


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 or fears arise to disturb our
Witness: f1823 or fears arise to disturb our
Witness: fThomas or fears arise to disturb our
Witness: fMS or fears arise to disturb our


Reading Group: C24g_app63_rg1

Witness: f1818 domestic calm.”<p/><p/>“I
Witness: f1823 domestic calm.”<p/><p/>“I
Witness: fThomas domestic calm.<hi/>”<p/><p/>“I

Reading Group: C24g_app63_rg2

Witness: fMS domesticfelicity. calm. I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 am
Witness: f1823 am
Witness: fThomas am
Witness: fMS am


Reading Group: C24g_app65_rg1

Witness: f1818 content,”
Witness: f1823 content,”
Witness: fThomas content,”

Reading Group: C24g_app65_rg2

Witness: fMS content,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: fMS I


Reading Group: C24g_app67_rg1

Witness: fMS replied with

Reading Group: C24g_app67_rg2

Witness: f1818 replied, “with
Witness: f1823 replied, “with
Witness: fThomas replied, “with


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 your arrangement. By that time
Witness: f1823 your arrangement. By that time
Witness: fThomas your arrangement. By that time
Witness: fMS your arrangement. By that time


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 we shall both have
Witness: f1823 we shall both have
Witness: fThomas we shall both have
Witness: fMS we shall <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>both have


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS both


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 become
Witness: f1823 become
Witness: fThomas become
Witness: fMS become


Reading Group: C24g_app72_rg1

Witness: fMS wiser

Reading Group: C24g_app72_rg2

Witness: f1818 wiser,
Witness: f1823 wiser,
Witness: fThomas wiser,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and I hope
Witness: f1823 and I hope
Witness: fThomas and I hope
Witness: fMS and I hope


Reading Group: C24g_app74_rg1

Witness: fMS happier

Reading Group: C24g_app74_rg2

Witness: f1818 happier,
Witness: f1823 happier,
Witness: fThomas happier,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 than we at present
Witness: f1823 than we at present
Witness: fThomas than we at present
Witness: fMS than we <metamark>^</metamark>at present


Reading Group: C24g_app76_rg1

Witness: fMS are now

Reading Group: C24g_app76_rg2

Witness: f1818 are.”
Witness: f1823 are.”
Witness: fThomas are.”


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: fMS I


Reading Group: C24g_app78_rg1

Witness: fMS sighed

Reading Group: C24g_app78_rg2

Witness: f1818 sighed;
Witness: f1823 sighed;
Witness: fThomas sighed;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but my father kindly forbore
Witness: f1823 but my father kindly forbore
Witness: fThomas but my father kindly forbore
Witness: fMS but my father kindly forbore


Reading Group: C24g_app80_rg1

Witness: fMS to me que

Reading Group: C24g_app80_rg2

Witness: f1818 to
Witness: f1823 to
Witness: fThomas to


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 question me further concerning the
Witness: f1823 question me further concerning the
Witness: fThomas question me further concerning the
Witness: fMS question me further concerning the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 cause of my
Witness: f1823 cause of my
Witness: fThomas cause of my
Witness: fMS cause of my


Reading Group: C24g_app83_rg1

Witness: f1818 dejection.
Witness: f1823 dejection.
Witness: fThomas dejection.

Reading Group: C24g_app83_rg2

Witness: fMS dejection–


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 He hoped that
Witness: f1823 He hoped that
Witness: fThomas He hoped that
Witness: fMS He hoped that


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 new
Witness: f1823 new
Witness: fThomas new
Witness: fMS new


Reading Group: C24g_app86_rg1

Witness: fMS scenes

Reading Group: C24g_app86_rg2

Witness: f1818 scenes,
Witness: f1823 scenes,
Witness: fThomas scenes,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and the amusement of
Witness: f1823 and the amusement of
Witness: fThomas and the amusement of
Witness: fMS and the amusement of


Reading Group: C24g_app88_rg1

Witness: fMS travelling

Reading Group: C24g_app88_rg2

Witness: f1818 travelling,
Witness: f1823 travelling,
Witness: fThomas travelling,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 would restore my
Witness: f1823 would restore my
Witness: fThomas would restore my
Witness: fMS would restore my


Reading Group: C24g_app90_rg1

Witness: f1818 tranquillity.<p/>
Witness: f1823 tranquillity.<p/>
Witness: fThomas tranquillity.<p/>

Reading Group: C24g_app90_rg2

Witness: fMS tranquillity


Reading Group: C24h_app1_rg1

Witness: fMS I

Reading Group: C24h_app1_rg2

Witness: f1818 <p/>I
Witness: f1823 <p/>I
Witness: f1831 <p/>I
Witness: fThomas <p/>I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 now
Witness: f1823 now
Witness: f1831 now
Witness: fThomas now
Witness: fMS now


Reading Group: C24h_app3_rg1

Witness: fMS arrangedmade

Reading Group: C24h_app3_rg2

Witness: f1818 made
Witness: f1823 made
Witness: f1831 made
Witness: fThomas made


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 arrangements for my
Witness: f1823 arrangements for my
Witness: f1831 arrangements for my
Witness: fThomas arrangements for my
Witness: fMS arrangements for my


Reading Group: C24h_app5_rg1

Witness: fMS journey

Reading Group: C24h_app5_rg2

Witness: f1818 journey;
Witness: f1823 journey;
Witness: f1831 journey;
Witness: fThomas journey;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but one feeling haunted
Witness: f1823 but one feeling haunted
Witness: f1831 but one feeling haunted
Witness: fThomas but one feeling haunted
Witness: fMS but one feeling haunted


Reading Group: C24h_app7_rg1

Witness: fMS me

Reading Group: C24h_app7_rg2

Witness: f1818 me,
Witness: f1823 me,
Witness: f1831 me,
Witness: fThomas me,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 which
Witness: f1823 which
Witness: f1831 which
Witness: fThomas which
Witness: fMS which


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 filled
Witness: f1823 filled
Witness: f1831 filled
Witness: fThomas filled
Witness: fMS filled


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS w


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 me with fear and agitation.
Witness: f1823 me with fear and agitation.
Witness: f1831 me with fear and agitation.
Witness: fThomas me with fear and agitation.
Witness: fMS me with fear and agitation.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 During my absence I should leave my
Witness: f1823 During my absence I should leave my
Witness: f1831 During my absence I should leave my
Witness: fThomas During my absence I should leave my
Witness: fMS During my absence I should leave my


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 friends unconscious of the existence
Witness: f1823 friends unconscious of the existence
Witness: f1831 friends unconscious of the existence
Witness: fThomas friends unconscious of the existence
Witness: fMS friends unconscious of the existence


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of their enemy, and unprotected from
Witness: f1823 of their enemy, and unprotected from
Witness: f1831 of their enemy, and unprotected from
Witness: fThomas of their enemy, and unprotected from
Witness: fMS of their enemy, and unprotected from


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 his attacks,
Witness: f1823 his attacks,
Witness: f1831 his attacks,
Witness: fThomas his attacks,
Witness: fMS his attacks,


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 exasperated as he
Witness: f1823 exasperated as he
Witness: f1831 exasperated as he
Witness: fThomas exasperated as he
Witness: fMS exasperated as he


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 might be by my departure. But he
Witness: f1823 might be by my departure. But he
Witness: f1831 might be by my departure. But he
Witness: fThomas might be by my departure. But he
Witness: fMS might be by my departure. But he


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 had promised to follow me wherever
Witness: f1823 had promised to follow me wherever
Witness: f1831 had promised to follow me wherever
Witness: fThomas had promised to follow me wherever
Witness: fMS had promised to follow me wherever


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I might
Witness: f1823 I might
Witness: f1831 I might
Witness: fThomas I might
Witness: fMS I might


Reading Group: C24h_app21_rg1

Witness: fMS go

Reading Group: C24h_app21_rg2

Witness: f1818 go;
Witness: f1823 go;
Witness: f1831 go;
Witness: fThomas go;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and would he not accompany me to England? This
Witness: f1823 and would he not accompany me to England? This
Witness: f1831 and would he not accompany me to England? This
Witness: fThomas and would he not accompany me to England? This
Witness: fMS and would he not accompany me to England? This


Reading Group: C24h_app23_rg1

Witness: fMS ideaimagination

Reading Group: C24h_app23_rg2

Witness: f1818 imagination
Witness: f1823 imagination
Witness: f1831 imagination
Witness: fThomas imagination


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was
Witness: f1823 was
Witness: f1831 was
Witness: fThomas was
Witness: fMS was


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 dreadful in
Witness: f1823 dreadful in
Witness: f1831 dreadful in
Witness: fThomas dreadful in
Witness: fMS dreadful in


Reading Group: C24h_app26_rg1

Witness: fMS itself

Reading Group: C24h_app26_rg2

Witness: f1818 itself,
Witness: f1823 itself,
Witness: f1831 itself,
Witness: fThomas itself,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but
Witness: f1823 but
Witness: f1831 but
Witness: fThomas but
Witness: fMS but


Reading Group: C24h_app28_rg1

Witness: fMS soothing in as much

Reading Group: C24h_app28_rg2

Witness: f1818 soothing, inasmuch
Witness: f1823 soothing, inasmuch
Witness: f1831 soothing, inasmuch
Witness: fThomas soothing, inasmuch


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 as it supposed the safety of my
Witness: f1823 as it supposed the safety of my
Witness: f1831 as it supposed the safety of my
Witness: fThomas as it supposed the safety of my
Witness: fMS as <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>it supposed the safety of my


Reading Group: C24h_app30_rg1

Witness: fMS friends would be in safety. Yet

Reading Group: C24h_app30_rg2

Witness: f1818 friends.
Witness: f1823 friends.
Witness: f1831 friends.
Witness: fThomas friends.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I was
Witness: f1823 I was
Witness: f1831 I was
Witness: fThomas I was
Witness: fMS I was


Reading Group: C24h_app32_rg1

Witness: f1831 agonised

Reading Group: C24h_app32_rg2

Witness: f1818 agonized
Witness: f1823 agonized
Witness: fThomas agonized
Witness: fMS agonized


Reading Group: C24h_app33_rg1

Witness: f1818 with
Witness: f1823 with
Witness: f1831 with
Witness: fThomas with

Reading Group: C24h_app33_rg2

Witness: fMS withe


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the idea of
Witness: f1823 the idea of
Witness: f1831 the idea of
Witness: fThomas the idea of
Witness: fMS the idea of


Reading Group: C24h_app35_rg1

Witness: fMS a

Reading Group: C24h_app35_rg2

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fThomas the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 possibility that the reverse
Witness: f1823 possibility that the reverse
Witness: f1831 possibility that the reverse
Witness: fThomas possibility that the reverse
Witness: fMS possibility that the reverse


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of this might happen.
Witness: f1823 of this might happen.
Witness: f1831 of this might happen.
Witness: fThomas of this might happen.
Witness: fMS of this might happen.


Reading Group: C24h_app38_rg1

Witness: f1818 But
Witness: f1823 But
Witness: f1831 But
Witness: fThomas But

Reading Group: C24h_app38_rg2

Witness: fMS Burtingdu


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 through the whole period during
Witness: f1823 through the whole period during
Witness: f1831 through the whole period during
Witness: fThomas through the whole period during
Witness: fMS through the whole period during


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 which I was the slave of my
Witness: f1823 which I was the slave of my
Witness: f1831 which I was the slave of my
Witness: fThomas which I was the slave of my
Witness: fMS which I was the slave of my


Reading Group: C24h_app41_rg1

Witness: fMS creature

Reading Group: C24h_app41_rg2

Witness: f1818 creature,
Witness: f1823 creature,
Witness: f1831 creature,
Witness: fThomas creature,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I allowed myself to be
Witness: f1823 I allowed myself to be
Witness: f1831 I allowed myself to be
Witness: fThomas I allowed myself to be
Witness: fMS I allowed myself to be


Reading Group: C24h_app43_rg1

Witness: fMS govern

Reading Group: C24h_app43_rg2

Witness: f1818 governed
Witness: f1823 governed
Witness: f1831 governed
Witness: fThomas governed


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 by the impulses of the
Witness: f1823 by the impulses of the
Witness: f1831 by the impulses of the
Witness: fThomas by the impulses of the
Witness: fMS by the impulses of the


Reading Group: C24h_app45_rg1

Witness: fMS moment

Reading Group: C24h_app45_rg2

Witness: f1818 moment;
Witness: f1823 moment;
Witness: f1831 moment;
Witness: fThomas moment;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and my
Witness: f1823 and my
Witness: f1831 and my
Witness: fThomas and my
Witness: fMS and my


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS sensa


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 present sensations strongly
Witness: f1823 present sensations strongly
Witness: f1831 present sensations strongly
Witness: fThomas present sensations strongly
Witness: fMS present sensations strongly


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 intimated that the fiend would follow
Witness: f1823 intimated that the fiend would follow
Witness: f1831 intimated that the fiend would follow
Witness: fThomas intimated that the fiend would follow
Witness: fMS intimated that the fiend would follow


Reading Group: C24h_app50_rg1

Witness: fMS me

Reading Group: C24h_app50_rg2

Witness: f1818 me,
Witness: f1823 me,
Witness: f1831 me,
Witness: fThomas me,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: fMS and


Reading Group: C24h_app52_rg1

Witness: fMS freeexempt

Reading Group: C24h_app52_rg2

Witness: f1818 exempt
Witness: f1823 exempt
Witness: f1831 exempt
Witness: fThomas exempt


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my
Witness: f1823 my
Witness: f1831 my
Witness: fThomas my
Witness: fMS my


Reading Group: C24h_app54_rg1

Witness: fMS friendsfamily

Reading Group: C24h_app54_rg2

Witness: f1818 family
Witness: f1823 family
Witness: f1831 family
Witness: fThomas family


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 from the
Witness: f1823 from the
Witness: f1831 from the
Witness: fThomas from the
Witness: fMS from the


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS possibility of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 danger of his
Witness: f1823 danger of his
Witness: f1831 danger of his
Witness: fThomas danger of his
Witness: fMS danger of his


Reading Group: C24h_app58_rg1

Witness: fMS machinations.

Reading Group: C24h_app58_rg2

Witness: f1818 machinations.<p/>
Witness: f1823 machinations.<p/>
Witness: f1831 machinations.<p/>
Witness: fThomas machinations.<p/>


Reading Group: C24i_app1_rg1

Witness: fMS

Reading Group: C24i_app1_rg2

Witness: f1818 <p/>It was in the latter end of
Witness: f1823 <p/>It was in the latter end of
Witness: f1831 <p/>It was in the latter end of
Witness: fThomas <p/>It was in the latter end of


Reading Group: C24i_app2_rg1

Witness: f1818 August
Witness: f1823 August
Witness: fThomas August

Reading Group: C24i_app2_rg2

Witness: f1831 September


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that I
Witness: f1823 that I
Witness: f1831 that I
Witness: fThomas that I


Reading Group: C24i_app4_rg1

Witness: f1831 again quitted my native country.

Reading Group: C24i_app4_rg2

Witness: f1818 departed, to pass two years of exile. Elizabeth approved of the reasons of
Witness: f1823 departed, to pass two years of exile. Elizabeth approved of the reasons of
Witness: fThomas departed, to pass two years of exile. Elizabeth approved of the reasons of


Reading Group: C24j_app1_rg1

Witness: f1831
Witness: fMS

Reading Group: C24j_app1_rg2

Witness: f1818 my departure, and only regretted that she had not the same opportunities of enlarging her experience, and cultivating her understanding. She wept, however, as she bade me farewell, and entreated me to return happy and tranquil. “We all,” said she, “depend upon you; and if you are miserable, what must be our feelings?”<p/>
Witness: f1823 my departure, and only regretted that she had not the same opportunities of enlarging her experience, and cultivating her understanding. She wept, however, as she bade me farewell, and entreated me to return happy and tranquil. “We all,” said she, “depend upon you; and if you are miserable, what must be our feelings?”<p/>
Witness: fThomas my departure, and only regretted that she had not the same opportunities of enlarging her experience, and cultivating her understanding. She wept, however, as she bade me farewell, and entreated me to return happy and tranquil. “We all,” said she, “depend upon you; and if you are miserable, what must be our feelings?”<p/>


Reading Group: C24k_app1_rg1

Witness: fMS

Reading Group: C24k_app1_rg2

Witness: f1818 <p/>I threw myself into the carriage that was to convey me away, hardly knowing whither I was going, and careless of what was passing around. I remembered only, and it was with a bitter anguish that I reflected on it, to order that my chemical instruments should be packed to go with
Witness: f1823 <p/>I threw myself into the carriage that was to convey me away, hardly knowing whither I was going, and careless of what was passing around. I remembered only, and it was with a bitter anguish that I reflected on it, to order that my chemical instruments should be packed to go with
Witness: f1831 <p/>I threw myself into the carriage that was to convey me away, hardly knowing whither I was going, and careless of what was passing around. I remembered only, and it was with a bitter anguish that I reflected on it, to order that my chemical instruments should be packed to go with
Witness: fThomas <p/>I threw myself into the carriage that was to convey me away, hardly knowing whither I was going, and careless of what was passing around. I remembered only, and it was with a bitter anguish that I reflected on it, to order that my chemical instruments should be packed to go with


Reading Group: C24k_app2_rg1

Witness: f1831 me.

Reading Group: C24k_app2_rg2

Witness: f1818 me: for I resolved to fulfil my promise while abroad, and return, if possible, a free man.
Witness: f1823 me: for I resolved to fulfil my promise while abroad, and return, if possible, a free man.
Witness: fThomas me: for I resolved to fulfil my promise while abroad, and return, if possible, a free man.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Filled with
Witness: f1823 Filled with
Witness: f1831 Filled with
Witness: fThomas Filled with


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 dreary
Witness: f1823 dreary
Witness: f1831 dreary
Witness: fThomas dreary
Witness: fMS dreary


Reading Group: C24l_app2_rg1

Witness: fMS imaginations

Reading Group: C24l_app2_rg2

Witness: f1818 imaginations,
Witness: f1823 imaginations,
Witness: f1831 imaginations,
Witness: fThomas imaginations,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I passed through many beautiful and majestic
Witness: f1823 I passed through many beautiful and majestic
Witness: f1831 I passed through many beautiful and majestic
Witness: fThomas I passed through many beautiful and majestic
Witness: fMS I passed th<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>rough many beautiful & majestic


Reading Group: C24l_app4_rg1

Witness: fMS scenes

Reading Group: C24l_app4_rg2

Witness: f1818 scenes;
Witness: f1823 scenes;
Witness: f1831 scenes;
Witness: fThomas scenes;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but my eyes
Witness: f1823 but my eyes
Witness: f1831 but my eyes
Witness: fThomas but my eyes
Witness: fMS but my eyes


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 were fixed and
Witness: f1823 were fixed and
Witness: f1831 were fixed and
Witness: fThomas were fixed and
Witness: fMS were fixed &


Reading Group: C24l_app7_rg1

Witness: f1818 unobserving.
Witness: f1823 unobserving.
Witness: f1831 unobserving.
Witness: fThomas unobserving.

Reading Group: C24l_app7_rg2

Witness: fMS unobserving;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: fMS I


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS co


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 could only
Witness: f1823 could only
Witness: f1831 could only
Witness: fThomas could only
Witness: fMS could only


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 think of the bourne of my
Witness: f1823 think of the bourne of my
Witness: f1831 think of the bourne of my
Witness: fThomas think of the bourne of my
Witness: fMS thingk of the bourne of my


Reading Group: C24l_app12_rg1

Witness: fMS travels

Reading Group: C24l_app12_rg2

Witness: f1818 travels,
Witness: f1823 travels,
Witness: f1831 travels,
Witness: fThomas travels,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and the
Witness: f1823 and the
Witness: f1831 and the
Witness: fThomas and the
Witness: fMS & the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 work which was to occupy me whilst
Witness: f1823 work which was to occupy me whilst
Witness: f1831 work which was to occupy me whilst
Witness: fThomas work which was to occupy me whilst
Witness: fMS work which was to occupy me whilst


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 they
Witness: f1823 they
Witness: f1831 they
Witness: fThomas they
Witness: fMS they


Reading Group: C24l_app16_rg1

Witness: fMS endured. After

Reading Group: C24l_app16_rg2

Witness: f1818 endured.<p/><p/>After
Witness: f1823 endured.<p/><p/>After
Witness: f1831 endured.<p/><p/>After
Witness: fThomas endured.<p/><p/>After


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 some days spent in
Witness: f1823 some days spent in
Witness: f1831 some days spent in
Witness: fThomas some days spent in
Witness: fMS some days spendt in


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 listless
Witness: f1823 listless
Witness: f1831 listless
Witness: fThomas listless
Witness: fMS listless


Reading Group: C24l_app19_rg1

Witness: fMS indolence

Reading Group: C24l_app19_rg2

Witness: f1818 indolence,
Witness: f1823 indolence,
Witness: f1831 indolence,
Witness: fThomas indolence,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 during which I
Witness: f1823 during which I
Witness: f1831 during which I
Witness: fThomas during which I
Witness: fMS during which I


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS travere


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 traversed many
Witness: f1823 traversed many
Witness: f1831 traversed many
Witness: fThomas traversed many
Witness: fMS traversed many


Reading Group: C24l_app23_rg1

Witness: fMS leagues

Reading Group: C24l_app23_rg2

Witness: f1818 leagues,
Witness: f1823 leagues,
Witness: f1831 leagues,
Witness: fThomas leagues,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I arrived at
Witness: f1823 I arrived at
Witness: f1831 I arrived at
Witness: fThomas I arrived at
Witness: fMS I arrived at


Reading Group: C24l_app25_rg1

Witness: fMS Strasburgh

Reading Group: C24l_app25_rg2

Witness: f1818 Strasburgh,
Witness: f1823 Strasburgh,
Witness: f1831 Strasburgh,
Witness: fThomas Strasburgh,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 where I waited two days
Witness: f1823 where I waited two days
Witness: f1831 where I waited two days
Witness: fThomas where I waited two days
Witness: fMS where I waited two days


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 for Clerval. He
Witness: f1823 for Clerval. He
Witness: f1831 for Clerval. He
Witness: fThomas for Clerval. He
Witness: fMS for Clerval. He


Reading Group: C24l_app28_rg1

Witness: f1818 came.
Witness: f1823 came.
Witness: f1831 came.
Witness: fThomas came.

Reading Group: C24l_app28_rg2

Witness: fMS came; &


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Alas, how great
Witness: f1823 Alas, how great
Witness: f1831 Alas, how great
Witness: fThomas Alas, how great
Witness: fMS alas, how great


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was the contrast between
Witness: f1823 was the contrast between
Witness: f1831 was the contrast between
Witness: fThomas was the contrast between
Witness: fMS was the contrast between


Reading Group: C24l_app31_rg1

Witness: f1818 us!
Witness: f1823 us!
Witness: f1831 us!
Witness: fThomas us!

Reading Group: C24l_app31_rg2

Witness: fMS us.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 He was
Witness: f1823 He was
Witness: f1831 He was
Witness: fThomas He was
Witness: fMS He was


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 alive to every new scene; joyful when
Witness: f1823 alive to every new scene; joyful when
Witness: f1831 alive to every new scene; joyful when
Witness: fThomas alive to every new scene; joyful when
Witness: fMS alive to every new scene; joyful when


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 he saw the beauties of
Witness: f1823 he saw the beauties of
Witness: f1831 he saw the beauties of
Witness: fThomas he saw the beauties of
Witness: fMS he saw the beauties of


Reading Group: C24l_app35_rg1

Witness: fMS sunthe setting<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>sun

Reading Group: C24l_app35_rg2

Witness: f1818 the setting sun,
Witness: f1823 the setting sun,
Witness: f1831 the setting sun,
Witness: fThomas the setting sun,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: fMS and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 more happy when he
Witness: f1823 more happy when he
Witness: f1831 more happy when he
Witness: fThomas more happy when he
Witness: fMS more happy when he


Reading Group: C24l_app38_rg1

Witness: f1818 beheld
Witness: f1823 beheld
Witness: f1831 beheld
Witness: fThomas beheld

Reading Group: C24l_app38_rg2

Witness: fMS saw


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 it
Witness: f1823 it
Witness: f1831 it
Witness: fThomas it
Witness: fMS it


Reading Group: C24l_app40_rg1

Witness: fMS rise

Reading Group: C24l_app40_rg2

Witness: f1818 rise,
Witness: f1823 rise,
Witness: f1831 rise,
Witness: fThomas rise,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and recommence a new day. He pointed
Witness: f1823 and recommence a new day. He pointed
Witness: f1831 and recommence a new day. He pointed
Witness: fThomas and recommence a new day. He pointed
Witness: fMS & recommence a new day. He pointed


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 out to me the shifting colours
Witness: f1823 out to me the shifting colours
Witness: f1831 out to me the shifting colours
Witness: fThomas out to me the shifting colours
Witness: fMS out to me the shifting colours


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS l


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of the
Witness: f1823 of the
Witness: f1831 of the
Witness: fThomas of the
Witness: fMS of the


Reading Group: C24l_app45_rg1

Witness: fMS landscape

Reading Group: C24l_app45_rg2

Witness: f1818 landscape,
Witness: f1823 landscape,
Witness: f1831 landscape,
Witness: fThomas landscape,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and the appearances of the
Witness: f1823 and the appearances of the
Witness: f1831 and the appearances of the
Witness: fThomas and the appearances of the
Witness: fMS & the appearances of the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 sky.
Witness: f1823 sky.
Witness: f1831 sky.
Witness: fThomas sky.
Witness: fMS sky.


Reading Group: C24l_app48_rg1

Witness: f1818 “This
Witness: f1823 “This
Witness: f1831 “This
Witness: fThomas “This

Reading Group: C24l_app48_rg2

Witness: fMS This


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 is what it is to
Witness: f1823 is what it is to
Witness: f1831 is what it is to
Witness: fThomas is what it is to
Witness: fMS is what it is to


Reading Group: C24l_app50_rg1

Witness: f1818 live,”
Witness: f1823 live,”
Witness: f1831 live,”
Witness: fThomas live,”

Reading Group: C24l_app50_rg2

Witness: fMS live,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 he cried,
Witness: f1823 he cried,
Witness: f1831 he cried,
Witness: fThomas he cried,
Witness: fMS he cried,


Reading Group: C24l_app52_rg1

Witness: f1818 “now
Witness: f1823 “now
Witness: f1831 “now
Witness: fThomas “now

Reading Group: C24l_app52_rg2

Witness: fMS now


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I enjoy
Witness: f1823 I enjoy
Witness: f1831 I enjoy
Witness: fThomas I enjoy
Witness: fMS I enjoy


Reading Group: C24l_app54_rg1

Witness: f1818 existence!
Witness: f1823 existence!
Witness: f1831 existence!
Witness: fThomas existence!

Reading Group: C24l_app54_rg2

Witness: fMS existence.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 But you, my
Witness: f1823 But you, my
Witness: f1831 But you, my
Witness: fThomas But you, my
Witness: fMS But you, my


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 dear Frankenstein,
Witness: f1823 dear Frankenstein,
Witness: f1831 dear Frankenstein,
Witness: fThomas dear Frankenstein,
Witness: fMS dear Frankenstein,


Reading Group: C24l_app57_rg1

Witness: fMS arewherefore

Reading Group: C24l_app57_rg2

Witness: f1818 wherefore
Witness: f1823 wherefore
Witness: f1831 wherefore
Witness: fThomas wherefore


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 are you desponding and
Witness: f1823 are you desponding and
Witness: f1831 are you desponding and
Witness: fThomas are you desponding and
Witness: fMS are you desponding &


Reading Group: C24l_app59_rg1

Witness: f1823 sorrowful!”
Witness: f1831 sorrowful!”

Reading Group: C24l_app59_rg2

Witness: f1818 sorrowful?”
Witness: fThomas sorrowful?”
Witness: fMS sorrowful?"


Reading Group: C24l_app60_rg1

Witness: f1818 In truth,
Witness: f1823 In truth,
Witness: f1831 In truth,
Witness: fThomas In truth,

Reading Group: C24l_app60_rg2

Witness: fMS Indeed


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I was occupied by
Witness: f1823 I was occupied by
Witness: f1831 I was occupied by
Witness: fThomas I was occupied by
Witness: fMS I was occupied by


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 gloomy
Witness: f1823 gloomy
Witness: f1831 gloomy
Witness: fThomas gloomy
Witness: fMS gloomy


Reading Group: C24l_app63_rg1

Witness: fMS thoughts

Reading Group: C24l_app63_rg2

Witness: f1818 thoughts,
Witness: f1823 thoughts,
Witness: f1831 thoughts,
Witness: fThomas thoughts,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and neither saw
Witness: f1823 and neither saw
Witness: f1831 and neither saw
Witness: fThomas and neither saw
Witness: fMS and neither saw


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: fMS the


Reading Group: C24l_app66_rg1

Witness: fMS risedescent

Reading Group: C24l_app66_rg2

Witness: f1818 descent
Witness: f1823 descent
Witness: f1831 descent
Witness: fThomas descent


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of the evening
Witness: f1823 of the evening
Witness: f1831 of the evening
Witness: fThomas of the evening
Witness: fMS of the evening


Reading Group: C24l_app68_rg1

Witness: fMS star

Reading Group: C24l_app68_rg2

Witness: f1818 star,
Witness: f1823 star,
Witness: f1831 star,
Witness: fThomas star,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 nor the
Witness: f1823 nor the
Witness: f1831 nor the
Witness: fThomas nor the
Witness: fMS nor the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 golden
Witness: f1823 golden
Witness: f1831 golden
Witness: fThomas golden
Witness: fMS golden


Reading Group: C24l_app71_rg1

Witness: f1818 sun-rise
Witness: f1823 sun-rise
Witness: fThomas sun-rise

Reading Group: C24l_app71_rg2

Witness: f1831 sunrise
Witness: fMS sunsrise


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 reflected in the
Witness: f1823 reflected in the
Witness: f1831 reflected in the
Witness: fThomas reflected in the
Witness: fMS reflected in the


Reading Group: C24l_app73_rg1

Witness: f1818 Rhine.—And
Witness: f1823 Rhine.—And
Witness: f1831 Rhine.—And
Witness: fThomas Rhine.—And

Reading Group: C24l_app73_rg2

Witness: fMS Rhine; and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 you, my friend, would be far more
Witness: f1823 you, my friend, would be far more
Witness: f1831 you, my friend, would be far more
Witness: fThomas you, my friend, would be far more
Witness: fMS you, my friend, would be far more


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 amused with the journal of
Witness: f1823 amused with the journal of
Witness: f1831 amused with the journal of
Witness: fThomas amused with the journal of
Witness: fMS amused with the journal of


Reading Group: C24l_app76_rg1

Witness: fMS Clerval

Reading Group: C24l_app76_rg2

Witness: f1818 Clerval,
Witness: f1823 Clerval,
Witness: f1831 Clerval,
Witness: fThomas Clerval,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 who observed the scenery with an
Witness: f1823 who observed the scenery with an
Witness: f1831 who observed the scenery with an
Witness: fThomas who observed the scenery with an
Witness: fMS who observed the scenery with an


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 eye of feeling and delight, than
Witness: f1823 eye of feeling and delight, than
Witness: f1831 eye of feeling and delight, than
Witness: fThomas eye of feeling and delight, than
Witness: fMS eye of feeling & delight, than


Reading Group: C24l_app79_rg1

Witness: f1823 in listening
Witness: f1831 in listening

Reading Group: C24l_app79_rg2

Witness: f1818 to listen
Witness: fThomas to listen
Witness: fMS to listen


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to my
Witness: f1823 to my
Witness: f1831 to my
Witness: fThomas to my
Witness: fMS to my


Reading Group: C24l_app81_rg1

Witness: f1818 reflections.
Witness: f1823 reflections.
Witness: f1831 reflections.
Witness: fThomas reflections.

Reading Group: C24l_app81_rg2

Witness: fMS reflections;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I, a miserable
Witness: f1823 I, a miserable
Witness: f1831 I, a miserable
Witness: fThomas I, a miserable
Witness: fMS I, a miserable


Reading Group: C24l_app83_rg1

Witness: fMS wretch

Reading Group: C24l_app83_rg2

Witness: f1818 wretch,
Witness: f1823 wretch,
Witness: f1831 wretch,
Witness: fThomas wretch,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 haunted by a curse that shut up every
Witness: f1823 haunted by a curse that shut up every
Witness: f1831 haunted by a curse that shut up every
Witness: fThomas haunted by a curse that shut up every
Witness: fMS haunted by a curse that shut up every


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 avenue to
Witness: f1823 avenue to
Witness: f1831 avenue to
Witness: fThomas avenue to
Witness: fMS avenue to


Reading Group: C24l_app86_rg1

Witness: fMS enjoyment. We

Reading Group: C24l_app86_rg2

Witness: f1818 enjoyment.<p/><p/>We
Witness: f1823 enjoyment.<p/><p/>We
Witness: f1831 enjoyment.<p/><p/>We
Witness: fThomas enjoyment.<p/><p/>We


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 had agreed to
Witness: f1823 had agreed to
Witness: f1831 had agreed to
Witness: fThomas had agreed to
Witness: fMS had agreed to


Reading Group: C24l_app88_rg1

Witness: f1818 descend
Witness: f1823 descend
Witness: f1831 descend
Witness: fThomas descend

Reading Group: C24l_app88_rg2

Witness: fMS go down


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the Rhine
Witness: f1823 the Rhine
Witness: f1831 the Rhine
Witness: fThomas the Rhine
Witness: fMS the Rhine


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in a boat from
Witness: f1823 in a boat from
Witness: f1831 in a boat from
Witness: fThomas in a boat from
Witness: fMS in a boat from


Reading Group: C24l_app91_rg1

Witness: fMS Strasbourgh

Reading Group: C24l_app91_rg2

Witness: f1818 Strasburgh
Witness: f1823 Strasburgh
Witness: f1831 Strasburgh
Witness: fThomas Strasburgh


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to
Witness: f1823 to
Witness: f1831 to
Witness: fThomas to
Witness: fMS to


Reading Group: C24l_app93_rg1

Witness: f1818 Rotterdam,
Witness: f1823 Rotterdam,
Witness: f1831 Rotterdam,
Witness: fThomas Rotterdam,

Reading Group: C24l_app93_rg2

Witness: fMS Rotterdamfrom


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 whence we might take shipping for
Witness: f1823 whence we might take shipping for
Witness: f1831 whence we might take shipping for
Witness: fThomas whence we might take shipping for
Witness: fMS whence we might take shipping for


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 London. During this
Witness: f1823 London. During this
Witness: f1831 London. During this
Witness: fThomas London. During this
Witness: fMS London. During this


Reading Group: C24l_app96_rg1

Witness: fMS voyage

Reading Group: C24l_app96_rg2

Witness: f1818 voyage,
Witness: f1823 voyage,
Witness: f1831 voyage,
Witness: fThomas voyage,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 we passed
Witness: f1823 we passed
Witness: f1831 we passed
Witness: fThomas we passed
Witness: fMS we passed


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 by
Witness: f1823 by
Witness: fThomas by
Witness: fMS by


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 many willowy
Witness: f1823 many willowy
Witness: f1831 many willowy
Witness: fThomas many willowy
Witness: fMS many willowy


Reading Group: C24l_app100_rg1

Witness: fMS islands

Reading Group: C24l_app100_rg2

Witness: f1818 islands,
Witness: f1823 islands,
Witness: f1831 islands,
Witness: fThomas islands,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and saw several beautiful
Witness: f1823 and saw several beautiful
Witness: f1831 and saw several beautiful
Witness: fThomas and saw several beautiful
Witness: fMS & saw several beautiful


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 towns. We
Witness: f1823 towns. We
Witness: f1831 towns. We
Witness: fThomas towns. We
Witness: fMS towns. We


Reading Group: C24l_app103_rg1

Witness: f1818 staid
Witness: f1823 staid
Witness: fThomas staid
Witness: fMS staid

Reading Group: C24l_app103_rg2

Witness: f1831 stayed


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a day at Manheim,
Witness: f1823 a day at Manheim,
Witness: f1831 a day at Manheim,
Witness: fThomas a day at Manheim,
Witness: fMS a day at Manheim,


Reading Group: C24l_app105_rg1

Witness: fMS on&

Reading Group: C24l_app105_rg2

Witness: f1818 and,
Witness: f1823 and,
Witness: f1831 and,
Witness: fThomas and,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 on
Witness: f1823 on
Witness: f1831 on
Witness: fThomas on
Witness: fMS on


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the fifth from our departure from
Witness: f1823 the fifth from our departure from
Witness: f1831 the fifth from our departure from
Witness: fThomas the fifth from our departure from
Witness: fMS the fifth from our departure from


Reading Group: C24l_app108_rg1

Witness: fMS Strasbourgh,

Reading Group: C24l_app108_rg2

Witness: f1818 Strasburgh,
Witness: f1823 Strasburgh,
Witness: f1831 Strasburgh,
Witness: fThomas Strasburgh,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 arrived at Mayence. The course of
Witness: f1823 arrived at Mayence. The course of
Witness: f1831 arrived at Mayence. The course of
Witness: fThomas arrived at Mayence. The course of
Witness: fMS arrived at Mayence. The course of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the Rhine below Mayence becomes much
Witness: f1823 the Rhine below Mayence becomes much
Witness: f1831 the Rhine below Mayence becomes much
Witness: fThomas the Rhine below Mayence becomes much
Witness: fMS the Rhine below Mayence becomes much


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 more picturesque. The river descends
Witness: f1823 more picturesque. The river descends
Witness: f1831 more picturesque. The river descends
Witness: fThomas more picturesque. The river descends
Witness: fMS more picturesque. The river descends


Reading Group: C24l_app112_rg1

Witness: fMS rapidly

Reading Group: C24l_app112_rg2

Witness: f1818 rapidly,
Witness: f1823 rapidly,
Witness: f1831 rapidly,
Witness: fThomas rapidly,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and winds between
Witness: f1823 and winds between
Witness: f1831 and winds between
Witness: fThomas and winds between
Witness: fMS and winds between


Reading Group: C24l_app114_rg1

Witness: fMS hills

Reading Group: C24l_app114_rg2

Witness: f1818 hills,
Witness: f1823 hills,
Witness: f1831 hills,
Witness: fThomas hills,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 not
Witness: f1823 not
Witness: f1831 not
Witness: fThomas not
Witness: fMS not


Reading Group: C24l_app116_rg1

Witness: fMS high

Reading Group: C24l_app116_rg2

Witness: f1818 high,
Witness: f1823 high,
Witness: f1831 high,
Witness: fThomas high,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but
Witness: f1823 but
Witness: f1831 but
Witness: fThomas but
Witness: fMS but


Reading Group: C24l_app118_rg1

Witness: fMS steep

Reading Group: C24l_app118_rg2

Witness: f1818 steep,
Witness: f1823 steep,
Witness: f1831 steep,
Witness: fThomas steep,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and of beautiful forms. We saw
Witness: f1823 and of beautiful forms. We saw
Witness: f1831 and of beautiful forms. We saw
Witness: fThomas and of beautiful forms. We saw
Witness: fMS and of beautiful forms. We saw


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 many ruined
Witness: f1823 many ruined
Witness: f1831 many ruined
Witness: fThomas many ruined
Witness: fMS many ruined


Reading Group: C24l_app121_rg1

Witness: fMS castlles

Reading Group: C24l_app121_rg2

Witness: f1818 castles
Witness: f1823 castles
Witness: f1831 castles
Witness: fThomas castles


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 standing on the edges
Witness: f1823 standing on the edges
Witness: f1831 standing on the edges
Witness: fThomas standing on the edges
Witness: fMS standing on the edges


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS of precispieces & the sl green slopes


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of
Witness: f1823 of
Witness: f1831 of
Witness: fThomas of
Witness: fMS of


Reading Group: C24l_app125_rg1

Witness: fMS the hills

Reading Group: C24l_app125_rg2

Witness: f1818 precipices,
Witness: f1823 precipices,
Witness: f1831 precipices,
Witness: fThomas precipices,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 surrounded by black
Witness: f1823 surrounded by black
Witness: f1831 surrounded by black
Witness: fThomas surrounded by black
Witness: fMS surrounded by black


Reading Group: C24l_app127_rg1

Witness: fMS woods

Reading Group: C24l_app127_rg2

Witness: f1818 woods,
Witness: f1823 woods,
Witness: f1831 woods,
Witness: fThomas woods,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 high and inaccessible. This part of the
Witness: f1823 high and inaccessible. This part of the
Witness: f1831 high and inaccessible. This part of the
Witness: fThomas high and inaccessible. This part of the
Witness: fMS high & inaccessible. This part of the


Reading Group: C24l_app129_rg1

Witness: fMS Rhine indeed

Reading Group: C24l_app129_rg2

Witness: f1818 Rhine, indeed,
Witness: f1823 Rhine, indeed,
Witness: f1831 Rhine, indeed,
Witness: fThomas Rhine, indeed,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 presents a
Witness: f1823 presents a
Witness: f1831 presents a
Witness: fThomas presents a
Witness: fMS presents a


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS wonderfully


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 singularly
Witness: f1823 singularly
Witness: f1831 singularly
Witness: fThomas singularly
Witness: fMS singularly


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 variegated
Witness: f1823 variegated
Witness: f1831 variegated
Witness: fThomas variegated
Witness: fMS variegated


Reading Group: C24l_app134_rg1

Witness: f1818 landscape.
Witness: f1823 landscape.
Witness: f1831 landscape.
Witness: fThomas landscape.

Reading Group: C24l_app134_rg2

Witness: fMS lanscape.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 In one spot you view
Witness: f1823 In one spot you view
Witness: f1831 In one spot you view
Witness: fThomas In one spot you view
Witness: fMS In one spot you view


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 rugged hills, ruined
Witness: f1823 rugged hills, ruined
Witness: f1831 rugged hills, ruined
Witness: fThomas rugged hills, ruined
Witness: fMS rugged hills, ruined


Reading Group: C24l_app137_rg1

Witness: fMS castlles

Reading Group: C24l_app137_rg2

Witness: f1818 castles
Witness: f1823 castles
Witness: f1831 castles
Witness: fThomas castles


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 overlooking
Witness: f1823 overlooking
Witness: f1831 overlooking
Witness: fThomas overlooking
Witness: fMS overlooking


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 tremendous
Witness: f1823 tremendous
Witness: f1831 tremendous
Witness: fThomas tremendous
Witness: fMS tremendous


Reading Group: C24l_app140_rg1

Witness: f1818 precipices,
Witness: f1823 precipices,
Witness: f1831 precipices,
Witness: fThomas precipices,

Reading Group: C24l_app140_rg2

Witness: fMS precipieces


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 with the dark
Witness: f1823 with the dark
Witness: f1831 with the dark
Witness: fThomas with the dark
Witness: fMS with the dark


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Rhine rushing
Witness: f1823 Rhine rushing
Witness: f1831 Rhine rushing
Witness: fThomas Rhine rushing
Witness: fMS Rhine rushing


Reading Group: C24l_app143_rg1

Witness: fMS beneath. And

Reading Group: C24l_app143_rg2

Witness: f1818 beneath; and,
Witness: f1823 beneath; and,
Witness: f1831 beneath; and,
Witness: fThomas beneath; and,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 on the
Witness: f1823 on the
Witness: f1831 on the
Witness: fThomas on the
Witness: fMS on the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 sudden turn of a
Witness: f1823 sudden turn of a
Witness: f1831 sudden turn of a
Witness: fThomas sudden turn of a
Witness: fMS sudden turn of a


Reading Group: C24l_app146_rg1

Witness: fMS p promontory

Reading Group: C24l_app146_rg2

Witness: f1818 promontory,
Witness: f1823 promontory,
Witness: f1831 promontory,
Witness: fThomas promontory,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 flourishing
Witness: f1823 flourishing
Witness: f1831 flourishing
Witness: fThomas flourishing
Witness: fMS flourishing


Reading Group: C24l_app148_rg1

Witness: fMS vineyards & populous towns

Reading Group: C24l_app148_rg2

Witness: f1818 vineyards,
Witness: f1823 vineyards,
Witness: f1831 vineyards,
Witness: fThomas vineyards,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 with green
Witness: f1823 with green
Witness: f1831 with green
Witness: fThomas with green
Witness: fMS with green


Reading Group: C24l_app150_rg1

Witness: f1818 sloping banks, and
Witness: f1823 sloping banks, and
Witness: f1831 sloping banks, and
Witness: fThomas sloping banks, and

Reading Group: C24l_app150_rg2

Witness: fMS slopingme banks&


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a
Witness: f1823 a
Witness: f1831 a
Witness: fThomas a
Witness: fMS a


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 meandering
Witness: f1823 meandering
Witness: f1831 meandering
Witness: fThomas meandering
Witness: fMS meandering


Reading Group: C24l_app153_rg1

Witness: fMS river

Reading Group: C24l_app153_rg2

Witness: f1818 river, and populous
Witness: f1823 river, and populous
Witness: f1831 river, and populous
Witness: fThomas river, and populous


Reading Group: C24l_app154_rg1

Witness: f1831 towns

Reading Group: C24l_app154_rg2

Witness: f1818 towns,
Witness: f1823 towns,
Witness: fThomas towns,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 occupy the
Witness: f1823 occupy the
Witness: f1831 occupy the
Witness: fThomas occupy the
Witness: fMS occupy the


Reading Group: C24l_app156_rg1

Witness: fMS scene. We

Reading Group: C24l_app156_rg2

Witness: f1818 scene.<p/><p/>We
Witness: f1823 scene.<p/><p/>We
Witness: f1831 scene.<p/><p/>We
Witness: fThomas scene.<p/><p/>We


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 travelled at the time of the
Witness: f1823 travelled at the time of the
Witness: f1831 travelled at the time of the
Witness: fThomas travelled at the time of the
Witness: fMS travelled at the time of the


Reading Group: C24l_app158_rg1

Witness: fMS vintage

Reading Group: C24l_app158_rg2

Witness: f1818 vintage,
Witness: f1823 vintage,
Witness: f1831 vintage,
Witness: fThomas vintage,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and heard the song of the
Witness: f1823 and heard the song of the
Witness: f1831 and heard the song of the
Witness: fThomas and heard the song of the
Witness: fMS and heard the song of the


Reading Group: C24l_app160_rg1

Witness: fMS labourers

Reading Group: C24l_app160_rg2

Witness: f1818 labourers,
Witness: f1823 labourers,
Witness: f1831 labourers,
Witness: fThomas labourers,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 as we glided down the stream. Even I,
Witness: f1823 as we glided down the stream. Even I,
Witness: f1831 as we glided down the stream. Even I,
Witness: fThomas as we glided down the stream. Even I,
Witness: fMS as we glided down the stream. Even I,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 depressed in
Witness: f1823 depressed in
Witness: f1831 depressed in
Witness: fThomas depressed in
Witness: fMS depressed in


Reading Group: C24l_app163_rg1

Witness: fThomas mind by remor,

Reading Group: C24l_app163_rg2

Witness: f1818 mind,
Witness: f1823 mind,
Witness: f1831 mind,
Witness: fMS mind,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and my spirits continually agitated by gloomy
Witness: f1823 and my spirits continually agitated by gloomy
Witness: f1831 and my spirits continually agitated by gloomy
Witness: fThomas and my spirits continually agitated by gloomy
Witness: fMS & my spirits continually agitated by gloomy


Reading Group: C24l_app165_rg1

Witness: f1818 feelings,
Witness: f1823 feelings,
Witness: f1831 feelings,
Witness: fThomas feelings,

Reading Group: C24l_app165_rg2

Witness: fMS feelings;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 even I
Witness: f1823 even I
Witness: f1831 even I
Witness: fThomas even I
Witness: fMS even I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was pleased. I lay at the bottom of the
Witness: f1823 was pleased. I lay at the bottom of the
Witness: f1831 was pleased. I lay at the bottom of the
Witness: fThomas was pleased. I lay at the bottom of the
Witness: fMS was pleased. I lay at the bottom of the


Reading Group: C24l_app168_rg1

Witness: fMS boat and

Reading Group: C24l_app168_rg2

Witness: f1818 boat, and,
Witness: f1823 boat, and,
Witness: f1831 boat, and,
Witness: fThomas boat, and,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 as I gazed on the cloudless
Witness: f1823 as I gazed on the cloudless
Witness: f1831 as I gazed on the cloudless
Witness: fThomas as I gazed on the cloudless
Witness: fMS as I gazed on the cloudless


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 blue
Witness: f1823 blue
Witness: f1831 blue
Witness: fThomas blue
Witness: fMS blue


Reading Group: C24l_app171_rg1

Witness: fMS sky

Reading Group: C24l_app171_rg2

Witness: f1818 sky,
Witness: f1823 sky,
Witness: f1831 sky,
Witness: fThomas sky,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I seemed to drink in a tranquillity to
Witness: f1823 I seemed to drink in a tranquillity to
Witness: f1831 I seemed to drink in a tranquillity to
Witness: fThomas I seemed to drink in a tranquillity to
Witness: fMS I<metamark function="insert">^</metamark> seemed to draink in a tranquillity to


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 which I had long been a stranger.
Witness: f1823 which I had long been a stranger.
Witness: f1831 which I had long been a stranger.
Witness: fThomas which I had long been a stranger.
Witness: fMS which I had long been a stranger.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 And if these were my
Witness: f1823 And if these were my
Witness: f1831 And if these were my
Witness: fThomas And if these were my
Witness: fMS And if these were my


Reading Group: C24l_app175_rg1

Witness: fMS sensations

Reading Group: C24l_app175_rg2

Witness: f1818 sensations,
Witness: f1823 sensations,
Witness: f1831 sensations,
Witness: fThomas sensations,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 who
Witness: f1823 who
Witness: f1831 who
Witness: fThomas who
Witness: fMS who


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 can describe those of
Witness: f1823 can describe those of
Witness: f1831 can describe those of
Witness: fThomas can describe those of
Witness: fMS can describe those of


Reading Group: C24l_app178_rg1

Witness: fMS Henry.

Reading Group: C24l_app178_rg2

Witness: f1818 Henry?
Witness: f1823 Henry?
Witness: f1831 Henry?
Witness: fThomas Henry?


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 He felt as
Witness: f1823 He felt as
Witness: f1831 He felt as
Witness: fThomas He felt as
Witness: fMS He felt as


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 if he had been transported to
Witness: f1823 if he had been transported to
Witness: f1831 if he had been transported to
Witness: fThomas if he had been transported to
Witness: fMS if he had been transported to


Reading Group: C24l_app181_rg1

Witness: fMS fairy land

Reading Group: C24l_app181_rg2

Witness: f1818 Fairy-land,
Witness: f1823 Fairy-land,
Witness: f1831 Fairy-land,
Witness: fThomas Fairy-land,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and enjoyed a happiness seldom tasted
Witness: f1823 and enjoyed a happiness seldom tasted
Witness: f1831 and enjoyed a happiness seldom tasted
Witness: fThomas and enjoyed a happiness seldom tasted
Witness: fMS and enjoyed a happiness seldom tasted


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 by man.
Witness: f1823 by man.
Witness: f1831 by man.
Witness: fThomas by man.
Witness: fMS by man.


Reading Group: C24l_app184_rg1

Witness: f1818 “I
Witness: f1823 “I
Witness: f1831 “I
Witness: fThomas “I

Reading Group: C24l_app184_rg2

Witness: fMS I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 have
Witness: f1823 have
Witness: f1831 have
Witness: fThomas have
Witness: fMS have


Reading Group: C24l_app186_rg1

Witness: f1818 seen,”
Witness: f1823 seen,”
Witness: f1831 seen,”
Witness: fThomas seen,”

Reading Group: C24l_app186_rg2

Witness: fMS seen,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 he said,
Witness: f1823 he said,
Witness: f1831 he said,
Witness: fThomas he said,
Witness: fMS he said,


Reading Group: C24l_app188_rg1

Witness: f1818 “the
Witness: f1823 “the
Witness: f1831 “the
Witness: fThomas “the

Reading Group: C24l_app188_rg2

Witness: fMS the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 most
Witness: f1823 most
Witness: f1831 most
Witness: fThomas most
Witness: fMS most


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 beautiful scenes of my own
Witness: f1823 beautiful scenes of my own
Witness: f1831 beautiful scenes of my own
Witness: fThomas beautiful scenes of my own
Witness: fMS beautiful scenes of my own


Reading Group: C24l_app191_rg1

Witness: fMS country.

Reading Group: C24l_app191_rg2

Witness: f1818 country;
Witness: f1823 country;
Witness: f1831 country;
Witness: fThomas country;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: fMS I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 have
Witness: f1823 have
Witness: f1831 have
Witness: fThomas have
Witness: fMS have


Reading Group: C24l_app194_rg1

Witness: fMS been on

Reading Group: C24l_app194_rg2

Witness: f1818 visited
Witness: f1823 visited
Witness: f1831 visited
Witness: fThomas visited


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the lakes of Lucerne and
Witness: f1823 the lakes of Lucerne and
Witness: f1831 the lakes of Lucerne and
Witness: fThomas the lakes of Lucerne and
Witness: fMS the lakes of Lucerne &


Reading Group: C24l_app196_rg1

Witness: fMS Uri

Reading Group: C24l_app196_rg2

Witness: f1818 Uri,
Witness: f1823 Uri,
Witness: f1831 Uri,
Witness: fThomas Uri,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 where the snowy mountains descend almost perpendicularly to the
Witness: f1823 where the snowy mountains descend almost perpendicularly to the
Witness: f1831 where the snowy mountains descend almost perpendicularly to the
Witness: fThomas where the snowy mountains descend almost perpendicularly to the
Witness: fMS where the snowy mountains descend almost perpendicularly to the


Reading Group: C24l_app198_rg1

Witness: fMS water

Reading Group: C24l_app198_rg2

Witness: f1818 water,
Witness: f1823 water,
Witness: f1831 water,
Witness: fThomas water,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 casting black and impenetrable
Witness: f1823 casting black and impenetrable
Witness: f1831 casting black and impenetrable
Witness: fThomas casting black and impenetrable
Witness: fMS casting black & impenetrable


Reading Group: C24l_app200_rg1

Witness: fMS shades

Reading Group: C24l_app200_rg2

Witness: f1818 shades,
Witness: f1823 shades,
Witness: f1831 shades,
Witness: fThomas shades,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 which
Witness: f1823 which
Witness: f1831 which
Witness: fThomas which
Witness: fMS which


Reading Group: C24l_app202_rg1

Witness: fMS cast<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>would

Reading Group: C24l_app202_rg2

Witness: f1818 would
Witness: f1823 would
Witness: f1831 would
Witness: fThomas would


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 cause a gloomy and mournful
Witness: f1823 cause a gloomy and mournful
Witness: f1831 cause a gloomy and mournful
Witness: fThomas cause a gloomy and mournful
Witness: fMS cause a gloomy & mournful


Reading Group: C24l_app204_rg1

Witness: fMS appearance

Reading Group: C24l_app204_rg2

Witness: f1818 appearance,
Witness: f1823 appearance,
Witness: f1831 appearance,
Witness: fThomas appearance,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 were it not for the
Witness: f1823 were it not for the
Witness: f1831 were it not for the
Witness: fThomas were it not for the
Witness: fMS were it not for the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 most verdant islands that relieve
Witness: f1823 most verdant islands that relieve
Witness: f1831 most verdant islands that relieve
Witness: fThomas most verdant islands that relieve
Witness: fMS most verdant islands that relieve


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the eye by their gay
Witness: f1823 the eye by their gay
Witness: f1831 the eye by their gay
Witness: fThomas the eye by their gay
Witness: fMS the eye by their gay


Reading Group: C24l_app208_rg1

Witness: fMS appearance.

Reading Group: C24l_app208_rg2

Witness: f1818 appearance;
Witness: f1823 appearance;
Witness: f1831 appearance;
Witness: fThomas appearance;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I have
Witness: f1823 I have
Witness: f1831 I have
Witness: fThomas I have
Witness: fMS I have


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 seen this lake agitated by a
Witness: f1823 seen this lake agitated by a
Witness: f1831 seen this lake agitated by a
Witness: fThomas seen this lake agitated by a
Witness: fMS seen this lake agitated by a


Reading Group: C24l_app211_rg1

Witness: fMS tempest

Reading Group: C24l_app211_rg2

Witness: f1818 tempest,
Witness: f1823 tempest,
Witness: f1831 tempest,
Witness: fThomas tempest,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 when the wind tore up whirlwinds
Witness: f1823 when the wind tore up whirlwinds
Witness: f1831 when the wind tore up whirlwinds
Witness: fThomas when the wind tore up whirlwinds
Witness: fMS when the wind tore up whirlwinds


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of
Witness: f1823 of
Witness: f1831 of
Witness: fThomas of
Witness: fMS of


Reading Group: C24l_app214_rg1

Witness: fMS water

Reading Group: C24l_app214_rg2

Witness: f1818 water,
Witness: f1823 water,
Witness: f1831 water,
Witness: fThomas water,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and gave you an idea of
Witness: f1823 and gave you an idea of
Witness: f1831 and gave you an idea of
Witness: fThomas and gave you an idea of
Witness: fMS and gave you an idea of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 what the
Witness: f1823 what the
Witness: f1831 what the
Witness: fThomas what the
Witness: fMS what the


Reading Group: C24l_app217_rg1

Witness: f1818 water-spout
Witness: f1823 water-spout
Witness: f1831 water-spout
Witness: fThomas water-spout

Reading Group: C24l_app217_rg2

Witness: fMS waterspout


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 must be on
Witness: f1823 must be on
Witness: f1831 must be on
Witness: fThomas must be on
Witness: fMS must be on


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the great
Witness: f1823 the great
Witness: f1831 the great
Witness: fThomas the great
Witness: fMS the great


Reading Group: C24l_app220_rg1

Witness: f1818 ocean,
Witness: f1823 ocean,
Witness: fThomas ocean,

Reading Group: C24l_app220_rg2

Witness: f1831 ocean;

Reading Group: C24l_app220_rg3

Witness: fMS ocean–and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fThomas and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the waves dash
Witness: f1823 the waves dash
Witness: f1831 the waves dash
Witness: fThomas the waves dash
Witness: fMS the waves dash


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 with fury
Witness: f1823 with fury
Witness: f1831 with fury
Witness: fThomas with fury
Witness: fMS with fury


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS on


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: fMS the


Reading Group: C24l_app226_rg1

Witness: fMS thfootbase

Reading Group: C24l_app226_rg2

Witness: f1818 base
Witness: f1823 base
Witness: f1831 base
Witness: fThomas base


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of the
Witness: f1823 of the
Witness: f1831 of the
Witness: fThomas of the
Witness: fMS of the


Reading Group: C24l_app228_rg1

Witness: fMS mountain

Reading Group: C24l_app228_rg2

Witness: f1818 mountain,
Witness: f1823 mountain,
Witness: f1831 mountain,
Witness: fThomas mountain,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 where the priest and his mistress
Witness: f1823 where the priest and his mistress
Witness: f1831 where the priest and his mistress
Witness: fThomas where the priest and his mistress
Witness: fMS where the priest & his mistress


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 were overwhelmed by an
Witness: f1823 were overwhelmed by an
Witness: f1831 were overwhelmed by an
Witness: fThomas were overwhelmed by an
Witness: fMS were overwhelmed by an


Reading Group: C24l_app231_rg1

Witness: f1818 avalanche,
Witness: f1831 avalanche,
Witness: fThomas avalanche,

Reading Group: C24l_app231_rg2

Witness: fMS avelanche,

Reading Group: C24l_app231_rg3

Witness: f1823 avelânche,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and where their dying voices are still
Witness: f1823 and where their dying voices are still
Witness: f1831 and where their dying voices are still
Witness: fThomas and where their dying voices are still
Witness: fMS & where their dying voices are still


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 said to be heard amid the pauses
Witness: f1823 said to be heard amid the pauses
Witness: f1831 said to be heard amid the pauses
Witness: fThomas said to be heard amid the pauses
Witness: fMS said to be heard amid the pauses


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of the
Witness: f1823 of the
Witness: f1831 of the
Witness: fThomas of the
Witness: fMS of the


Reading Group: C24l_app235_rg1

Witness: fMS night wind.

Reading Group: C24l_app235_rg2

Witness: f1818 nightly wind;
Witness: f1823 nightly wind;
Witness: f1831 nightly wind;
Witness: fThomas nightly wind;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I have seen the
Witness: f1823 I have seen the
Witness: f1831 I have seen the
Witness: fThomas I have seen the
Witness: fMS I have seen the


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS lovely


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 mountains of La
Witness: f1823 mountains of La
Witness: f1831 mountains of La
Witness: fThomas mountains of La
Witness: fMS mountains of la


Reading Group: C24l_app239_rg1

Witness: fMS Valais

Reading Group: C24l_app239_rg2

Witness: f1818 Valais,
Witness: f1823 Valais,
Witness: f1831 Valais,
Witness: fThomas Valais,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and the
Witness: f1823 and the
Witness: f1831 and the
Witness: fThomas and the
Witness: fMS & the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Pays de
Witness: f1823 Pays de
Witness: f1831 Pays de
Witness: fThomas Pays de
Witness: fMS pays de


Reading Group: C24l_app242_rg1

Witness: f1818 Vaud:
Witness: f1823 Vaud:
Witness: f1831 Vaud:
Witness: fThomas Vaud:

Reading Group: C24l_app242_rg2

Witness: fMS Vaud;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but this country, Victor,
Witness: f1823 but this country, Victor,
Witness: f1831 but this country, Victor,
Witness: fThomas but this country, Victor,
Witness: fMS But this country, Victor,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 pleases me more than all those wonders.
Witness: f1823 pleases me more than all those wonders.
Witness: f1831 pleases me more than all those wonders.
Witness: fThomas pleases me more than all those wonders.
Witness: fMS pleases me more than all those wonders.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 The mountains of Switzerland are
Witness: f1823 The mountains of Switzerland are
Witness: f1831 The mountains of Switzerland are
Witness: fThomas The mountains of Switzerland are
Witness: fMS The Mountains of Switzerland are


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 more majestic and
Witness: f1823 more majestic and
Witness: f1831 more majestic and
Witness: fThomas more majestic and
Witness: fMS more majestic &


Reading Group: C24l_app247_rg1

Witness: fMS strange

Reading Group: C24l_app247_rg2

Witness: f1818 strange;
Witness: f1823 strange;
Witness: f1831 strange;
Witness: fThomas strange;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but there
Witness: f1823 but there
Witness: f1831 but there
Witness: fThomas but there
Witness: fMS but there


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 is a charm in the banks of this divine
Witness: f1823 is a charm in the banks of this divine
Witness: f1831 is a charm in the banks of this divine
Witness: fThomas is a charm in the banks of this divine
Witness: fMS is a charm in the banks of this divine


Reading Group: C24l_app250_rg1

Witness: fMS river

Reading Group: C24l_app250_rg2

Witness: f1818 river,
Witness: f1823 river,
Witness: f1831 river,
Witness: fThomas river,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that I never before saw equalled.
Witness: f1823 that I never before saw equalled.
Witness: f1831 that I never before saw equalled.
Witness: fThomas that I never before saw equalled.
Witness: fMS that I never before saw equalled.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Look at that castle which overhangs
Witness: f1823 Look at that castle which overhangs
Witness: f1831 Look at that castle which overhangs
Witness: fThomas Look at that castle which overhangs
Witness: fMS Look at that castle which overhangs


Reading Group: C24l_app253_rg1

Witness: fMS thatyon precipiece;

Reading Group: C24l_app253_rg2

Witness: f1818 yon precipice;
Witness: f1823 yon precipice;
Witness: f1831 yon precipice;
Witness: fThomas yon precipice;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and that also on
Witness: f1823 and that also on
Witness: f1831 and that also on
Witness: fThomas and that also on
Witness: fMS and that also on


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: fMS the


Reading Group: C24l_app256_rg1

Witness: fMS island

Reading Group: C24l_app256_rg2

Witness: f1818 island,
Witness: f1823 island,
Witness: f1831 island,
Witness: fThomas island,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 almost concealed
Witness: f1823 almost concealed
Witness: f1831 almost concealed
Witness: fThomas almost concealed
Witness: fMS almost concealed


Reading Group: C24l_app258_rg1

Witness: fMS among

Reading Group: C24l_app258_rg2

Witness: f1818 amongst
Witness: f1823 amongst
Witness: f1831 amongst
Witness: fThomas amongst


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the foliage of those lovely
Witness: f1823 the foliage of those lovely
Witness: f1831 the foliage of those lovely
Witness: fThomas the foliage of those lovely
Witness: fMS the foliage of those lovely


Reading Group: C24l_app260_rg1

Witness: f1818 trees; and
Witness: f1823 trees; and
Witness: f1831 trees; and
Witness: fThomas trees; and

Reading Group: C24l_app260_rg2

Witness: fMS trees–and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 now that group of
Witness: f1823 now that group of
Witness: f1831 now that group of
Witness: fThomas now that group of
Witness: fMS now that group of


Reading Group: C24l_app262_rg1

Witness: f1818 labourers
Witness: f1823 labourers
Witness: f1831 labourers
Witness: fThomas labourers

Reading Group: C24l_app262_rg2

Witness: fMS laboures


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 coming from among
Witness: f1823 coming from among
Witness: f1831 coming from among
Witness: fThomas coming from among
Witness: fMS coming from among


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 their vines; and that village
Witness: f1823 their vines; and that village
Witness: f1831 their vines; and that village
Witness: fThomas their vines; and that village
Witness: fMS their vines; & that village


Reading Group: C24l_app265_rg1

Witness: f1823 half hid
Witness: f1831 half hid
Witness: fMS half hid

Reading Group: C24l_app265_rg2

Witness: f1818 half-hid
Witness: fThomas half-hid


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in the
Witness: f1823 in the
Witness: f1831 in the
Witness: fThomas in the
Witness: fMS in the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 recess of the mountain.
Witness: f1823 recess of the mountain.
Witness: f1831 recess of the mountain.
Witness: fThomas recess of the mountain.
Witness: fMS recess of the mountain.


Reading Group: C24l_app268_rg1

Witness: fMS Oh Surely

Reading Group: C24l_app268_rg2

Witness: f1818 Oh, surely,
Witness: f1823 Oh, surely,
Witness: f1831 Oh, surely,
Witness: fThomas Oh, surely,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the spirit that inhabits and guards this place
Witness: f1823 the spirit that inhabits and guards this place
Witness: f1831 the spirit that inhabits and guards this place
Witness: fThomas the spirit that inhabits and guards this place
Witness: fMS the spirit that inhabits & guards this place


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 has a soul more in
Witness: f1823 has a soul more in
Witness: f1831 has a soul more in
Witness: fThomas has a soul more in
Witness: fMS has a soul more in


Reading Group: C24l_app271_rg1

Witness: fMS sympathy<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>harmony

Reading Group: C24l_app271_rg2

Witness: f1818 harmony
Witness: f1823 harmony
Witness: f1831 harmony
Witness: fThomas harmony


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 with
Witness: f1823 with
Witness: f1831 with
Witness: fThomas with
Witness: fMS with


Reading Group: C24l_app273_rg1

Witness: fMS man

Reading Group: C24l_app273_rg2

Witness: f1818 man,
Witness: f1823 man,
Witness: f1831 man,
Witness: fThomas man,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 than those who pile the
Witness: f1823 than those who pile the
Witness: f1831 than those who pile the
Witness: fThomas than those who pile the
Witness: fMS than those who pile the


Reading Group: C24l_app275_rg1

Witness: fMS glacier

Reading Group: C24l_app275_rg2

Witness: f1818 glacier,
Witness: f1823 glacier,
Witness: f1831 glacier,
Witness: fThomas glacier,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 or
Witness: f1823 or
Witness: f1831 or
Witness: fThomas or
Witness: fMS or


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 retire to the inaccessible peaks of the
Witness: f1823 retire to the inaccessible peaks of the
Witness: f1831 retire to the inaccessible peaks of the
Witness: fThomas retire to the inaccessible peaks of the
Witness: fMS retire to the inaccessible peaks of the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 mountains of our own
Witness: f1823 mountains of our own
Witness: f1831 mountains of our own
Witness: fThomas mountains of our own
Witness: fMS mountains of our own


Reading Group: C24l_app279_rg1

Witness: f1818 country.”<p/>
Witness: f1823 country.”<p/>
Witness: f1831 country.”<p/>
Witness: fThomas country.”<p/>

Reading Group: C24l_app279_rg2

Witness: fMS country.


Reading Group: C24m_app1_rg1

Witness: fMS

Reading Group: C24m_app1_rg2

Witness: f1818 <p/>Clerval! beloved friend! even now it delights me to record your words, and to dwell on the praise of which you are so eminently deserving. He was a being formed in the<cit/><quote/>“very poetry of
Witness: f1823 <p/>Clerval! beloved friend! even now it delights me to record your words, and to dwell on the praise of which you are so eminently deserving. He was a being formed in the<quote/>“very poetry of
Witness: f1831 <p/>Clerval! beloved friend! even now it delights me to record your words, and to dwell on the praise of which you are so eminently deserving. He was a being formed in the<quote/>“very poetry of
Witness: fThomas <p/>Clerval! beloved friend! even now it delights me to record your words, and to dwell on the praise of which you are so eminently deserving. He was a being formed in the<cit/><quote/>“very poetry of


Reading Group: C24m_app2_rg1

Witness: f1823 nature.”<quote/>
Witness: f1831 nature.”<quote/>

Reading Group: C24m_app2_rg2

Witness: f1818 nature.*”<quote/><note/>* <bibl/>Leigh Hunt’s “Rimini.”<bibl/><note/><cit/>
Witness: fThomas nature.*”<quote/><note/>* <bibl/>Leigh Hunt’s “Rimini.”<bibl/><note/><cit/>


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 His wild and enthusiastic imagination was chastened by the sensibility of his heart. His soul overflowed with ardent affections, and his friendship was of that devoted and wondrous nature that the worldly-minded teach us to look for only in the imagination. But even human sympathies were not sufficient to satisfy his eager mind. The scenery of external nature, which others regard only with admiration, he loved with
Witness: f1823 His wild and enthusiastic imagination was chastened by the sensibility of his heart. His soul overflowed with ardent affections, and his friendship was of that devoted and wondrous nature that the worldly-minded teach us to look for only in the imagination. But even human sympathies were not sufficient to satisfy his eager mind. The scenery of external nature, which others regard only with admiration, he loved with
Witness: f1831 His wild and enthusiastic imagination was chastened by the sensibility of his heart. His soul overflowed with ardent affections, and his friendship was of that devoted and wondrous nature that the worldly-minded teach us to look for only in the imagination. But even human sympathies were not sufficient to satisfy his eager mind. The scenery of external nature, which others regard only with admiration, he loved with
Witness: fThomas His wild and enthusiastic imagination was chastened by the sensibility of his heart. His soul overflowed with ardent affections, and his friendship was of that devoted and wondrous nature that the worldly-minded teach us to look for only in the imagination. But even human sympathies were not sufficient to satisfy his eager mind. The scenery of external nature, which others regard only with admiration, he loved with


Reading Group: C24m_app4_rg1

Witness: f1818 ardour:<cit/><quote/><lg/><l/>————————————“The
Witness: f1823 ardour:<cit/><quote/><lg/><l/>————————————“The
Witness: fThomas ardour:<cit/><quote/><lg/><l/>————————————“The

Reading Group: C24m_app4_rg2

Witness: f1831 ardour:— <cit/><quote/><lg/><l/>————————————“The


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 sounding cataract<l/><l/>Haunted <hi/>him<hi/> like a passion: the tall rock,<l/><l/>The mountain, and the deep and gloomy wood,<l/><l/>Their colours and their forms, were then to him<l/><l/>An appetite; a feeling, and a love,<l/><l/>That had no need of a remoter charm,<l/><l/>By thought supplied, or any
Witness: f1823 sounding cataract<l/><l/>Haunted him like a passion: the tall rock,<l/><l/>The mountain, and the deep and gloomy wood,<l/><l/>Their colours and their forms, were then to him<l/><l/>An appetite; a feeling, and a love,<l/><l/>That had no need of a remoter charm,<l/><l/>By thought supplied, or any
Witness: f1831 sounding cataract<l/><l/>Haunted him like a passion: the tall rock,<l/><l/>The mountain, and the deep and gloomy wood,<l/><l/>Their colours and their forms, were then to him<l/><l/>An appetite; a feeling, and a love,<l/><l/>That had no need of a remoter charm,<l/><l/>By thought supplied, or any
Witness: fThomas sounding cataract<l/><l/>Haunted <hi/>him<hi/> like a passion: the tall rock,<l/><l/>The mountain, and the deep and gloomy wood,<l/><l/>Their colours and their forms, were then to him<l/><l/>An appetite; a feeling, and a love,<l/><l/>That had no need of a remoter charm,<l/><l/>By thought supplied, or any


Reading Group: C24m_app6_rg1

Witness: f1818 interest<l/><l/>Unborrowed
Witness: f1823 interest<l/><l/>Unborrowed
Witness: fThomas interest<l/><l/>Unborrowed

Reading Group: C24m_app6_rg2

Witness: f1831 interest<l/><l/>Unborrow’d


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 from the
Witness: f1823 from the
Witness: f1831 from the
Witness: fThomas from the


Reading Group: C24m_app8_rg1

Witness: f1823 eye*.”<l/><lg/><quote/><note/>* <bibl/>Wordsworth’s

Reading Group: C24m_app8_rg2

Witness: f1818 eye*.”<l/><lg/><quote/><note/>* <bibl/>Wordsworth’s "Tintern Abbey."<bibl/><note/><cit/><p/><p/>And
Witness: fThomas eye*.”<l/><lg/><quote/><note/>* <bibl/>Wordsworth’s "Tintern Abbey."<bibl/><note/><cit/><p/><p/>And

Reading Group: C24m_app8_rg3

Witness: f1831 eye*.”<l/><lg/><quote/><note/>* <bibl/>Wordsworth’s


Unified Readings

Witness: f1823 Tintern
Witness: f1831 Tintern


Reading Group: C24m_app10_rg1

Witness: f1823 Abbey.<bibl/><note/><cit/><p/><p/>And

Reading Group: C24m_app10_rg2

Witness: f1831 Abbey.<bibl/><note/><cit/><p/><p/>And


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 where does he now exist? Is this gentle and lovely being lost
Witness: f1823 where does he now exist? Is this gentle and lovely being lost
Witness: f1831 where does he now exist? Is this gentle and lovely being lost
Witness: fThomas where does he now exist? Is this gentle and lovely being lost


Reading Group: C24m_app12_rg1

Witness: f1823 for
Witness: f1831 for

Reading Group: C24m_app12_rg2

Witness: f1818 forever?
Witness: fThomas forever?


Reading Group: C24m_app13_rg1

Witness: f1823 ever ?

Reading Group: C24m_app13_rg2

Witness: f1831 ever?


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Has this
Witness: f1823 Has this
Witness: f1831 Has this
Witness: fThomas Has this


Reading Group: C24m_app15_rg1

Witness: f1818 mind
Witness: f1823 mind
Witness: fThomas mind

Reading Group: C24m_app15_rg2

Witness: f1831 mind,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 so replete with ideas, imaginations fanciful and magnificent, which formed a world, whose existence depended on the life of its
Witness: f1823 so replete with ideas, imaginations fanciful and magnificent, which formed a world, whose existence depended on the life of its
Witness: f1831 so replete with ideas, imaginations fanciful and magnificent, which formed a world, whose existence depended on the life of its
Witness: fThomas so replete with ideas, imaginations fanciful and magnificent, which formed a world, whose existence depended on the life of its


Reading Group: C24m_app17_rg1

Witness: f1818 creator; has
Witness: f1823 creator; has
Witness: fThomas creator; has

Reading Group: C24m_app17_rg2

Witness: f1831 creator;—has


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 this mind perished? Does it now only exist in my memory? No, it is not thus; your form so divinely wrought, and beaming with beauty, has decayed, but your spirit still visits and consoles your unhappy friend.<p/><p/>Pardon this gush of sorrow; these ineffectual words are but a slight tribute to the unexampled worth of Henry, but they soothe my heart, overflowing with the anguish which his remembrance creates. I will proceed with my tale.<p/><p/>Beyond Cologne we descended to the plains of Holland; and we resolved to post the remainder of our way; for the wind was contrary, and the stream of the river was too gentle to aid us.<p/><p/>Our journey here lost the interest arising from beautiful scenery;
Witness: f1823 this mind perished? Does it now only exist in my memory? No, it is not thus; your form so divinely wrought, and beaming with beauty, has decayed, but your spirit still visits and consoles your unhappy friend.<p/><p/>Pardon this gush of sorrow; these ineffectual words are but a slight tribute to the unexampled worth of Henry, but they soothe my heart, overflowing with the anguish which his remembrance creates. I will proceed with my tale.<p/><p/>Beyond Cologne we descended to the plains of Holland; and we resolved to post the remainder of our way; for the wind was contrary, and the stream of the river was too gentle to aid us.<p/><p/>Our journey here lost the interest arising from beautiful scenery;
Witness: f1831 this mind perished? Does it now only exist in my memory? No, it is not thus; your form so divinely wrought, and beaming with beauty, has decayed, but your spirit still visits and consoles your unhappy friend.<p/><p/>Pardon this gush of sorrow; these ineffectual words are but a slight tribute to the unexampled worth of Henry, but they soothe my heart, overflowing with the anguish which his remembrance creates. I will proceed with my tale.<p/><p/>Beyond Cologne we descended to the plains of Holland; and we resolved to post the remainder of our way; for the wind was contrary, and the stream of the river was too gentle to aid us.<p/><p/>Our journey here lost the interest arising from beautiful scenery;
Witness: fThomas this mind perished? Does it now only exist in my memory? No, it is not thus; your form so divinely wrought, and beaming with beauty, has decayed, but your spirit still visits and consoles your unhappy friend.<p/><p/>Pardon this gush of sorrow; these ineffectual words are but a slight tribute to the unexampled worth of Henry, but they soothe my heart, overflowing with the anguish which his remembrance creates. I will proceed with my tale.<p/><p/>Beyond Cologne we descended to the plains of Holland; and we resolved to post the remainder of our way; for the wind was contrary, and the stream of the river was too gentle to aid us.<p/><p/>Our journey here lost the interest arising from beautiful scenery;


Reading Group: C24n_app1_rg1

Witness: fMS From Rotterdam

Reading Group: C24n_app1_rg2

Witness: f1818 but we arrived in a few days at Rotterdam, whence
Witness: f1823 but we arrived in a few days at Rotterdam, whence
Witness: f1831 but we arrived in a few days at Rotterdam, whence
Witness: fThomas but we arrived in a few days at Rotterdam, whence


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 we
Witness: f1823 we
Witness: f1831 we
Witness: fThomas we
Witness: fMS we


Reading Group: C24n_app3_rg1

Witness: f1818 proceeded
Witness: f1823 proceeded
Witness: f1831 proceeded
Witness: fThomas proceeded

Reading Group: C24n_app3_rg2

Witness: fMS went


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 by sea to England. It was on a clear
Witness: f1823 by sea to England. It was on a clear
Witness: f1831 by sea to England. It was on a clear
Witness: fThomas by sea to England. It was on a clear
Witness: fMS by sea to England. It was on a clear


Reading Group: C24n_app5_rg1

Witness: fMS morning

Reading Group: C24n_app5_rg2

Witness: f1818 morning,
Witness: f1823 morning,
Witness: f1831 morning,
Witness: fThomas morning,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in the latter days of
Witness: f1823 in the latter days of
Witness: f1831 in the latter days of
Witness: fThomas in the latter days of
Witness: fMS in the latter days of


Reading Group: C24n_app7_rg1

Witness: f1818 December,
Witness: f1823 December,
Witness: f1831 December,
Witness: fThomas December,

Reading Group: C24n_app7_rg2

Witness: fMS September


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that I first saw the white cliffs of
Witness: f1823 that I first saw the white cliffs of
Witness: f1831 that I first saw the white cliffs of
Witness: fThomas that I first saw the white cliffs of
Witness: fMS that I first saw the white cliffs of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Britain. The banks of the Thames presented
Witness: f1823 Britain. The banks of the Thames presented
Witness: f1831 Britain. The banks of the Thames presented
Witness: fThomas Britain. The banks of the Thames presented
Witness: fMS Britain. The banks <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>of the Thames presented


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a new scene; they were
Witness: f1823 a new scene; they were
Witness: f1831 a new scene; they were
Witness: fThomas a new scene; they were
Witness: fMS a new scene; they were


Reading Group: C24n_app11_rg1

Witness: fMS flat

Reading Group: C24n_app11_rg2

Witness: f1818 flat,
Witness: f1823 flat,
Witness: f1831 flat,
Witness: fThomas flat,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but
Witness: f1823 but
Witness: f1831 but
Witness: fThomas but
Witness: fMS but


Reading Group: C24n_app13_rg1

Witness: fMS fertile

Reading Group: C24n_app13_rg2

Witness: f1818 fertile,
Witness: f1823 fertile,
Witness: f1831 fertile,
Witness: fThomas fertile,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and almost every town was marked by
Witness: f1823 and almost every town was marked by
Witness: f1831 and almost every town was marked by
Witness: fThomas and almost every town was marked by
Witness: fMS & almost every town was marked by


Reading Group: C24n_app15_rg1

Witness: fMS

Reading Group: C24n_app15_rg2

Witness: f1818 the remembrance of
Witness: f1823 the remembrance of
Witness: f1831 the remembrance of
Witness: fThomas the remembrance of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 some story.
Witness: f1823 some story.
Witness: f1831 some story.
Witness: fThomas some story.
Witness: fMS some story.


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS Th


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 We saw Tilbury
Witness: f1823 We saw Tilbury
Witness: f1831 We saw Tilbury
Witness: fThomas We saw Tilbury
Witness: fMS We saw Tilbury


Reading Group: C24n_app19_rg1

Witness: fMS Fort

Reading Group: C24n_app19_rg2

Witness: f1818 Fort,
Witness: f1823 Fort,
Witness: f1831 Fort,
Witness: fThomas Fort,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and remembered the Spanish armada;
Witness: f1823 and remembered the Spanish armada;
Witness: f1831 and remembered the Spanish armada;
Witness: fThomas and remembered the Spanish armada;
Witness: fMS & remembered the Spanish Armada;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Gravesend, Woolwich,
Witness: f1823 Gravesend, Woolwich,
Witness: f1831 Gravesend, Woolwich,
Witness: fThomas Gravesend, Woolwich,
Witness: fMS Gravesend, Woolwich,


Reading Group: C24n_app22_rg1

Witness: f1818 and Greenwich,
Witness: f1823 and Greenwich,
Witness: f1831 and Greenwich,
Witness: fThomas and Greenwich,

Reading Group: C24n_app22_rg2

Witness: fMS Greenwich


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 places
Witness: f1823 places
Witness: f1831 places
Witness: fThomas places
Witness: fMS places


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 which I had heard of even in my
Witness: f1823 which I had heard of even in my
Witness: f1831 which I had heard of even in my
Witness: fThomas which I had heard of even in my
Witness: fMS which I had heard of even in my


Reading Group: C24n_app25_rg1

Witness: fMS country. At

Reading Group: C24n_app25_rg2

Witness: f1818 country.<p/><p/>At
Witness: f1823 country.<p/><p/>At
Witness: f1831 country.<p/><p/>At
Witness: fThomas country.<p/><p/>At


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 length we saw the numerous steeples of
Witness: f1823 length we saw the numerous steeples of
Witness: f1831 length we saw the numerous steeples of
Witness: fThomas length we saw the numerous steeples of
Witness: fMS length we saw the numerous steeples of


Reading Group: C24n_app27_rg1

Witness: f1818 London, St. Paul’s towering
Witness: f1823 London, St. Paul’s towering
Witness: f1831 London, St. Paul’s towering
Witness: fThomas London, St. Paul’s towering

Reading Group: C24n_app27_rg2

Witness: fMS London; & St Pauls towerering


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 above
Witness: f1823 above
Witness: f1831 above
Witness: fThomas above
Witness: fMS above


Reading Group: C24n_app29_rg1

Witness: fMS all

Reading Group: C24n_app29_rg2

Witness: f1818 all,
Witness: f1823 all,
Witness: f1831 all,
Witness: fThomas all,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and the Tower famed
Witness: f1823 and the Tower famed
Witness: f1831 and the Tower famed
Witness: fThomas and the Tower famed
Witness: fMS & the Tower famed


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in English
Witness: f1823 in English
Witness: f1831 in English
Witness: fThomas in English
Witness: fMS in English


Reading Group: C24n_app32_rg1

Witness: fMS History.

Reading Group: C24n_app32_rg2

Witness: f1818 history.<p/>
Witness: f1823 history.<p/>
Witness: f1831 history.<p/>
Witness: fThomas history.<p/>


Reading Group: C25a_app1_rg1

Witness: fMS Chap 11 2. London

Reading Group: C25a_app1_rg2

Witness: f1818 <head/>CHAPTER
Witness: f1823 <head/>CHAPTER
Witness: fThomas <head/>CHAPTER
Witness: f1831 <head/>CHAPTER


Reading Group: C25a_app2_rg1

Witness: f1818 II.<head/><p/>L<hi/>ONDON<hi/>
Witness: fThomas II.<head/><p/>L<hi/>ONDON<hi/>

Reading Group: C25a_app2_rg2

Witness: f1823 VII.<head/><p/>L<hi/>ONDON<hi/>

Reading Group: C25a_app2_rg3

Witness: f1831 XIX.<head/><p/>L<hi/>ONDON<hi/>


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was
Witness: f1823 was
Witness: fThomas was
Witness: f1831 was
Witness: fMS was


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 our present point
Witness: f1823 our present point
Witness: fThomas our present point
Witness: f1831 our present point
Witness: fMS our present point


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of rest; we determined to remain several
Witness: f1823 of rest; we determined to remain several
Witness: fThomas of rest; we determined to remain several
Witness: f1831 of rest; we determined to remain several
Witness: fMS of rest; we determined to remain several


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 months in this wonderful and celebrated city.
Witness: f1823 months in this wonderful and celebrated city.
Witness: fThomas months in this wonderful and celebrated city.
Witness: f1831 months in this wonderful and celebrated city.
Witness: fMS months in this wonderful & celebrated city.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Clerval
Witness: f1823 Clerval
Witness: fThomas Clerval
Witness: f1831 Clerval
Witness: fMS Clai<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>erval


Reading Group: C25a_app9_rg1

Witness: fMS wisheddesired for

Reading Group: C25a_app9_rg2

Witness: f1818 desired
Witness: f1823 desired
Witness: fThomas desired
Witness: f1831 desired


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the intercourse of
Witness: f1823 the intercourse of
Witness: fThomas the intercourse of
Witness: f1831 the intercourse of
Witness: fMS the intercourse of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the men of genius and talent who flourished at
Witness: f1823 the men of genius and talent who flourished at
Witness: fThomas the men of genius and talent who flourished at
Witness: f1831 the men of genius and talent who flourished at
Witness: fMS the men of genius & talent who flourished at


Reading Group: C25a_app12_rg1

Witness: fMS that

Reading Group: C25a_app12_rg2

Witness: f1818 this
Witness: f1823 this
Witness: fThomas this
Witness: f1831 this


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 time; but this
Witness: f1823 time; but this
Witness: fThomas time; but this
Witness: f1831 time; but this
Witness: fMS time; but this


Reading Group: C25a_app14_rg1

Witness: f1818 was
Witness: f1823 was
Witness: fThomas was
Witness: f1831 was

Reading Group: C25a_app14_rg2

Witness: fMS was,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 with
Witness: f1823 with
Witness: fThomas with
Witness: f1831 with
Witness: fMS with


Reading Group: C25a_app16_rg1

Witness: fMS me,

Reading Group: C25a_app16_rg2

Witness: f1818 me
Witness: f1823 me
Witness: fThomas me
Witness: f1831 me


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a secondary
Witness: f1823 a secondary
Witness: fThomas a secondary
Witness: f1831 a secondary
Witness: fMS a secondary


Reading Group: C25a_app18_rg1

Witness: fMS considerationobject;

Reading Group: C25a_app18_rg2

Witness: f1818 object;
Witness: f1823 object;
Witness: fThomas object;
Witness: f1831 object;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I was principally occupied with the means of obtaining
Witness: f1823 I was principally occupied with the means of obtaining
Witness: fThomas I was principally occupied with the means of obtaining
Witness: f1831 I was principally occupied with the means of obtaining
Witness: fMS I was principally occupied with the means of obtaining


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the information necessary for the completion of my
Witness: f1823 the information necessary for the completion of my
Witness: fThomas the information necessary for the completion of my
Witness: f1831 the information necessary for the completion of my
Witness: fMS the information necessary for the completion of my


Reading Group: C25a_app21_rg1

Witness: fMS promise

Reading Group: C25a_app21_rg2

Witness: f1818 promise,
Witness: f1823 promise,
Witness: fThomas promise,
Witness: f1831 promise,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and quickly availed
Witness: f1823 and quickly availed
Witness: fThomas and quickly availed
Witness: f1831 and quickly availed
Witness: fMS and quickly availed


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 myself of the letters of introduction that
Witness: f1823 myself of the letters of introduction that
Witness: fThomas myself of the letters of introduction that
Witness: f1831 myself of the letters of introduction that
Witness: fMS myself of the letters of introduction that


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I had brought with
Witness: f1823 I had brought with
Witness: fThomas I had brought with
Witness: f1831 I had brought with
Witness: fMS I had brought with


Reading Group: C25a_app25_rg1

Witness: fMS me

Reading Group: C25a_app25_rg2

Witness: f1818 me,
Witness: f1823 me,
Witness: fThomas me,
Witness: f1831 me,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 addressed to
Witness: f1823 addressed to
Witness: fThomas addressed to
Witness: f1831 addressed to
Witness: fMS addressed to


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fMS the


Reading Group: C25a_app28_rg1

Witness: fMS various<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>mostmen of sci

Reading Group: C25a_app28_rg2

Witness: f1818 most
Witness: f1823 most
Witness: fThomas most
Witness: f1831 most


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 distinguished
Witness: f1823 distinguished
Witness: fThomas distinguished
Witness: f1831 distinguished
Witness: fMS distinguished


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 natural
Witness: f1823 natural
Witness: fThomas natural
Witness: f1831 natural
Witness: fMS natural


Reading Group: C25a_app31_rg1

Witness: fMS philosophers. If

Reading Group: C25a_app31_rg2

Witness: f1818 philosophers.<p/><p/>If
Witness: f1823 philosophers.<p/><p/>If
Witness: fThomas philosophers.<p/><p/>If
Witness: f1831 philosophers.<p/><p/>If


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 this journey had
Witness: f1823 this journey had
Witness: fThomas this journey had
Witness: f1831 this journey had
Witness: fMS this journey had


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 taken place during my days of study and
Witness: f1823 taken place during my days of study and
Witness: fThomas taken place during my days of study and
Witness: f1831 taken place during my days of study and
Witness: fMS taken place during my days of study &


Reading Group: C25a_app34_rg1

Witness: fMS happiness

Reading Group: C25a_app34_rg2

Witness: f1818 happiness,
Witness: f1823 happiness,
Witness: fThomas happiness,
Witness: f1831 happiness,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 it would have afforded me
Witness: f1823 it would have afforded me
Witness: fThomas it would have afforded me
Witness: f1831 it would have afforded me
Witness: fMS it would have afforded me


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 inexpressible
Witness: f1823 inexpressible
Witness: fThomas inexpressible
Witness: f1831 inexpressible
Witness: fMS inexpressible


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS delight


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 pleasure. But a
Witness: f1823 pleasure. But a
Witness: fThomas pleasure. But a
Witness: f1831 pleasure. But a
Witness: fMS pleasure. But a


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 blight had come over my
Witness: f1823 blight had come over my
Witness: fThomas blight had come over my
Witness: f1831 blight had come over my
Witness: fMS blight had come over my


Reading Group: C25a_app40_rg1

Witness: fMS existence

Reading Group: C25a_app40_rg2

Witness: f1818 existence,
Witness: f1823 existence,
Witness: fThomas existence,
Witness: f1831 existence,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and I only
Witness: f1823 and I only
Witness: fThomas and I only
Witness: f1831 and I only
Witness: fMS & I only


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 visited these people for the sake of the
Witness: f1823 visited these people for the sake of the
Witness: fThomas visited these people for the sake of the
Witness: f1831 visited these people for the sake of the
Witness: fMS visited these people for the sake of the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 information they might
Witness: f1823 information they might
Witness: fThomas information they might
Witness: f1831 information they might
Witness: fMS information they might


Reading Group: C25a_app44_rg1

Witness: f1818 give
Witness: f1823 give
Witness: fThomas give
Witness: f1831 give

Reading Group: C25a_app44_rg2

Witness: fMS gived


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 me on
Witness: f1823 me on
Witness: fThomas me on
Witness: f1831 me on
Witness: fMS me on


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the subject in which
Witness: f1823 the subject in which
Witness: fThomas the subject in which
Witness: f1831 the subject in which
Witness: fMS the subject in which


Reading Group: C25a_app47_rg1

Witness: fMS I

Reading Group: C25a_app47_rg2

Witness: f1818 my interest
Witness: f1823 my interest
Witness: fThomas my interest
Witness: f1831 my interest


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was so
Witness: f1823 was so
Witness: fThomas was so
Witness: f1831 was so
Witness: fMS was so


Reading Group: C25a_app49_rg1

Witness: fMS deeply interrested.

Reading Group: C25a_app49_rg2

Witness: f1818 terribly profound.
Witness: f1823 terribly profound.
Witness: fThomas terribly profound.
Witness: f1831 terribly profound.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Company was
Witness: f1823 Company was
Witness: fThomas Company was
Witness: f1831 Company was
Witness: fMS Company was


Reading Group: C25a_app51_rg1

Witness: fMS ir<mdel/>ksome

Reading Group: C25a_app51_rg2

Witness: f1818 irksome
Witness: f1823 irksome
Witness: fThomas irksome
Witness: f1831 irksome


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to me;
Witness: f1823 to me;
Witness: fThomas to me;
Witness: f1831 to me;
Witness: fMS to me;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 when
Witness: f1823 when
Witness: fThomas when
Witness: f1831 when
Witness: fMS when


Reading Group: C25a_app54_rg1

Witness: fMS alone

Reading Group: C25a_app54_rg2

Witness: f1818 alone,
Witness: f1823 alone,
Witness: fThomas alone,
Witness: f1831 alone,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I could fill my mind with the
Witness: f1823 I could fill my mind with the
Witness: fThomas I could fill my mind with the
Witness: f1831 I could fill my mind with the
Witness: fMS I could fill my mind with the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 sights of heaven and earth; the voice of
Witness: f1823 sights of heaven and earth; the voice of
Witness: fThomas sights of heaven and earth; the voice of
Witness: f1831 sights of heaven and earth; the voice of
Witness: fMS sights of heaven & earth; the voice of


Reading Group: C25a_app57_rg1

Witness: fMS HeHenry

Reading Group: C25a_app57_rg2

Witness: f1818 Henry
Witness: f1823 Henry
Witness: fThomas Henry
Witness: f1831 Henry


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 soothed
Witness: f1823 soothed
Witness: fThomas soothed
Witness: f1831 soothed
Witness: fMS soothed


Reading Group: C25a_app59_rg1

Witness: fMS me

Reading Group: C25a_app59_rg2

Witness: f1818 me,
Witness: f1823 me,
Witness: fThomas me,
Witness: f1831 me,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and I could
Witness: f1823 and I could
Witness: fThomas and I could
Witness: f1831 and I could
Witness: fMS & I could


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 thus
Witness: f1823 thus
Witness: fThomas thus
Witness: f1831 thus


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 cheat myself into a transitory peace. But
Witness: f1823 cheat myself into a transitory peace. But
Witness: fThomas cheat myself into a transitory peace. But
Witness: f1831 cheat myself into a transitory peace. But
Witness: fMS cheat myself into a transitory peace. But


Reading Group: C25a_app63_rg1

Witness: f1818 busy uninteresting
Witness: f1823 busy uninteresting
Witness: fThomas busy uninteresting
Witness: f1831 busy uninteresting

Reading Group: C25a_app63_rg2

Witness: fMS busy, uninterresting,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 joyous faces brought back despair to my heart. I saw an insurmountable
Witness: f1823 joyous faces brought back despair to my heart. I saw an insurmountable
Witness: fThomas joyous faces brought back despair to my heart. I saw an insurmountable
Witness: f1831 joyous faces brought back despair to my heart. I saw an insurmountable
Witness: fMS joyous faces brought back despair to my heart. I saw an insurmountable


Reading Group: C25a_app65_rg1

Witness: fMS barrie

Reading Group: C25a_app65_rg2

Witness: f1818 barrier
Witness: f1823 barrier
Witness: fThomas barrier
Witness: f1831 barrier


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 placed between me and my
Witness: f1823 placed between me and my
Witness: fThomas placed between me and my
Witness: f1831 placed between me and my
Witness: fMS placed between me & my


Reading Group: C25a_app67_rg1

Witness: f1823 fellow men;
Witness: fMS fellow men;

Reading Group: C25a_app67_rg2

Witness: f1818 fellow-men;
Witness: fThomas fellow-men;
Witness: f1831 fellow-men;


Reading Group: C25a_app68_rg1

Witness: fMS thi

Reading Group: C25a_app68_rg2

Witness: f1818 this
Witness: f1823 this
Witness: fThomas this
Witness: f1831 this


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 barrier was sealed with the blood of William and
Witness: f1823 barrier was sealed with the blood of William and
Witness: fThomas barrier was sealed with the blood of William and
Witness: f1831 barrier was sealed with the blood of William and
Witness: fMS barrier was sealed with the blood of William and


Reading Group: C25a_app70_rg1

Witness: fMS Justine,

Reading Group: C25a_app70_rg2

Witness: f1818 Justine;
Witness: f1823 Justine;
Witness: fThomas Justine;
Witness: f1831 Justine;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and to reflect on
Witness: f1823 and to reflect on
Witness: fThomas and to reflect on
Witness: f1831 and to reflect on
Witness: fMS and to reflect on


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the events connected with
Witness: f1823 the events connected with
Witness: fThomas the events connected with
Witness: f1831 the events connected with


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 those
Witness: f1823 those
Witness: fThomas those
Witness: f1831 those
Witness: fMS those


Reading Group: C25a_app74_rg1

Witness: fMS events

Reading Group: C25a_app74_rg2

Witness: f1818 names
Witness: f1823 names
Witness: fThomas names
Witness: f1831 names


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 filled my soul with
Witness: f1823 filled my soul with
Witness: fThomas filled my soul with
Witness: f1831 filled my soul with
Witness: fMS filled my soul with


Reading Group: C25a_app76_rg1

Witness: fMS anguish But

Reading Group: C25a_app76_rg2

Witness: f1818 anguish.<p/><p/>But
Witness: f1823 anguish.<p/><p/>But
Witness: fThomas anguish.<p/><p/>But
Witness: f1831 anguish.<p/><p/>But


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in Clerval I saw the image of my
Witness: f1823 in Clerval I saw the image of my
Witness: fThomas in Clerval I saw the image of my
Witness: f1831 in Clerval I saw the image of my
Witness: fMS in Claierval I saw the image of my


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 former self; he was
Witness: f1823 former self; he was
Witness: fThomas former self; he was
Witness: f1831 former self; he was
Witness: fMS former self; he was


Reading Group: C25a_app79_rg1

Witness: fMS inquisitive

Reading Group: C25a_app79_rg2

Witness: f1818 inquisitive,
Witness: f1823 inquisitive,
Witness: fThomas inquisitive,
Witness: f1831 inquisitive,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and anxious to gain experience and
Witness: f1823 and anxious to gain experience and
Witness: fThomas and anxious to gain experience and
Witness: f1831 and anxious to gain experience and
Witness: fMS & anxious to gain experience &


Reading Group: C25a_app81_rg1

Witness: f1818 instruction.
Witness: f1823 instruction.
Witness: fThomas instruction.
Witness: f1831 instruction.

Reading Group: C25a_app81_rg2

Witness: fMS instruction;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 The
Witness: f1823 The
Witness: fThomas The
Witness: f1831 The
Witness: fMS The


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 difference of manners
Witness: f1823 difference of manners
Witness: fThomas difference of manners
Witness: f1831 difference of manners
Witness: fMS difference of manners


Reading Group: C25a_app84_rg1

Witness: fMS thatwhich

Reading Group: C25a_app84_rg2

Witness: f1818 which
Witness: f1823 which
Witness: fThomas which
Witness: f1831 which


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 he observed
Witness: f1823 he observed
Witness: fThomas he observed
Witness: f1831 he observed
Witness: fMS he observed


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was to him
Witness: f1823 was to him
Witness: fThomas was to him
Witness: f1831 was to him
Witness: fMS was to him


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS &


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 an inexhaustible source of
Witness: f1823 an inexhaustible source of
Witness: fThomas an inexhaustible source of
Witness: f1831 an inexhaustible source of
Witness: fMS an inexhaustible source of


Reading Group: C25a_app89_rg1

Witness: f1818 instruction and amusement.
Witness: f1823 instruction and amusement.
Witness: fThomas instruction and amusement.
Witness: f1831 instruction and amusement.

Reading Group: C25a_app89_rg2

Witness: fMS observation &amusement.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 He was for ever
Witness: f1823 He was for ever
Witness: fThomas He was for ever
Witness: f1831 He was for ever
Witness: fMS He was for ever


Reading Group: C25b_app2_rg1

Witness: fMS busy

Reading Group: C25b_app2_rg2

Witness: f1818 busy;
Witness: f1823 busy;
Witness: fThomas busy;
Witness: f1831 busy;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and the
Witness: f1823 and the
Witness: fThomas and the
Witness: f1831 and the
Witness: fMS & the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 only check to his enjoyments was my
Witness: f1823 only check to his enjoyments was my
Witness: fThomas only check to his enjoyments was my
Witness: f1831 only check to his enjoyments was my
Witness: fMS only check to his enjoyments was my


Reading Group: C25b_app5_rg1

Witness: f1818 sorrowful and
Witness: f1823 sorrowful and
Witness: fThomas sorrowful and
Witness: f1831 sorrowful and

Reading Group: C25b_app5_rg2

Witness: fMS sorrowful&


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 dejected
Witness: f1823 dejected
Witness: fThomas dejected
Witness: f1831 dejected
Witness: fMS dejected


Reading Group: C25b_app7_rg1

Witness: f1818 mien.
Witness: fThomas mien.
Witness: fMS meiien.

Reading Group: C25b_app7_rg2

Witness: f1823 mind.
Witness: f1831 mind.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I tried to conceal
Witness: f1823 I tried to conceal
Witness: fThomas I tried to conceal
Witness: f1831 I tried to conceal
Witness: fMS I tried to conceal


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 this as much as
Witness: f1823 this as much as
Witness: fThomas this as much as
Witness: f1831 this as much as
Witness: fMS this as much as


Reading Group: C25b_app10_rg1

Witness: fMS possible

Reading Group: C25b_app10_rg2

Witness: f1818 possible,
Witness: f1823 possible,
Witness: fThomas possible,
Witness: f1831 possible,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that I might not
Witness: f1823 that I might not
Witness: fThomas that I might not
Witness: f1831 that I might not
Witness: fMS that I might not


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 debar him from the pleasures natural
Witness: f1823 debar him from the pleasures natural
Witness: fThomas debar him from the pleasures natural
Witness: f1831 debar him from the pleasures natural
Witness: fMS debar him from the pleasures natural


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to
Witness: f1823 to
Witness: fThomas to
Witness: f1831 to
Witness: fMS to


Reading Group: C25b_app14_rg1

Witness: f1818 one
Witness: fThomas one
Witness: fMS one

Reading Group: C25b_app14_rg2

Witness: f1823 one,
Witness: f1831 one,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 who was entering on a new scene
Witness: f1823 who was entering on a new scene
Witness: fThomas who was entering on a new scene
Witness: f1831 who was entering on a new scene
Witness: fMS who was entering on a new scene


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of life, undisturbed by any care or
Witness: f1823 of life, undisturbed by any care or
Witness: fThomas of life, undisturbed by any care or
Witness: f1831 of life, undisturbed by any care or
Witness: fMS of life, undisturbed by any care or


Reading Group: C25b_app17_rg1

Witness: fMS thebitterness of recollection.

Reading Group: C25b_app17_rg2

Witness: f1818 bitter recollection.
Witness: f1823 bitter recollection.
Witness: fThomas bitter recollection.
Witness: f1831 bitter recollection.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I often refused to accompany
Witness: f1823 I often refused to accompany
Witness: fThomas I often refused to accompany
Witness: f1831 I often refused to accompany
Witness: fMS I often refused to accompany


Reading Group: C25b_app19_rg1

Witness: fMS him alledging

Reading Group: C25b_app19_rg2

Witness: f1818 him, alleging
Witness: f1823 him, alleging
Witness: fThomas him, alleging
Witness: f1831 him, alleging


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 another
Witness: f1823 another
Witness: fThomas another
Witness: f1831 another
Witness: fMS another


Reading Group: C25b_app21_rg1

Witness: fMS engagement

Reading Group: C25b_app21_rg2

Witness: f1818 engagement,
Witness: f1823 engagement,
Witness: fThomas engagement,
Witness: f1831 engagement,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that
Witness: f1823 that
Witness: fThomas that
Witness: f1831 that
Witness: fMS that


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I might remain
Witness: f1823 I might remain
Witness: fThomas I might remain
Witness: f1831 I might remain
Witness: fMS I might remain


Reading Group: C25b_app24_rg1

Witness: fMS a alone;

Reading Group: C25b_app24_rg2

Witness: f1818 alone.
Witness: f1823 alone.
Witness: fThomas alone.
Witness: f1831 alone.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I now also
Witness: f1823 I now also
Witness: fThomas I now also
Witness: f1831 I now also
Witness: fMS I now also


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 began to collect the materials necessary
Witness: f1823 began to collect the materials necessary
Witness: fThomas began to collect the materials necessary
Witness: f1831 began to collect the materials necessary
Witness: fMS began to collect the materials necessary


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 for my
Witness: f1823 for my
Witness: fThomas for my
Witness: f1831 for my
Witness: fMS for my


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS work


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 new
Witness: f1823 new
Witness: fThomas new
Witness: f1831 new
Witness: fMS new


Reading Group: C25b_app30_rg1

Witness: fMS creation

Reading Group: C25b_app30_rg2

Witness: f1818 creation,
Witness: f1823 creation,
Witness: fThomas creation,
Witness: f1831 creation,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and this was
Witness: f1823 and this was
Witness: fThomas and this was
Witness: f1831 and this was
Witness: fMS & this was


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS a


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to
Witness: f1823 to
Witness: fThomas to
Witness: f1831 to
Witness: fMS to


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 me like the torture of single drops of
Witness: f1823 me like the torture of single drops of
Witness: fThomas me like the torture of single drops of
Witness: f1831 me like the torture of single drops of
Witness: fMS me like the torture of single drops of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 water continually falling on the
Witness: f1823 water continually falling on the
Witness: fThomas water continually falling on the
Witness: f1831 water continually falling on the
Witness: fMS water continually falling on the


Reading Group: C25b_app36_rg1

Witness: f1818 head.
Witness: f1823 head.
Witness: fThomas head.
Witness: f1831 head.

Reading Group: C25b_app36_rg2

Witness: fMS head;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Every thought that was devoted to it
Witness: f1823 Every thought that was devoted to it
Witness: fThomas Every thought that was devoted to it
Witness: f1831 Every thought that was devoted to it
Witness: fMS Every thought that was devoted to it


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was
Witness: f1823 was
Witness: fThomas was
Witness: f1831 was
Witness: fMS was


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS th


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 an extreme anguish, and every
Witness: f1823 an extreme anguish, and every
Witness: fThomas an extreme anguish, and every
Witness: f1831 an extreme anguish, and every
Witness: fMS an extreme anguish, and every


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 word that I spoke in allusion to it caused
Witness: f1823 word that I spoke in allusion to it caused
Witness: fThomas word that I spoke in allusion to it caused
Witness: f1831 word that I spoke in allusion to it caused
Witness: fMS word that I spoke in allusion to it caused


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my lips to
Witness: f1823 my lips to
Witness: fThomas my lips to
Witness: f1831 my lips to
Witness: fMS my lips to


Reading Group: C25b_app43_rg1

Witness: fMS quiver

Reading Group: C25b_app43_rg2

Witness: f1818 quiver,
Witness: f1823 quiver,
Witness: fThomas quiver,
Witness: f1831 quiver,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and my heart to
Witness: f1823 and my heart to
Witness: fThomas and my heart to
Witness: f1831 and my heart to
Witness: fMS & my heart to


Reading Group: C25b_app45_rg1

Witness: fMS a most painful degree. After

Reading Group: C25b_app45_rg2

Witness: f1818 palpitate.<p/><p/>After
Witness: f1823 palpitate.<p/><p/>After
Witness: fThomas palpitate.<p/><p/>After
Witness: f1831 palpitate.<p/><p/>After


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 passing some months in
Witness: f1823 passing some months in
Witness: fThomas passing some months in
Witness: f1831 passing some months in
Witness: fMS passing some months in


Reading Group: C25b_app47_rg1

Witness: fMS London

Reading Group: C25b_app47_rg2

Witness: f1818 London,
Witness: f1823 London,
Witness: fThomas London,
Witness: f1831 London,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 we received a letter from a
Witness: f1823 we received a letter from a
Witness: fThomas we received a letter from a
Witness: f1831 we received a letter from a
Witness: fMS we received a letter from a


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 person in
Witness: f1823 person in
Witness: fThomas person in
Witness: f1831 person in
Witness: fMS person in


Reading Group: C25b_app50_rg1

Witness: fMS Scotland

Reading Group: C25b_app50_rg2

Witness: f1818 Scotland,
Witness: f1823 Scotland,
Witness: fThomas Scotland,
Witness: f1831 Scotland,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 who had formerly
Witness: f1823 who had formerly
Witness: fThomas who had formerly
Witness: f1831 who had formerly
Witness: fMS who had formerly


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 been
Witness: f1823 been
Witness: fThomas been
Witness: f1831 been
Witness: fMS been


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS an


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 our
Witness: f1823 our
Witness: fThomas our
Witness: f1831 our
Witness: fMS our


Reading Group: C25b_app55_rg1

Witness: f1831 visiter

Reading Group: C25b_app55_rg2

Witness: f1818 visitor
Witness: f1823 visitor
Witness: fThomas visitor
Witness: fMS visitor


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 at Geneva. He
Witness: f1823 at Geneva. He
Witness: fThomas at Geneva. He
Witness: f1831 at Geneva. He
Witness: fMS at Geneva. He


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 mentioned the beauties of his native
Witness: f1823 mentioned the beauties of his native
Witness: fThomas mentioned the beauties of his native
Witness: f1831 mentioned the beauties of his native
Witness: fMS mentioned the beauties of his native


Reading Group: C25b_app58_rg1

Witness: f1818 country, and
Witness: f1823 country, and
Witness: fThomas country, and
Witness: f1831 country, and

Reading Group: C25b_app58_rg2

Witness: fMS country&


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 asked us if those were not sufficient
Witness: f1823 asked us if those were not sufficient
Witness: fThomas asked us if those were not sufficient
Witness: f1831 asked us if those were not sufficient
Witness: fMS asked us if those were not sufficient


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 allurements to induce us to prolong our
Witness: f1823 allurements to induce us to prolong our
Witness: fThomas allurements to induce us to prolong our
Witness: f1831 allurements to induce us to prolong our
Witness: fMS allurements to induce us to prolong our


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 journey as far
Witness: f1823 journey as far
Witness: fThomas journey as far
Witness: f1831 journey as far
Witness: fMS journey as far


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS noth


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 north as
Witness: f1823 north as
Witness: fThomas north as
Witness: f1831 north as
Witness: fMS north as


Reading Group: C25b_app64_rg1

Witness: fMS Perth

Reading Group: C25b_app64_rg2

Witness: f1818 Perth,
Witness: f1823 Perth,
Witness: fThomas Perth,
Witness: f1831 Perth,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 where he resided. Clerval eagerly desired
Witness: f1823 where he resided. Clerval eagerly desired
Witness: fThomas where he resided. Clerval eagerly desired
Witness: f1831 where he resided. Clerval eagerly desired
Witness: fMS where he resided. Clai<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>erval eagerly desired


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to accept this
Witness: f1823 to accept this
Witness: fThomas to accept this
Witness: f1831 to accept this
Witness: fMS to accept this


Reading Group: C25b_app67_rg1

Witness: fMS invitation,

Reading Group: C25b_app67_rg2

Witness: f1818 invitation;
Witness: f1823 invitation;
Witness: fThomas invitation;
Witness: f1831 invitation;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and I, although
Witness: f1823 and I, although
Witness: fThomas and I, although
Witness: f1831 and I, although
Witness: fMS and I, although


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I abhorred society, wished to view again
Witness: f1823 I abhorred society, wished to view again
Witness: fThomas I abhorred society, wished to view again
Witness: f1831 I abhorred society, wished to view again
Witness: fMS I abhorred society, wished to view again


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 mountains and
Witness: f1823 mountains and
Witness: fThomas mountains and
Witness: f1831 mountains and
Witness: fMS mountains &


Reading Group: C25b_app71_rg1

Witness: fMS streams

Reading Group: C25b_app71_rg2

Witness: f1818 streams,
Witness: f1823 streams,
Witness: fThomas streams,
Witness: f1831 streams,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and all the
Witness: f1823 and all the
Witness: fThomas and all the
Witness: f1831 and all the
Witness: fMS & all the


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 wondrous
Witness: f1823 wondrous
Witness: fThomas wondrous
Witness: f1831 wondrous
Witness: fMS wondrous


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 works
Witness: f1823 works
Witness: fThomas works
Witness: f1831 works
Witness: fMS works


Reading Group: C25b_app76_rg1

Witness: fMS of

Reading Group: C25b_app76_rg2

Witness: f1818 with which
Witness: f1823 with which
Witness: fThomas with which
Witness: f1831 with which


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Nature
Witness: f1823 Nature
Witness: fThomas Nature
Witness: f1831 Nature
Witness: fMS nature


Reading Group: C25b_app78_rg1

Witness: f1818 adorns
Witness: f1823 adorns
Witness: fThomas adorns
Witness: f1831 adorns

Reading Group: C25b_app78_rg2

Witness: fMS in


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 her chosen
Witness: f1823 her chosen
Witness: fThomas her chosen
Witness: f1831 her chosen
Witness: fMS her chosen


Reading Group: C25b_app80_rg1

Witness: fMS dwelling places We

Reading Group: C25b_app80_rg2

Witness: f1818 dwelling-places.<p/><p/>We
Witness: f1823 dwelling-places.<p/><p/>We
Witness: fThomas dwelling-places.<p/><p/>We
Witness: f1831 dwelling-places.<p/><p/>We


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 had arrived in
Witness: f1823 had arrived in
Witness: fThomas had arrived in
Witness: f1831 had arrived in
Witness: fMS had arrived in


Reading Group: C25b_app82_rg1

Witness: fMS Englan

Reading Group: C25b_app82_rg2

Witness: f1818 England
Witness: f1823 England
Witness: fThomas England
Witness: f1831 England


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 at the beginning
Witness: f1823 at the beginning
Witness: fThomas at the beginning
Witness: f1831 at the beginning
Witness: fMS in<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>at the beginning


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of
Witness: f1823 of
Witness: fThomas of
Witness: f1831 of
Witness: fMS of


Reading Group: C25b_app85_rg1

Witness: fMS October

Reading Group: C25b_app85_rg2

Witness: f1818 October,
Witness: f1823 October,
Witness: fThomas October,
Witness: f1831 October,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and it was now
Witness: f1823 and it was now
Witness: fThomas and it was now
Witness: f1831 and it was now
Witness: fMS and it was now


Reading Group: C25b_app87_rg1

Witness: f1818 February.
Witness: f1823 February.
Witness: fThomas February.
Witness: f1831 February.

Reading Group: C25b_app87_rg2

Witness: fMS february;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 We accordingly determined to commence our journey
Witness: f1823 We accordingly determined to commence our journey
Witness: fThomas We accordingly determined to commence our journey
Witness: f1831 We accordingly determined to commence our journey
Witness: fMS we accordingly determined to commence our journey


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 towards the north
Witness: f1823 towards the north
Witness: fThomas towards the north
Witness: f1831 towards the north
Witness: fMS towards the north


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS at ex


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 at the expiration of
Witness: f1823 at the expiration of
Witness: fThomas at the expiration of
Witness: f1831 at the expiration of
Witness: fMS at the expiration of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 another month. In this expedition we did
Witness: f1823 another month. In this expedition we did
Witness: fThomas another month. In this expedition we did
Witness: f1831 another month. In this expedition we did
Witness: fMS another month. In this expedition we did


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 not intend to follow the great road to
Witness: f1823 not intend to follow the great road to
Witness: fThomas not intend to follow the great road to
Witness: f1831 not intend to follow the great road to
Witness: fMS not intend to follow the great road to


Reading Group: C25b_app94_rg1

Witness: fMS Edinburgh

Reading Group: C25b_app94_rg2

Witness: f1818 Edinburgh,
Witness: f1823 Edinburgh,
Witness: fThomas Edinburgh,
Witness: f1831 Edinburgh,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but to visit Windsor, Oxford,
Witness: f1823 but to visit Windsor, Oxford,
Witness: fThomas but to visit Windsor, Oxford,
Witness: f1831 but to visit Windsor, Oxford,
Witness: fMS But to visit Windsor, Oxford,


Reading Group: C25b_app96_rg1

Witness: fMS Matlock

Reading Group: C25b_app96_rg2

Witness: f1818 Matlock,
Witness: f1823 Matlock,
Witness: fThomas Matlock,
Witness: f1831 Matlock,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and the
Witness: f1823 and the
Witness: fThomas and the
Witness: f1831 and the
Witness: fMS & the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Cumberland
Witness: f1823 Cumberland
Witness: fThomas Cumberland
Witness: f1831 Cumberland
Witness: fMS Cumberland


Reading Group: C25b_app99_rg1

Witness: fMS lakes

Reading Group: C25b_app99_rg2

Witness: f1818 lakes,
Witness: f1823 lakes,
Witness: fThomas lakes,
Witness: f1831 lakes,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 resolving to arrive at the
Witness: f1823 resolving to arrive at the
Witness: fThomas resolving to arrive at the
Witness: f1831 resolving to arrive at the
Witness: fMS resolving to arrive at the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 completion of this tour about the end of
Witness: f1823 completion of this tour about the end of
Witness: fThomas completion of this tour about the end of
Witness: f1831 completion of this tour about the end of
Witness: fMS completion of this tour about the end of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 July. I packed
Witness: f1823 July. I packed
Witness: fThomas July. I packed
Witness: f1831 July. I packed
Witness: fMS July. I packed


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 up
Witness: f1823 up
Witness: fThomas up
Witness: f1831 up


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my chemical
Witness: f1823 my chemical
Witness: fThomas my chemical
Witness: f1831 my chemical
Witness: fMS my chemical


Reading Group: C25b_app105_rg1

Witness: fMS instruments

Reading Group: C25b_app105_rg2

Witness: f1818 instruments,
Witness: f1823 instruments,
Witness: fThomas instruments,
Witness: f1831 instruments,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and the materials
Witness: f1823 and the materials
Witness: fThomas and the materials
Witness: f1831 and the materials
Witness: fMS & the materials


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS which


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I had
Witness: f1823 I had
Witness: fThomas I had
Witness: f1831 I had
Witness: fMS I had


Reading Group: C25b_app109_rg1

Witness: fMS collected

Reading Group: C25b_app109_rg2

Witness: f1818 collected,
Witness: f1823 collected,
Witness: fThomas collected,
Witness: f1831 collected,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 resolving to finish my labours in some obscure
Witness: f1823 resolving to finish my labours in some obscure
Witness: fThomas resolving to finish my labours in some obscure
Witness: f1831 resolving to finish my labours in some obscure
Witness: fMS resolving to finish my labours in some obscure


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 nook in the
Witness: f1823 nook in the
Witness: fThomas nook in the
Witness: f1831 nook in the
Witness: fMS nook in the


Reading Group: C25b_app112_rg1

Witness: fMS country. We

Reading Group: C25b_app112_rg2

Witness: f1818 northern highlands of Scotland.<p/><p/>We
Witness: f1823 northern highlands of Scotland.<p/><p/>We
Witness: fThomas northern highlands of Scotland.<p/><p/>We
Witness: f1831 northern highlands of Scotland.<p/><p/>We


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 quitted London on the
Witness: f1823 quitted London on the
Witness: fThomas quitted London on the
Witness: f1831 quitted London on the
Witness: fMS quitted London on the


Reading Group: C25b_app114_rg1

Witness: fMS 27

Reading Group: C25b_app114_rg2

Witness: f1818 27th
Witness: f1823 27th
Witness: fThomas 27th
Witness: f1831 27th


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of
Witness: f1823 of
Witness: fThomas of
Witness: f1831 of
Witness: fMS of


Reading Group: C25b_app116_rg1

Witness: fMS March

Reading Group: C25b_app116_rg2

Witness: f1818 March,
Witness: f1823 March,
Witness: fThomas March,
Witness: f1831 March,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and remained a few days at
Witness: f1823 and remained a few days at
Witness: fThomas and remained a few days at
Witness: f1831 and remained a few days at
Witness: fMS and remain<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>ed a few days at


Reading Group: C25b_app118_rg1

Witness: fMS Windsor

Reading Group: C25b_app118_rg2

Witness: f1818 Windsor,
Witness: f1823 Windsor,
Witness: fThomas Windsor,
Witness: f1831 Windsor,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 rambling in its beautiful forest. This was
Witness: f1823 rambling in its beautiful forest. This was
Witness: fThomas rambling in its beautiful forest. This was
Witness: f1831 rambling in its beautiful forest. This was
Witness: fMS rambling in its beautiful forest. This was


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a new scene to us mountaineers; the
Witness: f1823 a new scene to us mountaineers; the
Witness: fThomas a new scene to us mountaineers; the
Witness: f1831 a new scene to us mountaineers; the
Witness: fMS a new scene to us mountaineers; The


Reading Group: C25b_app121_rg1

Witness: fMS beauti<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>majecticful oaks

Reading Group: C25b_app121_rg2

Witness: f1818 majestic oaks,
Witness: f1823 majestic oaks,
Witness: fThomas majestic oaks,
Witness: f1831 majestic oaks,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the quantity of
Witness: f1823 the quantity of
Witness: fThomas the quantity of
Witness: f1831 the quantity of
Witness: fMS the quantity of


Reading Group: C25b_app123_rg1

Witness: fMS game

Reading Group: C25b_app123_rg2

Witness: f1818 game,
Witness: f1823 game,
Witness: fThomas game,
Witness: f1831 game,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and the
Witness: f1823 and the
Witness: fThomas and the
Witness: f1831 and the
Witness: fMS & the


Reading Group: C25b_app125_rg1

Witness: fMS beautiful flocks

Reading Group: C25b_app125_rg2

Witness: f1818 herds
Witness: f1823 herds
Witness: fThomas herds
Witness: f1831 herds


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of
Witness: f1823 of
Witness: fThomas of
Witness: f1831 of
Witness: fMS of


Reading Group: C25b_app127_rg1

Witness: fMS beautifullovely deer

Reading Group: C25b_app127_rg2

Witness: f1818 stately deer,
Witness: f1823 stately deer,
Witness: fThomas stately deer,
Witness: f1831 stately deer,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 were all novelties
Witness: f1823 were all novelties
Witness: fThomas were all novelties
Witness: f1831 were all novelties
Witness: fMS were all novelties


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to
Witness: f1823 to
Witness: fThomas to
Witness: f1831 to
Witness: fMS to


Reading Group: C25b_app130_rg1

Witness: fMS us. From

Reading Group: C25b_app130_rg2

Witness: f1818 us.<p/><p/>From
Witness: f1823 us.<p/><p/>From
Witness: fThomas us.<p/><p/>From
Witness: f1831 us.<p/><p/>From


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 thence we proceeded to Oxford.
Witness: f1823 thence we proceeded to Oxford.
Witness: fThomas thence we proceeded to Oxford.
Witness: f1831 thence we proceeded to Oxford.
Witness: fMS thence we proceeded to Oxford.


Reading Group: C25c_app1_rg1

Witness: fMS

Reading Group: C25c_app1_rg2

Witness: f1818 As we entered this city, our minds were filled with the remembrance of the events that had been transacted there more than a century and a half before. It was here that Charles I. had collected his forces. This city had remained faithful to him, after the whole nation had forsaken his cause to join the standard of parliament and liberty.
Witness: f1823 As we entered this city, our minds were filled with the remembrance of the events that had been transacted there more than a century and a half before. It was here that Charles I. had collected his forces. This city had remained faithful to him, after the whole nation had forsaken his cause to join the standard of parliament and liberty.
Witness: fThomas As we entered this city, our minds were filled with the remembrance of the events that had been transacted there more than a century and a half before. It was here that Charles I. had collected his forces. This city had remained faithful to him, after the whole nation had forsaken his cause to join the standard of parliament and liberty.
Witness: f1831 As we entered this city, our minds were filled with the remembrance of the events that had been transacted there more than a century and a half before. It was here that Charles I. had collected his forces. This city had remained faithful to him, after the whole nation had forsaken his cause to join the standard of parliament and liberty.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 The memory
Witness: f1823 The memory
Witness: fThomas The memory
Witness: f1831 The memory
Witness: fMS the memory


Reading Group: C25d_app2_rg1

Witness: f1818 of that
Witness: f1823 of that
Witness: fThomas of that
Witness: f1831 of that

Reading Group: C25d_app2_rg2

Witness: fMS thaet


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 unfortunate king,
Witness: f1823 unfortunate king,
Witness: fThomas unfortunate king,
Witness: f1831 unfortunate king,
Witness: fMS unfortunate king,


Reading Group: C25d_app4_rg1

Witness: fMS

Reading Group: C25d_app4_rg2

Witness: f1818 and his companions,
Witness: f1823 and his companions,
Witness: fThomas and his companions,
Witness: f1831 and his companions,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the amiable
Witness: f1823 the amiable
Witness: fThomas the amiable
Witness: f1831 the amiable
Witness: fMS the amiable


Reading Group: C25d_app6_rg1

Witness: fMS Falkland and

Reading Group: C25d_app6_rg2

Witness: f1818 Falkland,
Witness: f1823 Falkland,
Witness: fThomas Falkland,
Witness: f1831 Falkland,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the insolent
Witness: f1823 the insolent
Witness: fThomas the insolent
Witness: f1831 the insolent
Witness: fMS the insolent


Reading Group: C25d_app8_rg1

Witness: fMS Gower

Reading Group: C25d_app8_rg2

Witness: f1823 Goring,
Witness: f1831 Goring,

Reading Group: C25d_app8_rg3

Witness: f1818 Gower,
Witness: fThomas Gower,


Reading Group: C25e_app1_rg1

Witness: fMS

Reading Group: C25e_app1_rg2

Witness: f1818 his queen, and son, gave a peculiar interest to every part of the city, which they might be supposed to have inhabited. The spirit of elder days found a dwelling here, and we delighted to trace its footsteps. If these feelings had not found an imaginary gratification, the appearance of the city had yet in itself sufficient beauty to obtain our admiration. The colleges are ancient and picturesque; the streets are almost magnificent; and the lovely Isis, which flows beside it through meadows of exquisite verdure, is spread forth into a placid expanse of waters, which reflects its majestic assemblage of towers, and spires, and domes, embosomed among aged trees.<p/><p/>I enjoyed this scene; and yet my enjoyment was embittered both by the memory of the past, and the anticipation of the future. I was formed for peaceful happiness. During my youthful days discontent never visited my mind; and if I was ever overcome by <hi/>ennui<hi/>, the sight of what is beautiful in nature, or the study of what is excellent and sublime in the productions of man, could always interest my heart, and communicate elasticity to my spirits. But I am a blasted tree; the bolt has entered my soul; and I felt then that I should survive to exhibit, what I shall soon cease to be—a miserable spectacle of wrecked humanity, pitiable to others, and
Witness: f1823 his queen, and son, gave a peculiar interest to every part of the city, which they might be supposed to have inhabited. The spirit of elder days found a dwelling here, and we delighted to trace its footsteps. If these feelings had not found an imaginary gratification, the appearance of the city had yet in itself sufficient beauty to obtain our admiration. The colleges are ancient and picturesque; the streets are almost magnificent; and the lovely Isis, which flows beside it through meadows of exquisite verdure, is spread forth into a placid expanse of waters, which reflects its majestic assemblage of towers, and spires, and domes, embosomed among aged trees.<p/><p/>I enjoyed this scene; and yet my enjoyment was embittered both by the memory of the past, and the anticipation of the future. I was formed for peaceful happiness. During my youthful days discontent never visited my mind; and if I was ever overcome by <hi/>ennui<hi/>, the sight of what is beautiful in nature, or the study of what is excellent and sublime in the productions of man, could always interest my heart, and communicate elasticity to my spirits. But I am a blasted tree; the bolt has entered my soul; and I felt then that I should survive to exhibit, what I shall soon cease to be—a miserable spectacle of wrecked humanity, pitiable to others, and
Witness: fThomas his queen, and son, gave a peculiar interest to every part of the city, which they might be supposed to have inhabited. The spirit of elder days found a dwelling here, and we delighted to trace its footsteps. If these feelings had not found an imaginary gratification, the appearance of the city had yet in itself sufficient beauty to obtain our admiration. The colleges are ancient and picturesque; the streets are almost magnificent; and the lovely Isis, which flows beside it through meadows of exquisite verdure, is spread forth into a placid expanse of waters, which reflects its majestic assemblage of towers, and spires, and domes, embosomed among aged trees.<p/><p/>I enjoyed this scene; and yet my enjoyment was embittered both by the memory of the past, and the anticipation of the future. I was formed for peaceful happiness. During my youthful days discontent never visited my mind; and if I was ever overcome by <hi/>ennui<hi/>, the sight of what is beautiful in nature, or the study of what is excellent and sublime in the productions of man, could always interest my heart, and communicate elasticity to my spirits. But I am a blasted tree; the bolt has entered my soul; and I felt then that I should survive to exhibit, what I shall soon cease to be—a miserable spectacle of wrecked humanity, pitiable to others, and
Witness: f1831 his queen, and son, gave a peculiar interest to every part of the city, which they might be supposed to have inhabited. The spirit of elder days found a dwelling here, and we delighted to trace its footsteps. If these feelings had not found an imaginary gratification, the appearance of the city had yet in itself sufficient beauty to obtain our admiration. The colleges are ancient and picturesque; the streets are almost magnificent; and the lovely Isis, which flows beside it through meadows of exquisite verdure, is spread forth into a placid expanse of waters, which reflects its majestic assemblage of towers, and spires, and domes, embosomed among aged trees.<p/><p/>I enjoyed this scene; and yet my enjoyment was embittered both by the memory of the past, and the anticipation of the future. I was formed for peaceful happiness. During my youthful days discontent never visited my mind; and if I was ever overcome by <hi/>ennui<hi/>, the sight of what is beautiful in nature, or the study of what is excellent and sublime in the productions of man, could always interest my heart, and communicate elasticity to my spirits. But I am a blasted tree; the bolt has entered my soul; and I felt then that I should survive to exhibit, what I shall soon cease to be—a miserable spectacle of wrecked humanity, pitiable to others, and


Reading Group: C25e_app2_rg1

Witness: f1818 abhorrent
Witness: fThomas abhorrent

Reading Group: C25e_app2_rg2

Witness: f1823 intolerable
Witness: f1831 intolerable


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to myself.<p/><p/>We passed a considerable period at Oxford, rambling among its environs, and endeavouring to identify every spot which might relate to the most animating epoch of English history. Our little voyages of discovery were often prolonged by the successive objects that presented themselves. We visited the tomb of the illustrious Hampden, and the field on which that patriot fell. For a moment my soul was elevated from its debasing and miserable
Witness: f1823 to myself.<p/><p/>We passed a considerable period at Oxford, rambling among its environs, and endeavouring to identify every spot which might relate to the most animating epoch of English history. Our little voyages of discovery were often prolonged by the successive objects that presented themselves. We visited the tomb of the illustrious Hampden, and the field on which that patriot fell. For a moment my soul was elevated from its debasing and miserable
Witness: fThomas to myself.<p/><p/>We passed a considerable period at Oxford, rambling among its environs, and endeavouring to identify every spot which might relate to the most animating epoch of English history. Our little voyages of discovery were often prolonged by the successive objects that presented themselves. We visited the tomb of the illustrious Hampden, and the field on which that patriot fell. For a moment my soul was elevated from its debasing and miserable
Witness: f1831 to myself.<p/><p/>We passed a considerable period at Oxford, rambling among its environs, and endeavouring to identify every spot which might relate to the most animating epoch of English history. Our little voyages of discovery were often prolonged by the successive objects that presented themselves. We visited the tomb of the illustrious Hampden, and the field on which that patriot fell. For a moment my soul was elevated from its debasing and miserable


Reading Group: C25e_app4_rg1

Witness: f1818 fears
Witness: f1823 fears
Witness: fThomas fears

Reading Group: C25e_app4_rg2

Witness: f1831 fears,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to contemplate the divine ideas of liberty and
Witness: f1823 to contemplate the divine ideas of liberty and
Witness: fThomas to contemplate the divine ideas of liberty and
Witness: f1831 to contemplate the divine ideas of liberty and


Reading Group: C25e_app6_rg1

Witness: f1823 self sacrifice,

Reading Group: C25e_app6_rg2

Witness: f1818 self-sacrifice,
Witness: fThomas self-sacrifice,
Witness: f1831 self-sacrifice,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of which these sights were the monuments and the remembrancers. For an instant I dared to shake off my chains, and look around me with a free and lofty spirit; but the iron had eaten into my flesh, and I sank again, trembling and hopeless, into my miserable self.<p/><p/>We left Oxford with regret, and proceeded to
Witness: f1823 of which these sights were the monuments and the remembrancers. For an instant I dared to shake off my chains, and look around me with a free and lofty spirit; but the iron had eaten into my flesh, and I sank again, trembling and hopeless, into my miserable self.<p/><p/>We left Oxford with regret, and proceeded to
Witness: fThomas of which these sights were the monuments and the remembrancers. For an instant I dared to shake off my chains, and look around me with a free and lofty spirit; but the iron had eaten into my flesh, and I sank again, trembling and hopeless, into my miserable self.<p/><p/>We left Oxford with regret, and proceeded to
Witness: f1831 of which these sights were the monuments and the remembrancers. For an instant I dared to shake off my chains, and look around me with a free and lofty spirit; but the iron had eaten into my flesh, and I sank again, trembling and hopeless, into my miserable self.<p/><p/>We left Oxford with regret, and proceeded to


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Matlock, which was our next
Witness: f1823 Matlock, which was our next
Witness: fThomas Matlock, which was our <hi/>next
Witness: f1831 Matlock, which was our next
Witness: fMS Matlock, which was our next


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 place
Witness: f1823 place
Witness: fThomas place
Witness: f1831 place
Witness: fMS place


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of rest. The country in the neighbourhood
Witness: f1823 of rest. The country in the neighbourhood
Witness: fThomas of rest<hi/>. The country in the neighbourhood
Witness: f1831 of rest. The country in the neighbourhood


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of
Witness: f1823 of
Witness: fThomas of
Witness: f1831 of
Witness: fMS of


Reading Group: C25f_app6_rg1

Witness: fMS rest, resembled

Reading Group: C25f_app6_rg2

Witness: f1818 this village resembled,
Witness: f1823 this village resembled,
Witness: fThomas this village resembled,
Witness: f1831 this village resembled,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to a
Witness: f1823 to a
Witness: fThomas to a
Witness: f1831 to a
Witness: fMS to a


Reading Group: C25f_app8_rg1

Witness: fMS greater degree

Reading Group: C25f_app8_rg2

Witness: f1818 greater degree,
Witness: f1823 greater degree,
Witness: fThomas greater degree,
Witness: f1831 greater degree,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the scenery of Switzerland; but every thing
Witness: f1823 the scenery of Switzerland; but every thing
Witness: fThomas the scenery of Switzerland; but every thing
Witness: f1831 the scenery of Switzerland; but every thing
Witness: fMS the scenery of Switzerland; But every thing


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 is on a lower
Witness: f1823 is on a lower
Witness: fThomas is on a lower
Witness: f1831 is on a lower
Witness: fMS is on a lower


Reading Group: C25f_app11_rg1

Witness: fMS scale

Reading Group: C25f_app11_rg2

Witness: f1818 scale,
Witness: f1823 scale,
Witness: fThomas scale,
Witness: f1831 scale,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and the green
Witness: f1823 and the green
Witness: fThomas and the green
Witness: f1831 and the green
Witness: fMS & the green


Reading Group: C25f_app13_rg1

Witness: fMS mountainshills

Reading Group: C25f_app13_rg2

Witness: f1818 hills
Witness: f1823 hills
Witness: fThomas hills
Witness: f1831 hills


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 want the
Witness: f1823 want the
Witness: fThomas want the
Witness: f1831 want the
Witness: fMS want the


Reading Group: C25f_app15_rg1

Witness: fMS cwon<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>crown

Reading Group: C25f_app15_rg2

Witness: f1818 crown
Witness: f1823 crown
Witness: fThomas crown
Witness: f1831 crown


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of distant white
Witness: f1823 of distant white
Witness: fThomas of distant white
Witness: f1831 of distant white
Witness: fMS of distant white


Reading Group: C25f_app17_rg1

Witness: fMS alps

Reading Group: C25f_app17_rg2

Witness: f1818 Alps,
Witness: f1823 Alps,
Witness: fThomas Alps,
Witness: f1831 Alps,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 which always attend on the piny
Witness: f1823 which always attend on the piny
Witness: fThomas which always attend on the piny
Witness: f1831 which always attend on the piny
Witness: fMS which always attend on the piny


Reading Group: C25f_app19_rg1

Witness: fMS hills

Reading Group: C25f_app19_rg2

Witness: f1818 mountains
Witness: f1823 mountains
Witness: fThomas mountains
Witness: f1831 mountains


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of
Witness: f1823 of
Witness: fThomas of
Witness: f1831 of
Witness: fMS of


Reading Group: C25f_app21_rg1

Witness: f1818 my native
Witness: f1823 my native
Witness: fThomas my native
Witness: f1831 my native

Reading Group: C25f_app21_rg2

Witness: fMS our


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 country. We visited
Witness: f1823 country. We visited
Witness: fThomas country. We visited
Witness: f1831 country. We visited
Witness: fMS country. We visited


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the wondrous
Witness: f1823 the wondrous
Witness: fThomas the wondrous
Witness: f1831 the wondrous
Witness: fMS the wondrous


Reading Group: C25f_app24_rg1

Witness: fMS cave

Reading Group: C25f_app24_rg2

Witness: f1818 cave,
Witness: f1823 cave,
Witness: fThomas cave,
Witness: f1831 cave,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and the
Witness: f1823 and the
Witness: fThomas and the
Witness: f1831 and the
Witness: fMS & the


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 little cabinets
Witness: f1823 little cabinets
Witness: fThomas little cabinets
Witness: f1831 little cabinets
Witness: fMS little cabinets


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of natural
Witness: f1823 of natural
Witness: fThomas of natural
Witness: f1831 of natural
Witness: fMS of natural


Reading Group: C25f_app29_rg1

Witness: fMS history

Reading Group: C25f_app29_rg2

Witness: f1818 history,
Witness: f1823 history,
Witness: fThomas history,
Witness: f1831 history,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 where the curiosities
Witness: f1823 where the curiosities
Witness: fThomas where the curiosities
Witness: f1831 where the curiosities
Witness: fMS where the curiosities


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 are disposed in the same manner
Witness: f1823 are disposed in the same manner
Witness: fThomas are disposed in the same manner
Witness: f1831 are disposed in the same manner
Witness: fMS are disposed in the same manner


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 as in the collections at Servox
Witness: f1823 as in the collections at Servox
Witness: fThomas as in the collections at Servox
Witness: f1831 as in the collections at Servox
Witness: fMS as in the collections at Servox


Reading Group: C25f_app33_rg1

Witness: f1818 and Chamounix.
Witness: f1823 and Chamounix.
Witness: fThomas and Chamounix.
Witness: f1831 and Chamounix.

Reading Group: C25f_app33_rg2

Witness: fMS &Chamounix.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 The latter
Witness: f1823 The latter
Witness: fThomas The latter
Witness: f1831 The latter
Witness: fMS The latter


Reading Group: C25f_app35_rg1

Witness: fMS mame

Reading Group: C25f_app35_rg2

Witness: f1818 name
Witness: f1823 name
Witness: fThomas name
Witness: f1831 name


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 made me
Witness: f1823 made me
Witness: fThomas made me
Witness: f1831 made me
Witness: fMS made me


Reading Group: C25f_app37_rg1

Witness: fMS tremble

Reading Group: C25f_app37_rg2

Witness: f1818 tremble,
Witness: f1823 tremble,
Witness: fThomas tremble,
Witness: f1831 tremble,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 when pronounced by
Witness: f1823 when pronounced by
Witness: fThomas when pronounced by
Witness: f1831 when pronounced by
Witness: fMS when pronounced by


Reading Group: C25f_app39_rg1

Witness: fMS Henry

Reading Group: C25f_app39_rg2

Witness: f1818 Henry;
Witness: f1823 Henry;
Witness: fThomas Henry;
Witness: f1831 Henry;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and I hastened
Witness: f1823 and I hastened
Witness: fThomas and I hastened
Witness: f1831 and I hastened
Witness: fMS & I hastened


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to quit
Witness: f1823 to quit
Witness: fThomas to quit
Witness: f1831 to quit
Witness: fMS to quit


Reading Group: C25f_app42_rg1

Witness: fMS Matlock where the scenes were

Reading Group: C25f_app42_rg2

Witness: f1818 Matlock, with which that terrible scene was
Witness: f1823 Matlock, with which that terrible scene was
Witness: fThomas Matlock, with which that terrible scene was
Witness: f1831 Matlock, with which that terrible scene was


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 thus
Witness: f1823 thus
Witness: fThomas thus
Witness: f1831 thus
Witness: fMS thus


Reading Group: C25f_app44_rg1

Witness: fMS assscociated. From

Reading Group: C25f_app44_rg2

Witness: f1818 associated.<p/><p/>From
Witness: f1823 associated.<p/><p/>From
Witness: fThomas associated.<p/><p/>From
Witness: f1831 associated.<p/><p/>From


Reading Group: C25f_app45_rg1

Witness: f1818 Derby
Witness: f1823 Derby
Witness: fThomas Derby

Reading Group: C25f_app45_rg2

Witness: f1831 Derby,
Witness: fMS Derby,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 still journeying northward, we passed two months
Witness: f1823 still journeying northward, we passed two months
Witness: fThomas still journeying northward, we passed two months
Witness: f1831 still journeying northward, we passed two months
Witness: fMS still journeying northward, we passed two months


Reading Group: C25f_app47_rg1

Witness: fMS among the mountains of<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>in

Reading Group: C25f_app47_rg2

Witness: f1818 in
Witness: f1823 in
Witness: fThomas in
Witness: f1831 in


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Cumberland and
Witness: f1823 Cumberland and
Witness: fThomas Cumberland and
Witness: f1831 Cumberland and
Witness: fMS Cumberland &


Reading Group: C25f_app49_rg1

Witness: f1818 Westmoreland.
Witness: fThomas Westmoreland.

Reading Group: C25f_app49_rg2

Witness: f1823 Westmorland.
Witness: f1831 Westmorland.
Witness: fMS Westmorland.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I could now almost fancy myself among
Witness: f1823 I could now almost fancy myself among
Witness: fThomas I could now almost fancy myself among
Witness: f1831 I could now almost fancy myself among
Witness: fMS I could now almost fancy myself among


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the Swiss
Witness: f1823 the Swiss
Witness: fThomas the Swiss
Witness: f1831 the Swiss
Witness: fMS the Swiss


Reading Group: C25f_app52_rg1

Witness: f1818 mountains.
Witness: f1823 mountains.
Witness: fThomas mountains.
Witness: f1831 mountains.

Reading Group: C25f_app52_rg2

Witness: fMS mountains;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 The little patches of
Witness: f1823 The little patches of
Witness: fThomas The little patches of
Witness: f1831 The little patches of
Witness: fMS The little patches of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 snow which yet lingered on the northern sides of the
Witness: f1823 snow which yet lingered on the northern sides of the
Witness: fThomas snow which yet lingered on the northern sides of the
Witness: f1831 snow which yet lingered on the northern sides of the
Witness: fMS snow which yet lingered ion the northern sides of the


Reading Group: C25f_app55_rg1

Witness: fMS mountains –

Reading Group: C25f_app55_rg2

Witness: f1818 mountains,
Witness: f1823 mountains,
Witness: fThomas mountains,
Witness: f1831 mountains,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fMS the


Reading Group: C25f_app57_rg1

Witness: fMS lakes

Reading Group: C25f_app57_rg2

Witness: f1818 lakes,
Witness: f1823 lakes,
Witness: fThomas lakes,
Witness: f1831 lakes,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and the
Witness: f1823 and the
Witness: fThomas and the
Witness: f1831 and the
Witness: fMS & the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 dashing of the rocky
Witness: f1823 dashing of the rocky
Witness: fThomas dashing of the rocky
Witness: f1831 dashing of the rocky
Witness: fMS dashing of the rocky


Reading Group: C25f_app60_rg1

Witness: fMS mountain streams

Reading Group: C25f_app60_rg2

Witness: f1818 streams,
Witness: f1823 streams,
Witness: fThomas streams,
Witness: f1831 streams,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 were all
Witness: f1823 were all
Witness: fThomas were all
Witness: f1831 were all
Witness: fMS were all


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS dear


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 familiar and dear sights to me. Here also we made some
Witness: f1823 familiar and dear sights to me. Here also we made some
Witness: fThomas familiar and dear sights to me. Here also we made some
Witness: f1831 familiar and dear sights to me. Here also we made some
Witness: fMS familiar & dear sights to me. Here also we made some


Reading Group: C25f_app64_rg1

Witness: f1818 acquaintances,
Witness: f1823 acquaintances,
Witness: fThomas acquaintances,
Witness: f1831 acquaintances,

Reading Group: C25f_app64_rg2

Witness: fMS aquaintances


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 who almost contrived to cheat
Witness: f1823 who almost contrived to cheat
Witness: fThomas who almost contrived to cheat
Witness: f1831 who almost contrived to cheat
Witness: fMS who almost contrived to cheat


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 me into happiness. The delight of
Witness: f1823 me into happiness. The delight of
Witness: fThomas me into happiness. The delight of
Witness: f1831 me into happiness. The delight of
Witness: fMS me into happiness. The delight of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Clerval was proportionably greater
Witness: f1823 Clerval was proportionably greater
Witness: fThomas Clerval was proportionably greater
Witness: f1831 Clerval was proportionably greater
Witness: fMS Clai<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>erval was proportionably greater


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 than mine; his mind expanded in
Witness: f1823 than mine; his mind expanded in
Witness: fThomas than mine; his mind expanded in
Witness: f1831 than mine; his mind expanded in
Witness: fMS than mine; his mind expanded in


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the company of men of
Witness: f1823 the company of men of
Witness: fThomas the company of men of
Witness: f1831 the company of men of
Witness: fMS the company of men of


Reading Group: C25f_app70_rg1

Witness: fMS talent

Reading Group: C25f_app70_rg2

Witness: f1818 talent,
Witness: f1823 talent,
Witness: fThomas talent,
Witness: f1831 talent,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and he found
Witness: f1823 and he found
Witness: fThomas and he found
Witness: f1831 and he found
Witness: fMS & he found


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in
Witness: f1823 in
Witness: fThomas in
Witness: f1831 in
Witness: fMS in


Reading Group: C25f_app73_rg1

Witness: fMS himself

Reading Group: C25f_app73_rg2

Witness: f1818 his own nature
Witness: f1823 his own nature
Witness: fThomas his own nature
Witness: f1831 his own nature


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 greater
Witness: f1823 greater
Witness: fThomas greater
Witness: f1831 greater
Witness: fMS greater


Reading Group: C25f_app75_rg1

Witness: f1818 capacities
Witness: f1823 capacities
Witness: fThomas capacities
Witness: f1831 capacities

Reading Group: C25f_app75_rg2

Witness: fMS capacity


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fMS &


Reading Group: C25f_app77_rg1

Witness: fMS feeling

Reading Group: C25f_app77_rg2

Witness: f1818 resources
Witness: f1823 resources
Witness: fThomas resources
Witness: f1831 resources


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 than he could
Witness: f1823 than he could
Witness: fThomas than he could
Witness: f1831 than he could
Witness: fMS than he could


Reading Group: C25f_app79_rg1

Witness: fMS ^have

Reading Group: C25f_app79_rg2

Witness: f1818 have
Witness: f1823 have
Witness: fThomas have
Witness: f1831 have


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 imagined himself to
Witness: f1823 imagined himself to
Witness: fThomas imagined himself to
Witness: f1831 imagined himself to
Witness: fMS imagined himself to


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 have possessed while he associated
Witness: f1823 have possessed while he associated
Witness: fThomas have possessed while he associated
Witness: f1831 have possessed while he associated
Witness: fMS have possessed while he associated


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 with his inferiors. “I could pass my life
Witness: f1823 with his inferiors. “I could pass my life
Witness: fThomas with his inferiors. “I could pass my life
Witness: f1831 with his inferiors. “I could pass my life
Witness: fMS with his inferiors. "I could pass my life


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 here,” said he to
Witness: f1823 here,” said he to
Witness: fThomas here,” said he to
Witness: f1831 here,” said he to
Witness: fMS here," said he to


Reading Group: C25f_app84_rg1

Witness: fMS me,

Reading Group: C25f_app84_rg2

Witness: f1818 me;
Witness: f1823 me;
Witness: fThomas me;
Witness: f1831 me;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 “and among these
Witness: f1823 “and among these
Witness: fThomas “and among these
Witness: f1831 “and among these
Witness: fMS "and among these


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 mountains I should
Witness: f1823 mountains I should
Witness: fThomas mountains I should
Witness: f1831 mountains I should
Witness: fMS mountains I should


Reading Group: C25f_app87_rg1

Witness: fMS hardly

Reading Group: C25f_app87_rg2

Witness: f1818 scarcely
Witness: f1823 scarcely
Witness: fThomas scarcely
Witness: f1831 scarcely


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 regret
Witness: f1823 regret
Witness: fThomas regret
Witness: f1831 regret
Witness: fMS regret


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Switzerland and the
Witness: f1823 Switzerland and the
Witness: fThomas Switzerland and the
Witness: f1831 Switzerland and the
Witness: fMS Switzerland & the


Reading Group: C25f_app90_rg1

Witness: f1818 Rhine.”<p/><p/>But
Witness: f1823 Rhine.”<p/><p/>But
Witness: fThomas Rhine.”<p/><p/>But
Witness: f1831 Rhine.”<p/><p/>But

Reading Group: C25f_app90_rg2

Witness: fMS Rhine. But


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 he found that a
Witness: f1823 he found that a
Witness: fThomas he found that a
Witness: f1831 he found that a
Witness: fMS he found that a


Reading Group: C25f_app92_rg1

Witness: fMS travellers

Reading Group: C25f_app92_rg2

Witness: f1818 traveller’s
Witness: f1823 traveller’s
Witness: fThomas traveller’s
Witness: f1831 traveller’s


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 life is
Witness: f1823 life is
Witness: fThomas life is
Witness: f1831 life is
Witness: fMS life is


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS that


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 one that includes much
Witness: f1823 one that includes much
Witness: fThomas one that includes much
Witness: f1831 one that includes much
Witness: fMS one that includes much


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 pain amidst its enjoyments. His feelings
Witness: f1823 pain amidst its enjoyments. His feelings
Witness: fThomas pain amidst its enjoyments. His feelings
Witness: f1831 pain amidst its enjoyments. His feelings
Witness: fMS pain amidst its enjoyments. His feelings


Reading Group: C25f_app97_rg1

Witness: fMS wereare

Reading Group: C25f_app97_rg2

Witness: f1818 are
Witness: f1823 are
Witness: fThomas are
Witness: f1831 are


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 for ever on the
Witness: f1823 for ever on the
Witness: fThomas for ever on the
Witness: f1831 for ever on the
Witness: fMS for ever on the


Reading Group: C25f_app99_rg1

Witness: fMS strectch

Reading Group: C25f_app99_rg2

Witness: f1818 stretch;
Witness: f1823 stretch;
Witness: fThomas stretch;
Witness: f1831 stretch;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and when
Witness: f1823 and when
Witness: fThomas and when
Witness: f1831 and when
Witness: fMS & when


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 he begins to sink into
Witness: f1823 he begins to sink into
Witness: fThomas he begins to sink into
Witness: f1831 he begins to sink into
Witness: fMS he begains to sink into


Reading Group: C25f_app102_rg1

Witness: fMS repose

Reading Group: C25f_app102_rg2

Witness: f1818 repose,
Witness: f1823 repose,
Witness: fThomas repose,
Witness: f1831 repose,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 he
Witness: f1823 he
Witness: fThomas he
Witness: f1831 he
Witness: fMS he


Reading Group: C25f_app104_rg1

Witness: fMS foundinds

Reading Group: C25f_app104_rg2

Witness: f1818 finds
Witness: f1823 finds
Witness: fThomas finds
Witness: f1831 finds


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 himself obliged to quit
Witness: f1823 himself obliged to quit
Witness: fThomas himself obliged to quit
Witness: f1831 himself obliged to quit
Witness: fMS himself obliged <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>to quit


Reading Group: C25f_app106_rg1

Witness: fMS it

Reading Group: C25f_app106_rg2

Witness: f1818 that on which he rests in pleasure
Witness: f1823 that on which he rests in pleasure
Witness: fThomas that on which he rests in pleasure
Witness: f1831 that on which he rests in pleasure


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 for something
Witness: f1823 for something
Witness: fThomas for something
Witness: f1831 for something
Witness: fMS for something


Reading Group: C25f_app108_rg1

Witness: fMS new

Reading Group: C25f_app108_rg2

Witness: f1818 new,
Witness: f1823 new,
Witness: fThomas new,
Witness: f1831 new,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 which again engages his
Witness: f1823 which again engages his
Witness: fThomas which again engages his
Witness: f1831 which again engages his
Witness: fMS which again engageds his


Reading Group: C25f_app110_rg1

Witness: f1818 attention, and
Witness: f1823 attention, and
Witness: fThomas attention, and
Witness: f1831 attention, and

Reading Group: C25f_app110_rg2

Witness: fMS attention&


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 which
Witness: f1823 which
Witness: fThomas which
Witness: f1831 which
Witness: fMS which


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS he


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 also he forsakes for
Witness: f1823 also he forsakes for
Witness: fThomas also he forsakes for
Witness: f1831 also he forsakes for
Witness: fMS also he forsoo<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>akes for


Reading Group: C25f_app114_rg1

Witness: fMS moreother noveltyies. We

Reading Group: C25f_app114_rg2

Witness: f1818 other novelties.<p/><p/>We
Witness: f1823 other novelties.<p/><p/>We
Witness: fThomas other novelties.<p/><p/>We
Witness: f1831 other novelties.<p/><p/>We


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 had scarcely visited
Witness: f1823 had scarcely visited
Witness: fThomas had scarcely visited
Witness: f1831 had scarcely visited
Witness: fMS had scarcely visited


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the various lakes of Cumberland and
Witness: f1823 the various lakes of Cumberland and
Witness: fThomas the various lakes of Cumberland and
Witness: f1831 the various lakes of Cumberland and
Witness: fMS the various lakes of Cumberland &


Reading Group: C25f_app117_rg1

Witness: f1818 Westmoreland,
Witness: fThomas Westmoreland,

Reading Group: C25f_app117_rg2

Witness: fMS Westmorland

Reading Group: C25f_app117_rg3

Witness: f1823 Westmorland,
Witness: f1831 Westmorland,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and conceived an affection
Witness: f1823 and conceived an affection
Witness: fThomas and conceived an affection
Witness: f1831 and conceived an affection
Witness: fMS & conceived an affection


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 for some of the
Witness: f1823 for some of the
Witness: fThomas for some of the
Witness: f1831 for some of the
Witness: fMS for some of the


Reading Group: C25f_app120_rg1

Witness: fMS inhabitants

Reading Group: C25f_app120_rg2

Witness: f1818 inhabitants,
Witness: f1823 inhabitants,
Witness: fThomas inhabitants,
Witness: f1831 inhabitants,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 when the
Witness: f1823 when the
Witness: fThomas when the
Witness: f1831 when the
Witness: fMS when the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 period of our appointment with our
Witness: f1823 period of our appointment with our
Witness: fThomas period of our appointment with our
Witness: f1831 period of our appointment with our
Witness: fMS period of our appointment with our


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Scotch friend
Witness: f1823 Scotch friend
Witness: fThomas Scotch friend
Witness: f1831 Scotch friend
Witness: fMS Scotch friend


Reading Group: C25f_app124_rg1

Witness: fMS approached

Reading Group: C25f_app124_rg2

Witness: f1818 approached,
Witness: f1823 approached,
Witness: fThomas approached,
Witness: f1831 approached,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and we left them to travel on. For my own part I was
Witness: f1823 and we left them to travel on. For my own part I was
Witness: fThomas and we left them to travel on. For my own part I was
Witness: f1831 and we left them to travel on. For my own part I was
Witness: fMS & we left thenm to travel on. For my own part I was


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 not sorry. I had now neglected my promise
Witness: f1823 not sorry. I had now neglected my promise
Witness: fThomas not sorry. I had now neglected my promise
Witness: f1831 not sorry. I had now neglected my promise
Witness: fMS not sorry. I had now neglected my promise


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 for some
Witness: f1823 for some
Witness: fThomas for some
Witness: f1831 for some
Witness: fMS for some


Reading Group: C25f_app128_rg1

Witness: fMS time

Reading Group: C25f_app128_rg2

Witness: f1818 time,
Witness: f1823 time,
Witness: fThomas time,
Witness: f1831 time,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and I feared the effects
Witness: f1823 and I feared the effects
Witness: fThomas and I feared the effects
Witness: f1831 and I feared the effects
Witness: fMS and I feared the effects


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of the
Witness: f1823 of the
Witness: fThomas of the
Witness: f1831 of the
Witness: fMS of the


Reading Group: C25f_app131_rg1

Witness: fMS dæmons

Reading Group: C25f_app131_rg2

Witness: f1818 dæmon’s
Witness: f1823 dæmon’s
Witness: fThomas dæmon’s
Witness: f1831 dæmon’s


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 disappointment. He
Witness: f1823 disappointment. He
Witness: fThomas disappointment. He
Witness: f1831 disappointment. He
Witness: fMS disappointment. He


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 might remain in
Witness: f1823 might remain in
Witness: fThomas might remain in
Witness: f1831 might remain in
Witness: fMS might remain in


Reading Group: C25f_app134_rg1

Witness: fMS Switzerland

Reading Group: C25f_app134_rg2

Witness: f1818 Switzerland,
Witness: f1823 Switzerland,
Witness: fThomas Switzerland,
Witness: f1831 Switzerland,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fMS &


Reading Group: C25f_app136_rg1

Witness: fMS wreack

Reading Group: C25f_app136_rg2

Witness: f1818 wreak
Witness: f1823 wreak
Witness: fThomas wreak
Witness: f1831 wreak


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 his vengeance
Witness: f1823 his vengeance
Witness: fThomas his vengeance
Witness: f1831 his vengeance
Witness: fMS his vengeance


Reading Group: C25f_app138_rg1

Witness: fMS of

Reading Group: C25f_app138_rg2

Witness: f1818 on
Witness: f1823 on
Witness: fThomas on
Witness: f1831 on


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my
Witness: f1823 my
Witness: fThomas my
Witness: f1831 my
Witness: fMS my


Reading Group: C25f_app140_rg1

Witness: fMS relationsves;

Reading Group: C25f_app140_rg2

Witness: f1818 relatives.
Witness: f1823 relatives.
Witness: fThomas relatives.
Witness: f1831 relatives.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 This idea
Witness: f1823 This idea
Witness: fThomas This idea
Witness: f1831 This idea
Witness: fMS this idea


Reading Group: C25f_app142_rg1

Witness: fMS persued me

Reading Group: C25f_app142_rg2

Witness: f1818 pursued me,
Witness: f1823 pursued me,
Witness: fThomas pursued me,
Witness: f1831 pursued me,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and tormented me at every
Witness: f1823 and tormented me at every
Witness: fThomas and tormented me at every
Witness: f1831 and tormented me at every
Witness: fMS & tormented me at every


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 moment
Witness: f1823 moment
Witness: fThomas moment
Witness: f1831 moment
Witness: fMS moment


Reading Group: C25f_app145_rg1

Witness: f1818 from which
Witness: f1823 from which
Witness: fThomas from which
Witness: f1831 from which

Reading Group: C25f_app145_rg2

Witness: fMS when


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I might otherwise have
Witness: f1823 I might otherwise have
Witness: fThomas I might otherwise have
Witness: f1831 I might otherwise have
Witness: fMS I might otherwise have


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 snatched repose and peace. I waited for my letters with feverish
Witness: f1823 snatched repose and peace. I waited for my letters with feverish
Witness: fThomas snatched repose and peace. I waited for my letters with feverish
Witness: f1831 snatched repose and peace. I waited for my letters with feverish
Witness: fMS snatched repose & peace. I waited for my letters with feverish


Reading Group: C25f_app148_rg1

Witness: f1818 impatience:
Witness: f1823 impatience:
Witness: fThomas impatience:
Witness: f1831 impatience:

Reading Group: C25f_app148_rg2

Witness: fMS impatience;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 if they
Witness: f1823 if they
Witness: fThomas if they
Witness: f1831 if they
Witness: fMS If they


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 were
Witness: f1823 were
Witness: fThomas were
Witness: f1831 were
Witness: fMS were


Reading Group: C25f_app151_rg1

Witness: fMS delayed

Reading Group: C25f_app151_rg2

Witness: f1818 delayed,
Witness: f1823 delayed,
Witness: fThomas delayed,
Witness: f1831 delayed,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I was
Witness: f1823 I was
Witness: fThomas I was
Witness: f1831 I was
Witness: fMS I was


Reading Group: C25f_app153_rg1

Witness: fMS miserable

Reading Group: C25f_app153_rg2

Witness: f1818 miserable,
Witness: f1823 miserable,
Witness: fThomas miserable,
Witness: f1831 miserable,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and overcome
Witness: f1823 and overcome
Witness: fThomas and overcome
Witness: f1831 and overcome
Witness: fMS & overcome


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 by a thousand fears; and when they
Witness: f1823 by a thousand fears; and when they
Witness: fThomas by a thousand fears; and when they
Witness: f1831 by a thousand fears; and when they
Witness: fMS by a thousand fears; & when they


Reading Group: C25f_app156_rg1

Witness: fMS arrived

Reading Group: C25f_app156_rg2

Witness: f1818 arrived,
Witness: f1823 arrived,
Witness: fThomas arrived,
Witness: f1831 arrived,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and I saw the superscription of Elizabeth
Witness: f1823 and I saw the superscription of Elizabeth
Witness: fThomas and I saw the superscription of Elizabeth
Witness: f1831 and I saw the superscription of Elizabeth
Witness: fMS and I saw the superscription of Elizabeth


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 or my
Witness: f1823 or my
Witness: fThomas or my
Witness: f1831 or my
Witness: fMS or my


Reading Group: C25f_app159_rg1

Witness: fMS father

Reading Group: C25f_app159_rg2

Witness: f1818 father,
Witness: f1823 father,
Witness: fThomas father,
Witness: f1831 father,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I hardly dared to read
Witness: f1823 I hardly dared to read
Witness: fThomas I hardly dared to read
Witness: f1831 I hardly dared to read
Witness: fMS I hardly dared to read


Reading Group: C25f_app161_rg1

Witness: f1818 and ascertain
Witness: f1823 and ascertain
Witness: fThomas and ascertain
Witness: f1831 and ascertain

Reading Group: C25f_app161_rg2

Witness: fMS &ascertain


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my fate. Sometimes I thought that the
Witness: f1823 my fate. Sometimes I thought that the
Witness: fThomas my fate. Sometimes I thought that the
Witness: f1831 my fate. Sometimes I thought that the
Witness: fMS my fate. Sometimes I thought that the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 fiend followed
Witness: f1823 fiend followed
Witness: fThomas fiend followed
Witness: f1831 fiend followed
Witness: fMS fiend followed


Reading Group: C25f_app164_rg1

Witness: fMS me

Reading Group: C25f_app164_rg2

Witness: f1818 me,
Witness: f1823 me,
Witness: fThomas me,
Witness: f1831 me,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and might
Witness: f1823 and might
Witness: fThomas and might
Witness: f1831 and might
Witness: fMS & might


Reading Group: C25f_app166_rg1

Witness: f1818 expedite my remissness
Witness: f1823 expedite my remissness
Witness: fThomas expedite my remissness
Witness: f1831 expedite my remissness

Reading Group: C25f_app166_rg2

Witness: fMS remind me


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 by murdering my
Witness: f1823 by murdering my
Witness: fThomas by murdering my
Witness: f1831 by murdering my
Witness: fMS myby murdering my


Reading Group: C25f_app168_rg1

Witness: f1818 companion. When
Witness: f1823 companion. When
Witness: fThomas companion. When
Witness: f1831 companion. When

Reading Group: C25f_app168_rg2

Witness: fMS companion; withWhen


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 these
Witness: f1823 these
Witness: fThomas these
Witness: f1831 these
Witness: fMS these


Reading Group: C25f_app170_rg1

Witness: fMS thoughts<metamark function="displacement" xml:id="c57-0098.01">^</metamark>posessed me

Reading Group: C25f_app170_rg2

Witness: f1818 thoughts possessed me,
Witness: f1823 thoughts possessed me,
Witness: fThomas thoughts possessed me,
Witness: f1831 thoughts possessed me,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I would not quit Henry for a
Witness: f1823 I would not quit Henry for a
Witness: fThomas I would not quit Henry for a
Witness: f1831 I would not quit Henry for a
Witness: fMS I would not quit Henry for a


Reading Group: C25f_app172_rg1

Witness: fMS moment

Reading Group: C25f_app172_rg2

Witness: f1818 moment,
Witness: f1823 moment,
Witness: fThomas moment,
Witness: f1831 moment,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but followed him as his
Witness: f1823 but followed him as his
Witness: fThomas but followed him as his
Witness: f1831 but followed him as his
Witness: fMS but followed him as his


Reading Group: C25f_app174_rg1

Witness: fMS shadow

Reading Group: C25f_app174_rg2

Witness: f1818 shadow,
Witness: f1823 shadow,
Witness: fThomas shadow,
Witness: f1831 shadow,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to protect him from
Witness: f1823 to protect him from
Witness: fThomas to protect him from
Witness: f1831 to protect him from
Witness: fMS to protect him from


Reading Group: C25f_app176_rg1

Witness: fMS his<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>the

Reading Group: C25f_app176_rg2

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: f1831 the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 fancied rage
Witness: f1823 fancied rage
Witness: fThomas fancied rage
Witness: f1831 fancied rage
Witness: fMS fancied rage


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of his destroyer. I felt as if I had committed some great
Witness: f1823 of his destroyer. I felt as if I had committed some great
Witness: fThomas of his destroyer. I felt as if I had committed some great
Witness: f1831 of his destroyer. I felt as if I had committed some great
Witness: fMS of his destroyer. I felt as if I had committed some great


Reading Group: C25f_app179_rg1

Witness: fMS crime

Reading Group: C25f_app179_rg2

Witness: f1818 crime,
Witness: f1823 crime,
Witness: fThomas crime,
Witness: f1831 crime,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the consciousness of which haunted me. I was
Witness: f1823 the consciousness of which haunted me. I was
Witness: fThomas the consciousness of which haunted me. I was
Witness: f1831 the consciousness of which haunted me. I was
Witness: fMS the consciousness of which haunted me. I was


Reading Group: C25f_app181_rg1

Witness: fMS guiltless

Reading Group: C25f_app181_rg2

Witness: f1818 guiltless,
Witness: f1823 guiltless,
Witness: fThomas guiltless,
Witness: f1831 guiltless,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but I had indeed drawn down a horrible curse
Witness: f1823 but I had indeed drawn down a horrible curse
Witness: fThomas but I had indeed drawn down a horrible curse
Witness: f1831 but I had indeed drawn down a horrible curse
Witness: fMS but I had <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>indeed drawn down a horrible curse


Reading Group: C25f_app183_rg1

Witness: f1818 upon my head, as
Witness: f1823 upon my head, as
Witness: fThomas upon my head, as
Witness: f1831 upon my head, as

Reading Group: C25f_app183_rg2

Witness: fMS ofuponhis<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>my head which I in vain endeavouredas


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 mortal as that of
Witness: f1823 mortal as that of
Witness: fThomas mortal as that of
Witness: f1831 mortal as that of
Witness: fMS mortal as that of


Reading Group: C25f_app185_rg1

Witness: f1818 crime.<p/><p/>I
Witness: f1823 crime.<p/><p/>I
Witness: fThomas crime.<p/><p/>I
Witness: f1831 crime.<p/><p/>I

Reading Group: C25f_app185_rg2

Witness: fMS crimeto shake off. I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 visited Edinburgh with languid
Witness: f1823 visited Edinburgh with languid
Witness: fThomas visited Edinburgh with languid
Witness: f1831 visited Edinburgh with languid
Witness: fMS visited Edinburgh with languid


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 eyes and
Witness: f1823 eyes and
Witness: fThomas eyes and
Witness: f1831 eyes and
Witness: fMS eyes &


Reading Group: C25f_app188_rg1

Witness: fMS mind

Reading Group: C25f_app188_rg2

Witness: f1818 mind;
Witness: f1823 mind;
Witness: fThomas mind;
Witness: f1831 mind;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and yet that city might have
Witness: f1823 and yet that city might have
Witness: fThomas and yet that city might have
Witness: f1831 and yet that city might have
Witness: fMS & yet that city might have


Reading Group: C25f_app190_rg1

Witness: fMS interrested

Reading Group: C25f_app190_rg2

Witness: f1818 interested
Witness: f1823 interested
Witness: fThomas interested
Witness: f1831 interested


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the most unfortunate being.
Witness: f1823 the most unfortunate being.
Witness: fThomas the most unfortunate being.
Witness: f1831 the most unfortunate being.
Witness: fMS the most unfortunate being.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Clerval did not like it so well as
Witness: f1823 Clerval did not like it so well as
Witness: fThomas Clerval did not like it so well as
Witness: f1831 Clerval did not like it so well as
Witness: fMS Claierval did not like it so well as


Reading Group: C25f_app193_rg1

Witness: fMS Oxford

Reading Group: C25f_app193_rg2

Witness: f1831 Oxford:

Reading Group: C25f_app193_rg3

Witness: f1818 Oxford;
Witness: f1823 Oxford;
Witness: fThomas Oxford;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 for the antiquity of
Witness: f1823 for the antiquity of
Witness: fThomas for the antiquity of
Witness: f1831 for the antiquity of
Witness: fMS for the antiquity of


Reading Group: C25f_app195_rg1

Witness: f1818 the latter
Witness: f1823 the latter
Witness: fThomas the latter
Witness: f1831 the latter

Reading Group: C25f_app195_rg2

Witness: fMS thatelatter


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 city was
Witness: f1823 city was
Witness: fThomas city was
Witness: f1831 city was
Witness: fMS city was


Reading Group: C25f_app197_rg1

Witness: fMS

Reading Group: C25f_app197_rg2

Witness: f1818 more
Witness: f1823 more
Witness: fThomas more
Witness: f1831 more


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 pleasing to him. But the beauty
Witness: f1823 pleasing to him. But the beauty
Witness: fThomas pleasing to him. But the beauty
Witness: f1831 pleasing to him. But the beauty
Witness: fMS pleasing to him. But the beauty


Reading Group: C25f_app199_rg1

Witness: f1818 and regularity
Witness: f1823 and regularity
Witness: fThomas and regularity
Witness: f1831 and regularity

Reading Group: C25f_app199_rg2

Witness: fMS &regularity


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of the new town of
Witness: f1823 of the new town of
Witness: fThomas of the new town of
Witness: f1831 of the new town of
Witness: fMS of the new town <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>of


Reading Group: C25f_app201_rg1

Witness: fMS Edinburgh delighted him;

Reading Group: C25f_app201_rg2

Witness: f1818 Edinburgh,
Witness: f1823 Edinburgh,
Witness: fThomas Edinburgh,
Witness: f1831 Edinburgh,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 its
Witness: f1823 its
Witness: fThomas its
Witness: f1831 its
Witness: fMS its


Reading Group: C25f_app203_rg1

Witness: fMS environs are also

Reading Group: C25f_app203_rg2

Witness: f1818 romantic castle, and its environs,
Witness: f1823 romantic castle, and its environs,
Witness: fThomas romantic castle, and its environs,
Witness: f1831 romantic castle, and its environs,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the most
Witness: f1823 the most
Witness: fThomas the most
Witness: f1831 the most
Witness: fMS the most


Reading Group: C25f_app205_rg1

Witness: fMS beautiful

Reading Group: C25f_app205_rg2

Witness: f1818 delightful
Witness: f1823 delightful
Witness: fThomas delightful
Witness: f1831 delightful


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in the
Witness: f1823 in the
Witness: fThomas in the
Witness: f1831 in the
Witness: fMS in the


Reading Group: C25f_app207_rg1

Witness: f1818 world, Arthur’s
Witness: f1823 world, Arthur’s
Witness: fThomas world, Arthur’s
Witness: f1831 world, Arthur’s

Reading Group: C25f_app207_rg2

Witness: fMS world; Arthur's


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Seat,
Witness: f1823 Seat,
Witness: fThomas Seat,
Witness: f1831 Seat,
Witness: fMS seat,


Reading Group: C25f_app209_rg1

Witness: fMS St Bernards Well

Reading Group: C25f_app209_rg2

Witness: f1818 St. Bernard’s Well,
Witness: f1823 St. Bernard’s Well,
Witness: fThomas St. Bernard’s Well,
Witness: f1831 St. Bernard’s Well,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and the Pentland
Witness: f1823 and the Pentland
Witness: fThomas and the Pentland
Witness: f1831 and the Pentland
Witness: fMS & the Pentland


Reading Group: C25f_app211_rg1

Witness: f1818 Hills, compensated him for the change, and filled him with cheerfulness and admiration.
Witness: f1823 Hills, compensated him for the change, and filled him with cheerfulness and admiration.
Witness: fThomas Hills, compensated him for the change, and filled him with cheerfulness and admiration.
Witness: f1831 Hills, compensated him for the change, and filled him with cheerfulness and admiration.

Reading Group: C25f_app211_rg2

Witness: fMS hills–


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 But I was impatient to arrive at the termination
Witness: f1823 But I was impatient to arrive at the termination
Witness: fThomas But I was impatient to arrive at the termination
Witness: f1831 But I was impatient to arrive at the termination
Witness: fMS But I was impatient to arrive at the termination


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of my
Witness: f1823 of my
Witness: fThomas of my
Witness: f1831 of my
Witness: fMS of my


Reading Group: C25f_app214_rg1

Witness: fMS journey. and We

Reading Group: C25f_app214_rg2

Witness: f1818 journey.<p/><p/>We
Witness: f1823 journey.<p/><p/>We
Witness: fThomas journey.<p/><p/>We
Witness: f1831 journey.<p/><p/>We


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 left Edinburgh in
Witness: f1823 left Edinburgh in
Witness: fThomas left Edinburgh in
Witness: f1831 left Edinburgh in
Witness: fMS left Edinburgh in


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a
Witness: f1823 a
Witness: fThomas a
Witness: f1831 a
Witness: fMS a


Reading Group: C25f_app217_rg1

Witness: fMS week

Reading Group: C25f_app217_rg2

Witness: f1818 week,
Witness: f1823 week,
Witness: fThomas week,
Witness: f1831 week,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 passing through
Witness: f1823 passing through
Witness: fThomas passing through
Witness: f1831 passing through
Witness: fMS passing through


Reading Group: C25f_app219_rg1

Witness: fThomas Coupar,

Reading Group: C25f_app219_rg2

Witness: fMS Cooper, St Andrews

Reading Group: C25f_app219_rg3

Witness: f1818 Coupar,
Witness: f1823 Coupar,
Witness: f1831 Coupar,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 St.
Witness: f1823 St.
Witness: fThomas St.
Witness: f1831 St.


Reading Group: C25f_app221_rg1

Witness: f1818 Andrews,
Witness: f1823 Andrews,
Witness: fThomas Andrews,

Reading Group: C25f_app221_rg2

Witness: f1831 Andrew’s,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and along
Witness: f1823 and along
Witness: fThomas and along
Witness: f1831 and along
Witness: fMS & Along


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the banks of the
Witness: f1823 the banks of the
Witness: fThomas the banks of the
Witness: f1831 the banks of the
Witness: fMS the banks of the


Reading Group: C25f_app225_rg1

Witness: fMS Tay

Reading Group: C25f_app225_rg2

Witness: f1818 Tay,
Witness: f1823 Tay,
Witness: fThomas Tay,
Witness: f1831 Tay,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to
Witness: f1823 to
Witness: fThomas to
Witness: f1831 to
Witness: fMS to


Reading Group: C25f_app227_rg1

Witness: fMS Perth

Reading Group: C25f_app227_rg2

Witness: f1818 Perth,
Witness: f1823 Perth,
Witness: fThomas Perth,
Witness: f1831 Perth,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 where our friend expected
Witness: f1823 where our friend expected
Witness: fThomas where our friend expected
Witness: f1831 where our friend expected
Witness: fMS Where our friend expected


Reading Group: C25f_app229_rg1

Witness: f1818 us.
Witness: f1823 us.
Witness: fThomas us.
Witness: f1831 us.

Reading Group: C25f_app229_rg2

Witness: fMS us;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 But I was
Witness: f1823 But I was
Witness: fThomas But I was
Witness: f1831 But I was
Witness: fMS But I was


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS not


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in
Witness: f1823 in
Witness: fThomas in
Witness: f1831 in
Witness: fMS in


Reading Group: C25f_app233_rg1

Witness: f1818 no
Witness: f1823 no
Witness: fThomas no
Witness: f1831 no

Reading Group: C25f_app233_rg2

Witness: fMS the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 mood to laugh and talk with
Witness: f1823 mood to laugh and talk with
Witness: fThomas mood to laugh and talk with
Witness: f1831 mood to laugh and talk with
Witness: fMS mood to laugh & talk with


Reading Group: C25f_app235_rg1

Witness: fMS Strangers

Reading Group: C25f_app235_rg2

Witness: f1818 strangers,
Witness: f1823 strangers,
Witness: fThomas strangers,
Witness: f1831 strangers,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 or enter into their feelings or plans with the good humour expected from a
Witness: f1823 or enter into their feelings or plans with the good humour expected from a
Witness: fThomas or enter into their feelings or plans with the good humour expected from a
Witness: f1831 or enter into their feelings or plans with the good humour expected from a
Witness: fMS or enter into their feelings or plans with <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>the good humour expected from a


Reading Group: C25f_app237_rg1

Witness: fMS guest

Reading Group: C25f_app237_rg2

Witness: f1818 guest;
Witness: f1823 guest;
Witness: fThomas guest;
Witness: f1831 guest;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and accordingly I told Clerval
Witness: f1823 and accordingly I told Clerval
Witness: fThomas and accordingly I told Clerval
Witness: f1831 and accordingly I told Clerval
Witness: fMS and accordingly I told Claierval


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that I wished to make the tour of
Witness: f1823 that I wished to make the tour of
Witness: fThomas that I wished to make the tour of
Witness: f1831 that I wished to make the tour of
Witness: fMS that I wished to make the tour of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Scotland
Witness: f1823 Scotland
Witness: fThomas Scotland
Witness: f1831 Scotland
Witness: fMS Scotland


Reading Group: C25f_app241_rg1

Witness: fMS by myselfalone. Do you,

Reading Group: C25f_app241_rg2

Witness: f1818 alone. “Do you,”
Witness: f1823 alone. “Do you,”
Witness: fThomas alone. “Do you,”
Witness: f1831 alone. “Do you,”


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 said I,
Witness: f1823 said I,
Witness: fThomas said I,
Witness: f1831 said I,
Witness: fMS said I,


Reading Group: C25f_app243_rg1

Witness: f1818 “enjoy yourself,
Witness: f1823 “enjoy yourself,
Witness: fThomas “enjoy yourself,
Witness: f1831 “enjoy yourself,

Reading Group: C25f_app243_rg2

Witness: fMS enjoy yourself


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and let this be our
Witness: f1823 and let this be our
Witness: fThomas and let this be our
Witness: f1831 and let this be our
Witness: fMS and let this be our


Reading Group: C25f_app245_rg1

Witness: f1818 rendezvous.
Witness: f1823 rendezvous.
Witness: fThomas rendezvous.
Witness: f1831 rendezvous.

Reading Group: C25f_app245_rg2

Witness: fMS rendezvous–


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I may be absent a month or
Witness: f1823 I may be absent a month or
Witness: fThomas I may be absent a month or
Witness: f1831 I may be absent a month or
Witness: fMS I may be absent a month or


Reading Group: C25f_app247_rg1

Witness: fMS two,

Reading Group: C25f_app247_rg2

Witness: f1818 two;
Witness: f1823 two;
Witness: fThomas two;
Witness: f1831 two;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but do
Witness: f1823 but do
Witness: fThomas but do
Witness: f1831 but do
Witness: fMS but do


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 not interfere with my
Witness: f1823 not interfere with my
Witness: fThomas not interfere with my
Witness: f1831 not interfere with my
Witness: fMS not interfere with my


Reading Group: C25f_app250_rg1

Witness: fMS motions

Reading Group: C25f_app250_rg2

Witness: f1818 motions,
Witness: f1823 motions,
Witness: fThomas motions,
Witness: f1831 motions,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I entreat
Witness: f1823 I entreat
Witness: fThomas I entreat
Witness: f1831 I entreat
Witness: fMS I entreat


Reading Group: C25f_app252_rg1

Witness: fMS you;

Reading Group: C25f_app252_rg2

Witness: f1818 you:
Witness: f1823 you:
Witness: fThomas you:
Witness: f1831 you:


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 leave me to peace and solitude for
Witness: f1823 leave me to peace and solitude for
Witness: fThomas leave me to peace and solitude for
Witness: f1831 leave me to peace and solitude for
Witness: fMS leave <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>me to peace & solitude for


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a short
Witness: f1823 a short
Witness: fThomas a short
Witness: f1831 a short
Witness: fMS a short


Reading Group: C25f_app255_rg1

Witness: fMS time

Reading Group: C25f_app255_rg2

Witness: f1818 time;
Witness: f1823 time;
Witness: fThomas time;
Witness: f1831 time;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and when I
Witness: f1823 and when I
Witness: fThomas and when I
Witness: f1831 and when I
Witness: fMS & when I


Reading Group: C25f_app257_rg1

Witness: fMS return

Reading Group: C25f_app257_rg2

Witness: f1818 return,
Witness: f1823 return,
Witness: fThomas return,
Witness: f1831 return,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fMS I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 hope it will be with a lighter
Witness: f1823 hope it will be with a lighter
Witness: fThomas hope it will be with a lighter
Witness: f1831 hope it will be with a lighter
Witness: fMS hope it will be with a lighter


Reading Group: C25f_app260_rg1

Witness: fMS heart fitter for your friend &

Reading Group: C25f_app260_rg2

Witness: f1818 heart,
Witness: f1823 heart,
Witness: fThomas heart,
Witness: f1831 heart,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 more congenial
Witness: f1823 more congenial
Witness: fThomas more congenial
Witness: f1831 more congenial
Witness: fMS more congenial


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to your own
Witness: f1823 to your own
Witness: fThomas to your own
Witness: f1831 to your own
Witness: fMS to your own


Reading Group: C25f_app263_rg1

Witness: fMS temper." Henry

Reading Group: C25f_app263_rg2

Witness: f1818 temper.”<p/><p/>Henry
Witness: f1823 temper.”<p/><p/>Henry
Witness: fThomas temper.”<p/><p/>Henry
Witness: f1831 temper.”<p/><p/>Henry


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 wished
Witness: f1823 wished
Witness: fThomas wished
Witness: f1831 wished
Witness: fMS wished


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to dissuade
Witness: f1823 to dissuade
Witness: fThomas to dissuade
Witness: f1831 to dissuade
Witness: fMS to dissuade


Reading Group: C25f_app266_rg1

Witness: fMS me but

Reading Group: C25f_app266_rg2

Witness: f1818 me; but,
Witness: f1823 me; but,
Witness: fThomas me; but,
Witness: f1831 me; but,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 seeing me bent
Witness: f1823 seeing me bent
Witness: fThomas seeing me bent
Witness: f1831 seeing me bent
Witness: fMS seeing me bent


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 on this
Witness: f1823 on this
Witness: fThomas on this
Witness: f1831 on this
Witness: fMS on this


Reading Group: C25f_app269_rg1

Witness: fMS plan consented.ceased

Reading Group: C25f_app269_rg2

Witness: f1818 plan, ceased
Witness: f1823 plan, ceased
Witness: fThomas plan, ceased
Witness: f1831 plan, ceased


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to
Witness: f1823 to
Witness: fThomas to
Witness: f1831 to
Witness: fMS to


Reading Group: C25f_app271_rg1

Witness: f1818 remonstrate. He
Witness: f1823 remonstrate. He
Witness: fThomas remonstrate. He
Witness: f1831 remonstrate. He

Reading Group: C25f_app271_rg2

Witness: fMS remonstrate.buthe


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 entreated
Witness: f1823 entreated
Witness: fThomas entreated
Witness: f1831 entreated
Witness: fMS entreated


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 me to write often.
Witness: f1823 me to write often.
Witness: fThomas me to write often.
Witness: f1831 me to write often.
Witness: fMS me to write often.


Reading Group: C25f_app274_rg1

Witness: f1818 “I
Witness: f1823 “I
Witness: fThomas “I
Witness: f1831 “I

Reading Group: C25f_app274_rg2

Witness: fMS I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 had rather be
Witness: f1823 had rather be
Witness: fThomas had rather be
Witness: f1831 had rather be
Witness: fMS had rather be


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 with
Witness: f1823 with
Witness: fThomas with
Witness: f1831 with
Witness: fMS with


Reading Group: C25f_app277_rg1

Witness: f1818 you,”
Witness: f1823 you,”
Witness: fThomas you,”
Witness: f1831 you,”

Reading Group: C25f_app277_rg2

Witness: fMS you,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 he said,
Witness: f1823 he said,
Witness: fThomas he said,
Witness: f1831 he said,
Witness: fMS he said,


Reading Group: C25f_app279_rg1

Witness: f1818 “in
Witness: f1823 “in
Witness: fThomas “in
Witness: f1831 “in

Reading Group: C25f_app279_rg2

Witness: fMS In


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 your solitary
Witness: f1823 your solitary
Witness: fThomas your solitary
Witness: f1831 your solitary
Witness: fMS your solitary


Reading Group: C25f_app281_rg1

Witness: fMS rambles

Reading Group: C25f_app281_rg2

Witness: f1818 rambles,
Witness: f1823 rambles,
Witness: fThomas rambles,
Witness: f1831 rambles,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 than with these Scotch
Witness: f1823 than with these Scotch
Witness: fThomas than with these Scotch
Witness: f1831 than with these Scotch
Witness: fMS than with these scotch


Reading Group: C25f_app283_rg1

Witness: fMS people

Reading Group: C25f_app283_rg2

Witness: f1818 people,
Witness: f1823 people,
Witness: fThomas people,
Witness: f1831 people,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 whom I do not
Witness: f1823 whom I do not
Witness: fThomas whom I do not
Witness: f1831 whom I do not
Witness: fMS whom I do not


Reading Group: C25f_app285_rg1

Witness: f1818 know:
Witness: f1823 know:
Witness: fThomas know:
Witness: f1831 know:

Reading Group: C25f_app285_rg2

Witness: fMS know;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 hasten
Witness: f1823 hasten
Witness: fThomas hasten
Witness: f1831 hasten
Witness: fMS hasten


Reading Group: C25f_app287_rg1

Witness: fMS themn

Reading Group: C25f_app287_rg2

Witness: f1818 then,
Witness: f1823 then,
Witness: fThomas then,
Witness: f1831 then,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my dear
Witness: f1823 my dear
Witness: fThomas my dear
Witness: f1831 my dear
Witness: fMS my dear


Reading Group: C25f_app289_rg1

Witness: fMS friend

Reading Group: C25f_app289_rg2

Witness: f1818 friend,
Witness: f1823 friend,
Witness: fThomas friend,
Witness: f1831 friend,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to
Witness: f1823 to
Witness: fThomas to
Witness: f1831 to
Witness: fMS to


Reading Group: C25f_app291_rg1

Witness: fMS return

Reading Group: C25f_app291_rg2

Witness: f1818 return,
Witness: f1823 return,
Witness: fThomas return,
Witness: f1831 return,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that I may
Witness: f1823 that I may
Witness: fThomas that I may
Witness: f1831 that I may
Witness: fMS that I may


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 again feel myself
Witness: f1823 again feel myself
Witness: fThomas again feel myself
Witness: f1831 again feel myself
Witness: fMS again feel myself


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS at


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 somewhat at
Witness: f1823 somewhat at
Witness: fThomas somewhat at
Witness: f1831 somewhat at
Witness: fMS somewhat at


Reading Group: C25f_app296_rg1

Witness: fMS home

Reading Group: C25f_app296_rg2

Witness: f1818 home,
Witness: f1823 home,
Witness: fThomas home,
Witness: f1831 home,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 which I cannot do in your
Witness: f1823 which I cannot do in your
Witness: fThomas which I cannot do in your
Witness: f1831 which I cannot do in your
Witness: fMS which I cannot do in your


Reading Group: C25f_app298_rg1

Witness: fMS absence.Chap 12 Having

Reading Group: C25f_app298_rg2

Witness: f1818 absence.”<p/><p/>Having
Witness: f1823 absence.”<p/><p/>Having
Witness: fThomas absence.”<p/><p/>Having
Witness: f1831 absence.”<p/><p/>Having


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 parted from my
Witness: f1823 parted from my
Witness: fThomas parted from my
Witness: f1831 parted from my
Witness: fMS parted from my


Reading Group: C25f_app300_rg1

Witness: fMS friend

Reading Group: C25f_app300_rg2

Witness: f1818 friend,
Witness: f1823 friend,
Witness: fThomas friend,
Witness: f1831 friend,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fMS I


Reading Group: C25f_app302_rg1

Witness: fMS deter mined

Reading Group: C25f_app302_rg2

Witness: f1818 determined
Witness: f1823 determined
Witness: fThomas determined
Witness: f1831 determined


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to visit some remote spot of
Witness: f1823 to visit some remote spot of
Witness: fThomas to visit some remote spot of
Witness: f1831 to visit some remote spot of
Witness: fMS to visit some remote spot of


Reading Group: C25f_app304_rg1

Witness: fMS this Scotland

Reading Group: C25f_app304_rg2

Witness: f1818 Scotland,
Witness: f1823 Scotland,
Witness: fThomas Scotland,
Witness: f1831 Scotland,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and finish my work in solitude.
Witness: f1823 and finish my work in solitude.
Witness: fThomas and finish my work in solitude.
Witness: f1831 and finish my work in solitude.
Witness: fMS and finish my work in solitude.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I did not doubt but that the monster
Witness: f1823 I did not doubt but that the monster
Witness: fThomas I did not doubt but that the monster
Witness: f1831 I did not doubt but that the monster
Witness: fMS I did not doubt but that the monster


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 followed me, and would
Witness: f1823 followed me, and would
Witness: fThomas followed me, and would
Witness: f1831 followed me, and would
Witness: fMS followed me, and would


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS be


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 discover himself to
Witness: f1823 discover himself to
Witness: fThomas discover himself to
Witness: f1831 discover himself to
Witness: fMS discover himself to


Reading Group: C25f_app310_rg1

Witness: f1818 me
Witness: f1823 me
Witness: fThomas me
Witness: f1831 me

Reading Group: C25f_app310_rg2

Witness: fMS me,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 when I should have finished, that he might receive his
Witness: f1823 when I should have finished, that he might receive his
Witness: fThomas when I should have finished, that he might receive his
Witness: f1831 when I should have finished, that he might receive his
Witness: fMS when I should have finished, tothat he might receive his


Reading Group: C25f_app312_rg1

Witness: fMS companion. With

Reading Group: C25f_app312_rg2

Witness: f1818 companion.<p/><p/>With
Witness: f1823 companion.<p/><p/>With
Witness: fThomas companion.<p/><p/>With
Witness: f1831 companion.<p/><p/>With


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 this resolution I traversed
Witness: f1823 this resolution I traversed
Witness: fThomas this resolution I traversed
Witness: f1831 this resolution I traversed
Witness: fMS this resolution I traversed


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the northern
Witness: f1823 the northern
Witness: fThomas the northern
Witness: f1831 the northern
Witness: fMS the northern


Reading Group: C25f_app315_rg1

Witness: fMS highlands

Reading Group: C25f_app315_rg2

Witness: f1818 highlands,
Witness: f1823 highlands,
Witness: fThomas highlands,
Witness: f1831 highlands,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and fixed on one of the
Witness: f1823 and fixed on one of the
Witness: fThomas and fixed on one of the
Witness: f1831 and fixed on one of the
Witness: fMS and fixed on one of the


Reading Group: C25f_app317_rg1

Witness: fMS Orkney Islands for

Reading Group: C25f_app317_rg2

Witness: f1818 remotest of the Orkneys as
Witness: f1823 remotest of the Orkneys as
Witness: fThomas remotest of the Orkneys as
Witness: f1831 remotest of the Orkneys as


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the scene
Witness: f1823 the scene
Witness: fThomas the scene
Witness: f1831 the scene
Witness: fMS the scene


Unified Readings

Witness: f1831 of my
Witness: fMS of my


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 labours.
Witness: f1823 labours.
Witness: fThomas labours.
Witness: f1831 labours.
Witness: fMS labours.


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS I was


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 It was a place fitted for such a
Witness: f1823 It was a place fitted for such a
Witness: fThomas It was a place fitted for such a
Witness: f1831 It was a place fitted for such a
Witness: fMS It was a place fitted for such <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>a


Reading Group: C25f_app323_rg1

Witness: f1818 work,
Witness: f1823 work,
Witness: fThomas work,
Witness: f1831 work,

Reading Group: C25f_app323_rg2

Witness: fMS work;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 being hardly more than a
Witness: f1823 being hardly more than a
Witness: fThomas being hardly more than a
Witness: f1831 being hardly more than a
Witness: fMS being hardly more than a


Reading Group: C25f_app325_rg1

Witness: fMS rock

Reading Group: C25f_app325_rg2

Witness: f1818 rock,
Witness: f1823 rock,
Witness: fThomas rock,
Witness: f1831 rock,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 whose high
Witness: f1823 whose high
Witness: fThomas whose high
Witness: f1831 whose high
Witness: fMS whose high


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 sides were continually beaten upon by the
Witness: f1823 sides were continually beaten upon by the
Witness: fThomas sides were continually beaten upon by the
Witness: f1831 sides were continually beaten upon by the
Witness: fMS sides were continually beaten upon by the


Reading Group: C25f_app328_rg1

Witness: fMS waves–

Reading Group: C25f_app328_rg2

Witness: f1818 waves.
Witness: f1823 waves.
Witness: fThomas waves.
Witness: f1831 waves.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 The soil was
Witness: f1823 The soil was
Witness: fThomas The soil was
Witness: f1831 The soil was
Witness: fMS The soil was


Reading Group: C25f_app330_rg1

Witness: fMS barren hardly

Reading Group: C25f_app330_rg2

Witness: f1818 barren, scarcely
Witness: f1823 barren, scarcely
Witness: fThomas barren, scarcely
Witness: f1831 barren, scarcely


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 affording
Witness: f1823 affording
Witness: fThomas affording
Witness: f1831 affording
Witness: fMS affording


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 pasture for a few miserable
Witness: f1823 pasture for a few miserable
Witness: fThomas pasture for a few miserable
Witness: f1831 pasture for a few miserable
Witness: fMS pasture for a few miserable


Reading Group: C25f_app333_rg1

Witness: fMS cows

Reading Group: C25f_app333_rg2

Witness: f1818 cows,
Witness: f1823 cows,
Witness: fThomas cows,
Witness: f1831 cows,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fMS &


Reading Group: C25f_app335_rg1

Witness: fMS oat meal

Reading Group: C25f_app335_rg2

Witness: f1818 oatmeal
Witness: f1823 oatmeal
Witness: fThomas oatmeal
Witness: f1831 oatmeal


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 for its
Witness: f1823 for its
Witness: fThomas for its
Witness: f1831 for its
Witness: fMS for its


Reading Group: C25f_app337_rg1

Witness: fMS few inhabitants

Reading Group: C25f_app337_rg2

Witness: f1818 inhabitants,
Witness: f1823 inhabitants,
Witness: fThomas inhabitants,
Witness: f1831 inhabitants,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 which consisted of five persons, whose gaunt and scraggy
Witness: f1823 which consisted of five persons, whose gaunt and scraggy
Witness: fThomas which consisted of five persons, whose gaunt and scraggy
Witness: f1831 which consisted of five persons, whose gaunt and scraggy
Witness: fMS which consisted of five persons, Whose gaunt & scraggy


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 limbs gave tokens of their
Witness: f1823 limbs gave tokens of their
Witness: fThomas limbs gave tokens of their
Witness: f1831 limbs gave tokens of their
Witness: fMS limbs gave tokens of their


Reading Group: C25f_app340_rg1

Witness: f1818 miserable
Witness: f1823 miserable
Witness: fThomas miserable
Witness: f1831 miserable

Reading Group: C25f_app340_rg2

Witness: fMS sorry


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 fare.
Witness: f1823 fare.
Witness: fThomas fare.
Witness: f1831 fare.
Witness: fMS fare.


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS Fresh water.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Vegetables and bread, when they indulged
Witness: f1823 Vegetables and bread, when they indulged
Witness: fThomas Vegetables and bread, when they indulged
Witness: f1831 Vegetables and bread, when they indulged
Witness: fMS Vegetables & bread, when they indulged


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in such luxuries, and even fresh
Witness: f1823 in such luxuries, and even fresh
Witness: fThomas in such luxuries, and even fresh
Witness: f1831 in such luxuries, and even fresh
Witness: fMS in such luxuries, & even fresh


Reading Group: C25f_app345_rg1

Witness: fMS water

Reading Group: C25f_app345_rg2

Witness: f1818 water,
Witness: f1823 water,
Witness: fThomas water,
Witness: f1831 water,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was
Witness: f1823 was
Witness: fThomas was
Witness: f1831 was
Witness: fMS was


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to be procured from the main
Witness: f1823 to be procured from the main
Witness: fThomas to be procured from the main
Witness: f1831 to be procured from the main
Witness: fMS to be procured from the main


Reading Group: C25f_app348_rg1

Witness: fMS land

Reading Group: C25f_app348_rg2

Witness: f1818 land,
Witness: f1823 land,
Witness: fThomas land,
Witness: f1831 land,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 which
Witness: f1823 which
Witness: fThomas which
Witness: f1831 which
Witness: fMS which


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was about five miles
Witness: f1823 was about five miles
Witness: fThomas was about five miles
Witness: f1831 was about five miles
Witness: fMS was about five miles


Reading Group: C25f_app351_rg1

Witness: fMS distant. On

Reading Group: C25f_app351_rg2

Witness: f1818 distant.<p/><p/>On
Witness: f1823 distant.<p/><p/>On
Witness: fThomas distant.<p/><p/>On
Witness: f1831 distant.<p/><p/>On


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fMS the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 whole island there were but three miserable
Witness: f1823 whole island there were but three miserable
Witness: fThomas whole island there were but three miserable
Witness: f1831 whole island there were but three miserable
Witness: fMS whole island there were but three miserable


Reading Group: C25f_app354_rg1

Witness: fMS huts

Reading Group: C25f_app354_rg2

Witness: f1818 huts,
Witness: f1823 huts,
Witness: fThomas huts,
Witness: f1831 huts,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and one of these was vacant
Witness: f1823 and one of these was vacant
Witness: fThomas and one of these was vacant
Witness: f1831 and one of these was vacant
Witness: fMS & one of these was vacant


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 when I arrived. This I
Witness: f1823 when I arrived. This I
Witness: fThomas when I arrived. This I
Witness: f1831 when I arrived. This I
Witness: fMS when I arrived. This I


Reading Group: C25f_app357_rg1

Witness: f1818 hired.
Witness: f1823 hired.
Witness: fThomas hired.
Witness: f1831 hired.

Reading Group: C25f_app357_rg2

Witness: fMS hired–


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 It contained
Witness: f1823 It contained
Witness: fThomas It contained
Witness: f1831 It contained
Witness: fMS It contained


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but two
Witness: f1823 but two
Witness: fThomas but two
Witness: f1831 but two
Witness: fMS but two


Reading Group: C25f_app360_rg1

Witness: fMS rooms &for

Reading Group: C25f_app360_rg2

Witness: f1818 rooms, and
Witness: f1823 rooms, and
Witness: fThomas rooms, and
Witness: f1831 rooms, and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 these exhibited all
Witness: f1823 these exhibited all
Witness: fThomas these exhibited all
Witness: f1831 these exhibited all
Witness: fMS these exhibited all


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the squalidness of the most miserable
Witness: f1823 the squalidness of the most miserable
Witness: fThomas the squalidness of the most miserable
Witness: f1831 the squalidness of the most miserable
Witness: fMS the squalidness of the most miserable


Reading Group: C25f_app363_rg1

Witness: fMS povertyenury—

Reading Group: C25f_app363_rg2

Witness: f1818 penury.
Witness: f1823 penury.
Witness: fThomas penury.
Witness: f1831 penury.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 The thatch had fallen
Witness: f1823 The thatch had fallen
Witness: fThomas The thatch had fallen
Witness: f1831 The thatch had fallen
Witness: fMS The thatch had fallen


Reading Group: C25f_app365_rg1

Witness: fMS in –

Reading Group: C25f_app365_rg2

Witness: f1818 in,
Witness: f1823 in,
Witness: fThomas in,
Witness: f1831 in,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fMS the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 walls were
Witness: f1823 walls were
Witness: fThomas walls were
Witness: f1831 walls were
Witness: fMS walls were


Reading Group: C25f_app368_rg1

Witness: fMS unplastered

Reading Group: C25f_app368_rg2

Witness: f1818 unplastered,
Witness: f1823 unplastered,
Witness: fThomas unplastered,
Witness: f1831 unplastered,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and the door was off its
Witness: f1823 and the door was off its
Witness: fThomas and the door was off its
Witness: f1831 and the door was off its
Witness: fMS & the door was off its


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 hinges. I ordered it to be repaired,
Witness: f1823 hinges. I ordered it to be repaired,
Witness: fThomas hinges. I ordered it to be repaired,
Witness: f1831 hinges. I ordered it to be repaired,
Witness: fMS hinges. I ordered it to be repaired,


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS &


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 bought
Witness: f1823 bought
Witness: fThomas bought
Witness: f1831 bought
Witness: fMS bought


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 some
Witness: f1823 some
Witness: fThomas some
Witness: f1831 some
Witness: fMS some


Reading Group: C25f_app374_rg1

Witness: fMS furniture

Reading Group: C25f_app374_rg2

Witness: f1818 furniture,
Witness: f1823 furniture,
Witness: fThomas furniture,
Witness: f1831 furniture,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and took
Witness: f1823 and took
Witness: fThomas and took
Witness: f1831 and took
Witness: fMS & took


Reading Group: C25f_app376_rg1

Witness: fMS possession –

Reading Group: C25f_app376_rg2

Witness: f1818 possession;
Witness: f1823 possession;
Witness: fThomas possession;
Witness: f1831 possession;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 an
Witness: f1823 an
Witness: fThomas an
Witness: f1831 an
Witness: fMS an


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 incident which
Witness: f1823 incident which
Witness: fThomas incident which
Witness: f1831 incident which
Witness: fMS incident which


Reading Group: C25f_app379_rg1

Witness: fMS would

Reading Group: C25f_app379_rg2

Witness: f1818 would, doubtless,
Witness: f1823 would, doubtless,
Witness: fThomas would, doubtless,
Witness: f1831 would, doubtless,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 have
Witness: f1823 have
Witness: fThomas have
Witness: f1831 have
Witness: fMS have


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>doubtless


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 occasioned
Witness: f1823 occasioned
Witness: fThomas occasioned
Witness: f1831 occasioned
Witness: fMS occasioned


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 some
Witness: f1823 some
Witness: fThomas some
Witness: f1831 some
Witness: fMS some


Reading Group: C25f_app384_rg1

Witness: fMS surprise

Reading Group: C25f_app384_rg2

Witness: f1818 surprise,
Witness: f1823 surprise,
Witness: fThomas surprise,
Witness: f1831 surprise,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 had not all the
Witness: f1823 had not all the
Witness: fThomas had not all the
Witness: f1831 had not all the
Witness: fMS had not all the


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS th


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 senses
Witness: f1823 senses
Witness: fThomas senses
Witness: f1831 senses
Witness: fMS senses


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of the cottagers been benumbed by want and squalid
Witness: f1823 of the cottagers been benumbed by want and squalid
Witness: fThomas of the cottagers been benumbed by want and squalid
Witness: f1831 of the cottagers been benumbed by want and squalid
Witness: fMS of the cottagers been benumbed by want and squalid


Reading Group: C25f_app389_rg1

Witness: fMS poverty;

Reading Group: C25f_app389_rg2

Witness: f1818 poverty.
Witness: f1823 poverty.
Witness: fThomas poverty.
Witness: f1831 poverty.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 As it
Witness: f1823 As it
Witness: fThomas As it
Witness: f1831 As it
Witness: fMS as it


Reading Group: C25f_app391_rg1

Witness: fMS was

Reading Group: C25f_app391_rg2

Witness: f1818 was,
Witness: f1823 was,
Witness: fThomas was,
Witness: f1831 was,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fMS I


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS arrived


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 lived ungazed at
Witness: f1823 lived ungazed at
Witness: fThomas lived ungazed at
Witness: f1831 lived ungazed at
Witness: fMS lived ungazed at


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and unmolested, hardly thanked for the
Witness: f1823 and unmolested, hardly thanked for the
Witness: fThomas and unmolested, hardly thanked for the
Witness: f1831 and unmolested, hardly thanked for the
Witness: fMS and unmolested, hardly thanked for the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 pittance of food and clothes which I
Witness: f1823 pittance of food and clothes which I
Witness: fThomas pittance of food and clothes which I
Witness: f1831 pittance of food and clothes which I
Witness: fMS pittance of food and clothes which I


Reading Group: C25f_app397_rg1

Witness: fMS gave

Reading Group: C25f_app397_rg2

Witness: f1818 gave;
Witness: f1823 gave;
Witness: fThomas gave;
Witness: f1831 gave;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 so much does suffering blunt even
Witness: f1823 so much does suffering blunt even
Witness: fThomas so much does suffering blunt even
Witness: f1831 so much does suffering blunt even
Witness: fMS so much does suffering blunt even


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the coarsest sensations of
Witness: f1823 the coarsest sensations of
Witness: fThomas the coarsest sensations of
Witness: f1831 the coarsest sensations of
Witness: fMS the coarsest sensations of


Reading Group: C25f_app400_rg1

Witness: fMS men.I now applied myself to my creation In

Reading Group: C25f_app400_rg2

Witness: f1818 men.<p/><p/>In
Witness: f1823 men.<p/><p/>In
Witness: fThomas men.<p/><p/>In
Witness: f1831 men.<p/><p/>In


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 this retreat I devoted the morning to
Witness: f1823 this retreat I devoted the morning to
Witness: fThomas this retreat I devoted the morning to
Witness: f1831 this retreat I devoted the morning to
Witness: fMS this retreat I devoted the morning to


Reading Group: C25f_app402_rg1

Witness: fMS labour,

Reading Group: C25f_app402_rg2

Witness: f1818 labour;
Witness: f1823 labour;
Witness: fThomas labour;
Witness: f1831 labour;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but in the evening,
Witness: f1823 but in the evening,
Witness: fThomas but in the evening,
Witness: f1831 but in the evening,
Witness: fMS but in the evening,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 when the weather
Witness: f1823 when the weather
Witness: fThomas when the weather
Witness: f1831 when the weather
Witness: fMS when the weather


Reading Group: C25f_app405_rg1

Witness: fMS permitted

Reading Group: C25f_app405_rg2

Witness: f1818 permitted,
Witness: f1823 permitted,
Witness: fThomas permitted,
Witness: f1831 permitted,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I walked
Witness: f1823 I walked
Witness: fThomas I walked
Witness: f1831 I walked
Witness: fMS I walked


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 on the stony beach of the
Witness: f1823 on the stony beach of the
Witness: fThomas on the stony beach of the
Witness: f1831 on the stony beach of the
Witness: fMS on the stony beach of the


Reading Group: C25f_app408_rg1

Witness: fMS sea

Reading Group: C25f_app408_rg2

Witness: f1818 sea,
Witness: f1823 sea,
Witness: fThomas sea,
Witness: f1831 sea,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to listen
Witness: f1823 to listen
Witness: fThomas to listen
Witness: f1831 to listen
Witness: fMS to listen


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to the waves as they
Witness: f1823 to the waves as they
Witness: fThomas to the waves as they
Witness: f1831 to the waves as they
Witness: fMS to the waves as they


Reading Group: C25f_app411_rg1

Witness: f1831 roared
Witness: fMS roared

Reading Group: C25f_app411_rg2

Witness: f1818 roared,
Witness: f1823 roared,
Witness: fThomas roared,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and dashed at
Witness: f1823 and dashed at
Witness: fThomas and dashed at
Witness: f1831 and dashed at
Witness: fMS & dashed at


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my
Witness: f1823 my
Witness: fThomas my
Witness: f1831 my
Witness: fMS my


Reading Group: C25f_app414_rg1

Witness: f1818 feet.
Witness: f1823 feet.
Witness: fThomas feet.
Witness: f1831 feet.

Reading Group: C25f_app414_rg2

Witness: fMS feet;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 It was a
Witness: f1823 It was a
Witness: fThomas It was a
Witness: f1831 It was a
Witness: fMS It was a


Reading Group: C25f_app416_rg1

Witness: f1831 monotonous
Witness: fMS monotonous

Reading Group: C25f_app416_rg2

Witness: f1818 monotonous,
Witness: f1823 monotonous,
Witness: fThomas monotonous,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 yet
Witness: f1823 yet
Witness: fThomas yet
Witness: f1831 yet
Witness: fMS yet


Reading Group: C25f_app418_rg1

Witness: fMS ever changing

Reading Group: C25f_app418_rg2

Witness: f1818 ever-changing
Witness: f1823 ever-changing
Witness: fThomas ever-changing
Witness: f1831 ever-changing


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 scene. I thought of Switzerland; it was far different from
Witness: f1823 scene. I thought of Switzerland; it was far different from
Witness: fThomas scene. I thought of Switzerland; it was far different from
Witness: f1831 scene. I thought of Switzerland; it was far different from
Witness: fMS scene. I thought of Switzerland; It was far different from


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 this desolate and appalling
Witness: f1823 this desolate and appalling
Witness: fThomas this desolate and appalling
Witness: f1831 this desolate and appalling
Witness: fMS this desolate & appalling


Reading Group: C25f_app421_rg1

Witness: fMS scenelandscape –Its

Reading Group: C25f_app421_rg2

Witness: f1818 landscape. Its
Witness: f1823 landscape. Its
Witness: fThomas landscape. Its
Witness: f1831 landscape. Its


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 hills are covered with
Witness: f1823 hills are covered with
Witness: fThomas hills are covered with
Witness: f1831 hills are covered with
Witness: fMS hills are covered with


Reading Group: C25f_app423_rg1

Witness: fMS vines

Reading Group: C25f_app423_rg2

Witness: f1818 vines,
Witness: f1823 vines,
Witness: fThomas vines,
Witness: f1831 vines,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and its
Witness: f1823 and its
Witness: fThomas and its
Witness: f1831 and its
Witness: fMS & its


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 cottages are scattered thickly in the
Witness: f1823 cottages are scattered thickly in the
Witness: fThomas cottages are scattered thickly in the
Witness: f1831 cottages are scattered thickly in the
Witness: fMS cottages are scattered thinckly in the


Reading Group: C25f_app426_rg1

Witness: fMS plains—

Reading Group: C25f_app426_rg2

Witness: f1818 plains.
Witness: f1823 plains.
Witness: fThomas plains.
Witness: f1831 plains.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Its fair lakes reflect a
Witness: f1823 Its fair lakes reflect a
Witness: fThomas Its fair lakes reflect a
Witness: f1831 Its fair lakes reflect a
Witness: fMS Its fair lakes reflect a


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 blue and gentle
Witness: f1823 blue and gentle
Witness: fThomas blue and gentle
Witness: f1831 blue and gentle
Witness: fMS blue & gentle


Reading Group: C25f_app429_rg1

Witness: fMS sky &

Reading Group: C25f_app429_rg2

Witness: f1818 sky; and,
Witness: f1823 sky; and,
Witness: fThomas sky; and,
Witness: f1831 sky; and,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 when troubled
Witness: f1823 when troubled
Witness: fThomas when troubled
Witness: f1831 when troubled
Witness: fMS when troubled


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 by the
Witness: f1823 by the
Witness: fThomas by the
Witness: f1831 by the
Witness: fMS by the


Reading Group: C25f_app432_rg1

Witness: fMS winds it

Reading Group: C25f_app432_rg2

Witness: f1818 winds, their tumult
Witness: f1823 winds, their tumult
Witness: fThomas winds, their tumult
Witness: f1831 winds, their tumult


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 is but
Witness: f1823 is but
Witness: fThomas is but
Witness: f1831 is but
Witness: fMS is but


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 as
Witness: f1823 as
Witness: fThomas as
Witness: f1831 as


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the play of
Witness: f1823 the play of
Witness: fThomas the play of
Witness: f1831 the play of
Witness: fMS the play of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a lively
Witness: f1823 a lively
Witness: fThomas a lively
Witness: f1831 a lively
Witness: fMS a lively


Reading Group: C25f_app437_rg1

Witness: fMS infant

Reading Group: C25f_app437_rg2

Witness: f1818 infant,
Witness: f1823 infant,
Witness: fThomas infant,
Witness: f1831 infant,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 when compared
Witness: f1823 when compared
Witness: fThomas when compared
Witness: f1831 when compared
Witness: fMS when compared


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to the roarings of the giant
Witness: f1823 to the roarings of the giant
Witness: fThomas to the roarings of the giant
Witness: f1831 to the roarings of the giant
Witness: fMS to the roarings of the giant


Reading Group: C25f_app440_rg1

Witness: f1818 ocean.<p/><p/>In this
Witness: f1823 ocean.<p/><p/>In this
Witness: fThomas ocean.<p/><p/>In this
Witness: f1831 ocean.<p/><p/>In this

Reading Group: C25f_app440_rg2

Witness: fMS ocean.InTthis was at first


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 manner I
Witness: f1823 manner I
Witness: fThomas manner I
Witness: f1831 manner I
Witness: fMS manner I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 distributed my occupations when I first
Witness: f1823 distributed my occupations when I first
Witness: fThomas distributed my occupations when I first
Witness: f1831 distributed my occupations when I first
Witness: fMS distributed my occupations when I first


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 arrived;
Witness: f1823 arrived;
Witness: fThomas arrived;
Witness: f1831 arrived;
Witness: fMS arrived;


Reading Group: C25f_app444_rg1

Witness: fMS but

Reading Group: C25f_app444_rg2

Witness: f1818 but,
Witness: f1823 but,
Witness: fThomas but,
Witness: f1831 but,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 as I proceeded in my
Witness: f1823 as I proceeded in my
Witness: fThomas as I proceeded in my
Witness: f1831 as I proceeded in my
Witness: fMS as I proceeded in my


Reading Group: C25f_app446_rg1

Witness: f1818 labour,
Witness: f1823 labour,
Witness: fThomas labour,
Witness: f1831 labour,

Reading Group: C25f_app446_rg2

Witness: fMS work


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 it
Witness: f1823 it
Witness: fThomas it
Witness: f1831 it
Witness: fMS it


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 became every day more horrible and irksome
Witness: f1823 became every day more horrible and irksome
Witness: fThomas became every day more horrible and irksome
Witness: f1831 became every day more horrible and irksome
Witness: fMS became every day more horrible & irksome


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to me. Sometimes I could
Witness: f1823 to me. Sometimes I could
Witness: fThomas to me. Sometimes I could
Witness: f1831 to me. Sometimes I could
Witness: fMS to me. Sometimes I could


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS <del rend="strikethrough" sID="c57-0101__main__d3e18800"/><del/>


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 not prevail
Witness: f1823 not prevail
Witness: fThomas not prevail
Witness: f1831 not prevail
Witness: fMS not prevail


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 on myself to enter my
Witness: f1823 on myself to enter my
Witness: fThomas on myself to enter my
Witness: f1831 on myself to enter my
Witness: fMS on myself to enter my


Reading Group: C25f_app453_rg1

Witness: fMS workshop<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>laboratory

Reading Group: C25f_app453_rg2

Witness: f1818 laboratory
Witness: f1823 laboratory
Witness: fThomas laboratory
Witness: f1831 laboratory


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 for several
Witness: f1823 for several
Witness: fThomas for several
Witness: f1831 for several
Witness: fMS for several


Reading Group: C25f_app455_rg1

Witness: fMS days

Reading Group: C25f_app455_rg2

Witness: f1818 days;
Witness: f1823 days;
Witness: fThomas days;
Witness: f1831 days;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and at other times I
Witness: f1823 and at other times I
Witness: fThomas and at other times I
Witness: f1831 and at other times I
Witness: fMS and at other times I


Reading Group: C25f_app457_rg1

Witness: fMS labouredtoiled

Reading Group: C25f_app457_rg2

Witness: f1818 toiled
Witness: f1823 toiled
Witness: fThomas toiled
Witness: f1831 toiled


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 day and night in order to
Witness: f1823 day and night in order to
Witness: fThomas day and night in order to
Witness: f1831 day and night in order to
Witness: fMS day & night in order to


Reading Group: C25f_app459_rg1

Witness: fMS finishcomplete it.

Reading Group: C25f_app459_rg2

Witness: f1818 complete my work.
Witness: f1823 complete my work.
Witness: fThomas complete my work.
Witness: f1831 complete my work.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 It
Witness: f1823 It
Witness: fThomas It
Witness: f1831 It
Witness: fMS It


Reading Group: C25f_app461_rg1

Witness: f1818 was indeed
Witness: f1823 was indeed
Witness: fThomas was indeed
Witness: fMS was indeed

Reading Group: C25f_app461_rg2

Witness: f1831 was, indeed,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a
Witness: f1823 a
Witness: fThomas a
Witness: f1831 a
Witness: fMS a


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS filhthy


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 filthy
Witness: f1823 filthy
Witness: fThomas filthy
Witness: f1831 filthy
Witness: fMS filthy


Reading Group: C25f_app465_rg1

Witness: f1818 process
Witness: f1823 process
Witness: fThomas process
Witness: f1831 process

Reading Group: C25f_app465_rg2

Witness: fMS work


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in which I
Witness: f1823 in which I
Witness: fThomas in which I
Witness: f1831 in which I
Witness: fMS in which I


Reading Group: C25f_app467_rg1

Witness: f1818 was engaged.
Witness: f1823 was engaged.
Witness: fThomas was engaged.
Witness: f1831 was engaged.

Reading Group: C25f_app467_rg2

Witness: fMS wasengaged.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 During my first
Witness: f1823 During my first
Witness: fThomas During my first
Witness: f1831 During my first
Witness: fMS In<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>During my first


Reading Group: C25f_app469_rg1

Witness: fMS experiment

Reading Group: C25f_app469_rg2

Witness: f1818 experiment,
Witness: f1823 experiment,
Witness: fThomas experiment,
Witness: f1831 experiment,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a kind of
Witness: f1823 a kind of
Witness: fThomas a kind of
Witness: f1831 a kind of
Witness: fMS a kind of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 enthusiastic frenzy had blinded me to the
Witness: f1823 enthusiastic frenzy had blinded me to the
Witness: fThomas enthusiastic frenzy had blinded me to the
Witness: f1831 enthusiastic frenzy had blinded me to the
Witness: fMS enthusiastic frenzy <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>had blinded me to the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 horror of my employment; my mind was
Witness: f1823 horror of my employment; my mind was
Witness: fThomas horror of my employment; my mind was
Witness: f1831 horror of my employment; my mind was
Witness: fMS horror of my employment; my mind was


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 intently fixed on the
Witness: f1823 intently fixed on the
Witness: fThomas intently fixed on the
Witness: f1831 intently fixed on the
Witness: fMS intently fixed on the


Reading Group: C25f_app474_rg1

Witness: f1823 consummation
Witness: f1831 consummation

Reading Group: C25f_app474_rg2

Witness: f1818 sequel
Witness: fThomas sequel
Witness: fMS sequel


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of my
Witness: f1823 of my
Witness: fThomas of my
Witness: f1831 of my
Witness: fMS of my


Reading Group: C25f_app476_rg1

Witness: fMS labour

Reading Group: C25f_app476_rg2

Witness: f1818 labour,
Witness: f1823 labour,
Witness: fThomas labour,
Witness: f1831 labour,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and my eyes were shut to the horror of my
Witness: f1823 and my eyes were shut to the horror of my
Witness: fThomas and my eyes were shut to the horror of my
Witness: f1831 and my eyes were shut to the horror of my
Witness: fMS and my eyes were shut to the horror of my


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 proceedings. But now I went to it in cold
Witness: f1823 proceedings. But now I went to it in cold
Witness: fThomas proceedings. But now I went to it in cold
Witness: f1831 proceedings. But now I went to it in cold
Witness: fMS proceedings. But now I went to it in cold


Reading Group: C25f_app479_rg1

Witness: fMS blood

Reading Group: C25f_app479_rg2

Witness: f1818 blood,
Witness: f1823 blood,
Witness: fThomas blood,
Witness: f1831 blood,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and my heart often sickened at the
Witness: f1823 and my heart often sickened at the
Witness: fThomas and my heart often sickened at the
Witness: f1831 and my heart often sickened at the
Witness: fMS and my heart often sicken<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>ed at the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 work of my
Witness: f1823 work of my
Witness: fThomas work of my
Witness: f1831 work of my
Witness: fMS work of my


Reading Group: C25f_app482_rg1

Witness: fMS hands. Thus situated;

Reading Group: C25f_app482_rg2

Witness: f1818 hands.<p/><p/>Thus situated,
Witness: f1823 hands.<p/><p/>Thus situated,
Witness: fThomas hands.<p/><p/>Thus situated,
Witness: f1831 hands.<p/><p/>Thus situated,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 employed in the most
Witness: f1823 employed in the most
Witness: fThomas employed in the most
Witness: f1831 employed in the most
Witness: fMS employed in the most


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 detestable occupation,
Witness: f1823 detestable occupation,
Witness: fThomas detestable occupation,
Witness: f1831 detestable occupation,
Witness: fMS detestable occupation,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 immersed
Witness: f1823 immersed
Witness: fThomas immersed
Witness: f1831 immersed


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in a solitude where nothing could for an instant call my
Witness: f1823 in a solitude where nothing could for an instant call my
Witness: fThomas in a solitude where nothing could for an instant call my
Witness: f1831 in a solitude where nothing could for an instant call my
Witness: fMS in <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>a solitude whenre nothing could for an instant call my


Reading Group: C25f_app487_rg1

Witness: fMS reflecattentiontions

Reading Group: C25f_app487_rg2

Witness: f1818 attention
Witness: f1823 attention
Witness: fThomas attention
Witness: f1831 attention


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 from the actual scene in which I
Witness: f1823 from the actual scene in which I
Witness: fThomas from the actual scene in which I
Witness: f1831 from the actual scene in which I
Witness: fMS from the actual scene in which I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was engaged, my spirits
Witness: f1823 was engaged, my spirits
Witness: fThomas was engaged, my spirits
Witness: f1831 was engaged, my spirits
Witness: fMS was engaged, my spirits


Reading Group: C25f_app490_rg1

Witness: fMS becamewere unequal,

Reading Group: C25f_app490_rg2

Witness: f1818 became unequal;
Witness: f1823 became unequal;
Witness: fThomas became unequal;
Witness: f1831 became unequal;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fMS I


Reading Group: C25f_app492_rg1

Witness: fMS became

Reading Group: C25f_app492_rg2

Witness: f1818 grew
Witness: f1823 grew
Witness: fThomas grew
Witness: f1831 grew


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 restless and
Witness: f1823 restless and
Witness: fThomas restless and
Witness: f1831 restless and
Witness: fMS restless &


Reading Group: C25f_app494_rg1

Witness: f1818 nervous.
Witness: f1823 nervous.
Witness: fThomas nervous.
Witness: f1831 nervous.

Reading Group: C25f_app494_rg2

Witness: fMS nervous–


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Every moment I
Witness: f1823 Every moment I
Witness: fThomas Every moment I
Witness: f1831 Every moment I
Witness: fMS Every moment I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 feared to meet
Witness: f1823 feared to meet
Witness: fThomas feared to meet
Witness: f1831 feared to meet
Witness: fMS feared to meet


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my persecutor. Sometimes
Witness: f1823 my persecutor. Sometimes
Witness: fThomas my persecutor. Sometimes
Witness: f1831 my persecutor. Sometimes
Witness: fMS my persecutor. Sometimes


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I sat with my eyes fixed on the
Witness: f1823 I sat with my eyes fixed on the
Witness: fThomas I sat with my eyes fixed on the
Witness: f1831 I sat with my eyes fixed on the
Witness: fMS I sat with my eyes fixed on the


Reading Group: C25f_app500_rg1

Witness: fMS ground

Reading Group: C25f_app500_rg2

Witness: f1818 ground,
Witness: f1823 ground,
Witness: fThomas ground,
Witness: f1831 ground,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 fearing to raise
Witness: f1823 fearing to raise
Witness: fThomas fearing to raise
Witness: f1831 fearing to raise
Witness: fMS fearing to raise


Reading Group: C25f_app502_rg1

Witness: f1818 them
Witness: f1823 them
Witness: fThomas them
Witness: fMS them

Reading Group: C25f_app502_rg2

Witness: f1831 them,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 lest they should
Witness: f1823 lest they should
Witness: fThomas lest they should
Witness: f1831 lest they should
Witness: fMS lest they should


Reading Group: C25f_app504_rg1

Witness: f1818 encounter the
Witness: f1823 encounter the
Witness: fThomas encounter the
Witness: f1831 encounter the

Reading Group: C25f_app504_rg2

Witness: fMS meet himthe


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 object which I so much dreaded to
Witness: f1823 object which I so much dreaded to
Witness: fThomas object which I so much dreaded to
Witness: f1831 object which I so much dreaded to
Witness: fMS object which I so much dreaded to


Reading Group: C25f_app506_rg1

Witness: fMS seebehold

Reading Group: C25f_app506_rg2

Witness: f1818 behold.
Witness: f1823 behold.
Witness: fThomas behold.
Witness: f1831 behold.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I feared to wander from the sight of my
Witness: f1823 I feared to wander from the sight of my
Witness: fThomas I feared to wander from the sight of my
Witness: f1831 I feared to wander from the sight of my
Witness: fMS I feared to wander from the sight of my


Reading Group: C25f_app508_rg1

Witness: fMS fellow creatures

Reading Group: C25f_app508_rg2

Witness: f1818 fellow-creatures,
Witness: f1823 fellow-creatures,
Witness: fThomas fellow-creatures,
Witness: f1831 fellow-creatures,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 lest when alone
Witness: f1823 lest when alone
Witness: fThomas lest when alone
Witness: f1831 lest when alone
Witness: fMS lest when alone


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS he


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 he should come
Witness: f1823 he should come
Witness: fThomas he should come
Witness: f1831 he should come
Witness: fMS He should come


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to claim his
Witness: f1823 to claim his
Witness: fThomas to claim his
Witness: f1831 to claim his
Witness: fMS to claim his


Reading Group: C25f_app513_rg1

Witness: fMS companion. In In

Reading Group: C25f_app513_rg2

Witness: f1818 companion.<p/><p/>In
Witness: f1823 companion.<p/><p/>In
Witness: fThomas companion.<p/><p/>In
Witness: f1831 companion.<p/><p/>In


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fMS the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 mean time I worked
Witness: f1823 mean time I worked
Witness: fThomas mean time I worked
Witness: f1831 mean time I worked
Witness: fMS mean time I worked


Reading Group: C25f_app516_rg1

Witness: fMS on

Reading Group: C25f_app516_rg2

Witness: f1818 on,
Witness: f1823 on,
Witness: fThomas on,
Witness: f1831 on,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and my
Witness: f1823 and my
Witness: fThomas and my
Witness: f1831 and my
Witness: fMS & my


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS f


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 labour
Witness: f1823 labour
Witness: fThomas labour
Witness: f1831 labour
Witness: fMS labour


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was already considerably
Witness: f1823 was already considerably
Witness: fThomas was already considerably
Witness: f1831 was already considerably
Witness: fMS was already considerably


Reading Group: C25f_app521_rg1

Witness: f1818 advanced.
Witness: f1823 advanced.
Witness: fThomas advanced.
Witness: f1831 advanced.

Reading Group: C25f_app521_rg2

Witness: fMS advanced–


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I looked
Witness: f1823 I looked
Witness: fThomas I looked
Witness: f1831 I looked
Witness: fMS I looked


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS with pleasure


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 towards its completion
Witness: f1823 towards its completion
Witness: fThomas towards its completion
Witness: f1831 towards its completion
Witness: fMS towards <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>its completion


Reading Group: C25g_app1_rg1

Witness: f1818 with a tremulous and eager hope, which
Witness: f1823 with a tremulous and eager hope, which
Witness: fThomas with a tremulous and eager hope, which
Witness: f1831 with a tremulous and eager hope, which

Reading Group: C25g_app1_rg2

Witness: fMS yet freedom from the curse


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fMS I


Reading Group: C25g_app3_rg1

Witness: f1818 dared not trust myself to question, but which
Witness: f1823 dared not trust myself to question, but which
Witness: fThomas dared not trust myself to question, but which
Witness: f1831 dared not trust myself to question, but which

Reading Group: C25g_app3_rg2

Witness: fMS endured


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was
Witness: f1823 was
Witness: fThomas was
Witness: f1831 was
Witness: fMS was


Reading Group: C25g_app5_rg1

Witness: fMS a joy I never dared promise myself— <note resp="#mws"/>Finish Chap. 2 here

Reading Group: C25g_app5_rg2

Witness: f1818 intermixed with obscure forebodings of evil, that made my heart sicken in my bosom.<p/>
Witness: f1823 intermixed with obscure forebodings of evil, that made my heart sicken in my bosom.<p/>
Witness: fThomas intermixed with obscure forebodings of evil, that made my heart sicken in my bosom.<p/>
Witness: f1831 intermixed with obscure forebodings of evil, that made my heart sicken in my bosom.<p/>


Reading Group: C26a_app1_rg1

Witness: fMS

Reading Group: C26a_app1_rg2

Witness: f1818 <head/>CHAPTER
Witness: f1823 <head/>CHAPTER
Witness: fThomas <head/>CHAPTER
Witness: f1831 <head/>CHAPTER


Reading Group: C26a_app2_rg1

Witness: f1818 III.<head/><p/>I
Witness: fThomas III.<head/><p/>I

Reading Group: C26a_app2_rg2

Witness: f1823 VIII.<head/><p/>I

Reading Group: C26a_app2_rg3

Witness: f1831 XX.<head/><p/>I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 <hi/>SAT<hi/>
Witness: f1823 <hi/>SAT<hi/>
Witness: fThomas <hi/>SAT<hi/>
Witness: f1831 <hi/>SAT<hi/>


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 one evening
Witness: f1823 one evening
Witness: fThomas one evening
Witness: f1831 one evening
Witness: fMS One evening


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS I sat


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in my
Witness: f1823 in my
Witness: fThomas in my
Witness: f1831 in my
Witness: fMS in my


Reading Group: C26a_app7_rg1

Witness: fMS chemic workshop,

Reading Group: C26a_app7_rg2

Witness: f1818 laboratory;
Witness: f1823 laboratory;
Witness: fThomas laboratory;
Witness: f1831 laboratory;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the sun had
Witness: f1823 the sun had
Witness: fThomas the sun had
Witness: f1831 the sun had
Witness: fMS the sun had


Reading Group: C26a_app9_rg1

Witness: fMS set

Reading Group: C26a_app9_rg2

Witness: f1818 set,
Witness: f1823 set,
Witness: fThomas set,
Witness: f1831 set,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and the moon
Witness: f1823 and the moon
Witness: fThomas and the moon
Witness: f1831 and the moon
Witness: fMS & the moon


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was just rising from the
Witness: f1823 was just rising from the
Witness: fThomas was just rising from the
Witness: f1831 was just rising from the
Witness: fMS was just rising from the


Reading Group: C26a_app12_rg1

Witness: fMS sea —

Reading Group: C26a_app12_rg2

Witness: f1818 sea;
Witness: f1823 sea;
Witness: fThomas sea;
Witness: f1831 sea;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I had not
Witness: f1823 I had not
Witness: fThomas I had not
Witness: f1831 I had not
Witness: fMS I had not


Reading Group: C26a_app14_rg1

Witness: fMS

Reading Group: C26a_app14_rg2

Witness: f1818 sufficient
Witness: f1823 sufficient
Witness: fThomas sufficient
Witness: f1831 sufficient


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 light
Witness: f1823 light
Witness: fThomas light
Witness: f1831 light
Witness: fMS light


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS sufficient


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 for my
Witness: f1823 for my
Witness: fThomas for my
Witness: f1831 for my
Witness: fMS for my


Reading Group: C26a_app18_rg1

Witness: fMS workemployment

Reading Group: C26a_app18_rg2

Witness: f1818 employment,
Witness: f1823 employment,
Witness: fThomas employment,
Witness: f1831 employment,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and I
Witness: f1823 and I
Witness: fThomas and I
Witness: f1831 and I
Witness: fMS and I


Reading Group: C26a_app20_rg1

Witness: f1818 remained idle,
Witness: f1823 remained idle,
Witness: fThomas remained idle,
Witness: f1831 remained idle,

Reading Group: C26a_app20_rg2

Witness: fMS sat idle musuntill


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in
Witness: f1823 in
Witness: fThomas in
Witness: f1831 in
Witness: fMS in


Reading Group: C26a_app22_rg1

Witness: fMS the<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>a

Reading Group: C26a_app22_rg2

Witness: f1818 a
Witness: f1823 a
Witness: fThomas a
Witness: f1831 a


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 pause of consideration
Witness: f1823 pause of consideration
Witness: fThomas pause of consideration
Witness: f1831 pause of consideration
Witness: fMS pause of consideration


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of whether I should leave my labour for
Witness: f1823 of whether I should leave my labour for
Witness: fThomas of whether I should leave my labour for
Witness: f1831 of whether I should leave my labour for
Witness: fMS of whether I should leave my labour for


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fMS the


Reading Group: C26a_app26_rg1

Witness: fMS night

Reading Group: C26a_app26_rg2

Witness: f1818 night,
Witness: f1823 night,
Witness: fThomas night,
Witness: f1831 night,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 or hasten its conclusion by an
Witness: f1823 or hasten its conclusion by an
Witness: fThomas or hasten its conclusion by an
Witness: f1831 or hasten its conclusion by an
Witness: fMS or hasten its conclusion by an


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 unremitting attention to it. As I
Witness: f1823 unremitting attention to it. As I
Witness: fThomas unremitting attention to it. As I
Witness: f1831 unremitting attention to it. As I
Witness: fMS unremitting attention to it. As I


Reading Group: C26a_app29_rg1

Witness: fMS sat

Reading Group: C26a_app29_rg2

Witness: f1818 sat,
Witness: f1823 sat,
Witness: fThomas sat,
Witness: f1831 sat,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a train
Witness: f1823 a train
Witness: fThomas a train
Witness: f1831 a train
Witness: fMS a train


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of reflection occurred to
Witness: f1823 of reflection occurred to
Witness: fThomas of reflection occurred to
Witness: f1831 of reflection occurred to
Witness: fMS of reflection occurered to


Reading Group: C26a_app32_rg1

Witness: fMS me

Reading Group: C26a_app32_rg2

Witness: f1818 me,
Witness: f1823 me,
Witness: fThomas me,
Witness: f1831 me,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 which led
Witness: f1823 which led
Witness: fThomas which led
Witness: f1831 which led
Witness: fMS which led


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS to


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 me
Witness: f1823 me
Witness: fThomas me
Witness: f1831 me
Witness: fMS me


Reading Group: C26a_app36_rg1

Witness: fMS

Reading Group: C26a_app36_rg2

Witness: f1818 to
Witness: f1823 to
Witness: fThomas to
Witness: f1831 to


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 consider the effects of what I was now
Witness: f1823 consider the effects of what I was now
Witness: fThomas consider the effects of what I was now
Witness: f1831 consider the effects of what I was now
Witness: fMS consider the effects of what I was now


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 doing.
Witness: f1823 doing.
Witness: fThomas doing.
Witness: f1831 doing.
Witness: fMS doing.


Reading Group: C26a_app39_rg1

Witness: fMS Two<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>three

Reading Group: C26a_app39_rg2

Witness: f1818 Three
Witness: f1823 Three
Witness: fThomas Three
Witness: f1831 Three


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 years before I
Witness: f1823 years before I
Witness: fThomas years before I
Witness: f1831 years before I
Witness: fMS years before I


Reading Group: C26a_app41_rg1

Witness: fMS had been

Reading Group: C26a_app41_rg2

Witness: f1818 was
Witness: f1823 was
Witness: fThomas was
Witness: f1831 was


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 engaged
Witness: f1823 engaged
Witness: fThomas engaged
Witness: f1831 engaged
Witness: fMS engaged


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in the same
Witness: f1823 in the same
Witness: fThomas in the same
Witness: f1831 in the same
Witness: fMS in the same


Reading Group: C26a_app44_rg1

Witness: fMS manner

Reading Group: C26a_app44_rg2

Witness: f1818 manner,
Witness: f1823 manner,
Witness: fThomas manner,
Witness: f1831 manner,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and had created a
Witness: f1823 and had created a
Witness: fThomas and had created a
Witness: f1831 and had created a
Witness: fMS & had created a


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 fiend whose
Witness: f1823 fiend whose
Witness: fThomas fiend whose
Witness: f1831 fiend whose
Witness: fMS fiend whose


Reading Group: C26a_app47_rg1

Witness: f1818 unparalleled
Witness: f1823 unparalleled
Witness: fThomas unparalleled
Witness: f1831 unparalleled

Reading Group: C26a_app47_rg2

Witness: fMS unparralelled


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 barbarity had desolated my
Witness: f1823 barbarity had desolated my
Witness: fThomas barbarity had desolated my
Witness: f1831 barbarity had desolated my
Witness: fMS barbarity had desolated my


Reading Group: C26a_app49_rg1

Witness: fMS heart

Reading Group: C26a_app49_rg2

Witness: f1818 heart,
Witness: f1823 heart,
Witness: fThomas heart,
Witness: f1831 heart,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and filled it
Witness: f1823 and filled it
Witness: fThomas and filled it
Witness: f1831 and filled it
Witness: fMS and filled it


Reading Group: C26a_app51_rg1

Witness: f1818 for ever
Witness: f1823 for ever
Witness: fThomas for ever
Witness: f1831 for ever

Reading Group: C26a_app51_rg2

Witness: fMS forever


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 with the bitterest remorse. I was
Witness: f1823 with the bitterest remorse. I was
Witness: fThomas with the bitterest remorse. I was
Witness: f1831 with the bitterest remorse. I was
Witness: fMS with the bitterest remorse. I was


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 now about to form another
Witness: f1823 now about to form another
Witness: fThomas now about to form another
Witness: f1831 now about to form another
Witness: fMS now about to form another


Reading Group: C26a_app54_rg1

Witness: fMS being

Reading Group: C26a_app54_rg2

Witness: f1818 being,
Witness: f1823 being,
Witness: fThomas being,
Witness: f1831 being,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of whose
Witness: f1823 of whose
Witness: fThomas of whose
Witness: f1831 of whose
Witness: fMS of whose


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 dispositions I was alike
Witness: f1823 dispositions I was alike
Witness: fThomas dispositions I was alike
Witness: f1831 dispositions I was alike
Witness: fMS dispositions I was alike


Reading Group: C26a_app57_rg1

Witness: fMS ignorant.

Reading Group: C26a_app57_rg2

Witness: f1818 ignorant;
Witness: f1823 ignorant;
Witness: fThomas ignorant;
Witness: f1831 ignorant;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 she
Witness: f1823 she
Witness: fThomas she
Witness: f1831 she
Witness: fMS She


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 might
Witness: f1823 might
Witness: fThomas might
Witness: f1831 might
Witness: fMS might


Reading Group: C26a_app60_rg1

Witness: fMS be

Reading Group: C26a_app60_rg2

Witness: f1818 become
Witness: f1823 become
Witness: fThomas become
Witness: f1831 become


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 ten thousand times more malignant than her
Witness: f1823 ten thousand times more malignant than her
Witness: fThomas ten thousand times more malignant than her
Witness: f1831 ten thousand times more malignant than her
Witness: fMS ten thousand times more malignant than her


Reading Group: C26a_app62_rg1

Witness: fMS mate

Reading Group: C26a_app62_rg2

Witness: f1818 mate,
Witness: f1823 mate,
Witness: fThomas mate,
Witness: f1831 mate,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fMS and


Reading Group: C26a_app64_rg1

Witness: fMS delight

Reading Group: C26a_app64_rg2

Witness: f1818 delight, for its own sake,
Witness: f1823 delight, for its own sake,
Witness: fThomas delight, for its own sake,
Witness: f1831 delight, for its own sake,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in
Witness: f1823 in
Witness: fThomas in
Witness: f1831 in
Witness: fMS in


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 murder and wretchedness. He had sworn
Witness: f1823 murder and wretchedness. He had sworn
Witness: fThomas murder and wretchedness. He had sworn
Witness: f1831 murder and wretchedness. He had sworn
Witness: fMS murder & wretchedness. He had sworn


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to quit the neighbourhood of
Witness: f1823 to quit the neighbourhood of
Witness: fThomas to quit the neighbourhood of
Witness: f1831 to quit the neighbourhood of
Witness: fMS to quit the neighbourhood of


Reading Group: C26a_app68_rg1

Witness: fMS man

Reading Group: C26a_app68_rg2

Witness: f1818 man,
Witness: f1823 man,
Witness: fThomas man,
Witness: f1831 man,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and hide
Witness: f1823 and hide
Witness: fThomas and hide
Witness: f1831 and hide
Witness: fMS & hide


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 himself in
Witness: f1823 himself in
Witness: fThomas himself in
Witness: f1831 himself in
Witness: fMS himself in


Reading Group: C26a_app71_rg1

Witness: fMS desarts

Reading Group: C26a_app71_rg2

Witness: f1818 deserts;
Witness: f1823 deserts;
Witness: fThomas deserts;
Witness: f1831 deserts;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but she had
Witness: f1823 but she had
Witness: fThomas but she had
Witness: f1831 but she had
Witness: fMS but she had


Reading Group: C26a_app73_rg1

Witness: fMS not

Reading Group: C26a_app73_rg2

Witness: f1818 not;
Witness: f1823 not;
Witness: fThomas not;
Witness: f1831 not;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fMS &


Reading Group: C26a_app75_rg1

Witness: fMS she

Reading Group: C26a_app75_rg2

Witness: f1818 she,
Witness: f1823 she,
Witness: fThomas she,
Witness: f1831 she,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 who
Witness: f1823 who
Witness: fThomas who
Witness: f1831 who
Witness: fMS who


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS was


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in all probability
Witness: f1823 in all probability
Witness: fThomas in all probability
Witness: f1831 in all probability
Witness: fMS in all probability


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was
Witness: f1823 was
Witness: fThomas was
Witness: f1831 was


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to become
Witness: f1823 to become
Witness: fThomas to become
Witness: f1831 to become
Witness: fMS to become


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a thinking and reasoning
Witness: f1823 a thinking and reasoning
Witness: fThomas a thinking and reasoning
Witness: f1831 a thinking and reasoning
Witness: fMS a thinking & reasoning


Reading Group: C26a_app82_rg1

Witness: fMS animal

Reading Group: C26a_app82_rg2

Witness: f1818 animal,
Witness: f1823 animal,
Witness: fThomas animal,
Witness: f1831 animal,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 might
Witness: f1823 might
Witness: fThomas might
Witness: f1831 might
Witness: fMS might


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 refuse to
Witness: f1823 refuse to
Witness: fThomas refuse to
Witness: f1831 refuse to
Witness: fMS refuse to


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS to


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 comply with a compact made
Witness: f1823 comply with a compact made
Witness: fThomas comply with a compact made
Witness: f1831 comply with a compact made
Witness: fMS comply with a compact made


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 before her creation. They might even
Witness: f1823 before her creation. They might even
Witness: fThomas before her creation. They might even
Witness: f1831 before her creation. They might even
Witness: fMS before her creation. They might even


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 hate
Witness: f1823 hate
Witness: fThomas hate
Witness: f1831 hate
Witness: fMS hate


Reading Group: C26a_app89_rg1

Witness: f1818 each other;
Witness: f1823 each other;
Witness: fThomas each other;
Witness: f1831 each other;

Reading Group: C26a_app89_rg2

Witness: fMS one another.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the creature who already lived loathed his own
Witness: f1823 the creature who already lived loathed his own
Witness: fThomas the creature who already lived loathed his own
Witness: f1831 the creature who already lived loathed his own
Witness: fMS The creature who already lived loathed his own


Reading Group: C26a_app91_rg1

Witness: fMS deformity

Reading Group: C26a_app91_rg2

Witness: f1818 deformity,
Witness: f1823 deformity,
Witness: fThomas deformity,
Witness: f1831 deformity,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and might he not conceive a greater abhorrence for it when it came before
Witness: f1823 and might he not conceive a greater abhorrence for it when it came before
Witness: fThomas and might he not conceive a greater abhorrence for it when it came before
Witness: f1831 and might he not conceive a greater abhorrence for it when it came before
Witness: fMS & might he not conceive a greater abhorrence for it when it came before


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 his eyes in the female
Witness: f1823 his eyes in the female
Witness: fThomas his eyes in the female
Witness: f1831 his eyes in the female
Witness: fMS his eyes in the female


Reading Group: C26a_app94_rg1

Witness: fMS form.

Reading Group: C26a_app94_rg2

Witness: f1818 form?
Witness: f1823 form?
Witness: fThomas form?
Witness: f1831 form?


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 She also
Witness: f1823 She also
Witness: fThomas She also
Witness: f1831 She also
Witness: fMS She also


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 might turn with disgust from him
Witness: f1823 might turn with disgust from him
Witness: fThomas might turn with disgust from him
Witness: f1831 might turn with disgust from him
Witness: fMS might turn with disgust from him


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to the superior beauty of
Witness: f1823 to the superior beauty of
Witness: fThomas to the superior beauty of
Witness: f1831 to the superior beauty of
Witness: fMS to the superior beauty of


Reading Group: C26a_app98_rg1

Witness: fMS man & who confine her eyes or wishes.

Reading Group: C26a_app98_rg2

Witness: f1818 man;
Witness: f1823 man;
Witness: fThomas man;
Witness: f1831 man;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 she might
Witness: f1823 she might
Witness: fThomas she might
Witness: f1831 she might
Witness: fMS She might


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 quit
Witness: f1823 quit
Witness: fThomas quit
Witness: f1831 quit
Witness: fMS quit


Reading Group: C26a_app101_rg1

Witness: fMS him

Reading Group: C26a_app101_rg2

Witness: f1818 him,
Witness: f1823 him,
Witness: fThomas him,
Witness: f1831 him,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and he be again
Witness: f1823 and he be again
Witness: fThomas and he be again
Witness: f1831 and he be again
Witness: fMS and he be again


Reading Group: C26a_app103_rg1

Witness: fMS alone with<metamark function="displacement" xml:id="c57-0103.02">^</metamark>exasperated

Reading Group: C26a_app103_rg2

Witness: f1818 alone, exasperated
Witness: f1823 alone, exasperated
Witness: fThomas alone, exasperated
Witness: f1831 alone, exasperated


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 by
Witness: f1823 by
Witness: fThomas by
Witness: f1831 by
Witness: fMS by


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the fresh provocation of being deserted
Witness: f1823 the fresh provocation of being deserted
Witness: fThomas the fresh provocation of being deserted
Witness: f1831 the fresh provocation of being deserted
Witness: fMS the fresh provocation of being deserted


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 by one of his own
Witness: f1823 by one of his own
Witness: fThomas by one of his own
Witness: f1831 by one of his own
Witness: fMS by one of his own


Reading Group: C26a_app107_rg1

Witness: fMS species. Even

Reading Group: C26a_app107_rg2

Witness: f1818 species.<p/><p/>Even
Witness: f1823 species.<p/><p/>Even
Witness: fThomas species.<p/><p/>Even
Witness: f1831 species.<p/><p/>Even


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 if they were to leave
Witness: f1823 if they were to leave
Witness: fThomas if they were to leave
Witness: f1831 if they were to leave
Witness: fMS if they were to leave


Reading Group: C26a_app109_rg1

Witness: fMS Europe

Reading Group: C26a_app109_rg2

Witness: f1818 Europe,
Witness: f1823 Europe,
Witness: fThomas Europe,
Witness: f1831 Europe,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and inhabit the
Witness: f1823 and inhabit the
Witness: fThomas and inhabit the
Witness: f1831 and inhabit the
Witness: fMS & inhabit the


Reading Group: C26a_app111_rg1

Witness: fMS desarts

Reading Group: C26a_app111_rg2

Witness: f1818 deserts
Witness: f1823 deserts
Witness: fThomas deserts
Witness: f1831 deserts


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of the new world,
Witness: f1823 of the new world,
Witness: fThomas of the new world,
Witness: f1831 of the new world,
Witness: fMS of the new world,


Reading Group: C26a_app113_rg1

Witness: fMS I it was their intention to have children

Reading Group: C26a_app113_rg2

Witness: f1818 yet one of the first results of those sympathies for which the dæmon thirsted would be children,
Witness: f1823 yet one of the first results of those sympathies for which the dæmon thirsted would be children,
Witness: fThomas yet one of the first results of those sympathies for which the dæmon thirsted would be children,
Witness: f1831 yet one of the first results of those sympathies for which the dæmon thirsted would be children,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and a race of devils would be propagated upon the
Witness: f1823 and a race of devils would be propagated upon the
Witness: fThomas and a race of devils would be propagated upon the
Witness: f1831 and a race of devils would be propagated upon the
Witness: fMS and a race of devils would be propagated upon the


Reading Group: C26a_app115_rg1

Witness: fMS earth from whose form & mind

Reading Group: C26a_app115_rg2

Witness: f1818 earth, who might make the very existence of the species of
Witness: f1823 earth, who might make the very existence of the species of
Witness: fThomas earth, who might make the very existence of the species of
Witness: f1831 earth, who might make the very existence of the species of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 man
Witness: f1823 man
Witness: fThomas man
Witness: f1831 man
Witness: fMS man


Reading Group: C26a_app117_rg1

Witness: f1818 a condition precarious and full of terror.
Witness: f1823 a condition precarious and full of terror.
Witness: fThomas a condition precarious and full of terror.
Witness: f1831 a condition precarious and full of terror.

Reading Group: C26a_app117_rg2

Witness: fMS shrunk with horrowr. &


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Had I
Witness: f1823 Had I
Witness: fThomas Had I
Witness: f1831 Had I
Witness: fMS had I


Reading Group: C26a_app119_rg1

Witness: f1818 a
Witness: f1823 a
Witness: fThomas a

Reading Group: C26a_app119_rg2

Witness: fMS any right for


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 right,
Witness: f1823 right,
Witness: fThomas right,
Witness: f1831 right,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 for my own
Witness: f1823 for my own
Witness: fThomas for my own
Witness: f1831 for my own
Witness: fMS for my own


Reading Group: C26a_app122_rg1

Witness: fMS benefit

Reading Group: C26a_app122_rg2

Witness: f1818 benefit,
Witness: f1823 benefit,
Witness: fThomas benefit,
Witness: f1831 benefit,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to inflict this
Witness: f1823 to inflict this
Witness: fThomas to inflict this
Witness: f1831 to inflict this
Witness: fMS to inflict this


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 curse
Witness: f1823 curse
Witness: fThomas curse
Witness: f1831 curse
Witness: fMS curse


Reading Group: C26a_app125_rg1

Witness: fMS to

Reading Group: C26a_app125_rg2

Witness: f1818 upon
Witness: f1823 upon
Witness: fThomas upon
Witness: f1831 upon


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 everlasting generations? I had
Witness: f1823 everlasting generations? I had
Witness: fThomas everlasting generations? I had
Witness: f1831 everlasting generations? I had
Witness: fMS everlasting generations? I had


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 before been moved by the sophisms
Witness: f1823 before been moved by the sophisms
Witness: fThomas before been moved by the sophisms
Witness: f1831 before been moved by the sophisms
Witness: fMS before been moved by the sophisms


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of the being
Witness: f1823 of the being
Witness: fThomas of the being
Witness: f1831 of the being
Witness: fMS of the being


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS whom


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I had created; I had
Witness: f1823 I had created; I had
Witness: fThomas I had created; I had
Witness: f1831 I had created; I had
Witness: fMS I had created; I had


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 been
Witness: f1823 been
Witness: fThomas been
Witness: f1831 been
Witness: fMS been


Reading Group: C26a_app132_rg1

Witness: fMS moved

Reading Group: C26a_app132_rg2

Witness: f1818 struck senseless
Witness: f1823 struck senseless
Witness: fThomas struck senseless
Witness: f1831 struck senseless


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 by his fiendish
Witness: f1823 by his fiendish
Witness: fThomas by his fiendish
Witness: f1831 by his fiendish
Witness: fMS by his fiendish


Reading Group: C26a_app134_rg1

Witness: fMS threats & now

Reading Group: C26a_app134_rg2

Witness: f1818 threats: but now,
Witness: f1823 threats: but now,
Witness: fThomas threats: but now,
Witness: f1831 threats: but now,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 for the first
Witness: f1823 for the first
Witness: fThomas for the first
Witness: f1831 for the first
Witness: fMS for the first


Reading Group: C26a_app136_rg1

Witness: fMS time

Reading Group: C26a_app136_rg2

Witness: f1818 time,
Witness: f1823 time,
Witness: fThomas time,
Witness: f1831 time,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the wickedness
Witness: f1823 the wickedness
Witness: fThomas the wickedness
Witness: f1831 the wickedness
Witness: fMS the wickedness


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS & utterselfishnessselfishness


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of my promise burst upon me;
Witness: f1823 of my promise burst upon me;
Witness: fThomas of my promise burst upon me;
Witness: f1831 of my promise burst upon me;
Witness: fMS of my promise burst upomn me;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fMS I


Reading Group: C26a_app141_rg1

Witness: fMS shuddered

Reading Group: C26a_app141_rg2

Witness: f1818 shuddered
Witness: f1823 shuddered
Witness: fThomas shuddered
Witness: f1831 shuddered


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to think that future ages might
Witness: f1823 to think that future ages might
Witness: fThomas to think that future ages might
Witness: f1831 to think that future ages might
Witness: fMS to think that future ages might


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 curse me as their
Witness: f1823 curse me as their
Witness: fThomas curse me as their
Witness: f1831 curse me as their
Witness: fMS curse me as their


Reading Group: C26a_app144_rg1

Witness: fMS pest

Reading Group: C26a_app144_rg2

Witness: f1818 pest,
Witness: f1823 pest,
Witness: fThomas pest,
Witness: f1831 pest,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 whose
Witness: f1823 whose
Witness: fThomas whose
Witness: f1831 whose
Witness: fMS whose


Reading Group: C26a_app146_rg1

Witness: fMS

Reading Group: C26a_app146_rg2

Witness: f1818 selfishness
Witness: f1823 selfishness
Witness: fThomas selfishness
Witness: f1831 selfishness


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 had not hesitated to buy its own peace at
Witness: f1823 had not hesitated to buy its own peace at
Witness: fThomas had not hesitated to buy its own peace at
Witness: f1831 had not hesitated to buy its own peace at
Witness: fMS had not hesitated to buy its own peace at


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fMS the


Reading Group: C26a_app149_rg1

Witness: f1818 price perhaps
Witness: f1823 price perhaps
Witness: fThomas price perhaps
Witness: fMS price perhaps

Reading Group: C26a_app149_rg2

Witness: f1831 price, perhaps,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of the existence of
Witness: f1823 of the existence of
Witness: fThomas of the existence of
Witness: f1831 of the existence of
Witness: fMS of the <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>existence of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: f1831 the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 whole human
Witness: f1823 whole human
Witness: fThomas whole human
Witness: f1831 whole human
Witness: fMS whole human


Reading Group: C26a_app153_rg1

Witness: fMS race. I

Reading Group: C26a_app153_rg2

Witness: f1818 race.<p/><p/>I
Witness: f1823 race.<p/><p/>I
Witness: fThomas race.<p/><p/>I
Witness: f1831 race.<p/><p/>I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 trembled, and my heart failed
Witness: f1823 trembled, and my heart failed
Witness: fThomas trembled, and my heart failed
Witness: f1831 trembled, and my heart failed
Witness: fMS trembled, and my heart failed


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS wh


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 within
Witness: f1823 within
Witness: fThomas within
Witness: f1831 within
Witness: fMS within


Reading Group: C26a_app157_rg1

Witness: fMS me, when

Reading Group: C26a_app157_rg2

Witness: f1818 me; when,
Witness: f1823 me; when,
Witness: fThomas me; when,
Witness: f1831 me; when,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 on looking
Witness: f1823 on looking
Witness: fThomas on looking
Witness: f1831 on looking
Witness: fMS on looking


Reading Group: C26a_app159_rg1

Witness: fMS up

Reading Group: C26a_app159_rg2

Witness: f1818 up,
Witness: f1823 up,
Witness: fThomas up,
Witness: f1831 up,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fMS I


Reading Group: C26a_app161_rg1

Witness: fMS saw

Reading Group: C26a_app161_rg2

Witness: f1818 saw,
Witness: f1823 saw,
Witness: fThomas saw,
Witness: f1831 saw,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 by the light of the moon, the dæmon
Witness: f1823 by the light of the moon, the dæmon
Witness: fThomas by the light of the moon, the dæmon
Witness: f1831 by the light of the moon, the dæmon
Witness: fMS by the light of the moon, the dæmon


Reading Group: C26a_app163_rg1

Witness: fMS withat

Reading Group: C26a_app163_rg2

Witness: f1818 at
Witness: f1823 at
Witness: fThomas at
Witness: f1831 at


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fMS the


Reading Group: C26a_app165_rg1

Witness: fMS <del rend="smear" sID="c57-0104__left_margin__d3e19425"/>window<del/>casement.

Reading Group: C26a_app165_rg2

Witness: f1818 casement.
Witness: f1823 casement.
Witness: fThomas casement.
Witness: f1831 casement.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 A ghastly grin
Witness: f1823 A ghastly grin
Witness: fThomas A ghastly grin
Witness: f1831 A ghastly grin
Witness: fMS A ghastly grin


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS on his countena


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 wrinkled
Witness: f1823 wrinkled
Witness: fThomas wrinkled
Witness: f1831 wrinkled
Witness: fMS wrinkled


Reading Group: C26a_app169_rg1

Witness: fMS lips,

Reading Group: C26a_app169_rg2

Witness: f1818 his lips
Witness: f1823 his lips
Witness: fThomas his lips
Witness: f1831 his lips


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 as he gazed on
Witness: f1823 as he gazed on
Witness: fThomas as he gazed on
Witness: f1831 as he gazed on
Witness: fMS as he gazed on


Reading Group: C26a_app171_rg1

Witness: fMS me

Reading Group: C26a_app171_rg2

Witness: f1818 me,
Witness: f1823 me,
Witness: fThomas me,
Witness: f1831 me,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 where I
Witness: f1823 where I
Witness: fThomas where I
Witness: f1831 where I
Witness: fMS aswhere I


Reading Group: C26a_app173_rg1

Witness: f1818 sat fulfilling the task which he had allotted to me.
Witness: f1823 sat fulfilling the task which he had allotted to me.
Witness: fThomas sat fulfilling the task which he had allotted to me.
Witness: f1831 sat fulfilling the task which he had allotted to me.

Reading Group: C26a_app173_rg2

Witness: fMS sat.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Yes, he had
Witness: f1823 Yes, he had
Witness: fThomas Yes, he had
Witness: f1831 Yes, he had
Witness: fMS Yes, he had


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 followed me in my travels; he had loitered
Witness: f1823 followed me in my travels; he had loitered
Witness: fThomas followed me in my travels; he had loitered
Witness: f1831 followed me in my travels; he had loitered
Witness: fMS followed me in my travels; he had loitered


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in forests, hid himself in
Witness: f1823 in forests, hid himself in
Witness: fThomas in forests, hid himself in
Witness: f1831 in forests, hid himself in
Witness: fMS in forests, hid himself in


Reading Group: C26a_app177_rg1

Witness: fMS caves

Reading Group: C26a_app177_rg2

Witness: f1818 caves,
Witness: f1823 caves,
Witness: fThomas caves,
Witness: f1831 caves,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 or taken
Witness: f1823 or taken
Witness: fThomas or taken
Witness: f1831 or taken
Witness: fMS or taken


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 refuge in wide and
Witness: f1823 refuge in wide and
Witness: fThomas refuge in wide and
Witness: f1831 refuge in wide and
Witness: fMS refuge in wide &


Reading Group: C26a_app180_rg1

Witness: fMS desart heaths

Reading Group: C26a_app180_rg2

Witness: f1818 desert heaths;
Witness: f1823 desert heaths;
Witness: fThomas desert heaths;
Witness: f1831 desert heaths;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and he
Witness: f1823 and he
Witness: fThomas and he
Witness: f1831 and he
Witness: fMS & he


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 now came to
Witness: f1823 now came to
Witness: fThomas now came to
Witness: f1831 now came to
Witness: fMS now came to


Reading Group: C26a_app183_rg1

Witness: f1818 mark
Witness: f1823 mark
Witness: fThomas mark
Witness: f1831 mark

Reading Group: C26a_app183_rg2

Witness: fMS view


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my
Witness: f1823 my
Witness: fThomas my
Witness: f1831 my
Witness: fMS my


Reading Group: C26a_app185_rg1

Witness: fMS progress

Reading Group: C26a_app185_rg2

Witness: f1818 progress,
Witness: f1823 progress,
Witness: fThomas progress,
Witness: f1831 progress,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and claim
Witness: f1823 and claim
Witness: fThomas and claim
Witness: f1831 and claim
Witness: fMS & claim


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fMS the


Reading Group: C26a_app188_rg1

Witness: fMS fulfillment

Reading Group: C26a_app188_rg2

Witness: f1818 fulfilment
Witness: f1823 fulfilment
Witness: fThomas fulfilment
Witness: f1831 fulfilment


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of my
Witness: f1823 of my
Witness: fThomas of my
Witness: f1831 of my
Witness: fMS of <metamark function="separate">_________</metamark>my


Reading Group: C26a_app190_rg1

Witness: f1818 promise.<p/><p/>As
Witness: f1823 promise.<p/><p/>As
Witness: fThomas promise.<p/><p/>As
Witness: f1831 promise.<p/><p/>As

Reading Group: C26a_app190_rg2

Witness: fMS promise; as


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I looked on
Witness: f1823 I looked on
Witness: fThomas I looked on
Witness: f1831 I looked on
Witness: fMS I looked on


Reading Group: C26a_app192_rg1

Witness: fMS hism

Reading Group: C26a_app192_rg2

Witness: f1818 him,
Witness: f1823 him,
Witness: fThomas him,
Witness: f1831 him,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 his
Witness: f1823 his
Witness: fThomas his
Witness: f1831 his
Witness: fMS his


Reading Group: C26a_app194_rg1

Witness: fMS facecountenanceappeared to expressed

Reading Group: C26a_app194_rg2

Witness: f1818 countenance expressed
Witness: f1823 countenance expressed
Witness: fThomas countenance expressed
Witness: f1831 countenance expressed


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the utmost extent of malice
Witness: f1823 the utmost extent of malice
Witness: fThomas the utmost extent of malice
Witness: f1831 the utmost extent of malice
Witness: fMS the utmost extent of malice


Reading Group: C26a_app196_rg1

Witness: f1818 and treachery.
Witness: f1823 and treachery.
Witness: fThomas and treachery.
Witness: f1831 and treachery.

Reading Group: C26a_app196_rg2

Witness: fMS &barbarity:treachery.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I thought with a sensation
Witness: f1823 I thought with a sensation
Witness: fThomas I thought with a sensation
Witness: f1831 I thought with a sensation
Witness: fMS I thought with a sensation


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of
Witness: f1823 of
Witness: fThomas of
Witness: f1831 of
Witness: fMS of


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS horror


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 madness on my promise of creating another like to
Witness: f1823 madness on my promise of creating another like to
Witness: fThomas madness on my promise of creating another like to
Witness: f1831 madness on my promise of creating another like to
Witness: fMS madness ofon my promise of creating another like to


Reading Group: C26a_app201_rg1

Witness: fMS him

Reading Group: C26a_app201_rg2

Witness: f1818 him,
Witness: f1823 him,
Witness: fThomas him,
Witness: f1831 him,


Reading Group: C26a_app202_rg1

Witness: f1823 and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fMS &

Reading Group: C26a_app202_rg2

Witness: f1818 and,
Witness: fThomas and,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 trembling
Witness: f1823 trembling
Witness: fThomas trembling
Witness: f1831 trembling
Witness: fMS trembling


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 with
Witness: f1823 with
Witness: fThomas with
Witness: f1831 with
Witness: fMS with


Reading Group: C26a_app205_rg1

Witness: fMS passion as

Reading Group: C26a_app205_rg2

Witness: f1818 passion,
Witness: f1823 passion,
Witness: fThomas passion,
Witness: f1831 passion,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 tore to pieces the thing
Witness: f1823 tore to pieces the thing
Witness: fThomas tore to pieces the thing
Witness: f1831 tore to pieces the thing
Witness: fMS tore to pieces the thing


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 on which I was
Witness: f1823 on which I was
Witness: fThomas on which I was
Witness: f1831 on which I was
Witness: fMS on which I was


Reading Group: C26a_app208_rg1

Witness: fMS engaged –

Reading Group: C26a_app208_rg2

Witness: f1818 engaged.
Witness: f1823 engaged.
Witness: fThomas engaged.
Witness: f1831 engaged.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 The wretch
Witness: f1823 The wretch
Witness: fThomas The wretch
Witness: f1831 The wretch
Witness: fMS The wretch


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 saw me destroy the creature on whose
Witness: f1823 saw me destroy the creature on whose
Witness: fThomas saw me destroy the creature on whose
Witness: f1831 saw me destroy the creature on whose
Witness: fMS saw me destroy the creature on whose


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 future existence he depended for
Witness: f1823 future existence he depended for
Witness: fThomas future existence he depended for
Witness: f1831 future existence he depended for
Witness: fMS future existence he depended for


Reading Group: C26a_app212_rg1

Witness: fMS happiness and

Reading Group: C26a_app212_rg2

Witness: f1818 happiness, and,
Witness: f1823 happiness, and,
Witness: fThomas happiness, and,
Witness: f1831 happiness, and,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 with a howl of devilish despair and
Witness: f1823 with a howl of devilish despair and
Witness: fThomas with a howl of devilish despair and
Witness: f1831 with a howl of devilish despair and
Witness: fMS with a howl of devilish despair <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>&


Reading Group: C26a_app214_rg1

Witness: fMS revenge withdrew. I

Reading Group: C26a_app214_rg2

Witness: f1818 revenge, withdrew.<p/><p/>I
Witness: f1823 revenge, withdrew.<p/><p/>I
Witness: fThomas revenge, withdrew.<p/><p/>I
Witness: f1831 revenge, withdrew.<p/><p/>I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 left the
Witness: f1823 left the
Witness: fThomas left the
Witness: f1831 left the
Witness: fMS left the


Reading Group: C26a_app216_rg1

Witness: fMS room &

Reading Group: C26a_app216_rg2

Witness: f1818 room, and,
Witness: f1823 room, and,
Witness: fThomas room, and,
Witness: f1831 room, and,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 locking the
Witness: f1823 locking the
Witness: fThomas locking the
Witness: f1831 locking the
Witness: fMS locking the


Reading Group: C26a_app218_rg1

Witness: fMS door

Reading Group: C26a_app218_rg2

Witness: f1818 door,
Witness: f1823 door,
Witness: fThomas door,
Witness: f1831 door,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 made a
Witness: f1823 made a
Witness: fThomas made a
Witness: f1831 made a
Witness: fMS made a


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 solemn
Witness: f1823 solemn
Witness: fThomas solemn
Witness: f1831 solemn


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 vow in my own heart never
Witness: f1823 vow in my own heart never
Witness: fThomas vow in my own heart never
Witness: f1831 vow in my own heart never
Witness: fMS vow in my own heart never


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to resume my labours; and
Witness: f1823 to resume my labours; and
Witness: fThomas to resume my labours; and
Witness: f1831 to resume my labours; and
Witness: fMS to resume my labours; &


Reading Group: C26a_app223_rg1

Witness: fMS then

Reading Group: C26a_app223_rg2

Witness: f1818 then,
Witness: f1823 then,
Witness: fThomas then,
Witness: f1831 then,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 with trembling
Witness: f1823 with trembling
Witness: fThomas with trembling
Witness: f1831 with trembling
Witness: fMS with trembling


Reading Group: C26a_app225_rg1

Witness: fMS steps

Reading Group: C26a_app225_rg2

Witness: f1818 steps,
Witness: f1823 steps,
Witness: fThomas steps,
Witness: f1831 steps,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I sought my own
Witness: f1823 I sought my own
Witness: fThomas I sought my own
Witness: f1831 I sought my own
Witness: fMS I sought my own


Reading Group: C26a_app227_rg1

Witness: f1818 apartment.
Witness: f1823 apartment.
Witness: fThomas apartment.
Witness: f1831 apartment.

Reading Group: C26a_app227_rg2

Witness: fMS appartment


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fMS I


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS a


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was
Witness: f1823 was
Witness: fThomas was
Witness: f1831 was
Witness: fMS was


Reading Group: C26a_app231_rg1

Witness: fMS alone. n

Reading Group: C26a_app231_rg2

Witness: f1818 alone;
Witness: f1823 alone;
Witness: fThomas alone;
Witness: f1831 alone;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 none were near me to
Witness: f1823 none were near me to
Witness: fThomas none were near me to
Witness: f1831 none were near me to
Witness: fMS None were near me to


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 dissipate the
Witness: f1823 dissipate the
Witness: fThomas dissipate the
Witness: f1831 dissipate the
Witness: fMS dissipate the


Reading Group: C26a_app234_rg1

Witness: fMS gloom

Reading Group: C26a_app234_rg2

Witness: f1818 gloom,
Witness: f1823 gloom,
Witness: fThomas gloom,
Witness: f1831 gloom,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and relieve me
Witness: f1823 and relieve me
Witness: fThomas and relieve me
Witness: f1831 and relieve me
Witness: fMS and relieve me


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 from
Witness: f1823 from
Witness: fThomas from
Witness: f1831 from
Witness: fMS from


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the sickening oppression of
Witness: f1823 the sickening oppression of
Witness: fThomas the sickening oppression of
Witness: f1831 the sickening oppression of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the most terrible
Witness: f1823 the most terrible
Witness: fThomas the most terrible
Witness: f1831 the most terrible
Witness: fMS the most terrible


Reading Group: C26a_app239_rg1

Witness: fMS reveries. Several

Reading Group: C26a_app239_rg2

Witness: f1818 reveries.<p/><p/>Several
Witness: f1823 reveries.<p/><p/>Several
Witness: fThomas reveries.<p/><p/>Several
Witness: f1831 reveries.<p/><p/>Several


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 hours
Witness: f1823 hours
Witness: fThomas hours
Witness: f1831 hours
Witness: fMS hours


Reading Group: C26a_app241_rg1

Witness: fMS passed

Reading Group: C26a_app241_rg2

Witness: f1831 passed,

Reading Group: C26a_app241_rg3

Witness: f1818 past,
Witness: f1823 past,
Witness: fThomas past,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and I remained near my
Witness: f1823 and I remained near my
Witness: fThomas and I remained near my
Witness: f1831 and I remained near my
Witness: fMS and I remained near my


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 window gazing on the
Witness: f1823 window gazing on the
Witness: fThomas window gazing on the
Witness: f1831 window gazing on the
Witness: fMS window gazing on the


Reading Group: C26a_app244_rg1

Witness: fMS sea.

Reading Group: C26a_app244_rg2

Witness: f1818 sea;
Witness: f1823 sea;
Witness: fThomas sea;
Witness: f1831 sea;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 it was almost
Witness: f1823 it was almost
Witness: fThomas it was almost
Witness: f1831 it was almost
Witness: fMS It was almost


Reading Group: C26a_app246_rg1

Witness: fMS motionless

Reading Group: C26a_app246_rg2

Witness: f1818 motionless,
Witness: f1823 motionless,
Witness: fThomas motionless,
Witness: f1831 motionless,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 for the winds were
Witness: f1823 for the winds were
Witness: fThomas for the winds were
Witness: f1831 for the winds were
Witness: fMS for the winds were


Reading Group: C26a_app248_rg1

Witness: fMS hushed

Reading Group: C26a_app248_rg2

Witness: f1818 hushed,
Witness: f1823 hushed,
Witness: fThomas hushed,
Witness: f1831 hushed,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and all nature reposed under the eye of the
Witness: f1823 and all nature reposed under the eye of the
Witness: fThomas and all nature reposed under the eye of the
Witness: f1831 and all nature reposed under the eye of the
Witness: fMS & all nature reposed under the eye of the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 quiet
Witness: f1823 quiet
Witness: fThomas quiet
Witness: f1831 quiet
Witness: fMS quiet


Reading Group: C26a_app251_rg1

Witness: fMS moon

Reading Group: C26a_app251_rg2

Witness: f1818 moon.
Witness: f1823 moon.
Witness: fThomas moon.
Witness: f1831 moon.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 A few
Witness: f1823 A few
Witness: fThomas A few
Witness: f1831 A few
Witness: fMS A few


Reading Group: C26a_app253_rg1

Witness: f1818 fishing
Witness: f1823 fishing
Witness: fThomas fishing
Witness: f1831 fishing

Reading Group: C26a_app253_rg2

Witness: fMS fishings


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 vessels alone
Witness: f1823 vessels alone
Witness: fThomas vessels alone
Witness: f1831 vessels alone
Witness: fMS vessels alone


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 specked the
Witness: f1823 specked the
Witness: fThomas specked the
Witness: f1831 specked the
Witness: fMS specked the


Reading Group: C26a_app256_rg1

Witness: fMS water

Reading Group: C26a_app256_rg2

Witness: f1818 water,
Witness: f1823 water,
Witness: fThomas water,
Witness: f1831 water,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and now and then the
Witness: f1823 and now and then the
Witness: fThomas and now and then the
Witness: f1831 and now and then the
Witness: fMS and now & then the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 gentle
Witness: f1823 gentle
Witness: fThomas gentle
Witness: f1831 gentle
Witness: fMS gentle


Reading Group: C26a_app259_rg1

Witness: f1818 breeze
Witness: f1823 breeze
Witness: fThomas breeze
Witness: f1831 breeze

Reading Group: C26a_app259_rg2

Witness: fMS breezed


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 wafted the sound of
Witness: f1823 wafted the sound of
Witness: fThomas wafted the sound of
Witness: f1831 wafted the sound of
Witness: fMS wasfted the sound of


Reading Group: C26a_app261_rg1

Witness: fMS the voices

Reading Group: C26a_app261_rg2

Witness: f1818 voices,
Witness: f1823 voices,
Witness: fThomas voices,
Witness: f1831 voices,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 as the fishermen called to one another.
Witness: f1823 as the fishermen called to one another.
Witness: fThomas as the fishermen called to one another.
Witness: f1831 as the fishermen called to one another.
Witness: fMS as the <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>fishermen called to one another.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I felt the
Witness: f1823 I felt the
Witness: fThomas I felt the
Witness: f1831 I felt the
Witness: fMS I felt the


Reading Group: C26a_app264_rg1

Witness: fMS silence

Reading Group: C26a_app264_rg2

Witness: f1818 silence,
Witness: f1823 silence,
Witness: fThomas silence,
Witness: f1831 silence,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 although I was hardly
Witness: f1823 although I was hardly
Witness: fThomas although I was hardly
Witness: f1831 although I was hardly
Witness: fMS although I was hardly


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 conscious of its extreme
Witness: f1823 conscious of its extreme
Witness: fThomas conscious of its extreme
Witness: f1831 conscious of its extreme
Witness: fMS conscious of <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>its extreme


Reading Group: C26a_app267_rg1

Witness: fMS profundity untill

Reading Group: C26a_app267_rg2

Witness: f1818 profundity, until
Witness: f1823 profundity, until
Witness: fThomas profundity, until
Witness: f1831 profundity, until


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my ear was suddenly arrested by
Witness: f1823 my ear was suddenly arrested by
Witness: fThomas my ear was suddenly arrested by
Witness: f1831 my ear was suddenly arrested by
Witness: fMS my ear was suddenly arrested by


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the paddling of oars near the
Witness: f1823 the paddling of oars near the
Witness: fThomas the paddling of oars near the
Witness: f1831 the paddling of oars near the
Witness: fMS the paddling of oars near the


Reading Group: C26a_app270_rg1

Witness: fMS shore

Reading Group: C26a_app270_rg2

Witness: f1818 shore,
Witness: f1823 shore,
Witness: fThomas shore,
Witness: f1831 shore,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and a person landed close to my
Witness: f1823 and a person landed close to my
Witness: fThomas and a person landed close to my
Witness: f1831 and a person landed close to my
Witness: fMS and a person landed close to my


Reading Group: C26a_app272_rg1

Witness: fMS house. In

Reading Group: C26a_app272_rg2

Witness: f1818 house.<p/><p/>In
Witness: f1823 house.<p/><p/>In
Witness: fThomas house.<p/><p/>In
Witness: f1831 house.<p/><p/>In


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a few minutes
Witness: f1823 a few minutes
Witness: fThomas a few minutes
Witness: f1831 a few minutes
Witness: fMS a few minutes


Reading Group: C26a_app274_rg1

Witness: fMS after

Reading Group: C26a_app274_rg2

Witness: f1818 after,
Witness: f1823 after,
Witness: fThomas after,
Witness: f1831 after,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I heard the
Witness: f1823 I heard the
Witness: fThomas I heard the
Witness: f1831 I heard the
Witness: fMS I heard the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 creaking of my
Witness: f1823 creaking of my
Witness: fThomas creaking of my
Witness: f1831 creaking of my
Witness: fMS creaking of my


Reading Group: C26a_app277_rg1

Witness: fMS door

Reading Group: C26a_app277_rg2

Witness: f1818 door,
Witness: f1823 door,
Witness: fThomas door,
Witness: f1831 door,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 as if some one
Witness: f1823 as if some one
Witness: fThomas as if some one
Witness: f1831 as if some one
Witness: fMS as if some one


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 endeavoured to open it softly. I
Witness: f1823 endeavoured to open it softly. I
Witness: fThomas endeavoured to open it softly. I
Witness: f1831 endeavoured to open it softly. I
Witness: fMS endeavoured to open it softly. I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 trembled from head to foot; I felt a
Witness: f1823 trembled from head to foot; I felt a
Witness: fThomas trembled from head to foot; I felt a
Witness: f1831 trembled from head to foot; I felt a
Witness: fMS trembled from head to foot; I felt a


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 presentiment of who it
Witness: f1823 presentiment of who it
Witness: fThomas presentiment of who it
Witness: f1831 presentiment of who it
Witness: fMS presentiment of who it


Reading Group: C26a_app282_rg1

Witness: fMS was

Reading Group: C26a_app282_rg2

Witness: f1818 was,
Witness: f1823 was,
Witness: fThomas was,
Witness: f1831 was,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and wished
Witness: f1823 and wished
Witness: fThomas and wished
Witness: f1831 and wished
Witness: fMS and wished


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to rouse one of the peasants who dwelt
Witness: f1823 to rouse one of the peasants who dwelt
Witness: fThomas to rouse one of the peasants who dwelt
Witness: f1831 to rouse one of the peasants who dwelt
Witness: fMS to rouse one of the peasants who dwelt


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in a cottage not far from
Witness: f1823 in a cottage not far from
Witness: fThomas in a cottage not far from
Witness: f1831 in a cottage not far from
Witness: fMS in a cottage not far from


Reading Group: C26a_app286_rg1

Witness: fMS mine.

Reading Group: C26a_app286_rg2

Witness: f1818 mine;
Witness: f1823 mine;
Witness: fThomas mine;
Witness: f1831 mine;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but
Witness: f1823 but
Witness: fThomas but
Witness: f1831 but
Witness: fMS But


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I was overcome by the
Witness: f1823 I was overcome by the
Witness: fThomas I was overcome by the
Witness: f1831 I was overcome by the
Witness: fMS I was overcome by the


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS fright


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 sensation of
Witness: f1823 sensation of
Witness: fThomas sensation of
Witness: f1831 sensation of
Witness: fMS sensation of


Reading Group: C26a_app291_rg1

Witness: fMS helplessness

Reading Group: C26a_app291_rg2

Witness: f1818 helplessness,
Witness: f1823 helplessness,
Witness: fThomas helplessness,
Witness: f1831 helplessness,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 so often felt in
Witness: f1823 so often felt in
Witness: fThomas so often felt in
Witness: f1831 so often felt in
Witness: fMS so often felt in


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS a


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 frightful
Witness: f1823 frightful
Witness: fThomas frightful
Witness: f1831 frightful
Witness: fMS frightful


Reading Group: C26a_app295_rg1

Witness: fMS dream

Reading Group: C26a_app295_rg2

Witness: f1818 dreams,
Witness: f1823 dreams,
Witness: fThomas dreams,
Witness: f1831 dreams,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 when you in vain endeavour to fly
Witness: f1823 when you in vain endeavour to fly
Witness: fThomas when you in vain endeavour to fly
Witness: f1831 when you in vain endeavour to fly
Witness: fMS when you in vain endeavour to fly


Reading Group: C26a_app297_rg1

Witness: f1818 from an
Witness: f1823 from an
Witness: fThomas from an
Witness: f1831 from an

Reading Group: C26a_app297_rg2

Witness: fMS the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 impending
Witness: f1823 impending
Witness: fThomas impending
Witness: f1831 impending
Witness: fMS impending


Reading Group: C26a_app299_rg1

Witness: fMS danger

Reading Group: C26a_app299_rg2

Witness: f1818 danger,
Witness: f1823 danger,
Witness: fThomas danger,
Witness: f1831 danger,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and was rooted to the
Witness: f1823 and was rooted to the
Witness: fThomas and was rooted to the
Witness: f1831 and was rooted to the
Witness: fMS & was rooted to the


Reading Group: C26a_app301_rg1

Witness: fMS spot. Presently

Reading Group: C26a_app301_rg2

Witness: f1818 spot.<p/><p/>Presently
Witness: f1823 spot.<p/><p/>Presently
Witness: fThomas spot.<p/><p/>Presently
Witness: f1831 spot.<p/><p/>Presently


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I heard
Witness: f1823 I heard
Witness: fThomas I heard
Witness: f1831 I heard
Witness: fMS I heard


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the sound of footsteps along the
Witness: f1823 the sound of footsteps along the
Witness: fThomas the sound of footsteps along the
Witness: f1831 the sound of footsteps along the
Witness: fMS the sound of footsteps along the


Reading Group: C26a_app304_rg1

Witness: fMS passage,

Reading Group: C26a_app304_rg2

Witness: f1818 passage;
Witness: f1823 passage;
Witness: fThomas passage;
Witness: f1831 passage;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the door
Witness: f1823 the door
Witness: fThomas the door
Witness: f1831 the door
Witness: fMS mythe door


Reading Group: C26a_app306_rg1

Witness: fMS opened

Reading Group: C26a_app306_rg2

Witness: f1818 opened,
Witness: f1823 opened,
Witness: fThomas opened,
Witness: f1831 opened,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and the wretch whom I
Witness: f1823 and the wretch whom I
Witness: fThomas and the wretch whom I
Witness: f1831 and the wretch whom I
Witness: fMS & the wretch whom I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 dreaded appeared. Shutting the
Witness: f1823 dreaded appeared. Shutting the
Witness: fThomas dreaded appeared. Shutting the
Witness: f1831 dreaded appeared. Shutting the
Witness: fMS dreaded appeared. Shutting the


Reading Group: C26a_app309_rg1

Witness: fMS door

Reading Group: C26a_app309_rg2

Witness: f1818 door,
Witness: f1823 door,
Witness: fThomas door,
Witness: f1831 door,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 he
Witness: f1823 he
Witness: fThomas he
Witness: f1831 he
Witness: fMS he


Reading Group: C26a_app311_rg1

Witness: fMS advanced towardsapproached me

Reading Group: C26a_app311_rg2

Witness: f1818 approached me,
Witness: f1823 approached me,
Witness: fThomas approached me,
Witness: f1831 approached me,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fMS &


Reading Group: C26a_app313_rg1

Witness: fMS said

Reading Group: C26a_app313_rg2

Witness: f1818 said,
Witness: f1823 said,
Witness: fThomas said,
Witness: f1831 said,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in a
Witness: f1823 in a
Witness: fThomas in a
Witness: f1831 in a
Witness: fMS in a


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 smothered
Witness: f1823 smothered
Witness: fThomas smothered
Witness: f1831 smothered
Witness: fMS smothered


Reading Group: C26a_app316_rg1

Witness: fMS v voice:— You

Reading Group: C26a_app316_rg2

Witness: f1818 voice—<p/><p/>“You
Witness: f1823 voice—<p/><p/>“You
Witness: fThomas voice—<p/><p/>“You
Witness: f1831 voice—<p/><p/>“You


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 have
Witness: f1823 have
Witness: fThomas have
Witness: f1831 have
Witness: fMS have


Reading Group: C26a_app318_rg1

Witness: fMS des-troyed

Reading Group: C26a_app318_rg2

Witness: f1818 destroyed
Witness: f1823 destroyed
Witness: fThomas destroyed
Witness: f1831 destroyed


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the work
Witness: f1823 the work
Witness: fThomas the work
Witness: f1831 the work
Witness: fMS the work


Reading Group: C26a_app320_rg1

Witness: fMS that

Reading Group: C26a_app320_rg2

Witness: f1818 which
Witness: f1823 which
Witness: fThomas which
Witness: f1831 which


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 you began; what
Witness: f1823 you began; what
Witness: fThomas you began; what
Witness: f1831 you began; what
Witness: fMS you began.; What


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 is it that you intend? Do you dare
Witness: f1823 is it that you intend? Do you dare
Witness: fThomas is it that you intend? Do you dare
Witness: f1831 is it that you intend? Do you dare
Witness: fMS is it that you intend? Do you dare


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to
Witness: f1823 to
Witness: fThomas to
Witness: f1831 to


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 break
Witness: f1823 break
Witness: fThomas break
Witness: f1831 break
Witness: fMS break


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 your promise? I
Witness: f1823 your promise? I
Witness: fThomas your promise? I
Witness: f1831 your promise? I
Witness: fMS your promise? I


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS h


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 have endured toil and misery: I left Switzerland with you;
Witness: f1823 have endured toil and misery: I left Switzerland with you;
Witness: fThomas have endured toil and misery: I left Switzerland with you;
Witness: f1831 have endured toil and misery: I left Switzerland with you;
Witness: fMS have endured toil & misery: I left Switzerland with you;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I crept along the shores of the
Witness: f1823 I crept along the shores of the
Witness: fThomas I crept along the shores of the
Witness: f1831 I crept along the shores of the
Witness: fMS I crept along the shores of the


Reading Group: C26a_app329_rg1

Witness: fMS Rhine with you,

Reading Group: C26a_app329_rg2

Witness: f1818 Rhine,
Witness: f1823 Rhine,
Witness: fThomas Rhine,
Witness: f1831 Rhine,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 among its willow
Witness: f1823 among its willow
Witness: fThomas among its willow
Witness: f1831 among its willow
Witness: fMS among its willow


Reading Group: C26a_app331_rg1

Witness: fMS ils islands

Reading Group: C26a_app331_rg2

Witness: f1818 islands,
Witness: f1823 islands,
Witness: fThomas islands,
Witness: f1831 islands,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fMS and


Reading Group: C26a_app333_rg1

Witness: fMS uponover

Reading Group: C26a_app333_rg2

Witness: f1818 over
Witness: f1823 over
Witness: fThomas over
Witness: f1831 over


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the summits of its hills. I have dwelt many months in the heaths of
Witness: f1823 the summits of its hills. I have dwelt many months in the heaths of
Witness: fThomas the summits of its hills. I have dwelt many months in the heaths of
Witness: f1831 the summits of its hills. I have dwelt many months in the heaths of
Witness: fMS the summits of its hills. I have dwelt many months in the heaths of


Reading Group: C26a_app335_rg1

Witness: fMS England

Reading Group: C26a_app335_rg2

Witness: f1818 England,
Witness: f1823 England,
Witness: fThomas England,
Witness: f1831 England,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and among the
Witness: f1823 and among the
Witness: fThomas and among the
Witness: f1831 and among the
Witness: fMS & among the


Reading Group: C26a_app337_rg1

Witness: fMS desarts

Reading Group: C26a_app337_rg2

Witness: fThomas deserts hills

Reading Group: C26a_app337_rg3

Witness: f1818 deserts
Witness: f1823 deserts
Witness: f1831 deserts


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of
Witness: f1823 of
Witness: fThomas of
Witness: f1831 of
Witness: fMS of


Reading Group: C26a_app339_rg1

Witness: fMS Scotcland.

Reading Group: C26a_app339_rg2

Witness: f1818 Scotland.
Witness: f1823 Scotland.
Witness: fThomas Scotland.
Witness: f1831 Scotland.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I have endured incalculable
Witness: f1823 I have endured incalculable
Witness: fThomas I have endured incalculable
Witness: f1831 I have endured incalculable
Witness: fMS I have endured incalculable


Reading Group: C26a_app341_rg1

Witness: fMS fatigue

Reading Group: C26a_app341_rg2

Witness: f1818 fatigue,
Witness: f1823 fatigue,
Witness: fThomas fatigue,
Witness: f1831 fatigue,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fMS ,&


Reading Group: C26a_app343_rg1

Witness: fMS cold

Reading Group: C26a_app343_rg2

Witness: f1818 cold,
Witness: f1823 cold,
Witness: fThomas cold,
Witness: f1831 cold,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fMS &


Reading Group: C26a_app345_rg1

Witness: fMS hunger &

Reading Group: C26a_app345_rg2

Witness: f1818 hunger;
Witness: f1823 hunger;
Witness: fThomas hunger;
Witness: f1831 hunger;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 do you dare destroy my
Witness: f1823 do you dare destroy my
Witness: fThomas do you dare destroy my
Witness: f1831 do you dare destroy my
Witness: fMS do you dare destroy mey


Reading Group: C26a_app347_rg1

Witness: f1818 hopes?”<p/><p/>“Begone!
Witness: f1823 hopes?”<p/><p/>“Begone!
Witness: fThomas hopes?”<p/><p/>“Begone!
Witness: f1831 hopes?”<p/><p/>“Begone!

Reading Group: C26a_app347_rg2

Witness: fMS hopes? Begone, I replied;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I do break my
Witness: f1823 I do break my
Witness: fThomas I do break my
Witness: f1831 I do break my
Witness: fMS I do break my


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS p


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 promise; never will
Witness: f1823 promise; never will
Witness: fThomas promise; never will
Witness: f1831 promise; never will
Witness: fMS promise; never will


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: f1831 I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 create another like
Witness: f1823 create another like
Witness: fThomas create another like
Witness: f1831 create another like
Witness: fMS create another like


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 yourself, equal in deformity and
Witness: f1823 yourself, equal in deformity and
Witness: fThomas yourself, equal in deformity and
Witness: f1831 yourself, equal in deformity and
Witness: fMS yourself, equal in deformity &


Reading Group: C26a_app354_rg1

Witness: f1818 wickedness.”<p/><p/>“Slave,
Witness: f1823 wickedness.”<p/><p/>“Slave,
Witness: fThomas wickedness.”<p/><p/>“Slave,
Witness: f1831 wickedness.”<p/><p/>“Slave,

Reading Group: C26a_app354_rg2

Witness: fMS wickedness. Slave, said the wretch,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I before
Witness: f1823 I before
Witness: fThomas I before
Witness: f1831 I before
Witness: fMS I before


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 reasoned with
Witness: f1823 reasoned with
Witness: fThomas reasoned with
Witness: f1831 reasoned with
Witness: fMS reasoned with


Reading Group: C26a_app357_rg1

Witness: fMS you –

Reading Group: C26a_app357_rg2

Witness: f1818 you,
Witness: f1823 you,
Witness: fThomas you,
Witness: f1831 you,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but you have proved
Witness: f1823 but you have proved
Witness: fThomas but you have proved
Witness: f1831 but you have proved
Witness: fMS but you have proved


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 yourself unworthy of my condescension. Remember that I have power; you believe yourself
Witness: f1823 yourself unworthy of my condescension. Remember that I have power; you believe yourself
Witness: fThomas yourself unworthy of my condescension. Remember that I have power; you believe yourself
Witness: f1831 yourself unworthy of my condescension. Remember that I have power; you believe yourself
Witness: fMS yourself unworthy of my condescentsion. Remember that I have power; you believe yourself


Reading Group: C26a_app360_rg1

Witness: fMS miserable

Reading Group: C26a_app360_rg2

Witness: f1818 miserable,
Witness: f1823 miserable,
Witness: fThomas miserable,
Witness: f1831 miserable,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but I can make you so
Witness: f1823 but I can make you so
Witness: fThomas but I can make you so
Witness: f1831 but I can make you so
Witness: fMS but I can make you so


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 wretched that the light of day
Witness: f1823 wretched that the light of day
Witness: fThomas wretched that the light of day
Witness: f1831 wretched that the light of day
Witness: fMS wretched that the light of day


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS of d


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 will
Witness: f1823 will
Witness: fThomas will
Witness: f1831 will
Witness: fMS will


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 be hateful to you. You are my
Witness: f1823 be hateful to you. You are my
Witness: fThomas be hateful to you. You are my
Witness: f1831 be hateful to you. You are my
Witness: fMS be hateful to you. You are my


Reading Group: C26a_app366_rg1

Witness: fMS creator

Reading Group: C26a_app366_rg2

Witness: f1818 creator,
Witness: f1823 creator,
Witness: fThomas creator,
Witness: f1831 creator,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but I am your
Witness: f1823 but I am your
Witness: fThomas but I am your
Witness: f1831 but I am your
Witness: fMS but I am your


Reading Group: C26a_app368_rg1

Witness: fMS master; obey! Wretch, said I, the

Reading Group: C26a_app368_rg2

Witness: f1818 master;—obey!”<p/><p/>“The
Witness: f1823 master;—obey!”<p/><p/>“The
Witness: fThomas master;—obey!”<p/><p/>“The
Witness: f1831 master;—obey!”<p/><p/>“The


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 hour of my
Witness: f1823 hour of my
Witness: fThomas hour of my
Witness: f1831 hour of my
Witness: fMS hour of my


Reading Group: C26a_app370_rg1

Witness: f1823 irresolution
Witness: f1831 irresolution

Reading Group: C26a_app370_rg2

Witness: f1818 weakness
Witness: fThomas weakness
Witness: fMS weakness


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 is
Witness: f1823 is
Witness: fThomas is
Witness: f1831 is
Witness: fMS is


Reading Group: C26a_app372_rg1

Witness: fMS past

Reading Group: C26a_app372_rg2

Witness: f1818 past,
Witness: f1823 past,
Witness: fThomas past,
Witness: f1831 past,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and the period of your power is
Witness: f1823 and the period of your power is
Witness: fThomas and the period of your power is
Witness: f1831 and the period of your power is
Witness: fMS & the period of your power is


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 arrived. Your threats cannot move me
Witness: f1823 arrived. Your threats cannot move me
Witness: fThomas arrived. Your threats cannot move me
Witness: f1831 arrived. Your threats cannot move me
Witness: fMS arrived. Your threats cannot move me


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to do an act of
Witness: f1823 to do an act of
Witness: fThomas to do an act of
Witness: f1831 to do an act of
Witness: fMS to do an act of


Reading Group: C26a_app376_rg1

Witness: fMS wickedness

Reading Group: C26a_app376_rg2

Witness: f1818 wickedness;
Witness: f1823 wickedness;
Witness: fThomas wickedness;
Witness: f1831 wickedness;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but they confirm
Witness: f1823 but they confirm
Witness: fThomas but they confirm
Witness: f1831 but they confirm
Witness: fMS but they confirm


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 me in a
Witness: f1823 me in a
Witness: fThomas me in a
Witness: f1831 me in a
Witness: fMS me in a


Reading Group: C26a_app379_rg1

Witness: f1823 determination
Witness: f1831 determination

Reading Group: C26a_app379_rg2

Witness: f1818 resolution
Witness: fThomas resolution
Witness: fMS resolution


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of not creating you
Witness: f1823 of not creating you
Witness: fThomas of not creating you
Witness: f1831 of not creating you
Witness: fMS of not creating you


Reading Group: C26a_app381_rg1

Witness: fMS

Reading Group: C26a_app381_rg2

Witness: f1818 a
Witness: f1823 a
Witness: fThomas a
Witness: f1831 a


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 companion in vice. Shall
Witness: f1823 companion in vice. Shall
Witness: fThomas companion in vice. Shall
Witness: f1831 companion in vice. Shall
Witness: fMS companion in vice. Shall


Reading Group: C26a_app383_rg1

Witness: fMS I

Reading Group: C26a_app383_rg2

Witness: f1818 I,
Witness: f1823 I,
Witness: fThomas I,
Witness: f1831 I,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in
Witness: f1823 in
Witness: fThomas in
Witness: f1831 in
Witness: fMS in


Reading Group: C26a_app385_rg1

Witness: fMS cold blood

Reading Group: C26a_app385_rg2

Witness: f1818 cool blood,
Witness: f1823 cool blood,
Witness: fThomas cool blood,
Witness: f1831 cool blood,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 set loose upon the earth a
Witness: f1823 set loose upon the earth a
Witness: fThomas set loose upon the earth a
Witness: f1831 set loose upon the earth a
Witness: fMS set loose upon the earth a


Reading Group: C26a_app387_rg1

Witness: fMS dæmon

Reading Group: C26a_app387_rg2

Witness: f1818 dæmon,
Witness: f1823 dæmon,
Witness: fThomas dæmon,
Witness: f1831 dæmon,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 whose delight is in death and
Witness: f1823 whose delight is in death and
Witness: fThomas whose delight is in death and
Witness: f1831 whose delight is in death and
Witness: fMS whose delight is in death &


Reading Group: C26a_app389_rg1

Witness: f1818 wretchedness.
Witness: fThomas wretchedness.
Witness: fMS wretchedness.

Reading Group: C26a_app389_rg2

Witness: f1823 wretchedness?
Witness: f1831 wretchedness?


Reading Group: C26a_app390_rg1

Witness: fMS Begone,

Reading Group: C26a_app390_rg2

Witness: f1818 Begone!
Witness: f1823 Begone!
Witness: fThomas Begone!
Witness: f1831 Begone!


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I am
Witness: f1823 I am
Witness: fThomas I am
Witness: f1831 I am
Witness: fMS I am


Reading Group: C26a_app392_rg1

Witness: fMS firm

Reading Group: C26a_app392_rg2

Witness: f1818 firm,
Witness: f1823 firm,
Witness: fThomas firm,
Witness: f1831 firm,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and your words will
Witness: f1823 and your words will
Witness: fThomas and your words will
Witness: f1831 and your words will
Witness: fMS and your words will


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 only exasperate my
Witness: f1823 only exasperate my
Witness: fThomas only exasperate my
Witness: f1831 only exasperate my
Witness: fMS only exasperate my


Reading Group: C26a_app395_rg1

Witness: f1818 rage.”<p/><p/>The
Witness: f1823 rage.”<p/><p/>The
Witness: fThomas rage.”<p/><p/>The
Witness: f1831 rage.”<p/><p/>The

Reading Group: C26a_app395_rg2

Witness: fMS rage. The


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 monster saw my determination
Witness: f1823 monster saw my determination
Witness: fThomas monster saw my determination
Witness: f1831 monster saw my determination
Witness: fMS Monster saw my determination


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in my
Witness: f1823 in my
Witness: fThomas in my
Witness: f1831 in my
Witness: fMS in my


Reading Group: C26a_app398_rg1

Witness: fMS face

Reading Group: C26a_app398_rg2

Witness: f1818 face,
Witness: f1823 face,
Witness: fThomas face,
Witness: f1831 face,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and gnashed his teeth in the
Witness: f1823 and gnashed his teeth in the
Witness: fThomas and gnashed his teeth in the
Witness: f1831 and gnashed his teeth in the
Witness: fMS and gnashed his teeth in the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 impotence of anger.
Witness: f1823 impotence of anger.
Witness: fThomas impotence of anger.
Witness: f1831 impotence of anger.
Witness: fMS impotence of anger.


Reading Group: C26a_app401_rg1

Witness: f1818 “Shall
Witness: f1823 “Shall
Witness: fThomas “Shall
Witness: f1831 “Shall

Reading Group: C26a_app401_rg2

Witness: fMS Shall


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 each
Witness: f1823 each
Witness: fThomas each
Witness: f1831 each
Witness: fMS each


Reading Group: C26a_app403_rg1

Witness: f1818 man,”
Witness: f1823 man,”
Witness: fThomas man,”
Witness: f1831 man,”

Reading Group: C26a_app403_rg2

Witness: fMS man,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 cried
Witness: f1823 cried
Witness: fThomas cried
Witness: f1831 cried
Witness: fMS cried


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 he,
Witness: f1823 he,
Witness: fThomas he,
Witness: f1831 he,
Witness: fMS he,


Reading Group: C26a_app406_rg1

Witness: f1818 “find a wife for
Witness: f1823 “find a wife for
Witness: fThomas “find a wife for
Witness: f1831 “find a wife for

Reading Group: C26a_app406_rg2

Witness: fMS find


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 his
Witness: f1823 his
Witness: fThomas his
Witness: f1831 his
Witness: fMS his


Reading Group: C26a_app408_rg1

Witness: f1818 bosom,
Witness: f1823 bosom,
Witness: fThomas bosom,
Witness: f1831 bosom,

Reading Group: C26a_app408_rg2

Witness: fMS equal,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and each beast have
Witness: f1823 and each beast have
Witness: fThomas and each beast have
Witness: f1831 and each beast have
Witness: fMS & each beast have


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 his
Witness: f1823 his
Witness: fThomas his
Witness: f1831 his
Witness: fMS his


Reading Group: C26a_app411_rg1

Witness: fMS mate I

Reading Group: C26a_app411_rg2

Witness: f1818 mate,
Witness: f1823 mate,
Witness: fThomas mate,
Witness: f1831 mate,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and I be
Witness: f1823 and I be
Witness: fThomas and I be
Witness: f1831 and I be
Witness: fMS and I be


Reading Group: C26a_app413_rg1

Witness: fMS alone.

Reading Group: C26a_app413_rg2

Witness: f1818 alone?
Witness: f1823 alone?
Witness: fThomas alone?
Witness: f1831 alone?


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I had feelings
Witness: f1823 I had feelings
Witness: fThomas I had feelings
Witness: f1831 I had feelings
Witness: fMS I had feelings


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of
Witness: f1823 of
Witness: fThomas of
Witness: f1831 of
Witness: fMS of


Reading Group: C26a_app416_rg1

Witness: fMS affection

Reading Group: C26a_app416_rg2

Witness: f1818 affection,
Witness: f1823 affection,
Witness: fThomas affection,
Witness: f1831 affection,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and they were
Witness: f1823 and they were
Witness: fThomas and they were
Witness: f1831 and they were
Witness: fMS & they were


Reading Group: C26a_app418_rg1

Witness: f1818 requited
Witness: f1823 requited
Witness: fThomas requited
Witness: f1831 requited

Reading Group: C26a_app418_rg2

Witness: fMS returned


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 by
Witness: f1823 by
Witness: fThomas by
Witness: f1831 by
Witness: fMS by


Reading Group: C26a_app420_rg1

Witness: f1818 detestation and scorn.
Witness: f1823 detestation and scorn.
Witness: fThomas detestation and scorn.
Witness: f1831 detestation and scorn.

Reading Group: C26a_app420_rg2

Witness: fMS detestation. Man


Reading Group: C26a_app421_rg1

Witness: f1823 Man!
Witness: f1831 Man!

Reading Group: C26a_app421_rg2

Witness: f1818 Man,
Witness: fThomas Man,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 you may
Witness: f1823 you may
Witness: fThomas you may
Witness: f1831 you may
Witness: fMS you may


Reading Group: C26a_app423_rg1

Witness: fMS hate,

Reading Group: C26a_app423_rg2

Witness: f1818 hate;
Witness: f1823 hate;
Witness: fThomas hate;
Witness: f1831 hate;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but beware! Your hours will pass in dread and
Witness: f1823 but beware! Your hours will pass in dread and
Witness: fThomas but beware! Your hours will pass in dread and
Witness: f1831 but beware! your hours will pass in dread and
Witness: fMS but beware! Your hours will pass in dread &


Reading Group: C26a_app425_rg1

Witness: fMS misery

Reading Group: C26a_app425_rg2

Witness: f1818 misery,
Witness: f1823 misery,
Witness: fThomas misery,
Witness: f1831 misery,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and soon the bolt will fall which
Witness: f1823 and soon the bolt will fall which
Witness: fThomas and soon the bolt will fall which
Witness: f1831 and soon the bolt will fall which
Witness: fMS and soon the bolt will fall which


Reading Group: C26a_app427_rg1

Witness: f1818 must
Witness: f1823 must
Witness: fThomas must
Witness: f1831 must

Reading Group: C26a_app427_rg2

Witness: fMS will


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 ravish from you your happiness for ever.
Witness: f1823 ravish from you your happiness for ever.
Witness: fThomas ravish from you your happiness for ever.
Witness: f1831 ravish from you your happiness for ever.
Witness: fMS ravish from you your happiness for ever.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Are you to be
Witness: f1823 Are you to be
Witness: fThomas Are you to be
Witness: f1831 Are you to be
Witness: fMS Are you to <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>be


Reading Group: C26a_app430_rg1

Witness: fMS happy

Reading Group: C26a_app430_rg2

Witness: f1818 happy,
Witness: f1823 happy,
Witness: fThomas happy,
Witness: f1831 happy,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 while I grovel in the
Witness: f1823 while I grovel in the
Witness: fThomas while I grovel in the
Witness: f1831 while I grovel in the
Witness: fMS while I grovel in the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 intensity of my
Witness: f1823 intensity of my
Witness: fThomas intensity of my
Witness: f1831 intensity of my
Witness: fMS intensity of my


Reading Group: C26a_app433_rg1

Witness: fMS wretchedness.

Reading Group: C26a_app433_rg2

Witness: f1818 wretchedness?
Witness: f1823 wretchedness?
Witness: fThomas wretchedness?
Witness: f1831 wretchedness?


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 You
Witness: f1823 You
Witness: fThomas You
Witness: f1831 You
Witness: fMS You


Reading Group: C26a_app435_rg1

Witness: fMS destroy<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>can

Reading Group: C26a_app435_rg2

Witness: f1818 can
Witness: f1823 can
Witness: fThomas can
Witness: f1831 can


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 blast my
Witness: f1823 blast my
Witness: fThomas blast my
Witness: f1831 blast my
Witness: fMS blast my


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 other
Witness: f1823 other
Witness: fThomas other
Witness: f1831 other
Witness: fMS other


Reading Group: C26a_app438_rg1

Witness: fMS passions

Reading Group: C26a_app438_rg2

Witness: f1818 passions;
Witness: f1823 passions;
Witness: fThomas passions;
Witness: f1831 passions;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but revenge
Witness: f1823 but revenge
Witness: fThomas but revenge
Witness: f1831 but revenge
Witness: fMS but revenge


Reading Group: C26a_app440_rg1

Witness: fMS remains; revenge

Reading Group: C26a_app440_rg2

Witness: f1818 remains—revenge, henceforth
Witness: f1823 remains—revenge, henceforth
Witness: fThomas remains—revenge, henceforth
Witness: f1831 remains—revenge, henceforth


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 dearer than light or
Witness: f1823 dearer than light or
Witness: fThomas dearer than light or
Witness: f1831 dearer than light or
Witness: fMS dearer than light or


Reading Group: C26a_app442_rg1

Witness: f1818 food!
Witness: f1823 food!
Witness: fThomas food!
Witness: f1831 food!

Reading Group: C26a_app442_rg2

Witness: fMS food.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I may
Witness: f1823 I may
Witness: fThomas I may
Witness: f1831 I may
Witness: fMS I may


Reading Group: C26a_app444_rg1

Witness: fMS die

Reading Group: C26a_app444_rg2

Witness: f1818 die;
Witness: f1823 die;
Witness: fThomas die;
Witness: f1831 die;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but
Witness: f1823 but
Witness: fThomas but
Witness: f1831 but
Witness: fMS but


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 first
Witness: f1823 first
Witness: fThomas first
Witness: f1831 first
Witness: fMS first


Reading Group: C26a_app447_rg1

Witness: fMS you

Reading Group: C26a_app447_rg2

Witness: f1818 you,
Witness: f1823 you,
Witness: fThomas you,
Witness: f1831 you,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my tyrant and
Witness: f1823 my tyrant and
Witness: fThomas my tyrant and
Witness: f1831 my tyrant and
Witness: fMS my tyrant &


Reading Group: C26a_app449_rg1

Witness: fMS tormentor

Reading Group: C26a_app449_rg2

Witness: f1818 tormentor,
Witness: f1823 tormentor,
Witness: fThomas tormentor,
Witness: f1831 tormentor,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 shall
Witness: f1823 shall
Witness: fThomas shall
Witness: f1831 shall
Witness: fMS shall


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 curse the sun that gazes on your misery.
Witness: f1823 curse the sun that gazes on your misery.
Witness: fThomas curse the sun that gazes on your misery.
Witness: f1831 curse the sun that gazes on your misery.
Witness: fMS curse the sun that gazes on your misery.


Reading Group: C26a_app452_rg1

Witness: fMS Beware,

Reading Group: C26a_app452_rg2

Witness: f1818 Beware;
Witness: f1823 Beware;
Witness: fThomas Beware;
Witness: f1831 Beware;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 for I am
Witness: f1823 for I am
Witness: fThomas for I am
Witness: f1831 for I am
Witness: fMS for I am


Reading Group: C26a_app454_rg1

Witness: fMS fearless

Reading Group: C26a_app454_rg2

Witness: f1818 fearless,
Witness: f1823 fearless,
Witness: fThomas fearless,
Witness: f1831 fearless,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and therefore
Witness: f1823 and therefore
Witness: fThomas and therefore
Witness: f1831 and therefore
Witness: fMS & therefore


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 powerful. I will watch with the wiliness
Witness: f1823 powerful. I will watch with the wiliness
Witness: fThomas powerful. I will watch with the wiliness
Witness: f1831 powerful. I will watch with the wiliness
Witness: fMS powerful. I will watch with the wiliness


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of a
Witness: f1823 of a
Witness: fThomas of a
Witness: f1831 of a
Witness: fMS of a


Reading Group: C26a_app458_rg1

Witness: fMS snank snake

Reading Group: C26a_app458_rg2

Witness: f1818 snake,
Witness: f1823 snake,
Witness: fThomas snake,
Witness: f1831 snake,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that I may sting with
Witness: f1823 that I may sting with
Witness: fThomas that I may sting with
Witness: f1831 that I may sting with
Witness: fMS that I may sting with


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 its venom. Man, you shall repent
Witness: f1823 its venom. Man, you shall repent
Witness: fThomas its venom. Man, you shall repent
Witness: f1831 its venom. Man, you shall repent
Witness: fMS its venom. Man, you shall repent


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of the injuries you
Witness: f1823 of the injuries you
Witness: fThomas of the injuries you
Witness: f1831 of the injuries you
Witness: fMS of the injuries you


Reading Group: C26a_app462_rg1

Witness: f1818 inflict.”<p/><p/>“Devil, cease;
Witness: f1823 inflict.”<p/><p/>“Devil, cease;
Witness: fThomas inflict.”<p/><p/>“Devil, cease;
Witness: f1831 inflict.”<p/><p/>“Devil, cease;

Reading Group: C26a_app462_rg2

Witness: fMS inflict. Devil, I cried, Cease,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and do not
Witness: f1823 and do not
Witness: fThomas and do not
Witness: f1831 and do not
Witness: fMS & do not


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 poison the air with
Witness: f1823 poison the air with
Witness: fThomas poison the air with
Witness: f1831 poison the air with
Witness: fMS poison the air with


Reading Group: C26a_app465_rg1

Witness: f1818 these
Witness: f1823 these
Witness: fThomas these
Witness: f1831 these

Reading Group: C26a_app465_rg2

Witness: fMS those


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 sounds
Witness: f1823 sounds
Witness: fThomas sounds
Witness: f1831 sounds
Witness: fMS sounds


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of malice. I have declared my resolution
Witness: f1823 of malice. I have declared my resolution
Witness: fThomas of malice. I have declared my resolution
Witness: f1831 of malice. I have declared my resolution
Witness: fMS of malice. I have declared my resolution


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to
Witness: f1823 to
Witness: fThomas to
Witness: f1831 to
Witness: fMS to


Reading Group: C26a_app469_rg1

Witness: fMS you

Reading Group: C26a_app469_rg2

Witness: f1818 you,
Witness: f1823 you,
Witness: fThomas you,
Witness: f1831 you,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and I am no coward to bend
Witness: f1823 and I am no coward to bend
Witness: fThomas and I am no coward to bend
Witness: f1831 and I am no coward to bend
Witness: fMS and I am no coward to bend


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 beneath
Witness: f1823 beneath
Witness: fThomas beneath
Witness: f1831 beneath
Witness: fMS beneath


Reading Group: C26a_app472_rg1

Witness: fMS words –

Reading Group: C26a_app472_rg2

Witness: f1818 words.
Witness: f1823 words.
Witness: fThomas words.
Witness: f1831 words.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Leave
Witness: f1823 Leave
Witness: fThomas Leave
Witness: f1831 Leave
Witness: fMS Leave


Reading Group: C26a_app474_rg1

Witness: fMS me,

Reading Group: C26a_app474_rg2

Witness: f1818 me;
Witness: f1823 me;
Witness: fThomas me;
Witness: f1831 me;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I am
Witness: f1823 I am
Witness: fThomas I am
Witness: f1831 I am
Witness: fMS I am


Reading Group: C26a_app476_rg1

Witness: f1818 inexorable.”<p/><p/>“It
Witness: f1823 inexorable.”<p/><p/>“It
Witness: fThomas inexorable.”<p/><p/>“It
Witness: f1831 inexorable.”<p/><p/>“It

Reading Group: C26a_app476_rg2

Witness: fMS inexorable. It


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 is
Witness: f1823 is
Witness: fThomas is
Witness: f1831 is
Witness: fMS is


Reading Group: C26a_app478_rg1

Witness: fMS well, said he,

Reading Group: C26a_app478_rg2

Witness: f1818 well.
Witness: f1823 well.
Witness: fThomas well.
Witness: f1831 well.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I go; but
Witness: f1823 I go; but
Witness: fThomas I go; but
Witness: f1831 I go; but
Witness: fMS I go; but


Reading Group: C26a_app480_rg1

Witness: fMS remember!

Reading Group: C26a_app480_rg2

Witness: f1818 remember,
Witness: f1823 remember,
Witness: fThomas remember,
Witness: f1831 remember,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I shall be with you on your
Witness: f1823 I shall be with you on your
Witness: fThomas I shall be with you on your
Witness: f1831 I shall be with you on your
Witness: fMS I shall be with you on your


Reading Group: C26a_app482_rg1

Witness: fMS marriage night.Chapter 13<shi rend="sup"></shi> I

Reading Group: C26a_app482_rg2

Witness: f1818 wedding-night.”<p/><p/>I
Witness: f1823 wedding-night.”<p/><p/>I
Witness: fThomas wedding-night.”<p/><p/>I
Witness: f1831 wedding-night.”<p/><p/>I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 started
Witness: f1823 started
Witness: fThomas started
Witness: f1831 started
Witness: fMS started


Reading Group: C26a_app484_rg1

Witness: fMS forward

Reading Group: C26a_app484_rg2

Witness: f1818 forward,
Witness: f1823 forward,
Witness: fThomas forward,
Witness: f1831 forward,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fMS &


Reading Group: C26a_app486_rg1

Witness: f1818 exclaimed, “Villain!
Witness: f1823 exclaimed, “Villain!
Witness: fThomas exclaimed, “Villain!
Witness: f1831 exclaimed, “Villain!

Reading Group: C26a_app486_rg2

Witness: fMS exclaimed—Villain,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 before
Witness: f1823 before
Witness: fThomas before
Witness: f1831 before
Witness: fMS before


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 you sign my death-warrant, be sure that
Witness: f1823 you sign my death-warrant, be sure that
Witness: fThomas you sign my death-warrant, be sure that
Witness: f1831 you sign my death-warrant, be sure that
Witness: fMS you sign my death-warrant, be sure that


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 you are yourself
Witness: f1823 you are yourself
Witness: fThomas you are yourself
Witness: f1831 you are yourself
Witness: fMS you are yourself


Reading Group: C26a_app490_rg1

Witness: f1818 safe.”<p/><p/>I
Witness: f1823 safe.”<p/><p/>I
Witness: fThomas safe.”<p/><p/>I
Witness: f1831 safe.”<p/><p/>I

Reading Group: C26a_app490_rg2

Witness: fMS safe. I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 would have seized
Witness: f1823 would have seized
Witness: fThomas would have seized
Witness: f1831 would have seized
Witness: fMS would have seized


Reading Group: C26a_app492_rg1

Witness: fMS him

Reading Group: C26a_app492_rg2

Witness: f1818 him;
Witness: f1823 him;
Witness: fThomas him;
Witness: f1831 him;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but he eluded
Witness: f1823 but he eluded
Witness: fThomas but he eluded
Witness: f1831 but he eluded
Witness: fMS but he eluded


Reading Group: C26a_app494_rg1

Witness: fMS me

Reading Group: C26a_app494_rg2

Witness: f1818 me,
Witness: f1823 me,
Witness: fThomas me,
Witness: f1831 me,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fMS and


Reading Group: C26a_app496_rg1

Witness: f1818 quitted
Witness: f1823 quitted
Witness: fThomas quitted
Witness: f1831 quitted

Reading Group: C26a_app496_rg2

Witness: fMS quitting


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the house
Witness: f1823 the house
Witness: fThomas the house
Witness: f1831 the house
Witness: fMS the house


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 with
Witness: f1823 with
Witness: fThomas with
Witness: f1831 with
Witness: fMS with


Reading Group: C26a_app499_rg1

Witness: fMS precipitation

Reading Group: C26a_app499_rg2

Witness: f1831 precipitation.

Reading Group: C26a_app499_rg3

Witness: f1818 precipitation:
Witness: f1823 precipitation:
Witness: fThomas precipitation:


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in a few moments I saw him
Witness: f1823 in a few moments I saw him
Witness: fThomas in a few moments I saw him
Witness: f1831 In a few moments I saw him
Witness: fMS in a few moments I saw him


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in his
Witness: f1823 in his
Witness: fThomas in his
Witness: f1831 in his
Witness: fMS in his


Reading Group: C26a_app502_rg1

Witness: fMS boat

Reading Group: C26a_app502_rg2

Witness: f1818 boat,
Witness: f1823 boat,
Witness: fThomas boat,
Witness: f1831 boat,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 which shot across the waters with
Witness: f1823 which shot across the waters with
Witness: fThomas which shot across the waters with
Witness: f1831 which shot across the waters with
Witness: fMS which shot across the waters with


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 an arrowy
Witness: f1823 an arrowy
Witness: fThomas an arrowy
Witness: f1831 an arrowy
Witness: fMS an arrowy


Reading Group: C26a_app505_rg1

Witness: fMS swiftness

Reading Group: C26a_app505_rg2

Witness: f1818 swiftness,
Witness: f1823 swiftness,
Witness: fThomas swiftness,
Witness: f1831 swiftness,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and was soon lost amidst the
Witness: f1823 and was soon lost amidst the
Witness: fThomas and was soon lost amidst the
Witness: f1831 and was soon lost amidst the
Witness: fMS & was soon lost amidst the


Reading Group: C26a_app507_rg1

Witness: fMS waves. All

Reading Group: C26a_app507_rg2

Witness: f1818 waves.<p/><p/>All
Witness: f1823 waves.<p/><p/>All
Witness: fThomas waves.<p/><p/>All
Witness: f1831 waves.<p/><p/>All


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was again silent; but his words rung in
Witness: f1823 was again silent; but his words rung in
Witness: fThomas was again silent; but his words rung in
Witness: f1831 was again silent; but his words rung in
Witness: fMS was again silent; but his words rung in


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my
Witness: f1823 my
Witness: fThomas my
Witness: f1831 my
Witness: fMS my


Reading Group: C26a_app510_rg1

Witness: f1818 ears.
Witness: f1823 ears.
Witness: fThomas ears.
Witness: f1831 ears.

Reading Group: C26a_app510_rg2

Witness: fMS ears;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fMS I


Reading Group: C26a_app512_rg1

Witness: f1818 burned
Witness: f1823 burned
Witness: fThomas burned
Witness: f1831 burned

Reading Group: C26a_app512_rg2

Witness: fMS burnt


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 with rage to pursue the
Witness: f1823 with rage to pursue the
Witness: fThomas with rage to pursue the
Witness: f1831 with rage to pursue the
Witness: fMS with rage to pursue the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 murderer of my
Witness: f1823 murderer of my
Witness: fThomas murderer of my
Witness: f1831 murderer of my
Witness: fMS murderer of my


Reading Group: C26a_app515_rg1

Witness: fMS peace

Reading Group: C26a_app515_rg2

Witness: f1818 peace,
Witness: f1823 peace,
Witness: fThomas peace,
Witness: f1831 peace,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and precipitate him into
Witness: f1823 and precipitate him into
Witness: fThomas and precipitate him into
Witness: f1831 and precipitate him into
Witness: fMS & precipitate him into


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the ocean. I walked up and down my room hastily and perturbed,
Witness: f1823 the ocean. I walked up and down my room hastily and perturbed,
Witness: fThomas the ocean. I walked up and down my room hastily and perturbed,
Witness: f1831 the ocean. I walked up and down my room hastily and perturbed,
Witness: fMS the ocean. I walked up & down my room hastily & perturbed,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 while
Witness: f1823 while
Witness: fThomas while
Witness: f1831 while


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my imagination conjured
Witness: f1823 my imagination conjured
Witness: fThomas my imagination conjured
Witness: f1831 my imagination conjured
Witness: fMS my imagination conjured


Reading Group: C26a_app520_rg1

Witness: fMS before me

Reading Group: C26a_app520_rg2

Witness: f1818 up
Witness: f1823 up
Witness: fThomas up
Witness: f1831 up


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a thousand images
Witness: f1823 a thousand images
Witness: fThomas a thousand images
Witness: f1831 a thousand images
Witness: fMS a thousand images


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS all


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to torment and sting
Witness: f1823 to torment and sting
Witness: fThomas to torment and sting
Witness: f1831 to torment and sting
Witness: fMS to torment & sting


Reading Group: C26a_app524_rg1

Witness: fMS me –

Reading Group: C26a_app524_rg2

Witness: f1818 me.
Witness: f1823 me.
Witness: fThomas me.
Witness: f1831 me.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Why
Witness: f1823 Why
Witness: fThomas Why
Witness: f1831 Why
Witness: fMS Why


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS d


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 had I not followed
Witness: f1823 had I not followed
Witness: fThomas had I not followed
Witness: f1831 had I not followed
Witness: fMS had I not followed


Reading Group: C26a_app528_rg1

Witness: fMS him

Reading Group: C26a_app528_rg2

Witness: f1818 him,
Witness: f1823 him,
Witness: fThomas him,
Witness: f1831 him,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and closed with
Witness: f1823 and closed with
Witness: fThomas and closed with
Witness: f1831 and closed with
Witness: fMS & closed with


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 him
Witness: f1823 him
Witness: fThomas him
Witness: f1831 him
Witness: fMS him


Reading Group: C26a_app531_rg1

Witness: f1818 in
Witness: f1823 in
Witness: fThomas in
Witness: f1831 in

Reading Group: C26a_app531_rg2

Witness: fMS int


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 mortal
Witness: f1823 mortal
Witness: fThomas mortal
Witness: f1831 mortal
Witness: fMS mortal


Reading Group: C26a_app533_rg1

Witness: f1818 strife?
Witness: f1823 strife?
Witness: fThomas strife?
Witness: f1831 strife?

Reading Group: C26a_app533_rg2

Witness: fMS strife–?


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 But I had suffered
Witness: f1823 But I had suffered
Witness: fThomas But I had suffered
Witness: f1831 But I had suffered
Witness: fMS But I had suffered


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 him to
Witness: f1823 him to
Witness: fThomas him to
Witness: f1831 him to
Witness: fMS him to


Reading Group: C26a_app536_rg1

Witness: fMS depart

Reading Group: C26a_app536_rg2

Witness: f1818 depart,
Witness: f1823 depart,
Witness: fThomas depart,
Witness: f1831 depart,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and he had directed his course
Witness: f1823 and he had directed his course
Witness: fThomas and he had directed his course
Witness: f1831 and he had directed his course
Witness: fMS and he had directed his course


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 towards the main
Witness: f1823 towards the main
Witness: fThomas towards the main
Witness: f1831 towards the main
Witness: fMS towards the main


Reading Group: C26a_app539_rg1

Witness: f1818 land.
Witness: f1823 land.
Witness: fThomas land.
Witness: f1831 land.

Reading Group: C26a_app539_rg2

Witness: fMS land;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I shuddered to
Witness: f1823 I shuddered to
Witness: fThomas I shuddered to
Witness: f1831 I shuddered to
Witness: fMS I shuddered to


Reading Group: C26a_app541_rg1

Witness: fMS suppose

Reading Group: C26a_app541_rg2

Witness: f1818 think
Witness: f1823 think
Witness: fThomas think
Witness: f1831 think


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 who might be the next victim sacrificed to his insatiate
Witness: f1823 who might be the next victim sacrificed to his insatiate
Witness: fThomas who might be the next victim sacrificed to his insatiate
Witness: f1831 who might be the next victim sacrificed to his insatiate
Witness: fMS who might be the next victim sacrificed to his insatiate


Reading Group: C26a_app543_rg1

Witness: fMS revenge –

Reading Group: C26a_app543_rg2

Witness: f1818 revenge.
Witness: f1823 revenge.
Witness: fThomas revenge.
Witness: f1831 revenge.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 And then
Witness: f1823 And then
Witness: fThomas And then
Witness: f1831 And then
Witness: fMS And then


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS again


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I thought
Witness: f1823 I thought
Witness: fThomas I thought
Witness: f1831 I thought
Witness: fMS I thought


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 again
Witness: f1823 again
Witness: fThomas again
Witness: f1831 again


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of his
Witness: f1823 of his
Witness: fThomas of his
Witness: f1831 of his
Witness: fMS of his


Reading Group: C26a_app549_rg1

Witness: fMS words – "<shi rend="underline">I

Reading Group: C26a_app549_rg2

Witness: f1818 words—“<hi/>I
Witness: f1823 words—“<hi/>I
Witness: fThomas words—“<hi/>I
Witness: f1831 words—“<hi/>I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 will be
Witness: f1823 will be
Witness: fThomas will be
Witness: f1831 will be
Witness: fMS will be


Reading Group: C26a_app551_rg1

Witness: f1818 with you
Witness: f1823 with you
Witness: fThomas with you
Witness: f1831 with you

Reading Group: C26a_app551_rg2

Witness: fMS with</shi><shi rend="underline">you


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 on your
Witness: f1823 on your
Witness: fThomas on your
Witness: f1831 on your
Witness: fMS on your


Reading Group: C26a_app553_rg1

Witness: fMS marriage night</shi>

Reading Group: C26a_app553_rg2

Witness: f1818 wedding-night<hi/>.”
Witness: f1823 wedding-night<hi/>.”
Witness: fThomas wedding-night<hi/>.”
Witness: f1831 wedding-night<hi/>.”


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 That then
Witness: f1823 That then
Witness: fThomas That then
Witness: f1831 That then
Witness: fMS That then


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was the period fixed for the
Witness: f1823 was the period fixed for the
Witness: fThomas was the period fixed for the
Witness: f1831 was the period fixed for the
Witness: fMS was the period fixed for the


Reading Group: C26a_app556_rg1

Witness: fMS fulfillment

Reading Group: C26a_app556_rg2

Witness: f1818 fulfilment
Witness: f1823 fulfilment
Witness: fThomas fulfilment
Witness: f1831 fulfilment


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of my
Witness: f1823 of my
Witness: fThomas of my
Witness: f1831 of my
Witness: fMS of my


Reading Group: C26a_app558_rg1

Witness: fMS destiny –

Reading Group: C26a_app558_rg2

Witness: f1818 destiny.
Witness: f1823 destiny.
Witness: fThomas destiny.
Witness: f1831 destiny.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 In that hour I should
Witness: f1823 In that hour I should
Witness: fThomas In that hour I should
Witness: f1831 In that hour I should
Witness: fMS oIn that <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>hour I should


Reading Group: C26a_app560_rg1

Witness: fMS die

Reading Group: C26a_app560_rg2

Witness: f1818 die,
Witness: f1823 die,
Witness: fThomas die,
Witness: f1831 die,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and at
Witness: f1823 and at
Witness: fThomas and at
Witness: f1831 and at
Witness: fMS and at


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 once satisfy and extinguish his malice.
Witness: f1823 once satisfy and extinguish his malice.
Witness: fThomas once satisfy and extinguish his malice.
Witness: f1831 once satisfy and extinguish his malice.
Witness: fMS once satisfy and extinguish his malice.


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS Yet when I thought of Elizabeth


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 The prospect did
Witness: f1823 The prospect did
Witness: fThomas The prospect did
Witness: f1831 The prospect did
Witness: fMS The prospect did


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS not


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 not move me to
Witness: f1823 not move me to
Witness: fThomas not move me to
Witness: f1831 not move me to
Witness: fMS not move me to


Reading Group: C26a_app567_rg1

Witness: fMS fear

Reading Group: C26a_app567_rg2

Witness: f1818 fear;
Witness: f1823 fear;
Witness: fThomas fear;
Witness: f1831 fear;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 yet when I thought
Witness: f1823 yet when I thought
Witness: fThomas yet when I thought
Witness: f1831 yet when I thought
Witness: fMS yet when I thought


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of my beloved
Witness: f1823 of my beloved
Witness: fThomas of my beloved
Witness: f1831 of my beloved
Witness: fMS of my beloved


Reading Group: C26a_app570_rg1

Witness: f1818 Elizabeth,—of
Witness: f1823 Elizabeth,—of
Witness: fThomas Elizabeth,—of
Witness: f1831 Elizabeth,—of

Reading Group: C26a_app570_rg2

Witness: fMS Elizabeth; of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 her tears and endless
Witness: f1823 her tears and endless
Witness: fThomas her tears and endless
Witness: f1831 her tears and endless
Witness: fMS her tears & endless


Reading Group: C26a_app572_rg1

Witness: fMS sorrow

Reading Group: C26a_app572_rg2

Witness: f1818 sorrow,
Witness: f1823 sorrow,
Witness: fThomas sorrow,
Witness: f1831 sorrow,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 when she should find her lover
Witness: f1823 when she should find her lover
Witness: fThomas when she should find her lover
Witness: f1831 when she should find her lover
Witness: fMS when she should fined her lover


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 so barbarously snatched from
Witness: f1823 so barbarously snatched from
Witness: fThomas so barbarously snatched from
Witness: f1831 so barbarously snatched from
Witness: fMS so barbarously snatched from


Reading Group: C26a_app575_rg1

Witness: fMS her –tears

Reading Group: C26a_app575_rg2

Witness: f1818 her,—tears,
Witness: f1823 her,—tears,
Witness: fThomas her,—tears,
Witness: f1831 her,—tears,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the first I had shed for many months, streamed from my
Witness: f1823 the first I had shed for many months, streamed from my
Witness: fThomas the first I had shed for many months, streamed from my
Witness: f1831 the first I had shed for many months, streamed from my
Witness: fMS the first I had shed for many months, streamed from my


Reading Group: C26a_app577_rg1

Witness: fMS eyes

Reading Group: C26a_app577_rg2

Witness: f1818 eyes,
Witness: f1823 eyes,
Witness: fThomas eyes,
Witness: f1831 eyes,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and I resolved not to fall before
Witness: f1823 and I resolved not to fall before
Witness: fThomas and I resolved not to fall before
Witness: f1831 and I resolved not to fall before
Witness: fMS & I resolved not to fall before


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my enemy without a bitter
Witness: f1823 my enemy without a bitter
Witness: fThomas my enemy without a bitter
Witness: f1831 my enemy without a bitter
Witness: fMS my enemy without a bitter


Reading Group: C26a_app580_rg1

Witness: fMS struggle. The

Reading Group: C26a_app580_rg2

Witness: f1818 struggle.<p/><p/>The
Witness: f1823 struggle.<p/><p/>The
Witness: fThomas struggle.<p/><p/>The
Witness: f1831 struggle.<p/><p/>The


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 night passed
Witness: f1823 night passed
Witness: fThomas night passed
Witness: f1831 night passed
Witness: fMS night passed


Reading Group: C26a_app582_rg1

Witness: fMS away

Reading Group: C26a_app582_rg2

Witness: f1818 away,
Witness: f1823 away,
Witness: fThomas away,
Witness: f1831 away,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and the sun rose
Witness: f1823 and the sun rose
Witness: fThomas and the sun rose
Witness: f1831 and the sun rose
Witness: fMS & the sun rose


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 from the
Witness: f1823 from the
Witness: fThomas from the
Witness: f1831 from the
Witness: fMS from the


Reading Group: C26a_app585_rg1

Witness: fMS ocean –

Reading Group: C26a_app585_rg2

Witness: f1818 ocean;
Witness: f1823 ocean;
Witness: fThomas ocean;
Witness: f1831 ocean;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my feelings became
Witness: f1823 my feelings became
Witness: fThomas my feelings became
Witness: f1831 my feelings became
Witness: fMS My feelings became


Reading Group: C26a_app587_rg1

Witness: fMS calmer

Reading Group: C26a_app587_rg2

Witness: f1818 calmer,
Witness: f1823 calmer,
Witness: fThomas calmer,
Witness: f1831 calmer,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 if it may be called
Witness: f1823 if it may be called
Witness: fThomas if it may be called
Witness: f1831 if it may be called
Witness: fMS if it may be called


Reading Group: C26a_app589_rg1

Witness: fMS calmness

Reading Group: C26a_app589_rg2

Witness: f1818 calmness,
Witness: f1823 calmness,
Witness: fThomas calmness,
Witness: f1831 calmness,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 when the
Witness: f1823 when the
Witness: fThomas when the
Witness: f1831 when the
Witness: fMS when the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 violence of rage sinks into the depths of despair. I left the house, the horrid scene
Witness: f1823 violence of rage sinks into the depths of despair. I left the house, the horrid scene
Witness: fThomas violence of rage sinks into the depths of despair. I left the house, the horrid scene
Witness: f1831 violence of rage sinks into the depths of despair. I left the house, the horrid scene
Witness: fMS violence of rage sinks into the depths of despair. I left the house, the horrid scene


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of the last
Witness: f1823 of the last
Witness: fThomas of the last
Witness: f1831 of the last
Witness: fMS of the last


Reading Group: C26a_app593_rg1

Witness: fMS nights contention

Reading Group: C26a_app593_rg2

Witness: f1818 night’s contention,
Witness: f1823 night’s contention,
Witness: fThomas night’s contention,
Witness: f1831 night’s contention,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and walked on
Witness: f1823 and walked on
Witness: fThomas and walked on
Witness: f1831 and walked on
Witness: fMS and warlked on


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the beach of the
Witness: f1823 the beach of the
Witness: fThomas the beach of the
Witness: f1831 the beach of the
Witness: fMS the beach of the


Reading Group: C26a_app596_rg1

Witness: fMS sea

Reading Group: C26a_app596_rg2

Witness: f1818 sea,
Witness: f1823 sea,
Witness: fThomas sea,
Witness: f1831 sea,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 which I almost regarded
Witness: f1823 which I almost regarded
Witness: fThomas which I almost regarded
Witness: f1831 which I almost regarded
Witness: fMS which I almost regarded


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 as an insuperable barrier between me and my
Witness: f1823 as an insuperable barrier between me and my
Witness: fThomas as an insuperable barrier between me and my
Witness: f1831 as an insuperable barrier between me and my
Witness: fMS as an insuperable barrier between me & my


Reading Group: C26a_app599_rg1

Witness: fMS fellow creatures. Nay

Reading Group: C26a_app599_rg2

Witness: f1818 fellow-creatures; nay,
Witness: f1823 fellow-creatures; nay,
Witness: fThomas fellow-creatures; nay,
Witness: f1831 fellow-creatures; nay,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a wish that
Witness: f1823 a wish that
Witness: fThomas a wish that
Witness: f1831 a wish that
Witness: fMS a wish that


Reading Group: C26a_app601_rg1

Witness: fMS thatmisuch was

Reading Group: C26a_app601_rg2

Witness: f1818 such should prove
Witness: f1823 such should prove
Witness: fThomas such should prove
Witness: f1831 such should prove


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the fact stole across
Witness: f1823 the fact stole across
Witness: fThomas the fact stole across
Witness: f1831 the fact stole across
Witness: fMS the fact stole across


Reading Group: C26a_app603_rg1

Witness: f1818 me.
Witness: f1823 me.
Witness: fThomas me.
Witness: f1831 me.

Reading Group: C26a_app603_rg2

Witness: fMS me;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fMS I


Reading Group: C26a_app605_rg1

Witness: f1818 desired
Witness: f1823 desired
Witness: fThomas desired
Witness: f1831 desired

Reading Group: C26a_app605_rg2

Witness: fMS <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>wished


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that I might pass my
Witness: f1823 that I might pass my
Witness: fThomas that I might pass my
Witness: f1831 that I might pass my
Witness: fMS that I might pass my


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 life on
Witness: f1823 life on
Witness: fThomas life on
Witness: f1831 life on
Witness: fMS life on


Reading Group: C26a_app608_rg1

Witness: f1818 that
Witness: f1823 that
Witness: fThomas that
Witness: f1831 that

Reading Group: C26a_app608_rg2

Witness: fMS this


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 barren
Witness: f1823 barren
Witness: fThomas barren
Witness: f1831 barren
Witness: fMS barren


Reading Group: C26a_app610_rg1

Witness: fMS rock

Reading Group: C26a_app610_rg2

Witness: f1818 rock,
Witness: f1823 rock,
Witness: fThomas rock,
Witness: f1831 rock,


Reading Group: C26a_app611_rg1

Witness: f1818 wearily
Witness: f1823 wearily
Witness: fThomas wearily
Witness: fMS wearily

Reading Group: C26a_app611_rg2

Witness: f1831 wearily,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 it is
Witness: f1823 it is
Witness: fThomas it is
Witness: f1831 it is
Witness: fMS it is


Reading Group: C26a_app613_rg1

Witness: fMS true

Reading Group: C26a_app613_rg2

Witness: f1818 true,
Witness: f1823 true,
Witness: fThomas true,
Witness: f1831 true,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but uninterrupted by any sudden shock
Witness: f1823 but uninterrupted by any sudden shock
Witness: fThomas but uninterrupted by any sudden shock
Witness: f1831 but uninterrupted by any sudden shock
Witness: fMS but uninterrupted by any sudden shock


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of
Witness: f1823 of
Witness: fThomas of
Witness: f1831 of
Witness: fMS of


Reading Group: C26a_app616_rg1

Witness: fMS misery –If

Reading Group: C26a_app616_rg2

Witness: f1818 misery. If
Witness: f1823 misery. If
Witness: fThomas misery. If
Witness: f1831 misery. If


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fMS I


Reading Group: C26a_app618_rg1

Witness: fMS returned

Reading Group: C26a_app618_rg2

Witness: f1818 returned,
Witness: f1823 returned,
Witness: fThomas returned,
Witness: f1831 returned,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 it was to be
Witness: f1823 it was to be
Witness: fThomas it was to be
Witness: f1831 it was to be
Witness: fMS <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>it was to be


Reading Group: C26a_app620_rg1

Witness: fMS myself asacrificed

Reading Group: C26a_app620_rg2

Witness: f1818 sacrificed,
Witness: f1823 sacrificed,
Witness: fThomas sacrificed,
Witness: f1831 sacrificed,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 or to see those
Witness: f1823 or to see those
Witness: fThomas or to see those
Witness: f1831 or to see those
Witness: fMS or to see those


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 whom
Witness: f1823 whom
Witness: fThomas whom
Witness: f1831 whom


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I most loved die
Witness: f1823 I most loved die
Witness: fThomas I most loved die
Witness: f1831 I most loved die
Witness: fMS I most loved die


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 under the grasp of a dæmon whom I
Witness: f1823 under the grasp of a dæmon whom I
Witness: fThomas under the grasp of a dæmon whom I
Witness: f1831 under the grasp of a dæmon whom I
Witness: fMS under the grasp of a dæmon whom I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 had myself
Witness: f1823 had myself
Witness: fThomas had myself
Witness: f1831 had myself
Witness: fMS had myself


Reading Group: C26a_app626_rg1

Witness: fMS created. I

Reading Group: C26a_app626_rg2

Witness: f1818 created.<p/><p/>I
Witness: f1823 created.<p/><p/>I
Witness: fThomas created.<p/><p/>I
Witness: f1831 created.<p/><p/>I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 walked about the
Witness: f1823 walked about the
Witness: fThomas walked about the
Witness: f1831 walked about the
Witness: fMS walked about the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 isle like a restless
Witness: f1823 isle like a restless
Witness: fThomas isle like a restless
Witness: f1831 isle like a restless
Witness: fMS isle like a restless


Reading Group: C26a_app629_rg1

Witness: fMS spectre seperated

Reading Group: C26a_app629_rg2

Witness: f1818 spectre, separated
Witness: f1823 spectre, separated
Witness: fThomas spectre, separated
Witness: f1831 spectre, separated


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 from
Witness: f1823 from
Witness: fThomas from
Witness: f1831 from
Witness: fMS from


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 all it
Witness: f1823 all it
Witness: fThomas all it
Witness: f1831 all it
Witness: fMS all it


Reading Group: C26a_app632_rg1

Witness: fMS loved

Reading Group: C26a_app632_rg2

Witness: f1818 loved,
Witness: f1823 loved,
Witness: fThomas loved,
Witness: f1831 loved,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and miserable in the
Witness: f1823 and miserable in the
Witness: fThomas and miserable in the
Witness: f1831 and miserable in the
Witness: fMS & miserable in the


Reading Group: C26a_app634_rg1

Witness: f1818 separation.
Witness: f1823 separation.
Witness: fThomas separation.
Witness: f1831 separation.

Reading Group: C26a_app634_rg2

Witness: fMS seperation


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 When it became
Witness: f1823 When it became
Witness: fThomas When it became
Witness: f1831 When it became
Witness: fMS When it became


Reading Group: C26a_app636_rg1

Witness: fMS noon

Reading Group: C26a_app636_rg2

Witness: f1818 noon,
Witness: f1823 noon,
Witness: fThomas noon,
Witness: f1831 noon,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and the sun rose
Witness: f1823 and the sun rose
Witness: fThomas and the sun rose
Witness: f1831 and the sun rose
Witness: fMS & the sun rose


Reading Group: C26a_app638_rg1

Witness: fMS higher

Reading Group: C26a_app638_rg2

Witness: f1818 higher,
Witness: f1823 higher,
Witness: fThomas higher,
Witness: f1831 higher,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I lay down
Witness: f1823 I lay down
Witness: fThomas I lay down
Witness: f1831 I lay down
Witness: fMS I lay down


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS &


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 on the
Witness: f1823 on the
Witness: fThomas on the
Witness: f1831 on the
Witness: fMS on the


Reading Group: C26a_app642_rg1

Witness: fMS grass

Reading Group: C26a_app642_rg2

Witness: f1818 grass,
Witness: f1823 grass,
Witness: fThomas grass,
Witness: f1831 grass,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and was
Witness: f1823 and was
Witness: fThomas and was
Witness: f1831 and was
Witness: fMS & was


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 overpowered by a deep sleep. I had been
Witness: f1823 overpowered by a deep sleep. I had been
Witness: fThomas overpowered by a deep sleep. I had been
Witness: f1831 overpowered by a deep sleep. I had been
Witness: fMS overpowered by a deep sleep. I had been


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 awake the whole of the
Witness: f1823 awake the whole of the
Witness: fThomas awake the whole of the
Witness: f1831 awake the whole of the
Witness: fMS awake the whole of the


Reading Group: C26a_app646_rg1

Witness: f1818 preceding
Witness: f1823 preceding
Witness: fThomas preceding
Witness: f1831 preceding

Reading Group: C26a_app646_rg2

Witness: fMS preceeding


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 night,
Witness: f1823 night,
Witness: fThomas night,
Witness: f1831 night,
Witness: fMS night,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my nerves were
Witness: f1823 my nerves were
Witness: fThomas my nerves were
Witness: f1831 my nerves were
Witness: fMS my nerves were


Reading Group: C26a_app649_rg1

Witness: fMS agitated

Reading Group: C26a_app649_rg2

Witness: f1818 agitated,
Witness: f1823 agitated,
Witness: fThomas agitated,
Witness: f1831 agitated,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and my eyes inflamed
Witness: f1823 and my eyes inflamed
Witness: fThomas and my eyes inflamed
Witness: f1831 and my eyes inflamed
Witness: fMS & my eyes inflamed


Reading Group: C26a_app651_rg1

Witness: fMS with

Reading Group: C26a_app651_rg2

Witness: f1818 by
Witness: f1823 by
Witness: fThomas by
Witness: f1831 by


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 watching and misery. The sleep into which
Witness: f1823 watching and misery. The sleep into which
Witness: fThomas watching and misery. The sleep into which
Witness: f1831 watching and misery. The sleep into which
Witness: fMS watching & misery. The sleep into which


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I now sunk refreshed
Witness: f1823 I now sunk refreshed
Witness: fThomas I now sunk refreshed
Witness: f1831 I now sunk refreshed
Witness: fMS I now sunk refreshed


Reading Group: C26a_app654_rg1

Witness: fMS me

Reading Group: C26a_app654_rg2

Witness: f1818 me;
Witness: f1823 me;
Witness: fThomas me;
Witness: f1831 me;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and when I
Witness: f1823 and when I
Witness: fThomas and when I
Witness: f1831 and when I
Witness: fMS & when I


Reading Group: C26a_app656_rg1

Witness: fMS awoke

Reading Group: C26a_app656_rg2

Witness: f1818 awoke,
Witness: f1823 awoke,
Witness: fThomas awoke,
Witness: f1831 awoke,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I again felt as if I belonged to a race of
Witness: f1823 I again felt as if I belonged to a race of
Witness: fThomas I again felt as if I belonged to a race of
Witness: f1831 I again felt as if I belonged to a race of
Witness: fMS I again felt as if I belonged to a race of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 human beings like
Witness: f1823 human beings like
Witness: fThomas human beings like
Witness: f1831 human beings like
Witness: fMS human beings like


Reading Group: C26a_app659_rg1

Witness: fMS myself

Reading Group: C26a_app659_rg2

Witness: f1818 myself,
Witness: f1823 myself,
Witness: fThomas myself,
Witness: f1831 myself,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and I began to
Witness: f1823 and I began to
Witness: fThomas and I began to
Witness: f1831 and I began to
Witness: fMS & I began to


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 reflect upon what had passed with
Witness: f1823 reflect upon what had passed with
Witness: fThomas reflect upon what had passed with
Witness: f1831 reflect upon what had passed with
Witness: fMS reflect upon what had passed with


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 greater
Witness: f1823 greater
Witness: fThomas greater
Witness: f1831 greater
Witness: fMS greater


Reading Group: C26a_app663_rg1

Witness: fMS composure —Yet

Reading Group: C26a_app663_rg2

Witness: f1818 composure; yet
Witness: f1823 composure; yet
Witness: fThomas composure; yet
Witness: f1831 composure; yet


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 still the words of
Witness: f1823 still the words of
Witness: fThomas still the words of
Witness: f1831 still the words of
Witness: fMS still the words of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the fiend rung in my
Witness: f1823 the fiend rung in my
Witness: fThomas the fiend rung in my
Witness: f1831 the fiend rung in my
Witness: fMS the fiend rung in my


Reading Group: C26a_app666_rg1

Witness: fMS years

Reading Group: C26a_app666_rg2

Witness: f1818 ears
Witness: f1823 ears
Witness: fThomas ears
Witness: f1831 ears


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 like a
Witness: f1823 like a
Witness: fThomas like a
Witness: f1831 like a
Witness: fMS like a


Reading Group: C26a_app668_rg1

Witness: fMS death knell,

Reading Group: C26a_app668_rg2

Witness: f1818 death-knell,
Witness: f1823 death-knell,
Witness: fThomas death-knell,
Witness: f1831 death-knell,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 they appeared like a dream, yet
Witness: f1823 they appeared like a dream, yet
Witness: fThomas they appeared like a dream, yet
Witness: f1831 they appeared like a dream, yet
Witness: fMS they appeared like a dream, yet


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 distinct and oppressive as a
Witness: f1823 distinct and oppressive as a
Witness: fThomas distinct and oppressive as a
Witness: f1831 distinct and oppressive as a
Witness: fMS distinct and oppressive as a


Reading Group: C26a_app671_rg1

Witness: fMS reality. The T

Reading Group: C26a_app671_rg2

Witness: f1818 reality.<p/><p/>The
Witness: f1823 reality.<p/><p/>The
Witness: fThomas reality.<p/><p/>The
Witness: f1831 reality.<p/><p/>The


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 sun
Witness: f1823 sun
Witness: fThomas sun
Witness: f1831 sun
Witness: fMS sun


Reading Group: C26a_app673_rg1

Witness: f1818 had
Witness: f1823 had
Witness: fThomas had
Witness: f1831 had

Reading Group: C26a_app673_rg2

Witness: fMS was


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 far
Witness: f1823 far
Witness: fThomas far
Witness: f1831 far
Witness: fMS far


Reading Group: C26a_app675_rg1

Witness: fMS descended

Reading Group: C26a_app675_rg2

Witness: f1818 descended,
Witness: f1823 descended,
Witness: fThomas descended,
Witness: f1831 descended,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and I still
Witness: f1823 and I still
Witness: fThomas and I still
Witness: f1831 and I still
Witness: fMS and I still


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 sat on the
Witness: f1823 sat on the
Witness: fThomas sat on the
Witness: f1831 sat on the
Witness: fMS sat on the


Reading Group: C26a_app678_rg1

Witness: fMS shore

Reading Group: C26a_app678_rg2

Witness: f1818 shore,
Witness: f1823 shore,
Witness: fThomas shore,
Witness: f1831 shore,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 satisfying my
Witness: f1823 satisfying my
Witness: fThomas satisfying my
Witness: f1831 satisfying my
Witness: fMS satisfying my


Reading Group: C26a_app680_rg1

Witness: fMS ap<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>petite

Reading Group: C26a_app680_rg2

Witness: f1818 appetite,
Witness: f1823 appetite,
Witness: fThomas appetite,
Witness: f1831 appetite,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 which
Witness: f1823 which
Witness: fThomas which
Witness: f1831 which
Witness: fMS which


Reading Group: C26a_app682_rg1

Witness: f1818 had
Witness: f1823 had
Witness: fThomas had
Witness: f1831 had

Reading Group: C26a_app682_rg2

Witness: fMS was


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 become
Witness: f1823 become
Witness: fThomas become
Witness: f1831 become
Witness: fMS become


Reading Group: C26a_app684_rg1

Witness: fMS ravenous

Reading Group: C26a_app684_rg2

Witness: f1818 ravenous,
Witness: f1823 ravenous,
Witness: fThomas ravenous,
Witness: f1831 ravenous,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 with an
Witness: f1823 with an
Witness: fThomas with an
Witness: f1831 with an
Witness: fMS with an


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 oaten
Witness: f1823 oaten
Witness: fThomas oaten
Witness: f1831 oaten
Witness: fMS oaten


Reading Group: C26a_app687_rg1

Witness: fMS cake

Reading Group: C26a_app687_rg2

Witness: f1818 cake,
Witness: f1823 cake,
Witness: fThomas cake,
Witness: f1831 cake,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 when I saw a
Witness: f1823 when I saw a
Witness: fThomas when I saw a
Witness: f1831 when I saw a
Witness: fMS when I saw a


Reading Group: C26a_app689_rg1

Witness: fMS fishing boatsk boat

Reading Group: C26a_app689_rg2

Witness: f1818 fishing-boat
Witness: f1823 fishing-boat
Witness: fThomas fishing-boat
Witness: f1831 fishing-boat


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 land close to
Witness: f1823 land close to
Witness: fThomas land close to
Witness: f1831 land close to
Witness: fMS land close to


Reading Group: C26a_app691_rg1

Witness: fMS me

Reading Group: C26a_app691_rg2

Witness: f1818 me,
Witness: f1823 me,
Witness: fThomas me,
Witness: f1831 me,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and one of the men brought
Witness: f1823 and one of the men brought
Witness: fThomas and one of the men brought
Witness: f1831 and one of the men brought
Witness: fMS & one of the men brought


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 me a packet; it contained letters from
Witness: f1823 me a packet; it contained letters from
Witness: fThomas me a packet; it contained letters from
Witness: f1831 me a packet; it contained letters from
Witness: fMS me a packet; it contained letters from


Reading Group: C26a_app694_rg1

Witness: fMS Geneva

Reading Group: C26a_app694_rg2

Witness: f1818 Geneva,
Witness: f1823 Geneva,
Witness: fThomas Geneva,
Witness: f1831 Geneva,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and one from
Witness: f1823 and one from
Witness: fThomas and one from
Witness: f1831 and one from
Witness: fMS & one from


Reading Group: C26a_app696_rg1

Witness: fMS Clai<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>erval

Reading Group: C26a_app696_rg2

Witness: f1818 Clerval,
Witness: f1823 Clerval,
Witness: fThomas Clerval,
Witness: f1831 Clerval,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 entreating me
Witness: f1823 entreating me
Witness: fThomas entreating me
Witness: f1831 entreating me
Witness: fMS entreating me


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to
Witness: f1823 to
Witness: fThomas to
Witness: f1831 to
Witness: fMS to


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS g


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 join him. He said
Witness: f1823 join him. He said
Witness: fThomas join him. He said
Witness: f1831 join him. He said
Witness: fMS join him. He said


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS a


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that
Witness: f1823 that
Witness: fThomas that
Witness: f1831 that
Witness: fMS that


Reading Group: C26b_app1_rg1

Witness: f1831

Reading Group: C26b_app1_rg2

Witness: f1818 nearly a year had
Witness: f1823 nearly a year had
Witness: fThomas nearly a year had
Witness: fMS nearly a year had


Reading Group: C26b_app2_rg1

Witness: fMS passed<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>elapsed

Reading Group: C26b_app2_rg2

Witness: f1818 elapsed
Witness: f1823 elapsed
Witness: fThomas elapsed


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 since we had quitted
Witness: f1823 since we had quitted
Witness: fThomas since we had quitted
Witness: fMS since we had quitted


Reading Group: C26b_app4_rg1

Witness: fMS Switzerland

Reading Group: C26b_app4_rg2

Witness: f1818 Switzerland,
Witness: f1823 Switzerland,
Witness: fThomas Switzerland,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and France was yet unvisited.
Witness: f1823 and France was yet unvisited.
Witness: fThomas and France was yet unvisited.
Witness: fMS and France was yet unvisited.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 He
Witness: f1823 He
Witness: fThomas He
Witness: f1831 He
Witness: fMS He


Reading Group: C26c_app2_rg1

Witness: f1831 besought

Reading Group: C26c_app2_rg2

Witness: f1818 entreated
Witness: f1823 entreated
Witness: fThomas entreated
Witness: fMS entreated


Reading Group: C26c_app3_rg1

Witness: fMS me therefore

Reading Group: C26c_app3_rg2

Witness: f1818 me, therefore,
Witness: f1823 me, therefore,
Witness: fThomas me, therefore,
Witness: f1831 me, therefore,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to
Witness: f1823 to
Witness: fThomas to
Witness: f1831 to
Witness: fMS to


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS return


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 leave my solitary
Witness: f1823 leave my solitary
Witness: fThomas leave my solitary
Witness: f1831 leave my solitary
Witness: fMS leave my solitary


Reading Group: C26c_app7_rg1

Witness: fMS isle

Reading Group: C26c_app7_rg2

Witness: f1818 isle,
Witness: f1823 isle,
Witness: fThomas isle,
Witness: f1831 isle,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fMS and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1831 to


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 meet him at
Witness: f1823 meet him at
Witness: fThomas meet him at
Witness: f1831 meet him at
Witness: fMS meet him at


Reading Group: C26c_app11_rg1

Witness: fMS Perth

Reading Group: C26c_app11_rg2

Witness: f1818 Perth,
Witness: f1823 Perth,
Witness: fThomas Perth,
Witness: f1831 Perth,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in a week from
Witness: f1823 in a week from
Witness: fThomas in a week from
Witness: fMS in a week from


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that
Witness: f1823 that
Witness: fThomas that
Witness: f1831 that
Witness: fMS that


Reading Group: C26c_app14_rg1

Witness: fMS time

Reading Group: C26c_app14_rg2

Witness: f1818 time,
Witness: f1823 time,
Witness: fThomas time,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 when
Witness: f1823 when
Witness: fThomas when
Witness: fMS when


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 we might
Witness: f1823 we might
Witness: fThomas we might
Witness: f1831 we might
Witness: fMS we might


Reading Group: C26c_app17_rg1

Witness: f1818 arrange
Witness: f1823 arrange
Witness: fThomas arrange
Witness: fMS arrange

Reading Group: C26c_app17_rg2

Witness: f1831 proceed southwards together.


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS our


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the plan
Witness: f1823 the plan
Witness: fThomas the plan
Witness: fMS the plan


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of our future proceedings.
Witness: f1823 of our future proceedings.
Witness: fThomas of our future proceedings.
Witness: fMS of our future proceedings.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 This letter
Witness: f1823 This letter
Witness: fThomas This letter
Witness: f1831 This letter
Witness: fMS This letter


Reading Group: C26c_app22_rg1

Witness: fMS completely

Reading Group: C26c_app22_rg2

Witness: f1818 in a degree
Witness: f1823 in a degree
Witness: fThomas in a degree
Witness: f1831 in a degree


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 recalled me to
Witness: f1823 recalled me to
Witness: fThomas recalled me to
Witness: f1831 recalled me to
Witness: fMS recalled <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>me to


Reading Group: C26c_app24_rg1

Witness: fMS life

Reading Group: C26c_app24_rg2

Witness: f1818 life,
Witness: f1823 life,
Witness: fThomas life,
Witness: f1831 life,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and I determined to quit my
Witness: f1823 and I determined to quit my
Witness: fThomas and I determined to quit my
Witness: f1831 and I determined to quit my
Witness: fMS & I determined to quit my


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 island
Witness: f1823 island
Witness: fThomas island
Witness: f1831 island
Witness: fMS island


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS the next day.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 at the expiration of two
Witness: f1823 at the expiration of two
Witness: fThomas at the expiration of two
Witness: f1831 at the expiration of two
Witness: fMS at the expiration of two


Reading Group: C26c_app29_rg1

Witness: f1818 days.<p/><p/>Yet,
Witness: f1823 days.<p/><p/>Yet,
Witness: fThomas days.<p/><p/>Yet,
Witness: f1831 days.<p/><p/>Yet,

Reading Group: C26c_app29_rg2

Witness: fMS days Yet


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 before I
Witness: f1823 before I
Witness: fThomas before I
Witness: f1831 before I
Witness: fMS before I


Reading Group: C26c_app31_rg1

Witness: fMS departed

Reading Group: C26c_app31_rg2

Witness: f1818 departed,
Witness: f1823 departed,
Witness: fThomas departed,
Witness: f1831 departed,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 there was a task
Witness: f1823 there was a task
Witness: fThomas there was a task
Witness: f1831 there was a task
Witness: fMS there was a task


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to
Witness: f1823 to
Witness: fThomas to
Witness: f1831 to
Witness: fMS to


Reading Group: C26c_app34_rg1

Witness: fMS perform

Reading Group: C26c_app34_rg2

Witness: f1818 perform,
Witness: f1823 perform,
Witness: fThomas perform,
Witness: f1831 perform,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 on which I shuddered to
Witness: f1823 on which I shuddered to
Witness: fThomas on which I shuddered to
Witness: f1831 on which I shuddered to
Witness: fMS on which I shuddered to


Reading Group: C26c_app36_rg1

Witness: fMS thinkreflect:

Reading Group: C26c_app36_rg2

Witness: f1818 reflect:
Witness: f1823 reflect:
Witness: fThomas reflect:
Witness: f1831 reflect:


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I must pack
Witness: f1823 I must pack
Witness: fThomas I must pack
Witness: f1831 I must pack
Witness: fMS I must pack


Unified Readings

Witness: f1823 up
Witness: f1831 up


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my chemical
Witness: f1823 my chemical
Witness: fThomas my chemical
Witness: f1831 my chemical
Witness: fMS my chemical


Reading Group: C26c_app40_rg1

Witness: fMS instruments

Reading Group: C26c_app40_rg2

Witness: f1818 instruments;
Witness: f1823 instruments;
Witness: fThomas instruments;
Witness: f1831 instruments;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and for that purpose I must enter the room
Witness: f1823 and for that purpose I must enter the room
Witness: fThomas and for that purpose I must enter the room
Witness: f1831 and for that purpose I must enter the room
Witness: fMS & for that purpose I must enter the room


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 which had been the scene of my odious
Witness: f1823 which had been the scene of my odious
Witness: fThomas which had been the scene of my odious
Witness: f1831 which had been the scene of my odious
Witness: fMS which had been the scene of my odious


Reading Group: C26c_app43_rg1

Witness: fMS work,&

Reading Group: C26c_app43_rg2

Witness: f1818 work, and
Witness: f1823 work, and
Witness: fThomas work, and
Witness: f1831 work, and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I must handle
Witness: f1823 I must handle
Witness: fThomas I must handle
Witness: f1831 I must handle
Witness: fMS I must handle


Reading Group: C26c_app45_rg1

Witness: fMS the utensils

Reading Group: C26c_app45_rg2

Witness: f1818 those utensils,
Witness: f1823 those utensils,
Witness: fThomas those utensils,
Witness: f1831 those utensils,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the sight
Witness: f1823 the sight
Witness: fThomas the sight
Witness: f1831 the sight
Witness: fMS the sight


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of which
Witness: f1823 of which
Witness: fThomas of which
Witness: f1831 of which
Witness: fMS of which


Reading Group: C26c_app48_rg1

Witness: f1818 was
Witness: f1823 was
Witness: fThomas was
Witness: f1831 was

Reading Group: C26c_app48_rg2

Witness: fMS were


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 sickening to me. The
Witness: f1823 sickening to me. The
Witness: fThomas sickening to me. The
Witness: f1831 sickening to me. The
Witness: fMS sickening to me. The


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 next
Witness: f1823 next
Witness: fThomas next
Witness: f1831 next
Witness: fMS next


Reading Group: C26c_app51_rg1

Witness: fMS morning

Reading Group: C26c_app51_rg2

Witness: f1818 morning,
Witness: f1823 morning,
Witness: fThomas morning,
Witness: f1831 morning,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 at
Witness: f1823 at
Witness: fThomas at
Witness: f1831 at
Witness: fMS at


Reading Group: C26c_app53_rg1

Witness: f1818 day-break,
Witness: f1823 day-break,
Witness: fThomas day-break,

Reading Group: C26c_app53_rg2

Witness: fMS daybreak

Reading Group: C26c_app53_rg3

Witness: f1831 daybreak,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I summoned
Witness: f1823 I summoned
Witness: fThomas I summoned
Witness: f1831 I summoned
Witness: fMS I summoned


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 sufficient
Witness: f1823 sufficient
Witness: fThomas sufficient
Witness: f1831 sufficient
Witness: fMS sufficient


Reading Group: C26c_app56_rg1

Witness: fMS courage

Reading Group: C26c_app56_rg2

Witness: f1818 courage,
Witness: f1823 courage,
Witness: fThomas courage,
Witness: f1831 courage,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and unlocked the door
Witness: f1823 and unlocked the door
Witness: fThomas and unlocked the door
Witness: f1831 and unlocked the door
Witness: fMS & unlocked the door


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of my
Witness: f1823 of my
Witness: fThomas of my
Witness: f1831 of my
Witness: fMS of my


Reading Group: C26c_app59_rg1

Witness: f1818 laboratory.
Witness: f1823 laboratory.
Witness: fThomas laboratory.
Witness: f1831 laboratory.

Reading Group: C26c_app59_rg2

Witness: fMS work room –


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 The remains of the
Witness: f1823 The remains of the
Witness: fThomas The remains of the
Witness: f1831 The remains of the
Witness: fMS The remains of the


Reading Group: C26c_app61_rg1

Witness: fMS half finished creature

Reading Group: C26c_app61_rg2

Witness: f1818 half-finished creature,
Witness: f1823 half-finished creature,
Witness: fThomas half-finished creature,
Witness: f1831 half-finished creature,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 whom I had
Witness: f1823 whom I had
Witness: fThomas whom I had
Witness: f1831 whom I had
Witness: fMS whom I had


Reading Group: C26c_app63_rg1

Witness: fMS destroyed

Reading Group: C26c_app63_rg2

Witness: f1818 destroyed,
Witness: f1823 destroyed,
Witness: fThomas destroyed,
Witness: f1831 destroyed,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 lay
Witness: f1823 lay
Witness: fThomas lay
Witness: f1831 lay
Witness: fMS lay


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 scattered on the
Witness: f1823 scattered on the
Witness: fThomas scattered on the
Witness: f1831 scattered on the
Witness: fMS scattered on the


Reading Group: C26c_app66_rg1

Witness: fMS floor –

Reading Group: C26c_app66_rg2

Witness: f1818 floor,
Witness: f1823 floor,
Witness: fThomas floor,
Witness: f1831 floor,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and I almost felt as
Witness: f1823 and I almost felt as
Witness: fThomas and I almost felt as
Witness: f1831 and I almost felt as
Witness: fMS & I almost felt as


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 if I had mangled the living flesh of a human
Witness: f1823 if I had mangled the living flesh of a human
Witness: fThomas if I had mangled the living flesh of a human
Witness: f1831 if I had mangled the living flesh of a human
Witness: fMS if I had mangled the living flesh of a human


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 being. I paused to collect
Witness: f1823 being. I paused to collect
Witness: fThomas being. I paused to collect
Witness: f1831 being. I paused to collect
Witness: fMS being. I paused to collect


Reading Group: C26c_app70_rg1

Witness: fMS myself

Reading Group: C26c_app70_rg2

Witness: f1818 myself,
Witness: f1823 myself,
Witness: fThomas myself,
Witness: f1831 myself,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and then
Witness: f1823 and then
Witness: fThomas and then
Witness: f1831 and then
Witness: fMS & then


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 entered the chamber. With trembling
Witness: f1823 entered the chamber. With trembling
Witness: fThomas entered the chamber. With trembling
Witness: f1831 entered the chamber. With trembling
Witness: fMS entered the chamber. With trembling


Reading Group: C26c_app73_rg1

Witness: f1818 hand
Witness: f1823 hand
Witness: fThomas hand
Witness: f1831 hand

Reading Group: C26c_app73_rg2

Witness: fMS hands


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I conveyed the instruments out of the
Witness: f1823 I conveyed the instruments out of the
Witness: fThomas I conveyed the instruments out of the
Witness: f1831 I conveyed the instruments out of the
Witness: fMS I conveyed the instruments out of the


Reading Group: C26c_app75_rg1

Witness: fMS room

Reading Group: C26c_app75_rg2

Witness: f1818 room;
Witness: f1823 room;
Witness: fThomas room;
Witness: f1831 room;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but I reflected that I ought not to leave
Witness: f1823 but I reflected that I ought not to leave
Witness: fThomas but I reflected that I ought not to leave
Witness: f1831 but I reflected that I ought not to leave
Witness: fMS but I reflected that I ought not to leave


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fMS the


Reading Group: C26c_app78_rg1

Witness: fMS relicks

Reading Group: C26c_app78_rg2

Witness: f1818 relics
Witness: f1823 relics
Witness: fThomas relics
Witness: f1831 relics


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of my work to excite the horror and suspicion of the
Witness: f1823 of my work to excite the horror and suspicion of the
Witness: fThomas of my work to excite the horror and suspicion of the
Witness: f1831 of my work to excite the horror and suspicion of the
Witness: fMS of my work to excite the horror & suspicion of the


Reading Group: C26c_app80_rg1

Witness: fMS peasants

Reading Group: C26c_app80_rg2

Witness: f1818 peasants,
Witness: f1823 peasants,
Witness: fThomas peasants,

Reading Group: C26c_app80_rg3

Witness: f1831 peasants;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and I accordingly put them
Witness: f1823 and I accordingly put them
Witness: fThomas and I accordingly put them
Witness: f1831 and I accordingly put them
Witness: fMS and I accordingly put them


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 into a
Witness: f1823 into a
Witness: fThomas into a
Witness: f1831 into a
Witness: fMS into a


Reading Group: C26c_app83_rg1

Witness: fMS basket

Reading Group: C26c_app83_rg2

Witness: f1818 basket,
Witness: f1823 basket,
Witness: fThomas basket,
Witness: f1831 basket,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 with a great quantity of
Witness: f1823 with a great quantity of
Witness: fThomas with a great quantity of
Witness: f1831 with a great quantity of
Witness: fMS with a great quantity of


Reading Group: C26c_app85_rg1

Witness: fMS stones

Reading Group: C26c_app85_rg2

Witness: f1818 stones,
Witness: f1823 stones,
Witness: fThomas stones,
Witness: f1831 stones,


Reading Group: C26c_app86_rg1

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: fMS and

Reading Group: C26c_app86_rg2

Witness: f1823 and,
Witness: f1831 and,


Reading Group: C26c_app87_rg1

Witness: f1818 laying them up,
Witness: f1823 laying them up,
Witness: fThomas laying them up,
Witness: f1831 laying them up,

Reading Group: C26c_app87_rg2

Witness: fMS tying it up


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 determined to throw
Witness: f1823 determined to throw
Witness: fThomas determined to throw
Witness: f1831 determined to throw
Witness: fMS determined to throw


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 them into the sea that very
Witness: f1823 them into the sea that very
Witness: fThomas them into the sea that very
Witness: f1831 them into the sea that very
Witness: fMS them into the sea that very


Reading Group: C26c_app90_rg1

Witness: fMS night

Reading Group: C26c_app90_rg2

Witness: f1818 night;
Witness: f1823 night;
Witness: fThomas night;
Witness: f1831 night;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fMS and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in the mean time I sat
Witness: f1823 in the mean time I sat
Witness: fThomas in the mean time I sat
Witness: f1831 in the mean time I sat
Witness: fMS in the mean time I sat


Reading Group: C26c_app93_rg1

Witness: fMS on

Reading Group: C26c_app93_rg2

Witness: f1818 upon
Witness: f1823 upon
Witness: fThomas upon
Witness: f1831 upon


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fMS the


Reading Group: C26c_app95_rg1

Witness: fMS beach

Reading Group: C26c_app95_rg2

Witness: f1818 beach,
Witness: f1823 beach,
Witness: fThomas beach,
Witness: f1831 beach,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 employed in cleaning and arranging my chemical
Witness: f1823 employed in cleaning and arranging my chemical
Witness: fThomas employed in cleaning and arranging my chemical
Witness: f1831 employed in cleaning and arranging my chemical
Witness: fMS employed in cleaning & arranging my chemical


Reading Group: C26c_app97_rg1

Witness: fMS apparatus. Nothing w

Reading Group: C26c_app97_rg2

Witness: f1818 apparatus.<p/><p/>Nothing
Witness: f1823 apparatus.<p/><p/>Nothing
Witness: fThomas apparatus.<p/><p/>Nothing
Witness: f1831 apparatus.<p/><p/>Nothing


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 could be more complete than
Witness: f1823 could be more complete than
Witness: fThomas could be more complete than
Witness: f1831 could be more complete than
Witness: fMS could be more complete than


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the alteration that had taken place in my feelings since the night of the appearance of the dæmon. I had before
Witness: f1823 the alteration that had taken place in my feelings since the night of the appearance of the dæmon. I had before
Witness: fThomas the alteration that had taken place in my feelings since the night of the appearance of the dæmon. I had before
Witness: f1831 the alteration that had taken place in my feelings since the night of the appearance of the dæmon. I had before
Witness: fMS the alteration that had taken place in my feelings since the night of the appearance of the dæmon. I had before


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 regarded my promise with
Witness: f1823 regarded my promise with
Witness: fThomas regarded my promise with
Witness: f1831 regarded my promise with
Witness: fMS regarded my promise with


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a
Witness: f1823 a
Witness: fThomas a
Witness: f1831 a


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 gloomy
Witness: f1823 gloomy
Witness: fThomas gloomy
Witness: f1831 gloomy
Witness: fMS gloomy


Reading Group: C26c_app103_rg1

Witness: fMS despair

Reading Group: C26c_app103_rg2

Witness: f1818 despair,
Witness: f1823 despair,
Witness: fThomas despair,
Witness: f1831 despair,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 as
Witness: f1823 as
Witness: fThomas as
Witness: f1831 as
Witness: fMS as


Reading Group: C26c_app105_rg1

Witness: f1818 a
Witness: f1823 a
Witness: fThomas a
Witness: f1831 a

Reading Group: C26c_app105_rg2

Witness: fMS an


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 thing
Witness: f1823 thing
Witness: fThomas thing
Witness: f1831 thing
Witness: fMS thing


Reading Group: C26c_app107_rg1

Witness: fMS that must at

Reading Group: C26c_app107_rg2

Witness: f1818 that,
Witness: f1823 that,
Witness: fThomas that,
Witness: f1831 that,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 with whatever
Witness: f1823 with whatever
Witness: fThomas with whatever
Witness: f1831 with whatever
Witness: fMS with whatever


Reading Group: C26c_app109_rg1

Witness: fMS consequences

Reading Group: C26c_app109_rg2

Witness: f1818 consequences, must
Witness: f1823 consequences, must
Witness: fThomas consequences, must
Witness: f1831 consequences, must


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 be
Witness: f1823 be
Witness: fThomas be
Witness: f1831 be
Witness: fMS be


Reading Group: C26c_app111_rg1

Witness: fMS fulfilled

Reading Group: C26c_app111_rg2

Witness: f1818 fulfilled;
Witness: f1823 fulfilled;
Witness: fThomas fulfilled;
Witness: f1831 fulfilled;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but I now felt
Witness: f1823 but I now felt
Witness: fThomas but I now felt
Witness: f1831 but I now felt
Witness: fMS but I now felt


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 as if a film had been taken from before
Witness: f1823 as if a film had been taken from before
Witness: fThomas as if a film had been taken from before
Witness: f1831 as if a film had been taken from before
Witness: fMS as if a film had been taken from before


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my
Witness: f1823 my
Witness: fThomas my
Witness: f1831 my
Witness: fMS my


Reading Group: C26c_app115_rg1

Witness: fMS eyes

Reading Group: C26c_app115_rg2

Witness: f1818 eyes,
Witness: f1823 eyes,
Witness: fThomas eyes,
Witness: f1831 eyes,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and that
Witness: f1823 and that
Witness: fThomas and that
Witness: f1831 and that
Witness: fMS & that


Reading Group: C26c_app117_rg1

Witness: fMS I now

Reading Group: C26c_app117_rg2

Witness: f1818 I,
Witness: f1823 I,
Witness: fThomas I,
Witness: f1831 I,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 for the first
Witness: f1823 for the first
Witness: fThomas for the first
Witness: f1831 for the first
Witness: fMS for the first


Reading Group: C26c_app119_rg1

Witness: fMS time

Reading Group: C26c_app119_rg2

Witness: f1818 time,
Witness: f1823 time,
Witness: fThomas time,
Witness: f1831 time,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 saw clearly.
Witness: f1823 saw clearly.
Witness: fThomas saw clearly.
Witness: f1831 saw clearly.
Witness: fMS saw clearly.


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS It never once


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 The idea of
Witness: f1823 The idea of
Witness: fThomas The idea of
Witness: f1831 The idea of
Witness: fMS The idea of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 renewing my labours did not for
Witness: f1823 renewing my labours did not for
Witness: fThomas renewing my labours did not for
Witness: f1831 renewing my labours did not for
Witness: fMS renewing my labours did not for


Reading Group: C26c_app124_rg1

Witness: fMS an

Reading Group: C26c_app124_rg2

Witness: f1818 one
Witness: f1823 one
Witness: fThomas one
Witness: f1831 one


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 instant occur to
Witness: f1823 instant occur to
Witness: fThomas instant occur to
Witness: f1831 instant occur to
Witness: fMS instant occur to


Reading Group: C26c_app126_rg1

Witness: fMS me.

Reading Group: C26c_app126_rg2

Witness: f1818 me;
Witness: f1823 me;
Witness: fThomas me;
Witness: f1831 me;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the threat I had
Witness: f1823 the threat I had
Witness: fThomas the threat I had
Witness: f1831 the threat I had
Witness: fMS The threat I had


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 heard weighed on my
Witness: f1823 heard weighed on my
Witness: fThomas heard weighed on my
Witness: f1831 heard weighed on my
Witness: fMS heard weighed on my


Reading Group: C26c_app129_rg1

Witness: fMS thoughts

Reading Group: C26c_app129_rg2

Witness: f1818 thoughts,
Witness: f1823 thoughts,
Witness: fThomas thoughts,
Witness: f1831 thoughts,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but I
Witness: f1823 but I
Witness: fThomas but I
Witness: f1831 but I
Witness: fMS but I


Reading Group: C26c_app131_rg1

Witness: fMS neverdidnot

Reading Group: C26c_app131_rg2

Witness: f1818 did not
Witness: f1823 did not
Witness: fThomas did not
Witness: f1831 did not


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 reflect
Witness: f1823 reflect
Witness: fThomas reflect
Witness: f1831 reflect
Witness: fMS reflect


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS supposed


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that a voluntary act of mine
Witness: f1823 that a voluntary act of mine
Witness: fThomas that a voluntary act of mine
Witness: f1831 that a voluntary act of mine
Witness: fMS that a voluntary act of mine


Reading Group: C26c_app135_rg1

Witness: fMS might

Reading Group: C26c_app135_rg2

Witness: f1818 could
Witness: f1823 could
Witness: fThomas could
Witness: f1831 could


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 avert it. I had resolved in my
Witness: f1823 avert it. I had resolved in my
Witness: fThomas avert it. I had resolved in my
Witness: f1831 avert it. I had resolved in my
Witness: fMS avert it. I had resolved in my


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 own
Witness: f1823 own
Witness: fThomas own
Witness: f1831 own
Witness: fMS own


Reading Group: C26c_app138_rg1

Witness: fMS mind

Reading Group: C26c_app138_rg2

Witness: f1818 mind,
Witness: f1823 mind,
Witness: fThomas mind,
Witness: f1831 mind,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that to create another like
Witness: f1823 that to create another like
Witness: fThomas that to create another like
Witness: f1831 that to create another like
Witness: fMS that to create another like


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the fiend I had first made would be
Witness: f1823 the fiend I had first made would be
Witness: fThomas the fiend I had first made would be
Witness: f1831 the fiend I had first made would be
Witness: fMS the fiend I had first made would be


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 an act of the basest and most atrocious
Witness: f1823 an act of the basest and most atrocious
Witness: fThomas an act of the basest and most atrocious
Witness: f1831 an act of the basest and most atrocious
Witness: fMS an act of the basest & most atrocious


Reading Group: C26c_app142_rg1

Witness: fMS selfishness

Reading Group: C26c_app142_rg2

Witness: f1818 selfishness;
Witness: f1823 selfishness;
Witness: fThomas selfishness;
Witness: f1831 selfishness;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and I
Witness: f1823 and I
Witness: fThomas and I
Witness: f1831 and I
Witness: fMS and I


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS did not


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 banished
Witness: f1823 banished
Witness: fThomas banished
Witness: f1831 banished
Witness: fMS banished


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 from my mind every thought that
Witness: f1823 from my mind every thought that
Witness: fThomas from my mind every thought that
Witness: f1831 from my mind every thought that
Witness: fMS from my mind every thought that


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 could lead to a different
Witness: f1823 could lead to a different
Witness: fThomas could lead to a different
Witness: f1831 could lead to a different
Witness: fMS could lead to a different


Reading Group: C26c_app148_rg1

Witness: f1818 conclusion.<p/><p/>Between
Witness: f1823 conclusion.<p/><p/>Between
Witness: fThomas conclusion.<p/><p/>Between
Witness: f1831 conclusion.<p/><p/>Between

Reading Group: C26c_app148_rg2

Witness: fMS conclusion Between


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 two and three in the morning
Witness: f1823 two and three in the morning
Witness: fThomas two and three in the morning
Witness: f1831 two and three in the morning
Witness: fMS two & three in the morning


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the moon
Witness: f1823 the moon
Witness: fThomas the moon
Witness: f1831 the moon
Witness: fMS the moon


Reading Group: C26c_app151_rg1

Witness: fMS rose

Reading Group: C26c_app151_rg2

Witness: f1818 rose;
Witness: f1823 rose;
Witness: fThomas rose;
Witness: f1831 rose;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and I
Witness: f1823 and I
Witness: fThomas and I
Witness: f1831 and I
Witness: fMS and I


Reading Group: C26c_app153_rg1

Witness: fMS then

Reading Group: C26c_app153_rg2

Witness: f1818 then,
Witness: f1823 then,
Witness: fThomas then,
Witness: f1831 then,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 putting my
Witness: f1823 putting my
Witness: fThomas putting my
Witness: f1831 putting my
Witness: fMS putting my


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 basket
Witness: f1823 basket
Witness: fThomas basket
Witness: f1831 basket
Witness: fMS basket


Reading Group: C26c_app156_rg1

Witness: f1818 aboard
Witness: f1823 aboard
Witness: fThomas aboard
Witness: f1831 aboard

Reading Group: C26c_app156_rg2

Witness: fMS into


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a little
Witness: f1823 a little
Witness: fThomas a little
Witness: f1831 a little
Witness: fMS a little


Reading Group: C26c_app158_rg1

Witness: fMS skiff

Reading Group: C26c_app158_rg2

Witness: f1818 skiff,
Witness: f1823 skiff,
Witness: fThomas skiff,
Witness: f1831 skiff,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 sailed out about
Witness: f1823 sailed out about
Witness: fThomas sailed out about
Witness: f1831 sailed out about
Witness: fMS sailed out about


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 four miles from the
Witness: f1823 four miles from the
Witness: fThomas four miles from the
Witness: f1831 four miles from the
Witness: fMS four miles from the


Reading Group: C26c_app161_rg1

Witness: fMS shore –

Reading Group: C26c_app161_rg2

Witness: f1818 shore.
Witness: f1823 shore.
Witness: fThomas shore.
Witness: f1831 shore.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 The scene
Witness: f1823 The scene
Witness: fThomas The scene
Witness: f1831 The scene
Witness: fMS The scene


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was perfectly
Witness: f1823 was perfectly
Witness: fThomas was perfectly
Witness: f1831 was perfectly
Witness: fMS was perfectly


Reading Group: C26c_app164_rg1

Witness: fMS solitary,

Reading Group: C26c_app164_rg2

Witness: f1818 solitary:
Witness: f1823 solitary:
Witness: fThomas solitary:
Witness: f1831 solitary:


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a few boats were
Witness: f1823 a few boats were
Witness: fThomas a few boats were
Witness: f1831 a few boats were
Witness: fMS a few boats were


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 returning towards
Witness: f1823 returning towards
Witness: fThomas returning towards
Witness: f1831 returning towards
Witness: fMS returning towards


Reading Group: C26c_app167_rg1

Witness: fMS land

Reading Group: C26c_app167_rg2

Witness: f1818 land,
Witness: f1823 land,
Witness: fThomas land,
Witness: f1831 land,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but I sailed
Witness: f1823 but I sailed
Witness: fThomas but I sailed
Witness: f1831 but I sailed
Witness: fMS but I sailed


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 away from them. I felt as if I was
Witness: f1823 away from them. I felt as if I was
Witness: fThomas away from them. I felt as if I was
Witness: f1831 away from them. I felt as if I was
Witness: fMS away from them. I felt as if I was


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 about the commission of a dreadful
Witness: f1823 about the commission of a dreadful
Witness: fThomas about the commission of a dreadful
Witness: f1831 about the commission of a dreadful
Witness: fMS about the commission of a dreadful


Reading Group: C26c_app171_rg1

Witness: fMS crime

Reading Group: C26c_app171_rg2

Witness: f1818 crime,
Witness: f1823 crime,
Witness: fThomas crime,
Witness: f1831 crime,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and avoided with shuddering
Witness: f1823 and avoided with shuddering
Witness: fThomas and avoided with shuddering
Witness: f1831 and avoided with shuddering
Witness: fMS and avoided with shuddering


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 anxiety any encounter with my
Witness: f1823 anxiety any encounter with my
Witness: fThomas anxiety any encounter with my
Witness: f1831 anxiety any encounter with my
Witness: fMS anxiety any encounter with my


Reading Group: C26c_app174_rg1

Witness: fMS fellow creatures.

Reading Group: C26c_app174_rg2

Witness: f1818 fellow-creatures.
Witness: f1823 fellow-creatures.
Witness: fThomas fellow-creatures.
Witness: f1831 fellow-creatures.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 At one time the
Witness: f1823 At one time the
Witness: fThomas At one time the
Witness: f1831 At one time the
Witness: fMS At one time the


Reading Group: C26c_app176_rg1

Witness: fMS moon

Reading Group: C26c_app176_rg2

Witness: f1818 moon,
Witness: f1823 moon,
Witness: fThomas moon,
Witness: f1831 moon,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 which
Witness: f1823 which
Witness: fThomas which
Witness: f1831 which
Witness: fMS which


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 had before been
Witness: f1823 had before been
Witness: fThomas had before been
Witness: f1831 had before been
Witness: fMS had before been


Reading Group: C26c_app179_rg1

Witness: fMS clear

Reading Group: C26c_app179_rg2

Witness: f1818 clear,
Witness: f1823 clear,
Witness: fThomas clear,
Witness: f1831 clear,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was suddenly
Witness: f1823 was suddenly
Witness: fThomas was suddenly
Witness: f1831 was suddenly
Witness: fMS was suddenly


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS covered


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 overspread by a thick
Witness: f1823 overspread by a thick
Witness: fThomas overspread by a thick
Witness: f1831 overspread by a thick
Witness: fMS overspread by a thick


Reading Group: C26c_app183_rg1

Witness: fMS cloud &<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>I

Reading Group: C26c_app183_rg2

Witness: f1818 cloud, and I
Witness: f1823 cloud, and I
Witness: fThomas cloud, and I
Witness: f1831 cloud, and I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 took advantage of the moment of
Witness: f1823 took advantage of the moment of
Witness: fThomas took advantage of the moment of
Witness: f1831 took advantage of the moment of
Witness: fMS took advantage of the moment of


Reading Group: C26c_app185_rg1

Witness: fMS darkness

Reading Group: C26c_app185_rg2

Witness: f1818 darkness,
Witness: f1823 darkness,
Witness: fThomas darkness,
Witness: f1831 darkness,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and cast
Witness: f1823 and cast
Witness: fThomas and cast
Witness: f1831 and cast
Witness: fMS & cast


Reading Group: C26c_app187_rg1

Witness: f1818 my
Witness: f1823 my
Witness: fThomas my
Witness: f1831 my

Reading Group: C26c_app187_rg2

Witness: fMS the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 basket into the
Witness: f1823 basket into the
Witness: fThomas basket into the
Witness: f1831 basket into the
Witness: fMS basket into the


Reading Group: C26c_app189_rg1

Witness: fMS sea –

Reading Group: C26c_app189_rg2

Witness: f1823 sea:
Witness: f1831 sea:

Reading Group: C26c_app189_rg3

Witness: f1818 sea;
Witness: fThomas sea;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I listened to the gurgling sound as it
Witness: f1823 I listened to the gurgling sound as it
Witness: fThomas I listened to the gurgling sound as it
Witness: f1831 I listened to the gurgling sound as it
Witness: fMS I listened to the gurgling sound as it


Reading Group: C26c_app191_rg1

Witness: fMS sunk

Reading Group: C26c_app191_rg2

Witness: f1818 sunk,
Witness: f1823 sunk,
Witness: fThomas sunk,
Witness: f1831 sunk,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and then sailed away from the
Witness: f1823 and then sailed away from the
Witness: fThomas and then sailed away from the
Witness: f1831 and then sailed away from the
Witness: fMS & then <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>sailed away from the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 spot. The sky
Witness: f1823 spot. The sky
Witness: fThomas spot. The sky
Witness: f1831 spot. The sky
Witness: fMS spot. The sky


Reading Group: C26c_app194_rg1

Witness: f1818 became clouded;
Witness: f1823 became clouded;
Witness: fThomas became clouded;
Witness: f1831 became clouded;

Reading Group: C26c_app194_rg2

Witness: fMS had become clouded


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but the
Witness: f1823 but the
Witness: fThomas but the
Witness: f1831 but the
Witness: fMS but the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 air was
Witness: f1823 air was
Witness: fThomas air was
Witness: f1831 air was
Witness: fMS air was


Reading Group: C26c_app197_rg1

Witness: fMS pure

Reading Group: C26c_app197_rg2

Witness: f1818 pure,
Witness: f1823 pure,
Witness: fThomas pure,
Witness: f1831 pure,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 although
Witness: f1823 although
Witness: fThomas although
Witness: f1831 although
Witness: fMS although


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS a


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 chilled by the
Witness: f1823 chilled by the
Witness: fThomas chilled by the
Witness: f1831 chilled by the
Witness: fMS chilled by the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 north-east breeze that was
Witness: f1823 north-east breeze that was
Witness: fThomas north-east breeze that was
Witness: f1831 north-east breeze that was
Witness: fMS North-East breeze that was


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 then
Witness: f1823 then
Witness: fThomas then
Witness: f1831 then


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 rising. But
Witness: f1823 rising. But
Witness: fThomas rising. But
Witness: f1831 rising. But
Witness: fMS rising. But


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 it refreshed
Witness: f1823 it refreshed
Witness: fThomas it refreshed
Witness: f1831 it refreshed
Witness: fMS it refreshed


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 me,
Witness: f1823 me,
Witness: fThomas me,
Witness: f1831 me,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and filled me with such
Witness: f1823 and filled me with such
Witness: fThomas and filled me with such
Witness: f1831 and filled me with such
Witness: fMS & filled me with such


Reading Group: C26c_app207_rg1

Witness: fMS agreable sensations

Reading Group: C26c_app207_rg2

Witness: f1818 agreeable sensations,
Witness: f1823 agreeable sensations,
Witness: fThomas agreeable sensations,
Witness: f1831 agreeable sensations,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that I resolved to prolong
Witness: f1823 that I resolved to prolong
Witness: fThomas that I resolved to prolong
Witness: f1831 that I resolved to prolong
Witness: fMS that I resolved to prolong


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my stay on the
Witness: f1823 my stay on the
Witness: fThomas my stay on the
Witness: f1831 my stay on the
Witness: fMS my stay on the


Reading Group: C26c_app210_rg1

Witness: fMS water &leavingfixing

Reading Group: C26c_app210_rg2

Witness: f1818 water,
Witness: f1823 water,
Witness: fThomas water,

Reading Group: C26c_app210_rg3

Witness: f1831 water;


Reading Group: C26c_app211_rg1

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: fThomas and

Reading Group: C26c_app211_rg2

Witness: f1823 and,
Witness: f1831 and,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 fixing
Witness: f1823 fixing
Witness: fThomas fixing
Witness: f1831 fixing


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the rudder in a direct
Witness: f1823 the rudder in a direct
Witness: fThomas the rudder in a direct
Witness: f1831 the rudder in a direct
Witness: fMS the rudder <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>in a direct


Reading Group: C26c_app214_rg1

Witness: fMS position

Reading Group: C26c_app214_rg2

Witness: f1818 position,
Witness: f1823 position,
Witness: fThomas position,
Witness: f1831 position,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 stretched myself at the bottom of the boat.
Witness: f1823 stretched myself at the bottom of the boat.
Witness: fThomas stretched myself at the bottom of the boat.
Witness: f1831 stretched myself at the bottom of the boat.
Witness: fMS stretched myself at the bottom of the boat.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Clouds hid the moon, every thing was
Witness: f1823 Clouds hid the moon, every thing was
Witness: fThomas Clouds hid the moon, every thing was
Witness: f1831 Clouds hid the moon, every thing was
Witness: fMS Clouds hid the moon, every thing was


Reading Group: C26c_app217_rg1

Witness: fMS obscure

Reading Group: C26c_app217_rg2

Witness: f1818 obscure,
Witness: f1823 obscure,
Witness: fThomas obscure,
Witness: f1831 obscure,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and I heard only the sound of the
Witness: f1823 and I heard only the sound of the
Witness: fThomas and I heard only the sound of the
Witness: f1831 and I heard only the sound of the
Witness: fMS & I heard only the sound of the


Reading Group: C26c_app219_rg1

Witness: fMS boat

Reading Group: C26c_app219_rg2

Witness: f1818 boat,
Witness: f1823 boat,
Witness: fThomas boat,
Witness: f1831 boat,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 as
Witness: f1823 as
Witness: fThomas as
Witness: f1831 as
Witness: fMS as


Reading Group: C26c_app221_rg1

Witness: fMS it

Reading Group: C26c_app221_rg2

Witness: f1818 its
Witness: f1823 its
Witness: fThomas its
Witness: f1831 its


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 keel cut through the
Witness: f1823 keel cut through the
Witness: fThomas keel cut through the
Witness: f1831 keel cut through the
Witness: fMS keel cut through the


Reading Group: C26c_app223_rg1

Witness: f1818 waves; the murmur
Witness: f1823 waves; the murmur
Witness: fThomas waves; the murmur
Witness: f1831 waves; the murmur

Reading Group: C26c_app223_rg2

Witness: fMS waves–The sound


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 lulled
Witness: f1823 lulled
Witness: fThomas lulled
Witness: f1831 lulled
Witness: fMS lulled


Reading Group: C26c_app225_rg1

Witness: f1818 me, and
Witness: f1823 me, and
Witness: fThomas me, and
Witness: f1831 me, and

Reading Group: C26c_app225_rg2

Witness: fMS me–&


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in a short time I slept
Witness: f1823 in a short time I slept
Witness: fThomas in a short time I slept
Witness: f1831 in a short time I slept
Witness: fMS in a short time I slept


Reading Group: C26c_app227_rg1

Witness: fMS s soundly I

Reading Group: C26c_app227_rg2

Witness: f1818 soundly.<p/><p/>I
Witness: f1823 soundly.<p/><p/>I
Witness: fThomas soundly.<p/><p/>I
Witness: f1831 soundly.<p/><p/>I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 do not know how long I remained in
Witness: f1823 do not know how long I remained in
Witness: fThomas do not know how long I remained in
Witness: f1831 do not know how long I remained in
Witness: fMS do not know how long I remained in


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 this
Witness: f1823 this
Witness: fThomas this
Witness: f1831 this
Witness: fMS this


Reading Group: C26c_app230_rg1

Witness: fMS situation

Reading Group: C26c_app230_rg2

Witness: f1818 situation,
Witness: f1823 situation,
Witness: fThomas situation,
Witness: f1831 situation,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but when I awoke I found
Witness: f1823 but when I awoke I found
Witness: fThomas but when I awoke I found
Witness: f1831 but when I awoke I found
Witness: fMS but when I awoke I found


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that the sun had already mounted
Witness: f1823 that the sun had already mounted
Witness: fThomas that the sun had already mounted
Witness: f1831 that the sun had already mounted
Witness: fMS that the sun had already mounted


Reading Group: C26c_app233_rg1

Witness: f1818 considerably.
Witness: f1823 considerably.
Witness: fThomas considerably.
Witness: f1831 considerably.

Reading Group: C26c_app233_rg2

Witness: fMS considerably–


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 The wind was
Witness: f1823 The wind was
Witness: fThomas The wind was
Witness: f1831 The wind was
Witness: fMS The wind was


Reading Group: C26c_app235_rg1

Witness: fMS high

Reading Group: C26c_app235_rg2

Witness: f1818 high,
Witness: f1823 high,
Witness: fThomas high,
Witness: f1831 high,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and the waves
Witness: f1823 and the waves
Witness: fThomas and the waves
Witness: f1831 and the waves
Witness: fMS and the waves


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS th


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 continually
Witness: f1823 continually
Witness: fThomas continually
Witness: f1831 continually
Witness: fMS continually


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 threatened the safety of my little
Witness: f1823 threatened the safety of my little
Witness: fThomas threatened the safety of my little
Witness: f1831 threatened the safety of my little
Witness: fMS threatened the safety of my little


Reading Group: C26c_app240_rg1

Witness: fMS boat skiff—

Reading Group: C26c_app240_rg2

Witness: f1818 skiff.
Witness: f1823 skiff.
Witness: fThomas skiff.
Witness: f1831 skiff.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fMS I


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS endeavoure


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 found that the wind
Witness: f1823 found that the wind
Witness: fThomas found that the wind
Witness: f1831 found that the wind
Witness: fMS found that the wind


Reading Group: C26c_app244_rg1

Witness: f1818 was north-east,
Witness: f1823 was north-east,
Witness: fThomas was north-east,
Witness: f1831 was north-east,

Reading Group: C26c_app244_rg2

Witness: fMS wasnorth-east


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and must have driven me far
Witness: f1823 and must have driven me far
Witness: fThomas and must have driven me far
Witness: f1831 and must have driven me far
Witness: fMS and must have driven me far


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 from the coast from which I had embarked.
Witness: f1823 from the coast from which I had embarked.
Witness: fThomas from the coast from which I had embarked.
Witness: f1831 from the coast from which I had embarked.
Witness: fMS from the coast from which I had embarked.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I endeavoured to
Witness: f1823 I endeavoured to
Witness: fThomas I endeavoured to
Witness: f1831 I endeavoured to
Witness: fMS I endeavoured to


Reading Group: C26c_app248_rg1

Witness: fMS turnthe<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>boatchange

Reading Group: C26c_app248_rg2

Witness: f1818 change
Witness: f1823 change
Witness: fThomas change
Witness: f1831 change


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my
Witness: f1823 my
Witness: fThomas my
Witness: f1831 my
Witness: fMS my


Reading Group: C26c_app250_rg1

Witness: fMS course

Reading Group: C26c_app250_rg2

Witness: f1818 course,
Witness: f1823 course,
Witness: fThomas course,
Witness: f1831 course,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but
Witness: f1823 but
Witness: fThomas but
Witness: f1831 but
Witness: fMS but


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 quickly found
Witness: f1823 quickly found
Witness: fThomas quickly found
Witness: f1831 quickly found
Witness: fMS quickly found


Reading Group: C26c_app253_rg1

Witness: f1818 that
Witness: fThomas that
Witness: fMS that

Reading Group: C26c_app253_rg2

Witness: f1823 that,
Witness: f1831 that,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 if I again made the
Witness: f1823 if I again made the
Witness: fThomas if I again made the
Witness: f1831 if I again made the
Witness: fMS if I again <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>made the


Reading Group: C26c_app255_rg1

Witness: f1818 attempt
Witness: fThomas attempt

Reading Group: C26c_app255_rg2

Witness: f1823 attempt,
Witness: f1831 attempt,

Reading Group: C26c_app255_rg3

Witness: fMS attemptedit


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the boat would be instantly filled with
Witness: f1823 the boat would be instantly filled with
Witness: fThomas the boat would be instantly filled with
Witness: f1831 the boat would be instantly filled with
Witness: fMS the boat would be instantleyy filled with


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 water. Thus
Witness: f1823 water. Thus
Witness: fThomas water. Thus
Witness: f1831 water. Thus
Witness: fMS water. Thus


Reading Group: C26c_app258_rg1

Witness: fMS situated

Reading Group: C26c_app258_rg2

Witness: f1818 situated,
Witness: f1823 situated,
Witness: fThomas situated,
Witness: f1831 situated,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my only resource was
Witness: f1823 my only resource was
Witness: fThomas my only resource was
Witness: f1831 my only resource was
Witness: fMS my only resource was


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to drive before the
Witness: f1823 to drive before the
Witness: fThomas to drive before the
Witness: f1831 to drive before the
Witness: fMS to drive before the


Reading Group: C26c_app261_rg1

Witness: fMS wind – To be a

Reading Group: C26c_app261_rg2

Witness: f1818 wind.
Witness: f1823 wind.
Witness: fThomas wind.
Witness: f1831 wind.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I confess
Witness: f1823 I confess
Witness: fThomas I confess
Witness: f1831 I confess
Witness: fMS I confess


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that I felt a few sensations of
Witness: f1823 that I felt a few sensations of
Witness: fThomas that I felt a few sensations of
Witness: f1831 that I felt a few sensations of
Witness: fMS that I felt a few sensations of


Reading Group: C26c_app264_rg1

Witness: fMS terror –I

Reading Group: C26c_app264_rg2

Witness: f1818 terror. I
Witness: f1823 terror. I
Witness: fThomas terror. I
Witness: f1831 terror. I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 had
Witness: f1823 had
Witness: fThomas had
Witness: f1831 had
Witness: fMS had


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 no compass with
Witness: f1823 no compass with
Witness: fThomas no compass with
Witness: f1831 no compass with
Witness: fMS no compass with


Reading Group: C26c_app267_rg1

Witness: fMS me

Reading Group: C26c_app267_rg2

Witness: f1818 me,
Witness: f1823 me,
Witness: fThomas me,
Witness: f1831 me,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and was so
Witness: f1823 and was so
Witness: fThomas and was so
Witness: f1831 and was so
Witness: fMS and was so


Reading Group: C26c_app269_rg1

Witness: f1818 little
Witness: fThomas little
Witness: fMS little

Reading Group: C26c_app269_rg2

Witness: f1823 slenderly
Witness: f1831 slenderly


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 acquainted with the geography of this part
Witness: f1823 acquainted with the geography of this part
Witness: fThomas acquainted with the geography of this part
Witness: f1831 acquainted with the geography of this part
Witness: fMS acquainted with the geography of this part


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of the
Witness: f1823 of the
Witness: fThomas of the
Witness: f1831 of the
Witness: fMS of the


Reading Group: C26c_app272_rg1

Witness: f1818 world
Witness: f1823 world
Witness: fThomas world
Witness: fMS world

Reading Group: C26c_app272_rg2

Witness: f1831 world,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that the sun was of little benefit to
Witness: f1823 that the sun was of little benefit to
Witness: fThomas that the sun was of little benefit to
Witness: f1831 that the sun was of little benefit to
Witness: fMS that the sun was of little benefit to


Reading Group: C26c_app274_rg1

Witness: fMS me –I

Reading Group: C26c_app274_rg2

Witness: f1818 me. I
Witness: f1823 me. I
Witness: fThomas me. I
Witness: f1831 me. I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 might be
Witness: f1823 might be
Witness: fThomas might be
Witness: f1831 might be
Witness: fMS might be


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS driv


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 driven into
Witness: f1823 driven into
Witness: fThomas driven into
Witness: f1831 driven into
Witness: fMS driven into


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the wide
Witness: f1823 the wide
Witness: fThomas the wide
Witness: f1831 the wide
Witness: fMS the wide


Reading Group: C26c_app279_rg1

Witness: fMS Atlantic

Reading Group: C26c_app279_rg2

Witness: f1818 Atlantic,
Witness: f1823 Atlantic,
Witness: fThomas Atlantic,
Witness: f1831 Atlantic,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and feel all the tortures
Witness: f1823 and feel all the tortures
Witness: fThomas and feel all the tortures
Witness: f1831 and feel all the tortures
Witness: fMS & feel all the tortures


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of
Witness: f1823 of
Witness: fThomas of
Witness: f1831 of
Witness: fMS of


Reading Group: C26c_app282_rg1

Witness: fMS starvation

Reading Group: C26c_app282_rg2

Witness: f1818 starvation,
Witness: f1823 starvation,
Witness: fThomas starvation,
Witness: f1831 starvation,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 or be swallowed up in
Witness: f1823 or be swallowed up in
Witness: fThomas or be swallowed up in
Witness: f1831 or be swallowed up in
Witness: fMS or be swallowed up in


Reading Group: C26c_app284_rg1

Witness: fMS

Reading Group: C26c_app284_rg2

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: f1831 the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 immeasurable waters that roared and buffeted around me. I had already been out
Witness: f1823 immeasurable waters that roared and buffeted around me. I had already been out
Witness: fThomas immeasurable waters that roared and buffeted around me. I had already been out
Witness: f1831 immeasurable waters that roared and buffeted around me. I had already been out
Witness: fMS immeasurable waters that roared & buffeted around me. I had already been out


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 many
Witness: f1823 many
Witness: fThomas many
Witness: f1831 many
Witness: fMS many


Reading Group: C26c_app287_rg1

Witness: fMS hours

Reading Group: C26c_app287_rg2

Witness: f1818 hours,
Witness: f1823 hours,
Witness: fThomas hours,
Witness: f1831 hours,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and felt the
Witness: f1823 and felt the
Witness: fThomas and felt the
Witness: f1831 and felt the
Witness: fMS and felt the


Reading Group: C26c_app289_rg1

Witness: f1818 torment
Witness: f1823 torment
Witness: fThomas torment
Witness: f1831 torment

Reading Group: C26c_app289_rg2

Witness: fMS tortures


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of a
Witness: f1823 of a
Witness: fThomas of a
Witness: f1831 of a
Witness: fMS of a


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 burning
Witness: f1823 burning
Witness: fThomas burning
Witness: f1831 burning
Witness: fMS burning


Reading Group: C26c_app292_rg1

Witness: fMS thirst

Reading Group: C26c_app292_rg2

Witness: f1818 thirst,
Witness: f1823 thirst,
Witness: fThomas thirst,
Witness: f1831 thirst,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a prelude to my other
Witness: f1823 a prelude to my other
Witness: fThomas a prelude to my other
Witness: f1831 a prelude to my other
Witness: fMS a prelude to my other


Reading Group: C26c_app294_rg1

Witness: fMS sufferings –

Reading Group: C26c_app294_rg2

Witness: f1818 sufferings.
Witness: f1823 sufferings.
Witness: fThomas sufferings.
Witness: f1831 sufferings.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I looked on the
Witness: f1823 I looked on the
Witness: fThomas I looked on the
Witness: f1831 I looked on the
Witness: fMS I looked on the


Reading Group: C26c_app296_rg1

Witness: fMS heavens

Reading Group: C26c_app296_rg2

Witness: f1818 heavens,
Witness: f1823 heavens,
Witness: fThomas heavens,
Witness: f1831 heavens,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 which
Witness: f1823 which
Witness: fThomas which
Witness: f1831 which
Witness: fMS which


Reading Group: C26c_app298_rg1

Witness: fMS was

Reading Group: C26c_app298_rg2

Witness: f1818 were
Witness: f1823 were
Witness: fThomas were
Witness: f1831 were


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 covered by clouds that
Witness: f1823 covered by clouds that
Witness: fThomas covered by clouds that
Witness: f1831 covered by clouds that
Witness: fMS covered by clouds that


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS pass


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 flew
Witness: f1823 flew
Witness: fThomas flew
Witness: f1831 flew
Witness: fMS flew


Reading Group: C26c_app302_rg1

Witness: fMS with

Reading Group: C26c_app302_rg2

Witness: f1818 before
Witness: f1823 before
Witness: fThomas before
Witness: f1831 before


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fMS the


Reading Group: C26c_app304_rg1

Witness: f1818 wind
Witness: f1823 wind
Witness: fThomas wind
Witness: fMS wind

Reading Group: C26c_app304_rg2

Witness: f1831 wind,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 only to be replaced by
Witness: f1823 only to be replaced by
Witness: fThomas only to be replaced by
Witness: f1831 only to be replaced by
Witness: fMS only to be replaced by


Reading Group: C26c_app306_rg1

Witness: f1818 others:
Witness: f1823 others:
Witness: fThomas others:
Witness: f1831 others:

Reading Group: C26c_app306_rg2

Witness: fMS others–


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I looked
Witness: f1823 I looked
Witness: fThomas I looked
Witness: f1831 I looked
Witness: fMS I looked


Reading Group: C26c_app308_rg1

Witness: fMS on

Reading Group: C26c_app308_rg2

Witness: f1818 upon
Witness: f1823 upon
Witness: fThomas upon
Witness: f1831 upon


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fMS the


Reading Group: C26c_app310_rg1

Witness: fMS sea –

Reading Group: C26c_app310_rg2

Witness: f1818 sea,
Witness: f1823 sea,
Witness: fThomas sea,
Witness: f1831 sea,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 it was to be my grave.
Witness: f1823 it was to be my grave.
Witness: fThomas it was to be my grave.
Witness: f1831 it was to be my grave.
Witness: fMS It was to be my grave.


Reading Group: C26c_app312_rg1

Witness: f1818 “Fiend,”
Witness: f1823 “Fiend,”
Witness: fThomas “Fiend,”
Witness: f1831 “Fiend,”

Reading Group: C26c_app312_rg2

Witness: fMS Fiend,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I exclaimed,
Witness: f1823 I exclaimed,
Witness: fThomas I exclaimed,
Witness: f1831 I exclaimed,
Witness: fMS I exclaimed,


Reading Group: C26c_app314_rg1

Witness: f1818 “your
Witness: f1823 “your
Witness: fThomas “your
Witness: f1831 “your

Reading Group: C26c_app314_rg2

Witness: fMS your


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 task is already
Witness: f1823 task is already
Witness: fThomas task is already
Witness: f1831 task is already
Witness: fMS task is already


Reading Group: C26c_app316_rg1

Witness: fMS fulfilled—I

Reading Group: C26c_app316_rg2

Witness: f1818 fulfilled!” I
Witness: f1823 fulfilled!” I
Witness: fThomas fulfilled!” I
Witness: f1831 fulfilled!” I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 thought of
Witness: f1823 thought of
Witness: fThomas thought of
Witness: f1831 thought of
Witness: fMS thought of


Reading Group: C26c_app318_rg1

Witness: fMS Elizabeth

Reading Group: C26c_app318_rg2

Witness: f1818 Elizabeth,
Witness: f1823 Elizabeth,
Witness: fThomas Elizabeth,
Witness: f1831 Elizabeth,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of my
Witness: f1823 of my
Witness: fThomas of my
Witness: f1831 of my
Witness: fMS of my


Reading Group: C26c_app320_rg1

Witness: fMS father

Reading Group: C26c_app320_rg2

Witness: f1818 father,
Witness: f1823 father,
Witness: fThomas father,
Witness: f1831 father,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and of
Witness: f1823 and of
Witness: fThomas and of
Witness: f1831 and of
Witness: fMS & of


Reading Group: C26c_app322_rg1

Witness: fMS Claierval –

Reading Group: C26c_app322_rg2

Witness: f1818 Clerval;
Witness: f1823 Clerval;
Witness: fThomas Clerval;
Witness: f1831 Clerval;


Reading Group: C26d_app1_rg1

Witness: f1831 all left behind, on whom the monster might satisfy his sanguinary and merciless passions. This idea plunged me

Reading Group: C26d_app1_rg2

Witness: f1818 and sunk
Witness: f1823 and sunk
Witness: fThomas and sunk
Witness: fMS & sunk


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 into a
Witness: f1823 into a
Witness: fThomas into a
Witness: f1831 into a
Witness: fMS into a


Reading Group: C26e_app2_rg1

Witness: fMS reverie

Reading Group: C26e_app2_rg2

Witness: f1818 reverie,
Witness: f1823 reverie,
Witness: fThomas reverie,
Witness: f1831 reverie,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 so despairing and
Witness: f1823 so despairing and
Witness: fThomas so despairing and
Witness: f1831 so despairing and
Witness: fMS so despairing &


Reading Group: C26e_app4_rg1

Witness: fMS frightful

Reading Group: C26e_app4_rg2

Witness: f1818 frightful,
Witness: f1823 frightful,
Witness: fThomas frightful,
Witness: f1831 frightful,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that even
Witness: f1823 that even
Witness: fThomas that even
Witness: f1831 that even
Witness: fMS that even


Reading Group: C26e_app6_rg1

Witness: fMS now

Reading Group: C26e_app6_rg2

Witness: f1818 now,
Witness: f1823 now,
Witness: fThomas now,
Witness: f1831 now,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 when the scene is on the point of closing
Witness: f1823 when the scene is on the point of closing
Witness: fThomas when the scene is on the point of closing
Witness: f1831 when the scene is on the point of closing
Witness: fMS when the scene is on the point of closing


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 before me for
Witness: f1823 before me for
Witness: fThomas before me for
Witness: f1831 before me for
Witness: fMS before me for


Reading Group: C26e_app9_rg1

Witness: fMS ever

Reading Group: C26e_app9_rg2

Witness: f1818 ever,
Witness: f1823 ever,
Witness: fThomas ever,
Witness: f1831 ever,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I shudder to reflect
Witness: f1823 I shudder to reflect
Witness: fThomas I shudder to reflect
Witness: f1831 I shudder to reflect
Witness: fMS I shudder to reflect


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 on
Witness: f1823 on
Witness: fThomas on
Witness: f1831 on
Witness: fMS on


Reading Group: C26e_app12_rg1

Witness: fMS it. Some

Reading Group: C26e_app12_rg2

Witness: f1818 it.<p/><p/>Some
Witness: f1823 it.<p/><p/>Some
Witness: fThomas it.<p/><p/>Some
Witness: f1831 it.<p/><p/>Some


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 hours passed
Witness: f1823 hours passed
Witness: fThomas hours passed
Witness: f1831 hours passed
Witness: fMS hours passed


Reading Group: C26e_app14_rg1

Witness: f1818 thus; but
Witness: f1823 thus; but
Witness: fThomas thus; but
Witness: f1831 thus; but

Reading Group: C26e_app14_rg2

Witness: fMS thus–But


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 by
Witness: f1823 by
Witness: fThomas by
Witness: f1831 by
Witness: fMS by


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 degrees, as the sun
Witness: f1823 degrees, as the sun
Witness: fThomas degrees, as the sun
Witness: f1831 degrees, as the sun
Witness: fMS degrees, as the sun


Reading Group: C26e_app17_rg1

Witness: fMS vergeddeclined

Reading Group: C26e_app17_rg2

Witness: f1818 declined
Witness: f1823 declined
Witness: fThomas declined
Witness: f1831 declined


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 towards the
Witness: f1823 towards the
Witness: fThomas towards the
Witness: f1831 towards the
Witness: fMS towards the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 horizon, the
Witness: f1823 horizon, the
Witness: fThomas horizon, the
Witness: f1831 horizon, the
Witness: fMS horizon, the


Reading Group: C26e_app20_rg1

Witness: fMS breezedwind

Reading Group: C26e_app20_rg2

Witness: f1818 wind
Witness: f1823 wind
Witness: fThomas wind
Witness: f1831 wind


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 died away into
Witness: f1823 died away into
Witness: fThomas died away into
Witness: f1831 died away into
Witness: fMS died away into


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a gentle
Witness: f1823 a gentle
Witness: fThomas a gentle
Witness: f1831 a gentle
Witness: fMS a gentle


Reading Group: C26e_app23_rg1

Witness: fMS breeze

Reading Group: C26e_app23_rg2

Witness: f1818 breeze,
Witness: f1823 breeze,
Witness: fThomas breeze,
Witness: f1831 breeze,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and the
Witness: f1823 and the
Witness: fThomas and the
Witness: f1831 and the
Witness: fMS and the


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS breakers ce


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 sea
Witness: f1823 sea
Witness: fThomas sea
Witness: f1831 sea
Witness: fMS sea


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS was smothed


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 became free from breakers.
Witness: f1823 became free from breakers.
Witness: fThomas became free from breakers.
Witness: f1831 became free from breakers.
Witness: fMS became free from breakers.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 But these gave place to a heavy
Witness: f1823 But these gave place to a heavy
Witness: fThomas But these gave place to a heavy
Witness: f1831 But these gave place to a heavy
Witness: fMS But these gave place to a heavy


Reading Group: C26e_app30_rg1

Witness: fMS swell,

Reading Group: C26e_app30_rg2

Witness: f1823 swell:
Witness: f1831 swell:

Reading Group: C26e_app30_rg3

Witness: f1818 swell;
Witness: fThomas swell;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I felt
Witness: f1823 I felt
Witness: fThomas I felt
Witness: f1831 I felt
Witness: fMS I felt


Reading Group: C26e_app32_rg1

Witness: fMS sick

Reading Group: C26e_app32_rg2

Witness: f1818 sick,
Witness: f1823 sick,
Witness: fThomas sick,
Witness: f1831 sick,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and hardly able to hold the
Witness: f1823 and hardly able to hold the
Witness: fThomas and hardly able to hold the
Witness: f1831 and hardly able to hold the
Witness: fMS & hardly able to hold the


Reading Group: C26e_app34_rg1

Witness: fMS rudder

Reading Group: C26e_app34_rg2

Witness: f1818 rudder,
Witness: f1823 rudder,
Witness: fThomas rudder,
Witness: f1831 rudder,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 when suddenly I saw a line of
Witness: f1823 when suddenly I saw a line of
Witness: fThomas when suddenly I saw a line of
Witness: f1831 when suddenly I saw a line of
Witness: fMS when suddenly I saw a line of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 high land towards the
Witness: f1823 high land towards the
Witness: fThomas high land towards the
Witness: f1831 high land towards the
Witness: fMS high land towards the


Reading Group: C26e_app37_rg1

Witness: fMS south.

Reading Group: C26e_app37_rg2

Witness: fThomas south.<note/>Thomas copy: pencil mark joins paragraphs.<note/>

Reading Group: C26e_app37_rg3

Witness: f1818 south.<p/><p/>Almost
Witness: f1823 south.<p/><p/>Almost
Witness: f1831 south.<p/><p/>Almost


Unified Readings

Witness: fThomas Almost
Witness: fMS Almost


Reading Group: C26e_app39_rg1

Witness: fMS spent

Reading Group: C26e_app39_rg2

Witness: f1818 spent,
Witness: f1823 spent,
Witness: fThomas spent,
Witness: f1831 spent,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 as I
Witness: f1823 as I
Witness: fThomas as I
Witness: f1831 as I
Witness: fMS as I


Reading Group: C26e_app41_rg1

Witness: fMS was

Reading Group: C26e_app41_rg2

Witness: f1818 was,
Witness: f1823 was,
Witness: fThomas was,
Witness: f1831 was,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 by
Witness: f1823 by
Witness: fThomas by
Witness: f1831 by
Witness: fMS by


Reading Group: C26e_app43_rg1

Witness: fMS fatigue

Reading Group: C26e_app43_rg2

Witness: f1818 fatigue,
Witness: f1823 fatigue,
Witness: fThomas fatigue,
Witness: f1831 fatigue,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fMS &


Reading Group: C26e_app45_rg1

Witness: fMS misery

Reading Group: C26e_app45_rg2

Witness: f1818 the dreadful suspense I endured for several hours,
Witness: f1823 the dreadful suspense I endured for several hours,
Witness: fThomas the dreadful suspense I endured for several hours,
Witness: f1831 the dreadful suspense I endured for several hours,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 this
Witness: f1823 this
Witness: fThomas this
Witness: f1831 this
Witness: fMS this


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 sudden certainty of life rushed like a
Witness: f1823 sudden certainty of life rushed like a
Witness: fThomas sudden certainty of life rushed like a
Witness: f1831 sudden certainty of life rushed like a
Witness: fMS sudden certainty of life rushed like a


Reading Group: C26e_app48_rg1

Witness: fMS

Reading Group: C26e_app48_rg2

Witness: f1818 flood of
Witness: f1823 flood of
Witness: fThomas flood of
Witness: f1831 flood of


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 warm joy to my
Witness: f1823 warm joy to my
Witness: fThomas warm joy to my
Witness: f1831 warm joy to my
Witness: fMS warm joy to my


Reading Group: C26e_app50_rg1

Witness: fMS heart

Reading Group: C26e_app50_rg2

Witness: f1818 heart,
Witness: f1823 heart,
Witness: fThomas heart,
Witness: f1831 heart,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and tears
Witness: f1823 and tears
Witness: fThomas and tears
Witness: f1831 and tears
Witness: fMS and tears


Reading Group: C26e_app52_rg1

Witness: fMS gush ed

Reading Group: C26e_app52_rg2

Witness: f1818 gushed
Witness: f1823 gushed
Witness: fThomas gushed
Witness: f1831 gushed


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 from my
Witness: f1823 from my
Witness: fThomas from my
Witness: f1831 from my
Witness: fMS from my


Reading Group: C26e_app54_rg1

Witness: fMS eyes. How

Reading Group: C26e_app54_rg2

Witness: f1818 eyes.<p/><p/>How
Witness: f1823 eyes.<p/><p/>How
Witness: fThomas eyes.<p/><p/>How
Witness: f1831 eyes.<p/><p/>How


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 mutable are our
Witness: f1823 mutable are our
Witness: fThomas mutable are our
Witness: f1831 mutable are our
Witness: fMS mutable are our


Reading Group: C26e_app56_rg1

Witness: fMS feelings

Reading Group: C26e_app56_rg2

Witness: f1818 feelings,
Witness: f1823 feelings,
Witness: fThomas feelings,
Witness: f1831 feelings,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and how strange is that clinging love
Witness: f1823 and how strange is that clinging love
Witness: fThomas and how strange is that clinging love
Witness: f1831 and how strange is that clinging love
Witness: fMS & how strange is that clinging love


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 we have of life even in the excess of
Witness: f1823 we have of life even in the excess of
Witness: fThomas we have of life even in the excess of
Witness: f1831 we have of life even in the excess of
Witness: fMS we have of life even in the excess of


Reading Group: C26e_app59_rg1

Witness: fMS misery. I steered my boat towards the shore and

Reading Group: C26e_app59_rg2

Witness: f1818 misery!
Witness: f1823 misery!
Witness: fThomas misery!
Witness: f1831 misery!


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I constructed another sail with a
Witness: f1823 I constructed another sail with a
Witness: fThomas I constructed another sail with a
Witness: f1831 I constructed another sail with a
Witness: fMS I constructed another sail with a


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 part of my
Witness: f1823 part of my
Witness: fThomas part of my
Witness: f1831 part of my
Witness: fMS part of my


Reading Group: C26e_app62_rg1

Witness: fMS dress

Reading Group: C26e_app62_rg2

Witness: f1818 dress,
Witness: f1823 dress,
Witness: fThomas dress,
Witness: f1831 dress,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and eagerly steered my course
Witness: f1823 and eagerly steered my course
Witness: fThomas and eagerly steered my course
Witness: f1831 and eagerly steered my course
Witness: fMS & eagerly st<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>eered my course


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 towards the
Witness: f1823 towards the
Witness: fThomas towards the
Witness: f1831 towards the
Witness: fMS towards the


Reading Group: C26e_app65_rg1

Witness: fMS lan<mdel/>d.

Reading Group: C26e_app65_rg2

Witness: f1818 land.
Witness: f1823 land.
Witness: fThomas land.
Witness: f1831 land.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 It had a wild
Witness: f1823 It had a wild
Witness: fThomas It had a wild
Witness: f1831 It had a wild
Witness: fMS It had a wild


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: f1831 and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 rocky
Witness: f1823 rocky
Witness: fThomas rocky
Witness: f1831 rocky
Witness: fMS rocky


Reading Group: C26e_app69_rg1

Witness: fMS appearance but

Reading Group: C26e_app69_rg2

Witness: f1818 appearance; but,
Witness: f1823 appearance; but,
Witness: fThomas appearance; but,
Witness: f1831 appearance; but,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 as I approached
Witness: f1823 as I approached
Witness: fThomas as I approached
Witness: f1831 as I approached
Witness: fMS as I approached


Reading Group: C26e_app71_rg1

Witness: fMS nearer

Reading Group: C26e_app71_rg2

Witness: f1818 nearer,
Witness: f1823 nearer,
Witness: fThomas nearer,
Witness: f1831 nearer,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fMS I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 easily perceived the traces of
Witness: f1823 easily perceived the traces of
Witness: fThomas easily perceived the traces of
Witness: f1831 easily perceived the traces of
Witness: fMS easily perceived the traces of


Reading Group: C26e_app74_rg1

Witness: fMS cultivation –I

Reading Group: C26e_app74_rg2

Witness: f1818 cultivation. I
Witness: f1823 cultivation. I
Witness: fThomas cultivation. I
Witness: f1831 cultivation. I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 saw
Witness: f1823 saw
Witness: fThomas saw
Witness: f1831 saw
Witness: fMS saw


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 vessels near the
Witness: f1823 vessels near the
Witness: fThomas vessels near the
Witness: f1831 vessels near the
Witness: fMS vessels near the


Reading Group: C26e_app77_rg1

Witness: fMS shore

Reading Group: C26e_app77_rg2

Witness: f1818 shore,
Witness: f1823 shore,
Witness: fThomas shore,
Witness: f1831 shore,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and found myself suddenly transported back to the
Witness: f1823 and found myself suddenly transported back to the
Witness: fThomas and found myself suddenly transported back to the
Witness: f1831 and found myself suddenly transported back to the
Witness: fMS & found myself suddenly transported back to the


Reading Group: C26e_app79_rg1

Witness: fMS neighborhood

Reading Group: C26e_app79_rg2

Witness: f1818 neighbourhood
Witness: f1823 neighbourhood
Witness: fThomas neighbourhood
Witness: f1831 neighbourhood


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of
Witness: f1823 of
Witness: fThomas of
Witness: f1831 of
Witness: fMS of


Reading Group: C26e_app81_rg1

Witness: f1831 civilised

Reading Group: C26e_app81_rg2

Witness: f1818 civilized
Witness: f1823 civilized
Witness: fThomas civilized
Witness: fMS civilized


Reading Group: C26e_app82_rg1

Witness: fMS man –

Reading Group: C26e_app82_rg2

Witness: f1818 man.
Witness: f1823 man.
Witness: fThomas man.
Witness: f1831 man.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fMS I


Reading Group: C26e_app84_rg1

Witness: f1823 carefully
Witness: f1831 carefully

Reading Group: C26e_app84_rg2

Witness: f1818 eagerly
Witness: fThomas eagerly
Witness: fMS eagerly


Reading Group: C26e_app85_rg1

Witness: fMS viewedtraced

Reading Group: C26e_app85_rg2

Witness: f1818 traced
Witness: f1823 traced
Witness: fThomas traced
Witness: f1831 traced


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the windings
Witness: f1823 the windings
Witness: fThomas the windings
Witness: f1831 the windings
Witness: fMS the windings


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of the
Witness: f1823 of the
Witness: fThomas of the
Witness: f1831 of the
Witness: fMS of the


Reading Group: C26e_app88_rg1

Witness: fMS shoreland&

Reading Group: C26e_app88_rg2

Witness: f1818 land, and
Witness: f1823 land, and
Witness: fThomas land, and
Witness: f1831 land, and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 hailed a steeple which
Witness: f1823 hailed a steeple which
Witness: fThomas hailed a steeple which
Witness: f1831 hailed a steeple which
Witness: fMS hailed a steeple which


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS after sailing


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I at length saw
Witness: f1823 I at length saw
Witness: fThomas I at length saw
Witness: f1831 I at length saw
Witness: fMS I at length saw


Reading Group: C26e_app92_rg1

Witness: fMS issueing

Reading Group: C26e_app92_rg2

Witness: f1818 issuing
Witness: f1823 issuing
Witness: fThomas issuing
Witness: f1831 issuing


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 from
Witness: f1823 from
Witness: fThomas from
Witness: f1831 from
Witness: fMS from


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS ani


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 behind
Witness: f1823 behind
Witness: fThomas behind
Witness: f1831 behind
Witness: fMS behidnd


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a small
Witness: f1823 a small
Witness: fThomas a small
Witness: f1831 a small
Witness: fMS a small


Reading Group: C26e_app97_rg1

Witness: fMS promontory –

Reading Group: C26e_app97_rg2

Witness: f1818 promontory.
Witness: f1823 promontory.
Witness: fThomas promontory.
Witness: f1831 promontory.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 As I was
Witness: f1823 As I was
Witness: fThomas As I was
Witness: f1831 As I was
Witness: fMS As I was


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS fainting


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in
Witness: f1823 in
Witness: fThomas in
Witness: f1831 in
Witness: fMS in


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a
Witness: f1823 a
Witness: fThomas a
Witness: f1831 a
Witness: fMS a


Reading Group: C26e_app102_rg1

Witness: fMS strate

Reading Group: C26e_app102_rg2

Witness: f1818 state
Witness: f1823 state
Witness: fThomas state
Witness: f1831 state


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of extreme
Witness: f1823 of extreme
Witness: fThomas of extreme
Witness: f1831 of extreme
Witness: fMS of extreme


Reading Group: C26e_app104_rg1

Witness: fMS debility from fasting

Reading Group: C26e_app104_rg2

Witness: f1818 debility,
Witness: f1823 debility,
Witness: fThomas debility,
Witness: f1831 debility,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I resolved to
Witness: f1823 I resolved to
Witness: fThomas I resolved to
Witness: f1831 I resolved to
Witness: fMS I resolved to


Reading Group: C26e_app106_rg1

Witness: fMS go

Reading Group: C26e_app106_rg2

Witness: f1818 sail
Witness: f1823 sail
Witness: fThomas sail
Witness: f1831 sail


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 directly towards the
Witness: f1823 directly towards the
Witness: fThomas directly towards the
Witness: f1831 directly towards the
Witness: fMS directly towards the


Reading Group: C26e_app108_rg1

Witness: f1818 town
Witness: fThomas town
Witness: fMS town

Reading Group: C26e_app108_rg2

Witness: f1823 town,
Witness: f1831 town,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 as a place where
Witness: f1823 as a place where
Witness: fThomas as a place where
Witness: f1831 as a place where
Witness: fMS as a place where


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: f1831 I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 could most easily
Witness: f1823 could most easily
Witness: fThomas could most easily
Witness: f1831 could most easily
Witness: fMS could most easily


Reading Group: C26e_app112_rg1

Witness: f1818 procure nourishment.
Witness: f1823 procure nourishment.
Witness: fThomas procure nourishment.
Witness: f1831 procure nourishment.

Reading Group: C26e_app112_rg2

Witness: fMS procuref nourishment–


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Fortunately I
Witness: f1823 Fortunately I
Witness: fThomas Fortunately I
Witness: f1831 Fortunately I
Witness: fMS Fortunately I


Reading Group: C26e_app114_rg1

Witness: fMS <mdel/>had

Reading Group: C26e_app114_rg2

Witness: f1818 had
Witness: f1823 had
Witness: fThomas had
Witness: f1831 had


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 money with
Witness: f1823 money with
Witness: fThomas money with
Witness: f1831 money with
Witness: fMS money with


Reading Group: C26e_app116_rg1

Witness: f1818 me.
Witness: f1823 me.
Witness: fThomas me.
Witness: f1831 me.

Reading Group: C26e_app116_rg2

Witness: fMS me.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 As I turned the
Witness: f1823 As I turned the
Witness: fThomas As I turned the
Witness: f1831 As I turned the
Witness: fMS As I turned the


Reading Group: C26e_app118_rg1

Witness: fMS promontory

Reading Group: C26e_app118_rg2

Witness: f1818 promontory,
Witness: f1823 promontory,
Witness: fThomas promontory,
Witness: f1831 promontory,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fMS I


Reading Group: C26e_app120_rg1

Witness: fMS discovered

Reading Group: C26e_app120_rg2

Witness: f1818 perceived
Witness: f1823 perceived
Witness: fThomas perceived
Witness: f1831 perceived


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a small neat town
Witness: f1823 a small neat town
Witness: fThomas a small neat town
Witness: f1831 a small neat town
Witness: fMS a small neat town


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS a


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and a good
Witness: f1823 and a good
Witness: fThomas and a good
Witness: f1831 and a good
Witness: fMS and a good


Reading Group: C26e_app124_rg1

Witness: fMS harbour

Reading Group: C26e_app124_rg2

Witness: f1818 harbour,
Witness: f1823 harbour,
Witness: fThomas harbour,
Witness: f1831 harbour,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 which I entered, my heart bounding with
Witness: f1823 which I entered, my heart bounding with
Witness: fThomas which I entered, my heart bounding with
Witness: f1831 which I entered, my heart bounding with
Witness: fMS which I entered, my heart bounding with


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 joy at my unexpected
Witness: f1823 joy at my unexpected
Witness: fThomas joy at my unexpected
Witness: f1831 joy at my unexpected
Witness: fMS joy at my unexpected


Reading Group: C26e_app127_rg1

Witness: fMS escape. <metamark function="paragraph">[</metamark>As

Reading Group: C26e_app127_rg2

Witness: f1818 escape.<p/><p/>As
Witness: f1823 escape.<p/><p/>As
Witness: fThomas escape.<p/><p/>As
Witness: f1831 escape.<p/><p/>As


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fMS I


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS fi


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was
Witness: f1823 was
Witness: fThomas was
Witness: f1831 was
Witness: fMS was


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 occupied in fixing the boat and
Witness: f1823 occupied in fixing the boat and
Witness: fThomas occupied in fixing the boat and
Witness: f1831 occupied in fixing the boat and
Witness: fMS occupied in fixing the boat and


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS ar


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 arranging
Witness: f1823 arranging
Witness: fThomas arranging
Witness: f1831 arranging
Witness: fMS arranging


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fMS the


Reading Group: C26e_app135_rg1

Witness: fMS sails

Reading Group: C26e_app135_rg2

Witness: f1818 sails,
Witness: f1823 sails,
Witness: fThomas sails,
Witness: f1831 sails,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 several people crowded towards
Witness: f1823 several people crowded towards
Witness: fThomas several people crowded towards
Witness: f1831 several people crowded towards
Witness: fMS several people crowded towards


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fMS the


Reading Group: C26e_app138_rg1

Witness: fMS spot –

Reading Group: C26e_app138_rg2

Witness: f1818 spot.
Witness: f1823 spot.
Witness: fThomas spot.
Witness: f1831 spot.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 They
Witness: f1823 They
Witness: fThomas They
Witness: f1831 They
Witness: fMS They


Reading Group: C26e_app140_rg1

Witness: fMS appeared

Reading Group: C26e_app140_rg2

Witness: f1818 seemed
Witness: f1823 seemed
Witness: fThomas seemed
Witness: f1831 seemed


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 very
Witness: fThomas very
Witness: fMS very


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS much


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 much
Witness: f1823 much
Witness: fThomas much
Witness: f1831 much
Witness: fMS much


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 surprised at my
Witness: f1823 surprised at my
Witness: fThomas surprised at my
Witness: f1831 surprised at my
Witness: fMS surprised at my


Reading Group: C26e_app145_rg1

Witness: fMS appearance and but

Reading Group: C26e_app145_rg2

Witness: f1818 appearance; but,
Witness: f1823 appearance; but,
Witness: fThomas appearance; but,
Witness: f1831 appearance; but,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 instead of offering me any
Witness: f1823 instead of offering me any
Witness: fThomas instead of offering me any
Witness: f1831 instead of offering me any
Witness: fMS instead of offering me any


Reading Group: C26e_app147_rg1

Witness: fMS assistance

Reading Group: C26e_app147_rg2

Witness: f1818 assistance,
Witness: f1823 assistance,
Witness: fThomas assistance,
Witness: f1831 assistance,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 whispered together
Witness: f1823 whispered together
Witness: fThomas whispered together
Witness: f1831 whispered together
Witness: fMS whispered together


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS in


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 with gestures that
Witness: f1823 with gestures that
Witness: fThomas with gestures that
Witness: f1831 with gestures that
Witness: fMS with gestures that


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 at any other time might have produced
Witness: f1823 at any other time might have produced
Witness: fThomas at any other time might have produced
Witness: f1831 at any other time might have produced
Witness: fMS at any other time might have produced


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in me a slight sensation of
Witness: f1823 in me a slight sensation of
Witness: fThomas in me a slight sensation of
Witness: f1831 in me a slight sensation of
Witness: fMS in me a slight sensation of


Reading Group: C26e_app153_rg1

Witness: fMS alarm –as

Reading Group: C26e_app153_rg2

Witness: f1818 alarm. As
Witness: f1823 alarm. As
Witness: fThomas alarm. As
Witness: f1831 alarm. As


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 it
Witness: f1823 it
Witness: fThomas it
Witness: f1831 it
Witness: fMS it


Reading Group: C26e_app155_rg1

Witness: fMS was

Reading Group: C26e_app155_rg2

Witness: f1818 was,
Witness: f1823 was,
Witness: fThomas was,
Witness: f1831 was,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I merely remarked
Witness: f1823 I merely remarked
Witness: fThomas I merely remarked
Witness: f1831 I merely remarked
Witness: fMS I merely remarked


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS th that it was English,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that they spoke
Witness: f1823 that they spoke
Witness: fThomas that they spoke
Witness: f1831 that they spoke
Witness: fMS that they spoke


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 English;
Witness: f1823 English;
Witness: fThomas English;
Witness: f1831 English;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fMS and


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: f1831 I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 therefore
Witness: f1823 therefore
Witness: fThomas therefore
Witness: f1831 therefore
Witness: fMS therefore


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 addressed
Witness: f1823 addressed
Witness: fThomas addressed
Witness: f1831 addressed
Witness: fMS addressed


Reading Group: C26e_app164_rg1

Witness: f1818 them in that language: “My
Witness: f1823 them in that language: “My
Witness: fThomas them in that language: “My
Witness: f1831 them in that language: “My

Reading Group: C26e_app164_rg2

Witness: fMS them; My


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 good
Witness: f1823 good
Witness: fThomas good
Witness: f1831 good
Witness: fMS Good


Reading Group: C26e_app166_rg1

Witness: f1818 friends,”
Witness: f1823 friends,”
Witness: fThomas friends,”
Witness: f1831 friends,”

Reading Group: C26e_app166_rg2

Witness: fMS Friends,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 said I,
Witness: f1823 said I,
Witness: fThomas said I,
Witness: f1831 said I,
Witness: fMS said I,


Reading Group: C26e_app168_rg1

Witness: f1818 “will
Witness: f1823 “will
Witness: fThomas “will
Witness: f1831 “will

Reading Group: C26e_app168_rg2

Witness: fMS Will


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 you
Witness: f1823 you
Witness: fThomas you
Witness: f1831 you
Witness: fMS you


Reading Group: C26e_app170_rg1

Witness: fMS beso

Reading Group: C26e_app170_rg2

Witness: f1818 be
Witness: f1823 be
Witness: fThomas be
Witness: f1831 be


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 so kind as to tell me
Witness: f1823 so kind as to tell me
Witness: fThomas so kind as to tell me
Witness: f1831 so kind as to tell me
Witness: fMS so kind as to tell me


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS what


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the name
Witness: f1823 the name
Witness: fThomas the name
Witness: f1831 the name
Witness: fMS the name


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of this
Witness: f1823 of this
Witness: fThomas of this
Witness: f1831 of this
Witness: fMS of this


Reading Group: C26e_app175_rg1

Witness: fMS placetown is;

Reading Group: C26e_app175_rg2

Witness: f1818 town,
Witness: f1823 town,
Witness: fThomas town,
Witness: f1831 town,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fMS &


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 inform me
Witness: f1823 inform me
Witness: fThomas inform me
Witness: f1831 inform me


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 where I
Witness: f1823 where I
Witness: fThomas where I
Witness: f1831 where I
Witness: fMS where I


Reading Group: C26e_app179_rg1

Witness: fMS am. You

Reading Group: C26e_app179_rg2

Witness: f1818 am?”<p/><p/>“You
Witness: f1823 am?”<p/><p/>“You
Witness: fThomas am?”<p/><p/>“You
Witness: f1831 am?”<p/><p/>“You


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 will know that soon
Witness: f1823 will know that soon
Witness: fThomas will know that soon
Witness: f1831 will know that soon
Witness: fMS will know that soon


Reading Group: C26e_app181_rg1

Witness: f1818 enough,”
Witness: f1823 enough,”
Witness: fThomas enough,”
Witness: f1831 enough,”

Reading Group: C26e_app181_rg2

Witness: fMS enough,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 replied
Witness: f1823 replied
Witness: fThomas replied
Witness: f1831 replied
Witness: fMS replied


Reading Group: C26e_app183_rg1

Witness: f1818 a
Witness: f1823 a
Witness: fThomas a
Witness: f1831 a

Reading Group: C26e_app183_rg2

Witness: fMS an


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 man with a
Witness: f1823 man with a
Witness: fThomas man with a
Witness: f1831 man with a
Witness: fMS man with a


Reading Group: C26e_app185_rg1

Witness: f1818 gruff
Witness: fThomas gruff
Witness: fMS gruff

Reading Group: C26e_app185_rg2

Witness: f1823 hoarse
Witness: f1831 hoarse


Reading Group: C26e_app186_rg1

Witness: f1818 voice. “May
Witness: f1823 voice. “May
Witness: fThomas voice. “May
Witness: f1831 voice. “May

Reading Group: C26e_app186_rg2

Witness: fMS voice; May


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 be
Witness: f1823 be
Witness: fThomas be
Witness: f1831 be
Witness: fMS be


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 you are come to a place that will
Witness: f1823 you are come to a place that will
Witness: fThomas you are come to a place that will
Witness: f1831 you are come to a place that will
Witness: fMS you are come to a place that will


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 not prove much to your
Witness: f1823 not prove much to your
Witness: fThomas not prove much to your
Witness: f1831 not prove much to your
Witness: fMS not prove much to your


Reading Group: C26e_app190_rg1

Witness: fMS taste –

Reading Group: C26e_app190_rg2

Witness: f1818 taste;
Witness: f1823 taste;
Witness: fThomas taste;
Witness: f1831 taste;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but you will not be consulted as to your
Witness: f1823 but you will not be consulted as to your
Witness: fThomas but you will not be consulted as to your
Witness: f1831 but you will not be consulted as to your
Witness: fMS But you will not be consulted as to your


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 quarters, I promise
Witness: f1823 quarters, I promise
Witness: fThomas quarters, I promise
Witness: f1831 quarters, I promise
Witness: fMS quarters, I promise


Reading Group: C26e_app193_rg1

Witness: f1818 you.”<p/><p/>I
Witness: f1823 you.”<p/><p/>I
Witness: fThomas you.”<p/><p/>I
Witness: f1831 you.”<p/><p/>I

Reading Group: C26e_app193_rg2

Witness: fMS you—My I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 was exceedingly
Witness: f1823 was exceedingly
Witness: fThomas was exceedingly
Witness: f1831 was exceedingly
Witness: fMS was exceedingly


Reading Group: C26e_app195_rg1

Witness: f1818 surprised on
Witness: f1823 surprised on
Witness: fThomas surprised on
Witness: f1831 surprised on

Reading Group: C26e_app195_rg2

Witness: fMS surprized at


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 receiving so rude an answer from a
Witness: f1823 receiving so rude an answer from a
Witness: fThomas receiving so rude an answer from a
Witness: f1831 receiving so rude an answer from a
Witness: fMS receiving so rude an answer from a


Reading Group: C26e_app197_rg1

Witness: fMS stranger

Reading Group: C26e_app197_rg2

Witness: f1818 stranger;
Witness: f1823 stranger;
Witness: fThomas stranger;
Witness: f1831 stranger;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and I was also disconcerted on perceiving
Witness: f1823 and I was also disconcerted on perceiving
Witness: fThomas and I was also disconcerted on perceiving
Witness: f1831 and I was also disconcerted on perceiving
Witness: fMS and I was also disconcerted on perceiving


Reading Group: C26e_app199_rg1

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: f1831 the

Reading Group: C26e_app199_rg2

Witness: fMS thethe countenance of this man an his companions


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 frowning and angry countenances
Witness: f1823 frowning and angry countenances
Witness: fThomas frowning and angry countenances
Witness: f1831 frowning and angry countenances
Witness: fMS frow<metamark function="insert">^</metamark>ning and angry countenances


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of his
Witness: f1823 of his
Witness: fThomas of his
Witness: f1831 of his
Witness: fMS of his


Reading Group: C26e_app202_rg1

Witness: fMS companions – Why Why

Reading Group: C26e_app202_rg2

Witness: f1818 companions. “Why
Witness: f1823 companions. “Why
Witness: fThomas companions. “Why
Witness: f1831 companions. “Why


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 do you answer
Witness: f1823 do you answer
Witness: fThomas do you answer
Witness: f1831 do you answer
Witness: fMS do you answer


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 me so
Witness: f1823 me so
Witness: fThomas me so
Witness: f1831 me so
Witness: fMS me so


Reading Group: C26e_app205_rg1

Witness: fMS roughly,

Reading Group: C26e_app205_rg2

Witness: f1818 roughly?”
Witness: f1823 roughly?”
Witness: fThomas roughly?”
Witness: f1831 roughly?”


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I
Witness: f1823 I
Witness: fThomas I
Witness: f1831 I
Witness: fMS I


Reading Group: C26e_app207_rg1

Witness: fMS replied Surely as En

Reading Group: C26e_app207_rg2

Witness: f1818 replied:
Witness: fThomas replied:

Reading Group: C26e_app207_rg3

Witness: f1823 replied;
Witness: f1831 replied;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 “surely
Witness: f1823 “surely
Witness: fThomas “surely
Witness: f1831 “surely


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 it
Witness: f1823 it
Witness: fThomas it
Witness: f1831 it
Witness: fMS it


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 is not the custom of Englishmen to receive
Witness: f1823 is not the custom of Englishmen to receive
Witness: fThomas is not the custom of Englishmen to receive
Witness: f1831 is not the custom of Englishmen to receive
Witness: fMS is not the custom of Englishmen to receive


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 strangers
Witness: f1823 strangers
Witness: fThomas strangers
Witness: f1831 strangers
Witness: fMS strangers


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS in


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 so
Witness: f1823 so
Witness: fThomas so
Witness: f1831 so
Witness: fMS so


Reading Group: C26e_app214_rg1

Witness: f1818 inhospitably.”<p/><p/>“I
Witness: f1823 inhospitably.”<p/><p/>“I
Witness: fThomas inhospitably.”<p/><p/>“I
Witness: f1831 inhospitably.”<p/><p/>“I

Reading Group: C26e_app214_rg2

Witness: fMS inhospitably. I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 do not
Witness: f1823 do not
Witness: fThomas do not
Witness: f1831 do not
Witness: fMS do not


Reading Group: C26e_app216_rg1

Witness: f1818 know,”
Witness: f1823 know,”
Witness: fThomas know,”
Witness: f1831 know,”

Reading Group: C26e_app216_rg2

Witness: fMS know,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 said the man,
Witness: f1823 said the man,
Witness: fThomas said the man,
Witness: f1831 said the man,
Witness: fMS said the man,


Reading Group: C26e_app218_rg1

Witness: f1818 “what
Witness: f1823 “what
Witness: fThomas “what
Witness: f1831 “what

Reading Group: C26e_app218_rg2

Witness: fMS what


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the custom of the English may
Witness: f1823 the custom of the English may
Witness: fThomas the custom of the English may
Witness: f1831 the custom of the English may
Witness: fMS the custom of the English may


Reading Group: C26e_app220_rg1

Witness: fMS be

Reading Group: C26e_app220_rg2

Witness: f1818 be;
Witness: f1823 be;
Witness: fThomas be;
Witness: f1831 be;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but
Witness: f1823 but
Witness: fThomas but
Witness: f1831 but
Witness: fMS but


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 it is the custom of the Irish to hate
Witness: f1823 it is the custom of the Irish to hate
Witness: fThomas it is the custom of the Irish to hate
Witness: f1831 it is the custom of the Irish to hate
Witness: fMS it is the custom of the Irish to hate


Reading Group: C26e_app223_rg1

Witness: fMS villains. <metamark function="paragraph">[</metamark>While

Reading Group: C26e_app223_rg2

Witness: f1818 villains.”<p/><p/>While
Witness: f1823 villains.”<p/><p/>While
Witness: fThomas villains.”<p/><p/>While
Witness: f1831 villains.”<p/><p/>While


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 this strange dialogue
Witness: f1823 this strange dialogue
Witness: fThomas this strange dialogue
Witness: f1831 this strange dialogue
Witness: fMS this strange dialogue


Reading Group: C26e_app225_rg1

Witness: fMS continued

Reading Group: C26e_app225_rg2

Witness: f1818 continued,
Witness: f1823 continued,
Witness: fThomas continued,
Witness: f1831 continued,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I perceived the
Witness: f1823 I perceived the
Witness: fThomas I perceived the
Witness: f1831 I perceived the
Witness: fMS I perceived the


Reading Group: C26e_app227_rg1

Witness: fMS croud en

Reading Group: C26e_app227_rg2

Witness: f1818 crowd
Witness: f1823 crowd
Witness: fThomas crowd
Witness: f1831 crowd


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 rapidly
Witness: f1823 rapidly
Witness: fThomas rapidly
Witness: f1831 rapidly
Witness: fMS rapidly


Reading Group: C26e_app229_rg1

Witness: fMS encrease.

Reading Group: C26e_app229_rg2

Witness: f1818 increase.
Witness: f1823 increase.
Witness: fThomas increase.
Witness: f1831 increase.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Their
Witness: f1823 Their
Witness: fThomas Their
Witness: f1831 Their
Witness: fMS Their


Reading Group: C26e_app231_rg1

Witness: fMS countenancesfaces

Reading Group: C26e_app231_rg2

Witness: f1818 faces
Witness: f1823 faces
Witness: fThomas faces
Witness: f1831 faces


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 expressed
Witness: f1823 expressed
Witness: fThomas expressed
Witness: f1831 expressed
Witness: fMS expressed


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a mixture of
Witness: f1823 a mixture of
Witness: fThomas a mixture of
Witness: f1831 a mixture of
Witness: fMS a mixture of


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS ang


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 curiosity and
Witness: f1823 curiosity and
Witness: fThomas curiosity and
Witness: f1831 curiosity and
Witness: fMS curiosity &


Reading Group: C26e_app236_rg1

Witness: fMS anger wit

Reading Group: C26e_app236_rg2

Witness: f1818 anger,
Witness: f1823 anger,
Witness: fThomas anger,
Witness: f1831 anger,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 which
Witness: f1823 which
Witness: fThomas which
Witness: f1831 which
Witness: fMS which


Reading Group: C26e_app238_rg1

Witness: fMS anoynoyed

Reading Group: C26e_app238_rg2

Witness: f1818 annoyed,
Witness: f1823 annoyed,
Witness: fThomas annoyed,
Witness: f1831 annoyed,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and in some degree
Witness: f1823 and in some degree
Witness: fThomas and in some degree
Witness: f1831 and in some degree
Witness: fMS & in sonme degree


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 alarmed me. I
Witness: f1823 alarmed me. I
Witness: fThomas alarmed me. I
Witness: f1831 alarmed me. I
Witness: fMS alarmed me. I


Reading Group: C26e_app241_rg1

Witness: f1831 enquired
Witness: fMS enquired

Reading Group: C26e_app241_rg2

Witness: f1818 inquired
Witness: f1823 inquired
Witness: fThomas inquired


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the way to the
Witness: f1823 the way to the
Witness: fThomas the way to the
Witness: f1831 the way to the
Witness: fMS the way to the


Reading Group: C26e_app243_rg1

Witness: fMS inn

Reading Group: C26e_app243_rg2

Witness: f1818 inn;
Witness: f1823 inn;
Witness: fThomas inn;
Witness: f1831 inn;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but no one
Witness: f1823 but no one
Witness: fThomas but no one
Witness: f1831 but no one
Witness: fMS but no one


Reading Group: C26e_app245_rg1

Witness: fMS replied –

Reading Group: C26e_app245_rg2

Witness: f1818 replied.
Witness: f1823 replied.
Witness: fThomas replied.
Witness: f1831 replied.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I then moved
Witness: f1823 I then moved
Witness: fThomas I then moved
Witness: f1831 I then moved
Witness: fMS I then moved


Reading Group: C26e_app247_rg1

Witness: f1818 forward,
Witness: f1823 forward,
Witness: fThomas forward,
Witness: f1831 forward,

Reading Group: C26e_app247_rg2

Witness: fMS foward


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fMS and


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS a buz arose


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a murmuring
Witness: f1823 a murmuring
Witness: fThomas a murmuring
Witness: f1831 a murmuring
Witness: fMS a murmuring


Reading Group: C26e_app251_rg1

Witness: fMS noise rose

Reading Group: C26e_app251_rg2

Witness: f1818 sound arose
Witness: f1823 sound arose
Witness: fThomas sound arose
Witness: f1831 sound arose


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 from the
Witness: f1823 from the
Witness: fThomas from the
Witness: f1831 from the
Witness: fMS from the


Reading Group: C26e_app253_rg1

Witness: fMS croud the

Reading Group: C26e_app253_rg2

Witness: f1818 crowd
Witness: f1823 crowd
Witness: fThomas crowd
Witness: f1831 crowd


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 as they followed and surrounded
Witness: f1823 as they followed and surrounded
Witness: fThomas as they followed and surrounded
Witness: f1831 as they followed and surrounded
Witness: fMS as they followed & surrounded


Reading Group: C26e_app255_rg1

Witness: f1818 me;
Witness: f1823 me;
Witness: fThomas me;
Witness: f1831 me;

Reading Group: C26e_app255_rg2

Witness: fMS me—


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 when an
Witness: f1823 when an
Witness: fThomas when an
Witness: f1831 when an
Witness: fMS when an


Reading Group: C26e_app257_rg1

Witness: fMS ill looking

Reading Group: C26e_app257_rg2

Witness: f1818 ill-looking
Witness: f1823 ill-looking
Witness: fThomas ill-looking
Witness: f1831 ill-looking


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 man
Witness: f1823 man
Witness: fThomas man
Witness: f1831 man
Witness: fMS man


Reading Group: C26e_app259_rg1

Witness: f1818 approaching,
Witness: f1823 approaching,
Witness: fThomas approaching,
Witness: f1831 approaching,

Reading Group: C26e_app259_rg2

Witness: fMS comming forward–


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 tapped me on
Witness: f1823 tapped me on
Witness: fThomas tapped me on
Witness: f1831 tapped me on
Witness: fMS tapped me on


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 the
Witness: f1823 the
Witness: fThomas the
Witness: f1831 the
Witness: fMS the


Reading Group: C26e_app262_rg1

Witness: fMS shoulder

Reading Group: C26e_app262_rg2

Witness: f1818 shoulder,
Witness: f1823 shoulder,
Witness: fThomas shoulder,
Witness: f1831 shoulder,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and
Witness: f1823 and
Witness: fThomas and
Witness: f1831 and
Witness: fMS &


Reading Group: C26e_app264_rg1

Witness: fMS said – Come, yo

Reading Group: C26e_app264_rg2

Witness: f1818 said, “Come,
Witness: f1823 said, “Come,
Witness: fThomas said, “Come,
Witness: f1831 said, “Come,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Sir, you
Witness: f1823 Sir, you
Witness: fThomas Sir, you
Witness: f1831 Sir, you
Witness: fMS Sir, You


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 must follow me to Mr.
Witness: f1823 must follow me to Mr.
Witness: fThomas must follow me to Mr.
Witness: f1831 must follow me to Mr.
Witness: fMS must follow me to Mr.


Reading Group: C26e_app267_rg1

Witness: fMS Kirwins

Reading Group: C26e_app267_rg2

Witness: f1818 Kirwin’s,
Witness: f1823 Kirwin’s,
Witness: fThomas Kirwin’s,
Witness: f1831 Kirwin’s,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to give
Witness: f1823 to give
Witness: fThomas to give
Witness: f1831 to give
Witness: fMS to give


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 an account of
Witness: f1823 an account of
Witness: fThomas an account of
Witness: f1831 an account of
Witness: fMS an account of


Reading Group: C26e_app270_rg1

Witness: f1818 yourself.”<p/><p/>“Who
Witness: f1823 yourself.”<p/><p/>“Who
Witness: fThomas yourself.”<p/><p/>“Who
Witness: f1831 yourself.”<p/><p/>“Who

Reading Group: C26e_app270_rg2

Witness: fMS yourself. Who


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 is
Witness: f1823 is
Witness: fThomas is
Witness: f1831 is
Witness: fMS is


Reading Group: C26e_app272_rg1

Witness: fMS M<shi rend="sup">r</shi>. Kirwin, said I, &

Reading Group: C26e_app272_rg2

Witness: f1818 Mr. Kirwin?
Witness: f1823 Mr. Kirwin?
Witness: fThomas Mr. Kirwin?
Witness: f1831 Mr. Kirwin?


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Why am
Witness: f1823 Why am
Witness: fThomas Why am
Witness: f1831 Why am
Witness: fMS why am


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I to give an account of
Witness: f1823 I to give an account of
Witness: fThomas I to give an account of
Witness: f1831 I to give an account of
Witness: fMS I to give an account of


Reading Group: C26e_app275_rg1

Witness: fMS myself.–is

Reading Group: C26e_app275_rg2

Witness: f1818 myself? Is
Witness: f1823 myself? Is
Witness: fThomas myself? Is
Witness: f1831 myself? Is


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 not
Witness: f1823 not
Witness: fThomas not
Witness: f1831 not
Witness: fMS not


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 this a free
Witness: f1823 this a free
Witness: fThomas this a free
Witness: f1831 this a free
Witness: fMS this a free


Reading Group: C26e_app278_rg1

Witness: f1818 country?”<p/><p/>“Ay,
Witness: f1823 country?”<p/><p/>“Ay,
Witness: fThomas country?”<p/><p/>“Ay,
Witness: f1831 country?”<p/><p/>“Ay,

Reading Group: C26e_app278_rg2

Witness: fMS country? Aye,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Sir,
Witness: f1823 Sir,
Witness: fThomas Sir,
Witness: f1831 sir,
Witness: fMS Sir,


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS replied the man,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 free enough
Witness: f1823 free enough
Witness: fThomas free enough
Witness: f1831 free enough
Witness: fMS free enough


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 for honest folks.
Witness: f1823 for honest folks.
Witness: fThomas for honest folks.
Witness: f1831 for honest folks.
Witness: fMS for honest folks.


Reading Group: C26e_app283_rg1

Witness: fMS M<shi rend="sup">r</shi>.

Reading Group: C26e_app283_rg2

Witness: f1818 Mr.
Witness: f1823 Mr.
Witness: fThomas Mr.
Witness: f1831 Mr.


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 Kirwin is a
Witness: f1823 Kirwin is a
Witness: fThomas Kirwin is a
Witness: f1831 Kirwin is a
Witness: fMS Kirwin is a


Reading Group: C26e_app285_rg1

Witness: f1818 magistrate; and
Witness: f1823 magistrate; and
Witness: fThomas magistrate; and
Witness: f1831 magistrate; and

Reading Group: C26e_app285_rg2

Witness: fMS magistrate&


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 you are to give an account of the death of a gentleman who was found murdered
Witness: f1823 you are to give an account of the death of a gentleman who was found murdered
Witness: fThomas you are to give an account of the death of a gentleman who was found murdered
Witness: f1831 you are to give an account of the death of a gentleman who was found murdered
Witness: fMS you are to give an account of the death of a gentleman who was found murdered


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 here last
Witness: f1823 here last
Witness: fThomas here last
Witness: f1831 here last
Witness: fMS here last


Reading Group: C26e_app288_rg1

Witness: f1818 night.”<p/><p/>This
Witness: f1823 night.”<p/><p/>This
Witness: fThomas night.”<p/><p/>This
Witness: f1831 night.”<p/><p/>This

Reading Group: C26e_app288_rg2

Witness: fMS night. This


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 answer startled
Witness: f1823 answer startled
Witness: fThomas answer startled
Witness: f1831 answer startled
Witness: fMS answer startled


Reading Group: C26e_app290_rg1

Witness: fMS <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>me,

Reading Group: C26e_app290_rg2

Witness: f1818 me;
Witness: f1823 me;
Witness: fThomas me;
Witness: f1831 me;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 but I presently
Witness: f1823 but I presently
Witness: fThomas but I presently
Witness: f1831 but I presently
Witness: fMS But I presently


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 recovered myself. I was
Witness: f1823 recovered myself. I was
Witness: fThomas recovered myself. I was
Witness: f1831 recovered myself. I was
Witness: fMS recovered myself. I was


Reading Group: C26e_app293_rg1

Witness: fMS innocent &

Reading Group: C26e_app293_rg2

Witness: f1818 innocent;
Witness: f1823 innocent;
Witness: fThomas innocent;
Witness: f1831 innocent;


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that could
Witness: f1823 that could
Witness: fThomas that could
Witness: f1831 that could
Witness: fMS that could


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 easily be
Witness: f1823 easily be
Witness: fThomas easily be
Witness: f1831 easily be
Witness: fMS easily be


Reading Group: C26e_app296_rg1

Witness: fMS proved –

Reading Group: C26e_app296_rg2

Witness: f1818 proved:
Witness: f1823 proved:
Witness: fThomas proved:
Witness: f1831 proved:


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 accordingly I followed my conductor in
Witness: f1823 accordingly I followed my conductor in
Witness: fThomas accordingly I followed my conductor in
Witness: f1831 accordingly I followed my conductor in
Witness: fMS accordingly I followed my conductor in


Reading Group: C26e_app298_rg1

Witness: fMS silence

Reading Group: C26e_app298_rg2

Witness: f1818 silence,
Witness: f1823 silence,
Witness: fThomas silence,
Witness: f1831 silence,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 and was led to
Witness: f1823 and was led to
Witness: fThomas and was led to
Witness: f1831 and was led to
Witness: fMS & was led to


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS wha


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 one of the
Witness: f1823 one of the
Witness: fThomas one of the
Witness: f1831 one of the
Witness: fMS one onf the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 best houses in the town. I was ready to sink from
Witness: f1823 best houses in the town. I was ready to sink from
Witness: fThomas best houses in the town. I was ready to sink from
Witness: f1831 best houses in the town. I was ready to sink from
Witness: fMS best houses in the town. I was ready to sink from


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 fatigue and
Witness: f1823 fatigue and
Witness: fThomas fatigue and
Witness: f1831 fatigue and
Witness: fMS fatigue &


Reading Group: C26e_app304_rg1

Witness: fMS hunger, but bein<mdel/>g

Reading Group: C26e_app304_rg2

Witness: f1818 hunger; but, being
Witness: f1823 hunger; but, being
Witness: fThomas hunger; but, being
Witness: f1831 hunger; but, being


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 surrounded by
Witness: f1823 surrounded by
Witness: fThomas surrounded by
Witness: f1831 surrounded by
Witness: fMS surrounded by


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 a
Witness: f1823 a
Witness: fThomas a
Witness: f1831 a
Witness: fMS a


Reading Group: C26e_app307_rg1

Witness: fMS croud

Reading Group: C26e_app307_rg2

Witness: f1818 crowd,
Witness: f1823 crowd,
Witness: fThomas crowd,
Witness: f1831 crowd,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 I thought it politic to rouse all
Witness: f1823 I thought it politic to rouse all
Witness: fThomas I thought it politic to rouse all
Witness: f1831 I thought it politic to rouse all
Witness: fMS I thought it politic to rouse all


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 my
Witness: f1823 my
Witness: fThomas my
Witness: f1831 my
Witness: fMS my


Reading Group: C26e_app310_rg1

Witness: fMS strength

Reading Group: C26e_app310_rg2

Witness: f1818 strength,
Witness: f1823 strength,
Witness: fThomas strength,
Witness: f1831 strength,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 that no physical debility might
Witness: f1823 that no physical debility might
Witness: fThomas that no physical debility might
Witness: f1831 that no physical debility might
Witness: fMS that no physical debility might


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 be construed into apprehension
Witness: f1823 be construed into apprehension
Witness: fThomas be construed into apprehension
Witness: f1831 be construed into apprehension
Witness: fMS be construed into apprehension


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS &


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 or conscious guilt. Little did I then expect the
Witness: f1823 or conscious guilt. Little did I then expect the
Witness: fThomas or conscious guilt. Little did I then expect the
Witness: f1831 or conscious guilt. Little did I then expect the
Witness: fMS or conscious guilt. Little did I then expect the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 calamity that
Witness: f1823 calamity that
Witness: fThomas calamity that
Witness: f1831 calamity that
Witness: fMS calamity that


Reading Group: C26e_app316_rg1

Witness: f1818 was
Witness: f1823 was
Witness: fThomas was
Witness: f1831 was

Reading Group: C26e_app316_rg2

Witness: fMS would


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in a few moments
Witness: f1823 in a few moments
Witness: fThomas in a few moments
Witness: f1831 in a few moments
Witness: fMS in a few moments


Reading Group: C26e_app318_rg1

Witness: fMS

Reading Group: C26e_app318_rg2

Witness: f1818 to
Witness: f1823 to
Witness: fThomas to
Witness: f1831 to


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 overwhelm me, and extinguish in horror and despair
Witness: f1823 overwhelm me, and extinguish in horror and despair
Witness: fThomas overwhelm me, and extinguish in horror and despair
Witness: f1831 overwhelm me, and extinguish in horror and despair
Witness: fMS overwhelm me, and <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>extinguish in horror & despair


Unified Readings

Witness: fMS extinguish


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 all fear of ignominy or
Witness: f1823 all fear of ignominy or
Witness: fThomas all fear of ignominy or
Witness: f1831 all fear of ignominy or
Witness: fMS all fear of ignominy or


Reading Group: C26e_app322_rg1

Witness: f1818 death.<p/><p/>I
Witness: f1823 death.<p/><p/>I
Witness: fThomas death.<p/><p/>I
Witness: f1831 death.<p/><p/>I

Reading Group: C26e_app322_rg2

Witness: fMS death— The sun & ea I


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 must pause
Witness: f1823 must pause
Witness: fThomas must pause
Witness: f1831 must pause
Witness: fMS must pause


Reading Group: C26e_app324_rg1

Witness: fMS for thescene which I shall now relatefor

Reading Group: C26e_app324_rg2

Witness: f1818 here; for
Witness: f1823 here; for
Witness: fThomas here; for
Witness: f1831 here; for


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 it requires
Witness: f1823 it requires
Witness: fThomas it requires
Witness: f1831 it requires
Witness: fMS it requires


Reading Group: C26e_app326_rg1

Witness: f1818 all my fortitude
Witness: f1823 all my fortitude
Witness: fThomas all my fortitude
Witness: f1831 all my fortitude

Reading Group: C26e_app326_rg2

Witness: fMS & strength to suffer me


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to recall
Witness: f1823 to recall
Witness: fThomas to recall
Witness: f1831 to recall
Witness: fMS to recall


Reading Group: C26e_app328_rg1

Witness: fMS itsthe frightful images

Reading Group: C26e_app328_rg2

Witness: f1818 the memory
Witness: f1823 the memory
Witness: fThomas the memory
Witness: f1831 the memory


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 of the
Witness: f1823 of the
Witness: fThomas of the
Witness: f1831 of the
Witness: fMS <metamark function="insert">^</metamark>of the


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 frightful
Witness: f1823 frightful
Witness: fThomas frightful
Witness: f1831 frightful


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 events which I am about
Witness: f1823 events which I am about
Witness: fThomas events which I am about
Witness: f1831 events which I am about
Witness: fMS events which I am about


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to
Witness: f1823 to
Witness: fThomas to
Witness: f1831 to
Witness: fMS to


Reading Group: C26e_app333_rg1

Witness: fMS relate in

Reading Group: C26e_app333_rg2

Witness: f1818 relate,
Witness: f1823 relate,
Witness: fThomas relate,
Witness: f1831 relate,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 in
Witness: f1823 in
Witness: fThomas in
Witness: f1831 in
Witness: fMS in


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 proper
Witness: f1823 proper
Witness: fThomas proper
Witness: f1831 proper
Witness: fMS proper


Reading Group: C26e_app336_rg1

Witness: fMS detail

Reading Group: C26e_app336_rg2

Witness: f1818 detail,
Witness: f1823 detail,
Witness: fThomas detail,
Witness: f1831 detail,


Unified Readings

Witness: f1818 to my
Witness: f1823 to my
Witness: fThomas to my
Witness: f1831 to my
Witness: fMS to my


Reading Group: C26e_app338_rg1

Witness: fMS recollection.

Reading Group: C26e_app338_rg2

Witness: f1818 recollection.<p/>
Witness: f1823 recollection.<p/>
Witness: fThomas recollection.<p/>
Witness: f1831 recollection.<p/>